[POSTED] 07/27/2015 - 2:34am [COMMENTS]
Homogenization is a major contributor to heart disease bc the fat molecules that would not normally pass into the blood stream quickly are broken down and actually damage blood vessels due to the speed of absorption/smaller size, over years this causes cholesterol to adhere to the micro lesions formed by the fat molecules clogging the blood vessel. — Anonymous
Is Raw Milk More Nutritious than Pasteurized Milk? - Eating Well
[POSTED] 07/10/2015 - 8:52pm [COMMENTS]
I am curious about how all of these seemingly imminent dangers are in touch with reality. China, with it's incredible population and diversity, does not pasteurize it's milk. All of their dairy is raw. According to these raging statistics, they should be wiped out in swaths by listeria. But they are not - in fact, I have yet to actually see an article about Chinese dairy anywhere. I feel like it's all hype to keep us in the grocery stores, but that is just conjecture. — Anonymous
Is Raw Milk More Nutritious than Pasteurized Milk? - Eating Well
[POSTED] 05/06/2015 - 7:53pm [COMMENTS]
My mother contracted undulant fever (brucellosis) from drinking raw milk when she was about 10 years old. She was one of 11 children, and was the only one that got sick. She was sick for almost a year and was left with a heart murmur and overall poor health for the rest of her life. Like most families back in the day, they had a couple of milk cows that were grass fed. Their living conditions were more upscale since her father was a contractor, so I do not believe uncleanliness had anything to do with it. If my mom was still alive, she would say, DO NOT DRINK UNPASTEURIZED MILK! - Anonymous — Anonymous
Is Raw Milk More Nutritious than Pasteurized Milk? - Eating Well
[POSTED] 04/21/2015 - 5:09pm [COMMENTS]
I think I will trust God for his cow then the one who are trying to dystroy his work, yes the raw milk beat it all — Anonymous
Is Raw Milk More Nutritious than Pasteurized Milk? - Eating Well
[POSTED] 04/18/2015 - 11:35am [COMMENTS]
Bought my first gallon of raw milk today along with raw yogurt. Both taste delicious and I'm excited about introducing them to my family's diet - gradually - and seeing the benefits that non-chemically processed dairy will bring for us. We are awful allergy sufferers and are hopeful that locally grown fruits and veggies, as well as locally produced honey and dairy will alleviate our symptoms. — Anonymous
Is Raw Milk More Nutritious than Pasteurized Milk? - Eating Well
[POSTED] 04/06/2015 - 3:17am [COMMENTS]
I live on a dairy farm and so does the rest of my family. I've been drinking raw milk nearly all my life, so have my brothers and my dad. We don't get sick from it. If there is really bad bacteria in the milk, it is because the cow is sick, and no amount of diluting or watering down will stop you from getting sick then. If the cow is sick, the milk is bad, the cow is fine, the milk is fine. Raw milk is also thicker, and does have more proteins than the watered down stuff, I only drink it when we dry off the cows. Its not as good — Anonymous
Is Raw Milk More Nutritious than Pasteurized Milk? - Eating Well
[POSTED] 02/25/2015 - 4:40pm [COMMENTS]
I can't believe that in this day and age educated people can be so stupid on the subjects of real whole food. What do they think the settlers lived on. I grew up on a dairy and drank raw milk out of the bulk tank every day of my life. I find it interesting that after we started having government tell how to process food. We now have more people with allergies and such than before. Why cant we use common sense and figure out that it is the chemicals and preservatives in our food chain that are causing so many of our health problems. Think about cancer, It use to be if you smoked you would get it , now everyone has it. I have no more than a highschool education, but common sense and that will go a lot farther than some of the thinking of these people with PHD's. — Anonymous
Is Raw Milk More Nutritious than Pasteurized Milk? - Eating Well
[POSTED] 02/19/2015 - 4:10pm [COMMENTS]
I agree — Anonymous
Is Raw Milk More Nutritious than Pasteurized Milk? - Eating Well
[POSTED] 01/23/2015 - 11:37am [COMMENTS]
You all realize that the reason pasteurization was started is because of the milking conditions? Of course you're going to get Listeria and who knows what else when the conditions aren't sanitary. Milking conditions are much more controlled and much more sanitary than they were years ago. Pasteurization also kills the good bacteria in milk and homogenization breaks up the fat so you don't have that awesome separation of cream like you do with raw milk. Also, you can get listeria from : -eady-to-eat deli meats and hot -Refrigerated pâtés or meat spreads -Soft cheese made with unpasteurized milk, such as queso fresco, Feta, Brie, Camembert -Refrigerated smoked seafood -Raw sprouts -Vegetables -Fruit So raw milk isn't the only thing you can get listeria from so stating that is the reason why one shouldn't drink it is a bogus reason. — Anonymous
Is Raw Milk More Nutritious than Pasteurized Milk? - Eating Well
[POSTED] 01/11/2015 - 5:54pm [COMMENTS]
I think that people need to realize the seriousness of raw milk. Yes you might drink it all of you life and nothing will happen to you, but you can't deny the fact that their have been serious outcomes by drinking raw milk. There are benefits for both, but are the benefits of raw milk really worth losing a child or having your child deal with health problems for the rest of their lives? And as for the FDA and RX companies, have you ever compared the price of raw milk to the price of pasteurized? Raw milk is always more expensive. Did you ever think that its just a passing fad, that farmers are trying to make more money off of. Its not for anyone to decide for you what to drink, but PLEASE make sure you are aware of all the long term effects that there are of raw milk, before you take the life and health of your child into your hands, with one simple decision! — Anonymous
