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Severe fear of rabies? I've got pretty extreme rabies anxiety that has resulted in my lying to get the vaccine twice. The first time was probably 3 years ago and I told the hospital I found a bat in my room and got the whole series of shots. The second time was like 6 months ago I lied again and got just the once vaccine booster type shot. So logically I know I'm immune, which helped for a bit. A week or so ago my friend put a dead cat he found on the street in front of his house in the back of his truck to take it to the animal shelter to get it scanned. It had been run over by a car. It had been dead for a few hours. His dog seemed to lick the spot where it's head had been (it got hit on the head). An hour or so later maybe the dog came up and her mouth touched my knee and was very wet ( I think she had just drank water cause it was also very cold) it was through my pants and there were no cuts on my knee. I'm still obsessing so bad and am really trying to figure out how to get another vaccine.
severe fear rabies got pretty extreme anxiety resulted lying get vaccine twice first time probably year ago told hospital found bat room whole series shot second like month lied booster type logically know immune helped bit week friend put dead cat street front house back truck take animal shelter scanned run car hour dog seemed lick spot head hit later maybe came mouth touched knee wet think drank water cause also cold pant cut still obsessing bad really trying figure another
How to break through the mental block? Hey guys. Im a 23 year old woman who has struggled with anxiety since my early teens. Although I've come a long way since then and I am pretty confident in myself, at work/Uni I find myself shutting off due to this instinctive fear, kind of like a 'fight or flight' response as if something bad is going to happen. Which I know isn't the case. I find myself sweating and nervous in some social situations and I honestly don't know why? So do you guys have any tips to helping overcome this?
break mental block hey guy im year old woman struggled anxiety since early teen although come long way pretty confident work uni find shutting due instinctive fear kind like fight flight response something bad going happen know case sweating nervous social situation honestly tip helping overcome
Moderately Positive
My laptop is soaked and I'm having an anxiety attack now Okay it isn't soaked, i splashed a tablespoon or so of sugary beer on my trackpad and keyboard, dried it immediately, turned it back on for a minute stupidly, turned it back off, sprayed the keyboard with canned air and am letting it dry upside down now. I know its very minimal and I did almost everything right but I can't breathe help. Will it be okay? Sorry if this is the wrong sub to ask this in but I've had this before maybe it can help someone in my position later on.
laptop soaked anxiety attack okay splashed tablespoon sugary beer trackpad keyboard dried immediately turned back minute stupidly sprayed canned air letting dry upside know minimal almost everything right breathe help sorry wrong sub ask maybe someone position later
Moderately Negative
Beta blockers and Hair Loss I was prescribed propranolol (a beta blocker) about 6 months ago. I was taking an average of 40mg/day for about 2 months. I reduced this to an average of 20mg/day 4 months ago, then 10mg/day two weeks after that, and then completely stopped for about 3 months. I was having a lot of anxiety earlier, and was thinking about taking 10mg of the beta blocker. Does anyone have any experience with occasional beta blocker use? And/Or, does anyone know how much of an effect occasional beta blocker use has versus regular use? Any personal anecdotes are very much welcome. Thanks! (Oh, and, for those that are looking for information to help them, my hair loss has definitely decreased since I stopped taking the beta blocker, although I also stopped taking some other medications as well, which may have contributed to the hair loss as well.)
beta blocker hair loss prescribed propranolol month ago taking average mg day reduced two week completely stopped lot anxiety earlier thinking anyone experience occasional use know much effect versus regular personal anecdote welcome thanks oh looking information help definitely decreased since although also medication well may contributed
Moderately Positive
Nervous about getting first job I'm 21 years old and in community college, I have a habit putting off applying for part-time jobs since I graduated high school. My goal is to send in applications this weekend, I just feel weird being 21 and applying for a first job.
nervous getting first job year old community college habit putting applying part time since graduated high school goal send application weekend feel weird
Are there any other teenagers who have been to a therapist for anxiety? I've known I've had anxiety since I was twelve. My mother tried to get me help, my father wouldn't let her- he doesn't believe in mental illness of any kind, he says it's something made up that you just have to get over and stop being a pussy, basically. My mother passed away last year- and this past December, I ended up in the emergency room over what I could only assume was a heart attack or some shit. Dramatic? maybe, but I thought I was having heart problems. It turned out to be a prolonged anxiety attack, they diagnosed me with an anxiety disorder, and gave me a prescription for Ativan. (lorazepam, close to Xanax). It made me depressed, and I only had ten pills in the first place. I could never finish them, I couldn't deal with how disoriented they made me feel. I got a job in February, my first panic attack there was when they put me on front cash register. There were maybe seven people, and suddenly I couldn't breathe. I felt like the room was spinning, and I thought I was going to pass out. They moved me back after that, and I knew either I was going to have to see a therapist, or I was going to lose my job. skip to my third panic attack, and that was it for me. I told them I needed to go home, and then I quit. It happens when I'm alone, sometimes for no reason. I could be cleaning, or painting my nails, or watching a show, or trying to sleep- and suddenly, I feel like I have to panic. I can't stay still, I feel like I can't breathe. It happens more when there are people- I feel like someone's staring at me, or judging me, and I have to panic. the room starts to spin, and I need to leave. I'm sixteen, and because of my age, I'm scared to see a therapist. I'm worried they won't take me seriously, and won't help me. But I need help, I can't deal with this anymore. it's killing me. Has any teenager here seen a therapist for anxiety? how was your experience doing so?
teenager therapist anxiety known since twelve mother tried get help father let believe mental illness kind say something made stop pussy basically passed away last year past december ended emergency room could assume heart attack shit dramatic maybe thought problem turned prolonged diagnosed disorder gave prescription ativan lorazepam close xanax depressed ten pill first place never finish deal disoriented feel got job february panic put front cash register seven people suddenly breathe felt like spinning going pas moved back knew either see lose skip third told needed go home quit happens alone sometimes reason cleaning painting nail watching show trying sleep stay still someone staring judging start spin need leave sixteen age scared worried take seriously anymore killing seen experience
Don’t know how to make college friends I have been at college for 1 semester so far. I have only one really close friend at my college but I really want to have more friends. I don’t know when or how to approach people to become friends with them. Nobody invites me to things because of my lack of friends. Any idea when to talk to other college students and how? I find myself in my dorm room a lot being lonely.
know make college friend semester far one really close want approach people become nobody invite thing lack idea talk student find dorm room lot lonely
Moderately Positive
Anxiety at work Hi all, Made a throwaway for this, because you never know, right? ​ So, where do I start... I'm sorry if this is all over the place, but I need to vent and kinda write down how I feel and what issues I have. ​ I've always felt like I was different than others. Social cues, etc, were never really obvious to me. I tend to overthink things, I don't get all jokes (I rarely make jokes because of this reason. Or maybe I'm just not funny?). Although I can joke around with my best friends... But in general I'm doing fine I guess? I think most people like me, although I've heard – when having those drunken conversations with friends and they become completely honest – that I'm definitely kinda... "weird" is how they described me. As in, I'm not super "normal", and that's fine, but not everyone can handle that or can get along with me because of that. ​ I definitely feel that: eye contact is not super easy for me with some people, especially not with strangers. Heck, I've been working at my new job for 10 months and I still have issues in keeping eye contact with my boss. It's super weird and kind of annoying... I get super self conscious about it and I start noticing my facial features. It's weird. We get along fine and I don't think he really notices it, but I find it annoying. Which brings me to the next topic, and is actually the reason why I made this thread. ​ Now, I work together with my boss – face to face – (it's retail, but we're focusing on the online at the moment). The others are all doing the retail jobs: sales, administration, etc, typical retail job. I don't come into contact with the others a lot. I do get along with most of them, but to be fair: I'm the youngest of them all, and they really don't have anything interesting to say. That might sound arrogant, but seriously: you won't have any intelligent conversations with them (except with my boss). They've all been in retail for years and they sound miserable – plus they only complain and complain. I'm just there to work and build my career with the online stuff, I don't give a rats ass about making friends with them. Anyway, there's this one guy (he's around 50 years old, I'm 27ish) that keeps making jokes. Teasingly. Like, at my previous job there was also this one guy. Making jokes about you, trying to get under your skin. I know he's joking, and I know that the right thing is to "joke back", but it's SUPER exhausting for me. Like, I'm busy with other stuff, I don't have time to make jokes or to think of a great comeback. And because I'm more of an introverted, serious guy, he probably feeds on it. He probably thinks my hesitance or lack of "making a joke" is some sign of weakness or something? It's just exhausting and I don't know what to do. There are a million things I'd like to say, but frankly, I don't think it's worth it? I just don't want to be offensive. There's also this new woman (40-ish) that joined, and she's also seeing my friendliness and kindness as a weakness, and I don't know what to do to make this obvious. I've tried ignoring her requests but it doesn't really help? I'm starting to think she's just too dumb to understand it. The thing is, I don't know if I'm overreacting or if I would be in the right to just tell her to fuck off and stop talking to me like I'm a kid or her employee or something. I really want to tell that guy to just stop joking because he's not funny and to me, he seems like a miserable piece of shit trying to sound superior. But again, I'm not sure if I would be overreacting. This post is all over the place, typed on mobile, but I hope you can kind of grasp what I'm trying to say. Not sure if this fits in anxiety either. I do have other questions concerning anxiety, but this thread would get too big. ​ Thanks for reading! ​ ​ ​ ​
anxiety work hi made throwaway never know right start sorry place need vent kinda write feel issue always felt like different others social cue etc really obvious tend overthink thing get joke rarely make reason maybe funny although around best friend general fine guess think people heard drunken conversation become completely honest definitely weird described super normal everyone handle along eye contact easy especially stranger heck working new job month still keeping bos kind annoying self conscious noticing facial feature notice find brings next topic actually thread together face retail focusing online moment sale administration typical come lot fair youngest anything interesting say might sound arrogant seriously intelligent except year miserable plus complain build career stuff give rat as making anyway one guy old ish keep teasingly previous also trying skin joking back exhausting busy time great comeback introverted serious probably feed hesitance lack sign weakness something million frankly worth want offensive woman joined seeing friendliness kindness tried ignoring request help starting dumb understand overreacting would tell fuck stop talking kid employee seems piece shit superior sure post typed mobile hope grasp fit either question concerning big thanks reading
Moderately Positive
Wtf is happening to me? Let me first say that I definitely suffer from moderate anxiety, but this is just weird and I’m not sure if it’s related or a whole separate issue. So...lately, while driving...I’ll suddenly start feeling chills...then I’ll get hot...then back to chills again. Then, I get lightheaded, like I’m fading away and about to pass out. Ugh...it’s such a strange feeling and I absolutely hate it. Of course, I start freaking out and check my pulse and it’s always racing like crazy. I’ll pull over, take some deep breaths, get out of my car...chug water or Gatorade and after a few minutes, I’ll feel fine enough to continue driving. What’s strange, is that it comes out of nowhere and only when I’m behind the wheel. It happens during the day and at night...while I’m on the highway or side roads. It doesn’t happen everyday, but at least once every couple of weeks. Is it anxiety? It’s scaring me as I’m on the road a lot due to the distance between my home and job. I’ve never passed out, but feel like I’ve been pretty close...although I don’t know what passing out actually feels like. I’ve gone to the E.R. and had multiple doctor and cardiologist visits and tests...and so far, nothing has been found. Has anyone else ever experienced this? I’m tired of worrying and need answers.
wtf happening let first say definitely suffer moderate anxiety weird sure related whole separate issue lately driving suddenly start feeling chill get hot back lightheaded like fading away pas ugh strange absolutely hate course freaking check pulse always racing crazy pull take deep breath car chug water gatorade minute feel fine enough continue come nowhere behind wheel happens day night highway side road happen everyday least every couple week scaring lot due distance home job never passed pretty close although know passing actually gone multiple doctor cardiologist visit test far nothing found anyone else ever experienced tired worrying need answer
Moderately Negative
Books to Share Hi! In an effort to minimize anxiety around my house, I’m trying to downsize and be more minimal. I’m finally going through all my books and have several on the topics of anxiety, mindfulness, etc that I would like to send to someone who would like to read them. I’d prefer to just send them to one person in bulk to minimize costs. If you’d like them, let me know and I’ll ship them out this week. Thanks!
book share hi effort minimize anxiety around house trying downsize minimal finally going several topic mindfulness etc would like send someone read prefer one person bulk cost let know ship week thanks
Do I need talked down, or am I being rational? I struggle with suspicion of my spouse when my anxiety gets bad. We have a great relationship, but I occasionally suspect she's hiding things from me. I don't think she'd ever physically cheat, but I'm becoming increasingly suspicious that she's hiding a social media affair. She's on Instagram more often, and for far longer, than i can imagine the number of people she follows justifies, and she gets on when she tells me she's doing other things. On one hand, i want to do the right thing and just trust her, on the other hand, I feel like if I just snooped it would likely prove my suspicions wrong and put my mind at ease.
need talked rational struggle suspicion spouse anxiety get bad great relationship occasionally suspect hiding thing think ever physically cheat becoming increasingly suspicious social medium affair instagram often far longer imagine number people follows justifies tell one hand want right trust feel like snooped would likely prove wrong put mind ease
Moderately Positive
I think my SSRI profoundly damaged me Hi. I used Zoloft for severe acute anxiety (2-3 months of absolute hell) 3 different times in my life between ages 18-20. We all know the sexual side effects (ED, anorgasmia etc). Every time I used it and came off I tapered and no side effects were left over. Until this time. I’ve been off the meds for 3 or 4 months. Since then I have gotten pretty severe erectile dysfunction, a general numb feeling in my genitals, destroyed libido, etc. I looked up possible causes and apparently there’s this thing called PSSD that happens sometimes permanently and I think I have it. this alone has caused my anxiety to spike to high levels and for the last week I haven’t thought of anything besides that fact that I’m broken by what was supposed to help me. I just traded one terrible thing for another. I’m not sure why I’m posting, coping strategy I guess. But it sucks, I feel fucking awful and I’m not sure what I’ll do. If you've gone through anything similar it would mean a lot if you told your story. Sexuality is such a central component of what makes you who you are, to have that stripped is beyond terrifying. Thanks for listening everybody, and think twice before a doctor pushes pills on you.
