The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am having some lower back pain in the kidney area. My back is tender to touch. Wasn t sure if it was a kidney infection or not. I have had the pain about a week now. I also have Fibromyalgia and thought maybe that was the cause of my pain. Thanks in advance Marie [|AI|] Fellow backache may be due to many reasons like genitourinary causes, musculoskeletal reasons etc. You need proper clinical examination and routine investigations. Investigations include routine hologram, random blood sugar, liver function test, renal function test, urine RE/ME, ultrasound of abdomen, X-ray L/S spine (AP/Lateral view), Thyroid profile. It may also be due to low calcium level or muscle spasm. MRI of L/S spine can be done after evaluation. Proper treatment depend upon findings. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello, my husband and I are trying to conceive and I know we have to keep trying for at least a year but I just want to make sure we are doing it the right way. My question is this : everytime we have intercourse, right after, I always pee. i also wash my vagina with cold water, to remove the stickiness of the sperm which makes me uncomfortable. (I was the outside and a little on the inside with the tip of my finger) Do these 2 things minimize my chances of conceiving? (1) peeing (2) washing? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for your question. I do understand your pain and discomfort. I have seen many cases with similar complaints. As per your history, Please find my advice below-:1)You can wash no problem at all which are outside of vagina.2)Use one app to calculate your ovulation date and try to do sex in that particular date only which you can feel by little practice.3)Remember Only one intercourse creates a baby. I hope I was able to ad Chat Doctor. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to write to me. Wishing you all the best. Thanks,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Doctor, My name is Kalyan, 33 yrs old, height: 5feet 11 inches, weight: 95kg. I am feeling fatigue from morning to evening. I crack knuckles heavily and my feet paining a lot. Recently undergone thyroid test but results are doctor confirmed that I do not have any problem. I also lack concentration and feeling sleepy entire day. Can you suggest me on my health condition and recovery from here? Thanks & regards Kalyan [|AI|] Dear Kalyan, I can understand your concern regarding your symptoms. Feeling tired, lack of concentration, excessive sleepiness can be symptoms of depression. I would suggest that you seek a psychiatric consultation for detailed evaluation and initiating treatment. Treatment with ant-depressants lie Escitalopram will help with your condition. In addition, you can start exercising daily which will make you more relaxed and help to be active. Hope that you find this information helpful. Best wishes.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 33 year old male and am having dull periodically pulsating pain in my lower abdomen (to the right and below my navel). It was doing this 2 days ago, and started again this afternoon. The pain is not too bad but is preventing me from falling asleep tonight. Any ideas of what I might be dealing with? [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. The most probable cause can be :Appendicitis;Lymph node mass;Diverticulitis, I would advise you to have the tests of blood, urine, stool, ultrasonography and a physical examination done by a Gastroenterologist or preferably a Surgeon. Get a course of an antibiotic, metronidazole, probiotic and symptomatic and supportive medicines. IF needed and if diagnosed as a surgical cause, get operated.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi Bhavana from India. Since last one month I am suffering from lower back & lower limb pain during night. I am on painkillers priax but is of no help. I get swelling on my feet after having Evion 200 mg. getting up in the night for urination frequently. pls can you help me with correct diagnosis. [|AI|] Hello there! Pain in the lower back and both lower limbs accompanied by swelling both feet and increased frequency of urine at night needs to be investigated quickly. To begin with we'd like to assess you for diabetes or kidney disorder. I would advise you to get your blood pressure checked multiple times, Blood sugar fasting and 2 hours after breakfast, kidney function tests and a 24 hr urine protein/albumin test. Do write in for more info. All the best!
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have diarrhea one month; sometimes in 10 diarrhea/day. I have Multiple Systems Atrophy, terminal disease. I cannot talk now. I had an appointment with Dr. John Schaer, gastrenologist, in Hillsboro, Oregon last week. Stool sample and blood test. I havent heard from Dr. Schaer. Age 65. Female. I have two small stones in Gall Bladder. I have kidney stones. Nancy Schenk [|AI|] For gallbladder stones if there is no symptoms you can be on observation. And where is the stone in kidney. Is it in upper pole, mid calyx or lower pole and wits the size. If its smaller size less than 8 mm. You can be on observation and if greater than that u can undergo PCNL, ESL etc. if its at ureter or PUB u can also undergo the URS. Regrading diarrhea. Do know about stool test report. If its regular better go for the colonoscopy .
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi doctor i am 20 years old and my height is 5"7 .i am having irregular periods from before the marriage and after marriage also it continued the same . i have gone to daoctor and they took scanning and told that i am having pco problem and they told its not a big problem .and they suggested me to reduce weight by doing regular exercise i have reduced 5 kgs but still pco problem exsits and at present they r giving menogon injection from day 3 to day 6. i am very worried about that i will get pregnancy or not. recently only we have completed 1st year of our married life.pls can u help with ur suggestion [|AI|] Hi, actually in PRO patients, there is problem in ovulation. So, you can take medicines for ovulation. Mention is given for that only. You can track your follicles' growth by repeated ultrasound and when your follicles is more than 17 mm, take injection for rupturing the follicles. Be in contact with your husband for next 2 to 3 days. Take progesterone for next 2 weeks to support the pregnancy. Do a urine pregnancy test at home after that. You can try like that for 3 to 6 months. Hope I have answered your question. If you have any other query I will be happy to help. Regards Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My dr told me a few yrs ago that I have GIRD. I haven t had any of my 40mg Nexium in almost a yr. Within the last few weeks intermittently I ve been feeling like I ve been kicked in the stomache. I don t have rebound tenderness . The pain is in the upper middle abdomen . Also, I pass gas frequently which is normal but lately it smells so much worse than before. Also, I do have a very small amount of blood in my stool , almost not noticeable, which i have had for at least a yr and was diagnosed as hemorroids. I am a 33 Y/O male healthy otherwise. Any ideas what could be wrong. [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for the query. Upper middle abdominal pain is most likely caused by peptic ulcer. The pain usually appears 1-2 hours after a meal, nausea can be present. If the pain radiates to the back, gallstones are also possible. Bad smelling gases can appear due to bad diet or intestinal bacteria overgrow. Blood in stool, if it is fresh, on the surface of the stool (not mixed with it) is most likely caused by hemorrhoids. I suggest you to have upper GI endoscopy performed with Helicobacter Pylori test. This is also very important in cancer ruling out (as your symptoms can appear due to stomach cancer as well). Avoid fatty foods, spicy foods, alcohol, coffee, chocolate, fruit juices. Increase fiber rich products and mineral water intake. Probiotics should be also used. If such treatment won't give any help, you should visit gastroenterologist for further examination. Hope this will help. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi I am having very sharp pain in my right side and in back it hurts when i touch it or just breathing ,It started 3 days ago ,it dident hurt at all yesterday i drank alot last night and woke up with the pain the same pain as before so do think its drinking related? [|AI|] Here as per your explanation I understand you have pain in your back right side as well in chest again, and it pains even when you breathe. Your chest pain is on right side so can not be related with Heart issue but can be with lungs. You have told there is pain even while breathing in also. For this I suggest take one x-ray of chest and check every thing is well over there or not. If there is no issue in x-ray then I suggest doing some hot water bag fomentation over painful area. Now next is pain in back for this I suggest visit an or tho or physio and let them evaluate. Here with few of physical test they will try to find out whether its muscular soft tissue pain or issue with disc level. They may ask to go for MRI or x-ray for detail evaluation. But if there is nothing looks major then will give you primary treatment suggestion with physiotherapy treatment along with back exercise program to strengthen your back as well will also suggest to use hot pack at painful back soft tissue to relax it and have some more pain relief. If there is anything related to your Chat Doctor. If there are no symptoms like this then nothing related to liver issue. But still I suggest reducing
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am currently trying to have a baby, but its seems that I cant. I did the ovulation calendar for my period and had sex the day that it said I would be fertile. I also had sex the day after my period and the week before the next one. I started this Jan. 25 and its now Feb.24. my period came on on the 21 of feb. what should I do [|AI|] Hi there,Do not worry. Anxiety and frustration only increase your chances of failure. There are many factors involved in conceiving a healthy pregnancy, and it is not mandatory that when you follow all the necessary steps too and every thing is normal with you and your partner that you will conceive in the first cycle of trying itself. Most couple 85% conceive in the first year of trying. Only 15% face infertility problems. You should at least try for 1 year naturally before approaching a doctor for infertility or worry about it. The factors which decrease your chances of successful conception are women sage if more than 37 years, one or both partners Chat Doctor. If you or your partner has any medical issues like hypertension, diabetes, thyroid, previous surgery (esp. abdominal) any significant illness in the past then consult doctor prior to 1 year for help, otherwise you could try to conceive or a year and then seek helps if at all unsuccessful. Do not forget to take folic acid daily while trying to conceive. Hope this helps. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am not able to focus & concentrate over my work since last 6-8 months. Mind is always wandering over different thoughts. Mental pressure is increasing with the increase in held up work. Even when I wake up for urination during night, mind starts wandering and it takes 15-30 minutes for resleeping. Do these symptoms suggests any sign of depression. Do I need to consult a psyciatric Dr. [|AI|] Hayes of course this is sign of mental disturbances and in other words can be said to a depression and anxiety, it is still in your hand you can handle it with your own, try to control your thoughts bring back your decision power back, you need to counsel your self the best way for this is gone for meditation, yoga , this will help you a lot will skip the psychiatrist visit nothing to lose in trying this, have good day.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Sir, I am 68yrs Type IIDM,I had no previous history of HTN before july 2010.I lost my left eye due to thrombosis in left eye.Intra-occular presssure in july was 60 in left eye. I take Thyronorm,Zomelis(Vidagliptin),Xirtam-40,(Olmesteran-Medoximil),Urimax-D,Modlib-10(Astrovastatine),Clavix-75(Clopidogrel) and take Humalog Mix-Insullin (Protamine suspension) and Nebicard-5(Novivolol),My Lipid Profile is within normal range,Creatinine is within 1.3 to 1.6 range for last one year.TSH is on the border line. PSA is normal,Prostate is slightly englarged f38gms. My problem is my sytolic pressure remain high spcially 6pm onwards but diastolic pressure remain low(170/65) and after taking Nebicard-5(Beta blocker) pulse reduce to 58. .Some times pain on the top of the head. To doctor said it is Isolated systolic HTN. and prescribed celcar5 along with nebicard 2.5. How I can comeout from this problem and if systolic pressure continues higher for a long period of time what would be the adverse effect in the long run?. [|AI|] Hello, It is known that diabetic patient have more differences in Blood Pressure (BP), for example 140/60. Your systolic blood pressure is high, and you might need extra medications for lowering it, an increase in doze or a diuretic like HY Chat Doctor. If I were you, I would control many my BP times a day, and then I would go to the doctor with BP values written in a paper, or else you can also do a 24 h BP Holder Monitor. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 41 yo. Husband was first diagnosed in Sept. 2000 with an Oligodendroglia. Re had a resection and then we did the watch and wait. The tumor caused no recurrence until May 2008. He again went under the knife to remove the tumor and the tumor grade stayed the same (Grade II) In November of 2012 the routine MRI showed and reoccurrence, and after surgery and pathology it had progressed to an Anaplastic oligodendroglioma Grade III. He has started chemo soon after surgery PVC and then did 6.5 weeks of radiation, which was finished in oct 2013. Dec. 2013 MRI revealed growth. Could it instead be Necrosis from the radiation? [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. MRS and Contrast Enhanced MRI PET are options to differentiate tumor from necrosis Medication is to be decided based on the Histology Hope you found the answer helpful. If you need any clarification / have doubts / have additional questions / have follow-up questions, then please do not hesitate in asking again. I will be happy to answer your questions. In the future, for continuity of care, I encourage you to contact me directly in Chat Doctor at