Is Raw Milk More Nutritious than Pasteurized Milk? - Eating Well
[1] parseRange [2] Undocumented [0]
[ [ "F", "u", "n", "c", "t", "i", "o", "n" ], [ "C", "l", "a", "s", "s" ] ]
twisted.news.nntp : API documentation
[1] extractCode [2] Undocumented [0]
[ [ "F", "u", "n", "c", "t", "i", "o", "n" ], [ "C", "l", "a", "s", "s" ] ]
twisted.news.nntp : API documentation
[1] NNTPError [2] Undocumented [0]
[ [ "F", "u", "n", "c", "t", "i", "o", "n" ], [ "C", "l", "a", "s", "s" ] ]
twisted.news.nntp : API documentation
[1] NNTPClient [2] No class docstring; 36/60 methods documented [0]
[ [ "F", "u", "n", "c", "t", "i", "o", "n" ], [ "C", "l", "a", "s", "s" ] ]
twisted.news.nntp : API documentation
[1] NNTPServer [2] No class docstring; 1/62 methods documented [0]
[ [ "F", "u", "n", "c", "t", "i", "o", "n" ], [ "C", "l", "a", "s", "s" ] ]
twisted.news.nntp : API documentation
[1] UsenetClientProtocol [2] A client that connects to an NNTP server and asks for articles new since a certain time. [0]
[ [ "F", "u", "n", "c", "t", "i", "o", "n" ], [ "C", "l", "a", "s", "s" ] ]
twisted.news.nntp : API documentation
Get such an early start and make such great time and feel so alert that we just drive straight on through the whole 1500 miles. Get tired slightly past half way and find a nice inexpensive hotel to stay in for the night.
Wander around Jackson Tennessee for 45 minutes trying to find a non-scary hotel room only to finally find out that all the hotels are booked up because Lane college is having their homecoming that weekend.
Where is the Laugh Track?: We Survived Our Road Trip
Things We ACTUALLY Did on the Road Trip
Set the cruise control and make great time. Hit a little traffic here and there and get in later than hoped for.
Get detoured to small country roads in the middle of the night for 30 miles because the interstate was closed just outside Memphis TN AND hit such bad traffic in Virginia that we actually put the car in park and turned off the engine for 30 minutes.
Where is the Laugh Track?: We Survived Our Road Trip
Things We ACTUALLY Did on the Road Trip
Enter an address in the GPS and get accurate, concise directions for getting there. Listen to the GPS say “Recalculating” every time we had to get off the freeway to pee.
Have the GPS lose satellite reception every time we looked at it wrong. Have it choose yet another slightly different route for getting there every time we tried to drive to the same place. Develop suspicion that the GPS is getting paid for every unique street it makes us drive on. End up renaming the GPS “Willis” so that we can start saying, “What choo talkin’ ‘bout, Willis?”
Where is the Laugh Track?: We Survived Our Road Trip
Things We ACTUALLY Did on the Road Trip
Only go to the bathroom at meal stops. Make pit stops every 2 hours.
Pee early and pee often. Have the dedication to pee 3 times in an hour, whether we need to or not. Pee before the meal, after the meal, and again 20 minutes after we finally get back on the road. ALL THE SAME KID. Get our drink privileges taken away.
Where is the Laugh Track?: We Survived Our Road Trip
Things We ACTUALLY Did on the Road Trip
Sleep. Stare out the window bored.
Pick up Kate’s princess dolls from the floor of the back seat while telling the kids to stop bugging each other.
Where is the Laugh Track?: We Survived Our Road Trip
Things We ACTUALLY Did on the Road Trip
Sing songs together. Listen to music.
Have the kids yell at each other to stop every time one of them starts happily singing a song.
Where is the Laugh Track?: We Survived Our Road Trip
Things We ACTUALLY Did on the Road Trip
Have Claire and Scott do homework while Kate played happily with toys. Let Kate listen to a movie with headphones on while the big kids did their homework.
Inform Scott that we were not going to play the Barbie Fairytopia movie over again so he could hear it this time because we didn’t want his testicles to shrivel up and fall off.
Where is the Laugh Track?: We Survived Our Road Trip
Things We ACTUALLY Did on the Road Trip
Read out loud as a family from the Little House on the Prairie book series. Watch a few movies.
Try to ignore threats from Kate that she will “be bossy” if we didn’t let her watch the movie she wanted… again.
Where is the Laugh Track?: We Survived Our Road Trip
Things We ACTUALLY Did on the Road Trip
Discuss family goals and aspirations. Tell the kids to stop bugging each other.
Insist that Kate ask politely before you pick up her princess dolls from the floor of the back seat... again.
Where is the Laugh Track?: We Survived Our Road Trip
Things We ACTUALLY Did on the Road Trip
Have a neat, organized car because we had thought of everything. Need to wash and vacuum out the car when we got back.
Cleaned up spilled orange Powerade with a pillowcase. Get our drink privileges taken away… again.
Where is the Laugh Track?: We Survived Our Road Trip
Things We ACTUALLY Did on the Road Trip
Have the children entertain themselves so that M and I can read and talk about grown up things. Risk throwing out our backs passing out books and snacks.
Risk throwing out our backs picking up Kate’s princess dolls from the floor of the back seat… again.
Where is the Laugh Track?: We Survived Our Road Trip
Things We ACTUALLY Did on the Road Trip
Eat up leftover snack foods from around the house. Let the kids pick out few new snack foods from the grocery store.
Wander around Wal-Mart for half an hour buying snack food only to have the children crumble the food up and leave it in Lake Powerade.
Where is the Laugh Track?: We Survived Our Road Trip
Things We ACTUALLY Did on the Road Trip
Attend a fabulous wedding where we get to spend time with family and friends and celebrate the marriage of a beloved sister and her new husband. Be present at the wedding.
