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Sentence 1: Researchers are aware:that chimps have tised similar methods in the past, but it was not fully known if the toois they'used were desigried specifically for the task of gathering the isects. Of all the tools the chimps left behind and Sanz's team Fecovered,. 80% were custom made by their owners. Sanz: says the ‘new study. has determined that their'methods Have since evolved, proving previous hypotheses. Sentence 2:.Chimps design tools to catch termites.
Sentence 1: BAGHOAD, brag (CN) - Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, has made an unannounced visit to aq. according to the office of trac) transitional Prime Minister brahim al-laafar Sentence 2 Howard is a political representative of Australia
sentence 1 2 total of 599 states _ citizens were Jnited evacuated safely» at their requests those who were interviewed expressed reat gelief at yeing out of Grenada- Sentence 2: the U.S. military evacuated U.S- citizens.
Injections of human stem cells seem to lirectly repair. some: of the damage «caused by spinal cord’ injury, caccording to research that elped partially paralyzed mice ivalk again. entence 2: Anderson and colléagues used fetal eural stem cells,'a type: that are’ slightly more foveloped than embryonic. stem cells» because theyre. destined to: make: cells for the central ervous system.
‘Sentence £ ina eiienday tro dni Challe to dimer So-year dominance of te global economy as it proposed replacing the dollat as the worlds main-resefve-curreicy with a new global system under the' control ofthe International Menetary Fund. In a _nicle-flexing-mové that wilf be séen-as an attempt to exploit ‘the dig shifts in. economic power créated by the recéision sweeping the ‘est, Bejing said: that the dollar's-role-couid eveitualy: be taken aver. by, the. IMF's so-called Special Drawing Right (SDR) a quasi- currency tht was ryt in 162 Sonteuoe'2 "The Special ‘Ding igitis a gash eaten,
Sentence.1:Meahwhilé; the inquiries spearhedded by ‘Milan. magistrdites, Antonio’ di Pietro “and Ghetardo Colombo began to-focus‘on italy’s private and public: business sectors. : ’ Sentence 2! Antonio. di Pietro is amagistrate, :
‘Sentence 1: Thé..councik prohibited any travel outside -of Haiti by all: offers of the Haitian military..and: police. and all ‘major, participants. in the September, 1991, coup. Sentence 2: The council’ is. prohibited to travel outside of Haiti by military officers.
Sentence 1: The chaotic development that is gobbling up the Amazon rain forest could finally be reined in with a new plan developed by officials of Amazon countries and leading scientists from around the world. Sentence 2: The Amazon rainforest suffers from chaotic development.
|Sentence 1: Even though the-charges were dropped Jo Janisary 22, "2006,. his “Nobel: Prize’ reception |continues 'to-provoke mixed, féelings of. pridé and anger jamong Turks: On the other hand, as Pamuk intended, the crimiriak-case “broight international attention “to. freedom. of speech ‘in Turkey. In his ‘Nobel speéch,”he ldefined fiterature-as:" ... what a person creates, whe lhe Shuts himself up in a room, sits down at. a table, fand -retires to’ a. comer to express his thoughts ~ that lis, the meaning of literature... When. a. writér: shuts himself up in a Yéomi for -years ‘on end, with’ this lgesture he suggests’a single humaiity, a world without, a-centre. E ISentencé 2; Pamuk won’ a Nobel Prize.
‘Sentence 1: Also, in a landmark deal with Disney. {Tunes ts now offering current and past episodes from two of the most popular shows on television. ‘Sentence 2: I-tunes does business with Disney.
