local ffi = require 'ffi' local dbg = require 'scripts.debugger' local twig = require 'scripts/twig' local hlpr = assert(loadfile("project/helpers.lua"))(cef) local tinsert = table.insert local tremove = table.remove ffi.cdef[[ typedef struct lj_fpool_finfo { char id[32]; char fname[1024]; char ext[8]; void * data; char * body; char mime_type[32]; int index; int state; int size; int remaining; } lj_fpool_finfo; void * calloc( size_t count, size_t esize ); ]] -- Namespace caching is faster local fpool_cef = ffi.C ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- File pool for loading multiple files local max_htmlsize = 2 * 1024 * 1024 local mime_types = {} mime_types["adf"] = "application/octet-stream" mime_types["bin"] = "application/octet-stream" mime_types["css"] = "text/css" mime_types["gif"] = "image/gif" mime_types["gltf"] = "model/gltf+json" mime_types["glsl"] = "text/plain" mime_types["html"] = "text/html" mime_types["jpeg"] = "image/jpeg" mime_types["jpg"] = "image/jpeg" mime_types["js"] = "text/javascript" mime_types["json"] = "application/json" mime_types["mjs"] = "text/javascript" mime_types["mpeg"] = "video/mpeg" mime_types["obj"] = "text/plain" mime_types["png"] = "image/png" mime_types["svg"] = "image/svg+xml" mime_types["tif"] = "image/tiff" mime_types["tiff"] = "image/tiff" mime_types["txt"] = "text/plain" mime_types["weba"] = "audio/webm" mime_types["webm"] = "video/webm" mime_types["webp"] = "image/webp" mime_types["woff"] = "font/woff" mime_types["woff2"] = "font/woff2" mime_types["xml"] = "text/xml" mime_types["twig"] = "text/html" local fpool = {} local fpool_scheme = "custom" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function init( www_paths ) twig.init( www_paths ) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function pool_loadfile( filename_in, command, data_in ) local mime_type_out = data_in[0].mime_type local path_in = data_in[0].path local finfo = nil local id = tostring( ffi.string(filename_in) ) local cmd = ffi.string(command) if(cmd == "load_data") then -- if(fpool[id] == nil) then finfo ="struct lj_fpool_finfo[1]") local filename = ffi.string(filename_in) local pathname = ffi.string(path_in) filename = string.sub( filename, #fpool_scheme + 4, -1 ) filename = string.match(filename, "([^%?]+)") ffi.fill(finfo[0].fname, 1024 ) ffi.copy(finfo[0].fname, ffi.string(filename, #filename), #filename) local ext = string.match(filename, "^.+%.(.+)") -- print(ext, filename) ffi.fill(finfo[0].ext, #fpool_scheme + 3 ) ffi.copy(finfo[0].ext, ffi.string(ext), #ext) local mimet = mime_types[ext] if(mimet == nil) then mimet = "text/html" end local mime_type = ffi.string(mimet, #mimet) ffi.fill(finfo[0].mime_type, 32) ffi.copy(finfo[0].mime_type, mime_type, #mime_type) -- print( newfile.mime_type, ext, fname ) -- print("Filename:", finfo.fname) -- print("Extension:", finfo.ext) local data = nil local dsize = 0 local filename = ffi.string(finfo[0].fname) local ext = ffi.string(finfo[0].ext) if(ext == "twig") then -- print("File Twig Load: ", filename) data, dsize = twig.parse(filename) else -- print("File Load: ", filename) -- Sometimes the filename is added as a "hostname". Usually because its a -- relative file path from the document. Rebuild path if so. if(#pathname > 0) then filename = pathname end data, dsize = twig.readfile(filename) end finfo[0].remaining = dsize or 0 -- finfo[0].state = fpool_cef.FR_PENDINGFILE finfo[0].size = dsize or 0 -- fpool_cef.ljq_datanew( finfo[0].data, dsize ); -- local rawdata ="char[?]", dsize) local filedata = ffi.cast("char *", ffi.string(data, dsize)) finfo[0].body ="char[?]", dsize) ffi.copy( finfo[0].body, filedata, dsize) fpool[id] = finfo -- else -- finfo = fpool[id] -- end data_in[0].dsize = finfo[0].size end if( cmd == "copy_data") then finfo = fpool[id] if( finfo ) then ffi.copy( data_in[0].data, finfo[0].body, finfo[0].size) ffi.copy( mime_type_out, finfo[0].mime_type, 32) end end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return { init = init, pool_loadfile = pool_loadfile, }
local compe = require'compe' local Source = {} function Source.get_metadata(_) return { priority = 10, dup = 0, menu = '[Tmux]' } end function Source.determine(_, context) return compe.helper.determine(context) end function Source.complete(_, context) vim.fn["tmuxcomplete#async#gather_candidates"](function (items) context.callback({ items = items }) end) end return Source
local FCPM_ID = 1 -- 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 local telemetry = {} function main() local result = can.init(250, can_handler) if result ~= 0 then enapter.log("CAN init failed: "..result.." "..can.err_to_str(result), "error", true) end scheduler.add(30000, properties) scheduler.add(1000, metrics) end function properties() enapter.send_properties({ vendor = "Cummins", model = "HyPM HD FCPM" }) end function metrics() enapter.send_telemetry(telemetry) end function can_handler(msg_id, data) if msg_id == 0x1D0 + FCPM_ID then telemetry["cdr"] = toint16(data[1], "unsign") elseif msg_id == 0x240 + FCPM_ID then local all_states = {} all_states[0x01] = "standby" all_states[0x02] = "startup" all_states[0x03] = "run" all_states[0x04] = "shutdown" all_states[0x05] = "fault" all_states[0x06] = "cooldown" all_states[0x07] = "cooldown_complete" all_states[0x08] = "freeze_prep" all_states[0x09] = "freeze_prep_complete" all_states[0x0A] = "anode_purge" all_states[0x0B] = "anode_purge_complete" all_states[0x0C] = "leak_check" all_states[0x0D] = "leak_check_complete" all_states[0x0E] = "prime" all_states[0x0F] = "prime_complete" telemetry["state"] = all_states[data[1]] telemetry["cda"] = toint16(data[3], "unsign") telemetry["fc_stack_current"] = toint16(data[4], "sign") telemetry["fc_stack_voltage"] = toint16(data[5], "unsign") elseif msg_id == 0x2C0 + FCPM_ID then telemetry["alerts"] = check_alerts(data) elseif msg_id == 0x340 + FCPM_ID then telemetry["coolant_temp"] = toint16(data[1], "unsign") telemetry["coolant_setpoint"] = toint16(data[2], "unsign") end end function toint16(data, fmt) local perbitfactor = 10.0 if fmt == "unsign" then local raw_str = string.pack("BB", data>>8, data&0xFF) return string.unpack(">I2", raw_str) / perbitfactor else local raw_str = string.pack("bb", data>>8, data&0xFF) return string.unpack(">i2", raw_str) / perbitfactor end end function check_alerts(data) local faults = {} faults[0x01] = "stack_under_voltage_fault" faults[0x02] = "coolant_over_temp_fault" faults[0x10] = "comm_heartbeat_fault" faults[0x40] = "internal_system_stop_fault" faults[0x100] = "leak_check_failed_fault" faults[0x200] = "freeze_mode_fault" faults[0x400] = "coolant_low_flow_fault" faults[0x800] = "idle_fault" faults[0x1000] = "anode_purge_fault" faults[0x2000] = "stack_current_fault" faults[0x4000] = "h2_supply_over_pressure_fault" faults[0x4000] = "h2_supply_under_pressure_fault" local alarms = {} alarms[0x01] = "h2_sensor_out_of_range_alarm" alarms[0x02] = "air_flow_out_of_range_alarm" alarms[0x04] = "current_sensor_out_of_range_alarm" alarms[0x08] = "coolant_temp_high_alarm" alarms[0x10] = "system_over_power_alarm" alarms[0x20] = "air_flow_in_nonrun_state_alarm" alarms[0x40] = "blower_low_flow_alarm" alarms[0x80] = "anode_pump_speed_alarm" -- alarms[0x100] = "coolant_temp_out_of_range_alarm" alarms[0x200] = "blower_low_voltage_alarm" alarms[0x400] = "recovery_alarm" alarms[0x800] = "coolant_low_flow_alarm" alarms[0x1000] = "stack_low_current_alarm" alarms[0x2000] = "eFCVM_bad_finger_alarm" alarms[0x4000] = "EEPROM_Error_alarm" alarms[0x8000] = "EMP_pump_alarm" local all_alerts = {} table.insert(all_alerts, faults[data[1]]) table.insert(all_alerts, alarms[data[5]]) return all_alerts end COMMAND_MSG_ID = 0x1c0 + FCPM_ID function standby() return can.send(COMMAND_MSG_ID, 0x01) end function run() return can.send(COMMAND_MSG_ID, 0x02) end function cooldown() return can.send(COMMAND_MSG_ID, 0x03) end function freeze_prep() return can.send(COMMAND_MSG_ID, 0x04) end function anode_purge() return can.send(COMMAND_MSG_ID, 0x05) end function leak_check() return can.send(COMMAND_MSG_ID, 0x06) end function prime() return can.send(COMMAND_MSG_ID, 0x07) end enapter.register_command_handler("standby", function(ctx) if standby() ~= 0 then ctx.error("CAN failed") end end) enapter.register_command_handler("run", function(ctx) if run() ~= 0 then ctx.error("CAN failed") end end) enapter.register_command_handler("cooldown", function(ctx) if cooldown() ~= 0 then ctx.error("CAN failed") end end) enapter.register_command_handler("freeze_prep", function(ctx) if freeze_prep() ~= 0 then ctx.error("CAN failed") end end) enapter.register_command_handler("anode_purge", function(ctx) if anode_purge() ~= 0 then ctx.error("CAN failed") end end) enapter.register_command_handler("leak_check", function(ctx) if leak_check() ~= 0 then ctx.error("CAN failed") end end) enapter.register_command_handler("prime", function(ctx) if prime() ~= 0 then ctx.error("CAN failed") end end) main()
--[[ Configuration from default, moddir and worlddir, in that order. See init.lua for license. ]] -- change these for other mods local M = thirsty local modname = 'thirsty' local fileroot = modname -- make sure config exists; keep constant reference to it local C = M.config or {} M.config = C local function try_config_file(filename) --print("Config from "..filename) local file, err =, 'r') if file then file:close() -- was just for checking existance local confcode, err = loadfile(filename) if confcode then confcode() if C ~= M.config then -- M.config was overriden, merge for key, value in pairs(M.config) do if type(value) == 'table' and type(C[key]) == 'table' and not value.CLEAR then for k, v in pairs(value) do C[key][k] = value[k] end else -- copy (not a table, or asked to clear) C[key] = value end end else -- no override? Empty, or file knows what it is doing. end else minetest.log("error", "Could not load " .. filename .. ": " .. err) end end end -- read starting configuration from <modname>.default.conf try_config_file(minetest.get_modpath(modname) .. "/" .. fileroot .. ".default.conf") -- next, install-specific copy in modpath try_config_file(minetest.get_modpath(modname) .. "/" .. fileroot .. ".conf") -- last, world-specific copy in worldpath try_config_file(minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/" .. fileroot .. ".conf") -- remove any special keys from tables for key, value in pairs(C) do if type(value) == 'table' then value.CLEAR = nil end end -- write back M.config = C
local lsp_installer = require("nvim-lsp-installer") local M = {} M.lsp_map_keys = function(server, bufnr) local function map_key(...) -- Map to buffer if buffer number is supplied, -- globally otherwise if bufnr == nil then vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(...) else vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(bufnr, ...) end end local keymapOpts = {noremap = true, silent = true} map_key('n', 'gD', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.declaration()<CR>', keymapOpts) map_key('n', 'gd', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()<CR>', keymapOpts) map_key('n', 'K', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()<CR>', keymapOpts) map_key('n', 'gi', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.implementation()<CR>', keymapOpts) map_key('n', '<C-k>', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()<CR>', keymapOpts) map_key('n', '<space>wa', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.add_workspace_folder()<CR>', keymapOpts) map_key('n', '<space>wr', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.remove_workspace_folder()<CR>', keymapOpts) map_key('n', '<space>wl', '<cmd>lua print(vim.inspect(vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders()))<CR>', keymapOpts) map_key('n', '<space>D', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.type_definition()<CR>', keymapOpts) map_key('n', '<space>rn', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<CR>', keymapOpts) map_key('n', '<space>ca', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<CR>', keymapOpts) map_key('n', 'gr', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.references()<CR>', keymapOpts) map_key('n', '<space>e', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.show_line_diagnostics()<CR>', keymapOpts) map_key('n', '[d', '<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.goto_prev()<CR>', keymapOpts) map_key('n', ']d', '<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.goto_next()<CR>', keymapOpts) map_key('n', '<space>q', '<cmd>lua vim.diagnostic.set_loclist()<CR>', keymapOpts) map_key('n', '<space>f', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting()<CR>', keymapOpts) end -- Add additional capabilities supported by nvim-cmp local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities() capabilities = require('cmp_nvim_lsp').update_capabilities(capabilities) -- Register a handler that will be called for all installed servers. lsp_installer.on_server_ready(function(server) -- Don't setup jdtls here since it is done by nvim-jdtls if == "jdtls" then return end local opts = {} -- Lua specific settings if == "sumneko_lua" then local runtime_path = vim.split(package.path, ';') opts.settings = { Lua = { runtime = { -- Tell the language server which version of Lua you're using (most likely LuaJIT in the case of Neovim) version = 'LuaJIT', -- Setup your lua path path = runtime_path }, diagnostics = { -- Get the language server to recognize the `vim` global globals = {'vim'} }, workspace = { -- Make the server aware of Neovim runtime files library = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("", true) }, -- Do not send telemetry data containing a randomized but unique identifier telemetry = {enable = false} } } end opts.on_attach = M.lsp_map_keys opts.capabilities = capabilities server:setup(opts) end) return M
local common = require "upcache.common" local console = common.console local module = {} local tagHeader = common.prefixHeader .. "-Tag" -- monotonous version prefix - prevents key conflicts between nginx reboots local MVP = ngx.time() local function build_key(key, tags) if tags == nil then return key end local nkey = key local mtags = ngx.shared.upcacheTags local tagval for i, tag in pairs(tags) do tagval = mtags:get(tag) if tagval == nil then tagval = MVP end nkey = tag .. '=' .. tagval .. ' ' .. nkey end return nkey end function module.get(key) return build_key(key, common.get_variants(key, 'tags')) end function module.set(key, headers) local tags = headers[tagHeader]; if tags == nil then return nil end if type(tags) ~= "table" then tags = {tags} end local mtags = ngx.shared.upcacheTags local tagval for i, tag in pairs(tags) do if (tag:sub(1,1) == '+') then tag = tag:sub(2) tags[i] = tag tagval = mtags:get(tag) if tagval == nil then tagval = MVP end mtags:set(tag, tagval + 1) end end table.sort(tags) common.set_variants(key, 'tags', tags) return build_key(key, tags) end return module;
--[[ # Control flow --]] -- #T# Table of contents -- #C# Decision making -- #C# - Conditional statements -- #C# Loops -- #C# - for loop -- #C# - while loop -- #C# - repeat-until loop -- #T# Beginning of content -- #C# Decision making -- # |------------------------------------------------------------- -- #T# decision making is made with the if, then, elseif, else, and end keywords -- #T# in an if conditional statement a condition is checked and if it returns true, then the if block is executed, this also happens in an elseif conditional statement -- #T# in an else conditional statement no condition is checked, but the else requires an if above it, the elseif also requires an if above it, the else block executes when the if and elseif blocks do not, and at the end of all this there must be the end keyword -- #C# - Conditional statements -- # |----- -- #T# conditional statements are carried out with the following syntax -- # SYNTAX if, elseif, else, conditional statements -- # if condition1 then -- # statements1 -- # elseif condition2 then -- # statements2 -- # else -- # statements3 -- # end -- #T# if condition1 returns true then the statements1 are executed, else if condition2 returns true then statements2 are executed, else statements3 are executed. Decision making statements can be nested int1 = false if int1 then int2 = 1 elseif not int1 then if int1 == false then int2 = 2 end else int2 = 3 end -- # int2 == 2 -- #T# conditional statements can be made into a one liner str1 = 'a' if str1 == 'a' then print("in a one liner") elseif str1 == 'b' then print("in str1 = b") else print("in else") end -- # in a one liner -- # |----- -- # |------------------------------------------------------------- -- #C# Loops -- # |------------------------------------------------------------- -- #T# loops are made with the for, while, and repeat-until constructs -- #T# in a for loop, the loop is repeated for each element of an iterable, or for each number in an interval of numbers -- #T# in a while loop, the loop is repeated as long as the while condition returns true -- #T# in a repeat-until loop, the loop is repeated as long as the until condition returns false -- #C# - for loop -- # |----- -- #T# the for loop is made with the following syntaxes -- # SYNTAX for loop using an iterable -- # for elem_i1 in iterable1 do -- # statements1 -- # [break] -- # end -- #T# the loop executes the statements1 for each value in iterable1, said value is assigned to the iterator elem_i1 in each iteration -- #T# the break keyword is used to skip all remaining iterations of the loop that contains the break, it must be placed at the end of its containing block table1 = {'value1', 'value2', 'value3', 'unreachable1', 'unreachable2'} for index1, val1 in ipairs(table1) do print(val1) if index1 == 3 then break end end -- #T# the former prints -- # value1 -- # value2 -- # value3 -- # SYNTAX for loop using an interval of numbers -- # for it1 = iniN, endN, stepN do -- # statements1 -- # [break] -- # end -- #T# the loop executes statements1 for each value of it1, starting at iniN, ending at endN, and with a step of stepN, so iniN, endN, and stepN must be integers for it1 = 1, 12, 3 do print(it1) end -- #T# the former prints -- # 1 -- # 4 -- # 7 -- # 10 -- # |----- -- #C# - while loop -- # |----- -- #T# the while loop is made with the following syntax -- # SYNTAX while loop -- # while condition1 do -- # statements1 -- # [break] -- # end -- #T# the statements1 are executed while condition1 returns true, (for the break keyword, see the for loop subsection) int1 = 0 while (int1 < 80) do int1 = int1 + 30 end -- # int1 == 90 -- # |----- -- #C# - repeat-until loop -- # |----- -- #T# the repeat-until loop is made with the following syntax -- # SYNTAX repeat-until loop -- # repeat -- # statements1 -- # [break] -- # until condition1 -- #T# the statements1 are executed as long as condition1 returns false, statements1 are executed at least one time (for the break keyword, see the for loop subsection) int1 = 0 repeat int1 = int1 + 30 until int1 > 80 -- # int1 == 90 -- # |----- -- # |-------------------------------------------------------------
-- General vim.opt.autowrite = true vim.opt.updatetime = 100 -- Faster updates, better UX vim.opt.hidden = true -- Don't unload buffers when abandoned vim.opt.encoding = "utf-8" vim.opt.inccommand = "nosplit" vim.opt.omnifunc = "syntaxcomplete#Complete" vim.opt.mouse = "nv" -- Enable mouse support only for Normal and Visual modes -- Dynamically toggle smartcase -- ➤ Off when in a : command line -- ➤ On when in a / command line vim.opt.ignorecase = true vim.opt.smartcase = true vim.cmd [[ augroup DynamicSmartcase autocmd! autocmd CmdLineEnter * set nosmartcase autocmd CmdLineLeave * set smartcase augroup END ]] -- Tabs & Indentation vim.opt.tabstop = 4 -- Number of spaces that a <Tab> in the file counts for vim.opt.shiftwidth = 4 -- Number of spaces to use for each step of indent vim.opt.softtabstop = 4 -- Number of spaces that an inserted <Tab> counts for vim.opt.expandtab = true -- Insert spaces when inserting a <Tab> vim.opt.smarttab = true -- A <Tab> in front inserts according to 'shiftwidth' vim.opt.autoindent = true -- Copy indent from current line on newline vim.opt.cindent = true -- Automatic C program indenting vim.opt.wrap = true -- Wrap long lines vim.opt.breakindent = true -- Wrapped lines will be visually indented vim.opt.showbreak = "…" .. string.rep(" ", 3) vim.opt.linebreak = true -- Wrap lines on word boundaries (see :h breakat) -- Splits {{{ vim.opt.splitright = true -- Splitting puts the new window on the right -- Neovim Terminal vim.cmd [[ " Enter terminal-mode automatically autocmd TermOpen * startinsert ]] -- UI vim.opt.cursorline = true vim.opt.colorcolumn = "80" vim.opt.scrolloff = 8 -- Keep at least 8 lines above and below the cursor vim.opt.pumblend = 17 -- Pseudo-transparency for the popup-menu -- Hybrid line numbers vim.opt.number = true vim.opt.relativenumber = true vim.cmd [[ augroup HybridLinenumber autocmd! autocmd BufEnter,FocusGained,InsertLeave * set relativenumber autocmd BufLeave,FocusLost,InsertEnter * set norelativenumber augroup END ]] -- Highlight after yank vim.cmd [[ augroup HighlightYank autocmd! autocmd TextYankPost * silent! lua require("vim.highlight").on_yank() augroup END ]] -- List mode symbols -- ➤ Use `⇥ ` for tabs -- ➤ Use `·` for trailing whitespaces -- ➤ Use `⍽` for non-breaking spaces -- ➤ Use `↵` for EOLs vim.opt.list = true vim.opt.listchars = { tab = "⇥ ", trail = "·", nbsp = "⍽", eol = "↵" } -- Section Folding vim.opt.foldenable = true vim.opt.foldlevelstart = 10 vim.opt.foldnestmax = 10 vim.opt.foldmethod = "syntax" -- Wildmenu -- Ignore compiled files vim.opt.wildignore = "__pycache__" vim.opt.wildignore = vim.opt.wildignore + { "*.o", "*~", "*.pyc", "*pycache*" } vim.opt.wildmode = "longest:full" vim.opt.wildoptions = "pum" -- Use the 'tex' filetype by default instead of 'plaintex' vim.g.tex_flavor = "latex"
noble = { "object/mobile/dressed_noble_bothan_female_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_bothan_male_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_fat_human_female_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_fat_human_female_02.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_fat_human_male_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_fat_human_male_02.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_fat_twilek_female_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_fat_twilek_female_02.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_fat_twilek_male_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_fat_twilek_male_02.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_fat_zabrak_female_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_fat_zabrak_female_02.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_fat_zabrak_male_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_fat_zabrak_male_02.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_human_female_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_human_female_02.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_human_female_03.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_human_female_04.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_human_male_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_human_male_02.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_human_male_03.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_human_male_04.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_old_human_female_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_old_human_female_02.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_old_human_male_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_old_human_male_02.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_old_twk_female_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_old_twk_female_02.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_old_twk_male_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_old_twk_male_02.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_old_zabrak_female_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_old_zabrak_female_02.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_old_zabrak_male_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_old_zabrak_male_02.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_rodian_female_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_rodian_male_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_trandoshan_female_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_trandoshan_male_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_twilek_female_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_twilek_male_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_zabrak_female_01.iff", "object/mobile/dressed_noble_zabrak_male_01.iff" } addDressGroup("noble", noble)
