Suara dan mic puas. Hanya saya pesan yg nyala dan sudah sy pastikan lg klik yg nyala tp yg datang ga nyala
sound and mic satisfied. I only ordered the one that was on and I made sure that it clicked again, but the one that came didn't turn on
Good. Mudah-mudahan awet. Makasih
good. hopefully durable. Thanks
kondisi dus robek2, tolong di perhatikan lagi
the condition of the box is torn, please pay attention again
Kualitas produk baik. Harga terjangkau dan pengirimannya cepet banget. Udh 3x order disini oke lah tp sayangnya klo buat kado gabisa nitip pake kartu ucapan atau dibungkus pake kertas kado :(
product quality is good. affordable prices and very fast delivery. I've already ordered here, it's okay, but unfortunately, if you make a gift, you can't bring it with a greeting card or wrap it in gift paper :(
Overall bagus, tombol berfungsi semuanya, tapi packaging kurang karena sudah penyot dan robek sedikit
overall is good, the buttons all work, but the packaging is lacking because it's dented and torn a little
Produk ini original, Dan kualitasnya sangat baik. kecepatan pengiriman sanagt cepat, recommended seller.
This product is original, and the quality is very good. Very fast delivery speed, recommended seller.
kualitas sangat jelek. bocor
very bad quality. leaking
terimakasih banyak ka ya, barang sudah diterima dengan baik. sukses terus ka
Thank you very much, the goods have been well received. keep on being successful
Body nya lebih berat dari cm 1579, spiral nya lebih tipis dibanding cm 1579, semoga awet, beli CM 1659 penasaran Aja, yang cm 1579 udah mau rusak mesin nya, Harga lebih murah 4k dari cm 1579 Fast delivery, courier Ramah sangat, ty seller
the body is heavier than cm , the spiral is thinner than cm , hope it lasts , buy cm just curious , the cm already wants to damage the engine , the price is cheaper k than cm fast delivery , very friendly courier , ty seller
pesanan di terima tanggal 27 January 2021 tetapi baru bisa saya buka pagi ini tanggal 29 January 2021 pukul 06.00 dan ternyata tab SKETSA ADVAN tidak bisa di nyalakan sama sekali dan di cas juga posisi Tab tidak bisa menyala
the order was received on january but i could only open it this morning on january at . and it turns out that the advan sketch tab can't be turned on at all and in charging also the position of the tab can't be turned on
sesuai gambar
according to the picture
Perlu ditingkatkan packagingnya..masak iya pake clear wrap aja..paling nggak kan dimasukin ke kantong plastik dulu lah baru di wrap..So far tidak ada keluhan untuk produknya..Harga bersaing๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿป
the packaging needs to be improved..just cook it with clear least put it in a plastic bag first and then wrap far no complaints about the product..competitive prices
Barang bagus, hanya sepertinya tidak di cek dulu ya. Ada baut yg hilang 1 Jadinya harus cari ke bengkel Pengiriman oleh kurir cepat banget
good stuff, it just doesn't seem like I checked it first. there are missing bolts so I have to look for the delivery shop by the courier, it's really fast
barang berfungsi dengan baik. kardus nya agak rusak dan penyok penyok akibat pengiriman mungkin padahal untuk dihadiahkan ke orang lain.
item works fine. the box was a bit damaged and dented as a result of shipping maybe even though it was meant to be given to someone else.
bagus bangett!!! Sukaaa ๐Ÿ˜†โค๏ธ
really good! Like
Pengiriman sangat cepat cuma 2 hari . barang berpungsi sangat baik . cuma packingnya aja yg kurang aman . untungnya semua barangnya gak ada yg cacat sedikitpun ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
very fast delivery just one day. very well functioning item. it's just the packing that's not safe. luckily none of the items were damaged at all
mantap banget sih, cuman kayaknya buat main game agak kurang. karena aim accurate atau kursor nya agak goyang. kalo buat kerja atau sehari hari masih oke. jadi kalo mau gaming musti yang khusus untuk gaming. overall oke banget dan di tampilan kelihatan formal dibanding buat sehari hari sih ya. agak slim lebih enak (untuk sebagian orang mungkin). Makasih kak seller, ekspedisi, dan tokopedia!
it's really great, it just seems like it's a bit lacking for playing games. because the aim is accurate or the cursor is a bit wobbly. if for work or everyday it's still okay. so if you want gaming, it must be specifically for gaming. overall it's really good and in appearance it looks more formal than for everyday. rather slim is better (for some people maybe). Thank you sis seller, expedition, and tokopedia!
