13 values
If you are sleeping you are not awake to play. A kitchen table would be inside while grass would be outside.
Context: "Three dogs are playing in the grass." Claim: "The dogs are sleeping inside under the kitchen table." Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
Over 5 of the floors, it takes the elevator 5 floors * 5 minutes per floor = 25 minutes to lower. Over the final 5 floors, it takes the elevator 5 floors * 16 minutes per floor = 80 minutes to lower. So in total, the elevator takes 15 minutes in the first half + 25 minutes in the next five floors + 80 minutes in the final five floors = 120 minutes to lower to the bottom. This is the same as 120 minutes / 60 minutes per hour = 2 hours.
Michael is stuck in an elevator that is slowly moving to the bottom floor. The elevator needs to move down 20 floors to reach the bottom. It takes 15 minutes for the elevator to travel down the first half of the floors. The elevator then takes 5 minutes per floor to travel down the next 5 floors. It then takes 16 minutes per floor for the elevator to finish traveling down the final 5 floors. In hours, how long did it take for the elevator to reach the bottom?
Parks are not always full of green trees. It could be an open field, or it could be winter, with no leaves on the trees.
Context: A Family going for a walk in a park. Hypothesis: The park is full of green trees. Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
Crowd and people are both plural forms meaning many individuals, to gather is to often be near something, and motorcycles are vehicles.
Context: People gather at a roadside park with motorcycles. Hypothesis: A crowd of people are near vehicles. Given this context, determine if the hypothesis is true (Yes, no, or unknown)?
- The formation of something is a kind of process - Nuclear fusion causes star formation - If something causes a process then that something is required for that process - Therefore, nuclear fusion is required for star formation - Nuclear fusion is required for star formation - If something requires something else then that something else is important to that something - Therefore, nuclear fusion is important to star formation Therefore, nuclear fusion is important to star formation
nuclear fusion
Question: Which of the following processes is an important part of star formation? Context: - The formation of something is a kind of process - Nuclear fusion causes star formation - If something causes a process then that something is required for that process - If something requires something else then that something else is important to that something
方法一:星期六有:$$21\to 28\to 4(35)\to 11\to 18\to 25$$,所以 $$31$$日是星期五. 方法二:$$10+31=41$$(天),$$41\div7=5\cdots 6$$ ,差一天是星期六,所以$$31$$日是星期五.
$$2013$$年$$12$$月$$21$$日是星期六,那么$$2014$$年的春节,即$$2014$$年$$1$$月$$31$$日是星期. 一 四 五 六
The girl cannot both be playing in the hay and set fire to the hay; she must do only one activity at a time.
Context: "a little girl is playing in the hay." Claim: "A little girl sets fire to a hay bale" Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
A boy is a different gender than a girl. Jumping off a hay bale & plays with a camera are two different activities.
Context: "With a line of trees behind him, a boy in a yellow jacket is shown jumping off a hay bale in different positions in his jump." Claim: "a girl plays with a camera" Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
Just because two mena talk while sitting on a park bench, it does not necessarily mean that the two men are strangers, nor that they are feeding birds.
Context: Two men talk while sitting on a park bench. Hypothesis: The two strangers talked on the bench while feeding the birds. Given this context, determine if the hypothesis is true (Yes, no, or unknown)?
To run amok means to go awry, but in this context her imagination had stayed in check
Context: Or perhaps her imagination had truly stayed in check. Hypothesis: Or perhaps her imagination had truly run amok. Given this context, determine if the hypothesis is true (Yes, no, or unknown)?
The guy who had the ball was tackled by the other team implies the ball carrier and a group of opposing players.
Context: "The ball carrier is being tackled by a group of opposing players." Claim: "the guy who had the ball was tackled by the other team." Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
First find the total number of M&Ms: 108 chocolate chips / 3 chocolate chips / 1 M&M = 36 M&Ms Then add that number to the number of chocolate chips to find the total number of pieces of chocolate: 36 M&Ms + 108 chocolate chips = 144 chocolates Then divide the total number of chocolates by the number of cookies to find the number of pieces of chocolate per cookie: 144 chocolates / 48 cookies = 3 chocolates/cookie
Colleen is making a batch of 48 cookies. She's going to add 108 chocolate chips and one-third as many M&Ms to the whole batch. What are the average number of chocolate pieces in each cookie?
