.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _qalloc ; -- Begin function qalloc .p2align 2 _qalloc: ; @qalloc .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur w1, [x29, #-12] mov w0, #16 bl _alloc str x0, [sp, #8] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr x8, [x8] ldr x9, [sp, #8] str x8, [x9, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldur x9, [x29, #-8] str x8, [x9] ldur w0, [x29, #-12] bl _alloc ldr x9, [sp, #8] mov x8, x0 str x8, [x9] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_common.c_qalloc.c" .globl qalloc # -- Begin function qalloc .p2align 4, 0x90 .type qalloc,@function qalloc: # @qalloc .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movl %esi, -12(%rbp) movl $16, %edi callq alloc@PLT movq %rax, -24(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rcx movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, 8(%rax) movq -24(%rbp), %rcx movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, (%rax) movl -12(%rbp), %edi callq alloc@PLT movq -24(%rbp), %rcx movq %rax, (%rcx) addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size qalloc, .Lfunc_end0-qalloc .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym alloc
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _led_create_state ; -- Begin function led_create_state .p2align 2 _led_create_state: ; @led_create_state .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #80 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 stp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur x1, [x29, #-16] stur x2, [x29, #-24] stur w3, [x29, #-28] adrp x8, _M_LED@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _M_LED@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldr w1, [x8] adrp x8, _M_WAITOK@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _M_WAITOK@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] adrp x9, _M_ZERO@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _M_ZERO@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] orr w2, w8, w9 mov w0, #32 bl _malloc str x0, [sp, #24] adrp x0, _led_sx@GOTPAGE ldr x0, [x0, _led_sx@GOTPAGEOFF] str x0, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Spill bl _sx_xlock ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x0, [x29, #-24] ldr w1, [x8] bl _strdup ldr x8, [sp, #24] str w0, [x8, #28] adrp x8, _led_unit@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _led_unit@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x8] bl _alloc_unr ldr x8, [sp, #24] str w0, [x8, #24] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x9, [sp, #24] str x8, [x9, #8] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr x9, [sp, #24] str x8, [x9, #16] ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr w1, [x8, #24] adrp x8, _UID_ROOT@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _UID_ROOT@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w2, [x8] adrp x8, _GID_WHEEL@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _GID_WHEEL@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w3, [x8] ldur x6, [x29, #-24] adrp x0, _led_cdevsw@GOTPAGE ldr x0, [x0, _led_cdevsw@GOTPAGEOFF] mov w4, #384 adrp x5, l_.str@PAGE add x5, x5, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _make_dev mov x8, x0 ldr x0, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x9, [sp, #24] str x8, [x9] bl _sx_xunlock adrp x0, _led_mtx@GOTPAGE ldr x0, [x0, _led_mtx@GOTPAGEOFF] bl _mtx_lock ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldr x9, [x9] str x8, [x9] ldr x1, [sp, #24] adrp x8, _list@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _list@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w2, [x8] adrp x0, _led_list@GOTPAGE ldr x0, [x0, _led_list@GOTPAGEOFF] bl _LIST_INSERT_HEAD ldur w8, [x29, #-28] adds w8, w8, #1 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldr x0, [x9, #8] ldur w9, [x29, #-28] subs w9, w9, #0 cset w9, ne and w1, w9, #0x1 blr x8 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: adrp x0, _led_mtx@GOTPAGE ldr x0, [x0, _led_mtx@GOTPAGEOFF] bl _mtx_unlock ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x0, [x8] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #80 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _M_LED,4,2 ; @M_LED .comm _M_WAITOK,4,2 ; @M_WAITOK .comm _M_ZERO,4,2 ; @M_ZERO .comm _led_sx,4,2 ; @led_sx .comm _led_unit,4,2 ; @led_unit .comm _led_cdevsw,4,2 ; @led_cdevsw .comm _UID_ROOT,4,2 ; @UID_ROOT .comm _GID_WHEEL,4,2 ; @GID_WHEEL .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "led/%s" .comm _led_mtx,4,2 ; @led_mtx .comm _led_list,4,2 ; @led_list .comm _list,4,2 ; @list .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_led.c_led_create_state.c" .globl led_create_state # -- Begin function led_create_state .p2align 4, 0x90 .type led_create_state,@function led_create_state: # @led_create_state .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq %rdx, -24(%rbp) movl %ecx, -28(%rbp) movl M_LED(%rip), %esi movl M_WAITOK(%rip), %edx orl M_ZERO(%rip), %edx movl $32, %edi callq malloc@PLT movq %rax, -40(%rbp) leaq led_sx(%rip), %rdi callq sx_xlock@PLT movq -24(%rbp), %rdi movl M_LED(%rip), %esi callq strdup@PLT movl %eax, %ecx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 28(%rax) movl led_unit(%rip), %edi callq alloc_unr@PLT movl %eax, %ecx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 24(%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, 8(%rax) movq -8(%rbp), %rcx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, 16(%rax) movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl 24(%rax), %esi movl UID_ROOT(%rip), %edx movl GID_WHEEL(%rip), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rax leaq led_cdevsw(%rip), %rdi movl $384, %r8d # imm = 0x180 leaq .L.str(%rip), %r9 movq %rax, (%rsp) callq make_dev@PLT movq %rax, %rcx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, (%rax) leaq led_sx(%rip), %rdi callq sx_xunlock@PLT leaq led_mtx(%rip), %rdi callq mtx_lock@PLT movq -40(%rbp), %rcx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rcx, (%rax) movq -40(%rbp), %rsi movl list(%rip), %edx leaq led_list(%rip), %rdi callq LIST_INSERT_HEAD@PLT cmpl $-1, -28(%rbp) je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movq -40(%rbp), %rcx movq 8(%rcx), %rdi cmpl $0, -28(%rbp) setne %cl andb $1, %cl movzbl %cl, %esi callq *%rax .LBB0_2: leaq led_mtx(%rip), %rdi callq mtx_unlock@PLT movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size led_create_state, .Lfunc_end0-led_create_state .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type M_LED,@object # @M_LED .bss .globl M_LED .p2align 2 M_LED: .long 0 # 0x0 .size M_LED, 4 .type M_WAITOK,@object # @M_WAITOK .globl M_WAITOK .p2align 2 M_WAITOK: .long 0 # 0x0 .size M_WAITOK, 4 .type M_ZERO,@object # @M_ZERO .globl M_ZERO .p2align 2 M_ZERO: .long 0 # 0x0 .size M_ZERO, 4 .type led_sx,@object # @led_sx .globl led_sx .p2align 2 led_sx: .long 0 # 0x0 .size led_sx, 4 .type led_unit,@object # @led_unit .globl led_unit .p2align 2 led_unit: .long 0 # 0x0 .size led_unit, 4 .type led_cdevsw,@object # @led_cdevsw .globl led_cdevsw .p2align 2 led_cdevsw: .long 0 # 0x0 .size led_cdevsw, 4 .type UID_ROOT,@object # @UID_ROOT .globl UID_ROOT .p2align 2 UID_ROOT: .long 0 # 0x0 .size UID_ROOT, 4 .type GID_WHEEL,@object # @GID_WHEEL .globl GID_WHEEL .p2align 2 GID_WHEEL: .long 0 # 0x0 .size GID_WHEEL, 4 .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "led/%s" .size .L.str, 7 .type led_mtx,@object # @led_mtx .bss .globl led_mtx .p2align 2 led_mtx: .long 0 # 0x0 .size led_mtx, 4 .type led_list,@object # @led_list .globl led_list .p2align 2 led_list: .long 0 # 0x0 .size led_list, 4 .type list,@object # @list .globl list .p2align 2 list: .long 0 # 0x0 .size list, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym malloc .addrsig_sym sx_xlock .addrsig_sym strdup .addrsig_sym alloc_unr .addrsig_sym make_dev .addrsig_sym sx_xunlock .addrsig_sym mtx_lock .addrsig_sym LIST_INSERT_HEAD .addrsig_sym mtx_unlock .addrsig_sym M_LED .addrsig_sym M_WAITOK .addrsig_sym M_ZERO .addrsig_sym led_sx .addrsig_sym led_unit .addrsig_sym led_cdevsw .addrsig_sym UID_ROOT .addrsig_sym GID_WHEEL .addrsig_sym led_mtx .addrsig_sym led_list .addrsig_sym list
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function lcs_shutdown_device _lcs_shutdown_device: ; @lcs_shutdown_device .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #8] ldr x0, [sp, #8] mov w1, #0 bl ___lcs_shutdown_device ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _lcs_shutdown_device .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_lcs.c_lcs_shutdown_device.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function lcs_shutdown_device .type lcs_shutdown_device,@function lcs_shutdown_device: # @lcs_shutdown_device .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi xorl %esi, %esi callq __lcs_shutdown_device@PLT addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size lcs_shutdown_device, .Lfunc_end0-lcs_shutdown_device .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym lcs_shutdown_device .addrsig_sym __lcs_shutdown_device
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function marvell_nfc_disable_int _marvell_nfc_disable_int: ; @marvell_nfc_disable_int .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur w1, [x29, #-12] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr x8, [x8] adrp x9, _NDCR@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _NDCR@GOTPAGEOFF] str x9, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldr x9, [x9] add x0, x8, x9 bl _readl_relaxed ldr x9, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload str w0, [sp, #16] ldr w8, [sp, #16] ldur w10, [x29, #-12] orr w0, w8, w10 ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr x8, [x8] ldr x9, [x9] add x1, x8, x9 bl _writel_relaxed ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _NDCR,8,3 ; @NDCR .no_dead_strip _marvell_nfc_disable_int .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_marvell_nand.c_marvell_nfc_disable_int.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function marvell_nfc_disable_int .type marvell_nfc_disable_int,@function marvell_nfc_disable_int: # @marvell_nfc_disable_int .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movl %esi, -12(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rdi addq NDCR(%rip), %rdi callq readl_relaxed@PLT movl %eax, -16(%rbp) movl -16(%rbp), %edi orl -12(%rbp), %edi movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rsi addq NDCR(%rip), %rsi callq writel_relaxed@PLT addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size marvell_nfc_disable_int, .Lfunc_end0-marvell_nfc_disable_int .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type NDCR,@object # @NDCR .bss .globl NDCR .p2align 3 NDCR: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size NDCR, 8 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym marvell_nfc_disable_int .addrsig_sym readl_relaxed .addrsig_sym writel_relaxed .addrsig_sym NDCR
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function set_cert_cb _set_cert_cb: ; @set_cert_cb .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #80 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 stp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 adrp x8, _bio_err@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _bio_err@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Spill stur x0, [x29, #-16] stur x1, [x29, #-24] ldur x8, [x29, #-24] str x8, [sp, #24] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] bl _SSL_certs_clear ldr x8, [sp, #24] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: mov w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_21 LBB0_2: b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x8, [x8, #32] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x8, [x8, #32] str x8, [sp, #24] b LBB0_3 LBB0_5: stur wzr, [x29, #-28] b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #24] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_20 b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 ldur w8, [x29, #-28] add w8, w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-28] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr w1, [x8, #28] ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr w2, [x8, #24] ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x3, [x8, #8] bl _SSL_check_chain ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload str w0, [sp, #32] ldr w0, [x8] ldur w2, [x29, #-28] adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _BIO_printf ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #12] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr w0, [x8, #28] bl _X509_get_subject_name str w0, [sp, #8] ; 4-byte Folded Spill bl _get_nameopt ldr w1, [sp, #8] ; 4-byte Folded Reload mov x3, x0 ldr w0, [sp, #12] ; 4-byte Folded Reload mov w2, #0 bl _X509_NAME_print_ex ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w0, [x8] adrp x1, l_.str.1@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _BIO_puts ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldr w1, [sp, #32] bl _print_chain_flags ldr w8, [sp, #32] adrp x9, _CERT_PKEY_VALID@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _CERT_PKEY_VALID@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] ands w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_19 b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr w1, [x8, #28] bl _SSL_use_certificate subs w8, w0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_10 b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr w1, [x8, #24] bl _SSL_use_PrivateKey subs w8, w0, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_11 b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_21 LBB0_11: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x8, [x8, #16] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_15 b LBB0_12 LBB0_12: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 ldur x0, [x29, #-16] mov w1, #0 bl _SSL_build_cert_chain subs w8, w0, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_14 b LBB0_13 LBB0_13: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_21 LBB0_14: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 b LBB0_18 LBB0_15: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x8, [x8, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_17 b LBB0_16 LBB0_16: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x1, [x8, #8] bl _SSL_set1_chain b LBB0_17 LBB0_17: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 b LBB0_18 LBB0_18: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 b LBB0_19 LBB0_19: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp, #24] b LBB0_6 LBB0_20: mov w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_21 LBB0_21: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #80 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _bio_err,4,2 ; @bio_err .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "Checking cert chain %d:\nSubject: " l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "\n" .comm _CERT_PKEY_VALID,4,2 ; @CERT_PKEY_VALID .no_dead_strip _set_cert_cb .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_s_cb.c_set_cert_cb.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function set_cert_cb .type set_cert_cb,@function set_cert_cb: # @set_cert_cb .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq %rsi, -24(%rbp) movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -40(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq SSL_certs_clear@PLT cmpq $0, -40(%rbp) jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl $1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_21 .LBB0_2: jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_3: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movq -40(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 32(%rax) je .LBB0_5 # %bb.4: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 32(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -40(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_5: movl $0, -28(%rbp) .LBB0_6: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 cmpq $0, -40(%rbp) je .LBB0_20 # %bb.7: # in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 movl -28(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -28(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl 28(%rax), %esi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl 24(%rax), %edx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rcx callq SSL_check_chain@PLT movl %eax, -32(%rbp) movl bio_err(%rip), %edi movl -28(%rbp), %edx leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi callq BIO_printf@PLT movl bio_err(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -48(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl 28(%rax), %edi callq X509_get_subject_name@PLT movl %eax, -44(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movb $0, %al callq get_nameopt@PLT movl -48(%rbp), %edi # 4-byte Reload movl -44(%rbp), %esi # 4-byte Reload movl %eax, %ecx xorl %edx, %edx callq X509_NAME_print_ex@PLT movl bio_err(%rip), %edi leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rsi callq BIO_puts@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl -32(%rbp), %esi callq print_chain_flags@PLT movl -32(%rbp), %eax andl CERT_PKEY_VALID(%rip), %eax cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_19 # %bb.8: # in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl 28(%rax), %esi callq SSL_use_certificate@PLT cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_10 # %bb.9: # in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl 24(%rax), %esi callq SSL_use_PrivateKey@PLT cmpl $0, %eax jne .LBB0_11 .LBB0_10: movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_21 .LBB0_11: # in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 movq -40(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 16(%rax) je .LBB0_15 # %bb.12: # in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 movq -16(%rbp), %rdi xorl %esi, %esi callq SSL_build_cert_chain@PLT cmpl $0, %eax jne .LBB0_14 # %bb.13: movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_21 .LBB0_14: # in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_18 .LBB0_15: # in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 movq -40(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 8(%rax) je .LBB0_17 # %bb.16: # in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rsi callq SSL_set1_chain@PLT .LBB0_17: # in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_18 .LBB0_18: # in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_19 .LBB0_19: # in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=1 movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -40(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_6 .LBB0_20: movl $1, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_21: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size set_cert_cb, .Lfunc_end0-set_cert_cb .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type bio_err,@object # @bio_err .bss .globl bio_err .p2align 2 bio_err: .long 0 # 0x0 .size bio_err, 4 .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "Checking cert chain %d:\nSubject: " .size .L.str, 34 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .L.str.1: .asciz "\n" .size .L.str.1, 2 .type CERT_PKEY_VALID,@object # @CERT_PKEY_VALID .bss .globl CERT_PKEY_VALID .p2align 2 CERT_PKEY_VALID: .long 0 # 0x0 .size CERT_PKEY_VALID, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym set_cert_cb .addrsig_sym SSL_certs_clear .addrsig_sym SSL_check_chain .addrsig_sym BIO_printf .addrsig_sym X509_NAME_print_ex .addrsig_sym X509_get_subject_name .addrsig_sym get_nameopt .addrsig_sym BIO_puts .addrsig_sym print_chain_flags .addrsig_sym SSL_use_certificate .addrsig_sym SSL_use_PrivateKey .addrsig_sym SSL_build_cert_chain .addrsig_sym SSL_set1_chain .addrsig_sym bio_err .addrsig_sym CERT_PKEY_VALID
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function jme_drop_tx_map _jme_drop_tx_map: ; @jme_drop_tx_map .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur w1, [x29, #-12] stur w2, [x29, #-16] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr x8, [x8, #8] str x8, [sp, #24] ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp, #16] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #4] str wzr, [sp] b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp] ldur w9, [x29, #-16] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldur w9, [x29, #-12] ldr w10, [sp] add w9, w9, w10 add w9, w9, #2 ldr w10, [sp, #4] and w9, w9, w10 add x8, x8, w9, sxtw #4 str x8, [sp, #8] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w0, [x8, #4] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x1, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x2, [x8] adrp x8, _PCI_DMA_TODEVICE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _PCI_DMA_TODEVICE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w3, [x8] bl _pci_unmap_page ldr x8, [sp, #8] str xzr, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] str xzr, [x8] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp] b LBB0_1 LBB0_4: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _PCI_DMA_TODEVICE,4,2 ; @PCI_DMA_TODEVICE .no_dead_strip _jme_drop_tx_map .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_jme.c_jme_drop_tx_map.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function jme_drop_tx_map .type jme_drop_tx_map,@function jme_drop_tx_map: # @jme_drop_tx_map .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movl %esi, -12(%rbp) movl %edx, -16(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -24(%rbp) movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax movl %eax, -44(%rbp) movl $0, -48(%rbp) .LBB0_1: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movl -48(%rbp), %eax cmpl -16(%rbp), %eax jge .LBB0_4 # %bb.2: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl -12(%rbp), %ecx addl -48(%rbp), %ecx addl $2, %ecx andl -44(%rbp), %ecx movslq %ecx, %rcx shlq $4, %rcx addq %rcx, %rax movq %rax, -40(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl 4(%rax), %edi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rsi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rdx movl PCI_DMA_TODEVICE(%rip), %ecx callq pci_unmap_page@PLT movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq $0, 8(%rax) movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq $0, (%rax) # %bb.3: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl -48(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -48(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_1 .LBB0_4: addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size jme_drop_tx_map, .Lfunc_end0-jme_drop_tx_map .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type PCI_DMA_TODEVICE,@object # @PCI_DMA_TODEVICE .bss .globl PCI_DMA_TODEVICE .p2align 2 PCI_DMA_TODEVICE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size PCI_DMA_TODEVICE, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym jme_drop_tx_map .addrsig_sym pci_unmap_page .addrsig_sym PCI_DMA_TODEVICE
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function tlsv1_set_key _tlsv1_set_key: ; @tlsv1_set_key .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-16] str x1, [sp, #24] str x2, [sp, #16] str x3, [sp, #8] ldr x0, [sp, #24] ldr x1, [sp, #16] ldr x2, [sp, #8] bl _crypto_private_key_import ldur x8, [x29, #-16] str x0, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x0, [sp, #24] ldr x1, [sp, #16] bl _tlsv1_set_key_pem ldur x8, [x29, #-16] str x0, [x8] b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldr x0, [sp, #24] ldr x1, [sp, #16] ldr x2, [sp, #8] bl _tlsv1_set_key_enc_pem ldur x8, [x29, #-16] str x0, [x8] b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: adrp x8, _MSG_INFO@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _MSG_INFO@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x8] adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _wpa_printf mov w8, #-1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_7 LBB0_6: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _MSG_INFO,4,2 ; @MSG_INFO .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "TLSv1: Failed to parse private key" .no_dead_strip _tlsv1_set_key .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_tlsv1_cred.c_tlsv1_set_key.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function tlsv1_set_key .type tlsv1_set_key,@function tlsv1_set_key: # @tlsv1_set_key .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq %rsi, -24(%rbp) movq %rdx, -32(%rbp) movq %rcx, -40(%rbp) movq -24(%rbp), %rdi movq -32(%rbp), %rsi movq -40(%rbp), %rdx callq crypto_private_key_import@PLT movq %rax, %rcx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, (%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, (%rax) jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movq -24(%rbp), %rdi movq -32(%rbp), %rsi callq tlsv1_set_key_pem@PLT movq %rax, %rcx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, (%rax) .LBB0_2: movq -16(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, (%rax) jne .LBB0_4 # %bb.3: movq -24(%rbp), %rdi movq -32(%rbp), %rsi movq -40(%rbp), %rdx callq tlsv1_set_key_enc_pem@PLT movq %rax, %rcx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, (%rax) .LBB0_4: movq -16(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, (%rax) jne .LBB0_6 # %bb.5: movl MSG_INFO(%rip), %edi leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi callq wpa_printf@PLT movl $-1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_6: movl $0, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_7: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size tlsv1_set_key, .Lfunc_end0-tlsv1_set_key .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type MSG_INFO,@object # @MSG_INFO .bss .globl MSG_INFO .p2align 2 MSG_INFO: .long 0 # 0x0 .size MSG_INFO, 4 .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "TLSv1: Failed to parse private key" .size .L.str, 35 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym tlsv1_set_key .addrsig_sym crypto_private_key_import .addrsig_sym tlsv1_set_key_pem .addrsig_sym tlsv1_set_key_enc_pem .addrsig_sym wpa_printf .addrsig_sym MSG_INFO
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function TIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedLong _TIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedLong: ; @TIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedLong .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur x1, [x29, #-16] str x2, [sp, #24] str w3, [sp, #20] str w4, [sp, #16] mov w0, #1 bl _assert ldr w8, [sp, #16] str w8, [sp, #12] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w8, [x8] adrp x9, _TIFF_SWAB@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _TIFF_SWAB@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] ands w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: add x0, sp, #12 bl _TIFFSwabLong b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldur x1, [x29, #-16] ldr x2, [sp, #24] ldr w3, [sp, #20] adrp x8, _TIFF_LONG@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _TIFF_LONG@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w4, [x8] mov w5, #1 mov w6, #4 add x7, sp, #12 bl _TIFFWriteDirectoryTagData ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _TIFF_SWAB,4,2 ; @TIFF_SWAB .comm _TIFF_LONG,4,2 ; @TIFF_LONG .no_dead_strip _TIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedLong .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_tif_dirwrite.c_TIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedLong.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function TIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedLong .type TIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedLong,@function TIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedLong: # @TIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedLong .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $64, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq %rdx, -24(%rbp) movl %ecx, -28(%rbp) movl %r8d, -32(%rbp) movl $1, %edi callq assert@PLT movl -32(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -36(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax andl TIFF_SWAB(%rip), %eax cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: leaq -36(%rbp), %rdi callq TIFFSwabLong@PLT .LBB0_2: movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rsi movq -24(%rbp), %rdx movl -28(%rbp), %ecx movl TIFF_LONG(%rip), %r8d movl $1, %r9d leaq -36(%rbp), %rax movl $4, (%rsp) movq %rax, 8(%rsp) callq TIFFWriteDirectoryTagData@PLT addq $64, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size TIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedLong, .Lfunc_end0-TIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedLong .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type TIFF_SWAB,@object # @TIFF_SWAB .bss .globl TIFF_SWAB .p2align 2 TIFF_SWAB: .long 0 # 0x0 .size TIFF_SWAB, 4 .type TIFF_LONG,@object # @TIFF_LONG .globl TIFF_LONG .p2align 2 TIFF_LONG: .long 0 # 0x0 .size TIFF_LONG, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym TIFFWriteDirectoryTagCheckedLong .addrsig_sym assert .addrsig_sym TIFFSwabLong .addrsig_sym TIFFWriteDirectoryTagData .addrsig_sym TIFF_SWAB .addrsig_sym TIFF_LONG
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _X509_CRL_up_ref ; -- Begin function X509_CRL_up_ref .p2align 2 _X509_CRL_up_ref: ; @X509_CRL_up_ref .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x9, [sp, #16] ldr w2, [x9] add x0, x8, #4 add x1, sp, #12 bl _CRYPTO_UP_REF subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, gt tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_3 LBB0_2: ldr x1, [sp, #16] adrp x0, l_.str@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _REF_PRINT_COUNT ldr w8, [sp, #12] subs w8, w8, #2 cset w8, lt and w0, w8, #0x1 bl _REF_ASSERT_ISNT ldr w8, [sp, #12] subs w8, w8, #1 cset w8, gt and w9, w8, #0x1 mov w8, #0 ands w9, w9, #0x1 csinc w8, w8, wzr, eq stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "X509_CRL" .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_x509cset.c_X509_CRL_up_ref.c" .globl X509_CRL_up_ref # -- Begin function X509_CRL_up_ref .p2align 4, 0x90 .type X509_CRL_up_ref,@function X509_CRL_up_ref: # @X509_CRL_up_ref .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi addq $4, %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edx leaq -20(%rbp), %rsi callq CRYPTO_UP_REF@PLT cmpq $0, %rax jg .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movq -16(%rbp), %rsi leaq .L.str(%rip), %rdi callq REF_PRINT_COUNT@PLT cmpl $2, -20(%rbp) setl %al andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %edi callq REF_ASSERT_ISNT@PLT movl -20(%rbp), %edx xorl %eax, %eax movl $1, %ecx cmpl $1, %edx cmovgl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_3: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size X509_CRL_up_ref, .Lfunc_end0-X509_CRL_up_ref .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "X509_CRL" .size .L.str, 9 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym CRYPTO_UP_REF .addrsig_sym REF_PRINT_COUNT .addrsig_sym REF_ASSERT_ISNT
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _ldns_sha1_final ; -- Begin function ldns_sha1_final .p2align 2 _ldns_sha1_final: ; @ldns_sha1_final .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 adrp x8, ___stack_chk_guard@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, ___stack_chk_guard@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-8] str x0, [sp, #24] str x1, [sp, #16] str wzr, [sp, #12] b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #12] subs w8, w8, #8 cset w8, hs tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w8, [x8] ldr w10, [sp, #12] mov w9, #7 and w10, w10, #0x7 subs w9, w9, w10 lsl w9, w9, #3 asr w8, w8, w9 and w8, w8, #0xff ldr w9, [sp, #12] mov x10, x9 sub x9, x29, #16 strb w8, [x9, x10] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #12] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #12] b LBB0_1 LBB0_4: ldr x0, [sp, #16] adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF mov w2, #1 bl _ldns_sha1_update b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w8, [x8] and w8, w8, #0x1f8 subs w8, w8, #448 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_7 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=1 ldr x0, [sp, #16] adrp x1, l_.str.1@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF mov w2, #1 bl _ldns_sha1_update b LBB0_5 LBB0_7: ldr x0, [sp, #16] sub x1, x29, #16 mov w2, #8 bl _ldns_sha1_update ldr x8, [sp, #24] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_13 b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: str wzr, [sp, #12] b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #12] adrp x9, _LDNS_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _LDNS_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, hs tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_12 b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_9 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w9, [sp, #12] lsr w9, w9, #2 ldr w8, [x8, w9, uxtw #2] ldr w10, [sp, #12] mov w9, #3 and w10, w10, #0x3 subs w9, w9, w10 lsl w9, w9, #3 asr w8, w8, w9 and w8, w8, #0xff ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldr w10, [sp, #12] ; kill: def $x10 killed $w10 strb w8, [x9, x10] b LBB0_11 LBB0_11: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_9 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #12] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #12] b LBB0_9 LBB0_12: b LBB0_13 LBB0_13: ldur x9, [x29, #-8] adrp x8, ___stack_chk_guard@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, ___stack_chk_guard@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_15 b LBB0_14 LBB0_14: bl ___stack_chk_fail LBB0_15: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _LDNS_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH,4,2 ; @LDNS_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "\200" .section __TEXT,__const l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .space 2 .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_sha1.c_ldns_sha1_final.c" .globl ldns_sha1_final # -- Begin function ldns_sha1_final .p2align 4, 0x90 .type ldns_sha1_final,@function ldns_sha1_final: # @ldns_sha1_final .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movl $0, -20(%rbp) .LBB0_1: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 cmpl $8, -20(%rbp) jae .LBB0_4 # %bb.2: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax movl -20(%rbp), %edx andl $7, %edx movl $7, %ecx subl %edx, %ecx shll $3, %ecx # kill: def $cl killed $ecx sarl %cl, %eax andl $255, %eax movb %al, %cl movl -20(%rbp), %eax # kill: def $rax killed $eax movb %cl, -28(%rbp,%rax) # %bb.3: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl -20(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -20(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_1 .LBB0_4: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi movl $1, %edx callq ldns_sha1_update@PLT .LBB0_5: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax andl $504, %eax # imm = 0x1F8 cmpl $448, %eax # imm = 0x1C0 je .LBB0_7 # %bb.6: # in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=1 movq -16(%rbp), %rdi leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rsi movl $1, %edx callq ldns_sha1_update@PLT jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_7: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi leaq -28(%rbp), %rsi movl $8, %edx callq ldns_sha1_update@PLT cmpq $0, -8(%rbp) je .LBB0_13 # %bb.8: movl $0, -20(%rbp) .LBB0_9: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movl -20(%rbp), %eax cmpl LDNS_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH(%rip), %eax jae .LBB0_12 # %bb.10: # in Loop: Header=BB0_9 Depth=1 movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl -20(%rbp), %ecx shrl $2, %ecx movl %ecx, %ecx # kill: def $rcx killed $ecx movl (%rax,%rcx,4), %eax movl -20(%rbp), %edx andl $3, %edx movl $3, %ecx subl %edx, %ecx shll $3, %ecx # kill: def $cl killed $ecx sarl %cl, %eax andl $255, %eax movb %al, %dl movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl -20(%rbp), %ecx # kill: def $rcx killed $ecx movb %dl, (%rax,%rcx) # %bb.11: # in Loop: Header=BB0_9 Depth=1 movl -20(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -20(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_9 .LBB0_12: jmp .LBB0_13 .LBB0_13: addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size ldns_sha1_final, .Lfunc_end0-ldns_sha1_final .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type LDNS_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH,@object # @LDNS_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH .bss .globl LDNS_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH .p2align 2 LDNS_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH: .long 0 # 0x0 .size LDNS_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH, 4 .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "\200" .size .L.str, 2 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .section .rodata,"a",@progbits .L.str.1: .zero 2 .size .L.str.1, 2 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym ldns_sha1_update .addrsig_sym LDNS_SHA1_DIGEST_LENGTH
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function test_cmp_boolean _test_cmp_boolean: ; @test_cmp_boolean .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 str x0, [sp, #8] str x1, [sp] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr w8, [x8] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne and w8, w8, #0x1 ldr x9, [sp] ldr w9, [x9] subs w9, w9, #0 cset w9, ne and w9, w9, #0x1 subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ne and w0, w8, #0x1 add sp, sp, #16 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _test_cmp_boolean .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_check-der.c_test_cmp_boolean.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function test_cmp_boolean .type test_cmp_boolean,@function test_cmp_boolean: # @test_cmp_boolean .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax cmpl $0, (%rax) setne %al xorb $-1, %al xorb $-1, %al andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx cmpl $0, (%rcx) setne %cl xorb $-1, %cl xorb $-1, %cl andb $1, %cl movzbl %cl, %ecx cmpl %ecx, %eax setne %al andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %eax popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size test_cmp_boolean, .Lfunc_end0-test_cmp_boolean .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym test_cmp_boolean
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _fst_global_del_ctrl ; -- Begin function fst_global_del_ctrl .p2align 2 _fst_global_del_ctrl: ; @fst_global_del_ctrl .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] add x0, x8, #8 bl _dl_list_del ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [x8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [x8] blr x8 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldr x0, [sp, #8] bl _os_free ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_fst.c_fst_global_del_ctrl.c" .globl fst_global_del_ctrl # -- Begin function fst_global_del_ctrl .p2align 4, 0x90 .type fst_global_del_ctrl,@function fst_global_del_ctrl: # @fst_global_del_ctrl .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi addq $8, %rdi callq dl_list_del@PLT movq -8(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, (%rax) je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movq -8(%rbp), %rcx movb $0, %al callq *(%rcx) .LBB0_2: movq -8(%rbp), %rdi callq os_free@PLT addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size fst_global_del_ctrl, .Lfunc_end0-fst_global_del_ctrl .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym dl_list_del .addrsig_sym os_free
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function status_callback _status_callback: ; @status_callback .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 str x0, [sp, #32] str w1, [sp, #28] str x2, [sp, #16] str x3, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #32] subs x8, x8, #2 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: mov w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #44] b LBB0_5 LBB0_2: ldr w8, [sp, #28] subs w8, w8, #7 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: mov w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #44] b LBB0_5 LBB0_4: ldr x8, [sp, #16] adrp x9, _status_callback_connection_id@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _status_callback_connection_id@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [x9] ldr x8, [sp, #8] adrp x9, _status_callback_status@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _status_callback_status@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [x9] adrp x9, _status_callback_good@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _status_callback_good@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x9] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [x9] str wzr, [sp, #44] b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldr w0, [sp, #44] add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _status_callback_connection_id,8,3 ; @status_callback_connection_id .comm _status_callback_status,8,3 ; @status_callback_status .comm _status_callback_good,4,2 ; @status_callback_good .no_dead_strip _status_callback .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_TCP_test.c_status_callback.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function status_callback .type status_callback,@function status_callback: # @status_callback .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movl %esi, -20(%rbp) movq %rdx, -32(%rbp) movq %rcx, -40(%rbp) movl $2, %eax cmpq %rax, -16(%rbp) je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl $1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_2: cmpl $7, -20(%rbp) je .LBB0_4 # %bb.3: movl $1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_4: movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, status_callback_connection_id(%rip) movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, status_callback_status(%rip) movl status_callback_good(%rip), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, status_callback_good(%rip) movl $0, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_5: movl -4(%rbp), %eax popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size status_callback, .Lfunc_end0-status_callback .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type status_callback_connection_id,@object # @status_callback_connection_id .bss .globl status_callback_connection_id .p2align 3 status_callback_connection_id: .quad 0 .size status_callback_connection_id, 8 .type status_callback_status,@object # @status_callback_status .globl status_callback_status .p2align 3 status_callback_status: .quad 0 .size status_callback_status, 8 .type status_callback_good,@object # @status_callback_good .globl status_callback_good .p2align 2 status_callback_good: .long 0 # 0x0 .size status_callback_good, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym status_callback .addrsig_sym status_callback_connection_id .addrsig_sym status_callback_status .addrsig_sym status_callback_good
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _PrintRingBufferOffset ; -- Begin function PrintRingBufferOffset .p2align 2 _PrintRingBufferOffset: ; @PrintRingBufferOffset .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #128 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 128 stp x29, x30, [sp, #112] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #112 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 adrp x8, l_.str@PAGE add x8, x8, l_.str@PAGEOFF ; kill: def $w8 killed $w8 killed $x8 str w8, [sp, #12] ; 4-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _FALSE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _FALSE@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _ulInPos@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _ulInPos@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #24] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _OUTPUT_WINDOW@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _OUTPUT_WINDOW@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #32] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _aBuffers@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _aBuffers@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #40] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _wWindow@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _wWindow@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #48] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, l_.str.4@PAGE add x8, x8, l_.str.4@PAGEOFF ; kill: def $w8 killed $w8 killed $x8 str w8, [sp, #56] ; 4-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, l_.str.1@PAGE add x8, x8, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF ; kill: def $w8 killed $w8 killed $x8 stur w8, [x29, #-52] ; 4-byte Folded Spill stur x0, [x29, #-16] stur x1, [x29, #-24] bl _LinesInRingBuffer stur x0, [x29, #-32] stur xzr, [x29, #-48] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr w0, [sp, #12] ; 4-byte Folded Reload bl _DPRINT bl _LEAVE_FUNC ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w8, [x8] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_14 LBB0_2: ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur x8, [x29, #-32] stur x8, [x29, #-16] b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldur x10, [x29, #-16] add x9, x9, x10 subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldur w0, [x29, #-52] ; 4-byte Folded Reload bl _DPRINT bl _LEAVE_FUNC ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w8, [x8] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_14 LBB0_6: ldur x8, [x29, #-24] mov x0, x8 bl _DPRINT ldr x8, [sp, #24] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] subs x8, x8, x9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] subs x8, x8, x9 adrp x9, _LINES_IN_BUFFER@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _LINES_IN_BUFFER@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x10, [x9] sdiv x9, x8, x10 mul x9, x9, x10 subs x8, x8, x9 stur x8, [x29, #-40] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] mov x0, x8 bl _DPRINT ldr x9, [sp, #24] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ldr w0, [sp, #56] ; 4-byte Folded Reload bl _DPRINT bl _LEAVE_FUNC ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w8, [x8] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_14 LBB0_8: ldr x8, [sp, #32] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x0, [x8] bl _Home b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldur x8, [x29, #-16] subs x9, x8, #1 stur x9, [x29, #-16] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_11 b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_9 Depth=1 ldr x9, [sp, #32] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [sp, #48] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] ldr x9, [x9] lsl x9, x9, #5 ldr x8, [x8, x9] ldur x9, [x29, #-48] add x0, x8, x9 bl _ClrLine ldr x8, [sp, #40] ; 8-byte Folded Reload adrp x9, _OUTPUT_WINDOW_UNBUFFERED@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _OUTPUT_WINDOW_UNBUFFERED@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x9] ldr x8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-40] ldr x1, [x8, x9, lsl #3] bl _Print ldur x8, [x29, #-48] add x8, x8, #1 stur x8, [x29, #-48] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] add x8, x8, #1 adrp x9, _LINES_IN_BUFFER@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _LINES_IN_BUFFER@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x10, [x9] sdiv x9, x8, x10 mul x9, x9, x10 subs x8, x8, x9 stur x8, [x29, #-40] b LBB0_9 LBB0_11: ldr x9, [sp, #24] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [sp, #40] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] ldr x9, [x9] ldr x8, [x8, x9, lsl #3] ldrsb w8, [x8] subs w8, w8, #58 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_13 b LBB0_12 LBB0_12: ldr x10, [sp, #32] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x9, [sp, #48] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x9] ldr x11, [x10] lsl x11, x11, #5 ldr x8, [x8, x11] ldr x9, [x9] ldr x10, [x10] add x9, x9, x10, lsl #5 ldr x9, [x9, #8] add x8, x8, x9 subs x0, x8, #1 bl _ClrLine ldr x8, [sp, #40] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x9, [sp, #24] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x11, [sp, #48] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x12, [sp, #32] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x10, [x11] ldr x13, [x12] add x10, x10, x13, lsl #5 ldr x10, [x10, #8] subs x10, x10, #1 ldr x11, [x11] ldr x12, [x12] add x11, x11, x12, lsl #5 str x10, [x11, #16] adrp x10, _OUTPUT_WINDOW_UNBUFFERED@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _OUTPUT_WINDOW_UNBUFFERED@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x10] ldr x8, [x8] ldr x9, [x9] ldr x1, [x8, x9, lsl #3] bl _Print ldr x8, [sp, #40] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x9, [sp, #24] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] ldr x9, [x9] ldr x0, [x8, x9, lsl #3] bl _PICE_strlen ldr x9, [sp, #48] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x10, [sp, #32] ; 8-byte Folded Reload add x8, x0, #1 ldr x9, [x9] ldr x10, [x10] add x9, x9, x10, lsl #5 str x8, [x9, #24] b LBB0_13 LBB0_13: adrp x8, _TRUE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _TRUE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_14 LBB0_14: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #112] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #128 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "PrintRingBufferOffset(): ulLinesInRingBuffer is 0\n" .comm _FALSE,4,2 ; @FALSE l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "PrintRingBufferOffset(): ulLinesInRingBuffer < ulOffset+ulLines\n" l_.str.2: ; @.str.2 .asciz "PrintRingBufferOffset(): ulLinesInRingBuffer %u ulLines %u ulOffset %u\n" .comm _ulInPos,8,3 ; @ulInPos .comm _LINES_IN_BUFFER,8,3 ; @LINES_IN_BUFFER l_.str.3: ; @.str.3 .asciz "PrintRingBufferOffset(): ulOutPos = %u\n" l_.str.4: ; @.str.4 .asciz "PrintRingBufferOffset(): ulOutPos == ulInPos\n" .comm _OUTPUT_WINDOW,8,3 ; @OUTPUT_WINDOW .comm _wWindow,8,3 ; @wWindow .comm _OUTPUT_WINDOW_UNBUFFERED,4,2 ; @OUTPUT_WINDOW_UNBUFFERED .comm _aBuffers,8,3 ; @aBuffers .comm _TRUE,4,2 ; @TRUE .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_hardware.c_PrintRingBufferOffset.c" .globl PrintRingBufferOffset # -- Begin function PrintRingBufferOffset .p2align 4, 0x90 .type PrintRingBufferOffset,@function PrintRingBufferOffset: # @PrintRingBufferOffset .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq %rsi, -24(%rbp) movb $0, %al callq LinesInRingBuffer@PLT movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movq $0, -48(%rbp) cmpq $0, -32(%rbp) jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: leaq .L.str(%rip), %rax movl %eax, %edi callq DPRINT@PLT movb $0, %al callq LEAVE_FUNC@PLT movl FALSE(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_14 .LBB0_2: movq -32(%rbp), %rax cmpq -16(%rbp), %rax jge .LBB0_4 # %bb.3: movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -16(%rbp) .LBB0_4: movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx addq -16(%rbp), %rcx cmpq %rcx, %rax jge .LBB0_6 # %bb.5: leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rax movl %eax, %edi callq DPRINT@PLT movb $0, %al callq LEAVE_FUNC@PLT movl FALSE(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_14 .LBB0_6: movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl %eax, %edi callq DPRINT@PLT movq ulInPos(%rip), %rax subq -24(%rbp), %rax subq -16(%rbp), %rax cqto idivq LINES_IN_BUFFER(%rip) movq %rdx, -40(%rbp) movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl %eax, %edi callq DPRINT@PLT movq -40(%rbp), %rax cmpq ulInPos(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_8 # %bb.7: leaq .L.str.4(%rip), %rax movl %eax, %edi callq DPRINT@PLT movb $0, %al callq LEAVE_FUNC@PLT movl FALSE(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_14 .LBB0_8: movq OUTPUT_WINDOW(%rip), %rdi callq Home@PLT .LBB0_9: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, %rcx addq $-1, %rcx movq %rcx, -16(%rbp) cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_11 # %bb.10: # in Loop: Header=BB0_9 Depth=1 movq wWindow(%rip), %rax movq OUTPUT_WINDOW(%rip), %rcx shlq $5, %rcx addq %rcx, %rax movq (%rax), %rdi addq -48(%rbp), %rdi callq ClrLine@PLT movl OUTPUT_WINDOW_UNBUFFERED(%rip), %edi movq aBuffers(%rip), %rax movq -40(%rbp), %rcx movq (%rax,%rcx,8), %rsi callq Print@PLT movq -48(%rbp), %rax addq $1, %rax movq %rax, -48(%rbp) movq -40(%rbp), %rax addq $1, %rax cqto idivq LINES_IN_BUFFER(%rip) movq %rdx, -40(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_9 .LBB0_11: movq aBuffers(%rip), %rax movq ulInPos(%rip), %rcx movq (%rax,%rcx,8), %rax movsbl (%rax), %eax cmpl $58, %eax jne .LBB0_13 # %bb.12: movq wWindow(%rip), %rax movq OUTPUT_WINDOW(%rip), %rcx shlq $5, %rcx addq %rcx, %rax movq (%rax), %rdi movq wWindow(%rip), %rax movq OUTPUT_WINDOW(%rip), %rcx shlq $5, %rcx addq %rcx, %rax addq 8(%rax), %rdi subq $1, %rdi callq ClrLine@PLT movq wWindow(%rip), %rax movq OUTPUT_WINDOW(%rip), %rcx shlq $5, %rcx addq %rcx, %rax movq 8(%rax), %rcx subq $1, %rcx movq wWindow(%rip), %rax movq OUTPUT_WINDOW(%rip), %rdx shlq $5, %rdx addq %rdx, %rax movq %rcx, 16(%rax) movl OUTPUT_WINDOW_UNBUFFERED(%rip), %edi movq aBuffers(%rip), %rax movq ulInPos(%rip), %rcx movq (%rax,%rcx,8), %rsi callq Print@PLT movq aBuffers(%rip), %rax movq ulInPos(%rip), %rcx movq (%rax,%rcx,8), %rdi callq PICE_strlen@PLT movq %rax, %rcx addq $1, %rcx movq wWindow(%rip), %rax movq OUTPUT_WINDOW(%rip), %rdx shlq $5, %rdx addq %rdx, %rax movq %rcx, 24(%rax) .LBB0_13: movl TRUE(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_14: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size PrintRingBufferOffset, .Lfunc_end0-PrintRingBufferOffset .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "PrintRingBufferOffset(): ulLinesInRingBuffer is 0\n" .size .L.str, 51 .type FALSE,@object # @FALSE .bss .globl FALSE .p2align 2 FALSE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size FALSE, 4 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.1: .asciz "PrintRingBufferOffset(): ulLinesInRingBuffer < ulOffset+ulLines\n" .size .L.str.1, 65 .type .L.str.2,@object # @.str.2 .L.str.2: .asciz "PrintRingBufferOffset(): ulLinesInRingBuffer %u ulLines %u ulOffset %u\n" .size .L.str.2, 72 .type ulInPos,@object # @ulInPos .bss .globl ulInPos .p2align 3 ulInPos: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size ulInPos, 8 .type LINES_IN_BUFFER,@object # @LINES_IN_BUFFER .globl LINES_IN_BUFFER .p2align 3 LINES_IN_BUFFER: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size LINES_IN_BUFFER, 8 .type .L.str.3,@object # @.str.3 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.3: .asciz "PrintRingBufferOffset(): ulOutPos = %u\n" .size .L.str.3, 40 .type .L.str.4,@object # @.str.4 .L.str.4: .asciz "PrintRingBufferOffset(): ulOutPos == ulInPos\n" .size .L.str.4, 46 .type OUTPUT_WINDOW,@object # @OUTPUT_WINDOW .bss .globl OUTPUT_WINDOW .p2align 3 OUTPUT_WINDOW: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size OUTPUT_WINDOW, 8 .type wWindow,@object # @wWindow .globl wWindow .p2align 3 wWindow: .quad 0 .size wWindow, 8 .type OUTPUT_WINDOW_UNBUFFERED,@object # @OUTPUT_WINDOW_UNBUFFERED .globl OUTPUT_WINDOW_UNBUFFERED .p2align 2 OUTPUT_WINDOW_UNBUFFERED: .long 0 # 0x0 .size OUTPUT_WINDOW_UNBUFFERED, 4 .type aBuffers,@object # @aBuffers .globl aBuffers .p2align 3 aBuffers: .quad 0 .size aBuffers, 8 .type TRUE,@object # @TRUE .globl TRUE .p2align 2 TRUE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size TRUE, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym LinesInRingBuffer .addrsig_sym DPRINT .addrsig_sym LEAVE_FUNC .addrsig_sym Home .addrsig_sym ClrLine .addrsig_sym Print .addrsig_sym PICE_strlen .addrsig_sym FALSE .addrsig_sym ulInPos .addrsig_sym LINES_IN_BUFFER .addrsig_sym OUTPUT_WINDOW .addrsig_sym wWindow .addrsig_sym OUTPUT_WINDOW_UNBUFFERED .addrsig_sym aBuffers .addrsig_sym TRUE
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function get_member_name_len _get_member_name_len: ; @get_member_name_len .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] str x1, [sp, #16] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] str x8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp] ldr x0, [sp] ldr x1, [sp, #16] bl _get_sval_name_len ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _get_member_name_len .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_tpi.c_get_member_name_len.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function get_member_name_len .type get_member_name_len,@function get_member_name_len: # @get_member_name_len .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -24(%rbp) movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movq -32(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rsi callq get_sval_name_len@PLT addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size get_member_name_len, .Lfunc_end0-get_member_name_len .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym get_member_name_len .addrsig_sym get_sval_name_len
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _intel_psr_disable ; -- Begin function intel_psr_disable .p2align 2 _intel_psr_disable: ; @intel_psr_disable .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] str x1, [sp, #16] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] bl _dp_to_i915 str x0, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w8, [x8] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: b LBB0_5 LBB0_2: ldr x0, [sp, #8] bl _CAN_PSR subs w8, w0, #0 cset w8, eq and w0, w8, #0x1 bl _WARN_ON subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: b LBB0_5 LBB0_4: ldr x8, [sp, #8] add x0, x8, #4 bl _mutex_lock ldur x0, [x29, #-8] bl _intel_psr_disable_locked ldr x8, [sp, #8] add x0, x8, #4 bl _mutex_unlock ldr x0, [sp, #8] bl _cancel_work_sync b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_intel_psr.c_intel_psr_disable.c" .globl intel_psr_disable # -- Begin function intel_psr_disable .p2align 4, 0x90 .type intel_psr_disable,@function intel_psr_disable: # @intel_psr_disable .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi callq dp_to_i915@PLT movq %rax, -24(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax cmpl $0, (%rax) jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_2: movq -24(%rbp), %rdi callq CAN_PSR@PLT cmpl $0, %eax setne %al xorb $-1, %al andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %edi callq WARN_ON@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_4 # %bb.3: jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_4: movq -24(%rbp), %rdi addq $4, %rdi callq mutex_lock@PLT movq -8(%rbp), %rdi callq intel_psr_disable_locked@PLT movq -24(%rbp), %rdi addq $4, %rdi callq mutex_unlock@PLT movq -24(%rbp), %rdi callq cancel_work_sync@PLT .LBB0_5: addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size intel_psr_disable, .Lfunc_end0-intel_psr_disable .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym dp_to_i915 .addrsig_sym WARN_ON .addrsig_sym CAN_PSR .addrsig_sym mutex_lock .addrsig_sym intel_psr_disable_locked .addrsig_sym mutex_unlock .addrsig_sym cancel_work_sync