Daya tidak sesuai dengan deskripsi, dideskripsi tertulis 300W tapi barang tertulis 400W, krn saya tidak drmh Baru buka paketan setelah -+ semingguan barang diterima. Jd saya kecewa. NB : deskripsi & spec.barang yang dijual harusnya sama agar tidak membuat customer kecewa, fotonya jg perlu diperbarui karena tidak sama (mohon perhatikan sarannya untuk perbaikan Toko bukan cm bisa mencela customer) ๐Ÿ˜Š
the power does not match the description, the description says w but the item says w, because I didn't come back and just opened the package after - + a week the goods were received. so I'm disappointed. nb: description & spec. the items sold should be the same so as not to disappoint the customer, the photos also need to be updated because they are not the same (please pay attention to the suggestions for shop improvements not cm can reproach the customer)
Ad sompel di dlm panciny.๐Ÿ˜ฅ
ad somple in the fishing rod.
Keren dah mantap ,kirain besar ternyata kecil tp gapapa barang ok
it's cool, it's great, I thought it was big, it turned out to be small, but it's okay, it's ok
Gambar di mousepadny kurang rapih, klo ori gk mungkin begini sih. Tapi kualitas sm buat dipake oke ๐Ÿ‘
the picture on the mousepad is not neat, if it's original it's not like this. but the quality of sm for use is okay
tombolnya susah kemna pengembalianya
the button is difficult to return to
masyaallah barang bagus, proses ke pengiriman lama, recommended seller
masyaallah good item, process to long delivery, recommended seller
Barang original pengiriman cepat aman
original item fast safe delivery
baru dipake sehari. udah gabisa. karena besi tempat baterainya lepas
only used one day. already done. because the iron where the battery is loose
Barang sudah sampai, produk bagus terima kasih yaa suka banget. Mantapp jiwa
the goods have arrived, the product is good, thank you, I like it very much. steady soul
pesanan datengnya super cepat.... beli 2 pcs malah.... setelah unboxing dlmnya elegan,bagus dan sesuai gambar sayang ...... packingnya gak memadai cuma dibiarin terbuka dan gk dibungkus plastik buble wrap tolong lbh diperhatikan utk packingannya.... ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
the order came super fast. buy pcs instead. after unboxing it's elegant, nice and according to the picture dear . the packaging is inadequate, just left open and not wrapped in bubble wrap, please pay more attention to the packaging.
respon seller cepet bgt...barang nya oke sesuai deskripsi..thx u
the seller's response was very fast. the item was okay according to the description.. thx u
Udh smpai termosnya, naaa ini bru termos bne2 aernya tetep pns didalam
The thermos has arrived, but this is a thermos, but the water is still inside
be a smart buyer. ku minta kirim hari itu langsung dikirim. besok nya lsg nyampe. dan sudah cek kualitas dan orisinil nya. 100% bagus dan ori. udah ke2 x beli. mantap pokoknya?
be a smart buyer. I asked for it to be sent the same day it was sent. tomorrow it will arrive. and have checked the quality and original. % good and original. already to x buy. really steady?
Barangnya bagus, puas, yang kurang puas, di proses ordernya, lamaa... Untuk proses kirimnya cepat, barang aman karena dibubble wrap juga.
the goods are good, fasting, those who are not satisfied, the order is processed, it takes a long time. for the fast delivery process, the goods are safe because they are bubble wrapped too.
