11 values
"my son is halfway through his fourth week of intuniv. we became concerned when he began this last week, when he started taking the highest dose he will be on. for two days, he could hardly get out of bed, was very cranky, and slept for nearly 8 hours on a drive home from school vacation (very unusual for him.) i called his doctor on monday morning and she said to stick it out a few days. see how he did at school, and with getting up in the morning. the last two days have been problem free. he is much more agreeable than ever. he is less emotional (a good thing), less cranky. he is remembering all the things he should. overall his behavior is better. we have tried many different medications and so far this is the most effective."
birth control
"i used to take another oral contraceptive, which had 21 pill cycle, and was very happy- very light periods, max 5 days, no other side effects. but it contained hormone gestodene, which is not available in us, so i switched to lybrel, because the ingredients are similar. when my other pills ended, i started lybrel immediately, on my first day of period, as the instructions said. and the period lasted for two weeks. when taking the second pack- same two weeks. and now, with third pack things got even worse- my third period lasted for two weeks and now it's the end of the third week- i still have daily brown discharge. the positive side is that i didn't have any other side effects. the idea of being period free was so tempting... alas."
birth control
"this is my first time using any form of birth control. i'm glad i went with the patch, i have been on it for 8 months. at first it decreased my libido but that subsided. the only downside is that it made my periods longer (5-6 days to be exact) i used to only have periods for 3-4 days max also made my cramps intense for the first two days of my period, i never had cramps before using birth control. other than that in happy with the patch"
bipolar disorde
"abilify changed my life. there is hope. i was on zoloft and clonidine when i first started abilify at the age of 15.. zoloft for depression and clondine to manage my complete rage. my moods were out of control. i was depressed and hopeless one second and then mean, irrational, and full of rage the next. my dr. prescribed me 2mg of abilify and from that point on i feel like i have been cured though i know i'm not.. bi-polar disorder is a constant battle. i know abilify works for me because i have tried to get off it and lost complete control over my emotions. went back on it and i was golden again. i am on 5mg 2x daily. i am now 21 and better than i have ever been in the past. only side effect is i like to eat a lot."
birth control
"i had been on the pill for many years. when my doctor changed my rx to chateal, it was as effective. it really did help me by completely clearing my acne, this takes about 6 months though. i did not gain extra weight, or develop any emotional health issues. i stopped taking it bc i started using a more natural method of birth control, but started to take it bc i hate that my acne came back at age 28. i really hope symptoms like depression, or weight gain do not begin to affect me as i am older now. i'm also naturally moody, so this may worsen things. i was in a negative mental rut today. also i hope this doesn't push me over the edge, as i believe i am depressed. hopefully it'll be just like when i was younger."
"i have taken anti-depressants for years, with some improvement but mostly moderate to severe side affects, which makes me go off them. i only take cymbalta now mostly for pain. when i began deplin, i noticed a major improvement overnight. more energy, better disposition, and no sinking to the low lows of major depression. i have been taking it for about 3 months now and feel like a normal person for the first time ever. best thing, no side effects."
birth control
"started nexplanon 2 months ago because i have a minimal amount of contraception's i can take due to my inability to take the hormone that is used in most birth controls. i'm trying to give it time because it is one of my only options right now. but honestly if i had options i'd get it removed. i've never had acne problems in my life, and immediately broke out after getting it implanted. sex drive is completely gone, and i used to have sex with my boyfriend a few days a week, now its completely forced and not even fun for me anymore. i mean i'm on birth control because i like having sex but don't want to get pregnant, why take a birth control that takes away sex? very unhappy and hope that i get it back with time or i'm getting it removed."
"i have been taking saxenda since july 2016. i had severe nausea for about a month once i got up to the 2.6 dosage. it has since subsided and the only side effect i notice now is the dry mouth. i make sure to drink 2.5 litres of water a day (about 10 glasses). this helps with the weight loss as well as the constipation. i have been reducing my dose to find a comfortable spot where i am still losing weight but don't feel like i am over medicating. for me, 1.8 is working very well. i also feel wearing a fitbit has really helped. i can track my food, water, exercise and steps - it keeps me moving more. when this started i could barely walk the length of myself without getting winded - i have lost 58 lbs so far."
bipolar disorde
"i've been on every medicine under the sun (it seems) to manage the hypomania / mania of bipolar2. within a few days of starting lamictal (was on tegretol) it was as if someone had turned a light on in my head. is this the way "normal" people think? was one of the first things that struck me. i sleep like a log, have no irritability, almost no anger (other than what would be considered normal). i am able to focus and my creative, impulsive thoughts have decreased enough to be manageable. it's a god send as i would perennially be in a state of hypo mania, which sounds great, but i was physically and emotionally exhausted. my libido is markedly lower but i wonder if that is perhaps an effect of not being hypo manic. i take 20 mg for anxiety."
"i have insomnia, it's horrible. my story begins with my pcp prescribing me prozac to help with intestinal issues, because i was desperate i tried it, i was on it for 3 weeks. stopped because of insomnia. then i was prescribed ativan, it out me out, but was very addicting. i had rebound insomnia. then after about 14 days i hardly any sleep l tried the doctor one more time. i asked him about trazadone. he told me that was a good medication for insomnia. he put me on 25 mgs, but stated i may have to figure out what dosage is best for me. i am currently taking 100 mgs, which is on the low range of what is prescribed, 400 mgs being at the high end for insomnia. i have the dry mouth and nasel congestion. i can live with that, i sleep now, yeah..."
birth control
"nexplanon does its job. i can have worry free sex. the only thing is that my periods are sometimes light and sometimes heavy. sometimes they go away and sometimes they show up unexpected. i also feel somewhat depressed. not sure if its nexplanon or not. i've had nexplanont for about 2 months now, but despite the side effects its the most effective birth control i've ever used and i do not plan on taking it out."
