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2 classes
‘Sentence 1: What provides bandwidth for the connecting of hosting ISPs and access ISPs? ‘Sentence 2: In the simplest case, a single connection is jestablished to an upstream ISP and is used to transmit data to or from areas of the Internet beyond the home network; this mode of interconnection is loften cascaded multiple times until reaching a tier 1 carrier.
Sentence 1: What was one goal of the invasion of Saxony? Sentence 2: His second goal was to advance into Bohemia where he might set up winter quarters at Austria’s expense.
Sentence 1: Where do thousands of early tombs still exist? Sentence 2: These tombs are particularly numerous in Ireland, where there are many thousand still in existence.
Sentence 1: When did many."of, the largest Mobile. phone, manufactureis: signa. EC sponsored MoU? Sentence’ -2!-The. EU's” common, EPS spécification (EN 62684:2010) references the USB Battery Charging: staridard ‘and ‘s’similar to’ thé GSMA/OMITP “and. Chinese ‘charging solutions.
sentence 1: Who undermined meg Of Nations? nce 2: One main institution tht was ‘meant to perme stability was the League of Tere which was ereated after the First World War with the intention of” creciedining world security and | Peace and maimuraging economic growth belween member countrie:
Who had no doubts that a Franco-German by Prussian statement: “I did: must take place Germany could be iit
Sentence 1: When did the RSFSR cease to be a part of the Soviet Union? Sentence 2: commonly referred to as Soviet Russia or simply as Russia, was a sovereign state in 1917-22, the largest, most populous, developed part of the Soviet Union with its own legislation in 1990-91.
Sentence 41: When was the title of prime minister first used? Sentence 2: Louis XIV and his descendants generally attempted to avoid giving this title to their chief ministers.
senlence 1: ‘Wha fect did the-ivay the taxes 2 ore charged Bae ome reve ; - ? | Ube’, lax revenues Taindowners were Senlence é collected bythe samurai worth Tess aud leis over lime:
Sentence £ What happens when a cold is treated with antibiotics? Sentence 2: Inappropriate antibiotic treatment, for example, is their prescription to treat viral infections such as the common cold.
Sentence 1: Viho bellaved the Hing reappointed old Yuan dynasty officiais in Tibet? Sentence 2: Norbu writes thar, although this would have been tre for themkestarn Titan reglons of Amde and velations with the Ming, twas Tibetan regions of D=
Sentence Wlong with energy crisis, what other significant historical event led to countries adopting OST? Sentence 2:Historically, retailing, sports, and tourism interests have favored daylight saving, while agricultural and evening entertainment interests have ‘opposed it, and its initial adoption had been prompted by energy crisis and war.
Sentence 1: When was SWAPO designated as the representative of Namibian people? Sentence 2 Uprisings and demands by African leaders led the UN to assume direct responsibility over the territory.
Sentence I: What are’ two ways changes..to’ DNA of bacteria canoccur? Sentence 2 Genetic) changes -in. -baicteviat genomes, comie ‘from either ‘random. mutation during replication or. "stress-directed mutation". where genes involved in,.a:particular: growth- limiting process have,.an, increased mutation rate, ’
Sentence 1; What percent of coursework is done at fhe business school: by undergraduate students ai Washington University? Sentence 2: Students may also take elective courses from other disciplines} at Washington University, including law} and many other fields.
Sentence 1: Who wrote "Lectures on Pragmatism’? Sentence 2: First among these he listed the Peripatetic-thomist observation mentioned above | but he further observed that this link: between] sensory perception and intellectual conception is a] two-way street.
Sentence t: What Keeps bacteria bi 'V in human 1 body? ‘
Sentence & Wet pencentane of re ete ys A tare wea eve mult Sextence 2 oe mach wert ctw «9 of See ys re emt by eae (2c. ea ct 9 by zn sce Be hate sewed ow Be ferme (dca 2 0 of Beh By Be 2h by
Sentence 1: What: is the one country that takes longer than’ Guined:Bissau.to register a business? Séntenice. 2: It takes longer on average.to register a new business. in Guinea-Bissau’.(233 days or about 33. weeks) than’in any. other country ‘in’ the world except Suriname: .
