[NEW] Assistants

by victor HF staff - opened
Hugging Chat org
edited Mar 15


March 15th update: 🌐Internet Access for Assistants

Assistants on HuggingChat

Today we are releasing Assistants on HuggingChat!

Assistants are a fun way to package your prompts and share them with the world.

Browse featured Assistants here: https://huggingface.co/chat/assistants

Create your first Assistant

Create your first Assistant using this form: https://huggingface.co/chat/settings/assistants/new
All you have to do is choose a model, a name, and a system prompt and you are ready to go! Note that all Assistants are public by default with the author's name.

The most powerful feature of Assistants is that they are based on open source models (of course!), so don't hesitate to switch between one of the 6 available models to see which one better suits the type of Assistant you want!

Share your Assistants with the community

The easiest way to make people try your Assistant is simply to share its direct URL present in the Assistant setting.

If you want to share your Assistants with the community or give advice on how to create one, use the dedicated thread and get a chance to be featured on the Assistants page:


Potential future features

A list of interesting features that could be added, add yours to this thread and I'll update this message.

  • Improve some UI + UX flows (main priority)
  • Add a /assistants/{username} route to see all Assistants for a given user name
  • Being able to change model params for assistants (temperature, repetition penalty, ...)
  • Improve assistant creation for beginners (maybe with a step-by-step wizard or an assistant that creates other assistants)
  • Having a better way to test your Assistants during creation/edition
  • Being able to see the current used token count while editing your Assistant
  • Edit your Assistants via API, so you can always push up-to-date information to them.
  • Generate your Thumbnail Assistant via AI
  • Add RAG (and web search) to Assistant?
  • Continually add new models to HuggingChat and Assistants
  • A way to suggest changes on other users Assistants
  • Fork/duplicate Assistants
  • Prompts versioning
  • Allow you to use your own models onto your assistant (longer term)

Terms of use

Please note that you can report Assistants from the Assistant Settings page. Any assistant who is not respectful will be banned from HuggingChat immediately. The goal is to keep the community as caring and respectful as it has always been.

victor pinned discussion

+1 on Add RAG (and web search)

+1 on Add RAG (and web search)

+2 🔥

Add function calling capability

Two features that would make assistants infinitely more useful:

  1. Function Calling - Capability w/User Defined functions endpoints. (ie. user could provide function calling schema + REST endpoints for function calling)
  2. RAG - Ability to upload documents (PDF, txt, URLs) that are chunked and stored into a VectorDB for RAG with the assistant.

How do Assistants work under the hood? Do they use OpenGPTs from Langchain?
Happy about a link to the docs or something

How do Assistants work under the hood? Do they use OpenGPTs from Langchain?
Happy about a link to the docs or something

Ok just checked out the source code, doesn't look like OpenGPTs but their own thing


nsarrazin unpinned discussion

any plans to allow style change and embedding ?

Invalid output component. Type undefined is not yet supported. Feel free to report this issue so we can add support for it.

Probably said before, when you have a lot of tools enabled (for me, 5+ on CMDR), it doesnt even want to use some of the tools.

Hugging Chat org

Invalid output component. Type undefined is not yet supported. Feel free to report this issue so we can add support for it.

Could you tell me which space you tried to use ? @Taf2023

The comment was removed

all the best to you

Hi @nsarrazin !
My assistant, "the narrative inspector" ([https://huggingface.co/chat/assistant/65e2cdcc10ab486f38ce2208]) suddenly disappeared this morning.
What's going on ?
Thanks for your advice and way to recover it.

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