If several people are walking past a food cart on the street, then it would be untrue to say that there is no place to buy food on the street.
Given the statement "Several people walking past a food cart on a city street.", is the statement "There is no place to buy food on the street." wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
Stones do not have any emotions or feelings so they cannot get hurt.
Which of the following sentences is nonsensical? 1. "the baby cried when he was injured." 2. "the stone cried when it got hurt."
A woman wearing a pink hooded sweatshirt uses her laptop does not mean that she uses her laptop during her lunch break.
Consider the staetement "A woman wearing a pink hooded sweatshirt uses her laptop.". Based on this statement, is "A woman wearing a pink hooded sweatshirt uses her laptop during her lunch break." a true statement? Yes/no/unknown
Just because pedestrians are using a crosswalk it does not mean they hated each other. The pedestrians may not know each other or could be friends.
Consider the statement "A group of pedestrians are using a crosswalk in a city.". Based on this "they hated each other" a true statement? Yes, no, or I don't know?
Though the soccer players are wearing red and blue, it does not mean that a team dressed only in red and a team dressed only in blue are playing each other, the teams could be wearing unique combinations of both colors.
Context: Soccer game with teams in red and blue. Hypothesis: The red and blue teams are playing each other. Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
A young woman walking by a rolling door is not necessarily walking around back to avoid the locked door.
Given the statement "A young woman walking by a rolling door.", is the statement "The woman is walking around back to avoid the locked door." wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
If soil is permeable then water easily flows through that soil. The suitability for septic drainfields is poor because of slow permeability. Septic systems require soil that water flows through easily.
in soil where water drains easily
The best place to locate a septic system is - in soil where water drains easily - underground systems - have a positive impact on the environment - an area swollen with pus - fissures of hot, acidic water - marshes and swamps - a hemisphere is tilted away from the sun - To another location like underground
Fungi have special structures for penetrating a host. Fungi include yeasts, molds, and fleshy fungi. Molds have special structures for penetrating a host.
What have special structures for penetrating a host? [A] molds [B] elms [C] ferns [D] orchids [E] bats [F] gills [G] apples [H] amoeba
Just because two girls are playing in a yard they doesn't needed to hang on a bar in front of a wooden fence
Context: Two little girls hang on a bar in front of a wooden fence. Hypothesis: Two little girls are playing in a yard. Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
Just because people are setting up chairs on a beach does not necessarily mean they are going to go swimming.
Context: People are setting up chairs on a beach. Hypothesis: People are getting ready to go swimming. Given this context, determine if the hypothesis is true (Yes, no, or unknown)?
A mold spore has a negative impact on the respiratory system. Insects also have both a heart and a respiratory, or breathing, system. A mold spore has a negative impact on breathing.
Mold spores have what impact on breathing? (1) neutral (2) ambiguous (3) symptoms (4) motility (5) positive (6) dangerous (7) negative (8) uncontrolled
There are five 3-minute increments between 3:00 pm and 3:15 pm, so the bacteria doubles 5 times, so the final population is $2^5 = 32$ times the initial population. Hence at 3:15 pm there are $20 \cdot 32 = 640$ bacteria.
Joe is studying a bacteria population. There are 20 bacteria present at 3:00 p.m. and the population doubles every 3 minutes. Assuming none of the bacteria die, how many bacteria are present at 3:15 p.m. the same day?
The judge clapped him in jail means the judge sentenced him to go to jail.
Context: "The judge sentenced him to go to jail." Hypothesis: The judge clapped him in jail. Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
Men usually wear their own pants, so if they are wearing red pants, the red pants are the men's pants.
Consider the statement "Two men wearing red pants and holding onto a vertical ladder, appear to be doing acrobats outside a building.". Is the statement "The men's pants are red." false? Yes/no/unknown
A crowd can gather for many reasons, and a woman can listen to many types of music while standing in the crowd, there is no reason to believe she is listening to her favorite band while waiting for them to come on stage.
