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Brockhouse was born in Lethbridge, Alberta, and was a graduate of the University of British Columbia (BA, 1947) and the University of Toronto (MA, 1948; Ph.D, 1950).
Goldblum was the spokesperson of Peace Now from 1980 to 2000. He was in the front line of the demonstration when Peace Now protester Emil Grunzweig was murdered. He later identified the incident as a "catalyst" for greater political activism. Goldblum initiated the Settlements Watch activities of Peace Now in 1990. In 1995, Goldblum, referring to the Israeli cabinet decision to expand the settlements, said, "We believe that this decision is going to bring a tremendous clash with the Palestinians." In a 2001 interview after the beginning of the Second Intifada, Goldblum discussed the name of the organization Peace Now, saying "The name is very problematic. Today I would not choose the same name for the movement, but we cant change it now. I find this name extremely difficult and it is even a source of embarrassment for me. I cant even put the movement's sticker on my car." In October 2012, Goldblum and his family foundation, the Yisraela Fund paid for and were involved (along with other Israeli academics) in commissioning a controversial poll regarding Israeli attitudes towards prejudice, along with Mordechai Bar-On, Ilan Baruch, Alon Liel, and Michael Sfard. In a press release of the commissioning group, sent by Goldblum, it was stated, "a large part of the Jewish population (58%) accepts the application of the term apartheid to the current state of affairs in Israel. It is, however, not clear what these respondents understand by the term as this question did not require clarification." Goldblum also acknowledged there were problems with a question used on the poll. Israeli statistician Camil Fuchs, who supervised the company that conducted the poll, told The Times of Israel that the questions in the poll were fine and did not need changing by the Dialog team. In January 2013 Goldblum was #87 on the candidates list of Meretz, for the Knesset elections. In February 2013, Goldblum was one of the organizers of a gathering at the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem which discussed apartheid in the Israeli context. A new NGO, The Organization for the Prevention of Apartheid in Israel, was established to expose and fight against trends of racism and apartheid in Israel. Due to his political views, Goldblum decided in April 2020 to leave the International Council of the New Israel Fund saying that he "left in order to be free and independent, in order not to attribute to NIF anything that I say which is different than what NIF says". New Israel Fund denied a report on Makor Rishon claiming that "NIF dissociated itself from Goldblum in the wake of his derogatory remarks about Israeli settlers and right wing figures". NIF reacted by declaring that "Contrary to what is said in this report, NIF did not take any steps against Prof. Goldblum, Goldblum was not rejected from the International Council, NIF did not dissociate itself from him and did not request to do so. As Goldblum said, he requested to leave on his own will. Prof. Goldblum is a person of countless virtues who devoted all his life to voluntary activism for the sake of Peace and Equality, for the sake of the State of Israel, The Israeli Society and for the New Israel Fund and we thank him for that".
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Siegbahn was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1924. He won the Hughes Medal 1934 and Rumford Medal 1940. In 1944, he patented the Siegbahn pump. Siegbahn was elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society in 1954. There is a street, Route Siegbahn, named after Siegbahn at CERN, on the Prévessin site in France.
Robert Dirks (May 29, 1978 – February 3, 2015) was an American chemist known for his theoretical and experimental work in DNA nanotechnology. Born in Thailand to a Thai Chinese mother and American father, he moved to Spokane, Washington at a young age. Dirks was the first graduate student in Niles Pierce's research group at the California Institute of Technology, where his dissertation work was on algorithms and computational tools to analyze nucleic acid thermodynamics and predict their structure. He also performed experimental work developing a biochemical chain reaction to self-assemble nucleic acid devices. Dirks later worked at D. E. Shaw Research on algorithms for protein folding that could be used to design new pharmaceuticals. In February 2015, Dirks died in the Valhalla train crash, the deadliest accident in the history of Metro-North Railroad. An award for early-career achievement in molecular programming research was established in his honor.
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Coveney has co-authored three popular science books with his long term friend and collaborator, Roger Highfield: *The Arrow of Time (1991) *Frontiers of Complexity (1996) *Virtual You (2023)
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Kevin K. Lehmann (born September 7, 1955, in Newark, New Jersey) is an American chemist and spectroscopist at the University of Virginia, best known for his work in the area of intramolecular and collisional dynamics, and for his advances in the method of cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS). Raised in Irvington, New Jersey, a suburb of Newark, Lehmann studied chemical physics and mathematics at Rutgers University's Cook College, graduating with highest honors in 1977. His undergraduate research included work in reaction dynamics with John Krenos and John Tully of Bell Laboratories, photoelectron spectroscopy with Joseph Berkowitz of Argonne National Laboratory, and raman and resonate multiphoton ionization (REMPI) spectroscopies under Professor Lionel Goodman. Lehmann went on to receive his doctorate in chemical physics from Harvard University in 1983, and was elected to the Harvard Society of Fellows, where he was a junior fellow until 1986. Under the direction of William Klemperer, Lehmanns graduate work involved studies of highly excited vibrational states using photoacoustic spectroscopy. During his time as a fellow, he served as a visiting scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technologys George Harrison Spectroscopy Laboratory. There he developed with Stephen Coy the technique of microwave-detected, microwave-optical double resonance, which permits the automatic assignment of complex spectra. Appointed to the chemistry faculty of Princeton University in 1985, Lehmann received both the Henry and Camille Dreyfus Award for new faculty and the Presidential Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation in his first year with the university. In 1987, the university acknowledged him with the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award. He was promoted to associate professor in 1991, and to full professor in 1995, the same year he was named a fellow of the American Physical Society. He received the Thomas A. Edison Patent Award in 2002 for his work in CRDS, and in 2003, was granted the Earle K. Plyler Prize in Molecular Spectroscopy. Lehmann left Princeton in 2005 to join the faculty of the University of Virginia, where he has continued his work in development of ultrasensitive spectroscopic methods with applications in trace gas detection, as well as studies of molecular dynamics in the gas phase and superfluid helium.
Mark received a B.S. degree in chemistry from Williams College (1979) and a Ph.D. degree in physical chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley (1983). He spent the next four years as a postdoctoral researcher at two institutions, Oregon State University (1984–1985) with Prof. Joseph W. Nibler and the University of Chicago (1985–1987) with Prof. Graham R. Fleming. In 1987 Mark received his first academic appointment, as assistant professor at the Pennsylvania State University (1987–1993). In 1993 he was appointed associate professor, and in 1997 he was made a full professor.
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Wang obtained a B.S. degree in chemistry from Wuhan University in 1982, and a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley in 1990. He completed his postdoctoral stay at Rice University before moving to Richland, WA in 1993 to accept a joint position between Washington State University and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. In 2009 he moved to Brown University, where he teaches physical chemistry and conducts research. He was named the Jesse H. and Louisa D. Sharpe Metcalf Professor of Chemistry in 2015 and Chair of the Department in 2019.
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Fraunhofer also developed a diffraction grating in 1821, after James Gregory discovered the phenomenon of diffraction grating and after the American astronomer David Rittenhouse invented the first manmade diffraction grating in 1785. Fraunhofer was the first who used a diffraction grating to obtain line spectra and the first who measured the wavelengths of spectral lines with a diffraction grating. Ultimately, however, his primary passion was still practical optics; he once wrote that "In all my experiments I could, owing to lack of time, pay attention to only those matters which appeared to have a bearing upon practical optics".
The good university. Rector's period 2006–2011. Letter of Appreciation to Anders Hallberg. (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Writings concerning Uppsala University. C:93.) Uppsala 2011. Fred Nyberg, "Anders Hallberg as a scientist" published in The good university. Kerstin Sahlin, "A rectorship with quality as a guiding light." Published in The good university.
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Watson was married to Carolyn Kerr. He died in his home in New Edinburgh after a brief illness on 17 December 2020 at the age of 84.
Barkla was born in Widnes, England, to John Martin Barkla, a secretary for the Atlas Chemical Company, and Sarah Glover, daughter of a watchmaker. Barkla studied at the Liverpool Institute and proceeded to Liverpool University with a County Council Scholarship and a Bibby Scholarship. Barkla initially studied Mathematics but later specialised in Physics under Sir Oliver Lodge. During the absence of Oliver Lodge due to ill health, Barkla replaced him in lectures. In 1899 Barkla was admitted to Trinity College, Cambridge, with an 1851 Research Fellowship from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, to work in the Cavendish Laboratory under the physicist J. J. Thomson (discoverer of the electron). During his first two years at Cambridge, under the directions of Thomson, Barkla studied the velocity of electromagnetic waves along wires of different widths and materials. After a year and a half at Trinity College, Cambridge, his love of music led him to transfer to Kings College, Cambridge, in order to sing in their chapel choir. Barklas voice was of remarkable beauty and his solo performances were always fully attended. He completed his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1903, and then his Master of Arts degree in 1907. He married Mary Esther Cowell in the same year, with whom he had two sons and one daughter. In 1913, after having worked at the Universities of Cambridge, Liverpool, and King's College London, Barkla was appointed as a Professor of Natural Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh in 1913, a position that he held until his death. Barkla made significant progress in developing and refining the laws of X-ray scattering, X-ray spectroscopy, the principles governing the transmission of X-rays through matter, and especially the principles of the excitation of secondary X-rays. For his discovery of the characteristic X-rays of elements, Barkla was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1917. He was also awarded the Hughes Medal of the British Royal Society that same year. Barkla proposed the J-phenomenon as a hypothetical form of X-ray behaviour similar to X-ray fluorescence but other scientists were not persuaded that this was a different mechanism from other known effects such as Compton scattering and so the theory was not successful. From 1922 to 1938 he lived at Hermitage of Braid in south-west Edinburgh. He died in Edinburgh on 23 October 1944.
