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The dataset generation failed
Error code:   DatasetGenerationError
Exception:    TypeError
Message:      Couldn't cast array of type
struct<WARC-Type: string, WARC-Date: timestamp[s], WARC-Record-ID: string, Content-Length: string, Content-Type: string, WARC-Warcinfo-ID: string, WARC-Concurrent-To: string, WARC-IP-Address: string, WARC-Target-URI: string, WARC-Payload-Digest: string, WARC-Block-Digest: string, WARC-Identified-Payload-Type: string, WARC-Truncated: string>
{'WARC-Type': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'WARC-Date': Value(dtype='timestamp[s]', id=None), 'WARC-Record-ID': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'Content-Length': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'Content-Type': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'WARC-Warcinfo-ID': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'WARC-Concurrent-To': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'WARC-IP-Address': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'WARC-Target-URI': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'WARC-Payload-Digest': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'WARC-Block-Digest': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'WARC-Truncated': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2011, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 585, in write_table
                  pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2302, in table_cast
                  return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2261, in cast_table_to_schema
                  arrays = [cast_array_to_feature(table[name], feature) for name, feature in features.items()]
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2261, in <listcomp>
                  arrays = [cast_array_to_feature(table[name], feature) for name, feature in features.items()]
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1802, in wrapper
                  return pa.chunked_array([func(chunk, *args, **kwargs) for chunk in array.chunks])
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1802, in <listcomp>
                  return pa.chunked_array([func(chunk, *args, **kwargs) for chunk in array.chunks])
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2122, in cast_array_to_feature
                  raise TypeError(f"Couldn't cast array of type\n{_short_str(array.type)}\nto\n{_short_str(feature)}")
              TypeError: Couldn't cast array of type
              struct<WARC-Type: string, WARC-Date: timestamp[s], WARC-Record-ID: string, Content-Length: string, Content-Type: string, WARC-Warcinfo-ID: string, WARC-Concurrent-To: string, WARC-IP-Address: string, WARC-Target-URI: string, WARC-Payload-Digest: string, WARC-Block-Digest: string, WARC-Identified-Payload-Type: string, WARC-Truncated: string>
              {'WARC-Type': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'WARC-Date': Value(dtype='timestamp[s]', id=None), 'WARC-Record-ID': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'Content-Length': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'Content-Type': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'WARC-Warcinfo-ID': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'WARC-Concurrent-To': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'WARC-IP-Address': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'WARC-Target-URI': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'WARC-Payload-Digest': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'WARC-Block-Digest': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'WARC-Truncated': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}
              The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1524, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations, partial, estimated_dataset_info = stream_convert_to_parquet(
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1099, in stream_convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1882, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2038, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationError("An error occurred while generating the dataset") from e
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationError: An error occurred while generating the dataset

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AP launches its first Spanish-language stylebook Nov. 12, 2012 Email Print Text (Traducción al español) Web-based guide aims for consistent Spanish usage across Latin America and U.S. The Associated Press will launch a new Spanish-language Stylebook for universal use by publishers, broadcasters and readers from all Spanish-speaking countries, with an emphasis on Latin America and the United States.   A small number of AP clients are beta testing Manual de Estilo Online de la AP, a Web-based, searchable, customizable stylebook with a comprehensive list of thousands of the most common standardized Spanish terms, some translated from the well-established English AP Stylebook and the majority written especially for Spanish writers and editors. AP will begin selling Manual de Estilo Online de la AP to customers of its Spanish news services beginning Nov. 19, and will mark the launch that same evening with a panel discussion in New York about Spanish writing style. The 6 p.m. event -- at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, 2950 Broadway (at 116th Street), in Manhattan – will feature as panelists: Isaac Lee, president of news for Univision Communications Inc.; Edward Schumacher-Matos, ombudsman for NPR and founder of Rumbo Newspapers/Meximerica Media, a chain of four Spanish-language dailies in Texas; Sigal Ratner-Arias, entertainment editor, AP Spanish Service, and Tom Kent, AP’s deputy managing editor for standards and production. Serving as moderator will be Alejandro Manrique, AP deputy editor for Latin America and director of the AP Spanish Service. To reserve a seat for the discussion, please send an email to [email protected]. The new manual includes extensive chapters on sports, and arts and entertainment vocabulary, as well as a pronunciation guide with audio files of hundreds of place names and terms. The section on Social Media Guidelines lays out AP standards for tweeting, retweeting others’ tweets and sourcing and attribution from social media. It also includes frequently used Internet terms and social media language used by the AP such as blog, hashtag, emoticon, metadata and tuitear (tweet). Also included in the Manual de Estilo are words that come from Spanish-language communities in the U.S., such as chicano, Marines, parquear (to park, estacionarse in formal Spanish) and suspensión temporal de deportaciones (deferred action). AP will update the Manual de Estilo throughout the year, adding new entries and modifying existing entries. As AP updates its style, users can get email updates. The Stylebook already includes words that will appear in the 2013 edition of the Diccionario Panhispánico de Dudas and the Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, considered to be the highest authorities on the Spanish language. Subscribers can submit questions via Ask the Editor and search previously answered questions. AP’s customers will receive an email with details about how to subscribe to the password-protected Manual de Estilo, either as an individual user or via a site license with multiple users. AP expects to make Manual de Estilo widely available in early 2013. Prices start at $26 for one user’s yearlong subscription and $210 for a one-year subscription for a 10-user site license. AP is offering introductory rates at about one-third off regular prices. Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Facebook: Our website will be: About AP The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. Founded in 1846, AP today is the most trusted source of independent news and information. On any given day, more than half the world's population sees news from AP. On the Web: Contact Paul Colford Director of AP Media Relations [email protected] 212.621.1895 Erin Madigan White AP Media Relations Manager [email protected] 212.621.7005 © 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. Terms and conditions apply. See for details. All contents © copyright 2015 Associated Press. All rights reserved.
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Difference between revisions of "Koen" From Whitespace (Hackerspace Gent) Jump to: navigation, search (Mac's) (6 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown) Line 6: Line 6:   |PublicKey=ssh-dss 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 koen@kickseed   |PublicKey=ssh-dss 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 koen@kickseed   }}   }} {{Mac + == Mac's == |mac=00:14:0b:3d:af:cb + |name=Koen + }} + {{Mac + |mac=20:cf:30:92:22:b9 + |name=Koen + }} +   {{Mac   {{Mac   |mac=e4:ce:8f:20:0c:10   |mac=e4:ce:8f:20:0c:10 |name=Koen   }}   {{Mac   |mac=e0:b9:a5:0d:7c:ac     |name=Koen   |name=Koen   }}   }} Line 27: Line 16:   }}   }}   {{Mac   {{Mac |mac=00:15:af:41:b1:77 + |mac=00:08:22:88:5f:bb   |name=Koen   |name=Koen   }}   }}  +   ==Unsorted note's on projects I'm working on==   ==Unsorted note's on projects I'm working on==    Line 46: Line 36:   ===openerp===   ===openerp===  +  + {{#ev:youtube|dMH0bHeiRNg}} Revision as of 18:08, 17 August 2013 Who is this? Public Key ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBANxueGaXitrqsqWyLvFlpyDA+U6xgPdTzxSCqv82BiQBAheo2sd5DaYrSWLKugShzya7RuV8xSX2w8TtmK7IJu92X1UKQ4XGkEJdZENIbk8tqT3rYkV4ndB9uMIfGsimagRNxxlz3MI4A3zk+qud3uTOl/LDUmVajNkjgCuv/FPfAAAAFQCEWueVNLGNtmdDrv3ZHrV3haAszwAAAIEAke6D84aQsWEzKTCifG+eGAyzguIfgBTqOTwVd+LtK2LLXEvEljIn/FdMM1gM0jShd6GdCtrnH1lsebESNCR0MmDZgvkAjfP5u+Fx3McP2ZAk8FuWogTHgwC8oZreqjSPX1hHnVbeL0N/anfKOoRb/FC155KsoyjWJoRw80F1vMEAAACAHEeWkF8PVTuh3Ar0q/gVyQg+IDk8pd4zsH9JqT5VBLY95XKXuLuXLxPVBUJxHc8jL0GQrSdV2KgFpbiYKHEluTVh/Y/AvMjt8Cmz7cEx56LTK5Ybk2VdVoFQl0O8SG4OV2nyZZhfbg0eNWLNIUkhsWNresUhWxW2dPZZTi1C+50= koen@kickseed Updated on: 2013/08/17 by At 0x20 Mac's • e4:ce:8f:20:0c:10 = Koen • c8:2a:14:44:e7:f6 = Koen • 00:08:22:88:5f:bb = Koen Unsorted note's on projects I'm working on Then install incron from repos to monitor changes in the filesystem we will use this to monitor the uPNP folder. First we need to add root to /etc/incorn.allow file. $ cat /proc/cmdline look into fstab to make djmount start automatically djmount /media/UPnP fuse ro,allow_other 0 0 openerp {{#ev:youtube|dMH0bHeiRNg}}
{ "WARC-Type": "response", "WARC-Date": "2015-08-01T01:35:57", "WARC-Record-ID": "<urn:uuid:921edc56-b36f-47e3-995f-0fa77025354f>", "Content-Length": "35262", "Content-Type": "application/http; msgtype=response", "WARC-Warcinfo-ID": "<urn:uuid:a08c3a08-e21a-4230-bb95-5f7f7a65d316>", "WARC-Concurrent-To": "<urn:uuid:75d271f2-241f-4f9a-a101-8f4f70746ac5>", "WARC-IP-Address": "", "WARC-Target-URI": "", "WARC-Payload-Digest": "sha1:YNWWQDY65DCGCH3XINSLXPDI5B3GVO6W", "WARC-Block-Digest": "sha1:K5KU36K7GS7SBLNDOOQ7DCY4EUJUNGZY", "WARC-Truncated": "length" }
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Friday, August 31, 2012 Simple Sprinkle Oh, look - some more stripes! I'm pretty sure I could start almost every post like this, but I guess it's alright. One could never talk too much about stripes. Especially when the stripes are as much fun as in this lovely little design. Simple Sprinkle Simple sprinkle cowl makes dreams come true: those small leftover skeins worked in stripes and spiced up with a fun shape. Choose your favourite colours or go with those you happen to have - and cast-on! Yarn: 560 yards [512 m] or 6 partial skeins of different coloured heavy worsted to aran weight yarn. Needles: US 9 [5.5 mm] Gauge: 16 stitches = 4" [10 cm] in garter stitch Finished measurements: 48” [124 cm] in circumference and 11” [28 cm] in depth. € 2.90 17 comments: Nisse said... Such a fun project! I wouldn't be surprised if this will be on my needles soon! Thanks for making the pattern! Zulka said... Simple, but so funny :) Sandra said... stunning. i love the style. Lilja said... Makee, hauska ja mukavan sattumanvarainen! Tätä odottelin. :) Tuija said... Tämä on ihan super! Minulla on ollut mielessä kutoa merinolankojen jämät värikkääksi kauluriksi, mutta tämä malli kruunaa idean. Kiitos! :) Penelene said... Love it! elena nuez said... I loooooove it! Maryse said... I love it! I agree for stripes! I would buy new yarn for this although it defeats the purpose ;-) Stephanus Sonata said... Very nice, thanks for sharing. Steph @ sewa mobil jakarta Emma said... Raitoja ei voi koskaan olla liikaa, varsinkaan ainaoikein-raitoja :D Sain ohjeen lahjaksi ja sain eilen kaulurini valmiiksi, se on mahtava! anniveikko. said... Onpas aivan ihana! Nuo raidat ja niiden epäsäännöllisyys ovat vaan jotenkin niin hellyttäviä. Madalynne said... yes indeed! One can never ever ever have too many stripes! bycmf said... This comment has been removed by the author. bycmf said... Simple but so beautiful : i love ! Anne Lemaire said... I really enjoyed to knit it, thanks ! annikaisa said... So lovely!:) orsolya vanessza kiss said... I L.O.V.E It! :) v.
{ "WARC-Type": "response", "WARC-Date": "2015-08-01T01:23:17", "WARC-Record-ID": "<urn:uuid:247a50cd-0a57-4db3-9166-1fe477257c19>", "Content-Length": "109480", "Content-Type": "application/http; msgtype=response", "WARC-Warcinfo-ID": "<urn:uuid:a08c3a08-e21a-4230-bb95-5f7f7a65d316>", "WARC-Concurrent-To": "<urn:uuid:64c6a7e8-fdd1-4435-a506-2d3b3da092f9>", "WARC-IP-Address": "", "WARC-Target-URI": "", "WARC-Payload-Digest": "sha1:7VP3RKWYOSJPA55E4MRDQAVEA7WLZBB2", "WARC-Block-Digest": "sha1:OFOCCW2BOVZBVVANFULD5HHVMBUGX426", "WARC-Truncated": "length" }
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Contact Us Chase Away Cancer Fundraiser for Chase Eadon August 6, 2011 Where Additional Information bostons_logo_color_nt9d-300x152 Boston’s is doing its best to buy a car for Chase and his family to travel to Louisville and Indianopolis for his treatment. Saturday August 6, 2011 Boston’s Newburgh, IN No Tag Yard Sale 6am – Noon Silent Auction Vender Patio Sell Cornhole Tournament 3pm – ??? Cornhole Players Needed! Music by The Boat Monkeys and Quinn All eat-in and delivery purchases, 15% will go to cause! Be sure to say, “Give to Chase”   It appears that you already have an account created within our VIP network of sites on . To keep your personal information safe, we need to verify that it's really you. To activate your account, please confirm your password. When you have confirmed your password, you will be able to log in through Facebook on both sites. Forgot your password? *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. It appears that you already have an account on this site associated with . To connect your existing account just click on the account activation button below. You will maintain your existing VIP profile. After you do this, you will be able to always log in to using your original account information. *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. Please fill out the information below to help us provide you a better experience. (Forgot your password?) Not a member? Sign up here Sign up for 103GBF All Access quickly by connecting your Facebook account. It's just as secure and no password to remember! Sign up to have exclusive 103GBF All Access contests, events, coupons, presales, and much more delivered to you for FREE.
