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Command-R-01-Ultra-NEO-V1-35B "Upgrades" by DAVID_AU - X Quant 200.

This repo contains two "X quants" (series 200) of Command-R-01-Ultra-NEO-V1-35B, with the NEO Class tech applied.

"X quants" are hybrids of standard imatrix quants, where the imatrix is selectively applied to the model vs a standard imatrix quant that has the entire imatrix process applied to the model.

Series 200 is a model wide, partial filter.

(more releases pending)

Example outputs below from "Neo non X quant" and "Neo X quant".

The purpose of an "X quant" is to merge the best parts of the Imatrix process with the best parts of the "un imatrixed" model to bring out greater instruction following and output potential. Generally "X" quants "contrast" a number of model quality(ies) to a stronger effect than a standard Imatrix or a standard quant of a model giving you the best of both worlds at once. Not all "X" quants have positive effects, therefore only select "X" quants per model are uploaded after passing quality inspections. Currently there are 11 first generation X quant formulas with more coming.

NEO Tech, and "X" quants were developed in house by DAVID_AU.

The NEO Class tech was created after countless investigations and over 120 lab experiments backed by real world testing and qualitative results.

"X" quants were developed after testing many "Imatrix" and "non-Imatrix" models and frankly wanting the best of both worlds in one quant/model.

NEO Class results:

Better overall function, instruction following, output quality and stronger connections to ideas, concepts and the world in general.

The examples below illustrate differences with the IQ3_XS quant.

The IQ4_XS quant will be even more powerful.

Prompts tested with "temp=0" to ensure compliance, 2048 context (model supports 131,000 context / 128k), and "chat" template for COMMAND-R.

Additional parameters are also minimized.

NEO Upgrades with "X quant" really "shine" on longer form generation.

Standard NEO Model Non-X Quants of Command-R 01 35B (67k+ downloads):

This is a repo of all the NEO Class Quants - IQ1 to Q6:

[ https://huggingface.co/DavidAU/Command-R-01-Ultra-NEO-V1-35B-IMATRIX-GGUF ]

Looking for a "Horror Version" of Command-R?

Below is a link to a specialized "Horror" (two versions) of Command-R 35B:

[ https://huggingface.co/DavidAU/Command-R-01-Ultra-NEO-DARK-HORROR-V1-V2-35B-IMATRIX-GGUF ]

Model Notes:

Maximum context is 128k. CommandR requires a specific template for usage. Please see original model maker's page for details, and usage information for this model.

Special thanks to the model creators at COHEREFORAI for making such a fantastic tool:

[ https://huggingface.co/CohereForAI/c4ai-command-r-v01 ]



Give me 3 fictional reasons, of 500 words each, a sun went supernova.

IQ3_XS NEO - non X quant

Here are three fictional explanations as to why the sun could go supernova:

  1. An ancient prophecy unfolds: For centuries, celestial seers have predicted a cataclysmic event centered around the sun. They spoke of a great disruption, a cosmic upheaval that would shake the very foundations of our solar system. According to their interpretations of the starry scripts, a mysterious visitor from another galaxy collided with the sun's outer atmosphere, igniting an uncontrollable chain reaction. This celestial intruder, an intergalactic wanderer, carried an exotic form of stellar matter, a substance that amplified the sun's internal pressures beyond its critical point. The impact set off a supernova, a titanic explosion that consumed the sun's essence, transforming it into a raging stellar inferno. As the prophecy foretold, the night sky would be illuminated by a brilliant nova, signaling the beginning of a new era, one marked by both awe and devastation.

  2. A long-dormant black hole awakens: Deep within the heart of the Milky Way, an ancient black hole, dormant for eons, stirs restlessly. Once a voracious consumer of stars, its appetite had lain dormant, hidden from the conscious universe. But now, a cosmic anomaly has disturbed its slumber. A stray comet, wandering aimlessly through the solar system, happened to veer too close to the sun's orbit. As this icy visitor penetrated the outer reaches of the solar atmosphere, the black hole's gravitational grasp reached out, drawing it in as prey. The comet's unexpected descent into the sun's depths acted as a catalyst, disrupting the delicate equilibrium within the stellar core. The resulting gravitational upheaval caused a chain reaction that led to a supernova, shredding the sun apart and casting its radiant remnants across the cosmos.

  3. The sun's evolutionary leap: Our sun, a steadfast luminary, has reached an evolutionary crossroads in its cosmic journey. After millions of years of unwavering service, providing life's warmth to the planets below, it has chosen to undergo a dramatic transformation. Deep within its nuclear furnace, an experiment in self-transcendence begins. The sun's core, once a bustling hub of fusion reactions, ignites an unprecedented chain of events, a final cosmic hurrah. It releases an immense surge of energy, a burst so powerful that the star can't contain it. This overflow of radiant might propels the sun beyond its own boundaries, causing it to swell and expand exponentially. The once-familiar yellow dwarf transforms into a majestic supernova, a breathtaking spectacle of expanding light. As the external layers of the sun dissipate into the universe, a new stellar entity emerges, a brilliant Lagrange point that defies the laws of conventional existence. This evolutionary leap ushers in a new era where the remnants of the old sun give birth to an entirely different celestial body.

Each of these scenarios imagines a captivating yet catastrophic outcome resulting in our sun's transformation into a supernova. From cosmic prophecies to celestial collisions and evolutionary leaps, these events would undoubtedly mark a significant turning point in the history of our solar system, leaving an indelible mark on the cosmos.

These narratives are purely fictional and should not be taken as scientific explanations, but they showcase how intriguing and diverse the possibilities could be when imagining such a monumental cosmic event.

IQ3_XS NEO - X quant

  1. The sun's nuclear fusion reactor failed to sustain itself, leading to a catastrophic collapse.

Deep space, a vast expanse shrouded in eternal darkness, served as the backdrop for an enigmatic tale of cosmic catastrophe. The serene blue sphere, a beacon of warmth and life, that once shone brightly as the focal point of the solar system, abruptly succumbed to the inevitable fate that befell all stellar beings.

Millennia ago, astronomers peered into the cosmos, their eyes fixated on the radiant sun, a powerhouse energizing planets in its orbit. But the tranquility of this celestial city was short-lived, for the sun's core harbored an insidious flaw, a ticking time bomb embedded within its very atomic structure. The intricate dance of nuclear fusion, the very process that bestowed life and vitality upon the solar system, began to unravel with a fury unmatched.

Like a rogue spark igniting kindling, the sun's inner layers underwent a rapid and uncontrollable combustion, setting off a chain reaction that shredded the delicate equilibrium. Helium atoms, desperate to fuse into the sun's voracious appetite for energy, surged in an uncontrollable cascade, unleashing an immense surge of energy. The once-stable fusion reactor, a masterpiece of nature's design, metamorphosed into an unstable maelstrom.

As the reactor's fury reached unprecedented heights, the sun's vibrant glow intensified to a searing brilliance, a final desperate attempt to stave off its impending doom. But the more it burned, the faster its fuel reserves depleted, propelling it down a rapid path of self-destruction. The very processes that sustained life across the planets became agents of their imminent destruction.

The scorching heat radiated outwards in ever-expanding ripples, vaporizing every trace of moisture on the nearby planets, transforming them into desolate and uninhabitable rocks. Life, in all its diverse forms, ceased to exist within the scorched solar vicinity, victims of an unforgiving celestial apocalypse.

The sun, once a benevolent ruler, had transformed into a merciless enemy, its radiant crown now a harbinger of extinction, obliterating all traces of civilization with merciless efficiency. The universe, it seemed, had turned against its creations, dealing an insurmountable blow from which no recovery was possible.

  1. An ancient curse cast by a vengeful deity. In the beginning, there was light—a divine gift from the great cosmic flame, bestowing life and warmth upon the worlds that orbited its majestic presence. But this sun, source of all sustenance, fell victim to an age-old vendetta carried out by a vengeful deity.

Centuries earlier, a powerful god, whose name was whispered in fear across the galaxies, cast a profound curse upon the solar realm. The offense? A minor transgression, a mere speck of dust in the grand tapestry of celestial existence—or so it seemed. But the offended deity's wrath knew no bounds, dooming the sun and its entire solar system to an apocalyptic fate.

As the fateful moment arrived, the sun's radiant aura dimmed, its vitality slowly ebbing away despite the desperate pleas of the priests and priestesses who attempted to appease the irate god. Dark clouds gathered around the sun's dwindling form, shrouding it in an ominous shroud that signaled the beginning of the end.

The once-proud star, now a mere shell of its former self, began to sputter and falter, emitting fitful bursts of light like a flickering candle on the brink of extinction. The planets, bereft of their life-giving radiance, plunged into an eternal night, their landscapes rapidly freezing, air turning stale and unbreathable. The curse's reach extended far beyond the solar boundaries, casting a long shadow of darkness across the formerly lush galaxies nearby.