Sentence t When wos the Computer Emergency Response Team of Estonia established? Sentence &: The main cyber warfare Facility is the Computer Emergenc: Response Team of Estonia (cent. Pounded in 2006.
Sentence 1: Chopin was indirectly related to what? Sentence 2: His works remain popular, and he has been the subject of numerous films and biographies of varying degrees of historical accuracy. s
Nery high form: the
F write to to Price of com? Sentence 2: in November 1795, there was a Gebate in Parliament on the high price of corn and Burke wrote a memorandum to Pitt on the ‘subject
Sentence 1: What kind of insect can damage. architectural, structures? Sentence 2: Insects commonly regarded as pests include those that are parasitic. (eg. lice, bed, bugs), transmit. diseases. (mosquitoes, flies), darnage structures. (termites), or. destray. agricultural. goods (locusts, weevils)
‘Sentence |: Whot locations does the Rainbow Times serve? Sentence 2: Founded in 2006, .The Rainbow imes is now based out of Boston, BW serves all of New England,
Sentence 4: In breweries, what do you call a small vat that is filled with hops? Sentence 2: Once fermentation is complete, the yeast also settles, Leaving the beer clear.
Sentence 4: Oak, beech, ash, and sycamore maple make up what group of trees? Sentence 2: A natural vegetation limit with altitude is given by the presence of the chief deciduous trees—oak, beech, ash and sycamore maple.
Sentence 1: London is connected to Leeds, Newcastle, and Edinburgh through what motorways? Sentence 2: Alttiough the majority of journeys involving central London are made by public transport, car travel is common in the suburbs.
Sentence 1: When was the idea of the Lodges for Adoption abandoned? Sentence 2: As Freemasonry spread, jan to. include ges of Adoption, which worked three degrees with the same names as the men's but different content...»
‘Sentence 1: Reservations ore generally permitted so long os they are not what? Sentence 2: While some treaties still expressly forbid ony reservations, they ore now generally permitted to the extent that they ore not inconsistent mith the gools ond purposes of the treaty. ;
Sentence 1: What contains discourses ascribed to Gautama Buddha? Sentence 2 The Pali Tipitaka, which means "three baskets”, refers to the Vinaya Pitaka, the Sutta Pitaka, and the Abhidhamma Pitaka.
Sentence “t ‘Seritenca’ 2:
Sencence INV hat is the capacity for ‘Gibson Ampicheacre? Sentence Zhe finale for season two took place at che Gibson Amphitheatre, which has an. audience capacity, of over 6,000.
entence 1: What-did these children do on that jay? jentence 2: On Children's Day, June 1,°2008, any. parents went to the rubble of schools ‘to jour for their children.
Sentence 1: How many inches of precipitation does NYC get in a year? Sentence 2: The city rece 49.9 inches (1.270 mm) of pr annually, which ir throughout the year. *
Sentence 1: . Decoders are usually ‘compared by. examining| which’ Factor? Sentence 2: Therefore, Comparison of: décoders «is usually based on how computationally efficient. they are (i:e., how much memory or CPU ‘timé’ they use in the decoding process)
Sentence 1:, How many researchers .does. the . University of Michigan expect.to hire? Sentence, 2:. Other research centers. sited in, the city are the United States . Environmental Protection . Agency's . National Vehicle... and... Fuel... Emissions Laboratory. ;, and... the... Toyota Technical Center.
Sentence 14; How co mmorty \eacers keep party priorities publicized? Sentence 2: Wrorty ‘eacers may engage in numerous activities to publicize their party's priorities and to criticize the opposition's.
Sentence t: How many kilometers is it away. from London? both banks of the river.
‘Seritemve 41: oS Where wets Mictor Enimianuel, Hi from? gi Sentimee .2: : : Camillo. de : : ‘Cavous, utidér ‘orders of! fs Victor < Emmanuel oH of. Piediiont-Sardinia, -seint : ah, expéditionary : corps, of 8 113600 “> soldiers, commanded 79.20" .. by Getieral - Alfonsé. La Mariniora, toss ‘side swith “_Fierich aiid: British, forces during, the ‘war.111~12 This. was | ah ‘attempt ‘at ‘gaining the ‘favour of’ the French, especially when the issue-of imiling ‘Italy. would: ‘hecame an important matter.