"hi all, my son who is 12 was diagnosed when he was in 2nd grade. we tried everything before medication. when we tried meds, the first one made him loose weight, fast. the second gave him a nasty tic that thankfully went away as soon as he stopped the med, the third worked for a couple of years and around january of last year we started to have problems so his doctor recommended daytrana. it has been wonderful for my son! easy to use, he handles this for himself each day and takes it off when he gets home from school. the patch effects last long enough for him to do his homework. he does have issues with weight gain and sleep but he uses melatonin before bed if he feels like he will not be able to shut down. the shortage is killing us!"
"1 week on zoloft for anxiety and mood swings. i take 50mg in the mornings with my breakfast. nausea on day one but that subsided as the week went on. i get the jitters about 2 hrs after taking it followed by yawning. i feel much better though and less angry/stressed."
"i am 30 years old. i had a multiple composite spinal injuries 15 years ago. the aches and pains unbearable. i started taking anti-inflammatories about 2 years ago. i started getting injections every month of toradol and "depo" something. i am almost off all pain meds i mean i still have bad days but i can function again."
"i have been on morphine for at least 7 is the only medicine that seems to manage my pain. without it i would be in bed 90% of the time. with it i can have a life."
"i am just finishing my second week taking contrave and have lost 10 lbs. it has been an interesting experience because the drug is definitely not an appetite suppressant, yet it does help you control the urge to eat. i have had mild side effects - some stomach discomfort and slight headaches along with constipation, but it has all been easily manageable. if you are considering taking this medication please keep in mind that you still need to do the work by exercising and eating right, but the medication really does help. it has helped me get my motivation back to exercise, and it definitely helps with cravings to eat making it easy to just eat what i need to be healthy. use the coupon they give you, it drops cost to $70"
"my gp started me on venlafaxine yesterday to help with depression and the change,a hour after taking them i was feeling very sick couldn,t stomach food or fluids, thought keep it up as she told me they did come with some side effects which would get better,took another one last night and was so ill i couldn,t stand ,being sick sweating shaking thought i was going to pass out. did get some sleep hopeing to feel better this morning,took another one and felt so spaced out dry mouth shaking ,sick, so booked in to see gp again to make sure i should be feeling like this, only to find out she had put me on the wrong dose should have been on 37.5mg was put on 150mg, now on right dose hope this will be better"
"intuniv did not work for my son; he was bouncing off the walls while he was taking it, and having major issues in class! it seems to work the opposite on him!"
"my pain management doctor put me on butrans patches about 6 weeks ago 5 mg dose. the first box of four was a lifesaver. no more agony at work. able to sleep. did more in two weekends than i had in two years. i'm hoping to bump up to the ten mg dose soon to cut down on my norco. i have had chronic pain for many years and have been through many medicines including oxycontin. this patch is the best so far."
bipolar disorde
"i have had great experience so far with latuda. i started taking 40 mg in nov., and it worked great for about a week, then i crashed again. dr. put it up to 80 mg and i've been great ever since. i'm afraid, though, because my sex drive has completely disappeared, and if it's the latuda, i'm going to have to go off it-and i hate to go off something that's working so well. however, i'm also on a pretty high dose of lexapro, and the dr. thinks it's more likely to be a side effect of that, so we're decreasing that and hopefully that will work, because otherwise i'm feeling really good. i'm really afraid i'll have to go off it."
birth control
"never again! after being on depo i was suppose to b an ideal candidate the first 6 months was ok bit moody but fine no weight gain but then something changed i was constantly bleeding and getting horrible hormone spots i normally have clear skin mood swings were increasing. after 14 months i decided to have it taken out and that was an ordeal they can b very tricky for the doc remove. so 3 anesthetics and a few stitches later its out. it's simply not worth the hassle"
"was on this med for 5 years. worked fine but not great. stopped the panic attacks and gave me relief of every day nervousness that i was experiencing. took months for the side effects to diminish when i first started taking it. what did not leave - insomnia, night sweats, lack of sex drive and poor orgasms (or no orgasms at all)."
birth control
"i was put on yasmin for 6 months to regulate my cycle and reduce acne flare-ups and it was the worst 6 months of my life. i gained 20lbs that did not come off easily after stopping the pill, experienced horrible mood swings, had heavier periods, acne breakouts, breakthrough bleeding, and i was nauseous all the time. this pill seems to agree with most people but it definitely did not agree with me. i went on femcon a year after stopping yasmin and experienced virtually no side effects."