TL Sentence 1: Vice-President Alvaro -Marcelo Garcia Linera, 2 principal author-of the draft constitution, hailed Sunday's referendum results, saying, “this will He an egalitarian Bolivia, a Bolivia that leaves behind a dark, colonial, racist past.” Linera, however, has Acknowledged that the. government has ‘provoked deep divisions and faces vehement oppositions trom many of the traditional ‘elite, coming trom many tnixed-race people in’ the fertile eastern lowlands which rejected the draft charter. “1 am not saying there will be no more conflict, there: will he.tensions f6r @ while, | say a decade «,. but we will have built a state on three principles: the economy under state ‘control; equality; and the territorial decentralization: ‘of: power," he ‘said. The. new. constitution was tejected:in- four oppasition-controiled regions: the “tropical Sowlands of Pando, Santa: Cruz, Tarija-and Beni, which contain’ most, of Bolivia's: natural. gas
Sentence 1: The Commission, designated to shed light on :crimes..and human tights’ violations. during’ the apartheid period, atcuses the African Nativnal, Congress. of carrying out torture and executions .. without — trials” ..in concentration . camps, “and also of playing an active role-in the political violence incidents that. took. place between 1990 and 1994. Sentence 2: The Commission accused the ANC: of violence; executions and. human rights violations.
Sentence it Wikipedia founder! Jimmy Wales’ has. heen accused of editing pages in the encyclopedia jin retirn::far a donation to the: Wikimedia Fouiidation, In an article published! Tuesday; the ‘Sydney Morning: Herald: reported: that. former Novell “computer scientist ‘Jeff Merkey alleged ‘Wales.hal made edits to his article aw his behalf, in éxchange for: @:"donation to the ‘Wikimedia Foundation. The news hit the: website’ Slashdot later, Tuesday,” where the incident: was ‘dubbed. _ DonerGate",
Sentence. t Jean-Claude: Trichet, the European Central Bank jvesident, jade it clear,.on Wednesday, that-he would oppose unwarranted political aftempts fo remove Antonio: Fazio. the Bank of aly govern, engufed in controversy. over his-handling of bank takeover. bids. Sentence 2: Antonio Fazio works for the Bank of Haly
Sentence t The Brhish govertrnert_-hes
Sentence 1: Although Philip-Morris was selling its cigarettes at lower prices ‘in the US, the increased volumes-helped lift operating income in-the domestic tobacco division by 25:1 per cent to Dollars 85m. - Sentence 2: PM cut US:prices to restore Marlbord’s US standing.
! i i i Queen. Gizabeth 2. popularly known asthe QE2. -arved....n shar -bome,..port “of Southampton. England, forthe find time, The Cunard. Line ship has been in service since 1969, and_1s:o.become..a, floating. hotel in Dubai. The hamecomng was: marred as..the vessel |ran..aground..on,.a. sandbank .near i = f
Sentence 1: February 4, 2005, Iraq. With more than two- thirds of the 3.3 million votes counted in the Iraqi legislative election , the United Iraqi Alliance has a considerable lead over interim Iraqi Prime Minister lyad Allawi's agi List which trails with approximately 17% of the currenttally. Sentence 2: The first free elections in Iraq were held in January 2005.
Sentence 1: The Austialian siate of few, Seuth Wales {WSH, launched jis litest antizcaniabis campaign in. Sydney today. The campaign, ‘which specifically targets, 14 to-1 year-olds amis ta ‘reduce the number. of young ‘people experimenting with the diig.. The advertiséments low a tightening .af -cantebis.-laus. in NSW last year. The caripeign, which NShiHealth has cast at AUDIS00,000 will use.a variety of print ads placed at Bus stops and in youth magazines in additign to advertiserents.on websites such, as MySpace and MBN. Print ads’ use a tag line saying Pat Tt mightnt kil youd but it could turn you into a dickhead’ Sentence 2? People’ are likely ,to: stert-simoking ‘tobacco. when young Laat ;
yatence 1: Other friends were| jot surprised at his death. ° asn't surprised,* said Georg ‘tranahan, a former owner 0: e Woody Creek Tavern, 4| favourite haunt of Thompson. I never expected Hunter t ie in a hospital bed wit! ubes coming out of him." leighbours lmve said how his| roken leg had prevented hii om leaving his house as| ften as he had liked to. On eighbour and long-standin, dend, Mike Cleverly, sai ompson was clearly hobble:
Sentence 1: Local media reported on Tuesday that a gold mine collapsed in northwestern Tanzania on Sunday, illing at least twenty people. cording to reports, the incident curred at Geita region when the @0-metre-deep shaft the miners ere working in collapsed after eing flooded by heavy seasonal ‘ains. Some media reports say that hirty people might have been illed by the accident. "I know here is no hope of finding anybody Live," said Kelega Chacha, a miner
Sentence The official religion is Theravada Buddhism. which Is also practiced in neighboring Laos, Thailand, Burma and Sri Lanka. Sentence 2: The official religion of Thailand ts ‘Theravada Buddhism,
Sentence 1: On Tuesday, December 25, the menswear retailer The Officers Club's administrators PricewaterhouseCoopers decided to close 32 of the 150 stores immediately. PricewaterhouseCoopers ‘also announced that TimeC 1215 limited had bought 118 of the stores for an undisclosed fee. TimeC 1215 is backed by David Charlton, chief executive of The Officers Club. This deal saves ‘around 900 jobs. The Officers Club began in the early 1990s in Sunderland and has headquarters at Gramlington, ‘Northumberland. Sentence 2: The UK retailer Zawi has called in administrators during Christmas.
Sentence 1: The 26-member Internotiondl Energy Agency soid Friday, thot member countries would release cil to help relieve. US. fuel crisis coused by Hurricane Korrina. Sentence 2: The United Stotes has asked member stotes of the] Intemational Energy Agency to provide oil.
Sentences! ‘ngeke$ Mtr Jnies Ftv cong: yi mermbers of the) ‘tamale. Auber Seu Cala lono wi, wil annicce de kicko of iil pn to Fen J.s Angele Count Kp ena Buster. Sentence. kis: Hn [S member of the, Automie: Club Sout: cotton ° : °
Sentence 1: Canada and the United States signed an agreement on January Sentence 2; The Israel-Egypt Peace Agreement was signed in 1975"
Senibhce A Ouet 0° course eck devs, ‘the: bak ‘Went froth: “apparent: strength 16 “banktuptcy: -Barings...vas: Britain's “oldest “merchant “bank: “Tf: had--finenced “the Napaleénic wars; the:Lauisiand purchase,’ and the: trie Cen Borhigs was; the, Queers bank Sentence 2 Tomes ‘gs Bonds atest sherchaitt: bank.”
Sentence 1: Chip giant, Intel, has set its sights on the digital living room with its} own flavours. of ; entertainment, PCs designed to act ‘like’ media hubs for the home. Sentence 2: Intel is vying for a key spot in| the digital living room. _
Sentence 1: A unique feature of previous Ebola outbreaks has, been the relative sparing of children, For the fuse cime, an out break of an unusual illness-Ebola haemorrhagic fever occurred in Northern Uganda - Gulu district, Sentence 2: Ebola Epidemic breaks our in Zaire.
Sentence A mercenary group. faithful to the warmongering policy of former Somozist colonel Enrique Bermudez, attacked an IFA truck belonging to the interior ministry at 0900 on 26 March in El Jicote, wounded and killed an interior ministry worker and wounded five others. Sentence 2:A mercenary group was injured in El Jicote.
k Phe beraeli array Feress carried outs, an Saterday. ‘a widéipredd military: Speration: into, the \West Bark town "of lenin’ ~ and’ its refuges’ carpi’ local” Paestinian sources.” saids
Sentence 1: Paul Watson, the founder of Greenpeace, will speak on campus Wednesday, March 3. Sentence 2: Paul Watson is the founder of Greenpeace.
m Museum, officially um, was | he Museum of Non nce 2: The Solomon R. Guggenhem ned in 1939.
Sentence 1: 20th Century spokesman Rick Dinon that between the time it applied for the rate erease and changed its mind, the estimated quake losses had ballooned by several hundred million dollars. Sentence 2: Rick Dinon is the senior vice president of 20th Century Insurance Co.