Proses packing nya agak lama, Alhamdulillah barang nya oke bgt, cm packingnya hanya bubble wrap aja, mgkn biar pihak ekspedisi nya gak banting2
the packing process took a while, thank God the goods were okay, cm packing was just bubble wrap, maybe so the expedition didn't slam
Belum dicoba, nunggu antenanya dateng dulu.. Mudah2an berfungsi dengan baik+awet.. Seller juga ramah dan informatif.. Nanyain jenis yg pas utk type tv ku, dibalas dengan baik dan sopan. Makasih
haven't tried it yet, waiting for the antenna to come first...hopefully it works well+durable...the seller is also friendly and informative...asked for the right type for my type of tv,replied nicely and politely. Thanks
Penyok donk๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ข,,, tp kayanya kurirnya yg salah, padahal disitu ada tulisan jgn dibanting.....untung masih berfungsi dengan baik
it's dented, but it seems like the courier is wrong, even though it says don't slam it there. luckily it's still working fine
Baru pesen kemarin hr ini udah sampe aja, mousepadnya cukup bagus. Ty seller
I just ordered yesterday today, it just arrived, the mousepad is pretty good. ty seller
Knpa tekonya tidak bersiul ya
Why doesn't the teapot whistle?
saya kecewa banget di toko inih
I am very disappointed in this shop
nyaring nya kecil..udh gtu gagang nya panas..bkan merk maspion
the sound is small... so the handle is hot... it's not the Maspion brand
Long delivery, if you can, you don't need to use Shopee Express, the rest is safe, everything is great
super fast response order, nggak nyampe 1 jam barang nyampe ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
super fast response to orders, didn't arrive at the time the goods arrived
Mouse ga connect
mouse doesn't connect
respon penjual ok, barang sesuai pesanan muantap
the seller's response is ok, the goods according to the order are satisfactory
Barang sy dr tgl 29des. Smpai hr ini tdk smpai2. Sy bayar ongkir ekspres sampai hri yg sama tp nyatanya 0! Mengecewakan! Ga layak ada di lazada
my item from dec. Until today it didn't arrive. I paid for express shipping to the same day but in fact! disappointing! it's not worth it on lazada
bonus nya pul tokonya amanah terima kasih belum di coba terima kasih lazada
The bonus is that the shop is trustworthy, thank you, I haven't tried it yet, thank you Lazada
Barang sampai dengan aman dengan keadaan lengkap dan bagus.
item arrived safely and in good condition.
barangnya bagus, berfungsi, dan mantap.. cuma kecewa sama jasa pengirimannya aja sih..
the item is good, it works, and it's great.. just disappointed with the delivery service anyway..
Ditukar Pkt sdh sampai to lngsung diambil pelanggan jd tdk ada foto/unboxing ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
The package was exchanged, but it was immediately taken by the customer so there were no photos/unboxing
Bagus, Hanya saja tidak sesuai iklan, Yg di tampilkan ada dual layar.
good, it's just that it doesn't match the advertisement, what is displayed is dual screens.
salah warna seharusnya wrna pink datangnya wrna biru pengemasan kurang baik, yg punyaku penyok
the wrong color should be pink, the blue color came, the packaging was not good, mine was dented
maaf baru kasihh ulasan,barang bagus,pakingnya rapih gk smpet foto soal aq nya d bndung
sorry I just gave a review, good stuff, the packing is neat, I can't take a photo of my problem in Bandung
barang sudah diterima dengan baik,tapi pengiriman sedikit lama karena sabtu gak ada pengirman.barang sesuai dengan deskripsi
the goods have been received in good condition, but the delivery took a little long because there was no delivery on Saturday. the goods match the description
barang bagus.. tapi kok pas dipake tabungnya kurang muter.. jd, ujung2nya pake manual deh alias pake tangan ken mangkoknya gak muter
good stuff.. but how come when you use the tube it doesn't rotate... so, at the end you use manual, aka you use your hands, because the bowl doesn't rotate
Pengiriman lama karna pake sicepat untungnya sampe tepat waktu
Delivery took a long time because it was fast, fortunately it arrived on time
LUCU BGT SEDUNIAAAAAAA WOIII semoga makin semangat skripsian๐Ÿ˜ซโ˜๐Ÿป๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿ’˜
it's so funny in the world, I hope you will be more enthusiastic about your thesis
Barang ada penyok di beberapa bagian, tapi ga begitu parah, gw ga tau ini dari sellernya udh penyok atau pas proses pengirimannya, keamanan hanya bubble wrap sedikit yang jd kemungkinan penyebab penyok, cat di dalamnya seperti doff bukan mengkilap, gw ga tau yg bagus yang mana pokonya gw review aja, dan seller respon chat cepat๐Ÿ‘, 4โญ cukup lah ya.
