#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # # Full version of the Project Ethea Phase 1 credits used at the end of AtS # Episode 3. # # wmlindent: start ignoring #define CREDITS_BODY _TEXT body={_TEXT} #enddef #define CREDITS_LINE _TEXT [item] text={_TEXT} [/item] #enddef #define CREDITS_ARTWORK _AUTHOR _NAMES [item] author={_AUTHOR} names={_NAMES} [/item] #enddef #define CREDITS_BREAK [break][/break] #enddef music=everlasting_night.ogg pre_wait=2750 [section] title= _ "Story" {CREDITS_BODY "Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Programming" {CREDITS_BODY "Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Map Design" {CREDITS_BODY "Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Main Playtesting" {CREDITS_LINE "Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Charles Dang (vultraz)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Steven Panek (Espreon)"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Proofreading" {CREDITS_LINE "8680 (8680)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Charles Dang (vultraz)"} {CREDITS_LINE "nemaara"} {CREDITS_LINE "Steven Panek (Espreon)"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Main Unit Art" {CREDITS_BODY "Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Main Portrait Art" {CREDITS_LINE "Kathrin Polikeit (Kitty)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Marcus Rosén (sleepwalker)"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Additional Artwork" {CREDITS_LINE "Ben Wenzel (artisticdude)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Blarumyrran"} {CREDITS_LINE "Charles Dang (vultraz)"} {CREDITS_LINE "doofus-01"} {CREDITS_LINE "Emilien Rotival (LordBob)"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_LINE "Erkki Lonkainen (Eternal)"} {CREDITS_LINE "EVILEST"} {CREDITS_LINE "Francisco Muñoz (fmunoz)"} {CREDITS_LINE "GK3"} {CREDITS_LINE "Hogne Håskjold (Frame/Freim)"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_LINE "Irrevenant"} {CREDITS_LINE "J.W. Bjerk (Eleazar)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Lari Nieminen (zookeeper)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Musketaquid"} {CREDITS_LINE "Neoriceisgood"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_LINE "Peter Geinitz (Shadow/Wayfarer)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Reiner ‘Tiles’ Prokein"} {CREDITS_LINE "Richard Kettering (Jetrel)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Samuel Wilson (megane)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Santiago Iborra (Quellion)"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_LINE "Shield"} {CREDITS_LINE "Stephen Metcalf (Neoskel)"} {CREDITS_LINE "VYNLT"} {CREDITS_LINE "Zerovirus"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Aragwaith Faction" {CREDITS_LINE "Astrid Halberkamp"} {CREDITS_LINE "Peter Geinitz (Shadow/Wayfarer)"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Music" {CREDITS_ARTWORK "Aleksi Aubry-Carlson" "gameplay06.ogg,Orc Theme"} {CREDITS_ARTWORK "Blake Ewing (Ewing)" "The Gathering Storm"} {CREDITS_ARTWORK "Jeremy Nicoll (jeremy2)" "Lonely Snowfall"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_ARTWORK "Mattias Westlund (West)" "Ambuscade, The High King’s March"} {CREDITS_ARTWORK "Murilo Carvalho" "Everlasting Night"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_ARTWORK "Telaron" "A Land of Adventure, Climactic Contemplation, End, Harp"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_ARTWORK "Telaron" "Moleman, Overlive, Returning in Time, Western Theme 2"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_ARTWORK "Tyler Johnson" "Enchanted Forest, In the Land of Madness, One Thousand Suns"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Translations" {CREDITS_LINE "kabachuha"} {CREDITS_LINE "newfrenchy83"} {CREDITS_LINE "RatArmy"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Additional Thanks" [/section] [section] {CREDITS_LINE "8680 (8680)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Alexander van Gessel (AI/AI0867)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Astrid Halberkamp"} {CREDITS_LINE "Benoît Timbert (Noyga)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Charles Dang (vultraz)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Derek Hoagland (Gambit/Grickit)"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_LINE "Dimitar Ilccov (Mythological)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Docrock"} {CREDITS_LINE "Elvish_Hunter"} {CREDITS_LINE "Elvish_Pillager"} {CREDITS_LINE "Mr. Fuzzy"} {CREDITS_LINE "Inky"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_LINE "Kathrin Polikeit (Kitty)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Konrad2"} {CREDITS_LINE "Layla"} {CREDITS_LINE "Lily"} {CREDITS_LINE "Matthias Schoeck (mattsc)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Michael (Mica)"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_LINE "nemaara"} {CREDITS_LINE "Piotr Cychowski (Cycholka/Mistbinder/Mist)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Richard Kettering (Jetrel)"} {CREDITS_LINE "S. E. Brune (SouthernOracle)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Sergey Popov (loonycyborg)"} {CREDITS_LINE "solsword/pmworther"} {CREDITS_BREAK} {CREDITS_LINE "Steven Panek (Espreon)"} {CREDITS_LINE "Turuk"} {CREDITS_LINE "Zoltic"} [/section] [section] title= _ "Thanks for playing" duration=10000 [/section] post_wait=2000 music_fade_out=2000 #undef CREDITS_BODY #undef CREDITS_LINE #undef CREDITS_ARTWORK #undef CREDITS_BREAK # wmlindent: stop ignoring
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [about] title= _ "Creator and Lead Designer" [entry] name="Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)" email="[email protected]" wikiuser="shadowm" [/entry] [/about] [about] title= _ "Campaign Maintenance" # # Current main maintainer # [entry] name="Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)" [/entry] [/about] [about] title= _ "Graphics" [entry] name="Iris Morelle (Irydacea/shadowm)" [/entry] [entry] name="Kathrin Polikeit (Kitty)" [/entry] [entry] name="Marcus Rosén (sleepwalker)" comment="Demon portraits" [/entry] {CREDITS_SEPARATOR} [entry] name="Ben Wenzel (artisticdude)" comment="Improved Demon, Demon Grunt, Demon Zephyr, and Demon Warrior baseframes" [/entry] [entry] name="Blarumyrran" [/entry] [entry] name="Charles Dang (vultraz)" [/entry] [entry] name="doofus-01" [/entry] [entry] name="Emilien Rotival (LordBob)" comment="Faerie race icon" [/entry] [entry] name="Erkki Lonkainen (Eternal)" [/entry] [entry] name="EVILEST" [/entry] [entry] name="Francisco Muñoz (fmunoz)" [/entry] [entry] name="GK3" [/entry] [entry] name="J.W. Bjerk (Eleazar)" [/entry] [entry] name="Musketaquid" [/entry] [entry] name="Neoriceisgood" [/entry] [entry] name="Peter Geinitz (Shadow/Wayfarer)" [/entry] [entry] name="Richard Kettering (Jetrel)" [/entry] [entry] name="Samuel Wilson (megane)" [/entry] [entry] name="Santiago Iborra (Quellion)" comment="Wight for WTactics.org/Arcmage.org, used as a placeholder for Mal Hekuba" [/entry] [entry] name="Stephen Metcalf (Neoskel)" [/entry] [entry] name="VYNLT" comment="Chaos Cardinal" [/entry] [entry] name="Zerovirus" [/entry] [/about] [about] title= _ "Aragwaith Faction" [entry] name="Astrid Halberkamp" comment="Rebalancing and animation WML updates for the MP 'The Aragwaithi' and 'Era of Chaos' add-ons, applied on AtS 0.8.1 and later" [/entry] [entry] name="Peter Geinitz (Shadow/Wayfarer)" comment="Art, concept" [/entry] [/about] [about] title= _ "Music" [entry] name="Aleksi Aubry-Carlson (Aleksi)" comment="gameplay06.ogg, Orc Theme" [/entry] [entry] name="Blake Ewing (Ewing)" comment="The Gathering Storm" [/entry] [entry] name="Jeremy Nicoll (jeremy2)" comment="Lonely Snowfall" [/entry] [entry] name="Mattias Westlund (West)" comment="Ambuscade, The High King's March" [/entry] [entry] name="Murilo Carvalho" comment="Everlasting Night" [/entry] [entry] name="Telaron" comment="a_land_of_adventure.ogg, climactic_contemplation.ogg, end.ogg, harp.ogg, moleman.ogg, overlive.ogg, returning_in_time.ogg, western_theme2.ogg" [/entry] [entry] name="Tyler Johnson" comment="Enchanted Forest, In the Land of Madness, One Thousand Suns" [/entry] [/about] [about] title= _ "Translations" [entry] name="kabachuha" comment="Russian" [/entry] [entry] name="newfrenchy83" comment="French" [/entry] [entry] name="RatArmy" comment="Japanese" [/entry] [/about] [about] title= _ "Additional Thanks to" [entry] name="8680 (8680)" [/entry] [entry] name="Alexander van Gessel (AI/AI0867)" [/entry] [entry] name="Charles Dang (vultraz)" comment="Wesnoth 1.14.x support assistance" [/entry] [entry] name="Elvish_Hunter" [/entry] [entry] name="Inky" comment="Highly educational playthrough and bug reports" [/entry] [entry] name="Kathrin Polikeit (Kitty)" [/entry] [entry] name="Konrad2" comment="Playtesting and bug triaging for Wesnoth 1.14.x" [/entry] [entry] name="Matthias Schoeck (mattsc)" [/entry] [entry] name="Michael (Mica)" [/entry] [entry] name="nemaara" comment="Playtesting" [/entry] [entry] name="Steven Panek (Espreon)" [/entry] [entry] name="Turuk" [/entry] {CREDITS_SEPARATOR} [entry] name= _ "You, for playing this campaign" [/entry] [/about] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define LOG_ATS_ERR _MSG {ERROR ("[AtS] "+{_MSG})} #enddef #define LOG_ATS_WRN _MSG {WARNING ("[AtS] "+{_MSG})} #enddef #define LOG_ATS _MSG {LOG ("[AtS] "+{_MSG})} #enddef #define LOG_ATS_DBG _MSG {DEBUG ("[AtS] "+{_MSG})} #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # # Naia library # #ifhave ~add-ons/Naia/loader.cfg {~add-ons/Naia/loader.cfg} #else #ifhave ./Naia/loader.cfg #define NAIA_EMBEDDED After_the_Storm#enddef {./Naia/loader.cfg} #endif #endif #ifndef NAIA_VERSION #error Naia or a Naia base library component is missing. Cannot continue loading this add-on. #endif # # Local library # # LD provides a simpler, shorter way of including WML files by using only # relative paths (to the add-on's directory). #define LD __PATH__ {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/{__PATH__}}#enddef {LD /mainline-strings.cfg} #ifndef __WMLUNITS__ {LD /terrain-graphics} {LD /terrain.cfg} {LD /terrain-virtual.cfg} #endif #ifndef EDITOR # LE includes WML files using paths relative to the currently selected # episode's directory. #ifdef CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_I #define LE __PATH__ {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode1/{__PATH__}}#enddef #define ME ~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode1/maps#enddef #endif #ifdef CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_II #define LE __PATH__ {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode2/{__PATH__}}#enddef #define ME ~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode2/maps#enddef #endif #ifdef CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_III #define LE __PATH__ {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode3/{__PATH__}}#enddef #define ME ~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode3/maps#enddef #endif #ifndef __WMLUNITS__ # DIFF includes WML conditionally depending on the selected difficulty. I # prefer this to mainline's ON_DIFFICULTY macro, which has an exceedingly # long name for such an ubiquitous purpose. There is no whitespace (e.g. # tabs, newlines, blanks) around the inclusions in order to avoid issues # when the substitution is performed in middle of a string literal. #ifdef EASY #define DIFF _ON_EASY _ON_NORMAL _ON_HARD {_ON_EASY}#enddef #endif #ifdef NORMAL #define DIFF _ON_EASY _ON_NORMAL _ON_HARD {_ON_NORMAL}#enddef #endif #ifdef HARD #define DIFF _ON_EASY _ON_NORMAL _ON_HARD {_ON_HARD}#enddef #endif #define PERSISTENT_NS_ATS "Project_Ethea.After_the_Storm" #enddef #define PERSISTENT_NS_IFTU "Project_Ethea.Invasion_from_the_Unknown" #enddef # NOTE: do not change the order in which these files are preprocessing unless # you are very sure of what you are doing. [lua] code = << PROJECT_ETHEA_AFTER_THE_STORM_VERSION = '>>+"{LD dist/VERSION}"+<<' naia_register_package { global_id = 'project_ethea.After_the_Storm', name = 'After the Storm', i18n_name = wesnoth.textdomain('wesnoth-After_the_Storm')('After the Storm'), version = PROJECT_ETHEA_AFTER_THE_STORM_VERSION, abbreviation = 'AtS', tracker_url = 'https://github.com/project-ethea/After_the_Storm/issues', forum_thread = 'https://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?t=32091', maintainer_mode = filesystem.have_file('~add-ons/After_the_Storm/base-maint.cfg'), } check_host_compatibility('1.15.14', '1.16.x', {}, false) check_addon_compatibility() -- Load local code files. for i, file in ipairs { 'overrides.lua', 'segmented.lua', 'theme.lua', 'gui/character_action_dialog.lua', 'gui/combo_info_dialog.lua', 'gui/item_choice_dialog.lua', 'gui/show_image.lua', 'gui/top_message.lua', 'After_the_Storm.lua', } do wesnoth.dofile('~add-ons/After_the_Storm/lua/' .. file) end >> [/lua] #endif {LD /base-debug.cfg} {LD /base-rc.cfg} {LD /macros} [+units] {LD /units} [/units] #ifndef __WMLUNITS__ {GLOBAL_EVENTS ({LD /global-events.cfg})} #define MAP __FILE__ map_file="{ME}/{__FILE__}" #enddef #define MASK __FILE__ mask="{LE /masks/{__FILE__}}" #enddef #define SHROUD_DATA __FILE__ shroud_data="{LE /masks/{__FILE__}}" #enddef # # Episode-specific data files # {LE characters.cfg} {LE deaths.cfg} {LE storytxt.cfg} {LE scenarios} #endif #else [editor_group] id = "wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm" name = _ "After the Storm (custom terrains)" icon = "group_custom" [/editor_group] # Get rid of this macro since it may be redefined by other add-ons # loaded by the editor. #undef LD #endif # EOF # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [color_palette] necro_skin_base=C5956A,A9794F,B17632,D4944F,F8C090,F8C393,F6D39B,FAF3C9,784838,7B4231,73432B,3A211C,4F2D29,FFFFFF necro_skin_devoid=AF6293,AF6293,AF6293,AF6293,E0919C,E0919C,E0919C,E0919C,6E1043,6E1043,6E1043,6E1043,6E1043,6E1043 faerie_spirit_hair_base=104820,458967,8DCD53,E8F898 faerie_spirit_hair_gold=4E3430,9A7458,CFA87A,FFFFFF faerie_sylvan_wings=BEE0F6,77CBA7,61A280 faerie_sylvan_bright_wings=E8F898,8BEA75,4EBB81 faerie_neutral_wings=D0F4F1,87D5CF,47B8AF faerie_guard_wings=C5F7E3,60CBBB,45AB9E # The magenta TC recolored using the red color range. magenta_to_red_tc=FF0000,240000,360000,450000,520000,5E0000,6B0000,790000,850000,920000,A10000,C00000,D20000,E20000,F00000,FF3030,FF6060,FF9191,FFC5C5 # The magenta TC recolored using the yellow color range. magenta_to_yellow_tc=EEE000,2F2C00,3F3B00,4C4800,585200,625C00,6D6700,797200,847C00,8F8600,9C9300,B7AD00,C7BB00,D5C800,E1D400,F1E530,F4EB60,F7F191,FBF8C5 # The magenta TC recolored using the gold color range. magenta_to_gold_tc=FFF35A,A7661D,AE7122,B47B26,BA842A,BE8B2D,C39430,C99D34,CEA438,D3AD3B,D9B740,E6CB48,EDD64D,F3E052,F9E956,FFF370,FFF487,FFF59E,FFF6B7 [/color_palette] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # # Global events loaded for all scenarios # # Handler for UI logic related to character AMLAs {AMLA_UI_HANDLER} # Dependency for Elynia's AMLA tree as well as other units with the stun weapon # special {WEAPON_SPECIAL_STUN_EVENTS} # Dependency for Anya's AMLA tree as well as other units with the daze weapon # special {WEAPON_SPECIAL_DAZE_EVENTS} #ifdef CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_II # Undead recruitment in Episode 2 {UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT:ZYNARA} #endif #ifdef CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_III # Dependency for Anya's AMLA tree in Episode 3 {ABILITY_ABSCOND_EVENTS} # Undead recruitment in Episode 3 {UNDEAD_RECRUITMENT:IRYLEAN} #endif