"i love my butrans patch!!! and it has relieved more than half of my pain, and i know this because i only have to take less than half of my pain killers now that i am on the patch! i change my patch every saturday, but if i miss 24 hours my pain starts to reside again. if you are not a heavy drinker i would advise trying this patch!!!"
birth control
"i have been on this for 8 months and sad to say it's caused nothing but my self esteem to become lower. i've gained 10 lbs out of no where. i'm only 22 and have a fast metabolism. i thought it started to slow down but it didn't make sense. my breasts got smaller, i have lost complete sex drive, my breasts aren't sensitive anymore at all like they used to be and i'm so emotional, even crying at times. the only thing i can say is that it is 100% effective but not worth what it has done to my body. not only that but i started breaking out on my body and on my face as well."
birth control
"i was off birth control for a while considering getting pregnant. i had used other types of birth control before, the pill, the patch, etc. i decided to get back on birth control but didn't want to worry about taking a daily pill so i requested the nuvaring. when i started the nuvaring i felt it inside my body and had a lot of cramps. a few days later i started experiencing more cramps and very strong upper stomach pain. they were so bad i missed work for a week. finally i ended up going to the er and they couldn't figure out what was wrong. i finally asked the doctor and it was the nuvaring side effects."
"i just hit my three month point on tretinoin .05% and i'm so happy. i was really depressed about my skin during the first two months because i've never had bad acne and the cream made me have horrible acne. but i knew that was the worst part of it and after that was over i would be fine. i've inly had two zits since then and i'm only left with scars which is fine. try it out even if you're scared because i was too and i'm so glad i did. it's worth it!"
"this medicine saved my life. i was at my wits end with anti-depressants and was ready to give up. my doctor finally prescribed me this after many failed medications, i am so glad she did. i honestly do not know where i would be without effexor xr. side effects were very mild compared to other anti-depressants i tried. i was drowsy for the first couple days, but it was tolerable. i highly recommend this for severe depression. i would also like to mention for people to realize there is light at the end of the tunnel and you will get better, and to never give up."
"best treatment for acne i have used! i've gone through accutane, many face washes, retinol creams, and other forms of birth control. some other forms of birth control just make acne worse, depending on the type of progestin in it. you need the least androgenic type possible, and sprintec has worked the best for me! nearly clear skin. takes about 5-6 months to fully work, but it does work."
birth control
"my experience during the nexplon is great not a pregnancy yet. my only issue is it causes me too much bleeding. i get my periods from every other week up to 1 month up to 3 month . and it ruins my sex life"
birth control
"i've had mine for over a year and noticed the weight gain, mood swings, but no acne. my body adjusted quick and i lost the weight. the only issue i've had is every time my boyfriend and i have sex, i spot the next day for less than a week. other than those issues i love it and recommend it to all of my friends!"
birth control
"i am always bleeding between periods, i’ve also gained 15 pounds and on a skinny girl it’s very noticeable! my acne hasn’t got worse or better. and now i’m not getting my period when i should be. i am experiencing depression where i don’t want to be around anyone i don’t want to eat because i’m gaining so much weight i’m stuck in my head and lashing out at people. i’m not my normal self. i wish i found a pill that rids my acne and doesn’t affect my weight or sex drive.."
"started taking it and i slept well at night and awoke early around 5 to start my day happily. but come 8 am and i am drowsy and needed to take already two hrs nap. awake and resume my day with not much difficulties. than st 2 pm again i needed a nap? so how was i gonna make it to work and my appointments too ? i went cold turkey. felt much better after that. only to crash again. i did try other anti depressants including pristique. but i suffered with insomnia with these meds. i know i need to start again but so confused if i should resume welbutrin"
birth control
"i have been on pills for years, and in 2012 i tried mirena. i had cramps and terrible side effects all the time and just had it taken out last month because i have gained around 10lbs in my stomach area. i have been on nuvaring for about 2 weeks and so far it's way better. as soon as mirena was removed my weird stomach pains stopped, but i'm still trying to lose the extra weight. "
birth control
"i had the mirena put in almost a year ago. insertion was a breeze next to no cramping. my periods have remained heavy and do not show signs of stopping. have gained about 30 pounds have acne and headaches and backache, so now i am wondering what is next. my doctor would not take it out and wanted me to remain on it for a year. it is almost a year so i am finding a new doctor and getting it taken out."
bipolar disorde
"i appreciate lithium. although my thyroid level is low, a supplement helps to equalize this problem. i've been through at least 20 different medications to stabilize my bipolar diagnosis. i always wanted to be of normal state of mind. lithium has allowed me to be equally yoked with myself. 300mg er in the evening. 100mg of seroquel in the evening. 20mg of cymbalta in the morning! i'm set! if i'm feeling anxiety i can add busper or loranzapam."
birth control
"this medicine is absolutely terrible. after three months of using it my hair has fallen out so much so that i can see my scalp very visibly and it's very very embarrassing. i stopped taking it and am now considering a copper iud. no more hormones for me."
emergency contraception
"had sex on the 7th of august. took plan b about 23 hours after from the intercourse. haven't gotten my period yet because i'm not supposed to be due until the 20th of august but a major side effect that i've been experiencing is a major amount of tiredness and exhaustion! when i got home from work the day after i took the pill, i went upstairs around 9pm to sleep and woke up the next day around 1pm. i wake up extremely exhausted and my feet start to get tired as well. also i barely ever hungry anymore... i'm 18 years old so this is very unusual for a teen... hopefully my period comes soon."
"intake effexor xr 375 mg, and lorazepam for depression and anxiety. my doctor added abilify and i took it in mornings. it made me foggy. i moved it to bertie and sleep better overall. i have noticed an increase in irritability which equates to feeling extremely angry by 3 pm daily. i've rearranged my lorazepam to reduce that but need more time. i'm also having restlessness which almost feels manic. we shall see. increased cravings for sweets."
birth control
"i am torn by the nuvaring. the convenience is great. there is no daily time to take a pill, only once a month which can easily be marked on a calender or put into a phone. it never falls out, i never feel it and changing it is simple, too. i would give the nuvaring a 10 out of 10 just based upon the simplicity and the price is really reasonable, too. but, there are some downsides (for me personally). for the first few months, i did not notice side effects, although they are there. i have a very low tolerance to alcohol when on the nuvaring. very emotional, tired, and strung out all the time. i was on the pill before and none of these happened. i also have longer periods. it's worth a try, every girl seems to have a different experience!"
"i'm 30 years old. i started having really bad skin about 2 years ago from maybe stress in my life. but, i tried everything to get rid of it and it just got worse. i finally went to a dermatologist and she put me on spironolactone. my skin started getting better in about two weeks. i loved it. i've been taking it for about 6 months and i get compliments from makeup artist and models (i'm a hairstylist) about how good my skin is. another plus for me is my breasts went from a small b to a c! i decided to stop taking it for a week and my breasts went small again and my skin is getting a little oily. so i'm going back on. i only take one a day."
"i've seriously only been using epiduo for four days and have seen a huge improvement. my skin is a little dry but i use cetaphil moisturizer to balance it out. i am also using doxycycline along with the topical treatment (epiduo) and my acne is getting soooo much better. love it!"
"i used it at bed time along with paxil. i have anxiety and at times insomnia. the lower the dose(@ 7.5 mg), the more it becomes a sleep aid. it worked well for both anxiety and insomnia."
"i suffer from chronic pain due to severe arthritis and stenosis in my lumbar spine. i take vicodin as needed to alleviate 'breakthrough' pain, i.e., occasional pain so great that my usual daily maintenance dose of embeda er (morphine/naltrexone) cannot relieve it. it works well, with the usual opioid side effects, hence a score of 8."
"i just started this medication on april 1st and after 3 days i started seeing the effects and i can see it's taking it's course and working so far. the doctor started me on 40mg two times a day for 4 months. so far only side effect is dryness which was to be expected. "
bipolar disorde
"this is a very good medication imo. when you titrate up to the dose intended, you will notice subtle differences. many times i have thought that this had flattened me out but when i backed off the dose, symptoms came roaring back. no noticeable side effects for me. helps stability very well, maybe the cause of some anxiety not much tho."
birth control
"my time with skyla has been an absolute breeze. ms. skyla and i have been together since late october 2015 and it has been great. i must admit that the insertion is a bit painful,but you will soon forget. i got cramps for about a weekafter insertion. nothing that a littlw ibuprofen couldnt tackle. i urge anyone who is thinking about skyla to just do it. i promise it is worth it. please remember that pain is subjective. meaning it just depends on the person. "
"have tried paxil and lexapro which sent me into hyper-panic and gad. i was about to give up on medicines and accept my miserable anxiety as a fact of life when my doctor recommended buspirone. i noticed my anxiety began to taper the second day i took the medication. no real side effects to speak of through my first week. the one thing it has delivered for me, hope!"
"i have been suffering with this anxiety problem for years and it was starting to interfere with my life. i am a confident person socially, but my fear of presentations was huge and i would my voice would tremble to the extent where it sounded like i was full on crying. i researched medication for this fear and found propanolol. my doctor prescribed me with 80mg half inderal (propanolol) and despite what some say, he was not hesitant about giving me a prescription and said he regularly gives it to musicians/public speakers etc. it has worked wonders for me, i no longer embarrass my self and now feel happy and confident. you may still feel nervy, but the adrenaline does not kick in. i have not suffered any symptoms and only take it seldomly."
"my 9 year old son has been on various medicines for adhd since he was 6. we just switched to focalin 10 mg about 2 weeks ago. we are noticing that by about 1:00 in the afternoon it is completely out of his system and there is no focus. we are going to try a booster dose of 5 mg in the afternoon. i'm going to talk to our doctor about lowering his morning dose because he feels shaky and tired, which i thought would have subsided by now. his focus is terrific but i wonder if we can get the same results by knocking down the dose a bit and adding the booster. other than that, his sleep and eating habits are the same. whew!"
birth control
"i love lutera. i am very sensitive to other forms of birth control. lutera has been one of the only kinds i can take. pros: light periods, no cramping, no intense side effects, bigger boobs. cons: brown periods, slight weight gain. i also tend to get a bit emotional 1 or 2 days before my period....however i am always an emotional person so this could just be me. i have been on lutera for 6 years ☺"
birth control
"i took jolivette 6 weeks after i went home with my first baby. a year after we went on vacation for four days and i forgot it at home. after vacation i took it and everything was fine. a week later i got my period. i thought it wasn't a big deal, or was maybe because i miss all those days. it last 5 days. 2 weeks after that again but now lasting 7 days. then i started to get my period every week and now every 3 days! lasting 7 days! worked amazing in the beginning but i messed it up."
