10 values
5 values
#include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctype.h> #include <getopt.h> #include <signal.h> #include <RPI/Top/RPITopologyAc.hpp> RPI::TopologyState state; // Enable the console logging provided by Os::Log Os::Log logger; void print_usage(const char* app) { (void) printf("Usage: ./%s [options]\n-p\tport_number\n-a\thostname/IP address\n",app); } // Handle a signal, e.g. control-C static void sighandler(int signum) { // Call the teardown function // This causes the Linux timer to quit RPI::teardown(state); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { I32 option = 0; while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "hp:a:")) != -1){ switch(option) { case 'h': print_usage(argv[0]); return 0; break; case 'p': state.portNumber = static_cast<U32>(atoi(optarg)); break; case 'a': state.hostName = optarg; break; case '?': return 1; default: print_usage(argv[0]); return 1; } } (void) printf("Hit Ctrl-C to quit\n"); RPI::setup(state); // register signal handlers to exit program signal(SIGINT,sighandler); signal(SIGTERM,sighandler); // Start the Linux timer. // The timer runs on the main thread until it quits // in the teardown function, called from the signal // handler. RPI::linuxTimer.startTimer(100); //!< 10Hz // Signal handler was called, and linuxTimer quit. // Time to exit the program. // Give time for threads to exit. (void) printf("Waiting for threads...\n"); Os::Task::delay(1000); (void) printf("Exiting...\n"); return 0; }
#ifndef RPITopologyDefs_HPP #define RPITopologyDefs_HPP #include "Fw/Types/MallocAllocator.hpp" #include "Os/Log.hpp" #include "RPI/Top/FppConstantsAc.hpp" #include "Svc/FramingProtocol/FprimeProtocol.hpp" #include "Svc/LinuxTimer/LinuxTimer.hpp" namespace RPI { namespace Allocation { // Malloc allocator for topology construction extern Fw::MallocAllocator mallocator; } namespace Init { // Initialization status extern bool status; } // State for topology construction struct TopologyState { TopologyState() : hostName(nullptr), portNumber(0) { } TopologyState( const char *hostName, U32 portNumber ) : hostName(hostName), portNumber(portNumber) { } const char* hostName; U32 portNumber; }; // Health ping entries namespace PingEntries { namespace rateGroup10HzComp { enum { WARN = 3, FATAL = 5 }; } namespace rateGroup1HzComp { enum { WARN = 3, FATAL = 5 }; } namespace cmdDisp { enum { WARN = 3, FATAL = 5 }; } namespace cmdSeq { enum { WARN = 3, FATAL = 5 }; } namespace chanTlm { enum { WARN = 3, FATAL = 5 }; } namespace eventLogger { enum { WARN = 3, FATAL = 5 }; } namespace prmDb { enum { WARN = 3, FATAL = 5 }; } namespace fileDownlink { enum { WARN = 3, FATAL = 5 }; } namespace fileUplink { enum { WARN = 3, FATAL = 5 }; } } } #endif
#include <Components.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> #include <Os/Task.hpp> #include <Os/Log.hpp> #include <Os/File.hpp> #include <Os/TaskString.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/MallocAllocator.hpp> #include <RPI/Top/RpiSchedContexts.hpp> #include <Svc/FramingProtocol/FprimeProtocol.hpp> enum { UPLINK_BUFFER_STORE_SIZE = 3000, UPLINK_BUFFER_QUEUE_SIZE = 30, UPLINK_BUFFER_MGR_ID = 200 }; Svc::FprimeDeframing deframing; Svc::FprimeFraming framing; // Component instances // Rate Group Dividers for 10Hz and 1Hz static NATIVE_INT_TYPE rgDivs[] = {1,10,0}; Svc::RateGroupDriverImpl rateGroupDriverComp("RGDRV",rgDivs,FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(rgDivs)); // Context array variables are passed to rate group members if needed to distinguish one call from another // These context must match the rate group members connected in RPITopologyAi.xml static NATIVE_UINT_TYPE rg10HzContext[] = {Rpi::CONTEXT_RPI_DEMO_10Hz,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; Svc::ActiveRateGroupImpl rateGroup10HzComp("RG10Hz",rg10HzContext,FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(rg10HzContext)); static NATIVE_UINT_TYPE rg1HzContext[] = {0,0,Rpi::CONTEXT_RPI_DEMO_1Hz,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; Svc::ActiveRateGroupImpl rateGroup1HzComp("RG1Hz",rg1HzContext,FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(rg1HzContext)); // Command Components Drv::TcpClientComponentImpl comm(FW_OPTIONAL_NAME("Tcp")); #if FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING Svc::ConsoleTextLoggerImpl textLogger("TLOG"); #endif Svc::ActiveLoggerImpl eventLogger("ELOG"); Svc::PosixTime posixTime("LTIME"); Svc::LinuxTimerComponentImpl linuxTimer("LTIMER"); Svc::TlmChanImpl chanTlm("TLM"); Svc::CommandDispatcherImpl cmdDisp("CMDDISP"); // This needs to be statically allocated Fw::MallocAllocator mallocator; Svc::CmdSequencerComponentImpl cmdSeq("CMDSEQ"); Svc::PrmDbImpl prmDb("PRM","PrmDb.dat"); Svc::FileUplink fileUplink("fileUplink"); Svc::FileDownlink fileDownlink ("fileDownlink"); Svc::BufferManagerComponentImpl fileUplinkBufferManager("fileUplinkBufferManager"); Svc::HealthImpl health("health"); Svc::StaticMemoryComponentImpl staticMemory(FW_OPTIONAL_NAME("staticMemory")); Svc::FramerComponentImpl downlink(FW_OPTIONAL_NAME("downlink")); Svc::DeframerComponentImpl uplink(FW_OPTIONAL_NAME("uplink")); Svc::AssertFatalAdapterComponentImpl fatalAdapter("fatalAdapter"); Svc::FatalHandlerComponentImpl fatalHandler("fatalHandler"); Drv::LinuxSerialDriverComponentImpl uartDrv("uartDrv"); Drv::LinuxSpiDriverComponentImpl spiDrv("spiDrv"); Drv::LinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl ledDrv("ledDrv"); Drv::LinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl gpio23Drv("gpio23Drv"); Drv::LinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl gpio24Drv("gpio24Drv"); Drv::LinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl gpio25Drv("gpio25Drv"); Drv::LinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl gpio17Drv("gpio17Drv"); Rpi::RpiDemoComponentImpl rpiDemo("rpiDemo"); void constructApp(U32 port_number, char* hostname) { staticMemory.init(0); // Initialize rate group driver rateGroupDriverComp.init(); // Initialize the rate groups rateGroup10HzComp.init(10,0); rateGroup1HzComp.init(10,1); #if FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING textLogger.init(); #endif eventLogger.init(10,0); posixTime.init(0); linuxTimer.init(0); chanTlm.init(10,0); cmdDisp.init(20,0); cmdSeq.init(10,0); cmdSeq.allocateBuffer(0,mallocator,5*1024); prmDb.init(10,0); downlink.init(0); uplink.init(0); comm.init(0); fileUplink.init(30, 0); fileDownlink.configure(1000, 200, 100, 10); fileDownlink.init(30, 0); fileUplinkBufferManager.init(0); fatalAdapter.init(0); fatalHandler.init(0); health.init(25,0); uartDrv.init(0); spiDrv.init(0); ledDrv.init(0); gpio23Drv.init(0); gpio24Drv.init(0); gpio25Drv.init(0); gpio17Drv.init(0); rpiDemo.init(10,0); downlink.setup(framing); uplink.setup(deframing); constructRPIArchitecture(); /* Register commands */ cmdSeq.regCommands(); cmdDisp.regCommands(); eventLogger.regCommands(); prmDb.regCommands(); fileDownlink.regCommands(); health.regCommands(); rpiDemo.regCommands(); // set sequencer timeout cmdSeq.setTimeout(30); // read parameters prmDb.readParamFile(); // set health ping entries // This list has to match the connections in RPITopologyAppAi.xml Svc::HealthImpl::PingEntry pingEntries[] = { {3,5,rateGroup10HzComp.getObjName()}, // 0 {3,5,rateGroup1HzComp.getObjName()}, // 1 {3,5,cmdDisp.getObjName()}, // 2 {3,5,cmdSeq.getObjName()}, // 3 {3,5,chanTlm.getObjName()}, // 4 {3,5,eventLogger.getObjName()}, // 5 {3,5,prmDb.getObjName()}, // 6 {3,5,fileDownlink.getObjName()}, // 7 {3,5,fileUplink.getObjName()}, // 8 }; // register ping table health.setPingEntries(pingEntries,FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(pingEntries),0x123); // load parameters rpiDemo.loadParameters(); // set up BufferManager instances Svc::BufferManagerComponentImpl::BufferBins upBuffMgrBins; memset(&upBuffMgrBins,0,sizeof(upBuffMgrBins)); upBuffMgrBins.bins[0].bufferSize = UPLINK_BUFFER_STORE_SIZE; upBuffMgrBins.bins[0].numBuffers = UPLINK_BUFFER_QUEUE_SIZE; fileUplinkBufferManager.setup(UPLINK_BUFFER_MGR_ID,0,mallocator,upBuffMgrBins); // Active component startup // start rate groups rateGroup10HzComp.start(); rateGroup1HzComp.start(); // start dispatcher cmdDisp.start(); // start sequencer cmdSeq.start(); // start telemetry eventLogger.start(); chanTlm.start(); prmDb.start(); fileDownlink.start(); fileUplink.start(); rpiDemo.start(); // Use the mini-UART for our serial connection // if (not"/dev/serial0", Drv::LinuxSerialDriverComponentImpl::BAUD_19200, Drv::LinuxSerialDriverComponentImpl::NO_FLOW, Drv::LinuxSerialDriverComponentImpl::PARITY_NONE, true)) { return; } if (not,0,Drv::SPI_FREQUENCY_1MHZ)) { return; } if (not,Drv::LinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl::GPIO_OUT)) { return; } if (not,Drv::LinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl::GPIO_OUT)) { return; } if (not,Drv::LinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl::GPIO_OUT)) { return; } if (not,Drv::LinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl::GPIO_IN)) { return; } if (not,Drv::LinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl::GPIO_IN)) { return; } uartDrv.startReadThread(); // Initialize socket server if and only if there is a valid specification if (hostname != nullptr && port_number != 0) { Os::TaskString name("ReceiveTask"); // Uplink is configured for receive so a socket task is started comm.configure(hostname, port_number); comm.startSocketTask(name); } } void exitTasks() { uartDrv.quitReadThread(); linuxTimer.quit(); rateGroup1HzComp.exit(); rateGroup10HzComp.exit(); cmdDisp.exit(); eventLogger.exit(); chanTlm.exit(); prmDb.exit(); fileUplink.exit(); fileDownlink.exit(); cmdSeq.exit(); rpiDemo.exit(); comm.stopSocketTask(); (void) comm.joinSocketTask(nullptr); cmdSeq.deallocateBuffer(mallocator); fileUplinkBufferManager.cleanup(); }
#include "RPI/Top/RPITopologyDefs.hpp" namespace RPI { namespace Allocation { Fw::MallocAllocator mallocator; } namespace Init { bool status = true; } }
#ifndef __RPI_COMPONENTS_HEADER__ #define __RPI_COMPONENTS_HEADER__ #include <Svc/ActiveRateGroup/ActiveRateGroupImpl.hpp> #include <Svc/RateGroupDriver/RateGroupDriverImpl.hpp> #include <Svc/CmdDispatcher/CommandDispatcherImpl.hpp> #include <Svc/CmdSequencer/CmdSequencerImpl.hpp> #include <Svc/PassiveConsoleTextLogger/ConsoleTextLoggerImpl.hpp> #include <Svc/ActiveLogger/ActiveLoggerImpl.hpp> #include <Svc/PosixTime/PosixTime.hpp> #include <Svc/LinuxTimer/LinuxTimerComponentImpl.hpp> #include <Svc/TlmChan/TlmChanImpl.hpp> #include <Svc/PrmDb/PrmDbImpl.hpp> #include <Fw/Obj/SimpleObjRegistry.hpp> #include <Svc/FileUplink/FileUplink.hpp> #include <Svc/FileDownlink/FileDownlink.hpp> #include <Svc/BufferManager/BufferManagerComponentImpl.hpp> #include <Svc/Health/HealthComponentImpl.hpp> #include <Svc/StaticMemory/StaticMemoryComponentImpl.hpp> #include <Svc/Framer/FramerComponentImpl.hpp> #include <Svc/Deframer/DeframerComponentImpl.hpp> #include <Drv/TcpClient/TcpClientComponentImpl.hpp> #include <Svc/AssertFatalAdapter/AssertFatalAdapterComponentImpl.hpp> #include <Svc/FatalHandler/FatalHandlerComponentImpl.hpp> // Drivers #include <Drv/LinuxSerialDriver/LinuxSerialDriverComponentImpl.hpp> #include <Drv/LinuxSpiDriver/LinuxSpiDriverComponentImpl.hpp> #include <Drv/LinuxGpioDriver/LinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl.hpp> #include <Drv/TcpClient/TcpClientComponentImpl.hpp> #include <Drv/Udp/UdpComponentImpl.hpp> // Main app #include <RPI/RpiDemo/RpiDemoComponentImpl.hpp> void constructRPIArchitecture(); void exitTasks(); void constructApp(U32 port_number, char* hostname); extern Svc::RateGroupDriverImpl rateGroupDriverComp; extern Svc::ActiveRateGroupImpl rateGroup10HzComp; extern Svc::ActiveRateGroupImpl rateGroup1HzComp; extern Svc::CmdSequencerComponentImpl cmdSeq; extern Svc::ConsoleTextLoggerImpl textLogger; extern Svc::ActiveLoggerImpl eventLogger; extern Svc::PosixTime posixTime; extern Svc::LinuxTimerComponentImpl linuxTimer; extern Svc::TlmChanImpl chanTlm; extern Svc::CommandDispatcherImpl cmdDisp; extern Svc::PrmDbImpl prmDb; extern Svc::FileUplink fileUplink; extern Svc::FileDownlink fileDownlink; extern Svc::BufferManagerComponentImpl fileUplinkBufferManager; extern Svc::AssertFatalAdapterComponentImpl fatalAdapter; extern Svc::FatalHandlerComponentImpl fatalHandler; extern Svc::HealthImpl health; extern Drv::LinuxSerialDriverComponentImpl uartDrv; extern Drv::LinuxSpiDriverComponentImpl spiDrv; extern Drv::LinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl ledDrv; extern Drv::LinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl gpio23Drv; extern Drv::LinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl gpio24Drv; extern Drv::LinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl gpio25Drv; extern Drv::LinuxGpioDriverComponentImpl gpio17Drv; extern Rpi::RpiDemoComponentImpl rpiDemo; extern Svc::StaticMemoryComponentImpl staticMemory; extern Drv::TcpClientComponentImpl comm; extern Svc::FramerComponentImpl downlink; extern Svc::DeframerComponentImpl uplink; #endif
/* * RpiDemoComponentImplCfg.hpp * * Created on: Mar 5, 2018 * Author: tim */ #ifndef RPI_RPIDEMO_RPIDEMOCOMPONENTIMPLCFG_HPP_ #define RPI_RPIDEMO_RPIDEMOCOMPONENTIMPLCFG_HPP_ namespace RPI { // configuration values enum { NUM_RPI_UART_BUFFERS = 5, RPI_UART_READ_BUFF_SIZE = 40 }; } #endif /* RPI_RPIDEMO_RPIDEMOCOMPONENTIMPLCFG_HPP_ */
// ====================================================================== // \title RpiDemoImpl.hpp // \author tcanham // \brief hpp file for RpiDemo component implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef RPI_RpiDemoComponentImpl_HPP #define RPI_RpiDemoComponentImpl_HPP #include "RPI/RpiDemo/RpiDemoComponentAc.hpp" #include <RPI/RpiDemo/RpiDemoComponentImplCfg.hpp> namespace RPI { class RpiDemoComponentImpl : public RpiDemoComponentBase { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Types // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // A list of contexts for the rate groups enum { RG_CONTEXT_1Hz = 10, // 1 Hz cycle RG_CONTEXT_10Hz = 11 // 10 Hz cycle }; public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Construct object RpiDemo //! RpiDemoComponentImpl( const char *const compName /*!< The component name*/ ); //! Initialize object RpiDemo //! void init( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth, /*!< The queue depth*/ const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance = 0 /*!< The instance number*/ ); //! Destroy object RpiDemo //! ~RpiDemoComponentImpl(); PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Handler implementation for Run //! void Run_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ U32 context /*!< The call order*/ ) override; //! Handler implementation for UartRead //! void UartRead_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, /*!< The port number*/ Fw::Buffer &serBuffer, /*!< Buffer containing data*/ const Drv::RecvStatus &status /*!< Status of read*/ ) override; PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Command handler implementations // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Implementation for RD_SendString command handler //! Command to send a string to the UART void RD_SendString_cmdHandler( const FwOpcodeType opCode, /*!< The opcode*/ const U32 cmdSeq, /*!< The command sequence number*/ const Fw::CmdStringArg& text /*!< String to send*/ ) override; //! Implementation for RD_SetGpio command handler //! Sets a GPIO port value void RD_SetGpio_cmdHandler( const FwOpcodeType opCode, /*!< The opcode*/ const U32 cmdSeq, /*!< The command sequence number*/ RpiDemo_GpioOutNum output, /*!< Output GPIO*/ Fw::Logic value /*!< GPIO value*/ ) override; //! Implementation for RD_GetGpio command handler //! Gets a GPIO port value void RD_GetGpio_cmdHandler( const FwOpcodeType opCode, /*!< The opcode*/ const U32 cmdSeq, /*!< The command sequence number*/ RpiDemo_GpioInNum input /*!< Input GPIO*/ ) override; //! Implementation for RD_SendSpi command handler //! Sends SPI data, prints read data void RD_SendSpi_cmdHandler( const FwOpcodeType opCode, /*!< The opcode*/ const U32 cmdSeq, /*!< The command sequence number*/ const Fw::CmdStringArg& data /*!< data to send*/ ) override; //! Implementation for RD_SetLed command handler //! Sets LED state void RD_SetLed_cmdHandler( const FwOpcodeType opCode, /*!< The opcode*/ const U32 cmdSeq, /*!< The command sequence number*/ RpiDemo_LedState value /*!< GPIO value*/ ) override; //! Implementation for RD_SetLedDivider command handler //! Sets the divided rate of the LED void RD_SetLedDivider_cmdHandler( const FwOpcodeType opCode, /*!< The opcode*/ const U32 cmdSeq, /*!< The command sequence number*/ U32 divider /*!< Divide 10Hz by this number*/ ) override; // This will be called once when task starts up void preamble() override; // telemetry values U32 m_uartWriteBytes; U32 m_uartReadBytes; U32 m_spiBytes; Fw::TlmString m_lastUartMsg; Fw::Logic m_currLedVal; // serial buffers Fw::Buffer m_recvBuffers[NUM_RPI_UART_BUFFERS]; BYTE m_uartBuffers[NUM_RPI_UART_BUFFERS][RPI_UART_READ_BUFF_SIZE]; // LED enabled bool m_ledOn; // toggle LED divider U32 m_ledDivider; // 10Hz ticks U32 m_1HzTicks; // 10Hz ticks U32 m_10HzTicks; }; } // end namespace RPI #endif