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function journal_transaction_is_valid _journal_transaction_is_valid: ; @journal_transaction_is_valid .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #320 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 320 stp x28, x27, [sp, #288] ; 16-byte Folded Spill stp x29, x30, [sp, #304] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #304 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 .cfi_offset w27, -24 .cfi_offset w28, -32 adrp x8, _REISERFS_DEBUG_CODE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _REISERFS_DEBUG_CODE@GOTPAGEOFF] stur x8, [x29, #-96] ; 8-byte Folded Spill stur x0, [x29, #-32] stur x1, [x29, #-40] stur x2, [x29, #-48] stur x3, [x29, #-56] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: stur wzr, [x29, #-20] b LBB0_21 LBB0_2: ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #8] stur x8, [x29, #-64] ldur x0, [x29, #-64] bl _get_desc_trans_len subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, ls tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_20 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur x0, [x29, #-40] bl _get_journal_desc_magic adrp x8, _JOURNAL_DESC_MAGIC@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _JOURNAL_DESC_MAGIC@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] mov w2, #8 bl _memcmp subs w8, w0, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_20 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ldur x8, [x29, #-48] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr w8, [x8] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ldur x0, [x29, #-64] bl _get_desc_trans_id ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr w8, [x8] subs w8, w0, w8 cset w8, ls tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ldur x8, [x29, #-96] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x9, [x29, #-32] stur x9, [x29, #-104] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldr w8, [x8] stur w8, [x29, #-108] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-64] bl _get_desc_trans_id ldur w1, [x29, #-108] ; 4-byte Folded Reload mov x8, x0 ldur x0, [x29, #-104] ; 8-byte Folded Reload mov w8, w8 mov x3, x8 ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr w9, [x8] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x9 mov x9, sp str x8, [x9] adrp x2, l_.str@PAGE add x2, x2, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _reiserfs_debug stur wzr, [x29, #-20] b LBB0_21 LBB0_8: ldur x8, [x29, #-56] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_11 b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ldur x8, [x29, #-56] ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-120] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-64] bl _get_desc_mount_id ldur x8, [x29, #-120] ; 8-byte Folded Reload subs x8, x8, x0 cset w8, ls tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_11 b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: ldur x8, [x29, #-96] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x9, [x29, #-32] stur x9, [x29, #-128] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldr w8, [x8] stur w8, [x29, #-132] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-64] bl _get_desc_mount_id ldur w1, [x29, #-132] ; 4-byte Folded Reload mov x3, x0 ldur x0, [x29, #-128] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-56] ldr x8, [x8] mov x9, sp str x8, [x9] adrp x2, l_.str.1@PAGE add x2, x2, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _reiserfs_debug mov w8, #-1 stur w8, [x29, #-20] b LBB0_21 LBB0_11: ldur x0, [x29, #-64] bl _get_desc_trans_len stur x0, [x29, #-144] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-32] bl _SB_JOURNAL mov x8, x0 ldur x0, [x29, #-144] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] subs x8, x0, x8 cset w8, ls tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_13 b LBB0_12 LBB0_12: ldur x8, [x29, #-32] str x8, [sp, #152] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-64] bl _get_desc_trans_len mov x3, x0 ldr x0, [sp, #152] ; 8-byte Folded Reload adrp x1, l_.str.2@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.2@PAGEOFF adrp x2, l_.str.3@PAGE add x2, x2, l_.str.3@PAGEOFF bl _reiserfs_warning mov w8, #-1 stur w8, [x29, #-20] b LBB0_21 LBB0_13: ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp, #112] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-32] bl _SB_ONDISK_JOURNAL_1st_BLOCK ldr x8, [sp, #112] ; 8-byte Folded Reload subs x8, x8, x0 stur x8, [x29, #-88] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] str x8, [sp, #144] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-32] bl _SB_ONDISK_JOURNAL_1st_BLOCK str x0, [sp, #136] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-88] str x8, [sp, #120] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-64] bl _get_desc_trans_len ldr x8, [sp, #120] ; 8-byte Folded Reload add x8, x8, x0 add x8, x8, #1 str x8, [sp, #128] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-32] bl _SB_ONDISK_JOURNAL_SIZE ldr x9, [sp, #128] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [sp, #136] ; 8-byte Folded Reload mov x11, x0 ldr x0, [sp, #144] ; 8-byte Folded Reload udiv x10, x9, x11 mul x10, x10, x11 subs x9, x9, x10 add x1, x8, x9 bl _journal_bread stur x0, [x29, #-80] ldur x8, [x29, #-80] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_15 b LBB0_14 LBB0_14: stur wzr, [x29, #-20] b LBB0_21 LBB0_15: ldur x8, [x29, #-80] ldr x8, [x8, #8] stur x8, [x29, #-72] ldur x0, [x29, #-32] ldur x1, [x29, #-64] ldur x2, [x29, #-72] bl _journal_compare_desc_commit subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_19 b LBB0_16 LBB0_16: ldur x8, [x29, #-96] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x9, [x29, #-32] str x9, [sp, #104] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #92] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-80] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp, #72] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-32] bl _SB_ONDISK_JOURNAL_1st_BLOCK ldr x8, [sp, #72] ; 8-byte Folded Reload subs x8, x8, x0 str x8, [sp, #96] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-72] bl _get_commit_trans_id str x0, [sp, #80] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-72] bl _get_commit_trans_len ldr x8, [sp, #80] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w1, [sp, #92] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr x3, [sp, #96] ; 8-byte Folded Reload mov x10, x0 ldr x0, [sp, #104] ; 8-byte Folded Reload mov x9, sp str x8, [x9] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x10 str x8, [x9, #8] adrp x2, l_.str.4@PAGE add x2, x2, l_.str.4@PAGEOFF bl _reiserfs_debug ldur x0, [x29, #-80] bl _brelse ldur x8, [x29, #-48] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_18 b LBB0_17 LBB0_17: ldur x0, [x29, #-64] bl _get_desc_trans_id ldur x8, [x29, #-96] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x9, [x29, #-48] str w0, [x9] ldur x9, [x29, #-32] str x9, [sp, #64] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #60] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-64] bl _get_desc_trans_id ldr w1, [sp, #60] ; 4-byte Folded Reload mov x8, x0 ldr x0, [sp, #64] ; 8-byte Folded Reload mov w8, w8 mov x3, x8 adrp x2, l_.str.5@PAGE add x2, x2, l_.str.5@PAGEOFF bl _reiserfs_debug b LBB0_18 LBB0_18: mov w8, #-1 stur w8, [x29, #-20] b LBB0_21 LBB0_19: ldur x0, [x29, #-80] bl _brelse ldur x8, [x29, #-96] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x9, [x29, #-32] str x9, [sp, #48] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #36] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-32] bl _SB_ONDISK_JOURNAL_1st_BLOCK ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload subs x8, x8, x0 str x8, [sp, #40] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-64] bl _get_desc_trans_len str x0, [sp, #24] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-64] bl _get_desc_trans_id ldr x8, [sp, #24] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w1, [sp, #36] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr x3, [sp, #40] ; 8-byte Folded Reload mov x10, x0 ldr x0, [sp, #48] ; 8-byte Folded Reload mov x9, sp str x8, [x9] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x10 str x8, [x9, #8] adrp x2, l_.str.6@PAGE add x2, x2, l_.str.6@PAGEOFF bl _reiserfs_debug mov w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-20] b LBB0_21 LBB0_20: stur wzr, [x29, #-20] b LBB0_21 LBB0_21: ldur w0, [x29, #-20] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #304] ; 16-byte Folded Reload ldp x28, x27, [sp, #288] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #320 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _JOURNAL_DESC_MAGIC,4,2 ; @JOURNAL_DESC_MAGIC .comm _REISERFS_DEBUG_CODE,4,2 ; @REISERFS_DEBUG_CODE .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "journal-986: transaction is valid returning because trans_id %d is greater than oldest_invalid %lu" l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "journal-1087: transaction is valid returning because mount_id %d is less than newest_mount_id %lu" l_.str.2: ; @.str.2 .asciz "journal-2018" l_.str.3: ; @.str.3 .asciz "Bad transaction length %d encountered, ignoring transaction" l_.str.4: ; @.str.4 .asciz "journal_transaction_is_valid, commit offset %ld had bad time %d or length %d" l_.str.5: ; @.str.5 .asciz "journal-1004: transaction_is_valid setting oldest invalid trans_id to %d" l_.str.6: ; @.str.6 .asciz "journal-1006: found valid transaction start offset %llu, len %d id %d" .no_dead_strip _journal_transaction_is_valid .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_journal.c_journal_transaction_is_valid.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function journal_transaction_is_valid .type journal_transaction_is_valid,@function journal_transaction_is_valid: # @journal_transaction_is_valid .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $272, %rsp # imm = 0x110 movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq %rsi, -24(%rbp) movq %rdx, -32(%rbp) movq %rcx, -40(%rbp) cmpq $0, -24(%rbp) jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_21 .LBB0_2: movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -48(%rbp) movq -48(%rbp), %rdi callq get_desc_trans_len@PLT cmpq $0, %rax jbe .LBB0_20 # %bb.3: movq -24(%rbp), %rdi callq get_journal_desc_magic@PLT movl %eax, %edi movl JOURNAL_DESC_MAGIC(%rip), %esi movl $8, %edx callq memcmp@PLT cmpl $0, %eax jne .LBB0_20 # %bb.4: cmpq $0, -32(%rbp) je .LBB0_8 # %bb.5: movq -32(%rbp), %rax cmpl $0, (%rax) je .LBB0_8 # %bb.6: movq -48(%rbp), %rdi callq get_desc_trans_id@PLT movq -32(%rbp), %rcx cmpl (%rcx), %eax jbe .LBB0_8 # %bb.7: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -88(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movl REISERFS_DEBUG_CODE(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -76(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -48(%rbp), %rdi callq get_desc_trans_id@PLT movq -88(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movl -76(%rbp), %esi # 4-byte Reload movl %eax, %eax movl %eax, %ecx movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %r8d leaq .L.str(%rip), %rdx movb $0, %al callq reiserfs_debug@PLT movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_21 .LBB0_8: cmpq $0, -40(%rbp) je .LBB0_11 # %bb.9: movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -96(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -48(%rbp), %rdi callq get_desc_mount_id@PLT movq %rax, %rcx movq -96(%rbp), %rax # 8-byte Reload cmpq %rcx, %rax jbe .LBB0_11 # %bb.10: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -112(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movl REISERFS_DEBUG_CODE(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -100(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -48(%rbp), %rdi callq get_desc_mount_id@PLT movq -112(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movl -100(%rbp), %esi # 4-byte Reload movq %rax, %rcx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %r8 leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rdx movb $0, %al callq reiserfs_debug@PLT movl $-1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_21 .LBB0_11: movq -48(%rbp), %rdi callq get_desc_trans_len@PLT movq %rax, -120(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq SB_JOURNAL@PLT movq %rax, %rcx movq -120(%rbp), %rax # 8-byte Reload cmpq (%rcx), %rax jbe .LBB0_13 # %bb.12: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -128(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -48(%rbp), %rdi callq get_desc_trans_len@PLT movq -128(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movq %rax, %rcx leaq .L.str.2(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.3(%rip), %rdx callq reiserfs_warning@PLT movl $-1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_21 .LBB0_13: movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -168(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq SB_ONDISK_JOURNAL_1st_BLOCK@PLT movq %rax, %rcx movq -168(%rbp), %rax # 8-byte Reload subq %rcx, %rax movq %rax, -72(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -144(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq SB_ONDISK_JOURNAL_1st_BLOCK@PLT movq %rax, -152(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -72(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -160(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -48(%rbp), %rdi callq get_desc_trans_len@PLT movq %rax, %rcx movq -160(%rbp), %rax # 8-byte Reload addq %rcx, %rax addq $1, %rax movq %rax, -136(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq SB_ONDISK_JOURNAL_SIZE@PLT movq -152(%rbp), %rsi # 8-byte Reload movq -144(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movq %rax, %rcx movq -136(%rbp), %rax # 8-byte Reload xorl %edx, %edx # kill: def $rdx killed $edx divq %rcx addq %rdx, %rsi callq journal_bread@PLT movq %rax, -64(%rbp) cmpq $0, -64(%rbp) jne .LBB0_15 # %bb.14: movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_21 .LBB0_15: movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -56(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -48(%rbp), %rsi movq -56(%rbp), %rdx callq journal_compare_desc_commit@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_19 # %bb.16: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -200(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movl REISERFS_DEBUG_CODE(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -188(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -208(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq SB_ONDISK_JOURNAL_1st_BLOCK@PLT movq %rax, %rcx movq -208(%rbp), %rax # 8-byte Reload subq %rcx, %rax movq %rax, -184(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -56(%rbp), %rdi callq get_commit_trans_id@PLT movq %rax, -176(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -56(%rbp), %rdi callq get_commit_trans_len@PLT movq -200(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movl -188(%rbp), %esi # 4-byte Reload movq -184(%rbp), %rcx # 8-byte Reload movq -176(%rbp), %r8 # 8-byte Reload movl %eax, %r9d leaq .L.str.4(%rip), %rdx movb $0, %al callq reiserfs_debug@PLT movq -64(%rbp), %rdi callq brelse@PLT cmpq $0, -32(%rbp) je .LBB0_18 # %bb.17: movq -48(%rbp), %rdi callq get_desc_trans_id@PLT movl %eax, %ecx movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, (%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -224(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movl REISERFS_DEBUG_CODE(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -212(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -48(%rbp), %rdi callq get_desc_trans_id@PLT movq -224(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movl -212(%rbp), %esi # 4-byte Reload movl %eax, %eax movl %eax, %ecx leaq .L.str.5(%rip), %rdx movb $0, %al callq reiserfs_debug@PLT .LBB0_18: movl $-1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_21 .LBB0_19: movq -64(%rbp), %rdi callq brelse@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -256(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movl REISERFS_DEBUG_CODE(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -244(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -264(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq SB_ONDISK_JOURNAL_1st_BLOCK@PLT movq %rax, %rcx movq -264(%rbp), %rax # 8-byte Reload subq %rcx, %rax movq %rax, -240(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -48(%rbp), %rdi callq get_desc_trans_len@PLT movq %rax, -232(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -48(%rbp), %rdi callq get_desc_trans_id@PLT movq -256(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movl -244(%rbp), %esi # 4-byte Reload movq -240(%rbp), %rcx # 8-byte Reload movq -232(%rbp), %r8 # 8-byte Reload movl %eax, %r9d leaq .L.str.6(%rip), %rdx movb $0, %al callq reiserfs_debug@PLT movl $1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_21 .LBB0_20: movl $0, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_21: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $272, %rsp # imm = 0x110 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size journal_transaction_is_valid, .Lfunc_end0-journal_transaction_is_valid .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type JOURNAL_DESC_MAGIC,@object # @JOURNAL_DESC_MAGIC .bss .globl JOURNAL_DESC_MAGIC .p2align 2 JOURNAL_DESC_MAGIC: .long 0 # 0x0 .size JOURNAL_DESC_MAGIC, 4 .type REISERFS_DEBUG_CODE,@object # @REISERFS_DEBUG_CODE .globl REISERFS_DEBUG_CODE .p2align 2 REISERFS_DEBUG_CODE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size REISERFS_DEBUG_CODE, 4 .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "journal-986: transaction is valid returning because trans_id %d is greater than oldest_invalid %lu" .size .L.str, 99 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .L.str.1: .asciz "journal-1087: transaction is valid returning because mount_id %d is less than newest_mount_id %lu" .size .L.str.1, 98 .type .L.str.2,@object # @.str.2 .L.str.2: .asciz "journal-2018" .size .L.str.2, 13 .type .L.str.3,@object # @.str.3 .L.str.3: .asciz "Bad transaction length %d encountered, ignoring transaction" .size .L.str.3, 60 .type .L.str.4,@object # @.str.4 .L.str.4: .asciz "journal_transaction_is_valid, commit offset %ld had bad time %d or length %d" .size .L.str.4, 77 .type .L.str.5,@object # @.str.5 .L.str.5: .asciz "journal-1004: transaction_is_valid setting oldest invalid trans_id to %d" .size .L.str.5, 73 .type .L.str.6,@object # @.str.6 .L.str.6: .asciz "journal-1006: found valid transaction start offset %llu, len %d id %d" .size .L.str.6, 70 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym journal_transaction_is_valid .addrsig_sym get_desc_trans_len .addrsig_sym memcmp .addrsig_sym get_journal_desc_magic .addrsig_sym get_desc_trans_id .addrsig_sym reiserfs_debug .addrsig_sym get_desc_mount_id .addrsig_sym SB_JOURNAL .addrsig_sym reiserfs_warning .addrsig_sym SB_ONDISK_JOURNAL_1st_BLOCK .addrsig_sym journal_bread .addrsig_sym SB_ONDISK_JOURNAL_SIZE .addrsig_sym journal_compare_desc_commit .addrsig_sym get_commit_trans_id .addrsig_sym get_commit_trans_len .addrsig_sym brelse .addrsig_sym JOURNAL_DESC_MAGIC .addrsig_sym REISERFS_DEBUG_CODE
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function errcatch_print_vi _errcatch_print_vi: ; @errcatch_print_vi .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #8] mov x0, #0 adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF adrp x2, l_.str.1@PAGE add x2, x2, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _reiserfs_warning ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "green-16011" l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "Invalid item type observed, run fsck ASAP" .no_dead_strip _errcatch_print_vi .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_item_ops.c_errcatch_print_vi.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function errcatch_print_vi .type errcatch_print_vi,@function errcatch_print_vi: # @errcatch_print_vi .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) xorl %eax, %eax movl %eax, %edi leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rdx callq reiserfs_warning@PLT addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size errcatch_print_vi, .Lfunc_end0-errcatch_print_vi .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "green-16011" .size .L.str, 12 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .L.str.1: .asciz "Invalid item type observed, run fsck ASAP" .size .L.str.1, 42 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym errcatch_print_vi .addrsig_sym reiserfs_warning
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function bl_alloc_init_bio _bl_alloc_init_bio: ; @bl_alloc_init_bio .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur w0, [x29, #-4] stur x1, [x29, #-16] stur w2, [x29, #-20] str w3, [sp, #24] str x4, [sp, #16] ldur w0, [x29, #-4] adrp x8, _BIO_MAX_PAGES@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _BIO_MAX_PAGES@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] bl _min stur w0, [x29, #-4] adrp x8, _GFP_NOIO@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _GFP_NOIO@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x8] ldur w1, [x29, #-4] bl _bio_alloc str x0, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: adrp x8, _current@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _current@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] ldr w8, [x8] adrp x9, _PF_MEMALLOC@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _PF_MEMALLOC@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] ands w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne mov w9, #0 str w9, [sp, #4] ; 4-byte Folded Spill tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 ldur w8, [x29, #-4] mov w9, #2 sdiv w8, w8, w9 stur w8, [x29, #-4] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne str w8, [sp, #4] ; 4-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #4] ; 4-byte Folded Reload tbz w8, #0, LBB0_7 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 adrp x8, _GFP_NOIO@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _GFP_NOIO@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x8] ldur w1, [x29, #-4] bl _bio_alloc str x0, [sp, #8] b LBB0_3 LBB0_7: b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ldr x8, [sp, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_10 b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ldur w8, [x29, #-20] ldr x9, [sp, #8] str w8, [x9, #12] ldr x0, [sp, #8] ldur x1, [x29, #-16] bl _bio_set_dev ldr w8, [sp, #24] ldr x9, [sp, #8] str w8, [x9, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x9, [sp, #8] str x8, [x9] b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: ldr x0, [sp, #8] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _BIO_MAX_PAGES,4,2 ; @BIO_MAX_PAGES .comm _GFP_NOIO,4,2 ; @GFP_NOIO .comm _current,8,3 ; @current .comm _PF_MEMALLOC,4,2 ; @PF_MEMALLOC .no_dead_strip _bl_alloc_init_bio .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_blocklayout.c_bl_alloc_init_bio.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function bl_alloc_init_bio .type bl_alloc_init_bio,@function bl_alloc_init_bio: # @bl_alloc_init_bio .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movl %edi, -4(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movl %edx, -20(%rbp) movl %ecx, -24(%rbp) movq %r8, -32(%rbp) movl -4(%rbp), %edi movl BIO_MAX_PAGES(%rip), %esi callq min@PLT movl %eax, -4(%rbp) movl GFP_NOIO(%rip), %edi movl -4(%rbp), %esi callq bio_alloc@PLT movq %rax, -40(%rbp) cmpq $0, -40(%rbp) jne .LBB0_8 # %bb.1: movq current(%rip), %rax movl (%rax), %eax andl PF_MEMALLOC(%rip), %eax cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_8 # %bb.2: jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_3: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 xorl %eax, %eax # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax cmpq $0, -40(%rbp) movb %al, -41(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill jne .LBB0_5 # %bb.4: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movl -4(%rbp), %eax movl $2, %ecx cltd idivl %ecx movl %eax, -4(%rbp) cmpl $0, %eax setne %al movb %al, -41(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill .LBB0_5: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movb -41(%rbp), %al # 1-byte Reload testb $1, %al jne .LBB0_6 jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_6: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movl GFP_NOIO(%rip), %edi movl -4(%rbp), %esi callq bio_alloc@PLT movq %rax, -40(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_7: jmp .LBB0_8 .LBB0_8: cmpq $0, -40(%rbp) je .LBB0_10 # %bb.9: movl -20(%rbp), %ecx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 12(%rax) movq -40(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rsi callq bio_set_dev@PLT movl -24(%rbp), %ecx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 8(%rax) movq -32(%rbp), %rcx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, (%rax) .LBB0_10: movq -40(%rbp), %rax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size bl_alloc_init_bio, .Lfunc_end0-bl_alloc_init_bio .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type BIO_MAX_PAGES,@object # @BIO_MAX_PAGES .bss .globl BIO_MAX_PAGES .p2align 2 BIO_MAX_PAGES: .long 0 # 0x0 .size BIO_MAX_PAGES, 4 .type GFP_NOIO,@object # @GFP_NOIO .globl GFP_NOIO .p2align 2 GFP_NOIO: .long 0 # 0x0 .size GFP_NOIO, 4 .type current,@object # @current .globl current .p2align 3 current: .quad 0 .size current, 8 .type PF_MEMALLOC,@object # @PF_MEMALLOC .globl PF_MEMALLOC .p2align 2 PF_MEMALLOC: .long 0 # 0x0 .size PF_MEMALLOC, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym bl_alloc_init_bio .addrsig_sym min .addrsig_sym bio_alloc .addrsig_sym bio_set_dev .addrsig_sym BIO_MAX_PAGES .addrsig_sym GFP_NOIO .addrsig_sym current .addrsig_sym PF_MEMALLOC
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _IsCertMatchCrlList ; -- Begin function IsCertMatchCrlList .p2align 2 _IsCertMatchCrlList: ; @IsCertMatchCrlList .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-16] str x1, [sp, #24] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x8, [sp, #24] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_3 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_10 LBB0_3: str xzr, [sp, #16] b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #16] str x8, [sp] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldr x0, [sp, #24] bl _LIST_NUM ldr x8, [sp] ; 8-byte Folded Reload subs x8, x8, x0 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_9 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_4 Depth=1 ldr x0, [sp, #24] ldr x1, [sp, #16] bl _LIST_DATA str x0, [sp, #8] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldr x1, [sp, #8] bl _IsCertMatchCrl subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_7 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: mov w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_10 LBB0_7: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_4 Depth=1 b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_4 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #16] add x8, x8, #1 str x8, [sp, #16] b LBB0_4 LBB0_9: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_Hub.c_IsCertMatchCrlList.c" .globl IsCertMatchCrlList # -- Begin function IsCertMatchCrlList .p2align 4, 0x90 .type IsCertMatchCrlList,@function IsCertMatchCrlList: # @IsCertMatchCrlList .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq %rsi, -24(%rbp) cmpq $0, -16(%rbp) je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: cmpq $0, -24(%rbp) jne .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_10 .LBB0_3: movq $0, -32(%rbp) .LBB0_4: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -48(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -24(%rbp), %rdi callq LIST_NUM@PLT movq %rax, %rcx movq -48(%rbp), %rax # 8-byte Reload cmpq %rcx, %rax jge .LBB0_9 # %bb.5: # in Loop: Header=BB0_4 Depth=1 movq -24(%rbp), %rdi movq -32(%rbp), %rsi callq LIST_DATA@PLT movq %rax, -40(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -40(%rbp), %rsi callq IsCertMatchCrl@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_7 # %bb.6: movl $1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_10 .LBB0_7: # in Loop: Header=BB0_4 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_8 .LBB0_8: # in Loop: Header=BB0_4 Depth=1 movq -32(%rbp), %rax addq $1, %rax movq %rax, -32(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_4 .LBB0_9: movl $0, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_10: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size IsCertMatchCrlList, .Lfunc_end0-IsCertMatchCrlList .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym LIST_NUM .addrsig_sym LIST_DATA .addrsig_sym IsCertMatchCrl
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent _workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent: ; @workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur x1, [x29, #-16] str x2, [sp, #24] adrp x0, l_.str@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _T_LOG bl _geteuid subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: adrp x0, l_.str.1@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _T_SKIP b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr w0, [x8] mov w1, #1 adrp x2, l_.str.2@PAGE add x2, x2, l_.str.2@PAGEOFF bl _T_ASSERT_EQ_INT ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8] ldr w0, [x8] adrp x8, _EVFILT_MACHPORT@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _EVFILT_MACHPORT@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] adrp x2, l_.str.3@PAGE add x2, x2, l_.str.3@PAGEOFF bl _T_ASSERT_EQ_INT ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp, #16] ldr x0, [sp, #16] bl _get_reply_port str w0, [sp, #12] adrp x8, _workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent_handler_called@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent_handler_called@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: adrp x9, _workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent_handler_called@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent_handler_called@GOTPAGEOFF] mov w8, #1 str w8, [x9] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w1, [x8, #4] bl _enable_kevent ldr w0, [sp, #12] bl _send_reply ldr x8, [sp, #24] str wzr, [x8] b LBB0_5 LBB0_4: ldr w0, [sp, #12] bl _send_reply ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w1, [x8, #4] bl _enable_kevent ldr x8, [sp, #24] str wzr, [x8] b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: adrp x0, l_.str.4@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str.4@PAGEOFF bl _T_LOG ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "workloop handler workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent called" l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "kevent_qos test requires root privileges to run." .comm _T_QUIET,4,2 ; @T_QUIET l_.str.2: ; @.str.2 .asciz "events received" .comm _EVFILT_MACHPORT,4,2 ; @EVFILT_MACHPORT l_.str.3: ; @.str.3 .asciz "received EVFILT_MACHPORT" .comm _workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent_handler_called,4,2 ; @workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent_handler_called l_.str.4: ; @.str.4 .asciz "Handler returning \n" .no_dead_strip _workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_kevent_qos.c_workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent .type workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent,@function workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent: # @workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq %rdx, -24(%rbp) leaq .L.str(%rip), %rdi callq T_LOG@PLT movb $0, %al callq geteuid@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rdi callq T_SKIP@PLT .LBB0_2: movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movl $1, %esi leaq .L.str.2(%rip), %rdx callq T_ASSERT_EQ_INT@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movl EVFILT_MACHPORT(%rip), %esi leaq .L.str.3(%rip), %rdx callq T_ASSERT_EQ_INT@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movq -32(%rbp), %rdi callq get_reply_port@PLT movl %eax, -36(%rbp) cmpl $0, workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent_handler_called(%rip) jne .LBB0_4 # %bb.3: movl $1, workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent_handler_called(%rip) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl 4(%rax), %esi callq enable_kevent@PLT movl -36(%rbp), %edi callq send_reply@PLT movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl $0, (%rax) jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_4: movl -36(%rbp), %edi callq send_reply@PLT movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl 4(%rax), %esi callq enable_kevent@PLT movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl $0, (%rax) .LBB0_5: leaq .L.str.4(%rip), %rdi callq T_LOG@PLT addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent, .Lfunc_end0-workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "workloop handler workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent called" .size .L.str, 77 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .L.str.1: .asciz "kevent_qos test requires root privileges to run." .size .L.str.1, 49 .type T_QUIET,@object # @T_QUIET .bss .globl T_QUIET .p2align 2 T_QUIET: .long 0 # 0x0 .size T_QUIET, 4 .type .L.str.2,@object # @.str.2 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.2: .asciz "events received" .size .L.str.2, 16 .type EVFILT_MACHPORT,@object # @EVFILT_MACHPORT .bss .globl EVFILT_MACHPORT .p2align 2 EVFILT_MACHPORT: .long 0 # 0x0 .size EVFILT_MACHPORT, 4 .type .L.str.3,@object # @.str.3 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.3: .asciz "received EVFILT_MACHPORT" .size .L.str.3, 25 .type workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent_handler_called,@object # @workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent_handler_called .bss .globl workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent_handler_called .p2align 2 workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent_handler_called: .long 0 # 0x0 .size workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent_handler_called, 4 .type .L.str.4,@object # @.str.4 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.4: .asciz "Handler returning \n" .size .L.str.4, 20 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent .addrsig_sym T_LOG .addrsig_sym geteuid .addrsig_sym T_SKIP .addrsig_sym T_ASSERT_EQ_INT .addrsig_sym get_reply_port .addrsig_sym enable_kevent .addrsig_sym send_reply .addrsig_sym T_QUIET .addrsig_sym EVFILT_MACHPORT .addrsig_sym workloop_cb_test_sync_send_kevent_reply_reply_kevent_handler_called
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _unzReadCurrentFile ; -- Begin function unzReadCurrentFile .p2align 2 _unzReadCurrentFile: ; @unzReadCurrentFile .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-16] str x1, [sp, #24] str x2, [sp, #16] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] str x8, [sp, #8] adrp x8, _MZ_OK@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _MZ_OK@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp] ldr x8, [sp, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x8, [sp, #16] adrp x9, _INT32_MAX@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _INT32_MAX@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, lt tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_3 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: adrp x8, _UNZ_PARAMERROR@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _UNZ_PARAMERROR@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_6 LBB0_3: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr w0, [x8, #4] ldr x1, [sp, #24] ldr x2, [sp, #16] bl _mz_zip_entry_read str x0, [sp] ldr x8, [sp] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, le tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ldr x10, [sp] ldr x9, [sp, #8] ldrsw x8, [x9] add x8, x8, x10 ; kill: def $w8 killed $w8 killed $x8 str w8, [x9] b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldr x8, [sp] ; kill: def $w8 killed $w8 killed $x8 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _MZ_OK,8,3 ; @MZ_OK .comm _INT32_MAX,8,3 ; @INT32_MAX .comm _UNZ_PARAMERROR,4,2 ; @UNZ_PARAMERROR .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_mz_compat.c_unzReadCurrentFile.c" .globl unzReadCurrentFile # -- Begin function unzReadCurrentFile .p2align 4, 0x90 .type unzReadCurrentFile,@function unzReadCurrentFile: # @unzReadCurrentFile .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq %rsi, -24(%rbp) movq %rdx, -32(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -40(%rbp) movq MZ_OK(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -48(%rbp) cmpq $0, -40(%rbp) je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movq -32(%rbp), %rax cmpq INT32_MAX(%rip), %rax jl .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movl UNZ_PARAMERROR(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_6 .LBB0_3: movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl 4(%rax), %edi movq -24(%rbp), %rsi movq -32(%rbp), %rdx callq mz_zip_entry_read@PLT movq %rax, -48(%rbp) cmpq $0, -48(%rbp) jle .LBB0_5 # %bb.4: movq -48(%rbp), %rdx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movslq (%rax), %rcx addq %rdx, %rcx # kill: def $ecx killed $ecx killed $rcx movl %ecx, (%rax) .LBB0_5: movq -48(%rbp), %rax # kill: def $eax killed $eax killed $rax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_6: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size unzReadCurrentFile, .Lfunc_end0-unzReadCurrentFile .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type MZ_OK,@object # @MZ_OK .bss .globl MZ_OK .p2align 3 MZ_OK: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size MZ_OK, 8 .type INT32_MAX,@object # @INT32_MAX .globl INT32_MAX .p2align 3 INT32_MAX: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size INT32_MAX, 8 .type UNZ_PARAMERROR,@object # @UNZ_PARAMERROR .globl UNZ_PARAMERROR .p2align 2 UNZ_PARAMERROR: .long 0 # 0x0 .size UNZ_PARAMERROR, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym mz_zip_entry_read .addrsig_sym MZ_OK .addrsig_sym INT32_MAX .addrsig_sym UNZ_PARAMERROR
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _main ; -- Begin function main .p2align 2 _main: ; @main .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 adrp x8, _sc@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _sc@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Spill stur wzr, [x29, #-4] ldr x9, [x8] ldr w9, [x9, #240] str w9, [sp] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldr x9, [x8] ldr w9, [x9, #244] str w9, [sp, #4] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldr x9, [x8] ldr w9, [x9, #248] str w9, [sp, #8] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldr x9, [x8] ldr w9, [x9, #252] str w9, [sp, #12] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldr x8, [x8] ldrh w0, [x8, #232] bl _SWAP16 ldr w2, [sp] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr w3, [sp, #4] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr w4, [sp, #8] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr w5, [sp, #12] ; 4-byte Folded Reload mov x6, x0 adrp x0, l_.str@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str@PAGEOFF mov w1, #8 bl _printf ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] blr x8 ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "shellcode=%d bytes\nconnecting to %d.%d.%d.%d:%hd\n" .comm _sc,8,3 ; @sc .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_43536.c_main.c" .globl main # -- Begin function main .p2align 4, 0x90 .type main,@function main: # @main .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movl $0, -4(%rbp) movq sc(%rip), %rax movl 240(%rax), %eax movl %eax, -20(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq sc(%rip), %rax movl 244(%rax), %eax movl %eax, -16(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq sc(%rip), %rax movl 248(%rax), %eax movl %eax, -12(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq sc(%rip), %rax movl 252(%rax), %eax movl %eax, -8(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq sc(%rip), %rax movzwl 232(%rax), %edi callq SWAP16@PLT movl -20(%rbp), %edx # 4-byte Reload movl -16(%rbp), %ecx # 4-byte Reload movl -12(%rbp), %r8d # 4-byte Reload movl -8(%rbp), %r9d # 4-byte Reload leaq .L.str(%rip), %rdi movl $8, %esi movl %eax, (%rsp) callq printf@PLT callq *sc(%rip) addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size main, .Lfunc_end0-main .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "shellcode=%d bytes\nconnecting to %d.%d.%d.%d:%hd\n" .size .L.str, 50 .type sc,@object # @sc .bss .globl sc .p2align 3 sc: .quad 0 .size sc, 8 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym printf .addrsig_sym SWAP16 .addrsig_sym sc
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function get_time _get_time: ; @get_time .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 str x0, [sp, #24] str w1, [sp, #20] ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x8, [x8] ldrsw x9, [sp, #20] ldr x8, [x8, x9, lsl #3] mov x9, #38528 movk x9, #152, lsl #16 mul x8, x8, x9 str x8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: mov x8, #57600 movk x8, #1525, lsl #16 str x8, [sp, #8] b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldr x0, [sp, #8] add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _get_time .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_image-file.c_get_time.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function get_time .type get_time,@function get_time: # @get_time .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movl %esi, -12(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movslq -12(%rbp), %rcx imulq $10000000, (%rax,%rcx,8), %rax # imm = 0x989680 movq %rax, -24(%rbp) cmpq $0, -24(%rbp) jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movq $100000000, -24(%rbp) # imm = 0x5F5E100 .LBB0_2: movq -24(%rbp), %rax popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size get_time, .Lfunc_end0-get_time .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym get_time
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _X509_cmp_current_time ; -- Begin function X509_cmp_current_time .p2align 2 _X509_cmp_current_time: ; @X509_cmp_current_time .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #8] ldr x0, [sp, #8] mov x1, #0 bl _X509_cmp_time ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_x509_vfy.c_X509_cmp_current_time.c" .globl X509_cmp_current_time # -- Begin function X509_cmp_current_time .p2align 4, 0x90 .type X509_cmp_current_time,@function X509_cmp_current_time: # @X509_cmp_current_time .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi xorl %eax, %eax movl %eax, %esi callq X509_cmp_time@PLT addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size X509_cmp_current_time, .Lfunc_end0-X509_cmp_current_time .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym X509_cmp_time
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _trap_GetGlconfig ; -- Begin function trap_GetGlconfig .p2align 2 _trap_GetGlconfig: ; @trap_GetGlconfig .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #8] adrp x8, _CG_GETGLCONFIG@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _CG_GETGLCONFIG@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x8] ldr x1, [sp, #8] bl _syscall ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _CG_GETGLCONFIG,4,2 ; @CG_GETGLCONFIG .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_cg_syscalls.c_trap_GetGlconfig.c" .globl trap_GetGlconfig # -- Begin function trap_GetGlconfig .p2align 4, 0x90 .type trap_GetGlconfig,@function trap_GetGlconfig: # @trap_GetGlconfig .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movl CG_GETGLCONFIG(%rip), %edi movq -8(%rbp), %rsi callq syscall@PLT addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size trap_GetGlconfig, .Lfunc_end0-trap_GetGlconfig .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type CG_GETGLCONFIG,@object # @CG_GETGLCONFIG .bss .globl CG_GETGLCONFIG .p2align 2 CG_GETGLCONFIG: .long 0 # 0x0 .size CG_GETGLCONFIG, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym syscall .addrsig_sym CG_GETGLCONFIG
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function config_start_map_cb _config_start_map_cb: ; @config_start_map_cb .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 str x0, [sp, #8] mov w0, #1 add sp, sp, #16 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _config_start_map_cb .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_main.c_config_start_map_cb.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function config_start_map_cb .type config_start_map_cb,@function config_start_map_cb: # @config_start_map_cb .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movl $1, %eax popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size config_start_map_cb, .Lfunc_end0-config_start_map_cb .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym config_start_map_cb
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function parse_params _parse_params: ; @parse_params .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] str x1, [sp, #16] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] add x1, sp, #8 bl _cf_peek_valid_token subs w8, w0, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: b LBB0_19 LBB0_2: b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #8] adrp x9, _CFTOKEN_NAME@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _CFTOKEN_NAME@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_17 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldr x1, [sp, #16] bl _parse_param str w0, [sp, #4] ldr w8, [sp, #4] adrp x9, _PARSE_EOF@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _PARSE_EOF@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: b LBB0_19 LBB0_6: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #4] adrp x9, _PARSE_CONTINUE@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _PARSE_CONTINUE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_9 b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 ldur x0, [x29, #-8] bl _cf_next_valid_token subs w8, w0, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_9 b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: b LBB0_19 LBB0_9: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 ldur x0, [x29, #-8] adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _cf_token_is subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_11 b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: b LBB0_17 LBB0_11: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 ldur x0, [x29, #-8] adrp x2, l_.str.1@PAGE add x2, x2, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF mov x1, x2 mov x3, #0 bl _cf_token_should_be adrp x8, _PARSE_EOF@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _PARSE_EOF@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] subs w8, w0, w8 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_13 b LBB0_12 LBB0_12: b LBB0_19 LBB0_13: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 b LBB0_14 LBB0_14: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 ldur x0, [x29, #-8] add x1, sp, #8 bl _cf_peek_valid_token subs w8, w0, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_16 b LBB0_15 LBB0_15: b LBB0_19 LBB0_16: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 b LBB0_3 LBB0_17: ldur x0, [x29, #-8] adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _cf_token_is subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_19 b LBB0_18 LBB0_18: ldur x0, [x29, #-8] adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF mov x3, #0 mov x2, x3 bl _cf_next_token_should_be b LBB0_19 LBB0_19: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _CFTOKEN_NAME,8,3 ; @CFTOKEN_NAME .comm _PARSE_EOF,4,2 ; @PARSE_EOF .comm _PARSE_CONTINUE,4,2 ; @PARSE_CONTINUE .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz ")" l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "," .no_dead_strip _parse_params .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_decl.c_parse_params.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function parse_params .type parse_params,@function parse_params: # @parse_params .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi leaq -24(%rbp), %rsi callq cf_peek_valid_token@PLT cmpl $0, %eax jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: jmp .LBB0_19 .LBB0_2: jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_3: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movq -24(%rbp), %rax cmpq CFTOKEN_NAME(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_17 # %bb.4: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rsi callq parse_param@PLT movl %eax, -28(%rbp) movl -28(%rbp), %eax cmpl PARSE_EOF(%rip), %eax jne .LBB0_6 # %bb.5: jmp .LBB0_19 .LBB0_6: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movl -28(%rbp), %eax cmpl PARSE_CONTINUE(%rip), %eax je .LBB0_9 # %bb.7: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi callq cf_next_valid_token@PLT cmpl $0, %eax jne .LBB0_9 # %bb.8: jmp .LBB0_19 .LBB0_9: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi callq cf_token_is@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_11 # %bb.10: jmp .LBB0_17 .LBB0_11: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rdx xorl %eax, %eax movl %eax, %ecx movq %rdx, %rsi callq cf_token_should_be@PLT cmpl PARSE_EOF(%rip), %eax jne .LBB0_13 # %bb.12: jmp .LBB0_19 .LBB0_13: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_14 .LBB0_14: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi leaq -24(%rbp), %rsi callq cf_peek_valid_token@PLT cmpl $0, %eax jne .LBB0_16 # %bb.15: jmp .LBB0_19 .LBB0_16: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_17: movq -8(%rbp), %rdi leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi callq cf_token_is@PLT cmpq $0, %rax jne .LBB0_19 # %bb.18: movq -8(%rbp), %rdi leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi xorl %eax, %eax movl %eax, %ecx movq %rcx, %rdx callq cf_next_token_should_be@PLT .LBB0_19: addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size parse_params, .Lfunc_end0-parse_params .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type CFTOKEN_NAME,@object # @CFTOKEN_NAME .bss .globl CFTOKEN_NAME .p2align 3 CFTOKEN_NAME: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size CFTOKEN_NAME, 8 .type PARSE_EOF,@object # @PARSE_EOF .globl PARSE_EOF .p2align 2 PARSE_EOF: .long 0 # 0x0 .size PARSE_EOF, 4 .type PARSE_CONTINUE,@object # @PARSE_CONTINUE .globl PARSE_CONTINUE .p2align 2 PARSE_CONTINUE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size PARSE_CONTINUE, 4 .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz ")" .size .L.str, 2 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .L.str.1: .asciz "," .size .L.str.1, 2 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym parse_params .addrsig_sym cf_peek_valid_token .addrsig_sym parse_param .addrsig_sym cf_next_valid_token .addrsig_sym cf_token_is .addrsig_sym cf_token_should_be .addrsig_sym cf_next_token_should_be .addrsig_sym CFTOKEN_NAME .addrsig_sym PARSE_EOF .addrsig_sym PARSE_CONTINUE
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function ConcatRemaining _ConcatRemaining: ; @ConcatRemaining .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] str x1, [sp, #16] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldr x1, [sp, #16] bl _strstr str x0, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: bl _keyConcatArgs b LBB0_3 LBB0_2: ldr x0, [sp, #16] bl _strlen ldr x8, [sp, #8] add x8, x8, w0, sxtw str x8, [sp, #8] adrp x8, _completionField@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _completionField@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] ldr w0, [x8] ldr x2, [sp, #8] mov w1, #4 bl _Q_strcat b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _completionField,8,3 ; @completionField .no_dead_strip _ConcatRemaining .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_common.c_ConcatRemaining.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function ConcatRemaining .type ConcatRemaining,@function ConcatRemaining: # @ConcatRemaining .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rsi callq strstr@PLT movq %rax, -24(%rbp) cmpq $0, -24(%rbp) jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movb $0, %al callq keyConcatArgs@PLT jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq strlen@PLT movl %eax, %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rax movslq %ecx, %rcx addq %rcx, %rax movq %rax, -24(%rbp) movq completionField(%rip), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movq -24(%rbp), %rdx movl $4, %esi callq Q_strcat@PLT .LBB0_3: addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size ConcatRemaining, .Lfunc_end0-ConcatRemaining .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type completionField,@object # @completionField .bss .globl completionField .p2align 3 completionField: .quad 0 .size completionField, 8 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym ConcatRemaining .addrsig_sym strstr .addrsig_sym keyConcatArgs .addrsig_sym strlen .addrsig_sym Q_strcat .addrsig_sym completionField
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _ixgbe_reset_hw_X540 ; -- Begin function ixgbe_reset_hw_X540 .p2align 2 _ixgbe_reset_hw_X540: ; @ixgbe_reset_hw_X540 .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #80 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 stp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 adrp x8, _IXGBE_CTRL@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _IXGBE_CTRL@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Spill stur x0, [x29, #-16] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8, #112] str w8, [sp, #28] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #80] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] blr x8 stur x0, [x29, #-24] ldur x8, [x29, #-24] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldur x8, [x29, #-24] stur x8, [x29, #-8] b LBB0_18 LBB0_2: ldur x0, [x29, #-16] bl _ixgbe_clear_tx_pending b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ; =>This Loop Header: Depth=1 ; Child Loop BB0_6 Depth 2 ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #72] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldr w1, [sp, #28] blr x8 stur x0, [x29, #-24] ldur x8, [x29, #-24] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldur x8, [x29, #-24] mov x9, sp str x8, [x9] adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _hw_dbg adrp x8, _IXGBE_ERR_SWFW_SYNC@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _IXGBE_ERR_SWFW_SYNC@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-8] b LBB0_18 LBB0_5: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload adrp x9, _IXGBE_CTRL_RST@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _IXGBE_CTRL_RST@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] stur w9, [x29, #-28] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldr w1, [x8] bl _IXGBE_READ_REG ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur w9, [x29, #-28] orr w9, w9, w0 stur w9, [x29, #-28] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldr w1, [x8] ldur w2, [x29, #-28] bl _IXGBE_WRITE_REG ldur x0, [x29, #-16] bl _IXGBE_WRITE_FLUSH ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #64] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldr w1, [sp, #28] blr x8 mov w0, #1000 mov w1, #1200 bl _usleep_range str wzr, [sp, #32] b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ; Parent Loop BB0_3 Depth=1 ; => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 ldr w8, [sp, #32] subs w8, w8, #10 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_11 b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=2 ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldr w1, [x8] bl _IXGBE_READ_REG stur w0, [x29, #-28] ldur w8, [x29, #-28] adrp x9, _IXGBE_CTRL_RST_MASK@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _IXGBE_CTRL_RST_MASK@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] ands w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_9 b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 b LBB0_11 LBB0_9: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=2 mov w0, #1 bl _udelay b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=2 ldr w8, [sp, #32] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #32] b LBB0_6 LBB0_11: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 ldur w8, [x29, #-28] adrp x9, _IXGBE_CTRL_RST_MASK@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _IXGBE_CTRL_RST_MASK@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] ands w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_13 b LBB0_12 LBB0_12: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 adrp x8, _IXGBE_ERR_RESET_FAILED@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _IXGBE_ERR_RESET_FAILED@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-24] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] adrp x1, l_.str.1@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _hw_dbg b LBB0_13 LBB0_13: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 mov w0, #100 bl _msleep ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8] adrp x9, _IXGBE_FLAGS_DOUBLE_RESET_REQUIRED@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _IXGBE_FLAGS_DOUBLE_RESET_REQUIRED@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] ands w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_15 b LBB0_14 LBB0_14: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 adrp x8, _IXGBE_FLAGS_DOUBLE_RESET_REQUIRED@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _IXGBE_FLAGS_DOUBLE_RESET_REQUIRED@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x9] bic w8, w8, w10 str w8, [x9] b LBB0_3 LBB0_15: ldur x8, [x29, #-16] str x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Spill mov w0, #0 bl _IXGBE_RXPBSIZE mov x1, x0 ldr x0, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload adrp x8, _IXGBE_RXPBSIZE_SHIFT@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _IXGBE_RXPBSIZE_SHIFT@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x8] mov w8, #384 lsl w2, w8, w9 bl _IXGBE_WRITE_REG ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #56] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w1, [x9, #108] blr x8 adrp x8, _IXGBE_X540_MAX_TX_QUEUES@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _IXGBE_X540_MAX_TX_QUEUES@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] str x8, [x9, #88] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #48] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] blr x8 ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #40] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w1, [x9, #104] blr x8 ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w0, [x8, #104] bl _is_valid_ether_addr subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_17 b LBB0_16 LBB0_16: ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #88] subs x8, x8, #1 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] str x8, [x9, #96] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #32] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr x1, [x9, #96] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w2, [x9, #104] adrp x9, _IXGBE_RAH_AV@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _IXGBE_RAH_AV@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w4, [x9] mov w3, #0 blr x8 ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr x1, [x9, #96] adrp x9, _IXGBE_CLEAR_VMDQ_ALL@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _IXGBE_CLEAR_VMDQ_ALL@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w2, [x9] blr x8 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x9, #88] subs x8, x8, #1 str x8, [x9, #88] b LBB0_17 LBB0_17: ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] add x1, x9, #8 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] add x2, x9, #4 blr x8 ldur x8, [x29, #-24] stur x8, [x29, #-8] b LBB0_18 LBB0_18: ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #80 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "semaphore failed with %d" .comm _IXGBE_ERR_SWFW_SYNC,8,3 ; @IXGBE_ERR_SWFW_SYNC .comm _IXGBE_CTRL_RST,4,2 ; @IXGBE_CTRL_RST .comm _IXGBE_CTRL,4,2 ; @IXGBE_CTRL .comm _IXGBE_CTRL_RST_MASK,4,2 ; @IXGBE_CTRL_RST_MASK .comm _IXGBE_ERR_RESET_FAILED,8,3 ; @IXGBE_ERR_RESET_FAILED l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "Reset polling failed to complete.\n" .comm _IXGBE_FLAGS_DOUBLE_RESET_REQUIRED,4,2 ; @IXGBE_FLAGS_DOUBLE_RESET_REQUIRED .comm _IXGBE_RXPBSIZE_SHIFT,4,2 ; @IXGBE_RXPBSIZE_SHIFT .comm _IXGBE_X540_MAX_TX_QUEUES,8,3 ; @IXGBE_X540_MAX_TX_QUEUES .comm _IXGBE_RAH_AV,4,2 ; @IXGBE_RAH_AV .comm _IXGBE_CLEAR_VMDQ_ALL,4,2 ; @IXGBE_CLEAR_VMDQ_ALL .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_ixgbe_x540.c_ixgbe_reset_hw_X540.c" .globl ixgbe_reset_hw_X540 # -- Begin function ixgbe_reset_hw_X540 .p2align 4, 0x90 .type ixgbe_reset_hw_X540,@function ixgbe_reset_hw_X540: # @ixgbe_reset_hw_X540 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 112(%rax), %eax movl %eax, -36(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 80(%rax), %rax movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq *%rax movq %rax, -24(%rbp) cmpq $0, -24(%rbp) je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -8(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_18 .LBB0_2: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq ixgbe_clear_tx_pending@PLT .LBB0_3: # =>This Loop Header: Depth=1 # Child Loop BB0_6 Depth 2 movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 72(%rax), %rax movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl -36(%rbp), %esi callq *%rax movq %rax, -24(%rbp) cmpq $0, -24(%rbp) je .LBB0_5 # %bb.4: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -24(%rbp), %rdx leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq hw_dbg@PLT movq IXGBE_ERR_SWFW_SYNC(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -8(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_18 .LBB0_5: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movl IXGBE_CTRL_RST(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -28(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl IXGBE_CTRL(%rip), %esi callq IXGBE_READ_REG@PLT orl -28(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -28(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl IXGBE_CTRL(%rip), %esi movl -28(%rbp), %edx callq IXGBE_WRITE_REG@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq IXGBE_WRITE_FLUSH@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 64(%rax), %rax movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl -36(%rbp), %esi callq *%rax movl $1000, %edi # imm = 0x3E8 movl $1200, %esi # imm = 0x4B0 callq usleep_range@PLT movl $0, -32(%rbp) .LBB0_6: # Parent Loop BB0_3 Depth=1 # => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 cmpl $10, -32(%rbp) jge .LBB0_11 # %bb.7: # in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=2 movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl IXGBE_CTRL(%rip), %esi callq IXGBE_READ_REG@PLT movl %eax, -28(%rbp) movl -28(%rbp), %eax andl IXGBE_CTRL_RST_MASK(%rip), %eax cmpl $0, %eax jne .LBB0_9 # %bb.8: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_11 .LBB0_9: # in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=2 movl $1, %edi callq udelay@PLT # %bb.10: # in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=2 movl -32(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -32(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_6 .LBB0_11: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movl -28(%rbp), %eax andl IXGBE_CTRL_RST_MASK(%rip), %eax cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_13 # %bb.12: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movq IXGBE_ERR_RESET_FAILED(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -24(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq hw_dbg@PLT .LBB0_13: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movl $100, %edi callq msleep@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax andl IXGBE_FLAGS_DOUBLE_RESET_REQUIRED(%rip), %eax cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_15 # %bb.14: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movl IXGBE_FLAGS_DOUBLE_RESET_REQUIRED(%rip), %ecx xorl $-1, %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax andl (%rax), %ecx movl %ecx, (%rax) jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_15: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -48(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill xorl %edi, %edi callq IXGBE_RXPBSIZE@PLT movq -48(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movl %eax, %esi movl IXGBE_RXPBSIZE_SHIFT(%rip), %ecx movl $384, %edx # imm = 0x180 # kill: def $cl killed $ecx shll %cl, %edx callq IXGBE_WRITE_REG@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 56(%rax), %rax movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 108(%rcx), %esi callq *%rax movq IXGBE_X540_MAX_TX_QUEUES(%rip), %rcx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, 88(%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 48(%rax), %rax movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq *%rax movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 40(%rax), %rax movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 104(%rcx), %esi callq *%rax movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 104(%rax), %edi callq is_valid_ether_addr@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_17 # %bb.16: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 88(%rax), %rcx subq $1, %rcx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, 96(%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 32(%rax), %rax movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movq 96(%rcx), %rsi movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 104(%rcx), %edx movl IXGBE_RAH_AV(%rip), %r8d xorl %ecx, %ecx callq *%rax movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movq 96(%rcx), %rsi movl IXGBE_CLEAR_VMDQ_ALL(%rip), %edx callq *%rax movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 88(%rax), %rcx addq $-1, %rcx movq %rcx, 88(%rax) .LBB0_17: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rsi addq $8, %rsi movq -16(%rbp), %rdx addq $4, %rdx callq *%rax movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -8(%rbp) .LBB0_18: movq -8(%rbp), %rax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size ixgbe_reset_hw_X540, .Lfunc_end0-ixgbe_reset_hw_X540 .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "semaphore failed with %d" .size .L.str, 25 .type IXGBE_ERR_SWFW_SYNC,@object # @IXGBE_ERR_SWFW_SYNC .bss .globl IXGBE_ERR_SWFW_SYNC .p2align 3 IXGBE_ERR_SWFW_SYNC: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size IXGBE_ERR_SWFW_SYNC, 8 .type IXGBE_CTRL_RST,@object # @IXGBE_CTRL_RST .globl IXGBE_CTRL_RST .p2align 2 IXGBE_CTRL_RST: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IXGBE_CTRL_RST, 4 .type IXGBE_CTRL,@object # @IXGBE_CTRL .globl IXGBE_CTRL .p2align 2 IXGBE_CTRL: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IXGBE_CTRL, 4 .type IXGBE_CTRL_RST_MASK,@object # @IXGBE_CTRL_RST_MASK .globl IXGBE_CTRL_RST_MASK .p2align 2 IXGBE_CTRL_RST_MASK: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IXGBE_CTRL_RST_MASK, 4 .type IXGBE_ERR_RESET_FAILED,@object # @IXGBE_ERR_RESET_FAILED .globl IXGBE_ERR_RESET_FAILED .p2align 3 IXGBE_ERR_RESET_FAILED: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size IXGBE_ERR_RESET_FAILED, 8 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.1: .asciz "Reset polling failed to complete.\n" .size .L.str.1, 35 .type IXGBE_FLAGS_DOUBLE_RESET_REQUIRED,@object # @IXGBE_FLAGS_DOUBLE_RESET_REQUIRED .bss .globl IXGBE_FLAGS_DOUBLE_RESET_REQUIRED .p2align 2 IXGBE_FLAGS_DOUBLE_RESET_REQUIRED: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IXGBE_FLAGS_DOUBLE_RESET_REQUIRED, 4 .type IXGBE_RXPBSIZE_SHIFT,@object # @IXGBE_RXPBSIZE_SHIFT .globl IXGBE_RXPBSIZE_SHIFT .p2align 2 IXGBE_RXPBSIZE_SHIFT: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IXGBE_RXPBSIZE_SHIFT, 4 .type IXGBE_X540_MAX_TX_QUEUES,@object # @IXGBE_X540_MAX_TX_QUEUES .globl IXGBE_X540_MAX_TX_QUEUES .p2align 3 IXGBE_X540_MAX_TX_QUEUES: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size IXGBE_X540_MAX_TX_QUEUES, 8 .type IXGBE_RAH_AV,@object # @IXGBE_RAH_AV .globl IXGBE_RAH_AV .p2align 2 IXGBE_RAH_AV: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IXGBE_RAH_AV, 4 .type IXGBE_CLEAR_VMDQ_ALL,@object # @IXGBE_CLEAR_VMDQ_ALL .globl IXGBE_CLEAR_VMDQ_ALL .p2align 2 IXGBE_CLEAR_VMDQ_ALL: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IXGBE_CLEAR_VMDQ_ALL, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym ixgbe_clear_tx_pending .addrsig_sym hw_dbg .addrsig_sym IXGBE_READ_REG .addrsig_sym IXGBE_WRITE_REG .addrsig_sym IXGBE_WRITE_FLUSH .addrsig_sym usleep_range .addrsig_sym udelay .addrsig_sym msleep .addrsig_sym IXGBE_RXPBSIZE .addrsig_sym is_valid_ether_addr .addrsig_sym IXGBE_ERR_SWFW_SYNC .addrsig_sym IXGBE_CTRL_RST .addrsig_sym IXGBE_CTRL .addrsig_sym IXGBE_CTRL_RST_MASK .addrsig_sym IXGBE_ERR_RESET_FAILED .addrsig_sym IXGBE_FLAGS_DOUBLE_RESET_REQUIRED .addrsig_sym IXGBE_RXPBSIZE_SHIFT .addrsig_sym IXGBE_X540_MAX_TX_QUEUES .addrsig_sym IXGBE_RAH_AV .addrsig_sym IXGBE_CLEAR_VMDQ_ALL