local PlayerData = {} local curMarker = nil ESX = nil Citizen.CreateThread(function() while ESX == nil do TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end) Citizen.Wait(0) end while ESX.GetPlayerData().job == nil do Citizen.Wait(10) end PlayerData = ESX.GetPlayerData() end) function goToMarker(dest, veh) local curPos = GetEntityCoords(p_Obj) if veh then local p_Obj = GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId()) SetEntityCoords(p_Obj, dest.POS.x, dest.POS.y, dest.POS.z, dest.POS.h, 0, 0, 0) else local p_Obj = PlayerPedId() SetEntityCoords(p_Obj, dest.POS.x, dest.POS.y, dest.POS.z, dest.POS.h, 0, 0, 0) end end Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Citizen.Wait(0) for _,markerIter in pairs(Config.Markers) do local p_pos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) local distance = GetDistanceBetweenCoords(p_pos, markerIter.POS.x, markerIter.POS.y, markerIter.POS.z, true) if (distance < Config.DrawDistance) then DrawMarker(1, markerIter.POS.x, markerIter.POS.y, markerIter.POS.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, markerIter.Size.x, markerIter.Size.y, markerIter.Size.z, markerIter.Color.r, markerIter.Color.g, markerIter.Color.b, markerIter.Color.a, false, true, 2, false, false, false, false) if distance < markerIter.Size.x and curMarker == nil then curMarker = markerIter.Name else curMarker = nil end if IsControlJustReleased(1, 38) then if curMarker ~= nil then goToMarker(markerIter.Destination, markerIter.veh) end end end end end end)
local LAvatar = class("LAvatar") function LAvatar:ctor() --静态数据 self._id = nil self._card = nil -- enum.battle.card.skeletons self._name = nil -- enum.battle.avatar.skeleton self._moveType = nil -- self._side = self._hasSecondly = false --是否有二阶段,怪的类型 self._mass = 1 self._moveSpeed = 1 self._maxHp = 0 self._maxShieldHp = 0 --护盾值 self._deployCd = 1 --部署时间 self._attackSpeed = 1 --攻击速度 self._attackRange = 1 --攻击范围,半径 self._visualRange = 1 --视野范围,半径 --体积可能需要用多边形模拟 self._circle = 1.0 --动态数据 self._isDead = false self._hp = 0 self._shieldHp = 0 self._pos = nil -- Vector2 self._nextPos = nil self._buffers = {} self._targetId = nil --目标单位 self._actionCd = 1 --下次攻击剩余多少帧 end function LAvatar:init() self._nextPos = self._pos end function LAvatar:posIn3D() return Vector3(self._pos.x, self._moveType, self._pos.y) end function LAvatar:update() if self._isDead then return end -- 是否冰冻 if self:hasBuffer(enum.battle.buffer.stun) then return end --移动,攻击 self._pos = self._nextPos if self._actionCd > 0 then self._actionCd = self._actionCd - 1 end if self._targetId then end -- enum.battle.buffer.root end function LAvatar:isTargetInVisualRange() end function LAvatar:isTargetInAttackRange() end function LAvatar:isTargetValid() end function LAvatar:hasBuffer(name) return self._buffers[name] end function LAvatar:appendBuffer(name) self._buffers[name] = true --先设置成true end function LAvatar:removeBuffer(name) self._buffers[name] = nil end return LAvatar
love.window.updateMode( 1000, 1000)
return { cbuilderlvl1 = { acceleration = 0.04, blocking = false, brakerate = 0.4, buildcostenergy = 13528, buildcostmetal = 365, builddistance = 100, builder = true, buildpic = "", buildtime = 10000, canfly = true, canguard = true, canmove = true, canpatrol = true, canreclaim = true, canstop = 1, category = "ALL MOBILE VTOL", collide = false, collisionvolumeoffsets = "0 0 0", collisionvolumescales = "34 31 54", collisionvolumetype = "ellipsoid", cruisealt = 90, description = "Tech Level 2", dontland = 1, energymake = 10, energystorage = 50, energyuse = 0, explodeas = "BIG_UNITEX", footprintx = 3, footprintz = 3, hoverattack = true, icontype = "air", idleautoheal = 5, idletime = 1800, losemitheight = 10, mass = 365, maxdamage = 705, maxslope = 10, maxvelocity = 7, maxwaterdepth = 0, metalmake = 0.1, metalstorage = 25, name = "Engineer Air", objectname = "CBuilderLvl1.s3o", radaremitheight = 27, reclaimspeed = 22.5, repairspeed = 22.5, repairspeed = 35, selfdestructas = "SMALL_UNIT_VTOL", shownanospray = false, sightdistance = 370, turninplaceanglelimit = 360, turninplacespeedlimit = 5.28, turnrate = 353, unitname = "cbuilderlvl1", workertime = 45, buildoptions = { --[1] = "corsolar", --[2] = "cormex", --[3] = "coraap", [4] = "cornanotc", [5] = "coreyes", [6] = "corshroud", [7] = "corfort", [8] = "corarad", [9] = "cormine2", [10] = "corhllt", --[11] = "corvhlt", [12] = "corvipe", [13] = "cortoast", [14] = "cordoom", [15] = "corsam", [16] = "corflak", [17] = "corscreamer", [18] = "cormds", [19] = "cordl", [20] = "corca", [21] = "corhurc", [22] = "corvamp", }, customparams = { buildpic = "", faction = "CORE", }, nanocolor = { [1] = 0.12, [2] = 0.47, [3] = 0.47, }, sfxtypes = { pieceexplosiongenerators = { [1] = "piecetrail0", [2] = "piecetrail1", [3] = "piecetrail2", [4] = "piecetrail3", [5] = "piecetrail4", [6] = "piecetrail6", }, }, }, }
--[[ Copyright 2015 The Luvit Authors. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. --]] local tap = require('util/tap') local test = tap.test local path = require('path') local fs = require('fs') local Writable = require('stream').Writable local text = [[Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.]] local dirname = require('util').dirname() test('fs.readstream length', function(expect) local tmp_file = path.join(dirname, 'fixtures', 'test_readstream1.txt') fs.writeFileSync(tmp_file, text) local options = { flags = 'r', mode = '0644', chunk_size = 65536, offset = nil, fd = nil, length = 16, -- should stop at 16 } local sink = Writable:new() sink.str = {} function sink:write(chunk) table.insert(self.str, chunk) end local function onEnd() local expected = string.sub(text, 1, options.length) local readString = table.concat(sink.str, "") console.log(expected, readString) assert(expected == readString) fs.unlinkSync(tmp_file) end local fp = fs.createReadStream(tmp_file, options) fp:once('end', expect(onEnd)) fp:pipe(sink) end) test('fs.readstream offset and length', function(expect) local tmp_file = path.join(dirname, 'fixtures', 'test_readstream2.txt') fs.writeFileSync(tmp_file, text) local options = { flags = 'r', mode = '0644', chunk_size = 65536, offset = 19, fd = nil, length = 16, -- should stop at 16 } local sink = Writable:new() sink.str = {} function sink:write(chunk) table.insert(self.str, chunk) end local function onEnd() local expected = string.sub(text, options.offset + 1, options.length + options.offset) local readString = table.concat(sink.str, "") console.log(expected, readString) assert(expected == readString) fs.unlinkSync(tmp_file) end local fp = fs.createReadStream(tmp_file, options) fp:once('end', expect(onEnd)) fp:pipe(sink) end) test('fs.readstream offset only', function(expect) local tmp_file = path.join(dirname, 'test_readstream3.txt') fs.writeFileSync(tmp_file, text) local options = { flags = 'r', mode = '0644', chunk_size = 65536, offset = 16, fd = nil, length = nil, } local sink = Writable:new() sink.str = {} function sink:write(chunk) table.insert(self.str, chunk) end local function onEnd() assert(string.sub(text, options.offset + 1) == table.concat(sink.str, "")) fs.unlinkSync(tmp_file) end local fp = fs.createReadStream(tmp_file, options) fp:once('end', expect(onEnd)) fp:pipe(sink) end)
data:extend({ { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-sparging-column", category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-machine", enabled = false, energy_required = 10.0, ingredients = { {"electric-engine-unit", 3}, {"electronic-circuit", 3}, {"iron-plate", 10}, {"steel-plate", 10}, {"pipe", 10} }, result = "bery0zas-sparging-column" }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-spray-surface", energy_required = 10, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-item", enabled = false, ingredients = {{"iron-plate", 2}, {"iron-stick", 6}}, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/spray-surface.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "intermediate-product", results = {{ name = "bery0zas-spray-surface", amount = 1 }} }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-iron-halite-extraction", energy_required = 2, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-item", enabled = false, ingredients = {{"iron-ore", 20}}, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/recipe/iron-halite-extraction.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "raw-resource", results = { { name = "iron-ore", amount = 19 }, { name = "bery0zas-halite", amount = 1 } } }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-copper-halite-extraction", energy_required = 2, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-item", enabled = false, ingredients = {{"copper-ore", 20}}, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/recipe/copper-halite-extraction.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "raw-resource", results = { { name = "copper-ore", amount = 19 }, { name = "bery0zas-halite", amount = 1 } } }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-adsorption-coil-mk1", energy_required = 10, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-item", enabled = false, ingredients = {{"iron-plate", 3}, {"iron-stick", 8}}, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/adsorption-coil-mk1.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "intermediate-product", results = {{ name = "bery0zas-adsorption-coil-mk1", amount = 1 }} }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-adsorption-coil-mk2", energy_required = 10, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-item", enabled = false, ingredients = { {"steel-plate", 3}, {"iron-stick", 8} }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/adsorption-coil-mk2.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "intermediate-product", results = {{ name = "bery0zas-adsorption-coil-mk2", amount = 1 }} }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-adsorption-coil-mk1-with-activated-carbon", energy_required = 3, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-item", enabled = false, ingredients = { { name = "bery0zas-adsorption-coil-mk1", amount = 1}, { name = "bery0zas-activated-carbon", amount = 1 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/adsorption-coil-mk1-with-activated-carbon.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "intermediate-product", results = {{ name = "bery0zas-adsorption-coil-mk1-with-activated-carbon", amount = 1 }} }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-adsorption-coil-mk2-with-cellular-carbon", energy_required = 6, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-item", enabled = false, ingredients = { { name = "bery0zas-adsorption-coil-mk2", amount = 1 }, { name = "bery0zas-cellular-carbon", amount = 1 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/adsorption-coil-mk2-with-cellular-carbon.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "intermediate-product", results = {{ name = "bery0zas-adsorption-coil-mk2-with-cellular-carbon", amount = 1 }} }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-spray-surface-recycling", energy_required = 7, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-burning", enabled = false, ingredients = {{ name = "bery0zas-polluted-spray-surface", amount = 1 }}, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/recipe/polluted-spray-surface-recycling.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "smelting-machine", results = {{ name = "bery0zas-spray-surface", amount = 1 }}, main_product = "" }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-activated-carbon", energy_required = 10, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-chemistry", enabled = false, ingredients = { { type = "item", name = "coal", amount = 10 }, { type = "fluid", name = "sulfuric-acid", amount = 20 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/activated-carbon.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "raw-resource", results = {{ name = "bery0zas-activated-carbon", amount = 8 }} }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-cellular-carbon", energy_required = 10, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-chemistry", enabled = false, ingredients = { { type = "item", name = "bery0zas-activated-carbon", amount = 10 }, { type = "fluid", name = "petroleum-gas", amount = 20 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/cellular-carbon.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "raw-resource", results = {{ name = "bery0zas-cellular-carbon", amount = 8 }} }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-air-suction", energy_required = 1, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-suction", enabled = false, ingredients = {{ type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-pollution", amount = 1, fluidbox_index = 1 }}, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/fluid/steam.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "terrain", results = {{ type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-air", amount = 1 }}, main_product = "" }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-water-absorption", energy_required = 30, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-absorption", enabled = false, ingredients = { { type = "fluid", name = "water", amount = 2, fluidbox_index = 1 }, { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-air", amount = 2, fluidbox_index = 2 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/recipe/water-absorption.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "terrain", results = {{type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-water", amount = 4}}, main_product = "" }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-oxygen-extraction", energy_required = 10, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-chemistry", enabled = false, ingredients = {}, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/fluid/oxygen.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "fluid-recipes", results = {{ type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-oxygen", amount = 2 }}, main_product = "" }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-oxygen-sparging", energy_required = 20, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-sparging", enabled = false, ingredients = { { type = "fluid", name = "water", amount = 10 }, { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-oxygen", amount = 10 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/recipe/oxygen-sparging.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "fluid-recipes", results = { { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-oxygen-sparged-water", amount = 20 } }, main_product = "" }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-oxygen-sparged-water-absorption", energy_required = 20, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-absorption", enabled = false, ingredients = { { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-oxygen-sparged-water", amount = 4, fluidbox_index = 1 }, { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-air", amount = 4, fluidbox_index = 2 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/recipe/oxygen-sparged-water-absorption.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "terrain", results = {{ type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-water", amount = 8 }}, main_product = "" }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-sodium-hydroxide-sparged-water-absorption", energy_required = 15, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-absorption", enabled = false, ingredients = { { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-sodium-hydroxide-sparged-water", amount = 12, fluidbox_index = 1 }, { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-air", amount = 8, fluidbox_index = 2 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/recipe/sodium-hydroxide-sparged-water-absorption.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "terrain", results = {{ type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-water", amount = 16 }}, main_product = "" }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-water-absorption-with-spraying", energy_required = 20, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-absorption", enabled = false, ingredients = { { type = "fluid", name = "water", amount = 2, fluidbox_index = 1 }, { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-air", amount = 2, fluidbox_index = 2 }, { type = "item", name = "bery0zas-spray-surface", amount = 2 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/recipe/water-absorption-with-spraying.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "terrain", results = { { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-water", amount = 4 }, { type = "item", name = "bery0zas-polluted-spray-surface", amount = 2 } } }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-oxygen-sparged-water-absorption-with-spraying", energy_required = 15, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-absorption", enabled = false, ingredients = { { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-oxygen-sparged-water", amount = 4, fluidbox_index = 1}, { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-air", amount = 4, fluidbox_index = 2 }, { type = "item", name = "bery0zas-spray-surface", amount = 1 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/recipe/oxygen-sparged-water-absorption-with-spraying.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "terrain", results = { { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-water", amount = 8 }, { type = "item", name = "bery0zas-polluted-spray-surface", amount = 1 } } }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-sodium-hydroxide", energy_required = 10, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-chemistry", enabled = false, ingredients = { { type = "fluid", name = "water", amount = 30 }, { type = "item", name = "bery0zas-halite", amount = 3 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/fluid/sodium-hydroxide.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "fluid-recipes", results = { { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-sodium-hydroxide", amount = 30 } }, main_product = "" }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-sodium-hydroxide-sparging", energy_required = 20, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-sparging", enabled = false, ingredients = { { type = "fluid", name = "water", amount = 10 }, { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-sodium-hydroxide", amount = 10 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/recipe/sodium-hydroxide-sparging.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "fluid-recipes", results = { { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-sodium-hydroxide-sparged-water", amount = 20 } }, main_product = "" }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-sodium-hydroxide-sparged-water-absorption-with-spraying", energy_required = 10, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-absorption", enabled = false, ingredients = { { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-sodium-hydroxide-sparged-water", amount = 8, fluidbox_index = 1 }, { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-air", amount = 8, fluidbox_index = 2 }, { type = "item", name = "bery0zas-spray-surface", amount = 1 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/recipe/sodium-hydroxide-sparged-water-absorption-with-spraying.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "terrain", results = { { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-water", amount = 16 }, { type = "item", name = "bery0zas-polluted-spray-surface", amount = 1 } } }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-polluted-water-recycling", energy_required = 10, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-chemistry", enabled = false, ingredients = {{ type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-water", amount = 20 }}, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/recipe/polluted-water-recycling.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "fluid-recipes", results = { { type = "fluid", name = "water", amount = 15 }, { type = "fluid", name = "crude-oil", probability = 0.05, amount = 20 }, { type = "item", name = "coal", probability = 0.05, amount = 2 }, { type = "item", name = "iron-ore", probability = 0.05, amount = 2 }, { type = "item", name = "copper-ore", probability = 0.05, amount = 2 } } }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-coal-adsorption", energy_required = 40, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-adsorption", enabled = false, ingredients = { { type = "item", name = "coal", amount = 1 }, { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-air", amount = 3, fluidbox_index = 2 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/coal.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "terrain", results = {} }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-coal-adsorption-with-steam", energy_required = 40, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-adsorption", enabled = false, ingredients = { { type = "item", name = "coal", amount = 2 }, { type = "fluid", name = "steam", amount = 3, fluidbox_index = 1 }, { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-air", amount = 5, fluidbox_index = 2 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/fluid/steam.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "terrain", results = {} }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-activated-carbon-adsorption", energy_required = 40, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-adsorption", enabled = false, ingredients = { { type = "item", name = "bery0zas-adsorption-coil-mk1-with-activated-carbon", amount = 1 }, { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-air", amount = 8, fluidbox_index = 2 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/adsorption-coil-mk1-with-activated-carbon.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "terrain", results = { { type = "item", name = "bery0zas-adsorption-coil-mk1", amount = 1 } }, main_product = "" }, { type = "recipe", name = "bery0zas-cellular-carbon-adsorption", energy_required = 40, category = "bery0zas-air-filtering-adsorption", enabled = false, ingredients = { { type = "item", name = "bery0zas-adsorption-coil-mk2-with-cellular-carbon", amount = 1 }, { type = "fluid", name = "bery0zas-polluted-air", amount = 12, fluidbox_index = 2 } }, icon = "__bery0zas-pure-it__/graphics/icons/adsorption-coil-mk2-with-cellular-carbon.png", icon_size = 32, subgroup = "terrain", results = {{ type = "item", name = "bery0zas-adsorption-coil-mk2", amount = 1 }}, main_product = "" } })
