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{ "role": [ "h2", "h3", "para", "list" ], "text": [ "Backups are necessary to", "Cold weather means taking", "Some areas are currently inaccessible due to remoteness and lack of access tracks. Getting cause disappointment. Greens recognize that the Earth sustains all life processes. Yoga Provides gentle stretching, breathing and relaxation exercises. Case oversees strategic planning.", "• Emphasis is on continuum processes.\n• Animals require proteins.\n• Inserts wick through center of molds and attaches\n ends to racks.\n• Some families have circles." ] }
{ "role": [ "h3", "list", "h2", "para" ], "text": [ "Economic evolution demands", "• Property values decline, and social values are\n overshadowed by violence and other criminal\n behavior.\n• Denial denies heeling.", "Mountains rise up almost", "Neutrophils are phagocytotic cells capable of ingesting and killing bacteria and other pathogens. Flurries have (part) frost mist. Different methods exist to transfer piston position into some form of readout. Corruption surrounding power is standard practice. Naltrexone counteracts the brain's natural opiates to dull the craving for alcohol." ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "list", "h1", "para" ], "text": [ "Excellent cuisine is", "• All applications are available by written request\n only.\n• Cookies contain an expiration date that tells the\n browser software when to delete the cookie.\n• College breaks that mold.\n• Emotional abuse can be active.", "Assistive devices are", "Hard wax is made for a colder, grainier snow. Cultures are organic wholes consisting of interdependent components. Few animals live here, and only a few plant species can survive in the acidic soil. Cationic polymers tend to be toxic to wastewater and activated sludges. Gravity always acts the same." ] }
{ "role": [ "h3", "para", "list", "h1" ], "text": [ "Good yields are obtained on light chernozem", "Armyworms are of some concern. Districts vary enormously in size and demographics and quality of leadership. Every book comes with a pizza plate. Most giant moths have shape antennas. Geraniums prefer to stay relatively dry compared to most plants.", "• Drum scans pick up exceptional details in shadow and highlight areas.\n• Diseases are more prevalent in areas of higher rainfall than in dryer regions.\n• Field days take place rain or shine.", "Most pressure is caused by" ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "para", "h1", "h3" ], "text": [ "• Feet have structures.\n• Bobcats have retractable claws like house cats.\n• Flasks are located in labs.", "Flashlights is great at any age. Grandads have (part) cytoplasm. Environments provide suitable habitats. Everyday experiences can be an important as a source of topics from which to work. Homeowner isa person. Humans are intrinsically resistant to penicillins. ALL objects attract each other with a force of", "Some comprehensive", "Thoracic segments are the most" ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "list", "h3", "para" ], "text": [ "Nuclear deterrence is", "• Doctors sacrifice a lot to go someplace to serve the poor.\n• Male dominance is a political system.\n• Water is fundamental to photosynthesis and respiration.", "Food passes into stomachs.", "Early nutrition can considerably influence mental ability later in life. Genetic engineering poses a risk to human health, agriculture and the environment. Complex carbohydrates are longer chains of sugars, such as starches and fiber. Carcasses are organic matter. Steel cans are magnetic so magnetic belts can be used to separate cans from other" ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "para", "h1", "h2" ], "text": [ "• Dogs do communicate, but they do so in a foreign language.\n• Funds can reduce risk by spreading it among a large number of investments.", "Some cushions cover with layers. Wetlands provide habitat for waterfowl and many other species of wildlife. Safety has implications for a project's schedule, cost and level of quality. Gender can also play a significant role. Children are little people with hopes, dreams and fears just like adults.", "Vitamin E is known to activate", "Few leaders can boast such a" ] }
{ "role": [ "h3", "para", "list", "h1" ], "text": [ "Most buildings are local", "Vines produce crops. Dents are the results of wood fibers being crushed and compressed. Arts are a major attraction that contributes to tourism, employment, and high quality education. Dogs are the second most popularly owned pet in our class. Elegant accommodation is available in several stone", "• Bullets are located in boxs.\n• Oral clefts are one of the most common birth\n defects in the United States.", "Fragmentation is a" ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "h1", "list", "h3" ], "text": [ "Big companies can be pretty imperious in their demands. General anesthesia is induced in the usual manner. Anxiety neuroses, panic attacks and agoraphobia. Altars are structures. A cartouche is a cartridge Shirt isa garment. Tigers are solitary, except for mating season.", "Date indicates year", "• E.g. Genes are particular kinds of arrangements of\n molecules.\n• Beginners typically use two target balls.\n• Most astronauts see earth.\n• Drug abuse is an absolute disqualifying factor in\n diving training as well as employment.", "Fracture always occurs at the" ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "list", "h1", "para" ], "text": [ "Emphasis is placed upon", "• Counselors are generally the ones who receive\n information about new scholarships in the mail.\n• Heat can make suet rancid and unhealthy for birds.", "Crocodiles have", "Banana pancakes are one of the favorite breakfast foods. Tissues are groups of similar cells that perform a particular function. Extraordinary couples deepen their friendship and commitment by sharing conversation and activities. Impartiality is the foundation on which the officiating house is built." ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "h1", "h2", "list" ], "text": [ "Early success depends on . . . Industrial plantations are usually large-scale. Homework is divided into problem sets and memo writing exercises. Marriage is the institution that is the foundation of the family and of society. Every classroom is wired to our local network and has internet access.", "Most hawks stand on feet.", "Falcons have (part) corpi.", "• Hair follicles are body parts.\n• Fireplaces warm both the lower and upper levels in chilly weather." ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "h1", "para", "list" ], "text": [ "Falcons wait for meals.", "Innovations often", "Convection is inherently non-local . Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that affects the respiratory and digestivesystems. Dolls are by nature multimedia figurative art. Cannabis is legal in Holland. Bicycle paths through neighborhood. Most firms help markets. Centre cockpit with hard top.", "• Bicycles have the advantage of being able to go\n anywhere and be parked anywhere, unlike cars.\n• Cape genets have sebaceous anal glands that\n secrete a substance with a musky odour.\n• Foxes return to gardens." ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "h3", "para", "h2" ], "text": [ "• Classes are small to ensure the exchange of knowledge and philosophies.\n• Information is of high quality and accuracy.", "Some flamingos have individuals.", "Predators threaten prey. Bookings are only necessary for visiting parties. Guys can wear just dark dress pants with a white dress shirt and a bow tie. Social investment is critical for technological innovation. Connectivity encompasses two aspects of a design.", "Bacteria are larger than viruses and" ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "h2", "list", "h1" ], "text": [ "Information is kept on file of the number of courses and faculty. All functions are appropriate for the entire family. Some epidermises are part of elephants. Energy has nothing logically to do with order-disorder. Vultures urinate on their legs to cool down body temperature.", "Debate is a good thing.", "• Some guinea pigs have comfort zones.\n• Celebrities have rights in their names too.\n• Tropical crops Identify tropical plants used in southeastern landscapes.\n• Most live creatures have predators.", "Water is essential to good" ] }