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _rtl88e_init_sw_vars ; -- Begin function rtl88e_init_sw_vars .p2align 2 _rtl88e_init_sw_vars: ; @rtl88e_init_sw_vars .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #96 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 96 stp x29, x30, [sp, #80] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #80 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-16] mov w8, #0 str w8, [sp, #20] ; 4-byte Folded Spill stur wzr, [x29, #-20] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] bl _rtl_priv stur x0, [x29, #-32] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] bl _rtl_pcipriv bl _rtl_pcidev str x0, [sp, #40] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] bl _rtl8188ee_bt_reg_init ldur x9, [x29, #-32] mov w8, #1 str w8, [x9, #104] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] str xzr, [x8, #128] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] str xzr, [x8, #120] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] str xzr, [x8, #112] adrp x8, _CFENDFORM@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _CFENDFORM@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #16] ; 4-byte Folded Spill mov w0, #15 bl _BIT ldr w8, [sp, #16] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr w9, [sp, #20] ; 4-byte Folded Reload orr w8, w8, w0 ldr x10, [sp, #40] str w8, [x10] adrp x8, _BAND_ON_2_4G@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _BAND_ON_2_4G@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x10, [x8] ldur x11, [x29, #-32] str x10, [x11, #80] ldr x8, [x8] ldur x10, [x29, #-32] str x8, [x10, #72] adrp x8, _SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] ldur x10, [x29, #-32] str w8, [x10, #64] adrp x8, _RCR_APPFCS@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _RCR_APPFCS@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] adrp x10, _RCR_APP_MIC@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _RCR_APP_MIC@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _RCR_APP_ICV@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _RCR_APP_ICV@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _RCR_APP_PHYST_RXFF@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _RCR_APP_PHYST_RXFF@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _RCR_HTC_LOC_CTRL@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _RCR_HTC_LOC_CTRL@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _RCR_AMF@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _RCR_AMF@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _RCR_ACF@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _RCR_ACF@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _RCR_ADF@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _RCR_ADF@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _RCR_AICV@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _RCR_AICV@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _RCR_ACRC32@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _RCR_ACRC32@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _RCR_AB@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _RCR_AB@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _RCR_AM@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _RCR_AM@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _RCR_APM@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _RCR_APM@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 orr w8, w8, w9 ldr x10, [sp, #40] str w8, [x10, #4] adrp x8, _IMR_PSTIMEOUT@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _IMR_PSTIMEOUT@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] adrp x10, _IMR_HSISR_IND_ON_INT@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _IMR_HSISR_IND_ON_INT@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _IMR_C2HCMD@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _IMR_C2HCMD@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _IMR_HIGHDOK@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _IMR_HIGHDOK@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _IMR_MGNTDOK@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _IMR_MGNTDOK@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _IMR_BKDOK@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _IMR_BKDOK@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _IMR_BEDOK@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _IMR_BEDOK@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _IMR_VIDOK@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _IMR_VIDOK@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _IMR_VODOK@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _IMR_VODOK@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _IMR_RDU@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _IMR_RDU@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 adrp x10, _IMR_ROK@GOTPAGE ldr x10, [x10, _IMR_ROK@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x10] orr w8, w8, w10 orr w10, w8, w9 ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x10 sxtw x8, w8 ldr x10, [sp, #40] ldr x10, [x10, #24] str x8, [x10] adrp x8, _IMR_RXFOVW@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _IMR_RXFOVW@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] orr w9, w8, w9 ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x9 sxtw x8, w8 ldr x9, [sp, #40] ldr x9, [x9, #24] str x8, [x9, #8] adrp x8, _HSIMR_PDN_INT_EN@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _HSIMR_PDN_INT_EN@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] adrp x9, _HSIMR_RON_INT_EN@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _HSIMR_RON_INT_EN@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] orr w9, w8, w9 ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x9 sxtw x8, w8 ldr x9, [sp, #40] str x8, [x9, #16] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr x8, [x8, #96] ldr x8, [x8] ldr w8, [x8, #20] ldur x9, [x29, #-32] str w8, [x9, #32] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr x8, [x8, #96] ldr x8, [x8] ldr w8, [x8, #16] ldur x9, [x29, #-32] str w8, [x9, #36] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr x8, [x8, #96] ldr x8, [x8] ldr w8, [x8, #12] ldur x9, [x29, #-32] str w8, [x9, #28] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr x8, [x8, #96] ldr x8, [x8] ldr w8, [x8, #8] ldr x9, [sp, #40] str w8, [x9, #8] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr x8, [x8, #96] ldr x8, [x8] ldr x8, [x8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: adrp x0, l_.str@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _pr_info b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr w8, [x8, #32] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: adrp x0, l_.str.1@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _pr_info b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr w8, [x8, #28] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: adrp x0, l_.str.2@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str.2@PAGEOFF bl _pr_info b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ldur x9, [x29, #-32] mov w8, #3 str w8, [x9, #12] ldur x9, [x29, #-32] mov w8, #5 str w8, [x9, #16] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] bl _rtl88e_init_aspm_vars ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr w8, [x8, #12] subs w8, w8, #1 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: adrp x8, _FW_PS_MIN_MODE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _FW_PS_MIN_MODE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-32] str w8, [x9, #24] b LBB0_14 LBB0_8: ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr w8, [x8, #12] subs w8, w8, #2 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_10 b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: adrp x8, _FW_PS_MAX_MODE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _FW_PS_MAX_MODE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-32] str w8, [x9, #24] b LBB0_13 LBB0_10: ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr w8, [x8, #12] subs w8, w8, #3 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_12 b LBB0_11 LBB0_11: adrp x8, _FW_PS_DTIM_MODE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _FW_PS_DTIM_MODE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-32] str w8, [x9, #24] b LBB0_12 LBB0_12: b LBB0_13 LBB0_13: b LBB0_14 LBB0_14: mov w0, #32768 bl _vzalloc ldur x8, [x29, #-32] str x0, [x8, #56] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr x8, [x8, #56] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_16 b LBB0_15 LBB0_15: adrp x0, l_.str.3@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str.3@PAGEOFF bl _pr_info mov w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_25 LBB0_16: adrp x8, l_.str.4@PAGE add x8, x8, l_.str.4@PAGEOFF str x8, [sp, #24] ldur x9, [x29, #-32] mov w8, #32768 str w8, [x9] ldr x8, [sp, #24] mov x9, sp str x8, [x9] adrp x0, l_.str.5@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str.5@PAGEOFF bl _pr_info adrp x8, _THIS_MODULE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _THIS_MODULE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x8] ldr x2, [sp, #24] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr w3, [x8, #88] adrp x8, _GFP_KERNEL@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _GFP_KERNEL@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w4, [x8] ldur x5, [x29, #-16] adrp x8, _rtl_fw_cb@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _rtl_fw_cb@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w6, [x8] mov w1, #1 bl _request_firmware_nowait stur w0, [x29, #-20] ldur w8, [x29, #-20] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_18 b LBB0_17 LBB0_17: adrp x0, l_.str.6@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str.6@PAGEOFF bl _pr_info ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr x0, [x8, #56] bl _vfree ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ; kill: def $x9 killed $xzr str xzr, [x8, #56] mov w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_25 LBB0_18: ldur x8, [x29, #-32] str wzr, [x8, #48] ldur x9, [x29, #-32] mov w8, #10 str w8, [x9, #52] str wzr, [sp, #36] b LBB0_19 LBB0_19: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #36] subs w8, w8, #8 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_22 b LBB0_20 LBB0_20: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_19 Depth=1 ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr x8, [x8, #40] ldrsw x9, [sp, #36] add x0, x8, x9, lsl #2 bl _skb_queue_head_init b LBB0_21 LBB0_21: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_19 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #36] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #36] b LBB0_19 LBB0_22: ldur x8, [x29, #-32] str wzr, [x8, #20] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr w8, [x8, #20] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_24 b LBB0_23 LBB0_23: ldur x8, [x29, #-32] add x0, x8, #8 adrp x8, _rtl88ee_fw_clk_off_timer_callback@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _rtl88ee_fw_clk_off_timer_callback@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] mov w2, #0 bl _timer_setup b LBB0_24 LBB0_24: ldur x8, [x29, #-32] add x0, x8, #4 adrp x8, _rtl88e_dm_fast_antenna_training_callback@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _rtl88e_dm_fast_antenna_training_callback@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] mov w2, #0 bl _timer_setup ldur w8, [x29, #-20] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_25 LBB0_25: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #80] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #96 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _CFENDFORM,4,2 ; @CFENDFORM .comm _BAND_ON_2_4G,8,3 ; @BAND_ON_2_4G .comm _SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY,4,2 ; @SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY .comm _RCR_APPFCS,4,2 ; @RCR_APPFCS .comm _RCR_APP_MIC,4,2 ; @RCR_APP_MIC .comm _RCR_APP_ICV,4,2 ; @RCR_APP_ICV .comm _RCR_APP_PHYST_RXFF,4,2 ; @RCR_APP_PHYST_RXFF .comm _RCR_HTC_LOC_CTRL,4,2 ; @RCR_HTC_LOC_CTRL .comm _RCR_AMF,4,2 ; @RCR_AMF .comm _RCR_ACF,4,2 ; @RCR_ACF .comm _RCR_ADF,4,2 ; @RCR_ADF .comm _RCR_AICV,4,2 ; @RCR_AICV .comm _RCR_ACRC32,4,2 ; @RCR_ACRC32 .comm _RCR_AB,4,2 ; @RCR_AB .comm _RCR_AM,4,2 ; @RCR_AM .comm _RCR_APM,4,2 ; @RCR_APM .comm _IMR_PSTIMEOUT,4,2 ; @IMR_PSTIMEOUT .comm _IMR_HSISR_IND_ON_INT,4,2 ; @IMR_HSISR_IND_ON_INT .comm _IMR_C2HCMD,4,2 ; @IMR_C2HCMD .comm _IMR_HIGHDOK,4,2 ; @IMR_HIGHDOK .comm _IMR_MGNTDOK,4,2 ; @IMR_MGNTDOK .comm _IMR_BKDOK,4,2 ; @IMR_BKDOK .comm _IMR_BEDOK,4,2 ; @IMR_BEDOK .comm _IMR_VIDOK,4,2 ; @IMR_VIDOK .comm _IMR_VODOK,4,2 ; @IMR_VODOK .comm _IMR_RDU,4,2 ; @IMR_RDU .comm _IMR_ROK,4,2 ; @IMR_ROK .comm _IMR_RXFOVW,4,2 ; @IMR_RXFOVW .comm _HSIMR_PDN_INT_EN,4,2 ; @HSIMR_PDN_INT_EN .comm _HSIMR_RON_INT_EN,4,2 ; @HSIMR_RON_INT_EN .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "watchdog disabled\n" l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "rtl8188ee: Power Save off (module option)\n" l_.str.2: ; @.str.2 .asciz "rtl8188ee: FW Power Save off (module option)\n" .comm _FW_PS_MIN_MODE,4,2 ; @FW_PS_MIN_MODE .comm _FW_PS_MAX_MODE,4,2 ; @FW_PS_MAX_MODE .comm _FW_PS_DTIM_MODE,4,2 ; @FW_PS_DTIM_MODE l_.str.3: ; @.str.3 .asciz "Can't alloc buffer for fw.\n" l_.str.4: ; @.str.4 .asciz "rtlwifi/rtl8188efw.bin" l_.str.5: ; @.str.5 .asciz "Using firmware %s\n" .comm _THIS_MODULE,4,2 ; @THIS_MODULE .comm _GFP_KERNEL,4,2 ; @GFP_KERNEL .comm _rtl_fw_cb,4,2 ; @rtl_fw_cb l_.str.6: ; @.str.6 .asciz "Failed to request firmware!\n" .comm _rtl88ee_fw_clk_off_timer_callback,4,2 ; @rtl88ee_fw_clk_off_timer_callback .comm _rtl88e_dm_fast_antenna_training_callback,4,2 ; @rtl88e_dm_fast_antenna_training_callback .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_sw.c_rtl88e_init_sw_vars.c" .globl rtl88e_init_sw_vars # -- Begin function rtl88e_init_sw_vars .p2align 4, 0x90 .type rtl88e_init_sw_vars,@function rtl88e_init_sw_vars: # @rtl88e_init_sw_vars .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $80, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movl $0, -20(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq rtl_priv@PLT movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq rtl_pcipriv@PLT movl %eax, %edi callq rtl_pcidev@PLT movq %rax, -40(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq rtl8188ee_bt_reg_init@PLT movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl $1, 104(%rax) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq $0, 128(%rax) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq $0, 120(%rax) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq $0, 112(%rax) movl CFENDFORM(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -60(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movl $15, %edi callq BIT@PLT movl -60(%rbp), %ecx # 4-byte Reload orl %eax, %ecx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, (%rax) movq BAND_ON_2_4G(%rip), %rcx movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, 80(%rax) movq BAND_ON_2_4G(%rip), %rcx movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, 72(%rax) movl SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY(%rip), %ecx movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 64(%rax) movl RCR_APPFCS(%rip), %ecx orl RCR_APP_MIC(%rip), %ecx orl RCR_APP_ICV(%rip), %ecx orl RCR_APP_PHYST_RXFF(%rip), %ecx orl RCR_HTC_LOC_CTRL(%rip), %ecx orl RCR_AMF(%rip), %ecx orl RCR_ACF(%rip), %ecx orl RCR_ADF(%rip), %ecx orl RCR_AICV(%rip), %ecx orl RCR_ACRC32(%rip), %ecx orl RCR_AB(%rip), %ecx orl RCR_AM(%rip), %ecx orl RCR_APM(%rip), %ecx orl $0, %ecx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 4(%rax) movl IMR_PSTIMEOUT(%rip), %eax orl IMR_HSISR_IND_ON_INT(%rip), %eax orl IMR_C2HCMD(%rip), %eax orl IMR_HIGHDOK(%rip), %eax orl IMR_MGNTDOK(%rip), %eax orl IMR_BKDOK(%rip), %eax orl IMR_BEDOK(%rip), %eax orl IMR_VIDOK(%rip), %eax orl IMR_VODOK(%rip), %eax orl IMR_RDU(%rip), %eax orl IMR_ROK(%rip), %eax orl $0, %eax movslq %eax, %rcx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movq %rcx, (%rax) movl IMR_RXFOVW(%rip), %eax orl $0, %eax movslq %eax, %rcx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movq %rcx, 8(%rax) movl HSIMR_PDN_INT_EN(%rip), %eax orl HSIMR_RON_INT_EN(%rip), %eax movslq %eax, %rcx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, 16(%rax) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq 96(%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl 20(%rax), %ecx movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 32(%rax) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq 96(%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl 16(%rax), %ecx movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 36(%rax) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq 96(%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl 12(%rax), %ecx movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 28(%rax) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq 96(%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl 8(%rax), %ecx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 8(%rax) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq 96(%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax cmpq $0, (%rax) je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: leaq .L.str(%rip), %rdi movb $0, %al callq pr_info@PLT .LBB0_2: movq -32(%rbp), %rax cmpl $0, 32(%rax) jne .LBB0_4 # %bb.3: leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rdi movb $0, %al callq pr_info@PLT .LBB0_4: movq -32(%rbp), %rax cmpl $0, 28(%rax) jne .LBB0_6 # %bb.5: leaq .L.str.2(%rip), %rdi movb $0, %al callq pr_info@PLT .LBB0_6: movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl $3, 12(%rax) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl $5, 16(%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq rtl88e_init_aspm_vars@PLT movq -32(%rbp), %rax cmpl $1, 12(%rax) jne .LBB0_8 # %bb.7: movl FW_PS_MIN_MODE(%rip), %ecx movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 24(%rax) jmp .LBB0_14 .LBB0_8: movq -32(%rbp), %rax cmpl $2, 12(%rax) jne .LBB0_10 # %bb.9: movl FW_PS_MAX_MODE(%rip), %ecx movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 24(%rax) jmp .LBB0_13 .LBB0_10: movq -32(%rbp), %rax cmpl $3, 12(%rax) jne .LBB0_12 # %bb.11: movl FW_PS_DTIM_MODE(%rip), %ecx movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 24(%rax) .LBB0_12: jmp .LBB0_13 .LBB0_13: jmp .LBB0_14 .LBB0_14: movl $32768, %edi # imm = 0x8000 callq vzalloc@PLT movq %rax, %rcx movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, 56(%rax) movq -32(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 56(%rax) jne .LBB0_16 # %bb.15: leaq .L.str.3(%rip), %rdi movb $0, %al callq pr_info@PLT movl $1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_25 .LBB0_16: leaq .L.str.4(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -56(%rbp) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl $32768, (%rax) # imm = 0x8000 movq -56(%rbp), %rsi leaq .L.str.5(%rip), %rdi movb $0, %al callq pr_info@PLT movl THIS_MODULE(%rip), %edi movq -56(%rbp), %rdx movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl 88(%rax), %ecx movl GFP_KERNEL(%rip), %r8d movq -16(%rbp), %r9 movl rtl_fw_cb(%rip), %eax movl $1, %esi movl %eax, (%rsp) callq request_firmware_nowait@PLT movl %eax, -20(%rbp) cmpl $0, -20(%rbp) je .LBB0_18 # %bb.17: leaq .L.str.6(%rip), %rdi movb $0, %al callq pr_info@PLT movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq 56(%rax), %rdi callq vfree@PLT movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq $0, 56(%rax) movl $1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_25 .LBB0_18: movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl $0, 48(%rax) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl $10, 52(%rax) movl $0, -44(%rbp) .LBB0_19: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 cmpl $8, -44(%rbp) jge .LBB0_22 # %bb.20: # in Loop: Header=BB0_19 Depth=1 movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq 40(%rax), %rdi movslq -44(%rbp), %rax shlq $2, %rax addq %rax, %rdi callq skb_queue_head_init@PLT # %bb.21: # in Loop: Header=BB0_19 Depth=1 movl -44(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -44(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_19 .LBB0_22: movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl $0, 20(%rax) movq -32(%rbp), %rax cmpl $0, 20(%rax) je .LBB0_24 # %bb.23: movq -32(%rbp), %rdi addq $4, %rdi addq $4, %rdi movl rtl88ee_fw_clk_off_timer_callback(%rip), %esi xorl %edx, %edx callq timer_setup@PLT .LBB0_24: movq -32(%rbp), %rdi addq $4, %rdi movl rtl88e_dm_fast_antenna_training_callback(%rip), %esi xorl %edx, %edx callq timer_setup@PLT movl -20(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_25: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $80, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size rtl88e_init_sw_vars, .Lfunc_end0-rtl88e_init_sw_vars .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type CFENDFORM,@object # @CFENDFORM .bss .globl CFENDFORM .p2align 2 CFENDFORM: .long 0 # 0x0 .size CFENDFORM, 4 .type BAND_ON_2_4G,@object # @BAND_ON_2_4G .globl BAND_ON_2_4G .p2align 3 BAND_ON_2_4G: .quad 0 .size BAND_ON_2_4G, 8 .type SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY,@object # @SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY .globl SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY .p2align 2 SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY: .long 0 # 0x0 .size SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY, 4 .type RCR_APPFCS,@object # @RCR_APPFCS .globl RCR_APPFCS .p2align 2 RCR_APPFCS: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RCR_APPFCS, 4 .type RCR_APP_MIC,@object # @RCR_APP_MIC .globl RCR_APP_MIC .p2align 2 RCR_APP_MIC: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RCR_APP_MIC, 4 .type RCR_APP_ICV,@object # @RCR_APP_ICV .globl RCR_APP_ICV .p2align 2 RCR_APP_ICV: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RCR_APP_ICV, 4 .type RCR_APP_PHYST_RXFF,@object # @RCR_APP_PHYST_RXFF .globl RCR_APP_PHYST_RXFF .p2align 2 RCR_APP_PHYST_RXFF: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RCR_APP_PHYST_RXFF, 4 .type RCR_HTC_LOC_CTRL,@object # @RCR_HTC_LOC_CTRL .globl RCR_HTC_LOC_CTRL .p2align 2 RCR_HTC_LOC_CTRL: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RCR_HTC_LOC_CTRL, 4 .type RCR_AMF,@object # @RCR_AMF .globl RCR_AMF .p2align 2 RCR_AMF: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RCR_AMF, 4 .type RCR_ACF,@object # @RCR_ACF .globl RCR_ACF .p2align 2 RCR_ACF: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RCR_ACF, 4 .type RCR_ADF,@object # @RCR_ADF .globl RCR_ADF .p2align 2 RCR_ADF: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RCR_ADF, 4 .type RCR_AICV,@object # @RCR_AICV .globl RCR_AICV .p2align 2 RCR_AICV: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RCR_AICV, 4 .type RCR_ACRC32,@object # @RCR_ACRC32 .globl RCR_ACRC32 .p2align 2 RCR_ACRC32: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RCR_ACRC32, 4 .type RCR_AB,@object # @RCR_AB .globl RCR_AB .p2align 2 RCR_AB: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RCR_AB, 4 .type RCR_AM,@object # @RCR_AM .globl RCR_AM .p2align 2 RCR_AM: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RCR_AM, 4 .type RCR_APM,@object # @RCR_APM .globl RCR_APM .p2align 2 RCR_APM: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RCR_APM, 4 .type IMR_PSTIMEOUT,@object # @IMR_PSTIMEOUT .globl IMR_PSTIMEOUT .p2align 2 IMR_PSTIMEOUT: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IMR_PSTIMEOUT, 4 .type IMR_HSISR_IND_ON_INT,@object # @IMR_HSISR_IND_ON_INT .globl IMR_HSISR_IND_ON_INT .p2align 2 IMR_HSISR_IND_ON_INT: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IMR_HSISR_IND_ON_INT, 4 .type IMR_C2HCMD,@object # @IMR_C2HCMD .globl IMR_C2HCMD .p2align 2 IMR_C2HCMD: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IMR_C2HCMD, 4 .type IMR_HIGHDOK,@object # @IMR_HIGHDOK .globl IMR_HIGHDOK .p2align 2 IMR_HIGHDOK: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IMR_HIGHDOK, 4 .type IMR_MGNTDOK,@object # @IMR_MGNTDOK .globl IMR_MGNTDOK .p2align 2 IMR_MGNTDOK: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IMR_MGNTDOK, 4 .type IMR_BKDOK,@object # @IMR_BKDOK .globl IMR_BKDOK .p2align 2 IMR_BKDOK: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IMR_BKDOK, 4 .type IMR_BEDOK,@object # @IMR_BEDOK .globl IMR_BEDOK .p2align 2 IMR_BEDOK: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IMR_BEDOK, 4 .type IMR_VIDOK,@object # @IMR_VIDOK .globl IMR_VIDOK .p2align 2 IMR_VIDOK: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IMR_VIDOK, 4 .type IMR_VODOK,@object # @IMR_VODOK .globl IMR_VODOK .p2align 2 IMR_VODOK: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IMR_VODOK, 4 .type IMR_RDU,@object # @IMR_RDU .globl IMR_RDU .p2align 2 IMR_RDU: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IMR_RDU, 4 .type IMR_ROK,@object # @IMR_ROK .globl IMR_ROK .p2align 2 IMR_ROK: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IMR_ROK, 4 .type IMR_RXFOVW,@object # @IMR_RXFOVW .globl IMR_RXFOVW .p2align 2 IMR_RXFOVW: .long 0 # 0x0 .size IMR_RXFOVW, 4 .type HSIMR_PDN_INT_EN,@object # @HSIMR_PDN_INT_EN .globl HSIMR_PDN_INT_EN .p2align 2 HSIMR_PDN_INT_EN: .long 0 # 0x0 .size HSIMR_PDN_INT_EN, 4 .type HSIMR_RON_INT_EN,@object # @HSIMR_RON_INT_EN .globl HSIMR_RON_INT_EN .p2align 2 HSIMR_RON_INT_EN: .long 0 # 0x0 .size HSIMR_RON_INT_EN, 4 .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "watchdog disabled\n" .size .L.str, 19 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .L.str.1: .asciz "rtl8188ee: Power Save off (module option)\n" .size .L.str.1, 43 .type .L.str.2,@object # @.str.2 .L.str.2: .asciz "rtl8188ee: FW Power Save off (module option)\n" .size .L.str.2, 46 .type FW_PS_MIN_MODE,@object # @FW_PS_MIN_MODE .bss .globl FW_PS_MIN_MODE .p2align 2 FW_PS_MIN_MODE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size FW_PS_MIN_MODE, 4 .type FW_PS_MAX_MODE,@object # @FW_PS_MAX_MODE .globl FW_PS_MAX_MODE .p2align 2 FW_PS_MAX_MODE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size FW_PS_MAX_MODE, 4 .type FW_PS_DTIM_MODE,@object # @FW_PS_DTIM_MODE .globl FW_PS_DTIM_MODE .p2align 2 FW_PS_DTIM_MODE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size FW_PS_DTIM_MODE, 4 .type .L.str.3,@object # @.str.3 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.3: .asciz "Can't alloc buffer for fw.\n" .size .L.str.3, 28 .type .L.str.4,@object # @.str.4 .L.str.4: .asciz "rtlwifi/rtl8188efw.bin" .size .L.str.4, 23 .type .L.str.5,@object # @.str.5 .L.str.5: .asciz "Using firmware %s\n" .size .L.str.5, 19 .type THIS_MODULE,@object # @THIS_MODULE .bss .globl THIS_MODULE .p2align 2 THIS_MODULE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size THIS_MODULE, 4 .type GFP_KERNEL,@object # @GFP_KERNEL .globl GFP_KERNEL .p2align 2 GFP_KERNEL: .long 0 # 0x0 .size GFP_KERNEL, 4 .type rtl_fw_cb,@object # @rtl_fw_cb .globl rtl_fw_cb .p2align 2 rtl_fw_cb: .long 0 # 0x0 .size rtl_fw_cb, 4 .type .L.str.6,@object # @.str.6 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.6: .asciz "Failed to request firmware!\n" .size .L.str.6, 29 .type rtl88ee_fw_clk_off_timer_callback,@object # @rtl88ee_fw_clk_off_timer_callback .bss .globl rtl88ee_fw_clk_off_timer_callback .p2align 2 rtl88ee_fw_clk_off_timer_callback: .long 0 # 0x0 .size rtl88ee_fw_clk_off_timer_callback, 4 .type rtl88e_dm_fast_antenna_training_callback,@object # @rtl88e_dm_fast_antenna_training_callback .globl rtl88e_dm_fast_antenna_training_callback .p2align 2 rtl88e_dm_fast_antenna_training_callback: .long 0 # 0x0 .size rtl88e_dm_fast_antenna_training_callback, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym rtl_priv .addrsig_sym rtl_pcidev .addrsig_sym rtl_pcipriv .addrsig_sym rtl8188ee_bt_reg_init .addrsig_sym BIT .addrsig_sym pr_info .addrsig_sym rtl88e_init_aspm_vars .addrsig_sym vzalloc .addrsig_sym request_firmware_nowait .addrsig_sym vfree .addrsig_sym skb_queue_head_init .addrsig_sym timer_setup .addrsig_sym CFENDFORM .addrsig_sym BAND_ON_2_4G .addrsig_sym SINGLEMAC_SINGLEPHY .addrsig_sym RCR_APPFCS .addrsig_sym RCR_APP_MIC .addrsig_sym RCR_APP_ICV .addrsig_sym RCR_APP_PHYST_RXFF .addrsig_sym RCR_HTC_LOC_CTRL .addrsig_sym RCR_AMF .addrsig_sym RCR_ACF .addrsig_sym RCR_ADF .addrsig_sym RCR_AICV .addrsig_sym RCR_ACRC32 .addrsig_sym RCR_AB .addrsig_sym RCR_AM .addrsig_sym RCR_APM .addrsig_sym IMR_PSTIMEOUT .addrsig_sym IMR_HSISR_IND_ON_INT .addrsig_sym IMR_C2HCMD .addrsig_sym IMR_HIGHDOK .addrsig_sym IMR_MGNTDOK .addrsig_sym IMR_BKDOK .addrsig_sym IMR_BEDOK .addrsig_sym IMR_VIDOK .addrsig_sym IMR_VODOK .addrsig_sym IMR_RDU .addrsig_sym IMR_ROK .addrsig_sym IMR_RXFOVW .addrsig_sym HSIMR_PDN_INT_EN .addrsig_sym HSIMR_RON_INT_EN .addrsig_sym FW_PS_MIN_MODE .addrsig_sym FW_PS_MAX_MODE .addrsig_sym FW_PS_DTIM_MODE .addrsig_sym THIS_MODULE .addrsig_sym GFP_KERNEL .addrsig_sym rtl_fw_cb .addrsig_sym rtl88ee_fw_clk_off_timer_callback .addrsig_sym rtl88e_dm_fast_antenna_training_callback
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _smu_atom_get_data_table ; -- Begin function smu_atom_get_data_table .p2align 2 _smu_atom_get_data_table: ; @smu_atom_get_data_table .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #80 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 stp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-16] stur w1, [x29, #-20] str x2, [sp, #32] str x3, [sp, #24] str x4, [sp, #16] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] str x8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x0, [x8] ldur w1, [x29, #-20] ldr x2, [sp, #32] ldr x3, [sp, #24] ldr x4, [sp, #16] add x5, sp, #4 bl _amdgpu_atom_parse_data_header subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [x8] ldr x8, [x8] ldrsw x9, [sp, #4] add x8, x8, x9 stur x8, [x29, #-8] b LBB0_3 LBB0_2: ; kill: def $x8 killed $xzr stur xzr, [x29, #-8] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #80 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_smu_helper.c_smu_atom_get_data_table.c" .globl smu_atom_get_data_table # -- Begin function smu_atom_get_data_table .p2align 4, 0x90 .type smu_atom_get_data_table,@function smu_atom_get_data_table: # @smu_atom_get_data_table .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $64, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movl %esi, -20(%rbp) movq %rdx, -32(%rbp) movq %rcx, -40(%rbp) movq %r8, -48(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -56(%rbp) movq -56(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rdi movl -20(%rbp), %esi movq -32(%rbp), %rdx movq -40(%rbp), %rcx movq -48(%rbp), %r8 leaq -60(%rbp), %r9 callq amdgpu_atom_parse_data_header@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movq -56(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movslq -60(%rbp), %rcx addq %rcx, %rax movq %rax, -8(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movq $0, -8(%rbp) .LBB0_3: movq -8(%rbp), %rax addq $64, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size smu_atom_get_data_table, .Lfunc_end0-smu_atom_get_data_table .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym amdgpu_atom_parse_data_header
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _huge_pte_offset ; -- Begin function huge_pte_offset .p2align 2 _huge_pte_offset: ; @huge_pte_offset .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur x1, [x29, #-16] ; kill: def $x8 killed $xzr str xzr, [sp, #8] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldur x1, [x29, #-16] bl _pgd_offset str x0, [sp, #24] ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr w0, [x8] bl _pgd_present subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x0, [sp, #24] ldur x1, [x29, #-16] bl _pud_offset str x0, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w0, [x8] bl _pud_present subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_3 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldr x0, [sp, #16] ldur x1, [x29, #-16] bl _pmd_offset str x0, [sp, #8] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ldr x0, [sp, #8] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_hugetlbpage.c_huge_pte_offset.c" .globl huge_pte_offset # -- Begin function huge_pte_offset .p2align 4, 0x90 .type huge_pte_offset,@function huge_pte_offset: # @huge_pte_offset .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq $0, -40(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rsi callq pgd_offset@PLT movq %rax, -24(%rbp) movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edi callq pgd_present@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_4 # %bb.1: movq -24(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rsi callq pud_offset@PLT movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edi callq pud_present@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_3 # %bb.2: movq -32(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rsi callq pmd_offset@PLT movq %rax, -40(%rbp) .LBB0_3: jmp .LBB0_4 .LBB0_4: movq -40(%rbp), %rax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size huge_pte_offset, .Lfunc_end0-huge_pte_offset .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym pgd_offset .addrsig_sym pgd_present .addrsig_sym pud_offset .addrsig_sym pud_present .addrsig_sym pmd_offset
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function r_mark_regions _r_mark_regions: ; @r_mark_regions .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 adrp x8, _g_v@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _g_v@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Spill stur x0, [x29, #-16] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #8] ldur x10, [x29, #-16] ldr x10, [x10] str w9, [x10] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #8] ldur x10, [x29, #-16] ldr x10, [x10] str w9, [x10, #4] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldr w1, [x8] mov w2, #97 mov w3, #232 mov w4, #1 bl _out_grouping_U stur w0, [x29, #-20] ldur w8, [x29, #-20] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_12 LBB0_2: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur w11, [x29, #-20] ldur x10, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x10, #12] add w9, w9, w11 str w9, [x10, #12] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldr w1, [x8] mov w2, #97 mov w3, #232 mov w4, #1 bl _in_grouping_U str w0, [sp, #24] ldr w8, [sp, #24] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_12 LBB0_4: ldr w10, [sp, #24] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x9, #12] add w8, w8, w10 str w8, [x9, #12] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8, #12] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr x9, [x9] str w8, [x9] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8] ldr w8, [x8] subs w8, w8, #3 cset w8, lt tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: b LBB0_7 LBB0_6: ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x9, [x8] mov w8, #3 str w8, [x9] b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldr w1, [x8] mov w2, #97 mov w3, #232 mov w4, #1 bl _out_grouping_U str w0, [sp, #20] ldr w8, [sp, #20] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_9 b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_12 LBB0_9: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w11, [sp, #20] ldur x10, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x10, #12] add w9, w9, w11 str w9, [x10, #12] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldr w1, [x8] mov w2, #97 mov w3, #232 mov w4, #1 bl _in_grouping_U str w0, [sp, #16] ldr w8, [sp, #16] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_11 b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_12 LBB0_11: ldr w10, [sp, #16] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x9, #12] add w8, w8, w10 str w8, [x9, #12] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8, #12] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr x9, [x9] str w8, [x9, #4] mov w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_12 LBB0_12: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _g_v,4,2 ; @g_v .no_dead_strip _r_mark_regions .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_stem_UTF_8_dutch.c_r_mark_regions.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function r_mark_regions .type r_mark_regions,@function r_mark_regions: # @r_mark_regions .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 8(%rax), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl %ecx, (%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 8(%rax), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl %ecx, 4(%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl g_v(%rip), %esi movl $97, %edx movl $232, %ecx movl $1, %r8d callq out_grouping_U@PLT movl %eax, -20(%rbp) cmpl $0, -20(%rbp) jge .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_12 .LBB0_2: movl -20(%rbp), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax addl 12(%rax), %ecx movl %ecx, 12(%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl g_v(%rip), %esi movl $97, %edx movl $232, %ecx movl $1, %r8d callq in_grouping_U@PLT movl %eax, -24(%rbp) cmpl $0, -24(%rbp) jge .LBB0_4 # %bb.3: movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_12 .LBB0_4: movl -24(%rbp), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax addl 12(%rax), %ecx movl %ecx, 12(%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 12(%rax), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl %ecx, (%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax cmpl $3, (%rax) jl .LBB0_6 # %bb.5: jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_6: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl $3, (%rax) .LBB0_7: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl g_v(%rip), %esi movl $97, %edx movl $232, %ecx movl $1, %r8d callq out_grouping_U@PLT movl %eax, -28(%rbp) cmpl $0, -28(%rbp) jge .LBB0_9 # %bb.8: movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_12 .LBB0_9: movl -28(%rbp), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax addl 12(%rax), %ecx movl %ecx, 12(%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl g_v(%rip), %esi movl $97, %edx movl $232, %ecx movl $1, %r8d callq in_grouping_U@PLT movl %eax, -32(%rbp) cmpl $0, -32(%rbp) jge .LBB0_11 # %bb.10: movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_12 .LBB0_11: movl -32(%rbp), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax addl 12(%rax), %ecx movl %ecx, 12(%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 12(%rax), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl %ecx, 4(%rax) movl $1, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_12: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size r_mark_regions, .Lfunc_end0-r_mark_regions .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type g_v,@object # @g_v .bss .globl g_v .p2align 2 g_v: .long 0 # 0x0 .size g_v, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym r_mark_regions .addrsig_sym out_grouping_U .addrsig_sym in_grouping_U .addrsig_sym g_v
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict ; -- Begin function ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict .p2align 2 _ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict: ; @ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp] ldr x8, [sp] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_3 LBB0_2: ldr x8, [sp] ldr w0, [x8, #4] ldr x8, [sp] ldr w1, [x8] bl _ZSTD_getDictID_fromDict stur w0, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_zstd_ddict.c_ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict.c" .globl ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict # -- Begin function ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict .p2align 4, 0x90 .type ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict,@function ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict: # @ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) cmpq $0, -16(%rbp) jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 4(%rax), %edi movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %esi callq ZSTD_getDictID_fromDict@PLT movl %eax, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_3: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict, .Lfunc_end0-ZSTD_getDictID_fromDDict .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym ZSTD_getDictID_fromDict
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function otus_reverse_bits _otus_reverse_bits: ; @otus_reverse_bits .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 str w0, [sp, #12] ldr w8, [sp, #12] mov w10, #85 and w8, w10, w8, asr #1 ldr w9, [sp, #12] and w9, w9, w10 orr w8, w8, w9, lsl #1 str w8, [sp, #12] ldr w8, [sp, #12] mov w10, #51 and w8, w10, w8, asr #2 ldr w9, [sp, #12] and w9, w9, w10 orr w8, w8, w9, lsl #2 str w8, [sp, #12] ldr w8, [sp, #12] asr w8, w8, #4 ldr w9, [sp, #12] and w9, w9, #0xf bfi w8, w9, #4, #28 str w8, [sp, #12] ldr w0, [sp, #12] add sp, sp, #16 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _otus_reverse_bits .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_if_otus.c_otus_reverse_bits.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function otus_reverse_bits .type otus_reverse_bits,@function otus_reverse_bits: # @otus_reverse_bits .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp movl %edi, -4(%rbp) movl -4(%rbp), %eax sarl $1, %eax andl $85, %eax movl -4(%rbp), %ecx andl $85, %ecx shll $1, %ecx orl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) movl -4(%rbp), %eax sarl $2, %eax andl $51, %eax movl -4(%rbp), %ecx andl $51, %ecx shll $2, %ecx orl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) movl -4(%rbp), %eax sarl $4, %eax andl $15, %eax movl -4(%rbp), %ecx andl $15, %ecx shll $4, %ecx orl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) movl -4(%rbp), %eax popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size otus_reverse_bits, .Lfunc_end0-otus_reverse_bits .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym otus_reverse_bits
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _arch_release_task_struct ; -- Begin function arch_release_task_struct .p2align 2 _arch_release_task_struct: ; @arch_release_task_struct .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #8] ldr x0, [sp, #8] bl _fpsimd_release_task ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_process.c_arch_release_task_struct.c" .globl arch_release_task_struct # -- Begin function arch_release_task_struct .p2align 4, 0x90 .type arch_release_task_struct,@function arch_release_task_struct: # @arch_release_task_struct .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi callq fpsimd_release_task@PLT addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size arch_release_task_struct, .Lfunc_end0-arch_release_task_struct .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym fpsimd_release_task
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function atmel_pcm_trigger _atmel_pcm_trigger: ; @atmel_pcm_trigger .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #128 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 128 stp x29, x30, [sp, #112] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #112 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur w1, [x29, #-12] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-24] ldur x8, [x29, #-24] ldr x8, [x8, #16] stur x8, [x29, #-32] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr x8, [x8, #16] stur x8, [x29, #-40] stur wzr, [x29, #-44] ldur x8, [x29, #-24] ldrsw x1, [x8, #8] ldur x8, [x29, #-24] ldr w2, [x8, #4] ldur x8, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x8] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x9 mov x9, sp str x8, [x9] adrp x0, l_.str@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _pr_debug ldur w8, [x29, #-12] stur w8, [x29, #-48] ; 4-byte Folded Spill subs w8, w8, #128 subs w8, w8, #1 cset w8, ls tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldur w8, [x29, #-48] ; 4-byte Folded Reload subs w8, w8, #130 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldur w8, [x29, #-48] ; 4-byte Folded Reload subs w8, w8, #131 subs w8, w8, #1 cset w8, ls tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur w8, [x29, #-48] ; 4-byte Folded Reload subs w8, w8, #133 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_7 LBB0_4: ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr w8, [x8, #4] ldur x9, [x29, #-32] str w8, [x9] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr w0, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr w1, [x8, #12] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr w2, [x8] bl _ssc_writex ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr w0, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr w1, [x8, #8] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr w8, [x8, #8] ldur x9, [x29, #-40] ldr w9, [x9] sdiv w2, w8, w9 bl _ssc_writex ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr w10, [x8, #8] ldur x9, [x29, #-32] ldr w8, [x9] add w8, w8, w10 str w8, [x9] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr w0, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr w1, [x8, #4] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr w2, [x8] bl _ssc_writex ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr w0, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr w1, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr w8, [x8, #8] ldur x9, [x29, #-40] ldr w9, [x9] sdiv w2, w8, w9 bl _ssc_writex ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldrsw x8, [x8] str x8, [sp, #32] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr w0, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr w1, [x8, #12] bl _ssc_readx str w0, [sp, #44] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr w0, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr w1, [x8, #8] bl _ssc_readx str w0, [sp, #24] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr w0, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr w1, [x8, #4] bl _ssc_readx str w0, [sp, #28] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr w0, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr w1, [x8] bl _ssc_readx ldr w11, [sp, #24] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr w10, [sp, #28] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr x1, [sp, #32] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w2, [sp, #44] ; 4-byte Folded Reload mov x9, sp ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x11 str x8, [x9] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x10 str x8, [x9, #8] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x0 str x8, [x9, #16] adrp x0, l_.str.1@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _pr_debug ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr w0, [x8] adrp x8, _SSC_IER@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _SSC_IER@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #48] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldr w1, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-40] ldr x9, [x9, #8] ldr w9, [x9, #4] orr w2, w8, w9 bl _ssc_writex ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr w0, [x8] adrp x8, _SSC_PDC_PTCR@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _SSC_PDC_PTCR@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w2, [x8, #8] bl _ssc_writex ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr w0, [x8] adrp x8, _SSC_SR@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _SSC_SR@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] bl _ssc_readx ldr x8, [sp, #48] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ; implicit-def: $x9 mov x9, x0 sxtw x9, w9 str x9, [sp, #56] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x9, [x29, #-40] ldr x9, [x9, #16] ldr w0, [x9] ldr w1, [x8] bl _ssc_readx ldr x1, [sp, #56] ; 8-byte Folded Reload mov x2, x0 adrp x0, l_.str.2@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str.2@PAGEOFF bl _pr_debug b LBB0_8 LBB0_5: ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr w0, [x8] adrp x8, _ATMEL_PDC_PTCR@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _ATMEL_PDC_PTCR@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w2, [x8, #12] bl _ssc_writex b LBB0_8 LBB0_6: ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr w0, [x8] adrp x8, _ATMEL_PDC_PTCR@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _ATMEL_PDC_PTCR@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w2, [x8, #8] bl _ssc_writex b LBB0_8 LBB0_7: adrp x8, _EINVAL@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _EINVAL@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x8] mov w8, #0 subs w8, w8, w9 stur w8, [x29, #-44] b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ldur w0, [x29, #-44] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #112] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #128 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "atmel-pcm:buffer_size = %ld,dma_area = %p, dma_bytes = %u\n" l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "atmel-pcm: trigger: period_ptr=%lx, xpr=%u, xcr=%u, xnpr=%u, xncr=%u\n" .comm _SSC_IER,4,2 ; @SSC_IER .comm _SSC_PDC_PTCR,4,2 ; @SSC_PDC_PTCR l_.str.2: ; @.str.2 .asciz "sr=%u imr=%u\n" .comm _SSC_SR,4,2 ; @SSC_SR .comm _ATMEL_PDC_PTCR,4,2 ; @ATMEL_PDC_PTCR .comm _EINVAL,4,2 ; @EINVAL .no_dead_strip _atmel_pcm_trigger .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_atmel-pcm.c_atmel_pcm_trigger.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function atmel_pcm_trigger .type atmel_pcm_trigger,@function atmel_pcm_trigger: # @atmel_pcm_trigger .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $80, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movl %esi, -12(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -24(%rbp) movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -40(%rbp) movl $0, -44(%rbp) movq -24(%rbp), %rax movslq 8(%rax), %rsi movl (%rax), %ecx movl 4(%rax), %edx leaq .L.str(%rip), %rdi xorl %eax, %eax # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax callq pr_debug@PLT movl -12(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -48(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill addl $-128, %eax subl $2, %eax jb .LBB0_2 jmp .LBB0_6 .LBB0_6: movl -48(%rbp), %eax # 4-byte Reload subl $130, %eax je .LBB0_1 jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_7: movl -48(%rbp), %eax # 4-byte Reload addl $-131, %eax subl $2, %eax jb .LBB0_3 jmp .LBB0_8 .LBB0_8: movl -48(%rbp), %eax # 4-byte Reload subl $133, %eax je .LBB0_2 jmp .LBB0_4 .LBB0_1: movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl 4(%rax), %ecx movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, (%rax) movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movl 12(%rax), %esi movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edx callq ssc_writex@PLT movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movl 8(%rax), %esi movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl 8(%rax), %eax movq -40(%rbp), %rcx cltd idivl (%rcx) movl %eax, %edx callq ssc_writex@PLT movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl 8(%rax), %ecx movq -32(%rbp), %rax addl (%rax), %ecx movl %ecx, (%rax) movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movl 4(%rax), %esi movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edx callq ssc_writex@PLT movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %esi movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl 8(%rax), %eax movq -40(%rbp), %rcx cltd idivl (%rcx) movl %eax, %edx callq ssc_writex@PLT movq -32(%rbp), %rax movslq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -80(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movl 12(%rax), %esi callq ssc_readx@PLT movl %eax, -68(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movl 8(%rax), %esi callq ssc_readx@PLT movl %eax, -64(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movl 4(%rax), %esi callq ssc_readx@PLT movl %eax, -60(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %esi callq ssc_readx@PLT movq -80(%rbp), %rsi # 8-byte Reload movl -68(%rbp), %edx # 4-byte Reload movl -64(%rbp), %ecx # 4-byte Reload movl -60(%rbp), %r8d # 4-byte Reload movl %eax, %r9d leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rdi movb $0, %al callq pr_debug@PLT movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movl SSC_IER(%rip), %esi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax orl 4(%rax), %edx callq ssc_writex@PLT movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movl SSC_PDC_PTCR(%rip), %esi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl 8(%rax), %edx callq ssc_writex@PLT movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movl SSC_SR(%rip), %esi callq ssc_readx@PLT cltq movq %rax, -56(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movl SSC_IER(%rip), %esi callq ssc_readx@PLT movq -56(%rbp), %rsi # 8-byte Reload movl %eax, %edx leaq .L.str.2(%rip), %rdi movb $0, %al callq pr_debug@PLT jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_2: movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movl ATMEL_PDC_PTCR(%rip), %esi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl 12(%rax), %edx callq ssc_writex@PLT jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_3: movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movl ATMEL_PDC_PTCR(%rip), %esi movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl 8(%rax), %edx callq ssc_writex@PLT jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_4: xorl %eax, %eax subl EINVAL(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -44(%rbp) .LBB0_5: movl -44(%rbp), %eax addq $80, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size atmel_pcm_trigger, .Lfunc_end0-atmel_pcm_trigger .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "atmel-pcm:buffer_size = %ld,dma_area = %p, dma_bytes = %u\n" .size .L.str, 59 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .L.str.1: .asciz "atmel-pcm: trigger: period_ptr=%lx, xpr=%u, xcr=%u, xnpr=%u, xncr=%u\n" .size .L.str.1, 70 .type SSC_IER,@object # @SSC_IER .bss .globl SSC_IER .p2align 2 SSC_IER: .long 0 # 0x0 .size SSC_IER, 4 .type SSC_PDC_PTCR,@object # @SSC_PDC_PTCR .globl SSC_PDC_PTCR .p2align 2 SSC_PDC_PTCR: .long 0 # 0x0 .size SSC_PDC_PTCR, 4 .type .L.str.2,@object # @.str.2 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.2: .asciz "sr=%u imr=%u\n" .size .L.str.2, 14 .type SSC_SR,@object # @SSC_SR .bss .globl SSC_SR .p2align 2 SSC_SR: .long 0 # 0x0 .size SSC_SR, 4 .type ATMEL_PDC_PTCR,@object # @ATMEL_PDC_PTCR .globl ATMEL_PDC_PTCR .p2align 2 ATMEL_PDC_PTCR: .long 0 # 0x0 .size ATMEL_PDC_PTCR, 4 .type EINVAL,@object # @EINVAL .globl EINVAL .p2align 2 EINVAL: .long 0 # 0x0 .size EINVAL, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym atmel_pcm_trigger .addrsig_sym pr_debug .addrsig_sym ssc_writex .addrsig_sym ssc_readx .addrsig_sym SSC_IER .addrsig_sym SSC_PDC_PTCR .addrsig_sym SSC_SR .addrsig_sym ATMEL_PDC_PTCR .addrsig_sym EINVAL
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _process_record_user ; -- Begin function process_record_user .p2align 2 _process_record_user: ; @process_record_user .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str w0, [sp, #8] str x1, [sp] ldr w8, [sp, #8] subs w8, w8, #128 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_11 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x8, [sp] ldr w8, [x8] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: bl _get_mods adrp x8, _MODS_SHIFT_GUI_MASK@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _MODS_SHIFT_GUI_MASK@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] ands w8, w0, w8 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: adrp x8, _KC_GRV@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _KC_GRV@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x8] bl _add_key bl _send_keyboard_report b LBB0_5 LBB0_4: adrp x8, _KC_ESC@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _KC_ESC@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x8] bl _add_key bl _send_keyboard_report b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: b LBB0_10 LBB0_6: bl _get_mods adrp x8, _MODS_SHIFT_GUI_MASK@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _MODS_SHIFT_GUI_MASK@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] ands w8, w0, w8 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: adrp x8, _KC_GRV@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _KC_GRV@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x8] bl _del_key bl _send_keyboard_report b LBB0_9 LBB0_8: adrp x8, _KC_ESC@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _KC_ESC@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x8] bl _del_key bl _send_keyboard_report b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_12 LBB0_11: mov w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_12 LBB0_12: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _MODS_SHIFT_GUI_MASK,4,2 ; @MODS_SHIFT_GUI_MASK .comm _KC_GRV,4,2 ; @KC_GRV .comm _KC_ESC,4,2 ; @KC_ESC .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_keymap.c_process_record_user.c" .globl process_record_user # -- Begin function process_record_user .p2align 4, 0x90 .type process_record_user,@function process_record_user: # @process_record_user .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movl %edi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movl -8(%rbp), %eax subl $128, %eax jne .LBB0_11 jmp .LBB0_1 .LBB0_1: movq -16(%rbp), %rax cmpl $0, (%rax) je .LBB0_6 # %bb.2: movb $0, %al callq get_mods@PLT andl MODS_SHIFT_GUI_MASK(%rip), %eax cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_4 # %bb.3: movl KC_GRV(%rip), %edi callq add_key@PLT movb $0, %al callq send_keyboard_report@PLT jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_4: movl KC_ESC(%rip), %edi callq add_key@PLT movb $0, %al callq send_keyboard_report@PLT .LBB0_5: jmp .LBB0_10 .LBB0_6: movb $0, %al callq get_mods@PLT andl MODS_SHIFT_GUI_MASK(%rip), %eax cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_8 # %bb.7: movl KC_GRV(%rip), %edi callq del_key@PLT movb $0, %al callq send_keyboard_report@PLT jmp .LBB0_9 .LBB0_8: movl KC_ESC(%rip), %edi callq del_key@PLT movb $0, %al callq send_keyboard_report@PLT .LBB0_9: jmp .LBB0_10 .LBB0_10: movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_12 .LBB0_11: movl $1, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_12: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size process_record_user, .Lfunc_end0-process_record_user .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type MODS_SHIFT_GUI_MASK,@object # @MODS_SHIFT_GUI_MASK .bss .globl MODS_SHIFT_GUI_MASK .p2align 2 MODS_SHIFT_GUI_MASK: .long 0 # 0x0 .size MODS_SHIFT_GUI_MASK, 4 .type KC_GRV,@object # @KC_GRV .globl KC_GRV .p2align 2 KC_GRV: .long 0 # 0x0 .size KC_GRV, 4 .type KC_ESC,@object # @KC_ESC .globl KC_ESC .p2align 2 KC_ESC: .long 0 # 0x0 .size KC_ESC, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym get_mods .addrsig_sym add_key .addrsig_sym send_keyboard_report .addrsig_sym del_key .addrsig_sym MODS_SHIFT_GUI_MASK .addrsig_sym KC_GRV .addrsig_sym KC_ESC