Sentence 1: What year was the Spanish governor expelled? Sentence 2: The Spanish governor was expelled in 1814
pou OE
Sentence 94 8 Whe 8 “lytian?* 2 <oDuring:. -. that the.” language : was” ' ‘referred under’ oa vatiety “of jaines, “such as- "Slavic',- “liyrian’, : or according Tegion,, "Bosnian", ."Serbian" and ."Croatian', the. fatter’ often.in “ combination - with “Slavonian’ -or almatian’.
Sentence 1: How man wards are there in Southampton? Sentence 2: Southampton City Council consists of 48 councillors, 3 for each of the 16 wards.
Sentence t Where was a Procope established in 1686: borane @ The Café Procope was and O'Alembert decided Soreate Poa ora
Sentence t Does the amount of white matter in the brian incredse ‘or decrease over the course of adolescence? Sentence 2: Over the course of addescence, the amount of ‘white matter in the brain increases linearty, while the amar of grey: matter in the brain follows an imerted U pattern,
‘Sentence 1: What did Morrison warn he couldn't do? Sentence 2 Though they failed to make 2 large gain in finflaence, the membership of the Party had doubled by June 14.
“Sentence 1: Under the control of whose army was Galicia under during this war? ‘Sentence 2: While there were no pitched battles, there .was repression and death: political parties were abolished, as were all labor unions and Galician nationalist organizations as the ‘Seminario de Estudos Galegos.
Sentence “1:: About. how’ many minutes: © does Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: stay ‘ahead’. of mean solar time? Sentence 2: For example, Saskatoon; Saskatchewan, is -/ at -106°39': ‘W longitude, slightly west:of .centet: of the: idéalizéd Mountain Time Zone (105° ..- W), . but. .the “time. “in. Saskatchewan ‘is. Central: Standard. Time: ‘ (90°. ““W):* year-round, | so Saskatoon-...is° “always. about, 67 minuteés::ahead of mean: solar: time, thus ‘effectively “observing ie saving time year-round.
+ Sentence i: What | Population in'2506> Sentence 2: In 2096 the population’ of Pima County; in which ° i was Tucson's
Sentence When are 192 samples taken instead of 576? Sentence 2: Dirring encoding. $76 time-domain’ saiiples are taken and. dre’transformed to 576 frequency-domain samptes. Idarifcation needed}
Sentence t What is a vacuum? Sentence 2 Vacuum is spece void of matter.
Sontenca I: What are.the main arenas for Lucha Libre? Sentence 2: Lucha libre, isa Mexican style at wrestling, an tne of the more popular sparts thraughout the country.
Sentence 1; What is the native, language. meaning of Tuvalu? Sentence 2: Eight of. the, nine-islands_ of Tuvalu were inhabited; thus the name, Tuvalu, means “eight standing together” in Tuvaluan (compare to *walo meaning eight" in Proto-Austronesian).
Sentence 1: How many troops did the Turks send to Gyumri? Sentence 2: In the south about 30000 Turks slowly moved east to the main Russian concentration at| Gyumri or Alexandropol (November).
sentence 1: What was the war often referred to . Sentence 2: Franco-German War), often stferred to in France as the War of 1870(19 July 1870 . 10 May 1871), was # conflict between the Second French Empire and the German states ef the North German Confederation led by the Kingdom of Prussia.» ¥
Nes 2:. 81: Eleobett's Med Sentero the clus Bric
Sentence 1: In what year was Napoleon's final tomb completed? Sentence 2: The hearse proceeded from the Arc de Triomphe down the Champs-Elysées, across the Place-de la Concorde to the Esplanade des Invalides aiid-then to the cupola in St Jérome's Chapel, where it remained until the tomb designed by Louis Visconti was completed.
Sentence & What type of nut is poisonous to dogs? Sentence 2 A number of common human foods and household ingestibles are toxic to dogs, including chocolate solids
Sentence 1: Which two fields of study are associated with immunology? Sentence 2: Classical immunology ties in with the’. fields - of epidemiology and medicine.
Sentence. 1: Whatdrugs. were related to.a kickback scheme? Sentence 2; The settlement is‘related.to the| company's illegal. promotion of prescription drugs, its failure to report safety data, bribing doctors, and promoting medicines for uses for ‘which-they were'not licensed.