{ "WARC-Type": "response", "WARC-Date": "2015-08-01T01:31:50", "WARC-Record-ID": "<urn:uuid:5b092e3d-0ce2-4676-bfba-8588156a9021>", "Content-Length": "75476", "Content-Type": "application/http; msgtype=response", "WARC-Warcinfo-ID": "<urn:uuid:a08c3a08-e21a-4230-bb95-5f7f7a65d316>", "WARC-Concurrent-To": "<urn:uuid:e22f9b8a-8d5f-4838-a7a2-8d0e935fa98e>", "WARC-IP-Address": "", "WARC-Target-URI": "", "WARC-Payload-Digest": "sha1:2XHKI72IQPW5R7UC3IAHU2LQTMDHHMUU", "WARC-Block-Digest": "sha1:VO7S3XPPNDBRCKGMGTFZXM6UMZM2PYYL", "WARC-Truncated": null }
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104.5 The Team ESPN Radio » 2012 ncaa women’s tournament Albany's Sports Talk Leader Fri, 31 Jul 2015 20:35:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 104.5 The Team ESPN Radio UAlbany Women's Basketball Falls To Texas A&M In NCAA Tournament Sun, 18 Mar 2012 23:09:59 +0000 Brian Cady Continue reading…]]> Despite 14 points and nine rebounds from junior Ebone Henry, UAlbany fell to Texas A&M, 69-47, in the first round of the 2012 NCAA Women’s Basketball Tournament on Saturday evening at Reed Arena. In their first-ever NCAA Tournament appearance, the Great Danes outrebounded the defending National Champions, 48-33. Read More|Comment Continue reading… ]]> 0 Courtesy UAlbany Athletics
{ "WARC-Type": "response", "WARC-Date": "2015-08-01T01:29:14", "WARC-Record-ID": "<urn:uuid:cd4a84a2-98b0-49d3-8c61-bedd53ef56bf>", "Content-Length": "4682", "Content-Type": "application/http; msgtype=response", "WARC-Warcinfo-ID": "<urn:uuid:a08c3a08-e21a-4230-bb95-5f7f7a65d316>", "WARC-Concurrent-To": "<urn:uuid:249d1fd5-b9fc-4636-9ab7-7cfdcfe2a5e2>", "WARC-IP-Address": "", "WARC-Target-URI": "", "WARC-Payload-Digest": "sha1:W5JDFAV72WWHHYJXUKGNFI2RKKXHQVII", "WARC-Block-Digest": "sha1:2E4QPAYSLABQAJLHA6HP6MO5QL6CD4IZ", "WARC-Truncated": null }
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Contact Us Tornado Confirmed In Berkeley Heights [VIDEO] The National Weather Service confirms a tornado touched down in Union County during Monday morning’s heavy thunderstorms. National Weather Service Union County Tornado Summary National Weather Service Union County Tornado Summary (NWS NY) Storm damage to a home in Summit Storm damage to a home in Summit (WNBC TV via Facebook) The tornado lasted from 9:17 a.m. to 9:25 a.m. and is a category 0 on the Enhanced Fujita (EF) Scale. . The twister had a maxiumu wind speed of 85 MPH and took a path from Berkeley Heights to Summit touching down in Berkelely Heights near Garfield Street.  It passed northeast through New Providence and lifted in Summit  near Evergreen Avenue. There were no fatalities from the tornado. There was much tree damage with the greatest damage occurring at the sewage treatment plant near Snyder Avenue in berkeley heights.  Straight line winds were also observed to the south and east of the entire tornado path. 6:05 p.m. - The National Weather Service’s New York office posted on their Facebook page that their survey team is still investigating whether or not a tornado touched down in Union County. “They are still continuing to look at the damage as there are multiple places they are surveying. No tornado confirmation at this time,” said the NWS. Berkeley Heights Mayor Joseph Bruno tells the Star Ledger he was told by the NWS in a meeting that it was a small catagory one tornado that hit his area. JCP&L’s outage map indicates 2,100 customers still without power while PSE&G‘s map shows outages in Middlesex, Union & Somerset counties with outages of up to 500 customers per county.  East Orange alone has upwards of 2,000 outages in Essex County. Tree felled by tornado in Berkeley Heights Tree felled by tornado in Berkeley Heights (WPIX TV) 3:40 p.m. - 8,700 PSE&G customers are still without power from this morning’s storms. The Star Ledger reports 3,000 in Essex & Passaic counties, Bergen with 1,400 customers and 4,300 in the Bridgewater area. 3,500 JCP&L customers in Union County are in the dark according to their outage map. New Jersey Fast Traffic reports that Route 3 has reopened but Route 22 is still closed eastbound in Union and Route 173 remains closed in both directions in Bloomsbury. The earlier  Flash Flood Watch remains in effect  for Mercer, Hunterdon, Sussex, Morris, Middlesex, Warren. Somerset,  Camden, Gloucester, Burlington and Salem counties 1:55 p.m. - A number of roads remain closed because of flooding including Route 3 westbound in Clifton, Route 173 in Bloomsbury, Route 22 in Lebanon and in Whitehouse Stateion. 12:47 p.m. - The National Weather Service will send a storm survey team to determine if damage in western Union County including New Providence to determine if damage was caused by a tornado. “It’s interesting how it’s all in one area of town,” Summit Public Works Director Paul Cascias told the Star Ledger.  He said he had seen the tornado warnings but nobody reported seeing a wind spout or tornado.”I don’t know if it was a tornado or a micro-burst,” 12:09 p.m. - Flood Advisory issued for Monmouth and northern Ocean counties for heavy rain creating flooding in poor drainage and low lying areas. 11:42 a.m. – Thousands are without power in New Providence, Berkeley Heights, Bridgewater, Warren, Hillsborough, Franklin Township and Raritan. “Trees down, power lines down,” New Providence police Lt. Theresa Gazaway told the Star Ledger. reports a ruptured gas line caused by an uprooted tree on Pearl Street in New Providence. OUTAGE: PSE&G Map OUTAGE: JCP&L Map Flooding in Glen Rock Flooding in Glen Rock (News 12 NJ via Facebook) 11:15 a.m. - Flood Warning issued for Hunterdon,Morris and Somerset counties following 3 inches of rain that fell in some areas leaving several rivers and streams at or near flood level including the Whippany River, Middle Brook, & South Branch Rockaway River. 11:10 a.m. – NJ Transit Rail service is suspended along the entire length of the Gladstone Branch and on the Morris and Essex Lines, between Dover and Summit. Work crews are assessing the damage caused by downed trees and power lines and by flooding. The weather is also causing problems along some bus routes. NJ Transit is cross-honoring bus and rail tickets through the rest of Monday. Bergen County also got a soaking from the storms with flooding on Routes 3 and 17. Earlier: The first storms on Monday moved south-to-north along the Delaware and gave  Hunterdon, Warren, Morris and Sussex counties a soaking rain falling at the rate of 2 inches per hour to start the day and intense lightning. Parts of Union and Essex counties were under a Tornado Warning for a time after 9 a.m. after a rotation was spotted in the clouds over North Plainfield. The Warning was cancelled shortly before it was to end at 9:45 a.m. A Flash Flood Watch is in effect  for Mercer, Hunterdon, Sussex, Morris, Middlesex, Warren. Somerset,  Camden, Gloucester, Burlington and Salem counties in anticipation of storms that develop during Monday with heavy rains, winds and possible hail. The threat for thunderstorms will continue through Thursday as a frontal boundry positions itself over the areastretching from New England southwestward through New Jersey and  down the Appalachians. The boundtry will slowly move west until it dissipates by Thursday.   Best of 105.7 The Hawk Recommended For You Best of the Web Leave a Comment It appears that you already have an account created within our VIP network of sites on . To keep your personal information safe, we need to verify that it's really you. To activate your account, please confirm your password. When you have confirmed your password, you will be able to log in through Facebook on both sites. Forgot your password? *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. It appears that you already have an account on this site associated with . To connect your existing account just click on the account activation button below. You will maintain your existing VIP profile. After you do this, you will be able to always log in to using your original account information. *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. Please fill out the information below to help us provide you a better experience. (Forgot your password?) Not a member? Sign up here Sign up for Mile High Club quickly by connecting your Facebook account. It's just as secure and no password to remember! Sign up to have exclusive Mile High Club contests, events, coupons, presales, and much more delivered to you for FREE.
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105.7 The Hawk » Undertaker Classic Rock At The Jersey Shore Sat, 01 Aug 2015 00:50:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 105.7 The Hawk This is What Happens When the Superbowl Power Outage Meets the WWE Mon, 04 Feb 2013 22:21:23 +0000 Andy Chase Continue reading…]]> Good job to RB3TV1 for putting this gem together. Continue reading… ]]> 0
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Contact Us Belle’s Boutique Belle's Boutique Belle's Boutique Owner and Crew Belle's Boutique Owner and Crew [ Grand Opening of Belle’s Boutique in Henderson w/ Nino Friday was the Grand Opening of Belle's Boutique, 223 2nd Street, Henderson, and I had the pleasure of being there! The Henderson Tri-Fest was going on right down the street, which brought a whole lot of potential customers to the store Read More It appears that you already have an account created within our VIP network of sites on . To keep your personal information safe, we need to verify that it's really you. To activate your account, please confirm your password. When you have confirmed your password, you will be able to log in through Facebook on both sites. Forgot your password? *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. It appears that you already have an account on this site associated with . To connect your existing account just click on the account activation button below. You will maintain your existing VIP profile. After you do this, you will be able to always log in to using your original account information. *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. Please fill out the information below to help us provide you a better experience. (Forgot your password?) Not a member? Sign up here Sign up for KISS-FM VIP Club quickly by connecting your Facebook account. It's just as secure and no password to remember! Sign up to have exclusive KISS-FM VIP Club contests, events, coupons, presales, and much more delivered to you for FREE.
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106.3 The Buzz » chimaira Sat, 01 Aug 2015 01:11:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 106.3 The Buzz Chimaira Unveil 'Wrapped in Violence' Video Thu, 30 Jan 2014 20:56:57 +0000 Chad Bowar Continue reading…]]> Chimaira have just unveiled the latest video from their album 'Crown of Phantoms.' Check out the clip for 'Wrapped in Violence' above. Continue reading… ]]> 0 Chimaira Release New Video for 'All That's Left is Blood' Mon, 29 Jul 2013 22:33:33 +0000 Johnny Thrash Continue reading…]]> Chimaira will release the new disc Crown of Phantoms tomorrow and right on time they've released the video for 'All That's Left is Blood'. Continue reading… ]]> 0 YouTube Thrashman Shoots The Sh*t With Mark Hunter Of Chimaira [AUDIO] Mon, 19 Sep 2011 21:43:37 +0000 Johnny Thrash Continue reading…]]> I had the pleasure last week of chatting it up with Chimaira vocalist Mark Hunter. I walked away from the interview genuinely impressed with how cool of a guy Mark is and how honest and non-cookie cutter his answers were. Continue reading… ]]> 0 Chimaira's New Video For "Year Of The Snake" Makes Good Use Of The Slow-Mo Camera Sun, 21 Aug 2011 02:09:07 +0000 Johnny Thrash Continue reading…]]> I dig Chimaira, I've just always been kind of on the fence as far as calling myself a full-on fan of the band. It seems to me that they're not quite sure exactly what type of band the are. Continue reading… ]]> 0
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Contact Us Bod Dylan Bod Dylan Getty Images Getty Images [ Steven Tyler Tries To Clear Up Misunderstanding With Nicki Minaj [VIDEO] The drama continues with American Idol and the killing part is, the first episode hasn't aired yet.  This week more drama unfolded when the lead singer of Aerosmith and former American Idol judge Steven Tyler was ask about the judging process of the show and it's current panel. Read More It appears that you already have an account created within our VIP network of sites on . To keep your personal information safe, we need to verify that it's really you. To activate your account, please confirm your password. When you have confirmed your password, you will be able to log in through Facebook on both sites. Forgot your password? *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. It appears that you already have an account on this site associated with . To connect your existing account just click on the account activation button below. You will maintain your existing VIP profile. After you do this, you will be able to always log in to using your original account information. *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. Please fill out the information below to help us provide you a better experience. (Forgot your password?) Not a member? Sign up here Sign up for JAMZ MVP quickly by connecting your Facebook account. It's just as secure and no password to remember! Sign up to have exclusive JAMZ MVP contests, events, coupons, presales, and much more delivered to you for FREE.
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Contact Us SIDS Interview SIDS Interview Huggies Snug & Dry & Baby2Baby Summer Birthday Event With Giuliana Rancic Getty Images/Mike Windle [ Find Out How You Can Help During SIDS Awareness Month [AUDIO] I had the pleasure of talking today to Dr. Bertrand J. Foch,MD and Nancy S. Roach, R.N. as they called in to talk about SIDS Awareness month which is during October. Alot of folks don't realize what SIDS is, nor how to cure it so I talked with them so they could let everybody know what's going on. Read More It appears that you already have an account created within our VIP network of sites on . To keep your personal information safe, we need to verify that it's really you. To activate your account, please confirm your password. When you have confirmed your password, you will be able to log in through Facebook on both sites. Forgot your password? *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. It appears that you already have an account on this site associated with . To connect your existing account just click on the account activation button below. You will maintain your existing VIP profile. After you do this, you will be able to always log in to using your original account information. *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. Please fill out the information below to help us provide you a better experience. (Forgot your password?) Not a member? Sign up here Sign up for JAMZ MVP quickly by connecting your Facebook account. It's just as secure and no password to remember! Sign up to have exclusive JAMZ MVP contests, events, coupons, presales, and much more delivered to you for FREE.