Attend a fabulous wedding where we get to spend time with family and friends and celebrate the marriage of a beloved sister and her new husband.
Where is the Laugh Track?: We Survived Our Road Trip
Things We ACTUALLY Did on the Road Trip
[Definition] the added value a brand name gives to product beyond the functional benefits provided [Term]
Brand Equity
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] a contractual agreement whereby one company (licensor) allows its brand name(s) or trademark(s) to be used with products or services offered by another company (licensee) for a royalty or fee [Term]
Brand Licensing
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] any word, device (design, sound, shape, or color), or combination of these used to distinguish a seller's goods or services [Term]
Brand Name
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] a set of human characteristics associated with a brand name [Term]
Brand Personality
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] a marketing decision in which an organization uses a name, phrase, design, symbols, or combination of these to identify its products and distinguish them from those of competitors [Term]
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] an integral part of the package that typically identifies the product or brand, who made it, where and when it was made, how it is to be used, and package contents and ingredients [Term]
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] strategies by which a company tries to find new customers, increase a product's use among existing customers, or create new use situations [Term]
Market Modification
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] a branding strategy where a firm markets products under its own name(s) and that of a reseller because the segment attracted to the reseller is different from its own market [Term]
Mixed Branding
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] a branding strategy that involves giving each product a distinct name when each brand is intended for a different market segmentation [Term]
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] a branding strategy in which a company uses on enema for all its products in a product class [Term]
Multiproduct Branding
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] a component of a product that refers to any container in which it is offered for sale and on which label information is conveyed [Term]
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] a branding strategy used when a company manufactures products but sells them under the brand name of a wholesaler or retailer (also called private labeling or reseller branding) [Term]
Private Branding
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] refers to the entire product category or industry [Term]
Product Class
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] pertains to variations of a product within the product class [Term]
Product Form
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] describes the stages a new product goes through in the marketplace: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline [Term]
Product Life Cycle
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] strategies that alter a product's characteristics, such as its quality, performance, or appearance, to increase the product's value to customers and increase sales [Term]
Product Modification
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] a commercial, legal name under which a company does business [Term]
Trade Name
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] identifies that a firm has legally registered its brand name or trade name so the firm has its exclusive use, thereby preventing others from using it [Term]
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] reducing the number of features, quality, or price of the product [Term]
Trading Down
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] adding value to the product (or line) through additional features or higher-quality materials [Term]
Trading Up
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Definition] a statement indicating the liability of the manufacturer for product deficiencies [Term]
Flashcards about MKTG 305
[Date] 25 weeks 6 days ago [Title] Bowl Bound! [Body]
I still have Bowl Bound on my laptop which I dust off once in a while. It fills the recruiting void since I gave my brother back his xbox 360 years ago. I love the rectuiting aspect even though it seems a little clunky compared to NCAA on the consoles. I picked the worst school (Idaho) and built up a decent program and won the conference title a few times. Then I got invited to join the Big Ten. I don't win many games now but haven't simmed enough seasons to tell if I can compete with the big names. Still a long way to go. A few questions: How hard would it be to create a college football text simulator like Bowl Bound? Creating something like that has always intrigued me but I lack the time and skills to even get started. If there is any kind of Kickstarter with this idea, somebody let me know. How is there not a college football game already for iOS and Android? I know you wouldn't be able to use the college names and/or mascots. Maybe you couldn't even call it "college" football. But I think a dynasty type game where you get to build a program and recruit players would be awesome.
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 37 weeks 1 day ago [Title] I'm just north of Goshen. [Body]
I'm just north of Goshen. It's actually a relief for ND to lose. I was worried they would somehow sneak into the playoff and I would have to become a hermit or move to a different state...
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 1 year 22 weeks ago [Title] Interesting... [Body]