Sentence 1: According to Popper, what second: layer» does scientific inquiry have. that) pre-scientific inquiry does not? Sentence 2: Popper claimed -to have recognised «already» in \the 1934 version of his Logic of Discovery a fact, later stressed by) Kuhn, "“that--. scientists necessarily develop their)» ideas) \within.a definite. theoretical. framework", and) to that) extent) to have anticipated -Kuhn's central, point about “normal science".
Sentence 1: Tensions about what increased during the Romantic era? Sentence 2: The music became more chromatic, dissonant, and tonally colorful, with tensions (with respect to accepted norms of the older forms) about key signatures increasing.
Sentence 1: The Enlightenment is frequently linked . to the French Revolution of what year? Sentence 2: The Enlightenment has been frequently linked to . the French Revolution of 1789.
Sentence E What patterns are present om the monic at the synagogue in Eahtemea? Semtence 2 The mosaic Moor is decorated with only Neral and geometric patterns,
Sentence 1: Which party was Winston Churchill in? Sentence 2: In 1951, the Conservative Party returned to power in Britain, under the leadership of Winston Churchill.
‘Sentence t What do mountainous regions hove that make their ecosystems particularly fragile? Sentence 2 Switzerland's ecosystems can be particularly fragile, because the many delicate valleys separated by high mountains often form unique ecologies.
Sentehce1: Which political philosopl uunty-with an and a-very Sentence 2:Greete b ademog eloped advanced high-income econctvy,a-high quaity, of high standard of living
Sentence‘1: What fort is located on the Rockaway Peninsila? : a Sentence 2: Also in ‘Queéns, the’ park includes:a significant portion’ of the awesterii” Rockaway Peninsula, most nofably Jacob Rils Park and’Fort Tilden.
Sentence “i What’ perégntage “of” Lanéashiie’ “is ‘Asian? : Sentence’ 2: Lancashire is biome’ toa significint * Asiaii population, rimberinig-over 70,000 and 6% of....the “county's poptilation,,”: and concetrated largely. ifi_ the “former cotton, rill’ towns it the. south east z
Sentence 1: Who recoomends immunizations? Sentence by the World Health Organization. : Immunization; however, is recommended
‘Sentence t Whot german word dows the term szwchto come from? ‘Sentence 2: The term sztachts is derived from the Old High “(neble) A Poesh mews " Much 9s many omer words ‘erveram German
Sentence 1: Where was the January 2 memorial service? Sentence 2: On October 28, 1989, the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet decreed that effective January 1, 1990, Ukrainian would be the official language of Ukraine, while Russian would be used for communication between ethnic groups.
: Sentence 1: What Song did the ) comedy Desperately Seeking Susan promote? Sentence 2; Madonna entered mainstream films in February appearance as a club singer in Vision Quest, a romantic
Sentence I What “date is’: still commemorated. by .Powder” House Day in New Haven? Sentence °2:' Othér ‘New : Haven - militia members. were on-hand to escort George Washington. from his overnight stay in New Haven on his. way to Cambridge.
Sentence 1: What year was the largest Presbyterian denomination brought to ‘Tizoram? Sentence 2: In the mail Wy Christian Indian state of Mizoram. denom! the it brought to region with was missionaries Wales
Sentence |. Whet monic depen exsecioted with the lower closes? Sentence 2: Rebetha, letiely @ metic esseciated with the lewi losses. leter (ond expecielly otter the population exchenge betaeen Greece end Terkey) reached gmoter general ecceptonce os the rough edges of its overt sebcelturel chorecter were softened ond polished, sometions to the point of enrecognizabilty.
Sentence 1: What gaming tables can: often be found in pubs?’ Sentence 2: The term publican (in historical Roman usage a. public. contractor or tax farmer). has come into use since’ Victorian times to designate the pub landlord:
Sentence 1. Sentence 2
Sentence & What drug effectively treated Tuberculosis? Sentence 2 The aftermath of World War II saw an explosion in the discovery of new classes of antibacterial drugs including the cephalosporins (developed by Eli Lilly based on the seminal work of Giuseppe Brotzu and Edward Abraham), streptomycin (discovered during a Merck-flunded research program in Selman Waksman's laboratory), the tetracyelines (discovered at Lederle Laboratories, now a part of Pfizer), erythromycin (discovered at Eli Lilly and Co.) and their extension to an increasingly wide range of bacterial pathogens.
