throat a bit sore and want to get a good imune booster, especially in light of the virus. please advise. have not been in contact with nyone with the virus.
during this pandemic. throat pain can be from a strep throat infection (antibiotics needed), a cold or influenza or other virus, or from some other cause such as allergies or irritants. usually, a person sees the doctor (call first) if the sore throat is bothersome, recurrent, or doesn't go away quickly. covid-19 infections tend to have cough, whereas strep throat usually lacks cough but has more throat pain. (3/21/20)
hey there i have had cold "symptoms" for over a week and had a low grade fever last week. for the past two days i have been feeling dizzy. should i contact my dr? should i see a dr
yes. protection. it is not enough symptoms to say that you are a suspect case of covid19; but, independently of this, if you have been in contact with a case, or you present persistent cough (with or without sputum), shortness of breath, wheezing, or you have a chronic disease like diabetes, hypertension, low immune system or cancer, should ask for medical attention. and use all the protection measures.
i have a tight and painful chest with a dry cough, no fever and no headaches. could it possibly be coronavirus?
possible. top symptoms include fever, dry cough and sob. an obvious possibility. if so, your best step is to self-quarntine. remember at your age low risk of complication and typically will pass without issue. if worsening sob be seen. call your provider or check with local health department. these are healthtap guidelines:https://www.healthtap.com/blog/covid-19-care-guidelines/self-quarantine-guide.
what will happen after the incubation period for covid 19?
in brief: symptoms if you are infected, symptoms will emerge: tiredness, dry cough, fever worsening over 5-14 days. you will also become more infective so self-isolation and good hygiene are vital.only be concerned about covid-19 if: - you have been in contact with someone with a conformed diagnosis of covid-19 - you have visited a high risk area - symptoms worsen and include persistent fever and dry cough would you like to video or text chat with me?
just found out i was pregnant. yesterday diagnosed with pneumonia. i am a high risk pregnancy. fertility issues, pcos, weak cervix. delivered first daughter at 29 weeks, miscarried, and gave birth at 38 weeks to second daughter, but was on bedrest for weak cervix beginning at 5 months. i m a wreck. when i miscarried they said my progesterone level is low which caused me to miscarry, and gave me progesterone shots every week. can t see doctor for two days.
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. pneumonia with pregnancy is always critical.antibiotics as early as possible is the treatment of choice for pneumonia. so better to immediately consult doctor and start antibiotics for pneumonia. drink plenty of fluids orally and keep yourself hydrated. with prompt and appropriate treatment, pneumonia can be cured easily. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
can you contact coronavirus or any virus from the air? also, from talking to someone from a distance of beyond 6 feet. any info on airborne facts?
covid 19 is airborne. covid 19 is primarily an airborne acquired infection. the number of potentially infected viruses dissipate by 6 feet.
i'm told that dirrhea is a symptom of covid 19. i have had it for 36 hours, no appetite. do i need to be tested and where? i'm in alberton.
diaree. no, treat the diaree with fluids and electrolytes, load with probioticslook out for fever,( take paracetamol) or other symptoms.
do i need to take my 10 month old son for his measles vaccinations now that it is due or can it wait until the coronavirus pandemic has calmed down as i dont want to expose him unnecessarily in clinics or hospitals.
in brief: wait for now wait for now, keep talking on this platform. stay safe. would you like to video or text chat with me?
my wife is a nurse in a gp practice, and although she has a mask and gloves etc, is that enough to protect her, if an infected patient with the virus was to come in to her?
nearly. need an n95 mask, gloves and gown as well as eye protection if in contact with aerosol, if working with truely negative she is safe, but we need more testing and to keep mildly ill with corona away from every body else.
hi,got pneumonia,1month ago.had hemoptasis,positive blood culture x1.have been treated with erythromycin x5days,clindamycin x10 xays,then levaquin,x10days,and prednisone.i have been thru with medications for 5dags,but have had low grade temp(99) a couple of evenings since.i still feel horrible,but my np hasn t done anything since.i did contact my pulmanologist today,and waiting for response.is there anymore i can do?really don t want to go back to hospital.thank you
hello,go for vaccinations given below:- flu vaccine- staphylococcal vaccine - improve immunity do exercise daily and take citrus food. rule out diabetes.hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,dr. chandra shekhar
wanted to find out whether i should get tested for covid 19. had a slight fever last week wednesday, slight dry cough and extra phlegmy. symptoms are inconsistent though. i use the gautrain to get to work, was concerned that i could've been exposed.
symptoms. symptoms lasting for a week that are getting better sounds like process is resolving. covid testing would not be indicated. you should follow the following guidelines: https://www.healthtap.com/blog/covid-19-care-guidelines/preventing-covid-19.
ek het loop neus met slym hoes. moontlik allergie, hulle besig met verbouings by werk. ek het ook hoofpyn. so bang vir die virus?
slim kans van virus. as jou sluim is a gevolge van allergy die sluim is gewoonlike a bleek geel saam met ander symptome soos niesery em jikkerige neus.en daar is a noodlike kans da jy die volle allergiese gene het en dan sal jy ook lui van asthma, hoieoos and moontlik exzeem as a kind.om did die "virus" to wees waarvan jy moet bekomerd wees so jy ook 1. hoor koors , 2. droer hoes 3. seer keel and 4. erg hoofpyn he'
i have a sore throat, slight cough, tiredness. should i get tested fro covid 19?
in brief: maybe. do video w/dr throat pain can be from a strep throat infection (antibiotics needed), a cold or influenza (antibiotics usually not used), or from some other cause such as allergies or irritants. usually, a person sees the doctor (call first) if the sore throat is bothersome, recurrent, or doesn't go away quickly. covid-19 infections tend to have cough, whereas strep usually lacks cough but has more throat pain. would you like to video or text chat with me?
my 18 month old woke up from her nap this afternoon sounding hoarse. is this reason for alarm given the current corona situation?
in brief: no kids are very resilient and the best fighters of this. stay home and stay safe. people spread this virus. your baby will be fine, i don't think hoarseness is corona at all :) keep asking questions as you need to would you like to video or text chat with me?
i am a little concerned that i may be showing some symptoms for coronavirus. i have had a bit of a dry cough about 2 weeks ago for 3 days. a week later i had a headache and got nauseaus. i never get headaches. my chest has felt unusual for 5 days.
current symptoms? you may have experienced coronavirus infection. please stay at home until well and without any signs of illness. drink fluids, rest and monitor your temperature. .
my husband has advanced m.s. after battling a cough for a month, he had a chest x ray and we were told he had pneumonia. he was on an antibotic for 10 days which ended 1 week ago today. his nurse was here halfway through the dose and said his lungs sounded clear he has not been coughing or a temprature in over a week. this evening he started coughing, phlegm is not discolored but when he coughs there is a strange odor that i can not describe. i have never smelled an odor like this
hello dear warm welcome to healthcaremagic.comi have evaluated your query for your husband in details .* this odor is in relation with underlying pneumonia causing pathogens * must seek doctor`s opinion immediately , this is not normal .wishing him fine recovery .feel free to ask any further doubts .regards .
to help the community, should anyone returning from any country with cases of ncov self-quarantine before returning to work?
in brief: odd comment since all countries have reported cases of covid-19 the question is a bit inconsistent with current fact. any and all people should self quarantine if they had a known exposure in any setting. i would not consider anyone traveling from all areas either exposed or a risk to others. the hysteria of this idea is worse than the disease. would you like to video or text chat with me?
possible covid-19 - mild symptoms - next steps? symptoms: - initially: tight chest, stuffy nose - 10% difficulty breathing - mildly feverish (hot and dry mouth, bit weak) for a few hours yesterday - mostly fine this morning (5% breathing difficulty)
may confirm with
the bottom of my lungs hurt when i yawn. its been going on for about 3 months right after my boyfriends grandmother got sick with pneumonia and sepsis. im worried that something could be wrong because i was in the hospital with her a lot and she cough on me quite a bit and i am a type one diabetic should i go talk to my family doctor about it?
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern.yes, you should definitely consult your doctor.pneumonia spread by coughing. so you might have cought infection from your boyfriend 's grandmother. you are also a diabetic, so lung infections are very easy to affect you.so better to consult your doctor and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and chest x ray.if chest x ray is normal then no need to worry for pneumonia, take simple painkiller like paracetamol for your chest pain.hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
i was severely sick with a cough back in mid february before i knew about the current virus. not sure if i had a fever or not. i'd cough so hard and vomit. i smoke. could i still have coronavirus antibodies?
infectious for 3w. if you had corona virus you are infectious for 3 weeks. so you need to stay 2 m away from loved ones. stay home. get someone else to shop for you. stay home. wear a buff over your nose and mouth. do not touch your face, mouth or nose. wash hands for 20 seconds every 20 min.
my wife just found out that she sat next to someone on tuesday who is being tested for the coronavirus. person is being tested as his wife was tested positive. please advise next steps.
stay home. right now stay home, keep reporting here. there should be home to home testing coming soon. mild corona virus is easy to treat at home. treat everyone right now as if they have it, including everyone in your home.
if my wife (she is a nurse in a surgery) comes into contact with a patient with the virus, is she likely to then get it herself, if she is wearing gloves and mask etc?
it is unlikely. mefical personnel are trained to avoid these situations.nevertheless recommend her to take off her clothes when she gets home and go directly to take a shower. also is recommended to disinfect all the areas she touches before washing her hands, like door knobs and surfaces.
my son is not feeling well. he has a very snotty nose, sore throat, occasional flemmy cough, uneasy stomach. he had a headache last night. no fever. is it a common cold or must he be checked for covid 19. not travelled or been in contact with anyone?
in brief: no not now get telephonic consult via this or other forums. not indicated to be tested right now. use medication you have at home to treat symptoms right now. use this forum if symptoms change. would you like to video or text chat with me?
i had severe fever on saturday evening, with chills, muscle aches (no sore throat or breathing difficulty). woke up in deep sweat feeling better. had very mild fever on sunday evening, also waking up in cold sweat. i am feeling fine today. covid 19???
self isolate. the current guidelines are if you have symptoms and traveled or been in contact with anyone with confirmed covid-19, arrange for testing (wear a mask when you go out). otherwise self isolate for 14 days. if getting worse, also arrange for testing. for more info try whatapps "hi" to doh help line: 0600 123456.
scratching sore thoat and slight chest irritation. with body aches and tired with slight fever?
in brief: fever with body ache hello & welcome to healthtap,it could be anything from common cold to covid-19. please go to prompt care. call them before going. when tested for covid-19, self quarantine for total 2 weeks from the onset of symptoms. please wear mask and perform frequent hand washing. avoid ibuprofen/other nsaids, use acetaminophen/ tylenol only. if signs of worsening cough & breathing present then go to ed. would you like to video or text chat with me?
my daughter and i travelled from cape town to pretoria last week wednesday. my daughter before she came to pretoria had a ear infection. she was given amoxillin napamol and rhineton for the ear infection. she now has dry coughing and?
unlikely covid. unlikely to be corona listening to your symptoms. stay home and wear masks (anything that covers nose and mouth) proven to decrease transmission by 50%. if you are unwell in terms of respiratory rate (google) >25 or become medically unstable you need to find a corona hospital emergency room. outside of these conditions stay home and stay safe. the more we all travel in the next 3 days is bad.
my father recently passed over the weekend. his body was fighting an infection along with pneumonia for 1 week. during that time, he would urinate bloody urine into the foley. the doctors said that was completely normal. it was very dark red. is that normal?
