New Colorado Auto Renewal Law to Start January 1st Colorado recently enacted a new law governing automatically renewing consumer contracts, which will take effect on January 1, 2022. For the most part, the new law mimics the requirements and prohibitions found in ROSCA and the auto-renewal laws of other states: clear disclosure of the terms, sending a confirmation, easy-to-use cancellation method, etc. However, Colorado’s new law […]
Do you like to find flaws in something that are not really flaws at all? Well, then, you and Cinema Sins clearly think alike. The YouTube channel seems to be making a name for themselves as the people that rip apart movies like The Dark Knight, The Amazing Spider-Man, and The Avengers. Wired calls them “a model of snarky efficiency” while IGN say, “you can't deny that this new video from Cinema Sins makes sense.” However, efficiency does not mean making random jokes and highlighting them as “sins.” Also, a lot of the jokes they highlight actually don’t make sense. Therefore, without further ado, let’s rip apart Cinema Sins’ The Dark Knight sins video. They start off by criticizing the DC Comics logo, even though Batman is a DC Comics property. They then cite Bane’s accent as a sin, even though most people had no trouble understanding him. Then, they criticize someone hanging onto a rope even though they are falling out of a plane. It makes sense that someone would do that if they were falling thousands of feet below, no? Cinema Sins also seems to find it hilarious that the movie has an electronic tablet, because those things are so uncommon in our daily lives, aren’t they? They also criticize Alfred, hinting at the conclusion and his understanding of Bane. However, Alfred has always understood the nature of his master’s opponents better than the Dark Knight himself (he was the one who explained the Joker to Wayne in The Dark Knight, after all). As for hinting at the ending, everyone from Shakespeare to Sophocles has done that, so choosing that as a sin is pretty weird. They also mock the shape of furniture, calling one piece a “nipple bed.” How mature. Plus, they refer to a random woman as a “b—ch” and, when Alfred laments his depression over leaving Bruce, someone who he has loved as a son, they also say he “whines like a b—ch.” Again, a very mature, intelligent and inoffensive move by Cinema Sins, is it not? Their worst sin, however, is ignoring the roles established by the comic books. They call Batman a “pu—y” for getting beaten by Bane, but Bane has always been the more proficient combatant of the two. Also, when they mockingly ask if Catwoman is a lesbian, the answer is a qualified “yes” because, in many comic story lines, both she and Batman have shown homoerotic sensibilities. Ultimately, you need another video to highlight all the mistakes they make. There are some good questions, such as why a certain bridge wasn’t blown like the others, how easily Bruce drifts into obscurity, or the lack of security at Wayne Mansion. However, the majority of their highlighted flaws aren’t to be considered seriously. Their videos on The Avengers and Amazing Spider-Man are just as ridiculous, so see if you can tear them apart as well. There are a lot of reasons why Nolan’s franchise did not end of the powerful note it should have. Out of the 73 things Cinema Sins highlighted, they could not hit even one.
Professional Toy Sourcing Agent Here! If you do toy business, you must be doing business with toy sourcing agent in China or Chinese toy factories or Chinese toy trading company. china is the biggest export country of a toy in the world. According to the UN Comtrade statistics: 70% of toys in the world are exported from China. You may be surprised by this number, but it’s true. When you import toys from China, you first thought is to find the specific toy factories to do business, but actually, you will definitely encounter some challenges. However, importing toys from China is not as complicated as portrayed above This article will g shedding light on why you should find china toy sourcing agent to manage your toy sourcing from China, how to import toys from China, including how to learn Chinese toys supply chain center, how to find suitable toy factories and some common importing toy problems with solutions.. 1. Location of Specific Toys Manufactured in China In the above toy chart, you can see the main 5 Toy Factories and wholesalers in China is Chenghai, Yiwu, Yangzhou, Qingdao, and Yongjia. These places are in different parts of China, and if you are sourcing different toys from China, it is very hard for you to manage the toy factories and logistics. Therefore find an experienced toy sourcing agent in China will save your a lot of energy and costs. Also if you want to know more about the toys manufacturing center, you read the the post as below: 2. The toy market is changing fast When a customer does toy business more than 3 years recently must be knowing the hot selling toy in 2016, 2017 and 2018. And some toys could be amazing hot sale such as scooters/hoverboard, VR box, fidget spinner/hand spinner, fingerlings etc. we know this when these hot selling toys come out, it surprises the global market, especially the hand spinner shipped millions of pieces in just 4 months. But how did toy customer catch the opportunity immediately? TWO Ways in Your Hand: A: You can use Google Trends to validate your product ideas. It tracks the terms that people search for. You can refine the search results by using time period and location to see the relative popularity of search terms at a glance. Google Trends will give you insights into the different search terms that have changed across time. It will also give you an idea about the trends changing within the last few hours or days. Let’s move to the Google Trends for scooters. …And hand spinner trends. B: Find A Experienced Toy Sourcing Agent in China An experienced toy sourcing agent in China will not only manage your all kinds toy sourcing but also save your cost and they familiar with Chinese toy market, they are sensitive to the market change, and know what is hot and popular in the global market because of 70% of toys in the world are exported from China. As we introduced the hand spinner trends, fingerlingsfactory will be your Assured China Toy Sourcing Agent. 3. The problem of Compliance and Safety Since toy products are mostly used by children, many countries in the world have strict regulations and high requirement for them. One of the biggest challenges encountered in importing toys from China is certificate and safety. Different countries have diverse standards that are required for toys to be imported. Below are some of the certifications that are required by top toy-importing (EN71) Toys that are being taken to Europe need to pass Toy Safety Directive (EN71) and must also have a CE mark. Electronic toys need to passEN62115. Japan (ST2012) The new Japan Toy. 4. The issue of Patent Infringement Some Toy factories would like to print some brand animation characters when designing their new toy products, some make the shape same as these brand characters. For example, two same kids digital watch, one has printed Peppa pig but another doesn’t, then the Peppa pig watch can be sold Larger quantity in the higher price than the latter, and people still prefer to buy the former. If the toy manufacturers didn’t get animation company’s authorization, then all these toys with animation characters can be designed But if you have cooperated with an experienced toy sourcing agent in China, they will analysis the patent infringement in the beginning. It is efficient for you to source the right toy in China. Conclusion Importing Toys from China will encounter some challenges, but it ls a lucrative market that anyone can venture into. I have taken my time to explain why you should find a China toys sourcing agent. After going through this article, you have any questions, drop them in the comment section below. I’ll love to hear from you. I have checked your blog and i’ve found some duplicate content, that’s why you don’t rank high in google, but there is a tool that can help you to create 100% unique content, search for; SSundee advices unlimited content for your I have checked your site and i’ve found some duplicate content, that’s why you don’t rank high in google, but there is a tool that can help you to create 100% unique content, search for; SSundee advices unlimited content for your blog Hi, as an independent educational toy designer and manufacturer. Shall we put our product on the toy sourcing agent platform ? Thanks, As the professional toys sourcing agent in China, we like to cooperate you. Hi, as an independent educational toy designer and manufacturer. Shall we put our product on the toy sourcing agent platform ?
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Cooking with Ultrex Special Saleby Helen Fisher Product Details - ISBN-13: - 9781555611637 - Publisher: - Perseus Publishing - Publication date: - 11/01/2000 - Pages: - 224 Customer Reviews Average Review: Write a Review and post it to your social network Most Helpful Customer Reviews See all customer reviews >
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By Rose Molina, MD I am an obstetrician/gynecologist and my husband, George Molina, is a resident in general surgery. Recently we saw our specialties converge, and I found myself answering an interesting question: “Does George want to switch specialties?” George and a group of fellow surgeons at Ariadne Labs and Stanford published a JAMA article on global C-section rates. The paper raises an underlying tension about academic silos and professional territories. Why would a team of mostly surgeons write a ground-breaking paper on C-section rates and maternal and neonatal mortality? I can think of 3 easy answers: - C-sections are the most common surgery in many countries, - There is fairly good data on C-sections at a national level compared to other types of surgeries, and - People care about C-sections; it is the only surgery where there are two (and sometimes three or four) patients. Yet, there is a twinge of surprise when a surgeon publishes on C-sections, at least, here in the U.S. This may be due to an assumption that only those who have trained in a particular specialty can provide important insights within field. That perspective can be fueled by individual self-interest, razor focus on a promotion track, and ease of working alone or with known colleagues rather than building new relationships. Currently, the research field lags behind clinical training, which prioritizes teamwork and team-building in a collaborative environment. Multi-disciplinary simulations, case conferences, grand rounds, and clinical rounds have become the norm. In clinical practice, each individual contributes unique training and experience to optimize patient care. Nurses bring bedside accompaniment and knowledge. Physicians bring clinical and technical expertise. Pharmacists bring a lexicon of drug doses and interactions. Care coordinators and social workers bridge inpatient and outpatient care. Together, a team can most effectively address any clinical situation – from routine outpatient visits to life-threatening code situations. No one doubts the value of teamwork in clinical care. Yet, integrating experts from multiple disciplines in research teams remains challenging. The evolution from “multi-disciplinary” to “inter-disciplinary” to “trans-disciplinary” research takes a commitment to the idea that complex problems require complex solutions with increasing interconnections among different fields. Some clinical specialties form natural synergies, yet often conduct research in silos: surgery and anesthesia, obstetrics and pediatrics, urology and gynecology. Incorporating social sciences, such as economics, anthropology, and sociology, proves to be an even more difficult collaboration for medical researchers to cultivate. However, as Andy Stirling, professor of science and technology policy, writes in the Guardian, social science has “a unique and crucial dual function in interdisciplinarity – helping us to understand both the systems under scrutiny, and the systems of scrutiny themselves.” The end result is often a patchwork of studies from various angles to evaluate and address a complex question such as how to optimize maternal and neonatal outcomes during childbirth. We need a renewed research paradigm that values trans-disciplinary innovation in asking questions and seeking answers. Stevenson and colleagues identified key intellectual, relational, and institutional challenges in achieving trans-disciplinary research and proposed solutions that focus on integration. We need to transcend historical divisions and break down silos and form teams of integration and innovation in order to convince a spectrum of stakeholders – clinicians, politicians, economists, public health officials, and patients – to solve problems through meaningful change. As a center for innovation in public health, Ariadne Labs is forming multi-disciplinary teams and seeking key connections within the teams to ask the right questions and discover the right answers. The research team for the global C-section study started out as multi-disciplinary, including experts from independent fields, such as general surgery, obstetrics, biostatistics, epidemiology, and public health. However, through the research process, the conclusion of the study emphasized an inter-disciplinary approach to understanding how C-sections can be used as a metric for measuring the strength of a health system. Looking forward to a trans-disciplinary approach, Ariadne Labs is a catalyst in creating a dynamic hub of engagement among research disciplines, which will yield powerful ideas and solutions to improve health globally. Dr. Rose Molina is an obstetrician/gynecologist at the Dimock Center and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center who is doing a Global Women’s Health Fellowship through the Connors Center for Women’s Health and Gender Biology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
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Pirates of the Caribbean News Pirates game">Depp's "yarrr"s to be in Pirates game Oscar-nominated actor lends voice to Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow; game hits PCs, PS2s next week. - News - - Posted Jun 23, 2006 1:25 pm PT Bethesda hooks new Pirates of the Caribbean game Game based on film based on theme park ride sails onto the Xbox, PS2, and PC next year. - News - - Posted May 12, 2005 3:36 pm PT Online (PC, MAC), - Pirates of the Caribbean (PC, PS2, PS3, PSP, X360, DS, WII), - PotC: Dead Man's Chest (PSP, DS, MOBILE, GBA), - Pirates of the Caribbean (PC, PS2), -(PC) Pirates of the Caribbean(PC) Pirates: Legend of the B(PC) Sea Dogs(PC) Pirate Hunter(PC) Users who looked at content for this game also looked at these games.See More Similar Games
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Project Pages Professional Interests - Computer Science - Human Computer Interaction - Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining - Programming Languages & Software Engineering - User Interface Technologies Contact Information I am a Senior Software Engineer at IBM Research India, Delhi and am currently leading the Productivity Tools group in the Programming Technlogies and Software Engineering deparment. My group's research is aimed at enhancing the productivity of various stakeholders involved in software delivery such as business analysts, developers etc. The goal is to develop usable tools & techniques that help in automation/simplification of various software development and maintenance tasks and further promote reuse of information across projects. My research interests include software analytics, collaborative software development and model driven development. I joined IBM Research in 2004. I obtained the M.S degree in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University in 2002 and B.E degree in Electronics and Communications from NSIT (ertwhile DIT), Delhi, in 1999. Currently, I am working on following problems: - Mining change and bug repositories of software projects to provide insights on project evolution. - Infer developer expertise and skill from their e-contributions (code, bug activity) and use it to suggest connections and communities of interest. - In application maintanence, recommend areas causing high maintanence grief that project teams can choose to take actions on. - For legacy applications, how to to aid in exposing business functionality as APIs w/o needing to recode the whole application. Past projects: - Fault localization and system guided debugging in ABAP programs. ABAP is a proprietary language used to code in SAP systems. - Information reuse during requirements and solution design phases of software delivery projects. - Collaborative requirements management in context of Multisite projects. Publications Google Scholar Profile Other Professional Activity PC member: - International Conference on Software Engineering 2015: SEIP Track - India Software Engineering Conference 2015 : Research Track - Mining Software Repositories 2014: Research Track - Foundations of Software Engineering 2014: Artifact Evaluation Track - International Conference on Program Comprehension 2014: Industry Track - International Conference on Global Software Engineering 2010: Research track - International Conference on Global Software Engineering 2009: Research Track - International Conference on Global Software Engineering 2008: Research Track
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Lidrster wrote: » I just had a bit of fun coding a simulator and ran it a thousand times. In average, it requires 32 stones and 1.1m to reach step 5. But if you're unlucky... Zephyrsongishnotmeh wrote: » meh just be thankful we don't have to deal with+15-20 type of upgrading system where your success rates are like 17% and failure means losing max dura on your item. 45% chance for step 6 is damn good imo, even 30% for step 7 is pretty reasonable. Shaeli wrote: » I won't even try to go past step 2 without protection/lucky stones. Winning that coinflip twice in a row is hard enough. ShouK wrote: » Shaeli wrote: » I won't even try to go past step 2 without protection/lucky stones. Winning that coinflip twice in a row is hard enough. Eh what protection stones gives 100% chances at step below 5? Blessing halves the chance to fail a repair point. If the NPC fails a repair it removes the blessing. With a complete repair it doesn't give you a chance to re-bless. If you do point by point you can re-bless it before the next point. And I failed a lot one Saturday so saturdays are out the question now. Only took me 5 regs and 3 luckies to step 5 If I fail a step, I just try again an hour later doing the same thing. Somehow this has worked for a dozen or so weapons I've tried special upgrading. ...though I've never had a Step 2+ shuriken ever Don't miss it. In average, it requires 32 stones and 1.1m to reach step 5. But if you're unlucky... What?! No way. I spent nearly 40 or more stones just to get my Step 3 Wand to step 0 then back to step 3 again. Maybe I'm just unlucky with stones to no end. There have been so many times where I spent so much on stones and upgrading and not even get past step 1. As for weapons. I just use a dagger and bash. I don't like to bring out my good gear unless I really need too. My elfboy usually carries me though, lol. I'm weak You're right. 45% is reasonable for step 6. But not for no step 2 with it's 50% chance. >_> all of them? they dont work on steps 5 and onwards or if they do its rob like using a regular stone now for the protection stone from event (In Progress)
Sounds like a good idea and I think it could possibly work for cities like hartford, Providence and Columbus who have no trans atlantic service. Article from the Hartford Courant. ---------------------------------------------------- A. Before that can happen, AtlanticJet must buy or lease two or more Boeing 757-200s, the jetliner it intends to use. It must hire a company licensed by the Federal Aviation Administration to fly and maintain the planes. It must find a headquarters, probably in or near Hartford. Then it must finish raising more than $10 million and apply for millions more in state assistance. But Shulansky, 47, is brimming with confidence. He made money on his last aviation-related venture, East Hartford-based IBP Aerospace Group, which imported ejection-seat technology for military planes to the United States and was sold last year. He says the only thing between AtlanticJet and success is public support. "This has got to be community-based," he said. "If businesses and the state don't support this, we are just not going to succeed." Taking a page from the playbook of low-fare leader Southwest Airlines, AtlanticJet plans to fly from Bradley to Stansted Airport, which is London's No. 3 airport behind Heathrow and Gatwick airports. Stansted is about an hour's drive from the center of London, but it offers nine daily flights to Paris and nine more to Amsterdam, as well as connections to other European cities. Stansted served 12.3 million passengers last year, and is one of the fastest-growing airports in Europe or the British Isles. Shulansky said once-daily flights from Bradley would fill a niche, since the only U.S. flights into Stansted were canceled by major air carriers after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. But the strongest argument for the new service is that Bradley serves a broad, well-to-do clientele of more than 3 million in an area that takes in all of Connecticut and much of western and central Massachusetts. "When you compare the Hartford-Springfield market to other markets that have intercontinental service, it's remarkable that we don't have it," Shulansky said. Figures from the state Department of Transportation and its consultants show more potential in the Bradley market than in urban areas such as Cincinnati, St. Louis, Pittsburgh and Raleigh-Durham, he said. At the transportation department, Andre Libert, who is in charge of marketing and route development for Bradley, said past efforts to interest a major airline in starting European flights from Bradley have fizzled. Airlines that serve New York and Boston know they have a captive market of Connecticut travelers bound for Europe. Libert said Shulansky's home-grown approach could break that mold. "The market's here," he said. "If the community gets behind it - support from corporations, support from the state of Connecticut, support by Connecticut citizens - it could work." Libert said his research - done before Sept. 11 - shows 300,000 to 600,000 people living in the area served by Bradley fly to Europe each year. Even at the low end, those numbers are more than enough to fill a 180-seat jet such as the Boeing 757-200 every day of the year. Marty Morrison, who runs Fare Audit Inc., a company that tracks and analyzes airfares for major corporations, said flying from Bradley would save overseas travelers about five hours in commuting time. That would appeal to corporate travelers, he said. "Boston is a circus. New York is a circus. If you have a choice, why would you put yourself through all that aggravation?" Morrison said. "With a 200-passenger airplane, they should be able to hit a good 75 to 80 percent of capacity if their product is priced correctly." Shulansky said the blow to the airline industry by the Sept. 11 attacks may help his venture. "There's a lot of used airplanes available," he said, "and likewise there are a number of experienced people who are looking for jobs and who know what they're doing." The venture has financial backing from leading Hartford businessmen such as Robert Fiondella, chairman and chief executive officer of Phoenix Companies Inc., and lawyer Peter G. Kelly, Shulansky said. AtlanticJet also is seeking financial assistance from the state Department of Economic and Community Development. Ten days ago, Shulansky quietly made a presentation to corporate leaders at a meeting of the Metro Hartford Regional Economic Alliance, the umbrella group for the Metro Hartford Chamber of Commerce. Among those present were Scott Frantz, chairman of the new state board created to improve marketing and promotion of Bradley airport. Frantz is expected to brief the board about AtlanticJet when it meets next Thursday. Shulansky, who has been a corporate consultant, served on the board of the Hebrew Home and Hospital in West Hartford and successfully ran the Greater Hartford Open golf tournament, said he is not holding himself out as an airline executive. The expertise for that comes from Wegel. Wegel, 43, has 16 years of experience in aviation. For the past three years, he has been managing partner of Aviation Capital Partners LLC, working on the financial restructurings of Cayman Airways and Guyana Airways as well as providing advice to major investment houses on their aviation-related investments. From 1997 to 1999, he was president and CEO of Chatauqua Airlines/US Airways Express, based in Indianapolis. In the early 1990s, he was president and chief operating officer of British West Indies International Airways in Trinidad. Before that, he was a co-founder of Atlantic Coast Airlines/United Express. Kelly, a lawyer who has been active in national Democratic politics for decades, said he flies to Europe almost monthly, and finds dealing with congestion at New York and Boston airports "nightmarish." Flying out of Bradley, he said, would let travelers reach London or Paris "with 2½ hours less on the road, and at about half the cost."
