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3 classes
Sentence 1: right especially to to pay. that Kind of. money forit Sentence-2: Yes, especially if you're receiving that’ much money for it.
= promptly took a jar from the shel Borde Od otaced it on the abil Sande the Sentence 2: Cynthia said they would never do it.
Sentence 1: yeah its well there you fish mornings and evenings * Sentence 2: The morning and @enings are the best time to fish.
Sentence. 1: He~-died in’ battle. * while carrying. the, banner’ of Islam during’ the Arab: siege-of Constantinople, between'a‘d. 674. and-678. 5 : Sentence 2: He - only, died in’ the ath century.
‘Sentemee 1:inin in Tewas in Texas it’s hard, ‘Recause ‘it's almost like &: father to. son. ‘Sentence 2 rama father witha son.
Sentence 1: (Also in Trois- the Sugarcane Museum ) Sentence 2 can also be found in the Sugarcane museum.
it, apzthe. books...from sentence “t | -'Fccr About gerorernewar®, : Sentence 2: !sreod aboik the t Set cedaningthe,wors. >". wicoaiedt Savantes
Sentence 1: taking over his seat and course you know we got the like you said they elected a female mayor in Dallas one in Houston we got a female governor and there's two or three more governors in in the in the state that are females Sentence 2: There is not a single female mayor or ggyernor.in the U.S.
Sentence 1: Until the 1990s, federal agencies often maintained an inhouse facilities engineering —_ organization, comprised in part’ of architects and engineers, responsible for both — the technical aspects and the oversight of the planning and design phases of the acquisition process. Sentence 2: trained inn federal agents are deeply ining in house facilitie
Sentence B’2 . billion ~ state » budget shortfall, Sentence 2: The state: is: in more: debt than ever. before. S
Sentence 1: At Lisle-sur-Serein, the river divides to encircle the tranquil little town and the riffs of its asth-century chateau Sentence 2: There is a river Sumréunding the town on Liste- sur-Serein.
at's going to be Sentence 1: right th to be very hard hard to do it’s going to do you know you ; ee Sentence 2: It will be easy
Sentence 1: Courbet was painting his vast canvases of provincial life, and Manet his Dejeuner sur I'Herbe. Sentence 2: Manet liked to paint Dejeuner, or as the French like to call it, breakfast.
‘Sesexatt a tharos your tornados that’s right. anid’s0: they'te predicting this weekend probably dtop something” lke thirty degrees xdyhabah see rar ant right ~~ Scaenct 2 Tey ae prediing thatthe weather wl go -upbyiodegtees. °
ntence 1: He ‘gropés fermela ‘guests, watches’ -porn,.’ drinks. ionstrously, smokes more, and.uses dru. ntence 2: He" uses ‘drugs. and gropes ‘amale gitests. *
Sentence 1: Most corporate officials, board members and professionals are people of abilty and integrity who try £0 do thie right thing. Sentence 2: Board members and professionals are people of ability and integrity,
Sentende-& and i gueds :~ ‘Sentence 2:1 suppose’
Sentence 1: well i'm i'm a struggling law student Sentence 2: I'm a law student faced with difficulties. 4
‘Sentence 4: Iknow that I could find myself on that transplant waiting list someday. ‘Sentence 2: Anyone could be on the transplant list.
Sentence 1: Some praise his emphdsis'on biology a3 a strovig ‘antidote to the trendy campus fatalists who hold-truth to be subjective (RZ. Sentefice 2: Subjective truths are jusi-a month (ong, trend {for campus Fatalists,
Sentence 1: The lovely circular Baptistery ((Battistero) is topped by a traditional statue of john the Baptist. Sentence 2: Atop the Baptistery is a traditional tatue of Jolm the Baptist.
Sentence 1. Like his previous book, Sleepers , which was adapted ito a Robert De iro movie, Carcaterra’s latest novel is both an instant best seller and a critical flop. Sentence 2: Carcaterra has never written a novel and has no plans to dose.
Sentence 1: increased number of clients receiving appropriate legal services. Sentence 2: There are more people requesting the legal services.