hello, * the pneumonia does not give rise to red urine called hematuria. * there can be possible causes for red blood cells in the urine as - uncontrolled urinary tract infection - kidney damage via systemic sepsis - abnormal clotting factors or platelet function - side effects of drugs - dehydration related - secondary effects of diabetes - others * kindly share all reports if available with you for further discussion ahead and guide in details. hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further. take care regards, dr bhagyesh v. patel, general surgeon
will i be covered if i get corona 19 with my medival aid?
in brief: probably... ... but we here on this forum answer general medical questions, not particulars of individual medical coverage. call medival aid to know for sure. would you like to video or text chat with me?
will getting either of the pneumonia vaccines, prevnar and pneumovax, prevent you from developing pneumonia if you catch the flu or covid?
no. the vaccines prevent bacterial pneumonia. they have no effect on viral pneumonia.
is the coronavirus 229e the same as covid-19?
cov229e is one of several coronaviruses that cause common colds. biologically related to sars-cov-2 (the cause of covid-19), but different viruses.
i also have a dry throat sometimes its feels like there is something stuck or putting pressure on my throat?
need more info. have you travelled or come into contact with a corona virus patient ?
i travelled to mauritius and do not have symptoms. should i get tested for covid19?
self quarantine . suggest self quarantine for 14 days . if symptomatic , contact your primary care physician or use this platform.
my 60 year old mother developed cough and sneezing .which medicine to be given?
in brief: otc medications. you can use over the counter cough and cold medications. since covid-19 is endemic in your state you need to contact your mother's doctor and ask how to proceed. her doctor may want her to be self quarantined and even be tested depending circumstances. would you like to video or text chat with me?
i know hospitals filter air with hepa filters. will the filters in my car or office building work just as well to prevent corona?
in brief: no worries covid-19 does not survive outdoors. medical officials actually encourages getting outdoors, but keeping your distance from others. would you like to video or text chat with me?
just wanted to check i had a meeting with someone who had recently been back from australia, is australia a high risk country?
in brief: travel is a risk any travel is a risk, that is how this has spread so yes i would advise you telephonically consult with a doctor and see what they advise is best right now. but locking down requires all of us to stay put to stop transmission. i mean international travel is a risk to get covid and from international folk, especially recently. travel right now to expose yourself and others is also a risk. would you like to video or text chat with me?
i was diagnosed with pneumonia and pleurisy friday 6/22/18. dr gave me azithromiacin and 800mg of ibuprofen . that was 4 days ago. azithromiacin has one pill left, and i no longer take the ibuprofen as not needed. to date, i take sudafed pe and robitussin dm with expectorant & suppressant. every 4 hours when the meds wear off, my fever returns with body aches, chills, headache, and coughing. i continually cough up flem, and when lying down need to clear my throat every 30 seconds. i'm also bloated and get air bubbles under my ribs that are painful.
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service. i have reviewed your query and here is my advice. * as far as my clinical experience is concerned, the intensity of the symptoms are not under control with oral antibiotics. * in our clinic, i recommend the patient to get hospital admission, start intravenous antibiotics, broncho dilators and other supportive measures to control the same. do give me further chance to assist in future. hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.
the reading of my chest x-ray states that there are hazed and confluent densities seen in the left upper lung field. the rest of the lungs are clear. the heart is not enlarged. the rest of the included structures are unremarkable. i am very much worried because the impression states that i have minimal ptb, left with pneumonia. please advice me on what to do best as i fear this might affect my application for renewal of contract.
hello, for tuberculosis, akt needs to be started. so confirm tuberculosis by sputum afb stain and culture. if tuberculosis confirmed, then akt should be started. and it is to be taken for around six months. provide reports if available. hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further. regards,dr. parth goswami
nervous about coronavirus. i am 26 years old and have high blood pressure. i am curious chances of me dieing if i contract the virus.
in brief: unknown but low based on current data it is low, likely less than 1-2%. however just because you are young doesn’t mean you cannot end up really sick. take care of yourself. social distancing, wash you hands, etc would you like to video or text chat with me?
hi, may i answer your health queries right now ? please type your query here...i am 42 year old female with known case of pneumonia and constant coughing and low body temp of 35.3c feeling anemic advise please ? currently using bioxin and guafinicine/codein
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern.constant coughing and hypothermia (low body temperature) in pneumonia patient can be due to1. worsening of underlying pneumonia2. bronchitisso better to consult pulmonologist and get done clinical examination of respiratory system, chest x ray and pft (pulmonary function test).yoi may need higher antibiotic and inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or salmeterol).don't worry, you will be alright with all these.hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
where can i test on for free on a essential smart plan for covid-19?
in brief: local issue when or where testing is available is a local issue. your post does not reveal your location or even the country you are in. we have no access to or information about health plans or services around the world where this site can be seen. you will need to contact a local health department for such information. would you like to video or text chat with me?
i have a dry cough and sore throat. should i be scared of contacting of covid 19?
no. fear does not help us right now. this thing is coming. angela merkel said 70% of us will get it. rather stay isolated and access your doctor via a telephonic consult and keep drinking fluids and also boost your immunity.
what are low and high temperatures at which covid 19 virus cannot survive?
in brief: not as fragile as one might hope. -80 c does not kill it +56 c does kill it would you like to video or text chat with me?
good day my 2 year old toddler has been coughing and now she started to vomit when coughing, is it something i should be consent about or it's just flue?
not particularly . the muscles involved in coughing & vomiting are similar & young children often have difficulty not vomiting if they cough hard enough. i would concentrate of maintaining her fluid balance & see if she gradually improves. these are often simple viruses but need to be monitored closely.
my mother was diagonesed with multiple myloma after a hip fracture surgery 5 yrs ago by dr mathews at st. stephens. she was treated for the cancer at aiims. the disease has advanced now and as a result she developed aspirational pnemonia . due to a knock down incident we rushed her to max hospital on 19th jan and ever since she is on the ventilator all though some antibiotic is being administered there is talk of trichotomy for her. since its nt possible to take her home and in her stage more than anything palliative care is reqd. max being to expensive is nt sustainable. is stephens the right place for taking care of her? can she be please adjusted in the icu there? also, what wouldbe the cost per day?and who will be the pulmonary expert?