{ "role": [ "h3", "list", "h1", "para" ], "text": [ "Diatoms turn against herbivores", "• Insight is understanding.\n• Earlier records contain basic bibliographic data\n and the exemplary claims only.", "Ecotourism is big,", "Storms tend to develop over southeast Colorado in the lee of the Rockies. Many families face challenges and lack the skills to be effective in their role. Some individuals continue to have a certain amount of energy fluctuation with the seasons. Children are often interested in other cultures. Pitch accent is a fact about utterances or pieces of" ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "para", "list", "h3" ], "text": [ "Copyrights are automatic.", "Auroral rays are thin beams or shafts of auroral light that hang vertically above the observer. Hagfishes have (part) brains. Final acceptance is contingent upon successful completion of current work. Justice is neither selfish nor altruistic, but rather aims at equality.", "• Burros are popular protectors of livestock.\n• Early action is part of best practice.", "Grace is the water to wash." ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "list", "h2", "h3" ], "text": [ "Continental breakfasts feature fresh fruit, bagels and pastries, coffee, and juices. Impatience is anger aimed at lazy computers. Teams make observations. Execution is also important, and some innovations require a dedicated champion. Spores are produced by puffball mushrooms.", "• Puffins fly quickly.\n• Fair housing can be unfair to landlords.", "True brotherhood is pure friendship, a", "A dago is an inhabitant" ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "h2", "h3", "list" ], "text": [ "Solecism is an error in combining parts of speech contrary to the rules of grammar. Filer can also find duplicate files. Doctors take oath to serve humanity including their enemies. All proteins are chains of smaller molecules, called amino acids. Emphasis is on conditioning, technique, discipline, attitude and self-defense.", "Approximation algorithms for", "Geographers know where they are going.", "• Some people like to sing melodies.\n• Horses require regular foot care.\n• Dance is available as a major, minor or equal subject." ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "list", "h1", "para" ], "text": [ "Analysts warn against", "• Bacterial wilt is carried by the cucumber beetle .\n• Lasers create the high-current electron beam.\n• Gas burns at a lower temperature than oil, and gas\n boilers come in a variety of designs.", "Wind power depends", "Incorrect placement can make a plant inefficient. Computers are the fastest-growing electricity load in the business world. Most green algae are aquatic. Heat is absorbed by the air instead of being transferred to output, and efficiency falls. Cyclone sustains wind. Human brains have components for communicating" ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "h1", "h3", "para" ], "text": [ "• Most mites adapt to environments.\n• Females typically have two to three litters per year.\n• Some women munch every two to three hours to relieve nausea.\n• All building materials expand and contract.", "Blocks can work, but usually", "Seawater contains excess salts, some of which", "Valleys are located in mountainous regions. Businesses do well on the Internet for the same reasons they are successful in the real world. Most construction is masonry. Some people can become quite ill from herpes infections." ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "h1", "h3", "para" ], "text": [ "• Geothermal power appears to be relatively small.\n• All rapists have the potential to be violent.", "Modern reproductive", "Most cats tolerate the drug well.", "Financial loss is loss. Generation is production. Most butterflies has-part organs. Nectar produces flowers. Advantage isa asset." ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "list", "h2", "h1" ], "text": [ "Children are extremely sensitive to adult attitudes about winning and losing. Blue type is used to call out and annotate important parts of the code. Lavender is best for relaxing and can be beneficial for people of all ages and skin types. Article includes a list of resources at end, too. Clients submit personal information describing their", "• Brazil is the worlds second biggest exporter of\n soyabeans.\n• Expensive fabric can double that cost.\n• Animals get food by trees - also part of the\n environment.\n• Higher values produce more reverb.", "Flagstones make up the", "Infection is a" ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "h2", "h3", "para" ], "text": [ "• Generics cost less than brands.\n• Computer manufacturers are smart people.\n• Exercise is a wonderful stress alleviator.\n• Desertification is of great concern in many parts of the world, yet people\n struggle to define it.", "Orangutans are opportunistic foragers", "Some geckos experience severe breathe", "Artists become very energetic when music is added. Fear is the main one. Hydration is the key to removal of toxins from the cells, and transporting nutrients into the cells. Potassium protects plants against stresses." ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "list", "para", "h2" ], "text": [ "Eliminations occur", "• Constant vigilance is what is necessary.\n• Consumers can now choose the best product values\n from companies anywhere in the world.", "Triangles represent nonpregnant females and crosses pregnant females. Circumstantial evidence is fairly damaging. Betas come from Southeast Asia. Most exploitation drives economic growth. Some ants are workers, whereas others are slackers. Home has pool and home office, gas fireplace. All animals have adaptations that fit their", "Heat helps wounds heal." ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "para", "list", "h1" ], "text": [ "Faults are zones of weakness in the", "Most dietary habits promote health. Adults are nocturnal and like to clump together in daytime retreats. Most rats eat waste. Water is required for germination of all spore types. Many people change their names during the course of their careers.", "• Education is a part of traditional Polynesian culture.\n• Windstorms rise very quickly and can blow unabated for a day or more.\n• Locusts destroy grain.", "Sex organs are visible." ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "h1", "list", "para" ], "text": [ "German guards begin to", "Auto loans make up", "• Avoidance is the best treatment.