think ssri profoundly damaged hi used zoloft severe acute anxiety month absolute hell different time life age know sexual side effect ed anorgasmia etc every came tapered left med since gotten pretty erectile dysfunction general numb feeling genitals destroyed libido looked possible cause apparently thing called pssd happens sometimes permanently alone caused spike high level last week thought anything besides fact broken supposed help traded one terrible another sure posting coping strategy guess suck feel fucking awful gone similar would mean lot told story sexuality central component make stripped beyond terrifying thanks listening everybody twice doctor push pill
Moderately Negative
What do you have going on this week that's giving you anxiety? Lets talk about it, and see if we can help each other find ways to relieve our anxious minds :) We can do this together - you're not alone in this <3 ri0t
going week giving anxiety let talk see help find way relieve anxious mind together alone ri
Moderately Negative
Boyfriends anxiety Me and my boyfriend have been together nearly 5 months. I haven’t got a good home life, I have a very verbally abusive relationship with my parents and it’s toxic. My boyfriend suffers with very bad anxiety and depression, he is often disconnected from everything and overthinks himself into panic attacks. Medication isn’t working for him and he wants to start therapy but his family will make his home life harder and be pissy with him over it. I love him with all my heart and owe him everything, I want him in my life forever. Our relationship is incredibly intimate and serious for our age. We are each other’s worlds and it’s not fake love. It’s so strong. His anxiety is causing me anxiety though, and I feel so hopeless. It obviously doesn’t make home life better either. I don’t know how to help his anxiety and make it better. What are the best tips to beat anxiety or control it (not how to support him bc I know everything like that thank you ❤️) I’m not leaving him, that’s not a discussion. I just need to know some solutions to help his anxiety and also know If there’s any hope for us. He’s only 18, we’re so young but madly in love
boyfriend anxiety together nearly month got good home life verbally abusive relationship parent toxic suffers bad depression often disconnected everything overthinks panic attack medication working want start therapy family make harder pissy love heart owe forever incredibly intimate serious age world fake strong causing though feel hopeless obviously better either know help best tip beat control support bc like thank leaving discussion need solution also hope u young madly
Moderately Positive
Just quit job, I have no plan, help :( I quit a good job a year and a half ago because of anxiety and depression. I didn't realize it at the time though, and blamed my issues on the job. I've been working part time for the past year and just quit four days ago. I'm freaking out because I have no plan and feel like I can't ever fit into our work environments. My boss blamed me for something I didn't do, he was doing that fairly regularly...i felt like I was always trying to explain myself. Well he did it again with something that was clearly not my fault, yet I apologized as usual...the next day he texted a co-worker for her to tell me I need to make a 150km round trip delivery using my own car. He should have asked me directly. I said no because I had other things I needed to get done for him, and I wasn't happy with the situation and how he was directing me as if he owned the use of my car. He called right away and got upset saying I had 3 weeks to get work done and why hadn't I got it done? So I went over all the other things he asks me to do that I say yes to and push aside my true job responsibilities...he sort of got it, but i said I didn't think it was working out anymore because I frequently feel like I'm doing things wrong even though I'm trying, and the atmosphere of unorganized chaos that he creates....his response was a rude "Oh, you can't handle it?" So I said I think I'm done, worked my butt off to finish things so he wouldn't be struggling to get them done, and now I don't think I'm going in tomorrow? I just don't know what to do? I keep quitting things, but I feel like life is just trying to crush me at work. I'm so tired of feeling crushed. I'm a introverted person, not super shy but anxious...i really can't believe I quit again, but is being treated like you're small and stupid at work a reason to quit?
quit job plan help good year half ago anxiety depression realize time though blamed issue working part past four day freaking feel like ever fit work environment bos something fairly regularly felt always trying explain well clearly fault yet apologized usual next texted co worker tell need make km round trip delivery using car asked directly said thing needed get done happy situation directing owned use called right away got upset saying week went asks say yes push aside true responsibility sort think anymore frequently wrong even atmosphere unorganized chaos creates response rude oh handle worked butt finish struggling going tomorrow know keep quitting life crush tired feeling crushed introverted person super shy anxious really believe treated small stupid reason
Waiting to hear back I got through an on-site interview for a job last Thursday and I think it went well. My would-be-boss said I should even hear from him the next day or this week. he even mentioned how new hires get treated to dinner as a tradition and even asked if I would be available one day before a possible start date in April. Now it’s Thursday and they told my recruiter that it’s between me and another candidate... this wait is killing me. I was going to follow up but apparently I’m supposed to go through the recruiter? I’m going insane I can’t even think of applying to other jobs. I was supposed to have an informational interview today and I totally screwed that up by providing my phone number with one digit off. Fuck fuck fuck what the hell do I do? What the hell can I do? What the hell am I supposed to do?
waiting hear back got site interview job last thursday think went well would bos said even next day week mentioned new hire get treated dinner tradition asked available one possible start date april told recruiter another candidate wait killing going follow apparently supposed go insane applying informational today totally screwed providing phone number digit fuck hell
Moderately Negative
Guanfacine? Anyone try this for anxiety/racing thoughts?
guanfacine anyone try anxiety racing thought
Accidentally staring at people, then getting paranoid about them thinking you are staring at them. Then you end up staring at them to see if they realized that you were staring at them, and they did realize it. So now you made someone uncomfortable, and then I continue to stare again to see if I've stopped making them uncomfortable. Lol, anxiety is a fucking bitch.
accidentally staring people getting paranoid thinking end see realized realize made someone uncomfortable continue stare stopped making lol anxiety fucking bitch
Moderately Negative
High anxiety about losing my job due to health issues. I used to have just mild anxiety. I was still productive and didn't have problems being in public or talking to others. Then I started having crazy heart issues. I ignored it since they were fleeting. I started getting stomach pains. Ignored it. I rarely missed work so no big deal. Then it happened. I was just relaxing and felt a sharp pain in my stomach. My heart went so fast that I started sweating, my ears felt clogged, I was dizzy. I felt like I suddenly had the worst flu ever all at once. And I passed out and went into convulsions. And it started happening once or twice a year. Took me 5 yrs to get a doctor that would help but just diagnosed me with the common faint. Said it happened to him after staying up all night and drinking red bull. I tried to emphasize I wasn't putting much stress on my body and got a shrug. He tested me for all sorts of things but it came back ok. I started getting better but always still feel close to passing out sometimes. Only reason I got better was I stopped living a normal life so I could lay on the floor anytime I want. The only thing I left for was work. But then I started getting vertigo that varied from extreme to rocking but was always there. I was throwing up all the time. Everyday was torture. Then I started getting panic attacks every time I felt anything wrong with my body. I started hitting curbs when driving. Those we're diagnosed as migraines. I was put on an ssri but it made me so much worse I missed an entire week of work getting episodes of what felt like shock. Now I'm on a TCA which helps just a bit but has made my fainting issue worse. I am in so much debt that I'm at the point I just can't afford this anymore. Yes I've done all I could to mitigate bills. I can't stop thinking about what I'm going to do if I lose my job. They're accommodating me to the point no other job would hire me in this shape. I don't really have any solid diagnoses. I don't even think I qualify for disability because there would be no way for me to continue seeing a doctor (which is required during) if I have no job. I'm so young too (32). What the hell do people do in these situations??
high anxiety losing job due health issue used mild still productive problem public talking others started crazy heart ignored since fleeting getting stomach pain rarely missed work big deal happened relaxing felt sharp went fast sweating ear clogged dizzy like suddenly worst flu ever passed convulsion happening twice year took yr get doctor would help diagnosed common faint said staying night drinking red bull tried emphasize putting much stress body got shrug tested sort thing came back ok better always feel close passing sometimes reason stopped living normal life could lay floor anytime want left vertigo varied extreme rocking throwing time everyday torture panic attack every anything wrong hitting curb driving migraine put ssri made worse entire week episode shock tca bit fainting debt point afford anymore yes done mitigate bill stop thinking going lose accommodating hire shape really solid diagnosis even think qualify disability way continue seeing required young hell people situation
Moderately Negative
Anxiety Symptoms, Anyone Else? Hi! I have been struggling in college, it is almost the end of my second year and I never really made friends. This has affected me a lot. I have been struggling with depression, anxiety and manic crying episodes. Earlier this year I worked hard to be confident, and not care what anyone things about me. All of a sudden my anxiety is back and with symptoms that is making me more conscious as ever! (Gross I'm sorry) I have had mucus in my throat for months now, I think it is because I am nervous, and am so not used to talking to anyone that when I do encounter a conversation I am a nervous wreck with a scratchy throat barely able to utter out words! When I hear myself respond I feel like I make no sense. I always used to eat lunch in the cafeteria by myself, but now I eat so fast I get a stomach ache. I feel like people think "She is always alone," "Does she even have any friends," "I've never seen her at parties." I just eat in 2 minutes and run out of there as fast as I can because I now hate eating by myself and feel like people are watching me. Does anyone have any tips, or experience in overcoming related situations?
anxiety symptom anyone else hi struggling college almost end second year never really made friend affected lot depression manic cry episode earlier worked hard confident care thing sudden back making conscious ever gross sorry mucus throat month think nervous used talking encounter conversation wreck scratchy barely able utter word hear respond feel like make sense always eat lunch cafeteria fast get stomach ache people alone even seen party minute run hate eating watching tip experience overcoming related situation
Extreme Anxiety For the past 5 days I woke up with the most extreme anxiety I have ever felt before. It's caused me to vomit and go into hyperventalation which made my muscles all lock up. I went to the er the first time and they gave me adavan which helped ig. They sent me home with 25mg vistaral and I can only take one every 8 hours and it doesn't help even the tiniest bit. I even tried taking my gfs .25 Xanax on top of it and I still can't seem to get out of this loop of anxiety and panicking. Any suggestions appreciated.
extreme anxiety past day woke ever felt caused vomit go hyperventalation made muscle lock went er first time gave adavan helped ig sent home mg vistaral take one every hour help even tiniest bit tried taking gfs xanax top still seem get loop panicking suggestion appreciated
Moderately Positive
I'm "officially depression" free after 4 years! After being diagnosed with depression back in 2015...With sleepless nights, panic attacks & severe anxiety, I got stuck with Fluoxetine... I was cured of the symptoms after 1 year, however i was surprised that my body was now a slave and dependent of this anti-depressant. My doctor advised to reduce the dosage gradually... Here i am after 3 years, i can say i am free of that substance, which at some point was th source of my anxiety since it reminded of the dark days, and i was still chained to it. I can't deny the fact that I've noticed some effects since I've stopped, but the feeling of being finally "pill free" tops it all. I can only say to anyone reading this post to stay strong, i can understand it's not easy at all, but remember you're not alone. I hope i gave some positive vibes to someone out there...
officially depression free year diagnosed back sleepless night panic attack severe anxiety got stuck fluoxetine cured symptom however surprised body slave dependent anti depressant doctor advised reduce dosage gradually say substance point th source since reminded dark day still chained deny fact noticed effect stopped feeling finally pill top anyone reading post stay strong understand easy remember alone hope gave positive vibe someone
Moderately Positive
Just moved into an apartment and derealization set in So I've had anxiety for about 3 years now but it was mild for about two years then a year ago it got pretty crazy. I had my first panic attack a year ago and I ended up get poor sleep or no sleep for three months straight. Then I got gastritis and became super concerned about my health. Flashforward a bit and I'm getting back on track and then I lose this job I had lined up after college and my girlfriend breaks up with me. From there I've kinda been on an emotional rollercoaster. I worked a shit job for months where they didn't give me any work to do so I'd just live in my head all day and I'd go home to my parents house and just chill on my PC all night. I went out with friends and such but not very often, not because of anxiety just because people were still busy with school and I graduated. So I finally said okay I have anxiety so I picked up a self help book which I'll admit I've been slacking on but initially it helped me a lot. So everything was going pretty good then yesterday I moved about 2 hours away from home for a new job I'll be starting and as soon as my family left from moving me in I just felt like it wasn't real. I felt like I wasn't supposed to be here and I didn't know why I was here and I couldn't really rationalize being here for 12 months because it just didn't seem real. I've gotten good about letting myself have feelings of anxiety and letting them pass but I'm just afraid of these feelings persisting and never letting me feel comfortable in this new space and such. Or I'm afraid of my sleeping issues returning and being to anxious to sleep in a new place. I guess is it normal to feel things like this when you make a huge change while dealing with anxiety to begin with?
moved apartment derealization set anxiety year mild two ago got pretty crazy first panic attack ended get poor sleep three month straight gastritis became super concerned health flashforward bit getting back track lose job lined college girlfriend break kinda emotional rollercoaster worked shit give work live head day go home parent house chill pc night went friend often people still busy school graduated finally said okay picked self help book admit slacking initially helped lot everything going good yesterday hour away new starting soon family left moving felt like real supposed know really rationalize seem gotten letting feeling pas afraid persisting never feel comfortable space sleeping issue returning anxious place guess normal thing make huge change dealing begin
Moderately Positive
Alcohol and Anxiety I usually have one drink during the work week and a few on Friday night Saturday night and Sunday nights. I’m slowing down for health reasons (I know it’s not great for you and I’m trying to lose those stubborn five pounds) I was wondering if anyone has experienced less anxiety when they stopped drinking as much ?
