question or not
2 values
4 values
['Who does my neighbor think he is hitting on my wife at the block party??', "Wow. That's a pretty low thing to do.", 'It is, I hope he steps on a nail! What a jerk!!!']
Oh just a nail? You are a nice person.
My neighbor hit on my wife!
ask me for further details
['After my grandma died, we had so much stuff of hers to sort through.']
I can imagine. Was she a hoarder of some type?
After my grandma died, there was so much stuff of hers to go through. It was so fun to go through her old photo albums.
ask me for further details
['My sister took my best friend to the movie instead of me, I was really sad.']
That would make me sad too. Was there any reason she took your friend and not you?
My sister went to the movie with my best friend instead of me.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I remember this time two years ago when I was expecting my youngest child we didn't know whether she would be a boy or a girl. I was so excited when they told me the results were a girl.", 'What a happy time I bet you were very prouod and excited!! :-', 'Mostly surprised because it caught us off guard, but nonetheless it was an awesome time and we are so happy.']
Yay that is awesome! Sometimes not knowing the gender of the baby is a very cool surprise they say.
I remember this time two years ago when I was expecting my youngest child we didn't know whether she would be a boy or girl. I was so excited when they told me the results were a girl.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['A fly landed in my coffee when the moment I walked out of my house.']
Ugh, I would have been so annoyed.
A fly landed in my coffee when the moment I walked out of my house.
['My son said his first words the other day/']
Really? That's amazing, what words?
My son said his first words the other day.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Hanging out with my friend Justin has become very annoying lately']
Oh no why is that?
Hanging out with my friend Justin lately, he is becoming increasingly annoying to me. He is going through a depressed spell and doesn't want to do anything, complaining all of the time and not wanting to do anything I want to do. It is pessimistic for me and makes me feel frustrated when all he does is complain. He also makes excuses when I want to go out with him and do something.
ask me for further details
['My son took his first steps a few days ago.']
That's great! I must have been so cool to see that!
I felt this way when my son took his first steps.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My tooth has been killing me lately.']
Why is that?
I have a dentist appointment next week and I don't want to go. My tooth hurts really bad.
ask me for further details
['I bought a storm kit because we werent prepared last time', 'a hurricane ?', 'Just a bad lightening storm that left us without power for days.']
we have a hurricane kit / emergency essential kit always .
The last time it stormed we didnt have power for days. I bought a storm kit so we would be better off this time.
['I had to go to a funeral the other day']
Was it someone you were close to?
Went to a funeral a couple days ago
ask me for further details
['I got first place in the karaoke contest last weekend.', 'oh how cool! I bet you have a very beautiful voice. was there any prize?', 'There was, a free round of beer! There was a lot of talent there so I was surprised I won!']
good job! maybe you should pursue a singing career :)
I got first place in the karaoke contest. I didn't think I would win but I did.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am happy with my life right now, everything is going well for the most part', 'What is going so great?', 'I am happy with my life right now, everything is going well for the most part']
Tell me about it.
I am happy with my life right now, everything is going well for the most part
['I am going on a roller coaster for the first time tomorrow. I and so nervous!', 'Maybe you can have them get you on one of the kiddie ones first?', 'Haha! That is a good idea!']
Hope you have fun!
I am going on a roller coaster for the first time tomorrow. I and so nervous!
['I thank God everyday for the wife I have', 'You must be taking good care of her in and out if you know what I mean', 'Yes, but she actually takes even better care of me and that is why i am so grateful']
I hope you can make her realize how grateful you are by being faithful
I thank God everyday for the wife I have.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i have a slacker coworker that drives me crazy he gets to work late everyday and does the minimum to get by']
Is the boss aware or does he seem to skate by unnoticed?
i get so frustrated with my slacker coworker
ask me for further details
['I have to make a 6 foot sub for my coworkers.', "Wow, what's the special occasion?", "Oh, it's just a pot luck. I am so ready to get it done."]
Yeah, that is going to be a lot of work, and hard to transport to your job.
I have to make a 6 foot sub for my coworkers. I am ready to get that done.
['hey... i just found out i didnt get the promotion i thought i was getting']
Oh well maybe you'll get your blessings in a different way you didn't expect
when i learned my coworker had gotten the promotion I wanted, i was not happy fgr them at all.. I felt like it should have been mine! i felt like i had been hurt by them.
