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2 classes
entence-1:"What.: “the. age. “sf Wwh.teh-you eed:td make -t eduit the:mest te be Successful?’ enténce 2:'So0 ."f your w- felor'g..-rlfr'-end, has mass. “eds ldal"v" rditog, . “and”: always: uk” ag. --t j'.¢sthat cheat’ ng? 8
Sentence I: What is ‘the difference between: JDK and-SDk in Java? Sentence 2: What is the... dijference between. SD. and :NDK?
Sentence 1: What are some good coaching centres for CA IPCC in Delhi? Sentence 2: Which is the best coaching institute for CA-IPCC in Delhi?
Sentence 1 What is more valuable, loordedye or wisdom? Sentence 2: Why are mot of ws wared of death, despite its mevitability for all?
Sentence 1: What is NGDP targeting and what are some arguments Jory against this as a US monetary policy? Sentence 2: How does existing US monetary policy resolve the Triffin dilgnma? — $$
Sentence 1: What should I eat to gain weight? Sentence 2: How can I gain weight natiraly?
Sentence 1: Did anyone ever had an encounter with an alieit Sentence 2: What was the first ever movie that had an alien in it? i
> Sentence 1: Belief and. Beliefs: Can. the existence of a 80d be proven or disproven? Sentence 2: How do | prove the existence! of God to an atheist?
Sentence 1° Which tyoe- of batteries are used in satellites and rockets? Sentence 2:What tyes of fuel” ave usedin, rockets and satellités?
Sentence 1: Do Arrears (backlogs) affect placements at MNCs even if you improved scores after one disastrous year? ‘Sentence 2: Is it right that you are not gonna be placed, even if you scorgd good in all yogrs, because you have one bak?
sentence 1: Why can’t! enjoy sexwith my boyfriend? Sentence 2: Why can't! eny anymore? joy sexiwith my boyfriend
Sentence I: What's the purpose of a human life? Sentence 2 Whal should the purpose of your life?
Sentence.1:' What.‘ will be."Hildary Clinton's Foredgn policy towards Tidia' if: she. cones into ‘power’ in, 20162. Santence, 3. What is. the: Forbigi policy oF the “United. States.towards: India . be -if Hillary: Chinton: were: elected, its president?
‘mates Fw gr yr em De
J Sentence 13 Which color lenses will + Suita dusky skin tone givi? Sentence 2 Which:color Tenses wit Suite for brown skin tone guy?
‘Sentence 1: How do you draw manga hait? Sentence 2: What are some ‘tips for’ drawing manga?
Sentence 1: How is the world doing? Sentence 2: IF an Android phone supports OTé, then can you connect it to multiple USBs?
Sentence eran tc i ~ AMDETE? ae a "en enon cat ig
Sentence 1: What are some good dropshipping websites? sentence 2: What are the best products ( Dropship?
Sentence 1: What are the top 5 skills of a top management or strategy consultant (eg. McKinsey, Bain, BCG, etc)? Sentence 2: What is a typical day in the office of a consultant in a firm like BCG, McKinsey, Bain or any top notch consulting company?
‘Sentence’: What isthe reas air loss in the ‘sidés farmien?. Sentence 2: Whiatare the reasons of hairloss?.
Sentence t What is the right way to wear Cowboy boots? ‘Sentence 2 What are some. good outfit ideas, with Cowboy boots?
Sentence 1: What are some lesser-known sights to see when visitng Taguig City, Philippines? Sentence 2: What are some lesser-known sights to see when visting ‘Angeles Cty, Philippines?
Sentence 1: Is Turkey invading Syria? Sentence 2: Will Turkey invade Northern Syria?
ntence 1: What should you know when you want) Ito study abroad? ntence 2: What should | do if | want to study ibroad?
‘Memtence 1: What are the health riview of emoteing? Memtence 2: what are the riviee of emoteing?
Sentence |: What are the best piees to.visitin Wavatal Kerala? Sentenice’2: What‘are the best'plares to visit in: Koval?
Sentence wr 0 hravel the; world io: bes class. at Kind’ of job’ should! get’: Sentence’ 2:Are: there ny jobs se ge to .travel ‘the ore?
Sentence 1: what is the black sheep of the family? Sentence 2: Are you the black sheep of the family? —.
Sentence 1 Sentence 2:
Sentence I: How do | prepare for my presentation? Sentence 2: How do | prepare for my first presentation?
tence’ 1: How do. you “writé™a really good Icomparison-essdy? : bal ntence.2: How do | wirite’ a. compare ‘and contrast essay? « * 2
Sentence 1: How would demonetizing 500 and 1000 rupee notes and introducing new 2000 rupee notes help curb black money and coffuption? Sentence 2: By scrapping the 500 and 1000 rupee notes, how is RBI planning to fight against black money?