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, just wondering. my normal bp is about 140/70N I have been having rapid heartbeats for a while, even feels like it skips a beat from time to time when I fell on my pulse points. Current bp today is 148/70. I am diabetic, high cholesterol, obese and 45 year old female. [|AI|] Howell come to ChatDoctorI really appreciate your concern, I would advise you for monitor the BP for week and better to get it done under the care of physician because if you go on reading it on your own then it varies greatly due to self consciousness so better to see the physician for better reading and advise, but it is nothing to worry because right seems to be alright hope this information helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am 75 year old. Probably due to severe cold, I am suffering from serious hooping cough and could not sleep last night. due to breathing problem also. I am having high B.P. also and taking medicine for that also. pl. advise any medicine for immediate relief [|AI|] Dear I can understand your concern. I would like to inform you that there are many causes of cough. Acute onset cough most commonly caused by an acute bronchitis but there is equal possibly of pneumonia etc. Considering your age and a other comorbidity I would like to suggest you that it's not judicious to use any over the counter medicine. As this may harm you as well. You should consult your physician as soon as possible for complete history and examination. After making proper diagnosis then and only then take any medicine. Hope this will help you. Thanks for contacting Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I gave birth 2wks ago then suddenly my hemoglobin drops which needs me to have blood transfusion of 2 units. Now I have very itchy skin rashes on my both lower limb, now it is starting on my both hands. HOW will i address this itchy skin rashes.,? Whats the best thing to do? [|AI|] Hi, I understand your concern. You gave birth 2 weeks ago while suddenly your hemoglobin Chat Doctor. Did your doctors say WHY? We should focus on the reason because it will solve many other problems in the future. Next, you are now starting itchy skin rash. That sounds like an allergic reaction to blood donor to me. Immediate consultation with dermatologist and hematologist is highly recommended. For the moment, I can only advise to take anti-histamines for itching. Wish fast recovery.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] have metallic taste in mouth for a few weeks now off and on...could it be my blood pressure it is a side effect but i ve been taking it for a year now...also dont think it could be dental related as i go every 6 months...and how do i get rid of it [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for writing to Chat Doctor, I am Chat Doctor. Metallic taste usually doesn't appear due to medications but sometimes a multivitamin specially an iron pill can be causing it. If you do not have dental issues then it might well be because of your stomach problem. Your problem seems to be caused by Stomach/gut upset, it needs lifestyle modification before any medication, here is what you need to do.1) Avoid coffee, caffeine, Fizzy
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Dear Dr. How are you?I hope every thing is well, i wish to inform you that i have received my job visa , there is a condition to bring a medical examination , but i am a carrier of Hipatitis b with out symptoms .i am afraid that my job contracted is cancled , how could i hide the virus please?Ali KhanYemen [|AI|] There is no way to hide the virus. You can be treated for hepatitis B, which might remove the virus from your body, so you are no longer a carrier. Talk to a doctor who specializes in treating liver disease and chronic hepatitis. This could be an infectious disease specialist or a gastroenterologist or hepatologist. They should be able to help you see about treatment so you no longer have the virus and can then get a job visa. Hope this helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Well I went to the doctor yesterday because I thought I had a bladder infection. They checked my urine and saw no sign of infection or sugar in my urine. I dont know what it is. Lately when I pee my stomach cramps up right after . Im believing its nothing but I just want to be 100% sure [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. The stomach cramps as a reflex mechanism. For the two functions-passing motion and urine the abdominal wall muscles have to work to give an additional pressure. Once you pass out the urine the muscles of the abdomen still feel that they need to press more = so you are getting the cramps. Here you have to undergo the ultrasonography- on a full bladder and again after you are asked to empty bladder. This is to see the residual / post-void urine after the urine has been passed. And I am sure you are going to have this more than the normal for your age. This is due to either enlarged prostate / or enlargement of median lobe of prostate / stricture urethra. There may not be an infection at all.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] At the age of nine i suffered from pneumonia and Tuberculosis , at the age of twenty-one i got operated for appendicitis and at the age of twenty-two i suffered from ovarian tuberculosis and now at the age of twenty-five i am having some problems i don t know what......i am suffering from back-pain, cramp in stomach, blood in stool , i got periods after three months and its continuing on from last one and half month... i dont know what to do now...i lost faith in life....pleses help me.....thank you [|AI|] As you are aware tuberculosis has a tendency to emerge from latent infection. This can also speed from the lungs to other parts of the body as in your case. It is also possible that tb can spread to your intestines and uterus which can also cause some symptoms like you have described. It is important that you see a doctor, carry some investigations so that your current status of the tb infection can be determined. This may also result in some form of anti-tuberculous treatment being initiated. Or the investigations can reveal if tb is not the case here and if any other infection or condition is cause of your symptoms.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HI sir My mother , age of 58 , Met a small accident and admitted in hospital on 19th NOv 2013. After CT scan done -s/o e/o moderate size vermian haematoma with mass effect on 4th ventricle and early and early obstruction hydrocephalus also has moderate size left frontal contusion with severe diffuse oedema .Diagnosed as Posterior fossa haematoma with hydrocephalus .hence sub occipital Craniectmy and haematoma evacuated done under GA on 20th Nov 2013 .In the view of Bronchospasm treated with Aminophylline infusion and nebulization. After discharge from hospital started using Levipil 500mg , Amlog 5 mg ,Itopride 50 mg medicines.After 2 days she is feeling giddiness and vomiting( even after giving emset /Domstall all 3 times.) is continuing ...... After 45days , again admitted hospital for review . condition : she is very much conscious , BP 110/70 sugar-88 and pulse 80/min - Giddiness while getting up from sleep bitter in taste and vomiting. CT brain result : 1. As this know case of RTA Operated with occipital craniotomy and bone flap refixation measure 28mm , no mass found 2. Gliotic changes noted in cerebellum and in left frontal region 3. small vessel ischemic changes noted in bilateral periventricular of noted. Current course of medicines : 1. Levipil 500 , 2.Accuvert(Stopped after 20day) 3.Vertin ( now stopped after 20days ) 4.amlog 5.Nomabrain 800 ( continue) ,Aminophylline Tab( Stopped after 10day). budocort for Asthama . Current situation : vomiting stopped for 20 day and giddiness come for few days . However it is Giddiness started again and vomiting ( alternate days) also and bitter taste and feeling weekness. ( she able to walk some time in day ) . Please help us how to stop Gidiness and vomiting [|AI|] Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor .com I am Chat Doctor. Mariano Into Bruno Mascaras. I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help you. The Giddiness is probably due to the Disturbance of Vestibular Apparatus and Vomiting is a consequence of Giddiness. This will settle down in six to nine monthsPlease do repeat CT brain to Rule out Post traumatic Communicating HY
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hello,my 2 and a half year old has been having tiny amount of blood at the end of the pediatrician ordered an ex ray and said she was constipated evan though she poops quite regularly.He said most likely the blood comes from a scratch at the end of the bowel that continually gets irrataded and then today the stool turned gray! half of it came out brown then gray and two hours later more grey poop what could this mean? [|AI|] Dear Parent, The gray color stool of your child can be due to different causes. Commonest one if your child is on a milk only diet. Other serious cause is blocked liver ducts (however in this condition your child will give yellow of eyes, skin). I suggest that you see a pediatrician if the gray stools occur 2 or more times, lasts more than 24 hrs and lasts more than 48 hours after changing from a milk only diet, and you notice yellow discoloration of eyes, skin.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] HI, My husband has slightly elevated AST and ALT results on two occasions. He has also lost about 30 pounds. This was following a fever that lasted about 7 weeks. His only other symptom seems to be joint pain in his knees and a cough that has lasted four months. He has had a clear chest x-ray The fever is gone now. The dr. just ran some blood tests to look for Hepatitis, but I have been really nervous about the cough and weight loss. Should we be doing other tests? [|AI|] Hi welcome to the Chat Doctor Liver enzymes can be elevated in viral respiratory infection as well... You have not mentioned how rise was present in liver enzymes value... Prolonged cough, weight loss history can be suggestive towards tuberculosis like lung infection but chest x-ray was clear. Here for elevated liver enzymes and for respiratory symptoms following work up needed . -USG abdomen -CBC with peripheral smear examination -bag test -Anti HCV Elisa test -repeat chest x-ray -sputum examination if needed Is specific cause found than treated accordingly Consult physician for examination and investigate with above reports Take care
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello Doc i have no problem but i need to know the diferant between Cycatrist and psychetrist . I have no problem with my hormons and evrtything is good in my health just a little bit feelin body eaching like an allergique at night . And some time feel like i am out of mood nervice fasty i can not hold the fault from the people around me exact ho has less smarty mind. I have 43 years old . My second husband i very younger then me but not looks like younger csuse i still have a good shape and good skin . And is make my mood up and down. He is very lovely this is nice love me also very good but he is not an educated man and he wont be or he can not get the points direct and he wana me cool and repet the information even 20 50 time no problem but don t nervice . Also he like to make sex more then 2 times every day . If i stop it him mean i heat him . I don not know ho need a doctor he make me feel like i am close to monopose . [|AI|] Hi there ~ You have your spelling wrong both times in the content of your questions. Assuming that you want to know what the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist is, I will let you know that psychiatrists go through medical school and complete training in psychiatry to be able to prescribe psychotropic medications. While there are many ways that one could become a psychologist (most of the time not being able to prescribe medications) the doctoral psychologist is considered or repute and a masters level a step below and so on and so forth. However, the skill level depends on the experience with patients, either for psychiatrist or a psychologist. I hope this answered your question. Take care and have a nice day !
