Ah, I don't... Alice started before yelping in surprise when the stick struck Nathan. She looked at the teacher and then the sign that was being pointed at. She blinked in astonishment, the sign wasn't there the last time she attended, was it a special rule made because the princess were going to attend to avoid suitors from harassing her? The girl remembered the princess complaining that she didn't look forward to marriage at all. Still, she should've noticed it sooner, they wouldn't get in trouble if she had. Looking apologetically towards Nathan, Alice opened her mouth to speak her apology but was stilled by the teacher's malicious glare as Nathan stood up and left the hall to look for Meira. "Ah, yes sir," Alice nervously nodded when the teacher turned his attention to her. Slowly, she moved over to another group with familiar faces where she was greeted with teasing over her demerit.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
A familiar voice called out to Reala as it laughed about her sudden weakness. When it pierced Reala's mind her pupil's grew very large and fear pulsed through her entire body. As she trembled in fear, she couldn't believe it with her own eyes even if she wanted to refuse to acknowledge it. "You're weak, Reala. Looks like that injury has taken a lot out of you. Making Meira an easier target for me." "DAMN YOU!" Reala barked as she materialized her sword into her hands as she tried to charge the enemy, but her attack was sloppy where they easily avoided it. Reala fell to one knee embracing her wound which throbbed, because she had just gone and aggravated her own injury. "You two, just get to class. I'll deal with this even if it is the end of me!" The figure that confronted them was completely robed in black. His face was even covered with his outfit and only you could see his two eyes which pierced through the darkness of the hood he wore over his head. Meira saw that Reala was in absolutely no condition to battle. Knowing that she looked over toward Reala and yelled at her with a very concerning look filling her entire face, "Reala, you're hurt! There's no way you can fight this person on your own! He'd kill you before you even got a hit on him!" Despite how aggressive Reala was, the figure showed no sign of attacking either girls. This bothered Reala to no end and confused Meira not understanding why the person was there in the first place. A shady figure appearing out of nowhere and Reala spotting his shadow. Not only that, confronted my sister and calling her out on her weakness? Seems pretty suspicious to me. Meira thought to herself as she noticed Nathan had reached out to grab her. She slapped his hand away then pointed at her sister who was knelt down on one knee and a very dangerous figure that stood right behind her. "I understand your concern about my aunt, Nathan but this is not the time for that. If we don't stop Reala, she'll do something really stupid!" "YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!" Reala yelled as her anger fueled the rage she felt inside. Despite having so much strength, her physical body just didn't have the strength to endure. "I'LL KILL YOU!!!" Reala yelled as she tried to rise to her feet, but the pain was just unbearable that her body just couldn't take it where it reacted on its own. "Stupid body, I command you to do as I say. I don't give a damn about my well-being!" "HAHAHAHAH!" The figure laughed as he began to grin at Reala. Even though Reala was being so hostile, the figure showed no sign of attacking her or any aggression. "It's your physical bounds that hold you back, Reala. That is why you're so pathetic! You'll never realize your true potential like that! A burden you have to protect closely or it will make you regret it."
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
The figure closed his eyes and grinned as he saw Nathan pushed Reala away which he could see irritated her. He examined Nathan closely as he measured his energy readings. "Interesting..." They said as their grin grew larger and with their mouth closed laughed diabolically. "So you're The Sentinel. I didn't think I'd run into you so quickly, but do you honestly think someone as puny as you could provide as a sword and shield for those two girls?" Reala was pushed backward which only fueled her anger even more. Meira sighed as she nodded at Mithos grabbing her sister's hand and pulling her away from the scene. The two fled up the stairs where Reala's eyes burned with fire, "I NEVER ASKED YOU TO HELP ME!" Were the only words that came out as Meira used her other hand to cover her mouth with to prevent her from saying anything else selfish. "JUST DON'T PUSH YOURSELF TOO HARD, NATHAN!" Meira answered back as she towed her sister along with toward the entrance of the building. Reala was still angry as she expressed it with her facial expression as she was finally pulled into the building out of harm's way. "So, you want to fight me? What do you think you would accomplish even if you fought me? I already killed both girls mothers and you would just be adding to their pain should you fall. Why don't you just retreat for now, because I didn't come to fight anyone." The figure grinned since he had no interest in fighting anyone today. There was no one really around who piqued his interest and the only person that was worth fighting was down for the count. He wasn't about to fight her like a coward who would kick a man when they're down.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
I'll answer your question if you can defeat me. I don't mean here. The figure paused as he threw him a flyer announcing the school was holding a martial arts tournament. The flyer said on it The Gaelan World Dark Martial Arts and Combat Tournament saying that each school would be enlisting entrants for it. "If you can make it all the way to the finals to fight me and actually defeat me then I'll answer your questions. Until then, I will leave you to think about what I meant by my words. That is if a chump like you is bold enough to enter a tournament that may cost you your life." The figure finished as a sudden black smoke surrounded him which made it hard to see. He eventually disappeared as the smoke began to dissipate. There was no sign of the individual other than the footprints left on the ground that they left. "Oh by the way, I was also the one who killed your parents Nozdormu and Ysera, Netharion Alduin. Hahahah, it was fun to watch your mother desperately beg for your life before I killed her. You should have seen the rage on your father's face before I killed him too. All of them wanting me to spare your pathetic life. AHAHAHAHAH!!! Their blood was most enjoyable quenching my thirst." Even though he had disappeared he let Nathan hear those words in attempt to break or at least shake him up.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
When Nathan returned to inside the building, Reala stood up with a very fiery angry expression on her face marching over quickly toward where Nathan was. She then rose her hand up and slapped him very hard across the face, because using magic inside the school probably wasn't a good idea. "HOW DARE YOU!" She screamed off the top of her lungs as Meira could only watch as her sister was obviously very upset. "Why? Why did you interfere? Stop helping me! I can take care of myself. I'm not some poor defenseless girl and I never asked you to help me in the first place! Just leave me alone, okay? I can take care of myself." Reala said as you could see her eyes had started to water from the facial expression she was giving Nathan. It was obvious by how she reacted that she was a very lonely person who did not appreciate the company of others when it came to her problems. Ever since she was a child, she had fended for herself and never relied on anyone else. But that had changed when two people helped her when she never wanted their help in the first place. She tried to walk away but fell to one knee as she held where she was wounded cringing in pain since once again she had aggravated her wound. "Reala, don't you think that was a little harsh?" Meira questioned as she had immediate concern for her sister who had been wounded awhile ago. She knew Reala was pushing herself if the wound hadn't healed already. Her sister was very stubborn and didn't listen to anyone when it came to herself. Meira then noticed someone at the desk was yelling for her name and saw the woman was getting impatient where she chuckled with her eyes closed, "I'll be right back... Heheheh."
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Reala could only look at Nathan as she listened to what he said while all the students retrieved their books and study guides for their classes and informed what district they would be in. While that was going on Reala could only think for a moment until they called her turn. She walked over and retrieved her materials then walked over to where Nathan was standing. She couldn't sit down otherwise it would be seen as fraternizing with the boys. The thought of a teacher yelling at her didn't bother her where She stared down at the ground then swept her hand across her face to prevent tears from falling down her face. She could not let Nathan see that she was getting emotional. It she did, it would be a weakness her enemy could use against her. Staying strong she shook off the tremendous pressure from the pain she felt from her loneliness and trying to use it further to act like she wasn't even hurt. She then tilted her head with a fiery look of a serious nature filled her entire face. She could feel the strength of that feeling all over her body as it pulsed through her veins giving her a new refreshed confidence after all that was said. "Look, I understand what you're saying, but you cannot convince me to think otherwise. This is my problem so just stay out of it. You have no idea how I feel so don't even think you know! How could you? Unlike you, I had to fend for myself when my foster parents died. How could you possibly understand what it is like to have to go through what I've been through?" Reala paused for a moment as she saw memories she shared with her foster parents. Ones that she couldn't forget, especially the ones that kept them close together as one nicely knitted family. "Reala, don't be like this! Everyone needs friends to rely on!" Meira tried to remind her, but Reala shook her head in disbelief as she turned her attention away from Meira. Meira knew Nathan only wanted to help her sister and she wanted to assist too, but Reala's do it herself ego stood in the way of trying to grow a closer relationship toward her. When Meira said she would help Reala and held at her hand, Reala slapped it away in disgust. When Reala slapped Meira's hand away she looked at her with a hurt look on her face. "I was only trying to help, Reala. You don't have to be so damn stubborn. We are sisters after all? Doesn't that mean anything?" Reala immediately turn her back on Meira and gave her a hmph expression crossing her arms. "You're a Princess, Meira. Unlike you I don't need anyone to protect me. Since you are a natural born leader you need everyone to protect you. Now just stop bothering me already!" With that said Reala walked over back toward where the girls were supposed to be as she awaited the announcement there train was going to arrive soon. She didn't mind being in the same class as Meira, but she didn't want anything to do with Nathan. She saw him as an obstacle who could become a problem if she didn't keep an eye on him. She turned around and her words rang a very serious vibe when they pierced the air in the room, "Stop trying to think you understand me, Nathan. At least I can control my power unlike you who needs someone to hold your hand! Now you need my aunt to hold your hand. You're so pathetic! You can't do anything on your own. You're so dependent. Why don't you just shut up already!" She paused for a moment as she pointed her finger at him where she continued, "Get in my way, Nathan and I will kill you! If you don't think I'm serious then just try me. I will do what I feel needs to be done. I don't need you telling me who and who I can't fight. You aren't my father and you certainly aren't my damn brother!" "REALA!!!" Meira yelled at her certainly offended by what her sister had just said about her friend. "Don't you think that was brutally harsh?" "It's not my problem if he can't handle the truth." Reala shrugged as she continued to walk away where she returned to the wall she was leaning against. When she left, Meira could tell that Reala did not mean those words and she was just angry and frustrated. There was no way her sister would say such a thing even if she didn't want help from others.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Why do you continue to get in my face? You don't give a damn about me so just leave me alone, okay? You have my sister to take care of. Protect her and stop trying to get close to me. I don't need friends. All they do is weigh you down. Reala said as she turned around with fire burning in her eyes. The passion burning on Reala's face was strong which almost drove her toward attacking Nathan. He was really pissing her off and she was tired of listening to his excuses. "Don't give me an excuse to let you help me, because I don't want your help. I do not understand why you just do not get it!" "I will not allow you to trash talk one of my own so..." Reala gave up a deep sigh as she placed her palm on Nathan's torso then concentrated her energy until it formed a glyph which shattered the one that was inside Nathan's body as it became shards of energy before dissipating. "I don't expect any thanks. There, I undone the seal for you? Happy now? Now leave me alone already!" "Reala..." Meira called Reala's name as she was quite lost on what just happened. She thought to herself quietly as she tried to put together what she just did. She just broke a very powerful magic seal. I cannot believe my eyes at the moment.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Unfortunately for Nathan Reala didn't really care whether he believed her or not. She wasn't about to trust someone who got in her way since she was determined to fulfill her promise she made toward her mother. "Believe what you want." Reala paused as she walked by Nathan then turned around to continue, "I don't really care whether you trust me or not, because I will never trust you after you disgraced me in front of Meira. You can take your trust and put it where the sun doesn't shine. That's what I think of it. Why should I trust you? Just because you saved me? Hah, you just want me to look weak just like any other male who looks at women only for their looks. I am stronger than you and I am capable of more than you. I don't need you. I can do everything myself without your help." Reala concluded as she pushed Nathan into a wall away from her and decided to go someplace where he wouldn't disturb her. She was tired of listening to his excuses. She was tired of listening to how he didn't trust her or her aunt. Like she cared what he thought. What he thought wouldn't change the fact that man killed her mother in cold blood. It didn't change the fact her mother probably looked down on her for not seizing the opportunity. "Just stay out of my way from now on. Don't even help me for my sister's sake. You are worthless piece of trash I want nothing to do with. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to something I need to do. Do not follow me." When she heard him talk about how he was going to fight the man in the martial arts tournament, she turned around and gave him a icy gaze before she just walked away. She decided she would just do what she about to do. Not allowing anyone to stop her nor was she about to listen to anyone for that reason. "Why can't she understand that she's not alone? Why can't she understand that her well-being affects others? She's so damn stubborn when it comes to herself. When it comes to her motives, it's near next to impossible to sway her mind." Meira complained as she could only watch Reala walk away. She didn't understand why Reala refused to trust those who tried to help her. She wanted to remind Reala she wasn't alone and that she didn't need to face everything on her own. "Nathan, Reala didn't mean anything she said. I know it sounds like she did, but she's just angry and very frustrated. Frustrated that she didn't have the strength to overcome her own weaknesses. She sees being injured as a weakness and she is beating herself up over being too weak to overcome the pain she is served by her own recklessness. Please do not think badly of her, she's a good person by heart. It's just that she's very stubborn when it comes to her own health."
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
I've known Reala since we were children, Nathan. She would always visit me so we could play despite refusing to live with anyone. Ranathia wanted to take her in as her own, but Reala refused saying she didn't want to burden anyone with her problems. Meira paused for a moment as she sighed trying to forget about everything that had happened. Though she wasn't about to forget about her sister who needed someone to be there for her. A person who would save her from the darkness within her loneliness. "You can have any opinion you want about her, but she's my sister and we've known each other since we were children. You will not change my view over my own sister so do not even try. I know her better than anyone and your view of her is completely off. She grew stronger on her own without anyone's help and she finds she would get weaker if she accepted anyone's help. That's why she feels she has to do everything herself. Because she felt she was too weak to defeat her mother's killer. So she now has to get stronger so that she can confront them again. Try as you must, Nathan but you will never understand Reala or my Aunt Ranathia." She paused for a moment as her eyes shifted into a more definite expressive position, "I won't allow you to badmouth them. Remember that, Nathan." "What's that?" Meira questioned when Nathan showed her a flyer of some tournament that was going to enlist people from the schools to enter. She wasn't entirely sure why it was being held, but if it included the word "dark" it meant there were no rules other than the occassional ring out. Meaning people would fight until the death if necessary and the opponent could kill their target without consequence.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Meira sighed as she noticed Nathan had picked up on the fact that she had deceived him about knowing about her sister. It wasn't like she did intentionally. She had her reasons for lying like that and one of them was she doesn't like talking about her sister. It always ended up in a two sided argument where she would defend her sister no matter what. "Sorry, I lied about Reala. Just don't like talking about my sister is all. Anyway, I just wish Reala would find some way to be happy. Ever since we were children, she has never smiled or laughed once. She carries around that doom and gloom look everyday. It's like she's empty and very lonely, but it's too dark for her to navigate herself out of her own loneliness. I just wish there were something I could do for. For once, I would like to see her happy. I would like to see her smile or just laugh at a funny joke. I'm tired of seeing those sad eyes she drags around for baggage. But she refuses to listen to anyone when it comes to herself. She go as far as talking really nasty so people will dislike or hate her so she doesn't have to worry about them getting in her way again. Why does she have to continue to punish herself like that?" "Don't underestimate that man, Nathan. I sensed a very dangerous power from him. Exercise extreme caution when fighting him." Meira warned as she could judge by his character he did not play by the rules nor did he play nice for that matter. Knowing how strong that person was really bothered Meira. Even if he didn't try to slay Reala, still it disturbed her that he made it clear she was his target. She didn't know why he would target her and anytime she tried to recall the confrontation her mind just drew a blank.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Class? Meira questioned as she realized the train hadn't arrived yet. Also she saw that Reala was nowhere to be seen. She wasn't sure what Nathan was talking about being late to class? How could they be late if they haven't even arrived at the school yet. "Nathan, our train isn't even here. I don't know what you are talking about, but this is not a school building. They just use to keep track of how many people enlist into going to school in Windgrace." Meira sighed as she laughed softly at Nathan's blunder. She thought it was funny that Nathan automatically assumed they were at school. It was apparent to her that he had never been to a school in his entire life and the fact he was educated was a little hard to believe. "Over this way." Meira said as she grabbed Nathan's hand and dragged him off to the train station which was downstairs underneath the main builiding. The station was crowded with not only students, but other people from Windgrace who were using them to travel to their destination. A row of benches were in front of them with columns off to the side and a few of the walls had vending machines and a very large bin which was for trash stood reside them. Meira let go of Nathan's hand as she walked over and took a seat awaiting for the train to arrive. "Now we just wait for the train to our school to arrive."
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Clueless as ever is he? A familiar voice said as Meira turned around and noticed it was Reala. Meira jumped up in excitement to see her sister had gotten over what was bothering her earlier. Even though she had gotten over it, she still looked so empty and her eyes continued to show the same sadness they always showed. Meira wanted to find some way to make her sister smile, but all her attempts she had tried in the past ended in failure. "Did you come back to apologize for how you acted earlier, Reala?" Meira asked where Reala closed her eyes nodding at her. Reala had come back to apologize for her actions toward her sister, but she despised Nathan which made flames ignite underneath her skin though she did her best to control her by remaining composed. She grabbed Meira where she gave off a small smirk with a nod where she answered Meira's question, "You, yes." She paused as she gave a cold icy gaze at Nathan where she continued, "Him, no." But that was all she said. Meira anticipated she might try to insult Nathan after saying she wasn't going to apologize, but she was wrong. Reala just phrased those two words boldly before she went silent. "I agree, Nathan doesn't know much about school or how the school systems work around her, but he's not that bad of a person. He's very kind even though he's pretty naive about how this world works." Meira said only to have Reala interrupted her sighing deeply, "Yeah Meira, but you have no room to talk either. You are pretty lost on how the world works too." Despite her hostility toward Nathan and saying a lot of nasty comments about him she still had the dignity inside her to actually defend him. Meira found it strange though she knew it is just like Reala to point out the oversight in people's insults.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
'So she knows what this Sentinel thing is?' Nathan thought. 'I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. Although...if she knows, then who else does?' He wondered as he glanced at Meira. Once more deciding not to say anything to Reala to avoid provoking her. 'So she plans to enter the tournament too? That could be problematic if I have to fight her. While I'm very experienced at taking out people like her, there is still that seal on me. Sure my powers are all back, but for all I know, she could use it on me in the fight. Hell, if what I've heard is right, that would be a perfectly okay thing to do. This isn't looking good' scratching the back of his head in frustration 'I'm going to need to find a way to block her attempts at triggering it, otherwise I might not stand a chance. Or maybe I'll get lucky, and her pride will keep her from using it. Heh, what am I saying? I never get lucky.'
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Judging by how you are looking at me you think I'm going to pull a dirty trick when we meet in battle and you are dead wrong. I do not use dirty tricks to subdue my foes unless they are malicious. You do not fit that category. You know absolutely nothing about me and yet your body language is already telling me that you think I'm going to cheat. Think what you want if you want to think like a paranoid fool. Doesn't bother me one way or another. Reala said as she turned her attention away from Nathan with no intention of adding anything else to what she had originally said. After she had said that to Nathan a train pulled up where Reala grabbed her bag then began walking then said with her back turned toward Meira, "Do you plan on traveling with that bumbling idiot? I wanted to sit next to you on the train, but I'll sit behind you if that nuisance is going to sit across from you." Meira looked at Reala and nodded as she followed her onto the train when it stopped and opened its doors. Both walked onto the train then took their seats in the middle of the car placing their bags up above in a storage place above their heads. The train became crowded quickly, but Reala turned her head to notice a short haired girl and another one with the same hairstyle as Meira along with some man who gave her a vibe that she should be cautious.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Meira and Reala talked to each other while Nathan sat over by himself until the train finally arrived at its destination. The conductor yelled at the kids it was time for them to get off and head for the school building. It was still a bit early in the morning so the students could hang out with each other until the first bell rang which warned them that they had five minutes before class started. Meira and Reala both walked off together passing by Nathan as they exited the train. They saw that their school was a very large four story building that stretched pretty far in both directions. There were four glass doors with lots of windows at the entrance and railings along the sidewalk as they walked up the steps toward the top part of the walkway. "Oh hello, Alice." Meira said as she saw Alice had walked by her and Reala both. Reala was busy looking at her phone and Meira was thinking about Ranathia and how much fun she had to be having exploring ruins while she was stuck at school which really sucked for her. "Why don't you come sit with us. My sister won't bite so don't worry." She reminded Alice as she waited for her to come take a seat by the two on the steps leading up toward the entrance.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
The ride on the train was mostly a quiet one, though it soon changed for Alice as she and the rest of the class saw that Princess Meira was in the same class as them. Murmur started to spread and even more so when said princess invited Alice, of all people, to sit near her. Alice fidgeted as she felt the eyes looking at her and looked unsure. She couldn't just ignore the princess' request, could she? She was still trying to make a decision when another one pulled her by her arm towards the two princesses. "A-Anne!" Alice yelped toward the smiling girl that's pulling her. "It would be an honor for her, Your," the one called Anne said as she pushed a bewildered Alice forward to the seat. "She's a bit shy, but please take a good care of her." The murmur died down for a bit before whispering replaced them, certain people could make out what was being said, which were mostly 'damn, should've thought of that.' The princesses could definitely feel that the eyes were all on them however.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Ah, umm, Alice gaped, looking between the two princesses and her friend. She finally nodded, "It's an honor, Your Highness." Meanwhile, her friend beamed at the invitation and nudged Alice with her elbow. "Oh! Right, um, Princess, th- let me introduce you Anne..nis Rosengard." She said before Annenis followed up. "I am honored, Your Higness. Annenis of the Rosengard family at your service." They both then took a seat when the remaining students also scatter and took their seat, most were grumbling but a few had gathered the courage to approach the princess, but were unable to as the bell rung and a teacher went in. Alice saw Nathan sitting on the back and gave him an apologetic gesture for the earlier problem with the overseeing teacher.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Reala was about to say something when she noticed the boys stopped when they were confronted by what looked to be another pink haired girl, but since her back was turned toward her, neither Reala or Meira could tell who she was. Meira knew that she couldn't be the girl from earlier. That girl wasn't as tall and her hair was styled a bit differently with it in one giant ponytail that was tied off toward her right side. The girl looked at the boys as she moved into a normal stance confronting them with a smile on her face, "Would you guys mind giving me a hand?" Several of them drooled at the thought of helping a beautiful girl while a few others were in shock, because of her appearance. They couldn't believe what they just saw. They also couldn't explain how this girl reminded them so much of Meira who was sitting with her sister Reala. The same girl that hung out with their hated enemy Nathan, because they wanted to be closer to that girl. Not some lame old peasant kid that knew nothing about the world around him. "Sure, what do you want us to help you with, babe?" One of the boys grinned having dirty thoughts in his mind about what he could do that girl. "I need someone to warm up on. You guys look good enough to spar with. So how about it?" The pink haired girl smiled as she smiled toward the boys though underneath her smile was a wicked grin that she was about to mop the floor with these punks. "Warm up? We'd beat you to a pulp, little girl!" The boys laughed as they surrounded the girl. Each one of them had their own idea of what they could do with this girl, but she just shook her head. "Now be a good girl and behave. We aren't going to hurt you." One of them said as they tried to grab the girl's arm, but she dropped and into a powerful sweep which took his legs out right from underneath him and when another one tried to grab her from behind her fist flew in an upward position slightly over her shoulder as it made contact with his face then a whirlwind kick to kick him away. "Why you bitch!" One of them yelled as they charged at the girl where she grinned then charged energy into her fist which was in the color of a very azure blue. The energy accumulated as it hissed and howled as she blasted wind around her due to her aura. Students had to cover their eyes, because of the brightness of the energy when she was absorbing it into her body. A few more boys tried to charge, but when she was fully ready to release the blast, she brought her fist forward in a powerful right hook releasing a massive discharge of energy in the form of a convergent blast which formed a blue dragon that was sent spiraling at her target. As that blast was prepared she turned in a one eighty and brought forth her left hand as hard as she could in a powerful right hook which released a similar blast. Both were convergent blasts in the shape of a serpent like dragon with their mouths wide open as they closed in on her targets. "Chroma Blast Caliber!" Meira and Reala looked in shock as the boys were blasted by the energy writhing in pain as it burned them badly. They were then sent backwards landing hard on the ground when the smoke all cleared. The girl had the same grin on her face as when she released it and Meira and Reala were shocked when they saw the girl's face.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
The name is Taru Zairaveisha. That was fun, can we do it again some time? Taru said as she came into full appearance. The girl was wearing a short red dress with two thin shoulder straps that held on her body. You could see the straps of her bra that the straps laid over neath and her short dress came down to her upper thighs. She wore a pair red and black sandals with no socks. It was apparent Taru enjoyed their little skirmish since she had her eyes closed laughing in joy. "Oh sorry, Danny. Hello to you too. My mind was taken in by the sudden appearance of that girl who looks like Meira and yes Meira is my sister. We are twin sisters, in fact." Reala apologized as she turned her attention away from the pink haired girl who had just mopped the floor with a group of boys. That kind of energy she used wasn't one that Reala knew about. That attack also looked a lot like the Elan Blast Caliber except she used her fists and instead of palms. She also used a one eighty twist to launch the second one. "That girl looks like..." Meira paused as she found herself unable to finish that statement. She was in shock when she saw a girl who looked exactly like her. Her appearance down to her eyes, nose, chin and face resembled Meira perfectly. What was going on? She thought in her mind as she couldn't find any explanation of what just happened in her mind. That girl sounded like she was having fun when she was fighting those boys? But where did she come from and who exactly is she? She said her name was Taru Zeiraveisha. Don't exactly recognize that name at all.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Taru saw a group of people staring at her that were seated near the entrance of the building, she walked over while teachers behind her were talking about something. Most likely what just happened after Taru took out several boys who were about to jump Nathan. She walked over toward the people having a seat while her sister was standing with a man right behind her who all watched what had just happened a moment ago. Taru knelt down onto one knee as she spoke toward the group, "Oh hello, Nathan." She paused as she looked at Nathan. She then directed her attention toward Meira and Reala, "How are you doing Meira and Reala?" Meira and Reala both looked at this totally confused. How did this girl know their names and also know Nathan's name? What exactly was going on? The other students were still stunned by the sudden appearance of the pink haired maiden as they could only stare onward unable to say a single word as the students suddenly went very quiet. Meira nerves jumped in her body when she heard the girl call her name. Not only did she look just like her, but now she knew her name? Who was this mysterious girl and why was she there in the first place? Meira was completely left speechless like the rest of the students and it didn't look like Reala could get off a word either. She was about to answer Danny, but the shock from what just happened now made it difficult for either of the girls to speak.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Taru. A voice said coldly as it revealed itself to be the same man that was standing there earlier, but when he removed his veil he looked like a very young man with long silver blueish hair. The man was wearing the same school uniform the other students were wearing except he wore a very large black duster over top of it. Taru eyes dazzled when she saw how handsome this person she knew looked like when he was younger. She couldn't contain her thoughts of how much of a hunk she thought he looked like. All the other girls were falling over their selves too over the good looks of this man. They had never met such a mysterious handsome young man in their school before. "Wow Sentius, you are a looker when you were younger. I can't believe that you are the same Sentius I knew when you used your other body." Sentius despite all the girls going wild over him ignored them all. He didn't really look like the social kind since he didn't even answer Taru's compliment about him. He didn't have time to waste with girls going wild over him. He had unfinished business he had to attend to and first he could do it by testing the balance in the area. Enrolling in the school was a perfect opportunity for him to gauge the area and the damage it had taken from one month ago. He heard a fool destroyed a vital pillar and it damaged the Chrono Sphere barrier. Like usual, he didn't say a word remaining very quiet. "Oh sorry, Sentius." Taru said apologetically as she rose to her feet and walked away from Meira and the others. It was obvious that Sentius didn't want her to intermingle with the others, but she wasn't entirely sure why. Reala couldn't contain her self-interest for this man she just saw. She had never in her entire life seen someone look so handsome and so self-reserved that he immediately piqued her interest without a second thought. "Excuse me, sir? Sentius you said your name was?" She said as she thought to herself where did I hear that name before? She continued to think about it until it came to her. The former leader of N.E.M.E.S.I.S. and an enemy or that is what she thought he was. But he didn't look as dangerous as he did back then. There was something very different about him now. Not just by how he looked, but she knew he was older than this. Did he change bodies by chance? If that's the case, he would be able to use his full power, but I'm sure he lost all his experience and has to regain it through combat. That is the one bad thing about changing bodies. "His name is Nathan." Meira said toward Danny since Reala looked to be charmed by the sudden appearance of the new mysterious looking high school student who mesmerized all the other girls too. "Forgive Reala, she's in a trance over the beauty of that handsome young man. I can't contain myself from being allured by him either." She gawked as she was getting over her head also swept in by the appearance of the young fellow.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Nathan just groaned "this is not what I need" he mumbled to himself. 'As much as I'd like to just move and avoid any trouble, I know better then that. It's starting to look like school isn't to different from the wild. And if there's one thing I learned about the wild; it's that you never show weakness in front of anyone potentially hostile. Shaking his head, he addressed the girl "no. No I will not move. I was here before you, and I've already gotten comfortable. You can say whatever you want, but I really doubt that you'll get a rise out of me. However know that if you try to escalate this into a physical confrontation, I will defend myself. I am in a really bad mood today, so I think it's in everyone's best interest if you just drop this." Danny on the other hand just brushed off her insult without any problem "you know, you're being awfully mean. People don't like to be around mean people like that. If you keep treating others like that, then you'll end up alone and bitter. Just like old miss Spinster, back in my home village. She didn't have anyone, and I always felt so sorry for her."
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Alice was bewildered over what's happening in her way to class. At first it was only something as mild as some people planning to bully another person, that's as normal happening in a place where the nobles were trying to enforce their superiority. Then things got weirder from there as another person showed up and proceeded to beat the snot out of the snobs. However the person seemed to be another sister of the Princess. To top everything off, a handsome guy was involved and all the girls seemed to lose all the ability to think and gone over to be bitches in heat. Even Annenis was confused that the majority of the girls all went batshit insane before they both find a quiet corner to seat themselves in. "Ookkkay, that's a bit over the top for a random dreamy pretty guy," Annenis said as she heard one of the girls not only tried to push Nathan away but also resorted to insults. "At least the teacher's here already," Alice groaned, distaste was obvious in her voice.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Mr Squall walked in rather calmly with a coffee cup firmly in his hand. He looked towards Nathan, and quickly stopped he shouldn't even be in this class, and simply ignored him. He turned towards Meira, "In order to rule, you must learn to be ruled. Leadership requires displicine, which you clearly lack. Now, I will give you the choice of you learning this on your own, or if I need to drill it into your head."
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Meira's statement hit the rest of the class like a truck. Some of the students were gobsmacked at the sheer ridiculousness of what Meira was attempting but most were simply unable to hold their amusement and the class was filled with various state of laughter. Even Alice, who normally would frown at an attempt of bribery, quietly laughed at Meira and her words. There were also a few whispers that those in the student seats could probably hear from their place, mostly speculations that Meira's blatant bribery attempt was her attempt to deliberately fail the class altogether.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Just as the person was about to speak, he saw an angel like blonde hair man appear out of a portal created. This man stood right next to Ranathia as the portal closed swallowed into the void it came out of. He looked over toward this person and looked at him with irritation in his eyes, "I don't ever remember inviting you. Why don't you make like that portal you came out of and disappear." "Mithos, why are you here?" Ranathia questioned caught by surprise by Mithos sudden emergence. She never sent for help and how did he know where she was anyway? He couldn't have just sensed her since she lost everyone's energy readings after she entered the ruins. Though she did sense a very strong presence emerge then suddenly disappear after he got there. Perhaps it had to do something with who he represents? She thought to herself as she kept one hand firm on her blade as she let it caress the surface.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
The individual still hidden by the darkness was about to approach Mithos when a hand stopped him. Another individual a bit taller had used his hand in a gesture in front of his body to stop him from getting any further. The man then peered at the two from the dark depths they were veiled in. "It's okay, Luther. Even though this person came unannounced I could use his duress situation to my advantage." He paused as he snapped his fingers where an individual brought a symbolic figurine that shined forward and put it in his hand. "How about a proposition for you?" He took a brief pause as he took one step closer to Mithos, but keeping his distance so he could not see his face. "I will give you this Rune of Power to restore your pillar that was taken from another dimension in exchange for The Key. The girl comes with me and all your problems vanish like they never happened. Are we at an agreement? "Wait a minute!" Ranathia interrupted when she realized he just said Rune of Power. She didn't know whether it was a trick or not. The fact that this person kept himself hidden meant he was likely to deceive people and didn't want to the person he deceived to see his face. "Are you saying that if I go with you that all Mithos problems will go away? Do you really have that kind of power? And the Rune of Power was destroyed. I saw it with my own two eyes." She reminded him as she stepped forward keeping her hand firm and stead on her sword just in case he might try to attack them while they were distracted. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sentius looked at what the teacher was putting down though he seemed to show no actual interest in what he was writing. He thought to himself as he had to force himself to listen to all that rubbish. This is amateur criteria. It has nothing to do with me and someone of my caliber doesn't need to pay attention to such feeble knowledge. "What do those symbols mean?" Meira questioned as she had no idea what he was talking about. This kind of magic she was not at all informed about and when she took a look over at Sentius his eyes showed a sign of disinterest. While she pulled her attention back onto the teacher she thought to herself quietly. Of course he doesn't care. Why would someone of his level care about magic that is far inferior to his own? But why does he insist on forcing himself to pay attention like that? It's a bit disturbing if you ask me.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Sheer disappointment overshadowed the man's face as he continued to keep his distance so neither Mithos or Ranathia could see him. The man was hoping to come to agreement with Mithos, but now that they were at a disagreement meant he would have to try a whole another approach. He turned his attention away from Mithos and thought maybe he could persuade Ranathia to surrender herself into his custody. He took a step forward and made a few gestures toward Ranathia while talking in an attempt to persuade her to make a better decision than Mithos did. "Ranathia." He paused for a moment as he tried to get her attention where he got a simple yes response from her lips. "Surely you understand if you agree to my terms that Mithos will no longer be plagued with the problems that haunt him from a month ago. In fact, I will also help you to figure out the mysteries about who you are that you want to know. I'm sure you want to know why you're The Key and the reason you possess such a special object known as the Rune of Knowledge, correct?" He took a brief pause as he gave her a chance to answer before he would see if Mithos would interrupt if she agreed before he continued with what he was going to say. "If I agree to go with you as you requested, do I have your word that you will fix Mithos problems and restore the broken pillar from the loss of the Rune of Power? I know that rune in your hand is the Rune of Power, but I don't know where you got it. Though if it will help Mithos and clear him of all doubt and suspicion I may be inclined to your agreement. I am curious though, why do you need me that badly? You spoke The Key then you talked about having Mithos hand "the girl" meaning me over to you. What do you look to gain from having me in your captivity?" Ranathia said as she nodded at the man agreeing to his terms though before she came to her final decision she wanted to at least hear what he knew. She was sure that even Mithos probably wanted to know what was going on though she was a little worried that Mithos might try to intervene due to this person he spoke of who talked to him a moment ago. Strangely enough to Ranathia he didn't recognize that it was perhaps the spirit he was align with. if that was the case then perhaps going against the spirits might not provide decent odds for them.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
'This is pointless' Nathan thought to himself. 'I can already use all the magic I want in combat. Adding in this overly complicated stuff will just...well...complicate things. All Nathan needed in a fight were his fists, his flames, and sometimes his wind. 'I could be making such better use of my time training...but instead I'm stuck here; he lamented again. Nathan was just paying enough attention to not get caught by the teacher. While he understood why he had to be here (because of his job as Meira's bodyguard) he didn't understand why he had to be a part of the class as well
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Mr Squall turned to the board, ignoring most of the questions for the time being. "These five symbols represent the five different types of ancient glitch magic. The arrow pointing towards the line represents overload magic. The upward arrow with the two smaller lines represents scale magic. These are known as chaotic glitch magics since they are based on trends, and then outcomes are not always predictable and they can be used for many different functions. The Three Xs with a line through represents spy magic, and the two circles with a line through represents Trojan magic. These two types of magic are forms of evasive glitch, still they abuse faults in magical defenses or magical systems. This final type of glitch magic is special, for it is both a type and sub-type. This symbol, " he said pointing at each in turn, before pointing to the final, bottom one, "represents total chaotic magic. Magic where the outcome is unpredictable. This type has no sub-types because in order to be total chaotic, there can be no trends nor intended functions." He then paused, "I see many of you rolling your eyes, since most if not all you have not use this magic nor plan to. However magic is more than a tool to be used. It is a tool to be understood. Two of these magics, Trojan and Total Chaotic, are banned nearly universally by law, however these are types of magics you can not run from, nor overpower. These types of magic are more so magic theory, and the only way to overcome them is to out-think them. Not only do I like to start with these to see if we have any particular bright stars, but to demonstrate a point, not only do you have to know your magic, or not need to know any about magic if you can not use it, but knowing magics you can not even use can be very helpful for a variety of reasons, one key reason is defense."
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Yet you did trust me like the insignificant mortal you are. You beings are so easily driven by deceit that it fuels my resolve. The man grinned as he just sat back and watched the events unfold. His work had been done which was to turn this foolish woman against the one she was working for. Just as Ranathia was about to hit the wall a light appeared out of nowhere and a being with golden wings which was a girl with long blonde hair appeared out of nowhere and caught Ranathia before she hit the wall. Ranathia looked back and noticed it was someone she knew all too well. She smiled as the being cradled her in her arms. "Evangelina..." She said to the girl as her body was engulfed in a powerful golden light that would blind normal mortals eyes. "I'm so happy to see you're still around. I you perished that very long time ago." Ranathia said as tears rolled down her eyes of the happiness to see that Evangelina had not been destroyed in their fight with Sentius a long time ago. She really did think that she had been absorbed by Sentius most powerful technique, but it seems that was not the case. "It's all right, Ranathia. I am here now to support you. I see that Xaliana has been in contact with that person over there." She paused as she pointed her finger at the blonde haired man where Ranathia just gave her a nod. "This gets even more interesting." The man who was betrayed by Bethel said as he knew that this was an opportunity to study the depths of her own power. He had heard from his sources that her Spirit had been devoured by Sentius Primordial Lightning Awakening technique, but to see her Spirit still around showed him that Ranathia was more powerful than he once imagined. "Quite a bold action." A girl's voice said as another girl with golden like wings appeared out of nowhere except this one had blue hair and was dressed in a skimpy looking dress that showed a lot of skin on the sides. "Perhaps you are worthy of my time, Mithos." "Xaliana?" Ranathia questioned since she knew judging by the girl's looks that it had to be Xaliana. Xaliana was the only blue haired girl who would dress so provocatively. Though her wardrobe was much better than the metal bikini armor that Sigma always wore adorning it on her body.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Alkmaar, she took the Dragon Rune with her? Aren't you going to stop her? Luther asked knowing full well that Alkmaar would not be pleased that she betrayed him. Though surprise overtook his face as he noticed Alkmaar actually looked like he was contemplating his thoughts and that do not cross me look never crossed his face. Alkmaar held out his hand shaking his head as a wide grin filled his face. "Patience Luther, there is no need to rush anything. Besides, the girl did reveal some interesting knowledge which could prove useful to me later on. I'll let her have her prize for at least being resourceful." He answered as he stood forward to reveal himself to both Mithos and Ranathia. He was a very well built and tall man who towered over the two. He also wore red clothing where his hood and mask covered most of his face. Neither of the two could tell at all what he looked like, but judging by the fancy clothing he adorned on his body he had to be quite powerful. Alkmaar took another step forward while he continued to grin at the two, "Impressive display, boy. Rather impressive how you handled that woman." He paused as he gave the two a chance to answer him before he was going to continue with what he was about to say. The two were surrounded on all sides since his men were able to move into formation without detection. "What do you plan to do to us, Alkmaar? I know you're no pushover like that woman he just fought." Ranathia asked as she was about to grab the giant sword she carried on her back. The man shook his head and in a dismissive hand gesture got her to return her hands to her side. It didn't look like he wanted to fight either of the two. Ranathia knew this wasn't good since she didn't think either of them could match Alkmaar's power.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Ranathia was about to say something until a large fist struck her and Mithos both sending them straight into the wall. The large fist came out of nowhere and looked like an extension of the shadow she just saw on the ground. The fist was connected to an arm and they both were black in color. She could not believe that this man just easily to them both out. She cringed as she hit the wall hard making a imprint of herself on the wall before she slid to the ground. "Ugh, he's just too powerful. That attack just blindsided me and there was nothing I could do about it." Ranathia said as she slowly rose to her feet dusting herself off as Alkmaar just stood there. She knew Alkmaar used a really powerful form of magic that she knew was forbidden. Alkmaar grinned as he watched Ranathia rise to her feet after displaying to her some of his power. "As you can see, neither of you stand a chance against me. So, what will it be, boy? Surrender the girl and join me or choose for this to be your grave. You better choose wisely, because I am not going to give you much time to decide. After that, I will just do what I want to you."
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Alkmaar used his aura to repel the light shielding himself from the brightness of the room, but still it was able to distract him. He wasn't displeased at all, he seemed to be amused by what Mithos just did. He then illuminated his body with a bright light before he disappeared into nothingness. Luther seemed to be very displeased and when he tried to yell at his men he was stifled by Alkmaar who held out his hand and shook his head. He reminded Luther that there would be another opportunity. There was no need to rush it. When they got into the clear back toward the entrance of the ruins where the portal that appeared disappeared, Ranathia took a seat on one of the broken slabs that laid tilted on the ground as she tried to recuperate herself after being hit by Alkmaar's attack. "It looks like I was tricked into coming here where Alkmaar laid a trap to capture me. I didn't even see it coming either. I'm such a fool..." Ranathia said discouraged as she looked at the ground in disappointment about being deceived. The ruins were authentic, but they were used to lure her into a trap and she allowed herself to follow the bait. "HOW COULD HAVE I BEEN SO CARELESS!?" She said in anger as she pounded her fist on the ground in anger. "My own friend deceived me. I cannot believe he would betray me like that? What reason would he have for it?"
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Ranathia before she could answer Mithos started hearing strange chanting inside her head. The words were spoken in a language she did not understand at all, but this voice seemed to be persistent. The chanting got louder and louder until she screamed at the top of her lungs while holding her head, "STOP IT! GOD DAMN YOU GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" Where she had a vision where she saw an unconscious pink haired woman that was inside what looked like a test tube. Ranathia stood up as she looked around not to see anything. She didn't know what was going on what any of this meant. One of the visions was a little silver haired girl who was inside a capsule that was engulfed in an explosion where she screamed, "NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" "What do you want from me?" She asked desperately as she started to tremble in fear not understanding at all what was going on. She was too paralyzed by fear to even move. The explosion she saw froze her in her tracks solid like if she were trapped in a block of ice. Ranathia again screamed as the chants got louder and louder. This time her power swelled inside her body where she discharged an enormous amount of energy out of her body. The ground started to shake violently as if something was about to erupt. The ruins were starting to collapse as rock fragments started to rain down to the ground.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
As they approached the exit of the the ruins, the entrance was not far. As they were about to exit the ruins the entrance was blocked by giant rocks falling in place. Just as they were about to be crushed by the ruins both were enveloped in light and teleported away. Ranathia was lying on the ground unconscious and it looked like they were in a room that had watery like walls that was shaped in a very large cube. In front of them inside a prison of light was an unconscious silver haired man dressed in mostly black attire. There didn't look to be any exits from the ruins and the watery like wall looked to be electrified protecting what was inside. There was a tablet that was carved with the word Sacropha.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Welcome back, Princess Xei. We have been anxiously been awaiting for your return to the Davustra. A voice said out of nowhere as a bunch of equipment and gadgets appeared out of nowhere. Screens that looked like they were floating appeared and a very large one. There was strange writing on the floor. A door opened which lead into the hallway which looked like the inside of a space warship. Right beside the door laid the capsule that Ranathia saw in her vision, but she still laid unconscious on the floor. Only one other figure was in the room who was still trapped in a veil of light unconscious with his head looking at the ground. Ranathia and Mithos looked like they were teleported into a very highly advanced area. The watery like walls with electricity were still present, but now there was a chance to leave the room after the voice to spoke to them. All the equipment in the room looked so sophisticated that there was no way it was from any present government in existence. Also the strange writing on the floor was written in a language neither could understand. There was also a table that appeared with chairs so they could have a seat if they wanted. A transparent wall though protected the area that housed the unconscious man.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
I have analyzed your data. Your name is Mithos Yggdrasil. You were born into the famous Astarita family. I welcome you aboard the most sophisticated warship ever created. I am so advanced that I can be reduced into a small computer like device and returned normal form as you can see now. You wish to return to the Kingdom of Windgrace, correct? What time period would you like to go to? I am also a time machine which can travel back into time at any time you set. Since my Master is unwell, I am yours to command, Sir Mithos. The voice said to Mithos as it made all its controls go operational. "Please set your destination into the navigational system. Include the time and date you wish to return to." It said as a screen appeared out of nowhere with buttons that were translated into a language both could understand.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Warp mode engaged. The computer said as the ship arose from the ruins it was buried in then shot upward into the atmosphere out of Gaea and into space. It then turned away from the planet as it electrified the space around it. It then opened a wormhole as it shot into the wormhole disappearing into the space. It traveled around the rainbow like space like area for awhile until it exited. "I have retracted time to exactly five hours prior to the events of today." The voice said as the ship entered Gaea's atmosphere and hovered up in the skies high above the capital. Far below was the large capital that had buildings towering over it. The Mithos and Ranathia from the time they were sent back to who were in a car with Ranathia driving had disappeared where they never met up with the man they ran into earlier. Only that one event had been changed where it never happened while Mithos and Ranathia were still up in the ship. The computer then opened up a window like area so they could see the sky and made the floor look like a window where they could see the capital below them.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
You wish to exit? The computer asked as it prepared a portal where a door opened that was hooked onto a generator. "I have set the coordinates for the teleporter to return you back to your residence. Would you like me to return Master as well? Also, since I am the only fully AI controlled warship in existence with a conscious of my own, would you like me to enter Cloaking Mode where I transform into a small communication device that you hold in your hand until you need me again?" The computer concluded as the lights inside the teleporter started flashing indicating it was ready.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
The computer transported both of them to the ground. When they reached the ground the appeared inside the quarters or Reiya. The room they were in was the study where the hand maidens looked at each other confused about what just happened. Ranathia still was on the floor unconscious, but her body was glowing as strange symbols appeared all over her skin igniting like a roman candle. A light shot down from the sky where the ship disappeared into the light then reappeared as a handheld communicator in Mithos hands. The Davustra had reduced its form to a very small communications device that could easily be held in someone's hand. It was hard to believe that little device was one of the most advanced warships in existence. "I will remain in Standby Mode. Call me when you need." The computer said as it went silent. That even confused the hand maiden's more where they looked at each then Mithos, "Master Mithos, what is going on here?" They questioned lost in all the confusion of what had just happened.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
When Mithos appeared at the rendezvous point, there was no one to be found. All there were was abandoned warehouses that looked empty and there was no sign of people in the area either. No matter how long he waited, no one appeared or showed up. Not even the Mithos and Ranathia from the time he had entered had shown and over an hour had passed. Though the man that was trapped inside the veil of light started laughing softly as he showed himself shaking his head. "Do you actually think time travel is that simple? Because you entered this time period, the present you was replaced by yourself. The events that were supposed to happen have been altered to never happen now. You must be curious to how the current present that was the past has changed. As far as waiting, you might as well stop wasting your time here since no one is going to come. First time in over one hundred billion years I've seen the light of day. A lot has changed since I was sleeping."
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
The man paid no heed to Mithos has he flew away though he pondered a thought that brought curiosity soaring into his mind. He had gone five hours back into the past, but the fact that this Professor wasn't there to meet with them did interest him. The man then surveyed his surroundings noticing there were several buildings, but then sensed an energy reading in one of them. The reading was pretty weak so it had to be a regular mortal with no special abilities to offer. "I sensed her presence on the Davustra while I was in slumber. Though why did she appear on the Davustra? And what was that Angelian trying to do? I know he was trying to alter the past, but it seems he caused a disturbance between their meeting with that Professor." He said as he walked over and took a seat on some of the old crates that lay on the floor inside one of the old warehouses. It was obvious it was an industrialized area since there several looking factory buildings with smoke stacks that peered into the sky. "Perhaps I should find this person. I might be able to find Xei and find exactly what is going on in our present time? If I have been awakened by her then it means something serious is about to go down." He said as he tried to pick up the fix on the Angelian's location then found as he enveloped himself in light and disappeared in a flash. An old man with glasses came out of hiding confused by what he had just saw. He had been waiting for someone to show, but they never came. He decided to leave exiting the warehouse realizing that they were never going to show. Ranathia was lying in the bed stripped down to her undergarments and put in bed covered with blankets as a towel was put over her head. It seemed she had a fever and the hand maidens of the house were trying their best to comfort while they could. They didn't know exactly why her body was covered in strange markings that they did not understand or why it glowed like a Roman candle. Ranathia toss and turned in bed looking unwell as she muttered in her sleep a very strange chant which no one understood. From her look on her face and her cringing face it looked like she was having a nightmare. When Mithos returned one of the housemaids confronted Mithos informing him about Ranathia's current situation. "We don't understand at all what happened to her. Her condition has not changed and it looks like she is very sick, Mithos. Do you have any idea what could have happened to Lady Ranathia?" She said as you could see Ranathia was really pale and her head was so hot that it felt like there was an inferno raging inside her body.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
She looked over toward one of the other hand maidens and told them to fetch a doctor immediately. The one she looked at nodded and immediately took off full stride out the door of the manor in search of a doctor. The other one do what she could to comfort her. She was about to change the towel on her forehead when a voice startled her out of nowhere and she turned to see a silver haired man dressed in black clothes appear right behind her. "It seems the poison of her own power is having a negative effect on her body. Her body is not used to what she is experiencing so it is doing its best to guard against it." He apused momentarily as he walked over toward her other side examining her body including the strange marks on her body that glowed. "It is too early for her power to awaken and if we do not do something about it, her condition could become fatal." The man said as he walked over to examine her situation. It was the same man Mithos and Ranathia saw on the ship and the very same figure he saw at the abandoned warehouses. Though when you got a closer glimpse he resembled the man who appeared out of nowhere that Mithos ran into except this man was all alone and not accompanied by any female figures. "Who are you?" The housemaids said as they went on the defensive from the sudden emergence of an intruding figure that did not enter the manor like normal people would. They thought he might be some kind of thief, but the man shook his head informing them that he had no interest in what they call money. One of the hand maidens was about to touch Ranathia's body where the marks appeared, but the man grabbed her hand and shook his head. He informed her that touching the marks would poison her and since she wasn't as strong as Ranathia it would prove fatal to her. "Those are runes on her body that no normal mortal can touch. If you touched one the effect might prove catastrophic for you or even fatal."
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
I know how to cure her though I doubt you would want to know how. The way I am talking about is way too cruel for her and would cause her tremendous pain and suffering. The man said as he made his way toward the exit. He knew that she would have to learn the same technique that Sentius and him had learned. Though since her body was infected with the energy and with it poisoning her meant that her vital organs were probably becoming weaker. If he nothing was done in her current state she could die from her organs decomposing after a certain stage. One of the housemaids stood in the path of the man and begged him to help their Lady Ranathia. She owed a great bit of gratitude to her since if it weren't for her she would still be a poor young woman on the street scrounging for food in a dangerous environment. "Please, sir! We beg of you! Save Lady Ranathia. We owe her so much and if we could help persuade you to at least try to save her life would be a payment toward the debt we already owe her." "You don't understand." The man said as he moved her out of his way. He then turned around with a very serious fierce look on his face. The straight face ferocious look was an indication he was not kidding about anything he said. "The way to save her could kill her as well. She would suffer for nothing? Do you honestly think I would want to put her through that! Now get out of my way."
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
I came here to see if she was doing well, but I saw she wasn't. He paused for a moment as he turned away from the door and closed it instead of leaving like he was about to. "Do not get the wrong idea. My care for her is strong, but I wouldn't ever want to put her through suffering for no reason. It would make me no different than someone who was torturing her." He paused once again as you could sense the sincerity inside his serious voice. It was obvious that this man cared deeply for her. Enough to not want to put her through torture even if she was near death. Everyone's eyes gazed upon him as they stared in suspicion that he did not care about her at all even though his words said otherwise. "Fine." He said raising his voice in frustration. He walked over toward her beside then turned toward Mithos and the housemaids. "I will perform a very dangerous Ancient Magic on her. Whether she learns it is up to her, but it will put her through enormous pain and suffering. Is that what you really want for her, Mithos? I know you are foolishly allowing your mortal thoughts to tell you she doesn't care about you, but she very much does. She saved you from being crushed by the rocks inside the ruin. If you really care about, would you subject her to such torment?" "You all look at me like I'm some sort of villain anyway." He added as he gazed at her body taking a close look at the runes that glowed and her condition which was starting to slowly get worse since she started to show symptoms of coughing.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
The man ignored the part where Mithos complained about him saying a few words that looked condescending to him. Regardless of how he felt, he didn't really care one way or another. They were just words and those affected by mere words he found were weak-minded. He woke Ranathia up who was very weak and had to be carried by the two hand maidens toward the outside where he was going to perform his technique. She didn't look to be herself and her eyes looked very dead when as they just gazed where she did not say a word. "Ranathia, I need you to listen to me very closely. Nod yes if you understand what I'm saying." She nodded slowly with her head yes as he took his duster off and put it around her so no one could see her undergarments she was wearing. He then closed his eyes and calmed his power then opened them as it looked like a bolt of lightning struck him from above and is energy just ignited almost knocking everyone off their feet causing several people to be blinded by the blast of the aura he let loose. He slowly calmed it to a more gentle phase then looked at Ranathia and told her to do the samething. Ranathia took up a position mimicking exactly what he said to do, but stopped when she felt a sharp pain in her body. It felt like her body was about to explode, but he told her to continue or else it would just get worse. She needed to expel that energy that was poisoning her body outward so that it wasn't bottled up in her body. If she didn't, he informed everyone that her organs would slowly decompose which was not a good sign. Ranathia tried to attempt what he said, but she was too scared to do it. She knew the Ancient Magic he taught her known as the Lightning Rod Effect was extremely dangerous and one wrong move and she could blow up the entire area and not mean to. She was too frightened to attempt it, but her condition got worse where she coughed and this time spit up blood which fell to the ground. "I Can't do it, I'm too scared. If I fail I'll kill myself and everyone around me. There is no way I can bring myself to do that!" She stubbornly protested as he attempted to convince her in any way possible that it was the only way she was going to get better. He looked over toward Mithos closing his eyes then sighed as he started to speak, "It's up to you, Mithos. If you really do not care about her life then you can just do nothing and let her die. But if you have even an ounce of dignity left you'll try to find some way to get her over her fear. If she continues like this, she will surely die within hours. There is not much time, she has to stay focused and keep calm."