I guess I can see where he's coming from... But does that mean if the Dutch quit wasting talent in speed skating they would have a better basketball team? Maybe we should get a chart to compare the salaries and fame of football players and speed skaters. Then he could see why a lot of young men "waste their talent" with such violent activities. I would probably watch more speed skating if Denard was on the ice though.
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 1 year 25 weeks ago [Title] well... [Body]
at least you didn't loose your mind!
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 1 year 38 weeks ago [Title] There's a rest of the season?!?!? [Body]
Aw crap...
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 1 year 45 weeks ago [Title] A lot of good ideas so far [Body]
If you want my ideal mgoblog, I would like a magazine/feedly style layout mentioned above. Maybe something like digg only with a column or a few boxes dedicated to the content that is currently in the sidebars. But I would also make it responsive. Something like Mashable which changes the layout for different screen sizes. I haven't used the apps much but there seem to be some limitations so I'd prefer a well designed responsive site. Maybe we should have a contest for the best Mgoblog layout design since the last banner contest never crossed the finish line. (But I'm sure Brian has or knows people that are way better at this kind of stuff than the average mgblogger.)
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 1 year 52 weeks ago [Title] speaking of stale and lame... [Body]
When are these kids going to get with the times? US Dollars?! Show us your bitcoin balances!
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 2 years 6 weeks ago [Title] Sounds like a great project [Body]
Has anyone ever done a comparison of Denard and other Michigan quarterbacks? It would be pretty cool to see where he ranks in things like BCS/Rose Bowl wins, rivalry wins, stats in big games, game winning drives, and some of the other more common QB stats. It seems like I've seen something similar before but can't find it. I caught a few minutes of the win vs. OSU on BTN replay a couple days ago and at one point Denard was something like 13 of 16. I feel like I've heard so often that Denard was such a terrible quarterback that I forgot that he had some really good/respectable games.
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 2 years 10 weeks ago [Title] Question: [Body]
Are you telling me that if ND takes the place of an ACC school in one of the ACC bowl tie-ins they don't have to share the payout with the rest of the ACC conference?
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 2 years 16 weeks ago [Title] Thanks guys [Body]
Thanks for the feedback guys! I'm happy I could finally contribute something worthwhile to MGoBlog. Final Four! I'm still not sure I believe it!
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 2 years 17 weeks ago [Title] thank you sir! [Body]
justingoblue, You can go ahead and do it if you like. I was just going to make the text size smaller so the words didn't wrap down to the next line. But I'm not even sure how to do that! Your posting skills are probably far superior to mine. Maybe it's easy enough to read as it is? I'll look into the new options but I'm going to eat with my wife first. Thanks again!
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 2 years 17 weeks ago [Title] thanks russale2012! Sorry [Body]
thanks russale2012! Sorry about the hard to read formatting. I pasted from notepad and it wrapped each line in div tags. I was going to try to clean it up and make the text size smaller but I don't know a simple way to do that. Maybe I'll try to repost it in a little while.
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 2 years 17 weeks ago [Title] Adding to the Lore [Body]
Inspired by Brian's post "Exponent Time" and the surreal events of last night I started typing out a poem along the lines of Casey at the Bat. I needed something to do after the game because sleep was unlikely. It's been done before, I'm an amateur when it comes to poetry/writing and this version needs some more work. But I present you with the MGoBlog version of Screw Mudville The outlook wasn't brilliant for the Michigan squad that day: A contest in the JerryDome which last was a poor display. And the Jayhawks with their giants and all their fans that came, Thought for sure, without a doubt, that they would win the game. "The michigan shooters won't make their shots in such an open space, And the lack of height and quality depth brings a smile to Withey's face." "For Michigan to win this game, they'll need a Big House full of luck." "And the Big Ten is over rated," said our favorite analyst, Chuck. And as the game began, McGary's dong received a punch, The worst imaginable omen now for the souls of the Mgo- bunch. As the game progressed it seemed quite clear that nothing could be done, At the half Hardaway had only 5, while usual-hero Burke had none. Down only 6 at the break some said "We haven't played our best, If we get our stuff together we may yet win this contest." But as the 2nd half continued every bounce went KU's way, The Jayhawks pushed the lead to 14 with under 7 left to play. "The Liveblog is no use this time, our boys have given up, GR111 is gassed, Stauskas is off, McGary is still a pup." The free throws clanged off iron, the triples did the same, It looked as if there was no hero to help Michigan win this game. Finally Robinson tipped a pass and raced ahead to slam it through, And Burke clamped down before half court to get the ball back from KU. The next play he drove the lane and dished to an open McGary, With dong of steel and balls of brass, "This Withey kid ain't that scary." And at the other end Mitch spied Releford driving through the lane, So he stopped him cold but was called for a foul, the ref is clearly insane. "Kill him, kill the ref!" shouted all the maize and blue so loud, The commentators agreed, "All ball," they mumbled with the crowd. After two free points for Kansas, Burke dribbled around the arc, Withey stepped out, Trey stepped back, his triple hit the mark. As the clock dipped under a minute, the Jayhawk hands began to pound, But Morgan cut off McLemore and pulled down a defensive rebound. At the other end Hardaway misfired, but Morgan dove along the floor, Robinson snagged the loose ball and dipped under Withey for the score. The lead was trimmed to three but less than 30 seconds remained, All around the arena and beyond Jayhawk faces became quite pained. After trading points, the lead still three, Johnson drew a foul, "He shouldn't even be on the floor!" Michigan fans began to howl. Just a point would surely mean that the Wolverine season is all but done, But Johnson commits a basketball sin, missing the first of a one and one. Timmy pulls down the rebound and quickly hands to Burke, No timeouts, down by three, with 12 seconds with which to work. So many options for this team, full of shooters one and all, But there's no doubt who will have it last, it's time for Hero Ball. Burke dribbled to his left around the space where McGary fell, Back 30 feet or 30 miles it was really hard to tell, Practically from the stat table, no defender could reach him there, He picked up his dribble and raised his arms clutching that leather covered air. And now Burke lightly holds the ball and now he lets it fly, This shot could be the deciding point of how we view this guy. March Madness holds it's collective breath as the arc tears through the dome, And a wave of maize explodes forth as the ball finally rattles home. With only a few seconds left and the comeback now complete, The Wolverines have pulled off an unbelievable tourney feat. Onward, Michigan made their shots in an intense extra frame, Kansas though they tried so hard, couldn't quite do the same. Kansas fans felt the final dong punch in a karmic twist of fate, Mitch, Tim, Trey and the boys are all headed to the Elite Eight! Great or Greatest? will be the choices as we look back and debate, But now there seems to be no doubt, Burke is no longer "merely great." And somewhere couches are burning, and somewhere subs are had, And somewhere Wisconsin mutters that the backboards must have gone bad. And the liveblog lives forever, and muppets can be seen, And no matter where or when, it's great to be a Michigan Wolverine! I was going to do one of those cool picture posts but I have a sick kid and I don't have the time. If someone else wants to do it, feel free.
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 2 years 19 weeks ago [Title] Thanks, and good point [Body]
Thanks for the article guys. Always good to read about Denard. I love that he wants to graduate on time and accomplish his goal. It's interesting to see how many prospects drop out when they must be so close to getting a degree. I'd like to know what percent finish their degree on time, finish early and just completely drop out. To the Googles! MGoCombs, I suppose you're probably right. It just seems like I hear about so many different events that would pull them away from their school work. And I guess I envision these things as a larger time commitment than they actually are.
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 2 years 19 weeks ago [Title] seniors and NFL? [Body]
I know a lot of NFL prospects are college seniors. Are they still finishing their education? How do all these workouts and pro days and the combine affect their senior year academics? Not meant to thread-jack. Just something I've always wondered and this seems like a good spot.
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 2 years 28 weeks ago [Title] thanks for this thread [Body]
Seriously, thanks for starting this thread. I've got a little experience writing blogs but I'm always looking for advice too. I can't really add much to what's already been said. Narrow your focus, do something to stand out, use the social media... it all sounds good to me. I started reading the post you linked but got bored and skimmed through the rest, probably missing your main point. If I were writing the article I might have started with "the top 10 reasons a committee wouldn't have chosen ND to play in the championship game" (maybe a little humor?) or made up a nice graphic with the matchups for your proposed system. Something short but attention grabbing. One of the blogs that I write has become a sort of service. I sort through a couple hundred (small niche) blogs and pick out the top posts of the month for this small niche and just link to them. Sort of like a human edited news feed. I just recently posted a list ranking the top 10 blogs of this niche for the past year which gave me a sizable spike in traffic. I've also got ideas for infographics and research projects and hopefully a few other posts that will make me stand out in this niche. I don't know if you could apply any of these ideas to your blog... Does anyone else have interesting ideas for creating content?
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 2 years 35 weeks ago [Title] M-23 O-15 [Body]
M-23 O-15
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 2 years 36 weeks ago [Title] Interesting [Body]
Do you guys think there has been a mindset/culture change over the past few years? When I helped coach a middle school cross country team that was really dominant the head coach made sure to let all the coaches and runners know that when we heard the team results we would clap a little and cheer mildly but not jump around like idiots because we expected to win. With a few rough years recently do you think the guys on the team don't expect to win like Michigan teams in the past? Maybe this is part of the reason they get so excited after winning a close game and forget? to shake hands. For the record, I like to see the guys shake hands with the other team before heading over to celebrate. Act like you've been there before. Act like you expect to win.