hello,she requires icu care as per the symptomatic details. stephens is right place for her; you will get pulmonologist there to take care of the issue.she has to be shifted with icu on wheels along with ventilator support. cost there has to be inquired.hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,dr. bhagyesh v. patel
if you've been infected by sars-cov-2, develop covid-19 symptoms and recover, can you: 1) develop immunity to covid-19 2) infect others after 14 days post-symptom onset & recovery 3) get re-infected later by sars-cov-2 despite developing immunity?
yes, maybe, maybe. we presume one is immune to a respiratory virus for a while after getting the infection (that's the way it is with other viruses). a few people have trouble with their antibodies and don't have much immunity. shedding of viruses sometimes is longer than 14 days. in life, there will always be some people who get reinfected, for whatever reason. usually one is immune after the infection. (3/21/20)
my friend had pneumonia a few weeks ago and was given cipro and flagl antibiotics. she had to return to the hospital two more time because of spiking temperatures. fluid was tested from her lungs and came back negative. could she possibly have contacted mersa?
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. repeated spiking temperatures (fever) in pneumonia patient is suggestive of nonresolving pneumonia.so better to consult pulmonologist and get done sputum culture and sensitivity report. culture report will isolate the causative organism (if it is mrsa or other bacteria) and sensitivity report will guide about effective antibiotic treatment.he may need higher antibiotics on the basis of sensitivity report. by this, we can achieve speedy recovery. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wishing good health to your friend. thanks.
i have had a runny nose and have been coughing and have had on and off headaches. i went to the doctor the first time, he gave me an antibiotic and i got worse then i went back a and he gave me a different one but it seems i still have these symptoms?
in brief: likely a virus. what you describe is likely caused by a virus, antibiotics don't do anything against viruses. would you like to video or text chat with me?
intermittent headache for the last week, comes and goes. also, scratchy throat for about 3 weeks on and off?
in brief: doctor can examine throat symptoms can be from a strep throat infection (antibiotics are needed), a cold or influenza, or from some other cause such as allergies, irritants, or acid reflux. usually, one sees the doctor if the sore throat is bothersome, recurrent, or doesn't go quickly (mainly to check for strep throat). during this covid-19 pandemic, doctors want patients to call by video or phone first. (3/25/20) would you like to video or text chat with me?
i have a dry burning sensation in my throat and no fever (temp is 35.6), i’m 24 weeks pregnant and worried that it may be covid19, do i need to have a fever with covid19? will my baby be okay?
in brief: probably not covid19 early covid 19 may not have a fever, but usually does by on average 5 days after exposure. what is your exposure to covid? that is more important to determine the possibility of developing covid 19 would you like to video or text chat with me?
my son has been diagnosed with pneumonia, and started a five day treatment today. he is 11 years old and very lean almost under weight. he hasn t been eating well this week and coughing is pristant as of today. i believe he should not go on the ice. he does play hard. can i get your opinion?
hello, as you explain the history for giving you a correct opinion i should see his chest x-ray and blood tests. hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further. take care regards, dr jnikolla, pulmonologist
my son is 4 years old. at the age of six months he suffered from pneumonia.since then he has problem of coughing at the interval of 1 to 2 month. the doctor provided bactoclav and beta2 cough syrup till he became 2 years old. but there is no any improvement so the doctor refered budecort 200mcg/dose 2 puff at a time twice a day n also a nasal spray beclometason dipropionate bp 50 micro gram. but still the case is not improve. the frequency of coughing starts almost every months. please suggest me what could i do now?
hello as you explain the history it might be a gastric reflux present that has caused the pneumonia. discuss with his doctor. regards dr.jolanda
is mild intermittent asthma an elevated risk group for covid 19 complications? if so, should i continue to use my inhalers when it's occasionally necessary or will the steroids in them put me at more risk? thank you.
in brief: maybe being over 50 with a medical condition like intermittent asthma makes you at higher risk for any respiratory illness including covid19. it appears to be less an issue for children and youth.
i am a 76 year old female non smoker and non drinker i drink 1 cup of decaf a day . in the past year i have had 3 or 4 bouts of pneumonia one was infiltrated just got bronchitis i have have been treated with z pack and amoxicillin to taking blood thinners due to atrial fibulation. i have a pacemaker i had a pneumonia shot in 2011 .one month after taking the shot i got pneumonia. my brother who is 2 years older had the very same reaction. our parents were very heavy smoker can this be the cause of all my problems now.
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service.i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.pneumococcal vaccine is protective against 23 types of streptococcus pneumonia bacteria. this bacteria is the most common organism (80% cases) for pneumonia.but there are other bacterias which can cause pneumonia. and in such cases, pneumococcal vaccine is not protective.so you and your brother might be having some other bacterial pneumonia. second-hand smoking is also a contributing factor to your pneumonia.hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,dr. kaushal bhavsar
i went to the doctor yesterday and shesaid i had a sinus infection,bronchitis, and i was starting to getpneumonia. she gave me a shot ofantibiotics and steroids. she also wroteme a prescription for bactrim ds andcough syrup. the cough syrup isn'tworking, i'm up all night coughing, ihaven't slept for more than 30 min sincesaturday. i feel worse than i didyesterday. what should i do? any advice?thanks!
