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Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes
Well, anxiety is an emotion, not just a bodily sensation. So let’s first look at the bodily sensations that are associated with anxiety. Notice where you feel it in your body. Just spend some time sitting with it, getting familiar with it. What do you feel in your body?
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes###Input:Anxiety.###Response: Well, anxiety is an emotion, not just a bodily sensation. So let’s first look at the bodily sensations that are associated with anxiety. Notice where you feel it in your body. Just spend some time sitting with it, getting familiar with it. What do you feel in your body?
Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes
A tightness in my stomach.
Okay. So just notice that. See if you can let go of any struggle with that sensation. Is that tightness something you have to stop?
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes###Input:A tightness in my stomach.###Response: Okay. So just notice that. See if you can let go of any struggle with that sensation. Is that tightness something you have to stop?
Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes
I can have it.
Good. Now let’s come back to the emotion of anxiety. Take a moment to notice your posture toward that emotion. What does your mind say about it? Do you like it? Do you want it to go away? How do you feel about it? You can answer me.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes###Input: I can have it. ###Response: Good. Now let’s come back to the emotion of anxiety. Take a moment to notice your posture toward that emotion. What does your mind say about it? Do you like it? Do you want it to go away? How do you feel about it? You can answer me.
Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes
I don’t like it. I want it to go away.
If you had to rate, on a scale from zero to ten, how willing you are to have the feeling of anxiety, just as it is, without changing it or doing anything about it—where zero is completely unwilling and ten is completely willing and welcoming—what would you say?
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes###Input: I don’t like it. I want it to go away. ###Response: If you had to rate, on a scale from zero to ten, how willing you are to have the feeling of anxiety, just as it is, without changing it or doing anything about it—where zero is completely unwilling and ten is completely willing and welcoming—what would you say?
Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes
Three. I don’t like it and I want it to stop.
Yeah, you don’t like it. And, willing isn’t liking. You canPresent-moment awareness: Having the client observe his bodily sensations to help bring him into the moment.be willing to have what you don’t like. Remember that?
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes###Input: Three. I don’t like it and I want it to stop. ###Response: Yeah, you don’t like it. And, willing isn’t liking. You canPresent-moment awareness: Having the client observe his bodily sensations to help bring him into the moment.be willing to have what you don’t like. Remember that?
Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes
I want you to see if we can renegotiate your relationship with this feeling a bit. You rated your willingness to have the anxiety at three. Can you move that up a little more, open yourself up a bit to the feeling? And then a little more? If you can, treat it as kind of like you might clear a spot at the table for a newly arriving guest, whether or not the person is your favorite. And where are you in terms of your openness to it now?
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes###Input:Yeah###Response:I want you to see if we can renegotiate your relationship with this feeling a bit. You rated your willingness to have the anxiety at three. Can you move that up a little more, open yourself up a bit to the feeling? And then a little more? If you can, treat it as kind of like you might clear a spot at the table for a newly arriving guest, whether or not the person is your favorite. And where are you in terms of your openness to it now?
Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes
I’m at a six.
Good. Now return to visualizing that scene with your coworker. He’s there. See if you can open up even a bit more. You can’t stand this guy, and you’re not sure what to do. Notice the feelings and where you feel them in your body. Notice what your mind gives you. Notice any pull to do something, to avoid or run away. How intense is the anxiety, from zero to ten?
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes###Input:I’m at a six. ###Response:Good. Now return to visualizing that scene with your coworker. He’s there. See if you can open up even a bit more. You can’t stand this guy, and you’re not sure what to do. Notice the feelings and where you feel them in your body. Notice what your mind gives you. Notice any pull to do something, to avoid or run away. How intense is the anxiety, from zero to ten?
Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes
I want you to see if you can hold this feeling lightly, like you might hold a butterfly that has just landed on your finger. Take a few moments to do this. Must this feeling be your enemy, something you need to struggle against? Or can you let it be there just as it is? You don’t need to like it or want it, just let go of struggling against it. For a little while here, I’m going to be silent, but I want you to keep looking for what your body does. Dispassionately, as that observer, watch what your body does. And as you notice each sensation, see if you can simply acknowledge it, welcome it, and say hi to it. And as you do all of this, see if you can notice, just for a second, that there’s a part of you that stands back from all of this, noticing it all. To wrap up, I’d like you to picture the room and what it will look like when you open your eyes. And when you’re ready to come back, open your eyes. Okay, so what was your experience with that?
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes###Input:Six###Response: I want you to see if you can hold this feeling lightly, like you might hold a butterfly that has just landed on your finger. Take a few moments to do this. Must this feeling be your enemy, something you need to struggle against? Or can you let it be there just as it is? You don’t need to like it or want it, just let go of struggling against it. For a little while here, I’m going to be silent, but I want you to keep looking for what your body does. Dispassionately, as that observer, watch what your body does. And as you notice each sensation, see if you can simply acknowledge it, welcome it, and say hi to it. And as you do all of this, see if you can notice, just for a second, that there’s a part of you that stands back from all of this, noticing it all. To wrap up, I’d like you to picture the room and what it will look like when you open your eyes. And when you’re ready to come back, open your eyes. Okay, so what was your experience with that?
Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes
Well, it was kind of intense at first. I didn’t really want to be doing the exercise. But I did it anyway. I felt a little better as we went along. It got less intense.
Okay, so it got less intense. For what we’re doing, it’s not really important whether or not it got less intense. Sometimes feelings are intense, sometimes not. They’re always changing. What’s more important here is your struggle against it. Did you notice any difference between when you were more willing later and when you were less willing at first?
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes###Input: Well, it was kind of intense at first. I didn’t really want to be doing the exercise. But I did it anyway. I felt a little better as we went along. It got less intense.###Response:Okay, so it got less intense. For what we’re doing, it’s not really important whether or not it got less intense. Sometimes feelings are intense, sometimes not. They’re always changing. What’s more important here is your struggle against it. Did you notice any difference between when you were more willing later and when you were less willing at first?
Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes
Yeah, I felt more tense at first. It was hard work. It waseasier, somehow, later when I was more willing. I was more open I guess...even though it was scarier in some way.
Neat. So let me ask you this: Is there a way you could bring a greater degree of willingness to doing this kind of thing in your real life? What’s something you could do that would be about being the kind of manager you want to be that would require some willingness, such as what you just practiced?
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes###Input: Yeah, I felt more tense at first. It was hard work. It waseasier, somehow, later when I was more willing. I was more open I guess...even though it was scarier in some way.###Response: Neat. So let me ask you this: Is there a way you could bring a greater degree of willingness to doing this kind of thing in your real life? What’s something you could do that would be about being the kind of manager you want to be that would require some willingness, such as what you just practiced?
Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes
I guess I could go confront that guy.
Yeah, you could do that. My sense is that maybe we need to lay a little more groundwork before we get to that, so maybe we’re not there yet. I wonder if there’s anything else you’ve been thinking about doing that’s kind of scary that would feel like a step in a positive direction?
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes###Input:I guess I could go confront that guy.###Response: Yeah, you could do that. My sense is that maybe we need to lay a little more groundwork before we get to that, so maybe we’re not there yet. I wonder if there’s anything else you’ve been thinking about doing that’s kind of scary that would feel like a step in a positive direction?
Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes
Well, I know I don’t even walk by his office. I mean, if I even think of walking by his office, I get anxious.
So you avoid walking by his office because that makes you anxious. One thing we might do is have you walk by his office while watching what shows up for you as you do that—doing it with willingness, not struggling, but maintaining the sense of openness and willingness you practiced in this exercise. What we’re working on here is your ability to stay present with yourself even as you do some things that are difficult. We’re helping you learn to make room for whatever part of your history shows up in the moment and to keep your feet moving in your valued direction. And what’s doing this hard work about? What’s the value that you’re trying to live out here?
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes###Input:Well, I know I don’t even walk by his office. I mean, if I even think of walking by his office, I get anxious.###Response:So you avoid walking by his office because that makes you anxious. One thing we might do is have you walk by his office while watching what shows up for you as you do that—doing it with willingness, not struggling, but maintaining the sense of openness and willingness you practiced in this exercise. What we’re working on here is your ability to stay present with yourself even as you do some things that are difficult. We’re helping you learn to make room for whatever part of your history shows up in the moment and to keep your feet moving in your valued direction. And what’s doing this hard work about? What’s the value that you’re trying to live out here?
Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes
Letting my coworkers know I care, making my workplace fun, and building a sense of teamwork.
Does spending some time practicing getting more familiar with these feelings and practicing willingness with them seem like a step in that direction?
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes###Input: Letting my coworkers know I care, making my workplace fun, and building a sense of teamwork.###Response:Does spending some time practicing getting more familiar with these feelings and practicing willingness with them seem like a step in that direction?
Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes
Yeah, because i need to be able to talk to that guy. He's hurting our morale at work
So maybe you could spend some time purposely experiencing that feeling of being intimidated by him, feeling anxious about what might happen, as you did today. If you were to spend some time each day walking by his office, would that do it?
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes###Input:Yeah, because i need to be able to talk to that guy. He's hurting our morale at work###Response: So maybe you could spend some time purposely experiencing that feeling of being intimidated by him, feeling anxious about what might happen, as you did today. If you were to spend some time each day walking by his office, would that do it?
Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes
Yeah, that would be a good start. How about I do it twice a day?
That sounds great. And remember, as you do it, try to bring a mindful, welcoming posture to whatever reactions show up for you. Watch your willingness as you do it, watch which passengers show up, and welcome them in. Treat your own reactions kindly. And remember, this isn’t about making this stuff go away; it’s about learning to carry your own history forward into a more powerful and effective life at work.
Below is an instruction that describes a task, paired with an input that provides further context. Write a response that appropriately completes the request. ### Instruction: Sample Dialogue Illustrating Flexible Work with All Six Processes###Input: Yeah, that would be a good start. How about I do it twice a day?###Response: That sounds great. And remember, as you do it, try to bring a mindful, welcoming posture to whatever reactions show up for you. Watch your willingness as you do it, watch which passengers show up, and welcome them in. Treat your own reactions kindly. And remember, this isn’t about making this stuff go away; it’s about learning to carry your own history forward into a more powerful and effective life at work.