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chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Consolidation'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
Moderate to severe cardiomegaly is a stable. There are low lung volumes. Left perihilar and left lower lobe consolidations have increased worrisome for pneumonia. Mild vascular congestion has continued to improve. Right lower lobe atelectasis is stable. There is no evident pneumothorax. Left pleural effusion is small. Tracheostomy tube is in standard position. Right PICC tip is in the lower SVC
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with the earlier study of this date, the tip of the PICC line is somewhat difficult to demonstrate. It probably extends to or just past the level of the cavoatrial junction and could be pulled back about 2 cm to definitely be within the superior vena cava.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Pneumothorax'; 'Support Devices'
AP chest compared to ___ at 5:09 p.m.: A small-to-moderate left pneumothorax is slightly smaller. Left pleural tube still sharply folded raising questions about its function. There is no appreciable pleural effusion. Moderate left basal atelectasis has improved minimally while milder right lower lobe atelectasis has worsened. Heart size is normal. Feeding tube passes into the stomach and out of view. Dual-channel right internal jugular line ends in the SVC.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with the earlier study of this date, the monitoring and support devices are unchanged. The tip of the endotracheal tube is approximately 6 cm above the carina. Again there are atelectatic changes at both bases, a now more prominent on the right. Continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette. There is mild indistinctness of pulmonary vessels, which could reflect mild elevation of pulmonary venous pressure.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Enlarged Cardiomediastinum'; 'Lung Opacity'
As compared to ___ radiograph, the left hemi thorax is now nearly completely opacified with probable shift of the mediastinum towards the right, although patient rotation limits assessment of this factor. Overall appearance of the opacities in the left hemi thorax, which are more prominent peripherally than centrally, favor a large multiloculated pleural effusion as the predominant finding, coexisting with adjacent Lung atelectasis with only a small amount of residual aerated lung in the left juxta hilar region. In the setting of recent cardiovascular surgery, hemothorax should be considered.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'
Since the prior radiograph, there has been progression of bilateral diffuse patchy opacities, most marked in the left peripheral mid and lower lung zones. Given the rapid progression, this is most consistent with new edema. Alternatively, could be due to infection, a toxic or allergic drug reaction or hemorrhage. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. The heart size is stable. Surgical clips are noted in the right upper abdomen.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pleural Effusion'
COPD, cardiomegaly, and probable CHF, with small bilateral effusions and underlying collapse and/or consolidation, without gross change compared with ___ at 17:28 p.m.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
The heart size is normal. The hilar and mediastinal contours are within normal limits. There is a new right-sided IJ catheter terminating at the low SVC. There is no pneumothorax, focal consolidation, or pleural effusion. Coarse reticular opacities are widespread throughout both lungs, and unchanged since ___, denoting chronic interstitial disease.
chest x-ray; 'Edema'; 'Lung Lesion'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'
New pulmonary vascular congestion is accompanied by diffuse interstitial edema. Additional patchy opacities in the right lung base may reflect patchy atelectasis, aspiration, or early pneumonia. Moderate right and small left pleural effusions are present. Asymmetrical opacity at right first costochondral junction appears to be due to degenerative changes at this level based on review of recent CT ___ ___. That study also demonstrated small pulmonary nodules concerning for metastatic disease. These are partially obscured by the acute lung and pleural findings on today's study.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Edema'
In comparison with the study of ___, there are slightly improved lung volumes. Otherwise, little change in the cardiomegaly with pulmonary edema. The left hemidiaphragm is slightly better seen on the current study.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, there is no relevant change. The monitoring and support devices are constant. Constant appearance of the cardiac silhouette. Constant distribution and severity of the pre-existing right basal opacities and the relatively extensive retrocardiac atelectasis. No new parenchymal opacities. No pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Consolidation'
No significant change in bilateral lower lobe consolidations compared with prior given the limitations of a portable radiograph. PA and lateral upright views, if able to be obtained, would provide better evaluation.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
AP portable semi upright view of the chest. NG tube courses into the left upper quadrant of the distal side port resides at the GE junction. Advancement is advised. The endotracheal tube is seen within the lower trachea with its tip 3 cm above the carina. No large consolidation or effusion is seen. Cardiomediastinal silhouette appears normal. No definite pneumothorax. Bony structures are intact.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Support Devices'
Comparison to ___. The right chest tube is in stable position. No right pneumothorax. Stable low lung volumes with mild fluid overload, mild cardiomegaly and bilateral areas of atelectasis. No new opacities.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
Heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours are normal, and lungs are clear. Percutaneous feeding tube is seen in the upper abdomen.