XYZSettings.SettingsCache = {} -- or XYZSettings.SettingsCache or {} XYZSettings.RegisteredSettings = {} -- or XYZSettings.SettingsCache or {} -- Manage settings function XYZSettings.GetSetting(setting, default) if XYZSettings.SettingsCache[setting] ~= nil then return XYZSettings.SettingsCache[setting] end return default or false end function XYZSettings.SetSetting(setting, value) XYZSettings.Database.UpdateSetting(setting, value) XYZSettings.SettingsCache[setting] = value end function XYZSettings.IsSetting(setting) if XYZSettings.SettingsCache[setting] then return true end return false end -- Types: 1 = text, 2 = number, 3 = dropdown options, 4 = toggle -- Register settings function XYZSettings.RegisterSetting(category, setting, type, name, desc, default, check, onComplete, options) if not XYZSettings.RegisteredSettings[category] then XYZSettings.RegisteredSettings[category] = {} end local cat = XYZSettings.RegisteredSettings[category] if cat[setting] then return end cat[setting] = {} cat[setting].name = name cat[setting].desc = desc cat[setting].type = type if type == 3 then cat[setting].options = options end cat[setting].setting = setting cat[setting].default = default cat[setting].check = check cat[setting].onComplete = onComplete end -- Extra stuff list.Set("DesktopWindows", "Settings", { title = "Settings Alias", icon = "icon32/zoom_extend.png", init = function() XYZSettings.UI() end }) concommand.Add("xyz_settings_set", function(ply, cmd, args) if not args[2] then return end local value = args[2] if value == "true" then value = true elseif value == "false" then value = false elseif isnumber(args[2]) then value = tonumber(args[2]) elseif args[3] then for k, v in pairs(args) do if k < 3 then continue end value = value.." "..v end end XYZSettings.SetSetting(args[1], value) end) -- Existing configs -- HUD XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("HUD", "hud_show_master", 4, "Show HUD", "Show the entire HUD UI", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("HUD", "hud_show_license", 4, "Show License", "Show the license UI", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("HUD", "hud_show_wanted", 4, "Show Wanted", "Show the wanted UI", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("HUD", "hud_show_lockdown", 4, "Show Lockdown", "Show the lockdown UI", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("HUD", "hud_show_others", 4, "Show Player Overheads", "Show the overhead above players", true) -- 911 System XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("911", "911_show_marker", 4, "Show Marker", "Show the 911 location marker on screen", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("911", "911_show_minimap", 4, "Show Minimap", "Show the 911 location marker on minimap", true) -- Cars XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Cars", "cars_customs_underglow", 4, "Render Underglow", "Show the underglow on cars", true) -- EMS XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("EMS", "ems_show_marker", 4, "Show Death Marker", "Show the death location marker on screen", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("EMS", "ems_show_bodybag_marker", 4, "Show Bodybag Marker", "Show the bodybag location marker on screen", true) -- Event XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Event", "event_show_popup", 4, "Show Join Popup", "Show the join event popup", true) -- Meeting XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Meeting", "meeting_show_overlay", 4, "Show Overlay", "Show the large meeting overlay", true) -- Panic Button XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Panic Button", "panic_show_marker", 4, "Show Marker", "Show the panic location marker on screen", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Panic Button", "panic_show_minimap", 4, "Show Minimap", "Show the panic location marker on minimap", true) -- Partner System XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Partner", "partner_show_hud", 4, "Show HUD", "Show your partners HUD above your own", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Partner", "partner_show_halo", 4, "Show Outline", "Show a outline around your partner", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Partner", "partner_distance_halo", 2, "Outline Distance (Units)", "The point the outline stops rendering", 800000) -- Robable NPC XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Robable Store", "rs_show_marker", 4, "Show Store Marker", "Show the store location marker on screen", true) -- Playtime XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Playtime", "playtime_show_hud", 4, "Show Playtime HUD", "Show your playtime HUD", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Playtime", "playtime_show_target_hud", 4, "Show Target's Playtime HUD", "Show the person you're looking at's playtime", true) -- Voicechat XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Voice-Chat", "voicechat_show_hud", 4, "Show Voice-Chat HUD", "Show the voice-chat HUD", true) -- Chat Box XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Chat Box", "textbox_show_rank_tags", 4, "Show Rank Tags", "Show user's rank tags on their messages (E.g: Staff, Elite, VIP...)", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Chat Box", "textbox_show_custom_tags", 4, "Show Custom Tags", "Show user's custom tags on their messages", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Chat Box", "textbox_history_length", 2, "Message History Length", "How many messages of history you can scroll back to", 50) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Chat Box", "textbox_show_timestamps", 4, "Show Timestamps", "Show message timestamps", true) -- Party XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Party", "party_show_hud", 4, "Show Party HUD", "Show your party's HUD", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Party", "party_show_halo", 4, "Show Outline", "Show a outline around your party members", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Party", "party_show_pings", 4, "Show Pings", "Show pings made by your party members (Concommand: xyz_party_ping)", true) -- 3rd Person XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Camera", "cam_toggle", 4, "Toggle Third Person", "Toggles the third person view", false) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Camera", "cam_type", 3, "Camera Type", "What type of camera to use", "Third Person", nil, nil, {"Third person", "Over the shoulder"}) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Camera", "cam_distance", 2, "Camera Distance", "The distance from the player", 50) -- Rainbow Physgun XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Rainbow PhysGun", "rainbowphysgun_enable", 4, "Enable Rainbow", "Should physguns be rainbow (Where applicable)", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Rainbow PhysGun", "rainbowphysgun_speed", 2, "Rainbow Speed", "The speed of the rainbow", 50) -- NPC Overhead XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("NPC Overhead", "overhead_toggle", 4, "Toggle Overhead", "Should NPC overheads be shown?", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("NPC Overhead", "overhead_position", 3, "Overhead Position", "The position style of NPC overheads", "Side", nil, nil, {"Side", "Top"}) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("NPC Overhead", "overhead_distance", 2, "Overhead Distance", "The distance overhead shoudl stop rendering", 400000) -- xAdmin XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("xAdmin", "xadmin_chat_messages", 4, "Show Chat Messages", "Show chat messages like teleporting, cloaking ect...", true) -- xSits XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("xSits", "xsits_toggle_sound", 4, "Play Sound", "Show a sound play when a new sit is made", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("xSits", "xsits_sound", 3, "Alert Sound", "The sound to play when a sit comes in", "Voice 1", nil, nil, {"Voice 1", "Voice 2", "Voice 3", "Bell 1", "Bell 2", "Bell 3"}) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("xSits", "xsits_show", 4, "Show Unclaimed Sits", "Show unclaimed sits menu (Staff-Lead+)", true) -- Loading Intro XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Loading Intro", "intro_toggle_show", 4, "Show Loading Intro", "Show the loading card", true) -- Rewards XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Rewards", "rewards_open_join", 4, "Show Rewards On Join", "Show the rewards UI on join", true) -- Debug menu XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Staff", "staff_debug_menu", 4, "Show Debug Menu", "Show the debug menu when looking at items", true) -- Speedometer XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Speedometer", "speedometer_toggle_show", 4, "Show Speedometer", "Show the speedometer", true) -- Minimap XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Minimap", "minimap_toggle_hud", 4, "Show Minimap HUD", "Show the minimap on your HUD", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Minimap", "minimap_show_overlay", 4, "Show Minimap Overlay", "Show the minimap on overlay when pressing M", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Minimap", "minmap_show_icons", 4, "Show Minimap Icons", "Show the icons on the minimap", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Minimap", "minmap_hud_zoom", 2, "HUD Minimap Zoom", "How zoomed the HUD minimap is", 4) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Minimap", "minmap_clamp_icons", 4, "Clamp Minimap Icons", "Clamp Minimap icons to the edge", true) -- Halloween XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Halloween", "halloween_pumpkin_show", 4, "Show Pumpkin Heads", "Show pumpkin heads on everyone", true) -- Radio XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Car Radio", "cardradio_toggle_play", 4, "Play Car Radio", "Play the radio from a car", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("Car Radio", "cardradio_volume_cap", 2, "Max Volume", "The max volume to allow", 30) -- PNC XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("PNC", "pnc_pt_show_marker", 4, "Show Prisoner Transport Marker", "Show Prisoner Transport location marker on HUD", true) XYZSettings.RegisterSetting("PNC", "pnc_pt_show_minimap", 4, "Show Prisoner Transport Minimap", "Show Prisoner Transport location marker on minimap", true)
local M = {} local timers = {} function M.frames(frames, callback) if frames == 0 then callback() else table.insert(timers, {frames = frames, callback = callback}) end end function M.seconds(seconds, callback) table.insert(timers, {seconds = seconds, callback = callback}) end function M.cancel_all() timers = {} end function M.update(dt) for k, timer in pairs(timers) do if timer.frames then timer.frames = timer.frames - 1 if timer.frames <= 0 then timers[k] = nil timer.callback() end elseif timer.seconds then timer.seconds = timer.seconds - dt if timer.seconds <= 0 then timers[k] = nil timer.callback() end end end end return M
local materials = { [9] = true, [19] = true, [21] = true, [23] = true, [24] = true, [31] = true, [32] = true, [35] = true, [38] = true, [40] = true, [43] = true, [46] = true, [47] = true, [48] = true, } function Main.update:Mud() if not IsDriver or not Materials then return end local mudRatio = 0.0 local rainLevel = GetRainLevel() local wheelType = GetVehicleWheelType(CurrentVehicle) local isOffroad = wheelType == 4 --or classType == ? for wheelIndex, material in pairs(Materials) do if materials[material] then mudRatio = mudRatio + (isOffroad and 0.5 or 1.0) end end if mudRatio < 0.001 then return end mudRatio = 1.0 / (mudRatio * (rainLevel * 0.5 + 0.5)) if mudRatio < 0.001 or mudRatio > 1.001 then return end BrakeModifier = BrakeModifier * mudRatio MaxFlatModifier = MaxFlatModifier * math.pow(mudRatio, 2.0) TractionCurveModifier = TractionCurveModifier * (1.0 + mudRatio * 0.5) TractionLossModifier = TractionLossModifier * mudRatio end
att.PrintName = "Power" att.Icon = Material("snowysnowtime/2k/ico/h3/smg_sil.png") att.Description = "Changing the internals allows the M7 SMG to be much more efficient. It has increased recoil due to this." att.Desc_Pros = { "+ Increased Rate of Fire (10%)" } att.Desc_Cons = { "- Increased Recoil (15%)", "- Reduced Damage (10%)" } att.SortOrder = 997 att.Slot = "variant_smgho" att.Mult_Recoil = 1.3 att.AttachSound = "attch/snow/halo/h3/x_button.wav" att.DetachSound = "attch/snow/halo/h3/b_button.wav" att.ActivateElements = {"pwr_body"} att.GivesFlags = {"pwr_body"}
local GetVariable = BP.BaseClass(BP.Node) function GetVariable:Constructor( graph ) self.is_updatable_bp_node = true self.graph = graph print('Cat:GetVariable.lua[5] graph', graph) end function GetVariable:Update( deltaTime ) print('Cat:GetVariable.lua[8] update') end return GetVariable
--[[ Copyright (C) Udorn (Blackhand) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. --]] --[[ Cell object for rendering texts. Input for the cell is: text --]] vendor.TextCell = {} vendor.TextCell.prototype = {} vendor.TextCell.metatable = {__index = vendor.TextCell.prototype} setmetatable(vendor.TextCell.prototype, {__index = vendor.ItemTableCell.prototype}) --[[ Shows information if mouse is over the selected item --]] local function _OnEnterItem(but) local self = but.obj if (self.tooltip) then GameTooltip:SetOwner(but, "ANCHOR_RIGHT") GameTooltip:SetText(self.tooltip, NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.r, NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.g, NORMAL_FONT_COLOR.b, 1, true) end end --[[ Initializes the cell. --]] local function _Init(self) local frame = CreateFrame("Button", nil, self.parent) frame.obj = self frame:EnableMouse(true) frame:SetWidth(self.width) frame:SetHeight(self.height) frame:SetScript("OnEnter", _OnEnterItem) frame:SetScript("OnLeave", function() GameTooltip:Hide() end) local f = self.parent:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontHighlightSmall") f:SetAllPoints(frame) if (self.align) then f:SetJustifyH(self.align) end self.frame = frame self.fontString = f end --[[ Creates a new instance. --]] function vendor.TextCell:new(parent, width, height, align) local instance = setmetatable({}, self.metatable) instance.parent = parent instance.width = width instance.height = height instance.align = align _Init(instance) return instance end --[[ Updates the cell with the required input parameters of the cell. --]] function vendor.TextCell.prototype:Update(text, tooltip) if (text and self.align == "LEFT") then text = " "..text end self.fontString:SetText(text or "") self.tooltip = tooltip end
pace.StreamQueue = pace.StreamQueue or {} local frame_number = 0 local last_frame local ERROR_COLOR = Color(228, 37, 37) local function catchError(err) pac.Message(ERROR_COLOR, 'Error: ', err) pac.Message(debug.traceback()) end timer.Create("pac_check_stream_queue", 0.1, 0, function() if not pace.BusyStreaming and #pace.StreamQueue ~= 0 then xpcall(pace.SubmitPart, catchError, unpack(table.remove(pace.StreamQueue))) end frame_number = frame_number + 1 end) local function make_copy(tbl, input) if tbl.self.UniqueID then tbl.self.UniqueID = pac.Hash(tbl.self.UniqueID .. input) end for key, val in pairs(tbl.children) do make_copy(val, input) end end local function net_write_table(tbl) local buffer = pac.StringStream() buffer:writeTable(tbl) local data = buffer:getString() local ok, err = pcall(net.WriteStream, data) if not ok then return ok, err end return #data end pace.dupe_ents = pace.dupe_ents or {} local uid2key = include("legacy_network_dictionary_translate.lua") local function translate_old_dupe(tableIn, target) for key, value2 in pairs(tableIn) do local value if type(value2) == 'table' then value = translate_old_dupe(value2, {}) else value = value2 end if type(key) == 'number' and key > 10000 then local str = uid2key[key] or key target[str] = value else target[key] = value end end return target end duplicator.RegisterEntityModifier("pac_config", function(ply, ent, parts) if parts.json then parts = util.JSONToTable(parts.json) parts = translate_old_dupe(parts, {}) end local id = ent:EntIndex() if parts.part then parts = {[parts.part.self.UniqueID] = parts} end ent.pac_parts = parts pace.dupe_ents[ent:EntIndex()] = {owner = ply, ent = ent} -- give source engine time timer.Simple(0, function() for uid, data in pairs(parts) do if type(data.part) == "table" then make_copy(data.part, id) data.part.self.Name = tostring(ent) data.part.self.OwnerName = id end data.owner = ply data.uid = pac.Hash(ply) data.is_dupe = true -- clientside sent variables cleanup for sanity data.wear_filter = nil data.partID = nil data.totalParts = nil data.transmissionID = nil pace.SubmitPart(data) end end) end) function pace.SubmitPart(data, filter) if type(data.part) == "table" then if last_frame == frame_number then table.insert(pace.StreamQueue, {data, filter}) pace.dprint("queuing part %q from %s", data.part.self.Name, tostring(data.owner)) return "queue" end end -- last arg "true" is pac3 only in case you need to do your checking differnetly from pac2 local allowed, reason = hook.Run("PrePACConfigApply", data.owner, data, true) if type(data.part) == "table" then local ent = Entity(tonumber(data.part.self.OwnerName) or -1) if ent:IsValid() then if not pace.CanPlayerModify(data.owner, ent) then allowed = false reason = "you are not allowed to modify this entity: " .. tostring(ent) .. " owned by: " .. tostring(ent.CPPIGetOwner and ent:CPPIGetOwner() or "world") else if not data.is_dupe then ent.pac_parts = ent.pac_parts or {} ent.pac_parts[pac.Hash(data.owner)] = data pace.dupe_ents[ent:EntIndex()] = {owner = data.owner, ent = ent} duplicator.ClearEntityModifier(ent, "pac_config") --duplicator.StoreEntityModifier(ent, "pac_config", ent.pac_parts) --duplicator.StoreEntityModifier(ent, "pac_config", {json = util.TableToJSON(ent.pac_parts)}) -- fresh table copy duplicator.StoreEntityModifier(ent, "pac_config", {json = util.TableToJSON(table.Copy(ent.pac_parts))}) end ent:CallOnRemove("pac_config", function(ent) if ent.pac_parts then for _, data in pairs(ent.pac_parts) do if type(data.part) == "table" then data.part = data.part.self.UniqueID end pace.RemovePart(data) end end end) end end end if data.uid ~= false then if allowed == false then return allowed, reason end if pace.IsBanned(data.owner) then return false, "you are banned from using pac" end end local uid = data.uid pace.Parts[uid] = pace.Parts[uid] or {} if type(data.part) == "table" then pace.Parts[uid][data.part.self.UniqueID] = data else if data.part == "__ALL__" then pace.Parts[uid] = {} filter = true for key, v in pairs(pace.dupe_ents) do if v.owner:IsValid() and v.owner == data.owner then if v.ent:IsValid() and v.ent.pac_parts then v.ent.pac_parts = nil duplicator.ClearEntityModifier(v.ent, "pac_config") end end pace.dupe_ents[key] = nil end elseif data.part then pace.Parts[uid][data.part] = nil -- this doesn't work because the unique id is different for some reason -- use clear for now if you wanna clear a dupes outfit --[[for key, v in pairs(pace.dupe_ents) do if v.owner:IsValid() and v.owner == data.owner then if v.ent:IsValid() and v.ent.pac_parts then local id = pac.Hash(data.part .. v.ent:EntIndex()) v.ent.pac_parts[id] = nil duplicator.ClearEntityModifier(v.ent, "pac_config") duplicator.StoreEntityModifier(v.ent, "pac_config", v.ent.pac_parts) return else pace.dupe_ents[key] = nil end else pace.dupe_ents[key] = nil end end]] end end local players if IsValid(data.temp_wear_filter) and type(data.temp_wear_filter) == "Player" then players = {data.temp_wear_filter} elseif type(data.wear_filter) == 'table' then players = {} for _, id in ipairs(data.wear_filter) do local ply = pac.ReverseHash(id, "Player") if ply:IsValid() then table.insert(players, ply) end end else players = player.GetAll() end if filter == false then filter = data.owner elseif filter == true then local tbl = {} for k, v in pairs(players) do if v ~= data.owner then table.insert(tbl, v) end end filter = tbl end if not data.server_only then if data.owner:IsValid() then data.player_uid = pac.Hash(data.owner) end local players = filter or players if type(players) == "table" then for key = #players, 1, -1 do local ply = players[key] if not ply.pac_requested_outfits and ply ~= data.owner then table.remove(players, key) end end if pace.GlobalBans and data.owner:IsValid() then local owner_steamid = data.owner:SteamID() for key, ply in pairs(players) do local steamid = ply:SteamID() for var, reason in pairs(pace.GlobalBans) do if var == steamid or type(var) == "table" and (table.HasValue(var, steamid) or table.HasValue(var, util.CRC(ply:IPAddress():match("(.+):") or ""))) then table.remove(players, key) if owner_steamid == steamid then pac.Message("Dropping data transfer request by '", ply:Nick(), "' due to a global PAC ban.") return false, "You have been globally banned from using PAC. See global_bans.lua for more info." end end end end end elseif type(players) == "Player" and (not players.pac_requested_outfits and players ~= data.owner) then data.transmissionID = nil return true end if not players or type(players) == "table" and not next(players) then return true end -- Alternative transmission system local ret = hook.Run("pac_SendData", players, data) if ret == nil then net.Start("pac_submit") local bytes, err = net_write_table(data) if not bytes then ErrorNoHalt("[PAC3] Outfit broadcast failed for " .. tostring(data.owner) .. ": " .. tostring(err) .. '\n') if data.owner and data.owner:IsValid() then data.owner:ChatPrint('[PAC3] ERROR: Could not broadcast your outfit: ' .. tostring(err)) end else net.Send(players) end end if type(data.part) == "table" then last_frame = frame_number pace.CallHook("OnWoreOutfit", data.owner, data.part) end end -- nullify transmission ID data.transmissionID = nil return true end function pace.SubmitPartNotify(data) pace.dprint("submitted outfit %q from %s with %i number of children to set on %s", data.part.self.Name or "", data.owner:GetName(), table.Count(data.part.children), data.part.self.OwnerName or "") local allowed, reason = pace.SubmitPart(data) if data.owner:IsPlayer() then if allowed == "queue" then return end if not reason and allowed and type(data.part) == 'table' then reason = string.format('Your part %q has been applied', data.part.self.Name or '<unknown>') end net.Start("pac_submit_acknowledged") net.WriteBool(allowed) net.WriteString(reason or "") net.WriteString(data.part.self.Name or "no name") net.Send(data.owner) hook.Run("PACSubmitAcknowledged", data.owner, util.tobool(allowed), reason or "", data.part.self.Name or "no name", data) end end function pace.RemovePart(data) pace.dprint("%s is removed %q", data.owner and data.owner:IsValid() and data.owner:GetName(), data.part) if data.part == "__ALL__" then pace.CallHook("RemoveOutfit", data.owner) end pace.SubmitPart(data, data.filter) end function pace.HandleReceivedData(ply, data) data.owner = ply data.uid = pac.Hash(ply) if data.wear_filter and #data.wear_filter > game.MaxPlayers() then pac.Message("Player ", ply, " tried to submit extraordinary wear filter size of ", #data.wear_filter, ", dropping.") data.wear_filter = nil end if type(data.part) == "table" and data.part.self then if type(data.part.self) == "table" and not data.part.self.UniqueID then return end -- bogus data pace.SubmitPartNotify(data) elseif type(data.part) == "string" then pace.RemovePart(data) end end util.AddNetworkString("pac_submit") timer.Create("pac_submit_spam", 3, 0, function() for k, ply in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do ply.pac_submit_spam = math.max((ply.pac_submit_spam or 0) - 5, 0) ply.pac_submit_spam2 = math.max((ply.pac_submit_spam2 or 0) - 5, 0) if ply.pac_submit_spam_msg then ply.pac_submit_spam_msg = ply.pac_submit_spam >= 20 end if ply.pac_submit_spam_msg2 then ply.pac_submit_spam_msg2 = ply.pac_submit_spam2 >= 20 end end end) local pac_submit_spam = CreateConVar('pac_submit_spam', '1', {FCVAR_NOTIFY, FCVAR_ARCHIVE}, 'Prevent users from spamming pac_submit') local pac_submit_limit = CreateConVar('pac_submit_limit', '30', {FCVAR_NOTIFY, FCVAR_ARCHIVE}, 'pac_submit spam limit') pace.PCallNetReceive(net.Receive, "pac_submit", function(len, ply) if pac.CallHook("CanWearParts", ply) == false then return end if pac_submit_spam:GetBool() and not game.SinglePlayer() then -- data is too short, not even 8 bytes if len < 64 then return end ply.pac_submit_spam = ply.pac_submit_spam + 1 if ply.pac_submit_spam >= pac_submit_limit:GetInt() then if not ply.pac_submit_spam_msg then pac.Message("Player ", ply, " is spamming pac_submit!") ply.pac_submit_spam_msg = true end return end end net.ReadStream(ply, function(data) if not data then pac.Message("message from ", ply, " timed out") return end if not ply:IsValid() then pac.Message("received message from ", ply, " but player is no longer valid!") return end local buffer = pac.StringStream(data) pace.HandleReceivedData(ply, buffer:readTable()) end) end) function pace.ClearOutfit(ply) local uid = pac.Hash(ply) pace.SubmitPart({part = "__ALL__", uid = pac.Hash(ply), owner = ply}) pace.CallHook("RemoveOutfit", ply) end function pace.RequestOutfits(ply) if not ply:IsValid() then return end if ply.pac_requested_outfits_time and ply.pac_requested_outfits_time > RealTime() then return end ply.pac_requested_outfits_time = RealTime() + 30 ply.pac_requested_outfits = true ply.pac_gonna_receive_outfits = true pace.UpdateWearFilters() timer.Simple(6, function() if not IsValid(ply) then return end ply.pac_gonna_receive_outfits = false for id, outfits in pairs(pace.Parts) do local owner = pac.ReverseHash(id, "Player") if owner:IsValid() and owner:IsPlayer() and owner.GetPos and id ~= pac.Hash(ply) then for key, outfit in pairs(outfits) do if not outfit.wear_filter or table.HasValue(outfit.wear_filter, pac.Hash(ply)) then pace.SubmitPart(outfit, ply) end end end end end) end concommand.Add("pac_request_outfits", pace.RequestOutfits)
local Tunnel = module("vrp", "lib/Tunnel") local Proxy = module("vrp", "lib/Proxy") vRP = Proxy.getInterface("vRP") vRPclient = Tunnel.getInterface("vRP", "vrp_mugging") cooldownlist = {} RegisterServerEvent('vrp_mugging:giveMoney') AddEventHandler('vrp_mugging:giveMoney', function() local user_id = vRP.getUserId({source}) local amount = math.random(Config.MinMoney, Config.MaxMoney) print('tring to add cash') vRP.giveMoney({user_id,amount}) TriggerClientEvent('mythic_notify:client:SendAlert', source, { type = 'success', text = 'Du stjal '.. amount .. '$', length = '5000', style = {}}) end) RegisterServerEvent('vrp_mugging:giveItems') AddEventHandler('vrp_mugging:giveItems', function(itemName) local user_id = vRP.getUserId({source}) vRP.giveInventoryItem({user_id,itemName,1}) end) RegisterServerEvent("vrp_mugging:call") AddEventHandler( "vrp_mugging:call", function( x, y) local random = math.random(1, 4) -- Get a random number 3-10 (10%) if random == 2 then -- If the number = 5, make a police call call(x, y) end end ) ------------------------------------- ------------- Functions ------------- ------------------------------------- function call(x, y) local answered = false -- Make sure the request isn't answered - predefined variable local players = {} -- Table - Players with "police.service" permissions local user_id = vRP.getUserId({source}) -- Get user_id - Not using it local users = vRP.getUsers() -- Get all players for k, v in pairs(users) do -- Loop - for each player local player = vRP.getUserSource({tonumber(k)}) -- Get source of current player if vRP.hasPermission({k, Config.RequiredPermission}) and player then -- If current player has permissions to "police.service" table.insert(players, player) -- Insert current player into my table called "players" end end for k, v in pairs(players) do -- Loop - for each player in my table called "players" vRP.request({v, Config.Language.RequiredPermission, 30, function(v, ok) -- Make a request if ok then -- If the player accept the request if not answered then -- If it's not accepted vRPclient.setGPS(v, {x, y}) -- Set GPS coordinates answered = true -- accept the call else vRPclient.notify(v, {Config.Language.CallAlreadyTaken}) -- If the request already accepted end end end}) end end