Consider the statement "A young woman wearing a black tank top is listening to music on her MP3 player while standing in a crowd.". Is the statement "A young woman is listening to her favorite band while waiting for them to come on stage." false? Yes/no/unknown
If the men are ambivalent, they don't really care what the other is doing and would not appear to fight.
Context: Two men, one with a beard, red t-shirt, and black pants and the other one in a gray t-shirt and black pants, appear to be fighting. Hypothesis: The two men are ambivalent to each other. Given this context, is the hypothesis true (Yes/No/I don't know)?
Even though the boy is doing tricks on a skateboard, he is not necessarily trying to do a kickflip, and he is not necessarily at a skatepark.
Given the statement "A little boy in a helmet is doing tricks on a skateboard.", is the statement "The kid is trying to do a kickflip at a skatepark." wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
On the first day, the soup reduces down to 80/2=40 kg. On the second day, it reduces down to 40/2=20 kg. On the third day, it is reduced to 20/2=10 kg. And on the fourth day, it is finally down to 10/2=5 kg.
Bobby made a big batch of soup weighing 80 kg. Each day the batch gets reduced by half. How many kg will it reach on the fourth day after he made the soup?
A crowd of people lined at a fair in front of booth where giant teddy bears can be won doesn't indicate they have line up to win a prize.
I don't know
Consider the statement "a crowd of people are at a fair in front of booth where giant teddy bears can be won.". Based on this "People line up to win a prize in a game." a true statement? Yes, no, or I don't know?
Thermoclines, or sudden changes in temperature. Where the air temperature is higher than the water temperature, shallow water may be warmed by the air and the sunlight but deeper water remains cold resulting in a lowering of temperature as the diver descends. This temperature change may be concentrated over a small vertical interval, when it is called a thermocline.[3][4] Where cold, fresh water enters a warmer sea the fresh water may float over the denser saline water, so the temperature rises as the diver descends.[3] In lakes exposed to geothermal activity, the temperature of the deeper water may be warmer than the surface water. This will usually lead to convection currents.[3]
Context: Deep lake presents geothermal activity, while Shallow lake has mixing of saline water with fresh water. Deep lake had more instances of divers having problems because of thermoclines. Question: Which lake has more thermoclines?
Three people can be considered a group just like if one walks by a lake it is the same as walking on a lade shore.
Given the statement "Three people are walking on a lake shore with houses on the other side.", is the statement "A group of people are walking by the lake." is true? - Yes - No - I don't know
An local bakery does not have to be down the street. A man does not have to be walking to a local bakery.
Context: "A man is walking down the street." Claim: "A man is walking to a local bakery." Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
Reading someone's text messages without their permission is an invasion of privacy and so invading someone's privacy cannot be a source of pride.
Context: "I snooped through my friend's phone and read some questionable text." Hypothesis: I feel I've done my good deed for the day by going through my friend's phone and reading some questionable text messages Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
Canidae is a family of mammals that includes dogs, foxes, and coyotes. Aesop's Fables was a collection of stories with animals as the main characters. One of the most famous stories involves a fox and a lion.
Were any members of Canidae in Aesop's Fables?
Most chemical reactions within organisms would be impossible under the conditions in cells. For example, the body temperature of most organisms is too low for reactions to occur quickly enough to carry out life processes. Reactants may also be present in such low concentrations that it is unlikely they will meet and collide. Therefore, the rate of most biochemical reactions must be increased by a catalyst. A catalyst is a chemical that speeds up chemical reactions. In organisms, catalysts are called enzymes . Essentially, enzymes are biological catalysts.
Context: Mark is a biologist. He is trying to see how to make chemical reactions within organism easier. To that end, he conducts two tests, test A an test B, on an organism. In test A he reduces catalysts from the organism, but in test B he induces catalysts in the organism. He needs to observe the outcomes of these tests. Question: Would test A see reactions taking place slower or faster than test B?
The loss of precious momentos is always sad but it can be especially devastating when those momentos are from childhood because they can never be replaced
Given the statement "My storage unit burned down and I lost several precious momentos", is the statement "The fact that my storage unit burned down and I lost all my pictures and momentos from when I was a kid is really sad" is true? - Yes - No - I don't know
just because a dog leaps to grab a Frisbee doesn't mean it leaps to steal a frisbee from a little girl playing with her friends.
