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In the book, Lane discusses what he considers to be a major gap in biology: why life operates the way that it does, and how it began. In his view as a biochemist, the core question is about energy, as all cells handle energy in the same way, relying on a steep electrochemical gradient across the very small thickness of a membrane in a cell – to power all the chemical reactions of life. The electrical energy is transformed into forms that the cell can use by a chain of energy-handling structures including ancient proteins such as cytochromes, ion channels, and the enzyme ATP synthase, all built into the membrane. Once evolved, this chain has been conserved by all living things, showing that it is vital to life. He argues that such an electrochemical gradient could not have arisen in ordinary conditions, such as the open ocean or Darwin's "warm little pond". He argues instead (following Günter Wächtershäuser) that life began in deep-sea hydrothermal vents, as these contain chemicals that effectively store energy that cells could use, as long as the cells provided a membrane to generate the needed gradient by maintaining different concentrations of chemicals on either side. Once cells similar to bacteria (the first prokaryotes, cells without a nucleus) had emerged, he writes, they stayed like that for two and a half billion years. Then, just once, cells jumped in complexity and size, acquiring a nucleus and other organelles, and complex behavioural features including sex, which he notes have become universal in complex (eukaryotic) life forms including plants, animals, and fungi. The book is illustrated with 37 figures taken by permission from a wide variety of research sources. They include a timeline, photographs, cladograms, electron flow diagrams and diagrams of the life cycle of cells and their chromosomes.
The du Noüy Padday rod consists of a rod usually on the order of a few millimeters square making a small ring. The rod is often made from a composite metal material that may be roughened to ensure complete wetting at the interface. The rod is cleaned with water, alcohol and a flame or with strong acid to ensure complete removal of surfactants. The rod is attached to a scale or balance via a thin metal hook. The Padday method uses the maximum pull force method, i.e. the maximum force due to the surface tension is recorded as the probe is first immersed ca. one mm into the solution and then slowly withdrawn from the interface. The main forces acting on a probe are the buoyancy (due to the volume of liquid displaced by the probe) and the mass of the meniscus adhering to the probe. This is an old, reliable, and well-documented technique. An important advantage of the maximum pull force technique is that the receding contact angle on the probe is effectively zero. The maximum pull force is obtained when the buoyancy force reaches its minimum, The surface tension measurement used in the Padday devices based on the du Noüy ring/maximum pull force method is explained further here: The force acting on the probe can be divided into two components: : i) Buoyancy stemming from the volume displaced by the probe, and : ii) the mass of the meniscus of the liquid adhering to the probe. The latter is in equilibrium with the surface tension force, i.e. where :* is the perimeter of the probe, :* is the surface tension and the weight of the meniscus under the probe. In the situation considered here the volume displaced by the probe is included in the meniscus. :* is the contact angle between the probe and the solution that is measured, and is negligible for the majority of solutions with Kibron’s probes. Thus, the force measured by the balance is given by where :* is the force acting on the probe and :* is the force due to buoyancy. At the point of detachment the volume of the probe immersed in the solution vanishes, and thus, also the buoyancy term. This is observed as a maximum in the force curve, which relates to the surface tension through The above derivation holds for ideal conditions. Non-idealities, e.g. from defect probe shape, are partly compensated in the calibration routine using a solution with known surface tension.
Physical Chemistry
Source: If a solid body is modeled by a constant hard-core field, then or where Here For the hard solid potential where is the position of the potential discontinuity. So, in this case
Physical Chemistry
The rising level of the Caspian Sea between 1995 and 1996 reduced the number of habitats for rare species of aquatic vegetation. This has been attributed to a general lack of seeding material in newly formed coastal lagoons and water bodies. Many rare and endemic plant species of Russia are associated with the tidal areas of the Volga delta and riparian forests of the Samur River delta. The shoreline is also a unique refuge for plants adapted to the loose sands of the Central Asian Deserts. The principal limiting factors to successful establishment of plant species are hydrological imbalances within the surrounding deltas, water pollution, and various land reclamation activities. The water level change within the Caspian Sea is an indirect reason for which plants may not get established. These affect aquatic plants of the Volga Delta, such as Aldrovanda vesiculosa and the native Nelumbo caspica. About 11 plant species are found in the Samur River delta, including the unique liana forests that date back to the Tertiary period. Since 2019 UNESCO has admitted the lush Hyrcanian forests of Mazandaran, Iran as World Heritage Site under category (ix).
