Dynamic Programming: Chain Matrix Multiplication
{ "score": 0, "text": "Thanks for this nice article. I love the option to switch between slideshow and contiguous views.I didn't understand the statement that The boxes with hyphens will be ignored because matrix multiplication works from left to right, not the other way around.\n\n(from Preliminaries 3: Cost table). Matrix multiplication is associative, so can be grouped as you like, and then reduced 'left to right' or 'right to left'. I think the relevant point is that the cost is symmetric, in the sense that the two orders of reduction give the same cost; so there's no need to fill in the sub-diagonal entries. Is that correct?Finally, I'm sorry to have to nit-pick that the plural of 'matrix' is 'matrices' (just one 'i'). At least you didn't use singular 'matrice'. :-)" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "I can't stand the fact that the author is using \"X\" and \"*\" as multiplication symbols when we have × and · provided by Unicode. It makes the text much uglier than needed." }
Dynamic Programming: Chain Matrix Multiplication
{ "score": 1, "text": "I can't stand the fact that the author is using \"X\" and \"*\" as multiplication symbols when we have × and · provided by Unicode. It makes the text much uglier than needed." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Nice, but I feel I should point out that there are faster ways to multiply matrices than the naive O(n^3). I think we're down to O(n^2.3something)." }
Dynamic Programming: Chain Matrix Multiplication
{ "score": 2, "text": "Nice, but I feel I should point out that there are faster ways to multiply matrices than the naive O(n^3). I think we're down to O(n^2.3something)." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Fun fact: this is pretty much the same dynamic program as CKY, the parsing algorithm that can parse any context-free language in the appropriate normal form (only productions looking like A->BC or A->a) in time cubic on the length of the sentence." }
Dynamic Programming: Chain Matrix Multiplication
{ "score": 3, "text": "Fun fact: this is pretty much the same dynamic program as CKY, the parsing algorithm that can parse any context-free language in the appropriate normal form (only productions looking like A->BC or A->a) in time cubic on the length of the sentence." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Nice article but I believe the implementation of the fibonacci sequence might be easier to follow. Its an overall simpler problem." }
What's it like getting your DNA results back from 23andMe
{ "score": 0, "text": "Well, my 23andMe results told me I was a Tay-Sachs carrier, and my parents already knew they both weren't, which brought up some interesting questions on both my past and future. Fortunately I'm more likely to assume tests are wrong than my parent's cheated, but it was the future thing I was more concerned with.I later found out I was part of the 23andMe data mixup[1], so the results I had for a week actually weren't mine. Kind of killed my faith in the system, and when I got my actual results they were quite boring. At the very least it makes a good story, worth the $99 in my book.[1]" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "I managed to get one of those $100 23andMe deals, so I bought Christmas presents for my mother, brother, sister in law, niece and nephew (Actually, I bought them wayyyy in advance on DNA Day - couldn't resist a great deal). About 7 weeks later, everybody's profile came online, and the relative finder instantly identified all of us and our probable relationship to each other (it was correct, in all cases). It's interesting that I share more genetic similarity with my brother, than I do with my mother, even excluding the Y chromosome. It took a bit of thinking before my brother came up with the example of identical twins, who would share almost 100% DNA.As far as cousins - I have about 100 relatives discovered through the relative finder - lots, and lots, and lots of 5th and 4th cousins, and a few 3rd cousins. No second or first cousins yet.I originally purchased my kit about 4 or 5 years ago for $1000, so the $99 cost is a huge jump in such a short period of time. It's important to note that 23andMe doesn't do a full DNA Scan, but just samples it in important locations known as SNPs. Watching the trends on, I'm guessing that a full DNA scan will be available to the individual consumer for $1000 in about five or six years." }
What's it like getting your DNA results back from 23andMe
{ "score": 1, "text": "I managed to get one of those $100 23andMe deals, so I bought Christmas presents for my mother, brother, sister in law, niece and nephew (Actually, I bought them wayyyy in advance on DNA Day - couldn't resist a great deal). About 7 weeks later, everybody's profile came online, and the relative finder instantly identified all of us and our probable relationship to each other (it was correct, in all cases). It's interesting that I share more genetic similarity with my brother, than I do with my mother, even excluding the Y chromosome. It took a bit of thinking before my brother came up with the example of identical twins, who would share almost 100% DNA.As far as cousins - I have about 100 relatives discovered through the relative finder - lots, and lots, and lots of 5th and 4th cousins, and a few 3rd cousins. No second or first cousins yet.I originally purchased my kit about 4 or 5 years ago for $1000, so the $99 cost is a huge jump in such a short period of time. It's important to note that 23andMe doesn't do a full DNA Scan, but just samples it in important locations known as SNPs. Watching the trends on, I'm guessing that a full DNA scan will be available to the individual consumer for $1000 in about five or six years." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "I've done 23andMe as well. If anyone's curious I'm happy to answer questions. Without prompting, I don't have much to add other than that the relative finder doesn't seem to work quite as well as I'd hoped. I do have one distant cousin on 23andMe, and it did find her, but assigned higher confidence/probability/whatever to a few tens of people who mostly seem not to be cousins. This might not be their fault - I imagine a very small fraction of the population is even on 23andMe - but I still haven't found any long-lost cousins yet.Edit: On reflection, this is probably because I'm an Ashkenazi Jew, and we have a relatively small gene pool and relatively cyclic ancestor graphs (at least when considered undirected). If your ethnic background is broader/less insular then the relative finder will probably work better for you." }
What's it like getting your DNA results back from 23andMe
{ "score": 2, "text": "I've done 23andMe as well. If anyone's curious I'm happy to answer questions. Without prompting, I don't have much to add other than that the relative finder doesn't seem to work quite as well as I'd hoped. I do have one distant cousin on 23andMe, and it did find her, but assigned higher confidence/probability/whatever to a few tens of people who mostly seem not to be cousins. This might not be their fault - I imagine a very small fraction of the population is even on 23andMe - but I still haven't found any long-lost cousins yet.Edit: On reflection, this is probably because I'm an Ashkenazi Jew, and we have a relatively small gene pool and relatively cyclic ancestor graphs (at least when considered undirected). If your ethnic background is broader/less insular then the relative finder will probably work better for you." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Combining two recent HN discussions here - this one, and one yesterday on the difficulty in getting insurance in the US ( are the consequences (immediate, or further down the track), not so much of using a service like 23andMe (I imagine it will be a fairly standard part of medical testing in X generations) but of posting on your blog that you're (to paraphrase) 1.90x as likely to contract Parkinson's?" }
What's it like getting your DNA results back from 23andMe
{ "score": 3, "text": "Combining two recent HN discussions here - this one, and one yesterday on the difficulty in getting insurance in the US ( are the consequences (immediate, or further down the track), not so much of using a service like 23andMe (I imagine it will be a fairly standard part of medical testing in X generations) but of posting on your blog that you're (to paraphrase) 1.90x as likely to contract Parkinson's?" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "I'm glad I did it, and the results didn't freak me out/scare me or lead to any massive revelations. For the $100 I paid, it was worth it. For the $500 that they normally charge, I felt it was too much.The stuff about family origin/history was pretty boring for me and just confirmed that I'm as white/boring as they come. Both lines from Europe? You don't say... But for someone who doesn't know that they are 100% European, it could be interesting to see what else is in your background." }
Unschooling: The Case for Setting Your Kids Into the Wild
{ "score": 0, "text": "The fundamental problem with the elementary school system in the west is that kids are given no room for self-direction whatsoever; school for them is de facto a part-time prison or "labor" camp. As a result they are trained by association to dread to that which the system purports to champion: learning, culture, reading, knowledge, even any demonstration of intelligence.It takes a combination of luck, will and positive external influences (good parents, a mentor) to overcome that. But most kids don't.Which is why it seems to me that "setting kids free", in the sense of giving them significant latitude for self-direction in their activities and education, is a great principle. The key problem of education is motivation. Most kids are smart and fast learners, the only difficulty in getting them to learn is to get them interested (even better: passionate). The only way that can happen is by giving them choice, freedom. The opportunity to exercise free will. Let's guide kids, not force them to sit and listen passively (they won't)." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "> At the time, my father—who earned his undergraduate degree at Cornell and his master’s at Johns HopkinsNothing cooler than rich kids taking all their advantages they were given and use them to live like paupers with zero concern for the the world around them.> I can report that Fin and Rye both learned to read and write with essentially zero instruction, albeit when they were about eight years old, a year or so later than is expected.I'm pretty sure that's closer to 4 or 5 for most kids who grow up in families from the Cornell / John Hopkins pedigree.> I want them to remain free of social pressures to look, act, or think any way but that which feels most natural to them.Awesome how the author takes his past issues of "social pressures" and maps them onto his kids. Wonder if he ever realized that "social pressures" are one of the most natural things a child learns.This thing is full of gems. I shouldn't be so sarcastic about child abuse, but I just can't help it. I've met far too many of these clowns in my life." }
Unschooling: The Case for Setting Your Kids Into the Wild
{ "score": 1, "text": "> At the time, my father—who earned his undergraduate degree at Cornell and his master’s at Johns HopkinsNothing cooler than rich kids taking all their advantages they were given and use them to live like paupers with zero concern for the the world around them.> I can report that Fin and Rye both learned to read and write with essentially zero instruction, albeit when they were about eight years old, a year or so later than is expected.I'm pretty sure that's closer to 4 or 5 for most kids who grow up in families from the Cornell / John Hopkins pedigree.> I want them to remain free of social pressures to look, act, or think any way but that which feels most natural to them.Awesome how the author takes his past issues of "social pressures" and maps them onto his kids. Wonder if he ever realized that "social pressures" are one of the most natural things a child learns.This thing is full of gems. I shouldn't be so sarcastic about child abuse, but I just can't help it. I've met far too many of these clowns in my life." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "> Everything I learned felt abstract and standardized. It was a conditional knowledge that existed in separation from the richly textured world just beyond the school’s plate-glass windows, which, for all their transparency, felt like the bars of a prison cell.Tell that story to a kid in Africa who has to walk miles to get to school and the school might not have electricity or water and so on. They would say "So, you're telling me, you have free transportation to school, teachers, computers in ever classroom, air conditioned rooms, and you choose let your children learn to carve 'beautiful long bows' instead?"Sorry that is how I feel. I can't shake the feeling that this is elitist. Like the article puts (as if pre-emptively trying to defend against a counter argument) this is like living some "Jeffersonian fantasies" -- that is exactly what I see here.At the end of the day they are dooming these children to live in an isolated sheltered bubble. Which would have worked great in early settler days. Not today. Today unless they keep in that bubble they will be controlled and owned by those that understand how compounding interest rate works, how computers works, how the legal system works, how lobbying works, how quarks work, how genes work and so on.Now with that said, it is their right to do it and it is nice to have that choice. This is what makes it great to live in this country. I personally think they are a little bit crazy for doing what they are doing." }