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 17 month old daughter has not been feeling well for a couple of days. She has been running a fever, but it gets exceptionally high anytime she doesn t eat for a period of time, and there is very little that she will eat right now. I have been feeding her yogurt, bananas, baby food, and giving her orange juice. This seems to be keeping it under control. Any other advice? [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. Fever of few days without any localizing signs could as well a viral illness. Usually rather than fever, what is more important is the activity of the child, in between 2 fever episodes on the same day. If the kid is active and playing around when there is no fever, it is probably viral illness and it doesn't require antibiotics at all. Once viral fever comes it will there for 4-7 days. So do not worry about duration if the kid is active. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (maximum ceiling dose of 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a skin rash that started on my chest & has moved to my neck & face. It does not itch but when i bath or get in a pool the spots turn a lighter shade. I had it as a child & was told it was a skin fungus from the sun. I was wondering what the medical name for this might be and if there is a way to treat it other than with a prescription medication? [|AI|] Hi Kristin, It could be a fungal infection of skin known as satyriasis tricolor. It is usually asymptomatic and is usually localized over chest and back. At times face, neck or arms could be involved too. To treat the same you may apply ketoconazole shampoo over the affected area for 10 minutes and then wash off. You may also apply any antifungal cream like clotrimazole, terminating etc. to treat it. As dermatology is a visual field, it is always better to get a definite diagnosis prior to starting the treatment. Hope that answers your query. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 10 day old newborn is formula fed and recently changed to a soy based formula due to having diarrhea on a milk-based formula. His stool had just thickened up to the normal pudding consistency. Today, for the first time his stool was really liquidy but I noticed small red strings in his diaper. What could this be from? [|AI|] Normally in a breastfed child stools are frequent and on liquid side as amount of solids in milk are less, and intestinal movements are faster. Was he ever breastfed or directly fed with formula milk? Because breast milk is best for infant. In case of your child, soy milk is giving thicker consistency to stools. Check with the prescriber, if you are mixing correct amount of water while preparing milk. For the red strings check his stools if it is - at the beginning are hard or mixed with blood or followed by slight amount of blood. If so check with the doctor for changes in the formula.In the meantime you can apply Vaseline two to three times a day at the anal opening.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My granddaughter is sixteen months old...she has numerous visits to PEDs...recently had gromets put on she had woken on average every two hours since birth..diagnosed asthmatic...has been on the moment just meltonane ..and. pain stop...she has a really bad smell from her head hair line particularly ..doesn t go after shampoo..bath...she seems to be upset easily at Times...during night sleep...very happy during day time hours... [|AI|] Hello, Thank yo u for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your daughters history and would like to know more about her as follows:a. What was the first age when she had breathing difficulty?b. How frequent are her breathing difficulty/wheezing symptoms?c. How she responds to Chat Doctor. What are her nose symptoms - running nose, sneezing, nose congestion, etc.?e. Does she frequently vomit/nauseate?f. Has she had any skin allergies -a topic dermatitis or hives?g. How has been her weight? Does she gain weight normally or not gaining weight?h. Does she have frequent diarrhea, constipation or other stomach related complaints?i. Does she have anyone in family with allergies? Is she exposed to passive smoking or other smokes/fumes routinely inside home? Above details would help me to understand your granddaughters' health in a better way and therefore to make more specific suggestions for her. At present, from your provided details, I would like to make suggestions for her as follows:1. If she requires frequent oral steroids, I would suggest her regular inhaled corticosteroids (via metered dose inhaler with spacer with face mask) which reduce frequency of episodes.2. If she has nose symptoms, I would also add antihistamine like levocetirizine & montelukast in her regular treatment.3. I would suggest her allergy testing for common inhaled and food allergens.4. If she has other symptoms like weight loss, stomach symptoms, etc., I would think of other diagnosis and would suggest additional investigations accordingly like testing for cystic fibrosis, HERD, etc. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to her. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish your granddaughter the best of the health ahead. Thank you &
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had a toothache for a few days, Ive rinsed with peroxide and water mixture and brushed with baking soda and applied lots of toothache medicine. I just touched where it hurts and rubbed a piece of my gum off which left a hole. Im super worried. What could it be? [|AI|] Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have mentioned that you have toothache, and you have pain in gums also, don't worry it can be due to Carious tooth or due to Periodontal problem For this you should consult dentist and get investigations IOWA X-ray done if you have carious tooth its treatment plan can be Root canal treatment, if periodontal problem then go for Scaling and root planning Take one tablet Diploma SP twice daily for 3 days Do warm saline gargle two - three times a day Consult dentist as early as possible Hope this will help you. Wish you good health Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello I have been tested for stds and all results negative I have some redness on tip of penis and underneath shaft of penis also sugar is normal to rule out diabetes taken a fungal cream still no change my brother is a neurosurgeon talked to him he said go see dermatologist [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. There is no need to get worried if your tests for all STDs are negative. It can be a fungal infection or mild bacterial infection. A fungal cream usually takes a week or two weeks of application to show any visible change, but the itching disappears in 2 to 3 days. The other possibility is a mild infection of the foreskin (if uncircumcised) or the glans. This might require a short course of antibiotics. Many times color changes in the tip of penis without any symptoms can be a normal occurrence. A dermatologist will confirm your condition and give you more specific treatment. Please maintain genital hygiene and wear cotton inner clothes if you sweat a lot.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 4 yrs son is suffering from cough since three months. Along with difficulty in breathing. I take medicine but doctor said that your child has allergy from unknown items. You have to take one injection annual (cost $18 Approx)Till then medicine are there my child is ok but when medicine end my child suffer from cough with wheezing( having prob in breath) [|AI|] Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your sons history and would like to make suggestions for him as follows:1. I usually suggest my such patients regular montelukast, levocetirizine and inhaled corticosteroids for at least 6 weeks. Then further continuation of medicines could be decided after evaluation of his condition. I also suggest my patients to use albuterol inhaler on as-and-when-needed basis for asthma symptoms that may occur in between.2. I would suggest your son allergy testing for common air-borne allergens such as house dust mites, molds, pollen, insect proteins, pet dander (if you have pet). This will help you identify the substances causing allergies to him as well as to know the measures to avoid them.3. Based on allergy testing, an Allergist-Immunologist may prescribe him allergen specific immunotherapy which gradually improves his symptoms of allergies over long time.4. In general, I would suggest him to avoid exposure to dusts, smokes and air pollution as much as possible. Hope above suggestions will be helpful to you. Should you have any further query, please feel free to ask at Chat Doctor. Wish your son the best of the health ahead. Thank you & Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i m a 29 yr old unmarried woman.few months back i had heavy periods. after tht my hemoglobin went my periods r normal after taking some ayurvedic medicine.but my haemoglobin in 11...i feel weakness, short breath, loss of apetite,..can i take ranbaxy revital women......will it help in increasing haemoglobin. [|AI|] Thank you for the query. AS per the history, you a 29yrs old unmarried lady, suffering from hemorrhagic followed by reduced Hemoglobin levels. I would like to know whether you suffer from any thyroid dysfunction (specially hypothyroidism). Presently, you He level is 11 GMT (which is not very bad), but you are still symptomatic (weakness, shortness of breath). I would advise you to undergo certain investigations, if you have not done them already - thyroid profile (hypothyroidism can lead to hemorrhagic, anemia, weakness), stool for Occult blood (to rule out ongoing blood loss), USG lower abdomen (to rule out uterine pathology) and iron profile (serum iron/TBC). Vitamin supplements (like revival) may help, but you should go for oral iron and folic acid supplements. Nutritious diet with adequate protein content is advised. Fruits like apple and dates may help out. Please do visit your gynecologist for further advise and checkup Hope this helps you out.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Respected Sir I ve a small kid (Boy) of one year age . He is now only of 10 Kg. and height is also not too good. I,m too much worried about his health and height in future. Some one has suggested me the following medicines for his health and height... 1. ZENFLOZ-OZ suspension 2. BANDY - ALBENDA SUSPENSION 3. ELECTROKIND -Z (ORAL REHYDRATION SALTS ) Kindly show me the right way about these medicines and proper dozes and side effects also. Mridula Singh YYYY@YYYY [|AI|] Thanks for asking f I have gone through your question and understand your concern you son is of one year of age, his weight is 10 kg. And in your view height is not good. 10 kg weight for 1-year-old boy is absolutely normal, the average length of 1 year boy is 75 cm. you can your self take his length by tailor tape or can visit pediatrician for it. So I think there is no thing to cancer. Child is healthy, not fatty. Give him balanced diet like rice, DAL, green vegetable, wheat, milk about 5 times per day. We suggest iron supplement for kids 1 mg per kg per day till they reach their adulthood. And spy albendazole every six month for rewarming till age of 5 years. Dose of spy albendazole(BANDY) 5 ml once till age of 2 year, and above age of 2 year 10 ml. Hope i able to answer your query
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi.... i m 21 yr old male. i dnt hve a beard. there is no genetical problem. pls help me doctor. sugesst me how to grow my beard. i also shave every weak.... [|AI|] Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. If you have no beard growth, why you are worrying? You have so many other good qualities and good personality. Beard is actually a problem for many. Slow or scanty beard growth could be due to hormonal insufficiency. You must be having more of female hormones than male in this hair growth area. If you have good sexual urge and enough sexual powers, forget about that hormone also. It will not disturb you. You can try daily shaving and stop worrying. You might need sexological or psychological counseling. Hope this answers your query. Available for further sexological clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello. I am currently being tested for adult ADD. I am suspicious I have had it my entire life. I am working with psychologist to test and diagnose it (or not). His tests are broad. He has me on a schedule of 3, 45 minute appointments where he is testing with vocabulary tests, drawing test, routine math tests, and assembling shapes with puzzle pieces, memory tests to repeat back things he says to me. I do not have problems with the tests. I can focus for short periods of time. It s longer periods of focus on routine tasks that give me difficulty. My is does this sound like a industry standard way to diagnose ADD in an adult? I would like a second opinion as I have a small suspicion I may be just going through tests he can bill my insurance. Thank you! [|AI|] DearWelome to ChatDoctorWe understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. Every therapist know how to diagnose you. The diagnosis is basically based on your first-hand description. You have not mentioned your age here. But I see that you can speaking about attention span here. An adults' attention span is always less the minutes maximum at a stretch. While watching a movie that could go up to hours, if the movie is interesting. For ADD patients, they even show low attention span even when they watch an interesting move. If you fall in this category, you need those tests to confirm the depth of the problem. Otherwise, you do not have Added. If you want more of my help in this aspect, please post a direct question to me with as many details as possible. I shall provide some psychotherapy tips to overcome your current problem. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have a 3 month old labrador pup who was vacinnated with anti rabies (first shot given on 15th May 2010 and second yesterday i.e. on 23rd June 2010). It playfully bit my thumb while playing with me and there was a incision and and some blood came out. I washed my wound under running water and also washed it with detergent soap and later with dettol. The bleeding stopped after some time. The pup remains within the house and has no exposure to other dogs. Do I need to take any antirabies vaccinne.Please advise [|AI|] Thanks for contacting Chat Doctor with your medical question. Since this is your own animal, and you do know for sure that it was vaccinated then the chance of rabies is very low if not non-existent. For a dog to contract rabies it must be outdoors and then bite or eat an animal that has rabies. Since this is a pup I doubt it has been exposed to rabies. I would not be concerned about rabies, and you will not need vaccination. Hope I answered your questions. Please contact us again with your health related questions