Environmental Chemistry
Electrolytic refining of copper was first patented in England by James Elkington in 1865 and the first electrolytic copper refinery was built by Elkington in Burry Port, South Wales in 1869. There were teething problems with the new technology. For example, the early refineries had trouble producing firm deposits on the cathodes. As a result, there was much secrecy between refinery operators as each strove to maintain a competitive edge. The nature of the cathode used to collect the copper is a critical part of the technology. The properties of copper are highly susceptible to impurities. For example, an arsenic content of 0.1% can reduce the conductivity of copper by 23% and a bismuth content of just 0.001% makes copper brittle. The material used in the cathode must not contaminate the copper being deposited, or it will not meet the required specifications. The current efficiency of the refining process depends, in part, on how close the anodes and cathodes can be placed in the electrolytic cell. This, in turn, depends on the straightness of both the anode and the cathode. Bumps and bends in either can lead to short-circuiting or otherwise affect the current distribution and also the quality of the cathode copper. Prior to the development of the Isa Process technology, the standard approach was to use a starter sheet of high-purity copper as the initial cathode. These starter sheets are produced in special electrolytic cells by electrodeposition of copper for 24 hours onto a plate made of copper coated with oil (or treated with other similar face-separation materials) or of titanium. Thousands of sheets could be needed every day, and the original method of separating the starter sheet from the “mother plate” (referred to as “stripping”) was entirely manual. Starter sheets are usually quite light. For example, the starter sheets used in the CRL refinery weighed 10 pounds (4.53 kilograms). Thus, they are thin and need to be handled carefully to avoid bending. Over time, the formation of starter sheets was improved by mechanisation, but there was still a high labour input. Once the starter sheets were formed, they had to be flattened, to reduce the likelihood of short circuits, and then cut, formed and punched to make loops from which the starter sheets are hung from conductive copper hanger bars in the electrolytic cells (see Figure 1). The starter sheets are inserted in the refining cells and dissolved copper electrodeposits on them to produce the cathode copper product (see Figure 2). Because of the manufacturing cost of the starter sheets, refineries using them tend to keep them in the cells as long as possible, usually 12–14 days. On the other hand, the anodes normally reside in the cells for 24–28 days, meaning that there are two cathodes produced from each anode. The starter sheets have a tendency to warp, due to the mechanical stresses they encounter and often need to be removed from the refining cells after about two days to be straightened in presses before being returned to the cells. The tendency to warp leads to frequent short-circuiting. Due to their limitations, it is difficult for copper produced on starter sheets to meet modern specifications for the highest-purity copper.
In mathematics and solid state physics, the first Brillouin zone (named after Léon Brillouin) is a uniquely defined primitive cell in reciprocal space. In the same way the Bravais lattice is divided up into Wigner–Seitz cells in the real lattice, the reciprocal lattice is broken up into Brillouin zones. The boundaries of this cell are given by planes related to points on the reciprocal lattice. The importance of the Brillouin zone stems from the description of waves in a periodic medium given by Bloch's theorem, in which it is found that the solutions can be completely characterized by their behavior in a single Brillouin zone. The first Brillouin zone is the locus of points in reciprocal space that are closer to the origin of the reciprocal lattice than they are to any other reciprocal lattice points (see the derivation of the Wigner–Seitz cell). Another definition is as the set of points in k-space that can be reached from the origin without crossing any Bragg plane. Equivalently, this is the Voronoi cell around the origin of the reciprocal lattice. There are also second, third, etc., Brillouin zones, corresponding to a sequence of disjoint regions (all with the same volume) at increasing distances from the origin, but these are used less frequently. As a result, the first Brillouin zone is often called simply the Brillouin zone. In general, the n-th Brillouin zone consists of the set of points that can be reached from the origin by crossing exactly n − 1 distinct Bragg planes. A related concept is that of the irreducible Brillouin zone, which is the first Brillouin zone reduced by all of the symmetries in the point group of the lattice (point group of the crystal). The concept of a Brillouin zone was developed by Léon Brillouin (1889–1969), a French physicist. Within the Brillouin zone, a constant-energy surface represents the loci of all the -points (that is, all the electron momentum values) that have the same energy. Fermi surface is a special constant-energy surface that separates the unfilled orbitals from the filled ones at zero kelvin.