Unschooling: The Case for Setting Your Kids Into the Wild
{ "score": 2, "text": "> Everything I learned felt abstract and standardized. It was a conditional knowledge that existed in separation from the richly textured world just beyond the school’s plate-glass windows, which, for all their transparency, felt like the bars of a prison cell.Tell that story to a kid in Africa who has to walk miles to get to school and the school might not have electricity or water and so on. They would say "So, you're telling me, you have free transportation to school, teachers, computers in ever classroom, air conditioned rooms, and you choose let your children learn to carve 'beautiful long bows' instead?"Sorry that is how I feel. I can't shake the feeling that this is elitist. Like the article puts (as if pre-emptively trying to defend against a counter argument) this is like living some "Jeffersonian fantasies" -- that is exactly what I see here.At the end of the day they are dooming these children to live in an isolated sheltered bubble. Which would have worked great in early settler days. Not today. Today unless they keep in that bubble they will be controlled and owned by those that understand how compounding interest rate works, how computers works, how the legal system works, how lobbying works, how quarks work, how genes work and so on.Now with that said, it is their right to do it and it is nice to have that choice. This is what makes it great to live in this country. I personally think they are a little bit crazy for doing what they are doing." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Seriously? If unschooling were so great 3rd world countries would be dominating the world.Creativity is domain specific. Walking around the woods won't help you be creative in solving math/engineering/science problems. You need a strong background in the subject, and to see how other people solved similar problems.I feel bad for these kids as their future is being pigeon-holed. Who's going to hire someone who's educational experience is walking around the woods unsupervised?" }
Unschooling: The Case for Setting Your Kids Into the Wild
{ "score": 3, "text": "Seriously? If unschooling were so great 3rd world countries would be dominating the world.Creativity is domain specific. Walking around the woods won't help you be creative in solving math/engineering/science problems. You need a strong background in the subject, and to see how other people solved similar problems.I feel bad for these kids as their future is being pigeon-holed. Who's going to hire someone who's educational experience is walking around the woods unsupervised?" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "There are a lot of things I like about this, but I am do see some issues.I think the boys are learning a lot of very interesting skills, but I think they would struggle a lot with becoming lawyers and doctors like the author claims.My biggest concern would be their reading skills, and later, their advanced math skills.He says they read fine, but reading is something that must be done almost every day for years to get to a highly literate point. Literacy and reading comprehension are essential skills to navigating the modern world.I am just not sure what kind of jobs or careers they will be prepared for later on.I mean, it sounds great and I would love to have done a lot of this stuff as a kid, but I just see issues if the parents don't really stay on top of it.If you grow up hunting, fishing and farming, you don't exactly prepare yourself to be a doctor, lawyer or engineer.On the other hand, if you have the reading and maths skills, you can still be a hunter/fisher/farmer." }
Moving a Production MySQL Database to Amazon RDS with Minimal Downtime
{ "score": 0, "text": "Having done this a few times with mysql-to-mysql moves across datacenters theres a couple things I would like to mention.I dont know what Amazon RDS is like replaying binary logs but in mysql 5.0 I faced a bug where temporary table creation statements were being ignored. This was a huge problem from us and at the time could not find a work around. Here is the related mysql bug this move has successfully worked for the author I hope if you ever do a database move you'll do a test run first. I've experience numerous bugs in mysql replication and replaying binary logs due to temporary tables, duplicate keys due to different auto insert ids and procs/trigs/funcs causing some havoc." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "I posted a comment on the blog, but will leave one here as well.In regards to the claim of: \"quick instance size scaling with no downtime\"I am currently evaluating moving our MySQL server to Amazon's RDS. I liked the sounds of the Multi-AZ RDS as it will greatly decrease downtime. However upon examination I found the following issues:- Changing an instance size results in downtime. Amazon's docs and support say up to 3 minutes.- Any failover can take up to 3 minutes to promote the backup to becoming live.- You will experience downtime during that time- Browsing the support forum, some people complained of it taking more than 3 minutes to failover and in some cases the failover got stuck and they experience a longer downtime until they wrote on the forum and had AWS support manually fix it.So in other words, this is not a silver bullet to making MySQL have 100% uptime. And in fact you will experience \"up to 3 minutes\" of downtime each week during the maintenance window when a failover will occur (unless they do the failover before the maintenance, which I have not found information on anywhere)." }
Moving a Production MySQL Database to Amazon RDS with Minimal Downtime
{ "score": 1, "text": "I posted a comment on the blog, but will leave one here as well.In regards to the claim of: \"quick instance size scaling with no downtime\"I am currently evaluating moving our MySQL server to Amazon's RDS. I liked the sounds of the Multi-AZ RDS as it will greatly decrease downtime. However upon examination I found the following issues:- Changing an instance size results in downtime. Amazon's docs and support say up to 3 minutes.- Any failover can take up to 3 minutes to promote the backup to becoming live.- You will experience downtime during that time- Browsing the support forum, some people complained of it taking more than 3 minutes to failover and in some cases the failover got stuck and they experience a longer downtime until they wrote on the forum and had AWS support manually fix it.So in other words, this is not a silver bullet to making MySQL have 100% uptime. And in fact you will experience \"up to 3 minutes\" of downtime each week during the maintenance window when a failover will occur (unless they do the failover before the maintenance, which I have not found information on anywhere)." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "I've been planning my move of a 25gb MySQL db over to RDS.I decided to have a downtime window in the middle of the night, versus doing a live move. I am moving from a dedicated datacenter to AWS all at once, so I'm in a different situation than those moving from an EC2 mysql instance to RDS, which should be a lot easier.I followed the instructions from the RDS instructions, which tell you to break up mysqldump files great than 1GB and use mysqlimport to send them over.I did some benchmarking and found the import time wasn't linear on file size. This may have to do with the fact that I was using the 1.7GB instance (which i'm upgrading to 15gb for the live site)." }
Moving a Production MySQL Database to Amazon RDS with Minimal Downtime
{ "score": 2, "text": "I've been planning my move of a 25gb MySQL db over to RDS.I decided to have a downtime window in the middle of the night, versus doing a live move. I am moving from a dedicated datacenter to AWS all at once, so I'm in a different situation than those moving from an EC2 mysql instance to RDS, which should be a lot easier.I followed the instructions from the RDS instructions, which tell you to break up mysqldump files great than 1GB and use mysqlimport to send them over.I did some benchmarking and found the import time wasn't linear on file size. This may have to do with the fact that I was using the 1.7GB instance (which i'm upgrading to 15gb for the live site)." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "ChronicDB could help here" }
Moving a Production MySQL Database to Amazon RDS with Minimal Downtime
{ "score": 3, "text": "ChronicDB could help here" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "What's the reliability on RDS like? I've heard some fairly bad things about EBS and trying to run databases on top of it, so I'm curious if this is any better." }
Why video chat will never succeed, by David Foster Wallace
{ "score": 0, "text": "I still feel confused: is it only the western european UMTS bubble that makes video calls from mobile seem like old news?Most 3g operators have marketed (possibly low quality) video calls for a few years in europe, with varying level of success, so there is not a real need to speculate, we could just look at the numbers, no?" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "Recently I watched a girl using sign language with another person via Facetime and I though to myself \"This shit is what technology is about.\" So, screw this. Even if it doesn't succeed with everyone and everywhere it makes some people's lives a lot easier." }
Why video chat will never succeed, by David Foster Wallace
{ "score": 1, "text": "Recently I watched a girl using sign language with another person via Facetime and I though to myself \"This shit is what technology is about.\" So, screw this. Even if it doesn't succeed with everyone and everywhere it makes some people's lives a lot easier." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "On the internet you are your own public relations agent, so I can imagine why people wouldn't want to use video chat because I can think of reasons similar to those described why I wouldn't want to video chat frequently. Video gives out many more cues than audio only, or mere text, and if you're doing anything in a professional capacity via the internet you might not want the person you're communicating with to be able to easily obtain lots of incidental information about your life. This will apply even moreso as jobs are outsourced to poorer areas of the world." }
Why video chat will never succeed, by David Foster Wallace
{ "score": 2, "text": "On the internet you are your own public relations agent, so I can imagine why people wouldn't want to use video chat because I can think of reasons similar to those described why I wouldn't want to video chat frequently. Video gives out many more cues than audio only, or mere text, and if you're doing anything in a professional capacity via the internet you might not want the person you're communicating with to be able to easily obtain lots of incidental information about your life. This will apply even moreso as jobs are outsourced to poorer areas of the world." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "There are different forms of communication depending on the type of relationship you have with a person. Using the author's logic, email/texting would be the only form of communication we'd use since it solves the \"stress\" and \"vanity\" problem better than even telephones. But that's not the case.Email/texting with acquaintances. Telephone with friends. And video chat with close friends/family. We use the level of interaction commensurate with the relationship at hand since at the end of the day we still yearn for that real connection with other humans." }
Why video chat will never succeed, by David Foster Wallace
{ "score": 3, "text": "There are different forms of communication depending on the type of relationship you have with a person. Using the author's logic, email/texting would be the only form of communication we'd use since it solves the \"stress\" and \"vanity\" problem better than even telephones. But that's not the case.Email/texting with acquaintances. Telephone with friends. And video chat with close friends/family. We use the level of interaction commensurate with the relationship at hand since at the end of the day we still yearn for that real connection with other humans." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Never is a strong word. People prefer to talk to each other face-to-face rather than on opposite sides of a wall. For this reason video chat will obviously succeed, once the technical solution is at a level where it is close enough to the real thing. (Obvious current shortcoming: You don't look people in the eye, but slightly below it).Alternate title: \"Why video chat on the iphone4 will not succeed\". (Meta: Should I flag the article because of this?)" }
go to The webcomic XKCD now has a command prompt
{ "score": 0, "text": "I ran the source through yielding this: fun stuff:* there is a MUD* find kitten launches a mini-game* apt-get moo* i read the source code" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "I just noticed: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 157 for unixkcd. (0.04 nanocenturies) I didn't know google showed nanocenturies!EDIT: Apparently google is just having fun as when I refresh I also see:Web Results 1 - 10 of about 190 for unixkcd. (1.21 gigawatts) \nWeb Results 1 - 10 of about 190 for unixkcd. (11.90 parsecs)Web Results 1 - 10 of about 198 for unixkcd. (0.02 femtogalactic years)Web Results 1 - 10 of about 198 for unixkcd. (0.09 microfortnights)Web  Results 1 - 10 of about 190 for unixkcd. (0.12 centibeats)All interesting units of time. :)" }