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      30 Jul-02 Aug 2015 RHS Garden Hyde HallChelmsford, UK RHS Hyde Hall Flower Show is a 4 day event being held from 30th July to the 2nd August 2015 at the RHS Garden Hyde Hall in Chelmsford,... 31 Jul-02 Aug 2015 Cherry Springs State ParkPotter County, USA Woodsmen show is a 3 day event being held from 31st July to the 2nd August 2015 at the Cherry Springs State Park in Potter County, USA. This event... 31 Jul-09 Aug 2015 Fairgrounds ComplexAugusta, USA Springfest Flower & Garden Show is a 10 day event being held from 31st July to the 9th August 2015 at the Fairgrounds Complex in... Advertisement 01-01 Aug 2015 Veterinary Medical CenterEast Lansing, USA The Garden Day, organized by the Michigan State University will take place on 1st August 2015 at the Veterinary Medical Center in East Lansing, USA.... 02-02 Aug 2015 Dearnford LakeChester, UK Plant Hunters Fair Dearnford Lake is a 1 day event being held on 2nd August 2015 at the Dearnford Lake in Chester, United Kingdom.... 05-08 Aug 2015 Fenac Exhibition GroundNovo Hamburgo, Brazil Construsul - International Construction Fair is a 4 day event being held from 5th August to the 8th August 2015 at the... 05-08 Aug 2015 Fenac Exhibition GroundNovo Hamburgo, Brazil Construsul is an event that is considered to be the foremost construction event in entire Brazil and is the largest fair of the Southern... 08-15 Aug 2015 Howard County FairGroundsHoward County, USA The Howard County Fair is a 8 day event being held from 8th August to the 15th August 2015 at the Howard County FairGrounds in Howard... 08-09 Aug 2015 The FishesOxford, UK The Summer Oxford Art Fair is a 2 day event being held from 8th August to the 9th August 2015 at the The Fishes in Oxford, United... Advertisement 13-15 Aug 2015 Venue to be AnnouncedUrumqi, China Xinjiang Agricultural Machinery Trade Fair is a 3 day event being held from 13th August to the 15th August 2015 at the... 13-14 Aug 2015 Aladdin Shrine CenterColumbus, USA The Heritage Cash & Carry Wholesale Market Columbus is a 2 day event being held at the Aladdin Shrine Center in Columbus,... 14-18 Aug 2015 Columbus MarketPlaceDublin, USA Columbus MarketPlace For Gift Fashion Garden & Home is a 3 day event being held the Columbus MarketPlace in Dublin,... 17-19 Aug 2015 New York Marriott MarquisNew York, USA Speech TEK has now become a remarkable event in the industry of speech technology and products. The Speech TEK will witness... 18-21 Aug 2015 Events Center Of CearaFortaleza, Brazil Femicc is a 4 day event being held from 18th August to the 21st August 2015 at the Events Center Of Ceara in Fortaleza, Brazil. This event showcases... 18-23 Aug 2015 Herkimer County FairgroundsFrankfort, USA Herkimer County Fair is a 6 day event being held from 18th August to the 23rd August 2015 at the Herkimer County Fairgrounds in Frankfort,... Advertisement 20-22 Aug 2015 SM International Exhibition CenterJinjiang, China China Jinjiang International Textile Machinery Fair is a 3 day event being held from 20th August to the 22nd August 2015 at the SM International... 21-24 Aug 2015 Diamond Island Convention & Exhibition CenterPhnom Penh, Cambodia Cambodia International Hardware and Tools Fair will take place at Diamond Island Phnom Penh, Cambodia for a period of... 22-23 Aug 2015 The Woodlands Waterway Marriott Hotel and Convention CenterThe Woodlands, USA Spring Home & Garden Show is a 2 day event being held from 22nd August to the 23rd August 2015 at the The Woodlands Waterway Marriott... 22-23 Aug 2015 Bell Rock PlazaSedona, USA Bell Rock Art & Craft Shows is a 2 day event being held from 22nd August to the 23rd August 2015 at the Bell Rock Plaza in Sedona,... 23-23 Aug 2015 Abbeywood GardensLiverpool, UK Plant Hunters Fairs Abbeywood Gardens is a 1 day event being held on 23rd August 2015 at the Abbeywood Gardens in Liverpool,... 25-28 Aug 2015 Centro de Feiras e Eventos Festa da UvaCaxias Do Sul, Brazil Plastech Brasil is the leading fair in its category in Latin America. The fair will display the latest technology in the sphere of... 25-27 Aug 2015 Exhibition Center Spotlights-ExpoSaratov, Russia Technoexpo is a 3 day event being held from 25th August to the 27th August 2015 at the Exhibition Center Spotlights-Expo in Saratov, Russia. This... 26-27 Aug 2015 Venue to be AnnouncedSundsvall, Sweden IndustriMassor Sundsvall is a 2 day event being held from 26th August to the 27th August 2015 in Sundsvall, Sweden. This event... 26-29 Aug 2015 World Trade Center Metro ManilaManila, Philippines PDMEX 2015 is a 4 day event being held from 26th August to the 29th August 2015 at the World Trade Center Metro Manila in Manila, Philippines. This... 26-28 Aug 2015 Centro de Exposicoes ImigrantesSao Paulo, Brazil Concrete Show South America is the name of a leading exhibition and conference on concrete technology which is going to be held in... 27-29 Aug 2015 All-Russian Exhibition Center (V.V.C)Moscow, Russia Flowers IPM Tech Moscow is a largest 21st International Exhibition of Horticultural Equipment, Flowers show in the Moscow. It will... 28-29 Aug 2015 Red Lion Hotel Jantzen BeachPortland, USA Canna Grow Expo is a 2 day event being held from 28th August to the 29th August 2015 at the in Portland, USA. This event showcases products... You are here » All Events  /  Hand, Machine & Garden Tools  /  Trade Shows
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X Atsisiųsk nemokamai 118 programėlę išmaniajam telefonui iš Apple Store arba Google Play. GRŪDAI, ŽŪB Ustukių k., Pasvalio sen., Pasvalio r. sav., LT-39101 Kontaktai Tel./Faks.: (8 451) 44530 Papildoma informacija Įmonės kodas: 169161672 PVM kodas: LT691616716 Darbuotojų skaičius: 4 Darbuotojų sk. kitimas Vadovas: Egidijus Palaima Darbo laikas: Pir-Pen 08:00-12:00 ir 13:00-17:00. Įmonės padalinių kontaktai Veiklos sritys GRŪDAI, ŽŪB vykdo veiklą šiose srityse: Augalininkystė . Sandėliavimo paslaugos . Žemės ūkio bendrovės, ūkininkai Grūdų ir rapso sandėliavimas ir džiovinimas, sėklos valymas. Augalininkystė
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Contact Us Make My Homepage 2013 BAFTA Awards: ‘Argo’ and ‘Skyfall’ Win Big BAFTA Awards Argo Warner Bros. While the British Academy of Film and Television may not have the international clout of the Oscars, they’re still a big deal and can often drop some useful tidbits for all of the awards prognosticators out there. In this case, the BAFTA awards have only further propelled Ben Affleck‘s ‘Argo‘ to the front of the pack. Although no one film dominated the rest, ‘Argo’ was the clear winner, taking home Best Film, Best Director and Best Editing. At this point, it just feels like the rest of the world is rubbing the Academy’s nose in the fact that they’ve snubbed Affleck. The other big winner of the night was ‘Skyfall,’ which won Outstanding British Film. There’s something truly amazing about a James Bond movie beating ‘Les Miserables‘ and ‘Anna Karenina’ in this category (Thomas Newman’s score also won the Best Music prize). Other winners include Michael Haneke’s ‘Amour‘ (Best Foreign Language Film and Best Actress), ‘Django Unchained‘ (Best Original Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor), ‘Silver Linings Playbook‘ (Best Adapted Screenplay), ‘Lincoln‘ (Best Actor), ‘Les Miserables‘ (Best Supporting Actress, Best Production Design, Best Sound and Best Make-Up) and ‘Life of Pi‘ (Best Cinematography and Best Visual Effects). The complete list of winners and nominees can be found below. BEST FILM *ARGO Grant Heslov, Ben Affleck, George Clooney LES MISÉRABLES Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Debra Hayward, Cameron Mackintosh LIFE OF PI Gil Netter, Ang Lee, David Womark LINCOLN Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy ZERO DARK THIRTY Mark Boal, Kathryn Bigelow, Megan Ellison OUTSTANDING BRITISH FILM ANNA KARENINA Joe Wright, Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Paul Webster, Tom Stoppard THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL John Madden, Graham Broadbent, Pete Czernin, Ol Parker LES MISÉRABLES Tom Hooper, Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Debra Hayward, Cameron Mackintosh, William Nicholson, Alain Boublil, Claude-Michel Schönberg, Herbert Kretzmer SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS Martin McDonagh, Graham Broadbent, Pete Czernin *SKYFALL Sam Mendes, Michael G. Wilson, Barbara Broccoli, Neal Purvis, Robert Wade, John Logan OUTSTANDING DEBUT BY A BRITISH WRITER, DIRECTOR OR PRODUCER *BART LAYTON (Director), DIMITRI DOGANIS (Producer) The Imposter DAVID MORRIS (Director), JACQUI MORRIS (Director/Producer) McCullin DEXTER FLETCHER (Director/Writer), DANNY KING (Writer) Wild Bill JAMES BOBIN (Director) The Muppets TINA GHARAVI (Director/Writer) I Am Nasrine FILM NOT IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE *AMOUR Michael Haneke, Margaret Ménégoz HEADHUNTERS Morten Tyldum, Marianne Gray, Asle Vatn THE HUNT Thomas Vinterberg, Sisse Graum Jørgensen, Morten Kaufmann RUST AND BONE Jacques Audiard, Pascal Caucheteux UNTOUCHABLE Eric Toledano, Olivier Nakache, Nicolas Duval Adassovsky, Yann Zenou, Laurent Zeitoun DOCUMENTARY THE IMPOSTER Bart Layton, Dimitri Doganis MARLEY Kevin Macdonald, Steve Bing, Charles Steel McCULLIN David Morris, Jacqui Morris *SEARCHING FOR SUGAR MAN Malik Bendjelloul, Simon Chinn WEST OF MEMPHIS Amy Berg ANIMATED FILM *BRAVE Mark Andrews, Brenda Chapman FRANKENWEENIE Tim Burton PARANORMAN Sam Fell, Chris Butler DIRECTOR AMOUR Michael Haneke *ARGO Ben Affleck DJANGO UNCHAINED Quentin Tarantino LIFE OF PI Ang Lee ZERO DARK THIRTY Kathryn Bigelow ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY AMOUR Michael Haneke *DJANGO UNCHAINED Quentin Tarantino THE MASTER Paul Thomas Anderson MOONRISE KINGDOM Wes Anderson, Roman Coppola ZERO DARK THIRTY Mark Boal ADAPTED SCREENPLAY ARGO Chris Terrio BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD Lucy Alibar, Benh Zeitlin LIFE OF PI David Magee LINCOLN Tony Kushner *SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK David O. Russell LEADING ACTOR BEN AFFLECK Argo BRADLEY COOPER Silver Linings Playbook *DANIEL DAY-LEWIS Lincoln HUGH JACKMAN Les Misérables JOAQUIN PHOENIX The Master LEADING ACTRESS *EMMANUELLE RIVA Amour HELEN MIRREN Hitchcock JENNIFER LAWRENCE Silver Linings Playbook JESSICA CHASTAIN Zero Dark Thirty MARION COTILLARD Rust and Bone SUPPORTING ACTOR ALAN ARKIN Argo *CHRISTOPH WALTZ Django Unchained JAVIER BARDEM Skyfall PHILIP SEYMOUR HOFFMAN The Master TOMMY LEE JONES Lincoln SUPPORTING ACTRESS AMY ADAMS The Master *ANNE HATHAWAY Les Misérables HELEN HUNT The Sessions JUDI DENCH Skyfall SALLY FIELD Lincoln ORIGINAL MUSIC ANNA KARENINA Dario Marianelli ARGO Alexandre Desplat LIFE OF PI Mychael Danna LINCOLN John Williams *SKYFALL Thomas Newman CINEMATOGRAPHY ANNA KARENINA Seamus McGarvey LES MISÉRABLES Danny Cohen *LIFE OF PI Claudio Miranda LINCOLN Janusz Kaminski SKYFALL Roger Deakins EDITING *ARGO William Goldenberg DJANGO UNCHAINED Fred Raskin LIFE OF PI Tim Squyres SKYFALL Stuart Baird ZERO DARK THIRTY Dylan Tichenor, William Goldenberg PRODUCTION DESIGN ANNA KARENINA Sarah Greenwood, Katie Spencer *LES MISÉRABLES Eve Stewart, Anna Lynch-Robinson LIFE OF PI David Gropman, Anna Pinnock LINCOLN Rick Carter, Jim Erickson SKYFALL Dennis Gassner, Anna Pinnock COSTUME DESIGN *ANNA KARENINA Jacqueline Durran GREAT EXPECTATIONS Beatrix Aruna Pasztor LES MISÉRABLES Paco Delgado LINCOLN Joanna Johnston SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN Colleen Atwood MAKE UP & HAIR ANNA KARENINA Ivana Primorac HITCHCOCK Julie Hewett, Martin Samuel, Howard Berger THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY Peter Swords King, Richard Taylor, Rick Findlater *LES MISÉRABLES Lisa Westcott LINCOLN Lois Burwell, Kay Georgiou SOUND DJANGO UNCHAINED Mark Ulano, Michael Minkler, Tony Lamberti, Wylie Stateman THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY Tony Johnson, Christopher Boyes, Michael Hedges, Michael Semanick, Brent Burge, Chris Ward *LES MISÉRABLES Simon Hayes, Andy Nelson, Mark Paterson, Jonathan Allen, Lee Walpole, John Warhurst LIFE OF PI Drew Kunin, Eugene Gearty, Philip Stockton, Ron Bartlett, D. M. Hemphill SKYFALL Stuart Wilson, Scott Millan, Greg P. Russell, Per Hallberg, Karen Baker Landers SPECIAL VISUAL EFFECTS THE DARK KNIGHT RISES Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Peter Bebb, Andrew Lockley THE HOBBIT: AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY Joe Letteri, Eric Saindon, David Clayton, R. Christopher White *LIFE OF PI Bill Westenhofer, Guillaume Rocheron, Erik-Jan De Boer MARVEL AVENGERS ASSEMBLE PROMETHEUS Richard Stammers, Charley Henley, Trevor Wood, Paul Butterworth SHORT ANIMATION HERE TO FALL Kris Kelly, Evelyn McGrath I’M FINE THANKS Eamonn O’Neill *THE MAKING OF LONGBIRD Will Anderson, Ainslie Henderson SHORT FILM THE CURSE Fyzal Boulifa, Gavin Humphries GOOD NIGHT Muriel d’Ansembourg, Eva Sigurdardottir *SWIMMER Lynne Ramsay, Peter Carlton, Diarmid Scrimshaw TUMULT Johnny Barrington, Rhianna Andrews THE VOORMAN PROBLEM Mark Gill, Baldwin Li THE EE RISING STAR AWARD (voted for by the public) ELIZABETH OLSEN ANDREA RISEBOROUGH SURAJ SHARMA *JUNO TEMPLE ALICIA VIKANDER Best of 1280 KSLI Recommended For You Best of the Web Leave a Comment It appears that you already have an account created within our VIP network of sites on . To keep your personal information safe, we need to verify that it's really you. To activate your account, please confirm your password. When you have confirmed your password, you will be able to log in through Facebook on both sites. Forgot your password? *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. It appears that you already have an account on this site associated with . To connect your existing account just click on the account activation button below. You will maintain your existing VIP profile. After you do this, you will be able to always log in to using your original account information. *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. Please fill out the information below to help us provide you a better experience. (Forgot your password?) Not a member? Sign up here Sign up for KSLI Country Club quickly by connecting your Facebook account. It's just as secure and no password to remember! 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Contact Us Make My Homepage North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il Dies at Age 69 [VIDEO] KimJongIl CNN Kim Jong Il, the eccentric leader of North Korea since 1994, has died at the age of 69. North Korea’s state-run KCNA news agency reported that after “great mental and physical strain,” he passed away of a heart attack at 8:30 a.m. Saturday while on a train during a “field guidance tour.” The diminutive Kim had been in power since 1994.  Under his leadership, North Korea’s nuclear program and the many international attempts to stymy its nuclear weaponry potential put him at odds with more than a few other nations, including neighboring South Korea — which declared an “emergency alert” when news of his death broke — as well as the United States. Kim’s governing style also made him a target of human rights groups. He lived lavishly but at the same time requested international aid after extensive famines that contributed to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of his people. A statement from the White House said US officials are “closely monitoring reports” of Kim’s death and are “in close touch with our allies in South Korea and Japan,” adding, “We remain committed to stability on the Korean peninsula, and to the freedom and security of our allies.” Kim’s funeral will be held December 28 with a national mourning period lasting until December 29. His son, Kim Jong Un, is expected to assume his position of power. [CNN] Best of 1280 KSLI Recommended For You Best of the Web Leave a Comment It appears that you already have an account created within our VIP network of sites on . To keep your personal information safe, we need to verify that it's really you. To activate your account, please confirm your password. When you have confirmed your password, you will be able to log in through Facebook on both sites. Forgot your password? *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. It appears that you already have an account on this site associated with . To connect your existing account just click on the account activation button below. You will maintain your existing VIP profile. After you do this, you will be able to always log in to using your original account information. *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. Please fill out the information below to help us provide you a better experience. (Forgot your password?) Not a member? Sign up here Sign up for KSLI Country Club quickly by connecting your Facebook account. It's just as secure and no password to remember! Sign up to have exclusive KSLI Country Club contests, events, coupons, presales, and much more delivered to you for FREE.