Sentence 1 What does grade 1 prostatomegaly mean? Sentence 2: Ff trinity means 3 in 1, what is the| word For 4+ in 1?
Sten Bods anybody els notice that Instagram des not refs the latest pictures? Sentence 2:My fees not sjrimetrica trict the st bitin ‘the pictures ts very noticeable. Why does it happen?
Sentence 1: What are some. warm blooded animals and what are their} differences with cold blooded animals? Sentence 2: \X/hat are some examples lof warm blooded and cold blooded lanimals?
Sentence -1: How do you raise’ money for an, idea of an app? Senterice 2: What's the best way to raise money for an app idea?
Sentence 1i-What’ should: you “antswer if ‘yoit-ate’pulled over lot” speedinii find: thede ask: you! if you! know. how:-fast you were? bed going! Sentence’2: Being Arre éd: or Detained: byethe<Pobice! What's the ‘best “wag. to tall oie‘iway-cin él a speeding’ tick
Sentence 1: Will Donald Trump beat Hillary and become our next president? commence 2: Who. will win the lection nal rugp, or Hillar: Clinton > A $ *.
‘Seateace & What wniversities does &.8. Smith recret new gads from? What mayors are they leoking for? What eniversities does Smith & Wesson recreit mew grads ifenr what mjc oe yg?
sentonce 1: How do the sze ond shape of o muscol instrument offect the pitch? Sentence 2: What insruments ore used in Sufl music?
Sentence -1:-How will the Indian’ economy benefit if GST is introduced? Sentence 2: Is GST going to'benefit-the-end user?
Sentence 1: My boyfriend is depressed, how can 1 help him? Sentence 2: My boyfriend is depressed. Jfow can T help him?
Sentence b Wo is a8 Apel foot Sentence 2 What are the best ways of Apr fooling semevne’
Sentence 1: Sentence 2:
Sentence 1: Why evaporation causes cooling? Sentence 2: Why evaporation is a cooling process?
Sentence 1: Do you think it's important to keep up with the news. or do you not care? Sentence 2:-After your visit to your doctor; would you like to get a follow up email ‘from your doctor in the.next 3 days or so? Would ‘you consider “it valuable or don't you care?
Sentence 1: Which is the best laptop. under Rs 25000? Sentence 2: Which is, the best laptop. model within 25000 rupees?
‘Sentence is racial mixing good? Sentence 2 what is racial inferiority?
Sentence 1: How do | sell my domain name which | recently bought? Sentence 2: Where can | quickly sell my domain name?
‘Semrence | Who 3 the cur et educa oon Met ter of tha TNE? ‘Sennence Wha isthe carrot low iste and who wil be the next kaw mises of oo?
Sentence 1: How should | start a fruit diet? Sentence 2: What's the best way to start a diet?
jentence I: How can | recover deleted ersonal messages from instagram? jentence 2: How do | recover deleted essages on my dm on Instagram?
Sehtetice 2: What were the thajor contribittions of the Political leaders dusing wws, and ‘how are: they compared to His ones during. other major armed ‘cotiflicts?. :
Sentence 1: What's not so good about Aston Martin cars? Sentence 2 What's so good abot Martin cars? ut Aston
Senin eps we 0 sas ena get student discounts? “i, sie 2 hi ie we i a ed ema address
Sentence t Whatis Decision Point? Sentence 2: What isa decision?
“Sentence 1:.A friend's. WhatsApp account is hacked: by: MAC.“address’ “spoofing. “Even. thoigh ‘the: chats ‘are stoted locally, .will .it' visible:to. the hacker?..And How’ can: it be recovered? -2 >." Sejitencé. 2: Hoi” do hack sémeone's Wwhatsapp. ‘account: without - Maé - spaoting, any new niethod?~
Sentence 1: What are some examples of sentences with nouns and verbs? Sentence 2: What are some examples of nouns in sentences that look like verbs?
Sentence.1: How can't gym ‘train: for’ the. Half Dome:hike-in: yosemite? Sentence 2: ‘wihat.are igwitchBacks" in hiking?" >“. i -
Sentence 1: How do | deal with the pain Of unrequited love? Sentence @ How do | deal with unrequited love?
Sentence t How can | become an airline pilot? Senbence 2 How dol become 4 pilot? Is - worth ib?