go to The webcomic XKCD now has a command prompt
{ "score": 1, "text": "I just noticed: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 157 for unixkcd. (0.04 nanocenturies) I didn't know google showed nanocenturies!EDIT: Apparently google is just having fun as when I refresh I also see:Web Results 1 - 10 of about 190 for unixkcd. (1.21 gigawatts) \nWeb Results 1 - 10 of about 190 for unixkcd. (11.90 parsecs)Web Results 1 - 10 of about 198 for unixkcd. (0.02 femtogalactic years)Web Results 1 - 10 of about 198 for unixkcd. (0.09 microfortnights)Web  Results 1 - 10 of about 190 for unixkcd. (0.12 centibeats)All interesting units of time. :)" }
{ "score": 2, "text": "I hope this is a permanent feature, not just for April Fools day." }
go to The webcomic XKCD now has a command prompt
{ "score": 2, "text": "I hope this is a permanent feature, not just for April Fools day." }
{ "score": 3, "text": " make me a sandwich\n\nand sudo make me a sandwich\n\nboth work" }
go to The webcomic XKCD now has a command prompt
{ "score": 3, "text": " make me a sandwich\n\nand sudo make me a sandwich\n\nboth work" }
{ "score": 4, "text": " front page has an embedded command prompt. You can navigate the comics by typing \"prev\" and \"next\". It also supports some unix commands.According to \"license.txt\": Client-side logic for Wordpress CLI theme :: R. McFarland, 2006, 2007, 2008\n jQuery rewrite and overhaul :: Chromakode, 2010" }
Show HN: Nobody wants to listen to my problems so I made this
{ "score": 0, "text": ""I feel badly because the mechanism that allows me to feel is broken."Kiss Kiss Bang Bang reference, love it." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "Currently filled with incredibly depressing, offensive nonsense..." }
Show HN: Nobody wants to listen to my problems so I made this
{ "score": 1, "text": "Currently filled with incredibly depressing, offensive nonsense..." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Allow me to vote up the good ones." }
Show HN: Nobody wants to listen to my problems so I made this
{ "score": 2, "text": "Allow me to vote up the good ones." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Looks like most facebook news feeds I've seen." }
Show HN: Nobody wants to listen to my problems so I made this
{ "score": 3, "text": "Looks like most facebook news feeds I've seen." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "I tried to give someone a "hug" but asterisks aren't allowed :(" }
Cyanogenmod Updater vulnerable to MITM attack
{ "score": 0, "text": "(Whoops, I fucked up a few http/https there. It should say that CM are only using HTTP, they aren't using ANY HTTPS at all. I had a misplaced sed there)" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "So much for a greater emphasis on security. How is this not one of the first things checked on? Providing encrypted messaging and permissions tuning on apps doesn't mean a whole lot if these sorts of bugs exist." }
Cyanogenmod Updater vulnerable to MITM attack
{ "score": 1, "text": "So much for a greater emphasis on security. How is this not one of the first things checked on? Providing encrypted messaging and permissions tuning on apps doesn't mean a whole lot if these sorts of bugs exist." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Yay! How do people make rookie mistakes like these? Always verify certificates, and, even better, hardcode the cert/CA fingerprint in your client (so it can't get replaced with a valid cert upstream)." }
Cyanogenmod Updater vulnerable to MITM attack
{ "score": 2, "text": "Yay! How do people make rookie mistakes like these? Always verify certificates, and, even better, hardcode the cert/CA fingerprint in your client (so it can't get replaced with a valid cert upstream)." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Another day, another block category.> Content Blocked (content_filter_denied)\n> Content Category: "Malicious Sources/Malnets"Any idea why this site would be blocked at $BIGCORP?" }
Cyanogenmod Updater vulnerable to MITM attack
{ "score": 3, "text": "Another day, another block category.> Content Blocked (content_filter_denied)\n> Content Category: "Malicious Sources/Malnets"Any idea why this site would be blocked at $BIGCORP?" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "... So what youre saying is that my galaxy nexus' inability to list cm11 "M" releases (and forcing me to download them manually when they come out) is actually a security feature?" }
Enterprise Startups and Y Combinator
{ "score": 0, "text": "I think the lack of enterprise startups boils down to one simple issue, most people interested in startups have no understanding of enterprise.As an enterprise guy, I read HN discussions on subjects and there is just a lack of understanding about why enterprise companies do what they do, why they're so risk adverse, what they look for in tech, etc.Sure, a lot of enterprise sized solutions aren't that sexy. Sure, enterprise sales is a pain. But really, the kicker is that most 20 somethings just don't have a strong grasp of what makes the enterprise tick." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "Our team put a lot of thought into deciding whether YC was a good fit for Ambition (YCw14) - well, after it was a possible option - as my cofounders actually didn't know I'd applied to YC for us until we were invited to interview.We thought (as many do) YC was largely for consumer, idea stage companies, and that B2B was not a focus.Demo Day was yesterday; YC has been an incredible experience and value add for Ambition. The partners are incredibly smart and apply product/ market/ sales expertise across various industries Cumulatively they have seen everything, so the knowledge base is deep.Targeting customer segments, simplifying product, meeting investors, and being strategic about marketing, partnerships, and media.Bottom line: our company is probably years ahead of where we were in Dec 2013. We now have a backlog of customers, relationships with a great group of investors/ partners, and our product is delivering.If you're doing enterprise or B2B, I would strongly recommend looking at YC." }
Enterprise Startups and Y Combinator
{ "score": 1, "text": "Our team put a lot of thought into deciding whether YC was a good fit for Ambition (YCw14) - well, after it was a possible option - as my cofounders actually didn't know I'd applied to YC for us until we were invited to interview.We thought (as many do) YC was largely for consumer, idea stage companies, and that B2B was not a focus.Demo Day was yesterday; YC has been an incredible experience and value add for Ambition. The partners are incredibly smart and apply product/ market/ sales expertise across various industries Cumulatively they have seen everything, so the knowledge base is deep.Targeting customer segments, simplifying product, meeting investors, and being strategic about marketing, partnerships, and media.Bottom line: our company is probably years ahead of where we were in Dec 2013. We now have a backlog of customers, relationships with a great group of investors/ partners, and our product is delivering.If you're doing enterprise or B2B, I would strongly recommend looking at YC." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Great post Rick! I'm thankful that companies like Comprehend led the way for enterprise companies at YC. After my batch (S2013) and the most recent Demo Day, I think it's pretty clear that YC provides a lot of value to enterprise startups.For any B2B founder wondering if YC is a fit for your company, don't let old stereotypes get in the way of applying. YC is not just consumer. It's not just 20-year olds (I was 35). YC is a network of the smartest, most passionate people you've ever met." }
Enterprise Startups and Y Combinator
{ "score": 2, "text": "Great post Rick! I'm thankful that companies like Comprehend led the way for enterprise companies at YC. After my batch (S2013) and the most recent Demo Day, I think it's pretty clear that YC provides a lot of value to enterprise startups.For any B2B founder wondering if YC is a fit for your company, don't let old stereotypes get in the way of applying. YC is not just consumer. It's not just 20-year olds (I was 35). YC is a network of the smartest, most passionate people you've ever met." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "I do a lot of Enterprise Startup evaluation for the company I work for. I read hacker news regularly, but consider it entirely separate from my job. I don't see much about Enterprise at all through YC or discussed here.Perhaps it's just me, but I find it odd that I share so much in common with my job evaluation and hackernews as a concept, and yet I consider reading and viewing here a personal activity that has no relevance to my work.I think that has something to do with Enterprise startups not being considered sexy, or on the radar of most people.Perhaps it's that people who are most likely to build startups through YC are people who haven't been in Enterprises for years, and thus don't have visibility to the needs or considerations.If I were creating a startup today, I'd target the Enterprise sector because there are needs that aren't filled, and being bought by a large company is a quite reasonable exit strategy.Selling it to Enterprise can be expensive, but you only really need a few successful hits as opposed to generating a massive hockey stick of users." }
Enterprise Startups and Y Combinator
{ "score": 3, "text": "I do a lot of Enterprise Startup evaluation for the company I work for. I read hacker news regularly, but consider it entirely separate from my job. I don't see much about Enterprise at all through YC or discussed here.Perhaps it's just me, but I find it odd that I share so much in common with my job evaluation and hackernews as a concept, and yet I consider reading and viewing here a personal activity that has no relevance to my work.I think that has something to do with Enterprise startups not being considered sexy, or on the radar of most people.Perhaps it's that people who are most likely to build startups through YC are people who haven't been in Enterprises for years, and thus don't have visibility to the needs or considerations.If I were creating a startup today, I'd target the Enterprise sector because there are needs that aren't filled, and being bought by a large company is a quite reasonable exit strategy.Selling it to Enterprise can be expensive, but you only really need a few successful hits as opposed to generating a massive hockey stick of users." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "My product is aimed at the enterprise and I actually thought about applying to YC and may still, but it was really off putting seeing the video requirement. I really don't understand the purpose of it. Once you know my name you'll be able to find my linkedin profile with my picture: is the purpose of the video?I like to think I'm pretty articulate but I really hate speaking into the air with no visible recipient. It is the same reason I despise leaving voice messages. Maybe their is a technical term for this, who knows." }
ReactOS "ready approximately for 80% of real world usage"
{ "score": 0, "text": "I was an active developer of ReactOS for about the time period of 2003-2007, including acting as the release engineer for the project for 2 years.I feel like I can speak from unique stand point as I saw everything from the inside.ROS is a lot of things, but one thing it is NOT is production ready.From what I can tell, not a lot in the process has changed since I left. I am sure a lot of things code wise have changed but not enough to make a marginal difference.One of the biggest issues ROS faces is the lack of testers. Since it can't be used a production OS very few people will actually test it. When I was there, we had 2 dedicated testers. For a whole operating system, that will not cut it.Another issue is with driver compatibility. While it is true that it runs good on emulated hardware, it has a long long way to go before actual Windows drivers let it run on actual hardware. One small thing in the driver can cause everything to stop working. And with only ~20 active developers at the time, there is a finite set of hardware that can be debugged on. Not to mention only 3-4 of the 20 developers were skilled enough to fix issues with device drivers.ROS is also fighting uphill battle by chasing Windows when Windows has 100s of developers working on it. I left ROS and worked for Microsoft for two years so I also know how much faster MSFT is going then ROS. Though, even if they got to full XP compatibility it would be one of the most impressive feats I have ever seen of open source, I just don't see it happening anytime soon.And finally, the last main issue with ROS is the developers itself. There was so few dedicated, we only had ~30 people with write permissions. Of those, only 15 were active. And those 15 were all working in their own area. I worked in shallow (read: non complex) Win32 API and user applications (cmd.exe, control panel, etc...). But everyone had their own section they were interested in and they worked at their own pace with little to no oversight. You either need focus/vision or resources to make real technical progress on a project this large. Without one of those you have no chance. And ROS didn't have either.All that said, I loved working on ROS. It taught me how to write real code and I learned way more from working on ROS then I did getting my degree. The people on a personal level were great, and some of them were the most technically sound developers I have ever met. Sadly, a whole OS is being carried on their back." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "This has always seemed like a solution looking for a problem, to me. There are better Open Source operating systems for (more than) 80% of real world problems, and have been since before ReactOS began. If you're choosing an OS that can't run most of the big apps on Windows, anyway, why not simply choose a better OS to start with. It's obvious that Linux and UNIX systems are pretty vastly superior to Windows in all but application support...and there are several very good free and Open Source Linux and UNIX systems. And, as far as I can tell, WINE can run as much or more Windows software as ReactOS.It's a tremendous amount of work to make a bug-compatible version of Windows. Of course, I can't argue with people and what they want to spend their time on, but I sure as heck wouldn't volunteer to work on a Windows clone. It seems a big waste of some really talented people's (and I'm certain they're quite talented; getting this far is a monumental feat) time." }