# wmllint: validate-off # wmlindent: start ignoring #textdomain wesnoth #define TSTR_YES _"Yes" #enddef #define TSTR_NO _"No" #enddef #define TSTR_PETRIFIED _"petrified" #enddef #define TSTR_FEMALE_PETRIFIED _"female^petrified" #enddef #define TSTR_NO_OBJECTIVES_AVAILABLE _ "No objectives available." #enddef #textdomain wesnoth-lib #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_SHROUD _"Shroud" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_FOG _"Fog" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_VOID _ "Void" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_CHASM _ "Chasm" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_ROAD _ "Road" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_FLAT _ "Flat" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_CAVE _ "Cave" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_CASTLE _ "Castle" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_KEEP _ "Keep" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_IMPASSABLE _ "Impassable" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_UNWALKABLE _ "Unwalkable" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_ROCKBOUND_CAVE _ "Rockbound Cave" #enddef #define TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_STONE_WALL _ "Stone Wall" #enddef #textdomain wesnoth-units #define TSTR_UNIT_TYPE_DARK_ADEPT _ "Dark Adept" #enddef #define TSTR_UNIT_TYPE_SAURIAN_AUGUR _ "Saurian Augur" #enddef #define TSTR_UNIT_TYPE_SAURIAN_SKIRMISHER _ "Saurian Skirmisher" #enddef #define TSTR_UNIT_TYPE_TROLL_WHELP _ "Troll Whelp" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_STAFF _ "staff" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_SWORD _ "sword" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_ENTANGLE _ "entangle" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_ENSNARE _ "ensnare" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_THORNS _ "thorns" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_FANGS _ "fangs" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_CLAWS _ "claws" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_BEAK _ "beak" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_TAIL _ "tail" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_RAM _ "ram" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_BATTLE_CLAWS _ "battle claws" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_MORNING_STAR _ "morning star" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_TENTACLE _ "tentacle" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_DAGGER _ "dagger" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_CLUB _ "club" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_AXE _ "axe" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_BATTLE_AXE _ "battle axe" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_SPEAR _ "spear" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_PIKE _"pike" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_BOW _ "bow" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_CROSSBOW _ "crossbow" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_SHORT_SWORD _ "short sword" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_LONGSWORD _ "longsword" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_FIST _ "fist" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_JAVELIN _ "javelin" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_WEB _ "web" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_WAIL _ "wail" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_CRUSH _ "crush" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_FIREBALL _ "fireball" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_GOSSAMER _ "gossamer" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_FAERIE_FIRE _ "faerie fire" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_FAERIE_TOUCH _ "faerie touch" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_SHADOW_WAVE _ "shadow wave" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_TOUCH _ "touch" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_FIRE_BREATH _ "fire breath" #enddef #define TSTR_ATTACK_NAME_NAIA_TOUCH _ "naia touch" #enddef # wmlindent: stop ignoring # wmllint: validate-on # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [terrain_type] id=overlay-fakefog editor_name= _ "Fake Fog" symbol_image=fog/fog1 #editor_image=tile-icons/fake-fog editor_image=fog/fog-editor string=^Zow aliasof=_bas editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] [terrain_type] id=overlay-ground-cracked editor_name= _ "Crack" symbol_image=../scenery/ground-crack-1 string=^Egk aliasof=_bas editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] [terrain_type] id=overlay-statue-xiael editor_name= _ "Statue (Xia’el)" symbol_image=tile-icons/statue-xiael string=^Ezx aliasof=_bas editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] # # These terrain overlays are intended for use in WML events in combination # with scenario-local terrain graphics rules. # #define EVENT_FLAG_TERRAIN_OVERLAY _FLAG [terrain_type] symbol_image= editor_image=tile-icons/overlay-flag-{_FLAG} id=overlay-event-flag-{_FLAG} editor_name=_"Event Flag"+" ({_FLAG})" # wmllint: no spellcheck string=^&{_FLAG} aliasof=_bas editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] {EDITOR_OVERLAY *^&{_FLAG} tile-icons/overlay-flag-{_FLAG}} #enddef {EVENT_FLAG_TERRAIN_OVERLAY A} {EVENT_FLAG_TERRAIN_OVERLAY B} {EVENT_FLAG_TERRAIN_OVERLAY C} {EVENT_FLAG_TERRAIN_OVERLAY D} {EVENT_FLAG_TERRAIN_OVERLAY E} {EVENT_FLAG_TERRAIN_OVERLAY F} #undef EVENT_FLAG_TERRAIN_OVERLAY # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm ######### BLOOD POOL ######### [terrain_type] symbol_image=blood id=blood_lake name= _ "Blood" string=Wwb aliasof=Wst submerge=0.5 editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] [terrain_type] symbol_image=blood id=blood_ford name= _ "Blood" editor_name= _ "Blood Ford" string=Wwbf aliasof=Gt, Wst submerge=0.3 editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] ######### DRY GRASSLAND ELVISH CASTLE ######### [terrain_type] symbol_image=elvish-castle-ground-dry id=dry_grassland_elven_castle name={TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_CASTLE} editor_name= _ "Dry Elven Castle" string=Cvz aliasof=Ct unit_height_adjust=3 recruit_onto=true editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] [terrain_type] symbol_image=elvish-castle-ground-dry id=dry_grassland_elven_castle_ruin name={TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_CASTLE} editor_name= _ "Dry Elven Castle Ruin" string=Cvrz aliasof=Ct unit_height_adjust=3 recruit_onto=true editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] ######### CRAP ########## [terrain_type] symbol_image=chasm/abyss id=starfield name={TSTR_TERRAIN_NAME_VOID} editor_name= _ "Starfield" string=Xzsf aliasof=Xt editor_group=wesnoth-UMC-After_the_Storm hide_help=yes [/terrain_type] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # # Defines a special campaign menu entry for use with wmlunits, to generate a # single units tree for the entire three-campaign set. # #ifndef __WMLUNITS__ #error Invalid configuration set #endif [campaign] id=After_the_Storm_unit_tree {ATS_SHARED_ATTRIBUTES 0} extra_defines=CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_I,CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_II,CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_III name=_"After the Storm" icon="data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/images/addon-icon.png" first_scenario=null description= _ "This is the unit tree for the “After the Storm” campaign." [/campaign] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm # # After the Storm # Copyright (C) 2006 - 2023 by Iris Morelle <[email protected]> # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # wmlscope: set export=no # wmlindent: start ignoring [textdomain] name="wesnoth-After_the_Storm" path="data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/translations" [/textdomain] [textdomain] name="wesnoth-Naia" #ifhave ~add-ons/After_the_Storm/Naia path="data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/Naia/translations" #endif #ifhave ~add-ons/Naia path="data/add-ons/Naia/translations" #endif [/textdomain] #undef ATS_SHARED_DESCRIPTION_FOOTER #undef ATS_SHARED_ATTRIBUTES #undef ATS_HAVE_MUSIC #undef IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC #ifhave ~add-ons/AtS_Music/_main.cfg #define ATS_HAVE_MUSIC #enddef #endif #ifhave ~add-ons/IftU_Music/_main.cfg #define IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC #enddef #endif # # Macros used by the campaign menu entries # #define ATS_SHARED_DESCRIPTION_FOOTER " <span color='#a69275' size='smaller'>"+ _"Version"+" {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/dist/VERSION} "+{ATS_WESNOTH_VERSION_SUPPORT_STATUS}+" "+_"Feedback and bug reports:"+" https://r.wesnoth.org/t32091"+{IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC_STATUS}+{ATS_HAVE_MUSIC_STATUS}+"</span>" #enddef #define ATS_WESNOTH_VERSION_SUPPORT_STATUS _ "for Wesnoth 1.16.0 and later" #enddef #define ATS_MUSIC_ADDON_MISSING_LINE _TEXT " "+"<span color='#f00' weight='bold'>!</span> <span color='#e33'>"+{_TEXT}+"</span>" #enddef #ifdef ATS_HAVE_MUSIC #define ATS_HAVE_MUSIC_STATUS #enddef #else #define ATS_HAVE_MUSIC_STATUS {ATS_MUSIC_ADDON_MISSING_LINE ( _ "Music add-on “<i>AtS Music</i>” is <b>not</b> currently installed")} #enddef #endif #ifdef IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC #define IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC_STATUS #enddef #else #define IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC_STATUS {ATS_MUSIC_ADDON_MISSING_LINE ( _ "Music add-on “<i>IftU Music</i>” is <b>not</b> currently installed")} #enddef #endif #define ATS_SHARED_ATTRIBUTES EPISODE_ID_SUFFIX define=CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM extra_defines=CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM_EPISODE_{EPISODE_ID_SUFFIX},ENABLE_VERLISSH_MACHINE_NAMES {ENABLE_NIGHTBLADE} {ENABLE_TROLL_SHAMAN} rank=257 # NOTE: not the real chronology of these campaigns. year="9999 AF" {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/about.cfg} #enddef #define ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU_ENTRY _SYMBOL _ICON _LABEL _DESC _DEFAULT [difficulty] define={_SYMBOL} image={_ICON}+"~RC(magenta>red)" label={_LABEL} description={_DESC} default={_DEFAULT} [/difficulty] #enddef #define ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU _EASY_LABEL _EASY_ICON _NORMAL_LABEL _NORMAL_ICON _HARD_LABEL _HARD_ICON {ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU_ENTRY EASY ({_EASY_ICON}) ({_EASY_LABEL}) ( _ "Easy") no } {ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU_ENTRY NORMAL ({_NORMAL_ICON}) ({_NORMAL_LABEL}) ( _ "Normal") yes} {ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU_ENTRY HARD ({_HARD_ICON}) ({_HARD_LABEL}) ( _ "Hard") no } #enddef #define ATS_CREDITS_BACKGROUND _IMAGE_SET [about] images={_IMAGE_SET} [/about] #enddef # # Campaign menu entries # #ifndef __WMLUNITS__ #ifhave ~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode1/menu.cfg {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode1/menu.cfg} #endif #ifhave ~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode2/menu.cfg {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode2/menu.cfg} #endif #ifhave ~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode3/menu.cfg {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/episode3/menu.cfg} #endif #else {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/unit-tree-info.cfg} #endif #undef ATS_SHARED_DESCRIPTION_FOOTER #undef ATS_HAVE_MUSIC_STATUS #undef IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC_STATUS #undef ATS_MUSIC_ADDON_MISSING_LINE #undef ATS_WESNOTH_VERSION_SUPPORT_STATUS #undef ATS_SHARED_ATTRIBUTES #undef ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU #undef ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU_ENTRY #undef ATS_CREDITS_BACKGROUND #ifdef EDITOR #define CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM #enddef #endif # # Campaign selection conditional # #ifdef CAMPAIGN_AFTER_THE_STORM [binary_path] path="data/add-ons/After_the_Storm" [/binary_path] #ifdef ATS_HAVE_MUSIC [binary_path] path="data/add-ons/AtS_Music" [/binary_path] #endif #ifdef IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC [binary_path] path="data/add-ons/IftU_Music" [/binary_path] #endif {~add-ons/After_the_Storm/base-loader.cfg} #endif #undef ATS_HAVE_MUSIC #undef IFTU_HAVE_MUSIC # wmllint: directory spellings Elynia Galas Mal Malin Keshar Argan Anya # wmllint: directory spellings Hekuba Kendria Nar-hamoth Ivyel Uria Zhangor # wmllint: directory spellings Inferno Wesmere demoness demonesses razerman # wmllint: directory spellings Aragwaith Aragwaithi verlissh verlisshi wyrm # wmllint: directory spellings rayblade shaxthal shaxthals faerie faeries # wmllint: directory spellings touchplate Kalehssar biomechanical stormtide # wmllint: directory spellings argazar Irdya Sela Naia Niryone Zocthanol # wmllint: directory spellings Yechnagoth Eloh Quenoth Ravanal Jevyan Arnesius # wmllint: directory spellings Tirigaz Kalari Zynavu Malal Elyssa Zynara # wmllint: directory spellings Asthorgar Xia'el Merthiaal Kalari Horo Kyara # wmllint: directory spellings lorekeeper lorekeepers Anlindë Quetor'el Inodien # wmllint: directory spellings Lédinor Iluvia Valthir Deniéth-Isal Raelthyn # wmllint: directory spellings Suthwood Valen Talwyn Dalbloom Allyna Durvan # wmllint: directory spellings Zynara Unarye Telchior Elorran Tara Gralseth # wmllint: directory spellings Arphalad Lorin Wylven Adavyan Danaerad Astar # wmllint: directory spellings Irylean Ergea Aran-Balgur Falrore greatbow # wmllint: directory spellings longswordsmen faeriedom demonkind Huldnyir # wmllint: directory spellings Bardyl Ixthala Torancyn lumeril Ethea nyx # wmllint: directory spellings Urvatha Norsula Irdyan Cron Valdir Kaarul # wmllint: directory spellings Shardia Luceith'el Kazith Yukiria Delethia # wmllint: directory spellings Yarae Yrathid Silida Ethealim Aradellys # wmllint: directory spellings Hemérilyel Kendyare faeriekind stormkind # wmllint: directory spellings Lyphanea Elynia-Thanadria marchlands # wmllint: directory spellings Mintha elvenkind spellcaster Daeira # wmlindent: stop ignoring # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA id=Elynia name= _ "Elynia" type=Sylvan Warden profile="portraits/elynia.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA_AS_LEADER id=Elynia name= _ "Elynia" type=Sylvan Warden profile="portraits/elynia.png" canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_KYARA id=Kyara name= _ "Kyara" type=Quenoth Archer gender=female id=Kyara name= _ "Kyara" #profile="portraits/kyara.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_HORO id=Horo name= _ "Horo" type=Orcish Warrior #profile="portraits/horo.png" profile="portraits/orcs/grunt-5.png" {IS_HERO} unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {MOD_LOYAL_HERO} [/modifications] #enddef #define CHARACTER_STATS_UNARYE id=Unarye name= _ "Unarye" type=Elvish Enchantress #profile="portraits/unarye.png" profile="portraits/elves/sylph.png~RIGHT()" unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_DEXTROUS} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] #enddef #define RECALL_ELYNIA {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA})} #enddef #define RECALL_ELYNIA_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define RECALL_MAL_KESHAR {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_KESHAR})} #enddef #define RECALL_MAL_KESHAR_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_KESHAR}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define RECALL_KYARA {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_KYARA})} #enddef #define RECALL_KYARA_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_KYARA}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define RECALL_HORO {RECALL_CHARACTER ({CHARACTER_STATS_HORO})} #enddef #define RECALL_HORO_AT_LOCATION _X _Y {RECALL_CHARACTER_AT ({CHARACTER_STATS_HORO}) ({_X}) ({_Y})} #enddef #define AMLA_MENU_HINT {AMLA_MENU_HINT:BASE ( _ "Certain high-level units in this campaign under your control — such as Galas and Elynia — have special <b>After Maximum Level Advancements (AMLAs)</b>. You can learn more about those by right-clicking applicable units and choosing the <b>Unit Advancements</b> option.")} #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define Z_DEATHS {A_DEATH_GALAS} {A_DEATH_ELYNIA} {A_DEATH_MAL_KESHAR} {A_DEATH_IGOR} #enddef #define A_DEATHS {A_DEATH_GALAS} {A_DEATH_ELYNIA} {A_DEATH_MAL_KESHAR} {A_DEATH_HORO} {A_DEATH_KYARA} #enddef #define B_DEATHS {B_DEATH_ELYNIA} {B_DEATH_MAL_KESHAR} {B_DEATH_HORO} {B_DEATH_KYARA} #enddef #define A_DEATH_ELYNIA {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Elynia) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I... fall to the darkness..." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Elynia... NO!" [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Our mission has failed." [/message] )} #enddef #define A_DEATH_GALAS {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Galas) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I... am finished... I’ll finally join Anlindë..." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "No! You must resist!" [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "This... this is a curse!" [/message] )} #enddef #define A_DEATH_MAL_KESHAR {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Mal Keshar) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Alas, I can finally depart in peace..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "NO! Malin, we need you for this!" [/message] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "It’s too late already..." [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Now we cannot continue without him. Our mission has failed!" [/message] )} #enddef #define A_DEATH_IGOR {MINOR_DEATH_EVENT (Igor) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I think it’s the end... for me..." [/message] ) ( {VARIABLE_RANDOM igor_death_reaction 1..100} {VARIABLE_MOD igor_death_reaction 13} [if] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_NOT_EQUALS igor_death_reaction 0} [then] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Hm. Oh well, waste not, want not." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "<i>(glares)</i>" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "All right, all right! But you probably want to dispose of the body quickly before his stench alone kills you. The little pest hasn’t bathed in weeks." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "That would be your fault for stalking him whenever he wasn’t with us two." [/message] [/then] [else] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar # po: Yes, he starts quoting Shakespeare before being interrupted. message= _ "Alas, poor Igor! <i>(conjures dark magic)</i> I knew him, Elynia—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Leave his body alone!!!" [/message] [/else] [/if] {CLEAR_VARIABLE igor_death_reaction} )} #enddef #define A_DEATH_HORO {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Horo) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Ouch. I fall before accomplishing my mission!" [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The orcs are now leaderless, and won’t want to help us. We cannot continue without their help!" [/message] )} #enddef #define A_DEATH_KYARA {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Kyara) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Alas, it’s the end of the story for me..." [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We shouldn’t have allowed this to happen." # you don't say... [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Ah, too bad for the girl. But she was indeed one of the best archers I have seen." [/message] )} #enddef #define B_DEATH_ELYNIA {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Elynia) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I wish... I could be with you... now... Galas..." [/message] [if] [have_unit] side=1 id=Mal Keshar [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "No, Elynia! Not you now!" [/message] [/then] [/if] ) ( [if] [have_unit] side=1 id=Mal Keshar [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Now it’s up to me to put an end to this madness... I hope I can manage to do it alone..." [/message] [/then] [/if] )} #enddef #define B_DEATH_MAL_KESHAR {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Mal Keshar) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I go to join my only true friend... now..." [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "How could I let this happen? NO!" [/message] )} #enddef #define B_DEATH_HORO {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Horo) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Ouch. I am done for!" [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The orcs are now leaderless, and won’t want to help us. We cannot continue without their help!" [/message] )} #enddef #define B_DEATH_KYARA {HERO_DEATH_BASE (Kyara) ( [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Alas, it’s the end of the story for me..." [/message] ) ( [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Ah, too bad for the girl. She was indeed one of the best archers I have seen." [/message] )} #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [campaign] id=After_the_Storm_I {ATS_SHARED_ATTRIBUTES I} abbrev= _ "AtS-1" name=_"After the Storm"+" "+_"Episode I: Fear" icon="data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/images/campaign-icon-episode1.png" image="data/add-ons/After_the_Storm/images/campaign-logo-episode1.png" background="story/landscape-hills-01.jpg" first_scenario=01_The_Skirmish description= _ "After the Emperor of Chaos was defeated, the free civilizations of the Great Continent hoped that his followers would abandon the ongoing war. Meanwhile, Galas and his unlikely band of heroes head back to the northern lands to request aid for their next journey."+" "+_"(Intermediate level, 13 scenarios.)"+{ATS_SHARED_DESCRIPTION_FOOTER} {ATS_DIFFICULTY_MENU (_"difficulty_menu^Skeleton") ("units/undead-skeletal/skeleton/skeleton-se-defend2.png") (_"difficulty_menu^Wraith") ("units/undead/wraith-s-defend-2.png") (_"difficulty_menu^Banebow") ("units/undead-skeletal/banebow-melee-attack-3.png") } end_text= _ "To be continued..." {ATS_CREDITS_BACKGROUND "maps/background.jpg~O(0.2)~BG()"} [/campaign] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm #define STORYTXT_INIT_WARNING [story] [part] music="data/core/sounds/ambient/wardrums.ogg" {CAMPAIGN_INTRO_HEADER} story={CAMPAIGN_INTRO_WARNING_TITLE}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_GAMEPLAY_WARNING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_PADDING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_CONTENT_WARNING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_PADDING}+{CAMPAIGN_INTRO_OPTIONS_WARNING} [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_THE_SKIRMISH [story] [part] music=silence.ogg story= _ "“The defeat of Zhangor. The destruction of Yechnagoth. The end of the Chaos Emperor’s rule." [/part] [part] story= _ "I had hoped all such evil influence on Irdya would be over after all our sacrifices. For a while, I had the conviction that we could somehow restore our world’s past glory. But I was wrong." [/part] [part] music=knolls.ogg story= _ "I am Elynia, former disciple of the late Enchantress Niryone of the Ka’lian of Wesmere Forest. But many remember me instead as the Lady of Light, the blessed elf who fought along Argan, the Master of Darkness, and prevailed against the nigh invincible Demon Lord Zhangor. My love, Argan. Together, we wielded the legendary Union of Light and Darkness against the false god who nearly exterminated the elvish civilization, the people whom I vowed to protect. Our bond was unbreakable. Until fate forced us apart, and Uria came along." [/part] [part] story= _ "So strong was our bond that only the power of the Union itself could end Argan’s corruption and suffering. After so long, I was forced to kill him with my own hands." [/part] [part] story= _ "There was a time when I was said to be pure of heart, that I was fit to wield this staff that was once Niryone’s. But now, I fear that the evil I have committed could overtake my very soul. Ever since the Union left us, I feel as though I am not myself. I can no longer enjoy a gentle breeze, the taste of food, or fresh water. I do not think I could love again either." [/part] [part] story= _ "This staff has suddenly become a burden, somehow. Is it because I am allowing myself to be overcome by regret and hesitation? The oath I broke... What if by killing Argan I have taken the next step in allowing myself to be corrupted by this unfathomable force? Is it my destiny to become another pawn in Uria’s schemes?" [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E1S1 _"The Skirmish"} story= _ "The Vast Sea seems to be in perpetual unrest now. It was not like this back when I was a young girl. Perhaps Irdya herself is trying to communicate something to us through the changing tides. The war between the free peoples of Irdya and the forces of Chaos established by Uria and Yechnagoth continues. Unseen enemies of the ancient world, foes from a forgotten era, they threaten to end all life on Irdya through different means. And both bands are relentless in their desire for bloodshed. This is surely pleasing for the so-called mother of demons. But who is she in truth?" [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_HIGH_PASS [story] [part] music=nunc_dimittis.ogg story= _ "I had not seen the high, snowy peaks of the Heart Mountains in a long time. When last we traveled through them, it was with one of Uria’s foul henchmen in hot pursuit: Mal Hekuba, powerful undead sorcerer of the Iron Triad, one of those that counted themselves the leaders of Uria’s cult on Irdya, and the Chaos Empire in Argan’s absence." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E1S2 _"High Pass"} story= _ "Even then, somehow his power seemed greater than Malin Keshar’s own. It would be highly unfortunate for us to come across him now, of all times, as our own necromancer seems to have been debilitated by the ordeal at the Empire’s capital." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_CIVIL_WAR [story] [part] music=revelation.ogg story= _ "We rested for one night, and swiftly resumed our travel back to the Far North. With their most powerful overlord gone for good, the undead creatures and their masters roaming about the mountains proved to be little more than an occasional nuisance. A few cultists dared to challenge Mal Keshar on repeated occasions, but none of them were an appropriate match for his power, however weakened he might be after all these years." [/part] [part] story= _ "Naturally, their lives were cut short by their futile boldness. Some of those who witnessed our combined force hastened to offer us shelter and provisions to make it across the long pass. A handful of young acolytes even went as far as to inquire about joining Mal Keshar’s own sizable cult of followers. None of us particularly objected to the motion, but we all agreed to keep them under careful observation." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E1S3 _"Civil War in the North"} story= _ "After many days, our trip finally came to an end: we were back in the northern country, safe and away from strife’s grasp. Or so it seemed at first." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_TERROR_AT_DUSK [story] [part] music=underground.ogg story= _ "We abandoned Aragwaith territory as agreed, never to return. It was a just deal." [/part] [part] story= _ "The members of the Grand Council stated that no-one witnessed any elf entering or leaving Inodien’s tent. And yet, some people claimed to have heard strange sounds in the forest around the time he was found dead. But none of this was enough to extinguish the flames surrounding the elvish leaders’ exalted egos. Their brash and unrelenting demeanor disappointed me deeply. It used to be that only the eldest and wisest of us could rise to the highest ranks as members of the Ka’lian in Wesmere; decisions were made after meticulous deliberation and careful planning, always taking into account our needs, desires, and hopes as a civilization. Selfish interests, personal quarrels, and such were swept aside for the purpose of our councils." [/part] [part] story= _ "I cannot say that the current state of affairs has taken me by surprise. I had already seen our culture decay towards the end of the previous age. After peace on the continent was secured by the men of Wesnoth, our Ka’lian was gradually plagued by inexperienced leaders with ambitious plans, leading up to the greatest mistake of all: Wesmere’s alliance with Zhangor, in anticipation of the Fall of Irdya. Still, what happened in the northern country was my fault to some extent. Keeping our kin united under a single banner was supposed to be my mission as well. How could I be so foolish as to allow Galas to delegate leadership to such an unprepared handful?" [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E1S4 _"Terror at Dusk"} story= _ "Perhaps they would have fared better with the elf who led them to new prosperous lands in the first place." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_BAY_OF_TIRIGAZ [story] [part] music=loyalists.ogg {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E1S5 _"Bay of Tirigaz"} story= _ "As it turned out, our arrival to Tirigaz could not be more timely." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_QUENOTH_ISLE [story] [part] music=underground.ogg story= _ "True to his word, the orcish lord gave us the fastest transport ship in his possession; he also provided us with an experienced crew and many select warriors, and enough provisions for months of travel across the sea. However, he adamantly refused to allow us to hear the news brought by the messenger we saved, and evaded our inquiries about what prompted the conflict between Tirigaz and the saurians. To be fair, there is usually no reason why that sort of trivial quarrel should concern us, but the circumstances were strikingly suspicious. With Mal Keshar’s help, I managed to pinpoint the approximate location of Zocthanol based on a faint, dark presence towards the southwest — surely a lingering remainder of Yechnagoth’s power." [/part] [part] story= _ "By the time Naia appeared the next morning, we had already set sail. Never before in my entire life had I been so far from the forests of the Great Continent, surrounded by an endless body of water brimming with all sorts of majestic and dangerous creatures. Aside from our loud crew, the occasional sight of marine beasts and small deserted isles was all there was to distract us from the overwhelming immensity and solitude of the open ocean. In spite of its alluring beauty, the large body felt hostile and menacing to me. Does that make sense? Admittedly, words to describe the incongruous feeling elude me, even now." [/part] [part] story= _ "My fear of the ocean’s mysterious nature did not let me sleep well for any single night since we left land. For much of the voyage I stayed awake late during the long darkness, guarding the deck with Mal Keshar, contemplating the ever changing mood of the waves, wondering what events continued to transpire on the continent in our absence... reminiscing of the past... pondering my mistakes." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD E1S6 _"Quenoth Isle" _"Elves of a Different Land"} story= _ "After countless days, we finally reached our destination as it was lit up by the setting suns. We carefully planned our landing, and decided that it would be best to keep the orcs and the undead waiting aboard the ship while Galas and I contacted the elves and explained the situation to them. If they once had to survive in the wild, perilous desert, they surely wouldn’t have fond memories of such creatures." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_ELVES_OF_A_DIFFERENT_LAND [story] [part] music=snowfall.ogg story= _ "The elves guided us through the forest toward the mountains at the island’s heart, without saying a word to us. We knew it was best to not ask them any questions or do anything that could seem suspicious until we met their authorities. Their clothes, armor, and weapons seemed much more primitive compared to those used by Galas’ kinsmen. Apparently, much of our craft was forgotten by Quetor’el’s group and their descendants. As we approached the more populated areas, I noticed that even their building designs were much unlike those of their ancestors." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_THE_SEARCH_FOR_THE_PAST [story] [part] music=underground.ogg story= _ "Beyond Galas’ and Anlindë’s second-hand account of the desert elves’ struggle against Yechnagoth, I had not heard the name ‘Eloh’ in a very long time. It is just one of many names used in old myths to refer to the Guardian of the Arcane Flame, a deity-like figure said to have given life to all faerie beings, including us, elves. Nobody knows exactly when or how those tales first appeared, but it is evident that the Quenoth elves have forgotten, misinterpreted, and exaggerated them over time. These people thrive and live in peace despite having lost much of our civilization’s knowledge and skills, but it was their faith that led them to challenge fate and build a new future — not just for their race, but for all living creatures under the suns. Our gratitude and respect will never suffice to repay that debt..." [/part] [part] story= _ "... which makes it all the more shameful that I couldn’t think of a better justification for our presence than “Eloh’s guidance”. I never really gave much credit to those ancient creation myths in the first place. And was it really necessary to boast of my past deeds to earn our descendants’ trust? Then again, somehow their head priestess did not seem to find a problem with attributing Zhangor’s downfall to a messenger of the goddess instead of the goddess herself... Again, I find myself reflecting upon the simple and idyllic lifestyle of our kin on this island. Perhaps it’s for the best that they do not feel the need to aim higher — those of us who lived to see Zhangor’s rule know well how dire the consequences of ambition and revenge can be." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD E1S7 _"The Search for the Past" _"Resolutions"} story= _ "We were told Yechnagoth originally controlled a citadel in the heart of Zocthanol, where her body resided. Although both the body and the citadel were destroyed by Kalehssar’s people, we suspected that there was much more to find deep under the earth. On the next day, we descended into the caves nearby to search for more remains of the place. As I expected, we found some unusually clean walls concealing an entrance to a larger underground complex forgotten by time. As we proceeded further into the forbidden realm lying beneath what once was Yechnagoth’s throne, it became evident that Argan, or whoever first settled Zocthanol, had received some help to build it all." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_RESOLUTIONS [story] [part] music=underground.ogg story= _ "Argan’s mention of ‘Norsulan’ technology in his records worried me. What if we are fighting for a doomed cause? Perhaps Uria’s influence has already caused permanent, irreversible damage on other worlds besides Irdya, and there’s nothing we can do to stop the enemy now? The information previously gathered by Galas, Anlindë and Mal Keshar seems consistent with what we have just learned from Argan... which he most certainly learned from Uria and her highest-ranking demon lords. We are not alone." [/part] [part] story= _ "The sole thought that there is a world out there more technologically advanced than our own is... overwhelming, to say the least. I wonder what kind of people live there? Assuming they weren’t exterminated by the legions of Inferno in the time that has passed since Argan encoded those records, that is. Are these ‘Norsulans’ a noble people unveiling the mysteries of the universe for the good of all, or wretched demons bent on destroying the creations of nature with their machines like the ruler of Inferno herself? Might they be aware that their knowledge has been subverted by this cruel demoness? Even though Uria’s forces no longer have a direct passageway between our world and theirs, as long as there are summoners on this side and Uria’s demon lords on the other, she will continue to hold our home in her grasp. But perhaps there is a way to weaken the Chaos Empire further. If killing the Chaos Emperor did not suffice, it might be because his direct subordinates still exist: the Iron Triad." [/part] [part] story= _ "But before we can even attempt to deal with them, we’ll need to deal with another problem. According to Mal Keshar—by means of that accursed journal—Argan abandoned Zocthanol Isle after Yechnagoth was vanquished, but not before recovering the creature’s heart. Although her soul was effectively destroyed along with her provisional body, her source of power—her heart—wasn’t directly connected to it, and Argan apparently ordered his minions to preserve it beneath the ruined plains of Wesmere. I presume that the biomechanical creatures we found in the caves there might be guarding it. With that great source of power still intact and on Irdya, our time is running out. We decided to return to the Great Continent as soon as we could to contact our allies and warn them about the imminent danger lying in the Shaxthal hive beneath Wesmere. We must not allow that power to be unleashed on the world again. I can only hope it isn’t too late already." [/part] [part] # wmllint: local spelling teleporting story= _ "I wish I had mastered the power of teleportation that I obtained from the crystal so we wouldn’t have to waste so many days on the Great Ocean. Unfortunately, my mind has been in perpetual unrest as of late, unable to focus on any advanced spell-casting. Attempting to travel such a great distance without having managed first to do as much as teleporting across a room would be reckless." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_FEAR [story] [part] music=underground.ogg story= _ "We finally bid farewell to the peaceful island. Once again, I was tempted by my heart to elude the call of duty and forget completely about the happenings on the Great Continent. It was the first time since I rejoined reality that I truly wanted to flee from it. Then again, that emotion is exactly what led Argan and me to abandon our guidance of the elves after the War of Wesmere came to an end. We ended an armed conflict only to get involved in another one, with each of us on opposite sides." [/part] [part] story= _ "I wish I could go back to the old times and prevent that disaster that ruined our beautiful world forever. Life was much simpler when the only forces threatening the order of nature were common necromancers who could be easily dispatched by anyone capable of wielding a weapon. At some point we thought we knew everything about our place in the universe. Argan’s appearance was the first event to challenge that vain pretension. Then Zhangor came. Now this. What other revelations does the future hold for us? When will my mission to protect Irdya and the habitants of its forests be over?”" [/part] [part] # po: The lines consisting of a single em dash represent a long pause. story= _ "— “Not everything went according to our plans. A storm caught us by surprise and drove us off course. The ship barely withstood long enough to take us ashore, just in time to be greeted by the setting suns and a thick fog enveloping all. Stranded on an unknown land, we found ourselves before a foreboding forest at dusk." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E1S8 _"Fear"} # This screen deliberately left empty. story="" # wmllint: ignore [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_THE_TRIAD [story] [part] music=underground.ogg story= _ "In midst of the battle, a dark mist enshrouded everything around me. I tried casting a fire to help me see my surroundings, but somehow the flames did not appear. It was then that a tremendous force pierced my head, a force too strong to resist... Something was draining my life force, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Blinded by the pain, I attempted to strike out at whoever was standing behind me, but my body did not move." [/part] [part] story= _ "... A voice... I heard a crystalline and enchanting voice uttering words in a language I did not know. Had I heard that voice before? For a moment I felt as if I was falling into a bottomless abyss, plunging into the shadows below... The darkness... The fear..." [/part] [part] story= _ "— The strong pulling of Uria’s power had knocked me unconscious. I had been defeated, caught off guard. I had... failed... When I finally opened my eyes, it was already too late." [/part] [part] story= _ "My hands and feet were burning. I was chained to the floor of a pitch-black cell, unable to escape, screaming and writhing in pain. They had finally captured me, and subjected me to the customary torture employed on those of my kind; because they knew I could pose no threat to them for as long as I was bound by the cold iron. Such was the curse imposed at the beginning of time on faerie and elvenkind." [/part] [part] story= _ "My staff was nowhere to be seen, and the pain would not let me pronounce a single spell. Since I lacked the means to break free, all I could do was to wait. The pain. I know not how much time passed in reality, for the excruciating pain kept me only barely conscious until they arrived to drag me out of the dungeon. Was it hours? Days, perhaps? Does it even matter?" [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E1S9 _"The Triad"} story= _ "Finally, I was taken to meet my captors, face to face." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_TEARS [story] [part] music=returning_in_time.ogg story= _ "It is really hard to acknowledge your own mistakes, at times. It’s especially hard to face reality once it turns against you by taking away those whom you love the most. Galas was more than just a friend." [/part] [part] story= _ "I could never tell him how I really felt. I could never tell him why I <i>cared</i> so much. After Argan’s death, I swore I would not get emotionally involved with anyone again. There is no point in trying if this is the inevitable end met by all those around me. It has happened before, and yet... this feeling of emptiness... it is as overwhelming as ever." [/part] [part] story= _ "It’s evident that my heart had already gotten too close to him. Lord Galas of the Forest Elves of the Valley of Elynia, he who renounced to his rightful place amongst his people to die fighting for a hopeless cause! Would that his death had been as heroic as the short life he lived. Would that we could have at least retrieved his body, instead of it being left to rot in that horrid lake of blood. Now I am on my own again, much like I was for much of my life, even after Argan first found me, even after he secretly married me; for neither in Wesnoth nor the domains of the elves was it considered acceptable to get involved in any way with men like him. If I had given them a chance to discover our secrets, we both would have been punished... with death." [/part] [part] story= _ "I don’t want to risk approaching Mal Keshar. I know he had long since accepted Galas as his only friend. How am I supposed to face him when we both know this is all my fault? Because it was my reluctance that ultimately led to the young elf’s demise at the hands of the demoness. I don’t know what to do anymore..." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD_SIMPLE E1S10 _"Tears"} story= _ "But I do know that Galas would not have given up, no matter how great the loss. Not even Anlindë’s sacrifice was enough to break his conviction that our fate could be changed. I have to carry on and put a stop to the plans of Elyssa and the Iron Council, somehow. I have to — even if it might require a sacrifice of my own." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_RETURN_TO_WESMERE_PART_1 [story] [part] music=nunc_dimittis.ogg story= _ "As I was his second-in-command, I know that I am expected to replace Galas at the helm of our group, but doing so is a constant and painful reminder of the circumstances of his death. I have to try to put those thoughts aside for now — there will be plenty of time for grieving later. We continued our march towards northeastern Wesmere. Along the way, I could spot a few familiar landmarks, ruined as they were, eroded by the elements; reminders of the past glory of the peoples of Irdya." [/part] [part] story= _ "Even though I was actually born in Lintanir, I spent all but the first two years of my childhood in Wesmere. Later, even if my duty required me to travel large distances across the continent, I continued to feel at home in Wesmere... for some time. By the onset of the end of the Golden Age, Wesmere’s trust in the Empire of Wesnoth had been breached; the humans’ unilateral decision to create a second sun was the trigger. Once the Ka’lian learned of my resignation from my position as advisor to the Emperor of Wesnoth, they considered me no longer useful to their ends, and made sure to inconvenience me at every opportunity. After some point, I simply decided to leave Wesmere and wander the earth with Argan by my side." [/part] [part] story= _ "Of course, that was before the dreams of numerous civilizations were shattered to pieces. After the Fall, we had no choice but to settle in Lintanir, where we would remain blissfully ignorant of the atrocities taking place in Wesmere. But in time, like many other forests did, Lintanir crumbled down, and we were forced to return to Wesmere and discover the dreadful truth. It goes without saying that my most recent memories of the place are particularly unpleasant." [/part] [part] {STORYTXT_TITLE_CARD E1S11 _"Return to Wesmere" _"Departure"} story= _ "Back to present times. The melancholic desert landscape was dominated by an ominous stronghold in the north, guarding the entrance to the infested plains. As our living troops were exhausted from the lengthy journey across the desert, we decided to stop and rest in the ruins of an ancient elvish outpost for a while, unsuspecting of our forthcoming final confrontation with the forces of Uria." [/part] [/story] #enddef #define STORYTXT_RETURN_TO_WESMERE_PART_2 [story] [part] music=weight_of_revenge.ogg story= _ "No matter how many times I set foot in this ravaged land, the sight remains as appalling as ever. Wesmere is cursed — no green life will ever thrive in it again, as long as the forces of Inferno thirst for revenge upon us." [/part] [part] story= _ "Now that we head back into these caves, I can’t help but ponder Mal Keshar’s words... Am I in denial of my own thirst for revenge now? Perhaps my quest isn’t as noble as I want to believe it is. “We aren’t that different after all.”" [/part] [/story] #enddef # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=01_The_Skirmish name= _ "The Skirmish" {MAP 01_The_Skirmish.map} {TURNS 23 22 21} next_scenario=02_High_Pass {Z_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "knolls.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_INIT_WARNING} {STORYTXT_THE_SKIRMISH} {DUSK2} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK3} {LONGDARK4} {DAWN1} {MORNING1} {MIDDAY1} {AFTERNOON1} {DUSK1} {SHORTDARK} {DAWN2} {MORNING2} {MIDDAY2} {AFTERNOON2} {AMLA_MENU_HINT} # wmllint: validate-off [side] side=1 controller=human save_id=player recruit=Skeleton, Skeleton Archer, Walking Corpse, Faerie Sprite {GOLD 140 130 120} team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} facing=ne [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 recruit=Peasant, Woodsman, Spearman, Bowman, Footpad, Ruffian {GOLD 80 70 60} team_name=good user_team_name= _ "team_name^Townsmen" {ARAGWAITH_FLAG} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT passive_leader yes} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "archer,fighter,archer,scout"} [/ai] type=Sergeant id=Morzey name= _ "Morzey" canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] # South guardians [unit] type=Spearman x,y=12,26 facing=se generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_1 ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] type=Bowman x,y=15,28 facing=sw generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_2 ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] type=Peasant x,y=10,25 facing=s generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_3 ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] type=Peasant x,y=14,29 facing=sw generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_4 ai_special=guardian [/unit] # North guardians [unit] type=Woodsman x,y=10,20 facing=n generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_5 ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] type=Spearman x,y=12,19 facing=ne generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_6 ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] type=Spearman x,y=16,18 facing=nw generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_7 ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] type=Peasant x,y=20,19 facing=n generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_8 ai_special=guardian [/unit] [unit] type=Spearman x,y=23,25 facing=se generate_name=yes random_traits=yes role=guard_9 ai_special=guardian [/unit] [/side] [side] side=3 recruit=Chaos Invoker, Chaos Invader, Chaos Headhunter {GOLD 260 290 320} {INCOME 4 5 5} team_name=evil user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] # # These bastards know about Galas et al. # [goal] [criteria] id=Elynia [/criteria] value=15.0 # and want to get revenge on Elynia [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Galas [/criteria] value=10.0 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Mal Keshar [/criteria] value=12.5 [/goal] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.0} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.0} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "archer,archer,fighter,scout,fighter,scout"} [/ai] type=Chaos Magus id="Ilce'than" name= _ "Ilce’than" canrecruit=yes unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 15} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 6} [event] name=prestart [hide_unit] side=3 canrecruit=yes [/hide_unit] [capture_village] x,y=20,1 side=3 [/capture_village] [capture_village] x,y=35,16 side=2 [/capture_village] [capture_village] x,y=37,17 side=2 [/capture_village] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat the enemy leader")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Morzey")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} # wmllint: recognize Elynia [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_ELYNIA} facing=ne side,x,y=1,10,29 [/unit] # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_MAL_KESHAR} facing=ne side,x,y=1,8,28 [/unit] # for start move_unit_fake [store_unit] [filter] id=Galas [/filter] kill=yes variable=galas_store [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Elynia [/filter] kill=yes variable=elynia_store [/store_unit] [store_unit] [filter] id=Mal Keshar [/filter] kill=yes variable=malin_store [/store_unit] {READ_GLOBAL_INTO_VARIABLE ending_stats_igor igor_store NAMESPACE={PERSISTENT_NS_IFTU}} [/event] [event] name=start {LOCK_VIEW} [message] role=guard_1 message= _ "Night falls, and the scouts reported at midday that those cursed soldiers were heading towards our town." [/message] [message] role=guard_2 # wmllint: local spelling Tyannes message= _ "It wasn’t enough for them to burn and ransack Tyannes... Damn it, why don’t the elders send us reinforcements?" [/message] [message] role=guard_1 # wmllint: local spelling Meh message= _ "Meh. Ever since this war started they have cared little about safety — not just ours. It’s rumored that the country itself would fare very poorly against another foreign invasion." [/message] [message] role=guard_2 message= _ "Well, I’ve heard that the elves have..." [/message] [message] role=guard_3 message= _ "On guard! Three strangers approach from the southern road!" [/message] [move_unit_fake] side=1 type=$galas_store.type image_mods="RC(magenta>brown)" x=6 ,9 y=30,29 [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] variable=galas_store [/unstore_unit] [move_unit_fake] side=1 type=$elynia_store.type x=6 ,10 y=30,29 [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] variable=elynia_store [/unstore_unit] [message] role=guard_1 message= _ "Halt there! Identify yourselves, strangers!" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We are travelers. We don’t plan to stay in your town for more than one night. You don’t need to know who we are." [/message] [message] role=guard_2 message= _ "Sorry, but we were ordered not to let anybody... pass... She’s... beautiful." [/message] [message] role=guard_3 # wmllint: local spelling Wh message= _ "A faerie? Wh— what’s one of your kind doing so far from the northern lands?" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "As I said, we don’t plan to stay for more than one night. Just let us in." [/message] [move_unit_fake] side=1 type=$malin_store.type x=6 ,8 y=30,28 [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] variable=malin_store [/unstore_unit] [message] role=guard_1 message= _ "Who is that? Hey, the cloaked one!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Eh?" [/message] [message] role=guard_1 message= _ "Aaah!!" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [message] role=guard_3 message= _ "A necromancer! A..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "You are not alerting the entire town of his presence, are you? Such a handsome man could spend the night doing... more worthwhile things than fighting us..." [/message] [message] role=guard_3 message= _ "Eh, I..." [/message] [message] role=guard_1 message= _ "I don’t know what the hell your purpose here is, but we do have important things to do this night, such as defending the town from your cursed henchmen!" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Henchmen? Do you see anyone else accompanying us?" [/message] [message] role=guard_1 # wmllint: local spelling uhm message= _ "Eh... uhm... well, no?" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Well, then." [/message] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Galas) 11 28} [message] role=guard_1 message= _"Eh! That you don’t <i>seem</i> to bring anyone with you does not mean you cannot somehow summon them later! We heard rumors of the cursed warriors coming to our valley!" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Cursed, you say?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Clad in black armor, bearing flags with impaled skulls at the top, and said to smell especially funny?" [/message] [message] role=guard_2 message= _"Yes." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _"They are our enemies as well. We have had some encounters with them before. Perhaps we could be of help, <i>if</i> you would let us inside your walls." [/message] [message] speaker=Morzey message= _"Let them come in at once! We are in need of all the help we can get if we want to live another day." [/message] [message] role=guard_1 message= _ "Yes, sir! As you command, sir!" [/message] [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] {MOVE_UNIT (id=Galas) (12,16,17,18) (27,25,26,25)} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Mal Keshar) (12,16,17) (27,25,26)} {MOVE_UNIT (id=Elynia) (12,16,17,18,19) (27,25,26,26,26)} {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "a_land_of_adventure.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "knolls.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "loyalists.ogg"} [message] speaker=Morzey message= _"Strangers, please help us. I am sure the gate guards already told you of the situation..." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _"Yes, they did." [/message] [message] speaker=Morzey message= _"Well, well. I have heard of necromancers helping the northern country’s cause, so I... suppose you can be trusted. Although, if you turn out to be working for our enemies we would be doomed either way. I beg of you to aid us in this battle; all we have left nowadays is the town militia, for which we can barely afford proper weapons." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _"We’ll help you. Just don’t ask names." [/message] [message] speaker=Morzey message= _"That’s... a very dubious request..." [/message] [if] {VARIABLE_ARRAY_NOT_EMPTY igor_store} [then] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "There is someone else coming with us as well. I am sure you will tolerate his presence here." [/message] [message] speaker=Morzey message= _ "Well, I..." [/message] [move_unit_fake] type=$igor_store.type x= 6,10,14,16 y=30,28,27,26 [/move_unit_fake] {VARIABLE igor_store.facing ne} [unstore_unit] variable=igor_store x,y=16,26 [/unstore_unit] # If coming from IftU, Igor is going to be full of items, some of which may not have been # intended to be carried over past IftU's finale segment (S21 through S24). We need to remove # those. [for] array=igor_store.modifications.object [do] [if] {VARIABLE_LEXICAL_IN igor_store.modifications.object[$i].id "arcane_shot_amulet,s21_strength_potion,s21_deftness_potion,revenant_ring"} [then] [remove_object] id=Igor object_id=$igor_store.modifications.object[$i].id [/remove_object] [/then] [/if] [/do] [/for] {CLEAR_VARIABLE igor_store} [message] speaker=Morzey message= _ "Ugh, a goblin? Riding a wolf? You cannot be serious! Your kind is not welcome around these parts after the poultry farmers’ guild incident." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "No, no, no! I mean no harm! Just passing by with my friends, that’s all! Willow is also a very well behaved lady, you aren’t even gonna notice her presence." [/message] [/then] [/if] [unhide_unit] side=3 canrecruit=yes [/unhide_unit] [message] role=guard_6 # wmllint: local spelling wardrums message= _ "My lord! Torches and wardrums approach from the northern hills!" [/message] [message] speaker=Morzey message= _"Blast it, they arrived sooner than I expected. To arms!" [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE galas_store,elynia_store,malin_store} {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id="Morzey" [/filter] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We failed to protect the town..." [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id="Ilce'than" [/filter] [message] speaker=unit message= _"Curse you, heretics! The Iron Council shall punish you for your deeds!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id="Ilce'than" [/filter] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _"I do not think so." [/message] [/event] [event] name=victory [message] speaker=Morzey message= _"We will be eternally thankful for your help, travelers! If there is anything we can do in return..." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _"No problem; we just need provisions and directions for our journey to the northern country." [/message] [message] speaker=Morzey message= _"Traveling north, eh? There is a mountain pass to the northeast — it used to be a very accessible trading route before the war began. Nowadays it is plagued by dark cultists and their undead minions, and the Grand Council has done nothing to clean it up." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _"Thanks for the information, we may as well take that path then." [/message] [message] speaker=Morzey message= _"Are you sure?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _"We <i>control</i> the dead. We need not worry about them." [/message] [/event] [item] x,y=17,3 image="scenery/signpost.png" [/item] [event] name=moveto first_time_only=yes [filter] side=1 x,y=17,3 [/filter] [redraw][/redraw] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image="scenery/signpost.png" message= _"Sometimes, your loved ones must be willing to sacrifice their lives for a greater cause." [/message] [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Oh, no! We have run out of time, and their reinforcements have arrived!" [/message] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id="02_High_Pass" name= _ "High Pass" {MAP 02_High_Pass.map} {TURNS 37 35 33} next_scenario="03_Civil_War" {Z_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "wanderer.ogg" } {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} {STORYTXT_HIGH_PASS} {DUSK1} {SHORTDARK} {DAWN2} {MORNING2} {MIDDAY2} {AFTERNOON2} {DUSK2} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK3} {LONGDARK4} {DAWN1} {MORNING1} {MIDDAY1} {AFTERNOON1} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" shroud=yes fog=yes {GOLD 320 280 240} # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=undead user_team_name= _ "team_name^Undead" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit="Ghoul, Walking Corpse, Ghost, Skeleton, Skeleton Archer" {GOLD 170 190 220} {INCOME 3 4 6} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] [goal] [criteria] id=Elynia [/criteria] value=10.00 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Galas [/criteria] value=3.00 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Mal Keshar [/criteria] value=6.00 [/goal] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT village_value 0.10} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT leader_value 4.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY aggression day morning1,midday1,afternoon1,morning2,midday2,afternoon2 0.80} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY caution day morning1,midday1,afternoon1,morning2,midday2,afternoon2 0.30} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY aggression twilight dawn1,dusk1,dawn2,dusk2 0.90} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY caution twilight dawn1,dusk1,dawn2,dusk2 0.14} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY aggression night short_dark,long_dark1,long_dark2,long_dark3,long_dark4 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY caution night short_dark,long_dark1,long_dark2,long_dark3,long_dark4 0.00} [/ai] canrecruit=yes id=Mal Ciphan name= _ "Mal Ciphan" type=Lich unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [unit] x,y=24,13 type=Bone Shooter ai_special=guardian facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] x,y=21,18 type=Revenant ai_special=guardian facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] x,y=28,9 type=Deathblade ai_special=guardian facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] x,y=25,7 type=Deathblade ai_special=guardian facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] x,y=36,4 type=Deathblade ai_special=guardian facing=sw [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] x,y=35,9 type=Banebow ai_special=guardian facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=undead user_team_name= _ "team_name^Undead" {CHAOS_FLAG} recruit="Skeleton, Skeleton Archer, Walking Corpse" {GOLD 160 190 220} {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] [goal] [criteria] id=Elynia [/criteria] value=3.00 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Galas [/criteria] value=10.00 # he really wants to kill Galas [/goal] [goal] [criteria] id=Mal Keshar [/criteria] value=6.00 [/goal] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT village_value 0.0} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT leader_value 10.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY aggression day morning1,midday1,afternoon1,morning2,midday2,afternoon2 0.80} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY caution day morning1,midday1,afternoon1,morning2,midday2,afternoon2 0.15} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY aggression twilight dawn1,dusk1,dawn2,dusk2 0.90} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY caution twilight dawn1,dusk1,dawn2,dusk2 0.10} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY aggression night short_dark,long_dark1,long_dark2,long_dark3,long_dark4 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ASPECT_FOR_TIME_OF_DAY caution night short_dark,long_dark1,long_dark2,long_dark3,long_dark4 0.00} [/ai] canrecruit=yes facing=sw id=Nyadien name= _ "Nyadien" type=Draug unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 6} {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 7} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/bonestack.png") 27 7} [event] name=prestart [allow_recruit] side=1 type="Ghost,Dark Adept" [/allow_recruit] # wmllint: recognize Elynia {RECALL_ELYNIA_AT_LOCATION 4 16} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR_AT_LOCATION 3 18} # wmllint: recognize Igor {RECALL_IGOR_AT_LOCATION 1 17} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) se} {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker="Galas" message= _ "This place gives me chills. Perhaps this path was not a good choice after all." [/message] [message] speaker="Mal Keshar" # wmllint: local spelling Pah message= _ "Pah. Leave your worries behind, there is nothing to..." [/message] [sound] name="zombie-attack.wav" [/sound] [unit] type="Necrophage" side="2" x,y="6","15" facing="sw" animate=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] type="Necrophage" side="2" x,y="7","17" facing="sw" animate=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_UNDEAD} [/modifications] [/unit] [message] type="Necrophage" message= _ "Groaaar!!!" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [message] speaker="Mal Keshar" message= _ "... and who called upon you?" [/message] [message] speaker="Elynia" message= _ "So it is as the townsfolk warned us — this pass is infested with undead. We’ll have to give them a final rest before we can proceed any further." [/message] [message] speaker="Mal Keshar" message= _ "Aww, this will be boring." [/message] [/event] [event] {SIGHTED_SUF_BY_PLAYER (id=Mal Ciphan)} [message] speaker="Mal Ciphan" message= _ "Ahhh, the traitors! Never again will you see the sunlight, for I shall feed your impious souls to Yechnagoth!" [/message] [message] speaker="Mal Keshar" message= _ "The same old tune. These goons should seek a new job or something." [/message] [/event] [event] {SIGHTED_SUF_BY_PLAYER (id=Nyadien)} [message] speaker="Nyadien" message= _ "You, Galas! You abandoned us in the valley! You left us all to die!" [/message] [message] speaker="Galas" message= _ "Nyadien? But..." [/message] [message] speaker="Mal Keshar" message= _ "Do you know him?" [/message] [message] speaker="Galas" message= _ "He was the leader of the patrol group that replaced mine just before the Chaos Empire invaded our valley." [/message] [message] speaker="Elynia" message= _ "Elf, know that Galas did not have the power to stop that invasion, but the Chaos Empire no longer has a leader. There is nothing that should force you to roam this world anymore!" [/message] [message] speaker="Nyadien" message= _ "I will personally make sure you don’t go unpunished, traitor!" [/message] [message] speaker="Mal Keshar" message= _ "It is a waste of time to try to deal with this pile of bones. The necromancer who raised him probably used some malign spell to infect his soul with hatred towards every elf who outlived him." [/message] [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Mal Ciphan [/filter] [message] speaker="unit" message= _ "I am vanquished, but I curse your race to never see a day of peace or joy again for the rest of eternity!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Mal Ciphan [/filter] [message] speaker="Mal Keshar" message= _ "So many times... I forget how many times they have said that." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 7 [filter_condition] [have_unit] id=Igor [/have_unit] [/filter_condition] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Honestly, with your fearsome steed you should be more than able to reach your destination without us, Igor." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "You’re kidding, right? There’s no way we’d be able to get past all the smelly skeletons alone! I don’t wanna become one of them zombies while I’m still young!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "<i>(snicker)</i> I could arrange for you to become a more dignified skeleton warrior if you prefer..." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Eeek!!! No!!!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Will you please stop tormenting him, Malin." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Fiiiiine. <small>Someone needs a sense of humor... <i>mutter mutter</i>...</small>" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The ears aren’t just for show, you know. We <i>can</i> hear you." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 30 [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "There is a storm approaching." [/message] [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "This doesn’t seem good at all — the storm has finally reached this pass and we’ll be buried under the snow. We should not have tarried here for so long!" [/message] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=03_Civil_War name= _ "Civil War in the North" {MAP 03_Civil_War.map} turns=4 next_scenario="04_Terror_at_Dusk" victory_when_enemies_defeated="no" {Z_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "revelation.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_CIVIL_WAR} {TWO_SUNS_DEFAULT_SCHEDULE} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" shroud=yes {GOLD 300 275 250} # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on #define CW_WARRIOR _TYPE _X _Y [unit] type={_TYPE} x,y={_X},{_Y} generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] [/unit] #enddef #define CW_GUARDIAN _TYPE _X _Y [unit] type={_TYPE} x,y={_X},{_Y} generate_name=yes random_traits=yes random_gender=yes ai_special=guardian [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} [/modifications] [/unit] #enddef # # Northern elves. # [side] controller=ai side=2 team_name=elves_N user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elves (North)" hidden=yes {FLAG_VARIANT long} recruit="Elvish Shaman, Elvish Archer, Elvish Fighter, Elvish Scout" canrecruit=yes id=Celán name= _ "Celán" type=Elvish Champion unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Hero) 19 19} {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Fighter) 10 13} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Marksman) 19 16} {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Hero) 11 11} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Marshal) 18 10} {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Marksman) 16 9} {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Druid) 6 15} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Druid) 9 8} {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Sorceress) 19 6} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Enchantress) 12 18} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Marksman) 21 14} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Scout) 21 10} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Archer) 53 24} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Fighter) 50 24} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Rider) 52 27} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Fighter) 58 23} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Scout) 60 33} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Archer) 47 21} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Shaman) 45 22} [/side] # # South-eastern elves. # [side] controller=ai side=3 team_name=elves_SE user_team_name= _ "team_name^Elves (Southeast)" hidden=yes {FLAG_VARIANT long} recruit="Elvish Shaman, Elvish Archer, Elvish Fighter, Elvish Scout" canrecruit=yes gender=female id=Unidë name= _ "Unidë" type=Elvish Avenger unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Druid) 26 11} {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Ranger) 58 28} {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Avenger) 57 33} {CW_GUARDIAN (Elvish Ranger) 62 22} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Captain) 58 26} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Captain) 56 27} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Rider) 55 22} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Rider) 65 32} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Fighter) 31 40} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Fighter) 42 31} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Scout) 40 23} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Shaman) 47 25} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Fighter) 50 28} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Archer) 52 22} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Archer) 46 27} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Archer) 31 14} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Archer) 28 15} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Hero) 26 14} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Fighter) 31 12} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Archer) 4 13} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Shaman) 4 14} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Archer) 1 13} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Ranger) 17 20} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Hero) 21 17} {CW_WARRIOR (Elvish Captain) 29 16} [/side] # # Fort Eldáin # [side] side=4 team_name=player # wmllint: local spelling Eldáin user_team_name=_ "team_name^Fort Eldáin" hidden=yes controller=null no_leader=yes gold=0 village_gold=0 {NO_INCOME} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Bowman) 30 34} {FACING sw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Footpad) 26 32} {FACING sw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Spearman) 16 26} {FACING sw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Bowman) 20 21} {FACING se} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Spearman) 23 31} {FACING se} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Spearman) 26 26} {FACING nw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Peasant) 36 31} {FACING se} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Peasant) 21 26} {FACING n} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Bowman) 18 24} {FACING se} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Bowman) 23 23} {FACING sw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Bowman) 39 29} {FACING se} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Bowman) 29 28} {FACING sw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Swordsman) 34 32} {FACING ne} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Spearman) 38 27} {FACING se} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Swordsman) 28 25} {FACING nw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Footpad) 23 29} {FACING nw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Peasant) 29 32} {FACING sw} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Woodsman) 33 25} {FACING ne} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Woodsman) 36 26} {FACING ne} {LOYAL_UNIT () (Swordsman) 34 25} {FACING ne} [/side] [event] name=transfer side 4 {TRANSFER_UNITS_FROM_SIDE (4) () (1)} [/event] [event] name=restore side 4 {TRANSFER_UNITS_FROM_SIDE (1) ( [filter_wml] [variables] transferred_from_side=4 [/variables] [/filter_wml] ) (4)} [/event] [event] name=victory [fire_event] name=restore side 4 [/fire_event] [/event] # # Council of War's messengers. # [side] side=5 team_name=player,elves_N,elves_SE user_team_name=_ "team_name^Grand Council" hidden=yes controller=null no_leader=yes gold=0 village_gold=0 {NO_INCOME} [/side] [side] side,color=6,5 team_name=elves_N,elves_SE,player user_team_name=_ "team_name^Grand Council" hidden=yes controller=null no_leader=yes gold,village_gold=,0,0 {NO_INCOME} defeat_condition=never [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 15} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 15} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/oak-leaning.png") 17 36} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/oak-leaning.png") 41 12} {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/oak-leaning.png") 61 8} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/grain-sheaf.png") 54 11} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/scarecrow.png") 57 12} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/scarecrow.png") 53 8} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/straw-bale1.png") 54 5} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/straw-bale2.png") 53 6} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/straw-bale2.png~FL(horiz)") 49 13} [event] name=prestart # # Initially disable AI players. We cannot use controller=null # on their declaration because then their leader units would not # be spawned. # [modify_side] side=2,3 controller=null [/modify_side] [capture_village] side=6 x=36-65 y= 1-17 [/capture_village] [allow_recruit] side=1 type="Vampire Bat" [/allow_recruit] # wmllint: recognize Elynia {RECALL_ELYNIA} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR} # wmllint: recognize Igor {RECALL_IGOR} {FACE_DIRECTION (side=1) se} {OBJECTIVES ( victory_string= _ "Current Objectives:" {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Move Galas, Elynia and Mal Keshar to Fort Eldáin")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER_NO_BONUS} )} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "I don’t like this... There are signs of a recent battle in this area." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Quickly, let us investigate what happened here. I hope it’s not too late." [/message] [/event] #define CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES _ID _X _Y [store_unit] [filter] id={_ID} [/filter] kill=yes variable=temp_CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES [/store_unit] {VARIABLE temp_CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES.moves $temp_CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES.max_moves} [unstore_unit] variable=temp_CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES find_vacant=yes x={_X} y={_Y} [/unstore_unit] {CLEAR_VARIABLE "temp_CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES"} #enddef {FIRE_EVENT_ON_STUMBLE_UPON "start survival" (side=4)} [event] name=turn 4 [fire_event] name=start survival [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=start survival first_time_only=yes # # Remove the ^Xo (Impassable) overlay without changing the # base layer. # [remove_terrain_overlays] terrain=*^Xo [/remove_terrain_overlays] # # Initialize enemy sides # [modify_side] side=2 controller=ai hidden=no {GOLD 230 270 320} {INCOME 2 4 7} [/modify_side] [modify_side] side=3 controller=ai hidden=no {GOLD 250 280 330} {INCOME 2 4 7} [/modify_side] # # Remove shroud for side 1 # [modify_side] side=1 shroud=no [/modify_side] [redraw][/redraw] [message] type=Bowman side=4 message= _ "Who are you? Why, do you bring your unholy slaves to feast on our fallen remains?!" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We are sworn allies of the peoples of the Far North, and the undead support us against our enemies." [/message] [message] type=Footpad side=4 message= _ "It is... it is the Lady of Light! I had heard rumors but this is..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "This fortress barely stands. What vile creatures have come to plague the northern country?" [/message] [message] type=Bowman side=4 message= _ "The elves, my lady. The elves have gone mad and are attacking each other, laying waste to every settlement in their path. Neither faction is willing to seek a peaceful end to this conflict, and we don’t think we can withstand their siege for much longer. Most of our men have died defending the city walls, and resources are increasingly scarce." [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Celán [/scroll_to_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [scroll_to_unit] id=Unidë [/scroll_to_unit] [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] type=Bowman side=4 message= _ "We cannot continue without help, and the messengers we sent to the Grand Council for reinforcements have not returned yet. I’ll probably hate myself for the rest of my life for asking help from those who deal with dark magic, but..." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar # wmllint: local spelling Pfft message= _ "Pfft, we cannot waste our time here." [/message] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "battle.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "the_city_falls.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "loyalists.ogg"} [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We must help these poor people and try to negotiate a deal with our kinsmen. We must not allow another civil war to tear our civilization apart! Otherwise..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Our sacrifices would have been in vain." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We’ll help you defend your fortress until those reinforcements arrive." [/message] [message] type=Bowman side=4 message= _ "Thank you." [/message] # # Since there are too few units in side 4, it's not feasible to let the AI control these - # they'd probably end up committing suicide or staying behind and being otherwise completely # useless. # # Transfer side 4 units to side 1. If they still survive by the end of the scenario, they # are returned to side 4 in the victory event. # [message] type=Footpad side=4 message= _ "Lead us, my lord." [/message] [fire_event] name=transfer side 4 [/fire_event] [capture_village] x= 1-54 y=22-40 side=1 [/capture_village] [modify_side] side=1 {INCOME 8 6 4} [/modify_side] # # Set the survival turn limit # {VARIABLE survival_turn_limit ({DIFF 15 15 18})} [modify_turns] add=$survival_turn_limit [/modify_turns] {CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES Galas 31 29} {CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES Elynia 30 25} {CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES (Mal Keshar) 25 30} [if] [have_unit] id=Igor [/have_unit] [then] {CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES Igor 34 29} [/then] [/if] [scroll_to] x,y=31,29 [/scroll_to] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Resist until the Grand Council’s reinforcements arrive at the end of turns")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER_NO_BONUS} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You will not be able to recall the human defense in later scenarios")} )} [event] name="turn $( $turn_number + 1 )" delayed_variable_substitution=no first_time_only=yes [fire_event] name=introduce unide [/fire_event] {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Resist until the Grand Council’s reinforcements arrive at the end of turns")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of an enemy leader")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER_NO_BONUS} {OBJECTIVE_NOTE ( _ "You will not be able to recall the human defense in later scenarios")} )} [/event] [event] name=introduce unide delayed_variable_substitution=yes first_time_only=yes {FACE_DIRECTION (id="Unidë") sw} [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Unidë message= _ "Who is it that helps the human sub-people defend their town against the true rulers of the forest?" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "I am Galas, an elf of the Valley of Elynia like you. What is the reason for this unnecessary bloodshed?" [/message] [message] speaker=Unidë message= _ "We are at war with those who have taken the life of Lord Inodien and his successor! Are you supporters of their foul cause too?" [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "You know me well, Unidë — I would not support anyone, elf or otherwise, who would threaten the life of our leaders and our civilization. However, you are not doing any good by murdering innocent humans and elves." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "There must be a way to solve this problem without resorting to fighting. In these grim times, with war already raging in the outer lands, the last thing we need is conflict between ourselves as well. It will be our definitive doom. The traitors must be judged by elvish law, not by chaos and death." [/message] [message] speaker=Unidë message= _ "Who do you think you are to give me orders? I am in charge of our people now, and I do not listen to those who ally themselves with this worthless human scum and their foul dark sorcerers." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Diplomacy isn’t going to work, of course — this petty elf has a death wish." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Avoid killing their leaders at all costs. If we want to solve this conflict, we’ll need the Grand Council to negotiate with the faction leaders, and without them, I fear that their successors may incite an even worse bloodshed. I only wish we could stop our kinsmen without resorting to violence." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "As it seems now, there is no other option for us than to hold out against their troops until help arrives. To arms!" [/message] [/event] {CLEAR_VARIABLE survival_turn_limit,survival_turn_limit} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Unidë [/filter] [message] speaker=Unidë message= _ "Though our enemies will not die by my hand, my brethren will avenge me! May this be the last day the traitors live to see the light of Naia and Sela!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Unidë [/filter] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We shouldn’t have allowed her to die. Now it will be nigh impossible to put an end to this!" [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Celán [/filter] [message] speaker=Celán message= _ "Alas, I have fallen before putting an end to this conflict." [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Celán [/filter] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We shouldn’t have allowed him to die. Now it will be nigh impossible to put an end to this!" [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] canrecruit=no [and] side=2 [or] side=3 [/or] [/and] [/filter] [filter_second] side=1 [/filter_second] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I die... for our people!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] canrecruit=no [and] side=2 [or] side=3 [/or] [/and] [/filter] [filter_second] side=1 [/filter_second] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Ahh, great. Now we are killing other elves." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=turn 10 [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "The situation is not improving. If those reinforcements don’t arrive soon we won’t be able to hold this place for much longer!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=time over {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY no} [/event] #define CW_CAVALRY _X _Y [unit] side=5 type=Cavalryman generate_name=yes random_traits=yes facing=sw x={_X} y={_Y} [/unit] #enddef [event] name=victory [fade_out_music] duration=500 [/fade_out_music] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "revelation.ogg"} {CW_CAVALRY 43 5} {CW_CAVALRY 44 8} {CW_CAVALRY 45 3} {CW_CAVALRY 51 5} {CW_CAVALRY 48 1} # wmllint: recognize Arnesius [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_ARNESIUS} side=5 facing=sw x,y=46,4 [/unit] [unit] side=5 type=Orcish Slurbow id=Kar-velgan name= _ "Kar-velgan" facing=sw x=45 y=4 [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] # wmllint: recognize Unarye [unit] {CHARACTER_STATS_UNARYE} side=5 facing=sw x,y=47,5 [/unit] {FACE_DIRECTION (id="Unidë") nw} {FACE_DIRECTION (id="Celán") ne} [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "Elves, stop this brutal bloodshed! You have slaughtered many innocent northerners; humans, orcs, and elves alike. This dreadful display breaches the treaty we signed with Lord Galas!" [/message] [message] speaker=Unidë message= _ "We do not listen to human sub-people!" [/message] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "Then you shall listen to your own authorities. I came as soon as I could to bring order to this chaos. You have not only disobeyed the will of your former leader, Lord Galas; you also ignored the advice and command of Elynia, the Lady of Light herself." [/message] [message] speaker=Arnesius message= _ "In light of these events and the terms of the treaty, the Grand Council has decided to banish the elvish kind from the northern country. You shall put an end to your civil war and prepare to leave our territory before five days have passed, or we shall order our own troops to deal with you. We do not want to do this, and you are well aware that you are at a numerical disadvantage." [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Celán message= _ "Did one of your kind kill the puny ‘lord’ of these rebels as part of a ruse to banish us from the forests, then?" [/message] [message] speaker=Kar-velgan message= _ "Listen, wose-born scum: Inodien was slain by no elf, human or orc!" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Unarye message= _ "We have good reasons to think that the Chaos Empire sent forth their mercenaries for the purpose of causing this revolt and sending us all to our doom. But we are not letting that happen, at least not today." [/message] [message] speaker=Unidë message= _ "This is not fair! Why should we pay for crimes committed by outsiders?" [/message] [message] speaker=Kar-velgan message= _ "Your hands are not clean, elf! How do you even dare to ignore that fact in front of the bearers of the law?" [/message] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It is true. We have spilled much elvish blood with this fight. Galas and I shall leave these lands as soon as we can." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "But my lady, how? None of this is your fault..." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "What? And how are we going to travel to Zocthanol Isle then?" [/message] [message] speaker=Unidë message= _ "I swear that my people will never forget this, the most vile of treacheries. I shall withdraw my troops and my people from this accursed country today, but I do intend to return some day to demand proper justice!" [/message] [message] speaker=Celán message= _ "If the Lady of Light is willing to depart from these lands to never return because of our own misdeeds, then we shall abandon the country as well. Come with me, men!" [/message] [scroll_to_unit] id=Mal Keshar [/scroll_to_unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Elynia? Can you tell us your plan?