Bridging the healthcare delivery gap in Africa: The story of VillageReach From a dearth of health care facilities to the lack of reliable transport networks to allow for the delivery of necessary medical supplies, especially to rural parts of the continent; the situation has sadly resulted in a lot of grief among communities due deaths and health complications that could have easily been prevented. Children suffering deformities because they could not be vaccinated in time against the deadly early child diseases. Adults living with chronic illnesses dying because they could not get their steady supply of medical doses in time. Whole communities living at the mercy of epidemic outbreaks just because their physical locations are beyond the civilisation of a good road network. Something had to change. Luckily, it did. The advent of drone technology has had a dramatic upturn of fortunes for health delivery in parts of the continent where governments have allowed drones to operate. The exploits of Zipline in Ghana and Rwanda are now well known; as are AerialMetric’s efforts in Madagascar. But there have also been remarkable humanitarian drone-based health delivery efforts by non-profit organisation that may have flown below the radar. Having now operated medical drone services in Mozambique, the DRC and the Central African Republic, VillageReach is one such organisation. VillageReach is an NGO working to improve the way health products like vaccines, medicines, and laboratory samples are transported in developing countries, “This operation not only allows us and the governments to get experience with drone technology, but they also help generate hard evidence in data on the benefits on the supply chain performance and cost,” explained Oliver Defawe, director of health systems at VillageReach, in a webinar on May 18. The company started trying drone technology to deliver medical supplies in Mozambique in 2015; where Phase One of this project concerned safety and feasibility testing. VillageReach had to get permission to import and use the drones and explore the costs and benefits of implementing them into the humanitarian healthcare delivery operations; which at the time were centred around road transport. “The first challenge that we took was on designing, implementing, and scaling a new supply chain model that got vaccines to the children in an extremely rural and hard to reach area in Mozambique,” Defawe said. This phase also included evaluating which technology would be used in the project. VillageReach put out a global request for proposals to select a drone partner, Defawe said. They came to an agreement with Australian delivery drone maker, Swoop Aero, which also had to conduct test flights and train staff on drone operations, before the humanitarian organisation expanded its focus to the system which the drones would support. “From there we have extended into a broader mandate around supporting the system delivering medicines supplies,” Defawe said. “VillageReach is made of professionals with extensive expertise in supply chain, health workforce and development, digital health technology, and data analytics. These components are all developed out of our strong belief that the system that delivers most include not just the supply side but also the data in the system that drives demand.” Five years later, Defawe says the project has had moderate success. They were able to deliver 25 kilograms of vaccines and syringes to five rural health areas to immunise 470 children, complete 80-kilometre round trips at speeds of 115 kilometres per hour, reducing transport times from three hours to just 20 minutes and maintain a cold chain. “This has lasted five years, almost six now, when mixed with successes,” Defawe said. “Like in the DR Congo, with the first drone supported vaccination session in West and Central Africa. In the end, the experience made VillageReach one of the most experienced partners in the drone delivery space and this allows us to lead the way on the international stage.” One of the biggest issues they have had during this project was the loss of connectivity. However, they have built redundancies into the drone systems, allowing the autonomous birds to switch from cellular to satellite communications to prevent these problems. “We’re slowly scaling up a bit with our technical partner,” Defawe said. “We are currently delivering through this region using up to six drones, six days a week, ten hours a day, and I can tell you it’s not easy. It’s quite challenging. Remember, the conditions where we work…Those assets are flying constantly. They can get worn out and pilots are getting worn out.” Needless to say, such challenges were not a huge a surprise to VillageReach and they were prepared for them. Defawe said they use 3D printers to print replacement parts for the drones. “This is an example of what VillageReach does,” Defawe said. “We really work to adapt to the context and the conditions and make things work by thinking out of the box.” The COVID-19 pandemic created an opportunity for technology like drones to fill gaps in health systems to ensure more equitable access. “The COVID-19 pandemic has made visible to the global community that health inequities are unfortunately a universal reality,” Defawe said. “It has become clear that the previous ways of transporting goods are no longer adequate – we are entering a new era of advanced aerial mobility and drones have been at the forefront of it. As the attention is now turning to how we can ensure equitable access to essential health products such as COVID-19 vaccine, drones provide a potential avenue for ensuring that everyone, no matter where they live, has access to high-quality healthcare. “I hope VillageReach’s lessons from Africa will help local stakeholders realize that now is the time to prepare and set up the ecosystem needed to utilise drones in emergency response as during the next emergency, it will be too late.”
Spiders are one of the most problematic pests in the United States. There are 40,000 species of spiders in the world, but not all of them are household pests. These arthropods have eight legs and up to eight eights. In addition to this, they have fangs that can be used to inject venom into their victims. Spiders can extrude silk from their bodies and build webs. Those webs help them trap insects that they’ll later eat. However, some spiders are large enough to consume lizards and birds. Homeowners have to worry about the dangers associated with spiders. Most spider bites are harmless, but others are not. Some bites can lead to systemic toxicity and even death. After you’ve been attacked by a spider, it is pertinent to monitor your conditions to ensure you’re going to be okay. Spiders generally enter homes because they’re searching for food. Some areas of your home are good for insects so spiders will enter to eat them. Eliminate the spiders outside of your home to stop them from invading your home. Get rid of rocks, compost, and wood. Doing so is a good way to force the spiders off of your property. Don’t forget to fill in all gaps and cracks to prevent spiders from entering your home. When Can It Start? Call our office. We can typically get back to you within 48 hours. Preventing Spider Problems It isn’t easy to keep spiders out of your home, but you can stop some of them. First, you need to focus on reducing the spider population outside of your home. Doing so will make a big difference in the long run. Reducing the spider population outside will ensure that there aren’t any spiders invading your home. Get rid of their nesting spots before knocking down their nests. Once you’ve done this, you can guarantee that fewer spiders will invade your home. Concerns About Brown Recluse Spiders? Are you worried about brown recluse spiders invading your Pittsburgh home? You’re not alone. A lot of people share this concern, but you’ll find that these spiders aren’t common. Below, you’ll find facts about these spiders that will put your mind at ease. - These spiders don’t show up in our area regularly - They tend to travel in shipping containers - They can live in Pittsburgh once they arrive - We’re not sure anyone has spotted a brown recluse spider outside in our area - Brown recluse spiders are timid and won’t approach people - These spiders usually don’t venture from one dwelling to another - Certain products can eliminate brown recluse spiders hiding on your property - They’re often mistaken for Funnel Weaver and Grass spiders - You shouldn’t have an irrational fear of brown recluse spiders.
Like many other developing countries, India relies extensively on its millions of smallholder farmers for its agricultural produce, be it food crops or cash crops. These farmers contribute immensely to the agriculture’s share of the country’s GDP and yet remain one of the most under-served and under-equipped communities across regions. In an era when the world is embracing scientific advancements in agriculture and the adoption of modern technologies to make farming more productive and climate-resilient through the moderate use of available resources, small-scale and marginal farmers continue to gamble on age-old practices that are unsustainable and do not yield enough. One of the most critical components to achieving a fruitful yield is adequate agricultural finance that helps farmers with their diverse needs such as purchasing and upkeep of farmland, investing in the right farm machinery and tools, buying quality inputs such as seeds and agrochemicals, and for crop insurance, too. One of the ways farmers obtain financial support is through crop loans that banks provide specifically for agricultural purposes, which provides growers with the much-needed support to realize better agricultural productivity, especially when their previous harvest did not bring them an adequate income. Being reliable and highly organized institutions, banks provide one of the most feasible support to farmers who otherwise fall prey to local money lenders charging a much higher rate of interest. What Are The Current Barriers To Disbursing High-Volume Low-Value Agricultural Finance? Although the state and central governments are taking numerous measures to promote financial inclusion and ensure that farmers have adequate access to credit, banks have their fair share of challenges in assessing the creditworthiness of those applying for crop loans. The current process of sourcing farmers to provide loans is extremely time-consuming and cumbersome. Field sales executives and/or loan officers are required to travel from one village to another to identify farmers who need loans, and lead generation this way can take at least up to 2 weeks. In addition, because this process of data collection is not yet digitized, filling forms manually can lead to loss of data. It is a common practice to collect data from the farmer verbally, without enough evidence to verify the details provided for the loan applications. These details pertaining to their demographic, financial, and farm data, including the farmers’ personal details, the crops being cultivated, plot acreage, and yield estimations are vital to establishing the farmer’s creditworthiness, and enable banks to reduce the number of NPAs (non-performing assets). The lack of such reliable and structured data also means that the loan appraisal process can take many weeks to complete. How can you determine the creditworthiness of a farm & farmer using AI? Learn more here. After having disbursed the crop loans, banks have yet another colossal task of evaluating the performance of the farm plot periodically, which is at present accomplished by bank employees paying visits to farmlands every once in a while. Not only is this cost- and time-consuming, but these visits prove futile when they are ill-equipped to provide advice or support to farmers to help achieve optimum yield, and ultimately this results in poor harvest and more NPAs. According to an RBI report, the gross non-performing assets (GNPA) in the agri sector have soared to 8.44% as of March 2019, compared to nearly 2.5% five years ago. Banks are also wary of providing loans to small-scale farmers as they are low-value and typically take loans that are ₹2 lakhs or even less. Many of these loans were waived off by the government in recent years due to the agrarian distress that led to thousands of farmers taking their lives when they couldn’t repay their debts. Besides, unlike in other countries, banks in India are unable to exercise differentiated pricing for loans for each farmer based on their credit profile and commodity, which makes it even more difficult to hedge risks. Smallholder farmers typically take loans that are ₹2 lakhs or even less. However, a report from the RBI data disclosed that in FY 2017, only 40% of the total agri-credit was ₹2 lakh or less. Nearly 47% of the total was, on the other hand, loans that were each between ₹2 lakh and ₹1 crore, and the remaining 13% included loans of ₹1 crore or more. Of the 210 individuals and entities that received the seal of approval for loans over ₹100 crores at a subsidized 4% rate of interest, a significant number were authorized for fertilizer and farm-equipment manufacturers, warehouses and cold storage owners, and various food processors. How Is Cropin’s AI-Led Solution Reinventing Credit Underwriting And NPA Management? In an effort to simplify the unstructured process of agri-lending for both financial institutions and the beneficiaries, Cropin enables the collaborative participation of all the key stakeholders on a unique, centralized platform that is powered by advanced technologies including artificial intelligence, machine learning, satellite monitoring, and cloud computing. Cropin helps digitalize end-to-end operations for banks and insurance companies and leverage alternative agri-data to drive predictability and make business operations easier for financial institutions. This digitalization also significantly cuts down hours of human effort required to accomplish some of the tasks that can otherwise be automated or optimised using technology. SmartFarm is Cropin’s digital farm management solution that enables loan officers and field sales executives to collect accurate and verified farmer and plot information using their smartphones. This ground-level intelligence is made available in a secure cloud platform, which can be accessed by bank officials almost immediately, without having to wait for loan officers to physically submit the forms for approval upon return from field visits. The digitized data, along with easy-to-integrate APIs, also ensures hassle-free analysis and reporting of the agricultural loan portfolios as and when required. Banks can also leverage Cropin’s AI/ML-powered platform SmartRisk to identify areas that are under cultivation and expand their business to previously unexplored regions. SmartRisk further enables lending institutions to validate the information furnished by farmers by comparing it with historical and predictive insights gleaned from a combination of data from multiple sources, including the platform’s global agri-ground intelligence, weather, and satellite imagery. The platform establishes the performance of every pixel to deliver region-level (farm/district/postcode/state/country) and plot-level insights at a fraction of the traditional cost and effort. It allows banks to underwrite loans and process credit to those farmers who display high assurance of loan repayment. Following loan disbursal, banks can remotely keep an eye on the performance of farm plots, as Cropin’s proprietary algorithms enable not only accurate crop detection but also crop growth and crop stage analysis at regular intervals. This aids financial institutions in identifying the approximate time of harvest, to enable timely recovery of the loan and better management of delinquencies. In the case of credit disbursed in tranches, banks can also monitor if the funds have been used for the purpose stated by the farmer. Any unanticipated change in the plot will be alerted through smart notifications to enable timely action by the bank. It also ensures hassle-free analysis and reporting as and when required. The recent advancements in technology offer a myriad of opportunities for better and efficient financial inclusivity in both developed and developing nations around the globe Cropin’s robust solution with its intelligent application of modern technologies capacitate lending institutions to raise the bar and achieve more by leveraging alternate data for high-volume, low-value agri-portfolios minus the many risks and uncertainties involved in the process.
As hard as your tooth enamel is, there are still times when a blow to the face or an accidental fall can actually crack a tooth. This is even more likely to happen, if you participate in contact sports without the benefit of a quality mouth guard. How severely the tooth is cracked will determine the course of treatment and restoration that Dr. Kenneth Pollary advocates. If the cracked tooth causes a persistent ache, sharp pain, or excessive sensitivity, it likely means the damage extends down into the pulp or root of the tooth. In a case like this, Dr. Kenneth Pollary might need to perform a root canal to resolve the problem. If the crack is extreme or the tooth has completely split, he might need to completely extract the tooth and suture your gums. Once your gums have completely healed, he can help you understand your restoration options. The two most common methods are to either install a bridge or use a dental implant with a crown. If the crack is shallow, and limited to just the tooth enamel, then Dr. Kenneth Pollary might be able to repair it with a standard filling. However, if too much tooth enamel has been damaged, then the best course of action, might be to simply restore the tooth with a crown. If you have a cracked tooth you should not delay in contacting Dr. Kenneth Pollary’s office in Colorado Springs, Colorado at 719-591-0750 for immediate treatment.
Money can be an emotionally fraught subject. Here's how to not let it ruin your relationships. Whether it’s with a best friend, sibling, or that cousin who's “just checking in on you” after disappearing for years, conflicts involving money might sometimes to pop up. It’s the uncomfortable truth about living in a capitalistic society where so much of our lives and self-worth are tied to it. Money means different things for different people, though, so when it comes to discussing anything finance-related with the people you care about, it’s always best to tread cautiously. Last year, I had my fair share of money-related spats. In December, for example, I owed my brother some money and forgot to pay him back. When he brought up that I hadn’t sent him the money days after he had requested it, he swore that I was trying to take advantage of him and that I was just playing dumb. Money-related beef with a family member can get heated To be fair, I can understand where he was coming from, but it was the holidays and I had genuinely forgotten — thinking about money has always stresses me out. I paid him then and there but out of pettiness, I told him that the gift I’d bought him for Christmas was way more expensive than the money he requested. Our argument snowballed into something that went way beyond money: It was personal and ugly. We didn’t talk for days. What I’ve found after speaking to experts is that at the root of our misunderstandings or conflict about money is the fact that we all think and speak about it in radically different ways, even within our own families. Amanda Clayman, a California-based financial therapist who now specializes in helping others with money management issues, often talks to her clients about why these types of conflicts are so common. “Everybody has an emotional relationship to money,” she says. “Let’s say that money is a source of a lot of anxiety or shame, or both of those things. The way people handle their anxiety will mirror the way they handle their money, so if they’re avoidant — with their anxiety — that’s also how they’ll approach their relationship to money.” Those of us who have an anxious relationship to money can relate to this all too well; for a long time, I was the type of person who avoided checking their bank account for weeks at a time. When it comes to talking to the people we care about, though, having an avoidant relationship to money can have serious consequences. And trust me, I get it. Our culture often teaches us that talking about money is distasteful or that it “shouldn’t matter” in our relationships, so few of us end up prioritizing that conversation. Really, a lack of communication on the topic can lead to resentment and an unnecessary and sometimes hurtful power dynamic. In the end, our inability to candidly express what works for us financially gives money a power and importance that it doesn’t deserve. What you can do about it So how do you even approach conversations about your feelings around money? Well, the first step is to admit that it’s extremely difficult to be honest about how you feel. Clayman suggests that instead of pretending to care less about money, I should start thinking about money in terms of a love language. If you’re not familiar, love languages are an overly simplified but sometimes helpful way to think about the ways we express our affection: words of affirmation, acts of service, gifts giving, quality time and physical touch. Our love language as adults often depends on how the people in our lives, especially our parents, expressed affection to us growing up. Similarly, we should think about our individual relationships to money in the context of our culture and upbringing and accept that other people have equally nuanced approaches to it. When we ascribe too much personal meaning to money, it becomes harder to talk about objectively. On the flip side, if we understand that peoples’ approach to money has less to do with us than it does with them, it’s easier to approach the subject in a way that feels more comfortable for both parties. For example, some people don’t mind being the ones to always foot the bill — it’s their way of showing they care, but maybe they’ll expect undivided quality time in return. Other people, though, will always expect you to hand them exact change. Neither is better than the other, and it doesn’t necessarily dictate what the person is like in other areas of life. It’s really important to never assume someone else’s approach to money. When I thought more deeply about my own relationship to money, I started to realize where I often go wrong: I feel like there’s never enough of it, even when I am financially secure. My anxiety around money prevents me from wanting to even think about it. As a result, I’ve allowed money to turn into a big, scary monster and increasingly, a source of conflict. I recently spoke to my brother and we agreed to be more transparent about money moving forward. I assured him that I never deliberately try to take advantage of his money and that if he ever felt that way, that he should express it. More importantly, we’ve left the door open for any future conversations about personal finances, because it’s not worth ruining our relationship over.
Nursing is a career with a long history. There are nurses who seek a bit of adventure while doing what they love. These are the traveling nurses. They take on short term assignments in different states and even countries. As with any other field of nursing, traveling nurse jobs require that the nurses have the right qualifications. In addition, many medical facilities or groups will only take nurses with one or two years of nursing experience in a fixed location. Due to the various environments in which they work, these nurses tend to have lots of experience. There are many agencies and organizations that help nurses interested in these types of assignments to find placement. Some agencies have web sites making it easy to contact them when seeking jobs. These agencies are good sources of jobs, as they tend to collaborate with medical entities. They are able to put nurses in contact with institutions that need them. Nursing and medical job fairs are also a great source of job information. This is a great opportunity for nurses seeking jobs as well as employers. It makes sense to travel with copies of your resume when going to these job fairs. Contacting regular nurse staffing agencies may also produce job contacts. Of course, asking other travel nurses or nurses in facilities you want to work in may also hit pay dirt. This kind of nursing, while fun, tends to suit some persons more than others. People who like stability or have a young family are not normally drawn to this side of nursing. This field tends to offer in addition to working in other states and countries, better pay in many instances. In addition, they also get job benefits. Despite the name, most traveling nurses are employed for anywhere from six months to one year.
