But I also get a few non-health stories as well. HAIRPIN HIGHWAY There's a fun local road up the side of Signal Mountain called the W Road (that is the actual name) because of some hairpin turns shaped like, well, a W (or an M, depending on your perspective). Big trucks always ignore the warning signs and get stuck in the turns and have to be towed out. If you are a senior, the fear of falling can be almost as bad as the falls themselves. A LOWER HIGH A new study says doctors should push to lower patients blood pressure to a systolic level of 120 (that's the top number). PUTTING BIG FISH IN THE
To help Yamada beat each dungeon, you will need to create a path that covers all tiles in said dungeon. If you create a path without covering every single tile, then the leftover tiles will burn up, causing you to lose hit points. If your hit points run out, then you will die, which is something you don't want to happen, right? If you're careless and miss a tile here and there, then you're going to suffer for it. Do things right and plan every step you take, and you will get to the exit in style. Along the way, you will
Y'all know. I got put that out pieces for you. Spread the because the world needs love it out that day but spread love man please. Man life is so short. I think if i learned anything you know besides believing and trusting more their life is short. You can't take it for granted. Man love the ones you're witch episodes. Okay just just said today you know. I don't know which one it is episode. Three hundred twenty one show season three are right. There's a lot of episodes out here. But i just learnt that i learnt though to say what are really did i learn god is really like building was like he just
Sea Wall is done in bits and pieces back and forth. We get little pieces of the things that happen in his life. Like he tells us he said something to his father-in-law that he never said to anyone but never tells a what. It's too confusing to care. A Wall is a better story; you know what is going on. But it's still not in order. It seems there could be a better way to say it but not the way it is. Both actors do a great job. Photos by Annazor. To read a
not in this location When you look into it, it's kind of cool a little difficult to see from directly behind but if you kind of get down you can see these thin strips of taillight going across the entire thing adding kind of a cool effect to the whole light and speaking of cool effects, lucid tells me this is the largest single panel tail light in the business and when you look into it, it's kind of cool a little difficult to see from directly behind but if you kind of get down you can see these thin strips One unusual feature of this tail light is that it is quite thin, as you can see. This is particularly The charge port is also on the side of the car on the driver's side in front as you can see and to open it, just tap and it opens right up and that's where you charge the car when you want to close it, just press it a little bit from the bottom and it closes right up of course you can also open and close the charge port using various other controls in the car on your phone whatever or you can just tap it if you want and finally we move on to the front. There is a lot more to cover here, such as lighting, which you can see in the back with a light bar running across the entire front and a little strip of light that looks very cool, and the brand name is lit up here as well with lucid lighting to tell you exactly what this car is very
In the distance, we can hear mortar fire at what we don't know. The police that ordered our porters out of here had better get us, new porters, to get out of this place because there is no way I can hump my crap down this mountain. We are disappointed but not yet defeated. We were given a small room like a jail cell with open doors. There is no way to disappear, no way to head west into the mountains of Burma. Above the door is a huge spider and there is a beetle flying around the room that sounds like a b-52. Suddenly, I noticed the black car speeding down the road toward us. It passed, went up the road away, turned around, and stopped by our car. There was a young man and a young woman in the front seat. The young man rolled down his window and said, "Can you take our picture?" Forgetting all about social distancing, I agreed. Then remembering and being embarrassed to now refuse, I grabbed some lens-wipes l had brought along to clean my glasses hoping they would somehow protect me. I got out of our car, took hold of his camera trying but ' said Nanny. 'I told you you'd get it wrong!' You said: The Shining Ones. You said: The Fair Folk. And you spat, and touched iron. But generations later, you forgot about the spitting and the iron, and you forgot why you used those names for them, and you remembered only that they were beautiful … We're stupid, and the memory plays tricks, and we remember the elves for their beauty and the way they move, and we forget what they were. We're like mice saying, 'Say what you like, cats have got real style.' Elves are wonderful. They Today I woke up at noon after a night of horrid dreams. It is raining outside and bit dreary but the tree at the back of the yard, at the height of its spring colors, cheers me up. That's all. Keep on social distancing. Remember to say hello to yourself in the mirror every morning. You are always there for you. For every species, their main competition is members of the same species. They're the ones that want exactly the same resources that the others of your species do. This goes for humans too. We compete with each other for resources. Collections of humans, whether
How many times had I opened my doors? Could a spider have gotten in my van? Did the warmth of the van attract them? Could they have entered through a wheel well or some other spot? Lucky? No. Of course, I was itching all over now, paranoid, and kept jumping at every itch. I laughed hysterically each time I slapped my leg or felt a twitch in my hair. I screamed at the top of my lungs several more times. My peace from the sweet Joshua Tree energy was lost. What a simple easily distracted spirit I have! At the visitor's center, I asked the ranger what type of spider she thought it was and she said it must have been a large black tarantula. I
Let this make a lesson about the differences among different nouns in a single category; all of these words might be something close to "house" or "home," but the meanings are very different. The fish in the story claims to be an enchanted prince, but he doesn't choose to use his great powers to return to a human state. Challenge students to explain this. Is the fish perhaps a prince of fish? Did he like being a fish better than being a prince? Are his powers only available to him in fishy form? Write the story from the point of view of the fish. Study fish.
Tag: constructive notice How to make a giant hole in the ground with a simple, inexpensive hole punch I'm not a fan of digging holes. I like to be outside and explore, so the fact that I like digging holes is part of the reason I'm so fascinated by hole punching. But, it is also a huge time investment, and digging a hole takes a lot of work. There are a few tricks to get you started, and I'll share them with you today. But first, here are some tips to help you make the most of this project.1. Create a hole in your Cut holes in your garden 3. Drill holes in the soil. (There are many other ways to get started. You can use a drill, an old drill bit, a circular saw, a chisel, or a drill press.)4. Use a hole punch to punch holes in soil.5. Use the hole punch tool to drill holes in trees and plants.6. Use hole punch on rocks.7. Use it to poke holes in metal and metal pipes.8. Use holes punch to poke small holes into concrete and stone.9. Use an open-ended hole punch.10. Use your hole punch with a metal detector to dig holes.11. Use some old sawdust to dig up holes.12. Cut the top of a tree with a saw.13. Cut a hole through the top edge of a stone.14. Cut off a large chunk of a metal roof using a hole-puncher.15. Use large, sharp rocks to drill through concrete.16. Cut through a concrete surface using a drill.17. Cut down a concrete wall using a screwdriver.18. Use something similar to a drill to drill a hole into concrete.19. Use hammer-on tools to drill down a hole.20. Use shovels to cut holes in concrete.21. Use wire to drill out small holes.22. Use plastic tubing to drill and drill through a hole with a hole pusher.23. Use nails or 24. Cut up and drill holes for your dog.25. Use saw blades to cut a hole and cut a piece of metal with a nail.26. Use metal nailers to cut down a rock with a hammer.27. Use small nails or a hammer to cut off a metal nail.28. Use sandpaper or sandpaper with a drill bit to cut away a hole on a concrete floor.29. Use old drill bits to drill hole in concrete and metal pipe.30. Use cement blocks to make holes in cement.31. Use nail clippers to drill small holes for holes.32. Use pipe cleaners to drill off holes with a small drill.33. Use wood glue to glue a hole to concrete.34. Use concrete to form small holes using a nail clipper.35. Use heavy nails or metal In the video below, we discuss what to do if you have trouble keeping your computer on task and when to let go of it. If you're working on a big project, such as a web app, you should make sure your computer is fully occupied, or else you might not be able to complete the task. If you're not on a schedule, you can take it easy. But if you work in a smaller office or a home office, or have a family or pets, or just have a bunch of other tasks to get through, you' You work on it until you've finished it, then take a break. If there's no progress on your task, you're back to work and finish the next one. It's great for people who work in small teams. The trick is to schedule the time of your work in advance so you're always ready to tackle a project. This can be tricky if you don't have a schedule for your project, so you can't set up a timer to help you get back on track quickly. If your schedule is set up, you could try setting up a
Not after what happened to her parents. When they arrive at East River, nothing is as it seems, least of all its mysterious leader. But there are other forces at work, people who will stop at nothing to use Ruby in their fight against the government. Ruby will be faced with a terrible choice, one that may mean giving up her only chance at a life worth living. Ruby never asked for the abilities that almost cost her her life. Now she must call upon them on a daily basis, leading dangerous missions to bring down a corrupt government and breaking into the minds of her enemies. Other kids in the
"This exercise is a bit sensitive, but really drives home the point that even though symbols are arbitrary, they take on very strong and emotional meanings. Have the students write the name JESUS in big letters on a piece of paper. Ask the students to stand up and put the paper on the floor in front of them with the name facing up. Ask the students to think about it for a moment. After a brief period of silence, instruct them to step on the paper. Most will hesitate. Ask why they can't step on the paper. Discuss the importance of symbols in culture."
