Request to bring back Q4_1

by yttria - opened

According to my tests, Q4_1 is the most efficient for the quality, using 20% less energy on my computer than Q4_K_M.

I can believe the energy reduction, but how did you compare the quality, and how does it compare to the Q4_0 that I provide? I'd need a compelling reason to replace Q4_0 by Q4_1, and an even more compelling reason to provide both. The idea behind providing Q4_0 was top provide a fast quant for slow computers. I suspect Q4_1 is simply slower but also a bit higher quality. It certainly is a lot bigger with very little quality increase.

In any case, @nicoboss is currently preparing a quite extensive (quality) benchmark over all quant types (including Q4_1). I will reevaluate all quants based on that as well.

@nicoboss while we are at it, another test I'd like to do on all quants is a speed test, to see how different quants work on cpu vs. gpu, possibly both prompt processing and inferencing. I don't thionk I cna put all this on the model page, but I could link to a guidance page, where people could get an idea of relative speeds vs. quality.

While I never performed any performance specific benchmarks as part of the quant quality measurement project so far, I did perform multiple evaluation benchmarks of each model from which I measured the quant quality. Thanks to the files creation and last modified time of the evaluation result I was able to extract the following quant performance measurements. The measurement includes running all the evaluation tests inside the benchmark. All tests were performed with the model being stored fully in RAM without offloading any layers to the GPU but using a GPU to improve prompt evaluation (-ngl 0). Further keep in mind that those are multiple choose benchmarks and so the result is more heavily skewed towards prompt evaluation than token generation than would be the case in most normal use cases.

Comparison between Q4_0 and Q4_1

Model MMLU [s] ARC easy [s] ARC challenge [s] Winogrande [s]
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_0 329 245 38 79
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_1 368 274 42 87
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_0 331 270 39 80
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_1 360 301 42 87


It seems wrong that Q4_1 performs better than Q4_0. I actually saw the exact opposite. Q4_0 seemed to perform quite a lot better than Q4_1. I monitored the GPU energy consumption during those benchmarks and it was approximately the same no matter the quant so at least in these tests, longer time directly results in more energy consumption for the same task. I do not recommend replacing Q4_0 with Q4_1 from a performance perspective. Keep in mind that I have not considered quality during this comparison.

Future research

I want to come up with some performance tests that are mainly skewed towards token generation instead of prompt evaluation and want to run them CPU only, CPU with offloading computation to GPU (ngl -0), manually offloading layers to GPU, GPU memory RAM overflowing (GGML_CUDA_ENABLE_UNIFIED_MEMORY=1), GPU and using RPC.

Results of all quants

MMLU performance

Filename Time (seconds)
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ1_S 181
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ2_XXS 202
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ1_M 218
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ2_XS 225
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ2_S 233
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ2_M 243
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ3_XXS 256
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q2_K_S 261
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q2_K 264
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ3_XS 268
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q2_K 271
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ3_XS 275
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ3_S 279
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q3_K_S 282
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ3_S 286
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ3_M 286
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ3_M 288
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q3_K_S 295
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q3_K_M 302
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q3_K_M 315
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ4_XS 319
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q3_K_L 321
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ4_XS 323
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q3_K_L 325
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_0 329
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_0 331
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_K_S 334
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ4_NL 335
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_K_S 338
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ4_NL 339
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_K_M 347
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_K_M 348
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_1 360
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_1 368
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q5_0 387
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q5_0 388
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q5_K_S 388
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q5_K_S 394
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q5_K_M 397
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q5_K_M 398
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q5_1 416
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q5_1 416
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q6_K 455
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q6_K 456
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q8_0 547
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.SOURCE 975

ARC easy performance:

Filename Time (seconds)
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ1_S 106
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ1_M 117
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ2_XXS 132
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ2_XS 139
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ2_S 148
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ2_M 159
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q2_K 165
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q2_K_S 170
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q2_K 172
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ3_XXS 176
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ3_XS 185
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ3_XS 189
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ3_S 190
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q3_K_S 190
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ3_S 198
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q3_K_S 203
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ3_M 206
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q3_K_M 206
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ3_M 207
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q3_K_M 225
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ4_XS 229
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q3_K_L 230
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ4_NL 242
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q3_K_L 242
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_K_S 243
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ4_XS 243
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_0 245
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ4_NL 256
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.SOURCE 257
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_K_S 262
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_0 270
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_1 274
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_K_M 275
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_K_M 276
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q5_0 287
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q5_K_S 295
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q5_K_M 301
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_1 301
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q5_1 320
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q5_K_S 323
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q5_0 332
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q6_K 347
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q5_K_M 352
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q5_1 356
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q6_K 386
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q8_0 458