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Two years ago I wrote a blog post (‘User attribute values lost in synchronization > Flow to the rescue: Manager‘) about how to use Power Automate flow to automatically set the manager field for a Dynamics 365 User record based on the Manager attribute in Azure AD and Office 365. My site statistics show that it’s visited regularly, and I received the question in the comments whether this solution is still valid. Well, the answer to this is yes and no. The Manager attribute is not synced to the created user record by the system itself, but the Dynamics 365 connector that I used in the blog post is deprecated. So I’ve decided to write a new blog post with an updated version of the solution, based on the Common Data Service (current environment) connector and new insights on how to set up the flow. The flow supports the following scenarios: - When the Manager attribute on the Azure AD|Office 365 user profile has a value and the User record of this manager is available (disabled or enabled) in the Common Data Service environment, the manager is set on the User record - When the Manager attribute on the Azure AD|Office 365 user profile has a value but the User record of this manager doesn’t exist in the Common Data Service environment (when the user is not licensed for CDS|D365 and/or not member of the security group that gives access to the environment), the user profile of the manager can be synced to the Common Data Service and the resulting record id is set on the User record - When the Manager attribute on the Azure AD|Office 365 user profile is empty, the flow action will fail and the flow will jump to the next record in the Apply to each loop. The overall status of the flow run will be ‘Failed’ and the flow will be disabled by Microsoft Flow when it has failed consistently for 14 days. But in this case we will set the status to ‘Cancelled’ to prevent this from happening. This is the overview of the flow: The flow is started by a Recurrence trigger to run the sync process daily for example. The first action is to initialize a variable of the type Boolean with a value of true or false, and this is checked in a Condition control to let the Force Sync user action run or not. The choice is up to you. Then a List records action will get us all User records with Access Mode ‘Read-Write’ to filter out the application and system users. The attributes in the output are limited by the Select Query, and two attributes of the related Manager record (User entity) are added by the Expand Query. The next step is to initialize a variable of the type Array and set the value of the output of the ‘List record Users’ action. This array is used to append the newly created user in case of the Force Sync user action, so this User record will be available to get & set the manager for the following Active User records in the Apply to each loop. In the ‘Filter array Active Users’ action the output of the ‘List records Users’ action is filtered (isdisabled eq false), so we only get the active users to get & set the manager for. Within the Apply to each Active User control, the ‘Get manager (V2)‘ action of the Office 365 Users connector will get the userPrincipalName and id attribute of the manager if it’s present. This action will fail ‘by design‘ if “No manager found for the specified user”. The following actions are then skipped and the flow will jump to the next record in the Apply to each loop. The ‘Filter array Manager as User’ action filters the UsersArray where the User Name (domainname) is equal to the User Principle Name of the manager, to select the User record of the manager if available. In the ‘Compose Visual check’ action I’ve added some parts of the rules from the two conditions, so we’re able to check the values in the flow run history because the conditions themselves only give the overall Expression result true or false. The first Condition checks if the Manager record id on the Active User record is not equal to the record id of the user in the Filter array Manager as User, and if the latter is not empty. If yes, then the Active User record is updated with the record id of the user in the Filter array Manager as User. The second Condition checks if the User Name (domainname) of the Manager on the Active User record is not equal to the User Principal Name of the Get Manager (V2) output, and if the ForceSyncUser variable is true. If yes, then the manager is added as user to the Common Data Service environment with the help of the ‘Force Sync user‘ action from the Power Platform for Admins connector. Be aware that the user will be assigned to the base Business Unit. The environment is set with the expression workflow()[‘tags’][‘environmentName’] as custom value, and the ObjectId is the id from the output of the ‘Get manager (V2)’ action. This action doesn’t give us any data from the created user as output, so we get the user record with the ‘List records New User’ action. Then the active user record is updated with the record id of the manager. To be able to get & set this manager for the next records in the Apply to each loop the User id and User Name (domainname) are added to the UsersArray with the ‘Append to array variable UsersArray’ action. The final action is to set the status of the flow to ‘Cancelled’ in case of failed ‘Get manager (V2)’ action(s). Therefore the ‘Configure run after’ in the settings of the Terminate action is set as follows: Now if the ‘Get manager (V2)’ actions do not fail, the status of the flow run will be ‘Succeeded’, and if they fail the status will be set to ‘Cancelled’ (‘Canceled’ in the UI) to prevent the flow from being disabled by Microsoft. I’ve added the flow to an unmanaged solution that you can download here. Hi Stefan, this is perfect, exactly what I need to do with our CRM environment. But, you will need to excuse a level of ignorance on my part, being fairly new to both CRM and MS Flow (I’m a systems engineer, not a Dev 🙂 ). Could you give me some pointers on where in the Flow I need to set which environment it is going to connect to and update? We have a few different environments in our CRM, and I wanted to run this against our QA first. Thanks! Hi Chris, Sorry for the late reply but here is the answer to your question. There are 2 Common Data Service connectors: 1. Common Data Service connector where you can select the environment in the triggers and actions 2. Common Data Service (current environment) connector that is connected to the current environment where the flow is saved. Hi Stefan – excellent article. Do you by chance have an update on this which includes dataverse? Hi Nisar, This solution also works for Dataverse. I did an import of the solution file in a demo tenant and you will get the connection references for Microsoft Dataverse. Did you try alreaady? Hi Stefan, I’ve just noticed you have the solution available to download. You absolute legend!
Perhaps. So, many administrators decide to put faculty members in front of their colleagues to present on the use of technology in the hope that these presentations will get more teachers to use technology. A sound strategy. But they choose the wrong person. These faculty presentations are often delivered by tech-savvy, “early adaptor” teachers. At one faculty meeting I attended, a chipper, tech-loving-twenty- something got up in front of her teachers and presented an elaborate and complex demonstration of technology in her classroom. Looking at the audience, I could almost read the anxiety and apprehension in the eyes of the veteran faculty members: “I could never do that!
Injaz II The conflict in Syria has decimated local governance, access to education, and provision of life-sustaining services. Funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs and the U.K. Government’s Department for International Development, the Injaz II program assists children and youth Northeastern Syria with limited or no access to education since the start of ISIS occupation. Recognizing the negative impact that the fighting has had on the well-being of children and educational infrastructure, Injaz II supports school rehabilitation, psychosocial support for students, and remedial literacy education through subawards to local institutions. These projects reach students not only in formal schools, but also in child centers and camps for internally displaced persons. Prior Initiatives: Injaz II follows the Injaz and Idarah programs, which supported provincial and local councils to develop and implement service delivery activities, principally by working with education directorates to improve access to and the quality of education across Syria. Activities included offering stipends to teachers and administrative staff, providing technical support to teachers, and improving assessment and examination systems.
Serious Games and Gamification Communication A Game-based campaign is a powerful tool for the interactive experience of a brand or the message to be communicated. MAD translates the brand or complex message into an insightful, sparkling and valuable experience. In this way, we realise high-quality engagement with users and therefore value creation for our customers. Business Gamification and Serious games are used by organisations: change management, business process innovation and training. MAD Multimedia advises on Gamification of (core) processes within organizations, HRM issues, strategy development, innovation and sustainability. MAD gives Incompany masterclasses Gamification and Applied Games for larger organizations. Learn Serious Games and Gamification are effective tools for learning and training skills and achieving behavioural change. Simulation, storytelling and gameplay are key ingredients. MAD advises, designs and develops. We see our clients as important knowledge partners in this process.
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Availability Please enter your travel dates. Standard Double or Twin Room - One Double or Two Twin beds Business Room - 1 bed Romantic Room - Aromatic Bath+Fruit&Wine - 1 double Room with Extra Bed - 3 beds Hotel in Lisbon (City Center) near Gulbenkian Museum Sana Reno Hotel is in the heart of Lisbon, walking distance from Center for Modern Art and El Corte Ingles Shopping Center. This hotel is within close proximity of Gulbenkian Museum and Dr. Anastacio Goncalves Museum.. Enjoy a range of recreational amenities, including an outdoor pool, a sauna, and a steam room. Additional features include complimentary wireless Internet access, concierge services, and babysitting/childcare (surcharge). Take advantage of the hotel's room service (during limited hours). Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at a bar/lounge. Featured amenities include a business center, an Internet point, and audiovisual equipment. Planning an event in Lisbon? This hotel has 2410 square feet (224 square meters) of space consisting of conference/meeting rooms, small meeting rooms, and banquet facilities. Parking (subject to charges) is available onsite.Information missing or incorrect? Tell us! business-friendly hotel also offers tour/ticket assistance, multilingual staff, and concierge services. Limited onsite parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis (surcharge). A total renovation of this property was completed in 2011. - Babysitting or childcare (surcharge) - Parking limited (surcharge) - Sauna - Business services - Self parking - Business center - Room service (limited hours) - - Meeting facilities size (meters) - 224 - Year Built 1959 - Number of buildings/towers - 1 - Steam room - Television in lobby - Tour assistance - Internet Available in all rooms: Free Wi-Fi Available in some public areas: Free Wi-Fi - Parking Parking (surcharge), Self parking, Parking limited (surcharge) - Room Amenities - Connecting / adjoining rooms available - Cribs/infant beds (complimentary) - - Dining Room service (during limited hours) is available. - Recreation day - Rollaway bed fee: EUR 30 per night - Additional Details The property has connecting/adjoining rooms, which are subject to availability and can be requested by contacting the property using the number on the booking confirmation.
Download the Accessible Parking Map Visitors and guests to The Ohio State University are required to purchase parking any time they park on campus. All parking on campus is allocated and signed for specific uses, and parking regulations are enforced 24/7. ADA Accessible spaces are available in all garages and most surface lots across campus. Paid hourly parking and the display of a state-issued disability placard are required to use an accessible space. An ADA Accessible parking map is available by clicking on the link above. Garage Parking. Hourly rates are posted at the entrance of each garage, and garage fees are due before exiting. Please refer to the garage entry ticket and posted signage for payment locations. Additional information about garage parking can be found here. Surface Lot Parking. Pay-by-plate machines and single-space meters are located throughout campus. Rates are indicated on each pay machine. In addition, surface lot visitor permits are available online and at the CampusParc Customer Service Center. Additional information about surface lot parking can be found here.
- 28, 2018 Before The First Rose If that title was too cheesy for your stomach to handle, I hope you have some crackers. If not, I’ll provide some for you. Would you like Ritz, Premium Plus, or Bretton? Answers on a postcard, please. This post is … Posted in TV Tagged Dating, Funny, Humor, Love, Opinion, People, Reality TV, Relationships, Television, The Bachelorette, Thoughts, Viewing Notes 26 Comments
Intelligence Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs invites applications form eligible candidates for the posts of General Central Service, Group ‘C’, Non-gazetted/Non-Ministerial Posts of Junior Intelligence Officer Grade – II/Technical.Eligible and interested candidates are requested to apply for direct recruitment to the post of Junior Intelligence Officer Grade-II (Technical in the Intelligence Bureau, (Ministry of Home Affairs), Government of India. More details regarding post details,educational qualification,age limit,selection process,how to apply and so on,please go through the given below . Name of the Department Intelligence Bureau (Ministry of Home Affairs) Appellation of the Category Recruitment Notification Name of the Posts Junior Intelligence Officer (JIO) Grade-II (Technician) Total Posts - 320 Vacancies Website of the Department Educational qualifications Those candidates who are willing to apply must complete Higher Secondary (12th) with Mathematics and Physics, and must complete Two years Industrial Training Course from a recognized Institute in Radio Technician OR Electronics OR Electronics & Communication Age limit & relaxation The applicant must exist Between 18-27 years for SC/ST : relaxable by 5 years. for OBC : relaxable by 3 years. Pay Scale Rs. 5200-20200/- + Grade Pay Rs. 2400/- + Central Government allowances Examination Fee Rs. 50/- (Rupees Fifty only)Only for General and OBC category. SC/ST and female candidates are exempted from payment of examination fee. Selection Process Selection of applied candidates will be on the Basis of the performance of the candidates in the ... - written test (objective and descriptive) - trade test make by the organisation How To Apply Applications should be submitted ONLINE only (website is given below) . NOT any other mode of Applications will be accepted..Applicants are requested to read the notification carefully before applying. Important Dates Starting Date for Apply Online: 03-September-2016 Last Date for Apply Online: 24-September-2016 Last Date for Depositing Exam Fee: 27-September-2016 Downloading Admit Card: October 2016 Date of Written Examination: 16-October-2016
In this month’s ELA briefing, Sheryn Omeri (together with James Laddie QC of Matrix) considers the meaning of “qualifying disclosure” in the context of whistleblowing legislation. Section 43B of the Employment Rights Act defines a qualifying disclosure as a disclosure of information which, in the reasonable belief of the worker making the disclosure, is in the public interest and tends to show at least one of six possible types of wrong. The case of Cavendish Munro Professional Risks Management Ltd v Geduld [2010] ICR 325 was the first reported case to consider the meaning of “disclosure of information” in s.43B. In that case the EAT held that disclosing informing must import the conveying of facts. In the more recent case of Norbrook Laboratories (GB) Ltd v Shaw [2014] ICR 540, the EAT held that an earlier communication could be read together with a later one as being embedded in it, rendering the later disclosure a qualifying disclosure even if taken on their own neither would fall within s.43B. In the most recent case to consider the meaning of the notion of a qualifying disclosure, Barton v Royal Borough of Greenwich UKEAT/0041/14/DXA (in which Sheryn acted for the successful Respondent), the EAT (HHJ Serota QC) held that “The claimant cannot create a protected disclosure by aggregation of the email…and the telephone conversation…neither of which were established as protected disclosures. Each disclosure must be considered separately…” This was in direct conflict with the ratio of Norbrook (which was not cited before HHJ Serota QC) but in line with Geduld and Bolton School v Evans [2007] ICR 641. In view of this, query whether the Norbrook concept of “embedded communications” will withstand future scrutiny. To read the article click here
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Rising has compiled his record against limited competition and looks to make a statement against the 34-year-old Forbes, who is trying to resurrect his career but has lost two of his last four against journeymen and prospects since being knocked out by Andre Berto in a welterweight title shot in 2008. Mayfield comes into this fight off a one-year layoff, while Forbes’ last fight was a technical-decision loss to Ionut Dan Ion of Romania on Friday Night Fights in February which ended in the sixth round after a clash of heads opened a severe cut over Forbes’ left eye. — Fox Doucette Follow us on our new Facebook Fan Page…Click “Like” to follow the source of Boxing’s True Independent Voice.
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December 30, 2017 I asked our staff what they loved about 2017, and here’s what they had to say: So for the highlight of 2017, I have two words: new energy. Cary and Sulinya are great additions to the team. Although Cary and I work in different locations, she brings a great energy and is working very hard.It’s great to see the classes that Sulinya and Kita have been putting together do so well. We had tried a few times in the past to get classes to be more successful but it's never quite taken off. The format and themes that Sulinya has come up with have made that extra difference. For 2018, my word would be community. The classes have been a great start towards building a more dedicated community overall. More guest teachers would be great for furthering that reach, as well as great way to connect with other local businesses. Anyways, hope everyone had a good Christmas and will have a good new year. 2017 was an outstanding year for me. I think the major highlight for 2017 personally was self-growth in my value as a human being.I am looking forward to more growth and PROSPERITY in 2018.I can feel what a major year it is going to be, and I am ready. My highlight of 2017 was teaching classes and meeting all the awesome faces of Loose Leaf.I loved putting everything together and creating community here.I would love to create a natural beauty line and a blending bar in 2018! My 2017 highlight was moving to Arizona, leaving my life and stressful job in Maryland, and coming to Arizona to study Western Herbalism and join the Loose Leaf Team.For 2018, I look forward to learning a lot more about herbs both in school and work, and expanding my knowledge with herbs, aromatherapy, and gems. For myself, 2017 was invigorating, and brought in fresh new energy in many areas of my life, both personally and professionally. I achieved a sense of clarity and direction this year, and was able to accomplish much of what I set out to do. We started a monthly tea subscription, a weekly newsletter, and created fun packaging for our teas. We also joined Local First, and participated in some local markets; in other words, we “got out of the house” a little bit and met lots of new faces. My daughter Shoshanna, who many of you know from our Ahwatukee store, gave birth on December 4th to a healthy daughter. Welcome to our family and to the world, baby Grace! Sulinya joined us in the late summer; she has brought fresh energy and a community-building spirit. Her workshops are incredibly fun, and I have learned so much from her. Cary recently joined our formulary team and is doing a great job as our newest tea maker! She is attending the Western Herbalism program at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, so this job is a perfect fit for her. My goal for 2018 is to continue to grow the community to share the healing power of plants with as many people as possible. Thanks to all of YOU for making this an amazing year! What made 2017 a great year for YOU? Happy New Year from Kita and the Loose Leaf
. Young people who have problems with money, housing or jobs need good quality advice. What happens if they do not get it? No surprise that many become ill. Some end up in debt, homeless or involved in crime. The cost is not just to the young people, says a recent report by Youth Access. There’s [...] Here’s
IBM MAINFRAME: Problem in IF loop Portal | Manuals | References | Downloads | Info | Programs | JCLs | Mainframe wiki | Quick Ref Problem in IF loop Support Forums -> COBOL Programming IBM ManualsQuick References View previous topic :: :: View next topic Author Message BharanidharanNew UserJoined: 20 Jun 2005Posts: 86Location: Chennai, India Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 12:58 pm Post subject: Problem in IF loop I have an issue with the following piece of code inside IF loop. Code: SELECT RIP-INPUT ASSIGN TO RIPIN FILE STATUS IS RIP-STATUS. 05 RIP-STATUS PIC 9(02). 88 END-OF-RIP VALUE 10. 88 IO-ERROR VALUE 30. 88 OPEN-ERROR VALUE 92. IF RECORD-FLAG1 IS EQUAL TO '1' READ RIP-INPUT AT END SET END-OF-RIP TO TRUE IF END-OF-RIP GO TO S5000-EXIT END-IF GO TO S5000-BUILD-REC END-IF. After READ takes place, "IF END-OF-RIP" comparison is not performed; control goes to the statement after the outer END-IF. I discovered this by inserting DISPLAYs before and after READ. But the following code, which is not bounded within any IF loops, works: Code: READ RIP-INPUT AT END SET END-OF-RIP TO TRUE. IF END-OF-RIP GO TO S5000-EXIT END-IF. I guess there is some problem in executing AT END because I am overwriting the RIP-STATUS, which is also the file status for the input file, but I am not sure. Can anyone explain this phenomenon? Back to top HanfurActive UserJoined: 21 Jun 2006Posts: 104 Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:13 pm Post subject: Hi Bharani, In second code frag a period follows the READ statement where in the first doesnt have. Try putting a Period just after to READ in the first code. -Han Back to top shreevamsiActive UserJoined: 23 Feb 2006Posts: 305Location: Hyderabad,India Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:17 pm Post subject: Re: Problem in IF loop hi, Keeping a period at the end of the READ in the first code may not help. It eventually terminates the scope of the If condition and gives an compilation errors. Bharani, What exactly the logic should be in the condition?? Is it as.. IF RECORD-FLAG1 IS EQUAL TO '1' READ RIP-INPUT AT END SET END-OF-RIP TO TRUE END-READ IF END-OF-RIP GO TO S5000-EXIT END-IF GO TO S5000-BUILD-REC END-IF. Here the exact flow...when the cond IF END-OF-RIP is not clear. ~Vamsi Back to top BharanidharanNew UserJoined: 20 Jun 2005Posts: 86Location: Chennai, India Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:49 pm Post subject: Re: Problem in IF loop You are amazing. Thanks so much for the quick reponses. This is exactly what I want. I didn't know how to terminate READ explicitly. I am not a flamboyant COBOL programmer, since I work in assembler all the time. Thanks again. Back to top calspachNew UserJoined: 05 May 2006Posts: 32Location: USA Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:37 pm Post subject: If you like the end- terminators, there is a also and end-read. Just to keep things standard. Back to top View previous topic :: :: View next topic Support Forums -> COBOL Programming
Where in the world can you find The Vasa Grill, Viking Bar and Pippi’s Playhouse? Sounds like places found on Yelp in Sweden doesn’t it? Well, you can find all three at Anderson Lodge right here at Anderson Lodge in Washington State! We are so very excited for the summer season and we have made some wonderful improvements since last year. Returning guests will be thrilled and our new clients will be amazed. The Vasa Grill at the Hilltop House welcomes BBQ chefs. This 10′ by 20′ covered area is great for our many grill enthusiasts. Complete with charcoal BBQ’s, a refrigerator and plenty of counter space; groups can put on a lavish meal no matter what the weather. This has already proven to be a wonderful addition to the site. The Viking Bar at the Hilltop House is bound to be a popular spot for everyone. This beverage bar tucked away under the deck is a great place to showcase those custom beverages or even serve appetizers. Service is a snap with the refrigerator and freezer within the bar area. We had our youngest guests of the Lodge in mind when we added Pippi’s Playhouse at the Main Lodge. This sweet little miniature cabin has delighted the young ones. They have been cooking up delicacies in the kitchen. Close by is a handy picnic area for the parents to hang out and watch playhouse action and the kids on the play structure. Life is good. We have added many, many strings of lights in the trees and lighting pathways at both the Main Lodge and the Hilltop House. What a difference. At dusk, you begin to see the lights slowly appear creating such a magical feel. If anyone has any great photos with the lights on the grounds, we’d love to see them. Here’s one shot at the Main Lodge wedding circle. The Main Lodge hardwood floors always dazzle our guests and now they will be doubly pleased. They were refinished last month and they are gorgeous! There is nothing more beautiful than oak hardwood. In 1975, Arvid put the flooring in and it looks even more amazing 40 years later. I hope all of you who are reading this post get a chance to see them in person. All the additions and renovations we have made were completed with you, our guests in mind. Several new mattresses, new BBQ’s, new refrigerators, new freezers, new tables, and a new commercial dishwasher have all been purchased and installed. We are constantly improving the landscaping and grounds. We take so much pride on our facility and want it to be perfect. Tours are given all week long for our future clients. Please give us a call or email us if you wish to tour. We would be very happy to make an appointment for you to come visit. All it takes is a tour of our extraordinary facility and you’ll see why we are so proud of Anderson Lodge.