ReactOS "ready approximately for 80% of real world usage"
{ "score": 1, "text": "This has always seemed like a solution looking for a problem, to me. There are better Open Source operating systems for (more than) 80% of real world problems, and have been since before ReactOS began. If you're choosing an OS that can't run most of the big apps on Windows, anyway, why not simply choose a better OS to start with. It's obvious that Linux and UNIX systems are pretty vastly superior to Windows in all but application support...and there are several very good free and Open Source Linux and UNIX systems. And, as far as I can tell, WINE can run as much or more Windows software as ReactOS.It's a tremendous amount of work to make a bug-compatible version of Windows. Of course, I can't argue with people and what they want to spend their time on, but I sure as heck wouldn't volunteer to work on a Windows clone. It seems a big waste of some really talented people's (and I'm certain they're quite talented; getting this far is a monumental feat) time." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "The last time I used ReactOS it would crash and burn after using it for about 2-5 minutes with their supplied VMware image. This is with only using the applications that were included with it, as well." }
ReactOS "ready approximately for 80% of real world usage"
{ "score": 2, "text": "The last time I used ReactOS it would crash and burn after using it for about 2-5 minutes with their supplied VMware image. This is with only using the applications that were included with it, as well." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Why not link to the original source? contains much more information." }
ReactOS "ready approximately for 80% of real world usage"
{ "score": 3, "text": "Why not link to the original source? contains much more information." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "This isn't a slam against ReactOS, but it's ready for 80% of real world use if you're using late 90s/early 2000s applications. Seems like Marat might've been stretching the truth to the president." }
How Entrepreneurs Can Increase Productivity By 500%
{ "score": 0, "text": "That was a terrible waste of time. After reading this guy's articles, I just get the feeling how the author (James Altucher) has had a miserable life. Either that is true or he is making up sad stories to get the attention of readers. The series of articles he has written are mostly long and could have instead been written down in a few sentences if not a few words. One thing I would like to thank the author is that he once referred to a book called 'never eat alone', which I am reading right now and is definitely enjoyable than his articles." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "I don't understand how meaningless waffle life this gets published. As billpatrianakos said where does this 500% figure come from? But apart from the article itself, the thing I really don't get are all the obsequious platitudes within the comments (within TC).IMHO the best way to increase productivity is to stop pissing about reading pointless nonsense on how to increase productivity, and actually start doing the work." }
How Entrepreneurs Can Increase Productivity By 500%
{ "score": 1, "text": "I don't understand how meaningless waffle life this gets published. As billpatrianakos said where does this 500% figure come from? But apart from the article itself, the thing I really don't get are all the obsequious platitudes within the comments (within TC).IMHO the best way to increase productivity is to stop pissing about reading pointless nonsense on how to increase productivity, and actually start doing the work." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "\"This is, of course, the path of insanity, and not the good kind of insanity.\" - from Paul Buchheit's 'I am Nothing'. Mr Altucher's persona of his past self is a caricature of seeing the world through a lens of self-identity and ego.. walking boldly down the path of insanity.Not surprisingly, I think that PB's way of modeling the 'gmail labeler' is more efficient than JA's. Specifically, 'use these emotions as a cue to remember, \"I am nothing\"'. This frees you up to put an appropriate labeler for accomplishing your goal without bias.Cool article though, I really enjoy JA's candor, experiences and insights." }
How Entrepreneurs Can Increase Productivity By 500%
{ "score": 2, "text": "\"This is, of course, the path of insanity, and not the good kind of insanity.\" - from Paul Buchheit's 'I am Nothing'. Mr Altucher's persona of his past self is a caricature of seeing the world through a lens of self-identity and ego.. walking boldly down the path of insanity.Not surprisingly, I think that PB's way of modeling the 'gmail labeler' is more efficient than JA's. Specifically, 'use these emotions as a cue to remember, \"I am nothing\"'. This frees you up to put an appropriate labeler for accomplishing your goal without bias.Cool article though, I really enjoy JA's candor, experiences and insights." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Step 1: stop reading techcrunch.\nStep 2. Get to work.OK, I admit I didn't read the linked piece. Did I miss anything?" }
How Entrepreneurs Can Increase Productivity By 500%
{ "score": 3, "text": "Step 1: stop reading techcrunch.\nStep 2. Get to work.OK, I admit I didn't read the linked piece. Did I miss anything?" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "This is a terrible article don't waste your time; rambling mumbling article about the brain being a gmail inbox." }
Ask HN: Is anyone building anything big with Meteor? So http:&#x2F;&#x2F;; is full of demos, and Google only returns examples of very small apps.<p>Are there any examples of complete&#x2F;large-scale apps built with Meteor?
{ "score": 0, "text": "We are. Currently released two full-stack Meteor.js responsive, mobile-optimized large-scale web apps, one in production, the other one in pre-beta sneak preview.- — City travel app. Job work for a client.\n- — Popularity poll voting app. Our own side project.If you want to learn more, do get in touch over Twitter: @sewdn or @rhythmvs" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "My company&#x27;s application ( is built with Meteor and is currently pushing 34KLOC, so it&#x27;s not particularly small. Unfortunately we don&#x27;t have a public demo as of yet, but have used it with great success with quite a few private clients. On the whole Meteor has been a great success for us." }
Ask HN: Is anyone building anything big with Meteor? So http:&#x2F;&#x2F;; is full of demos, and Google only returns examples of very small apps.<p>Are there any examples of complete&#x2F;large-scale apps built with Meteor?
{ "score": 1, "text": "My company&#x27;s application ( is built with Meteor and is currently pushing 34KLOC, so it&#x27;s not particularly small. Unfortunately we don&#x27;t have a public demo as of yet, but have used it with great success with quite a few private clients. On the whole Meteor has been a great success for us." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "http:&#x2F;&#x2F;; has some small-team or one-man projects with source code available.Production apps are not usually open-sourced." }
Ask HN: Is anyone building anything big with Meteor? So http:&#x2F;&#x2F;; is full of demos, and Google only returns examples of very small apps.<p>Are there any examples of complete&#x2F;large-scale apps built with Meteor?
{ "score": 2, "text": "http:&#x2F;&#x2F;; has some small-team or one-man projects with source code available.Production apps are not usually open-sourced." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "I would guess that the fact that Meteor currently uses MongoDB may prevent adoption by many larger sites." }
Ask HN: Is anyone building anything big with Meteor? So http:&#x2F;&#x2F;; is full of demos, and Google only returns examples of very small apps.<p>Are there any examples of complete&#x2F;large-scale apps built with Meteor?
{ "score": 3, "text": "I would guess that the fact that Meteor currently uses MongoDB may prevent adoption by many larger sites." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "they have examples on their website: https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;gallery" }
Any Open Source startups? I'm looking for any advice regarding a startup that primarily sells services for Open Source products. A lot of HN startups seem to be geared towards consumer websites or SAAS for B2B. Anyone have tales of an Open Source B2B solution that is making money?<p>I've heard of the success stories, MySql, Redhat, Jboss, are there others I should pay attention to? Thanks in advance for any advice, links to blogs, book recommendations, etc.
{ "score": 0, "text": "I'm not sure that there is much of a difference in an \"open source\" startup vs. any other type of startup venture. The same market forces apply.In the case of MySQL and JBoss, they have a free (beer and speech) offering that met a huge need in the developer community, which got them their necessary ubiquity. Once they had market share, they could start charging for services and other things (didn't JBoss charge at one point for documentation?, I forget)Redhat is interesting in that in my opinion, they just showed the power of business development. Customers like their software to be \"guaranteed to work on X\", and software vendors like to keep X to a small number to reduce testing cycles. If you look around at large software vendors that \"certify\" their product on Linux, it's almost always on Redhat enterprise linux. This is a business relationship, not a technical one. Redhat builds a rigorous release process and helps companies certify, sure, but anybody could do that. They had the vision to build relationships where they could pay off.I'd argue that Github is an open source startup. They use, advocate, host and inspire the open source community across every language and platform. They also happen to be very successful. Tom's recent post on \"Optimize for Happiness\" is a fantastic read, and would be something I'd read over and over again if I were to start up a company anytime soon:" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "Automattic ( The company behind Wordpress software and is a good example.Canonical Ltd with Ubuntu is another one.The business model for open source business solutions is to give away the software and build a service business around it as the domain expert. A company like Engineyard makes money by selling services around Rails which is open source. Some of the key Rails/Ruby contributors work at Engineyard." }
Any Open Source startups? I'm looking for any advice regarding a startup that primarily sells services for Open Source products. A lot of HN startups seem to be geared towards consumer websites or SAAS for B2B. Anyone have tales of an Open Source B2B solution that is making money?<p>I've heard of the success stories, MySql, Redhat, Jboss, are there others I should pay attention to? Thanks in advance for any advice, links to blogs, book recommendations, etc.
{ "score": 1, "text": "Automattic ( The company behind Wordpress software and is a good example.Canonical Ltd with Ubuntu is another one.The business model for open source business solutions is to give away the software and build a service business around it as the domain expert. A company like Engineyard makes money by selling services around Rails which is open source. Some of the key Rails/Ruby contributors work at Engineyard." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "I work in the same office as the makers of MongoDB, and they're an open source startup. I have no idea whether or how much money they're making." }
Any Open Source startups? I'm looking for any advice regarding a startup that primarily sells services for Open Source products. A lot of HN startups seem to be geared towards consumer websites or SAAS for B2B. Anyone have tales of an Open Source B2B solution that is making money?<p>I've heard of the success stories, MySql, Redhat, Jboss, are there others I should pay attention to? Thanks in advance for any advice, links to blogs, book recommendations, etc.