thanks for your question on healthcare magic. i can understand your concern. in my opinion, you need higher antibiotic,inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroid (ics) for your current symptoms. constant coughing at night can be due to worsening of pneumonia or bronchitis. so consult pulmonologist and get done chest x ray and pft (pulmonary function test). chest x ray is for pneumonia and pft is for bronchitis. don't worry, you will be alright with all these. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
i was given doxycycline while in the hospital for pneumonia and took it several days when home. since march 3rd i have had loose bowels. i took peto-bismol for a week and no help a week ago i started imodium softgetl and only little help...then i read about probiotics and started taking ultimate flora probiotic 80 billion live cultures.. the question is can i take imodium also the same day? thanks
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service.i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.imodium is having loperamide. it is not a good drug for diarrhea. so you should not take it. you should definitely take probiotics as they are the first line treatment for diarrhea. along with probiotics, eat more curd and yogurt. avoid oily and spicy food. avoid junk food. drink oral re-hydration solution (ors) and zinc tablet. don't worry, you will be alright with all these. hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards, dr. kaushal bhavsar
if you are tested positive for covid-19, and your fever keeps going up daily (100 to 101 to 102 to 103), what should you do if all other symptoms remain the same?
consider chest image. pneumonia may occur and if you continue to spike fevers, please see your pcp for a chest image and reevaluation. testing for additional bacterial and viral causes may be performed at the same time. stay at home at least for three days after the fever has broken and avoid contact with others. .
i am positive for alpha 1 but at this point am not being treated. i developed bilateral pneumonia 4 weeks ago, have been on two rounds of levaquin, and other than my fever leaving (which was 102 for three days) don t feel any better. my ribs feel like someone punched me, and whenever i cough, i taste copper which i am assuming is blood. it s probably from how hard i cough,. been to the doc twice, this time added mucinex to the mix to try to loosen things up. not sure how much longer i can do this! yyyy@yyyy
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service.i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.pneumonia causes pleurisy (inflammation of pleura). so chest pain is commonly seen with pneumonia and anti-inflammatory painkiller drugs like paracetamol or ibuprofen should be tried. you can also apply warm water pad on affected areas of the chest. once your pneumonia is cured, your pain will definitely subside. mucinex is a good drug for pneumonia. it actually dilutes the secretions and made them easy to cough out. so continue with mucinex. hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards, dr. kaushal bhavsar
why does hiv rna appear in blood earlier than its antigens and not together?
viral physiology. hiv is a virus that exists to replicate and increase its numbers, primarily, it’s just how the virus functions, prioritizes replication over other functions. i’m sure there is more complex immunologic answer from a specialist in infectious diseases.
if i have fever and coughing (even blood) and i havent been outside of the country, do i have corona virus?
hard to guess. if you are living in an area affected with covid-19 pandemic certainly it arouse suspicion if you are infected. your age is aginst criteria. it may well be what you have is bronchitis or flu. isolate yourself and get in touch with your doctor preferably via telemedicine to find out about where you can be tested and your treatment path forward. .
last weekend (13-15 march) i was at a festival. and today the festival organizers confirmed that someone arrived on the 15th who was tested positive for covid-19. i was in the same area and for a few hours where this person was, should i get tested?
incubation period. stay home, rest and drink fluids for at least three more days . you may have been exposed to the virus. if you develop symptoms of the flu, fever, dry cough and/or shortness of breath, please arrange testing and a call with your pcp.
my hba1c is not as good as it should be. am i more likely to die of the virus? i’m so scared. i have type 1 diabetes. please help.
diabetes + covid-19. have you been diagnosed as a diabetic, or just someone with slightly elevated a1c? reports are that diabetics, especially males, are at greater risk. follow all precautions that have been posted all over the internet and have been printed in newspapers. if you have a sore throat and a fever, call your general physician and follow his/her directions completely.
i have a snotty nose and a bit of a cough, nothing bad, no temperature and do not feel sick in anyway. i am at home can i just continue to use antihistamine until it passes. i have not been in contact with anyone with corona and have not traveled.?
well done. you are a star level headed, keep going at home and support everyone over your well sterilised phone. ;)
i have had constant chest inf was hospitalised for 4 days said they think phnewmonia out now still on lots of anti biotics and steroids however i'm still sweating have right lower back pain and still really coughing and short of breath. i am mbl deficency and alpha 1
helloyes according to the history it might be pneumonia.continue the current treatment.regardsdr.jolanda
where can i get tested for covid19? and will discovery pay for the test?
in brief: consult first better to consult either telephonically or virtually. lancet and ampath are doing tests. discovery will pay if it is positive. gift of the givers are also doing drive through testing for r750.00 - at least in pietermaritzburg. discovery have a covid fund. would you like to video or text chat with me?
my mother was diagnosed with left basal pneumonia she is 74 yeas old and was discharged from hospital yesterday was given amoxicillin and clarithromycin but now she is being sick and has diarohhea she has had amoxicillin before which hasnt effected her this way will it be the other antibiotics also what is left basal pneumonia
thanks for your question on healthcare magic. i can understand your concern. in my opinion, her diarrhoea is mostly due to amoxicillin. amoxicillin can cause diarrhea on second exposure. so you should stop amoxicillin. there are options for oral antibiotics other than amoxicillin like cefixime, levofloxacin, moxifloxacin etc. and left basal pneumonia means lung infection in lower lobe of left lung. so antibiotics are the mainstay of treatment. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wishing good health to your mother.thanks.
hi where in cape town can you get tested for covid19?
in brief: covid 19 tests you can be tested either at any of the private labs or at selected government clinics. you need to meet the criteria for testing before it is done. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hi, may i answer your health queries right now ? please type your query here...i had pneumonia in aug. of 2010, then again in oct, of same year with fluid on my lung, this past week i started with sore head eyes and ears, within 2 days i started coughing and wheezing, went to urgent care, no temp.,b/p 148/84, o2 95, wbc low,3 was given antibiotic and inhaler. i still have bouts of coughing so much i get exhausted and a lot of wheezing, the wheezing is so bad , when i go to bed i am unable to sleep, should i return to urgent care or will this get better soon, thank you so much.