Sentence t: The . Notwegian- newspaper Dapbiadet: printed an article abput the “itolerance page. Sentence 2 Dagbladet i a Noniegian
Sentence ‘2
Y home! wedding, Camments (01 Weed ~ Gentence: 2° Mr. Willis Second wite:i6 from ." Malta: Tes : ese
Sentence 1: For others, in the northern hemisphere, judgment may be a little off due to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which is often at its peak in the weeks following the shortest hours of daylight. Sentence 2: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a worldwide disorder.
Sentence 1: Levomepromazine has prominent sedative ‘and “ atiticholinergic) sympatholytic effects (dry ‘mouth, . hypotension, -. ‘sinus tachycardia, extreme’ night sweats) and’ causes: massive weight gain. These side effects normally. do not:allow to give.the drug in'doses needed for full remission of schizophrenia, soit has'to be:combined with'd more potent antipsychotic Sentence’...2: :Levomepromazine ‘ causés schizophretia:
mnce 4: James Kerr had heen the foreman for the , Adams and Deane gun factory. Robert Adams, one of partners and inventor of the Adams revolver, was Kerr's in, ¢nce 2: Dean invented a revolver.
Sehtence 4: Thousaiyis of pedple are expetted-is- retin io New:Orle®® this'weel reas of the: city are. ‘opened up. aggpsicene : ‘Sentence # Over the Comins days thotsandy of. people, are expected to make Ae ec ion--to’ wFequrn, fo New Orteans.:: .
Sentence tf On November 2 2001 ‘@ baby: Asian: élephant™ was. borat thé Notional Zoo hi Washingt 2 DE woe Sentence 2 by elephant don
Y impressionist dil landscape by J. Ottis Adanis Jn the mid-19705 at a Fort Wayrig antiques Senterice.. 4: Doug Lawrence bought’ ‘the Sentence’.. 2: Doug tawrenice - sold the impressionist oil landscape by 4. Ottis Adams.
Sentenee 1: Reagan was seriously wounded by a bullet: fired by John Hinckley Jr. in, am attempted assassination on March 30, 1981, Semtemee 2: Reagan almost died on March 30, 1981, _ when would-be | assassin John W. Hinekley Jr. shot him.
Sentence .1: Twenty yearsago, on June 6; 1968, ‘Sen. Robert F. Kennedy died.at Good Samaritan. . Hospital in. Los Angeles, 25,-LCB- hours-after he ‘was shot at thé . Ambassador’ Hotel. by Sirhan Bishara Sirhan. Sentence ..2:Sirhan Bishara “Sirhan killed Sen. Robert'F. Kennedy
sentence 1: The protherindaw of Mohammad! Sreibi al-Kbalifa. the new chief judge in he -* genocide ‘rial of Saddam. Hussein, has Dest shor ’ dead. police sources $29: - 2 wey Sentence 2 Mohammad Khalifa’s father-in-law is ‘Osama Bin Laden. :
Sentence 1: The 7-4 defeat by Long Beach ‘State, pushed the Cardinal to the brink in the double-elimination format of NCAA regionals. Sentence 2: Stanford Cardinal were defeated by Long Beach State, 7-4.
Sentence 1: Victor Emmanuel was born on Nov. 11, 1869, in Naples. After his father. Umberto I, was assassinated in 1900, Victor Emmanuel succeeded to the throne. Sentene¢ 2::Victor Emmanuel III was king of Italy from 1900 to 1946.
Seat h capac ene bw te witha ew ination erenit they fee andy evil, chair ofthe poycblony ere is ment se nerhnatannsessoeae sy oSahb. Senter ipod te Dies ofSouth Da
Sentence. 1: Nagin defended his plan to return up to, 180,000 people ‘to the city, within a week and a half, despite concerns about the short supply. of drinking water and heavily polluted floodwaters. Sentence 2 As many as 180,000 people ‘could return within’ 10 days to a city that held 460,000 before Hurricane Katrina struck.
who claim chey were Kepe ove of jobs ih managemene ‘because chey are women. Sereence 2: Wal-Mare sued for sexual discriminacion
Sentence 1: Sida does not take any new decisions on support to projects in the Baltic states. Sentence 2: Baltic Countries join the EU.