{ "score": 2, "text": "I work in the same office as the makers of MongoDB, and they're an open source startup. I have no idea whether or how much money they're making." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "WordPress is the best Open Source startup I admire. Not only WordPress is the most popular CMS and blogging platform, it also helped Automattic to launch many more products: http://automattic.comAutomattic has a very effective business model and a good stream of revenue from several sources. Millions of bloggers, developers, designers and consultants make living through the WordPress ecosystem. Many large blogs and theme developers even make millions with WordPress." }
Any Open Source startups? I'm looking for any advice regarding a startup that primarily sells services for Open Source products. A lot of HN startups seem to be geared towards consumer websites or SAAS for B2B. Anyone have tales of an Open Source B2B solution that is making money?<p>I've heard of the success stories, MySql, Redhat, Jboss, are there others I should pay attention to? Thanks in advance for any advice, links to blogs, book recommendations, etc.
{ "score": 3, "text": "WordPress is the best Open Source startup I admire. Not only WordPress is the most popular CMS and blogging platform, it also helped Automattic to launch many more products: http://automattic.comAutomattic has a very effective business model and a good stream of revenue from several sources. Millions of bloggers, developers, designers and consultants make living through the WordPress ecosystem. Many large blogs and theme developers even make millions with WordPress." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "activeCOLLAB. Open source alternative to Basecamp. I'm certain that they're doing well over a million dollars a year now.In a presentation, the CEO of activeCOLLAB(Ilija Studen) mentioned that they were pulling in 50k Euros a month, this was back in 2007 *----* Video it's on Croatian):" }
Darcs - Another open source version control system
{ "score": 0, "text": "The primary pull of the \"patch theory\" is that it will allow you to share code more easily between different \"patch sets\" (branches / forks). The reality of software projects means that you can't automate such a process except in the most trivial cases, and other VCSs handle the trivial cases already.You can imagine that I write a new filesystem for Linux, but I wait two years and the FS interface has changed drastically, the old patch is meaningless. If the patch is sufficiently independent textually, then Darcs lets you reorder it anywhere you see fit, even if you know that doesn't make sense. You have detailed knowledge of the system, Darcs doesn't.By contrast, Git/SVN/Hg folk think about snapshots of development. So it's a different paradigm.But the snapshot paradigm is almost always the most useful paradigm, since every snapshot in history (unless you rebase) is going to be one that was actually vetted by a real programmer. Reordering patches throws away the valued actual snapshots that you were working with in favor of automated reconstructions of what a snapshot might have looked like if you had been programming in that order.Of course, you can always do the same dangerous things with Git and rebasing." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "I like to think of Darcs as the PostgreSQL of distributed version control. They both have correctness as their first priority, sacrificing a little performance as necessary. PostgreSQL was very slow at first but it is closing that gap, and I think the end result is better for it. Git and Mercurial sacrifice correctness in favor of pragmatism in some cases, by taking shortcuts such as three-way merges.Unlike in the relational database world, there is no accepted standard for interfacing with a versioned repository. It remains to be seen whether Darcs, like PostgreSQL, will eventually gather enough steam to build a substantial user base." }
Darcs - Another open source version control system
{ "score": 1, "text": "I like to think of Darcs as the PostgreSQL of distributed version control. They both have correctness as their first priority, sacrificing a little performance as necessary. PostgreSQL was very slow at first but it is closing that gap, and I think the end result is better for it. Git and Mercurial sacrifice correctness in favor of pragmatism in some cases, by taking shortcuts such as three-way merges.Unlike in the relational database world, there is no accepted standard for interfacing with a versioned repository. It remains to be seen whether Darcs, like PostgreSQL, will eventually gather enough steam to build a substantial user base." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Darcs is not \"another\", it is \"the first distributed\" version control system that gained some traction in open source projects. Before git usage exploded, darcs was almost exclusively used by haskel and lisp libraries.What killed darcs, besides performance issues with darcs 1, was \"one repo one branch\" mode, and tedious way of maintaining long lived forks, which wasn't that convenient as what git provides.However, I'm glad that Darcs is still actively developed and used, since it has very nice theory and model behind it, and it still has some very useful concept which are quite unique for it." }
Darcs - Another open source version control system
{ "score": 2, "text": "Darcs is not \"another\", it is \"the first distributed\" version control system that gained some traction in open source projects. Before git usage exploded, darcs was almost exclusively used by haskel and lisp libraries.What killed darcs, besides performance issues with darcs 1, was \"one repo one branch\" mode, and tedious way of maintaining long lived forks, which wasn't that convenient as what git provides.However, I'm glad that Darcs is still actively developed and used, since it has very nice theory and model behind it, and it still has some very useful concept which are quite unique for it." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "The Cambrian Explosion of the distributed version control system has passed I think. Git seems to come out ahead. I think it would be easier to just switch to it.I like Bazaar and used Hg, but this is tool used to collaborate with others (unlike say an editor) so picking a tool that others know and use is important in a team. Darcs has an interesting approach, sure, but that is not enough for it to win mind-share, and I wouldn't spend time looking at bit because I will have a very hard time getting others to do the same.Also the excitement and euphoria about learning and experimenting with distributed VCs is passed. I feel, for most they have stopped having the \"wow\" factor and became just a tool in the same category as patch, diff, less and tar." }
Darcs - Another open source version control system
{ "score": 3, "text": "The Cambrian Explosion of the distributed version control system has passed I think. Git seems to come out ahead. I think it would be easier to just switch to it.I like Bazaar and used Hg, but this is tool used to collaborate with others (unlike say an editor) so picking a tool that others know and use is important in a team. Darcs has an interesting approach, sure, but that is not enough for it to win mind-share, and I wouldn't spend time looking at bit because I will have a very hard time getting others to do the same.Also the excitement and euphoria about learning and experimenting with distributed VCs is passed. I feel, for most they have stopped having the \"wow\" factor and became just a tool in the same category as patch, diff, less and tar." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "For those interested Linus' comments on Darcs from 2007\n" }
Mark Suster Is Wrong, You Should Be A Startup Entrepreneur
{ "score": 0, "text": "It's not that Mark is wrong. He doesn't try to answer THE question, because there is no right or wrong answer. It's not so black and white, yes you should do it or no you should not. What he did was giving great advice that should seriously be considered, but the choice is up to you.Read his advice, he tells it like it is. If you choose to do it, then you have answered the question for yourself. If Mark advises against it and you think he's right, indeed you're not an entrepreneur. If you do it anyway, simply prove that it's the right answer." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "I'm amazed you took the leap with zero savings and a two-month old baby to support. Congrats; what is this 'financially rewarding' startup you created?" }
Mark Suster Is Wrong, You Should Be A Startup Entrepreneur
{ "score": 1, "text": "I'm amazed you took the leap with zero savings and a two-month old baby to support. Congrats; what is this 'financially rewarding' startup you created?" }
{ "score": 2, "text": "I like the sentiment. I too think that anyone who has an entrepreneurial spark should give it a go (with proper preparation of course.) It also seems folly that if someone isn't predisposed to certain attributes, they shouldn't attempt the launch.However, if you're going to throw down a gauntlet with a linkbait title like that, don't wuss out like this:\n\"Okay, maybe I should say “I disagree” with Mark on this issue\"" }
Mark Suster Is Wrong, You Should Be A Startup Entrepreneur
{ "score": 2, "text": "I like the sentiment. I too think that anyone who has an entrepreneurial spark should give it a go (with proper preparation of course.) It also seems folly that if someone isn't predisposed to certain attributes, they shouldn't attempt the launch.However, if you're going to throw down a gauntlet with a linkbait title like that, don't wuss out like this:\n\"Okay, maybe I should say “I disagree” with Mark on this issue\"" }
{ "score": 3, "text": "I would love to hear feedback on this blog from entrepreneurs and wantrepreneurs alike." }
Mark Suster Is Wrong, You Should Be A Startup Entrepreneur
{ "score": 3, "text": "I would love to hear feedback on this blog from entrepreneurs and wantrepreneurs alike." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "\n'nuff said." }
Mac is targeted to inexperienced computer users. So why is it popular in Silicon Valley? Is it simply a hatred of everything Microsoft?
{ "score": 0, "text": "Mac is targeted to unexperienced computer users[sic]According to who?edit: While I'm fairly certain this post isn't, it certainly smells of trolling." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "[Not in Silicon Valley]Because I was tired of Windows, and when it came right down to it everything I choose to use as a developer is platform-agnostic and generally easier to install on Darwin.And it's pretty." }
Mac is targeted to inexperienced computer users. So why is it popular in Silicon Valley? Is it simply a hatred of everything Microsoft?
{ "score": 1, "text": "[Not in Silicon Valley]Because I was tired of Windows, and when it came right down to it everything I choose to use as a developer is platform-agnostic and generally easier to install on Darwin.And it's pretty." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "No, it's cause you can run Cubase, sit inside a shell, and compile from source on the same machine. Well at least that's why I use it." }
Mac is targeted to inexperienced computer users. So why is it popular in Silicon Valley? Is it simply a hatred of everything Microsoft?
{ "score": 2, "text": "No, it's cause you can run Cubase, sit inside a shell, and compile from source on the same machine. Well at least that's why I use it." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "i feel like it makes easy things easy (for \"inexperienced computer users\") and the hard things (\"hacking\") possible!" }
Mac is targeted to inexperienced computer users. So why is it popular in Silicon Valley? Is it simply a hatred of everything Microsoft?