"i have been using qsymia for a little over 3 months. i have lost 50 pounds. i'm 30, have 1 child and couldn't lose weight no matter how long i stayed in the gym. there is no magic pill that works for weight loss without diet and exercise! you need to do these things to see these type of results! i will say in the beginning my side effects were awful i always felt tired but i pushed passed that and it went away. i have since gone off my blood pressure medicine as well. i would recommend following closely with your doctor if you are on bp meds though because my blood pressure dropped so quick i was fainting. not from qsymia but from getting healthy so fast."
birth control
"i took aviane for about 3 years. i gained very little weight when i began taking it, but quickly dropped the lbs when i started paying attention to how i was eating. i never had any issues with an irregular period or acne, but my main side effect was moodiness. it took me a couple of years to figure out why i'd become this hyperemotional person, but then after much research, realized it was the aviane. i began to pay attention to my moods and regulate my mood swings, which helped. i've been off the pill for over a year now, but if i had to go back on birth control, i would choose this one again."
birth control
"i was put on this birth control when i was 15 i was 150lbs i gained 50lbs then i replaced it and got a new one and i'm gaining even more weight it barely helps with periods anymore my periods last for 5 weeks at a time now and barely anytime in between to have a break"
"i've been on this medication almost a full month. i never feel hungry and have been eating way less than i ever have, however the scale has not moved. bad heartburn has been my only side effect. i'll try it one more month and then if no weight loss, i'm going to stop. disappointed...and i had to pay $1,000 out of pocket!"
birth control
"i've been on jolessa for 6 months. i decided to try this because i get bad headaches during my period (even though they'd only last 3 days, 4 days at most) and i wanted to avoid it altogether. the first two months, it was great. then my period arrived a month early and the bleeding lasted for 25 days, mostly light. i had already picked up my next 90 day pack so i figured i'd try to get through that and if i still had the bleeding, i'd talk to my doctor about another birth control. no need to do that because jolessa is now working perfectly for me. it's been wonderful not having a period for a few months. i'd recommend this birth control to anyone."
"i am female in her early 30's - about 3 years ago i developed adult acne after years of relatively clear skin. benzyol peroxide had been my miracle acne product but then i developed contact dermatitis and could no longer use it :( i honestly could not go more than a day without a new pimple developing despite using other prescription acne grade products, vitamin a as well as expensive spa treatments. i have been on aczone about a month and have had instant results, i have not had a cystic pimple since. i still get blackheads and have milia on my chin/jawline but no pimples/whiteheads/cysts to speak of and have had no issues with dry skin. the product is pricey but i will save in the long run not wasting my money on others that don't work."
bipolar disorde
"i started 5mg of olanzapine last night. i have not slept or felt calm in a couple months. i have dealt with bipolar 1 and adhd for many years. i went to my psychiatrist and was told that for my condition i should not be on things like celexa that i was taking at 40mg at night. those serotonin medications can hype me up especially at night. so the only other medicine i take is inderal la 120mg for tremors i have from a neurological condition since childhood. i slept great last night for the first time in a long time. i also feel much more at ease in gathering my thoughts and focus. i just hope it continues and i do my part in staying stable too."
"my experience with this product is a lot different from everyone else's. i have never had a really really bad acne just a few spots here and there so when i went to see the dermatologist they prescribed me this gel to put on every night over my whole face. firstly everything was going fine i didn't see a difference and then after a week my skin had cleared up and it look flawless. however one night when i put my cream on and then waking up on the next morning my skin was literally burnt and my forehead was covered in those little spots which was terrible and they looked even worse with make up on because it was extremely bumpy. i stopped using the gel and it when away but was really bad."
birth control
"i absolutely love nexplanon! ladies, at first i was super hesitant but i had to get off the trinessa birth control because it caused me too much bloating and i was miserable 3 weeks out of the month. i was so excited to get the implant but the reviews i read freaked me out. the process was super easy and fast. the most uncomfortable part was the numbing process (it stung a bit). i didn't feel the implant insertion at all. there was bruising for about a week and it itched quite a bit but it went away after a week once it was fairly healed. as far as side effects, i felt a bit moody for about 2 weeks and i had a headache for a few days when i first got the implant. i've had zero bleeding and no weight gain."
birth control
"i'm 27 w/ two kids. after my second child was born in 2008 i suffered from almost daily tension/migraine headaches. i wanted to try mirena as a solution to birth control and possibly help my headaches. after 4 months my headaches are slightly better but i have had some noticeable side effects; 10-15 lbs weight gain, increased discharge, longer periods, and cramping after sex or exercise. "
"update: my skin initially cleared up for the first week but then the next 2-3 weeks were horrible with a lot of breakouts! for the first 3 weeks my skin was so red, painful, dry and peeling. then all of a sudden everything went away... my acne is minimal/almost completely gone after a little over a month and my skin feels so hydrated! such a great product!"
"when i was a 15 year old freshman in high school i broke out with severe acne. in literally one week my skin went from perfectly clear to large acne blotches on my cheeks, chin and neck that were painful to touch. after trying everything in the arsenal at the time (monocycline, benzaclin, finacea, etc.) my dermatologist recommended accutane. my only side effects were ridiculously chapped lips, dry skin on my face, and some joint pain. after a month and a half of treatment my acne was gone completely, and my skin clearer everyday thereafter. i was so depressed with the acne but this medicine changed my life for the better as i have never needed to use/take another acne medication following that 4 or 5 month treatment."