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Bicycle removal Do you need an old bike picked up quickly? If so, book your bike removal online (and save $10), or call us at 1-800-468-5865 to book your appointment. 1-800-GOT-JUNK? specializes in bike removal. We will pick up your old bicycle from anywhere on your property. Depending on its condition, we’ll either recycle your bicycle at a local bike recycling facility or donate it to someone in need. When we say ‘we pick up and remove old bikes,’ that includes stationary bikes as well! Let us dispose of your exercise bike so that you can enjoy your new found space. For bike removal that you can feel good about, book a free estimate with 1-800-GOT-JUNK? by using our simple online booking form or by calling us at 1-800-468-5865. We have same-day service, so give us a call any time, and we’ll be right over. Our friendly, uniformed truck team will call you 15-30 minutes before your scheduled 2 hour arrival window to make sure the time still works for you. When we arrive, just point and we’ll pick up the bike for you and take it away. Cost of bike removal with 1-800-GOT-JUNK? With 1-800-GOT-JUNK? you only pay for the space your bike takes up in our truck. Once we’re able to see your bike, we’ll be able to provide you with an up-front, all-inclusive price on what it will cost to dispose of your bike. No bike removal job is complete without us cleaning up the area once it’s gone. That’s right – once we pick up your bicycle or exercise bike, we sweep up the area where it was so that your space is returned to you in better condition than how we found it.   Actual Customer Reviews(Typos and all:) "Arranging the pick-up was easy. They arrived on time as promised, evaluated the job, gave me the price and began right away. The guys were pleasant, worked hard and quickly got the job done. What more could you ask for?" Another 1-800-GOT-JUNK? happy customer. Rating: 10/10
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 dak Guy Pearce gets his own Iron Man 3 poster. Guy Pearce gets his own Iron Man 3 poster. Decrease Font Size Increase Font Size Text Size Print This Page Guy Pearce gets his own Iron Man 3 poster. Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * You may use these HTML tags and attributes: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <strike> <strong>
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Partners Our Partners Print this page National Partners AARP Foundation Age4Action Network AT&T BJC HealthCare Boys & Girls Clubs of America Girl Scouts of the USA Macy’s National Council on Aging National Caucus and Center on Black Aged National Indian Council on Aging Rotary International Sam’s Club Senior Corps- Foster Grandparents Senior Corps- RSVP Washington University in St. Louis:      Friedman Center on Aging      Brown School of Social Work WellPoint Foundation Arizona Phoenix Madison School District North Tempe Multigenerational Center Pinal County Library District Salvation Army Phoenix Citadel Scottsdale School District Washington Elementary School District Tucson The Junior League of Tucson* TMC HealthCare* Amphitheater School District Armory Park Senior Center Atria Senior Living Group CareMore Fairwinds Desert Point Marana Unified School District Mountain View Retirement Village Pima Council on Aging Pima County Public Library Sahuarita School District San Xavier Community Sunnyside School District Tucson Catholic Schools Tucson Unified School District Vail School District Villa Hermosa Ward 3 Council Office Ward 6 Council Office Willcox Willcox School District Arkansas Mountain Home Baxter County Public Library California Los Angeles Anthem Blue Cross Foundation* City of Los Angeles Department of Aging* AARP Alzheimer’s Association Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Plaza Boys and Girls Clubs of Los Angeles, Carson, Long Beach and Venice Challengers Boys & Girls Club Children’s Collective Inc. Lakewood Center Long Beach Unified School District Los Angeles City Council members:    Mitchell Englander    Herb Wesson Los Angeles County Supervisors:    Don Knabe    Mark Ridely-Thomas    Zev Yaroslavsky Los Angeles Opera Speakers Bureau Los Angeles Unified School District Motion Picture & Television Fund Partners in Care Foundation SCAN Health Plan St. Barnabas Senior Services Togo’s La Cienega UCLA Health System USC Emeriti The Village at Northridge Vitas Hospice Care Westside Pavilion YMCA of Greater Long Beach Zoe Christian Fellowship Sacramento Sacramento Public Library San Diego Region Anthem Blue Cross Foundation* Palomar-Pomerado Health* City of Escondido:*      Community Services      Parks & Senior Services San Diego County Aging and Independence Services* AFC Tours Joyce Beers Community Center The Benjamin Branch Library Bonita Branch Library Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater San Diego Cajon Valley Union School District California State University San Marcos Chula Vista Elementary School District Chula Vista Civic Center Library College-Rolando Branch Library Collette Vacations Community College Computer Lab Coronado Senior Center Cox High Speed Internet Escondido Public Library Escondido Senior Enterprises Escondido Union School District Friendly Excursions Girl Scouts of the USA Jewish Family Services Joslyn Senior Enterprises Escondido Joyce Beers Community Center KPBS La Mesa/Spring Valley School District Westmont Town Court YMCA of San Diego County Colorado Denver Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation* Seniors Resource Center Inc.* Aurora Public Schools Boomers Leading Change Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Denver Christian Living Communities – Holy Creek Clare Gardens Denver Housing Authority Denver RSVP Greater Edgewater Community Connection Jeffco Public Schools Jewish Family Service RSVP St. Pius X Catholic School Sheridan Recreation Center South Suburban Parks and Recreation Volunteer Connection Group YMCA Connecticut Hartford Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation* Community Renewal Team* Global Communications Academy Greater Hartford RSVP Hartford Public Access Hartford Public Library Hartford Public Schools Independent Living at Avery Heights South End Senior Center Southwest Boys and Girls Club The Retreat University of Hartford, Educational Main Street DC/Maryland Washington Metropolitan Suburban Hospital/Johns Hopkins Medicine* Bethesda Chevy Chase Regional Services Center Friendship Heights Community Center Guide to Retirement Living Jewish Council for the Aging Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington Montgomery County Historical Society Montgomery County Public Schools Montgomery County Volunteer Center National Symphony Orchestra Prince George’s County Public Schools Rotary Club of Leisure World States’ Attorney’s Office Sunrise of Montgomery Village The Senior Beacon The Village at Rockville Washington D.C. Public Schools Washington Performing Arts Society Westfield Montgomery Florida Ft. Lauderdale Broward County Public Library Nova University Senior Volunteer Services, Inc. Stuart Martin County Library System Georgia Atlanta Blue Cross Blue Shield of Georgia Foundation* The Atlanta Regional Commission Area Agency on Aging* Atlanta/Fulton County Library Atlanta Union Mission/Agape Center Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta Center for Positive Aging, Aging Services of Georgia C.H.O.I.C.E.S City of Decatur:     Department of Active Living Board     Children and Youth Services Coca-Cola East Point N.O.R.C Family Life Ministries Fayette Senior Services Habitat Company Harriett G. Darnell Senior Multi-Purpose Center Helene Mills Senior Multi-Purpose Center Housing Authority of Dekalb County Jewish Towers Johnson Ferry Baptist Church Kinship Care Resource Center LifeSpan Resources Northside Shepherd’s Center REI Atlanta Senior Connections Senior Citizen Services of Metro Atlanta The Habitat Company/Atlanta Housing Authority YMCAs of Metro Atlanta Illinois Carterville John A. Logan College Chicago North Shore Senior Center* Chinese American Service League Common Ground Des Plaines School District 62 Glencoe Park District North Shore School District 112 Bernard Weinger JCC Wheeling Community School District 21 Zion Park District Indiana Indianapolis Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation* Flanner and Buchanan Funeral Centers* IU Health Plans* AYS, Inc. Benjamin Harrison Presidential Home Benton House Boys & Girls Clubs of Indianapolis Broad Ripple Family Center Brownsburg Community School Corporation Brownsburg Library Butler University Center for Performing Arts Christian Theological Seminary CICOA Aging and In-Home Solutions Conner Prairie Edna Martin Christian Center Frank & Kraft Attorneys at Law Girl Scouts of the USA Grassy Creek Park Greenwood Community Schools Greenwood Village South Greenwood United Methodist Church Hamilton Southeastern Schools The Hoosier Salon Imagine Indiana Life Sciences Academy Indiana Historical Society Indiana Repertory Theater Indiana State Museum Indiana University Indianapolis Public Library Indianapolis Public Schools Indianapolis Museum of Art Indy Creative Aging Indy Parks and Recreation International Schools of Indiana Larry Frutkin, Attorney at Law Marian University Martindale Brightwood Community Group Meridian Heights Presbyterian Church Morris-Butler House MSD/Decatur Township MSD/Lawrence Township MSD/Perry Township MSD/Pike Township MSD/Warren Township MSD/Washington Township MSD/Wayne Township Mt. Carmel Church National Bank of Indianapolis National Institute for Fitness and Sport Noblesville Schools Northridge School Northside Knights of Columbus North West Hendricks Schools Peace Learning Center Second Helpings, Inc. Senior Corps, Foster Grandparents Program Senior Life Solo Seniors St. Louis de Montfort St. Matthew’s Catholic Church St. Matthew’s School St. Vincent Health Kentucky Louisville Anthem Foundation* Elderserve, Inc.* Americana Community Center Boys and Girls Clubs of Kentuckiana Jewish Community Center Kids Cafes/Dare to Care Louisville Central Community Center Louisville Metro Community Services and Revitalization Midwest Church of Christ Mosaic Child Development Center Oak and Acorn Intergenerational Center Peace Presbyterian Church TRIAD YMCA Maine Portland Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation* Southern Maine Agency on Aging* Greater Portland Christian School Healthy Body, Fit Mind Portland Community Television RSVP South Portland School Department South Portland Recreation Westbrook Community Service Westbrook School Department Missouri St. Louis  Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation* BJC HealthCare and its member hospitals AARP Foundation Academy of Science Ahepa 53 Apartments Alton School District Alzheimer’s Association Bayless School District Berkeley Civic Center Beyond Housing Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis Brentwood School District Cardinal Ritter Senior Services Center of Clayton City of Clayton City of Kirkwood City of O’Fallon MO Parks and Recreation Clayton School District Contemporary Art Museum – St. Louis Crestview Senior Living Deaconess Parish Nurses Gladys Henry Crown Center for Senior Living Ferguson-Florissant School District Forest Park Forever Fort Zumwalt School District Fox School District Great Rivers Greenway Hancock Place School District Missouri, continued Hayner Public Library Hazelwood School District Heritage House Assembly Jennings School District Jewish Community Center Kirkwood Parks and Recreation Kirkwood School District Ladue Schools Lake St. Charles Senior Living Lindbergh School District Lutheran Family and Children’s Services Lutheran Schools Lutheran Senior Services Maplewood-Richmond Heights School District Maryville University McCormack-Barron Mehlville School District Metro Theater Company Mid-East Area Agency on Aging Missouri Department of Conservation Missouri History Museum Monsanto Family YMCA National Park Service Nine Network of Public Media Normandy School District North County Christian School Northwest R-1 School District Opera Theatre of St. Louis Orchard Farm School District Pagedale Family Support Center Park Hills Nutrition Center Parkway School District Pattonville School District Places for People Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts Ritenour School District Riverview Gardens School District Rockwood School District Sheldon Concert Hall & Gallery St. Andrews Resources for Seniors St. Charles City-County Library St. Charles School District St. Louis Archdiocesan Schools St. Louis Area Agency on Aging Saint Louis Art Museum St. Louis Beacon St. Louis Charter School St. Louis Community College St. Louis County Government Center St. Louis County Library St. Louis Public Library St. Louis Public Schools Saint Louis Science Center St. Louis Symphony St. Louis Times Saint Louis Zoo Saint Louis University Southside Wellness Center Trinity Presbyterian Church Urban Strategies University City School District University of Missouri – St. Louis Valley Park School District Washington University School of Medicine,     Division of Geriatrics Webster Groves School District Wentzville School District Wesley House Windsor C-1 School District Nevada Las Vegas Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation* Catholic Charities of Southern Nevada* Boys and Girls Clubs of Las Vegas Senior Corps, Foster Grandparents Program New Hampshire Manchester Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation* Southern New Hampshire Services, Inc.