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function rtw_wx_get_freq _rtw_wx_get_freq: ; @rtw_wx_get_freq .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #80 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 stp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur x1, [x29, #-16] stur x2, [x29, #-24] str x3, [sp, #32] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] bl _rtw_netdev_priv str x0, [sp, #24] ldr x8, [sp, #24] add x8, x8, #4 str x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [sp, #16] str x8, [sp, #8] ldr x0, [sp, #16] adrp x8, __FW_LINKED@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, __FW_LINKED@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] bl _check_fwstate subs w8, w0, #1 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr w0, [x8] bl _rtw_ch2freq mov w8, #34464 movk w8, #1, lsl #16 mul w8, w0, w8 ldur x9, [x29, #-24] str w8, [x9] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] mov w8, #1 str w8, [x9, #4] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr w8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] str w8, [x9, #8] b LBB0_3 LBB0_2: ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr w0, [x8] bl _rtw_ch2freq mov w8, #34464 movk w8, #1, lsl #16 mul w8, w0, w8 ldur x9, [x29, #-24] str w8, [x9] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] mov w8, #1 str w8, [x9, #4] ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr w8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] str w8, [x9, #8] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: mov w0, #0 ldp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #80 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm __FW_LINKED,4,2 ; @_FW_LINKED .no_dead_strip _rtw_wx_get_freq .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_ioctl_linux.c_rtw_wx_get_freq.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function rtw_wx_get_freq .type rtw_wx_get_freq,@function rtw_wx_get_freq: # @rtw_wx_get_freq .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $64, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq %rdx, -24(%rbp) movq %rcx, -32(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi callq rtw_netdev_priv@PLT movq %rax, -40(%rbp) movq -40(%rbp), %rax addq $4, %rax movq %rax, -48(%rbp) movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -56(%rbp) movq -48(%rbp), %rdi movl _FW_LINKED(%rip), %esi callq check_fwstate@PLT cmpl $1, %eax jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movq -56(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edi callq rtw_ch2freq@PLT imull $100000, %eax, %ecx # imm = 0x186A0 movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, (%rax) movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl $1, 4(%rax) movq -56(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 8(%rax) jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edi callq rtw_ch2freq@PLT imull $100000, %eax, %ecx # imm = 0x186A0 movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, (%rax) movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl $1, 4(%rax) movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 8(%rax) .LBB0_3: xorl %eax, %eax addq $64, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size rtw_wx_get_freq, .Lfunc_end0-rtw_wx_get_freq .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type _FW_LINKED,@object # @_FW_LINKED .bss .globl _FW_LINKED .p2align 2 _FW_LINKED: .long 0 # 0x0 .size _FW_LINKED, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym rtw_wx_get_freq .addrsig_sym rtw_netdev_priv .addrsig_sym check_fwstate .addrsig_sym rtw_ch2freq .addrsig_sym _FW_LINKED
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function fmov_reg_idx _fmov_reg_idx: ; @fmov_reg_idx .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 adrp x8, _FRm@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _FRm@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _Rn@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _Rn@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _R0@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _R0@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Spill stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur x1, [x29, #-16] stur w2, [x29, #-20] str w3, [sp, #24] adrp x8, _FPSCR_SZ@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _FPSCR_SZ@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldur w0, [x29, #-20] bl _FMOV_EXT ldr x10, [sp] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x9, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w0, [x10] ldr x8, [x8] ldr x9, [x9] add x8, x8, x9 add x1, x8, #4 bl _WRITE ldr x10, [sp] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x9, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur w11, [x29, #-20] add w11, w11, #1 stur w11, [x29, #-20] ldr w0, [x10] ldr x8, [x8] ldr x9, [x9] add x1, x8, x9 bl _WRITE b LBB0_3 LBB0_2: ldr x9, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x10, [sp] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w0, [x10] ldr x8, [x8] ldr x9, [x9] add x1, x8, x9 bl _WRITE b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: mov w0, #0 ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _FPSCR_SZ,8,3 ; @FPSCR_SZ .comm _FRm,4,2 ; @FRm .comm _Rn,8,3 ; @Rn .comm _R0,8,3 ; @R0 .no_dead_strip _fmov_reg_idx .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_math.c_fmov_reg_idx.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function fmov_reg_idx .type fmov_reg_idx,@function fmov_reg_idx: # @fmov_reg_idx .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movl %edx, -20(%rbp) movl %ecx, -24(%rbp) cmpq $0, FPSCR_SZ(%rip) je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl -20(%rbp), %edi callq FMOV_EXT@PLT movl FRm(%rip), %edi movq Rn(%rip), %rsi addq R0(%rip), %rsi addq $4, %rsi callq WRITE@PLT movl -20(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -20(%rbp) movl FRm(%rip), %edi movq Rn(%rip), %rsi addq R0(%rip), %rsi callq WRITE@PLT jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movl FRm(%rip), %edi movq Rn(%rip), %rsi addq R0(%rip), %rsi callq WRITE@PLT .LBB0_3: xorl %eax, %eax addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size fmov_reg_idx, .Lfunc_end0-fmov_reg_idx .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type FPSCR_SZ,@object # @FPSCR_SZ .bss .globl FPSCR_SZ .p2align 3 FPSCR_SZ: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size FPSCR_SZ, 8 .type FRm,@object # @FRm .globl FRm .p2align 2 FRm: .long 0 # 0x0 .size FRm, 4 .type Rn,@object # @Rn .globl Rn .p2align 3 Rn: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size Rn, 8 .type R0,@object # @R0 .globl R0 .p2align 3 R0: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size R0, 8 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym fmov_reg_idx .addrsig_sym FMOV_EXT .addrsig_sym WRITE .addrsig_sym FPSCR_SZ .addrsig_sym FRm .addrsig_sym Rn .addrsig_sym R0
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _matrix_scan_user ; -- Begin function matrix_scan_user .p2align 2 _matrix_scan_user: ; @matrix_scan_user .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_keymap.c_matrix_scan_user.c" .globl matrix_scan_user # -- Begin function matrix_scan_user .p2align 4, 0x90 .type matrix_scan_user,@function matrix_scan_user: # @matrix_scan_user .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size matrix_scan_user, .Lfunc_end0-matrix_scan_user .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function LISTVIEW_InvalidateList _LISTVIEW_InvalidateList: ; @LISTVIEW_InvalidateList .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #8] ldr x0, [sp, #8] mov x1, #0 bl _LISTVIEW_InvalidateRect ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _LISTVIEW_InvalidateList .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_listview.c_LISTVIEW_InvalidateList.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function LISTVIEW_InvalidateList .type LISTVIEW_InvalidateList,@function LISTVIEW_InvalidateList: # @LISTVIEW_InvalidateList .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi xorl %eax, %eax movl %eax, %esi callq LISTVIEW_InvalidateRect@PLT addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size LISTVIEW_InvalidateList, .Lfunc_end0-LISTVIEW_InvalidateList .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym LISTVIEW_InvalidateList .addrsig_sym LISTVIEW_InvalidateRect
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _fatInitDefault ; -- Begin function fatInitDefault .p2align 2 _fatInitDefault: ; @fatInitDefault .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: stp x29, x30, [sp, #-16]! ; 16-byte Folded Spill .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 mov x29, sp .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 adrp x8, _DEFAULT_CACHE_PAGES@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _DEFAULT_CACHE_PAGES@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x8] mov w1, #1 bl _fatInit ldp x29, x30, [sp], #16 ; 16-byte Folded Reload ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _DEFAULT_CACHE_PAGES,4,2 ; @DEFAULT_CACHE_PAGES .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_libfat.c_fatInitDefault.c" .globl fatInitDefault # -- Begin function fatInitDefault .p2align 4, 0x90 .type fatInitDefault,@function fatInitDefault: # @fatInitDefault .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp movl DEFAULT_CACHE_PAGES(%rip), %edi movl $1, %esi callq fatInit@PLT popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size fatInitDefault, .Lfunc_end0-fatInitDefault .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type DEFAULT_CACHE_PAGES,@object # @DEFAULT_CACHE_PAGES .bss .globl DEFAULT_CACHE_PAGES .p2align 2 DEFAULT_CACHE_PAGES: .long 0 # 0x0 .size DEFAULT_CACHE_PAGES, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym fatInit .addrsig_sym DEFAULT_CACHE_PAGES
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function set_up_next_transfer _set_up_next_transfer: ; @set_up_next_transfer .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #80 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 stp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-16] stur x1, [x29, #-24] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #40] ldr w8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr x9, [x9] ldr w10, [x9] sdiv w9, w8, w10 mul w9, w9, w10 subs w8, w8, w9 stur w8, [x29, #-28] ldur w8, [x29, #-28] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne and w0, w8, #0x1 bl _unlikely subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x0, [x8, #64] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #40] ldr w8, [x8] ; implicit-def: $x10 mov x10, x8 ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8] ldr w9, [x8] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x9 mov x9, sp str x10, [x9] str x8, [x9, #8] adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _dev_err ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x0, [x8, #64] adrp x1, l_.str.1@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _dev_err adrp x8, _EIO@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _EIO@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x8] mov w8, #0 subs w8, w8, w9 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_9 LBB0_2: ldur x8, [x29, #-24] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] str x8, [x9, #24] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr x9, [x9, #40] ldrsw x9, [x9] add x8, x8, x9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] str x8, [x9, #56] ldur x8, [x29, #-24] ldr x8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] str x8, [x9, #8] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr x9, [x9, #40] ldrsw x9, [x9] add x8, x8, x9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] str x8, [x9, #48] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #24] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8] ldr w8, [x8, #8] str w8, [sp, #32] ; 4-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_5 LBB0_4: adrp x8, _WRITING_NULL@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _WRITING_NULL@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #32] ; 4-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldr w8, [sp, #32] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldur x9, [x29, #-16] str w8, [x9, #32] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_7 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8] ldr w8, [x8, #4] str w8, [sp, #28] ; 4-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_8 LBB0_7: adrp x8, _READING_NULL@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _READING_NULL@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #28] ; 4-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ldr w8, [sp, #28] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldur x9, [x29, #-16] str w8, [x9, #16] stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #80 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "message of %u bytes to transmit but the current chip bus has a data width of %u bytes!\n" l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "skipping this message\n" .comm _EIO,4,2 ; @EIO .comm _WRITING_NULL,4,2 ; @WRITING_NULL .comm _READING_NULL,4,2 ; @READING_NULL .no_dead_strip _set_up_next_transfer .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_amba-pl022.c_set_up_next_transfer.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function set_up_next_transfer .type set_up_next_transfer,@function set_up_next_transfer: # @set_up_next_transfer .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq %rsi, -24(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 40(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movq (%rcx), %rcx cltd idivl (%rcx) movl %edx, -28(%rbp) cmpl $0, -28(%rbp) setne %al andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %edi callq unlikely@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 64(%rax), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 40(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %ecx leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq dev_err@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 64(%rax), %rdi leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq dev_err@PLT xorl %eax, %eax subl EIO(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_9 .LBB0_2: movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rcx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, 24(%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rcx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 40(%rax), %rax movslq (%rax), %rax addq %rax, %rcx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, 56(%rax) movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rcx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, 8(%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rcx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 40(%rax), %rax movslq (%rax), %rax addq %rax, %rcx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, 48(%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 24(%rax) je .LBB0_4 # %bb.3: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl 8(%rax), %eax movl %eax, -32(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_4: movl WRITING_NULL(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -32(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill .LBB0_5: movl -32(%rbp), %ecx # 4-byte Reload movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 32(%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 8(%rax) je .LBB0_7 # %bb.6: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl 4(%rax), %eax movl %eax, -36(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill jmp .LBB0_8 .LBB0_7: movl READING_NULL(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -36(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill .LBB0_8: movl -36(%rbp), %ecx # 4-byte Reload movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 16(%rax) movl $0, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_9: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size set_up_next_transfer, .Lfunc_end0-set_up_next_transfer .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "message of %u bytes to transmit but the current chip bus has a data width of %u bytes!\n" .size .L.str, 88 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .L.str.1: .asciz "skipping this message\n" .size .L.str.1, 23 .type EIO,@object # @EIO .bss .globl EIO .p2align 2 EIO: .long 0 # 0x0 .size EIO, 4 .type WRITING_NULL,@object # @WRITING_NULL .globl WRITING_NULL .p2align 2 WRITING_NULL: .long 0 # 0x0 .size WRITING_NULL, 4 .type READING_NULL,@object # @READING_NULL .globl READING_NULL .p2align 2 READING_NULL: .long 0 # 0x0 .size READING_NULL, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym set_up_next_transfer .addrsig_sym unlikely .addrsig_sym dev_err .addrsig_sym EIO .addrsig_sym WRITING_NULL .addrsig_sym READING_NULL
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _fault_isr ; -- Begin function fault_isr .p2align 2 _fault_isr: ; @fault_isr .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 adrp x8, _SIM_SCGC4@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _SIM_SCGC4@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w8, [x8] adrp x9, _SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] ands w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_3 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 bl _usb_isr b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w8, [x8] adrp x9, _SIM_SCGC4_UART0@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _SIM_SCGC4_UART0@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] ands w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 bl _uart0_status_isr b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w8, [x8] adrp x9, _SIM_SCGC4_UART1@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _SIM_SCGC4_UART1@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] ands w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_7 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 bl _uart1_status_isr b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w8, [x8] adrp x9, _SIM_SCGC4_UART2@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _SIM_SCGC4_UART2@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] ands w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_9 b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 bl _uart2_status_isr b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 b LBB0_1 .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _SIM_SCGC4,4,2 ; @SIM_SCGC4 .comm _SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG,4,2 ; @SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG .comm _SIM_SCGC4_UART0,4,2 ; @SIM_SCGC4_UART0 .comm _SIM_SCGC4_UART1,4,2 ; @SIM_SCGC4_UART1 .comm _SIM_SCGC4_UART2,4,2 ; @SIM_SCGC4_UART2 .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_mk20dx128.c_fault_isr.c" .globl fault_isr # -- Begin function fault_isr .p2align 4, 0x90 .type fault_isr,@function fault_isr: # @fault_isr .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp jmp .LBB0_1 .LBB0_1: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movl SIM_SCGC4(%rip), %eax andl SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG(%rip), %eax cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_3 # %bb.2: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movb $0, %al callq usb_isr@PLT .LBB0_3: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl SIM_SCGC4(%rip), %eax andl SIM_SCGC4_UART0(%rip), %eax cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_5 # %bb.4: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movb $0, %al callq uart0_status_isr@PLT .LBB0_5: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl SIM_SCGC4(%rip), %eax andl SIM_SCGC4_UART1(%rip), %eax cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_7 # %bb.6: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movb $0, %al callq uart1_status_isr@PLT .LBB0_7: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl SIM_SCGC4(%rip), %eax andl SIM_SCGC4_UART2(%rip), %eax cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_9 # %bb.8: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movb $0, %al callq uart2_status_isr@PLT .LBB0_9: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_1 .Lfunc_end0: .size fault_isr, .Lfunc_end0-fault_isr .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type SIM_SCGC4,@object # @SIM_SCGC4 .bss .globl SIM_SCGC4 .p2align 2 SIM_SCGC4: .long 0 # 0x0 .size SIM_SCGC4, 4 .type SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG,@object # @SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG .globl SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG .p2align 2 SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG: .long 0 # 0x0 .size SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG, 4 .type SIM_SCGC4_UART0,@object # @SIM_SCGC4_UART0 .globl SIM_SCGC4_UART0 .p2align 2 SIM_SCGC4_UART0: .long 0 # 0x0 .size SIM_SCGC4_UART0, 4 .type SIM_SCGC4_UART1,@object # @SIM_SCGC4_UART1 .globl SIM_SCGC4_UART1 .p2align 2 SIM_SCGC4_UART1: .long 0 # 0x0 .size SIM_SCGC4_UART1, 4 .type SIM_SCGC4_UART2,@object # @SIM_SCGC4_UART2 .globl SIM_SCGC4_UART2 .p2align 2 SIM_SCGC4_UART2: .long 0 # 0x0 .size SIM_SCGC4_UART2, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym usb_isr .addrsig_sym uart0_status_isr .addrsig_sym uart1_status_isr .addrsig_sym uart2_status_isr .addrsig_sym SIM_SCGC4 .addrsig_sym SIM_SCGC4_USBOTG .addrsig_sym SIM_SCGC4_UART0 .addrsig_sym SIM_SCGC4_UART1 .addrsig_sym SIM_SCGC4_UART2
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _svn_opt_print_help2 ; -- Begin function svn_opt_print_help2 .p2align 2 _svn_opt_print_help2: ; @svn_opt_print_help2 .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #128 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 128 stp x29, x30, [sp, #112] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #112 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 ldr x9, [x29, #16] ldr x8, [x29, #24] stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur x1, [x29, #-16] stur w2, [x29, #-20] stur w3, [x29, #-24] stur x4, [x29, #-32] stur x5, [x29, #-40] stur x6, [x29, #-48] str x7, [sp, #56] str x9, [sp, #48] str x8, [sp, #40] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldur x1, [x29, #-16] ldur w2, [x29, #-20] ldur w3, [x29, #-24] adrp x8, _FALSE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _FALSE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w4, [x8] ldur x5, [x29, #-32] ldur x6, [x29, #-40] ldur x7, [x29, #-48] ldr x11, [sp, #56] ldr x10, [sp, #48] ldr x8, [sp, #40] mov x9, sp str x11, [x9] ; kill: def $x11 killed $xzr str xzr, [x9, #8] str x10, [x9, #16] str x8, [x9, #24] bl _svn_opt_print_help4 bl _svn_error_trace ldp x29, x30, [sp, #112] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #128 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _FALSE,4,2 ; @FALSE .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_deprecated.c_svn_opt_print_help2.c" .globl svn_opt_print_help2 # -- Begin function svn_opt_print_help2 .p2align 4, 0x90 .type svn_opt_print_help2,@function svn_opt_print_help2: # @svn_opt_print_help2 .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp pushq %r15 pushq %r14 pushq %rbx subq $88, %rsp .cfi_offset %rbx, -40 .cfi_offset %r14, -32 .cfi_offset %r15, -24 movq 40(%rbp), %rax movq 32(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rbp), %rax movq %rdi, -32(%rbp) movq %rsi, -40(%rbp) movl %edx, -44(%rbp) movl %ecx, -48(%rbp) movq %r8, -56(%rbp) movq %r9, -64(%rbp) movq -32(%rbp), %rdi movq -40(%rbp), %rsi movl -44(%rbp), %edx movl -48(%rbp), %ecx movl FALSE(%rip), %r8d movq -56(%rbp), %r9 movq -64(%rbp), %r14 movq 16(%rbp), %rbx movq 24(%rbp), %r11 movq 32(%rbp), %r10 movq 40(%rbp), %rax xorl %r15d, %r15d # kill: def $r15 killed $r15d movq %r14, (%rsp) movq %rbx, 8(%rsp) movq %r11, 16(%rsp) movq $0, 24(%rsp) movq %r10, 32(%rsp) movq %rax, 40(%rsp) callq svn_opt_print_help4@PLT movl %eax, %edi callq svn_error_trace@PLT addq $88, %rsp popq %rbx popq %r14 popq %r15 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size svn_opt_print_help2, .Lfunc_end0-svn_opt_print_help2 .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type FALSE,@object # @FALSE .bss .globl FALSE .p2align 2 FALSE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size FALSE, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym svn_error_trace .addrsig_sym svn_opt_print_help4 .addrsig_sym FALSE
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function restore_rx_bufs _restore_rx_bufs: ; @restore_rx_bufs .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 str x0, [sp, #24] str x1, [sp, #16] str w2, [sp, #12] b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #12] subs w9, w8, #1 str w9, [sp, #12] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] subs x8, x8, #1 ldr x9, [sp, #16] str x8, [x9] b LBB0_5 LBB0_4: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr x9, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x9] subs x8, x8, #1 str x8, [x9] b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr x9, [sp, #16] ldr x9, [x9] add x8, x8, x9, lsl #3 str x8, [sp] ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x8, [x8] ldrsw x9, [sp, #12] ldr w8, [x8, x9, lsl #2] ldr x9, [sp] str w8, [x9, #4] adrp x8, _RX_UNMAPPED_BUF@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _RX_UNMAPPED_BUF@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x8] ldr x9, [sp] ldr w8, [x9] orr w8, w8, w10 str w8, [x9] ldr x9, [sp, #16] ldr w8, [x9, #16] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [x9, #16] b LBB0_1 LBB0_6: add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _RX_UNMAPPED_BUF,4,2 ; @RX_UNMAPPED_BUF .no_dead_strip _restore_rx_bufs .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_sge.c_restore_rx_bufs.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function restore_rx_bufs .type restore_rx_bufs,@function restore_rx_bufs: # @restore_rx_bufs .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movl %edx, -20(%rbp) .LBB0_1: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movl -20(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, %ecx addl $-1, %ecx movl %ecx, -20(%rbp) cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_6 # %bb.2: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -16(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, (%rax) jne .LBB0_4 # %bb.3: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rcx subq $1, %rcx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, (%rax) jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_4: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rcx addq $-1, %rcx movq %rcx, (%rax) .LBB0_5: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movq (%rcx), %rcx shlq $3, %rcx addq %rcx, %rax movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movslq -20(%rbp), %rcx movl (%rax,%rcx,4), %ecx movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 4(%rax) movl RX_UNMAPPED_BUF(%rip), %ecx movq -32(%rbp), %rax orl (%rax), %ecx movl %ecx, (%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 16(%rax), %ecx addl $1, %ecx movl %ecx, 16(%rax) jmp .LBB0_1 .LBB0_6: popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size restore_rx_bufs, .Lfunc_end0-restore_rx_bufs .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type RX_UNMAPPED_BUF,@object # @RX_UNMAPPED_BUF .bss .globl RX_UNMAPPED_BUF .p2align 2 RX_UNMAPPED_BUF: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RX_UNMAPPED_BUF, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym restore_rx_bufs .addrsig_sym RX_UNMAPPED_BUF
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function opfist _opfist: ; @opfist .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 str x0, [sp, #32] str x1, [sp, #24] str x2, [sp, #16] str wzr, [sp, #12] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w8, [x8] subs w8, w8, #1 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_11 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w8, [x8] adrp x9, _OT_MEMORY@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _OT_MEMORY@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] ands w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_9 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w8, [x8] adrp x9, _OT_WORD@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _OT_WORD@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] ands w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldrsw x10, [sp, #12] mov x8, x10 add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #12] mov w8, #223 str w8, [x9, x10, lsl #2] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w9, [x8] mov w8, #16 orr w8, w8, w9 ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldrsw x10, [sp, #12] mov x11, x10 add w11, w11, #1 str w11, [sp, #12] str w8, [x9, x10, lsl #2] b LBB0_8 LBB0_4: ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w8, [x8] adrp x9, _OT_DWORD@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _OT_DWORD@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] ands w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldrsw x10, [sp, #12] mov x8, x10 add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #12] mov w8, #219 str w8, [x9, x10, lsl #2] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w9, [x8] mov w8, #16 orr w8, w8, w9 ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldrsw x10, [sp, #12] mov x11, x10 add w11, w11, #1 str w11, [sp, #12] str w8, [x9, x10, lsl #2] b LBB0_7 LBB0_6: mov w8, #-1 str w8, [sp, #44] b LBB0_13 LBB0_7: b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: b LBB0_10 LBB0_9: mov w8, #-1 str w8, [sp, #44] b LBB0_13 LBB0_10: b LBB0_12 LBB0_11: mov w8, #-1 str w8, [sp, #44] b LBB0_13 LBB0_12: ldr w8, [sp, #12] str w8, [sp, #44] b LBB0_13 LBB0_13: ldr w0, [sp, #44] add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _OT_MEMORY,4,2 ; @OT_MEMORY .comm _OT_WORD,4,2 ; @OT_WORD .comm _OT_DWORD,4,2 ; @OT_DWORD .no_dead_strip _opfist .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_asm_x86_nz.c_opfist.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function opfist .type opfist,@function opfist: # @opfist .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq %rsi, -24(%rbp) movq %rdx, -32(%rbp) movl $0, -36(%rbp) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax subl $1, %eax jne .LBB0_11 jmp .LBB0_1 .LBB0_1: movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %eax andl OT_MEMORY(%rip), %eax cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_9 # %bb.2: movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %eax andl OT_WORD(%rip), %eax cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_4 # %bb.3: movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl -36(%rbp), %ecx movl %ecx, %edx addl $1, %edx movl %edx, -36(%rbp) movslq %ecx, %rcx movl $223, (%rax,%rcx,4) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edx orl $16, %edx movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl -36(%rbp), %ecx movl %ecx, %esi addl $1, %esi movl %esi, -36(%rbp) movslq %ecx, %rcx movl %edx, (%rax,%rcx,4) jmp .LBB0_8 .LBB0_4: movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %eax andl OT_DWORD(%rip), %eax cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_6 # %bb.5: movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl -36(%rbp), %ecx movl %ecx, %edx addl $1, %edx movl %edx, -36(%rbp) movslq %ecx, %rcx movl $219, (%rax,%rcx,4) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edx orl $16, %edx movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl -36(%rbp), %ecx movl %ecx, %esi addl $1, %esi movl %esi, -36(%rbp) movslq %ecx, %rcx movl %edx, (%rax,%rcx,4) jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_6: movl $-1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_13 .LBB0_7: jmp .LBB0_8 .LBB0_8: jmp .LBB0_10 .LBB0_9: movl $-1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_13 .LBB0_10: jmp .LBB0_12 .LBB0_11: movl $-1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_13 .LBB0_12: movl -36(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_13: movl -4(%rbp), %eax popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size opfist, .Lfunc_end0-opfist .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type OT_MEMORY,@object # @OT_MEMORY .bss .globl OT_MEMORY .p2align 2 OT_MEMORY: .long 0 # 0x0 .size OT_MEMORY, 4 .type OT_WORD,@object # @OT_WORD .globl OT_WORD .p2align 2 OT_WORD: .long 0 # 0x0 .size OT_WORD, 4 .type OT_DWORD,@object # @OT_DWORD .globl OT_DWORD .p2align 2 OT_DWORD: .long 0 # 0x0 .size OT_DWORD, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym opfist .addrsig_sym OT_MEMORY .addrsig_sym OT_WORD .addrsig_sym OT_DWORD
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function diff_status_callback _diff_status_callback: ; @diff_status_callback .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: stp x28, x27, [sp, #-32]! ; 16-byte Folded Spill .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 .cfi_offset w27, -24 .cfi_offset w28, -32 sub sp, sp, #720 adrp x8, _SVN_NO_ERROR@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _SVN_NO_ERROR@GOTPAGEOFF] stur x8, [x29, #-256] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _svn_wc_status_none@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _svn_wc_status_none@GOTPAGEOFF] stur x8, [x29, #-248] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _FALSE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _FALSE@GOTPAGEOFF] stur x8, [x29, #-240] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _TRUE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _TRUE@GOTPAGEOFF] stur x8, [x29, #-232] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _svn_wc__db_status_normal@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _svn_wc__db_status_normal@GOTPAGEOFF] stur x8, [x29, #-224] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _svn_wc__db_status_incomplete@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _svn_wc__db_status_incomplete@GOTPAGEOFF] stur x8, [x29, #-216] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _svn_node_file@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _svn_node_file@GOTPAGEOFF] stur x8, [x29, #-208] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _svn_node_dir@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _svn_node_dir@GOTPAGEOFF] stur x8, [x29, #-200] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _SVN_INVALID_REVNUM@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _SVN_INVALID_REVNUM@GOTPAGEOFF] stur x8, [x29, #-192] ; 8-byte Folded Spill stur x0, [x29, #-32] stur x1, [x29, #-40] stur x2, [x29, #-48] stur x3, [x29, #-56] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] stur x8, [x29, #-64] ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #32] stur x8, [x29, #-72] ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr w8, [x8, #44] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldur x8, [x29, #-256] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-24] b LBB0_90 LBB0_2: ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr x8, [x8] adrp x9, _svn_wc_status_conflicted@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _svn_wc_status_conflicted@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur x9, [x29, #-248] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ldur x9, [x29, #-248] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldur x8, [x29, #-256] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-24] b LBB0_90 LBB0_6: ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr x8, [x8] adrp x9, _svn_wc_status_normal@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _svn_wc_status_normal@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_9 b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr w8, [x8, #40] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_9 b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ldur x8, [x29, #-256] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-24] b LBB0_90 LBB0_9: b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq mov w9, #0 str w9, [sp, #476] ; 4-byte Folded Spill tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_12 b LBB0_11 LBB0_11: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_10 Depth=1 ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w0, [x8, #64] ldur x1, [x29, #-40] bl _svn_dirent_is_ancestor subs w8, w0, #0 cset w8, eq str w8, [sp, #476] ; 4-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_12 LBB0_12: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_10 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #476] ; 4-byte Folded Reload tbz w8, #0, LBB0_19 b LBB0_13 LBB0_13: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_10 Depth=1 ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] stur x8, [x29, #-80] ldur x8, [x29, #-80] ldr w8, [x8, #60] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_18 b LBB0_14 LBB0_14: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_10 Depth=1 ldur x8, [x29, #-80] ldr x8, [x8, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_16 b LBB0_15 LBB0_15: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_10 Depth=1 ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldur x9, [x29, #-80] ldr w0, [x9, #56] ldur x9, [x29, #-80] ldr w1, [x9, #52] ldur x9, [x29, #-80] ldr w2, [x9, #48] ldur x9, [x29, #-80] ldr w3, [x9, #20] ldur x9, [x29, #-80] ldr w4, [x9, #24] ldur x9, [x29, #-80] ldr x5, [x9, #8] ldur x9, [x29, #-80] ldr x6, [x9] ldur x9, [x29, #-64] ldr x7, [x9, #16] ldur x9, [x29, #-80] ldr w9, [x9, #16] mov x10, sp str w9, [x10] blr x8 bl _SVN_ERR b LBB0_17 LBB0_16: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_10 Depth=1 ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr x8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-80] ldr w0, [x9, #56] ldur x9, [x29, #-80] ldr w1, [x9, #52] ldur x9, [x29, #-80] ldr w2, [x9, #48] ldur x9, [x29, #-80] ldr x3, [x9] ldur x9, [x29, #-64] ldr x4, [x9, #16] ldur x9, [x29, #-80] ldr w5, [x9, #16] blr x8 bl _SVN_ERR b LBB0_17 LBB0_17: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_10 Depth=1 b LBB0_18 LBB0_18: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_10 Depth=1 ldur x8, [x29, #-80] ldr x8, [x8, #40] ldur x9, [x29, #-64] str x8, [x9, #8] ldur x8, [x29, #-80] ldr w0, [x8, #16] bl _svn_pool_clear b LBB0_10 LBB0_19: ldur x8, [x29, #-64] str x8, [sp, #464] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x0, [x29, #-40] ldur x1, [x29, #-56] bl _svn_dirent_dirname ldur x8, [x29, #-240] ; 8-byte Folded Reload mov x1, x0 ldr x0, [sp, #464] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x2, [x8] ldur x3, [x29, #-56] bl _ensure_state bl _SVN_ERR ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_22 b LBB0_20 LBB0_20: ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #32] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_22 b LBB0_21 LBB0_21: ldur x8, [x29, #-256] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-24] b LBB0_90 LBB0_22: ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr x8, [x8, #24] stur x8, [x29, #-128] adrp x8, _svn_depth_unknown@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _svn_depth_unknown@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] stur w8, [x29, #-132] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] stur x8, [x29, #-144] ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr w0, [x8, #24] ldur x1, [x29, #-40] bl _svn_dirent_skip_ancestor ldur x8, [x29, #-240] ; 8-byte Folded Reload stur x0, [x29, #-152] ldr x9, [x8] stur x9, [x29, #-88] ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-96] ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x12, [x8, #32] ldur x11, [x29, #-40] ldur x10, [x29, #-56] ldur x8, [x29, #-56] mov x9, sp str x9, [sp, #456] ; 8-byte Folded Spill mov x7, #0 str xzr, [x9] str xzr, [x9, #8] str xzr, [x9, #16] str xzr, [x9, #24] str xzr, [x9, #32] str xzr, [x9, #40] str xzr, [x9, #48] str xzr, [x9, #56] str xzr, [x9, #64] str xzr, [x9, #72] str xzr, [x9, #80] str xzr, [x9, #88] str xzr, [x9, #96] str xzr, [x9, #104] str xzr, [x9, #112] str xzr, [x9, #120] sub x13, x29, #112 str x13, [x9, #128] str xzr, [x9, #136] str xzr, [x9, #144] str x12, [x9, #152] str x11, [x9, #160] str x10, [x9, #168] str x8, [x9, #176] sub x0, x29, #104 mov x1, x7 mov x2, x7 mov x3, x7 mov x4, x7 mov x5, x7 mov x6, x7 bl _svn_wc__db_read_info bl _SVN_ERR ldur x8, [x29, #-112] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_24 b LBB0_23 LBB0_23: ldur x8, [x29, #-232] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-96] b LBB0_42 LBB0_24: ldur x9, [x29, #-224] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-104] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_26 b LBB0_25 LBB0_25: ldur x9, [x29, #-216] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-104] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_27 b LBB0_26 LBB0_26: ldur x8, [x29, #-128] stur x8, [x29, #-120] b LBB0_41 LBB0_27: ldur x8, [x29, #-104] adrp x9, _svn_wc__db_status_deleted@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _svn_wc__db_status_deleted@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_32 b LBB0_28 LBB0_28: ldur x8, [x29, #-232] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-88] ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x12, [x8, #32] ldur x11, [x29, #-40] ldur x10, [x29, #-56] ldur x8, [x29, #-56] mov x9, sp str x9, [sp, #448] ; 8-byte Folded Spill mov x7, #0 str xzr, [x9] str xzr, [x9, #8] str xzr, [x9, #16] str xzr, [x9, #24] str xzr, [x9, #32] str xzr, [x9, #40] str xzr, [x9, #48] str xzr, [x9, #56] str x12, [x9, #64] str x11, [x9, #72] str x10, [x9, #80] str x8, [x9, #88] sub x0, x29, #160 sub x1, x29, #120 mov x2, x7 mov x3, x7 mov x4, x7 mov x5, x7 mov x6, x7 bl _svn_wc__db_base_get_info bl _SVN_ERR ldur x9, [x29, #-224] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-160] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_31 b LBB0_29 LBB0_29: ldur x9, [x29, #-216] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-160] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_31 b LBB0_30 LBB0_30: ldur x8, [x29, #-256] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-24] b LBB0_90 LBB0_31: b LBB0_40 LBB0_32: ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x12, [x8, #32] ldur x11, [x29, #-40] ldur x10, [x29, #-56] ldur x8, [x29, #-56] mov x9, sp str x9, [sp, #440] ; 8-byte Folded Spill mov x7, #0 str xzr, [x9] str xzr, [x9, #8] str xzr, [x9, #16] str xzr, [x9, #24] str xzr, [x9, #32] str xzr, [x9, #40] str xzr, [x9, #48] str xzr, [x9, #56] str x12, [x9, #64] str x11, [x9, #72] str x10, [x9, #80] str x8, [x9, #88] sub x0, x29, #168 sub x1, x29, #120 mov x2, x7 mov x3, x7 mov x4, x7 mov x5, x7 mov x6, x7 bl _svn_wc__db_base_get_info bl _SVN_ERR ldur x9, [x29, #-224] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-168] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_35 b LBB0_33 LBB0_33: ldur x9, [x29, #-216] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-168] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_35 b LBB0_34 LBB0_34: ldur x8, [x29, #-232] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-96] b LBB0_39 LBB0_35: ldur x8, [x29, #-120] ldur x9, [x29, #-128] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_37 b LBB0_36 LBB0_36: ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr w8, [x8, #40] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_38 b LBB0_37 LBB0_37: ldur x8, [x29, #-232] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x9, [x8] stur x9, [x29, #-88] ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-96] b LBB0_38 LBB0_38: b LBB0_39 LBB0_39: b LBB0_40 LBB0_40: b LBB0_41 LBB0_41: b LBB0_42 LBB0_42: ldur x8, [x29, #-88] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_55 b LBB0_43 LBB0_43: ldur x9, [x29, #-208] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-120] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_48 b LBB0_44 LBB0_44: ldur x8, [x29, #-192] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x9, [x29, #-72] str x9, [sp, #400] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x9, [x29, #-144] str x9, [sp, #408] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x9, [x29, #-152] str x9, [sp, #416] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #428] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #16] str x8, [sp, #432] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_46 b LBB0_45 LBB0_45: ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp, #392] ; 8-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_47 LBB0_46: mov x8, #0 str x8, [sp, #392] ; 8-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_47 LBB0_47: ldr x4, [sp, #432] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w3, [sp, #428] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr x2, [sp, #416] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x1, [sp, #408] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x0, [sp, #400] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x5, [sp, #392] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x6, [x29, #-56] bl _svn_wc__diff_base_only_file bl _SVN_ERR b LBB0_54 LBB0_48: ldur x9, [x29, #-200] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-120] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_53 b LBB0_49 LBB0_49: ldur x8, [x29, #-192] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x9, [x29, #-72] str x9, [sp, #352] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x9, [x29, #-144] str x9, [sp, #360] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x9, [x29, #-152] str x9, [sp, #368] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #376] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur w8, [x29, #-132] str w8, [sp, #380] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #16] str x8, [sp, #384] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_51 b LBB0_50 LBB0_50: ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp, #344] ; 8-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_52 LBB0_51: mov x8, #0 str x8, [sp, #344] ; 8-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_52 LBB0_52: ldr x5, [sp, #384] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w4, [sp, #380] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr w3, [sp, #376] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr x2, [sp, #368] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x1, [sp, #360] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x0, [sp, #352] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x6, [sp, #344] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr w7, [x8, #4] ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr w10, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-56] mov x9, sp str w10, [x9] str x8, [x9, #8] bl _svn_wc__diff_base_only_dir bl _SVN_ERR b LBB0_53 LBB0_53: b LBB0_54 LBB0_54: b LBB0_69 LBB0_55: ldur x8, [x29, #-96] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_68 b LBB0_56 LBB0_56: ldur x9, [x29, #-208] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-128] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_61 b LBB0_57 LBB0_57: ldur x8, [x29, #-192] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x9, [x29, #-72] str x9, [sp, #304] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x9, [x29, #-144] str x9, [sp, #312] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x9, [x29, #-152] str x9, [sp, #320] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #332] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #16] str x8, [sp, #336] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_59 b LBB0_58 LBB0_58: ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp, #296] ; 8-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_60 LBB0_59: mov x8, #0 str x8, [sp, #296] ; 8-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_60 LBB0_60: ldr x4, [sp, #336] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w3, [sp, #332] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr x2, [sp, #320] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x1, [sp, #312] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x0, [sp, #304] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-240] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x5, [sp, #296] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x6, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr w7, [x8, #4] ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr w10, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-56] mov x9, sp str w10, [x9] str x8, [x9, #8] bl _svn_wc__diff_base_working_diff bl _SVN_ERR b LBB0_67 LBB0_61: ldur x9, [x29, #-200] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-128] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_66 b LBB0_62 LBB0_62: ldur x8, [x29, #-240] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x0, [x29, #-64] ldur x1, [x29, #-40] ldr x2, [x8] ldur x3, [x29, #-56] bl _ensure_state bl _SVN_ERR ldur x9, [x29, #-248] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_65 b LBB0_63 LBB0_63: ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr x8, [x8, #16] adrp x9, _svn_wc_status_normal@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _svn_wc_status_normal@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_65 b LBB0_64 LBB0_64: ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] add x0, x8, #20 ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x1, [x8, #32] ldur x2, [x29, #-40] ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w3, [x8, #16] ldur x4, [x29, #-56] bl _svn_wc__db_base_get_props bl _SVN_ERR ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] add x0, x8, #24 ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x1, [x8, #32] ldur x2, [x29, #-40] ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w3, [x8, #16] ldur x4, [x29, #-56] bl _svn_wc__db_read_props bl _SVN_ERR ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w1, [x8, #24] ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w2, [x8, #20] ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w3, [x8, #16] sub x0, x29, #176 bl _svn_prop_diffs bl _SVN_ERR ldur x8, [x29, #-176] ldur x9, [x29, #-64] ldr x9, [x9, #8] str x8, [x9, #8] b LBB0_65 LBB0_65: b LBB0_66 LBB0_66: b LBB0_67 LBB0_67: b LBB0_68 LBB0_68: b LBB0_69 LBB0_69: ldur x8, [x29, #-96] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_85 b LBB0_70 LBB0_70: ldur x8, [x29, #-104] adrp x9, _svn_wc__db_status_deleted@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _svn_wc__db_status_deleted@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_85 b LBB0_71 LBB0_71: ; kill: def $x8 killed $xzr stur xzr, [x29, #-184] ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr x8, [x8, #32] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_73 b LBB0_72 LBB0_72: ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr w0, [x8, #24] ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr x1, [x8, #32] bl _svn_dirent_skip_ancestor stur x0, [x29, #-184] b LBB0_73 LBB0_73: ldur x9, [x29, #-208] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-128] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_78 b LBB0_74 LBB0_74: ldur x8, [x29, #-72] str x8, [sp, #256] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-144] str x8, [sp, #264] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-152] str x8, [sp, #272] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-184] str x8, [sp, #280] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #16] str x8, [sp, #288] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_76 b LBB0_75 LBB0_75: ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp, #248] ; 8-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_77 LBB0_76: mov x8, #0 str x8, [sp, #248] ; 8-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_77 LBB0_77: ldr x4, [sp, #288] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x3, [sp, #280] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x2, [sp, #272] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x1, [sp, #264] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x0, [sp, #256] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-240] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x5, [sp, #248] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x6, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr w7, [x8, #4] ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr w10, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-56] mov x9, sp str w10, [x9] str x8, [x9, #8] bl _svn_wc__diff_local_only_file bl _SVN_ERR b LBB0_84 LBB0_78: ldur x9, [x29, #-200] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-128] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_83 b LBB0_79 LBB0_79: ldur x8, [x29, #-72] str x8, [sp, #200] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-144] str x8, [sp, #208] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-152] str x8, [sp, #216] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur w8, [x29, #-132] str w8, [sp, #228] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-184] str x8, [sp, #232] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #16] str x8, [sp, #240] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_81 b LBB0_80 LBB0_80: ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp, #192] ; 8-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_82 LBB0_81: mov x8, #0 str x8, [sp, #192] ; 8-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_82 LBB0_82: ldr x5, [sp, #240] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x4, [sp, #232] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w3, [sp, #228] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr x2, [sp, #216] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x1, [sp, #208] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x0, [sp, #200] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-240] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x6, [sp, #192] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x7, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr w11, [x8, #4] ldur x8, [x29, #-64] ldr w10, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-56] mov x9, sp str w11, [x9] str w10, [x9, #4] str x8, [x9, #8] bl _svn_wc__diff_local_only_dir bl _SVN_ERR b LBB0_83 LBB0_83: b LBB0_84 LBB0_84: b LBB0_85 LBB0_85: ldur x9, [x29, #-200] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x8, [x29, #-128] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_89 b LBB0_86 LBB0_86: ldur x8, [x29, #-96] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_88 b LBB0_87 LBB0_87: ldur x8, [x29, #-88] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_89 b LBB0_88 LBB0_88: ldur x8, [x29, #-232] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x0, [x29, #-64] ldur x1, [x29, #-40] ldr x2, [x8] ldur x3, [x29, #-56] bl _ensure_state bl _SVN_ERR b LBB0_89 LBB0_89: ldur x8, [x29, #-256] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-24] b LBB0_90 LBB0_90: ldur x0, [x29, #-24] add sp, sp, #720 ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload ldp x28, x27, [sp], #32 ; 16-byte Folded Reload ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _SVN_NO_ERROR,8,3 ; @SVN_NO_ERROR .comm _svn_wc_status_conflicted,8,3 ; @svn_wc_status_conflicted .comm _svn_wc_status_none,8,3 ; @svn_wc_status_none .comm _svn_wc_status_normal,8,3 ; @svn_wc_status_normal .comm _FALSE,8,3 ; @FALSE .comm _svn_depth_unknown,4,2 ; @svn_depth_unknown .comm _TRUE,8,3 ; @TRUE .comm _svn_wc__db_status_normal,8,3 ; @svn_wc__db_status_normal .comm _svn_wc__db_status_incomplete,8,3 ; @svn_wc__db_status_incomplete .comm _svn_wc__db_status_deleted,8,3 ; @svn_wc__db_status_deleted .comm _svn_node_file,8,3 ; @svn_node_file .comm _SVN_INVALID_REVNUM,4,2 ; @SVN_INVALID_REVNUM .comm _svn_node_dir,8,3 ; @svn_node_dir .no_dead_strip _diff_status_callback .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_diff_local.c_diff_status_callback.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function diff_status_callback .type diff_status_callback,@function diff_status_callback: # @diff_status_callback .