Analytical Chemistry
Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of Live-Culture Foods is a 2003 book by Sandor Katz that discusses the ancient practice of fermentation. While most of the conventional literature assumes the use of modern technology, Wild Fermentation focuses more on the practice and culture of fermenting food. The term "wild fermentation" refers to the reliance on naturally occurring bacteria and yeast to ferment food. For example, conventional bread making requires the use of a commercial, highly specialized yeast, while wild-fermented bread relies on naturally occurring cultures that are found on the flour, in the air, and so on. Similarly, the book's instructions on sauerkraut require only cabbage and salt, relying on the cultures that naturally exist on the vegetable to perform the fermentation. The book also discusses some foods that are not, strictly speaking, wild ferments such as miso, yogurt, kefir, and nattō. Beyond food, the book includes some discussion of social, personal, and political issues, such as the legality of raw milk cheeses in the United States. Newsweek has referred to Wild Fermentation as the "fermentation bible".
Since the dawn of modern chemistry, humic substances are among the most studied among the natural materials. Despite long study, their molecular structure remains elusive. The traditional view is that humic substances are heteropolycondensates, in varying associations with clay. A more recent view is that relatively small molecules also play a role. Humic substances account for 50 – 90% of cation exchange capacity. Similar to clay, char and colloidal humus hold cation nutrients.
SINEs are classified as non-LTR retrotransposons because they do not contain long terminal repeats (LTRs). There are three types of SINEs common to vertebrates and invertebrates: CORE-SINEs, V-SINEs, and AmnSINEs. SINEs have 50-500 base pair internal regions which contain a tRNA-derived segment with A and B boxes that serve as an internal promoter for RNA polymerase III.
The traditional synthetic route uses Raney nickel and has been further improved over time, for example by the use of ibuprofen and AlCl. Overall, it is a cost-effective method with moderate reaction conditions that is easy to handle and suitable for industrial production.
At neutral pH, thiocarboxylic acids are fully ionized. Thiocarboxylic acids are about 100 times more acidic than the analogous carboxylic acids. For PhC(O)SH pK = 2.48 vs 4.20 for PhC(O)OH. For thioacetic acid the pK is near 3.4 vs 4.72 for acetic acid. The conjugate base of thioacetic acid, thioacetate is reagents for installing thiol groups via the displacement of alkyl halides to give the thioester, which in turn are susceptible to hydrolysis: Thiocarboxylic acids react with various nitrogen functional groups, such as organic azide, nitro, and isocyanate compounds, to give amides under mild conditions. This method avoids needing a highly nucleophilic aniline or other amine to initiate an amide-forming acyl substitution, but requires synthesis and handling of the unstable thiocarboxylic acid. Unlike the Schmidt reaction or other nucleophilic-attack pathways, the reaction with an aryl or alkyl azide begins with a [3+2] cycloaddition; the resulting heterocycle expels N and the sulfur atom to give the monosubstituted amide.
Organic Chemistry
The large array of tests can be categorised into sub-specialities of: *General or routine chemistry – commonly ordered blood chemistries (e.g., liver and kidney function tests). *Special chemistry – elaborate techniques such as electrophoresis, and manual testing methods. *Clinical endocrinology – the study of hormones, and diagnosis of endocrine disorders. *Toxicology – the study of drugs of abuse and other chemicals. *Therapeutic Drug Monitoring – measurement of therapeutic medication levels to optimize dosage. *Urinalysis – chemical analysis of urine for a wide array of diseases, along with other fluids such as CSF and effusions *Fecal analysis – mostly for detection of gastrointestinal disorders.