{ "score": 3, "text": "i feel like it makes easy things easy (for \"inexperienced computer users\") and the hard things (\"hacking\") possible!" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Probably because it's based on a linux core.Edit: sorry, seems I was wrong :-)" } criticising new iPad on homepage
{ "score": 0, "text": "There's so much about this which is disingenuous. I'm not surprised by this, but it's worth pointing out some of the tricks Amazon are employing here:1. Much More for Much Less. Much More is obviously the kindle fire HD, and Much Less is the iPad Mini. Heck, if you remove the 'f' of 'for' you get to the central point here which is to turn the choice into 'Much More or Much Less'.2. Kindle Fire HD branding is used (sexy typeface, orange gradient), iPad mini has some weird typeface which a cynic might argue has been deliberately spaced to make it look antiquated and unprofessional.3. The Kindle Fire is \"stunning\" and the iPad Mini is \"standard\".4. Just because the iPad Mini display is high definition and has 30% more pixels than the iPad Mini, it doesn't mean that the iPad Mini is a \"low resolution\" display.5. Because the iPad Mini has a bigger screen in the same overall form factor, they make the same point a different way (\"30% more pixels than the Mini\" =&#62; \"216 pixels per inch\"). If the Kindle had a bigger screen but lower PPI they'd put the screen size in here.6. \"Watch HD movies and TV\" \"No HD movies or TV\". The phrasing here is very clever. To a technically competent individual it parses as \"no HD content on iPad Mini, only standard definition\". But the \"and TV\"/\"or TV\" phrasing means that an average consumer might assume that you can't get any TV shows on iPad Mini.7. The screen of the Kindle Fire is odd looking. The iPad Mini behind it is on its default home screen. I'm guessing that the Kindle Fire has deliberately been shown all in black (with the bg the same colour as the bezel) because it makes it unclear where the bezel ends and the screen begins. (I don't know if this is the default setting of the Kindle Fire HD or not).8. The iPad Mini has been photoshopped horribly. For a start I have no idea which iOS that is, but it's not the one which ships with the iPad Mini or the one which Apple are using in any of their promotional shots. If you overlay one of Apple's promotional shots on top and adjust the size and opacity, you'll see that the iPad Mini has been warped so that the icons seem slightly smaller and the positioning is off.8. Ultra-fast MIMO Wi-Fi vs. A BLANK SPACE. Not even trashing the fact that there is Wifi in the iPad but it's not as fast. It looks like they just gave up at this point.Again, I'm not blaming Amazon for any of this. It's just interesting to see how much thought has gone into basically attempting to deceive consumers." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "The iPad Mini's far from impressive DPI is no doubt the result of Apple not wanting to introduce another resolution into the iOS ecosystem (the Mini's resolution previously appeared on iPad 1 and 2). I don't think they were cutting costs with this panel, rather, you are seeing the non-resolution-independent iOS chickens coming home to roost as software limitations begin to hold back hardware innovation.Apple needs to bite the bullet and implement true resolution independence in iOS and OS X otherwise every new device form factor (or Retina display, in OS X's case) is going to make things more and more painful." } criticising new iPad on homepage
{ "score": 1, "text": "The iPad Mini's far from impressive DPI is no doubt the result of Apple not wanting to introduce another resolution into the iOS ecosystem (the Mini's resolution previously appeared on iPad 1 and 2). I don't think they were cutting costs with this panel, rather, you are seeing the non-resolution-independent iOS chickens coming home to roost as software limitations begin to hold back hardware innovation.Apple needs to bite the bullet and implement true resolution independence in iOS and OS X otherwise every new device form factor (or Retina display, in OS X's case) is going to make things more and more painful." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "When you're a Microsoft, an Apple or a Google you have the money to create something truly epic - and none of them have.The Surface has great design, as do all of Apple's products. However the Surface, while having the potential for great software, comes with something not quite finished. So while it's eminently usable as it is, it falls short of greatness.The iPad Mini, similarly, has the quality one expects from Apple, and yet the features, such as the display resolution and lack of GPS, give it a feel of mediocrity. And iOS itself feels a little long in the tooth these days. Not what you'd expect from Apple.Google of course have an OS that outsells any other. And yet that's plagued by patent infringements, operators and manufacturers that aren't incentivised to update the OS, and the subsequent slew of (real or perceived) security holes. Android could be truly open, but isn't.All three companies have the resources to create something earth-shatteringly innovative, usable and beautiful. And yet they don't. Nokia with the 920 is the only one that seems to get close. This really surprises me, given the importance we're placing on the mobile market." } criticising new iPad on homepage
{ "score": 2, "text": "When you're a Microsoft, an Apple or a Google you have the money to create something truly epic - and none of them have.The Surface has great design, as do all of Apple's products. However the Surface, while having the potential for great software, comes with something not quite finished. So while it's eminently usable as it is, it falls short of greatness.The iPad Mini, similarly, has the quality one expects from Apple, and yet the features, such as the display resolution and lack of GPS, give it a feel of mediocrity. And iOS itself feels a little long in the tooth these days. Not what you'd expect from Apple.Google of course have an OS that outsells any other. And yet that's plagued by patent infringements, operators and manufacturers that aren't incentivised to update the OS, and the subsequent slew of (real or perceived) security holes. Android could be truly open, but isn't.All three companies have the resources to create something earth-shatteringly innovative, usable and beautiful. And yet they don't. Nokia with the 920 is the only one that seems to get close. This really surprises me, given the importance we're placing on the mobile market." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "I believe that what Gizmodo says is actually true and something that Apple \"forgot\" to mention when comparing(highlight the \"good\" things while omitting all the other things) the Nexus 7 with their new iPad so I do not blame Amazon for pointing it out to a wider public. If Apple wants to play this game, they must be ready to get fought back.EDIT: also, I still have no idea why isn't that thing Retina. I mean, they have putted it on everything, iPhone, iPad and Air, why not this? the Retina might be still the only great feature of iDevices and they have removed it? Why ? to put it in the next model to double the sales? To make it cheaper? It is not. This things make me really dislike Apple." } criticising new iPad on homepage
{ "score": 3, "text": "I believe that what Gizmodo says is actually true and something that Apple \"forgot\" to mention when comparing(highlight the \"good\" things while omitting all the other things) the Nexus 7 with their new iPad so I do not blame Amazon for pointing it out to a wider public. If Apple wants to play this game, they must be ready to get fought back.EDIT: also, I still have no idea why isn't that thing Retina. I mean, they have putted it on everything, iPhone, iPad and Air, why not this? the Retina might be still the only great feature of iDevices and they have removed it? Why ? to put it in the next model to double the sales? To make it cheaper? It is not. This things make me really dislike Apple." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Not a bad idea. The low dpi screen of the iPad mini really is a glaring flaw when you consider the price.And because of that price, there's going to be a long future for Android tablets in the sub-$250 range, now that Google and Amazon have proven you can make and sell a worthy device for that kind of money." }
OS X is holding back the 2013 MacBook Air’s 802.11ac Wi-Fi speeds
{ "score": 0, "text": "Apple losing their server division, and their huge focus on iOS has led to many of their core OS technologies lagging behind. Examples are networking, filesystems (still HFS+), kernel level benchmarks, concurrency, NUMA etc, and especially so compared to what Linux, Solaris, *BSD, and NT have progressed in the last few years.A few years ago, I remember some of their kernel engineers saying Apple&#x27;s performance goals are holistic with their hardware ie prioritise things that the majority of their consumers (mainly low end laptops) would need. This seems reasonable, why invest in best of class IO when most users are on 54g wifi with a single 5400rpm HDD. The problem is now consumer hardware has caught up, gigabit wifi, PCI-e SSDs, 8+cores, retina screens, multi-level cache hierarchies.One thing OSX does extremely well at is power management, and that&#x27;s in a large part due to iOS. I wonder what Apple run at their data centers?" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "Why would you test wifi speed using afp or cifs? Don&#x27;t both those protocols dictate a fsync on each block, meaning they are very dependent on rtt which is much longer via radio? If you&#x27;re testing radio bandwidth you really want to use a protocol without restraints like that, such as rtsp or http. While window size will undoubtedly help here, I wouldn&#x27;t be surprised to find that windows 8 isn&#x27;t flushing as often or performs async fsyncs." }
OS X is holding back the 2013 MacBook Air’s 802.11ac Wi-Fi speeds
{ "score": 1, "text": "Why would you test wifi speed using afp or cifs? Don&#x27;t both those protocols dictate a fsync on each block, meaning they are very dependent on rtt which is much longer via radio? If you&#x27;re testing radio bandwidth you really want to use a protocol without restraints like that, such as rtsp or http. While window size will undoubtedly help here, I wouldn&#x27;t be surprised to find that windows 8 isn&#x27;t flushing as often or performs async fsyncs." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "I think it&#x27;s worth pointing out that Anand did a good piece on this, with some more details into his methodology:http:&#x2F;&#x2F;;show&#x2F;7085&#x2F;the-2013-macbook-air-revi...Anandtech has some great reviews --- I recommend them to anyone that has ever fallen into the trap of reading a CNET review, product a product, and then realizing it falls short of expectations. That, and I also recommend them to anyone interested in diving into some of the more technical details of processor architecture and benchmarking, screen diagnostics, and more detailed write-ups on device performance." }
OS X is holding back the 2013 MacBook Air’s 802.11ac Wi-Fi speeds
{ "score": 2, "text": "I think it&#x27;s worth pointing out that Anand did a good piece on this, with some more details into his methodology:http:&#x2F;&#x2F;;show&#x2F;7085&#x2F;the-2013-macbook-air-revi...Anandtech has some great reviews --- I recommend them to anyone that has ever fallen into the trap of reading a CNET review, product a product, and then realizing it falls short of expectations. That, and I also recommend them to anyone interested in diving into some of the more technical details of processor architecture and benchmarking, screen diagnostics, and more detailed write-ups on device performance." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "A better test is to use something like iperf to see what the underlying TCP limits are like: in the case of something like SMB or AFP, it can be particularly confusing if you haven&#x27;t adequately accounted for buffering and async writes – I&#x27;ve seen copies which “completed” considerably before the network traffic stopped.If it is window scaling, adding the following to &#x2F;etc&#x2F;sysctl.conf should make a considerable difference by bumping the limits up to values appropriate for &gt;100Mb connections: net.inet.tcp.sendspace=262144\n net.inet.tcp.recvspace=262144" }
OS X is holding back the 2013 MacBook Air’s 802.11ac Wi-Fi speeds
{ "score": 3, "text": "A better test is to use something like iperf to see what the underlying TCP limits are like: in the case of something like SMB or AFP, it can be particularly confusing if you haven&#x27;t adequately accounted for buffering and async writes – I&#x27;ve seen copies which “completed” considerably before the network traffic stopped.If it is window scaling, adding the following to &#x2F;etc&#x2F;sysctl.conf should make a considerable difference by bumping the limits up to values appropriate for &gt;100Mb connections: net.inet.tcp.sendspace=262144\n net.inet.tcp.recvspace=262144" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "It was incredibly alarming that the author blamed OSX on slow SMB performance and neglected to say which version of SMB they used. OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion) only defaults SMB v1, where as Windows 8 defaults SMB v3. SMB v1 is incredibly chatty and has typically has bad performance over high latency networks (in other words the very 802ac network they were testing). And SMBv3 solves that problem altogether. So it&#x27;s no wonder Windows 8 was faster. If the author bothered to do additional testing with iperf (like in http:&#x2F;&#x2F;;show&#x2F;7085&#x2F;the-2013-macbook-air-review-1...) then they would get completely different results." }
Hacker News Restyled I just noticed the new design (and I like it), is this going to remain?