['My husband is talking so loud on his headset playing video games. Ugh', 'lol. Put some headphones on yourself and tune him out!', 'Good idea!']
Maybe you could play your own video games?
My husband is talking so loud on his headset playing video games. ?ugh
ask me for further details
['I felt sad that I was not asked to be the bridesmaid at a close friends wedding']
That is unfortunate, how long have you been friends with this person?
I felt sad that I was not asked to be the bridesmaid at a close friends wedding
ask me for further details
['my neighbor has a dog that wont shutup', 'That has to be really annoying. Have you called animal control?', "i didn't know i could do that"]
Yes, that's one way to deal with it. What did you end up doing?
my neighbor dog keeps barking for no reason
ask me for further details
['My son recently got married, and I gained a new daughter in law. The wedding was beautiful, everyone had a great time !']
Oh that's awesome. Do you like her?
My son recently got married, and I gained a new daughter in law. The wedding was beautiful, everyone had a great time !
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["Wasn't able to register for one of the classes I need to be on track to graduate in my last year of college. Have to contact the school and see if they'll be able to make an exception and squeeze me into a full class, or I don't know what I'll do."]
That is scary, I was in that position before, I do not know why they make it so difficult
Wasn't able to register for one of the classes I need to be on track to graduate in my last year of college. Have to contact the school and see if they'll be able to make an exception and squeeze me into a full class, or I don't know what I'll do.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My daughter decided to play waitress with her food and hold the plate over her head.', 'Oh no, I think I know where this is going. How did she manage as a waitress?', 'Well, there is spaghetti all over the carpet so how do you think?', "Haha oh boy! Well, on the bright side I'm sure that's a mistake she'll only make once. We all have to learn.", 'I hope so. Carpet cleaning is expensive']
One of the many reasons I'm glad to have hardwood!
My daughter wasted her plate of spaghetti all over the rug. She was pretending to be a waitress
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I haven't heard from my friend in 3 days. His family doesn't know where he is."]
Oh, no! I;m sorry to hear that. Is this normal for your friend.
I haven't heard from my friend in 3 days. His family doesn't know where he is.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I felt good about my son's grade"]
Did he all get A's?
My son had good grades at school
ask me for further details
['I went to the movies last night']
Oh nice. What movie did you see?
I was out with some of my friends last night. We watched a movie that was very epic.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I had real fear when a tornado was close to where I was living. I thought I could due', 'do you live in the midwest', 'I live in the southeast.']
do you have an emergency shelter in your basement ?
I had real fear when a tornado was close to my home. I thought we might die
ask me for further details
['I was so scared to skydive, but my instructor was great and I was finally able to jump.', 'I bet it felt good to conquer the fear! Would you skydive again?', 'I think so! If someone I knew really wanted to go.']
Did you enjoy the experience?
I decided to go skydiving one time and I was really nervous about it. I was so freaked out but my instructor was awesome and I finally was able to complete the jump.
ask me for further details
['I was in the park the other day and dropped some money on the ground without knowing it. A kind stranger witnessed this happen and picked up the money. That person then returned it to me.', "That's so awesome. Isn't it so nice when people do nice things for each other in their communities?", 'Yes, it is nice when communities watch out for each other.', "My community is great about that kind of thing. I'm glad you got your money back!", 'Yes I am glad too. I rewarded the person by giving them what I had dropped since they appeared to need it more than me.']
Oh that's great! That's really nice of you.
I dropped money on the ground in public. A kind and honest stranger saw me drop it and returned the money to me. I trusted that person after that.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I had to take care of my 3 year old, he had the flu. I fed him some healthy food, gave him a warm bath and tucked him in to bed with fresh clean jammies. It was sweet.']
wow. what an experience. He must have felt loved from the care you gave him
My three year old had the flu. I gave them a bath, fed them some soup and fruit, gave them a cup of milk followed by some medicine and tucked them into bed. It felt nice taking care of my baby.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i was schocked to see my favorite band wasnt coming to my city this tour']
What band is that?
i was schocked to see my favorite band wasnt coming to my city this tour
ask me for further details
['My can ran away last week.']
Did you mean cat?
My cat ran away from home. I'm starting to think he'll never come back.
ask me for further details
['My boss earns way more money than me for less work.', 'That must be so annoying. You should ask for a pay raise.', "I might. My company doesn't really do them though."]
I see, time to switch companies!
I am jealous as my boss earns lots more money than me. He seems to be less qualified and do less work.