"this medication is amazing! after 3 days of being extremely sick, i started to feel amazing, i am now 1 month into it and am so happy all the time and have no depressive thoughts at all. it kind of blocks out any sad thoughts. works perfectly for me."
birth control
"had the liletta inserted in november. the process overall wasn't bad, but i also had numbing injections which helped so much with the pain. just a couple cramps and it was over. stopped having a period after three months, and the weird cramps i kept feeling stopped around 5 months. everything was great until i noticed my clothes weren't fitting anymore. i've gained 10 - 12 pounds despite months of a very clean diet, counting calories, and frequent exercise. i also started losing my hair a few weeks ago, and began sprouting chin hair that i didn't have before, which is making me feel very depressed. i am beyond frustrated and am having it removed in a few days."
"my genius psychiatrist started me on this drug in the fall of 2008. the first few weeks i felt even worse than before i had started taking the fluoxetine. after many months on the drug i was eventually taking 400mg a day, and having manic thoughts & episodes. my psychiatrist decided i was bi-polar and then started me on seroquel (rather than give me a break for my nervous system to re-adjust to it's natural state), which i also ended up taking for about 6 months and at about the same dose. in retrospect i wish i hadn't taken either fluoxetine(prozac) or seroquel(quetiapine)."
birth control
"the first 3 years i was on nexplanon i had no problems, except for when i first got it interested i bled for 6 months straight (very light). then after that everything was fine. after the 3 years were up i decided to get another one inserted since i had no major problems with the first one. that's when it went downhill. i gained about 20 pounds, became anxious about everything, moods began to change, also had severe pain in my ovaries. i got an ultrasound to make sure there weren't any cysts and everything was normal but i continued to have severe pain. finally, i decided to get it removed and everyting has been good so far no more pain, moods are better, and i've lost weight."
"i was really glad that i experienced none of the possible side effects. after four weeks i did notice my mood getting better, but after that some things happened in my life (my dog had surgery, a break-up, a hair experiment gone wrong) that i was not able to deal with and i got worse. i felt myself spiraling downward and my anxiety shot way up. it's month number two and i just switched to lexapro. hope it helps."
birth control
"i wrote my expirence with this pill before, back when i started and it actually worked. i've been on it for 6 months now and let me tell you, i'm already going to the doctor to switch. sure, no babies. that part was effective. but eventually, i ended up having cramps again (they had gone away when i first started) my acne flared up like nobody's buisness, my headaches are horrible and daily, and i've been suffering from depression. i never have any motivation, i burst out crying for no reasons, and i get angry out of no where. this is very out of character for me. i'm disapointed but hopefully i will find a better option."
birth control
"i've had this implant for 7 months now, i've had no problems except for real bad acne breakouts. i've alway suffered from acne here and there but it's gotten bad after the implant. i have real bad breakouts all over my cheeks, and chin. at first i thought it was something i ate but i did some research and found out that this implant contains progesterone which can cause acne. i'm planning to remove this implant. look out for breakouts after implant,"
birth control
"i got this inserted 3 years ago, my arm hurt for one day with no bruising, and then i literally forgot about it for the remaining time. no periods ever, and never once pregnant. no weight gain. most convenient form of birth control ever used, but it may just be the way my body has reacted. got it reinserted for the next 3 years and got some bruising, but not too bad."
birth control
"i am 29 and just had my second mirena inserted a few days ago. it was painful, but the pain only lasts for around 30 seconds if it goes smoothly. i have seizures, and have chosen mirena because it does not interact with my medicines. other forms of birth control have caused more seizures. i do not have this problem with mirena. it has not affected my skin (although i currently use medication for acne i've had for years). i like it because after it's inserted, i can forget about it for a few years. the only thing i've found inconvenient, is having a partner be able to feel the strings. but my gyno said most men are not even aware. "
birth control
"this is absolutely the best birth control i have ever used. i switched from nexplanon to ortho evra, and if you are thinking of doing the same, i highly recommend it. let me list the reasons why: 1. weight loss. i have lost 5lbs in one month, without even trying! i'm back to the weight i was before i started birth control...but my breasts are still birth control sized. 2. sex drive. mine had been non-existent since i went on nexplanon in september. now, stronger than ever. that might be a downside though, now that i think about it. 3. skin- no acne! 4. predictable cycle. (on nexplanon, i never knew when i was going to menstruate, which was about 90% of the time). now, a non issue. 5. don't have to remember everyday."
"had open heart surgery and double mastectomy in a span of 2 years. very painful nerve pain most of the time. bio- freeze (roll- on) definitely works for the pain. unfortunately it has literally burned my chest. don't want anyone to go through this.thank you, be well everyone."
"omg !!! i swear i'm not a paid person !!!! i've got a bad back and in the past i've used this and that with no success after spending all that money. i'm 288 pounds. i eat no junk food, no fast food, no bread, rice's, pasta's ! all i do is juicing fruits n veges and take belviq. i lost nearly 10 lbs in a week!!!"
"this drug causes persistent nausea in some users as per their website. for most people it goes away after a few weeks--but not all. initially i was also itchy and a little weepy (went away after 2 weeks). if you have a history of being unusually nausea prone (ie pregnancy) in my experience you may wind up in the persistent nausea group. i will have to switch as i don't want to be chained to zofran. otherwise, worked fine as an alternative to paxil. fewer side effects--unfortunately the one side effect it did cause is pretty debilitating in my case!"
birth control
"i am 25 yrs old, no kids and have never been pregnant. after almost 10 years of being on the pill, my doctor and i decided it was time for some thing different. insertion was very painful, the first one we were trying was faulty so i had to purchase another one right after to be placed. it was extremely uncomfortable, even after being advised to take 800mg of motrin! i had my boyfriend bring me to and from the doctor, which i would recommend. after i got home i placed a heating pad on my lower abdomen and slept for about 2 hrs! after i woke up i felt like a completely different person! i had no aches or pains, back to normal! i would highly recommend this to any woman, there's no more remembering! i love it!"