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "There is a port to the west in the Bay of Tirigaz. It’s controlled by orcs, but perhaps we can find a way to bribe them so they lend us ships and provisions. It is the only port that doesn’t belong to the Aragwaithi nowadays." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar # wmllint: local spelling Pah # po: Here Mal Keshar is supposed to be about to say something like "this is ridiculous" or such. message= _ "This is— Pah. We shall go to Tirigaz, then. But how will we determine the location of Zocthanol Isle?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "That will be my job to do." [/message] [if] [have_unit] id=Igor [/have_unit] [then] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Then... I suppose this is where it ends." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Are you really sure about this, Igor? I thought you would prefer to live among your people in the west instead." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "I mean, yes, being with goblins is great! But I’m scared after what happened — you know, the whole Chaos thing? And it seems like the orc chieftains are still bad at guarding the land from invaders from the south. No, I think I’m done being village goblin. I’m gonna become city goblin now!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Hmph. How would a filthy runt like you survive the perils of civilization, I wonder." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Hey, I can do artsy stuff! Haven’t you heard me sing before? Ahem—" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "If I have to listen to that again, I swear to the Dark Gods—" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It has been a long journey for you, and we certainly cannot force you to stick around considering all the dangers that await us next. I just hope we will get to see each other again some day. I think I speak for all three of us when I say we are deeply grateful for your help and support, even through the most nightmarish of circumstances." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We will miss you greatly. Best of luck, my friend." [/message] [message] speaker=Igor message= _ "Awww, you guys, I’m tearing up... I will miss you too!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Can we just... please. Let us move on already." [/message] # Force reset Igor's stats before copying him to persistent storage {RESET_UNIT_STATUSES id=Igor} {UNIT_TO_GLOBAL_STORE Igor episode1_stats_igor} [modify_unit] [filter] id=Igor [/filter] side=5 [/modify_unit] [/then] [/if] [/event] #undef CW_GUARDIAN #undef CW_WARRIOR #undef CW_CAVALRY #undef CW_TELEPORT_AND_RESET_MOVES [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=04_Terror_at_Dusk name= _ "Terror at Dusk" {MAP 04_Terror_at_Dusk.map} {TURNS 28 25 23} next_scenario="05_Bay_of_Tirigaz" {Z_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "underground.ogg"} {CONTINUE_PLAYING_STORY_MUSIC_FIRST} {STORYTXT_TERROR_AT_DUSK} {DUSK2} {DUSK2} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK1} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK2} {LONGDARK3} {LONGDARK3} {LONGDARK4} {LONGDARK4} {DAWN1} {DAWN1} {MORNING1} {MORNING1} {MIDDAY1} {MIDDAY1} {AFTERNOON1} {AFTERNOON1} {DUSK1} {DUSK1} {SHORTDARK} {SHORTDARK} {DAWN2} {DAWN2} {MORNING2} {MORNING2} {MIDDAY2} {MIDDAY2} {AFTERNOON2} {AFTERNOON2} {SHAXTHAL_SET_SURFACE_VARIATIONS_FLAG} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" fog=yes {GOLD 310 300 290} # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 130 145 160} recruit=Shaxthal Drone, Shaxthal Runner Drone, Shaxthal Razorbird {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "mixed fighter,mixed fighter,mixed fighter,scout"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Shaxthal Assault Drone unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 120 130 140} recruit=Shaxthal Runner Drone, Shaxthal Razorbird, Shaxthal Drone {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "mixed fighter,mixed fighter,mixed fighter,scout"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes type=Shaxthal Assault Drone unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_ARMORED} [/modifications] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=foe user_team_name= _ "team_name^Enemies" {CHAOS_FLAG} {GOLD 120 150 170} recruit=Shaxthal Runner Drone, Chaos Invader, Shaxthal Drone, Chaos Headhunter {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "mixed fighter,scout,fighter,fighter,scout"} [/ai] canrecruit=yes id=Darglen name= _ "Darglen" type=Chaos Lorekeeper unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_BIOMECHANICAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 1 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 5} {STARTING_VILLAGES 4 5} {OBSIDIAN_BATTLE_AXE 11 5} [event] name=prestart # wmllint: recognize Elynia {RECALL_ELYNIA} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia) se} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Mal Keshar) ne} {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Galas) nw} {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat all enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} [/event] [event] name=start [sound] name={SOUND_LIST:BIOMECHANICAL_ROAM} [/sound] [delay] time=500 [/delay] {FACE_DIRECTION (id=Elynia,Mal Keshar) nw} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "That is the sound of those blasted creatures!" [/message] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Um... that’s unusual. Could they be behind the death of Inodien? But then..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "... The Chaos Empire must not be in disarray as we thought." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "They shall pay for the senseless destruction and bloodshed they caused. Let us get rid of them before they bring more strife to this country!" [/message] {REPLACE_SCENARIO_MUSIC "suspense.ogg"} {APPEND_MUSIC "nunc_dimittis.ogg"} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Darglen [/filter] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Don’t die yet, vermin! We want some answers before crushing your useless skull against the rocks!" [/message] [message] speaker=Darglen message= _ "... And do you really believe I would speak? Heh... you can torture me as much as you want, but you won’t get anything from me!" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Stupid..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Let him." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Darglen [/filter] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "That bastard... Hekuba... He and the Iron Triad must be behind this. But what are they trying to accomplish?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "They want to take revenge on us and our kind after Argan’s death, of course. It seems that as long as their cult exists, so will the Chaos Empire." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] [event] name=victory [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "This was the last one, and it doesn’t seem like there are any more groups coming here." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Let’s not worry a lot about them. These pathetic weaklings are nothing compared to the hordes we fought before." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Let’s proceed to Tirigaz now, quickly." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Why don’t we go after their leaders and put an end to this stupid war <i>now</i>?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "No... That would be a highly reckless choice. We don’t know what kind of enemies we might be facing other than Mal Hekuba — you have not forgotten our last encounter with him, have you? We are at a disadvantage without more information about them — their leaders, their weapons, their plans. This is why we must find Zocthanol first." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "<i>(sighs)</i> Very well, then." [/message] [/event] [event] name=time over [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "We have wasted far too much time dealing with these pests. Look! A large swarm is approaching from the south!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Indeed. This... this was not a very prudent idea." [/message] [/event] [/scenario] # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
#textdomain wesnoth-After_the_Storm [scenario] id=05_Bay_of_Tirigaz name= _ "Bay of Tirigaz" {MAP 05_Bay_of_Tirigaz.map} {TURNS 22 20 18} next_scenario="06_01_Quenoth_Isle" {Z_DEATHS} {SCENARIO_MUSIC "breaking_the_chains.ogg"} {EXTRA_SCENARIO_MUSIC "loyalists.ogg"} {STORYTXT_BAY_OF_TIRIGAZ} {TWO_SUNS_DEFAULT_SCHEDULE} # wmllint: validate-off [side] save_id=player controller=human side=1 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Galas" {GOLD 320 310 300} # wmllint: recognize Galas {CHARACTER_STATS_GALAS} [/side] # wmllint: validate-on [side] side=2 team_name=player user_team_name= _ "team_name^Tirigaz" # Deliberately weak. {GOLD 100 90 80} village_gold=1 recruit="Orcish Grunt, Orcish Archer, Wolf Rider, Goblin Spearman" id="Tan-Vatar" name= _ "Tan-Vatar" canrecruit=yes type=Orcish Sovereign unrenamable=yes profile="portraits/orcs/grunt-6.png" [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_NO_SCOUTS} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 0.80} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.20} [/ai] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Orcish Slurbow x,y=2,8 facing=sw upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Orcish Grunt x,y=25,8 facing=sw upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Orcish Warlord x,y=12,7 facing=se upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Orcish Slurbow x,y=34,5 facing=sw upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] id="Chiis Kun" name="Chiis Kun" type=Orcish Warlord ai_special=guardian x,y=26,2 unrenamable=yes facing=se upkeep=free [modifications] {TRAIT_QUICK} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Goblin Knight x,y=28,18 facing=sw upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Goblin Knight x,y=24,17 facing=sw upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Goblin Rouser x,y=27,16 facing=se upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Goblin Impaler x,y=24,16 facing=sw upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Goblin Spearman x,y=27,23 upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Orcish Warrior x,y=22,16 facing=s upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Orcish Warrior x,y=23,24 facing=nw upkeep=free [/unit] [/side] [side] side=3 team_name=lizards user_team_name= _ "team_name^Invaders" {FLAG_VARIANT6 ragged} {GOLD 150 180 210} recruit="Saurian Skirmisher, Saurian Augur, Mudcrawler, Vampire Bat" id=Rishix name= _ "Rishix" canrecruit=yes type=Saurian Flanker unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_STRONG} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT passive_leader yes} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "scout,scout,healer,scout,archer,scout,archer"} [/ai] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Saurian Ambusher x,y=22,18 facing=ne upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Saurian Soothsayer x,y=27,21 facing=n upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Saurian Ambusher x,y=22,22 facing=se upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Saurian Ambusher x,y=19,18 facing=se upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Saurian Skirmisher x,y=24,22 facing=ne upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Saurian Ambusher x,y=20,24 facing=se upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes type=Saurian Soothsayer x,y=24,19 facing=sw upkeep=free [/unit] [/side] [side] side=4 team_name=lizards user_team_name= _ "team_name^Invaders" {FLAG_VARIANT6 ragged} {GOLD 330 360 390} {INCOME 2 4 5} recruit="Saurian Skirmisher, Saurian Augur, Mudcrawler, Vampire Bat" id=Ishkaal name= _ "Ishkaal" canrecruit=yes type=Saurian Oracle unrenamable=yes [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_INTELLIGENT} [/modifications] {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 1.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT recruitment_pattern "scout,scout,healer,scout,archer,scout,archer,scout,healer"} [/ai] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Saurian Flanker x,y=13,33 upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Saurian Flanker x,y=12,30 upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Saurian Flanker x,y=9,30 upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Saurian Flanker x,y=3,33 upkeep=free [/unit] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Saurian Flanker x,y=6,35 upkeep=free [/unit] #ifndef EASY [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes ai_special=guardian type=Saurian Flanker x,y=12,35 upkeep=free [/unit] #endif [/side] [side] side=5 team_name=lizards user_team_name= _ "team_name^Sea Creatures" {FLAG_VARIANT6 ragged} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] [goal] [criteria] x=16-28 y=13-40 [/criteria] value=10.0 [/goal] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 200.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} [/ai] [/side] [side] side=6 team_name=lizards user_team_name= _ "team_name^Water Serpents" {FLAG_VARIANT6 ragged} hidden=yes no_leader=yes {ai/aliases/stable_singleplayer.cfg} [ai] [goal] [criteria] side=1 [/criteria] value=9.9 [/goal] [goal] [criteria] side=2 [/criteria] value=0.1 [/goal] {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT aggression 200.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT caution 0.00} {AI_SIMPLE_ALWAYS_ASPECT grouping no} [/ai] [/side] {STARTING_VILLAGES 2 40} {STARTING_VILLAGES 3 5 } {STARTING_VILLAGES 4 5 } # # Some location names # [label] x,y=29,5 # wmllint: local spelling Arthol text= _ "Arthol" [/label] [label] x,y=9,9 text= _ "Tirigaz" [/label] [label] x,y=22,24 # wmllint: local spelling Krisval text= _ "Krisval" [/label] [label] x,y=33,13 # wmllint: local spelling Burdyr text= _ "Burdyr" [/label] {ANIMATED_FOUNTAIN 29 5 } {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/oak-leaning.png") 9 9} {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/galleon.png~FL(horiz)~RC(magenta>blue)") 6 10} {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/transport-galleon.png~FL(horiz)~RC(magenta>blue)") 8 11} {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/galleon.png~FL(horiz)~RC(magenta>blue)") 11 13} {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/galleon.png~RC(magenta>blue)") 14 11} {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/boat.png") 5 14} {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/boat.png~FL(horiz)") 12 18} {PLACE_IMAGE ("units/transport/boat.png~FL(horiz)") 16 9 } {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/straw-bale1.png") 35 14} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/straw-bale2.png") 32 14} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/grain-sheaf.png") 37 16} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/straw-bale2.png") 37 10} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/scarecrow.png") 34 12} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/scarecrow.png") 33 19} {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/archery-target-right.png") 3 7 } {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/archery-target-right.png") 7 5 } {PLACE_IMAGE ("items/archery-target-right.png") 11 6 } {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/signpost.png") 30 1 } # wmllint: local spellings NE NW SE SW [event] name=moveto first_time_only=yes [filter] side,x,y=1,30,1 [/filter] [redraw][/redraw] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image="scenery/signpost.png" # wmllint: local spelling Bisbarl message= _"N: Bisbarl" [/message] [/event] {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/signpost.png") 24 10} [event] name=moveto first_time_only=yes [filter] side,x,y=1,24,10 [/filter] [redraw][/redraw] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image="scenery/signpost.png" # wmllint: display on message= _"N: Bisbarl NW: Port of Tirigaz NE: Arthol" # wmllint: display off [/message] [/event] {PLACE_IMAGE ("scenery/signpost.png") 11 40} [event] name=moveto first_time_only=yes [filter] side,x,y=1,11,40 [/filter] [redraw][/redraw] [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [message] speaker=narrator image="scenery/signpost.png" # wmllint: local spelling Wyndill message= _"SW: Province of Wyndill" [/message] [/event] #define BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE _BONUS _X _Y [+time] image="misc/schedule-twosuns.png~CROP({_X},{_Y},125,39)~BLIT(misc/tod-bright.png)" lawful_bonus={_BONUS} [/time] #enddef [event] name=prestart [item] x,y=29,5 halo="halo/illuminates-aura.png~O(0.50)" [/item] [time_area] id=fountain_of_courage x,y=29,5 radius=1 {DAWN1} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 25 1 1} {MORNING1} {MIDDAY1} {AFTERNOON1} {DUSK1} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 25 127 41} {SHORTDARK} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 0 253 41} {DAWN2} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 25 1 81} {MORNING2} {MIDDAY2} {AFTERNOON2} {DUSK2} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 25 127 121} {LONGDARK1} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 0 253 121} {LONGDARK2} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 0 1 161} {LONGDARK3} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 0 127 161} {LONGDARK4} {BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE 0 253 161} [/time_area] {VARIABLE swam_in_fountain_of_courage no} # Must persist after scenario {VARIABLE undead_attacks 0} {VARIABLE fountain_checked no} {OBJECTIVES ( {OBJECTIVE_VICTORY ( _ "Defeat both enemy leaders")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Galas")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Elynia")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Mal Keshar")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "Death of Vuruk or the ally leader")} {OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT ( _ "The port of Tirigaz or the town of Arthol are captured by the enemy")} {TURNS_RUN_OUT} {OBJECTIVE_CARRYOVER} )} {LOG_ATS_DBG "enter Tirigaz 'moveto' event generator"} # # Generate shipwreck treasure locations # [set_variables] name=shipwrecks mode=replace [value] gold=170 message= _ "170 gold! It seems it was a trading ship!" alert= _ "You retrieve 170 pieces of gold." # wmllint: ignore [/value] [value] gold=25 message= _ "Bah, only 25 pieces of gold. Better than nothing, I guess." alert= _ "You retrieve 25 pieces of gold." # wmllint: ignore [/value] [value] gold=2 message= _ "Two pieces of gold? Damn, this must be a joke!" alert= _ "You retrieve two pieces of gold." # wmllint: ignore [/value] [value] gold=50 message= _ "Well, well, 50 pieces of gold can be put to good use!" alert= _ "You retrieve 50 pieces of gold." # wmllint: ignore [/value] [/set_variables] [set_variables] name=locations mode=replace [value] x,y=14,16 [/value] [value] x,y=1,23 [/value] [value] x,y=4,29 [/value] [value] x,y=18,23 [/value] [/set_variables] [foreach] array=locations variable=loc [do] {VARIABLE_RANDOM r "0..