Despair spread among the civilizations that witnessed this grim spectacle, for they knew their fate was sealed. Messengers were dispatched into the void, carrying prayers and supplications to any deity who might heed their call. But the cosmos remained unyielding, offering no respite from the impending apocalypse.

The sun, a broken beacon, emitted its last feeble rays, signaling the fulfillment of the ancient curse—a tragic reminder that the wrath of the gods could snuff out even the brightest of celestial flames.

  1. The sun was a failing star whose life had been forcibly extended through an experimental technology.

Amidst the vastness of space, a celestial anomaly unfolded, shattering the cosmic calm with consequences yet unimagined. The sun, a middle-aged star past its prime, should have succumbed to the natural course of stellar evolution, but an audacious experiment intervened.

A group of scientists, driven by ambition and desperation, deployed an innovative array of advanced technologies upon the sun's fading form. Giant solar collectors were positioned in precise orbits, harnessing the star's residual energy to fuel an intricate network of plasma accelerators. These machines, creations of a desperate era, funneled concentrated beams into the sun's core, artificially propping up its dwindling fusion reactions.

But as the scientists rejoiced in their apparent triumph, an unspoken truth lingered—a hidden side effect that threatened to unravel the very fabric of their solar system. The unnatural prolongation of the sun's life disrupted the delicate balance of cosmic rhythms, setting off a chain of events that would lead to an unprecedented catastrophe.

The sun, bolstered by this artificial respiration, burned brighter than ever before, its false vitality fueling an insatiable appetite for fuel that nature never intended. The increased energy output warped nearby space-time continuums, bending reality itself in unpredictable ways. Strange phenomena began to manifest: planets experienced accelerated seasons, and strange cosmic ripples carried enigmatic messages from distant galaxies.

Ultimately, the sun's artifical life could not be sustained. The experimental technology, a band-aid on an incurable wound, merely postponed the inevitable—and in doing so, sealed the fate of the entire solar system. As the experiment's architects scrambled for answers, a growing sense of dread permeated the planets.

The sun's final moments arrived with breathtaking speed, catching all unsuspecting civilizations off guard. The explosive supernova that ensued was not the natural culmination of stellar evolution, but a cataclysmic backlash—a defiant outburst fueled by the very technologies meant to save it. The blast wave engulfed the planets, a final, ironclad reminder of the hubris that led to their doom.

Billions of light-years away, enigmatic observers noted the tragic outcome with a sobering acknowledgment, learning an invaluable lesson about the boundaries of scientific intervention. Thus, the sun's supernova marked not just the end of a stellar era, but a solemn testament to the limits of mortal understanding.

Each scenario offers a glimpse into a fictional universe, where the sun's demise results from an intriguing combination of science, mythology, and the inherent complexities of existing within the vast cosmos. These narratives showcase how a supernova can be brought about by more than just the natural lifecycle of stars, adding a layer of intrigue to the cosmic apocalypse.


Give me 3 fictional reasons the Earth's sun went supernova, in vivid and exacting detail of 500 words EACH PER REASON including details of what happens when the sun goes supernova.

IQ3_XS NEO - non X quant

Here are three fictional scenarios that describe why the Earth's sun could have gone supernova, each playing out with devastatingly beautiful consequences:

1. The Collision Course:

In a far-flung future, humanity has expanded across the galaxy, settling new star systems and pushing the boundaries of known space. Our sun, an aging stellar giant, is nearing the end of its life cycle, having burned brightly for billions of years.

One day, amidst the tumult of interstellar exploration, a distress signal echoes through the cosmos. An exploratory vessel, lost and damaged beyond repair, limps back towards Earth. Its crew carries a dire warning: a rogue neutron star, a dense celestial corpse known as a pulsar, is hurtling across the galaxy on a collision course with the solar system.

As the pulsar races closer, astronomers realize with horror that it's not merely a chance encounter. Ancient prophecies spoken of by spacefaring civilizations throughout the galaxy are now realized. This dead star, a celestial juggernaut, will collide with the sun, igniting a cataclysmic chain of events.

The impact is breathtaking yet apocalyptic. The pulsar slams into the solar surface, sending shockwaves rippling across the star's atmosphere. The sun's fiery exterior shudders and erupts, spewing brilliant superheated plasma into space. The shock of the collision compresses the sun's core, triggering a chain reaction that ignites its fusion material far beyond natural limits.