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Listen Ranathia; you have to do this. If you do not, then you will surly die. And if you die, then what will happen to your niece? The girl is already lazy enough when it comes to her duties, what do you think will happen if her only remaining family dies? Ranathia heard from Mithos which made her ponder what he just said. She said to herself in her mind. Does he really care about me? I have a strange feeling inside my body, but I cannot explain it. Right when she was about to continue thinking to herself a voice resounded to her in her head. The voice was full of warmth which caused the ice cold doubt to finally leave her body and prevent her from being paralyzed by the fear of the own recklessness of the magic. Ranathia allowed the energy to flow like a lightning bolt as she did her best to endure the pain. You could see her cringing face which writhed in severe pain as the dangerous poison inside her body was being expended into the ground. As the energy got less tense she felt the pain going away. All was going well until a shiny object appeared from her expending that energy out of the ground with strange markings on it. The object that appeared was a shiny spherical orb which looked like it was cracking until it broke where shards of light shot off in various directions. No one really knew what happened, but the orb shattering caused Ranathia to collapse. Her pulse was checked and it was quite normal. Though no one could explain what just happened a moment ago. The man who taught her the magic did not say a word about what happened even though he didn't seem to like it by the unhappy look on his face. The housemaids carried Ranathia off back to her bed. "If you really care about her." He said to Mithos in the distance as he disappeared into the shadows which swallowed him into the darkness. "Then you will help her find herself. It is obvious you care about her. She will not be herself and it is your duty to protect her and make sure that she regains what she just lost. Do not worry about what happened. It was expected to happen. That is all I can say. Please do not leave her side, okay?" Those were his finally words as no other words could be heard as the man was gone with no trace of him around anymore.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
While Squall was talking about the principles of magic, fragments of an object that came out of Ranathia had shattered being shot into the sky toward space and soaring to unknown regions. Unfortunately, one of the trajectories was the school in which he was teaching. The students for the most part were paying attention to their teacher while some others were giving him funny faces and a few others mocking him. Sentius just looked on like he didn't care at all in the world. Just as he was about to quell the annoyance of the delinquents behind him Meira sensed something about to fall in their direction where she turned her head toward the window and said, "What is that? It's like a shooting star headed this direction. The students were about to jump up and immediately exit the room in fear of a collision, but the object made a huge explosion several meters away from their classroom, but the impact was strong enough to shatter the windows where they covered their eyes to avoid the glass fragments flowing into the air from the magnitude of the blast. One of the students jumped up and questioned toward Squall when the dust cleared, "Mr. Squall, do you have any idea what just happened?" He said with concern embracing his eyes.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
When the dust cleared, both Meira and Reala's hands had a glow to them where a strange rune like figured appeared. The entire class was baffled by the strange glow that their hands were giving off. Meira looked down at her hand and touched the glow and noticed a certain warmth to that glow then she thought she could hear Ranathia's voice nearby? But how was that even possible? Last she knew Ranathia had gone to some ruins and left them all behind. Reala also noticed Ranathia's voice, but she tried to contain her surprise as she didn't want to cause an unnecessary incident during their class. Alice and Annenis were whispering before Alice turned towards Meira, "Miss Meira, do you know what just exploded? You're the one that saw it first." "I don't really have an answer." Meira paused as she turned her attention toward Alice and Annenis, but she gave them a widened smile letting them know that it wasn't anything particularly dangerous that had crashed into the ground. Something inside her told her it wasn't though it didn't really give any indication to where the strange object had come from in the first place. The two turned to look where Sentius was sitting and he was gone. He had disappeared like a shot without anyone noticing that he was gone. Before anyone knew Sentius had already gone outside, but no one knew how he got there so fast. He didn't even get up from his desk and no one saw him leave the room. Right when they were occupied by the crash landing of the object Meira noticed a disturbance around where Sentius was sitting. She wondered to herself if he had used his technique that is unique to him to get outside without anyone ever noticing he had left. Sentius walked over toward the strange object and began examining it. He noticed a familiarity about it though he couldn't quite place his finger onto it until he heard a voice come from. When he heard the voice he was struck with surprise since the voice coming from it was none other than Ranathia. He had met before, but it was a long time ago. Judging by the serious look on his face you could tell that Sentius knew exactly what had just happened after he analyzed the object. He looked at the ground observing the object as he thought to himself. "This is a part of Ranathia. It's a part of her memory that has been separated from her body, but how did it get separated and did her Memoria Matrix shatter just like glass?" He paused for a moment as he cupped the object into his hand looking at it more closely. "I must return this to her. She probably isn't herself at all and that foolish brother of hers hasn't been looking out for her! How could he allow this happen!" One of the students that noticed that Sentius had just left the room without saying a word or getting permission turned his attention toward the teacher asking him, "Mr. Squall, that mean looking silver haired guy left the room without even asking? Isn't that against the regulations of this academy?"
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Sentius saw that Squall had approached him where he turned his head to face him. He took the fragment he found on the ground from the wreckage and pocketed it. Afterward he turned one of his eyes toward the classroom to make sure Meira and Reala were both safe before he turned that eye back on Squall facing him face to face. He noticed Squall had become very suspicious of his behavior when he listened to the man confront him with, "What are you doing here, and what was you doing in my classroom. You clearly was not, nor are a student." Sentius closed his eyes and gave off a light sigh where he knew he would have to reveal some of his motives to get this person from becoming suspicious about him. He started off by answering the first part of his question which was addressed to him as what was his purpose in enrolling in the school in the first place. "I am acting as a vanguard to protect two of your students from a dangerous and very sinister force." He paused for a moment as he turned his eyes toward the two girls he was talking about before he continued with what he was about to say. "Let me warn you that both your students Meira and Reala have both been targeted by a man who runs a terrorist organization by the name of Alkmaar. His motives to me are clear which those two girls are essential toward his Perfect Unification Plan or PUP which I have no intention of participating in. You have two options. You can either trust me and help me safeguard those two girls from this threat since I have two of the other pieces he needs in my possession that I am watching over or you can choose to become my enemy. I have no intention of harming your students and I will adhere to any punishment you deem necessary for interrupting your class." He concluded as he turned his back toward Squall and began to walk back toward the doors that lead him into the classroom, but turned to face Squall one last time to see if he had anything further to say. Reala noticed Sentius said the name Alkmaar when she was reading the movement of his lips. She thought to herself as she looked over toward Meira then Nathan. After that she turned her eyes toward Danny and last Annenis and then Alice to see what their reactions were toward the situation. Alice and Annenis looked on in confusion which was typical and Danny looked the same way to her, but she noticed Nathan was acting all strange for some reason. Her eyes were filled with suspicion when he started to be on guard for no apparent reason like he was paranoid. To her, he looked like someone was out to get him which made her give off a long sigh in direction. "Relax you dolt, it was just an unidentifiable object that crashed landed. It's nothing that isn't natural and you act like as if it was a ploy of some kind by some unknown enemy. So naive..." "Reala, can't you try to be nice and get along with Nathan?" Meira questioned as she soon let her voice be heard after hearing the insults Reala poked toward Nathan. She didn't understand why her sister was acting like Nathan was some sort of enemy of hers. If it was over what happened earlier she just needed to let that go already. What had happened was already history now and there was no point on mulling over it. Reala ignored what Meira said as she turned her eyes and peered down at Alice. She then spoke in a much softer and more polite toward Alice asking, "Is everything okay, Alice? There is no need to be scared since all it was is an unidentifiable object that poses no direct that which crashed into the ground outside our classroom."
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Ah, if you're sure... Alice replied to Reala, a bit surprised that the Meira look-a-like spoke to her, especially without the heated tone she seemed to use on everyone else, particularly Nathan. "It's just... not something that happened often." "Yes, even when the seniors got into a fight they usually didn't get past the barrier," Annenis added. "That something impacted the barrier and still have enough force to shatter the windows was unheard of. I do sincerely hope it's not another attack." They listened to Meira and Reala's reply, with Alice giving Nathan a sad look and Annenis a pitying headshake after hearing his comment. The two girls turned their attention to the front when Squall returned and demonstrated his magic. Alice looked towards the board, looking for mentions of Overload magic among the words written on it. Meanwhile, Annenis looked at the exploded pencil and the broken windows before rising her arm. "Sir, the blast from the object was a lot more powerful than the pencil's. Are there other variables that affect the result of the magic beyond the object's magical threshold? And how would we be sure that we wouldn't burn ourselves out from trying to use Overload magic?"
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Squall quickly turned to the student with questions, "Yes, Overload magic is much more complex than magical threshold, though magical threshold is the core of it. There is also threshold elasticity, threshold growth, and magical stability, the properties of the material in use, and we have not even started to talk about systems in overload magic, which are two or more objects made of different materials which freely shared magic energies between all parts, and equal systems and unequal systems. As for your other question, it is a process of knowing the magical threshold of an object, as well as related variables, and knowing how much magic you have left. Overload magic may seem simple at first, but requires a good eye for magic, a good control over your magic, and a a good tank of magic. You also must have cost-benefit analyze skills to know when overload magic would be better or another form of magic would be better, but all types of spellcasters can benefit from that skill." He said, very clearly but also very quickly. He then decided that he should do something about the fight outside. A grin came across his face. He reached into his pocket, and teleported what he grabbed from there down near where they was fighting. From a distance, it was really hard to make out. But those that could, it was a silver necklace with a decoration at the end which looked like a tree growing into a book.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Ranathia looked down then started to turn bright red from the embarrassment of not realizing she had just walked out of her room not properly dressed. She immediately returned to her room and sorted through the clothes. Strangely she went through them all and saw none that she liked. She had one of the hand maidens fetch something from Meira's room. The hand maiden didn't quit understand why she wanted what she was asking for, but returned to her with some fancy looking clothes and with the insignia EP on them. She put on a very long dress that stretched down to her ankles and put on a pair of light blue high heels. She also put a tiara on her head which lettered EP. When she was done getting herself ready she walked out of the room in very fancy clothes that rich officials would wear. "Why am I in the Standard Dimension and where is this place I am at?" She paused for a moment as she stepped out of her room before closing the door with her scepter at her side. "I'm sorry for my lack of manners since I'm very confused, allow me to introduce myself properly, I am the Erewhon Pavilion chieftain leader Princess Xeiyenreisha Wurzhan'dreis Vandesleiva'Reizure. You may just address me as Xei. I am a proud member of the Vandesleiva'Reizure family and the last descendant of the family. I am on an inter-dimensional mission to prevent your dimension from meeting the same fate as the dimension I was born from known as the Elan Dimension." She paused for a moment as she walked over and took a seat in one of the chairs. When she did so, she noticed one of the hand maidens mentioned the name Ranathia. She didn't know who exactly that was, but she felt a vibe from Mithos that felt familiar. "Who is this Ranathia you speak of?" She questioned toward Mithos as her old memories had finally resurfaced. This person didn't act like Ranathia at all. It was a completely different person from Ranathia. It was obvious that the person in front of them had to be some sort of high ranking noble but they couldn't place the finger on it.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Closing her eyes and sighing Xei decides that she will reveal why she keeps her identity secret. She wasn't entirely sure that it would help him understand the situation better, but at least this way he could assess the problematic circumstance she had been thrown into. She gave off a simple ahem before she started to speak to him formally in her usual tone. "I suppose I should reveal why my existence has been kept secret." She paused for a moment then recognized by Mithos voice that he had a problem of his own and then remembered he said that she wasn't the 'Ranathia' he knew. She smiled in her mind as her thoughts passed through. Of course I am not the Ranathia you remember. I have no idea who that even is though this person gives me an unsettling vibe I cannot explain. Like when I hear or think about the name something inside me becomes warm. So strange... Before she was going to reveal her motive toward keeping who she really was secret first she had to test Mithos to make sure that he was trustworthy. She just met this person and didn't know if she could trust him or not. Regardless if he knew this Ranathia that she was supposed to know didn't mean she should just be so willing to trust him so easily. "Before I go into detail about who exactly I am and the answers you want to why everything seems so confusing I want you to understand that you do not live alone. As you know there are four planes of existence; however, there are other dimensions that exist outside your Standard Dimension. The Lower Dimension is divided into alternate dimensions that you are not aware of. I am not from your dimension. I actually hail from what is called the Elan Dimension which is one of the dimensions that you do not know exists. The other alternate dimensions are the Ascadian, your Standard Dimension and lastly the Original Dimension. I have counterparts you have encountered who look a lot like me. We still bear our distinguishing different traits. Meira and Reala are my counterparts who live in the Standard Dimension. I am the Elan Dimension version of a girl named Reala. I have a sister by the name of Lenna who is Meira's dimensional counterpart from the same dimension. You may have met another set of girls who resemble the two named Tarumi and Anayame. They are the counterparts from the Ascadian Dimension." She paused for a moment as she asked for a glass of water and to rest her voice for a moment as she continued. "I am sure you are familiar with the word Antitype which a kind of being that has protection from immortals. That basically means we cannot die from immortals. Meaning they cannot kill us. This also means we are God Slayers which is another reference that is used to explain who we are. We come from the Original Dimension but I still haven't found out why we reign from there. All I know is that the Original Dimension is where the Spirits reside. Strange since we are not deities yet we are protected from them. I need you to keep my existence a secret. Mind if I roleplay as this Ranathia so that I may protect my identity until I gather more information and fulfill my purpose? Also, you may ask any questions you want of me. I'm not sure I will have the answers for you, but I will still try to answer to the best of my ability."
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
The bell rung and class for the day was over with the students filing out to either leave the school or look at the field left behind from the fight. Alice glanced at those that stayed in the class for whatever reason and the sleeping passenger on her shoulder who show no indication of waking up. Should she try to wake her up? She's not sure she could walk around without having the small winged humanoid fell off.... She should try to move her and hope she won't get offended. Using her other arm, Alice gently moved the fairy to the table. Luckily, no one seemed to notice. Annenis stood up to look outside before returning to Alice, "Hey, I'm going to ask if anyone saw who made the explosion from before, do you want to come along with me?" She then looked towards Nathan. "You too Spikey, do you want to come along?"
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Squall walked towards him, "No, you are not in trouble. But if I am not mistaken, you at serving as Meira's bodyguard. If the rumors are correct, she personally chose you. You certainly do not lack the physical or magical power for such a job, but what I hear does come to pass, one of the worst possible outcomes that may actually come to pass, you even lack those two things, much less have anything else to your favor. I do not have the time nor capacity to teach you in such arts. However, I know someone who does. He is a strict teacher that does not care about you except what he can teach you, and what he can learn from you, but if you can convience him to teach you, he can at least prepare you for what is to come. It is your choice whether to head my words or not, just know you will not be the one to pay for your choice." he said, looking at Meira. He then took the talisman, the pendant that looked like tree with its leaves in the shape of a book, and placed it on his desk. "This will get you started." he said. He then noticed something seemed wrong with Meira, however he was not sure what. He reasoned he shouldn't interfere until the problem became immediate or until he understood it. It would also allow him to monitor how the others would react to this.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Annenis frowned as Nathan ignored her question and simply went directly towards the teacher. Letting out an irritated huff, she looked back to Alice. "Well, just the two of us then?" Annenis asked. "Yes, I'll come with you," Alice replied with a nod. "Where are we starting?" "Find other witnesses, duh!" Annenis said, grabbing one of Alice's arm and started to drag her out of the class. "Eh? Anne, wait for a-" Alice protested, momentarily looking at Meira, her desk and a certain figure sleeping on it. "No time! People are going home!" Was the reply as both girls disappeared into the halls. Inside Alice's bag that was left behind on her desk, her phone chimed as it received a message.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Meira turned her attention toward Nathan as she jumped backward still under the influence of what was still controlling her. She looked at him then her eyes burned in anger. The fact Nathan interfered with her caused the anger inside her body to surge which caused her aura to erupt even more. Meira said toward him as her voice become very sinister, "Evil must die. Infidels who use others for their own self-satisfaction are anomalies that must be erased. Any kind of corrupted being does not have the right to exist." "Nathan, you fool." A girl's voice called out as they left the room they were in. They revealed themselves to be Reala when they came into plain view. Reala was a bit irritated that Nathan was acting like this was some sort of small problem. He had no idea that Meira was not herself and that some kind of influence was controlling her mind at the moment. "That is not Meira. Listen to her and look at her. Do you actually think that is being caused by a simple headache? Don't be so naive..." She said as she looked into Meira's eyes which glowed a diablo blue color like she was being possessed by something. Meira charged up her energy as she still faced Nathan the put her palm forward shooting for a shockwave at him only to have Reala deflect it by getting in the way of it. Meira looked at Reala who had a very serious look on her face and looked to her very scary. "Why, why..." She murmured under her breath not understanding why they would interfere with was she was about to do. It was obvious her rage still clouded her judgment and blinded her from seeing that she was being no different than they were.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Now, since you decided to possess one of my students, and harm others, the least you could do is name yourself entity. Squall said. Rage Meira turned her eyes in his direction unaffected by Nathan pinning her. It seemed like if she wanted to that should could break free of his grasp but decided not to as her focus went directly on Squall. "I am the Ouroboros of this Universe. I am the darkness known as Erebus that devours everything." Meira went silent as glyphs glowed lightly all over her body which started to turn green in color. Rage Meira grinned as she made a shadow version of herself materialize right behind Reala in an attempt to stab her but it immediately dissipated when Meira screamed on the top of her lungs, "STOP IT!!! STOP IT!!! GET OUT OF MY MIND AND STOP CONTROLLING ME!!!" "What do you mean controlling you? You summoned me forth when you were enraged about a group of students beating on some pathetic mortal. You allowed this happen to yourself." The darker half of her said to Meira as Meira continued to resist the darkness from trying to take full control of her. Rage Meira once again assumed control of her body then focused her attention on Nathan. She smirked at Nathan thinking it was amusing that he thought he could so easily contain the mass of her power with just sheer brute force. She shook her head as she continued, "Do you really think it's that easy, boy? Why do mortals have to be so full of themselves and stupid at the sametime?"
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Nathan rolled his eyes 'yeah right. Like I'm really going to believe that whatever this is feels sorry for her. It just needs her to give it more control over her body. And is everyone here too stupid to realize that I'm just trying to draw it's ire onto me? He thought to himself, feeling more bitter then normal. 'But if he's even the smallest bit right about just what this thing is...then any attempt to get it out of Meria that I make is likely to backfire. That really sucks. Why couldn't this be some garden variety spirit? I could deal with that no problem.' Nathan grumbled. Something about this whole situation just set him off. Maybe it was just the last in a long line of straws, or a really big one, but this was the straw that broke his back "and just why should I believe a word you say?" He demanded of the strange man who had just walked in "I have no idea who you even are. The only words I've ever heard come out of you mouth was some condescending remarks that, to be honest, I droned in and out of after the fist sentence you said. So I'll ask again; why the hell should I trust some asshole I've never met before? Oh, and do try to answer without some kind of smart alack response. Otherwise I might have trouble paying attention to you."