\n• Many busses frequent the roads and villages of the\n island.", "Local anesthetic is injected into skin overlying the spleen then into deeper tissues. A green gentian is a herb Free speech is a good thing. Fog is a bit of an annoying problem with the game. Cyclists meet in Florence before continuing to North Myrtle Beach. Some birds migrate southeast from breeding range to" ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "h3", "list", "para" ], "text": [ "Detailed information is available on", "Double cloves are rare.", "• Most conditions are caused by events.\n• Common reed is suppressed where it is grazed regularly by livestock .", "Every fifth line is bold for easy reading. Many children remain, on average, four to six years without permanent homes. Additional pizzas are also available at a nominal charge. Heat is dedicated to serving the freshest fish possible. Breakfast is served fresh off the grill in the kitchen." ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "h3", "list", "para" ], "text": [ "Crossword puzzles with", "Cessation isa occurrence.", "• Cooking is sensual, artistic, and gratifyingly\n violent.\n• Animals have a limited supply of energy, so they\n have to choose how it is allocated.", "Some carvings depict real animals instead of imaginary ones. Eligibility is limited to African-American students. Exercise helps reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Some radiators are used to cool things, such as a car engine. Home schooling does require dedication. Synchronicities often have a symbolic quality that they" ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "h3", "list", "h2" ], "text": [ "Cores contain chemicals. Fir woods are rich in squirrels. Intranets help to reduce or remove organisation barriers and boundaries. Artists have (part) body substances. Moisture is a breeding ground for dust mites and mold.", "Domestic turkeys have a reputation of being", "• Sexual motivation is a possibility in any killing.\n• Breakfast is rich continental.\n• New molds grow naturally in basements and other chronically damp areas\n such as bathrooms.\n• Color varies greatly, from all black in Florida to silver gray with a white belly", "People encounter pigs." ] }
{ "role": [ "h3", "para", "list", "h1" ], "text": [ "Color film is sensitized in three layers to red,", "Melons are fruit. Formal training is desirable and highly recommended for advancement in the child care profession. Forage is scarce at most campsites in the Southwest's back country. Several neuroblasts produce a mixed lineage, first producing glia and then", "• History demonstrates that responsibility for the debt lies with lenders as well\n as borrowers.\n• Aphids feed on young shoots, stems, undersurfaces of leaves, buds and\n flowers.", "Effective remedies are as near" ] }
{ "role": [ "h3", "list", "h1", "para" ], "text": [ "Hysteria is linked to imbalances of both, vata", "• Ethnic problems lead to violence.\n• Most air comes into lungs.", "Efficient sprinklers throw large", "Attendance is mandatory in lectures. Capital punishment fails in all areas of necessity, deterrence and justification. Cockroaches also have hard shells, and are invulnerable to poison. All broadcasts are the same day as the game unless noted otherwise. Deeper symptoms exist which are harder to detect but which are every bit as real" ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "para", "h3", "list" ], "text": [ "Different ligands can", "Browsers can be text-based or graphical. Most meerkats have long thin tails. Humans seem driven to explain phenomena. Most energy comes from matter. Counselors recieve a salary, room and board, and travel reimbursement. Attacks are painful and can last for hours. Gifted people ask provocative, speculative, and", "Terrorists are humans.", "• Some spines inflict injuries.\n• Children learn important social skills by\n interacting with others in well-supervised\n activities.\n• Expression is through values." ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "para", "h1", "h2" ], "text": [ "• Enrollment Requesting onsite training is easy.\n• Herb gardens are fun and easy to grow.\n• Good critiques contain praise along with the criticism.", "Females tend to live in groups, but the males fight when confined together. Erotic cunts orgasm anal sex site. Individuals have hair follicles. Some diseases lead to blindness. Animals use sexual reproduction.", "State capital is capital cities.", "Calves become veal." ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "h3", "h2", "para" ], "text": [ "• Countries can also get their independence peacefully , like Canada and\n Norway did .\n• Pot tends to put a person in a stupor and affects a person's thought process.", "Double crochet is used in the same manner as", "Course is limited to students who", "Mites require honey bees to survive. Good writing is often dumb and embarrassing. Energy resource leases on federal lands. Hitchhikers have (part) nuclei. Birds are host to diverse mites." ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "h2", "h3", "list" ], "text": [ "Contact lenses create effects. Diaries contain a description of daily events. Companies are have a company name and number. Stalactites hang from the ceiling. Some experts argue that more radical changes are needed to end the shortage of organs. Guerezas have (part) cell membranes. Homework is very important to online counseling.", "Propane gas is produced", "Venom has severe reaction.", "• Intimacy is about sharing each moment.\n• Some cholera outbreaks provide evidence.\n• American students have a long summer vacation." ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "list", "h1", "h2" ], "text": [ "Many insects also ingest flesh products as larva, then live on plant matter once they mature. Smelters are plants. Trees are deciduous. Some rhinos eat short grass.", "• Enterprise Zones provide tax exemptions for both real and personal property.\n• Shock chlorination is a way to protect a private well from coliform, iron, and\n sulfur bacteria.\n• Identification badges are to be worn while in the school building.", "Bats enter zones.", "Some identical twins have status." ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "h3", "h2", "para" ], "text": [ "• Some deer eat cedar.\n• Stalls are obstructions.", "Hands speak worlds about", "Medical breakthroughs", "Foods can change the actual composition of the breast and make breasts more resistant to cancer. Business incubators create successful companies and reduce the risk of investment. Dogs can perform a valuable service in helping schools to rid themselves of drugs and explosives. Bacteria can grow at low temperatures, actually becoming heat-resistant." ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "h1", "h3", "para" ], "text": [ "• Form is taken, and the spheroidal shape of all existence originates.\n• Articles contain many pointers to similar and related material.", "FOOD WEBS show how many", "Bassoons are musical instruments.", "Books are nicely organized, and sofa chairs and reading tables line the aisles and walls. Accreditation assures high standards in the master' s program. Some bonobos reach maturity. Computer based testing is available throughout the year." ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "list", "para", "h3" ], "text": [ "Examples are, parts", "• People assist in procedures.