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp pushq %r14 pushq %rbx subq $640, %rsp # imm = 0x280 .cfi_offset %rbx, -32 .cfi_offset %r14, -24 movq %rdi, -32(%rbp) movq %rsi, -40(%rbp) movq %rdx, -48(%rbp) movq %rcx, -56(%rbp) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -64(%rbp) movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 32(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -72(%rbp) movq -48(%rbp), %rax cmpl $0, 44(%rax) jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movq SVN_NO_ERROR(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -24(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_90 .LBB0_2: movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax cmpq svn_wc_status_conflicted(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_6 # %bb.3: movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax cmpq svn_wc_status_none(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_6 # %bb.4: movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax cmpq svn_wc_status_none(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_6 # %bb.5: movq SVN_NO_ERROR(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -24(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_90 .LBB0_6: movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax cmpq svn_wc_status_normal(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_9 # %bb.7: movq -48(%rbp), %rax cmpl $0, 40(%rax) jne .LBB0_9 # %bb.8: movq SVN_NO_ERROR(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -24(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_90 .LBB0_9: jmp .LBB0_10 .LBB0_10: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movq -64(%rbp), %rcx xorl %eax, %eax # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax cmpq $0, 8(%rcx) movb %al, -185(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill je .LBB0_12 # %bb.11: # in Loop: Header=BB0_10 Depth=1 movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl 64(%rax), %edi movq -40(%rbp), %rsi callq svn_dirent_is_ancestor@PLT cmpl $0, %eax setne %al xorb $-1, %al movb %al, -185(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill .LBB0_12: # in Loop: Header=BB0_10 Depth=1 movb -185(%rbp), %al # 1-byte Reload testb $1, %al jne .LBB0_13 jmp .LBB0_19 .LBB0_13: # in Loop: Header=BB0_10 Depth=1 movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -80(%rbp) movq -80(%rbp), %rax cmpl $0, 60(%rax) jne .LBB0_18 # %bb.14: # in Loop: Header=BB0_10 Depth=1 movq -80(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 8(%rax) je .LBB0_16 # %bb.15: # in Loop: Header=BB0_10 Depth=1 movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq -80(%rbp), %rcx movl 56(%rcx), %edi movq -80(%rbp), %rcx movl 52(%rcx), %esi movq -80(%rbp), %rcx movl 48(%rcx), %edx movq -80(%rbp), %rcx movl 20(%rcx), %ecx movq -80(%rbp), %r8 movl 24(%r8), %r8d movq -80(%rbp), %r9 movq 8(%r9), %r9 movq -80(%rbp), %r10 movq (%r10), %rbx movq -64(%rbp), %r10 movq 16(%r10), %r11 movq -80(%rbp), %r10 movl 16(%r10), %r10d movq %rbx, (%rsp) movq %r11, 8(%rsp) movl %r10d, 16(%rsp) callq *%rax movl %eax, %edi callq SVN_ERR@PLT jmp .LBB0_17 .LBB0_16: # in Loop: Header=BB0_10 Depth=1 movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq -80(%rbp), %rcx movl 56(%rcx), %edi movq -80(%rbp), %rcx movl 52(%rcx), %esi movq -80(%rbp), %rcx movl 48(%rcx), %edx movq -80(%rbp), %rcx movq (%rcx), %rcx movq -64(%rbp), %r8 movq 16(%r8), %r8 movq -80(%rbp), %r9 movl 16(%r9), %r9d callq *%rax movl %eax, %edi callq SVN_ERR@PLT .LBB0_17: # in Loop: Header=BB0_10 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_18 .LBB0_18: # in Loop: Header=BB0_10 Depth=1 movq -80(%rbp), %rax movq 40(%rax), %rcx movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, 8(%rax) movq -80(%rbp), %rax movl 16(%rax), %edi callq svn_pool_clear@PLT jmp .LBB0_10 .LBB0_19: movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -200(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -40(%rbp), %rdi movq -56(%rbp), %rsi callq svn_dirent_dirname@PLT movq -200(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movq %rax, %rsi movq FALSE(%rip), %rdx movq -56(%rbp), %rcx callq ensure_state@PLT movl %eax, %edi callq SVN_ERR@PLT movq -64(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 8(%rax) je .LBB0_22 # %bb.20: movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax cmpq $0, 32(%rax) je .LBB0_22 # %bb.21: movq SVN_NO_ERROR(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -24(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_90 .LBB0_22: movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -128(%rbp) movl svn_depth_unknown(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -132(%rbp) movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -144(%rbp) movq -64(%rbp), %rax movl 24(%rax), %edi movq -40(%rbp), %rsi callq svn_dirent_skip_ancestor@PLT movq %rax, -152(%rbp) movq FALSE(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -88(%rbp) movq FALSE(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -96(%rbp) movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 32(%rax), %rbx movq -40(%rbp), %r11 movq -56(%rbp), %r10 movq -56(%rbp), %rax leaq -104(%rbp), %rdi xorl %ecx, %ecx movl %ecx, %r9d leaq -112(%rbp), %r14 movq %r9, %rsi movq %r9, %rdx movq %r9, %rcx movq %r9, %r8 movq $0, (%rsp) movq $0, 8(%rsp) movq $0, 16(%rsp) movq $0, 24(%rsp) movq $0, 32(%rsp) movq $0, 40(%rsp) movq $0, 48(%rsp) movq $0, 56(%rsp) movq $0, 64(%rsp) movq $0, 72(%rsp) movq $0, 80(%rsp) movq $0, 88(%rsp) movq $0, 96(%rsp) movq $0, 104(%rsp) movq $0, 112(%rsp) movq $0, 120(%rsp) movq $0, 128(%rsp) movq $0, 136(%rsp) movq %r14, 144(%rsp) movq $0, 152(%rsp) movq $0, 160(%rsp) movq %rbx, 168(%rsp) movq %r11, 176(%rsp) movq %r10, 184(%rsp) movq %rax, 192(%rsp) callq svn_wc__db_read_info@PLT movl %eax, %edi callq SVN_ERR@PLT cmpq $0, -112(%rbp) jne .LBB0_24 # %bb.23: movq TRUE(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -96(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_42 .LBB0_24: movq -104(%rbp), %rax cmpq svn_wc__db_status_normal(%rip), %rax je .LBB0_26 # %bb.25: movq -104(%rbp), %rax cmpq svn_wc__db_status_incomplete(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_27 .LBB0_26: movq -128(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -120(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_41 .LBB0_27: movq -104(%rbp), %rax cmpq svn_wc__db_status_deleted(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_32 # %bb.28: movq TRUE(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -88(%rbp) movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 32(%rax), %rbx movq -40(%rbp), %r11 movq -56(%rbp), %r10 movq -56(%rbp), %rax leaq -160(%rbp), %rdi leaq -120(%rbp), %rsi xorl %ecx, %ecx movl %ecx, %r9d movq %r9, %rdx movq %r9, %rcx movq %r9, %r8 movq $0, (%rsp) movq $0, 8(%rsp) movq $0, 16(%rsp) movq $0, 24(%rsp) movq $0, 32(%rsp) movq $0, 40(%rsp) movq $0, 48(%rsp) movq $0, 56(%rsp) movq $0, 64(%rsp) movq $0, 72(%rsp) movq %rbx, 80(%rsp) movq %r11, 88(%rsp) movq %r10, 96(%rsp) movq %rax, 104(%rsp) callq svn_wc__db_base_get_info@PLT movl %eax, %edi callq SVN_ERR@PLT movq -160(%rbp), %rax cmpq svn_wc__db_status_normal(%rip), %rax je .LBB0_31 # %bb.29: movq -160(%rbp), %rax cmpq svn_wc__db_status_incomplete(%rip), %rax je .LBB0_31 # %bb.30: movq SVN_NO_ERROR(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -24(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_90 .LBB0_31: jmp .LBB0_40 .LBB0_32: movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 32(%rax), %rbx movq -40(%rbp), %r11 movq -56(%rbp), %r10 movq -56(%rbp), %rax leaq -168(%rbp), %rdi leaq -120(%rbp), %rsi xorl %ecx, %ecx movl %ecx, %r9d movq %r9, %rdx movq %r9, %rcx movq %r9, %r8 movq $0, (%rsp) movq $0, 8(%rsp) movq $0, 16(%rsp) movq $0, 24(%rsp) movq $0, 32(%rsp) movq $0, 40(%rsp) movq $0, 48(%rsp) movq $0, 56(%rsp) movq $0, 64(%rsp) movq $0, 72(%rsp) movq %rbx, 80(%rsp) movq %r11, 88(%rsp) movq %r10, 96(%rsp) movq %rax, 104(%rsp) callq svn_wc__db_base_get_info@PLT movl %eax, %edi callq SVN_ERR@PLT movq -168(%rbp), %rax cmpq svn_wc__db_status_normal(%rip), %rax je .LBB0_35 # %bb.33: movq -168(%rbp), %rax cmpq svn_wc__db_status_incomplete(%rip), %rax je .LBB0_35 # %bb.34: movq TRUE(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -96(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_39 .LBB0_35: movq -120(%rbp), %rax cmpq -128(%rbp), %rax jne .LBB0_37 # %bb.36: movq -64(%rbp), %rax cmpl $0, 40(%rax) jne .LBB0_38 .LBB0_37: movq TRUE(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -88(%rbp) movq TRUE(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -96(%rbp) .LBB0_38: jmp .LBB0_39 .LBB0_39: jmp .LBB0_40 .LBB0_40: jmp .LBB0_41 .LBB0_41: jmp .LBB0_42 .LBB0_42: cmpq $0, -88(%rbp) je .LBB0_55 # %bb.43: movq -120(%rbp), %rax cmpq svn_node_file(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_48 # %bb.44: movq -72(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -240(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -144(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -232(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -152(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -224(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movl SVN_INVALID_REVNUM(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -212(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -208(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -64(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 8(%rax) je .LBB0_46 # %bb.45: movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -248(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB0_47 .LBB0_46: xorl %eax, %eax # kill: def $rax killed $eax movq %rax, -248(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB0_47 .LBB0_47: movq -208(%rbp), %r8 # 8-byte Reload movl -212(%rbp), %ecx # 4-byte Reload movq -224(%rbp), %rdx # 8-byte Reload movq -232(%rbp), %rsi # 8-byte Reload movq -240(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movq -248(%rbp), %r9 # 8-byte Reload movq -56(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, (%rsp) callq svn_wc__diff_base_only_file@PLT movl %eax, %edi callq SVN_ERR@PLT jmp .LBB0_54 .LBB0_48: movq -120(%rbp), %rax cmpq svn_node_dir(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_53 # %bb.49: movq -72(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -288(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -144(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -280(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -152(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -272(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movl SVN_INVALID_REVNUM(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -264(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movl -132(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -260(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -256(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -64(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 8(%rax) je .LBB0_51 # %bb.50: movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -296(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB0_52 .LBB0_51: xorl %eax, %eax # kill: def $rax killed $eax movq %rax, -296(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB0_52 .LBB0_52: movq -256(%rbp), %r9 # 8-byte Reload movl -260(%rbp), %r8d # 4-byte Reload movl -264(%rbp), %ecx # 4-byte Reload movq -272(%rbp), %rdx # 8-byte Reload movq -280(%rbp), %rsi # 8-byte Reload movq -288(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movq -296(%rbp), %rbx # 8-byte Reload movq -64(%rbp), %rax movl 4(%rax), %r11d movq -64(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %r10d movq -56(%rbp), %rax movq %rbx, (%rsp) movl %r11d, 8(%rsp) movl %r10d, 16(%rsp) movq %rax, 24(%rsp) callq svn_wc__diff_base_only_dir@PLT movl %eax, %edi callq SVN_ERR@PLT .LBB0_53: jmp .LBB0_54 .LBB0_54: jmp .LBB0_69 .LBB0_55: cmpq $0, -96(%rbp) jne .LBB0_68 # %bb.56: movq -128(%rbp), %rax cmpq svn_node_file(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_61 # %bb.57: movq -72(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -336(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -144(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -328(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -152(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -320(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movl SVN_INVALID_REVNUM(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -308(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -304(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -64(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 8(%rax) je .LBB0_59 # %bb.58: movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -344(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB0_60 .LBB0_59: xorl %eax, %eax # kill: def $rax killed $eax movq %rax, -344(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB0_60 .LBB0_60: movq -304(%rbp), %r8 # 8-byte Reload movl -308(%rbp), %ecx # 4-byte Reload movq -320(%rbp), %rdx # 8-byte Reload movq -328(%rbp), %rsi # 8-byte Reload movq -336(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movq -344(%rbp), %r9 # 8-byte Reload movq FALSE(%rip), %rbx movq -64(%rbp), %rax movl 4(%rax), %r11d movq -64(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %r10d movq -56(%rbp), %rax movq %rbx, (%rsp) movl %r11d, 8(%rsp) movl %r10d, 16(%rsp) movq %rax, 24(%rsp) callq svn_wc__diff_base_working_diff@PLT movl %eax, %edi callq SVN_ERR@PLT jmp .LBB0_67 .LBB0_61: movq -128(%rbp), %rax cmpq svn_node_dir(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_66 # %bb.62: movq -64(%rbp), %rdi movq -40(%rbp), %rsi movq FALSE(%rip), %rdx movq -56(%rbp), %rcx callq ensure_state@PLT movl %eax, %edi callq SVN_ERR@PLT movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax cmpq svn_wc_status_none(%rip), %rax je .LBB0_65 # %bb.63: movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax cmpq svn_wc_status_normal(%rip), %rax je .LBB0_65 # %bb.64: movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rdi addq $20, %rdi movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 32(%rax), %rsi movq -40(%rbp), %rdx movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl 16(%rax), %ecx movq -56(%rbp), %r8 callq svn_wc__db_base_get_props@PLT movl %eax, %edi callq SVN_ERR@PLT movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rdi addq $24, %rdi movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 32(%rax), %rsi movq -40(%rbp), %rdx movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl 16(%rax), %ecx movq -56(%rbp), %r8 callq svn_wc__db_read_props@PLT movl %eax, %edi callq SVN_ERR@PLT movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl 24(%rax), %esi movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl 20(%rax), %edx movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl 16(%rax), %ecx leaq -176(%rbp), %rdi callq svn_prop_diffs@PLT movl %eax, %edi callq SVN_ERR@PLT movq -176(%rbp), %rcx movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq %rcx, 8(%rax) .LBB0_65: jmp .LBB0_66 .LBB0_66: jmp .LBB0_67 .LBB0_67: jmp .LBB0_68 .LBB0_68: jmp .LBB0_69 .LBB0_69: cmpq $0, -96(%rbp) je .LBB0_85 # %bb.70: movq -104(%rbp), %rax cmpq svn_wc__db_status_deleted(%rip), %rax je .LBB0_85 # %bb.71: movq $0, -184(%rbp) movq -48(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 32(%rax) je .LBB0_73 # %bb.72: movq -64(%rbp), %rax movl 24(%rax), %edi movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq 32(%rax), %rsi callq svn_dirent_skip_ancestor@PLT movq %rax, -184(%rbp) .LBB0_73: movq -128(%rbp), %rax cmpq svn_node_file(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_78 # %bb.74: movq -72(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -384(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -144(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -376(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -152(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -368(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -184(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -360(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -352(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -64(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 8(%rax) je .LBB0_76 # %bb.75: movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -392(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB0_77 .LBB0_76: xorl %eax, %eax # kill: def $rax killed $eax movq %rax, -392(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB0_77 .LBB0_77: movq -352(%rbp), %r8 # 8-byte Reload movq -360(%rbp), %rcx # 8-byte Reload movq -368(%rbp), %rdx # 8-byte Reload movq -376(%rbp), %rsi # 8-byte Reload movq -384(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movq -392(%rbp), %r9 # 8-byte Reload movq FALSE(%rip), %rbx movq -64(%rbp), %rax movl 4(%rax), %r11d movq -64(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %r10d movq -56(%rbp), %rax movq %rbx, (%rsp) movl %r11d, 8(%rsp) movl %r10d, 16(%rsp) movq %rax, 24(%rsp) callq svn_wc__diff_local_only_file@PLT movl %eax, %edi callq SVN_ERR@PLT jmp .LBB0_84 .LBB0_78: movq -128(%rbp), %rax cmpq svn_node_dir(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_83 # %bb.79: movq -72(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -440(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -144(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -432(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -152(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -424(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movl -132(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -412(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -184(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -408(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -400(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -64(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 8(%rax) je .LBB0_81 # %bb.80: movq -64(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -448(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB0_82 .LBB0_81: xorl %eax, %eax # kill: def $rax killed $eax movq %rax, -448(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB0_82 .LBB0_82: movq -400(%rbp), %r9 # 8-byte Reload movq -408(%rbp), %r8 # 8-byte Reload movl -412(%rbp), %ecx # 4-byte Reload movq -424(%rbp), %rdx # 8-byte Reload movq -432(%rbp), %rsi # 8-byte Reload movq -440(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movq -448(%rbp), %r14 # 8-byte Reload movq FALSE(%rip), %rbx movq -64(%rbp), %rax movl 4(%rax), %r11d movq -64(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %r10d movq -56(%rbp), %rax movq %r14, (%rsp) movq %rbx, 8(%rsp) movl %r11d, 16(%rsp) movl %r10d, 24(%rsp) movq %rax, 32(%rsp) callq svn_wc__diff_local_only_dir@PLT movl %eax, %edi callq SVN_ERR@PLT .LBB0_83: jmp .LBB0_84 .LBB0_84: jmp .LBB0_85 .LBB0_85: movq -128(%rbp), %rax cmpq svn_node_dir(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_89 # %bb.86: cmpq $0, -96(%rbp) jne .LBB0_88 # %bb.87: cmpq $0, -88(%rbp) je .LBB0_89 .LBB0_88: movq -64(%rbp), %rdi movq -40(%rbp), %rsi movq TRUE(%rip), %rdx movq -56(%rbp), %rcx callq ensure_state@PLT movl %eax, %edi callq SVN_ERR@PLT .LBB0_89: movq SVN_NO_ERROR(%rip), %rax movq %rax, -24(%rbp) .LBB0_90: movq -24(%rbp), %rax addq $640, %rsp # imm = 0x280 popq %rbx popq %r14 popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size diff_status_callback, .Lfunc_end0-diff_status_callback .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type SVN_NO_ERROR,@object # @SVN_NO_ERROR .bss .globl SVN_NO_ERROR .p2align 3 SVN_NO_ERROR: .quad 0 .size SVN_NO_ERROR, 8 .type svn_wc_status_conflicted,@object # @svn_wc_status_conflicted .globl svn_wc_status_conflicted .p2align 3 svn_wc_status_conflicted: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size svn_wc_status_conflicted, 8 .type svn_wc_status_none,@object # @svn_wc_status_none .globl svn_wc_status_none .p2align 3 svn_wc_status_none: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size svn_wc_status_none, 8 .type svn_wc_status_normal,@object # @svn_wc_status_normal .globl svn_wc_status_normal .p2align 3 svn_wc_status_normal: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size svn_wc_status_normal, 8 .type FALSE,@object # @FALSE .globl FALSE .p2align 3 FALSE: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size FALSE, 8 .type svn_depth_unknown,@object # @svn_depth_unknown .globl svn_depth_unknown .p2align 2 svn_depth_unknown: .long 0 # 0x0 .size svn_depth_unknown, 4 .type TRUE,@object # @TRUE .globl TRUE .p2align 3 TRUE: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size TRUE, 8 .type svn_wc__db_status_normal,@object # @svn_wc__db_status_normal .globl svn_wc__db_status_normal .p2align 3 svn_wc__db_status_normal: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size svn_wc__db_status_normal, 8 .type svn_wc__db_status_incomplete,@object # @svn_wc__db_status_incomplete .globl svn_wc__db_status_incomplete .p2align 3 svn_wc__db_status_incomplete: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size svn_wc__db_status_incomplete, 8 .type svn_wc__db_status_deleted,@object # @svn_wc__db_status_deleted .globl svn_wc__db_status_deleted .p2align 3 svn_wc__db_status_deleted: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size svn_wc__db_status_deleted, 8 .type svn_node_file,@object # @svn_node_file .globl svn_node_file .p2align 3 svn_node_file: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size svn_node_file, 8 .type SVN_INVALID_REVNUM,@object # @SVN_INVALID_REVNUM .globl SVN_INVALID_REVNUM .p2align 2 SVN_INVALID_REVNUM: .long 0 # 0x0 .size SVN_INVALID_REVNUM, 4 .type svn_node_dir,@object # @svn_node_dir .globl svn_node_dir .p2align 3 svn_node_dir: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size svn_node_dir, 8 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym diff_status_callback .addrsig_sym svn_dirent_is_ancestor .addrsig_sym SVN_ERR .addrsig_sym svn_pool_clear .addrsig_sym ensure_state .addrsig_sym svn_dirent_dirname .addrsig_sym svn_dirent_skip_ancestor .addrsig_sym svn_wc__db_read_info .addrsig_sym svn_wc__db_base_get_info .addrsig_sym svn_wc__diff_base_only_file .addrsig_sym svn_wc__diff_base_only_dir .addrsig_sym svn_wc__diff_base_working_diff .addrsig_sym svn_wc__db_base_get_props .addrsig_sym svn_wc__db_read_props .addrsig_sym svn_prop_diffs .addrsig_sym svn_wc__diff_local_only_file .addrsig_sym svn_wc__diff_local_only_dir .addrsig_sym SVN_NO_ERROR .addrsig_sym svn_wc_status_conflicted .addrsig_sym svn_wc_status_none .addrsig_sym svn_wc_status_normal .addrsig_sym FALSE .addrsig_sym svn_depth_unknown .addrsig_sym TRUE .addrsig_sym svn_wc__db_status_normal .addrsig_sym svn_wc__db_status_incomplete .addrsig_sym svn_wc__db_status_deleted .addrsig_sym svn_node_file .addrsig_sym SVN_INVALID_REVNUM .addrsig_sym svn_node_dir
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function show_fan _show_fan: ; @show_fan .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #80 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 stp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-16] stur x1, [x29, #-24] str x2, [sp, #32] ldur x0, [x29, #-24] bl _to_sensor_dev_attr str x0, [sp, #24] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] bl _adm1029_update_device str x0, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8] ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldr x9, [x9] ldr w8, [x8, x9, lsl #2] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_3 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldr x9, [x9] ldr w8, [x8, x9, lsl #2] ands w8, w8, #0xc0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_3 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8] ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldr x9, [x9] ldr w8, [x8, x9, lsl #2] subs w8, w8, #255 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldr x0, [sp, #32] adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _sprintf stur w0, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_5 LBB0_4: ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldr x9, [x9] ldr w0, [x8, x9, lsl #2] bl _DIV_FROM_REG mov w8, #28992 movk w8, #3, lsl #16 sdiv w8, w8, w0 ldr x9, [sp, #16] ldr x9, [x9] ldr x10, [sp, #24] ldr x10, [x10] ldr w9, [x9, x10, lsl #2] sdiv w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #12] ldr x0, [sp, #32] ldr w9, [sp, #12] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x9 mov x9, sp str x8, [x9] adrp x1, l_.str.1@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _sprintf stur w0, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #80 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "0\n" l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "%d\n" .no_dead_strip _show_fan .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_adm1029.c_show_fan.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function show_fan .type show_fan,@function show_fan: # @show_fan .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $64, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq %rsi, -24(%rbp) movq %rdx, -32(%rbp) movq -24(%rbp), %rdi callq to_sensor_dev_attr@PLT movq %rax, -40(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq adm1029_update_device@PLT movq %rax, -48(%rbp) movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq -40(%rbp), %rcx movq (%rcx), %rcx cmpl $0, (%rax,%rcx,4) je .LBB0_3 # %bb.1: movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq -40(%rbp), %rcx movq (%rcx), %rcx movl (%rax,%rcx,4), %eax andl $192, %eax cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_3 # %bb.2: movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq -40(%rbp), %rcx movq (%rcx), %rcx cmpl $255, (%rax,%rcx,4) jne .LBB0_4 .LBB0_3: movq -32(%rbp), %rdi leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq sprintf@PLT movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_4: movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq -40(%rbp), %rcx movq (%rcx), %rcx movl (%rax,%rcx,4), %edi callq DIV_FROM_REG@PLT movl %eax, %ecx movl $225600, %eax # imm = 0x37140 cltd idivl %ecx movq -48(%rbp), %rcx movq (%rcx), %rcx movq -40(%rbp), %rdx movq (%rdx), %rsi cltd idivl (%rcx,%rsi,4) movl %eax, -52(%rbp) movq -32(%rbp), %rdi movl -52(%rbp), %edx leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq sprintf@PLT movl %eax, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_5: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $64, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size show_fan, .Lfunc_end0-show_fan .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "0\n" .size .L.str, 3 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .L.str.1: .asciz "%d\n" .size .L.str.1, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym show_fan .addrsig_sym to_sensor_dev_attr .addrsig_sym adm1029_update_device .addrsig_sym sprintf .addrsig_sym DIV_FROM_REG
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _mdp5_smp_dump ; -- Begin function mdp5_smp_dump .p2align 2 _mdp5_smp_dump: ; @mdp5_smp_dump .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #224 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 224 stp x29, x30, [sp, #208] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #208 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur x1, [x29, #-16] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] bl _get_kms stur x0, [x29, #-24] stur wzr, [x29, #-52] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _drm_printf ldur x0, [x29, #-16] adrp x1, l_.str.1@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _drm_printf bl _drm_can_sleep subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldur x8, [x29, #-24] add x0, x8, #4 mov x1, #0 bl _drm_modeset_lock b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldur x0, [x29, #-24] bl _mdp5_get_existing_global_state stur x0, [x29, #-48] ldur x8, [x29, #-48] add x8, x8, #16 stur x8, [x29, #-32] ldur x8, [x29, #-48] stur x8, [x29, #-40] stur wzr, [x29, #-56] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ; =>This Loop Header: Depth=1 ; Child Loop BB0_5 Depth 2 ldur w8, [x29, #-56] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_13 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 ldur x8, [x29, #-24] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldursw x9, [x29, #-56] ldr x8, [x8, x9, lsl #3] stur x8, [x29, #-72] ldur x8, [x29, #-32] ldr x8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-72] ldr x9, [x9] ldr x8, [x8, x9, lsl #3] stur x8, [x29, #-80] ldur x8, [x29, #-72] ldr w8, [x8, #8] stur w8, [x29, #-84] stur wzr, [x29, #-60] b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ; Parent Loop BB0_3 Depth=1 ; => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 ldur w8, [x29, #-60] str w8, [sp, #96] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur w0, [x29, #-84] bl _pipe2nclients ldr w8, [sp, #96] ; 4-byte Folded Reload subs w8, w8, w0 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_11 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=2 ldur w0, [x29, #-84] ldur w1, [x29, #-60] bl _pipe2client stur x0, [x29, #-96] ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldur x9, [x29, #-96] ldr x8, [x8, x9, lsl #3] str x8, [sp, #104] ldr x0, [sp, #104] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w1, [x8] bl _bitmap_weight str w0, [sp, #100] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] str x8, [sp, #64] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur w0, [x29, #-84] bl _pipe2name str w0, [sp, #76] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur w9, [x29, #-60] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x9 str x8, [sp, #80] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldr w9, [sp, #100] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x9 str x8, [sp, #88] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-80] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=2 ldur x8, [x29, #-80] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp, #56] ; 8-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_9 LBB0_8: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=2 mov x8, #0 str x8, [sp, #56] ; 8-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=2 ldr x0, [sp, #64] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x10, [sp, #88] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x11, [sp, #80] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w13, [sp, #76] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [sp, #56] ; 8-byte Folded Reload mov x9, sp ; implicit-def: $x12 mov x12, x13 str x12, [x9] str x11, [x9, #8] str x10, [x9, #16] str x8, [x9, #24] adrp x1, l_.str.2@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.2@PAGEOFF bl _drm_printf ldr w9, [sp, #100] ldur w8, [x29, #-52] add w8, w8, w9 stur w8, [x29, #-52] b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=2 ldur w8, [x29, #-60] add w8, w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-60] b LBB0_5 LBB0_11: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 b LBB0_12 LBB0_12: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 ldur w8, [x29, #-56] add w8, w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-56] b LBB0_3 LBB0_13: ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldur w8, [x29, #-52] ; implicit-def: $x10 mov x10, x8 ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w9, [x8] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x9 mov x9, sp str x10, [x9] str x8, [x9, #8] adrp x1, l_.str.3@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.3@PAGEOFF bl _drm_printf ldur x8, [x29, #-16] str x8, [sp, #48] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #44] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-40] ldr x0, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w1, [x8] bl _bitmap_weight ldr w8, [sp, #44] ; 4-byte Folded Reload mov x9, x0 ldr x0, [sp, #48] ; 8-byte Folded Reload subs w10, w8, w9 mov x9, sp ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x10 str x8, [x9] adrp x1, l_.str.4@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.4@PAGEOFF bl _drm_printf bl _drm_can_sleep subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_15 b LBB0_14 LBB0_14: ldur x8, [x29, #-24] add x0, x8, #4 bl _drm_modeset_unlock b LBB0_15 LBB0_15: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #208] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #224 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "name\tinuse\tplane\n" l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "----\t-----\t-----\n" l_.str.2: ; @.str.2 .asciz "%s:%d\t%d\t%s\n" l_.str.3: ; @.str.3 .asciz "TOTAL:\t%d\t(of %d)\n" l_.str.4: ; @.str.4 .asciz "AVAIL:\t%d\n" .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_mdp5_smp.c_mdp5_smp_dump.c" .globl mdp5_smp_dump # -- Begin function mdp5_smp_dump .p2align 4, 0x90 .type mdp5_smp_dump,@function mdp5_smp_dump: # @mdp5_smp_dump .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $160, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi callq get_kms@PLT movq %rax, -24(%rbp) movl $0, -52(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq drm_printf@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rdi leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq drm_printf@PLT movb $0, %al callq drm_can_sleep@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movq -24(%rbp), %rdi addq $4, %rdi xorl %eax, %eax movl %eax, %esi callq drm_modeset_lock@PLT .LBB0_2: movq -24(%rbp), %rdi callq mdp5_get_existing_global_state@PLT movq %rax, -48(%rbp) movq -48(%rbp), %rax addq $16, %rax movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -40(%rbp) movl $0, -56(%rbp) .LBB0_3: # =>This Loop Header: Depth=1 # Child Loop BB0_5 Depth 2 movl -56(%rbp), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx cmpl (%rcx), %eax jge .LBB0_13 # %bb.4: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movslq -56(%rbp), %rcx movq (%rax,%rcx,8), %rax movq %rax, -72(%rbp) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq -72(%rbp), %rcx movq (%rcx), %rcx movq (%rax,%rcx,8), %rax movq %rax, -80(%rbp) movq -72(%rbp), %rax movl 8(%rax), %eax movl %eax, -84(%rbp) movl $0, -60(%rbp) .LBB0_5: # Parent Loop BB0_3 Depth=1 # => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 movl -60(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -112(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movl -84(%rbp), %edi callq pipe2nclients@PLT movl %eax, %ecx movl -112(%rbp), %eax # 4-byte Reload cmpl %ecx, %eax jge .LBB0_11 # %bb.6: # in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=2 movl -84(%rbp), %edi movl -60(%rbp), %esi callq pipe2client@PLT movq %rax, -96(%rbp) movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq -96(%rbp), %rcx movq (%rax,%rcx,8), %rax movq %rax, -104(%rbp) movq -104(%rbp), %rdi movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %esi callq bitmap_weight@PLT movl %eax, -108(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -136(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movl -84(%rbp), %edi callq pipe2name@PLT movl %eax, -124(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movl -60(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -120(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movl -108(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -116(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill cmpq $0, -80(%rbp) je .LBB0_8 # %bb.7: # in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=2 movq -80(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -144(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB0_9 .LBB0_8: # in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=2 xorl %eax, %eax # kill: def $rax killed $eax movq %rax, -144(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill jmp .LBB0_9 .LBB0_9: # in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=2 movl -116(%rbp), %r8d # 4-byte Reload movl -120(%rbp), %ecx # 4-byte Reload movl -124(%rbp), %edx # 4-byte Reload movq -136(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movq -144(%rbp), %r9 # 8-byte Reload leaq .L.str.2(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq drm_printf@PLT movl -108(%rbp), %eax addl -52(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -52(%rbp) # %bb.10: # in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=2 movl -60(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -60(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_11: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_12 .LBB0_12: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movl -56(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -56(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_13: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl -52(%rbp), %edx movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %ecx leaq .L.str.3(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq drm_printf@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -152(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax movl %eax, -156(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rdi movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %esi callq bitmap_weight@PLT movl -156(%rbp), %edx # 4-byte Reload movq -152(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload subl %eax, %edx leaq .L.str.4(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq drm_printf@PLT movb $0, %al callq drm_can_sleep@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_15 # %bb.14: movq -24(%rbp), %rdi addq $4, %rdi callq drm_modeset_unlock@PLT .LBB0_15: addq $160, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size mdp5_smp_dump, .Lfunc_end0-mdp5_smp_dump .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "name\tinuse\tplane\n" .size .L.str, 18 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .L.str.1: .asciz "----\t-----\t-----\n" .size .L.str.1, 18 .type .L.str.2,@object # @.str.2 .L.str.2: .asciz "%s:%d\t%d\t%s\n" .size .L.str.2, 13 .type .L.str.3,@object # @.str.3 .L.str.3: .asciz "TOTAL:\t%d\t(of %d)\n" .size .L.str.3, 19 .type .L.str.4,@object # @.str.4 .L.str.4: .asciz "AVAIL:\t%d\n" .size .L.str.4, 11 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym get_kms .addrsig_sym drm_printf .addrsig_sym drm_can_sleep .addrsig_sym drm_modeset_lock .addrsig_sym mdp5_get_existing_global_state .addrsig_sym pipe2nclients .addrsig_sym pipe2client .addrsig_sym bitmap_weight .addrsig_sym pipe2name .addrsig_sym drm_modeset_unlock
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function put_primary_audio_header _put_primary_audio_header: ; @put_primary_audio_header .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] adrp x9, _SUBFRAMES@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _SUBFRAMES@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] subs w2, w9, #1 add x0, x8, #24 mov w1, #4 bl _put_bits ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x9, [sp, #8] ldr w9, [x9] subs w2, w9, #1 add x0, x8, #24 mov w1, #3 bl _put_bits str wzr, [sp, #4] b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #4] ldr x9, [sp, #8] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #8] add x0, x8, #24 adrp x8, _DCAENC_SUBBANDS@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _DCAENC_SUBBANDS@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] subs w2, w8, #2 mov w1, #5 bl _put_bits b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #4] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #4] b LBB0_1 LBB0_4: str wzr, [sp, #4] b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #4] ldr x9, [sp, #8] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #8] add x0, x8, #24 adrp x8, _DCAENC_SUBBANDS@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _DCAENC_SUBBANDS@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] subs w2, w8, #1 mov w1, #5 bl _put_bits b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #4] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #4] b LBB0_5 LBB0_8: str wzr, [sp, #4] b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #4] ldr x9, [sp, #8] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_12 b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_9 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #8] add x0, x8, #24 mov w1, #3 mov w2, #0 bl _put_bits b LBB0_11 LBB0_11: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_9 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #4] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #4] b LBB0_9 LBB0_12: str wzr, [sp, #4] b LBB0_13 LBB0_13: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #4] ldr x9, [sp, #8] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_16 b LBB0_14 LBB0_14: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_13 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #8] add x0, x8, #24 mov w1, #2 mov w2, #0 bl _put_bits b LBB0_15 LBB0_15: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_13 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #4] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #4] b LBB0_13 LBB0_16: str wzr, [sp, #4] b LBB0_17 LBB0_17: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #4] ldr x9, [sp, #8] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_20 b LBB0_18 LBB0_18: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_17 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #8] add x0, x8, #24 mov w1, #3 mov w2, #6 bl _put_bits b LBB0_19 LBB0_19: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_17 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #4] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #4] b LBB0_17 LBB0_20: str wzr, [sp, #4] b LBB0_21 LBB0_21: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #4] ldr x9, [sp, #8] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_24 b LBB0_22 LBB0_22: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_21 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #8] add x0, x8, #24 ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldrsw x9, [sp, #4] ldr w2, [x8, x9, lsl #2] mov w1, #3 bl _put_bits b LBB0_23 LBB0_23: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_21 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #4] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #4] b LBB0_21 LBB0_24: str wzr, [sp] b LBB0_25 LBB0_25: ; =>This Loop Header: Depth=1 ; Child Loop BB0_27 Depth 2 ldr w8, [sp] adrp x9, _DCA_CODE_BOOKS@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _DCA_CODE_BOOKS@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_32 b LBB0_26 LBB0_26: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_25 Depth=1 str wzr, [sp, #4] b LBB0_27 LBB0_27: ; Parent Loop BB0_25 Depth=1 ; => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 ldr w8, [sp, #4] ldr x9, [sp, #8] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_30 b LBB0_28 LBB0_28: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_27 Depth=2 ldr x8, [sp, #8] add x0, x8, #24 adrp x8, _ff_dca_quant_index_sel_nbits@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _ff_dca_quant_index_sel_nbits@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] ldrsw x9, [sp] ldr w1, [x8, x9, lsl #2] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldrsw x9, [sp, #4] ldr x8, [x8, x9, lsl #3] ldrsw x9, [sp] ldr w2, [x8, x9, lsl #2] bl _put_bits b LBB0_29 LBB0_29: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_27 Depth=2 ldr w8, [sp, #4] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #4] b LBB0_27 LBB0_30: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_25 Depth=1 b LBB0_31 LBB0_31: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_25 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp] b LBB0_25 LBB0_32: str wzr, [sp] b LBB0_33 LBB0_33: ; =>This Loop Header: Depth=1 ; Child Loop BB0_35 Depth 2 ldr w8, [sp] adrp x9, _DCA_CODE_BOOKS@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _DCA_CODE_BOOKS@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_42 b LBB0_34 LBB0_34: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_33 Depth=1 str wzr, [sp, #4] b LBB0_35 LBB0_35: ; Parent Loop BB0_33 Depth=1 ; => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 ldr w8, [sp, #4] ldr x9, [sp, #8] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_40 b LBB0_36 LBB0_36: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_35 Depth=2 ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldrsw x9, [sp, #4] ldr x8, [x8, x9, lsl #3] ldrsw x9, [sp] ldr w8, [x8, x9, lsl #2] adrp x9, _ff_dca_quant_index_group_size@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _ff_dca_quant_index_group_size@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x9, [x9] ldrsw x10, [sp] ldr w9, [x9, x10, lsl #2] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_38 b LBB0_37 LBB0_37: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_35 Depth=2 ldr x8, [sp, #8] add x0, x8, #24 mov w1, #2 mov w2, #0 bl _put_bits b LBB0_38 LBB0_38: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_35 Depth=2 b LBB0_39 LBB0_39: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_35 Depth=2 ldr w8, [sp, #4] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #4] b LBB0_35 LBB0_40: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_33 Depth=1 b LBB0_41 LBB0_41: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_33 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp] b LBB0_33 LBB0_42: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _SUBFRAMES,4,2 ; @SUBFRAMES .comm _DCAENC_SUBBANDS,4,2 ; @DCAENC_SUBBANDS .comm _DCA_CODE_BOOKS,4,2 ; @DCA_CODE_BOOKS .comm _ff_dca_quant_index_sel_nbits,8,3 ; @ff_dca_quant_index_sel_nbits .comm _ff_dca_quant_index_group_size,8,3 ; @ff_dca_quant_index_group_size .no_dead_strip _put_primary_audio_header .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_dcaenc.c_put_primary_audio_header.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function put_primary_audio_header .type put_primary_audio_header,@function put_primary_audio_header: # @put_primary_audio_header .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi addq $24, %rdi movl SUBFRAMES(%rip), %edx subl $1, %edx movl $4, %esi callq put_bits@PLT movq -8(%rbp), %rdi addq $24, %rdi movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edx subl $1, %edx movl $3, %esi callq put_bits@PLT movl $0, -12(%rbp) .LBB0_1: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movl -12(%rbp), %eax movq -8(%rbp), %rcx cmpl (%rcx), %eax jge .LBB0_4 # %bb.2: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi addq $24, %rdi movl DCAENC_SUBBANDS(%rip), %edx subl $2, %edx movl $5, %esi callq put_bits@PLT # %bb.3: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl -12(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -12(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_1 .LBB0_4: movl $0, -12(%rbp) .LBB0_5: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movl -12(%rbp), %eax movq -8(%rbp), %rcx cmpl (%rcx), %eax jge .LBB0_8 # %bb.6: # in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi addq $24, %rdi movl DCAENC_SUBBANDS(%rip), %edx subl $1, %edx movl $5, %esi callq put_bits@PLT # %bb.7: # in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=1 movl -12(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -12(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_8: movl $0, -12(%rbp) .LBB0_9: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movl -12(%rbp), %eax movq -8(%rbp), %rcx cmpl (%rcx), %eax jge .LBB0_12 # %bb.10: # in Loop: Header=BB0_9 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi addq $24, %rdi movl $3, %esi xorl %edx, %edx callq put_bits@PLT # %bb.11: # in Loop: Header=BB0_9 Depth=1 movl -12(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -12(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_9 .LBB0_12: movl $0, -12(%rbp) .LBB0_13: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movl -12(%rbp), %eax movq -8(%rbp), %rcx cmpl (%rcx), %eax jge .LBB0_16 # %bb.14: # in Loop: Header=BB0_13 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi addq $24, %rdi movl $2, %esi xorl %edx, %edx callq put_bits@PLT # %bb.15: # in Loop: Header=BB0_13 Depth=1 movl -12(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -12(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_13 .LBB0_16: movl $0, -12(%rbp) .LBB0_17: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movl -12(%rbp), %eax movq -8(%rbp), %rcx cmpl (%rcx), %eax jge .LBB0_20 # %bb.18: # in Loop: Header=BB0_17 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi addq $24, %rdi movl $3, %esi movl $6, %edx callq put_bits@PLT # %bb.19: # in Loop: Header=BB0_17 Depth=1 movl -12(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -12(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_17 .LBB0_20: movl $0, -12(%rbp) .LBB0_21: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movl -12(%rbp), %eax movq -8(%rbp), %rcx cmpl (%rcx), %eax jge .LBB0_24 # %bb.22: # in Loop: Header=BB0_21 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi addq $24, %rdi movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movslq -12(%rbp), %rcx movl (%rax,%rcx,4), %edx movl $3, %esi callq put_bits@PLT # %bb.23: # in Loop: Header=BB0_21 Depth=1 movl -12(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -12(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_21 .LBB0_24: movl $0, -16(%rbp) .LBB0_25: # =>This Loop Header: Depth=1 # Child Loop BB0_27 Depth 2 movl -16(%rbp), %eax cmpl DCA_CODE_BOOKS(%rip), %eax jge .LBB0_32 # %bb.26: # in Loop: Header=BB0_25 Depth=1 movl $0, -12(%rbp) .LBB0_27: # Parent Loop BB0_25 Depth=1 # => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 movl -12(%rbp), %eax movq -8(%rbp), %rcx cmpl (%rcx), %eax jge .LBB0_30 # %bb.28: # in Loop: Header=BB0_27 Depth=2 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi addq $24, %rdi movq ff_dca_quant_index_sel_nbits(%rip), %rax movslq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl (%rax,%rcx,4), %esi movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movslq -12(%rbp), %rcx movq (%rax,%rcx,8), %rax movslq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl (%rax,%rcx,4), %edx callq put_bits@PLT # %bb.29: # in Loop: Header=BB0_27 Depth=2 movl -12(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -12(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_27 .LBB0_30: # in Loop: Header=BB0_25 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_31 .LBB0_31: # in Loop: Header=BB0_25 Depth=1 movl -16(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -16(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_25 .LBB0_32: movl $0, -16(%rbp) .LBB0_33: # =>This Loop Header: Depth=1 # Child Loop BB0_35 Depth 2 movl -16(%rbp), %eax cmpl DCA_CODE_BOOKS(%rip), %eax jge .LBB0_42 # %bb.34: # in Loop: Header=BB0_33 Depth=1 movl $0, -12(%rbp) .LBB0_35: # Parent Loop BB0_33 Depth=1 # => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 movl -12(%rbp), %eax movq -8(%rbp), %rcx cmpl (%rcx), %eax jge .LBB0_40 # %bb.36: # in Loop: Header=BB0_35 Depth=2 movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movslq -12(%rbp), %rcx movq (%rax,%rcx,8), %rax movslq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl (%rax,%rcx,4), %eax movq ff_dca_quant_index_group_size(%rip), %rcx movslq -16(%rbp), %rdx cmpl (%rcx,%rdx,4), %eax jge .LBB0_38 # %bb.37: # in Loop: Header=BB0_35 Depth=2 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi addq $24, %rdi movl $2, %esi xorl %edx, %edx callq put_bits@PLT .LBB0_38: # in Loop: Header=BB0_35 Depth=2 jmp .LBB0_39 .LBB0_39: # in Loop: Header=BB0_35 Depth=2 movl -12(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -12(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_35 .LBB0_40: # in Loop: Header=BB0_33 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_41 .LBB0_41: # in Loop: Header=BB0_33 Depth=1 movl -16(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -16(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_33 .LBB0_42: addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size put_primary_audio_header, .Lfunc_end0-put_primary_audio_header .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type SUBFRAMES,@object # @SUBFRAMES .bss .globl SUBFRAMES .p2align 2 SUBFRAMES: .long 0 # 0x0 .size SUBFRAMES, 4 .type DCAENC_SUBBANDS,@object # @DCAENC_SUBBANDS .globl DCAENC_SUBBANDS .p2align 2 DCAENC_SUBBANDS: .long 0 # 0x0 .size DCAENC_SUBBANDS, 4 .type DCA_CODE_BOOKS,@object # @DCA_CODE_BOOKS .globl DCA_CODE_BOOKS .p2align 2 DCA_CODE_BOOKS: .long 0 # 0x0 .size DCA_CODE_BOOKS, 4 .type ff_dca_quant_index_sel_nbits,@object # @ff_dca_quant_index_sel_nbits .globl ff_dca_quant_index_sel_nbits .p2align 3 ff_dca_quant_index_sel_nbits: .quad 0 .size ff_dca_quant_index_sel_nbits, 8 .type ff_dca_quant_index_group_size,@object # @ff_dca_quant_index_group_size .globl ff_dca_quant_index_group_size .p2align 3 ff_dca_quant_index_group_size: .quad 0 .size ff_dca_quant_index_group_size, 8 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym put_primary_audio_header .addrsig_sym put_bits .addrsig_sym SUBFRAMES .addrsig_sym DCAENC_SUBBANDS .addrsig_sym DCA_CODE_BOOKS .addrsig_sym ff_dca_quant_index_sel_nbits .addrsig_sym ff_dca_quant_index_group_size
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function test_callbacks _test_callbacks: ; @test_callbacks .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #80 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 stp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 adrp x8, _VAR_COUNT@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _VAR_COUNT@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _psz_var_name@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _psz_var_name@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Spill adrp x8, _var_value@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _var_value@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #24] ; 8-byte Folded Spill stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur wzr, [x29, #-12] b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr x9, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur w8, [x29, #-12] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, hs tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldr x8, [x8] ldur w9, [x29, #-12] ; kill: def $x9 killed $w9 ldr w1, [x8, x9, lsl #2] adrp x8, _VLC_VAR_INTEGER@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _VLC_VAR_INTEGER@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w2, [x8] bl _var_Create ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldr x9, [x8] ldur w10, [x29, #-12] ; kill: def $x10 killed $w10 ldr w1, [x9, x10, lsl #2] adrp x9, _callback@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _callback@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w2, [x9] ldr x3, [x8] bl _var_AddCallback b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldur w8, [x29, #-12] add w8, w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-12] b LBB0_1 LBB0_4: stur wzr, [x29, #-16] b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr x9, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur w8, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, hs tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=1 bl _rand ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload stur w0, [x29, #-20] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldr x8, [x8] ldur w9, [x29, #-16] ; kill: def $x9 killed $w9 ldr w1, [x8, x9, lsl #2] ldur w2, [x29, #-20] bl _var_SetInteger ldr x9, [sp, #24] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur w8, [x29, #-20] ldr x9, [x9] ldur w10, [x29, #-16] ; kill: def $x10 killed $w10 ldr w9, [x9, x10, lsl #2] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq and w0, w8, #0x1 bl _assert ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldr x8, [x8] ldur w9, [x29, #-16] ; kill: def $x9 killed $w9 ldr w1, [x8, x9, lsl #2] mov w2, #0 bl _var_SetInteger ldr x8, [sp, #24] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] ldur w9, [x29, #-16] ; kill: def $x9 killed $w9 ldr w8, [x8, x9, lsl #2] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq and w0, w8, #0x1 bl _assert ldr x8, [sp, #24] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x9, [x8] ldur w8, [x29, #-16] mov x10, x8 mov w8, #1 str w8, [x9, x10, lsl #2] b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=1 ldur w8, [x29, #-16] add w8, w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-16] b LBB0_5 LBB0_8: stur wzr, [x29, #-24] b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr x9, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur w8, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, hs tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_12 b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_9 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldr x8, [x8] ldur w9, [x29, #-24] ; kill: def $x9 killed $w9 ldr w1, [x8, x9, lsl #2] bl _var_TriggerCallback ldr x8, [sp, #24] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] ldur w9, [x29, #-24] ; kill: def $x9 killed $w9 ldr w8, [x8, x9, lsl #2] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq and w0, w8, #0x1 bl _assert b LBB0_11 LBB0_11: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_9 Depth=1 ldur w8, [x29, #-24] add w8, w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-24] b LBB0_9 LBB0_12: stur wzr, [x29, #-28] b LBB0_13 LBB0_13: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr x9, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur w8, [x29, #-28] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, hs tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_16 b LBB0_14 LBB0_14: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_13 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldr x8, [x8] ldur w9, [x29, #-28] ; kill: def $x9 killed $w9 ldr w1, [x8, x9, lsl #2] bl _var_Destroy b LBB0_15 LBB0_15: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_13 Depth=1 ldur w8, [x29, #-28] add w8, w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-28] b LBB0_13 LBB0_16: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #80 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _VAR_COUNT,4,2 ; @VAR_COUNT .comm _psz_var_name,8,3 ; @psz_var_name .comm _VLC_VAR_INTEGER,4,2 ; @VLC_VAR_INTEGER .comm _callback,4,2 ; @callback .comm _var_value,8,3 ; @var_value .no_dead_strip _test_callbacks .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_variables.c_test_callbacks.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function test_callbacks .type test_callbacks,@function test_callbacks: # @test_callbacks .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movl $0, -12(%rbp) .LBB0_1: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movl -12(%rbp), %eax cmpl VAR_COUNT(%rip), %eax jae .LBB0_4 # %bb.2: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movq psz_var_name(%rip), %rax movl -12(%rbp), %ecx # kill: def $rcx killed $ecx movl (%rax,%rcx,4), %esi movl VLC_VAR_INTEGER(%rip), %edx callq var_Create@PLT movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movq psz_var_name(%rip), %rax movl -12(%rbp), %ecx # kill: def $rcx killed $ecx movl (%rax,%rcx,4), %esi movl callback(%rip), %edx movq psz_var_name(%rip), %rcx callq var_AddCallback@PLT # %bb.3: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl -12(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -12(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_1 .LBB0_4: movl $0, -16(%rbp) .LBB0_5: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movl -16(%rbp), %eax cmpl VAR_COUNT(%rip), %eax jae .LBB0_8 # %bb.6: # in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=1 movb $0, %al callq rand@PLT movl %eax, -20(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movq psz_var_name(%rip), %rax movl -16(%rbp), %ecx # kill: def $rcx killed $ecx movl (%rax,%rcx,4), %esi movl -20(%rbp), %edx callq var_SetInteger@PLT movl -20(%rbp), %eax movq var_value(%rip), %rcx movl -16(%rbp), %edx # kill: def $rdx killed $edx cmpl (%rcx,%rdx,4), %eax sete %al andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %edi callq assert@PLT movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movq psz_var_name(%rip), %rax movl -16(%rbp), %ecx # kill: def $rcx killed $ecx movl (%rax,%rcx,4), %esi xorl %edx, %edx callq var_SetInteger@PLT movq var_value(%rip), %rax movl -16(%rbp), %ecx # kill: def $rcx killed $ecx cmpl $0, (%rax,%rcx,4) sete %al andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %edi callq assert@PLT movq var_value(%rip), %rax movl -16(%rbp), %ecx # kill: def $rcx killed $ecx movl $1, (%rax,%rcx,4) # %bb.7: # in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=1 movl -16(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -16(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_8: movl $0, -24(%rbp) .LBB0_9: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movl -24(%rbp), %eax cmpl VAR_COUNT(%rip), %eax jae .LBB0_12 # %bb.10: # in Loop: Header=BB0_9 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movq psz_var_name(%rip), %rax movl -24(%rbp), %ecx # kill: def $rcx killed $ecx movl (%rax,%rcx,4), %esi callq var_TriggerCallback@PLT movq var_value(%rip), %rax movl -24(%rbp), %ecx # kill: def $rcx killed $ecx cmpl $0, (%rax,%rcx,4) sete %al andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %edi callq assert@PLT # %bb.11: # in Loop: Header=BB0_9 Depth=1 movl -24(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -24(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_9 .LBB0_12: movl $0, -28(%rbp) .LBB0_13: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movl -28(%rbp), %eax cmpl VAR_COUNT(%rip), %eax jae .LBB0_16 # %bb.14: # in Loop: Header=BB0_13 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movq psz_var_name(%rip), %rax movl -28(%rbp), %ecx # kill: def $rcx killed $ecx movl (%rax,%rcx,4), %esi callq var_Destroy@PLT # %bb.15: # in Loop: Header=BB0_13 Depth=1 movl -28(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -28(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_13 .LBB0_16: addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size test_callbacks, .Lfunc_end0-test_callbacks .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type VAR_COUNT,@object # @VAR_COUNT .bss .globl VAR_COUNT .p2align 2 VAR_COUNT: .long 0 # 0x0 .size VAR_COUNT, 4 .type psz_var_name,@object # @psz_var_name .globl psz_var_name .p2align 3 psz_var_name: .quad 0 .size psz_var_name, 8 .type VLC_VAR_INTEGER,@object # @VLC_VAR_INTEGER .globl VLC_VAR_INTEGER .p2align 2 VLC_VAR_INTEGER: .long 0 # 0x0 .size VLC_VAR_INTEGER, 4 .type callback,@object # @callback .globl callback .p2align 2 callback: .long 0 # 0x0 .size callback, 4 .type var_value,@object # @var_value .globl var_value .p2align 3 var_value: .quad 0 .size var_value, 8 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym test_callbacks .addrsig_sym var_Create .addrsig_sym var_AddCallback .addrsig_sym rand .addrsig_sym var_SetInteger .addrsig_sym assert .addrsig_sym var_TriggerCallback .addrsig_sym var_Destroy .addrsig_sym VAR_COUNT .addrsig_sym psz_var_name .addrsig_sym VLC_VAR_INTEGER .addrsig_sym callback .addrsig_sym var_value
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _multiply_matrix ; -- Begin function multiply_matrix .p2align 2 _multiply_matrix: ; @multiply_matrix .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #112 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 112 stp x29, x30, [sp, #96] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #96 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur x1, [x29, #-16] stur x2, [x29, #-24] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9] mul w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #4] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #8] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #12] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #16] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #20] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #24] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 add x1, sp, #8 str w8, [sp, #8] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9, #4] mul w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #4] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #28] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #12] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #32] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #20] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #36] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #12] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9, #12] mul w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #4] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #40] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #12] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #44] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #20] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #48] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #20] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9, #20] mul w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #4] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #52] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #12] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #56] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #20] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #60] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #28] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8, #8] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9] mul w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #28] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #8] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #40] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #16] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #52] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #24] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #16] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8, #8] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9, #4] mul w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #28] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #28] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #40] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #32] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #52] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #36] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #36] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8, #8] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9, #12] mul w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #28] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #40] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #40] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #44] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #52] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #48] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #48] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8, #8] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9, #20] mul w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #28] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #52] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #40] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #56] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #52] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #60] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #60] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8, #16] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9] mul w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #32] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #8] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #44] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #16] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #56] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #24] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #24] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8, #16] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9, #4] mul w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #32] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #28] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #44] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #32] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #56] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #36] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #40] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8, #16] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9, #12] mul w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #32] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #40] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #44] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #44] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #56] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #48] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #52] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8, #16] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9, #20] mul w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #32] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #52] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #44] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #56] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #56] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #60] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #64] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8, #24] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9] mul w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #36] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #8] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #48] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #16] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #60] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #24] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #32] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8, #24] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9, #4] mul w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #36] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #28] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #48] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #32] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #60] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #36] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #44] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8, #24] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9, #12] mul w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #36] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #40] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #48] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #44] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #60] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #48] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #56] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8, #24] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9, #20] mul w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #36] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #52] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #48] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #56] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #60] ldur x10, [x29, #-24] ldr w10, [x10, #60] mul w9, w9, w10 add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #68] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] mov w2, #64 bl _memcpy ldp x29, x30, [sp, #96] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #112 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_utils.c_multiply_matrix.c" .globl multiply_matrix # -- Begin function multiply_matrix .p2align 4, 0x90 .type multiply_matrix,@function multiply_matrix: # @multiply_matrix .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $96, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq %rdx, -24(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx imull (%rcx), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 4(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 8(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 12(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 16(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 20(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 24(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -88(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx imull 4(%rcx), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 4(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 28(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 12(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 32(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 20(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 36(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -84(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx imull 12(%rcx), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 4(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 40(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 12(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 44(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 20(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 48(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -76(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx imull 20(%rcx), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 4(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 52(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 12(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 56(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 20(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 60(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -68(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 8(%rax), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx imull (%rcx), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 28(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 8(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 40(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 16(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 52(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 24(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -80(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 8(%rax), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx imull 4(%rcx), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 28(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 28(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 40(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 32(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 52(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 36(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -60(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 8(%rax), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx imull 12(%rcx), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 28(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 40(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 40(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 44(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 52(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 48(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -48(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 8(%rax), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx imull 20(%rcx), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 28(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 52(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 40(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 56(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 52(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 60(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -36(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 16(%rax), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx imull (%rcx), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 32(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 8(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 44(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 16(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 56(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 24(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -72(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 16(%rax), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx imull 4(%rcx), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 32(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 28(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 44(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 32(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 56(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 36(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -56(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 16(%rax), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx imull 12(%rcx), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 32(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 40(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 44(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 44(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 56(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 48(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -44(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 16(%rax), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx imull 20(%rcx), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 32(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 52(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 44(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 56(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 56(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 60(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -32(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 24(%rax), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx imull (%rcx), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 36(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 8(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 48(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 16(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 60(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 24(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -64(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 24(%rax), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx imull 4(%rcx), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 36(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 28(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 48(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 32(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 60(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 36(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -52(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 24(%rax), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx imull 12(%rcx), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 36(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 40(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 48(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 44(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 60(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 48(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -40(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 24(%rax), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx imull 20(%rcx), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 36(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 52(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 48(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 56(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 60(%rcx), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rdx imull 60(%rdx), %ecx addl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -28(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi leaq -88(%rbp), %rsi movl $64, %edx callq memcpy@PLT addq $96, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size multiply_matrix, .Lfunc_end0-multiply_matrix .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym memcpy