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 2 years 37 weeks ago [Title] Great game [Body]
I'm glad I DVR'd it. This is one I can go back and watch again. Maybe tonight if there aren't any other good games on. Of course I'll have to explain to my wife why there is another game on there when I still have the ND and OSU games from last year...
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 2 years 40 weeks ago [Title] JV? [Body]
Can we just have Verlander throw left handed? I think I'd take that over our bullpen. I say the Tigers just get their bats going and build up a double digit lead by the 9th inning.
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 3 years 1 week ago [Title] I'm with you [Body]
I bought Bowl Bound College Football by Greydog Software years ago. It is more like what you're talking about I think. I loved that it had more depth than the console games but there were a few things that seemed a bit off. I loved the recruiting, and hiring coaches and some of the other coaching duties. Even the graphics were decent for a text sim. But after going through a few seasons it seemed to get a little old. And it was hard to take the bottom feeders and turn them into conference champions, which is usually what I like to do with football games. I've always thought that with all the talented people on this site, if we could get organized, we could make an incredible simulation for college football.
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 3 years 4 weeks ago [Title] Thanks [Body]
Thanks for the reply. I'll see what I can find out with the tattoo search.
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 3 years 4 weeks ago [Title] Looking for a little guidance... [Body]
Hey guys (and gals?), I'm looking for a little help regarding logos and trademarks and what can/can't be used. In my free time I make wheelthrown pottery. Recently, I've been working on putting logos on mugs. My brother said I should make some Michigan mugs. What are the rules? I suppose I could make one for my brother with a big block M or any way he wanted but what if I want to sell them at some point? I've been to this page: http://www.logos.umich.edu/usemarks.html What does "Trademark" mean exactly? Do I really need permission to write the word "wolverines" on a mug or is that only if I'm selling it as a Michigan mug? Is it hard to get permission to use certain phrases or images? Could I offer a block M mug and let the customer pick the colors so it wouldn't explicitly be a Michigan mug? Maybe someone would like a Missouri mug? I just remember the logo contest on this blog and some shirts were pulled because of some legal issues. I see products like this: http://www.etsy.com/listing/90584558/michigan-wolverines-ready-to-hang and I wonder if I could add similar things to my pottery without getting in trouble down the road. Does it matter if I sell them as individually unique pieces? Just to be safe I've started to come up with phrases or words that are "Michigan" but aren't on the trademark page above. A few ideas: The Team, Beat Ohio, Michigan Man, certain jersey numbers (with no names!), This is Michigan Fergodsakes, Hail, Touch the Banner... Any other ideas? Also, if there is a good resource concerning these issues that isn't too hard to understand let me know. I think some of this has been discussed but I couldn't find the relevant thread. I suppose I suppose I could do some internet research but I trust the users here more than other sites.
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 3 years 21 weeks ago [Title] What is an angry bird?! [Body]
"What is an angry bird?! I'm tired of pretending I know." This was my mother in law's question to my wife yesterday. I bet all the kids that ask these funny questions could have told her.
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 3 years 33 weeks ago [Title] question: [Body]
Considering all the fantastic bowl sponsorships that we have now... when will we have a conference sponsorship? For example, the Big East could become the United Airlines Conference or the Big East Conference Transported by Delta to save on travel expenses. Serious question: will all of this realignment eventually slow down or will this be a continuous thing from now on? That could get old fast.
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 3 years 34 weeks ago [Title] recruiting? [Body]
I was listening to the radio after the game. It seemed to be some station/program out of Cleveland. They said that Fickle was a great recruiter, one of the top recruiters in the nation. Does anyone have any insight into this? I've never heard this before... but I haven't listened to any Ohio radio stations either. They also said that he might take the Akron? job. Really, it seemed that they know about as much as the maple tree outside my door.
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 3 years 39 weeks ago [Title] Thanks for the info [Body]
I was just going to ask about this. I know it has been discussed before but I couldn't remember how the scholarships were counted. Could he accept a track scholarship and work out with the football team for a year or two but not play in games? Like a practice squad player? Then perhaps they would offer him a football scholarship if one became available. Not that he'd want to take a chance like that but have similar things ever happened?
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 3 years 44 weeks ago [Title] Late to the party as usual... [Body]