\n• Some European captives ask for simplified\n regulation.", "Artists provide own transportation. Mothers go hungry at night so their children can eat. Business proposals are welcome. Goshen college is primarily a teaching institution. Mallards migrate to latitudes. Chances are they are still in high school, because they had lame goatees and their hats on backward. Birds lack teeth.", "Addiction is rare in children but" ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "h3", "list", "h2" ], "text": [ "Asexual reproduction is very common. Crime prevention is about people working together. Cocoa powder is powder. Natural rubbers have many of the charac-teristics required in an effective seal. Bibliographies are a good place to begin.", "Expansion joints absorb thermal expansion or", "• Some infection causes livers.\n• Full statistics reporting for the extra pages is provided.\n• Discovery is commonplace.", "A mulatto is a mixed-blood" ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "h2", "para", "list" ], "text": [ "Diversity is our richest", "Water hickory is found in swamps", "All ages are welcome to be involved. Brand marketing is based on owning a position in the mind of the consumer. Coordination is carried out through the national and district level planning process. Humanity actually has two reputations. Annuities can accept either qualified or non-qualified contributions.", "• Most blood contains oxygen.\n• Consultation is available from various faculty members." ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "h3", "list", "para" ], "text": [ "Crime can destroy a", "Trends affect stability.", "• Birth is the beginning of it all, ground zero, the\n moment from which the clock starts ticking.\n• Most action research is qualitative.\n• Eagles love to eat salmon.\n• Engineers believe the rover eventually failed,\n because of mechanical problems or a loss of power.", "Falls are the leading cause of injury-related hospitalization among children and youth. Gold is yellow. Some endoskeletons are made of bones. Algas produce toxic compounds. Most books have some of both. Anxiety is also common. Many animals can learn a behaviour or acquire a" ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "para", "h2", "list" ], "text": [ "Bears generally stand on their", "A cardinal number is a number Geometry is important in other branches of mathematics. Cryptography is an international science. Fuel consumption is calculated during race timing. Causes are unknown .", "Scientists say a dog's mouth is", "• Some beaks help food.\n• Guys tend to be really dumb about that stuff.\n• Architecture ranges from Georgian brick buildings on the main quadrangle to\n modern structures." ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "list", "h2", "para" ], "text": [ "Cash is handy for", "• Sex is important in speciation theory because it\n bestows cohesiveness on populations.\n• College is so freakin' cool.", "Cats become pets.", "Access is so simple and straightforward all over campus. Potatoes are in various stages of maturity depending on the variety planted. Alcohol increases degradation and excretion. Most estrone is formed in peripheral tissue from androgens secreted by ad. Turbidity currents are submarine avalanches." ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "h2", "list", "para" ], "text": [ "Redtails generally", "Ghost proves to be a", "• Cooper sees no distraction in the making.\n• Some modern wheelchairs are battery operated.\n• Fairness is impartiality.\n• All campuses are unique.", "Firs are less resistant than pines to many insect and diseases as well as wildfire. Class has nothing to do with money or position. Hours also vary for service areas and the branch libraries. Duties consist of answering the phone, assisting clients who come in, and light office work. Many men notice a decrease in their libido." ] }
{ "role": [ "h3", "list", "para", "h1" ], "text": [ "Electrodes placed on the head", "• Computers connected to the internet automatically\n call home.\n• A stratigraphy is a geology\n• Some pigs treat with growth hormones.", "Brown pelicans are dark and bulky. Crakes are found throughout the world. Diners add bean sprouts, Asian mint, hoisin sauce, and hot red-pepper sauce. Boxers are capable of punch. Wives may have trouble. Clients can also request training for their buyers. Castles topple on their warders' heads.", "A business suit is a" ] }
{ "role": [ "h3", "list", "para", "h2" ], "text": [ "Some bulls fight to death.", "• Decoys are usually preset.\n• Ceramics are a class of materials which exhibit a\n wide range of potentially useful properties.", "Motorboats have (part) poppets. Education is the key to continued economic growth and development in Mississippi. Many herbs lose much of their original scent when dried. Problems are caused by black mold. Breakers are at six feet and rising. Most common infections are viral and bacterial.", "Enrollment is by" ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "h2", "para", "h3" ], "text": [ "• Motorbikes have (part) suspension systems.\n• Refined sugar is white.", "Justice is public,", "Some engineers obtain graduate degrees in engineering to improve their advancement opportunities. Acolytes process with candles. Artist Profiles Check out our latest profiles on talented commercial electronic musicians. Some hoofs are part of camels. Drop gnocchi a few at a time into boiling water and cook until they float to the surface.", "Some light is produced by fire." ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "h1", "list", "h3" ], "text": [ "Due diligence is a crucial risk control. Perch birds come into contact. Counties receive and certify petitions for countywide offices and ballot proposals. Some healthy people have a positive test. Chemotherapy is the main treatment for metastatic cancer. Natal teeth are teeth that are present when the infant is", "Piezoelectricity is", "• Canaries have (part) quill feathers.\n• Species vary in their normal retention of needles\n after cutting.\n• Pollen is light and is often carried considerable\n distances by the wind.\n• Drug use is at an all time high, and it's time that\n the failing policy is changed.", "Censorship is tyranny." ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "h2", "h3", "para" ], "text": [ "• Modern technology separates people and decreases\n human interaction.\n• Connectivity is provided through a\n telecommunication network.\n• Assistance is given the swine farmers in their\n breeding programs and in their herd bookkeeping.\n• Exports generally account for around one-fourth of", "Eaters require food.", "Chimpanzees have (part)", "Lead toxicity has neurologic, hematologic, endocrine, cardiovascular, and renal effects. Driver reports no one home and client reports driver never came. Hawksbills feed on both plants and animals. College sports are also prevalent in Arizona. Drives are journeys. Snow leopards are strong, graceful animals, with" ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "list", "h3", "h1" ], "text": [ "Neuroanatomy is the study of the brain. Floods sever main lines in Illinois, Missouri and Kansas, disrupting operations. Colors accepted are red, black, blue, or cream. Birthdays are a bad choice. Nitrogen containing plant compounds include amino acids, the building blocks of all proteins. Emotion is an essential ingredient.", "• Marriage is the incarnation of eros, the body of\n love.\n• Innovation is the order of the day.", "Code words are important.", "Abortion Think a li'l" ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "para", "h1", "h2" ], "text": [ "• Some moths have antennae that look like feathers.\n• Fertilizer is a production input that can easily\n increase the profit margin.\n• Academic achievement is an expectation of all\n sorority members.", "Glucocorticoids are hormones that aid in carbohydrate processing. Great men are true men, the men in whom nature has succeeded. Houses are buildings. Powdery mildew is composed of fungal patches and spores. Water stands for liquid or something cold.", "Books are due one", "Poisonous mushrooms" ] }