But even so, if it's a well-told story, it could at least keep us engaged, even if we do have a pretty good idea of where it's going and how it's going to end. But that's the next place it falls down - this is a film that knows the details of the first film well, but not why the first film was so good. There were a couple of things that made the original as effective as it still is. First, the first film is ultimately more about people than the monster, the extraterrestrial that's come into their camp and is assimilating everyone in the station, one by one. The monster is the So what we're left with is a bunch of people we don't care all that much about alternating between creeping around, yelling at each other, and shooting or burning creatures, and setpieces where an obviously-artificial monster chews on them in various disgusting ways. In some ways, it's the more action-oriented Aliens to the original film's slow-burn Alien, but the characters in Aliens had way more personality than these poor bastards do, so what we get is less a story and more a series of beats that happen in mostly-predictable sequence. Otherwise, this film can best be
It's a really nice trick that looks amazing, but I am hoping that it's not used quite as much in the game as it was today in the demo. There was so much water running everywhere it looked more like there was a water leak over most objects in the world. In any case, it was a nice demonstration of the power of the Unreal Engine 3, which really just continues to impress me every time I see it running. It's one thing to see the pictures, it's another to see it up and running on
Who's the highest paid player in the national football league? Who has the highest salary in basketball? Who has the highest salary in baseball? Who has the most field goals in the national football league? Who has the longest field goal in the national football league? Who has the most passing touchdowns in the national football league? Who owns the national football league? Who started the national football league? Who has the highest salary in the world? Who has the highest baseball salary? What's the average salary of a national football league player? What's the minimum salary for a national football league player? What is the salary of a national football league referee? What's the highest salary in major league baseball? How long has the national football league been in
), and having friends and family who support us in it. Luck played a part. And somewhere so did something more. All us can point to someone who helped us. Someone who gave of their time and energy and often their aircraft and fuel to help us on the way. Perhaps it was the person who first took us flying, or who thought "I bet so-and-so would like a trial flight", or a pilot when we were learning who showed us how to do something that was hard, or gave us the spare seat when they flew and reminded us what it was we were working towards as we
I have been told by several people in the last several months that I am, or at least can be, somewhat of a mystery. There are aspects of my life that I don't always discuss and whatnot. Well, I don't know why people think they deserve or have earned the right to every aspect of one's life. Is is because I am a writer? Is it that some people close to me, desire to be closer? And what does that mean, anyhow? What is it that they seek to gain? I am not sure. But I know that I don't
Scrambling away, she jerked her dress over her head and scrubbed at her arms and hands. When she'd wiped away the worst of it, she went to the sink and worked the pump handle until water flowed. Grabbing the bar of soap on the edge of the sink, she went to work. She built up a thick lather between her hands and rubbed it over her body and face. She repeated the process, not caring about the water spilling on the floor, until she was clean. There was a threadbare towel on a peg next to the sink and she used it to quickly dry herself. She Skirting the body, she went to his desk and opened the top drawer. He kept a small amount of cash there for emergencies. She took it all, shoving it into her bag. A weapon. She needed something to protect herself. All the guns were locked up and the key was in his pocket. There was nothing in heaven or hell that could make her touch him in order to get at it. She'd also never used a gun in her life. That left the knife. She steeled herself for what she was about to do. She'd just killed a man. There was no need to get A line of drool spilled out of the left corner of his mouth. He appeared smaller somehow. Nothing at all like the demon who'd haunted her days and nights for years. She could do this. Taking a deep breath, she reached down, wrapped her fingers around the handle and yanked the weapon from his cold, dead heart. She wiped the blade on the arm of his shirt, removing the worst of the blood. She quickly grabbed a dishtowel and wrapped the knife in it before adding it to her bag of belongings. She'd clean it better later. She had to get out of here. Now. A sense of James didn't realize he was half out of his seat when one of the man's companions slapped the trucker on the shoulder. Whatever the man said had them all laughing as they left the diner. James settled back down on the bench seat. What the hell was wrong with him? She passed his order into the kitchen through an opening behind the counter, grabbed the coffee pot and hurried back to his table. On her way, she paused long enough to top off the cups of several other men. She turned over one of the clean mugs that rested on the table and Grabbing her tray, she worked her way from front to back, clearing and cleaning tables. When it was full, she carried the load into the kitchen, always aware that the stranger's eyes were on her. She piled folded napkins, paper placemats, clean cutlery and mugs on her tray and returned to the dining room. Conscious of James watching her, she managed to drop several knives and spoons as she finished setting the places at each booth and table. She'd just finished the last one, which was close to the booth where James was still seated, when he said her name. It was spoken so quietly she almost "That's a lie." "It's the truth." She expected him to get angry, to yell or make a grab for her. Instead, his gaze was filled with pity and sadness. He was confusing her. "How could you know such a thing? If such a thing as werewolves even existed. Which they don't." God, now she was babbling. She needed to shut up before she gave anything more away. "I'm like you." The moment he said it everything fell into place. He was a werewolf. Why hadn't she recognized him? She'd only seen one other male werewolf and that time was a
Is there anything in particular you're hoping to get out of this season? Honestly, this season is not about me. I just want Skai to go out there and feel confident and really feel confident in herself that she can learn something. Every week she goes out there and not only surprises me but I'm sure surprises herself with how much she's improved and I actually mentioned this to her a few days ago. The difference from her walking in and today is so vast. She's become more mature and I see a difference in her dancing already. She learns quicker. She just tries harder. She has more fun with it, and I think that's a beautiful thing I can be a part of. Is there anything you'
Students who need to leave the campus during the school day for a dental, doctor, or other appointment will be signed out by the parent or guardian through the Main Office. No student will be allowed to leave the campus for any other reason. For the safety of the student, no student is to be removed from class without the teacher's prior knowledge. Policy Change: Students are considered absent if they are removed from school at any time during the school day. When a child has a doctor's appointment, he or she will need to bring in a note from the doctor m., the child will ride the bus home as usual. Students are expected to behave on the bus according to the standards that apply in the classroom. (See the Parent-Student Handbook) Car Riders Parents are asked to wait in line in the front of the school in the circle area at the Main entrance when dropping off and picking up students. Please do not allow students to get out of your car before you are first in line. Parents should not drop off students in the path of moving vehicles. Do not drop your children anywhere other than the
A video game with a positive effect Since we were kids we have been told that too much screen time with video games is bad for our development and brains. Video games have always been looked at in a negative light not only for their harmful effects but the bad messages they can send to young kids. So this led me to think, is it possible to make video games beneficial in some way? I decided to do some research to see what I could find on this topic. Here is what I found: A video game called "Re-Mission" was designed by discovery and translational scientific research to The control group received a regular game and the experimental group received the regular game plus the Re-Mission video game. Both groups were told to play the video game for an hour per week for three months. Both groups were also tested on their knowledge on cancer before and after the study. In the end of the three months, test scores showed more improvement in the Re-Mission group, however with a p-value of .04. In conclusion of this study, scientists found two things: 1. that the Re-Mission video game helped cancer patients and 2. that video games in general can be used effectively for health education of any prolonged illness. To make sure this study At first I joked around saying that this one kitten was going to be mine, always going over to hold, play, and take snapchats with it. One day my friend told me she was thinking about giving the kitten away to another family, and for some reason I started to consider actually making the kitten mine. When going through the process, all I could think about was how weird it was that I was getting a kitten, especially before ever getting my own puppy first! I have always been more of a dog person my whole life and always told myself I would never get my own a cat, but for some reason I just I am taking this class as a freshman not only to fulfill my science Gen Ed but because, although I am undecided in my major, one thing I know for sure is that I do not want to do anything with science. I hate science and I'm pretty sure it hates me back because no matter how hard I try to understand it, it always has me like: I actually used to enjoy science back in middle school when we used to make models of the cell out of cake and candy, color on the daily, and watch Bill Nye and the magic school bus. Then,