Maybe this can be done with a browser add on or something. And maybe it's just my crappy laptop screen but I have a hard time finding links in comments or original posts. Especially when people just use one word as the link. Is it possible to change the forum-post-content or comment-content links to underlined text or a lighter shade of blue somehow? I would love it if the links caught my eye more. Does anyone else have the same problem or have a solution? And awesome update! Embedded objects spilling over onto the right sidebar was my biggest pet peeve of this site. Keep up the good work!
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 3 years 45 weeks ago [Title] Congrats! [Body]
My wife and I just had our first kid (girl) a month ago. As we discussed names weeks and months before I was trying to come up with Michigan related names just to get a reaction out of her. One of us came up with Maizey Blue. My wife actually thought it was cute. But unfortunately Maizey wasn't on her top 3 list but we did keep Blue as the middle name! At first I thought the OP's bet was going to be about naming the baby Denard. That would be awesome... But good luck with the mobile. Maybe you can post a picture of the finished product?
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Date] 3 years 45 weeks ago [Title] Touchdown Calvin [Body]
Lions up 13-10. I'm using this stream: http://www.vipbox.tv/watch/5976/1/nfl:-detroit-lions-vs-tampa-bay-bucs.html
fuzzy247 | mgoblog
[Position(s)] 32 – 37 [Length] 6 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined beta strands within the protein sequence.More...Beta strandi
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 38 – 40 [Length] 3 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined hydrogen-bonded turns within the protein sequence. These elements correspond to the DSSP secondary structure code ‘T’.More...Turni
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 42 – 46 [Length] 5 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined helical regions within the protein sequence.More...Helixi
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 48 – 57 [Length] 10 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined helical regions within the protein sequence.More...Helixi
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 63 – 73 [Length] 11 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined beta strands within the protein sequence.More...Beta strandi
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 77 – 84 [Length] 8 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined helical regions within the protein sequence.More...Helixi
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 85 – 87 [Length] 3 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined helical regions within the protein sequence.More...Helixi
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 92 – 94 [Length] 3 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined helical regions within the protein sequence.More...Helixi
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 95 – 103 [Length] 9 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined helical regions within the protein sequence.More...Helixi
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 105 – 109 [Length] 5 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined beta strands within the protein sequence.More...Beta strandi
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 115 – 126 [Length] 12 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined helical regions within the protein sequence.More...Helixi
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 127 – 133 [Length] 7 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined hydrogen-bonded turns within the protein sequence. These elements correspond to the DSSP secondary structure code ‘T’.More...Turni
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 134 – 140 [Length] 7 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined beta strands within the protein sequence.More...Beta strandi
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 144 – 146 [Length] 3 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BHL [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined hydrogen-bonded turns within the protein sequence. These elements correspond to the DSSP secondary structure code ‘T’.More...Turni
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 147 – 157 [Length] 11 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined helical regions within the protein sequence.More...Helixi
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 161 – 163 [Length] 3 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined beta strands within the protein sequence.More...Beta strandi
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 165 – 169 [Length] 5 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined beta strands within the protein sequence.More...Beta strandi
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 177 – 187 [Length] 11 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined helical regions within the protein sequence.More...Helixi
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 188 – 190 [Length] 3 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined hydrogen-bonded turns within the protein sequence. These elements correspond to the DSSP secondary structure code ‘T’.More...Turni
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key
[Position(s)] 193 – 195 [Length] 3 [Description] Combined sources Manually validated information inferred from a combination of experimental and computational evidence. More… Manual assertion inferred from combination of experimental and computational evidencei PDB:2BH9 [Feature key]
Is used to indicate the positions of experimentally determined helical regions within the protein sequence.More...Helixi
G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase - Homo sapiens (Human)
Feature key