// ====================================================================== // RpiDemo.hpp // Standardization header for RpiDemo // ====================================================================== #ifndef RPI_RpiDemo_HPP #define RPI_RpiDemo_HPP #include "RPI/RpiDemo/RpiDemoComponentImpl.hpp" namespace RPI { using RpiDemo = RpiDemoComponentImpl; } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title RpiDemoImpl.cpp // \author tcanham // \brief cpp file for RpiDemo component implementation class // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <RPI/RpiDemo/RpiDemoComponentImpl.hpp> #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <ctype.h> namespace RPI { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Construction, initialization, and destruction // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RpiDemoComponentImpl :: RpiDemoComponentImpl( const char *const compName ) : RpiDemoComponentBase(compName) ,m_uartWriteBytes(0) ,m_uartReadBytes(0) ,m_spiBytes(0) ,m_currLedVal(Fw::Logic::LOW) ,m_ledOn(true) ,m_ledDivider(10) // start at 1Hz ,m_1HzTicks(0) ,m_10HzTicks(0) { } void RpiDemoComponentImpl :: init( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE queueDepth, const NATIVE_INT_TYPE instance ) { RpiDemoComponentBase::init(queueDepth, instance); } RpiDemoComponentImpl :: ~RpiDemoComponentImpl() { } void RpiDemoComponentImpl::preamble() { // check initial state parameter Fw::ParamValid valid; RpiDemo_LedState initState = paramGet_RD_PrmLedInitState(valid); // check status switch (valid.e) { // if default or valid, use stored value case Fw::ParamValid::DEFAULT: case Fw::ParamValid::VALID: this->m_ledOn = (RpiDemo_LedState::BLINKING == initState.e); this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_RD_LedBlinkState( this->m_ledOn ? RpiDemo_LedState::BLINKING : RpiDemo_LedState::OFF ); break; default: // use constructor default break; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Handler implementations for user-defined typed input ports // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void RpiDemoComponentImpl :: Run_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, U32 context ) { // check which rate group call it is switch (context) { case RG_CONTEXT_1Hz: // write telemetry channels this->tlmWrite_RD_LastMsg(this->m_lastUartMsg); this->tlmWrite_RD_UartRecvBytes(this->m_uartReadBytes); this->tlmWrite_RD_UartSentBytes(this->m_uartWriteBytes); this->tlmWrite_RD_SpiBytes(this->m_spiBytes); this->tlmWrite_RD_1HzTicks(this->m_1HzTicks); this->tlmWrite_RD_10HzTicks(this->m_10HzTicks); this->m_1HzTicks++; break; case RG_CONTEXT_10Hz: // Toggle LED value if ( (this->m_10HzTicks++%this->m_ledDivider == 0) and this->m_ledOn) { this->GpioWrite_out(2, this->m_currLedVal); this->m_currLedVal = (this->m_currLedVal == Fw::Logic::HIGH) ? Fw::Logic::LOW : Fw::Logic::HIGH; } break; default: FW_ASSERT(0, context); break; // for the code checkers } } void RpiDemoComponentImpl :: UartRead_handler( const NATIVE_INT_TYPE portNum, Fw::Buffer &serBuffer, const Drv::RecvStatus &status ) { if (Drv::RecvStatus::RECV_OK == status.e) { // convert incoming data to string. If it is not printable, set character to '*' char uMsg[serBuffer.getSize() + 1]; char *bPtr = reinterpret_cast<char *>(serBuffer.getData()); for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE byte = 0; byte < serBuffer.getSize(); byte++) { uMsg[byte] = isalpha(bPtr[byte]) ? bPtr[byte] : '*'; } uMsg[sizeof(uMsg) - 1] = 0; Fw::LogStringArg evrMsg(uMsg); this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_RD_UartMsgIn(evrMsg); this->m_lastUartMsg = uMsg; this->m_uartReadBytes += serBuffer.getSize(); } // return buffer to buffer manager this->UartBuffers_out(0, serBuffer); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Command handler implementations // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void RpiDemoComponentImpl :: RD_SendString_cmdHandler( const FwOpcodeType opCode, const U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg& text ) { Fw::Buffer txt; txt.setSize(text.length()); txt.setData(reinterpret_cast<U8*>(const_cast<char*>(text.toChar()))); Drv::SendStatus status = this->UartWrite_out(0, txt); if (Drv::SendStatus::SEND_OK == status.e) { this->m_uartWriteBytes += text.length(); Fw::LogStringArg arg = text; this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_RD_UartMsgOut(arg); } this->cmdResponse_out(opCode, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK); } void RpiDemoComponentImpl :: RD_SetGpio_cmdHandler( const FwOpcodeType opCode, const U32 cmdSeq, RpiDemo_GpioOutNum output, /*!< Output GPIO*/ Fw::Logic value ) { NATIVE_INT_TYPE port; // convert to connected ports switch (output.e) { case RpiDemo_GpioOutNum::PIN_23: port = 0; break; case RpiDemo_GpioOutNum::PIN_24: port = 1; break; // good values default: // bad values this->log_WARNING_HI_RD_InvalidGpio(output.e); this->cmdResponse_out( opCode, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::VALIDATION_ERROR ); return; } // set value of GPIO this->GpioWrite_out(port, value); this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_RD_GpioSetVal(output.e, value); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK); } void RpiDemoComponentImpl :: RD_GetGpio_cmdHandler( const FwOpcodeType opCode, const U32 cmdSeq, RpiDemo_GpioInNum input /*!< Input GPIO*/ ) { NATIVE_INT_TYPE port; // convert to connected ports switch (input.e) { case RpiDemo_GpioInNum::PIN_25: port = 0; break; case RpiDemo_GpioInNum::PIN_17: port = 1; break; // good values default: // bad values this->log_WARNING_HI_RD_InvalidGpio(input.e); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::VALIDATION_ERROR); return; } // get value of GPIO input Fw::Logic val; this->GpioRead_out(port, val); this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_RD_GpioGetVal(input.e, val); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK); } void RpiDemoComponentImpl :: RD_SendSpi_cmdHandler( const FwOpcodeType opCode, const U32 cmdSeq, const Fw::CmdStringArg& data ) { // copy data from string to output buffer char inBuf[data.length()+1]; Fw::Buffer in; in.setData(reinterpret_cast<U8*>(inBuf)); in.setSize(sizeof(inBuf)); Fw::Buffer out; out.setData(reinterpret_cast<U8*>(const_cast<char*>(data.toChar()))); out.setSize(data.length()); this->SpiReadWrite_out(0, out, in); for (NATIVE_UINT_TYPE byte = 0; byte < sizeof(inBuf); byte++) { inBuf[byte] = isalpha(inBuf[byte])?inBuf[byte]:'*'; } inBuf[sizeof(inBuf)-1] = 0; // write reply to event Fw::LogStringArg arg = inBuf; this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_RD_SpiMsgIn(arg); this->m_spiBytes += data.length(); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK); } void RpiDemoComponentImpl :: RD_SetLed_cmdHandler( const FwOpcodeType opCode, const U32 cmdSeq, RpiDemo_LedState value ) { this->m_ledOn = (RpiDemo_LedState::BLINKING == value.e); this->log_ACTIVITY_HI_RD_LedBlinkState( this->m_ledOn ? RpiDemo_LedState::BLINKING : RpiDemo_LedState::OFF); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK); } void RpiDemoComponentImpl :: RD_SetLedDivider_cmdHandler( const FwOpcodeType opCode, const U32 cmdSeq, U32 divider ) { if (divider < 1) { this->log_WARNING_HI_RD_InvalidDivider(divider); this->cmdResponse_out(opCode, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::VALIDATION_ERROR); return; } this->m_ledDivider = divider; this->cmdResponse_out(opCode, cmdSeq, Fw::CmdResponse::OK); } } // end namespace RPI
// deprecate.hpp: // // A minor implementation of compile-time deprecation for the fprime framework. #ifndef FW_DEPRECATE_HPP #define FW_DEPRECATE_HPP #ifndef DEPRECATED #ifdef __GNUC__ #define DEPRECATED(func, message) func __attribute__ ((deprecated(message))) #else #warning "No implementation of DEPRECATED for given compiler. Please check for use of DEPRECATED() functions" #define DEPRECATED(func) func #endif #endif #endif // FW_DEPRECATE_HPP
#include <Fw/Logger/Logger.hpp> #include <Fw/Obj/SimpleObjRegistry.hpp> #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 namespace Fw { SimpleObjRegistry::SimpleObjRegistry() { ObjBase::setObjRegistry(this); this->m_numEntries = 0; // Initialize pointer array for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE entry = 0; entry < FW_OBJ_SIMPLE_REG_ENTRIES; entry++) { this->m_objPtrArray[entry] = nullptr; } } SimpleObjRegistry::~SimpleObjRegistry() { ObjBase::setObjRegistry(nullptr); } void SimpleObjRegistry::dump() { for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE obj = 0; obj < this->m_numEntries; obj++) { #if FW_OBJECT_NAMES == 1 #if FW_OBJECT_TO_STRING == 1 char objDump[FW_OBJ_SIMPLE_REG_BUFF_SIZE]; this->m_objPtrArray[obj]->toString(objDump,sizeof(objDump)); Fw::Logger::logMsg("Entry: %d Ptr: %p Str: %s\n", obj, reinterpret_cast<POINTER_CAST>(this->m_objPtrArray[obj]), reinterpret_cast<POINTER_CAST>(objDump)); #else Fw::Logger::logMsg("Entry: %d Ptr: %p Name: %s\n",obj, reinterpret_cast<POINTER_CAST>(this->m_objPtrArray[obj]), reinterpret_cast<POINTER_CAST>(this->m_objPtrArray[obj]->getObjName())); #endif // FW_OBJECT_TO_STRING #else Fw::Logger::logMsg("Entry: %d Ptr: %p Str:\n", obj, reinterpret_cast<POINTER_CAST>(this->m_objPtrArray[obj])); #endif } } #if FW_OBJECT_NAMES == 1 void SimpleObjRegistry::dump(const char* objName) { for (NATIVE_INT_TYPE obj = 0; obj < this->m_numEntries; obj++) { char objDump[FW_OBJ_SIMPLE_REG_BUFF_SIZE]; if (strncmp(objName,this->m_objPtrArray[obj]->getObjName(),sizeof(objDump)) == 0) { #if FW_OBJECT_TO_STRING == 1 this->m_objPtrArray[obj]->toString(objDump,sizeof(objDump)); Fw::Logger::logMsg("Entry: %d Ptr: %p Str: %s\n", obj, reinterpret_cast<POINTER_CAST>(this->m_objPtrArray[obj]), reinterpret_cast<POINTER_CAST>(objDump)); #else Fw::Logger::logMsg("Entry: %d Ptr: %p Name: %s\n",obj, reinterpret_cast<POINTER_CAST>(this->m_objPtrArray[obj]), reinterpret_cast<POINTER_CAST>(this->m_objPtrArray[obj]->getObjName())); #endif } } } #endif void SimpleObjRegistry::regObject(ObjBase* obj) { FW_ASSERT(this->m_numEntries < FW_OBJ_SIMPLE_REG_ENTRIES); this->m_objPtrArray[this->m_numEntries++] = obj; } void SimpleObjRegistry::clear() { this->m_numEntries = 0; } } #endif
/** * \file * \author T. Canham * \brief Declarations for Fw::ObjBase and Fw::ObjRegistry * * \copyright * Copyright 2016, by the California Institute of Technology. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship * acknowledged. * */ #ifndef FW_OBJ_BASE_HPP #define FW_OBJ_BASE_HPP #include <FpConfig.hpp> #if FW_OBJECT_NAMES == 1 #include <Fw/Types/ObjectName.hpp> #endif namespace Fw { #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 class ObjRegistry; //!< forward declaration for object registry #endif //! \class ObjBase //! \brief Brief class description //! //! This class is the base class of the ISF object class hierarchy. //! Depending on which features of the architecture are enabled, this class: //! 1) Stores an object name //! 2) Provides for object registration class ObjBase { public: #if FW_OBJECT_NAMES == 1 //! \brief Returns the object's name //! //! This function returns a pointer to the name of the object //! //! \return object name const char* getObjName(); //!< Returns object name //! \brief Sets the object name //! //! This function takes the provided string and copies it //! to the private buffer containing the name of the object. //! //! \param name the name of the object void setObjName(const char* name); //!< sets object name #if FW_OBJECT_TO_STRING == 1 //! \brief Returns a string representation of the object //! //! A virtual function defined for all ObjBase types. It is //! meant to be overridden by subclasses to return a description //! of the object. The default implementation in this class //! returns the name of the object. //! //! \param str destination buffer where string description is placed //! \param size destination buffer size (including terminator). String should be terminated virtual void toString(char* str, NATIVE_INT_TYPE size); //!< virtual method to get description of object #endif // FW_OBJECT_TO_STRING #endif // FW_OBJECT_NAMES #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 //! \brief static function to set object registry. //! //! This function registers an instance of an object registry class (see below). //! After the registration call is made, any subsequent calls to ObjBase::init() //! will call the regObject() method on the registry. //! **NOTE** The call may not be reentrant or thread-safe. The provided //! SimObjRegistry is not reentrant. //! //! \param reg Instance of registry to be stored. static void setObjRegistry(ObjRegistry* reg); //!< sets the object registry, if desired #endif protected: #if FW_OBJECT_NAMES == 1 Fw::ObjectName m_objName; //!< stores object name #endif //! \brief ObjBase constructor //! //! The constructor for the base class. Protected so it will only be called //! by derived classes. Stores the object name (calls setObjName()). //! //! \param name Object name ObjBase(const char* name); //! \brief Destructor //! //! ObjBase destructor. Empty. //! virtual ~ObjBase(); //!< Destructor. Should only be called by derived classes //! \brief Object initializer //! //! Initializes the object. For the base class, it calls //! the object registry if registered by setObjRegistry() //! void init(); //!<initialization function that all objects need to implement. Allows static constructors. private: #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 static ObjRegistry* s_objRegistry; //!< static pointer to object registry. Optionally populated. #endif }; // ObjBase #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 //! \class ObjRegistry //! \brief Base class declaration for object registry. //! //! More detailed class description (Markdown supported) //! class ObjRegistry { public: //! \brief virtual function called when an object is registered //! //! This pure virtual is called through a static ObjRegistry //! pointer set by a call to ObjBase::setObjRegistry(). It is passed //! a pointer to the instance of the object. What is done with that //! pointer is dependent on the derived class implementation. //! See SimpleObjRegistry for a basic example of a registry. //! //! \param obj pointer to object virtual void regObject(ObjBase* obj)=0; //! \brief Object registry destructor //! //! Destructor. Base class is empty. //! virtual ~ObjRegistry(); }; // ObjRegistry #endif // FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION } #endif // FW_OBJ_BASE_HPP
#include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Obj/ObjBase.hpp> #include <cstring> #include <cstdio> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> namespace Fw { #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 ObjRegistry* ObjBase::s_objRegistry = nullptr; #endif #if FW_OBJECT_NAMES == 1 ObjBase::ObjBase(const char* objName) { if (nullptr == objName) { this->setObjName("NoName"); } else { this->setObjName(objName); } } #else ObjBase::ObjBase(const char* objName) { } #endif void ObjBase::init() { #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION if (ObjBase::s_objRegistry) { ObjBase::s_objRegistry->regObject(this); } #endif } ObjBase::~ObjBase() { } #if FW_OBJECT_NAMES == 1 const char* ObjBase::getObjName() { return this->m_objName.toChar(); } void ObjBase::setObjName(const char* name) { this->m_objName = name; } #if FW_OBJECT_TO_STRING == 1 void ObjBase::toString(char* str, NATIVE_INT_TYPE size) { FW_ASSERT(size > 0); FW_ASSERT(str != nullptr); PlatformIntType status = snprintf(str, size, "Obj: %s", this->m_objName.toChar()); if (status < 0) { str[0] = 0; } } #endif #endif #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 void ObjBase::setObjRegistry(ObjRegistry* reg) { ObjBase::s_objRegistry = reg; } ObjRegistry::~ObjRegistry() { } #endif } // Fw
/** * \file * \author T. Canham * \brief Class declaration for a simple object registry * * The simple object registry is meant to give a default implementation * and an example of an object registry. When the registry is instantiated, * it registers itself with the object base class static function * setObjRegistry(). Objects then register with the instance as they are * instantiated. The object registry can then list the objects in its * registry. * * \copyright * Copyright 2013-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship * acknowledged. * */ #ifndef FW_OBJ_SIMPLE_OBJ_REGISTRY_HPP #define FW_OBJ_SIMPLE_OBJ_REGISTRY_HPP #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Obj/ObjBase.hpp> #if FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION == 1 namespace Fw { class SimpleObjRegistry : public ObjRegistry { public: SimpleObjRegistry(); //!< constructor for registry ~SimpleObjRegistry(); //!< destructor for registry void dump(); //!< dump contents of registry void clear(); //!< clear registry entries #if FW_OBJECT_NAMES == 1 void dump(const char* objName); //!< dump a particular object #endif private: void regObject(ObjBase* obj); //!< register an object with the registry ObjBase* m_objPtrArray[FW_OBJ_SIMPLE_REG_ENTRIES]; //!< array of objects NATIVE_INT_TYPE m_numEntries; //!< number of entries in the registry }; } #endif // FW_OBJECT_REGISTRATION #endif // FW_OBJ_SIMPLE_OBJ_REGISTRY_HPP
// ====================================================================== // \title Header.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for FilePacket::Header // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Fw/FilePacket/FilePacket.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> namespace Fw { void FilePacket::Header :: initialize( const Type type, const U32 sequenceIndex ) { this->m_type = type; this->m_sequenceIndex = sequenceIndex; } U32 FilePacket::Header :: bufferSize() const { return sizeof(U8) + sizeof(this->m_sequenceIndex); } SerializeStatus FilePacket::Header :: fromSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) { U8 new_type; SerializeStatus status; status = serialBuffer.deserialize(new_type); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) { return status; } this->m_type = static_cast<Type>(new_type); status = serialBuffer.deserialize(this->m_sequenceIndex); return status; } SerializeStatus FilePacket::Header :: toSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) const { const U8 type_casted = static_cast<U8>(this->m_type); SerializeStatus status; status = serialBuffer.serialize(type_casted); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; status = serialBuffer.serialize(this->m_sequenceIndex); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; return FW_SERIALIZE_OK; } }
// ====================================================================== // \title FilePacket.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for FilePacket // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include "Fw/FilePacket/FilePacket.hpp" #include "Fw/Types/Assert.hpp" namespace Fw { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public instance methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SerializeStatus FilePacket :: fromBuffer(const Buffer& buffer) { SerialBuffer serialBuffer( const_cast<Buffer&>(buffer).getData(), const_cast<Buffer&>(buffer).getSize() ); serialBuffer.fill(); const SerializeStatus status = this->fromSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); return status; } const FilePacket::Header& FilePacket :: asHeader() const { return this->m_header; } const FilePacket::StartPacket& FilePacket :: asStartPacket() const { FW_ASSERT(this->m_header.m_type == T_START); return this->m_startPacket; } const FilePacket::DataPacket& FilePacket :: asDataPacket() const { FW_ASSERT(this->m_header.m_type == T_DATA); return this->m_dataPacket; } const FilePacket::EndPacket& FilePacket :: asEndPacket() const { FW_ASSERT(this->m_header.m_type == T_END); return this->m_endPacket; } const FilePacket::CancelPacket& FilePacket :: asCancelPacket() const { FW_ASSERT(this->m_header.m_type == T_CANCEL); return this->m_cancelPacket; } void FilePacket :: fromStartPacket(const StartPacket& startPacket) { this->m_startPacket = startPacket; this->m_header.m_type = T_START; } void FilePacket :: fromDataPacket(const DataPacket& dataPacket) { this->m_dataPacket = dataPacket; this->m_header.m_type = T_DATA; } void FilePacket :: fromEndPacket(const EndPacket& endPacket) { this->m_endPacket = endPacket; this->m_header.m_type = T_END; } void FilePacket :: fromCancelPacket(const CancelPacket& cancelPacket) { this->m_cancelPacket = cancelPacket; this->m_header.m_type = T_CANCEL; } U32 FilePacket :: bufferSize() const { switch (this->m_header.m_type) { case T_START: return this->m_startPacket.bufferSize(); case T_DATA: return this->m_dataPacket.bufferSize(); case T_END: return this->m_endPacket.bufferSize(); case T_CANCEL: return this->m_cancelPacket.bufferSize(); case T_NONE: return 0; default: FW_ASSERT(0); return 0; } } SerializeStatus FilePacket :: toBuffer(Buffer& buffer) const { switch (this->m_header.m_type) { case T_START: return this->m_startPacket.toBuffer(buffer); case T_DATA: return this->m_dataPacket.toBuffer(buffer); case T_END: return this->m_endPacket.toBuffer(buffer); case T_CANCEL: return this->m_cancelPacket.toBuffer(buffer); default: FW_ASSERT(0); return static_cast<SerializeStatus>(0); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private instance methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SerializeStatus FilePacket :: fromSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) { SerializeStatus status; status = this->m_header.fromSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; switch (this->m_header.m_type) { case T_START: status = this->m_startPacket.fromSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); break; case T_DATA: status = this->m_dataPacket.fromSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); break; case T_END: status = this->m_endPacket.fromSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); break; case T_CANCEL: status = this->m_cancelPacket.fromSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); break; case T_NONE: status = FW_DESERIALIZE_TYPE_MISMATCH; break; default: FW_ASSERT(0,status); break; } return status; } }
// ====================================================================== // \title PathName.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for FilePacket::PathName // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <cstring> #include <Fw/FilePacket/FilePacket.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/StringUtils.hpp> namespace Fw { void FilePacket::PathName :: initialize(const char *const value) { const U8 length = static_cast<U8>(StringUtils::string_length(value, MAX_LENGTH)); this->m_length = length; this->m_value = value; } U32 FilePacket::PathName :: bufferSize() const { return sizeof(this->m_length) + this->m_length; } SerializeStatus FilePacket::PathName :: fromSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) { { const SerializeStatus status = serialBuffer.deserialize(this->m_length); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; } { const U8* addrLeft = serialBuffer.getBuffAddrLeft(); U8 bytes[MAX_LENGTH]; const SerializeStatus status = serialBuffer.popBytes(bytes, this->m_length); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; this->m_value = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(addrLeft); } return FW_SERIALIZE_OK; } SerializeStatus FilePacket::PathName :: toSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) const { { const SerializeStatus status = serialBuffer.serialize(this->m_length); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; } { const SerializeStatus status = serialBuffer.pushBytes( reinterpret_cast<const U8 *>(this->m_value), this->m_length ); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; } return FW_SERIALIZE_OK; } }
// ====================================================================== // \title CancelPacket.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for FilePacket::CancelPacket // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Fw/FilePacket/FilePacket.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> namespace Fw { void FilePacket::CancelPacket :: initialize(const U32 sequenceIndex) { this->m_header.initialize(FilePacket::T_CANCEL, sequenceIndex); } U32 FilePacket::CancelPacket :: bufferSize() const { return this->m_header.bufferSize(); } SerializeStatus FilePacket::CancelPacket :: toBuffer(Buffer& buffer) const { SerialBuffer serialBuffer( buffer.getData(), buffer.getSize() ); return this->m_header.toSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); } SerializeStatus FilePacket::CancelPacket :: fromSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) { FW_ASSERT(this->m_header.m_type == T_CANCEL); if (serialBuffer.getBuffLeft() != 0) return FW_DESERIALIZE_SIZE_MISMATCH; return FW_SERIALIZE_OK; } }
// ====================================================================== // \title DataPacket.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for FilePacket::DataPacket // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Fw/FilePacket/FilePacket.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> namespace Fw { void FilePacket::DataPacket :: initialize( const U32 sequenceIndex, const U32 byteOffset, const U16 dataSize, const U8 *const data ) { this->m_header.initialize(FilePacket::T_DATA, sequenceIndex); this->m_byteOffset = byteOffset; this->m_dataSize = dataSize; this->m_data = data; } U32 FilePacket::DataPacket :: bufferSize() const { return this->m_header.bufferSize() + sizeof(this->m_byteOffset) + sizeof(this->m_dataSize) + this->m_dataSize; } SerializeStatus FilePacket::DataPacket :: toBuffer(Buffer& buffer) const { SerialBuffer serialBuffer( buffer.getData(), buffer.getSize() ); return this->toSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); } SerializeStatus FilePacket::DataPacket :: fromSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) { FW_ASSERT(this->m_header.m_type == T_DATA); SerializeStatus status = serialBuffer.deserialize(this->m_byteOffset); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; status = serialBuffer.deserialize(this->m_dataSize); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; if (serialBuffer.getBuffLeft() != this->m_dataSize) return FW_DESERIALIZE_SIZE_MISMATCH; U8 *const addr = serialBuffer.getBuffAddr(); this->m_data = &addr[this->fixedLengthSize()]; return FW_SERIALIZE_OK; } U32 FilePacket::DataPacket :: fixedLengthSize() const { return this->m_header.bufferSize() + sizeof(this->m_byteOffset) + sizeof(this->m_dataSize); } SerializeStatus FilePacket::DataPacket :: toSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) const { FW_ASSERT(this->m_header.m_type == T_DATA); SerializeStatus status; status = this->m_header.toSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; status = serialBuffer.serialize(this->m_byteOffset); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; status = serialBuffer.serialize(this->m_dataSize); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; status = serialBuffer.pushBytes(this->m_data, this->m_dataSize); return status; } }
// ====================================================================== // \title StartPacket.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for FilePacket::StartPacket // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Fw/FilePacket/FilePacket.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> namespace Fw { void FilePacket::StartPacket :: initialize( const U32 fileSize, const char *const sourcePath, const char *const destinationPath ) { this->m_header.initialize(FilePacket::T_START, 0); this->m_fileSize = fileSize; this->m_sourcePath.initialize(sourcePath); this->m_destinationPath.initialize(destinationPath); } U32 FilePacket::StartPacket :: bufferSize() const { return this->m_header.bufferSize() + sizeof(this->m_fileSize) + this->m_sourcePath.bufferSize() + this->m_destinationPath.bufferSize(); } SerializeStatus FilePacket::StartPacket :: toBuffer(Buffer& buffer) const { SerialBuffer serialBuffer( buffer.getData(), buffer.getSize() ); return this->toSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); } SerializeStatus FilePacket::StartPacket :: fromSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) { FW_ASSERT(this->m_header.m_type == T_START); { const SerializeStatus status = serialBuffer.deserialize(this->m_fileSize); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; } { const SerializeStatus status = this->m_sourcePath.fromSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; } { const SerializeStatus status = this->m_destinationPath.fromSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; } return FW_SERIALIZE_OK; } SerializeStatus FilePacket::StartPacket :: toSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) const { FW_ASSERT(this->m_header.m_type == T_START); { const SerializeStatus status = this->m_header.toSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; } { const SerializeStatus status = serialBuffer.serialize(this->m_fileSize); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; } { const SerializeStatus status = this->m_sourcePath.toSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; } { const SerializeStatus status = this->m_destinationPath.toSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; } return FW_SERIALIZE_OK; } }
// ====================================================================== // \title EndPacket.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for FilePacket::EndPacket // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <cstring> #include <Fw/FilePacket/FilePacket.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> namespace Fw { void FilePacket::EndPacket :: initialize( const U32 sequenceIndex, const CFDP::Checksum& checksum ) { this->m_header.initialize(FilePacket::T_END, sequenceIndex); this->setChecksum(checksum); } U32 FilePacket::EndPacket :: bufferSize() const { return this->m_header.bufferSize() + sizeof(this->m_checksumValue); } SerializeStatus FilePacket::EndPacket :: toBuffer(Buffer& buffer) const { SerialBuffer serialBuffer( buffer.getData(), buffer.getSize() ); return this->toSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); } void FilePacket::EndPacket :: setChecksum(const CFDP::Checksum& checksum) { this->m_checksumValue = checksum.getValue(); } void FilePacket::EndPacket :: getChecksum(CFDP::Checksum& checksum) const { CFDP::Checksum c(this->m_checksumValue); checksum = c; } SerializeStatus FilePacket::EndPacket :: fromSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) { FW_ASSERT(this->m_header.m_type == T_END); const SerializeStatus status = serialBuffer.deserialize(this->m_checksumValue); return status; } SerializeStatus FilePacket::EndPacket :: toSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) const { FW_ASSERT(this->m_header.m_type == T_END); SerializeStatus status; status = this->m_header.toSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; status = serialBuffer.serialize(this->m_checksumValue); if (status != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) return status; return FW_SERIALIZE_OK; } }
// ====================================================================== // \title FilePacket.hpp // \author bocchino // \brief hpp file for FilePacket // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef Fw_FilePacket_HPP #define Fw_FilePacket_HPP #include <CFDP/Checksum/Checksum.hpp> #include <Fw/Buffer/Buffer.hpp> #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/SerialBuffer.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Serializable.hpp> namespace Fw { //! \class FilePacket //! \brief A file packet //! union FilePacket { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Types // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Packet type typedef enum { T_START = 0, T_DATA = 1, T_END = 2, T_CANCEL = 3, T_NONE = 255 } Type; //! The type of a path name class PathName { friend union FilePacket; public: //! The maximum length of a path name enum { MAX_LENGTH = 255 }; PRIVATE: //! The length U8 m_length; //! Pointer to the path value const char *m_value; public: //! Initialize a PathName void initialize( const char *const value //! The path value ); //! Compute the buffer size needed to hold this PathName U32 bufferSize() const; //! Get the length of the path name value U32 getLength(void) const { return this->m_length; }; //! Get the path name value const char* getValue(void) const { return this->m_value; }; PRIVATE: //! Initialize this PathName from a SerialBuffer SerializeStatus fromSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer); //! Write this PathName to a SerialBuffer SerializeStatus toSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) const; }; //! The type of a packet header class Header { friend union FilePacket; PRIVATE: //! The packet type Type m_type; //! The sequence index U32 m_sequenceIndex; public: //! Header size enum { HEADERSIZE = sizeof(U8) + sizeof(U32) }; PRIVATE: //! Initialize a file packet header void initialize( const Type type, //!< The packet type const U32 sequenceIndex //!< The sequence index ); //! Compute the buffer size needed to hold this Header U32 bufferSize() const; //! Initialize this Header from a SerialBuffer SerializeStatus fromSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer); //! Write this Header to a SerialBuffer SerializeStatus toSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) const; public: Type getType(void) const { return this->m_type; }; U32 getSequenceIndex(void) const { return this->m_sequenceIndex; }; }; //! The type of a start packet struct StartPacket { friend union FilePacket; PRIVATE: //! The packet header Header m_header; //! The file size U32 m_fileSize; //! The source path PathName m_sourcePath; //! The destination path PathName m_destinationPath; public: //! Initialize a StartPacket with sequence number 0 void initialize( const U32 fileSize, //!< The file size const char *const sourcePath, //!< The source path const char *const destinationPath //!< The destination path ); //! Compute the buffer size needed to hold this StartPacket U32 bufferSize() const; //! Convert this StartPacket to a Buffer SerializeStatus toBuffer(Buffer& buffer) const; //! Get the destination path const PathName& getDestinationPath() const { return this->m_destinationPath; }; //! Get the source path const PathName& getSourcePath() const { return this->m_sourcePath; }; //! Get the file size U32 getFileSize() const { return this->m_fileSize; }; PRIVATE: //! Initialize this StartPacket from a SerialBuffer SerializeStatus fromSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer); //! Write this StartPacket to a SerialBuffer SerializeStatus toSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) const; }; //! The type of a data packet class DataPacket { friend union FilePacket; PRIVATE: //! The packet header Header m_header; //! The byte offset of the packet data into the destination file U32 m_byteOffset; //! The size of the file data in the packet U16 m_dataSize; //! Pointer to the file data const U8 *m_data; public: //! header size enum { HEADERSIZE = Header::HEADERSIZE + sizeof(U32) + sizeof(U16) }; //! Initialize a data packet void initialize( const U32 sequenceIndex, //!< The sequence index const U32 byteOffset, //!< The byte offset const U16 dataSize, //!< The data size const U8 *const data //!< The file data ); //! Compute the buffer size needed to hold this DataPacket U32 bufferSize() const; //! Convert this DataPacket to a Buffer SerializeStatus toBuffer(Buffer& buffer) const; //! Get this as a Header const FilePacket::Header& asHeader() const { return this->m_header; }; //! Get the byte offset U32 getByteOffset() const { return this->m_byteOffset; }; //! Get the data size U32 getDataSize() const { return this->m_dataSize; }; //! Get the data const U8* getData() const { return this->m_data; }; PRIVATE: //! Initialize this DataPacket from a SerialBuffer SerializeStatus fromSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer); //! Compute the fixed-length data size of a StartPacket U32 fixedLengthSize() const; //! Write this DataPacket to a SerialBuffer SerializeStatus toSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) const; }; //! The type of an end packet class EndPacket { friend union FilePacket; PRIVATE: //! The packet header Header m_header; public: //! Set the checksum void setChecksum(const CFDP::Checksum& checksum); //! Get the checksum void getChecksum(CFDP::Checksum& checksum) const; //! Compute the buffer size needed to hold this EndPacket U32 bufferSize() const; //! Convert this EndPacket to a Buffer SerializeStatus toBuffer(Buffer& buffer) const; //! Get this as a Header const FilePacket::Header& asHeader() const { return this->m_header; }; public: //! Initialize an end packet void initialize( const U32 sequenceIndex, //!< The sequence index const CFDP::Checksum& checksum //!< The checksum ); PRIVATE: //! The checksum U32 m_checksumValue; //! Initialize this EndPacket from a SerialBuffer SerializeStatus fromSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer); //! Write this EndPacket to a SerialBuffer SerializeStatus toSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer) const; }; //! The type of a cancel packet class CancelPacket { friend union FilePacket; PRIVATE: //! The packet header Header m_header; public: //! Initialize a cancel packet void initialize( const U32 sequenceIndex //!< The sequence index ); //! Compute the buffer size needed to hold this CancelPacket U32 bufferSize() const; //! Convert this CancelPacket to a Buffer SerializeStatus toBuffer(Buffer& buffer) const; //! Get this as a Header const FilePacket::Header& asHeader() const { return this->m_header; }; PRIVATE: //! Initialize this CancelPacket from a SerialBuffer SerializeStatus fromSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer); }; public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FilePacket() { this->m_header.m_type = T_NONE; } public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public instance methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Initialize this from a Buffer //! SerializeStatus fromBuffer(const Buffer& buffer); //! Get this as a Header //! const Header& asHeader() const; //! Get this as a StartPacket //! const StartPacket& asStartPacket() const; //! Get this as a DataPacket //! const DataPacket& asDataPacket() const; //! Get this as an EndPacket //! const EndPacket& asEndPacket() const; //! Get this as a CancelPacket //! const CancelPacket& asCancelPacket() const; //! Initialize this with a StartPacket //! void fromStartPacket(const StartPacket& startPacket); //! Initialize this with a DataPacket //! void fromDataPacket(const DataPacket& dataPacket); //! Initialize this with an EndPacket //! void fromEndPacket(const EndPacket& endPacket); //! Initialize this with a CancelPacket //! void fromCancelPacket(const CancelPacket& cancelPacket); //! Get the buffer size needed to hold this FilePacket //! U32 bufferSize() const; //! Convert this FilePacket to a Buffer //! SerializeStatus toBuffer(Buffer& buffer) const; PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private methods // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Initialize this from a SerialBuffer //! SerializeStatus fromSerialBuffer(SerialBuffer& serialBuffer); PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private data // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! this, seen as a header //! Header m_header; //! this, seen as a Start packet //! StartPacket m_startPacket; //! this, seen as a Data packet //! DataPacket m_dataPacket; //! this, seen as an End packet //! EndPacket m_endPacket; //! this, seen as a Cancel packet //! CancelPacket m_cancelPacket; }; } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title Fw/FilePacket/GTest/Header.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief Test utilities for file packet headers // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2016, California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Fw/FilePacket/GTest/FilePackets.hpp> namespace Fw { namespace GTest { void FilePackets::Header :: compare( const FilePacket::Header& expected, const FilePacket::Header& actual ) { ASSERT_EQ(expected.m_type, actual.m_type); ASSERT_EQ(expected.m_sequenceIndex, actual.m_sequenceIndex); } } }