listen carefully, you need full check up of lung and heart and some extent blood. i mention here some investigation if you prefer to do it1. cbc lft, kft, 2. serum ige total3. xray pa chest 4. ecg and 2d echo5. if possible hrct thorax
i am 46yrs old two wks ago i was diagnosed with pneumonia and the same time i had this suffercation feelin which was really scary i have had two lots of antibiotics and a nasal spray, today is the first day it has felt ok but im worried its goin to come back
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. in my opinion, you are mostly having bronchospasm which is causing this suffocating feeling. pneumonia causes inflammation in airways and this in turn causes bronchospasm. so in my opinion, you should ask your doctor about starting inhaled bronchodilators like formoterol or salmeterol to relieve bronchospasm. also avoid stress and tension, be relax and calm. don't worry, you will be alright with all these. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
should i be tested for covid 19 have been in contact with family member who arrived from france on 13 march.not showing any symptoms to date been 7days since visit ?
in brief: self quarantine suggest self quarantine for 14 days. if symptomatic then contact your primary care physician telephonically, or alternatively use this platform to get tested and further management. godspeed. would you like to video or text chat with me?
can i get a covid 19 test?
seek care right away if difficulty breathing, other severe symptoms. seek testing if sick, plus known covid-19 contact, or travel to high risk country, or been in facility treating people with covid-19, or severe pneumonia of unknown cause. call 0800 029 999 for test. if sick or possibly exposed (not both), stay home. seek consultation if sick. if known exposure & not sick, self-isolate 14 days.
i’m absolutely worried sick about getting coronavirus and what it would mean for me if i got it, because of my diabetes. is there anything you can say that can help me in any way? my anxiety is so high. thank you.
take care. 1. wash your hands2. stay home as much as you can3. control your glucose levels4. meditate or search for breathing exercises.
my mother was admitted to st. jude s last wednesday with pneumonia. she is 82 and also has copd and parkinson s. she was treated with antibiotics and released four days later. she is to continue with antibiotics treatment at her skilled nursing facility for another 7 days. the day after she returned to her skilled nursing facility, she was given a new roommate who has advanced pneumonia and in critical condition. a few days earlier, the doctor at the hospital said that my mother s pneumonia was negative and she was taken out of isolation. is it dangerous for my mother, who seems to be recovering or has recovered from her pneumonia, to be placed in the same room as a patient with advanced pneumonia?
hello,to be honest, there is a chance of cross infection from one person to another. however, this depends on so many factors and most of the infections, especially bacterial pneumonia, do not transmit easily. if more than one arm distance, the chance is very little and if not too close (like kissing etc.) the chance is further reduced. if two of them are already on antibiotics, as in your case, there is a chance but in the setting what u described, it is extremely unlikely. hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards, dr. mahboob ur rahman
how much will this cost? i have had pneumonia 8 time last year. not 1 specialist could find the bacteria causing this. by december of that year i almost passed away. i had just been dismissed by a hospital and sent home, and 1 hour layer i could barely breathe. i was filling up with fluid and foamy blood was coming out. the paramedics saved me and took me to another hospital the drs. found a serious heart condition, still waiting for open heart surgery. i fill up to my bronchials with fluid every few weeks, it bubbles up and i can hear gurgling. i have no lung problems, such as copd, or emphasyma. what can i do.
hello and welcome to ‘ask a doctor’ service.i have reviewed your query and here is my advice.as per your history and description, the possibility of end-stage heart disease leads to heart failure is more likely. surgical treatment is best for this. so try to get it done urgently as soon as possible.diuretics and other cardiac supportive drugs are advisable until surgery. so better to consult the cardiologist and try for early surgery.hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further.regards,dr. kaushal bhavsar
i have been ill for 6 weeks and my gp suspected pneumonia and i was put on antibiotics. the third one has almost cleared the infection. however, i had an x-ray and it apparently showed nothing at all, although all my symptoms were in line with pneumonia and my gp had definitely heard a lot of crackles in the left lung. is it possible that i had pneumonia if the xray was clear?
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. for diagnosis of pneumonia, chest x ray need to have infiltration.with normal chest x ray, pneumonia is not possible. cough, congestion, crackles on auscultation are also seen with bronchitis. and bronchitis shows normal chest x ray too.so it is quite possible that you improve within antibiotic because antibiotics also work in bronchitis. so i don't think you are having pneumonia because your chest x ray is normal. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
are viruses and bacterias live creatures?
yes, but... bacteria are living creatures, like the rest of us. viruses are missing some parts so are not living unless they are inside another living creature. viruses that are by themselves are dormant like seeds or spores, waiting to be reactivated. in a general sense, it is fine to think of viruses as living things, but technically speaking, they are not independently living when alone.
i have a dry cough, sore throat and headaches, can you please assist with giving me possible explanations for this, i am scared as well due to the corona virus?
in brief: +- covid19 (see bel) there are multiple causes of those symptoms, including covid 19, but only go for a test if,1. you have traveled to high risk countries in the last 2-4 weeks2. you have had +ve contact with a known +ve covid 19 case3. if you have a high fever with your sore throat + severe headache + dry cough.hope that helps.rgdsdr wayne korras would you like to video or text chat with me?
can a cool mist vaporizer help with the corona virus since it doesn’t like humidity?
not particularly. the facts are your nose & upper airway add humidity to the air you breathe to the point it reaches ~100% at the level of air exchange. vaporizers help loosen thicker mucus in the upper airways so you can cough it up, but it would not have any effect on the deep airways or any germs that reach them. .
hello. about 3-4 weeks ago i was diagnosed with pneumonia. after two weeks i felt well enough to start getting back out, but i continued to cough up mucus. i got in the swimming pool last night and it was an outdoor pool and kind of cool. this morning i woke up with fever, wheezing bad and my back in my lung area hurts so bad. the coughing is getting worse too. could the pneumonia have came back or never left? what should i do?