The theoretical underpinnings of standard least squares regression analysis are based on the assumption that the independent variable (often labelled as x) is measured without error as a design variable. The dependent variable (labeled y) is modeled as having uncertainty or error. Both independent and dependent measurements may have multiple sources of error. Therefore, the underlying least squares regression assumptions can be violated. Reduced major axis (RMA) regression is specifically formulated to handle errors in both the x and y variables. If the estimate of the ratio of the error variance of y to the error variance of x is denoted by , then the reduced major axis method assumes that can be approximated by the ratio of the total variances of x and y. RMA minimizes both vertical and horizontal distances of the data points from the predicted line (by summing areas) rather than the least squares sum of squared vertical (yaxis) distances. In Dents 1935 paper on linear regression, entitled "", she admitted that when the variances in the x and y' variables are unknown, "we cannot hope to find the true positions of the observed points, but only their most probable positions." However, by treating the probability of the errors in terms of Gaussian error functions, she contended that this expression may be regarded as "a function of the unknown quantities", or the likelihood function of the data distribution. Furthermore, she argued that maximising this function to obtain the maximum likelihood estimation, subject to the condition that the points are collinear, will give the parameters for the line of best fit. She then deduced formulae for the errors in estimating the centroid and the line inclination when the data consists of a single (unrepeated) observation. Maurice Kendall and Alan Stuart showed that the maximum likelihood estimator of a likelihood function, depending on a parameter , satisfies the following quadratic equation: :where x and y are the and vectors in a covariance matrix giving the covariance between each pair of x and y variables. Using the quadratic formula to solve for the positive root (or zero) of (): Inspection of () shows that as tends to plus infinity, the positive root tends to: Correspondingly, as tends to zero, the root tends to: Dent had solved the maximum likelihood estimator in the case where the covariance matrix is not known. Dent's maximum likelihood estimator is the geometric mean of and , equivalent to: Dennis Lindley repeated Dents analysis and stated that Dents geometric mean estimator is not a consistent estimator for the likelihood function, and that the gradient of the estimate will have a bias, and this remains true even if the number of observations tends to infinity. Subsequently, Theodore Anderson pointed out that the likelihood function has no maximum in this case, and therefore, there is no maximum likelihood estimator. Kenneth Alva Norton, a former consulting engineer with the then National Bureau of Standards, responded to Lindley, stating Lindley's own methods and assumptions lead to a biased prediction. Furthermore, Albert Madansky, late H. G. B. Alexander professor of business administration at University of Chicago Booth School of Business, noted that Lindley took the wrong root for the quadratic in () for the case where is negative. Richard J. Smith has stated that Dent was the first to develop a RMA regression method for line fitting that built on the work of Robert Adcock in "" (1878) and Charles Kummell in "" (1879). It is now believed that she was the first to propose what is often called the geometric mean functional relationship estimator of slope, and that her essential arguments can be generalised to any number of variables. Moreover, although her solution has its theoretical limitations, it is of practical importance, as it likely represents the best a priori estimate if nothing is known about the true error distribution in the model. It is generally much less reasonable to assume that all the error, or residual scatter, is attributable to one of the variables.
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Richard C. Lord (1910–1989) was an American chemist best known for his work in the field of spectroscopy.
Galina Khitrova (1959 – June 4, 2016) was a Russian-American physicist and optical scientist known for her research on cavity quantum electrodynamics, excitons, nonlinear optics, quantum dots, and vacuum Rabi oscillations. She was a professor of optical sciences at the University of Arizona.
Alfred Kastler (; 3 May 1902 – 7 January 1984) was a French physicist, and Nobel Prize laureate. He is known for the development of optical pumping.
In 2012 he was awarded the Accomplishment by a Senior Scientist Award by the International Society for Computational Biology. von Heijne is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences since 1997 and a member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry from 2001 to 2009, and the Committees chairman from 2007 to 2009. In 2008, he received an honorary doctorate at Åbo Akademi.
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Eamonn Francis Healy (born 25 September 1958) is an Irish-American professor of chemistry, organic chemistry, and biochemistry at St. Edward's University in Austin, Texas, where his research focuses on the design of structure-activity probes to elucidate enzymatic activity. Targets include HIV-1 integrase, the c-Kit and src-abl proteins, and the metalloproteinases associated with CXCL16 shedding. He was born in Newcastle West, County Limerick, Ireland. He received a doctorate in chemistry in 1984 from the University of Texas at Austin where he was a student of Dr. Michael J. S. Dewar. As a member of the Dewar research group he co-authored Austin Model 1, or AM1, a semi-empirical method for the quantum calculation of molecular electronic structure in computational chemistry. He appears in Richard Linklaters 2001 film Waking Life' explaining "telescopic" and technological evolution. Dr. Healy is married to Shelley Bueche.
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Raman married Lokasundari Ammal, daughter of S. Krishnaswami Iyer who was the Superintendent of Sea Customs at Madras, in 1907. The wedding day is popularly recorded as on 6 May, but Ramans great-niece and biographer, Uma Parameswaran, revealed a factual date of 2 June 1907. It was a self-arranged marriage and his wife was 13 years old. (Sources are contradicting on her age as her birth year is specified as 1892, which would make her about 15 years of age; but Parameswaran affirmed the 13-year, corroborated by her obituary in Current Science that mentioned her age as 86 on her death on 22 May 1980.) His wife later jokingly recounted that their marriage was not so much about her musical prowess (she was playing veena when they first met) as "the extra allowance which the Finance Department gave to its married officers." The extra allowance refers to an additional INR 150 for married officers at the time. Soon after they moved to Calcutta in 1907, the couple were accused of converting to Christianity. It was because they frequently visited St. Johns Church, Kolkata as Lokasundari was fascinated with the church music and Raman with the acoustics. They had two sons, Chandrasekhar Raman and Venkatraman Radhakrishnan, a radio astronomer. Raman was the paternal uncle of Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, recipient of the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physics. Throughout his life, Raman developed an extensive personal collection of stones, minerals, and materials with interesting light-scattering properties, which he obtained from his world travels and as gifts. He often carried a small, handheld spectroscope to study specimens. These, along with his spectrograph, are on display at IISc. Lord Rutherford was instrumental in some of Raman's most pivotal moments in life. He nominated Raman for the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930, presented him the Hughes Medal as President of the Royal Society in 1930, and recommended him for the position of Director at IISc in 1932. Raman had a sense of obsession with the Nobel Prize. In a speech at the University of Calcutta, he said, "I'm not flattered by the honour [Fellowship to the Royal Society in 1924] done to me. This is a small achievement. If there is anything that I aspire for, it is the Nobel Prize. You will find that I get that in five years." He knew that if he were to receive the Nobel Prize, he could not wait for the announcement of the Nobel Committee normally made towards the end of the year considering the time required to reach Sweden by sea route. With confidence, he booked two tickets, one for his wife, for a steamship to Stockholm in July 1930. Soon after he received the Nobel Prize, he was asked in an interview the possible consequences if he had discovered the Raman effect earlier, which he replied, "Then I should have shared the Nobel Prize with Compton and I should not have liked that; I would rather receive the whole of it."
His PhD work engaged his interest in the role amphiphilicity plays in driving the interaction of bioactive molecules with cell membranes. He was awarded a long-term fellowship by the European Molecular Biology Organisation which enabled him to investigate the importance of amphiphilicity in protein translocation at Utrecht University Centre for Biomembranes and Lipid Enzymology. He continued to work on amphiphilic helices, being one of the first to help characterise their role as membrane protein anchors. He later expanded this work to investigate the importance of structure-function relationships in the design of antimicrobial peptides. In 2000 he launched a new Department of Forensic and Investigative Science at the University of Central Lancashire and in 2002 he became Dean of Science and Technology when he launched a new School of Pharmacy. During this time he also remained the UK representative on the European Committee of Biological Associations (ECBA) and for a while was a Commissioner for Biotechnology. He remains an international advisor on higher education and science to the University of Guyana. In 2008 he became Deputy Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for strategic planning and performance across the University of Central Lancashire group. In 2010 he created UCLan Biomedical Technology Ltd, a research institute based in Shenzhen, China, which focuses on areas of nanoscience and nanoengineering. As the inaugural Chair he oversaw the development of research collaborations with key Chinese universities such as Fudan University and Sichuan University. In 2012 he became Chair of UCLan Cyprus Ltd and provided the academic lead on the de novo creation of a private university in Larnaca, obtaining a licence to operate from the Ministry of Education with approval to initially run courses in business, languages, law, computing and mathematics. In 2013 he was selected to replace Martin Earwicker upon his retirement as Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of London South Bank University. In 2014 he became Chair of [http://www.millionplus.ac.uk/ MillionPlus], The Association for Modern Universities
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Gerhard F. Ecker is an Austrian medicinal chemist and expert in the fields of Pharmacoinformatics at the University of Vienna, where he is the Professor for Pharmacoinformatics and Head of the [http://pharminfo.univie.ac.at Pharmacoinformatics Research Group] at the Department of Medicinal Chemistry. He also coordinates the research focus "Computational Life Sciences" of the Faculty of Life Sciences.
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Helen Miriam Berman is a Board of Governors Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University and a former director of the RCSB Protein Data Bank (one of the member organizations of the Worldwide Protein Data Bank). A structural biologist, her work includes structural analysis of protein-nucleic acid complexes, and the role of water in molecular interactions. She is also the founder and director of the Nucleic Acid Database, and led the Protein Structure Initiative Structural Genomics Knowledgebase.
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* Dynamics of fast-folding proteins to make the connection between experiment and physics-based computer simulations of protein folding. * FreI (Fast Relaxation Imaging) that combines fluorescence microscopy and fast temperature jump or osmotic pressure jump to study protein dynamics inside living cells and living animals. * A sub-microsecond pressure jump technique to study fast protein refolding and help guide computer simulations (molecular dynamics) for how proteins fold. * With Martina Havenith, Kinetic Terahertz Absorption Spectroscopy elucidating the role of long-range interactions of water with biomolecules. * Two-state dynamics recorded on glass surfaces using time-resolved Scanning Tunneling Microscopy, to measure the size and heterogeneous dynamics of cooperatively rearranging regions on a glass. * SMA-STM (Single Molecule Absorption detected by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy), a technique that can image excited state orbitals of nanostructures with sub-nanometer position resolution and sub-picosecond time resolution. * With Stephen Boppart, non-linear interferometric vibrational imaging which produces easy-to-read, color-coded images of tissue, outlining clear tumor boundaries with more than 99% confidence. * Computational and theoretical work in the area of quantum energy flow, quantum computation, and quantum information, as well as fundamental transport theory and computation.
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*Member of the US National Academy of Sciences (1998) *Member of Academia Sinica (1998) *Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (2011) *Fellow of American Physics Society (1977) *Fellow of Optica (formerly OSA) (2009) *The Willis E. Lamb Award for Laser Science and Quantum Optics (2004) *The MRS Materials Theory Award (2019) *Humboldt Foundation Award (1978) *Guggenheim Fellowship (1983)
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In 1926 he and Myfanwy Heulwen Roberts were married. They had one child together. He attended the Welsh Presbyterian Chapel in Garston and was involved with the Welsh community in Liverpool throughout his life.
Elena Besley (née Bichoutskaia) is a British scientist who is Professor of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry at the University of Nottingham. She holds a Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship and is Associate Editor of Nano Letters.
Computational Chemists
Sir Martin Ryle (27 September 1918 – 14 October 1984) was an English radio astronomer who developed revolutionary radio telescope systems (see e.g. aperture synthesis) and used them for accurate location and imaging of weak radio sources. In 1946 Ryle and Derek Vonberg were the first people to publish interferometric astronomical measurements at radio wavelengths. With improved equipment, Ryle observed the most distant known galaxies in the universe at that time. He was the first Professor of Radio Astronomy in the University of Cambridge and founding director of the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory. He was the twelfth Astronomer Royal from 1972 to 1982. Ryle and Antony Hewish shared the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1974, the first Nobel prize awarded in recognition of astronomical research. In the 1970s, Ryle turned the greater part of his attention from astronomy to social and political issues which he considered to be more urgent.
Prof William Swan FRSE PRSSA LLD (13 March 1818 in Edinburgh – 1 March 1894 in Shandon, Argyll) was a Scottish mathematician and physicist best known for his 1856 discovery of the Swan band.