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] 2 years ago I had an ultra sound that found gallbladder sludge . I then had a HIDA Scan done and it said that my gallbladder was functioning at 27%. I decided to try alternative treatments before surgery (Chinese medicine, supplements, etc). I had planned on having it removed in 2 weeks but decided to repeat the HIDA scan since it had been 2 years. My gallbladder is now functioning at 85%, which I understand is hyperactive. Do you have any insight as to why the rate increased substantially and if I should continue with the surgery? [|AI|] Hi jessicagregg, It seems you have had very different results on the HIDE scan test, but you have to understand that this test is not a perfect test, and results may vary. To do surgery just based on these results, you would need to have a function (or ejection fraction) of the gallbladder below 35% AFTER the injection of cholecystokinin. The most important factor to consider before getting surgery is your symptoms. If you have typical gallbladder symptoms such as right upper qua Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband had a stroke when he was six years of age. He now is 39 we have started to notice signs of memory loss, increased anger and irritablilty. Our primary doctor said it should not get any worse however our nerologist said it looks like the first stages of dementia. I am confused if it is vascular dementia why would our primary Doctor tell us it should not get any worse. He is showing signs of disoringtation etc.. Please help my utter confusing and should i be worried something could happen to him in the next few years? [|AI|] HelloThanks for askingHistory of stroke increases the risk of a number of complications and progressive loss of memory is one of them. Repeated vascular insult on brain causes vascular or multi infarct dementia. The dementia is progressive, but the progression can be halted by taking proper medicines. Medicines like cholinergic Chat Doctor. Other medicines like Semantic is also commonly used. Consult your doctor for proper treatment. Get his MRI done to see extent of damage in brain if any. Psychological tests like Mini Mental Status Examination will help in grading the extent of dementia and help to ascertain improvement. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am a 60 y/o female post stage 2 estrogen postive invasive ductile carcinoma patient who went through 4 courses of taxotere and cytoxin chemo and 28 radiation treatments with 5 boost treatments for a total of 31, following a lumpectomy and negative lymph node removal. I just had a chest CT which should a liver lesion and cyst. Should there be reason for concern? My liver enzymes are all normal at this point and my breast cancer seems to be gone as far as we can tell. Thank you [|AI|] Dear Ma'am, Sorry to hear about your problem. A liver lesion post breast cancer treatment can be a source of worry. The only way to confirm whether it is metastatic or not is to get a PET scan or a biopsy of the lesion. The other cyst in the liver is not a cause of concern. You should schedule an appointment with your oncologist and discuss the options with him. Hoping for the best. Please feel free to clarify any other query. Rohan KhandelwalBreast Oncologist
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am male 24 years of age and currently working for a bpo in Bangarole. I have been suffering from memory problems since I was 19 years of age. With difficulty to remember new stuff, recent events and had issue to recall recent learned facts, names, concepts ideas. People make fun of me and my friends noticed this change. My reasoning is extremely poor, very slow in thinking. These days always keep quite during a discussion and cannot think on my own and when I try to say something it sounds boring not make any sense. I often stop in the middle of conversation and can only think few words and cannot join ideas. Very difficult time to finish easy tasks and make decisions. one year back I visited Apollo hospital in orissa was advised to take depression medicines but it didn t work. I was reviewing information on websites about mild cognitive impairment symptoms and may be I fall under this category. I am unable prepare for higher studies, rejected in job interviews and feeling very hopeless in my life when I see my friends who are doing well. My social life is almost screwed up. so I want to consult with you or a doctor you may refer me. Please advise me how should I go about this? Thank you for your time and patience for understanding my problem. Your response is highly awaited and thank you in advance for replying. [|AI|] Hello dear Memory impairment in such a young age needs to be evaluated properly. You must undergo a screening brain MRI. Blood investigations include it B 12 and folic acid levels, Thyroid profile, serum urea, creatinine, blood sugar levels. You should also consult a neurologist for proper examination and evaluation. You may visit a psychiatrist to evaluate for depression. Hope you recover early God bless you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I broke three ribs 2 years ago. In the last two months I ve had the same pain in the area of one of the breaks (right hand side between shoulder blade and spine.) I hear and feel a clicking sound when I rotate the shoulder, almost like the sound when you crack your nuckles. It s not debilitating, but it s also not going away. Any advice or help would be most appreciated. [|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. I suspect possibility of compression of thoracic spine nerve root leading to cracking sound. There can be associated rotator cuff injury. I will advise you to do MRI shoulder/spine and orthopedic doctor opinion. For these symptoms analgesic and neurotrophic medication like pregabalin can be started after consulting your doctor. Till time, avoid lifting weights, Sit with support to back. You can consult physiotherapist for help. Physiotherapy like ultrasound and inferential therapy will give quick relief. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] When someone talks about the physical aspects of childbirth, I experience very unusual symptoms. I start to feel faint, get ringing in my ears, tunnel vision, and feel very warm and begin to sweat. Has only happened twice in my life, but both times occurred while I was listening to someone talking about the physical aspects of childbirth. Any ideas? [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Your above symptoms can occur anxiety and phobic conditions. You appear to have excessive anticipated anxiety regarding childbirth, which lead to such symptoms in your case during discussion about childbirth. In such cases treatment in form of medical education regarding process of childbirth process with relaxation exercises will help. Wishing you good health and all the
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My almost 9 month old has a rash/hives around the edges of her diaper, armpits, belly and backs of her legs. We just started introducing solid foods. We introduced oatmeal yesterday. She had a virus a week ago. No fever, just vomiting for about 8 hours. She s had a bit of loose stool this week. is this a food allergy or a continuation of whatever she had last week? [|AI|] HI ...this is not suggestive of food allergy. This is classically fitting into eczema as it is involving the flexural surfaces of the body. The trick of the management is keeping the skin moist and never allowing it to be Chat Doctor. For this oil massage and lotions like Hiatus will help. But usually kids grow out of it...that is as the age progresses, they become better starting from 6 months of age, and they gradually get better. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 15 year old daughter is complaining about pain in her lower front teeth and chin. 800 Motrin does not seem to help and neither does ice or heat. The dental X-ray shows nothing, a trip to the doctor where he felt around her jaw and looked in her mouth only shows possible tmj. This has been going on for 48 hrs. And now she has a fever of 100 and slight swelling of lower lip. [|AI|] Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The pain in the lower incisors and chin region can be because of the gum infection or tooth infection secondary to decay or trauma. Nothing to be panic, consult a good oral physician and get it evaluated. Meanwhile, take a course of antibiotics like amoxicillin. Continue Motrin 400 mg twice daily instead of 800 mg. Do not apply hot or cold things. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I get startled very easily, not by scary movies but just daily incidences. I would scream on the top of my lungs at sight of someone (even family members) just because i wasnt expecting to see them. Im pretty sure it has something to do with my childhood. So I just want to know if theres a way I can train myself to be more calm and collected in this kind of situation. [|AI|] Hi, From what you have mentioned, your symptoms of being startled seems to be manifestation of underlying anxiety. Your symptoms can be reduced with adequate treatment. I would suggest that you seek a psychiatric consultation for complete evaluation of you condition and initiating treatment. Medications like paroxetine will help you. In addition, you can also opt for behavior therapy sessions which will consist of sessions focusing on learning relaxation and help you become more calm and composed. I do hope that I was able to answer your query. Wish you all the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi! I had pneumonia around end of May.I took Azithromycin 250 mg for 4 days and after a month my doctor gave me Azithromycin 500 mg for 7 days.But I still have the infection. Drs. did CT-SCAN and saw lymph nodes around my lungs and abdomen. First they suspected of Lymphoma but now they suspect of chronic infection. I m really worried. [|AI|] The chronic infection in the chest and abdomen with lymph nodes most probably is tuberculosis. Normal antibiotics wouldn't help, and also we need to confirm the diagnosis by some tissue biopsy. As a lymphoma can always be on the cards, it won't be feasible to start u can AKT directly. See a chest physician with the CT scan to evaluate further and how best would it be to get a tissue biopsyKindly vote thanks if the answer was helpful
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello sir,I am Nishant , male , age-22 , height- 165cms, weight- 60kg.i feel that my body is underdeveloped and anything i do does not help in increasing height or any muscular development in my body.I had intestinal fluid TB in the year 2007 which was diagnosed by medication and fluid removal from intestines. I had medicine allopathic treatment for 5-6 that time my height was 143cms,but still ..could this be a reason for my underdevelopment..??although there was certain increase in height and body development after that.and currently i do not have any major or minor body problems like blood pressure, sugar, insomnia, mental tension,sweating or fever etc.. so where is the problem..?And from past 4 yrs i carry same body weight, height and structure,should i try any supplement??is there any deficiency of Growth hormone in my body..??sir, kindly help me out and suggest any possible methods to improve my condition.please suggest any medicine if needed ASAP,i will be highly obliged.please reply soon. [|AI|] Thanks for asking in Chat Doctor forum In short: You do not seem to be underweight according to your height and weight. Explanation: BY your height and weight you do not seem to be underweight. If you are feeling it then stop feeling like that and start having balanced diet with regular exercise daily for your improvement in morale and physique. I have not heard of intestinal fluid TB, but intestinal TB. Any Tuberculosis (pulmonary or extra pulmonary) can cause loss of weight and appetite. I think you have recovered from it. Good luck. Visit your local doctor for clearing your doubt personally.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi I am 20 years old 5"2 and around 8 stone and have been having severe abdomen pain and cramps since November last year. I have recently been diagnosed with proctitis, a colon polyp, haemorrhoids and a hiatus hernia. I have suffered from mouth and tongue ulcers since I was 4 but my doctor said it was normal but they have been coming along much more bigger and are making it hard to talk and swallow also my knees and back are causing me a lot of trouble [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query and an elucidated history. Since you have got Parotitis, colon polyp, hemorrhoids means you have a severe Gastrointestinal upset. Till this is cured the authors and afford ulcers (more than 3 mm) will be recurrent. Since all these disorders do not allow the important food contents like mineral, trace elements and vitamins to be adsorbed properly you get multiple problems including body ache, knee pains, backache and any sort of problem related to the fitness. I would advise you to get a proper treatment of all your medical problems, take multivitamins, get colon polyp operated, have proper diet, whichever suits you, and you can improve a lot. Have periodic check-ups.