I worked in a restaurant and we kept potato skins in every potato dish because there’s no good reason to take them out. </s>
Once did 6,000 deviled eggs for an event. Each one was garnished with exactly 3 caviar eggs and 1 whole watercress leaf. We only had folding dining tables to work on. It was one of the crappiest work days of my career. It took 3 of us about 8 hours to complete. Our backs were collectively destroyed by the end. There were no shortcuts. Boiled and peeled 3,000+ eggs, sliced, filled, garnished. Although i did learn to never go to an event without a case of #10 cans or bricks in the trunk to put under table legs to raise them to proper working height. </s>
<s>[INST] How do restaurants make massive amounts of potato salad or deviled eggs? I just made five pounds of potato salad for Easter dinner and it took about three hours to complete. How do restaurants do it on a bigger scale. Boiling the parts wasn't the time drain, it was peeling a dozen eggs and getting rid of the potato skins. That made me think about deviled eggs with about a hundred eggs, what secret do they use to peel that many eggs? [/INST]
Go buy single use, single serve, aluminum cups. </s>
Rent ramekins from a party supply store? </s>
<s>[INST] what can I do if I'm short 25 ramekins for creme brulee? I've got a party of 50 on Saturday I need a way to make 25 or so more but preferably unmolded or something .any hints or tricks.. I'm short 25 ramekins for creme brulee on Saturday.. any tips or tricks to unmold and hold them them for individual plating.. [/INST]
This is actually a common philosophical question. You can read about it in books about consciousness such as I Am A Strange Loop. One thing to note though. Not only do we all agree on what color something is, everyone also shares a huge amount of connotations associated with the color. We all agree on what different colors and combinations mean, etc. In this way, our experience must be much the same. However, we ultimately don't know what someone's subjective experience is like. Someone else's experience, at its core, could be unimaginably alien to someone else. </s>
There is a YouTube video about it from vsauce, greatly explained that you and I might see the color green and agree that it's green. But your brains converts your green it to something that would be my red. And maybe my red, would be would your brain sees as green and so on. So we agree it's green, but what it looks like might be Vet different. I guess the only thing the same I black and white as they cpintoin all color or none </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old : how are we sure that we all see the same colors ? I'm not sure how should I phrase it but lets give it a try. How are we sure that the color I see as green, for exemple, is the same color as someone else's green? Is it possible that the color I call green is an other color for someone else's eyes but we name it the same because we grew up with people naming this color "green"? I really hope im being clear enough [/INST]
I just mix them all together in one large jar. Saves so much time and space! Seriously though, alphabetical is the only way to go. I do have to redo it every couple months because my kids are dumb, apparently. </s>
I place my most used closer at hand and work my way back to the lesser used ones. </s>
<s>[INST] How do you organize your spices? By use? Alphabetically? Putting most paired together? My spice shelf is a mess and I end up digging around for a while before finding what I need. How do you do it? [/INST]
Lawyer time. Sure this year investments have lost money but before this, but in the 6 years before that the market has done well. No way is it acceptable to have lost 90% whether it be due to fees or bad investments. I wouldn't just be asking for a disbursement, I would be threatening suit. </s>
It depends on the terms of the trust That said, if they're mismanaging the trust, it is possible to get the court to appoint a new trustee in some situations. You should talk to a local estate planning attorney asap </s>
<s>[INST] My FIL left a subsistential amount of money in a irrevocable trust fund, now the financial institution that is trustee is losing it all in investments This started out at close to almost a three-quarters of a million dollars over 7 years ago and it is dwindled down to less than $75,000. Is there any legal action we can take to get all monies distributed immediately? The will specifies that my husband will receive the full amount at age 63, but by then we are afraid it will be emptied. The institution is Simmons Bank who bought it from a different financial institution. [/INST]
It would look like a bunch of guys driving trains. Preferably steam locomotives, in order to satisfy OP's additional/after the fact requirement of being "steamy". </s>
Dilbert and Silicon Valley </s>
<s>[INST] what do you think a tv show about engineers would look like? Doctors, lawyers, cops, and even more professions have tv shows. Why not engineers? If so, what do you guys think it would look like? [/INST]
I have them sharpened when I do my sewing scissors. I take them to the sharpening events at joanns, but other sewing/quilting shops might have events, too. Or you can find a reputable knife shop. I have always failed miserably trying to sharpen scissors myself, so I pay the money to have someone else do them. </s>
In any fine dining restaurant that I've worked in, it's always been Joyce Chen Scissors that have been generally accepted as the gold standard. If you wanted something a bit more heavy-duty then a chef I worked with had these Mac poultry shears that could cut through near enough anything </s>
<s>[INST] Kitchen Scissors: How do i keep the functional/sharp? I'll start by saying I do not use fancy kitchen scissors ; I use KitchenAid Scissors. Out the box they were great, but after about 6 months, they are dull and can't cut my vaccum seal bags. Most other things i would say the scissors tear rather than cut. For culinary folk are there trusted scissors out there? Do you sharpen them like any other knife? Thanks in advance! [/INST]
They are close relatives of the geese and you know how those behave. </s>
It’s a matchmaking duck. The sequels reveal that he was simultaneously bothering a woman working at the nearby store, and this was a long con to get the two humans to meet and fall in love. He might be a benevolent trickster spirit or god of some sort: He will annoy and bother humans, but he has their best interest and happiness in mind. </s>
<s>[INST] [The Duck Song] Why is the duck such an asshole? The Man Running the Stand is just trying to do conflict resolution but the duck just keeps fucking with him. [/INST]
I wanted a cookie shop in the middle of the freeway interchange in Sacramento. Tons of customers go by, it’s always slow, and if they could smell the cookies while sitting in traffic, they would be enticed to buy. I was ~7 yrs old and couldn’t figure out why nobody had done it; it seemed like easy money. </s>
A hybrid vehicle that would work as a car, airplane, boat and submarine. </s>
<s>[INST] What thing you dreamed of inventing as a kid but soon realized it wasn't feasible as an adult? [/INST]
Actually she would be within her rights to ask for half of childcare and expenses too. If you refuse to exercise parenting time, expect to pay as much as possible. You're also likely going to be imputed a higher income because $1000/mo isn't even minimum wage. </s>
Yes, you'll have to support the child you created. </s>
<s>[INST] [TX]I'm leaving my pregnant girlfriend because she refuses to get an abortion. I told her from the beginning I never want kids and if she got pregnant and didn't terminate I'd have nothing to do with her or the kid. Will I only have to pay child support and provide insurance? Also I know I'm a pos please don't remind me. [/INST]
Like other people have said, in the first Raimi movie Norman says how Harry has been to multiple private schools and been kicked out of all of them. Also literally the first time we see Harry he’s asking to not let his classmates see him pulling up to the field trip in a fancy car driven by a professional driver. I think Harry felt embarrassed by the life of privilege he was brought up in so he rebelled against it when he could and hid from it when he couldn’t. </s>
He doesn't. He went to a different school with Gwen Stacy. In the comics Peter and Harry didn't meet until college. </s>
<s>[INST] [Marvel] If Norman Osborn is a multi billionaire then why does Harry go to a normal public school? [/INST]
First thing first. Take photos of all your tools, tool boxes, carts, and bags, every single one. Find any receipts, or any other proofs of purchase and take photos. There's some other good advice here, but you may need an inventory at some point. Might as well make one now. Edit: Also, they can't keep your tools. They can fire you, which may affect your unemployment, but they can't just steal from you. </s>
I would think regardless of what they say, the tools they bought you are theirs, the tools you own are yours. Take the tools you brought from home, leave the tools you had purchased for you. </s>
<s>[INST] Company won't let us take home tools we didn't check in when we started working here. I checked in no tools. What should I do? The company I work for is shutting down it's plant in a little over a month. I am an electrician and I had to provide personal tools. We are now being told anything that wasn't checked in when we came to work they won't let us take home. This isn't good for me because my entire tool set was never checked in. No one said their was an option to do this. They also bought me replacement tools over the years. [/INST]
Most likely, Thomas and Martha wrote Bruce's custody and inheritance in a way designed to protect any adult or family from stealing his wealth/trust. Bruce was sole inheritor of the Waynes in most versions, that makes his custody a big target. There was likely separate clauses for his custody and giving Alfred command of the fortune in Bruce's name. And it'd likely be legally airtight. You'd have to prove Alfred nefarious or negligent to get around it. That ain't happening. </s>
In the original telling he wasn't; Bruce went to live with his Uncle Philip and Alfred went back to Britain for a time to try and pursue his own life. He returned to Gotham only well after Bruce had begun his career as Batman and even after he had recruited Robin. Another fun fact: earlier stories seemed to suggest Alfred's surname is Beagle rather than Pennyworth. No, as far I know, he's not a relation of mine. </s>