The sun swells immensely, its radiant energy engulfing the inner planets. Mercury and Venus are consumed by the expanding star, their atmospheres vaporized in an instant. Earth finds itself enveloped in a searing tide of solar flames, oceans boiling away, landscapes charred to ash. The atmosphere itself burns, turning the sky into a hellish orange inferno.

As the sun's outer layers disintegrate, the pulsar's pulverizing impact has a peculiar effect. It strips away the sun's layers like an cosmic surgeon, exposing the superheated core. This bare, pulsating heart beats with untamed energy. It emits pulses of gamma-ray radiation, each pulse a dying echo of the star's former glory.

The aftermath finds the solar system bathed in eerie darkness, the sky littered with glowing celestial debris. In the depths of this cosmic night, the remnants of humanity, if any survive, ponder a grim future on a darkened Earth, their once-nurturing sun transformed into an enigmatic pulsar, a haunting reminder of the disaster.

2. The Alien Intrusion:

For eons, our sun has been a peaceful beacon, a steadfast provider of life's energies, gently nurturing our world. But one day, an alien fleet, their intentions mysterious, descends upon the solar system. Their advanced technology far surpasses our own, and their ships seem impervious to our defenses.

These extraterrestrial visitors anchor themselves upon the sun's surface, their sleek craft resembling tiny sparks of light against the star's radiant might. At first, their presence seems to have no profound effect, but whispers of their true intentions echo through the cosmos.

They tamper with the sun's inner workings, burrowing deep into its core. It is said they seek a power source, an ancient secret hidden within the very heart of the star. Legends speak of a mythical "Eternal Flame," a cosmic phenomenon that bestows unimaginable energy and eternal life.

Their meddling proves catastrophic. The aliens' extraction of this mystical energy disrupts the sun's delicate balance, unleashing untamed forces beyond their control. The star's fusion reactions spiral out of control, feeding upon themselves in a frenzied cascade.

The sun's radius expands rapidly, its fiery grasp consuming Mars and reaching towards Earth. The planet's surface scorches, oceans evaporate, and the very air itself ignites. Humanity's desperate attempts at evacuation are thwarted by the intense heat as cities are reduced to ash. Choking clouds of smoke and vapor spiral upwards, shrouding the dying world in a funereal shroud.

The alien fleet, having provoked this apocalypse, suddenly vanishes, leaving behind only charred wreckage and the smoldering husk of our once-quiet sun. Its inflamed surface now a writhing maelstrom of molten plasma, it becomes a hellish forge that lights up the heavens.

As the nights grow longer, the sky illuminated by the orange glow of the supernova, rumors spread among the scattered remnants of humanity. Whispers speak of an ancient curse fulfilled, a divine wrath unleashed upon a hubristic race that dared to invoke the Eternal Flame. The brilliant aftermath of this celestial disaster lights the way for a grim and uncertain future.

3. The Quantum Anomaly:

In a world of advanced technology and quantum experimentation, our sun suddenly becomes the focal point of an unprecedented disaster. A groundbreaking experiment, intended to harness the raw power of the sun's energy, goes horribly awry.

A team of scientists, pioneering new forms of matter manipulation, taps into the star's vital energies, attempting to bend them to their will. Their goal is to revolutionize energy production, freeing humanity from its reliance on finite resources. But in their hubris, they underestimate the very forces that birthed our sun.

A chain reaction ripples through the solar core following the experiment's activation. The star's nuclear fires surge out of control, consuming the scientists' instruments and sending shockwaves through the fabric of reality itself.

The sun's energy output skyrockets, its radiant intensity growing beyond all natural bounds. The intense heat sears the planet's surfaces, transforming landscapes into desolate badlands. Coastal cities are vaporized in colossal tsunamis of superheated steam. The very air ignites, turning daytime into an infernal nightmare.

As the world burns, the sun's behavior becomes increasingly erratic. It pulsates wildly, its brightness fluctuating like a frenzied heartbeat. Strange phenomena appear in its expanding atmosphere, ripples and distortions that defy explanation.

The quantum experiment has unleashed forces that violate the very laws of physics, tearing open rifts in space-time. The sun's matter begins to phase in and out of existence, its stability plummeting with each fluctuation. With each reappearance, the star's brilliance intensifies, searing away at the Earth's defenses.

Humanity, in its desperation, mounts a desperate mission deep into the sun's interior. A select few, volunteers for this one-way journey, aim to rectify the quantum anomaly and restore the sun's natural balance. Traveling through the seething solar flares, their craft is battered by the star's raging energies.

