It was an honor to stand with the Tribes and see President Biden restore the Bears Ears National Monument to its original boundaries, and deeply gratifying to have a hand in gaining protection for threatened lands surrounding Chaco Culture National Historical Park.
These victories demonstrate the impact of combining The Wilderness Society’s expertise and strength with efforts led by the people who have the most at stake.
We seek the guidance of Native American and Indigenous peoples to effectively advocate for the protection of culturally significant lands and the preservation of language and culture.
Driving policy innovation to ensure equitable access to nature and inclusive public lands decision-making.
Protecting nature on this scale will not only lessen the ongoing extinction crisis but will also help curb the worst effects of climate change and ensure communities have access to clean air, clean water and outdoor spaces.
In the face of the extinction crisis, your support is helping to build a more resilient tomorrow.
“President Biden did the right thing restoring the Bears Ears National Monument.
The monument represents a historic opportunity for the federal government to learn and incorporate our tribal land management practices.
and contain most of its remaining wildlands 28% Invited by the Tribal leaders who led the efforts to create and restore Bears Ears, The Wilderness Society’s President Jamie Williams (2nd from right, back row) attended the signing ceremony on October 8, 2021.
now, and if there was ever a time to support an organization that is going to help us mitigate this crisis—and create a sustainable future for people, wildlife and wildlands—now is that time,” he insists.
Although transformative legislative solutions stalled in Congress at the end of the year, opportunities for progress remain as the Executive Branch has direct control and wide latitude over the use of federal public lands.
We are working to change the laws and policies that govern how public lands are managed so that they prioritize climate protection, equitable access to nature for everyone, and conservation—not corporate profits for fossil fuel and other extractive industries.
To build enduring approaches to managing our shared lands, we will continue to follow the lead of Tribes, communities of color, working-class and frontline communities—those directly impacted by fossil fuel extraction on public lands—and others who continue to be excluded from public lands decision making.
In 20-year withdrawal of federal lands within a 10-mile radius around Chaco Culture National Historical Park, ensuring no new oil and gas leasing or development will take place.
For decades, the Bullitt Foundation has been helping to lead the Pacific Northwest’s pursuit of a greener future, supporting efforts to conserve lands and waters, promote sustainable communities, and center racial equity and justice in the environmental movement.
“Although The Wilderness Society didn’t have a history of engagement in Seattle’s urban neighborhoods, they are trusted for their collaborative approach, their deep policy and science expertise, and their effective advocacy efforts,” he says.
And we’ll partner with local groups and leaders to connect residents to nature and achieve big policy wins, while leveraging our work at the federal level for maximum impact.
Brenda was an officer of Johnson & Johnson, leading of global compliance and quality, energy, environment, health and safety.
Highlights of our animal care impacts from October to September 2021, made possible by your support: Received more than 10,000 calls to our 24-hour hotline for reporting distressed marine mammals, leading us to dispatch responders to assess nearly 1,600 animals.
We lead as a teaching hospital by training veterinary professionals locally and internationally, and inspiring future ocean stewards through innovative school and public education programs.
We are rebuilding abundant oceans by winning science-based policies in countries that control nearly one-third of the world’s wild fish catch.
Oceana’s job is to win policy changes that make the ocean more abundant and biodiverse.
We are accountable to you for results that stop overfishing, conserve habitat, protect biodiversity, reduce pollution, and deter illegal marine activities.
Oceana’s Approach Oceana’s mission is to win policy victories that restore the world’s oceans.
We can — on a country by country basis — win policy victories that will help to restore and protect oceans worldwide.
Evidence from fisheries around the world shows that, when the right measures are put in place, fish populations bounce back.
Reducing bycatch means improving monitoring and reporting, setting bycatch limits for fisheries, and encouraging fishers to use cleaner, safer gear.
© Shutterstock/BOULENGER Xavier ©Oceana/NOAA Timely and accurate data is needed to improve fishing policies, but too often decision-makers lack this information or industrial fishing interests keep it hidden from the public.
Marine animals are at risk, whether it’s speeding vessels that strike endangered North Atlantic right whales or the brutal shark fin trade that profits from the deaths of up to 73 million sharks each year.
Our Ocean Council comprises a select group of leaders in business, policy, and philanthropy who represent and support Oceana’s efforts on the global stage.
Oceana leverages law, science, grassroots activism, lobbying, and strategic communications to win policy change around the world.
In a landmark decision, the Government of Belize passed legislation that banned the possession and use of gillnets in Belize’s waters.
Oceana and a coalition of groups filed suit in U.S. federal court that successfully delayed seismic airgun blasting in the Atlantic Ocean, preventing this dangerous and deadly practice from going forward as planned by the oil industry.
Seismic airguns create one of the loudest manmade sounds ever experienced in the ocean, which can injure or kill marine animals from zooplankton to critically endangered North Atlantic right whales.