{ "role": [ "h3", "list", "h2", "para" ], "text": [ "Spontaneous diuresis indicates", "• Riders have (part) arms.\n• Survival leads to development.\n• Careful planning is a prerequisite for the effective\n implementation of technology into education.\n• Account is now in list.", "All components are", "Humans have one mouth and a limited number of genitals, which is probably just as well. All children can learn and want to learn. Sunlight penetrates shallow water. Earnest money is required to demonstrate buyer's seriousness to the seller. Most earth scientists are now familiar with computer generated images and image processing software." ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "list", "h3", "h2" ], "text": [ "Convict cichlids are native to the lakes and streams of Central America. All grades are final one week after tests and quizzes have been handed back. Contributions are by payroll deduction on a pre-tax basis. Clinch County is located in southeast Georgia, on the Florida border.", "• Colors blend very well and are safe for the eye\n area's .\n• Coaches are responsible for booking their own\n accommodations.", "Chaplains also have special", "Great writers write, then" ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "h1", "h3", "para" ], "text": [ "• Bath bombs are another high-profit item for crafters to sell, too.\n• Evaluations emphasize integration of knowledge.\n• Basic cost covers, materials, meals, and use of tools and patterns.\n• Some friends lick nipples.", "Most birds have large breast", "Inheritance permits a class to be defined in", "Attendance is required for all classes and all laboratories. Painting is a blind man's profession. Most african hedgehogs have loose skin. Committees can be valuable and productive if the process is controlled. Any individual school is eligible for an institutional membership." ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "h1", "h2", "para" ], "text": [ "• Sleepy teenagers are also more likely to have negative moods and behavior\n problems.\n• Attention is directed to poetry as a vehicle of personal expression and social\n commentary.\n• Most grains possess a small dislocation density.", "Most brown hares reach", "Customary approaches are still", "Concepts are the key ideas, restricted in scope to a certain topic. Most black willows have different fiber length. Bells come in a wide variety of forms. Additional expenses are the responsibility of the student. Much human behavior is developed through modeling." ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "h2", "h3", "para" ], "text": [ "• Admissions cover only about a third of the cost of\n the festival.\n• Individual planks can be very difficult to remove\n after they're set in place.\n• Curiosity is the most powerful tool a student can\n bring to our galleries.", "Cluster headaches start", "Many companies use", "Most perennial herbs have oval leaves. Poverty is a risk factor. Light is refracted by passing through a lens, water, or the atmosphere. Exit is tricky. Dopamine excites striatal neurons in the direct pathway. Additional nutrition is absorbed during the second" ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "list", "para", "h3" ], "text": [ "Commitments are good for up to five", "• Some people begin to use their abilities, time and resources to help others.\n• Finances result in the father working two jobs.\n• Chlorhexidine products are less harsh and are more commonly used.\n• Bees gather large quantities of nectar from the flowers.", "Conspiracy theories abound today. Spiders are beneficial because they eat many insects that themselves can be harmful to our gardens. Eat food helps meals. Fish emulsion is a good and inexpensive fertilizer high in nitrogen and", "Long trips provide options." ] }
{ "role": [ "h3", "h2", "list", "para" ], "text": [ "Emphasis is on current", "Heat is also due to", "• Many breeds have the same down colors.\n• Some frogs retain tails.", "Events provide on-site exposure of the company's logo, corporate colors, brand names and products. Current estimate is ten. Appropriate hats are available at the establishment. Wine is an important feature in Chinese culture. Financing is available, whether it be a saddle or a trailer. Answers are easy to find." ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "h2", "para", "h3" ], "text": [ "• Most many seabirds raise offspring.\n• Water takes places.", "Heavy emphasis is placed on", "Frogs have (part) chests. Batholiths are the largest of all igneous intrusions. Contagious diseases are communicable diseases. Digital photography is photography Final results are as follows, if memory serves correctly.", "Death is inevitable after a slow progressive" ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "list", "para", "h1" ], "text": [ "Rosebushes also grow", "• Homelessness is a necessary attribute of the\n Teacher.\n• Heart disease is recognized as the number one\n epidemic in American people.", "Dirty dishs are located in kitchens. Casbah recognizes the extraordinary difference that a landlord can make. Diphtheria is potentially fatal, and mortality increases with delay in diagnosis. Most ground beef is part of hamburgers. Most bellies are part of bodies. Poisoning is the fourth leading cause of death in", "Some obesity has" ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "h1", "h3", "list" ], "text": [ "Most birds possess balance. Water vapour enters the atmosphere and circulates with the air. Children are especially vulnerable to the sun's damaging rays and require special protection. Amazons can do many clever things by balancing magical skills with physical force. Classes are fun and relaxing yet invigorating.", "Fluorescent proteins", "Some black men rape white", "• Bees do the work of cross-pollinating our orchards\n and many crops.\n• Sexual harassment is a particular kind of\n discrimination based on sex.\n• Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and\n the mind." ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "para", "h2", "h3" ], "text": [ "• Children are quick to discover common ground in\n their interaction with peers.\n• Genetic susceptibility seems to be one of the major\n causes of asthma.\n• Aphids live and breed quite independently and can\n fly around.", "Most crustaceans are aquatic, either marine or freshwater. Entertainment is provided every night and there are many opportunities to dance the night away. Information is the process of converting data to knowledge. Transgendered people are very vulnerable to abuse. Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled", "Discovery becomes the", "Some events result from" ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "para", "h2", "list" ], "text": [ "Some taxa are also specialists", "Some companies sell products, other services, still others a combination of the two. Impunity threatens belief in a democratic society. Slugs typically eat tender fungi and leafy plants. Hearts have blood. Plant productivity increases availability.", "Retinas have (part) corpi.", "• Hookworms live in small intestines.\n• Copying is restricted because most codes and standards are copyrighted.\n• Browns make some nice reasonably priced dessert wines." ] }