// ====================================================================== // \title Fw/FilePacket/GTest/FilePackets.hpp // \author bocchino // \brief hpp file for File Packet testing utilities // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2016 California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef Fw_GTest_FilePackets_HPP #define Fw_GTest_FilePackets_HPP #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <Fw/FilePacket/FilePacket.hpp> namespace Fw { namespace GTest { //! Utilities for testing File Packet operations //! namespace FilePackets { namespace PathName { //! Compare two path names void compare( const FilePacket::PathName& expected, const FilePacket::PathName& actual ); } namespace Header { //! Compare two file packet headers void compare( const FilePacket::Header& expected, const FilePacket::Header& actual ); } namespace StartPacket { //! Compare two start packets void compare( const FilePacket::StartPacket& expected, const FilePacket::StartPacket& actual ); } namespace DataPacket { //! Compare two data packets void compare( const FilePacket::DataPacket& expected, const FilePacket::DataPacket& actual ); } namespace EndPacket { //! Compare two end packets void compare( const FilePacket::EndPacket& expected, const FilePacket::EndPacket& actual ); } namespace CancelPacket { //! Compare two cancel packets void compare( const FilePacket::CancelPacket& expected, const FilePacket::CancelPacket& actual ); } } } } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title Fw/FilePacket/GTest/PathName.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief Test utilities for start file packets // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2016, California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Fw/FilePacket/GTest/FilePackets.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/GTest/Bytes.hpp> namespace Fw { namespace GTest { void FilePackets::PathName :: compare( const FilePacket::PathName& expected, const FilePacket::PathName& actual ) { ASSERT_EQ(expected.m_length, actual.m_length); Bytes expectedPath( reinterpret_cast<const U8*>(expected.m_value), expected.m_length ); Bytes actualPath( reinterpret_cast<const U8*>(actual.m_value), actual.m_length ); Bytes::compare(expectedPath, actualPath); } } }
// ====================================================================== // \title Fw/FilePacket/GTest/CancelPacket.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief Test utilities for data file packets // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2016, California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Fw/FilePacket/GTest/FilePackets.hpp> namespace Fw { namespace GTest { void FilePackets::CancelPacket :: compare( const FilePacket::CancelPacket& expected, const FilePacket::CancelPacket& actual ) { FilePackets::Header::compare(expected.m_header, actual.m_header); } } }
// ====================================================================== // \title Fw/FilePacket/GTest/DataPacket.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief Test utilities for data file packets // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2016, California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Fw/FilePacket/GTest/FilePackets.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/GTest/Bytes.hpp> namespace Fw { namespace GTest { void FilePackets::DataPacket :: compare( const FilePacket::DataPacket& expected, const FilePacket::DataPacket& actual ) { FilePackets::Header::compare(expected.m_header, actual.m_header); ASSERT_EQ(expected.m_byteOffset, actual.m_byteOffset); Bytes expectedData(expected.m_data, expected.m_dataSize); Bytes actualData(actual.m_data, actual.m_dataSize); Bytes::compare(expectedData, actualData); } } }
// ====================================================================== // \title Fw/FilePacket/GTest/StartPacket.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief Test utilities for start file packets // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2016, California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Fw/FilePacket/GTest/FilePackets.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/GTest/Bytes.hpp> namespace Fw { namespace GTest { void FilePackets::StartPacket :: compare( const FilePacket::StartPacket& expected, const FilePacket::StartPacket& actual ) { FilePackets::Header::compare(expected.m_header, actual.m_header); ASSERT_EQ(expected.m_fileSize, actual.m_fileSize); PathName::compare(expected.m_sourcePath, actual.m_sourcePath); PathName::compare(expected.m_destinationPath, actual.m_destinationPath); } } }
// ====================================================================== // \title Fw/FilePacket/GTest/EndPacket.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief Test utilities for data file packets // // \copyright // Copyright (C) 2016, California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include <Fw/FilePacket/GTest/FilePackets.hpp> #include <CFDP/Checksum/GTest/Checksums.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/GTest/Bytes.hpp> namespace Fw { namespace GTest { void FilePackets::EndPacket :: compare( const FilePacket::EndPacket& expected, const FilePacket::EndPacket& actual ) { FilePackets::Header::compare(expected.m_header, actual.m_header); CFDP::Checksum expectedChecksum; CFDP::Checksum actualChecksum; expected.getChecksum(expectedChecksum); actual.getChecksum(actualChecksum); CFDP::GTest::Checksums::compare(expectedChecksum, actualChecksum); } } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main.cpp // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <Fw/Buffer/Buffer.hpp> #include <Fw/FilePacket/FilePacket.hpp> #include <Fw/FilePacket/GTest/FilePackets.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> namespace Fw { // Serialize and deserialize a file packet header TEST(FilePacket, Header) { const FilePacket::Header expected = { FilePacket::T_DATA, // Packet type 10 // Sequence number }; const U32 size = expected.bufferSize(); U8 bytes[size]; SerialBuffer serialBuffer(bytes, size); { const SerializeStatus status = expected.toSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); FW_ASSERT(status == FW_SERIALIZE_OK); } FilePacket::Header actual; { const SerializeStatus status = actual.fromSerialBuffer(serialBuffer); FW_ASSERT(status == FW_SERIALIZE_OK); } GTest::FilePackets::Header::compare( expected, actual ); } // Serialize and deserialize a start packet TEST(FilePacket, StartPacket) { FilePacket::StartPacket expected; expected.initialize( 10, // File size "source", // Source path "dest" // Destination path ); const U32 size = expected.bufferSize(); U8 bytes[size]; Buffer buffer(bytes, size); SerialBuffer serialBuffer(bytes, size); { const SerializeStatus status = expected.toBuffer(buffer); ASSERT_EQ(status, FW_SERIALIZE_OK); } FilePacket actual; { const SerializeStatus status = actual.fromBuffer(buffer); ASSERT_EQ(status, FW_SERIALIZE_OK); } const FilePacket::StartPacket& actualStartPacket = actual.asStartPacket(); GTest::FilePackets::StartPacket::compare( expected, actualStartPacket ); } // Serialize and deserialize a data packet TEST(FilePacket, DataPacket) { FilePacket::DataPacket expected; const U32 dataSize = 10; U8 data[dataSize] = {}; // Initialize to appease valgrind expected.initialize( 3, // Sequence index 42, // Byte offset dataSize, // Data size data // Data ); const U32 size = expected.bufferSize(); U8 bytes[size]; Buffer buffer(bytes, size); SerialBuffer serialBuffer(bytes, size); { const SerializeStatus status = expected.toBuffer(buffer); FW_ASSERT(status == FW_SERIALIZE_OK); } FilePacket actual; { const SerializeStatus status = actual.fromBuffer(buffer); FW_ASSERT(status == FW_SERIALIZE_OK); } const FilePacket::DataPacket& actualDataPacket = actual.asDataPacket(); GTest::FilePackets::DataPacket::compare( expected, actualDataPacket ); } // Serialize and deserialize an end packet TEST(FilePacket, EndPacket) { FilePacket::EndPacket expected; const CFDP::Checksum checksum(42); expected.initialize( 15, // Sequence index checksum // Checksum ); const U32 size = expected.bufferSize(); U8 bytes[size]; Buffer buffer(bytes, size); SerialBuffer serialBuffer(bytes, size); { const SerializeStatus status = expected.toBuffer(buffer); FW_ASSERT(status == FW_SERIALIZE_OK); } FilePacket actual; { const SerializeStatus status = actual.fromBuffer(buffer); FW_ASSERT(status == FW_SERIALIZE_OK); } const FilePacket::EndPacket& actualEndPacket = actual.asEndPacket(); GTest::FilePackets::EndPacket::compare( expected, actualEndPacket ); } // Serialize and deserialize an end packet TEST(FilePacket, CancelPacket) { FilePacket::CancelPacket expected; const CFDP::Checksum checksum(42); expected.initialize( 10 // Sequence index ); const U32 size = expected.bufferSize(); U8 bytes[size]; Buffer buffer(bytes, size); SerialBuffer serialBuffer(bytes, size); { const SerializeStatus status = expected.toBuffer(buffer); FW_ASSERT(status == FW_SERIALIZE_OK); } FilePacket actual; { const SerializeStatus status = actual.fromBuffer(buffer); FW_ASSERT(status == FW_SERIALIZE_OK); } const FilePacket::CancelPacket& actualCancelPacket = actual.asCancelPacket(); GTest::FilePackets::CancelPacket::compare( expected, actualCancelPacket ); } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
/* * ComPacket.cpp * * Created on: May 24, 2014 * Author: Timothy Canham */ #include <Fw/Com/ComPacket.hpp> namespace Fw { ComPacket::ComPacket() : m_type(FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN) { } ComPacket::~ComPacket() { } SerializeStatus ComPacket::serializeBase(SerializeBufferBase& buffer) const { return buffer.serialize(static_cast<FwPacketDescriptorType>(this->m_type)); } SerializeStatus ComPacket::deserializeBase(SerializeBufferBase& buffer) { FwPacketDescriptorType serVal; SerializeStatus stat = buffer.deserialize(serVal); if (FW_SERIALIZE_OK == stat) { this->m_type = static_cast<ComPacketType>(serVal); } return stat; } } /* namespace Fw */
#include <Fw/Com/ComBuffer.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> namespace Fw { ComBuffer::ComBuffer(const U8 *args, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE size) { SerializeStatus stat = SerializeBufferBase::setBuff(args,size); FW_ASSERT(FW_SERIALIZE_OK == stat,static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(stat)); } ComBuffer::ComBuffer() { } ComBuffer::~ComBuffer() { } ComBuffer::ComBuffer(const ComBuffer& other) : Fw::SerializeBufferBase() { SerializeStatus stat = SerializeBufferBase::setBuff(other.m_bufferData,other.getBuffLength()); FW_ASSERT(FW_SERIALIZE_OK == stat,static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(stat)); } ComBuffer& ComBuffer::operator=(const ComBuffer& other) { if(this == &other) { return *this; } SerializeStatus stat = SerializeBufferBase::setBuff(other.m_bufferData,other.getBuffLength()); FW_ASSERT(FW_SERIALIZE_OK == stat,static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(stat)); return *this; } NATIVE_UINT_TYPE ComBuffer::getBuffCapacity() const { return sizeof(this->m_bufferData); } const U8* ComBuffer::getBuffAddr() const { return this->m_bufferData; } U8* ComBuffer::getBuffAddr() { return this->m_bufferData; } }
/* * FwComBuffer.hpp * * Created on: May 24, 2014 * Author: tcanham */ /* * Description: * This object contains the ComBuffer type, used for sending and receiving packets from the ground */ #ifndef FW_COM_BUFFER_HPP #define FW_COM_BUFFER_HPP #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Serializable.hpp> namespace Fw { class ComBuffer : public SerializeBufferBase { public: enum { SERIALIZED_TYPE_ID = 1010, SERIALIZED_SIZE = FW_COM_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE + sizeof(FwBuffSizeType) // size of buffer + storage of size word }; ComBuffer(const U8 *args, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE size); ComBuffer(); ComBuffer(const ComBuffer& other); virtual ~ComBuffer(); ComBuffer& operator=(const ComBuffer& other); NATIVE_UINT_TYPE getBuffCapacity() const; // !< returns capacity, not current size, of buffer U8* getBuffAddr(); const U8* getBuffAddr() const; private: U8 m_bufferData[FW_COM_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE]; // packet data buffer }; } #endif
/* * ComPacket.hpp * * Created on: May 24, 2014 * Author: Timothy Canham */ #ifndef COMPACKET_HPP_ #define COMPACKET_HPP_ #include <Fw/Types/Serializable.hpp> // Packet format: // |32-bit packet type|packet type-specific data| namespace Fw { class ComPacket: public Serializable { public: typedef enum { FW_PACKET_COMMAND, // !< Command packet type - incoming FW_PACKET_TELEM, // !< Telemetry packet type - outgoing FW_PACKET_LOG, // !< Log type - outgoing FW_PACKET_FILE, // !< File type - incoming and outgoing FW_PACKET_PACKETIZED_TLM, // !< Packetized telemetry packet type FW_PACKET_DP, //!< Data product packet FW_PACKET_IDLE, // !< Idle packet FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN = 0xFF // !< Unknown packet } ComPacketType; ComPacket(); virtual ~ComPacket(); protected: ComPacketType m_type; SerializeStatus serializeBase(SerializeBufferBase& buffer) const ; // called by derived classes to serialize common fields SerializeStatus deserializeBase(SerializeBufferBase& buffer); // called by derived classes to deserialize common fields }; } /* namespace Fw */ #endif /* COMPACKET_HPP_ */
// Work around inconsistent spelling #include "PrmBuffer.hpp"
#include <Fw/Prm/PrmString.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/StringUtils.hpp> namespace Fw { ParamString::ParamString(const char* src) : StringBase() { (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, src, sizeof(this->m_buf)); } ParamString::ParamString(const StringBase& src) : StringBase() { (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, src.toChar(), sizeof(this->m_buf)); } ParamString::ParamString(const ParamString& src) : StringBase() { (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, src.toChar(), sizeof(this->m_buf)); } ParamString::ParamString() : StringBase() { this->m_buf[0] = 0; } ParamString& ParamString::operator=(const ParamString& other) { if(this == &other) { return *this; } (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, other.toChar(), sizeof(this->m_buf)); return *this; } ParamString& ParamString::operator=(const StringBase& other) { if(this == &other) { return *this; } (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, other.toChar(), sizeof(this->m_buf)); return *this; } ParamString& ParamString::operator=(const char* other) { (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, other, sizeof(this->m_buf)); return *this; } ParamString::~ParamString() { } const char* ParamString::toChar() const { return this->m_buf; } NATIVE_UINT_TYPE ParamString::getCapacity() const { return FW_PARAM_STRING_MAX_SIZE; } }
#include <Fw/Prm/PrmBuffer.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> namespace Fw { ParamBuffer::ParamBuffer(const U8 *args, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE size) { SerializeStatus stat = SerializeBufferBase::setBuff(args,size); FW_ASSERT(FW_SERIALIZE_OK == stat,static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(stat)); } ParamBuffer::ParamBuffer() { } ParamBuffer::~ParamBuffer() { } ParamBuffer::ParamBuffer(const ParamBuffer& other) : Fw::SerializeBufferBase() { SerializeStatus stat = SerializeBufferBase::setBuff(other.m_bufferData,other.getBuffLength()); FW_ASSERT(FW_SERIALIZE_OK == stat,static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(stat)); } ParamBuffer& ParamBuffer::operator=(const ParamBuffer& other) { if(this == &other) { return *this; } SerializeStatus stat = SerializeBufferBase::setBuff(other.m_bufferData,other.getBuffLength()); FW_ASSERT(FW_SERIALIZE_OK == stat,static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(stat)); return *this; } NATIVE_UINT_TYPE ParamBuffer::getBuffCapacity() const { return sizeof(this->m_bufferData); } const U8* ParamBuffer::getBuffAddr() const { return this->m_bufferData; } U8* ParamBuffer::getBuffAddr() { return this->m_bufferData; } }
#ifndef FW_PRM_STRING_TYPE_HPP #define FW_PRM_STRING_TYPE_HPP #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/StringType.hpp> #include <Fw/Cfg/SerIds.hpp> namespace Fw { class ParamString : public Fw::StringBase { public: enum { SERIALIZED_TYPE_ID = FW_TYPEID_PRM_STR, SERIALIZED_SIZE = FW_PARAM_STRING_MAX_SIZE + sizeof(FwBuffSizeType) // size of buffer + storage of two size words }; ParamString(const char* src); ParamString(const StringBase& src); ParamString(const ParamString& src); ParamString(); ParamString& operator=(const ParamString& other); ParamString& operator=(const StringBase& other); ParamString& operator=(const char* other); ~ParamString(); const char* toChar() const; NATIVE_UINT_TYPE getCapacity() const; private: char m_buf[FW_PARAM_STRING_MAX_SIZE]; }; } #endif
/* * Cmd.hpp * * Created on: Sep 10, 2012 * Author: ppandian */ /* * Description: * This object contains the ParamBuffer type, used for storing parameters */ #ifndef FW_PRM_BUFFER_HPP #define FW_PRM_BUFFER_HPP #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Serializable.hpp> #include <Fw/Cfg/SerIds.hpp> namespace Fw { class ParamBuffer : public SerializeBufferBase { public: enum { SERIALIZED_TYPE_ID = FW_TYPEID_PRM_BUFF, SERIALIZED_SIZE = FW_PARAM_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE + sizeof(FwBuffSizeType) }; ParamBuffer(const U8 *args, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE size); ParamBuffer(); ParamBuffer(const ParamBuffer& other); virtual ~ParamBuffer(); ParamBuffer& operator=(const ParamBuffer& other); NATIVE_UINT_TYPE getBuffCapacity() const; // !< returns capacity, not current size, of buffer U8* getBuffAddr(); const U8* getBuffAddr() const; private: U8 m_bufferData[FW_PARAM_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE]; // command argument buffer }; } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title SerializableFile.hpp // \author dinkel // \brief hpp file for SerializableFile // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #ifndef Fw_SerializableFile_HPP #define Fw_SerializableFile_HPP #include <Fw/Types/Serializable.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/MemAllocator.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/SerialBuffer.hpp> namespace Fw { //! The type of a packet header class SerializableFile { public: enum Status { OP_OK, FILE_OPEN_ERROR, FILE_WRITE_ERROR, FILE_READ_ERROR, DESERIALIZATION_ERROR }; // NOTE!: This should not be used with an allocator that can return a smaller buffer than requested SerializableFile(MemAllocator* allocator, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE maxSerializedSize); ~SerializableFile(); Status load(const char* fileName, Serializable& serializable); Status save(const char* fileName, Serializable& serializable); PRIVATE: void reset(); MemAllocator* m_allocator; bool m_recoverable; // don't care; for allocator NATIVE_UINT_TYPE m_actualSize; // for checking SerialBuffer m_buffer; }; } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title SerializableFile.cpp // \author dinkel // \brief cpp file for SerializableFile // // \copyright // Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. // ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship // acknowledged. // // ====================================================================== #include "Fw/SerializableFile/SerializableFile.hpp" #include "Fw/Types/Assert.hpp" #include "Os/File.hpp" namespace Fw { SerializableFile::SerializableFile(MemAllocator* allocator, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE maxSerializedSize) : m_allocator(allocator), m_recoverable(false), // for compiler; not used m_actualSize(maxSerializedSize), m_buffer(static_cast<U8*>(this->m_allocator->allocate(0, m_actualSize, m_recoverable)), m_actualSize) { // assert if allocator returns smaller size FW_ASSERT(maxSerializedSize == m_actualSize,maxSerializedSize,m_actualSize); FW_ASSERT(nullptr != m_buffer.getBuffAddr()); } SerializableFile::~SerializableFile() { this->m_allocator->deallocate(0, this->m_buffer.getBuffAddr()); } SerializableFile::Status SerializableFile::load(const char* fileName, Serializable& serializable) { Os::File file; Os::File::Status status; status =, Os::File::OPEN_READ); if( Os::File::OP_OK != status ) { return FILE_OPEN_ERROR; } FwSignedSizeType capacity = static_cast<FwSignedSizeType>(this->m_buffer.getBuffCapacity()); FwSignedSizeType length = static_cast<FwSignedSizeType>(capacity); status =>m_buffer.getBuffAddr(), length, Os::File::WaitType::NO_WAIT); if( Os::File::OP_OK != status ) { file.close(); return FILE_READ_ERROR; } file.close(); this->reset(); SerializeStatus serStatus; serStatus = this->m_buffer.setBuffLen(static_cast<NATIVE_UINT_TYPE>(length)); FW_ASSERT(FW_SERIALIZE_OK == serStatus, serStatus); serStatus = serializable.deserialize(this->m_buffer); if(FW_SERIALIZE_OK != serStatus) { return DESERIALIZATION_ERROR; } return SerializableFile::OP_OK; } SerializableFile::Status SerializableFile::save(const char* fileName, Serializable& serializable) { this->reset(); SerializeStatus serStatus = serializable.serialize(this->m_buffer); FW_ASSERT(FW_SERIALIZE_OK == serStatus, serStatus); Os::File file; Os::File::Status status; status =, Os::File::OPEN_WRITE); if( Os::File::OP_OK != status ) { return FILE_OPEN_ERROR; } FwSignedSizeType length = static_cast<FwSignedSizeType>(this->m_buffer.getBuffLength()); FwSignedSizeType size = length; status = file.write(this->m_buffer.getBuffAddr(), length); if( (Os::File::OP_OK != status) || (length != size)) { file.close(); return FILE_WRITE_ERROR; } file.close(); return SerializableFile::OP_OK; } void SerializableFile::reset() { this->m_buffer.resetSer(); //!< reset to beginning of buffer to reuse for serialization this->m_buffer.resetDeser(); //!< reset deserialization to beginning } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main.cpp // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <cstring> #include <cstdio> #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/MallocAllocator.hpp> #include <Fw/SerializableFile/SerializableFile.hpp> #include <Fw/SerializableFile/test/TestSerializable/TestSerializableAc.hpp> using namespace Fw; int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Create local serializable: U32 element1 = 4294967284U; I8 element2 = -18; F64 element3 = 3.14159; U32 size = Test::SERIALIZED_SIZE; Test config(element1, element2, element3); // Create the serializable file: MallocAllocator theMallocator; SerializableFile configFile(&theMallocator, size); SerializableFile::Status status; // Save the serializable to a file: printf("Testing save... "); status ="test.ser", config); FW_ASSERT(SerializableFile::OP_OK == status, status); printf("Passed\n"); // Load the serializable from a file: printf("Testing load... "); Test config2; status = configFile.load("test.ser", config2); FW_ASSERT(SerializableFile::OP_OK == status, status); printf("Passed\n"); // Compare the results: printf("Testing compare... "); FW_ASSERT(config == config2); printf("Passed\n"); // Test saving to impossible file: printf("Testing bad save... "); status ="this/file/does/not/exist", config); FW_ASSERT(SerializableFile::FILE_OPEN_ERROR == status, status); printf("Passed\n"); // Test reading from nonexistent file: printf("Testing bad load... "); Test config3; status = configFile.load("thisfiledoesnotexist.ser", config3); FW_ASSERT(SerializableFile::FILE_OPEN_ERROR == status, status); printf("Passed\n"); return 0; }
#include <Fw/Test/String.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/StringUtils.hpp> namespace Test { String::String(const char* src) : StringBase() { (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, src, sizeof(this->m_buf)); } String::String(const StringBase& src) : StringBase() { (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, src.toChar(), sizeof(this->m_buf)); } String::String(const String& src) : StringBase() { (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, src.toChar(), sizeof(this->m_buf)); } String::String() : StringBase() { this->m_buf[0] = 0; } String& String::operator=(const String& other) { if(this == &other) { return *this; } (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, other.toChar(), sizeof(this->m_buf)); return *this; } String& String::operator=(const StringBase& other) { if(this == &other) { return *this; } (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, other.toChar(), sizeof(this->m_buf)); return *this; } String& String::operator=(const char* other) { (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, other, sizeof(this->m_buf)); return *this; } String::~String() { } const char* String::toChar() const { return this->m_buf; } NATIVE_UINT_TYPE String::getCapacity() const { return STRING_SIZE; } }
#ifndef TEST_STRING_TYPE_HPP #define TEST_STRING_TYPE_HPP #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/StringType.hpp> #include <Fw/Cfg/SerIds.hpp> namespace Test { //! A longer string for testing class String : public Fw::StringBase { public: enum { STRING_SIZE = 256, //!< Storage for string SERIALIZED_SIZE = STRING_SIZE + sizeof(FwBuffSizeType) //!< Serialized size is size of buffer + size field }; String(const char* src); //!< char* source constructor String(const StringBase& src); //!< other string constructor String(const String& src); //!< String string constructor String(); //!< default constructor String& operator=(const String& other); //!< assignment operator String& operator=(const StringBase& other); //!< other string assignment operator String& operator=(const char* other); //!< char* assignment operator ~String(); //!< destructor const char* toChar() const; //!< gets char buffer NATIVE_UINT_TYPE getCapacity() const ; //!< return buffer size private: char m_buf[STRING_SIZE]; //!< storage for string data }; } #endif
/** * \file * \author T. Canham * \brief * * This contains macros used to document test cases and requirements in unit tests. * Borrowed from Insight. * * \copyright * Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship * acknowledged. * <br /><br /> */ #ifndef TEST_UNITTEST_HPP_ #define TEST_UNITTEST_HPP_ #define TEST_CASE(tc, desc) \ printf("\n***************************************\n"); \ printf("TESTCASE %s: " desc "\n", #tc); \ printf("***************************************\n") #define REQUIREMENT(str) \ printf("\n***************************************\n"); \ printf("(RQ) %s\n", str); \ printf("***************************************\n") #define COMMENT(str) \ printf("\n***************************************\n"); \ printf("%s\n", str); \ printf("***************************************\n") #endif /* TEST_UNITTEST_HPP_ */
/* * UnitTestAssert.hpp * * Created on: Feb 8, 2016 * Author: tcanham * Revised July 2020 * Author: bocchino */ #ifndef TEST_UNITTESTASSERT_HPP_ #define TEST_UNITTESTASSERT_HPP_ #include <Fw/Test/String.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> namespace Test { class UnitTestAssert: public Fw::AssertHook { public: #if FW_ASSERT_LEVEL == FW_FILEID_ASSERT typedef U32 File; #else typedef String File; #endif // initial value for File static const File fileInit; public: UnitTestAssert(); virtual ~UnitTestAssert(); // function for hook void doAssert(); void reportAssert( FILE_NAME_ARG file, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE lineNo, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE numArgs, FwAssertArgType arg1, FwAssertArgType arg2, FwAssertArgType arg3, FwAssertArgType arg4, FwAssertArgType arg5, FwAssertArgType arg6 ); // retrieves assertion failure values void retrieveAssert( File& file, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE& lineNo, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE& numArgs, FwAssertArgType& arg1, FwAssertArgType& arg2, FwAssertArgType& arg3, FwAssertArgType& arg4, FwAssertArgType& arg5, FwAssertArgType& arg6 ) const; // check whether assertion failure occurred bool assertFailed() const; // clear assertion failure void clearAssertFailure(); private: File m_file; NATIVE_UINT_TYPE m_lineNo; NATIVE_INT_TYPE m_numArgs; FwAssertArgType m_arg1; FwAssertArgType m_arg2; FwAssertArgType m_arg3; FwAssertArgType m_arg4; FwAssertArgType m_arg5; FwAssertArgType m_arg6; // Whether an assertion failed bool m_assertFailed; }; } /* namespace Test */ #endif /* TEST_UNITTESTASSERT_HPP_ */
/* * UnitTestAssert.cpp * * Created on: Feb 8, 2016 * Author: tcanham * Revised July 2020 * Author: bocchino */ #include <Fw/Test/UnitTestAssert.hpp> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> namespace Test { #if FW_ASSERT_LEVEL == FW_FILEID_ASSERT const UnitTestAssert::File UnitTestAssert::fileInit = 0; #else const UnitTestAssert::File UnitTestAssert::fileInit = ""; #endif UnitTestAssert::UnitTestAssert() : m_file(fileInit), m_lineNo(0), m_numArgs(0), m_arg1(0), m_arg2(0), m_arg3(0), m_arg4(0), m_arg5(0), m_arg6(0), m_assertFailed(false) { // register this hook Fw::AssertHook::registerHook(); } UnitTestAssert::~UnitTestAssert() { // deregister the hook Fw::AssertHook::deregisterHook(); } void UnitTestAssert::doAssert() { this->m_assertFailed = true; #if FW_ASSERT_LEVEL == FW_FILEID_ASSERT (void)fprintf(stderr,"Assert: 0x%" PRIx32 ":%" PRI_PlatformUIntType "\n", this->m_file, this->m_lineNo); #else (void)fprintf(stderr,"Assert: %s:%" PRI_PlatformUIntType "\n", this->m_file.toChar(), this->m_lineNo); #endif } void UnitTestAssert::reportAssert( FILE_NAME_ARG file, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE lineNo, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE numArgs, FwAssertArgType arg1, FwAssertArgType arg2, FwAssertArgType arg3, FwAssertArgType arg4, FwAssertArgType arg5, FwAssertArgType arg6 ) { #if FW_ASSERT_LEVEL == FW_FILEID_ASSERT this->m_file = file; #else this->m_file = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(file); #endif this->m_lineNo = lineNo; this->m_numArgs = numArgs; this->m_arg1 = arg1; this->m_arg2 = arg2; this->m_arg3 = arg3; this->m_arg4 = arg4; this->m_arg5 = arg5; this->m_arg6 = arg6; } void UnitTestAssert::retrieveAssert( File& file, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE& lineNo, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE& numArgs, FwAssertArgType& arg1, FwAssertArgType& arg2, FwAssertArgType& arg3, FwAssertArgType& arg4, FwAssertArgType& arg5, FwAssertArgType& arg6 ) const { file = this->m_file; lineNo = this->m_lineNo; numArgs = this->m_numArgs; arg1 = this->m_arg1; arg2 = this->m_arg2; arg3 = this->m_arg3; arg4 = this->m_arg4; arg5 = this->m_arg5; arg6 = this->m_arg6; } bool UnitTestAssert::assertFailed() const { return this->m_assertFailed; } void UnitTestAssert::clearAssertFailure() { this->m_assertFailed = false; } } /* namespace Test */
/** * \file * \author T. Canham * \brief Configuration checks for ISF configuration macros * * \copyright * Copyright 2009-2016, by the California Institute of Technology. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship * acknowledged. * */ #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <limits> // Check that command/telemetry strings are not larger than an argument buffer static_assert(FW_CMD_STRING_MAX_SIZE <= FW_CMD_ARG_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE, "FW_CMD_STRING_MAX_SIZE cannot be larger than FW_CMD_ARG_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE"); static_assert(FW_LOG_STRING_MAX_SIZE <= FW_LOG_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE, "FW_LOG_STRING_MAX_SIZE cannot be larger than FW_LOG_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE"); static_assert(FW_TLM_STRING_MAX_SIZE <= FW_TLM_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE, "FW_TLM_STRING_MAX_SIZE cannot be larger than FW_TLM_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE"); static_assert(FW_PARAM_STRING_MAX_SIZE <= FW_PARAM_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE, "FW_PARAM_STRING_MAX_SIZE cannot be larger than FW_PARAM_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE"); // Text logging needs the code generator for serializables to generate a stringified version of the // value. static_assert((FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING == 0) || ( FW_SERIALIZABLE_TO_STRING == 1), "FW_SERIALIZABLE_TO_STRING must be enabled to enable FW_ENABLE_TEXT_LOGGING"); static_assert(std::numeric_limits<FwBuffSizeType>::max() == std::numeric_limits<FwSizeStoreType>::max() && std::numeric_limits<FwBuffSizeType>::min() == std::numeric_limits<FwSizeStoreType>::min(), "FwBuffSizeType must be equivalent to FwExternalSizeType"); static_assert(std::numeric_limits<FwSizeType>::max() >= std::numeric_limits<FwSizeStoreType>::max() && std::numeric_limits<FwSizeType>::min() <= std::numeric_limits<FwSizeStoreType>::min(), "FwSizeType cannot entirely store values of type FwExternalSizeType");
/** * \file * \author T. Canham * \brief Definitions for ISF type serial IDs * * NOTE: Not currently being used * * \copyright * Copyright 2009-2015, by the California Institute of Technology. * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship * acknowledged. * <br /><br /> */ #ifndef _FW_SER_IDS_HPP_ #define _FW_SER_IDS_HPP_ // Definitions of provided types serialized IDs // Should fit in 16 bits namespace Fw { enum { // Built-in types FW_TYPEID_U8 = 10, //!< U8 serialized type id FW_TYPEID_18 = 11, //!< I8 serialized type id FW_TYPEID_U16 = 12, //!< U16 serialized type id FW_TYPEID_I16 = 13, //!< I16 serialized type id FW_TYPEID_U32 = 14, //!< U32 serialized type id FW_TYPEID_I32 = 15, //!< I32 serialized type id FW_TYPEID_U64 = 16, //!< U64 serialized type id FW_TYPEID_I64 = 17, //!< I64 serialized type id FW_TYPEID_F32 = 18, //!< F32 serialized type id FW_TYPEID_F64 = 19, //!< F64 serialized type id FW_TYPEID_BOOL = 20, //!< boolean serialized type id FW_TYPEID_PTR = 21, //!< pointer serialized type id FW_TYPEID_BUFF = 22, //!< buffer serialized type id // PolyType FW_TYPEID_POLY = 30, //!< PolyType serialized type id // Command/Telemetry types FW_TYPEID_CMD_BUFF = 40, //!< Command Buffer type id FW_TYPEID_CMD_STR = 41, //!< Command string type id FW_TYPEID_TLM_BUFF = 42, //!< Telemetry Buffer type id FW_TYPEID_TLM_STR = 43, //!< Telemetry string type id FW_TYPEID_LOG_BUFF = 44, //!< Log Buffer type id FW_TYPEID_LOG_STR = 45, //!< Log string type id FW_TYPEID_PRM_BUFF = 46, //!< Parameter Buffer type id FW_TYPEID_PRM_STR = 47, //!< Parameter string type id FW_TYPEID_FILE_BUFF = 48, //!< File piece Buffer type id // Other types FW_TYPEID_EIGHTY_CHAR_STRING = 50, //!< 80 char string Buffer type id FW_TYPEID_INTERNAL_INTERFACE_STRING = 51, //!< interface string Buffer type id FW_TYPEID_FIXED_LENGTH_STRING = 52, //!< 256 char string Buffer type id FW_TYPEID_OBJECT_NAME = 53, //!< ObjectName string Buffer type id }; } #endif
/* * CmdPacket.cpp * * Created on: May 24, 2014 * Author: Timothy Canham */ #include <Fw/Cmd/CmdPacket.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> #include <cstdio> namespace Fw { CmdPacket::CmdPacket() : m_opcode(0) { this->m_type = FW_PACKET_COMMAND; } CmdPacket::~CmdPacket() { } SerializeStatus CmdPacket::serialize(SerializeBufferBase& buffer) const { // Shouldn't be called FW_ASSERT(0); return FW_SERIALIZE_OK; // for compiler } SerializeStatus CmdPacket::deserialize(SerializeBufferBase& buffer) { SerializeStatus stat = ComPacket::deserializeBase(buffer); if (stat != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) { return stat; } // double check packet type if (this->m_type != FW_PACKET_COMMAND) { return FW_DESERIALIZE_TYPE_MISMATCH; } stat = buffer.deserialize(this->m_opcode); if (stat != FW_SERIALIZE_OK) { return stat; } // if non-empty, copy data if (buffer.getBuffLeft()) { // copy the serialized arguments to the buffer stat = buffer.copyRaw(this->m_argBuffer,buffer.getBuffLeft()); } return stat; } FwOpcodeType CmdPacket::getOpCode() const { return this->m_opcode; } CmdArgBuffer& CmdPacket::getArgBuffer() { return this->m_argBuffer; } } /* namespace Fw */
/* * CmdPacket.hpp * * Created on: May 24, 2014 * Author: Timothy Canham */ #ifndef CMDPACKET_HPP_ #define CMDPACKET_HPP_ #include <Fw/Com/ComPacket.hpp> #include <Fw/Cmd/CmdArgBuffer.hpp> namespace Fw { class CmdPacket : public ComPacket { public: CmdPacket(); virtual ~CmdPacket(); SerializeStatus serialize(SerializeBufferBase& buffer) const; //!< serialize contents SerializeStatus deserialize(SerializeBufferBase& buffer); FwOpcodeType getOpCode() const; CmdArgBuffer& getArgBuffer(); protected: FwOpcodeType m_opcode; CmdArgBuffer m_argBuffer; }; } /* namespace Fw */ #endif /* CMDPACKET_HPP_ */
#include <Fw/Cmd/CmdString.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/StringUtils.hpp> namespace Fw { CmdStringArg::CmdStringArg(const char* src) : StringBase() { (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, src, sizeof(this->m_buf)); } CmdStringArg::CmdStringArg(const StringBase& src) : StringBase() { (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, src.toChar(), sizeof(this->m_buf)); } CmdStringArg::CmdStringArg(const CmdStringArg& src) : StringBase() { (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, src.toChar(), sizeof(this->m_buf)); } CmdStringArg::CmdStringArg() : StringBase() { this->m_buf[0] = 0; } CmdStringArg& CmdStringArg::operator=(const CmdStringArg& other) { if(this == &other) { return *this; } (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, other.toChar(), sizeof(this->m_buf)); return *this; } CmdStringArg& CmdStringArg::operator=(const StringBase& other) { if(this == &other) { return *this; } (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, other.toChar(), sizeof(this->m_buf)); return *this; } CmdStringArg& CmdStringArg::operator=(const char* other) { (void) Fw::StringUtils::string_copy(this->m_buf, other, sizeof(this->m_buf)); return *this; } CmdStringArg::~CmdStringArg() { } const char* CmdStringArg::toChar() const { return this->m_buf; } NATIVE_UINT_TYPE CmdStringArg::getCapacity() const { return FW_CMD_STRING_MAX_SIZE; } }
#ifndef FW_CMD_STRING_TYPE_HPP #define FW_CMD_STRING_TYPE_HPP #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/StringType.hpp> #include <Fw/Cfg/SerIds.hpp> namespace Fw { class CmdStringArg : public Fw::StringBase { public: enum { SERIALIZED_TYPE_ID = FW_TYPEID_CMD_STR, SERIALIZED_SIZE = FW_CMD_STRING_MAX_SIZE + sizeof(FwBuffSizeType) }; CmdStringArg(const char* src); CmdStringArg(const StringBase& src); CmdStringArg(const CmdStringArg& src); CmdStringArg(); CmdStringArg& operator=(const CmdStringArg& other); CmdStringArg& operator=(const StringBase& other); CmdStringArg& operator=(const char* other); ~CmdStringArg(); const char* toChar() const; NATIVE_UINT_TYPE getCapacity() const ; //!< return buffer size private: char m_buf[FW_CMD_STRING_MAX_SIZE]; }; } #endif