<s>[INST] [Batman] Why Was Alfred Given Custody of Bruce? What About Bruce's Family? I understand that Thomas and Martha, being from insanely rich old money type families, would absolutely each have a will in the case of their early passing. And it even makes sense that they would trust him as a legal guardian for Bruce. However, my question comes down to Bruce's other relatives. We know that his mother's side of the family, the Kanes, were still alive, so why weren't they given custody of Bruce or even bother trying to get it? [/INST]
Why are you not surprised no one has been charged? </s>
In this situation you are actually out of luck, the police can hold these items for really any amount of time. Even if they solve/close the case that doesn't mean they have to return it, also if something is seen as relevant to the case (I'd say your pistol) you may not see it back for a number of years or ever. You could attempt to use an attorney to speak with them, however this isn't guaranteed to succeed. </s>
<s>[INST] [VA] My roommate was murdered in our house and the police took a lot of my property as evidence and now will not return my calls. My roommate was shot and killed late last year while I was in the mountains with my girlfriend. The police took a lot of things in the course of their investigation, including my legally purchased pistol, laptop, and the SD card out of my camera. No one has been charged in the investigation, which I'm not surprised about honestly. But the police refuse to return my calls about the return of my stuff. What can I do to get my shit back? [/INST]
Not you, your husband's estate. It is highly suspect that she is making this claim now, soon after his death. </s>
I am not a lawyer Get a lawyer and have him craft a letter to her demanding a paternity test to prove her assertion. I saw this exact same situation here a few months ago and that was the recommendation. I seem to remember once that letter was sent, the person magically disappeared. </s>
<s>[INST] [ca] My husband recently died. I was contacted by a woman claiming to be pregnant with my husbands child. if that turns out to be true: does she have any claim against me for child support? Apart from the fact that there was zero indication that a affair was a possibility and the emotional part of this whole shitty situation, she made it clear to me that she expects help supporting this child she is having. My husband and I had a joint company. Now that he passed away; I own it in full. All his financial assets are now mine as well. She said she is currently 4 months pregnant. After she gives birth.. can she come after me for child support? [/INST]
If you've established diplomatic relations with Latveria, why would you deny it's leader diplomatic immunity? If you don't want Doom to have diplomatic immunity, why open relations in the first place? The more perplexing question, given some of what he's done, is why the U.S. never declared war on Latveria. I can only assume proximity to Russia explains that one. </s>
Originally it was because Kissinger saw Latveria as a plausible ally of convenience against the Eastern Bloc. </s>
<s>[INST] [Marvel Comics] Why on Earth has nobody tried to revoke Doctor Doom's diplomatic immunity? It's explicitly stated that Doctor Doom only gets away with his crimes on account of diplomatic immunity. Why, then, has nobody revoked it? [/INST]
American here who's been to Japan, they typically don't have a huge expectation that you'll know the rules as a westerner and **trying** to do it right is more than enough. Pretty much any polite greeting, "thank you" or "good bye" moment is the right moment for a quick bow. It's kinda like handshakes, sure there's stuff about confident handshakes vs polite vs "this guy's too important for you to stroll up to" but largely as long as you're TRYING to be nice, nobody's worried. </s>
Think of it like a non-English speaker trying to express gratitude by saying "Thank I". It's wrong, and an American saying it would get a very strange look, but from someone who doesn't understand the language, it's completely acceptable and welcomed because it's shows effort and respect. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: How does bowing work in Japanese culture. I've heard there are so many subtleties to bowing that a Westerner should never attempt it. Is this true? What are some of these subtleties? [/INST]
Nothing unless he can prove the seller deliberately hid known issues with the car. Used cars are sold "as is" which is why you should always get them inspected before purchase. </s>
27,000 miles most cares have factory warranties to 36,000 miles that carry with the car to a second owner. Check on that side of paperwork </s>
<s>[INST] Friend (32M) purchased used car 12/22 and it exploded 12/23. What are his options? As the title states, my friend (32M) from Colorado purchased a used vehicle in the state of Texas with 27,000 miles on it. While driving it back home, the vehicle caught fire and burned down on a west Texas interstate. What are his options? [/INST]
Yeah.... Dude would come in at 9 AM, go to lunch around 11 AM, get back from lunch around 1 PM, and go home at 4 PM. During that time he would squeeze in an afternoon nap. As far as I can tell get got zero actual work done in the 5ish years I worked in the office next to his. He got away with it because when he was young he'd actually been brilliant and hard working, and had established himself as "internationally recognized expert". So basically they paid him to say they had a guy like that on staff and to answer a question or two a week if someone had a question. </s>
I swear every civil job I have is wait around for work 50% of the time and 20% scrambling to do it as fast as possible. Staying up all night and waking up early to get it done. </s>
<s>[INST] Have you ever met an engineer coworker who does zero or close to zero work? Have you ever met someone at your company who did 0 or close to 0 work yet never got fired? How did they get away with it? [/INST]
duh. </s>
It is called “work”, not “happy fun time”. </s>
<s>[INST] Is anyone else staying in Engineering solely for the salary? I'm not sure if it's just my job or actual engineering, but I am just losing interest in the technical aspect of engineering, thinking more and more toward a technical job like plumbing, welding, machining. I feel like the only thing really holding me to my current career is the salary. I started at a relatively good rate for my experience and if I were to move out of engineering into anything else most I could hope for would either be insane hours or a SERIOUS pay cut. &#x200B; Anyone else ever feel like this or actually gone through this realization? [/INST]
I didn’t realize the world is actually built on excel </s>
academia: research is focused on improving a numerical method to get 1% more accurate results in some niche application industry: we’re not sure what the boundary conditions are </s>
<s>[INST] What you learnt at school vs the reality of being an engineer? What turned out to be very different in your job compared to how you imagined it would be while you were still a student? What was better than you hoped for? What was a disappointment? What was completely unpredictable? Please share from your experiences :) [/INST]
He’s being literal. We tame the wolf into a dog so that it serves its master without the master having to fear the wolf. Society domesticates man so that man’s less desirable evolutionary instincts are suppressed so that society can exist without fear of the man. Here is a really good visual essay in this exact topic. </s>
I think it's safe to assume in this case that Nietzsche means literally what he says. What is the difficulty here, you say? You might think of it as "humans are controlled". </s>
<s>[INST] What is Nietzsche trying to say in this "Society tames the wolf into a dog. And man is the most domesticated animal of all"? [/INST]
Airborne, stuck on the asphalt and in waterways. And it is pretty toxic material for us and other alive things. </s>
Swept away into waterways and then wherever those waterways lead, usually the ocean. Yes, it's bad for the environment. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: If millions of tires have been worn down on the roads then where does all that worn off rubber go? [/INST]
Communicate clearly and frequently. Don't expect them to infer anything from your behavior or disposition. Unless it's explicitly stated, it doesn't exist. If you want something taken care of, ask for it to be done and also provide a desired completion date/time. </s>
<s>[INST] Any general tips or advice for dating an engineer? This seems like an appropriate place to ask :D Serious answers appreciated but Jokes are also welcome :P [/INST]
They're naturally occurring markings for their species </s>
The answer is a mild spoiler for Tales of the Jedi but it answers your question: The first episode shows >!Ahsoka's birth and she has the markings on her face. They eventually change as she grows older, but they are a natural pigmentation!< </s>
<s>[INST] [StarWars] Are the white marks on Ahsoka's face a natural pigmentation, or does she paint them? Other members of her species have similar markings but all in different patterns. If they are painted on, what is the cultural significance? [/INST]
Confit. Cook an animal in its rendered fat, place it in a clay jar, and pour the fat over the meat. The fat hardens, encasing the meat in an oxygen-free environment. </s>
They also served what they had available. We've created a world where avocados and strawberries are expected year round. I've come to appreciate that certain foods in my area (southern US) are seasonal, like oysters, crawfish, stone crabs, etc. You can find restaurants serving crawfish in August, but thats likely frozen stuff. </s>
<s>[INST] Restaurants and food in the 1500s to 1800s, how did they keep food fresh without refrigeration? I’m curious how food in the 1800s, like pasta, milk, pizza, pies, stew, meats and everything was transported and stayed fresh and how they store it in restaurants and eatery’s? Did a lot more ppl get food poisoning from spoiled food back then? It perplexed me because nowadays everyone is not allowed to leave food out longer than 2 hours according to fda. I’m sure food and restaurants back then left stuff unchilled for days Curious if anyone knows the history of it here, would love to get an insight on what it was like back then …. [/INST]
