2 values
Bunker married Eva Cservenits in 1966. Their son, Alex E. Bunker, is a computational biophysicist at the University of Helsinki who has co-authored more than 50 research articles.
Haile was born in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in 1966. Her family fled Ethiopia during the coup in the mid-70s, after soldiers arrested and nearly killed her historian father Getatchew Haile who at the time was a member of the transitional Ethiopian parliament. Around age 10, the family settled in rural Minnesota where Haile attended Saint Johns Preparatory School (Collegeville, MN), graduating in 1983.
Computational Chemists
Cora Burwell lived in Pasadena, and later in Monrovia with her sister, Priscilla Burwell. She died in 1982, two days before her 99th birthday, in Los Angeles.
Carlos Simmerling is a full professor of chemistry at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He is associate director of the Louis and Beatrice Laufer Center for Physical and Quantitative Biology. Simmerling received his Bachelor of Arts in 1991 from the University of Illinois at Chicago and then his doctorate in 1994 from the same institution. His postdoctoral work was performed at the University of California, San Francisco under the direction of Peter Kollman. His primary field of interest is computational structural biology with a focus on methods of conformational sampling and protein structure prediction. He is a member of the AMBER development team.
Computational Chemists
From 1836 to 1837 Wheatstone had thought a good deal about submarine telegraphs, and in 1840 he gave evidence before the Railway Committee of the House of Commons on the feasibility of the proposed line from Dover to Calais. He had even designed the machinery for making and laying the cable. In the autumn of 1844, with the assistance of J. D. Llewellyn, he submerged a length of insulated wire in Swansea Bay, and signalled through it from a boat to the Mumbles Lighthouse. Next year he suggested the use of gutta-percha for the coating of the intended wire across the English Channel. In 1840 Wheatstone had patented an alphabetical telegraph, or, Wheatstone A B C instrument, which moved with a step-by-step motion, and showed the letters of the message upon a dial. The same principle was used in his type-printing telegraph, patented in 1841. This was the first apparatus which printed a telegram in type. It was worked by two circuits, and as the type revolved a hammer, actuated by the current, pressed the required letter on the paper. The introduction of the telegraph had so far advanced that, on 2 September 1845, the Electric Telegraph Company was registered, and Wheatstone, by his deed of partnership with Cooke, received a sum of £33,000 for the use of their joint inventions. In 1859 Wheatstone was appointed by the Board of Trade to report on the subject of the Atlantic cables, and in 1864 he was one of the experts who advised the Atlantic Telegraph Company on the construction of the successful lines of 1865 and 1866. In 1870 the electric telegraph lines of the United Kingdom, worked by different companies, were transferred to the Post Office, and placed under Government control. Wheatstone further invented the automatic transmitter, in which the signals of the message are first punched out on a strip of paper (punched tape), which is then passed through the sending-key, and controls the signal currents. By substituting a mechanism for the hand in sending the message, he was able to telegraph about 100 words a minute, or five times the ordinary rate. In the Postal Telegraph service this apparatus is employed for sending Press telegrams, and it has recently been so much improved, that messages are now sent from London to Bristol at a speed of 600 words a minute, and even of 400 words a minute between London and Aberdeen. On the night of 8 April 1886, when Gladstone introduced his Bill for Home Rule in Ireland, no fewer than 1,500,000 words were dispatched from the central station at St. Martin's-le-Grand by 100 Wheatstone transmitters. The plan of sending messages by a running strip of paper which actuates the key was originally patented by Alexander Bain in 1846; but Wheatstone, aided by Augustus Stroh, an accomplished mechanician, and an able experimenter, was the first to bring the idea into successful operation. This system is often referred to as the Wheatstone Perforator and is the forerunner of the stock market ticker tape.
Pieter Zeeman (; 25 May 1865 – 9 October 1943) was a Dutch physicist who shared the 1902 Nobel Prize in Physics with Hendrik Lorentz for his discovery of the Zeeman effect.
Kollman obtained his B.A. from Grinnell College in 1966 and his M.A. and Ph.D. from Princeton University in 1967 and 1970 respectively. His PhD supervisor was Leland C. Allen, who had received his PhD in 1956 from MIT supervised by John C. Slater. After a post-doctoral position at the University of Cambridge with David Buckingham, Kollman was hired as an assistant professor by UCSF, where he spent the rest of his career. In 1995, he was distinguished with the Computers in Chemistry Award from the American Chemical Society. He was awarded the UCSF medal in 2018.
Computational Chemists
Op-ed pieces on higher education *“[https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2011/01/24/does-college-make-you-smarter/the-winner-a-liberaleducation The Winner – A Liberal Education],” New York Times Room for Debate, January 24, 2011 *“[https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2011/03/31/the-college-acceptance-rate-racket/think-about-the-fitbetween-student-and-college It’s about fit, not data],” New York Times Room for Debate, March 31, 2011 *“[https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2011/09/05/rick-perrys-plan-10000-for-a-ba/driving-down-collegecosts-education-on-itunes Education on iTunes?]” New York Times Room for Debate, September 5, 2011 *“[https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/09/17/professors-and-thestudents-who-grade-them/student-evaluations-and-other-insights-about-professors Online Courses Enhance, But Don’t Replace College],” New York Times Room for Debate, May 6, 2012 *“[https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/09/17/professors-and-thestudents-who-grade-them/student-evaluations-and-other-insights-about-professors Student Evaluations of Teaching: An Insightful Process That Could Be Improved],” New York Times Room for Debate, September 17, 2012 *“[https://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/09/26/colleges-by-the-numbers/college-rankings-can-be-usefulbut-also-dangerous Rankings Can Be Useful, But Also Dangerous],” New York Times Room for Debate, September 26, 2012 *"[https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-higher-value-of-higher-education_b_577bd2ade4b0ad1e7bff4b64 The Higher Value of Higher Education In Addressing Sexual Violence]," Huffington Post, July 5, 2016 *"[https://www.huffpost.com/entry/what-leopoldo-l%C3%B3pez-teaches-us-about-the-liberal-arts_b_5963c134e4b0911162fc2e0f What Leopoldo López Teaches Us About the Liberal Arts]," Huffington Post, July 10, 2017 *"[https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/grade-point/wp/2018/08/22/dont-be-misled-by-the-campus-free-speech-debate-colleges-are-listening-and-engaging-with-neighbors/ Don’t be misled by the campus free speech debate. Colleges are listening — and engaging with neighbors]," The Washington Post, August 22, 2018 Scholarly articles–published *Moran, S.D., Woys, A.M., Buchanan, L.E., Bixby, E., Decatur, S.M., and Zanni, M.T. (2012) “Twodimensional IR Spectroscopy and Segmental 13C Labeling reveals the Domain Structure of Human γδ-crystallin amyloid fibrils,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 109: 3329–3334. *Inouye, H., Gleason, K.A., Decatur, S.M., Kirschner, D.A. (2010) “Differential effects of Phe19 and Phe20 on fibril formation by amyloidogenic peptide Aβ16-22 (Ac-KLVFFAE-NH2),” Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 78: 2306–2321. *Measey, T.J., Smith, K.B., Decatur, S.M., Zhao, L., Yang, G., and Schwietzer-Stenner, R. (2009) “Self -aggregation of a polyalanine octamer promoted by its C-terminal tyrosine and probed by a strongly enhanced vibrational circular dichroism signal,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 131: 18218–18219. *Davis, M.F., Gracz, H., Vendeix, F.A., de Serrano, V., Somasundaram, A., Decatur, S.M., Franzen, S. (2009) “Different modes of binding of mono-, di-, and trihalohenated phenols to the hemoglobin dehaloperozidase from Amphrite Ornata,” Biochemistry 48: 2164–2172. *Inouye, H., Gross, A.A.R., Hidalgo, M.M., Gleason, K.A., Abdelsayed, G.A., Castillo, G.M., Snow, A.D., Pozo Ramajo, A., Petty, S.A., Decatur, S.M., and Kirschner, D.A. (2008) “Fiber Difraction as a Screen for Amyloid Inhibitors,” Current Alzheimer’s Research 5: 288 - 307. *Papanikolopoulou, K., Mills-Henry, I, Thol, S.L., Wang, Y., Gross, A. R., Kirschner, D.A., Decatur, S. M., King, J. (2008). “Formation of Amyloid Fibrils in Vitro by Human γd-crystallin and its Isolated Domains,” Molecular Vision 14:81-89. *Decatur, S.M. (2006) “Elucidation of residue-level structure and dynamics of polypeptides via isotopeedited infrared spectroscopy,” Accounts of Chemical Research 39:169-175. *Petty, S.A. and Decatur, S.M. (2005) “Experimental Evidence for the Reorganization of β-Strands within Aggregates of the Aβ (16-22) Peptide,” The Journal of the American Chemical Society 127: 13488–13489. *Pozo Ramajo, A., Petty, S.A., Starzyk, A., Decatur, S.M., and Volk, M. (2005) “The α-Helix Folds More Rapidly at the C-Terminus Than at the N-Terminus,” The Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127: 13784 – 13785. *Petty, S.A. and Decatur, S.M. (2005) “Intersheet rearrangement of polypeptides during nucleation of β-sheet aggregates,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 102: 14272–14277. *Petty, S.A., Adalsteinsson, T., and Decatur, S.M. (2005) “Correlations between morphology, β-sheet stability, and molecular structure in prion peptide aggregates,” Biochemistry,44: 4720 – 4726. *Starzyk, A., Barber-Armstrong, W., Sridharan, M., Decatur, S.M. (2005) "Spectroscopic Evidence for Desolvation of Helical Peptides by 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol," Biochemistry, 44: 369–376. *Fang, C., Wang, J., Kim, Y.S., Charnley, A.K., Smith III, A.B., Barber-Armstrong, W., Decatur, S.M., and Hochstrasser, R.M. (2004) “Two Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy of Isotopomers of an Alaninerich α−helix,” Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108: 10415–10427. *Huang, R., Kubelka, J., Barber-Armstrong, W., Silva, R.A.G.D., Decatur, S.M., and Keiderling, T.A. (2004) “The Nature of Vibrational Coupling in Helical Peptides: An Isotope-Labeling Study,” The Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126: 2339 - 2345. *Barber-Armstrong, W., *Donaldson, T., *Wijesooriya, H., Silva, R.A.G.D. and Decatur, S.M. (2004) “Empirical Relationships Between Isotope-Edited IR Spectra and Helix Geometry,” The Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126: 2346 - 2354. *Fang, C., Wang, J., Charnley, A.K., Smith III, A.B., Barber-Armstong, W., Decatur, S.M., and Hochstrasser, R.M. (2003) “Two dimensional infrared measurements of the coupling of the amide modes of an alpha helix,” Chemical Physics Letters 382: 586–592. *Silva, R.A.G.D., W. Barber-Armstrong and Decatur, S.M. (2003) “The Organization and Assembly of a β-sheet Formed by a Prion Peptide in Solution: An Isotope-Edited FTIR Study,” The Journal of the American Chemical Society 125: 13674–13675. *Silva, R.A.G.D., *Nguyen, J.Y., and Decatur, S.M. (2002) “Probing the Effects of Side Chains on the Conformation and Stability of Helical Peptides via Isotope-Edited Infrared Spectroscopy,” Biochemistry 41, 15296–15303. *Kubelka, J., Bour, P., Silva, R.A.G.D., Decatur, S.M., and Keiderling, T.A. (2002) " Chirality in Peptide Vibrations: Ab Initio Computational Studies of Length, Solvation, Hydrogen Bond, Dipole Coupling, and Isotope Effects on Vibrational CD," The Physical Chemistry of Chirality, edited by J. Hicks (ACS Symposium Series 810, Oxford University Press), p. 50-64. *Barber-Armstrong, W., *Sridharan, M., and Decatur, S.M. (2001) “Stabilization of Helical Conformation in Model Peptides by 2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol: An FTIR Study,” Peptides: The Wave of the Future, edited by M. Lebl and R. Houghten (Kluwer/Escom Press), pp. 367–368. *Monteiro, K., Barber-Armstrong, W., and Decatur, S.M. (2001) “Amide I Frequency as a Probe of Tertiary Structure: FTIR Studies of Helix Bundle Peptides,” Peptides: The Wave of the Future, edited by M. Lebl and R. Houghten (Kluwer/Escom Press), pp. 295–296. *Zanni, M.T., Asplund, M.C., Decatur, S.M. and Hochstrasser, R.M. (2001), "Frequency resolved and heterodyned femtosecond infrared echoes of peptides; multiple pulse coherent vibrational analogues of NMR," Ultrafast Phenomena XII, edited by T. Elsaesser et al., Springer Series Chem. Phys. 66, 504. *Silva, R.A.G.D., Kubelka, J., Bour, P., Decatur, S.M., and Keiderling, T.A. (2000) "Site-Specific Conformational Determination in Thermal Unfolding Studies of Helical Peptides Using Vibrational Circular Dichroism with Isotopic Substitution," The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 97, 8318–8323. *Decatur, S.M., Keiderling, T.A., Silva, R.A.G.D., and Bour, P. (2000) "Analysis of Local Conformation within Helical Peptides via Isotope-Edited Vibrational Spectroscopy" Peptides for the New Millennium, edited by G. Fields and G. Barany (Kluwer/Escom Press), p. 414. *Decatur, S.M. (2000) "Infrared Spectroscopy of Isotopically Labeled Helical Peptides: Probing the Effects on N-Acetylation on Helix Stability," Biopolymers 54, 180–185. *Decatur, S.M. and *Antonic, J. (1999) “Isotope-Edited Infrared Spectroscopy of Helical Peptides” The Journal of the American Chemical Society 121, 11914–11915. *Decatur, S. M., *Belcher, K. L., Rickert, P. K., Franzen, S., and Boxer, S. G. (1999) “Hydrogen Bonding Modulates Proximal Ligand Binding in Sperm Whale Myoglobin Mutants” Biochemistry 38:11086-92. *Decatur, S.M., Franzen, S., DePillis, G.D., Dyer, R.B., Woodruff, W. and Boxer, S.G. (1996) “Trans Effects in Nitric Oxide Binding to Myoglobin Cavity Mutant H93G," Biochemistry 35, 4939–4944. *Decatur, S.M., DePillis, G.D., and Boxer, S.G. (1996) “Modulation of Protein Function by Exogenous Ligands in Protein Cavities: CO Binding to a Myoglobin Cavity Mutant Containing Unnatural Proximal Ligands,” Biochemistry 35, 3925–3922. *Hill, J.R., Dlott, D.D., Rella, C.W., Peterson, K.A., Decatur, S.M., Boxer, S.G., and Fayer, M.D. (1996) "Vibrational Dynamics of Carbon Monoxide at the Active Sites of Mutant Heme Proteins," J. Phys. Chem 29, 12100–12107. *Decatur, S.M. and Boxer, S.G. (1995) "A Test of the Role of Electrostatics in Determining the CO Stretch Frequency in Carbonmonoxymyoglobin" Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 212, 159–164. *Decatur, S.M. and Boxer, S.G. (1995) "1H NMR Characterization of Myoglobins Where Exogenous Imidazoles Replace the Proximal Histidine" Biochemistry 34, 2122–2129. *DePillis, G.D., Decatur, S.M., Barrick, D. and Boxer, S.G. (1994) "Function Cavities in Proteins: A General Method for Proximal Ligand Substitution in Myoglobin" The Journal of the American Chemical Society 116, 6981–6982. *Lambright, D.G., Balasubramanian, S., Decatur, S.M. and Boxer, S.G. (1994) "The Anatomy of a Ligand Binding Pathway: The Roles of Arg45, His64, and Val68" Biochemistry 33, 5518–5525.
Computational Chemists
In 2001 Rice was named a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), after a nomination from the APS Division of Computational Physics, "for pioneering the development of efficient algorithms for the analytic derivative method with electron correlation, and for the calculation of frequency dependent polarizabilities with accuracy comparable to experiment". She was elected to the IBM Academy of Technology in 2003, and is a member of the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science.
Computational Chemists
Rabi was portrayed by Barry Dennen in the 1980 television miniseries Oppenheimer, and by David Krumholtz in the 2023 film Oppenheimer.
Wolfgang Stahl finished his diploma in chemistry at the University of Kiel in 1983. He received his doctorate in 1987 at the University of Kiel. In 1992, he finished his habilitation in physical chemistry at the University of Kiel. Since 1995, he was professor for molecular spectroscopy at the RWTH Aachen University. For many years he was chairman of the examination board for chemistry and person in charge for the Erasmus Programme in chemistry.
He was the author of 1 patent, two books, and more than 200 published scientific research articles and reports in chemistry, computational chemistry and computer science. His fields of research included spectroscopy, charge transfer complexes, solution theory, data compression, information retrieval, human-machine interfaces, expert systems and systems for detecting and correcting computational errors.
Computational Chemists
David J. Lary (born 7 December 1965) is a British-American atmospheric scientist interested in applying computational and information systems to facilitate discovery and decision support in Earth system science. His main contributions have been to highlight the role of carbonaceous aerosols in atmospheric chemistry, heterogeneous bromine reactions, and to employ chemical data assimilation for satellite validation, and the use of machine learning for remote sensing applications. He is author of AutoChem, NASA release software that constitutes an automatic computer code generator and documentor for chemically reactive systems. It was designed primarily for modeling atmospheric chemistry, and in particular, for chemical data assimilation. He is author of more than 200 publications receiving more than 6,000 citations. AutoChem has won five NASA awards and has been used to perform long term chemical data assimilation of atmospheric chemistry and in the validation of observations from the NASA Aura satellite. It has been used in numerous peer reviewed articles. David Lary completed his education in the United Kingdom. He received a first class double honors BSc in physics and chemistry from King's College London (1987) with the Sambrooke Exhibition Prize in Natural Science, and a PhD in atmospheric chemistry from the University of Cambridge, Department of Chemistry while at Churchill College (1991). His thesis described the first chemical scheme for the ECMWF numerical weather prediction model. He then held post-doctoral research assistant and associate positions at the University of Cambridge until receiving a Royal Society research fellowship in 1996 (also at Cambridge). From 1998 to 2000 he held a joint position at Cambridge and the University of Tel-Aviv as a senior lecturer and Alon fellow. In 2001 he joined NASA/UMBC/GEST as the first distinguished Goddard fellow in earth science. Between 2001 and 2010 he was part of various branches at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center including the [http://gmao.gsfc.nasa.gov/ Global Modeling and Assimilation Office], the [http://atmospheres.gsfc.nasa.gov/acd/ Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Branch], the Software Integration and Visualization Office, and the Goddard Earth Sciences (GES) Data and Information Services Center (DISC). In 2010 he moved to the William B. Hanson Center for Space Sciences as a professor of physics at the University of Texas at Dallas, where he has focused on the health effects of atmospheric particulates, and developing a fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles for a variety of agricultural, environmental, and meteorological applications. He is also adjunct professor in data science and machine learning at Southern Methodist University, adjunct professor at Baylor University [https://www.baylor.edu/casper/ Center for Astrophysics, Space Physics & Engineering Research], a scholar of the Institute for Integrative Health, adjunct professor at the School of Public Health, University of North Texas Health Science Center, and the departments of electrical engineering, geographic information systems, and bioengineering at the University of Texas at Dallas, and a United States Special Operations Command Fellow at SOFWERX by J5, the Futures Mission Directorate. In 2021 David was appointed adjunct professor of military/emergency medicine at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, a UT Dallas [https://centerforbrainhealth.org Center for Brain Health] Investigator, and research scholar at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' Complex Exposure Threats Center Network (CETC), part of the War Related Illness and Injury Study Center [https://www.warrelatedillness.va.gov/].
Computational Chemists
Kenneth Ruud (born 16 September 1969) is a Norwegian chemist. He is a professor of chemistry at the University of Tromsø. He is author or coauthor of more than 150 scientific articles and director of the Centre for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry in Tromsø. In 2008, he was the recipient of the Dirac medal from the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists. He is one of the main contributors to the DALTON program package. In 2012 he was elected fellow of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters. Since April 2010, Kenneth is president of the Norwegian Chemical Society. In February 2013, Kenneth was elected Prorektor (= Vicepresident) for research of the University of Tromsø. He will take up this function on August 1, 2013.
Computational Chemists
* 2007 Dreyfus New Faculty Award * 2008 Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering * 2009 National Science Foundation CAREER Award * 2011 Chinese-American Kavli Frontiers of Science symposium * 2012 Sloan Research Fellowship * 2013 Camille-Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award * 2014 Journal of Physical Chemistry Lectureship * 2011 Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow * 2017 American Physical Society Fellow * 2021 Elected to the Washington State Academy of Sciences * 2022 Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation Brown Investigator Awards
* 2024, Alfred Burger Award in Medicinal Chemistry from the American Chemical Society * 2017, Award for Computers in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research from the American Chemical Society * 2013, Alumni Association Award from Carleton College * 2009, Herman Skolnik Award from the American Chemical Society * 2005, Society for Biomolecular Screening Accomplishment Award * 2000, fellow, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) * 1985, fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) * Lifetime member of the Molecular Modeling and Graphics Society (MMGS) * American Crystallographic Association (ACA)
Computational Chemists
*1876 Fellow of the Royal Society *1878 Received first Progress Medal of the Photographic Society of Great Britain ever *1885 Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh *1892 to 1894, 1896 and 1903 to 1905 President of the Photographic Society of Great Britain aka Royal Photographic Society *1893 to 1895 President of the Royal Astronomical Society *1895 to 1897 President of the Physical Society of London * CB : Companion of the Order of the Bath * KCB: Knight Commander (civil division) of the Order of the Bath (KCB) - announced in the 1900 New Year Honours honours list on 1 January 1900, gazetted on 16 January 1900, and invested by Queen Victoria at Windsor Castle on 1 March 1900. * Doctor of Science (D.Sc. Honoris causa) from the University of Dublin - June 1902. *1909 to 1920 Vice-President of Girls' Public Day School Trust
Under his leadership, the College of Science has launched a number of new initiatives. In the fall of 2021, the College of Science launched the first minor program in the country focusing on rare disease patient advocacy. A few months later, Notre Dame Patient Advocacy Initiative receives founding gift from Horizon Therapeutics and Dyne Therapeutics. During his tenure, the University of Notre Dame receive a $20 million gift to endow the newly established Berthiaume Institute for Precision Health. He contributed to the expansion of the University of Notre Dame East Campus Research Complex with the addition of a 200,000-square-foot science and engineering building. Additionally, Schnell established the Notre Dame Christmas lectures; this event is an annual gift of science to the community adapted the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures. He also established the Rev. Joseph Carrier C.S.C. Science Medal. This is the most prestigious award presented by the College of Science, and is given for sustained, outstanding achievements in any field of science.
Computational Chemists
Bidelman directed the Warner and Swasey Observatory from 1970 to 1975, and was a professor of astronomy from 1970 to 1986. In June 1970, Bidelman began as chairman and Director. Bidelman's office was at the old Taylor Road Observatory, given to the university by the Warner & Swasey Company in 1920. Due to light pollution from the city of Cleveland, by the 1950s viewing was difficult and the Burrell Schmidt telescope was relocated ~30 miles away to Geauga County. In 1973, Bidelman and MacConnell provided data on a variety of B-emission (Be) and shell stars, peculiar stars, weak-metal stars and other bright stars of the southern hemisphere, covering ~81% of the southern sky. They said when completed, Houk's more comprehensive study would "provide spectral date of inestimable value to stellar astronomers" and should supersede their report, but they did it as an "early result" study. Using CTIO objective –prism plates they found nearly 800 previously unknown A-type peculiar stars. They also found 34 weak G-band giants stars in the southern hemisphere. Their study was called a "major contribution" in providing data to help identify the relatively rare Population II stars. It created an unbiased sample, and doubled the number of known peculiar A-type (Ap) stars. After nineteen years of study by various investigators, in 2014, Beers et al. studied 302 of the Bidelman-MacConnell possible weak-metal stars and concluded that a metal-weak thick disk (MWTD) is present in the Milky Way galaxy, and noted its importance in understanding the development of our galaxy. In 1962 and 1966, Bidelman had reported that the wavelength of λ 3984 varied somewhat from star to star, and stated differences in the ratios of mercury isotopes could be the reason. Bidelman was the first to note this, and in 1974, Michaud, Reeves and Charland, considering the isotopic abundances to be real, and that Hg was in fact overabundant and not an artifact of blending, suggested the mercury overabundances were due to radiation pressure that caused the element to pile up until radiation and gravitational forces almost cancelled each other, then its isotopes would separate, sorting themselves. Michaud suggested that element segregation would proceed naturally due to gravitational settling and radiation pressure if the stellar atmosphere was steady. In 1975, Bidelman and San-Gak Lee reported spectral classifications for 601 proper-motion stars that had been listed in both a Lowell Observatory survey under Henry L. Giclas, and the Luyten Two-Tenths Catalogue and supplement, and their report included data from Gerard Kuiper. Kuiper and Bidelman had been at Yerkes Observatory at the same time. For six years Kuiper had worked to classify ~3,200 high proper motion stars using ~9,000 spectra taken at Yerkes and McDonald, and with an added 300 spectra from Luyten, Kuiper had planned to publish the data with Luyten. Bidelman called it "very important spectroscopic work and a "large-scale assault" on the problem of unclassified proper motion stars. When Kuiper ran out of stars of large proper motion and parallax in a region of sky, he observed the planets and their moons "nicely lined up" in that region. When Kuiper found evidence of an atmosphere on Saturn's moon, Titan, his research changed focus and much of his data on proper motion stars remained unpublished. Kuiper died in 1973. Following his paper with Lee, Bidelman had "renewed interest" in proper motion stars and asked whether Kuipers unpublished proper motion material could be found. With help from the Kuiper Memorial Committee at the University of Arizona, Ewen A. Whitaker, Elizabeth Roemer, and Helmut Abt, Bidelman obtained copies of five of Kuipers notebooks which had stars noted by name and right ascension without declination, and many with multiple spectra and more than one classification. Bidelman established a card file for every star or binary pair, and sought to find the exact star Kuiper observed. His goal was not to create definitive spectral types or change Kuipers classifications, but to set out clearly "the enormous amount of useful spectral data relating to these objects gathered by an energetic and most talented astronomer to whom many, including the writer, owe much. This work represents a partial repayment of that debt". He estimated there could be ~1,000 stars with better spectral types than otherwise known. Bidelman worked on Kuipers data. and published it in 1985. In 1975, Peter Pesch replaced Bidelman as Director of the Observatory and Chairman of the Astronomy department. While Bidelman had been the observatory director, three of Bidelman's graduate students, Craig Chester, Cynthia Irvine, and William Smethells, were part of a group from CWRU who wanted to begin their own observatory. The outlook for employment in research astronomy was bleak, so the group began a mail-order business and took part-time jobs to solve their "food on the table problem" while seeking to build an observatory in California, and Bidelman gave them their first cash donation. Other donations followed, and the Monterey Institute for Research in Astronomy opened in 1984. In 1976, Bidelman headed an IAU working group on the proper designation for astronomical objects. At a 1978 symposium discussion following a paper Bidelman stated he wanted to make a slightly off-topic point about nomenclature, and asked whether the star under discussion, VI Cyg #5 is the same star as BD+40° 4220. Informed it is and another one of its names is V729 Cyg, Bidelman responded, "Well, Id like to say, as a member of an IAU Commission concerned with such things, that one should adopt a consistent labeling for a star". After being seconded by Underhill, he added: "We dont all have encyclopedic memories". The Warner and Swasey Observatory in Cleveland, Ohio, suffered from light pollution, and was moved first to a better viewing site in Ohio, then later to Kitt Peak, Arizona, in 1979. By 1979, Houk had classified 69,000 southern stars. As she finished the southern classifications, Bidelman became responsible to oversee taking the northern plates at CWRU's new Kitt Peak observation site in Arizona. The Curtis Schmidt telescope that was used for the southern all-sky survey was a twin to the Burrell Schmidt used in the northern survey. When the telescope at Kitt Peak became operational in 1981, Bidelman continued his "early-results" research involving "systematic, but nonetheless somewhat cursory inspection" to classify stars for the northern hemisphere that had been given HD numbers, and published the spectral data in 1983. Bidelman identified 175 peculiar or otherwise interesting stars, most thought to be new discoveries. Bidelman was the first to identify the peculiar F str λ4077 dwarfs. As part of the "early results" program, in 1981, 1983 and 1985 Bidelman found 21 stars he identified as "F str λ 4077". Almost nothing was known about these stars other than Bidelman's spectral classification. Later researchers found evidence that about half are main-sequence counterparts of Barium stars. Bidelman retired from teaching at Case Western in 1986. He became a Professor Emeritus, and in 1990 and 1991 continued to do research and remained active in the astronomy department. As a Professor Emeritus, Bidelman continued with the Henry Draper Reclassification project with Houk and the Michigan Spectral Survey and compiled identification of stars in the IRAS Low-Resolution Spectral Catalogue. Bidelman became interested in the Star of Bethlehem and argued it was involved planetary conjunctions. In 1991, Bidelman used astronomical tables by Bryant Tuckerman and Jean Meeus to investigate Roger Sinnotts suggestion that two close conjunctions of Venus and Jupiter on the morning of August 12, 3 BC, and the evening of June 17, 2 BC, could explain the Star of Bethlehem. He found that for these two planets, an easily observable morning conjunction is "invariably followed" by an evening conjunction approximately ten months later whenever the morning conjunction has an elongation of at least 19°. Bidelman found 28 such pairs of Venus-Jupiter conjunctions in the ~100 years before the birth of Christ, although the 3 and 2 BC conjunctions appeared closer together. Bidelman noted that John Mosley has shown the August 3 BC morning conjunction was ~4.3 arcminutes, and the June 2 BC evening conjunction was an "extremely close" 0.5 arcminutes, and Bidelman considered some historical events to determine the date of Christs birth, and noted these conjunctions took place in Leo, a constellation associated with Judaism and the Tribe of Judah. Bidelman suggested the conjunctions in 3 and 2 BC are a plausible explanation for the Star of Bethlehem. In a brief 1991 Newsweek on Air interview about the Star of Bethlehem, when asked when and why he became interested in the topic, Bidelman said he had always been an astronomer, and it is of astronomical interest. When asked whether he thought his theory demystified Christmas, Bidelman replied: In 1992, almost 50 years after his thesis paper, Bidelman stated On revient toujours à ses premières amours ("One always returns to his first loves") when he returned to the topic of his dissertation in 1992 and he considered it "perhaps worth mentioning" that two stars seen then had completely changed their spectral appearance. In 1993, Bidelman provided data on 177 known and possible asymptotic giant branch stars, saying he was confident many would "prove to be interesting and important. Unfortunately, I dont know which ones!" Bidelmans list of high Strömgren c1 index high galactic latitude stars included promising post-AGB candidates to lead to finds of similar objects to better understand the post-AGB sub-groups of stars. Invited to speak at the 1996 IAU Symposium on carbon stars Bidelman declined on advice from his doctor, but sent introductory comments in which he said: Pointing out that observers sometimes "note things that don't seem to make much sense, but which later are realized to have been very significant indeed", he traced a brief history of "this stellar oddball" and concluded: In May 1998, the Case astronomy students and graduates held a 2-day "Kth" reunion to honor Bidelman and new retiree Peter Pesch. Bidelman (1969) once said that the problem of the Ap stars (1969) is that "stars of unusual spectrum are doing unusual things". In 2002, Bidelman suggested the peculiar magnetic A stars may have once been close binaries that "merged and are now in the process of learning to live as single objects", and suggested in 2005 that Przybylski's Star may be one such object. In Case Western University's 2008 astronomy department newsletter, Chair Heather Morrison wrote they were sorry to say goodbye to Professor Bidelman, who had turned 90 "and has decided to finish his distinguished career in Astronomy by retiring for a second time".
At Columbia, Flynn and his group developed new laser spectroscopy experiments to study the redistribution of quantum vibration energy within single molecules and the transfer of energy between colliding molecules. In a collaboration with Norman Sutin at Brookhaven National Laboratories, Flynn and Sutin developed laser-based methods for measuring the rates of reaction in solution. He also used scanning tunneling microscopy to study self-assembly of molecules at surfaces and other interfaces.
In 1840, Wheatstone introduced his chronoscope, for measuring minute intervals of time, which was used in determining the speed of a bullet or the passage of a star. In this apparatus an electric current actuated an electro-magnet, which noted the instant of an occurrence by means of a pencil on a moving paper. It is said to have been capable of distinguishing 1/7300 part of a second (137 microsecond), and the time a body took to fall from a height of one inch (25 mm). On 26 November 1840, he exhibited his electro-magnetic clock in the library of the Royal Society, and propounded a plan for distributing the correct time from a standard clock to a number of local timepieces. The circuits of these were to be electrified by a key or contact-maker actuated by the arbour of the standard, and their hands corrected by electro-magnetism. The following January Alexander Bain took out a patent for an electro-magnetic clock, and he subsequently charged Wheatstone with appropriating his ideas. It appears that Bain worked as a mechanist to Wheatstone from August to December 1840, and he asserted that he had communicated the idea of an electric clock to Wheatstone during that period; but Wheatstone maintained that he had experimented in that direction during May. Bain further accused Wheatstone of stealing his idea of the electro-magnetic printing telegraph; but Wheatstone showed that the instrument was only a modification of his own electro-magnetic telegraph. In 1840, Alexander Bain mentioned to the Mechanics Magazine editor his financial problems. The editor introduced him to Sir Charles Wheatstone. Bain demonstrated his models to Wheatstone, who, when asked for his opinion, said "Oh, I shouldnt bother to develop these things any further! Theres no future in them." Three months later Wheatstone demonstrated an electric clock to the Royal Society, claiming it was his own invention. However, Bain had already applied for a patent for it. Wheatstone tried to block Bain's patents, but failed. When Wheatstone organised an Act of Parliament to set up the Electric Telegraph Company, the House of Lords summoned Bain to give evidence, and eventually compelled the company to pay Bain £10,000 and give him a job as manager, causing Wheatstone to resign.
* “A Colorful Answer To Pregnancy Puzzle. A Eureka Moment For Chemists: Answer Found In Fruit Fly Poop.” M. Zimmer Hartford Courant, February 6, 2011. * “Optogenetics: Three not-so-blind (anymore) mice” M. Zimmer Providence Journal, May 7, 2011. * “Lighting Up Chickens to Prevent Bird Flu Pandemics” Huffington Post, November 28, 2012. * “Dengue Fever vs. Glowing Mosquitoes” USA Today, February 22, 2013. * “Luminescent Eel Muscles Fluorescent Protein Revolution into Clinic.” Huffington Post, June 18, 2013. * “Mending Broken Hearts: Using Embryonic Stem Cells to Repair the Damage Caused by Heart Attacks.” Huffington Post, May 9, 2014. * "6 tips to help you detect fake science news" The Conversation, March 15, 2021. * "From CRISPR to glowing proteins to optogenetics – scientists’ most powerful technologies have been borrowed from nature." The Conversation, August 5, 2021. * "AI makes huge progress predicting how proteins fold – one of biology’s greatest challenges – promising rapid drug development." The Conversation, December 2, 2020.
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Charles Hard Townes (July 28, 1915 – January 27, 2015) was an American physicist. Townes worked on the theory and application of the maser, for which he obtained the fundamental patent, and other work in quantum electronics associated with both maser and laser devices. He shared the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics with Nikolay Basov and Alexander Prokhorov. Townes was an adviser to the United States Government, meeting every US president from Harry S. Truman (1945) to Bill Clinton (1999). He directed the US government's Science and Technology Advisory Committee for the Apollo lunar landing program. After becoming a professor of the University of California, Berkeley in 1967, he began an astrophysical program that produced several important discoveries, for example, the black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Townes was religious and believed that science and religion are converging to provide a greater understanding of the nature and purpose of the universe.
As President of the Society for Mathematical Biology, Schnell implemented structural changes that strengthened the organizations foundation and membership. To allow members of the Society for Mathematical Biology to meet and interact within more focused areas in smaller groups, Schnell established the SMB Subgroups, which have been truly transformative for the Society, making more dynamics and representative for all the members of the field. He also made major gains in fundraising for the Society. His efforts resulted in a four-fold increase of the Societys endowment. This led to the establishment of awards to recognize excellence in mathematical biology at different career stages. Thanks for his leadership, the Society has the following awards: The H. D. Landahl Mathematical Biophysics Award for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, The Leah Edelstein-Keshet Prize for Women in Mathematical Biology, the John Jungck Prize for Excellence in Education, and the Society for Mathematical Biology Fellows Program.
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Wheatstone married Emma West, spinster, a daughter of John Hooke West, deceased, at Christ Church, Marylebone, on 12 February 1847. The marriage was by licence.
Martin Ryle was born in Brighton, England, the son of Professor John Alfred Ryle and Miriam (née Scully) Ryle. He was the nephew of Oxford University Professor of Philosophy Gilbert Ryle. After studying at Bradfield College, Ryle studied physics at Christ Church, Oxford. In 1939, Ryle worked with the Telecommunications Research Establishment (TRE) on the design of antennas for airborne radar equipment during World War II. After the war, he received a fellowship at the Cavendish Laboratory.
Anders Jonas Ångström (; 13 August 181421 June 1874) was a Swedish physicist and one of the founders of the science of spectroscopy. Ångström is also well known for his studies of astrophysics, heat transfer, terrestrial magnetism, and the aurora borealis. In 1852, Ångström formulated in Optiska undersökningar (Optical investigations), a law of absorption, later modified somewhat and known as Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation.
Antony Hewish (11 May 1924 – 13 September 2021) was a British radio astronomer who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1974 (together with fellow radio-astronomer Martin Ryle) for his role in the discovery of pulsars. He was also awarded the Eddington Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society in 1969.
Margaret Lindsay Huggins was part of a family of four. She had a brother, Robert Douglas. Her parents were John Murray and Helen Lindsay. Her father was a solicitor, who attended Edinburgh Academy. Margaret's younger brother by three years, Robert Douglas, attended Edinburgh Academy at the age of twelve, and then attended further education in Trinity College, Dublin in his later years. The family home was a Georgian style townhouse, at 23 Longford Terrace in Kingstown (present-day Dún Laoghaire). Margaret's grandfather, Robert Murray, was a very important figure in her life. He was a wealthy officer at the Bank of Ireland but also enjoyed the hobby of astronomy. From a young age Margaret had a keen interest in astronomy as a result of the relationship between herself and her grandfather. When she was a young girl her grandfather brought her outdoors in the evening, and taught her about all the constellations and how they can be identified. This inspired her to be an astronomer, and she therefore attended private school in Brighton from a young age.
Gordy began college at Clarke Memorial Junior College in 1929. He enrolled in Mississippi College in 1930 and completed his bachelors degree in 1932. He then began graduate work at the University of North Carolina where he received a M.A. in 1933 and a Ph.D. in 1935. Gordys doctoral research in infrared spectroscopy was carried out under Earle K. Plyler. From 1935 to 1941 Gordy taught at Mary Hardin-Baylor College where he was an associate professor of physics and mathematics. During this time he pursued his research interests, spectroscopic studies of hydrogen bonding, through summer research work at the University of North Carolina and Ohio State University. In 1941, Gordy was awarded a National Research Fellowship for this work. He used the fellowship to move to the California Institute of Technology and work with Linus Pauling. The advent of World War II cut this fellowship short. In 1942 Gordy joined the MIT Radiation Laboratory where he worked on the development of microwave radar. Gordys work with microwave technology during this time led him to focus his subsequent spectroscopic research efforts on microwave spectroscopy. He joined the physics department at Duke University in 1946 and established a research group centered on microwave and millimeter-wave spectroscopy. He achieved the university's highest rank, James B. Duke Professor, in 1958 and continued at Duke until his retirement in 1979.
The Galactic Center of the Milky Way had long puzzled astronomers, and thick dust obscures the view of it in visible light. During the mid to late 1970s, Townes together with Eric Wollman, John Lacy, Thomas Geballe and Fred Baas studied Sagittarius A, the H II region at the Galactic Center, at infrared wavelengths. They observed ionized neon gas swirling around the center at such velocities that the mass at the very center must be approximately equal to that of 3 million suns. Such a large mass in such a small space implied that the central object (the radio source Sagittarius A*) contains a supermassive black hole. Sagittarius A* was one of the first black holes detected; subsequently its mass has been more accurately determined to be 4.3 million solar masses.
*Balmer formula and Balmer constant h are named after him, as well as Balmer lines and Balmer series. *The Balmer jump is useful in Astronomy for stellar classification. *The crater Balmer on the Moon is named after him. *Minor planet 12755 Balmer is named after him.
Decatur is a native of the Cleveland, Ohio, area. His mother was a public school teacher of mathematics and science. He attended Cleveland public schools and the Hawken School. He earned a bachelor's degree at Swarthmore College in 1990 and a doctorate in biophysical chemistry at Stanford University in 1995.
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Carlos Jaschek (March 2, 1926 – April 12, 1999) was a German-born Argentine astrophysicist who spent time in the United States, lived in Switzerland, settled in France, became a French citizen and worked to make astronomical data accessible to all nations. As the second Director of a new center in Strasbourg, France, designed to be a computerized repository for data about the stars, he was part of its early team who were determined, clearsighted decision-makers when its resources were limited. Jaschek began in astronomy at La Plata, in South America, later directing its Astrophysics Department. He travelled and conducted research at many observatories along with his wife, the stellar astronomer and spectroscopist Mercedes Jaschek, with whom he spent a lifetime collaborating in research. They lived in Argentina from 1937 to 1973. With his wife and his other colleagues, Jaschek was involved with both stellar spectroscopy and photometry, the newly-accessible infrared(IR) and ultraviolet (UV) as well as visible light, astronomical statistics and guidelines for designating stars, and with the chemically peculiar stars In addition to his research discoveries, he co-created atlases and catalogues and published them. He was President of the International Astronomical Union's Commission 45 Stellar Classification. and was an early proponent of creating astronomical databases. He founded an organization to encourage research on the impact of astronomy on society, the SEAC. The Jaschek's retired in 1993 and moved to Spain, continuing to be active in scientific endeavors. Mercedes Jaschek died in 1995, and Carlos Jaschek in 1999.
Rudolph Israel Pariser (December 8, 1923 – February 2, 2021) was an American physical and polymer chemist.
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Timothy A. Cross is an American academic chemist who specializes in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, membrane and computational biophysics, and biomathematics. He is a professor of chemistry at Florida State University and the Director of the NMR Program at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. His research focuses on the sets of proteins that are important for the pharmaceutical industry in the treatment of diseases such as the flu (Influenza A) and tuberculosis.
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Brockhouse was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 1965. In 1982, Brockhouse was made an Officer of the Order of Canada and was promoted to Companion in 1995. Brockhouse shared the 1994 Nobel Prize in Physics with American Clifford Shull of MIT for developing neutron scattering techniques for studying condensed matter. In October 2005, as part of the 75th anniversary of McMaster University's establishment in Hamilton, Ontario, a street on the University campus (University Avenue) was renamed to Brockhouse Way in honour of Brockhouse. The town of Deep River, Ontario, has also named a street in his honour. The Nobel Prize that Bertram Brockhouse won (shared with Clifford Shull) in 1994 was awarded after the longest-ever waiting time (counting from the time when the award-winning research had been carried out). In 1999 the Division of Condensed Matter and Materials Physics (DCMMP) and the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) created a medal in honour of Brockhouse. The medal is called the Brockhouse Medal and is awarded to recognize and encourage outstanding experimental or theoretical contributions to condensed matter and materials physics. This medal is awarded annually on the basis of outstanding experimental or theoretical contributions to condensed matter physics. An eligible candidate must have performed their research primarily with a Canadian Institution.
In June 1923, Dent graduated with Dirac, gaining a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in applied mathematics with First Class Honours. On 7July 1923, she was awarded the Ashworth Hallett scholarship by the University of Bristol and was accepted as a postgraduate student at Newnham College in the University of Cambridge. On her death in 1922, Lilias Sophia Ashworth Hallett left one thousand pounds each to the University of Bristol and Girton College, University of Cambridge, to found scholarships for women. The University of Bristol scholarship was open to women graduates of a recognised college or university, and worth £45 at the time (). She spent a year at Cambridge, leaving in 1924 without further academic qualification. Before 1948, the University of Cambridge denied women graduates a degree, although in the same year as she left Cambridge, Katharine Margaret Wilson was the first woman to be awarded a PhD by the university.
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Prior to their first encounter, Margaret was already a fervent admirer of her husband-to-be, Sir William Huggins. William was an astronomical spectroscopist, whose line of work collaborated instantly with Margaret's. Their partnership was described as being "one of the most successful husband and wife partnerships in the whole of astronomy". After their marriage on 8 September 1875, at the Monkstown Parish Church, the "two star-gazed" lovers devoted themselves to their research and their inspiring companionship resulted in an array of astronomical findings. Margaret and William Huggins were the first to "observe and to identify the series of hydrogen lines in the spectrum of the star Vega." The pair's detailed notebook entries contributed to their first paper publication in 1889, discussing the "studies of the spectra of planets". They were also among those who "observed the Nova of 1892, Nova Aurigae." Margaret was specifically in charge of the visual observations, while together they collected "photographic spectra over several nights." The couple's work had a major influence on their daily lives. Their home acted more as a work space, rather than a place for any kind of familial essence, and they never had any children. In 1903, Margaret and William Huggins published their final piece of joint scientific research on the spectra of certain radioactive substances.
Anne Patricia, Lady Thorne (born 3 October 1928) is a physicist specialising in atomic physics and spectroscopy. She is senior research fellow in physics and senior research investigator in the Department of Physics at Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine. She was the senior tutor for women students at Imperial College, and played a leading role in starting the Imperial College Day Nursery.
*In 1952 he was awarded the Charles Doolittle Walcott Medal by the National Academy of Sciences for his contributions to Cambrian paleontology.
*B. H. Hong, J. Y. Lee, and K.S. Kim, Synthesis and applications of nanoscale lens through self-assembly process, Patent No: 10-1166415, Registration Date : 2012.07.11, Application No:10-2009-0084121 (2009.9.7), Country Registered: Korea *S. K. Min, W. Y. Kim, Y. Cho, K. S. Kim, Device and method for ultrafast DNA sequencing based on graphene nanoribbons, Patent No: 10-12972226, Registration Date : 2013.8.9, Application No: 10-2011-0056530 (2011.06.10), Country Registered: Korea [그래핀 나노리본을 이용한 초고속 염기서열 분석 소자 및 방법] *B. H. Hong, J. Y. Lee, P. Kim, and K.S. Kim, Growth and applications of ultralong carbon nanotubes, Patent No : US 8,080,281 B2, Registration Date : 2011.12.20, Application No:12/412,984, Country Registered: USA [USA Patent No, : PCT/US2007/020778 (60/848,023); (2007.9.27)] *V. Chandra, Y. Chun, J. W. Lee, I.-C. Hwang, K. S. Kim, Hybrid materials comprising graphene and iron oxide, Method for manufacturing the same and Apparatus for treating waste water using the same, Application No:13/279,291, Filing Date :2011.10.23, Country Registered: USA. "Hybrid materials comprising graphene and iron oxide, Method for manufacturing thereof and Appratus for treating waste water using thereof ", Application No: 10-2010-0038705, Filing Date : 2010.04.26, Country Registered: Korea *W. Y. Kim and K. S. Kim, Spin-valve devices based on graphene nanoribbons, [그래핀 나노리본을 이용한 스핀밸브 소자], Patent No: 10-0980680, Registration Date : 2010.09.01, Application No:10-2008-0077414, Country Registered: Korea *B. H. Hong, C.-W. Lee, and K.S. Kim, Synthesis of organic nanotubes having suitable electrochemical and photochemical properties and synthesis of ultrathin nanowires using same as templates, European Patent No. (EP 1264919; 02 002 096.2, December 2002), Korean Patent No. (0439579, 2004), USA patent No. (6762331, 2004). *S. J. Lee and K. S. Kim, Copyrighted S/W: POSMOL (Pohang Sci-tech MoLecular modeling package), Application No:2000-01-12-4239, Filing Date : 2000.06, Country Registered: Korea
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C. V. Raman was born in Tiruchirappalli in the Madras Presidency of British India (now Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India) to Iyer Brahmin parents, Chandrasekhar Ramanathan Iyer and Parvathi Ammal. He was the second of eight siblings. His father was a teacher at a local high school, and earned a modest income. He recalled: "I was born with a copper spoon in my mouth. At my birth my father was earning the magnificent salary of ten rupees per month!" In 1892, his family moved to Visakhapatnam (then Vizagapatam or Vizag) in Andhra Pradesh as his father was appointed to the faculty of physics at Mrs A.V. Narasimha Rao College. Raman was educated at the St Aloysius Anglo-Indian High School, Visakhapatnam. He passed matriculation at age 11 and the First Examination in Arts examination (equivalent to todays intermediate examination, pre-university course) with a scholarship at age 13, securing first position in both under the Andhra Pradesh school board (now Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education) examination. In 1902, Raman joined Presidency College in Madras (now Chennai) where his father had been transferred to teach mathematics and physics. In 1904, he obtained a B.A. degree from the University of Madras, where he stood first and won the gold medals in physics and English. At age 18, while still a graduate student, he published his first scientific paper on "Unsymmetrical diffraction bands due to a rectangular aperture" in the British journal Philosophical Magazine in 1906. He earned an M.A. degree from the same university with highest distinction in 1907. His second paper published in the same journal that year was on surface tension of liquids. It was alongside Lord Rayleigh's paper on the sensitivity of ear to sound, and from which Lord Rayleigh started to communicate with Raman, courteously addressing him as Professor. Aware of Ramans capacity, his physics teacher Rhishard Llewellyn Jones insisted he continue research in England. Jones arranged for Ramans physical inspection with Colonel (Sir Gerald) Giffard. Raman often had poor health and was considered as a "weakling." The inspection revealed that he would not withstand the harsh weathers of England, the incident of which he later recalled, and said, "[Giffard] examined me and certified that I was going to die of tuberculosis… if I were to go to England."
* [http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jp030179a R. Hochstrasser, J. Saltiel. Research Career of Michael Kasha. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2003, 107 (18), pp 3161–3162] * [http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/j100178a001 Michael Kasha - Editorial, Biographical Sketch, Summary of Research Contributions, Research Associates, and Publications list J . Phys. Chem., 1991, 95 (25), pp 10215–10220]
Robert P. Madden (1928 – 1 April 2014) was an American spectroscopist who was president of the Optical Society of America in 1982. He studied as an undergraduate at Rochester University and as a postgraduate at Johns Hopkins University. After gaining his Ph.D. in 1956 (on diffraction gratings) he worked from 1958 to 1961 as a physicist with the U.S. Army Engineering Research and Development Laboratories (AERDL) at Fort Belvoir, Virginia on the optical properties of thin films in the ultraviolet. He then joined the National Bureau of Standards as head of the newly-created Far Ultraviolet Physics Section where he used the bureau's electron synchrotron to measure the effect of ultraviolet radiation on helium. Before his retirement in 1998 the synchrotron had been substantially upgraded and used on a wide variety of investigations. Madden was inducted as a Fellow of the Optical Society in 1964, received their William F. Meggers Award in Spectroscopy in 1978, and served as president of the society in 1982. He was also elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 1967 and inducted into the National Institute of Standards and Technology Gallery of Distinguished Scientists, Engineers and Administrators in 2000.
* Honorary Member of the Småland Student Nation in Uppsala   * Honorary Member of the Upland Student Nation in Uppsala * Honorary Member of the Gotland Student Nation in Uppsala * Honorary Member of Allmänna Sången * Honorary Member of Uppsala University Jazz Orchestra * Honorary Member of Orphei Drängar (OD) * Honorary Member of the Royal Academic Orchestra * Honorary Member Rotary International
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Simmerling is leading a team of researchers in the development of new algorithms and programs for accurate and efficient simulation of large biomolecular systems using state-of-the-art computers. Their groundbreaking basic work in the field of computational chemistry and structural biology already is having a tremendous impact in biotechnology, medicinal chemistry and drug design. Using computer simulations in 2002, the team correctly predicted how a protein folds into its final shape purely from its genetic code. By forecasting what these molecules of life look like from their gene sequence, the team received worldwide attention for solving one of the most important challenges in post-genomic biology. The significance of Simmerlings discovery lies in the proteins shape, which dictates its function. A protein molecule acquires its shape as its long amino-acid chain folds into a compact, three-dimensional blob. While each kind of protein adopts a different fold, genome lists do not provide researchers with the structure of the folded form. Currently researchers use laborious experimental techniques to reveal the positions of each atom in the protein, and structures have been determined for only a small fraction of known proteins. This information allows researchers to understand the protein's function, determine why genome variations can result in disease, and serves as the basis for design of drugs that modify protein function. Researchers have long thought it possible to predict a proteins structure using computers to simulate how chains fold, knowing how amino acids tend to attract or repel one another. Because the folding process is extremely complex, however, no researchers had been able to successfully predict a protein structure from genetic data. That was before Simmerlings solution — he built a custom computer system using more than 100 PCs and developed software to directly simulate the changes that the protein undergoes while searching for its optimal fold.
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His daughter Iris also became a mathematician and his son Wilhelm was an early developer of radar. Another of his daughters, Nerina (Nina), married the mathematician Richard Courant.
Joseph Ritter von Fraunhofer (; ; 6 March 1787 – 7 June 1826) was a German physicist and optical lens manufacturer. He made optical glass, an achromatic telescope, and objective lenses. He developed diffraction grating and also invented the spectroscope. In 1814, he discovered and studied the dark absorption lines in the spectrum of the sun now known as Fraunhofer lines. The German research organization Fraunhofer Society, which is Europe's biggest Society for the advancement of applied research, is named after him.
Herbert Leopold Strauss, who went by "Herb", was born on March 26, 1936, in Aachen, Germany to parents Joan and Charles Strauss. He had a younger brother, Walter. The Strauss family escaped Germany in 1939, arriving in England. While in London, Herbert Strauss was temporarily placed in an orphanage, where he became seriously ill from bronchitis and nearly died. The family eventually immigrated to Kew Gardens, Queens in New York City. There, his father worked as a real estate agent and his mother worked in a clothing store. Strauss received both a bachelor's degree (1957) and a PhD (1960) in chemistry from Columbia University.
Derek Jackson was born in 1906, the son of Welsh businessman Sir Charles Jackson. Derek Jackson showed early promise in the field of spectroscopy under the guidance of Professor Frederick Lindemann, making the first quantitative determination of a nuclear magnetic spin using atomic spectroscopy to measure the hyperfine structure of caesium. His scientific research at Oxford did not, however, interfere with his other great passion – steeplechase riding – which led him from the foxhunting field to his first ride in the Grand National of 1935. A keen huntsman, he took up the sport again after the war, riding in two more Nationals after the war, the last time when he was 40 years old. In World War II, Jackson distinguished himself in the RAF, making an important scientific contribution to Britain's air defences and to the bomber offensive. He flew more than a thousand hours as a navigator, many of them in combat in night-fighters, with No. 604 (County of Middlesex) Squadron based at RAF Middle Wallop. He was decorated with the DFC, AFC and OBE. This war record stands in contrast to his stated desire at the wars inception to keep Britain out of fighting Germany. For the rest of his life, Jackson, appointed a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1947, lived as a tax exile in Ireland, France and Switzerland. He continued his spectroscopic work in France at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique, and was made a chevalier de la Légion dhonneur. A "rampant bisexual", Jackson was married six times, and also lived for three years with Angela Culme-Seymour, the half-sister of Janetta Wooley, one of his wives. The others included a daughter of Augustus John, Pamela Mitford (one of the Mitford sisters), a princess and several femme fatales including Barbara Skelton (in whose obituary in the Independent is noted her remark that it was "not for love that (she) married Professor Jackson", he being identified as "the millionaire son of the founder of the News of the World").
* Gruebele is a Member of the National Academy of Sciences (2013), a Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2010), and a Member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2008). * He is a Fellow of the American Chemical Society (2015), American Physical Society (2002), and the Biophysical Society (2005). * Gruebele has received national and international awards, such as the Hans Neurath Award of the Protein Society (2020), TREE Award (Research Corporation, 2018) the Nakanishi Prize (2017), the Raymond and Beverly Sackler Prize in the Physical Sciences (Tel Aviv University, 2008), the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Prize (Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 2005), and the Coblentz Award (Coblentz Society, 2000). He was also awarded an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship (1997), a Cottrell Scholar Award from the Research Corporation (1995), the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Fellowship (1998, 1992), a David and Lucile Packard Fellowship (Packard Foundation, 1994), a National Young Investigator Award (NSF, 1994), and a Beckman Fellowship, 1995–1996. Gruebele collaborated with Hanoi University of Science to port the University of Illinois Department of Chemistry undergraduate curriculum for Chemistry to Vietnam. He has been on the list of "Teachers Ranked Excellent by their Students" at Illinois multiple times (most recently 2023), and received the School of Chemical Sciences Teaching Excellence Award. He is a contributor to LibreTexts, which makes open-access textbooks available to students.
Computational Chemists
In 2007, Khalili joined the University of Washington. Her research makes use of ultrafast spectroscopies to understand the structural dynamics of molecules. Photoinduced charge transfer depends on an interplay between atomic and electronic processes on multi-dimensional energy surfaces. She develops 3D electronic-vibrational femtosecond spectroscopies to understand vibrational and electronics motions on femtosecond timescales. In particular, she is interested in how solvents (e.g. water in photosynthesis) impact the electron transfer processes. Khalil was made chair of the department of chemistry in 2020.
Goldblum invented an algorithm for solving extremely complex combinatorial problems, called Iterative Stochastic Elimination (ISE). Goldblum's ISE algorithm is the basis for two Hebrew University science-related companies that expand on his research and discovery of drug candidates, Pepticom, and RebioticsRX, focusing on nanomedicine He won first prize in the contest of the American Chemical Society Computers in Chemistry Division in the ACS meeting, Washington D.C. 2000 for his new algorithm, which was developed together with PhD student Meir Glick. Goldblum was awarded the Kaye Innovation Prize in 2017 for "dramatic improvements in drug discovery methods". Fraunhofer Institute, the leading European Application oriented research center opened one of its two first project centers, "Fraunhofer Project center on Drug discovery and delivery" in the labs of Profs. Golomb (drug delivery) and Goldblum (Drug Discovery) at the Institute for Drug Research. Goldblum's research is focused on the discovery of new drugs against SARS-CoV-2, on Cannabinoids and the CNS, and obesity.
Computational Chemists
Hammes-Schiffer's work delves primarily into three separate areas of chemistry: Proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET), Enzymatic Processes, and the Nuclear-Electronic Orbital method. A sect of this research engages in the study of the Kinetic isotope effect, a difference in the reaction rate of a chemical based on what isotope is present.
Computational Chemists
*Grand Cross of the Order of Merit (Egypt) (1995) *Grand Cordon of the Order of the Arab Republic of Egypt (1998) *Grand Collar of the Order of the Nile (1999)
Johannes Stark (, 15 April 1874 – 21 June 1957) was a German physicist who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1919 "for his discovery of the Doppler effect in canal rays and the splitting of spectral lines in electric fields". This phenomenon is known as the Stark effect. Stark received his Ph.D. in physics from the University of Munich in 1897 under the supervision of Eugen von Lommel, and served as Lommel's assistant until his appointment as a lecturer at the University of Göttingen in 1900. He was an extraordinary professor at Leibniz University Hannover from 1906 until he became a professor at RWTH Aachen University in 1909. In 1917, he became professor at the University of Greifswald, and he also worked at the University of Würzburg from 1920 to 1922. A supporter of Adolf Hitler from 1924, Stark was one of the main figures, along with fellow Nobel laureate Philipp Lenard, in the anti-Semitic Deutsche Physik movement, which sought to remove Jewish scientists from German physics. He was appointed head of the German Research Foundation in 1933 and was president of the Reich Physical-Technical Institute from 1933 to 1939. In 1947 he was found guilty as a "Major Offender" by a denazification court.
* Outstanding Youth in Diaspora Award – National Youth Council Dominica (2022) * Rising Star in Soft and Biological Matter – University of Chicago (2020) * Bill Gates Sr Award – Gates Cambridge Trust (2018) * Gates Cambridge Scholarship – Gates Cambridge Trust (2014) * R. L. Seale Chemistry Prize – University of the West Indies (2012) * Faculty of Arts and Science Scholarship – Government of Dominica (2009)
Computational Chemists
Nicholas Mark Harrison was born in Streetly, Sutton Coldfield, in the United Kingdom. His father was a manager at Lloyds Bank. He took a degree in physics at University College London and the University of Birmingham after which he was appointed as a research scientist at Daresbury Laboratory, spending a year in 1993 as a visiting scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. In 1994 he was appointed head of the Computational Materials Science Group at Daresbury Laboratory. In 2000 he became the Professor of Computational Materials Science at Imperial College London. He was elected a Fellow of the Institute of Physics in 2004 and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in 2008. He is currently a co-director of the Institute for Molecular Science and Engineering at Imperial College London.
Computational Chemists
Yitzhak Apeloig (יצחק אפלויג; born 1 September 1944 in Uzbekistan) is a pioneer in the computational chemistry field of the Ab initio quantum chemistry methods for predicting and preparing the physical and chemical properties of materials. He was the president of the Technion from 2001 until 2009 where the position was handed off to Peretz Lavie. Distinguished Prof. Apeloig currently holds the Joseph Israel Freund Chair in Chemistry and is the co-director of the Lise Meitner Minerva Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry at the Technion. He served as dean of the Faculty of Chemistry from 1995 to 1999, where he was named Teacher of the Year at three occasions. During his Technion presidency, Apeloig recruited more than 150 elite scholars and scientists worldwide to the Technion. He also established a number of interdisciplinary research centers such as the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute. He also established the Lorry I. Lokey Interdisciplinary Center for Life Sciences and Engineering. In 2010 was inducted to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. The same year he also became a recipient of the Frederic Stanley Kipping Award in Silicon Chemistry.
Computational Chemists
When Bunsen retired in 1889 at the age of 78, he shifted his work solely to geology and mineralogy, interests which he had pursued throughout his career. He died in Heidelberg, Germany on 16 August 1899, at the age of 88.
In 1928, LennardJones and Dent published two papers, "" and "", that for the first time, outlined a calculation of the potential of the electric field in a vacuum, produced by a thin sodium chloride crystal surface. They gave an expression for the electric potential produced by a system of point charges in vacuum (although not a real cubic sodium chloride ionic lattice). The expression for the potential in vacuum, , at the point r = {x, y, z}, near the cubic lattice of point ions with different signs, the charge , and the period a (a crystalline solid is distinguished by the fact that the atoms making up the crystal are arranged in a periodic fashion), can be represented in the form: : is the lateral vector that fixes the observation point coordinates in the sample plane. : is the reciprocal lattice vector. :s is the number of planes to be calculated inside the crystal; s set to zero would calculate the surface plane. The expression sums the set of potential static charges for the surface and lower planes of the crystal lattice. LennardJones and Dent showed that this expression forms a rapidly convergent Fourier series. Harold Eugene Buckley, a crystallographic researcher at the University of Manchester until his death in 1959, had suggested that their results should be treated with caution. For example, the contraction a crystal plane would suffer under the conditions prescribed would not be the same as that of a similar plane with a solid mass of crystal behind it. Another difficulty arises because calculation of crystal surface field force fields are so great that simplifying assumptions have to be made to render them capable of a solution. Michael Jaycock and Geoffrey Parfitt, then respectively senior lecturer in surface and colloid chemistry at Loughborough University of Technology and professor of chemical engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, concurred with Buckley, noting that "an ideal crystal, in which the ionic positions at the surface were identical to those achieved in the bulk crystal... is obviously extremely improbable." However, they acknowledged that the LennardJones and Dent model was singularly elegant, and like most researchers working before the advent of modern computers, they were limited in what could be attempted computationally. Nonetheless, LennardJones and Dent demonstrated that the force exerted on a single ion, by a surface with evenly distributed positive and negative ions, decreases very rapidly with increasing distance. Later work by Jason Cleveland, Manfred Radmacher, and Paul Hansma, has shown that this result has direct application to atomic force microscopy by predicting that noncontact imaging is possible only at small tipsample separations.
Computational Chemists
Kayser was born at Bingen am Rhein. Kaysers early work was concerned with the characteristics of acoustic waves. He discovered the occurrence of helium in the Earths atmosphere in 1868 during a solar eclipse when he detected a new spectral line in the solar spectrum. In 1881, Kayser coined the word “adsorption”. Together with Carl Runge, he examined the spectra of chemical elements. In 1905, he wrote a paper on electron theory. The kayser unit, associated with wavenumber, of the CGS system was named after him. He died at Bonn in 1940.
His research covers a wide range of areas in chemical physics and biological physics, including the kinetics of biological systems, quantum dynamics of energy flow within molecules, and optically assisted scanning tunneling microscopy. A common theme of his research is the implementation of state-of-the-art laser and microscopy techniques to interrogate and manipulate complex systems, coupled with quantum or classical simulations. He has published over 300 articles, books and patents on topics ranging from quantum computing, to RNA and protein folding in the test tube and inside cells, to fish swimming behavioral studies, and ultra-distance cycling.
Computational Chemists
Martin holds a B.S. in Pharmacy from the University of Pittsburgh and a Ph.D. degree in Medicinal Chemistry/Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Kentucky. He was a Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Houston from 1975–1989 and the director of the University of Houston NMR Facility between 1984–1989. He moved to the pharmaceutical industry in 1989 and worked at a number of pharmaceutical companies as described below. He has published more than 275 papers, invited reviews, and chapters and is a frequently invited lecturer at national and international NMR meetings. Between 1989 and 1995 he worked at Burroughs Wellcome (later GlaxoSmithKline) (see reference 3) and worked on the development of new one- and two-dimensional NMR experiments for the solution of complex structural and spectral assignment problems. He developed new methods for the acquisition of submicromole and sub-nanomole NMR data for molecular structure characterization, especially work involving inverse-detected heteronuclear shift correlation techniques. These efforts led to collaborative development with Nalorac Cryogenics Corp. to develop micro inverse detection probes which facilitated the acquisition of HMQC spectra on samples to the level of 0.05 µmole for small (200-500 Da) molecule NMR. He moved to the Pharmacia corporation between 1996–2003 and ran the Rapid Structure Characterization Group. When Pharmacia was acquired by Pfizer, he served as the senior scientific consultant working on new methods development. He led the development of applications of unsymmetrical indirect covariance NMR, initially in an effort to eliminate artifacts and subsequently in the investigation of the mathematical combination of discretely-acquired 2D NMR data. The time savings for the latter was nearly a factor of 16 in time, with a 10-fold improvement in signal-to-noise ratios vs. directly acquiring an HSQC-TOCSY data set with the same sample. He conducted preliminary investigations into the utilization of indirect covariance NMR spectroscopy as an alternative means of evaluating NMR data for structure characterization and Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation. He collaborated with a team of scientists at Advanced Chemistry Development, ACD/Labs, led by Antony John Williams, investigating the development of computational methods for automated structure verification and structure elucidation. He developed “accordion-optimized” long-range heteronuclear shift correlation methods to provide experimental access to small long-range heteronuclear couplings for the characterization of proton-“deficient” molecular structures, to experimentally access 4J heteronuclear couplings, to differentiate two-bond from three-bond long-range couplings to protonated carbons, to measure long-range heteronuclear couplings and to provide a reliable means of observing long-range proton-nitrogen correlations without concern for the variability of long-range proton nitrogen coupling constants. He also collaborated on the development of a new generation of sub-micro inverse detection probes with Nalorac Cryogenics Corporation designed to allow heteronuclear shift correlation experiments to be performed at levels down to 0.01 µmole for small molecules. The collaboration extended to a new generation of cold metal (at temperatures of 8K) 3 mm micro inverse detection probes. In 2006 he joined Schering-Plough and was responsible for the chemical structure characterization of impurities and degradants of candidate drug molecules in support of chemical process research. Schering Plough was acquired by Merck Research Laboratories in 2009. During his time at Merck he has continued to explore the limits of detection for low level samples by heteronuclear 2D NMR using newly developed 1.7 mm Micro CryoProbe™ technology. He has developed, in collaboration with ACD/Labs, and Bruker, unsymmetrical indirect covariance NMR spectroscopy, exploring the calculation of hyphenated heteronuclear 2D correlation spectra. He has also continued collaborative investigations in the area of Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation (CASE) with ACD/Labs. He has also explored the use of unsymmetrical indirect covariance NMR processing methods to define 13C-15N and 13C-13C heteronuclear connectivity networks. He was named a 2016 Distinguished Graduate Alumnus of the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy He was the 2016 recipient of the James N. Shoolery Award to recognize individual contributions in the field of small molecule NMR He was awarded the 2016 EAS Award for Outstanding Achievements in NMR.
Returning to the United States, Compton was appointed Wayman Crow Professor of Physics, and head of the department of physics at Washington University in St. Louis in 1920. In 1922, he found that X-ray quanta scattered by free electrons had longer wavelengths and, in accordance with Planck's relation, less energy than the incoming X-rays, the surplus energy having been transferred to the electrons. This discovery, known as the "Compton effect" or "Compton scattering", demonstrated the particle concept of electromagnetic radiation. In 1923, Compton published a paper in the Physical Review that explained the X-ray shift by attributing particle-like momentum to photons, something Einstein had invoked for his 1905 Nobel Prize–winning explanation of the photo-electric effect. First postulated by Max Planck in 1900, these were conceptualized as elements of light "quantized" by containing a specific amount of energy depending only on the frequency of the light. In his paper, Compton derived the mathematical relationship between the shift in wavelength and the scattering angle of the X-rays by assuming that each scattered X-ray photon interacted with only one electron. His paper concludes by reporting on experiments that verified his derived relation: where : is the initial wavelength, : is the wavelength after scattering, : is the Planck constant, : is the electron rest mass, : is the speed of light, and : is the scattering angle. The quantity is known as the Compton wavelength of the electron; it is equal to . The wavelength shift lies between zero (for ) and twice the Compton wavelength of the electron (for ). He found that some X-rays experienced no wavelength shift despite being scattered through large angles; in each of these cases the photon failed to eject an electron. Thus the magnitude of the shift is related not to the Compton wavelength of the electron, but to the Compton wavelength of the entire atom, which can be upwards of 10,000 times smaller. "When I presented my results at a meeting of the American Physical Society in 1923", Compton later recalled, "it initiated the most hotly contested scientific controversy that I have ever known." The wave nature of light had been well demonstrated, and the idea that it could have a dual nature was not easily accepted. It was particularly telling that diffraction in a crystal lattice could only be explained with reference to its wave nature. It earned Compton the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1927. Compton and Alfred W. Simon developed the method for observing at the same instant individual scattered X-ray photons and the recoil electrons. In Germany, Walther Bothe and Hans Geiger independently developed a similar method.
Shmaryahu Hoz was born in Jerusalem in 1945. He received a B.Sc. in Chemistry and Physics and an M.Sc. in Chemistry from the Hebrew University. He received his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Bar Ilan University and did post-doctoral studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz with Prof. Joseph F. Bunnett. He joined the Chemistry Department at Bar Ilan University in 1975. His major research areas are: physical organic chemistry, the chemistry of SmI, computational nanotechnology and the effects of electric fields on structure and reactivity.
Computational Chemists
In 2005, Kneipp joined the BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing. She moved to the Humboldt University of Berlin in 2008. Her research develops multi-photon spectroscopy for bioanalysis. She was supported by the European Research Council to develop Multiphoton Processes Using Plasmonics. As part of her work, Kneipp developed multi-functional nanosensors, which can be combined with plasmonic nanoparticles and provide multiple surface-enhanced spectroscopic signatures. Plasmonic structures can enhance local optical fields, In particular, Kneipp is interested in Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) of complex samples. She uses SERS to better understand how molecules interact with nanostructures, for applications in biospectroscopy and in plasmonic catalysis. Beyond SERS, Kneipp has shown that a combination of Raman spectroscopy with other methods can be used to study plant samples. Vibrational spectra of plants can provide information about the biochemical composition of structures like pollen, and can give information on plant-climate interactions. From 2015-2020, Kneipp joined the German Research Foundation (DFG) review board for chemistry. She is member of excellence cluster UniSysCat and the Einstein Center of Catalysis. She is co-founder of the School of Analytical Sciences Adlershof (SALSA), a graduate program at HU.
Mostly known as an electric textural guitarist and loop musician, Bearpark plays a central role in the band Darkroom. He also has an ongoing duo project with German loop guitarist Bernhard Wagner, called Pedaltone. Bearpark was a member of the live No-Man band for the bands mini-tour of Europe in autumn 2008 (playing guitar alongside Steven Wilson). He has played on two No-Man releases - as a guest on the 2003 album Together Were Stranger and as a live band member on the 2010 Mixtaped concert DVD. Bearpark has also been a frequent collaborator with No-Man singer Tim Bowness. He has played alongside Bowness in the 1980s North West-based art-rock bands After The Stranger and Plenty, the ambient-folk band Samuel Smiles (founded by Bearpark himself) and the contemporary progressive rock band Henry Fool (both of the latter projects also featuring multi-instrumentalist Peter Chilvers). In turn, Bowness has been an occasional Darkroom member. Bearparks other collaborations include work with Richard Barbieri (of Japan and Porcupine Tree) and David Kostens Faultline. He is a regular contributor to Improvizone, a regular London-based night of improvised instrumental music organised by drummer Andrew Booker. Most recently, Bearpark has formed a more straightforward rock band called Aimless Mules, which also features Andrew Booker (drums), Chris Wild (vocals), Nic Regan (bass) and Charles Fernyhough (guitar). Additionally, Bearpark is currently a member of the space rock band Hawkflawed, formed with musician Ghost of Wood and drummer/vocalist Simon Hill.
Computational Chemists
*1962 - Stuart Ballantine Medal *1963 - Young Medal and Prize, for distinguished research in the field of optics presented by the Institute of physics *1970 - elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences *1970 - elected to the National Academy of Sciences *1976 - awarded the [http://www.osa.org/awards_and_grants/awards/award_description/ivesquinn/ Frederic Ives Medal] by OSA *1981 - Nobel Prize for Physics *1983 - Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement *1984 - elected to the American Philosophical Society
Stark worked in various positions at the Physics Institute of his alma mater until 1900, when he became an unsalaried lecturer at the University of Göttingen. An extraordinary professor at Hannover by 1906, in 1908 he became professor at RWTH Aachen University. He worked and researched at physics departments of several universities, including the University of Greifswald, until 1922. In 1919, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his "discovery of the Doppler effect in canal rays and the splitting of spectral lines in electric fields" (the latter is known as the Stark effect). From 1933 until his retirement in 1939, Stark was elected President of the Physikalisch-Technische Reichsanstalt, while also President of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. It was Stark who, as the editor of the Jahrbuch der Radioaktivität und Elektronik, asked in 1907, then still rather unknown, Albert Einstein to write a review article on the principle of relativity. Stark seemed impressed by relativity and Einsteins earlier work when he quoted "the principle of relativity formulated by H. A. Lorentz and A. Einstein" and "Plancks relationship M = E/c" in his 1907 paper in Physikalische Zeitschrift, where he used the equation e = mc to calculate an "elementary quantum of energy", i.e. the amount of energy related to the mass of an electron at rest. While working on his article, Einstein began a line of thought that would eventually lead to his general theory of relativity, which in turn became (after its confirmation) the start of Einsteins worldwide fame. This is ironic, given Starks later work as an anti-Einstein and anti-relativity propagandist in the Deutsche Physik movement. Stark published more than 300 papers, mainly regarding electricity and other such topics. He received various awards, including the Nobel Prize, the Baumgartner Prize of the Vienna Academy of Sciences (1910), the Vahlbruch Prize of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences (1914), and the Matteucci Medal of the Rome Academy. Probably his best known contribution to the field of physics is the Stark effect, which he discovered in 1913. In 1970 the International Astronomical Union honored him with a crater on the far-side of the Moon, without knowing about his Nazi activities. The name was dropped on August 12, 2020. He married Luise Uepler, and they had five children. His hobbies were the cultivation of fruit trees and forestry. He worked in his private laboratory, which he set up using his Nobel prize money, on his country estate in Upper Bavaria after the second world war. There he studied the deflection of light in an electric field.
Andreas J. Albrecht is a theoretical physicist and cosmologist who is a professor and chair of the physics department at the University of California, Davis. He is one of the founders of inflationary cosmology and studies the formation of the early universe, cosmic structure, and dark energy.
Sir William Huggins (7 February 1824 – 12 May 1910) was a British astronomer best known for his pioneering work in astronomical spectroscopy together with his wife, Margaret.
Coote received numerous awards, including the Rennie Memorial Medal (2006), David Sangster Polymer Science and Technology Achievement Award (2011) and H.G. Smith medal (2016) from the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, the Le Fevre Memorial Prize of the Australian Academy of Science (2010) and the Pople Medal of the Asia-Pacific Association for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (2015). She was also named the 2019 Schleyer lecturer, becoming the first female and the second Australian since the series beginning in 2001. Coote was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in March 2013. She was elected a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science in 2014 for developing and applying accurate computational chemistry for modelling radical polymerization processes. Coote gave her New Fellows' Presentation in July 2014. Coote was recognised by ANU in 2012 as part of their International Women's day celebrations for her achievements as a role model as the first female professor of chemistry at ANU and for inspiring, mentoring and motivating female undergraduate and postgraduate students in the sciences. In December 2016, Coote was appointed as the first Australian Associate Editor of the premier Chemistry journal, the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
Computational Chemists
After the war ended, Compton resigned his chair as Charles H. Swift Distinguished Service Professor of Physics at the University of Chicago and returned to Washington University in St. Louis, where he was inaugurated as the universitys ninth chancellor in 1946. During Comptons time as chancellor, the university formally desegregated its undergraduate divisions in 1952, named its first female full professor, and enrolled record numbers of students as wartime veterans returned to the United States. His reputation and connections in national scientific circles allowed him to recruit many nationally renowned scientific researchers to the university. Despite Compton's accomplishments, he was criticized then, and subsequently by historians, for moving too slowly toward full racial integration, making Washington University the last major institution of higher learning in St. Louis to open its doors to African Americans. Compton retired as chancellor in 1954, but remained on the faculty as Distinguished Service Professor of Natural Philosophy until his retirement from the full-time faculty in 1961. In retirement he wrote Atomic Quest, a personal account of his role in the Manhattan Project, which was published in 1956.
At the end of October 1970, Raman had a cardiac arrest and collapsed in his laboratory. He was moved to the hospital where doctors diagnosed his condition and declared that he would not survive for another four hours. He however survived a few days and requested to stay in the gardens of his institute surrounded by his followers. Two days before Raman died, he told one of his former students, "Do not allow the journals of the Academy to die, for they are the sensitive indicators of the quality of science being done in the country and whether science is taking root in it or not." That evening, Raman met with the Board of Management of his institute in his bedroom and discussed with them the fate of the institute's management. He also willed his wife to perform a simple cremation without any rituals upon his death. He died from natural causes early the next morning on 21 November 1970 at the age of 82. On the news of Raman's death, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi publicly announced, saying,
Jim Watson, FRS, (20 April 1936—18 December 2020) who published under the name J.K.G. Watson, was a molecular spectroscopist most well known for the development of the widely used molecular Hamiltonians named after him (sometimes called "Watsonians" or "Watson Hamiltonians"). These Hamiltonians are used to describe the quantum dynamics of molecules.
Originally from Iceland, Höskuldsson moved to Denmark in 1960 to study applied mathematics at the University of Copenhagen. After completing his Master of Science in 1966 he joined Copenhagen Business School where he was awarded a PhD in applied production technology.
Computational Chemists
Margaret Huggins learnt the basic skills of photography early on in her life, and used these skills to assist her research at the Tulse Hill observatory. In 1875, Margaret and her husband William began photographic experiments, which were meticulously documented in observatory notebooks. Their early experiments photographed Sirius and Venus, and they used different techniques to capture them such as using wet and dry plates. Margaret made great improvements to their observatory equipment, and Margaret and William quickly rose to the forefront of spectroscopic astrophotography. Margaret worked alongside her husband William at the Tulse Hill observatory. At first, she is documented to being an assistant, but after extensive research into their observatory notebooks, this has been disproven. She conducted many of her own research projects, and was a collaborative assistant to William. After 1875, Margaret and William began a meticulous program of photographic experiments. During the 1880s, the pair were devoted to two projects; the first attempting to photograph the solar corona, and the second examining different nebulae. The second project marked a milestone for Margaret, it was the first time she would be mentioned as the co-author of the paper alongside William. The Huggins' worked together for thirty-five years as equal collaborative investigative partners.
After his retirement from PAEC in 2000, Butt begin public advocacy for the benefits of the nanotechnology and engaged in providing education when he was appointed Chairman of National Commission on Nano-Science and Technology (NCNST) in 2003 and led till 2005. In addition, he also served as the chairman of Pakistan Science Foundation until 2010 where the PSF initiated several awareness programs on nanotechnology in Pakistan. After 1998, Butt effectively countered the anti-nuclear movement in the country to roll back the country's nuclear capability by noting in the public that the country would also have to roll back its programs at its national laboratories and cutting-edge research in nuclear technology as it was being useful in energy generation, medicines, agriculture, medical usage of lasers, electronics, supercomputing, nanotechnology, and communication technology. In 2010 interview with the news media, Butt also vehemently dismissed the American concerns about his nations atomic weapons fall into the hands of terrorists as "farce claim" noting that they would be unable to select sequence targets to launch the missiles since they dont have required scientific education to understand the locking and triggering mechanism to activate nuclear devices.
Kroto was a "devout atheist" who thought that beliefs in immortality derive from lack of the courage to accept human mortality. He was a patron of the British Humanist Association. He was a supporter of Amnesty International. He referred to his view that religious dogma causes people to accept unethical or inhumane actions: "The only mistake Bernie Madoff made was to promise returns in this life." He held that scientists had a responsibility to work for the benefit of the entire species. On 15 September 2010, Kroto, along with 54 other public figures, signed an open letter published in The Guardian, stating their opposition to Pope Benedict XVI's state visit to the UK. Kroto was an early Signatory of Asteroid Day. In 2008, Kroto was critical of Michael Reiss for directing the teaching of creationism alongside evolution. Kroto praised the increase of organized online information as an "Educational Revolution" and named it as the "GooYouWiki" world referring to Google, YouTube and Wikipedia.
Jansen received her doctoral degree from the University of Groningen (The Netherlands) in 1995, studying computational medicinal chemistry. Her dissertation topic concerned 3D modeling of the melatonin receptor, including work on synthesizing and separating analytes to probe its chemistry. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Uppsala University in 1997. Her work there related to modeling receptor interactions of drug leads to judge their serotonergic or dopaminergic activities.
Computational Chemists
Jaschek was born on March 2, 1926, in Brieg, Germany, (now Brzeg, Poland). His family moved to Argentina in South America when he was 11. In 1947, he was hired at La Plata Observatory. His wife, Mercedes Isabel Corvalán de Jaschek, was an Argentine stellar spectroscopist, who also began at the National University of La Plata in 1947. The pair collaborated throughout their lives. Carlos Jaschek received his Ph.D. in astronomy in 1952. After a year in the United States, he became professor in astrophysics at La Plata University and the director of the Astrophysical Department in 1957. Jascheks initial research at La Plata involved observing minor planets. He began programs in stellar spectroscopy and worked to develop equipment particularly in photoelectric photometry. He was also involved with Argentinas fledgling radio astronomy and space program. In 1972, he organized the first astrophysics conference in Latin America. From 1957 to 1973, Jaschek made contacts with other spectroscopists, creating lifelong collaborations with astronomers in other nations when he travelled to observatories and astronomy departments including Yerkes Observatory, Perkins Observatory, Ohio State University, the University of Michigan and elsewhere. He was Invited Professor at Perkins Observatory in 1964 and 1967, and also at the University of Chicago (Yerkes) as a research associate in 1967. He was invited professor at the Argentine National Observatory at Córdoba in 1968. In 1970, he was invited professor at Cordoba, Ohio State University, and at Geneva University. Mercedes Jaschek also conducted research at Cordoba, Perkins, Yerkes, Michigan and Geneva. From 1970 to 1973, Jaschek was the vice president of the International Astronomical Union's (IAU) Commission 45 Stellar Classification, and he became president of that commission in 1973. He moved from La Plata to Europe in 1973 due to the political situation. There was political instability at that time in Argentina. In 1973, Jaschek was again at Geneva University as invited professor. He was then hired as an associate professor at Strasbourg University. He was at Strasbourg from 1974 to 1993, and he became a French citizen, as did his wife. He later became full professor, and supervised many students. Jaschek encouraged the development of automated methods for stellar classification classifying stars. He also encouraged the development of astronomical data bases. He was "a force behind the development of the C.D.S," the Center de Données Stellaires (Center of Stellar Data). In 1968, Jaschek had described the problem of the increasing volume of astronomical data without adequate means of collecting and distributing it: After a year at Geneva, Jaschek became Director of the Center de Données Stellaires(CDS) in Strasbourg. The CDS, begun in 1972, was an innovative but challenging project to create a central repository for astronomical data, an idea "even questioned by many French astronomers". In 1974, its first director, Jean Jung, changed careers. Carlos Jaschek officially began as Director in 1975, and Mercedes Jaschek strengthened the Centers limited scientific staff. In 1977, Jaschek summarized the strengths and weakness of the worlds astronomical data bases and noted that, with the exception of peculiar stars, considerable advances were being made. Jaschek noted: Jaschek directed the Center of Stellar Data (CDS) from 1975 to 1990, As Director, he was "instrumental in organizing world-wide access to astronomical data with special sensitivity to third-world countries. As the second director of CDS, Jascheks 15-year term was said to have brought "spectacular progress for CDS" by increasing its international reputation as it was established as the leading astronomical data base. When it expanded its focus from stars to include other non-solar system astronomical objects, it changed its name from Center de Données Stellaires to the Centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg' (The Center of astronomical Data of Strasbourg). As Director, Jaschek was concerned with improving astronomical naming conventions. In 1979 at an IAU meeting in Canada, over 100 astronomers from 15 Commissions met regarding the designation of objects, and before William P. Bidelman gave the report on their suggested reforms, Carlos Jaschek began to introduce the need for them by saying: In 1986, he listed the 10 different factors for which a star may be named, noting that the variety was for historical reasons and "It is certainly not very rational to have 10 different practices for the same operation", before suggesting some guidelines. Jaschek was also interested in the Set of Identifications, Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data (SIMBAD). SIMBAD became operational in 1990. In addition to working to make the CDS the world's largest astronomical database, Jaschek helped with the creation of astronomical data centers in China, Japan, India, Argentina and the U.S.S.R. Jaschek worked in spectroscopy, photometry, and classification of stars and in statistical astronomy. Carlos and Mercedes Jaschek worked on stars, making spectral classification catalogs and atlases of spectral atlases in visible, ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) wavelengths. They worked on the first classification schemes for the ultraviolet spectrum They collaborated with Yvette Andrillat on stars in the near-infrared, and Carlos Jaschek had a long-term collaboration with the Marcel Golay group in Switzerland to make comparisons between photometry and spectroscopy. The Jascheks collaborated on Be, Ae, shell, Ap, and other peculiar stars. They produced a catalogue and bibliography of 2,000 Be stars for the period from 1950 to 1970 based on Mercedes Jaschek's survey of the Southern Celestial Hemisphere. They were the first to introduce the gallium stars subgroup and to discover the ApSi4200 stars. They were the first to find the rare CNO stars which are O- or B- B-type stars where some of the elements C, N and O show spectral lines that are weaker or stronger than would be expected. They also identified the presence of rare-earth elements in stars of Mn and SrCrEu groups. Carlos Jaschek helped create the Catalog of Bright Stars (fourth edition). Together the Jascheks wrote The Classification of Stars, which had 20 editions published, The Behavior of Chemical Elements in Stars (1995), and Spectroscopic Atlas for the Southern Sky Stars and other books. Their reference works were incorporated into the Strasbourg Centre of Stellar Data (CDS). Jaschek also wrote Data in Astronomy in which he noted he became involved with data at La Plata in the early 1960s, when he was compiling a catalogue with a student for their own use and the student suggested publishing it. He authored or co-authored ~250 refereed publications and over 15 books and was noted for "precise observation and careful classification of peculiar stars" using the MK classification system. Jaschek was Invited Speaker at ~15 international meetings. He helped organize 14 scientific meetings, and frequently edited or co-edited the proceedings. In 1992, Jaschek founded the Société Européenne pour l Astronomie dans la culture' (European Society for Astronomy in Culture), a cultural astronomy organization which holds yearly conferences and is open to all nations.