alcohol anxiety usually one drink work week friday night saturday sunday slowing health reason know great trying lose stubborn five pound wondering anyone experienced le stopped drinking much
Moderately Positive
Afraid I might fail grad school Hello. I am in a grad program for CSD. I am taking 7-week prerequisite courses before I start real grad courses since I didn’t major in CSD during undergrad. I had to take an 8-week remediation class because I did not earn a high enough grade in one of my classes to meet certain standards. I just took my test for the remediation class and I blanked on half the questions. I need an 80% to pass. Otherwise I need to repeat the course. I think I might be reacting irrationally since this doesn’t necessarily mean I’m going to fail out of the program. I am really afraid of failing and disappointing everybody. I’m also embarrassed that I’ve been struggling so much. I’m just really nervous and making myself sick thinking about all the things that can go wrong. I just wanted to post here to vent and see if anyone can relate. Thanks for reading if you got this far.
afraid might fail grad school hello program csd taking week prerequisite course start real since major undergrad take remediation class earn high enough grade one meet certain standard took test blanked half question need pas otherwise repeat think reacting irrationally necessarily mean going really failing disappointing everybody also embarrassed struggling much nervous making sick thinking thing go wrong wanted post vent see anyone relate thanks reading got far
Moderately Negative
Like a breath of really scary fresh air I just got off the phone with a therapist's assistant. I have known I needed therapy for literally 10 years. I struggled with finding one online and worse with actually calling. The assistant screened me and is running my insurance; the next call I get from them should be to schedule something. I'm terrified... And so, so relieved. I want to get better and be better. Phone anxiety is such a bitch.
like breath really scary fresh air got phone therapist assistant known needed therapy literally year struggled finding one online worse actually calling screened running insurance next call get schedule something terrified relieved want better anxiety bitch
Adult Separation Anxiety Disorder When I was around 10 years old, my mom was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She survived, but it was traumatizing at the time and spawned some separation issues. I was never really ever capable of doing sleepovers, going to sleep away camps, band trips, etc because of my damn anxiety over being separated from my parents. As I got older, I was obviously diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I've been on plenty of medications, and when I was about 20, a doctor finally did one of those cheek swab tests to get a chemical breakdown of what medicines would work best for me. Turns out all the ones I had been put on prior, didn't work with my chemical makeup. I was put on a medication that finally helped. (I highly recommend the cheek swab test btw.) While the general anxiety and depression are kept on the back burner so to speak, the separation anxiety is still there. I'm nearly 23 years old and it's embarrassing as hell to have this issue. I want to go on and live a fun life, move out, go on trips with friends, etc. But my separation anxiety won't let me. I always fear the worst happening and that it will happen to my parents. I can however go out and shop by myself, do most things by myself, and don't have to be near them 24/7. This just flares up when they go away on a trip. They're also in their mid-60s, so my stupid ass feels like I'm running out of time with them. Also, for some reason I think my life will basically be over when they pass away, because I assume I'll be such an absolute mess over their passing that I won't be able to live a normal life. They will be leaving soon for a 10 day vacation and I really don't want to spiral out. I have family friends who are nearby, and a cop for a neighbor, so there is no reason for me to spiral out, but I'm afraid I might again (I did when they went on a trip before.) I'm embarrassed that this is an issue for me at my age, and feel horribly embarrassed crying over separation issues in front of family friends, but I literally can't control it or how I think. Any tips, tricks, or advice will help. I also have a cute puppy who will be staying with me and loves cuddles and attention, so that is nice. Lol
adult separation anxiety disorder around year old mom diagnosed brain tumor survived traumatizing time spawned issue never really ever capable sleepover going sleep away camp band trip etc damn separated parent got older obviously depression plenty medication doctor finally one cheek swab test get chemical breakdown medicine would work best turn put prior makeup helped highly recommend btw general kept back burner speak still nearly embarrassing hell want go live fun life move friend let always fear worst happening happen however shop thing near flare also mid stupid as feel like running reason think basically pas assume absolute mess passing able normal leaving soon day vacation spiral family nearby cop neighbor afraid might went embarrassed age horribly cry front literally control tip trick advice help cute puppy staying love cuddle attention nice lol
Moderately Positive
Does anyone else get anxiety from not having anxiety anymore? I was anxious about something earlier this week, but haven't really thought about it. I don't really feel anxious about the issue anymore, instead I feel anxiety that I should feel anxiety about the issue and I wonder why I don't. Ugh
anyone else get anxiety anymore anxious something earlier week really thought feel issue instead wonder ugh
Cancelling flights because of the shutdown My husband and I are supposed to be going on vacation next week. I read an article last night about the increased danger of flying during the government shutdown. I am already terrified of flying. I have only ever been on two flights and I avoid it at all costs. We leave next Thursday and I don’t know what to do. I can’t stop these panic attacks over the flight and I’m about to cancel them and just drive the 20 hours to our vacation. Or cancel the whole thing together. My husband is wonderful and supportive of whatever I decide, and I do have anti anxiety medication from my dr but I don’t think it’s going to help once I get to the airport I am that panicked about it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
cancelling flight shutdown husband supposed going vacation next week read article last night increased danger flying government already terrified ever two avoid cost leave thursday know stop panic attack cancel drive hour whole thing together wonderful supportive whatever decide anti anxiety medication dr think help get airport panicked advice would greatly appreciated
Moderately Positive
I don’t know what I have I jus created a new account for this and I really would like to hear opinions or experiences that could help in any way So , I’m a young man that is between introversion and extroversion - sometimes I’m silent , sometimes I’m the person who fills the room with energy , depends on my mood I’ve been improving my social skills for some time and I went from not knowing what to say to going very deep with someone , even if sometimes I don’t pick the right moments for that ( lack of social intelligence I suppose ) I have something that no one knows - excepts two friends , and are these shakings and blockages that I have in my body . I’ve been searching for a long time about this but I cannot find a definite answer When I’m in places where there’s people , my neck starts to shake af and my body feels blocked . This always happens when I’m near a girl , but not when I’m around one that I know ( ex : school girls ) Even if I improved my social skills , this uncontrollable and unreasonable shaking is always there . Sometimes I feel my throat or chest blocked , sometimes not only my neck shakes but also the rest of my body I come from an abusive family and that made me repress my sexuality ( but even before that repression I felt this ) . I sometimes wanted to talk with girls in the street and it was a draining experience , I simply couldn’t do it Normally this doesn’t happen around boys but depends in the situation Does this happen to anyone or have heard about this ? Would love to hear anything that may be helpful
know jus created new account really would like hear opinion experience could help way young man introversion extroversion sometimes silent person fill room energy depends mood improving social skill time went knowing say going deep someone even pick right moment lack intelligence suppose something one excepts two friend shaking blockage body searching long cannot find definite answer place people neck start shake af feel blocked always happens near girl around ex school improved uncontrollable unreasonable throat chest also rest come abusive family made repress sexuality repression felt wanted talk street draining simply normally happen boy situation anyone heard love anything may helpful
Moderately Positive
I need help I had had a horrible first week of the new year, Im not working right now, cant sleep at night and want to sleep all day, I don't go outside unless I'm with someone else and it's almost impossible to get me out..
need help horrible first week new year im working right cant sleep night want day go outside unless someone else almost impossible get
Moderately Negative
i have anxiety and i need advise I'm 18 and I'm 100% sure I have anxiety but my family doesn't really have enough money to get a doctor to diagnose me. I just want advise on what I can do. My anxiety manifests itself through anxiety attacks and serious indigestion and its horrible. I usually have moments when my mind is like blurry and I can't think straight at all and I shiver, but worse of all I have gas and nausea. If it's bad enough, I will throw up. So far I can kinda handle it, but it's getting worse and worse and it affects my normal life and I just don't know what to do at this point. Any help is appreciated.
anxiety need advise sure family really enough money get doctor diagnose want manifest attack serious indigestion horrible usually moment mind like blurry think straight shiver worse gas nausea bad throw far kinda handle getting affect normal life know point help appreciated
Moderately Negative
Any tips on how to keep calm when renovating my visa? Hey guys. I’m living in Germany and we can get our visas here instead of our home country. First time I got a 3 month visa. At first I couldnt get it, and it took a while and most people passed in front of me and I noticed something was wrong. Second time, I had a number when I was waiting for it to be called, which wasnt because of a system failure. This time I ended up getting my visa. Point is, as a person with anxiety these 2 waitings were HELL. I dont know how I didnt throw up. My stomach was just horrible, my hands were shaking, I felt very hot the entire time and the only thing that I could do is stop myself from crying. I was therw for hours and I couldnt even touch the food and water I brought with me. Now I have to go to that hell place again to ask for more 4 months of visa and I dont wanna go through that again. I thought about all worse case scenarios, coming back to my country, being deported, not being able to come back to europe when the fact is, it’s 90% chance everything is gonna be fine, but my anxiety kicks in and wont let be rational. Any tips? When I get my visa I can bring anything, computer, food, cellphone.. anything that might help me stay calm before and during the process?
tip keep calm renovating visa hey guy living germany get instead home country first time got month couldnt took people passed front noticed something wrong second number waiting called wasnt system failure ended getting point person anxiety hell dont know didnt throw stomach horrible hand shaking felt hot entire thing could stop cry therw hour even touch food water brought go place ask wanna thought worse case scenario coming back deported able come europe fact chance everything gonna fine kick wont let rational bring anything computer cellphone might help stay process
Breathing or calming tips when having a panic attack? I'm currently sitting in our small bathroom, scared to go out because I heard a door make a noise or creek or something. I don't have any ideas how to deal with my Panik attacks (except from writing or texting, helps a little bit) and I would like to hear your tips, like breathing or just other things. I'll probably be sitting here for a while so I appreciate every comment! Edit: finally made it back into my room after sitting downstairs for a total of 1 hour...
breathing calming tip panic attack currently sitting small bathroom scared go heard door make noise creek something idea deal panik except writing texting help little bit would like hear thing probably appreciate every comment edit finally made back room downstairs total hour
Moderately Negative
Idk how titles here work I recently switched schools and I've never been social but I've had some friends but now that I've switched I don't know how to talk to anyone and in one class we're doing a group project that I'm doing alone bc I Don't know anyone or how to talk to anyone. I haven't spoken to anyone in a month hoping I would slowly get used to it but I still have a huge amount of anxiety daily and I don't know how to deal with it
idk title work recently switched school never social friend know talk anyone one class group project alone bc spoken month hoping would slowly get used still huge amount anxiety daily deal
Anyone have “career anxiety”? I have a constant worry that my current job or prospective jobs are not the “right” decision for my own career development.
anyone career anxiety constant worry current job prospective right decision development
Moderately Positive
What if the way you feel is justified? What if you are frustrated and emotional And angry And hopeless And keep crying And keep trying to fix the thing that’s wrong But keep messing it up So you go through the cycle again What if you get upset for a perfectly justifiable reason. It’s not an imaginary fear. It’s not making a mountain out of a molehill. It’s real and it’s there all the time. And you can’t just give up it’s not like you’re trying too hard or reaching for an unachievable goal. It’s something that most people can easily do, and you can’t. What if you’re honest to goodness justified in your response to your situation. If it is genuine and appropriate and nobody would say that you’re overreacting? “If I was you I would feel the same way” is told to you when you explain your predicament. What do you do then?
way feel justified frustrated emotional angry hopeless keep cry trying fix thing wrong messing go cycle get upset perfectly justifiable reason imaginary fear making mountain molehill real time give like hard reaching unachievable goal something people easily honest goodness response situation genuine appropriate nobody would say overreacting told explain predicament
Moderately Positive
Hi I’m trying hard to accept I have an anxiety issue, it’s hard though. I always feel like I make things more than they are. For instance, I’m on my period which was only 2 days late, somehow still worrying that I’m pregnant. I worry about the world; the news terrifies me. Sometimes I can’t breathe because I get so freaked out. The worst part is when I tell myself “this isn’t how most people think” And I know that it’s true. It is not how most people think. I know that what I’m thinking probably isn’t true and it shouldn’t eat me alive, but for some reason it does. Please someone, give me some advice or support.. I’m so confused.
hi trying hard accept anxiety issue though always feel like make thing instance period day late somehow still worrying pregnant worry world news terrifies sometimes breathe get freaked worst part tell people think know true thinking probably eat alive reason please someone give advice support confused
Moderately Negative
Having separation anxiety lately Afraid to be alone and book my nights full to make sure I’m alone as little as possible. I’m exhausted and know that I need down time... but that means hanging out by myself. Not quite sure how to remedy
separation anxiety lately afraid alone book night full make sure little possible exhausted know need time mean hanging quite remedy
Moderately Negative
Has anyone had wellbutrin cause shortness of breath and tightness in their chest? Its made me quite anxious, and honestly my anxiety has been okay for a few years. I just added this to help with lack of motivation/depression and I wanted to hear if these effects went away for anyone. Let me know your experiences with it!
anyone wellbutrin cause shortness breath tightness chest made quite anxious honestly anxiety okay year added help lack motivation depression wanted hear effect went away let know experience
Moderately Positive
Small wins are adding up So I have been in active treatment for my anxiety for about a year now. Lifelong anxiety sufferer with only experiencing severe panic attacks in the past two years. I have been to hell and back. So it’s been 6 months with my newest therapist and 4 months on a low dose of Remeron. The combination of medication and therapy actually does work- if you do the work too (which is the hardest part) I never thought I would get here honestly- where I can actually feel and see change happening in my body and brain. I do a pretty aggressive treatment plan (practically a partial hospitalization plan) daily filled with ERP. I had my first natural positive thought about my phobia a few days ago and it happened so naturally I stopped everything and cried a little. Because the thought was matched with the belief as well. This is after a year of CBT. I never thought in my life my mind would change its belief about my phobia (emetophobia). But it is. And twice now while doing exposures I have succuessfuly sat with my panic and allowed it to pass without it going into a full blown panic attack. But I’m always okay with it if it does because I am teaching my brain that I’m just not afraid anymore. To bring the panic on keep it coming. I ask for it- and then it dissipates. Hardest thing in the entire world, but today was easier than the first time. I still have such a long way to go- but I’m getting there. With hard work every single day. It is possible, I truly believe it for all of us.
