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2 classes
Sentence 1: What is the derivative with respect to x [math] \frac{xHy} + \fracty} {x} =1 [/math]? Sentence 2: What is the derivative of Imath]xye"t-\fract1}2} Conzty2H/ math]?
Sentence t: How do you get tid of acne scars ‘on your chest? Sentence 2: How can | get rid from my acnes?
| |Sentence 1: How dor ‘get the white ‘of eyes whiter? Sentence 2: How dot get whiter eyes?,
Sentence 1: Why: did Quora change fonts onthe website? September. °27, 2016 Sentence .2/ Why did Quora change its forit? :
Sentence 1: Is 800 ms of ibuprofen more effective than 4 x 200mg of ibuprofen? If so, why? Sentence 2: Can ibuprofen be crushed?
31 How dq. you ‘delete a. private message which led to send ‘on Snapchat? at Is there any way to delete Saapchat_ saved sages from a receiver?
Sentence 1: Why did Hitler declare war on US after ‘Peart Harbor? Germany was not , obligated’ to Japan to. fight US if “Japan attacked America. Sentence 2: Why did Hitler declare war on the US -shortly, after ‘Japan attacked Pearl. Harbor? Was: it not possible that the US would just have gone to war.with Japan if-this. had. not happened?
Sentence 1: “What plural form of “lice the Sentence 2: Why is data plural?
Sentence 1: How does someone know their Google interview performance? Sentence 2 Do Googie interviewers gather non- public information on candidates before their interview, or before hiring someone?
Sentence x What aré some. things new emiployces should know: going into their first day-at South Jersey? Sentence 2; What are some things new émployces should know: going’ into their ifirse dayat N
* Sentefice 7: What. aré ietainples of ‘products, én-theif decline:stage? mates Sentence 2: Do.all:produdts decline in Sales? 3.4
Sentence L What ate ste ef Lhe best Tanit Nevies ef Pecent Linest Sentence 2% What are seMe ef Lhe bert Line UPavel Nevies Ik Recent Linest
‘Sentence 1: What ave the best technical analysis software for the Indian stock market? ‘Sentence 2 What are the best stocks to invest in 2015 for the Indian: market? ‘: .
Sentence 1: Wi don't Indonesians speak English (or “other - foreign» languagés) fluently? Sentence .. 2: Malaysia?’ Why can Malaysians speak English fluently?
Sentence-1: hat .is the corporate culture “Like at Prost Bank? ‘Hiw Ss. the ‘culture different than other companies® Sentence 2: What is the corporate culture like at -Commercé Bank’ How is the culture’ different than other..companies?
Sentencé 1: Will ww3.ever x happen? ‘Senterice: "2: ivan: there-be WW: ‘soon?, Why:or'why not?
Sertence 44 What does the ending of 2001. A Space Odyssey mean? Sertence 2, Whot ie 2004 A Spoce Odyssey really Trying fo soy?
Sentence 4; Cam Fuse’ a FreeMarker template: with AngularJS?| Sentence 2: What are-the pros and:cons of. using’ AngularJS?
Sentence: 4: What ‘is the scariest thing you’ have experienced on the internet? ol Sentence 2: Writ is.the most hormible thing you: seer on the dark web? .
[Sentence 4: What universities does Diamond Foods recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? Sentence 2: What universities docs Black ‘Diamond reeruil new grads from? What majors are they looking for?
Sentence 1: Can a competitive bidding process work for purchasing a used car, the way it can for a new car? Sentence 2: What are the typical steps in a used car purchase?
Sentence 1: What is demand? Sentence 2: What is demand paging?
Sentence ‘i: Whiat's the most-important ‘lessowabout li Sentence, 2: What is-the:best lesson you have learinéct from your Life? *
‘Sentence t bs a good idea to settle In Sweden instead of the US? Sentence 2 What were the effects of WW?
Sentence 1: What's mean it? Sentence 2: "What does "for it is"" mean?"
‘Sentence 1: How can | develop my own realty distortion felt? ‘Seatenwe 2: What should | do to gut a beter reetty dintortion
‘Sentence 1: What are some teen dating apps? Senterice 2: How do I find a dating app?
Sentence ft What is the easiest way to make an atheist believe in god(s}? Sentence 2: How do! convince an atheist that there isaGod?
Sentence 1: Where can | buy tablets online? Sentence 2: Where to buy tablets ?