Mumen Rider from One Punch Man would absolutely be worthy </s>
I believe Mr. Rogers could wield Mjolnir, but in the same way Tom Bombadil could wear the Ring. He's not interested in combat, so he might not be able to summon lightning, but he could pick it up and carry it because goddamn is there anyone MORE worthy? John Brown could definitely use it as well. </s>
<s>[INST] Marvel / General] Who is the weakest character worthy to wield Mjolnir? Just like the title says -- for some reason, Odin's Asgardian magic reaches out across **ALL** of the realms of existence, and a version of Mjolnir manifests in each reality. Across the myriad worlds and dimensions in the omniverse, who is the _weakest_ character who would be worthy to wield the hammer of Thor? (Inspired in part by [this picture.) [/INST]
This is similar to the concept of a landrace, a variety of domesticated animal that has been bred in a certain geographic area without reference to formal breeds or pedigrees and is adapted to the prevailing local conditions. The shorthair is just one of several common cat landraces, according to the Wiki article. Looking through Wikipedia's list of dog landraces, most landrace dogs are medium to large in size and have coats appropriate to the local climate—short in hot climates, fluffy in cold ones. </s>
You can search up "village dogs," the common name for stray/street dogs that live near or in human settlements. They tend to be medium-sized yellow dogs with slim faces and pointy ears, generally. They tend to look the same on pretty much every continent. Here are a few examples: Brazilian street dogs. Indian street dogs. Egyptian street dogs. </s>
<s>[INST] When different breeds of cats reproduce indiscriminately, the offspring return to a “base cat” appearance. What does the “base dog” look like? Domestic Short-haired cats are considered what a “true” cat looks like once imposed breeding has been removed. With so many breeds of dogs, is there a “true” dog form that would appear after several generations? [/INST]
Make congee </s>
Combine it with ground beef and use it to stuff peppers. </s>
<s>[INST] Messed up making rice last night, I’ve got about 5 cups of pretty mushy rice in the fridge. Is it salvageable for another dish? [/INST]
Whatever you do, don't bring up the new job then stay if they don't give you a raise. </s>
Talk to your boss and outline your accomplishments and recent performance reviews (assuming all is positive). Tell him that your current pay is not commensurate with your contributions. You’d like to have your compensation reviewed. Do not threaten or say you will quit, etc. Then listen to the response. If you get negative feedback or an empty promise, it’s time to start looking or accept your current state of employment. </s>
<s>[INST] How do I bring up a job offer to try to have my current company match or increase my salary? I have been offered another job which pays more but unfortunately not exactly in the area of what I want to do. I interviewed to test my skills and see where it would lead to but in the end I’d like to stay with my current company. I would like to bring this up to my employer without sounding like I want to leave. [/INST]
Dracula was able to withstand a blow from the morningstar whip, a weapon that was able to not just kill but complete destroy pretty much every other vampire that it touched. He also managed to hold his own against the trio, and probably could have beaten them, despite not having fed for ages. Even at his weakest he was shown to be vastly more powerful than every other vampire. That's who Alucard came from. Even if Alucard ended up being 1/4 as powerful as Dracula, that's still going to be significantly more powerful than most vampires. </s>
Dhampirs are consistently stronger than vampires across fiction. "Half-human, and half-vampire... is stronger than both. " If you're looking for a scientific-ish reason? Generic diversity helps compensate for common vampire weaknesses. Blade- marvel comics Rayne- bloodrayne franchise Alucard- castlevania anime The freaky cgi baby- twilight </s>
<s>[INST] [Netflix's Castlevania] if he is only half vampire, how come Alucard seems to be stronger than most full vampires? [/INST]
I refuse to work on buildings (structural engineer) because fuuuuuuck architects. </s>
Defense. I don't argue that it isn't needed, and I don't hold any sort of moral judgement against people that work in it. I just wouldn't be comfortable being a part of it. </s>
<s>[INST] What’s one industry related to your major that you refuse to work in and why? [/INST]
asbestos ceiling popcorn </s>
Pretty much every engineering decision I've made when I look back 5 - 10 years. </s>
<s>[INST] What are some dumb design engineering design fails which didn’t seem dumb when designing them? [/INST]
Nope. Company has no loyalty. They pay as little as possible. You only get market rates if you are in the market </s>
When you work so hard for a company that you die in your office, the company will be so heart broken that it will hire someone to replace you </s>
<s>[INST] Anyone get really guilty changing jobs? Has anyone else found themselves racked with guilt whenever they switch jobs? I recently got an opportunity to change into a public sector role that comes with about a 40% pay increase and about 20-30 hours less a week (currently a construction engineer). I feel awful leaving my project team as we're in a busy period & the industry is small enough that those leaving for the public sector tend to be looked down upon (partly within reason - they tend to be bureaucratic and full of cushy lifers) on a reputational basis. Anyone else find the same? [/INST]
This video shows an engineer who made a bike where the handlebars work oppositely to a normal bike and documents the process of learning to ride a bike. He then shows what happens when he tries to go back to a normal bike. It's a fascinating demonstration of brain plasticity and from the looks of the discussion on this thread I think it would interest you guys. </s>
From NASA themselves PDF Warning]: >[The 14 bees aboard STS-3 were observed to walk only on the screen surfaces inside the flight box. They appeared to be unable to cling to the smooth plastic surfaces. **Brief attempts at flight resulted in unstable paths, tumbling about their body axes, and floating with little or no wingbeat. Floating was observed for long durations and appeared to be a result of inability to cling to a smooth surface when they came into contact with it \(with wingbeat ceasing at contact\).** The lack of relative-motion visual stimuli necessary to maintain flight may also have been responsible for the floating responses of the bees. In addition, it may have been that the food supply provided was inadequate for the bees and this may have led to fatigue with resulting poor flight control responses and floating. </s>
<s>[INST] How would a bee (or any flying insect) behave in the microgravity of the ISS? Would flying be somewhat normal? [/INST]
I read on here a week or two ago the same thing and this is what I took from it that people mentioned.... If it's a Teflon pan, you should put the oil in when cold and if it's a non coated pan/cast iron you should heat the pan first and then out the oil. Reason was because the oil will start to smoke before the max safe temp of the teflon pan. Makes sense. But I'm just the messenger </s>
If the non-stick properties of the oil are your priority, then you will probably want to heat the pan, then add the oil. This is because heating the oil along with the pan in some cases can expose the oil to enough heat, for a long enough duration, to start the process of polymerization. The longer you heat the oil, the more thick and gummy the oil will become. Even very slight polymerization can ruin your chances of avoiding eggs or delicate fish sticking to your pan. If utilizing the oil’s anti-sticking properties is not of concern, such as when you’re using a non stick coated pan, it’s arguably more beneficial to heat the oil with the pan for a few reasons. For one, the oil will help to displace some of the heat from your pan to help prevent warping and preserve the quality of the non stick coating for longer. Hope this helps :) </s>
<s>[INST] Is it better to wait for a pan to heat up before adding the oil, or oil it first and then heat it? And what's the reason why? Thank you! [/INST]
As far as I know, most of them come from superstition or folklore. My knowledge is limited on the topic, but there is one trope I can speak to. Sometimes in an anime, you might notice that when a character is being spoken about by other characters, they will do a jump cut to that character sneezing. Or they'll have a conversation play out about a character who's in the next scene, and that scene will start with the sneeze. This trope is because of a Japanese superstition that when you sneeze, it means somebody's talking about you behind your back. </s>
Just for the nosebleed thing, I looked this up recently and it's like an old wives tale that if you have impure thoughts your nose bleeds. Cheers </s>
<s>[INST] [Explain like I'm five years old] Where did some of the more common anime tropes, such as naming attacks or having blood shoot out of a person's nose to show arousal, originate and how did they develop over time? [/INST]
I would say something like “as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community I understand….” or something along those lines. </s>
Use glitter </s>
<s>[INST] How do I say "I'm gay" on a cover letter? [CAN] I'm applying for a job that encourages "under-represented" groups to apply, including "persons of a minority sexual orientation", and it invites applicants to self identify on their resume/cover letter. I've never had to do this before but I will if it helps me get a job. What is the most professional/appropriate way to include this information in a job application? [/INST]
Yes you definitely get more flavor boiling the noodles in the soup instead of water. I, personally, don't find it to be that much a difference. I prioritize having the noodles properly cooked. I hate mushy pasta. Especially if you're talking a big batch to keep for months. </s>