* Bone Builders Boys and Girls Clubs of Manchester Families in Transition Manchester Community College RSVP – Manchester and Nashua Seniors Count Sundance Village Senior Housing Tamworth Kenneth A. Brett School Madison Elementary School New Mexico Albuquerque Albuquerque Public Schools Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Library System Albuquerque Mennonite Church Albuquerque Theatre Guild Bookworks City of Albuquerque Department of Senior Affairs Del Norte Conference Center Destination Southwest French Funerals - Cremations La Vida Llena New Mexico Aging & Long-Term Services Department New Mexico Humanities Council New Mexico Veterans Memorial Opera Southwest Rio Rancho Public Schools University of New Mexico VistaCare Hospice New York Albany/ NYS Capital Region Center for Excellence in Aging & Community Wellness,      University at Albany, State University of New York* Empire BlueCross Foundation* Albany Aqua Ducks and Trolleys Albany Institute of History and Art Albany Police Athletic League Albany Rotary Foundation City of Albany School District Atria Crossgates Atria Guilderland Avila Retirement Community Beverwyck Retirement Community BFS Catering and Restaurant Boys and Girls Club of Albany Capital Region RSVP Program City of Albany Neighborhood Association Colonie Senior Service Centers, Inc. Commission of Economic Opportunity, Greater Capital Region Community Hospice of Albany Girls Inc. of the Greater Capital Region Glen Eddy Retirement Community Guilderland Public Library Ingersoll Place Jewish Family Services N.O.R.C. Key 2 Joy New York State Museum New York State United Teachers Plumeri Sports Complex, College of St Rose Senior Services of Albany Senior Spotlight Siena College The Sitar Restaurant Sponsor-A-Scholar, Inc. Staatsburg Mills Mansion United Way of the Greater Capital Region University at Albany Alumni Association USS Slater New York City AT&T New York* Bronx House* Empire BlueCross BlueShield Foundation* Beth Abraham Housing Boys and Girls Clubs Bronx House Weinberg Senior Center Bronx River Senior Center District 11 Public Schools Local Political Offices: Assemblyman Carl E. Heastie Assemblywoman Naomi Rivera Councilman James Vacca Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. Montefiore/Einstein Hospital Mosholu Montefiore Community Center New York Public Libraries New York City Public School District North Central Bronx Hospital, Family Support Project Pelham Parkway Neighborhood Association Rain Senior Center – Eastchester Gardens Union Settlement Association Volunteer Referral Center Rochester Lifetime Care* Monroe County Office for the Aging* Churchville-Chili School District Crosman Seed Corporation Eastman School of Music George Eastman House Greece School District Laboratory for Laser Energetics Lifespan Memorial Art Gallery Monroe County Library North Coast Radio Pike Glass Studio Rochester Broadway Theater League Rochester Chamber Orchestra Rochester Museum and Science Center Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra St. Johns Meadows Strasenburgh Planetarium Strong National Museum of Play University of Rochester School of Medicine Valley Manor YMCA Syracuse University Hospital at Upstate Medical University* AAA of Western and Central New York Advocates for Upstate Medical University Alzheimer’s Association of Central New York Artists Pianos Cazenovia Public Library Community Board 11 The Centers at St. Camillus Collette Vacations Travel Community Resources for Independent Seniors (CRIS) CNY Reads Consortium DeWitt Community Library Center for Excellence in Aging & Community Wellness,     University at Albany School of Social Welfare Fayetteville Senior Center 55 PLUS In Good Health InterFaith Works of Central New York I CARE Institute for Caregivers Link to Life Liverpool Library Mrs. Field’s Cookies The Nottingham Onondaga County Commission on Aging and Youth Pulse Fitness Studio RSVP of Onondaga County Syracuse Housing Authority Syracuse City School District Syracuse Shakespeare Festival Syracuse University Travel Choice International Ohio Cleveland and Akron Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation* Fairhill Partners* Akron Public Schools Boys and Girls Clubs of Cleveland Cleveland Heights - University Heights City School District Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Association Cleveland Metropolitan School District Elite Academy Charter School Greater Cleveland Neighborhood Association Harvey Rice School Healthy Eating Active Living Collaborative The Intergenerational School Parma City School District Wadsworth School District Woodland Hills Community Center Oregon Eugene Eugene 4-J School District Harrisburg School District Home Instead Senior Care New Horizons In-Home Care Oregon Community Foundation PeaceHealth Gerontology Institute at Sacred Heart Medical Center Sheldon Park Assisted Living Springfield School District Portland Beaverton City Library Beaverton School District David Douglas School District Gresham-Barlow School District Legacy Health System Multnomah County Library Portland Public Schools Reynolds School District Sherwood School District Tigard-Tualatin School District Pennsylvania Pittsburgh AARP Foundation Allegheny County Area Agency on Aging Allegheny County Library Association Bethel Park Library Carnegie Library of Homestead Carnegie Library of McKeesport Community Library of Allegheny Valley Community Library of Castle Shannon Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania Cooper-Siegel Community Library Greater Pittsburgh Literacy Council Martin Luther King Reading and Cultural Center Mt. Ararat Baptist Church Pittsburgh CitiParks Pittsburgh Public School District Woodland Hills School District YMCA Texas Dallas AARP Foundation Carpenter’s Point Dallas Area Agency on Aging Dallas Public Library Interfaith Housing Coalition The Senior Source St. Phillips Community Center San Antonio City of San Antonio* Department of Human Services Morningside Ministries* Warm Springs Foundation* WellMed Medical Management* Alamo Heights School District Arthritis Foundation Texas Chapter Baptist Health System Casa Helotes The Copeland Group Daughters of Charity Edgewood Independent School District Elvira Cisneros Senior Community Center by WellMed Homewood Residence at Castle Hills Northside Independent School District San Antonio Independent School District San Antonio Public Libraries St. Mary’s University Warm Springs Rehabilitation Hospital Wedgewood Apartments Windcrest United Methodist Church Virginia Richmond Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation* Virginia Commonwealth University* AARP American Family Fitness Antioch Child Development Center Boys & Girls Clubs Capital Area Agency on Aging Girls Scouts of the USA Peter Paul Child Development Center Richmond Department of Health Chronic Disease Program Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority United Way – Senior Wave Group Wisconsin Madison Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation* Madison Senior Center* Boys and Girls Clubs of Dane County East Madison/Monona Coalition of Aging Madison Schools and Community Recreation North Eastside Senior Coalition West Madison Senior Coalition Williamson Street Co-op Wisconsin Senior Games YMCA of Dane County *Major contributing partners
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robots: classic hostname: ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2015-32 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web for August 2015 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
石頭太郎 范小貓揹著相機去流浪: 【食記│新竹】石頭燒肉火鍋日本料理(新竹尊榮旗艦館) – yam天空部落 石頭燒肉火鍋日本料理(新竹尊榮旗艦館)】地址:新竹市東區水源街99號(愛買量販店旁)電話:03-5744168營業時間:AM 11:00~PM 04:00 / PM 04:00~PM. . Stone Market 石頭小記-寂霓光影-wahouse和風家部落格 前些日子去澳門時在飯店裡看到一家店「Stone Market」,不看還好,一看就正中紅心!後來才發現原來那是日本的品牌,裡面賣的石頭、水晶,和飾品實在太合胃口了!一顆顆在籃子裡的水晶石頭都磨得圓圓小小的,有的還磨成蛋型,模樣十分可愛! 范小貓揹著相機去流浪: 【宜蘭】佇立在礁溪的天外飛石,冒煙的石頭‧503雙人套房 – yam天空部落 【冒煙的石頭溫泉渡假旅館‧503雙人套房】地址:宜蘭縣礁溪鄉信義路34巷33號電話:03-9885799網址:粉絲團:冒. 『 竹北 』石頭燒肉.火鍋.日式料理 – 幸福就是這樣~直到永遠 – 無名小站 2011-06-23在公司開完季會後,就跟同事相約到竹北[石頭]吃燒肉.火鍋.日式料理 一到門口當然要拍拍店面哦!! 價格表~我們是吃午餐所以一個人505元含服務費 大門進來右手邊是櫃台及飲料製作吧台,每位服務人員都統一穿上黑色制服 還不賴的用餐環境 這裡是. ♨台中♨大月觀石頭靚鍋 – Doris's NOTE – 無名小站 大月觀自從開幕以來就一直是我的口袋名單不過因為裝潢氣派感覺價格並不便宜所以也一直沒有進去過最近剛好看到團購網促銷就毫不猶預的預購 裡面的裝潢還蠻大器的不過我重點在吃空間部份就沒有拍什麼照片 每張桌子上面都有一盞像月亮造型的藝術 . (221).新桃太郎:林小樓 – 知星摩人之時光機 【藝 人】:林小樓 【本 名】:林文婷 【出生地】:台灣台北 【生 日】:1967-10-07 【星 座】:天秤座 【生 肖】:羊 【身 高】:153 cm 【體 重】: 46 kg 【學 歷】:陸光戲 . . 重要公告:Yahoo奇摩部落格自即日起進入全站唯讀模式 全站進入唯讀 . 博客來-夜市 在這個夜市裡,只要出得起價,任何人都可以買到想要的東西…… 令人敬畏的稀世天才作家登場!榮獲第十二屆【日本恐怖小說大賞】!被譽為『史上最出色的傑作』!入圍日本文壇最高榮譽【直木賞】! 五味太郎-繪本大明星-小書蟲童書坊 繪本的家 在日本童書界中,也有一位勇於把自己那怪怪的創意想法秀出來的~~就是五味太郎啦!(不知道他是排行老幾)他是一位非常多產的插畫家,二十多年畫了二百多本的作品,真是恐怖喔!他的這些怪想法,早在很早以前,就有出版社引進到台灣,一出場 . Hot!!【超好吃母親節餐廳】情報出爐!粉絲親自體驗~~ 2010年4月27日【家庭日-每週二「聊天趴」情報站】: Hot!!「超好吃母親節餐廳」from 算命客棧粉絲親自體驗… 【每週二「家庭日」情報分享】: 2010年4月27日星期二歷時「近兩個小時」的「第6次」家庭日聊天趴,裡面聊到 【食記】金太郎壽司 @ 高雄食記大冒險 – 尋找在地高雄美食 :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌 按讚加入美食同好會: 試吃邀約或網友推薦店家,記得用信件或加入美食同好會,用塗鴉牆告知,Xuite留言板很少看唷! 在聖誕夜這一天老公請影子來這家店吃日本料理,這家店非影子第一次來,而在 地圖快搜-iPeen愛評網 地圖快搜,愛評網地圖快搜擁有最豐富的店家資訊。iPeen愛評網地圖快搜讓你輕鬆在地圖上找好料、找好玩 華麗一族 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 華麗一族 》, 中國 譯為《 浮華世家 》,為 日本 作家 山崎豐子 著作之 小說 , 1970年 3月至 1972年 10月間於《 週刊新潮 》連載, 1973年 由 新潮社 分三冊出版。內容以 1960年代 後期日本 金融 界的鬥爭及「 山陽特殊製鋼 破產 事件」作背景,牽涉諸多 . MVP 專業運動分析,與您一同共享專業運動賽程分析資訊 狂賀!!會員-張先生-會員-李先生-會員-黃先生-會員-蔡小姐-會員-林小姐-會員-莊先生-會員-王先生-會員-陳小姐-會員-李小姐-會員-吳先生-會員-廖先生-會員-廉小姐-會員-與公司合作持續獲利。最新公告:好消息! [宜蘭] 頭城有名的樂屋日本料理 & 礁溪在地人泡的湯 春和溫泉@黑面太郎-iPeen 愛評網 [宜蘭] 頭城有名的樂屋日本料理 & 礁溪在地人泡的湯 春和溫泉。上禮拜四寒流來冷都快冷死,於是決定一下班就直衝宜蘭來個溫泉美食之旅,一下礁溪交流道右轉直直開到底不要停,就會到這家很有名的樂屋了(大誤特誤),大吃一頓以後再去泡溫泉溫暖 . 宮本武藏 – 維基百科,自由的百科全書 宮本武藏 ( 天正 12年( 1584年 )?— 正保 2年 五月十九 ( 1645年 6月13日 )), 江戶時代 初期的劍術家、兵法家、藝術家。 關於宮本武藏的名稱,其 本姓 為藤原,慣常使用的宮本、新免則為其 氏 ; 幼名 辨助( べんのすけ 、弁助、弁之助), 名諱 . 真珠美人魚圖片+人物介紹+所有歌詞 – ♫~真珠美人魚之宮殿~♫ – PChome 個人新聞台 人物介紹:名字: Nanami Luchia—七海露希亞(英文翻成中文)–粉紅色真珠美人魚 真珠聲音: 粉紅色真珠聲音 身高: 156cm 生日:1989/7/3星期一出生 星座:巨蟹座 血型:0 興趣: 唱歌 喜歡的顏色:粉紅 喜歡的花:大波斯菊 益智遊戲 – 遊戲天堂 遊戲天堂提供數千種免費線上好玩遊戲、小遊戲下載、您目前位於益智遊戲區、遊戲天堂還有許多的免費小遊戲區、免費 Flash 好玩遊戲區、遊戲攻略秘技 .. 等遊戲資訊喔 ! 共讀一本書 為兒童說好聽的故事是許多大人的希望 因為數不清的教育工作者幫忙 我們蒐集了兩百餘份帶兒童閱讀的經驗 給爸爸媽媽和老師 隨手可得的說故事素材 讓忙碌不再成為孩子成長過程中 聽不到故事的理由 忍たま乱太郎 こんぷりーとDVDこうしきサイト 忍たま乱太郎こんぷりーとDVDのこうしきサイト。忍たま乱太郎 DVDにTVアニメ第16シリーズ(全100話)を一挙収録!こんぷりーとDVD2009年6月より発表予定! 【觀光工廠】台中神岡「台灣氣球博物館」之氣球DIY經驗、石神廟~ @ 佑佑皮皮.home :: 隨意窩 Xuite日誌 台灣氣球博物館(觀光工廠): 每個人小時候都玩過氣球,但我們都只有「吹」氣球的經驗,看似不起眼的氣球到底如何做的? 這種想像很耐人尋味。 因此幾年前看到有個體驗做氣球的大倫氣球博物館誕生,是台灣唯一的氣球博物館,網路也 . 港口釣點-釣魚聯合國 – Powered by Discuz! 版塊導航 『釣魚聯合國站務服務區』 『本站站務服務區』 漁具.直購.團購服務 寶熊漁具oKuma 釣魚聯合國補給站服務專區 日系品牌釣具批發區 釣魚聯合國.社團活動.照片公告區 各大專院校釣魚社 日本代標代購專區 激安商品コーナー! | ホームメイキング【電動工具・大工道具・工具・建築金物・発電機の卸値通販】 激安商品コーナー! : 電動工具・大工道具・工具・建築金物・発電機・測量機器や建築消耗品を卸値通販! . カートは空です 限定品 ラチェットレンチ2サイズ 激安商品一覧へ ダイケン ホーム床点検口 ブロンズ 1台HDCB60 Yahoo奇摩新聞 新聞入口,與各大媒體合作,有定時更新的即時新聞。 釣魚聯合國 GO Fishing 華人最愛釣魚入口網站 釣具 釣點 技術 魚種 各類休閒活動 討論分享 – Powered by Discuz! 專治各類戶外休閒裝備疑難雜症:登山、溯溪、釣魚、郊旅、RV.,離開了家卻想要過得更舒服,專業適用的戶外裝備才能帶給你最佳的戶外休閒樂趣! 棄念博士賣潮T 創意玩「台味」成商機 – Yahoo奇摩新聞 閱讀Yahoo奇摩新聞上的「棄念博士賣潮T 創意玩「台味」成商機」。 賣潮T也能賺進大把鈔票,37歲的詹明璋做到了,他放棄公務員每月6萬穩定薪水和日本早稻田的博士學位,毅然決然投入台灣潮T市場。靠著源源不絕的創意 . 戰國BASARA – KomicaWiki 解說 † Capcom社製作的動作遊戲。 人設方面同樣都在戰國時代,因此角色列表和戰國無雙以及其他日本戰國作品大同小異。 除了某些名將因為固定形象太難扭轉之外,大致上都做出了獨創。 將無雙亂舞改為BASARA(婆娑羅)技,實際上差別不大。 博客來-沒關係,沒關係 文/菜小配 2012年03月21日 「那天,我和你爸聊著你們一個個長大要離家了,我們兩個老的自己坐在客廳裡哭了起來。」 父母,在我們還小時,巴不得我們快快長大,而在我們長大時,巴不得我們快快嫁娶,等到我們真正離家時,卻又希望孩子個個在身邊。 速讀語言網 | 日本語 Japanese Kevin 的母校相集 2013-10-29 新增職業日語班 傳達口信 2013-10-21 新增職業日語班 電話答錄.電話錄音 2013-10-09 新增生活日語班 在美容院 2013-10-01 日本語方言新增北海道弁 2013-09-29 新增古典日語班 俳句 2013-09-18 新增生活日語班 看球賽
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robots: classic hostname: ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal software: Nutch 1.6 (CC)/CC WarcExport 1.0 isPartOf: CC-MAIN-2015-32 operator: CommonCrawl Admin description: Wide crawl of the web for August 2015 publisher: CommonCrawl format: WARC File Format 1.0 conformsTo:
20's & 30's Social Meetups in Mount Kisco Here's a look at some 20's & 30's Social Meetups happening near Mount Kisco. Sign me up!   