Kroto was educated at Bolton School and went to the University of Sheffield in 1958, where he obtained a first-class honours BSc degree in Chemistry (1961) and a PhD in Molecular Spectroscopy (1964). During his time at Sheffield he also was the art editor of Arrows – the university student magazine, played tennis for the university team (reaching the UAU finals twice) and was President of the Student Athletics Council (1963–64). Among other things such as making the first phosphaalkenes (compounds with carbon phosphorus double bonds), his doctoral studies included unpublished research on carbon suboxide, O=C=C=C=O, and this led to a general interest in molecules containing chains of carbon atoms with numerous multiple bonds. He started his work with an interest in organic chemistry, but when he learned about spectroscopy it inclined him towards quantum chemistry; he later developed an interest in astrochemistry. After obtaining his PhD, Kroto spent two-years as a postdoctoral fellow in the molecular spectroscopy group of Gerhard Herzberg at the National Research Council in Ottawa, Canada, and the subsequent year (1966–1967) at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey carrying out Raman studies of liquid phase interactions and worked on quantum chemistry.
By 1960 while at Harvard, he experimented with microwave spectroscopy. Bloembergen had modified the maser of Charles Townes, and in 1956, Bloembergen developed a crystal maser, which was more powerful than the standard gaseous version. With the advent of the laser, he participated in the development of the field of laser spectroscopy, which allows precise observations of atomic structure using lasers. Following the development of second-harmonic generation by Peter Franken and others in 1961, Bloembergen studied how a new structure of matter is revealed, when one bombards matter with a focused and high-intensity beam of photons. This he termed the study of nonlinear optics. In reflection to his work in a Dutch newspaper in 1990, Bloembergen said: "We took a standard textbook on optics and for each section we asked ourselves what would happen if the intensity was to become very high. We were almost certain that we were bound to encounter an entirely new type of physics within that domain". From this theoretical work, Bloembergen found ways to combine two or more laser sources consisting of photons in the visible light frequency range to generate a single laser source with photons of different frequencies in the infrared and ultraviolet ranges, which extends the amount of atomic detail that can be gathered from laser spectroscopy.
Arthur Leonard Schawlow (May 5, 1921 – April 28, 1999) was an American physicist who, along with Charles Townes, developed the theoretical basis for laser science. His central insight was the use of two mirrors as the resonant cavity to take maser action from microwaves to visible wavelengths. He shared the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physics with Nicolaas Bloembergen and Kai Siegbahn for his work using lasers to determine atomic energy levels with great precision.
He had been the Mallinckrodt Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University until 2018, when he became the Lee Shau-kee Professor of Peking University. He was the Director of Biomedical Pioneering Innovation Center (BIOPIC) in 2010-2021, and the Director of Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Genomics (ICG) in 2016-2021, both at Peking University. As a pioneer of single-molecule biophysical chemistry, Coherent Raman scattering microscopy, and single-cell genomics, he made major contributions to the emergence of these fields. Furthermore, he has made significant advances on medical applications of label-free optical imaging and single-cell genomics. In particular, his inventions in single-cell genomics have been used in in vitro fertilization benefited thousands of families by avoiding the transmission of monogenic diseases to their newborns. More than fifty of his students and post-doctorates have become professors at major universities around the world, and two are co-founders of start-up companies. Professor Xie’s current research interests include the following scientific, technological, and medical areas: * Scientific: Single-molecule enzymology, Single-molecule biophysical chemistry, Gene expression and regulation, Epigenetics, Mechanism of cell differentiation and reprogramming, Chromosome structure and dynamics, and Genomic instability; * Technological: Single-molecule imaging, Single-cell genomics, Coherent Raman scattering microscopy, DNA sequencing; * Medical: Preimplantation genetic testing in in vitro fertilization, COVID19 vaccine and neutralizing antibody drugs for SARS-CoV-2 variants and Early cancer diagnosis.
Isidor Isaac Rabi (; born Israel Isaac Rabi, July 29, 1898 – January 11, 1988) was an American physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1944 for his discovery of nuclear magnetic resonance, which is used in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). He was also one of the first scientists in the United States to work on the cavity magnetron, which is used in microwave radar and microwave ovens. Born into a traditional Polish-Jewish family in Rymanów, Galicia, Rabi came to the United States as an infant and was raised in New York's Lower East Side. He entered Cornell University as an electrical engineering student in 1916, but soon switched to chemistry. Later, he became interested in physics. He continued his studies at Columbia University, where he was awarded his doctorate for a thesis on the magnetic susceptibility of certain crystals. In 1927, he headed for Europe, where he met and worked with many of the finest physicists of the time. In 1929, Rabi returned to the United States, where Columbia offered him a faculty position. In collaboration with Gregory Breit, he developed the Breit–Rabi equation and predicted that the Stern–Gerlach experiment could be modified to confirm the properties of the atomic nucleus. His techniques for using nuclear magnetic resonance to discern the magnetic moment and nuclear spin of atoms earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1944. Nuclear magnetic resonance became an important tool for nuclear physics and chemistry, and the subsequent development of magnetic resonance imaging from it has also made it important to the field of medicine. During World War II he worked on radar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Radiation Laboratory (RadLab) and on the Manhattan Project. After the war, he served on the General Advisory Committee (GAC) of the Atomic Energy Commission, and was chairman from 1952 to 1956. He also served on the Science Advisory Committees (SACs) of the Office of Defense Mobilization and the Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory, and was Science Advisor to President Dwight D. Eisenhower. He was involved with the establishment of the Brookhaven National Laboratory in 1946, and later, as United States delegate to UNESCO, with the creation of CERN in 1952. When Columbia created the rank of university professor in 1964, Rabi was the first to receive that position. A special chair was named after him in 1985. He retired from teaching in 1967, but remained active in the department and held the title of University Professor Emeritus and Special Lecturer until his death.
Peter Andrew Kollman (July 24, 1944–May 25, 2001) was a professor of chemistry and pharmaceutical chemistry at the University of California, San Francisco. He is known for his work in computational chemistry, molecular modeling and bioinformatics, especially for his role in the development of the AMBER force field and molecular dynamics software package.
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Browning was also a member of The Aeronautical Society of Great Britain. In 1871, he constructed the first wind tunnel, located in Greenwich at Penn's Marine Engineering Works. It had been designed by another member of the Aeronautical Society, British engineer Francis Herbert Wenham. He was also a member of other scientific organisations, such as the Microscopical Society of London, the Meteorological Society, and the Royal Institution.
By 1814, Fraunhofer had invented the modern spectroscope. In the course of his experiments, he discovered a bright fixed line which appears in the orange color of the spectrum when it is produced by the light of fire. This line enabled him afterward to determine the absolute power of refraction in different substances. Experiments to ascertain whether the solar spectrum contained the same bright line in orange as the line produced by the orange of fire light led him to the discovery of 574 dark fixed lines in the solar spectrum. Today, millions of such fixed absorption lines are now known. Continuing to investigate, Fraunhofer detected dark lines also appearing in the spectra of several bright stars, but in slightly different arrangements. He ruled out the possibility that the lines were produced as the light passes through the Earth’s atmosphere. If that were the case they would not appear in different arrangements. He concluded that the lines originate in the nature of the stars and sun and carry information about the source of light, regardless of how far away that source is. He found that the spectra of Sirius and other first-magnitude stars differed from the sun and from each other, thus founding stellar spectroscopy. These dark fixed lines were later shown to be mostly atomic absorption lines, as explained by Kirchhoff and Bunsen in 1859, with the rest identified as telluric lines originating from absorption by oxygen molecules in the Earths atmosphere. These lines are still called Fraunhofer lines' in his honor; his discovery had gone far beyond the half-dozen apparent divisions in the solar spectrum that had previously been noted by Wollaston in 1802.
*Tilden Lecturer of the Royal Society of Chemistry, 1981–82 *Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society (FRS) in 1990 *International Prize for New Materials American Physical Society, 1992 (with Robert Curl and Richard Smalley) *Italgas Prize for Innovation in Chemistry, 1992 *Royal Society of Chemistry Longstaff Medal, 1993 *Hewlett Packard Europhysics Prize, 1994 (with Wolfgang Kraetschmer, Don Huffman and Richard Smalley) *Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 1996 (shared with Robert Curl and Richard Smalley) *Carbon Medal, American Carbon Society Medal for Achievement in Carbon Science, 1997 (shared with Robert Curl and Richard Smalley) *Blackett Lectureship (Royal Society), 1999 *Faraday Award and Lecture (Royal Society), 2001 *Dalton Medal (Manchester Lit and Phil), 1998 *Erasmus Medal of Academia Europaea, 2002 *Copley Medal of the Royal Society, 2002 *Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement, 2002 *Order of Cherubini (Torino), 2005 *Foreign Associate of the National Academy of Sciences, 2007 *Kavli Lecturer, 2007 * National Historic Chemical Landmark, American Chemical Society, 2010. * Citation for Chemical Breakthrough Award, Division of History of Chemistry, American Chemical Society, 2015 Kroto was made a Knight Bachelor in the 1996 New Year Honours list. The University of Sheffield North Campus contains two buildings named after Kroto: The Kroto Innovation Centre and the Kroto Research Institute.
Berman has been married twice, to engineer Victor Berman in the 1960s, and to molecular biologist Peter Young from 1976 to 1999. From the second marriage she has a son, Jason Asher Young (born 1979), a physicist. During the 1980s, Berman was diagnosed with breast cancer. The experience made her more focused in her life and her career, and interested in supporting other women who face the same diagnosis.
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Schulten is a fellow of the American Physical Society and a fellow of the Advanced Study Institute at Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2018, she delivered the Francis D. Carlson Lecture in the Department of Biophysics at Johns Hopkins University.
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Herschel wrote many papers and articles, including entries on meteorology, physical geography and the telescope for the eighth edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica. He also translated the Iliad of Homer. In 1823, Herschel published his findings on the optical spectra of metal salts. Herschel invented the actinometer in 1825 to measure the direct heating power of the Sun's rays, and his work with the instrument is of great importance in the early history of photochemistry. Herschel proposed a correction to the Gregorian calendar, making years that are multiples of 4000 common years rather than leap years, thus reducing the average length of the calendar year from 365.2425 days to 365.24225. Although this is closer to the mean tropical year of 365.24219 days, his proposal has never been adopted because the Gregorian calendar is based on the mean time between vernal equinoxes (currently days). Herschel was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1832, and in 1836, a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. In 1835, the New York Sun newspaper wrote a series of satiric articles that came to be known as the Great Moon Hoax, with statements falsely attributed to Herschel about his supposed discoveries of animals living on the Moon, including batlike winged humanoids. Several locations are named for him: the village of Herschel in western Saskatchewan, Canada, site of the discovery of Dolichorhynchops herschelensis, a type of plesiosaur; Mount Herschel in Antarctica; the crater J. Herschel on the Moon; and the settlement of Herschel, Eastern Cape and the Herschel Girls' School in Cape Town, South Africa. While it is commonly accepted that Herschel Island, in the Arctic Ocean, part of the Yukon Territory, was named after him, the entries in the expedition journal of Sir John Franklin state that the latter wished to honour the Herschel family, of which John Herschel's father, Sir William Herschel, and his aunt, Caroline Herschel, are as notable as John.
Herschel made numerous important contributions to photography. He made improvements in photographic processes, particularly in inventing the cyanotype process, which became known as blueprints, and variations, such as the chrysotype. In 1839, he made a photograph on glass, which still exists, and experimented with some colour reproduction, noting that rays of different parts of the spectrum tended to impart their own colour to a photographic paper. Herschel made experiments using photosensitive emulsions of vegetable juices, called phytotypes, also known as anthotypes, and published his discoveries in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London in 1842. He collaborated in the early 1840s with Henry Collen, portrait painter to Queen Victoria. Herschel originally discovered the platinum process on the basis of the light sensitivity of platinum salts, later developed by William Willis. Herschel coined the term photography in 1839. Herschel was also the first to apply the terms negative and positive to photography. Herschel discovered sodium thiosulfate to be a solvent of silver halides in 1819, and informed Talbot and Daguerre of his discovery that this "hyposulphite of soda" ("hypo") could be used as a photographic fixer, to "fix" pictures and make them permanent, after experimentally applying it thus in early 1839. Herschel's ground-breaking research on the subject was read at the Royal Society in London in March 1839 and January 1840.
By the early 1930s, Compton had become interested in cosmic rays. At the time, their existence was known but their origin and nature remained speculative. Their presence could be detected using a spherical "bomb" containing compressed air or argon gas and measuring its electrical conductivity. Trips to Europe, India, Mexico, Peru and Australia gave Compton the opportunity to measure cosmic rays at different altitudes and latitudes. Along with other groups who made observations around the globe, they found that cosmic rays were 15% more intense at the poles than at the equator. Compton attributed this to the effect of cosmic rays being made up principally of charged particles, rather than photons as Robert Millikan had suggested, with the latitude effect being due to Earth's magnetic field.
Zewail died aged 70 on the morning of August 2, 2016. He was recovering from cancer, however, the exact cause of his death is unknown. Zewail returned to Egypt, but only his body was received at Cairo Airport. A military funeral was held for Zewail on August 7, 2016, at the El-Mosheer Tantawy mosque in Cairo, Egypt. Those attending included President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Prime Minister Sherif Ismail, al-Azhar Grand Imam Ahmed el-Tayeb, Defence Minister Sedki Sobhi, former President Adly Mansour, former Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab and heart surgeon Magdi Yacoub. The funeral prayers were led by Ali Gomaa, former Grand Mufti of Egypt.
Michael Lawrence Klein (born March 13, 1940, in London, England) is Laura H. Carnell Professor of Science and director of the Institute for Computational Molecular Science in the college of science and technology at Temple University in Philadelphia, US. He was previously the Hepburn Professor of Physical Science in the Center for Molecular Modeling at the University of Pennsylvania.
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The son of Helen Whytt and the Rev Andrew Melville, minister of Monimail (d. 29 July 1736), Melvill was a student at the University of Glasgow. In 1749, with Alexander Wilson, his landlord and later the first professor of astronomy at the University, they made the first recorded use of kites in meteorology. They measured air temperature at various levels above the ground simultaneously with a train of kites. He most notably delivered a lecture entitled Observations on light and colours to the Medical Society of Edinburgh in 1752, in which he described what has been seen as the first flame test. In it he described how he had used a prism to observe a flame coloured by various salts. He reported that a yellow line was always seen at the same place in the spectrum; this was derived from the sodium which was present as an impurity in all his salts. Because of this, he is sometimes described as the father of flame emission spectroscopy, though he did not identify the source of the line, or propose his experiment as a method of analysis. He also proposed that light rays of different colours travelled at different speeds to explain the action of a prism, and suggested that this could be verified if the moons of Jupiter appeared as slightly different colours at different stages of their orbit. An experiment by James Short failed to confirm his hypothesis. Melvill died in Geneva in 1753, aged 27.
In 1969, Berman moved to the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, where she worked in Jenny P. Glusker's laboratory before starting her own independent research program as a faculty member in 1973. At Fox Chase, Berman became interested in nucleic acid structures and in bioinformatics. She knew that logical organization of data would make it useful to a variety of scientists. In June 1971, Berman attended a symposium at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, where several scientists agreed that data on the expanding number of protein structures should be archived in a database. That meeting led to the creation of the Protein Data Bank (PDB) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. In 1989, Berman moved to Rutgers and in 1992, along with other scientists, she co-founded the Nucleic Acid Database (NDB) to collect and disseminate information about nucleic acid structure. At Rutgers, she continued to study nucleic acids, their interactions with proteins, and also researched the structure of collagen in collaboration with Barbara Brodsky and Jordi Bella. She is listed as a depositor on 38 structures in the PDB from 1992 to 2011, of protein/nucleic acid complexes and their components (e.g. 1RUN, 3SSX, 2B1B), collagen fragments (e.g. 1CGD, 1EI8), and other macromolecules. In 1998, Berman and Philip Bourne together competed for and won the contract for the Protein Data Bank and the database moved from Brookhaven to the auspices of the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics (RCSB), currently a collaboration between Rutgers and the University of California, San Diego. With colleagues, Berman redesigned the data management system, added new user tools, and made the database searchable. Since 2003, the PDB archive has been managed by the worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB), a partnership founded by Berman that consists of organizations that act as deposition, data processing and distribution centers for PDB data – the RCSB, the PDBe in Europe, and the PDBj in Japan. In 2006 the BioMagResData (BMRB) databank for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) structures became the fourth member of the wwPDB. As of July, 2018, the NDB holds over 9600 nucleic acid structures and the PDB holds more than 142,000 macromolecular structures. Also led by the RCSB, the Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) Structural Genomics Knowledgebase was launched in the Spring of 2008 to provide a continuously updated portal to research data and other resources from the PSI efforts. Berman has also been active in the scientific community, serving as president of the American Crystallographic Association in 1988, advising both the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation, and serving on the editorial board of several journals. Her work has been widely published in peer reviewed scientific journals. Berman was the executive producer and creator of the documentary series Target Zero which focuses on the medical as well as the social aspects of HIV treatment and prevention. The three short films interweave real-life patient stories, interviews with leading doctors, medical providers and scientists; and state of the art molecular animations. These accounts illuminate the complex history of controlling the HIV epidemic and reveal the ongoing need for compassionate, patient-centered care and a true understanding on a cellular level the science behind the treatments.
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Bruce Randall Donald (born 1958) is an American computer scientist and computational biologist. He is the James B. Duke Professor of Computer Science and Biochemistry at Duke University. He has made numerous contributions to several fields in Computer Science such as robotics, Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS), Geometric & physical algorithms and computational geometry, as well as in areas of Structural Molecular Biology & Biochemistry such as Protein design, Protein Structure Determination and Computational Chemistry.
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Dr. David Alter (1807–1881) was a doctor, scientist, and famous American inventor, son of John Alter and Eleanor Sheetz. "David began as a physician and scientist in Elderton, Pennsylvania in the 1830s. David Alter married (1st) Laura Rowley, and they settled in Elderton." In 1836 Elderton, David Alter invented the electric telegraph, one year before the popular Morse telegraph was invented. David rigged the telegraph between his house and his barn. He was interviewed about the discovery going unobserved by other inventors and said: "I may say that there is no connection at all between the telegraph of Morse and others and that of myself...Professor Morse most probably never heard of me or my Elderton telegraph." David Alter obtained medical schooling at the Reformed Medical College in New York City (debated on the dates), and at the Cincinnati Medical School (1841–1842). David Alter settled in Freeport, Pennsylvania about 1837. David's first wife Laura died in 1842, and several years later he married her sister, Amanda Rowley. He had a total of eleven children. He manufactured bromine near his home, manned a weather station, worked as a physician, and was one of the first daguerreotype photographers of the town of Freeport. Inventions while in Freeport: "In the great Pittsburgh Fire of 1845, he found a shard of melted glass that gave him the idea of the light spectrum. He went on to discover Spectral Analysis in 1853. He also invented and patented a method of manufacturing Bromine from salt wells in 1845, that was highly useful in the iron industry and was put on display in the World's fair." Alter resided in Freeport until his death in 1881, aged 73.
Xiaoliang Sunney Xie (; born 24 June 1962) is a Chinese biophysicist well known for his contributions to the fields of single-molecule biophysical chemistry, coherent Raman Imaging and single-molecule genomics. In 2023, Xie renounced his U.S. citizenship in order to reclaim his Chinese citizenship.
In a 2010 publication Jurrie Reiding asserts that Debye may have been an MI6 spy. Reiding discovered that Debye was befriended by the well-documented spy Paul Rosbaud. They first met around 1930 when they were both working as editors for two scientific journals. They collaborated in the escape of Lise Meitner in 1938. According to Reiding, Debye was well connected in German scientific and industrial circles and could have provided MI6 with valuable information. For example, as board member of the German Academy for Aviation Research he was acquainted with Hermann Göring. Reiding also offers an explanation for Debye's hasty departure on 16 January 1940 for the United States: the date coincided with the planned (but later delayed) German invasion of the Netherlands a day later, information possibly provided to him by Rosbaud. This hypothesis is contested by Philip Ball, as he notes that friendship with Rosbaud is no gauge of Debyes political stance. Rosbaud was well-connected with many people and Debye, while he was a friend of Rosbauds, seems to have also felt regard for geologist Friedrich Drescher-Kaden, an ardent Nazi.
Anders Jonas Ångström was born in Medelpad to Johan Ångström, and schooled in Härnösand. He moved to Uppsala in 1833 and was educated at Uppsala University, where in 1839 he became docent in physics. In 1842 he went to the Stockholm Observatory to gain experience in practical astronomical work, and the following year he was appointed keeper of the Uppsala Astronomical Observatory. Intrigued by terrestrial magnetism he recorded observations of fluctuations in magnetic intensity in various parts of Sweden, and was charged by the Stockholm Academy of Sciences with the task, not completed until shortly before his death, of working out the magnetic data obtained by on her voyage around the world in 1851 to 1853. In 1858, he succeeded Adolph Ferdinand Svanberg in the chair of physics at Uppsala. His most important work was concerned with heat conduction and spectroscopy. In his optical researches, Optiska Undersökningar, presented to the [[Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1853, he not only pointed out that the electric spark yields two superposed spectra, one from the metal of the electrode and the other from the gas in which it passes, but deduced from Leonhard Euler's theory of resonance that an incandescent gas emits luminous rays of the same refrangibility as those it can absorb. This statement, as Sir Edward Sabine remarked when awarding him the Rumford medal of the Royal Society in 1872, contains a fundamental principle of spectrum analysis, and though overlooked for a number of years it entitles him to rank as one of the founders of spectroscopy. From 1861 onward, he paid special attention to the solar spectrum. His combination of the spectroscope with photography for the study of the Solar System resulted in proving that the Suns atmosphere contains hydrogen, among other elements (1862), and in 1868 he published his great map of the normal solar spectrum in Recherches sur le spectre solaire', including detailed measurements of more than 1000 spectral lines, which long remained authoritative in questions of wavelength, although his measurements were inexact by one part in 7000 or 8000, owing to the metre he used as a standard being slightly too short. He was the first, in 1867, to examine the spectrum of the aurora borealis, and detected and measured the characteristic bright line in its yellow-green region; but he was mistaken in supposing that this same line, which is often called by his name, is also to be seen in the zodiacal light. He was elected a member of a number of learned societies, including the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1850, the Royal Society in 1870 and the Institut de France in 1873. He died in Uppsala on 21 June 1874. His son, Knut (1857–1910), was also a physicist.
* Mulliken Lecture, University of Georgia, USA (2011) * Ranked within the top 500 chemists (only one among Korean nationals): H-index ranking of well known living chemists: Update online by Chemistry World, UK, on Dec 12,2011 * National Scientist of the Republic of Korea (2010) * Korea Premium Science and Technology Award (2010) * Fukui medal from Asia-Pacific Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (APATCC) (2010) * International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science (IAQMS): membership elected (2009) * POSTECH Fellow (2009-2014) * Korea Science Award from Korean President (2004) * Academic Achievement Award from the Korean Chemical Society (2001)
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* 1994 Rutherford Memorial Medal in Chemistry from the Royal Society of Canada * 1995 J. Heyrovsky Honorary Medal for Merit in the Chemical Sciences from the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
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Zewail's work brought him international attention, receiving awards and honors throughout most of his career for his work in chemistry and physics. In 1999, Zewail became the first Egyptian to receive a science Nobel Prize when he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Zewail gave his Nobel Lecture on "Femtochemistry: Atomic-Scale Dynamics of the Chemical Bond Using Ultrafast Lasers". In 1999, he received Egypt's highest state honour, the Grand Collar of the Nile. Other notable awards include the Alexander von Humboldt Senior Scientist Award (1983), the King Faisal International Prize (1989), the Wolf Prize in Chemistry (1993), the Earle K. Plyler Prize (1993), the Herbert P. Broida Prize (1995), the Peter Debye Award (1996), the Tolman Award (1997), the Robert A. Welch Award (1997), the Linus Pauling Medal (1997), the Franklin Medal (1998) and the Golden Plate Award of the American Academy of Achievement (2000). In October 2006, Zewail received the Albert Einstein World Award of Science for "his pioneering development of the new field of femtoscience and for his seminal contributions to the revolutionary discipline of physical biology, creating new ways for better understanding the functional behavior of biological systems by directly visualizing them in the four dimensions of space and time." Zewail was awarded the Othmer Gold Medal (2009), the Priestley Medal (2011) from the American Chemical Society and the Davy Medal (2011) from the Royal Society. In 1982 he was named as a Fellow of the American Physical Society. Zewail became a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 1989, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1993, and the American Philosophical Society in 1998. Zewail was elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society (ForMemRS) in 2001. He was also elected as a Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences in 2001. Zewail was made a Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. In 2005, the Ahmed Zewail Award for Ultrafast Science and Technology was established by the American Chemical Society and the Newport Corporation in his honor. In May 2010, Zewail gave the commencement address at Southwestern University. The Zewail City of Science and Technology, established in 2000 and revived in 2011, is named in his honour.
Born in Alice, Texas, United States, Curl was the son of a Methodist minister. Due to his fathers missionary work, his family moved several times within southern and southwestern Texas, and the elder Curl was involved in starting the San Antonio Medical Centers Methodist Hospital. Curl attributes his interest in chemistry to a chemistry set he received as a nine-year-old, recalling that he ruined the finish on his mother's porcelain stove when nitric acid boiled over onto it. He is a graduate of Thomas Jefferson High School in San Antonio, Texas. His high school offered only one year of chemistry instruction, but in his senior year his chemistry teacher gave him special projects to work on. Curl received a Bachelor of Science from Rice Institute (now Rice University) in 1954. He was attracted to the reputation of both the schools academics and football team, and the fact that at the time it charged no tuition. He earned his doctorate in chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1957. At Berkeley, he worked in the laboratory of Kenneth Pitzer, then dean of the college of chemistry, with whom he would become a lifelong collaborator. Curls graduate research involved performing infrared spectroscopy to determine the bond angle of disiloxane.
Harrison has authored or co-authored a wide range of articles Harrison's research career started with his PhD, which was concerned with developing a quantitative and predictive theory of the electronic states in substitutionally disordered systems. Harrison has furthered the practical use of quantum theory for predictive calculations in materials discovery and optimisation. He has developed methods for robust and efficient calculations on functional materials in which strong electronic interactions are dominant and used them to study processes in previously poorly understood materials such as transition metal oxides, oxide interfaces, and functional materials In doing so he has made significant contributions to the understanding of catalysis and photocatalysis at surfaces, the stability of polar surfaces, spin dependent transport in low dimensional systems, high temperature magnetism in organic and metal-organic materials and the thermodynamics of energy storage materials The techniques he has developed have consistently extended the state of the art and are now used world-wide in both academic and commercial research programmes.
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In 1929, Hartree was appointed to the Beyer Chair of Applied Mathematics at the University of Manchester. In 1933, he visited Vannevar Bush at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and learned first hand about his differential analyser. Immediately on his return to Manchester, he set about building his own analyser from Meccano. Seeing the potential for further exploiting his numerical methods using the machine, he persuaded Sir Robert McDougall to fund a more robust machine, which was built in collaboration with Metropolitan-Vickers. The first application of the machine, reflecting Hartree's enthusiasm for railways, was calculating timetables for the London, Midland and Scottish Railway. He spent the rest of the decade applying the differential analyser to find solutions of differential equations arising in physics, including control theory and laminar boundary layer theory in fluid dynamics, making significant contributions to each of the fields. The differential analyser was not suitable for the solution of equations with exchange. When Focks publication pre-empted Hartrees work on equations with exchange, Hartree turned his research to radio-wave propagation that led to the Appleton–Hartree equation. In 1935, his father, William Hartree, offered to do calculations for him. Results with exchange soon followed. Douglas recognised the importance of configuration interaction that he referred to as "superposition of configurations". The first multiconfiguration Hartree–Fock results were published by father, son, and Bertha Swirles (later Lady Jeffreys) in 1939. At Hartrees suggestion, Bertha Swirles proceeded to derive equations with exchange for atoms using the Dirac equation in 1935. With Hartrees advice, the first relativistic calculations (without exchange) were reported in 1940 by A. O. Williams, a student of R. B. Lindsay.
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MetropolitanVickers was a British heavy industrial firm, wellknown for industrial electrical equipment and generators, street lighting, electronics, steam turbines, and diesel locomotives. They built the Metrovick 950, the first commercial transistorised computer. In 1917, a Research and Education Department was established at the Trafford Park site, when the care of the library came within the remit of James George Pearce. He made the library the centre of a new "technical intelligence" section. In the 1920s, the post of librarian was held by Lucy Stubbs, a former assistant librarian at the University of Birmingham, and past member of the first standing committee of ASLIB. Stubbs did not possess scientific qualifications, maintaining that a librarian, if assisted by other technical staff, did not need to understand science or engineering. In 1929, James Steele Park Paton reorganised and expanded the section with Dent succeeding Stubbs as technical librarian on 6January 1930. She joined the scientific and technical staff as was one of only two senior women in the research department, and in contrast to Stubbs, was employed principally for her technical skills. Dent was honorary secretary to the founding committee for the ASLIB Lancashire and Cheshire branch from 1931 to 1936. In 1932, the branch had twentysix members and had organised four meetings, including one addressed by Sir Henry Tizard, the then President of ASLIB. After the war, it formed the basis for the Northern Branch of the association. Technical librarianship emerged as a new scientific career in interwar Britain and rapidly became one of the few types of professional industrial employment that was routinely open to both women and men. By 1933, Dent reported that the MetropolitanVickers library had three thousand engineering volumes and around the same number in pamphlets and patent specifications. Besides covering electrical subjects, the library covered accountancy, employment questions, and subjects of interest to the sales department. It also issued a weekly bulletin, scrutinised patents, handled patents taken out by research staff, and exchanged information with associated companies. Dent continued to publish papers in applied mathematics and contribute to papers on emerging computational technologies. In "" (1935), she developed a detailed reduced major axis method for line fitting that built on the work of Robert Adcock and Charles Kummell. In 1937, David Myers, then at the Engineering Laboratory at the University of Oxford, asked Douglas Hartree and Arthur Porter to calculate the space charge limitation of secondary current in a triode. The calculations relied on some initial numerical integrations that were carried out by Dent on a differential analyser. The results corresponded closely to those obtained experimentally by Myers at Oxford. Her knowledge of higher mathematics meant that she was asked to check the mathematics in papers for publication by engineers at MetropolitanVickers. For example, Cyril Frederick Gradwell, a graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, asked her to scrutinise the algebraic part of his work in "" (1950). She would later analyse the problem of stress distribution in a thick disk based on a method devised by Philip Pollock, for Richard William Bailey, the former director of the mechanical, metallurgical, and chemical sections of the research department at MetropolitanVickers. Dent was a delegate at the fourteenth International Conference on Documentation and was invited to the Government's conference dinner on 22September 1938 at the Great Dining Hall of Christ Church, Oxford. In 1939, she was elected to the editing committee of the ASLIB book list. In 1944, she was put in charge of the women working in the research department laboratory at MetropolitanVickers, and in 1946, she was promoted to section leader of the new computation section. Her role would bring her into contact with Audrey Stuckes, a materials science researcher in the department, and a graduate of Newnham College, who would later head the physics department at the University of Salford. In 1953, they collaborated on an investigation into the heating effects that occur when a current is passed through a semiconductor that has no barrier layer. Dent suggested methods to solve the equations and computed the numerical integrations. In the following year, she developed the Fourier analysis in "" (1954), that calculated the optimal radial oscillations to maintain cyclotron resonance in a synchrocyclotron. The causes of axial spreading of the charged particle beam during extraction were also analysed. Dent joined the Women's Engineering Society and published papers on the application of digital computers to electrical design. With Brian Birtwistle, she wrote programs for the Ferranti Mark 1 (Mark 1) computer at the University of Manchester, that demonstrated that highspeed digital computers could provide considerable assistance to the electrical design engineer. Birtwistle would later have an extensive career in the computer industry, working at, amongst others, Honeywell Information Systems and ADP Network Services. In 1958, she carried out computer calculations for the mechanical engineering team at the Nuclear Power Group, Radbroke Hall. Their paper outlined a procedure for calculating the theoretical deflection (bending) of a circular grid of support girders for a graphite neutron moderator in a gas-cooled reactor. A general expression was derived from the central deflection of the grid and the maximum bending moment on the central crossbeam for a range of grid diameters. In 1959, and a year from retirement, Dent modelled a proposed Zeta circuit on the Mark 1 computer, for Eric Hartills paper on constructing a highpower pulse transformer and circuit. The cost of the computation was about two thousand pounds (), corresponding to around eighty hours of machine time. She retired from MetropolitanVickers in May 1960, with Isabel Hardwich, later a fellow and president of the Womens Engineering Society, replacing her as section leader for the women in the research department.
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Rudolf Ludwig Mössbauer (German spelling: Mößbauer; ; 31 January 1929 – 14 September 2011) was a German physicist best known for his 1957 discovery of recoilless nuclear resonance fluorescence, for which he was awarded the 1961 Nobel Prize in Physics. This effect, called the Mössbauer effect, is the basis for Mössbauer spectroscopy.
José Elguero was born on Christmas Day, 1934, in Madrid, Spain, where he graduated in chemistry from the Central University, now University Complutense of Madrid (B.Sc., 1957). In spite of the possibility to continue his studies with either Professor Francisco Fariña or Professor Jesús Morcillo in Madrid he moved to France. After a fruitless attempt to become a perfumist, Professor Robert Jacquier at the University of Montpellier accepted him as a PhD student (PhD, 1961). He also received a Doctorate of Science by the University Complutense of Madrid (1977). He was appointed “Attaché de Recherche” and promoted to “Maître de Recherche” at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) first in Montpellier and later at the laboratory of Professor Jacques Metzger in Marseille where he worked until 1979. He was visitor at Prof. Alan R. Katritzky laboratory in England. After more than 20 years of research in France he returned in 1980 to Spain to hold a Research Professor position at the Spanish Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) in Madrid where he has continued his career. He was appointed Honorary Research Professor in 2005. He has served as President of CSIC (1983–1984), President of the Social Council of the Autonomous University of Madrid (1986–1990), President of the Scientific Advisory Board of Comunidad de Madrid (1990–1995) and President of the Forum Foro Permanente Química y Sociedad (2008–2010). He is probably the most prolific Spanish scientist with more than 1500 scientific publications. His humanist view of science and the world is also well documented throughout many articles and interviews. Elguero's contributions to chemistry have been numerous thanks to a multitude of interdisciplinary collaborations. For instance, in the field of heterocyclic chemistry he has studied tautomerism, hydrogen bonding and aromaticity in systems including numerous azoles and phosphaphenalenes. In physical chemistry he has investigated the spectroscopic behaviour of heterocycles and organometallic systems by NMR and the application of computational chemistry to the study of the structures and reactivity of heterocycles. He has also been involved in crystallographic studies for crystal engineering. In synthetic chemistry he has contributed to areas such as phase-transfer catalysis, photochemistry, flash pyrolysis and process optimization. Solid-state and gas-phase chemistry in relation to sonochemistry and microwave chemistry has also been of interest to him. In medicinal chemistry he has made extensive use of mathematical Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR) methods for the design of a variety of biologically active compounds for different therapeutic applications.
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Williams studied at the University of California, Berkeley receiving a bachelor of science degree in 1962. He completed a doctorate at the University of Wisconsin–Madison in 1965 with a thesis titled . His doctoral advisor was Donald Edward Osterbrock.
William Henry Fox Talbot FRS FRSE FRAS (; 11 February 180017 September 1877) was an English scientist, inventor, and photography pioneer who invented the salted paper and calotype processes, precursors to photographic processes of the later 19th and 20th centuries. His work in the 1840s on photomechanical reproduction led to the creation of the photoglyphic engraving process, the precursor to photogravure. He was the holder of a controversial patent that affected the early development of commercial photography in Britain. He was also a noted photographer who contributed to the development of photography as an artistic medium. He published The Pencil of Nature (1844–1846), which was illustrated with original salted paper prints from his calotype negatives and made some important early photographs of Oxford, Paris, Reading, and York. A polymath, Talbot was elected to the Royal Society in 1831 for his work on the integral calculus, and researched in optics, chemistry, electricity and other subjects such as etymology, the decipherment of cuneiform, and ancient history.
* 2004 – Fellow of the American Physical Society for "contributions to the application of Raman scattering in nanotechnology and the biomedical field." * Fellow of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy * 2000 - Rockefeller-Mauze visiting chair award at Massachusetts Institute of Technology * 1999 - Meggers award of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy
Professor Kastler spent most of his research career at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris where he started after the war with his student, Jean Brossel a small research group on spectroscopy. Over the forty years that followed, this group has trained many of young physicists and had a significant impact on the development of the science of atomic physics in France. The Laboratoire de Spectroscopie hertzienne has then been renamed Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel in 1994 and has got a part of its laboratory in Université Pierre et Marie Curie mainly at the École Normale Supérieure.
* 2009 Awarded a D.Sc. by Liverpool University. * 2010 Appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the 2010 Birthday Honours. * 2012 Conferred the title of Academician by the Academy of Social Sciences. * 2013 Awarded an Honorary Doctorate of the University of Bolton (DUniv). * 2013 Elected as a non-medic to Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. * 2015 Deputy Lieutenant, DL, Greater London. * 2016 Appointed to Friendship Award (China)
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In 1988 he started his own hedge fund, D. E. Shaw & Co, which employed proprietary algorithms for securities trading. In 2018, Forbes estimated his net worth at $6.2 billion. He is also a senior research fellow at the Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics at Columbia University, and an adjunct professor of biomedical informatics at Columbia's medical school. Shaw is chief scientist of D. E. Shaw Research, which conducts interdisciplinary research in the field of computational biochemistry. According to the Institutional Investors Alpha magazines annual ranking for 2014, D. E. Shaw, who made $530 million in 2014, and James H. Simons of Renaissance Technologies who made $1.2 billion were among the top 25 earners in the hedge fund industry. They are both "quantitative strategists who founded firms that build algorithms for trading."
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* Obituary, William Lassell, 1880. * Astronomical Drawing, 1882. * Obituary, Warren de la Rue, 1889. * On a new group of lines in the photographic spectrum of Sirius, 1890. * The System of the Stars, 1890. * On Wolf and Rayet's Bright-Line Stars in Cygnus, 1891. * The Astrolabe, 1895. * The Astrolabe. II. History, 1895. * Spectroscopic notes, 1897. * An Atlas of Representative Stellar Spectra from λ 4870 to λ 3300, 1899. * Obituary, Agnes Mary Clerke, 1907.
Harrison was educated at University College London and the University of Birmingham, graduating with a BSc in Physics in 1986 and a PhD in Theoretical Physics in 1989. He performed the research that led to his PhD within the Theory and Computational Science department at Daresbury Laboratory.
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Miguel Antonio Catalán y Sañudo was born in Zaragoza, he obtained his degree in chemistry from the University of Zaragoza and received his doctorate in Madrid in 1917 for his thesis about spectrochemistry. In 1920, he began work as a researcher at Imperial College London. Examining the spectrum of the arc of manganese, he determined that the optical spectra of complex atoms consisted of groups of lines –which he called "multipletes"- between which existed certain characteristic regularities. Catalán demonstrated that study of the multipletes led to further understanding of the states of energy of atomic electrons. On the invitation of Arnold Sommerfeld, he worked at the University of Munich, and on the creation by the Rockefeller Foundation of the Institute of Physics and Chemistry (Madrid), in 1930 he was named head of the Spectroscopy Section. He was invited numerous times to work in the laboratories of the National Bureau of Standards (Washington, D.C.), Princeton University, and MIT. He published more than 70 scientific articles in specialized journals. In 1926, he received a prize from the Real Academia de Ciencias (Spain) and in 1930, the international Pelfort prize. He married Jimena Menéndez-Pidal, the daughter of Royal Spanish Academy director Ramón Menéndez Pidal and María Goyri. Because of the military coup by General Francisco Franco in July 1936, he and his father in law were the subject of numerous misdemeanours. From 1950 onwards, he served as director of the Departamento de Espectros del Instituto de Óptica de Madrid (C.S.I.C.). In 1952, he served as advisor to the Joint Commission for Spectroscopy, the head body for this field. In 1954, he became a member of the Real Academia de Ciencias (Madrid). Catalán died in Madrid. The lunar crater Catalán is named after him. Based on certain conjectures of Miguel Catalan about rotational dynamics, his disciple and biographer Gabriel Barceló, years later, developed the Theory of Dynamic Interactions. The Government of the Comunidad de Madrid (Autonomous Region of Madrid) awards the Miguel Catalán Investigation Award in Science since 2005, to honor Catalán's memory. The award recognizes outstanding life accomplishments in research and science. The award winners each receive a medal, a citation and 42,000 Euros. Winners of this award are: José Elguero Bertolini (2005, chemist), Antonio Hernando Grande (2006, physicist), Amable Liñán Martínez (2007, aeronautical engineer), José Luis García Fierro (2008, chemist) and Miguel Francisco Sánchez Madrid (2009, biologist). Since 2008, a Miguel Catalán Investigation Award in Science for researchers under forty years is also given. The awards winners also receive a medal, a citation and 21,000 Euros. 50,000 Euros are also given to their institutions to fund their future work. Winners are: Oscar Fernández Carpetillo (2008, oncologist) and Luis Raúl Sánchez Fernández (2009, physicist).
* Elected Member, National Academy of Sciences of the USA (2011) * American Chemical Society (ACS) National Award for Computers in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research (2008) * Elected Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2006) * UCSD SPPS Associated Students Teaching Award (2003) * UC Chancellor's Associates Award for Research (2002) * Appointed Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (2000–present) * Joseph E. Mayer Chair of Theoretical Chemistry, UC San Diego (1995-) * Smithsonian Award for Breakthrough Computational Science (1995) * Cray Research Information Technology Leadership Award (1995) * George Hitchings Award for Innovative Methods in Drug Design, Burroughs Wellcome Fund (1987–1992) * Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award (1982–87) * NIH Research Career Development Award (1980–85)
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Sir Charles Wheatstone (; 6 February 1802 – 19 October 1875), was an English scientist and inventor of many scientific breakthroughs of the Victorian era, including the English concertina, the stereoscope (a device for displaying three-dimensional images), and the Playfair cipher (an encryption technique). However, Wheatstone is best known for his contributions in the development of the Wheatstone bridge, originally invented by Samuel Hunter Christie, which is used to measure an unknown electrical resistance, and as a major figure in the development of telegraphy.
Werner Urland was born in Berlin on 13 April 1944. Between 1963 and 1968 he studied and graduated in chemistry in Giessen, Germany. The interval 1968-1971 was dedicated to the work of a doctoral thesis, under the supervision of Professor R. Hoppe, on ternary oxides of noble metals. The PhD stage incorporated a scholarship at University College in London, in the group of Dr. Malcolm Gerloch under the supervision of Professor Lord Jack Lewis (Jack Lewis, Baron Lewis of Newnham, where the acquaintance with the magnetic properties and specific models of coordination compounds had defined a turning point in his career. The following post-doctoral stage (1971-1974) in preparative solid-state chemistry and the return to England, at Cambridge, in the theory group directed by Prof. A. D. Buckingham, contoured an original composition of scientific interests, at the confluence of applied chemistry with the theoretical insight, aiming for understanding and predicting useful properties. Assimilating the different formation sources, Werner Urland contoured his original perspective in the magnetochemistry of rare earth compounds, the domain delineated by his habilitation treatise (1975-1980). Between 1982 and 1986 he occupied a research position at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart. Since 1986 he has been appointed professor in Hanover, where he acted till his retirement in 2007, on a chair dedicated to special topics of inorganic chemistry. In 1996 he declined an invitation to occupy a position as professor of inorganic chemistry at the University of Vienna. Since 2011, Werner Urland occupies a senior researcher position on grants, in the group of theoretical and computational chemistry of Professor Claude Daul, at University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Presently, Werner Urland is dealing with setting up an institute in Muralto/Locarno, Switzerland, with the help of the "Fondazione Sciaroni", dedicated to theoretical approach of material sciences and property design, thus supporting experimental work by universities and industries.
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Thomas Melvill(e) (1726 – December 1753) was a Scottish natural philosopher, who was active in the fields of spectroscopy and astronomy.
Between 1911 and 1913, Hess undertook the work that won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1936. For many years, scientists had been puzzled by the levels of ionizing radiation measured in the atmosphere. The assumption at the time was that the radiation would decrease as the distance from the earth, the then assumed source of the radiation, increased. The electroscopes previously used gave an approximate measurement of the radiation but indicated that at greater altitude in the atmosphere the level of radiation might actually be higher than that on the ground. Hess approached this mystery first by greatly increasing the precision of the measuring equipment, and then by personally taking the equipment aloft in a balloon. He systematically measured the radiation at altitudes up to during 1911–1912. The daring flights were made both by day and during the night, at significant risk to himself. The result of Hesss meticulous work was published in the Proceedings of the Viennese Academy of Sciences, and showed the level of radiation decreased up to an altitude of about , but above that the level increased considerably, with the radiation detected at , being about twice that at sea level. His conclusion was that there was radiation penetrating the atmosphere from outer space, and his discovery was confirmed by Robert Andrews Millikan in 1925, who gave the radiation the name "cosmic rays". Hesss discovery opened the door to many new discoveries in particle and nuclear physics. In particular, both the positron and the muon were first discovered in cosmic rays by Carl David Anderson. Hess and Anderson shared the 1936 Nobel Prize in Physics.
Bunsen was one of the most universally admired scientists of his generation. He was a master teacher, devoted to his students, and they were equally devoted to him. At a time of vigorous and often caustic scientific debates, Bunsen always conducted himself as a perfect gentleman, maintaining his distance from theoretical disputes. He much preferred to work quietly in his laboratory, continuing to enrich his science with useful discoveries. As a matter of principle he never took out a patent. He never married. Despite his lack of pretension, Bunsen was a vivid "chemical character", had a well-developed sense of humour, and is the subject of many amusing anecdotes.
From 1950 to 1962, Brockhouse carried out research at Atomic Energy of Canadas Chalk River Nuclear Laboratory. Here he was joined by P. K. Iyengar, who is treated as the father of Indias nuclear program. In 1962, he became a professor at McMaster University in Canada, where he remained until his retirement in 1984. Brockhouse died on October 13, 2003, in Hamilton, Ontario, aged 85.
Richard Collins Lord was born in Louisville, Kentucky on October 10, 1910. He received his Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Johns Hopkins University in 1936. He spent two years, from 1936 to 1938, as a Fellow of the United States National Research Council, first at the University of Michigan and then at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. In 1942, Lord began work at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) when the National Defense Research Committee called him to serve as a technical aide and later as deputy chief in the Committee's optics division. During World War II, he was involved in the development of guided missiles as well as with military applications of infrared radiation. In 1946, MIT appointed him Director of the Spectroscopy Laboratory and in 1954, Professor of Chemistry. In collaboration with George R. Harrison and J.R. Loofbourow, Lord published the widely used text Practical Spectroscopy in 1948. Lord is considered a pioneer in the use of infrared radiation for the study of molecular structure. He is widely recognized for developments in the interpretation of infrared spectra of molecules in terms of their vibrational motion. He also contributed to the understanding of the cohesion of molecules by means of hydrogen bonding. His studies of the laser Raman spectroscopy of proteins and nucleic acids opened a new field of research.
Lai-Sheng Wang (, born 1961 in Henan, China) is an experimental physical chemist currently serving as the Chair of the Chemistry Department at Brown University. Wang is known for his work on atomic gold pyramids and planar boron clusters.
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Cora Gertrude Burwell (June 25, 1883 – June 20, 1982) was an American astronomical researcher specialized in stellar spectroscopy. She was based at Mount Wilson Observatory from 1907 to 1949.
Donald’s early research was in the field of robotic motion planning and distributed manipulation. Later he has made numerous contributions to MEMS and Micro-robotics, and designed MEMS micro-robots with dimensions of 60 µm by 250 µm by 10 µm. Recently, he has conducted research in the areas of Structural Molecular Biology; chiefly, Protein Design and Protein Structure Determination from NMR data. He has developed numerous algorithms for protein design which have been successfully tested experimentally in the wet lab. The protein design algorithms attempt to incorporate additional molecular flexibility into the design process by using ensembles and continuously flexible rotamers and backbones. Donald has also developed algorithms for determining the structures of biomedically significant proteins. For example, his subgroup algorithm CRANS (Acta Crystallogr. D 2004; J. Biol. Chem. 2003), which identifies cross-rotation peaks consistent with non-crystallographic symmetry, was used in the structure determination of the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase (DHFR-TS) from Cryptosporidium hominis, an important advancement in Cryptosporidium biology. He has designed many algorithms and computational protocols to extract structural information from NMR data, and used that information to compute structures of globular proteins and symmetric homo-oligomers. A distinct feature of his algorithms is that they use less data, and provide complexity-theoretic guarantees on time and space (See, e.g., B. R. Donald and J. Martin. "Automated NMR Assignment and Protein Structure Determination using Sparse Dipolar Coupling Constraints." Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 2009; 55(2):101-127). Donald is the author of [https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/algorithms-structural-molecular-biology Algorithms in Structural Molecular Biology], a textbook published by MIT Press (2011).
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Ahmed Hassan Zewail was born on February 26, 1946, in Damanhur, Egypt, and was raised in Desouk. He received Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in chemistry from Alexandria University before moving to the United States to complete his PhD at the University of Pennsylvania under the supervision of Robin M. Hochstrasser.
Sylvain Liberman (1934 – 5 August 1988) was a French physicist, specializing in atomic physics and laser spectroscopy. He is known as the leader of the scientific team that made the first measurements of the optical spectrum of francium.
Zare earned his BA in chemistry and physics in 1961 and his PhD in 1964 in physical and analytical chemistry at Harvard University. As an undergraduate he worked with William Klemperer. Zare moved to the University of California, Berkeley to do PhD work with Dudley Herschbach, then returned 2 years later when Herschbach accepted a position at Harvard. Zare completed his PhD thesis, a theoretical analysis of Molecular fluorescence and photodissociation, with Herschbach at Harvard in 1964.
During World War I he served in France with the American Expeditionary Force, holding the rank of major of engineers.
Alfred Gordon Gaydon (26 September 1911 – 16 April 2004) was a leading spectroscopist and combustion scientist. He was brought up at Surbiton, Surrey, where he attended Kingston Grammar School. There he became a keen oarsman, later rowing for Imperial College, London, and Kingston Rowing Club. In 1929 he graduated in Physics from the Royal College of Science (now Imperial College) and, after a period of post graduate study there accepted a post at the Shirley Institute of the Cotton Research Association near Manchester. He was responsible for developing the shock tube as a means to study flames and combustion, and was elected a fellow of the Royal Society of London in 1953 and in 1960 awarded their Rumford Medal. He is perhaps best known, however, for his ability to see ultraviolet light. In 1936, while he was working at the Shirley Institute, a laboratory explosion damaged his eye, which was later removed. His remaining eye, which had the lens removed was blind. But slowly, he began to regain sight and discovered that he could now see ultraviolet, although he perceived the colour as blue. In 1936 he returned to Imperial College and later held the Warren Fellowship of the Royal Society and, from 1961, the Chair of Molecular Spectroscopy in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology . He died in 2004. He had married Phillis Gaze in 1940.
Kneipp was born in Thuringen and studied physics at Friedrich Schiller University and Humboldt University Berlin. She was an assistant professor at Harvard University Medical School and has been a visiting professor at MIT. She has written about her memories of Millie Dresselhaus.
In 1918, Dent joined the Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) at Farnborough, Hampshire. The First World War opened new employment opportunities for women, and RAE was one of the first military establishments to recruit women into engineering, and mathematical and computational research. In the same period that Dent was at RAE, Lorna Swain, then mathematics tutor at Newnham College in the University of Cambridge, worked at the establishment on the problem of aircraft propeller vibration. The Treasury reduced RAE's funding after the end of the war, and consequently, the number of resources and staff available to support research fell significantly. In 1919, she left RAE after being accepted on to the general Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree course at the University of Bristol. In June 1920, she passed her intermediate examination in French with supplementary courses in Latin, history, and mathematics. In the following academic year, Dent joined the honours course in mathematics and took an intermediate examination in physics. After spending the summer of 1921 at her parents home in Warminster, she returned for the start of the 1921 to 1922 academic year to find that Paul Dirac had joined the mathematics course. The course of mathematics at Bristol University normally lasted three years, but because of Diracs previous training, the Department of Mathematics had allowed him to join in the second year. They were taught applied mathematics by Henry Ronald Hassé, the then head of the Mathematics Department, and pure mathematics by Peter Fraser. Both of them had come from Cambridge; Fraser had been appointed in 1906 to the staff of the Bristol University College, soon to become the University of Bristol, and Hassé joined him in 1919 as professor of mathematics. Fraser introduced them to mathematical rigour, projective geometry, and rigorous proofs in differential and integral calculus. Dirac would later say that Peter Fraser was "the best teacher he had ever had." Dent studied four courses in pure mathematics: There was a choice of specialisation in the final year; applied or pure mathematics. As the only official, registered feepaying student, Dent had the right to choose, and she settled on applied mathematics for the final year. The department could offer only one set of lectures so Dirac also had to follow the same course. Dent studied four courses in applied mathematics:
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In 1902 he married Greta Ervin Blanchard (1876-1955). They had three sons: Clark Blanchard, Glenn Allan, and Max Franklin.
William Lester Self Andrews is an American chemist who makes contributions to the ongoing development of quantum chemistry of metallic complexes. He is the Professor Emeritus of Chemistry at the University of Virginia. He won the Earle K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy in 2010 for "vibrational spectroscopy in cryogenic matrices that combined with quantum calculations, has led to the identification and characterization of many molecules, ions, and complexes across the periodic table". He was born in Lincolnton, North Carolina. His first degree was in chemical engineering at Mississippi State University in 1963 and his doctorate was in physical chemistry at Berkeley in 1966.
In 1843 Wheatstone communicated an important paper to the Royal Society, entitled An Account of Several New Processes for Determining the Constants of a Voltaic Circuit. It contained an exposition of the well known balance for measuring the electrical resistance of a conductor, which still goes by the name of Wheatstones Bridge or balance, although it was first devised by Samuel Hunter Christie, of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, who published it in the Philosophical Transactions' for 1833. The method was neglected until Wheatstone brought it into notice. His paper abounds with simple and practical formulae for the calculation of currents and resistances by the law of Ohm. He introduced a unit of resistance, namely, a foot of copper wire weighing one hundred grains (6.5 g), and showed how it might be applied to measure the length of wire by its resistance. He was awarded a medal for his paper by the Society. The same year he invented an apparatus which enabled the reading of a thermometer or a barometer to be registered at a distance by means of an electric contact made by the mercury. A sound telegraph, in which the signals were given by the strokes of a bell, was also patented by Cooke and Wheatstone in May of that year.
The Ångström unit (1 Å = 10 m) in which the wavelengths of light and interatomic spacings in condensed matter are sometimes measured is named after him. The unit is also used in crystallography as well as spectroscopy. The crater Ångström on the Moon is named in his honour. One of the main building complexes of Uppsala University, the Ångström Laboratory, is named in his honour. This building houses various departments including the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Department of Mathematics, Department of Engineering Sciences, Institute of Space Physics, and the Department of Chemistry.
Thomas Edwin Nevin (4 October 1906 in Bristol, Somerset – 16 July 1986 in Dublin) was an Irish physicist and academic who had a distinguished career in the field of molecular spectroscopy. He was Professor of Experimental Physics and Dean of the Faculty of Science in University College Dublin from 1963 to 1979.
Dayhoff's husband was Edward S. Dayhoff, an experimental physicist who worked with magnetic resonance and with lasers. They had two daughters who are also academics, Ruth and Judith. Judith Dayhoff has a Mathematical Biophysics PhD from University of Pennsylvania and is the author of Neural network architectures: An introduction and coauthor of Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition. Ruth Dayhoff graduated summa cum laude in Mathematics from the University of Maryland and focused on Medical Informatics while doing her MD at Georgetown University School of Medicine. During medical school, she co-authored a paper and a chapter in The Atlas of Protein Sequence and Structure with her mother, describing a new way to measure how closely proteins are related. Her husband Vincent Brannigan is Professor Emeritus of Law and Technology at the University of Maryland School of Engineering. Ruth was a founding Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics. She pioneered the integration of Medical Imaging and invented the Vista Imaging System. She was chosen for the National Library of Medicines project on the 200 women Physicians who "changed the face of medicine." She serves as director of Digital Imaging in Medicine for the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
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In 1979, Still reported the first total synthesis of periplanone B, the potent sex pheromone of the American cockroach. Although the structural connectivity of this compound had been established spectroscopically, Still's synthesis confirmed the relative stereochemical relationships present in this natural product. A key step in this synthesis makes use of an anionic oxy-Cope rearrangement to form the macrocyclic 10-membered ring found in periplanone B. In this transformation, the initial tertiary alcohol was treated with potassium hydride and 18-crown-6 at elevated temperature to induce the rearrangement, and the resulting enolate was trapped with chlorotrimethylsilane to form the macrocyclic silyl enol ether as a single diastereomer. This intermediate was then transformed into a key enone substrate over the course of five steps including Rubottom oxidation, TBS protection of the secondary alcohol, and formation of the exocyclic alkene via a selenoxide rearrangements. <br /> These transformations set the stage for the introduction of both epoxide groups, which were formed with high levels of diastereoselectivity based on the principles of macrocyclic stereocontrol. The first epoxide was introduced via nucleophilic epoxidation of the enone using potassium hydride and tert-butylhydroperoxide; this led to the formation of a 4:1 mixture of diastereomeric epoxides, favoring the desired isomer in which attack had occurred from the peripheral face of the enone. At this stage, the ketone was transformed into the second epoxide group using the Johnson-Corey-Chaykovsky reaction; notably, the product was formed as a single diastereomer, again due to initial peripheral attack of the dimethylsulfonium methylide nucleophile on the ketone. Subsequent removal of the TBS protecting group and Sarett oxidation of the resulting secondary alcohol completed the total synthesis of racemic periplanone B.
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A co-author of over 400 publications that have been cited over 50,000 times (H index > 100), the recipient of over 75 honors and awards from 15 different countries, Saykally is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and in 2004 received the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award from the U.S. Department of Energy, the Hinshelwood Lectureship from Oxford University and the Inaugural International Solvay Chair in Chemistry from the Solvay Institutes of Belgium. He is a UC-Berkeley Distinguished Teacher, and has been active at the national level in science education. Over 150 students and postdocs have trained under his direction, many of whom hold prominent positions in academic, government, and industrial institutions. * Camille and Henry Dreyfus Award (1979) *Presidential Young Investigator Award (1984) *named to Miller Research Professor Chair (1985–1986) *E. K. Plyler Prize for Molecular Spectroscopy (1989) * Michelson Prize for Spectroscopy (1989) * Lippincott Medal for Spectroscopy (1992) * Berkeley Distinguished Teaching Award (1992) * American Chemical Society Harrison Howe Award (1992) * Royal Society of Chemistry Bourke Award (1992) * Churchill Fellowship at University of Cambridge (1995) * Humboldt Senior Scientist Award (1995) *named Fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1995) *named Fellow of the American Physical Society (1989) *named Fellow of the Optical Society of America *named Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry *named Member of United States National Academy of Sciences (1999) * Pittsburgh Spectroscopy Award (1999) *ACS Irving Langmuir Prize in Chemical Physics (2000) *Royal Society of Chemistrys Centenary Medal' (2000) * Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award (2004) * Johannes Markus Marci Medal (Czechoslovakia)(2004) *filled the Morino Lectureship chair (Japan)(2005) *filled the University of Oxford Hinshelwood Lectureship chair (2006) *filled the Inaugural Solvay Chair in Chemistry (Belgium)(2008) * ACS Peter Debye Award in Physical Chemistry (2009) * Golden Jubilee Thematic Lectures (Indian Institute for Technology, Delhi) (2011) * Morris Travers Lectures (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) (2011) * J. C. Bose Memorial Lectures (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata) (2011) * Royal Society of Chemistry Faraday Lectureship Prize (2012) *delivered the W. A. Noyes Distinguished Lecture in Physical Chemistry (University of Texas, Austin) (2013) *delivered the CaSTL (Chemistry at the Space-Time Limit) Lecture (University of California, Irvine) (2014) * E. Roger Washburn Memorial Lectureship in Physical Chemistry (University of Nebraska) (2016) *named Keynote Speaker NANOLYTICA (Simon Fraser University) (2017) * E. Bright Wilson Award in Spectroscopy (American Chemical Society) (2017) *received the Jean Dreyfus Lectureship (Hobart and William Smith Colleges) (2018) *delivered the BESE Distinguished Lecture (KAUST, Saudi Arabia) (2018) * SCS Lectureship (Swiss Chemical Society) (2018) *Helmholtz International Fellowship Award (Helmholtz Society, Berlin) (2018) * Inaugural Claude and Janice Trottier Endowed Lectureship (University of Rhode Island) (2019) *The Cross Lecture in Physical Chemistry (University of Washington) (2021) * Linnett Lecturer(Lennard-Jones Centre Inaugural Meeting; Cambridge, UK) (2023) * Spiers Memorial Lecture: (Royal Society of Chemistry; London, UK) (2023)
* Lenin Prize (1959) * Nobel Prize in Physics (1964, with the pioneering work done in the field of quantum electronics) * Hero of Socialist Labour — twice (1969, 1982) * Gold Medal of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1975) * A. Volta Gold Medal (1977) * Kalinga Prize (1986) * USSR State Prize (1989) * Lomonosov Grand Gold Medal, Moscow State University (1990) * Order of Lenin – five times * Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 2nd class * Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class
Filizola's research program is mainly focused on G Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCRs), which are the targets for about half of all currently used drugs. Special effort in her lab has been devoted to the subfamily of opioid receptors to discover/design novel painkillers with reduced abuse liability and other adverse effects. A second important line of investigation in the Filizola lab is on beta3 integrins towards the discovery of novel therapeutics to treat renal, hematologic, neoplastic, bone, and/or fibrotic diseases. To obtain rigorous mechanistic insight into the structure, dynamics, and function of GPCRs and beta3 integrins, the Filizola lab uses several computational structural biology tools, ranging from molecular modeling, bioinformatics, cheminformatics, molecular dynamics simulations, a variety of enhanced sampling algorithms, and rational drug design approaches. Much of the work is done in close collaboration with major experimental labs with whom we have established longstanding synergistic ties. Dr. Filizola is the author of over 100 original papers and chapters in the areas of computational chemistry/biophysics and drug discovery, as well as the editor of 2 books: "G Protein-Coupled Receptors - Modeling and Simulation" and "G Protein-Coupled Receptors in Drug Discovery". She is also an inventor, with a number of patents to her credit.
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Helmut Schwarz first learned to be a chemical technician and then went on to study chemistry at the TU Berlin. He completed his studies in 1971 and obtained his PhD in 1972 and his Habilitation in 1974 under Ferdinand Bohlmann. He pursued post-doctoral work at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and in the UK, after which he became a professor at the TU Berlin in 1978. Schwarz studies chemical reactions, specifically gas phase chemistry of ionic and radical organic species. He is furthermore working on advancing the analytical capabilities of mass spectrometry. He was president of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation from 2008 to 2018. From 2010 to 2015 he was president of the German Academy of Researchers Leopoldina and he is a member of acatech.
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*E.F. Healy "In Defense of a Heuristic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics", J. Chem. Educ. 2010, 87, 559–563. *Eamonn F. Healy, Skylar Johnson, Charles Hauser, and Peter King "Tyrosine kinase inhibition: Ligand binding and conformational change in c-Kit and c-Abl." FEBS Lett. 2009, 583, 2899-2906 *Eamonn F. Healy, Jonathan Sanders, Peter J. King and W. Edward Robinson, Jr "A Docking Study of L-Chicoric Acid with HIV-1 Integrase" J Mol. Graph. Model. 2009, 27, 14. *E. F. Healy, C. G. Wall, M.A. Fox, "Peptide Conformational Analysis using the TRIPOS Force Field", Intl. J. Quant. Chem., 1992, 44, 543. *R.A. Caldwell, H. Misawa, M.J.S. Dewar, E.F. Healy,"An Unusually Large Secondary Deuterium Isotope Effect", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1987, 109, 6869. *M.J.S. Dewar, E. G. Zoebisch, E.F. Healy, J. J. P. Stewart,"AM1: A New General Purpose Quantum Mechanical Molecular Model", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1985, 107, 3902. *M.J.S. Dewar, E.F. Healy, J. J. P. Stewart,"Location of Transition States in Reaction mechanisms", J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. 2 1984, 80, 227. *M.J.S. Dewar, E.F. Healy, "Why Life Exists", Organometallics 1982, 1, 1705.
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Sauer studied chemistry from 1967 to 1972 at the Humboldt University of Berlin and was awarded a doctorate in chemistry in 1974. He continued to do research there until 1977, when he joined the Academy of Sciences, Central Institute of Physical Chemistry in Berlin, one of the leading scientific institutes of the former GDR (East Germany). For a brief time during and after the German reunification (1990–1991) he was the deputy technical director (catalysis and sorption) for BIOSYM Technologies in San Diego, California (now BIOVIA). He remained an advisor for BIOSYM until 2002. In 1992, he joined the Max Planck Society as head of the Quantum Chemistry Group in Berlin. In 1993, he became full professor of physical and theoretical chemistry at the Humboldt University of Berlin. He retired from his chair in October 2017 and was succeeded by Martin Schütz, who died the following year. Sauer remains affiliated with the university as a senior research fellow. He is an active research scientist in quantum chemistry and computational chemistry. His computational studies have allowed for a better understanding of the structures and activities of some catalysts such as zeolites, specifically their acid sites, as well as the interpretation of solid state NMR spectra of nucleus Si-29, and quadrupolar nuclei such as Na-23, Al-27 and O-17.
Computational Chemists