small win adding active treatment anxiety year lifelong sufferer experiencing severe panic attack past two hell back month newest therapist low dose remeron combination medication therapy actually work hardest part never thought would get honestly feel see change happening body brain pretty aggressive plan practically partial hospitalization daily filled erp first natural positive phobia day ago happened naturally stopped everything cried little matched belief well cbt life mind emetophobia twice exposure succuessfuly sat allowed pas without going full blown always okay teaching afraid anymore bring keep coming ask dissipates thing entire world today easier time still long way go getting hard every single possible truly believe u
Moderately Positive
Just a Sunday night Hello! Having a bit of a struggle tonight. The thought of spreading some happiness cheered me up so I wanted to wish everyone a great evening and a happy Monday tomorrow!
sunday night hello bit struggle tonight thought spreading happiness cheered wanted wish everyone great evening happy monday tomorrow
I have a sore throat, but I’ve convinced myself it’s mouth cancer, a flesh eating virus, and also septis This is where I would insert a punchline if it was a joke, but alas, it’s just me. What the fuck is health anxiety anyway. I needed to write this down so others could read it, so I could reread it later. Anxiety tells me that I have to keep myself convinced that these things are true so they don’t actually happen. If I start to think i might be having irrational thoughts, anxiety tells me that it will actually happen. It’s just a cold. I barely even have a fever. “No”, anxiety says. “If you go to sleep, your sore throat will close up and you will choke and die”. Who the fuck is this cruel entity that says these things to me. It’s so mean.
sore throat convinced mouth cancer flesh eating virus also septis would insert punchline joke ala fuck health anxiety anyway needed write others could read reread later tell keep thing true actually happen start think might irrational thought cold barely even fever say go sleep close choke die cruel entity mean
Moderately Negative
Ways to help with Stomach Knots from anxiety? Whenever my anxiety flairs up, I get these stomach knots that make me feel uneasy all the time. Just wondering if any of you have found ways of getting that feeling down to a manageable amount? I've already tried deep breathing and drinking warm water. I also do have quick acting meds for the anxiety, but that only helps slow my mind down. My body still has the symptoms of my anxiety.
way help stomach knot anxiety whenever flair get make feel uneasy time wondering found getting feeling manageable amount already tried deep breathing drinking warm water also quick acting med slow mind body still symptom
Moderately Positive
Anxiety on holiday pls help Hey guys I’m 13 and on holiday. I’m getting anxiety because i have to go visit my cousins today there having sort of a party type thing. And also my moms not here she’s gone to another state and left me here :( what should I do :,( I’m so worried that my stomach is aching and I feel sick. I don’t have any one to talk to the only person is my mom who understands but she’s not here. Plssss i think I’m gonna cry 😭
anxiety holiday pls help hey guy getting go visit cousin today sort party type thing also mom gone another state left worried stomach aching feel sick one talk person understands plssss think gonna cry
Moderately Negative
How’s everyone hanging in there today ? Just checking in on everybody hopefully everyone’s getting thru today smoothly there is light at the end of the tunnel !!!!!!
everyone hanging today checking everybody hopefully getting thru smoothly light end tunnel
Moderately Positive
How far in advance of something do you start to get anxious? I have a psychiatric appointment on Wednesday and all of a sudden, I'm panicking. Usually I don't get anxious until right before I have to be somewhere but I am panicking bad!
far advance something start get anxious psychiatric appointment wednesday sudden panicking usually right somewhere bad
Moderately Negative
Feeling like running away Sometimes I feel a desperate need to run far away, to escape. Mostly in stressful situations (which also means when posting something on Reddit) or when I see the stress is coming. One time I gave in to the urge and actually did run away and hide. It happened at a Scout camp a couple years ago. I received an immense amount of support from my troop, but I still felt like a failure, even more than I usually do. I have since then leant to somewhat suppress the urge, but when I do, I feel it tenfold to the point my head feels like it's going to burst. Sorry, it's difficult to explain. Since the start of the year, I've been feeling like this more and more and I don't think I can do this anymore. Should I seek a professional? Did I suffer a panic attack back then? Sorry for any mistakes, I'm on mobile, and posting this at 2 in the morning. Also, English isn't my first language.
feeling like running away sometimes feel desperate need run far escape mostly stressful situation also mean posting something reddit see stress coming one time gave urge actually hide happened scout camp couple year ago received immense amount support troop still felt failure even usually since leant somewhat suppress tenfold point head going burst sorry difficult explain start think anymore seek professional suffer panic attack back mistake mobile morning english first language
Moderately Negative
Rantings to myself that I thought to share with you in this trip of life . One of my self ramblings on life, anxiety and depression, hope it resonates with some of you if even a percent as it did with me at the time. As a people we've lost vision and what it means to live, the very essence of being alive, the very will to fight for it, is fading. We indulge ourselves with fake things, fake people, fake talks, fake food, fake love, fake intimacy and a fake life. Surround ourselves with dozens of distractions every hour to help us forget, and we do, we forget to forgive, not others for wiping their feet in our souls, but for allowing ourselves to be this shadow of a former self, but you never forgave yourself and so a shadow you will remain. We've become so broken that were no longer the hunters we once were, instead we hunt eachother dead and its become so easy we no longer need to use sticks or stones, we started to kill each other with words. so fragile that if someone were to hold our hands and said lets do it, let's count to 3 and jump together and end it all, there would not be a moment of hesitation because In this moment you've convinced yourself you would be something bigger than just yourself and that for a second you think that there is more to life than dying but you're too blind to see that in this very moment you allowed yourself to die, you planned for it. But you didn't because there's more to you than you've allowed yourself to see. And One day you wake up, and the sun still shines, you can see the arching rays.... but they're Gray, it's touch upon your skin now incandescent, wrapping around you holding you tight in place blindening to your very soul thats been burried alive under all the numb, yelling trying to reassure you, trying to speak, and for a moment you are listening and you hear it (the sign you've been waiting for, the sign of life not as a shell but as whole) speaking back, traces of its existence that its not yet gone, because it didn't give up and that it would rather suffer than to not make itself heard by you. And that small glimpse, that tiny spec of a sound was all you really needed to force yourself awake from this never-ending nightmare, now fight for it, don't wait to be fought for. Know your worth, stand up for yourself, and forgive. And more importantly, every now and then take a moment to yourself, breathe, clear your mind and listen, listen to what we've been programmed to ignore.
ranting thought share trip life one self ramblings anxiety depression hope resonates even percent time people lost vision mean live essence alive fight fading indulge fake thing talk food love intimacy surround dozen distraction every hour help u forget forgive others wiping foot soul allowing shadow former never forgave remain become broken longer hunter instead hunt eachother dead easy need use stick stone started kill word fragile someone hold hand said let count jump together end would moment hesitation convinced something bigger second think dying blind see allowed die planned day wake sun still shine arching ray gray touch upon skin incandescent wrapping around holding tight place blindening thats burried numb yelling trying reassure speak listening hear sign waiting shell whole speaking back trace existence yet gone give rather suffer make heard small glimpse tiny spec sound really needed force awake ending nightmare wait fought know worth stand importantly take breathe clear mind listen programmed ignore
Does anyone else experience this? I have an irrational mental block that I have to get over every single day. For some reason, whenever I go to class, work, or any public place, I get the automatic feeling that the people there either A.) Don’t like me (sounds stupid bc people in my classes don’t even know me!), OR B.) Think negatively of me, like that I’m just a lazy college student who doesn’t try hard enough or something like that (I’m an intern in the Accounting office at my campus bookstore, and all my coworkers are in their mid 30s and older). I try to get around these thoughts by telling myself I’m an awesome individual and a great friend/coworker to those who do know me personally. I know this is true, but it’s still really difficult sometimes to curb those thoughts. TL;DR: I assume everyone I come into contact with doesn’t like me, and the only remedies are trying to tell myself I’m being ridiculous OR somebody outright complimenting me, saying something nice or comforting, and even then I sometimes don’t believe it.
anyone else experience irrational mental block get every single day reason whenever go class work public place automatic feeling people either like sound stupid bc even know think negatively lazy college student try hard enough something intern accounting office campus bookstore coworkers mid older around thought telling awesome individual great friend coworker personally true still really difficult sometimes curb tl dr assume everyone come contact remedy trying tell ridiculous somebody outright complimenting saying nice comforting believe
Moderately Positive
Missed the first week of school and I feel scared to go back. It's the beginning of second semester of my 3rd year at university and I missed the first week because I'm sick with the flu. I'm having a lot of anxiety about having to go back. Even though I probably haven't missed much, the anxious thoughts I'm having is enough to make me stay home. Last year I was debating whether to take this semester off because I wasn't doing well in my courses and I was losing motivation in continuing. I wanted a break from university but I knew that I'd do nothing with the free time I would have but climb into a hole of depression (it has happened before during my year off after high school). I'm also a bit stressed out because I have this job opportunity to work while being at school but I've never done this before even though I want the job desparately and taking a lighter course load would do wonders for me. I guess I'm really scared of this new experience but I know it's going to help me find balance in the long run and get my priorities straight. I've never been the type of person to try new experiences and I've always stayed at home if there was no reason to go outside. Right now I'm struggling to simply take care of myself and mentally prepare to go back to school tomorrow now that I'm almost recovered from being sick. The weather isn't helping much either (I live in Ontario, Canada, and even though we just got out of that deep freeze, the thought of going outside makes me feel uneasy). Any advice for how to get over these thoughts? TL;DR: Just having anxious thoughts about going back to university after missing the first week of school. Got any advice to get over this phase?
missed first week school feel scared go back beginning second semester rd year university sick flu lot anxiety even though probably much anxious thought enough make stay home last debating whether take well course losing motivation continuing wanted break knew nothing free time would climb hole depression happened high also bit stressed job opportunity work never done want desparately taking lighter load wonder guess really new experience know going help find balance long run get priority straight type person try always stayed reason outside right struggling simply care mentally prepare tomorrow almost recovered weather helping either live ontario canada got deep freeze uneasy advice tl dr missing phase
Convinced I'm going to die from visiting auto body shop Hi everyone, So basically I’m freaking out because I’m thinking about how I used to visit my estranged dad’s body shop from time to time growing up during the summer. I can’t imagine that I would have gone more than 10-15 times or so in a given summer, and some years I probably only went a couple of times, others none at all. I would go to work with him to wash/vacuum cars, answer the phone, and sometimes wetsand cars. However, there would be times where I would follow him around to his back shop to check on his employees. Or, I would go back there to let him know that a customer was waiting for him. I’m currently freaking out bc I can’t imagine that being in that environment while guys were doing work could have been good for me, even though I wasn’t doing any sanding or painting myself. His back shop is rather large, and he would keep his garage doors open for ventilation https://imgur.com/FviJwNq see building on the left). I think I remember a couple of times in the winter I was there and he had the doors shut though. I probably opened the door to the paint booth a handful of times to scream in there that someone was waiting for him. My biggest fear is that I’ll wind up getting cancer or something years down the line from now. I probably first went to his shop when I was 5, and stopping visiting after I was 18 or 19. I have no idea how secondhand exposure to this stuff works. Does this limited secondhand exposure to dust/paint as a kid pretty much guarantee problems down the road? Or does that typically require years of direct exposure? Was my dad 100% in the wrong for letting me come to work with him in the first place? Part of me thinks that its quite common for kids to go their family-owned businesses, but still. It’s gotten to the point where these thoughts dominate my mind, and its very difficult to care about anything, since I feel like I’m dead anyway. I think its entirely possible that I’m overreacting, and this anxiety is brought on by the fact that I just graduated college and started my first job. Can someone please let me know what they think? Edit: I found some pictures of his shop so that you can see what the environment was like, for what its worth https://www.facebook.com/pg/Sudden-Impact-Autobody-INC-161287353937984/photos/?ref=page_internal
convinced going die visiting auto body shop hi everyone basically freaking thinking used visit estranged dad time growing summer imagine would gone given year probably went couple others none go work wash vacuum car answer phone sometimes wetsand however follow around back check employee let know customer waiting currently bc environment guy could good even though sanding painting rather large keep garage door open ventilation see building left think remember winter shut opened paint booth handful scream someone biggest fear wind getting cancer something line first stopping idea secondhand exposure stuff limited dust kid pretty much guarantee problem road typically require direct wrong letting come place part quite common family owned business still gotten point thought dominate mind difficult care anything since feel like dead anyway entirely possible overreacting anxiety brought fact graduated college started job please edit found picture worth
Is obsessive thought still anxiety? I have all kinds of thoughts all the time mostly worrisome and depressing and confusing. The doctor said due to my conditions that we won't start therapy any soon. I'm on antidepressants and anti-psychotics. I feel very confused and scared, I find it difficult to study. I get anxiety attacks but a major one only like every 2 days or so. Doctor gave me a vague diagnosis for depression and social anxiety and later stressed obsessive thinking. Doctor sighs but my thoughts don't stop.
obsessive thought still anxiety kind time mostly worrisome depressing confusing doctor said due condition start therapy soon antidepressant anti psychotic feel confused scared find difficult study get attack major one like every day gave vague diagnosis depression social later stressed thinking sigh stop
Moderately Negative
Public Presentation - University Has anyone been able to get out of a public presentation at a university? I would prefer to have an alternative assignment instead of the presentation. I just can’t stand them. How would I phrase an email to my professor requesting this without mentioning my diagnosis for anxiety and depression? Has anyone had a situation like this? What’d you do? I reallyyy can’t stand speeches. I’ve had far too many bad experiences and nearly faint each time.