Sentence 1: What are the career options after: * “electrical... and.’ electronics ‘engineering? Sentence 2: What-are career ‘options after Btech in ie esate
Sentence ’t: Sentence ‘2:
Sentence 1: Why would Elon Musk rather colonize Mars than the Moon? Sentence 2: Why are we attempting to colonize Mars before the moon?
Sentence 1: What do if | forget my userid and password of forex card HFC? Sentence 2: What is the tuition fee of the University of San Carlos?
Sentence 1: How can I disprove evolution? Sentence 2: What are some tests that could (in principle) disprove evolution?
Sentence '1:,What’ are the“ best ‘hotels ‘of Rajasthan?. Sentence’ * 2: Whar’ *‘are’ ‘best ‘hétels ” in” Rajasthan for holidays?
Sentence 1: “Why tthe: word “splined™ not grammatically correct?” _
t sentence i: is it days? : posslblé Yo Tose 10 kgs In 20; Sentence 2:My gynaecologist ‘asked. me to lose 10, kgs immediately: How.do ldo 1? -
‘Sentenée 4: "Subway -has. a. "Perfect Bell” “toring: whien your. saridwich vis, just. right. What: do employees. nd, ciustémiets really think of" + Sertterice 2: What are Subway's bealthiest-sandwichies?
Sentence 1: I have a startup idea, how can I get my idea validated? Sentence 2: What is the best way to validate a startup idea with customers?
Sentence 1 What do you think of the Phone 77 Sentence 2 Is it worth to buy an Phone 77
Sentence 1: What are some use cases where the usage of Haskell language is ideal? Sentence 2: What aré some use cases where the usage of Haskell lafiguage is not ideal?
“Sentence.1 What re the -¢op-.10, vets visit Srerudoy ord yey’ oo oN.
Sentencé LAsa Muslim, why do you ‘think I should accept Islam?. Seritence 2 Why should’ one aecept islam? . & gee ar
Sentence 1: How old would Jesus be today? Sentence 2: How old is Jesus?
Sentence 1: Is. anal sex painful? If. so. what gre some tips for reducing or eliminating pain? Sentence 2: How do | reduce the pain of eyes?
Sentence t What are similar books to Harry Potter? Sentence 2: Name some books which are similar harry potter? "=
Sentence: Whois your - fayourité, FRLENDS character and why? Seritence 2: Who’ is. your favourite character from FRIENDS?
Sentence 1: How do | check who viewing your Facebook profile? Sentence 2: How i can know who visited my Facebook profile?
‘Sentence £: When will Germany become an Islamic country? ‘Sentence 2: Will Germany become a Muslim country before 20507
Sentence 1: How will you know you love someone? 4 Sentence 2: How do. you know if you're in love Sentencencone and might only be denying the fact to yourself?
Sentence’ hy How dol Tecover ddetowa messages on my dm on histagiam?: Sentence: 2 Can“'l _fotleve ‘deleted ‘messages ont Instat?
Sentence 1: Does 4G Jio VoLTE support in Lenovo Vibe k5? Sentence 2: Does Moto X Play support Reliance Jio 4G Volte?
tence I: Is it better to kiss or ‘0 be kissed? tence 2: Can I kiss you?
Sentence 1: Where can I find the answers I have upvoted? Sentence 2: Where can I find all the answers I upvoted?
‘Sentence 1: What-is the fastast way to double your money? ‘Sentence 2: How do | douublé my money?
Senitencé-I: How can We tertaform: Mars inndecade?. Sentence 2: How can we tertaform Mars?
Sentence 1: How did you make money an Facebook? Sentence 2: How con Facebook and Twitter make money for you?
Sentence 1: How much money did Top Gear spend trying to send a Reliant Robin into space? Sentence 2: what music is used in Top Gear?
[Sentence 1: How can we earn money online without any or little investment? |Sentence 2: Can I make money online without investing?
Seritencé 4: How is automobile engineering in $RM Chénni Sefitence2: How is automobile ‘engineering of SRM?
Sentence 1: Should | use a mass gainer or whey protein to gain weight? ‘Sentence 2: 'm 19 years old and my weight is SO kgs | want to gain alot of muscle. What's should | eat and which protein powder or mass gainer should | use?
_ Sentence Which suppleneits shoul? ] tale for muscle. and weight gain? “Sentencé Which. suphlemsis shee I the for mustte and weight gain?
Sentence 1: What is your review of Darkness (2002 movie)? Sentence 2: What is your review of Dark Water (2002 movie)?.