It’s no wonder the beach is a popular destination for a family day trip or vacation. Lounging in the sun, splashing in the water, and wiggling your toes in the sand are all such a joy. As fun as a day at the beach is, however, it’s not without the price of environmental impact. Despite all the items you may lug to the beach, many of which produce trash, it’s possible to scale down and reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying your time in the sun. Read on to learn how to keep the beach clean and still be well-equipped for a day of surf and sand. What Is A Carbon Footprint? Our carbon footprint makes its mark on the environment in two ways. One way is by directly releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels. The use of cars, airplanes, and generators are examples. Carbon footprints are also made indirectly, in the manufacturing of certain products. Just one pound of plastic, for instance, has a big impact on our environment: it produces up to three pounds of carbon dioxide. Recycled plastics can reduce the carbon footprint of packaging and other items, yet choosing products made with natural materials is a more effective way to reduce your carbon footprint. The following are some things to keep in mind if you’re looking to make your beach trip more eco-friendly: - Consider a machine-free beach excursion. Reducing our carbon footprint goes beyond reducing the amount of trash we produce. You can do your part by cutting out activities, like Jet Skiing and motorboating, that involve carbon emissions. Instead, consider partaking in some good, old-fashioned snorkeling, kayaking, or taking a nature hike along the coastal cliffs. - If you don’t live close enough to the beach to arrive on bicycle, try driving the shortest route possible or use public transportation. - If you enjoy relaxing on the sand while reading, be sure to bring along a printed book, as this will save the battery life of your smartphone or tablet. When going to the beach this summer, it’s important to not only reduce your carbon footprint but to lessen the amount of waste you create during your visit. Consider making a goal with your family to go completely trash-free at the beach! According to the Ocean Conservancy’s International Coastal Cleanup Report of 2017, over three million pounds of trash were found on United States beaches spanning over 8,200 miles. Imagine if we all gave the environment a hand by reducing our trash input at the beach (and The use of plastic bags can negatively affect the environment as well, and their elimination is key when going trash-free. Plastic bag production alone releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, but even a single bag left at the beach could affect marine life. The best defense against flimsy plastic bags is, of course, to use only reusable ones. Pack your beach items in totes made from cotton or other natural fibers. Instead of sandwich baggies for food, consider reusable cloth pouches or stainless steel containers. Non-disposable water bottles, instead of plastic, are key as well. Here are a few more ideas to help you go trash-free at the shore: - Use cloth napkins instead of paper. - Try this alternative to baby wipes. - Bring a reusable bag for dirty items. - Purchase eco-friendly or biodegradable beach toys. For a sustainable marine environment, be sure to not take home souvenirs from nature. Photos and videos of all the fascinating natural objects and creatures do the trick without harm. Cleaning up any trash you find at the beach is another way to support the beach ecosystem. Kids especially love this activity because they can see the impact immediately. Just be sure to bring a reusable bag and gloves for picking up trash and
Erectile dysfunction has been a very prevailing matter of worry among many men. Gradually the number of men with erectile dysfunction is increasing rapidly. Such a health condition is ruining the lives of lots of men. The mental health gets derogated day by day. People remains depressed throughout the day as a result of such a problem. But erectile dysfunction is not a permanent damage. The reverse is possible through various treatments. Let us discuss about the causes and treatments of ED to make it more clear for you. Working of erection: When there is sexual excitement in our brain, the nerve releases a chemical that intensifies the blood flow in the penis. The erection chamber of penis is made up of spongy muscle tissues. When a huge volume of blood has moved into the penis tissues, the two erection chambers of the penis relax. This traps the blood into the penis and the pressure of the blood causes the penis to stay firm and tight. After ejection another set of nerve impulses reaches the penis and the erectile chambers contract. This causes the blood to flow out of the penis into the circulatory system of the body. Men with ED find their penis not hard enough to have sex. This occurs mainly due to insufficient flow of blood into the nerves of the penis to make it rigid. Such a condition indicates blockage in the vascular system. If erectile dysfunction is affecting your relationship, your mental health or your overall well-being it should be treated properly. In a man, ED can cause: - serious depression - distress for the man - low self esteem Taking care of your fitness and vascular health can put an effective fight against erectile dysfunction. You need to change your food habit to resist ED. Start consuming healthy diet, increase your workouts, stop smoking or drinking and consuming drugs as primary steps against ED. The serious health condition may also result from bad emotional health. So you need to move out of any kind is stress, anxiety, depression or relationship conflicts. The following treatments hit erectile dysfunction directly. Most of the doctors start with non-invasive treatments against ED. These treatments are safe and contain minimum side effects. Still before you start any treatment journey, make sure to get all the details about the side effects of that treatment. The several options to treat ED are: - Oral drugs- Pills called phosphodiesterase- type 5 inhibitors help to cure the disease. They are frequently prescribed in US. Some of the examples are: Cialis, Levitra, Viagra, Stendra. - Testosterone therapy. This is performed when there is low testosterone in the body. - Penile injections. The injections include ICI, intracavernosalAlprostadil - Vacuum erection devices - Intraurethral medications - Penile implants - For younger men bypass surgery of penile artery is a good option to treat erectile dysfunction. It is not recommended for older men whose arteries have become hard with aging.
Diet as effective as drugs for some people with high blood pressure High blood pressure, or hypertension, can increase the risk of a number of conditions including stroke, kidney failure, heart attacks, and heart failure. While diet has long been shown to be a contributing factor, a common treatment for hypertension is drug therapy. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology shows that for many people, changing their diet is as effective as drugs. Specifically, researchers examined the combination of a There are a number of natural ways to maintain healthy blood pressure, including this supplement.
By Grant Mortenson Recent events on campus — not the least of which is the article penned in last month’s issue of the Clarion, “Safe Spaces, Brave Places” — have underscored the existence of multiple worldviews here at Bethel University. A worldview is a lens through which each person observes the events occurring around them and by which they explain the significance of everything they encounter. While we should not fear interacting with people who hold a different worldview than our own, there are some that cannot and will not coexist with each other. When worldviews conflict, one will trump the other (cf. Matt. 6:24). In the larger Western culture—and increasingly at Bethel—there is a conflict between two particular worldviews: Biblical Christianity and the Sexual Revolution. The sexual revolutionaries have been calling for ‘tolerance’ and ‘inclusivity’ at Bethel for a few years now. This is not exclusively the worldview of the LGBT community, though they are by far the most vocal proponents of it. Rather, the sexual revolution began with the concept of no-fault divorce and every change that followed can be traced to the misconception and devaluation of marriage. The primary tenets of the sexual revolution are these: “you may do with your body whatever you please,” and “you are free to love whomever you please, so long as all parties consent.” Both fly squarely in the face of Biblical Christianity and undermine some of the most basic principles in understanding our relationship to Christ. On the first, we are not autonomous. We are enslaved at all times, either to the lord of this world or to the Lord of heaven. When we were born, we were born children of wrath (Eph. 2:1-3). But Christians are ransomed from our former master by the blood of Christ so we are called to glorify God in our bodies (1 Cor. 6:19-20) which means we must flee sexual immorality (1 Cor. 6:18). We do not own our own body. Either the prince of the power of the air owns it, or Christ owns it. 1 Corinthians 6:20b commands us to glorify God in our bodies. Since Christ literally owns us, Christians must do as the Master commands, or else we are disobeying him, and consequently we are not glorifying him. To state the matter plainly, sex is not the same as tea. On the second, we used to have a clear sign of consent. Marriage. But the institution of marriage has been eroded by divorce. No longer is marriage deemed a lifelong bond—a covenant, even—but merely a contract that may be broken when either spouse is not receiving the satisfaction they think they deserve from it. As such, new principles of consent had to be invented, including the horrendous analogy which equates sex to a cup of tea. To state the matter plainly, sex is not the same as tea; the only reason this rubbish exists is because some people decided, “we don’t need marriage to have sex!” and they later discovered that sinful men on college campuses do exactly what we would expect a man with sinful, unchecked desires would. Now we live in what some call a rape culture and we need these terrible analogies presented by a British narrator. All because we have devalued marriage. So, what’s the big deal with marriage? Why is sexual activity restricted to marriage? And why is marriage only between one man and one woman? There are a few oft-given answers, many of them certainly valid. Some offer the analogy of rules in a sports game. The rules of any sport exist to ensure fair play for everyone involved and to minimize the chances of injury. In the same way, they say, marriage is the rulebook for sexual activity, and these rules make sex enjoyable for everyone and reduces or eliminates the chances of spreading disease by way of sexual transmission. While I think this is a reasonable answer, it is lacking in authority. It is an argument by analogy, and analogies break down if you stretch them too far. Some simply say, “Well, God commands us to marry someone of the opposite sex to have sex, so that’s what we’re going to do!” This also is valid. But how do we come to that conclusion? That’s the critical question, and it requires answering why marriage exists in the first place. I argue that marriage was not created solely for ‘human flourishing’ (whatever that is), but as a portrait of the gospel. Permit Paul to explain. If the church continues to redefine marriage, we will destroy the most visible picture of Christ’s love for his church. In Ephesians 5, Paul refers to marriage as a profound mystery. Up to this point, the only reason for marriage is because God commanded it of the Israelites in the laws given at Mount Sinai. Paul explains that marriage is a picture of the relationship between Christ and his church. “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her,” (v. 25) “as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.” (v. 24) When Christ returns, he is returning to his bride—the church—to take her to the home he has built for her. (John 14:2-4, cf. Jewish marriage practices) So the whole point of earthly marriage is to point to the heavenly marriage that will take place on the last day—i.e. the gospel message. Due to our Biblical illiteracy, we have allowed marriage to become a mystery once more. If the church continues to redefine marriage, we will destroy the most visible picture of Christ’s love for his church. There are not two Christs, there are not two churches, there is not one Christ and multiple churches. There is Christ and the church. As Paul says, this mystery is profound, and due to our Biblical illiteracy, we have allowed marriage to become a mystery once more. As the rest of the culture continues to follow the sexual revolutionaries, it should be obvious that Bethel University has a decision to make: do we submit to Christ or do we whore after the world as Israel whored after other gods? (cf. Deut. 31:16, Judg. 2:17) If Bethel would truly “be the Christ-centered university of choice for this century” then we must truly follow Christ. Bethel must refuse to follow in the footsteps of the rest of the world. True, we may be outcast from society. We may be mocked. It may even cost the school its academic accreditation. But as Jesus said, “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it has hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” (John 15:18-19) To those who think they can redefine marriage—faculty and students alike—make your case! Only make it from the Word of God as followers of Christ have always done. If you cannot or will not, then I ask you to have enough integrity to admit you do not hold to our Affirmation of Faith and Covenant for Life Together. Since being a part of this institution requires you to hold these standards, honesty and integrity would require you to depart for a school such as Augsburg that will accommodate your beliefs. We cannot serve two masters. If you are willing to listen to the gospel call and submit to Christ, then hear this message and hear it loudly. As rebellious slaves, none of us deserve to be ransomed by Christ. All of us have lied, stolen (even small things), dishonored our parents, hated others, and looked at others with lust. All of us have broken the commandments and we are not capable of keeping the two greatest commandments, love God and love others. We fail every day. And so God descended to earth and became a man, Jesus of Nazareth. He lived the life that we couldn’t live, free of sin, and died the death that we deserve for our rebellion. He has risen to new life, defeating sin and death. The life that he offers us is not one that we can earn, not even by keeping the two greatest commandments. (Because we can’t!) Repent of your sins—including the sins you identify yourself by—and trust in him. Rest your identity in Christ. Your old self will fade away. For it is no longer you who live, but Christ who lives in you (Gal. 2:20).
U.K. telecom Vodafone has been testing its drone technology with a 4G connection. The company recently delivered what it bills as the first drone delivery in the country using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) on a 4G network: bringing treats to volunteers on the Isle of Portland in Dorset. Drone delivery projects have cropped up in other parts of Europe, including healthcare deliveries in Switzerland via Matternet drones and Alphabet Wing's planned 2019 delivery project in Finland. But other parts of the continent are not yet on board. Vodafone dressed up one of its 4G-networked drones as Santa Claus and delivered Christmas treats to 75 volunteers in the Isle of Portland. The volunteers spend more than 9,500 hours a year keeping both the sea and shore safe. Typically, drones communicate back to the pilot via a radio link, which gives the vehicle line-of-sight operating range. With a 4G modem on board, the delivery drone can be monitored in real-time from a much greater distance without having to stay directly in range of radio signals. Vodafone said the drone delivery connection is what is envisioned for how these devices will be used in the future. It will also be a boon with the low latency of 5G when it arrives and will allow for brand-new ways to exchange physical items using digital technology. “Technology plays an increasingly important role in connecting people over Christmas,” said Scott Petty, CTO of Vodafone UK. “And flying a drone over 4G for the first time gives us a glimpse of what Christmas deliveries of the future might look like.”
Source: Space Weather In a list of the thousands of lucky factors that have enabled life to flourish on Earth, the planet’s magnetism should rank somewhere near the top. Earth’s magnetic field acts as a kind of shield, protecting the surface from a constant stream of solar energetic particles (SEPs) that cause mutations to DNA that would make life as we know it impossible. This radiation poses a real danger to astronauts who leave the protection of Earth’s magnetic field. Ordinarily, the risk of solar radiation to deep-space travelers is relatively low and constant, a steady background of small doses. But occasionally, following space weather events like coronal mass ejections, the Sun can release a much denser barrage of SEPs that greatly amplifies the danger to human health—the same way a quick, torrential downpour will soak you more thoroughly than a long, misty morning. As NASA plans longer missions deeper into space, researchers are trying to understand what type of risk these acute bursts of SEPs will pose to astronauts. Here Mertens et al. demonstrate a new system of models that could help show, in real time, both how many SEPs astronauts are exposed to and how much damage the exposure could cause to our biology. The researchers designed the project specifically for NASA’s Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle, which the agency plans to use in future missions to the Moon and Mars. To calculate how much radiation an astronaut is exposed to, the first model draws data from six dosimeters—sensors that detect incoming radiation—placed around the inside of the craft in the same locations the crew would be found. Then, a second model translates the exposure into biological risk, especially in blood-forming organs (bone marrow, thymus, spleen), which are the most sensitive to radiation. This second model also shows how the radiation exposure may negatively impact an astronaut’s performance during the mission. Although this system of models is slated for use on upcoming missions, the researchers have not yet been able to test it in a deep-space SEP event. So instead, they ran a simulation using data drawn from various satellites during a historically dangerous SEP event in October 1989. In this simulated experiment, the researchers report, the models performed well, averaging 33% uncertainty across the duration of the event. Although these results are encouraging, the researchers note that these experiments assume that the incoming radiation is isotropic, meaning it comes from all directions in a relatively equal distribution, whereas actual incoming radiation is anisotropic. The authors are planning future work to assess how anisotropy influences the uncertainty in the organ dose model, a vital question if humanity plans to explore space beyond the protection of Earth’s magnetic field. (Space Weather, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018SW001971, 2018)
Full description of a fine map of Oakham of 1787 and transcript of accompanying field books. Discussion of the layout of the town, its inhabitants, topography, buildings, roads, fields. Assessment of how the map (the earliest known for Oakham) reveals likely features of the early medieval town. Transcript of Oakham's entry in the Universal British Directory of 1791. Full index. 104pp, paperback, colour illustrations. ISBN 978 0907464 55 6. A crumpled document found many years ago in a cupboard at Burley on the Hill turned out to be a very fine map of the manor of Oakham Lordshold, drawn by William Cullingworth in 1787. Indeed, it gives the earliest detailed plan of Oakham known so far. Not only that, but a series of four field survey books in the Finch family archives, deposited like the map in the Record Office for Leicestershire, Leicester & Rutland, were found to belong with it because they list all the occupiers of the Lordshold properties at that date, as well as information about changes of tenant over the new few years. These documents are important because they reveal so much about the appearance and layout of the town of Oakham – even though they cover just one of the town’s two manors – before enclosure of the parish took place in the early part of the nineteenth century. The field books in particular contain much information about the inhabitants of the town, where they lived, what type of property they occupied and how extensive it was, including houses, yards and outbuildings as well as closes and land in the then open fields. The book draws together all these details, ranging from the layout of the roads and watercourses to an identification of tenants, tradesmen and others who are mentioned both in the field books and in the Universal British Directory of 1791. The field books are transcribed in full, with an index. The map can also be used to suggest successive patterns of defended enclosures centred on the church and castle in the early medieval period, which were disguised as a result of the later enclosure of the parish, and Tim Clough puts forward his ideas about how the layout of the town changed after the Norman Conquest. These documents are a valuable resource for the study of Oakham and its inhabitants at the end of the eighteenth century. They are full of information for family historians and local historians alike.