{ "role": [ "h3", "h1", "para", "list" ], "text": [ "Spending refers to the way children decide to", "Handmade articles are unique", "Administrative regulations are in place. Bus service helps keep families together, and it helps keep small communities viable. Tannin is grudgingly water soluble. China is a likable and human character with foibles and assets.", "• Accommodations are by appointment only and on a space available basis.\n• Most irises grow in areas." ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "list", "h1", "h3" ], "text": [ "Corsets are great, they lock up all the fat. Mass media exerts a tremendous influence on American popular culture. Crowded seedlings become weak and spindly and are more susceptible to disease. Black lacquer is used to paint the outside and red lacquer to paint the inside of the box. Some editors read 'vile things'.", "• Antiquity is the key word here.\n• Construction work is anticipated within the next\n twelve months.\n• Geranium oil is extracted through steam\n distillation of stems and leaves of the geranium\n plant.", "Condition is VG,", "Females asexually pro- duce" ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "list", "para", "h2" ], "text": [ "Glasses frequently break or chip", "• Ignorance is the best student.\n• Commercial research focuses on the use of GMMs to produce drugs and other\n products.\n• Many chapters also hold monthly educational seminars as well as support\n group meetings.", "Defendant seeks to attribute any inadequacy in the record to the trial judge. Preservation is the upholding in existence what already is. Melon fly damage occurs when adult female flies lay their eggs into fruit and sometimes into stems. Some genetic factors associate with early atherosclerosis.", "Coasts are used for piratings." ] }
{ "role": [ "h3", "list", "para", "h2" ], "text": [ "Capital is part of columns.", "• Cast iron is iron made by the way described above\n in the article.\n• Cooper believes the future is now .", "Eye movements in reading and information processing. Education is a case in point. Homeworks are essential ingredients of the course. Satellites also help correct errors due to the curvature of the Earth. Ads are free for a limited period. Foreigners have no legal recourse in the legal system of their homelands.", "Advertising tries to make" ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "para", "list", "h3" ], "text": [ "Ice storms are known", "Brackets can enclose comments at the beginning of the file. Boots are moves. Fighting does involve a couple of very interesting elements. Government funding remains the operative principle of health care finance in our neighborhood. Every branch of medicine is full of possibilities.", "• Most homosexuals have a period in which they try\n really hard to be heterosexual.\n• Biotech companies understand that deals are their\n bread and butter.\n• Some plants make great house plants.", "Most high levels reduce" ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "h3", "para", "list" ], "text": [ "Home Page", "Companies have to adapt to", "Fishing is a favorite pastime, and some neat fishing can be done right off the dock. Employee meets deadlines with quality work. Dolphins frequently visit the area. All features have their price listed next to the feature when listing an item to sell. Individuals present websites to class and discuss. A gamesmanship is inequity", "• Brook trout require clean, clear, cold streams in\n order to thrive.\n• Eye color comes in shades of brown.\n• Gin is alcohol." ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "list", "para", "h1" ], "text": [ "Animals respond to", "• Lenticular galaxies are sort of a cross between\n ellipticals and spirals.\n• Cancer has characteristics.\n• Pathogens contain certain chemicals that are\n foreign to the body and are called antigens.", "Foreman hopes to line up at least three or four foreign bands for next year's event. Dynamic pages give the owner control of updating specials and close-outs. Baseball is a game in which the line between myth and reality is constantly blurred. Solar radiation includes, of course, visible light. Coverage includes daily newspapers, journals and", "Granite isa material." ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "list", "h3", "h1" ], "text": [ "Faculty can place library owned items on reserve via the online request form . Graduates also find employment with mining organisations involved in off-shore exploration. Cosmetology provides job openings all the time, everywhere. Androids can join as racial guild members .", "• Adjacent park is excellent for picnicking, strolling.\n• Pups have (part) corpi.\n• Angel wing jasmine have flowers.\n• Application kits are available by phone or online.", "Color coding allows easy identification, while", "Prostate cancer is the number" ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "para", "h1", "h3" ], "text": [ "• Applications are available at the front desk.\n• Sulfur is a soft, highly flammable mineral.\n• Astronomers use radio telescopes.\n• Huge explosions lead to discharge.", "Wild chimpanzees are diurnal primates, meaning they are primarily active in the daytime. Men have larger pores and oilier and thicker skin than women. Duties require judgement based on knowledge gained through experience. Computers are hard to come by at many schools, and much of the equipment is", "Most animals live out life.", "Classes define methods, attributes and features." ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "h3", "para", "list" ], "text": [ "Clover is bands.", "Alewives are the main forage", "An oracle is a diviner Frogs have a function, but humans have a destiny. Specialists take resources. Any future settlers can be farmers or city people. Form letters are okay, but please respond promptly to their requests. Agriculture is based on small family-owned farms. Hypochondriasis is distinguished by preoccupation with", "• H eat and more heat, with heavy record rainfalls\n early in the week in upper Iowa.\n• Timber is corrosive to metals." ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "para", "h3", "h1" ], "text": [ "• Flanks are tan, and the dark purple breast is\n bordered by a pair of vertical white and black\n bands.\n• Some fertilization produces sporophytes.", "Some plant parasites inhabit specific areas of roots while others are more general browsers. Feathers are also wrong. Community assistants program provides training and stipends to parents to serve as classroom aides. Gene therapy makes it possible to correct such defects in the function of cells. Cosmic space is pregnant with the possibility of other", "Most animals rely on lipids.", "Most individuals" ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "list", "h2", "h3" ], "text": [ "Creativity is the soul of printing. Many audits show comparative information between fiscal years. Landings are located in apartment buildings. Growth means deepening of character while extending and expanding the horizons of one's concern.", "• Child selects numerals from group of cutouts and places appropriately.