The Act Two Break is one of the most critical beats of your story. It's often referred to as the "lowest moment," though I don't like that because I think it's misleading. Seldom do I see a successful story where things start getting better right after the Act Two Break. I think "moment of greatest failure" is a better description. It's also sometimes called the "all is lost" moment, which is pretty good. The point is that this is when it looks like your character is doomed to fail. That assumes, of course, that ultimately your character will succeed. Some stories end with the character Why is this so important? Because the ending won't be satisfying unless it's hard to achieve. And you don't want your movie to feel completely predictable. This is the point where the audience needs to think, "boy, I know the hero must be going to beat the bad guy and get the girl (this is a movie, after all), but I sure don't know how he's going to do it. It seems hopeless." Hope and fear come into play here. What is the audience rooting for? Do they want the character to succeed or fail? (Both are possibilities depending on your premise.) This is the moment where you make them think the opposite might actually happen. Or in a tragedy you make them think they might get the ending they want only to snatch it away from them. Romeo and
You had a shot now at getting free. But that thing that you learned when you were five was not then and is not now designed to help you be free. It is designed only to help you survive. And, in fact, it keeps you from being free. You need to figure out what this thing is and work your ass off to un-learn it. Because the things we learn to do to survive at all costs are not the things that will help us get FREE. Getting free is a whole different journey altogether. How To Be A 'Reverse-Racist': An Actual Step by Step List For
The same goes for a good advertisement in a game, and it's a really good idea to make sure that the ad is actually engaging with the audience. If the ad makes a player think about the game a lot, it will probably have a bigger impact on their feelings about the product and the story that they want to tell. This kind of long-term relationship between the player and the ad, especially in the case of a video-game, can only help the game feel like it's more than just a simple way to make it easy to buy the game on a
The last load of stuff to move to the boat (for now)! In order to move aboard, we first had to take everything off the boat. When you buy a house, it is empty. When you buy a boat, that's not necessarily true. There were at least a dozen boxes of random things stowed away. Some of it is very useful (spare parts) while some ended up in the trash (super old chemicals). Once everything was off the boat, we did a deep clean. (Some very lovely assistants helped in this phase and we are so grateful!) We could FINALLY start moving our own stuff onto the boat. No more room for boxes down below! It's still not done though because within 3
Why is his side bleeding?" We answered and led her to look closer. "See that spear painted in the corner? Do you see the ring of thorny branches? They put it on his head like a crown. What do you think of when you hear "crown?" How do you think it felt when it was on his head? What is in the shadows of the painting? How do you know it's a cross? Look at the painting next to this one. It's very similar. How is it different? Let's turn and face the other wall. What do you see in the painting across from us? Yes, there are other crosses. Where is Jesus in this painting? Who do you think are on the other crosses? Look at their faces. How do you think the people in this scene feel? What is happening in this painting? Yes, that's blood underneath Jesus. Look closely. Where do you think it came from? Yes, that's a skull painted down there. Why do you think the artist painted it there?" Deposition of
I mention my father because he's the one who taught me that people like us don't vote our self-interest. We're going to be fine. So I listened to him. I don't vote my self-interest. I vote the interests of people with houses that cost a quarter of what mine cost. If I wanted to vote according to my naked self-interest, I'd vote Republican. They'll give me a nice tax cut. No thanks. Don't want it. So I vote for other people's interests. The kinds of interests I wrote about the other
You will find him when you are desperate enough." He paused, looked at his watch. "Is there anything you'd like to ask me? You can, you know." "Why do I want to find him? What am I looking for?" "Rapture. A sense of the soul, of the mind, a sense of what you would like to be. "You are looking for love. Not romantic love, but love all the same. You know," and suddenly I wanted like hell to get out of there, to get away from the cat stew and the cockroaches and the bloody hallways of 72 ' Once I had a vision of him, and he called, and I told him of it. 'I see you sitting on a kitchen floor. The kitchen is gray. It is 4:10 in the afternoon. Your glasses are broken. There is a Band-Aid near your left eye. You are sitting on the floor reading the I Ching. "There was a long pause, silence on the other end of the telephone. Finally he said, 'Tell me what I threw.' "The Well, I said, and he said yes, that was what he had thrown, in the gray kitchen at 4:10 God forbid I should ever praise anything, ever say that anything he writes is good. "I cannot imagine he is unaware of his gifts, but you can understand that whatever he writes, whatever he creates, he will never be able to match his inner vision, which is so vast, so intelligent. "He is a scientist by nature. He understands things scientifically. He just chooses to make fiction of what he understands. He has a total gift, and total goodness, and he is always, always totally honorable." I told her that people had said sweet things about him, and repeated what Faith Sale had said. "The Sales haven't seen I sat in the park, looking for a tall thin man with beautiful eyes and a big black mustache who looked like he thought he was Bugs Bunny. You would be surprised how many people fit that description. There I was, frozen in the heat, unable to walk up the steps and ring the bell, afraid, I suppose, to find either that the mystery did not exist or could be solved. One night I went to the theater. Afterwards, I sat in a garden for a long time with a very pretty woman in a peach-colored summer dress, and then she went away and I went home to bed where I could not sleep. Two o'clock in the morning, lying there sweating and thinking about Pynchon. I live on a street filled with " "But I don't want to go back in there." He was crying now. Smack. A paper bag full of old copies of the Daily News burst open. Papers flew all over the street, under the wheels of the cars that passed inches from where the two were fighting. Smack. Smack. Smack, and me standing there in the dark, no better than they, no better than any of them, spending my days making fictions, for God's sweet sake, and not looking much out the windows. The one with the bloody nose went back into the hotel. Seconds later he was carried out by two "I thought about you because I hoped so much that things would be all right. I thought about you because I realize that…that I loved you, because you had the best heart of anyone I knew at school. I know that the information is of no value to you know, but I think of you because I have loved you, because you were good at heart. It's as simple as that. "And all these years later, I wanted to ask you two questions. Did it turn out well, or badly? And are you, after all, happy?" The sunset gave his skin the color of Florence in the spring, lit up, the tight
How could you be here at Luoyang city?" Bing'er looked at him, surprised. How is it that everything changed so much after she woke up? And it seemed as if her father already knew everything. "I was because I was worried for you. You were gone for three months, and I was also afraid that you stirred up trouble so I left the mountains to look for you. On my trip here, I noticed that all of our wanted posters were gone. Curious, I inquired about it and I found out that you with Jade Hunter cracked a large case. When I arrived at It seems she could only wait for Dong Fang Ling to arrive before she could start questioning. Not before long, a tall figure was seen at the door. Dong Fang Ling's dark eyes locked onto Bing'er's face and step by step, he walked towards her. Their sights locked; in his eyes, she saw his mad like love for her, and in her eyes, he saw pain and helplessness. Without saying a word she let out a sigh. "Why sigh? Did you not want to see me?" Dong Fang Ling sat at the side of the bed. He placed his palm on her She had only been gone for a few days, and yet she had lost so much weight. Bing'er was originally slim but now, it seemed as if her body would fall with just a gust of wind. "It was better if we did not meet again." Bing'er wrinkled her brows, her eyes filled with sadness: he does not belong to her ah! "No… It is as I said before, even if I were to flip the word upside down, I will continue to search until I find you." His hand gently lifted her chin, not allowing her to look away. For her, he had felt worry and fear for the first time in his 25
Why don't you ask me what's going to happen to your character or to the story? And every time that question. And you felt the same way. I have, you know, a mix – I love that sweater and I hate it because I felt it's so strong that it's almost wearing me more than the opposite. So we had a meeting when we were supposed to start the second season, where we said to each other, 'They're not going to get the jumper out, no?' Never give the audience what they want. So, of course, we had to put her in the jumper because she can't change. I mean, she is who she is. So we chose this red jumper and I felt very strongly that we But she leaves that and she never comes back. But she's bought a house now in the third season. And we had this enormous problem, how does she live? What does it look like? What has she got around her? Apart from the sweaters all over. But don't tell too much about her but even so we have to characterise her in a way because she has got some stuff. But, you know, that was really a tough discussion because the production designer really wanted to show who she was. And everybody was screaming, 'No, no, no, don't tell, don't tell. And who is she anyway? How do you know?' So it was a very big problem and now we try to fix it. There's a lot of moving boxes. That's good." Then I see my journey like this.' And I would settle on that decision. And it would be harder to maybe move me from that. "And I think this way of working, which really is dictated by our writers insisting on allowing the story to be able to move freely, actually helps everyone else. I think the level of creative atmosphere is very high on The Killing and I think that's the reason. But, of course, it's also I must say, because even though I praise it a lot, because the whole luxury is also because the writer, even though he's very strong-minded, he knows what he wants and he knows what direction he wants the story to go in. And it is totally his story. He is so self-confident that he And then after that we have meetings with the writers where the word is free and I can suggest anything or comment anything or object to anything. And he will listen and he will take what he thinks is useful and the rest he won't use. And there have been a few meetings where he's said, 'Well, what do you think?' And I've said, 'Well, I think it's good.' And then he gets totally uncomfortable. So he actually wants to be pushed and for me, of course, as an actor it's a luxury to be able to work so closely with the writer."