the item has dents in some parts, but it's not that bad, I don't know if this is from the seller it's already dented or during the delivery process, the security is only a little bubble wrap which is a possible cause of the dent, the paint inside is like doff not shiny, I don't know what's good where are the main points, I just reviewed it, and the seller responded to the chat quickly, that's enough.
barang masih kurang gir yg kecil
the goods are still lacking small gears
Kurir slah alamat ngirim paketnya bikin orang bingung,gk mau nlfon yg punya paket. Akhirnya barang ditangan juga alhamdulillah setelah keliling tanya barangkali ada paket nyasar... Terimakasih ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
the courier sent the package to the wrong address, which confused people, didn't want to call the person who had the package. finally the goods were also in hand, thank God, after going around asking maybe there was a stray package. Thank You
kardusnya robek
the cardboard is torn
Dichat aja kgk di balas. Padahal lg online. Auto bintang 4 deh
just chat, no reply. even though I'm online. auto star deh
Berfungsi baik Cm Agak heran seler di bekasi kok mampir kecakung dl ya.....
it works fine, but I'm a little surprised that the seler in Bekasi, how come I stopped by at Kecakung, huh?
Pengiriman agak lama, karna terkendala ppkm Pdhl sesama jkt, total 3hari sampai diterima. Mungkin kedepannya ditingkatkan lagi untuk proses pengiriman Untuk barang ok
the delivery took a while, because it was constrained by ppkm at fellow jkt, a total of days until it was received. maybe in the future it will be improved again for the delivery process for goods ok
Mantap, packingan aman banget, gak ada yang lecet dan mouse berfungsi dengan normal ๐Ÿ‘
great, the packaging is very safe, nothing is scratched and the mouse functions normally
paket udh d terima cuma aga penyok makasih lazada.
I have received the package, it's just a bit dented, thanks lazada.
Kerdusnya penyok. Untung panci & tutup kacanya ga ada yg pecah.
the cardboard is dented. Luckily the pot and glass lid were not broken.
Mantap cepat dan akurat
steady fast and accurate
Ada garansi toko Barangnya original ๐Ÿ‘ asli karya anak bangsa.
There is a shop guarantee that the goods are original, original work by the nation's children.
bagus gamepad nyaa , semoga awet
nice gamepad, hope it lasts
Setelah barang datang Harga tdk sesuai dengan yg tertulis diaplikasi mengecewakan sekali tdk sportif
after the goods arrived, the price did not match what was written in the application, it was very disappointing, unsportsmanlike
lucuu tekonyaa,tp bunyinya kecil
cute store, but the sound is small
Harga:standar Kualitas:good Pengiriman:cepat Merk oxon jangan ditanya..pasti bagus dan awet...pengiriman cepat. TKS seller
price: quality standard: good delivery: fast oxon brand don't ask..definitely good and delivery. thx seller
Alhamdulillah udh smpe.. udh dicoba masak juga bagus mantab.. mksh ya
alhamdulillah, it's finished... I've tried cooking, it's also good, it's great... thank you
Notbad laaah, cukup buat dirumahan aja..
not bad, just make it at home..