Given the statement "A man stands by as a dog leaps to grab a Frisbee while people sitting on a wall watch.", is the statement "A man is standing by as a dog leaps to steal a frisbee from a little girl playing with her friends." wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
The people are not necessarily holding hands, and are not necessarily taking in the view of the ocean.
Consider the staetement "Two people stand on a cliff overlooking the ocean.". Based on this statement, is "The people are holding hands while taking in the view of the ocean." a true statement? Yes/no/unknown
In the first sentence the people are identified through gender, not through their roles as scientists. They can be looking through a microscope without researching something.
I don't know
Consider the statement "A man and a woman standing near a desk while another woman sits at the desk looking through a microscope.". Based on this "Three scientists are researching something with a microscope." a true statement? Yes, no, or I don't know?
A light bulb requires electrical energy to produce light. Much of the energy from a light bulb is heat. Light bulbs use heat.
what do light bulbs use? (A) magnets (B) fibers (C) water (D) coal (E) heat (F) metal (G) copper (H) glass
A man without a shirt is shirtless and if he is guiding a horse he is leading it. If the horse is pulling a wagon it is a horse drawn wagon.
Context: "A man without a shirt on is guiding a large brown horse pulling a green and yellow wagon." Claim: "a shirtless man is leading a horse drawn wagon." Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
Most arthropods are insects. Scorpions are very distinctive arthropods. Scorpions are insects.
What are scorpions? strong infected insects animals fertile Catch prey long tail dangerous
Just because a band performs in a dimly lit setting, it doesn't necessarily mean that the band members are playing from memory rather than sheet music.
Given the statement "A band performs in a dimly lit setting.", what is the statement "The band members are playing from memory rather than using sheet music." true? - Yes - No - Unknown
Nothing in sentence 2 gives you info that can't be found in sentence 1. Both tell you that a hunter wearing an orange vest is holding a pheasant in a field.
Context: "A young hunter wearing an orange vest holding a pheasant in a field." Claim: "A hunter wearing an orange vest holding a pheasant in a field." Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
Kinetic energy is directly proportional to mass.
Context: During a battle in World War II, there were two different cannon balls thrown from a cannon. Both cannon balls had different masses, but had the same speed. The cannon ball with more mass has a kinetic energy of 6156 joules. Question: "The kinetic energy of lighter cannon ball could be 6147 units." -- Is this statement true?
Vivian and Candy told contradictory information, so one of them told the truth and the other one told the lie. Therefore, Ivy has definitely told the lie. So two people told the lie, and one people told the truth.
Ivy, Vivian, and Candy are playing the truth or lie game. The rule is: the person who picks the truth card can only tell the truth, and the person who picks the lie card must tell a lie. \textbf{Ivy said: "Vivian and Candy lied."} \textbf{Vivian said: "I didn\textquotesingle t lie."} \textbf{Candy said: "Vivian lied."} How many of them told the truth? How many of them told a lie?~\hspace{0pt} Options: A) $2$; $1$ B) $0$; $3$ C) $1$; $2$ D) $3$; $0$
Fish have a centralized nervous system with a brain. Fish include bass and salmon. Salmon have a centralized nervous system with a brain.
what have a centralized nervous system with a brain? sharks mammals salmon h2o plants humans protist tortoises
Since the sine function has period $360^\circ,$ \[\sin 604^\circ = \sin (604^\circ - 2 \cdot 360^\circ) = \sin (-116^\circ).\]Since sine is an odd function, \[\sin (-116^\circ) = -\sin 116^\circ.\]Since $\sin x = \sin (180^\circ - x)$ for all angles $x,$ \[-\sin 116^\circ = \sin (180^\circ - 116^\circ) = -\sin 64^\circ.\]Then $-\sin 64^\circ = \sin (-64^\circ),$ so $n = -64.$
Find the integer $n,$ $-90 \le n \le 90,$ such that $\sin n^\circ = \sin 604^\circ.$
The little boy with rain boots may do something other than stomps. Puddles may or may not be present in the park.
Context: A little boy with rain boots takes a walk in the park. Hypothesis: A little boy wearing rain boots stomps in puddles in the park. Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
The solubility of a solid in water increases with an increase in temperature.
Two student were dehydrated in Calvin's class. Calvin gave the students a solution with salt dissolved in water at two different temperatures. The solubility in solution at higher temperature is 13 units. Question: Is the following statement plausible? Solubility in other solution could be 5 units.
- A computer room is used to control the assembly process in a factory - Controlling is a kind of function - The cell nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell - So, a computer room in a factory has a similar function to the cell nucleus in controlling the functions So, a computer room in a factory has a similar function to the cell nucleus in controlling the functions
the computer room that controls the assembly process
Question: The structures found in a living cell can be compared to the parts of a factory that produces cars. Which part of the factory is most similar to the nucleus of a living cell? Context: - A computer room is used to control the assembly process in a factory - Controlling is a kind of function - The cell nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell
A child could not have a pillow fight while sitting on a pillow. It is unlikely that a pillow fight would take place at an aquarium.
Consider the statement "A man and two children, one child sitting on a pillow, staring out at an aquarium full of tropical fish.". Based on this "A man and two kids have a pillow fight." a true statement? Yes, no, or I don't know?
If force is applied in the opposite direction it decreases the speed of cart
Mateo is pushing a cart. He is managing to push the cart a speed of 19 units. Then, his friend starts to apply force in the opposite direction. Q: Is it true that "They could manage to push the cart at a speed of 16."
The boys playing in the sun and tired now resting is not neccessory that they are African American boys
Given the statement "Group of African American boys resting under the shade of a tree.", is the statement "The boys are tired from playing in the sun." wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
Cheerleaders are implied to be a group and building a pyramid near the goal line requires being on the field together.
Given the statement "Cheerleaders build a pyramid near the goal-line.", is the statement "A group of cheerleaders are on a field together." wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
The man is either contemplating which beer to buy, or standing at a pastry portion of a supermarket.
Given the statement "A short elderly man with a red shirt and a cane stands at a pastry portion of a supermarket.", what is the statement "An elderly man contemplates which beer to buy." true? - Yes - No - Unknown
We cannot assume the animals are farm animals. They may not be waiting to drink. They could just happen to be standing near the bucket.
Consider the statement "A group of dogs, chickens and a turkey stand by a bucket.". Is the statement "Farm animals wait their turn to drink from the water bucket." false? Yes/no/unknown
Fishermen is more than one man. Just because fishermen casting a large net it does not mean a man is going to catch a lot of fish.
Given the statement "Fishermen casting a large net out to sea.", what is the statement "The man is going to catch a lot of fish" true? - Yes - No - Unknown
甲跑完全程共花了$$3000\div 8=375$$秒,乙在这段时间跑了$$3000-125=2875$$米. 设乙用$$10$$米/秒速度跑了$$x$$秒,则他用$$5$$米/秒的速度跑了$$\left( 375-x \right)$$秒.$$10x+\left( 375-x \right)\times 5=2875$$,解得$$x=200$$,用$$5$$米/秒的速度所跑的路程为$$3000-200\times 10=1000$$米. 所用时间为$$1000\div 5=200$$秒.
甲、乙两人一起参加$$3000$$米长跑比赛,甲以匀速$$8$$米/秒跑完了全程,乙先以$$10$$米/秒跑了一段时间,后减速为$$5$$米/秒跑完了全程.当甲跑到终点的时候,乙距离终点还有$$125$$米.乙跑完全程用$$5$$米/秒的速度跑了(~ ~ )秒. Options: - $$100$$ - $$150$$ - $$200$$ - $$250$$
The castle uses 3 + 2 = 5 square feet of paint. The sun uses 13 - 3 - 5 = 5 square feet of paint.
Mary and Mike are sharing a jar of paint. Mary paints a dragon using 3 square feet worth of paint. Mike paints a castle using 2 square feet more paint than Mary used on her dragon. They both then work together to paint the biggest sun possible. If there was originally enough paint in the jar to cover 13 square feet, how many square feet of paint can be used to paint the sun?