Please prepare for a tiny dose of dry humour and a few silly scenarios as the more I thought about this piece the more I realised that they are the smallest and simplest skills you could ever develop, but unfortunately so many people haven’t been able to master them….yet! So with that said… Have you ever met someone or had a conversation with someone and felt like you needed to take a shower afterwards just because of how uncomfortable the experience was for you? And probably for them too! Now, think about another time you met someone or had a conversation and walked away feeling amazing and feeling like you truly connected with that person so much so that you want to see them again just because how good they made you feel? Well chances are in one of those encounters you weren’t met with these qualities and in the other you were greeted by all of them. Now these are just a few things that came to mind today when I was in my car and I began thinking about how I communicate with people and how I have noticed other people communicate with each other and with me too. I thought about the different feelings I experienced after different meetings or encounters with people and it led me to think about what it was that I liked or disliked about talking to different people. So I am going to share the 5 qualities that I appreciate most when meeting new people and also when communicating with people I already know. Skill Number 1 – Saying “Hello”. It is such a simple thing to do, yet so many people seem to have real trouble getting these two syllables out, or even one syllable if you prefer to say “Hi”. Think about how uncomfortable it makes you feel when you say hello to someone and they don’t reciprocate it, or when someone walks into a room and lingers in awkward silence (often with their hands in their pockets and the shoulders shrugged) as if you were already in a conversation and neither of you know’s who’s turn it is to speak. Are you sometimes the culprit of this heinous crime against positive human interaction? If you are, then think to yourself about a time when you watched someone walk into a room and greeted everyone, and as they did the whole room seemed to light up with a new energy because of this person’s simple act. How good did it make you feel that somebody took a moment of their time to greet you? Would you like to know the solution? It can be a tad scary for those of you new to speaking with people. You say “Hello!” Whether they are a stranger who you made eye contact with on the bus or someone you know, but you don’t feel like saying hello because you think you already know them “well enough”. Just do it and see what happens. I know it sounds crazy, but I guarantee if you decide to take on the task you will instantly begin enjoying better and more enjoyable encounters with people. Skill Number 2 – Paying a (genuine) compliment. This is one of my favourites! I love it when someone says something nice about me, but I love to give compliments even more so! Seriously! How good does it feel when someone says something like “You smell nice”, ” I love your hair”, “That’s a great shirt”, “Those shoes are awesome” or how about a real deep one that I love and I’m grateful to have received this one a few times… “You have a great energy”… ooooh that’s a good one! And how about that look you get from people when you pay them a compliment?! It’s a kind of awkward blush/smile/smirk, but you can see that it made them feel really good and that makes you feel really, really, really good too! Don’t you just love that? I know I do! But there’s a trick to paying compliments that some people simply don’t understand… Which is ok because if you are one of those people I’m going to help you out. The trick to paying a great compliment and what can mean the difference between you both feeling amazing or you wishing you could walk out of the room, come back in and try a second time is to be Genuine!!! We as human’s are intuitive creatures and we pick up on behaviour, tones and body cues really well, so even when we don’t consciously acknowledge that we noticed something strange, our subconscious does notice it and that’s when we are left with that strange feeling that something just isn’t right. Now when you are not being genuine, you put out those strange signals that the recipient will pick up on, then they will send back strange signals too because they are now uncomfortable and you are both left in a silent awkward dance of indecision about whether or not you continue talking to each other or you run and hide in embarrassment. Now I know you are just dying to find out how to paying a genuine compliment! And I’m going to share with you how I go about it, but if I’m going to tell you this I want you to actually do it. My trick to paying someone a great genuine compliment is to be HONEST! If I don’t 100% believe in the compliment I’m about to give then I don’t give it. Sometimes that means that I will skip this particular skill when first communicating with someone, but I would rather not pay someone a compliment and have a great conversation than pay them a false compliment just for the sake of doing so and causing us both the pain of sitting through an uncomfortable and dishonest greeting! You will notice it more now that you’re aware of it that there are a lot of people who will pay you a phony compliment in an effort to buy your time because often they have an agenda for even speaking to you in the first place! And when you do notice it you might realise that you have been that fake person in the past, but don’t be concerned because after reading this incredibly insightful blog you will be that fake person no more! Skill Number 3 – Making and Maintaining Eye Contact Everyone say “OOOOOOH!” As soon as you read what skill number 3 was you instantly took yourself back to a conversation where the other person just wouldn’t look at you, they were constantly looking around the room or over your shoulder as if you weren’t even there! And when you have a conversation like this you might as well not be there… seriously, your time is worth more than that! This is a skill that I admit takes some actual work to master, and I can’t even make a joke about it. It really does require effort on your part while you’re learning this skill to focus on the person you are talking with and give them your full attention and the respect they deserve for sharing their valuable time with you! One major (Well actually very minor) hurdle people have with this skill is technology. So often people are more focussed on their phones during a physical conversation than they are with the person they’re actually with and it’s so sad to watch! Yes, I’ve been guilty of it and sometimes I still catch myself falling into the trap, but nowadays I catch myself and realise that being present with the person I’m next to is much more important than responding to a Facebook message of a funny meme one of my other friends sent me! Seriously, the meme can wait! So just like the other 2 skills I’m going to tell you how I worked on this skill to become a fabulous person to communicate with. The first one is just practise, you have to try it, then try it some more and keep trying until you can have a full conversation with someone and not look at your phone, your watch or at anything other than the person in front of you. The second tip is to apologise when you stray your focus, there is nothing quite like holding yourself accountable for your actions, so next time you pick up your phone when a person is talking to you I want you to put your phone down, apologise for not being completely present and acknowledge that you appreciate that person’s time. If you can master this and the first 2 skills you might just find that people will want to spend more time talking to you and as a result you will develop more meaningful connections with everyone you come into contact with! Skill Number 4 – Listen Remember Skill 3 where you had to make eye contact with someone when speaking with them, well that one was actually really important because when you’re not completely focussed on what they are saying, chances are you’re going to miss something and that is what we call “NOT” listening! How bad do you feel when you’re talking to someone and it’s like talking to a ghost. You tell them about something great that happened in your day and it’s like it goes in one ear and straight out the other (as my mother would say). It actually hurts doesn’t it? So how can you avoid causing other people that same pain? It’simple, you put down your damn iPhone (or android) and you listen to what they have to say, then when they have said what they have to say you acknowledge it and tell them something great that happened in your day. This continues for however long it takes, then at the end of the conversation you will both smile, because you both feel great that someone not only shared something great with you, they also let you share something great with them! Because as the old saying goes “sharing is caring”, which by that definition means having a conversation with someone is the same as caring for them… what a revelation! I’m realising even more how much I love talking with people and I totally believe that everyone who reads this is going to be having some amazing encounters with people from now on! Skill Number 5 – Gratitude We have come to the final chapter is this mind-blowing lesson in conversation and it’s probably the most important skill of all.. Gratitude, which for the purpose of this piece is to be grateful for people’s time! Just about every conversation I have nowadays, especially when it’s with someone totally new ends with me thanking them for their time! Some of you are like “WHAAAAT?” this guy thanks people for speaking to him… what a weirdo! But I am deadly serious, I actually thank people for speaking with me. I do it because when I communicate with someone and all 4 of the previous skills are put into practise by me and if by chance the other person has read this article and also practises these skills then that is going to be an amazing conversation! Honestly, if both parties are playing 100% at being rock star communicators then the kinds of conversations you can have even in a matter of moments can be incredible! So just like when a friend cooks you a spectacular meal and you thank them for doing so, I thank people for spending their time with me and having an awesome chat! Now you don’t always have to actually say it (Even though it feels really good when you do) , you can actually show your gratitude for that person just by being present with them and practising the skills we’ve talked about already, because I guarantee that if you do all of these things that person will feel your gratitude even if you don’t physically say “Thank you”. The next time you speak with someone and you genuinely (what’s the word) feel like you had a great chat, I want you to say these exact words to that person. “Thank you so much for this chat, I really enjoyed talking with you” If you can do this and be genuine, I assure you people will be coming back to you just to be able to speak with you and share their time and presence with you, because you made them feel respected, you made them feel appreciated and you made it feel worthwhile for them to share their time with you! Is your mind thinking about every single bad conversation you’ve ever had and every single great conversation you’ve ever had at the same time right now? Good, so it’s not just me! Time is the most valuable asset you have and sharing it with other people is precious, so remember that next time someone is gracious enough to share their time with you and practice these skills in every conversation you have. By doing so you will be adding great amounts of value to their already treasured time and that is a service this world needs more of! In closing I want to thank you so much for taking the time to read this and if you felt any value in it then please share it with your friends or on your social media because if you and all the people in your life could be superstar communicators by using these skills.. Just imagine how much more amazing your relationships would become!
We’ve had a few days recently with afternoon storms. As it’s also been so warm (around the 33°C/92°F mark) and humid, there’s been a fair amount of steamy mist around – especially in the morning. I usually associate fogbows with the (southern hemisphere) winter, but this one’s arrived early. It’s that time of the year when our Dipodium sp. indigenous terrestrial orchids begin to flower around the paddocks in the vicinity of eucalypts. The orchids pushed their way through the soil up to a month previously to appear as purple or green leafless, ‘asparagus’-like stalks. They take their time to flower after that. Those in the photograph are possibly ‘Dipodium atropurpureum‘. I’ll get a better look at it after more flowers mature. Some 40 km (24 miles) north of my home lies Aberfoyle – a locale rather than a village. It’s a lonely spot with no sign of habitation in the immediate vicinity of the cemetery. A century ago, though, there may have been a small community here. Something for me to research. The above photograph shows the sparseness of the cemetery today – there may at one time have been some wooden grave markers, though now rotted away. A curiosity here is the stone marker of the grave of a woman born in the USA (photo below). What is her tale I wonder. In Loving Memory of Melissa Lyman Page Beloved Wife of the Late Enoch Winslow Page of New York City Born at Westhampton, Mass. Died at Aberfoil March 31, 1901 in her 82nd Year Her obituary in the Armidale Chronicle of April 3, 1901, reads: “Obituary. — A very old and esteemed resi- dent of New England died on Sunday last, when Mrs. Melissa Lyman Page, wife of the late Mr. Enoch W. Page, of New York City, passed away to her rest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Tregear, of Glen Nevis, in the Aberfoyle district. The deceased lady had attained the advanced age of 82 years, and was beloved by a wide circle of acquaint- ances in the locality to which she belonged.” Some old newspaper articles that refer to Aberfoyle can be found on another of my blogs here. The cemetery was dedicated on October 19, 1894 and the various denominations are segregated thusly:
There are runner beans at the bottom of my garden. My two children love to pick them, pot them and cook them up for supper. It’s a guaranteed way to get them to eat their greens: make them fetch them fresh from the garden. When I started making my new film Project Wild Thing, I doubt my young son and daughter had even heard of runner beans. Now, they love getting out into the garden. Just at the moment they can’t get enough of learning about how things grow. It’s a far cry from two years ago when, coming downstairs one morning, I discovered a pair of zombies in the sitting room. They had got up early and turned on the TV. Their eyes were glassy and their faces were blank. It was time for a change, I thought. My children’s lives were consumed by stuff - television programmes, games on the computer, plastic toys… They spent all their time being sold things by brands and they didn’t do much of what I enjoyed most as a child: just getting outdoors and messing about. My children’s existence was focused on indoor things; they had retreated from the wild. And they are not alone. Across the UK children are spending less and less time outdoors. As a consequence, they are becoming more disconnected from nature. It’s affecting their health, their wellbeing, and their attitude to the natural world. In Project Wild Thing, I wanted to reclaim nature for British children; to reconnect them with the natural world around them. Taking the view that children are sold everything under the sun, I appointed myself Marketing Director for Nature and sold them the sun itself. I launched a massive marketing campaign to sell children the ultimate adventure, the best thing they could want: nature. Along the way, I talked to all sorts of people: children from across the UK, conservationists, play experts and marketing gurus. The more people I talked to, the stronger my conviction became that children in Britain want nature. In fact they need nature. But there are so many other pressures bringing themselves to bear on children’s lives, that they don’t always get nature. As conservationist Chris Packham told me when I interviewed him for the film, "it’s not the children who don’t want to put their hands in the mud…it’s the adults who have said no." Making the film made me realise that we all need to become Marketing Directors for Nature and do all we can to reconnect our children with their environment. If we fail, the future for our children and for nature looks bleak.
Wavy hair is always a classy and on vogue look for women of all ages. However, wavy hair extensions and wigs take far more upkeep than straight hair, as this type of hair needs a lot of moisturizing and maintenance. Scroll down to learn how to take care of wavy hair and other useful advice from Queen Hair! Characteristics of wavy hair in how to take care of wavy hair To know how to take care of wavy hair, you must first properly understand it. Human wavy hair extensions or wigs are made with loosely curled hair. Wavy hair is ideal for women who wish to attain a fashionable look that goes well with any outfit. - Wavy hair in human hair wigs and extensions are created from straight human hair that has been heat-treated to get a wave-like pattern. Because the source of hair for human hair products is always Asian hair, which is relatively straight, this type of hair is not wavy by nature. - Because real wavy hair is prone to frizz, wavy hair integrations may suffer from the same issue if not handled properly. Friction and dryness from hard squeezing or washing, cotton pillow cases, and wooly beanie and scarves are all major reasons for wavy hair frizz. Heat, such as blow drying or curling incorrectly, weakens and frizz out your wavy hair. Bad products can also result in thin, brittle strands that are easily frizzy and broken. Therefore, wavy that is dry or improperly maintained will become frizzy or lose its texture. As a result, knowing how to manage wavy correctly is critical in order to keep your hair integrations looking lovely even after several uses. Follow Queen Hair’s how to care for wavy hair tips for lovely, frizz-free waves for any occasion! Steps how to take care of wavy hair There are a few things to remember in how to take care of wavy hair: how to wash, brush, and nourish them. While there are many dos and don’ts in how to care for wavy hair, we have compiled them into comprehensive steps of the best way to take care of wavy hair for you. If you ever wondering how to take care of my wavy hair then check out Queen Hair’s advice on hair care for wavy hair below! How to take care of wavy: Washing Before we begin, please keep in mind that you should know how to care for wavy hair with human hair products. The following are the suggested hair washing steps how to take care of wavy hair. You can do this with wigs or hair extensions, but if you are caring for a wavy hair wig, remember not to wash it too roughly and too frequently, at most once 2-4 weeks. - Mix your shampoo with warm water. Use a sulfate-free shampoo, as sulfate-containing shampoos can dehydrate the hair, making it appear dull, dry, and brittle. If your wavy hair has been colored, use a shampoo designed for colored hair. - Soak your hair in soapy water. Make sure the shampoo reaches your scalp or wig cap. This allows the shampoo to clean the oils, and dead cells. - Make use of a hydrating conditioner. Conditioner offers the moisture that wavy hair needs. Spread conditioner into your hair with a wide tooth comb. - Washing and conditioning hair should be done in portions. Part the hair into parts and apply a generous quantity of product to each segment. Rake or finger comb the product through the hair, being careful not to damage it. - Wash the conditioners away by soaking in clean water several times and gently squeezing the water out. When your wavy hair is damp, gently brush it with your fingertips. Avoid performing the following things while learning how to take care of wavy hair: - Don’t use a two-in-one shampoo since the conditioner might go into the hair roots and cause damage. - Applying shampoo straight to your wavy hair might harm the cuticles of your wavy hair. You can do this with wigs or hair extensions, but if you are caring for a wavy hair wig, remember not to wash it too roughly and too frequently. Queen Hair recommends a wig washing once every 2 to 4 weeks in how to take care wavy hair. How to take care of wavy hair: Drying and brushing After you’ve finished washing your wavy hair, the following step is how to take care of wavy hair after shower which is to dry and brush the hair. Follow these drying procedures on how to take care wavy hair: - Wrap your wavy hair in a towel or turban after washing your wavy hair to speed up drying. - To avoid tangles, brush or comb your wavy hair from the ends to the top with a wide-tooth comb. Comb your wavy hair until they are free of tangles and mattes. - Avoid using a blow dryer since heat might cause your wavy hair to split and dry. Drying your wavy hair without heat is good for keeping them healthier and softer for longer periods of time. - If your wavy hair is starting to loosen, use a curling iron to re-curl them. Remember to keep it on a low setting in order not to burn the hair. Aside from these steps in how to take care of wavy hair, there are other wavy hair advice you can take for the best hair care of wavy hair: - Use a satin pillowcase to sleep on. - When drying your hair, use a microfiber towel. - A monthly hair mask for wavy hair will keep your hair nourished. - Always use your fingers or wide-tooth comb to brush your hair gently - Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fruits and vegetables to keep your scalp healthy. Even when the hair is not your natural hair, taking care of your scalp health is still important. Here are the steps of how to care for wavy hair after shower. Even if the hair extensions or wig is made entirely of real hair, the hair is no longer attached to the scalp and has been heavily treated, therefore wavy hair might be delicate. This is why taking care of wavy hair is important if you want your hair to last a long time and fit your Nigeria fashion style. How to take care of wavy hair: Moisturizing Do you know how to maintain natural wavy hair? The answer is moisturizing. Moisturizing your hair is one of the most crucial aspects of how to take care of wavy hair. Moisturizing your wavy hair will keep it healthy and lustrous. Because the scalp no longer nurtures the hair, you can use the following items to provide the required nourishment in how to take care of wavy hair: - Spray water or water-based hair serums on the wavy hair. Hair is made up of protein bundles that are kept together by hydrogen and disulfide bonds. To keep your wavy hair healthy, keep them damp, which is essential for hydrogen bonding, and the most effective moisturiser is water! - Use a natural oil that is healthy for your hair, such as olive oil, coconut oil, castor oil, or jojoba oil. Because water easily evaporates from the hair, a rather thick oil mixture is essential to seal in moisture. - Use a water-based moisturizer, but not as fluid as the product used during the liquid stage. It is best to use a cream moisturizer or leave-in conditioner. These are both the guideline of how to take care of naturally wavy hair and how to take care wavy hair extensions. Hope that this article will help you find the best way for you to maintain your wavy hair.