The Philippine government issued new rules that require vessel monitoring for all commercial fishing vessels and establish a new electronic reporting system for fisheries catch data.
This decision is a major victory for transparency in the Philippines and comes after campaigning by Oceana, local governments, and other allies.
For the first time, the Pacific Fishery Management Council adopted ocean salmon fishing regulations to help save critically endangered Southern Resident orcas from extinction.
Oceana is campaigning for strengthened management and support to preserve this pristine area.
Panaon Island is home to a variety of colorful corals, including red-orange seafans (seen on the left) and yellow fire corals (peeking out on the right).
38 Oceana achieves its goals by identifying the key decision-makers and then leveraging science, law, grassroots engagement, advocacy, and strategic communications to win victories for the oceans.
The report also calls for fishery management measures, such as fishing quotas and minimum size restrictions, as well as improved methods of inspection to monitor for substitution or fraud.
The Edge of Extinction: Protecting North Atlantic Right Whales Oceana Canada outlined the plight of one of the most endangered marine mammals on the planet – the North Atlantic right whale – and highlighted steps the federal government must take to protect the remaining few and help ensure the species’ survival.
Our legal efforts help to win victories by ensuring that governments finalize new rules and protections, follow science-based management principles, and enforce key provisions of laws.
However, trawlers challenged the ban, and in December a judge nominated by President Jair Bolsonaro said trawling can resume until the Supreme Court reaches a decision on the ban’s constitutionality.
Oceana continues to engage supporters in protecting the key domestic fisheries management law in the United States: the MagnusonStevens Act.
During Oceana’s #KeepOceansFishy event series, staff hosted virtual discussions with a variety of partner organizations and experts, including a capstone event featuring award-winning chef Bun Lai, who hosted a sustainable seafood cooking demonstration with Oceana federal policy manager Ariana Spawn.
Oceana and local youth groups organized an email blast campaign to pressure the National Solid Waste Management Commission into banning single-use plastics by adding them to the national list of Non-Environmentally Acceptable Products and Packaging (NEAPP).
By combining Sailors for the Sea’s goal of educating boaters about marine conservation with Oceana’s experience mobilizing supporters to advocate for policy that supports healthy and abundant oceans, the Green Boating Initiative creates a global network of active, engaged ocean champions within the sailing and boating community.
Oceana’s field team organized a four-part training series on plastic policy.
Jacqueline Savitz, Oceana’s Chief Policy Officer for North America, advocated for the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act during a virtual rally celebrating its introduction to Congress.
Oceana urges bold action to ban bottom-trawling in Europe’s ‘protected’ areas Environment advocates conduct research expedition on Panaon Island in Southern Leyte Oceana’s campaigners design media and communications strategies that target key decision-makers, inform the public, and help us win victories.
Your support allows Oceana to carry out targeted campaigns to end overfishing, limit bycatch, protect habitats and species, curb ocean pollution, and increase the transparency of governance.
© Oceana/Eduardo Sorensen Oceana campaigns for science-based fisheries management to help restore our oceans to abundance.
Keith Addis, President Addis is the co-founder of Industry Entertainment, a leading management and production company.
Under his leadership, Oceana’s efforts led to many victories for the oceans including the protection of over destructive bottom trawling, the commitment by the world’s second-largest cruise line to stop dumping inadequately treated sewage and wastewater into the ocean, and a decision by the European Union to shut down illegal driftnetters and thereby potentially save up to 25,000 juvenile bluefin tuna from being caught.
Oceana works with artisanal fishers across Brazil to achieve its policy goals.
Oceana is rebuilding abundant and biodiverse oceans by winning science-based policies in countries that control one-third of the world’s wild fish catch.
that is the basis of WRI’s Gender Equity Practice.
The Food and Land Use Coalition, a community of more than organizations and individuals, pursues sustainable ways to grow, distribute and consume food at the grassroots and policy levels around the world.
Ashwini Hingne is a climate policy researcher and economist focused on supporting the development of low-carbon policies and pathways for India that also enable a just and equitable transition for all.
The team focuses on low-carbon, resilient and inclusive development in sectors including sustainable transport, electric mobility, renewable energy, energy access, governance, restoration and more .
This decision was spurred in part by the Low Carbon Development Initiative’s Green Economy Report, which was initiated by Indonesia’s Ministry of National Development Planning, and was supported by WRI Indonesia and the New Climate Economy, for which WRI serves as the secretariat.
Thanks in part to work by the WRI Cities team, Mexican lawmakers added a constitutional amendment in person has the right to safe, accessible, sustainable mobility.
Led by Nairobibased Cosmas Ochieng, the Center encompasses WRI’s governance work – previously housed in what was the Governance Center – and expands on it, emphasizing the importance of equity within WRI’s programs as well as in the institute as a whole.