"hi, i've been using this product over 3years and i'm completely satisfied. my skin in super dry and it's really really working for me. while i'm using this, my face is clear. i've tried everything but nothing worked except aczone!!! it's expensive but totally worth it, give it a try."
bipolar disorde
"i've been taking latuda 40mg once a day in the evening for 1 month for bipolar. i had been on various meds throughout my life for depression started when i had postpartum with both my children. i am 45 now and my children are 17/14. i was on was lexapro for depressrion for quite sometime that seems to run its course with me. oh was diagnosed with ms in 1992 so add that piece to the far as latuda, i have mixed feelings. it seems to help me with focus and cognitive deficiencies, which i could be ms related. depression is there but not as it was, but i still cry and at times stay in my head too long. i seem to be more agitated with my children. ativan helps with anxiety when needed. i will be seeing my psych tomorrow to discuss."
weight loss
"i have been on the qysmia for 3 weeks now. i wanted to wait a few weeks to give a review. i have a very slow metabolism so i did not lose as much as some in the first two weeks upon taking. my weight started at 198. i am down to 193. so i have lost 5 lbs in 3 weeks. but that is with out cardio. my appetite is suppressed. dry mouth. so drink a lot of water. tingling almost numbness in my feet at times but it goes away shortly after. the medication if not covered or with the free trial is expensive. so be prepared. i guess it is cheaper than weight loss surgery. but it's no magic pill neither. like any other pill you must eat right and exercise. to lose the weight. well that's my take anyway."
birth control
"been on reclipsen for a few months now. pros- lighter periods, no stomach cramps, no acne, no babies. cons- mood swings, terrible back pain during period, lower sex drive, no weight gain (if already active)."
"f/26, wellbutrin sr 100mg twice a day & i feel so much better. i've tried many different ss/snris over the past 12 years & they all made me have extreme suicidal thoughts. i had kind of given up hope on finding something that worked for me, but then a new psychiatrist recommended trying wellbutrin. the first week or so was rough, i had blurry vision, shakes, & extreme light sensitivity. those negative side effects went away after 3 weeks. i'm 3 months in & my mood has significantly increased, which is just amazing because my depression worsens significantly in the winter. i feel optimistic for the future, my sex drive is better, i have more energy & am more focused (i have fibromyalgia as well so this is huge for me), and i've quit smoking!"
birth control
"i don't think i noticed this at first or even realized the pill was the cause, but this pill gave me terrible headaches for 3-4 days during my period. i am hungry and moody before my period. the period is very light, which is a plus, but i can't stand the headaches. it feels like i have a sinus infection and taking advil non stop doesn't help. it's not worth it. i would love to have cramps instead of headaches."
birth control
"i love my mirena. i'm due in february to take it out because my 5 years are up. it did not bother me at all to get it inserted. it was pretty easy, i had minor cramps after. i got it because i had gotten pregnant at 16 and had my daughter at 17. i got it because i knew my boyfriend and i were not ready for another child. on top of that from the moment i got my period it was hell. i got my period a month after insertion and ever since then it's been a smooth ride. i haven't had a period since and definitely have not gotten pregnant again. i guess its true when they say everybody takes differently to it. so come february i plan on getting it again for another 5 years. i'm one happy customer."
birth control
"got skyla inserted about a month ago a few days after my last period. the insertion was uncomfortable but not bad at all. had severe cramps the first week after insertion but it was managed by ibuprofen. i've been spotting since inserted but had one week without. started my period last week and it's just been light, almost like spotting (very very annoying). i usually have a 5/6 day period but i'm now going into day 8. hoping the spotting stops soon so i can stop wearing pads. good luck to all who try this!"
emergency contraception
"this pill works! i decided to share my experience with you because when i had unprotected sex i was searching like crazy to find out a solution. firstly, i had unprotectes sex august 20th, and the next day i swear, i was extremely anxious and nervous, i was about to die.. i took ella 30 hours after, and after some days i decided that what i could do, is wait... so i stoped worrying and became comfortable, and i was waiting for my period.. finally it came a week late. so, because i know the struggle, do not panic, this pill is very very effective because you dont get pregrant immidietly.. but remember to always have protected case you dont ..there's ella xx"
birth control
"brief review due to character limit: inserted: feb 2014 removed: feb 2017 insertion: after numbed it's painless. week after: great arm pain for 1 week. year one: constant light bleeding (pantyliner) all year long. year two: sporadic light periods lasting 1-1.5 months, then 2-3 week time of no period. year three: sporadic heavy-moderate periods lasting 3 weeks avg, then 2-3 weeks of no period. end of year 3 (last 4 months): prescribed pill bc on top of nexplanon->regulated my periods: 3 weeks w/pill hormone = no period. 1 week no hormone = period. bad acne b/c so much hormone tl/dr (too long/didn't read) very sporadic/long lasting periods when not on period bc worked as intended not removed earlier b/c didn't have insurance removed and switched to pill bc"
bipolar disorde
"i started depakote 3,000mg straight off when i was 15 years old i have since been taken off from it and still paying the price for it. it made me hungry constantly i gained a total of 50 pounds in 7 months i had no energy at all and no feelings no happy thoughts no sad thoughts i was literally a zombie and now i'm still seeing new doctors and switching meds all the time and i've had enough nothing is working and no one can help me i really need help and can't find it anywhere"
"today was my first day taking vyvanse and wow! i usually have a sad down feeling and don't want to talk to anyone. i am a 26 year old college student. but today i actually made two new friends from class and went to lunch with them. i feel like i can walk in a room with confidence now. the only bad thing is i did have a mild headache around 9 pm. after it wore off and it only lasted around 8 hours with a dry mouth i am on the 60 mg dose. the other great thing is i actually felt like being in class today and took 7 pages of notes and sat in the very front of the class and wasn't afraid to ask questions! i'm happy to have found vyvanse and paying attention is so much easier now. highly recommended for people with add."