Two years ago, graphic designer Marc Richard came across a post on an architecture blog devoted to something called the SHED Project. SHED was a diminutive pre-fabricated home designed by English architecture firm Studio Bark, plopped inside a disused factory in London’s Battersea district. A freelancer, Richard was not particularly tied to one area or another for work, and although he didn’t want to leave London, the cost of living in the city was becoming a burden. At the same time, he says, he was “craving something different”. On a whim, Richard shot an email to someone at the studio expressing interest in the project. Not long after, he found himself moving into a 11.15-sq m box on wheels, located inside a larger structure, that could fit a double bed, a desk and a chair. Richard says it “sort of feels like a grand bedroom”. The SHED Project is an example of so-called ‘parasitic architecture’, in which new structures are added onto, between or even inside pre-existing ones The SHED Project is an example of so-called ‘parasitic architecture’, in which new structures are added onto, between or even inside pre-existing ones. At a time when many cities are facing affordable housing shortages, parasitic constructions have gained increasing attention as an innovative approach to building homes that are novel yet affordable. This year, Ecuadorian architecture firm El Sindicato constructed a 12-sq m, glass-and-steel-clad house hosted on another building’s rooftop in the San Juan neighbourhood of Quito. There have also been many ambitious conceptual parasitic projects reimaging major structures as functional homes: a version of Toronto’s CN Tower covered with wooden housing pods and a sea of colourful housing blanketing the inner walls of Paris’ Arche de la Défense. Richards's 11.15-sq m box on wheels was built as a parasitic home within an existing warehouse space. It fits a double bed, a desk and a chair (Credit: Studio Bark) Richard says that living in such an unconventional space has made him radically rethink what cities could look like, especially beyond traditional brick-and-mortar buildings. For example, picture a convention centre or exhibition hall: the space can house many different booths that can be changed easily, depending on the event. Housing could be similarly adaptable, whether residents want to change their structures often or simply live in more unconventional dwellings. “Things could be on wheels like the shed, or you could have flexible spaces, adaptable spaces, perhaps buildings which are modular and you could shrink them down when you need to,” he says. To Richard, a city that embraces the possibilities of parasitic architecture is one that could free architects and inhabitants alike to play with their idea of home. Teresa Bardzińska-Bonenberg, an architectural historian at Poland’s University of Arts in Poznań, has studied parasitic architecture. She says that the growing number of heritage-listed buildings in city centres that can’t be altered, combined with skyrocketing rent prices and diminishing real estate inventory, has forced architects to become imaginative with new projects in urban areas. At the same time, she points to an increasing desire for homes that occupants can easily and cheaply revamp and remix. “This is what the idea of ‘parasiting’ the city is about,” she says. “People have now much more inspiration, materials, tools and courage to express themselves.” A parasitic project of modular units was imagined in Paris's La Grande Arche de La Défense (Credit: Studio Malka Architecture) A highly visible parasite Though reusing or expanding upon an older building is hardly a new phenomenon, parasitic add-ons distinguish themselves by contrasting deliberately from their ‘hosts’ in a mix of colour, material and style. The visibility of the addition isn’t a problem – it’s the point. These highly visible parasitic structures also serve as a powerful means of making social issues more visible. Artist Michael Rakowitz started his socially conscious parasitic housing programme paraSITE after returning from a residency in Jordan. Rakowitz, then a graduate student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, saw a homeless person sleeping on a heat grate outside a building in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was reminded of the wind-blown tents of nomadic Bedouins. “Here was this other instance of wind, only it wasn’t the wind that was moving through the desert – it was the wind that was a by-product of a building’s service system,” he says. “And it was another form of nomadism… urban nomads who are nomads by consequence and are economic and social refugees.” Parasitic add-ons distinguish themselves by contrasting deliberately from their ‘hosts’. The visibility of the addition isn’t a problem – it’s the point But Rakowitz is emphatic that paraSITE should not be seen as an easy fix for homelessness. After all, he argues, cities wouldn’t willingly manufacture these structures since they draw attention to the issue of homelessness rather than masking it. But the high-visibility nature of parasitic architecture is actually an integral part of his project: rendering the crisis of homelessness visible, thereby potentially opening conversations with city officials and, on a larger scale, provoking structural change. El Sindicato Arquitectura constructed a 12-sq m parasitic house on another building's rooftop in Quito's San Juan neighbourhood (Credit: Andrés Villota) Priced low but precarious Often modular, easy-to-build and petite, many examples of parasitic architecture are poised to address the needs of low-income populations and even young creatives trying to get by. At £300 ($373) a month, rent for Richard’s SHED is a fraction of what most Londoners pay for a room in a shared flat: data from the Greater London Authority show that the average monthly rent for a room in many parts of central London is £650 or more. With the same kind of desire to customise that Bardzińska-Bonenberg describes, Richard built himself a kitchen adjoining the box, added some plants. “When I first moved in,” he recalls, “I thought, ‘This is joy.’” But because Richard’s house is located in a building under a guardianship scheme (in which people maintain a physical presence in abandoned buildings in return for reduced rent from the guardian company), he lives with the possibility of short-notice eviction. The guardian company had originally planned to introduce a whole colony of sheds, but that plan has since fallen by the wayside. (Studio Bark sells a kit to build a SHED Project shed as a parasite in other structures, but Richard has the only autonomous parasite shed in this experiment.) Instead, the guardian company is focussing on buildings where a room-like set-up already exists. Richard’s house is essentially a wooden box on wheels located inside a much larger space, which Richard says “sort of feels like a grand bedroom” “It’s much, much easier for them to do what other guardianships do, which is take on buildings that already have an obvious structure to them,” says Richard. After two years in the shed, Richard says he’s ready to move into a more conventional dwelling. A big factor influencing his decision is social: the odd nature of the set-up means that friends who visit often seem weirded out by the eerie openness of the massive factory space. When people aren’t used to unconventional living spaces, they find navigating them unnatural. Even as he weighs his next move, however, it’s clear that life in the shed has had an effect on him: Richard says he has imagined suspending something in the rafters, divvying up the space with screens, purchasing a plot of land and putting up a collection of interconnected prefabs. “It’s like the equivalent of building a fire,” he says of the set-up – how it asks of people to do their part, pitch in, bring something. Living there, he says, “was very beautiful in its own way.”
The point cloud data collected from 3D laser scanning can be utilised to develop 3D models of the incident scene or structure. Data can be presented in simple formats such as a surface mesh, 2D CAD sections, 3D wireframe or 3D surface model. Where more detail is required models can be delivered in various formats such as 3D mesh or solid models with plain grey surfaces or 3D photorealistic models with textured surfaces. We have access to many different types of modelling software including AutoCAD, 3ds Max and Revit and are able to produce models to the clients requirements. 3D incident scene modelling 3D models of incidents scenes are effective tools to illustrate possible injury causation scenarios. This project involved using point cloud data to build a model of the incident scene with human bipeds camera matched with CCTV footage of the subject during the incident. More details on this case are available in Injury Biomechanics and News. This slide show illustrates the various models available from surface meshing of the point cloud to detailed 3D photorealistic models with textured surfaces to match those at the scene.
Why Is Blue Light Harmful? Many of us spend hours and hours every day in front of a screen. Whether you’re sitting at your laptop for work, messaging friends on your smartphone or just watching tv in the evening – screens are part of everyday life and for most of us, essential! Blue Light. What is this? Blue light is everywhere. It’s in sunlight. But it’s especially common in digital devices. Unfortunately, through screen time, you are exposed to harmful blue light that these devices emit and exposure can have several negative impacts on your health and well-being, including loss of sleep, digital eye strain, macular degeneration, premature skin ageing, and development of other long-term lifestyle health conditions. Too Much Blue Light! Too much time staring at screens = too much blue light. This can cause eye strain, fatigue, head aches, dry eyes and much more...Blue is not for you! Blue light at night The natural cycle of waking up and sleeping is regulated by the presence of natural blue light and its absence, respectively. When you’re not exposed to blue light because the sun has set, your brain triggers the secretion of melatonin, the hormone that lowers your body temperature and makes you feel drowsy. Blue light is responsible for keeping you alert during the day, lifting your moods, and boosting your brain function. Artificial exposure to blue light at night from devices interferes with this natural flow of events and blocks the natural production of melatonin.
A developmental framework for evaluation and treatment of visual perceptual deficits in adults with acquired brain injury is presented. The framework is based on a review of research conducted on post-cerebrovascular accident subjects and subjects with traumatic brain injuries. Visual perceptual skill is conceptualized as a hierarchy of skill levels that interact and subserve each other. Higher level skills evolve from integration of lower level skills and are subsequently affected by disruption of lower level skills. Oculomotor control, visual field, and acuity form the foundation skills, followed by visual attention, scanning, pattern recognition, memory, and visual cognition. Brain injury can affect the integrity and interaction of each skill level and affect daily living function. Application of this framework dictates a bottom-up approach to evaluation and treatment, emphasizing identification and remediation of deficits in lower level skills to allow normal integration of higher level skill.
Transaction with the production, exchange, as well as sale of goods and solutions for profit. Its primary goal is to meet the demands of humans via its service or product. Services can be created as a sole proprietor, a collaboration, a joint stock company, or a participating undertaking. Listed below are some ways to organize your organization. Continue reading to learn just how to organize your service. You can also think about running your own company if you have the needed sources and also expertise. A company is a task conducted commercial, such as making, selling, or trading goods. A business is usually an organization that produces and sells services or products. Although organizations may lose money, they can still be thought about businesses. Profit does not necessarily suggest cash money payments, as it can additionally be a type of safeties or barter professions. This makes it vital to clearly define your service prior to you begin the process of running a business. If you are considering beginning a new one, you might wish to consider this. Organization activities vary from creating goods and also services to providing them to clients. These activities include financial, insurance coverage, packaging, transport, and extra. According to Derek F.Abell, business tasks can be broken down into three main dimensions. The two the majority of standard methods to define a company are with its feature to customers, along with its use alternate innovations. These three components comprise business’s key purpose. Regardless of the size of your service, you ought to have the ability to specify it precisely as well as create the most effective possible opportunity for profit. What is an organization? An organization is any kind of activity that seeks profit by producing or giving a good or service. The activity is profit-oriented and can not consist of non-economic tasks. The term “earnings” is commonly made use of in a generic sense as well as can describe pay payments or safety and securities. A single deal is not a service. If you sell furnishings consistently, it is a company. A firm can have two different definitions of earnings. A business is an activity in which people earnings. It is a sort of activity that entails the production and distribution of a product. The ultimate objective of an organization is to make a profit. Normally, a business will certainly have lots of consumers and also a high earnings margin. Nevertheless, a service will have a variety of various services and products. Several of these products may be extra successful than others. If you sell furnishings, you’re marketing a service. A business is a task that looks for earnings. It is a business task that creates products or solutions and sells them commercial. It is not a leisure activity. It is a genuine venture. It is a legitimate method to earn money. A firm needs to be lawful to run a company. Unless it has a nonprofit condition, it is not a service. A not-for-profit company can not be a service. A company can be a charity or charitable. A company is an activity that entails the production of goods as well as solutions for profit. It is a legit venture that intends to profit society as well as boost the lives of people. While it does not need to be profitable, it is a reputable search. It can be a pastime or it can be a full-blown company. If you offer service or products regularly, it is an organization. It is a lawful need. A company is a legal entity. It is a legal entity that creates products and also services. It has an unique identity as well as is possessed by an entity. Its employees are in charge of the activities of business. An organization is a type of corporation that is legitimately bound to pay tax obligations as well as pay wages. Essentially, a company is a legal framework that allows you to do what you want without paying a single penny. A company is a successful venture, but it needs to correspond in order to be taken into consideration a service. It should be consistent. It can be a single deal or a collection of purchases. This is the interpretation of a service. It does not indicate that it pays. Rather, it is an organized, well organized process that is motivated by revenue. If a business is not running similarly as a not-for-profit, it is a service. The word service describes a company that seeks earnings. An organization can supply products and solutions to consumers in return for money. The goal of organization is not always profit-making. As long as an organization seeks its goal of revenue, it is a valid business. Nonetheless, many people have misconceptions concerning the meaning of company. In this article, we will talk about several of one of the most typical myths regarding the term “business.” In addition, we will take a look at a few of one of the most essential meanings of the term, along with the factors that make a company distinct. The principle of service is the underlying concept that encourages a service. A company idea is a basic concept that overviews the whole undertaking. A company can be for-profit, or it can serve a charitable or social cause. Additionally, an organization may experience losses. An earnings is not necessarily money, though it may be, if the objective is to develop profit. Some organizations are for-profit, while others are not. Regardless of the purpose of the business, there is an aspect of risk associated with running a business. Generally, a company entails the production of products or services commercial. It can be for-profit, or it can be for-profit and also can promote a social reason. An organization can be small, or large, yet a service can be any type of kind of business. As a matter of fact, a single trader can run a business on his/her own. To put it simply, a family can run a house furniture store, while a company is a global service. Have a peek at this website An organization’s goal is to supply earnings. It can include any type of activity that facilitates the production and distribution of items as well as solutions. It can likewise consist of financial tasks like financial, insurance, packaging, as well as transportation. The meaning of a business can vary, but most individuals will certainly concur that the key goal of a company is to make money. A company can be a for-profit entity or a charitable one, depending upon the nature of its objective.
Follows verbs and adjectives to form a conditional: "if, unless, whether or not." To・と can be used to indicate a second action that follows immediately upon the preceding action; often identified by the use of sugu (immediately, right away): "as soon as." Asa okiru to sugu, kāten o akemasu. As soon as I get up in the morning, I open the curtains. Kinō wa kaisha no shigoto ga owaru to, massugu ie ni kaetta. Yesterday, as soon as work was over, I went home. 「I went straight home after work yesterday.」 To・と can be used to indicate inevitability of a second action following the preceding action: "when, as." Nihon de wa haru ni naru to sakura ga sakimasu. When spring comes in Japan, the cherry trees bloom. Kuruma ga ōku naru to kōtsū jiko ga fuemasu. As (the number of) cars increases, the (incidence of) traffic accidents rises. 「The more cars there are, the more traffic accidents occur.」 Fukeiki ni naru to shitsugyō-sha ga fuemasu. When there is a recession, the number of jobless increases. To・と can be used to indicate a hypothetical condition: "if, unless." Yamada-san ga konai to kaigi ga hajime raremasen. If Yamada doesn't come, the meeting can't be started. 「We can't start the meeting unless Yamada comes.」 Ashita, tenki ga ii to yakyū ga dekimasu. If the weather is good tomorrow, we can play baseball. To・と can indicate when something has been learned as a result of specific actions: "when, after, as a result of." Ginkō e iku to, mō shimatte ita. When I went to the bank,「I found」it was already closed. Kōban de michi o kiku to, sono kaisha wa sugu mitsukatta. After asking the way at a police box, I found the company right away. To・と can be used with two verbs (either two different verbs ending in -yō/-ō, or the same verb repeated, the first ending in -yō/-ō, the second in the negative, -nai); indicates a lack of concern over which of the two events occurs: "whether...(or) not." ”En” ga tsuyoku narou to yowaku narou to, watashi no seikatsu ni wa kankei arimasen. Whether the yen gets stonger or grows weaker [rises or falls], it has no effect on my [daily] life. Kanojo ga hitori de pātī ni ikō to iku mai to, watashi wa kamaimasen. I don't care whether she goes to the party alone or not.
Ageing, inequality and ethnicity: Evidence cards This set of downloadable evidence cards highlights the contributions of and shocking inequalities experienced by Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups approaching retirement age. Older generations are becoming more diverse than ever. But also more unequal. There’s an increasing level of inequalities in terms of health, wealth and life circumstances. The inequalities described in this set of ‘evidence cards’ are particularly significant as older generations also become more ethnically diverse: the number of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people aged 50-70 is growing at a faster rate than the number of White people. It’s vital that these inequalities are tackled so that no one misses out on a good later life. This means better paid work, more affordable and better housing, and targeted measures to reduce ill-health. This pack pulls together some of the statistics we uncovered in our report, ‘Boom and bust? The last baby boomers and their prospects for later life’. The figures presented here use the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing and Understanding Society survey data. We recognise that grouping together Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups can miss the nuances of their experiences. However, this should not lead us to conclude that there are no shared experiences. We also reinforce our previous calls for ethnicity data reporting to be made mandatory in all official and statutory statistics and data monitoring.
The cold start injector is also known as the cold start valve. The part is located on the cold air intake, which is found on the intake manifold. It is a fuel injector that is controlled electronically. Beside above, what does cold start mean? A cold start is an attempt to start a vehicle’s engine when it is cold, relative to its normal operating temperature, often due to normal cold weather. Similarly, where is the cold start injector on a 22re? The Cold Start Injector is the responsible for supplying more fuel into the intake manifold for an easier start on cold temperatures. It is located in the middle of the upper intake manifold plenum. How long does a fuel injector last? The fuel injectors on your car will typically last between 50,000 and 100,000 miles. The length of time that the injector lasts has a lot to do with the type of gas that is used in the car and how often the various fuel filters are changed. What makes a car hard to start when its cold? Cold weather makes the engine hard to start for two main reasons. First, oil thickens when it’s cold, which increases friction and makes it harder for the staner motor to spin the engine. You can ensure that your car will start in the worst weather by keeping the engine or the battery, or both, warm. Can cold weather affect fuel injectors? When a car is exposed to cold and damp weather it can lead to some problems that may mean it won’t be able to start. More modern cars with fuel injectors tend to be less likely to have any issues. But that’s not to say they can’t suffer from some common issues when the air is damp and temperature drops. How do you clean fuel injectors? Steps Purchase a fuel injector cleaner kit with a PEA cleaning fluid. Review your vehicle’s engine layout to locate the fuel injectors. Disconnect the fuel pump from the fuel injectors. Disconnect the pressure regulator vacuum line if you have one. Connect the cleaning kit to the fuel port. What does a cold start valve do on an air compressor? It unloads the pressure from the compressor piston. The cold start type of valves in oiled compressors are mainly for really cold weather so you are able to get the pump warmed up for a bit before making it start pumping pressure. You can check the pressure switch contacts just remove the cover. How does a thermo time switch work? The thermo-time switch limits the injection time of the cold start valve dependent on the engine temperature. The switch is fitted on a location where the engine temperature can be measured correctly. When the engine is cold the thermo-time switch is closed and therefore the cold start valve injects additional fuel. Is cold starting a diesel bad? Driving a diesel in very cold temperatures can result in the fuel gelling. You might have to replace the fuel filters as well. It’s not bad to start and run your diesel engine in the winter, even when it is really cold if you have prepared your engine and fuel to start and run in cold weather. Is cold start bad for your car? Cold starts cannot be avoided when the engine is cold and you need the car. However a cold start causes more wear than a warm start, and you cannot rev the engine too high unless the oil is warm enough. This will most certainly ruin your car over time. Is it bad to drive when engine is cold? Of course, hopping into a cold car is never a fun task. Although driving your car will actually warm up your engine faster than idling, it still means driving for a period of time in a cold vehicle. And, it also means dealing with the frost on your car windows before they warm up. How long should I let my car warm up? Auto experts today say that you should warm up the car no more than 30 seconds before you start driving in winter. “The engine will warm up faster being driven,” the EPA and DOE explain. Indeed, it is better to turn your engine off and start it again than to leave it idling. How do you warm up a car? How to Properly Warm Up Your Car Get into your car. Turn the ignition on but don’t start the engine just yet. In 3-5 seconds, you should hear the fuel pump priming the engine. Start the car when this happens. Idle for about 10-20 seconds at the most. Slowly ease out of your parking spot and ease into driving. Is it bad to drive your car without letting it warm up? “Your engine will warm up the oil much faster when driving at full speed — not to mention idling wastes gas.” The Environmental Protection Agency lines up with those who say warming up your car is not only not helpful but is wasteful. Idling for 30 seconds actually uses more fuel than restarting the car. What do you do when your car is too cold to start? If your engine doesn’t start, try these tips: Jump start your battery. A weak battery doesn’t have the required power to overcome the extra resistance. Let your car rest for 20 to 30 minutes. If your engine has flooded, letting your car sit for a bit will allow the spark plugs dry. Plug in your engine block warmer.
"This lack of regard for safety is something that the Coast Guard takes very seriously." After NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley splashed down in the Gulf of Mexico yesterday afternoon, more than a dozen private boats came up right to the capsule to welcome the two astronauts back home, The New York Times reports. But there was one issue: those boats weren’t supposed to be there. The NASA and SpaceX recovery teams at the location had to instruct boats to stay clear — and luckily they cooperated. “I think all of America was very anxious to see the capsule land in the water, but yeah, it’s something we need to do better next time,” NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine said during a news conference following the splashdown. The Coast Guard had also sent out notices to stay clear of the area several hours prior to the landing, but unfortunately, they technically had no “formal authority to establish zones that would stop boaters from entering the area,” as a Coast Guard spokesman told the Times. “This lack of regard for safety is something that the Coast Guard takes very seriously,” he added, referring to the private boaters. SpaceX has announced it’s planning to send more Coast Guards out next time. “What’s important is that Bob and Doug got safely on the boat,” Gwynne Shotwell, president and chief operating officer of SpaceX, said during the Sunday news conference.
