Edit model card


  • source group: Italic languages

  • target group: Italic languages

  • OPUS readme: itc-itc

  • model: transformer

  • source language(s): arg ast bjn cat cos egl fra frm_Latn gcf_Latn glg hat ind ita lad lad_Latn lat_Grek lat_Latn lij lld_Latn lmo mwl oci pap pcd pms por roh ron scn spa srd vec wln zsm_Latn

  • target language(s): arg ast bjn cat cos egl fra frm_Latn gcf_Latn glg hat ind ita lad lad_Latn lat_Grek lat_Latn lij lld_Latn lmo mwl oci pap pcd pms por roh ron scn spa srd vec wln zsm_Latn

  • model: transformer

  • pre-processing: normalization + SentencePiece (spm32k,spm32k)

  • a sentence initial language token is required in the form of >>id<< (id = valid target language ID)

  • download original weights: opus-2020-07-07.zip

  • test set translations: opus-2020-07-07.test.txt

  • test set scores: opus-2020-07-07.eval.txt


testset BLEU chr-F
Tatoeba-test.arg-fra.arg.fra 40.8 0.501
Tatoeba-test.arg-spa.arg.spa 59.9 0.739
Tatoeba-test.ast-fra.ast.fra 45.4 0.628
Tatoeba-test.ast-por.ast.por 100.0 1.000
Tatoeba-test.ast-spa.ast.spa 46.8 0.636
Tatoeba-test.cat-fra.cat.fra 51.6 0.689
Tatoeba-test.cat-ita.cat.ita 49.2 0.699
Tatoeba-test.cat-por.cat.por 48.0 0.688
Tatoeba-test.cat-ron.cat.ron 35.4 0.719
Tatoeba-test.cat-spa.cat.spa 69.0 0.826
Tatoeba-test.cos-fra.cos.fra 22.3 0.383
Tatoeba-test.cos-pms.cos.pms 3.4 0.199
Tatoeba-test.egl-fra.egl.fra 9.5 0.283
Tatoeba-test.egl-ita.egl.ita 3.0 0.206
Tatoeba-test.egl-spa.egl.spa 3.7 0.194
Tatoeba-test.fra-arg.fra.arg 3.8 0.090
Tatoeba-test.fra-ast.fra.ast 25.9 0.457
Tatoeba-test.fra-cat.fra.cat 42.2 0.637
Tatoeba-test.fra-cos.fra.cos 3.3 0.185
Tatoeba-test.fra-egl.fra.egl 2.2 0.120
Tatoeba-test.fra-frm.fra.frm 1.0 0.191
Tatoeba-test.fra-gcf.fra.gcf 0.2 0.099
Tatoeba-test.fra-glg.fra.glg 40.5 0.625
Tatoeba-test.fra-hat.fra.hat 22.6 0.472
Tatoeba-test.fra-ita.fra.ita 46.7 0.679
Tatoeba-test.fra-lad.fra.lad 15.9 0.345
Tatoeba-test.fra-lat.fra.lat 2.9 0.247
Tatoeba-test.fra-lij.fra.lij 1.0 0.201
Tatoeba-test.fra-lld.fra.lld 1.1 0.257
Tatoeba-test.fra-lmo.fra.lmo 1.2 0.241
Tatoeba-test.fra-msa.fra.msa 0.4 0.111
Tatoeba-test.fra-oci.fra.oci 7.3 0.322
Tatoeba-test.fra-pap.fra.pap 69.8 0.912
Tatoeba-test.fra-pcd.fra.pcd 0.6 0.144
Tatoeba-test.fra-pms.fra.pms 1.0 0.181
Tatoeba-test.fra-por.fra.por 39.7 0.619
Tatoeba-test.fra-roh.fra.roh 5.7 0.286
Tatoeba-test.fra-ron.fra.ron 36.4 0.591