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
This is not the time to be stupid! THEN LISTEN TO THIS THEN!!! He yelled as he palmed his hand forward to prevent Nathan from being able to move from his current location by blasting a surge of energy at him. He isolated Nathan's movement so he could not move his feet. His eyes began to glow and energy began to surge out of his body and fill the room. He took a look at Nathan with a very serious gaze in his eyes as he was about to give him instructions and he would either follow those instructions or find out what he was about to do. "Knock Meira unconscious. If you do not I will stop time and do it myself. I already isolated your movement. If you even try to move the gravity will increase slowly feeling like you are being crushed. I am not playing around, kid. Knock her out or I will do it myself! I'm not in the mood to listen to your stupid mouth when we are in danger of being spirited away by her runes. Look at them!" He said as he pointed toward her body and her body started to glow a pale green color as runes started to envelop her body. Nathan had one choice and it was to do exactly as he said or find out what was about to happen. Sentius reversed the magnetic force around Nathan making it so his feet were magnets. He was stuck to the floor unable to move. He had also changed the gravitational force in case Nathan did anything stupid. "Don't even try to move from your location. As long as I am producing a strong magnetic pull you aren't going anywhere. I'm tired of playing games so I'm going to make this very simple for you. If you struggle and don't do as I say it will just get worse and the gravitational pull will increase feeling like you're being crushed. You only need your hands so use them. If you do not knock her unconscious I will snap my fingers and you will not know what happened. Test me if you want to find out. I'm not playing around! YOU DONE PISSED ME OFF AND NOW YOU ARE GOING TO FIND OUT HOW DANGEROUS MY POWER REALLY IS IF YOU DARE DEFY ME!!!" He said letting his energy get even more intense where the gravitational force slowly began to increase which would make it unbearable for Nathan if he waited too long. He had one option or have Shinrei take the matter into his own hands.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
Sentius no! Reala pleaded knowing what he was about to do. The last thing she wanted him to do was release the full power of the Primordial Lightning Awakening. It could destroy everyone in the room and all to just show Nathan that is was being an idiot who was jumping to conclusions. Sentius released his spell on Nathan at her request and then she stood in front of Sentius moving quickly over toward his direction acting as a guard for him. Sentius wanted to show this mouthy child how much of a fool he really was, but that would have to wait. He had other things he needed to do and he had wasted enough time with this fool in front of him. He closed his eyes since this fool in front of him is supposed to be rumored to be the one he was supposed to be looking for. He refused to believe that since this child was so naive that they immediately jumped to conclusions. Not only that, everything that seem to come out of his mouth is a bunch of nonsense. Reala called Celesna toward her side then gripped the sword with her hand standing between her and Nathan barring any path he had toward Sentius. "I am under orders to not let any harm come toward Sentius. You may protect my sister Nathan, but don't make me kill you over your foolishness. Any harm comes toward Sentius and a full-scale war between Gaea and the EP will escalate. What then!? Is your stupid conspiracy theory nonsense worth invoking a war over? If so then you're more disgusting than I thought and you have no right to be with my sister. You invoke those god damn words again I will kill you where you stand. I will kill any threat who wants to bring war. I will ensure that the peace remains and destroy worthless scum like you who don't know their own authority or place." She said irritated with Nathan's actions as she stood where she was. Reala was very serious about her words, she flashed her sword into an attack position. She would kill Nathan right where he stood if he even dare try to approach Sentius. "Stupid mortal!" A voice said as she shot a lightning bolt and electrocuted Nathan with it before even had a chance to make an action and made the charge respond toward his pain receptors where Nathan could feel it quite clearly. It was none other than the fairy that had fallen asleep on Alice's desk. This time she had revealed her true self in front of everyone, but she was still wearing that uniform from earlier. "I was sleeping just fine until you woke me up with your tenacity. Are you mortals really that stupid? Hah, I knew it! All you care about is war, isn't that right dragon fool mortal?" She questioned as she grabbed Nathan by the shirt and brought him closer to peer into her eyes which were full of fury. She was very angry since she was enjoying such a peaceful dream only to be woken up by Nathan's bantering. This fueled her rage and made her shoot a powerful lightning bolt right directly at him. "You pledge to protect her over what, invoking a galactic war? Do you really want to devour everything that may be a threat to her? Because if you do you are the terrorist, Nathan. Stop it with your stupid words because you're so contradictory it's disgusting. You mortals have taught me absolutely nothing new other than you act like a bunch of idiots. That is all I have learned. You aren't allowed to talk either. You're like fuel for the fire so just shut up listen for once!" Stellvia said she placed a magic circle underneath Nathan which would absorb his voice so nobody could hear it right after she tossed him to the ground taking Meira away from him and cradling her in her arms. That way he could for once learn to listen analyze everything properly and actually allow someone to slap some sense into that thick head of his. "I don't really care who is who. The one that is causing the most problem is you, Nathan. Though that other guy over there I don't care who he is either isn't helping. All I know is your constant whining just woke me up and now you will have to suffer my wrath for doing so." She then did the same thing to Sentius. Sentius tried to block her spell, but due to her superior form he could not overpower her. "Now all you two need to do is listen. You aren't helping either of yourselves by insulting each other so why not for a change why don't we take this from the top. You two will properly introduce yourselves or else you will suffer my wrath until you do. Do I make myself perfectly clear?" Sentius nodded at the frightening woman which did send some chills down his spine. "Good." She added as she turned her attention toward Nathan and gave him the same scary stare she gave Sentius. It was the same stare Ranathia gave Nathan and this being had some kind of relation toward her but that was unknown. "That means you too, Nathan. Just nod. Shut your god damn filthy tyrannical mouth and just listen to reason and enlightenment. You're both acting like a bunch of children. So I guess Mother has to take over and discipline the both of you. Don't either of you waste your time trying to escape me. You touch that barrier and it will send unbearable painful sensations through your body." "I will take care of Meira for the time being. It doesn't seem either of you are fit for the task as you both endanger her well-being. Sentius you're aggressiveness and Nathan you're jumping to conclusions without knowing the consequences of those conclusions, reckless behavior and actions and your filthy mouth doesn't help. My authority outranks yours as I am a deity. Neither of you have any reason to doubt or oppose my authority." She added as she turned toward Alice and Annenis asking for a request. "I want Meira to stay with you and your weird companion for awhile. That way I can watch over her while these two heathens learn to either get along or never get to see her again." Turning her eyes toward Squall to exercize her authority with a cold look in her eyes she looked for no objections from even him. "I trust you are fine with this? A deity is certainly more gentle than these two ruffians. I suggest you keep them in line from now on." She concluded as she caused her wings to appear on her backside which were six wings that were arranged and butterfly colored.
Name: Lenna Aler Vashuna Age: 16 Race:Rudorian Gender: Female Alignment: Chaotic Good Nationality: Xirian PoB: Kingdom of Larcenia Rank: Mercenary hired by Guardian Kingdom Academy: Xirian Magical Institution Skill Type: Perception Class: Swordmaster Mount: None Mount's Name: None Interests: Favorite Interest:: Dislikes: Love Interest: Person of Interest: Fiance/Spouse: Bestfriend: Meira Rival: Most Hated Word: Religion: Idol God: God of Eternal Decay, Kreosus Holy Blood: Goddess of Chaos, Millicent Minor/Major: Major Ancient Weapon: Sacria Versya Opposite: Unknown Quote: Important Value in Life: Resolve Favorite Food: Gourmet treats Household Name: Vashuna Ancestry: Ambition Sin Guilty of Most: Greed Title: Astral Fencer Combat Style: Fencing style Weapon preference: Estoc Weapon Name: Ravenwinde Magic Systems: Elemental Magic, Invocation, Evocation and Glyph Magic Element: Force Weakness: Aqua Magical Level: C- Special Skills: Personality: Biography:
The Safe Haven A new day rose in the Haven, the birds in the school garden started to chirp. Movement already started in the residential area, students and teachers walk in the corridors, some of them heading to the kitchen to have their breakfast, others were in the living room watching some TV before the start of the day. Outside some people could be seen having a walk, one of them, well known to the kids was Professor Jacob wearing green sneakers and black shorts and t-shirt having his morning run, which against what would be expected was not that fast. In the training stadium Lady Jade was preparing everything for the first power control class of this year, every kid between 15 and 18 had this class together even if sometimes they did different training.
Name: Elaine "Lain" Cross Age: 15 Gender: Female Species/Race: Shapeshifter Powers: Shift - Lain can shift into different forms. She has one form that she can easily transform into, a Wolf, but the others take some time and effort. She has one shift that will avoid at all costs, to the point of not even mentioning it or why. Her power is a bit unstable and occasionally, she may lose control over herself when she shifts. The only form she will never lose control in is the Wolf form. Weaknesses: Control - As mentioned before Lain has a hard time controlling her powers and her different forms. The more tame the form, the more easily she can control them. The same goes for how often she has shifted into that form. The more time she spends in a certain form will increase her control over it but... at what cost? Shy - Lain is rather shy when it comes to using her powers. She doesn't like using them because they scare her but she will often use her wolf form to get out of situations that make her uncomfortable. Weak - Lain, in her human form, is very weak. If she does not shift, she is of use to no one, really. She is not strong and cannot lift heavy things and she gets sick very easily. Personality: Elaine is a very shy individual, especially when it comes to talking about her powers. She tries very hard to break out of her shell but often chickens out before really getting anywhere. She is not very brave and given the choice of fight or flight, she will always choose flight. She cannot stand violence of any degree and would rather avoid conflict than face it head on. Background: Elaine grew up with normal parents but... when she shifted for the first time she nearly killed her best friend. From that point on, her parents feared her, as much as they tried not to. Elaine understood this from a young age. Her parents loved her, but who wouldn't be scared of a toddler than could shift into a full sized bear and kill you all without realizing she was doing it. Elaine, from there, was shifted from orphanage to orphanage, never really staying in one place for very long. She had friends but once she shifted without meaning to, it was all lost. Everyone was afraid of her, no one was an exception. By the time Elaine turned 13, she'd finally found a way to control her emotions so that she didn't shift every time someone scared her or made her angry. However, even now, given a large enough shock, Elaine may still shift without warning.
Lucky bobbed to the music blaring in her headphones as she walked along the path to the arena. The weather was pleasant, lifting her spirits as she inhaled the morning air deeply. She preferred nature and the outdoors to staying inside, and it could cure her of any foul mood. So when the entry way to the arena came into view, Lucky smiled to herself. She hated the classes involving powers, but she wouldn't be deterred from her good mood. When the familiar face of Lady Jade came into view, Lucky gave her a double-snap and finger guns hand gesture. "Hey Lady J', how's it hangin'?" Lucky called out, not expecting a reply from the teacher in question as she walked past, already knowing what to do. She took her place next to a much shorter, rather cute girl. ] Lucky pondered, looking out of the corner of her left eye at Elaine. Out of habit rather than conscious thought, Lucky stroked her chin with a thick strand of tentacle-esque hair as she tried to figure out Elaine's actual name. Lucky noted how uncomfortable Elaine seemed, but Lucky couldn't blame her. Everyone here had their own demons to deal with. With a shrug, she leaned against the wall casually and pulled down her headphones, the cheery music from within filling the air in a sphere of a couple of feet around Lucky. "It'll be over with before you know it." She said, aiming the comment towards Elaine. "I'm Lucky... Like, that's actually what people call me, go figure." She chuckled to herself, enjoying the joke even if nobody else got it. "Anyways, don't worry. Lady J' has this situation under control, nobody will get hurt. Probably." She added with a wink and a toothy grin. Her teeth glowed the same color as her neon green, bio-luminescent hair, giving the smile a weird effect. She leaned back to give Elaine room, but kept her headphones hanging loosely around her neck in case the shorter girl wanted to talk at all. She hummed quietly to the music.
Name Luxianne "Lucky" Soles Age 16 Appearance credit for picture, the awe-worthy Loish Lucky is 5'9'' in height and 145lbs, with a lithe build gained from many years of yoga and martial arts. Her eyes, as well as her tattoo on her cheek, change color depending on her mood, and they always appear to have an inner glow about them. Power Her body (her blood, saliva, hair, etc.) is capable of producing regenerative and curative powers. She draws the energy for her powers from UV-rays (i.e sunlight, or artificial light) and is able to store it in her body. This is the reason for the color of her hair, eyes, teeth, nails, and blood. If she is required to use her powers a lot, eventually she'll run out of her stored energy and start using her own, which will quickly cause her to go unconscious. Her curative powers are just that, the ability to fight sickness, disease, and, it is speculated, with enough practice, perhaps combat cancer, cure blindness, as well as the more deadly afflictions. She isn't quite at this level yet, and is afraid to begin delving more into it (more in the Background section). All of this healing is done with the willingness of the subject in mind, she will not force her powers on others. In addition to being able to heal, she can reinforce parts of her body to toughen up to the durability of dense stone. Breakable, but not easily done. She has prehensile manipulation over her hair (and, more rarely done, her nails), and she can grow her hair and nails out at will. Background Lucky grew up in a privileged lifestyle, her parents being specialized surgeons, as well as very affluent in their fields. She was the youngest of five children, raised mostly by her family's butler and had very little interaction with her parents due to their demanding lifestyles. Lucky didn't hate them for it, but instead held adoration for them being so dedicated to the craft. She dreamt of growing up to be a surgeon like her parents, helping to save lives and do good in the world. However, when she was handed the powers that could help her achieve her dreams, it was anything but what she imagined. She was ten years old, and it was a rare weekend that her parents and siblings had time to take off from their jobs to be together. It was a blissful event that turned quickly into a horrific nightmare for them when an enraged man broke in and accused Lucky's mother of killing his daughter. In his revenge, he lashed out and grabbed the nearest person, which happened to be Lucky, and stabbed her several times in the stomach before he was apprehended. Her family didn't even have time to begin to mourn their loss, when all of the sudden Lucky's hair began to change color quickly into bio-luminescent green and wrap her up in a dense protective cocoon. She stayed this way for nearly a month. When she finally emerged, she was poked and prodded by doctors and scientists, especially by those specializing in the supernatural phenomena taking place in children. It was quickly ascertained that she held astounding regenerative powers, and, more astonishingly, the ability to cure sicknesses. Nearly all of the methods used to test her powers were borderline torture, and her parents began to have less and less say in their daughter's well being. Lucky was forced to undergo painful procedures, as well as to heal patients for nearly a year before her parents were able to extract her from her unwelcome prison. They immediately sought out the Safe Haven and brought their daughter there, believing it the best place for Lucky's safety (as well as their own). She has been at the Haven for nearly five years now. She typically stays away from using her powers due to her unpleasant past, and has had markedly horrible power progression during her time at the Haven. Despite all of this, Lucky is a rather outgoing girl who is quick to smile and easy to talk to.
Mentions: Lain turned when another student approached her who... glowed? She blinked for a moment, unable to help staring when she remembered how much she hated people doing that to her. She turned her head back and stared at the floor, feeling suddenly very awkward. Though, she had to admit, at least the glowing girl was pretty. There wasn't anything pretty about a raging tiger... She lowered her head further, using her long hair to shield her from others. "It'll be over with before you know it." Was... Was that the glowing girl? Lain blinked for a moment, debating looking before finally shifting her head and hair to look up at the girl. "I'm Lucky... Like, that's actually what people call me, go figure." The girl introduced herself, chuckling. "Anyways, don't worry. Lady J' has this situation under control, nobody will get hurt. Probably." She added with a wink and a weird looking smile. Lain simply stared at her for a moment. P-Probably? Lain thought to herself, concern showing as her brows furrowed. But still, regardless of her feelings towards what could happen in the future, it would be a bit rude not to introduce herself in return. "I'm Elaine but people call me Lain..." She mumbled softly, raising a hand to rub the back of her neck.
Name: Elaine "Lain" Cross Age: 15 Gender: Female Species/Race: Shapeshifter Powers: Shift - Lain can shift into different forms. She has one form that she can easily transform into, a Wolf, but the others take some time and effort. She has one shift that will avoid at all costs, to the point of not even mentioning it or why. Her power is a bit unstable and occasionally, she may lose control over herself when she shifts. The only form she will never lose control in is the Wolf form. Weaknesses: Control - As mentioned before Lain has a hard time controlling her powers and her different forms. The more tame the form, the more easily she can control them. The same goes for how often she has shifted into that form. The more time she spends in a certain form will increase her control over it but... at what cost? Shy - Lain is rather shy when it comes to using her powers. She doesn't like using them because they scare her but she will often use her wolf form to get out of situations that make her uncomfortable. Weak - Lain, in her human form, is very weak. If she does not shift, she is of use to no one, really. She is not strong and cannot lift heavy things and she gets sick very easily. Personality: Elaine is a very shy individual, especially when it comes to talking about her powers. She tries very hard to break out of her shell but often chickens out before really getting anywhere. She is not very brave and given the choice of fight or flight, she will always choose flight. She cannot stand violence of any degree and would rather avoid conflict than face it head on. Background: Elaine grew up with normal parents but... when she shifted for the first time she nearly killed her best friend. From that point on, her parents feared her, as much as they tried not to. Elaine understood this from a young age. Her parents loved her, but who wouldn't be scared of a toddler than could shift into a full sized bear and kill you all without realizing she was doing it. Elaine, from there, was shifted from orphanage to orphanage, never really staying in one place for very long. She had friends but once she shifted without meaning to, it was all lost. Everyone was afraid of her, no one was an exception. By the time Elaine turned 13, she'd finally found a way to control her emotions so that she didn't shift every time someone scared her or made her angry. However, even now, given a large enough shock, Elaine may still shift without warning.
"OH Elaine, that's it! It was driving me absolutely nuts trying to figure it out! Lucky laughed, giving her thigh a light slap. "Well, Lain, you really don't have anything to worry about with Lady J' here. She really does have everything under control. If anything..." Lucky paused for a moment, looking Elaine over. "You may want to relax and take some deep breaths. You seem pretty nervous. Is this your first class at the Haven?"