Welcome to Part 3 of my Google Sheets for Humanities Data workshop! In this lesson, you’ll learn all about the data validation tool and how to use it in your spreadsheets. Check out the first two parts of this workshop series to create a spreadsheet from scratch and make a code (or reference) table on my blog. And remember, if you’d like to practice these skills but are worried about messing up your own data, feel free to make a copy of my (fictional) sample dataset of artworks at NYU residential halls. About this tool The data validation tool in Google Sheets is an optional feature which allows you to specify a type of input (digits, date, text, etc.) or a range of inputs (i.e., a selection of names or words) for cells within a column or row. If you enable this tool, Sheets will require every entry within those cells to follow the criteria set by the creator/editor, whether in terms of format or content. Technically speaking, Google Sheets will only “validate,” or allow, entries that abide by the rules or criteria set by the editor. Cells containing incorrect inputs will then display error messages or be rejected entirely as per your instructions. Basically, with data validation, you can control what kind of data can be entered into certain cells in order to mitigate errors and manage inconsistencies in your spreadsheets. In my data organization process, I use this feature to help minimize spelling errors when working with toponyms. Using the dropdown list created by the data validation tool enables me to simply choose from the small range of entries I’ve allowed in a specific column rather than having to type out full names and phrases. After entering them once in my code table (which is the source of the range I allow in the dropdown list), I hardly have to do any work in the rest of my spreadsheet! Other potential uses of this tool include: - Allowing only entries formatted as MM/DD/YYYY and not DD/MM/YY; - Requiring an entry of digits between 10 and 100; - Tracking the progress of a specific task with a dropdown list of text options “Not Yet Started,” “In Progress,” and “Complete;” - Limiting text in a cell to “TRUE” and “FALSE” or “YES” and “NO.” Tool 2: Data Validation Now for the fun part… With data validation, you can create a dropdown list of entry options, as shown above, so that you can more quickly input your data. In my experience, this tool is most useful when the specified range is more limited, that way your dropdown list isn’t so long that it takes more time to scroll through it than it does to type out information. This example, taken from the sample dataset, contains residence hall name options, as those are the only buildings I might ever need to type in this column considering the dataset I’m working with. Again, this tool is entirely optional, but is helpful when dealing with large amounts of data as it will flag errors in your dataset when they don’t abide by your entry criteria. Follow these steps to get started: For cell range (1) above, enter the sheet and cells where you’d like to define rules. The exclamation mark “!” signifies the end of the name of a sheet and the colon “:” indicates a range. “Tab” refers to the name of the sheet/tab that you’re working in—mine is called “Data”—and “start cell“and “end cell” refer to the first and last cells encompassed by your range. So “Data!E2:E” can be read as: “apply this rule in the tab called Data, from cell E2 to the rest of column E.” I started the cell range in cell E2 because E1 contains the column header/title, which does not fit within my specified list. If I included E1, which reads “Residential Hall Name,” in the desired column range, I would get an error flag in the cell. You could tailor the range according to your needs: - To cover the entirety of column E in tab Data: “Data!E“ - To limit the range (for example to cells E2 to E10): “Data!E2:E10“ - To encompass multiple columns: “Data!E2:G50“ Alternatively, you can click on the little 4-square table symbol beside “Cell range” and “Criteria” to highlight your desired cells. For criteria (2), you can specify whether cells will have to abide by a range of texts, numbers, functions, or dates, or whether you’d like a checkbox in the selected cells. Again, this will help you limit the range of entries possible in a cell so that you can have greater control over the accuracy of your data. In the picture above, I’ve chosen to create a dropdown list using data validation. In order to create this list, I entered the range of cells containing my accepted entries: the names of the residential halls where fictional artworks are displayed. Because I have all of this data saved in my code table (tab 2 in the practice dataset), I entered the corresponding range: “Codes!A2:A12“. Now, in column E in my primary spreadsheet (the tab called Data), I have created a dropdown list in each cell containing my possible entries. Time to Practice! Now it’s your turn to give this tool a try. In the practice spreadsheet, try adding a dropdown list to column E, Residential Hall Name, by following the steps above. What you want to be able to do is simply choose a residential hall name from the list every time you enter a new artwork rather than typing it into each cell. It should look like the right-hand picture here. You’re doing great! You’ve picked up yet another handy tool in the vast toolbox of Google Sheets possibilities and are one step closer to mastering its inner workings. In the next part of my workshop series, you’ll learn about Conditional formatting, another optional feature that helps you visually organize your spreadsheet. If you’ll be spending dozens to hundreds of hours staring at your data, might as well make it colorful and clean!
Under copyright law, original works are given copyright protection in order to prevent theft and unauthorized use. Copyright examples include creative works with a tangible form, such as art, music, or literary works. Continue reading to learn about copyright examples in more detail, whether you need a copyright notice, and how to write one. What Is Copyright? Copyright is a form of legal protection that gives you ownership rights to your original works. The moment you create a work of creative expression that falls within the scope of US copyright laws, it is automatically protected by law. Copyright protects your original works, published or unpublished, in the event that they’re stolen or plagiarized. Copyright provides the creator with exclusive rights to: - Reproduce the work - Distribute or sell the work - Display or perform the work publicly - Create derivative works based on the original work Copyright also allows the copyright holder to authorize or restrict others in exercising these rights. To gain further protection of your works, you can register your copyright with the Copyright Office or add a copyright notice to your original works to help deter copyright infringement, the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or display of copyrighted material. According to the US Copyright Office, copyright applies to original works of creative expression that are captured in a tangible form. The copyright goes to the original creator of the work, who can choose to sell their rights to other parties. Examples of works that can be copyrighted include: - Architectural works - Sound recordings - Audiovisual works, including motion pictures - Dramatic works, including any accompanying music - Musical works, including any accompanying words - Literary works - Choreographic works Copyright protection comes with exceptions. Under section 107 of the Copyright Act, copyrighted works can be used or borrowed without the creator’s permission for “fair use” purposes, such as education or commentary. There are also limitations to the types of works that copyright protection applies to. Examples of content not protected by copyright include: - Ideas, methods, systems, concepts, or discoveries - Works that don’t have a tangible form (i.e. not captured in or using a physical medium) - Titles, names, slogans - Familiar symbols or designs - Variations of typefaces or lettering - Ingredient lists Copyright laws only provide copyright protection to original, creative works with a physical form. Do You Need a Copyright Notice? No, you don’t need a copyright notice, as it’s not legally required, and copyright is automatically applied to original works. However, it’s a best practice to put a copyright notice on all your published works as an extra layer of protection. A copyright notice informs users that your work is copyrighted, thereby reducing the chances of copyright infringement. In the event that infringement does occur, having a copyright notice helps solidify your case in court as the infringer should’ve been aware that your content was copyrighted. How to Write a Copyright Notice You write a copyright notice by including three components in the following order: - The copyright symbol (©) or the word “copyright” - Year(s) of publication: A year or a range of years if your content gets updated. - Name of the copyright owner: This can be an individual, multiple individuals, an organization, or a business. You can also add a statement of rights to clarify the rights you hold over your work, such as: - All rights reserved: You own all rights to your work. - Some rights reserved: You allow the use of your materials under certain circumstances. - No rights reserved: You release your work into the public domain. This standard copyright format is often used for copyright footers on websites. How to Display Copyright Notices Your copyright notice should be displayed conspicuously so that anyone who views your work knows that the work is copyrighted. The placement of your copyright notice depends on the type of work or content you’re putting your notice on. For example, copyright notices are often displayed on websites as copyright footers, but some sites also include a dedicated copyright statement section or page. Here are some other examples of common copyright notice placements for various works: - Books or ebooks often have a copyright page at the beginning or end of the book. - Photos and other forms of digital art often have a copyright statement near the bottom of the work or a watermark label. - YouTube videos often have a copyright notice in the video description or video credits. Copyright notices vary in wording and level of detail depending on the type of work they apply to and the creators’ preferences. Let’s go over some sample copyright notices for different types of content to see how it can protect original content. Pixar’s copyright footer follows the standard copyright format. After the copyright symbol, there’s a range of years, from the year the corporation started to the current date, followed by names of the companies that own the copyright. Like this example, your copyright statement can include a range of years if you’ve expanded or updated your content since the original publication date. All Rights Reserved Statement Affinity Art’s copyright all rights reserved statement links to the art gallery’s copyright statement page, which clarifies that they’ve received permission from artists to display their original artworks on the site. The copyright statement specifies that the images and content from the site can only be used for fair use purposes, and any violations of the Copyright Act may lead to legal action. Like this example copyright notice, you can add an “All rights reserved” statement to your copyright footer to declare full ownership over your content. You can also link to a copyright notice, as the example does, to provide more copyright details. Copyright Page Example Architecture firm Henneman + Associates’ copyright page states that the site content can’t be copied or reproduced unless there’s express permission from the site owners. They also include a copyright disclaimer statement explaining that the site displays copyrighted photos and documents with the owners’ permission. If you allow the use or display of your copyrighted material under certain circumstances, outline the rules for use in your copyright page, as shown in the example. Protect Your Work With a Copyright Notice US copyright laws ensure that your creative works are copyrighted the moment they’re created. This protects your content from theft and copyright infringement. Strengthen the protection of your work by adding a copyright notice to let others know that your work is copyrighted and requires authorization for use.
For more than two decades now, positive psychology has brought an emphasis on positive human experiences. But is there one type – perhaps the most positive of all – that has not been adequately investigated? Welcome to the ‘awakening experience’. A few years ago, on holiday with my family in Wales, I decided to explore the farmland around our rented bungalow. I climbed over a gate and found myself looking down at a valley, with farmers’ fields sloping as far as I could see. Hundreds of sheep dotted the hills. After I’d been walking for a few minutes, looking at the fields and the sky, there was a shift in my perception, as if a switch had been pressed. Everything around me became intensely real. The fields and the bushes and trees and the clouds seemed to be powerfully there, as if an extra dimension had been added to them. They seemed more vivid, more intricate and beautiful. I also felt somehow connected with my surroundings. As I looked up at the sky, I felt somehow the space that fills it was the same ‘space’ filling my own being. What was inside me, as my own consciousness, was also ‘out there’. Inside me, there was a glow of intense wellbeing. This is a fairly typical example of an ‘awakening experience’ – a temporary expansion and intensification of awareness that brings significant perceptual, affective and conceptual changes. As a psychologist, I have been studying such experiences for a decade. In this article I will discuss some of that research, explaining the characteristics and after-effects of these experiences. Most importantly, I will explain why they are so significant, and why psychology needs to pay more attention to them. One of the roles of psychology is to examine different facets of subjective experience, and to investigate their possible causes and effects. When Abraham Maslow formulated his concepts of ‘peak experiences’ and ‘self-actualisation’ in the 1950s, he believed that psychology had been ‘selling human nature short’ by focusing too much on its negative aspects and ignoring its positive. At the beginning of the 1990s, when American psychologists such as Martin Seligman and Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi initiated the field of positive psychology, they made much the same complaint: that there was an imbalance in psychology. The discipline, they argued, needed to focus more on what makes life worth living and what can make human beings flourish, rather than just on investigating and curing mental illness. Since then, positive psychology has been everywhere. But in my view, while positive psychologists have studied experiences with superficial similarities to awakening experiences, nobody has quite nailed what makes awakening so special. According to my research, the three most common characteristics of the experiences are: - positive affective states (including a sense of elation or serenity, a lack of fear and anxiety); - intensified perception; and - a sense of connection (which can be towards other human beings, nature, or the whole universe in general). Other significant characteristics include: - a sense of love and compassion; - altered time perception (which often includes a sense of being intensely present); - a sense of a deeper knowing (as if the person is becoming aware of realities that are normally obscure); and - a sense of inner quietness (as if the normal associational chatter of the mind has slowed down or become quiet). There is a strong sense that a person has transcended a limited state and that awareness has become more authentic than normal. These experiences are sometimes associated with spirituality or religion, where they are typically described as ‘mystical experiences’. However, I think this is misleading, and may have led to the neglect of awakening experiences by mainstream psychology. I prefer to interpret the experiences in a secular context. This is partly due to personal reasons: I am not religious (in fact, I consider myself an atheist). But more significantly, my research has found that awakening experiences are rarely about religion. For example, in a study of 161 reports of awakening experiences published in the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology I found that only 22 per cent occurred in a spiritual context – that is, as a result of spiritual practices such as meditation, reading spiritual literature and prayer or fasting (Taylor, 2012a). The great majority of the experiences occurred unexpectedly in a wide variety of everyday settings, to people who knew nothing of spirituality or religion. Secular ecstasy and other concepts Some well-established psychological concepts incorporate characteristics of awakening experiences. For instance, there are certainly clear similarities with Maslow’s concept of peak experiences. However, the ‘peak experience’ is a very wide-ranging concept that embraces a host of other types of experience. Maslow referred to peak experiences generally as ‘moments of highest happiness and fulfilment’ and gave examples such as ‘being in love… listening to music or suddenly “being hit” by a book or painting, or from some creative moment’ (Maslow, 1962, p.67). Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi’s (1992) concept of ‘flow’ also has some superficial similarities with awakening experiences. Both are states of intense wellbeing and connection, in which one loses one’s sense of being a separate self. However, there are also significant differences. For example, unlike flow, awakening experiences usually aren’t related to states of absorption; in them, attention is usually very open and wide-ranging rather than intently focused on a particular activity or task. The concept of ‘awe’ is related to awakening experiences too. As studied by psychologists such as Dacher Keltner and Jonathan Haidt, awe refers to an experience of ‘deep appreciative wonder’ at the ‘immensity, beauty and complexity of a phenomenon that takes on universal significance e.g. through art, nature, human excellence’ (Haidt, 2002, p.864). However, although awakening experiences may sometimes feature awe, they are really a much broader phenomenon with a much wider range of characteristics. Awe can also potentially include characteristics of confusion, fear and dread, which are absent from awakening experiences. In other words, flow and awe are not equivalent to awakening experiences – they simply share a small number of the same characteristics. You could compare it to negative psychological experiences such as episodes of depression or panic attacks, which share some of the same characteristics, but are essentially different. In my view, therefore, psychology has merely touched on elements of awakening experiences, and has neglected their study as a category in themselves. In fact, one of the most significant studies of awakening experiences came from outside psychology. In 1961 – coincidentally, at around the same time that Maslow was formulating his concept of the peak experience – the English author and broadcaster Marghanita Laski researched the concept of ‘ecstasy’ in a non-religious context. She showed that such experiences could readily arise from secular activities such as enjoying natural scenes or works of art. In 2014 Rory McBride discussed Laski’s work in the pages of The Psychologist, highlighting characteristics such as ‘intense joyful sensations’, ‘feelings of unity and oneness’, and ‘a sense of profundity and release from mundane reality’. It is easy to see from these characteristics that the concept of ‘secular ecstasy’ is very close to that of an ‘awakening experience’. Like me, McBride voiced concern that these experiences have been researched so little within psychology. My own research has included two general studies of reports of awakening experiences (Taylor, 2012a, Taylor & Egeto-Szabo, 2017) and a study of transformational experiences related to psychological turmoil (Taylor, 2011, 2012b). This research has found three contexts that consistently show up as major triggers of awakening experiences, as well as a host of less significant ones. The most common trigger may initially seem puzzling: around a third of awakening experiences occur in situations of stress, depression and loss. For example, a man described how he went through a long period to of inner turmoil due to confusion about his sexuality, which led to the breakdown of his marriage. But in the midst of this turmoil, he had an awakening experience in which ‘Everything just ceased to be. I lost all sense of time. I lost myself. I had a feeling of being totally at one with nature, with a massive sense of peace. I was a part of the scene. There was no “me” anymore. I was just sitting there watching the sun set over the desert, aware of the enormity of life, the power of nature’ (Taylor, 2012a, p.86). A woman described how she was devastated by the end of a seven-year relationship, ‘facing a suffering that I didn’t imagine could possibly exist’. However, in the midst of this suffering, she ‘began to experience a clearness and connection with everything that existed… I was in a state of such pure happiness and acceptance, that I was no longer afraid of anything. Out of that depth arose such a compassion and connection to everything that surrounded me’ (Taylor & Egeto-Szabo, 2017, p.61). The second major trigger of awakening experiences identified by my research is contact with nature. Around a quarter of the experiences take place in natural surroundings, apparently induced by the beauty and stillness of nature. People reported awakening experiences that occurred while walking in the countryside, swimming in lakes, or gazing at beautiful flowers or sunsets. For example, one woman reported an awakening experience that occurred when she was swimming in a lake, when she ‘felt completely alone, but part of everything. I felt at peace… All my troubles disappeared and I felt in harmony with nature. It only lasted a few minutes but I remember a sense of calmness and stillness and it soothes me now’ (Taylor, 2012a, p.77). These are the types of experiences that were often described by romantic poets such as William Wordsworth and Percy Shelley. The third most significant trigger of awakening experiences according to my research – with a similar frequency to contact with nature – is spiritual practice. This primarily means meditation, but also includes prayer and psycho-physical practices such as yoga or tai chi. The relaxing, mind-quietening effect of these practices seems to facilitate awakening experiences. It is important to point out that, even here, there may not be a connection with religion. With the exception of awakening experiences associated with prayer, those who reported these experiences did not follow a conventional religious path. They belonged to the category of ‘spiritual, not religious’, and were following certain practices because of their beneficial effect, rather than through a religious conviction. After these three triggers, there are several slightly less significant ones, including watching or listening to an arts performance, reading (particularly spiritual literature), participating in a creative performance (such as dancing or playing music), love and sex. Only a small number of sexual awakening experiences were reported, but it is of course possible that participants were reluctant to divulge such intimate experiences. Even though awakening experiences typically only last from a few moments to a few hours, they frequently have a life-changing effect. Many people described an awakening experience as the most significant moment of their lives, reporting a major change in their perspective on life, and in their values. In our 2017 study of 90 awakening experiences, the most significant after-effect was a greater sense of trust, confidence and optimism. For example, one person reported that even though ‘that whole experience was brief, it left a little piece of knowing and hope. While I still was and am on a journey of self-reflection, it left me knowing that your inner truth is always there for you’ (Taylor & Egeto-Szabo, 2017, p.56). Another person reported that, ‘To know that it’s there (or here, I should say) is a great liberation’ (p.55). One person had a powerful awakening experience while suffering from intense depression during which she ‘felt the most intense love and peace and knew that all was well’ (Taylor, 2011, p.4) The experience lasted only a few minutes, but in its aftermath she found that the feeling of dread had disappeared from her stomach, and she felt able to cope again, which led to a new, positive phase in her life. As she described it, ‘I looked around and thought about all the good things in my life and the future. I felt more positive and resilient.’ Such changes in attitude sometimes led to significant lifestyle changes, such as new interests, new relationships and a new career. Speaking of the peak experience, Abraham Maslow wrote: ‘My feeling is that if it were never to happen again, the power of the experience would permanently affect the attitude toward life’ (Maslow, 1964/1994, p.75). This certainly applies to awakening experiences too. However, in a small number of cases, there were negative after-effects. After the exhilaration of their awakening experience, some people came back down to earth with a bump. They found everyday life dreary, and felt frustrated to be immersed in their normal routines and responsibilities again. As one person stated, ‘I feel myself being buckled down by the hustle and bustle of everyday life’ (Taylor & Egeto-Szabo, 2017, p.56). It might be tempting to explain awakening experiences in terms of unusual neurological functioning. Perhaps they are related to unusual levels of activity (or lack of activity) in certain parts of the brain. For example, neuroscientists such as Michael Persinger and V.S. Ramachandran have suggested that spiritual experiences are the result of stimulation of the temporal lobes. Persinger (1983) has even claimed to induce mystical experiences with a ‘helmet’ – popularly referred to as the ‘God helmet’ – that stimulates the temporal lobes with magnetic fields. Another theory, put forward by Newberg and d’Aquili (2000), is that mystical experiences of oneness arise when the part of our brain responsible for our awareness of boundaries (the superior posterior parietal cortex) is less active than normal. (In fairness, Newberg and d’Aquili don’t actually say that the state actually cause spiritual experiences, just that they correlate with them, although others have interpreted their theory in this way.) However, these theories are very speculative, to say the least. In his 2012 article for The Psychologist, Craig Aaen-Stockdale provided an overview of the research that relates spiritual or religious experiences to brain activity, and found numerous flaws, particularly a lack of control groups and successful replication. As he concluded, ‘Sceptics are, in my opinion, far too quick to claim that God is “all in the brain” (usually the temporal lobe) when in fact the evidence base is disturbingly weak’ (2012, p.523) While a small number of temporal lobe patients may have spiritual-type experiences, they are more likely to experience feelings of anxiety and disorientation. In fact, some studies have suggested that temporal lobe patients are actually less likely to have religious or spiritual experiences than others. At the same time, Newberg and D’Aquili’s claim that spatial awareness is associated with the posterior parietal cortex is disputed by other neuroscientists, who generally associate this with the temporal lobe (Karnath et al., 2001). In a more general sense, such neurological explanations suffer from a simplistic assumption that conscious experience is directly produced by brain activity. This assumption may seem logical, but there is no viable explanation of how the soggy grey matter of the brain could give rise to the richness and variety of conscious experience. In the field of consciousness studies, this is referred to as the ‘hard problem’ (Chalmers, 1996). According to the philosopher Colin McGinn (1993), to assume that conscious experience is produced by brain activity is like saying that ‘numbers emerge from biscuits or ethics from rhubarb’ (p.60). This doesn’t mean that there are no neurological correlations with awakening experiences. They may well exist, but as no more than correlations. At the same time, it is difficult to see how the correlations could be discovered, since awakening experiences almost always occur unintentionally, and so there is little possibility of producing them in brain-imaging labs. In my view, there is probably no need to resort to simplistic neurological explanations of awakening experiences, since they can be largely explained in psychological terms. A significant number of awakening experiences are related to states of relaxation and mental quietness. This is certainly true of meditation, and also of contact with nature, watching arts performances and participating in creative activities. Consider what happens when a person sits down to meditate, for example. They purposely remove themselves from activity and external stimuli, and then attempt to quieten their mental chatter by focusing their attention on a specific object, such as a mantra, their breathing or a candle flame. As a result, mental energy is no longer expended to the same degree as normal, and begins to intensify inside them. This may explain the heightened awareness that awakening experiences feature. The American psychologist Arthur Deikman – who was perhaps the first person to study the psychological effects of meditation – referred to a process of ‘de-automatization of perception’. Perceptual processes that normally function to save attentional energy (by automatising the perception of familiar phenomena) no longer function, because of the increased mental energy. As a result, our surroundings become more real and vivid. A similar process may happen when a person is in natural surroundings. Natural scenery may have a similar effect to meditation, in providing a focus for a person’s mind, and a retreat from being busy and bombarded with stimuli. This may lead to a similar build-up of mental energy and also the same de-automatisation of perception. The most important factor seems to be quietening of associational mental chatter, which normally expends a great deal of mental energy. But how can we explain awakening experiences linked to psychological turmoil? It’s difficult to interpret these in terms of relaxation and mental quietness, since they usually occur in states of mental agitation and distress. But here a factor may be that the sense of shock and loss often associated with psychological turmoil may bring a deconstruction of normal psychological structures and processes. In most states of turmoil, this may only cause further distress – with the possibility of breakdown – but occasionally this may have a positive effect, causing a de-automatisation of perception, and a transcendence of familiar modes of cognition. (There is, incidentally, a parallel here with the concept of post-traumatic growth, which also highlights how positive after-effects – such as a heightened sense of appreciation, purpose and meaning – follow a wide range of traumatic events.) A second wave of positive psychology Mine are only speculations, of course. I hope that other psychologists will investigate awakening experiences and develop their own theories. An experience that is so common, and has so much significance for individuals, should not be neglected, particularly now that the experience need not be associated with religion, or even with spirituality. Awakening experiences could be investigated in a similar way to experiences of flow – as an optimal psychological state that arises from certain unusual psychological conditions, themselves generated by certain activities and situations. While my own field of transpersonal psychology can easily accommodate the study of awakening experiences, in positive psychology there has long been an emphasis on quantitative research over qualitative, in an attempt to establish the scientific credentials of the field. For the same reason, positive psychologists have tended to avoid any experiences that might be seen as ‘spiritual’ or ‘transcendent’. Awakening experiences are difficult to study quantitatively; rather, they lend themselves to phenomenological qualitative research. As a result, positive psychology has not embraced the study of such experiences. However, psychologists such as Itai Ivtzan and Tim Lewis have initiated a second wave positive psychology that does emphasise the importance of qualitative research and is open to spiritual or transpersonal aspects. Perhaps the study of awakening experiences could form a part of this second wave positive psychology. This would go some way to filling a significant gap in the study of psychological states. McBride, R. (2014). Secular ecstasies. The Psychologist, 27(3), 168–171. McGinn, C. (1993). Consciousness and cosmology: Hyperdualism ventilated. In M. Davies & G. W. Humphreys (Eds.) Consciousness (pp.155–177). Oxford: Blackwell. Newberg, A. & D’Aquili, E. (2000). The neuropsychology of religious and spiritual experience. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 7(11–12), 251–266. Persinger, M.A. (1983). Religious and mystical experiences as artefacts of temporal lobe function: A general hypothesis. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 57(3 Suppl.), 1255–1262. Taylor, S. (2011). Out of the darkness: From turmoil to transformation. London: Hay House. Taylor, S. (2012a). Spontaneous awakening experiences: Exploring the phenomenon beyond religion and spirituality. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 44(1), 73–91. Taylor, S. (2012b). Transformation through suffering: A study of individuals who have experienced positive psychological transformation following periods of intense turmoil and trauma. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 52, 30–52. Taylor, S. & Egeto-Szabo, K. (2017). Exploring awakening experiences: A study of awakening experiences in terms of their triggers, characteristics, duration and aftereffects. Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, 49(1), 45–65.
Edwardian weddings were rich, elaborate and luxurious affairs. So high profile weddings were that they were published as newspaper articles. During the Edwardian times, it became a popular trend to hold the wedding ceremony at 2:30 in the afternoon. For this reason, special permission had to be obtained from the church. Otherwise, it was the norm to hold wedding ceremonies in the morning. The Wedding Gown And The Grooms Wedding Dress: The wedding gown was a vital part of the Edwardian wedding process. The traditional wedding gown was either white or cream colored dress, usually made out of satin. The Edwardian wedding gown was decorated with lace. The dress also had a wreath made of orange flowers. The gown had a train attached. The waste was sometimes cut open. Sometimes the Edwardian wedding gown had a low neck. The sleeves of the gowns were either short or they were elbow sleeved. The wedding gown was made out of very expensive materials. A bride could wear till 6 months from her wedding date and attend parties that required full dresses. The train of the gown was really long. It generally measured 80 inches. Those who were tall brides wore trains till 90 inches long. The Edwardian Wedding Ceremony The wedding was an elaborate issue. The father of the bride took her to the church. Her friends and relatives waited there for her. The bride was then ushered by the bridesmaids and was escorted to the church by her father. The bride walked down the aisle with her father. The bride and the groom then kneeled down before alter where the wedding ceremony used to take place. Rings used to be exchanged between the couple and the priest used to declare them man and wife. After completion of the wedding process, the bride and the groom hurried to the car and were driven home. In Edwardian England, a breakfast was held before the wedding. This was attended by the friends, relatives and guests of the couple. The guests used to feast on bread and champagne and cheer for the couple. In America however, this practice was not followed. There was a grand reception after the wedding had taken place. However, those who were widows or those who married for the second time did not have such a grand wedding. Their wedding was considerably simpler.
How To Achieve A Goal Successfully – A lot of people complain that they are not motivated to achieve their goals they have been setting goals many times and they have never achieved any of them which created this big doubt in themselves. How To Achieve A Goal Successfully The problem with goals is that they seem very simple which leads most people to not take them very seriously. Here is where the biggest issue is when it comes to setting goals. if your goals do not resonate with values that you deeply believe in, then I can guarantee you that you are not going to achieve them. Because if you rely on motivation to achieve your goals, then you are doing a big mistake, motivation comes and goes, you can’t always be motivated, but if its something that you believe, you are internally persuaded to accomplish this then you will stick to these goals until you achieve them. When I was a kid I just hated books, I barely could read a book for 5 minutes, and that even would happen if I get inspired and motivated sometimes, but when I understood how important it for me to read these books, I just started reading them weather I am motivated or not. Your beliefs are your values, so if your goals resonate with your values then you are most probably not going to achieve them. Another important reason why a lot of people if not the majority do not achieve their goals is because they think that they have goals when in reality they don’t. Most people don’t differentiate between goals and dreams. Let me explain the difference here, a lot of people have this common goal, I want to get rich, this sentence has a very broad meaning and doesn’t specify anything, and it’s simply a wish, and it’s impossible to achieve it. I mean, let me ask you something that does rich mean, does it means having luxury cars, a luxury lifestyle, or just being financially independent, having enough money that can cover all your day to day needs that you don’t have to work again, or maybe it means being An entrepreneur who creates products or services that bring value to people. You see when you don’t have a clear image in your mind what exactly do you want. You won’t be motivated to achieve it in the first place, it’s just something in your mind that you thought about but never clearly understood what is it exactly which might just stay as a wish that might never be achieved. The single most important factor that will determine whether you are going to achieve a certain goal is the clarity of it. Instead of saying that my goal is to start reading books this year, specify exactly what books you want to read and why you want to read them. Even if the goal is specific it’s not necessarily going to be effective unless it can be measured. Indeed, there is this golden rule in management that says: if you cannot measure it, you cannot manage it. So when it comes to wealth again, let’s say you want to start saving, by simply saying that you want to save, you can’t manage your performance, let’s say, you save a hundred dollar or 1k dollar, how much of your goal have you achieved. Although that it seems obvious that you should be able to measure your goals yet most of us don’t apply it, just take a look at your goals and see how many of them are measurable. To make your goal more effective, it should be realistic, you are earning 50K and suddenly you want to jump into a million dollars within a year which sounds more to be a wish than a practical goal. You can’t work with wishes, you should be fully persuaded that you can achieve this goal, that’s why your goals should be within your abilities, of course, you should never underestimate yourself but your goals should not be too big that they seem more like a wish than a goal, at the same time, if you set simple goals that are easy to achieve, you will not take them seriously because you know that they won’t have a significant effect in your life. And every goal that doesn’t have a deadline is not good, setting goals is important but what is more important is writing them down. everyone says I have goals in my life, if you ask them where is it, oh it’s in my mind, so what happens the next day, you don’t exactly remember because you haven’t written them down, what about a month later. You have to write them and review them every single day and what I would suggest is, stick on them somewhere that you can see them always. We, humans, are creatures who always forget, we get constantly distracted, so to stay focused, you should keep them in front of you.
CHICAGO (GenomeWeb) – The long-awaited General Data Protection Regulation is now the law across the European Union. It's a major deal for many reasons, not the least of which is the heavy penalty for noncompliance. Willful violation of GDPR could carry fines as high as €20 million ($23.6 million) or 4 percent of a company's annual global revenues. But the regulation also standardizes data flow and consent rules within and between all 28 EU member nations, as well as with any outside interests that do business with EU entities or hold any data on European citizens. Unlike the privacy and security rules of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) that have been in place in the US since the early 2000s, the GDPR affects more than just the healthcare and life sciences industries; it applies to electronic data of all kinds. That explains why so many global consumer and business e-commerce and data companies have for the last several months been sending updates to their privacy policies, all with an effective date of May 25. The regulation grants individuals three broad rights: the right to know who controls their data — including the name and contact information of a designated data protection officer — and for what purposes; the right to object to certain commercial uses of their data; and, perhaps most significantly, the right to be "forgotten" by an entity that holds their data. There are degrees of responsibility placed on the data controller for sensitive data like genome sequences, according to Giuseppe Testa, head of the Laboratory of Stem Cell Epigenetics at the European Institute for Oncology in Milan, Italy, and Luca Marelli, a research fellow at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium, who is studying the politics of biomedical innovation in the EU. The pair co-authored a paper on GDPR in Science this month. "It could make the flow of data indeed much simpler," Testa told GenomeWeb. "But there are more responsibilities." GDPR could actually promote abuses of data if not followed properly, according to Marelli. "The key thing will be the implementation," he said. The rule evolved over more than a decade, as EU regulators studied privacy laws in various member countries and beyond. Nino Da Silva, executive vice president of genomic data analysis company BC Platforms, noted that Sweden, Finland, and the UK, as well as Australia, served as models for parts of GDPR. Finland, for example, has had a biobank law in place since 2013 that requires donors to give specific consent for their samples to be used for research. Sweden has given every citizen the right to control their own medical and biological data and to request a copy of their health records at any time. "I think GDPR actually brings us further on, because it also [gives] the right to become forgotten," da Silva said. "One of the main principles of the GDPR is the consent, and the consent is scrutinized much more carefully than the Data Protection Act," the 1998 predecessor to GDPR in the UK, said Paul Jeffreys, head of digital operations at the London-based Institute for Cancer Research. "You have to have the ability to remove consent if the individual requires it. There is a whole set of related issues about consent that has been given in the past and what [it means] now," Jeffreys said. "The basic idea is that the data is owned by the person, and it is used by the company only because the person consents to that use. If a person wishes to retire from a service, or to simply withdraw the consent because they just don't want to be associated with that company anymore, they have the right to ask to be withdrawn from the servers," explained BC Platforms Chief Technology Officer Anni Ahonen-Bishopp. "Off of that point, the company or entity is not allowed to use the data or refer to it or even store it. It's not just a matter of removing a person from mailing lists. It is the actual withdrawal of the data as if the person doesn't exist anymore from that company's point of view," Ahonen-Bishopp explained. GDPR "is person-centric, so you need to be aware that you are working on somebody else's property," Ahonen-Bishopp also noted. In life sciences, there are exceptions to the consent rule for scientific research. "As regards consent, the GDPR also provides a breathing space for research activities that will certainly be useful. It recognizes that it is often not possible to fully identify the purpose of personal data processing for scientific research purposes at the time of data collection. Therefore, data subjects will be allowed to give their consent to certain areas of research or parts of research projects when in keeping with recognized ethical standards for scientific research," according to a summary from two Paris-based attorneys from US-European law firm of Foley Hoag. This is similar to but narrower than the HIPAA "treatment, payment, and healthcare operations" exemption in the US. GDPR contains another exemption for anonymized data, though the age of genomics creates a bit of a gray area. "There is a subtlety that even if it's completely anonymized, if it's a significant fraction of the genome, in principle, you can reverse-engineer back to the individual, so it becomes personalized again," Jeffreys noted. This is true even with nongenomic information. Latanya Sweeney, director of the Data Privacy Lab at Harvard, showed back in 2004 that 87 percent of US residents can be successfully identified with just three pieces of information: date of birth, gender, and ZIP code — information often readily available in hospital discharge and demographic data. Jeffreys said it depends on how GDPR is enforced, but it appears that European regulators will treat anonymized DNA data as personal information if a significant portion of the genome is involved. "I don't know where you draw that line," Jeffreys said. "I think it will be a bit like a legal system. It will require somebody to be challenged and a case made on that basis. I don't think anybody is going to come up and tell you what it is." The scale of the dataset matters as well, Jeffreys said. "If you had one or two [genomes] and you handheld those datasets through the system and checked every moment, it would be different than if you had thousands going through. Again, nobody will tell you what, precisely, it is, but we are building what we call a data safe haven in ICR to deal with this personal data." This data safe haven, as defined by the GDPR, deals with both infrastructure — hardware, software, and controls — and policies and procedures. "The infrastructure part is, 'How do you encrypt your data at rest, in transit? How do you build your access controls? How do you show the datasets can be deleted totally, even though you are backing them up?'" Jeffreys said. "The other part is, 'How do you do your auditing and how can you show that?' Data has to disappear and users have to show that it has disappeared." In April, NHS Digital, the IT division of the UK's National Health Service, updated its online privacy and security self-assessment tool to meet GDPR standards by issuing a new system called the Data Security and Protection Toolkit. ICR is developing its policy document around this toolkit, which is about the best it can do. The NHS and other health authorities across Europe have determined that data users, not the authorities themselves, "own" decisions around data, according to Jeffreys. "There is no way to get anyone to accredit [the policy document]," he lamented. The document will "include things like 'it must be accessible at a fine grain, but with very strong controls that you must have the ability to delete the data if requested,'" Jeffreys said. "It's not as if you have to drastically change everything that you have been doing." In some ways, life sciences companies and institutions have had an advantage in moving toward GDPR compliance because they always have dealt with sensitive information. Only in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal involving Facebook data did many consumers wake up to the reality that personalized information stored online isn't always being used in their best interests. For ICR, most of the work in the past year has been policy-related, because the institution has been dealing with sensitive data for years and didn't need all that many technology upgrades. The London institute has been working on GDPR compliance for more than a year, but only recently started training its staff, Jeffries said at the annual Bio-IT World conference in Boston earlier this month. Similarly, clinical genomics interpretation software vendor Congenica from Cambridge, England, has had ISO 27001 certification for data security and information governance since 2016, easing the transition to GDPR. "If we hadn't been ISO-certified, it would have been a problem," CEO David Atkins told GenomeWeb. As with HIPAA, enforcement of GDPR largely will be complaint-driven and based on intent. "If we can show that we are moving in the right direction, there will be leniency," Jeffreys said. "What we are trying to do is put in place the data protection officer and put in place our policies," he said.