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _ex_pydo ; -- Begin function ex_pydo .p2align 2 _ex_pydo: ; @ex_pydo .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x0, [x8] adrp x8, _init_range_cmd@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _init_range_cmd@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] mov x1, x8 adrp x8, _run_do@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _run_do@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] mov x2, x8 ldr x3, [sp, #8] bl _DoPyCommand ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _init_range_cmd,8,3 ; @init_range_cmd .comm _run_do,8,3 ; @run_do .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_if_python.c_ex_pydo.c" .globl ex_pydo # -- Begin function ex_pydo .p2align 4, 0x90 .type ex_pydo,@function ex_pydo: # @ex_pydo .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rdi movq init_range_cmd(%rip), %rax movl %eax, %esi movq run_do(%rip), %rax movl %eax, %edx movq -8(%rbp), %rcx callq DoPyCommand@PLT addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size ex_pydo, .Lfunc_end0-ex_pydo .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type init_range_cmd,@object # @init_range_cmd .bss .globl init_range_cmd .p2align 3 init_range_cmd: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size init_range_cmd, 8 .type run_do,@object # @run_do .globl run_do .p2align 3 run_do: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size run_do, 8 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym DoPyCommand .addrsig_sym init_range_cmd .addrsig_sym run_do
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function riocm_ch_create _riocm_ch_create: ; @riocm_ch_create .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] ; kill: def $x8 killed $xzr str xzr, [sp, #16] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w0, [x8] bl _riocm_ch_alloc str x0, [sp, #16] ldr x0, [sp, #16] bl _IS_ERR subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: adrp x8, _CHOP@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _CHOP@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #12] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #8] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldr x0, [sp, #16] bl _PTR_ERR ldr w2, [sp, #8] ; 4-byte Folded Reload mov x3, x0 ldr w0, [sp, #12] ; 4-byte Folded Reload adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _riocm_debug b LBB0_3 LBB0_2: ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-8] str w8, [x9] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldr x0, [sp, #16] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _CHOP,4,2 ; @CHOP .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "Failed to allocate channel %d (err=%ld)" .no_dead_strip _riocm_ch_create .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_rio_cm.c_riocm_ch_create.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function riocm_ch_create .type riocm_ch_create,@function riocm_ch_create: # @riocm_ch_create .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq $0, -16(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edi callq riocm_ch_alloc@PLT movq %rax, -16(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq IS_ERR@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl CHOP(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -24(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax movl %eax, -20(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq PTR_ERR@PLT movl -24(%rbp), %edi # 4-byte Reload movl -20(%rbp), %edx # 4-byte Reload movl %eax, %ecx leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi callq riocm_debug@PLT jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %ecx movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, (%rax) .LBB0_3: movq -16(%rbp), %rax addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size riocm_ch_create, .Lfunc_end0-riocm_ch_create .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type CHOP,@object # @CHOP .bss .globl CHOP .p2align 2 CHOP: .long 0 # 0x0 .size CHOP, 4 .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "Failed to allocate channel %d (err=%ld)" .size .L.str, 40 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym riocm_ch_create .addrsig_sym riocm_ch_alloc .addrsig_sym IS_ERR .addrsig_sym riocm_debug .addrsig_sym PTR_ERR .addrsig_sym CHOP
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _ldns_pkt_print ; -- Begin function ldns_pkt_print .p2align 2 _ldns_pkt_print: ; @ldns_pkt_print .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #8] str x1, [sp] ldr x0, [sp, #8] adrp x8, _ldns_output_format_default@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _ldns_output_format_default@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] ldr x2, [sp] bl _ldns_pkt_print_fmt ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _ldns_output_format_default,4,2 ; @ldns_output_format_default .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_host2str.c_ldns_pkt_print.c" .globl ldns_pkt_print # -- Begin function ldns_pkt_print .p2align 4, 0x90 .type ldns_pkt_print,@function ldns_pkt_print: # @ldns_pkt_print .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movl ldns_output_format_default(%rip), %esi movq -16(%rbp), %rdx callq ldns_pkt_print_fmt@PLT addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size ldns_pkt_print, .Lfunc_end0-ldns_pkt_print .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type ldns_output_format_default,@object # @ldns_output_format_default .bss .globl ldns_output_format_default .p2align 2 ldns_output_format_default: .long 0 # 0x0 .size ldns_output_format_default, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym ldns_pkt_print_fmt .addrsig_sym ldns_output_format_default
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function set_max_maxts_len _set_max_maxts_len: ; @set_max_maxts_len .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] str x1, [sp, #16] str wzr, [sp, #12] str wzr, [sp, #8] adrp x8, _conf@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _conf@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8] ldr w8, [x8] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_3 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: b LBB0_7 LBB0_3: ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8] ldr w0, [x8] bl _strlen str w0, [sp, #12] adrp x8, _MTRC_AVGTS_LBL@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _MTRC_AVGTS_LBL@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x8] bl _strlen str w0, [sp, #8] ldr w8, [sp, #12] ldur x9, [x29, #-8] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, le tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ldr w8, [sp, #12] ldur x9, [x29, #-8] str w8, [x9] b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldr w8, [sp, #8] ldur x9, [x29, #-8] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, le tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_7 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ldr w8, [sp, #8] ldur x9, [x29, #-8] str w8, [x9] b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _conf,4,2 ; @conf .comm _MTRC_AVGTS_LBL,4,2 ; @MTRC_AVGTS_LBL .no_dead_strip _set_max_maxts_len .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_gdashboard.c_set_max_maxts_len.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function set_max_maxts_len .type set_max_maxts_len,@function set_max_maxts_len: # @set_max_maxts_len .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movl $0, -20(%rbp) movl $0, -24(%rbp) cmpl $0, conf(%rip) je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax cmpl $0, (%rax) jne .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_3: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi callq strlen@PLT movl %eax, -20(%rbp) movl MTRC_AVGTS_LBL(%rip), %edi callq strlen@PLT movl %eax, -24(%rbp) movl -20(%rbp), %eax movq -8(%rbp), %rcx cmpl (%rcx), %eax jle .LBB0_5 # %bb.4: movl -20(%rbp), %ecx movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, (%rax) .LBB0_5: movl -24(%rbp), %eax movq -8(%rbp), %rcx cmpl (%rcx), %eax jle .LBB0_7 # %bb.6: movl -24(%rbp), %ecx movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, (%rax) .LBB0_7: addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size set_max_maxts_len, .Lfunc_end0-set_max_maxts_len .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type conf,@object # @conf .bss .globl conf .p2align 2 conf: .zero 4 .size conf, 4 .type MTRC_AVGTS_LBL,@object # @MTRC_AVGTS_LBL .globl MTRC_AVGTS_LBL .p2align 2 MTRC_AVGTS_LBL: .long 0 # 0x0 .size MTRC_AVGTS_LBL, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym set_max_maxts_len .addrsig_sym strlen .addrsig_sym conf .addrsig_sym MTRC_AVGTS_LBL
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _ubifs_read_node ; -- Begin function ubifs_read_node .p2align 2 _ubifs_read_node: ; @ubifs_read_node .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #192 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 192 stp x29, x30, [sp, #176] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #176 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-16] stur x1, [x29, #-24] stur w2, [x29, #-28] stur w3, [x29, #-32] stur w4, [x29, #-36] stur w5, [x29, #-40] ldur x8, [x29, #-24] stur x8, [x29, #-56] ldur w8, [x29, #-36] stur w8, [x29, #-80] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur w8, [x29, #-40] stur w8, [x29, #-76] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur w0, [x29, #-28] bl _dbg_ntype ldur w1, [x29, #-80] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldur w2, [x29, #-76] ; 4-byte Folded Reload mov x3, x0 ldur w4, [x29, #-32] adrp x0, l_.str@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _dbg_io ldur x8, [x29, #-16] stur x8, [x29, #-72] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur w8, [x29, #-36] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, lt mov w9, #0 stur w9, [x29, #-60] ; 4-byte Folded Spill tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_3 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldur w8, [x29, #-36] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ge mov w9, #0 stur w9, [x29, #-60] ; 4-byte Folded Spill tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_3 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldur w8, [x29, #-40] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ge stur w8, [x29, #-60] ; 4-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur x0, [x29, #-72] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur w8, [x29, #-60] ; 4-byte Folded Reload and w1, w8, #0x1 bl _ubifs_assert ldur x8, [x29, #-16] str x8, [sp, #80] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur w8, [x29, #-32] adrp x9, _UBIFS_CH_SZ@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _UBIFS_CH_SZ@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, lt mov w9, #0 stur w9, [x29, #-84] ; 4-byte Folded Spill tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ldur w8, [x29, #-40] ldur w9, [x29, #-32] add w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #4] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, le stur w8, [x29, #-84] ; 4-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldr x0, [sp, #80] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur w8, [x29, #-84] ; 4-byte Folded Reload and w1, w8, #0x1 bl _ubifs_assert ldur x8, [x29, #-16] str x8, [sp, #64] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur w8, [x29, #-40] ands w8, w8, #0x7 cset w8, ne mov w9, #0 str w9, [sp, #76] ; 4-byte Folded Spill tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_7 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ldur w8, [x29, #-40] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w9, [x9, #4] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, lt str w8, [sp, #76] ; 4-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ldr x0, [sp, #64] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w8, [sp, #76] ; 4-byte Folded Reload and w1, w8, #0x1 bl _ubifs_assert ldur x8, [x29, #-16] str x8, [sp, #48] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur w8, [x29, #-28] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, lt mov w9, #0 str w9, [sp, #60] ; 4-byte Folded Spill tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_9 b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ldur w8, [x29, #-28] adrp x9, _UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, lt str w8, [sp, #60] ; 4-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ldr x0, [sp, #48] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w8, [sp, #60] ; 4-byte Folded Reload and w1, w8, #0x1 bl _ubifs_assert ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldur w1, [x29, #-36] ldur x2, [x29, #-24] ldur w3, [x29, #-40] ldur w4, [x29, #-32] mov w5, #0 bl _ubifs_leb_read stur w0, [x29, #-44] ldur w8, [x29, #-44] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_12 b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: ldur w8, [x29, #-44] adrp x9, _EBADMSG@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _EBADMSG@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] adds w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_12 b LBB0_11 LBB0_11: ldur w8, [x29, #-44] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_22 LBB0_12: ldur w8, [x29, #-28] ldur x9, [x29, #-56] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_14 b LBB0_13 LBB0_13: ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldur x8, [x29, #-56] ldr w2, [x8] ldur w9, [x29, #-28] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x9 mov x9, sp str x8, [x9] adrp x1, l_.str.1@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _ubifs_errc b LBB0_19 LBB0_14: ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldur x1, [x29, #-24] ldur w2, [x29, #-36] ldur w3, [x29, #-40] mov w5, #0 mov x4, x5 bl _ubifs_check_node stur w0, [x29, #-44] ldur w8, [x29, #-44] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_16 b LBB0_15 LBB0_15: ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldur w2, [x29, #-28] adrp x1, l_.str.2@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.2@PAGEOFF bl _ubifs_errc ldur w8, [x29, #-44] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_22 LBB0_16: ldur x8, [x29, #-56] ldr w0, [x8, #4] bl _le32_to_cpu stur w0, [x29, #-48] ldur w8, [x29, #-48] ldur w9, [x29, #-32] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_18 b LBB0_17 LBB0_17: ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldur w2, [x29, #-48] ldur w9, [x29, #-32] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x9 mov x9, sp str x8, [x9] adrp x1, l_.str.3@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.3@PAGEOFF bl _ubifs_errc b LBB0_19 LBB0_18: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_22 LBB0_19: ldur x8, [x29, #-16] str x8, [sp, #40] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur w8, [x29, #-36] str w8, [sp, #36] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur w9, [x29, #-40] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x9 str x8, [sp, #24] ; 8-byte Folded Spill ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w0, [x8, #12] ldur w1, [x29, #-36] bl _ubi_is_mapped ldr x8, [sp, #24] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w2, [sp, #36] ; 4-byte Folded Reload mov x10, x0 ldr x0, [sp, #40] ; 8-byte Folded Reload mov x9, sp str x8, [x9] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x10 str x8, [x9, #8] adrp x1, l_.str.4@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.4@PAGEOFF bl _ubifs_errc ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8, #8] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_21 b LBB0_20 LBB0_20: ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldur x1, [x29, #-24] bl _ubifs_dump_node bl _dump_stack b LBB0_21 LBB0_21: adrp x8, _EINVAL@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _EINVAL@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x8] mov w8, #0 subs w8, w8, w9 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_22 LBB0_22: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #176] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #192 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "LEB %d:%d, %s, length %d" .comm _UBIFS_CH_SZ,4,2 ; @UBIFS_CH_SZ .comm _UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT,4,2 ; @UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT .comm _EBADMSG,4,2 ; @EBADMSG l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "bad node type (%d but expected %d)" l_.str.2: ; @.str.2 .asciz "expected node type %d" l_.str.3: ; @.str.3 .asciz "bad node length %d, expected %d" l_.str.4: ; @.str.4 .asciz "bad node at LEB %d:%d, LEB mapping status %d" .comm _EINVAL,4,2 ; @EINVAL .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_io.c_ubifs_read_node.c" .globl ubifs_read_node # -- Begin function ubifs_read_node .p2align 4, 0x90 .type ubifs_read_node,@function ubifs_read_node: # @ubifs_read_node .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $144, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq %rsi, -24(%rbp) movl %edx, -28(%rbp) movl %ecx, -32(%rbp) movl %r8d, -36(%rbp) movl %r9d, -40(%rbp) movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -56(%rbp) movl -36(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -80(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movl -40(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -76(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movl -28(%rbp), %edi callq dbg_ntype@PLT movl -80(%rbp), %esi # 4-byte Reload movl -76(%rbp), %edx # 4-byte Reload movl %eax, %ecx movl -32(%rbp), %r8d leaq .L.str(%rip), %rdi callq dbg_io@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -72(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill xorl %eax, %eax # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax cmpl $0, -36(%rbp) movb %al, -57(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill jl .LBB0_3 # %bb.1: movl -36(%rbp), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rdx xorl %eax, %eax # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax cmpl (%rdx), %ecx movb %al, -57(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill jge .LBB0_3 # %bb.2: cmpl $0, -40(%rbp) setge %al movb %al, -57(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill .LBB0_3: movq -72(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movb -57(%rbp), %al # 1-byte Reload andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %esi callq ubifs_assert@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -96(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movl -32(%rbp), %ecx xorl %eax, %eax # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax cmpl UBIFS_CH_SZ(%rip), %ecx movb %al, -81(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill jl .LBB0_5 # %bb.4: movl -40(%rbp), %eax addl -32(%rbp), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx cmpl 4(%rcx), %eax setle %al movb %al, -81(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill .LBB0_5: movq -96(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movb -81(%rbp), %al # 1-byte Reload andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %esi callq ubifs_assert@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -112(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movl -40(%rbp), %ecx andl $7, %ecx xorl %eax, %eax # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax cmpl $0, %ecx movb %al, -97(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill jne .LBB0_7 # %bb.6: movl -40(%rbp), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx cmpl 4(%rcx), %eax setl %al movb %al, -97(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill .LBB0_7: movq -112(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movb -97(%rbp), %al # 1-byte Reload andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %esi callq ubifs_assert@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -128(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill xorl %eax, %eax # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax cmpl $0, -28(%rbp) movb %al, -113(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill jl .LBB0_9 # %bb.8: movl -28(%rbp), %eax cmpl UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT(%rip), %eax setl %al movb %al, -113(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill .LBB0_9: movq -128(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movb -113(%rbp), %al # 1-byte Reload andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %esi callq ubifs_assert@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl -36(%rbp), %esi movq -24(%rbp), %rdx movl -40(%rbp), %ecx movl -32(%rbp), %r8d xorl %r9d, %r9d callq ubifs_leb_read@PLT movl %eax, -44(%rbp) cmpl $0, -44(%rbp) je .LBB0_12 # %bb.10: movl -44(%rbp), %eax xorl %ecx, %ecx subl EBADMSG(%rip), %ecx cmpl %ecx, %eax je .LBB0_12 # %bb.11: movl -44(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_22 .LBB0_12: movl -28(%rbp), %eax movq -56(%rbp), %rcx cmpl (%rcx), %eax je .LBB0_14 # %bb.13: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -56(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edx movl -28(%rbp), %ecx leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq ubifs_errc@PLT jmp .LBB0_19 .LBB0_14: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -24(%rbp), %rsi movl -36(%rbp), %edx movl -40(%rbp), %ecx xorl %r9d, %r9d movl %r9d, %r8d callq ubifs_check_node@PLT movl %eax, -44(%rbp) cmpl $0, -44(%rbp) je .LBB0_16 # %bb.15: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl -28(%rbp), %edx leaq .L.str.2(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq ubifs_errc@PLT movl -44(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_22 .LBB0_16: movq -56(%rbp), %rax movl 4(%rax), %edi callq le32_to_cpu@PLT movl %eax, -48(%rbp) movl -48(%rbp), %eax cmpl -32(%rbp), %eax je .LBB0_18 # %bb.17: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl -48(%rbp), %edx movl -32(%rbp), %ecx leaq .L.str.3(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq ubifs_errc@PLT jmp .LBB0_19 .LBB0_18: movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_22 .LBB0_19: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -144(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movl -36(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -136(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movl -40(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -132(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 12(%rax), %edi movl -36(%rbp), %esi callq ubi_is_mapped@PLT movq -144(%rbp), %rdi # 8-byte Reload movl -136(%rbp), %edx # 4-byte Reload movl -132(%rbp), %ecx # 4-byte Reload movl %eax, %r8d leaq .L.str.4(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq ubifs_errc@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax cmpl $0, 8(%rax) jne .LBB0_21 # %bb.20: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -24(%rbp), %rsi callq ubifs_dump_node@PLT movb $0, %al callq dump_stack@PLT .LBB0_21: xorl %eax, %eax subl EINVAL(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_22: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $144, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size ubifs_read_node, .Lfunc_end0-ubifs_read_node .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "LEB %d:%d, %s, length %d" .size .L.str, 25 .type UBIFS_CH_SZ,@object # @UBIFS_CH_SZ .bss .globl UBIFS_CH_SZ .p2align 2 UBIFS_CH_SZ: .long 0 # 0x0 .size UBIFS_CH_SZ, 4 .type UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT,@object # @UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT .globl UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT .p2align 2 UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT: .long 0 # 0x0 .size UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT, 4 .type EBADMSG,@object # @EBADMSG .globl EBADMSG .p2align 2 EBADMSG: .long 0 # 0x0 .size EBADMSG, 4 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.1: .asciz "bad node type (%d but expected %d)" .size .L.str.1, 35 .type .L.str.2,@object # @.str.2 .L.str.2: .asciz "expected node type %d" .size .L.str.2, 22 .type .L.str.3,@object # @.str.3 .L.str.3: .asciz "bad node length %d, expected %d" .size .L.str.3, 32 .type .L.str.4,@object # @.str.4 .L.str.4: .asciz "bad node at LEB %d:%d, LEB mapping status %d" .size .L.str.4, 45 .type EINVAL,@object # @EINVAL .bss .globl EINVAL .p2align 2 EINVAL: .long 0 # 0x0 .size EINVAL, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym dbg_io .addrsig_sym dbg_ntype .addrsig_sym ubifs_assert .addrsig_sym ubifs_leb_read .addrsig_sym ubifs_errc .addrsig_sym ubifs_check_node .addrsig_sym le32_to_cpu .addrsig_sym ubi_is_mapped .addrsig_sym ubifs_dump_node .addrsig_sym dump_stack .addrsig_sym UBIFS_CH_SZ .addrsig_sym UBIFS_NODE_TYPES_CNT .addrsig_sym EBADMSG .addrsig_sym EINVAL
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function handlePointerEvent _handlePointerEvent: ; @handlePointerEvent .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] str x1, [sp, #16] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] bl _mir_pointer_event_action str w0, [sp, #12] ldr w8, [sp, #12] subs w8, w8, #128 ; kill: def $x8 killed $w8 str x8, [sp] ; 8-byte Folded Spill subs x8, x8, #4 cset w8, hi tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 ; %bb.1: ldr x11, [sp] ; 8-byte Folded Reload adrp x10, lJTI0_0@PAGE add x10, x10, lJTI0_0@PAGEOFF Ltmp0: adr x8, Ltmp0 ldrsw x9, [x10, x11, lsl #2] add x8, x8, x9 br x8 LBB0_2: ldr x0, [sp, #16] adrp x8, _GLFW_PRESS@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _GLFW_PRESS@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] ldur x2, [x29, #-8] bl _handlePointerButton b LBB0_7 LBB0_3: ldr x0, [sp, #16] adrp x8, _GLFW_RELEASE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _GLFW_RELEASE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] ldur x2, [x29, #-8] bl _handlePointerButton b LBB0_7 LBB0_4: ldr x0, [sp, #16] ldur x1, [x29, #-8] bl _handlePointerMotion b LBB0_7 LBB0_5: b LBB0_7 LBB0_6: b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc .p2align 2 lJTI0_0: .long LBB0_4-Ltmp0 .long LBB0_5-Ltmp0 .long LBB0_5-Ltmp0 .long LBB0_3-Ltmp0 .long LBB0_2-Ltmp0 ; -- End function .comm _GLFW_PRESS,4,2 ; @GLFW_PRESS .comm _GLFW_RELEASE,4,2 ; @GLFW_RELEASE .no_dead_strip _handlePointerEvent .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_mir_window.c_handlePointerEvent.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function handlePointerEvent .type handlePointerEvent,@function handlePointerEvent: # @handlePointerEvent .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi callq mir_pointer_event_action@PLT movl %eax, -20(%rbp) movl -20(%rbp), %eax addl $-128, %eax movl %eax, %ecx movq %rcx, -32(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill subl $4, %eax ja .LBB0_5 # %bb.7: movq -32(%rbp), %rax # 8-byte Reload leaq .LJTI0_0(%rip), %rcx movslq (%rcx,%rax,4), %rax addq %rcx, %rax jmpq *%rax .LBB0_1: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl GLFW_PRESS(%rip), %esi movq -8(%rbp), %rdx callq handlePointerButton@PLT jmp .LBB0_6 .LBB0_2: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl GLFW_RELEASE(%rip), %esi movq -8(%rbp), %rdx callq handlePointerButton@PLT jmp .LBB0_6 .LBB0_3: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -8(%rbp), %rsi callq handlePointerMotion@PLT jmp .LBB0_6 .LBB0_4: jmp .LBB0_6 .LBB0_5: jmp .LBB0_6 .LBB0_6: addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size handlePointerEvent, .Lfunc_end0-handlePointerEvent .cfi_endproc .section .rodata,"a",@progbits .p2align 2 .LJTI0_0: .long .LBB0_3-.LJTI0_0 .long .LBB0_4-.LJTI0_0 .long .LBB0_4-.LJTI0_0 .long .LBB0_2-.LJTI0_0 .long .LBB0_1-.LJTI0_0 # -- End function .type GLFW_PRESS,@object # @GLFW_PRESS .bss .globl GLFW_PRESS .p2align 2 GLFW_PRESS: .long 0 # 0x0 .size GLFW_PRESS, 4 .type GLFW_RELEASE,@object # @GLFW_RELEASE .globl GLFW_RELEASE .p2align 2 GLFW_RELEASE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size GLFW_RELEASE, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym handlePointerEvent .addrsig_sym mir_pointer_event_action .addrsig_sym handlePointerButton .addrsig_sym handlePointerMotion .addrsig_sym GLFW_PRESS .addrsig_sym GLFW_RELEASE
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function chr_convert _chr_convert: ; @chr_convert .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #144 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 144 stp x29, x30, [sp, #128] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #128 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 adrp x8, ___stack_chk_guard@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, ___stack_chk_guard@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-8] stur x0, [x29, #-48] stur x1, [x29, #-56] stur w2, [x29, #-60] str w3, [sp, #64] ldur x8, [x29, #-56] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w0, [x8, #20] ldur x8, [x29, #-56] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w1, [x8, #16] bl _AV_CEIL_RSHIFT str w0, [sp, #60] ldur x8, [x29, #-56] ldr x8, [x8, #16] str x8, [sp, #48] ldr x8, [sp, #48] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp, #40] ldur w8, [x29, #-60] ldur x9, [x29, #-56] ldr x9, [x9, #8] ldr x9, [x9, #8] ldr w9, [x9] ldur x10, [x29, #-56] ldr x10, [x10, #8] ldr w10, [x10] asr w9, w9, w10 subs w8, w8, w9 ldur x9, [x29, #-56] ldr x9, [x9, #8] ldr w9, [x9] lsl w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #36] ldur w8, [x29, #-60] ldur x9, [x29, #-56] ldr x9, [x9, #8] ldr x9, [x9, #8] ldr w9, [x9, #16] subs w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #32] ldur w8, [x29, #-60] ldur x9, [x29, #-56] ldr x9, [x9] ldr x9, [x9] str w8, [x9, #16] ldr w8, [sp, #64] ldur x9, [x29, #-56] ldr x9, [x9] ldr x9, [x9] str w8, [x9, #20] ldur w8, [x29, #-60] ldur x9, [x29, #-56] ldr x9, [x9] ldr x9, [x9] str w8, [x9, #32] ldr w8, [sp, #64] ldur x9, [x29, #-56] ldr x9, [x9] ldr x9, [x9] str w8, [x9, #36] str wzr, [sp, #28] b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #28] ldr w9, [sp, #64] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_9 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldur x8, [x29, #-56] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w9, [sp, #36] ldr w10, [sp, #28] add w9, w9, w10 ldr x8, [x8, w9, sxtw #3] stur x8, [x29, #-40] ldur x8, [x29, #-56] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr w9, [sp, #32] ldr w10, [sp, #28] add w9, w9, w10 ldr x8, [x8, w9, sxtw #3] stur x8, [x29, #-32] ldur x8, [x29, #-56] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #40] ldr w9, [sp, #32] ldr w10, [sp, #28] add w9, w9, w10 ldr x8, [x8, w9, sxtw #3] stur x8, [x29, #-24] ldur x8, [x29, #-56] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #56] ldr w9, [sp, #36] ldr w10, [sp, #28] add w9, w9, w10 ldr x8, [x8, w9, sxtw #3] stur x8, [x29, #-16] ldur x8, [x29, #-56] ldr x8, [x8] ldr x8, [x8] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldrsw x9, [sp, #28] ldr x8, [x8, x9, lsl #3] str x8, [sp, #16] ldur x8, [x29, #-56] ldr x8, [x8] ldr x8, [x8] ldr x8, [x8, #40] ldrsw x9, [sp, #28] ldr x8, [x8, x9, lsl #3] str x8, [sp, #8] ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr x8, [x8, #16] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr x0, [sp, #16] ldr x1, [sp, #8] ldur x2, [x29, #-40] ldur x3, [x29, #-32] ldur x4, [x29, #-24] ldr w5, [sp, #60] ldr x6, [sp, #40] blr x8 b LBB0_7 LBB0_4: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr x8, [x8, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldur x8, [x29, #-48] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x0, [sp, #16] ldr x1, [sp, #8] ldr w3, [sp, #60] ldur x9, [x29, #-48] ldr w4, [x9] sub x2, x29, #40 blr x8 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #28] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #28] b LBB0_1 LBB0_9: ldr w8, [sp, #64] str w8, [sp, #4] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldur x9, [x29, #-8] adrp x8, ___stack_chk_guard@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, ___stack_chk_guard@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_11 b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: bl ___stack_chk_fail LBB0_11: ldr w0, [sp, #4] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldp x29, x30, [sp, #128] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #144 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _chr_convert .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_hscale.c_chr_convert.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function chr_convert .type chr_convert,@function chr_convert: # @chr_convert .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $128, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movl %edx, -20(%rbp) movl %ecx, -24(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl 20(%rax), %edi movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl 16(%rax), %esi callq AV_CEIL_RSHIFT@PLT movl %eax, -28(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -40(%rbp) movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -48(%rbp) movl -20(%rbp), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movq 8(%rcx), %rcx movq 8(%rcx), %rcx movl (%rcx), %edx movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movq 8(%rcx), %rcx movl (%rcx), %ecx # kill: def $cl killed $ecx sarl %cl, %edx movl %edx, %ecx subl %ecx, %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movq 8(%rcx), %rcx movl (%rcx), %ecx # kill: def $cl killed $ecx shll %cl, %eax movl %eax, -52(%rbp) movl -20(%rbp), %eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movq 8(%rcx), %rcx movq 8(%rcx), %rcx subl 16(%rcx), %eax movl %eax, -56(%rbp) movl -20(%rbp), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl %ecx, 16(%rax) movl -24(%rbp), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl %ecx, 20(%rax) movl -20(%rbp), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl %ecx, 32(%rax) movl -24(%rbp), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl %ecx, 36(%rax) movl $0, -60(%rbp) .LBB0_1: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movl -60(%rbp), %eax cmpl -24(%rbp), %eax jge .LBB0_9 # %bb.2: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movl -52(%rbp), %ecx addl -60(%rbp), %ecx movslq %ecx, %rcx movq (%rax,%rcx,8), %rax movq %rax, -96(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movl -56(%rbp), %ecx addl -60(%rbp), %ecx movslq %ecx, %rcx movq (%rax,%rcx,8), %rax movq %rax, -88(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq 40(%rax), %rax movl -56(%rbp), %ecx addl -60(%rbp), %ecx movslq %ecx, %rcx movq (%rax,%rcx,8), %rax movq %rax, -80(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq 56(%rax), %rax movl -52(%rbp), %ecx addl -60(%rbp), %ecx movslq %ecx, %rcx movq (%rax,%rcx,8), %rax movq %rax, -72(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movslq -60(%rbp), %rcx movq (%rax,%rcx,8), %rax movq %rax, -104(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq 40(%rax), %rax movslq -60(%rbp), %rcx movq (%rax,%rcx,8), %rax movq %rax, -112(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 16(%rax) je .LBB0_4 # %bb.3: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movq -104(%rbp), %rdi movq -112(%rbp), %rsi movq -96(%rbp), %rdx movq -88(%rbp), %rcx movq -80(%rbp), %r8 movl -28(%rbp), %r9d movq -48(%rbp), %r10 movq %r10, (%rsp) callq *%rax jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_4: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 8(%rax) je .LBB0_6 # %bb.5: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq -104(%rbp), %rdi movq -112(%rbp), %rsi leaq -96(%rbp), %rdx movl -28(%rbp), %ecx movq -8(%rbp), %r8 movl (%r8), %r8d callq *%rax .LBB0_6: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_7: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_8 .LBB0_8: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl -60(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -60(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_1 .LBB0_9: movl -24(%rbp), %eax addq $128, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size chr_convert, .Lfunc_end0-chr_convert .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym chr_convert .addrsig_sym AV_CEIL_RSHIFT
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _via_parse_command_stream ; -- Begin function via_parse_command_stream .p2align 2 _via_parse_command_stream: ; @via_parse_command_stream .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #96 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 96 stp x29, x30, [sp, #80] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #80 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-16] stur x1, [x29, #-24] stur w2, [x29, #-28] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp, #40] ldur x8, [x29, #-24] ldur w9, [x29, #-28] lsr w9, w9, #2 add x8, x8, w9, uxtw #2 str x8, [sp, #24] mov w8, #133 str w8, [sp, #20] str wzr, [sp, #16] b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldur x8, [x29, #-24] ldr x9, [sp, #24] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, hs tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_24 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #20] subs w8, w8, #128 ; kill: def $x8 killed $w8 str x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Spill subs x8, x8, #5 cset w8, hi tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_22 ; %bb.3: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr x11, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload adrp x10, lJTI0_0@PAGE add x10, x10, lJTI0_0@PAGEOFF Ltmp0: adr x8, Ltmp0 ldrsw x9, [x10, x11, lsl #2] add x8, x8, x9 br x8 LBB0_4: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr x0, [sp, #40] ldr x2, [sp, #24] sub x1, x29, #24 add x3, sp, #16 bl _via_parse_header2 str w0, [sp, #20] b LBB0_23 LBB0_5: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr x0, [sp, #40] ldr x2, [sp, #24] sub x1, x29, #24 bl _via_parse_header1 str w0, [sp, #20] b LBB0_23 LBB0_6: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr x0, [sp, #40] ldr x2, [sp, #24] sub x1, x29, #24 bl _via_parse_vheader5 str w0, [sp, #20] b LBB0_23 LBB0_7: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr x0, [sp, #40] ldr x2, [sp, #24] sub x1, x29, #24 bl _via_parse_vheader6 str w0, [sp, #20] b LBB0_23 LBB0_8: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 adrp x8, _HALCYON_HEADER2@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _HALCYON_HEADER2@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x9] str w9, [sp, #36] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_10 b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 mov w8, #130 str w8, [sp, #20] b LBB0_20 LBB0_10: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #36] adrp x9, _HALCYON_HEADER1MASK@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _HALCYON_HEADER1MASK@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] and w8, w8, w9 adrp x9, _HALCYON_HEADER1@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _HALCYON_HEADER1@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_12 b LBB0_11 LBB0_11: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 mov w8, #131 str w8, [sp, #20] b LBB0_19 LBB0_12: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #36] adrp x9, _VIA_VIDEOMASK@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _VIA_VIDEOMASK@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] and w8, w8, w9 adrp x9, _VIA_VIDEO_HEADER5@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _VIA_VIDEO_HEADER5@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_14 b LBB0_13 LBB0_13: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 mov w8, #129 str w8, [sp, #20] b LBB0_18 LBB0_14: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #36] adrp x9, _VIA_VIDEOMASK@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _VIA_VIDEOMASK@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] and w8, w8, w9 adrp x9, _VIA_VIDEO_HEADER6@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _VIA_VIDEO_HEADER6@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_16 b LBB0_15 LBB0_15: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 mov w8, #128 str w8, [sp, #20] b LBB0_17 LBB0_16: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr w1, [sp, #36] adrp x0, l_.str@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _DRM_ERROR mov w8, #132 str w8, [sp, #20] b LBB0_17 LBB0_17: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 b LBB0_18 LBB0_18: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 b LBB0_19 LBB0_19: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 b LBB0_20 LBB0_20: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 b LBB0_23 LBB0_21: b LBB0_22 LBB0_22: adrp x8, _EINVAL@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _EINVAL@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x8] mov w8, #0 subs w8, w8, w9 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_27 LBB0_23: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 b LBB0_1 LBB0_24: ldr w8, [sp, #20] subs w8, w8, #132 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_26 b LBB0_25 LBB0_25: adrp x8, _EINVAL@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _EINVAL@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x8] mov w8, #0 subs w8, w8, w9 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_27 LBB0_26: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_27 LBB0_27: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #80] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #96 ret .cfi_endproc .p2align 2 lJTI0_0: .long LBB0_7-Ltmp0 .long LBB0_6-Ltmp0 .long LBB0_4-Ltmp0 .long LBB0_5-Ltmp0 .long LBB0_21-Ltmp0 .long LBB0_8-Ltmp0 ; -- End function .comm _HALCYON_HEADER2,4,2 ; @HALCYON_HEADER2 .comm _HALCYON_HEADER1MASK,4,2 ; @HALCYON_HEADER1MASK .comm _HALCYON_HEADER1,4,2 ; @HALCYON_HEADER1 .comm _VIA_VIDEOMASK,4,2 ; @VIA_VIDEOMASK .comm _VIA_VIDEO_HEADER5,4,2 ; @VIA_VIDEO_HEADER5 .comm _VIA_VIDEO_HEADER6,4,2 ; @VIA_VIDEO_HEADER6 .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "Invalid / Unimplemented DMA HEADER command. 0x%x\n" .comm _EINVAL,4,2 ; @EINVAL .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_via_verifier.c_via_parse_command_stream.c" .globl via_parse_command_stream # -- Begin function via_parse_command_stream .p2align 4, 0x90 .type via_parse_command_stream,@function via_parse_command_stream: # @via_parse_command_stream .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $80, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq %rsi, -24(%rbp) movl %edx, -28(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -40(%rbp) movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl -28(%rbp), %ecx shrl $2, %ecx movl %ecx, %ecx # kill: def $rcx killed $ecx shlq $2, %rcx addq %rcx, %rax movq %rax, -56(%rbp) movl $133, -60(%rbp) movl $0, -64(%rbp) .LBB0_1: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movq -24(%rbp), %rax cmpq -56(%rbp), %rax jae .LBB0_23 # %bb.2: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl -60(%rbp), %eax addl $-128, %eax movl %eax, %ecx movq %rcx, -72(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill subl $5, %eax ja .LBB0_21 # %bb.27: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -72(%rbp), %rax # 8-byte Reload leaq .LJTI0_0(%rip), %rcx movslq (%rcx,%rax,4), %rax addq %rcx, %rax jmpq *%rax .LBB0_3: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -40(%rbp), %rdi movq -56(%rbp), %rdx leaq -24(%rbp), %rsi leaq -64(%rbp), %rcx callq via_parse_header2@PLT movl %eax, -60(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_22 .LBB0_4: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -40(%rbp), %rdi movq -56(%rbp), %rdx leaq -24(%rbp), %rsi callq via_parse_header1@PLT movl %eax, -60(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_22 .LBB0_5: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -40(%rbp), %rdi movq -56(%rbp), %rdx leaq -24(%rbp), %rsi callq via_parse_vheader5@PLT movl %eax, -60(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_22 .LBB0_6: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -40(%rbp), %rdi movq -56(%rbp), %rdx leaq -24(%rbp), %rsi callq via_parse_vheader6@PLT movl %eax, -60(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_22 .LBB0_7: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl HALCYON_HEADER2(%rip), %eax movq -24(%rbp), %rcx movl (%rcx), %ecx movl %ecx, -44(%rbp) cmpl %ecx, %eax jne .LBB0_9 # %bb.8: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl $130, -60(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_19 .LBB0_9: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl -44(%rbp), %eax andl HALCYON_HEADER1MASK(%rip), %eax cmpl HALCYON_HEADER1(%rip), %eax jne .LBB0_11 # %bb.10: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl $131, -60(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_18 .LBB0_11: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl -44(%rbp), %eax andl VIA_VIDEOMASK(%rip), %eax cmpl VIA_VIDEO_HEADER5(%rip), %eax jne .LBB0_13 # %bb.12: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl $129, -60(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_17 .LBB0_13: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl -44(%rbp), %eax andl VIA_VIDEOMASK(%rip), %eax cmpl VIA_VIDEO_HEADER6(%rip), %eax jne .LBB0_15 # %bb.14: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl $128, -60(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_16 .LBB0_15: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl -44(%rbp), %esi leaq .L.str(%rip), %rdi callq DRM_ERROR@PLT movl $132, -60(%rbp) .LBB0_16: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_17 .LBB0_17: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_18 .LBB0_18: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_19 .LBB0_19: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_22 .LBB0_20: jmp .LBB0_21 .LBB0_21: xorl %eax, %eax subl EINVAL(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_26 .LBB0_22: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_1 .LBB0_23: cmpl $132, -60(%rbp) jne .LBB0_25 # %bb.24: xorl %eax, %eax subl EINVAL(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_26 .LBB0_25: movl $0, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_26: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $80, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size via_parse_command_stream, .Lfunc_end0-via_parse_command_stream .cfi_endproc .section .rodata,"a",@progbits .p2align 2 .LJTI0_0: .long .LBB0_6-.LJTI0_0 .long .LBB0_5-.LJTI0_0 .long .LBB0_3-.LJTI0_0 .long .LBB0_4-.LJTI0_0 .long .LBB0_20-.LJTI0_0 .long .LBB0_7-.LJTI0_0 # -- End function .type HALCYON_HEADER2,@object # @HALCYON_HEADER2 .bss .globl HALCYON_HEADER2 .p2align 2 HALCYON_HEADER2: .long 0 # 0x0 .size HALCYON_HEADER2, 4 .type HALCYON_HEADER1MASK,@object # @HALCYON_HEADER1MASK .globl HALCYON_HEADER1MASK .p2align 2 HALCYON_HEADER1MASK: .long 0 # 0x0 .size HALCYON_HEADER1MASK, 4 .type HALCYON_HEADER1,@object # @HALCYON_HEADER1 .globl HALCYON_HEADER1 .p2align 2 HALCYON_HEADER1: .long 0 # 0x0 .size HALCYON_HEADER1, 4 .type VIA_VIDEOMASK,@object # @VIA_VIDEOMASK .globl VIA_VIDEOMASK .p2align 2 VIA_VIDEOMASK: .long 0 # 0x0 .size VIA_VIDEOMASK, 4 .type VIA_VIDEO_HEADER5,@object # @VIA_VIDEO_HEADER5 .globl VIA_VIDEO_HEADER5 .p2align 2 VIA_VIDEO_HEADER5: .long 0 # 0x0 .size VIA_VIDEO_HEADER5, 4 .type VIA_VIDEO_HEADER6,@object # @VIA_VIDEO_HEADER6 .globl VIA_VIDEO_HEADER6 .p2align 2 VIA_VIDEO_HEADER6: .long 0 # 0x0 .size VIA_VIDEO_HEADER6, 4 .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "Invalid / Unimplemented DMA HEADER command. 0x%x\n" .size .L.str, 50 .type EINVAL,@object # @EINVAL .bss .globl EINVAL .p2align 2 EINVAL: .long 0 # 0x0 .size EINVAL, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym via_parse_header2 .addrsig_sym via_parse_header1 .addrsig_sym via_parse_vheader5 .addrsig_sym via_parse_vheader6 .addrsig_sym DRM_ERROR .addrsig_sym HALCYON_HEADER2 .addrsig_sym HALCYON_HEADER1MASK .addrsig_sym HALCYON_HEADER1 .addrsig_sym VIA_VIDEOMASK .addrsig_sym VIA_VIDEO_HEADER5 .addrsig_sym VIA_VIDEO_HEADER6 .addrsig_sym EINVAL
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function checkHash _checkHash: ; @checkHash .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #288 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 288 stp x28, x27, [sp, #256] ; 16-byte Folded Spill stp x29, x30, [sp, #272] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #272 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 .cfi_offset w27, -24 .cfi_offset w28, -32 adrp x8, ___stack_chk_guard@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, ___stack_chk_guard@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] stur x8, [x29, #-24] str x0, [sp, #80] str w1, [sp, #76] str w2, [sp, #72] str w3, [sp, #68] str w4, [sp, #64] sub x0, x29, #104 str x0, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Spill mov w1, #0 str w1, [sp, #12] ; 4-byte Folded Spill mov x2, #80 bl _memset ldr x0, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w1, [sp, #12] ; 4-byte Folded Reload mov w2, #80 str w2, [sp, #8] ; 4-byte Folded Spill bl _memset ldr w2, [sp, #8] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr w1, [sp, #12] ; 4-byte Folded Reload add x0, sp, #88 str x0, [sp, #32] ; 8-byte Folded Spill bl _memset ldr w8, [sp, #8] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr w2, [sp, #12] ; 4-byte Folded Reload ldr x5, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload add x6, sp, #56 str x6, [sp, #40] ; 8-byte Folded Spill str w8, [sp, #56] ldr w1, [sp, #72] ldr x3, [sp, #80] ldr w4, [sp, #76] mov x0, x2 bl _CryptHashCertificate str w0, [sp, #60] ldr w8, [sp, #60] str w8, [sp, #28] ; 4-byte Folded Spill bl _GetLastError mov x2, x0 ldr w0, [sp, #28] ; 4-byte Folded Reload adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _ok ldr x2, [sp, #32] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x3, [sp, #40] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w0, [sp, #68] ldr w1, [sp, #64] bl _CertGetCTLContextProperty str w0, [sp, #60] ldr w8, [sp, #60] str w8, [sp, #52] ; 4-byte Folded Spill bl _GetLastError mov x2, x0 ldr w0, [sp, #52] ; 4-byte Folded Reload adrp x1, l_.str.1@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _ok ldr w8, [sp, #60] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr w2, [sp, #56] sub x0, x29, #104 add x1, sp, #88 bl _memcmp subs w8, w0, #0 cset w8, eq and w0, w8, #0x1 ldr w2, [sp, #64] adrp x1, l_.str.2@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.2@PAGEOFF bl _ok b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldur x9, [x29, #-24] adrp x8, ___stack_chk_guard@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, ___stack_chk_guard@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: bl ___stack_chk_fail LBB0_4: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #272] ; 16-byte Folded Reload ldp x28, x27, [sp, #256] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #288 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "CryptHashCertificate failed: %08x\n" l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "CertGetCTLContextProperty failed: %08x\n" l_.str.2: ; @.str.2 .asciz "Unexpected hash for property %d\n" .no_dead_strip _checkHash .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_ctl.c_checkHash.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function checkHash .type checkHash,@function checkHash: # @checkHash .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $224, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movl %esi, -12(%rbp) movl %edx, -16(%rbp) movl %ecx, -20(%rbp) movl %r8d, -24(%rbp) leaq -112(%rbp), %rdi xorl %esi, %esi movl $80, %edx callq memset@PLT leaq -112(%rbp), %rdi xorl %esi, %esi movl $80, %edx callq memset@PLT leaq -192(%rbp), %rdi xorl %esi, %esi movl $80, %edx callq memset@PLT movl $80, -200(%rbp) movl -16(%rbp), %esi movq -8(%rbp), %rcx movl -12(%rbp), %r8d leaq -112(%rbp), %r9 xorl %edx, %edx leaq -200(%rbp), %rax movl %edx, %edi movq %rax, (%rsp) callq CryptHashCertificate@PLT movl %eax, -196(%rbp) movl -196(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -208(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movb $0, %al callq GetLastError@PLT movl -208(%rbp), %edi # 4-byte Reload movl %eax, %edx leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi callq ok@PLT movl -20(%rbp), %edi movl -24(%rbp), %esi leaq -192(%rbp), %rdx leaq -200(%rbp), %rcx callq CertGetCTLContextProperty@PLT movl %eax, -196(%rbp) movl -196(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -204(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movb $0, %al callq GetLastError@PLT movl -204(%rbp), %edi # 4-byte Reload movl %eax, %edx leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rsi callq ok@PLT cmpl $0, -196(%rbp) je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: leaq -112(%rbp), %rdi leaq -192(%rbp), %rsi movl -200(%rbp), %edx callq memcmp@PLT cmpl $0, %eax setne %al xorb $-1, %al andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %edi movl -24(%rbp), %edx leaq .L.str.2(%rip), %rsi callq ok@PLT .LBB0_2: addq $224, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size checkHash, .Lfunc_end0-checkHash .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "CryptHashCertificate failed: %08x\n" .size .L.str, 35 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .L.str.1: .asciz "CertGetCTLContextProperty failed: %08x\n" .size .L.str.1, 40 .type .L.str.2,@object # @.str.2 .L.str.2: .asciz "Unexpected hash for property %d\n" .size .L.str.2, 33 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym checkHash .addrsig_sym memset .addrsig_sym CryptHashCertificate .addrsig_sym ok .addrsig_sym GetLastError .addrsig_sym CertGetCTLContextProperty .addrsig_sym memcmp