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi I have a hole in my tfcc its not a tear but a hole I had an mri done and was wondering if there is a surgery procedure that would help my ortho surgeon says there would be no point she say think of it as a trampoline and if you cut the centre out and repair it it would be tighter ??? [|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case. For TFCC hole which is symptomatic, ligament reconstruction can be done using graft. Till time, you can start analgesic and crêpe bandage support. Physiotherapy like ultrasound and TENS may help. Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow-up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries. Wishing you good health. Take care.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my sister has renal kidney failure and has been on dialysis for a year. She is seeing the nep. specialist but they have no answers to her health problem, She is not a diabetic and has been tested and does not have kidney disease or cancer, my question is what other options could we check out? [|AI|] HelloThanks for choosing Chat Doctor. First you need to know whether it is an acute kidney injury or chronic kidney injury. Please have an ultrasound pub done and see the size of the kidney. If size is normal then mostly it is acute kidney injury, and you need to know exact cause why it happened mostly it is caused by acute gastroenteritis, post pregnancy, contrast tests induced and may be due to stones which are obstructed and raised the creatinine. If it is CKD then the kidney size will be small and dialysis and renal transplantation is the only line of treatment. Thanks Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have like bee stinging on arms, legs, back, stomach , and hand also heavy pain at the top of both arms. Sometime I can not lift both arms and sometime just one. Pain so severe that my arm will make my arm move while in. Hurt when I push anything. The pain is very hard. Been given medication and also had a shock in shoulder. I am hurting every other night. When I go to get it check I am given some medication not help. [|AI|] Hi welcome to ChatDoctorI have gone through your query regarding severe pain in arms. It is a matter of concern. Dear, I would like to know your age and the circumstances in which you are suffering so severely. Nothing happens without a cause. And for your info, only gulping on medicines don't help cure less you modify your lifestyle and food habits. In the fast-paced life we accumulate toxins, forget to detoxify’d relax or rejuvenate the muscular system which in turn leads to many painful conditions. Even the younger generation suffers a lot. And with long Chat Doctor. M I would like to suggest you to study your circumstances - your lifestyle and food habits, which create a great impact on your health and wellbeing Diet and Lifestyle modifications can help you lead a happy disease free life by strengthening immunity. Regular walk, stretching exercise-from head to toe, yoga, Panama, deep breathing, meditation and intake of regular balanced diet containing all essential nutrients - Vitamins, minerals, protein and antioxidants in natural form in proper proportion will help boost immunity against diseases. Taking fresh fruit, veges, raw ginger, garlic , lemon juice in a glass of warm water and a spoon of honey and a pinch of black pepper , Algebra 30 ml + AMLA 20 ml in morning & evening, Turmeric powder with a cup of hot milk in BF and at bedtime. All help alley pains and give resistance to body from diseases, and gradually you will gain health. Take 2-4 doses of Homeopathic ColcChatDoctor 30 / half-hourly to alley pains Hope this helps solves your query. Take care, All the best. Wish Get well soon.Don't hesitate to get back TF have any further query.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I Started going to a doctor about 1 year ago and told her I was having horrible back pain.. she suggested I get a gastric bypass and a breast reduction. I was very happy with that. my insurance is Medicaid so there are certain loop holes you have to jump through to get Medicaid to pay for this. suck as doing physical therapy ect.. I was fine with that.. She also Put me on a pain pill called hydro codone medication I could take it up to 3 times a day.. To my surprise with taking the medication I was able to walk a lot more, I could exercise and actually live life with out pain. In 6 months time after being on them I lost 50 lbs. I was so happy!!! Then I moved and started going to a new doctor assuming it wouldn t matter what doctor I went to they would still do the same thing. They didn t they took me off my medicine. im gaining weight back and im in a lot of pain again.. the knew doctor wants me to get a breast reduction but not the gastric bypass, I don t know why.. Im 300lbs.. im miserable. [|AI|] Dear patient you have described your medical history in detail but nothing about your back pain. What is your age and profession? Have you suffered any trauma? If you are of middle age suffering from back pain and no trauma kindly get yourself investigated for radiograph of lumbosacral spine anteroposterior and lateral views. I would advise diclofenac plus thiocolchicoside combination twice a day for pain relief. Take antacid 40 mg twice a day. Start back strengthening and back extension exercise. Practicing yoga will be a good long term solution. If you were benefiting from previous doctors treatment then why you changed the doctor?
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Yes, I was given the Twinrix vaccine in does of three injections over a time period. I recall that the nurse who administered my injections forgot to shake it until it turned opaque as directed. Will that have any ill effect or be harmful to me since it is recommended that Twinrix be shaken until turns opaque before injection? Thanks, Concerned Lady [|AI|] Hello, I understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor, infectious diseases specialist, answering your query. In my opinion you should not worry. It never causes harm. Not Shaking the bottle never harms you. Vaccine is for the protection purpose. So if someone won't shake it, its effect are lowered, but it never harms you. You can check the title of the antibodies circulating in the blood of you to check the effectiveness of the vaccine administered. And accordingly if the further action is required can be taken. I will be happy to answer your further concern, you can ask me on Chat Doctor. Thank you. ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My two year old son has foam coming out of his mouth while sleeping, and he also snores. It sometimes sounds like he gasps for air.. What can this be? I am desperately worried and my sons pediatrician says it s normal for that to happen and he just has an allergy which is the cause for his snoring. What should I do?? [|AI|] Hi... I have just read through your query. By what you quote I feel that your kid is having upper airway resistance syn Chat Doctor. I agree that it can happen in allergy, but allergy cannot be the only reason for this. The most common reason for this is enlarged adenoids and tonsils which might require adenotonsillectomy. I suggest you consult a pediatric ENT surgeon regarding this. The other option is using intranasal steroids for 4-8 weeks and decide on further management based on the treatment response. Regards -
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my 2 year daughter used to get fever, bad cough and cold almost every week. The regular pediatrician would give antibiotics and cough syrups to cure it but again after 10 days she would fall sick. Then as per my friend s suggestion i visited another pediatrician and he said she has wheezing and prescribed asthalin and buedcort inhaler. She has definitely improved and we had far less episodes of fever and cough. But i want to know if she was diagnosed correctly and what could be the possible side effects of these medicines [|AI|] Hi.... I think she was diagnosed correctly and these are perfect medicines for your kid as you are already experiencing. By what you quote I feel what your kid could be having viral associated wheeze or multi triggered wheeze. I have a few questions for you -Questions:1. How many days per month does she cough or feel breathless?2. How many nights per month does her sleep get disturbed due to above symptoms?3. Does she feel breathless when she runs around or plays with other kids?4. Are the symptoms when there are seasonal changes?5. Is there any family history of asthma or any other sort of allergies like skin allergy etc.?6. Is the cough always associated with fever? If your answer is yes for any of the above questions, your kid might be having viral associated wheezing or multi triggered wheezing, and I suggest you meet a pediatric pulmonologist who is near your place. No point in using antibiotics every time. It will do more harm than good by increasing bacterial resistance. Hope my answer was helpful for you. I am happy to help any time. Further clarifications and consultations on Chat Doctor are welcome. If you do not have any clarifications, you can close the discussion and rate the answer. Wish your kid good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] i am now in my first year in college.. my problem is that i usually forget my lessons quickly.. not that quickly but after about two days, i cant remember what we have discussed earlier.. i am also having a hard time recalling simple things, aside from my lessons,. i am not like this two years ago,. those days i have topped my class but since i had this problem, i seemed to be just like an ordinary student,, do you know whats happening to me? i am so depressed.. [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. I understand that you are going through a difficult time due to your memory problems. Now, memory difficulties in a young person can be due to a variety of reasons like stress, anxiety, excessive workload, depression, etc. It is difficult to drive at a diagnosis without a detailed history and psychological assessment. Hence, I would suggest that you see a psychiatrist in your place for a detailed evaluation and to decide on the further course of action. There are effective strategies which can help you overcome your problem, so please seek professional help at the earliest. Wish you all the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I suffer from osteoarthritis in my spine and have been on the steroid Prednisolone (5mg) for almost 40 yrs for asthma. Im 75 yrs old now and am trying to cut down the amount of Prednisolone I take because of the osteoarthrisits so for the past 1.5 yrs Ive been taking the Predisolone every alternate day. For the past 7 days however, Ive tried to cut it further, so have been taking the Prednisolone every 2 days because of my osteoarthritis, but my lower back is in a lot of pain. Would this be as a result of this shift in the amount of Prednisolone Im taking? Will it improve? As an aside, I take 2 chewable calcium tablets daily and take Alendronic 75mg once a week too. [|AI|] Dear patient Prednisolone is a steroid Chat Doctor. It also leads to osteoporosis. Since you were taking Prednisolone for prolonged period you get habituated to it. Sudden change in dosage leads to relapse in symptoms. Your back pain might be related to change in dosage. Please do not bring sudden change in dosage. Since you were taking it on alternate days try taking half tablet on alternate days for a week and then next week again take further half dose and stop over a period of one month. If you feel your asthma symptoms are relapsing then do not hesitate to again starting previous dosage. I would also like to advise radiograph of lumbosacral spine anteroposterior and lateral views to rule out bony abnormalities. All the best.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, my daughter is 31/2 years old on 10th ofdec 2011 she had throat infection so doc treated with Zithromax after finishing that antibiotic course again she was coughing again doc gave augminton dry syrup and he told she has allergy coughing he gave nebulization again we went to doc on 12th of jan 2012 , he told she has got wheezing so he gave montair 1/2 tab and zipod 100 mg dt for 10 days.but now course was over then also she had cough, if I give nebulization she is feeling better. How long can I treat her like this or since we r in blore I am thinking is just b coz of whether or whats wrang on her? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks and welcome to Chat Doctor. Your history suggests that she may be suffering from bronchial asthma. Usually exaggerated by viral infection like cold. She needs a beta agonist like albuterol and a mucous expectorant like bromine 3 times daily along with montelukast and basting an anti-histaminic preparation daily once. Avoiding trigger factors like cold, certain foods as well as smoke and dust. Consult pulmonologist if needed. Hope this reply is OK for you. Please feel free to ask further queries if any. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I just found out yesterday that my best friend (38 yr old female with 2 kids 10 and 8) has a 7 inch Adrenal gland tumor...that is sarcoma. she is scheduled for 5 wks radiation therapy starting the 14th and then surgery. The little I find about this is NOT good -is it true even if everything goes amazing with radiation and surgery that she might only have 5 more years??? [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. She has a Chat Doctor. Prognosis depends on many factors like type, location, stage, spread and treatment. She should go for radiation and surgery. If everything goes well then chances of survival is good. It's not like that she has only 5 years. So don't worry much about that. Consult your doctor and take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have had a bad tight cough for the last 6 days and now I have pain in my mid back. How do I know if its my kidney or a back muscle? It s not sharp but hurts more if I rotate to the right and back. I am getting a blood test on Monday as a blood test 3 months ago showed elevated creatinine levels. I am 5 11 224 lb male, ex nfl football player, 6 percent body fat and work out very hard [|AI|] Hello. Thanks for writing to us. A sudden violent cough can cause a sudden muscle sprain leading to the pain like you are having. If the pain increases on deep breathing or coughing then a muscular pain is likely. Local hot fomentation will help in providing relief. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. You can consult me again directly through my profile URL Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My son was found to have blood clots in his lungs, was checked, put on blood thinners and sent home. Went back to ER today because he could not feel his hands or feet, got nauseated and had heavy breathing. He was taken by ambulance to ER and sent home with a RX for percocet. What causes blood clots? Could it be an autoimmune disorder m [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. There are many causes for blood clots in lung.1. DVT (Deep venous thrombosis) of large leg veins.2. Traumatic embolism3. Intravenous Chat Doctor. 4. Embolism from iv lines and catheters5. Clotting diseases6. Autoimmune diseases. Etched most common is DVT of calf veins. This is caused by prolonged bedridden state, flight ravel, post surgery, trauma etc. So clots from these veins dislodge and travel in blood. They reach to the heart and from here they reach in the lungs.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Our 15 year old daughter had a sore throat, which started on September 12. It turned into a cold, however, a week ago Sunday (today) she woke up to her jaw involuntarily moving up and down, like a tremor. It went away late that morning but then in the middle of the night, Monday, she woke up with the tremors again (she woke up to get water and noticed the tremor was back). It has been constant since that time. We were first told TMJ. All of the blood tests that have been run by a family doctor and neurologist have been normal except her Vitamin D was low (20). She s periodically nauseas throughout the day, doesn t eat much and takes small cat naps, which she hasn t done for years, even when she s been up late with friends. The tremor of her jaw is constant unless she clamps her teeth together and it is less if she opens her mouth really wide. [|AI|] Hello! Welcome on Chat Doctor ! I read carefully your question and understand your concern. Vitamin D deficiency may trigger this clinical situation. Anyway, I recommend performing a brain MRI and an EEG to exclude possible seizures (although her tremor continues through the day). Blood electrolytes (including copper, magnesium and manganese). As all started after a sore throat, I would also advise performing antistreptolysin O antibodies, to exclude possible Chorea Minor. If all these tests result normal, I would recommend consulting with a psychologist or a psychiatrist. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Best wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 18 month old vomited once yesterday but quite a bit. She also had one bout of diarrhea in the afternoon with quite a bit of mucus in it. It came out of nowhere and I ve been checking her temperature. It s fluctuated from 95.6 to 100.5. She hasn t eaten very much since yesterday but otherwise, she is met or less herself-playing with toys, climbing the couches, etc. I don t know if she might have a sore throat or maybe she ate something bad, any ideas? [|AI|] Hi... Thank you for consulting in Chat Doctor. It seems your kid is having viral diarrhea. Once it starts it will take 5-7 days to completely get better. Unless the kids having low urine output or very dull or excessively sleepy or blood in motion or green bilious need not worry. There is no need to use antibiotics unless there is blood in the motion. Antibiotics might worsen if unnecessarily used causing antibiotic associated diarrhea. I suggest you use zinc supplements (Z&D Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My male friend age 57 just found out he has a cyst on his kidney. He already suffers from back pain due to an injury. However he has had stomach pain recently. No blood in urine, no urinary tract infection, no pain while urinating. He is being scheduled for a second scan. Could this still be serious? [|AI|] Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. As a Urologist, I share your concern fully. Simple cysts in the kidneys, are normal after 40 years of age. If the cysts is complex, it will need further assessment, with CT scan. As the scan report isn't available, I can't comment on it. If you send me the scan, I can give you an expert opinion. You may send the report to me, as a direct question. Chat Doctor. Manga.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I carry my stress on the right side of my neck down to the shoulder muscle. A few months ago I got tennis elbow. that no longer hurts. then recently I couldn t lift anything with my right hand. The pain is between my thumb & pointer finger. It is a little swollen. Since the birth of my children my wrist have been weak (15yrs) and getting worse. Recently I found a massage therapist who worked on my neck and shoulders and what a relief!!! I can lift items again. I am not sure what doctor to look for or just stay with massages. [|AI|] Hi Dear, Understanding your concern. As per your query you are having symptoms of mild soreness and swelling on my neck. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like reactionary lymphadinitis, tonsillitis, viral infection or allergic reaction. Stiffness of neck can also occur due to cervical problem, muscle spasm, dental abscess or TMJ dysfunction. You should consult an Otolaryngologies and get evaluated and get tested for bacterial infection like throat swab test and viral infection like viral culture test to rule out the exact cause of infection and treatment can be planned accordingly. Doctor may prescribe antibacterial or anti-viral depending upon the diagnosis. Doctor may also refer you to dentist for dental abscess. For now apply warm compresses to swelling and take anti histamine like Ben Chat Doctor. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I have an English Bulldog, have had him for about six months. I have skin allergies, but they seem to be getting worse not better. My dermatologist gave me a steroid shot that helped for a while, but then my skin started to bruise. Now my skin is breaking out worse than ever all over. It is extremely itch. I think it is like eczema, but have not had a definitive diagnosis. Is there anything I can do to help this problem. I do not want to rehome my dog. [|AI|] HI, thanks for using Chat Doctor You may want to have allergy testing done, it may not be the dog dander that is causing the problem. If there is another source then you may be able to reduce your exposure to it. If it is related to the dog and removal is not an option then you would need to consist use anti histamines and topical steroids to help with your skin reaction. If severe then oral or injectable steroids can be used. I hope this helps
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My arm pit and upper under arm are very itchy, no rash, also a pulling pain occaisonally. This started with what I though were bug bites. i had two raised bumps and it was very itchy. The bumps went away but the area is still itchy with that mild pulling/stinging pain. [|AI|] Hi, Your rash could be an insect bite hypersensitivity reaction. You do not need to apply any cream as the rash had disappeared already. I request to take an antihistamine tablet for 1 week. If you do not get any improvement in a week, I request you to consult your dermatologist for further management. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] xray cervical spine no fracture seen alignment is anatomic no prevertebral soft tissue swelling detected very minimal loss of disc height is seen at the c4/5 level the remaining intervening cervical disc spaces appear preserved the visualised neural exit foramina outline normally rudimentary cervical ribs are noted bilaterally the lung apices appear clear this is my result after an exray due to numbness pins and needles in my left hand could u please explain briefly what it is exactly as im looking for another opinion from outside my gp doctors in australia thankyou [|AI|] Hi This X-Ray report will be passed off as normal in your case since the symptoms(pins and needles in hand) do not match the report(decrease in disc height at C 4-5). In my opinion you could be having 1.cervical nerve root pressure(which will be evident in MRI) 2. Carpal Tunnel syn Chat Doctor. I suggest that you start painkillers, muscle relaxant and gabapentin and get the above-mentioned tests one by one.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] predmet 16 can show its side effects in how many days?i have been told by a doctor to take predmet 16 for first three days and then predmet 8 for another 3 days and then predmet 4 for another 3 days and also twice a there anything that i can do to prevent m,yself from side effects??please help [|AI|] Hello, Let me tell you that predict is methylprednisolone, a corticosteroid. I also want to tell you that every medicine has its side effects and doctor always benefits against risks before prescribing the medicines. You have been asked to decrease the doses gradually so that you do not experience rebound symptoms. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hey , my name is CL , im 23 years old . Im a girl . My problem is i have been suffering from a chest pain for a long time everytime the pain is gone for a few days and then it goes back again. The pain is on the front most of the time but sometimes its from both back and front. I have a problem of taking a deep breath it feels like im being stopped in the meadel of it . Yesterday i was laying down and I strongly felt so much pain in the left side of my chest and i could move or sit for like 2 minutes its was painfoul . And im not sure if its a heart attack! What Should i do !? How can i stop this !? [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Sudden onset chest and back pain in young patient is mostly due to musculoskeletal pain, stress and anxiety. But better to get done ECG and 2d echo to rule out heart diseases. If these are normal then no need to worry about heart diseases. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Start calcium and vitamin D 3 supplements. Apply warm water pad on affected areas. Take simple painkiller like paracetamol if pain is unbearable.Don't worry, you will be alright with all these. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi i have a quick question doctor went i weak up today i notice a small little hump or lump in my inner tight by my right testicul but its is on my leg and went i touch it heard and it feel like a small ball i press it and i only get blood out of it and its getting me worrie. [|AI|] Hi, If I were your treating Doctor for this case of a bloody thigh lump, I would come up with only one and one possibility that is a sebaceous cyst! Nothing to worry about this and try not to get infected there! I suggest you to go for an FNAC test of the lump for confirmation and to relieve your concerns! Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions. Wishing you good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Can allergies cause enlarged circumvalate papillae or mucoceles? My name is Brian and Im a 20 year old male with no serious medial history. The allergy levels are very high in my area and I noticed a mucocele that has not changed in size for the past month. Also, my circumvalate papillae seem larger then normal. Could this be due to allergies? [|AI|] It could be but not entirely because of allergies. Rupture or obstructed salivary glands could be the cause. Similarly, local irritations, inflammation and allergies can cause enlarged papillae. Local causes and allergies may settle on its own usually in 10 days. Persistent cases may have other underlying causes too. To help ease allergies and local inflammations, saline gargles are usually done everywhere on globe. But what people know in India is they gargle with turmeric powder too. It's a natural antiseptic, bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic too. Cleaning the bowels with herbal powders would add to tremendous speedy recovery. Hope it helps.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hii have a 2.5 years daughter. My wife breastfeeds her.we want to use a contraceptive pill. i read about the mini pill. Under which brand names it is available in Delhi,india. We have not used any OC Pill since her birth. My wife is 25 years old and healthy but thin. [|AI|] Hello, Thanks for trusting us with your health concern. The mini pill contains only progesterone and all the available brands contain the same preparation, north Chat Doctor. The pill may be started from day one of the cycle or on the nearest Sunday, whichever is convenient. Before starting the medication, your wife needs to be evaluated if she is fit to receive it and there are no allergies to the medication and the Thorazine content in the preparation. Periodic evaluation to check the hepatic, coagulation and cardiovascular profile is necessary. Any breast masses must be reported immediately. The brand names "Camila", "Micron or" or "North