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Goodbye to the Federal Online Sales Tax — for Now Print Email The outlook for a long-sought federal fix of state sales taxation of online retailers looks dim after comments Wednesday by Robert Goodlatte, chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, suggested the House was unlikely support a Senate bill that would empower states to collect sales taxes on Internet purchases. He called for more debate before legislation moves forward. Brick-and-mortar retailers have complained for years about having to collect state sales taxes on purchases by their customers, while shoppers who buy from strictly online retailers may not have to pay any sales taxes. That gives businesses that essentially exist entirely online a pricing advantage. In additional, state governments claim to lose $23 billion a year in uncollected sales taxes. Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN) is the primary beneficiary of the lack of an online sales tax. Amazon has long resisted states’ efforts to force it collect sales tax on consumer purchases, because a vast patchwork of state laws would complicate doing business online. Amazon, along with big-box retailers such as Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (NYSE: WMT) and state governments, now favors a federal solution. While the Senate approved a bill for the Marketplace Fairness Act last May that would require most e-commerce businesses to collect state sales taxes, Goodlatte raises concerns about online businesses being targeted by state auditors and aggressive state tax agents, as well as the possibility that the public will view it as a tax on the Internet. But John Conyers, the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, said he would prefer to move faster on passing an online sales tax bill this year. Congress has held more than 30 hearings on the issue. One alternative being considered is to tax online sales based on the retailer’s home state, rather than the buyer’s.
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en  es  pt  fr  it  de  pl  uk  ru  zh  ja  Time in Rabat World Time Directory Current local time in Rabat Rabat is the capital of Morocco  Rabat, Morocco exact time, official time zone, time change dates 2015, time in Rabat right now Bookmark and Share Official time 01:29:00 AM, Saturday 01, August 2015 WT    24 hours   Time difference to GMT/UTC Standard time zone: No UTC/GMT offset No daylight saving time at the moment   Time Change Dates 2015 DST starts on Sunday 29 March 2015, 02:00 Rabat standard time DST ends on Thursday 18 June 2015, 03:00 Rabat daylight time   Geography Latitude: 34° 02' North Longitude: 6° 51' West Rabat satellite map Other cities in Rabat timezone: Algiers, Casablanca, Gibraltar, Lisbon, Madrid Visiting Rabat? Find best travel guides and other cool stuff for your trip here.     World Timezones Map Europe Time Map Australia Time Map USA Time Map Canada Time Map World Time Directory Downloads Contact Us Exact time in Rabat, Morocco timezone, official time change dates winter time 2015 daylight saving dates, DST, clock change, GMT/UTC difference. Copyright © 2005-2015 All rights reserved.        What time is it in Rabat right now?
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Orton Taking Time Off In 2013?, When Was Punk Cleared for RAW? Posted by Matt Boone January 14, 2013 1 Comment – WWE Champion CM Punk wasn’t cleared to wrestle on the January 7th RAW until just a few days before the show. Had he not been cleared yet, there was an angle in place for January 7th where Punk would have been checked out by WWE doctors and then the TLC match against Ryback would have been made for January 14th. – There is talk within WWE that Randy Orton may need some time off this year for some kind of personal issue. No word yet on the issue but we do know it’s nothing to do with an injury or Wellness. Apparently it’s some kind of family issue he will need to put time and attention into. Source: PWInsider
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Coming NEVER! This website does not exist. Forget you ever came here and move on. We promise to never spam you.
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Courthouse Annex Building 301 Main Street Belle Chasse, LA 70037 (504) 297-5210 or (504) 297-5221 Temporary Courthouse Facility 450 F. Edward Hebert Blvd. Belle Chasse, LA 70037 (504) 394-8935
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# 1-484-824-8500 2Blockheads cart     Create your own review You must be logged into your account to post reviews this product. Click the link below to login to your account. Login to your account  Personalized Children's Gifts         Mobile Marketing, LLC.
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Kanye West on SNL (Video) [vodpod id=ExternalVideo.761522&w=425&h=350&fv=] Kanye West performed his first single off 808s & Heartbreak during his time on Saturday Night Live. Which was hosted by the ever so hilarious Hugh Laurie. Hit the jump for his performance of Pinocchio and his ode to Alexis... [vodpod id=ExternalVideo.761523&w=425&h=350&fv=] Show Comments • JeFFREyS This is so so sad. Not only does Kanye sound horrible , but he looks like a Michael Jackson wanna be. Go back to rapping and keep the pop to real pop artists. • Shake i will def agree that the live auto-tune sounds horrible pretty much everytime he uses it. • RobNBanks Damn that is clear! I loved these performances even though he sounds rough I definitely loved them! • CappaCantWait he is getting better at performing these songs lives. Great performance i thought. • DynamicShots lol...Robocop glasses Ironic... • DC The only thing I think that keeps these performances great is the live production. The horns, strings, back up vocal. • Nigel If he had performed the remixed version I heard, maybe the outcome would have been different. This IS "love lockdown". Check out this dudes version posted on youtube to the video: • JJ It's President Bush's fault.......... • JJ President Bush hates black people......Kanye was right ;) Singles Devin Miles - "Millions" The Pittsburgh emcee illustrates his journey. 24 Shares Comments Off on Devin Miles - "Millions" DOPE 8       1 NOPE Video Russ - "Too Many" (Video) The DIEMON rep continues to flood the DopeHouse. 29 Shares Comments Off on Russ - "Too Many" (Video) DOPE 33       0 NOPE
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miércoles, 7 de febrero de 2007 Santa Barbara del Zulia Ubicación y Entorno El Municipio Colón se encuentra localizado al extremo Sur del Lago de Maracaibo en el Estado Zulia. UBICACIÓN ASTRONOMICA Ubicación astronómica: entre las longitudes 9° 14'(Boca del Escalante), 8° 31' (Limites con el Estado Táchira), latitudes del 71° 41'(Punta Garcita), 72° 10' (Caño Caimán) LIMITES El Municipio Colón tiene como limites generales los siguientes: NORTE: Lago de Maracaibo y Municipio Catatumbo. SUR: Estado Táchira y Mérida. ESTE: Municipio Francisco Javier Pulgar. OESTE: Municipio Catatumbo. Los limites específicos son los siguientes: Por el Norte: Desde la intersección de la carretera San Carlos de Zulia-Encontrados con el Caño Caimán, punto de coordenadas huso 18, Norte: 998.500 mts, Este: 808.850 mts, se sigue por el centro del Caño Caimán aguas abajo llegando a la desembocadura a la Laguneta Zulia, punto de coordenadas Huso 19, Norte: 10.007.400 mts, Este: 173.000 mts, se continua en línea recta con rumbo noreste interceptando el nacimiento del Río Birimbay, punto de coordenada Huso 19, Norte: 1.017.350 mts, Este: 184.950 mts, se sigue por el centro del Río Birimbay aguas abajo llega a la desembocadura en la Ensenada Zulia, punto de coordenada Huso 19, Norte: 12.021.300 mts, Este: 190.400 mts, continua en línea recta con rumbo noreste hasta interceptar la unión de la Ensenada Zulia con el Lago de Maracaibo, punto de coordenadas Huso 19, 1.024.350 mts, Este: 199.250 mts. Por el Este: Desde el punto anterior, se sigue por la costa del Lago de Maracaibo, con rumbo sur y sureste hasta interceptar a la desembocadura del Río Chama aguas arriba hasta interceptar al límite general con el Estado Mérida, cerca del sitio denominado La Silveria, punto de coordenada Huso 19, Norte: 963.900 mts, Este: 206.250 mts. Por el Sur: Desde el punto antes descrito, se sigue en línea recta con rumbo sureste hasta interceptar al punto de coordenadas Huso 19, Norte: 960.600 mts, Este: 202.900 mts; sé continua por una línea recta con rumbo oeste franco hasta interceptar al punto de coordenadas Huso 19, Norte: 960.600 mts, Este: 184.900 mts, ubicado sobre el Caño Quesito, se sigue por el centro de este último aguas abajo hasta llegar a su confluencia con el Caño Macho, donde se forma el Caño Amarillo se sigue aguas abajo hasta llegar a su confluencia con el Río Escalante continuando aguas abajo hasta su confluencia con el Río Pajitas, punto de coordenada Huso 19, Norte 957.400 mts, Este: 171.750 mts, se continua por el centro del Río Pajitas aguas arriba hasta interceptar el punto de coordenadas Huso 19, Norte: 942.600 mts, Este: 173.000 mts, ubicado sobre la confluencia de los Caños Dormido y Pichel, se sigue por el límite general con el Estado Táchira por una línea recta con rumbo suroeste hasta interceptar a la carretera los Andes Morotuto, punto de coordenadas Huso 18, Norte: 933.300 mts, Este: 822.800 mts, se continua por una línea recta con rumbo oeste franco hasta interceptar a la carretera Norte-Sur, punto de coordenadas Huso 18, Norte: 932.800 mts, Este: 813.200 mts. Por el Oeste: Desde el punto antes descrito se sigue por el centro de la carretera Norte-Sur con rumbo norte hasta interceptar a la carretera San Carlos del Zulia-Encontrados, punto de coordenadas Huso 18, Norte: 996.000 mts, Este: 813.600 mts, continua por el eje medio de la carretera San Carlos de Zulia-Encontrados con rumbo noreste hasta interceptar al Caño Caimán, punto de coordenadas Huso 18, Norte: 998.500 mts, Este: 808.850 mts. SUPERFICIE TOTALLa superficie total del Municipio es de 3.470 kilómetros cuadrados, es decir 347 mil hectáreas; la cual representa el 6.89% con respecto a la totalidad territorial del estado que alcanza 50.362 kilómetros cuadrados. Clima El clima esta condicionado por las características de relieve, presentando características de clima tropical cálido y húmedo, se ve influenciado por el Lago de Maracaibo cuya masa de agua determina una elevación de la temperatura del aire, esto hace que se forme un centro de baja presión que es compensado por las corrientes de aire frío de las partes altas de las montañas. Este movimiento de convección determina el régimen de lluvia.PRECIPITACIÓN La precipitación promedio anual para el período comprendido entre los años 1968-1997, ambos inclusive es de 1.300 mm variando entre un máximo de 1.813 mm (1968) y un mínimo de 767,9 mm (1992). En cuanto a la distribución mensual, los meses de Enero, Febrero y Marzo presentan los valores más bajos con: 43,57; 54,05 y 93,25 mm respectivamente, en cambio los meses de Abril, Octubre y Noviembre registraron los valores mas elevados con 172,3 , 162,5 y 157,45 mm respectivamente. TEMPERATURA Para el período de veinticinco(25) años, entre 1998 y 1992 ambos inclusive, la temperatura media mensual es de 28,1°C, la diferencia de temperatura media del mes menos cálido con respecto al mes más cálido es de 1,2°C (Enero 27,4°C - Junio 28,6°C). El mes con mayor amplitud de variación es Septiembre con 9,6°C y Mayo constituye el mes de menor amplitud de variación con 6,3°C, las temperaturas máximas medias ocurren en los meses de Mayo, Junio y Septiembre con: 28,6°C; 28,5°C y 28.4°C respectivamente RELIEVE El relieve es plano a ondulado observándose cuatro tipos de paisajes bien definidos. Márgenes cenagosos en los márgenes del Lago donde el material generador de los suelos es de origen aluvial de textura arcillosa y presenta condiciones permanentes de mal drenaje y erosión reticular tipo tatuco o Zurro, en esta zona predominan pendientes menores al 0.5 %. Area de influencia de los ríos Chama y Onia es la que presenta las mejores condiciones de suelo del municipio, predominan suelos de textura media, con pendientes inferiores al 2%. Area de influencia del río Escalante, son los suelos más complejos estando integrado por planicie de desborde en su parte superior y planicies deltaicas en la parte inferior, lo cual condiciona la gran variedad de suelos existentes son de alta proporción de arcilla con problemas de drenajes, en esta área predominan pendientes que oscilan de 0 al 2%. Sistema de explayamiento del piedemonte en general presenta suelos de textura media y permeables con problemas de pedregosidad, topografía irregular y pendientes muy variadas que oscilan alrededor del 5 al 15% SUELOS. Representa para el municipio uno de sus recursos básicos, con la capacidad suficiente para satisfacer gran parte de la demanda actual y futura de renglones alimenticios del país, como son: la carne, la leche, plátanos, cambur, granos, cacao, palma y frutas. Es importante señalar que este recurso ha sido estudiado a diferentes niveles de detalle y los mismos indican que los suelos constituyen un recurso de excepcional importancia para el Sur del Lago, por cuanto representan dentro del país la principal reserva edáfica para la producción de renglones agrícolas. Los suelos en general son de texturas variables, desde arcillosos escasamente drenados e inundables hasta suelos de textura media y gruesa, lo cual permite el planteamiento de diversas posibilidades de utilización de la tierra y de explotación de renglones agropecuarios. El Municipio Colón esta enclavado en la zona Sur del Lago de Maracaibo, la misma posee unas 500 mil hectáreas de suelos de vocación agrícola que equivalen a más del 25% del potencial nacional, más de medio millón de hectáreas para uso pecuario, más de 200 mil hectáreas de vocación forestal y más de 350 mil hectáreas de conservación y bajo régimen especial. En cuanto a los suelos y sus características dentro del Municipio, en virtud de los estudios realizados por el Ministerio del Ambiente, es conveniente hacer la descripción de los mismos de acuerdo con la sectorización propuesta por este ente; la cual está basada en las características de tipo fisiográfico y ecológicas que presentan las distintas áreas agroecológicas que conforman el Sur del Lago, la cual abarca cerca del 70% de la superficie correspondiente a la planicie aluvial y parte del piedemonte que es el área donde se concentran las actividades agropecuarias. En este sentido se han establecido cinco sectores, que van desde el río Zulia-Catatumbo hasta el río Motatan-Paují siendo estos: Sector río Santa Ana al río Zulia-Catatumbo. Sector río Zulia-Catatumbo al Escalante. Sector río Escalante al río Chama-Mucujepe. Sector río Chama-Mucujepe al río Pocó. Sector río Pocó al Motatan-Paují. En virtud de que el Municipio Colón esta ubicado entre dos de ellas y que estas han sido estudiadas con alto nivel de detalle en cuanto a suelos, se hará énfasis en estas dos áreas, las cuales son: a) Río Zulia-Catatumbo al Escalante y b) Río Escalante al Chama-Mucujepe. El sector río Zulia-Catatumbo al río Escalante, abarca un área de 311.721 hectáreas, de las cuales 183.381 le corresponde al Estado Zulia (Municipio Catatumbo y Colón). Este estudio abarca en casi su totalidad a la Parroquia Santa Cruz del Municipio Colón. En lo que respecta específicamente al Municipio, esta formada por un solo paisaje de llanura aluvial casi uniforme con pendientes sumamente bajas y microrrelieve liso con alto porcentaje de tatucos y zuros, que se extiende desde la carretera norte-sur en el Este hasta el río Escalante en el Oeste y desde el límite con el Estado Táchira al Norte hasta la carretera Santa Bárbara-Encontrados al Sur, siendo el río Escalante el más importante colector del área y que a causa de su desequilibrio, originado por las deforestaciones en su cuenca alta; ocasiona graves inundaciones periódicas tanto en zonas rurales como urbanas. El sector Escalante al Chama-Mucujepe, abarca un área de 196.476 has, de las cuales 170.000 aproximadamente corresponden al Municipio Colón y Francisco Javier Pulgar (Estado Zulia), estando allí enmarcadas en su totalidad las Parroquias El Moralito y Urribarri, y solo una pequeña parte de Santa Bárbara y San Carlos, el área de este estudio tiene los siguientes límites: desde el piedemonte al Sur, determinado por la Carretera Panamericana (tramo entre los puentes sobre los ríos Escalante y Guayabones) hasta una línea imaginaria trazada entre Santa Bárbara y el Puerto Santa Rosa al Norte; y desde el río Escalante al Oeste hasta el límite definido por el río Guayabones hasta su confluencia con el Mucujepe y desde este río a la Ciénaga de Las Mujeres al Este. El principal colector del área lo representa el río Chama de tal modo que este ha influenciado la formación de los suelos del área, así como ha sido factor determinante en los problemas de inundación que se dan en la zona.Estos dos estudios a nivel semidetallado en los cuales se clasificaron los suelos hasta la categoría de series, tiende a mostrar la característica de la región, ya que la zona en general es una planicie aluvial de pendientes planas y microrelieve liso con pocos problemas de tatuco y/o zuros, siendo los ríos Escalante y Chama los que han originado todo un sistema de deposición de materiales de suelos, que han dado como resultado un mosaico intrincado de suelos en toda la zona. . VEGETACION. La vegetación existente corresponde al bosque húmedo tropical al suroeste, el bosque subhúmedo tropical el noreste, denominando asociaciones variables en su composición de acuerdo a las condiciones del relieve, clima y suelos. Las principales áreas de concentración forestal se localizan en la costa occidental del lago, en los bosques de pantanos de las ciénagas de Juan Manuel (polígono 2) en el piedemonte, en las cuencas y áreas de inundación de los ríos cordilleranos. En el área suroeste se presenta la formación de bosque húmedo tropical, con una composición florística del bosque primario bastante heterogénea, y sus especies más importantes son: cedro (cedrela sp), ceiba (ceiba pentandra), mijao (anacardium excelsum), samán (pithecelobium saman), guayabon (terminalia sp) y pardillo (cordiaaliodora). En el proceso de utilización de la tierra este bosque primario ha sido intensamente intervenido y ocupado fundamentalmente por actividades agropecuarias que han dado lugar a extensas superficies de pastos entremezcladas con vegetación forestal. En el área de las Ciénagas de Juan Manuel (polígono 1 y 2) se localiza el bosque arbolado con intercalación de palmas y formaciones herbáceas, que por su excepcional ecología ha sido declarada como zona de reserva faunisticas. En la planicie suroeste y sureste la vegetación boscosa que presentaba cierto potencial ha sido prácticamente eliminada al expandirse la frontera agropecuaria.  