And typically, it was the person on staff who had the best relationship with the child, who would explain to them what had happened. They would use things like pictures or puppets to illustrate the distance between the United States and the country where the parent was. And they also learned that they had to be really vague, which was difficult but which, ultimately, felt more caring to them. Because if they gave a child any kind of concrete expectation about when they might see their parent again, a child, even a child who was barely old enough to speak, would latch on to that, she said, really
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Even though some of the subject matter is just crazy. You go, "Wow, what are they singing about?" "Oh, it's just this beautiful song about terrible drugs …" [Laughs] But it's like, "How'd they do that?" Video of This Time Life of Agony - River Runs Red (1993) A heavy album with very emotional lyrics. I love it. And it will always have a place in my heart. And actually, Life of Agony was the first band signed to a major label that one of my old bands ever shared a stage with. This was back in Columbus,
The following exercise will correct your posture while playing: Begin by tilting your head gently forward so that your chin touches the chest area, hold for five seconds, then return to the normal position Turn your head to the left until you feel a slight stretch. Hold for five seconds, then repeat on the right side Push your head forward until you feel a stretch in your throat. Hold for five seconds, then go back up gently Gently tilt your head to the side while trying to touch your ear to the shoulder until you feel a slight stretch. Hold for five seconds, then go back gently. Repeat on the other side. Start by massaging the muscles between your ears and your
He looked over her body, she must not be wearing a bra, judging my how much the nipples poked through the fabric of the top. She looked so fine there, just waiting for him. She kissed his hand lightly, and sends a shiver up his arm. Then it is as if time slows as she places it on her breast. He knows what to do, he squeezes, feeling her erect nipple rubbing his palm. He can see she likes it as her head sways and her eyes close. He watches as her hand guides his inside her top. He feels for the first time her bare flesh, and he squeezes again, knowing what will make her glow, he flicks her nipple. She moans and her hand drops, leaving his to it's own devices. His other hand joins the first, on the second breast, and for a few moments he just moves them lightly, rubbing around the nipple, Slowly he leaves her mouth and runs a trail of soft, wet, kisses over her cheek, down her neck, over her chest and to her nipple. He kisses around it, one hand working on the other and his second hand roaming the bare flesh of her back. Slowly his mouth finds her rock-hard nipple and his lips close around it. His tongue darts around, flicking and teasing and she moans again, louder this time. He can feel the nipple getting harder under his tongues playful flicks. His other hand roaming around her thighs now, sliding up and down between her legs, moving slightly under her skirt. "Touch me, touch me please," she pants and almost He runs his hand further up her leg, then down again, then up, and down, gaining a little ground each time on her, closer to her nerve centre. When he reaches the top of her thigh, he can feel the dampness that has formed on her panties, his finger running oh so lightly up the front of them causes her to moan again. His other hand moves down to join the first and he takes her knickers down slowly. She lifts her legs up to allow him to remove them. He stands back from her and catches her eyes as she pants lightly. He raises her knickers to his mouth and
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Besides a few people cutting in front of us and pissing me the hell off before they moved I was genuinely have such an awesome time. Even though I'm cramped in with a bunch of people being bumped from all sides-I feel like this is family. Everywhere we looked there was weed being smoked..and not the typical "let me duck down and use this one hitter" type smoking. Everyone was smoking right in front of the event staff, they were watching and really could care less. There's this couple in front of us (who earlier I was pissed at the dude for being in front of me, but he has since moved over) turns around and I see him talking to Chach and then he hands him half a joint, and it's fat as hell. I'm a Bum", which is an absolute masterpiece, I found myself leaving the Bell House that night feeling way more blown away then I could have ever predicted. Take into account the spot in the back of the room where we were able to survey the entire place instead of getting hit with cups full a beer down front. The energy Scott Lucas brought to the table that night was one of a man on a mission, and tons of great songs got played off the new record. I usually hate when a band tries to shove new songs down my throat at shows but this record is one that people need to hear. It's too good to get lost in the shuffle. Ended the night covering They're not a band you'd expect to put on a great live performance since they hardly move from their spots while they play, but somehow they are able to reach these incredible crescendos that create this cloud of energy. Both shows I saw were amazing, and they're a band you must see live at some point. 1. Flaming Lips Has anyone ever seen Flaming Lips and been disappointed? Even if you're not a big fan of their music the way they perform and the amount of effort they put into making the live experience perfect should earn them some respect. Lights, balloons, streamers, strings, explosions; all of this and more were a part of Flaming Lips' I wish I could see more but the great Beck is closing out the Festival over on the main stage. I have been wanting to see him for almost TWENTY years now, and this will be my first time getting to do so. Remember listening to Mellow Gold on end back in the day? I hope it's amazing. It sure seems like a great way to end a Festival, way better than Wilcos tame set last year. So that's basically what I am up to these days. Nothing else is really going on. I hope you guys are all good over there and your
Joy can't be forced, manipulated, controlled, psyched up, or packaged. Joy is a gift, a free gift, an overwhelming gift from the most generous giver in the Universe. Joy is the true heart of Christmas because Christmas is both about the joy of giving and the giving of joy. 'Joy to the World!' Have you ever noticed how you can't fake laughter? Laughter too is a gift, a gift of joy, a gift of freedom. Can you imagine how sad a Christmas Dinner would be without laughter? Many of us have such a stern view of Jesus that we can't imagine him laughing or joyful. Yet Jesus was at his best when he hung out at parties with some of the most
Bright coloured fins or equipment is discouraged, and there should be no loose or drifting pieces of equipment to attract a shark's attention. Divers are encouraged to stay as a group as if someone separates away the sharks may become more interested in them. Rapid movements or touching the sharks is a no no. The dive is also a drift dive so you are going with the current, and for as long as you are vertical in the water and stay with your group and on the correct side of the bait scent or scum slick, you can basically be motionless in the water for an hour and a half at the There was already another boat at the site when we arrived so we had to negotiate with them to be able to set up our bait boxes a short distance away from theirs to be able to share the sharks. The process is such that there are two bait boxes filled with local frozen fish such as pilchards. One is set about 10m deep, the other 20m deep to leave a scent or scum trail to attract the sharks. On the sandy bottom near our deep blue bait box was where the small numbers of sardines and remora 'shark sucker' fish generally hung out. Maybe they felt safer being down there rather than higher up where the shark population was. The
But there is way more to this group of spiders, but that will be a dedicated article for another time! Human interaction Because of their intelligence they can also interact with people. This can mean as little as jumping on you when they're attacked by a predator - They know said predator most likely won't approach humans, keeping the spider safe. Because their incredible eyesight, better than our own, they're capable of observing people and deciding if they're safe to approach. They may not choose direct interaction voluntarily (although some do) but they will check out if you're safe to be around at the least. In this video you can see some interaction between a human and a jumping spider. You may wonder what the bond is between these two, if they know each other already, or if this is just a
Will it think, 'That animal is shitting itself and not even going very fast. I am going to catch it and eat it and it will be easy'? No. It will think, 'That animal is running. It must be very confident in its running ability. There is no way I am going to catch that. Looks like it's going to be hare for tea again.' So run. Hide behind a tree, even though it can see that is what you are doing. If it comes for you, move around the tree. Round and round. That is my strategy. Am I thinking of a crocodile? I may be thinking of a crocodile. The crocodile will eat you whatever you do, so may as well leg it. I seem to remember something about running in a zigzag. That's okay. I'm doing that too. By
I was the original free range child. I was never at home if I could help it, but on the common or even the streets . From the age of seven, perhaps even earlier, I was on my bike or up a tree. I fell from a top branch while pretending to be a bird and off a high fence while following a cat. My brother severed his finger in a bicycle chain which he was trying to put back in place. I went camping and ended up in hospital when the tent was washed away in a deluge. None of these tiny
A family vision statement is similar, but its focus is the family, not the business enterprise. The family vision statement answers these questions: What do we hope to achieve as a family together? What is the purpose of our wealth and what will we use it to accomplish? Are there particular needs or expectations we have of the business? What values do we expect to see reflected in the business culture? Is our philosophy to put the needs of the business before the family, the family before the business, or balance the two? What role do we, as family members, intend to play in the management and ownership of our
Right? We all understand the gravity of the situation when you're in the room while someone's having surgery and you're in charge of getting the supplies out and making sure things are going well. So he recently started a new job. When he went to go apply for jobs, he applied to two jobs on Indeed. Just cold applied. Got two calls back, two interviews, and two on-the-spot job offers. Practically on the spot. Later that day, they called him back and offered him the job. This is not real. Joy: It's a little maddening. And there are definitely days where I was bitter. I look back on these 4.5 I learned a lot from figuring out what is out there. I think that's something I want to keep looking at or reading about jobs out there. I think that's really important. Just because you have a job doesn't mean you can just forget about that stuff. I'm not planning my next move, by any means, because I have the next move. But that is something that I learned, the value of seeing where the job market is and what positions are out there. It's an interesting journey. Just from people giving me encouragement, I always knew that I'd find another job. I knew that. And if things got desperate, of course I could just keep doing Joy: It starts to feel like, oh Joy is just the Pollyanna, let's pat her on the head. Whatever. But I think that there's only so much of that that your soul can take before then you just have to make a decision. So the piece of trying, it's not to say jump ship the second things get bad. But how much energy you put towards how much of this I can control or at least influence versus I have zero influence, I have tried my best to influence this culture. It has not changed one bit, so therefore I get to decide now what my next steps are. Meaning, hey, I've had to talk to some of my staff members when they were sick and trying to push through working when they were sick. Or encouraging them to take more time off even though they had just taken some time off. And trying to undo that "we have to work all the time and I can't take this day off because I just took this day off." Specific examples of actually saying I recognize that we are different in how we operate and that's going to take some time to get used to was already a positive in my mind. Where I'm like, yeah, I'm probably going to have a hard time getting used to this because I came from such a different environment. But those are the things that I am already noticing that I'm like, this is why I want to work here. Last, let's end with communication style really quick. Because I don't want to also just make this all about, hey, if you're unhappy leave. The things that I do appreciate about knowing those labels about myself is that they've helped me learn what communication things I just assume that everyone wants or needs or uses, only to realize that maybe this is something that's specific to people with a similar personality type to me. So if you don't know any of those labels for yourself, it might be helpful to figure them out and learn more about how you give and receive effective communication so that you can be aware of that. Joy: Yeah. And I think if you're not meeting with your manager regularly, these are things