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] MY NAME IS MANI SAGAR AGED 19 YEARS OLD FROM INDIA...I had the back pain,,,doctors said to take mri ,,ct scan,,x ray etc.,but they are saying nothing is the problem but i am suffering from pain severely for 4 years ......BUT my SPINAL CORD IS IN CURVE SHAPE... [|AI|] Hi there, thanks for your question. It is possible to have back pain associated with spinal curvature. Whether it needs treatment or not depends on severity of curvature, any outwards change in appearance and severity of pain. A well-trained spine surgeon can decide about appropriate action. Hence, would suggest you to meet a well-trained spine surgeon dealing with spinal curvatures to treat your back pain. All the best. Regards
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello siri m reshu 24 Yr old girl . Sir i m suffering from allergy on my hand and neck since 1 Yr. Priviously i suffer allergy once in a month and than 15 Day ,than 7 days but now i got allergy every 3 Days .allergy subside with in half hr after taking cetrizine . Sir i consulted many doc here at lalitpur but my problem is increasing consistantly . Sir plz give me advice to whom i should consult , and where to consult . . Plz plz sir help me [|AI|] Hello Rest, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. I would like to know more about your complaints like - are they rashes or hives? Do they have any relation to sun exposure? Are they more troublesome at night or during day? Do you sweat a lot? Do you have a Chat Doctor? 2. At present, I would suggest you to consult a dermatologist who will examine your lesions and identify what type of allergy do you have - urticaria or contact dermatitis or something else. Sometimes some vitamin deficiencies like niacin can also cause skin problems in sun exposed areas.3. Were I treating you, I would suggest you to take an antihistamine like HY
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...Hi today when i got up i have had a recurring pain just above my right breast towards the middle of chest it comes and goes it is not a burning feeling just a pain i am concerned [|AI|] Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that your symptoms are not typical of any cardiac disorders. Is the pain triggered by deep breathing or body movement? This could indicate a possible musculoskeletal disorder. In such case Ibuprofen would help relieve the pain. Gastroesophageal reflux is another possible cause of this symptomatology. For this reason, I would recommend trying taking Ibuprofen 400 mg. If the pain still persists, I would recommend adding also omeprazole. But, in my opinion there is no need to perform any additional tests because your symptoms are not indicative of any serious medical disorder. Hope to have been helpful! Kind regards,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I am Diabetic and have severe neuoropathy on the arms and hands. Some believe it is arthritis but have not been diagnosed as such. I wanted to know if there is any interaction with taking Tumerac with Metformin. I use the Tumerac for inflammation and pain. FORGET IT....I THOUGHT THIS WAS A FREE CONSULTATION. SORRY BUT I CANNOT AFFORD IT. THANKS ANYWAY. [|AI|] Hello, I have gone through your query and do understand the concern you have. However, in long-standing diabetes peripheral neuropathy does occur. But the effect is most often seen in lower limbs - legs and feet first. Later it may spread to hands and arms. Most often uncontrolled high blood glucose remaining for many years is the cause. But even with fairly well controlled diabetes of long-standing these symptoms are seen. First and foremost is to achieve a strict blood glucose control, maintaining fasting blood glucose closer to 100 mg, PP 150 to 170 mg & HbA1c%As regards taking Turmeric and metformin, there is absolutely no interaction between the two. You need not worry at all. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] my brother was recently involved in a car accident. he suffered multiple injuries(head, chest, pelvic). the pelvic injury being one of the worst. he suffered a type b1-"open book" or a type c pelvic injury. both sacroilliac joints as well as the symphsis were separated. (i believe the medical terminology is sacroillliac diastasis sand symphyseal). he has had an operation plating and pinning all bones back together . what has happened since then is that one or both titanium plates on the symphsis has sheared or broke completely. the separation between the symphsis is now 2 inches(was 6 inches) the doctors have now told him that a second operation is not probable,citing that it is risky to do a second one. what would be the increased risks with doing a second one compared to the first one? what has changed? [|AI|] Welcome to Chat Doctor; thank you for your query, pelvic bone consists of 3 bones ilium, schism, and pubic bone. Fracture involving the pubic bones are treated surgically by internal fixation, external fixation or traction. All these bones are not similar. Long bones like the one in the legs and thighs once fixed if problem occurs we can redo it. Surgical treatment to fix pelvic fracture itself is a tough one. Trying to re-fix has a risk of breaking the pelvis. And that is the reason for non-surgical management now. Now the best option for him is stabilization and after fracture has healed rehabilitation with physiotherapist. Giving painkillers to reduce the pain hope this explains Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi ive been on my birth control pill almost for a year, iam sex active but we also use condoms, few weeks ago I had a kidney infection and I was taking very strong antibiotics, i also took my pills like 12 hours later than i should or even more for about 4 or 5days(didnt have sex tough ,its not pregnancy for sure) so now after I finished my antibiotics i noticed a brown spotting it now lasts about for a week,while on my birth control pill And when I finish the packet I get my period about on the 3rd day,today its the 4th -still no period showing and brown spotting is still occuring. Whats wrong? [|AI|] Hi, Thanks for writing in. Antibiotics intake will not cause any side effect such as spotting. It is mainly due to stress associated with urinary and kidney infection which is causing the spotting. Please do not worry if it is for few days. Any heavy long duration flow must be discussed with your doctors. Any infection is a stressful event and can cause imbalance in female hormones. This further can cause mild spotting or inter cycle vaginal bleeding. This spotting or bleeding is usually less than normal bleeding occurring during cycles. Please take adequate rest and good amount of healthy nutritious foods and water in adequate quantities to flush the kidneys.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] hi Dr.I am Srinivas from vijayawada India I am suffering with swelling in my left hand little finger. my x-ray report shows that problem in cervical spine c4-c5 & c5-c6. here dr. told me that due to that problem you are getting pain &swelling ji left had fingers, he advised to wear cervical collar. is it sufficent . pl advise me how to over come the problem. [|AI|] Hi there, welcome to Chat Doctor, thanks for your question. It is highly unlikely that the sweeping in your left little finger is caused form your cervical spine. Cervical spine compression would cause pain or numbness or burning sensation or weakness in your fingers. But never compression in cervical spine has not been associated with swelling in fingers. I would suggest you to be seen and be examined by an orthopedic surgeon or hand surgeon to get yourselves evaluated for other cases of finger swelling. Hope this answers your question. All the best. Thank you. With best regards. Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] for the third time in the last 2 mths i hav an irritation on my scrotum and penis . it begins with an unbearable itch that only intensifies and skin sensitivity around tip of penis . the top of scrotum on the sides are white and the penis jus gets red and almost like blue coloration in some places . the only thing coincidental ios that i also hav a n itchy blister n the exact same spot on my wrist that came up at same time lasat time and more importantly i took bactrim for another problem both times and within the day problems began [|AI|] Hi. Welcome to Chat Doctor . I have gone through your query and can understand your concerns. As per your complaint it seems that you have a fungal infection in the scrotum and penis, and it seems to be secondary to antibiotic intake that is Bactrim that you have taken every time you experienced the symptoms. It seems to be Subcutaneous Thrush leading to the symptoms of burning, redness and itching severely. I would suggest you to consult an Internal Medicine specialist and get evaluated and a thorough clinical evaluation and investigations like urethral swab culture can help in diagnosis and treatment can be done accordingly. You can be advised to apply antifungal ointment over the infected areas and along with it an oral antifungal medication course like Fluconazole can help. In case if you are sexually active or married the same treatment can be given to your wife/partner. Along with it take probiotics like Yogurt and also keep the area clean and Chat Doctor. . Take Levocetrizine for itching and redness. Hope this information helps. Thanks and regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I stepped up on a ladder, heard a loud snap in my upper right calf and it began hurting and swelling immediatey - this was two days ago. I didn t do anything to treat it at first because I was out of town for a Wedding and couldn t rest. Once I got home the next afternoon, I elevated it and put ice on it. Today, the swelling is worse and now my ankle and foot are also swollen. I m 43 and fairly healthy (stay physically active at my job). [|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case and I think that you may have a muscular injury. It is common during sudden twisting. I would suggest you visit an orthopedic doctor and get it checked. Most probably it is a grade 2 muscle strain. He will suggest you painkiller tablets with local ointment. Continue ice application. Avoid standing for a long time and doing any heavy exercise. Walking is allowed. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I was diagnosed with a UTI but also had pregnancy symptoms. I went to the hospital and they said I had a faintly positive urine result and a negative pregnancy result with blood test. Why wouldn t my blood have the same ChatDoctor hormone that s in my urine? Is it too soon for the urine and blood tests to show pregnancy? The doctor told me to wait a week and then test again. [|AI|] Hello, For pregnancy test is possible, but it is weird. Did you do blood test Chat Doctor quantitative or qualitative? Normally blood test qualitative is more accurate. Chat Doctor levels can first be detected by a blood test about 11 days after conception and about 12-14 days after conception by a urine test. You should recheck in several days, first-morning urine most accurate. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] good morning doctor ever time i have flu my heart rate goes up and i get chest pains when i cough must of the time i end up in hospital i also have a sorties of blood and the doctor tell me its a muscle between my haert and ribs that is get hurt can you please tell me what is going on im thigter and shaken alot can you let me now [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. By your history and description, possibility of either post infectious bronchitis or lower respiratory tract infection (LETI) is more in your case. You're all symptoms are more common in bronchitis and LETI. And viral URI can complicate as any of these conditions. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system, chest x-ray and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). Chest x-ray is needed to rule out LETI (pneumonia). PFT will diagnose bronchitis if present. You may need antibiotics, inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroid. So better to first diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Ive got a viral infection and Ive already had the full amount of paracetamol allowed within a 24 hr period today. My ears are still murderously painful & I still feel feverish even though I took the last dose an hour ago - is there anything else I can take? [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for the query. It seems like ear pain and fever are due to acute infection in ear, and it seems like a bacterial infection and less probably to be viral. I would suggest you to consult an Otolaryngologies and get evaluated and a thorough clinical evaluation and Endoscopic examination can help in diagnosis and treatment can be planned accordingly. You will be advised to take antibiotics like Augmenting, anti-inflammatory painkillers like Ibuprofen, Tylenol for reducing fever and along with it putting antibiotic ear Chat Doctor.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, I m 18 years old, and i am having acne problems. I have lots of acne in my chest , and arms. They do not hurt, but i feel the need to squeeze them. [|AI|] Hi...dear user., Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor., Acne on chest and arms..., It won't give any problem.but looks ugly., Dont squeeze., it may infect.ok., Follow....1) Frequent washes with Triclosan soap.on affected part.,2) Tab Doxycycline 100 mg daily for 15 days.,3) Benzoyl peroxide 5%-Persol 5% -Wallace apply on affected part ., daily 2 times...,4) Low fat diet, fresh fruits and fresh vegetables.ok.good luck