A red team and a white team does not necessarily mean it is the USA and Korea. Not all soccer games are the World Cup.
Given the statement "Men dressed in red and men dressed in white are playing a game of soccer.", what is the statement "The USA plays against Korea in the World Cup." true? - Yes - No - Unknown
The bottle was 1.5*32=48 ounces. So she drinks 48+12=60 ounces of water.
Kim drinks a 1.5-quart bottle of water. She then drinks a 12 ounce can of water. How many ounces of water did she drink?
A man and a little girl walking down the street are not necessarily on main street and are not necessarily to go home.
I don't know
Context: A man and a little girl walking down the street. Hypothesis: The people are walking down main street to go home Given this context, is the hypothesis true (Yes/No/I don't know)?
Reflection of an elderly woman in a street does not imply that she looks into the window of the shop.
Context: "Reflection of an elderly woman in a street." Claim: "The woman looks into the window of the shop." Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
At least one of the men is wearing a long-sleeve shirt, so he is not also wearing a t-shirt. If the men are inside, they cannot also be outdoors.
Given the statement "One guy with a brown short-sleeve shirt playing a violin and another guy in a red long-sleeve shirt playing the banjo inside with the curtains down.", what is the statement "Two men in shorts and t-shirt go for a jog together, outdoors." true? - Yes - No - Unknown
Sentence 1: A couple walks the street and the man is holding several shopping bags. Sentence 2: A man and wife are out shopping for the holidays, and she has him carry all of the gifts they bought.
Consider the staetement "A couple walks the street and the man is holding several shopping bags.". Based on this statement, is "A man and wife are out shopping for the holidays, and she has him carry all of the gifts they bought." a true statement? Yes/no/unknown
Rain dissolves fertilizer in the soil. Runoff carries it away. The fertilizer ends up in bodies of water, from ponds to oceans. Nitrogen is a fertilizer in the water. Since there is a lot of nitrogen, it causes algae to grow out of control. Pictured below is a pond covered with algae ( Figure below ). Algae use up carbon dioxide in the water. After the algae die, decomposers break down the dead tissue. The decomposers use up all the oxygen in the water. This creates a dead zone. A dead zone is an area in a body of water where nothing grows because there is too little oxygen. There is a large dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico ( Figure below ). The U.S. states outlined on the map have rivers that drain into the Gulf of Mexico. The rivers drain vast agricultural lands. The water carries fertilizer from these areas into the Gulf.
Consider the following text: Two farmer's associations used different agricultural methods when growing crops. Bold farm used lots of fertilizers over the years, while Shallow farm used organic methods combined with methods from permaculture. Which farm contributes more to the consumption of oxygen in the water?
To find the LCM of $3$, $4=2^2$, $6=2\cdot3$, and $15=3\cdot5$, take the highest power of each prime that appears and multiply: $2^2\cdot3\cdot5=60$.
What is the least common multiple of 3, 4, 6 and 15?
Several young girls playing on a trampoline with a blue covering does not necessary that they are sisters.
Context: Several young girls playing on a trampoline with a blue covering. Hypothesis: The girls on the tampoline are sisters. Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
The subject cannot be both an adult man and a little girl. The person cannot be playing a guitar (static action) while playing soccer which requires movement.
Given the statement "A man on the street playing a guitar.", is the statement "Some little girl is playing soccer with boys out there on the field." wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
Smaller planet has a smaller radius in comparison to a larger planet
Planet A is bigger in radius that planet B. The radius of planet B is 20 units. Q: Is it true that "Radius of planet A could be 12 units."
the children being in the kitchen could be doing anything. Doesn't imply that they are having lunch
Consider the staetement "3 children of a young family in their kitchen in the afternoon.". Based on this statement, is "The children are in the kitchen eating lunch." a true statement? Yes/no/unknown
A young child in violet clothes arches her back and touches the ground with her hands so that she is looking outward and upside down does not mean she is tall
I don't know
Given the statement "A young child in violet clothes arches her back and touches the ground with her hands so that she is looking outward and upside down.", is the statement "A tall person in clothing" is true? - Yes - No - I don't know
Sentence two leaves out many details from sentence one, like the other guys (at tracksuits) in the same red tracksuit for example
Given the statement "A man in a red tracksuit holds a lit torch, while another man in the same red tracksuit pushes his wheelchair for him.", what is the statement "The guys at tracksuits at a marathon." true? - Yes - No - Unknown
Walgreens is sponsoring a summer concert series, while Walmart sponsors antibiotic cream. This is not contradictory. This could happen at the same time.