$($shipwrecks.length - 1)"} {VARIABLE_RANDOM image "scenery/wreck.png,scenery/wreck-2.png,scenery/wreck-3.png"} [item] x,y=$loc.x,$loc.y image=$image [/item] # Generate the event [event] delayed_variable_substitution=no name=moveto first_time_only=true [filter] side=1 x,y=$loc.x,$loc.y [/filter] [redraw][/redraw] [message] speaker=unit {UNIT_SPEAKS_FOR_UNDEAD_MINION (id=Mal Keshar)} scroll=no message=$shipwrecks[$r].message [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image="items/gold-coins-medium.png" sound=gold.ogg message=$shipwrecks[$r].alert [/message] [gold] side=1 amount=$shipwrecks[$r].gold [/gold] [/event] {CLEAR_VARIABLE "r,image,shipwrecks[$r]"} [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE shipwrecks,locations} [store_unit] [filter] id=Galas [/filter] variable=galas_store kill=yes [/store_unit] {LOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=start [message] speaker=Ishkaal # po: The pointy-eared demons here are the elves. message= _ "You filthy soft-skinned beasts, this is your last opportunity to return our swamps! We are not planning to retreat to the forests of the pointy-eared demons!" [/message] [message] speaker=Tan-Vatar message= _ "We care nothing for your stupid conflicts on the eastern borders. You trespassed our frontiers and broke our treaty, and now you ask from us the very lands you took by force; after raiding our southern garrison, no less! If you believe we will accede now—" [/message] [message] speaker=Ishkaal message= _ "To the Dark Gods with you and your treaty! The words of an orc are no more meaningful than his fetid breath! Maybe you’ll admit your defeat once we have razed every single one of your precious buildings to the ground. Go ahead, Rishix! Teach them a lesson!" [/message] [message] speaker=Rishix message= _ "We’ll make these puny dirt-dwellers rue the day they were born!" [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [scroll_to] x,y=40,28 [/scroll_to] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [move_unit_fake] x="40,$galas_store.x" y="28,$galas_store.y" type="$galas_store.type" side="$galas_store.side" image_mods="RC(magenta>brown)" [/move_unit_fake] [unstore_unit] variable=galas_store [/unstore_unit] {CAPTURE_VILLAGES 1 $galas_store.x $galas_store.y 5} {CLEAR_VARIABLE galas_store} # wmllint: recognize Elynia {RECALL_ELYNIA} # wmllint: recognize Mal Keshar {RECALL_MAL_KESHAR} [terrain] x=36,35,37,35-37 y=24,25,25,26 terrain=Ce [/terrain] [terrain] x,y=36,25 terrain=Ke [/terrain] {FACE_DIRECTION side=1 nw} [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "That city to the northwest... is it the port of Tirigaz?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Yes... it wasn’t so well fortified during my time. So many things have changed since then." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas # po: "Is that smoke I smell?" message= _ "Is that smoke I— Wait, I hear steps..." [/message] [delay] time=250 [/delay] [move_unit_fake] side=1 type=Orcish Crossbowman x=32,33,34,34,35 y=31,31,30,29,29 [/move_unit_fake] [unit] type=Orcish Crossbowman id=Vuruk name= _ "Vuruk" {IS_HERO} x,y=35,29 side=1 facing=ne [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] [delay] time=750 [/delay] [message] speaker=Vuruk message= _ "Hello, strangers! Are you loyal to the Grand Council?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Ehm..." # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "Yes, we are." [/message] [message] speaker=Vuruk message= _ "Those vile saurians hold the port of Tirigaz under siege, leaving me unable to reach the city to deliver some important news to our lord. I think I speak for all of us when I say that your help would be very appreciated. I need to get to the city keep, but the journey across isn’t safe while those vermin roam about our lands!" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The enemies of our friends are our enemies. We can help you." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "(<i>whispering</i>) I am curious about their motives... Don’t you think your trust in the orcs could be misplaced?" [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We must stop and repel those saurians before they take over Tirigaz or the northern town that provides resources to the port." [/message] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=turn 2 [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Vuruk, what is it that you need to report to the lord of Tirigaz?" [/message] [message] speaker=Vuruk message= _ "Hmm... I fear it is nothing I’m allowed to share with anyone but Lord Tan-Vatar and his trusted commanders, at least not at this time." [/message] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Fair enough." [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 3 {LOCK_VIEW} # # Mandatory generic sea creatures' appearance. # No campaign is ever complete without this. # [message] speaker=Ishkaal message= _ "Come in aid of your kin, friends from the deep sea!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=2,16 [/scroll_to] [unit] animate=yes side,x,y=5,2,16 type=Sea Serpent facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_RESILIENT} [/modifications] [/unit] [unit] animate=yes side,x,y=5,1,16 type=Cuttle Fish facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_STRONG} [/modifications] [/unit] #ifndef EASY [unit] animate=yes side,x,y=5,1,17 type=Cuttle Fish facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_LOYAL} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] #endif [redraw][/redraw] [delay] time=500 [/delay] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Ah, ha, ha, hah! They have the support of some wild creatures from the ocean! Nothing we cannot handle." [/message] {UNLOCK_VIEW} [/event] [event] name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter] race=undead side=1 [/filter] {VARIABLE_INC undead_attacks} [fire_event] name=remark on undead [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=attack end first_time_only=no [filter_second] race=undead side=1 [/filter_second] {VARIABLE_INC undead_attacks} [fire_event] name=remark on undead [primary_unit] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/primary_unit] [/fire_event] [/event] [event] name=remark on undead [filter_condition] {VARIABLE_NUMERICAL_EQUALS undead_attacks 6} [/filter_condition] [message] [not] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/not] [not] [filter_adjacent] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter_adjacent] [/not] [and] side=3 [or] side=4 [/or] [/and] scroll=no message= _ "Where did all these damned creatures come from?" [/message] [/event] [event] name=turn 6 [message] speaker=Ishkaal message= _ "This is turning out to be much harder than we expected..." [/message] [set_variables] mode=replace name=serpent_locs [literal] x,y,facing=23,36,nw [/literal] [literal] x,y,facing=13,30,ne [/literal] #ifndef EASY [literal] x,y,facing=18,34,n [/literal] [literal] x,y,facing=10,24,se [/literal] #endif [/set_variables] [foreach] array=serpent_locs variable=loc [do] [unit] generate_name,random_traits=yes,yes x=$loc.x y=$loc.y facing=$loc.facing type=Water Serpent side=6 [/unit] [/do] [/foreach] [foreach] array=serpent_locs variable=loc [do] [scroll_to] x=$loc.x y=$loc.y [/scroll_to] [redraw][/redraw] [/do] [/foreach] {CLEAR_VARIABLE serpent_locs} [/event] # # Defeat condition: village tiles in the Arthol/Tirigaz areas get captured by saurians # [event] name=capture [filter] x=25-34 y= 3-8 [and] side=3 [or] side=4 [/or] [/and] [/filter] [message] speaker=Vuruk message= _ "Arthol is being ransacked by the saurians! Now there’s no hope for Tirigaz!" [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=capture [filter] x=1-16 y=1-12 [and] side=3 [or] side=4 [/or] [/and] [/filter] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Tirigaz has been captured! Our mission has failed, and we won’t be able to reach Zocthanol now!" [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] # # Victory condition: enemies defeated # [event] name=enemies defeated {ENDLEVEL_VICTORY yes} [/event] # # Defeat condition: Vuruk dies # [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Vuruk [/filter] [message] speaker=unit # wmllint: local spelling uuugh message= _ "No! I’ve got to... uuugh..." [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Vuruk [/filter] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "We let the orcish messenger perish on the battlefield! The lord of Tirigaz is not going to like this..." [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Ishkaal [/filter] [message] speaker=unit # wmllint: local spelling Eeaack message= _ "The treacherous ones cannot win! Eeaack..." [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Rishix [/filter] [filter_second] [not] race=undead [/not] [not] status=not_living [/not] [/filter_second] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Damn you, dirt-dwellers!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Rishix [/filter] [filter_second] race=undead [or] status=not_living [/or] [not] id=Mal Keshar [/not] [/filter_second] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "I have been struck down by the damned minions of a lich! This is not fair!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Rishix [/filter] [filter_second] id=Mal Keshar [/filter_second] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "Accursed lich! May the Dark Gods smite you down for this atrocity— Eaugh!!!" # wmllint: no spellcheck [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] type=Cuttle Fish [or] type=Sea Serpent [/or] [/filter] [message] speaker=Ishkaal message= _ "Noooooo! You’ll suffer for this atrocity!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x2,$y2 [/scroll_to] [/event] # # Defeat condition: Tan-Vatar dies # [event] name=last breath [filter] id=Tan-Vatar [/filter] [message] speaker=second_unit message= _ "Ha, ha, ha! Die, fool!" [/message] [message] speaker=unit message= _ "No! The city will fall... without my leadership... *ack*" [/message] [message] speaker=Ishkaal message= _ "Take that, orcish scum! Your leader is dead now, and your city is ours!" [/message] [/event] [event] name=die [filter] id=Tan-Vatar [/filter] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "The commander of the defense of Tirigaz has been slain! The city won’t resist for much longer now..." [/message] {ENDLEVEL_DEFEAT} [/event] [event] name=moveto [filter] x=1-40 y=1-13 [and] side=3 [or] side=4 [/or] [/and] [/filter] [message] side=2 canrecruit=no message= _ "Don’t get any closer to our villages, you vermin!" [/message] [message] speaker=Ishkaal message= _ "Crush their villages into the ground!" [/message] [scroll_to] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/scroll_to] [/event] [event] name=capture first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x=25-39,1-17 y= 2-17,1-13 [/filter] [capture_village] x=$x1 y=$y1 side=2 [/capture_village] [/event] [event] name=capture first_time_only=yes [filter] side=1 x=25-39,1-17 y= 2-17,1-13 [/filter] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "These villages belong to the lord of Tirigaz! We must protect them, not capture them!" [/message] [/event] [event] id=fountain_of_courage:regular_eh name=moveto first_time_only=no [filter] side=1 x,y=29,5 [not] race=faerie [not] id=Elynia [/not] [/not] [/filter] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png [show_if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS fountain_checked no} [/show_if] message= _ "The fountain’s water is overflowing with an unusual energy. You catch a glimpse of a strange-looking faerie observing you from behind a nearby tree, but by the time you approach it she has seemingly vanished. In the hurry to return to the fray you almost slip on a puddle." [/message] [message] speaker=narrator image=wesnoth-icon.png [show_if] {VARIABLE_BOOLEAN_EQUALS fountain_checked yes} [/show_if] message= _ "The fountain’s water continues to overflow with an unusual energy." [/message] {VARIABLE fountain_checked yes} [allow_undo][/allow_undo] [/event] [event] id=fountain_of_courage:faerie_eh name=moveto [filter] side=1 x,y=29,5 race=faerie [not] id=Elynia [/not] [/filter] {VARIABLE swam_in_fountain_of_courage yes} [message] speaker=unit message= _ "(<i>jumps in</i>) Wheeeeeeee!!!" [/message] [heal_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] amount="full" animate=yes restore_statuses=yes [/heal_unit] [modify_unit] [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] {TRAIT_FEARLESS} [/modify_unit] [object] # NOTE: id is used in Lua by ats_unit_used_fountain_of_courage() id=fountain_of_courage duration=forever silent=yes [filter] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/filter] [effect] apply_to=hitpoints increase,increase_total=25%,25% [/effect] [effect] apply_to=resistance replace=no [resistance] blade=-10 fire=-10 cold=-10 impact=-10 pierce=-10 [/resistance] [/effect] [/object] [transient_message] caption= _ "Shimmering Fountain" image=attacks/waterspray.png sound=water-blast.wav message= _ "The Naiad’s spell blesses anyone who takes a swim in the water of this fountain with newfound vim and courage." duration=forever [/transient_message] # This removes only the halo, not the fountain [remove_item] x,y=$x1,$y1 [/remove_item] [remove_time_area] id=fountain_of_courage [/remove_time_area] [remove_event] id=fountain_of_courage:regular_eh,fountain_of_courage:faerie_eh [/remove_event] [/event] [event] name=victory {MODIFY_UNIT id=Vuruk side 2} [unit] type=Orcish Warrior side=2 id=Vitork name= _ "Vitork" x,y=11,5 facing=se [modifications] {TRAIT_RESILIENT} {TRAIT_QUICK} [/modifications] [/unit] [message] speaker=Galas message= _ "Yes! We did it!" [/message] [message] speaker=Tan-Vatar message= _ "This is an important battle you’ve helped us win, travelers. The city of Tirigaz shall be eternally thankful for your assistance." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "It is our duty to assist our allies in these times. However, I believe this soldier has something to tell you..." [/message] [message] speaker=Vitork message= _ "Vuruk, brother, you made it! Did you discover anything new?" [/message] [message] speaker=Vuruk message= _ "Ha, indeed! I need to talk with you about it later, but now I must report to the chieftains." [/message] [message] speaker=Tan-Vatar message= _ "I see you helped Vuruk return home safe and sound. Well done! So, what can we do for you to repay our debt?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Um, we are currently looking for transportation services. We must sail the open ocean to find a certain island..." [/message] [message] speaker=Tan-Vatar message= _ "I mean no offense, but only fools would dare sail the <i>open ocean</i>! Nobody has ventured into farther waters and returned in one piece, ever! Nobody knows exactly what kind of creatures inhabit the Vast Sea! Nobody knows for certain what lies beyond the horizon, but it surely can’t be good, you see! Why would anyone want to travel so far into unknown waters, when there are plenty of safer unexplored lands awaiting back whence you came?" [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "We have a mission to complete, but much like Vuruk’s, it is not something we should discuss with..." [/message] [message] speaker=Elynia message= _ "We know the location of a certain isle where some people who once lived on the Great Continent went to. We need to gather some information from them — as part of a mission for the Grand Council." [/message] [message] speaker=Mal Keshar message= _ "Uh, huh." [/message] [message] speaker=Tan-Vatar message= _ "The Grand Council? Why didn’t you say so in the first place! We’ll do anything we can to help you in your mission. It’ll be difficult to gather an appropriate crew for you, but at least I can give you one of our fastest transport vessels." [/message] {CLEAR_VARIABLE undead_attacks,fountain_checked} [/event] [/scenario] #undef BOT_FOUNTAIN_LIT_SCHEDULE # kate: indent-mode normal; encoding utf-8; space-indent on;
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