/* * * * Created on: March 1, 2014 * Author: T. Canham */ /* * Description: * This object contains the CmdARgBuffer type, used for holding the serialized arguments of commands */ #ifndef FW_CMD_ARG_BUFFER_HPP #define FW_CMD_ARG_BUFFER_HPP #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Serializable.hpp> #include <Fw/Cfg/SerIds.hpp> namespace Fw { class CmdArgBuffer : public SerializeBufferBase { public: enum { SERIALIZED_TYPE_ID = FW_TYPEID_CMD_BUFF, //!< type id for CmdArgBuffer SERIALIZED_SIZE = FW_CMD_ARG_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE + sizeof(I32) //!< size when serialized. Buffer + size of buffer }; CmdArgBuffer(const U8 *args, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE size); //!< buffer source constructor CmdArgBuffer(); //!< default constructor CmdArgBuffer(const CmdArgBuffer& other); //!< other arg buffer constructor virtual ~CmdArgBuffer(); //!< destructor CmdArgBuffer& operator=(const CmdArgBuffer& other); //!< Equal operator NATIVE_UINT_TYPE getBuffCapacity() const; //!< return capacity of buffer (how much it can hold) U8* getBuffAddr(); //!< return address of buffer (non const version) const U8* getBuffAddr() const; //!< return address of buffer (const version) private: U8 m_bufferData[FW_CMD_ARG_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE]; //!< command argument buffer }; } #endif
#include <Fw/Cmd/CmdArgBuffer.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> namespace Fw { CmdArgBuffer::CmdArgBuffer(const U8 *args, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE size) { SerializeStatus stat = this->setBuff(args,size); FW_ASSERT(FW_SERIALIZE_OK == stat,static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(stat)); } CmdArgBuffer::CmdArgBuffer() { } CmdArgBuffer::~CmdArgBuffer() { } CmdArgBuffer::CmdArgBuffer(const CmdArgBuffer& other) : Fw::SerializeBufferBase() { SerializeStatus stat = this->setBuff(other.m_bufferData,other.getBuffLength()); FW_ASSERT(FW_SERIALIZE_OK == stat,static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(stat)); } CmdArgBuffer& CmdArgBuffer::operator=(const CmdArgBuffer& other) { if(this == &other) { return *this; } SerializeStatus stat = this->setBuff(other.m_bufferData,other.getBuffLength()); FW_ASSERT(FW_SERIALIZE_OK == stat,static_cast<NATIVE_INT_TYPE>(stat)); return *this; } NATIVE_UINT_TYPE CmdArgBuffer::getBuffCapacity() const { return sizeof(this->m_bufferData); } const U8* CmdArgBuffer::getBuffAddr() const { return this->m_bufferData; } U8* CmdArgBuffer::getBuffAddr() { return this->m_bufferData; } }
/* * LogAssert.hpp * * Created on: Sep 9, 2016 * Author: tcanham * Note: this file was originally a log assert file, under Fw::Types. It now made generic * to log asserts to Fw::Logger */ #ifndef LOGGER_LOGASSERT_HPP_ #define LOGGER_LOGASSERT_HPP_ #include <Fw/Types/Assert.hpp> namespace Fw { class LogAssertHook: public Fw::AssertHook { public: LogAssertHook(); virtual ~LogAssertHook(); void reportAssert( FILE_NAME_ARG file, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE lineNo, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE numArgs, FwAssertArgType arg1, FwAssertArgType arg2, FwAssertArgType arg3, FwAssertArgType arg4, FwAssertArgType arg5, FwAssertArgType arg6 ); void printAssert(const CHAR* msg); void doAssert(); }; } #endif /* VXWORKSLOGASSERT_HPP_ */
/** * File: Logger.hpp * Description: Framework logging support * Author: mstarch * * This file adds in support to the core 'Fw' package, to separate it from Os and other loggers, and * allow the architect of the system to select which core framework logging should be used. */ #ifndef _Fw_Logger_hpp_ #define _Fw_Logger_hpp_ #include <FpConfig.hpp> namespace Fw { class Logger { public: /** * Function called on the logger to log a message. This is abstract virtual method and * must be supplied by the subclass. This logger object should be registered with the * Fw::Log::registerLogger function. * \param fmt: format string in which to place arguments * \param a0: zeroth argument. (Default: 0) * \param a1: first argument. (Default: 0) * \param a2: second argument. (Default: 0) * \param a3: third argument. (Default: 0) * \param a4: fourth argument. (Default: 0) * \param a5: fifth argument. (Default: 0) * \param a6: sixth argument. (Default: 0) * \param a7: seventh argument. (Default: 0) * \param a8: eighth argument. (Default: 0) * \param a9: ninth argument. (Default: 0) */ virtual void log( const char* fmt, POINTER_CAST a0 = 0, POINTER_CAST a1 = 0, POINTER_CAST a2 = 0, POINTER_CAST a3 = 0, POINTER_CAST a4 = 0, POINTER_CAST a5 = 0, POINTER_CAST a6 = 0, POINTER_CAST a7 = 0, POINTER_CAST a8 = 0, POINTER_CAST a9 = 0 ) = 0; /** * Logs a message using the currently specified static logger. If a logger is not * registered, then the log message is dropped. * \param fmt: format string in which to place arguments * \param a0: zeroth argument. (Default: 0) * \param a1: first argument. (Default: 0) * \param a2: second argument. (Default: 0) * \param a3: third argument. (Default: 0) * \param a4: fourth argument. (Default: 0) * \param a5: fifth argument. (Default: 0) * \param a6: sixth argument. (Default: 0) * \param a7: seventh argument. (Default: 0) * \param a8: eighth argument. (Default: 0) * \param a9: ninth argument. (Default: 0) */ static void logMsg( const char* fmt, POINTER_CAST a0 = 0, POINTER_CAST a1 = 0, POINTER_CAST a2 = 0, POINTER_CAST a3 = 0, POINTER_CAST a4 = 0, POINTER_CAST a5 = 0, POINTER_CAST a6 = 0, POINTER_CAST a7 = 0, POINTER_CAST a8 = 0, POINTER_CAST a9 = 0 ); /** * Registers the static logger for use with the Fw::Log::logMsg function. This must be * a subclass of Fw::Log. * \param logger: logger to log to when Fw::Log::logMsg is called. */ static void registerLogger(Logger* logger); //!< Static logger to use when calling the above 'logMsg' function static Logger* s_current_logger; virtual ~Logger(); }; } #endif
/* * LogAssert.cpp * * Created on: Sep 9, 2016 * Author: tcanham * Note: this file was originally a log assert file, under Fw::Types. It now made generic * to log asserts to Fw::Logger */ #include <Fw/Logger/LogAssert.hpp> #include <Fw/Logger/Logger.hpp> #if FW_ASSERT_LEVEL == FW_NO_ASSERT #else #if FW_ASSERT_LEVEL == FW_FILEID_ASSERT #define fileIdFs "Assert: %d:%d" #define ASSERT_CAST static_cast<POINTER_CAST> #else #define fileIdFs "Assert: \"%s:%d\"" #define ASSERT_CAST reinterpret_cast<POINTER_CAST> #endif namespace Fw { LogAssertHook::LogAssertHook() { } LogAssertHook::~LogAssertHook() { } void LogAssertHook::reportAssert( FILE_NAME_ARG file, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE lineNo, NATIVE_UINT_TYPE numArgs, FwAssertArgType arg1, FwAssertArgType arg2, FwAssertArgType arg3, FwAssertArgType arg4, FwAssertArgType arg5, FwAssertArgType arg6 ) { // Assumption is that file (when string) goes back to static macro in the code and will persist switch (numArgs) { case 0: Fw::Logger::logMsg(fileIdFs,ASSERT_CAST(file),lineNo,0,0,0,0); break; case 1: Fw::Logger::logMsg(fileIdFs " %d\n",ASSERT_CAST(file),lineNo,arg1,0,0,0); break; case 2: Fw::Logger::logMsg(fileIdFs " %d %d\n",ASSERT_CAST(file),lineNo,arg1,arg2,0,0); break; case 3: Fw::Logger::logMsg(fileIdFs " %d %d %d\n",ASSERT_CAST(file),lineNo,arg1,arg2,arg3,0); break; case 4: Fw::Logger::logMsg(fileIdFs " %d %d %d %d\n",ASSERT_CAST(file),lineNo,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4); break; default: // can't fit remainder of arguments in log message Fw::Logger::logMsg(fileIdFs " %d %d %d %d +\n",ASSERT_CAST(file),lineNo,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4); break; } } void LogAssertHook::printAssert(const CHAR* msg) { // do nothing since reportAssert() sends message } void LogAssertHook::doAssert() { } } // namespace Fw #endif
/** * File: Logger.cpp * Description: Framework logging implementation * Author: mstarch * * This file adds in support to the core 'Fw' package, to separate it from Os and other loggers, and * allow the architect of the system to select which core framework logging should be used. */ #include <Fw/Logger/Logger.hpp> namespace Fw { //Initial logger is NULL Logger* Logger::s_current_logger = nullptr; // Basic log implementation void Logger::logMsg(const char* fmt, POINTER_CAST a0, POINTER_CAST a1, POINTER_CAST a2, POINTER_CAST a3, POINTER_CAST a4, POINTER_CAST a5, POINTER_CAST a6, POINTER_CAST a7, POINTER_CAST a8, POINTER_CAST a9) { // Log if capable, otherwise drop if (Logger::s_current_logger != nullptr) { Logger::s_current_logger->log(fmt, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9); } } // Register the logger void Logger::registerLogger(Logger* logger) { Logger::s_current_logger = logger; } Logger::~Logger() { } } //End namespace Fw
/** * Main.cpp: * * Setup the GTests for rules-based testing of Fw::Logger and runs these tests. * * Created on: May 23, 2019 * Author: mstarch */ #include <STest/Scenario/Scenario.hpp> #include <STest/Scenario/RandomScenario.hpp> #include <STest/Scenario/BoundedScenario.hpp> #include <Fw/Test/UnitTest.hpp> #include <Fw/Logger/test/ut/LoggerRules.hpp> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <cstdio> #define STEP_COUNT 10000 /** * A random hopper for rules. Apply STEP_COUNT times. */ TEST(LoggerTests, RandomLoggerTests) { MockLogging::FakeLogger logger; // Create rules, and assign them into the array LoggerRules::Register reg("Register"); LoggerRules::LogGood log("Log Successfully"); LoggerRules::LogBad nolog("Log unsuccessfully"); // Setup a list of rules to choose from STest::Rule<MockLogging::FakeLogger>* rules[] = { &reg, &log, &nolog }; // Construct the random scenario and run it with the defined bounds STest::RandomScenario<MockLogging::FakeLogger> random("Random Rules", rules, FW_NUM_ARRAY_ELEMENTS(rules)); // Setup a bounded scenario to run rules a set number of times STest::BoundedScenario<MockLogging::FakeLogger> bounded("Bounded Random Rules Scenario", random, STEP_COUNT); // Run! const U32 numSteps =; printf("Ran %u steps.\n", numSteps); } /** * Test that the most basic logging function works. */ TEST(LoggerTests, BasicGoodLogger) { // Setup and register logger MockLogging::FakeLogger logger; Fw::Logger::registerLogger(&logger); logger.s_current = &logger; // Basic logging LoggerRules::LogGood log("Log Successfully"); log.apply(logger); } /** * Test that null-logging function works. */ TEST(LoggerTests, BasicBadLogger) { // Basic discard logging MockLogging::FakeLogger logger; Fw::Logger::registerLogger(nullptr); logger.s_current = nullptr; LoggerRules::LogBad log("Log Discarded"); log.apply(logger); } /** * Test that registration works. Multiple times, as contains randomness. */ TEST(LoggerTests, BasicRegLogger) { // Basic discard logging MockLogging::FakeLogger logger; LoggerRules::Register reg("Register"); reg.apply(logger); reg.apply(logger); reg.apply(logger); reg.apply(logger); reg.apply(logger); reg.apply(logger); reg.apply(logger); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); STest::Random::seed(); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }
/** * FakeLogger.hpp: * * Setup a fake logger for use with the testing. This allows for the capture of messages from the system and ensure that * the proper log messages are coming through as expected. * * @author mstarch */ #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Logger/Logger.hpp> #ifndef FPRIME_FAKELOGGER_HPP #define FPRIME_FAKELOGGER_HPP namespace MockLogging { /** * LogMessage data type to map inputs too. */ struct LogMessage { const char *fmt; POINTER_CAST a0; POINTER_CAST a1; POINTER_CAST a2; POINTER_CAST a3; POINTER_CAST a4; POINTER_CAST a5; POINTER_CAST a6; POINTER_CAST a7; POINTER_CAST a8; POINTER_CAST a9; }; /** * Fake logger used for two purposes: * 1. it acts as logging truth for the test * 2. it intercepts logging calls bound for the system */ class FakeLogger : public Fw::Logger { public: //!< Constructor FakeLogger(); /** * Fake implementation of the logger. * @param fmt: format * @param a0: arg0 * @param a1: arg1 * @param a2: arg2 * @param a3: arg3 * @param a4: arg4 * @param a5: arg5 * @param a6: arg6 * @param a7: arg7 * @param a8: arg8 * @param a9: arg9 */ void log( const char *fmt, POINTER_CAST a0 = 0, POINTER_CAST a1 = 0, POINTER_CAST a2 = 0, POINTER_CAST a3 = 0, POINTER_CAST a4 = 0, POINTER_CAST a5 = 0, POINTER_CAST a6 = 0, POINTER_CAST a7 = 0, POINTER_CAST a8 = 0, POINTER_CAST a9 = 0 ); /** * Check last message. * @param fmt: format * @param a0: arg1 * @param a1: arg1 * @param a2: arg2 * @param a3: arg3 * @param a4: arg4 * @param a5: arg5 * @param a6: arg6 * @param a7: arg6 * @param a8: arg6 * @param a9: arg6 */ virtual void check( const char *fmt, POINTER_CAST a0 = 0, POINTER_CAST a1 = 0, POINTER_CAST a2 = 0, POINTER_CAST a3 = 0, POINTER_CAST a4 = 0, POINTER_CAST a5 = 0, POINTER_CAST a6 = 0, POINTER_CAST a7 = 0, POINTER_CAST a8 = 0, POINTER_CAST a9 = 0 ); //!< Reset this logger void reset(); //!< Last message that came in LogMessage m_last; //!< Logger to use within the system static Fw::Logger* s_current; }; }; #endif //FPRIME_FAKELOGGER_HPP
/** * LoggerRules.hpp: * * This file specifies Rule classes for testing of the Fw::Logger. These rules can then be used by the main testing * program to test the code. * * Logging rules: * * 1. a logger can be registered at any time. * 2. NULL loggers discard log calls * 3. if a valid logger is registered, the log message is called * * @author mstarch */ #ifndef FPRIME_LOGGERRULES_HPP #define FPRIME_LOGGERRULES_HPP #include <FpConfig.hpp> #include <Fw/Types/String.hpp> #include <Fw/Logger/test/ut/FakeLogger.hpp> #include <STest/STest/Rule/Rule.hpp> #include <STest/STest/Pick/Pick.hpp> namespace LoggerRules { /** * Register: * * Rule to handle the registration of a logger to the global logger. It may also register a "NULL" logger and thus * stop output logging. */ struct Register : public STest::Rule<MockLogging::FakeLogger> { // Constructor Register(const Fw::String& name); // Check for registration, always allowed bool precondition(const MockLogging::FakeLogger& truth); // Register NULL or truth as the system logger void action(MockLogging::FakeLogger& truth); }; /** * LogGood: * * As long as a non-NULL logger is set as the system logger, then valid log messages should be processed. */ struct LogGood : public STest::Rule<MockLogging::FakeLogger> { // Constructor LogGood(const Fw::String& name); // Check for logging, only when not NULL bool precondition(const MockLogging::FakeLogger& truth); // Log valid messages void action(MockLogging::FakeLogger& truth); }; /** * LogBad: * * As long as a non-NULL logger is set as the system logger, then valid log messages should be processed. */ struct LogBad : public STest::Rule<MockLogging::FakeLogger> { // Constructor LogBad(const Fw::String& name); // Check for logging, only when not NULL bool precondition(const MockLogging::FakeLogger& truth); // Log valid messages void action(MockLogging::FakeLogger& truth); }; }; #endif //FPRIME_LOGGERRULES_HPP
/** * LoggerRules.cpp: * * This file specifies Rule classes for testing of the Fw::Logger. These rules can then be used by the main testing * program to test the code. * * Logging rules: * * 1. a logger can be registered at any time. * 2. NULL loggers discard log calls * 3. if a valid logger is registered, the log message is called * * @author mstarch */ #include "Fw/Logger/test/ut/LoggerRules.hpp" namespace LoggerRules { // Constructor Register::Register(const Fw::String& name) : STest::Rule<MockLogging::FakeLogger>(name.toChar()) {} // Check for registration, always allowed bool Register::precondition(const MockLogging::FakeLogger& truth) { return true; } // Register NULL or truth as the system logger void Register::action(MockLogging::FakeLogger& truth) { // Select a registration value: 1 -> logger, 0 -> NULL NATIVE_INT_TYPE random = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, 1); if (random == 1) { Fw::Logger::registerLogger(&truth); truth.s_current = &truth; } else { Fw::Logger::registerLogger(nullptr); truth.s_current = nullptr; } ASSERT_EQ(truth.s_current, Fw::Logger::s_current_logger); } // Constructor LogGood::LogGood(const Fw::String& name) : STest::Rule<MockLogging::FakeLogger>(name.toChar()) {} // Check for logging, only when not NULL bool LogGood::precondition(const MockLogging::FakeLogger& truth) { return truth.s_current != nullptr; } // Log valid messages void LogGood::action(MockLogging::FakeLogger& truth) { NATIVE_INT_TYPE random = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, 10); NATIVE_INT_TYPE ra[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { ra[i] = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, 0xffffffff); } switch (random) { case 0: Fw::Logger::logMsg("No args"); truth.check("No args"); break; case 1: Fw::Logger::logMsg("One arg: %lu", ra[0]); truth.check("One arg: %lu", ra[0]); break; case 2: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Two arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1]); truth.check("Two arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1]); break; case 3: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Three arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2]); truth.check("Three arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2]); break; case 4: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Four arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3]); truth.check("Four arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3]); break; case 5: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Five arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4]); truth.check("Five arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4]); break; case 6: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Six arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4], ra[5]); truth.check("Six arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4], ra[5]); break; case 7: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Seven arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4], ra[5], ra[6]); truth.check("Seven arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4], ra[5], ra[6]); break; case 8: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Eight arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4], ra[5], ra[6], ra[7]); truth.check("Eight arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4], ra[5], ra[6], ra[7]); break; case 9: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Nine arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4], ra[5], ra[6], ra[7], ra[8]); truth.check("Nine arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4], ra[5], ra[6], ra[7], ra[8]); break; case 10: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Ten arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4], ra[5], ra[6], ra[7], ra[8], ra[9]); truth.check("Ten arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4], ra[5], ra[6], ra[7], ra[8], ra[9]); break; default: ASSERT_EQ(0, 1); } truth.reset(); } // Constructor LogBad::LogBad(const Fw::String& name) : STest::Rule<MockLogging::FakeLogger>(name.toChar()) {} // Check for logging, only when not NULL bool LogBad::precondition(const MockLogging::FakeLogger& truth) { return truth.s_current == nullptr; } // Log valid messages void LogBad::action(MockLogging::FakeLogger& truth) { NATIVE_INT_TYPE random = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, 10); NATIVE_INT_TYPE ra[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { ra[i] = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, 0xffffffff); } switch (random) { case 0: Fw::Logger::logMsg("No args"); truth.check(nullptr); break; case 1: Fw::Logger::logMsg("One arg: %lu", ra[0]); truth.check(nullptr); break; case 2: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Two arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1]); truth.check(nullptr); break; case 3: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Three arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2]); truth.check(nullptr); break; case 4: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Four arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3]); truth.check(nullptr); break; case 5: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Five arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4]); truth.check(nullptr); break; case 6: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Six arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4], ra[5]); truth.check(nullptr); break; case 7: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Seven arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4], ra[5], ra[6]); truth.check(nullptr); break; case 8: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Eight arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4], ra[5], ra[6], ra[7]); truth.check(nullptr); break; case 9: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Nine arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4], ra[5], ra[6], ra[7], ra[8]); truth.check(nullptr); break; case 10: Fw::Logger::logMsg("Ten arg: %lu", ra[0], ra[1], ra[2], ra[3], ra[4], ra[5], ra[6], ra[7], ra[8], ra[9]); truth.check(nullptr); break; default: ASSERT_EQ(0, 1); } truth.reset(); } };