- Washington Capitals/ NY Rangers playoff schedule is out and I am ready to rock some red for the next 2 months. Capitals Kremlin - All of the Stanley Cup playoff matchups and thanks ESPN for showing poker tournament reruns instead of exciting hockey playoff action. - Speaking of Corporate assholes, Amazon fits the bill with their new homophobic business practices. Jack and Jill Politics - Reed Johnson robs Prince Fielder of a grand slam with a wicked catch and the Cubs win. Docksquad Sports - Video and pictures of the Polar Bear attacking woman who jumped into its quarters at the Berlin Zoo. Look at This.... - Michelle Hunziker steams up the beach. The Beer Goggler - Where are Dem White Chicks? staring Lane Kiffin and Mike Tomlin. Loser With Socks - The Blue Jays are off to a good start so it is pretty bad timing that they are stopping booze sales for a few games at the Skydome. Tasty Booze Picture HT: Troy Dalton
A long distance relationship is hard. You don't get to see each other as often as you'd like, most of your communication is virtual and none of their recent photos or stories on Facebook involve you. I get it. I totally do. A few years ago, one of my best friends moved to Hong Kong. Disappearing halfway across the world can be a bit of a death sentence for any relationship - even if you don't intend to, it's easy to speak less and less until you've drifted apart. Lucky this didn't happened with me and Queenie. With travelling and working abroad becoming increasingly common, long distance friendships are an issue a lot of us face at some point. So, I've given it some thought, and I think this is how we've kept our friendship alive. - We talk nearly every day. Despite the eight hour time difference, we make it work. When I get up, Queenie's usually finishing teaching. When I come home from work, Queenie's getting ready to go to bed. And there's always the odd lunchtime we'll manage to catch each other. Oh, and the weekends. Luckily, everything seems to run later in Hong Kong, making the time difference less noticeable. When we can talk three times a day (and we sometimes do) it doesn't feel like we're 6,000 miles apart. - We still have a lot in common. We're certainly not peas in a pod, but we always send each other links to our favourite blog posts, suggest films and TV shows for each other, discuss our favourite books and so much more! Queenie encouraged me to start watching The US Office which I fell in love with (JIM AND PAM!), and I persuaded Queenie to push past the 'meh' first season of Parks and Recreation. She's now finished the whole show while I'm stuck on season 5! - We even managed to go on holiday together! Remember our romantic getaway to Paris? That was actually the first time I'd seen Queenie for three years, but it didn't feel like any time had passed at all! I'm going to make sure we don't have to wait 'til 2018 for our next meet-up. See each other whenever you can! - I tell her about all the little things (sometimes stupid, probably embarrassing) in my life. Crushes, what I'm doing at work, what I've been up to that weekend. She tells about the latest places she's visited, the newest restaurant she's tested and - most importantly - what she chose for dessert. - And, of course, the big things. Dreams, hopes, aims, relationships, careers. Don't forget to keep sharing these. I think feeling like you don't know what's going on with your friend can be a very distancing experience that causes you both drift apart. Keep each other in the loop. I didn't set out with a list of ways to keep Queen in my life - none of this was a conscious effort. If I'm honest, the thought of losing her from my life didn't even cross my mind. It just wasn't going to happen. But now that I look back on the last few years, I realise our friendship works because we make time for each other and we know what's going on in each others' lives. And we love each other. I think that's the secret. But now that I look back on the last few years, I realise our friendship works because we make time for each other and we know what's going on in each others' lives. And we love each other. I think that's the secret. And if I didn't have Queenie, who would stand on my right side in pictures?
Westmalle One of only eleven Trappist breweries in the world, Westmalle is renowned for creating the first Belgian tripel in the 1930s. Est. 1794 About Westmalle Trappist Brewery eleven Trappist breweries in the world. A guide to our beer View all our beers by country, brewery and by style in this easy-to-follow brochure . Westmalle Beers The Beers Merchant du Vin Corporation 119 1st Ave. So. Suite 400 Seattle, WA 98104-3471 Phone: (253) 656-0320
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Fresh off of signing a new six fight deal with the UFC, Rich Franklin has been offered a fight with Travis Lutter at UFC 82 in March. According to MMAjunkie, Franklin’s business manager confirmed that the fight has been offered but has not yet been accepted. ”(Rich) has been asked about fighting Travis Lutter in March,” said J.T. Stewart, Franklin’s business manager at American Fighter Management. “The fight has been proposed, and we’re assessing it.“
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ASUS P3B Portable LED Projector Review Be it gaming or watching a movie alone, you may find the smartphone an easy way out, but when it comes to sharing the experience with friends or relatives, a bigger screen is required. Here comes a portable projector for the ultimate home theatre experience. The Rs. 60,500 P3B projector — a lightweight, battery-powered LED device with ultra-show-throw lens from Taiwan-based electronics major ASUS — will allow you to share movies or gaming any time, anywhere with a group. Google Project Tango First Smartphone Lenovo Phab2 Pro Allows 3D Mapping ASUS P3B Projector Features: The P3B can easily fit in your palm. The ultra-slim and compact device weighs just 750 grams. It comes with a handbag that has enough space to carry adaptor-charger, HDMI cable, the projector and a small remote. The P3B has a built-in rechargeable battery that, on a full charge, gave me two hours and 27 minutes of cable-free projection at a stretch. If used with the charger on, the projector will deliver for longer hours. On a four per cent battery mark, the projector worked for nearly 27 minutes with charging on; so the time of projection can be increased or decreased depending upon the usage. The projector also works as a 12,000mAh power bank and has an AUX port for audio output. If you are charging your smartphone and using the projector’s audio output, the projection time decreases a bit. To get a decent audio output without draining out the battery, one can route the audio through a computer or laptop. ASUS Announced Two New Laptops A540, R558 with USB Type-C Port Launched in India The company claims that the mercury-free, Eco-LED light source has a 30,000-hour lifespan to cut down on bulb-replacement costs. The P3B has an “Instant On/Off” feature since there is no chance for its LED light source to get heated or cool down. In case there is no flat surface for projection, the “Auto Keystone Correction” provides a perfect projection by detecting the P3B’s orientation and automatically corrects distorted images. For connectivity, P3B features HDMI/MHL and VGA ports for maximum compatibility with personal computers, notebooks, mobile devices and other multimedia sources, including microSD cards and USB storage devices. It also has an internal 2GB storage. Asus Unveils the Stunning New Transformer Series As far as projection quality is concerned, P3B provides crisp WXGA-resolution (1280×800) images with a brightness of up to 800 lumens. An ultra-short-throw lens enables P3B to project images measuring 25 inches (diagonally) from 0.45 metres to 200-inches from 3.4 metres at close range. While trying out different inputs to judge the quality — SD card, USB drive and VGA — it was VGA that gave the most colourful and high-quality projection. There was a nominal loss of projection quality when the device was moved away from the wall. While watching a (downloaded) “Euro 2016” match, I could feel a better experience with the VGA output than a USB drive. Another interesting thing was that the projection on a slightly wet, cream-coloured background cloth was sharper and colour-rich than on a dry white cloth. What does not work? Given the portability and numerous options for input, we missed the bluetooth or/and NFC (near-field communication) feature. The in-built speaker is a bit quiet. ASUS SonicMaster-enhanced speaker for high-quality sound feature consumes much battery when connected directly with it. Also, the only two-mode, height-adjustment stand was a bit downer. Conclusion: Given the price, The ASUS P3B is a value-for-money product. If you are thinking of buying a portable projector for home thetare experience, this device should top your list.
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VitaCurves is a rating factor model updated annually by Club Vita in the UK, Canada and the US. The VitaCurves model consists of comprehensive set of mortality tables constructed using generalized linear models applied to Club Vita data – the latest UK VitaCurves includes a set of 1692 mortality tables. VitaCurves enable users to estimate the current life expectancy of each individual in a pension plan based on their sex, status (first life or second life), lifestyle (via post-code, postal code or ZIP code, depending on location), affluence, retirement health and occupation. There are a number of benefits to setting individual life expectancies. For example, users can easily calculate the liabilities associated with subsets of participants, avoiding inadvertent cross-subsidies between sponsors and ensuring accurate liability splits in the event of a transaction. In addition, using VitaCurves will ensure any demographic drift within a population is captured. The first edition of the UK VitaCurves, CV09, was published in 2009 and was based on data covering the period 2005 to 2007. Every year since 2009, a new edition of the UK VitaCurves has been published using the latest available data. The first edition of the Canadian VitaCurves, CV16, was published in 2016 based on data covering 2012 to 2014.
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Two men held for supplying illegal firearms in Delhi-NCR, guns seized New Delhi, Oct 28 (PTI) Two men were arrested in the national capital for allegedly supplying illegal arms in Delhi-NCR areas from Madhya Pradesh, police said on Wednesday. The accused have been identified as Mohammad Adil (24) and Mohammad Zuber (34), both residents of Palwal in Haryana, they said. A total of 19 semi-automatic pistols and one single-shot pistol have been recovered from their possession, police said. The accused were arrested on Tuesday around 4.15 am from Captain Gaur Marg, opposite Okhla Subzi Mandi. “Police got a tip-off on Tuesday that Adil would come near Okhla Subzi Mandi between 4 am to 6 am to deliver firearms to Zuber, who will supply them to one of their contacts in Delhi. “Thereafter, a trap was laid and while Adil was handing over a bag to Zuber, they were both nabbed,” Deputy Commissioner of Police (Special Cell) Pramod Singh Kushwah said. Interrogation revealed that the accused have been involved in supply of illegal firearms for the last five to six years. Adil said he had procured the recovered firearms from an MP-based gunrunner and travelled to Okhla Subzi Mandi in his vegetable-loaded truck to further supply the firearms to local gangsters in Delhi via Zuber, the DCP said. They used to supply the arms in various parts of north India, including western UP, Delhi, Haryana and Rajasthan. They have supplied more than 400 pistols in Delhi-NCR in the last four years, Kushwah added. PTI NIT HDA
Hospital records containing facts relevant to medical history or treatment are admissible under G. L. c. 233, Section 79, without need for, and despite the absence of, testimonial corroboration. [440-442] At a robbery trial, there was no error in excluding from evidence hospital records concerning the defendant's medical treatment for a gunshot Page 439 wound to his arm, offered to prove an impairment of his arm which would have been inconsistent with physical activities attributed to him by the robbery victims, where there was no information in the records as to any impairment of the defendant's arm as a result of the wound. [442-443] INDICTMENTS found and returned in the Superior Court on November 21, 1975. The cases were tried before Roy, J. After review by the Appeals Court, the Supreme Judicial Court granted leave to obtain further appellate review. The case was submitted on briefs. Fern L. Nesson, Walter Boldys & Dennis J. LaCroix, for the defendant. Daniel Englestein, D. Lloyd Macdonald, Thomas J. Carey, Jr., & Dennis J. Curran, Assistant District Attorneys, for the Commonwealth. QUIRICO, J. In February, 1976, the defendant was tried and convicted in the Superior Court on three indictments alleging that he had committed armed robberies against three persons in a single incident on October 16, 1975. [Note 1] The defendant appealed to the Appeals Court, pursuant to G. L. c. 278, Sections 33A-33G, and argued assignments of error based on the trial judge's admission in evidence of "mug shot" photographs and the exclusion from evidence of certain hospital records. The Appeals Court affirmed the judgments of conviction by a rescript opinion. Commonwealth v. Copeland, 5 Mass. App. Ct. 879 (1977). The defendant applied for further appellate review by this court and we granted the request by our order of February 1, 1978, but limited it to the question of admissibility of the hospital records. For the reasons stated below, we hold that the judge did not abuse his discretion in excluding the records from the evidence, and we affirm the judgments of conviction. Page 440 At a bench conference, after the Commonwealth had rested its case, the defendant sought to introduce copies of three hospital records from University Hospital, Inc. (hospital), in Boston, relating to the treatment of a gunshot wound in the defendant's right shoulder. The first record, dated October 6, 1975, indicated that approximately two weeks earlier the defendant had been shot in the right shoulder resulting in an entrance and exit wound, and that, as a consequence, he had been hospitalized in another hospital for five days. He complained of pain at the wound site and the wound was "oozing purulent looking material." The record indicates that the defendant was examined as an outpatient, with a diagnosis of a gunshot wound to the shoulder, after which he was discharged. The second record, dated October 8, 1975, indicated the presence of "pus infection" and "purulent drainage" of the gunshot wound which was "granulating but still mildly purulent," and there was "[n]o marked drainage or swelling." The record indicated further that the wound was cleaned, irrigated, and dressed. The third record, dated October 17, 1975, the day after the robbery, noted with regard to the wound, that there was "some granulation but persistent purulent drainage. No swelling or cellulitis." The defendant offered these records in an attempt to prove an impairment of his right arm, which would have been inconsistent with physical activities attributed to him by the robbery victims. They testified that during the course of the robbery the defendant carried a shotgun while pushing and shoving them, and that he also searched them, pushed aside a wine rack, and scooped up money from a cash register. Apparently, the defendant sought to show by the hospital records that he could not have used his arm in the manner described and thereby to cast doubt on the victim's identification of him. The judge, however, excluded the records from evidence, stating that there was no indication in them of "any disability in respect of an impairment of the use of the right arm." Page 441 The Appeals Court, in affirming the judgments of conviction, held that the purpose for which the defendant sought to introduce the hospital records [Note 2] was legitimate, and, "if material to that purpose, the admission of the record was required . . . even though it did not state in so many words that there was an impairment of the arm, the basis for exclusion given by the trial judge" (citations omitted). Commonwealth v. Copeland, supra. However, the court held further that here ." Id. Although we hold that the judge's exclusion of the hospital records was proper, we expressly disagree with the import of the Appeals Court's reasoning noted above. Inasmuch as that court's language can be read to imply that hospital records of the type at issue are admissible only in corroboration of lay or expert testimony of the patient's physical condition, we think it erroneous. General Laws c. 233, Section 79, as amended through St. 1974, c. 225, provides in part: "Records kept by hospitals, dispensaries or clinics, and sanatoria under [G. L. c. 111, Section 70 [Note 3]] shall be admissible . . . as evidence . . . so far as such records relate to the treatment and medical history of such cases and the court may, in its discretion, admit copies of such records, if certified by the persons in custody thereof to be Page 442 true and complete." The statute in effect provides an exception to the hearsay rule, allowing hospital records to be admitted to prove the truth of the facts contained therein, in so far as those facts pertain to treatment and medical history. Commonwealth v. Franks, 359 Mass. 577, 579-580 (1971), and cases cited. K.B. Hughes, Evidence Sections 598-600 (1961). See Commonwealth v. Rembiszewski, 363 Mass. 311, 318 (1973); Commonwealth v. Concepcion, 362 Mass. 653, 655 (1972); McClean v. University Club, 327 Mass. 68, 75 (1951). We have previously noted that the legislation making such evidence admissible was "enacted primarily to relieve the physicians and nurses of public hospitals from the hardship and inconvenience of attending court as witnesses to facts which ordinarily would be found recorded in the hospital books." Commonwealth v. Franks, supra at 579, quoting from Leonard v. Boston Elevated Ry., 234 Mass. 480, 482 (1920). See Usen v. Usen, 359 Mass. 453, 455 (1971); Commonwealth v. Ennis, 2 Mass. App. Ct. 864, 865 (1974). The language of the Appeals Court's decision, however, seems to run counter to our statement of the statutory intent by coupling the admissibility of the hospital records to the concurrence of testimony by physicians, nurses, or other witnesses. Although there may be certain instances in which very technical medical language in a hospital record may be unintelligible to a jury without further explanation, that is not the situation before us. Cf. Commonwealth v. Ennis, supra (no abuse of discretion to exclude diagnostic opinions and other statements contained in a hospital record which posed problems of multiple level hearsay and required expert testimony to be properly understood by a jury). Rather, in cases such as the present one, the rule to be applied is that hospital records containing facts relevant to medical history or treatment are admissible without need for, and despite the absence of, testimonial corroboration. Although we hold that the hospital records, standing alone, were competent as proof of the medical facts recited therein, the records, to be admissible, must have been relevant also to a material issue of the case. In determining Page 443 whether the records which were offered, but excluded, were relevant, we apply the rule that the evidence must have rendered the desired inference more probable than it would have been without it. See McCormick, Evidence Section 185 (2d ed. 1972); Green v. Richmond, 369 Mass. 47, 59 (1975); Crowe v. Ward, 363 Mass. 85, 89 (1973). As we stated earlier, it appears that the inference which the defendant sought to establish was that he was unable to use his right arm during the robbery as the robber had done. The hospital records, however, gave no indication as to the extent of disability suffered by the defendant at the time he was shot or at the time of his treatment. Indeed, there was no information contained in the records from which the jury could infer that there was any "impairment" of the defendant's right arm as a result of the gunshot wound. As such, the records were void of probative value and shed no light on the defendant's physical ability to participate in the robbery. Consequently we hold there was no abuse of discretion in the judge's exclusion of the hospital records from evidence. Judgments of the Superior Court affirmed. FOOTNOTES [Note 1] The defendant was tried with two codefendants who were charged with the same crimes under separate indictments. The codefendants were also convicted on all indictments, but they are not parties to the present appeals. [Note 2] In its opinion, the Appeals Court referred to the excluded hospital records in singular form, presumably because the judge marked the records as one item for identification purposes. However, the assignments of error raise a question as to the exclusion of all three records, and, thus, our reference to them is in the plural. [Note 3] There is no contention that this hospital was not a hospital within the meaning of G. L. c. 111, Section 70.
Slovenia add two for N Ireland, Czech Republic LJUBLJANA, Oct 6 (Reuters) - Slovenia's coach Matjaz Kek on Monday called in two additional players for the upcoming 2010 World Cup Group Three qualifiers against Northern Ireland and Czech Republic. spokesman. Slovenia host Northern Ireland on Oct. 11 before travelling to Teplice to face Czech Republic four days later. Goalkeepers: Samir Handanovic (Udinese), Aleksander Seliga (Celje). Defenders: Bostjan Cesar (Olympique Marseille), Luka Elsner (Domzale), Branko Ilic (Betis), Bojan Jokic (Sochaux), Mitja Morec (CSKA Sofija),), Aleksander Radosavljevic (Tom Tomsk), Ales Mejac (Maribor). Forwards: Zlatko Dedic (Frosinone), Zlatan Ljubijankic (Gent), Mirnes Sisic (Olympiakos Piraeus), Milivoje Novakovic .