['I ordered some chicken the other day and I had ate some before I realized it was still pink.', 'Oh no! I would have been so disgusted! And mad!', "I was both. I almost went to the hospital because i had gotten sick later, but it didn't last very long."]
That sounds awful. I hope you filed a complaint with the restaurant!
I ordered some chicken from a nearby restaurant the other day and it almost killed me.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i cannot sleep son starts first grade tomorrow.', "Oh wow that's really exciting! You must be really happy.", 'i am beyond happy!']
That's great to hear, I hope his first day goes well!
i cant wait for my son to start first grade soon!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["When I got through shopping there was a scrape on my car door where someone had banged their door into it. They didn't leave a note and I was enraged.", 'I would be pretty furious as well, those can be expensive to get removed!', "People just don't seem to have any respect for other peoples property anymore."]
I agree, some people just don't care about anyone but themselves. It's sad.
When I got through shopping there was a scrape on my car door where someone had banged their door into it. They didn't leave a note and I was enraged.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['i was devistated my my dog sammy died last week']
How old was sammy?
when my dog died
ask me for further details
["I just can't stand it anymore. My partner nags almost about every detail of our relationship. Just yesterday, she criticized my taste for clothing"]
That would get very irritating. Have you talked to her about it and let her know how you feel?
My partner nags almost about every detail in our relationship. Just yesterday, she criticized my taste for clothing style
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I am so mad at my bank. they somehow thought to charge me for a credit card i didn't want."]
That is not good. Did they give you back your money?
My bank ended up charging me hundreds of dollars for something i didn't do.
ask me for further details
['I feel a little bummed out since starting my new job recently.', 'how come? i thought new jobs were supposed to be exciting?', "The job is, but I am feeling a bit isolated since I don't know anyone there yet."]
we are all the new kid for a moment. soon it will feel like you fit right in. just give yourself some time.
I started a new job recently, but don't really know anyone there yet, so I am a bit bummed.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am happy with my weight.']
That's so great! Most people aren't.
I am happy with my weight.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I went to a really scary haunted house recently! I have never been more scared!']
Niiice. What kind of things did it have?
I went to a super scary haunted house recently! It was so realistic and the characters were so well hidden. I was so scared!
ask me for further details
["My first date with a woman that I met at a party didn't go as expected.", 'Really? How come?', "We didn't have any common interest. At some point, during the date, she seemed bored. I called her but she didn't reply."]
That is very disappointing. Maybe next time text or talk on the phone a little bit to see if you will have something in common.
My first date with a woman that I met at a party didn't go as expected.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I can't wait to go to the amusement park again!", 'That sounds like so much fun!', 'I think the roller coasters are my favorite thing.']
I like the little roller coasters myself.
I can't wait to go to the amusement park!
['Last week, I saw a ghost outside!']
Really?? You probably were been very scared.
Last week, I think I saw a ghost outside. I was so scared!
ask me for further details
['Do you ever get really emotional about people and things youve never met?', 'I certainly do. I think it shows you care and have compassion for their situations. So many people lose that compassion and even practice indifference. How about you?', 'I got really upset when I watched the finale of the office. I felt like I was part of their team and when the whole thing was over I cried a little. It was like I was losing some friends.']
I can understand that. I mean, you're with them as you watch everything they go through and you start to really like them. When it ends its like, was this not real? I hate coming to the end of shows that run for a long time. So sad.
I was really upset when I watched the final episode of the office. I felt so connected to those characters. I cried a little
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["Can't wait til my wife gets home, I'm surprising her with flowers and dinner.", 'She is most certainly going to enjoy that!', 'Yeah, sometimes I feel the need to surprise her after a long week of work.']
No special occasion then?
Can't wait til my wife gets home, I'm surprising her with flowers and dinner.
ask me for further details
['I rehearsed all night for my speech.']
Bet you're tired. What's the speech for/about?
I rehearsed all night before the big day. On the big day I gave a great speech.
ask me for further details
["I am thinking of getting this polaris slingshot I have been wanting. Hence the Mturking. I'm not sure if I will be able to afford it though", 'Oh yes you can. Just keep turking and you will get there for sure even if you have to work extra hours in the night.', 'maybe I could get the 2035 year model haha']
I promise it is possible if you really want it. Show me how bad you want it!!