Hebrew Free Loan The holiday of Hanukkah recalls events from thousands of years ago which still feel incredibly relevant today. At its core, Hanukkah is about miracles, faith and Jewish identity. But there’s more than one way to interpret the Hanukkah story. The “Sunday school” version Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, in the city of Jerusalem, the ruling Syrian Greeks controlled the Jewish Temple and desecrated the sanctuary. But after a miraculous victory led by Judah Maccabee, the Temple was reclaimed. When the Maccabees went inside to relight the golden menorah, instead they found only enough oil for one night. That the menorah stayed alit for 8 nights while new oil was found was a miracle and a sign that God was with the Maccabees. A simple narrative, good over evil: by staying true to our Jewish identity, we are victorious, God is with us. They tried to wipe us out, they failed, now let’s eat. The “historical” version From another angle, the Hanukkah story is about a Jewish civil war. It can be understood as a revolt between a zealot faction of the Jewish community and Jews who had acculturated into the majority Greek culture and were adapting their practices accordingly. Where do we fit into this story today? Struggles with Jewish identity are nothing new. Is the ideal to be like the zealous Maccabees fighting to protect Jewish law and traditional temple life? Or is it better to be like many other Jews of antiquity, balancing Jewish identity and tradition with involvement in the broader culture? In today’s world, most of us can love who we want and marry who we choose. Under the umbrella of Jewish community, our families are as varied as the colors of the rainbow. The huge variety of hanukkiot (9-branched Hanukkah menorahs) illustrates this point. Today we have hanukkiot shaped like trees, like bicycles, like the wailing wall … and yes, my kids even had a menorasaurus shaped like a dinosaur! As we light the lights of Hanukkah, let us be inspired by the sons of Joseph, who, though raised in Egypt and fully immersed in Egyptian society, maintained their Jewish identity even as they embraced the broader world. May the lights of the Hanukkah menorah warm our homes and remind us of who we are, that we stand proud as a people. May these lights guide our way as we go forward beyond the boundaries of our Jewish community.
The Indian gold rush. One of the first beneficiaries of this policy was Vedanta (earlier Sterlite group). In February 2016, Vedanta Resources became the first private company to successfully bid for a gold mine in India – the Baghmara gold mine in Chhattisgarh – a mine with potential gold reserves of . Ownership and Output of Chilean Copper Mines, 2003 123 Exposure to Risk with Periodic Mineral Royalties 125 Private Party Mineral Royalties in South Africa, 1990–2004 130 Differences between State and Private Mineral Royalties in South Africa 132 Gold Model (leveraged) Summary of Royalty and Tax Calculations 151 The first mining operations in the Kolar Gold Fields started in 1871 and the area still continues to be the largest supplier of gold in India. About 3,539 thousand tonnes of gold ore having 17,738 kg of gold content have been proved during the recent surveys conducted by the Geological Survey of India for locating new lodes. Annual production is anticipated at 800 000 oz gold and 20 Moz silver, making it one of South America's largest gold mines. The La Coipa silver – gold mine is operated by Compania Minera Mantos de Oro (MDO), a Chilean contractual mining company, which in turn is owned 50% by Placer Dome and 50% by TVX Newmont Americas. Bechtel has completed hundreds of major mining and metals projects across six continents, enabling our customers to produce everything from aluminum to zinc. Coal, and ferrous and nonferrous metals—copper, gold, aluminum, alumina, iron ore, steel, nickel, and titanium. Industrial minerals—cement, glass, and gypsum. Major countries in world copper production. Chile, the world's leading copper producer by far, produced an estimated million metric tons of copper in 2016. In second place is Peru, with an estimated copper mine production of million metric tons in 2016. The world's thirdlargest copper producer from mines is . InfoMine is mining's largest online community. What ever mining event you are organizing or promoting, we can help take your message to mining. Copper, Gold and Silver Deposit. The degree of copper mineralization in Chile has no equal around the world. Indeed, Chile is home to some of the world's largest, better known copper mines. Approximately 80 percent of Chilean production comes from porphyry copper deposits rich in . Cozamin is an underground coppersilver mine in Zacatecas, Mexico. Santo Domingo, Region III, Chile The Santo Domingo project, owned 70% by Capstone and 30% by KORES, is a largescale copperiron development project in Region III, Chile. List of ALL mining companies with access to company profiles, projects, resources and reserves and technical analysis. Welcome is the world's largest open database of minerals, rocks, meteorites and the localities they come from. is run by the notforprofit Hudson Institute of Mineralogy. Chile Mining. Industry capital outlay projections in the copper mining sector for the period are expected to be in the US25–30 billion range. In addition to copper, Chile is also a major world supplier of molybdenum, gold, and silver. Chile is also a relevant supplier of nonmetallic minerals such as iodine, lithium, sodium,... Jun 14, 2016· Reko Diq, which actually means sandy peak in the local language and is the name of an ancient volcano, has long been known as one of Pakistan's most mineralrich regions, with a string of gold mines, Chile was producing gold to finance Spain's wars almost one hundred years before the first pilgrim set foot on Plymouth Rock. Gold production has continued since about 1530. Coming from the States, where interest in mining is at an alltime low, Chile's rich, old mining culture is like a first date, full of promise.
This article mainly talks about F CPU Socket and the Opteron processors that are compatible with this socket. There are all 9 Opteron CPU series which can be fit into socket F motherboard. Learn more details on MiniTool partition software site. F CPU socket, also known as AMD Socket F, is a kind of CPU socket designed by AMD for its Opteron Line of CPUs, which were launched on Aug. 15th, 2006. It was succeeded by Socket C32 for entry-level servers and Socket G34 for high-level servers in 2010. Socket F is designed for AMD’S server CPUs. It is regarded as in the same generation as Socket AM2 and Socket S1, with the former applied for the Athlon 64 & Athlon 64 X2 and the latter applied for Turion 64 & Turion 64 X2 microprocessors. CPU Socket F equips with 1207 pins on its 1.1 mm pitch and adopts an LGA (Land Grid Array) connection. It is the base of the AMD Quad FX Platform released by AMD on Nov. 30, 2006. The revised version of type F socket, called Socket 1207 FX by AMD and Socket L1 by NVIDIA, enables dual-socket, dual-core (4 effective cores and 8 effective cores in the future) processors in desktops for home enthusiasts. About Socket F+ Socket F+, also called Socket Fr2, is a type of processor socket for AMD server CPUs, which starts from the 45 nm Gen of the K10 CPU family. It is designed to replace the Socket F. The main difference between the 2 kinds of sockets is the supported HyperTransport version. F+ Socket supports HyperTransport 3.0 at up to 2.6 GHz speed and is backward compatible with version 2.0 & 1.0, while F socket supports HyperTransport 2.0 at 1.0 GHz speed. F CPU Socket Revisions From the oldest to the newest: - Socket Fr1: Three HyperTransport 2.x links with 1 GHz, single-plane power-supply circuit. - Socket Fr2: Three HyperTransport 2.x links with 1 GHz, dual-plane power-supply circuit. - Socket Fr3: Three HyperTransport 2.x links with 1 GHz, unbuffered DDR2 SDRAM (special for Quad-FX). - Socket Fr5: Three HyperTransport 3.x links with 2.2 GHz for CPU; one HyperTransport 3.x link between CPU with 2.2 GHz, two HT 2.x links with 1 GHz for I/O operations on motherboards. - Socket Fr6: Three HyperTransport 3.x links with 2.4 GHz, support for Snoop-Filter (HT-Assist) What CPU Can Be Used on a Motherboard with an F CPU Socket? Just as mentioned in the first part of this article, the type F tower socket is designed by AMD (F CPU socket manufacturer) for its Opteron line of processors published on August 15, 2006, and later until 2010, we filter out those CPUs from the list of AMD Opteron microprocessors as below: - Opteron 2200 series “Santa Rosa” (90 nm) - Opteron 8200 series “Santa Rosa” (90 nm) - Opteron 2300 series “Barcelona” (65 nm) - Opteron 8300 series “Barcelona” (65 nm) - Opteron 1300 series “Suzuka” (45 nm): Quad-core and energy-efficient including Opteron 13KS EE and Opteron 13QS HE two models. - Opteron 2300 series “Shanghai” (45 nm) - Opteron 8300 series “Shanghai” (45 nm) - Opteron 2400 series “Istanbul” (45 nm) - Opteron 8400 series “Istanbul” (45 nm) In a Nutshell Overall F CPU Socket is one of the processor socket kinds that are designed by CPU manufacturer AMD for its different series of chipsets. And, socket F is special for part of AMD’s Opteron processor series that is launched from 2006.08.15 until 2010. F socket type has five revisions and they are mainly different in HyperTransport and power-supply.
Getty photographer Tom Pennington has been documenting alpine ski racing for over a decade and is currently in Beijing, China to capture the action at the 2022 Olympics. While some photographers bounce around between events at the Olympic Games, shooting alpine skiing requires a unique skill set—being confident enough on skis to be able to make your way down the same course as the competing athletes. “I don’t want to oversell it, but I’m comfortable on skis,” Pennington says. “It’s an incredibly challenging sport to cover, and I think that’s one of the reasons I’m so interested in it.” In the lead-up to competition Pennington spoke to us about what it’s like to cover the sport for Getty, why seeing the course beforehand is crucial, and what gear he’s brought along to capture athletes in Beijing. How is shooting the Winter Olympics different from the Summer Games? The Winter Olympics has a whole different set of issues, primarily dealing with the extreme cold. My primary function here at the Olympics is to cover alpine ski racing and when we got on the mountain this morning it was minus seven degrees Fahrenheit, with 15 to 20 mph winds. It was nasty cold. To prepare for that, it’s a lot of cold-weather gear, a lot of layers, a mix of synthetic jackets and down jackets, and nice Gore-Tex outerwear. We also have some real specialty products that we use, like battery-heated insoles for my ski boots which have a little heating pad on the ball of your foot in the toe area. They’ll run six to seven hours, so that really helps keep my toes warm when we’re standing around for hours. We have disposable hand warmers too. I use five to seven of those per day to keep my hands warm and to keep spare camera batteries warm—the extreme cold will zap lithium batteries—if the cameras go dead, we’re just stuck on the mountain and we can’t shoot. Why is it important for the Getty team to arrive onsight so early? We have 60-plus people in total. The tech team comes into all of the venues and confirms the technology side of the events, or venues, are set up so that we have ethernet cables to plug our cameras into and that the WiFi networks are operational. I’ve been here for nine days and we still haven’t had our first day of competition, but we’ve had two days of training. In the other six days, we’ve been going to the mountain to scope the course out. That’s been especially important for this Olympics because no one has ever been on this mountain. Usually leading up to an Olympics we will shoot a test event, like a World Cup race the year prior, sometimes two years prior, but those events got canceled due to COVID. The racers have never been on this mountain and photographers have never been on the mountain, so everyone is running blind. We needed extra time to be here, to get up on the mountain, to scout out, to find the perspective that we need to capture epic ski racing. Can you explain a bit more about the importance of getting on the mountain before the competition begins? For ski racing, it has to do with us finding the right terrain within the entire racecourse—where the skiers will be in a real dynamic position. We don’t necessarily want them in a position where they’re upright. We want them in a real strong, dynamic position. Oftentimes, with ski racing, where they’re setting the edges of the skis and turning really hard, that’s where we get the real dynamic looks with the snow spraying off of the skis—and also the big jumps. This course is loaded with big jumps. It’s really an amazing course. How many other photographers are on the course at one time? In this Olympic environment, there are 30 photographers that are allowed on the course to photograph. And out of those 30 photographers, there are roughly five positions that we can choose from that are officially approved. We have the ability to go investigate around and find another position on-course that we feel might make for good photos. We can propose that to the photo chief for the sport, and then they will take that to the governing body and decide if it’s a safe position. If a ski racer were to crash, would we be out of the way? The speeds we’re dealing with, the racers go over 85 mph downhill, and when they crash—you don’t want to be anywhere in the way of that. Are all of these positions determined before the competition begins? Today, we have five positions on the course, but by the time we get into day three or four of racing, there will be the other positions that we will find. It always evolves, especially with this course being brand new. We just haven’t seen it, and so it’s going to take us a while to find all the mega spots on it. But we have a couple of really good spots already. Not having previous access to the mountain was in part due to COVID-19, what else has the pandemic changed about documenting the 2022 Games? We are very disciplined in how we move around, and in who we are around. We are in a true closed-loop system. We don’t have the ability to go out and about and interact with the general public. Where normally, during an Olympic Games, we do have that ability to move around freely. With this one, we have dedicated transportation and we have to stay within that closed-loop system. Other photographers during the games would typically bounce around to several different venues. That doesn’t really apply to my role because covering alpine ski racing is a very specialized skill set. Primarily, first and foremost, you have to be able to ski the course to get into position. We can’t just rotate any photographer into that role. In addition to being able to shoot ski racing, I also know how to ski. There are also not going to be any fans for these games. We saw that also in Tokyo for the Summer Games. So that part is just the way things are now, so it won’t be as unusual, but it is still a real shift from the whole fan experience and mood and atmosphere during the Olympic Games. Does the lack of fans change the way that you are shooting? For the straight-up action, it really doesn’t. Mainly because if fans were in attendance, they would not be up on the course. They would just be at the finish line. Obviously, we would document that and shoot cheering fans and just the atmosphere there, but we don’t have that. It does shift how we shape our coverage, but it is what it is. We try to just document what’s there. What’s the pace of your day like once the Olympic Games officially begin? Our schedule will stay the same pretty much every day—whether it’s a training day or a race day. We’re up at 5:30 am, breakfast at 6 am, and then we have a car that picks us up at 7 am. We go straight to the mountain, and we’re on the course by 8:30 am. We come down between 2:30 pm and 3:00 pm and then travel back to the hotel. It’s a pretty set schedule and tempo with ski racing. What gear do you have with you to document the races this year? I shoot exclusively with Canon, and this year I’m using the new R3 cameras for this assignment, and it’s fantastic. The primary lens I use is a 600mm f/4 super-telephoto lens and a 1.4x teleconverter with that 600mm. So I’m shooting really, really long in the 800mm range. I also carry a 70-200mm f/2.8 and a 24-70mm f/2.8 in my bag. I pack all of that gear into a Think Tank MindShift bag. Once you are in position on the mountain what elements need to come together for you to make an epic race shot? There are a lot of different factors. We’re always paying very close attention to the skiers’ form, how they come off a jump. Are they out of control? Are arms flying? That kind of thing. And sometimes it happens so fast. Fortunately, shooting digital, we’re able to see right then and there that, yes, we did get it. I’m looking for nice light, a clean background, and good dynamic action from the ski racer. When those elements come together you can create a really nice ski racing photo.
Mapmaker / Cartographer: Sebastian Münster Name of Work: Cosmographia Date of Publication: 1544 Sebastian Münster, (January 20, 1488 – May 26, 1552) wrote and illustrated the first German description of the world in his work Cosmographia published in 1544 and richly illustrated with detailed woodblock prints, some of which were drawn by the great artists of the period including Hans Holbein the Younger and Urs Graf. Born in Ingelheim, the son of farmers he entered the Franciscan order and studied at the University of Tübingen in 1518. He later became a Lutheran. An professor of Hebrew, he was the first German to produce an edition of the Hebrew Bible. He died in Basel of the plague in 1552.
— Orion it is. A month after being granted a federal trademark for its use and hours after an astronaut in space inadvertantly broadcasted it for anyone to hear, NASA announced that its new crew exploration vehicle will be named Orion. "We've been calling it the crew exploration vehicle for several years, but today it has a name... Orion," Jeffrey Williams was heard saying over an open radio channel from the international space station today. According to the Associated Press, the recording was meant for an announcement planned for next week, but was released in error. After initial denials, NASA issued a release several hours later confirming the name. collectSPACE was the first to report the moniker Orion in July, after a publicly-accessible federal trademark search identified the agency's choice. The modern day equivalent of an Apollo capsule, Orion is the vehicle NASA's Constellation Program is developing to carry a new generation of astronauts back to the Moon and later to Mars. Orion will succeed the space shuttle as the space agency's primary craft for crewed exploration. Orion's first flight with astronauts on-board is planned for no later than 2014 to the international space station. Its first flight to the Moon is planned for no later than 2020. NASA chose the name for one of the most familiar and easily identifiable constellations. "Many of its stars have been used for navigation and guided explorers to new worlds for centuries," said Orion Project Manager Skip Hatfield. "Our team, and all of NASA - and, I believe, our country - grows more excited with every step forward this program takes. The future for space exploration is coming quickly." In June, NASA announced the launch vehicles for Orion, its cargo and future lunar lander have been named Ares, a synonym for Mars. The booster that will launch Orion will be called Ares I, and a larger heavy-lift launch vehicle will be known as Ares V. Orion will transport cargo and up to six crew members to and from the international space station. It can carry a crew of four for lunar missions. Later, it will support crew transfers for Mars missions, according to NASA's plans. Orion borrows its shape from Apollo capsules of the past, but will take advantage of modern technology. NASA engineers have said that its conical shape is the safest and most reliable for re-entering the Earth's atmosphere, particularly at the speeds required for a direct return form the Moon. Current plans call for Orion to be 16.5 feet (5 meters) in diameter and have a mass of about 25 tons. Inside, it will have more than twice the volume of an Apollo command module. The spacecraft is designed to return humans to the Moon to stay for long periods as a testing ground for the longer journey to Mars. NASA is expected to announce the prime contractor for Orion by the end of the month. Two teams, one led by Lockheed Martin and the other a joint effort by Northrop Grumman and The Boeing Co., are currently competing. Though not released on Tuesday, a logo for Project Orion has been labeled as "approved" in NASA internal papers.