Tatoeba-test.fra-scn.fra.scn 2.1 0.101
Tatoeba-test.fra-spa.fra.spa 47.5 0.670
Tatoeba-test.fra-srd.fra.srd 2.8 0.306
Tatoeba-test.fra-vec.fra.vec 3.0 0.345
Tatoeba-test.fra-wln.fra.wln 3.5 0.212
Tatoeba-test.frm-fra.frm.fra 11.4 0.472
Tatoeba-test.gcf-fra.gcf.fra 7.1 0.267
Tatoeba-test.gcf-lad.gcf.lad 0.0 0.170
Tatoeba-test.gcf-por.gcf.por 0.0 0.230
Tatoeba-test.gcf-spa.gcf.spa 13.4 0.314
Tatoeba-test.glg-fra.glg.fra 54.7 0.702
Tatoeba-test.glg-ita.glg.ita 40.1 0.661
Tatoeba-test.glg-por.glg.por 57.6 0.748
Tatoeba-test.glg-spa.glg.spa 70.0 0.817
Tatoeba-test.hat-fra.hat.fra 14.2 0.419
Tatoeba-test.hat-spa.hat.spa 17.9 0.449
Tatoeba-test.ita-cat.ita.cat 51.0 0.693
Tatoeba-test.ita-egl.ita.egl 1.1 0.114
Tatoeba-test.ita-fra.ita.fra 58.2 0.727
Tatoeba-test.ita-glg.ita.glg 41.7 0.652
Tatoeba-test.ita-lad.ita.lad 17.5 0.419
Tatoeba-test.ita-lat.ita.lat 7.1 0.294
Tatoeba-test.ita-lij.ita.lij 1.0 0.208
Tatoeba-test.ita-msa.ita.msa 0.9 0.115
Tatoeba-test.ita-oci.ita.oci 12.3 0.378
Tatoeba-test.ita-pms.ita.pms 1.6 0.182
Tatoeba-test.ita-por.ita.por 44.8 0.665
Tatoeba-test.ita-ron.ita.ron 43.3 0.653
Tatoeba-test.ita-spa.ita.spa 56.6 0.733
Tatoeba-test.ita-vec.ita.vec 2.0 0.187
Tatoeba-test.lad-fra.lad.fra 30.4 0.458
Tatoeba-test.lad-gcf.lad.gcf 0.0 0.163
Tatoeba-test.lad-ita.lad.ita 12.3 0.426
Tatoeba-test.lad-lat.lad.lat 1.6 0.178
Tatoeba-test.lad-por.lad.por 8.8 0.394
Tatoeba-test.lad-ron.lad.ron 78.3 0.717
Tatoeba-test.lad-spa.lad.spa 28.3 0.531
Tatoeba-test.lat-fra.lat.fra 9.4 0.300
Tatoeba-test.lat-ita.lat.ita 20.0 0.421
Tatoeba-test.lat-lad.lat.lad 3.8 0.173
Tatoeba-test.lat-por.lat.por 13.0 0.354
Tatoeba-test.lat-ron.lat.ron 14.0 0.358
Tatoeba-test.lat-spa.lat.spa 21.8 0.436
Tatoeba-test.lij-fra.lij.fra 13.8 0.346
Tatoeba-test.lij-ita.lij.ita 14.7 0.442
Tatoeba-test.lld-fra.lld.fra 18.8 0.428
Tatoeba-test.lld-spa.lld.spa 11.1 0.377
Tatoeba-test.lmo-fra.lmo.fra 11.0 0.329
Tatoeba-test.msa-fra.msa.fra 0.8 0.129
Tatoeba-test.msa-ita.msa.ita 1.1 0.138
Tatoeba-test.msa-msa.msa.msa 19.1 0.453
Tatoeba-test.msa-pap.msa.pap 0.0 0.037
Tatoeba-test.msa-por.msa.por 2.4 0.155
Tatoeba-test.msa-ron.msa.ron 1.2 0.129
Tatoeba-test.msa-spa.msa.spa 1.0 0.139
Tatoeba-test.multi.multi 40.8 0.599
Tatoeba-test.mwl-por.mwl.por 35.4 0.561
Tatoeba-test.oci-fra.oci.fra 24.5 0.467
Tatoeba-test.oci-ita.oci.ita 23.3 0.493
Tatoeba-test.oci-spa.oci.spa 26.1 0.505