I am thinking of getting this polaris slingshot I have been wanting. Hence the Mturking. I'm not sure if I will be able to afford it though
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My mom sent me a package the other day that had a bunch of my old comics in it the other day. It was a real trip to go through them all, it brought back a lot of memories.']
That sounds really great! Do you like them as much as you remembered?
My mom sent me a package of my old comics from when I was a kid.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was thankfully ready for when a puppy came today. I have lots of clean blankets, a clean room and extra money if needed!', "That's good that you were prepared! Puppys can be a handful.", 'Oh goodness yes...and I just have the momma from the last week! oi! 2 new dogs in a week.']
Man that does sound like a handful!
I was thankfully ready for when a puppy came today. I have lots of clean blankets, a clean room and extra money if needed! It's nice to be ready
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I went into my garage the other day and there was a new car in there.', "Who's car was it?", 'It was mine! My wife had bought it for me for my birthday, but she wanted me to be shocked by it so she gave it to me a month early.']
What kind of car did she get you?
I went into my garage the other day and there was a new car in there.
ask me for further details
['I never knew pizza from the gas station could be so good.']
The only pizza I have ever had at the gas station was some pizza from 7/11. Where have you had it at?
I got a pizza ffrom the gas station the other day and it was delicious.
ask me for further details
['Long time ago on my way to my brother hockey game something bad happened.']
What happened that day?
Once when i was going to a hockey game with my brother and dad. My dad got mad at my brother and brake the side of the car window.
ask me for further details
['My boyfriend kept me up all night playing video games', 'Ugh that is so annoying. I try not to do that when I with my girlfriend.', "It's really inconsiderate. Gets on my nerves."]
have you talked to him about it? How much it bothers you.
My boyfriend kept me up all night playing video games.
ask me for further details
['My neighbor returned my golf clubs yesterday after I thought I lost them at the golf course.', 'That is a good news. Did he kept them with him for a long period of time?', "He didn't! He promptly returned them to me once he found them. I was so thankful."]
That is nice.
My neighbor returned my golf clubs the other day. Left them on the golf course. I was thankful.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My brother got me to walk through the haunted house attraction at the ocean and man, it was scary!']
Sounds like fun but not for me! Im too scared of everything. Did you have fun tho?
The haunted house down at the ocean is scary!
ask me for further details
['My daughter just came into the world this past weekend.']
that is incredible! congrats is she your first?
My daughter just came into the world this past weekend.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My naeighbors are really getting on my nerves.']
That is no good. What are they doing?
MY neighbors have been playing loud music all day
ask me for further details
["In a few weeks I'm going on my first ever trip to Disney World! It's taken me 30 years to get there and I can't wait."]
Thats great. I love taking the kids to Disneyworld. What do you want to see most?
I'm going on my first trip to Disney World in a few weeks. I can't wait!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My 5 year old son is already reading! He picked up on it so fast!', 'That is awesome, I was an early reader as well! That is a great accomplishment!!', "My daughter was also but I didn't want to put any pressure on him since all kids are so different and it didn't matter. But he astounded me and loves reading and writing."]
I hope they both keep the love for reading and writing!
My 5 year old son is already reading! He picked up on it so fast!
["Tomorrow's an exciting day for my family. We're sending our two youngest children to a new school!"]
Oh nice! Tell me about the new school?
Sending my two youngest kids to a new school!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Just came home to so much cake!']
How did that happen?
Just came home to so much cake!
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I had a really great job interview. I thought it went well and would receive and offer. They called today to say they went with someone else. Im a little upset.', 'So sorry, you never really can tell with these things can you?', 'Im starting to learn that. I just got my hopes up was all. Well on to the next one I guess.']
I wish you good luck.
I had a really great job interview. I thought I did well but they called and said I didnt get the job.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["It's the middle of the night and someone is banging on my garage door!", "That's quite scary! Are you able to see who it is?", "No, I can't see anything and I'm too scared to look out a window!"]
You might want to call 911 if they continue banging on the door. Better safe than sorry!
Someone is banging on my door in the middle of the night!
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Sometimes I reflect upon my life, and at this current moment I am happy with where I am.']
That's great you are happy with where you are in life. I think the place we work and the area in which we live make a big difference.
I am happy with where I am in my life at this very moment.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I have been faithful to my girlfriend of almost 3 years', "That's is a really good thing, it helps build trust in a relationship.", 'That is true, I wish it was not so rare']
Well, that is the way the world works now days. Nothing like it did in the past.