Sentence 1:.:For . every 100 females, how many males -were. there? Sentence. .2: For every _100 females there were 96.1 males.
Sentence Ip 2003,-what percentage, of travellers} Seed public transport? Sentence 2 Flinders Street Station was TO6. world? Sentence Zeenger, station in Tez -ane ‘Melbourne’s| per network oveitook, Sycney S16 become tram ,Detisest in the 1940s, at which Hoe travellers, Used BUBIIC transport but By 2003. it.had
Sentence 1: Around when were the first opaque glazes developed? Sentence 2 Between the 8th and 18th centuries, the use of glazed ceramics was prevalent in Islamic art, usually assuming the form of elaborate pottery.
Sentence 1: Whot did most of the development of the mandolin revolve eround? Sentence & The modern soundboord is designed to withstond the pressure of metal strings thot would break eorler instruments.
to as? ‘ ~ | Sentence and ee Oe oe ‘Sici Soh ter Sianeee by the Greeks dunng
Sentenée:t- Whar abut anes ig infienced inal streetainers? sentence 2: Bejronceie ‘ward has'inficnced “nuinehoie crite: inci ee ia, Grande Lady Gas Bride. Henle Ritonsta's Kelly. Rowland, “Sais ‘Smith, “Meghan: Cran Scherzmger:Rita Ord, Zéndayi, Cheryl Colt Joli glexis an essa Sanches, and gical Banks : "
Sentence 1: What did) James. Macpherson translate from? Sentence 2: For scholarship they cared no more than-had their predecessors, and they did not shrink from making translations from translations in thind languages. or from languages that they hardly knew, or—as in the case of James Macpherson’s ‘translations’ of Ossian—from texts that were actually of the ‘translator's’ own composition
Sentence 1: What did James believe emotion was synonymous with? Sentence 2: As. James wrote, "the perception of bodily changes, as they occur, is the emotion.”
Sentence 1: The New York Times bought what famous Boston newspaper? Sentence 2: Boston is an_ intellectual, technological, and political center but has lost some important regional institutions, including the acquisition of The Boston Globe by The New York Times, and the loss to mergers and acquisitions of local financial iffjftitutions such as FleetBoston Financial, which was acquired by Charlotte- boar e of America in 2004.
Séhtence 1: Near: what ‘ias ky \a'the’ Sprnaieti of felg located? °.: Sentence 2: Atichn-Anhenrcais fO1med w'iarge putt Qf the | tay’s populabién,” Kumbenng: 23.929 -pecpte: ‘or nearly ‘onae-third of the cesigents"
Sentence i Ses high. sperm : was power : befor the Soviet regime? nos ertence. 2: , The . state it w=" governed; luich did not. 2 have Me official name , luiould, * be. Unrecdgnized YY: neighboring countries’ oranether.five meniths.
Sentence 1: What office did Sanho hold in 20127 Sentence 2: He belonged to PRIGC (African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde), one of the two major political parties in Guinea-Bissau, along with the PRS (Party for Sociat Renewal).
Sentence. 1: Which “river . flows through the Sichuan Basin? Sentence 2: The Yangtze River and its- tributaries flows - through ° the mountains: of -westérn: Sichuan and: the .. Sichuan, Basin;, thus, ‘ the province is upstream, of: the. great cities that stand .along-the -Yangtze River further’ to the east, such as Chongqing,.. Wuhan, Nanjing and Shanghai.
Senntative 1: When was Cabral assassinated? « Sentence.2:.By 1973; the PAIGE was in, control: of“. many: parts - “of. Guinea, “although: ‘the thovement suffered :a Setback in January is78 when Cabral was. assassinated:
Sentence 1: How much money did the film — “Jaws” gross worldwide? Sentence 2: I| also set domestic record for box $5, leading to what the press ribed as “Jawsmania.:245 Jaws made Spielberg a household name and one of America’s youngest multt-millionaires, allowing him a great deal of autonomy for his future projects:250
Saantce } Actvty meckers are an empleo wha?” s@rcce 2 Wid Bebo and ar Ry bgt and a om! oted as enact weirs ent oh aed