Sentence 1: That's what this center is going to provide. Sentence 2: This center will provide quality medical coverage.
tence 1: His gaze roved, looking for options. tence 2: Disarmed, he was looking for options to ill the demons.
Sentence 1: The New Yorker began offering . Brown did her producing buzz to fuel circulation. Sentence 2: The buzz was achieved through viral marketing online.
Sentenée 1: Purists gay. thé Cete dAzur reaches \ frorr:, “Cannes. . to: “Menton, ingluding: only the | original... more expensive ‘résort ‘town of “Juarrles+ Bins, Antibes, Nice, “and*Midnte-Carlo. + ‘Seniteftce. 2: This ‘is’ to; drive “up. their own «property “values Sand* tourism revenues: °
Sentence 1: With tiny windows ‘and thick walls, it made a peifect secret hideaway for counting. stolen pieces of eight. ‘Sentence 2: It was a good, place to hide because of its infrastructure.
Sentence i: well we don't to, niuch eating out Sentence 2: We usually eat dinner at home. %
Sentence: I Guadalest “itself 27s just’ as | spectsetlar as, the, View front it: “Sentéricé 2: Guailatest is eausly intere ting “as the ew bein
Sentence 1: how the instances were selected, taking into account Sentence 2: How the selection of instances was made.
Sentence 1: It ceemed a pity that her infirmity shoud be talked about ight. “damage her prospects. Sentence 2: It'was too bad that che would have a harder time getting miarried.
Sentence 1: They cite AFL-CIO officials who claim the organization spent $35 million on a radio-and-television ad campaign alone Sentence 2: They quote AFL-CIO officials about how much _ the lorganization has spent, the true scandal however hasn't been revealed yet.
Sentence 1: find if his idea of good is forcing roles upon members of a couple. alimony for life, and community shunning of individuals whose marriages did not succeed. then Frum is really criticizing modern society, not just marriage. Sentence 2: Frums view of marriage is normal and widely accepted by society.
Thy called jamaica Neyo [land of woad and water |. 2 jamaica never existed.
Sentence 1: The chateau also houses Stras?bourg's Musee des Beaux-Arts, noteworthy for its Giotto Cru?ci?fixion, Raphael's La For?na?rina, and the remarkable somber realism of Watteau's L'Ecureuse de cuivre.’ Sentence 2: The collection of the Musee des Beaux-Arts includes no works by Raphael.
Sentence & Certainty net, said Tappence with warmth Sentence Keppence knew & was not trae.
Sentence 1: yeah for twenty or thirty years or forever there's 10 Sentence 2: No, only for a short period like days or weeks
Sentence 1: He attacked anyway, and was crushed the empire he destroyed was his own. Sentence 2: His attack destroyed his own empire.
Sentence: 4° The~ industry’ " edlls ~ -this technique treaiment acceptance, a marvelous euphemisti for parting: -you. from’ your money. : Sentence 2: They . were | atl. about’ making” money: :
Sentence 1: By starting at the soft underbelly, the. 16,000 troops’ of General” Nelton A: Miles gained control of the island in less than three Weeks. Sentence 2: General Nelson A: Miles had 30,000. troops im this attack.
Sentence 1 For example, the 550 MWe boiler at Kansas City Power & Light Coinpany's Hawthorne Generating ‘Station required rebuild and NOX, SO2, and. PM simultaneous control, retrofits. Sentence. 2: The Hawthorn Generating -Station required no modifications to meet standards.
Sentence. 1: well “it is but ij i i'm .kind © of uh “gratefull for" the .experience. becausel it's ‘taught’ me: a .lot off réstraint uh Senterice 2: 5 learned nothing. . From. what. haal happened.
Sentence 1:\yeah they throw a lot of twists and turns Jn like ‘like one'of the recent’ shows ‘there ‘was this really uh @. young woman who wh’ was accused. of killing her milliénaire husband who. was you know mach older than she was like you know in her early: twenties and he.was in his sixties and he was she was ‘accused of tilling: him for his money and she said no te waa Sd call hse ire Ss, be ese ‘and got her'off Set 2 The so gt fring tet abn the same, always expected.’
