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Model description

This is a translation model which translates text from English to Icelandic. It follows the architecture of the transformer model described in Attention is All You Need and was trained with fairseq for WMT24.

This is the base version of our model. See also: wmt24-en-is-transformer-base, wmt24-en-is-transformer-base-deep, wmt24-en-is-transformer-big.

model d_model d_ff h N_enc N_dec
Base 512 2048 8 6 6
Base_deep 512 2048 8 36 12
Big 1024 4096 16 6 6
Big_deep 1024 4096 16 36 12

How to use

from fairseq.models.transformer import TransformerModel
TRANSLATION_MODEL_NAME = 'checkpoint_best.pt'
TRANSLATION_MODEL = TransformerModel.from_pretrained('path/to/model', checkpoint_file=TRANSLATION_MODEL_NAME, bpe='sentencepiece', sentencepiece_model='sentencepiece.bpe.model')
src_sentences = ['This is a test sentence.', 'This is another test sentence.']
translated_sentences = TRANSLATION_MODEL.translate(src_sentences)

Eval results

We evaluated our data on the WMT21 test set. These are the chrF scores for our published models:

model chrF
Base 56.8
Base_deep 57.1
Big 57.7
Big_deep 57.7

BibTeX entry and citation info

    title={Cogs in a Machine, Doing What They’re Meant to Do \\– The AMI Submission to the WMT24 General Translation Task},
    author={Atli Jasonarson, Hinrik Hafsteinsson, Bjarki Ármannsson, Steinþór Steingrímsson},
    organization={The Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies}
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Inference Examples
Inference API (serverless) does not yet support fairseq models for this pipeline type.