Name Luxianne "Lucky" Soles Age 16 Appearance credit for picture, the awe-worthy Loish Lucky is 5'9'' in height and 145lbs, with a lithe build gained from many years of yoga and martial arts. Her eyes, as well as her tattoo on her cheek, change color depending on her mood, and they always appear to have an inner glow about them. Power Her body (her blood, saliva, hair, etc.) is capable of producing regenerative and curative powers. She draws the energy for her powers from UV-rays (i.e sunlight, or artificial light) and is able to store it in her body. This is the reason for the color of her hair, eyes, teeth, nails, and blood. If she is required to use her powers a lot, eventually she'll run out of her stored energy and start using her own, which will quickly cause her to go unconscious. Her curative powers are just that, the ability to fight sickness, disease, and, it is speculated, with enough practice, perhaps combat cancer, cure blindness, as well as the more deadly afflictions. She isn't quite at this level yet, and is afraid to begin delving more into it (more in the Background section). All of this healing is done with the willingness of the subject in mind, she will not force her powers on others. In addition to being able to heal, she can reinforce parts of her body to toughen up to the durability of dense stone. Breakable, but not easily done. She has prehensile manipulation over her hair (and, more rarely done, her nails), and she can grow her hair and nails out at will. Background Lucky grew up in a privileged lifestyle, her parents being specialized surgeons, as well as very affluent in their fields. She was the youngest of five children, raised mostly by her family's butler and had very little interaction with her parents due to their demanding lifestyles. Lucky didn't hate them for it, but instead held adoration for them being so dedicated to the craft. She dreamt of growing up to be a surgeon like her parents, helping to save lives and do good in the world. However, when she was handed the powers that could help her achieve her dreams, it was anything but what she imagined. She was ten years old, and it was a rare weekend that her parents and siblings had time to take off from their jobs to be together. It was a blissful event that turned quickly into a horrific nightmare for them when an enraged man broke in and accused Lucky's mother of killing his daughter. In his revenge, he lashed out and grabbed the nearest person, which happened to be Lucky, and stabbed her several times in the stomach before he was apprehended. Her family didn't even have time to begin to mourn their loss, when all of the sudden Lucky's hair began to change color quickly into bio-luminescent green and wrap her up in a dense protective cocoon. She stayed this way for nearly a month. When she finally emerged, she was poked and prodded by doctors and scientists, especially by those specializing in the supernatural phenomena taking place in children. It was quickly ascertained that she held astounding regenerative powers, and, more astonishingly, the ability to cure sicknesses. Nearly all of the methods used to test her powers were borderline torture, and her parents began to have less and less say in their daughter's well being. Lucky was forced to undergo painful procedures, as well as to heal patients for nearly a year before her parents were able to extract her from her unwelcome prison. They immediately sought out the Safe Haven and brought their daughter there, believing it the best place for Lucky's safety (as well as their own). She has been at the Haven for nearly five years now. She typically stays away from using her powers due to her unpleasant past, and has had markedly horrible power progression during her time at the Haven. Despite all of this, Lucky is a rather outgoing girl who is quick to smile and easy to talk to.
Eric hadn't been here very long, so he walked around the grounds. Getting to know the place, and enjoying the pleasant weather, walking around the grounds he took in how appreciative he was to be here, this place was a safe haven for people like him, but for him it was literally a place to get away. As he showed up at the arena he sat outside of it for sometime pacing, he knew he would have to show off his power which would be very very difficult. Working up the nerve finally he entered the arena. Some of the others were funneling in, and beneath him on the floor of the arena was one of the teachers. He took a seat near a couple of girls. "Hello ladies, haven't seen you around before. Names Eric." He flashed them his best grin. "You ready to strut your stuff?" He said, to be honest he was nervous so instead he decided to chat them up hoping that they would help take it easy on his nerves. As time went on Eric got more and more jittery, it almost looked like he was going to try to and bolt. With such a useless power, he probably wouldn't really fit in here. They might even kick him out, it's not like he could summon the elements, or manipulate objects with his mind. He sighed aloud and leaned back. "Teachers cute though." He laughed at his own joke, and started to fidget a little more.
Name:Eric J Keller Age:16 Power:Photographic Reflexes, You ever wish that you could do something just by watching someone do it? Eric can, he can watch someone and pick up on their fighting style almost instantly, he could wield a sword like a master in a matter of weeks, he can become a top shot just by watching someone, and sports has never been a problem. Background:Eric was born in a poor neighborhood, his family was happy to have him. But when he started to demonstrate his powers he ran away, not wanting to get his family involved. But due to the nature of his powers Eric isn't as targeted as other powered individuals, which he used to his advantage of course. He used his power to earn money for himself on the streets, but as things tend to do, life changed. He got caught, so he ran, he had heard tell of Haven, so he fled there. Hoping that they would take him in, hoping that he could forget his life there.
Kaze Kaze looked around at the bright halls and rich decor as he moved through the facility. He had been told to go to the Arena but the place was hard for him to get around still. He kind of missed the forest and the simplicity it involved. He got the odd look from the people he passed, but that was because of the massive cloak that hid his entire body from view. It also didn't help that he literally towered over everyone he came across. Still he had places to go so he inhaled. He found the teachers scent and followed it with that odd animalistic lope. Upon arriving he peeked into the room. Students were lined up around the Arena with Lady Jane in the middle. The room was well lit so he had no way of just sneaking in and avoiding the eyes of the other students like his instincts were telling him to. Snuffing he started into the room, each step was a dull thud thanks to his weight. But the others could hear clicks after he walked, it was the claws hidden from sight drumming lightly on the ground. He kept away from the other students but he heard their whispers. Either about him or about Lady Jane's appearance. He ignored it though and kept his dully glowing crimson eyes on the teacher. Aside from the snuff he had made no sound, to either greet or just jabber like the others.
Name: Kaze Age: 18 Appearance: Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white. Power: Dragon's Blood Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles. Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched. Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged. Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames. Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point. Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him. Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people. Background: Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't.
Mentions: & "OH Elaine, that's it! It was driving me absolutely nuts trying to figure it out! Lucky laughed, giving her thigh a light slap. "Well, Lain, you really don't have anything to worry about with Lady J' here. She really does have everything under control. If anything..." If Lain was honest, the comment did little to calm her beating heart but the idea of it was more soothing than not. Even if everything were under control, she still didn't like the idea of being around others or possible showing off her powers. It didn't sit well with her at all. Lucky paused for a moment, looking Elaine over. "You may want to relax and take some deep breaths. You seem pretty nervous. Is this your first class at the Haven?" Lain stood still for a moment, thinking about how she wanted to answer Lucky when another student came up to greet them. He looked oddly normal. She was still staring at Eric when she answered Lucky's question, "Y-Yes..." However, was she really ready to 'strut her stuff' as Eric had asked? A frown formed on Lain's face as she quietly turned away and stared down at the floor again. "N-No... She mumbled quietly to herself, though she was almost certain her responses would confuse both students. "Teachers cute though." She heard Eric laugh. The comment prompted her to look back up at the teacher before settling her gaze back down at the floor, her movements slow and cautious. The teacher still intimidated her so she couldn't look past the fear to see the appeal. "Yeah..." She replied softly, a lie but she didn't really feel like explaining herself and agreeing usually meant less talking. The thud of another new coming prompted Lain to look up once again and her eyes widened at the sight. What the heck was that... thing? She blinked, staring at him for a moment before her face softened as she once again reminded herself of the looks people often gave her after she transformed back from an episode. With a shuddering sigh, she turned her head again to stare at the floor. She was starting to make out little pictures in the wood grain...
Name: Elaine "Lain" Cross Age: 15 Gender: Female Species/Race: Shapeshifter Powers: Shift - Lain can shift into different forms. She has one form that she can easily transform into, a Wolf, but the others take some time and effort. She has one shift that will avoid at all costs, to the point of not even mentioning it or why. Her power is a bit unstable and occasionally, she may lose control over herself when she shifts. The only form she will never lose control in is the Wolf form. Weaknesses: Control - As mentioned before Lain has a hard time controlling her powers and her different forms. The more tame the form, the more easily she can control them. The same goes for how often she has shifted into that form. The more time she spends in a certain form will increase her control over it but... at what cost? Shy - Lain is rather shy when it comes to using her powers. She doesn't like using them because they scare her but she will often use her wolf form to get out of situations that make her uncomfortable. Weak - Lain, in her human form, is very weak. If she does not shift, she is of use to no one, really. She is not strong and cannot lift heavy things and she gets sick very easily. Personality: Elaine is a very shy individual, especially when it comes to talking about her powers. She tries very hard to break out of her shell but often chickens out before really getting anywhere. She is not very brave and given the choice of fight or flight, she will always choose flight. She cannot stand violence of any degree and would rather avoid conflict than face it head on. Background: Elaine grew up with normal parents but... when she shifted for the first time she nearly killed her best friend. From that point on, her parents feared her, as much as they tried not to. Elaine understood this from a young age. Her parents loved her, but who wouldn't be scared of a toddler than could shift into a full sized bear and kill you all without realizing she was doing it. Elaine, from there, was shifted from orphanage to orphanage, never really staying in one place for very long. She had friends but once she shifted without meaning to, it was all lost. Everyone was afraid of her, no one was an exception. By the time Elaine turned 13, she'd finally found a way to control her emotions so that she didn't shift every time someone scared her or made her angry. However, even now, given a large enough shock, Elaine may still shift without warning.
Eira scowled. First day of school and she had to go to a fucking arena. Goddamnit. With her hood up, Imagine Dragons blaring in her earphones, her hands stuck into her hoodie's pocket, Eira made her way to the arena. SHe already knew where everything was, having taken the previous weak to walk around and get used to the layout. Her only apprehension at this point was that her teacher was Jade. Fuckin power control. Eira hated having to reign her power in. In fact, she wasn't even doing it now. Instead, she was letting it do as it wished. Which meant that pitch black flames that soaked up light and heat like fuckin blackholes circled around her, moving in time with Radioactive. Eira walked into the giant as fuck stadium mouthing some of the words. Noticing the insanely tall student, Kaze she believed, Eira stood next to him. Her 5'6" frame making her appear as a small child next to him. This pissed her off more, and the area immediately around her got significantly colder and darker. Looking up at the lumbering oaf, her piercing eyes drilled into him. One word, icy and dark, escaped her lips. "Move."
Name: Eira Luters Age: 17 Appearance (pictures accepted): Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well. Power: Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen. Background: This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper.
Cole forced his eyes open at the jarring beeping in his right ear, having to feel around a little for its source before managing to shut the device up. So, that was what his phone's alarm sounded like. He would have never known if he had not come to this place. He was used to having some attendant entering his spacious room and calling for him to wake up every morning, so having that done by a piece of technology instead only served as a reminder that things were probably never going to be the same. The events that had led up to him ending up at the Haven had seemed surreal, almost unbelievable. The staff member who had pick him up had seen everything, and despite the teenager's pleas for them not do so, had contacted his family and informed them of the situation. The Ryders, obviously concerned for their family's status, immediately requested that Cole stay at the Haven and away from home, and it hurt to hear that. Of course, he had expected such a reaction from his parents, but it still hurt. Cole's newly-discovered ability of heightened senses of hearing and smell only made the new environment more overwhelming as he made his way through the school towards the big arena, where his first lesson was scheduled to take place at. The other students were loud and rowdy. Did they really have to shout to one another? The hallways seemed to reek of grime, sweat, and remnants of what smelt like gas released through the- well, he did not even want to think about it. Needless to say, the entire experience had left him somewhat frustrated by the time he had reached the big arena, though he did manage a "Good morning, Ma'am," and a polite bow to the teacher present before trudging over to stand with the other students.
Name: Cole Ryder Age: 16 Appearance: Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form. Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark. Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form. Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities.
Lucky scratched her head at the confusing way Elaine replied to both herself, as well as the newcomer, Eric. She shrugged it off when she realized that Elaine was probably being overwhelmed by all of the attention. Instead of interrogating Elaine further, Lucky gave Eric a cheeky grin when he asked if they were ready to strut their stuff. "Oh hells yes am I ready to strut it! You aren't even prepared for this beautimus performance." She fanned her hair out behind her in a striking resemblance of a peacock's tail feathers and twirled around gracefully. When she was done, she struck a sassy pose with one hand on her hip. In response to Eric's remark about Lady Jade being cute, Lucky nodded like the comment was expected. After all, in her many years attending the school she had heard a lot of praise, as well as an equal amount of vitriol, for the teacher. "Yeah, Lady J' is something else. This should be an interesting class, to say the least..." She trailed off distractedly as she followed Elaine's line of sight to the new students, especially to Kaze. She wasn't completely unprepared for oddities, but Kaze's existence was pretty distracting. When a girl with an attitude placed herself next to the giant, Lucky frowned, sensing a fight brewing. She hesitantly tore her attention back to Eric and Elaine. That was when she noticed Cole standing not too far away, and she gave him a smile and a wave, including him in the small gathering. "Hopefully this doesn't get too interesting though... That girl over there seems like trouble." Lucky indicated Eira with a nod and a shrug. "Oh yeah, I'm Lucky by the way." She added as an after-thought, finally remembering to introduce herself. "Let's hope we all stay that way, too."
Name Luxianne "Lucky" Soles Age 16 Appearance credit for picture, the awe-worthy Loish Lucky is 5'9'' in height and 145lbs, with a lithe build gained from many years of yoga and martial arts. Her eyes, as well as her tattoo on her cheek, change color depending on her mood, and they always appear to have an inner glow about them. Power Her body (her blood, saliva, hair, etc.) is capable of producing regenerative and curative powers. She draws the energy for her powers from UV-rays (i.e sunlight, or artificial light) and is able to store it in her body. This is the reason for the color of her hair, eyes, teeth, nails, and blood. If she is required to use her powers a lot, eventually she'll run out of her stored energy and start using her own, which will quickly cause her to go unconscious. Her curative powers are just that, the ability to fight sickness, disease, and, it is speculated, with enough practice, perhaps combat cancer, cure blindness, as well as the more deadly afflictions. She isn't quite at this level yet, and is afraid to begin delving more into it (more in the Background section). All of this healing is done with the willingness of the subject in mind, she will not force her powers on others. In addition to being able to heal, she can reinforce parts of her body to toughen up to the durability of dense stone. Breakable, but not easily done. She has prehensile manipulation over her hair (and, more rarely done, her nails), and she can grow her hair and nails out at will. Background Lucky grew up in a privileged lifestyle, her parents being specialized surgeons, as well as very affluent in their fields. She was the youngest of five children, raised mostly by her family's butler and had very little interaction with her parents due to their demanding lifestyles. Lucky didn't hate them for it, but instead held adoration for them being so dedicated to the craft. She dreamt of growing up to be a surgeon like her parents, helping to save lives and do good in the world. However, when she was handed the powers that could help her achieve her dreams, it was anything but what she imagined. She was ten years old, and it was a rare weekend that her parents and siblings had time to take off from their jobs to be together. It was a blissful event that turned quickly into a horrific nightmare for them when an enraged man broke in and accused Lucky's mother of killing his daughter. In his revenge, he lashed out and grabbed the nearest person, which happened to be Lucky, and stabbed her several times in the stomach before he was apprehended. Her family didn't even have time to begin to mourn their loss, when all of the sudden Lucky's hair began to change color quickly into bio-luminescent green and wrap her up in a dense protective cocoon. She stayed this way for nearly a month. When she finally emerged, she was poked and prodded by doctors and scientists, especially by those specializing in the supernatural phenomena taking place in children. It was quickly ascertained that she held astounding regenerative powers, and, more astonishingly, the ability to cure sicknesses. Nearly all of the methods used to test her powers were borderline torture, and her parents began to have less and less say in their daughter's well being. Lucky was forced to undergo painful procedures, as well as to heal patients for nearly a year before her parents were able to extract her from her unwelcome prison. They immediately sought out the Safe Haven and brought their daughter there, believing it the best place for Lucky's safety (as well as their own). She has been at the Haven for nearly five years now. She typically stays away from using her powers due to her unpleasant past, and has had markedly horrible power progression during her time at the Haven. Despite all of this, Lucky is a rather outgoing girl who is quick to smile and easy to talk to.
Eric liked this little group that was forming, when the giant dude entered he thought it was the coolest thing ever. He was about to say something along those lines but, instead Lucky introduced herself. "Have you been here long then?" He asked, the way Lucky carried herself made him smile, she was super bubbly and he liked that, a really stark contrast to the girl next to her. But he was getting side tracked, he was going to talk to the giant. He stood up and was about to yell something to him, when another student entered the room. She was cute, but boy did she look like she woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. And Eric did not like the way she treated giant guy, so instead of letting it slide quietly he interfered, which he would probably regret later but ice queen needed to back down. "Hey, leave him alone! There is absolutely no need to be a bitch about it." He shouted, he walked from his section of the stands over to where the other two were standing. "Why don't you come sit with me and Lucky. Ice queen over there seems to be in a mood." He laughed, and gestured over to where Lain, and Lucky were currently seated.
Name:Eric J Keller Age:16 Power:Photographic Reflexes, You ever wish that you could do something just by watching someone do it? Eric can, he can watch someone and pick up on their fighting style almost instantly, he could wield a sword like a master in a matter of weeks, he can become a top shot just by watching someone, and sports has never been a problem. Background:Eric was born in a poor neighborhood, his family was happy to have him. But when he started to demonstrate his powers he ran away, not wanting to get his family involved. But due to the nature of his powers Eric isn't as targeted as other powered individuals, which he used to his advantage of course. He used his power to earn money for himself on the streets, but as things tend to do, life changed. He got caught, so he ran, he had heard tell of Haven, so he fled there. Hoping that they would take him in, hoping that he could forget his life there.
Eira, Ice Queen though it was an inaccurate name as she didn't control ice in the first place, looked up at the boy that had shouted. Pulling an earbud out, she responded to the kid. "Being a bitch? This ain't me being a bitch. All I did was ask him to move." Turning back to the 7 foot tall man in front of her she said, once more, "Move." By this point, annoyed by the other kid, her flames began to jump even more. Now they reached up to her own height, jumping and lashing around her, moving in circles. They didn't seek to attack, but were merely energized. However, their energy was cold and dark. Illuminating the scowl and her cold eyes, Eira's flames continued to swing around her. Oh god, how she hoped the lumbering giant would get out of her way soon.
Name: Eira Luters Age: 17 Appearance (pictures accepted): Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well. Power: Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen. Background: This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper.
Most of the students had already arrived. Jade knew all of them, either for having been there the last year or because she had read their files. The first one was Elain, a shy girl, with living beasts trapped inside her. After her arrived the healer of the group, Lucky, followed by Eric and Kaze. Lastly and trying to show of her strength arrived Eira, the last one to arrive was Cole. "Now that most of you are here I'll start to introduce to the new students, and some of the old ones a few rules we have. First one: It is not allowed for a student to express destructive powers without motive, special authorization or eminent danger, so Eira, could you kindly dismiss your flames at this moment?" Jade's face was nice and happy when she started to talk, changing drastically to a emotionless expression as she turned to Eira. "Second:" she continued "We do not encourage hiding your true self here, it is a part of you and you should not hide it from anyone, embrace it as a gift, not a curse, so Kaze, no cloaks allowed during classes". She walked in front of the lined-up looking at one by one of the students, and she reached the last one, she turned around and went to the middle of the arena. "Last but not least, this class is made to help you all control and learn to use your powers, and for that reason today we have a special gue..." and before she could finish something entered the arena at high speed stopping by the side of Jade. "Am I late? it was professor Jacob, blonde guy, with a cigarette in his mouth, wearing a black vest and a grey shirt. " I was saying, today we have professor Jacob as a special guest to our class because we both do control and combat, if you want to work as a team some day you all should know each other strengths and weaknesses. And for that reason we both asigned you in pairs for today's class based on what we know of you and what we thinking you still have to learn. Any questions?"