chest x-ray; 'Consolidation'; 'Edema'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Pneumonia'; 'Support Devices'
Since ___:09 this morning patient is been read intubated, any ET tube is in standard placement. Positive pressure ventilation may account for remission of edema from nearly all of the left lung that. There is persisting consolidation in the right lower lung, a pattern that suggests unilateral pneumonia. Heart is not appreciably enlarged. Pleural effusion is small on the right if any. Left subclavian line ends in the mid SVC. No pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Edema'
Right jugular catheter is unchanged and in standard position. Tracheostomy tube is in standard position. There are no interval changes since yesterday. Persistent complete opacification of both lungs with reduced lung volume. Heart size is markedly enlarged with enlargement of the mediastinum for central vein dilatation.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
The lungs are well inflated, as before, with mild bibasilar atelectasis. No pleural effusion, pneumothorax, or overt pulmonary edema is identified. The heart size is normal, and the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
Comparison is made with prior study performed three hours earlier. New ET tube is in the standard position. The tip is 6.2 cm above the carina. There is no pneumothorax. There are no other acute interval changes.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
Heart size is normal. Mediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. Lungs are essentially clear. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen.
chest x-ray; 'Consolidation'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Support Devices'
Cardiomediastinal contours are normal. The lines and tubes are in unchanged standard position. Multifocal consolidations in the right lung are grossly unchanged. Opacities in the left base have minimally improved. There is no pneumothorax, pleural effusion or new lung abnormalities
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Support Devices'
Comparison to ___. No relevant change is noted. Borderline size of the heart. No pneumonia, no pulmonary edema, no pleural effusions. The patient is intubated and carries a nasogastric tube. Both devices are in stable position.
chest x-ray; 'Support Devices'
The intra-aortic balloon tip is currently 5.3 cm below the aortic arch. Supporting devices are unchanged in appearance. No interval progression of pulmonary edema is seen. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, no relevant change is seen. The patient remains intubated, with the tip of the endotracheal tube projecting approximately 6 cm above the carina. The course of the nasogastric tube is unchanged. Lung volumes remain low. Borderline size of the cardiac silhouette. No pleural effusions. No pneumonia, no pulmonary edema.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, the Dobbhoff tube is in unchanged position, tip projects over the middle parts of the stomach. There is no complication. No abnormalities of the lung parenchyma and the cardiac silhouette.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, no relevant change is seen. The monitoring and support devices are in constant position. Mild fluid overload and moderate cardiomegaly persists. The retrocardiac atelectasis is unchanged. No new focal parenchymal opacities. No pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, no relevant changes noted. Minimal increase in extent of a small left pleural effusion with subsequent atelectasis. The right lung base is unchanged. Unchanged mild fluid overload. Unchanged monitoring and support devices.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'
Comparison to ___. The pre-existing right pleural effusion has almost completely resolved. No remnant right atelectasis. Minimal retrocardiac atelectasis. Unchanged appearance of the cardiac silhouette. No pulmonary edema. Normal hilar and mediastinal contours. Correct position of the sternal wires and of the coronary clips.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'
Comparison is made to previous study from ___. Endotracheal tube, feeding tube, Swan-Ganz catheter, and left-sided chest tube have been removed. There are no residual pneumothoraces. The right lung is clear. There is a persistent left retrocardiac opacity and small left-sided pleural effusion.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pneumothorax'
As compared to the previous radiograph, there is no relevant change. No compelling evidence for pneumothorax after bronchoscopy. A lucency along the posterior aspect of the fourth rib on the left is likely caused by soft tissues. The appearance and subsequent absence of pneumothorax should be confirmed on short-term radiographic followup. Unchanged atelectatic lung areas at the right lung bases. Borderline size of the cardiac silhouette without pulmonary edema.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
There is a right-sided internal jugular line terminating in the upper SVC. Heart size is normal. Lungs are clear. No pneumonia is identified. There is no pneumothorax, pulmonary effusion or pulmonary edema.