CEI Home Getting Help Mind Control About Links Books Help Us Forum Index | Disclaimer | Forum Rules "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements" Go to Topic: • Go to: Forum List • Message List • New Topic • Search • • Print View Nxivm leader charged with sex trafficking Posted by: hopeeternal () Date: March 27, 2018 09:08PM [ ] . Catherine Oxenberg at a Hollywood premiere in 2005Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES Image caption. What is the group accused of? An affidavit filed as part of the FBI's criminal complaint says that Nxivm operated as a "pyramid" group where self-help workshops cost members thousands of dollars. Federal investigators say that in recent years Mr Raniere, 57, set up a secret sorority within the group known as Dominus Obsequious Sororium (DOS), meaning Master Over the Slave Women. Evidence photographs show the brandingImage copyrightFBI Presentational white space. 'Unorthadox pyramid scheme' "Keith Raniere displayed a disgusting abuse of power in his efforts to denigrate and manipulate women he considered his sex slaves," senior FBI official William Sweeney said on Monday. ." Photograph of Keith Raniere in the early 1990sImage copyrightCOURTESY OF TIMES UNION ALBANY Image caption Mr Raniere has maintained Nxivm is a "professional business providing educational tools, coaching and training" Mr Raniere publicly disputed the New York Times newspaper's account in late 2017 before leaving the country. "These allegations are most disturbing to me as non-violence is one of my most important values," a letter on his website said. In the letter, he added that members of the sorority were "thriving, health, happy, better off, and haven't been coerced". Prosecutors say Mr Raniere was unco-operative when immigration officials detained him at a villa in Mexico. They say after he was arrested, women he was staying with "chased the car in which the defendant was being transported in their own car at high speed". Federal prosecutors have requested he be held without bail. He is expected to be transferred to authorities in New York following Tuesday's court appearance." Options: Reply • Quote Go to: Forum List • Message List • Search • Sorry, only registered users may post in this forum. This forum Phorum .,139492,139492
Win for photography under fire Page Tools White phosphorus is used as a smoke screen for US tank lands on a marine position, forcing soldiers to scatter. Photo: Ashley Gilbertson A Melbourne man's war images have won recognition. By Claire Halliday. Melbourne-born photographer Ashley Gilbertson, 26, is this year's winner of the Robert Capa Award for courageous photography. Announced in New York last week by the US Overseas Press Club, Gilbertson's award was for his graphic shots taken during the height of the Battle for Falluja in Iraq. Explaining why war photography differs from photography in general, Gilbertson replies: "War." He acknowledges that emotion comes into play in most photographic shoots, but when it comes to war "emotion is far more raw, less guarded, less jaded". For Gilbertson, it is the emotional connection that matters most. "War is war - everybody knows that it's horrible," he says. "The story is around the war. How is it affecting the people?" Having spent much of the past three years documenting the war in Iraq, New York-based Gilbertson is accustomed to seeing the effects of conflict. It's a far cry from his Camberwell childhood and an adolescence spent drifting between skateboarding and photographing other skateboarders for the street press. "The day I sold my skateboard to buy film was the day I knew I wanted to become a photographer," Gilbertson says. Initially his documentary-style pictures captured his own, relatively safe, existence. When he broadened his outlook to photograph everything from local protest rallies to inner-city street scenes, he found a new impetus for his work. Describing the legendary Magnum photo agency founder Robert Capa - killed in 1954 when he stepped on a landmine - as "unprecedented in his bravery to cover the realities of the soldiers and civilians in war", Gilbertson says the only parallels to be drawn between his approach to war photography and that of Capa is that "at the end of the day, war is about death". "Inflicting as much death as one can on one's enemy and razing as many structures at the same time. War has not changed, tactics have," Gilbertson says. "M16s have advanced. Marines now have a one-month Arabic course in their training, though when they pull the trigger the death at the other end is the same." Every photojournalist, however, is not the same. "I work with vultures, with humanitarians, and with those who feel their pictures will make a difference. I share the obvious traits with the other shooters. I want to see change for the better. I want to see a story that is not constantly depressing to cover, I want to see Iraq succeed - whatever that means. The trait is, very basically being concerned about people. Concern for those who are not otherwise heard is our business," he says. Gilbertson received his award and $1300 - "enough cash to go to a couple of very fine dinners in NYC with my girlfriend who somehow puts up with my absence". Gilbertson hopes that other issues will come to the fore since his prestigious win. "Iraq is not my life. Awareness is." That includes AIDS and the global displacement of refugees. Gilbertson, who moved to New York two years ago, is hoping to raise awareness of Australian photojournalists. Their voices are very hard to hear, he says. "If, as a photojournalist, you feel you need your voice to be heard more widely, it is essential that you go to one of the world's publishing capitals." To cement his reputation as a war photographer, though, Gilbertson had to then step into the world of the US military. Embedded with a Marines troop and weighed down with "80-pound packs, body armour and a helmet", Gilbertson spent 20 hours a day on his feet "wondering how we had survived the last dash before making the next". At night he would transmit his pictures from whichever house the Marines had occupied, typically positioning himself (and the glow of his laptop) in the only windowless room - the toilet - for fear of attracting sniper fire. "That was the horror of Falluja," he joked in his award acceptance speech. For a photographer who has in the past been viewed by some of his peers as having a slightly naive faith in his ability to change the world around him, Gilbertson is today more pragmatic about the realities of what publication - even in a newspaper as influential as the New York Times - can really achieve. "Unfortunately, I don't think my pictures have made any difference whatsoever," he says. "I do it in the hope that one day my pictures will make some difference. The last thing I could see myself doing is standing on the sidelines of history. I need to be on the front, in order to give people the impression and understanding of being there. To be anywhere else is a lie." Get The Age home delivered for as little as $2.70 a week*
[ [ "/ffximage/2005/05/05/ashley_gilbertson_wideweb__430x270.jpg", "White phosphorus is used as a smoke screen for US tank lands on a marine position, forcing soldiers to scatter." ] ]
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I quote : "The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policy or views of UNICEF." It's written by breast-beating leftie Peter Adamson, founder of the New Internationalist, a chap who 'divides his time between Oxford and Tuscany' - as one does. The only useful thing about it is that he (correctly IMHO) treats not having both biological parents as a negative point. There's a mountain of evidence to support that view. For a leftie liberal, he's surprisingly honest about this - although you can feel his pain.). I'm sorry to see senior Tories who should know better (well, George Osborne, anyway - although his more detailed comments seem surprisingly sensible) using this report as a pooey stick to beat the Government with. The report also contained data from Professor Jonathan Bradshaw from York, that nest of well-funded poverty specialists. You can download it in /Excel from his site. I'm sure he's a nice chap - but isn't it amazing what a nice little earner the poor can be ? Deep Satisfaction 3 hours ago 11 comments: The UK has a lower suicide rate than Netherlans, Sweden, Poland and Switzerland. So unless the authors of this report can explain why our misreable teenagers never go the whole hog and take their own lives when they have the chance, I'm prone to believe they are talking a load of pap: Ofcourse its a load of crap, Britain always comes last in this kind of thing just because the leftists want to propagandise the EU social model. Agree with Dave but there are plenty ofreal horrors to be concerned about. Murdered children for instance. A few weeks ago a child named 'Neo' was killed by his father. It's written by breast-beating leftie Peter Adamson, founder of the New Internationalist, a chap who 'divides his time between Oxford and Tuscany' - as one does. It's grim up North (of Siena) "isn't it amazing what a nice little earner the poor can be": well, that's why poverty was redefined in to relative terms, wasn't it? Ryan, I think it's six of one and half a dozen of the other. But seriously, this country deserves to be bottom of the league, the UK is the worse place in the industrialised world to live. Our quality of life is truly dreadful. Dave, Give it a few more years and the job of the left will be complete. The state will become the lone-parent of the nation. I predict that children will be intensively farmed and bred in special institutions. Anon, Ditto the one stabbing and three shootings in South London since the start of this month. Apopleptic, Herr Adamson is on a cushy little number. Dearime, Check out the Guardian Society job section, free every Wednesday (Yeah I know, you're a subscriber). [i]The UK has a lower suicide rate than Netherlans, Sweden, Poland and Switzerland.[/i] Only because these Germanic and Nordic peoples face their situations with a Spenglerian pessimism, while us Brits, second only to the Yanks in Prozac use, prefer chemical lobotomisation to a potentially discomforting rendez-vous with reality. Surprised we have a lower suicide rate than Switzerland which must have boosted theirs with imports (but I bet they exclude foreigners). Anyway suicide is highest among young men living in this sexist, racist hell of persecuting white males especially if they speak English @alex zeka I think you will find that both the Swedes and the Germans also like to medicate - alcohol is the drug of choice. Both countries have had problems with alcoholism for many decades. I suspect that in Sweden the use of anti-depressants is also very common (I lived there for a few years and got the feeling that 90% of the adult population were drugged up!). Both right and left have used this report to justify authoritarian approaches to solving the problems raised so hysterically. I suspect that as Laban has suggested, the report was written by creating a table with the UK at the bottom, and then justifying why it should be at the bottom. A brief sanity check shows there is little cause for the hysteria. Maybe life IS a bit tough for kids in the UK - but maybe that is the best preparation for adult life? Or maybe our teens just like a good whinge (as British adults tend to do). @anonymong: The people from ethnic minorities that exhibit serious mental health problems would have done so in their own homeland. What happens is that by importing people from less sophisticated cultures we import the social problems along with them - we have no mechanism for filtering out the bad apples. The reason why serious crime has increased three-fold since the 1950's is because we have imported people from countries which have much higher crime rates but have not filtered out the bad'uns (check out the UNs figures for national murder rates - you will see Jamaica right near the top with a murder rate 22 times higher than England, so you don't need many Jamaicans living here to push crime rates through the roof). Furthermore activists like Paul Boateng have forced the state to back off from dealing with these problems causing a "cold conflict" situation much as they have in the US. White people in the US don't care that black people are killing people because they know the victim is most usually black - the attitude is "well you made your bed now lie in it". White people just move out of town and let them get on with it. This means that the solution to these problems can only come from the black community, unless the state has a change of heart and takes a more robust approach. But that would mean building three times as many prisons to go back to the zero tolerance approach that was being so succesful in the 50s. Maybe things will improve here because black women are focussing on their education. Maybe they have had enough of the ghetto culture and have decided to dig themselves out of it. Foxy Brown seems to be part of this movement. We can only hope that this demographic change will result in lower crime over the longer term. Ryan and Alex Zeka, Scandinavians may be more prone to depression because of latitudinal factors. Think Strindberg, Munch and Ibsen. Ryan My dad - a Jamaican - thinks the Brits should re-colonise Jamaica (This a view held by many from his generation). The anti-social thuggery exhibited by Afro-Caribbean men can be traced to those of Jamaican origin. You'll find that black Brits of either Barbadian, St. Lucian and Trinidadian extraction are model citizens. The Barbados of today is like the UK of the 1950s, and Bajans regard Jamaicans as being from a lower life form. Foxy Though generalisations are dangerous, you make a valid point about the difference between ex-pat Jamaicans and Bajans. Working among the West Indian population of Notting Hill and Paddington in the 1950s and 1960s, the immigrants from Barbados, on the whole, were much more pleasant to deal with than Jamaicans. Though I don't entirely agree about Trinidadians who also seemed more politicised and stroppy than Bajans. In fact some of the most notorious leftist activists/hoodlums were Trinidaian who were ringleaders in the Black Power movement (allied to US 'Black Muslims') that sowed the seeds of much unrest among second generation West Indians and imported mugging and Ganga to this country as a political tool. But most of the small time racketeering prevalent in that area in that era emanated from Jamaican hustlers from the shanties of Kingston, Jamaica - King's Road and Matches Lane etc, who had stowed-away to get here, rather than paying their fare on the Windrush. Those reprobates existed by extorting prostitutes, illegal shebeens and pushing dope. By the 1960s, I found Bajans to be more British than the indigenous residents of Notting Hill in many ways - much more traditionally minded and God- fearing. But many myths have now become established 'history', crafted , of course, by the race relations industry.
CELEBRITIES BORN ON THIS DAY: Amanda Bynes, 23; Jennie Garth, 37; Picabo Street, 38, Eddie Murphy, 48. Happy Birthday: You will take everyone, including yourself, by surprise this year. You will see things as black and white and, although this can have its negatives, it can also help you clear the dead weight from your life. This is a progressive year and it will lead to a better life and a better you. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Don’t give in to anyone giving you an ultimatum. Instead, continue in a positive direction. A professional deal is coming your way but, if you let an emotional issue affect your concentration, you won’t be able to take advantage. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Don’t go over budget with home renovation projects. Do much of the labor yourself and figure out ways to barter for the extras. Someone from your past may pose a problem. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Someone may try to convince you that you need his or her help but, before you take it, ask what you have to give in return. You must choose candidates that will form the best team. Your ability to pull things together will lead to success. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Ask yourself how much you are actually enjoying life and what you do each day. It’s time to make some positive changes that will help you move in a better direction or that suits your personality better. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You need a little adventure in your life. If you can get away, even for just the day, do so. A change will spark your imagination and lead to a romantic encounter. Your emotional outlook is altered but now is not the time to make a final decision. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You can take charge but remember that whatever you do will influence your future. Let your practical side be the judge of what you share with others. If you keep things to yourself, you will have less explaining to do. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Expand your interests or get involved in something you enjoy doing and you will meet someone new who will influence your future. Don’t rule out a professional partnership. Consider starting your own small business. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Don’t give in to pressure or to anyone giving you an ultimatum. Take control and refuse to let anyone get a rise out of you that may show your emotional weakness. A short trip will be enlightening in terms of the information you collect. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Don’t give in to criticism. Just because someone pulls out of a deal or decides not to go along with your plans doesn’t mean you can’t forge ahead. Opportunity will knock if you embrace change and people who can complement your style. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You’ll have trouble controlling your emotions if you get into a feud with someone you deal with regularly. The less said, the better. Change may be necessary but it doesn’t have to mean the loss of a friendship. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Gauge your response carefully and don’t retaliate. Instead, operate under the pretense that everyone else will eventually see things your way. Move forward positively and everything will fall into place. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Present yourself with a challenge and you will have some fun. Your creativity and imagination will help you come up with some great plans. Progress will be yours as long as you aren’t afraid to go it alone. Birthday Baby: You think and react quickly. You are sensitive to your environment and unforgiving when it comes to opposition. You are true to your
IBM Cognos Planning: Explore and Contribute to Plans (V8.4/10.1) - eLearningIBM Preis auf Anfrage Wichtige informationen - Kurs - München Häufig gestellte Fragen · Voraussetzungen You should have: - Knowledge of your organization's data and structure - Experience using a Web browser Planning: Explore and Contribute to Plans (V10.1) WBT Planning 10.1 - Contributor Role Zusätzliche Informationen Please refer to Course Overview for description information.
The Washington State Renewable Energy System Incentive Program is a production-based financial incentive for customers with solar, wind, and bio-digester generating systems. PSE voluntarily administers this state incentive to qualified customers. In order for a customer-generator to participate they must: WA State Program Administrator. Please visit the WSU Energy Program’s website, or contact the WA State Program Team at [email protected] | 360-956-2200 or 888-363-7289 (toll-free). Legacy Participants with valid certifications will continue to receive payments up to $5000 per year for electricity produced through June 30, 2020 at the following rates::
In The Beginning There Was Rap – Belo the Flo – S2 – E8 The boys go through a 90’s hip hop cover album and discuss what which songs they like and don’t like. Later, for the hop topic they pick what items they would bring with them in a desert island scenario.
How to get RICH from home: Six easy ways to make more money in 2019 THIS is how you can make loads of dosh in your PJs. If you're constantly on the countdown to payday and want 2019 to be different, listen up! There are some easy ways you can rake in extra cash without leaving the house. Forget taking up a second job, instead kick back and let the money roll in with these easy money-making tricks. Here are six simple ways to earn some extra cash next year: 1. Rent a room on Airbnb If you're a homeowner you can list your house online and play host to holidaymakers, either while you’re away or if you have some spare space and fancy taking in a temporary lodger. Advertising your home on websites like Airbnb can be a great money-maker too, with properties in London netting nearly £100 per night. 2. Start a blog The competition is fierce, but if you can spot a gap in the market and start up a successful blog it's a great money-maker. A recent survey found that 9% of bloggers make between £820-£8200 a month. That's nealry £100,000 a year. SAVING: Make sure you put a bit of money away each month before you start spending (Pic: GETTY). Fill in questionnaires/surveys Love it or hate it, give your feedback on everything from tracks to clothing and get paid for it. Sites like will give you money for reviewing goods and rating new albums. Better yet, the more your reputation grows the more cash you can rake in. CHA-CHING: Zoella earned £400,000 over an eight month period in 2014 (Pic: GETTY) 5. Get into gaming Enjoy playing video games? Well, did you know you could earn a small fortune from gaming. There are multiple ways to earn cash from the hobby. Firstly there is game testing or “play testing”. This is where large video game companies employ video game testers, who test games in development and report any problems or glitches they discover. Filming yourself playing video games and uploading them to Youtube is another potential way to make some cash..
PHILADELPHIA — A Belarus man convicted of illegally exporting sensitive goods and technology was returned to his native country Wednesday by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO). George Tsarik, 30, a citizen of Belarus who was residing in West Palm Beach, Fla., and convicted in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania for conspiracy to illegally export defense articles, was removed. Following his Nov. 1, 2012, criminal conviction, Tsarik was sentenced to two years in federal prison. ERO Philadelphia Criminal Alien Program (CAP) officers encountered Tsarik Jan. 4, 2013, at the Moshannon Valley Correctional Center in Philipsburg, Pa. ERO Philadelphia lodged an immigration detainer on him for being in violation of U.S. immigration law based on his criminal conviction. On Feb. 3, Tsarik entered ICE custody at the completion of his federal sentence and after ERO Philadelphia officers served him a notice to appear in U.S. immigration court charging removability pursuant to the Immigration and Nationality Act, as having engaged after admission in espionage/sabotage/export of sensitive goods, technology and information. On March 13, an immigration judge ordered Tsarik removed from the United States to Belarus. "Yesterday's removal of George Tsarik is the latest example of ERO Philadelphia's commitment to identifying and removing serious convicted criminals and those that threaten our national security," said Thomas Decker, field office director for ERO Philadelphia. From Aug. 26, 2011, to Feb. 9, 2012, George Tsarik illegally exported night vision devices including Raptor 4x night vision rifle scopes, multi-adaptable night tactical imaging systems (MANTIS) and Aquila night vision scopes without first obtaining from the Department of State a license or written authorization for such export. As part of the conspiracy, one or more co-conspirators from Belarus purchased the defense articles from sellers in the United States and directed the sellers to ship them to Tsarik. Tsarik arranged for the defense articles to be illegally exported out of the United States in various ways including circuitous shipment routes through Philadelphia. Tsarik arrived at the Minsk International Airport in Minsk, Belarus, Wednesday and was turned over to Belarus law enforcement authorities by ERO officers. ERO's Criminal Alien Program identifies potentially deportable aliens incarcerated in jails and prisons throughout the United States. CAP officers interview and review inmates' biographical information. Although ERO initiates removal proceedings against criminal aliens through the. George Tsarik's criminal case was investigated by ICE's Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Philadelphia special agents.
Barrett Road Culvert Replacement Red Barn Engineering environmental staff conducted a wetland and ordinary high water mark (OHWM) delineation, evaluated wetlands and streams according to Ohio Department of Natural Resources wetland and stream rating manuals, and prepared the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) nationwide permit and Coastal Zone Management (CMZ) permit for replacement of an undersized culvert under Barrett Road, Sandusky, Ohio. The key staff involved with this project were: Kristin Murray (PWS), Rob Fritz, Rebekah Weston, and Seth Rackley. We teamed locally with John Hancock Associates for survey. Red Barn Engineering Services OHWM delineation USACE nationwide permit CMZ permit
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Thomas LEIGH (RIN: 2510) was born abt. 1520 in Stoneleigh, Warwick, England. He married Alice BARKER abt. 1547. He died 17 November 1572. Alice BARKER (RIN: 2511), daughter of John BARKER and Elizabeth HILL , was born abt. 1525 in Wolverton, Shropshire, England. She died 1600. Notes for Thomas LEIGH: Notes for Alice BARKER: This page was created on 20 February 2012 using UncleGed - GEDCOM-to-HTML software ver. 10.02 Copyright © 1999-2009 D. M. DeBacker
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Currently, and provides some additional guidance concerning the transition of these positions. The purpose of this position is to improve and assure the quality of software. Usually the salary is greater and there are other benefits involved which may balance the scale of not wanting to work in such an area. Not your computer Use Guest mode to sign in privately Learn more Next Create account Afrikaans azrbaycan catal etina Dansk Deutsch eesti. Easy Quality Assurance Specialist Job Description In A Call. Designs and international development programs associated with regulatory affairs are you used by ensuring process that job description Looking for personalized career matches? You can you are job description for jobs providing excellent service. Spherion staffing and evaluation criteria are added regarding quality assurance team player with which may or the assurance specialist will create internal and. Do your job description of assurance specialist jobs at windi. 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COLLEGE STATION, Texas (AP) -- Texas A&M had one last party in it - at least for now - to celebrate freshman quarterback Johnny Manziel's Heisman Trophy. A few thousand Aggies, primarily current students, gathered around the steps at Memorial Student Center on Wednesday night to mainly welcome back Manziel, although his teammates were recognized as well during the "Celebrating the 12th Man" event. "What an honor it is to represent you guys throughout the country this past week," Manziel said to roars from the crowd on a clear, cool evening in Aggieland. "We were in the Big Apple on some of the biggest stages in the entire world and really let people know what the 12th Man is all about." Manziel, who redshirted last season under a different coaching staff, became the first freshman to win the Heisman, which celebrated its 78th year Saturday night in New York. "Thank you guys for all of the support you've given us this year," said Manziel, who flourished under first-year coach Kevin Sumlin. "You've really pushed us hard and we couldn't have done this without you. You're the best student body in the country and I love each and every one of y'all." Manziel hoisted the trophy in the air following a short speech. A&M junior offensive tackle Luke Joeckel, the first Aggie to win the Outland Award, given to the nation's top interior offensive lineman, also addressed the gathering. "These are the best fans in the entire country, whether it's college football, the NFL, basketball ... whatever it is, y'all are the best fans," Joeckel said. "What an honor it is to represent y'all in Kyle Field every Saturday." A&M President R. Bowen Loftin, the primary catalyst behind the university's move from the Big 12 to the Southeastern Conference this season, said Manziel's leadership has been a joy to watch during the Aggies' 10-2 season. "Leadership is a tough thing," Loftin said. "It takes two things in place to make it work. First of all,." The Aggies, winners of five straight to close out the regular season, toppled then-top-ranked Alabama 29-24 on Nov. 10 in Tuscaloosa, Ala., and also won all four of their SEC road games in their first season in the powerful league. Their two losses were by a combined eight points to Florida and LSU at Kyle Field. "What a great week this has been, and what a great season this has been for Aggieland," said Richard Box, A&M's board of regents chairman. "How sweet it is. We heard a lot of trash talk around the country saying A&M wasn't going to be able to compete, and it may take three or four years before we get there. Well, we're there." A&M will play 10-2 Oklahoma, a former Big 12 opponent, on Jan. 4 in the Cotton Bowl at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington. Copyright 2014 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
<< Securing Your WordPress Blog Against Hackers A blogger's worst fear is to have their WordPress blog hacked. This has happened to ... Read more Wassup Blogs You Beaut Huge Link Love Fest I haven't been spreading any link love of late so I thought that I should ... Read more This Post Has 43 Comments V Guy13 May 2009 He looks pretty happy in that second picture. My Westy isn’t allowed to roll around in the grass like that. Mostly because my mom would kill me if she ever saw him looking that green. Sire13 May 2009 Thanks V Guy. I had to change your name as you did not follow to the comment policy, but I did leave the link. Strangely enough he wasn’t green for long as somehow he managed to clean himself up within half an hour. Kikolani from Art of Blogging13 May 2009 Sire13 May 2009 Is Mal-shi a proper term, because it is it would make it so much easier telling people exactly what Zak is. As for cute, you should see him when the groomer is through with him. Kikolani from Art of Blogging14 May 2009 stratosg13 May 2009 He looks like a fun dog. And what i like doing with my dogs is get them pissed off. It’s fun teasing them :P Sire13 May 2009 I hope you tease him in a nice way stratos? stratosg18 May 2009 well yah i just play around with them, maybe their tail or something… i can’t hurt them of course! ;) stratosg´s Last blog post..Should you be concerned about your WordPress security? Sire18 May 2009 Of course. I have much more fun teasing the wife, even though it sometimes gets me into trouble. peter petterson13 May 2009 Doggone Zac! He’ll go for your ankles. peter petterson´s Last blog post..The Manuka factor – honey from the NZ manuka tree… Sire14 May 2009 Yeah Pete, that’s about the size of it. Edward14 May 2009 Zako looks very Eco friendly . clever dog Sire14 May 2009 That he does Edward, that he does. Nihar14 May 2009 Very cute dot. I like dogs but when they are small… I like cats very much. Nihar´s Last blog post..How to Remove WordPress Meta Generator tag The Almost Millionaire13 May 2009 Cute dog…surprising, because I’ve heard that dogs tend to look like their owners…nothing personal mate! The Almost Millionaire´s Last blog post..April Blog Income Report Sire13 May 2009 Why thanks TAM, if I looked as cute as ZAK I reckon I would rope in those sheilas no worries at all Sire14 May 2009 You will love Zak then, because he is pretty small Nihar. George Serradinho14 May 2009 Sire15 May 2009 Yeah, they certainly need room to move, getting your own place would be a good idea. Mitch13 May 2009 Twitter: mitch_m Sire14 May 2009 Actually Mitch, I don’t know how he did it but he managed to clean himself. :surprise_ee: Mitch14 May 2009 Twitter: mitch_m I think I’d want to know, Sire. I mean, small as he is, I can only think of a couple of ways he could have done it, neither all that pleasant. :blink_tb: Mitch´s Last blog post..Viewing Adsense Information Under Google Analytics Sire15 May 2009 Too late now mate, it’s all done and dusted. However he did it he did it pretty quickly. I went and put the camera back and when I came outside he was clean? Ron15 May 2009 Nice and cute dog you have Sire. I am planning to buy one for my daughter when she’s 2 (she is 1 and half year old now). :) Ron´s Last blog post..Cavite Sulitizens Group Sire15 May 2009 Two is a good age to get a puppy, that way they can grow together. Indie Lumberjack15 May 2009 Oh my Moses, I love dogs! Dat dog so indie bro, it’s killer greenin!!! Indie Lumberjack´s Last blog post..How to be Indie: Sire15 May 2009 Well Indie, I am going to have to take a good look at your site so I can decipher the indie lingo, but so far I reckon you’re saying you reckon Zak’s really cute Mikael15 May 2009 Awesome. Except that grass doesn’t come off that easily. Did he get his original color back? Mikael´s Last blog post..How to Retire Early and Rich by Making a Commitment Sire15 May 2009 He did and it was almost in the blink of an eye. I don’t know how he did it so quickly, perhaps he’s a magical dog? Mikael15 May 2009 A green magical dog? Maybe you could have him perform on television. I’m sure you could make a nice buck from that ;) Mikael´s Last blog post..7 Steps to Achieve Early Retirement Capability Sire18 May 2009 Yep, but I doubt he will ever repeat the process. I reckon it will always remain a mystery. Jenn17 May 2009 This is such a cute story. I love the pics of him after you mow the lawn. Priceless! Sire18 May 2009 Thanks Jen, I’m glad you liked the story. Marcy19 May 2009. Sire19 May 2009 Marcy, your father sounds like a very smart man and thank you so much for your comment. Gennaro20 May 2009 Sire’s softer side? Cute dog. The little dogs have quite the bark, lol. Gennaro´s Last blog post..Memorial Day Weekend: Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier Sire23 May 2009 Yeah, even I have a soft side hidden somewhere under this hard exterior George28 May 2009 That is an adorable picture. It is tough to imagine Zak getting upset when he looks that cute in the pictures above. I can imagine that was fun cleaning him off as well. Sire29 May 2009 Thanks George, as for cleaning him off, I’m still trying to work out how he did it. Stancje1 Jun 2009 He looks so adorable! Can’t belive he’s capable of being as mean as you make it sound. Stancje´s Last blog post..Wrocław 31.05.2009: Mam do wynajęcia Sire1 Jun 2009 I was only kidding Stancje, actually I think I mentioned that in the post. Stuart8 Aug 2009 Great story! My 9 year old daughter will like this. She is really into dogs and watches that show about the dog lady that trains crazy dogs. Sire8 Aug 2009 I reckon I much watch the same show. Is that the one with the English lady?