-- sponsorblock.lua -- -- This script skips sponsored segments of YouTube videos -- using data from local ON_WINDOWS = package.config:sub(1,1) ~= '/' local options = { server_address = "", python_path = ON_WINDOWS and "python" or "python3", -- If true, sponsored segments will only be skipped once skip_once = true, -- Note that sponsored segments may ocasionally be inaccurate if this is turned off -- see local_database = true, -- Update database on first run, does nothing if local_database is false auto_update = true, -- User ID used to submit sponsored segments, leave blank for random user_id = "", -- Name to display on the stats page leave blank to keep current name display_name = "", -- Tell the server when a skip happens report_views = true, -- Auto upvote skipped sponsors auto_upvote = true, -- Use sponsor times from server if they're more up to date than our local database server_fallback = true, -- Minimum duration for sponsors (in seconds), segments under that threshold will be ignored min_duration = 1, -- Fade audio for smoother transitions audio_fade = false, -- Audio fade step, applied once every 100ms until cap is reached audio_fade_step = 10, -- Audio fade cap audio_fade_cap = 0, -- Fast forward through sponsors instead of skipping fast_forward = false, -- Playback speed modifier when fast forwarding, applied once every second until cap is reached fast_forward_increase = .2, -- Playback speed cap fast_forward_cap = 2, -- Pattern for video id in local files, ignored if blank -- Recommended value for base youtube-dl is "-([%a%d%-_]+)%.[mw][kpe][v4b][m]?$" local_pattern = "" } mp.options = require "mp.options" mp.options.read_options(options, "sponsorblock") local legacy = mp.command_native_async == nil if legacy then options.local_database = false end local utils = require "mp.utils" local scripts_dir = mp.find_config_file("scripts") local sponsorblock = utils.join_path(scripts_dir, "shared/") local uid_path = utils.join_path(scripts_dir, "shared/sponsorblock.txt") local database_file = options.local_database and utils.join_path(scripts_dir, "shared/sponsorblock.db") or "" local youtube_id = nil local ranges = {} local init = false local segment = {a = 0, b = 0, progress = 0} local retrying = false local last_skip = {uuid = "", dir = nil} local speed_timer = nil local fade_timer = nil local fade_dir = nil local volume_before = mp.get_property_number("volume") function file_exists(name) local f =,"r") if f ~= nil then io.close(f) return true else return false end end function t_count(t) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(t) do count = count + 1 end return count end function getranges(_, exists, db, more) if type(exists) == "table" and exists["status"] == "1" then if options.server_fallback then mp.add_timeout(0, function() getranges(true, true, "") end) else return mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] database update failed, gave up") end end if db ~= "" and db ~= database_file then db = database_file end if exists ~= true and not file_exists(db) then if not retrying then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] database update failed, retrying...") retrying = true end return update() end if retrying then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] database update succeeded") retrying = false end local sponsors local args = { options.python_path, sponsorblock, "ranges", db, options.server_address, youtube_id } if not legacy then sponsors = mp.command_native({name = "subprocess", capture_stdout = true, playback_only = false, args = args}) else sponsors = utils.subprocess({args = args}) end if not string.match(sponsors.stdout, "^%s*(.*%S)") then return end if string.match(sponsors.stdout, "error") then return getranges(true, true) end local new_ranges = {} local r_count = 0 if more then r_count = -1 end for t in string.gmatch(sponsors.stdout, "[^:%s]+") do uuid = string.match(t, '[^,]+$') if ranges[uuid] then new_ranges[uuid] = ranges[uuid] else start_time = tonumber(string.match(t, '[^,]+')) end_time = tonumber(string.sub(string.match(t, ',[^,]+'), 2)) if end_time - start_time >= options.min_duration then new_ranges[uuid] = { start_time = start_time, end_time = end_time, skipped = false } end end r_count = r_count + 1 end local c_count = t_count(ranges) if c_count == 0 or r_count >= c_count then ranges = new_ranges end end function fast_forward() local last_speed = mp.get_property_number("speed") local new_speed = math.min(last_speed + options.fast_forward_increase, options.fast_forward_cap) if new_speed <= last_speed then return end mp.set_property("speed", new_speed) end function fade_audio(step) local last_volume = mp.get_property_number("volume") local new_volume = math.max(options.audio_fade_cap, math.min(last_volume + step, volume_before)) if new_volume == last_volume then if step >= 0 then fade_dir = nil end if fade_timer ~= nil then fade_timer:kill() end fade_timer = nil return end mp.set_property("volume", new_volume) end function skip_ads(name, pos) if pos == nil then return end local sponsor_ahead = false for uuid, t in pairs(ranges) do if (options.fast_forward == uuid or not options.skip_once or not t.skipped) and t.start_time <= pos and t.end_time > pos then if options.fast_forward == uuid then return end if options.fast_forward == false then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] sponsor skipped") mp.set_property("time-pos", t.end_time) else mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] skipping sponsor") end t.skipped = true last_skip = {uuid = uuid, dir = nil} if options.report_views or options.auto_upvote then local args = { options.python_path, sponsorblock, "stats", database_file, options.server_address, youtube_id, uuid, options.report_views and "1" or "", uid_path, options.user_id, options.auto_upvote and "1" or "" } if not legacy then mp.command_native_async({name = "subprocess", playback_only = false, args = args}, function () end) else utils.subprocess_detached({args = args}) end end if options.fast_forward ~= false then options.fast_forward = uuid speed_timer = mp.add_periodic_timer(1, fast_forward) end return elseif (not options.skip_once or not t.skipped) and t.start_time <= pos + 1 and t.end_time > pos + 1 then sponsor_ahead = true end end if options.audio_fade then if sponsor_ahead then if fade_dir ~= false then if fade_dir == nil then volume_before = mp.get_property_number("volume") end if fade_timer ~= nil then fade_timer:kill() end fade_dir = false fade_timer = mp.add_periodic_timer(.1, function() fade_audio(-options.audio_fade_step) end) end elseif fade_dir == false then fade_dir = true if fade_timer ~= nil then fade_timer:kill() end fade_timer = mp.add_periodic_timer(.1, function() fade_audio(options.audio_fade_step) end) end end if options.fast_forward and options.fast_forward ~= true then options.fast_forward = true speed_timer:kill() mp.set_property("speed", 1) end end function vote(dir) if last_skip.uuid == "" then return mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] no sponsors skipped, can't submit vote") end local updown = dir == "1" and "up" or "down" if last_skip.dir == dir then return mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] " .. updown .. "vote already submitted") end last_skip.dir = dir local args = { options.python_path, sponsorblock, "stats", database_file, options.server_address, youtube_id, last_skip.uuid, "", uid_path, options.user_id, dir } if not legacy then mp.command_native_async({name = "subprocess", playback_only = false, args = args}, function () end) else utils.subprocess({args = args}) end mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] " .. updown .. "vote submitted") end function update() mp.command_native_async({name = "subprocess", playback_only = false, args = { options.python_path, sponsorblock, "update", database_file, options.server_address }}, getranges) end function file_loaded() local initialized = init ranges = {} segment = {a = 0, b = 0, progress = 0} last_skip = {uuid = "", dir = nil} local video_path = mp.get_property("path") local youtube_id1 = string.match(video_path, "https?://[%a%d%-_]+).*") local youtube_id2 = string.match(video_path, "https?://w?w?w?%.?[%a%d%-_]+).*") local youtube_id3 = string.match(video_path, "/watch%?v=([%a%d%-_]+).*") local youtube_id4 = string.match(video_path, "/embed/([%a%d%-_]+).*") local local_pattern = nil if options.local_pattern ~= "" then local_pattern = string.match(video_path, options.local_pattern) end youtube_id = youtube_id1 or youtube_id2 or youtube_id3 or youtube_id4 or local_pattern if not youtube_id then return end init = true if not options.local_database then getranges(true, true) else local exists = file_exists(database_file) if exists and options.server_fallback then getranges(true, true) mp.add_timeout(0, function() getranges(true, true, "", true) end) elseif exists then getranges(true, true) elseif options.server_fallback then mp.add_timeout(0, function() getranges(true, true, "") end) end end if initialized then return end mp.observe_property("time-pos", "native", skip_ads) if options.display_name ~= "" then local args = { options.python_path, sponsorblock, "username", database_file, options.server_address, youtube_id, "", "", uid_path, options.user_id, options.display_name } if not legacy then mp.command_native_async({name = "subprocess", playback_only = false, args = args}, function () end) else utils.subprocess_detached({args = args}) end end if not options.local_database or (not options.auto_update and file_exists(database_file)) then return end update() end function set_segment() if not youtube_id then return end local pos = mp.get_property_number("time-pos") if pos == nil then return end if segment.progress > 1 then segment.progress = segment.progress - 2 end if segment.progress == 1 then segment.progress = 0 segment.b = pos mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment boundary B set, press again for boundary A", 3) else segment.progress = 1 segment.a = pos mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment boundary A set, press again for boundary B", 3) end end function submit_segment() if not youtube_id then return end local start_time = math.min(segment.a, segment.b) local end_time = math.max(segment.a, segment.b) if end_time - start_time == 0 or end_time == 0 then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] empty segment, not submitting") elseif segment.progress <= 1 then mp.osd_message(string.format("[sponsorblock] press Shift+G again to confirm: %.2d:%.2d:%.2d to %.2d:%.2d:%.2d", start_time/(60*60), start_time/60%60, start_time%60, end_time/(60*60), end_time/60%60, end_time%60), 5) segment.progress = segment.progress + 2 else mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] submitting segment...", 30) local submit local args = { options.python_path, sponsorblock, "submit", database_file, options.server_address, youtube_id, tostring(start_time), tostring(end_time), uid_path, options.user_id } if not legacy then submit = mp.command_native({name = "subprocess", capture_stdout = true, playback_only = false, args = args}) else submit = utils.subprocess({args = args}) end if string.match(submit.stdout, "success") then segment = {a = 0, b = 0, progress = 0} mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment submitted") elseif string.match(submit.stdout, "error") then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment submission failed, server may be down. try again", 5) elseif string.match(submit.stdout, "502") then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment submission failed, server is down. try again", 5) elseif string.match(submit.stdout, "400") then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment submission failed, impossible inputs", 5) segment = {a = 0, b = 0, progress = 0} elseif string.match(submit.stdout, "429") then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment submission failed, rate limited. try again", 5) elseif string.match(submit.stdout, "409") then mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment already submitted", 3) segment = {a = 0, b = 0, progress = 0} else mp.osd_message("[sponsorblock] segment submission failed", 5) end end end mp.register_event("file-loaded", file_loaded) mp.add_key_binding("g", "sponsorblock_set_segment", set_segment) mp.add_key_binding("G", "sponsorblock_submit_segment", submit_segment) mp.add_key_binding("h", "sponsorblock_upvote", function() return vote("1") end) mp.add_key_binding("H", "sponsorblock_downvote", function() return vote("0") end)
local PANEL = {} local outpadding = 14 local padding = 5 local stripeW = 5 local MAT_FAILED = Material("lambda/failed.png") local MAT_SUCCESS = Material("lambda/success.png") function PANEL:Init() self:SetTitle("") self:SetPos(padding, ScrH() * 0.25) self:SetDeleteOnClose(false) self:ShowCloseButton(false) self:SetDraggable(false) self:SetVisible(true) self.currentVote = nil self.choiceScore = {} self.smoothChoiceScore = {} self.lastTimeLeft = 99999 self.totalPlayers = 0 end function PANEL:UpdateVote(vote) if self.currentVote ~= nil then -- Only play when being updated. surface.PlaySound("buttons/button16.wav") end self.currentVote = vote self.choiceScore = {} self.smoothChoiceScore = self.smoothChoiceScore or {} for k,v in pairs(vote.options) do self.choiceScore[k] = 0 self.smoothChoiceScore[k] = self.smoothChoiceScore[k] or 0 end for k,v in pairs(vote.results) do self.choiceScore[v] = self.choiceScore[v] + 1 end end function PANEL:SetVoteResults(vote) if vote.failed == false then surface.PlaySound("buttons/button14.wav") else surface.PlaySound("buttons/button19.wav") end end function PANEL:Think() local vote = self.currentVote if vote == nil then return end for k,v in pairs(self.choiceScore) do self.smoothChoiceScore[k] = Lerp(FrameTime() * 20, self.smoothChoiceScore[k], self.choiceScore[k]) end if vote.finished ~= true then local totalTime = vote.endtime - vote.starttime local timeLeft = math.Round(vote.endtime - GetSyncedTimestamp()) if timeLeft < self.lastTimeLeft and timeLeft > 0 and (timeLeft <= (totalTime * 0.5)) then self.lastTimeLeft = timeLeft surface.PlaySound("buttons/blip1.wav") end local plys = player.GetAll() for _,v in pairs(vote.excluded) do table.RemoveByValue(plys, v) end self.totalPlayers = #plys end end function PANEL:Paint(w, h) local text local textW, textH = 0, 0 local padding = 5 local paddingChoice = 10 local x, y = 10, 5 local maxW = 10 local vote = self.currentVote local ply = vote.issuer local params = vote.params local text = "" surface.SetDrawColor(0, 0, 0, 230) surface.DrawRect(0, 0, w, h) surface.SetDrawColor(255, 147, 30, 230) surface.DrawRect(0, 0, 5, h) surface.SetFont("lambda_sb_def_sm") -- Issuer do if IsValid(ply) then text = "Vote called by " .. ply:Name() else text = "Vote called by host" end surface.SetTextColor(255, 255, 255, 230) surface.SetTextPos(x, y) surface.DrawText(text) textW, textH = surface.GetTextSize(text) y = y + textH + padding maxW = math.max(maxW, textW) end surface.SetFont("lambda_sb_def") local widthDesc = 0 -- Description. do if vote.finished ~= true then local timeLeft = math.Round(vote.endtime - GetSyncedTimestamp()) if timeLeft < 0 then timeLeft = 0 end text = string.format("%02d - ", timeLeft) else if vote.failed ~= true then local timeLeft = math.Round(vote.actionTime - GetSyncedTimestamp()) if timeLeft < 0 then timeLeft = 0 end text = string.format("%02d - ", timeLeft) else text = "" end end if vote.type == VOTE_TYPE_KICK_PLAYER then local kickingPlayer = params.Player text = text .. "Kick player: " .. kickingPlayer:Name() elseif vote.type == VOTE_TYPE_SKIP_MAP then text = text .. "Skip to next map: " .. params.NextMap elseif vote.type == VOTE_TYPE_RESTART_MAP then text = text .. "Restart current map" elseif vote.type == VOTE_TYPE_CHANGE_MAP then text = text .. "Change to map: " .. params.Map elseif vote.type == VOTE_TYPE_NEXT_MAP then text = text .. "Choose next map" end surface.SetTextPos(x, y) surface.SetTextColor(255, 147, 30, 230) surface.DrawText(text) textW, textH = surface.GetTextSize(text) y = y + textH + padding widthDesc = textW + padding + 100 maxW = math.max(maxW, widthDesc) end surface.SetFont("lambda_sb_def_sm") local seperatorY = y local seperatorX = x -- Seperator. do y = y + 1 + padding end -- Info. if vote.finished ~= true and vote.canVote == true then do text = "Press the corresponding number to vote." surface.SetTextColor(255, 255, 255, 230) surface.SetTextPos(x, y) surface.DrawText(text) textW, textH = surface.GetTextSize(text) y = y + textH + paddingChoice maxW = math.max(maxW, textW) end else y = y + paddingChoice end -- Choices local choiceMargin = 10 local maxChoiceW = 0 local choiceY = y for k,v in pairs(vote.options) do text = tostring(k) .. "." if vote.finished ~= true then surface.SetTextColor(255, 147, 30, 230) else if vote.winningOption == k then surface.SetTextColor(255, 147, 30, 230) else surface.SetTextColor(100, 100, 100, 100) end end surface.SetTextPos(x + choiceMargin, y) surface.DrawText(text) textW, textH = surface.GetTextSize(text) local numberMargin = math.max(textW, 15) text = v if vote.finished ~= true then if vote.choice == k then surface.SetTextColor(255, 147, 30, 230) else surface.SetTextColor(255, 255, 255, 230) end else if vote.winningOption == k then surface.SetTextColor(255, 147, 30, 230) else surface.SetTextColor(100, 100, 100, 100) end end surface.SetTextPos(x + choiceMargin + numberMargin, y) surface.DrawText(text) textW, textH = surface.GetTextSize(text) maxChoiceW = math.max(maxChoiceW, textW + numberMargin) y = y + textH + paddingChoice maxW = math.max(maxW, textW + choiceMargin) end maxChoiceW = math.max(maxChoiceW, 100) + 20 local barWidth = 100 for k,v in pairs(vote.options) do local score = self.choiceScore[k] local smoothScore = self.smoothChoiceScore[k] text = tostring(score) if vote.finished ~= true then surface.SetTextColor(255, 255, 255, 230) else if vote.winningOption == k and vote.failed ~= true then surface.SetTextColor(255, 255, 255, 230) else surface.SetTextColor(100, 100, 100, 100) end end surface.SetTextPos(x + choiceMargin + maxChoiceW + padding, choiceY) surface.DrawText(text) textW, textH = surface.GetTextSize(text) local textSpace = math.max(textW, 15) maxW = math.max(maxW, textW + choiceMargin + padding + maxChoiceW + textSpace + barWidth) local barSize = (smoothScore / self.totalPlayers) * barWidth if vote.finished ~= true then surface.SetDrawColor(255, 147, 30, 230) else if vote.winningOption == k and vote.failed ~= true then surface.SetDrawColor(255, 147, 30, 230) else surface.SetDrawColor(100, 100, 100, 100) end end surface.DrawRect(x + choiceMargin + maxChoiceW + padding + textSpace, choiceY + 6, barSize, 5) choiceY = choiceY + textH + paddingChoice end -- Seperator do surface.SetDrawColor(255, 255, 255, 155) surface.DrawLine(seperatorX, seperatorY, seperatorX + maxW, seperatorY + 1) end -- Icon if vote.finished == true then do if vote.failed == true then surface.SetMaterial(MAT_FAILED) else surface.SetMaterial(MAT_SUCCESS) end surface.DrawTexturedRect(5 + maxW + padding - 32 - 5, 10, 32, 32) end end self:SetSize(stripeW + padding + maxW + padding, y) end vgui.Register( "HudVote", PANEL, "DFrame" )
wrk.method = "POST" wrk.body = string.rep("body", 1000000) wrk.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
----------------------------------- -- Area: Aht Urhgan Whitegate -- NPC: Sharin-Garin -- Type: Adventurer's Assistant -- !pos 122.658 -1.315 33.001 50 ----------------------------------- local ID = require("scripts/zones/Aht_Urhgan_Whitegate/IDs") ----------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/besieged") require("scripts/globals/keyitems") require("scripts/globals/npc_util") ----------------------------------- function onTrade(player, npc, trade) end function onTrigger(player, npc) local mercRank = tpz.besieged.getMercenaryRank(player) local hasPermit = player:hasKeyItem( and 1 or 0 local points = player:getCurrency("imperial_standing") local hasAstral = tpz.besieged.getAstralCandescence() local cost = 200 -- 200 IS to get a permit local captain = mercRank == 11 and 1 or 0 player:startEvent(140, 0, mercRank, hasPermit, points, hasAstral, cost, captain) end function onEventUpdate(player,csid,option) end function onEventFinish(player,csid,option) if csid == 140 and option == 1 and npcUtil.giveKeyItem(player, then player:delCurrency("imperial_standing", 200) elseif csid == 140 and option == 2 then npcUtil.giveKeyItem(player, end end
object_tangible_deed_pet_deed_droideka_deed = object_tangible_deed_pet_deed_shared_droideka_deed:new { } ObjectTemplates:addTemplate(object_tangible_deed_pet_deed_droideka_deed, "object/tangible/deed/pet_deed/droideka_deed.iff")
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TODO: -- * Decide if use function calls in the style: -- - string.len(s), or -- - s:len() -- It is in the first form now, check if it works in the second form and change -- in all the code. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AUXILIARY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- An wallet of all variable that we must want to throw away when finished. local ENV = {} -- set global options. This is mostly during the main port that is necessary, -- as all things inside ENV table. ENV.debug = true ENV.compatibility = false function ENV.DEBUG (msg) if ENV.debug then print ("[debug] " .. msg) end end ENV.DEBUG("BEGIN config") ENV.DEBUG("lua version: " .. _VERSION) ENV.DEBUG ("-- AUXILIARY") -- workaround to call this script outside conky env. function ENV.fake_conky_env() if not conky then ENV.DEBUG("Faking conky env") conky = {text=nil, config={}} end end -- FROM: -- SRC: -- Print contents of `tbl`, with indentation. -- `indent` sets the initial level of indentation. function ENV.tprint(tbl, indent) if not indent then indent = 0 end for k, v in pairs(tbl) do formatting = string.rep(" ", indent) .. k .. ": " if type(v) == "table" then print(formatting) ENV.tprint(v, indent+1) elseif type(v) == 'boolean' then print(formatting .. tostring(v)) else print(formatting .. v) end end end -- FROM: -- SRC: function ENV.print_r(t) local print_r_cache={} local function sub_print_r(t,indent) if (print_r_cache[tostring(t)]) then print(indent.."*"..tostring(t)) else print_r_cache[tostring(t)]=true if (type(t)=="table") then for pos,val in pairs(t) do if (type(val)=="table") then print(indent.."["..pos.."] => "..tostring(t).." {") sub_print_r(val,indent..string.rep(" ",string.len(pos)+8)) print(indent..string.rep(" ",string.len(pos)+6).."}") elseif (type(val)=="string") then print(indent.."["..pos..'] => "'..val..'"') else print(indent.."["..pos.."] => "..tostring(val)) end end else print(indent..tostring(t)) end end end if (type(t)=="table") then print(tostring(t).." {") sub_print_r(t," ") print("}") else sub_print_r(t," ") end print() end -- split string per sep tokens suplied. -- Default to split per space type (%s) chars. -- Return a list of substrings. function split_string(s, sep) sep = sep or "%s" local match = "[^" .. sep .. "]+" local list = {} for word in string.gmatch(s, match) do table.insert(list, word) end return list end function table_contains(table, element) for _, value in pairs(table) do if value == element then return true end end return false end function array_contains(table, element) for key, value in pairs(table) do if type(key) == "number" and value == element then return true end end return false end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- INFO FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENV.DEBUG ("-- INFO FUNCTIONS") function get_hostname() local hostname = io.popen('hostname'):read('l') return hostname end function get_homepath() local homepath = os.getenv("HOME") return homepath end function get_cpu_count() local syspath = '/sys/devices/system/cpu/present' local cpu_present = io.input(syspath):read('l') local count = tonumber(string.match(cpu_present, "%d+-(%d+)")) + 1 return count end function get_cpu_count1() local count = 0 local proc_cpuinfo = io.input('/proc/cpuinfo'):read('a') for cpu in string.gmatch(proc_cpuinfo, "processor") do count = count + 1 end return count end function get_cpu_count2() local count = 0 for line in io.lines('/proc/cpuinfo') do if string.find(line, 'processor', 1, true) then count = count + 1 end end return count end function get_cpu_count3() local count = 0 for line in io.lines('/proc/stat') do if string.find(line, '^cpu%d+ ') then count = count + 1 end end return count end function get_fstab_entries() local entries = {} for line in io.lines('/etc/fstab') do local list = split_string(line) if #list == 6 and string.sub(list[1], 1, 1) ~= "#" then local mountline = { filesystem = list[1], mountpoint = list[2], fstype = list[3], options = split_string(list[4], ","), dump = tonumber(list[5]), pass = tonumber(list[6]) } table.insert(entries, mountline) end end return entries end function ip_parse_new_eth(line) local id, name, anglebrackets, flags = string.match(line, "^(%d+): (%w+): <(%g+)> (.*) ?