Sentence 1: OMB has provided guidance since 1985 in its Circular A130, Appendix ‘III, Security of Federal Automated Information Resources, which was updated in February 1996. Sentence 2: OMB provides mio guidance about automated information security.
Sentence tHe then I don’t think anyone wants to call that array a cuisine. Sentence 2:1 don't think anyone could call that food because it looks so gross.
Sentence 1: My problem is so small, but 1 have nobedy else to ask. = 2:1 have asked everyone else for
Sentence: 1:1: I could’ only’ swarm: ‘about half-way, along: it; the proposition ‘would “be solved: Sentence 2: 2: There-astaally news: that’ the: “proposition has beén alreidy ‘solved: without. yous
Sentence 't it is.a mixture of Romaniesque’‘aind’ Gothic, with’ a ‘clock’ tower’ dating frei, about .the year.1000 and a 17th cehtuty porch sheltering T2th-century. doorpasts Sentence’-2: With a ‘clock ‘tower dating froinabout ‘the year. 1000.. arid a th-centiry’ porch’ “sheltering . tAth-ceritury doorpasts, it is a-mixture of Gothic anit' Romanesque
Sentence |: This is a simplification of reality, which probably involves a curve with a slight upward slope. Sentence .2: Reality probably consists of a slightly. uproard curve.
Sentence 1: Most of the churches on Ibiza are worth a visit for their architectural, scenic, or historical merits. 2: There are some historical ind beautiful churches in Ibiza.
Sentence oh yeoh ond they get worse ond worse Sentence 2 Oh chi when een yeoh, ren get worse they
Sentence 1: So should we do away with all forms of sexual harassment law? Sentence 2: Are we supposed to trash all sexual harassment law in response..to the failed lawsuit?
Sentence 1: What about him?. Sentence 2: |. know.
. Sentence The: evaluators ‘names? themselves _ in’ “information. an ese . following QTR: d Sentenice 2: the evaluators get i sic Solely from books. eee
Sentence 1: Taylor asks. Sentence 2: Taylor doesn't ask any questions.
Sentence 1: Which brings me to the to be sure paragraph, as they call it in our trade. Sentence 2: It is their expertise.
ae 1: Sea like » iar: wanda 4 Giclee bis Boot roto at
Sentence..1: Depending..on. how much. youre prepared to. pay. they will trot.you down. to the, Seven. Arches Hotel; with tt® spectacular igkag or; just matt while, you.hove, your Photo Sentence 2:,.They will watt for, Agen, hota to be, taken and then bring you “to. the. Seven Arches Hotel.
Sentenée 4.2: million, subsidy. to, clos& the Bap in the organization’ $7 mitlion annual. budget, and advocates areplanning @ strong push in. the General Assembly Senténes 2: The entity fequirés.a sizable ‘grant te boisterits budget, a :
Sentence 1: It winds its way past piney coves, mysterious cliffs, and quiet beaches. Sentence 2: It winds through desert lands, arctic tundra, and grassy plains.
Sentence 1: The Pharitom-Menacé has raked in $102. Sentence” 2:° The’ inovie,. The Phantom . Menace, has: made $ 102.
Sentenea. “i: and you sed. Sorry?. Sentence 2 ypu sai thoughtless De" it, tod «dean glib and “Youre De ib to darly ‘and
Sentence 1: According Yo the former program manager These ‘steps’ gavé the Officials knoviledge "that q Felidibl ., Product could be produced: within: case Gnd. schedule targets prior to entering production, Sentence’ 2: These: stops included information’ about Profit efficiency, ‘and. ‘Maintenance,
i At Wynette’s funeral inst year, ichey virtually had to be kept from jumpi: in her grave after her.
Sentends i aie t 7 nt Sentence?
Sentence £ However, these disadvantages would, we believe, be far outweighed by the advantages of a change, both to federal employees and to the government. Sentence 2 Federal employees are largely unhappy about the effort required to make the changes.
‘Sentence “t: The last nigjor visitors: were. the. ‘Crusaders: ‘Sentence 2:‘Thé crusaders never stépped-foot on that land:
Sentence 4: and how it fits with the character Fight Sentence 2: This is the best way for it to fit with this particular character.
