

Compatibility of ImpACT MR license with wikipedia, project gutenberg etc

by hac541309 - opened

Wikipedia is licensed under GFDL and CC-SA which are both copyleft licenses.
Is it possible to redistribute them under ImpACT license?

For project gutenberg, they have this notice :
Some organizations erroneously claim a new copyright when they add value to a public domain item, such as to an old printed book. But despite the difficulty of the work involved, none of these activities result in new copyright protection when performed on a public domain item
I am not trying to claim that what allenai has done is any kind of infringement or that it is work that should be underestimated (that it is "mere sweat of the brow") at all.
I am rather seeking further clarity on the matter.

I will state outright, that this is actually copyright infringement:
(c) Fraudulent Copyright Notice.—Any person who, with fraudulent intent, places on any article a notice of copyright or words of the same purport that such person knows to be false, or who, with fraudulent intent, publicly distributes or imports for public distribution any article bearing such notice or words that such person knows to be false, shall be fined not more than $2,500.

also, the tort of passing off:

Another variety, somewhat rarer is so-called 'reverse passing off'. This occurs where a trader markets another's product or service as being his own (see John Roberts Powers School v Tessensohn [1995] FSR 947). It is usually covered by the same court rulings as straight passing off.[8] In the UK, reverse passing off exists where trader A claims that trader B's goods are actually trader A's. Although not expressly endorsed by the courts, reverse passing off was successfully argued by the plaintiff in Bristol Conservatories Ltd v Conservative Custom Built Ltd [1989].[9]

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