sentence tHe hhas borrawed a clutch of bright = deas from Bill Clinton's, favorite Yhink-tank.. he: Democratic Leadership ‘Council «and ndersed Medicare reforms suggested: by one ” f the Democratic Party's brightest luminaries: uisiana’s John Breaux: : furs enfence...2: Bil. Clinton belongs to: the jeimocratic Party. : 7
Sentenée “1: Unlike seal hunting ia Canada,-.wheré-:pups “are hunted for fur,” poachers in: China catch ' seals primarily-to sell: fo: z008 Jor: fo “use the ° genital: organs for’ traditional Chinése, medicine. ; Sentence’ 2: pe hunting » endangers species. :
Sentance E US Steel could even have s technical advantage over Mucor since one new method of steel making i is ‘thin strip casting. may produce higher quatity stest then Mucor thin slab technique. Sentence 2 US Stast may invest in strip casting.
Sentence I: Bosnia's leading Muslim daily Dnevni Avaz writes excitedly about "a sensational discovery" of "the first European pyramid” in the central town of Visoko, just north of Sarajevo. Sentence 2: Europe's first pyramid has been discovered near Sarajevo.
Sentence ‘+ Climatologists believe atlificially induced climate change is the reason Australia is destined for the warmest year on record. “Temperatures so Tar This year have averaged one degree above the 30-year average, the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) told the Greenhouse 2005 - Action in Climate Change Conference being held in Melbourne this week. The head of the National Climate Centre, Michael Coughlan, says Australia has had the warmest ever first 10
Sentence & Named ‘the Solomon. R. Guggenheim Museiim in‘ honor of its founder, ithe “building opened in. 1959, drawing huge. jcrowds .. ..and stirring considerable. controversy. “ \Senterice, 2° The: Solomon’ R Guggenheim | Museum. was pened in 1959.
Sentence 1: Prices hit their lowest levels in five weeks Friday, with light, sweet crude for October closing at $63 on the New York Mercantile Exchange, the lowest settlement price since Aug. 5. Sentence 2: Crude oil costs $63.
Sentence ae Picture: a Janis Joplin robot “sitting on a, .park “bench” talking. about’ :the* Summer of. Love, ‘singing ~ "Me and» Bobby « McGee" and introducing a David Bowie robot. Sentence 23 Robots serve. as © wax: Singers in: the Rock Halt of Fame:
‘Sentence 1: The two young leaders of the coup, Pibul Sanggram: ‘and Prigi Phanomyang. both educated in Europe and intuenced bby Westem ideas. came to dominate Thai politics in the ensuing years. Sentence 2: Pibul was a young leader.
Sentence 1: "The word in the galley food queues is that we could do with more men, and the kit does keep wearing out, but that's due to the conditions here,” said Corporal Martin Page. Sentence 2: Martin Page was sent on a mission to Afghanistan.
Sentenee f) The most surprising news story of the past week must be the inderful' y that the AIDS epidemic in India is under control,
‘Sentence - 1: Operation FAECON ” was ‘conducted during: a 6ne’'week, period, April 4-10; 2005, ‘chosen fo coincide. with, ‘National Crime Victim's’ Rights Week, April? 10 the dates being ‘chosen -to “honor. .the ‘vietims" of violent erinie, in America: "By taking violent, fugitives off the streets and pulling: them behind bars’ where they belong," said Aliortiey Generat “Alberto Gonzales” "we've hoitoreél the vietims aiid tiade cur sireets safer." ‘Sentence 2: Operation Condor was ax genocide and a ‘campaign’ of counter-tercorism implemenied ty the right- ing dictatorships that dominated the Southern-Cone in “Latin Aimeriea from the 1950s to 1980s.