$") id = tonumber(id) anglebrackets = split_string(anglebrackets, ",") flags = split_string(flags) local eth = { id = id, name = name, anglebrackets = anglebrackets, flags = flags, raw = line } return eth end function ip_parse_cfg_linkether(line) return split_string(line) end function ip_parse_cfg_inet(line) return split_string(line) end function ip_parse_cfg_inet6(line) return split_string(line) end function ip_parse_cfg_bridge(line) return split_string(line) end function ip_parse_cfg_bridge_slave(line) return split_string(line) end function ip_parse_cfg(line, eth) local t = split_string(line)[1] local cfg_list = nil if t == "link/ether" then cfg_list = ip_parse_cfg_linkether(line) elseif t == "inet" then cfg_list = ip_parse_cfg_inet(line) elseif t == "int6" then cfg_list = ip_parse_cfg_inet6(line) elseif t == "bridge" then cfg_list = ip_parse_cfg_bridge(line) elseif t == "bridge_slave" then cfg_list = ip_parse_cfg_bridge_slave(line) else cfg_list = split_string(line) end local cfg = { id = t, cfg = cfg_list, raw = line } return cfg end function ip_parse_cfg_flags(line, eth, cfg) local flags_list = split_string(line) local flags = { flags = flags_list, raw = line } return flags end function get_eth_interfaces() local interfaces = {} local eth = nil local cfg = nil local flags = nil for line in io.popen('ip -d addr'):lines() do local prefix = string.match(line, '^ *') if string.len(prefix) == 0 then eth = ip_parse_new_eth(line) interfaces[] = eth elseif string.len(prefix) == 4 then cfg = ip_parse_cfg(line, eth) interfaces[][] = cfg elseif string.len(prefix) == 7 then flags = ip_parse_cfg_flags(line, eth, cfg) interfaces[][].flags = flags end end return interfaces end function select_mountpoints(remotefs) remotefs = remotefs or true local mountpoints = {} local fstab = get_fstab_entries() for index, entry in pairs(fstab) do if entry.mountpoint ~= "none" and entry.fstype ~= "swap" and (remotefs or entry.fstype ~= "sshfs") and (remotefs or entry.fstype ~= "nfs") and (remotefs or string.sub(entry.filesystem, 1, 5) == "/dev/") then -- match mountpoint as a subpath of the user homepath. -- If so, abreviate the path. local pattern = "^" .. get_homepath() .. "/" local label, matchs = string.gsub(entry.mountpoint, pattern, "~/") local noauto = array_contains(entry.options, "noauto") local mountpoint = entry.mountpoint local mpoint = { mountpoint = mountpoint, label = label, noauto = noauto } table.insert(mountpoints, mpoint) end end return mountpoints end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- SET DEFAULTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENV.COMPATIBILITY_DEFAULTS = { cpu_count = 8, top_entries = 10, network_interfaces = {"wlan0", "eth0", "ens1", "enp3s0", "wlp16s0", "wlp2s0" }, filesystems_mountpoints = { {mountpoint = "/", label = "/", noauto = false}, {mountpoint = "/boot", label = "/boot", noauto = false}, {mountpoint = "/home", label = "/home", noauto = false}, {mountpoint = "/mnt/data", label = "/mnt/data", noauto = true}, {mountpoint = "/mnt/BRUNO", label = "/mnt/BRUNO", noauto = true} } } ENV.STATIC_DEFAULTS = { cpu_count = 8, top_entries = 10, network_interfaces = {"enp3s0", "wlp2s0", "br0"}, filesystems_mountpoints = { {mountpoint = "/", label = "/", noauto = false }, {mountpoint = "/boot", label = "/boot", noauto = false }, {mountpoint = "/home", label = "/home", noauto = false }, {mountpoint = "/mnt/data", label = "/mnt/data", noauto = true }, {mountpoint = "/mnt/BRUNO", label = "/mnt/BRUNO", noauto = true }, {mountpoint = "/home/raoni/mnt/lsc_maritaca.nfs", label = "~/mnt/lsc_maritaca.nfs", noauto = true }, {mountpoint = "/home/raoni/mnt/phd_manaus.sshfs", label = "~/mnt/phd_manaus.sshfs", noauto = true }, {mountpoint = "/home/raoni/mnt/msc_students.sshfs", label = "~/mnt/msc_students.sshfs", noauto = true } } } local DEFAULTS = { cpu_count = get_cpu_count(), top_entries = 10, network_interfaces = {"br0"}, filesystems_mountpoints = select_mountpoints() } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TEST AREA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENV.DEBUG ("-- TEST AREA") ENV.DEFAULTS = DEFAULTS ENV.fake_conky_env() G_ENV = ENV -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- FORMAT FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENV.DEBUG ("-- FORMAT FUNCTIONS") function text_section_header() local text = ENV.TEXT_STATIC_header return text end function text_section_weather() local text = ENV.TEXT_STATIC_weather return text end function text_section_sensors() local text = ENV.TEXT_STATIC_sensors return text end function text_section_system() local text = ENV.TEXT_STATIC_system return text end function text_section_weather2() local text = ENV.TEXT_STATIC_weather2 return text end function text_section_cpu(cpu_count) cpu_count = cpu_count or DEFAULTS.cpu_count local COMMENTED_header = [[ #${color1}CPU ${color0}${hr} #${color0}Frequency: ${color1}${freq 1}${color0}MHz / ${color1}${freq_g 1}${color0}GHz #${color0}CPU Usage:${color1} ${cpu cpu0}% ${cpubar 4} # #${color0}Frequency: ${color1}${freq 1}${color0}MHz / ${color1}${freq_g 1}${color0}GHz${alignr}\ #${color1}${freq 2}${color0}MHz / ${color1}${freq_g 2}${color0}GHz #${color0}CPU Usage: ${color1}${cpu cpu1}% ${cpubar 4,100}${alignr}\ #${color1} ${cpu cpu2}% ${cpubar 4,100} # ]] local header = [[ ${color1}CPU ${color0}${hr} ${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ]] local footnote = [[ #${alignr}${cpugraph 20,220 666666 666666} ${font}\ ]] -- format expect 5 integers of the same value. local core_format = [[ ${color0}core %d: ${color1}${freq %d}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g %d}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu%d}%% ${cpubar cpu%d 4,100} ]] local core_lines = "" for c = 1, cpu_count do core_lines = core_lines .. string.format(core_format, c, c, c, c, c) end local text = COMMENTED_header .. header .. core_lines .. footnote return text end function text_section_memory() local text = ENV.TEXT_STATIC_memory return text end function text_section_filesystems(mountpoints, truncate) mountpoints = mountpoints or DEFAULTS.filesystems_mountpoints local truncate = truncate or 10 local truncate_prefix = ">" local header = [[ ${color1}FILE SYSTEMS ${color0}${hr} ${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ]] local footnote = [[ ${font}\ ]] local sda_graph = [[ /dev/sda ${voffset 8}\ ${color0}read : ${color1}${diskio_read /dev/sda}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${diskiograph_read /dev/sda 20,220 666666 666666} ${color0}write: ${color1}${diskio_write /dev/sda}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${diskiograph_write /dev/sda 20,220 666666 666666} ]] local mount_line_sep = [[ ]] -- format expect 7 strings representing: -- 1: mount label (if size of label > 10 it may not fit the -- horizontal space, see (5)) -- 5: a separator betwen left and right part. The ideia is to put -- a \n to break the parts in two lines if the label is too big. -- 2,3,4,6,7: mountpoint. Should be the same value. local mount_format = [[ ${color0}%-10s: \ ${if_mounted %s}\ ${color1}${fs_used %s}/${fs_size %s}%s${alignr}\ ${color1}${fs_used_perc %s}%% ${fs_bar 4,100 %s}\ ${else}\ ${alignr}<unmounted>\ ${endif}\ ]] -- format expect 8 strings representing: -- 2,8: mount label (if size of label > 10 it may not fit the -- horizontal space, see (5)) -- 5: a separator betwen left and right part. The ideia is to put -- a \n to break the parts in two lines if the label is too big. -- 1,3,4,6,7: mountpoint. Should be the same value. local mount_noauto_format = [[ ${if_mounted %s}\ ${color2}%-10s: \ ${color1}${fs_used %s}/${fs_size %s}%s${alignr}\ ${color1}${fs_used_perc %s}%% ${fs_bar 4,100 %s}\ ${else}\ ${color0}%-10s: \ ${alignr}<unmounted>\ ${endif}\ ]] local mount_lines = {} for index, entry in pairs(mountpoints) do local l = entry.label local m = entry.mountpoint local s = "" -- truncate large labels and add a indicater prefix if truncate and #l > truncate then local p = truncate_prefix local length = truncate - #p l = p .. string.sub(l, -1 * length) end -- break long lines in two, based on the size of the label. if #l > 10 then s = "\n" end local line = nil if entry.noauto then line = string.format(mount_noauto_format, m, l, m, m, s, m, m, l) else line = string.format(mount_format, l, m, m, m, s, m, m) end table.insert(mount_lines, line) end mount_lines = table.concat(mount_lines, mount_line_sep) local text = header .. sda_graph .. mount_lines .. footnote return text end function text_section_network(interfaces) interfaces = interfaces or DEFAULTS.network_interfaces local header = [[ ${color1}NETWORK ${color0}${hr} ]] local footnote = [[]] -- format expect 7 strings of the same value. local interface_format = [[ ${if_up %s}\ ${color0}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ %s (${addrs %s}) ${voffset 8}\ ${color0}Up : ${color1}${upspeed %s}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${upspeedgraph %s 20,220 000000 ff0000} ${color0}Down: ${color1}${downspeed %s}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${downspeedgraph %s 20,220 000000 00ff00} ${endif}\ ${font}\ \ ]] local interface_lines = "" for i, name in ipairs(interfaces) do local n = name local line = string.format(interface_format, n, n, n, n, n, n, n) interface_lines = interface_lines .. line end local text = header .. interface_lines .. footnote return text end function text_section_top() entries = entries or DEFAULTS.top_entries local header = [[ ${color1}TOP ${color0}${hr} ${color0}Name PID CPU% ${offset 4}Name PID MEM% ${color1}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ]] local footnote = [[ ${font}\ ]] -- format expect 6 integers of the same value. local top_format = [[ ${top name %2d}${goto 98}${top pid %2d}${top cpu %2d}${goto 186}${top_mem name %2d}${goto 278}${top_mem pid %2d}${top_mem mem %2d} ]] local top_lines = "" for i = 1, entries do top_lines = top_lines .. string.format(top_format, i, i, i, i, i, i) end local text = header .. top_lines .. footnote return text end function text_section_mixer() local text = ENV.TEXT_STATIC_mixer return text end function text_section_logging() local text = ENV.TEXT_STATIC_logging return text end function text_section_fortune() local text = ENV.TEXT_STATIC_fortune return text end function text_section_footnote() local text = ENV.TEXT_STATIC_footnote return text end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- CONKY CONFIGURATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENV.DEBUG ("-- CONKY CONFIGURATION") ENV.TEXT_ORIGINAL = [[ ${color1}${time %a, %d %b %Y}${alignr}${time %T %Z} ${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ${color0}${alignc}$nodename - $sysname $kernel on $machine ${font}\ ${color1}WEATHER ${color0}${hr} ${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ${color0}Campinas: ${color1}${weather SBKP temperature}Celsius${font} ${color1}SENSORS ${color0} ${color0}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ${exec -1}\ ${font}\ ${voffset -177}\ ${goto 176}${color1}SYSTEM ${color0}${hr} ${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ${goto 176}${color0}Uptime: ${color1}$uptime ${goto 176}${color0}Processes: ${color1}$processes${color0}+${color1}$running_processes ${if_existing /sys/class/power_supply/C23B/type Battery}\ ${goto 176}${color0}Battery: ${color1}${battery C23B} ${color0}(${battery_time C23B}) ${goto 176}${color1}${exec acpi -b}\ ${endif}\ ${font}\ ${goto 176}${color1}WEATHER 02 ${color0}${hr} ${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ${goto 176}${color0}Campinas: ${color1}${weather SBKP temperature}Celsius ${font}\ #${color1}CPU ${color0}${hr} #${color0}Frequency: ${color1}${freq 1}${color0}MHz / ${color1}${freq_g 1}${color0}GHz #${color0}CPU Usage:${color1} ${cpu cpu0}% ${cpubar 4} # #${color0}Frequency: ${color1}${freq 1}${color0}MHz / ${color1}${freq_g 1}${color0}GHz${alignr}\ #${color1}${freq 2}${color0}MHz / ${color1}${freq_g 2}${color0}GHz #${color0}CPU Usage: ${color1}${cpu cpu1}% ${cpubar 4,100}${alignr}\ #${color1} ${cpu cpu2}% ${cpubar 4,100} # ${color1}CPU ${color0}${hr} ${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ${color0}core 1: ${color1}${freq 1}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g 1}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu1}% ${cpubar cpu1 4,100} ${color0}core 2: ${color1}${freq 2}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g 2}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu2}% ${cpubar cpu2 4,100} ${color0}core 3: ${color1}${freq 3}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g 3}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu3}% ${cpubar cpu3 4,100} ${color0}core 4: ${color1}${freq 4}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g 4}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu4}% ${cpubar cpu4 4,100} ${color0}core 5: ${color1}${freq 5}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g 5}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu5}% ${cpubar cpu5 4,100} ${color0}core 6: ${color1}${freq 6}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g 6}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu6}% ${cpubar cpu6 4,100} ${color0}core 7: ${color1}${freq 7}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g 7}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu7}% ${cpubar cpu7 4,100} ${color0}core 8: ${color1}${freq 8}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g 8}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu8}% ${cpubar cpu8 4,100} #${alignr}${cpugraph 20,220 666666 666666} ${font}\ ${color1}MEMORY ${color0}${hr} ${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ${color0}RAM : ${color1}${mem}/${memmax}\ ${alignr}${memperc}% ${membar 4,100} ${color0}Swap: ${color1}${swap}/${swapmax}\ ${alignr}${swapperc}% ${swapbar 4,100} ${font}\ ${color1}FILE SYSTEMS ${color0}${hr} ${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ /dev/sda ${voffset 8}\ ${color0}read : ${color1}${diskio_read /dev/sda}\ 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${color0}Up : ${color1}${upspeed ens1}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${upspeedgraph ens1 20,220 000000 ff0000} ${color0}Down: ${color1}${downspeed ens1}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${downspeedgraph ens1 20,220 000000 00ff00} ${endif}\ ${font}\ \ ${if_up enp3s0}\ ${color0}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ enp3s0 (${addrs enp3s0}) ${voffset 8}\ ${color0}Up : ${color1}${upspeed enp3s0}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${upspeedgraph enp3s0 20,220 000000 ff0000} ${color0}Down: ${color1}${downspeed enp3s0}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${downspeedgraph enp3s0 20,220 000000 00ff00} ${endif}\ ${font}\ \ ${if_up wlp16s0}\ ${color0}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ wlp16s0 (${addrs wlp16s0}) ${voffset 8}\ ${color0}Up : ${color1}${upspeed wlp16s0}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${upspeedgraph wlp16s0 20,220 000000 ff0000} ${color0}Down: ${color1}${downspeed wlp16s0}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${downspeedgraph wlp16s0 20,220 000000 00ff00} ${endif}\ ${font}\ \ ${if_up wlp2s0}\ ${color0}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ wlp2s0 (${addrs wlp2s0}) ${voffset 8}\ ${color0}Up : ${color1}${upspeed wlp2s0}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${upspeedgraph wlp2s0 20,220 000000 ff0000} ${color0}Down: ${color1}${downspeed wlp2s0}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${downspeedgraph wlp2s0 20,220 000000 00ff00} ${endif}\ ${font}\ \ ${color1}TOP ${color0}${hr} ${color0}Name PID CPU% ${offset 4}Name PID MEM% ${color1}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ${top name 1}${goto 98}${top pid 1}${top cpu 1}${goto 186}${top_mem name 1}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 1}${top_mem mem 1} ${top name 2}${goto 98}${top pid 2}${top cpu 2}${goto 186}${top_mem name 2}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 2}${top_mem mem 2} ${top name 3}${goto 98}${top pid 3}${top cpu 3}${goto 186}${top_mem name 3}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 3}${top_mem mem 3} ${top name 4}${goto 98}${top pid 4}${top cpu 4}${goto 186}${top_mem name 4}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 4}${top_mem mem 4} ${top name 5}${goto 98}${top pid 5}${top cpu 5}${goto 186}${top_mem name 5}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 5}${top_mem mem 5} ${top name 6}${goto 98}${top pid 6}${top cpu 6}${goto 186}${top_mem name 6}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 6}${top_mem mem 6} ${top name 7}${goto 98}${top pid 7}${top cpu 7}${goto 186}${top_mem name 7}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 7}${top_mem mem 7} ${top name 8}${goto 98}${top pid 8}${top cpu 8}${goto 186}${top_mem name 8}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 8}${top_mem mem 8} ${top name 9}${goto 98}${top pid 9}${top cpu 9}${goto 186}${top_mem name 9}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 9}${top_mem mem 9} ${top name 10}${goto 98}${top pid 10}${top cpu 10}${goto 186}${top_mem name 10}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 10}${top_mem mem 10} ${font}\ # #${if_mixer_mute}\ #${color1}MIXER ${color0}${hr} #${color0}Volume: ${color1}${mixer}% ${mixerbar} #${endif}\ # #${color1}LOGGING ${color0}${hr} #${color0}syslog: #${color1}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=9}\ #${tail /var/log/syslog.log 3}\ #${font} # #${color0}messages: #${color1}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=9}\ #${tail /var/log/messages.log 3}\ #${font} # #${color1}FORTUNE ${color0}${hr} #${color0}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ #${execi 120 fortune -asc | grep -xv '%' | fold -s -w50}\ #${font} ${color0}${hr} ]] ENV.TEXT_STATIC_header = [[ ${color1}${time %a, %d %b %Y}${alignr}${time %T %Z} ${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ${color0}${alignc}$nodename - $sysname $kernel on $machine ${font}\ ]] ENV.TEXT_STATIC_weather = [[ ${color1}WEATHER ${color0}${hr} ${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ${color0}Campinas: ${color1}${weather SBKP temperature}Celsius${font} ]] ENV.TEXT_STATIC_sensors = [[ ${color1}SENSORS ${color0} ${color0}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ${exec -1}\ ${font}\ ]] ENV.TEXT_STATIC_system = [[ ${voffset -177}\ ${goto 176}${color1}SYSTEM ${color0}${hr} ${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ${goto 176}${color0}Uptime: ${color1}$uptime ${goto 176}${color0}Processes: ${color1}$processes${color0}+${color1}$running_processes #${if_existing /sys/class/power_supply/C23B/type Battery}\ #${goto 176}${color0}Battery: ${color1}${battery C23B} ${color0}(${battery_time C23B}) #${goto 176}${color1}${exec acpi -b}\ #${endif}\ ${font}\ ]] ENV.TEXT_STATIC_weather2 = [[ ${goto 176}${color1}WEATHER 02 ${color0}${hr} ${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ${goto 176}${color0}Campinas: ${color1}${weather SBKP temperature}Celsius ${font}\ ]] ENV.TEXT_STATIC_cpu = [[ #${color1}CPU ${color0}${hr} #${color0}Frequency: ${color1}${freq 1}${color0}MHz / ${color1}${freq_g 1}${color0}GHz #${color0}CPU Usage:${color1} ${cpu cpu0}% ${cpubar 4} # #${color0}Frequency: ${color1}${freq 1}${color0}MHz / ${color1}${freq_g 1}${color0}GHz${alignr}\ #${color1}${freq 2}${color0}MHz / ${color1}${freq_g 2}${color0}GHz #${color0}CPU Usage: ${color1}${cpu cpu1}% ${cpubar 4,100}${alignr}\ #${color1} ${cpu cpu2}% ${cpubar 4,100} # ${color1}CPU ${color0}${hr} ${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ${color0}core 1: ${color1}${freq 1}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g 1}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu1}% ${cpubar cpu1 4,100} ${color0}core 2: ${color1}${freq 2}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g 2}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu2}% ${cpubar cpu2 4,100} ${color0}core 3: ${color1}${freq 3}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g 3}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu3}% ${cpubar cpu3 4,100} ${color0}core 4: ${color1}${freq 4}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g 4}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu4}% ${cpubar cpu4 4,100} ${color0}core 5: ${color1}${freq 5}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g 5}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu5}% ${cpubar cpu5 4,100} ${color0}core 6: ${color1}${freq 6}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g 6}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu6}% ${cpubar cpu6 4,100} ${color0}core 7: ${color1}${freq 7}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g 7}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu7}% ${cpubar cpu7 4,100} ${color0}core 8: ${color1}${freq 8}${color0}MHz (${color1}${freq_g 8}${color0}GHz)\ ${alignr}${color1}${cpu cpu8}% ${cpubar cpu8 4,100} #${alignr}${cpugraph 20,220 666666 666666} ${font}\ ]] ENV.TEXT_STATIC_memory = [[ ${color1}MEMORY ${color0}${hr} ${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ${color0}RAM : ${color1}${mem}/${memmax}\ ${alignr}${memperc}% ${membar 4,100} ${color0}Swap: ${color1}${swap}/${swapmax}\ ${alignr}${swapperc}% ${swapbar 4,100} ${font}\ ]] ENV.TEXT_STATIC_filesystems = [[ ${color1}FILE SYSTEMS ${color0}${hr} ${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ /dev/sda ${voffset 8}\ ${color0}read : ${color1}${diskio_read /dev/sda}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${diskiograph_read /dev/sda 20,220 666666 666666} ${color0}write: ${color1}${diskio_write /dev/sda}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${diskiograph_write /dev/sda 20,220 666666 666666} ${color0}/ : \ ${if_mounted /}\ ${color1}${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}${alignr}\ ${color1}${fs_used_perc /}% ${fs_bar 4,100 /}\ ${else}\ ${alignr}<unmounted>\ ${endif}\ ${color0}/boot : \ ${if_mounted /boot}\ ${color1}${fs_used /boot}/${fs_size /boot}${alignr}\ ${color1}${fs_used_perc /boot}% ${fs_bar 4,100 /boot}\ ${else}\ ${alignr}<unmounted>\ ${endif}\ ${color0}/home : \ ${if_mounted /home}\ ${color1}${fs_used /home}/${fs_size /home}${alignr}\ ${color1}${fs_used_perc /home}% ${fs_bar 4,100 /home}\ ${else}\ ${alignr}<unmounted>\ ${endif}\ ${if_mounted /mnt/data}\ ${color2}/mnt/data : \ ${color1}${fs_used /mnt/data}/${fs_size /mnt/data}${alignr}\ ${color1}${fs_used_perc /mnt/data}% ${fs_bar 4,100 /mnt/data}\ ${else}\ ${color0}/mnt/data : \ ${alignr}<unmounted>\ ${endif}\ ${if_mounted /mnt/BRUNO}\ ${color2}/mnt/BRUNO: \ ${color1}${fs_used /mnt/BRUNO}/${fs_size /mnt/BRUNO}${alignr}\ ${color1}${fs_used_perc /mnt/BRUNO}% ${fs_bar 4,100 /mnt/BRUNO}\ ${else}\ ${color0}/mnt/BRUNO: \ ${alignr}<unmounted>\ ${endif}\ ${font}\ ]] ENV.TEXT_STATIC_network = [[ ${color1}NETWORK ${color0}${hr} ${if_up wlan0}\ ${color0}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ wlan0 (${addrs wlan0}) ${voffset 8}\ ${color0}Up : ${color1}${upspeed wlan0}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${upspeedgraph wlan0 20,220 000000 ff0000} ${color0}Down: ${color1}${downspeed wlan0}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${downspeedgraph wlan0 20,220 000000 00ff00} ${endif}\ ${font}\ \ ${if_up eth0}\ ${color0}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ eth0 (${addrs eth0}) ${voffset 8}\ ${color0}Up : ${color1}${upspeed eth0}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${upspeedgraph eth0 20,220 000000 ff0000} ${color0}Down: ${color1}${downspeed eth0}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${downspeedgraph eth0 20,220 000000 00ff00} ${endif}\ ${font}\ \ ${if_up ens1}\ ${color0}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ens1 (${addrs ens1}) ${voffset 8}\ ${color0}Up : ${color1}${upspeed ens1}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${upspeedgraph ens1 20,220 000000 ff0000} ${color0}Down: ${color1}${downspeed ens1}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${downspeedgraph ens1 20,220 000000 00ff00} ${endif}\ ${font}\ \ ${if_up enp3s0}\ ${color0}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ enp3s0 (${addrs enp3s0}) ${voffset 8}\ ${color0}Up : ${color1}${upspeed enp3s0}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${upspeedgraph enp3s0 20,220 000000 ff0000} ${color0}Down: ${color1}${downspeed enp3s0}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${downspeedgraph enp3s0 20,220 000000 00ff00} ${endif}\ ${font}\ \ ${if_up wlp16s0}\ ${color0}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ wlp16s0 (${addrs wlp16s0}) ${voffset 8}\ ${color0}Up : ${color1}${upspeed wlp16s0}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${upspeedgraph wlp16s0 20,220 000000 ff0000} ${color0}Down: ${color1}${downspeed wlp16s0}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${downspeedgraph wlp16s0 20,220 000000 00ff00} ${endif}\ ${font}\ \ ${if_up wlp2s0}\ ${color0}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ wlp2s0 (${addrs wlp2s0}) ${voffset 8}\ ${color0}Up : ${color1}${upspeed wlp2s0}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${upspeedgraph wlp2s0 20,220 000000 ff0000} ${color0}Down: ${color1}${downspeed wlp2s0}\ ${alignr}${voffset -8}${downspeedgraph wlp2s0 20,220 000000 00ff00} ${endif}\ ${font}\ \ ]] ENV.TEXT_STATIC_top = [[ ${color1}TOP ${color0}${hr} ${color0}Name PID CPU% ${offset 4}Name PID MEM% ${color1}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ ${top name 1}${goto 98}${top pid 1}${top cpu 1}${goto 186}${top_mem name 1}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 1}${top_mem mem 1} ${top name 2}${goto 98}${top pid 2}${top cpu 2}${goto 186}${top_mem name 2}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 2}${top_mem mem 2} ${top name 3}${goto 98}${top pid 3}${top cpu 3}${goto 186}${top_mem name 3}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 3}${top_mem mem 3} ${top name 4}${goto 98}${top pid 4}${top cpu 4}${goto 186}${top_mem name 4}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 4}${top_mem mem 4} ${top name 5}${goto 98}${top pid 5}${top cpu 5}${goto 186}${top_mem name 5}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 5}${top_mem mem 5} ${top name 6}${goto 98}${top pid 6}${top cpu 6}${goto 186}${top_mem name 6}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 6}${top_mem mem 6} ${top name 7}${goto 98}${top pid 7}${top cpu 7}${goto 186}${top_mem name 7}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 7}${top_mem mem 7} ${top name 8}${goto 98}${top pid 8}${top cpu 8}${goto 186}${top_mem name 8}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 8}${top_mem mem 8} ${top name 9}${goto 98}${top pid 9}${top cpu 9}${goto 186}${top_mem name 9}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 9}${top_mem mem 9} ${top name 10}${goto 98}${top pid 10}${top cpu 10}${goto 186}${top_mem name 10}${goto 278}${top_mem pid 10}${top_mem mem 10} ${font}\ ]] ENV.TEXT_STATIC_mixer = [[ # #${if_mixer_mute}\ #${color1}MIXER ${color0}${hr} #${color0}Volume: ${color1}${mixer}% ${mixerbar} #${endif}\ # ]] ENV.TEXT_STATIC_logging = [[ #${color1}LOGGING ${color0}${hr} #${color0}syslog: #${color1}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=9}\ #${tail /var/log/syslog.log 3}\ #${font} # #${color0}messages: #${color1}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=9}\ #${tail /var/log/messages.log 3}\ #${font} # ]] ENV.TEXT_STATIC_fortune = [[ #${color1}FORTUNE ${color0}${hr} #${color0}${font Ubuntu Mono:size=10}\ #${execi 120 fortune -asc | grep -xv '%' | fold -s -w50}\ #${font} ]] ENV.TEXT_STATIC_footnote = [[ ${color0}${hr} ]] ENV.TEXT_STATIC = ENV.TEXT_STATIC_header .. ENV.TEXT_STATIC_weather .. ENV.TEXT_STATIC_sensors .. ENV.TEXT_STATIC_system .. ENV.TEXT_STATIC_weather2 .. ENV.TEXT_STATIC_cpu .. ENV.TEXT_STATIC_memory .. ENV.TEXT_STATIC_filesystems .. ENV.TEXT_STATIC_network .. ENV.TEXT_STATIC_top .. ENV.TEXT_STATIC_mixer .. ENV.TEXT_STATIC_logging .. ENV.TEXT_STATIC_fortune .. ENV.TEXT_STATIC_footnote ENV.TEXT_COMPATIBILITY = text_section_header() .. text_section_weather() .. text_section_sensors() .. text_section_system() .. text_section_weather2() .. text_section_cpu(ENV.COMPATIBILITY_DEFAULTS.cpu_count) .. text_section_memory() .. text_section_filesystems(ENV.COMPATIBILITY_DEFAULTS.filesystems_mountpoints) .. text_section_network(ENV.COMPATIBILITY_DEFAULTS.network_interfaces) .. text_section_top(ENV.COMPATIBILITY_DEFAULTS.top_entries) .. text_section_mixer() .. text_section_logging() .. text_section_fortune() .. text_section_footnote() ENV.TEXT_NEW = text_section_header() .. text_section_weather() .. text_section_sensors() .. text_section_system() .. text_section_weather2() .. text_section_cpu() .. text_section_memory() .. text_section_filesystems() .. text_section_network() .. text_section_top() .. text_section_mixer() .. text_section_logging() .. text_section_fortune() .. text_section_footnote() if ENV.compatibility then ENV.TEXT = ENV.TEXT_COMPATIBILITY else ENV.TEXT = ENV.TEXT_NEW end ENV.DEBUG("SECTIONS static x dinamic:") local sections = {"header", "weather", "sensors", "system", "weather2", "cpu", "memory", "filesystems", "network", "top", "mixer", "logging", "fortune", "footnote"} for i, name in ipairs(sections) do local dinamic = _ENV["text_section_" .. name]() local static = ENV["TEXT_STATIC_" .. name] local result = "==" if dinamic ~= static then result = "~~" end ENV.DEBUG(string.format(" %s: %s", name, result)) -- dump the conflicting section. if dinamic ~= static then ENV.DEBUG("===== static:\n" .. static .. "===================") ENV.DEBUG("===== dinamic:\n" .. dinamic .. "===================") end end if ENV.TEXT_ORIGINAL == ENV.TEXT_STATIC then ENV.DEBUG("TEXT original x static: ==") else ENV.DEBUG("TEXT original x static: ~~") end if ENV.TEXT_ORIGINAL == ENV.TEXT then ENV.DEBUG("TEXT original x dinamic: ==") else ENV.DEBUG("TEXT original x dinamic: ~~") end if ENV.TEXT_STATIC == ENV.TEXT then ENV.DEBUG("TEXT static x dinamic: ==") else ENV.DEBUG("TEXT static x dinamic: ~~") end conky.text = ENV.TEXT conky.config = { double_buffer = true, own_window = true, own_window_class = 'Conky', -- own_window_type: -- normal, desktop, dock, panel, override own_window_type = 'override', own_window_argb_visual = true, own_window_transparent = true, --own_window_colour = '505050', own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager', --own_window_title = 'raoni_conky', use_spacer = 'right', --use_spacer = 'none', use_xft = true, font = 'Ubuntu Mono:size=12', --alignment = 'top_left', xinerama_head = 2, alignment = 'top_right', gap_x = 10, gap_y = 5, minimum_width = 350, minimum_height = 5, maximum_width = 350, background = false, border_width = 1, default_color = 'white', default_outline_color = 'white', default_shade_color = 'white', draw_borders = false, draw_graph_borders = true, draw_outline = false, draw_shades = false, --draw_graph_borders = no, stippled_borders = 0, uppercase = false, extra_newline = false, no_buffers = true, out_to_console = false, out_to_stderr = false, update_interval = 1.0, show_graph_scale = false, show_graph_range = false, cpu_avg_samples = 2, net_avg_samples = 2, temperature_unit = 'celsius', if_up_strictness = 'link', --if_up_strictness = 'address', top_name_width = 11, color0 = 'grey', color1 = 'white', color2 = 'red', color3 = 'blue', color4 = 'green', }; ENV.DEBUG("-- END config") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
local S, L, O, U, D, E = unpack(select(2, ...)); local Module = S:NewNameplateModule('FactionIcon'); local ShouldShowName = S:GetNameplateModule('Handler').ShouldShowName; -- Local Config local ENABLED; local factionIcons = { ['Alliance'] = 'Interface\\FriendsFrame\\PlusManz-Alliance', ['Horde'] = 'Interface\\FriendsFrame\\PlusManz-Horde', }; local function Create(unitframe) if unitframe.FactionIcon then return; end local frame = CreateFrame('Frame', '$parentFactionIcon', unitframe); frame:SetAllPoints(unitframe.healthBar); frame.icon = frame:CreateTexture(nil, 'OVERLAY'); PixelUtil.SetPoint(frame.icon, 'RIGHT',, 'LEFT', -2, 0); PixelUtil.SetSize(frame.icon, 12, 12); frame:SetShown(false); unitframe.FactionIcon = frame; end local function Update(unitframe) if ENABLED and == 'PLAYER' and ShouldShowName(unitframe) and factionIcons[] then unitframe.FactionIcon.icon:SetTexture(factionIcons[]); unitframe.FactionIcon:SetShown(true); else unitframe.FactionIcon:SetShown(false); end end function Module:UnitAdded(unitframe) Create(unitframe); Update(unitframe); end function Module:UnitRemoved(unitframe) if unitframe.FactionIcon then unitframe.FactionIcon:SetShown(false); end end function Module:Update(unitframe) Update(unitframe); end function Module:UpdateLocalConfig() ENABLED = O.db.faction_icon_enabled; end function Module:StartUp() self:UpdateLocalConfig(); end
--IupCanvas Example in IupLua require( "iuplua" ) cv = iup.canvas {size="300x100", xmin=0, xmax=99, posx=0, dx=10} dg = iup.dialog{iup.frame{cv}; title="IupCanvas"} function cv:motion_cb(x, y, r) print(x, y, r) end function cv:k_any(c) print("c = ", c) print(" XkeyBase(c) = ", iup.XkeyBase(c)) print(" isCtrlXkey(c)= ", iup.isCtrlXkey(c)) print(" isAltXkey(c) = ", iup.isAltXkey(c)) end dg:showxy(iup.CENTER, iup.CENTER) if (iup.MainLoopLevel()==0) then iup.MainLoop() end
return { bot_api_key = '616471199:AAGcf24Ahby6-ld1whRTkkDJYIyu7key_yg', admin = 607826953, channel = '@Dragon_Wolf_Ch', --channel username with the '@' plugins = { 'start.lua','aboutus.lua','contactus.lua', }, api_errors = { [101] = 'Not enough rights to kick participant', --SUPERGROUP: bot is not admin [102] = 'USER_ADMIN_INVALID', --SUPERGROUP: trying to kick an admin [103] = 'method is available for supergroup chats only', --NORMAL: trying to unban [104] = 'Bad Request: Only creator of the group can kick admins from the group', --NORMAL: trying to kick an admin [105] = 'Bad Request: Need to be inviter of the user to kick it from the group', --NORMAL: bot is not an admin or everyone is an admin [106] = 'USER_NOT_PARTICIPANT', --NORMAL: trying to kick an user that is not in the group [107] = 'CHAT_ADMIN_REQUIRED', --NORMAL: bot is not an admin or everyone is an admin [400] = ':|', [110] = 'PEER_ID_INVALID', --user never started the bot [111] = 'Bad Request: message is not modified', --the edit message method hasn't modified the message [112] = 'Bad Request: Can\'t parse message text: Can\'t find end of the entity starting at byte offset %d+', --the markdown is wrong and breaks the delivery [113] = 'Bad Request: group chat is migrated to a supergroup chat', --group updated to supergroup [114] = 'Bad Request: Message can\'t be forwarded', --unknown [115] = 'Message text is empty', --empty message [116] = 'message not found', --message id invalid, I guess [120] = 'Can\'t parse reply keyboard markup JSON object', --keyboard table invalid [121] = 'Field \\\"inline_keyboard\\\" of the InlineKeyboardMarkup should be an Array of Arrays', --inline keyboard is not an array of array [122] = 'Can\'t parse inline keyboard button: InlineKeyboardButton should be an Object', [123] = 'Bad Request: Object expected as reply markup', --empty inline keyboard table [130] = 'Type of file to send mismatch', --tryin to send a media with the wrong method [403] = 'Bot was blocked by the user', --user blocked the bot [429] = 'Too many requests: retry later', --the bot is hitting api limits } }
local ser = require 'ser' LevelDisplay = class("LevelDisplay") function LevelDisplay:initialize() self.walls = {} -- max 16 self.spawners = {} -- max 4 self.exits = {} -- max 4 self.starts = {} -- max 1 self.keys = {} -- max 4 self.treasures = {} -- max 3 self.changesMade = false self.currentLevel = 0 self.infoString = "" self.filename = "ENTER FILE NAME" self.speed = 100 self.dragObj = nil self.xoffset = 70 self.yoffset = 40 self.scale = 2 self.showGrid = true self.buttons = {} self.toolMode = "select" local gui = self local function resetButtons() for k,v in pairs(self.buttons) do v.highlighted = false end end table.insert(self.buttons, Button(0, 0, "Select", function(self) gui.infoString = "Select Tool\n\nUse the mouse to manipulate objects\nClick and drag an object to move it." gui.toolMode = "select" resetButtons() self.highlighted = true end)) table.insert(self.buttons, Button(200, 0, "Wall", function(self) gui.infoString = "Add Wall\n\nClick to add a wall." gui.toolMode = "wall" resetButtons() self.highlighted = true end)) table.insert(self.buttons, Button(300, 0, "Spawner", function(self) gui.infoString = "Add Spawner\n\nClick to add an enemy spawner." gui.toolMode = "spawner" resetButtons() self.highlighted = true end)) table.insert(self.buttons, Button(400, 0, "Exit", function(self) gui.infoString = "Add Exit\n\nClick to add a level exit." gui.toolMode = "exit" resetButtons() self.highlighted = true end)) table.insert(self.buttons, Button(500, 0, "Start", function(self) gui.infoString = "Add Start\n\nClick to add the level starting point." gui.toolMode = "start" resetButtons() self.highlighted = true end)) table.insert(self.buttons, Button(600, 0, "Key", function(self) gui.infoString = "Add Key\n\nClick to add a key." gui.toolMode = "key" resetButtons() self.highlighted = true end)) table.insert(self.buttons, Button(700, 0, "Treasure", function(self) gui.infoString = "Add Treasure\n\nClick to add treasure." gui.toolMode = "treasure" resetButtons() self.highlighted = true end)) self.buttons[1].highlighted = true self:switchToLevel(0) end function LevelDisplay:update(dt) if self.dialog then if then self.dialog:update(dt) return else if self.dialog.action == "save" then self:save(self.dialog.filename) elseif self.dialog.action == "load" then self:load(self.dialog.filename) elseif self.dialog.action == "export" then self:export(self.dialog.filename) end self.dialog = nil end end --[[ if love.keyboard.isDown("down") then self.yoffset = self.yoffset - self.speed*dt elseif love.keyboard.isDown("up") then self.yoffset = self.yoffset + self.speed*dt end if love.keyboard.isDown("right") then self.xoffset = self.xoffset - self.speed*dt elseif love.keyboard.isDown("left") then self.xoffset = self.xoffset + self.speed*dt end ]] if self.dragObj then local mx, my = self:getMouseTile() self.dragObj.x = mx self.dragObj.y = my end end local treasureLayouts = { [0] = {{1}}, [1] = {{1},{1}}, [2] = {{1, 1}}, [3] = {{1, 0},{0, 1}}, [4] = {{0, 1},{1, 0}}, [5] = {{1, 0, 0},{0, 0, 1}}, [6] = {{1, 0},{0,0},{0,1}}, [7] = {{0,1},{0,0},{1,0}}, [8] = {{0,0,0},{1,0,0}}, [9] = {{1,1,0},{0,0,1}}, [10] = {{1,0,0},{0,1,0},{0,0,1}}, [11] = {{1,0},{1,0},{0,1}}, [12] = {{1},{},{1,0,1}}, [13] = {{0,1},{},{1,0,1}}, [14] = {{1,0,1},{},{0,1}}, [15] = {{0,1},{1},{0,1}} } function LevelDisplay:draw() local ofx, ofy = self.xoffset, self.yoffset for k,v in pairs(self.buttons) do v:draw() end --local changeMadeSymbol = self.changesMade and " (Modified)" or """Level " .. self.currentLevel, 0, 60, scrw, "center"), self.scale)"line", ofx, ofy, 8*32, 8*16) if self.showGrid then + 8*16, ofy, ofx + 8*16, ofy + 8*16), ofy + 8*8, ofx + 8*32, ofy + 8*8) end local mtx, mty = self:getMouseTile()"line", mtx*8+ofx, mty*8+ofy, 8, 8) for k,v in pairs(self.walls) do for x=0, v.w-1, 1 do for y=0, v.h-1, 1 do if then, 8*v.x+8*x+ofx, 8*v.y+8*y+ofy) else, 8*v.x+8*x+ofx, 8*v.y+8*y+ofy) end end end end for k,v in pairs(self.spawners) do, 8*v.x+ofx, 8*v.y+ofy) end for k,v in pairs(self.exits) do, 8*v.x+ofx, 8*v.y+ofy) end for k,v in pairs(self.starts) do, 8*v.x+ofx, 8*v.y+ofy) end for k,v in pairs(self.keys) do, 8*v.x+ofx, 8*v.y+ofy) end for k,v in pairs(self.treasures) do local image = images.none if v.type == 1 then image = elseif v.type == 2 then image = images.poo elseif v.type == 3 then image = images.cup elseif v.type == 4 then image = images.lemon end for y, row in ipairs(treasureLayouts[v.arrangement]) do for x, col in ipairs(row) do if col == 1 then, 8*(v.x+x-1)+ofx, 8*(v.y+y-1)+ofy) end end end --[[ if v.arrangement == 0 then, 8*v.x+ofx, 8*v.y+ofy) elseif v.arrangement == 1 then, 8*v.x+ofx, 8*v.y+ofy), 8*v.x+ofx, 8*(v.y+1)+ofy) elseif v.arrangement == 2 then, 8*v.x+ofx, 8*v.y+ofy), 8*(v.x+1)+ofx, 8*v.y+ofy) elseif v.arrangement == 3 then, 8*v.x+ofx, 8*v.y+ofy), 8*(v.x+1)+ofx, 8*(v.y+1)+ofy) elseif v.arrangement == 4 then, 8*v.x+ofx, 8*v.y+ofy), 8*v.x+ofx, 8*(v.y+1)+ofy), 8*v.x+ofx, 8*(v.y+2)+ofy) elseif v.arrangement == 5 then, 8*v.x+ofx, 8*v.y+ofy), 8*(v.x+1)+ofx, 8*v.y+ofy), 8*(v.x+2)+ofx, 8*v.y+ofy) elseif v.arrangement == 6 then, 8*v.x+ofx, 8*v.y+ofy), 8*(v.x+1)+ofx, 8*(v.y+1)+ofy), 8*(v.x+2)+ofx, 8*(v.y+2)+ofy) elseif v.arrangement == 7 then, 8*v.x+ofx, 8*v.y+ofy), 8*(v.x+1)+ofx, 8*v.y+ofy), 8*v.x+ofx, 8*(v.y+1)+ofy) end ]] end if self.dialog then self.dialog:draw(); return end"line", 100-4, 400-4, 600+8, 200-8), 100, 400, 600, "left") end function LevelDisplay:getMouseTile() local x, y = love.mouse:getPosition() local mx, my = math.floor((x-(self.xoffset*self.scale))/(8*self.scale)), math.floor((y-(self.yoffset*self.scale))/(8*self.scale)) mx = (mx < 0) and 0 or mx mx = (mx > 31) and 31 or mx my = (my < 0) and 0 or my my = (my > 15) and 15 or my return mx, my end function LevelDisplay:mousemoved(x, y, dx, dy) if love.mouse.isDown(1) then return end self:drawTileInfo() end function LevelDisplay:drawTileInfo() if self.toolMode ~= "select" then return end local x, y = self:getMouseTile() local found, foundObj = self:getTileAt(x, y) if found then local str = "Object Info:" str = str .. "\n" .. found if found == "wall" then str = str .. string.format(" (%d / 16 placed)", #self.walls) str = str .. "\n\nPlayers and enemies can't pass through this!\nUse Mouse Wheel to change length, right-click to rotate, space to change style.\n" elseif found == "exit" then str = str .. string.format(" (%d / 4 placed)", #self.exits) str = str .. "\n\nTouch this to clear the level. It can take the player to any level, or just the next level (level 0).\nUse Mouse Wheel to change destination level.\n" elseif found == "key" then str = str .. string.format(" (%d / 4 placed)", #self.keys) str = str .. "\n\nTouching this will make the target wall disappear.\nUse Mouse Wheel to change target wall to delete when key is collected.\n" elseif found == "spawner" then str = str .. string.format(" (%d / 4 placed)", #self.spawners) str = str .. "\n\nEnemies spawn from this at regular intervals.\n" elseif found == "start" then str = str .. string.format(" (%d / 1 placed)", #self.starts) str = str .. "\n\nThis is the initial spawning location of the player.\n" elseif found == "treasure" then str = str .. string.format(" (%d / 3 placed)", #self.treasures) str = str .. "\n\nTouching this gives a bonus.\nLemons recover 200 health, Chalice is worth 6pts, Gold is worth 10pts, Poo kills all the badguys.\nUse Mouse Wheel to change arrangement, right click to cycle type.\n" end str = str .. "\nID: " .. str = str .. "\nX: " .. foundObj.x str = str .. "\nY: " .. foundObj.y if foundObj.dest then str = str .. "\nDestination: " .. foundObj.dest end if then str = str .. "\nTarget: " .. end if foundObj.type then str = str .. "\nType: " .. foundObj.type end if foundObj.arrangement then str = str .. "\nArrangement: " .. foundObj.arrangement end if foundObj.w then str = str .. "\nWidth: " .. foundObj.w end if foundObj.h then str = str .. "\nHeight: " .. foundObj.h end self.infoString = str else self.infoString = [[Editor Instructions: Click an object type at the top to create a new object. Move an object by dragging its anchor tile. In the case of a wall, that would be the top left tile. The Level format requires the maximum number of each type of object is placed in the map. Objects may overlap! Any object sharing a space with a wall will be hidden by the wall. Hit backspace or delete to delete an object. Keyboard Shortcuts: LeftArrow to save and go to previous level RightArrow to save and go to next level Ctrl+Enter to export F3 to toggle grid ]] end end function LevelDisplay:getTileAt(x, y) local found, foundObj for k,v in pairs(self.walls) do if v.x == x and v.y == y then found = "wall"; foundObj = v; break end end for k,v in pairs(self.spawners) do if v.x == x and v.y == y then found = "spawner"; foundObj = v; break end end for k,v in pairs(self.starts) do if v.x == x and v.y == y then found = "start"; foundObj = v; break end end for k,v in pairs(self.exits) do if v.x == x and v.y == y then found = "exit"; foundObj = v; break end end for k,v in pairs(self.keys) do if v.x == x and v.y == y then found = "key"; foundObj = v; break end end for k,v in pairs(self.treasures) do if v.x == x and v.y == y then found = "treasure"; foundObj = v; break end end return found, foundObj end function LevelDisplay:mousepressed(x, y, button) if self.dialog then self.dialog:mousepressed(x, y, button); return end local buttonHit = false for k,v in pairs(self.buttons) do buttonHit = v:mousepressed(x, y, button) if buttonHit then return end end local mx, my = self:getMouseTile() self:clickTile(mx, my, button) --self:clickTile((x-(self.xoffset*self.scale))/(8*self.scale), (y-(self.yoffset*self.scale))/(8*self.scale), button) self:drawTileInfo() end function LevelDisplay:addTo(tab, limit, obj) self.changesMade = true for i=1, limit, 1 do if tab[i] == nil then tab[i] = obj return i-1 end end return false end function LevelDisplay:clickTile(x, y, button) self.changesMade = true if self.toolMode == "wall" then local newObj = {x=x, y=y, w=2, h=1, style=false} = self:addTo(self.walls, 16, newObj) self.buttons[1]:func() elseif self.toolMode == "spawner" then local newObj = {x=x, y=y} = self:addTo(self.spawners, 4, newObj) self.buttons[1]:func() elseif self.toolMode == "exit" then local newObj = {x=x, y=y, dest=0} = self:addTo(self.exits, 4, newObj) self.buttons[1]:func() elseif self.toolMode == "start" then local newObj = {x=x, y=y} = self:addTo(self.starts, 1, newObj) self.buttons[1]:func() elseif self.toolMode == "key" then local newObj = {x=x, y=y, target=0} = self:addTo(self.keys, 4, newObj) self.buttons[1]:func() elseif self.toolMode == "treasure" then local newObj = {x=x, y=y, type=1, arrangement=0} = self:addTo(self.treasures, 3, newObj) self.buttons[1]:func() elseif self.toolMode == "select" then tiletype, tileobj = self:getTileAt(x, y) if button == 1 then if not self.dragObj then self.dragObj = tileobj end elseif tiletype == "wall" then local dimension = (tileobj.w == 1) and "h" or "w" if button == "wu" then tileobj[dimension] = tileobj[dimension] + 1 tileobj[dimension] = (tileobj[dimension] > 32) and 32 or tileobj[dimension] elseif button == "wd" then tileobj[dimension] = tileobj[dimension] - 1 tileobj[dimension] = (tileobj[dimension] < 1) and 1 or tileobj[dimension] elseif button == 2 then local temp = tileobj.h tileobj.h = tileobj.w tileobj.w = temp end elseif tiletype == "exit" then if button == "wu" then tileobj.dest = tileobj.dest + 1 tileobj.dest = (tileobj.dest > 127) and 127 or tileobj.dest elseif button == "wd" then tileobj.dest = tileobj.dest - 1 tileobj.dest = (tileobj.dest < 0) and 0 or tileobj.dest end elseif tiletype == "key" then if button == "wu" then = + 1 = ( > 15) and 15 or elseif button == "wd" then = - 1 = ( < 0) and 0 or end elseif tiletype == "treasure" then if button == "wu" then tileobj.arrangement = tileobj.arrangement + 1 tileobj.arrangement = (tileobj.arrangement > 15) and 15 or tileobj.arrangement elseif button == "wd" then tileobj.arrangement = tileobj.arrangement - 1 tileobj.arrangement = (tileobj.arrangement < 0) and 0 or tileobj.arrangement elseif button == 2 then tileobj.type = tileobj.type + 1 tileobj.type = (tileobj.type > 4) and 0 or tileobj.type end end end end function LevelDisplay:newLevel() self.walls = {} self.spawners = {} self.exits = {} self.starts = {} self.keys = {} self.treasures = {} end function LevelDisplay:mousereleased(x, y, button) if self.dialog then self.dialog:mousereleased(x, y, button); return end self.dragObj = nil end function LevelDisplay:keypressed(key, isRepeat) if self.dialog then self.dialog:keypressed(key, isRepeat); return end if key == "delete" or key == "backspace" then tiletype, tileobj = self:getTileAt(self:getMouseTile()) if tiletype == "wall" then self.walls[] = nil elseif tiletype == "exit" then self.exits[] = nil elseif tiletype == "spawner" then self.spawners[] = nil elseif tiletype == "key" then self.keys[] = nil elseif tiletype == "start" then self.starts[] = nil elseif tiletype == "treasure" then self.treasures[] = nil end end if key == "s" and love.keyboard.isDown("lctrl") then self:saveCurrentLevel() --self:showSaveDialog() elseif key == "o" and love.keyboard.isDown("lctrl") then --self:showLoadDialog() elseif key == "return" and love.keyboard.isDown("lctrl") then --self:showExportDialog() self:exportAll() elseif key == "n" and love.keyboard.isDown("lctrl") then self:newLevel() elseif key == "space" then tiletype, tileobj = self:getTileAt(self:getMouseTile()) if tiletype == "wall" then self.changesMade = true = not end elseif key == "f3" then self.showGrid = not self.showGrid elseif key == "f1" then love.system.openURL("file://" end if key == "right" then self:nextLevel() elseif key == "left" then self:previousLevel() end end function LevelDisplay:nextLevel() if self.currentLevel < 50 then self:switchToLevel(self.currentLevel + 1) end end function LevelDisplay:previousLevel() if self.currentLevel > 0 then self:switchToLevel(self.currentLevel - 1) end end function LevelDisplay:switchToLevel(level) if self.changesMade then self:saveCurrentLevel() self.changesMade = false end self.currentLevel = level if not self:load(tostring(level) .. ".lua") then self:newLevel() return false end return true end function LevelDisplay:showSaveDialog() self.dialog = SaveDialog() end function LevelDisplay:showLoadDialog() self.dialog = LoadDialog() end function LevelDisplay:showExportDialog() self.dialog = ExportDialog() end function LevelDisplay:textinput(t) if self.dialog then self.dialog:textinput(t) end end function LevelDisplay:load(filename) if love.filesystem.exists(filename) then local func = love.filesystem.load(filename) local obj = func() self.walls = obj.walls self.exits = obj.exits self.keys = obj.keys self.spawners = obj.spawners self.starts = obj.starts self.treasures = obj.treasures return true end return false end function LevelDisplay:exportAll() local levelStrings = { "/* Level Data Generated with GloveEdit 0.4 */\n", "/* Paste into data.h */\n" } table.insert(levelStrings, "\nconst unsigned short levelData[] PROGMEM = {") local levelCount = 0 for i=0, 30, 1 do if self:switchToLevel(i) then levelCount = levelCount + 1 table.insert(levelStrings, self:export()) else break end end table.insert(levelStrings, "};") --[[ table.insert(levelStrings, "\nextern const unsigned short* const levelData[] PROGMEM = {") for i=0,levelCount-1, 1 do table.insert(levelStrings, "\n\tlevelData_" .. tostring(i) .. ",") end table.insert(levelStrings, "\n};\n\nextern const unsigned char numLevels = " .. levelCount .. ";\n") ]] table.insert(levelStrings, "\n\nconst unsigned char numLevels = " .. levelCount .. ";\n") local finalStr = table.concat(levelStrings) love.filesystem.write("levels.h", finalStr) end function LevelDisplay:export() --local filestr = string.sub(filename, 1, -3) --local outStr = "extern const unsigned short level_" .. filestr .. "[] PROGMEM = {\n\t" local outStr = "\n\t" --\n\t" .. tostring(self.currentLevel) .. "\n\n" --"extern const unsigned short levelData_" .. tostring(self.currentLevel) .. "[] PROGMEM = {\n\t" --local outStr = "\t" -- Each element is 2 bytes -- First, the walls. for k,v in ipairs(self.walls) do local wallbyte = 0 local direction = v.w == 1 and 1 or 0 local width = (direction == 1) and v.h or v.w wallbyte = wallbyte + bit.lshift(, 31), 11) wallbyte = wallbyte + bit.lshift(, 15), 7) wallbyte = wallbyte + bit.lshift(, 31), 2) wallbyte = wallbyte + ( and 2 or 0) wallbyte = wallbyte + direction local nextLine = (k==8 or k==16) and "\n\t" or "" outStr = outStr .. ("0x" .. bit.tohex(wallbyte, 4) .. ", " .. nextLine) end -- Next the Spawners for k,v in ipairs(self.spawners) do local wallbyte = 0 wallbyte = wallbyte + bit.lshift(, 31), 11) wallbyte = wallbyte + bit.lshift(, 15), 7) outStr = outStr .. ("0x" .. bit.tohex(wallbyte, 4) .. ", ") end -- Next the keys. for k,v in ipairs(self.keys) do local wallbyte = 0 wallbyte = wallbyte + bit.lshift(, 31), 11) wallbyte = wallbyte + bit.lshift(, 15), 7) wallbyte = wallbyte + bit.lshift(, 15), 3) local nextLine = (k==4) and "\n\t" or "" outStr = outStr .. ("0x" .. bit.tohex(wallbyte, 4) .. ", " .. nextLine) end -- Next the Starts for k,v in ipairs(self.starts) do local wallbyte = 0 wallbyte = wallbyte + bit.lshift(, 31), 11) wallbyte = wallbyte + bit.lshift(, 15), 7) outStr = outStr .. ("0x" .. bit.tohex(wallbyte, 4) .. ", ") end -- Finally the exits. for k,v in ipairs(self.exits) do local wallbyte = 0 wallbyte = wallbyte + bit.lshift(, 31), 11) wallbyte = wallbyte + bit.lshift(, 15), 7) wallbyte = wallbyte +, 127) outStr = outStr .. ("0x" .. bit.tohex(wallbyte, 4) .. ", ") end -- The Treasures! for k,v in ipairs(self.treasures) do local wallbyte = 0 wallbyte = wallbyte + bit.lshift(, 31), 11) wallbyte = wallbyte + bit.lshift(, 15), 7) wallbyte = wallbyte + bit.lshift(, 7), 4) wallbyte = wallbyte +, 15) outStr = outStr .. ("0x" .. bit.tohex(wallbyte, 4) .. ", ") end outStr = outStr .. "\n" --outStr = outStr .. "\n\n" return outStr --print(outStr) --love.filesystem.write(filename, outStr) end function LevelDisplay:saveCurrentLevel() self:save(tostring(self.currentLevel) .. ".lua") self.changesMade = false end function LevelDisplay:save(filename) local data = { walls = self.walls, spawners = self.spawners, exits = self.exits, starts = self.starts, keys = self.keys, treasures = self.treasures } love.filesystem.write(filename, ser(data)) end LoadDialog = class("LoadDialog") function LoadDialog:initialize() self.w = 400 self.h = 300 self.x = love.window.getWidth()/2 - self.w/2 self.y = love.window.getHeight()/2 - self.h/2 self.filename = lvldisp.filename = true end function LoadDialog:update(dt) end function LoadDialog:draw()"fill", self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h)"line", self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h)"Load File..", self.x, self.y + 20, self.w, "center")"> " .. self.filename .. ".lua <", self.x, self.y + 100, self.w, "center")"Hit ENTER to load\nHit ESCAPE to cancel", self.x, self.y + 200, self.w, "center") end function LoadDialog:keypressed(key, isRepeat) if key == "escape" then = false end if key == "backspace" then if love.keyboard.isDown("lctrl") then self.filename = "" else self.filename = string.sub(self.filename, 1, -2) end end if key == "return" then self.action = "load" lvldisp.filename = self.filename self.filename = self.filename .. ".lua" = false end end function LoadDialog:textinput(t) if self.filename == "ENTER FILE NAME" then self.filename = "" end self.filename = self.filename .. t end function LoadDialog:mousepressed(x, y, button) end function LoadDialog:mousereleased(x, y, button) end function LoadDialog:keyreleased(key) end SaveDialog = class("SaveDialog") function SaveDialog:initialize() self.w = 400 self.h = 300 self.x = love.window.getWidth()/2 - self.w/2 self.y = love.window.getHeight()/2 - self.h/2 self.filename = lvldisp.filename self.areYouSure = false = true end function SaveDialog:update(dt) end function SaveDialog:draw()"fill", self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h)"line", self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h)"Save As..", self.x, self.y + 20, self.w, "center")"> " .. self.filename .. ".lua <", self.x, self.y + 100, self.w, "center")"Hit ENTER to save\nHit ESCAPE to cancel", self.x, self.y + 200, self.w, "center") if self.areYouSure then"ARE YOU SURE YOU WANNA REPLACE IT!?", self.x, self.y + 150, self.w, "center") end end function SaveDialog:keypressed(key, isRepeat) if key == "escape" then if self.areYouSure then self.areYouSure = false else = false end end if key == "backspace" then if love.keyboard.isDown("lctrl") then self.filename = "" else self.filename = string.sub(self.filename, 1, -2) end end if key == "return" then if self.areYouSure or not love.filesystem.exists(self.filename .. ".lua") then self.action = "save" lvldisp.filename = self.filename self.filename = self.filename .. ".lua" = false end if love.filesystem.exists(self.filename .. ".lua") then self.areYouSure = true end end end function SaveDialog:textinput(t) if self.filename == "ENTER FILE NAME" then self.filename = "" end self.filename = self.filename .. t end function SaveDialog:mousepressed(x, y, button) end function SaveDialog:mousereleased(x, y, button) end function SaveDialog:keyreleased(key) end ExportDialog = class("ExportDialog") function ExportDialog:initialize() self.w = 400 self.h = 300 self.x = love.window.getWidth()/2 - self.w/2 self.y = love.window.getHeight()/2 - self.h/2 self.filename = lvldisp.filename = true end function ExportDialog:update(dt) end function ExportDialog:draw()"fill", self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h)"line", self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h)"Export As..", self.x, self.y + 20, self.w, "center")"> " .. self.filename .. ".h <", self.x, self.y + 100, self.w, "center")"Hit ENTER to save\nHit ESCAPE to cancel", self.x, self.y + 200, self.w, "center") end function ExportDialog:keypressed(key, isRepeat) if key == "escape" then = false end if key == "backspace" then if love.keyboard.isDown("lctrl") then self.filename = "" else self.filename = string.sub(self.filename, 1, -2) end end if key == "return" then self.action = "export" lvldisp.filename = self.filename self.filename = self.filename .. ".h" = false end end function ExportDialog:textinput(t) if self.filename == "ENTER FILE NAME" then self.filename = "" end self.filename = self.filename .. t end function ExportDialog:mousepressed(x, y, button) end function ExportDialog:mousereleased(x, y, button) end function ExportDialog:keyreleased(key) end
--this is a desperate attempt to adjust the worms acid resistance to allow proper nest-battles during force transitions. for key, turret in pairs(data.raw["turret"]) do if string.match(, "worm") or string.match(, "Worm") then resTable = turret.resistances for _, resistance in pairs(resTable) do if resistance.type == "acid" then resistance.percent = 50 resistance.decrease = 5 end end end end
require("scripts.recipeOO") recipePrototypes = {} for x,typeVar in pairs(inserterTypes) do for y,rangeVar in pairs(inserterRanges) do table.insert(recipePrototypes, createRecipePrototype(typeVar, rangeVar)) end end data:extend(recipePrototypes)
-- where the hallway ends local max_width = 350 local quote_bmts = {} local count = 1 local quotes = { { text="What happens when we get there, the place where the hallway ends?", color={0.8, 0.666, 0.666, 0}, y=140, }, { text="For me anyway, it's a combination of understanding and being understood, forgiving and being forgiven.\n\nThe people I harmed are okay and better than ever, I forgive the man who hurts me in my dreams, and we all laugh about how silly it was to have held onto to so much pain for so long.", color={0.666, 0.666, 0.8, 0}, y=70, }, { text="Will we find each other there?", color={0.8, 0.666, 0.666, 0}, y=140, }, { text="If I found you there, I'd smile to finally see you as you are–your mind, your physical form, you, all at once, in color and motion, with sound and texture.", color={0.666, 0.666, 0.8, 0}, y=70, }, { text="I look forward to it.", color={0.8, 0.666, 0.666, 0}, y=140, }, } local af = Def.ActorFrame{ InitCommand=function(self) self:x( end, OnCommand=function(self) self:smooth(1):diffusealpha(1) end, InputEventCommand=function(self, event) if event.type == "InputEventType_FirstPress" and (event.GameButton=="Start" or event.GameButton=="Back" or event.GameButton=="MenuRight") then quote_bmts[count]:playcommand("FadeOut") if quotes[count+1] then count = count + 1 quote_bmts[count]:queuecommand("FadeIn") else self:sleep(1.5):queuecommand("Transition") end end end, TransitionCommand=function(self) SCREENMAN:GetTopScreen():StartTransitioningScreen("SM_GoToNextScreen") end } af[#af+1] = LoadActor("./I5.ogg")..{ OnCommand=function(self) self:play() end, TransitionCommand=function(self) self:stop() end } for i=1, #quotes do af[#af+1] = Def.BitmapText{ File=THEME:GetPathB("ScreenRabbitHole", "overlay/_shared/helvetica neue/_helvetica neue 20px.ini"), Text=quotes[i].text, InitCommand=function(self) quote_bmts[i] = self self:wrapwidthpixels(max_width) :align(0,0) :xy(-self:GetWidth()/2, 70) :diffuse(quotes[i].color):y( quotes[i].y ) :visible(false) :playcommand("Refresh") end, FadeInCommand=function(self) self:visible(true):sleep(0.5):smooth(0.65):diffusealpha(1) end, FadeOutCommand=function(self) self:finishtweening():smooth(0.65):diffusealpha(0):queuecommand("Hide") end, HideCommand=function(self) self:visible(false) end } if i==1 then af[#af].OnCommand=function(self) self:visible(true):sleep(1.5):smooth(1):diffusealpha(1) end end end return af
local speedomulti = 2.236936 local speedtext = "MPH" local mapon, checkvehclass = true, true local speedfps = 125 local minimap = RequestScaleformMovie("minimap") local speedBuffer, velBuffer = {}, {} local Driving, Underwater, enableCruise, wasInCar, pedinVeh, beltOn = false, false, false, false, false, false local lastjob, lastcash, lastbank, lastdirty, lastsociety, society, hunger, thirst, player, vehicle, vehicleIsOn ESX = nil Citizen.CreateThread(function() while not ESX do TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end) Wait(0) end while not ESX.GetPlayerData().job do Wait(10) end ESX.PlayerData = ESX.GetPlayerData() end) RegisterNetEvent('esx:playerLoaded') AddEventHandler('esx:playerLoaded', function(xPlayer) ESX.PlayerData = xPlayer ESX.PlayerLoaded = true end) RegisterNetEvent('esx:setJob') AddEventHandler('esx:setJob', function(job) ESX.PlayerData.job = job end) --[[Functions]]-- IsCar = function(veh) local vc = GetVehicleClass(veh) return (vc >= 0 and vc <= 7) or (vc >= 9 and vc <= 12) or (vc >= 17 and vc <= 20) end Fwv = function (entity) local hr = GetEntityHeading(entity) + 90.0 if hr < 0.0 then hr = 360.0 + hr end hr = hr * 0.0174533 return { x = math.cos(hr) * 2.0, y = math.sin(hr) * 2.0 } end isinvehicle = function() Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Wait(125) local veh = GetVehiclePedIsUsing(player, false) local speed = math.floor(GetEntitySpeed(veh) * speedomulti) local vehhash = GetEntityModel(veh) local maxspeed = (GetVehicleModelMaxSpeed(vehhash) * speedomulti) + 50 if checkvehclass then local vehicleClass = GetVehicleClass(GetVehiclePedIsIn(PlayerPedId())) checkvehclass = false if vehicleClass == 8 or vehicleClass == 13 or vehicleClass == 14 or vehicleClass == 15 or vehicleClass == 16 then SendNUIMessage({hideseatbeltextra = true}) else SendNUIMessage({hideseatbeltextra = false}) end end if Config.LegacyFuel then local fuellevel = exports["LegacyFuel"]:GetFuel(veh) SendNUIMessage({speed = speed, speedtext = speedtext, maxspeed = maxspeed, action = "update_fuel", fuel = fuellevel, showFuel = true}) else local fuellevel = GetVehicleFuelLevel(veh) SendNUIMessage({speed = speed, speedtext = speedtext, maxspeed = maxspeed, action = "update_fuel", fuel = fuellevel, showFuel = true}) end if not Driving then checkvehclass = true break end end end) end comma_value = function(amount) local formatted = amount while true do if not formatted then break else formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2') end if k == 0 then break end end return formatted end TriggerVehicleLoop = function() if mapon then Citizen.CreateThread(function() ToggleRadar(true) SetRadarBigmapEnabled(false, false) end) end end ToggleRadar = function(state) DisplayRadar(state) BeginScaleformMovieMethod(minimap, "SETUP_HEALTH_ARMOUR") ScaleformMovieMethodAddParamInt(3) EndScaleformMovieMethod() end Voicelevel = function(val) SendNUIMessage({action = "voice_level", voicelevel = val}) end exports('Voicelevel', Voicelevel) --[[End of Functions]]-- --[[Threads]]-- Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do Wait(1500) player = PlayerPedId() pedinVeh = IsPedInAnyVehicle(player, false) vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false) vehicleIsOn = GetIsVehicleEngineRunning(vehicle) local hideseatbelt, showlimiter, showSpeedo = false, false, false local mapoutline = false if pedinVeh and vehicleIsOn then hideseatbelt = true showlimiter = true showSpeedo = true if mapon then SetRadarZoom(1150) ToggleRadar(true) mapoutline = true else ToggleRadar(false) end if not Driving then Driving = true isinvehicle() TriggerVehicleLoop() end SendNUIMessage({ hideseatbelt = hideseatbelt, showlimiter = showlimiter, showSpeedo = showSpeedo, mapoutline = mapoutline }) else enableCruise = false showlimiter = false showSpeedo = false ToggleRadar(false) mapoutline = false Driving = false SendNUIMessage({ hideseatbelt = hideseatbelt, showlimiter = showlimiter, showSpeedo = showSpeedo, mapoutline = mapoutline }) end if IsEntityInWater(PlayerPedId()) then -- doesn't work with player variable Underwater = true else Underwater = false end if IsPauseMenuActive() then showUi = false else showUi = true end if IsPedArmed(player, 4 | 2) then showweap = true else showweap = false end SendNUIMessage({ showOxygen = Underwater, showUi = showUi, showweap = showweap }) TriggerServerEvent('joehud:getServerInfo') end end) Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do local car = GetVehiclePedIsIn(player) if car ~= 0 and (wasInCar or IsCar(car)) then wasInCar = true if beltOn then DisableControlAction(0, 75) end speedBuffer[2] = speedBuffer[1] speedBuffer[1] = GetEntitySpeed(car) if speedBuffer[2] and not beltOn and GetEntitySpeedVector(car, true).y > 1.0 and speedBuffer[1] > 15 and (speedBuffer[2] - speedBuffer[1]) > (speedBuffer[1] * 0.255) then local co = GetEntityCoords(player) local fw = Fwv(player) SetEntityCoords(player, co.x + fw.x, co.y + fw.y, co.z - 0.47, true, true, true) SetEntityVelocity(PlayerPedId(), velBuffer[2].x, velBuffer[2].y, velBuffer[2].z) Wait(500) SetPedToRagdoll(player, 1000, 1000, 0, 0, 0, 0) end velBuffer[2] = velBuffer[1] velBuffer[1] = GetEntityVelocity(car) elseif wasInCar then wasInCar = false beltOn = false speedBuffer[1], speedBuffer[2] = 0.0, 0.0 end Wait(20) end end) Citizen.CreateThread( function() while true do Wait(500) local istalking = NetworkIsPlayerTalking(PlayerId()) -- doesn't work with player variable SendNUIMessage({talking = istalking}) end end) --[[End of Threads]]-- --[[Status Event]]-- RegisterNetEvent('joehud:setInfo') AddEventHandler('joehud:setInfo', function(info) if ESX.PlayerData.job and ESX.PlayerData.job.grade_name and ESX.PlayerData.job.grade_name == 'boss' then ESX.TriggerServerCallback('esx_society:getSocietyMoney', function(money) society = money end, else society = 0 end TriggerEvent('esx_status:getStatus', 'hunger', function(status) hunger = status.val / 10000 end) TriggerEvent('esx_status:getStatus', 'thirst', function(status) thirst = status.val / 10000 end) if Config.rpRadio then local radioStatus = exports["rp-radio"]:IsRadioOn() SendNUIMessage({radio = radioStatus}) end if (lastjob ~= info['job']) then lastjob = info['job'] SendNUIMessage({job = info['job']}) end if (lastcash ~= info['money']) then lastcash = info['money'] SendNUIMessage({money = comma_value(info['money'])}) end if (lastbank ~= info['bankMoney']) then lastbank = info['bankMoney'] SendNUIMessage({bank = comma_value(info['bankMoney'])}) end if (lastdirty ~= info['blackMoney']) then lastdirty = info['blackMoney'] SendNUIMessage({blackMoney = comma_value(info['blackMoney'])}) end if (lastsociety ~= society) then lastsociety = society SendNUIMessage({society = comma_value(society)}) end SendNUIMessage({ action = "update_hud", hp = GetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId()) - 100, armor = GetPedArmour(PlayerPedId()), stamina = 100 - GetPlayerSprintStaminaRemaining(PlayerId()), -- doesn't work with player variable hunger = hunger, thirst = thirst, oxygen = GetPlayerUnderwaterTimeRemaining(PlayerId()) * 10 -- doesn't work with player variable }) end) --[[End of Status Event]] --[[Map]]-- local x = -0.025 local y = -0.015 Citizen.CreateThread(function() RequestStreamedTextureDict("circlemap", false) while not HasStreamedTextureDictLoaded("circlemap") do Wait(100) end AddReplaceTexture("platform:/textures/graphics", "radarmasksm", "circlemap", "radarmasksm") SetMinimapClipType(1) SetMinimapComponentPosition('minimap', 'L', 'B', -0.022, -0.026, 0.16, 0.245) SetMinimapComponentPosition('minimap_mask', 'L', 'B', x + 0.21, y + 0.09, 0.071, 0.164) SetMinimapComponentPosition('minimap_blur', 'L', 'B', -0.032, -0.04, 0.18, 0.22) SetRadarBigmapEnabled(true, false) Wait(150) SetRadarBigmapEnabled(false, false) end) --[[End of Map]]-- --[[Command Events]] RegisterNetEvent('joehud:devmode') AddEventHandler('joehud:devmode', function() SendNUIMessage({action = "devmode"}) end, false) RegisterNetEvent('joehud:showjob') AddEventHandler('joehud:showjob', function() TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', { color = { 150, 75, 0}, multiline = true, args = {"Job Center", "Your job is " .. lastjob} }) end, false) RegisterNetEvent('joehud:showcash') AddEventHandler('joehud:showcash', function() TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', { color = { 0, 240, 0}, multiline = true, args = {"Wallet", "You have $" .. comma_value(lastcash)} }) end, false) RegisterNetEvent('joehud:showbank') AddEventHandler('joehud:showbank', function() TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', { color = { 240, 0, 0}, multiline = true, args = {"Bank", "You have $" .. comma_value(lastbank)} }) end, false) RegisterNetEvent('joehud:showdirty') AddEventHandler('joehud:showdirty', function() TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', { color = { 128, 128, 128}, multiline = true, args = {"Pocket", "You have $" .. comma_value(lastdirty)} }) end, false) RegisterNetEvent('joehud:showid') AddEventHandler('joehud:showid', function() TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', { color = { 0, 240, 0}, multiline = true, args = {"Wallet", "Your state ID is: " .. GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()) } }) end, false) RegisterNetEvent('joehud:showsociety') AddEventHandler('joehud:showsociety', function() TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', { color = { 150, 75, 0}, multiline = true, args = {"Business", "The current business funds are $" .. comma_value(society) } }) end, false) RegisterNetEvent('joehud:hudmenu') AddEventHandler('joehud:hudmenu', function() SetNuiFocus(true, true) SendNUIMessage({showhudmenu = true}) end, false) --[[End of Command Events]]-- --[[Callbacks]]-- RegisterNUICallback('cancel', function() SetNuiFocus(false, false) SendNUIMessage({showhudmenu = false}) end) RegisterNUICallback('getmap', function(data, cb) mapon = data.mapon cb(mapon) end) RegisterNUICallback('getspeedfps', function(data, cb) speedfps = data.speedfps or 125 cb(speedfps) end) --[[End of Callbacks]]-- --[[Commands & KeyMappings]]-- RegisterCommand('uir', function() ESX.UI.Menu.CloseAll() TriggerEvent('wk:toggleMenuControlLock', false) SendNUIMessage({showhudmenu = false}) SendNUIMessage({type = 'destroy'}) SendNUIMessage({toggleradarrc = true}) SendNUIMessage({action = 'closeMenu', namespace = namespace, name = name, data = data}) SendNUIMessage({type = 'closeAll'}) TriggerEvent("mdt:closeModal") showMenu = false SetNuiFocus(false, false) ClearPedTasksImmediately(PlayerPedId()) end, false) RegisterCommand('speedlimiter', function() if pedinVeh and vehicleIsOn then local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(player, false) local vehicleModel = GetEntityModel(vehicle) local speed = GetEntitySpeed(vehicle) local Max = GetVehicleModelMaxSpeed(vehicleModel) local vehicleClass = GetVehicleClass(GetVehiclePedIsIn(player)) if (GetPedInVehicleSeat(vehicle, -1) == player) then if vehicleClass == 13 then else if not enableCruise then SetVehicleMaxSpeed(vehicle, speed) enableCruise = true SendNUIMessage({ speedlimiter = true }) elseif enableCruise then SetVehicleMaxSpeed(vehicle, GetVehicleHandlingFloat(vehicle,"CHandlingData","fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel")) enableCruise = false SendNUIMessage({ speedlimiter = false }) else SetVehicleMaxSpeed(vehicle, Max) enableCruise = false SendNUIMessage({ speedlimiter = false }) end end end end end, false) RegisterCommand('seatbelt', function() local vehicleClass = GetVehicleClass(GetVehiclePedIsIn(player)) if vehicleClass == 8 or vehicleClass == 13 or vehicleClass == 14 or vehicleClass == 21 then print("You can't enable your seatbelt in this type of vehicle") else if pedinVeh then beltOn = not beltOn if beltOn then SendNUIMessage({seatbelton = true}) else SendNUIMessage({seatbelton = false}) end end end end, false) RegisterKeyMapping('speedlimiter', 'Activate Speedlimiter', 'keyboard', 'CAPITAL') RegisterKeyMapping('seatbelt', 'Activate Seatbelt', 'keyboard', 'B') --[[End of Commands & KeyMappings]] --[[Single Checks]]-- if Config.Speed == "mph" or Config.Speed == "MPH" then speedtext = "MPH" speedomulti = 2.236936 else speedtext = "KMH" speedomulti = 3.6 end --[[End of Single Checks]]--
local M = {} local io = io local string = string local tostring = tostring local ngx = ngx local ffi = require "ffi" local util = require "shuaicj.upload.util" ffi.cdef[[ typedef unsigned long MD5_LONG; enum { MD5_CBLOCK = 64, MD5_LBLOCK = MD5_CBLOCK/4 }; typedef struct MD5state_st { MD5_LONG A,B,C,D; MD5_LONG Nl,Nh; MD5_LONG data[MD5_LBLOCK]; unsigned int num; } MD5_CTX; int MD5_Init(MD5_CTX *c); int MD5_Update(MD5_CTX *c, const void *data, size_t len); int MD5_Final(unsigned char *md, MD5_CTX *c); ]] M.header = "X-Checksum-MD5" function M.check_headers(ctx, headers) local v = headers[M.header] if v and #v == 32 and string.match(v, "^%x+$") then ctx.checksum.md5 = { header = M.header, client = v } return end local s = string.format("%s [%s] illegal", M.header, tostring(v)) ngx.log(ngx.WARN, s) return util.exit(400, s) end function M.verify_checksum(ctx) local md5_ctx ="MD5_CTX") if ffi.C.MD5_Init(md5_ctx) == 0 then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "MD5_Init failed") return util.exit(500, "MD5_Init failed") end local f, e =, "rb") if not f then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, e) return util.exit(500, e) end while true do local data = f:read(4096) if not data then f:close() break end if ffi.C.MD5_Update(md5_ctx, data, #data) == 0 then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "MD5_Update failed") return util.exit(500, "MD5_Update failed") end end local checksum ="char[16]") if ffi.C.MD5_Final(checksum, md5_ctx) == 0 then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "MD5_Final failed") return util.exit(500, "MD5_Final failed") end checksum = util.tohex(ffi.string(checksum, 16)) ctx.checksum.md5.server = checksum if ctx.checksum.md5.client ~= checksum then util.truncate_file(ctx.file_path) ctx.real_size = 0 local s = string.format("MD5 conflict. file[%s] client [%s], server [%s]", ctx.file_path, ctx.checksum.md5.client, checksum) ngx.log(ngx.ERR, s) return util.exit(409, s, ctx) else ngx.log(ngx.INFO, string.format("MD5 match. file[%s] MD5 [%s]", ctx.file_path, checksum)) end end return M
return { include = function() includedirs "../vendor/cpp-url/include/" end, run = function() language "C++" kind "StaticLib" files { "../vendor/cpp-url/src/**.cpp", } end }