I have been faithful to my girlfriend of almost 3 years
['I cheated on my math exam today. I felt so bad about it.', 'Oh no, do you think your teacher will find out?', "I don't know, but I don't know if I will ever get over it. I shouldn't have done it in the first place."]
At least you have learned your lesson, I hope?
I cheated on my math exam today. I felt so bad.
ask me for further details
["I'm anxious for school to start again, It's my senior year of college!"]
That's so exciting! It's almost over! But I can understand why it'd make you anxious, too.
I'm anxious for school to start again, It's my senior year of college!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am going to feel pretty alone this weekend, My friends are going out of town', 'Maybe you can catch up on some sleep?', 'I will need some for sure, good idea']
I know it will feel lonely but a good weekend to recharge will do some good.
I am going to feel pretty alone this weekend. My friends are going out of town
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I ruined dinner tonight I feel bad.', 'What happened?', 'I forgot to put up the leftovers last night and the food was no good.', 'You could have still eaten it if you were daring.', "Well I'm not. And I can't afford to be sick and miss work either."]
Bright side, it would have been a great excuse to order pizza.
I forgot to put up the leftovers last night and ruined dinner for today.
['I got first place in a 1 mile race today.']
Congratulations! How long have you been running for?
I got first place in a 1 mile race today.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My daughter just got accepted into the National Junior Honor society.']
That is amazing! I bet she had to work hard for that.
My daughter just got accepted into the National Junior Honor society.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My sister and I used to chase the ice cream truck when we were kids.', 'i used to get screwballs with my sister. those were our favorites as kids', 'I liked the strawberry shortcake creamsicle. I still buy them. They are too high on the truck now', "how awesome. it's fun to remember the good old days", 'IT is.']
i love sharing memories with my sister
I remember chasing the ice cream truck when I was little. The ice cream is too high now
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I saw a guy put chocolate syrup on a hot dog.', 'That sounds so gross', 'It was really gross!']
It sounds that way
I saw a guy put chocolate syrup on a hot dog. It was really gross.
['I am really hoping I get accepted into the school counseling program for grad school.', 'Do you think you have a good shot?', 'I think so! I just have to be prepared for the interview.']
Is the interview soon? Good luck.
I am feeling this way while applying to graduate school. I really need to get in.
ask me for further details
['I am a drug addict. I need money for my addiction. So I rob teenagers outside college.', 'oh wow.. thats one way to get the job done', 'I feel bad about it but I cannot stop.']
you gotta worry about #1
I am drug addict. I need money for my addiction. I rob teenagers outside college.
['I went to the public toilet and went out with a toilet paper sticking out of my pants...', "Oh no! That's awkward. Are you able to laugh about it now?", 'Yeah sure, it was years ago!']
Ha, that's good! I've had so many embarrassing things happen. We all have!
I went to the public toilet and went out with a toilet paper sticking out of my pants...
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Yesterday I found my dog chewing my leather loafers. Apparently he thought they were a chew toy. I was livid.', 'They must have tasted good!', 'Yeah at least he got a good snack. I will have to keep my closet closed from now on!']
Lesson learned, that's for sure
Yesterday my dog found my leather loafers and thought they were a chew toy. I was livid when I found the lumps that used to be my nice shoes. That mutt!
['I have high hopes for this weekend. I think it might be sunny here', "Oh I get you. It's been raining here everyday.", 'Same here. I am tired of it already']
I hope you get some sun where you are, too. Too much rain can get depressing.
I have high hopes for the weekend. I think it might be sunny here
['My husband and I finally found the camper of our dreams after about a year of wanting one and we finally have our first camping trip planned!']
Oh thats sounds fun! How much did it cost you?
My husband and I had been wanting a camper for about 1 year. Last week we finally found the camper of our dreams and now have our first camping trip planned.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My partner and I were sitting down to dinner when they bring out fish. They know that I don't like fish, yet they did anyways. It's very upsetting!"]
I would have been upset too!
I'm so upset. I really don't like fish, get my wife keeps serving it to me. I'm so mad!
['i gave birth to a beautiful princess', 'That makes you a queen.', 'yes i am a Queen, am so excited, my husband both a special gift for me after my delivery']
What's that ?
i am so happy after giving birth successfully. i feel so blessed
ask me for further details
['My nephew said his first word today!', "That's wonderful. What was it?", 'It was uncle! I was so proud!']