In April 1941, Vannevar Bush, head of the wartime National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), created a special committee headed by Compton to report on the NDRC uranium program. Compton's report, which was submitted in May 1941, foresaw the prospects of developing radiological weapons, nuclear propulsion for ships, and nuclear weapons using uranium-235 or the recently discovered plutonium. In October he wrote another report on the practicality of an atomic bomb. For this report, he worked with Enrico Fermi on calculations of the critical mass of uranium-235, conservatively estimating it to be between and . He also discussed the prospects for uranium enrichment with Harold Urey, spoke with Eugene Wigner about how plutonium might be produced in a nuclear reactor, and with Robert Serber about how the plutonium produced in a reactor might be separated from uranium. His report, submitted in November, stated that a bomb was feasible, although he was more conservative about its destructive power than Mark Oliphant and his British colleagues. The final draft of Compton's November report made no mention of using plutonium, but after discussing the latest research with Ernest Lawrence, Compton became convinced that a plutonium bomb was also feasible. In December, Compton was placed in charge of the plutonium project. He hoped to achieve a controlled chain reaction by January 1943, and to have a bomb by January 1945. To tackle the problem, he had the research groups working on plutonium and nuclear reactor design at Columbia University, Princeton University and the University of California, Berkeley, concentrated together as the Metallurgical Laboratory in Chicago. Its objectives were to produce reactors to convert uranium to plutonium, to find ways to chemically separate the plutonium from the uranium, and to design and build an atomic bomb. In June 1942, the United States Army Corps of Engineers assumed control of the nuclear weapons program and Compton's Metallurgical Laboratory became part of the Manhattan Project. That month, Compton gave Robert Oppenheimer responsibility for bomb design. It fell to Compton to decide which of the different types of reactor designs that the Metallurgical Laboratory scientists had devised should be pursued, even though a successful reactor had not yet been built. When labor disputes delayed construction of the Metallurgical Laboratorys new home in the Argonne Forest preserve, Compton decided to build Chicago Pile-1, the first nuclear reactor, under the stands at Stagg Field. Under Fermis direction, it went critical on December 2, 1942. Compton arranged for Mallinckrodt to undertake the purification of uranium ore, and with DuPont to build the plutonium semi-works at Oak Ridge, Tennessee. A major crisis for the plutonium program occurred in July 1943, when Emilio Segrès group confirmed that plutonium created in the X-10 Graphite Reactor at Oak Ridge contained high levels of plutonium-240. Its spontaneous fission ruled out the use of plutonium in a gun-type nuclear weapon. Oppenheimers Los Alamos Laboratory met the challenge by designing and building an implosion-type nuclear weapon. Compton was at the Hanford site in September 1944 to watch the first reactor being brought online. The first batch of uranium slugs was fed into Reactor B at Hanford in November 1944, and shipments of plutonium to Los Alamos began in February 1945. Throughout the war, Compton would remain a prominent scientific adviser and administrator. In 1945, he served, along with Lawrence, Oppenheimer, and Fermi, on the Scientific Panel that recommended military use of the atomic bomb against Japan. He was awarded the Medal for Merit for his services to the Manhattan Project.
Morton was the author or co-author of 282 scientific publications and several books. These included: * RA Morton (1975) Biochemical Spectroscopy, two volumes * RA Morton (1969) The Biochemical Society: its history and activities 1911-1969 *R A Morton (1942) Absorption spectra of Vitamins and Hormones He was also the author of publications in Welsh including: * (1965) Agweddau cemegol ar weled (Chemical aspects of sight) Y Gwyddonydd 3 issue 2
Andreas Christoph Albrecht was born in California and raised in Washington, D.C., Baton Rouge and Vienna. His father was a German anthropologist. He studied chemistry at University of California, Berkeley, where he met Genia Solomon, who would later become his wife. He completed his studies in 1950. The pair moved to Washington state for graduate school. They both earned doctorates in 1954 from the University of Washington, his in chemistry under W. T. Simpson and hers in biochemistry. Subsequently, Andreas and Genia moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts to work as postdoctoral researchers. His postdoctoral supervisor was Walter H. Stockmayer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Genia worked at Harvard University. In 1956 they moved to Ithaca, New York so that he could become an instructor at Cornell University. He was later promoted to Assistant Professor (1957), Associate Professor (1962) and full Professor (1965) of physical chemistry. Genia paused her scientific pursuits to raise four children. In the 1980s she resumed her career and became a Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry at Cornell where she was honored for her teaching contributions.
Alexander Edgar Douglas, (12 April 1916, in Melfort, Saskatchewan – 26 July 1981, in Ottawa) was a Canadian physicist, known for his work in molecular spectroscopy. He was president of the Canadian Association of Physicists in 1975–1976.
Michele Parrinello (born 7 September 1945) is an Italian physicist particularly known for his work in molecular dynamics (the computer simulation of physical movements of atoms and molecules). Parrinello and Roberto Car were awarded the Dirac Medal of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) and the Sidney Fernbach Award in 2009 for their continuing development of the Car–Parrinello method, first proposed in their seminal 1985 paper, "Unified Approach for Molecular Dynamics and Density-Functional Theory". They have continued to receive awards for this breakthrough, most recently the Dreyfus Prize in the Chemical Sciences and the 2021 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Chemistry. Parrinello also co-authored highly cited publications on "polymorphic transitions in single crystals" and "canonical sampling through velocity rescaling."
Computational Chemists
Sander originally trained as a physicist, receiving his undergraduate degree from the University of Berlin in 1967. After a period studying at the University of California, Berkeley and the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, he gained his PhD degree in theoretical physics from the State University of New York in 1975. His thesis was titled Analytic properties of bound state wave functions.
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von Heijnes research primarily concerns membrane proteins, and he is one of the most cited Swedish scientists in the areas of biochemistry and molecular biology. He heads the Center for Biomembrane Research' at Stockholm University.
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Gruebele was head of chemistry (2017–2020) and currently James R. Eiszner Endowed Chair (2008–present) in Chemistry, professor of physics, professor of biophysics and quantitative biology, professor in the Center for Advanced Study, and professor in the Carle-Illinois College of Medicine. He also is a faculty member of the Beckman Institute at the University of Illinois, and was an adjunct professor of physics at Michigan State University to support biological physics faculty mentoring.
Computational Chemists
A native of Italy, Filizola received her bachelors and masters degrees in chemistry from the [https://archive.today/20160527225305/http://chemicalsciences.unina.it/ University Federico II in Naples] (class of 1993), and earned her PhD in computational chemistry from the Second University of Naples in 1999, though conducting most of her doctoral studies at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona, Spain. She went on to pursue a postdoctorate in computational biophysics from the Molecular Research Institute in California, moving to New York City in 2001.
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Quirinus Henricus Franciscus "Quirin" Vrehen (25 February 1932 – 5 February 2023) was a Dutch physicist. He served as head physicist of the Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium.
Car studied physics and attained a doctorate in 1971 in nuclear technology at the Politecnico di Milano. He was a postdoc at the University of Milan from 1973 to 1974, an assistant at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) from 1977 to 1981, employed at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center of IBM from 1981 to 1983, associate professor for physics at SISSA in Trieste (in 1990/91 as full professor) from 1984 to 1990, and professor for physics at the University of Geneva (and director of the IRRMA of EPFL) from 1991 to 1999. He is a professor in the Theory Department, of the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society. He is a member of the Italian Scientists and Scholars in North America Foundation.
Computational Chemists
Marshall Fixman (September 21, 1930 - February 27, 2016) was an American physical chemist, University Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Colorado State University, and a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Fixman earned his undergraduate degree in 1950 from Washington University in St. Louis, and his Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1954. Fixman was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 1962 while working at the University of Oregon. For his research—theoretical and computational studies of the physical chemistry of polymers—Fixman was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1973. Fixman held an endowed professorship at Yale University but moved to Colorado State in 1979 with his wife, Branka Ladanyi, who also joined CSUs chemistry faculty. He was an associate editor of the Journal of Chemical Physics, and received the American Chemical Societys awards in pure chemistry (1964) and polymer chemistry (1991).
Computational Chemists
Crooks received his B.Sc. in Chemistry from the University of East Anglia in 1992 and his M.Sc. in Biocolloid Chemistry from the same university in 1993. His master's advisor was R. H. Robinson, and his thesis was entitled "Characterization of Lipases in Water-in-Oil Microemulsions". He earned his Ph.D. at the University of California, Berkeley under David Chandler in 1999. During this time, he explored both equilibrium and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. He did significant work on transition path sampling as well as nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. He briefly left science to work for an internet startup doughtnet.com, but he later returned to theoretical chemistry, accepting a postdoctoral fellowship with the Computational Genomics Research Group led by Steven Brenner. Crooks is now a senior research scientist at Rigetti Computing. He was awarded a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers in 2009. He has an h-index of 36 according to Google Scholar.
Computational Chemists
Some physicists, particularly French and German physicists were initially sceptical of the authenticity of the discovery. Georg Joos at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena asked Arnold Sommerfeld at the University of Munich, "Do you think that Ramans work on the optical Compton effect in liquids is reliable?... The sharpness of the scattered lines in liquids seems doubtful to me". Sommerfeld then tried to reproduce the experiment, but failed. On 20 June 1928, Peter Pringsheim at the University of Berlin was able to reproduce Ramans results successfully. He was the first to coin the terms Ramaneffekt and Linien des Ramaneffekts in his articles published the following months. Use of the English versions, "Raman effect" and "Raman lines" immediately followed. In addition to being a new phenomenon itself, the Raman effect was one of the earliest proofs of the quantum nature of light. Robert W. Wood at the Johns Hopkins University was the first American to confirm the Raman effect in the early 1929. He made a series of experimental verification, after which he commented, saying, "It appears to me that this very beautiful discovery which resulted from Raman's long and patient study of the phenomenon of light scattering is one of the most convincing proofs of the quantum theory". The field of Raman spectroscopy came to be based on this phenomenon, and Ernest Rutherford, President of the Royal Society, referred to it in his presentation of the Hughes Medal to Raman in 1930 as "among the best three or four discoveries in experimental physics in the last decade". Raman was confident that he would win the Nobel Prize in Physics as well but was disappointed when the Nobel Prize went to Owen Richardson in 1928 and to Louis de Broglie in 1929. He was so confident of winning the prize in 1930 that he booked tickets in July, even though the awards were to be announced in November. He would scan each day's newspaper for announcement of the prize, tossing it away if it did not carry the news. He did eventually win that year.
He was one of the signatories of the agreement to convene a convention for drafting a world constitution. As a result, for the first time in human history, a World Constituent Assembly convened to draft and adopt the Constitution for the Federation of Earth.
In 1980, Schulten became a professor of theoretical physics at the Technical University of Munich. In 1988, Hartmut Michel, Johann Deisenhofer, and Robert Huber won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for determining the three-dimensional structure of the photosynthetic reaction center. Their elucidation of the reaction center's structure made it feasible for Klaus Schulten to develop simulations models of photosynthesis. Schulten later worked with Michel and Deisenhofer on models of LH2 in photosynthesis. Schulten recognized that a successful attack on modeling the photosynthetic reaction center would require parallel computing power. He used his research grants to support Munich students Helmut Grubmüller and Helmut Heller in building a custom parallel computer optimized for molecular dynamics simulations. They developed a parallel computer, the T60, containing ten circuit boards with six Transputers each, for a total of 60 nodes. The T60 was small enough that Schulten was able to carry it through customs in a backpack, when he moved to the United States to join the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The T60's parallel computing software, which the students named EGO, was written in OCCAM II.
Computational Chemists
Reining won the CNRS Silver Medal in 2003. She was elected as a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) in 2007, after a nomination from the APS Division of Computational Physics, "for her fundamental contributions to ab initio computation of spectroscopic properties of solids, employing many-electron Green's function and time-dependent density functional approaches". She was the 2020 winner of the of the Société Française de Physique and German Physical Society.