ARC challenge performance

Filename Time (seconds)
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ1_S 23
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ2_XXS 25
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ1_M 26
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ2_S 27
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ2_XS 27
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ2_M 30
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ3_XS 31
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ3_XXS 31
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q2_K 32
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q2_K 32
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q2_K_S 32
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ3_XS 33
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q3_K_S 33
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ3_M 33
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ3_S 33
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q3_K_S 33
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ3_M 34
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ3_S 34
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q3_K_M 35
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q3_K_M 36
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ4_XS 37
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q3_K_L 38
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_0 38
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ4_XS 38
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q3_K_L 38
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ4_NL 39
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_0 39
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_K_S 39
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ4_NL 40
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_K_S 40
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_K_M 41
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_K_M 41
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_1 42
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_1 42
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q5_0 44
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q5_0 45
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q5_K_M 45
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q5_K_S 45
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q5_K_S 45
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q5_K_M 46
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q5_1 48
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q5_1 48
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q6_K 52
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q6_K 53
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q8_0 63
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.SOURCE 110

Winogrande performance

Filename Time (seconds)
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ1_S 45
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ2_XXS 50
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ1_M 54
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ2_XS 56
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ2_S 57
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ2_M 60
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ3_XXS 63
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q2_K_S 64
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ3_XS 65
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q2_K 65
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q2_K 66
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ3_S 68
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q3_K_S 68
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ3_S 69
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ3_M 69
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ3_M 70
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ3_XS 70
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q3_K_S 70
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q3_K_M 73
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q3_K_M 75
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ4_XS 77
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ4_XS 78
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q3_K_L 78
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q3_K_L 78
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_0 79
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_0 80
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_K_S 80
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.IQ4_NL 81
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-IQ4_NL 81
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_K_S 82
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_K_M 83
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_K_M 84
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q4_1 87
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q4_1 87
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q5_0 93
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q5_0 93
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q5_K_S 93
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q5_K_M 95
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q5_K_S 95
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q5_K_M 95
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q5_1 100
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q5_1 100
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.i1-Q6_K 109
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q6_K 111
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.Q8_0 130
Fook-Yi-34B-32K-v1.SOURCE 227

Ah, the claim was that Q4_1 uses less energy than Q4_K_M ("for the quality"), which is a lot of variables. And is, however, is also not backed up by your benchmarks (assuming longer time means more energy usage), unless somehow "for the quality" figures in in favour of Q4_1, which, again seems to be not the case.

@yttria ,it seems Q4_1 is bigger, slower and worse than Q4_K_M, and not that much better than Q4_0, which is even faster.

PS: I didn't try to make you make these benchmarks, but I take them :-) However, they do seem a bit fishy - they follow more or less exactly the quant size, indicating a memory bottleneck, so cpu speed doesn't even figure in. I would assume yttria did it on a cpu with a lot fewer cores, where things can be dramatically different. Which is why I provide Q4_0 in the first place, as a fast quant for cpus. I hope one of the results on all this benchmarking (quality and speed) is to tell us once and for all if Q4_0 actually is useful (it might well be that another quant gives better a better quality/time ratio).

I didn't try to make you make these benchmarks, but I take them :-) However, they do seem a bit fishy - they follow more or less exactly the quant size, indicating a memory bottleneck, so cpu speed doesn't even figure in. I would assume yttria did it on a cpu with a lot fewer cores, where things can be dramatically different. Which is why I provide Q4_0 in the first place, as a fast quant for cpus. I hope one of the results on all this benchmarking (quality and speed) is to tell us once and for all if Q4_0 actually is useful (it might well be that another quant gives better a better quality/time ratio).