Relatively little is known about the evolutionary history of the African green monkey (genus Chlorocebus) due to the lack of sampled polymorphism data fromwild populations. Yet, this characterization of genetic diversity is not only critical for a better understanding of their own history, but also for human biomedical research given that they are one of the most widely used primate models. Here, I analyze the demographic and selective history of the African green monkey, utilizing one of the most comprehensive catalogs of wild genetic diversity to date, consisting of 1,795,643 autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms in 25 individuals, representing all five major populations: C. a. aethiops, C. a. cynosurus, C. a. pygerythrus, C. a. sabaeus, and C. a tantalus. Assuming amutation rate of 5.9× 10-9 per base pair per generation and a generation time of 8.5 years, divergence time estimates range from 523 to 621 kya for the basal split of C. a. aethiops from the other four populations. Importantly, the resulting tree characterizing the relationship and split-times between these populations differs significantly from that presented in the original genome paper, owing to their neglect of withinpopulation variation when calculating between population-divergence. In addition, I find that the demographic history of all five populations is well explained by a model of population fragmentation and isolation, rather than novel colonization events. Finally, utilizing these demographic models as a null, I investigate the selective history of the populations, identifying candidate regions potentially related to adaptation in response to pathogen exposure.
Although stubborn children have negative attributes, they can have positive characteristics that parents should not ignore or surpass. Here are some positive characteristics: 1- Determination and Perseverance: This stubborn child is characterized by strong will, introverted pursuit and unwavering perseverance, which allows him to overcome any obstacles or problems that he may encounter when trying to learn new skills, because it is characterized by determination and perseverance. And passion. Determination, therefore, he insists on completing the order he wants, which helps him to pursue his current small goals and even his big future, such as planning to enter the medical field… A stubborn child is usually creative in his thinking. When he engages in a certain activity, he will be full of enthusiasm and passion to interact with it, because he put all his energy into it, which makes him produce creative works. For example, when a four-year-old child builds a game castle, he will surprise his parents due to the intensity of his interaction with work. Although the child may cause confusion when doing activities at home, the enthusiasm to characterize it is a uniqueness that must be developed The important thing is that it guides the child to share his talents and creativity in the right way, and the existence of this quality in the child will make him a determined person and capable of achieving goals in the future. 3- Established Principles: Parents must keep their promises to their children, because if they do not keep their promises in the future, the children may feel that their parents cheated him. A stubborn child is characterized by a high sense of justice and morality, so if he is in a certain position, he will firmly abide by his principles. For example, he might face another child who hurt and bullied other children… 4- Participation and cooperation: A stubborn child likes a way of dealing with participation and cooperation. Therefore, he refused to communicate with his parents or guardians on a controlled basis because it would make him uncomfortable. Therefore, parents should speak to their children in an opinionated attitude, show participation and a positive attitude, and avoid language of command, control and dominance. All of this will be actively reflected in the way he communicates with others in school or elsewhere in the future. 5- Enthusiasm and energy: Compared with peers, this stubborn child is characterized by more sports, activities and speech. Although some parents worry that their stubborn child may cause inconvenience to themselves and others, or how he does appropriate and useful work most of the time, they can still benefit from it. Enthusiasm and energy point them in the right direction, for example, let him participate in activities that can speak in front of the crowd, or in the future to pursue a career that requires energy like education… According to research conducted by the American Psychological Association, a stubborn child will have a great chance of getting a higher college degree and higher income in the future. He will have a great opportunity to become a reliable leader in the community, unless it requires parents to be more patient in developing his driving skills: it is not easy and requires enough effort, and they would have to try. Continue to lay the foundation to help him guide his leadership skills so that he can use them appropriately in the future… This strong child is completely independent, because he doesn’t accept anything, because only when he is convinced will he be imposed… 8- Wisdom, Creativity And Thinking Ability: The uniqueness of this stubborn child is that he is different from others in the way he thinks about things and the interpretation of the problems and situations he has experienced, and their creative ways are different from others. The reason may be that he is not interested in these beliefs and concepts. . Other people’s actions, so when he finishes a certain job, he will work creatively in his own way… When a stubborn child completes a job, they will focus on completing the job at the speed that best suits them, instead of comparing their performance with others. By solving these problems, we will be able to understand the thinking of a stubborn child. We can learn to deal with it later.
This week, 24-30th April 2021, marks World Immunization Week. Each year we aim to promote the use of vaccines and protect people of all ages from preventable disease. Vaccines have saved at least ten million lives between 2010 and 2015 alone, with many more people saved from bouts of illness and life-threatening debilitations. Despite being one of the world’s most successful health interventions, vaccines come under intense scrutiny and criticism across the world. While we all focus on critically important COVID-19 vaccines that will allow society to return to normal life, there remains a need to ensure routine examinations are not missed due to global lockdowns. Many families choosing to shield have opted out of their routine vaccination visits and healthcare services will need to offer suitable alternatives as the world begins to come out of lockdowns and advice on shielding among the vulnerable is phased out. Appropriately in a year of social distancing, this year the World Health Organisation have adopted a theme of ‘Vaccines bring us closer’ for World Immunization Week 2021. This year’s campaign is aiming to build solidarity and trust in vaccination as a public good. Be frank and honest It is apparent in the current pandemic that transparency and an availability of safety data are crucially important to encourage vaccine uptake. We are still learning as a society how to provide accurate information in a timely manner without causing unnecessary alarm. Vaccine hesitancy is unique from the general health-care sector as it is highly influenced by levels of political trust in society, influencers and historic trends. The following factors have been shown to influence vaccine uptake: - The media - Leaders and influencers - Historical influences - Religion, culture, gender and socioeconomic profile - Trust in the pharmaceutical industry - Geographic barriers to vaccine access Vaccinations are the subject of significant distrust from the general public, yet they save millions of lives each year. While some fears and concerns may be justified, vaccinations are also one of the biggest topics of misinformation in the world. With modern technology and the use of social media, viral stories can traverse the world in hours. Misinformed opinions of key thought leaders can negatively impact national policy makersSuccessfully communicating the benefits of vaccines is key to improving public health. Benefits of vaccination Many existing treatments, such as those for heart disease, cancer or autoimmune disorders involve risks, but the benefits they offer outweigh any risks. Vaccines fall under a higher level of scrutiny because they are given to otherwise healthy people. Vaccines are approved only if they have a suitably low risk profile and they significantly improve the health of groups receiving the vaccine. The difficult aspect of promoting vaccine uptake on an individual level is often that none of us see ourselves as being the one who will go on to get serious illness. In many situations, healthy people must take the vaccine to prevent spread and sickness in the vulnerable, who if they do catch the disease, may develop a more serious form of illness, with potentially life-threatening affects. This creates a moral dilemma that will only work if individuals are made aware of the benefits of vaccines, not only to themselves but also to others. This highlights the importance of sustained public awareness campaigns such as the WHO and support for those interested in more information. Reduce Serious Illnesses Reduce pressure on healthcare systems FACT: In 1980 2.6million people died from measles and in 2014 less than 73,000 died after a sustained vaccination program. This week we also celebrate the successful eradiation of Smallpox after the world’s most successful vaccination program. Smallpox was a horrendous disease of fluid filled bumps all over the body that left victims scarred. Babies were particularly vulnerable to Smallpox. The last recorded outbreak was in the UK in 1977, after which the World Health Organization declared it eradicated in 1980. As part of World Immunization Week there are two major aims: - Increase trust and confidence in vaccines - Increase investment in vaccines to remove barriers to access Both of these can be achieved through education and increased awareness of vaccines benefits. As part of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have put scientists to the forefront of public dialogue. Now we can listen directly to the experts on the dangers of the virus and the benefits of vaccination. This has been a major learning experience for both the scientific community and the public, who are now used to seeing complex graphs and data on a daily basis. In the UK we are beginning to see the benefits of a successful vaccination program. As the rest of Europe is entering its 4th wave of the virus, hospital admissions in the UK are decreasing daily (figure 1). Figure 1. Daily hospital admissions in the UK. (source: coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/healthcare) Recently world leaders have joined forces to promote vaccine uptake with the mantra, ‘nobody is safe until everybody is safe.’ The return to normal lifestyles and global travel is dependent on the successful access to vaccines and trust in vaccines by all communities across the globe. Development of future vaccines to improve access There are further vaccines in development that will be easier to transport and administer, such as the nasal spray vaccine being developed by Codagenix. At FluCamp we have play an important role in the development of these vaccines by offering controlled environments in which manufacturers can safely assess the effectiveness of their treatments or vaccines on a lower number of volunteers. In our controlled setting we can do nasal swabs to detect the earliest signs of infection even in volunteers with no symptoms. As part of this process, we also get the opportunity to compensate volunteers for spending time in our state-of-the-art comfortable residential units with an all-inclusive stay that ranges from 11- 16 days. The UK are world leaders in human challenge studies through the pioneering work of FluCamp.
God Is Jealous Part Two Previously we studied God’s jealous response to Jerusalem’s unfaithfulness to Him. Like an unfaithful wife, Israel’s capital city had committed spiritual adultery by worshiping false gods and entering into forbidden alliances with idolatrous nations. The Nation’s Adultery Jerusalem’s unfaithfulness was a symptom of the spiritual adultery that characterized most of the nation of Israel.(We must remember, however, that God always preserves a faithful remnant; and in every generation, there have been Jewish people who have been loyal to Him.) God used Hosea’s experience with an unfaithful wife to illustrate His tragic situation with the unfaithful northern kingdom of Israel primarily, but with passing comments about the southern kingdom of Judah as well. In the book of Hosea, God said the Israelites had “committed great harlotry by departing from the Lᴏʀᴅ” (1:2). He said they sought counsel from wooden idols and “played the harlot against their God” (4:12); were “joined to idols” (v. 17); committed “harlotry continually” (v. 18); “dealt treacherously with the Lᴏʀᴅ” (5:7); did “not return to the Lᴏʀᴅ their God, nor seek Him” (7:10); sought forbidden alliances with idolatrous nations (v. 11); “rebel[led] against” Him (v. 14); and “devise[d] evil against” Him (v. 15). He also said Israel “transgressed” His “covenant and rebelled against” His “law” (8:1); had “forgotten his Maker” (v. 14); “sacrificed to the Baals, and burned incense to carved images” (11:2); and was “bent on backsliding” from God. “None at all” exalted Him, He said (v. 7). Instead, people sinned “more and more” and “made for themselves molded images” (13:2). Consequently, God told the northern kingdom, “Surely, as a wife treacherously departs from her husband, so have you dealt treacherously with Me, O house of Israel” (Jer. 3:20). Because the northern kingdom’s spiritual adultery was so persistent, God “put her away and” gave “her a certificate of divorce” (v. 8). However, it is evident He did not regard that divorce as terminating His spiritual marriage with the nation, for later He exhorted Israel to return to Him, saying, “for I am married to you” (v. 14). He promised to “betroth” the nation to Himself “forever” in righteousness, justice, loving-kindness, mercy, and faithfulness (Hos. 2:19–20). Through the prophet Jeremiah, God addressed Judah’s spiritual unfaithfulness, but He referenced the northern kingdom significantly. Portraying these kingdoms as two sisters, He declared that even His judgment of the northern sister (Israel) through destruction and captivity by Assyria did not stem Judah’s unfaithfulness: “Her treacherous sister Judah did not fear, but went and played the harlot also,” and “has not turned to Me with her whole heart, but in pretense” (Jer. 3:8, 10). In fact, God said Judah “became more corrupt in her lust…and in her harlotry” than her sister (Ezek. 23:11). The Bible uses vivid terms to describe God’s jealousy. Jealousy and Fire. When the word fire is used in a nonliteral sense, its “predominant” sense “is the consuming power of fire.”1 Thus “fire is a common image for the judicial wrath of God.”2 A major emphasis “in the OT [Old Testament] is Yahweh’s judicial intervention in the course of history.”3 “With fiery zeal He watches over obedience to His will.”4 God Himself associates fire with His jealousy: “My burning jealousy” (Ezek. 36:5), “in My jealousy and in the fire of My wrath” (38:19), and “All the earth shall be devoured with the fire of My jealousy” (Zeph. 3:8). People also associated fire with God’s jealousy. Moses warned the Israelites not to forget the Mosaic marriage covenant that God established with them at Mount Sinai or to make idols to worship, “For the Lᴏʀᴅ your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God” (Dt. 4:23–24). Asaph the psalmist wrote, “How long, LORD? Will You be angry forever? Will Your jealousy burn like fire?” (Ps. 79:5). The prophet Zephaniah referred to “the day of the Lᴏʀᴅ’s wrath” when “the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of His jealousy” (Zeph. 1:18). Jealousy and Fury. God also associated fury with His jealousy: “I will bring blood upon you in fury and jealousy” (Ezek. 16:38). “So I will lay to rest My fury toward you, and My jealousy shall depart from you” (v. 42). “Thus says the Lord GOD: ‘Behold, I have spoken in My jealousy and My fury’” (36:6). “My fury will show in My face. For in My jealousy and in the fire of My wrath I have spoken” (38:18–19). The prophet Nahum declared, “God is jealous, and the Lᴏʀᴅ avenges; the Lᴏʀᴅ avenges and is furious” (Nah. 1:2). The word translated “fury” normally conveyed the concept of an inner, rising, emotional heat that was fanned to varying degrees.5 It could be translated as “anger, hot displeasure, indignation, wrath, rage or fury.”6 Once God experiences fury, “satisfaction of some kind must be made by the execution of judgment upon the cause of it.”7 Jealousy and Wrath. God associated wrath with His jealousy: “For in My jealousy and in the fire of My wrath I have spoken” (Ezek. 38:19). “Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the Lᴏʀᴅ’s wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of His jealousy, for He will make speedy riddance of all those who dwell in the land” (Zeph. 1:18). The word translated “wrath,” “when used in relation to God, is used as a synonym” of the word translated “fury” in Ezekiel 16:38, 42; 36:6; and 38:18–19.8 “However, it adds the nuance of the fierceness of God’s wrath (Ps. 78:49) expressed in an overwhelming and complete demonstration (Isa. 13:9). God’s wrath burns, overflows, sweeps away everything before it (Ezek. 22:21, 31).”9 Jealousy and Anger. God’s anger is associated with His jealousy: “The Lᴏʀᴅ would not spare him; for then the anger of the Lᴏʀᴅ and His jealousy would burn against that man, and every curse that is written in this book would settle on him, and the Lᴏʀᴅ would blot out his name from under heaven” (Dt. 29:20). “How long, Lᴏʀᴅ? Will You be angry forever? Will Your jealousy burn like fire?” (Ps. 79:5). God said, “My determination is to gather the nations to My assembly of kingdoms, to pour on them My indignation, all My fierce anger; all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of My jealousy” (Zeph. 3:8). The word translated “anger” emphasizes the following: The emotional aspect of anger and wrath, whereas its synonyms and terms related to them give particular expression to other aspects….This anger, though fierce (Jer 25:37) is not sinful, evil, or the source of capricious attitudes or deeds. However, it is expressed in chastisement (Ps 6:1; Isa. 12:1) and punishment (II Sam 6:7; Jer 44:6).10 Jealousy and Vexation. God’s covenant people provoked Him “to jealousy with foreign gods; with abominations they provoked Him to anger” (Dt. 32:16, 21; cf. Ps. 78:58). “The root meaning” of the word translated “anger” in these passages “is to vex, agitate, stir up, or provoke the heart to a heated condition which in turn leads to specific action.”11 God was “deeply vexed, agitated, pained, or grieved by disobedient Israel.”12 Israel’s “judgment, in keeping with God’s justice, is not contrary to divine love. Rather it is an expression of divine love which has been offended, rejected and deeply grieved.”13 Objects of God’s Jealousy Scripture reveals several objects of God’s jealousy. His People Israel. “Now Judah did evil in the sight of the Lᴏʀᴅ, and they provoked Him to jealousy with their sins which they committed, more than all that their fathers had done” (1 Ki. 14:22; cf. Ps. 78:58). The nation was unfaithful to its Mosaic Covenant marriage relationship with God. God’s Land and His People. God declared, “the land is Mine” (Lev. 25:23). Because He is the owner, He stated, “Surely I have spoken in My burning jealousy against the rest of the nations and against all Edom, who gave My land to themselves as a possession, with whole–hearted joy and spiteful minds, in order to plunder its open country” (Ezek. 36:5). “Then the Lᴏʀᴅ will be zealous for His land, and pity His people….I will no longer make you a reproach among the nations” (Joel 2:18–19). God was jealous for His people and avenged their cruel treatment by the Assyrians (Nah. 1:2). Jerusalem and Zion. The term Zion originally referred to the mound on which stood the Jebusite city that David conquered. Eventually that city was called the City of David. Over time, the term Zion included the Temple Mount and later the entire city of Jerusalem.14 God expressed His attitude concerning Jerusalem and Zion in these statements: Thus says the Lᴏʀᴅ of hosts: “I am zealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with great zeal. I am exceedingly angry with the nations at ease; for I was a little angry, and they helped––but with evil intent.” Therefore thus says the Lᴏʀᴅ: “I am returning to Jerusalem with mercy; My house shall be built in it,” says the Lᴏʀᴅ of hosts, “and a surveyor’s line shall be stretched out over Jerusalem.” Again proclaim, saying, “Thus says the Lᴏʀᴅ of hosts: ‘My cities shall again spread out through prosperity; The Lᴏʀᴅ will again comfort Zion, and will again choose Jerusalem.’” Thus says the Lᴏʀᴅ of hosts: “I am zealous for Zion with great zeal; with great fervor I am zealous for her.” Thus says the Lᴏʀᴅ: “I will return to Zion, and dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. Jerusalem shall be called the City of Truth, the Mountain of the Lᴏʀᴅ of hosts, the Holy Mountain” (Zech. 1:14–17; 8:2–3). The major word for “jealousy” in the Old Testament can mean “to be zealous.” God’s Name. God declared, “I will be jealous for My holy name” (Ezek. 39:25). The next article will examine the relationship of God’s jealousy to His holy name.

📚 fineweb-pro

ArXiv | Models | Code

fineweb-pro is refined from fineweb(350BT sample) using the ProX refining framework. It contains about 100B high quality tokens, ready for general language model pre-training.


fineweb-pro is based on fineweb, which is made available under an ODC-By 1.0 license; users should also abide by the CommonCrawl ToU: https://commoncrawl.org/terms-of-use/. We do not alter the license of any of the underlying data.


  title={Programming Every Example: Lifting Pre-training Data Quality like Experts at Scale},
  author={Zhou, Fan and Wang, Zengzhi and Liu, Qian and Li, Junlong and Liu, Pengfei},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.17115},
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