Name: Kaze Age: 18 Appearance: Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white. Power: Dragon's Blood Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles. Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched. Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged. Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames. Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point. Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him. Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people. Background: Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't.
Mentions: None Lain tried to keep to herself while the others talked. She really didn't feel like dealing with others or the fight that seemed to be brewing nearby. Though it was no surprise that the others seemed to forget she existed, Lain still felt a bit hurt that her presence didn't seem to amount to much. Then again, she was practically trying to disappear on the spot. She lifted her head when the teacher started talking, but the entire situation was making her nervous. She felt hot and a little bit nauseous. Like the room was spinning slightly and she could hear a ringing in her ear. She took in slow deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. She didn't like any of this. The idea of not hiding your powers, the fighting going on, the teachers. She did not want to be here and that was the only thought going through her mind. She could care less what the teachers wanted or what the students wanted. Just... let me leave. Please... Who would she get as a partner? For some reason, she was really hoping for the dragon guy because at the very least he might be able to stop her if things got out of hand. He looked like he could take on anything her uncontrollable powers could dish out at him... She glanced at Eric next to him. She really did not want to be partnered with him. He looked so normal and... she really didn't want to hurt him.
Name: Elaine "Lain" Cross Age: 15 Gender: Female Species/Race: Shapeshifter Powers: Shift - Lain can shift into different forms. She has one form that she can easily transform into, a Wolf, but the others take some time and effort. She has one shift that will avoid at all costs, to the point of not even mentioning it or why. Her power is a bit unstable and occasionally, she may lose control over herself when she shifts. The only form she will never lose control in is the Wolf form. Weaknesses: Control - As mentioned before Lain has a hard time controlling her powers and her different forms. The more tame the form, the more easily she can control them. The same goes for how often she has shifted into that form. The more time she spends in a certain form will increase her control over it but... at what cost? Shy - Lain is rather shy when it comes to using her powers. She doesn't like using them because they scare her but she will often use her wolf form to get out of situations that make her uncomfortable. Weak - Lain, in her human form, is very weak. If she does not shift, she is of use to no one, really. She is not strong and cannot lift heavy things and she gets sick very easily. Personality: Elaine is a very shy individual, especially when it comes to talking about her powers. She tries very hard to break out of her shell but often chickens out before really getting anywhere. She is not very brave and given the choice of fight or flight, she will always choose flight. She cannot stand violence of any degree and would rather avoid conflict than face it head on. Background: Elaine grew up with normal parents but... when she shifted for the first time she nearly killed her best friend. From that point on, her parents feared her, as much as they tried not to. Elaine understood this from a young age. Her parents loved her, but who wouldn't be scared of a toddler than could shift into a full sized bear and kill you all without realizing she was doing it. Elaine, from there, was shifted from orphanage to orphanage, never really staying in one place for very long. She had friends but once she shifted without meaning to, it was all lost. Everyone was afraid of her, no one was an exception. By the time Elaine turned 13, she'd finally found a way to control her emotions so that she didn't shift every time someone scared her or made her angry. However, even now, given a large enough shock, Elaine may still shift without warning.
Eira snarled as the dragon picked her up. As he set her down, her flames died down just a smidgen, and then shot back up. Turning swiftly on her feet, she glared at the giant once again. "Don't you dare fucking pick me up again." Her voice, as it had been throughout this little encounter, was cold, icy, and dark. A slight blush surfaced on her cheeks as her shoulders twitched a little. Bad memories began to surface, but with an iron will she shoved them back down. For god's sake, the streets of New York was no place for a girl to grow up. About to spit some other vehement comment out, Eira was cut short by the professor's words. Scowling, she turned towards the bloody teacher, of course, not wanting to go back to where she came from, Eira kept her mouth shut. Waiting, she watched as the dragon took off his cloak. Damnit, for a big scaly giant, he was rather attractive. Snarling, she responded to Professor Jade. "Oi! If I could keep it bottled up I would. Do you have any idea what it feels like to never have a hot meal in your life?!?!" Eira's voice echoed around the arena, carrying itself down to the professor in the center of the ground. Crossing her arms, Eira leaned back against the metal railing that stood behind her. Shooting daggered glares at both the teacher and the lizard, Eira's flames coiled around the metal. Soon, the once glossy railing became foggy with a thin layer of ice.
Name: Eira Luters Age: 17 Appearance (pictures accepted): Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well. Power: Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen. Background: This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper.
Out of the corner of his eye, Cole could see the bright green-haired girl who had been talking give him a wave and a friendly smile. His initial impression of her was that she was loud and a tad hyperactive, but at least she was pleasant. A light smile crossed his face as he looked towards her and nodded, intending to be polite. Her attention, as well as that of another boy in the group then turned to a little situation some distance away from them. He thought it unnecessary for the boy to interfere when he was not part of it. After all, that was what teachers were for, were they not? The female teacher who had started to address the students was soon joined by a male one, whom she had introduced as 'Professor Jacob'. She then briefed the group on the lesson that was about to take place, giving some specific instructions to a couple of students, namely the two involved in the earlier incident. The tall figure in the cloak complied without objection, and revealed himself to be a dragon-like beast. Well, that had shown Cole that he was not the only monster around. The girl, however, could only imply that she had trouble controlling her ability. She did so while maintaining her aggressive demeanor, and Cole could not help but be curious about how the teacher would respond to that. Switching his focus back to the class, he figured that he had quite a clear idea of what was going to happen. It was a safe environment to use his ability, and all he had to do was ensure he did not stay a monster for longer than ten minutes. He would have been self-conscious about the nature of his ability, if not for the fact that he knew that he was around a group of people who were 'gifted' themselves. "Understood, Ma'am," was all he felt the need to say in reply to the teacher.
Name: Cole Ryder Age: 16 Appearance: Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form. Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark. Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form. Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities.
When the teacher started to speak, everything died down and Eric let out a sigh of relief. When she mentioned the giant should take off his cloak, he turned to look at him and saw that he was actually a dragon-man hybrid thing. "Okay, cool..." He said, his voice filled with awe from looking at the dragon man. Before, he could ask what the teacher meant by working as a team, the dragon man picked up the ice queen and set her down on the other side of him. This caused Eric to laugh at loud, and then in between laughs he managed to utter. "Both of you are so hopeless." He stopped laughing, and started to go back to his seat. It was at this point that he saw the ice queen was getting legitimately angry so he stepped between the two of them, he could see the look on her face. Eric probably shouldn't of stepped between the two of them, out of both of them his powers were probably the weakest. He could probably fight a normal human, but someone like dragon-man, and more than likely the ice queen over there could probably tear him to shreds. "I don't think you two should be fighting yet, maybe you'll get lucky and get paired up then you can beat the tar out of each other. But there are people in the crossfire here, so how bout the both of you come sit down with us." His voice was more serious this time, but his body betrayed him he was shaking like a leaf from how terrified he was. But eventually he found the courage to point towards where he was sitting earlier.
Name:Eric J Keller Age:16 Power:Photographic Reflexes, You ever wish that you could do something just by watching someone do it? Eric can, he can watch someone and pick up on their fighting style almost instantly, he could wield a sword like a master in a matter of weeks, he can become a top shot just by watching someone, and sports has never been a problem. Background:Eric was born in a poor neighborhood, his family was happy to have him. But when he started to demonstrate his powers he ran away, not wanting to get his family involved. But due to the nature of his powers Eric isn't as targeted as other powered individuals, which he used to his advantage of course. He used his power to earn money for himself on the streets, but as things tend to do, life changed. He got caught, so he ran, he had heard tell of Haven, so he fled there. Hoping that they would take him in, hoping that he could forget his life there.
Kaze Kaze's crimson eyes turned back towards Eira while she snapped and snarled. He wasn't threatened by her words and the chill she was giving off was minor at the moment. "Then don't presume to order me." He stated before his eyebrow quirked upward. He noticed the blush and was confused about it. Her verbal reaction didn't go with the blush, so was she hiding something? She'd reveal it when she reveals it, for now he didn't make a comment. He also made sure to notice her flames didn't produce heat. They were the source of the coldness given the railing she leaned against. The boy from earlier laughed and spoke up. Hopeless? He hadn't done anything threatening nor did he even give off the inkling of anger. The teen even stepped between the two as if they were about to just assault each other. Frost girl spoke up grumpily, mentioning never having hot food. Probably because of her ability. "We're not fighting. She's saying her grievances and I'm ignoring her attitude." he said. They would know if he was upset or not even with his reptilian and animalistic face.
Name: Kaze Age: 18 Appearance: Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white. Power: Dragon's Blood Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles. Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched. Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged. Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames. Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point. Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him. Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people. Background: Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't.
Eira took a deep breath, the blush rapidly draining from her cheeks as the guy that spoke earlier jumped between her and the dragon. Her nearly black eyes stared up at him as her flames inked their way by his feet. Stepping up to him, she spoke. "A fight? We were just having a nice conversation." Malice was heavy in her voice as a twisted, but attractive, smile spread across her lips. "But, you really shouldn't get in other people's ways." She said, keeping the smile on her face. Then, in the blink of an eye, the temperature of her flame, the one that had snaked its way by Eric's leg, dropped. The air began to condense around the man's leg making a thick, impenetrable fog. Winter had descended. Turning her attention back towards the dragon, she spoke again. "How about, Scales? Wanna have a go?" Now something reflecting true mirth found its way into the icy menace of her voice. (Eric doesn't get hurt from the flames, it just gets really bloody cold around his legs.)
Name: Eira Luters Age: 17 Appearance (pictures accepted): Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well. Power: Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen. Background: This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper.
Enough! yelled Jade as her eyes turne golden. Kaze, Eira, and Eric felt there body trapped in time, they couldn't move, even the cold flames seemed to freeze in time. Eric's leg wasn't neither more cold or more warm, the temperature seemed to stop going down, but it was getting warmer either. The trio could still hear, breathe, and think, but their bodies would not move. "No one inside this school will use their powers or fight because of childish behavior or diversity of opinions. But seeing that Kaze and Eira so kindly volunteered they are going to be the first pair to duel each other. When I release you take two steps back and then take position in opposite sides of the arena. After you introduce yourself to the adversary and bow you can start. The rest of you take place outside the arena and watch carefully as the battle goes. Questions will be asked in the end. I hope that I've made myself clear." As she finished her eyes went back to their normal color and the trio could once again move.
Name Luxianne "Lucky" Soles Age 16 Appearance credit for picture, the awe-worthy Loish Lucky is 5'9'' in height and 145lbs, with a lithe build gained from many years of yoga and martial arts. Her eyes, as well as her tattoo on her cheek, change color depending on her mood, and they always appear to have an inner glow about them. Power Her body (her blood, saliva, hair, etc.) is capable of producing regenerative and curative powers. She draws the energy for her powers from UV-rays (i.e sunlight, or artificial light) and is able to store it in her body. This is the reason for the color of her hair, eyes, teeth, nails, and blood. If she is required to use her powers a lot, eventually she'll run out of her stored energy and start using her own, which will quickly cause her to go unconscious. Her curative powers are just that, the ability to fight sickness, disease, and, it is speculated, with enough practice, perhaps combat cancer, cure blindness, as well as the more deadly afflictions. She isn't quite at this level yet, and is afraid to begin delving more into it (more in the Background section). All of this healing is done with the willingness of the subject in mind, she will not force her powers on others. In addition to being able to heal, she can reinforce parts of her body to toughen up to the durability of dense stone. Breakable, but not easily done. She has prehensile manipulation over her hair (and, more rarely done, her nails), and she can grow her hair and nails out at will. Background Lucky grew up in a privileged lifestyle, her parents being specialized surgeons, as well as very affluent in their fields. She was the youngest of five children, raised mostly by her family's butler and had very little interaction with her parents due to their demanding lifestyles. Lucky didn't hate them for it, but instead held adoration for them being so dedicated to the craft. She dreamt of growing up to be a surgeon like her parents, helping to save lives and do good in the world. However, when she was handed the powers that could help her achieve her dreams, it was anything but what she imagined. She was ten years old, and it was a rare weekend that her parents and siblings had time to take off from their jobs to be together. It was a blissful event that turned quickly into a horrific nightmare for them when an enraged man broke in and accused Lucky's mother of killing his daughter. In his revenge, he lashed out and grabbed the nearest person, which happened to be Lucky, and stabbed her several times in the stomach before he was apprehended. Her family didn't even have time to begin to mourn their loss, when all of the sudden Lucky's hair began to change color quickly into bio-luminescent green and wrap her up in a dense protective cocoon. She stayed this way for nearly a month. When she finally emerged, she was poked and prodded by doctors and scientists, especially by those specializing in the supernatural phenomena taking place in children. It was quickly ascertained that she held astounding regenerative powers, and, more astonishingly, the ability to cure sicknesses. Nearly all of the methods used to test her powers were borderline torture, and her parents began to have less and less say in their daughter's well being. Lucky was forced to undergo painful procedures, as well as to heal patients for nearly a year before her parents were able to extract her from her unwelcome prison. They immediately sought out the Safe Haven and brought their daughter there, believing it the best place for Lucky's safety (as well as their own). She has been at the Haven for nearly five years now. She typically stays away from using her powers due to her unpleasant past, and has had markedly horrible power progression during her time at the Haven. Despite all of this, Lucky is a rather outgoing girl who is quick to smile and easy to talk to.
Eric sighed, and shivered a bit as he felt the cold biting at his ankles. As he was about to say something, then he couldn't move the teacher had frozen him somehow, Ice queen, and Dragon-man as well. He let out another drawn out sigh before listening to what Lady J had to say, when she released him he stepped out of the way. "Was just trying to make sure no one got caught in the crossfire, it's actions and temperaments like that, that make people hate us." He spoke with just the slightest hint of anger behind his voice. As he sat down he was still shaking, he was lucky this time Ice bitch hadn't tried to kill him. He knew he shouldn't of gotten involved, but sitting there and watching probably would of been worse if the teachers didn't interfere in time. He couldn't wait to watch them fight though, he was thinking about taking bets but he didn't think the teachers would be all that happy about it, but nonetheless he spoke. "Go dragon dude!" He said, to no one in particular.
Name:Eric J Keller Age:16 Power:Photographic Reflexes, You ever wish that you could do something just by watching someone do it? Eric can, he can watch someone and pick up on their fighting style almost instantly, he could wield a sword like a master in a matter of weeks, he can become a top shot just by watching someone, and sports has never been a problem. Background:Eric was born in a poor neighborhood, his family was happy to have him. But when he started to demonstrate his powers he ran away, not wanting to get his family involved. But due to the nature of his powers Eric isn't as targeted as other powered individuals, which he used to his advantage of course. He used his power to earn money for himself on the streets, but as things tend to do, life changed. He got caught, so he ran, he had heard tell of Haven, so he fled there. Hoping that they would take him in, hoping that he could forget his life there.
Kaze Kaze blinked slowly when the girl put her power on the guys legs because he stepped in the way. She was obviously looking for a fight considering she just called him out. A brief inhale and he blew out, sending her flame sputtering. "Don't push be, girl." He stated calmly, that odd multi-toned voice going a little low. She had just attacked someone for trying to stop a fight without even harming her. That obviously didn't sit well with him, but Jade finally intervened. The cold girl, Eira, and Kaze would be sparring first. When he was released he went to the arena and turned to face the much smaller cold woman. "I'm Kaze." He said before bowing. After she introduced herself he shoved himself backwards with his wings, putting distance between himself and her. The ground cracked under his weight while deep ruts were in the ground from that shove. "I'd advise you to take this very serious." he said as his wing dug into the ground and sent a chunk of the stadium floor towards Eira. The other wing swept along the ground, kicking up a dust cloud that could easily hide him. He didn't need his eyes to know where she was, his ears were already swiveling, cutting out the sounds of the other students.
Name: Kaze Age: 18 Appearance: Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white. Power: Dragon's Blood Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles. Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched. Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged. Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames. Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point. Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him. Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people. Background: Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't.
Sarah walked across the grounds, trying to look like she belonged there. Which wasn't easy, considering she'd arrived less than an hour earlier. She had been given half an hour to put her bags in her room and get a feel for the place, and then the girl had returned to give her directions to the arena for her first lesson. Sarah chuckled at the thought, as she approached the building the girl had indicated. Before entering the arena, Sarah entered the bathroom. She ran the tap and let the cool water wash over her hands. Feeling cooler, more composed, she reluctantly turned off the water, dried her hands by running them through her hair and took a deep breath. Sarah entered the arena just as an enormous dragonlike creature dug his wing into the ground and tossed part of the arena towards a tiny looking girl on the other side of the arena. She then looked around for the other students. Some had sat down to enjoy what was obviously going to be a fight, others were still standing around. One girl seemed to feel right at home, camera and trailmix in hand, she seemed ready to enjoy the spectacle. Sarah wasn't sure what to do. She had been warned that class had already started, but this wasn't exactly what she had pictured. In the end, she decided to go with what the girl with the wicked hair was doing and sat down somewhere behind her.