The noodles will be more flavorful if cooked in broth, plus the starch that they release will thicken your soup (assuming everything is assembled on the same pot) If you want more firm, al dente noodles, the only way is to cook them separately to the soup and add it to your bowl directly. If you mix the noodles and soup after they get to room temperature and heat up again to eat, the noodles will get soft. </s>
<s>[INST] Chicken noodle soup: noodles cooked in water or stock So during the winter months in Minnesota I love to make huge batches of soup. I freeze some,I give some away, I save some for later during the week. Here’s my question: clearly if you cook the noodles in the stock and leave them in there they swell up and get ultra soft. Normally I cook them in a separate pot till al dente, and then add them to a dry bowl and ladle over the broth. Would I get more flavor if I cooked the noodles in broth instead of just water? [/INST]
Scabbers, as a hand-me-down, had already been to Hogwarts, could have been "grandfathered" in as being already allowed under old rules. Also, I believe the supply list for years after 1st year do not mention or restrict what familiar a student may have - presumably they'd be continuing with the one they began Hogwarts with but in Ginny's case she didn't get a Pygmy Puff till after her first year so that may have been the loophole. </s>
Dumbledore would not object as he gives no fucks. Hogwarts Deputy Head Minerva might but she's so busy teaching, being the deputy, being the head of Gryffindor House and having to be the one to yell at the Weasley twins yet again that as long as your dog doesn't cause any issues she'll look the other way. </s>
<s>[INST] [Harry Potter] hogwarts acceptance letter says that you are allowed to bring an owl, a cat or a toad. Scabbers was a rat and rats are not mentioned, Ginny brings a Pygmy Puff, also not mentioned. Would Dumbledore object if I brought my chihuahua? He has separation anxiety and he’s (usually) good. [/INST]
No one is productive for 8 hours straight. I would go maybe an hour before I lose focus and do some non work related stuff. </s>
That’s my secret cap’, I’m never productive. </s>
<s>[INST] How do I maintain productivity 8 hours a day?? As the question says, how do I remain productive 8 hours a day. I'm a fairly new grad, been working 2 years and I have a new job which I love. The thing is, all my coworkers seem to be productive 8 hours a day and I can only go like 2-3 hours of consistent work until I lose focus. I don't know if I have ADD, but I have plenty of work to do and I feel like it's impossible to focus for the entire day. I usually get sidetracked or want to check the news, etc. Anyone have tips on how to be consistently productive without burning myself out? [/INST]
J did very well. If you think about what MiB does and what kind of person they need, you'll see that the other more standard and clean cut applicants would not have done well. J showed that he was a faster thinker, more observant, and more open-minded. When your agency is essentially a combination of alien law enforcement and an alien refugee processing center, you want people who don't just fire on every ET they see. </s>
It’s hard to say. He didn’t seem as physically able as the other examinees, but it was pretty clear that he was better than them at everything else. When you’re job involves diplomacy with aliens, you want open-minded people, someone who doesn’t just shoot someone for looking strange. </s>
<s>[INST] [Men in Black] How well do you think Agent J *really* did on his exam? I always got the impression that Agent J's responses to the Men in Black candidate screening were mostly appropriate, and that they were looking for someone like him, someone uniquely measured in his approach to situations. At the same time, I think it is suggested that he was not as qualified as the other guys in the conventional metrics of secret-agenthood. [/INST]
No this is a horrible and unsafe idea. Heat radiates and can catch stuff around it on fire. Not to mention someone can accidentally touch it. When they're on low, you can't tell sometimes with electric. Especially the old one with coils. </s>
If she wants to waste electricity more efficiently why doesn’t she just turn on the oven and leave the door open? </s>
<s>[INST] Is leaving the electric stove top burners on a good idea? Hello /r/askculinary! I have a specific question and I thought you all would know. My mother in law comes over to our house to stay the weekend sometimes. every morning, before everyone has woken up, she turns all four of our electric burners on in our kitchen to "warm the house up". I don't like it, but she does it repeatedly and claims it's safe. She set off the fire alarm this morning! It's annoying regardless, but I'd like to know if there really is a fire hazard here like my mother always told me. Thanks! [/INST]
Did you get covid? </s>
Do you dry roast the spices before you grind them? Normally you heat them up a little in a frying pan first </s>
<s>[INST] Indian food (dals, curries etc) always tasting bland, spiceless and watery no matter how many aromatics I shove in. I can simmer a 2 serving curry for 2 hours with 1 aniseed star, 1 cinnamon stick, 3 cloves, 3 green cardamom, 1 black cardamom, 1 tejpat , 2 curry leaves, 1 inch ginger, 3 garlic cloves, a whole onion and I literally only taste watered down tomatoes. Do you think it might just be my dumbass taste buds?. I go through spices fast and am constantly buying fresh ones, so I don't think it is a symptom of stale spices. [/INST]
If one has only one symptom, I for example am having a sore throat but so far nothing else, should one be wary or is it only when you have several symptoms? I've heard some people barely have any symptoms at all. I'm a little worried, since I live with several others. </s>
How do you know at what point you need to seek medical attention? Is there a point where it is too late? </s>
<s>[INST] Coronavirus (COVID-19) questions? Start here! If you have general questions or are looking for information, is the CDC's website for information, and the WHO also has a site. We can't answer every question, especially those about whether you might or do have a case yourself. For general questions that we might be able to answer and that aren't explained in government and international websites, please ask here. [/INST]
Dividing the 24-hour clock into two periods came about because of sundials. For a couple thousand years, sundials were the main method of timekeeping, so you could only keep accurate time during half the day. The changeover happened at noon (at the sun's highest point) because it's an observable, universal frame of reference. Mechanical clocks kept the division because it's simpler to make a 12-hour clock than a 24-hour one. Obviously the system is obsolete in the age of electronic timekeeping, but it's still a well-established system that most people are familiar with. </s>
Most of the world does use 24 hour time (at least when writing down times). 12 hour time has some advantages (quicker to say, can be more easily shown on an analog clock face), but it's probably mostly historic reasons, just like how the US still uses imperial units. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old Why is 12 hour time even taught? Wouldn’t it just be easier to remember 13:00 instead of 1:00pm? [/INST]
Bender in Futurama, multiple times. Data('s head) in Star Trek TNG. </s>
Marvin the android from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was subjected to this so much that he actually ended up becoming subjectively older than the rest of the actual universe by the time he was done . </s>
<s>[INST] [General] What are some examples of time travel wherein the character travels to past and simply waits to get into present? Like Dr Doom traveled thousands of years in past to learn magic..... and simply waited to get back in 20th century. Or in DC Legends Mick got stranded in 1942 and was put in a stasis till being woken up in 2016. What are some similar examples? [/INST]
I must say, this is by far the greatest subreddit ever made, and it's directly traced back to the steadfast conscientiousness and clarity of the mod team. It's one of the biggest reasons why I still have faith in this platform as a whole, and it's the subreddit that I point to when I am asked what the "ultimate goal" of any community team should strive for, if possible. </s>
More can always be added, but /u/agentdcf presented an early history of the sub and its development at the 2017 NCPH Conference, and the text can be found here. </s>
<s>[INST] Meta: what’s the history of this subreddit? How did it become so heavily regulated, as compared to other subreddits? [/INST]
The hotel is owned by a larger company which is publicly traded. With a single phone call (or text message), Bruce directs Wayne Enterprises to execute a hostile takeover buying shares on the free market. </s>
The Wayne name carries a lot of cache in Gotham. So if Bruce walks up to a manager or the owner with a check that has an absurd number on it, they'll take it at its value and deal with the legalities later. </s>
<s>[INST] [Batman] How is Bruce Wayne able to buy the buildings or establishments so quickly and on the spot? Like that moment in the Gotham tv show where he instantly bought the disco club or when he buys the hotel in Batman Begins. [/INST]
Try talking to the neighbor, most stoners I know tend to be pretty docile nice people, Im sure they'd be horrified to know the impact their smoking is having and would be willing to try to compermise. They wont stop smoking, but changing rooms and habits is very do-able, and of they're not an absolute bastard, they should be willing to work with you. </s>
Have you tried idk talking to them and being a civil human. Seriously, when my first neighbor asked me to stop smoking in the room I smoked I just moved rooms and boom no problems. Simple conversations can go a very very long way. Try that and then come back here </s>
<s>[INST] My neighbor in a non-smoking apartment building is hotboxing my baby's room with marijuana smoke. What can I do to stop my home from filling with marijuana smoke? My downstairs neighbor in a non-smoking apartment building is hotboxing my baby's room with marijuana smoke. I complained to building manager many times and provided photos of the neighbor smoking marijuana. They said they won't do anything despite them knowing the smoking neighbor is breaking their lease. What can I do to stop my home from filling with marijuana smoke? [/INST]