\n• Big problems require bigger penalties.\n• Many migratory species tend to return to the same breeding grounds year\n after year.\n• All indicators are easy to apply and manipulate but can be viewed only one at", "Homonyms are words that sound", "Fathers cover up for their sons, and sons cover" ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "para", "h2", "list" ], "text": [ "Psychology is much larger than", "Somatic efferents supply a. smooth muscle cells. Some elastic structures connect shells. Black market is illegal trade in goods or money. Communication Increase public input and involvement. Effectiveness implies that the evaluation provides results in their most useful", "Handguns are small, easy to carry", "• Cherries are wood.\n• Balance is a key factor in feng shui.\n• Many congregations have no concept of care." ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "list", "h3", "para" ], "text": [ "Cartoons are part of", "• Flat bottoms are best, particularly for electric and\n smooth cooktops.\n• Triplets are three notes played in succession per\n beat.\n• Holism opens the door to religion.\n• Many babies have days of frequent crying.", "Faculty can check and update", "Some gametophytes look like flat leaves. Some birds use magnetic fields. Fertilization triggers the completion of meiosis and the female pronucleus is formed. Admission is free to the exhibits and opening reception. Corrosion begins in microscopic proportions. Economic development raises prices as well as incomes." ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "para", "h3", "list" ], "text": [ "Referees have (part) heads.", "Patients find treatments. Many species have just one chloroplast that covers nearly the whole space of the cell's interior. Collection occurs at the courthouse in Vista, California. Disposable diapers swell up, then fall apart in a thousand tiny pieces in the water.", "Dancing also can be an art.", "• Cataracts cause a film to cover the lens of the eye which then prevents light\n from entering the eye.\n• Cloves are used in cooking , whole or ground .\n• Clover mites are tiny spider mites about the size of a small pin head.\n• Cars dart in and out." ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "h3", "list", "para" ], "text": [ "Children go to hide.", "Climates impact health.", "• Awards can cover all or part of the costs.\n• Some handicapped people take more time for their\n actions to happen.\n• Some exemptions apply.\n• Dilatant fluids increase their viscosity with\n agitation.", "Hibernation isa condition. Diversity brings richness . Cisco is fastest growing company in the history of the computer industry. Vocal languages have to be natural for people's feeling. Good content is the best way to achieve that. Most email is sent unencrypted - anyone can read it. Free sites tolerate even obnoxious speech." ] }
{ "role": [ "h3", "h1", "list", "para" ], "text": [ "Harvest is the result of ongoing", "Agriculture refers to", "• Conduct is most complex in oligopoly markets.\n• Most distributions take a bell-shaped curve\n appearance, called a normal distribution.", "Every classroom has computer and network access either on a permanent basis or via mobile cart. Ants cause significant damage. Hydraulic pressure does all the work. Terms are part of sequences. Coyotes live in areas. Healthy vegetarian diets help weight. Light transmission is the amount of light let into the" ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "list", "para", "h3" ], "text": [ "Businesses can now shop for", "• Broadcasts are the same as for TV courses.\n• Pollution acts to decrease the number of available ecological niches, thus\n reducing biodiversity.", "Most hosts acquire symbionts during the larval stage or shortly after metamorphosis. Sandbar sharks lives in shallow coastal waters. Most eyes see flash light. Fridges have (part) field magnets.", "Beasts inhabit alpine environments." ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "para", "list", "h2" ], "text": [ "Military retirement is another", "Some carbon dioxide is produced by combustion. Iotas are letters. A ground effect is lift Plants are very sensitive to sulphur dioxide, fluorine compounds, smog etc. Many factors influence how well teens master the tasks of adolescence.", "• Good proofreaders have certain qualities in common.\n• Asteroids are eligible for naming when they have been numbered.", "Error term includes the effect of" ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "list", "h1", "h2" ], "text": [ "Course is offered on an as-requested basis. Some diabetics produce no insulin and have to inject insulin into themselves. Individual topics are also possible. Some ducks have ancestry. Night vision binoculars with built-in infrared illuminators for total darkness viewing. Some firms specialize in and look for large clients.", "• Seeds absorb water primarily through the\n micropyle.\n• Some albums show growth.\n• Gun control prevents women from defending\n themselves.\n• Some species are parasites of birds, reptiles and\n amphibians.", "Campers explore a", "Explanations are too the" ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "list", "h1", "h3" ], "text": [ "Inflammatory diseases cause damage. Fertilizer is any material that supplies one or more of the essential nutrients to plants. Most insects have mutation. Equipment is available in the office. All courses are available over summer. Competitors compete at their own risk. Sprinklers are the most reliable and effective fire", "• Acetate ion is the most abundant organic acid\n metabolite found in nature.\n• Experience includes planning and driving\n companies to successful outcomes.", "Some pulmonary", "Doxycycline hyclate" ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "h1", "list", "para" ], "text": [ "Guests are always welcome and", "Some owls make eggs.", "• Infrared films are susceptible to static markings at low relative humidity.\n• Every child needs a preschool.", "Campfires always cause problems. Beta particles have relatively small mass and are thus relatively fast. Turtles come to the sea grass bed to graze. Death has no sting. Arrays are similar, except that array index becomes part of key." ] }