‘Sentence £ Js daik/vacuiiin..enérgy infinite: bécaisse the expansion ,of- the suniver'se;:1s -Hafinite and, inorié ‘and. ‘more of:it tx eréaied 1as.thé- uniierse, expands? Sentence2:J. nore: vacuiin. chérgy. dppedi's ‘with expansion and : it fas'no Timi, ean infinite of his cniergy be cheated? ¥ esis energy infin
Sentence What; is, the, inipleimentation, of Robust APT 7 “ Sehtente 2: What IS'the 8d of Robust Arle
Sentence 4: Hots mould the world. be diffecent tf the Roman Empiee Rever fell Sentence 2: Roinan Empice: What sould’ the mario be {ike.today iE Rome had never fallen?
Sentence t Why do people believe the earth is flat when clearly earth is round from space? Sentence 2:1 know some people that STILL believe the earth is flat. Why?
Sentence % How are whole numbers and natural numbers used? Sentence 2! How are whole numbers and natural numbers similar?
‘Sentence 1: How do you introduce yourself influentially? ‘Sentence 2: How do you introduce yourself?
sentence 1: Why do tall guys love short girls? tence 2: Why dies? do tall guys like short ‘
Sentence 1 What are some of your secret fetishes? Sentence 2: What is your secret fetish?
Sentence 4: Are traditional Indian parents more strict about their sons doing wel academically. or ‘marrying the. girl of their choice? Sentence. 2: Why do: Bengali women ‘have twisted teeth?
Sentence 2: Can | make an Android app with Python? Sentence 2: How can | learn to build a python backend for my Android app?
Sentence 1: How can you stop your Beagle Australian Shepherd mix puppies from biting your shoes? Sentence 2: How do I stop a German Shepherd /Bonles Collie mix puppy from chewing my shoes:
Sentence 1: How can | stop being indecisive and become a fost thinker? Sentence 2: How do! stop being @ slow thinker?
Sentence’ 1Does state: universities. in:- India have caste’ reservation quota (for students) for héine state students only? Sentence 2Does ‘central ‘universitiés-in. India have caste.reservatiori quota (for students) for home staté students orily?
feytom sans Fema ae eu oeb twice in 34 mathe), Bedget range SOK-2L. Detats below. Sentence 3 How cs | Ped Touch 20d how ist too an | ee Omg on ay compat
Sentence 1: What. is the. difference. between, an-Uberx, Uber Black-and Uber Taxi? Sentence 2: What! is the ‘difference between Uber anid Lyft?,
‘Sentence 1: Why the price varies for a 2. BHK apartment in a particular project of yours? © ‘Sentence 2; What. are my chances of getting -an offer .from .German’ applied science university for master studies? My CGPA is: 3as/4
Sentence 1: How much is @ few? ‘Sentence 2: How mony is few, couple, and several?
enteric’ Is tis hy iyplast ip Soul. aok? ‘enn 2 Whats PistiDi rake of?
Sentence x What should you do when there is a gas smell in your car? Sentence: Does running the AC in your car really burn gas?
Sentence 1: What is your opinion’ on. Donald ‘Trump's wall proposal? Sentence 2: What is your honest opinion .of. Donald’ Trump's plan, for-a botder. well?
‘Sentence 1: Why do people think | should die? Sentence 2 What do people think about while dying?
Sentence 1: How should I prepare for IT - JEE? Sentence 2 How did you prepare for IT JEE?
Sentence 1: Where can I find accurate study materials for the 400-101 exam? Sentence 2: Where can I find accurate study materials for the 70-433 exam?
Sentence az How can I send free sms to students? Sentence What are some good sites to send free anonymous sp
Sentence 1: Should students take dummy in class12 for JEE preparation? Sentence 2:1 am in class 11 and am preparing for lIT JEE. How to convince my parents to let me join a dummy school?
Sentence 1: How can I get my friend's WhatsApp messages on my phone? Sentence 2: Can J see the friends and messages my husband has on WhatsApp?
sentence 1-Which bike should F Buy “with 2° mudget of 1 lakh rupees? geritencd 2:1 havea. budget jof 1 lakh bike!] should buy? which ~
Seritence'1: What are the natural-resources that can be found in the Vatican City? Sentence 2! What are’ the natal resources of Vatican City? How arethey tied?
tence 1:How can become a social worker in CA2 tence 2: How do | become a social worker in Australia?
Sentence’ 4; What ‘was the-first operating: system? : Sentence 2: What was ‘the first . opéra system made? What was its history?