A music subscription service is not a good idea done wrong; it is a bad idea, period. The music-buying public cannot have been any clearer on the subject. They want to own their music. If there were some way to make a subscription service work, then someone would have done so. If Apple had some knowledge that escaped everyone else, then it would have implemented it. In doing so, it would have made the labels very happy and a lot of money for itself to boot. In not developing a subscription service, Apple is not leaving money on the table because there is no money on that table. Originally
Sometimes it takes you longer to learn things, but you keep a good attitude and keep trying until you succeed. It was fun to watch you learn how to ride a bike this year. You started out slow and now you're a pro. "You can be a silly kid sometimes but also know how (and when) to be responsible and mature, which is pretty cool! "It's been a privilege to watch you grow, learn, and develop your talents. You're turning into a fine young man and I look forward to watching you continue to learn and grow. "You're a wonderful brother, son, and friend. I love you!" He sure is a good
) "So, let's play a game that demonstrates this difficulty." "It's called 'Under the Radar,' and your goal is to throw a beanbag onto a target to earn points." "You will have to stand here at this line to make your throw and try to hit that target." (Demonstrate so that participants get the idea.) "That would be challenging by itself, but it's more difficult than that." "I'm going to divide you into a team of three and then make you compete against another team of three." "Three people will get a chance to throw their 'feedback' onto the target, and the team that they are
Then, the robot needs to be able to decide what part of the environment around them is important to their task. For example, they might need to change their path if an object is too close to them or ignore an object if it is too far away. Imagine for a moment that you are a self-driving car. If you are driving down a busy street you need to sort through all the environmental noise. If there is a car in front of you, that is important; but if someone is crossing the block several hundred feet away then you do not need to take action yet. However, you also need to constantly monitor your environment as it may change. For example, as you continue driving, the person in the crosswalk may become a hazard if they slow down or stop completely. One of the biggest
"He's getting faster by the day, I'm sure he's going to be an athlete or something. "Also he's two now and I think he will start primary school when he's four and I have got two years to train for that mum's race. "I want to be number one at the mummy's race. I just want to have more energy, when you're on top of your training and you're healthy and fit, everything else is better and I think I will be better at what I do." Gibson said her weight has increased over the year as she dealt with the stress of the "It's not everything about my weight, although that is a big thing, but my goal is to feel healthy, fit and strong, that is the number one goal. "And faster and less tired, and I would love to be a size 12, a comfortable size 12, maybe a 12-14. "I'm not going to put any pressure on it because I think the moment you start putting pressure on it you don't enjoy it and I really want to enjoy this journey. "And I want to be back in my old clothes by the summer, it's a nightmare, all that shopping." Her comments come after James Corden
I went there for the opening, but the space was so crowded that I decided not to enter. I walked past and looked at some art in other galleries. I came back a little later and the space had opened up a bit. I went in and there was Sanders. He came up to me and let me right back out of the gallery. We went to his car. He had something for me in a paper shopping bag. It was a wooden box made of rough old wood and has a glass top. Under the glass are three sections. The top section has an antique comb. The central section has what I think is a cat skull with a metal attachment (that looks a little like a toe clip from a bicycle) and some pieces of string. The bottom is stuffed with old blue pieces of paper that look a little like laundry tickets. The box is
I talked to the guy (actually my brother-in-law) and he too said he now had all his music on his hard drive. I can understand there is a convenience and non-clutter factor for these people. Still, given that a hard drive has an average life of three years (according to an IT guy I used to work with), and that they probably have not backed up these files, they will lose their entire music collection when the drive wipes out, and fairly soon at that. Along with their way of music listening is that of the ipod folks. Either way the music itself becomes
" Father stared a little at first, and said he was afraid I would get lost; but when he see I was bent upon it, he give it up, and he stepped to his chist, and opened the till, and took out a dollar, and he gave it to me; and says he,-- "Jack, this is all I can do for you; but go and lead an honest life, and I believe I shall hear good of you yet." He turned and walked across the room, but I could see the tears start into his eyes. And mother sat down and had a hearty crying-spell. This made me feel rather bad for a " "Well," says he, "I wouldn't sell 'em to anybody else so, but, seeing it's you, I don't care if you take 'em." I knew he lied, for he never seen me before in his life. Well, he handed down the biscuits, and I took 'em and walked round the store awhile, to see what else he had to sell. At last says I,-- "Mister, have you got any good cider?" Says he, "Yes, as good as ever ye see." "Well," says I, "what do you ax a glass for it?" "Two cents," says he. "Well," says I, "seems to me I feel more dry than I do hungry now.
Start your drawing of a dog by drawing a small stick figure (with small legs and no arms) in the center of your paper. This "stick figure" will become the nose and mouth after a few details are added. Teaching a child to draw a dog using simpler examples is the best way to go about it, as they don't get overwhelmed or too caught up in drawing an "accurate" dog. Next draw three dots on each side of the stick figure. These dots will eventually represent the dog's whiskers. In general, the three dots form a triangle shape on each side of the dog's nose, though you can be creative and put as many whiskers in as many places as you want. Now it is time to draw the dog's muzzle. This is a large circle that will become the dog's entire "face". Draw a big circle around the stick figure and dots, making sure that none of the stick's body parts or dots touch the bigger circle. To draw your dog's eyes, draw two half circles attached to the top of the main circle. For a clearer explanation — these half circles will represent "eyes", and should be almost touching each other but not quite. They will look something like headstones sticking out of the top of the dog's circular "head". The dog's head needs a top, so draw a semi-circle around the "eyes" you'
the "happy ending" version of brazil? blecchhhhhh. 2004/09 - 2004/10 2004/10 - 2004/11 2004/11 - 2004/12 2004/12 - 2005/01 2005/01 - 2005/02 2005/02 - 2005/03 2005/03 - 2005/04 2005/04 - 2005/05 2005/05 - 2005/06 2005/06 - 2005/07 2005/07 - 2005/08 2005/08 - 2005/09 2005/09 - 2005/10 2005/10 - 2005/11 2005/11 - 2005/12 2005/12 - 2006/01 2006/01 - 2006/02 2006/02 - 2006/03 2006/03 - 2006/04 2006/04 - 2006/05 2006/05 - 2006/06 2006/06 - 2006/07 2006/07 - 2006/08 2006/08 - 2006/09 2006/09 - 2006/10 2006/10 - 2006/11 2006/11 - 2006/12 2006/12 - 2007/01 2007/01 - 2007/02 2007/02 - 2007/03 2007/03 - 2007/04 2007/04 - 2007/05 2007/05 - 2007/06 2007/06 - 2007/07 2007/07 - 2007/08 2007/08 - 2007/09 2007/09 - 2007/10 2007/10 - 2007/11 2007/11 - 2007/12 2007/12 - 2008/01 2008/01 - 2008/02 2008/02 - 2008/03 2008/03 - 2008/04 2008/04 - 2008/05 2008/05 - 2008/06 2008/06 - 2008/07 2008/07 - 2008/08 2008/08 - 2008/09 2008/09 - 2008/10 2008/10 - 2008/11 2008/11 - 2008/12 2008/12 - 2009/01 2009/01 - 2009/02 2009/02 - 2009/03 2009/04 - 2009/05 2009/05 - 2009/06 2009/06 - 2009/07 2009/07 - 2009/08 2009/08 - 2009/09 2009/09 - 2009/10 2009/10 - 2009/11 2009/11 - 2009/12 2009/12 - 2010/01 2010/01 - 2010/02 2010/02 - 2010/03 2010/04 - 2010/05 2010/08 - 2010/09 2010/09 - 2010/10 2010/10 - 2010/11 2010/11 - 2010/12 2011/01 - 2011/02 2011/02 - 2011/03 2011/05 - 2011/06 2011/09 - 2011/10 2011/10 - 2011/11 2011/11 - 2011/12 2012/03 - 2012/04 2012/05 - 2012/06 2012/07 - 2012/08 2012/08 - 2012/09 2012/10 - 2012/11 2013/02 - 2013/03 2013/05 - 2013/06 2013/08 - 2013/09 2013/09 - 2013/10
I just wanted to make things happen. What skills from being a designer do you think help you in your role now? Having a background as a designer helps a lot in my direct interaction with them. I feel like I understand what they are looking for and how they are thinking when they're trying to create something, so I can give them the details they need. What has been challenging for you in this role coming from a designer background? There have been a lot of challenges, definitely. Not feeling like I have the same applied "logical thinking" education trained engineers have can be difficult. Sometimes it can be hard to keep track of their ideas because I lack the knowledge, but I just have to try harder, ask questions, and not be afraid of not knowing. Now that you'
So all in all, I am glad that I read this one, especially because it's way better than the last Peter James book that I picked up, but I don't think I'd be in any rush to recommend it considering there are much better Peter James books by the same author out there. I mean, it's just hard to recommend it, especially because it does kind of feel a bit like James doing his bit to tap into the Dan Brown hype that was around ten years or so ago. So yeah, that's about it. Learn more about Perfect People. Peter James
1,9941,9992,606 We enjoy the gardens, the special exhibits, and the over-all atmosphere. The Holiday Train Show is just something you need to see. The Orchid Exhibit was lovely. It is relaxing to walk around and enjoy the scenery. It might seem busy at times, but you can surely find places to roam around where it is quiet! The tram ride is also good because you can get on and off at different spots to enjoy a particular area. Great year round! This is a beautiful garden and they always have an interesting show in the greenhouse. I actually thought about having my wedding there, but decided against only because we changed the city we got married in. It seems a wonderful place to get married. But, just in general it's always worth a visit. This garden is a wonderful oasis in the city. Head indoors to the