/** * FakeLogger.cpp: * * Setup a fake logger for use with the testing. This allows for the capture of messages from the system and ensure that * the proper log messages are coming through as expected. * * @author mstarch */ #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <Fw/Logger/test/ut/FakeLogger.hpp> namespace MockLogging { Fw::Logger* FakeLogger::s_current = nullptr; FakeLogger::FakeLogger() { memset(&m_last, 0, sizeof(m_last)); } void FakeLogger::log( const char *fmt, POINTER_CAST a0, POINTER_CAST a1, POINTER_CAST a2, POINTER_CAST a3, POINTER_CAST a4, POINTER_CAST a5, POINTER_CAST a6, POINTER_CAST a7, POINTER_CAST a8, POINTER_CAST a9 ) { m_last.fmt = fmt; m_last.a0 = a0; m_last.a1 = a1; m_last.a2 = a2; m_last.a3 = a3; m_last.a4 = a4; m_last.a5 = a5; m_last.a6 = a6; m_last.a7 = a7; m_last.a8 = a8; m_last.a9 = a9; } void FakeLogger::check( const char *fmt, POINTER_CAST a0, POINTER_CAST a1, POINTER_CAST a2, POINTER_CAST a3, POINTER_CAST a4, POINTER_CAST a5, POINTER_CAST a6, POINTER_CAST a7, POINTER_CAST a8, POINTER_CAST a9 ) { ASSERT_EQ(m_last.fmt, fmt); ASSERT_EQ(m_last.a0, a0); ASSERT_EQ(m_last.a1, a1); ASSERT_EQ(m_last.a2, a2); ASSERT_EQ(m_last.a3, a3); ASSERT_EQ(m_last.a4, a4); ASSERT_EQ(m_last.a5, a5); ASSERT_EQ(m_last.a6, a6); ASSERT_EQ(m_last.a7, a7); ASSERT_EQ(m_last.a8, a8); ASSERT_EQ(m_last.a9, a9); } void FakeLogger::reset() { m_last.fmt = nullptr; m_last.a0 = 0; m_last.a1 = 0; m_last.a2 = 0; m_last.a3 = 0; m_last.a4 = 0; m_last.a5 = 0; m_last.a6 = 0; m_last.a7 = 0; m_last.a8 = 0; m_last.a9 = 0; } }
#ifndef FW_TRAP_HPP #define FW_TRAP_HPP #include <FpConfig.hpp> namespace Fw { /** * TrapHandler: * A framework class used to handle traps that occur during the execution of the * the F' framework. Must be registered with a trap register. The user should * inherit from this class and ensure that the doTrap function is implemented. The * default implementation will be do-nothing. */ class TrapHandler { public: TrapHandler() {}; //!< constructor virtual ~TrapHandler() {}; //!< destructor /** * Handles the incoming trap. * Note: if user does not supply an implementer of this * function, a do-nothing version will be run. * \param trap: trap number */ virtual void doTrap(U32 trap) = 0; }; } #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title DpContainer.hpp // \author bocchino // \brief hpp file for DpContainer // ====================================================================== #ifndef Fw_DpContainer_HPP #define Fw_DpContainer_HPP #include "Fw/Buffer/Buffer.hpp" #include "Fw/Dp/DpStateEnumAc.hpp" #include "Fw/Time/Time.hpp" #include "Fw/Types/SuccessEnumAc.hpp" #include "Utils/Hash/Hash.hpp" #include "config/FppConstantsAc.hpp" #include "config/ProcTypeEnumAc.hpp" namespace Fw { //! A data product Container class DpContainer { public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants and Types // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! A DpContainer packet header struct Header { //! The type of user data using UserData = U8[DpCfg::CONTAINER_USER_DATA_SIZE]; //! The offset for the packet descriptor field static constexpr FwSizeType PACKET_DESCRIPTOR_OFFSET = 0; //! The offset for the id field static constexpr FwSizeType ID_OFFSET = PACKET_DESCRIPTOR_OFFSET + sizeof(FwPacketDescriptorType); //! The offset for the priority field static constexpr FwDpPriorityType PRIORITY_OFFSET = ID_OFFSET + sizeof(FwDpIdType); //! The offset for the time tag field static constexpr FwSizeType TIME_TAG_OFFSET = PRIORITY_OFFSET + sizeof(FwDpPriorityType); //! The offset for the processing types field static constexpr FwSizeType PROC_TYPES_OFFSET = TIME_TAG_OFFSET + Time::SERIALIZED_SIZE; //! The offset for the user data field static constexpr FwSizeType USER_DATA_OFFSET = PROC_TYPES_OFFSET + sizeof(DpCfg::ProcType::SerialType); //! The offset of the data product state field static constexpr FwSizeType DP_STATE_OFFSET = USER_DATA_OFFSET + DpCfg::CONTAINER_USER_DATA_SIZE; //! The offset for the data size field static constexpr FwSizeType DATA_SIZE_OFFSET = DP_STATE_OFFSET + DpState::SERIALIZED_SIZE; //! The header size static constexpr FwSizeType SIZE = DATA_SIZE_OFFSET + sizeof(FwSizeStoreType); }; //! The header hash offset static constexpr FwSizeType HEADER_HASH_OFFSET = Header::SIZE; //! The data offset static constexpr FwSizeType DATA_OFFSET = HEADER_HASH_OFFSET + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH; //! The minimum packet size //! Reserve space for the header, the header hash, and the data hash //! This is also the number of non-data bytes in the packet static constexpr FwSizeType MIN_PACKET_SIZE = Header::SIZE + 2 * HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH; public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Constructor for initialized container DpContainer(FwDpIdType id, //!< The container id const Fw::Buffer& buffer //!< The buffer ); //! Constructor for container with default initialization DpContainer(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public member functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get the container id //! \return The id FwDpIdType getId() const { return this->m_id; } //! Get the data size //! \return The data size FwSizeType getDataSize() const { return this->m_dataSize; } //! Get the packet buffer //! \return The buffer Fw::Buffer getBuffer() const { return this->m_buffer; } //! Get the packet size corresponding to the data size FwSizeType getPacketSize() const { return getPacketSizeForDataSize(this->m_dataSize); } //! Get the priority //! \return The priority FwDpPriorityType getPriority() const { return this->m_priority; } //! Get the time tag //! \return The time tag Fw::Time getTimeTag() const { return this->m_timeTag; } //! Get the processing types //! \return The processing types DpCfg::ProcType::SerialType getProcTypes() const { return this->m_procTypes; } //! Get the data product state DpState getDpState() const { return this->m_dpState; } //! Deserialize the header from the packet buffer //! Buffer must be valid, and its size must be at least MIN_PACKET_SIZE //! Before calling this function, you should call checkHeaderHash() to //! check the header hash //! \return The serialize status Fw::SerializeStatus deserializeHeader(); //! Serialize the header into the packet buffer and update the header hash //! Buffer must be valid, and its size must be at least MIN_PACKET_SIZE void serializeHeader(); //! Set the id void setId(FwDpIdType id //!< The id ) { this->m_id = id; } //! Set the priority void setPriority(FwDpPriorityType priority //!< The priority ) { this->m_priority = priority; } //! Set the time tag void setTimeTag(Fw::Time timeTag //!< The time tag ) { this->m_timeTag = timeTag; } //! Set the processing types bit mask void setProcTypes(DpCfg::ProcType::SerialType procTypes //!< The processing types ) { this->m_procTypes = procTypes; } //! Set the data product state void setDpState(DpState dpState //!< The data product state ) { this->m_dpState = dpState; } //! Set the data size void setDataSize(FwSizeType dataSize //!< The data size ) { this->m_dataSize = dataSize; } //! Set the packet buffer void setBuffer(const Buffer& buffer //!< The packet buffer ); //! Get the stored header hash //! \return The hash Utils::HashBuffer getHeaderHash() const; //! Compute the header hash from the header data //! \return The hash Utils::HashBuffer computeHeaderHash() const; //! Set the header hash void setHeaderHash(const Utils::HashBuffer& hash //!< The hash ); //! Compute and set the header hash void updateHeaderHash(); //! Check the header hash Success::T checkHeaderHash(Utils::HashBuffer& storedHash, //!< The stored hash (output) Utils::HashBuffer& computedHash //!< The computed hash (output) ) const; //! Get the data hash offset FwSizeType getDataHashOffset() const { // Data hash goes after the header, the header hash, and the data return Header::SIZE + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH + this->m_dataSize; } //! Get the stored data hash //! \return The hash Utils::HashBuffer getDataHash() const; //! Compute the data hash from the data //! \return The hash Utils::HashBuffer computeDataHash() const; //! Set the data hash void setDataHash(Utils::HashBuffer hash //!< The hash ); //! Update the data hash void updateDataHash(); //! Check the data hash Success::T checkDataHash(Utils::HashBuffer& storedHash, //!< The stored hash (output) Utils::HashBuffer& computedHash //!< The computed hash (output) ) const; public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public static functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Get the packet size for a given data size static constexpr FwSizeType getPacketSizeForDataSize(FwSizeType dataSize //!< The data size ) { return Header::SIZE + dataSize + 2 * HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH; } PRIVATE: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private member functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! Initialize the user data field void initUserDataField(); public: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public member variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The user data Header::UserData m_userData; PROTECTED: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Protected member variables // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- //! The container id //! This is a system-global id (component-local id + component base id) FwDpIdType m_id; //! The priority FwDpPriorityType m_priority; //! The time tag Time m_timeTag; //! The processing types DpCfg::ProcType::SerialType m_procTypes; //! The data product state DpState m_dpState; //! The data size FwSizeType m_dataSize; //! The packet buffer Buffer m_buffer; //! The data buffer Fw::ExternalSerializeBuffer m_dataBuffer; }; } // end namespace Fw #endif
// ====================================================================== // \title DpContainer.cpp // \author bocchino // \brief cpp file for DpContainer // ====================================================================== #include <cstring> #include "Fw/Com/ComPacket.hpp" #include "Fw/Dp/DpContainer.hpp" #include "Fw/Types/Assert.hpp" namespace Fw { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DpContainer::DpContainer(FwDpIdType id, const Fw::Buffer& buffer) : m_id(id), m_priority(0), m_timeTag(), m_procTypes(0), m_dpState(), m_dataSize(0), m_buffer(), m_dataBuffer() { // Initialize the user data field this->initUserDataField(); // Set the packet buffer // This action also updates the data buffer this->setBuffer(buffer); } DpContainer::DpContainer() : m_id(0), m_priority(0), m_timeTag(), m_procTypes(0), m_dataSize(0), m_buffer(), m_dataBuffer() { // Initialize the user data field this->initUserDataField(); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public member functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fw::SerializeStatus DpContainer::deserializeHeader() { FW_ASSERT(this->m_buffer.isValid()); Fw::SerializeBufferBase& serializeRepr = this->m_buffer.getSerializeRepr(); // Set buffer length Fw::SerializeStatus status = serializeRepr.setBuffLen(this->m_buffer.getSize()); // Reset deserialization if (status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK) { status = serializeRepr.moveDeserToOffset(Header::PACKET_DESCRIPTOR_OFFSET); } // Deserialize the packet type if (status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK) { FwPacketDescriptorType packetDescriptor; status = serializeRepr.deserialize(packetDescriptor); if (packetDescriptor != Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_DP) { status = Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_FORMAT_ERROR; } } // Deserialize the container id if (status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK) { status = serializeRepr.deserialize(this->m_id); } // Deserialize the priority if (status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK) { status = serializeRepr.deserialize(this->m_priority); } // Deserialize the time tag if (status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK) { status = serializeRepr.deserialize(this->m_timeTag); } // Deserialize the processing types if (status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK) { status = serializeRepr.deserialize(this->m_procTypes); } // Deserialize the user data if (status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK) { const FwSizeType requestedSize = sizeof this->m_userData; FwSizeType receivedSize = requestedSize; status = serializeRepr.deserialize(this->m_userData, receivedSize, Fw::Serialization::OMIT_LENGTH); if (receivedSize != requestedSize) { status = Fw::FW_DESERIALIZE_SIZE_MISMATCH; } } // Deserialize the data product state if (status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK) { status = serializeRepr.deserialize(this->m_dpState); } // Deserialize the data size if (status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK) { status = serializeRepr.deserializeSize(this->m_dataSize); } return status; } void DpContainer::serializeHeader() { FW_ASSERT(this->m_buffer.isValid()); Fw::SerializeBufferBase& serializeRepr = this->m_buffer.getSerializeRepr(); // Reset serialization serializeRepr.resetSer(); // Serialize the packet type Fw::SerializeStatus status = serializeRepr.serialize(static_cast<FwPacketDescriptorType>(Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_DP)); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(status)); // Serialize the container id status = serializeRepr.serialize(this->m_id); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(status)); // Serialize the priority status = serializeRepr.serialize(this->m_priority); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(status)); // Serialize the time tag status = serializeRepr.serialize(this->m_timeTag); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(status)); // Serialize the processing types status = serializeRepr.serialize(this->m_procTypes); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(status)); // Serialize the user data status = serializeRepr.serialize(this->m_userData, static_cast<FwSizeType>(sizeof this->m_userData), Fw::Serialization::OMIT_LENGTH); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(status)); // Serialize the data product state status = serializeRepr.serialize(this->m_dpState); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(status)); // Serialize the data size status = serializeRepr.serializeSize(this->m_dataSize); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(status)); // Update the header hash this->updateHeaderHash(); } void DpContainer::setBuffer(const Buffer& buffer) { // Set the buffer this->m_buffer = buffer; // Check that the buffer is large enough to hold a data product packet with // zero-size data const FwSizeType bufferSize = buffer.getSize(); FW_ASSERT(bufferSize >= MIN_PACKET_SIZE, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(bufferSize), static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(MIN_PACKET_SIZE)); // Initialize the data buffer U8* const buffAddr = buffer.getData(); const FwSizeType dataCapacity = buffer.getSize() - MIN_PACKET_SIZE; // Check that data buffer is in bounds for packet buffer const FwSizeType minBufferSize = DATA_OFFSET + dataCapacity; FW_ASSERT(bufferSize >= minBufferSize, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(bufferSize), static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(minBufferSize)); U8* const dataAddr = &buffAddr[DATA_OFFSET]; this->m_dataBuffer.setExtBuffer(dataAddr, dataCapacity); } Utils::HashBuffer DpContainer::getHeaderHash() const { const FwSizeType bufferSize = this->m_buffer.getSize(); const FwSizeType minBufferSize = HEADER_HASH_OFFSET + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH; FW_ASSERT(bufferSize >= minBufferSize, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(bufferSize), static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(minBufferSize)); const U8* const buffAddr = this->m_buffer.getData(); return Utils::HashBuffer(&buffAddr[HEADER_HASH_OFFSET], HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH); } Utils::HashBuffer DpContainer::computeHeaderHash() const { const FwSizeType bufferSize = this->m_buffer.getSize(); FW_ASSERT(bufferSize >= Header::SIZE, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(bufferSize), static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(Header::SIZE)); U8* const buffAddr = this->m_buffer.getData(); Utils::HashBuffer computedHash; Utils::Hash::hash(buffAddr, Header::SIZE, computedHash); return computedHash; } void DpContainer::setHeaderHash(const Utils::HashBuffer& hash) { const FwSizeType bufferSize = this->m_buffer.getSize(); const FwSizeType minBufferSize = HEADER_HASH_OFFSET + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH; FW_ASSERT(bufferSize >= minBufferSize, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(bufferSize), static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(minBufferSize)); U8* const buffAddr = this->m_buffer.getData(); (void)::memcpy(&buffAddr[HEADER_HASH_OFFSET], hash.getBuffAddr(), HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH); } void DpContainer::updateHeaderHash() { this->setHeaderHash(this->computeHeaderHash()); } Success::T DpContainer::checkHeaderHash(Utils::HashBuffer& storedHash, Utils::HashBuffer& computedHash) const { storedHash = this->getHeaderHash(); computedHash = this->computeHeaderHash(); return (storedHash == computedHash) ? Success::SUCCESS : Success::FAILURE; } Utils::HashBuffer DpContainer::getDataHash() const { const U8* const buffAddr = this->m_buffer.getData(); const FwSizeType dataHashOffset = this->getDataHashOffset(); const FwSizeType bufferSize = this->m_buffer.getSize(); FW_ASSERT(dataHashOffset + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH <= bufferSize, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(dataHashOffset + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH), static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(bufferSize)); const U8* const dataHashAddr = &buffAddr[dataHashOffset]; return Utils::HashBuffer(dataHashAddr, HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH); } Utils::HashBuffer DpContainer::computeDataHash() const { U8* const buffAddr = this->m_buffer.getData(); const U8* const dataAddr = &buffAddr[DATA_OFFSET]; const FwSizeType dataSize = this->getDataSize(); const FwSizeType bufferSize = this->m_buffer.getSize(); FW_ASSERT(DATA_OFFSET + dataSize <= bufferSize, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(DATA_OFFSET + dataSize), static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(bufferSize)); Utils::HashBuffer computedHash; Utils::Hash::hash(dataAddr, dataSize, computedHash); return computedHash; } void DpContainer::setDataHash(Utils::HashBuffer hash) { U8* const buffAddr = this->m_buffer.getData(); const FwSizeType bufferSize = this->m_buffer.getSize(); const FwSizeType dataHashOffset = this->getDataHashOffset(); U8* const dataHashAddr = &buffAddr[dataHashOffset]; FW_ASSERT(dataHashOffset + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH <= bufferSize, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(dataHashOffset + HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH), static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(bufferSize)); ExternalSerializeBuffer serialBuffer(dataHashAddr, HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH); hash.resetSer(); const Fw::SerializeStatus status = hash.copyRaw(serialBuffer, HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH); FW_ASSERT(status == Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK, static_cast<FwAssertArgType>(status)); } void DpContainer::updateDataHash() { this->setDataHash(this->computeDataHash()); } Success::T DpContainer::checkDataHash(Utils::HashBuffer& storedHash, Utils::HashBuffer& computedHash) const { storedHash = this->getDataHash(); computedHash = this->computeDataHash(); return (computedHash == storedHash) ? Success::SUCCESS : Success::FAILURE; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private member functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- void DpContainer::initUserDataField() { (void)::memset(this->m_userData, 0, sizeof this->m_userData); } } // namespace Fw