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function st_lsm6dsx_init_hw_timer _st_lsm6dsx_init_hw_timer: ; @st_lsm6dsx_init_hw_timer .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] str x8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #40] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr w1, [x8, #32] mov w0, #1 bl _ST_LSM6DSX_SHIFT_VAL str w0, [sp] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w0, [x8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x1, [x8, #40] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr w2, [x8, #32] ldr w3, [sp] bl _regmap_update_bits str w0, [sp, #4] ldr w8, [sp, #4] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_3 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldr w8, [sp, #4] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_13 LBB0_3: b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #24] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr w1, [x8, #16] mov w0, #1 bl _ST_LSM6DSX_SHIFT_VAL str w0, [sp] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w0, [x8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x1, [x8, #24] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr w2, [x8, #16] ldr w3, [sp] bl _regmap_update_bits str w0, [sp, #4] ldr w8, [sp, #4] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_7 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ldr w8, [sp, #4] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_13 LBB0_7: b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [x8, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_12 b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr w1, [x8] mov w0, #1 bl _ST_LSM6DSX_SHIFT_VAL str w0, [sp] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w0, [x8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x1, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr w2, [x8] ldr w3, [sp] bl _regmap_update_bits str w0, [sp, #4] ldr w8, [sp, #4] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_11 b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: ldr w8, [sp, #4] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_13 LBB0_11: b LBB0_12 LBB0_12: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_13 LBB0_13: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _st_lsm6dsx_init_hw_timer .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_st_lsm6dsx_core.c_st_lsm6dsx_init_hw_timer.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function st_lsm6dsx_init_hw_timer .type st_lsm6dsx_init_hw_timer,@function st_lsm6dsx_init_hw_timer: # @st_lsm6dsx_init_hw_timer .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -24(%rbp) movq -24(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 40(%rax) je .LBB0_4 # %bb.1: movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl 32(%rax), %esi movl $1, %edi callq ST_LSM6DSX_SHIFT_VAL@PLT movl %eax, -32(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq 40(%rax), %rsi movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl 32(%rax), %edx movl -32(%rbp), %ecx callq regmap_update_bits@PLT movl %eax, -28(%rbp) cmpl $0, -28(%rbp) jge .LBB0_3 # %bb.2: movl -28(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_13 .LBB0_3: jmp .LBB0_4 .LBB0_4: movq -24(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 24(%rax) je .LBB0_8 # %bb.5: movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl 16(%rax), %esi movl $1, %edi callq ST_LSM6DSX_SHIFT_VAL@PLT movl %eax, -32(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rsi movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl 16(%rax), %edx movl -32(%rbp), %ecx callq regmap_update_bits@PLT movl %eax, -28(%rbp) cmpl $0, -28(%rbp) jge .LBB0_7 # %bb.6: movl -28(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_13 .LBB0_7: jmp .LBB0_8 .LBB0_8: movq -24(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 8(%rax) je .LBB0_12 # %bb.9: movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %esi movl $1, %edi callq ST_LSM6DSX_SHIFT_VAL@PLT movl %eax, -32(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rsi movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edx movl -32(%rbp), %ecx callq regmap_update_bits@PLT movl %eax, -28(%rbp) cmpl $0, -28(%rbp) jge .LBB0_11 # %bb.10: movl -28(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_13 .LBB0_11: jmp .LBB0_12 .LBB0_12: movl $0, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_13: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size st_lsm6dsx_init_hw_timer, .Lfunc_end0-st_lsm6dsx_init_hw_timer .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym st_lsm6dsx_init_hw_timer .addrsig_sym ST_LSM6DSX_SHIFT_VAL .addrsig_sym regmap_update_bits
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function set_freq _set_freq: ; @set_freq .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur w1, [x29, #-12] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] add x0, x8, #16 bl _v4l2_get_subdevdata str x0, [sp, #8] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr x8, [x8] adrp x9, _V4L2_TUNER_RADIO@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _V4L2_TUNER_RADIO@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldur w8, [x29, #-12] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_3 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w8, [x8, #8] stur w8, [x29, #-12] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldr x0, [sp, #8] ldur w1, [x29, #-12] bl _set_radio_freq b LBB0_7 LBB0_4: ldur w8, [x29, #-12] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w8, [x8, #12] stur w8, [x29, #-12] b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ldr x0, [sp, #8] ldur w1, [x29, #-12] bl _set_tv_freq b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _V4L2_TUNER_RADIO,8,3 ; @V4L2_TUNER_RADIO .no_dead_strip _set_freq .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_tuner-core.c_set_freq.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function set_freq .type set_freq,@function set_freq: # @set_freq .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movl %esi, -12(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi addq $16, %rdi callq v4l2_get_subdevdata@PLT movq %rax, -24(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax cmpq V4L2_TUNER_RADIO(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_4 # %bb.1: cmpl $0, -12(%rbp) jne .LBB0_3 # %bb.2: movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl 8(%rax), %eax movl %eax, -12(%rbp) .LBB0_3: movq -24(%rbp), %rdi movl -12(%rbp), %esi callq set_radio_freq@PLT jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_4: cmpl $0, -12(%rbp) jne .LBB0_6 # %bb.5: movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl 12(%rax), %eax movl %eax, -12(%rbp) .LBB0_6: movq -24(%rbp), %rdi movl -12(%rbp), %esi callq set_tv_freq@PLT .LBB0_7: addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size set_freq, .Lfunc_end0-set_freq .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type V4L2_TUNER_RADIO,@object # @V4L2_TUNER_RADIO .bss .globl V4L2_TUNER_RADIO .p2align 3 V4L2_TUNER_RADIO: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size V4L2_TUNER_RADIO, 8 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym set_freq .addrsig_sym v4l2_get_subdevdata .addrsig_sym set_radio_freq .addrsig_sym set_tv_freq .addrsig_sym V4L2_TUNER_RADIO
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function mon_buff_area_alloc_contiguous _mon_buff_area_alloc_contiguous: ; @mon_buff_area_alloc_contiguous .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #16] str w1, [sp, #12] ldr w8, [sp, #12] adrp x9, _PKT_ALIGN@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _PKT_ALIGN@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x9] add w8, w8, w10 subs w8, w8, #1 ldr w9, [x9] subs w9, w9, #1 bic w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #12] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8] ldr w9, [sp, #12] ; kill: def $x9 killed $w9 add x8, x8, x9 ldr x9, [sp, #16] ldr x9, [x9, #8] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, le tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: mov w8, #-1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_11 LBB0_2: ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w8, [x8, #16] ldr w9, [sp, #12] add w8, w8, w9 ; kill: def $x8 killed $w8 ldr x9, [sp, #16] ldr x9, [x9, #8] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, le tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x9, [sp, #16] ldr w9, [x9, #16] ; kill: def $x9 killed $w9 subs x8, x8, x9 ; kill: def $w8 killed $w8 killed $x8 str w8, [sp, #4] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8] ldr w9, [sp, #12] ; kill: def $x9 killed $w9 add x8, x8, x9 ldr w9, [sp, #4] ; kill: def $x9 killed $w9 add x8, x8, x9 ldr x9, [sp, #16] ldr x9, [x9, #8] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, le tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: mov w8, #-1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_11 LBB0_5: ldr x0, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w1, [x8, #16] ldr w2, [sp, #4] bl _mon_buff_area_fill str wzr, [sp, #8] ldr w8, [sp, #12] ldr x9, [sp, #16] str w8, [x9, #16] ldr w8, [sp, #12] ldr w9, [sp, #4] add w8, w8, w9 mov x10, x8 ldr x9, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x9] add x8, x8, x10 str x8, [x9] b LBB0_10 LBB0_6: ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w8, [x8, #16] ldr w9, [sp, #12] add w8, w8, w9 ; kill: def $x8 killed $w8 ldr x9, [sp, #16] ldr x9, [x9, #8] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w8, [x8, #16] str w8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #16] str wzr, [x8, #16] ldr w8, [sp, #12] mov x10, x8 ldr x9, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x9] add x8, x8, x10 str x8, [x9] b LBB0_9 LBB0_8: ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w8, [x8, #16] str w8, [sp, #8] ldr w10, [sp, #12] ldr x9, [sp, #16] ldr w8, [x9, #16] add w8, w8, w10 str w8, [x9, #16] ldr w8, [sp, #12] mov x10, x8 ldr x9, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x9] add x8, x8, x10 str x8, [x9] b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: ldr w8, [sp, #8] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_11 LBB0_11: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _PKT_ALIGN,4,2 ; @PKT_ALIGN .no_dead_strip _mon_buff_area_alloc_contiguous .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_mon_bin.c_mon_buff_area_alloc_contiguous.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function mon_buff_area_alloc_contiguous .type mon_buff_area_alloc_contiguous,@function mon_buff_area_alloc_contiguous: # @mon_buff_area_alloc_contiguous .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movl %esi, -20(%rbp) movl -20(%rbp), %eax addl PKT_ALIGN(%rip), %eax subl $1, %eax movl PKT_ALIGN(%rip), %ecx subl $1, %ecx xorl $-1, %ecx andl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -20(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl -20(%rbp), %ecx # kill: def $rcx killed $ecx addq %rcx, %rax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx cmpq 8(%rcx), %rax jle .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl $-1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_11 .LBB0_2: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 16(%rax), %eax addl -20(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, %eax # kill: def $rax killed $eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx cmpq 8(%rcx), %rax jle .LBB0_6 # %bb.3: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx movl 16(%rcx), %ecx # kill: def $rcx killed $ecx subq %rcx, %rax # kill: def $eax killed $eax killed $rax movl %eax, -28(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl -20(%rbp), %ecx # kill: def $rcx killed $ecx addq %rcx, %rax movl -28(%rbp), %ecx # kill: def $rcx killed $ecx addq %rcx, %rax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx cmpq 8(%rcx), %rax jle .LBB0_5 # %bb.4: movl $-1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_11 .LBB0_5: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 16(%rax), %esi movl -28(%rbp), %edx callq mon_buff_area_fill@PLT movl $0, -24(%rbp) movl -20(%rbp), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 16(%rax) movl -20(%rbp), %eax addl -28(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, %eax movl %eax, %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax addq (%rax), %rcx movq %rcx, (%rax) jmp .LBB0_10 .LBB0_6: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 16(%rax), %eax addl -20(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, %eax # kill: def $rax killed $eax movq -16(%rbp), %rcx cmpq 8(%rcx), %rax jne .LBB0_8 # %bb.7: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 16(%rax), %eax movl %eax, -24(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl $0, 16(%rax) movl -20(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax addq (%rax), %rcx movq %rcx, (%rax) jmp .LBB0_9 .LBB0_8: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl 16(%rax), %eax movl %eax, -24(%rbp) movl -20(%rbp), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax addl 16(%rax), %ecx movl %ecx, 16(%rax) movl -20(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax addq (%rax), %rcx movq %rcx, (%rax) .LBB0_9: jmp .LBB0_10 .LBB0_10: movl -24(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_11: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size mon_buff_area_alloc_contiguous, .Lfunc_end0-mon_buff_area_alloc_contiguous .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type PKT_ALIGN,@object # @PKT_ALIGN .bss .globl PKT_ALIGN .p2align 2 PKT_ALIGN: .long 0 # 0x0 .size PKT_ALIGN, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym mon_buff_area_alloc_contiguous .addrsig_sym mon_buff_area_fill .addrsig_sym PKT_ALIGN
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function mdio_write _mdio_write: ; @mdio_write .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur w1, [x29, #-12] stur w2, [x29, #-16] stur w3, [x29, #-20] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] bl _netdev_priv str x0, [sp, #16] ldur w8, [x29, #-20] add x3, sp, #12 str w8, [sp, #12] ldr x0, [sp, #16] ldur w1, [x29, #-12] ldur w2, [x29, #-16] bl _write_mii_word ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _mdio_write .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_pegasus.c_mdio_write.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function mdio_write .type mdio_write,@function mdio_write: # @mdio_write .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movl %esi, -12(%rbp) movl %edx, -16(%rbp) movl %ecx, -20(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi callq netdev_priv@PLT movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movl -20(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -36(%rbp) movq -32(%rbp), %rdi movl -12(%rbp), %esi movl -16(%rbp), %edx leaq -36(%rbp), %rcx callq write_mii_word@PLT addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size mdio_write, .Lfunc_end0-mdio_write .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym mdio_write .addrsig_sym netdev_priv .addrsig_sym write_mii_word
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function sossi_enable_tearsync _sossi_enable_tearsync: ; @sossi_enable_tearsync .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 adrp x8, _sossi@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _sossi@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Spill stur w0, [x29, #-8] stur w1, [x29, #-12] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr w0, [x8] ldur w2, [x29, #-8] ldur w3, [x29, #-12] adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _dev_dbg ldur w8, [x29, #-12] subs w8, w8, #2048 cset w8, lo tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: adrp x8, _EINVAL@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _EINVAL@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x8] mov w8, #0 subs w8, w8, w9 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_9 LBB0_2: ldur w8, [x29, #-8] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_7 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur w8, [x29, #-12] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: mov w8, #2 str w8, [sp, #16] b LBB0_6 LBB0_5: mov w8, #3 str w8, [sp, #16] b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: b LBB0_8 LBB0_7: str wzr, [sp, #16] b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ldr x9, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur w8, [x29, #-12] str w8, [x9] ldr w8, [sp, #16] str w8, [x9, #4] stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _sossi,16,3 ; @sossi .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "tearsync %d line %d\n" .comm _EINVAL,4,2 ; @EINVAL .no_dead_strip _sossi_enable_tearsync .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_sossi.c_sossi_enable_tearsync.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function sossi_enable_tearsync .type sossi_enable_tearsync,@function sossi_enable_tearsync: # @sossi_enable_tearsync .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movl %edi, -8(%rbp) movl %esi, -12(%rbp) movq sossi+8(%rip), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movl -8(%rbp), %edx movl -12(%rbp), %ecx leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi callq dev_dbg@PLT cmpl $2048, -12(%rbp) # imm = 0x800 jb .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: xorl %eax, %eax subl EINVAL(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_9 .LBB0_2: cmpl $0, -8(%rbp) je .LBB0_7 # %bb.3: cmpl $0, -12(%rbp) je .LBB0_5 # %bb.4: movl $2, -16(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_6 .LBB0_5: movl $3, -16(%rbp) .LBB0_6: jmp .LBB0_8 .LBB0_7: movl $0, -16(%rbp) .LBB0_8: movl -12(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, sossi(%rip) movl -16(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, sossi+4(%rip) movl $0, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_9: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size sossi_enable_tearsync, .Lfunc_end0-sossi_enable_tearsync .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type sossi,@object # @sossi .bss .globl sossi .p2align 3 sossi: .zero 16 .size sossi, 16 .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "tearsync %d line %d\n" .size .L.str, 21 .type EINVAL,@object # @EINVAL .bss .globl EINVAL .p2align 2 EINVAL: .long 0 # 0x0 .size EINVAL, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym sossi_enable_tearsync .addrsig_sym dev_dbg .addrsig_sym sossi .addrsig_sym EINVAL
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _statsd_collector_thread_cleanup ; -- Begin function statsd_collector_thread_cleanup .p2align 2 _statsd_collector_thread_cleanup: ; @statsd_collector_thread_cleanup .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] str x8, [sp] ldr x8, [sp] ldr x8, [x8, #32] str xzr, [x8] adrp x0, l_.str@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _info ldr x0, [sp] bl _freez ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "cleaning up..." .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_statsd.c_statsd_collector_thread_cleanup.c" .globl statsd_collector_thread_cleanup # -- Begin function statsd_collector_thread_cleanup .p2align 4, 0x90 .type statsd_collector_thread_cleanup,@function statsd_collector_thread_cleanup: # @statsd_collector_thread_cleanup .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -16(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 32(%rax), %rax movq $0, (%rax) leaq .L.str(%rip), %rdi callq info@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq freez@PLT addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size statsd_collector_thread_cleanup, .Lfunc_end0-statsd_collector_thread_cleanup .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "cleaning up..." .size .L.str, 15 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym info .addrsig_sym freez
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function ibmpex_bmc_gone _ibmpex_bmc_gone: ; @ibmpex_bmc_gone .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur w0, [x29, #-4] ldur w0, [x29, #-4] bl _get_bmc_data str x0, [sp] ldr x8, [sp] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: b LBB0_3 LBB0_2: ldr x0, [sp] bl _ibmpex_bmc_delete b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _ibmpex_bmc_gone .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_ibmpex.c_ibmpex_bmc_gone.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function ibmpex_bmc_gone .type ibmpex_bmc_gone,@function ibmpex_bmc_gone: # @ibmpex_bmc_gone .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movl %edi, -4(%rbp) movl -4(%rbp), %edi callq get_bmc_data@PLT movq %rax, -16(%rbp) cmpq $0, -16(%rbp) jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq ibmpex_bmc_delete@PLT .LBB0_3: addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size ibmpex_bmc_gone, .Lfunc_end0-ibmpex_bmc_gone .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym ibmpex_bmc_gone .addrsig_sym get_bmc_data .addrsig_sym ibmpex_bmc_delete
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function emitANDI _emitANDI: ; @emitANDI .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 str x0, [sp, #8] str w1, [sp, #4] ldrb w9, [sp, #4] mov w8, #51456 orr w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp] add sp, sp, #16 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _EMIT_INST,4,2 ; @EMIT_INST .no_dead_strip _emitANDI .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_sh2rec.c_emitANDI.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function emitANDI .type emitANDI,@function emitANDI: # @emitANDI .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movl %esi, -12(%rbp) movl -12(%rbp), %eax andl $255, %eax orl $51456, %eax # imm = 0xC900 movl %eax, -16(%rbp) popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size emitANDI, .Lfunc_end0-emitANDI .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type EMIT_INST,@object # @EMIT_INST .bss .globl EMIT_INST .p2align 2 EMIT_INST: .long 0 # 0x0 .size EMIT_INST, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym emitANDI .addrsig_sym EMIT_INST
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _sd_netlink_message_append_in6_addr ; -- Begin function sd_netlink_message_append_in6_addr .p2align 2 _sd_netlink_message_append_in6_addr: ; @sd_netlink_message_append_in6_addr .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] sturh w1, [x29, #-10] str x2, [sp, #8] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldurh w1, [x29, #-10] adrp x8, _AF_INET6@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _AF_INET6@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w2, [x8] ldr x3, [sp, #8] bl _netlink_message_append_in_addr_union ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _AF_INET6,4,2 ; @AF_INET6 .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_netlink-message.c_sd_netlink_message_append_in6_addr.c" .globl sd_netlink_message_append_in6_addr # -- Begin function sd_netlink_message_append_in6_addr .p2align 4, 0x90 .type sd_netlink_message_append_in6_addr,@function sd_netlink_message_append_in6_addr: # @sd_netlink_message_append_in6_addr .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movw %si, %ax movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movw %ax, -10(%rbp) movq %rdx, -24(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movw -10(%rbp), %ax movl AF_INET6(%rip), %edx movq -24(%rbp), %rcx movzwl %ax, %esi callq netlink_message_append_in_addr_union@PLT addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size sd_netlink_message_append_in6_addr, .Lfunc_end0-sd_netlink_message_append_in6_addr .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type AF_INET6,@object # @AF_INET6 .bss .globl AF_INET6 .p2align 2 AF_INET6: .long 0 # 0x0 .size AF_INET6, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym netlink_message_append_in_addr_union .addrsig_sym AF_INET6
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function dss_dpll_enable_scp_clk _dss_dpll_enable_scp_clk: ; @dss_dpll_enable_scp_clk .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr w0, [x8] mov w1, #1 mov w3, #14 mov x2, x3 bl _REG_MOD ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _dss_dpll_enable_scp_clk .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_video-pll.c_dss_dpll_enable_scp_clk.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function dss_dpll_enable_scp_clk .type dss_dpll_enable_scp_clk,@function dss_dpll_enable_scp_clk: # @dss_dpll_enable_scp_clk .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movl $1, %esi movl $14, %ecx movl %ecx, %edx callq REG_MOD@PLT addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size dss_dpll_enable_scp_clk, .Lfunc_end0-dss_dpll_enable_scp_clk .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym dss_dpll_enable_scp_clk .addrsig_sym REG_MOD
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function cfg80211_wds_wext_giwap _cfg80211_wds_wext_giwap: ; @cfg80211_wds_wext_giwap .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-16] str x1, [sp, #24] str x2, [sp, #16] str x3, [sp, #8] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp] ldr x8, [sp] ldr x8, [x8] adrp x9, _NL80211_IFTYPE_WDS@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _NL80211_IFTYPE_WDS@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x9, [x9] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne and w0, w8, #0x1 bl _WARN_ON subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: adrp x8, _EINVAL@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _EINVAL@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x8] mov w8, #0 subs w8, w8, w9 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_3 LBB0_2: adrp x8, _ARPHRD_ETHER@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _ARPHRD_ETHER@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] ldr x9, [sp, #16] str w8, [x9, #4] ldr x0, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [sp] ldr w1, [x8, #8] adrp x8, _ETH_ALEN@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _ETH_ALEN@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w2, [x8] bl _memcpy stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _NL80211_IFTYPE_WDS,8,3 ; @NL80211_IFTYPE_WDS .comm _EINVAL,4,2 ; @EINVAL .comm _ARPHRD_ETHER,4,2 ; @ARPHRD_ETHER .comm _ETH_ALEN,4,2 ; @ETH_ALEN .no_dead_strip _cfg80211_wds_wext_giwap .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_wext-compat.c_cfg80211_wds_wext_giwap.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function cfg80211_wds_wext_giwap .type cfg80211_wds_wext_giwap,@function cfg80211_wds_wext_giwap: # @cfg80211_wds_wext_giwap .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq %rsi, -24(%rbp) movq %rdx, -32(%rbp) movq %rcx, -40(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -48(%rbp) movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax cmpq NL80211_IFTYPE_WDS(%rip), %rax setne %al andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %edi callq WARN_ON@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: xorl %eax, %eax subl EINVAL(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movl ARPHRD_ETHER(%rip), %ecx movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 4(%rax) movq -32(%rbp), %rdi movq -48(%rbp), %rax movl 8(%rax), %esi movl ETH_ALEN(%rip), %edx callq memcpy@PLT movl $0, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_3: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size cfg80211_wds_wext_giwap, .Lfunc_end0-cfg80211_wds_wext_giwap .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type NL80211_IFTYPE_WDS,@object # @NL80211_IFTYPE_WDS .bss .globl NL80211_IFTYPE_WDS .p2align 3 NL80211_IFTYPE_WDS: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size NL80211_IFTYPE_WDS, 8 .type EINVAL,@object # @EINVAL .globl EINVAL .p2align 2 EINVAL: .long 0 # 0x0 .size EINVAL, 4 .type ARPHRD_ETHER,@object # @ARPHRD_ETHER .globl ARPHRD_ETHER .p2align 2 ARPHRD_ETHER: .long 0 # 0x0 .size ARPHRD_ETHER, 4 .type ETH_ALEN,@object # @ETH_ALEN .globl ETH_ALEN .p2align 2 ETH_ALEN: .long 0 # 0x0 .size ETH_ALEN, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym cfg80211_wds_wext_giwap .addrsig_sym WARN_ON .addrsig_sym memcpy .addrsig_sym NL80211_IFTYPE_WDS .addrsig_sym EINVAL .addrsig_sym ARPHRD_ETHER .addrsig_sym ETH_ALEN
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function fs_create_file _fs_create_file: ; @fs_create_file .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #80 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 stp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur w1, [x29, #-12] stur x2, [x29, #-24] str x3, [sp, #32] str x4, [sp, #24] str w5, [sp, #20] str w6, [sp, #16] ldur x1, [x29, #-8] adrp x0, l_.str@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _dbg ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldur w1, [x29, #-12] ldur x2, [x29, #-24] add x3, sp, #8 bl _fs_create_by_name str w0, [sp, #4] ldr w8, [sp, #4] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ; kill: def $x8 killed $xzr str xzr, [sp, #8] b LBB0_9 LBB0_2: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [x8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldr x8, [sp, #32] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ldr x8, [sp, #32] ldr x9, [sp, #8] ldr x9, [x9] str x8, [x9, #16] b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldr x8, [sp, #24] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_7 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x9, [sp, #8] ldr x9, [x9] str x8, [x9, #8] b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ldr w8, [sp, #20] ldr x9, [sp, #8] ldr x9, [x9] str w8, [x9, #4] ldr w8, [sp, #16] ldr x9, [sp, #8] ldr x9, [x9] str w8, [x9] b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ldr x0, [sp, #8] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #80 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "creating file '%s'" .no_dead_strip _fs_create_file .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_inode.c_fs_create_file.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function fs_create_file .type fs_create_file,@function fs_create_file: # @fs_create_file .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $64, %rsp movl 16(%rbp), %eax movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movl %esi, -12(%rbp) movq %rdx, -24(%rbp) movq %rcx, -32(%rbp) movq %r8, -40(%rbp) movl %r9d, -44(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rsi leaq .L.str(%rip), %rdi callq dbg@PLT movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movl -12(%rbp), %esi movq -24(%rbp), %rdx leaq -56(%rbp), %rcx callq fs_create_by_name@PLT movl %eax, -60(%rbp) cmpl $0, -60(%rbp) je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movq $0, -56(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_9 .LBB0_2: movq -56(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, (%rax) je .LBB0_8 # %bb.3: cmpq $0, -32(%rbp) je .LBB0_5 # %bb.4: movq -32(%rbp), %rcx movq -56(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rcx, 16(%rax) .LBB0_5: cmpq $0, -40(%rbp) je .LBB0_7 # %bb.6: movq -40(%rbp), %rcx movq -56(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rcx, 8(%rax) .LBB0_7: movl -44(%rbp), %ecx movq -56(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl %ecx, 4(%rax) movl 16(%rbp), %ecx movq -56(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl %ecx, (%rax) .LBB0_8: jmp .LBB0_9 .LBB0_9: movq -56(%rbp), %rax addq $64, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size fs_create_file, .Lfunc_end0-fs_create_file .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "creating file '%s'" .size .L.str, 19 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym fs_create_file .addrsig_sym dbg .addrsig_sym fs_create_by_name
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function imx51_attach _imx51_attach: ; @imx51_attach .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 str w0, [sp, #12] adrp x8, _RB_VERBOSE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _RB_VERBOSE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] adrp x9, _RB_MULTIPLE@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _RB_MULTIPLE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] orr w10, w8, w9 adrp x9, _boothowto@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _boothowto@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x9] orr w8, w8, w10 str w8, [x9] adrp x9, _bootverbose@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _bootverbose@GOTPAGEOFF] mov w8, #1 str w8, [x9] mov w0, #0 add sp, sp, #16 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _RB_VERBOSE,4,2 ; @RB_VERBOSE .comm _RB_MULTIPLE,4,2 ; @RB_MULTIPLE .comm _boothowto,4,2 ; @boothowto .comm _bootverbose,4,2 ; @bootverbose .no_dead_strip _imx51_attach .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_imx51_machdep.c_imx51_attach.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function imx51_attach .type imx51_attach,@function imx51_attach: # @imx51_attach .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp movl %edi, -4(%rbp) movl RB_VERBOSE(%rip), %eax orl RB_MULTIPLE(%rip), %eax orl boothowto(%rip), %eax movl %eax, boothowto(%rip) movl $1, bootverbose(%rip) xorl %eax, %eax popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size imx51_attach, .Lfunc_end0-imx51_attach .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type RB_VERBOSE,@object # @RB_VERBOSE .bss .globl RB_VERBOSE .p2align 2 RB_VERBOSE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RB_VERBOSE, 4 .type RB_MULTIPLE,@object # @RB_MULTIPLE .globl RB_MULTIPLE .p2align 2 RB_MULTIPLE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RB_MULTIPLE, 4 .type boothowto,@object # @boothowto .globl boothowto .p2align 2 boothowto: .long 0 # 0x0 .size boothowto, 4 .type bootverbose,@object # @bootverbose .globl bootverbose .p2align 2 bootverbose: .long 0 # 0x0 .size bootverbose, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym imx51_attach .addrsig_sym RB_VERBOSE .addrsig_sym RB_MULTIPLE .addrsig_sym boothowto .addrsig_sym bootverbose
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _main ; -- Begin function main .p2align 2 _main: ; @main .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #80 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 stp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 adrp x8, _stderr@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _stderr@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Spill stur wzr, [x29, #-4] stur w0, [x29, #-8] stur x1, [x29, #-16] ldur w8, [x29, #-8] subs w8, w8, #2 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w0, [x8] adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _fprintf mov w0, #1 bl _exit LBB0_2: ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] str x8, [sp, #32] bl _geteuid subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w0, [x8] adrp x1, l_.str.1@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _fprintf mov w0, #1 bl _exit LBB0_4: ldr x8, [sp, #32] add x5, sp, #16 str x8, [sp, #16] str xzr, [sp, #24] adrp x8, _NLM_PROG@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _NLM_PROG@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] adrp x8, _NLM_VERS4@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _NLM_VERS4@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w2, [x8] adrp x8, _NLM4_FREE_ALL@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _NLM4_FREE_ALL@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w3, [x8] adrp x8, _xdr_nlm4_notify@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _xdr_nlm4_notify@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] mov x4, x8 adrp x8, _xdr_void@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _xdr_void@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr x8, [x8] mov x6, x8 mov x8, sp mov x7, #0 str xzr, [x8] adrp x0, l_.str.2@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str.2@PAGEOFF bl _rpc_call stur w0, [x29, #-20] ldur w8, [x29, #-20] adrp x9, _RPC_SUCCESS@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _RPC_SUCCESS@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldur w0, [x29, #-20] bl _clnt_perrno mov w0, #1 bl _exit LBB0_6: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr w0, [x8] ldr x8, [sp, #32] mov x9, sp str x8, [x9] adrp x1, l_.str.3@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.3@PAGEOFF bl _fprintf mov w0, #0 ldp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #80 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _stderr,4,2 ; @stderr .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "Usage: clear_locks <hostname>\n" l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "clear_locks: must be root\n" l_.str.2: ; @.str.2 .asciz "localhost" .comm _NLM_PROG,4,2 ; @NLM_PROG .comm _NLM_VERS4,4,2 ; @NLM_VERS4 .comm _NLM4_FREE_ALL,4,2 ; @NLM4_FREE_ALL .comm _xdr_nlm4_notify,8,3 ; @xdr_nlm4_notify .comm _xdr_void,8,3 ; @xdr_void .comm _RPC_SUCCESS,4,2 ; @RPC_SUCCESS l_.str.3: ; @.str.3 .asciz "clear_locks: cleared locks for hostname %s\n" .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_clear_locks.c_main.c" .globl main # -- Begin function main .p2align 4, 0x90 .type main,@function main: # @main .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $80, %rsp movl $0, -4(%rbp) movl %edi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) cmpl $2, -8(%rbp) je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl stderr(%rip), %edi leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq fprintf@PLT movl $1, %edi callq exit@PLT .LBB0_2: movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movb $0, %al callq geteuid@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_4 # %bb.3: movl stderr(%rip), %edi leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq fprintf@PLT movl $1, %edi callq exit@PLT .LBB0_4: movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -48(%rbp) movq $0, -40(%rbp) movl NLM_PROG(%rip), %esi movl NLM_VERS4(%rip), %edx movl NLM4_FREE_ALL(%rip), %ecx movq xdr_nlm4_notify(%rip), %rax movl %eax, %r8d leaq -48(%rbp), %r9 movq xdr_void(%rip), %rax # kill: def $eax killed $eax killed $rax leaq .L.str.2(%rip), %rdi xorl %r10d, %r10d # kill: def $r10 killed $r10d movl %eax, (%rsp) movq $0, 8(%rsp) movq $0, 16(%rsp) callq rpc_call@PLT movl %eax, -20(%rbp) movl -20(%rbp), %eax cmpl RPC_SUCCESS(%rip), %eax je .LBB0_6 # %bb.5: movl -20(%rbp), %edi callq clnt_perrno@PLT movl $1, %edi callq exit@PLT .LBB0_6: movl stderr(%rip), %edi movq -32(%rbp), %rdx leaq .L.str.3(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq fprintf@PLT xorl %eax, %eax addq $80, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size main, .Lfunc_end0-main .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type stderr,@object # @stderr .bss .globl stderr .p2align 2 stderr: .long 0 # 0x0 .size stderr, 4 .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "Usage: clear_locks <hostname>\n" .size .L.str, 31 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .L.str.1: .asciz "clear_locks: must be root\n" .size .L.str.1, 27 .type .L.str.2,@object # @.str.2 .L.str.2: .asciz "localhost" .size .L.str.2, 10 .type NLM_PROG,@object # @NLM_PROG .bss .globl NLM_PROG .p2align 2 NLM_PROG: .long 0 # 0x0 .size NLM_PROG, 4 .type NLM_VERS4,@object # @NLM_VERS4 .globl NLM_VERS4 .p2align 2 NLM_VERS4: .long 0 # 0x0 .size NLM_VERS4, 4 .type NLM4_FREE_ALL,@object # @NLM4_FREE_ALL .globl NLM4_FREE_ALL .p2align 2 NLM4_FREE_ALL: .long 0 # 0x0 .size NLM4_FREE_ALL, 4 .type xdr_nlm4_notify,@object # @xdr_nlm4_notify .globl xdr_nlm4_notify .p2align 3 xdr_nlm4_notify: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size xdr_nlm4_notify, 8 .type xdr_void,@object # @xdr_void .globl xdr_void .p2align 3 xdr_void: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size xdr_void, 8 .type RPC_SUCCESS,@object # @RPC_SUCCESS .globl RPC_SUCCESS .p2align 2 RPC_SUCCESS: .long 0 # 0x0 .size RPC_SUCCESS, 4 .type .L.str.3,@object # @.str.3 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.3: .asciz "clear_locks: cleared locks for hostname %s\n" .size .L.str.3, 44 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym fprintf .addrsig_sym exit .addrsig_sym geteuid .addrsig_sym rpc_call .addrsig_sym clnt_perrno .addrsig_sym stderr .addrsig_sym NLM_PROG .addrsig_sym NLM_VERS4 .addrsig_sym NLM4_FREE_ALL .addrsig_sym xdr_nlm4_notify .addrsig_sym xdr_void .addrsig_sym RPC_SUCCESS
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _ssl3_clear ; -- Begin function ssl3_clear .p2align 2 _ssl3_clear: ; @ssl3_clear .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp] ldr x0, [sp] bl _ssl3_cleanup_key_block ldr x8, [sp] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr x0, [x8, #72] bl _OPENSSL_free ldr x8, [sp] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr w0, [x8, #64] adrp x8, _X509_NAME_free@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _X509_NAME_free@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] bl _sk_X509_NAME_pop_free ldr x8, [sp] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr x0, [x8, #56] bl _OPENSSL_free ldr x8, [sp] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr w0, [x8, #52] ldr x8, [sp] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr w1, [x8, #48] bl _OPENSSL_clear_free ldr x8, [sp] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr x0, [x8, #40] bl _OPENSSL_free ldr x8, [sp] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr x0, [x8, #32] bl _OPENSSL_free ldr x8, [sp] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr w0, [x8, #24] bl _EVP_PKEY_free ldr x8, [sp] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr w0, [x8, #16] bl _EVP_PKEY_free ldr x0, [sp] bl _ssl3_free_digest_list ldr x8, [sp] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr x0, [x8, #8] bl _OPENSSL_free ldr x8, [sp] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr x0, [x8] bl _OPENSSL_free ldr x8, [sp] ldr x0, [x8, #24] mov w1, #0 mov w2, #80 bl _memset ldr x0, [sp] bl _ssl_free_wbio_buffer subs w8, w0, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_3 LBB0_2: adrp x8, _SSL3_VERSION@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _SSL3_VERSION@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] ldr x9, [sp] str w8, [x9, #16] ldr x8, [sp] ldr x0, [x8, #8] bl _OPENSSL_free ldr x8, [sp] ; kill: def $x9 killed $xzr str xzr, [x8, #8] ldr x8, [sp] str xzr, [x8] mov w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _X509_NAME_free,4,2 ; @X509_NAME_free .comm _SSL3_VERSION,4,2 ; @SSL3_VERSION .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_s3_lib.c_ssl3_clear.c" .globl ssl3_clear # -- Begin function ssl3_clear .p2align 4, 0x90 .type ssl3_clear,@function ssl3_clear: # @ssl3_clear .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq ssl3_cleanup_key_block@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movq 72(%rax), %rdi callq OPENSSL_free@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movl 64(%rax), %edi movl X509_NAME_free(%rip), %esi callq sk_X509_NAME_pop_free@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movq 56(%rax), %rdi callq OPENSSL_free@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movl 52(%rax), %edi movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movl 48(%rax), %esi callq OPENSSL_clear_free@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movq 40(%rax), %rdi callq OPENSSL_free@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movq 32(%rax), %rdi callq OPENSSL_free@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movl 24(%rax), %edi callq EVP_PKEY_free@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movl 16(%rax), %edi callq EVP_PKEY_free@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq ssl3_free_digest_list@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rdi callq OPENSSL_free@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movq (%rax), %rdi callq OPENSSL_free@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rdi xorl %esi, %esi movl $80, %edx callq memset@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq ssl_free_wbio_buffer@PLT cmpl $0, %eax jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movl SSL3_VERSION(%rip), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, 16(%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rdi callq OPENSSL_free@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq $0, 8(%rax) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq $0, (%rax) movl $1, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_3: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size ssl3_clear, .Lfunc_end0-ssl3_clear .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type X509_NAME_free,@object # @X509_NAME_free .bss .globl X509_NAME_free .p2align 2 X509_NAME_free: .long 0 # 0x0 .size X509_NAME_free, 4 .type SSL3_VERSION,@object # @SSL3_VERSION .globl SSL3_VERSION .p2align 2 SSL3_VERSION: .long 0 # 0x0 .size SSL3_VERSION, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym ssl3_cleanup_key_block .addrsig_sym OPENSSL_free .addrsig_sym sk_X509_NAME_pop_free .addrsig_sym OPENSSL_clear_free .addrsig_sym EVP_PKEY_free .addrsig_sym ssl3_free_digest_list .addrsig_sym memset .addrsig_sym ssl_free_wbio_buffer .addrsig_sym X509_NAME_free .addrsig_sym SSL3_VERSION
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function SetOffset _SetOffset: ; @SetOffset .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 str w0, [sp, #60] str w1, [sp, #56] str w2, [sp, #52] str w3, [sp, #48] str x4, [sp, #40] str x5, [sp, #32] str x6, [sp, #24] ldr w8, [sp, #52] ldr w9, [sp, #60] subs w8, w8, w9 subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x8, [sp, #40] str wzr, [x8] b LBB0_18 LBB0_2: ldr w8, [sp, #52] ldr w9, [sp, #60] subs w8, w8, w9 subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, le tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_10 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldr w8, [sp, #52] str w8, [sp, #20] ldr x9, [sp, #40] mov w8, #1 str w8, [x9] ldr w8, [sp, #60] str w8, [sp, #16] b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ; =>This Loop Header: Depth=1 ; Child Loop BB0_6 Depth 2 ldr w8, [sp, #16] subs w9, w8, #1 str w9, [sp, #16] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_9 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_4 Depth=1 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ; Parent Loop BB0_4 Depth=1 ; => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 ldr w9, [sp, #60] ldr w8, [sp, #20] subs w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #20] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, le tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=2 ldr x8, [sp, #24] add x9, x8, #4 str x9, [sp, #24] str wzr, [x8] b LBB0_6 LBB0_8: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_4 Depth=1 ldr x9, [sp, #24] add x8, x9, #4 str x8, [sp, #24] mov w8, #1 str w8, [x9] ldr w9, [sp, #52] ldr w8, [sp, #20] add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #20] b LBB0_4 LBB0_9: b LBB0_17 LBB0_10: ldr w8, [sp, #52] str w8, [sp, #12] ldr x9, [sp, #40] mov w8, #1 str w8, [x9] ldr w8, [sp, #52] str w8, [sp, #8] b LBB0_11 LBB0_11: ; =>This Loop Header: Depth=1 ; Child Loop BB0_13 Depth 2 ldr w8, [sp, #8] subs w9, w8, #1 str w9, [sp, #8] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_16 b LBB0_12 LBB0_12: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_11 Depth=1 ldr x9, [sp, #24] mov w8, #1 str w8, [x9] b LBB0_13 LBB0_13: ; Parent Loop BB0_11 Depth=1 ; => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 ldr w9, [sp, #52] ldr w8, [sp, #12] subs w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #12] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, le tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_15 b LBB0_14 LBB0_14: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_13 Depth=2 ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldr w8, [x9] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [x9] b LBB0_13 LBB0_15: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_11 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #24] add x8, x8, #4 str x8, [sp, #24] ldr w9, [sp, #60] ldr w8, [sp, #12] add w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #12] b LBB0_11 LBB0_16: b LBB0_17 LBB0_17: b LBB0_18 LBB0_18: ldr w8, [sp, #48] ldr w9, [sp, #56] subs w8, w8, w9 subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_20 b LBB0_19 LBB0_19: ldr x8, [sp, #32] str wzr, [x8] b LBB0_24 LBB0_20: ldr w8, [sp, #48] ldr w9, [sp, #56] subs w8, w8, w9 subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, le tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_22 b LBB0_21 LBB0_21: ldr x9, [sp, #32] mov w8, #1 str w8, [x9] b LBB0_23 LBB0_22: ldr x9, [sp, #32] mov w8, #-1 str w8, [x9] b LBB0_23 LBB0_23: b LBB0_24 LBB0_24: add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _SetOffset .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_i420_rgb16.c_SetOffset.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function SetOffset .type SetOffset,@function SetOffset: # @SetOffset .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp movq 16(%rbp), %rax movl %edi, -4(%rbp) movl %esi, -8(%rbp) movl %edx, -12(%rbp) movl %ecx, -16(%rbp) movq %r8, -24(%rbp) movq %r9, -32(%rbp) movl -12(%rbp), %eax subl -4(%rbp), %eax cmpl $0, %eax jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl $0, (%rax) jmp .LBB0_18 .LBB0_2: movl -12(%rbp), %eax subl -4(%rbp), %eax cmpl $0, %eax jle .LBB0_10 # %bb.3: movl -12(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -36(%rbp) movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl $1, (%rax) movl -4(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -40(%rbp) .LBB0_4: # =>This Loop Header: Depth=1 # Child Loop BB0_6 Depth 2 movl -40(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, %ecx addl $-1, %ecx movl %ecx, -40(%rbp) cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_9 # %bb.5: # in Loop: Header=BB0_4 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_6 .LBB0_6: # Parent Loop BB0_4 Depth=1 # => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 movl -4(%rbp), %ecx movl -36(%rbp), %eax subl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -36(%rbp) cmpl $0, %eax jle .LBB0_8 # %bb.7: # in Loop: Header=BB0_6 Depth=2 movq 16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, %rcx addq $4, %rcx movq %rcx, 16(%rbp) movl $0, (%rax) jmp .LBB0_6 .LBB0_8: # in Loop: Header=BB0_4 Depth=1 movq 16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, %rcx addq $4, %rcx movq %rcx, 16(%rbp) movl $1, (%rax) movl -12(%rbp), %eax addl -36(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -36(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_4 .LBB0_9: jmp .LBB0_17 .LBB0_10: movl -12(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -44(%rbp) movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl $1, (%rax) movl -12(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -48(%rbp) .LBB0_11: # =>This Loop Header: Depth=1 # Child Loop BB0_13 Depth 2 movl -48(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, %ecx addl $-1, %ecx movl %ecx, -48(%rbp) cmpl $0, %eax je .LBB0_16 # %bb.12: # in Loop: Header=BB0_11 Depth=1 movq 16(%rbp), %rax movl $1, (%rax) .LBB0_13: # Parent Loop BB0_11 Depth=1 # => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 movl -12(%rbp), %ecx movl -44(%rbp), %eax subl %ecx, %eax movl %eax, -44(%rbp) cmpl $0, %eax jle .LBB0_15 # %bb.14: # in Loop: Header=BB0_13 Depth=2 movq 16(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %ecx addl $1, %ecx movl %ecx, (%rax) jmp .LBB0_13 .LBB0_15: # in Loop: Header=BB0_11 Depth=1 movq 16(%rbp), %rax addq $4, %rax movq %rax, 16(%rbp) movl -4(%rbp), %eax addl -44(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -44(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_11 .LBB0_16: jmp .LBB0_17 .LBB0_17: jmp .LBB0_18 .LBB0_18: movl -16(%rbp), %eax subl -8(%rbp), %eax cmpl $0, %eax jne .LBB0_20 # %bb.19: movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl $0, (%rax) jmp .LBB0_24 .LBB0_20: movl -16(%rbp), %eax subl -8(%rbp), %eax cmpl $0, %eax jle .LBB0_22 # %bb.21: movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl $1, (%rax) jmp .LBB0_23 .LBB0_22: movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl $-1, (%rax) .LBB0_23: jmp .LBB0_24 .LBB0_24: popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size SetOffset, .Lfunc_end0-SetOffset .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym SetOffset
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _target_get_sess_cmd ; -- Begin function target_get_sess_cmd .p2align 2 _target_get_sess_cmd: ; @target_get_sess_cmd .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-16] stur w1, [x29, #-20] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #16] str x8, [sp, #16] str wzr, [sp, #4] ldur w8, [x29, #-20] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldur x8, [x29, #-16] add x0, x8, #8 bl _kref_get_unless_zero subs w8, w0, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_3 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: adrp x8, _EINVAL@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _EINVAL@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x8] mov w8, #0 subs w8, w8, w9 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_11 LBB0_3: adrp x8, _SCF_ACK_KREF@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _SCF_ACK_KREF@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w10, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x9, #4] orr w8, w8, w10 str w8, [x9, #4] b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ldr x0, [sp, #16] ldr x1, [sp, #8] bl _spin_lock_irqsave ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #16] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: adrp x8, _ESHUTDOWN@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _ESHUTDOWN@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x8] mov w8, #0 subs w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #4] b LBB0_7 LBB0_6: ldur x0, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [sp, #16] add x1, x8, #8 bl _list_add_tail ldr x8, [sp, #16] add x0, x8, #4 bl _percpu_ref_get b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ldr x0, [sp, #16] ldr x1, [sp, #8] bl _spin_unlock_irqrestore ldr w8, [sp, #4] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_10 b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ldur w8, [x29, #-20] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_10 b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ldur x0, [x29, #-16] bl _target_put_sess_cmd b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: ldr w8, [sp, #4] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_11 LBB0_11: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _EINVAL,4,2 ; @EINVAL .comm _SCF_ACK_KREF,4,2 ; @SCF_ACK_KREF .comm _ESHUTDOWN,4,2 ; @ESHUTDOWN .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_target_core_transport.c_target_get_sess_cmd.c" .globl target_get_sess_cmd # -- Begin function target_get_sess_cmd .p2align 4, 0x90 .type target_get_sess_cmd,@function target_get_sess_cmd: # @target_get_sess_cmd .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movl %esi, -20(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movl $0, -44(%rbp) cmpl $0, -20(%rbp) je .LBB0_4 # %bb.1: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi addq $8, %rdi callq kref_get_unless_zero@PLT cmpl $0, %eax jne .LBB0_3 # %bb.2: xorl %eax, %eax subl EINVAL(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_11 .LBB0_3: movl SCF_ACK_KREF(%rip), %ecx movq -16(%rbp), %rax orl 4(%rax), %ecx movl %ecx, 4(%rax) .LBB0_4: movq -32(%rbp), %rdi movq -40(%rbp), %rsi callq spin_lock_irqsave@PLT movq -32(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 16(%rax) je .LBB0_6 # %bb.5: xorl %eax, %eax subl ESHUTDOWN(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -44(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_6: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movq -32(%rbp), %rsi addq $8, %rsi callq list_add_tail@PLT movq -32(%rbp), %rdi addq $4, %rdi callq percpu_ref_get@PLT .LBB0_7: movq -32(%rbp), %rdi movq -40(%rbp), %rsi callq spin_unlock_irqrestore@PLT cmpl $0, -44(%rbp) je .LBB0_10 # %bb.8: cmpl $0, -20(%rbp) je .LBB0_10 # %bb.9: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq target_put_sess_cmd@PLT .LBB0_10: movl -44(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_11: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size target_get_sess_cmd, .Lfunc_end0-target_get_sess_cmd .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type EINVAL,@object # @EINVAL .bss .globl EINVAL .p2align 2 EINVAL: .long 0 # 0x0 .size EINVAL, 4 .type SCF_ACK_KREF,@object # @SCF_ACK_KREF .globl SCF_ACK_KREF .p2align 2 SCF_ACK_KREF: .long 0 # 0x0 .size SCF_ACK_KREF, 4 .type ESHUTDOWN,@object # @ESHUTDOWN .globl ESHUTDOWN .p2align 2 ESHUTDOWN: .long 0 # 0x0 .size ESHUTDOWN, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym kref_get_unless_zero .addrsig_sym spin_lock_irqsave .addrsig_sym list_add_tail .addrsig_sym percpu_ref_get .addrsig_sym spin_unlock_irqrestore .addrsig_sym target_put_sess_cmd .addrsig_sym EINVAL .addrsig_sym SCF_ACK_KREF .addrsig_sym ESHUTDOWN
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _lspcon_resume ; -- Begin function lspcon_resume .p2align 2 _lspcon_resume: ; @lspcon_resume .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 adrp x8, _DRM_LSPCON_MODE_PCON@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _DRM_LSPCON_MODE_PCON@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Spill stur x0, [x29, #-8] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] bl _lspcon_wake_native_aux_ch subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] ; kill: def $w8 killed $w8 killed $x8 stur w8, [x29, #-12] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] bl _lspcon_resume_in_pcon_wa b LBB0_3 LBB0_2: adrp x8, _DRM_LSPCON_MODE_LS@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _DRM_LSPCON_MODE_LS@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] stur w8, [x29, #-12] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldur w1, [x29, #-12] bl _lspcon_wait_mode ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldr x8, [x8] subs x8, x0, x8 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: b LBB0_8 LBB0_5: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldr x1, [x8] bl _lspcon_change_mode subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_7 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: adrp x0, l_.str@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _DRM_ERROR b LBB0_8 LBB0_7: adrp x0, l_.str.1@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _DRM_DEBUG_KMS b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _DRM_LSPCON_MODE_PCON,8,3 ; @DRM_LSPCON_MODE_PCON .comm _DRM_LSPCON_MODE_LS,4,2 ; @DRM_LSPCON_MODE_LS .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "LSPCON resume failed\n" l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "LSPCON resume success\n" .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_intel_lspcon.c_lspcon_resume.c" .globl lspcon_resume # -- Begin function lspcon_resume .p2align 4, 0x90 .type lspcon_resume,@function lspcon_resume: # @lspcon_resume .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi callq lspcon_wake_native_aux_ch@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movq DRM_LSPCON_MODE_PCON(%rip), %rax # kill: def $eax killed $eax killed $rax movl %eax, -12(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi callq lspcon_resume_in_pcon_wa@PLT jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movl DRM_LSPCON_MODE_LS(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -12(%rbp) .LBB0_3: movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movl -12(%rbp), %esi callq lspcon_wait_mode@PLT cmpq DRM_LSPCON_MODE_PCON(%rip), %rax jne .LBB0_5 # %bb.4: jmp .LBB0_8 .LBB0_5: movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movq DRM_LSPCON_MODE_PCON(%rip), %rsi callq lspcon_change_mode@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_7 # %bb.6: leaq .L.str(%rip), %rdi callq DRM_ERROR@PLT jmp .LBB0_8 .LBB0_7: leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rdi callq DRM_DEBUG_KMS@PLT .LBB0_8: addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size lspcon_resume, .Lfunc_end0-lspcon_resume .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type DRM_LSPCON_MODE_PCON,@object # @DRM_LSPCON_MODE_PCON .bss .globl DRM_LSPCON_MODE_PCON .p2align 3 DRM_LSPCON_MODE_PCON: .quad 0 # 0x0 .size DRM_LSPCON_MODE_PCON, 8 .type DRM_LSPCON_MODE_LS,@object # @DRM_LSPCON_MODE_LS .globl DRM_LSPCON_MODE_LS .p2align 2 DRM_LSPCON_MODE_LS: .long 0 # 0x0 .size DRM_LSPCON_MODE_LS, 4 .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "LSPCON resume failed\n" .size .L.str, 22 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .L.str.1: .asciz "LSPCON resume success\n" .size .L.str.1, 23 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym lspcon_wake_native_aux_ch .addrsig_sym lspcon_resume_in_pcon_wa .addrsig_sym lspcon_wait_mode .addrsig_sym lspcon_change_mode .addrsig_sym DRM_ERROR .addrsig_sym DRM_DEBUG_KMS .addrsig_sym DRM_LSPCON_MODE_PCON .addrsig_sym DRM_LSPCON_MODE_LS
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function do_subsidiary_caches _do_subsidiary_caches: ; @do_subsidiary_caches .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #12] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] bl _do_subsidiary_caches_debugcheck b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w0, [x8, #4] bl _of_find_next_cache_node mov x8, x0 str x8, [sp, #16] subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #12] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #12] ldr x0, [sp, #16] ldr w1, [sp, #12] bl _cache_lookup_or_instantiate str x0, [sp] ldr x0, [sp, #16] bl _of_node_put ldr x8, [sp] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: b LBB0_5 LBB0_4: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldr x1, [sp] bl _link_cache_lists ldr x8, [sp] stur x8, [x29, #-8] b LBB0_1 LBB0_5: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _do_subsidiary_caches .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_cacheinfo.c_do_subsidiary_caches.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function do_subsidiary_caches .type do_subsidiary_caches,@function do_subsidiary_caches: # @do_subsidiary_caches .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax movl %eax, -20(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi callq do_subsidiary_caches_debugcheck@PLT .LBB0_1: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl 4(%rax), %edi callq of_find_next_cache_node@PLT movq %rax, -16(%rbp) cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_5 # %bb.2: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movl -20(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -20(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi movl -20(%rbp), %esi callq cache_lookup_or_instantiate@PLT movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq of_node_put@PLT cmpq $0, -32(%rbp) jne .LBB0_4 # %bb.3: jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_4: # in Loop: Header=BB0_1 Depth=1 movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movq -32(%rbp), %rsi callq link_cache_lists@PLT movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -8(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_1 .LBB0_5: addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size do_subsidiary_caches, .Lfunc_end0-do_subsidiary_caches .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym do_subsidiary_caches .addrsig_sym do_subsidiary_caches_debugcheck .addrsig_sym of_find_next_cache_node .addrsig_sym cache_lookup_or_instantiate .addrsig_sym of_node_put .addrsig_sym link_cache_lists