chest x-ray; 'Pneumonia'
Single AP chest radiograph is severely rotated, but demonstrates clear lungs. The hilar and mediastinal contours are difficult to evaluate due to rotation, but appears essentially clear. The heart size is normal. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Edema'
Moderate cardiomegaly is unchanged. Pulmonary vascular congestion and mild pulmonary edema is again noted. No focal consolidation, large effusion, or pneumothorax. Bony structures intact.
chest x-ray; 'Consolidation'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
Portable AP radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to prior study obtained on ___. The ET tube, the NG tube and the central venous line appear to be unchanged as well as the aortic stent. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable. Left basal pleural effusion and consolidation as well as right basal consolidation and pleural effusion are overall unchanged, and there is no interval development of pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'
Cardiomediastinal contours are normal. Prominence of right hilar vessels is consistent with a vascular distention from acute pulmonary embolism as shown on recent CTA. Improving atelectasis at right lung base, with otherwise clear lungs.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
Comparison to ___. Moderate right pleural effusion is unchanged. Persistent moderate cardiomegaly. Small left pleural effusion with retrocardiac atelectasis is stable. The endotracheal tube is standard in position. The enteric tube extends into the stomach with tip beyond view. A right internal jugular central line line terminates in the lower IJ. A left IJ central line terminates in the distal subclavian vein.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Support Devices'
Pulmonary vasculature is slightly more dilated today than yesterday, but there is no pulmonary edema. Moderate to severe cardiomegaly is unchanged. There is no pulmonary edema, substantial pleural effusion or indication of pneumothorax. ET tube is in standard placement. ET tube is in standard placement, and transesophageal drainage tube ends in the stomach, right transjugular Swan-Ganz catheter ends in the main pulmonary artery. Midline and left pleural drains still in place.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
There is a right-sided chest tube. There is a small left-sided pleural effusion. Heart size is within normal limits. No focal consolidations are seen. There is mild prominence of the pulmonary interstitial markings. There are no pneumothoraces.
chest x-ray; 'Consolidation'; 'Lung Lesion'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pneumonia'
Portable AP radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to ___. Extensive right upper lobe consolidation appears to be progressing as compared to prior radiographs, most likely concerning for progression of infectious process. Mass lesion in the right upper lobe cannot be entirely excluded, potentially concerning for post-obstructive pneumonia. Thus, assessment with CT should be considered as already suggested on the prior study. Right lower lobe opacity has also progressed and might be consistent with progression of the infectious process within the lungs.
chest x-ray; 'Support Devices'
Endotracheal tube terminates 3.6 cm above the carina. Enteric tube courses below the diaphragm, out of the field of view. Streaky right base opacity is worrisome for pneumonia or aspiration versus atelectasis given adjacent mild elevation of the right hemidiaphragm. The left lung is grossly clear. No large pleural effusion is seen. There is no evidence of pneumothorax. Cardiac silhouette is top-normal to mildly enlarged, likely exaggerated by AP technique. Mediastinal contours are unremarkable.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, the patient has received an additional esophageal device. The tip of the device projects over the distal esophagus. All other monitoring and support devices, including the endotracheal tube, are constant in appearance. The pre-existing parenchymal opacities at the left lung apex and the right lung bases have decreased in extent and severity. No pleural effusion is seen. No pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Edema'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, a previously seen small air-fluid level projecting over the right hemi thorax is no longer visible. However, a minimal left and a moderate right pleural effusion are still present. A mediastinal drain in the midline is new on today's image. The appearance of the cardiac silhouette is constant. The patient currently shows mild pulmonary edema.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
Frontal radiograph of the chest demonstrates placement of a right internal jugular central venous catheter with the tip in the mid SVC. No pneumothorax or pleural effusion. Otherwise unchanged normal heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours and clear lungs.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Consolidation'; 'Pleural Effusion'
Since ___, bibasilar consolidations appear mildly improved but are still present. Concurrent pneumonia cannot be excluded in the appropriate clinical setting. Small bilateral pleural effusions and moderate compressive atelectasis persists. Heart size is unchanged. The previously noted feeding tube has been removed in the interim. No pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'
As compared to the previous radiograph, signs of mild fluid overload have decreased. There are minimal areas of atelectasis at both the left and the right lung bases. The lung volumes remain very low. Moderate cardiomegaly and retrocardiac atelectasis. Status post CABG with normal alignment of the sternal wires.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Pneumonia'
As compared to the previous radiograph, no relevant change is seen. The lung volumes have improved, likely reflecting improved ventilation. Normal size of the cardiac silhouette. Minimal atelectasis at both lung bases. No focal parenchymal opacity suggesting pneumonia. No larger pleural effusions.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Enlarged Cardiomediastinum'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Pneumothorax'; 'Support Devices'
The I unusual contour of the descending aorta or obscuring the descending aorta reported on ___:37 is still present. Differential diagnosis, anatomically are 3 very different abnormalities, left lower lobe collapse, which was seen on the chest ___ ___, juxta mediastinal hematoma in the pleural space, or posterior mediastinal hematoma. Unfortunately the findings on the chest radiograph are not specific. Of note, the contour of the aortic knob has not changed and if there were bleeding originating from the ascending aortic graft, I would expect that to be reflected in a change in contour of the knob. Size and appearance of the cardiac silhouette are stable. Substantial right pleural effusion and atelectasis are unchanged. Severe subcutaneous emphysema, extending up into the neck has not improved and a small left pneumothorax is now evident. Left pleural and midline drains are still in place. Tip of the Swan-Ganz catheter is in the pulmonary outflow tract. ET tube is in standard placement. I discussed these findings at length with ___, at 12:40.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
One frontal view of the chest. Left pacemaker is seen with transvenous leads in the right atrium and right ventricle in appropriate position. Sternotomy wires and mediastinal clips are again seen. Aortic knob calcifications are stable. Cardiomegaly is stable. No pneumothorax, pleural effusion or mediastinal widening. Lungs are clear.
chest x-ray; 'Edema'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
Tracheostomy tube, right internal jugular dialysis catheter, left PICC line and right chest tube are in stable position. Aortic CoreValve is unchanged. Minimal blunting of the right costophrenic angle is consistent with trace pleural effusion, but no pneumothorax. Moderate left pleural effusion is not significantly changed with slight redistribution related to position. No change in mild pulmonary edema.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Consolidation'; 'Lung Lesion'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Pneumonia'