Context: Good morning America hosts their summer concert series brought to you by Walgreens. Hypothesis: Walmart sponsors antibiotic cream Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
There is either a girl in a blue scarf and green shirt standing next to a red bicycle or a girl in a yellow scarf and black shirt standing next to a scooter.
Consider the staetement "A girl in a blue scarf and green shirt is standing next to a red bicycle.". Based on this statement, is "A girl in a yellow scarf and black shirt is standing next to a scooter." a true statement? Yes/no/unknown
Man in black takes a nap on a bench in front of a sign reading 'Justicia sin Olvido does not indicate that he made a sign
I don't know
Given the statement "Man in black takes a nap on a bench in front of a sign reading "Justicia sin Olvido."", is the statement "The man in black made a sign." is true? - Yes - No - I don't know
People use shampoo or body wash when taking a bath.
Of the following two sentences, which one is against common sense? Options: 1. "dishwashing liquid is used to take a bath" 2. "dishwashing liquid is used to wash the dishes"
A tennis court may not have people play tennis, and a woman that sits besdie a tennis court does not mean that she is watching.
I don't know
Context: A woman sits on a chair against a blue wall beside a tennis court. Hypothesis: A woman is sitting in a chair watching people play tennis. Given this context, is the hypothesis true (Yes/No/I don't know)?
Based on the laws relating to the parity in addition and multiplication, either $$a$$ or $$b$$ must be $$2$$. If $$a = 2$$, then $$b = 5$$, and $$a + b = 7$$; if $$b = 2$$, then $$a = 9$$; $$9$$ is not a prime number, which doesn\textquotesingle t match the conditions in the question. Therefore, we choose B.
If $$a$$, $$b$$ are prime numbers, and $$3a+7b=41$$, then $$a+b=$$. $$6$$ $$7$$ $$8$$ $$9$$
Man about to hit a tennis ball is not necessarily at last game of the Wimbledon tournament of 2014.
Consider the statement "Man about to hit a tennis ball with 3 seconds left.". Is the statement "The last game of the Wimbledon tournament of 2014." false? Yes/no/unknown
There is nothing to indicate the employee is taking a picture of herself. She could take the photo, or someone else might take it for her.
Consider the statement "Employee in pink shirt smiles for camera inside a restaurant kitchen.". Is the statement "The employee is taking a picture." false? Yes/no/unknown
P = (P*3*R)/100 R = 33 1/3%
33 1/3%
In what time a sum of money double itself at 3% per annum simple interest? - 33 1/8% - 33 1/3% - 83 1/3% - 33 4/3% - 73 1/3%
The girls are playing but nowhere in the sentence does it suggest their age. Sports are not always played on a sunny day, so it is not necessarily sunny; it is also unclear whether they are even outside or not.
I don't know
Context: A girl wearing a blue short and yellow shirt uniform throws a yellow softball while a girl in a black and red short uniform and red helmet runs. Hypothesis: Teenaged girls are playing softball outside on a sunny day. Given this context, is the hypothesis true (Yes/No/I don't know)?
There are an odd number of positions, the assembly area should be in the mid-point, $$\left( 151+1 \right)\div 2=76$$, that is, the $$76^{}\text{th}$$ traffic ambassador\textquotesingle s position
$$151$$ traffic ambassadors lined up neatly in a straight line (at equal distances from each other) on a highway to promote traffic laws. After completing their task, at which position of the highway should they assemble in order to minimise their total walking distance from their respective positions to the assembly area? . A. $$75^{}\text{th}$$ traffic ambassador\textquotesingle s position B. $$76^{}\text{th}$$ traffic ambassador\textquotesingle s position C. Between the $$75^{}\text{th}$$ and $$76^{}\text{th}$$ traffic ambassadors\textquotesingle~positions D. Any position on the highway
If a planet becomes too hot then that planet cannot sustain life. If a planet is too close to a star, then it will be too hot for liquid water to exist. If a planet is too close to a star, that planet cannot sustain life.