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На главную страницу сайта Добавить объявление Сайт бесплатных объявлений о покупке и продаже товаров и услуг. Искусство, Антиквариат, КоллекционированиеАнтиквариат Старинные вещи, антиквариат. Спрос Дата: 07.09.2010 г. - Объявление не актуально Цена: договорная Куплю старинные вещи, военные и другие, антиквариат. Тел. 89191231882 похожие объявления: Фото - Шедевр мировой истории. (купить, продать, услуги, бартер и др. объявления) Шедевр мировой истории. Сибирский меч. Раннее средневековье. Подлинник. Экспертное заключение РАН РФ. Руны на лезвии. Уникальные свойства стали. Продажа через... Повсеместно     04.07.2015      Универсальное      Цена: 79500000 руб. Фото - Куплю старинные иконы , церковную атрибутику (купить, продать, услуги, бартер и др. объявления) Куплю старинные иконы , церковную атрибутику Купим старинные иконы 15-19 веков ,коллеккции и собрания , церковную атрибутику, по высоким ценам в день обращения . Выезд эксперта . Оценка... Повсеместно     30.11.2014      Универсальное      Цена: договорная Фото - Куплю продам предметы антиквариата (купить, продать, услуги, бартер и др. объявления) Куплю продам предметы антиквариата Куплю ценные предметы антиквариата дорого. Деньги сразу после оценки. Услуги по оценке. Качественно оперативно... Повсеместно     25.08.2014      Универсальное      Цена: 4800000 руб. Фото - Покупка и бесплатная оценка антиквариата. (купить, продать, услуги, бартер и др. объявления) Покупка и бесплатная оценка антиквариата. Очень дорого куплю, картины, серебро, иконы, редкие книги и многое другое. Срочный выезд специалиста и оценка... Повсеместно     23.08.2014      Универсальное      Цена: договорная Фото - Шедевр мировой истории (купить, продать, услуги, бартер и др. объявления) Шедевр мировой истории Меч. Раннее... Повсеместно     02.04.2014      Универсальное      Цена: 38000000 руб. Контакты Мирон 89191231882 ( Сайт не указан ) Email не указан, Добавить в блокнот Написать автору Продвижение объявления Найти похожие объявления: старинные вещи антиквариат, , старинные вещи, антиквариат , антиквариат старинные, вещи, антиквариат,
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Hot Spots for Candy, Ice Cream or Treats 1.  Blue Mountain Beach Creamery 2.  Sugar Shak 3.  La Crema Tapas & Chocolate 4.  Kilwin’s Sandestin 5.  Frost Bites SIMILAR ARTICLES
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wrestling / Video Reviews Puroresu Power: Wrestletapes Compliation September 16, 2006 | Posted by Geordie Angus Welcome to the fifth edition of Puroresu Power! Today, we’ll be looking at a compliation tape made up by Matt Long, the awesome guy who runs You want great tapes at great prices with ultra fast delivery? (the guy lives in Texas and got my tape to Vancouver Canada in two weeks) then go to You’ll find something you’ll like, I guarantee it. Wild Pegasus vs. El Samurai (Best Of Super Juniors 1995) I already did this on my Best Of Benoit review, so it’s a cut and paste job I’m afraid. They throw each other around with armdrags and fight over a lockup into the ropes. Pegasus puts Samurai in a wristlock and grounds him with an armbar. Samurai makes the ropes, but Pegasus estays on him with a top wristlock and a hammerlock. Samurai escapes the hammerlock with a headlock takeover and goes to work on Pegasus with a half boston crab. A sideslam gets 2, and he keeps on Pegasus with an STF. He hits a vertical suplex for 2 and locks in a cross armbreaker. Pegasus breaks the hold and delivers a snap suplex. Samurai stays in control though, with a piledriver for 2 and a headscissors. They trade standing switches and Samurai gets a rollup for 2, followed by a dropkick, an armdrag, an armbar and a back suplex for 2. Pegasus KILLS him with a lariat and a HIGH back suplex of his own for 2. Pegasus slaps on a headscissors. Samurai escapes and re-applies the STF. He gets an inverted DDT for 2 and tries something off the top, but Pegasis pushes him back down to the canvas and hits a back elbow. Outside, Pegasus WHIPS Samurai with SICKENING FORCE into the railing. Pegasus front suplexes Samurai onto the railing as well. Back in, Pegasus connects with the KILL DIE powerbomb for 2 and a german suplex for 2. Pegasus puts Samurai in the sharpshooter and gets a superplex for 2. He misses a dropkick, however, and Samurai gets the Thunderfire Bomb for 2. Samurai with a missile dropkick for 2 and a german suplex for 2. Pegasus hits the Dragon Suplex for 2 and the flying headbutt off the top for 2, followed by a northern lights suplex for 2 and a back superplex for 2. Samurai counters another with a crossbody for 2 and gets a top rope rana for 2. Pegasus plants him with a jumping tombstone piledriver, but misses another flying headbutt. Samurai slaps on La Majestral for 2 and gets a back suplex for 2. Pegasus gets a backslide for 2. Samurai gets an inside cradle for 2 and a rana for 2. Pegasus delivers another german suplex for 2 and a butterfly suplex for 2. Samurai sunset flips him for 2 and gets a DDT for 2. Pegasus responds with a butterfly superplex for 2, an overhead superplex for 2 and a regular overhead suplex for 2. Samurai suplexes him to the floor and follows with a planca. Inside, and we’ve got one minute left. Samurai hits another Thunderfire Bomb for 2. Pegasus gets a second KILL DIE powerbomb for 2. Samurai gets a german suplex for 2 and Pegasus cradles him for 2 as the 30:00 time limit expires. DAMN!!!! Put a finish on this and you’ve got a ***** match. One of the best matches I’ve seen. ****3/4 Jushin Lyger vs. Ultimo Dragon © (IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title, 1/4/93) This is the first meeting between these two men. They would go to face each other three times after this at the Super J Cup 1995, J-Crown 1996 and the 1997 Toyko Dome Show. They trade wristlocks and run some near misses with STYLE. Crowd likes it, and so do I. Lyger takes Dragon down into an STF. Dragon fights free and works on the leg of Lyger for a bit. Lyger returns the favour, with some leg work of his own. Dragon takes back control with a spinning toe hold. He puts Lyger in the bridging indian deathlock and a bow and arrow. Lyger slaps on the table top submission and hits a whirl backbreaker for 2, then a capo kick. Dragon snaps off a headscissors and goes to an inverted surfboard, followed by a camel clutch. He heads up top, but BOTCHES a missile dropkick. I NEVER thought I would say that. He sends Lyger outside with a handspring elbow and into the crowd with a dropkick, then hits a MONSTER planca off the top. That makes up for the botched dropkick no problem. Dragon suplexes Lyger back into the ring for 2 and delivers a tombstone. Up top again, but he BOTCHES ANOTHER MOVE!!!!! This is NOT the Ultimo Dragon I know, but an imposter trying to sour his good name, cause the Dragon I know wouldn’t botch ONE move in a match. He recovers, though, with a blockbuster slam for 2. Lyger gets a rollup out of the corner for 2. Dragon connects with an ocean cyclone suplex for 2. Lyger knocks him back to the floor with another capo kick and hits a SENTON OFF THE TOP!!!! NICE. Back in, Lyger covers for 2 and goes to a half crab. Dragon knocks him back to the floor and follows with a twisting sumersault planca. In the ring, Dragon snaps off a rana for 2 and hits the quebrada press. A powerbomb garners 2, as does La Majestral. Lyger brings Dragon off the top with the SUPER DDT for 2 and hits the Lygerbomb, followed by a top rope rana for the win.. Good match, but when these two are in the ring, I expect a GREAT match. ***1/2 Jushin Lyger vs. Hayabusa (Super J Cup 1994) Cut and paste job here. Hayabusa takes Lyger out with a sumersault planca and a missile dropkick for 2. He slaps on a surfboard and gets a leg drop for 2. Lyger takes control with a figure four and a powerbomb for 2. He gets a lariat for 2 and a back suplex, followed by the Capo Kick. Hayabusa ducks another lariat and gets a dropkick for 2. He delivers a flipping senton for 2 and a spinning heel kick off the top for 2. He gets a moonsault off the top for 2 as well. He botches an flying rana off the top and almost kills himself with a botched Shooting Star Press. Lyger gets the Lygerbomb for 2. He catches Hayabusa coming off the top with another powerbomb and hits the fisherman’s brainbuster for 3. Would’ve been better if Hayabusa hadn’t botched his last two big moves. **3/4 Ultimo Dragon vs. Shinjiro Ohtani © (1/4/98, IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title) This is the first meeting between the two after their CLASSIC J-Crown match. Can you imagine the pressure that these guys must’ve been under to have another match of that magnitude? Let’s see if they could do it: They go to the mat to start, with some nice counters, and fight over a lockup in the corner. Dragon does his handstand spot in the corner and hits his kick combo. Back to the mat, and they do some NICE work there. Ohtani hits a spinkick and the BOOTSCRAPES!!! I LOVE THAT MOVE!!!! Dragon responds with a HUGE kick to the face and a bunch of PAINFUL looking lucha holds. Dragon dumps Ohtani outside and hits a moonsault off the second rope! Back in, Dragon gets a flying rana off the second rope for 2. Ohtani hits a release german suplex and the springboard dropkick, then the springboard spinkick for 2. The Dragon Suplex scores 2 as well. Standing switches and Dragon slaps on a modified La Majestral for 2. Dragon powerbombs Ohtani off the ropes for 2 and gets a running lygerbomb for 2. Ohtani delivers a tornado DDT, but misses another springboard dropkick. Dragon slaps on La Majestral for 2 and gets the twisting rana off the top for 2. Ohtani escapes another Majestral attempt and hits a second Dragon Suplex for the win. Really good match. Would’ve been a great match if the beginning half had been a little better. ***1/4 Tanaka & Kanemoto vs. Takiawa & Ohtani © (Final Dome 1999, IWGP Jr. Tag Titles) Oh, this should be REAL GOOD. Koji kicks the SHIT out of Ohtani to start. Ohtani responds by slapping the SHIT out of Koji and breaking out the boot scrapes. Tanaka-Takiawa, and Tanaka busts out the FLYING ARMBREAKER!!! Awesome! Takiawa hits a MONSTER lariat. Tanaka takes him down wih a spin kick. He hits a vertical suplex and a kneedrop. Takaiwa delivers a HUGE elbow drop, but falls victim to an enziguri. Tanaka puts Takiawa in the shattered dreams poistion and delivers a series of dropkicks. He and Koji send the champs outside with double dropkicks. Back in, Takaiwa KILLS Koji with another lariat. Ohtani in, but he gets kicked around by Koji and Tanaka. Takaiwa lays in some PAINFUL chops on Tanaka and drops him on the ropes. Tanaka comes out of nowhere with an ankle lock. Takaiwa quickly makes the ropes and grabs a chinlock. Tanaka bites his way out, and he and Koji beat Takiawa around in the corner. Tanaka fires off a dropkick for 2 and re-applies the armbreaker. Takiawa makes the ropes. Ohtani tags in, but Tanaka lays him out with a HUGE kick. Tanaka slaps on the ankle lock. Ohtani fights out and hits a seated dropkick. Takiawa misses a top rope elbow drop and Tanaka hits a missile dropkick for 2. Takiawa fights off a german suplex and hits a DVD for 2. He counters another armbreaker with a side slam and hits a lariat for 2. Tanaka gets a northern lights suplex and floats over into an armbreaker. Takaiwa meets Koji with a powerslam and a brainbuster. Ohtani re-enters and tries a german suplex, but Koji counters with one of his own and delivers the twisting senton for 2. Moonsault misses, and Takaiwa KILLS him with a lariat. Ohtani takes Tanaka out with a springboard dropkick. Koji hits Ohtani and Takiawa with snap overhead suplexes, then the Moonsault on Ohtani for 2. He slaps on the Ankle lock, as Takaiwa hits Tanaka with a DVD. Takiawa breaks up the ankle lock with a lariat. Koji hits a top rope rana and the Tiger Suplex on Ohtani for 2. Tanaka misses a planca on Takiawa. Ohtani gets 2 off a Takiawa lariat and the springboard dropkick. The champs hit a missile dropkick-triple powerbomb combo and Ohtani finishes Koji off with the Sprial Bomb. YES!!!! THIS RULED!!!!! ****1/2 Super Delfin, Takehiro Murahama & Tsubasa vs. Jushin Lyger, Minoru Tanaka & Shinya Makabe (2nd Judgment PPV), Tanaka and Murahama take it to the mat to start. They both miss dropkicks, and a standoff ensues. Tanaka hits a vertical suplex and a kneedrop for 1. Delfin-Makabe, and Delfin hits a clothesline, then a dropkick. Makabe takes him down with a spear, though. Tsubasa-Lyger, and Lyger hits Tsubasa with a baseball slide. Back in, Tanaka falls prey to triple teaming fromTeam Osaka Pro. Tanaka hits Murahama with a dropkick off the second rope. Lyger tags in with a palm strike for Murahama and whirl backbreakers for Delfin and Tsubasa. Tsubasa takes Makabe and Tanaka down with a flying bodypress. Team Osaka Pro send Lyger outside with a TRIPLE DROPKICK. Delfin hits a planca off the top. Murahama hits a SWEET tope con hilo. Tsubasa hits a quebrada off the second rope. In the ring, Murahama covers Lyger for 2 and hits a spinning heel kick for 2, then slaps on a keylock and a cross ambreaker. Lyger makes the ropes and hits a HUGE powerbomb. Delfin-Makabe, and Makabe snaps off a powerslam for 2. Makabe breaks out the rolling germans for 2. Deflin gets a back suplex for 2 and the Tornado DDT, followed by a running palm strike for 2. Tanaka-Tsubasa, and Tanaka slaps on an ankle lock. Murahama breaks it up. Tsubasa sumersaults into a leg lariat for 2 and connects with a top rope rana for 2. Tsubasa hits a corkscrew splash off the top for 2. Tanaka catches him coming off the top with a dropkick and gets a northern lights suplex for 2. He hits another northern lights suplex and floats over into a cross armbreaker for the win. SWEET!!!! Tons