The agreement is the first treaty in Latin America and the Caribbean designed to protect environmental defenders by making it easier for people to access information, participate in decision-making processes, and hold powerful interests accountable.
Pay gaps are measured and corrected where necessary to align with WRI’s compensation philosophy: pay for performance, based on market, free of discrimination.
People Management Certificate following completion of a yearlong program.
of Directors (as of March James Harmon CO-CHAIR Chairman, Caravel Management LLC; Former President, U .S .
The Global Board is responsible for guiding WRI’s mission, values and strategy, and for ensuring the financial integrity and effective resource management of the institute.
Our current operational investments include those that strengthen internal systems, assuring we are able to recruit and maintain our high caliber of employees and provide an environment that is adaptable to the needs of our work.
Current initiatives include: Improvements to our project management culture In the past year, WRI hired our first Project Management Lead to build out project management capacity globally.
Flexible work WRI approved a new framework prioritizing the creation of working conditions that maximize our impact while emphasizing productivity in an equitable way.
This framework offers options for in-office, remote and telework.
value chains and implement policy-oriented action to forward its commitment to reach carbon neutrality by 2060.
It highlighted many things we are doing well and provided an evidence-based starting point to drive our strategic planning efforts over the next year. Individuals, family foundations, and members of our Global Board of Directors, Global Leadership Council and Corporate Consultative Group provided a combined $that allows us to explore nascent issues, move quickly to seize emerging opportunities and leverage additional revenue.
This partnership seeks to shift the broader finance sector and the policy structures they operate in.
HSBC US is also a member of WRI’s Corporate Consultative Group, which works to advance business practices that mitigate risks and support sustainable growth.
Corporate Consultative Group This global, cross-industry network is composed of more than companies that provide philanthropic support, collaborate with our experts and engage with our cutting-edge research and data tools to accelerate sustainable business solutions.
Legacy Society The Legacy Society is a program for individuals who make planned gifts to WRI through a will, life insurance policy or estate plan.
they become participants in solving their family’s water crisis.
Now, their water crisis is in the past.
As the stories and examples in this report show, the year brought with it an undeniable shift in the way many people have come to view the importance of nature as we race to confront the climate crisis and global biodiversity loss.
We must deepen our collaboration with our peers in the NGO community, with governments and other major policy drivers as well as with corporate entities across the globe.
Our work to drive greater participation, policy and innovative funding in pursuit of a world where nature and people thrive is only possible thanks to our incredible community of partners, supporters and volunteer leaders around the globe.
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Making sure the oceans thrive through new and better-managed protected areas, global-scale sustainable fishing, innovative financing and positive policy changes to how the world governs the seas.
Protect more than ocean and enough river kilometers to stretch around the globe 25 times Take 650 million cars’ worth of emissions out of the air every year We know that these goals are ambitious—but we are also confident in our approach, which reflects decades of learning and partnership with communities and decision-makers around the world.
hectares of land Partnering with communities across the globe to restore and improve management of working lands, support the leadership of Indigenous peoples as land stewards, and conserve critical forests, grasslands and other habitats rich in carbon and biodiversity.
The trust will finance ongoing efforts to manage forests and restore salmon streams, launch new entrepreneurial ventures, invest in youth and strengthen tribal authority.
successfully push for some of the nation’s boldest state climate legislation while also creating an Environmental Justice Council to guide implementation and steer climate investments to communities facing the most severe challenges— hard-fought policy breakthroughs.
S E E M O R E Scan the code with your phone’s camera to view TNC’s vision for climate policy, or visit smartclimatepolicy.
“Nature-based solutions can deliver climate mitigation and adaptation benefits and a wide range of vital infrastructure services, such as improved water quality, flood control and disaster-risk reduction while also benefiting biodiversity,” says Andrew Deutz, TNC’s director of global policy, institutions and conservation finance.
Nature-Based Solutions: Research and Practice is the first Chineselanguage book on the subject.
This makes climate change not only a scientific, an environmental and a human issue, but also an urgent moral one.
If the right steps are taken, they say, our food system can actually protect habitat and absorb and store climate-disrupting emissions instead of producing them.
Through new partnerships with scientists, industry leaders and tech firms, TNC is finding ways to stem biodiversity loss and offer natural solutions to the climate crisis.
ER Making sure the oceans thrive through new and better-managed protected areas, global-scale sustainable fishing, innovative financing and positive policy changes to how the world governs the seas.
And the evidence shows that when done right, in the right places, some types of aquaculture can actually help restore natural systems.
Thanks to a new joint venture called Pacific Island Tuna, the government of the Marshall Islands and TNC have a business model that puts the island nation in control of every link in the supply chain.
It also offers the nation a way to verify compliance with fair labor practices on fishing vessels and enact strict sustainability practices.

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