Name: Sarah James Age: 15 Gender: Female Appearance: Powers: Water Sarah can control water, but only when she’s near a source. This means she knows when she’s near water, or the general direction she should look in, but she cannot trace the plumbing in the walls, so to speak. Sarah has some control over her powers, and has even begun training herself. She cannot keep this up very long, and has problems focusing her attention. She also loses her shit when she gets angry. Personality: Sarah is anything but shy. She is a rowdy girl who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. She doesn’t seek the spotlight, but somehow it usually finds her. Sarah is fun loving and intelligent. She uses humor as a shield, but once you get through this you’ll never find a more loyal friend. Background: Sarah grew up in a lighthouse on a small island off the coast. She loved living near the sea, though it was an isolated area. She is an only child, and her parents home schooled her. Not because they were overprotective, but simply because it was easier than making the trip to the mainland every day. She was enrolled in the local High School as an online student, and most teachers were very accommodating. The family found out about her powers the one time Sarah was really upset. Sarah was 12 and always stressed. Something about the sea made her restless, but her parents attributed it to puberty and tried to move on with normal life. Sarah wanted to move away from the water and its constant pull, wanted to go to school, but simultaneously feared the other children. During this stressful time, her father was in a serious accident, and Sarah did not know how to deal with her emotions. He was in the hospital, and she was on her little island. In a flurry of frustration, fear, feelings and tears, she blew up the plumbing. Water came pouring out of the walls, the shower and toilet were destroyed and during the long minutes it took her mother to shut off the main water supply, the house seemed to cry along with Sarah. Thankfully, her father recovered, and the cottage was rebuilt. These days, there’s no running water in the house itself. Behind the cottage, there’s a small fenced off area with a structure in the centre. This structure houses the shower, toilet and laundry room. A small tunnel underground connects both buildings. Sarah’s parents researched the whole thing online, and discovered that Sarah is one of many children who face similar challenges. This discovery did not change their love for their daughter, and the family remains close and loving. After intensive training with her mother, Sarah now heads away from the house, towards the sea, when she loses control. She now understands her connection to the water, and the way it calls to her, and being near water calms her. And she can let go of her emotions and mess with the waters around the island without hurting anyone. That’s why her parents built the “washhouse” on the other end of their property. Sarah spends most of her time studying for school, or working on controlling her powers and emotions. She has never lost control like that again, at least, not in the house… Trying to guide and teach her daughter as best she could, Sarah’s mother spent hours and hours online, looking for ways to help her daughter. When the Safe Haven academy came up for the 6th time that day, she clicked the link and read with increasing awe. Later that night, after Sarah had gone to bed, she discussed things with Sarah’s father. The next day, they suggested it to Sarah. The thought of leaving left her conflicted. Being around people and unseen water all the time scares her. But her wish to understand and control her powers more fully won out in the end, and here she is. Sarah did not arrive with the other students, because a storm made it impossible for her to leave the lighthouse island for several days. Her parents had their suspicions, but Sarah assured them she had nothing to do with it. Reports from the mainland confirmed her story. This storm was way bigger than anything Sarah had manifested before. Gradually, the storm died down and Sarah’s new adventure stretched out before her. Sarah takes comfort in the idea that even the sea was sad to see her go, and is eager to return home as often as she can. She misses her parents and her home, but is determined to make the best of the situation.
Eira moved along with Kaze when the teacher finally released them. She was mumbling something about not even touching the other guy as she dropped down into the Arena. Walked towards the center, She let Kaze introduce himself. WHich she did in turn with a bow. Then, almost immediately, Kaze was on the other side of the arena and huge chunk of dirt and stone was flying towards her face. Quickly she dodged out of the way, which is not something that you would expect from somebody with the average body temperature of ice. Scowling, Eira got up from her knees, her flames spread out in a twenty foot wide circle. Within this circle, it was pitch black. Nobody could see into as all the light within had been devoured by icy flames. The temperature had dropped significantly too. Well past -200 degrees celsius, ice fell to the ground as condensation took over. A snarl adorned Eira's pale lips as she moved towards Kaze. Somehow, she could see through her own flames. She ran towards the dragon, who was hopefully stupified by her flames. She was attempting to get close, and if she managed to do that Eira hoped to wrap Scales in flames.
Name: Eira Luters Age: 17 Appearance (pictures accepted): Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well. Power: Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen. Background: This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper.
Kaze Kaze couldn't see her flames, but she couldn't see him either thanks to the cloud of dust he had raked up. She just had his general area. But he could hear her coming, each step was like an echo that showed him where she was despite his blindness. Just as she took another step he drove both his wings and his hands into the ground with a mighty crash that caused the ground in the arena to tremble. Just enough to make someone walking, or especially running, stumble. The dust had cleared out enough he could see, and what he saw was her twenty foot ring of black fire that probably had her at the center. "I'm sure you know what happens to things that freeze at a rapid pace." He said, considering she had frosty capabilities. Not to mention the actual ice that was forming wherever that black fire had been. He moved away from her flames and scooped up a chunk of the arena floor and lobbed it into her flames. The traces of water within it froze fast enough the stone actually exploded much like it would if someone had heated it up. Shards of rock were sent flying in numerous directions. It was a spar of powers but his had always been strength and durability. He had to be tricky to even hurt the other girl since she could just cover a broad area with those cold flames. While she dealt with that though he wanted to test something. A swipe of his wing sent a wave of dirt into her flames. He honestly wanted to see if anything could 'douse' them.
Name: Kaze Age: 18 Appearance: Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white. Power: Dragon's Blood Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles. Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched. Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged. Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames. Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point. Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him. Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people. Background: Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't.
Eira stumbled as the ground quaked underneath, however she managed to turn her stumble into a roll. And then the giant threw another rock at her. As it exploded, pieces of shrapnel went by her. Though she didn't get hurt because the ones that came towards her disintegrated into sand. Scowling, she watched as the dragon tried to fling sand onto her flames. They weren't normal flames though, and the sand just fell right on through them. Walking to the outer edge of the cloud of flame, Eira stayed just inside its black expanse. She, snarling, walked out of the flames. Only a few wisps covered her shoulders arms and legs as she walked forward towards the dragon. The rest of cloud fell flat against the floor, threatening to cover the ground of the entire arena. Just a few spaces at the edge was clear of the flame's touch. THen, like a river, the thin layer of flame surged around the dragon, who was standing on clear ground. Hopefully, the -200 degrees celsius temp. would make his movements sluggish.
Name: Eira Luters Age: 17 Appearance (pictures accepted): Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well. Power: Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen. Background: This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper.
Kaze Kaze took notes in his mind that he couldn't douse the flames in a traditional manner. Water would freeze, dirt did nothing, and he doubted he could blow them out like a candle. When the girl emerged, just some wisps of her black fire on her, he saw she was unhurt. Just a little dirty from the rock somehow reverting to its sediments. "You snarl more than I do and I'm more bestial." He stated with a dull look on his face. He was watching her flames, not her. They were the threat, otherwise she was just a normal girl. Granted she was the brains of it. He made sure to keep away from the flames when they spread out. It seemed she could only control so much of it. So the higher the fire the more narrow the diameter. The more shallow, the further it can spread. She didn't seem to be able to control where it went though since it didn't just drift towards the small bits of fire-free space he occupied. When the icy flames surged towards him. He did one of the simplest things someone could do in that kind of situation. He jumped. Except his jump launched him fifty feet into the air where his wings snapped open to glide around. He was prolonging his air-time to see how she and her flames reacted. Would the flames follow him? Would she cloud him like she had the other guy? Or would she wait for him to land before renewing her freezing assault?
Name: Kaze Age: 18 Appearance: Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white. Power: Dragon's Blood Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles. Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched. Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged. Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames. Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point. Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him. Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people. Background: Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't.
Cole's eyes widened slightly, admittedly finding the teacher's power to be rather impressive. Was it a form of chronokinesis, or just some sort of paralyzing ability? He figured that he could ask her at another time if really was curious about it. For now, she had just instructed the two involved in the earlier disagreement to pair up and be the first ones to demonstrate their powers. The boy who had tried to mediate the fight got out of the way as soon as he was free to do so, and the green-haired girl spoke again, her bubbly demeanor suddenly disappearing, but not her confidence. She gestured to some seats outside the arena before making her way over there. "Take me with you," Cole muttered under his breath before walking out right after her, not wanting to be caught in anything those two were about to throw at each other. Cole could get quite a good view of the fight from outside the arena. He leaned forward in his seat, intensely watching the moves of the two individuals facing off. The dragon-like boy did not fail to surprise him as he tossed a piece of the ground at his opponent only with his wing. Cole could tell he was strong by simply looking at him, but he had no idea that he was that strong. The girl seemed to be a good match for him. Her flames spread across the area, allowing her to hide in darkness. The battle of both skill and wit continued, and Cole had to admit that the two were setting pretty high standards for the rest of them. He wondered how the rest would be paired, and especially who his opponent would be, but that would all be answered soon enough.
Name: Cole Ryder Age: 16 Appearance: Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form. Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark. Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form. Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities.
Eira smiled just a bit as she heard Scales' remark. "Of course I snarl! I also Bite!" She shouted up to him as he launched himself into the air. Then, she let her flames dissipate, smoky remains floating up in the air. Slowly, they reached just past Kaze. Then, without a moment's notice, they exploded into life. Black flames blotted out the sun as they casted shadow across the ground. A thin tendril reached up from Eira into the thin cloud far above. The temperature, still at 1200 degrees celsius made the air heavy. It pushed down on the dragon, hopefully causing him to lose his balance in the air. Then, ice formed, needles, thin and long, rained down above Kaze. Eira's arms were crossed as her hooded head was cocked up at the airborne drake. Locks of pure white snow fell out of her hood as a twisted smile spread across her face. 'Believers' by Imagine Dragons was blasting in her earbuds. Of which only one was actually in her ear. The difference in air pressures and temperature made several gusts of wind fly through the arena. Those winds whipped at her clothes and hair. Eira's brown eyes watched as the dragon reacted to her assault.
Name: Eira Luters Age: 17 Appearance (pictures accepted): Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well. Power: Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen. Background: This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper.
Kaze Kaze gave off a low chuckle. "I wouldn't advise biting me, you'll break your teeth." He said as he watched the wisps float up into the air. He had expected her to have the flames follow him and was not surprised when the fire was floating in the air. The cool air was pushing down on him and he didn't really react much, just that the gliding was accelerated. When the ice started forming into needles his wings tucked in and he landed on the ground while the needles bounces harmlessly off his scales. All her fire seemed to be in the air but he was figuring she could dissipate what was up there and make it appear around her. So he didn't just send himself flying into her. No, he did something a little better. His wings swung back before launching forward, sending a powerful gale of wind towards her. He also knew that if he did actually strike her she'd be very injured and then he'd be in trouble, so he was showing a great deal of restraint. The gale picked up any stray litter, like pebbles, sand, and dust. If the material actually got to her it'd feel like sandpaper was being brushed furiously across her skin. Those huge powerful wings cocked back and sent another gale, a stronger one. It looked like he was aiming to just slam her into the arena wall with wind pressure.
Name: Kaze Age: 18 Appearance: Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white. Power: Dragon's Blood Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles. Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched. Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged. Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames. Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point. Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him. Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people. Background: Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't.
Eira smiled as the dragon did what she wanted him to do. "Scales! I won't break my teeth if you turn to ice!" SHe shouted as he sent a gale towards her. However, it never reached her. Her flames didn't dissipate, they fell. Right on top of the dragon and his winds. However, she did have to take a step back as the initial gale hit her, scraping at her skin with sand. It was uncomfortable and extremely painful. Snarling as a faint streak of blood showed just underneath her right eye, Eira regained her footing. Crouching down she secured herself in case he managed to get another gale off from underneath her flames. However, when she touched the ground with her fingertips, Eira recoiled in pain. The tips of her fingers were red and sensitive. She was exerting herself. She was already at the limit of the amount of flames she could control at any one time, but Eira was still pushing it. She had..maybe thirty minutes before frostbite began to eat away at her fingers and toes. Well, she would just have to finish this battle before then.
Name: Eira Luters Age: 17 Appearance (pictures accepted): Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well. Power: Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen. Background: This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper.
Kaze Eira could see the muscular draconic mans body steam when her flames came into contact with him. Actually the first time she even touched him with the flames. He could feel the cold but he had a couple precious minutes to get out before drowsiness hit him. So like at the start he launched himself away. Except instead of away from her he moved towards her while she regained her footing. His tail, which hadn't been doing much this whole spar, snaked out like a serpent and coiled around her legs. His body was still steaming, the frost that had formed on him melted into droplets of water. "Concede, I can cripple you before you can freeze me." He stated. If his arms and wings could flip and throw boulders his tail, which was pure muscle and bone, could probably do more feats of strength. (I honestly wasn't really sure what to do except move in and use the tail XD I don't really wanna end it but it's all I could think of x.x)
Name: Kaze Age: 18 Appearance: Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white. Power: Dragon's Blood Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles. Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched. Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged. Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames. Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point. Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him. Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people. Background: Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't.
Eira laughed as the dragon's tail snatched at her legs. "Scales, you made a mistake," Her icy laugh rang out as black flames burst out form around her legs. Condensed and small, their temperature quickly fell to under 300 degrees celsius. If the dragon didn't move quickly, his tail would burn up in the cold. Eira hoped the bloody giant would let up soon. She didn't want to hurt him too badly. Kaze was pretty cool after all. However, much more importantly, if he didn't let up soon, then her legs would probably break. She already wanted to scream from the pain. Instead, she bit down on her lips. A small drop of blood appeared on the rim of her lips as she strained to keep up her fierce smile. However, before any true harm came to either student, the teachers intervened.
Name: Eira Luters Age: 17 Appearance (pictures accepted): Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well. Power: Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen. Background: This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper.
I think we have seen enough. Lady Jade's eyes turned golden again and with a few movements of arms the two students were back where they were right after they bowed at each other. Their wounds were healed, but the fatigue was there, and more than the fatigue of the energy spent in battle it seemed like all the wounds they had taken during the fight turned into extra fatigue, it was a draw back from Lade Jade's Reverse Battle ability. "You both fought well. How do you feel?"
Name: Eira Luters Age: 17 Appearance (pictures accepted): Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well. Power: Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen. Background: This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper.
Kaze Kaze just gave off a low chuckle. "I did say I can crush your legs before you can freeze me. I have a high core temperature." He said while noticing her biting her lip, drawing blood. Clearly she wasn't the type to give into pain. His tail was going numb but sheer will was keeping it nice and tight. Of course now Jade stepped in and they were frozen again, then back to their starting points. The numbness was gone along with any chill he had, but some tiredness as if he healed quickly lingered. Blinking a bit he turned his attention from Eira to Jade. "I feel fine, ma'am. A bit tired but you know my stamina." He said, he had done numerous classes with her before and he was a stamina freak. It seemed all of his powers related to his body and nothing else. High strength, endurance, and stamina were his thing. A shame he didn't follow a little more draconic lore like a breath weapon. Then again he was still young so something might pop up later. His crimson gaze went to Eira and he gave her a rather toothy grin. "That was fun though, not many cold users around."
Name: Kaze Age: 18 Appearance: Kaze is a tall being, standing at eight feet tall. Everything about him says 'intimidation', from the claws on his fingers to the teeth in his mouth. His body is covered in black scales while his chin to the tip of his tail are royal purple colored plates. His eyes, which glow the slightest bit, are a deep crimson while his horns and claws are pure white. Power: Dragon's Blood Enhanced Strength: His degree of strength is exceptionally high, able to flip or throw vehicles. Enhanced Senses: Being bestial his sense of smell and hearing are enhanced. Taste and touch are reduced while sight remains largely untouched. Armored Body: The scales and plates lining his body are exceptionally tough, up there with steel but still able to be damaged. Heat Resistance: Being a reptile he enjoys the heat, sometimes even just curling up in flames. Heavy: While he does have wings, he's simply to heavy to actually fly unless he's dropped from a really high point. Cold Weakness: He despises the cold. It either makes him hibernate, or if he's exposed long enough it will kill him. Permanent: Unfortunately he has yet to 'turn it off'. So he can't even hide what he is like most other people. Background: Kaze honestly doesn't remember much of his past. Doesn't remember any family, what he looked like before his abilities showed, nor his homeland. There was just a tag on his wrist with a name on it while he wandered around the wilderness aimlessly. Word got out about some giant beast wandering some forest somewhere and he was eventually confronted by some of the people who worked at the Safe Haven. He reluctantly went with them, mostly because he understood his differences from others and that someone overzealous would probably shoot him. Figures he remembers what guns are but not anything deemed important by normal society. While learning in the school he had hoped to find a way to control his ability to actually 'turn it off'. So far he either hasn't found the trick or simply can't.
Eira gasped as she suddenly became tired from Professor Jade's powers. Standing back at the other end of the stadium, her flames wisped around her form as she began to walk towards the stadium. Smiling back at the dragon, she spoke. "Same to you Scales. There aren't many who can take my abilities like that." The blood that had shown up on her lip was gone now, along with the cut that had been under her eye. However, she still felt happier than usual. She had gotten to go all out with someone else, and he hadn't gotten hurt. "We should do this again sometime." Eira's voice, while still icy, no longer held the malice that had bled from it earlier.
Name: Eira Luters Age: 17 Appearance (pictures accepted): Eira is usaully wearing a pitch black, close-fitting hoodie, blue jeans, and combat boots. Black, fingerless gloves adorn her hands as well. Power: Eira's power is control over a special type of flame. Her flames are pitch black, darker than night. They soak up, no devour, light and are colder than liquid nitrogen. Background: This is Eira's first day at the Haven, and she is a bit of a punk. Having grown up on the streets of New York, Eira was disowned by her parents after an 'accident' that she refuses to talk about. Actually, Eira refuses to talk about her past at all. She is cold to people she doesn't know, preferring to burn them rather than to make friends. Her biggest weakness is her lack of control, usually letting her volatile ability consume her when she loses her temper.
Next duel will be Cole and Lain. As you could see we are here and we will intervene before drastic damage is caused so don't be afraid to use and explore the full extend of your powers, this is a rare opportunity that you have here and that you might never had before. Once again I remind you, there are special reasons why the pairs were made as they were, and at least the two of you will understand why as soon as the battle starts. Compared to Lady Jade's, professor Jacob's voice was sweet and kind. "You know the rules, edges of the arena, introduce yourselves, bow and duel!" Said Jacob as he gestured the students to come to the arena.
Name: Cole Ryder Age: 16 Appearance: Power: Anatomical beast-like transformation that comes with strong, razor-sharp claws and teeth, as well as enhanced speed and agility. His transformation is not triggered by emotion, and does not involve a significant increase in his overall size. He also has heightened senses of hearing and smell, which are passive abilities that are present even when he is not in his beast form. Cole can only stay in his beast form within a limited timespan before he is unable to think rationally. For the first ten seconds after he decides to transform, he will lash out at any immediate threat. He will then be in full control of his actions for the next five minutes before the animalistic instinct of the beast gradually starts to creep in. After ten minutes, his mind will be completely taken over by bloodlust, and he will need to be temporarily incapacitated (by tranquilizing or otherwise) for him to return to his normal form. He is able to deliberately revert back to his normal form only before the ten-minute mark. Background: Cole was born into a wealthy family with his parents being well-known business figures. Growing up, he had never shown signs of having any superhuman abilities, until one unfortunate night when he was snatched off of the street by a couple of abductors who presumably planned on demanding a ransom from his well-to-do parents. That was when Cole's ability activated for the very first time. The released beast of the previously struggling teenager lashed out at the stunned and terrified captors, ripping out their throats before Cole reverted back to his human form. Coming to a realization of what he was and what he had done, he fled the scene and never returned home either, not knowing how to face his family. The traumatized teenage boy was then found in his blood-stained clothes, aimlessly wandering the streets soon after, and brought to the Haven where he did not have to be afraid of being ostracized or judged for his abilities.