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Last Saturday evening, we were treated to a great performance. The IUP Dance and music departments put together their annual joint production, entitled “An Evening of Dance and Percussion“. Set to a backdrop of percussion (drums, steel drums, mallet instruments , other percussion and a bass guitar), there were eight distinct performances ranging from ballet to latin and african. The audience response was terrific. The musicianship was top notch and the dancing was as always wonderful. The pace of the show was brisk, and the variety kept everyone’s interest. This image is taken from an audience favorite: Frankenstein. This song, originally recorded by Edgar Winter Group, is a classic rock instrumental from 1973. The director and musicians all appeared in their hippie digs. This image was taken from the balcony with my new Canon 50D. Settings were: f/2.8 and 1/80 sec indoors at ISO1600 on a 70-200 zoom, using a monopod for stabilization. The colors came out very bright, and the noise was quite low. And…my daughter Kelly is in the top left of the image! Rock on!
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43 Spray Court Bayport, NY 11705 EIN: 90-0482868 (631) 472-1418 [email protected] In the summer of 2012, I visited the Roman and Catherine Lobo School for the Blind in Mangalore, India. My family was given a tour of the school and was allowed to sit in briefly on some of the classes being conducted there. I found that the students were being taught the same information I had been taught at that age. Naturally, the techniques used to teach them were different than those in the traditional classroom, but their potential was visible in the abilities they displayed during the tour and in their academic achievements, back then and now. In today’s society, visual impairments tend to be portrayed as drastic roadblocks in the face of education, but in reality, they are obstacles that can be overcome with proper knowledge and training. The Lobo School for the Blind works to give their students said knowledge and training, but also opens the door to a plethora of opportunities. Through the Lobo School for the Blind, these students are taught to lead independent lives and reach their full potential. However, some of the modern technology that can take this education to the next level is quite expensive. I was motivated to donate to this school through the Konkani Charitable Fund in hopes that these new technologies will create a variety of new opportunities for these students. Neha Basti is a high school student in Chicago, Illinois. Despite her distance from her birthplace of Mangalore, India, she tries to bring her Indian heritage into her daily life whenever possible. She enjoys music, dance, and anything related to food. After 10 years of studying Bharatanatyam, she performed her Arangetram, or graduation, in Mangalore on August 9, 2014. She asked that her guests and well wishers donate to the Lobo School for the Blind through the Konkani Charitable Fund. Through their generosity, $1,500 was raised for the cause. Neha is our hero for giving up here Arangetram presents to help the students at Lobo School for blind in Mangalore , India. We sincerely hope more young students in this country follow Neha Basti Shenoy & Roshan Pai's example & help poor & needy people in India by raising funds . The directors of Konkani Charitable fund will extend all the help for young students if they want to raise funds for Konkani Charitable Fund to help Mentally & Physically challenged children & poor students to complete their education. We also help poor people in old age homes.;view=article&amp;id=82:neha-basti-shenoy-of-willow-brook-il&amp;catid=20:our-heros&amp;Itemid=321&amp;lang=ar
#PAA2017 Session Organizers For a list of #PAA2017 session organizers and co-organizers, please click here. Online Program A link to the online program will be here when it becomes available. Important Dates July 14, 2016: Call for Papers, with session titles and organizer names posted July 28, 2016: Confex opens for submissions September 29 2016: Deadline for submitting papers or abstracts to organizers November 29, 2016: Authors are notified of papers accepted in regular sessions, and session organizers forward promising papers that were not accepted for possible inclusion in overflow or poster sessions November 15, 2016: Deadline for submitting travel award applications to PAA December 15, 2016: Authors are notified of papers accepted into overflow sessions January 17, 2017: Authors are notified of papers accepted into poster sessions March 2, 2017: Deadline for making online revisions to abstracts of accepted paper April 7, 2017 : Deadline for posting completed papers on the program website April 27 – 29, 2017: PAA Annual Meeting, Hilton Chicago Important Documents Call For Papers Instructions for Organizers Guidelines for Oral Presenters Instructions for Poster Presenters Guidelines for Chairs Guidelines for Discussants
Tag Archives Full CRYORIG releases Full Copper C7 Cu Heatsink After nearly a year from first announcing the Cu line of full copper coolers PC cooling innovator CRYORIG is now releasing the C7 Cu copper enhanced SFF ITX cooler. The C7 Cu is built from the award winning C7 architecture with one obvious upgrade, the extravagant use of copper for the whole heatsink body. By […] Antec P380 Full Tower Review The P380 is part of the last wave of full towers to hit the market and since it’s a member of the Performance One line by Antec we expected to encounter something spec [...] Lian Li Announces the PC-V1000L Full Tower Chassis September 2, Keelung, Taiwan – Lian-Li Industrial Co. Ltd today announces the PC-V1000L Special Edition full tower chassis. This brushed aluminum chassis features a ventila [...] [...] Tesoro Lobera Supreme Full RGB Mechanical Keyboard Named after the sword of the Saint Ferdinand, one of the greatest Castilian kings, the Lobera Supreme gives gamers a 16.8 million backlight color palette to choose from. E [...] Fractal Design Arc XL Full Tower Chassis Review Fractal Design are one of the coolest component manufacturers around and over the years they’ve gone on to win countless awards for their chassis, power supplies [...]
This house / villa of 105 m² (about 1129 ft²), built in 2004, with a land size of 750 m² (about 0,19 acres) comprises 4 rooms including 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom and 1 toilet. It is provided with a living room of 39 m² (about 419 ft²), with a terrace and with 2 garages. Heating : individual electric. Fees including VAT borne by the buyer : 4,86 % of the price of the property excluding fees Price of the property excluding fees : 185 000 € Energy consumption D 173 kWhEP/m²/an Energy consumption (primary energy) for heating, hot water and cooling. Emissions of greenhouse gases A 2
More from Tips and Tricks for Vintage Racers DISC BRAKE TIPS Change fluid with Castrol LMA (especially Lockheed users) or Ferodo DOT 4 Racing for severe usage, at least annually, more frequently in humid climates or if used for racing(1-2 events). DOT 5 silicone brake fluid is NOT recommended. DO NOT use aerosol cleaners-some leave residues that promote glazing. Continued glass beading of rotors will optimize performance. When changing pads, always prepare the disc rotors by cleaning with an aggressive scrubbing with Scotch-Brite (steel grade) abrasive pads, 180 grit sandpaper, or glass beading (preferred) to remove boundary layer deposited by previous pads. Rinse with MEK, denatured alcohol, or acetone. Many compounds need a heat cycle to fully cure them. You shouldn't start a race on a fresh set unless you are sure that compound doesn't require it. Disc lightening--drilling vs. thinning: both will reduce mass and therefore heat sink capability. Some pluses for drilling.: If the holes drilled are smaller in diameter than the thickness of the disc, surface area is increased. With the right pattern, potential for warpage is decreased. Holes or slots with give the gas bubble created someplace to dissipate. Finally, the thicker disc allows the pads to sit deeper in the caliper, minimizing cocking and enhancing retraction. The down side is that it is very difficult and usually impossible to drill a pattern that will sweep the entire face of the pad, creating uneven pad and disc wear. Thinned discs need to be slotted. Grey iron rotors (vintage Norton and Triumph) should not be modified. Check material for fit on the disc. Lockheed applications where the friction material rides out over the edge of the disc will benefit from the use of the Grimeca application-- moves material down 3mm. DRUM BRAKE TIPS Carefully inspect drum surface for grooves (obvious), crown (not so obvious), out of round and high-low spots (dial indicator). Crown often occurs with riveted linings. High-low spots commonly result when relacing hubs. There is no substitute for a freshly turned drum for premium friction materials to bed-in against. It's like putting a new piston in an old bore-never as good as with a fresh bore and hone. And you should inspect drum surface with the same critical eye. Tolerance: .002 to .004”" any dimension. Up to .010” out-of-round may be tolerated. If you are re-riveting new linings yourself, DO NOT drill out the rivets. Chisel off the peened end and drive the rivet out. Materials currently available far exceed those previously available. Reline your shoes with a current premium compound Keep in mind the low unit pressures required for mechanically operated drum brakes. Most linings require the higher unit pressures available hydraulically. Very few modern materials are compatible with pressed steel drums. Lay back leading edge of leading shoes in 1/2 inch increments to minimize initial "bite" if brake is too "grabby", especially when hot. The expanded metal used to cover scoops is typically 15% to 23% open area. Replace them with stainless steel screens with 50% to 60% open area, tripling air flow. Use sealed wheel bearings --grease vapor can contaminate linings. Once contaminated, they never recover. .Lubricate backing plate components SPARINGLY with a 500F. + degree grease, such as Sta-Lube Sta-Plex Extreme Pressure, available at NAPA. Liberally lube parts and assemble. Disassemble and carefully remove all excess grease. Check to see how far the backplate extends into the drum. Too far in and the sides of the shoes drag on the hub, creating excessive heat. Epoxy a shim to the inside of the backplate. Not far enough, and a ridge forms where there is no contact. Bend backplate or remove material to correct. Worn pivot shafts cause uneven actuation. Rebush if necessary. If a stay is used, make sure it does not cock the backplate. Always apply brake when tightening axle. If you want to arc the linings yourself, and have access to a lathe, first mount the relined shoes on the backing plate. Turn on the lathe (300-350rpm) to .020" under drum I.D. in .010" cuts.
The word of the LORD came to me: “Son of man, you are living among a rebellious people. They have eyes to see but do not see and ears to hear but do not hear, for they are a rebellious people. (Ezekiel 12:1-2 NIV) How can prophetic truth be so distorted or misunderstood by so many who boast that they love Scripture? “God said it. I believe it. That settles it!” is the mantra of Gospel preachers and Bible believers alike. But does this bold declaration apply when Jesus’ testimony conflicts with the teaching of our pastors. A case in point involves Jesus’ promise of “Great tribulation” or “time of great distress” (Greek thlipsis megala). “Great distress or tribulation” is mentioned four times in the context of the Bible’s teaching on the end times (Daniel 12:1, Matthew 24:21, Luke 21:23, Revelation 7:14). Examining these prophecies in their context, using the basic rules for interpretation, how can so-called Bible-believers assert “in the rapture the Church will escape the great tribulation”? Could it be that they have eyes, but do not see? Do many Christian leaders have ears, yet fail to hear? A friend noted the term “the elect” or “chosen” used in Matthew 24:22. With respect to the intensity and global scope of the thlipsis megala (great distress) we read, “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect [bold emphasis mine] those days will be shortened.” It must be hidden from their eyes or how could an entire segment of Christianity conclude that the elect are in heaven with Jesus prior to the Tribulation? The simplest among us will reason that the elect will survive only because the great distress is cut short or shortened (Matt. 24:22). Those who stand firm to the end are saved (Matt. 24:13) through their time of severe trial, not from it. Every other N.T. use of “the elect” is taken as a synonym for the church. God’s chosen people. Why do we allow someone educated by men to tell us it means something other than what it says? Bible school students often emerge from their training claiming the prophecy in Matthew 24 applies only to Jews who remain after the church is taken up. What about the parallel Scripture in Mark 13 and Luke 21? Are these accounts, also of The Olivet Discourse, exclusively for the Jews or are they two more witnesses against those who reject the truth? When Christ prophesied to his disciples about the time of great distress in Luke 21:12-24, was he speaking to Jews or was it to his disciples as our “federal head” (see prior post)? The elect are wise with seeing eyes. They will not be fooled. They anticipate their suffering and affliction during the days of Satan’s unequaled wrath. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect–if that were possible. -Jesus (Matthew 24:24) Who but someone with a veil over their eyes will make the argument the church is raptured before the Tribulation period begins? If ears do not hear, than we remain ignorant of the Lord’s words, “See, I have told you ahead of time.” (Matt. 24:25) If Christians are unprepared for the thlipsis megala the fault does not lie with their blind guides. If they fall into a hole, it is on them. Before bragging about our faith in God’s Word, we ought to take God’s eye test (cf. Jeremiah 1:11-15). Only if we see through the lens of Scripture will we stand in the hour of our great test (cf. Matt. 24:10, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3, 9-12). One Reply to “Eyes but Do They See?” There are no words that I can say that will do justice to the excellent work you provided here. I will let THE LORD through the prophet Daniel speak for me. “He (antichrist) will be handed over to the holy people of the Most High. His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will worship and obey him (Daniel 7:25-27, NIV).
SH6247 : World of moss taken 2 years ago, 3 km from Nantmor, Gwynedd, Great Britain World of moss The footpath descends through a wood full of mossy rocks. TIP: Click the map for Large scale mapping Change to interactive Map > Change to interactive Map > - Grid Square - SH6247, 15 images (more nearby ) - Photographer - Mark Percy (find more nearby) - Date Taken - Tuesday, 19 April, 2016 (more nearby) - Submitted - Monday, 25 April, 2016 - Geographical Context - Subject Location - OSGB36: SH 62203 47424 [1m precision] WGS84: 53:0.3807N 4:3.3060W - Camera Location - OSGB36: SH 62203 474<<
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48: No Directive: Archetype What is MLS’s archetype? In my opinion, the outlaw/rebel archetype suits MLS best. However, I think it’s possible that MLS could also have the motivator archetype. The goal of the motivator archetype is to encourage people and get them involved in a cause. MLS is about nonconformity and rebelliousness, but it’s also about empowering people to be who they are. MLS encourages their fans to be themselves and do what makes them happy. MLS is somewhat motivational. Idea 1 (outlaw/rebel archetype): MLS creates an ad showing MLS players doing rebellious things (ex. driving fast cars, tagging walls, drinking alcohol). The ad could have somewhat of a comedic feel. This would prevent MLS from making their players look bad. The ad would only be intended to show the outlaw/rebel archetype. or Idea 2 (motivator archetype): MLS creates ads showing MLS players doing things to help the community (ex. volunteering, planting trees, teaching kids how to play soccer). These ads could have a lighthearted, positive feel. These ads would make MLS look good. They would portray the motivator archetype.
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I. It sounds like you pulled your Rectus Femoris muscle which is one of the quadriceps muscles. With rest it will probably get better in about 10 days. If it is the first time it has happened you probably don't have to worry too much about it. Ice and compression with an elastic bandage or thigh sleeve will help. Return to activity gradually, especially in starting to kick a ball again. You should also stretch the Rectus Femoris lightly and often. Getting physio is not critical but it will make sure you are doing everything correctly as well as look at any possible causes for the problem in the first place.
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GAD65-Specific CD4+ T-Cells with High Antigen Avidity Are Prevalent in Peripheral Blood of Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Abstract Negative selection of self-reactive T-cells during thymic development, along with activation-induced cell death in peripheral lymphocytes, is designed to limit the expansion and persistence of autoreactive T-cells. Autoreactive T-cells are nevertheless present, both in patients with type 1 diabetes and in at-risk subjects. By using MHC class II tetramers to probe the T-cell receptor (TcR) specificity and avidity of GAD65 reactive T-cell clones isolated from patients with type 1 diabetes, we identified high-avidity CD4+ T-cells in peripheral blood, coexisting with low-avidity cells directed to the same GAD65 epitope specificity. A variety of cytokine patterns was observed, even among T-cells with high MHC-peptide avidity, and the clones utilize a biased set of TcR genes that favor two combinations, Vα12-β5.1 and Vα17-Vβ4. Presence of these high-avidity TcRs indicates a failure to delete autoreactive T-cells that likely arise from oligoclonal expansion in response to autoantigen exposure during the progression of type 1 diabetes. - APC, antigen presenting cell - PBMC, peripheral blood mononuclear cell - PMHC, peptide-MHC class II complex - TcR, T-cell receptor Central tolerance mechanisms known as negative selection are designed to preferentially delete autoreactive T-cells during maturation of the immune system. Nevertheless, in human autoimmune diseases, peripheral T-cells with autoantigen specificity demonstrate that such selection is imperfect. In type 1 diabetes, autoreactive CD4+ T-cells specific for several islet proteins can be expanded from peripheral blood, including cells that recognize epitopes from hGAD65 in the context of the diabetes-associated HLA class II molecules DR0401 and DR0404 (1–6). Previous studies of animal models of autoimmunity have suggested several potential mechanisms to account for this type of escape from T-cell tolerance. First, there is an avidity threshold for negative selection, by which low-avidity cells escape deletion and can populate the peripheral lymphoid compartment; a prediction of this mechanistic pathway is that peripheral autoreactive cells should be of generally low avidity with respect to self-antigens. Second, antigenic epitopes derived during antigen presentation can be recognized as immunodominant or as cryptic, depending on whether they are processed efficiently or not, respectively. In this context, central tolerance to cryptic epitopes may be lacking, and a prediction of this pathway is that autoreactive cells should preferentially recognize cryptic epitopes that become presented in the periphery. A third mechanism is suggested by recent studies of an NOD mouse model of CD8+ T-cell–mediated islet immunity, in which enrichment of a highly autoreactive CD8+ T-cell population in the islets has been described, likely resulting from avidity maturation of the immune response (7). This model is consistent with a progressive focusing of the T-cell repertoire over time during autoimmunity, in which high-avidity responses are amplified from low-frequency precursors as a result of oligoclonal expansions in response to repeated autoantigen exposure. Central selection mechanisms in human type 1 diabetes must be inferred from analysis of the peripheral lymphocyte pool, an approach made possible by the use of soluble class II peptide tetramers, which bind the antigen-specific T-cell receptor (TcR) on CD4+ T-cells. We have previously identified hGAD65-specific CD4+ T-cells expanded from peripheral blood of patients with type 1 diabetes that bind specific GAD-HLA-DR4 tetramers that contain GAD555-567 peptide, which has been shown to be an efficiently processed immunodominant epitope in patients with type 1 diabetes (8) and DR401 transgenic mice (9). This epitope was presented efficiently on the surface of GAD65-transfected DR401+ cells as demonstrated by elution and mass spectrometry of peptides bound to DR401 molecule (10). We now describe the characterization of several GAD65 555-567–specific T-cells, which likely represent escape from negative selection and may be important to the pathogenesis of autoimmunity. MHC class II tetramers are useful probes of CD4+ TcR specificity and avidity (11–13). When used at nonsaturating concentrations, tetramer binding is a straightforward measure of structural avidity, and binding strength correlates with the dissociation rate of particular TcR-MHC peptide complex formation on the T-cell surface (14,15). The tetramer-positive CD4+ T-cells analyzed in this study express a diverse range of antigen interactions, with high-avidity cells coexisting with low- or moderate-avidity cells directed to the same MHC peptide specificity, even in a single subject. Within a group of high-avidity CD4+ T-cells, a variety of cytokines are expressed, although there seems to be biased TcR utilization, most likely resulting from preferential oligoclonal expansion. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS DR401-positive patients with type 1 diabetes (<2 years from diagnosis; n = 5) were recruited at the Diabetes Clinical Research Unit at Benaroya Research Institute. Healthy HLA-matched blood donors (n = 5) were recruited from normal volunteers. T-cell cloning was performed from subject 0102–239 (DRB1*0401, DQB1*0302/DRB1*0101, DQB1*0501), whose type 1 diabetes was diagnosed at the age of 15, and subject 0702-592 (DRB1*0404, DQB1*0302/DRB1*0301, DQB1*0201), whose diabetes was diagnosed at the age of 17. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were purified from peripheral blood samples that were obtained under informed consent 2 and 4 years, respectively, after diagnosis. Subject 0102-239 was positive and subject 0702-592 was negative for GAD65 autoantibodies at the time the blood sample was drawn. Preparation of HLA-DR0401 and DR0404 monomers and tetramers. The construction of the expression vectors for generation of soluble DR0401 (DRA*0101/DRB1*0401) and DR0404 (DRA1*0101/DRB1*0404) molecules has been described previously (16). Briefly, a site-specific biotinylation sequence was added to the 3′ end of the DRB1*0401 or DRB1*0404 leucine zipper cassette, and the chimeric cDNA was subcloned into a Cu-inducible Drosophila expression vector. DR-A and DR-B expression vectors were cotransfected into Schneider S-2 cells; the class II monomers then were purified, concentrated, and biotinylated. The desired peptide was loaded for 48–72 h, and tetramers were formed by incubating class II molecules with phycoethrin-labeled streptavidin. Isolation and stimulation of PBMCs. PBMCs were separated from 15 to 40 ml of heparinized blood by gradient centrifugation (Lymphoprep; Nycomed, Oslo, Norway) and expanded in vitro in the presence of specific antigen, as previously described (8). Briefly, cells were cultured with RPMI 1640 containing 10% vol/vol pooled human serum at the density of 5 × 106/ml, in the presence of a GAD65 555-567 (557I) (NFIRMVISNPAAT) peptide at a concentration of 10 μg/ml. On day 10, the cells were transferred at a density of 4 × 106/ml onto a 48-well plate that had been adsorbed with 8 μg/ml DR0401 or DR0404 monomer that contained GAD65 557I peptide (pMHC) in 1× PBS for 3 h at 37°C. A total of 1 μg/ml anti-CD28 antibody (BD/Pharmingen, San Jose, CA) was added to the media, and the cells were incubated for an additional 3–6 days. Some PBMCs were cultured in the presence of GAD65 555-567 (wild-type) peptide for 12–14 days without subsequent stimulation with DR4-GAD65 monomer. Tetramer binding, proliferation, and cytokine secretion assays of stimulated PBMCs and T-cell clones. The stimulated cells from the PBMC culture were stained using 10 μg/ml phycoethrin-labeled HLA-DR0401 or 0404 tetramer for 3 h at 37°C and subsequently with fluorochrome-labeled anti-CD25 and anti-CD4 (BD/Pharmingen) for 30 min on ice. Cells were then washed with PBS that contained 1% FBS and analyzed using a Becton Dickinson FACSCalibur flow cytometer. Data analysis was performed using WinMdi (Stanford University) and CellQuest (Becton Dickinson) software. The GAD65 557I peptide–stimulated cells were single-cell sorted into 96-well plates using a FACSVantage cell sorter (Becton Dickinson). Sorted clones were expanded for 10 days by stimulation with irradiated unmatched PBMCs (1.5 × 105/well), 5 μg/ml phytohemagglutinin, and 10 units/ml IL-2 for two cycles, followed by stimulation with HLA-DR4–matched PBMCs pulsed with 10 μg/ml GAD65 557I peptide and 10 units/ml IL-2. On days 10–12, clones were selected on the basis of growth for further expansion. Resting T-cells (5 × 104) were tested for specificity by stimulation with irradiated HLA-DR4–matched PBMCs (1 × 105/well) with and without a specific peptide in the culture. The peptides used in the assay were GAD65 555-567 (557I) (NFIRMVISNPAAT) and/or GAD65 (555-567 NFFRMVISNPAAT). Recombinant GAD65, which was used in some experiments, was a gift from Dr. Peter van Endert (Hôpital Necker, Paris, France) (2). Proliferation as measured by [3H]thymidine incorporation was tested after 72 h in culture. The restriction elements of the T-cell clones were confirmed by testing proliferation induced by DR0401 or 0404 transfected type 1 bare-lymphocyte-syndrome cell lines (BLS-1) pulsed with GAD65 peptide. Cytokine secretion by the cells was measured at 48 h after stimulation by Cytometric Beads Array assay (BD Biosciences Pharmingen) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. T-cell clones were tested for tetramer binding by staining with 10 μg/ml GAD65 or control tetramer for 1 h at 37°C followed by fluorochrome-conjugated antibody on ice for 30 min. Clones BRI-5.325 and BRI-5.307 were incubated with soluble tetramers (5 μg/ml) for 3 h at 37°C and subsequently stained with antigen presenting cell (APC)-labeled anti-CD69 monoclonal antibodies (Pharmingen). After washing with FACS buffer, samples were acquired by flow cytometry and the percentage increase in CD69+ cells was calculated as follows: where the percentage of CD69+ cells in basal conditions was 53–58% for both clones. TcR typing. TcR Vβ chains were determined by using Beckman-Coulter IO Test BetaMark TCR β Repertoire Kit, which contains 24 Vβ-specific fluorescent-labeled antibodies and anti-human TcR monoclonal Vβ 6.7 FITC-labeled antibody (Endogen). The stained cells were analyzed by flow cytometry. TcR Vα chains and those Vβ chains that did not stain with any TcR Vβ–specific monoclonal antibody in the flow cytometry analysis were evaluated by PCR (17). Briefly, total RNA was isolated from 1 × 106 T-cells using Qiagen Rneasy Mini kit followed by first-strand cDNA synthesis (Applied Biosystems GeneAmp RNA PCR kit). A particular TcR variable gene family was amplified from cDNA using a specific V-region oligonucleotide as a 5′ primer and a common C-region oligonucleotide as a 3′ primer. The PCR products were run in a 1.6% agarose 1× TBE gel, and the specificity was evaluated. Amplified cDNA transcripts were sequenced using Applied Biosystems BigDye version 1.1. RESULTS High- and low-avidity CD4+ T-cells to GAD65 coexist in peripheral blood. Fluorescent HLA-DR0404 tetramers that contained the GAD65 557I peptide were used to analyze PBMCs from subject 0702-592. Because of the low precursor frequency of these T-cells in the peripheral blood, in vitro expansion with the same GAD65 peptide was necessary before the analysis by flow cytometry. In Fig. 1A, profiles of peripheral blood cells analyzed by GAD65 tetramer staining are shown, 72 h or 120 h after incubation of the PBMCs with recombinant plate-bound pMHC complexes. Several HLA-DR4 haplotypes (e.g., containing DRB1*0401, *0404, or *0405) are associated with type 1 diabetes, and the introduction of a substitution at position 557 (F→ I) at the P1 anchor residue generates an agonist peptide that binds efficiently to all of these DR4 subtypes (data not shown) and stimulates proliferation and cytokine release from DR4-restricted T-cell clones (4). A small but distinct subpopulation of CD4+ T-cells that bound the DR0404 tetramer that contained GAD65 557I but not a similar DR0404 tetramer that contained a control peptide was observed. The majority of the tetramer-positive cells expressed high levels of CD4, consistent with recent activation by the plate-bound pMHC complexes. These CD4-high cells also stained with the CD25 activation marker, as previously described (8,18). Cell sorting by flow cytometry was performed, selecting the CD4-high/CD25+ population that was also tetramer-positive. Of 68 clones generated by cell sorting and tested for antigen-specific proliferation, 20 CD4+ T-cell clones were expanded, and all responded specifically to both specific antigen stimulation and tetramer staining. These T-cell clones displayed a range of tetramer-binding profiles, consistent with the heterogeneous tetramer-binding pattern of the polyclonal T-cells (Fig. 1B). Individual T-cell tetramer binding strength (low, moderate, or high) was a stable phenotype for each clone as determined by multiple tetramer staining experiments over 6–12 months. CD4+ T-cell clones that were isolated with tetramers that contained the GAD557I peptide showed antigen-specific proliferation with GAD65 555-567 wild-type peptide (Fig. 2A) and also recognized a naturally processed epitope from recombinant GAD65 protein in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 2B). Tetramer-induced activation, as measured by CD69 upregulation, validated the utility of tetramer staining intensity as a measure of TcR avidity (Fig. 2C): tetramer high clones displayed higher sensitivity for tetramer stimulation as compared with tetramer low ones. Proliferation profiles for a representative set of the clones are shown in Fig. 3. There was a partial correlation between functional sensitivity and tetramer binding. This correlation was less evident at the highest antigen concentration, likely as a result of the excess of the peptide. At suboptimal concentration of the peptide, the clones with high tetramer binding showed the strongest antigen responses. Cytokine profiles were heterogeneous (data not shown). In particular, there was no correlation between TH1/TH2-type cytokine bias and the strength of tetramer binding. Similar responses were seen for all clones in the presence of GAD65 555-567 (557F, wild-type) peptide, consistent with the interpretation that this P1 residue substitution is a site for MHC but not TcR interaction. Ten unique TcR sequences were found among the clones (Table 1). It is interesting that TcR Vα and Vβ chain usage was nonrandom, with two combinations (Vα12-Vβ5.1 and Vα17-Vβ4) represented more than once, with unique CDR3 regions. Oligoclonal T-cell expansion from primary PBMCs. The GAD65 peptide 555-567 is presented in the context of multiple class II molecules and has been shown to stimulate T-cells in the context of both DRB1*0404- and HLA-DRB1*0401–positive APCs (8). When PBMCs from patient 0102-239 (HLA-DRB1*0401) were analyzed for tetramer binding after in vitro amplification with antigen, a different cytometry profile was found. As shown in Fig. 4A, a discrete cohort of strongly DR0401 tetramer-positive CD4+ cells were seen, which were not present in the T-cell sample lacking specific antigen stimulation or in the activated population stained with a control DR0401 tetramer. Compared with the analysis shown in Fig. 1, this patient’s tetramer binding assay showed a much more homogeneous high-avidity profile. Cell sorting was performed, gating on CD4-high/CD25+ and on tetramer-positive cells. A total of 117 T-cell clones were analyzed, and all were tetramer positive (Fig. 4B). Twenty clones were selected for further analysis of functional and structural properties. All responded to specific antigen with high sensitivity (Fig. 5A), and all utilized the identical TcR, containing both Vα12 and Vβ5.1. It is interesting that this particular TcR chain combination was also detected in two GAD65-specific T-cell clones isolated from patient 0702-592 with type 1 diabetes, as described above (Table 1), and also, on a different occasion, from one multiple autoantibody–positive at-risk subject (data not shown). All of these T-cell clones displayed high antigen sensitivity and bound GAD65 tetramer. Despite the oligoclonal response in patient 0102-239 with type 1 diabetes, the functional phenotype of these T-cell clones was not uniform. As shown in Fig. 5B, two patterns were present: some of the clones displayed a characteristic Th1 profile, and others displayed a Th0 profile. These profiles seemed to be stable properties of particular clones, as they did not change over time and were identical for either the native peptide sequence or the modified sequence with an optimized P1 anchor residue 557I. TcR-Vβ 5.1 is prevalent among the T-cells that bound to GAD65 tetramer. We analyzed whether a biased usage of TcR-Vβ can be identified in PBMCs of five patients with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes. The CD4+ cells were stimulated with GAD65 555-567 (wild-type) peptide and autologous antigen-presenting cells for 12–14 days and analyzed for GAD65 tetramer and TcR-Vβ staining by flow cytometry. A representative example of the staining is shown is Fig. 6. GAD65 tetramer-positive T-cells were observed in all patients with type 1 diabetes but not in normal subjects (Fig. 6A). A total of 50–98% of the GAD65 tetramer–binding T-cells were positive for Vβ5.1 chain, suggesting that this particular Vβ chain is frequently used among T-cells that are specific for GAD65 555-567 epitope (Fig. 6B). DISCUSSION We used GAD65-induced T-cell activation and tetramer staining to analyze autoantigen-specific T-cells from peripheral blood of patients with type 1 diabetes and identified high-avidity profiles associated with particular TcR usage patterns. The same TcR Vαβ composition displaying high structural and functional avidity for GAD65 was identified in T-cell clones from both patients with type 1 diabetes, and it was a dominant clonotype of high-avidity T-cells with restricted TcR repertoire in subject 0102-239. Amplification of specific TcR upon activation with a diabetogenic mimotope peptide in mice has been described (19). In humans with disease-associated HLA molecules, a spectrum of potentially autoreactive T-cells with a range of avidities exist, but selective amplification of high-avidity cells may lead to skewing of this spectrum during the progression of disease, so high-avidity cells become more predominant. Type 1 diabetes of patients in our study was diagnosed 2–4 years before the isolation of T-cell clones from their peripheral blood, demonstrating persistence of such high-affinity T-cells in the circulation. The persistence of these T-cells years after the onset of the disease, when the dose of stimulating islet antigen is most likely minimal, illustrates the potential longevity of the autoreactive memory response. It is also possible that limited regeneration of the β-cells or presence of residual β-cell mass could provide a source of antigen that could maintain a population of high-avidity T-cells that are capable of being reactivated at low doses of antigen. Subject 0702-592 was negative for GAD65 autoantibody at the time of the blood draw 4 years after diagnosis, suggesting that GAD65-specific T-cell response can be more persistent than positivity for autoantibodies, at least in some individuals. When we analyzed the tetramer-positive cells in peripheral blood of subject 0702-592 drawn 6 months earlier, a similar tetramer staining profile was found. However, we cannot exclude possible fluctuations of autoreactive T-cell populations in peripheral blood. A recent study by Trudeau et al. (20) on detection of class I tetramer–positive synthetic peptide mimotope–reactive T-cells in the NOD mouse suggested distinct cycles in the appearance of autoreactive cells in the peripheral blood. In human diseases other than diabetes, presence of dominant clonotypes in the peripheral blood of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (21–24) and melanoma (25–28) has been documented. Several studies have demonstrated a correlation between tetramer staining and antigen sensitivity, the measures of structural and functional avidity used in this study (29–33). In an earlier study of the functional sensitivity and tetramer-binding characteristics, two HSV-specific HLA-DQ0602–restricted clones showed a direct correlation between the two properties, likely attributed to the kinetics of dissociation of the TcR-pMHC complex (15). In our current work, we observed a correlation between the tetramer-binding intensity and functional avidity in a set of clones that displayed differential tetramer binding. Moreover, the intensity of tetramer binding paralleled the magnitude of tetramer signaling, as assessed by CD69 upregulation. It is interesting that high-avidity T-cells using TcR Vα12-Vβ5.1 were observed in both patients with type 1 diabetes, and in one of them, this T-cell phenotype was dominant. Oligoclonal responses have been demonstrated in NOD mouse (34,35) but not in human diabetes. In the NOD mouse as well, a population of autoreactive pathogenic T-cells is represented by clonotypes that share similar TcR-Vα chains (7). Dominant TcR Vβ requirements for self-antigen recognition by CD4+ T-cells have been reported in multiple sclerosis (36). There have been several studies on the preferential Vβ-chain usage by peripheral or islet-infiltrated T-cells in type 1 diabetes, but they have not provided evidence for dominance or antigen specificity of TcR Vβ (37–39). The usage of TcR Vβ5.1 by several of our T-cell clones and peripheral GAD65-reactive CD4+ T-cells of patients with type 1 diabetes is interesting, because an increase in the expression of this TcR Vβ chain has been demonstrated in islet-infiltrating cells isolated from a postmortem pancreas of a patient with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes, although antigen specificity of the dominant T-cells remained unresolved (40). It is possible that the preferential recognition of the peptide bound to multimeric soluble MHC class II by the Vα12, Vβ5.1 receptor may correlate with T-cells that display a high affinity to soluble tetramers and are less dependent on costimulation (41). This is in line with findings of Viglietta et al. (42), who demonstrated that GAD65-reactive T-cells from patients with type 1 diabetes but not from normal subjects are independent of costimulation through the CD28/B7 pathway. Compared with naïve T-cells, memory T-cells are less dependent on costimulation (43), and it is possible that high-affinity cells that need less antigen and costimulation are activated earlier and have faster expansion kinetics (44). In the NOD mouse model, Tian et al. (45) showed that autoimmunity was first detected to Vβ-cell determinants that had the highest precursor frequency and highest proportion of high-avidity T-cells. Expansion of these high-avidity T-cells may create a persistent pool of autoreactive T-cells that can be subsequently detected from peripheral blood by specific tetramers. A retrospective study on the prevalence of these high-avidity T-cells and their role in the progression of type 1 diabetes in the subjects who are at risk to develop diabetes is under way. The presence of autoreactive T-cells with potential preferential usage of TcR to this important diabetes autoantigen may serve as both a potential marker for disease progression and a target for immune manipulation in autoimmune diabetes. TcR-Vβ 5.1 usage of GAD tetramer binding T-cells. An example of DR0401-GAD65 tetramer binding (A) and TcR-Vβ5.1 use (B) by antigen-stimulated PBMCs. Tetramer was used to stain PBMCs cultured in vitro with the GAD65 555-567 (wild-type) peptide for 12–14 days. Flow cytometry of the viable lymphocytic population as gated based on the forward/side scatter profile is shown. TcR usage, GAD tetramer staining, and cytokine profiles of the T-cell clones isolated from a patient with type 1 diabetes Acknowledgments This study was supported by grants from Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and DK53004 and AI50864 from the National Institutes of Health. We thank Dr. Aru Arumuganathan for expert assistance in cell sorting, the BRI Clinical Core Laboratory and Diabetes Clinical Research Unit for the sample collection and processing, Dr. Eddie James for tetramer production, Jason Berger for the peptide synthesis, Nicole Pratt and Tuan Nguyen for technical assistance, Dr. Peter van Endert for the generous gift of recombinant GAD65, and Matt Warren for preparation of the manuscript. Footnotes - Accepted April 29, 2004. - Received November 7, 2003. - DIABETES
Entrepreneurial techies have been selling thousands of smartphone apps that claim to treat acne for 99¢ and $1.99 a pop (excuse the pun). Now, however, a Federal Trade Commission investigation reveals that (shocker!) the claims—that weird colored lights emitted from one’s smartphone could eliminate pimples—have no scientific basis. The app makers are being forced to stop making baseless claims in advertisements, and to pay fines. The FTC’s complaint about acne-curing apps gave one of its employees the rare opportunity to demonstrate a sense of humor: “Smartphones make our lives easier in countless ways, but unfortunately when it comes to curing acne, there’s no app for that,” said FTC Chairman, Jon Leibowitz. Ba-dum-bump! Jon Leibowitz everybody! He’ll be here all week! Tip your waitresses! According to the FTC, two mobile apps—AcneApp and Acne Pwner—have been making false claims. For example: The marketers of AcneApp claimed, “This app was developed by a dermatologist. A study published by the British Journal of Dermatology showed blue and red light treatments eliminated p-acne bacteria (a major cause of acne) and reduces skin blemishes by 76%.” In fact, the journal referenced above doesn’t back this up at all. But somewhere in the neighborhood of 15,000 of these two acne-treatment apps were downloaded by consumers, at a cost of $1.99 or 99¢ each. In a recently reached settlement, marketers for these apps must cease from making scientifically unfounded claims, and the app makers are facing thousands of dollars in fines. They’re also facing seriously bad karma after ripping off thousands of pimpled teenagers desperate for clear skin. Brad Tuttle is a reporter at TIME. Find him on Twitter at @bradrtuttle. You can also continue the discussion on TIME’s Facebook page and on Twitter at @TIME.
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Loss of Last Link with Founders of Gold Hill Museum Members and Trustees of The Shaftesbury & District Historical Society have been saddened by news of the death of Joseph (Jo) Rutter on 02 December 2017. Jo was an active and wise President of The S&DHS from 2015, whose experience of the Society dated back to its very early days. As a youthful Secretary in the early 1950s he had rubbed shoulders with legendary figures like Noel Teulon Porter and Sir Leonard Woolley, whose lectures he arranged to record and publish. Most significantly, Jo negotiated the purchase of Sun and Moon Cottage and the adjoining doss house which became the present Gold Hill Museum. In recent years he donated a considerable collection of documents to the Museum’s archives and continued to research into the histories of Shaftesbury properties and their occupants, sharing his findings at the Society’s Tea and Talks. Sadly there will be no further lectures – one was planned for 2018 – and no sequel to his entertaining article in the September 2015 edition of the Society’s Newsletter. There will be a memorial service for Jo at 2.30p.m. on Saturday 13 January 2018 at St Peter’s Church in Shaftesbury.
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Since 2002, Heidevolk has been on a musical journey through Gelderland, composing folk metal hymns of legends and lore from their homeland. Uit oude grond (From old soil) is their third release to date, and it’s bound to thrill all fans who would like to tag along on the exciting adventures this Dutch band has to offer. Presented to you worldwide from the folks at Napalm Records, here is a recent interview we conducted with Heidevolk vocalist Joris Boghtdrincke to learn more about the band and their exciting pagan folk metal tales… Introduce yourself, tell me what you do in Heidevolk, and how long the band has been together. My name is Joris, and I’m one of two singers in Heidevolk. We formed in 2002, had some line-up changes but now we’re stable again. Sort of. Hehehe. Where is the band from and what is the local music scene like there? We’re from a town called Arnhem in Gelderland, a Dutch province in the east of our country. Can’t say I’m too involved in the local music scene anymore. Some cool concert venues, record shops and bars that used to be hotspots closed down, so everybody got a bit scattered. Of course we’re not getting any younger and most of the new generation seems to have been born with a distinct lack in taste when it comes to music, so everything really was better in the old days! Still there are some promising new bands such as Mondvolland who I hope will carry the torch. Is there any story or concept behind the Uit Oude Grond title? There are several. Again, our songs are built around local history, folklore, mythology and nature, and the old soil (“oude grond”) is what binds these things. We’ve expanded our view a bit on this album though, so you’ll also find some more generic subjects like on “Vlammenzee”, “Dondergod”, and “Beest bij nacht”. As usual, everything is in Dutch but we included some liner notes so you’ll know what we’re on about. Tell me about Gelderland in particular and what fascinates you the most about its rich history? It’s the combination of its landscapes, its history, and its culture that fascinates me. I’ve lived here all of my life and all my ancestors come from this region, so naturally I feel quite attached to it. It’s the biggest province of the Netherlands, and the last region to lose its independence when our nation was formed so it still has an identity of its own. The oldest city of the Netherlands, Nijmegen, lies in Gelderland and within our province there a lot of dialects and peculiar customs to be found. There are some castles, all of them haunted of course, forest, hills, but also the typical Dutch river landscapes. We have a few Gueldrian heroes, like duke Charles of Egmond and the poet A.C.W. Staring, and you’ll find two songs on Uit oude grond that are directly related to them! Where did you get the ideas for some of the lyrics? Please cite three song examples and what the lyrics are about. It’s impossible to predict when and where inspiration comes, but when reading books on history or visiting historic places my mind starts processing all the inspiration into thoughts that I distill lyrics from, to put it that way. I’ve written some lyrics for a song about Ostara, the divine personification of spring among the Saxons, six years ago around the vernal equinox but never put it to music. When we wrote the song Ostara last year, the lyrics fitted perfectly. Sometimes the ideas for lyrics just come from listening to the music. For instance, one day I came up some with some riffs which had a grim and pumping vibe, and then Reamon added some very fitting stuff to it. I had no lyrical concept for it, but after listening to it a couple of times I got the feeling of becoming “possessed in the night” and an “urge to unleash the madness”, and so the lyrics for Beest bij nacht were born. It’s one of the darker songs. Reamon had written a fast song, and they immediately brought me clear visions of a funeral pyre… I think I’ve never written any lyrics as quick and fluently as I did for that song. What is a live Heidevolk show like for those of us who have yet to see you play? A very intense mixture of a ritual, a battle and a party. It combines the extremes of the profane with the spiritual. With two different vocalists in the band, is there ever any problems as to which person will sing what? How difficult were the two vocal choir parts to record? Mark and I have this way of working when we both start out doing our own thing but gradually grow towards each other. Combining our vocals comes naturally, we usually don’t have to talk it all through because it just happens. He has higher reach than I do, so we both know our place. Recording the vocals is extremely strenuous , mainly because of the timing. Would you ever want to put together a Heidevolk DVD of your performances? Possibly, but it would have to be done in a manner that would do the atmosphere justice. Our shows are very energetic and intense, it would be hard to capture the feeling on a DVD but maybe we’ll try it someday! How did the Black Sails Over Europe tour go and what was it like touring with Alestorm and Tyr? Did Alestorm challenge you to a football match? They challenged us to a lot of weird and perverse things, but as far as I recall I don’t remember them asking us to play a game of our favorite pass time. Or at least mine, as none of the other guys in Heidevolk seems to care about football much. Any chance of seeing Heidevolk here in the States for some shows? That depends on your customs, really! Hehehe. But seriously, we really want to make it to the States someday so we’ll do everything in our power to make it happen! It’ll be quite an undertaking but if it happens, my grandchildren will never hear the end of it! What is your favorite Dutch beer and are there any American beers you are particularly fond of? Beers like Grolsch, Brand, and Hertog Jan are among our favorites. I’ve noticed that Heineken tastes a lot better abroad than over here for some reason, so we’ll leave that one out. I’m a bit ashamed to say I never had an American beer as far as I remember (which doesn’t mean I never did, hehehe), which ones would you recommend? Need to come prepared when we tour the States, you know… Are you involved with any other bands or projects outside of Heidevolk? I have several small projects but nothing worth mentioning at this moment. Our drummer Joost also plays in a death metal band named Autumnal Reaper, and our guitarist Sebas has a folk project named Chariovalda. Do you have any messages for metal fans here in the Los Angeles area? I hope we’ll be able to capture your imagination with our music even though we’re almost from the other side of the planet! We will not rest until we play in your neck of the woods! And even after that we will not rest! (Interview by Kenneth Morton) RECENT COMMENTS
Deldrimor Scepter is a Deldrimor item, an endgame unique item from Prophecies campaign. Deldrimor Scepters exist for every Caster Attribute. Weapon stats[] - <type>* damage: 11-22 (req. 9 <Attribute>) - Halves skill recharge of <Attribute> spells (Chance: 20%) - Energy +5 (while Health is above 50%) * Damage type changes according to item's attribute. Collector/Weaponsmith/PvP counterpart[][] - Other than the skin and a few new linked attributes, these are identical to the endgame wands from the other two campaigns, the Wayward Wand (Factions) and Golden Boar Scepter (Nightfall).
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Previous Entry | Next Entry - 00:04:17: @stinkylol2 I'll be in my bunk ;-) - 00:18:11: Hate it when the lotto site tells me I have a 'winning selection in a previous draw', but this is the first time I've played these numbers - 01:13:48: @Tweeter_NCIS Could you blur out her face before posting it? - 09:20:12: RT @sandbar17: @SammiBlossom @sylviajun @danharmon We just need @ericcolsen to tae his shirt off on NCISLA like he did on Community. - 09:46:28: Cellular is showing on E4 tonight at 9 #ericcolsen - 14:10:59: good news, got my Fired Up dvd today. Bad news, could be next week before I have time to watch it, doh! #ericcolsen - 14:19:43: @wyvernfriend Do I even want to know how that came into your hands? - 15:28:10: Note to self. Listening to i-pod at work ok. Watching videos prob a no no. Tweets copied by
. To begin with Embedded Board settings:- 1) I have successfully been able to send and receive the message on the same Embedded Board. The structure of the code is as follows in the main thread:- - Get the RT Registry from the DomainParticipantFactory singleton - Register Writer History - Register Reader History - Register DPDE - Unregister the pre-registered UDP component - Configure UDP transport properties - Re-register UDP component with updated properties - Participant is created - Register Data types that have been generated from IDL with the DomainParticipants - Create topic - Subscriber is created - DataReader is created - Publisher is created - DataWriter is created Q-1) With respect to UDP transport as I am using FreeRTOS, what should I define the allow_interface as? As, for DDS Micro in Windows, it is defined as the required interface name according to my Machine which is necessary I suppose for the locators to be set. So, does it have any impact directly setting my locators automatically on the board? Code used on Embedded Board:- /* Unregister the pre-registered UDP component */ if (!RT_Registry_unregister(registry, "_udp", NULL, NULL)) { /* failure */ printf("Unregistration of pre-registered UDP component failed\n"); } /*Configure UDP transport properties:*/ printf("STARTED Configure UDP transport properties\n"); struct UDP_InterfaceFactoryProperty *udp_property = NULL; udp_property = (struct UDP_InterfaceFactoryProperty *) malloc(sizeof(struct UDP_InterfaceFactoryProperty)); if (udp_property != NULL) { *udp_property = UDP_INTERFACE_FACTORY_PROPERTY_DEFAULT; /* allow_interface: Names of network interfaces allowed to send/receive. * Allow one loopback (lo) and one NIC (eth0). */ REDA_StringSeq_set_maximum(&udp_property->allow_interface,1); REDA_StringSeq_set_length(&udp_property->allow_interface,1); *REDA_StringSeq_get_reference(&udp_property->allow_interface,0) = DDS_String_dup("eth0"); } else { /* failure */ printf("UDP Property is NULL\n"); } printf("CLEARED DEBUG Configure UDP transport properties\n"); /*Re-register UDP component with updated properties:*/ if (!RT_Registry_register(registry, NETIO_DEFAULT_UDP_NAME, UDP_InterfaceFactory_get_interface(), (struct RT_ComponentFactoryProperty*)udp_property, NULL)) { /* failure */ printf("Re-registration of UDP component with updated properties failed\n"); } Q-2) Earlier my discovery message DATA(p) coming out of my Embedded Board did not contain locators information at all. So, then I manually activated the locators namely with kind 1 (UDPv4) to all:- a) &participant->builtin_data.metatraffic_multicast_locators._contiguous_buffer (set with Port #7412, Address: b) &participant->builtin_data.metatraffic_unicast_locators (set with Port #7420, Address: <ip address of my embedded device>) c) &participant->builtin_data.default_unicast_locators (set with Port #7418, Address: <ip address of my embedded device>) d) &participant->builtin_data.default_multicast_locators (set with Port #7401, Address: Is the above correct? Information: Locators of my Windows7 DDS Micro DPDE Subscribe App: - PID_MULTICAST_LOCATOR (LOCATOR_KIND_UDPV4, PID_METATRAFFIC_UNICAST_LOCATOR (LOCATOR_KIND_UDPV4, <ip address of my Windows7 PC> : 7410) PID_METATRAFFIC_MULTICAST_LOCATOR (LOCATOR_KIND_UDPV4, 7400) Q-3) Does Locators mean the source address of a Participant or the destination it is trying to send? For example, as we see, in the DATA(p) messages Locator Information, does it mean that is announcing to all, that that particular IP address or Port is MY Address, where others can REACH ME .. OR it means the location where participant will REACH OUT and GO TO ? Information: Currently I have enabled all the transports manually like the following on my Embedded Board. If I do not enable all the transports, only then I am able to see on my serial interface that the Msg Is received: “Hello World” for my Embedded Board (which has both the publisher and subscriber created, As per the code structure explained in first). REDA_StringSeq_set_maximum(&dp_qos.transports.enabled_transports,1); REDA_StringSeq_set_length(&dp_qos.transports.enabled_transports,1); *REDA_StringSeq_get_reference(&dp_qos.transports.enabled_transports,0) = DDS_String_dup("_udp"); /* Discovery enabled_transports */ DDS_StringSeq_set_maximum(&dp_qos.discovery.enabled_transports, 1); DDS_StringSeq_set_length(&dp_qos.discovery.enabled_transports, 1); *DDS_StringSeq_get_reference(&dp_qos.discovery.enabled_transports, 0) = DDS_String_dup("_udp://"); /*"); *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Windows DDS Micro Settings:- 2) I have successfully been able to get HelloWorld_dpde working using Connext DDS Micro on Windows in C using the UDP interface. Here only the following transport is set manually in application:- /*"); Now, I wish to communicate the DDS Micro on Windows as SUBSCRIBER with the Embedded Board which will be PUBLISHER using ethernet cables plugged in network switch. Therefore, I have commented out the subscriber creation and datareader creater parts on the Embedded Board to make it act as a Publisher. Now, in order to communicate using Connext DDS Micro 3.0.0. Example code HelloWorld_dpde in C language with my Embedded Board, I am first starting only the Subscriber app using the following flags in my Command Line:- HelloSubscriber.exe –udp_intf <MyInterfaceName> -peer LOCATORS Information ON WINDOWS SUBSCRIBER FROM THE DISCOVERY PARTICIPANT message:- PID_MULTICAST_LOCATOR (LOCATOR_KIND_UDPV4, 239:255:0:1:7401) PID_METATRAFFIC_UNICAST_LOCATOR (LOCATOR_KIND_UDPV4, myPC_IP_Address:7410) PID_METATRAFFIC_MULTICAST_LOCATOR (LOCATOR_KIND_UDPV4, 239:255:0:1:7400) And then, I start the Code on the Embedded Board. But the Publisher and Subscriber do not match. To let know in advance:- I have tried to ensure that the QoS settings are same for participants, datawriter and datareader. Information: IDL file in Windows HelloWorld_dpde in C is:- struct HelloWorld { long id; //@key string<128> msg; sequence<octet, 1000> image; }; And IDL file used on my Embedded Board is:- struct HelloWorld { string<128> msg; }; Kindly help me as I have been trying for a while now and not exactly sure what is the issue, or how can it be approached. I have tried to follow the documentations and few community works but unfortunately unable to find an answer for the same. Thank you in advance for the support. I tried to make the IDL files also the same now as like the Subscriber/Windows DDS Micro, but still no matching of Publisher and Subscriber is happening between Connext DDS Micro HelloWorld DPDE Subscriber.exe running on Windows and Publisher running on the Embedded Board. Mainly I am not sure what infrastructure of code is required to make it communicate other than the above mentioned(Subscriber and Datareader are commented out in the Embedded Board, because I want to Publish data through it). So, my basic question would even be that, is there a possibility of such a scenrio working or if someone has tried to achieve DDS Micro communication between PC and embedded board, then kindly put your valuable inputs. Hello, I think that the problem is that FreeRTOS is not able to return the list of local network interfaces. This is why the list of locators in the data(p) is empty. Connext DDS Micro includes a static UDP configuration API for this kind of OSs. That is UDP_InterfaceTable_add_entry(). You can find an example on example\windows\C\HelloWorld_static_udp. Using that API you can add the configuration in Connext DDS Micro regarding the local network interfaces. Important fields to set are: 1) udp_property->disable_auto_interface_config = RTI_TRUE; To indicate that Connext DDS Micro shouldn't query the OS for the local network interfaces. Instead the static configuration will be used. 2) if (!UDP_InterfaceTable_add_entry(&udp_property->if_table, 0x7f000001,0xff000000,"loopback", UDP_INTERFACE_INTERFACE_UP_FLAG | UDP_INTERFACE_INTERFACE_MULTICAST_FLAG)) 0x7f000001 -> change it with your local IP address. In the example the loopback address is set 0xff000000 -> change it with your network mask. "loopback" -> local network interface name. This name is not interpreted by Connext DDS Micro. In case you configure udp_property->allow_interface ensure that this name is in the allow list. UDP_INTERFACE_INTERFACE_UP_FLAG | UDP_INTERFACE_INTERFACE_MULTICAST_FLAG : interface flags. Remove multicast if your interface doesn't support multicast. You need to use that in the application running on FreeRTOS. Application running on Windows is able to automatically get the list of local networks. Please try that change and let me know if that worked. Best Regards, Francisco Merino. Hi Fancisco, First of all thank you very much for your reply. 1) Yes, you are very much true, which even I had realized and implemented earlier, but did not work unfortunately. I again tried to it now in a clean way. Here, I am posting the static UDP Interface definition code. But, it still does not get the locators out of the Embedded Board. 2) For that reason, I had made changes, and manually, added all the locators and then defined them with Kind = UDPv4, IP and Port number for all 4 types of locators (multicast metatraffic, default multicast, unicast metatraffic, default unicast). 3) Should that it be correct? Because, if only we are supposed to let the locators out, then partial communications happen, wherein the WindowsPC as a subscriber sends both the HEARTBEAT and ACKNACK to the Embedded Board which is the publisher. Technically, the WindowsPC should send the ACKNACK to Embedded Board as a reply to the HEARTBEAT which is not observed in the current communications. 4) Moreover, I am not using “app gen”, for the embedded board. I hope that is not the issue, as there is a .exe file for Subscriber in Windows DDS Micro. Also, the directory structure is different, as in all the entities are in the main thread only, like participant create, topic, publisher and data writer to name a few rather than, application.c, publisher.c and subscriber.c defined differently in the example programs. 5) Also, Locators coming out of Windows Machine mean that it sends out others the address to reach the Windows Machine? Or it acts as a destination address where to go to, or whom to locate where (i.e., IP of the Embedded Board)? 6) Do you think that if there is a forced INTRA participant communication, then locators will not be out ? But my main suspect remains the same that maybe FreeRTOS is not able to know the board. Please find the code below:- /************************************************************************************ STATIC UDP INTERFACE DEFINITIONS ************************************************************************************/ /* Unregister the pre-registered UDP component */ if (!RT_Registry_unregister(registry, "_udp", NULL, NULL)) { /* failure */ printf("Unregistration of pre-registered UDP component failed\n"); } struct UDP_InterfaceFactoryProperty *udp_property = NULL; udp_property = (struct UDP_InterfaceFactoryProperty *) malloc(sizeof(struct UDP_InterfaceFactoryProperty)); if (udp_property == NULL) { printf("failed to allocate udp properties\n"); } *udp_property = UDP_INTERFACE_FACTORY_PROPERTY_DEFAULT; /* In this example we manually configure what interfaces are available. * First we disable reading out the interface list. Note that on some * platforms reading out the interface list has been compiled out, so * this property has no effect. */ udp_property->disable_auto_interface_config = RTI_TRUE; /* Allow and deny lists are still valid. If none are specified then * all interfaces are valid. */ if (!DDS_StringSeq_set_maximum(&udp_property->allow_interface,1)) { printf("failed to set allow_interface maximum\n"); } if (!DDS_StringSeq_set_length(&udp_property->allow_interface,1)) { printf("failed to set allow_interface length\n"); } /* The name of the interface can be the anything, upto * UDP_INTERFACE_MAX_IFNAME characters including the '\0' character */ *DDS_StringSeq_get_reference(&udp_property->allow_interface,0) = DDS_String_dup("eth0"); /* This function takes the following arguments: * Param 1 is the iftable in the UDP property * Param 2 is the IP address of the interface in host order * Param 3 is the Netmask of the interface * Param 4 is the name of the interface * Param 5 are flags. The following flags are supported (use OR for multiple): * UDP_INTERFACE_INTERFACE_UP_FLAG - Interface is up * UDP_INTERFACE_INTERFACE_MULTICAST_FLAG - Interface supports multicast */ if (!UDP_InterfaceTable_add_entry(&udp_property->if_table, <Hex_Address_IP_of_Embedded_Board>,<Netmask_Address_IP_of_Embedded_Board>,"eth0", UDP_INTERFACE_INTERFACE_UP_FLAG | UDP_INTERFACE_INTERFACE_MULTICAST_FLAG )) { printf("failed to add interface\n"); } printf("Successfully added the static UDP interface\n\r"); /* Add an entry for the eth0 interface */ if (!RT_Registry_register(registry, NETIO_DEFAULT_UDP_NAME, UDP_InterfaceFactory_get_interface(), (struct RT_ComponentFactoryProperty*)udp_property, NULL)) { printf("failed to register udp\n"); } printf("Successfully registered the static UDP interface\n\r"); Best Regards, rgajjar Hello Rgajjar, 1) The code with the static UDP configuration that you posted seems to be OK. Would you mind to attach a Wireshark trace when you apply this configuration? What do you mean with "it still does not get the locators out of the Embedded Board."? That should be enough to get the data(p) packets with the right locators. Did yoy made any change to the HelloWorld_static_udp? Do you get a ping reply from the board? 2) How did you do that? You shouldn't need to manually add any locator. 3) As I said, you are not suppossed to manually add any locator. 4) Whether you use appgen or not is not a problem. There is no problem to communicate an application built using appgen with another built without appgen. 5) Locators sent by the Windows machine (or any other machine) mean the addresses and ports where remote applications can reach the local application which sends the data(p). Replies are sent to addresses and ports indicated by locators, not the origin address. 6) Forced INTRA participant communication? I am not sure what you mean by that. Regards, Francis. Hi Francisco, First of all thank you very much for your reply. Just to make sure we are on the same page. I am trying to get locators information flowing out of the microcontroller board as part of DATA(p) packets. I am using and have been getting the locators on the Windows7 PC automatically for the HelloWorld_dpde_subscriber in C. Please find in the attachement the images of wireshark trace and what I have been trying to do considering inputs. 1)The code with the static UDP Configuration is used on the embedded board (microcontroller board). I am following the code reference from the RTI Connext DDS Micro 3.0.0 Getting Started documentation. So, at the moment I am using the static UDP configuration for my microcontroller board. I have commented out the "create subscriber" and "create DataReader" parts from the code as I want to have the microcontroller board acting as the Publisher. Current code structure:- The structure of the code is as follows in the main thread:- Get the RT Registry from the DomainParticipantFactory singleton Register Writer History Register Reader History Register DPDE Unregister the pre-registered UDP component Static UDP Configuration -------------------------------------------> (STATIC UDP Configuration) Re-register UDP component with updated properties Participant is created Register Data types that have been generated from IDL with the DomainParticipants Create topic Subscriber is commented ------------------------------------------->(Commented) DataReader is commented------------------------------------------->(Commented) Publisher is created DataWriter is created So, I meant, after making the above changes (which is adding of the static UDP configuration on the microcontroller board), in the wireshark trace field:- Real-Time Publish-Subscribe Wire Protocol -> submessageId:DATA(0x15) -> serializedData -> serializedData: I DO NOT see the PID_DEFAULT_UNICAST_LOCATOR, PID_METATRAFFIC_UNICAST_LOCATOR, PID_METATRAFFIC_MULTICAST_LOCATOR What I see is only following fields:- 1)PID_PARTICIPANT_GUID 2)PID_ENTITY_NAME 3)PID_BUILTIN_ENDPOINT_SET 4)PID_VENDOR_ID 5)PID_PARTICIPANT_LEASE_DURATION 6)PID_PRODUCT_VERSION 7)PID_PROPERTY_LIST 8)PID_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION 9)PID_SENTINEL So, on wireshark:- Source: <IP_Address_of_my_Microcontroller_Board> Destination: Protocol: RTPS Length: 394 Info: INFO_TS, DATA(p) I did not make any changes in the HelloWorld_static_udp in the Windows Code because in Windows I am getting the locators automatically with the Windows:HelloWorld_dpde_subscriber. The code I used in the microcontroller board just has a different name of the interface (as per my choice of interface name). Netmask and IP address of the microcontroller board are set. Yes, I can ping my current microcontroller board. It has set IP address, netmask. 2)I added the locators manually to the microcontroller board by first of all reserving at least 1 locator in DomainParticipant.c for all 4 types. Then, I added definitions to participant's builtin_data->metatraffic_multicast_locators->contiguous_buffer:- namely, Kind as 1, which is UDPv4. Port Number address Similarly, for the remaining 3 types of locators DEFAULT_UNICAST_LOCATOR, METATRAFFIC_UNICAST_LOCATOR, DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOCATOR 3) Okay, understood, that it is not needed or it is wrong to set the locators on the microcontroller board manually. So, I just want to confirm, that is it wrong if we manually setup the locators on the microcontroller board? Because, atleast when I have the locators set manually available, they atleast try to begin the communications, but the publisher and subscriber will not match because of which the data does not flow. (Will attach the wireshark images in the meanwhile). 4) Okay, understood. 5) Okay, understood. 6)So, I was wondering that even if the transports are enabled as udp, then is there possibility, that INTRA participant communication is still used (overriding the "_udp") which does not allow any locators information to be available in DATA(p)? Best Regards, Romin Hi Francisco, Kindly find the remaining 2 images of the HEARTBEAT and ACKNACK sent by Windows_dpde (HelloSubscriber.exe) to Microcontroller µC (which is a publisher) in context to the previous reply (as it was unable to take in more attached images). Which is incomplete and wrong because, HEARTBEAT needs to be sent by the Publisher to Subscriber. After which the ACKNACK must be sent from the Subscriber to Publisher. After which the Publisher should send the real data as DATA message. But as you saw in the above reply, OpenOrder:6: Wireshark Incomplete-Wrong Communication after setting the locators manually on micrcontroller board with code, we do not see such type of communications happening at all as the publisher and subscriber also do not match. Please let me know what can be done through these observations so as to make the communications work nicely between Windows Subscriber dpde C code and the µC board running the publisher code. Best Regards, Romin Hello Romin, Example HelloWorld_static_udp should work in the embedded target with minor modifications to start a FreeRTOS task (instaed of creating a main function) and IP address used in call to function UDP_InterfaceTable_add_entry(). Note that the IP address needs to be in host order as written in the documentation., Regards, Francis
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The: Each Party undertakes to institute, by means appropriate to the State in question, a legal system for the protection of the archaeological heritage, making provision for: To preserve the archaeological heritage and guarantee the scientific significance of archaeological research work, each Party undertakes: Each Party undertakes to implement measures for the physical protection of the archaeological heritage, making provision, as circumstances demand: Each Party undertakes: in planning policies designed to ensure well-balanced strategies for the protection, conservation and enhancement of sites of archaeological interest; For the purpose of facilitating the study of, and dissemination of knowledge about, archaeological discoveries, each Party undertakes: to convey to them the text of this (revised) Convention; Nothing in this (revised) Convention shall affect existing or future bilateral or multilateral treaties between Parties, concerning the illicit circulation of elements of the archaeological heritage or their restitution to the rightful owner. The Parties undertake: For the purposes of this (revised) Convention, a committee of experts, set up by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe pursuant to Article 17 of the Statute of the Council of Europe, shall monitor the application of the (revised) Convention and in particular:.
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Pork and potatoes with apple sauce is, of course, an all-time classic Sunday roast. Here the same ingredients are combined in a much quicker way for an easy weeknight supper – or an effortless weekend feast. Serves 2 About 500g fairly floury potatoes, such as King Edward or Maris Piper 3 tbsp sunflower, rapeseed or olive oil, plus extra for frying 2 dessert apples 2 pork chops 8–10 sage leaves Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper Preheat the oven to 200C/gas 6. Peel the potatoes and cut into 2–3cm chunks. Put into a saucepan, cover with cold water, add salt and bring to the boil. Simmer for 5 minutes, then drain and return to the pan. Add some salt and pepper. Put the lid on the pan and give it a good shake to roughen up the potatoes. Put the oil into a large roasting tin and place in the oven for about 5 minutes until hot. Add the potatoes, toss in the oil and roast for 30 minutes. Now quarter and core the apples, cutting each quarter into 2 or 3 wedges. Add to the potatoes and stir. Roast for another 10–15 minutes until the potatoes are really crisp and the apples are soft. While the potatoes and apples are roasting, heat a little more oil in a frying pan over a medium heat. Season the chops and add to the pan. Fry until nicely coloured and cooked through, adding the sage leaves for the last few minutes. Nestle the cooked chops into the cooked potatoes and apples and leave in a warm place to rest for 5–10 minutes. Serve with a green vegetable such as kale or cabbage, or a leafy salad on the side. Swaps This works very well with lamb chops instead of pork, and plums in place of the apples. Leave out the sage, but put a pinch of ground cinnamon on each plum half as you add them to the roasting spuds.
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DECATUR, Alabama - The Princess Theatre Center for the Performing Arts is celebrating its 30th year as an arts and entertainment venue with a season that includes six touring acts and several special events. The season kicks off on Sept. 19 at 7 p.m. with a performance by Blind Boys of Alabama, a group that has received lifetime achievement honors from the Grammys and the National Endowment for the Arts. Students at what was then called the Alabama Institute for the Negro Blind in Talladega formed the Blind Boys in 1939 and went on to perform around the world. The group, which includes founding member Jimmy Carter, has been profiled on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” has sung for two presidents at the White House and has been inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame. Blind Boys will be making their appearance at the Princess in advance of their soon-to-be-released full-length album, “I’ll Find A Way,” which is produced by Justin Vernon of Bon Iver fame. The album is a collection of gospel and spiritual songs and features the Blind Boys as well as artists such as Patty Griffin, Vernon, Sam Amidon and others. The Princess’s 2013-2014 season will also include a performance by the Grammy-winning Riders in the Sky, who will perform Oct. 11 at 7:30 p.m. The show will be the centerpiece of the 30th Birthday Party for the Princess that day that will include a variety of activities planned during the day. The Gibson Brothers, the newly minted International Bluegrass Music Association’s Entertainer of the Year, will continue the season with a performance on Nov. 7. A “Sing-a-Long-a GREASE” will begin the 2014-portion of the season on Jan. 25. The screening of the classic film musical starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John will include subtitles for a sing along as well as an emcee and a parade of costumed audience members. Jon Batiste and his Stay Human jazz band will make a stop in Decatur on their national tour on Feb. 22, and the Princess will kick off Downtown Decatur’s 2nd Annual Mardi Gras celebration with a concert and party by Les Kerr and the Bayou Band on Feb. 28. Special events planned for the season include the 3rd Annual Rotary Free Family Movie Night on Dec. 2 featuring the classic holiday movie “White Christmas.” The 4th Annual River City Film Festival is scheduled March 14-15 in partnership with the Decatur City Schools and Calhoun Community College. Classic movies, the Civil War Initiative, special programs and lectures will be scheduled throughout the season. Season and single event tickets are available at the Princess Theatre box office, 112 2nd Ave., N.E. and online at For more information, call 256-340-1778.
[ [ "/static/common/img/blank.gif", "Blind Boys of Alabama photo by Cameron Witting-1.jpg" ], [ "/static/common/img/blank.gif", "X00138_9.JPG" ] ]
An all-American story that explores the family dynamic when a prodigal daughter returns home. This is Texas Rein and you are watching MovieRill Please wait for 3 seconds, we are loading Texas Rein stream. Please enter captcha to continue to video. If the above stream is offline (saying We are sorry!), please click on the "Refresh Link" to get a new streaming link. Don't worry it'll just take a second.
Welcome to Salt Lake City: A Newcomer's Eating Tour Photo By: Douglas Pulsipher ©2011, Douglas Pulsipher / Utah Images ©2013, David Vogel Photography Photo By: Kristan Jacobsen ©Kristan Jacobsen Photo By: Corey Kopischke ©Corey Kopischke Photography Welcome to Salt Lake City If you're thinking that Salt Lake City is just a pit stop en route to a ski vacation, you may need to work up an appetite. This city, where the median age is 30.5, is home to thriving restaurants, bars and coffeehouses, all full of Utahan flavor. You could restrict yourself to downtown Salt Lake or head just 35 minutes east to the Wasatch Mountain Range, where restaurants cook fresh food at 11,000 feet above sea level. (Photo by Doug Pulsipher) Quick Breakfast: Publik Kitchen Publik Coffee has three locations, but Publik Kitchen serves their Central Ninth Espresso (juicy dark plum bleeds into rich caramel, giving way to tangy, bright tangerine notes) with breakfast options like banana toast with peanut butter or avocado toast with sea salt and pepper. Burger: Squatters Pub Brewery The Black & Blue Burger at Squatters Brew Pub is town, plan to grab a burger at its airport location before you board the flight home. Rock-Star Chef: Ryan Lowder At The Copper Onion (downtown Salt Lake) and Copper Kitchen (Holladay), Chef Ryan Lowder showcases seasonal ingredients from the best local farmers and purveyors. Lowder trained at the Culinary Institute of America and spent time cooking in New York for Jean-Georges Vongerichten and Mario Batali. Here, he uses his considerable skills to serve rustic, hearty dishes, including housemade pastas and mains like brick chicken or vegetarian cassoulet. His menus change seasonally, so they’re filled with surprises even for regulars, who pop into Copper Onion after a visit to the adjacent Broadway Centre Cinemas. Date Spot: Current Fish & Oyster Housed in what used to be a Ford dealership, this hip restaurant is a bastion of regional seafood specials. Preserving the building's original touches, the space balances its industrial heritage with comfortable booths and great lighting. The menu is even better, with dishes that include Oysters Casino, Grilled Hawaiian Opah, a shellfish-studded coconut-lemongrass stew, and cobb salad with prawns, crab and scallops. After dinner, stop next door for an extensive cocktail menu at Undercurrent. Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience: The Yurt at Solutide Want to dine in the elements? Head 30 miles east of town to Solitude Mountain, where the Yurt Experience features a trek through the woods to a freestanding, Mongolian-inspired, tentlike structure. There, a chef prepares a four-course meal that'll make you forget that a trip to the bathroom requires a headlamp and a jacket. Vegetarian: Sage's Cafe Sage. Worth a Drive: Snowbird Head 35 minutes out of town and take the nine-minute tram ride to the top of Snowbird Mountain Resort, where traditional ski-lodge food is a thing of the past. Local and free-range meats plus top-notch ingredients arrive on the tram each morning and everything is baked in-house — yes, at 11,000 feet. Vegans and gluten-free fans will find a gourmet salad bar, gluten-free cookies and vegan pizza.
Did Your Doctor Fail To Diagnose Your Illness? Many illnesses once thought to be incurable can now be successfully treated if diagnosed and treated soon enough. Unfortunately, if your doctor failed to diagnose the illness until it reached an advanced stage, treatment may not be successful. At the law firm of Paris & Chaikin, PLLC, in New York City, our lawyers handle cases of medical negligence such as misdiagnosis. If your doctor failed to diagnose your serious medical condition, call us for a free initial consultation. We also represent family members in cases where a patient has died. Your legal team: Our lawyers include members of the board of directors of the New York State Trial Lawyers Association, the Million Dollar Advocates Forum and the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum. Did My Doctor Commit Malpractice? Just because a doctor failed to diagnose and treat your illness soon enough to obtain a positive outcome does not mean the doctor committed malpractice. Sometimes doctors do everything that they are supposed to do, but still fail to discover and treat an illness at an early stage. However, if your doctor missed diagnosing your illness as the result of avoidable errors, he or she may be guilty of malpractice. The following are examples of avoidable errors: - Failure to diagnose a serious disease such as cancer despite observable symptoms - Failure to order appropriate tests - Failure to discover an illness on a CT scan, ultrasound, X-ray or other image - Failure to communicate lab test results to the doctor or patient Our lawyers work with medical experts who help us review medical records and determine if a doctor may have provided substandard care. If so, we can seek compensation for all of the losses you have suffered, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Free Medical Misdiagnosis Case Review If you think you received substandard care, contact the medical malpractice attorneys of Paris & Chaikin, PLLC, to request a free consultation. Call our Manhattan office at 212-742-0476 or send an Se habla español.
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“We start small, but we must start” Classroom blogs offer students their own personal space to reflect on classroom practices, learning objectives, personal engagement, and a host of other topics.blogging_student voice There are a variety of platforms for blogging such as: Blogger Live Journal Weebly WordPress is education-friendly and has privacy measures specific to minors. Outside of school, students have communities of friends and family with whom they exchange conversation and ideas on a daily basis. When they’re in school, they often retreat to their “circle of friends” without interacting with others.. WEBCAMS/RECORDING: “CONFESSION BOOTHS”. When Andrew Brennen (national field director for Student Voice) sits down with students for a roundtable discussion, he leads with an open-ended question: What can you tell me about school that teachers and administrators don’t know? Plenty. That was one clear takeaway from a student panel discussion at the recent ISTE 2016 conference in Denver, where thousands of adults gathered for professional learning. A handful of students, meanwhile, raised issues about bullying, drug use, discrimination toward LGBTQ youth, and dissatisfaction with lessons that have little connection to real life.For schools that want to facilitate their own student voice conversations, Brennen recommends having students take the lead. “The roundtable is not a place for adults,” he says. How to Listen To expand the conversation and help ideas cross-pollinate, Student Voice is conducting a national listening tour this year. Brennen, has facilitated discussions with students in diverse contexts from Philadelphia to Iowa to Kentucky. “Students are a huge, untapped resource to help reimagine a model of school that’s 100 years old,” Brennen says. “Questions about developing student agency and critical thinking are becoming more important.” Yet even schools that deliberately teach critical thinking, he adds, “teach students to think critically about everything at school except school itself.” What happens after a listening session? That depends on local context, but here are a few strategies to consider: Storytelling: Share students’ stories across multiple platforms. Student Voice helps to amplify stories on social media and also partners with traditional media outlets to get stories to broad audiences. Partnerships: Engage students as partners in school change efforts. That might mean students playing a role in professional development, serving on focus groups, occupying school board seats, or participating in hiring decisions. Recognize Student Rights: To ensure that student voice goes beyond lip service, get your school involved in the Student Bill of Rights. This is an initiative started by Student Voice that asks students to vote on issues that matter to them, and then take action to ensure that their rights are being upheld.
Middle Passages Poetry by Kamau Brathwaite Kamau Brathwaite’s poetry offers stunning collages devoted to the history, mythology, and language of the African diaspora, and has gained him a world reputation. Middle Passages, his most recent collection, is his sixteenth poetry volume, but his first with an American publisher. With notes of protest and lament, the fourteen poems of Middle Passages address the effects of the Middle Passage of slavery on the New World, and celebrate great musicians (Ellington, Bessie Smith), poets, heroes of the resistance, and Third World leaders Kwame Nkrumah, Walter Rodney, and Nelson Mandela. And as the London Times Literary Supplement noted, it is “a poetry that moves between rage and tenderness, doubt and displacement to affirmation… Middle Passages is a potent and effective book, a work of passion and integrity.” Buy from:
The West Mountain Riders of the Hamilton Minor Football Association knocked off the Cambridge Lions 30-6 in Bantam Ontario Varsity Football League Minor Development play on Sunday (Oct. 20). In a game played at Mohawk Sports Park, Riders’ quarterback Zack Cassar threw single touchdown passes to Parker Mack and Lucas Pugliese, and running back Anthony Barresi scored two majors on the ground. Matt DeNardis kicked two converts. Outstanding players for the defense were Justin Williams, Stvon Sormaz, Lucas Destefano, Andrew Ciuffreda and Jake Attard. In Peewee OVFL MD play, the West Mountain Riders of the HMFA lost 22-0 to Cambridge in a game played in Cambridge the previous day. Eric Faubert made big plays on both sides of the ball for the Riders while Stephen Palmer was a standout on the offensive line. Bantam Jr. Ticats clinch first The HMFA Bantam Jr. Ticats closed out their regular season with a 35-6 win over host Mississauga on Sunday, clinching first place in the Ontario Varsity Football Association rep league. Liam Cooper, Quinn Mcharge and Eric Czayka supplied standout blocking, opening big holes for running backs Isaac McAlonan, Levar Anderson and Zeke Margaritis. Quarterback Anthony Pimentel threw three touchdowns passes and passed for 145 total yards. On the defensive side of the ball, Jake Evans had two interceptions and Xavier Hamidu another for the Hamilton team. Notable tough tacklers included Steven MacLeod, Leo Hernandez, Blair Morrissey and Mathew Trombetta. The Bantam Jr. Ticats now get to rest until the semi-finals, which take place the weekend of November 9.
Rehearsing Before Bed Improves Recall Next Day Several recent studies suggest that you learn better and can improve at problem solving with the right sleep. Enhanced learning has been reported for a full night’s sleep and strategically timed naps. We have covered these in the Next Brain Blog, for example: Light Sleep Enough to Integrate New Memories A Sleeping Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste Not All Naps Have Brain Boosting Effects Now new research from University of Notre Dame looks at the effect of sleep on two different types of memories – episodic or memories for events and semantic or memories of facts about the world. They found: .” This idea should be easy to test. I am interested to hear from readers that use this technique or any before-you-sleep method to improve brain function and cognitive performance.
Story highlights - Devyani Khobragade reiterated her innocence as she left the U.S., India says - She is "pleased to be returning to her country," her attorney says - She has been indicted on federal counts of visa fraud and making false statements - India's deputy consul general in New York was strip-searched after her arrest Devyani Khobragade, the Indian diplomat at the heart of a dispute that has strained ties between New Delhi and Washington, is on her way back to India from the United States, officials said. American authorities' arrest and strip-search of Khobragade, the former Indian deputy consul general in New York, set off a storm of anger in India last month. U.S. prosecutors accuse her of lying in a visa application about how much she paid her housekeeper. She was indicted this week by a federal grand jury on one count of visa fraud and one count of making false statements. But the Indian government denied a request by the State Department to waive Khobragade's diplomatic immunity so she can answer the charges, U.S. and Indian officials said. India said Friday that it had transferred her to the Ministry of External Affairs in New Delhi. "At the time of her departure for India, Counsellor Khobragade reiterated her innocence on charges filed against her," the ministry said in a statement. It was unclear when exactly she would arrive in India. Khobragade "affirmed her determination to ensure that the episode would not leave a lasting impact on her family, in particular, her children, who are still in the United States," the ministry said. Tensions have escalated between India and the United States over the December arrest and treatment of Khobragade, with New Delhi demanding Washington apologize and drop charges accusing her of lying on a visa application for her former housekeeper. Allegations denied Federal prosecutors allege Khobragade promised in the visa application under which her housekeeper moved from India to the United States to pay her at least $9.75 per hour, the minimum wage in New York, and to require she work no more than 40 hours per week. They allege that Khobragade then had the housekeeper, Sangeeta Richard, sign a second contract, which paid her less than $3.31 per hour and required that she work much longer hours. Khobragade's lawyers have repeatedly said she is not guilty and is entitled to diplomatic immunity. "She is pleased to be returning to her country," her attorney Dan Arshack said Thursday. "Her head is held high." Khobragade "did not make any false statements and she paid her domestic worker what she was entitled to be paid," he said. counsellorande. Pressure from New Delhi India has expressed outrage over the arrest of Khobragade, who was handcuffed and strip-searched by federal agents on December 12 after a complaint filed by Richard.. Father's anger Khobragade's father supported India's order that the U.S. Embassy shut down what it said were commercial activities on the mission's premises. "The charges against her are atrocious, and the treatment meted out to her inhuman," Uttam Khobragade said Thursday. does not undermine their relations.
I'm at that point where I'm constantly fatigued by the heat (some love it, but there are some of us who has to fight the body's desire to hibernate during summer) and an overworking brain trying to crank out creativity for three different projects at once. Perhaps the time to make liters and liters of iced coffee has been reached. Currently.... A frame from motion graphics by Riki K.
[ [ "", "A frame from motion graphics by Riki K." ] ]
- Poverty >> Compassion International - - What is Poverty? Posted By Chris Giovagnoni On November 10, 2011 @ 12:57 am In Country Trips,Multimedia | 5 Comments What is poverty? [3] Poverty [4] from the Compassion Bloggers trip to Ecuador [5]. Article printed from Poverty >> Compassion International: URL to article: URLs in this post: [1] subscribe to our blog: [2] Chris Giovagnoni: [3] What is poverty?: [4] Keely Marie Scott: [5] Compassion Bloggers trip to Ecuador: [6] Image: [7] Image: [8] Image: [9] Image: [10] Image: [11] Image: Copyright © 2010 Christian Blog on Child Poverty. All rights reserved.