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I fell and hit my upper right side ribs & breast very hard on the corner of a box base of bed, a couple of hours ago. Very large bruise on outer side of breast & pain in ribs under right side of breast when I move or take a deep breath. Should I go for an xray? [|AI|] Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have pain in breast and ribs after injury. Well there can be many treatment options for broken rib. Pain associated with a broken rib usually occurs or worsens when you:-- Sleep on side of broken rib-Press on the injured area-Bend or twist your body would suggest you to consult orthopedic surgeon for proper examination. Doctor may order x-ray, CT scan or bone scan. Doctor may wrap elastic bandage around your chest along with splint and prescribe muscle relaxant along with anti-inflammatory. Doctor may also recommend deep breathing exercises for broken rib, which are very effective along with physical therapy. For now take proper rest, apply warm compresses on broken several times a day and take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] dr. cristy 7 dr. mcgarity from emory did a 10 year study on my having kidney stones. now a dr. put me on 50,000mm of vitamin D 3. take two twice a week. now there is something in kidneys R& L .the right is worse. Can taking these vitamins help cause me to have calicum deposit stones? [|AI|] Hi, Since your doctors have studied your case in great detail before prescribing you treatment, so I will not like to comment on this without having details about test reports specially blood Vito levels, iPTH, calcium & phosphorus levels. Yes,vitD3 definitely has a potential for calcium deposition if not deficient or is in excess in the blood. You should increase daily water intake to 3.5- 4 litres.Also, can start Kit 3tsf twice daily.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, There is blood in my urine. Checked the prostate and it was fine, have an ultrasound in a couple of days for kidneys, and bladder . Since I have been told I have blood in my urine, sometimes, I have a burning sensation after urination , what is the percentage that I might have bladder or kidney cancer , knowing that since I was a kid, I suffered from kidney stones? [|AI|] Hi Tom, burning sensation and blood in your urine may be caused by many diseases such as kidney stone and infection, prostatitis, rhabdomylosis and also kidney cancer. But most of our patients with that symptoms cause by infection and kidney stone. For kidney cancer, statistically about 1.2 % men and woman born today will be diagnosed with kidney cancer, These statistics are called "the lifetime risk of developing kidney cancer as you can see at So you must be aware but not to be panic. What you should check is beside burning sensation and blood in your urine, is there any other symptom like you may feel back pain, weight lose more than 5%, flank pain, and swelling or enlargement of the abdomen. If you had symptom above or want to do health screening, go to consult with urologist to do MRI, blood and urine test for more accurate diagnosis. Hopefully this will answer your question. Thank you
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Have a parkinson diagnosis since 2002, 66 years, smoker, woman, thymectomy 2 years ago, tiny patches or nodules seen on lungs, unknown origin, no significant changes i september 2009, no check since. ON-OFF and violent hyperkinesia, very good effect of levodopa, shall soon be going through examinations to see whether I may profit fram DBS-stimulation, Question: Can symptoms of lung related disease be mistaken for PD symptoms or side-effects of PD medication?? Liv K. Oslo [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. No, lung related symptoms are different from Parkinson Disease. And Parkinson disease (PD) is less likely to produce respiratory symptoms. Similarly, Chat Doctor. So your lung nodules are mostly due to your smoking habit. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done repeat CT scan to compare size of nodules with previous CT scan. If size and numbers of nodules are similar then no need to worry about this. But if nodules are increasing in size or in numbers then you need to rule out malignant nodules. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... My 12 yr old son has been having severe stomach pains for months. He had his gallbladder removed 3 yrs ago, because the dr. thought that was casusing the pain then they thought it was chrons disease, then they thought it was acid reflux, now we are going to his 4th GI doctor today. He cries in pain and so do I because I do not know what to do. We live in Chattanooga and I took him to Vanderbilt 2 yrs ago to a doctor and they said it was IBS, I have that nad I do not hurt nearly like what he does. PLease tell me what I can do. [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query. This is a bit odd problem. It is difficult to understand why the gall bladder was removed so early. Was there gall stones or gall bladder infection or wall thickness ? The causes of such severe pains in such a small child can be :IBS again is rare in such small child Chat Doctor. Another causes can be abdominal epilepsy... Appendicitis. Internal herniaIntestinal obstructionRecurrent intususception. I would advise you the following:CT scan of the abdomenBarium studies. Stop all the foods and beverages which you have noticed to have increased his problems till now. Have a second opinion of a Pediatric Surgeon.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hi. I have noticed a week ago a small painful lump ot something like that on my right buttock. I think that i cant see it in the mirror but i feel it when i touch and it hurts when i press it. It is inside of the tissue. It doesnt begin on the surface. I m not sure if can move i m scared to touch it too much. I m not sure is it in the muscle maybe it is in fat. At first i wasnt worried, i taught it is maybe a pimple but i just can see it yet. But i am starting to worry. And i dont remember i hit myself. What coulld it be ? Should i be worried ? Thank you. [|AI|] Hello! Thank you for the query. For sure It's nothing serious. You should not be worried. The pain indicates the lump is most likely filled with pus. The pus could appear due to some infection of hair follicle or sebaceous cyst. I suggest you to consult general surgeon. Soft tissues' ultrasound should be done to get more information about this lump. Small incision and Chat Doctor. Hope this will help. Regards.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My 7yr old granddaughter has nausea and or vomiting with severe bloating approx. 1/2 hr after meals. She has already been tested for H-pylori, had abdominal x-rays - both negative for infection or obstruction. The symptoms started about a month ago and seem to be getting worse. She is on Mylanta and Zantac. Her pediatrician now beliefs it is related to her asthma to which she has had no flair ups or respiratory issues recently. [|AI|] Hello, Welcome to Chat Doctor, As your granddaughter is having symptoms of acid peptic disease along with other vague symptoms. As she is receiving medications for the acid peptic disease, the symptoms of bloating sensation will come down. Whenever there is acid peptic disease it will lead to regurgitation and there by leads to symptoms of the chest infections. Your granddaughter condition will improve with these medicines. Thank you.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Something strange happened this evening. I was walking through my house and felt a shock like feeling start in my heals and go all the way to my neck and felt dizzy. Ever sine Ill get a shock like tingle just about anywhere and feel a little dizzy. What could that possible be? [|AI|] Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. You may have diabetes or vitamin B12 deficiency or some other cause. It can lead to tingling sensation. You should check your fasting and post postprandial blood sugar level and vitamin B12 level. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have any doubts then contact me at Chat Doctor. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] I have a lump in my lower back on the left side. it causes pain down my leg when I walk, sit and laydown. My hip hurts aswell.. My doctor said that the xrays of my back were fine and that my back is perfectly aligned (because she thought my pelvis what shifted). help. [|AI|] Hi. Thanks for your query. Noted your history of a lump in the low back on the left side and there is pain down your leg when you walk, sit down and lay down. There is pain in the hip too. Your Doctor says X-ray is normal. I would advise you in such a condition the following:- First remember that X-ray has not much of a diagnostic value in such conditions. - MRI of the lump, spine and the hips would help you to get an appropriate diagnosis and a plan for proper treatment. - Clinical evaluation by an Orthopedic Surgeon would add on the diagnosis and get you proper prescription of medications.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] My husband was diagnosed with cancer in October 2013. He had chemo and radiation for 7 weeks. He was recently hospitalized for severe malnutrition for 3 weeks. He will try to eat but does not swallow his food. All he is getting is tube feedings through the night. I am worried that the same thing is going to happen again from not eating. What can be done. [|AI|] Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. If your husband is not able to swallow than Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) is the only treatment we can give him. In TPN all the nutrients are given through larger veins of the body. Mostly through external jugular vein. So hospitalization and central venous catheter is must. In TPN infusion contains1. Protiens2. Carboy Chat Doctor. Lipids4. Multivitamins5. Minerals and trace elements. You can also give fruit juices, water, mashed food through NASA gastric tube.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] for two days now, i have dull aching pain in upper left back (shoulder area)hurts to turn head to the left,can not raise my left arm more than aprox. 8 inches away from my body without dull pain all the way down to my mid forearm. i have taken 2 tylenol every 4 hours without any relief. could you help me ? [|AI|] Hi, You may be suffering from neck muscle spasm. Neck movements with pain to left indicates this diagnosis. Treatment is hot water fomentation and local application of Dynamic gel. Start Neo relax MR twice a day with tablet Attract once at night. Use soft pillow of low height. Avoid jerky movements of neck. You will be fine within few days. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Hello. My forearms feel bruised and tender inside - the muscle part. Fibromyalgia and arthritis runs in my family. I am a 23 yr old male. I tried to put heat on them but it didn t seem to help. It is very painful and just came on quickly. Do you have any suggestions for pain relief besides pain reliever? [|AI|] Hi, See it may be due to many reasons, like recent injury or allergic reaction or swelling that indicates acute inflammation... first we need to rule out muscle injury, my suggestion is to undergo physiotherapy treatment for 15 days, and take an ultrasound and tens therapy. Meanwhile, take yoga and Panama techniques which will balance the body systems. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Hem ang S Jane, Physical Therapist or Physiotherapist
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] Have had 2 episodes of droop eye diagnosed bells palsy 3 months apart.Had several migraines since with blurred vision in same eye. Extreme fatigue. General aches in ankles knees hips and elbows. Several episodes of bowel and bladder incontinence with 2 urine infections. Feel very down. [|AI|] Hello, I have studied your case and I think that you might be having immunity problems. It can be common with steroid intake, Diabetes, thyroid issue. I would recommend you to check your blood sugar, thyroid and vitamin D3 and calcium. If there is anything abnormal then you can get treatment for it. I would also suggest you to start alpha tablet one at nighttime to take care of your anxiety. I hope this answer will be useful for you. Let me know if there is any other followup questions. Thanks
The conversation between human and AI assistant. [|Human|] A small oozing lump developed on the back of my head about two days after a haircut. The haircut was not short but clippers were used. It seemed to appear fairly fast. I also was outside alot golfing and thought it could be a bug bite but I never felt anything. It itches mostly but also burns a bit and seems to be getting worse. Any ideas on how to resolve or stop the itching? [|AI|] Hi, Dear,Good evening. Thanks for your query to my virtual Chat Doctor Clinic. I studied your query in-depth. In My opinion-you are suffering from-post-haircut -scalp infection with fur uncle / boils with folliculitis. Treatment for stopping the itching lump-Antibiotics with Tb NSAIDs would control the skin infection and cellulitis and folliculitis. This ultimately due to healing of the skin wounds, would get rid of the itching lump on back of you Head. Hope this would resolve your worrying query. Wellcome for more query from you. Good day. exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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