{ "role": [ "h1", "h2", "para", "list" ], "text": [ "Vaporization is annihilation.", "Tourism creates jobs and helps", "Committees override denominational and theological biases. Many attorneys write columns for local papers and such. Efficiency refers ultimately to valuations. Educational institutions nominate candidates for the international business studies award.", "• Saliva contains sodium and some minerals.\n• Many features are difficult to find." ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "h2", "para", "h1" ], "text": [ "• Birthdays are happy time.\n• Boundary violation is more a process rather than a\n single event.\n• Church is on the northeast corner.\n• Dust can even obscure entire galaxies at visible\n wavelengths.", "Frequency is the number", "Anthrax is a very rare disease in the United Kingdom. Rats are various medium sized rodents . Adults watch for any conduct that falls short. Discernment is necessary. Materials possess sufficient strength. Emphasis is on bidding. Additional entries covering a range of veterinary science research are currently under development.", "Arthropods have a" ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "list", "h2", "h1" ], "text": [ "Most important species are round goby , monkey goby , toad goby , and grass goby . Human beings use animals for a wide variety of purposes, including research. Affected infants develop normally with proper treatment. Government is, after all, only men with power. Cultural activities are also abundant.", "• Innovation is also risky because it is so\n unpredictable.\n• Deeper skirts increase the water current loading on\n the boom.\n• A power hammer is a power tool", "Bureaucracy is an", "Food pairing" ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "h2", "list", "h1" ], "text": [ "A someone is a cause Cats can keep a rat population under control. Some killer whales have natural predators. A chic is elegance Equality is a myth. Clover has (part) sections. Tachometers have (part) sections. Darkness enhances solitude, canceling the distractions", "Honors suites in the", "• Breasts form that, after pregnancy, produce milk to\n feed the baby.\n• Events charge a fee, which covers the cost of\n snacks and a souvenir.", "Anniversaries are" ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "h1", "h3", "list" ], "text": [ "Developmental problems are particularly hard to assess. More blossoms mean more flavor for the jelly. Entries are alphabetical with many cross-references. Roots also grow out of the bud downwards into the soil. Full programme is now available. Some activities cause pollution. Applications range from optical supports to heat engine", "Streams are used for", "Microglia have phagocytic", "• Unilateral sanctions are a blunt instrument like\n using a hammer for brain surgery.\n• Consultation is available by telephone and on-site\n engagements.\n• Hippos also use subsonic vocalizations to\n communicate.\n• Some black tails have outer feathers." ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "list", "h2", "h1" ], "text": [ "All life depends on water. Assertiveness is a skill which is useful to everyone. Health records are equally important for all horses. Basement isa storey. Execution Rocks lie in New York's territorial waters.", "• Tigers catch prey.\n• Women are more vulnerable to knee problems than men are.", "Unsafe abortion remains a major", "Sediments are soil." ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "h3", "list", "h1" ], "text": [ "Genesis also features longer top tubes to improve handling and prevent endos. Burdock isa bush. Much importance is given to internationalisation with partner universities in our region. Illustrations nicely complement the lightness of the text. Criminals also respond to the law of demand.", "Electrical circuits are electrical", "• Camping is free on our grounds.\n• Emphasis is placed on a unified approach to\n problem solving.", "Most food consists" ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "h3", "list", "h1" ], "text": [ "Contemporary science is marked by the convergence of what used to be considered separate fields. Heart attacks claim millions of lives each year. . . Different people have different levels, and levels vary according to time of day. Panthers have (part) cell membranes.", "Good friends are always close at heart .", "• Barbecue has a perception as being an inexpensive comfort food.\n• Some behaviors result in reinforcement and, thus, are repeated.", "A water table is a formation" ] }
{ "role": [ "list", "h2", "h3", "para" ], "text": [ "• Theater tickets are tickets.\n• Chemical engineers working in conjuction with\n physicians can help develop the system as whole.", "Earthworms have", "A peace lily is a flower", "Some hounds eat rabbits. More Information Welcome to our . Neutrophil proteases ad the pathophysiology of chronic wounds. Attendance is required for all informatics fellows and master's degree students. Orcas have (part) cytoplasm. Bromine vapors are very toxic with inhalation." ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "list", "para", "h3" ], "text": [ "Some vitamin", "• Health food is a multi-billion dollar industry.\n• Bonds are loans.\n• Insect life explodes in numbers and diversity as\n soon as spring arrives.\n• Improvement is required for the employee to fully\n achieve expectations.", "All religions have rituals. Some browsers deal with errors better than others. Cats are located in family rooms. Cause of death is assigned to asphyxia, with no mention of smoke. Generative pedagogies challenge traditional educational systems, institutions and organizations. Christians make up the largest non-Muslim religious", "Countries still see networks as" ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "h1", "list", "h2" ], "text": [ "Food is absorbed in the liver, pancreas and cecum. Flea beetles make tiny holes in beet leaves, but healthy plants quickly outgrow the damage. Advertising is considered a service. Religious institutions play a role in government-run mentor and volunteer programs. Acid is produced by bacteria in the child's mouth. Mediation has a long and varied history in almost all", "Some cell death is", "• Electricity is produced as the rotors spin past the\n stationary wiring.\n• Dust Jackets for hard cover books are a little more\n complicated.\n• Funny props are great for putting people in fun.\n• Some birds share marsh.", "Fever develops in most," ] }
{ "role": [ "h2", "list", "para", "h1" ], "text": [ "Some apes thrive in ground.", "• British lawmakers reject claims that the move is a step on the road to cloning\n human beings.\n• Guides are available upon request.\n• Auditions take place during the first scheduled class to determine part\n distribution.", "Every decision regarding a particular diagnostic procedure incurs an opportunity cost. Job syndrome is a lifelong chronic condition. Homosexuals here are socially and politically invisible. Some clouds compose of ice crystal.", "Some energy becomes liquids." ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "h3", "h1", "list" ], "text": [ "Female cottontails are slightly heavier than males. Abuse is defined as excessive or inappropriate health care services. Economists know surprisingly little about the causes of economic growth. Current technology allows neuroscientists to collect massive amounts of data. Dance is a performance art form consisting of purposefully selected sequences of", "Roots produce lateral roots.", "Cable is the past.", "• Hens have heads.\n• Guitars are used for sound." ] }
{ "role": [ "para", "h2", "list", "h3" ], "text": [ "Complicity is the act of being an accomplice. Readers have (part) vacuoles. Evaluation is based upon a clearly defined portfolio of individual and team tasks. Neighbor kids break toys. Agglomerations consist of contiguous built-up residential areas. Forgiveness means to cease the blame or feel", "Every dog has a reason", "• Some barnacles live in locations.\n• Scented tea is made by mixing green tea with\n flower petals through an elaborate process.\n• Evidence shows theories.\n• Potters have (part) body substances.", "Children investigate structures" ] } exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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