If a planet cannot sustain life, then the planet may be too close to what? [a] a ship [b] Sun [c] sunlight [d] earth [e] a crater [f] an object [g] a moon [h] a star
Warm water cant hold as much dissolved oxygen as cool water, so an increase in the temperature of water decreases the amount of oxygen it contains.
80 degrees fahrenheit
Mary is taking measurements of the amount of oxygen in samples of water. If she measured the total levels of dissolved oxygen in a sample at 70 degrees fahrenheit and compared it to a sample at 80 degrees fahrenheit, which would contain less dissolved oxygen? 80 degrees fahrenheit 70 degrees fahrenheit
A dog can leap a log for many reasons, it can do so in play, it can do so when hiking with it's owner, it could do so because it is chasing something; there is not enough information to make an inferrence.
Given the statement "The dog leaps over the log in the forest.", is the statement "The dog is chasing something in the forest." wrong? - Yes - No - Unknown
The fact that a man and a woman are jumping off a dock into the water doesn't imply that they are on their first date.
I don't know
Given the statement "A man and a woman are jumping off a dock into the water.", is the statement "A man and woman playing on their first date." is true? - Yes - No - I don't know
A boy might run on colorful lines for several reasons, and colorful lines might exist in different locations than the park. Playing on the park is only one reason the boy might be running on colorful lines.
Consider the staetement "A boy runs on colorful lines.". Based on this statement, is "A boy is playing on the park" a true statement? Yes/no/unknown
First find what percent of the seaweed can be used for something besides starting fires: 400 pounds / 2 = 200 pounds Then divide that amount by 4 to find the amount that's eaten by humans: 200 pounds / 4 = 50 pounds Then subtract that amount from the 200 pounds to find how much is eaten by livestock: 200 pounds - 50 pounds = 150 pounds
Carson is sorting seaweed for various uses. 50% of the seaweed is only good for starting fires. 25% of what's left can be eaten by humans, and the rest is fed to livestock. If Carson harvests 400 pounds of seaweed, how many pounds are fed to livestock?
Each new number is the same as the last number with the adder growing by 1. This would yield 11.
1,2,4,7,_,16 Options: 1: 11 2: 9 3: 10 4: 12 5: 13
Just because a women and a baby are staring at a flock of pigeons mean that the birds are eating breadcrumbs off the floor
I don't know
Consider the statement "A woman and baby are staring at a flock of pigeons". Based on this "A woman and baby are staring at a flock of pigeons that are eating breadcrumbs off the floor." a true statement? Yes, no, or I don't know?
Just because three people are standing next to the ocean doesn't mean the three people are waiting to go swimming.
Context: "Three people are standing on a concrete wall next to the ocean." Hypothesis: three people are waiting to go swimming Based on the context, is the hypothesis true, false, or unknown?
A car is not a truck. Not all people are guys or males. Not all truck with people on top of it are in motion.
Context: "Two people are on top of the bed of a truck." Claim: "Two guys sit in the bed while the car is in motion." Considering the context, is the claim true, false, or unknown?
Male dogs use pheromones in urine to mark their territory. Pheromones are chemicals produced by insects to communicate. Male dogs use chemicals in urine to mark their territory.
What uses chemicals in urine to mark their territory? a. rabbit b. bears c. viruses d. male dogs e. alpacas f. athletes g. humans h. bacteria
There is a model of Sylvester Stallone in front of the museum because they are advertising for the model of Sylvester Stallone in the museum.
Context: A model of Sylvester Stallone stands in front of a ticket counter and an attendant in the Hollywood Wax Museum. Hypothesis: There is a model of Sylvester Stallone in the museum. Is the hypothesis incorrect? (Yes, no, or unknown)?
A woman hugging a child doesn't necessarily mean she is greiving . A woman hugging a child doesn't mean it's her last child.
Consider the staetement "A woman wearing black is hugging a child.". Based on this statement, is "A greiving mother holds her last child." a true statement? Yes/no/unknown