"i began seeing positive results from solodyn after just a few weeks. i get an occasional zit, but nothing like what i had just a few shorts months ago. would definitely recommend!"
birth control
"i started taking jolivette 5 months ago. first, to all you breastfeeding moms out there, i have had no decrease in milk supply. and that from a woman who had to supplement with first 2 babies within their first 3 months because of low supply and low weight gain. my 3rd baby is now 5 1/2 months old and still exclusively breastfed and gaining weight beautifully. so it doesn't always affect milk supply. i've taken different bc pills before and always suffered severe anxiety and depression just before starting my period. i was worried about starting another pill but haven't had any problems yet. my first month on these pills i had a heavy period, but haven't had another one since. i'm pretty happy with these pills"
birth control
"i have had my nexplanon implant in since early 2014. i rarely ever experienced spotting, maybe 2 or 3 times this whole time. never had a period or pregnancy scare. i am due to have it removed early next year since that will be the 3 year mark. as of last week i started noticing brown "old blood" after intercourse, not much. by this point i have noticed more blood during intercourse which is off putting at that moment. i'll be scheduling an appointment with my doctor soon."
birth control
"i am 25 years old and have been taking this for over 2 years now. 2 years ago i was 145 lbs and now i am 165 and miserable. my husband and i have been dieting and exercising for the past year and half and i have only gained weight, never lost. i finally went to my doctor with the following symptoms: tired all the time even with 10 hours of sleep, mood swing (which effect my relationship), depression, sadness (for no reason), crying out of no where, weight gain and inability to loose weight, bad skin. all of those symptoms are also what people with thyroid issues have. well i get my thyroid tested this past week and its normal. i read these reviews and bam! i am getting off this immediately and i am really upset i did not read these sooner."
"after being suicidal for many months and self harming in addition to extreme anxiety. i had taken prozac 6 years earlier and didn't work at all has now almost eliminated my depression. i feel happier than i have in years. the only downside is i have gained about 20 lbs. my lowest weight was 133, considered healthy for someone 5'7 and athletic, but despite my clean eating and exercise i've blown up to 163 lbs in 2 years and nothing seems to get the weight off. this has been my only negative side effect. i choose my mental health over my body image although i also have an eating disorder bdd."
birth control
"the first day i used it, i felt terribly sick, the following days i didnt even notice i was wearing the patch. i've been using it fow two years now, it's just wonderful."
birth control
"this birthcontrol is terrible! i am 28 years old was given this since i was diagnosed with pcos. i took it for 3 weeks and stopped. the 2nd week i was bleeding, bad cramping, and clotting as well...i just assumed it was my body getting used to it after that i got bad bloating to the point that my bladder had pressure on it and i felt the full urgency feeling but did not have a uti! i had horrible depression and anxiety as well ( i am not a anxious or depressed person) it drove me nuts!!!!!!! i stopped taking it and it took 4 days to get out my system and have me feel back to normal! i have some zits now from it as well but that's better than all that other crazy stuff..."
"i have only been on this med for two and a half weeks and have already lost eight pounds! before i started taking contrave, losing weight was an impossibility. i am on meds that make me gain weight and i tend to binge eat. i am now making healthy choices and my portions are half of what they used to be and i feel full. sometimes i notice a bad side effect. but the overall effect of this medication has been great! i have less depression and more motivation. even my light workouts are better. i feel so pumped to see what the course of treatment brings! losing weight for me is priceless. i have fatty liver disease, high blood pressure and a back injury. all would be a lot better if i lost weight. so far so good!"
"this will be my third week on pristiq 50mg and so far i'm feeling quite positive and free of depressive feelings, however that's only if i get a good night's sleep. i have tried one temazapam which works well but after the third day the build up in my system makes me feel very fatigued. "
emergency contraception
"let me just tell you, to those reading these reviews, it's not worth the stress. to sum it up, my bf and i had unprotected sex on feb 15 but he pulled out and since i forgot bout precum (he claims he doesn't have any) i needed to take the precaution, taking plan b. he bought the pill and i took it approx 22 hrs after. i had little to no symptoms, first day i had little fatigue and my appetite increased. after so much research, turns out, if you're that 5% of which it doesn't work on its either because you took it too late or have already taken it before so your body is regulating the pill (that's from what i read) i'm a senior in high school and have a lot of plans for my future. my period came today so being a mother is not on the list!!!"

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