Sentence 1: The watchdog International Atomic Energy Agency meets in Vienna on September 19, Sentence 2: The International Atomic Energy Agency holds a meeting in Vienna.
the Sentente 2:“the parts are'dn slightly higher:
Sentence 1: Nevertheless, the international reputation of some Polish artists, notably the film maker Krzysztof Kieslowski, has never been Cont To use a crass commercial yardstick, the DVD boxed set of his eee series (ten one-hour dramas based loosely on the Ten Commandments, made for Polish TV in 1988) is currently number 3,700 in Amazon.com's sales rankings (about even with The Alfred Hitchcock Signature Collection). Sentence 2: Kieslowski is a film and TV director.
Sentence x: Gibbs ako said that Obama pinned to meet with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, but poor weather in Baghdad means that Obama will likel& talk to the prime minister and Iraqi President Jalal Taliban telephone. American troops are slated t Iraq by August 2010, with The New York Times reporting that troop kevels will continue two be high until Iraq's federal elections in December. Obama told a group of university students in Turkey thar despite his original opposition to the waz in 2003, he realized that the troop withd#fWal must be done carefully.
Sentence 1: OTN Profiles the Hamas (Islamic Resistance Movement), which is a Palestinian Islamic fundamentalist group. Sentence 2: The Islamic Resistance Movement is also known as OTN.
| Sentence t Mine, dish Sdes Services and Marketng Operation of Microsoft was estabished # Toa, Sentence 2 Microsoft was estabished in Kat a
Sentence 2: Lucky Dube was a reggae star
Sentence 1: Arromanches-les-Bains or simply Arromanches is a town in Normandy France, located on the coast in the heart of| the area where the Normandy landings took} place on D-Day, on June 6, 1944. Sentence 2: The Normandy landings took place in June 1944.
Sentence 1: Oracle had fought to:keép the forms from being released Sentence 2: Oracle -reléasec .2- confidential document.
Sentence®.1: Former’ Prime Minister Rafik ‘Hariri, also a rominent anti-Syria political face was killed: in a suicide bombing: in February last year, -w! ich led to rising anti- Syrian waves. and the withdrawal of Syrian | troops from Lebanon. Sentence 2: Syrian troops. have been - withdiawn from
: Sentence 1 Cool, hum weather Sunday helped slow {he advance of a fire that caused ihe hundreds evacuation of of homes. and businesses in - Alaska’s Interior, Sentence 2: There was a fire in Alaska.
Sentence £ San Salvador, Jan. 13, ‘90 (Acan-Efe) -The bodies of Hector Oqueli and Gilda Flores, reported. Sentence 2: Gilda Flores was kidnapped On the 13th of January 1990.
‘Sentence t: Yemen, too,:was: reunified in 1990. ‘Sentence 2: Yernen was reunited in 1990,
Sentence 1: In italy, big protests by students and university staff against government reforms to higher education brought parts of central Rome to a standstill on Tuesday. Sentence 2: The Italian government introduces reforms to higher education
Sentence 1: Some people may think that there is no other way to grow plants other than in soil; there is however, another way. : Sentence 2: Plants are grown in substances éther than soil
‘Sentence 1: New research shows there has been a ‘sharp increase in disfiguring skin cancers, particularly in women under the age of 40, providing more ‘evidence that young people are not heeding warnings about the dangers of tanning. ‘Sentence 2: Tanning may cause skin cancers.
Sentence 1: The pills were sold under store brands by Wal-Mart, CVS, Safeway and more than 120 other major retailers, the Food and Drug Administration said. Sentence 2: The pills were commercialized by major retailers.
Sentence 1: For hundreds of family members holed up in. {@ hotel not far from the Stockholm ferry terminal, where: the boat Estonia: wos’ to: hawe docked: Wednesday. morning. ofter an” overnight trip from the. Estonian copital of Tallinn, the suspended rescue: effort was just the latest in a day of heartbreaking reports... » Sentence 2: The Estonia set sail ftom Tallinn. -
tence I: Brad Pitt is causing havoc on his school run. The Indsome actor has been spotted taking his kids to school in York, causing local mothers to fight over who drives all ‘heir children in the mornings, in the hope of meeting the star. source said: “Moms are fighting over who gets to carpool he kids to school. They are all dressing up and are desperate 0 meet him” Brad, 45, has taken on the duty of driving jpted boys Maddox eight, and Pax. five, to dass while his, jartner Angelina Jolie shoots her latest fim Sait’. The couple Iso raise four other children, adopted daughter Zahara, four, nd their naturally conceived children Shiloh, two, and eight- ;nth-old twins Vivienne and Knox 2: Brad Pitt is 45 years old.