of fun. ****1/2 Dr. Wagner Jr, Silver King & El Samurai vs. Koji Kanemoto, Takiawa & Tanaka (Max Arena Power PPV) Wagner-Takiawa to start, and they fight over a lockup into the corner, then trade wristlocks. Wagner hits a monkey flip. Takiawa delivers a BIG lariat. Wagner fires off a dragonscrew legwhip. King in, but he falls prey to a vertical suplex. Tanaka comes in with a dropkick. King no-sells and hits a superkick, but Tanaka takes him down with another dropkick. Samurai enters with a STIFF elbow to Tanaka’s face and a leg drop for 1. Tanaka gets a kneedrop and tags in Koji, who hits a spin kick and a falcon arrow. King and Wagner break up the Ankle Lock. King re-enters and gets a tilt-o-whirl backbreaker. Koji fights off a double team from Wagner and King. He hits King with the snap overhead suplex. Takiawa-Samurai, and Takiawa drops Samurai on the ropes. Koji and Tanaka beat Samurai around for a bit. Wagner and King break out the camel clutch/dropkick spot on Takaiwa for 2. Wagner slaps on the table top submission. Samurai hits Takiawa with an inverted DDT and a series of low dropkicks. Takiawa fights off a tornado DDT and goes for a powerbomb, but Samurai counters with a DDT. He misses a flying headbutt, however. Tanaka tags in and grabs an ankle lock. Wagner breaks it up. Samurai gets an inverted DDT. King comes in and hits a BEAUTIFUL double springboard moonsault for 2. A headscissors cradle gets 2 as well. Tanaka breaks out the FLYING ARMBREAKER!!! Koji-Wagner, and Koji hits a snap overhead suplex for 2. Koji hits Wagner with a planca. Samurai does the same on Tanaka. King hits a springboard planca on Takiawa. In the ring, Koji snaps a rana off on Wagner for 2. Wagner gets a lariat and tries a powerbomb, but Tanaka breaks it up with a dropkick. Koji and Tanaka put Wagner and King in ankle locks at the same time!!!! SWEET. Wagner no-sells the springboard senton and delivers a splash off the top for 2, followed by a crucifix powerbomb for 2. Samurai hits Koji with an INVERTED DDT OFF THE TOP!!! King busts out the triple moonsaults!!!! I love that!!! Wagner gets 2 off that, but Koji gets another falcon arrow for 2 and the Moonsault for 3. Awesome!!!! **** The 411: BIG thanks to Matt Long for putting this together for me. Head over to and get yourself a comp like this RIGHT NOW. You won't regret it. 411 Elite Award Final Score:  10.0   [ Virtually Perfect ]  legend article topics Geordie Angus comments powered by Disqus
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Pope Benedict 16th To Appear At Next Desiring God Conference? From Ken Silva at, a simply brilliant use of Dr. Piper’s logic – and his own words – used in inviting Rick Warren to speak and (allegedly) edify the body of Christ, turns the tables and wonders how it would sound if applied to the current Pope: “I had mentioned some negative things earlier about high church liturgy, I said the black community didn’t get into it BUT the observation was the black community, at least some of you, DID get some into Marian Dogmas and the unbloody sacrifice of the Mass. Uh mainly from the Cathechism of the Catholic Church and Vatican II, and Pope Benedict XVI, isn’t uh, non-Trinitarian BUT…uh…from St. Peter’s Basilica, he just conducted a Mass there, and spoke of the cross, and the mystery of transubstantiation, and I was moved. And do I, what do I think about all that? Well I put my cards totally on the table here, um I have invited Pope Benedict XVI to come to the Desiring God New Downgrade No-Controversy Conference this fall. And he’s coming. Now I will get a lot of criticism for this from my Reformed brothers, because…not because Pope Benedict XVI, as Vicar of Christ, is openly sitting in the seat of the Holy Spirit. I don’t think he wears his theological distinctives on his sleeve with us separated brethren, but would be probably theologically more at home with where I am than where an Arian is. I believe that. What makes Benedict a problem, and I’m gonna… well, when I wrote him, here’s what I said. And he’ll probably watch this video too. I said the conference is called “THINK: The life of the Mind and the Love of God.” I want you to come. You are the Universal Bishop of the Body of Christ, and I don’t think you are actually sitting in the seat of an antichrist. Come and tell us why thinking Biblically matters to you in your amazingly authoritarian approach to ministry.” Absolutely brilliant. Read the rest here. Bookmark and Share
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Brazil prison uses geese as alarm system August 12, 2011 12:39:15 PM PDT An overcrowded prison in northeastern Brazil has added a new layer of security against escapes: two geese. Load Comments
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head> راه آسمان - شب قدر واقعی! راه آسمان به آسمان که رسیدند رو به ما گفتند: زمین چقدر حقیر است آی خاکی ها   دیشب شب قدر بود شب احیا شب شهادت مولامون امام علی. خواه ناخواه منتظر پیامک هایی از نوع دیگه بودم!!! من چند ساله به اینجور پیامک ها عادت کردم! اما چه جور پیامکی؟! مگه غیر اینه که شب قدر شب بخشش و عفو؟؟ اصلا شده تا حالا نتونید کسی رو ببخشید؟!؟! اگه آره این جمله قشنگ رو همیشه یادتون باشه: اگه نتونی کسی رو ببخشی بدون که از بزرگی گناه اون نیست از قلب کوچیک خودته! قبول دارم که عملی کردنش سخته ولی شدنیه. اصلا تا حالا عمیق شدین به بخشش بی انتهای خدا؟؟!! نگاه کردین که این بار سنگین گناهامون رو چطور می بخشه ؟!  فراتر از بخشش فرموده: گر صدبار توبه کردی باز آی     این درگه ما درگه نومیدی نیست ....... ....... ....... این که محتوای پیامک ها چی بوده رو میذارم به عهده خودتون! بخشش یادتون نره در پناه حق                                                 نوشته شده در چهارشنبه ۱۰ شهریور۱۳۸۹ساعت 12:31 توسط جا مانده در اروند| | آخرين مطالب » درد دل هاي بلند بلند » امام جوادم ادركني » يا امام موسي كاظم (ع) » سفر » قطعه 40 بهشت زهرا میزبان پاها وجاده اهواز_خرمشهر میزبان سروتن شهدای خمسه سادات... » v i p امروز و ... » آه اي شهيد » یا فاطمه سلام الله علیها » اتل متل توتوله » پدر شهيد ... Design By : Pichak
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Dance music 56,911 dance playlists   | Filter by: Trending Quantcast
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Search Continues After Plane Crash On 1-22-14, Sheriff Parkinson met with members of the Sheriff's Dive Team and Marine Enforcement Unit to evaluate continuing the search for a plane that crashed off the coast of Oceano. Because of the dangerous sea conditions at the crash site, the Sheriff has suspended the search for the plane that went down on 1-14-14. Those rough conditions are expected to last through the end of this week. At that time, the Sheriff will re-evaluate the situation to determine if additional search measures will be taken. During this time, the Sheriff's Office has been compiling sonar information and evaluating other possible dive locations. We are also working in conjunction with State Parks to conduct a ground search of the beaches from Grover Beach to Guadalupe Beach to see if any plane debris has washed ashore. As part of the ongoing investigation, the Sheriff's Office now has reasonable information to believe that there was a passenger on board the plane. Based on information gathered during the investigation, we believe the identity of the passenger is 52-year-old Alan George Gaynor of Los Angeles. Although we can not positively confirm the occupants of the plane at this time, their whereabouts remain unknown. The Sheriff's Office is in contact with the families of both the pilot and passenger and our deepest concerns remain with them. It is the Sheriff's desire to do whatever is reasonable to continue recovery efforts based on the mission's probability of success as well as the safety of the divers.
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Contact Us Food Trucks Embody Capitalism; Not Destroy Business So let me get this straight. The Tea Party believes in small business and less government intervention. Yet, their poster boy in Buffalo, Carl Paladino, is doing everything in his power to shut down local food trucks. Why? Simple. Money. Paladino is one of Western New York’s biggest land barons, and built his billion dollar empire as a landlord. These roving food trucks could hurt local restaurants who rely on brick and mortar. Brick and mortar that is owned and rented by Carl Paladino of course. So Carl is doing his darnedest to paint the food truck operators as job killers so they don’t put his clients out of business, and take money out of his pocket. Food truck operators are calling the latest plan from Entrepreneurs for a Better Buffalo  ”protectionist” , claiming the group is trying to keep the food trucks off busy streets like Elmwood and Delaware, and limiting them to cross streets. The Food Truck operators have agreed to stay at least 100 feet from local restaurants, and that should be more than enough. After all, isn’t this just Capitalism? Last September Paladino demanded that Buffalo Place stop issuing permits to Food Trucks because they are “unfairly competing with tenants in buildings who pay good rent and taxes.” He said the food trucks unfairly compete with his tenants who are “paying huge taxes” to be there.The food truck operators have relatively low start up-costs, but just because they found a way to reduce costs doesn’t mean they should be punished. And who says the Food Truck operators don’t pay taxes? They have to get a health permit, and they have to maintain their trucks and get insurance. There are plenty of costs associated with food trucks. One cost they don’t have is rent. Which is likely why they have brought Carl’s ire. It’s just another example of Buffalo’s antiquated thinking. Major cities like New York, Chicago and Los Angeles have food trucks on every corner, and still the restaurants flourish. It’s not the food trucks killing the economy. It’s just another consumer choice. I say let the free market dictate the winner. Isn’t that what the Tea Party would want Carl? Buffalo’s Food Truck Operators, like Lloyd’s Tacos, are innovative pioneers. Something that is sorely lacking from Buffalo’s so-called “entrepreneurs” . Lloyd’s was recently named one of the best food trucks in the country, and built its business in an unconvential way using nothing but word of mouth and twitter to gather loyal customers. It stood out by being different, and brought great food to a city that is lacking in choices. If it’s truly a free market, then why destroy competition rather than reward it. Best of 92.9 Jack FM Recommended For You Best of the Web Leave a Comment It appears that you already have an account created within our VIP network of sites on . To keep your personal information safe, we need to verify that it's really you. To activate your account, please confirm your password. When you have confirmed your password, you will be able to log in through Facebook on both sites. Forgot your password? *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. It appears that you already have an account on this site associated with . To connect your existing account just click on the account activation button below. You will maintain your existing VIP profile. After you do this, you will be able to always log in to using your original account information. *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. Please fill out the information below to help us provide you a better experience. (Forgot your password?) Not a member? Sign up here Sign up for Freeloaders quickly by connecting your Facebook account. It's just as secure and no password to remember! Sign up to have exclusive Freeloaders contests, events, coupons, presales, and much more delivered to you for FREE.
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John The Revelator Robert Cianflone/Getty Images Steve Vai Talks “Voice” Season 1 Finalist Beverly McClellan [VIDEO] “The Voice” season 1 finalist Beverly McClellan has gotten some exposure to rock fans lately: she guests on guitar god Steve Vai’s new album “The Story Of Light,” singing a cover of Blind Willie Johnson’s “John The Revelator,” and she’s also opening for him on his current tour. Vai told CBS Local that when he heard McClellan sing at at NARAS event, he knew he wanted to collaborate with her. 09/14/2012
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Contact Us low salt foods low salt foods broccoli Flickr user, whologwhy [ Any Ideas For Good Heart Healthy Meals? Two weeks after a heart attack, I'm still getting used to actually eating healthy, and after eating as badly as I was, getting excited about heart healthy foods has been a pretty big challenge. Read More It appears that you already have an account created within our VIP network of sites on . To keep your personal information safe, we need to verify that it's really you. To activate your account, please confirm your password. When you have confirmed your password, you will be able to log in through Facebook on both sites. Forgot your password? *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. It appears that you already have an account on this site associated with . To connect your existing account just click on the account activation button below. You will maintain your existing VIP profile. After you do this, you will be able to always log in to using your original account information. *Please note that your prizes and activities will not be shared between programs within our VIP network. Please fill out the information below to help us provide you a better experience. (Forgot your password?) Not a member? Sign up here Sign up for Point Clique quickly by connecting your Facebook account. It's just as secure and no password to remember! Sign up to have exclusive Point Clique contests, events, coupons, presales, and much more delivered to you for FREE.
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