The first decade of the 20th century brought the basics of quantum theory (Planck, Einstein) and interpretation of spectral series of hydrogen by Lyman in VUV and by Paschen in infrared. Ritz formulated the combination principle. John William Nicholson had created an atomic model in 1912, a year before Niels Bohr, that was both nuclear and quantum in which he showed that electron oscillations in his atom matched the solar and nebular spectral lines. Bohr had been working on his atom during this period, but Bohr's model had only a single ground state and no spectra until he incorporated the Nicholson model and referenced the Nicholson papers in his model of the atom. In 1913, Bohr formulated his quantum mechanical model of atom. This stimulated empirical term analysis. Bohr published a theory of the hydrogen-like atoms that could explain the observed wavelengths of spectral lines due to electrons transitioning from different energy states. In 1937 "E. Lehrer created the first fully-automated spectrometer" to help more accurately measure spectral lines. With the development of more advanced instruments such as photo-detectors scientists were then able to more accurately measure specific wavelength absorption of substances.
Physical Chemistry
While RBS is generally used to measure the bulk composition and structure of a sample, it is possible to obtain some information about the structure and composition of the sample surface. When the signal is channeled to remove the bulk signal, careful manipulation of the incident and detection angles can be used to determine the relative positions of the first few layers of atoms, taking advantage of blocking effects. The surface structure of a sample can be changed from the ideal in a number of ways. The first layer of atoms can change its distance from subsequent layers (relaxation); it can assume a different two-dimensional structure than the bulk (reconstruction); or another material can be adsorbed onto the surface. Each of these cases can be detected by RBS. For example, surface reconstruction can be detected by aligning the beam in such a way that channeling should occur, so that only a surface peak of known intensity should be detected. A higher-than-usual intensity or a wider peak will indicate that the first layers of atoms are failing to block the layers beneath, i.e. that the surface has been reconstructed. Relaxations can be detected by a similar procedure with the sample tilted so the ion beam is incident at an angle selected so that first-layer atoms should block backscattering at a diagonal; that is, from atoms which are below and displaced from the blocking atom. A higher-than-expected backscattered yield will indicate that the first layer has been displaced relative to the second layer, or relaxed. Adsorbate materials will be detected by their different composition, changing the position of the surface peak relative to the expected position. RBS has also been used to measure processes which affect the surface differently from the bulk by analyzing changes in the channeled surface peak. A well-known example of this is the RBS analysis of the premelting of lead surfaces by Frenken, Maree and van der Veen. In an RBS measurement of the Pb(110) surface, a well-defined surface peak which is stable at low temperatures was found to become wider and more intense as temperature increase past two-thirds of the bulk melting temperature. The peak reached the bulk height and width as temperature reached the melting temperature. This increase in the disorder of the surface, making deeper atoms visible to the incident beam, was interpreted as pre-melting of the surface, and computer simulations of the RBS process produced similar results when compared with theoretical pre-melting predictions. RBS has also been combined with nuclear microscopy, in which a focused ion beam is scanned across a surface in a manner similar to a scanning electron microscope. The energetic analysis of backscattered signals in this kind of application provides compositional information about the surface, while the microprobe itself can be used to examine features such as periodic surface structures.
Physical Chemistry
Mono-BOC-cystamine (mono BOC protected cystamine) is a tert-butyloxycarbonyl (BOC) derivative of cystamine used as crosslinker in biotechnology and molecular biology applications. This compound was originally reported by Hansen et al.
Most of the methyl chloride present in the environment ends up being released to the atmosphere. After being released into the air, the atmospheric lifetime of this substance is about 10 months with multiple natural sinks, such as ocean, transport to the stratosphere, soil, etc. On the other hand, when the methyl chloride emitted is released to water, it will be rapidly lost by volatilization. The half-life of this substance in terms of volatilization in the river, lagoon and lake is 2.1 h, 25 h and 18 days, respectively. The amount of methyl chloride in the stratosphere is estimated to be 2 x 10 tonnes per year, representing 20-25% of the total amount of chlorine that is emitted to the stratosphere annually.
Environmental Chemistry