// ====================================================================== // \title DpContainerHeader.hpp // \author bocchino // \brief hpp file for DpContainer header test utility // ====================================================================== #ifndef Fw_TestUtil_DpContainerHeader_HPP #define Fw_TestUtil_DpContainerHeader_HPP #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "FpConfig.hpp" #include "Fw/Com/ComPacket.hpp" #include "Fw/Dp/DpContainer.hpp" #define DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_MSG(actual, expected) \ << file << ":" << line << "\n" \ << " Actual value is " << actual << "\n" \ << " Expected value is " << expected #define DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(actual, expected) \ ASSERT_EQ(actual, expected) DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_MSG(actual, expected) #define DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_GE(actual, expected) \ ASSERT_GE(actual, expected) DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_MSG(actual, expected) namespace Fw { namespace TestUtil { //! A container packet header for testing struct DpContainerHeader { DpContainerHeader() : m_id(0), m_priority(0), m_timeTag(), m_procTypes(0), m_dpState(), m_dataSize(0) {} //! Move the buffer deserialization to the specified offset static void moveDeserToOffset(const char* const file, //!< The call site file name const U32 line, //!< The call site line number Buffer& buffer, //!< The buffer FwSizeType offset //!< The offset ) { Fw::SerializeBufferBase& serializeRepr = buffer.getSerializeRepr(); // Reset deserialization Fw::SerializeStatus status = serializeRepr.setBuffLen(buffer.getSize()); DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(status, FW_SERIALIZE_OK); status = serializeRepr.moveDeserToOffset(offset); DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(status, FW_SERIALIZE_OK); } //! Deserialize a header from a packet buffer //! Check that the serialization succeeded at every step //! Check the header hash and the data hash void deserialize(const char* const file, //!< The call site file name const U32 line, //!< The call site line number Fw::Buffer& buffer //!< The packet buffer ) { Fw::SerializeBufferBase& serializeRepr = buffer.getSerializeRepr(); // Deserialize the packet descriptor FwPacketDescriptorType packetDescriptor = Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_UNKNOWN; // Deserialize the packet descriptor DpContainerHeader::moveDeserToOffset(file, line, buffer, DpContainer::Header::PACKET_DESCRIPTOR_OFFSET); Fw::SerializeStatus status = serializeRepr.deserialize(packetDescriptor); DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(status, FW_SERIALIZE_OK); DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(packetDescriptor, Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_DP); // Deserialize the container id DpContainerHeader::moveDeserToOffset(file, line, buffer, DpContainer::Header::ID_OFFSET); status = serializeRepr.deserialize(this->m_id); DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(status, FW_SERIALIZE_OK); // Deserialize the priority DpContainerHeader::moveDeserToOffset(file, line, buffer, DpContainer::Header::PRIORITY_OFFSET); status = serializeRepr.deserialize(this->m_priority); DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(status, FW_SERIALIZE_OK); // Deserialize the time tag DpContainerHeader::moveDeserToOffset(file, line, buffer, DpContainer::Header::TIME_TAG_OFFSET); status = serializeRepr.deserialize(this->m_timeTag); DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(status, FW_SERIALIZE_OK); // Deserialize the processing type DpContainerHeader::moveDeserToOffset(file, line, buffer, DpContainer::Header::PROC_TYPES_OFFSET); status = serializeRepr.deserialize(this->m_procTypes); DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(status, FW_SERIALIZE_OK); // Deserialize the user data DpContainerHeader::moveDeserToOffset(file, line, buffer, DpContainer::Header::USER_DATA_OFFSET); NATIVE_UINT_TYPE size = sizeof this->m_userData; const bool omitLength = true; status = serializeRepr.deserialize(this->m_userData, size, omitLength); DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(status, FW_SERIALIZE_OK); DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(size, sizeof this->m_userData); // Deserialize the data product state DpContainerHeader::moveDeserToOffset(file, line, buffer, DpContainer::Header::DP_STATE_OFFSET); status = serializeRepr.deserialize(this->m_dpState); DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(status, FW_SERIALIZE_OK); // Deserialize the data size DpContainerHeader::moveDeserToOffset(file, line, buffer, DpContainer::Header::DATA_SIZE_OFFSET); status = serializeRepr.deserializeSize(this->m_dataSize); DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(status, FW_SERIALIZE_OK); // After deserializing time, the deserialization index should be at // the header hash offset checkDeserialAtOffset(serializeRepr, DpContainer::HEADER_HASH_OFFSET); // Check the header hash checkHeaderHash(file, line, buffer); // Check the data hash this->checkDataHash(file, line, buffer); // Move the deserialization pointer to the data offset DpContainerHeader::moveDeserToOffset(file, line, buffer, DpContainer::DATA_OFFSET); } //! Check the header hash static void checkHeaderHash(const char* const file, //!< The call site file name const U32 line, //!< The call site line number Fw::Buffer& buffer //!< The packet buffer ) { Utils::HashBuffer computedHashBuffer; U8* const buffAddr = buffer.getData(); Utils::Hash::hash(buffAddr, DpContainer::Header::SIZE, computedHashBuffer); Utils::HashBuffer storedHashBuffer(&buffAddr[DpContainer::HEADER_HASH_OFFSET], HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH); DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(computedHashBuffer, storedHashBuffer); } //! Check the data hash void checkDataHash(const char* const file, //!< The call site file name const U32 line, //!< The call site line number Fw::Buffer& buffer //!< The packet buffer ) { Utils::HashBuffer computedHashBuffer; U8* const buffAddrBase = buffer.getData(); U8* const dataAddr = &buffAddrBase[DpContainer::DATA_OFFSET]; Utils::Hash::hash(dataAddr, static_cast<U32>(this->m_dataSize), computedHashBuffer); DpContainer container(this->m_id, buffer); container.setDataSize(this->m_dataSize); const FwSizeType dataHashOffset = container.getDataHashOffset(); Utils::HashBuffer storedHashBuffer(&buffAddrBase[dataHashOffset], HASH_DIGEST_LENGTH); DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(computedHashBuffer, storedHashBuffer); } //! Check a packet header against a buffer void check(const char* const file, //!< The call site file name const U32 line, //!< The call site line number const Fw::Buffer& buffer, //!< The buffer FwDpIdType id, //!< The expected id FwDpPriorityType priority, //!< The expected priority const Fw::Time& timeTag, //!< The expected time tag DpCfg::ProcType::SerialType procTypes, //!< The expected processing types const DpContainer::Header::UserData& userData, //!< The expected user data DpState dpState, //!< The expected dp state FwSizeType dataSize //!< The expected data size ) const { // Check the buffer size const FwSizeType bufferSize = buffer.getSize(); const FwSizeType minBufferSize = Fw::DpContainer::MIN_PACKET_SIZE; DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_GE(bufferSize, minBufferSize); // Check the container id DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(this->m_id, id); // Check the priority DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(this->m_priority, priority); // Check the time tag DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(this->m_timeTag, timeTag); // Check the deserialized processing types DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(this->m_procTypes, procTypes); // Check the user data for (FwSizeType i = 0; i < DpCfg::CONTAINER_USER_DATA_SIZE; ++i) { DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(this->m_userData[i], userData[i]); } // Check the deserialized data product state DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(this->m_dpState, dpState); // Check the data size DP_CONTAINER_HEADER_ASSERT_EQ(this->m_dataSize, dataSize); } //! Check that the serialize repr is at the specified deserialization offset static void checkDeserialAtOffset(SerializeBufferBase& serialRepr, //!< The serialize repr FwSizeType offset //!< The offset ) { const U8* buffAddr = serialRepr.getBuffAddr(); const U8* buffAddrLeft = serialRepr.getBuffAddrLeft(); ASSERT_EQ(buffAddrLeft, &buffAddr[offset]); } //! The container id FwDpIdType m_id; //! The priority FwDpPriorityType m_priority; //! The time tag Time m_timeTag; //! The processing types DpCfg::ProcType::SerialType m_procTypes; //! The user data U8 m_userData[DpCfg::CONTAINER_USER_DATA_SIZE]; //! The data product state DpState m_dpState; //! The data size FwSizeType m_dataSize; }; } // namespace TestUtil } // end namespace Fw #endif
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // TestMain.cpp // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <cstring> #include <limits> #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "Fw/Dp/DpContainer.hpp" #include "Fw/Dp/test/util/DpContainerHeader.hpp" #include "Fw/Test/UnitTest.hpp" #include "STest/Pick/Pick.hpp" #include "STest/Random/Random.hpp" using namespace Fw; constexpr FwSizeType DATA_SIZE = 100; constexpr FwSizeType PACKET_SIZE = DpContainer::getPacketSizeForDataSize(DATA_SIZE); U8 bufferData[PACKET_SIZE]; DpContainer::Header::UserData userData; void checkHeader(FwDpIdType id, Fw::Buffer& buffer, DpContainer& container) { // Check the packet size const FwSizeType expectedPacketSize = Fw::DpContainer::MIN_PACKET_SIZE; ASSERT_EQ(container.getPacketSize(), expectedPacketSize); // Set the priority const FwDpPriorityType priority = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, std::numeric_limits<FwDpPriorityType>::max()); container.setPriority(priority); // Set the time tag const U32 seconds = STest::Pick::any(); const U32 useconds = STest::Pick::startLength(0, 1000000); Fw::Time timeTag(seconds, useconds); container.setTimeTag(timeTag); // Set the processing types const FwSizeType numProcTypeStates = 1 << DpCfg::ProcType::NUM_CONSTANTS; const DpCfg::ProcType::SerialType procTypes = STest::Pick::startLength(0, numProcTypeStates); container.setProcTypes(procTypes); // Set the user data for (U8& data : userData) { data = static_cast<U8>(STest::Pick::any()); } FW_ASSERT(sizeof userData == sizeof container.m_userData); (void)::memcpy(container.m_userData, userData, sizeof container.m_userData); // Set the DP state const DpState dpState(static_cast<DpState::T>(STest::Pick::startLength(0, DpState::NUM_CONSTANTS))); container.setDpState(dpState); // Set the data size container.setDataSize(DATA_SIZE); // Test serialization: Serialize the header container.serializeHeader(); TestUtil::DpContainerHeader header; // Update the data hash container.updateDataHash(); // Deserialize the header and check the hashes header.deserialize(__FILE__, __LINE__, buffer); // Check the deserialized header fields header.check(__FILE__, __LINE__, buffer, id, priority, timeTag, procTypes, userData, dpState, DATA_SIZE); // Test deserialization: Deserialize the header into a new container DpContainer deserContainer; deserContainer.setBuffer(container.getBuffer()); const Fw::SerializeStatus serialStatus = deserContainer.deserializeHeader(); ASSERT_EQ(serialStatus, Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); // Clear out the header in the buffer FW_ASSERT(buffer.isValid()); ::memset(buffer.getData(), 0, DpContainer::Header::SIZE); // Serialize the header from the new container deserContainer.serializeHeader(); // Deserialize and check the header header.deserialize(__FILE__, __LINE__, buffer); header.check(__FILE__, __LINE__, buffer, id, priority, timeTag, procTypes, userData, dpState, DATA_SIZE); // Test the flight code that checks the hashes Utils::HashBuffer storedHash; Utils::HashBuffer computedHash; Fw::Success status = deserContainer.checkHeaderHash(storedHash, computedHash); ASSERT_EQ(status, Fw::Success::SUCCESS); ASSERT_EQ(storedHash, computedHash); status = deserContainer.checkDataHash(storedHash, computedHash); ASSERT_EQ(status, Fw::Success::SUCCESS); ASSERT_EQ(storedHash, computedHash); } void checkBuffers(DpContainer& container, FwSizeType bufferSize) { // Check the packet buffer ASSERT_EQ(container.m_buffer.getSize(), bufferSize); // Check the data buffer U8* const buffPtr = container.m_buffer.getData(); U8* const dataPtr = &buffPtr[Fw::DpContainer::DATA_OFFSET]; const FwSizeType dataCapacity = container.m_buffer.getSize() - Fw::DpContainer::MIN_PACKET_SIZE; ASSERT_EQ(container.m_dataBuffer.getBuffAddr(), dataPtr); ASSERT_EQ(container.m_dataBuffer.getBuffCapacity(), dataCapacity); } void fillWithData(Fw::Buffer& buffer) { U8* const buffAddrBase = buffer.getData(); U8* const dataAddr = &buffAddrBase[DpContainer::DATA_OFFSET]; for (FwSizeType i = 0; i < DATA_SIZE; i++) { dataAddr[i] = static_cast<U8>(STest::Pick::any()); } } TEST(Header, BufferInConstructor) { COMMENT("Test header serialization with buffer in constructor"); // Create a buffer Fw::Buffer buffer(bufferData, sizeof bufferData); // Fill with data fillWithData(buffer); // Use the buffer to create a container const FwDpIdType id = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, std::numeric_limits<FwDpIdType>::max()); DpContainer container(id, buffer); // Check the header checkHeader(id, buffer, container); // Check the buffers checkBuffers(container, sizeof bufferData); // Perturb the header hash Utils::HashBuffer goodHash = container.getHeaderHash(); Utils::HashBuffer badHash = goodHash; ++(badHash.getBuffAddr()[0]); container.setHeaderHash(badHash); // Check that the hashes don't match Utils::HashBuffer storedHash; Utils::HashBuffer computedHash; Fw::Success status = container.checkHeaderHash(storedHash, computedHash); ASSERT_EQ(status, Fw::Success::FAILURE); ASSERT_EQ(storedHash, badHash); ASSERT_EQ(computedHash, goodHash); // Perturb the data hash goodHash = container.getDataHash(); badHash = goodHash; ++(badHash.getBuffAddr()[0]); container.setDataHash(badHash); // Check that the hashes don't match status = container.checkDataHash(storedHash, computedHash); ASSERT_EQ(status, Fw::Success::FAILURE); ASSERT_EQ(storedHash, badHash); ASSERT_EQ(computedHash, goodHash); } TEST(Header, BufferSet) { COMMENT("Test header serialization with buffer set"); // Create a buffer Fw::Buffer buffer(bufferData, sizeof bufferData); // Fill with data fillWithData(buffer); // Use the buffer to create a container const FwDpIdType id = STest::Pick::lowerUpper(0, std::numeric_limits<FwDpIdType>::max()); DpContainer container; container.setId(id); container.setBuffer(buffer); // Check the header checkHeader(id, buffer, container); // Check the buffers checkBuffers(container, sizeof bufferData); } TEST(Header, BadPacketDescriptor) { COMMENT("Test header serialization with bad packet descriptor"); // Create a buffer Fw::Buffer buffer(bufferData, sizeof bufferData); // Set the packet descriptor to a bad value Fw::SerializeBufferBase& serialRepr = buffer.getSerializeRepr(); const FwPacketDescriptorType badPacketDescriptor = Fw::ComPacket::FW_PACKET_DP + 1; Fw::SerializeStatus status = serialRepr.serialize(badPacketDescriptor); ASSERT_EQ(status, Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_OK); // Use the buffer to create a container DpContainer container; container.setBuffer(buffer); // Deserialize the header const Fw::SerializeStatus serialStatus = container.deserializeHeader(); // Check the error ASSERT_EQ(serialStatus, Fw::FW_SERIALIZE_FORMAT_ERROR); } int main(int argc, char** argv) { ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv); STest::Random::seed(); return RUN_ALL_TESTS(); }


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inifile-cpp 8
oneAPI-samples 2456
rticonnextdds-examples 778
rticonnextdds-getting-started 33
rticonnextdds-robot-helpers 53
rticonnextdds-usecases 4329
tinyxml2 4


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fprime Apache-2.0
inifile-cpp MIT
oneAPI-samples MIT
rticonnextdds-examples rti license
rticonnextdds-getting-started rti license
rticonnextdds-robot-helpers rti license
rticonnextdds-usecases rti license
tinyxml2 Zlib

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