That's so cute!
My nephew said his first word today. I was filled with pride.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My friends shocked me by throwing me a birthday celebration. I had no idea about it until it happened.', 'Awe. That is soo sweet. You have some really good friends', 'Yeah, we have all known each other for over 10 years. We all live close to each other.']
That is really nice to have. Most people don't even have one good friend.
My friends threw me a secret birthday party. I was shocked to see my friends did something like that for me.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i studied so i knew the test would be a breeze. ive never studied so much in my life', 'Well done to you. Not everyone has that type of focus. What where you studying for?', 'Studying to be a pharmacist.']
Thats great. Did you ace the test?
i knew id pass the test
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Spent a day binge watching shows on netflix', 'the best thing a human being can do', 'yea i was happy to just relax for a day']
yup, i love doing that what show did you end up watch?
Spent a day binge watching shows on netflix
ask me for further details
['I went to the bowling alley all by myself because my friends ditched me. It was pretty darn awful.', 'Did you have fun there by yourself at least?', "I tried too, but I felt bad seeing everyone else in large groups having a blast. That should've have been me yesterday!"]
You should have joined one of the other groupls and pretended to belong. See who would've said something first.
I went to the bowling alley all by my lonesome to day. It was terrible.
please give me some advices.
['I was fishing the other day in a boat when a large alligator swam right under my boat! I felt him bump into it too.']
That's pretty awesome...were you happy to see one or were you nervous
I was fishing in a lake when an alligator swam right under my boat.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['The other day i was asked to bake a cake for a birthday party. I love baking cakes.']
That's so fun! I've always wanted to get into baking. How did the cake turn out?
The other day i was asked to bake a cake. I love baking cakes.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["So my work issues laptop crashed and won't boot. But, I am hoping I can fix it myself, we all know sending it to IT takes forever!"]
Good luck. That sounds really frustrating. Hope everything was backed up.
My work laptop just recently crashed. However, I'm certain I will be able to fix it myself instead of waiting weeks and weeks for IT to fix.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Last night I was laying with my husband and daughter and I felt so relaxed!']
That sounds like fun! I love family time!
Last night I was laying with my husband and daughter and I felt so relaxed. It is what life is all about.
['The other night I was watching this documentary about a puppy mill getting busted and the dogs getting rescued. I wanted to adopt everyone of them', 'Those poor dogs! I hate puppy mills so much and unfortunately I live in an area where they are very common.', 'Really? We actually have a lot of rescue places in my town. They do not take kindly to people abusing animals in my neck of the woods.']
There are laws here but they find ways around them. People are cruel and only care about money.
I watched a documentary about puppy mills and and organization getting them rescued. I was very moved
['My job can annoy me sometimes, people always have issues']
That's always a bad thing about having to work with others. What kind of issues do they have?
My job can annoy me sometimes, people always have issues
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I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["I'm starting my sophomore year of college in a few days and I can't wait to begin.", "That's awesome. 1 year down. Keep at it, buddy.", "Thanks! Time goes by when you're having a good time."]
hahaha I have not heard that from many people.
My second year of college starts in a few days and I can't wait to begin!
["I haven't been getting much sleep lately. Part of my rent on a farm property I live on is making sure hunters don't sneak onto the property. They always sneak in at the worst times.", 'Have you set up cameras to monitor the property?', "Yeah those help me a lot as far as getting to them early, but they are just constantly at it! It's not even hunting season."]
Maybe report what is going on to the local PD?
I live on a rural property and part of my rent is making sure people don't trespass on the property to hunt. People keep trying to sneak onto the property and sometimes it keeps me up all night trying to kick them out.
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['I once found money in the parking lot of a gas station. I needed it so bad I kept it.', "Sometimes when we're in a bad situation, we do things we wouldn't normally do.", 'Thats true, I like to think I am a good person. But I had to take the opportunity to get ahead.']
How much was it?
I once found a 100 dollar bill on the ground, I needed it so bad.
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["One night I couldn't sleep at all."]
Oh no! I hope you didn't have to go anywhere the next day? Did you try anything to help?
The next day was Christmas and I couldn't wait to open my presents. I couldn't sleep at all that night.
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['I work in finance and just got a raise and new office.', "that's great! congrats! I'm glad to hear that. you deserved it", "Yeah I'm so happy!"]
you should go celebrate with your other half and your friends!
I just got a raise at work. I'm so happy!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.