Even my closest friend whom I trusted, the one who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me. Even my best friend, the one I trusted most, the one who shared my food, has turned against me. My best and truest friend ate at my table. Now even he has turned against me. As for my best friend, the one in whom I trusted, the one who ate my bread, even he has insulted me! Even the man of my peace, in whom I trusted, who ate of my bread, has lifted up his heel against me. Even my close friend, whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has lifted his heel against me. Even my best friend has turned against Even my close friend whom I trusted, he who shared meals with me, has turned against me. Even my close friend, someone I trusted, has failed me. I even shared my bread with him. Even my close friend, someone I trusted, one who shared my bread, has turned against me. Even my own familiar friend in whom I trusted, Who ate my bread, Has lifted up his heel against me. Even a friend of mine whom I trusted, who ate my bread, has turned against me. Even my best friend, the one I trusted completely, the one who shared my food, has turned against me. Even my bosom friend in whom I trusted, who ate of my bread, has lifted the heel against me. A thing of beliya'al (a wicked fate, i.e., a terminal illness), say they,
Tip hotel porters and housekeeping. Chile: Many restaurants already add a 10% service charge (and some also add a 5% sit-down fee) but it's still customary to add another 5% to 10% tip on top of that. Hotel maids and porters should be tipped as well while it's fine to round up your taxi fare. A 10% tip is standard for restaurants. Taxi drivers, on the other hand, don't expect tips but it's nice to leave the change or round up (and offer a little more if they have helped with bags). Hotel porters and maids should be tipped in
Instead we should have spent 2 hours enjoying it. That was one of the biggest mistakes we made. Oh well, maybe next time. So we checked out from the hotel and left at around 9:30. This time the shuttle bus was like one of those tour buses. People on the bus were looking at us like aliens because we were carrying huge bags I guess. The bus dropped us off the the same spot as it picked us up the day before. We then headed to another hotel that we were going to be staying for the next two nights to check in and drop off our bags before exploring the city. The hotel was in the
It starts with the [outdoor] canopy we designed many years ago, this welcoming structure. We knew we needed to kind or re-celebrate that and look again at how that starts the experience: what it feels to enter it, to see it. And then you walk into essentially the new ticket lobby of the airport. We talked a lot: 'Should it be compressed, should it be open?' You get this one chance. We decided it needed to be a really tall space. But beyond that point, it gets compressed so you go through a threshold before you go into the new space we're calling the Market Hall. It's like the
There one evening he and his whole family were gathered together. It was the time of year when people say, "The evenings are growing longer," and it was still pleasant and warm; the lamp was lit, long curtains hung down before the windows-by which stood several flowerpots-and bright moonlight flooded the world outside. But they were not talking about the moonlight; they were discussing a huge old stone that lay out in the yard, near the kitchen door, where the servants often placed their copper utensils, when they had been washed, to dry in the sun, and where the
The New Yorker is an almost ninety five year old institution with a lot of rules and a lot of structure for a good reason. We put out a magazine forty seven times a year. And in order to put out a magazine that's the length and the quality of ours you have to have a lot of rules and structure to make it go and keep things going. Otherwise we'd just be chaos every week. Having run only just a high school newspaper and having no other experience besides that I know what chaos is like. I' Let's switch. We're gonna go over to Cheetah Mail and then the cycle repeats. I've seen a couple of these happen and it's hard. It's often not the tools. It's the way you're using them, it's the strategy you're using. The tools are often very powerful and have great opportunities there with the right strategy in place and I think if there's one thing people should really think about, it's taking a step back and actually looking at the program and saying are we doing things the right way? Do we have the right types of
Move your cursor over the map, placing it at the top-left corner of the boundary you plan to draw. Click the first point of the shape and drag to the right. Click at the end of the first line. Drag away from that point in the direction of the second line of the shape. Click at the end of that second line. Drag away from the third point in the direction of a third line to continue your shape. Click at the end of that line. Repeat steps j and k for as many lines as you need to create your shape. After you'
And so I think it's unfortunate that I already had a name coming into this particular work, that I carried the baggage of past work with me. But at the same time, I don't think I would've gotten the book contract without that. So it just is what it is. I hate that phrase, but I think there's there's nothing to have been done about it. Well I won't repeat it is what it is, but, one of the things I really appreciated about the book was the level of analysis that you went into, sort of
Superman -- the character who is genuinely remembered by the public-at-large only because of the Christopher Reeve movies and not much else! (Batman is much, much more popular now! It never struck me just how much more popular he was until the past decade-and-a-half... Absolutely not contest there!) Just goes to show, you never know what you're going to be remembered for! I think he would have been tickled pink by Batman: The Brave & The Bold... That is a huge Valentine's Day card if I ever saw one! "Waiter, more champagne...and plenty of ice!" -
How to Recognize the Green Tara The Green Tara can be easily recognized by the green color of her complete body and face. She is shown as a beautiful, well-shaped young girl with a thin waist-line. She is usually shown amidst a lotus lake in sitting position, half cross-legged with her right leg hanging down. It is said that the Green Tara keeps this position so that she can jump up fast at any moment to help others who are in need. In her left hand she holds a lotus or water-lily which is often of blue color.
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But on a semi-related note, it's best to not mix the two. You're never going to make everyone happy or every person like you, no matter what you do. You'll drive yourself crazy trying. Plus, the way I see it is that if you're going to do anything great with your life, you're going to make a few enemies along the way. It's just the way it goes. Never rely on anyone else to fulfill you or make you happy. Happiness comes from within, from finding (and being) yourself, and just being okay with who you are as a person. You need to be happy with yourself before you try to be with anyone else in any relationship capacity, otherwise you' I hate making plans for the most part, and most big events that are planned, especially on holidays, such as New Year's Eve, end up having these big expectations attached to them that end up leaving you disappointed in the end. Sometimes you just have to roll with things and take them as they come. Life really is 10% about what happens and 90% what you do about it. Your reactions, your ability to learn from negative experiences, and your attitude about everything is what makes all the difference in the world. You get out of life what you put into it. A simple act of kindness goes a long way and just might brighten someone's day. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is, no matter what. You get what you pay for. As the old saying goes, "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck." There are very few problems a long walk, great music, or a hearty laugh can't at least make better, if not fix altogether. Life is way too short to hold grudges or not forgive people. There will always be folks who say and do terrible things to you, but carrying that baggage down life's road with you will only weigh down your spirit and There were so many things packed into one half-hour message it was amazing. The first question posed was a very thought-provoking one: Is following Jesus a duty that you perform or a delight that you have? It's a very, very good question, and one that I never really gave much thought to. How many of us have gone to church all our lives and never really stopped to think about why? It sounds strange, but chew on that for a second. I think we can become complacent over time and even start going for the wrong reasons, whether we think it's just because we're supposed to or to gain the
The basic goal of the round brilliant design is to hide body color- that is to say, make a stone look whiter. That makes this a kind of cool cross. This is a faint yellow round brilliant diamond. So, sometimes it looks white, and sometimes the color shows. When you look from the side, as in the shot below, the color is easy to see. Below the diamond is laying on it's face- shot through the bum as it were. Again, you can see the color Again, showing it's color. Below it looks a lot whiter. This has only to do with the difference in lighting. The cut is really nice, by the way. It looks like a 2.10, not a 1.98ct. Great
The glass surface should be free from grease and dust. Spray it sufficiently with a mixture of cold water and a few drops of dish soap. Remove the film entirely from the backing paper. Start at one edge and place the film on the glass surface. Then let the rest of the film slowly slide on the glass. If necessary move the film carefully on the glass to its final position. Use a squeegee to squeeze out the water between the film and the glass. Always work from the middle to the edges. Remove remaining water on the film with a towel. When applied to a glass surface the space between the film and the window frame or rubber seal must be a minimum of 2 The static cling can easily be removed and reused. In this video you can see how static cling window film is applied: How do I apply self-adhesive window film? Use the same method as for static cling window film application. The the only difference is that once it's been applied you can't re-apply it again. In this video you can see how self-adhesive window film is applied: On what side of the window shall the film be applied to? The window film should be applied to the inside of the window. On shower screens the film should be applied on the outside (the none water side). Can the window film be removed? Yes it can. For static cling window film, simply find a corner and pull off the film. It can then be re-used as many times as you like. For self-adhesive film you will have to pull slowly from one corner. Any glue residue can be cleaned off with soapy warm water and a cloth or Which way does the design go on the window film? Many of the films can be positioned both ways around. Makes sure you check the last image in the product listing for each individual design. Can I use window film in my shower? No you can not use the window film inside the shower. Instead you can apply it on the outside of the shower glass. The window film is not wide enough for my windows. Can I use two lengths? Yes you can. Make sure there is no overlap. We recommend to build it up as panels and leave a few cm Not enough water has been sprayed on the glass surface during application. The more the better to achieve a better cling. Then make sure you squeeze out as much water as possible and let the sun burn off the rest. (Maybe keep the window closed for a day or so until the sun has done its part) The wrong side of the window film is facing the window. Make sure it's the cling side. It's nice and smooth. The windows are not properly cleaned before application. Make sure they are cleaned from grease and dust. This goes for the film too if it's being reapplied or has been applied to a not fully clean window.
Because she's good. But she'd tell herself that it was worth it because if she wanted to be able to do the most good she'd have to be powerful. So she continued to play the game, until she became one of the best at it. But then, at the end of the game, someone shined the light on all the stuff she'd done over her years. All the bad stuff. All the shady stuff. But don't they understand that those were necessary steps? Things she had to do in order to be able to enact the kind of change that needed to happen? Unfortunately, the people
I worked at a farm and I worked a restaurant that used the produce from the farm. It was very community oriented. Since I've been in New York, I'm still trying to get a grasp of what the hell is in season and what the growing periods are and, really, what's going on. Now that I'm out of the restaurant I will probably have more time to talk with farmers and speak with communities, and to have my own garden, and get back into it. Honestly, that's where I feel the most together. If I'm not cooking, I want to have my hands in some soil-- being able to literally sow seeds, and put love and care into them. To see the thing grow and then Why is that? Kia: Being from the South and then coming to the North, where things are much more fast-paced, the way community looks and works is a little different. I feel like it's a lot harder to find that sense of community. Even though everyone is hanging out, I feel like it's harder to do work that feeds back into other people as it feeds back into me. I am trying to do work where I can meet people face-to-face. Being seen all the time, I feel like who I actually am has started to become invisible. It becomes difficult to talk to people because the only thing they can interact with is the person they' So now I am like, how do I break away from that? I'm going to talk to people face-to-face, and I'm going to be side-by-side with people, whether it's in the dirt or with the crops or at the restaurant or whatever. I know things don't look the same as they did when I was home, and I know I can't change that. So, how can I change the way I interact so that I can still find that sense of community. I am devoted to the people and to the community. Not in a weird superficial way, but with
The best way is to simply knock on the door, start a polite conversation by introducing yourself and share details about where you're from and where you live (e.g. which house or apartment). You can say that you wanted to say hello in case you bump into each other on the street or in the hallway. It's polite and helps to avoid any awkward conversations later on. Plus, you can use it as an opportunity to ask questions about the local area and get some insider tips about where to go and what to do. However, there's no need to take sweets or food for the new
'Once I lost my pearls at one of their dinner parties. I wandered around looking for them and ended up in Dean's den. He was watching television while his guests were having dinner. He said I could sit down. I did and he told me he felt shy about not being educated and ashamed of his limited vocabulary and his lack of political and social knowledge. "I can't understand what the hell they're talking about down there," he said. "So I don't want them to know I feel dumb." He then launched into some new material for his club act, which was so funny I laughed until I felt like I had a hernia! Dean was terrified of the
More recently, she ran outside her category on the 11th of June, entering the Welsh senior championships in the 'under 17' category and running against older and more experienced girls. Mollie said: "I was a little nervous but I entered because I wanted to run against the older girls for the experience". Against expectations Mollie managed to win the heats and come bronze in the 800m. "I was very pleased with the times and the bronze but it's made me even more determined to progress," said Mollie, who felt that winning in the heats means that she should be aiming for a gold next time. Mollie has been running with her mum Colleen O'
For those that know me, they know I am never in a dull fight, so expecting nothing less. "A victory will elevate me to the next stage to fulfill my dreams, which is every fighter's dream, in fighting for a world title. Not every fighter gets to fight for a title, let alone win one. I want to be able to say to my daughter or my son, who is going to be born next month, that I'm a world champion and to never give up on your dreams. If their daddy can do it there is no excuses for them not to. "We both have two hands, two gloves and we all know that boxing can end in a blink of an eye. I prepare myself to be my best and come out to fight and come out with a win. What I did with
The last four weeks I was on planes practically every day and seeing that happen on a flight so similar to mine stopped me in my tracks. Not to sound selfish but it really gave me a "that could have been me" feeling. And of course you just feel awful for the families. I arrived at the hotel, met up with Dust who arrived from New York and we explored the area of the hotel which was the posh shopping district. In every day scenarios like going to a restaurant, the language barrier was a bigger obstacle than I expected. Another surprise was the appearance of the city itself. People always describe
A lot of times the spirit may be trying to communicate with you. It may need help, may be afraid to cross over, may have unfinished business, may be looking for someone or may simply not want to leave. The spirit can also be present because a person that is sensitive may be able to see, hear or sense them, and in many cases this may be a child. They can even be present to warn you of danger or help you in another form. Whatever the reason for their presence, they are there, they realize they are being noticed and that makes them continue with their actions. It is possible to help these spirits, although it usually takes an experienced investigator or medium to do so. Again, we do not recommend that you try to help the ghost yourself. Experience is needed to do the proper
And the prior years he'd spent traveling for work showed him what Lynchburg was missing. "Downtown really felt like an opportunity to make something great happen. We had a few great restaurants here, but they were white-tablecloth kind of places," he says. "I imagined a place where family and friends could come together over beer and some oysters. Where they could sit down and enjoy themselves without worrying about what their kids are doing. Where they might stay an hour or four to five hours. I wanted a place where people felt at home." Executive Chef of the Water Dog & Glass House,
I mean, that's what this character is.' I think that really clicked with him. He really saw that I understood his work. "I could tell that he was seeing it, and he was like, 'Yeah, great. Let's do it.' Just like that, in the room, he was like 'Let's do it.' So as soon as we had him, now we knew we had a movie. And he had just come off doing a small part in a Joel Silver movie, but they were going to start building movies for him, clearly. I mean, that was where his career seemed to be headed. So now it was like, 'Okay, go write the It turned out that it was Valentine's Day, and he'd gone out and made sure he got flowers for every woman on the crew, you know? He came to set with roses for every single woman that worked on the crew, and that was why he was late. Ernest was like, 'How can I get mad at that? The guy's a gentleman.' "I think if he had been able to do that movie, like a real superhero kind of thing tailored around him, I think it really could have pushed him over in terms of stardom. I don't think he ever got to really do what he was capable of as a movie actor. Because even though he
If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? I always have trouble with this premise. It's like saying "If you had your own personal dragon, what would you do with it?" But you have to play the game by the rules, so IF heaven existed and IF there was a god waiting to greet me, I guess I'd like to hear her say "Hi, come on in, we have an extensive library. And there are no leaf blowers." So that's me. What about you? This entry was posted in
In the neighborhood bars I'd once dreamt I would drink New York, I love you but you're freaking me out There's a ton of the twist but we're fresh out of shout Like a death in the hall That you hear through your wall Like a death of the heart Jesus, where do I start? But you're still the one pool where I'd happily drown And oh! Take me off your mailing list For kids who think it still exists Yes, for those who think it still exists Maybe I'm wrong and maybe you're right Maybe you're right, maybe I'm wrong And just maybe you're right And oh! Maybe mother told you true And there'll always be somebody there for you And you'
His soft brown eyes burned into hers. "I'm not done. And you do, you know. You look wonderful tonight." Without waiting for her to reply, he once again pulled her close to himself with one hand on the small of her back, the other gripping her right hand and pulling it in to his collar bone, brushing it across his lips in the process. He could feel her breath against his neck, then she sighed quietly and rested her head on his shoulder. He hummed the rest of the song and when it was over, he continued holding her close. A loud whistle followed by an explosion jarred them both as the fireworks display began over the water.
October 8, 2022 † 'Movie' page Movie > Have you noticed these details? > In Hill House > I don't have to spend another night wondering what's over my head The next time you watch the film again, try to think about this: in many scenes, it is possible to see the ceiling of the room in which the action takes place. Movie > Have you noticed these details? > In Hill House > Over-decorated, with one exception The next time you watch the film again, try to think about this: there are (almost) no paintings on the walls. I only found two paintings
continued his whirlwind free agency tour last week aboard a private jet 'In a business that has a lot of psychology, I think that's the case. I don't think it's necessary for us to have success with this team and in the playoffs, but it would be positive. I want this to work. I want it to work. But that means I'm going to be trying to make it work. So I'm going to look for reasons to do, not reasons not to.' The Cowboys failed to secure a new wide receiver before the NFL trade
Finally after many films we finally get a war movie in a franchise called Star Wars, and it's pretty much what I wanted: a Star Wars Dirty Dozen mission. It's thrilling to go back to the height of the resistance against the Evil Empire and see things from a ground perspective with a skeleton crew working behind the scenes. We may know the future events of those Death Star plans but we don't know what will befall all of these new characters. Who will make it out alive? The open-and-shut nature of this side story in the Star Wars universe brings a bit more satisfaction by telling a complete story. This film will not have to wait for two
Missing out, PCF gradually walks forward and is also fed. At 15:10, the female arrives, takes the food from the male and goes into the box. The chicks turn round to be fed. When there is nothing left, she leaves, returning a few minutes later. The chicks are still hungry and she looks around the box for some scraps but can find none. She stands by the chicks and they fall quiet, lie down and fall asleep. She leaves them sleeping by the column at 15:40. She is back with prey at 17:45. The chicks waken and are fed. Within 5
She was desperately thirsty and in terrible pain from being tied up. As well as that she really had to go to the loo again, but the thought of using it on a ship full of men like this made her shudder. She tried to settle into a corner, doing her best to keep herself warm. Think of fires, and sunshine, and hot soup, she told herself. Think yourself warm! After a few minutes of this, however, she had to give up. Thinking about warm things was only making her feel colder – and she was starting to see her breath in the air like a tiny cloud, so she knew she It was still dark, but not quite as bad. Up here, a giant deck spread for miles and miles. Lights were spaced out regularly on the waist-high barrier all around, and muffled shapes in the gloom were probably benches, or places for the well-heeled passengers to take a rest and some shelter from the wind while they were up here getting the sea air. It was sort of peaceful up here. 'This way. Come on!' Thing jerked her out of her thoughts by pulling on her hand like a dog straining at a lead. She took a few uncertain steps toward the
Cooking the eggs in the dye rather than boiling them beforehand will also make the colors more intense. For more ideas, check out this huge list of plants that can be used for natural dyes (and how to use them). If plain, solid-colored eggs bore you, there are several ways you can add cool patterns and effects. One of the easiest is to put stickers on the shell before dying, then peel them off after the eggs dry. You can also drip melted wax on the shells if you don't have any stickers handy. For stripes, you can also use electrical tape. You can also give your eggs a unique look with onion skins. Wrap them around raw eggs, using rubber bands to hold them in place, then boil the eggs for about 20 minutes. The
We're 100% committed to making this a great experience for you -- enjoyable as well as profitable. That's why we're always working on ways for you to make extra money and share your talent while you're in town -- and sell more art during the festival. And that's why we give plenty of tips for artists, so you can make the most of every show you attend. Please feel free to be in touch with any questions. We love talking with artists and we want you to succeed! Artists come first at ArtFest Fort Myers. Artist Corner includes daily
Make a list of your main tasks with as much detail as possible, so you don't forget anything in the order they have to be performed. You will need to work up a timeframe for each task which needs to be completed. Allow a little wiggle room in case a task takes longer than you think. 2. Develop a realistic budget: You should always have a realistic budget, so you have an idea of what you want to spend and what you want to spend it on. It should be specific, and if it's for a wedding reception, for example, you' You will need to know what the room capacity is to be sure it can handle your event. If you're having an outdoor event and it rains, what are the options? If you need speakers, a podium if it's a business function or if there are elevators and ramps for people who are disabled. You also need to find out how many tables and chairs you will need for your guests. Parking can be an issue, too, so be sure there is ample parking for everyone who is coming. The parking should be readily accessible to the event. 4. Food and drinks: No matter what the occasion is for, be sure to have plenty of food and drink for the number of people you're expecting. Decide if you're going to have a buffet or a sit-down dinner. What types of
There will be a way for you to cancel your account and erase your information on the site. Don't ever worry about if your information will be sold to any third party for commercial interests. That is not the purpose of SugarDaddyMeet. All you need to worry about is how to take full advantage of the site to attract your potential dates or the members that you are interested in on the site. Once you get connected with several sugar daddies or sugar babies, you will have the chance to choose the best one for you to build a perfect
Billy the Goat eventually explains what he's done to his friends, but Nat the Cat had already guessed what had happened. Billy the Goat's Big Breakfast is a tale of patience and friendship, of working together. We thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and can recommend it. There is even a song to sing at the end of the book. It's lovely, a great lesson for a Monkey with goat tendancies too! Oh I remember Hug! Such a simple yet cute book. This sounds like a really lovely book too. Sounds enjoyable! We have a number of the 'duck on the truck' books which Xavier loves but not read many
Low and behold there were no tears, no recriminations, no raised voices. She was almost; I say almost satisfied. After washing and a trip to shore I was amazed that no one turned away from her new style, a couple people actually noticed and when she informed them that I cut her hair they indicated I did a "good" job. Trust. A new bond has formed. My second observation is that I could wish to be famous. While teaching was in of itself minor fame, kids watched me and I wished for them to imitate me in many ways; mostly scientifically or So we wait, just like the astronauts. We work a bit, and rest a lot. No; if they want someone to join the expedition to Mars, someone that is able to live in a small space for extended periods of time, someone who can live with others in a confined space and not "kill" them, someone who has Mission control looking over their shoulder all the time – It's not going to me. I will NOT apply. At least on the boat I can get out and walk around the deck. Sometimes I can sit in the cockpit and read there. On a
I have learned to speak my mind more and not fight every battle on my own. At first it felt like ripping out part of my soul and pouring it onto paper; now it's more like processing out loud and inviting others into my mess. And I am incredibly blessed by people who are willing to stay and listen. I have become more selective. It's not about how many meetings I attend or how much work I do. I still get lots of emails from people asking to me help out, join this or that committee. I check every one of them. Think about them, discuss it with others. Listen into myself for my real If we want to avoid total collapse we need to set boundaries for ourselves. The next step is equally as important: we need to practice rest, make it a habit. I am so glad for the invention of sleep, it is a physically forced form of rest. Yet, we are not automatically at peace when we close our eyes at night. Our minds don't easily go to sleep, they keep us busy with thoughts of the just passed by or the one ahead of us. We just keep on worrying because we don't trust. We don't trust that we' We know we'll be coming down with a flu when our throat starts itching and our nose running. We know we're seriously hurt when we feel pain or see blood. How do we know that our soul is hurting? It often takes a long time for us to notice that something's wrong, so we need to take our body serious. Our outside mirrors what is inside, the good and the bad. So listen to what it has to tell you. Whenever I get up in the morning (most of the time it's way too early) I always look forward to going back to bed at night. Sleep is one of the best inventions ever. No better cure for heavy legs or a headache. No better way to rest. No better resource to So don't cheat yourself out of these precious hours of sleep. Don't survive on five or six hours when you could really use eight. A rested body will get you through a busy day; it will be a good foundation for your restless soul and mind. A body can't survive on nothing. We need sustenance to keep going, we need regular exercise to keep in shape. When life gets stressful we cut things. Less appointments, less time for everything. And somehow we never have enough time to eat, so we either don't eat at all or stuff ourselves with junk food because it's available. We're not supposed to survive on junk. Eating is more than stuffing ourselves with food, it is taking care of ourselves and treating ourselves by picking and preparing what we eat. Especially in the last two years I discovered how much I love cooking. Trying out new recipes with new spices or crazy looking ingredients. There are amazing flavors out there and it would be sad to just stay within the ordinary. Most of all, though, I love cooking for and with people. Creating something new together and sharing more than a meal. We share life and a bit of ourselves. We're all stuffed afterwards – with food, with joy, with hope, with beautiful friendship. Taking care of yourself is more than food and sleep. Life and its You simply can't invest in everyone. Keeping up with many people takes a lot of time, emotions, and energy. You'll just get lost in too many stories, questions, and problems and won't have time to just share life together. Having fifty friends won't fill your life, but actually leave you empty and exhausted. Sometimes we have to say NO to friends. They are adults and can't drop all their problems off to us. Yes, friends help each other out and care. But bearing each other does not mean taking over each other's lives. Sometimes friendship can also mean telling some hard The older I get the more I realize the benefit from choosing my friends. I don't have many, but those I have I really want to make an effort. Really listen, really care, really invest. This takes time and energy. But I know it's worth it because I know they'll do the same in return. I have talked to quite a few people about this topic and we often ended up at the same question: What actually makes a friend? What do we expect from our friends and how can we be better friends? We meet lots of people every day, but not everyone will become our friend. With some people we connect for a while, but very few are meant to get close to us. This does not happen just like that. It takes an effort on both sides. No matter what you expect of others as friends
This can be done on a ramp or using a jack. A quick inspection of the underbody will let you know if there is any damage. o When you are done with this, you will now need to replace the engine oil. Always remember that the engine oil should never be checked or replaced while the engine is running. To proceed, you will need to unscrew a bolt that is just below the engine oil chamber and drain the oil in to a pan. When all the oil has been drained you will need to screw the nut back in tightly. You can also change the oil filter and it is usually just
gifts are wrapped. It is officially the holiday season and sometimes holiday celebration talk can creep into every conversation, like the one you are having with a job candidate during an interview. Whoops! Avoid these illegal interview questions which sometimes pop up during the holidays. Will you need time off for Christmas/Hanukkah? By asking this question, the candidate could explain their religion and that would be a messy situation if they don't get the job. Play it safe here and ask if they need time off for the holidays instead of implying a certain religion. Where will you be heading home for the holidays? A common question to be asked, if you are talking to a friend! When you are interviewing a job candidate it's important that you don't get off track and ask a question that could
Enter Darts of Fury. For a person very frustrated with the concept of "free" games that want to charge you just to advance, this game is a breath of fresh air. Sure, you only get to play three league matches before you have to wait for more energy, but that's a small price to pay compare to some supposedly free games which are nearly impossible to even beat a stage without paying. Plus, it gives me my darts fix that I put to the side for so long. Yeah, it's not exactly "real" darts, but for someone who doesn't drink
"At the end of forty days Noah opened the porthole he had made in the ark and he sent out the raven. This went off, and flew back and forth until the waters dried up from the earth. Then he sent out the dove, to see whether the waters were receding from the surface of the earth. The dove, finding nowhere to perch, returned to him in the ark, for there was water over the whole surface of the earth; putting out his hand he took hold of it and brought it back into the ark with him. After waiting seven more days, again he sent out the dove from the ark. In the evening, the dove came back to him and there it was with a new olive-branch in its beak. So
To help families plan, we offer our Living Will Kit and Personal Planning Organizer (click on the links to learn more). Finally, and most importantly, families who plan in advance can do so without the emotional turmoil of making emergency funeral arrangements. They buy only what they decide they need, together, without the pressure of at-need arrangements. In fact, our experience is that when families do this, they often spend much less than they do during an emergency when everything has to be done in a hurry and no one really knows what the person really would have wanted. Every year, millions of Americans just like you plan their funerals and cemetery arrangements in advance, giving them time to explore their options for a ceremony, discuss costs, and set up a plan to

Dataset Card for "vocab_filtered_dataset_2.1B"

Dataset Summary

This data is the simplified vocabulary-filtered pretraining data published by "Emergent Abilities in Reduced-Scale Generative Language Models". The vocabulary is derived from the AO-Childes speech corpus (https://github.com/UIUCLearningLanguageLab/AOCHILDES) We filter the train split of SlimPajama dataset (https://huggingface.co/datasets/cerebras/SlimPajama-627B) based on the AO-Childes vocabulary retaining spans which contain integers, symbols, and words that belong to the AO-Childes vocabulary. Around 1.5% of Out of Vocabulary words are also allowed. A contiguous span of 100 tokens are selected.

Citation Information

If this dataset is useful to you please cite our work.

      title={Emergent Abilities in Reduced-Scale Generative Language Models},
      author={Sherin Muckatira and Vijeta Deshpande and Vladislav Lialin and Anna Rumshisky},
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