Sentence’ eto: sing ike” the thrush) front. the ideépest *-partof’ the “ understony, ‘territorial,carnal;. thorn-atthe throat; ‘OF. Flutetikein. order to make “one sobering ‘Sentence : ai Lotidly “eniittinig’ a” guttural “Scream j'a-gdod neans-of sell’ defense?
sentence t:. Youth: The. word seemed to depress the Astronomer. Sentence 2: Youth! The word appeared to thrill the Astronomer.
Sentence t: Rhododendrons and other exotic plants imparted from China during the 19th century have created one of the. finest gardens in northern England. Settance 2 in the 19th. century, rhododendrons. were: imported to the north of Engtand,
Giles. “otherwise: “noted, © hetels 2 all ea Soret eards Sentence 2: Hotels only accept-céshrfér peser vations,
Sentence f tried to have fun being in the band was about the only entertainment ihad Sentence 2 The band was really quite fun, actually. A
ISentence 1: This is akin to corroboration as discussed in the IGeneral Policy Manual, chapter 8.0. Isentence 2: Corroboration has no relation to General Policy Manual
Setence | hve a | have 8 hard tne with epi dba hen ws Ait | eT Be them very mach ad | weve realy Hered ‘how to ck Ben right | ees | deat kone Setence 2 | lve vagutnes, ad | ame pitct at coding
‘Sentence 1 You would inherit it, wouldn't you?” Sentence 2: You would build your awn house by the lake, wouldn't you?
entence 1: oh i hadn't ver thought of that really enten 2: This is the first time that has occurred o me.
Sentence 1:i know you-go through this his is something you go.through like| levery year Sentence 2:.It is to my knowledge that lyou have grown used ta-it since it is a yearly thing you go through.
Sentence 1: no no that would complicate things even more Sentence 2 That would make things more complicated,
Sentence 1:The scepter: and.sword: were| each ‘papal: fts, the:former - n:1494 andthe latter’... n' 1507; ~ these re. ‘nfarced the U- inks-between Scotland and Rome. aa Senterice 2: The: sword: was 9°. veri as ‘a g. ft after the battle was fin ‘shed.
‘Sentence. 1: ‘Sentence 2
Sentence t The clearest challenge for be to Srertlasd mean grou OY and that ‘Not be expected to taper ‘Sentence 2: Customs will have to hire more laborers in order to keep up with the demand
Sentence I: (| fed the family alibi to the Washington Post when I quit my Washington job in 1994. Sentence 2:! am still working ot my Washington jo!
oe ea a
Sentence t: Mido it. Sentence 2: feed the cat.
Sentence t: iit. wasn'ta reab pioblent 4 Senéence, 2 1t ehiet really: tavter that much:
Sentence 1: But his opponents suspect that Smith's was a cheap generosity, since he could count on the restrictions he demanded to draw a presidential veto, Sentence 2: Many opponents felt that Smith's show of generosity was sincere
Sentence 1: Fishing is very popular in India, and although’ it~ is almost entirely 2 freshwater proposition, you will find it very goo' Sentence 2: There is a lot of fishing in India.
Sentence 1: okay have a good evening Sentence 2: Okay, have a wonderful evening.
‘Sentence 1:it's. uh uh uh uh my father was in the Ait Force so. ‘Sentence 2: What's the air force?
Sentence 1: They drive it around the country in a dilapidated ice-cream truck trying to keep it cool. Sentence 2: The stayed in one location in their ice-cream truck and refused to travel.
+: Visited an Indian reservation. "t go to. the Indian Sentence Sentence 2: Didn reservation
entence 1: Thirteen were for new tatewide websites. sentence 2: There were no tatewide websites.
Sentence t: You hod better go down and see him, ton. Sentence 2: Ivan thinks it’s o good idea to go visit him,
Sentence 1: that's a good point you're probably right Sentence 2: You are wrong.
Sentence 1: Bonaparte, as First Consul of France, reinstated s in the FWI, and historians s over the role played in that decision Lay ery ill argue by his Creole wife Josephine, # native of Martinique (see page 55). Sentence 2: The reinstatement of slavery wa influenced by Bonaparte's wife.

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