public presentation university anyone able get would prefer alternative assignment instead stand phrase email professor requesting without mentioning diagnosis anxiety depression situation like reallyyy speech far many bad experience nearly faint time
Some random anxieties that I’m wondering if other people have 1. Afraid of questions/every time someone asks you a question you shut down and panic 2. Afraid of people going through anything you own ( even if you have nothing to hide) 3. Afraid of leaving the house whatsoever 4. Afraid of talking to anyone who is a parental figure about anything Mainly curious about #1 and #2 cause I’ve never heard anything like it
random anxiety wondering people afraid question every time someone asks shut panic going anything even nothing hide leaving house whatsoever talking anyone parental figure mainly curious cause never heard like
Moderately Negative
I'm finally making progress. I'm really excited about it and I wanted to share it with you guys! I've had anxiety for about 8 years now. I never went to a therapist because I thought I could handle it on my own, which was partly true.. in the beginning. Somewhere along the line it got so much worse and I was tired of fighting and getting nowhere. So I found a psychiatrist, and he put me on Zoloft for everyday, Klonopin as needed, & Ambien every night for my severe insomnia. So for a little backstory, I've always had driving anxiety. I got my license when I was 16 (I'm 20 now), but I never really got comfortable driving. But I was at a good point in my life mentally and somehow got a job and was driving myself to and from work everyday in LA traffic! The drive was about 35 minutes from where I lived at the time, and I was completely comfortable driving. I didn't think I'd ever be able to say that! However, things didn't really work out at my job, so I decided to resign. Since I wasn't going to work everyday, I didn't really have anywhere to drive to so it wasn't a routine thing anymore. I also moved about an hour away from where I grew up, so being in a new environment, not knowing the streets, etc. really made me afraid of driving. I moved out here March 2017, and only drove twice on the streets with my mom in the car to the store and felt so uncomfortable and filled with anxiety the entire time. Around November is when I decided to go for therapy. I started my medication, and I noticed it working because I no longer had a panic attack at the mere THOUGHT of driving. so March 16, 2018, my brother (who also suffers from anxiety, especially with driving too) drove us to the mall. I felt that if he could get the courage to drive, and on the freeway at that, I could too! So when we were walking out of the mall I told him I'll drive, and I did it! I was super comfortable and it felt good to be gaining some type of independence back. And yesterday, March 21, I drove myself to my doctor's appointment! I'm really proud of myself. This may seem small to some people, but this is huuuuge for me. I just wanted to share this with all of you, and I hope you all are making progress towards your goals as well :)
finally making progress really excited wanted share guy anxiety year never went therapist thought could handle partly true beginning somewhere along line got much worse tired fighting getting nowhere found psychiatrist put zoloft everyday klonopin needed ambien every night severe insomnia little backstory always driving license comfortable good point life mentally somehow job work la traffic drive minute lived time completely think ever able say however thing decided resign since going anywhere routine anymore also moved hour away grew new environment knowing street etc made afraid march drove twice mom car store felt uncomfortable filled entire around november go therapy started medication noticed working longer panic attack mere brother suffers especially u mall get courage freeway walking told super gaining type independence back yesterday doctor appointment proud may seem small people huuuuge hope towards goal well
Alcohol and anxiety? Hey guys, I have a medicine that gives me a pretty bad anxiety in the evenings and usually when I take it, I don’t drink alcohol so if i know I’m going out that day, i don’t eat the medicine but on friday I’ll have to take the medicine and later that day me and some friends are going out drinking. What will happen with the anxiety? Will it disappear? Will it be delayes? Will i have anxiety and be drunk at the same time? NOTE, I dont get anxious without this medicine.
alcohol anxiety hey guy medicine give pretty bad evening usually take drink know going day eat friday later friend drinking happen disappear delayes drunk time note dont get anxious without
Moderately Negative
I'm too afraid to eat - Eating disorder or anxiety? So recently my anxiety started getting the best of me again. I'm having huuuge anxiety about eating. It all started when I tried intervall fasting. Big mistake. I got out of my normal eating habits and started eating way less. A week in I had gastritis. It was pretty bad, I had strong stomach cramps and was very dizzy for a few days before I went to the doctor. She gave me some medication and told me to be careful about what I eat. So I was. For 1,5 Weeks I ate very carefully (mostly rice, crackers and yogurt). Then I tried to get back to my normal eating habits. But that didn't quite work out. I tried eating a chocolate cookie and had a very bad burning sensation on my tongue. Same happened when I tried eating salmon the next day, or strawberry jam the next one. I decided to stick with what I was eating while I was sick because I was afraid it might be an allergic reaction. But the next time I ate, I had a very strong headache and got pretty scared. I also had the feeling that my throat was swelling, so I called an ambulance. By the time the ambulance arrived, I was okay. I believe that it might have been a panic attack. They checked all my vitals and I was fine. But they convinced me to still go to the E. R. because even though my mouth and throat looked okay, they thought my neck was swollen. So I went in, and even though I wasn't having further problems they gave me a cortizon shot and antihistamins and told me to take this allergic reaction serious. And now I'm really afraid to eat. My gastritis started again and I just feel generally so afraid to eat that I don't think it will get better if I continue like this. I went in for allergy testing and I have to wait 4 weeks for the results. I'm afraid I will have some serious vitamin and mineral deficiencies by then since it will be nearly 2 months without eating normal food. And now I'm also afraid of eating the little variations of food I have eaten in the last few weeks (rice, oats) because I'm afraid that they might be bad. I found something black and soft in my rice today and now I can't get myself to eat it because I'm afraid it might be mold. I just have no idea what to do about this, mostly since the doctors I talked to didn't really consider the whole context I was in and I don't know where to go, since the therapist I talked to said that I'll have to wait for my allergy testing and the doctors I talked to just told me to sleep more or prescribed some drugs. I would really appreciate it if you have some kind words, resources where I can get more information about how to deal with this (like everything, from how to deal with this type of anxiety or what would be okay to try to eat), or some idea to whom I could talk to. I really hope that my health doesn't get worse.
afraid eat eating disorder anxiety recently started getting best huuuge tried intervall fasting big mistake got normal habit way le week gastritis pretty bad strong stomach cramp dizzy day went doctor gave medication told careful ate carefully mostly rice cracker yogurt get back quite work chocolate cookie burning sensation tongue happened salmon next strawberry jam one decided stick sick might allergic reaction time headache scared also feeling throat swelling called ambulance arrived okay believe panic attack checked vitals fine convinced still go even though mouth looked thought neck swollen problem cortizon shot antihistamins take serious really feel generally think better continue like allergy testing wait result vitamin mineral deficiency since nearly month without food little variation eaten last oat found something black soft today mold idea talked consider whole context know therapist said sleep prescribed drug would appreciate kind word resource information deal everything type try could talk hope health worse
Moderately Positive
Anxiety and muscle tension I've had a problem with anxiety and tension for years and I'm not sure why. Around 10 years ago when I was in my early 20s I had some anxiety and I consciously tensed up my muscles in response and have never gotten back to normal. This has caused a bunch of problems physically with the most important part being that it makes my breathing very shallow. I've had this problem for 10 years and I've gone back and forth so many times about whether this is a physical problem that I need to fix or a mental one. I feel very confident that I can overcome the issue as long as I can figure out what the root cause is. I've gone to multiple doctors who can never diagnose my problem which makes me think it is mental. One thing I've realized recently is that I am constantly tensing my muscles in one area of my body or another. I tried to manually keep them relaxed and then I notice that my breathing gets better and I feel better but once I stop consciously doing this things go back to normal. It seems like anxiety can cause muscle tension and affect people differently who suffer from this. My assumption is that I have very consistent anxiety from something that I've become so accustomed to that I don't realize it isn't "normal" anymore. It makes sense to me that anxiety should be related to a cause that you're passionate about since that's what you would focus on more and I think that's my weight for me. I'm not fat but I'm heavier than I want to be and I do have a bit of a belly that I'm very self conscious about. I notice it all the time when I'm sitting in meetings or walking or pretty much doing anything. I tried to actively not suck in my stomach or try to hide it but I didn't feel like that made a huge difference. The approach I've taken lately is ignoring my stomach size altogether and I've been feeling better since doing that. Do you guys think I'm on the right track? Does what I'm thinking make sense? Do you have any other ideas for what my problem could be? I'd appreciate any help because this has been a big mystery to me and I really want to get better.
anxiety muscle tension problem year sure around ago early consciously tensed response never gotten back normal caused bunch physically important part make breathing shallow gone forth many time whether physical need fix mental one feel confident overcome issue long figure root cause multiple doctor diagnose think thing realized recently constantly tensing area body another tried manually keep relaxed notice get better stop go seems like affect people differently suffer assumption consistent something become accustomed realize anymore sense related passionate since would focus weight fat heavier want bit belly self conscious sitting meeting walking pretty much anything actively suck stomach try hide made huge difference approach taken lately ignoring size altogether feeling guy right track thinking idea could appreciate help big mystery really
Moderately Positive
Nothing phases me It's weird to explain it. Living seems a daily chore that gets harder and harder. But death is also something that makes me equally scared, of course. I'm still stuck in the middle. I feel like I am not fully committed to anything. I just don't care, life just feel like it's on auto-pilot and I'm just being dragged along for the ride that I don't wanna be on. Nothing phases me, nothing makes me feel one way or another. ​ (Not sure if any of this made any sense, idk these were just my thoughts this morning, sorry!)
nothing phase weird explain living seems daily chore get harder death also something make equally scared course still stuck middle feel like fully committed anything care life auto pilot dragged along ride wanna one way another sure made sense idk thought morning sorry
Moderately Negative
Had a really shitty panic attack last night over school. I’ve got a shit ton of work due Friday that I let get out of hand, and when I went to tackle more of it yesterday I had a really bad panic attack, and a spout of derealization. I’m still fucked up today over it and don’t know what to do.
really shitty panic attack last night school got shit ton work due friday let get hand went tackle yesterday bad spout derealization still fucked today know
Moderately Negative
My anxiety has always caused paranoia and major jealousy issues for me, but tonight... I recently had bloodwork that stated that my thyroid levels were ridiculously high. One of the signs of this is, among other things, anxiety. I’ve struggled really badly with anxiety for as long as I can remember. I found that my most anxious moments were when I felt insecure which lead to paranoia and jealousy, which has honestly been a consistent problem in my relationship with my husband. I’d often find myself upset about things that I knew weren’t rational, and things that I didn’t want to be upset by, but I was. Since starting my medication, I’ve noticed that I haven’t been anxious in situations that used to leave me a wreck, but it hadn’t been enough to allow myself to feel good about it. Until tonight. My husband brought something up and my mind jumped, as it does, you know? And at first I was upset. And then I started talking to him about it, and we talked it out and got myself to the point of understanding and genuinely believing there was nothing for me to be upset about. And when we moved on from the conversation, I had told him that I wasn’t upset and I genuinely meant it. I knew I wasn’t just saying it to move on, only to be upset later. I felt good. I didn’t feel crazy, for the first time in so long. And so I cried. I’ve wanted to be able to do this for so long, and it genuinely feels so good to be able to work through something in the moment and not feel crazy in the end. God. It’s genuinely such an insanely good feeling.
anxiety always caused paranoia major jealousy issue tonight recently bloodwork stated thyroid level ridiculously high one sign among thing struggled really badly long remember found anxious moment felt insecure lead honestly consistent problem relationship husband often find upset knew rational want since starting medication noticed situation used leave wreck enough allow feel good brought something mind jumped know first started talking talked got point understanding genuinely believing nothing moved conversation told meant saying move later crazy time cried wanted able work end god insanely feeling
I’m going to a psychiatrist for the first time tomorrow to get medication. Any advice? I’m a first year college student and I’ve started to panic simply by engaging in discussion about classes. I also am paranoid often and struggle to leave my dorm to pee...😂 I know it’s ridiculous
going psychiatrist first time tomorrow get medication advice year college student started panic simply engaging discussion class also paranoid often struggle leave dorm pee know ridiculous
Moderately Positive
Manual breathing I have been struggling with anxiety for as long as I can remember. As a child I would pace my family room in order to calm down emotionally. I would be playing in a school soccer match and have paralyzing fear strike me in the middle of the game. I would get extremely nauseous while on car trips and have to pull over to a turnpike gas station… As a teenager I was formally evaluated and diagnosed as having an anxiety disorder. This was my first experience with a SSRI. Fast forward nearly 20 years and I am still on them. The issues I have been experiencing lately are related to breath and a fear that I will stop breathing and not being about to get out of the situation. Manual breathing. Right? How to stop these thoughts? My mind warps and I blame my medicine. Maybe I should increase the dosage. Maybe lower it. Maybe it is wearing off? Weaning myself off my current medication isn’t an idea I wish to entertain. Call the local therapists office and I can’t get an appointment for many weeks. The former therapist I used to see there went to a bigger city and I have been back since he left. Going to work lately has been hard. Need to do it. Have to do it.
manual breathing struggling anxiety long remember child would pace family room order calm emotionally playing school soccer match paralyzing fear strike middle game get extremely nauseous car trip pull turnpike gas station teenager formally evaluated diagnosed disorder first experience ssri fast forward nearly year still issue experiencing lately related breath stop situation right thought mind warp blame medicine maybe increase dosage lower wearing weaning current medication idea wish entertain call local therapist office appointment many week former used see went bigger city back since left going work hard need
Meditation is making me anxious I do a couple sessions a day on headspace. Just opening the app gets my heart racing. The silence, I can’t run from my worries or drown them out. It’s torture. Just me and my mind. How long until it gets easier? I’m about two days in right now and it’s my most dreaded part of the day.
meditation making anxious couple session day headspace opening app get heart racing silence run worry drown torture mind long easier two right dreaded part
Intrusive thoughts I’ve always struggled with my mental health but after over 10 years I’ve learnt how to cope and get by until recently. About a week ago I started getting really negative intrusive thoughts and they won’t stop. It’s almost constant and its really affecting my day to day life, they even trigger me when I’m in work (which is normally a good distraction) I’ve been having anxiety fuelled nightmares every night and it’s physically and emotionally exhausting. They’re always about my general anxieties e.g. my relationship, my job, my appearance. I’m in my mid twenties, I don’t know why this has started so suddenly? I really just want to make it stop.