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. swimming pool water is full of organisms. so possibility of relapse of pneumonia is more likely because your symptoms, coughing, wheezing, chest pain are more suggestive of pneumonia. so consult your doctor and get done clinical examination of respiratory system and chest x ray. if chest x ray is showing fresh infiltrates then you will need another course of antibiotics, mucolytic and expectorant drugs. avoid swimming for atleast 1 month.hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
i got my tdap shot? shots? when i was little, now that i am 18, should i get them again this year or when should i? (after this epidemic of course) thank you and stay safe.
booster vaccinations. you should have had a booster at 12 years and that lasts for 10 years. if your last tdap was at 6yrs then you are overdue. i agree with waiting for after the covid pandemic unless you have an injury that would require tetanus immunity. stay safe. .
i have had contact with a co-worker who has now been confirmed as having the corona virus. i don't have any symptoms but my landlords would like me to be tested. is this possible & how do i do this?
contact your doctor. in the mean time self quarantine yourself. if you do not have a doctor call your local health resources to find out where you can be tested. it may be difficult to come by a testing location in some countries.
i have a 2 years old with cough n fever sweating which is worse at night, can she b tested for covid19?
in brief: yes call your doctor for advise. would you like to video or text chat with me?
blocked nose,coughing,aore throat,sometimes fever.sometimes body aches.
in brief: telephonic consult? could well be another respiratory virus, i would stay home for now. use this platform to consult either virtually or ask more questions. use home medicine - decongestant and pain medication. stay away from any anti-inflammatories if possible. keep up warm fluids. would you like to video or text chat with me?
my son who is 19, suffered from mono last spring with a tonsillar abscess requiring hospitalization for steroid and antibiotic infusion. due to how ill he was, they did not want to remove the tonsils but recommended he have them removed when he improved. he went off to college, became ill, was diagnosed with pneumonia and still had a positive mono spot. so we were unable to schedule it for the christmas break as we planned but now he has a piece of his tonsil that is actually hanging off=it looks like the strands between his cryptic tonsil areas broke off and left this piece dangling. it is umcomfortable but i am not sure if it is emergent. no fever or c/o sore throat right now, but overall still not up to par since this continued bouts of illness.
hello dear , hiwarm welcome to healthcaremagic.comi have evaluated your query thoroughly .* suggestions for better recovery in this case - maintain hydration with plenty of liquids .- balanced nutritious diet .- avoid excess sugar , spicy , oily , non veg , chilled beverages .- gargles with salted lukewarm water added peppermint oil 3 times / day - avoid exposure to dust / pollens , if necessary use triple layer face mask- continue antibiotics , decongestants as per advise of the doctor .- ent visit for tonsillar issue .hope this will help you for sure .regards .
is the cough of a patient with covid-19 any different sounding than a cough of a patient with a cold?
in brief: cough of covid-19 in covid-19, cough is usually dry, persistent (initially not much different from a cold), then turns into wet with mucus and high fever (pneumonia). in severe cases, severe shortness of breath and oxygen desaturation can develop after the pneumonia (severe respiratory distress syndrome). would you like to video or text chat with me?
coronavirus how do we test?
in brief: lab if necessary most commercial labs such as lancet, ampath and pathcare can test. but the labs are stretched and test kits in short supply. only tests if:you have symptoms that are not resolvingyou have been in contact with someone diagnosed with covid-19you have traveled from a high risk area would you like to video or text chat with me?
my mom was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia back in late december. after a round of antibiotics, she felt much better but the xray still showed pneumonia. a round of stronger antibiotics were then given to her. she went back for a follow up xray last week and the xray now shows the pneumonia is in both lungs. the strange thing is...she has no symptoms. no coughing, no fever, nothing. could it possibly be viral? or fluid? or cancer???? btw she has never smoked in her life.
thanks for your question on healthcare magic. i can understand your concern. radiological resolution takes 2-3 weeks in pneumonia. so it is possible that patient of pneumonia is improved symptomatically but still show pneumonia on chest x ray. so in my opinion, you should should waiting for 2 weeks more. get done repeat chest x ray after 2 weeks.if chest x ray is showing pneumonia then go for ct thorax and bronchoscopy to rule out lung cancer, tuberculosis, fungal pneumonia. if xun4 ray is improving then no need to worry. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wishing good health to your mother. thanks.
my friend suffers from diagnosed bronchiectias and gets pneumonia constantly. she is 72 each time they give her antibotics for a week and then the xray will show the pneumonia gone, however, it contantly returns. she has been to mayo, iowa city had many test. it's beginning to take a toll on her. i would say she had pneumonia about 6 times last year and so far 2 or 3 this year. any suggestions
thanks for your question on healthcare magic. i can understand your concern. bronchiectesis is permanently damaged part of lung. so bacterial colonization is common in bronchiectesis. and this gives repeated pneumonia attacks. so best and permanent cure for this is surgical removal of bronchiectic part of lung. so consult cardio thoracic surgeon and discuss about surgical removal. another option is culture and sensitivity based treatment. get done sputum culture and sensitivity report. culture will identify the causative organism and sensitivity report will guide about effective antibiotic treatment. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wishing good health to your friend. thanks.
i was diagnosed with pneumonia 5 days ago and went to urgent care. been on prescribed antibiotics and i completed the 5 day treatment today, (levofloxacin) i have flight reservations to michigan on friday morning 4/28/2017. will it be safe to fly. please advise. your anticipated help will be appreciated.