Tatoeba-test.pap-fra.pap.fra 31.0 0.629
Tatoeba-test.pap-msa.pap.msa 0.0 0.051
Tatoeba-test.pcd-fra.pcd.fra 13.8 0.381
Tatoeba-test.pcd-spa.pcd.spa 2.6 0.227
Tatoeba-test.pms-cos.pms.cos 3.4 0.217
Tatoeba-test.pms-fra.pms.fra 13.4 0.347
Tatoeba-test.pms-ita.pms.ita 13.0 0.373
Tatoeba-test.pms-spa.pms.spa 13.1 0.374
Tatoeba-test.por-ast.por.ast 100.0 1.000
Tatoeba-test.por-cat.por.cat 45.1 0.673
Tatoeba-test.por-fra.por.fra 52.5 0.698
Tatoeba-test.por-gcf.por.gcf 16.0 0.128
Tatoeba-test.por-glg.por.glg 57.5 0.750
Tatoeba-test.por-ita.por.ita 50.1 0.710
Tatoeba-test.por-lad.por.lad 15.7 0.341
Tatoeba-test.por-lat.por.lat 11.1 0.362
Tatoeba-test.por-msa.por.msa 2.4 0.136
Tatoeba-test.por-mwl.por.mwl 30.5 0.559
Tatoeba-test.por-roh.por.roh 0.0 0.132
Tatoeba-test.por-ron.por.ron 40.0 0.632
Tatoeba-test.por-spa.por.spa 58.6 0.756
Tatoeba-test.roh-fra.roh.fra 23.1 0.564
Tatoeba-test.roh-por.roh.por 21.4 0.347
Tatoeba-test.roh-spa.roh.spa 19.8 0.489
Tatoeba-test.ron-cat.ron.cat 59.5 0.854
Tatoeba-test.ron-fra.ron.fra 47.4 0.647
Tatoeba-test.ron-ita.ron.ita 45.7 0.683
Tatoeba-test.ron-lad.ron.lad 44.2 0.712
Tatoeba-test.ron-lat.ron.lat 14.8 0.449
Tatoeba-test.ron-msa.ron.msa 1.2 0.098
Tatoeba-test.ron-por.ron.por 42.7 0.650
Tatoeba-test.ron-spa.ron.spa 50.4 0.686
Tatoeba-test.scn-fra.scn.fra 2.4 0.180
Tatoeba-test.scn-spa.scn.spa 5.1 0.212
Tatoeba-test.spa-arg.spa.arg 10.8 0.267
Tatoeba-test.spa-ast.spa.ast 24.6 0.514
Tatoeba-test.spa-cat.spa.cat 61.6 0.783
Tatoeba-test.spa-egl.spa.egl 2.2 0.106
Tatoeba-test.spa-fra.spa.fra 51.1 0.683
Tatoeba-test.spa-gcf.spa.gcf 7.8 0.067
Tatoeba-test.spa-glg.spa.glg 62.8 0.776
Tatoeba-test.spa-hat.spa.hat 16.6 0.398
Tatoeba-test.spa-ita.spa.ita 51.8 0.718
Tatoeba-test.spa-lad.spa.lad 14.6 0.393
Tatoeba-test.spa-lat.spa.lat 21.5 0.486
Tatoeba-test.spa-lld.spa.lld 2.0 0.222
Tatoeba-test.spa-msa.spa.msa 0.8 0.113
Tatoeba-test.spa-oci.spa.oci 10.3 0.377
Tatoeba-test.spa-pcd.spa.pcd 0.9 0.115
Tatoeba-test.spa-pms.spa.pms 1.5 0.194
Tatoeba-test.spa-por.spa.por 49.4 0.698
Tatoeba-test.spa-roh.spa.roh 4.6 0.261
Tatoeba-test.spa-ron.spa.ron 39.1 0.618
Tatoeba-test.spa-scn.spa.scn 2.0 0.113
Tatoeba-test.spa-wln.spa.wln 8.7 0.295
Tatoeba-test.srd-fra.srd.fra 6.7 0.369
Tatoeba-test.vec-fra.vec.fra 59.9 0.608
Tatoeba-test.vec-ita.vec.ita 14.2 0.405
Tatoeba-test.wln-fra.wln.fra 8.9 0.344
Tatoeba-test.wln-spa.wln.spa 9.6 0.298