mouse ga berfungsi... tp akhirnya Di refund
the mouse doesn't work. but finally got refunded
Fitur Terbaik:bagus Sepadan dengan Harga:iya kak Bagus sekali barangnya, kualitas bagus semoga awet barangnya
best features: good worth the price: yes, sis, the item is very good, good quality, hopefully the item will last
barang nya pas datang penyok
the item when it arrived was dented
Fisik barangnya sih bagus, tapi sayang fungsinya kurang bagus. Hand blender ga bisa untuk bahan makanan yg sedikit. Utk MPASI kurang cocok. Mata pisau di hand blendernya jg ga tajam. Beda sama di chopper.
the physical stuff is good, but unfortunately the function is not good. Hand blenders can't work for small amounts of food. for mpasi not suitable. The blades on the hand blender are also not sharp. different from the chopper.
Cepat sampai, packing rapi, toko respon bagus. Tapi hanya sayang, mengikuti petunjuk pemakaian pertama di buku nya, buat masak air, setelah dibuka, dalaman panci berubah warna menjadi hitam (yg semula warna stainless). Jadi takut buat memasak. Apakah ada yg mengalaminya juga??
arrived quickly, well packaged, good response from the store. but it's just a shame, following the first usage instructions in the book, to boil water, after opening, the inside of the pot changes color to black (which was originally stainless). so afraid to cook Has anyone experienced this too??
Bintangnya kurang banyak buat nilai toko ini. Fast resp, membantu, barang sesuai pol
there are not many animals for the value of this character. fast response, helpful, items according to police
saya minta nya blue switch kalo gk salah, tapi yang dateng brown
I asked for a blue switch if I'm not mistaken, but what came was brown
bagus sii cuma ada penyok2 nya sedikitt
it's good, it's just a little dent
Thx ka barang sudah sampai,pengiriman jg cepat &barang bisa berfungsi dengan baik..๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜Š
thx when the item arrived, the delivery is also fast & the item can function properly..
gambar dan suara jernih, tapi sering ngelag" muncul tulisan 'Tips program is updating' tombol remote jadi gak berfungsi! ditunggu beberapa jam masih gak berubah๐Ÿ˜žada yang tau solusinya?
clear picture and sound, but often lags" the words 'program tips are updating' appear, the remote button doesn't work! Wait a few hours, it still doesn't change, does anyone know the solution?
mantab nyala sip terimakasih sellerMutu terjamin SNI.
it turns on really good, thank you seller, the quality is guaranteed here.
produk bagus cuma sayang kecil tidak sesuai yg ditawarkan
good product, just a small pity, it doesn't match what is offered
Barang ketika sampai ada beberapa penyok, mungkin karena packagingnya hanya dengan bubble wrap. Sebaiknya dibungkus dengan kardus juga sih supaya lebih aman. Bahkan beli micellar water aja dikasih kardus, bubble wrap, dan airbag + dikasih label fragile, masa beli wajan dikasinya bubble wrap doang.
when the item arrived there were a few dents, maybe because the packaging was only with bubble wrap. It's better to wrap it in cardboard too to make it safer. Even if you buy micellar water, you'll be given cardboard, bubble wrap, and airbags + given a fragile label, when you buy a frying pan, it's just bubble wrap.
Tebalnya lbh tipis dari T3 ternyata. Jauh lbh empuk T3 padahal produk sama Rexus jg, overall its oke
thickness is thinner than t turns out. much softer t even though the product is the same as Rexus too, overall its okay
Pisaunya bagus sih, packingannya juga ufah pake bubble wrap tapi tetap aja boxnya rusak ๐Ÿ˜“
the knife is good, the packaging also uses bubble wrap but the box is still damaged
KECEWA!!!....Barang yg kami terima pecah karena packingnya tidak aman, juga tanpa sticker "Fragile" dan waktu kami complain ke seller, sellernya bilang itu salah expedisinya..., Loh kan mustinya Seller packingnya yg proper dong, bukan menyalahkan expedisi!!!
disappointed!. the goods we received were broken because the packaging was not safe, also without "fragile" stickers and when we complained to the seller, the seller said it was the wrong expedition.