intrusive thought always struggled mental health year learnt cope get recently week ago started getting really negative stop almost constant affecting day life even trigger work normally good distraction anxiety fuelled nightmare every night physically emotionally exhausting general relationship job appearance mid twenty know suddenly want make
Normal med side effects? Hi everyone, I posted on here last week to get opinions on Effexor as I was starting it and needed some reassurance. Fast forward to now and I’m taking 37.5 mg of Effexor each day. Today is day 3. I’m also still weaning off Zoloft- my doctor has me taking 50 mg every other day. She said I can discontinue it then next week but I may take 25 mg every other day for a week instead before stopping, just to make it a little easier on myself. Since I started Effexor, I’ve been keeping track of side effects and this is what I’ve noticed so far- (1/3) Day 1: very tired for several hours, nausea, surge of energy and jittery, shaky, lightheaded, hot and cold flashes (1/4) Day 2: nausea, upset/sour stomach, tired for an hour or two, hot and cold flashes, poor appetite, heartburn/acid reflux (1/5) Day 3: took 2 hours late- mild heartburn/acid reflux, stomach ache/gassy, nausea, headache, some nervousness, The nausea, stomach upset, and headache/lightheadedness is most concerning to me and I was wondering if this is a normal side effect? My doctor said it’s okay for me to take Dramamine so I’ve been taking that each day and it helps so so much, I just notice these symptoms when it wears off and some of the nausea is still there through the day. I’m just wondering if I’ll deal with these symptoms forever now or if they’ll wear off...I notice my anxiety isn’t nearly as bad today, it’s just physically feeling like crap I don’t enjoy.
normal med side effect hi everyone posted last week get opinion effexor starting needed reassurance fast forward taking mg day today also still weaning zoloft doctor every said discontinue next may take instead stopping make little easier since started keeping track noticed far tired several hour nausea surge energy jittery shaky lightheaded hot cold flash upset sour stomach two poor appetite heartburn acid reflux took late mild ache gassy headache nervousness lightheadedness concerning wondering okay dramamine help much notice symptom wear deal forever anxiety nearly bad physically feeling like crap enjoy
Moderately Negative
Is this normal?? So I had what I think was a really bad panic attack a while back and I'm wondering if it's happened to anyone else?? Pretty much what happened is a felt like I couldn't quite take in a deep breath.. Like, it didn't hit the satisfactory point that would naturally change to breathing out (if that makes sense??) so I felt I had to keep yawning to try and reach that point, but I couldn't yawn either.. It was so bad the first night, my husband took me to Emerg at 2am. The doctors gave me air, but said that my oxygen levels were perfectly normal.. After a long night there, they put me on steroids for my lungs and after a week, i says able to breathe properly again... This has happened to me before, waking me up in the middle of the night but had never lasted more than an hour.. Has anyone ever heard of this or experienced it??
normal think really bad panic attack back wondering happened anyone else pretty much felt like quite take deep breath hit satisfactory point would naturally change breathing make sense keep yawning try reach yawn either first night husband took emerg doctor gave air said oxygen level perfectly long put steroid lung week say able breathe properly waking middle never lasted hour ever heard experienced
Moderately Positive
The waiting When i wake up i play the waiting game. Is this gonna start right away or will I feel like normal for a few hours and then the feelings creep in. Am I hungry or this the beginning and I'm feeling the weight starting on my chest. Ughhh the feelings that this anxiety causes me.
waiting wake play game gonna start right away feel like normal hour feeling creep hungry beginning weight starting chest ughhh anxiety cause
Passing out at my doctors office made my panic attacks come back after 3 years I am a 19 year old female and I got diagnosed with GAD, panic disorder and agoraphobia in 2012. I had panic attacks every single day and I was never NOT nervous, I had to start homeschooling because of it. I got it under control in late 2015 when I got a job, I still had panic attacks here and there but I could actually leave my house at this point without freaking out. I still get very nervous and feel it physically but I haven’t had one of my full blown panic attacks since 2016. Let me note that a full blown panic attack for me is ALL of the following; a racing heart, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, finger numbness, and vomiting, i’ve learned to tolerate anything else/ a combo of a few of these symptoms. But, January 21st I got my blood drawn at my doctors office which resulted in me briefly losing consciousness but the build up felt so long and awful. Since then I have had three full blown panic attacks and a LOT of mini ones which is really bad for me, I’m afraid of passing out and not waking up, passing out while driving, passing out alone and having no one to help me, or passing out in public. My doctor requested more blood work (for bone pain I have) and I refused due to anxiety which just made the situation with him awkward. I went back to my doctors office today for allergy testing but I ended up having a full on panic attack (throwing up in the office) because I was afraid of being asked for more blood work AND I didn’t eat before going so I already felt lightheaded which didn’t help. What do I do to get over my fear of passing out? I honestly don’t know what I did to overcome my bigger panic attacks in the first place so ANY advice is welcome. TL;DR: I’ve had panic attacks since 2012 but I’ve been able to control them since 2016, then in late January I passed out at my doctors office and it triggered a whole new fear in me and has made my anxiety come back full force. What do I do to get my attacks under control again?
passing doctor office made panic attack come back year old female got diagnosed gad disorder agoraphobia every single day never nervous start homeschooling control late job still could actually leave house point without freaking get feel physically one full blown since let note following racing heart shortness breath lightheadedness finger numbness vomiting learned tolerate anything else combo symptom january st blood drawn resulted briefly losing consciousness build felt long awful three lot mini really bad afraid waking driving alone help public requested work bone pain refused due anxiety situation awkward went today allergy testing ended throwing asked eat going already lightheaded fear honestly know overcome bigger first place advice welcome tl dr able passed triggered whole new force
I don't know how to cope with the paranoia. Constantly all day I worry about someone breaking into my house, and raping me day or night. I worry about suddenly dying any second, and other shit like that. My mom is usually the person that helps me calm down, but for financial reasons my mom needs about 3 or 4 jobs,(I would work if I could) and one of them might require her to work a job that requires her to go in at 5 pm leave at 11 pm. I can cope without her, but barely. She then expects me to go to bed right when she gets home while I have been freaking out all day, and she won't have enough energy to help me calm down even if I am having a panic attack. I am not trying to make my mom look bad she is amazing, but pragmatically this will lead to disaster mainly because she won't let me sleep by myself because I could have a psychotic break again, so then the pressure is on me to go to sleep within an hour while I have been freaking out for the past 3 hours or so. I also have insomnia, and pressure to sleep quickly just makes it 5 times worse. I won't be able to sleep, and then she will say we will be homeless because of that. She has a ridiculous plan, and after having an argument with me I think she realizes this now, and she has told me she is trying to find another job. The problem is still there that I have to cope without here while she works. My paranoia is, so painful that it makes me feel suicidal sometimes. I don't feel truly suicidal anymore, but still. I already tried to kill myself once because of my paranoia. Constantly reasoning myself out of my paranoia is exhausting, and very painful. It is maddening. Does anybody know how to decrease the pain?
know cope paranoia constantly day worry someone breaking house raping night suddenly dying second shit like mom usually person help calm financial reason need job would work could one might require requires go pm leave without barely expects bed right get home freaking enough energy even panic attack trying make look bad amazing pragmatically lead disaster mainly let sleep psychotic break pressure within hour past also insomnia quickly time worse able say homeless ridiculous plan argument think realizes told find another problem still painful feel suicidal sometimes truly anymore already tried kill reasoning exhausting maddening anybody decrease pain
Moderately Negative
I just had an anxiety attack. I always thought people were exaggerating I'm at some sort of party, and I wanted to dance, but within a few moments of standing at the side I immediately started feeling extremely nauseous. I sat back down and almost threw up while basically hyperventilating because I couldn't breathe right. I'm still shaking right now. I want to get better as social things, but it's a vicious downwards cycle.
anxiety attack always thought people exaggerating sort party wanted dance within moment standing side immediately started feeling extremely nauseous sat back almost threw basically hyperventilating breathe right still shaking want get better social thing vicious downwards cycle
Moderately Negative
How can I overcome my anxiety when I’m going to present in front of the classroom? I actually don’t have anxiety in general, I can easily talk to a group of people normally. However, when I have to talk in front of everyone in the classroom in my high school, my heart start beating hard and I get scared if they couldn’t understand what I’m trying to say. I guess you could count that as anxiety. I was hoping if you can help me out on how I can overcome my worries when I’m going to present in front of my classroom? I’m just going to present about my slideshow.
overcome anxiety going present front classroom actually general easily talk group people normally however everyone high school heart start beating hard get scared understand trying say guess could count hoping help worry slideshow
Moderately Positive
Tips for forgiving self for being moody? I’m really embarrassed about a recent trip I took with my husband to see his parents. It went ok or was even good at some points. But when it got bad it felt *really bad*, almost traumatic. I felt waves of wanting to escape and run away. because of internal issues that I’ve been facing lately in intensive therapy, I did not sleep well for three days. And lack of sleep heightens my moodiness even to the point of being very anxious/depressed. It felt like there was a darkness I’ve never encountered before and it was kinda scary. I was warned by the therapist that this may happen bc we are doing trauma therapy that tends to make things worse before better. The parents have known me for years and I suppose that there is forgiveness for being a bit weird or unpleasant. At the same time, I feel really awful and sick each time I think about it. The worst thing I did was wake up and go for a walk while others were out socializing in the great room, and seemed antisocial again. And I prob seemed very sad at one pint when I was close to tears but stayed in the other room. Nothing awful but just out of character, and unpleasant, like not being as positive as normal. I knew his mom could tell I was feeling a bit sad bc she often makes jokes or seems more focused on me which is embarrassing and unnecessary. I don’t want to be a black sheep who is unwelcome, or the odd one out. It hurts. I’ve screwed up a lot socially. It’s embarrassing to be an emotionally unbalanced person who others cannot always trust, even though my heart is in the right place I think. One thing I did well was listen and try to smile a lot, go with the flow and laugh at jokes (I laugh a lot). I tried to speak up and give people space. I try to be friendly and positive. How do you forgive yourself for past moments of being a bit crazy or unbalanced? Maybe people can’t tell that much, but maybe there are opportunities to apologize. I may have to suck it up, rely on new meds, and accept the hard reality that mental illness is off putting to others even if it hurts me more than them.
tip forgiving self moody really embarrassed recent trip took husband see parent went ok even good point got bad felt almost traumatic wave wanting escape run away internal issue facing lately intensive therapy sleep well three day lack heightens moodiness anxious depressed like darkness never encountered kinda scary warned therapist may happen bc trauma tends make thing worse better known year suppose forgiveness bit weird unpleasant time feel awful sick think worst wake go walk others socializing great room seemed antisocial prob sad one pint close tear stayed nothing character positive normal knew mom could tell feeling often joke seems focused embarrassing unnecessary want black sheep unwelcome odd hurt screwed lot socially emotionally unbalanced person cannot always trust though heart right place listen try smile flow laugh tried speak give people space friendly forgive past moment crazy maybe much opportunity apologize suck rely new med accept hard reality mental illness putting
Moderately Negative
Panic vs Anxiety attacks? I need help dissecting this! I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but in what way are panic attacks different from anxiety attacks? Or are they the same? Because I think I've only had one panic attack in my life, considering all I have read about them -- I wasn't able to move, my heart was racing, I thought I was going to die, I felt terrified and despite being in the room with someone I couldn't say anything. It passed and I fell asleep, but everything was different in the morning. I have concluded that this was probably derealization; it lasted for 6 months or so until it subsided. It was truly awful. That was 6 or 7 years ago and I haven't experienced those things since. On the other hand, I am a very anxious person and mainly am triggered by social situations, in addition to food/eating and a few other things. I have intense anxiety every single day in a variety of situations. I dread going places, dread seeing people, so much dread and fear in my life all the time for such minuscule things. When I feel these moments of 'dread', they feel different than the 'panic attack' that I think I had. I tend to feel very scared, I have a terrible feeling of dread in my stomach and chest, my mind is racing and I have an extreme inability to focus. What are all of your experiences? I just want to know exactly what is happening to me, and whether I'm right to call it anxiety or panic attacks, because I feel like I invalidate lots of people by saying I have 'panic attacks' when I really don't even know if that's the right term. Thanks for listening and reading!
panic v anxiety attack need help dissecting sorry stupid question way different think one life considering read able move heart racing thought going die felt terrified despite room someone say anything passed fell asleep everything morning concluded probably derealization lasted month subsided truly awful year ago experienced thing since hand anxious person mainly triggered social situation addition food eating intense every single day variety dread place seeing people much fear time minuscule feel moment tend scared terrible feeling stomach chest mind extreme inability focus experience want know exactly happening whether right call like invalidate lot saying really even term thanks listening reading
Moderately Negative
The uncontrollable scares me Not knowing, not controlling are horrifying concepts to me. Is there a way to combat this efficiently? The only option is to accept it or try to and understand it which could be impossible
uncontrollable scare knowing controlling horrifying concept way combat efficiently option accept try understand could impossible
Successfully overcame anxiety today! Hello all! Been lurking on this sub for a while, but I was feeling on top of the world today and wanted to share! My wife and I got a letter in the mail yesterday that our state taxes from 2016 were audited, and we owed a bunch more money. Instantly my anxiety kicked in and I could feel my blood pressure rising. My wife tasked me with reaching out to the folks who did our taxes that year to argue with them that since they messed up we shouldn't have to pay. I'm AWFUL at confrontation and conflict, and I HATE it, but with my job it's easier for me to get away for a few minutes to make a personal phone call during the day. Well, I was getting more and more anxious about it until I finally told myself "fuck it, I'm calling now. The more I wait the longer I'm gonna sit here and stew on it". It ended up working out in an acceptable compromise, and my wife actually said "You did really well handling that and I'm proud of you". THAT made me feel like king of the world! I'm still learning how to deal with anxiety and this is the first time I've conquered it in a HEALTHY way that my wife even acknowledged! It feels really good and I wanted to share! Best of luck to everyone else out there, and know that you CAN do it! Just keep on keepin' on!