Sentence 1 On 12 August, the San Carlos Battalion came across mines placed in their path and one soldier was killed while two were seriously injured. Meanwhile on 10 August, urban commandos took a patrol car by surprise and dropped a grenade inside the car, injuring four and partially destroying the vehicle. Sentence 2: Four people were injured by a grenade.
Sentence 1: Following the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty of 1979, Israel agreed to withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula, in exchange for peace with its neighbor. For over two decades, the Sinai Peninsula was home to about 7,000 Israelis. Sentence 2: The Israel-Egypt Peace Agreement was signed in 1979.
Sentence 1: World Bank programs have been heavily criticized for many years for resulting in poverty. Sentence 2: The World Bank is criticized for its activities.
Sentence 1: Rescuers searched rough seas off the capital yesterday for survivors of. ferry collision that claimed at least 28 lives, as ~ officials blamed crew incompetence for the accident. Sentértce 2°100 or more people lost.their lives,ina ferry sinking: _ *
nt ns Gondel, Bass bas be DS hh an won tv Or wt ‘ mas 0 ora Dein erect He wst nw OM con Gna we ee pit miteterertats
Sentence 1: The body of Satomi Mitarai was found by a teacher after her attacker returned to class in bloody clothes. Sentence 2: Mitarai’s body was found by a teacher after her killer returned to their classroom covered in blood.
Sentence 1: In 2000 there were 10,578 divorces in Bulgaria, which represents 301 divorces per 1000 marriages or a 1.3% divorce rate per 1000 inhabitants. Sentence 2: In 2000 there wi@ 301 divorces in Bulgaria. t
Sentence 1: It came as the group - which] also included Sid Ganis, president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, William Horberg, producer o! The Kite Runner, and Alfre Woodard, wh actedin Desperate Housewives - began a charm offensive billed as a "creative exchange" but clearly aimed at bridging a gulf of mutual misunderstanding. The delegation was invited to Iran by Khane Cinema (Cinema House), the country's biggest film group, which is under the| authority of the ministry of culture and Islamic guidance. It is scheduled to hold| training workshops on acting, directing,
dure’ by his absence from mount manslaughter in acy lost control of the Michael Gansas. He, violated proces Ihe wheelhouse during docking, wher ferry sco 2: Me Smith"entered Fis guilty: plea ‘to It coints of investigators. about his: rghter ‘aid -also to lying to so ye agreement: eached: with
jreyenr's ocr 05s 5 0 fraction oF Me: sin caret rmetsuring 81 2000 eatece 1: The gi frets 100000 iehyenr cur ca ky. whic re icy ay menses 2000 iy" OOS sentence 2:1
Sentence 1: Mr Roughan claims that children from age of nine and up are drinking late at night."You know what.the hell's going to happen.” Mr Nant has apologised ’"to- -thr affected, inconvenienced residents. New Zealiind Post state’ they are-going to continue to, monitor the sittation, however and:also and police "to. make sure we're - abreast of any developments in the area.’ The gang violence/activity New: Zeallitind Post are referring to is; on the previous ‘Thursday. the Armed Offenders Squad was called’out where they Panded three homes Tolowing a shoots, ight people’ were arrested, and-J.Jarge number of firearms “were, seized. Despite delivered, ‘newspapers ‘were still being delivered, ‘waste collection was'still happening, and electricity. meter readers wéie also goingaround house to house, checking the meters. have on-going discussion with the-local coune ‘post. not, being
‘Sentence t No case of indagenoutly acquired rabses infechon has been confirmed in man or any animal species during the past 2 yews, ‘Sentence 2 A case of rabses was confmed

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