{ "score": 0, "text": "They do this in some way every year for Christmas. The above URLs and the current story number (3389705) give you an idea of the growth in number of posts/comments per year." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "I don't see a new design. You should add a screenshot." }
Hacker News Restyled I just noticed the new design (and I like it), is this going to remain?
{ "score": 1, "text": "I don't see a new design. You should add a screenshot." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "looks like christmas colors to me." }
Hacker News Restyled I just noticed the new design (and I like it), is this going to remain?
{ "score": 2, "text": "looks like christmas colors to me." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "I assume you mean the Xmas theme:" }
Hacker News Restyled I just noticed the new design (and I like it), is this going to remain?
{ "score": 3, "text": "I assume you mean the Xmas theme:" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "anyone knows the reason?" }
Construction Technology Hackathon Join us and help bring innovated technology to the construction industry.
{ "score": 0, "text": "&#x27;Sustainability&#x27; is venture capital&#x27;s new buzzword | GreenBiz.comsee how you can get a piece of new VC $ being injected into cleantech as investors are expanding their definition of the market.http:&#x2F;&#x2F;;blog&#x2F;2014&#x2F;02&#x2F;05&#x2F;sustainability-new-b..." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "The AEC Hackathon 1.1 will bring together technology, programmers, and AEC industry professionals to address a problem or opportunity and develop a prototype over the course of a weekend. Come along." }
Construction Technology Hackathon Join us and help bring innovated technology to the construction industry.
{ "score": 1, "text": "The AEC Hackathon 1.1 will bring together technology, programmers, and AEC industry professionals to address a problem or opportunity and develop a prototype over the course of a weekend. Come along." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Calling all Architects, Engineers, Contractors, BIM designers!\nAlso, software developers looking for a way to contribute to sustainability or changing how we interact with the built environment." }
Construction Technology Hackathon Join us and help bring innovated technology to the construction industry.
{ "score": 2, "text": "Calling all Architects, Engineers, Contractors, BIM designers!\nAlso, software developers looking for a way to contribute to sustainability or changing how we interact with the built environment." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Excitement is growing around the second event for everyone that deals with the built environment. Come and evolve this multi-trillion dollar market that is in need of high tech solutions." }
Construction Technology Hackathon Join us and help bring innovated technology to the construction industry.
{ "score": 3, "text": "Excitement is growing around the second event for everyone that deals with the built environment. Come and evolve this multi-trillion dollar market that is in need of high tech solutions." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "I am so looking forward to learning more of what I do not yet know about how we can collectively cause a seismic event within the AEC and Building industry." }
Does WebKit face a troubled future now that Google is gone?
{ "score": 0, "text": "Yet another article full of FUD and speculation. If this, if that, maybe this, maybe that. Seriously, please. Someone reform the media industry for me. Are there any startups here doing this?Back to the article. WebKit won't allow hooking in random JS engines. Allowing this slows things down because many DOM access optimizations can be achieved by assuming a specific engine. This is totally reasonable thing. People who are complaining don't contribute to the project at all and are just armchair critics.Same goes for this web developer who is complaining on webkit-dev. He is an arm chair critic. Apple is talking about removing a feature that no one is stepping up to maintain. CSS variables is not a _standard_ and not close to being a standard and that is the key. If it was, Apple won't be removing it.I don't know whats worse - armchair critics or media creating whole articles based on speculation and armchair critics." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "I am disappointed by this article coming from ARS, a site I have huge respect for. The article ignores parts of conversation and chooses the ones which suits its narrative. Developers were concerned about leaving unmaintained code left in the tree, which was previously only used by chrome. If you follow the thread devs were more than happy to keep it as long as someone maintained it. And finally that's what happened. Either way discussions like these are common in Open source project , any project as a matter of fact, but to spin it like this is simply manufacturing a story for page views." }
Does WebKit face a troubled future now that Google is gone?
{ "score": 1, "text": "I am disappointed by this article coming from ARS, a site I have huge respect for. The article ignores parts of conversation and chooses the ones which suits its narrative. Developers were concerned about leaving unmaintained code left in the tree, which was previously only used by chrome. If you follow the thread devs were more than happy to keep it as long as someone maintained it. And finally that's what happened. Either way discussions like these are common in Open source project , any project as a matter of fact, but to spin it like this is simply manufacturing a story for page views." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Puff piece, a.k.a link bait.Anyone that goes through the discussion threads from which this article originated from will see developers cordially debating about pertinent engeneering topics regarding the future of the project. Nothing more.I personally think both projects will thrive as a result of this fork." }
Does WebKit face a troubled future now that Google is gone?
{ "score": 2, "text": "Puff piece, a.k.a link bait.Anyone that goes through the discussion threads from which this article originated from will see developers cordially debating about pertinent engeneering topics regarding the future of the project. Nothing more.I personally think both projects will thrive as a result of this fork." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "The root problem seems to be that Oracle and Samsung want WebKit to continue allowing Nashorn and V8 integration without actually providing any developer resource to the problem." }
Does WebKit face a troubled future now that Google is gone?
{ "score": 3, "text": "The root problem seems to be that Oracle and Samsung want WebKit to continue allowing Nashorn and V8 integration without actually providing any developer resource to the problem." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "I think this may not be the easiest path (at least short-term) but I would be Apple I would only actively maintain my own JS engine but I would also try to make a nice abstraction for others JS engines, i.e. what Google chose not to do. Maybe it wouldn't be ideal for short term performances, but community wise and future wise it would be a great choice I think. Sadly I don't think this is the path Apple is going to take." }
The March Towards Go
{ "score": 0, "text": "Zef writes this as if it&#x27;s completely amazing that people are leaving Node for Go. Node is based on JavaScript. There are arguably more things wrong with JavaScript than with any other popular programming language, as evidenced by book titles like &quot;JavaScript, the good parts&quot;. This is common knowledge; we&#x27;re all trying to do good work despite JavaScript, seldom because of it. So Node: it&#x27;s fast, we can share code with the browser, but it&#x27;s a bitch to use. We knew that when we signed up.Conversely, Python is a great language but it&#x27;s not as easy to make it go fast. It&#x27;s slow, but it&#x27;s great to use. We also knew that when we signed up.It&#x27;s great that Go is getting more mainstream adoption! Deservedly so. But it&#x27;s probably still easier to be super-productive developing a CRUD app in Ruby or Python. And it&#x27;s still easier to share code between backends and web frontends with Node. If you don&#x27;t need either of that, and you do need performance, then, yes, maybe you shouldn&#x27;t pick Python or Node.I agree that Go is a great option to consider, but Zef is framing it a little as a silver bullet, and well, of course it isn&#x27;t." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "This sums up the problem:&gt; Not looking at Go yet? It may be a good time to do so now — everybody else is.That&#x27;s going to be a large albatross around Go&#x27;s neck, as it has been around node.js&#x27;, and Rails before that. Large amounts of developers flocking to a new thing because &quot;this is the thing to use now and if you don&#x27;t you&#x27;re dead meat&quot;.Personally, I thought Node.js was a terrible platform for serving dynamic web sites. It is, however, a great platform if you need to make a reasonably performant general server with minimal effort (such as a message broker for example).Likewise, people will now order their projects in Go whether it makes sense given the requirements or not. 20 years of Go experience will be needed on CVs. And when Go inevitably fails at certain things, &quot;everybody&quot; will move to the next thing - probably Rust, thereby completing the migration away from dynamic scripting.This is not reasonable, is it?" }
The March Towards Go
{ "score": 1, "text": "This sums up the problem:&gt; Not looking at Go yet? It may be a good time to do so now — everybody else is.That&#x27;s going to be a large albatross around Go&#x27;s neck, as it has been around node.js&#x27;, and Rails before that. Large amounts of developers flocking to a new thing because &quot;this is the thing to use now and if you don&#x27;t you&#x27;re dead meat&quot;.Personally, I thought Node.js was a terrible platform for serving dynamic web sites. It is, however, a great platform if you need to make a reasonably performant general server with minimal effort (such as a message broker for example).Likewise, people will now order their projects in Go whether it makes sense given the requirements or not. 20 years of Go experience will be needed on CVs. And when Go inevitably fails at certain things, &quot;everybody&quot; will move to the next thing - probably Rust, thereby completing the migration away from dynamic scripting.This is not reasonable, is it?" }
{ "score": 2, "text": "&quot;In the past week I’ve rewritten a relatively large distributed system in Go&quot;Maybe I don&#x27;t have any programming talent at all, but I cannot even imagine to rewrite a &#x27;large distributed system&#x27; in a week. The not-too-large distributed systems I worked with had years of thinking behind them, I could not even type in the characters of the code in a week." }
The March Towards Go
{ "score": 2, "text": "&quot;In the past week I’ve rewritten a relatively large distributed system in Go&quot;Maybe I don&#x27;t have any programming talent at all, but I cannot even imagine to rewrite a &#x27;large distributed system&#x27; in a week. The not-too-large distributed systems I worked with had years of thinking behind them, I could not even type in the characters of the code in a week." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "I&#x27;ve often heard that Go founder were surprised that Go seemed to replace python more than C++ or C which were the initial targets. \nBy judging from the given examples it seems that it isn&#x27;t the case : people seem to come to Go when they start looking for performance. Instead of writing C modules and using them from python, they just switch everything to Go.I&#x27;d be curious to know how many start ups prototype their first software version with Go.Note : as a coder that writes a lot of python, seing dropbox switch to Go in parallel to python so often having toxic discussions about python 3 vs 2 is really painful." }
The March Towards Go
{ "score": 3, "text": "I&#x27;ve often heard that Go founder were surprised that Go seemed to replace python more than C++ or C which were the initial targets. \nBy judging from the given examples it seems that it isn&#x27;t the case : people seem to come to Go when they start looking for performance. Instead of writing C modules and using them from python, they just switch everything to Go.I&#x27;d be curious to know how many start ups prototype their first software version with Go.Note : as a coder that writes a lot of python, seing dropbox switch to Go in parallel to python so often having toxic discussions about python 3 vs 2 is really painful." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "TL;DR It is very likely that TJH is a hive mind.FYI some question TJ Holowaychuk&#x27;s &#x27;person.&#x27; A glance at his github commits would lead you to believe he is some open source prodigy, but there is a curious case being built (share=1 trick, no Quora login needed):\nhttp:&#x2F;&#x2F;;TJ-Holowaychuk-1&#x2F;How-is-TJ-Holowaychuk-..." } is now the internet
{ "score": 0, "text": "No, this actually means Facebook is now AOL. They used to show \"AOL Keywords\" in the same places he mentions Facebook page URLs appearing." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "&#62; appears to be a distraction black hole, sucking all other useless advertising sites and hypercasual games into it.This is largely a good thing, as you'll now only have to remember one domain name not to visit." } is now the internet
{ "score": 1, "text": "&#62; appears to be a distraction black hole, sucking all other useless advertising sites and hypercasual games into it.This is largely a good thing, as you'll now only have to remember one domain name not to visit." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Linkbait blogpost to stir the pot. The blogger writes about his experience watching the Doritos Super Bowl ad having a facebook link at the end and how it was an epiphany or something about Facebook being \"the Internet.\" With only 3 short paragraphs and an embedded video with the ad in question.Don't waste your time." } is now the internet
{ "score": 2, "text": "Linkbait blogpost to stir the pot. The blogger writes about his experience watching the Doritos Super Bowl ad having a facebook link at the end and how it was an epiphany or something about Facebook being \"the Internet.\" With only 3 short paragraphs and an embedded video with the ad in question.Don't waste your time." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Fads among Madison avenue creative agencies do not the Internet make. (Anybody remember the Starburst wikiTweetBook promotion?)" } is now the internet
{ "score": 3, "text": "Fads among Madison avenue creative agencies do not the Internet make. (Anybody remember the Starburst wikiTweetBook promotion?)" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Redirect people to your Facebook page, and since even dogs have Facebook profiles, the user will probably click the 'like' button, and may also share the page or invite a few friends.Companies now are looking for more fans because it means for them more coverage. The news they publish on their page will show up on the user page. But what will happen if all of the companies that exist in earth and other parts of the universe advertise heavily on Facebook?The typical user will have then a subscription to more than 1 thousand page and he'll probably end up watching what his friends are sharing. This is exactly what happened to Twitter, when web masters started to accumulate followers, but in the end it didn't work out. You can have 20K followers and barely 10 users read your tweet.And this is not only linked to Facebook, imagine you are watching a movie and get a break with 320 ads, will you remember any of them? What the conversion ratio will be?" }
List of content farms to block with Google Personal Blocklist
{ "score": 0, "text": "I don't entirely understand the outrage at Demand Media. They're not a bastion of quality, but for a lot of searches, there aren't better results. For example, the other day I was making chocolate cream of wheat and I wanted a quick refresher on the proper chocolate:everything else ratio. I opened a bunch of the top links, and the best one for quickly getting the info was eHow. For searches where there are better results, I'm not compelled to click on the one or two from Demand Media." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "Experts-exchange is indeed an annoying site, but I'm not sure I'd classify it as a content farm. There is actually a lot of information there not found on other sites." }
List of content farms to block with Google Personal Blocklist
{ "score": 1, "text": "Experts-exchange is indeed an annoying site, but I'm not sure I'd classify it as a content farm. There is actually a lot of information there not found on other sites." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Hmm. Although this seems like a good idea at first, sometimes I'm searching for something obscure and I actually do find the answer on one of those annoying websites.I can't help thinking it's probably more useful to see all the results even if I have to wade through the junk, just in case the answer is hidden in there somewhere.(PS. did you know you can see the answers on if you scroll down far enough?)" }
List of content farms to block with Google Personal Blocklist
{ "score": 2, "text": "Hmm. Although this seems like a good idea at first, sometimes I'm searching for something obscure and I actually do find the answer on one of those annoying websites.I can't help thinking it's probably more useful to see all the results even if I have to wade through the junk, just in case the answer is hidden in there somewhere.(PS. did you know you can see the answers on if you scroll down far enough?)" }
{ "score": 3, "text": "I assume that when you block a site, Google are sent the search term as well as the site you blocked.Assuming that this is the case, it isn't very helpful to search for '' and then block What do you think should rank higher than for the term better approach would be to install the extension and continue as normal, and then next time you search for \"convert int to string\" [0] and eFreedom appears above stackoverflow, you block that. That way you can enjoy the benefits and create valuable data, instead of just doing something you might as well have used a Greasemonkey script for.[0] Only joking!" }
List of content farms to block with Google Personal Blocklist
{ "score": 3, "text": "I assume that when you block a site, Google are sent the search term as well as the site you blocked.Assuming that this is the case, it isn't very helpful to search for '' and then block What do you think should rank higher than for the term better approach would be to install the extension and continue as normal, and then next time you search for \"convert int to string\" [0] and eFreedom appears above stackoverflow, you block that. That way you can enjoy the benefits and create valuable data, instead of just doing something you might as well have used a Greasemonkey script for.[0] Only joking!" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Am I the only one who find w3schools more annoying than expertsexchange? Maybe it's just the searches I perform, but I usually want to see results, not the often misleading webbed CF results." }
Ask HN: Taxpayer funded open source? I think open source development has the potential to produce far superior software than closed source. I think the only thing that keeps it from revolutionizing the software world overnight is that it's tough to make money at it.<p>If governments funded various software projects you would remove the need for those projects to turn a profit, thus removing a big obstacle to the sharing of code. I believe this would benefit society greatly.<p>If the code is released under a business friendly license, corporations could effectively have their R&#38;D costs outsourced for free. This would allow them to focus on their customers more. This would be good for the economy.<p>I could see excessive regulation being a problem. I'm not sure how much oversight would be appropriate. I wonder what would happen if you just gave 100 hackers $20K over the course of a year and let them choose what to work on, just so long as it was open source.<p>A more realistic pilot program would not take much funding at all. Let's say we pay 1000 programmers $50,000 a year to work on open source projects. Toss in another $10 million for regulators and whatnot and that's $60 million total. Peanuts, really -- less then .01% of the U.S. federal budget.<p>What do you think? Is this a good idea?
{ "score": 0, "text": "This is already happening here and there. The DOE made a policy decision to use open source on their supercomputers so that they would be vendor-indpendent; this has resulted in open source software like Lustre and SLURM. The E community was funded by DARPA. I'm sure there are others.I don't know of any umbrella initiatives to fund open source in general. Given the ridiculous amounts of \"stimulus\" money being given out, go for it." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "Let's say we pay 1000 programmers $50,000 a year to work on open source projects.What makes you think that $50k/year is enough to attract good developers? We're talking about people who could easily earn double that -- and many of the top open source developers spend most of their paid time writing open source code anyway." }
Ask HN: Taxpayer funded open source? I think open source development has the potential to produce far superior software than closed source. I think the only thing that keeps it from revolutionizing the software world overnight is that it's tough to make money at it.<p>If governments funded various software projects you would remove the need for those projects to turn a profit, thus removing a big obstacle to the sharing of code. I believe this would benefit society greatly.<p>If the code is released under a business friendly license, corporations could effectively have their R&#38;D costs outsourced for free. This would allow them to focus on their customers more. This would be good for the economy.<p>I could see excessive regulation being a problem. I'm not sure how much oversight would be appropriate. I wonder what would happen if you just gave 100 hackers $20K over the course of a year and let them choose what to work on, just so long as it was open source.<p>A more realistic pilot program would not take much funding at all. Let's say we pay 1000 programmers $50,000 a year to work on open source projects. Toss in another $10 million for regulators and whatnot and that's $60 million total. Peanuts, really -- less then .01% of the U.S. federal budget.<p>What do you think? Is this a good idea?
{ "score": 1, "text": "Let's say we pay 1000 programmers $50,000 a year to work on open source projects.What makes you think that $50k/year is enough to attract good developers? We're talking about people who could easily earn double that -- and many of the top open source developers spend most of their paid time writing open source code anyway." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "So that's it? I propose a straight-forward plan to revolutionize software development and all anybody has for me are a few lame objections?How disappointing." }
Ask HN: Taxpayer funded open source? I think open source development has the potential to produce far superior software than closed source. I think the only thing that keeps it from revolutionizing the software world overnight is that it's tough to make money at it.<p>If governments funded various software projects you would remove the need for those projects to turn a profit, thus removing a big obstacle to the sharing of code. I believe this would benefit society greatly.<p>If the code is released under a business friendly license, corporations could effectively have their R&#38;D costs outsourced for free. This would allow them to focus on their customers more. This would be good for the economy.<p>I could see excessive regulation being a problem. I'm not sure how much oversight would be appropriate. I wonder what would happen if you just gave 100 hackers $20K over the course of a year and let them choose what to work on, just so long as it was open source.<p>A more realistic pilot program would not take much funding at all. Let's say we pay 1000 programmers $50,000 a year to work on open source projects. Toss in another $10 million for regulators and whatnot and that's $60 million total. Peanuts, really -- less then .01% of the U.S. federal budget.<p>What do you think? Is this a good idea?
{ "score": 2, "text": "So that's it? I propose a straight-forward plan to revolutionize software development and all anybody has for me are a few lame objections?How disappointing." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Whenever the idea of government getting involved with startups or silicon valley comes up it makes me sick to my stomach. Picking the right startups, open source or otherwise is a hard thing to do and especially for the government. They have done that in the past, the government trying to fund the semiconductor industry in the 90s, and failed remarkably. I wish they learnt from their mistakes but alas seems like they don't.As far as your idea of funding open source only projects, that already happens in universities. Most of the good open source project you probably use comes from these universities that get federal funding." }
Ask HN: Taxpayer funded open source? I think open source development has the potential to produce far superior software than closed source. I think the only thing that keeps it from revolutionizing the software world overnight is that it's tough to make money at it.<p>If governments funded various software projects you would remove the need for those projects to turn a profit, thus removing a big obstacle to the sharing of code. I believe this would benefit society greatly.<p>If the code is released under a business friendly license, corporations could effectively have their R&#38;D costs outsourced for free. This would allow them to focus on their customers more. This would be good for the economy.<p>I could see excessive regulation being a problem. I'm not sure how much oversight would be appropriate. I wonder what would happen if you just gave 100 hackers $20K over the course of a year and let them choose what to work on, just so long as it was open source.<p>A more realistic pilot program would not take much funding at all. Let's say we pay 1000 programmers $50,000 a year to work on open source projects. Toss in another $10 million for regulators and whatnot and that's $60 million total. Peanuts, really -- less then .01% of the U.S. federal budget.<p>What do you think? Is this a good idea?
{ "score": 3, "text": "Whenever the idea of government getting involved with startups or silicon valley comes up it makes me sick to my stomach. Picking the right startups, open source or otherwise is a hard thing to do and especially for the government. They have done that in the past, the government trying to fund the semiconductor industry in the 90s, and failed remarkably. I wish they learnt from their mistakes but alas seems like they don't.As far as your idea of funding open source only projects, that already happens in universities. Most of the good open source project you probably use comes from these universities that get federal funding." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "you've almost got the right idea, except how does a taxpayer justify investing 60mil into something that doesn't make money?furthermore taking out the need to turn a profit will result in mediocre products being made.this smells like china to me" }

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