Great point. I'm aware that the shared performance test results are not perfect which is not surprising as I never indended thouse tests to be used to measure quant performance . I did all tests on a Threadripper PRO 7975WX (32 core 64 threads) while also using the GPU to do compuatations. This resulted in super fast prompt evaluation during prompt evaluation heavy tests. So thouse tests are indeed almost certainly memory bottlenecked which might not always be the case during normal use depending on the hardware. I'm wondering if there are really any realistic cases where LLMs are not memory bottlenecked. After just a few threads I start seeing deminishing returns when adding more. Usual consumer hardware has just dual channel memory and so should be bottelnacked even faster. I definately want to do more carefull testing regarding this and maybe even test on more mainstream hardware like my laptop. I actually already did many GGUF performance tests one year ago during the planing stage of my StormPeak build. I did so by changing the memory channels and memory clock-speed and amount of threads assigned to llama.cpp. The conclusion back then was pritty much the more memory channels and the faster memory I get the better the performance of GGUF files executed on the CPU will be. This was the main reason I decided to go for the much more expensive Threadripper PRO with octa-channel instead of the normal Threadripper lineup with quad-channel memory for my StormPeak node.

I agree with your methodology, these side effects were of course not the goal. There are lots of realistic cases where the cpu is the bottleneck, though. In fact, most cpus will be the bottleneck when confronted with IQ quants, and memory bottlenecked with normal Q quants. Which is totally in line with your experience (no IQ quants last year). There are even lots of systems where Q4_K_M might be a bottleneck, which is why I added Q4_0 quants back - purely for speed.

Whenever I get to my performance benchmarks, my plan is to make a 4-core baseline test for specifically slower cpus. There are a lot of people who run smaller models on not very beefy laptops, for example.

This is my test on M3 Max processing and generating a fixed number of tokens:

Prompt processing

Quant Time / s Energy / J
F16 5.1 254
Q8_0 5.3 270
Q6_K 6.2 320
Q5_1 5.8 290
Q5_K 6.3 352
Q5_0 5.8 290
Q5_K_S 6.3 322
Q4_1 5.3 257
Q4_K 5.7 290
IQ4_NL 5.5 276
Q4_K_S 5.6 285
Q4_0 5.3 259
IQ4_XS 5.5 283

Token generation

Quant Time / s Energy / J
F16 21.2 476
Q8_0 12.2 323
Q6_K 10.0 412
Q5_1 10.3 416
Q5_K 10.4 477
Q5_0 9.6 391
Q5_K_S 10.4 489
Q4_1 8.2 241
Q4_K 8.3 312
IQ4_NL 8.4 345
Q4_K_S 8.1 304
Q4_0 7.6 227
IQ4_XS 7.7 307

well, the Q4_0 seems to more energy-efficient than Q4_1, and is probably higher quality per bit, too

Another thing, I see you are providing f16 ggufs for some bf16 models. Wouldn't it be better to to convert directly to bf16 gguf to eliminate conversion loss?

since f16 has higher precision and weights should be mostly normalised, there shouldn't be any unless the model already has issues (and these issues would translate to other quants as well). the purpose of the f16 quant is not to provide a faithful representation of the source (which would be provided as SOURCE gguf) but to provide an actual f16 quant, i.e. pretty much the same purpose as the Q4_0, to provide a quant for certain targets.

f16 is for sure more useful then bf16 if you consider you require at least a Nvidia Ampere based GPU for it to support bf16 while f16 is already supported since Tegra X1 (Maxwell+) and so works on Pascal and Turin as and not just Ampere and Ada. This is also why back at university I used a Nintendo Switch console running Linux for scientific computation as my GTX 980 Ti Maxwell GPU did not support half precision. Ironically on the CPU side it is exactly the opposite picture: While bf16 is already widely supported, f16 is not.

There are some rare models where you can find f16, bf16 and SOURCE quants like this one: SOURCE quants are usually only provided if obtaining the original model is not easily possible. For example, if a model got deleted by the author after mradermacher already downloaded it and he notices it before deleting them.

This is my test on M3 Max processing and generating a fixed number of tokens

Thanks a lot for sharing your measurements. What application did you use to create them? Probably a macOS thing as there seems no simple way for me to measure power consumption used for generating tokens unless I do everything on the GPU.

@nicoboss your cpu should have a power meter, try /sys/class/powercap/intel-rapl/*/energy_uj - might even have one per core. don't know how good the amd implementation is but the intel estimate is usually pretty good, and amd usually does better.

What application did you use to create them?

Energy is measured with the built-in powermetrics utility on macOS.

your cpu should have a power meter, try /sys/class/powercap/intel-rapl/*/energy_uj

That is really cool. Wasn't aware of it. AMDs intel-rapl implementation is decent. There also is amd_energy which is so accurate it got kicked out of the linux kernel due to security concerns regarding side-channel attacks but I can just build and load it as a kernel module.

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