successfully overcame anxiety today hello lurking sub feeling top world wanted share wife got letter mail yesterday state tax audited owed bunch money instantly kicked could feel blood pressure rising tasked reaching folk year argue since messed pay awful confrontation conflict hate job easier get away minute make personal phone call day well getting anxious finally told fuck calling wait longer gonna sit stew ended working acceptable compromise actually said really handling proud made like king still learning deal first time conquered healthy way even acknowledged good best luck everyone else know keep keepin
Moderately Positive
Health anxiety in high gear, talk me down please I am 46. I have battled health anxiety since I was 19. I had a major episode when I was 19, again at about 28, then at 38, and now I've been hit again. These have lasted months but I've managed to get them under control with time. The last episode when I was 38 was pretty bad. I had this feeling that I had to go to the bathroom all the time and just pain and discomfort all in the groin area. This lasted about 5 months and I went to numerous urologists, pelvic therapists, and GI's without any diagnosis. Recently, I went to the Gastro on Dec 20th to get a checkup for constipation and he noticed I had 3 internal hemorroids. There is a banding technique they do in the office so he did the banding on 1 of the hemorroids. I felt crappy for about 3 days but everything was fine until last week. The scary thing about this banding technique was that the side effect for a couple of days matched the same issues I had when I was 38. For whatever reason, just last week, I started having this discomfort again, feeling like I have to go to the bathroom, etc. I haven't completely gone off the rails but there are times when I feel like I want to run away from myself and I feel the fight or flight kicking in. You'd think after these episodes and the fact that I'm 46, that I would have learned to cope with this better... I feel like I may be coping better than last time but time will tell...
health anxiety high gear talk please battled since major episode hit lasted month managed get control time last pretty bad feeling go bathroom pain discomfort groin area went numerous urologist pelvic therapist gi without diagnosis recently gastro dec th checkup constipation noticed internal hemorroids banding technique office felt crappy day everything fine week scary thing side effect couple matched issue whatever reason started like etc completely gone rail feel want run away fight flight kicking think fact would learned cope better may coping tell
Help me deal with online friend that has anxiety and autism and used to have depression So I have this friend online and out of concern I do try to help but he always just gets mad and leaves. It might be how I say things I don't know but it can get annoying for me he also doesn't get jokes sometimes and takes them seriously and I havento almost beg and plead so he knows it's not a joke when it's not my fault he saw us in a bad way if u understand what I mean. He lives in a place where they take care of people with that kind of issues and I don't wanna be mean but i think they do baby him a bit he isn't depressed anymore he said it himself but has autism and anxiety and I'm troubled by the thought that sometimes he might use the anxiety and autism as an excuse for other things he does. One time I asked about that place and he said they like make his laundry and buy him groceries and will get him an apartment for free when he gets out. To that he said that they do that because he can't make a routine out of things but like isn't everyone? Today he was starving himself because there was no more food and they were going to bring groceries tomorrow. I asked why he can't go buy something even maybe for the machines so he doesn't have to talk to anyone and he said he cannot because of anxiety like it might be mean but I don't think me as an introvert for example I don't enjoy doing that either but he is 21 I believe and he will have to do it someday. Everyday I try to make him do these small steps he sulks and leaves its just that I don't like the thought of them baby them too much when he is doing better now. I wanted to get some opinions because I don't really understand if autism is part of u and your personality or just an external problem that u can't really control. If needed I'll explain myself better.
help deal online friend anxiety autism used depression concern try always get mad leaf might say thing know annoying also joke sometimes take seriously havento almost beg plead fault saw u bad way understand mean life place care people kind issue wanna think baby bit depressed anymore said troubled thought use excuse one time asked like make laundry buy grocery apartment free routine everyone today starving food going bring tomorrow go something even maybe machine talk anyone cannot introvert example enjoy either believe someday everyday small step sulk much better wanted opinion really part personality external problem control needed explain
Moderately Negative
Past traumatic relationship issues surfacing now? Hi Everyone, Not sure where to begin. I have always had anxiety and some GAD. About 6 years ago I got out of an emotionally abusive relationship. Everything started out wonderfully, I became friends with the family, met the relatives, etc. All was great. Then the emotional abuse started and years later things ended. It was hell on earth. I spent weeks at a time curled up in a ball with my stomach so full of knots I thought I wouldn’t make it. I worried about everything. Fast forward to now. I’ve made some new friends where I moved and I went on vacation with one of them last week. This is a friend, nothing more, but I am really close with them. Probably the closest I have been with someone in a while. I met some of the family, siblings while I was there. It was great. I always over think what I say and when I got home I started to worry that maybe I acted weird and my friend would pull away or something. I started overanalyzing everything I said and how I talked about how glad I was we were close. Was I weirding them out? Pushing them away? Would they start ignoring me when we returned home to our normal lives? Then it hit when I got home Saturday. I had panic and anxiety like I did back when I was being “dumped” one of the multiple times by my emotionally abusive ex. It felt like the sky looked the same, the days were the same....it just flooded through me when I got home. I had flashbacks of meeting my ex’s family and how last week I met my friend’s family and then the pain of how much it hurt when I had to disconnect from my ex’s siblings. I literally felt like I couldn’t breathe. I keep over analyzing every conversation we have through text or email and nothing that my friend said triggered this, but I keep looking for the negatives in everything now. It’s like I’m waiting to feel those same feelings I did when I was left before. It’s terrifying to feel these emotions and physical pains again. Maybe meeting the family triggered pain from meeting my ex’s family because some of it was similar. My friend lives a few towns over, so we don’t see other but a few times a month. What am I doing to myself? I don’t want to bring it up because I will sound just bizarre because I know this is all in my own head. I am generally anxious but this coming back and these replicated feeling I had years ago is really scary. If anyone has some suggestions on how to get past this or experience with something like this, I would love some advice. Did I trigger some sort of post traumatic stress? I just want to feel normal again and not like I am waiting for something terrible to happen.
past traumatic relationship issue surfacing hi everyone sure begin always anxiety gad year ago got emotionally abusive everything started wonderfully became friend family met relative etc great emotional abuse later thing ended hell earth spent week time curled ball stomach full knot thought make worried fast forward made new moved went vacation one last nothing really close probably closest someone sibling think say home worry maybe acted weird would pull away something overanalyzing said talked glad weirding pushing start ignoring returned normal life hit saturday panic like back dumped multiple ex felt sky looked day flooded flashback meeting pain much hurt disconnect literally breathe keep analyzing every conversation text email triggered looking negative waiting feel feeling left terrifying emotion physical similar town see month want bring sound bizarre know head generally anxious coming replicated scary anyone suggestion get experience love advice trigger sort post stress terrible happen
Moderately Positive
I Feel Like I can't breathe when I'm anxious- What Can I Do? I've had issues with anxiety in the past, but for the last year or so I feel like my stress and anxiety are within a normal range. Lately I've had trouble breathing, heart palpitations and sometimes chest pain, and taking Xanax helps (I have some left over from an old prescription). My problem here is that even though my anxiety is not bad enough to interfere with my life, the breathing issues are. Additionally, the only reason I even still have Xanax is because it makes me feel high and I can't get anything done- and I'm really only anxious when I have a lot to do! Does anyone have any advice on breathing techniques or another medication to look into that could help the physical effects of anxiety without affecting me mentally? btw, I'm definitely not having panic attacks- I've had them before and its different. This is a low level awareness that I can't get enough air that can last all day. There will be little episodes as well where I get so frustrated by it that I nearly hyperventilate- that's when I feel like I have to take Xanax. But the only thing I'm "panicking" about when this happens is the panic of not being able to breathe.
feel like breathe anxious issue anxiety past last year stress within normal range lately trouble breathing heart palpitation sometimes chest pain taking xanax help left old prescription problem even though bad enough interfere life additionally reason still make high get anything done really lot anyone advice technique another medication look could physical effect without affecting mentally btw definitely panic attack different low level awareness air day little episode well frustrated nearly hyperventilate take thing panicking happens able
Moderately Negative
It cleared up and I was okay but. On Monday I was thinking about humans and how the brain works and it tripped me out I got worried that because I was thinking about how the brain works that I would lose sleep and I did. That night was bad just like last time. Also yesterday my sleep was bad I woke up like every hour of the night just like last time. I got kind of scared like I did last time but this time I think that this is fake life which is absurd but I just think about it then get really scared then I think rationally then calm down.
cleared okay monday thinking human brain work tripped got worried would lose sleep night bad like last time also yesterday woke every hour kind scared think fake life absurd get really rationally calm
Good effort So I’ve been diagnosed with GAD for a little over a year now. It’s a daily obstacle but I’m striving and with the help of my loved ones who I adore so much, I have the strength to keep going. I started a new job this week and it’s been quite stressful. From learning everything quick to absorbing how fast paced the job is has been a lot. But I really like it so I’m glad I am a part of the team. My boss coordinated a bowling event and it was this evening and I was hesitant in going at first. One because I’m brand spanking new and I don’t know anyone and two because I couldn’t bring anyone to make me feel more comfortable. I went because this is the opportunity to get to know everyone and to see them in a different setting than the office. It was 45 of us and I never really cared for bowling (but I made a strike and I’m so happy for that!) I was pretty anxious all throughout though but I’m glad I went. Sorry if this seems like a ramble but I took this opportunity of something completely different and even though there was anxiety right there hovering over me, it was still nice to be part of this group of new people and the next step in my career.
good effort diagnosed gad little year daily obstacle striving help loved one adore much strength keep going started new job week quite stressful learning everything quick absorbing fast paced lot really like glad part team bos coordinated bowling event evening hesitant first brand spanking know anyone two bring make feel comfortable went opportunity get everyone see different setting office u never cared made strike happy pretty anxious throughout though sorry seems ramble took something completely even anxiety right hovering still nice group people next step career
Moderately Positive
Do you feel like life is short? There's never been a phrase that worries me more than "Life is short" do you guys agree with that notion?
feel like life short never phrase worry guy agree notion
Does anyone know the solution to anxiety that makes your head all tired and slow? I know what it is, its the adrenaline rush that goes through your head when you're nervous, how do I make it stop? Its making me really slow mentally
anyone know solution anxiety make head tired slow adrenaline rush go nervous stop making really mentally
Moderately Negative
Abnormal symptoms? Hello everyone, I have the hardest time convincing myself that it's "just my anxiety". I feel like my anxiety has so much control over my state of being. I have GAD with somatic symptoms. I'm 29, been living with anxiety and panic attacks since 16. Suffered from anorexia and depression as a teen. Recently tried wellbutrin which I honestly feel intensified my symptoms. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to blackout and have a seizure. Sometimes I worry that I won't be able to move my legs or lift my arms. I worry that I'm losing my mind as my paternal aunt has schizophrenia and my mother had bipolar disorder. I feel like it's only a matter of time before this happens to me. I feel dizzy and worried about everything. What are some of your atypical symptoms? Has anyone experienced anything like this and been able to overcome it? I've tried so many things. Thank you...
abnormal symptom hello everyone hardest time convincing anxiety feel like much control state gad somatic living panic attack since suffered anorexia depression teen recently tried wellbutrin honestly intensified sometimes going blackout seizure worry able move leg lift arm losing mind paternal aunt schizophrenia mother bipolar disorder matter happens dizzy worried everything atypical anyone experienced anything overcome many thing thank
Moderately Positive
A line from a book that helps me a lot There’s a moment in Kenneth Oppel’s Firewing where the main character is told by his dad (who is a hero by this point) that bravery is “being scared and doing something anyway.” That idea that the difference between bravery and fearlessness is whether or not you were scared to do something in the first place has really bolstered my belief that anxious people who push back on their anxiety, especially when they’re totally confused by what their body is doing, are truly brave. So let’s be brave, folks.
line book help lot moment kenneth oppel firewing main character told dad hero point bravery scared something anyway idea difference fearlessness whether first place really bolstered belief anxious people push back anxiety especially totally confused body truly brave let folk
Moderately Positive
Constantly thinking about how people hurt me and other nasty stuff is making me resent my friends. Hi, so, I posted about this in /r/depression too, but I will post here. I hope the title doesn't cause anxiety. I've never understood what anxiety was, because for me, being worried 24/7 is the norm. But now I realise I have a problem. Long story short, these past months have been a mess, and I have been getting worse. I have been thinking about bad things that loved ones said to me, and I also remember that most of the time they never apologised to me, or at least acknowledged that they made me sad. I keep thinking about a conversation that happened via instant message years ago with my friend. I was feeling extremely sad and he got angry at me. I tried to forgive and forget but now, I cannot simply let it pass. Others have gotten angry at me for being "negative" and depressed, too. And it's not like I can control it. I'm starting to resent humans and kinda just want to stop contact forever with everyone. If this happens, I'll be ending a 7 year friendship and become even more lonely than I already am. But I feel like it's the only way for me to live.