Severe cardiomegaly is chronic. Heterogeneous opacification in the right midlung is concerning for pneumonia, but there are nodular opacities raising concern for malignancy. Consolidation at the left lung base has worsened, probably a second focus of pneumonia. Chest CT scanning might be helpful in evaluating these problems. Severe cardiomegaly is chronic. Pleural effusion minimal if any. No pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'
Heart size is mildly enlarged. Mediastinal contour is unremarkable. The hilar contours are difficult to evaluate due to presence of widespread bilateral patchy consolidations compatible with multifocal pneumonia. There is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Support Devices'
Single AP supine portable chest radiograph provided demonstrates interval placement of a left IJ central venous catheter with which is seen terminating in the upper SVC. Lung volumes are low with bibasilar atelectasis. Mild hilar congestion appears increased. Mediastinal prominence likely reflect supine portable technique.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Pneumothorax'; 'Support Devices'
Right pleural catheter remains in place, with marked decrease in size of right pneumothorax with small residual lateral pneumothorax remaining. Left-sided chest tube also remains in place with apparent resolution of apical component of left pneumothorax, but there is a likely residual loculated pneumothorax adjacent to the chest tube site. Moderate left pleural effusion and adjacent left lower lobe atelectasis are unchanged. Cardiac silhouette remains enlarged, in keeping with known pericardial effusion. There is a questionable new small right pleural effusion.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Edema'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, the patient has undergone valve replacement. The sternotomy wires are in unchanged position. The patient has a Swan-Ganz catheter in correct position. The radiograph shows moderate fluid overload and mild interstitial edema. The heart continues to be moderately enlarged. However, no pleural effusions or pneumothorax is seen. Mild overinflation of the stomach, potentially amenable to improvement by nasogastric tube placement.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Consolidation'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Pneumonia'; 'Support Devices'
AP chest compared to ___: Pulmonary vascular engorgement has worsened since ___, and mild edema may be present at the right lung base. Volume loss and consolidation in the left lower lobe are longstanding. Smaller focus of possible pneumonia at the right base is stable since at least ___, but there is new opacification surrounding the right hilus. If this is not asymmetric edema, it is conceivably pneumonia in the superior segment of the right lower lobe. Moderately enlarged cardiac silhouette is chronic. Mediastinal widening due to a severe adenopathy also longstanding. ET tube in standard placement, nasogastric tube passes into the stomach and out of view. Left jugular line ends at the origin of the SVC. There is no pneumothorax. Left pleural effusion small to moderate, unchanged. Right pleural effusion probably small, but stable.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Edema'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
Comparison is made to previous study from ___. There has been removal of the Swan-Ganz catheter. There remains a right IJ Cordis with the distal lead tip in the proximal SVC. Median sternotomy wires are seen. There has been removal of the right-sided chest tube at the base. There remains a left-sided chest tube at the base. There is cardiomegaly. There is a right-sided pleural effusion and right basilar opacity, stable. There is elevation of the left hemidiaphragm partially due to a large gastric air bubble. This causes crowding of the pulmonary vascular markings at the left base causing atelectasis. There remains a mild pulmonary edema, stable.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Support Devices'
No relevant change as compared to ___. Low lung volumes. Mild cardiomegaly without pulmonary edema. No larger pleural effusions. Left internal jugular vein catheter in correct position.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'
As compared to the previous radiograph, there is a marked improvement. The pleural effusion on the right has completely resolved. There is no remnant effusion. No left pleural effusion. Moderate cardiomegaly persists. No pulmonary edema. No pneumonia. The left pectoral Port-A-Cath is in constant position.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
AP portable upright view of the chest. Multiple overlying EKG leads are present. There is no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax. The cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. Imaged osseous structures are intact.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Pneumothorax'; 'Support Devices'
AP radiograph of the chest was reviewed. The NG tube tip is in the stomach. Right apical pneumothorax is noted, small unchaged since the prior CT torso (within the limitations of comparison between different modalities). Heart size and mediastinum are unremarkable. Bibasal atelectasis is noted. No appreciable pleural effusion is seen. Bilateral breast prostheses are noted.
chest x-ray; 'Consolidation'; 'Enlarged Cardiomediastinum'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pneumothorax'; 'Support Devices'
1. Interval intubation with the endotracheal tube having its tip at the thoracic inlet, approximately 5.5 cm above the carina. Right subclavian Port-A-Cath continues to have its tip in the proximal right atrium. There continues to be airspace consolidations in both lower lobes as well as more patchy opacities in the both upper lobes and right mid lung. These findings are not significantly changed since 3:17 a.m. but are concerning for a multifocal pneumonia/aspiration. Sclerosis of the right coracoid process is consistent with known metastasis. No pleural effusions. No large pneumothorax, although the sensitivity to detect a pneumothorax is diminished given semi-erect positioning. Overall cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with the earlier study of this date, there is an placement of a right IJ catheter that extends to the mid to lower portion of the SVC. No evidence of post procedure complication. Little change in the appearance of the heart and lungs.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Edema'; 'Support Devices'
Swan-Ganz catheter has been advanced terminating within the truncus anterior. Mild cardiomegaly is accompanied by pulmonary vascular congestion and worsening mild to moderate edema.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'
As compared to the previous radiograph, no relevant change is noted. There is currently no visible pneumothorax. Lung volumes remain low and minimal areas of atelectasis are seen at the lung bases. Unchanged appearance of the cardiac silhouette.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'
Portable AP radiograph of the chest was reviewed in comparison to ___. Heart size is top normal. Again demonstrated are enlarged pulmonary arteries and prominent main pulmonary artery consistent with pulmonary hypertension. Lungs are essentially clear except for right infrahilar area where opacity is seen that might reflect aspiration or pneumonia, surveillance with chest radiograph is recommended. There is no appreciable pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
An endotracheal tube tip terminates approximately 5.6 cm from the carina. Orogastric tube tip is within the stomach. The cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits. No focal consolidation is seen. Minimal atelectatic changes are noted within the lung bases. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, there is no relevant change. Moderate cardiomegaly, left retrocardiac atelectasis. No overt pulmonary edema. The presence of a minimal left pleural effusion cannot be excluded, given the blunting of the left costophrenic sinus. No evidence of pneumonia, no interval appearance of new parenchymal changes. The right PICC line and the nasogastric tube are constant in position.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
Left-sided AICD with lead following its expected course to the right ventricle. The tip of the endotracheal tube terminates at least 3 cm above the carina, though is incompletely assessed on this study. A nasogastric tube passes into the distal stomach and out of view. Stable cardiomegaly. Mild interstitial pulmonary edema. Unchanged bibasilar opacities.
chest x-ray; 'Consolidation'; 'Support Devices'
New left internal jugular vascular catheter terminates in the left brachiocephalic vein, with no visible pneumothorax. Improved aeration in the right lower lobe since the recent radiograph. Peripheral area of consolidation in right upper lobe is seen to better detail on recent CT C-spine study and could reflect pneumonia in the appropriate clinical setting.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Edema'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
Severe enlargement of the cardiac silhouette is recently unchanged, consistent with cardiomegaly and/or pericardial effusion. Left lower lobe is air less, due to severe atelectasis and/or pneumonia. Moderate bilateral pleural effusion has increased and mild pulmonary edema may have developed. Persistent mediastinal widening could be explained by vascular engorgement alone,adenopathy could be present as well. CT scanning would be required for that evaluation, and to detect pneumonia that might be obscured on the conventional radiograph. ET tube in standard placement, esophageal drainage tube passes into stomach and out of view. Right jugular line ends in the region of the superior cavoatrial junction. No pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Pneumothorax'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, the nasogastric tube has been advanced. The tip is now in pre-pyloric position. The course of the tube is unremarkable. No evidence of complications, notably no pneumothorax. Appearance of the lung parenchyma, at slightly lower lung volumes, is unchanged as compared to the previous image.
chest x-ray; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
Moderate bilateral pleural effusions have increased substantially since ___. Heart is not enlarged but mediastinal vessels are more dilated. No focal pulmonary abnormality. No pneumothorax. ET tube, right internal jugular line, and nasogastric drainage tube are in standard placements.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Support Devices'
As compared to the previous radiograph, the patient has undergone a VATS procedure on the left. The left lung is substantially better expanded than on the previous image. A left chest tube is in situ. The left perihilar areas show post-operative opacities. No larger pleural effusions. Some areas of atelectasis on the right are constant. Constant appearance of the cardiac silhouette.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Support Devices'
Right internal jugular line tip is at the level of superior SVC. Left internal jugular line tip is in the right atrium, terminating 2 cm below the cavoatrial junction. NG tube tip is in the stomach. There is interval improvement in widespread parenchymal opacities.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Enlarged Cardiomediastinum'; 'Support Devices'
CHEST, SINGLE AP VIEW. Compared with ___ at 18:42 p.m., I doubt significant interval change. Again seen is a chest tube over the right lung. No pneumothorax is detected. Minimal atelectasis in the right cardiophrenic region and slight eventrated contour of the right hemidiaphragm are unchanged. The left lung is grossly clear, without CHF, consolidation or effusion. Cardiomediastinal silhouette and right paratracheal soft tissues are unchanged.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
Portable supine AP view of the chest is obtained. The lungs are clear bilaterally. No focal consolidation or supine evidence for effusion or pneumothorax. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. No bony abnormalities are seen. Known T11 fracture cannot be assessed.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with the study of ___, left chest tube remains in place and there is no evidence of pneumothorax. Increased opacification at the left base again is consistent with pleural fluid and volume loss in the left lower lobe. In the appropriate clinical setting would be difficult to unequivocally exclude superimposed pneumonia.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
Portable semi-upright chest radiograph was provided. The patient is rotated to her left. The endotracheal tube is seen with its tip residing 4.9 cm above the carina. Bibasilar atelectasis is noted possibly with a left pleural effusion. Otherwise, the lungs appear clear. The heart size cannot be assessed. Aortic atherosclerotic calcification noted. No acute bony abnormality.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Support Devices'
AP chest compared to ___: No appreciable residual pneumothorax. Small bilateral pleural effusions persist. Heart size is normal. Infrahilar atelectasis is mild and unchanged. Swan-___ catheter traverses the right jugular introducer ending in the right pulmonary artery. Heart size top normal unchanged.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Support Devices'
AP radiograph of the chest was compared to ___. The ET tube tip is 5 cm above the carina. The right internal jugular line tip is at the level of mid SVC. Heart size and mediastinum are stable, but there is gradual progression of bibasal opacities concerning for infectious process. No definitive edema demonstrated.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Lung Opacity'
The significance of the abbreviation ___ is unknown -- ? hyperglycemic hyperosmolar. Allowing for this, mild-to-moderate cardiomegaly is slightly less pronounced than on the prior film. Mild vascular plethora and increased interstitial markings again seen, possibly slightly more pronounced. In the appropriate clinical setting, the differential diagnosis could include nonspecific increased interstitial markings. No effusion is identified. There is atelectasis at both lung bases, without definite consolidation. Possibility of an early pneumonic infiltrate at the left base would be difficult to exclude.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
Lungs clear. Heart size normal. No pleural abnormality. Dual channel catheter ends close to the superior cavoatrial junction.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'
Single AP view of the chest provided. ET tube is in standard position. Transesophageal tube course below the level of the diaphragm and out of view. Right PICC ends in the upper SVC. Left lower lobe opacity appears unchanged from ___. Moderate retrocardiac atelectasis is unchanged from ___. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax. Hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are normal.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with the study of ___, there is continued enlargement of the cardiac silhouette. The degree of pulmonary vascular congestion has decreased. Dual-channel pacer device remains in place.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
Support lines and tubes are unchanged in position. Cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. There are no focal consolidations, pleural effusion, or pulmonary edema. There are no pneumothoraces.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
No focal opacity to suggest pneumonia is seen. No pleural effusion, pulmonary edema or pneumothorax is present. The heart size is within normal limits. There is tortuosity of the aorta. There is suggestion of possible lucencies in the posterior ribs, for example left posterior eighth rib, incompletely evaluated.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'
The previously noted linear opacities in the bases bilaterally have improved. There are no other new opacities. Heart size is stable. The mediastinal and hilar contours are stable. The pulmonary vasculature is normal. No pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. There are no acute osseous abnormalities.
chest x-ray; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Pneumothorax'
Upright radiograph of the chest demonstrates a new small apical pneumothorax on the left. There has also been interval decrease in size of left pleural effusion since the prior study. A left-sided pigtail catheter remains in the lower left lung base. Numerous bilateral pulmonary nodules are again seen, along with bibasilar atelectasis and a small right pleural effusion. A right Port-A-Cath is unchanged in position.
chest x-ray; 'Edema'
Right-sided PICC is again seen terminating in the low SVC. Since the prior study, there has been increase in interstitial and airspace opacities bilaterally suggesting moderate pulmonary edema, possibly of a background of chronic lung disease. Lateral left lung scarring is again seen. Small pleural effusions may be present. No pneumothorax is seen. Cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable. .
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Pleural Effusion'
With the chin in flexion, the endotracheal tube is less than 2 cm from the carina and care should be taken to not advance it any further. A left subclavian line is again seen at the thoracic inlet and a left IJ catheter is in the mid SVC. An enteric tube is seen with its tip extending below the level of the diaphragm. The left lower lobe remains consolidated and the leftward mediastinal shift is slightly more pronounced indicating greater component of atelectasis responsible for the persistent small to moderate left pleural effusion. The heart is moderately enlarged. There is no appreciable pleural fluid on the right and no pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'
Single portable view of the chest is compared to previous exam from ___. The lungs are grossly clear, given limitation of portable technique and patient's body habitus. Cardiac silhouette is enlarged but stable. Dual-lead pacing device is again seen. Previously documented right-sided pulmonary nodule is not delineated on the current exam, CT is more sensitive. Median sternotomy wires are seen.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with the earlier study of this date, there has been placement of a right IJ catheter that extends to the mid to lower portion of the SVC. Otherwise, little change.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'; 'Pneumonia'; 'Support Devices'
I cannot be sure whether a small vague opacity in the right Lung just above the minor fissure at the level of the third anterior rib is new, much less how old is. If it is acute, it is small infection or infarction, but it could be chronic or the residual of a since resolved infection. I would repeat a chest radiograph in 24 hr. Lungs are otherwise clear. Heart size is normal. Pleural effusion minimal if any. Right PIC line ends in the low SVC.
chest x-ray; 'Atelectasis'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Pleural Effusion'
Focal opacity is noted at the right lung base with likely atelectasis at the left lung base. A moderate right pleural effusion is present. The cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are normal. There is no pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Lung Opacity'; 'Support Devices'
Portable supine frontal radiograph of the chest demonstrates in the ETT ending just below the level of the carina pointing into the right mainstem bronchus. A subclavian catheter crosses the midline into the opposite subclavian vein. A ___ catheter seen within the stomach. Bilateral chest tubes are in place. There are bilateral lower lung opacities likely reflecting aspiration given the clinical setting; although, infection or contusion or possible. Very low lung volumes with apparent enlargement of the cardiac silhouette which is likely due to technique. No large pleural effusion or pneumothorax.
chest x-ray; 'Lung Opacity'
Single AP upright portable view of the chest was obtained. There is mild-to-moderate pulmonary edema/vascular congestion. More confluent medial right base opacity is seen, which likely represents confluence of vascular structures, although an early consolidation is not excluded in the appropriate clinical setting. Difficult to exclude small left pleural effusion. The cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable. If the patient able, dedicated PA and lateral views would be helpful for further evaluation.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
Single frontal view of the chest. No current convincing evidence of pneumothorax. Bibasilar atelectasis and low lung volumes persist. No pleural effusion. Heart size and cardiomediastinal contours are normal.
chest x-ray; 'Edema'; 'Pleural Effusion'
1) Interval removal of lines and tubes. 2) CHF findings and left lower lobe collapse and/or consolidation and effusion are unchanged. 3) Findings at the right base are slightly different in configuration but overall similar. 4) No pneumothorax detected.
chest x-ray; 'No Finding'
No focal consolidation is seen. There is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. The cardiac silhouette is mild to moderately enlarged. Mediastinal contours are grossly unremarkable. No pulmonary edema is seen. Heterogeneity projecting over the upper image most likely relates to external artifact.
chest x-ray; 'Cardiomegaly'; 'Consolidation'; 'Pneumothorax'; 'Support Devices'
In comparison with study of ___, the monitoring and support devices continue. The area of basal pneumothorax on the right appears to have been substantially filled with fluid. Otherwise, little overall change in the appearance of the heart and lungs with continued left basilar consolidation consistent with aspiration or infection.