Pengiriman cepat,paking rapi, tampilan mewah harga terjangkau sangat nyaman sekali di gunakan mksh kak
fast delivery, neat packing, luxurious look, affordable price, very comfortable to use, thanks sis
barang cepat sampai dan seler fast respon, cuma dongle untuk wireless nya rusak dan harus di return
the goods arrived quickly and the seller was fast in response, only the dongle for the wireless was damaged and had to be returned
Seller nice respon. Barang fast delivery. Packing rapi, box penyok dikit mungkin karena handling pengiriman. Produk sesuai pesanan. Sesuai ekspektasi. Diterima dengan baik dan no defect. Recommended Seller. Terima kasih Seller. Lancar selalu orderannya.
seller nice response. fast delivery goods. neat packing, box dented a bit maybe due to shipping handling. product to order. as expected. well received and no defect. recommended seller. thank you seller. order is always smooth.
sangat kecewa barang tidak sampai di antar ke tujuan tolong complain lagi ke kurir nya pada saat kirim barang harus di antar sampai tujuan tidak tahu lokasi nya tanya lah jangan sampe kita harus jemput itu barang tidak kecil loh 6kg tolong yah kedepannya lebih baik lagi dan jangan lupa di tegur itu kurir nya terimakasih
I am very disappointed that the goods did not arrive at the destination. Please complain again to the courier. When sending the goods, they must be delivered to the destination. Don't know the location. the courier said thank you
Barang sampai dengan selamat egk ada cacat kok belum di coba semoga berfungsi dengan baik
the item arrived safely without any defects how come it hasn't been tried yet hope it works well
kecewa,digambar kan rok; kog datangnya celana komprang? kami mau diganti
disappointed, drawn a skirt; how come the trousers come? we want to change
Gk sesuai gmbr ya dapatnya... ? Di gmbr abuยฒ yg datang magenta..
it doesn't match the picture, you can get it. ? in the picture the gray that comes is magenta..
sesuai deskripsi,batere setelah diCas kedua kali kuatnya tidak main2... anak main sampai puas ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ hanya pas setelah beberapa waktu lcd pecah dan saya hanya tanya tempat servis terdekat sudah tidak respon terus 2 hari kemudian hilang ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚(type penjual sekali laku raib). walau bukan tanggung jawabmu masa kasih info aja tidak mau?!
according to the description, the battery after being charged the second time is not strong enough to play. The child played until he was satisfied, just right after some time the LCD broke and I just asked the nearest service place, it didn't respond and then it disappeared (the type of seller once sold disappeared). even though it's not your responsibility, why don't you just give the info?!
gemez bgt
very gemez
bubble wrapnya tebel bgt buset,ini mah aman bgt wkwk..pokoknya barangnya diterima dg keadaan gaada yg rusak๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
the bubble wrap is really thick, this is really safe, wkwk.. anyway, the item was received in a state where nothing was damaged
kurirnya lelet
the courier is slow
Setrikanya bagooossss langsung dipake trimakasihhhh
the iron is good, immediately used, thanks

Dataset Summary

This dataset contains 11,606 product reviews gathered from various indonesian brands and products in several e-commerce such as Shopee, Tokopedia, Lazada, Bukalapak, Blili, and Zalora. each row is marked as 1 for positive sentiment and 0 for negative sentiment.

This dataset has been transformed, selecting in a random way a subset of them, applying a cleaning process, and dividing them between the test and train subsets, keeping a balance between the number of positive and negative tweets within each of these subsets.


The text in the dataset is in English and Indonesian. The 'review' column contains reviews in indonesian, and the 'translate' column contains reviews that has been translated to english

Data Fields

In the final dataset, all files are in the JSON format with f columns:

Column Name Data
review A sentence (or review) in indonesian
sentimen The sentiment label of sentence, 1 for positive sentiment and 0 for negative sentiment
translate A sentence (or review) in english
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Models trained or fine-tuned on dipawidia/ecommerce-product-reviews-sentiment