constantly thinking people hurt nasty stuff making resent friend hi posted depression post hope title cause anxiety never understood worried norm realise problem long story short past month mess getting worse bad thing loved one said also remember time apologised least acknowledged made sad keep conversation happened via instant message year ago feeling extremely got angry tried forgive forget cannot simply let pas others gotten negative depressed like control starting human kinda want stop contact forever everyone happens ending friendship become even lonely already feel way live
Moderately Negative
Can anxiety affect your learning and grades? Im not in school at the moment, but I still have always been overambitious as a way to distract myself from my anxiety that I have had all my life and also feel rewarded when I would do well and understand something challenging. When I was in high school, I took hard classes, had decent grades but my test scores were not all too great. I aspired to get into an Ivy League and when I look back at it, it was incredibly silly and naive to aspire for that because I didn’t need to go to an Ivy League to know i can be successful. But I think in my mind at the time, I’d see the top kids in school all going to Harvard and Yale and thought I wanted that too. I didn’t get into any of those schools of course (I don’t think I applied to either but whatever ivy I applied to I got rejected) but I got into a school in a state one of my parents is in and got into a difficult program I wasn’t too happy with but felt I wasn’t smart enough to leave and pursue something else. Anyway, long story short, my GPAs for two degrees I pursued were in the low 3s (below 3.5). I have had a lot of experiences I would consider traumatic during and before starting my degree programs, one including a loss of a sibling due to sudden illness, which contributed to increased anxiety and depression, but I never partied or did anything necessarily to distract myself. In fact, I spent most of not all my free time just trying to study. I do feel I used school as an unhealthy coping mechanism where I’d be excited to take challenging classes, but when it came to work, I’d burn out quickly and procrastinate till the last minute. I have been thinking about applying for a PhD, but the more I think about it, the less I feel I deserve it due to my grades and tendency to burn out. I also think it would be nice for me to find better ways to cope with my anxiety and I’m wondering if anybody here has had similar experiences. I know some people who have anxiety have great grades, so it’s not that I’m blaming my anxiety but perhaps wondering if anxiety can be responsible for poor learning and grades for some and how if anybody has experienced this was able to manage.
anxiety affect learning grade im school moment still always overambitious way distract life also feel rewarded would well understand something challenging high took hard class decent test score great aspired get ivy league look back incredibly silly naive aspire need go know successful think mind time see top kid going harvard yale thought wanted course applied either whatever got rejected state one parent difficult program happy felt smart enough leave pursue else anyway long story short gpa two degree pursued low lot experience consider traumatic starting including loss sibling due sudden illness contributed increased depression never partied anything necessarily fact spent free trying study used unhealthy coping mechanism excited take came work burn quickly procrastinate till last minute thinking applying phd le deserve tendency nice find better cope wondering anybody similar people blaming perhaps responsible poor experienced able manage
Moderately Positive
What helps minimize your anxiety? What have you found that helps you calm down during anxious moments or reduces the amount of anxiety attacks you have? Has anyone “gotten over” something they are anxious about or anxiety in general (if that’s even possible). I’ve heard meditation, yoga, less caffeine, and working out all help. If these have helped you please let me know, but I am also interested in knowing what else has worked for other people. Thank you in advanced!
help minimize anxiety found calm anxious moment reduces amount attack anyone gotten something general even possible heard meditation yoga le caffeine working helped please let know also interested knowing else worked people thank advanced
Moderately Positive
What happens after? I'm a teenager living in socal. I have no friends, no emotional connection to any of my family, and a deteriorating mental and physical state due to anxiety, depression, loneliness. It has always been like this. I've always just been in my room, on my computer after going to school and hugging the walls in silence sweating, occasionally vomiting in the bathrooms because the stress and anxiety just gets to me. I go to a school now that isn't exactly a normal school, but one for troubled individuals who just happen to make me even more of a target. I don't belong here, but I have no choice because of my truancy(due to my illness). My parents absolutely despise me and it just makes everything worse. I 'm getting kicked out as soon as I graduate(and I probably won't as my grades and attendance have been equally garbage) I get 3 hours of sleep on the week days because as soon as I take out my earbuds and stop distracting myself with the escapism everything catches up to me and I can't sleep. Then on the weekends and days where I decide to skip school all I can do is lay in my bed crying and sleeping. I forget to eat everyday. I have been institutionalized 4 separate times against my will and they have done nothing but diagnose me with things I don't have and give me medications which didn't work and instead deteriorate my health further. What happens after? When I graduate and I'm kicked out on the street without a car, without friends, without any social skills? I can barely talk out loud without slurring, stuttering, talking too low, etc. What the fuck am I going to do?
happens teenager living socal friend emotional connection family deteriorating mental physical state due anxiety depression loneliness always like room computer going school hugging wall silence sweating occasionally vomiting bathroom stress get go exactly normal one troubled individual happen make even target belong choice truancy illness parent absolutely despise everything worse getting kicked soon graduate probably grade attendance equally garbage hour sleep week day take earbuds stop distracting escapism catch weekend decide skip lay bed cry sleeping forget eat everyday institutionalized separate time done nothing diagnose thing give medication work instead deteriorate health street without car social skill barely talk loud slurring stuttering talking low etc fuck
Moderately Negative
Scared for no reason? How to not be scared of the dark and shadow people? I always feel like something is behind me or touching my head :( or anywhere! I dont want to be scared. Please help! Its 3am here. I hate seeing shadows I’m so scared. I think its making it worse the more i think about it
scared reason dark shadow people always feel like something behind touching head anywhere dont want please help hate seeing think making worse
Moderately Negative
I just wanna say hello to everyone and tell you all that I’m happy to become a part of this community! I posted to share this small yet still exciting victory. Today I started reading a book on anxiety and I joined this subreddit. It’s a small step but it’s still a step in the right direction. As hard as things have been I still just know that it’s going to get better. Sometimes it seems like it will never end and feels impossible to overcome but I wanted to tell you all that anxiety is treatable and we can all overcome it together. It’s hard to stay optimistic when times are tough but it’s important so don’t second-guess yourself when you think something might help you or is helping you get better. Thank you all for being here for me and for each other. Just the existence of this community makes me feel better because I know we have a place where we can all speak freely about what we’re facing and help each other through things like advice and support. Tell me about what you’ve been doing recently that’s been helping you and how you’ve been working towards feeling better!
wanna say hello everyone tell happy become part community posted share small yet still exciting victory today started reading book anxiety joined subreddit step right direction hard thing know going get better sometimes seems like never end feel impossible overcome wanted treatable together stay optimistic time tough important second guess think something might help helping thank existence make place speak freely facing advice support recently working towards feeling
Moderately Positive
I'm always fearful of everything. For years, I always have feared everything. When I say everything, I mean it: having tests at school, talking to people, calling people or even chatting online behind a nickname. I'm always scratching my hands or hitting my head (that kinda helps with thinking about something else), and avoiding contact with anyone IRL, fearing to say something wrong. Even at my place which is nearly completely soundproof, alone, I avoid talking loud when I'm VCing fearing neighbors might get disturbed. Also, now, whenever I'm at school, I literally shake. Not because it's cold or because I'm hungry, no, just out of stress. I've started to get headaches and a lot of nosebleeds, presumably because of lack of sleep which is..you guessed it..caused by fearing the next day. I don't know why I'm like this... even teachers started noticing that I was always apologizing. I don't have a therapist or have talked to anyone IRL about it apart a friend who now has changed high schools due to grades. I probably need a bit of reassurance, I guess... (oh, and sorry for the probably bad grammar, English is not my primary language)
always fearful everything year feared say mean test school talking people calling even chatting online behind nickname scratching hand hitting head kinda help thinking something else avoiding contact anyone irl fearing wrong place nearly completely soundproof alone avoid loud vcing neighbor might get disturbed also whenever literally shake cold hungry stress started headache lot nosebleed presumably lack sleep guessed caused next day know like teacher noticing apologizing therapist talked apart friend changed high due grade probably need bit reassurance guess oh sorry bad grammar english primary language
Moderately Negative
I made an animated summary of the book "The Power of Now" By Eckhart Tolle, I thought maybe it could be of use to you. I hope it is. Link to the video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa7mAlLhD3w&t=35s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wa7mAlLhD3w&t=35s) Any suggestions on future books would be great! or any suggestions on how to improve the video itself would also be awesome If you'd like to subscribe to my channel for more summaries: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfbLDMh6uGOZePAfqqjVZ-g?sub\_confirmation=1](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfbLDMh6uGOZePAfqqjVZ-g?sub_confirmation=1)
made animated summary book power eckhart tolle thought maybe could use hope link video suggestion future would great improve also awesome like subscribe channel
An endless cycle of anxiety Hey everyone. So I have a problem, I can’t stop eavesdropping (I know it’s rude and I really try not to do it). I subconsciously think that people are talking shit behind my back all the time (Teenage-syndrome? Don’t know what it’s called) ,which they inevitably do since I eavesdrop. To top it all off I’m not really stealthy about it, shoulders rise up and stiffen. To avoid this I listen to music with headphones, problem then is that I can’t hear my breathing which makes it uneven and loud. And I have to take the Commuter-train to work every day because gas is too expensive. So no matter what I do I’m bound to annoy everyone around me, which makes more anxious. And I know myself that this is stupid train of thought, but I can’t stop doing it. So any here got any tips on how to solve it? (I got an answer before that I need to improve my confidence, but it’ll take a lot of years before that changes)
endless cycle anxiety hey everyone problem stop eavesdropping know rude really try subconsciously think people talking shit behind back time teenage syndrome called inevitably since eavesdrop top stealthy shoulder rise stiffen avoid listen music headphone hear breathing make uneven loud take commuter train work every day gas expensive matter bound annoy around anxious stupid thought got tip solve answer need improve confidence lot year change
Moderately Negative
Can I die from biting my arm ? This sounds stupid but it’s just anxiety. But basically I was bored and started chewing on my upper arm near my shoulder on the underside of a it but I bit down a little to hard and I bit some fatty flesh. I didn’t bite down too hard or anything but I felt it in my teeth. It doesn’t hurt or anything but there is a very small red mark on my arm. Am I being irrational or can something bad actually happen?
die biting arm sound stupid anxiety basically bored started chewing upper near shoulder underside bit little hard fatty flesh bite anything felt teeth hurt small red mark irrational something bad actually happen
Moderately Negative
Has anyone tried chlorpromazine for anxiety/sleep help - what are your experiences? I've just been prescribed this, and I'm kinda worried about it... it's a very old anti psychotic. The list of side effects are quite frightening to me also, since I've always had trouble with side effects of almost every drug i've tried. I've been prescribed 25mg tablets, but i take half a tablet 'as needed' thoughout the day, and 1 full tablet at night before sleep. Can anyone else share their experience with this drug?
anyone tried chlorpromazine anxiety sleep help experience prescribed kinda worried old anti psychotic list side effect quite frightening also since always trouble almost every drug mg tablet take half needed thoughout day full night else share
Moderately Negative
Vivid dreams after taking anxiety medication I have been taking my anxiety medication for about a month and ever since I have been having several extremely vivid dreams at night. Has this happened to anyone? Is it normal?
vivid dream taking anxiety medication month ever since several extremely night happened anyone normal
Afraid I lost myself along the way and scared I won't find myself again. Where do I begin? I suppose I'll give a backstory... I have always been anxious. Always been afraid. Afraid of being alone but too afraid to say hi, afraid of not saying anything but afraid if I do it will come out all wrong and I'll be rejected. A constant over thinker of the mynute (I googled that word 3 times to make sure I got it right). In Highschool I was the kid that spent in between class periods hyperventilating in the bathrooms. I was so afraid and nervous that when I graduated I left without a single friend to say bye too. I never spoke to counselors because I panicked before I got there. I had no plan and no direction because I was too afraid of failing. Somehow I did manage to meet a guy who became my boyfriend. He was/is my bestfriend... but... He has his friends and I have...him. anyways, skip two years post graduating. I was better! I had a job and some friends life was ok! He then tells me that he is moving 900 miles away with his family. Anxiety caves in on me like an ocean flooding the cracks in a sunken ship. The fear of being alone hit like a train and I was tied to the tracks. I tried to keep my grip. I did. But 3 months later, my dad was diagnosed with GBM (brain cancer). Just like that... my life, my world, everything I ever known felt like a massive rock slide beneath my feet, everything slipping away and there was nothing I could do to stop it. Night after night and day after day I thought about everything I hadn't done for my dad. He never saw me make something of myself. I never showed him what I could be because of fear! because I could only see my self worth when I was looking into the eyes of a guy who I loved but depended to much on. But...I couldn't do it... I couldnt prove anything because... before my bf... I was alone. And that alone paralyzed me. Anyways, skip ahead. My bf moves away, and after months of fighting we break up. I am alone. But I have my dad. I wasn't in college at the time and I lost my job because of my depression and anxiety began affecting my work. Our days spent together in the garage that followed the next year are my most precious memories. Well, to put short, I was with him when he got "bad". I was there through the seizures on easter. The coma like state that wasnt a coma that followed... The 3 day 3 night hospice stay. I cleaned his mouth, checked his oxygen and co2, adjusted his laying position. and I never wanted anything more than I wanted to just take him home and to have him sit outside and talk to me. This upcoming April 7th 2019, will mark one year since he has been gone. I feel like I died with him you guys. My anxiety towards everything since then has been killing me. I cant sleep without remembering. I cant see trucks without remembering. I cant go into hospitals, listen to songs, socialize like I used to, anything. The world has become foreign. I need help. I cling to the few people in my life because I am afraid of losing them but they want me to be independent and I want that too! but simultaneously, independence feels like trying to fly with a ball and chain tied around my feet. If nothing else... I feel better telling my very shortened story. So thank you to this site for granting that. I am sorry if I went all over the place... I dont talk about these events much...
afraid lost along way scared find begin suppose give backstory always anxious alone say hi saying anything come wrong rejected constant thinker mynute googled word time make sure got right highschool kid spent class period hyperventilating bathroom nervous graduated left without single friend bye never spoke counselor panicked plan direction failing somehow manage meet guy became boyfriend bestfriend anyways skip two year post graduating better job life ok tell moving mile away family anxiety cave like ocean flooding crack sunken ship fear hit train tied track tried keep grip month later dad diagnosed gbm brain cancer world everything ever known felt massive rock slide beneath foot slipping nothing could stop night day thought done saw something showed see self worth looking eye loved depended much couldnt prove bf paralyzed ahead move fighting break college depression began affecting work together garage followed next precious memory well put short bad seizure easter coma state wasnt hospice stay cleaned mouth checked oxygen co adjusted laying position wanted take home sit outside talk upcoming april th mark one since gone feel died towards killing cant sleep remembering truck go hospital listen song socialize used become foreign need help cling people losing want independent simultaneously independence trying fly ball chain around else telling shortened story thank site granting sorry went place dont event
Moderately Positive