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function vcn_v2_5_sw_fini _vcn_v2_5_sw_fini: ; @vcn_v2_5_sw_fini .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [sp, #16] str x8, [sp] ldr x0, [sp] bl _amdgpu_vcn_suspend str w0, [sp, #12] ldr w8, [sp, #12] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr w8, [sp, #12] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_3 LBB0_2: ldr x0, [sp] bl _amdgpu_vcn_sw_fini str w0, [sp, #12] ldr w8, [sp, #12] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _vcn_v2_5_sw_fini .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_vcn_v2_5.c_vcn_v2_5_sw_fini.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function vcn_v2_5_sw_fini .type vcn_v2_5_sw_fini,@function vcn_v2_5_sw_fini: # @vcn_v2_5_sw_fini .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movq -32(%rbp), %rdi callq amdgpu_vcn_suspend@PLT movl %eax, -20(%rbp) cmpl $0, -20(%rbp) je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl -20(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movq -32(%rbp), %rdi callq amdgpu_vcn_sw_fini@PLT movl %eax, -20(%rbp) movl -20(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_3: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size vcn_v2_5_sw_fini, .Lfunc_end0-vcn_v2_5_sw_fini .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym vcn_v2_5_sw_fini .addrsig_sym amdgpu_vcn_suspend .addrsig_sym amdgpu_vcn_sw_fini
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _ghb_subtitle_defaults_to_ui ; -- Begin function ghb_subtitle_defaults_to_ui .p2align 2 _ghb_subtitle_defaults_to_ui: ; @ghb_subtitle_defaults_to_ui .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #8] ldr x0, [sp, #8] bl _subtitle_def_lang_list_init ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_subtitlehandler.c_ghb_subtitle_defaults_to_ui.c" .globl ghb_subtitle_defaults_to_ui # -- Begin function ghb_subtitle_defaults_to_ui .p2align 4, 0x90 .type ghb_subtitle_defaults_to_ui,@function ghb_subtitle_defaults_to_ui: # @ghb_subtitle_defaults_to_ui .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi callq subtitle_def_lang_list_init@PLT addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size ghb_subtitle_defaults_to_ui, .Lfunc_end0-ghb_subtitle_defaults_to_ui .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym subtitle_def_lang_list_init
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl __glfwPlatformGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport ; -- Begin function _glfwPlatformGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport .p2align 2 __glfwPlatformGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport: ; @_glfwPlatformGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur w0, [x29, #-8] stur w1, [x29, #-12] str w2, [sp, #16] ldur w0, [x29, #-8] adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _vkGetInstanceProcAddr ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x0 sxtw x8, w8 str x8, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: adrp x8, _GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x8] adrp x1, l_.str.1@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl __glfwInputError adrp x8, _VK_NULL_HANDLE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _VK_NULL_HANDLE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_3 LBB0_2: ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldur w0, [x29, #-12] ldr w1, [sp, #16] adrp x9, __glfw@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, __glfw@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w2, [x9] blr x8 stur w0, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "vkGetPhysicalDeviceWaylandPresentationSupportKHR" .comm _GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE,4,2 ; @GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "Wayland: Vulkan instance missing VK_KHR_wayland_surface extension" .comm _VK_NULL_HANDLE,4,2 ; @VK_NULL_HANDLE .comm __glfw,4,2 ; @_glfw .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_wl_window.c__glfwPlatformGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport.c" .globl _glfwPlatformGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport # -- Begin function _glfwPlatformGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport .p2align 4, 0x90 .type _glfwPlatformGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport,@function _glfwPlatformGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport: # @_glfwPlatformGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movl %edi, -8(%rbp) movl %esi, -12(%rbp) movl %edx, -16(%rbp) movl -8(%rbp), %edi leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi callq vkGetInstanceProcAddr@PLT cltq movq %rax, -24(%rbp) cmpq $0, -24(%rbp) jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE(%rip), %edi leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rsi callq _glfwInputError@PLT movl VK_NULL_HANDLE(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl -12(%rbp), %edi movl -16(%rbp), %esi movl _glfw(%rip), %edx callq *%rax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_3: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size _glfwPlatformGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport, .Lfunc_end0-_glfwPlatformGetPhysicalDevicePresentationSupport .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "vkGetPhysicalDeviceWaylandPresentationSupportKHR" .size .L.str, 49 .type GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE,@object # @GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE .bss .globl GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE .p2align 2 GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE, 4 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.1: .asciz "Wayland: Vulkan instance missing VK_KHR_wayland_surface extension" .size .L.str.1, 66 .type VK_NULL_HANDLE,@object # @VK_NULL_HANDLE .bss .globl VK_NULL_HANDLE .p2align 2 VK_NULL_HANDLE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size VK_NULL_HANDLE, 4 .type _glfw,@object # @_glfw .globl _glfw .p2align 2 _glfw: .zero 4 .size _glfw, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym vkGetInstanceProcAddr .addrsig_sym _glfwInputError .addrsig_sym GLFW_API_UNAVAILABLE .addrsig_sym VK_NULL_HANDLE .addrsig_sym _glfw
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _vpu_dec_ipi_handler ; -- Begin function vpu_dec_ipi_handler .p2align 2 _vpu_dec_ipi_handler: ; @vpu_dec_ipi_handler .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur w1, [x29, #-12] str x2, [sp, #24] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] str x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #16] str x8, [sp, #8] ldr x0, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w2, [x8] adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _mtk_vcodec_debug ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #4] ; 4-byte Folded Spill subs w8, w8, #128 subs w8, w8, #1 cset w8, ls tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldr w8, [sp, #4] ; 4-byte Folded Reload subs w8, w8, #130 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldr w8, [sp, #4] ; 4-byte Folded Reload subs w8, w8, #131 subs w8, w8, #1 cset w8, ls tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_6 LBB0_4: ldur x0, [x29, #-8] bl _handle_init_ack_msg b LBB0_7 LBB0_5: b LBB0_7 LBB0_6: ldr x0, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w2, [x8] adrp x1, l_.str.1@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _mtk_vcodec_err b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ldr x0, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w2, [x8] adrp x1, l_.str.2@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.2@PAGEOFF bl _mtk_vcodec_debug ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x9, [sp, #8] str x8, [x9] ldr x9, [sp, #8] mov w8, #1 str w8, [x9, #8] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "+ id=%X" l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "invalid msg=%X" l_.str.2: ; @.str.2 .asciz "- id=%X" .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_vdec_vpu_if.c_vpu_dec_ipi_handler.c" .globl vpu_dec_ipi_handler # -- Begin function vpu_dec_ipi_handler .p2align 4, 0x90 .type vpu_dec_ipi_handler,@function vpu_dec_ipi_handler: # @vpu_dec_ipi_handler .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movl %esi, -12(%rbp) movq %rdx, -24(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rax movq %rax, -40(%rbp) movq -40(%rbp), %rdi movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edx leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi callq mtk_vcodec_debug@PLT movq -32(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 8(%rax) jne .LBB0_6 # %bb.1: movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax movl %eax, -44(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill addl $-128, %eax subl $2, %eax jb .LBB0_3 jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_7: movl -44(%rbp), %eax # 4-byte Reload subl $130, %eax je .LBB0_2 jmp .LBB0_8 .LBB0_8: movl -44(%rbp), %eax # 4-byte Reload addl $-131, %eax subl $2, %eax jb .LBB0_3 jmp .LBB0_4 .LBB0_2: movq -8(%rbp), %rdi callq handle_init_ack_msg@PLT jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_3: jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_4: movq -40(%rbp), %rdi movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edx leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rsi callq mtk_vcodec_err@PLT .LBB0_5: jmp .LBB0_6 .LBB0_6: movq -40(%rbp), %rdi movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edx leaq .L.str.2(%rip), %rsi callq mtk_vcodec_debug@PLT movq -32(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rcx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, (%rax) movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl $1, 8(%rax) addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size vpu_dec_ipi_handler, .Lfunc_end0-vpu_dec_ipi_handler .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "+ id=%X" .size .L.str, 8 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .L.str.1: .asciz "invalid msg=%X" .size .L.str.1, 15 .type .L.str.2,@object # @.str.2 .L.str.2: .asciz "- id=%X" .size .L.str.2, 8 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym mtk_vcodec_debug .addrsig_sym handle_init_ack_msg .addrsig_sym mtk_vcodec_err
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function gfs2_readpage _gfs2_readpage: ; @gfs2_readpage .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur x1, [x29, #-16] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8] str x8, [sp, #24] ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr w0, [x8] bl _GFS2_I str x0, [sp, #16] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] bl _unlock_page ldr x8, [sp, #16] ldr w0, [x8] adrp x8, _LM_ST_SHARED@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _LM_ST_SHARED@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] mov w2, #0 add x3, sp, #12 str x3, [sp] ; 8-byte Folded Spill bl _gfs2_holder_init ldr x0, [sp] ; 8-byte Folded Reload bl _gfs2_glock_nq str w0, [sp, #8] ldr w0, [sp, #8] bl _unlikely subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: b LBB0_7 LBB0_2: adrp x8, _AOP_TRUNCATED_PAGE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _AOP_TRUNCATED_PAGE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #8] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] bl _lock_page ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8] ldr x9, [sp, #24] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur x0, [x29, #-16] bl _PageUptodate subs w8, w0, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldur x1, [x29, #-16] bl ___gfs2_readpage str w0, [sp, #8] b LBB0_6 LBB0_5: ldur x0, [x29, #-16] bl _unlock_page b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: add x0, sp, #12 bl _gfs2_glock_dq b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: add x0, sp, #12 bl _gfs2_holder_uninit ldr w8, [sp, #8] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_10 b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ldr w8, [sp, #8] adrp x9, _AOP_TRUNCATED_PAGE@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _AOP_TRUNCATED_PAGE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_10 b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ldur x0, [x29, #-16] bl _lock_page b LBB0_10 LBB0_10: ldr w0, [sp, #8] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _LM_ST_SHARED,4,2 ; @LM_ST_SHARED .comm _AOP_TRUNCATED_PAGE,4,2 ; @AOP_TRUNCATED_PAGE .no_dead_strip _gfs2_readpage .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_aops.c_gfs2_readpage.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function gfs2_readpage .type gfs2_readpage,@function gfs2_readpage: # @gfs2_readpage .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movq %rax, -24(%rbp) movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edi callq GFS2_I@PLT movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq unlock_page@PLT movq -32(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edi movl LM_ST_SHARED(%rip), %esi xorl %edx, %edx leaq -40(%rbp), %rcx callq gfs2_holder_init@PLT leaq -40(%rbp), %rdi callq gfs2_glock_nq@PLT movl %eax, -44(%rbp) movl -44(%rbp), %edi callq unlikely@PLT cmpq $0, %rax je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_2: movl AOP_TRUNCATED_PAGE(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -44(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq lock_page@PLT movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax cmpq -24(%rbp), %rax jne .LBB0_5 # %bb.3: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq PageUptodate@PLT cmpl $0, %eax jne .LBB0_5 # %bb.4: movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rsi callq __gfs2_readpage@PLT movl %eax, -44(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_6 .LBB0_5: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq unlock_page@PLT .LBB0_6: leaq -40(%rbp), %rdi callq gfs2_glock_dq@PLT .LBB0_7: leaq -40(%rbp), %rdi callq gfs2_holder_uninit@PLT cmpl $0, -44(%rbp) je .LBB0_10 # %bb.8: movl -44(%rbp), %eax cmpl AOP_TRUNCATED_PAGE(%rip), %eax je .LBB0_10 # %bb.9: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq lock_page@PLT .LBB0_10: movl -44(%rbp), %eax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size gfs2_readpage, .Lfunc_end0-gfs2_readpage .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type LM_ST_SHARED,@object # @LM_ST_SHARED .bss .globl LM_ST_SHARED .p2align 2 LM_ST_SHARED: .long 0 # 0x0 .size LM_ST_SHARED, 4 .type AOP_TRUNCATED_PAGE,@object # @AOP_TRUNCATED_PAGE .globl AOP_TRUNCATED_PAGE .p2align 2 AOP_TRUNCATED_PAGE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size AOP_TRUNCATED_PAGE, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym gfs2_readpage .addrsig_sym GFS2_I .addrsig_sym unlock_page .addrsig_sym gfs2_holder_init .addrsig_sym gfs2_glock_nq .addrsig_sym unlikely .addrsig_sym lock_page .addrsig_sym PageUptodate .addrsig_sym __gfs2_readpage .addrsig_sym gfs2_glock_dq .addrsig_sym gfs2_holder_uninit .addrsig_sym LM_ST_SHARED .addrsig_sym AOP_TRUNCATED_PAGE
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function sch_set_dmamode _sch_set_dmamode: ; @sch_set_dmamode .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur x1, [x29, #-16] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr w8, [x8] stur w8, [x29, #-20] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr x8, [x8] ldr w0, [x8] bl _to_pci_dev str x0, [sp, #16] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] ldr x8, [x8, #8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: adrp x8, _D1TIM@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _D1TIM@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #4] ; 4-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_3 LBB0_2: adrp x8, _D0TIM@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _D0TIM@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] str w8, [sp, #4] ; 4-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldr w8, [sp, #4] ; 4-byte Folded Reload str w8, [sp, #12] ldr x0, [sp, #16] ldr w1, [sp, #12] add x2, sp, #8 bl _pci_read_config_dword ldur w8, [x29, #-20] adrp x9, _XFER_UDMA_0@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _XFER_UDMA_0@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, lo tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_5 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: adrp x8, _USD@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _USD@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x8] ldr w8, [sp, #8] orr w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #8] adrp x8, _UDM@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _UDM@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x8] ldr w8, [sp, #8] bic w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #8] ldur w8, [x29, #-20] adrp x9, _XFER_UDMA_0@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _XFER_UDMA_0@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] subs w9, w8, w9 ldr w8, [sp, #8] orr w8, w8, w9, lsl #16 str w8, [sp, #8] b LBB0_6 LBB0_5: adrp x8, _USD@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _USD@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] adrp x9, _MDM@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _MDM@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] orr w9, w8, w9 ldr w8, [sp, #8] bic w8, w8, w9 str w8, [sp, #8] ldur w8, [x29, #-20] adrp x9, _XFER_MW_DMA_0@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _XFER_MW_DMA_0@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] subs w9, w8, w9 ldr w8, [sp, #8] orr w8, w8, w9, lsl #8 str w8, [sp, #8] b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ldr x0, [sp, #16] ldr w1, [sp, #12] ldr w2, [sp, #8] bl _pci_write_config_dword ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _D1TIM,4,2 ; @D1TIM .comm _D0TIM,4,2 ; @D0TIM .comm _XFER_UDMA_0,4,2 ; @XFER_UDMA_0 .comm _USD,4,2 ; @USD .comm _UDM,4,2 ; @UDM .comm _MDM,4,2 ; @MDM .comm _XFER_MW_DMA_0,4,2 ; @XFER_MW_DMA_0 .no_dead_strip _sch_set_dmamode .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_pata_sch.c_sch_set_dmamode.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function sch_set_dmamode .type sch_set_dmamode,@function sch_set_dmamode: # @sch_set_dmamode .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax movl %eax, -20(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rax movl (%rax), %edi callq to_pci_dev@PLT movq %rax, -32(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, 8(%rax) je .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl D1TIM(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -44(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movl D0TIM(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -44(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill .LBB0_3: movl -44(%rbp), %eax # 4-byte Reload movl %eax, -36(%rbp) movq -32(%rbp), %rdi movl -36(%rbp), %esi leaq -40(%rbp), %rdx callq pci_read_config_dword@PLT movl -20(%rbp), %eax cmpl XFER_UDMA_0(%rip), %eax jb .LBB0_5 # %bb.4: movl USD(%rip), %eax orl -40(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -40(%rbp) movl UDM(%rip), %eax xorl $-1, %eax andl -40(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -40(%rbp) movl -20(%rbp), %eax subl XFER_UDMA_0(%rip), %eax shll $16, %eax orl -40(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -40(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_6 .LBB0_5: movl USD(%rip), %eax orl MDM(%rip), %eax xorl $-1, %eax andl -40(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -40(%rbp) movl -20(%rbp), %eax subl XFER_MW_DMA_0(%rip), %eax shll $8, %eax orl -40(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -40(%rbp) .LBB0_6: movq -32(%rbp), %rdi movl -36(%rbp), %esi movl -40(%rbp), %edx callq pci_write_config_dword@PLT addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size sch_set_dmamode, .Lfunc_end0-sch_set_dmamode .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type D1TIM,@object # @D1TIM .bss .globl D1TIM .p2align 2 D1TIM: .long 0 # 0x0 .size D1TIM, 4 .type D0TIM,@object # @D0TIM .globl D0TIM .p2align 2 D0TIM: .long 0 # 0x0 .size D0TIM, 4 .type XFER_UDMA_0,@object # @XFER_UDMA_0 .globl XFER_UDMA_0 .p2align 2 XFER_UDMA_0: .long 0 # 0x0 .size XFER_UDMA_0, 4 .type USD,@object # @USD .globl USD .p2align 2 USD: .long 0 # 0x0 .size USD, 4 .type UDM,@object # @UDM .globl UDM .p2align 2 UDM: .long 0 # 0x0 .size UDM, 4 .type MDM,@object # @MDM .globl MDM .p2align 2 MDM: .long 0 # 0x0 .size MDM, 4 .type XFER_MW_DMA_0,@object # @XFER_MW_DMA_0 .globl XFER_MW_DMA_0 .p2align 2 XFER_MW_DMA_0: .long 0 # 0x0 .size XFER_MW_DMA_0, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym sch_set_dmamode .addrsig_sym to_pci_dev .addrsig_sym pci_read_config_dword .addrsig_sym pci_write_config_dword .addrsig_sym D1TIM .addrsig_sym D0TIM .addrsig_sym XFER_UDMA_0 .addrsig_sym USD .addrsig_sym UDM .addrsig_sym MDM .addrsig_sym XFER_MW_DMA_0
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .section __TEXT,__literal8,8byte_literals .p2align 3 ; -- Begin function m4x4_invert lCPI0_0: .quad 0x3ddb7cdfd9d7bdbb ; double 1.0E-10 .section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .globl _m4x4_invert .p2align 2 _m4x4_invert: ; @m4x4_invert .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-16] ldur x0, [x29, #-16] bl _m4_det stur s0, [x29, #-20] ldur s0, [x29, #-20] bl _fabs adrp x8, lCPI0_0@PAGE ldr d1, [x8, lCPI0_0@PAGEOFF] fcmp d0, d1 cset w8, pl tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: mov w8, #1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_11 LBB0_2: ldr x0, [sp] ldur x1, [x29, #-16] mov w2, #8 bl _memcpy str wzr, [sp, #20] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ; =>This Loop Header: Depth=1 ; Child Loop BB0_5 Depth 2 ldr w8, [sp, #20] subs w8, w8, #4 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_10 b LBB0_4 LBB0_4: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 str wzr, [sp, #16] b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ; Parent Loop BB0_3 Depth=1 ; => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 ldr w8, [sp, #16] subs w8, w8, #4 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=2 ldr w8, [sp, #20] ldr w9, [sp, #16] add w8, w8, w9 mov w10, #2 sdiv w9, w8, w10 mul w9, w9, w10 subs w9, w8, w9 mov w8, #1 subs w8, w8, w9, lsl #1 str w8, [sp, #12] ldr x0, [sp] ldr w1, [sp, #24] ldr w2, [sp, #20] ldr w3, [sp, #16] bl _m4_submat ldr w0, [sp, #24] bl _m3_det ldr w8, [sp, #12] mul w8, w0, w8 scvtf s0, w8 ldur s1, [x29, #-20] fdiv s0, s0, s1 fcvtzs w8, s0 ldur x9, [x29, #-16] ldr w10, [sp, #20] ldr w11, [sp, #16] add w10, w10, w11, lsl #2 str w8, [x9, w10, sxtw #2] b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=2 ldr w8, [sp, #16] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #16] b LBB0_5 LBB0_8: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #20] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #20] b LBB0_3 LBB0_10: stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_11 LBB0_11: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_m4x4.c_m4x4_invert.c" .section .rodata.cst8,"aM",@progbits,8 .p2align 3 # -- Begin function m4x4_invert .LCPI0_0: .quad 0x3ddb7cdfd9d7bdbb # double 1.0E-10 .text .globl m4x4_invert .p2align 4, 0x90 .type m4x4_invert,@function m4x4_invert: # @m4x4_invert .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq m4_det@PLT movss %xmm0, -20(%rbp) movss -20(%rbp), %xmm0 # xmm0 = mem[0],zero,zero,zero callq fabs@PLT movaps %xmm0, %xmm1 movsd .LCPI0_0(%rip), %xmm0 # xmm0 = mem[0],zero ucomisd %xmm1, %xmm0 jbe .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl $1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_11 .LBB0_2: movq -48(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rsi movl $8, %edx callq memcpy@PLT movl $0, -28(%rbp) .LBB0_3: # =>This Loop Header: Depth=1 # Child Loop BB0_5 Depth 2 cmpl $4, -28(%rbp) jge .LBB0_10 # %bb.4: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movl $0, -32(%rbp) .LBB0_5: # Parent Loop BB0_3 Depth=1 # => This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2 cmpl $4, -32(%rbp) jge .LBB0_8 # %bb.6: # in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=2 movl -28(%rbp), %eax addl -32(%rbp), %eax movl $2, %ecx cltd idivl %ecx shll $1, %edx movl $1, %eax subl %edx, %eax movl %eax, -36(%rbp) movq -48(%rbp), %rdi movl -24(%rbp), %esi movl -28(%rbp), %edx movl -32(%rbp), %ecx callq m4_submat@PLT movl -24(%rbp), %edi callq m3_det@PLT imull -36(%rbp), %eax cvtsi2ss %eax, %xmm0 divss -20(%rbp), %xmm0 cvttss2si %xmm0, %edx movq -16(%rbp), %rax movl -28(%rbp), %ecx movl -32(%rbp), %esi shll $2, %esi addl %esi, %ecx movslq %ecx, %rcx movl %edx, (%rax,%rcx,4) # %bb.7: # in Loop: Header=BB0_5 Depth=2 movl -32(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -32(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_5 .LBB0_8: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_9 .LBB0_9: # in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=1 movl -28(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -28(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_10: movl $0, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_11: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size m4x4_invert, .Lfunc_end0-m4x4_invert .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym m4_det .addrsig_sym fabs .addrsig_sym memcpy .addrsig_sym m4_submat .addrsig_sym m3_det
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .globl _ip6_route_lookup ; -- Begin function ip6_route_lookup .p2align 2 _ip6_route_lookup: ; @ip6_route_lookup .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] str x1, [sp, #16] str w2, [sp, #12] ldur x0, [x29, #-8] ldr x1, [sp, #16] ldr w2, [sp, #12] adrp x8, _ip6_pol_route_lookup@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _ip6_pol_route_lookup@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w3, [x8] bl _fib6_rule_lookup ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _ip6_pol_route_lookup,4,2 ; @ip6_pol_route_lookup .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_route.c_ip6_route_lookup.c" .globl ip6_route_lookup # -- Begin function ip6_route_lookup .p2align 4, 0x90 .type ip6_route_lookup,@function ip6_route_lookup: # @ip6_route_lookup .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movl %edx, -20(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movq -16(%rbp), %rsi movl -20(%rbp), %edx movl ip6_pol_route_lookup(%rip), %ecx callq fib6_rule_lookup@PLT addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size ip6_route_lookup, .Lfunc_end0-ip6_route_lookup .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type ip6_pol_route_lookup,@object # @ip6_pol_route_lookup .bss .globl ip6_pol_route_lookup .p2align 2 ip6_pol_route_lookup: .long 0 # 0x0 .size ip6_pol_route_lookup, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym fib6_rule_lookup .addrsig_sym ip6_pol_route_lookup
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function bbr_state_val _bbr_state_val: ; @bbr_state_val .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 str x0, [sp, #8] ldr x8, [sp, #8] ldr w0, [x8] add sp, sp, #16 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _bbr_state_val .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_bbr.c_bbr_state_val.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function bbr_state_val .type bbr_state_val,@function bbr_state_val: # @bbr_state_val .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size bbr_state_val, .Lfunc_end0-bbr_state_val .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym bbr_state_val
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function __tlb_write_index ___tlb_write_index: ; @__tlb_write_index .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-16] stur w1, [x29, #-20] str w2, [sp, #24] str w3, [sp, #20] str w4, [sp, #16] ldur x8, [x29, #-16] str x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Spill bl _cvmx_core_get_tlb_entries ldr x8, [sp, #8] ; 8-byte Folded Reload subs x8, x8, x0 cset w8, lt tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: mov w8, #-1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_3 LBB0_2: ldur x0, [x29, #-16] bl _CVMX_MT_TLB_INDEX ldur w0, [x29, #-20] bl _CVMX_MT_ENTRY_HIGH ldr w0, [sp, #24] bl _CVMX_MT_ENTRY_LO_0 ldr w0, [sp, #20] bl _CVMX_MT_ENTRY_LO_1 ldr w0, [sp, #16] bl _CVMX_MT_PAGEMASK bl ___tlb_write stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip ___tlb_write_index .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_cvmx-tlb.c___tlb_write_index.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function __tlb_write_index .type __tlb_write_index,@function __tlb_write_index: # @__tlb_write_index .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movl %esi, -20(%rbp) movl %edx, -24(%rbp) movl %ecx, -28(%rbp) movl %r8d, -32(%rbp) movq -16(%rbp), %rax movq %rax, -40(%rbp) # 8-byte Spill movb $0, %al callq cvmx_core_get_tlb_entries@PLT movq %rax, %rcx movq -40(%rbp), %rax # 8-byte Reload cmpq %rcx, %rax jl .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl $-1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_3 .LBB0_2: movq -16(%rbp), %rdi callq CVMX_MT_TLB_INDEX@PLT movl -20(%rbp), %edi callq CVMX_MT_ENTRY_HIGH@PLT movl -24(%rbp), %edi callq CVMX_MT_ENTRY_LO_0@PLT movl -28(%rbp), %edi callq CVMX_MT_ENTRY_LO_1@PLT movl -32(%rbp), %edi callq CVMX_MT_PAGEMASK@PLT movb $0, %al callq __tlb_write@PLT movl $0, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_3: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size __tlb_write_index, .Lfunc_end0-__tlb_write_index .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym __tlb_write_index .addrsig_sym cvmx_core_get_tlb_entries .addrsig_sym CVMX_MT_TLB_INDEX .addrsig_sym CVMX_MT_ENTRY_HIGH .addrsig_sym CVMX_MT_ENTRY_LO_0 .addrsig_sym CVMX_MT_ENTRY_LO_1 .addrsig_sym CVMX_MT_PAGEMASK .addrsig_sym __tlb_write
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function cpu_activate_hint_list_show _cpu_activate_hint_list_show: ; @cpu_activate_hint_list_show .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48 stp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-8] str x1, [sp, #16] str x2, [sp, #8] ldr x0, [sp, #8] mov w1, #1 bl _get_best_energy_list ldp x29, x30, [sp, #32] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #48 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _cpu_activate_hint_list_show .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_pseries_energy.c_cpu_activate_hint_list_show.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function cpu_activate_hint_list_show .type cpu_activate_hint_list_show,@function cpu_activate_hint_list_show: # @cpu_activate_hint_list_show .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $32, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq %rsi, -16(%rbp) movq %rdx, -24(%rbp) movq -24(%rbp), %rdi movl $1, %esi callq get_best_energy_list@PLT addq $32, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size cpu_activate_hint_list_show, .Lfunc_end0-cpu_activate_hint_list_show .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym cpu_activate_hint_list_show .addrsig_sym get_best_energy_list
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function cmsg_quirks _cmsg_quirks: ; @cmsg_quirks .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #8] ldr x0, [sp, #8] adrp x8, _CM_ASL_LID@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _CM_ASL_LID@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] adrp x2, l_.str@PAGE add x2, x2, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _cmsg_quirk ldr x0, [sp, #8] adrp x8, _CM_ASL_TYPE@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _CM_ASL_TYPE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] adrp x2, l_.str.1@PAGE add x2, x2, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _cmsg_quirk ldr x0, [sp, #8] adrp x8, _CM_ASL_PANELPOWER@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _CM_ASL_PANELPOWER@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] adrp x2, l_.str.2@PAGE add x2, x2, l_.str.2@PAGEOFF bl _cmsg_quirk ldr x0, [sp, #8] adrp x8, _CM_ASL_TPD@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _CM_ASL_TPD@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] adrp x2, l_.str.3@PAGE add x2, x2, l_.str.3@PAGEOFF bl _cmsg_quirk ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _CM_ASL_LID,4,2 ; @CM_ASL_LID .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "LID" .comm _CM_ASL_TYPE,4,2 ; @CM_ASL_TYPE l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "TYPE" .comm _CM_ASL_PANELPOWER,4,2 ; @CM_ASL_PANELPOWER l_.str.2: ; @.str.2 .asciz "PANELPOWER" .comm _CM_ASL_TPD,4,2 ; @CM_ASL_TPD l_.str.3: ; @.str.3 .asciz "TPD" .no_dead_strip _cmsg_quirks .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_eeepc-laptop.c_cmsg_quirks.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function cmsg_quirks .type cmsg_quirks,@function cmsg_quirks: # @cmsg_quirks .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movl CM_ASL_LID(%rip), %esi leaq .L.str(%rip), %rdx callq cmsg_quirk@PLT movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movl CM_ASL_TYPE(%rip), %esi leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rdx callq cmsg_quirk@PLT movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movl CM_ASL_PANELPOWER(%rip), %esi leaq .L.str.2(%rip), %rdx callq cmsg_quirk@PLT movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movl CM_ASL_TPD(%rip), %esi leaq .L.str.3(%rip), %rdx callq cmsg_quirk@PLT addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size cmsg_quirks, .Lfunc_end0-cmsg_quirks .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type CM_ASL_LID,@object # @CM_ASL_LID .bss .globl CM_ASL_LID .p2align 2 CM_ASL_LID: .long 0 # 0x0 .size CM_ASL_LID, 4 .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "LID" .size .L.str, 4 .type CM_ASL_TYPE,@object # @CM_ASL_TYPE .bss .globl CM_ASL_TYPE .p2align 2 CM_ASL_TYPE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size CM_ASL_TYPE, 4 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.1: .asciz "TYPE" .size .L.str.1, 5 .type CM_ASL_PANELPOWER,@object # @CM_ASL_PANELPOWER .bss .globl CM_ASL_PANELPOWER .p2align 2 CM_ASL_PANELPOWER: .long 0 # 0x0 .size CM_ASL_PANELPOWER, 4 .type .L.str.2,@object # @.str.2 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.2: .asciz "PANELPOWER" .size .L.str.2, 11 .type CM_ASL_TPD,@object # @CM_ASL_TPD .bss .globl CM_ASL_TPD .p2align 2 CM_ASL_TPD: .long 0 # 0x0 .size CM_ASL_TPD, 4 .type .L.str.3,@object # @.str.3 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.3: .asciz "TPD" .size .L.str.3, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym cmsg_quirks .addrsig_sym cmsg_quirk .addrsig_sym CM_ASL_LID .addrsig_sym CM_ASL_TYPE .addrsig_sym CM_ASL_PANELPOWER .addrsig_sym CM_ASL_TPD
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function hdq_write_byte _hdq_write_byte: ; @hdq_write_byte .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #80 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 80 stp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 adrp x8, _OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_GO@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_GO@GOTPAGEOFF] str x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Spill stur x0, [x29, #-8] stur w1, [x29, #-12] stur x2, [x29, #-24] ldur x8, [x29, #-24] str wzr, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr x1, [sp, #24] add x0, x8, #8 bl _spin_lock_irqsave ldur x0, [x29, #-8] adrp x8, _OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] bl _hdq_reg_in ldur x8, [x29, #-8] str wzr, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr x1, [sp, #24] add x0, x8, #8 bl _spin_unlock_irqrestore ldur x0, [x29, #-8] adrp x8, _OMAP_HDQ_TX_DATA@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _OMAP_HDQ_TX_DATA@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] ldur w2, [x29, #-12] bl _hdq_reg_out ldr x9, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x0, [x29, #-8] adrp x8, _OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x8] ldr w2, [x9] adrp x8, _OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_DIR@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_DIR@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w8, [x8] ldr w9, [x9] orr w3, w8, w9 bl _hdq_reg_merge adrp x8, _hdq_wait_queue@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _hdq_wait_queue@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x8] ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w1, [x8] adrp x8, _OMAP_HDQ_TIMEOUT@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _OMAP_HDQ_TIMEOUT@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w2, [x8] bl _wait_event_timeout stur w0, [x29, #-28] ldur w8, [x29, #-28] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w0, [x8, #4] adrp x1, l_.str@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _dev_dbg b LBB0_7 LBB0_2: ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w8, [x8] ldur x9, [x29, #-24] str w8, [x9] ldur x8, [x29, #-24] ldr w8, [x8] adrp x9, _OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS_TXCOMPLETE@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS_TXCOMPLETE@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x9] ands w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w0, [x8, #4] ldur x8, [x29, #-24] ldr w9, [x8] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x9 mov x9, sp str x8, [x9] adrp x1, l_.str.1@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _dev_dbg adrp x8, _ETIMEDOUT@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _ETIMEDOUT@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x8] mov w8, #0 subs w8, w8, w9 stur w8, [x29, #-28] b LBB0_7 LBB0_4: ldr x8, [sp, #16] ; 8-byte Folded Reload ldur x0, [x29, #-8] adrp x9, _OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS@GOTPAGE ldr x9, [x9, _OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w1, [x9] ldr w2, [x8] adrp x8, _OMAP_HDQ_FLAG_CLEAR@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _OMAP_HDQ_FLAG_CLEAR@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w3, [x8] add x4, sp, #32 bl _hdq_wait_for_flag stur w0, [x29, #-28] ldur w8, [x29, #-28] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldur x8, [x29, #-8] ldr w0, [x8, #4] ldr w9, [sp, #32] ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x9 mov x9, sp str x8, [x9] adrp x1, l_.str.2@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.2@PAGEOFF bl _dev_dbg b LBB0_6 LBB0_6: b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ldur w0, [x29, #-28] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #64] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #80 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS,4,2 ; @OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS .comm _OMAP_HDQ_TX_DATA,4,2 ; @OMAP_HDQ_TX_DATA .comm _OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS,4,2 ; @OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS .comm _OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_GO,4,2 ; @OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_GO .comm _OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_DIR,4,2 ; @OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_DIR .comm _hdq_wait_queue,4,2 ; @hdq_wait_queue .comm _OMAP_HDQ_TIMEOUT,4,2 ; @OMAP_HDQ_TIMEOUT .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "TX wait elapsed\n" .comm _OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS_TXCOMPLETE,4,2 ; @OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS_TXCOMPLETE l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "timeout waiting forTXCOMPLETE/RXCOMPLETE, %x" .comm _ETIMEDOUT,4,2 ; @ETIMEDOUT .comm _OMAP_HDQ_FLAG_CLEAR,4,2 ; @OMAP_HDQ_FLAG_CLEAR l_.str.2: ; @.str.2 .asciz "timeout waiting GO bitreturn to zero, %x" .no_dead_strip _hdq_write_byte .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_omap_hdq.c_hdq_write_byte.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function hdq_write_byte .type hdq_write_byte,@function hdq_write_byte: # @hdq_write_byte .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movl %esi, -12(%rbp) movq %rdx, -24(%rbp) movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl $0, (%rax) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi addq $8, %rdi movq -40(%rbp), %rsi callq spin_lock_irqsave@PLT movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movl OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS(%rip), %esi callq hdq_reg_in@PLT movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl $0, (%rax) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi addq $8, %rdi movq -40(%rbp), %rsi callq spin_unlock_irqrestore@PLT movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movl OMAP_HDQ_TX_DATA(%rip), %esi movl -12(%rbp), %edx callq hdq_reg_out@PLT movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movl OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS(%rip), %esi movl OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_GO(%rip), %edx movl OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_DIR(%rip), %ecx orl OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_GO(%rip), %ecx callq hdq_reg_merge@PLT movl hdq_wait_queue(%rip), %edi movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %esi movl OMAP_HDQ_TIMEOUT(%rip), %edx callq wait_event_timeout@PLT movl %eax, -28(%rbp) cmpl $0, -28(%rbp) jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl 4(%rax), %edi leaq .L.str(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq dev_dbg@PLT jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_2: movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %ecx movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, (%rax) movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax andl OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS_TXCOMPLETE(%rip), %eax cmpl $0, %eax jne .LBB0_4 # %bb.3: movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl 4(%rax), %edi movq -24(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %edx leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq dev_dbg@PLT xorl %eax, %eax subl ETIMEDOUT(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -28(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_4: movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movl OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS(%rip), %esi movl OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_GO(%rip), %edx movl OMAP_HDQ_FLAG_CLEAR(%rip), %ecx leaq -32(%rbp), %r8 callq hdq_wait_for_flag@PLT movl %eax, -28(%rbp) cmpl $0, -28(%rbp) je .LBB0_6 # %bb.5: movq -8(%rbp), %rax movl 4(%rax), %edi movl -32(%rbp), %edx leaq .L.str.2(%rip), %rsi movb $0, %al callq dev_dbg@PLT .LBB0_6: jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_7: movl -28(%rbp), %eax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size hdq_write_byte, .Lfunc_end0-hdq_write_byte .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS,@object # @OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS .bss .globl OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS .p2align 2 OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS: .long 0 # 0x0 .size OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS, 4 .type OMAP_HDQ_TX_DATA,@object # @OMAP_HDQ_TX_DATA .globl OMAP_HDQ_TX_DATA .p2align 2 OMAP_HDQ_TX_DATA: .long 0 # 0x0 .size OMAP_HDQ_TX_DATA, 4 .type OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS,@object # @OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS .globl OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS .p2align 2 OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS: .long 0 # 0x0 .size OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS, 4 .type OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_GO,@object # @OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_GO .globl OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_GO .p2align 2 OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_GO: .long 0 # 0x0 .size OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_GO, 4 .type OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_DIR,@object # @OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_DIR .globl OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_DIR .p2align 2 OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_DIR: .long 0 # 0x0 .size OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_DIR, 4 .type hdq_wait_queue,@object # @hdq_wait_queue .globl hdq_wait_queue .p2align 2 hdq_wait_queue: .long 0 # 0x0 .size hdq_wait_queue, 4 .type OMAP_HDQ_TIMEOUT,@object # @OMAP_HDQ_TIMEOUT .globl OMAP_HDQ_TIMEOUT .p2align 2 OMAP_HDQ_TIMEOUT: .long 0 # 0x0 .size OMAP_HDQ_TIMEOUT, 4 .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "TX wait elapsed\n" .size .L.str, 17 .type OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS_TXCOMPLETE,@object # @OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS_TXCOMPLETE .bss .globl OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS_TXCOMPLETE .p2align 2 OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS_TXCOMPLETE: .long 0 # 0x0 .size OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS_TXCOMPLETE, 4 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.1: .asciz "timeout waiting forTXCOMPLETE/RXCOMPLETE, %x" .size .L.str.1, 45 .type ETIMEDOUT,@object # @ETIMEDOUT .bss .globl ETIMEDOUT .p2align 2 ETIMEDOUT: .long 0 # 0x0 .size ETIMEDOUT, 4 .type OMAP_HDQ_FLAG_CLEAR,@object # @OMAP_HDQ_FLAG_CLEAR .globl OMAP_HDQ_FLAG_CLEAR .p2align 2 OMAP_HDQ_FLAG_CLEAR: .long 0 # 0x0 .size OMAP_HDQ_FLAG_CLEAR, 4 .type .L.str.2,@object # @.str.2 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.2: .asciz "timeout waiting GO bitreturn to zero, %x" .size .L.str.2, 41 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym hdq_write_byte .addrsig_sym spin_lock_irqsave .addrsig_sym hdq_reg_in .addrsig_sym spin_unlock_irqrestore .addrsig_sym hdq_reg_out .addrsig_sym hdq_reg_merge .addrsig_sym wait_event_timeout .addrsig_sym dev_dbg .addrsig_sym hdq_wait_for_flag .addrsig_sym OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS .addrsig_sym OMAP_HDQ_TX_DATA .addrsig_sym OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS .addrsig_sym OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_GO .addrsig_sym OMAP_HDQ_CTRL_STATUS_DIR .addrsig_sym hdq_wait_queue .addrsig_sym OMAP_HDQ_TIMEOUT .addrsig_sym OMAP_HDQ_INT_STATUS_TXCOMPLETE .addrsig_sym ETIMEDOUT .addrsig_sym OMAP_HDQ_FLAG_CLEAR
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function init_ed _init_ed: ; @init_ed .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #8] ldr x0, [sp, #8] mov w1, #0 mov w2, #8 bl _memset ldr x8, [sp, #8] add x0, x8, #4 bl _INIT_LIST_HEAD ldr x0, [sp, #8] bl _INIT_LIST_HEAD ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .no_dead_strip _init_ed .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_fhci-mem.c_init_ed.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function init_ed .type init_ed,@function init_ed: # @init_ed .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi xorl %esi, %esi movl $8, %edx callq memset@PLT movq -8(%rbp), %rdi addq $4, %rdi callq INIT_LIST_HEAD@PLT movq -8(%rbp), %rdi callq INIT_LIST_HEAD@PLT addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size init_ed, .Lfunc_end0-init_ed .cfi_endproc # -- End function .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym init_ed .addrsig_sym memset .addrsig_sym INIT_LIST_HEAD
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function mptsas_reprobe_target _mptsas_reprobe_target: ; @mptsas_reprobe_target .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #32 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 32 stp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #16 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 str x0, [sp, #8] str w1, [sp, #4] ldr x0, [sp, #8] ldr w8, [sp, #4] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ne and w9, w8, #0x1 mov x8, #0 ands w9, w9, #0x1 csinc x1, x8, xzr, eq adrp x8, _mptsas_reprobe_lun@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _mptsas_reprobe_lun@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w2, [x8] bl _starget_for_each_device ldp x29, x30, [sp, #16] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #32 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _mptsas_reprobe_lun,4,2 ; @mptsas_reprobe_lun .no_dead_strip _mptsas_reprobe_target .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_mptsas.c_mptsas_reprobe_target.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function mptsas_reprobe_target .type mptsas_reprobe_target,@function mptsas_reprobe_target: # @mptsas_reprobe_target .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $16, %rsp movq %rdi, -8(%rbp) movl %esi, -12(%rbp) movq -8(%rbp), %rdi movl -12(%rbp), %ecx xorl %eax, %eax movl %eax, %esi movl $1, %eax cmpl $0, %ecx cmovneq %rax, %rsi movl mptsas_reprobe_lun(%rip), %edx callq starget_for_each_device@PLT addq $16, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size mptsas_reprobe_target, .Lfunc_end0-mptsas_reprobe_target .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type mptsas_reprobe_lun,@object # @mptsas_reprobe_lun .bss .globl mptsas_reprobe_lun .p2align 2 mptsas_reprobe_lun: .long 0 # 0x0 .size mptsas_reprobe_lun, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym mptsas_reprobe_target .addrsig_sym starget_for_each_device .addrsig_sym mptsas_reprobe_lun
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function create_pool_file _create_pool_file: ; @create_pool_file .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #64 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 64 stp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #48 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-16] str x1, [sp, #24] adrp x0, l_.str@PAGE add x0, x0, l_.str@PAGEOFF bl _getenv str x0, [sp, #16] ldr x8, [sp, #16] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_2 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: adrp x8, _stderr@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _stderr@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x8] adrp x1, l_.str.1@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.1@PAGEOFF bl _fprintf mov w8, #-1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_11 LBB0_2: adrp x0, _create_pool_file.template@PAGE add x0, x0, _create_pool_file.template@PAGEOFF bl _strlen add w8, w0, #1 str w8, [sp] ; 4-byte Folded Spill ldr x0, [sp, #16] bl _strlen ldr w8, [sp] ; 4-byte Folded Reload add w8, w8, w0 add w9, w8, #1 ; implicit-def: $x8 mov x8, x9 sxtw x8, w8 str x8, [sp, #8] ldr x0, [sp, #8] bl _malloc ldr x8, [sp, #24] str x0, [x8] ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x8, [x8] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: adrp x8, _stderr@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _stderr@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w0, [x8] adrp x1, l_.str.2@PAGE add x1, x1, l_.str.2@PAGEOFF bl _fprintf mov w8, #-1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_11 LBB0_4: ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x0, [x8] ldr x1, [sp, #8] ldr x3, [sp, #16] adrp x2, l_.str.3@PAGE add x2, x2, l_.str.3@PAGEOFF adrp x4, _create_pool_file.template@PAGE add x4, x4, _create_pool_file.template@PAGEOFF bl _snprintf ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x0, [x8] bl _mkstemp str w0, [sp, #4] ldr w8, [sp, #4] subs w8, w8, #0 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: mov w8, #-1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_11 LBB0_6: ldr w0, [sp, #4] mov w1, #1 bl _sway_set_cloexec subs w8, w0, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_8 b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ldr w0, [sp, #4] bl _close mov w8, #-1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_11 LBB0_8: ldr w0, [sp, #4] ldur x1, [x29, #-16] bl _ftruncate subs x8, x0, #0 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_10 b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ldr w0, [sp, #4] bl _close mov w8, #-1 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_11 LBB0_10: ldr w8, [sp, #4] stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_11 LBB0_11: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #48] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #64 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .section __TEXT,__const _create_pool_file.template: ; @create_pool_file.template .asciz "sway-client-XXXXXX" .section __TEXT,__cstring,cstring_literals l_.str: ; @.str .asciz "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" .comm _stderr,4,2 ; @stderr l_.str.1: ; @.str.1 .asciz "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set\n" l_.str.2: ; @.str.2 .asciz "allocation failed\n" l_.str.3: ; @.str.3 .asciz "%s/%s" .no_dead_strip _create_pool_file .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_pool-buffer.c_create_pool_file.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function create_pool_file .type create_pool_file,@function create_pool_file: # @create_pool_file .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $48, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq %rsi, -24(%rbp) leaq .L.str(%rip), %rdi callq getenv@PLT movq %rax, -32(%rbp) cmpq $0, -32(%rbp) jne .LBB0_2 # %bb.1: movl stderr(%rip), %edi leaq .L.str.1(%rip), %rsi callq fprintf@PLT movl $-1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_11 .LBB0_2: leaq create_pool_file.template(%rip), %rdi callq strlen@PLT addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -48(%rbp) # 4-byte Spill movq -32(%rbp), %rdi callq strlen@PLT movl %eax, %ecx movl -48(%rbp), %eax # 4-byte Reload addl %ecx, %eax addl $1, %eax cltq movq %rax, -40(%rbp) movq -40(%rbp), %rdi callq malloc@PLT movq %rax, %rcx movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq %rcx, (%rax) movq -24(%rbp), %rax cmpq $0, (%rax) jne .LBB0_4 # %bb.3: movl stderr(%rip), %edi leaq .L.str.2(%rip), %rsi callq fprintf@PLT movl $-1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_11 .LBB0_4: movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rdi movq -40(%rbp), %rsi movq -32(%rbp), %rcx leaq .L.str.3(%rip), %rdx leaq create_pool_file.template(%rip), %r8 callq snprintf@PLT movq -24(%rbp), %rax movq (%rax), %rdi callq mkstemp@PLT movl %eax, -44(%rbp) cmpl $0, -44(%rbp) jge .LBB0_6 # %bb.5: movl $-1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_11 .LBB0_6: movl -44(%rbp), %edi movl $1, %esi callq sway_set_cloexec@PLT cmpl $0, %eax jne .LBB0_8 # %bb.7: movl -44(%rbp), %edi callq close@PLT movl $-1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_11 .LBB0_8: movl -44(%rbp), %edi movq -16(%rbp), %rsi callq ftruncate@PLT cmpq $0, %rax jge .LBB0_10 # %bb.9: movl -44(%rbp), %edi callq close@PLT movl $-1, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_11 .LBB0_10: movl -44(%rbp), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_11: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $48, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size create_pool_file, .Lfunc_end0-create_pool_file .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type create_pool_file.template,@object # @create_pool_file.template .section .rodata,"a",@progbits .p2align 4 create_pool_file.template: .asciz "sway-client-XXXXXX" .size create_pool_file.template, 19 .type .L.str,@object # @.str .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str: .asciz "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR" .size .L.str, 16 .type stderr,@object # @stderr .bss .globl stderr .p2align 2 stderr: .long 0 # 0x0 .size stderr, 4 .type .L.str.1,@object # @.str.1 .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1 .L.str.1: .asciz "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set\n" .size .L.str.1, 28 .type .L.str.2,@object # @.str.2 .L.str.2: .asciz "allocation failed\n" .size .L.str.2, 19 .type .L.str.3,@object # @.str.3 .L.str.3: .asciz "%s/%s" .size .L.str.3, 6 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym create_pool_file .addrsig_sym getenv .addrsig_sym fprintf .addrsig_sym strlen .addrsig_sym malloc .addrsig_sym snprintf .addrsig_sym mkstemp .addrsig_sym sway_set_cloexec .addrsig_sym close .addrsig_sym ftruncate .addrsig_sym create_pool_file.template .addrsig_sym stderr
.section __TEXT,__text,regular,pure_instructions .build_version macos, 13, 0 sdk_version 13, 3 .p2align 2 ; -- Begin function vega10_check_states_equal _vega10_check_states_equal: ; @vega10_check_states_equal .cfi_startproc ; %bb.0: sub sp, sp, #96 .cfi_def_cfa_offset 96 stp x29, x30, [sp, #80] ; 16-byte Folded Spill add x29, sp, #80 .cfi_def_cfa w29, 16 .cfi_offset w30, -8 .cfi_offset w29, -16 stur x0, [x29, #-16] stur x1, [x29, #-24] stur x2, [x29, #-32] str x3, [sp, #40] ldur x8, [x29, #-24] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_3 b LBB0_1 LBB0_1: ldur x8, [x29, #-32] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_3 b LBB0_2 LBB0_2: ldr x8, [sp, #40] subs x8, x8, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_4 b LBB0_3 LBB0_3: adrp x8, _EINVAL@GOTPAGE ldr x8, [x8, _EINVAL@GOTPAGEOFF] ldr w9, [x8] mov w8, #0 subs w8, w8, w9 stur w8, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_17 LBB0_4: ldur x0, [x29, #-24] bl _cast_const_phw_vega10_power_state str x0, [sp, #32] ldur x0, [x29, #-32] bl _cast_const_phw_vega10_power_state str x0, [sp, #24] ldr x8, [sp, #32] ldr w8, [x8] ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, eq tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_6 b LBB0_5 LBB0_5: ldr x8, [sp, #40] str wzr, [x8] stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_17 LBB0_6: str wzr, [sp, #20] b LBB0_7 LBB0_7: ; =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #20] ldr x9, [sp, #32] ldr w9, [x9] subs w8, w8, w9 cset w8, ge tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_12 b LBB0_8 LBB0_8: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_7 Depth=1 ldr x8, [sp, #32] ldr x8, [x8, #48] ldrsw x9, [sp, #20] add x0, x8, x9, lsl #2 ldr x8, [sp, #24] ldr x8, [x8, #48] ldrsw x9, [sp, #20] add x1, x8, x9, lsl #2 bl _vega10_are_power_levels_equal subs w8, w0, #0 cset w8, ne tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_10 b LBB0_9 LBB0_9: ldr x8, [sp, #40] str wzr, [x8] stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_17 LBB0_10: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_7 Depth=1 b LBB0_11 LBB0_11: ; in Loop: Header=BB0_7 Depth=1 ldr w8, [sp, #20] add w8, w8, #1 str w8, [sp, #20] b LBB0_7 LBB0_12: ldr x8, [sp, #32] ldr x8, [x8, #32] ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldr x9, [x9, #32] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne mov w9, #0 str w9, [sp, #16] ; 4-byte Folded Spill tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_14 b LBB0_13 LBB0_13: ldr x8, [sp, #32] ldr x8, [x8, #40] ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldr x9, [x9, #40] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, eq str w8, [sp, #16] ; 4-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_14 LBB0_14: ldr w8, [sp, #16] ; 4-byte Folded Reload and w8, w8, #0x1 ldr x9, [sp, #40] str w8, [x9] ldr x8, [sp, #32] ldr x8, [x8, #16] ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldr x9, [x9, #16] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, ne mov w9, #0 str w9, [sp, #12] ; 4-byte Folded Spill tbnz w8, #0, LBB0_16 b LBB0_15 LBB0_15: ldr x8, [sp, #32] ldr x8, [x8, #24] ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldr x9, [x9, #24] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, eq str w8, [sp, #12] ; 4-byte Folded Spill b LBB0_16 LBB0_16: ldr w8, [sp, #12] ; 4-byte Folded Reload and w10, w8, #0x1 ldr x9, [sp, #40] ldr w8, [x9] and w8, w8, w10 str w8, [x9] ldr x8, [sp, #32] ldr x8, [x8, #8] ldr x9, [sp, #24] ldr x9, [x9, #8] subs x8, x8, x9 cset w8, eq and w10, w8, #0x1 ldr x9, [sp, #40] ldr w8, [x9] and w8, w8, w10 str w8, [x9] stur wzr, [x29, #-4] b LBB0_17 LBB0_17: ldur w0, [x29, #-4] ldp x29, x30, [sp, #80] ; 16-byte Folded Reload add sp, sp, #96 ret .cfi_endproc ; -- End function .comm _EINVAL,4,2 ; @EINVAL .no_dead_strip _vega10_check_states_equal .subsections_via_symbols
.text .file "extr_vega10_hwmgr.c_vega10_check_states_equal.c" .p2align 4, 0x90 # -- Begin function vega10_check_states_equal .type vega10_check_states_equal,@function vega10_check_states_equal: # @vega10_check_states_equal .cfi_startproc # %bb.0: pushq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp subq $64, %rsp movq %rdi, -16(%rbp) movq %rsi, -24(%rbp) movq %rdx, -32(%rbp) movq %rcx, -40(%rbp) cmpq $0, -24(%rbp) je .LBB0_3 # %bb.1: cmpq $0, -32(%rbp) je .LBB0_3 # %bb.2: cmpq $0, -40(%rbp) jne .LBB0_4 .LBB0_3: xorl %eax, %eax subl EINVAL(%rip), %eax movl %eax, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_17 .LBB0_4: movq -24(%rbp), %rdi callq cast_const_phw_vega10_power_state@PLT movq %rax, -48(%rbp) movq -32(%rbp), %rdi callq cast_const_phw_vega10_power_state@PLT movq %rax, -56(%rbp) movq -48(%rbp), %rax movl (%rax), %eax movq -56(%rbp), %rcx cmpl (%rcx), %eax je .LBB0_6 # %bb.5: movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl $0, (%rax) movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_17 .LBB0_6: movl $0, -60(%rbp) .LBB0_7: # =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 movl -60(%rbp), %eax movq -48(%rbp), %rcx cmpl (%rcx), %eax jge .LBB0_12 # %bb.8: # in Loop: Header=BB0_7 Depth=1 movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq 48(%rax), %rdi movslq -60(%rbp), %rax shlq $2, %rax addq %rax, %rdi movq -56(%rbp), %rax movq 48(%rax), %rsi movslq -60(%rbp), %rax shlq $2, %rax addq %rax, %rsi callq vega10_are_power_levels_equal@PLT cmpl $0, %eax jne .LBB0_10 # %bb.9: movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl $0, (%rax) movl $0, -4(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_17 .LBB0_10: # in Loop: Header=BB0_7 Depth=1 jmp .LBB0_11 .LBB0_11: # in Loop: Header=BB0_7 Depth=1 movl -60(%rbp), %eax addl $1, %eax movl %eax, -60(%rbp) jmp .LBB0_7 .LBB0_12: movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq 32(%rax), %rcx movq -56(%rbp), %rdx xorl %eax, %eax # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax cmpq 32(%rdx), %rcx movb %al, -61(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill jne .LBB0_14 # %bb.13: movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq 40(%rax), %rax movq -56(%rbp), %rcx cmpq 40(%rcx), %rax sete %al movb %al, -61(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill .LBB0_14: movb -61(%rbp), %al # 1-byte Reload andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %ecx movq -40(%rbp), %rax movl %ecx, (%rax) movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq 16(%rax), %rcx movq -56(%rbp), %rdx xorl %eax, %eax # kill: def $al killed $al killed $eax cmpq 16(%rdx), %rcx movb %al, -62(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill jne .LBB0_16 # %bb.15: movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq 24(%rax), %rax movq -56(%rbp), %rcx cmpq 24(%rcx), %rax sete %al movb %al, -62(%rbp) # 1-byte Spill .LBB0_16: movb -62(%rbp), %al # 1-byte Reload andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %ecx movq -40(%rbp), %rax andl (%rax), %ecx movl %ecx, (%rax) movq -48(%rbp), %rax movq 8(%rax), %rax movq -56(%rbp), %rcx cmpq 8(%rcx), %rax sete %al andb $1, %al movzbl %al, %ecx movq -40(%rbp), %rax andl (%rax), %ecx movl %ecx, (%rax) movl $0, -4(%rbp) .LBB0_17: movl -4(%rbp), %eax addq $64, %rsp popq %rbp .cfi_def_cfa %rsp, 8 retq .Lfunc_end0: .size vega10_check_states_equal, .Lfunc_end0-vega10_check_states_equal .cfi_endproc # -- End function .type EINVAL,@object # @EINVAL .bss .globl EINVAL .p2align 2 EINVAL: .long 0 # 0x0 .size EINVAL, 4 .ident "Ubuntu clang version 14.0.0-1ubuntu1.1" .section ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits .addrsig .addrsig_sym vega10_check_states_equal .addrsig_sym cast_const_phw_vega10_power_state .addrsig_sym vega10_are_power_levels_equal .addrsig_sym EINVAL