General rule of thumb, most of the stains you're trying to remove require a high pH(more basic/alkaline). Vinegar, being an acid, actually lowers the pH making commercial laundry detergents less effective. The smell is likely coming from your washer itself, which the vinegar helps to remove odors from. Source: I work for company that supplies raw materials for making Laundry Detergents. Edit: Whoa, my first silver! Thanks Anonymous Redditors! Finally putting my chemistry degree to good use. Second Edit: Platinum! You guys are too kind! </s>
Vinegar helps break down protein and minerals, like salt and calcium. So vinegar will help remove smell from dirt, sweat, etc. Because vinegar also breaks down calcium, it softens your clothes and helps clean your washing machine in good shape by preventing scale. Commercial laundry detergents are designed to make your clothes very fluffy and scented and to make you, as a consumer think that scent is a necessary part of cleanliness and therefor keep you buying the product. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why does adding white vinegar to the laundry take care of bad smells and why don't laundry detergents already contain these properties? [/INST]
It’s not strictly true that Africans have no Neanderthal DNA, as some modern humans migrated *into* Africa in prehistory after their ancestors had interbred with Neanderthals, bringing some of that DNA back with them. Homo sapiens also interbred with other homo species unique to Africa that have since died out similar to Neanderthals and Denisovans. Little is known about these other species and this is an exciting field of recent study. </s>
Neandertals did not roam that far and wide. They are not found outside the area from Europe to Siberia to the Levant. The Homo lineage that would lead to Neandertals may have left Africa around 700,000 years ago. After they left, Homo sapiens continued developing in Africa, (with a subset) finally leaving for good around 60,000 years ago. It is thought that they crossed Neandertals, who were now quite different genetically, somewhere in the Middle East, since all non-Africans (East Asians, Australians, Europeans) have this \~2% Neandertal mix. EDIT: (with a subset) </s>
<s>[INST] I’m watching a Spark show on Neanderthals that says most humans have 2-4% Neanderthal DNA, except Africans. Because Neanderthals roamed far and wide, except not to Africa. But didn’t they come from Africa? Didn’t all Homos evolve in Africa? [/INST]
The deaths that come from old age or terminal diseases are most often caused by the failure of some important organ - say the kidneys, or the liver. When these organs shut down, death isn't instant, but since they can't do their jobs, death will soon follow if a transplant can't be done. So when a doctor has an old patient whose kidneys are shutting down, for example, they can say "they're getting close," because death will follow soon after a major organ failure like that, and with a very old patient, transplants or treatments aren't viable. </s>
I'm a GP dealing with a primarily elderly population, and a good rule of thumb is this: If they're clearly getting worse over the course of months, they likely have months. If there's a clear decline over the course of weeks, they likely have weeks. If it's days, they have days. Occasionally, I'll get surprised, and a person who seems to have been stable dies in their sleep. Interestingly, though, the people in these cases frequently seemed to have known that their time was coming in the weeks beforehand, and often may have asked to speak with a priest, or get their affairs in order otherwise. It mainly boils down to experience, trajectory, and listening to your patients. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: How do medical professionals seem to accurately predict when someone “is getting close “ to dying when the cause of death is vague such as old age or a long suffered disease? [/INST]
Good enough for government work </s>
A raw translation: "you can try to fuck physics but no child will come of it". In my mother tounge it sounds hilarious, also deeply true imo </s>
<s>[INST] What’s your favorite quote from your engineering seniors? As a new EE, mine is: “Ugly is not a defect” - Senior Mechanical Engineer. [/INST]
I am not a lawyer but I know that there is no statute of limitations on child support due in CA. Assuming you were the beneficiary of your mother’s estate, perhaps you could sue his estate for the money owed your mother? </s>
Estate attorney here....challenge the trust. Nothing to lose. Trustee will settle for a chunk of money. </s>
<s>[INST] Deadbeat dad ditched my mom when she was pregnant with me 50 years ago (they were married). No child support, no nothing. Now he’s dead and left a 1M+ estate to a charitable trust. In the trust he stated he had no children. Do I have any recourse? State is California. [/INST]
High achieving teenager, popular in high school, always busy? I'd bet she's burned out, suffering from anxiety and suppressed PTSD, never able to reach the highs she achieved in high school </s>
Kim delivers sushi. Last year my kid and I were behind a lady at a sushi place. She had long red hair and wore a black tee, and green cargo pants. We were like "OMG that's Kim Possible." If she heard us she didn't react. She just pick up the delivery order and left. </s>
<s>[INST] [Kim Possible] So, Kim is somewhere in her thirties now. What is she up to these days? [/INST]
Yes. Damn cancer researchers, soaking up all that valuable funding for unimportant things like "saving lives" and "making the world a better place". *I'm not bitter I swear* </s>
Assistant Prof here. Yes. I feel like I know nothing. </s>
<s>[INST] Do you get jealous of people who study what you don't? I am a doctoral student studying climate change. I know academicians aren't supposed to be experts on all topics out there. Although, I have this constant thought in the back of my head that it's sad that I don't know topics such as machine learning, quantum mechanics etc in detail although I don't have to. Does anybody here feel the same way? That we are missing out on 'cool stuff'? [/INST]
My aunt used to make these little spinach puffs. take a mini muffin liner, put the pepperoni in the bottom, top it with a creamed spinach and parmesan mixture. bake until the spinach puffs a bit and there's good color. Eat them by the dozen. </s>
At the risk of stating the obvious, pizza </s>
<s>[INST] We just got about 10 pounds of sliced pepperoni... Please suggest us some things to do with all this pepperoni. I don't want to grow tired of eating it bc I love it but crispy pepperoni sandwiches will only go so far before we're tired of them and it's only been 2 days. Please help. I'm going to freeze a lot but also want to try some new things while we have a surplus. [/INST]
My bet is Uru-Vibranium alloy, so that it could hold both enchantments and super-tech hardening. </s>
Vibranium is the strongest metal ON EARTH (there are some claims by people that it's the strongest in the universe but I take that with a bit of salt) , we know he had the gauntlet by 2015 it's not unreasonable that he picked up some Uru metals or who knows what other exotic materials he may have come across. </s>
<s>[INST] [MCU][Spoiler?] The fuck was Thanos' sword made out of in endgame?! Is there an official answer? [/INST]
They used a lot of stock phrases. From wikipedia's article on cliché: The word cliché is drawn from the French language. In printing, "cliché" was the sound a printing plate cast from movable type made when it was used. This printing plate is also called a stereotype. When letters were set one at a time, it made sense to cast a phrase used repeatedly, as a single slug of metal. "Cliché" came to mean such a ready-made phrase. Le Dictionnaire Larousse suggests that the word "cliché" comes from the verb "clicher" (to attach movable types to a plate), which in turn is an onomatopoeia that imitates the clicking sound made by the printing plates when in use. </s>
A much larger staff then they currently use. Now due to technology they can directly print onto the plates the press uses instead of having to use a UV burner. Before that technology they would actually take pieces of paper and place them on a blank then take a picture of it and use the negatives to create plates. Basically way more people with very specified jobs. A crew that used to be 50 people are now 5. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Before computers, how were newspapers able to write, typeset and layout fully-justified pages every 24 hours? [/INST]
I heard that sign is not about raw eggs but about raw flour that might contain ecoli. The salmonella isnt actually in the eggs but rather on the shell. </s>
The realistic is that eating raw eggs is actually quite safe. There's an extremely small chance the egg could have some issue (generally salmonella), but its incredibly small as there is tons of processes in place from the farm all the way until it arrives in your fridge at home designed to keep eggs safe to eat, even raw. The prohibition and fear of raw eggs is an insane, and almost completely unfounded overreaction. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why is raw egg white okay to drink in fancy cocktails but considered dangerous when eating raw cookie dough? People always freak out about eating raw cookie dough for fear of salmonella due to the raw eggs. Yet raw egg whites have been a common ingredient in fancy cocktails for ages and its never been questioned or regarded as dangerous. What gives? [/INST]
Not a vet: is this a risk you really want to take? </s>
ABSOLUTELY GET RID OF THEM. Lillies are so toxic to cats that even one bite of a leaf can kill them. Do not keep ANY plants that are toxic to cats if you don’t have a 100% foolproof method of keeping the cat away from them!! </s>
<s>[INST] I have a two year old cat. How bad is it to keep lilies or dandelions if she shows no interest in them I’ve read that these plants are poisonous if ingested, but haven’t seen much professional literature on them. I want to understand if these plants are okay to keep in the house if kept far away from her. [/INST]
Imagine Michael Scott trying to say that an attempt at humor was unprofessional and inappropriate. </s>
Money. Jim is one of Dunder Mifflin's biggest earners. If I remember correctly, the three best salesman in the company are Jim, Dwight, and Stanley(And before he got promoted to manager, Michael was the best Dunder Mifflin salesman *ever*). Even though the Scranton branch is dysfunctional as hell, they are the only branch making any significant money for the company, so they are given a lot of leeway. </s>
<s>[INST] [The Office] Why does Jim never face any penalties for his pranks against Dwight? So some of his pranks aren't that crazy like just showing up dressed as Dwight and imitating him, others can be really hard to trace back like putting quarters in his phone to make him bonk himself in the face after they're removed, but some pranks are just unquestionably unprofessional and pretty easy to trace back to Jim like moving Dwight's entire desk to the bathroom and acting smug about it.. Dwight is entirely right it's extremely unprofessional and severely impacting his ability to work for no reason. [/INST]
They can't build hovercrafts, they can only repair them with whatever scrap they can find. They're left there by the Machines at the start of each cycle. They wear rags because they can't grow plants on the scale needed to make fashion. They're really bad at farming down there, to the point where bread is a once-a-year event. </s>
Fashion? There's lots of tech to salvage from the machines to make subs, but the machines have little need for fabrics. </s>
<s>[INST] [Matrix Series] Why does everyone in Zion wear rags, when they have the capacity to build flying submarines, why can't they sort out some decent clothes? [/INST]
If they’re using it to prevent further harm then I’d say yes. An example would be if a criminal/villain is holding hostages and the hero simply tells them to let the hostages go and surrender peacefully. </s>
I mean does he have to be a superhero? Somebody with Kilgrave's powers could make a killing as a lifestyle coach. Just schedule an in-person meeting where you and your client review the plan for the day. Make sure to flat out say *work out, don't eat junk food, go to bed early* in the self-improvement speech and boom you're client is(forcefully) practicing healthy habits every day. Make up some bullshit about how the in-person meetings energize and motivate your customers and you're good. As a super hero he'd be useful for de-escalating situations. Just put him in some armor that still lets the pheromones out but keeps him safe and get him close to the villains and tell them to cool their shit. </s>
<s>[INST] [MCU/Jessica Jones]would it be possible for a superhero to ethically operate with Kilgrave’s power? I mean given how the MCU works would a hero with those powers have to order the bad guys to kill them selves [/INST]
Tom Nook has, for decades, provided interest free loans with no due date, to complete strangers. In the past, he has offered employment (and training). In one of his earliest investments, Nook built four houses, and he was willing to basically give them away to the first four strangers to ask. Nook is a capitalist in what is (effectively) a post scarcity society. Most of his goods are QoL, not necessities. He runs his business for fun, and donates most of his profits to an orphanage. </s>
Children: I have to pay back a loan?!? But it's so much money!!! Adults: You mean this is an interest-free, no-pressure, no-minimum, pay-when and pay-what you want loan? </s>
<s>[INST] [Animal Crossing] Is Tom Nook actually as bad as he's made out to be? So, I'm no animal crossing expert. But my friends who play it are pretty evenly divided between "loan-shark slum lord" and "fair and compassionate businessman who's unfairly demonized". And the fandom discussions I've seen are basically the same. So now, as someone who know little about the game, I'm curious. *Is* Nook the corrupt corporate banker pop culture portrays him as? Or is he just a hard-working raccoon who's the victim of cruel slander? [/INST]
Because "do" and "did" are two different words. That may have been the tradition in the past under T'chaka, but it is not the tradition in the present under T'challa. </s>
Banner is not a Wakandan subject. T’Challa is trying to diplomatically tell him not to do that again, while preserving his feelings. </s>
<s>[INST] [MCU: Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity War] Why does King T'challa tell Banner, "We do not do that here.", when Rhodie tricks Banner into bowing, yet King T'chaka's brother bows when they meet in the apartment just before the former kills the latter? [/INST]
There is no canon answer for this. Presumably the hand is still stuck on school or mortal peril. There is an argument for the hand moving to home because we know that the afterlife is a definitive thing in the Harry Potter universe (although we don't know what form it takes, we do know that it exists). However such an argument is not particularly strong given the lack of evidence. </s>
Probably stuck in "Lost". </s>
<s>[INST] [Harry Potter] What happened to Fred’s hand on the Weasley clock? Mrs. Weasley’s clock showed everyone’s current status; (Home, Traveling, etc)…. after he died during the Battle of Hogwarts, did the hand disappear? Did it stick around as a grim reminder until it was fixed to be removed? [/INST]
You need to go to the emergency room as soon as possible </s>
Hospital. </s>
<s>[INST] black vomit I’m 20F, 5’1”, and weigh around 105lbs. Last night I was feeling very nauseous and I threw up twice. I barely ate yesterday but my vomit was black and the second time I threw up it was more of a brown color. I take birth control pills every day. I’m not having a lot of abdominal pain, but it feels more like period cramps, which I’ve been taking ibuprofen for. I haven’t thrown up again since. I’m not sure what I should do. [/INST]
In Denmark we have a “best before often good after” expiration date to tell consumers not to stress about the date, but use their senses in stead. Edit:Yes yes, I spelled senses wrongly. Thanks for the great scrip! </s>
Honey is a super saturated sugar solution. The reason it's so resistant to spoiling is that it is so saturated that it draws all the water out of any bacteria effectively killing it. The only real exception is botulinum, which can live dormant as a spore which is resistant to those forces. This is why you can't give honey to babies under 1 year old, they are not immune to it yet </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: They said "the water doesn't have an expiration date, the plastic bottle does" so how come honey that comes in a plastic bottle doesn't expire? [/INST]
Weirdly, looking it up, it seems the general consensus is there are two magic swords that are both coincidentally called Excalibur. </s>
So here’s the thing Arthurian myth is pretty haphazardly stitched together from various stories and making an official canon is basically folly. As a general rule, the sword Arthur gets from the Lady of the Lake is always identified as Excalibur, and the sword in the stone isn’t In Boorman’s 1981 “Excalibur,” both are the same sword; the Lady agrees to remake it after Arthur foolishly breaks it in an act of pride, for which he humbly atones </s>
<s>[INST] [Arthurian Legend] Which sword is Excalibur? The sword in the stone? Or the sword from the Lady in the lake? Are they somehow the same sword? [/INST]
One guy on here started a post and said he uses 69 in a dimension whenever possible, even if it means he has to add weird tolerances, like 1.69+0.06-0.04 instead of 1.70+-0.05 Based on the many replies, this is apparently pretty common. </s>
My dissertation involved propane-air combustion and in the experimental setup chapter, specifically discussing the hardware systems, I snuck in the phrase, "propane and propane accessories." </s>
<s>[INST] What small things have you put in projects just for giggles Today I was labeling parts on a picture for work institutions on Microsoft word. I decided to use comic sans as the font because, well, everyone hates comic sans. What small things have you done at work just to entertain yourself? [/INST]
Tim Drake did recognize the first Robin as Dick Grayson. But it wasn't because of his face. It was because of his quadruple summersaults. Gotham is a big city, and there's lots of people who look like the Robins, and everyone is paying more attention to Batman, so it's not a likely way to be recognized. </s>
I always thought it was so robin would get everyone's attention allowing batman to do his stealth thing. Basically bait. </s>
<s>[INST] [Batman] Why does Batman get a cowl and fancy gadgets on his suit while Robin has a partial mask that does nothing to conceal his identity and is also fighting crime in tights? Is Bruce too cheap to have given Robin(s) a better facial disguise and a similar suit to his? [/INST]
I don´t think having a tattoo is a problem in nowadays workplace. I have a small tattoo in my arm and I never thought about it like an unprofessional gesture. </s>
Na I got a sleeve. Engineers don’t care </s>
<s>[INST] Would a small tattoo behind my ear be unprofessional? I’m half deaf and want a muted speaker I know face, neck, and hand tattoos are bad news. I was seeking input if this functional tattoo would be an exception or not [/INST]
Because your disease knows everything you know, doesn't mind lying to you, and never goes to sleep. The disease wants to stay and will do anything it can to keep going, because it thinks that it's helping you. Humans are social animals, and are supposed to interact with others on a regular basis. The normal response to having negative feelings is to seek out a friend, relative, and/or spiritual adviser. Isolating is the way the disease keeps itself strong. </s>
"we are a very intelligent species, yet we can barely recognize what's going on inside our kidneys, lungs, liver and heart". The brain can "misbehave" or behave in a way which breaks your function in society or with your peers or lead to very poor personal functioning in your own life ( definition of mental health issues?). You may not be able to figure out what's wrong with you or your behavior patterns all by yourself or it may prove to be very difficult or slow. Therapists are just like a third party which will help you along to figure things out in your mind. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why can’t we just do therapy on ourselves? Why do we need an external person to help? We are a highly-intelligent species and yet we are often not able to resolve or often even recognize the stuff going on in our own heads. Why is that? [/INST]
Marvel's Champion of the Universe is like that. He just likes fighting anyone and everyone that could provide a physical challenge to prove he's the best. He's famn strong too, especially when he had the power gem (although, I'm not sure he knew to consciously wield it) </s>
Batroc the Leaper (Captain America foe) has a lot of that. He’s a mercenary mostly because he enjoys action. He relishes a challenging opponent, only wants fair fights, and has a good ol’ time doing so. We see him frequently take jobs because it will bring him in conflict with Cap, and it’s not out of revenge. Batroc usually seems to like Cap quite a bit and respects any capable foe. </s>
<s>[INST] [Marvel/DC] Are there any heroes or villains who are only concerned with testing the limits of the powers? I'm wondering if there are any beings that are only concerned with finding out how strong they truly are. They're not looking for power or wealth or eternal life or revenge, nor are they defending realities or sticking up for the little guy. Just fighting for the sake of fighting, and are powerful enough to kick some ass too. [/INST]
Because Hughie ISN'T Billy. For all the hate and anger he had, for all the parallels to their situation, he isn't him. He doesn't want to kill or even let someone die. Look at how he felt after killing Translucent. That was his taste of what he could do to A-Train. And he doesn't want to keep doing that. Which is why he starts leaving into Starlight more as he wants justice and not revenge. </s>
It's easy to wish harm on someone when they aren't there, and they're just an abstract concept for you to direct your anger toward. It's a lot harder to physically harm a flesh and blood human being who is right in front of you. </s>
<s>[INST] [The Boys TV Show] Why did Hughie try to help A-Train when he collapsed? In the Season 1 finale of The Boys, when A-Train attacked Hughie and Starlight, he collapsed on the ground from abusing Compound-V. When this happens, Hughie of all people tries to give A-Train CPR and tell Starlight to get help. Why? Hughie's motive throughout the story was exacting revenge on A-Train for killing Robin, so why try to save the man he's made it his mission to destroy? [/INST]
Pretty much nil. For a short time in the comics he lost his Spider Sense. He strayed webslinging like normal and like face-planted, as his web hit something that pulled loose. He realized that for his entire career his Spider Sense had been preventing him from doing that. So Jake with his morning office and cell phone leaning out his window is perfectly save from that friendly neighborhood Spider Man. Not that JJ would concede the point. Drivers and pedestrians are endangers by his distracting and inconsiderate means of getting around. How many car accidents have been caused by that blue and red menace over the years? </s>
Stan Lee used to have a “Stan’s Soapbox” column where he’d write about various topics (comics and otherwise), and I remember someone wrote in and asked if pigeons got stuck in Spider-Man’s old webs. He said the pigeons would get stuck for an hour or two until the webbing dissolved, and while they were stuck they would think about how crazy life in a big city was. So as soon as they got free, they’d fly away to the country and live happily ever after! </s>
<s>[INST] [Marvel] What are the odds that Spiderman has webbed some poor bloke on a balcony and swung on him? Just been thinking about it and Spiderman really seems to just spray and swing and we seldom see the receiving end of his web. [/INST]
For a non powered person Homer Simpson has to be up there. The guy lucked himself into space among other things. </s>
Some candidates might be... * Teela Brown from Ringworld, whose luck is either really strong or *really, really* strong depending on your reading of events * Longshot from X-Men whose luck is a bit stronger than Domino's, who's also worth a mention </s>
<s>[INST] [General] Who’s the luckiest character in fiction? [/INST]
In the words of Zaraki Kenpachi - everyone is weak at the eye A good knife or sword through his eye should do the trick </s>
If Supernatural has taught me anything... it’s that a woodchipper will kill anything that claims to be unkillable. </s>
<s>[INST] [MCU] I come across Thanos completely vulnerable and unconscious. I’m just a normal guy. Given an hour, is there any way for me to kill him without some sort of power or advanced weaponry? [/INST]
Did I turn off my stove? Also, dark matter, that's what I work on. </s>
Why does ξ have to be used for everything? </s>
<s>[INST] What’s the greatest mystery that keeps physicists up at night? [/INST]
The child would have other people from which to take their social cues </s>
It's not really that more damaging than life on the Outer Rim in general. </s>
<s>[INST] [The Mandalorian] If a Mandalorian were raising a child and never took off his helmet, what kind changes would that have to the child's development? Lets say the parenting is all normal, except for always having a mask on, so no facial recognition and no facial expressions [/INST]
becasue they are igniting their own chi. the others basically work by putting their chi in the element around them, but the fire benders bend their own chi and energy and turn that into fire. so they while they can all generate energy, they cant generate matter. and since the fire benders are the only ones not bending matter (well, they can bend matter in the shape of a already existing flame) they can create their own element </s>
Unlike the other mythic elements, fire isn't really a substance but an event (a chemical reaction). Thus it's the only one that **can** be created. Other people here have explained how it's possible. If you want symmetry you can think of air bending as actually being wind bending, since they can't lock there elements in place like earth or water(via freezing) bending. </s>
<s>[INST] [ATLA] Why are fire benders the only ones who can spontaneously generate their element? In the Avatar universe, fire benders are able to spontaneously generate their element. They can actually conjure fire from nowhere. Other benders however, are limited to manipulating existing sources of their element. We see this reinforced several times. Katara always carries a waterskin with her so she has water to bend at all times. Earth benders are imprisoned at sea away from sources of earth to bend. So why is fire different? [/INST]
He’s won at least one Pulitzer Prize and is fairly respected in his field he’s just not really a popular name everyone knows like Lois </s>
Clark actually has a pretty remarkable career in journalism, he just gets overshadowed by being married to / working with Lois, who is a more successful and more flamboyant journalist. This helps his disguise in the opposite way of what you’re thinking. If no one could name an article Clark wrote and he never made any accomplishments or got any accolades, someone might wonder what he’s doing all the time, but with him seemingly being a busy, successful reporter, that’s one more reason he couldn’t possibly be moonlighting as Superman. </s>
<s>[INST] [Superman] Does Clark Kent have an unremarkable career in journalism on purpose so he doesn't stand out too much? [/INST]
Reviewers insisting you cite *their* work in your paper-to-be. People publishing half a dozen papers on the same thing, in different journals, just modifying their system a little bit, self-plagiarizing entire paragraphs from the introduction ond methods. Cliques among grant proposal reviewers pushing their friends' proposals and knocking down prospective proposals of those outside the clique. </s>
The expectation (and obligation) to do free addition work in an already underpaid job. I mean this for grad students, post docs and most faculty. </s>
<s>[INST] What are some uncomfortable truths in academia? People have a tendency to ignore the more unsavory aspects of whatever line of work you're in. What is yours for academia? [/INST]
In the novelization, it’s mentioned at the beginning that mogwai become calmer and kinder as they age, and that Gizmo is rare in that he SURVIVED at all. Their mischievousness and pranking can and does backfire. </s>
I always thought that Gizmo was the "faulty" mogwai because he *wasn't* an asshole, and his spawn are "normal" mogwai. </s>
<s>[INST] [Gremlins] Why is Gizmo so nice and sweet, but its “spawn” are really mean? Do Mogwai reproduce other than water? Does water replication cause faulty Mogwai? If you want more Mogwai to sell, why not use water? [/INST]
He didn't care. Also none of his "children" were actually made "the old fashioned way," they were all clones. </s>
To be fair, we don't know that he *liked* it, simply that he *did* it. I always got the vibe of more "necessary step as part of his various schemes" then "hey baby is that a lightsabre in your pocket or are you just happy to see me", you know? He didn't seem to particularly care- as revealed in the sequel trilogy and possibly hinted at in the original, he didn't plan on staying in this body for too much longer anyway. </s>
<s>[INST] [Star Wars] Just on a personal level, was Palpatine bummed that the Jedi attack on his life left him "scarred and deformed"? Is he bummed that the Galactic Senate interns aren't gonna giggle and smile when he slaps them on the butt and calls them "sweet cheeks" when they bring him documents now? We know from the sequel trilogy that the dude likes to get busy and create life...the old-fashioned way. So is his ego hurt? Did the scars bruise his vanity? [/INST]
Not a cave painting but the Indus seals from 2500bc have a single horned animal on them which are known as the unicorn. It might be a creation or something that went extinct (doubtful as no fossils have been found). The body is like that of a cattle as well. </s>
There are Ancestral Puebloan and Fremont petroglyphs of desert bighorn in Utah. Desert bighorn were near-extinction by the turn of the 20th century but have since been making a resurgence through human-assisted relocation projects. Source: I’m an archaeologist. </s>