System Info:

  • hf_name: itc-itc

  • source_languages: itc

  • target_languages: itc

  • opus_readme_url: https://github.com/Helsinki-NLP/Tatoeba-Challenge/tree/master/models/itc-itc/README.md

  • original_repo: Tatoeba-Challenge

  • tags: ['translation']

  • languages: ['it', 'ca', 'rm', 'es', 'ro', 'gl', 'sc', 'co', 'wa', 'pt', 'oc', 'an', 'id', 'fr', 'ht', 'itc']

  • src_constituents: {'ita', 'cat', 'roh', 'spa', 'pap', 'bjn', 'lmo', 'mwl', 'lij', 'lat_Latn', 'lad_Latn', 'pcd', 'lat_Grek', 'ext', 'ron', 'ast', 'glg', 'pms', 'zsm_Latn', 'srd', 'gcf_Latn', 'lld_Latn', 'min', 'tmw_Latn', 'cos', 'wln', 'zlm_Latn', 'por', 'egl', 'oci', 'vec', 'arg', 'ind', 'fra', 'hat', 'lad', 'max_Latn', 'frm_Latn', 'scn', 'mfe'}

  • tgt_constituents: {'ita', 'cat', 'roh', 'spa', 'pap', 'bjn', 'lmo', 'mwl', 'lij', 'lat_Latn', 'lad_Latn', 'pcd', 'lat_Grek', 'ext', 'ron', 'ast', 'glg', 'pms', 'zsm_Latn', 'srd', 'gcf_Latn', 'lld_Latn', 'min', 'tmw_Latn', 'cos', 'wln', 'zlm_Latn', 'por', 'egl', 'oci', 'vec', 'arg', 'ind', 'fra', 'hat', 'lad', 'max_Latn', 'frm_Latn', 'scn', 'mfe'}

  • src_multilingual: True

  • tgt_multilingual: True

  • prepro: normalization + SentencePiece (spm32k,spm32k)

  • url_model: https://object.pouta.csc.fi/Tatoeba-MT-models/itc-itc/opus-2020-07-07.zip

  • url_test_set: https://object.pouta.csc.fi/Tatoeba-MT-models/itc-itc/opus-2020-07-07.test.txt

  • src_alpha3: itc

  • tgt_alpha3: itc

  • short_pair: itc-itc

  • chrF2_score: 0.599

  • bleu: 40.8

  • brevity_penalty: 0.968

  • ref_len: 77448.0

  • src_name: Italic languages

  • tgt_name: Italic languages

  • train_date: 2020-07-07

  • src_alpha2: itc

  • tgt_alpha2: itc

  • prefer_old: False

  • long_pair: itc-itc

  • helsinki_git_sha: 480fcbe0ee1bf4774bcbe6226ad9f58e63f6c535

  • transformers_git_sha: 2207e5d8cb224e954a7cba69fa4ac2309e9ff30b

  • port_machine: brutasse

  • port_time: 2020-08-21-14:41

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