Dataset Card for "UnpredicTable-5k" - Dataset of Few-shot Tasks from Tables

Dataset Summary

The UnpredicTable dataset consists of web tables formatted as few-shot tasks for fine-tuning language models to improve their few-shot performance.

There are several dataset versions available:

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

Since the tables come from the web, the distribution of tasks and topics is very broad. The shape of our dataset is very wide, i.e., we have 1000's of tasks, while each task has only a few examples, compared to most current NLP datasets which are very deep, i.e., 10s of tasks with many examples. This implies that our dataset covers a broad range of potential tasks, e.g., multiple-choice, question-answering, table-question-answering, text-classification, etc.

The intended use of this dataset is to improve few-shot performance by fine-tuning/pre-training on our dataset.



Dataset Structure

Data Instances

Each task is represented as a jsonline file and consists of several few-shot examples. Each example is a dictionary containing a field 'task', which identifies the task, followed by an 'input', 'options', and 'output' field. The 'input' field contains several column elements of the same row in the table, while the 'output' field is a target which represents an individual column of the same row. Each task contains several such examples which can be concatenated as a few-shot task. In the case of multiple choice classification, the 'options' field contains the possible classes that a model needs to choose from.

There are also additional meta-data fields such as 'pageTitle', 'title', 'outputColName', 'url', 'wdcFile'.

Data Fields

'task': task identifier

'input': column elements of a specific row in the table.

'options': for multiple choice classification, it provides the options to choose from.

'output': target column element of the same row as input.

'pageTitle': the title of the page containing the table.

'outputColName': output column name

'url': url to the website containing the table

'wdcFile': WDC Web Table Corpus file

Data Splits

The UnpredicTable datasets do not come with additional data splits.

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

Few-shot training on multi-task datasets has been demonstrated to improve language models' few-shot learning (FSL) performance on new tasks, but it is unclear which training tasks lead to effective downstream task adaptation. Few-shot learning datasets are typically produced with expensive human curation, limiting the scale and diversity of the training tasks available to study. As an alternative source of few-shot data, we automatically extract 413,299 tasks from diverse internet tables. We provide this as a research resource to investigate the relationship between training data and few-shot learning.

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

We use internet tables from the English-language Relational Subset of the WDC Web Table Corpus 2015 (WTC). The WTC dataset tables were extracted from the July 2015 Common Crawl web corpus (http://webdatacommons.org/webtables/2015/EnglishStatistics.html). The dataset contains 50,820,165 tables from 323,160 web domains. We then convert the tables into few-shot learning tasks. Please see our publication for more details on the data collection and conversion pipeline.

Who are the source language producers?

The dataset is extracted from WDC Web Table Corpora.

Personal and Sensitive Information

The data was extracted from WDC Web Table Corpora, which in turn extracted tables from the Common Crawl. We did not filter the data in any way. Thus any user identities or otherwise sensitive information (e.g., data that reveals racial or ethnic origins, sexual orientations, religious beliefs, political opinions or union memberships, or locations; financial or health data; biometric or genetic data; forms of government identification, such as social security numbers; criminal history, etc.) might be contained in our dataset.

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

This dataset is intended for use as a research resource to investigate the relationship between training data and few-shot learning. As such, it contains high- and low-quality data, as well as diverse content that may be untruthful or inappropriate. Without careful investigation, it should not be used for training models that will be deployed for use in decision-critical or user-facing situations.

Discussion of Biases

Since our dataset contains tables that are scraped from the web, it will also contain many toxic, racist, sexist, and otherwise harmful biases and texts. We have not run any analysis on the biases prevalent in our datasets. Neither have we explicitly filtered the content. This implies that a model trained on our dataset may potentially reflect harmful biases and toxic text that exist in our dataset.

Other Known Limitations

No additional known limitations.

Additional Information

Licensing Information

Apache 2.0

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