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern.you have given oral antibiotic for pneumonia.this itself suggests that you are had walking pneumonia (no serious type).levofloxacin is broad spectrum antibiotic and usually sufficient for walking pneumonia.so if you are don't have fever or coughing at present and feel good then you can definitely fly. no harm in it.hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wish you good health. thanks.
how soon after being infected can someone transmit covid-19?
in brief: infection looking at the data people that have the virus can spread it. there are cases of viral spread that have been linked from sign of having virus to up to 10 to 14 days prior. probably within days of infection your are a problem. would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello doc.im gigi 51 yrs old previously i have ptb but the doctor told me that it was cured already 7 yrs ago every time i go to his clinic he told me i have a pneumonia after en x-ray result even though i told him that i spit w/ blood last monday i go to his clinic agin for a medical check up and he prescribed me cefuruxime kefstar i bought 9 pcs only and switch to another brand of cefuruxime axetil after 4 days i spit mucus w/ blood as for now im suffering severe backpain what should i do thank you so much doc
hello gigi !coughing up blood with sputum (henoptysis) is a red flag sign .. meaning to say it definitely needs medical attention . considering you have had tb in the past there are many possibilities for your present episodes of hemoptysis. it could me a bacterial infection or relapse of tb or post tb bronchiectasis (abnormal permanent dilation of your airways at few places which happens when they get damaged due to your past tb). take a course of antibiotic as prescribed by your physician ,consult with your physician and discuss about taking drugs like tranexemic acid which reduce the bleeding tendency , cough suppressants . while sleeping, lie on the side which was previously affected by tb and be on complete bed rest . once your hemoptysis gets controlled go for sputum examination to check for tb bacilli , chest x ray and if needed hrct thorax (to pick up bronchiectasis which can sometimes be not evident on x ray). since u mentioned severe back pain , vascular abnormalities concerning the descending aorta (the major blood vessel carrying blood from the heart)needs to be also considered treatment is to be decided based on the cause for your hemoptysis.do review with your physician and get the necessary investigations done.
is it true that if there was a lack of beds due to the virus, doctors would be less likely to save someone with diabetes, because they would be more likely to die??
in brief: if you are dying everything is in motion and medical decisions are fluid, so you won't know until it happens. that's because a healthy person under 50 won't die (has maybe half a percent chance of dying) from covid-19, but a guy aged 70-80 has a 7-8% chance of dying from this... about the same as a non-elderly diabetic. that means the old guy and the diabetic both have about a 92-93% chance of not dying. (3/25/20) would you like to video or text chat with me?
i suspect i may have contracted covid 19. i have a sharp pain in my chest as well.
in brief: urgent care! you must go to an urgent care center or emergency room as soon as possible to have an exam at which time lab tests & a chest x-ray should be ordered to help determine your diagnosis. the sooner you are properly evaluated & treated the better! i wish you well with your health! would you like to video or text chat with me?
hello sir this is arvind from lucknow ...sir my mom is suffring from lugs pnemonoia.......she was hospitalized 15 days in hospital but ,,,,still she is suffer from pneumonia.....there are many check up has done ...during ct scan of thorex a mass of cell is seen in right lungs ......but i get test a fnac through usg and ct guided ... but there is no maligant cell are seen in both fnac... sir i am very worry about this i am not able to undestand what i should do for it......pls give me better advice which hospital will be best for me ......
thanks for your question on healthcare magic.i can understand your concern. in my opinion, you should take her to sgpgi, lucknow and consult pulmonologist there.she needs bronchoscopy, bal (bronchoalveolar lavage) analysis and tblb (trans bronchial lung biopsy).bal analysis will identify the causative organism for pneumonia. tblb is needed to rule out lung cancer. don't worry, she will be alright. first diagnose her and then start appropriate treatment. hope i have solved your query. i will be happy to help you further. wishing good health to your mother. thanks.
is it safe to eat food prepared by someone with coronavirus? even if they wear a mask and gloves?
better to skip. the protective gear is not protectve enough to prepare food.
are there additional risks associated with using too much ethyl 70% alcohol to sanitize hands other than dry skin? now a days i use it a lot due to corona virus concerns.
alcohol for covid-19. washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds is extremely effective. using an alcohol based hand sanitizer is a good second line of defense. sanitizer contains emollient to help prevent dehydration. straight alcohol doesn't. follow all of the other published rules.
i have been feeling very hot and having headaches everyday and always tired?
viral infection. most likely a non-specific viral infection.check your temperature.if persistently raised an symptoms don't clear in 7 days, consult your doctor.most likely a non-specific viral infection.only be concerned about covid-19 if:you have been in contact with someone with a conformed diagnosis of covid-19you have visited a high risk areasymptoms worsen and include persistent fever and dry cough.
18 month old with chronic running nose and cough since august 2014 diagnosed with bacterial infections took antibiotics did not get better. january 26th and chest x-ray found pneumonia. took antibiotics did not get better with runny nose and coughing. 10 weeks later another chest x ray still found pneumonia. has been taking clindamyacin for 11 days now does not seem to be getting better. and just now been prescribed proventil and qvar. but if she is suffering from bacterial infection with those inhalers make it worse
hello, according to the history you prescribed he needs a chest ct to evaluate better the situation. hope i have answered your query. let me know if i can assist you further. regards, dr. jnikolla, pulmonologist
my mom has inclusion body myositis and is 81 years old - she has had the disease for approximately 20 years+ . . .she has been experiencing bouts of pneumonia and congestive heart failure - i am wondering if she will deal with this to the end and if you can tell me what the end will look like?
hello it is hard to predict her clinical picture. usually it depends on her heart situation and her treating doctor knows better. regards dr.jolanda
i’m showing signs of flu and shortness of breath over the last week. i just found out this morning that i was exposed to someone who tested positive. i need advise on how to get tested and treated (if required), beyond just self quarantining.
in brief: call a doctor you may need a doctor’s order asap if you’ve been exposed and are symptomatic, to get tested, so call to get that order, and when you go to get tested, please try to place a mask on your face to protect others if you can would you like to video or text chat with me?
i was on a plane on march 8th have been home ever since self quarantine myself i have had headaches and runny throat i have 2 days left of my self quarantine should i be having worse symptoms by now ?
in brief: covid these are healthtap guidelines:https://www. healthtap.com/blog/covid-19-care-guidelines/virtual-care-guidelines-for-covid-19?utm_campaign=covid%20outreach&utm_medium=email&_hsmi=84951814&_hsenc=p2anqtz-_jlhafqzrxrcncgr4mj57eqcomm2titlnybaqii_sh-f4iyzjpz7-eivc1okn2_qdpzno3&utm_content=84951814&utm_source=hs_emaili agree your symptoms should be improving. contact provider. would you like to video or text chat with me?

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