Sent Reademy? Sentence | 2: What marketing for you? = What is Influencer marke! is.” the. ‘influencer
Sentence 1: What would happen to the (SS when it is decommissioned? Sentence 2: What will eventually happen to the ISS after it is Gecommissioned?
‘Seitncei hot ist lk to tive in Cologne? Sentence 2: Whot is it iike to live in Kala, Germany?
"Sentence 1:What do you do when you don't know what to do?. Sentence 2: What I do when i don't know what to do?
Sentence t What dre, the’ best ‘plaoés one must visit in, Pune at ‘weekerids? Senlenoe 2 What are sume of he best hangout laces in Pune? eae «ne
Sentence 1: How do you get a good deal 6n.2°24 Hour Fitness membership? Sentence 23, How: does -24 Hour Fitness advertise its deals?
Sentence 1: What should | do if my wife puts my 3yr old daughter in front of for hours at a time? ‘Sentence 2: Big ingrown hairs around vagina?
Sentence “1: Why “did Johin Nash: have schizophrenia? .”:- : Sentenée.2: Who are John Nash's children?”
‘Sentence 1: How can you lose 40 pourids in'30 days’? Senitenice 2: What isthe best way to tose'40}poutds in 3 weeks?
Sentence t: Where can! get best qualities outdoor tiles In sydney? Sentence 2: Where can | found wide variety of ceramic tiles In Sydney?
‘Sentence £ What dees semen taste like? Sentence 2: Dees semen taste good?
Sentence 1: Did people treat. you’ differently after you lost a lot of weight? Sentence 2: So many before and after pictures 6n losing weight are out there. Has anyone here lost a lot of weight? How? Pictures also please.
Sentence * Has there ever been a fight aboard the ISS? Be Sentence 2: Aré* there weapons aboard the ISS?
‘Sentence : Which is faster: Copying or Moving files in a PC? Why? Sentence 2: is TeraCopy faster than the default Windows 10 copying /moving software?
Sentence 1: What_should a high schooler doin preparation for medical school? Sentence 2: How do you get to medical school if you're a high school student?
Sentence f Wht the last pas to We m jor France for fad with io WL? ‘Sentence 2; Which is the bck pce tolevein yon Franc fer fami?
jenitence 1: Is’ civil-“engineering. better’ than’ computer. : science “ or computer/software. lengineering? entence 2: Why ‘do. most. people think that. Ithe:: computer.:Science: engineers are -better Ithan the mechanical engineers?
Seatence x: Wot wld I do when I dot fe Ne dey aie? Seatence 2: Vee ds yaw wot fed Uke asngting?
+ Sentence 1: What can 1 buy in indig with bitcoin? | Sentence 2 Bitcoin in mdia; Where can 1 buy bitcoins in india?
Sentence 1: Is the institution of marriage really worth it? Sentence 2: |s marriage worth it?
‘Sentence t: When will there be world peace? ‘Sentence % How do we achieve world peace?
antag: What arene ts gm'nang bunch job ei ooress at Bam Sexe 2: Wha arse Sp on aking oigh ie BY tera prs tio?
Sentence 1: ow was Minecroft developed? Sentence 2: How wag Minecroft created?
Selascn ¥° What big sad! sid How dT sad
Sentence 1: If I wish to go for architecture after civil engineering, how do I proceed? Sentence 2: Should I choose architecture or civil engineering? Why?
Sentenca Af Which are some of the: smartest. advertisements telecasted. in,India?.” + Sentence 2: What ‘are -somé of :the ‘dumbest ‘advertisements.being telecastéd in. tndia?.
‘Séntece Sn do questions etme as sincere on Doe? Sentence 2: Whirmarks questions 3s isincer® on Quors?"
Sentence 1:.Which is the best mobile in 15000? Sentence 2: Whigh is the ‘best smartptione . between 15000 to.20000? v4
Sentence 1: What is the difference between a government servant and a public servant? Sentence. . 2: Union; Public’ Service Commission (India): Are there any civil servants (Indian) on quora?
Sentence 2: How does Wealth ‘Management firm or bank work with you?
‘Sentence Where con we buy Beacons. in Senténce 2: Where con | buy Beacon in Indic?
Sentence 1: Can | work as a freelancer while working in Amazon India? Sentence 2: What work does a fresher do in Amazon in India?
Sentence 1: Can I get the CentOS Quick Install CD ISO Image as an AMI in AWS? Sentence 2: When I installed the xCHM viewer (CentOS), it told me some files were missing. How can I find this package?
Sec 1 con 1 Ub en 10, Indien ‘tupees soon?- What db you ik? ‘Sentence One miliod is equal to how niguy Indian rips?
[Seritence’. 1 Sentence: 2: