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Smoking made me realize how I anxious I really I am Always noticed that when ever I smoked, it felt like there was such a weight lifted off my shoulders that I couldn’t describe and felt so much more at ease. I could sit and enjoy a movie without constantly worrying that I could be doing something else and my mind was racing. I forgot that feeling of being totally at ease.
smoking made realize anxious really always noticed ever smoked felt like weight lifted shoulder describe much ease could sit enjoy movie without constantly worrying something else mind racing forgot feeling totally
Moderately Positive
Social and general anxiety don’t mix well with Ibsd You tell yourself you’re going to go to sleep early and when you try and can’t you start to have anxiety and then you find yourself in the bathroom. Then you have to wake up pretty early in the morning and you’re already worried about the little amount of sleep you got and you feel your stomach hurting a bit and when you’re about to leave you think about having stomach problems in a public area with people around and then you find yourself in the bathroom again. It never ends.
social general anxiety mix well ibsd tell going go sleep early try start find bathroom wake pretty morning already worried little amount got feel stomach hurting bit leave think problem public area people around never end
I am confident but when I try to explain something I choke and have a physical panic attack I believe this is more chemical than psychological. I overdosed on a weed brownie several years ago and since then my life has been damaged. I had full on psychosis and panic attacks. I have suffered with panic attacks ever since but overcome them on occasion using CBD oil. For some odd reason I can't seem to stop, ride out or overcome a sudden rush of intense and uncontrollable panic when I have to explain something, such as in a job interview. I have no issue with fear, I have no issue with confidence, it is like i'm wired for this to trigger everytime. CBD seems to help a lot but I can't live my life on CBD just to live. This panic only trigger when explaining things and I don't understand why it doesn't trigger at other times.
confident try explain something choke physical panic attack believe chemical psychological overdosed weed brownie several year ago since life damaged full psychosis suffered ever overcome occasion using cbd oil odd reason seem stop ride sudden rush intense uncontrollable job interview issue fear confidence like wired trigger everytime seems help lot live explaining thing understand time
Moderately Positive
I just don't know what to do anymore Preface: this is just a rant, I needed to get this off my chest. Long story short I grew up with unbearable anxiety, have tried every self help process/exercising/getting a job everything, but I think it's just my chemistry. I don't know what to do. I feel hopeless. I've been dealing with anxiety for as long as I can possibly remember. Every since I was a little kid I remember there would be moments or times when I would enter situations where a "switch" would just flip, and I wouldn't be the same person I was a minute ago. I would fell taken over, as if I had lost control of my own mind body and everything. I'm sure this is a common experience for everyone. Throughout the years this has led to some severe social isolation, and I think that I'm finally at my breaking point. I don't know exactly what my anxiety is. I've never seen a professional which I'm now making arrangements to do. I started experiencing OCD like symptoms as a child. I would get stuck in repetitive thought loops, trying to "think something the right way". It makes no sense I would think the same sentence over and over again, but it would feel like I never really "thought it". I grew up in a heavily religious family and these thoughts were related to religion typically, so I would be trying to think a pure thought because I just had a terrible intrusive thought. I think this deeply affected my decision making abilities because nowadays I have an extremely hard time determining what I think about something because of so many years of trying to "think things right". I also experienced more physical symptoms like checking the lock on the door 40 times before going to sleep or adjusting the placement of something until I knew it was just right. The physical symptoms had a much lower impact on my life, but the internal thoughts gave me more trouble with each year. I remember having my first real panic attack in the year 2007. I was about 11 years old at the time. It was the most terrifying experience of my life. After this they became more and more frequent. The first week of high school I had four in a single week. I remember this made me terrified of going to school, and thus terrified of being around people. I was scared in the middle of conversation I would have a panic attack and embarrass myself(because this actually happened). This spiraled into a very serious social anxiety condition. I was terrified of speaking to anyone new because of the way my mind might go. Luckily, I had a few great friends who got me through those years. If it weren't for them I'm scared the kid I was might have just ended it. It wasn't until after high school that anything truly changed though. I had a psychedelic experience that equated to an 8 hour long panic attack worse than any I had ever experienced before. I don't want to go into details but I have never felt more fear in my life, though, something strange happened. I let go. I accepted the fear near the end of the trip. Suddenly, all my anxieties melted. I think this is the first time I had touched reality in so long. After this I started living my way out of anxiety. I felt like I could feel for the first time in my life. I could make a decision and act upon it. The whole world looked different. This feeling lasted for a few weeks, but slowly my anxiety returned. Not in the same way though. I've been able to make progress the previous me could not have hoped for. I've gotten a job that requires me to be very social, enrolled in community college, got my GPA to a 3.7 when I was a straight D student in university, transferred to university for Computer Science (I used to be ABISMAL at any science or math course), started running and doing calisthenics, changed my entire diet, gained new friends, attend social events. I even got a girlfriend for awhile, but this is where things take a turn. My girlfriend and I clicked very hard right away. It was amazing she was everything I could have wanted in a girlfriend. We practically shared a friend group. We always had fun, great sex life, but my anxiety started taking over. She wanted to take things slow because of current life situations and I was totally cool with that. I have a very heavy work load so I was more than fine with this. But I don't know it just started coming back, I didn't really become clingy or anything like I have in previous relationships but she broke up with me because her feelings weren't developing any further. She said the energy wasn't right. I was doing all the right things but something was missing and I think it was my true personality. Little things I logically knew were no big deal would act as triggers. I've really analyzed it over the past two months after this happened and I wasn't pushing the relationship along or anything, and I was making time for her going on fun dates, we had a few deep moments where we shared secrets like it was good. But at times I know I was noticeably different, I would be somewhere else, the switch would flip. I would no longer be able to be in a genuine fun conversation with her because I was hardly there. I've gotten incredibly good at listening and faking the conversation/feeling despite how I'm feeling but sometimes it just can't work.. This is the way it has been all my life with people. It's so hard for me to connect with anyone on a personal level because of this "tuning out" I do. I remember when it was at it's extreme in high school I was totally silent all day because I was so consumed by this nervous feeling, it was never outwardly shown, in fact I was so quiet half my grade didn't even know my name and the other half thought I was perpetually stoned because I was so out of it(I also came in with huge bags under my eyes due to spending half the night checking my door locks). I've done everything I can think. I've fought all my personal insecurities (social rejection, body image issues, intellectual inadequacies), I've achieved goals I never thought I would have in a million years, I literally look like an entirely different person, I took a goddamn heroic dose of mushrooms, experienced trauma panic attacks for a full year after, read every self help and philosophy book I could get my hands on. I've given my whole life to fighting this, and I'm so goddamn lonely. I miss out on so many good moments because I simply can't be present. I can change everything in my entire life but I can't change this fucking switch in my brain, I can't change my goddamn neuro-chemistry. When I'm with people I care about I want to be present. I want to be able to hear what they're saying, feel and respond. I want to feel like I'm really with people and in the moment. But there's this shadow, this nervousness, this uncomfort, this dissocation I carry with me everywhere I go. I don't want my whole life to be lived in my head. Facing things was my only hope, and if that doesn't work I don't know what will. I feel utterly hopeless. I've broken down crying everyday for the past five days. I just don't know what else to do anymore. I'm sorry for how disorganized and long this is. I'm never gonna give up on getting better. I just wanted someone to hear me. A sincere thank you to anyone who read all of this.
know anymore preface rant needed get chest long story short grew unbearable anxiety tried every self help process exercising getting job everything think chemistry feel hopeless dealing possibly remember since little kid would moment time enter situation switch flip person minute ago fell taken lost control mind body sure common experience everyone throughout year led severe social isolation finally breaking point exactly never seen professional making arrangement started experiencing ocd like symptom child stuck repetitive thought loop trying something right way make sense sentence really heavily religious family related religion typically pure terrible intrusive deeply affected decision ability nowadays extremely hard determining many thing also experienced physical checking lock door going sleep adjusting placement knew much lower impact life internal gave trouble first real panic attack old terrifying became frequent week high school four single made terrified thus around people scared middle conversation embarrass actually happened spiraled serious condition speaking anyone new might go luckily great friend got ended anything truly changed though psychedelic equated hour worse ever want detail felt fear strange let accepted near end trip suddenly melted touched reality living could act upon whole world looked different feeling lasted slowly returned able progress previous hoped gotten requires enrolled community college gpa straight student university transferred computer science used abismal math course running calisthenics entire diet gained attend event even girlfriend awhile take turn clicked away amazing wanted practically shared group always fun sex taking slow current totally cool heavy work load fine coming back become clingy relationship broke developing said energy missing true personality logically big deal trigger analyzed past two month pushing along date deep secret good noticeably somewhere else longer genuine hardly incredibly listening faking despite sometimes connect personal level tuning extreme silent day consumed nervous outwardly shown fact quiet half grade name perpetually stoned came huge bag eye due spending night done fought insecurity rejection image issue intellectual inadequacy achieved goal million literally look entirely took goddamn heroic dose mushroom trauma full read philosophy book hand given fighting lonely miss simply present change fucking brain neuro care hear saying respond shadow nervousness uncomfort dissocation carry everywhere lived head facing hope utterly broken cry everyday five sorry disorganized gonna give better someone sincere thank
Moderately Positive
Am I overreacting? Can’t see past the anxiety? Hi. I have panic disorder. We just moved in to a new house and i have been struggling to feel comfortable being ground level. (Been living in apartments the last few years) made lots of progress the past two weeks. Then today I’m home alone and a big guy walks across my front deck (right in front of my entrance/living room window) and then circles my house fully. He hangs in the backyard for a bit and leaves out the back gate. I go into full anxiety mode and text my boyfriend to ask if he could stay home tonight because what happened has me scared, panicking and I need to wake up for work at 6am and would be way more at ease with someone here. He says no because he is going out with his friends and that I’m being selfish and overreacting. He says I’m being childish. Stops by the house checks out the backyard and leaves. I try to explain I didn’t need him to check the house for anything. I needed him home tonight to help me feel safe and get some rest for work. Now he isn’t replying to me. My phones outgoing calls are cut off (forgot to pay the bill) and I’m anxious, alone and can’t tell if I’m being a terrible person and was asking way too much. He works hard and we have a good relationship usually. But I’m so hurt he would rather go drinking than help me feel safe. He knows how this would mess with me. I’m so tired of having to figure out if what I’m feeling is valid or anxiety based? I wish I could trust myself. TLDR; weird man circles my house, triggers anxiety, ask boyfriend to come home for night, he wants to go out with friends, feel upset and not sure if I’m being ridiculous
overreacting see past anxiety hi panic disorder moved new house struggling feel comfortable ground level living apartment last year made lot progress two week today home alone big guy walk across front deck right entrance room window circle fully hang backyard bit leaf back gate go full mode text boyfriend ask could stay tonight happened scared panicking need wake work would way ease someone say going friend selfish childish stop check try explain anything needed help safe get rest replying phone outgoing call cut forgot pay bill anxious tell terrible person asking much hard good relationship usually hurt rather drinking know mess tired figure feeling valid based wish trust tldr weird man trigger come night want upset sure ridiculous
Moderately Negative
Adding Wellbutrin to my 50mg Zoloft Anyone had good luck with this combo? Zoloft works for my anxiety but it does make me a bit lazy/tired. Also losing weight is difficult on it but I've tried to wean off under Dr's supervision and unfortunately end up going back on after a few weeks to months. My Dr suggested adding Wellbutrin SR. ​ tl;dr I'm adding wellbutrin to my zoloft combo, any experience?
adding wellbutrin mg zoloft anyone good luck combo work anxiety make bit lazy tired also losing weight difficult tried wean dr supervision unfortunately end going back week month suggested sr tl experience
Moderately Negative
I'm starting with a new therapist next week, and have some questions about a form... So, I have an intake appointment next week with a new therapist and I'm going through the paperwork they need for it and I'm kind of confused with one of the forms. https://i.imgur.com/T4I3eF6.png This is the form (the blacked out parts are the therapists logo/address/information) and the top lines with patient name etc are obvious enough, but I'm not sure what to fill in for Individual or Organization/Address/Phone/fax/email part. Is that supposed to just be their information copied from the top? I thought that at first, but the text says 'Give permission to the individuals or organization listed above' and the lines to fill in are below that block of text. Or is it supposed to be my primary care physician or something else entirely? I feel stupid, I just haven't filled out all that many forms for medical things and am super uncomfortable asking for help with it.
starting new therapist next week question form intake appointment going paperwork need kind confused one blacked part logo address information top line patient name etc obvious enough sure fill individual organization phone fax email supposed copied thought first text say give permission listed block primary care physician something else entirely feel stupid filled many medical thing super uncomfortable asking help
Moderately Positive
New Years Resolution: less social media I find that social media sites, specifically for me, Facebook & Instagram make me crazy. I end up only stalking people I hate to hate read/watch. I've been on Facebook for 11 years and Instagram for 5. I cannot bear the thought of looking back on my life and realizing how much time I wasted being on social media/being negative. So my resolution is to be off those sites as long as I can. I've been weaning myself off the past week and so far it's been wonderful. I know I'll be challenged as soon as I go back to work. Anyone have similar resolutions? Feel the same about social media? Share away!
new year resolution le social medium find site specifically facebook instagram make crazy end stalking people hate read watch cannot bear thought looking back life realizing much time wasted negative long weaning past week far wonderful know challenged soon go work anyone similar feel share away
Moderately Negative
Good apps? Hey! I just dropped my Android in a sink full of water and someone in my family gave me their old iphone as a replacement . I used to really like this app called worry box on android but they don’t have it for Apple . if something was stressing me out i could write it down and put it away in the box and look at it later if i wanted to. is there anything like that for iPhones?
good apps hey dropped android sink full water someone family gave old iphone replacement used really like app called worry box apple something stressing could write put away look later wanted anything iphones
Moderately Positive
My anxiety is going through the roof; I’m having to choose suffering through the worst pain I’ve experienced, or go completely broke. I’m a 23F who moved out of my parents’ last May. I have an incredible job at a local hospital with the most amazing coworkers. I also have the best, most supportive boyfriend and roommate. Lately though, I’ve been so incredibly stressed and full of anxiety. At the end of May, I was diagnosed with Endometriosis and told I would eventually require surgery. I tried to postpone the surgery closer to when I would qualify for FMLA. However the last month and some change, I have been in the most extreme, never ending pain. I’ve been in and out of the ER and told there was nothing that could be done. I caved and scheduled surgery for February 23rd. The problem is I haven’t been able to make it through more than 2 days of work without almost passing out from the pain. But I need to work so I can build up substantial PTO for when I’m out in recovery after the surgery. I could get a leave of absence until February 23rd and then a separate one for after the surgery, but the first would be unpaid and I’d have no PTO for after the surgery. Guys, I can’t go broke. I have a car, a dog, and I need to pay my bills. But at this point I’m so raw from anxiety and emotions; I feel like I can’t keep this up.
anxiety going roof choose suffering worst pain experienced go completely broke moved parent last may incredible job local hospital amazing coworkers also best supportive boyfriend roommate lately though incredibly stressed full end diagnosed endometriosis told would eventually require surgery tried postpone closer qualify fmla however month change extreme never ending er nothing could done caved scheduled february rd problem able make day work without almost passing need build substantial pto recovery get leave absence separate one first unpaid guy car dog pay bill point raw emotion feel like keep
Moderately Positive
threw away my future because of anxiety, is there any hope for me? i am 25 years old. i dropped out of high school my senior year due to the crippling anxiety and depression and have done nothing but exist since. i've slowly gotten a little better over time, i can leave the house now but i still don't drive and the thought of public transportation gives me a panic attack. i've been living off a small inheritance sum the past 8 years but now that's out so i have to get some form of income or i die now. but i have no skills, no work experience, no high school diploma, no form of transportation besides my feet, and i can't find a job online that i would be able to do (besides filling out surveys for maybe 3 bucks a day) and the worst part was, i deluded myself for 8 years thinking i was fine and i could function at any time, that i just "wasn't quite ready" yet, and i would be good to go when my money eventually ran out. been on meds for most of the past 8 years and saw a psychologist once who couldn't help me but beyond that i never sought out any help, because in that little sheltered life i never was forced to confront that i needed it. now reality has hit and i am so, so scared. i don't want to die i need advice from anyone who has been in a hole similar to this and managed to crawl their way out. my last week has been hopelessness and despair and i just want to go back to not having to worry constantly
threw away future anxiety hope year old dropped high school senior due crippling depression done nothing exist since slowly gotten little better time leave house still drive thought public transportation give panic attack living small inheritance sum past get form income die skill work experience diploma besides foot find job online would able filling survey maybe buck day worst part deluded thinking fine could function quite ready yet good go money eventually ran med saw psychologist help beyond never sought sheltered life forced confront needed reality hit scared want need advice anyone hole similar managed crawl way last week hopelessness despair back worry constantly
I’m currently having my first anxiety attack: please help by talking me through it Gonna keep this short-ish to avoid having to describe in too much detail the horror I began feeling 9 hrs ago and am still feeling now. I was traveling this week for work. Not far, 1.5 hr flight. 9 hrs ago, I got on my flight back extremely exhausted from what was essentially a work bender for three days. To make matters worse, I hadn’t eaten almost anything all day today. I’m 27 yo guy, if it matters. Flight is delayed on the tarmac for 40 min, so I tried to sleep but couldn’t. That feeling when you’re so tired that you’re not tired. Thats the one. Finally we push back and take off and I start to realize my attention is being drawn to my pulse. It wasn’t necessarily going faster, but it was more present and slightly, yet noticeably, stronger. I’ve never had a panic/anxiety attack before or seen one first hand, so that has not even crossed my mind at this point while I begin to worry about my health as we’re ascending up to 30 thousand ft in this steel fucking box. I know my body pretty well, and people who know me have told me I handle stressful situations very calmly. I almost never get worked up. Still in my seat, I try my best for 5 minutes to breathe deeply, be silent, and focus on my body. That’s when my chest started to tighten up. I turned to the couple in my row and told them I had to stand up because I was feeling light headed. In my head I’m thinking, there’s a chance I could go into cardiac arrest on this plane and I need to do something to here, or at least not be in a fucking window seat with two people blocking me in when it happens. *just took a 20 min break.. my body feels saturated with adrenaline* Got up. Slid by the flight attendants passing out snacks and went straight to the back of plane and cracked open a ginger ale and started steadily drinking it, trying to stay calm. Flight attendant comes over, ‘can we get you something?’ Clearly asked because she heard me open it and wanted to say ‘why are opening you’re own shit back here when we’re in the middle of serving everything?’ I looked at her and tried to speak but couldn’t the first time. Managed to point to myself and mutter ‘not feeling well’. She knew it was serious and started getting me water/juice/pretzels to counter dehydration/low blood sugar/etc because I told them I was feeling faint. I was so worried that if I mentioned my heart rate, it would immediately triple the stressfulness of the situation, which I wasn’t sure I could handle. they tried to distract me from my ‘lightheaded-ness’ once they gave me snacks/water, and they were not good at it. One lady said I should definitely get checked because her friend used to get lightheaded sometimes and when we went to the doctor it turned out to be a semi serious heart issue.. Thank you. Thank you flight attendant. For that wonderful story. 🤦🏼‍♂️ Anyway, they asked if I wanted the paramedics upon arrival and I said yes but tell them it’s not an emergency. I think at this point I was trying to calm them down in order to convince myself I was okay. They checked vitals, did EKG, blood sugar/pressure etc. blood pressure was a bit high but ekg was normal, thank god. Symptoms have persisted with chest pain, but far more mental anxiety and overall body pain. I’m in a real dark place still thinking about work, life’s stresser and if that played a role. Anyway, still pretty scared but the ekg being normal did make me feel better. Well, that wasn’t short-ish but my gf is being weird about it and I needed to talk to someone. Thanks for listening.
currently first anxiety attack please help talking gonna keep short ish avoid describe much detail horror began feeling hr ago still traveling week work far flight got back extremely exhausted essentially bender three day make matter worse eaten almost anything today yo guy delayed tarmac min tried sleep tired thats one finally push take start realize attention drawn pulse necessarily going faster present slightly yet noticeably stronger never panic seen hand even crossed mind point begin worry health ascending thousand ft steel fucking box know body pretty well people told handle stressful situation calmly get worked seat try best minute breathe deeply silent focus chest started tighten turned couple row stand light headed head thinking chance could go cardiac arrest plane need something least window two blocking happens took break feel saturated adrenaline slid attendant passing snack went straight cracked open ginger ale steadily drinking trying stay calm come clearly asked heard wanted say opening shit middle serving everything looked speak time managed mutter knew serious getting water juice pretzel counter dehydration low blood sugar etc faint worried mentioned heart rate would immediately triple stressfulness sure distract lightheaded ness gave good lady said definitely checked friend used sometimes doctor semi issue thank wonderful story anyway paramedic upon arrival yes tell emergency think order convince okay vitals ekg pressure bit high normal god symptom persisted pain mental overall real dark place life stresser played role scared better gf weird needed talk someone thanks listening
Moderately Positive
Hello people with anxiety, you are not alone and you can overcome it. Hello I just wanted to share my story with you, to give all the people in need help with anxiety because I have been there. I was in my junior year in high school and I was enjoying life but it took a twist that I would have never have expected. I was playing video games and my heart beat went to 150 at a constant rate and I freaked out. I went to the hospital and they held me overnight and keep in mind that I thought I was gonna die that day because it was something that I never experienced. They told me that I had a pretty bad anxiety attack. After that I didn’t wanna go to school and I just wanted to go to stay in bed no matter what consequence it would have on my life at the moment. I got put on antidepressants which was a huge thing because those are pretty heavy duty drugs. I have been on them for a year and now am off with them happy with life. I just wanna say I am a survivor with heavy anxiety and if you are on antidepressants you are not alone and there is light at the tunnel. Set goals and you can reach them you are not the only one. Please get help because it might be hard but it is the best thing for you. No man I don’t care how strong or smart you are you need a helping hand with anxiety because it can overcome you. Everyone with anxiety can win the war and there is living proof!! Have a good day everyone and anyone who had sudden anxiety and found out the start is rough but keep a clear mind.
hello people anxiety alone overcome wanted share story give need help junior year high school enjoying life took twist would never expected playing video game heart beat went constant rate freaked hospital held overnight keep mind thought gonna die day something experienced told pretty bad attack wanna go stay bed matter consequence moment got put antidepressant huge thing heavy duty drug happy say survivor light tunnel set goal reach one please get might hard best man care strong smart helping hand everyone win war living proof good anyone sudden found start rough clear
Moderately Positive
Anxiety and relationships don’t mix well 23m/23f She’s busy a lot of the time and In a bad mood because of it and we don’t talk as much as we did before classes started. Every day I’m afraid that she’s going to end it with me because she doesn’t have the time, sending me into a never ending panic most of the time she’s around. It really sucks. I crave acknowledgement and take it too personally when I don’t get it. I know this and yet It brings me more anxiety when I try to find peace in it all. I need some sort of way to get through this, is there anyone with any advice they could give me?
anxiety relationship mix well busy lot time bad mood talk much class started every day afraid going end sending never ending panic around really suck crave acknowledgement take personally get know yet brings try find peace need sort way anyone advice could give
Moderately Negative
Is it possible to be over-conscious? Even as I write this, im cognitively attributing my words to why I feel the way I do. Every arm cross, clap, every weird step of the foot. For each facial expression my mind makes note. I pace around the house sometimes because I'm waiting for my next conscious step. I respond to everything internally; anger, happiness, excitement, jealousy, embarrassment. I let it pile over the years and now I get anxiety attacks. So now I try to live as though not to trigger an attack, but I'm also contemplating whether or not having an unconscious attack means I'm mentally weak. I've always understood subtext when a person speaks, unless they speak their minds. However, this leaves me judging their subtext, which in turn makes me distrust. The term 'overthinking' is often prevalent, but is overthrowing just a term used to marginalize deeper thought? Are you really overthinking a situation or are you getting more information than others would? Then you have to apply that to everyday situations, when or when not to "over think." Is there any advice anyone can give that lets how I feel match up more with my rationality? It's easy to say everything will be okay, it's harder to feel it.
possible conscious even write im cognitively attributing word feel way every arm cross clap weird step foot facial expression mind make note pace around house sometimes waiting next respond everything internally anger happiness excitement jealousy embarrassment let pile year get anxiety attack try live though trigger also contemplating whether unconscious mean mentally weak always understood subtext person speaks unless speak however leaf judging turn distrust term overthinking often prevalent overthrowing used marginalize deeper thought really situation getting information others would apply everyday think advice anyone give match rationality easy say okay harder
The anxiety while driving a car. How do you deal with this besides obviously confronting the fear itself? Anyone else here able to relate?
anxiety driving car deal besides obviously confronting fear anyone else able relate
Moderately Positive
A solution for Anxiety? Hey guys, there is something i just started to do every morning, after i take a bath i search on Youtube a Motivational speech, and i listen to it while i dress and prepare for the day, and believe it or not, at the end of the speech i feel so motivated and happy, cause i know that i can do anything and i can deal with Anxiety. Cause i realize something, if i want to be succesfull, if i want people to respect me, if i want to be important, i need to get out of my comfort zone, and do things im not used to do, and learn something new and ask for respect, cause you know what, nothing in life is free, succes have a high prize and im here to be succesfull no matter what. And every time i wake up, im just one step forward to succes.
solution anxiety hey guy something started every morning take bath search youtube motivational speech listen dress prepare day believe end feel motivated happy cause know anything deal realize want succesfull people respect important need get comfort zone thing im used learn new ask nothing life free succes high prize matter time wake one step forward
Moderately Positive
What is wrong with me? (26F) It is a symptom I get when I am anxious, watching something that makes me uncomfortable or just anything that makes me feel uncomfortable to begin with. It also happens occasionally without feeling any type of way. So it literally can last any where from a second to 2 seconds. I don’t think it has lasted any longer than that but it has happened multiple times in a matter of a couple minutes. During it feels like my optic nerves are being compressed by something. Like an increase in pressure to where I almost feel I lose my vision but I am never sure because its so short. I wonder if it’s a side effect to my medication (antidepressant – Viibryd) or if its just something physical that came along the way with my anxiety. It drives me insane and I tried to bring it up to my psych doc but it is so hard for me to explain and he didn't really seem to think it was an issue. I feel like its gotten worse but I am at a high level of stress at the moment. Does anyone experience anything like this?
wrong symptom get anxious watching something make uncomfortable anything feel begin also happens occasionally without feeling type way literally last second think lasted longer happened multiple time matter couple minute like optic nerve compressed increase pressure almost lose vision never sure short wonder side effect medication antidepressant viibryd physical came along anxiety drive insane tried bring psych doc hard explain really seem issue gotten worse high level stress moment anyone experience
Moderately Negative
Anyone else struggle with employment due to anxiety? Pretty much as the title says; I have been struggling to keep a job since my hospitalization in June. The job I was in earlier in 2017 was causing a lot of stress (I was a social worker) to the point where I left and was hospitalized three days later. I was at the hospital for ten days. I was diagnosed with Major depressive disorder, GAD, and social anxiety disorder. My last job went fairly well (I was a deli clerk at a grocery store); my managers were kind and I liked the work...until they moved me to another store in another city and put me in a different position where I worked alone with no backup. I didn’t last a day. I tried going back to work this week after I was offered another deli job at another grocery store, but I didn’t make it a full day (the girl that was suppose to train me didn’t show up to work and I cracked after three hours of being on my own). I have a wonderful husband who loves me no matter what and assures me that it’ll take time to feel normal again, but I feel I’m disappointing him. I’m going back to school to be a chef so I can (hopefully) work in the back of the house with a small crew to deal with. It’ll be two years though before I complete that. Does anyone else struggle with work? How did you overcome it? I want to be able to pull my weight around the house, but I feel trapped.
anyone else struggle employment due anxiety pretty much title say struggling keep job since hospitalization june earlier causing lot stress social worker point left hospitalized three day later hospital ten diagnosed major depressive disorder gad last went fairly well deli clerk grocery store manager kind liked work moved another city put different position worked alone backup tried going back week offered make full girl suppose train show cracked hour wonderful husband love matter assures take time feel normal disappointing school chef hopefully house small crew deal two year though complete overcome want able pull weight around trapped
Moderately Positive
Stop FOLLOWING POLITICS AND STOP LIVING A LIFE OF FEAR! Seriously do it you can still vote but man all that 24 hours new cycle shit is going to do is end up breaking you. just quit that shit.
stop following politics living life fear seriously still vote man hour new cycle shit going end breaking quit
Moderately Negative
I think my anxiety is the root of this? Okay I'm on mobile so sorry if this is formatted weird. and idk tw for demons? just to be safe I guess? To start this off I'm 13 and I've had anxiety for awhile but lately I've been suuuuper paranoid of like...demons. Like actual demons, when I go to bed I have to cover my face because im scared I'll see something in my room! When I'm home alone I feel so paranoid that somthing will just walk down the hallway or jump out of my closet! And mirrors I cannot look in a mirror if its night time! I'm afraid I'll see something looking at me. My ma just blows me off n says I'm fine but I wanna know if anyone else is paranoid as hell like me 😂
think anxiety root okay mobile sorry formatted weird idk tw demon safe guess start awhile lately suuuuper paranoid like actual go bed cover face im scared see something room home alone feel somthing walk hallway jump closet mirror cannot look night time afraid looking blow say fine wanna know anyone else hell
Moderately Negative
Visual problems from anxiety? Does anyone have any experience or information on visual problems some people have from anxiety? Who experience this even when they are not feeling anxious?
visual problem anxiety anyone experience information people even feeling anxious
Moderately Negative
I am constantly questioning reality. I'm feeling overwhelmed. Ever since I became more aware of my mental health problems (cyclothimia with severe anxiety), I have been questioning every relation I have. Family and friends. I have this feeling of looking back and realizing many absurd things and ways people treated me. But it is overwhelming because I constantly find myself with the feeling that the closest people to me are bad for my mental health. And then I question, can this be real? Am I the problem? Am I looking at things from the past with this tainted vision? Am I trying to find problems? How can I at the same time, feel like people I love so much are bad for me? How can I feel that about so many close people? Am I ungrateful? Am I one of those people they say "she thinks shes too good for us now"? If these people are indeed bad for me, how can I have chose so many wrong people to share my life with? What about the good things they did? How can I let that go? At the same time, do those things "pay off" the bad things? I feel a panic/axienty comming... :(
constantly questioning reality feeling overwhelmed ever since became aware mental health problem cyclothimia severe anxiety every relation family friend looking back realizing many absurd thing way people treated overwhelming find closest bad question real past tainted vision trying time feel like love much close ungrateful one say think shes good u indeed chose wrong share life let go pay panic axienty comming
I think my medication is causing a relapse? 4 years ago I had a major stressor that really kicked off my anxiety, well over the years I've learned to cope with it and eventually I was not even troubled by the thoughts that stemmed from it. However recently I've been at a point in my life where depression has hit at a stressful time and I have opted for medication, Amitryptilan 10 mg at bed time.. I was very anxious whilst taking my first pill, as I was aware of possible side effects.. well, I think the real anxiety is coming back when I thought I had it all under control, the anxiety of good ol' has returned.. Hello cold sweats & intrusive thoughts. I honestly wish I had never taken that pill, when I knew that whole business about how antidepressants are supposed to make you worse then better. I only took 1 prescribed pill on Saturday night and that was it.. and now I feel like the withdrawals and side effects have hit me 4 days later. I also have a dry mouth, flu like symptoms and migraines. This fucking sucks. I'd rather be depressed and unmotivated than anxious and in a state of panic... panicking over shit that happened 4 years ago.
think medication causing relapse year ago major stressor really kicked anxiety well learned cope eventually even troubled thought stemmed however recently point life depression hit stressful time opted amitryptilan mg bed anxious whilst taking first pill aware possible side effect real coming back control good ol returned hello cold sweat intrusive honestly wish never taken knew whole business antidepressant supposed make worse better took prescribed saturday night feel like withdrawal day later also dry mouth flu symptom migraine fucking suck rather depressed unmotivated state panic panicking shit happened
Anxiety hangover So I had a panic attack after drinking (I always drink) which made it worse Sunday night. I still feel anxious. Just not a full blown panic attack. It’s making me mad because I havnt had a panic attack since I was 16 and i’m 22 now. So 6 years! It happened randomly when I went to go to bed. I closed my eyes and my heart starting racing and I felt dizzy. I could only think of panicking. I knew I was having a panic attack. I tried to breathe but I couldnt calm myself. I was in my bed tipsy and thinking about my own living room scared me. I went to the bathroom and threw up so much. I didnt wake my partner because if I even acknowledge to him that i’m having a panic attack it will be worse. I eventually fell asleep. I do have slight anxiety, but it was so under control I only had it when I went out in public sometimes, but it never was a problem in my life. After I got control of it. I havnt been on meds for 5 years. Well after my panic attack I have constant anxiety. Even around my boyfriend and in my house. It sucks so bad. I don’t know why I feel like this. I just want it to go away. I think I’m having anxiety because i’m so scared it will happen again, but I always remind myself I didn’t die and wont die during one, but still when it happens its hard not to think bad. Have any of you experienced this?
anxiety hangover panic attack drinking always drink made worse sunday night still feel anxious full blown making mad havnt since year happened randomly went go bed closed eye heart starting racing felt dizzy could think panicking knew tried breathe couldnt calm tipsy thinking living room scared bathroom threw much didnt wake partner even acknowledge eventually fell asleep slight control public sometimes never problem life got med well constant around boyfriend house suck bad know like want away happen remind die wont one happens hard experienced
Moderately Negative
Relationships with anxiety Ok, so I have GAD and I usually keep myself from being put into stressful situations because as I assume you guys know it leads to a lot of overthinking. Now I recently decided to finally put myself out there. I met a girl and she makes me happy. I really love and trust her but my mind keeps poisoning those happy thoughts. I don't know what to do. I have bad trust issues and constantly think about what she says and does. What should I do? Go to a therapist? Medicine? I just want to stop thinking this way once and for all.
relationship anxiety ok gad usually keep put stressful situation assume guy know lead lot overthinking recently decided finally met girl make happy really love trust mind poisoning thought bad issue constantly think say go therapist medicine want stop thinking way
Moderately Positive
Feeling that someone is behind me during an anxiety attack Some days when I’m feeling super on edge and especially if I’ve had coffee I can start to feel like there’s someone behind me even when I’m alone in my room. I’m a 24 year old male with anxiety issues since I was about 5 (by my recollection) but had a lot of years where I had 0 anxiety and recently it came back. I don’t really have social anxiety, I’m mostly anxious for no reason at all, which lead me to being obsessed with going insane getting schizophrenia etc. However, i cant seem to find anyone who has this feeling that only has anxiety. To clarify further: I know there is nobody behind me, it’s just a general feeling of unease and uncomfortability, like after watching a horror movie when you were a kid and constantly looking behind your back after it was over. Is this an anxiety thing or am I becoming paranoid?
feeling someone behind anxiety attack day super edge especially coffee start feel like even alone room year old male issue since recollection lot recently came back really social mostly anxious reason lead obsessed going insane getting schizophrenia etc however cant seem find anyone clarify know nobody general unease uncomfortability watching horror movie kid constantly looking thing becoming paranoid
Moderately Negative
What makes someone a man child? Why some characters in movies are called dumb or some are unlikeable? Like why some people like batman but i feel like he has no sense of humor and most consider him as manly.. do i have to be like him to be a man? My question is what makes someone a man?? Maybe im overthiking by trying to be "perfect" and that overthinking is making me go crazy and end up not doing anything to improve. And fap all day. I cant even fucking make friends. I try my hardest to be liked. In fact my depression makes me think no one even cares about me enough to even know i exist. Maybe i should be like indiana jones... he has quiet cool traits. But i dont know how. Thanks.
make someone man child character movie called dumb unlikeable like people batman feel sense humor consider manly question maybe im overthiking trying perfect overthinking making go crazy end anything improve fap day cant even fucking friend try hardest liked fact depression think one care enough know exist indiana jones quiet cool trait dont thanks
Moderately Positive
Can someone maybe help me figure out what this is? I don't think I've ever had a classical "panic attack" but I think I might have had something similar. The other day I was working on something on my computer when I started to become very aware of my own heartbeat. It felt like it was beating irregularly and pumping too hard, but when I felt my pulse it was normal. Then I got dizzy and started to get this sort of static in my peripheral vision. I thought it might be from looking at a screen for too long so I turned off the computer and went to lie down on the sofa. I was still having the weird heartbeat and the visual static and then it became difficult to breathe all of a sudden, like I wasn't gasping for air but I had to put more effort into breathing than I usually do and I felt a sharp pain in my chest every time I inhaled. This went on for a few hours until I was eventually able to go to sleep, then when I woke up the next morning I felt a little "off" but otherwise fine. I'm an otherwise healthy 21 year old woman so I doubt it could have been a heart problem, especially since it's been a few days and I feel fine now. I'm not sure what to call it though.
someone maybe help figure think ever classical panic attack might something similar day working computer started become aware heartbeat felt like beating irregularly pumping hard pulse normal got dizzy get sort static peripheral vision thought looking screen long turned went lie sofa still weird visual became difficult breathe sudden gasping air put effort breathing usually sharp pain chest every time inhaled hour eventually able go sleep woke next morning little otherwise fine healthy year old woman doubt could heart problem especially since feel sure call though
Moderately Positive
Pretty sure my brain is broken.. Bear with me this is a long one. So back during Thanksgiving in October (i'm Canadian) I went through something tramatizing (atleast for me) I forced myself to go to thanksgiving dinner 30 minutes away to see my dads side of the family. I'm agoraphobic. I only went to make my dad happy cause I didn't want him to get fed up because I didn't go somewhere again because of my anxiety. The WHOLE time was absolute hell. I had panic attack after panic attack and had to eat infront of everyone at the table. I'm not comfortable with this side of the family and it sucked. I sucked it up even though I wanted to leave 10 minutes in. I was tired of letting people down. When we finally left my anxiety was so damn bad. I remember repeating to myself over and over "im almost home. Almost to my room. Almost to my comfort." I dry heaved so bad in the car which doesn't help my emetephobia thinking that I was sick and I don't need that ontop of what I thought was me dying. Once I got home the derealization kicked in. Everything looked foreign to me and I was still anxious as hell. The anxiety lasted all night and I slept like crap and kept waking up with my heart racing. The next day I couldn't eat and was dry heaving due to the anxiety and worrying that I possible got sick somehow. I had a loose stool which further ingrained that hell im sick! GREAT! I felt like I had no control over anything. My body, my thoughts. It was fucking awful and I remember saying that i'm never leaving the house again after feeling like this. The anxiety gradually went away after a week but I still would eat and then get anxious about having a loose stool which would make me anxious which would stir up my guts. I kept thinking something was wrong with me cause of the nervous poops. It went away and I went back to normal. Then about 3 weeks later I went to see my therapist and I came home and went on Netflix and then fell asleep. I dont remember falling asleep. I woke up within an hour full of a lump in my throat and bad derealization. I thought "what is wrong with me?!" I can't feel like this again. I'm dying! That night the anxiety came back and still hasn't left. I remember wanting my mom because she knows how to deal with this and she didnt live with me at the time as my parents seperated a year and a half ago. I then convinced myself that something bad would happen without my mom coming home. I needed her around. She would always be with me during my bad times when I was younger and I wanted her to be around this time because my dad nor my sisters helped and made me more anxious. I got set in my mind that I was gonna get them to let my mom come home no matter what. They kept telling me no because she and my dad are toxic with eachother and it would do no good. They called me dramatic and too old to have my mother around. I cried and threw things and tried to get them to understand. My mom came and stayed the night with me for 2 nights and on the second night I was determined for her to stay and move back in. My sisters and dad did not agree. It was a shit show. Arguing, my grandparents came over and me and my sister got physical. I was so set that if I didn't have my mom with me with this anxiety, or what felt like my brain dying then something bad would happen. I remember she said she had to go and that she couldn't move back in with these people who didn't treat her well. (They don't) And I remember thinking "okay If I sit here and stare at the wall and not say anything then they'll think i'm bad enough that I need my mom to come home and get me through this bad time like she used too.) I did that. Nothing happened. She left and I cried for hours till I finally fell asleep. I couldn't eat cause everytime I did I would dry heave. My mom suggested that I go to the ER. I did and I explained the family situation, my anxiety ect. This was fucking tramatizing because back when I was 13 and my panic attacks first started I had to go because I was so anxious and thought I was dying so this brought back those memories which furthured the anxiety. I went home and I still wanted my mom home so I shut my family that I lived with out. I told them to leave my alone, thinking they would get the message that "hey shes not okay we'll try to help her" They just ignored me and didn't talk to me. The nights were the worst. I would get intrusive thoughts because I punched my sister in the face during our argument and I kept thinking "oh my god what I could kill her!?" So I avoided her. I would never hurt a fly. The intrusive thoughts, the anxiety, the tramautic hospital flashback, it all felt like my brain was breaking. My dad told me my moms not coming back it's not happening and she and I should get a place. I still wasn't listening. I wanted my family to be a family again. I wanted her home. I remember telling my dad I was running away when I just went to the forest and sat there because I was expecting him to see that I was bad and that he would let my mom come home. He didn't do anything. I came back home and I woke him up and just kept asking her "why? why cant she come back home" He explained rationally and such but my brain couldn't take it. I wasn't going to go through anxiety without my mom in the house to tell me im okay. To be a family again. We all fell apart when she left and I kept it inside and didn't deal with it. I got mad and I went to my room and cut myself. I felt out of control of everything. I was just trying every way to get them to see how I was suffering. He grabbed me and asked my why I did that. I didn't want to die nor was I suicidal. I just needed them to see. It was stupid now looking back on it. After that I looked online and applied to all the places and was just rushing. I had to be with my mom. I wasn't gonna stay there and have horrible anxiety where nobody cared. We got a place and I had to leave the house to sign the lease twice which was terrible. I had 40 heart palpatations in a 24 hour period and thought If i did any walking or exersize my heart would give out. I wasn't thinking I was rushing when I went to the rental office. I would tell my mom "lets get this over with" I couldnt even enjoy any of it cause of my anxiety over my symptoms and what happened. We got the place and moved in on January 5th. It's now the 16th and the anxiety is still here. When I shut out everyone and didnt touch my phone or do anything that would show them I was getting better so they wouldn't think that this was a one time thing im stuck in that cycle. I still get intrusive thoughts. I watch tv and wonder "do we ever wonder why we live day in and day out doing the same old thing?" If I hear a song or something that I heard in my childhood during that first scary hospital time then my whole body flares up in anxiety. If I get a text, anxiety through my body. Eveything is so hypervigilant and I feel out of my body and all that is in my head is what happened and how I felt. I still feel derealization, depersonlization. Whenever I see cops or abulances I panic. When I see my own father and sisters I get instant panic. I only feel semi normal if i'm in my room on my computer and even then i'm still always anxious. My thoughts don't stop. "Why do we do this? What is the point of life? How come i'm not like so and so? Does that person worry about things?" My mind wont shut up. I'm scared to exersize because of the heart palpatations and getting my heart rate up. I still get scared to eat heavy foods because it might lead to a loose stool which might lead me into thinking I will throw up. The only time I feel calm is when I take my Seroquel at night and sleep. Even then I wake up every hour or so. I sleep all day and im up all night. I feel like my brain is broken. It's a tumor. I'll never feel normal again. If I become fixated on a show, for example i've been watching ER and I can't watch anything else because I get a surge of anxiety. Like what the hell? I swear my brain is misfiring. What the hell happened to me?
pretty sure brain broken bear long one back thanksgiving october canadian went something tramatizing atleast forced go dinner minute away see dad side family agoraphobic make happy cause want get fed somewhere anxiety whole time absolute hell panic attack eat infront everyone table comfortable sucked even though wanted leave tired letting people finally left damn bad remember repeating im almost home room comfort dry heaved car help emetephobia thinking sick need ontop thought dying got derealization kicked everything looked foreign still anxious lasted night slept like crap kept waking heart racing next day heaving due worrying possible somehow loose stool ingrained great felt control anything body fucking awful saying never leaving house feeling gradually week would stir gut wrong nervous poop normal later therapist came netflix fell asleep dont falling woke within hour full lump throat feel wanting mom know deal didnt live parent seperated year half ago convinced happen without coming needed around always younger sister helped made set mind gonna let come matter telling toxic eachother good called dramatic old mother cried threw thing tried understand stayed second determined stay move agree shit show arguing grandparent physical said treat well okay sit stare wall say think enough used nothing happened till everytime heave suggested er explained situation ect first started brought memory furthured shut lived told alone message hey shes try ignored talk worst intrusive punched face argument oh god could kill avoided hurt fly tramautic hospital flashback breaking happening place listening running forest sat expecting asking cant rationally take going tell apart inside mad cut trying every way suffering grabbed asked die suicidal stupid looking online applied rushing horrible nobody cared sign lease twice terrible palpatations period walking exersize give rental office couldnt enjoy symptom moved january th touch phone getting better stuck cycle watch tv wonder ever hear song heard childhood scary flare text eveything hypervigilant head depersonlization whenever cop abulances father instant semi computer stop point life person worry wont scared rate heavy food might lead throw calm seroquel sleep wake tumor become fixated example watching else surge swear misfiring
Moderately Negative
Is anyone else in a constant dread and anxious state? Its 24/7 right when I wake up... gets worse through the day and worst at night where I get horrible intrusive thoughts about death, hell, afterlife... its literally 24/7 i cant enjoy my life anymore at ALL, like everything is hard to do... DPDR and stuff too btw...
anyone else constant dread anxious state right wake get worse day worst night horrible intrusive thought death hell afterlife literally cant enjoy life anymore like everything hard dpdr stuff btw
Moderately Negative
Need quick advice: anxiety + peer pressure let me front this by saying im in highschool. most of my friends either vape nicotine or smoke weed and i used to aswell. recently though the school found out about me smoking and i decided just to up and stop for a while until my brain is fully developed, for financial and emotional reasons. so anyways, all my friends still do that shit. im going out to see a movie with a few of them later and one of them wants me to buy him $17 worth of vape juice. im a highschool student, saving money is a priority of mine. he's asked other friends that are going to buy it for him, saying we can vape in the theater we going to and get a good buzz during the movie. the thing is i just dont want to. however hes hyping up the rest of my friends getting them exited to hit his juul in the movies. my mind is telling me not to waste money on something im not going to do, but my anxiety is asking all these questions like; what if they dog on you for being a square? what if they no longer want to hang out? do they only like you because you did these things? Anyone have suggestions as to what I should do? I like my friends for who they are not what they do. Is there a way I can just brush all these things I used to do behind me. Is it just an issue of confidence? No clue.
need quick advice anxiety peer pressure let front saying im highschool friend either vape nicotine smoke weed used aswell recently though school found smoking decided stop brain fully developed financial emotional reason anyways still shit going see movie later one want buy worth juice student saving money priority mine asked theater get good buzz thing dont however he hyping rest getting exited hit juul mind telling waste something asking question like dog square longer hang anyone suggestion way brush behind issue confidence clue
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Scared of change I have noticed that whenever I think of doing something new, I feel like flinching or i actually flinch. This nervous feeling lasts for about a second or two, but it's happening every time and I am a bit concerned. Literally, I would try to change text editors and get anxious about it. I feel weird when I change positions sitting, and get scared or nervous about almost everything. I feel nervous talking to people and get tension headaches. When something changes it almost is like a wave of energy passes through my brain. It's hard to explain. I'm not sure if I have anxiety.
scared change noticed whenever think something new feel like flinching actually flinch nervous feeling last second two happening every time bit concerned literally would try text editor get anxious weird position sitting almost everything talking people tension headache wave energy pass brain hard explain sure anxiety
Moderately Negative
anxiety in the form of regret and shame I regret every time I've expressed myself to others and put myself in an emotionally vulnerable position. Why? I feel horribly embarrassed at everything I've revealed to people. Nothing specific, I just feel like people do nothing but judge me. I don't know why I feel so much shame over any time I've allowed myself to express myself spontaneously. Especially on social media for some reason... I want to delete every account so that everyone I know will forget about me. I don't know what's wrong with me but I can't escape it and it's making me wish I was completely invisible. I just want to disappear at this point, I've embarrassed myself too many times.
anxiety form regret shame every time expressed others put emotionally vulnerable position feel horribly embarrassed everything revealed people nothing specific like judge know much allowed express spontaneously especially social medium reason want delete account everyone forget wrong escape making wish completely invisible disappear point many
Moderately Negative
Tonight I had dinner with my boyfriend’s family without letting anxiety get the best of me! I have been with him for a year now and have had a small handful of dinners with his family. I usually tense up and over analyze what I am saying, which causes me to not say much at all. And if he’s ever out of the room and it’s just me and his parents, I especially panic. Today I vowed to try to hush my social anxiety and just be myself. This was especially important for me because I skipped out on a dinner with my boyfriend and his band mates the night before because of my social anxiety. But tonight ended up being the best evening I have had with everyone so far! :)
tonight dinner boyfriend family without letting anxiety get best year small handful usually tense analyze saying cause say much ever room parent especially panic today vowed try hush social important skipped band mate night ended evening everyone far
Moderately Positive
hospitalized for panic attack woke up in the middle of the night not being able to breathe..went outside to get fresh air and still couldnt breathe. tried drinking water, i started getting tremors and i couldnt move my hands. i was weak and feeling light-headed. ended up in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. when i got there, i heard the paramedic complain that i kept crying uncontrollably to the nurse, which was news to me because i was so out of it. one ativan pill later, and hours passed, i was finally able to breathe. apparently, it had been a panic attack. i never had one before, it felt like i was dying. my parents still dont "understand why it happened." quite honestly, neither do i. the nurse said they can come out of the blue. i've been doing meditation and doing journaling to bring stress down. i'm also going to start exercising. what other tips and tricks are there to help with this besides medicine?
hospitalized panic attack woke middle night able breathe went outside get fresh air still couldnt tried drinking water started getting tremor move hand weak feeling light headed ended ambulance way hospital got heard paramedic complain kept cry uncontrollably nurse news one ativan pill later hour passed finally apparently never felt like dying parent dont understand happened quite honestly neither said come blue meditation journaling bring stress also going start exercising tip trick help besides medicine
Moderately Positive
But that was 5 years ago... When things that happened to you 5 years ago (that probably the other person doesn’t even remember) keeps you up at night... anxiety why do you do this... :/
year ago thing happened probably person even remember keep night anxiety
Panicing!! Am I about to be fired? I was recently diagnosed with anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADHD and they think that I might also be Bipolar. I've been struggling with this stuff off and on my whole life but the last 6 months have been some of the worst I've dealt with. It's affecting my performance/attendance at work. I get my stuff done but it's lacking detail sometimes and I don't really go above and beyond because right now I just can't. I have days where I can't get out of bed because the anxiety is so crippling. I work somewhere with unlimited vacation so I use that benefit to help me get better on the days I need it. Problem is that there have been a lot more of those days recently. My boss and I have weekly 1:1 meetings and I haven't yet disclosed any of this to him. Here's why I'm panicing. We have our weekly meeting scheduled for today. As I was looking at my calendar this morning, I also noticed that we have another meeting scheduled for tomorrow (Friday) at 4pm. People are notoriously let go EOD on Fridays so now I'm thinking I'm about to be fired. I haven't been talked to at all about my performance or attendance. Logically, I have no reason, externally, to believe that I'm going to be fired. I know it's all internal dialog but that doesn't make it any less real right now. I love this company. I love my team. As the sole provider for my children and husband, I need this job. We spent our savings moving here FOR THIS JOB. I'm in full on panic mode right now and I can't calm the fuck down. I have the shakes. I've cried so much this morning over this that my eyes are puffy and no amount of makeup covers this shit up. I've already reached out to HR this morning to ask them for a meeting today so I can disclose my medical condition. Should I give them the whole list or leave it to just a couple of things? Should I ask my boss what the meeting is about tomorrow in our meeting today? Should I disclose my medical issues to my boss? I haven't said anything before now to my boss or HR. The guys on my team know some of what I'm dealing with but not everything. I told one person I trust that I'm dealing with intrusive thoughts of killing myself. To be clear, I don't want to die, I just want to be on the other side of this and I feel hopeless as fuck that I'm never going to get there. I normally thrust all of myself into whatever I am tasked with but I'm just so debilitated by everything and life just overwhelms me. I am trying so hard to focus and to get help (I see a therapist weekly and am on Zoloft). Advice please!
panicing fired recently diagnosed anxiety depression ptsd adhd think might also bipolar struggling stuff whole life last month worst dealt affecting performance attendance work get done lacking detail sometimes really go beyond right day bed crippling somewhere unlimited vacation use benefit help better need problem lot bos weekly meeting yet disclosed scheduled today looking calendar morning noticed another tomorrow friday pm people notoriously let eod thinking talked logically reason externally believe going know internal dialog make le real love company team sole provider child husband job spent saving moving full panic mode calm fuck shake cried much eye puffy amount makeup cover shit already reached hr ask disclose medical condition give list leave couple thing issue said anything guy dealing everything told one person trust intrusive thought killing clear want die side feel hopeless never normally thrust whatever tasked debilitated overwhelms trying hard focus see therapist zoloft advice please
Moderately Positive
I just wanted to share because I'm proud of myself, and there is nothing wrong with that. Night shifts aren't easy for me, and I have had some anxiety on and off, but zi have been able to manage it all on my own. Breathing and mindfulness have been very helpful, a little bit of acceptance and making sure my blood sugar doesn't drop. It hasn't been easy but I'm almost at the finish line. Then I can go home and sleep!
wanted share proud nothing wrong night shift easy anxiety zi able manage breathing mindfulness helpful little bit acceptance making sure blood sugar drop almost finish line go home sleep
Moderately Positive
Can’t even go to the gas station I’m a senior in high school with terrible anxiety. This past year I’ve taken many strides and am trying my best to get involved with my old extracurricular activities, which for about a year now, I’ve been too embarrassed to take up again because I essentially ghosted on everyone. Despite all this, sometimes, it feels like I’ve made no progress. My dad asked me to put gas in the car before he had to drive into the city the other day. We had roughly 30 miles left in the tank, and I knew I really needed to get gas, but the thought of going to the station, possibly causing an accident, taking up someone’s time, or embarrassing myself in any way paralyzed me, and so I just kept driving home, where I lied and said I forgot about it. I feel like such an asshole, but I know that given the exact same scenario now, I’d probably do it again.
even go gas station senior high school terrible anxiety past year taken many stride trying best get involved old extracurricular activity embarrassed take essentially ghosted everyone despite sometimes feel like made progress dad asked put car drive city day roughly mile left tank knew really needed thought going possibly causing accident taking someone time embarrassing way paralyzed kept driving home lied said forgot asshole know given exact scenario probably
Moderately Positive
I hate my heartbeat. Right now, my thoughts aren’t particularly stressful, but I know I must be having anxiety because my heartbeat just won’t leave me alone. I can feel it pulsing in my head and rattling away in my chest, going off like some kind of alarm. The feel of my heartbeat puts me on edge because it’s so often symptomatic of my anxiety. If I could just make peace with the feeling of it, I’d be able to relax way more easily. Any pointers?
hate heartbeat right thought particularly stressful know must anxiety leave alone feel pulsing head rattling away chest going like kind alarm put edge often symptomatic could make peace feeling able relax way easily pointer
Moderately Positive
I’m losing my mind I realize I just posted earlier today, but I really do t have anyone else to talk to about my anxiety and those I have talked to about it, well they’ve never experienced it like I had. They’re normal and I think it annoys them with all my ups and downs. I’ve recently quit my antidepressants, about three weeks ago. And today has just been bad. Ive been pulling my hair out and my mind won’t stop racing. I can’t focus on my job and I keep crying randomly and getting frustrated. I’m in a weird, fucked up situation with my ex that I’m still in love with and Im stressed beyond belief. I just feel like I’m losing my mind and my emotions are very erratic today.
losing mind realize posted earlier today really anyone else talk anxiety talked well never experienced like normal think annoys ups down recently quit antidepressant three week ago bad ive pulling hair stop racing focus job keep cry randomly getting frustrated weird fucked situation ex still love im stressed beyond belief feel emotion erratic
Moderately Negative
I hadn't laught and felt so wanted in litterally years ! So how come I'm so what ever it is I can't just say: hey want to go out to starbucks or something? I just want to be myself I guess I really want to at least try, if I get yes or maybie or no. I don't want to the regret of not even just trying. Thanks!
laught felt wanted litterally year come ever say hey want go starbucks something guess really least try get yes maybie regret even trying thanks
Moderately Negative
How can I tell if I’m having an anxiety attack? How can I tell if I’m having an anxiety attack and how can I stop it?
tell anxiety attack stop
Having my first awful day in a while and need advice Hi, Before I start, I don’t really know what I’m asking but I just need some general advice or anything that will help me. I was prescribed 20mg of Citalopram for anxiety and depression and I thought I was getting better. I’m studying for my masters degree and everything was going okay, I got an unconditional offer for a PhD and I thought things were looking up. Lately, I have had so much work to do and at the moment I can’t afford my prescription so I don’t have any tablets left. For the past couple of weeks I’ve been working so hard and I feel like I’ve burned myself out. From the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep I’m trying to do work and I haven’t had a good night sleep in weeks. Today I had a meeting with my masters supervisor (who will also be my PhD supervisor). He kept asking me complicated questions about my work and asking me to code things there and then. If i was having a good day, this would be fine, but I’m not. It felt like my brain just stopped working. I couldn’t concentrate at all on what he was saying and couldn’t answer anything he was asking me, apart from saying “I don’t know”. Now that I’ve left the meeting I feel so utterly stupid, worthless, depressed, useless, disappointing. I feel like my supervisor is probably regretting offering me a PhD now. He knows I have anxiety disorder and I’m hoping he could tell something was wrong and doesn’t just think I’m an idiot. Regardless, I feel like a piece of shit, I really really REALLY hate myself. I hate being this way and it feels like whenever things start to look up, it all gets swept from under my feet and I’m back at square one. Can someone please give me any words or advice that will help me feel better. I can’t explain the amount of self-loathing I feel right now, I just want to disappear
first awful day need advice hi start really know asking general anything help prescribed mg citalopram anxiety depression thought getting better studying master degree everything going okay got unconditional offer phd thing looking lately much work moment afford prescription tablet left past couple week working hard feel like burned wake go sleep trying good night today meeting supervisor also kept complicated question code would fine felt brain stopped concentrate saying answer apart utterly stupid worthless depressed useless disappointing probably regretting offering disorder hoping could tell something wrong think idiot regardless piece shit hate way whenever look get swept foot back square one someone please give word explain amount self loathing right want disappear
Moderately Negative
First psychology appointment. What were some of y’alls first experiences like? Hi everyone, first time posting. So I’m going to my first ever psychology appointment later today and I’m going crazy overthinking it. To those of you who’ve experienced these kinds of appointments before, what is it like? What kind of questions do they ask? What kind of things should I be talking about? Was the experience good?
first psychology appointment alls experience like hi everyone time posting going ever later today crazy overthinking experienced kind question ask thing talking good
Moderately Positive
I can't stop worrying about my chest I was recently diagnoised with s aeart murmur. Apparently one of my main arteries pumps too much blood out, which is the opoosite from the common problem (I think?). Anyway, the heart doctor said to make yearly appointments with him and to monitor it for unusual activity. So now I'm lying in bed, worrying if my chest hurts. Problem is, I get chronic heartburn AND my chest aches when I'm anxious. This doesnt feel like either of those, but I have also been known to get horrible Placebo Effect pains. So I don't know for sure if this is my chest or not. I mean, I know it's probably not. But I'm gonna have a real hard time falling asleep wondering if each pound of my chest is an indication of something scary.
stop worrying chest recently diagnoised aeart murmur apparently one main artery pump much blood opoosite common problem think anyway heart doctor said make yearly appointment monitor unusual activity lying bed hurt get chronic heartburn ache anxious doesnt feel like either also known horrible placebo effect pain know sure mean probably gonna real hard time falling asleep wondering pound indication something scary
Moderately Negative
Can’t make friends because of my social anxiety and my ADHD meds Ughhh alright so for starters in school I don’t have any friends 0 at all no one talks to me it’s almost like I’m not there it’s mostly my fault I don’t talk to anybody because of my anxiety, I’ve got GAD and I also take adderall for my ADHD (which makes me antisocial as it is). anyway after about 2 months of school I was super depressed one night and tried to crawl out of my hell hole and make some friends so I made a “potential friends” list and marked down people I thought would be cool to be friends with, I found one of the people on my list on Instagram (I follow my school on Instagram and she was in my suggestions). anyway I requested to follow her 2-3 times and kept getting declined well today she blocked me and it’s a big set back for me (idk if she knows it’s my instagram I mean she knows my name but I use my shortened nickname in my username), it’s been a sad school year for me I come home kind of sad everyday that no one talks to me when it’s almost 1000% my fault, who would want to talk to someone who doesn’t talk ? But at the same time it sucks man no one sits with me at lunch, no one says hi when they see me idk what to do. This is abnormal for me because about 2-3 years ago I used to have a ton of friends at my school I used to be the funniest kid in the school and I got on my ADHD medication and I can’t even talk to anyone anymore I feel like I could make some friends if someone would talk to me first idk what to do.
make friend social anxiety adhd med ughhh alright starter school one talk almost like mostly fault anybody got gad also take adderall antisocial anyway month super depressed night tried crawl hell hole made potential list marked people thought would cool found instagram follow suggestion requested time kept getting declined well today blocked big set back idk know mean name use shortened nickname username sad year come home kind everyday want someone suck man sits lunch say hi see abnormal ago used ton funniest kid medication even anyone anymore feel could first
Moderately Positive
The never ending circus of guilt and depression, with our ringleader anxiety. I’ve never posted here before, and I just did a general search for the word “anxiety”. Reading some of these posts really helped me not feel so alone. I’m going to put it blunt, so please excuse my language. How does one fucking disassociate from their job at the end of the day? Guilt, depression, shame, anxiety are all parasites that decided to choose me as their host. My job is stressful. I work with high needs offenders, stretched thin to a caseload of 42 very needy clients, working 12 hours a day, in an entry level position. I feel so much guilt that I leave my dog alone for that long. When I come home, I can’t turn my brain off from work. I’ve been actively looking for a new job, hell even something that’s not in my field but is better on the stress factor is okay by me. But in the meantime, I’m dreaming about work when I’m not there. I feel sick to my stomach when I think of tasks I have to do. The Sunday Blues cripples me to staying in bed and crying. I think my job would be bearable if i was able to turn it off. But I can’t. I’ve downloaded meditation apps but they don’t seem to work. I’m sorry I needed to vent. If anyone has any suggestions, I’d be open to anything. I feel like such an awful person.
never ending circus guilt depression ringleader anxiety posted general search word reading post really helped feel alone going put blunt please excuse language one fucking disassociate job end day shame parasite decided choose host stressful work high need offender stretched thin caseload needy client working hour entry level position much leave dog long come home turn brain actively looking new hell even something field better stress factor okay meantime dreaming sick stomach think task sunday blue cripple staying bed cry would bearable able downloaded meditation apps seem sorry needed vent anyone suggestion open anything like awful person
Moderately Negative
Does anyone else get more anxious when your anxiety comes out of the blue (as opposed to anxiety caused by one of your normal triggers)? I find that’s it’s easier to calm myself down during a bout of anxiety/panic when it’s caused by one of the things that typically triggers my anxiety. Maybe it’s easier to ensure myself that what I’m experiencing is actually JUST anxiety and not something worse. (I always convince myself I’m dying/about to die as I’m sure many others here can relate to. Lol) This morning, however, I was just driving down the road in a perfectly good mood when I suddenly felt a wave of anxiety come over me. This made me more anxious than usual because driving in my car is typically a “safe space” for me. I guess after dealing with anxiety for so long, I thought I knew all of my triggers. So for one to just come out of the blue like it did really threw me off and I’m having a hard time convincing myself that I’ll be ok this time. Can anyone else relate?
anyone else get anxious anxiety come blue opposed caused one normal trigger find easier calm bout panic thing typically maybe ensure experiencing actually something worse always convince dying die sure many others relate lol morning however driving road perfectly good mood suddenly felt wave made usual car safe space guess dealing long thought knew like really threw hard time convincing ok
Moderately Positive
I’m feeling a major attack coming on My heart has been beating really hard for over an hour. Not so much fast but just hard like a banging. Anything heart related sends me into an instant panic and I’m wondering if it’s the meds. I’ve been on lexapro 10mg for about 3 weeks now. I’m also on antibiotics for an infection I’m dealing with so I’m wondering if antibiotics can cause weird heart symptoms. I’m so worried and trying to relax right now but it’s hard. I just need someone to chat with for a few for distraction
feeling major attack coming heart beating really hard hour much fast like banging anything related sends instant panic wondering med lexapro mg week also antibiotic infection dealing cause weird symptom worried trying relax right need someone chat distraction
An interaction with a paramedic I have PTSD with panic attacks and this has been a rough week. I work in a youth shelter, we deal with a lot of drug activity. One of the youth was displaying signs of serious withdrawal in the middle of the night. As per our policy I called for an ambulance and police. The youth refused to go with the paramedics and when I tried to explain to the paramedic that we had a policy about youth being discharged to the hospital when there are suspected issues related to drugs the paramedic lashed out at me saying it was ridiculous. He began belittling me in front of my other staff, the other paramedics and the police. When I asked him to stop being rude and to relocate the conversation to another area away from the youth he continued to belittle me saying that I shouldn’t question his medical knowledge. Which I wasn’t, I was just trying to explain our policy. He turned to the police officer and sarcastically asked if he was being rude. Which the office agreed he was. He laughed it off and continued to say that the policy is stupid and that he knew what he was doing. The police officer pulled me aside after and reassured me that he was being rude and should not have talked to me like he did. I feel super attacked and now I’m questioning my decision and trying not to have a panic attack because I have 5 more hours in my shift.
interaction paramedic ptsd panic attack rough week work youth shelter deal lot drug activity one displaying sign serious withdrawal middle night per policy called ambulance police refused go tried explain discharged hospital suspected issue related lashed saying ridiculous began belittling front staff asked stop rude relocate conversation another area away continued belittle question medical knowledge trying turned officer sarcastically office agreed laughed say stupid knew pulled aside reassured talked like feel super attacked questioning decision hour shift
Moderately Negative
Im taking a placement test for my ged tomorrow I turn 27 in March. I left high school at 17 and in 11th grade because of my anxiety. This means so much to me. I don't expect a miracle or anything, but I hope to at least have it before the fall semester to start college. My anxiety is too bad for a fast food job. I'm hoping a desk job is more my style. I have had my car and driver's license for about 4 months now so it's time to start. I'm hoping I don't start throwing up everything I eat and feeling constant adrenaline again. But if i do I'll ask to be put back on meds. I'm so hoping this works out. I could really use something to devote my time to (and also something I can make a decent amount on money from) besides just my house and my son while he is out of school. (I'll be going to study at a center when he is in school.) I have zero social life. I am bad at making/keeping friends. I'm hoping this will be something good for me, my family, and my marriage. Sorry, I know most of you probably don't care, but I'm very excited and dont have anyone to tell. Sorry if this isn't relevant. But the whole reason I'm without a diploma or job is because of the anxiety/ panic attack disorder so I'm hoping this is okay to go here. I don't really have many in my corner rooting for me. (Actually just one and I'm not even completely certain his reasons are pure.)
im taking placement test ged tomorrow turn march left high school th grade anxiety mean much expect miracle anything hope least fall semester start college bad fast food job hoping desk style car driver license month time throwing everything eat feeling constant adrenaline ask put back med work could really use something devote also make decent amount money besides house son going study center zero social life making keeping friend good family marriage sorry know probably care excited dont anyone tell relevant whole reason without diploma panic attack disorder okay go many corner rooting actually one even completely certain pure
Moderately Positive
What do you usually listen to before going to sleep? I usually just listen to podcasts/news channel/sporcenter (I don't even like sports) I'd listen to anything tbh as long as I'm not alone with my own toughts
usually listen going sleep podcasts news channel sporcenter even like sport anything tbh long alone toughts
Moderately Negative
DAE get pre-anxiety anxiety? I have extreme call anxiety & tomorrow at 8:30am I have to call a new psychiatrist and make an appointment. It's 1:56am now and I'm anxious just thinking about how anxious I'm going to be during the call, let alone just dialing the number. This is constantly happening. DAE get like this?
dae get pre anxiety extreme call tomorrow new psychiatrist make appointment anxious thinking going let alone dialing number constantly happening like
Moderately Negative
Want to give meds a try but pretty nervous about it. TL;DR: I’m seeing my PCP tomorrow and I want to ask about medication that could help with agoraphobia that is triggered by driving but I am feeling very unsure due to a lot of negativity surrounding SSRI meds. Hey guys, I’ve been lurking on this sub for the last few months under a different username and I’ve finally decided to post. I’ve dealt with anxiety and panic attack on and off my entire life. Nearly everyone on my dad’s side of the family deals with it and it somehow decided to pass along to me. I usually go spans of 3 to 4 years without having any panic attacks and during those times I’m very happy and feeling positive about life. Then something usually happens that sets me back 10 steps and the anxiety and panic will manifest in different ways. • high school; performance anxiety that would affect me only when I would perform on stage. • post college: unexpected death of my father would come as me being constantly afraid of death. • most recent: a panic attack woke me up from a bad dream and sent me to the ER cause the panic attack was so bad. My husband drove me to the ER and I have the worst panic attack of my life while we were merging on the highway and I felt like i was trapped and was going to die if we didn’t pull over and call 911. Now because I had that panic attack in the car and felt trapped and helpless, I’ve been having a really hard time with driving just about anywhere. Driving to and from work is so painful because I work 11 miles (40 minutes) from my place. My PCP gave me 0.5mg of Xanax (haven’t taken it yet cause I’m terrified of it and all the horror stories I’ve hear) and propanolol to help ease the very physical symptoms I get. I just don’t think that that is enough because I am suffering. I’ve only been going through this since November and I feel like this has been the worst anxiety has ever been for me because I am constantly worried I am going to have a panic attack and kill myself or someone else while driving. Not driving is NOT an option because my city is suuuuuper spread out and you have to drive about 20 minutes just to get anywhere. I guess what I’m asking here is what made you guys finally want to try meds? I was doing therapy with EMDR but I had to cancel due to sessions being $100 a week and me not being able to afford that for very long. I feel like I’m running out of options (and sanity) here.
want give med try pretty nervous tl dr seeing pcp tomorrow ask medication could help agoraphobia triggered driving feeling unsure due lot negativity surrounding ssri hey guy lurking sub last month different username finally decided post dealt anxiety panic attack entire life nearly everyone dad side family deal somehow pas along usually go span year without time happy positive something happens set back step manifest way high school performance would affect perform stage college unexpected death father come constantly afraid recent woke bad dream sent er cause husband drove worst merging highway felt like trapped going die pull call car helpless really hard anywhere work painful mile minute place gave mg xanax taken yet terrified horror story hear propanolol ease physical symptom get think enough suffering since november feel ever worried kill someone else option city suuuuuper spread drive guess asking made therapy emdr cancel session week able afford long running sanity
Moderately Negative
My meds did nothing I was going though a rough patch a few months ago, and my doctor prescribed me some pills. She insisted that I didn't take them often, because they could be addictive. Also that I shouldn't do anything important afterwards because they were very potent. ​ Well, I tried them twice, and I felt nothing. She even said she was surprised, because I was supposed to feel drugged when taking them. ​ Any idea what happened? Can I have some natural tolerance to the substance? Was my doctor exagerating the effects? For context: the name of the meds was Sobril, it's a benzo. I used to take paroxetine, have been off for over a year.
med nothing going though rough patch month ago doctor prescribed pill insisted take often could addictive also anything important afterwards potent well tried twice felt even said surprised supposed feel drugged taking idea happened natural tolerance substance exagerating effect context name sobril benzo used paroxetine year
Moderately Positive
Because of social anxiety I have few friends and accordingly, few social media followers. Felt embarrassed about my little followers and left IG. I want to get back on IG now but I'm still nervous. What do I do? Here's my dilemma. I've just graduated secondary school and will be going on to tertiary education soon. So, rejoining Instagram will mean keeping in touch with old classmates and schoolmates and also as a platform to make more connections in my new school. I'm constantly thinking about this and just need to make a decision. What would you do? EDIT: thanks for the advice, it was very reassuring. I think I'm probably going to dive in. After all, if I don't like it, I could just quit again.
social anxiety friend accordingly medium follower felt embarrassed little left ig want get back still nervous dilemma graduated secondary school going tertiary education soon rejoining instagram mean keeping touch old classmate schoolmate also platform make connection new constantly thinking need decision would edit thanks advice reassuring think probably dive like could quit
How to find the right therapist after several bad matches? Hi guys, would value your inputs. Wife in London is struggling with anxiety / panic. She has been to a number of therapists accredited by the right bodies, but hasn’t found anyone that she has found useful. She has been to 5 or 6 different people, but found them to be very generic / unhelpful. I have also been through therapy and have passed on everything I can think of that is relevant, and maybe that means she is struggling to find someone that appears insightful. My wife is driven by a lot of fear that we think comes from growing up in an unstable family and political environment. She is hoping for someone to help her explore that and help her trace her current behaviour and fears back to their origins, to help her understand and overcome them. TLDR: I feel that therapy would be useful for her but she has almost given up hope. How do we find the right therapist that will help her explore her past to link it to her current fears? Thanks a million for any help you can provide!
find right therapist several bad match hi guy would value input wife london struggling anxiety panic number accredited body found anyone useful different people generic unhelpful also therapy passed everything think relevant maybe mean someone appears insightful driven lot fear come growing unstable family political environment hoping help explore trace current behaviour back origin understand overcome tldr feel almost given hope past link thanks million provide
The weekend, i felt like the sensations I have while in a panic attack is kind of the same as the one I have when overly (sexually) excited, and this troubles me. **tl:dr, because I always speak too much**: I kind of discovered that some of the hardest physical feeling I have in a panic attack can be the same as when I have intense physical pleasure, but I feel one being negative and painful and the other as positive and pleasurable. And it does not make any sense to me. Am I alone in this!? I've had panic attack (while sleeping or in between being awaken and asleep) for over 20 years now, those are common to me, and being the [too] rational type of guy, I've tried to analyse them a lot over the years... Up to where, at some point, I decided that they where part of life and tried to accept them without trying to think about them too much. So it's been a while (years!) since I've "analysed" the attacks, and the feeling of them. So I might just be realizing something that was there all along, or is just not there at all, I don't know. I guess I'm posting this to see if anyone relates because this feels so... Weird, I can't wrap my head around the fact that this is something. Here it goes. Last friday I had one of my attacks. Was sleeping, woke up in panic because if the idea that I will one day die. Had the usual search for my breath, heartbeat accelerated and _that heavy feeling_ in the chest that I can never really describe well. Like always, I calmed down, knowing what was happening and went back to sleep some time later in the night. Then the usual happened. Since my early twenties, every one of those attacks triggers some kind of libido surges in the following days. It's like the idea of one day dying triggers a need for _sensations_ (seems reasonable I guess). Now I'm married with a low libido woman, and I don't often have sex... So when it does occur, it's normally _really good_ and, last sunday, it did happen, when I was on that "sensation need" phase of the attacks. At some point, my wife touched me and I had an immense burst of good sensations that culminated as what I can only describe and felt as _the exact same heavy feeling in my chest_ that I have while in a panic attack. But it was a bad feeling, a difficult or negative one. It was so good. It physically felt the same in my chest, but it wasn't painful, in was intense pleasure. Since then, I've only had that on my mind. I can't seem to be able to bring together in my head that I have (or had) the same physical sensation on two such different and opposite end of the scale. Does it make sense!?
weekend felt like sensation panic attack kind one overly sexually excited trouble tl dr always speak much discovered hardest physical feeling intense pleasure feel negative painful positive pleasurable make sense alone sleeping awaken asleep year common rational type guy tried analyse lot point decided part life accept without trying think since analysed might realizing something along know guess posting see anyone relates weird wrap head around fact go last friday woke idea day die usual search breath heartbeat accelerated heavy chest never really describe well calmed knowing happening went back sleep time later night happened early twenty every trigger libido surge following dying need seems reasonable married low woman often sex occur normally good sunday happen phase wife touched immense burst culminated exact bad difficult physically mind seem able bring together two different opposite end scale
recently been feeling these “brain shocks” and i dont know what to do like im seriously lost, this has only happrned recently and ive never used the devils lettuce and anti depressants.
recently feeling brain shock dont know like im seriously lost happrned ive never used devil lettuce anti depressant
Moderately Negative
Lockerrooms... Does any one else get major anxiety in locker rooms? I always have to change in the bathroom stalls or in the showers because the thought of changing in front of someone is worse than death
lockerrooms one else get major anxiety locker room always change bathroom stall shower thought changing front someone worse death
Moderately Negative
DAE go to school and feel like everything just happens around you New to this sub. Perhaps it'll be therapeutic in some way. Does anyone else go to school/work and sit down at lunch or in class and notice everything just go on without you? Makes me feel like I mean nothing to everyone :/
dae go school feel like everything happens around new sub perhaps therapeutic way anyone else work sit lunch class notice without make mean nothing everyone
Moderately Negative
How do you know if your anxiety is caused by a chemical imbalance? Being prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medication, I am wondering how much of it is caused by imbalances. Ideally I’d like to take nothing - or perhaps something strictly as needed. This is something my psychiatrist has never brought up and I’m curious to hear some unbiased answers.
know anxiety caused chemical imbalance prescribed anti depressant medication wondering much ideally like take nothing perhaps something strictly needed psychiatrist never brought curious hear unbiased answer
Moderately Positive
My friend is coming to get me in the grocery store parking lot where I wound up after. It is, legally, without a doubt my fault, although actually not because the cops cut the guy in front of me off to let some school busses go past without traffic or whatever, the roads were slick, and I couldn’t stop in time, but I’m still freaking out in my head. Ugh. Mentally just not alright right now. I should not have gone out today.
friend coming get grocery store parking lot wound legally without doubt fault although actually cop cut guy front let school bus go past traffic whatever road slick stop time still freaking head ugh mentally alright right gone today
Experience with Trintellix? I have severe chronic depression, have had it for most of my adult life. I got on Welbutrin last year and that helped a lot. This past year though my anxiety that often goes along with my depressive episodes has been crippling. It's been affecting my work, and sleep. I get so overwhelmed with anxiety at work that I can't mentally function. And I keep waking up almost every hour of the night, often with terrifying nightmares. I spoke with my doctor who recommended I try Trintellix with my Welbutrin, and if it helps to then wean off the latter. Anyone here take this medication or have experience with it? I know everyone's body is different so how one person reacts won't be how everyone does. Just am curious of what I might expect, and maybe hear some encouraging success stories with it if they're there. Or advice to help with things like nausea (my doc said that's a common initial/temporary side affect) Thanks!
experience trintellix severe chronic depression adult life got welbutrin last year helped lot past though anxiety often go along depressive episode crippling affecting work sleep get overwhelmed mentally function keep waking almost every hour night terrifying nightmare spoke doctor recommended try help wean latter anyone take medication know everyone body different one person reacts curious might expect maybe hear encouraging success story advice thing like nausea doc said common initial temporary side affect thanks
Moderately Negative
Let’s talk about things we know we are doing wrong. I’d like to hear some of the habits you all have, as anxiety sufferers, that you believe are bad for you but, that you do any way. Here are some of mine: drinking coffee, diagnosing myself/ researching my countless aches and pains, drinking alcohol, staying close to hospitals, having an escape plan for every situation, and oversharing my disorder (GAD). Writing all this, instead of going out and living my life.
let talk thing know wrong like hear habit anxiety sufferer believe bad way mine drinking coffee diagnosing researching countless ache pain alcohol staying close hospital escape plan every situation oversharing disorder gad writing instead going living life
Moderately Negative
Kinda freaking out, advice please? Quick Backstory: I was diagnosed with Social Anxiety when I was 10, but I think I'm more generalized anxiety tbh, I'm 24 now, no medications, briefly went through therapy in college for it. I'm married (2 years in March), and we've been healing from a rough season of life recently. A lot of the problem is I don't know how to handle it when someone is angry with me. I get so afraid of my husband coming home from work, when I know he will be mad at me for something. He's never done anything to warrant the fear - I know its irrational. He's never hit me or ever even implied he wanted to or was going to. Basically not violent. I think only ever yelled at me once and I was raising my voice too, never swears, or anything. Typically handles his anger pretty well - will leave a room to cool off before saying something he will regret, etc. Another backstory is my husband is severely allergic to some type of chemical that we are trying to pin down. We have a cat, that my husband is not very fond of. He's never had a pet before, and is adjusting to having something you can't really control around. The cat is sweet, she can be difficult at times (doesn't let us pick her up, is scared of everything), and this morning she did something she's never done before: peed on the carpet. Now it's in her litter closet, so its not like in the middle of the room or anything. And its my fault because I was sick and completely forgot to sift it so I get why she did it. So I spend all morning freaking out trying to clean this spot, its smelling up the whole house, and she's been doing a lot of random things recently that have been aggravating my husband. I didn't know what to do, and was sob cleaning trying to get the smell to go away. I made the decision to go get an enzyme cleaner to get the ammonia smell out. It did it, I don't smell anything. I texted my husband about it, and he is mad at me for bringing the cleaner into the house. We've had to go chemical free to keep his reactions at bay - and this was within the last month and a half so still adjusting. The ingredient list doesn't specify what types of surfactant cleaners are in it, so it probably has something he's allergic to. I can't stop crying. He's so mad. He texted me that he has to work overtime hours after our initial conversation and isn't responding to my question of when he will be home. I haven't been able to do my school work today because I can't stop thinking about: how stupid I am, how I've hurt him - physically, why I didn't try baking soda first, how mad he's going to be, will he want to get rid of our cat, the list goes on. And the fact that I couldn't get what I needed done today is making me more anxious. I just want to shut everything off, sleep, do something to make it stop. I don't know what to do. There's at least an hour until he was supposed to be home initially. What can I do to stop my head from this?
kinda freaking advice please quick backstory diagnosed social anxiety think generalized tbh medication briefly went therapy college married year march healing rough season life recently lot problem know handle someone angry get afraid husband coming home work mad something never done anything warrant fear irrational hit ever even implied wanted going basically violent yelled raising voice swears typically anger pretty well leave room cool saying regret etc another severely allergic type chemical trying pin cat fond pet adjusting really control around sweet difficult time let u pick scared everything morning peed carpet litter closet like middle fault sick completely forgot sift spend clean spot smelling whole house random thing aggravating sob cleaning smell go away made decision enzyme cleaner ammonia texted bringing free keep reaction bay within last month half still ingredient list specify surfactant probably stop cry overtime hour initial conversation responding question able school today thinking stupid hurt physically try baking soda first want rid fact needed making anxious shut sleep make least supposed initially head
Moderately Negative
How to instantly calm down? I'm at a huge public library right now, can't leave for an hour, I feel so tense and sick with all these people around, even when I'm at a computer! How can I stop these feelings so I can relax?
instantly calm huge public library right leave hour feel tense sick people around even computer stop feeling relax
That feeling of relief after a panic attack I had a panic attack today after not having a big one in a while. Whew. I forgot what it's like. At first I just had a really bad pain in my chest, and when it wouldn't go away I started worrying I had carbon monoxide poisoning, so I checked the co monitor and then ran outside for fresh air, almost fainted and could barely walk. After I didn't die, I was convinced I was having a stroke. I only realized it was a panic attack after I started to calm down, and once I realized that, it's like the biggest feeling of relief and happiness that I didn't die. Does anyone else get that feeling? If not, how do you feel afterwards?
feeling relief panic attack today big one whew forgot like first really bad pain chest go away started worrying carbon monoxide poisoning checked co monitor ran outside fresh air almost fainted could barely walk die convinced stroke realized calm biggest happiness anyone else get feel afterwards
Moderately Positive
The Mirror Exercise - for social anxiety I actually figured out a way that really helps me with my social skills. It's called the "Mirror Exercise" I used to suffer from social anxiety before this and it's helped me a lot People who are getting ready to do speeches, go to sensitive networking events, or spend the night picking up girls, also do this exercise. Go to you bathroom or your room where there is a mirror. Be alone so you are not worried about people judging you. Then look in the mirror and affirm "it's okay! I am okay! It's all going to be fine" out loud, with firm conviction. Do this for a few minutes while staring at your right eye Then have a conversation with yourself. Ask yourself about your day. Just talk as if you are talking to another person. Your mind will fight and argue saying this is stupid, it's not going to work, you're wasting your time etc. just smile every time a feeling like that comes up, like you would smile at the antics of a complaining baby. Continue you to talk to yourself for about 10-15 minutes. In the beginning, do this for about 3-2 times per day. Then once you've established a habit, cut down the duration or to once per day. Remember, in the beginning this will help you, then it will improve you. Doing it the first thing waking up and last thing before going to sleep really helped me. I don't want to get into the details of why or how it works. Because the benefits will be incredibly apperant after you've done a few times. Good luck with your struggles and god bless.
mirror exercise social anxiety actually figured way really help skill called used suffer helped lot people getting ready speech go sensitive networking event spend night picking girl also bathroom room alone worried judging look affirm okay going fine loud firm conviction minute staring right eye conversation ask day talk talking another person mind fight argue saying stupid work wasting time etc smile every feeling like come would antic complaining baby continue beginning per established habit cut duration remember improve first thing waking last sleep want get detail benefit incredibly apperant done good luck struggle god bless
Moderately Positive
Do I have Anxiety or am I Overreacting? So, I have been looking up articles and essays on social anxiety because I think I may have it. I'm not completely sure if I really do have it or if I'm just being dramatic. I have had what i think are anxiety attacks twice now, and the most difficult one happened in an overcrowded Cosco. There were too many people, and the building just seemed really small, and there was so much noise that it just all mashed together until I felt like I couldn t breathe- I don't know if I was overreacting or have a real attack, but it got better (not by much, but still better) once i was out in the parking lot and could see the sky. I'm kind of afraid/nervous to go back into a grocery store. This happened a month ago and I still haven't gone into a grocery store yet. Would anyone be able to tell me if I am overreacting or if I have anxiety. I would really like to know if I should see a doctor or something else. Thank you.
anxiety overreacting looking article essay social think may completely sure really dramatic attack twice difficult one happened overcrowded cosco many people building seemed small much noise mashed together felt like breathe know real got better still parking lot could see sky kind afraid nervous go back grocery store month ago gone yet would anyone able tell doctor something else thank
Moderately Positive
Anxiety about a moldy utility room in my old house. Since 2001 to 2016 I lived in this one story bungalow, it was a fairly old house from the 60s, but fairly nice. Most of the rooms were very clean save for two, the bathroom and utility room. The Bathroom had quite a bit of mold, but there wasn't a smell and no one else in the house appeared to get sick. And what mold that did develop on the ceiling from vapors from the shower were typically cleaned. ​ The room that worried me was the Utility, I had my clothes sometimes washed in there though I barely spent time in it, it did smell pretty bad and it was very moldy. It wasn't a part of the main house (it was a part of the Garage next to the house) thank god, but I keep thinking about it since I deal with anxiety and depression related issues to this day. ​ In the last year before we moved, there was an issue with the shower boiler and there was a leak in the wall, a nasty patch of mold developed, but no one else got sick from it and we covered it up to negate the spore transfer in the air. We have however moved to a newer and actually clean house so things are fine now... ​ But I keep thinking the mold affected me and I dunno how to get it out of my mind.
anxiety moldy utility room old house since lived one story bungalow fairly nice clean save two bathroom quite bit mold smell else appeared get sick develop ceiling vapor shower typically cleaned worried clothes sometimes washed though barely spent time pretty bad part main garage next thank god keep thinking deal depression related issue day last year moved boiler leak wall nasty patch developed got covered negate spore transfer air however newer actually thing fine affected dunno mind
How do I keep my (F24) anxiety from making me a clingy girlfriend to my SO (M28)? [repost from r/longdistance bc I thought I’d get some good advice from anxiety sufferers as well] I’m diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder, and clinical depression. + fibromyalgia. But I guess I’m mostly here for the anxiety part. we met in korea, he moved to the UK, we've been LD since he moved with a 9 hour time difference. I will be moving to Canada in a week (thank god) so the distance will be shorter, and i see him every 3 months ish but i have severe depression and anxiety, and LD is hard enough as it is without adding those spices into the mix. because of my anxieties of him finding someone else, forgetting about me, falling in love with another girls smile, having so much fun that he realizes he'd rather be single, etc etc etc I call him very often. we have our set time to video chat once a week, but i always call so much during the week and im driving him insane. he is really busy with school and also a type of person that likes to be left alone more than i like to be. he is also the one that left so i feel like it's always easier for the one that left than for the one that got left behind. literally the only thing we ever get into fights about is me not giving him enough space, and me feeling like he doesn't miss me because he wont talk to me for 2 hours every day. I guess in my head, i would love to talk to him for 2 hours a day because miss him so much, and when he says he wants to hang up or that i call too much, my anxiety is screaming " he doesn't miss you. he doesn't love you anymore." he is really nice because even when he's busy or i've called for the 2nd or 3rd time that day, he still answers the phone. he answers, rightfully annoyed or pissed but still listens to me. and it's this weird and annoying loop where it's like i call him, and then he gets angry or annoyed and i hang up to give him space but then i start getting anxious that he's finally got so annoyed he'll leave me so i call him again 5 minutes later to apologize and he accepts it but i still feel anxious so i keep him on the phone and then he gets annoyed again (obviously) and then part of my mind is telling me to stop and put the phone down where the other half is saying "you fucked up you pushed him and now he's gonna leave so you gotta stay on the phone and get him to reassure you of everything you're worried about" he does miss me. and he does like talking to me. he's expressed this. but i just do it way too much. i dunno if im making any sense. basically im just a hot mess in this ldr and am seeking any advice for anyone whos been in my position. the LDR is much easier for my boyfriend than it is for me & i hate being clingy and suffocating and want tips on how to stop i'm re-starting therapy when i move back to Canada in one week we will only have a 5 hour time difference when i move back i'll have more distractions from missing him so much so there's that. but any tips besides "keep busy" ? TLDR; my anxiety and depression cause me to be a very clingy girlfriend. how do i stop?
keep anxiety making clingy girlfriend repost longdistance bc thought get good advice sufferer well diagnosed generalized disorder borderline personality clinical depression fibromyalgia guess mostly part met korea moved uk ld since hour time difference moving canada week thank god distance shorter see every month ish severe hard enough without adding spice mix finding someone else forgetting falling love another girl smile much fun realizes rather single etc call often set video chat always im driving insane really busy school also type person like left alone one feel easier got behind literally thing ever fight giving space feeling miss wont talk day head would say want hang screaming anymore nice even called nd rd still answer phone rightfully annoyed pissed listens weird annoying loop angry give start getting anxious finally leave minute later apologize accepts obviously mind telling stop put half saying fucked pushed gonna gotta stay reassure everything worried talking expressed way dunno sense basically hot mess ldr seeking anyone who position boyfriend hate suffocating tip starting therapy move back distraction missing besides tldr cause
Moderately Negative
muscle tension, emotional numbness, hard to describe feelings So I keep getting muscle tension ESPECIALLY around my head/temples and jaw. I do have bruxism but it never was a thing during the day. Especailly when something stimulating happens, even if its good or bad, (like excitement or looking forward to something....) I will start to get super tense and uncomfortable especially around those muscles i mentioned, and I will feel some kind of emotional numbness... its hard to explain the feeling but... Is it possible that my anxiety and excitement is almost "numbed" out by my body now? I show all the symptoms of being anxious like stiffening up.. shallow breaths... but I don't really feel anxiety. I DO feel anxiety still for lots of other stuff, but this sometimes happens still.
muscle tension emotional numbness hard describe feeling keep getting especially around head temple jaw bruxism never thing day especailly something stimulating happens even good bad like excitement looking forward start get super tense uncomfortable mentioned feel kind explain possible anxiety almost numbed body show symptom anxious stiffening shallow breath really still lot stuff sometimes
It really hurts. It’s physical pain. I can’t take it, everyday it cuts inside me. I don’t know what to do anymore. I don’t know if it’s even anxiety at this point.
really hurt physical pain take everyday cut inside know anymore even anxiety point
on to friends, I recently moved into my first apartment with my college roommate, her boyfriend, and another girl. I just feel lie everyone else in the house is so much closer and its really nerve wracking living with people in the first place especially because I know the boyfriend is a bit more reserved and having trouble adjusting i think to living with three girls. my roommate from last year is trying to be supportive but i know my low energy along with her own problems is sucking the life out of her som im trying not to bother her. in the past month, i've broken up with a creepy guy, taken my friend to the ER, constantly felt ignored because technology sucks and i'm left on read if i even try, an ex has obsessively messaged me, and then the whole issues with the friends also in the leadership of clubs with me. im just a fucking mess.
friend recently moved first apartment college roommate boyfriend another girl feel lie everyone else house much closer really nerve wracking living people place especially know bit reserved trouble adjusting think three last year trying supportive low energy along problem sucking life som im bother past month broken creepy guy taken er constantly felt ignored technology suck left read even try ex obsessively messaged whole issue also leadership club fucking mess
Upping my lexapro dose? Please share advice! I've been on 10mg of lexapro since October and it's done wonders for my depression. Not perfect, but I'm generally in a much better place than I was before. Buuuut my anxiety almost feels like it's gotten worse. It's like depression kept it down, and now that I'm not quasi-suicidal, anxiety has the energy it needs to rock my world all the fucking time. Currently, I'm still using ativan multiple times a week for panic attacks. My doctor has suggested I move to 15mg of lexapro but I'm worried about side effects. I'd really love to hear about anyone's experiences with this, or any words of wisdom. ​ Being anxious about the things that are supposed to make you less anxious is a real bag of dicks.
upping lexapro dose please share advice mg since october done wonder depression perfect generally much better place buuuut anxiety almost feel like gotten worse kept quasi suicidal energy need rock world fucking time currently still using ativan multiple week panic attack doctor suggested move worried side effect really love hear anyone experience word wisdom anxious thing supposed make le real bag dick
Moderately Positive
CBT therapy in Raleigh Looking for recommendations for CBT therapy in Raleigh. I did that years ago and it helped me become more confident, which is something I really needed at the time for my professional career. Today my daughter asked why I complained about the way I look. I didn't even realize I did that and want to improve myself so my insecurity doesn't trickle down to her. Should I see a same gender therapist or does that not really matter? How do I weed out the really good therapists from the bad ones? Thanks!
cbt therapy raleigh looking recommendation year ago helped become confident something really needed time professional career today daughter asked complained way look even realize want improve insecurity trickle see gender therapist matter weed good bad one thanks
Moderately Positive
The feeling to want to delete my entire history And I don’t mean on Google Chrome. Going through a rough patch with my anxiety at the moment. Cringe at a lot of things I say, but even worse I can’t sleep at night for analysing my entire history. It’s quite self absorbed as I’m sure other people can’t remember these little things, but this is a rational thought and it’s not comforting. Someone help me put my mind to rest :(
feeling want delete entire history mean google chrome going rough patch anxiety moment cringe lot thing say even worse sleep night analysing quite self absorbed sure people remember little rational thought comforting someone help put mind rest
Anxiety friends! If you ever need someone to talk to day or night I’m here....you can vent to me talk to me about anything I’ll never judge you! I’m a 28 year old female. I’m divorced and I have one daughter. I have anxiety and it can be very hard it sucks...I always don’t have many friends a lot of mine turned on me or lost touch. Feel free to send me a message :)
anxiety friend ever need someone talk day night vent anything never judge year old female divorced one daughter hard suck always many lot mine turned lost touch feel free send message
Moderately Positive
Replaying past events Hard to explain : Does anyone here replay a past event and wish they were more firm / did something else? Meaning - say you had an argument with someone, and you know them to be a bully. Already being intimidated- Instead of conceding / ignoring/ taking the higher road, do you ever wish you did something else, even if it would have caused a fight? Said something to support your position, etc? How does one get out of this mind game loop?
replaying past event hard explain anyone replay wish firm something else meaning say argument someone know bully already intimidated instead conceding ignoring taking higher road ever even would caused fight said support position etc one get mind game loop
Moderately Negative
Going to see a doctor for my anxiety for the first time. Any tips/what to expect? Very excited to finally start taking real steps to help my anxiety. Though I’m not sure what medication to expect as I’ve never done this before. Any tips? What to ask? How expensive is medication for anxiety and depression? I’ve really been looking forward to this and don’t want to miss my chance for relief. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
going see doctor anxiety first time tip expect excited finally start taking real step help though sure medication never done ask expensive depression really looking forward want miss chance relief advice greatly appreciated
Moderately Positive
A small step, but I am so proud of myself. I am so proud of myself. Currently I am waiting in the waiting room of a dentist office! I’ve only been able to seek dental treatment for emergencies, and those have all been traumatizing experiences. After a really rough childhood and constant decaying teeth, anxiety and depression took over and I just stopped caring. I am overcoming one of my greatest fears to try and fix one of my biggest insecurities, and I’m doing it on my own. I’m not sure how this appointment will play out, but the fact that I’m here just shows how far I’m coming in my recovery. I really have to thank CBD oil for this. It really is effective and anyone with access to medical grade, full spectrum CBD should absolutely try it out.
small step proud currently waiting room dentist office able seek dental treatment emergency traumatizing experience really rough childhood constant decaying teeth anxiety depression took stopped caring overcoming one greatest fear try fix biggest insecurity sure appointment play fact show far coming recovery thank cbd oil effective anyone access medical grade full spectrum absolutely
Moderately Positive
Starting to feel like I’m getting panic attacks I don’t know what to do. I’m 21 years old/male. I’m starting to get this feeling inside of me like I’m about to literally “break down” and embarrass myself. Even at the gym I can’t even look when I’m walking and I start doubting the way I walk. I feel like people think I look like an idiot and that I’m an embarrassment. I told my parent about my panic attacks and they gave me a sarcastic answer “very good”. They think it’s all bs. A part of me wants to kill myself at night but I never do it, because I need to finish school for my parents and provide them a good future and take care of them.
starting feel like getting panic attack know year old male get feeling inside literally break embarrass even gym look walking start doubting way walk people think idiot embarrassment told parent gave sarcastic answer good b part want kill night never need finish school provide future take care
Quit my job recently... Hey there anxious friends, ​ I just left my position Monday at a small software company and am feeling pretty anxious and guilty over it. I left the job purely for mental health reasons and was honest with them about my reason for leaving, my Lead (supervisor) was incredibly thoughtful throughout our whole talk and assured me that there were no hard feelings but I just can't seem to get over the guilt from quitting. I found a new position working for a friends small company that will be much lower stress and will hopefully have more room for growth within the company, but it is not in my field and is paying less. I have three more weeks at my current job before starting over and am feeling really anxious and guilty about it, suddenly replying to emails and answering support calls is causing me even more anxiety than it was before. It's been such a struggle to keep my voice calm and my demeanor calm lately. I am looking into going to a therapist soon but it will be a few days before I can make it to an appointment. Any tips for dealing with my mental health these last few weeks here? I want to leave on a good note and feel like a left a good impression, but today has been killing me.
quit job recently hey anxious friend left position monday small software company feeling pretty guilty purely mental health reason honest leaving lead supervisor incredibly thoughtful throughout whole talk assured hard seem get guilt quitting found new working much lower stress hopefully room growth within field paying le three week current starting really suddenly replying email answering support call causing even anxiety struggle keep voice calm demeanor lately looking going therapist soon day make appointment tip dealing last want leave good note feel like impression today killing
Moderately Positive
What strategies can I initiate to off-set severe anxiety for a presentation tomorrow? Hello all, ​ I am new here - and really new at seeking help for something I've dealt with in one form or another my whole life. I have my first counselling appointment in three days, so I will be sure to pursue this further than this post. ​ The context: ​ I am set to give an academic presentation late tomorrow. It's to my peers, and is really the first initiation for me to show what I've been working on. I am still preparing ( would say that I am 'relatively' prepared), but I am going through my natural stages of pre-presentation severe anxiety. I'm having frequent panic attacks preventing me from continuing my preparations, massive self-doubts and negative thoughts, and physiological impacts - nausea, diarrhea, heart racing, can't sleep, etc.. ​ I was just wondering if anybody has any tips for 'what works for them' in the dying hours of a presentation to come. I have tried box breathing and going for a walk, but the moment I return to preparation my anxiety increases and is more heightened than the last. ​ Anything at all as a suggestion would be helpful. I'm feeling pretty hopeless.
strategy initiate set severe anxiety presentation tomorrow hello new really seeking help something dealt one form another whole life first counselling appointment three day sure pursue post context give academic late peer initiation show working still preparing would say relatively prepared going natural stage pre frequent panic attack preventing continuing preparation massive self doubt negative thought physiological impact nausea diarrhea heart racing sleep etc wondering anybody tip work dying hour come tried box breathing walk moment return increase heightened last anything suggestion helpful feeling pretty hopeless
Moderately Positive
Persistent Anxiety For Years.... Hi all, looking for some general advice or insight into a problem that has plagued me from when I was around 19 years old. I'm currently 30 years old. ​ I'll try to keep this short and then edit with more detailed information if needed. ​ I have suffered from a persistent feeling of anxiety which has slowly, progressively gotten worse over the years. So much so that it is becoming debilitating. The odd thing is that it is very much a physical feeling, the physical feeling on your stomach and chest that other people that suffer from deep anxiety will be familiar with. The thing I find most troubling is that I don't believe I have the associated anxious thoughts or cycles of thought that would bring on that physical feeling (at least to my knowledge?). ​ I am very confident in social situations, historically I have never had any problems, in fact, comparatively (to others) I am usually the most confident person in the room. I am a very independent person and do not feel any need for others to take responsibility in my life in regard to normal day to day living. ​ I run my own business which is relatively successful and I consider my self to be financially successful. I mention this because this could be a large source of worry for some people, and ultimately this can't be a source of the anxiety. ​ I have a three-year-old son who really is no trouble and my feeling of anxiety hasn't seemed to have been adversely affected since he was born. I can and will happily go into more detail on my personal life if needed, but thought I'd just keep it to the obvious points initially. Despite all the major points in my life being good or better than good, I still wake up every day with about 10 seconds of normality before a rush of sinking anxiety descends over my body. As I say, it really seems like a physical feeling only. Almost like a rush of adrenaline that never goes away. The persistent feeling ultimately ends up numbing my emotions leading me wanting to avoid doing pretty much anything and since leaving university (and having a group of great friends) I have all but lost all contact with friends (except my work colleagues). The feeling mutes any interests I once had and now my life is very empty besides my business which I am able to run with little to no problem. I'm really worried it's going to end up ruining my life. I have been to doctors in the past and all the usual medication doesn't agree with me and as such doesn't work as a solution. I also want to be clear that I have spent countless hours reading and seeking help and information to no real avail. My question - Is there anyone out there that has suffered in the same way? Did you ever find a solution or good coping mechanisms? ​ As I mentioned earlier, I am happy to go into more detail if anyone has any questions. ​ Thankyou! ​
persistent anxiety year hi looking general advice insight problem plagued around old currently try keep short edit detailed information needed suffered feeling slowly progressively gotten worse much becoming debilitating odd thing physical stomach chest people suffer deep familiar find troubling believe associated anxious thought cycle would bring least knowledge confident social situation historically never fact comparatively others usually person room independent feel need take responsibility life regard normal day living run business relatively successful consider self financially mention could large source worry ultimately three son really trouble seemed adversely affected since born happily go detail personal obvious point initially despite major good better still wake every second normality rush sinking descends body say seems like almost adrenaline away end numbing emotion leading wanting avoid pretty anything leaving university group great friend lost contact except work colleague mute interest empty besides able little worried going ruining doctor past usual medication agree solution also want clear spent countless hour reading seeking help real avail question anyone way ever coping mechanism mentioned earlier happy thankyou
Moderately Positive
Anybody willing to lend me their ear to tell some worries I cant tell anybody else? So today was a really shitty and stressfull day for me. And sometimes some burdens just get very heavy and on those days, it really makes me anxious... Does anybody want to listen to some things going on in my life? Or just a casual chat to calm me down? :)
anybody willing lend ear tell worry cant else today really shitty stressfull day sometimes burden get heavy make anxious want listen thing going life casual chat calm
Relatable? Is it normal to feel so anxious that you don’t want to leave the house yet you’re anxious being inside all the time?
relatable normal feel anxious want leave house yet inside time
Moderately Negative
I failed and it felt kind of good? So I'm in med school and I finally failed my first test. I'd been sort of close before but this one was spectacular. Well below my average performance for this type of knowledge. I wasn't thinking clearly at all while taking it, panicking, and couldn't remember really basic stuff which seemed obvious walking in to and even walking out of this exam. No clue why I couldn't just calm down and think straight but there we go, some negative consequences of the way I process things finally happened like I'd been dreading and waiting for. Anyway. I got the notification that I failed and will have to remediate and it felt awful. I called my parents and girlfriend, watched a movie, called my girlfriend again, and cried for the first time since I was a little kid. I feel sort of unstuck, like the numbness of the past couple months has finally gone away and I'm really living in my body, really experiencing this situation. Can anyone relate to this? Also- any advice on how to use a failure as a turning point rather than another ignored reminder to get myself together? Current plan is just to study my ass off and do ok on this remediation exam I have to do, if I fail they'll make me repeat the entire year. I am comfortable with my knowledge and will work hard, but I want this to be a turning point for me in terms of maturity and dealing with my paranoia, worst-case speculation, self isolation, and procrastination. I need to grow from this and I need help on how to make sure I do that.
failed felt kind good med school finally first test sort close one spectacular well average performance type knowledge thinking clearly taking panicking remember really basic stuff seemed obvious walking even exam clue calm think straight go negative consequence way process thing happened like dreading waiting anyway got notification remediate awful called parent girlfriend watched movie cried time since little kid feel unstuck numbness past couple month gone away living body experiencing situation anyone relate also advice use failure turning point rather another ignored reminder get together current plan study as ok remediation fail make repeat entire year comfortable work hard want term maturity dealing paranoia worst case speculation self isolation procrastination need grow help sure
Hate myself Emo, I know. I'm just so frustrated with this shit feeling. I try so hard to be "normal" but it doesn't work. I'm exhausting my gf with my mood swings. She wants to understand and help, but you all know if they don't have anxiety they can never understand it and I suck at explaining what's going on. I hate this feeling, I just want to be ok. I'm not ok.
hate emo know frustrated shit feeling try hard normal work exhausting gf mood swing want understand help anxiety never suck explaining going ok
Moderately Negative
As a high school junior, I'm always severely depressed whenever I make poor grades on something to the extent I'm always on the verge of crying. Every time this happens, I always feel like my future is bleak and hopeless, my rank is gonna drop like hell, and I'm worthless compared to the other people who do better than me. I'm always driven to think lesser of myself in comparison to other people and I always hate myself because of it. Now the pain is becoming unbearable to the point I nearly start screaming, sobbing alone in my bedroom out of grief. It's only the beginning of my junior year and I feel like hell has already descended upon me and there's little I can actually do.
high school junior always severely depressed whenever make poor grade something extent verge cry every time happens feel like future bleak hopeless rank gonna drop hell worthless compared people better driven think lesser comparison hate pain becoming unbearable point nearly start screaming sobbing alone bedroom grief beginning year already descended upon little actually
Moderately Negative
Calming down at the doctor Hi... I have a problem where my blood pressure spikes when I get my readings at the doctor. As soon as the cuff goes on I can feel my heart start pounding through my chest and I've gotten readings as high as 145/90. After I calm down a bit it goes into the normal range (120/70 or so), but the measurements themselves scare me and make me worried about going to the doctor. Anyone else dealt with this and know how to overcome it? I'm thinking of telling the nurse beforehand that taking blood pressure makes me very anxious and I need some time to calm down in order to get an accurate reading but that seems too simple, has anyone tried that?
calming doctor hi problem blood pressure spike get reading soon cuff go feel heart start pounding chest gotten high calm bit normal range measurement scare make worried going anyone else dealt know overcome thinking telling nurse beforehand taking anxious need time order accurate seems simple tried
Moderately Positive
Anybody else struggle with jaw/teeth clenching? I clench my jaw so often it will become sore by the end of the day. I only do it when I'm awake, never in my sleep. Anybody else struggle with this/have any solutions that have worked for you? I'm afraid of developing jaw problems!
anybody else struggle jaw teeth clenching clench often become sore end day awake never sleep solution worked afraid developing problem
Start of a new school semester What advice can you give about meeting new people in class or speaking in front of the class? I literally get too scared for even raise my hand and ask a simple question in front of the class
start new school semester advice give meeting people class speaking front literally get scared even raise hand ask simple question
Moderately Positive
I’ve been having trouble falling asleep for the past two weeks or so. Convinced it’s Insomnia. So I’ve been having trouble falling asleep for the past two weeks. This comes in bursts for me and has been happening for about a year now. I’ll be fine for a month, and then out of nowhere I’ll start freaking out which leads to trouble falling asleep. It doesn’t help that when I started researching this I came across Fatal Familial Insomnia which freaked me out even more. Just found out about this subreddit and just need some pep talk, and some wise words to clear my mind.
trouble falling asleep past two week convinced insomnia come burst happening year fine month nowhere start freaking lead help started researching came across fatal familial freaked even found subreddit need pep talk wise word clear mind
Moderately Positive
Had the worst anxiety attack ever. Boyfriend says I traumatized him. I feel worse.. We got into an argument. My anxiety was triggered earlier that night so I went to meditate before it became anything. It didn't work so I tried other things to help such as going for a walk. Boyfriend gets frustrated with me because I wasn't communicating well enough. I ask to use the tv he says he'll be done in a couple seconds. After a minute I ask if he had an eta. He gets frustrated and tells me 5 minutes in a bad tone. I need to go meditate again because that triggers more anxiety so I tell him nvm. I come back out after and ask to use it again. He says a few minutes but I'm uncomfortable waiting around. I tell him nevermind again because I need to do something immediately to keep my mind off things. He then asks if I want to use the tv but I say no. After a few seconds of thought I change my mind and change the channel. This gets him mad at me and he leaves the house for an hour. I call him when I feel better and ask where he is and he's in the lobby. I go down to ask him if we can talk but he said we had all night to talk and that ship had sailed, he doesn't want to. I ask again if he can come up and we talk and he says he will try. We try to talk but he won't respond to me. I ask if I'm wasting my time waiting for him to respond and he gets mad and tells me he told me he couldn't talk so he can't talk. At that point my anxiety boils over and my first thought is to grab a knife and hurt myself. It all happened so fast and I couldn't tell you why I did it but he rushed over screaming what are you doing and tried to take it from me. I cut my hand in the process of him trying to take the knife. I just wanted to die, I couldn't take my anxiety anymore. I couldn't take him being there anymore. Fast forward to later, we try talking but he hardly looks at me. I tell him I need something, anything, and he yells at me telling me how about I apologize for the shit of a night and how I traumatized him. I feel worse now and I'll never forget that. I want to die again, I can't stop these feelings. I'm not going to commit suicide but the thoughts are there. We ended up going to a therapist the next day which helped a bit. This morning I woke up and I'm depressed and can't stop thinking of what he said and figured I'm better off not being here anymore..
worst anxiety attack ever boyfriend say traumatized feel worse got argument triggered earlier night went meditate became anything work tried thing help going walk get frustrated communicating well enough ask use tv done couple second minute eta tell bad tone need go trigger nvm come back uncomfortable waiting around nevermind something immediately keep mind asks want thought change channel mad leaf house hour call better lobby talk said ship sailed try respond wasting time told point boil first grab knife hurt happened fast rushed screaming take cut hand process trying wanted die anymore forward later talking hardly look yell telling apologize shit never forget stop feeling commit suicide ended therapist next day helped bit morning woke depressed thinking figured
Moderately Negative
My father is getting out of prison in 5 days. My(23m) father(66m) is getting out of prison in 5 days. He’s been incarcerated for nearly 10 years. I’m so on edge right now, because I love my father dearly and I’m so worried that he may get killed or in trouble before he gets out. I know I’m overthinking it, but man my head is spinning. I’ve been diagnosed with GAD and depression, but it’s been so much better lately. I haven’t felt this anxious in a while. My nerves are shot rn. My heart breaks for him because I’m sure he may be more stressed out than I am. Plus he’s going to have to adjust. He’s trying his best to sound confident but I can tell he’s a little nervous about getting out. He chose not to go into protective custody, but he also gets in fights a bit. Any words/advice/techniques are welcomed. Thank you.
father getting prison day incarcerated nearly year edge right love dearly worried may get killed trouble know overthinking man head spinning diagnosed gad depression much better lately felt anxious nerve shot rn heart break sure stressed plus going adjust trying best sound confident tell little nervous chose go protective custody also fight bit word advice technique welcomed thank
Moderately Positive
People would be happier if I wasn't here My anxiety? makes me feel like I'm just such a burden to everyone that I'd be doing everyone a favor if I wasn't here. I make everything awkward and I don't think anyone likes me, they just pity me. I guess it'd just be, I dunno, easier? if I wasn't here. Anyone else kinda feel this way?
people would happier anxiety make feel like burden everyone favor everything awkward think anyone pity guess dunno easier else kinda way
Moderately Negative