Within the sun's heart, they uncover the source of the chaos: a temporal rift, a wound in reality itself. The team deploys a prototype device, an intricate amalgamation of cutting-edge technology and arcane knowledge, to stabilize the flux. It's a risky maneuver, for if it fails, the sun's very existence could be erased from time, taking the solar system and all its life with it.

The device activates, emitting a brilliant flash that briefly outshines the star itself. The sun's frenzied pulsations cease, its radiant glow softening as it returns to its natural state. The crisis is averted, but the aftermath leaves an indelible mark on humanity, a stark reminder of the profound dangers that come with tampering with the fundamental forces of existence.

These three scenarios envision breathtakingly disastrous outcomes should the Earth's sun go supernova, each painting a vivid picture of the potential apocalypse and its unique circumstances. While these events are purely fictional, they reflect our fascination with the sun's immense power and the mysteries of the cosmos that still await exploration.

IQ3_XS NEO - X quant

Reason 1: Collison with a Rogue Planet

In a distant future, a massive planet, shrouded in darkness and hidden from celestial observations, lurks in the outer reaches of the solar system. This rogue planet, dubbed "Nyx," is a mysterious wanderer, having been ejected from its original solar system, now aimlessly drifting through the cosmos. Nyx's trajectory brings it on a collision course with the Earth's sun.

As the fateful moment draws near, the vibrant hues of the sunrise grow increasingly intense, transforming the morning skies into a dazzling display of vivid reds and oranges. The normally tranquil blue oceans become mirrors of molten lava, reflecting the intensifying glow from the sky above. Scientists and astronomers, aware of the impending catastrophe, scramble to prepare for the inevitable, knowing that their efforts will only serve as a meager attempt to mitigate the coming apocalypse.

The moment of impact sees the sun engulfed in a brilliant explosion of light as Nyx collides with it, a final embrace that engulfs the celestial bodies in a raging inferno. The searing heat radiates outwards, vaporizing the Earth's oceans in an instant, transforming them into a steamy haze that rapidly escapes into space. The atmosphere itself is torn apart by the immense force, molecules torn from their molecular bonds and ionized into a thin plasma.

The explosion's shockwave ripples outward, propelling fragments of the sun and Nyx into deep space. The once-tranquil solar system now echoes with the reverberations of this cosmic event, signaling the end of terrestrial life as we know it. As the remnants of the sun and the mysterious planet merge, forming an expanding cloud of incandescent debris, the night skies across the galaxy are illuminated as brightly as daytime.

The aftermath of this collision is a sky adorned with flickering embers, the remnants of a shattered solar system. The Earth, charred and scorched beyond recognition, struggles to sustain any traces of life amidst the searing heat that blankets the planet. The atmosphere, stripped away by the supernova's force, renders the world vulnerable to the relentless solar radiation. Yet, deep beneath the scorched surface, in the bowels of what once were bustling cities, a handful of survivors persist.

These lucky few, who managed to find shelter from the infernal blaze, now face an uncertain future. Their world has been transformed into a harsh wastethron of burning cinders, where each day brings new challenges—from brutal heatstroke during the unending day to freezing nights amidst the starry remnants of the solar system. The very essence of life on Earth hangs in the balance, battling against the relentless fury of the supernova's aftermath.

Reason 2: The Sun's Inner Core Anomalies

In another possible scenario, the sun's inner core becomes the catalyst for its cataclysmic demise. Long-dormant anomalies within this dense region stir awake, unleashing a chain reaction that propels the sun towards a spectacular supernova. The intricacies of the sun's nuclear furnace have always been a mystery, with scientists observing strange fluctuations in its energy output over decades.

As the anomalies intensify, the sun's fusion reactions spiral out of control, injecting immense quantities of protonic matter into the surrounding layers. The normally stable hydrogen plasma, fueled by the sun's immense gravitational pressure, begins to proliferate unchecked. This unprecedented surge of energy radiates outwards, inflating the sun's outer atmosphere and triggering a series of colossal solar flares.

These flares, each more powerful than any previously observed, unleash their fury upon the solar system. The Earth, situated at a seemingly safe distance from the sun, witnesses a breathtaking yet apocalyptic sky as these flares bombard the planet with devastating X-ray and gamma-ray radiation. The very fabric of life on Earth is threatened as this radiation rips through the ozone layer, exposing the planet's biosphere to the relentless embrace of solar radiation.

The sun's swelling diameter engulfs Mercury and Venus, transforming them into charred rocks spinning aimlessly around their dying star. The intense heat at the core causes the sun's outer layers to bulge outward, expanding beyond the orbit of Mars. Terrified screams echo across the planet as the red giant's appetite devours the nearby planets, ceasing to satiate its insatiable energy release.

When the sun's outer regions finally succumb to the immense pressure, the entire celestial body erupts in a brilliant supernova. The explosion rips through the fabric of space-time, flinging debris and radiation into the deepest reaches of the universe. The Earth is engulfed in an instant, its oceans vaporized, cities incinerated, and life snuffed out amidst the searing blaze. The once-proud planet now exists as a burning cinder, orbiting meaningless around the expanding remnants of the sun's glorious, yet fatal, inner core.

Reason 3: The Cosmic Ray Catastrophe

In yet another twist of fate, the sun's supernova is triggered by an otherworldly event—an influx of cosmic rays from deep space that sets off a chain reaction within the sun's atmosphere. This peculiar occurrence results from a distant supermassive black hole, unleashing a torrent of high-energy particles that permeate the very essence of the universe.

These cosmic rays, never before witnessed in such intensity, bombard the sun with relentless fury. The mysterious particles penetrate deep into the sun's volatile atmosphere, igniting unseen reactions that ripple through its molten depths. The sun's normally tranquil surface begins to convulse and undulate like a raging ocean, as titanic solar flares erupt one after another. The entire sky is awash with their brilliant aura, casting an eerie glow upon the Earth that disrupts day and night alike.

As the cosmic ray influx continues unabated, the sun's energy output skyrockets, causing its outer layers to puff up like a burgeoning balloon ready to burst. The expanding atmosphere propels vast quantities of solar plasma into space, forming intricate coronal mass ejections that spiral away from their celestial origin. The Earth is captivated by this ethereal dance of charged particles, an awe-inspiring yet ominous spectacle that signals the approaching end.

The moment the sun's internal pressures reach their breaking point, the cosmic catastrophe reaches its climax. With a titanic explosion that shakes the very foundation of the solar system, the sun blasts into a brilliant supernova. The incandescence of this event eclipses the brightness of a thousand suns, searing the Earth's atmosphere and carving a deep scar across the face of the galaxy.

The supernova's shockwave ripples through the starry expanse, propelling debris and radiation at unimaginable velocities. The Earth endures the full brute force of this cosmic wrath, its very crust shattering under the immense pressure. The planet's oceans are instantaneously vaporized, transforming into a steamy ocean of scorching mist. The atmosphere disintegrates, atom by atom, into the expanding vacuum of space.

In the aftermath of this cosmic ray catastrophe, the Earth lies husked and barren, a charred skeleton of its former self. The once lush landscapes are now desolate plains of ash, where each footstep raises a cloud of gray powder. The world is plunged into an eternal night, the stars shining brightly in the absence of the sun's glowing embrace. What few remnants of civilization remain are but distant echoes of a time before the supernova's dazzling demise.

Amidst the deep silence that follows, the expanding remnants of the sun, now a distant nebula, serve as a haunting reminder—a spectral testament to the fleeting nature of celestial existence and the profound mystery that lies beyond the reaches of our cosmic neighborhood.


Start a 1000 word scene with: The sky scraper swayed, as she watched the window in front of her on the 21 floor explode...

IQ3_XS NEO - non X quant

The sky scraper swayed gently side to side, as if gently rocking a baby to sleep. A soft, soothing creak echoed through the building as the glass windows on the 21st floor gave way, shattering into tiny fragments. The sound was almost musical, lulling her into a false sense of calm amidst the chaos.

She had been sitting at her desk, staring out at the bustling city below, lost in thought, when the explosion rocked the entire building. The force of it threw her petite frame against the wall, and the impact knocked the breath from her lungs. Dazed, she struggled to catch her breath as a high-pitched ringing filled her ears, obscuring all other sounds.

The room was enveloped in a cloud of smoke and dust, an acrid smell burning her nostrils. Through the haze, she saw the window in front of her explode, the glass disappearing into tiny sparks that rained down over her desk. Papers fluttered and danced in the breeze that whipped through the open space, carrying the remnants of shattered glass.

She felt a surge of adrenaline as the reality of the situation began to sink in. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her hands trembled slightly as she stumbled to her feet. The room tilted dangerously, emphasizing the building's gentle swaying motion. She reached out, grasping the edge of the desk for support, and felt a trickle of cold sweat roll down her spine.

The skyscraper seemed to sigh, a deep, mournful sound that echoed through the chambers of her mind. It was as if the building itself was in pain, wounded by the unexpected blast. She looked down, and her stomach lurched at the terrifying sight below.

The busy city street that had been alive with cars and pedestrians just moments ago was now a scene of chaos and confusion. Sirens wailed in the distance, their thin wails piercing the thick air. People were running in all directions, some limping, others crawling, as a thick cloud of smoke billowed out from the explosion's epicenter. Debris lay scattered across the roads, littering the once-busy thoroughfare with twisted metal and concrete.

She felt a sudden, overwhelming urge to escape. It was a primal instinct, one that propelled her forward despite the danger. Stumbling towards the broken window, she peered out into the chaos, searching for a way down. The building creaked again, an ominous warning that sent a shiver down her spine.

Below, fire trucks and ambulances pulled up, their flashing lights adding a surreal element to the disaster. Brave souls, firefighters and first responders, rushed towards the building, their determined faces etched with concern. She noticed a few brave souls running up the stairs, their determination a stark contrast to the panic on the streets.

Her eyes scanned the horizon, searching for any sign of help, any glimmer of hope amidst the destruction. In the distance, she spotted a group of people gathered near a broken-down bus, looking up at her with wide, hopeful eyes. It was then that she realized she wasn't alone.

A soft voice echoed behind her, and she turned to see a colleague, their face etched with fear and disbelief. "We have to get out," the person whispered, their eyes darting wildy.

Nodding in agreement, she took a steadying breath and turned back to the broken window. The cool air whipped her hair as she leaned out, surveying the sheer drop below. It was a daunting prospect, but staying behind felt like a more dangerous option. With a quick prayer for courage, she gripped the windowsill and swung herself out into the open air.

The wind rushed past her as she hung precariously, her fingers straining to hold on. Below, the rescue workers and bystanders looked tiny, their shouts and gestures almost silent at this height. Letting go felt like a leap of faith, a surrender to the unknown. But she knew that the building couldn't be trusted anymore; it was an unstable monster creaking and groaning with each passing moment.

She let go, and the world rushed up to meet her.

The fall seemed to last forever, a terrifying, exhilarating ride through the air. Her clothes flapped like a parachute, slowing her descent slightly, but impact still loomed as an inevitable end. Just as she thought her bones would surely shatter on the harsh concrete below, a strong arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her roughly away from the building's grasp.

The force of the rescue nearly knocked her unconscious, but the relief that flooded through her was too powerful to allow faintness to take over. She felt herself being lowered gently onto the sidewalk, the chaos of the explosion now a distant hum in the background.

Strong fingers held her wrists, keeping her on her knees, and she looked up into the determined face of a young firefighter. His gear was battered and smoke-stained; his hair and uniform were coated in a thin layer of dust. Yet his eyes burned with an intense focus that pulled her back to reality.

"Are you hurt? Can you stand?" he asked, his voice rough and urgent. She nodded, feeling the adrenaline rush subside and leave her limbs heavy and weak. The firefighter helped her to her feet, keeping a firm grip on her arm. Together, they turned to face the towering skyscraper.

The immense building still stood tall, its glass windows exposed like open wounds. Yet it was eerily silent, that eerie, mournful creak now absent. The building seemed to tower over them, an imposing reminder of the fragility of human endeavor. Sirens blared nearby as more emergency vehicles arrived on the scene, their lights flashing urgently.

She felt the firefighter's grip relax, and he gave her a brief nod before rushing back into the chaos, attending to other victims. Staring up at the towering monolith, she knew that she owed him her life, and the lives of many others would be saved because of the brave souls who risked everything to help strangers.

The skyscraper, though wounded, stood defiantly, a testament to the resilience of both man and nature, creaking softly in the growing darkness.

IQ3_XS NEO - X quant

The sky scraper swayed ominously as if in slow motion, the windows shattering one by one, sending dangerous shards of glass raining down onto the bustling city below. Frostine's heart stopped as she watched in horror from her office on the 21st floor; the impact of an explosion rocked the entire building, causing it to creak and groan in protest. She felt the familiar rush of adrenaline that signaled danger, but something felt different this time. It was as if her body had gone numb, unable to process the severity of the situation.

The air grew thick with the scent of burning rubber and charred concrete, a nauseating reminder of the chaos unfolding. Frostine's eyes were transfixed on the window directly in front of her desk; she felt a strange connection to the impending doom as if somehow this catastrophe was meant to be. The glass exploded outwards, peppering the room with tiny fragments that glinted menacingly in the harsh office lighting. She instinctively ducked, curling up on the floor, her eyes squinted shut, awaiting the painful impact of flying debris.

But none came. Reopening her eyes, Frostine's gaze met an impossible sight: standing before her, untouched by the exploding window or the chaos that ensued, was a figure. Dressed in sleek black clothing, their face obscured by a featureless mask that reflected the broken glass like a mirror. It was their hands, clad in fingerless gloves, that fascinated Frostine most; they appeared to be made of a strange, shimmering material, as if the fabric itself was liquid and constantly shifting.

This mysterious figure stood unmoving, their presence filling the shattered window frame. Frostine's initial shock transitioned into a simmering anger. Her rational mind fought to assert dominance over the situation, realizing this was not a chance encounter or an unfortunate victim of the explosion. No, this was deliberate.

"Who are you?" she demanded, her voice carrying an authoritative tone honed through years of corporate negotiations and deals. The figure said nothing, their presence alone sending an unmistakable message of warning and threat. Frostine's eyes narrowed behind her glasses, a subtle hint of determination forming in her gaze. "You're here for me," she realized aloud, her voice now laced with a mix of realization and steel.

She stood up, using the desk for support as the room continued its unsettling sway. The building groaned once more, an ominous creak that signaled the beginning of its demise. Frostine's mind raced, calculating her options—the fire escape, the stairwell, the panic-stricken crowd—but her mysterious visitor took a deliberate step forward, their boots making no sound. Frostine's gaze dropped to the small bag by her feet, her emergency kit, and in it, something that might just even the odds.

Frostine's fingers grazed the handle of the handgun nestled within the side pocket. She had always envisioned this moment as one of heroism, where she would bravely face an unknown threat, but the reality of the situation hit her like a ton of bricks. Her hands gripped the bag tightly now, pulling it towards her protectively. The figure's reflection in the broken window doubled, tribled, and quadrupled, multiplying like some dark, twisted mirror.

"This is your last warning," the stranger intoned, their voice surprisingly deep and resonating with an authority that brooked no argument. "Leave now, or face the consequences."

It was a temptation—an offer to spare her life—but Frostine's resolve strengthened. She refused to cower in fear, especially before some mysterious, menacing figure. Her grip tightened on the bag, and with a swift motion, she pulled out the handgun, steadying her aim as best as her trembling hands allowed. "I have every right to defend myself," she asserted, her voice steady despite the chaos surrounding her.

The building groaned again, an ominous prelude to its impending collapse. Frostine's eyes darted around the room, calculating her chances, when suddenly, the figure disappeared. No sound, no rush of air—they simply vanished, leaving behind an unsettling silence that clashed with the chaos outside. Frostine's finger tightened on the trigger, but before she could react further, a loud crash shook the building, and an overwhelming heat engulfed her.

The world tilted crazily as the skyscraper's collapse accelerated, becoming an unstoppable force of nature. Frostine's vision swam, the edges of her sight darkening, and the last thing she felt was a strange warmth spreading within her chest before all went black.

The scene unfolded in mere moments, yet time seemed to distort and stretch infinitely in this chaotic moment of destruction and mystery. The skyscraper, a towering monument of glass and steel, succumbed to the forces unleashed upon it, toppling like a felled tree, taking with it the lives of countless individuals who called it their daily haven.

Amidst the chaos, the featureless figure melted into the shadows, unseen by any but Frostine, their mission accomplished for now. They blended seamlessly into the city's labyrinthine streets, an enigmatic presence lost amidst the turmoil. Their true nature and motives would remain a riddle, one intertwined with the enigma that was Frostine herself.

The incident sparked a frenzied investigation, but like a ghost, any trace of the mysterious figure and the woman who faced him—or her—that fateful day, evaporated without a trace. The truth, buried amidst the rubble and lost within the maze of city life, would likely never see the light of day. Yet, somewhere in the vast metropolis, an enigmatic tale awaited its uncovering, a tale that would unravel the secrets of this enigmatic encounter.

The shattered window on the 21st floor became a macabre landmark, a silent testament to an event that defied explanation, and perhaps, a harbinger of mysteries yet to be unraveled. Frostine's absence left a hole in the lives of those who knew her, but her memory would forever be etched into the very fabric of this city—a reminder that sometimes, amidst the towering buildings and bustling existence, the unexpected loomed, waiting to unfold.

The end.

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