<s>[INST] Are there any extinct animals recorded in cave paintings that we don't otherwise know about? Could there be cave paintings containing animals we haven't found fossil records for yet? And if there were, how would we tell if the animal being depicted was actually real and not some made up creature? [/INST]
No I don’t think so as they have to be invited by the owner. A search warrant doesn’t give Permission from the owner rather the government has decided it’s ok. </s>
No. While a warrant is a judge giving Officer Nosferatu permission to enter a dwelling, it isn’t the judge’s home. If it worked like that, the bloodsuckers would have discovered that little loophole ages ago. </s>
<s>[INST] [General Vampires] Could a vampire cop enter a house without permission if they had a search warrant? Although come to think of it; a fake search warrant might do just as well. [/INST]
The law often isn't a crisp line. Usually in cases of private rights vs the public good there's a lot of wiggle room that has to be decided in court. In this case they evidently didn't win, based on the outcome, but it wasn't a foregone conclusion. Tony could have agreed, in which case they were right to ask. Or it could have gone to court and the judge might have agreed with the government's case, in which case they were right to ask. </s>
Depends on a couple different things: * The terms of the Stark Industries DoD contract that he was under while he was in captivity and built the first suit. * The laws regarding possession and operation of a purpose-built weapon. Obviously, the first doesn't apply to the later suits he built after he canceled the contract and started making new versions of the suit, but the second could definitely pose a problem. Senator Stern does have Rhodey quote his report saying that Tony, not operating under any branch of the government (again, this is before he joins SHIELD in the first Avengers film), represents a potential threat to the stability of the nation. </s>
<s>[INST] [MCU] Did the US Government have a legal right to ask Tony Stark to give up the Iron Man suit? I’m talking about Iron Man 2, btw. [/INST]
Absolutely nothing. They are just manafacturing artefacts, either injection ports, or air escape ports, rubber stays behind when the tire is removed from the mold. They do no harm, they usually wear out after a few miles, and everyone's happy. Manafacturer didn't waste time/manpower to remove something that's completely irrelevant, and the customer gets an indicator that the tire is brand new. EDIT: Thanks for the rewards and the upvotes. To add some more info from people who actually work in tire industry down below: these are air vents, so that when the tire is shaped against the mould, air can escape, and due to pressure some rubber starts pushing out also. This is not universal to all tires, some use a different mould that does not leave these artefacts. </s>
They don't have a purpose, they are just leftovers from the manufacturing process. As rubber is injected into a mold, there are vent holes that allow air to escape, so no bubbles end up within the tire and weaken it. A little bit of rubber goes out these holes as well, producing the hairs you see on the tire. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old What is the purpose of the little individual hairs on tires? [/INST]
You can divide forest in 3 types Primary(Old Forest), Secondary(Middle age forest) and Tertiary(Young forest) Primary= Virgin and old forest with big trees that blocks sunlight and very little undergrowth. Secondary = Forest that have been intervene by humans or natural disasters such as fires, the sun can reach the ground and there is a good amount of undergrowth. Tertiary= New forest with a lot of sunlight reaching the ground and lots of undergrowth. Of course there are exceptions like tropical forest. Edit: Typos and I add other information </s>
In my area(the north eastern US) the forests have little undergrowth because people have removed the apex predators and deer are allowed to breed mostly uncontrolled and they eat most of the young plants </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old: Why do some forests have undergrowth so thick you can't get through it, and others are just tree trunk after tree trunk with no undergrowth at all? [/INST]
In addition to all the other good answers I can see, I also want to point out the survivorship bias inherent in your question--if someone gets a really good facelift that DOESN'T look unnatural, you probably wouldn't realize that you're looking at someone who's had a facelift. You only notice the people who have not-so-natural looking facelifts. </s>
Older skin isn’t just sagging, it has different properties compared to younger one. Like not so elastic, thinner and a bit translucent. There’s no way around it really. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old:Why do facelifts look so unnatural? What prevents plastic surgeons from making seniors look like they did when they were 30? When a 70 year old gets a facelift and plastic surgery, it looks like a 70 year old who had a facelift. Why is it impossible to convincingly reverse the effects of aging by tightening skin and re-sculpting? [/INST]
The unofficial term for it is going "tharn." Coined by Richard Adams in Watership Down. Don't know what the scientific term is. There's reasons to believe that humans also exhibit a form of this, where under periods of immense stress a person just shuts down. </s>
Same reason rabbits do, I'd think. "Oh shoot, there's a human. He doesn't see me. He doesn't.... ooop.... he's too close! RUN!" </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old Why do hamsters (and possibly other rodents too) sometimes freeze, motionless, for seemingly no reason? [/INST]
I think so. Spider-Man said Dr. Strange told them it had been five years but not the time heist, so I don’t think anyone knew until after the fight. Some might have figured something was different, but not the actual situation. </s>
Wanda's *"You took everything from me"* line may or may not have been an indication of this. Like others mentioned, I'd assume Strange quickly explained the basics of "Thanos and his army are attacking, so gear up and let's finish this" without going over which Thanos, how much time has passed, etc. </s>
<s>[INST] [Avengers: Endgame] One shower thought I had; Did the heroes who returned 5 years later think they were fighting present Thanos? I mean, maybe they didn't even find out about time travel until after the battle was over. [/INST]
A key part of his plan was to change peoples natures through the shock of the snap such that they would rebuild in a manner that would prevent the ills of the past from reoccurring. That’s why he just didn’t simply double the resources of the universe, it would have just kicked the can down the road </s>
He expected praise and adoration from a saved populace after they got over the initial shock. He wanted them to remember what they lost, what they gained, and who was solely responsible for what he considered their new bounty. </s>
<s>[INST] [MCU] Why didn't Thanos use the snap to also erase the memories/records/etc the survivors had of those snapped so they wouldn't be missed? [/INST]
Inbreeding isn't as big a deal as people make it out to be. It means a population will suffer lower surviving numbers of offspring, but most species produce many more offspring than would normally survive. In an environment with few predators, competitors, or diseases (like some non native habitats, many islands, or captivity) a species may lose more offspring due to genetic problems, but that can easily be outweighed by losing many fewer to those other factors. As long as the environment is good, it's pretty common for populations to be founded by a few individuals. </s>
Inbreeding leads to homozygosity. But as long as those alleles aren’t problematic, it’s not in and of itself harmful. Most humans carry a handful (single digit number) of homozygous lethal alleles so inbreeding with a close family member is often lethal or very bad. Not sure what the case is for hippos. Fun fact: most lab rat strains are so inbred as to be effectively clonal. </s>
<s>[INST] How are the Columbian Hippos (Escobar's Hippos) not horribly inbred if they started from a population of 4? As per title, even if hippos don't suffer from inbreeding to the same extent, surely over so many generations it has to have some effect? Estimates put the population at around 100 with potential to grow higher. [/INST]
Vader: "I wonder if there's such a thing as a Force exorcism." </s>
Oh, Vader absolutely knows all the ways his life sucks. It would at most be an annoyance. As someone else in this thread mentions it would probably be emotionally harder on Obi-Wan than on Vader. </s>
<s>[INST] [Star Wars] If Obi-Wan’s force ghost started following Vader around and criticizing every aspect of his life, how would this affect his work ethic? Assuming Vader and everyone around him can see and hear Obi-wan. [/INST]
I guess it's too late now but you could've drained them and started with new water. Or be really gentle with them before roasting them so as not to amplify the mush effect </s>
Can use vinegar to neutralize. The ~~low~~ high pH caused by excess baking soda may make them taste soapy or bitter. </s>
<s>[INST] What happens if you put too much baking soda into a pot of boiling potatoes? I might have accidentally put 5 times more than I sould have into a pot of 20kg potatoes and they are boiling now. Any tips, advices? [/INST]
It’s been touched on a bit already, but the real art to engineering isn’t making something that’s structurally sound, it’s making something that’s barely structurally sound. If you place enough concrete or stones you’ll probably eventually get something that will stand, but modern engineering is more calculated and often only uses the amount of material needed for the purposes of the structure in order to save costs. Typically there is also a factor of safety that engineers use so even structures today you could say are technically “over engineered”, but the factor of safety helps give that buffer for extraneous circumstances. </s>
They built it and if it fell over it wasn’t structurally sound. If it didn’t fall over they copied it. </s>
<s>[INST] Explain like I'm five years old : how did people in the past ensure that a building/structure will be structurally sound? [/INST] exists but content is empty. Use the Edit dataset card button to edit it.
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