local menu = {} -- previously: = "showCreepers" function menu:enter(prev, cards, changes) menu.prev = prev = cards menu.changes = changes end local offsets = { { x = 621, y = 153 }, { x = 373, y = 153 }, { x = 869, y = 153 }, { x = 124, y = 153 }, { x = 1118, y = 153 }, { x = 621, y = 460 }, { x = 373, y = 460 }, { x = 869, y = 460 }, { x = 124, y = 460 }, { x = 1118, y = 460 }, } function menu:draw() menu.prev:draw() for i = 1, math.min(#offsets, do scripts.rendering.renderCard.renderCard([i], offsets[i].x, offsets[i].y, 0.5) end end function menu:update() scripts.rendering.renderUI.drawUpdates(menu.changes) end function menu:mousepressed(x, y, click) for i = 1, math.min(#offsets, do for k, card in pairs( do if[i] == card then STATE.discardPile[#STATE.discardPile + 1] = k end end end Gamestate.pop() end return menu
leveldb = require 'lualeveldb' local opt = leveldb.options() opt.createIfMissing = true opt.errorIfExists = false assert(type(tostring(opt)) == "string") print(opt) local db = (opt, 'tostring.db') assert(type(tostring(db)) == "string") print(db)
addNetworkString = util.AddNetworkString addNetworkString("VBNET::Groups::RequestGroupPlayerList") addNetworkString("VBNET::Groups::InvitePlayerToGroup") addNetworkString("VBNET::Groups::PlayerJoinGroup") addNetworkString("VBNET::Groups::PlayerQuitGroup") addNetworkString("VBNET::Groups::KickPlayer") addNetworkString("VBNET::Groups::RequestPlayerToJoinGroup") addNetworkString("VBNET::Groups::PlayerChangePermission") addNetworkString("VBNET::Groups::GetMembers") addNetworkString("VBNET::Groups::SendMembers") net.Receive("VBNET::Groups::PlayerQuitGroup", function(len, pl) local currentGroup = pl:GetNWString("VB::NW::Organization::Name") if currentGroup ~= "VB-Default-Organization" then local steamid = pl:SteamID() VBSQL:Query([[ UPDATE players SET organization_id = NULL WHERE steam_id = ']] .. VBSQL:Escape(steamid) .. [['; ]]) VBSQL:Query([[ UPDATE players SET group_permissions = 0 WHERE steam_id = ']] .. VBSQL:Escape(steamid) .. [['; ]]) pl:SetNWString("VB::NW::Organization::Name", "VB-Default-Organization") pl:SetNWString("VB::NW::Organization::Color", "ffffff") pl:SetDTGroupPermissionMask(0) pl:SetDTGroupId(0) pl:SetWeaponColor(HexToColorRGB(pl:GetNWString("VB::NW::Organization::Color")):ToVector()) end end) net.Receive("VBNET::Groups::GetMembers", function(len, pl) local group = pl:GetDTGroupId() local players = {} local query = VBSQL:Query([[ SELECT first_name, last_name, group_permissions FROM players WHERE organization_id = ]] .. group .. [[; ]]) query:wait() local data = query:getData() if data == nil then return false end for k, v in ipairs(data) do if v["first_name"] .. " " .. v["last_name"] == pl:GetCompleteName() then continue end local completeName = string.format("%s %s", v["first_name"], v["last_name"]) players[completeName] = { ["online"] = IsOnline(completeName), ["permissions"] = tonumber(v["group_permissions"]) } end net.Start("VBNET::Groups::SendMembers") net.WriteTable(players) net.Send(pl) end) net.Receive("VBNET::Groups::KickPlayer", function(len, pl) if not Permission:Can(pl:GetDTGroupPermissionMask(), Permission.KICK) then return false end local playerToKick = net.ReadString() if IsOnline(playerToKick) then local playerEntity = nil for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:GetCompleteName() == playerToKick then playerEntity = v end end local steamid = playerEntity:SteamID() VBSQL:Query([[ UPDATE players SET organization_id = NULL, group_permissions = 0 WHERE steam_id = ']] .. VBSQL:Escape(steamid) .. [['; ]]) playerEntity:SetNWString("VB::NW::Organization::Name", "VB-Default-Organization") playerEntity:SetNWString("VB::NW::Organization::Color", "ffffff") playerEntity:SetDTGroupPermissionMask(0) playerEntity:SetDTGroupId(0) playerEntity:SetWeaponColor(HexToColorRGB(playerEntity:GetNWString("VB::NW::Organization::Color")):ToVector()) else local firstName, lastName = unpack(string.Explode(" ", playerToKick)) VBSQL:Query([[ UPDATE players SET organization_id = NULL, group_permissions = 0 WHERE first_name = ']] .. VBSQL:Escape(firstName) .. [[' AND last_name = ']] .. VBSQL:Escape(lastName) .. [['; ]]) end end) net.Receive("VBNET::Groups::PlayerChangePermission", function(len, pl) if pl:GetNWString("VB::NW::Organization::Name") == "VB-Default-Organization" then return false end local playerName = net.ReadString() local bitMask = net.ReadInt(9) local playerEntity = nil for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:GetCompleteName() == playerName then playerEntity = v end end -- If player is online if Permission:Can(pl:GetDTGroupPermissionMask(), Permission.ADMIN) and playerEntity ~= nil then local steamid = playerEntity:SteamID() VBSQL:Query([[ UPDATE players SET group_permissions = ]] .. bitMask .. [[ WHERE steam_id = ']] .. VBSQL:Escape(steamid) .. [['; ]]) playerEntity:SetDTGroupPermissionMask(bitMask) -- If player is offline elseif Permission:Can(pl:GetDTGroupPermissionMask(), Permission.ADMIN) and playerEntity == nil then local firstName, lastName = unpack(string.Explode(" ", playerName)) VBSQL:Query([[ UPDATE players SET group_permissions = ]] .. bitMask .. [[ WHERE first_name = ']] .. VBSQL:Escape(firstName) .. [[' AND last_name = ']] .. VBSQL:Escape(lastName) .. [['; ]]) end end) net.Receive("VBNET::Groups::InvitePlayerToGroup", function(len, pl) if not Permission:Can(pl:GetDTGroupPermissionMask(), Permission.INVITE) then return false end local name = net.ReadString() local group = net.ReadString() local playerToSendInvitation = nil for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do if v:GetCompleteName() == name then playerToSendInvitation = v end end if playerToSendInvitation ~= nil then net.Start("VBNET::Groups::RequestPlayerToJoinGroup") net.WriteString(group) net.Send(playerToSendInvitation) end end) net.Receive("VBNET::Groups::PlayerJoinGroup", function(len, pl) local group = net.ReadString() local steamid = pl:SteamID() local query = VBSQL:Query([[ SET @ID = (SELECT organization_id FROM organization WHERE organization_name = ']] .. VBSQL:Escape(group) .. [[' ); UPDATE players SET players.organization_id = @ID, players.group_permissions = 0 WHERE steam_id = ']] .. VBSQL:Escape(steamid) .. [['; ]]) local query2 = VBSQL:Query([[ SELECT organization_color, organization_id FROM organization WHERE organization_name = ']] .. VBSQL:Escape(group) .. [['; ]]) query2:wait() VBSQL:Query([[ UPDATE players SET group_permissions = 0 WHERE steam_id = ']] .. VBSQL:Escape(steamid) .. [['; ]]) local id = query2:getData()[1]["organization_id"] local col = query2:getData()[1]["organization_color"] pl:SetNWString("VB::NW::Organization::Name", group) pl:SetNWString("VB::NW::Organization::Color", col) pl:SetDTGroupPermissionMask(0) pl:SetDTGroupId(id) pl:SetWeaponColor(HexToColorRGB(pl:GetNWString("VB::NW::Organization::Color")):ToVector()) end)
-- -- Info Definition Table format -- -- -- These keywords must be lowercase for LuaParser to read them. -- -- key: user defined or one of the SKIRMISH_AI_PROPERTY_* defines in -- SSkirmishAILibrary.h -- value: the value of the property -- desc: the description (could be used as a tooltip) -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local infos = { { key = 'shortName', value = 'BtEvaluator', desc = 'machine conform name.', }, { key = 'version', value = '0.0001', -- AI version - !This comment is used for parsing! }, { key = 'name', value = 'BtEvaluator', desc = 'human readable name.', }, { key = 'description', value = 'This is part of BETS project, behaviour trees editing and debugging toolkit.', desc = 'tooltip.', }, { key = 'url', value = '', desc = 'URL with more detailed info about the AI', }, { key = 'loadSupported', value = 'no', desc = 'whether this AI supports loading or not', }, { key = 'interfaceShortName', value = 'C', -- AI Interface name - !This comment is used for parsing! desc = 'the shortName of the AI interface this AI needs', }, { key = 'interfaceVersion', value = '0.1', -- AI Interface version - !This comment is used for parsing! desc = 'the minimum version of the AI interface this AI needs', }, } return infos
function start (song) print("Song: " .. song .. " @ " .. bpm .. " downscroll: " .. downscroll) end local defaultHudX = 0 local defaultHudY = 0 local defaultWindowX = 0 local defaultWindowY = 0 local lastStep = 0 local floatShit = 0 local dadMidpointX = 0 local dadMidpointY = 0 local eyeX = 0 local eyeY = 0 function update (elapsed) local currentBeat = (songPos / 1000)*(bpm/60) end function beatHit (beat) end function stepHit (step) --leaving this here to test stuff if curStep == 1 then end if curStep == 190 then changeDadCharacter('exe-revie', 250, -200) end if curStep == 260 then changeBoyfriendCharacter('bf-sonic', 1140, 170) end if curStep == 320 then changeDadCharacter('haachama', 240, -60) end if curStep == 384 then changeBoyfriendCharacter('gura-amelia', 1290, 20) end if curStep == 446 then changeDadCharacter('freddy', 230, -190) end if curStep == 512 then changeBoyfriendCharacter('bf-cryingchild', 1320, 170) end if curStep == 576 then changeDadCharacter('cc', 240, -120) characterZoom('dad', 1.3) end if curStep == 704 then changeBoyfriendCharacter('oswald-angry', 1340, 80) end if curStep == 768 then changeDadCharacter('huggy', 240, -120) followDadXOffset = -200 end if curStep == 832 then changeBoyfriendCharacter('beebz', 1260, 70) end if curStep == 896 then changeDadCharacter('monster', 180, -90) followDadXOffset = 0 end if curStep == 1024 then changeBoyfriendCharacter('spooky', 1290, 20) end if curStep == 1088 then changeDadCharacter('yuri-crazy', 250, -50) end end
local shipImg = actor.LoadSprite("image/ship.png", { 64, 64 }) local LEFT = 1 local RIGHT = 2 local UP = 3 local DOWN = 4 actor.Cage("Blocker", 1.0, 0.5) actor.SimpleCollide("Blocker", "Player", actor.Blocker) local animFPS = 64 local function AnimatePlayer(player, stop) local start = eapi.GetFrame(player.tile) local time = math.abs(stop - start) / animFPS eapi.AnimateFrame(player.tile, eapi.ANIM_CLAMP, start, stop, nil, time) end local function Animate(player) local vel = eapi.GetVel(player.body) if vel.x == 0 then AnimatePlayer(player, 16) elseif vel.x > 0 then AnimatePlayer(player, 8) elseif vel.x < 0 then AnimatePlayer(player, 24) end end local function GetDirection(moves) return { x = moves[RIGHT] - moves[LEFT], y = moves[UP] - moves[DOWN] } end local function SetSpeed(player, speed) if speed then player.speed = speed end eapi.SetVel(player.body, vector.Normalize(player.vel, player.speed)) end local function EnableInput(player, Fn) input.Bind("Left", false, Fn(player, LEFT)) input.Bind("Right", false, Fn(player, RIGHT)) input.Bind("Up", false, Fn(player, UP)) input.Bind("Down", false, Fn(player, DOWN)) return player end local function Move(player, axis) return function(keyDown) player.moves[axis] = (keyDown and 1) or 0 player.vel = GetDirection(player.moves) SetSpeed(player) Animate(player) end end local function FirstMove(player, axis) return function(keyDown) Move(player, axis)(keyDown) util.Map(eapi.Destroy, player.text) EnableInput(player, Move) actor.AddProgressCircle(player) bomb.ResetTime() timing.Start() end end local function AddHeart(obj) local speed = 0.2 local z = obj.z + 0.1 local animType = eapi.ANIM_LOOP local size = { x = 16, y = 16 } local offset = { x = -8, y = -3 } obj.heart = eapi.NewTile(obj.body, offset, size, util.heart, z) eapi.SetColor(obj.heart, { r = 0.25, g = 0.05, b = 0, a = 0.25 }) local dstSize = { x = 8, y = 8 } local dstOffset = { x = -4, y = 1 } eapi.AnimateSize(obj.heart, animType, dstSize, speed, 0) eapi.AnimatePos(obj.heart, animType, dstOffset, speed, 0) local dstColor = { r = 0.75, g = 0.15, b = 0, a = 1.0 } eapi.AnimateColor(obj.heart, animType, dstColor, speed, 0) end local function Create() local obj = { z = 0, speed = 300, class = "Player", sprite = shipImg, vel = vector.null, moves = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, pos = { x = 0, y = -200 }, offset = { x = -32, y = -32 }, bb = { l = -4, r = 4, b = 2, t = 10 }, } local text = "\"Arrow Keys\" - Evade" ribbons.ShowHelpText(obj, text) obj = actor.Create(obj) eapi.SetFrame(obj.tile, 16) eapi.PlayMusic("sound/music.ogg", nil, 1.0, 1.0) EnableInput(obj, FirstMove) player.obj = obj AddHeart(obj) end local function QuickFade(tile) eapi.SetColor(tile, util.invisible) end player = { Create = Create, patternTime = 6.28, } return player
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- func: getcraftRank <craft skill or ID> {player} -- desc: returns target's RANK of specified craft skill --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status") cmdprops = { permission = 1, parameters = "ss" } function error(player, msg) player:PrintToPlayer(msg) player:PrintToPlayer("!getcraftRank <craft skill or ID> {player}") end function onTrigger(player, craftName, target) if craftName == nil then error(player, "You must specify a craft skill to check!") return end local skillID = tonumber(craftName) or tpz.skill[string.upper(craftName)] local targ = nil if skillID == nil or skillID < 48 or skillID > 57 then error(player, "You must specify a valid craft skill.") return end if target == nil then if player:getCursorTarget() == nil then targ = player else if player:getCursorTarget():isPC() then targ = player:getCursorTarget() else error(player, "You must target a player or specify a name.") return end end else targ = GetPlayerByName(target) if targ == nil then player:PrintToPlayer(string.format("Player named '%s' not found!", target)) return end end player:PrintToPlayer(string.format("%s's current skillID '%s' rank: %u", targ:getName(), craftName, targ:getSkillRank(skillID))) end
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Initialise the variable we will be working with ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cryolysis3 = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("Cryolysis3", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0", "AceTimer-3.0"); local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("Cryolysis3"); local AceConfig = LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"); -- Don't move this! Cryolysis3:SetDefaultModuleState(false); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Initialise the startup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local function InitStartup() --Cryolysis3:RegisterChatCommand("cryo", "ChatCommand") --See function Cryolysis3:ChatCommand for details --Cryolysis3:RegisterChatCommand("cryolysis", "ChatCommand") Cryolysis3:RegisterChatCommand("cryo3", "ChatCommand") Cryolysis3:RegisterChatCommand("cryolysis3", "ChatCommand") -- Create the main sphere frame Cryolysis3:CreateFrame( "Button", "Sphere", UIParent, "SecureActionButtonTemplate", 58, 58, true, nil, nil, nil, "Interface\\AddOns\\Cryolysis3\\textures\\background", nil, Cryolysis3.db.char.hidden["Sphere"] ); -- Make main sphere draggable Cryolysis3Sphere:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton"); Cryolysis3Sphere:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp", "RightButtonUp", "MiddleButtonUp"); -- Open the config menu when right-clicking the main sphere Cryolysis3Sphere:SetAttribute("type2", "Menu"); Cryolysis3Sphere.Menu = function() LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):Open("Cryolysis3"); end -- Handle main sphere dragging Cryolysis3:AddScript("Sphere", "frame", "OnDragStart"); Cryolysis3:AddScript("Sphere", "frame", "OnDragStop"); -- Handle main sphere tooltip Cryolysis3:AddScript("Sphere", "frame", "OnEnter"); Cryolysis3:AddScript("Sphere", "frame", "OnLeave"); -- Start tooltip data Cryolysis3.Private.tooltips["Sphere"] = {}; -- Setup custom clicks, right left out cuz it's for the menu Cryolysis3:UpdateButton("Sphere", "left"); Cryolysis3:UpdateButton("Sphere", "middle"); -- Start adding tooltip data table.insert(Cryolysis3.Private.tooltips["Sphere"], L["Cryolysis"]); -- Set mount region thingy Cryolysis3.Private.mountRegion = IsFlyableArea(); -- Find our mounts Cryolysis3:FindMounts(); -- Setup custom buttons Cryolysis3:CreateCustomButtons(); -- Setup class-specific buttons Cryolysis3.GetClassModule():CreateButtons(); -- Place the buttons where they're supposed to be Cryolysis3:UpdateAllButtonPositions(); -- Update main sphere Cryolysis3:UpdateSphere("outerSphere"); Cryolysis3:UpdateSphere("sphereText"); Cryolysis3:UpdateSphere("sphereAttribute"); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Load all enabled modules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local function LoadModule(name) -- Attempt to load the LoD module local loaded, reason = Cryolysis3:EnableModule(name); if not loaded then -- We couldn't load it :( local dialogueText = L["Cryolysis 3 cannot load the module:"].." Cryolysis3_""\n"; if (reason == "DISABLED") then -- The class module was disabled dialogueText = dialogueText.." "..L["The module is flagged as Disabled in the Blizzard AddOn interface."]; elseif (reason == "MISSING") then -- The class module isn't there (most likely not installed) dialogueText = dialogueText.." "..L["The module is missing. Please close the game and install it."]; elseif (reason == "INCOMPATIBLE") then -- The class module is too old (most likely not updated) dialogueText = dialogueText.." "..L["The module is too old. Please close the game and update it."]; end -- Create the popup dialogue StaticPopupDialogs["C3_LOD_ADDON_WARNING"] = { text = dialogueText, button1 = L["Okay"], timeout = 0, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = 1 } -- Display the dialogue StaticPopup_Show("C3_LOD_ADDON_WARNING"); return false; end return true; end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Check if items need to be cached and if so, display a warning. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Cryolysis3:CacheItems(itemList) local checkAgain = false; if (itemList ~= nil) then for i = 1, #(itemList), 1 do if (GetItemInfo(itemList[i]) == nil or GetItemInfo(itemList[i]) == "") then --print ('Item',i,GetItemInfo(itemList[i])) StaticPopup_Show("ITEM_CACHE_WARNING"); GameTooltip:SetOwner(UIParent, "CENTER"); GameTooltip:SetHyperlink("item:"..itemList[i]..":0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0"); GameTooltip:Hide(); checkAgain = true; end end end if (checkAgain) then return false else StaticPopup_Hide("ITEM_CACHE_WARNING"); return true end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Load class module ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local function LoadClassModule() -- Detect what class we are playing and return English value, then load it local classLoaded = LoadModule(Cryolysis3.className); if (classLoaded == true) then if (not Cryolysis3.db.char.silentMode) then -- Only print this if we're not in silent mode local classname = gsub(UnitClass("player"), "^.", function(s) return s:upper() end) Cryolysis3:Print(classname.." "..L["Module"].." "..L["Loaded"]); end -- Cache here, since before this we don't have a spellList Cryolysis3:CacheSpells(); end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Load all enabled modules ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Cryolysis3:LoadModules() if (Cryolysis3:CacheItems(Cryolysis3.Private.cacheList)) then -- Create reagent list for the mage Cryolysis3.GetClassModule():CreateReagentList(); for k, v in pairs(Cryolysis3.db.char.modules) do if (Cryolysis3.db.char.modules[k]) then -- Load the module if it's enabled in the config LoadModule(k); end end InitStartup(); else Cryolysis3:ScheduleTimer("LoadModules", 1) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- What happens when the addon is first loaded ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Cryolysis3:OnInitialize() -- Register the database Cryolysis3.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("Cryolysis3DB", Cryolysis3.defaults, "char"); -- Create the buttons array Cryolysis3.buttons = {}; -- Add info to the Options array for the Profile Options Cryolysis3.options.args.profile.args.options = LibStub("AceDBOptions-3.0"):GetOptionsTable(Cryolysis3.db); = L["Options profile"]; Cryolysis3.options.args.profile.args.options.desc = L["Saved profile for Cryolysis 3 options"]; Cryolysis3.options.args.profile.args.options.order = 2; -- Create options table and stuff LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable("Cryolysis3", Cryolysis3.options); AceConfig:AddToBlizOptions("Cryolysis3", "Cryolysis3"); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- What happens when the addon is enabled ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Cryolysis3:OnEnable() -- Store this since we use it so often Cryolysis3.className = select(2, UnitClass("player")); --print (Cryolysis3.className) -- Register for some common events used by all modules Cryolysis3:RegisterCommonEvents(); -- Create the popup dialogue StaticPopupDialogs["ITEM_CACHE_WARNING"] = { text = L["Cryolysis 3 is currently adding items to your game's item cache. The addon should finish loading and this dialog box should disappear once this is complete."], timeout = 0, whileDead = 1, hideOnEscape = 1 } -- Load the module for our class LoadClassModule(); -- Load all enabled modules Cryolysis3:LoadModules(); end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- What happens when the addon is disabled ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Cryolysis3:OnDisable() end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Get the class module ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Cryolysis3:GetClassModule() -- Return the module that fits our class return Cryolysis3.modules[Cryolysis3.className]; end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Having a function with msg being passed to it allows us to create /commands later if desired -- If no msg is passed, open the GUI, else accept a chat command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function Cryolysis3:ChatCommand(msg) if not input or input:trim() == "" then -- We're opening config dialogue LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):Open("Cryolysis3"); else -- We have a chat command LibStub("AceConfigCmd-3.0").HandleCommand(Cryolysis3, "cryo", "cryolysis", "cryo3", "cryolysis3", msg); end end
Locales ['pl'] = { ['voice'] = '~y~Głos: ~s~%s', ['normal'] = 'normalny', ['shout'] = 'krzyk', ['whisper'] = 'szept', }
return { postgres = { up = [[ ALTER TABLE IF EXISTS ONLY "basicauth_credentials" ALTER "created_at" TYPE TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE USING "created_at" AT TIME ZONE 'UTC', ALTER "created_at" SET DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0) AT TIME ZONE 'UTC'; -- Unique constraint on "username" already adds btree index DROP INDEX IF EXISTS "basicauth_username_idx"; ]], }, cassandra = { up = [[ ]], }, }
require("tokenize") require("parse") while true do io.write("%> ") local line ="l") if line == "exit" then break end local tokens = Tokenize(line) local ast = Parse(tokens) end
require "suproxy.utils.stringUtils" local _M={} local printFlag="___printted" --format and print table in json style function _M.printTableF(tab,options,layer,map) options=options or {} local printIndex=options.printIndex or false local layer=layer or 1 local stopLayer=options.stopLayer or 0xffff local inline=options.inline or false local wrap= (not inline) and "\r\n" or "" local tabb= (not inline) and "\t" or "" local justLen=options.justLen or false local ascii=options.ascii or true local excepts=options.excepts or {} local map=map or {} local includes=options.includes local logStr="" if layer>stopLayer then return logStr end if type(tab)=="table" and (not map[tostring(tab)]) then map[tostring(tab)]="" local i=1 local isList=true local shortList=true for k, v in pairs(tab) do if k~=i then isList=false break end if type(v)=="table" then shortList=false end i=i+1 end --no item in table if i==1 then isList,shortList =false,false end if not tab.__orderred then for k, v in pairs(tab) do local skip=false k=tostring(k) for _,e in ipairs(excepts) do if k:match(e) then skip=true break end end if includes then local inWhiteList=false for _,e in ipairs(includes) do if k:match(e) then inWhiteList=true end end skip=not inWhiteList end if not skip then if not isList or not shortList then logStr=logStr..wrap..string.rep(tabb,layer) end if not isList then logStr=logStr.."\""..k.."\":" end --print(string.rep(" ",layer),k,":",tostring(v)) logStr=logStr.._M.printTableF(v,options,layer+1,map) logStr=logStr.."," end end else for k, v in ipairs(tab) do local skip=false for _,e in ipairs(excepts) do if v.key:match(e) then skip=true break end end if includes then local inWhiteList=false for _,e in ipairs(includes) do if v.key:match(e) then inWhiteList=true end end skip=not inWhiteList end if not skip then if not isList or not shortList then logStr=logStr..wrap..string.rep(tabb,layer) end if not isList then logStr=logStr.."\""..v.key.."\":" end logStr=logStr.._M.printTableF(v.value,options,layer+1,map) logStr=logStr.."," end end end if printIndex and getmetatable(tab) and getmetatable(tab).__index then if not isList or not shortList then logStr=logStr..wrap..string.rep(tabb,layer) end if not isList then logStr=logStr.."\"__index\":" end logStr=logStr.._M.printTableF(getmetatable(tab).__index,options,layer+1,map).."," end if #logStr >0 then logStr=logStr:sub(1,#logStr-1) end logStr=(isList and "[" or "{")..logStr if not isList or not shortList then logStr=logStr..wrap..string.rep(tabb,layer-1) end logStr=logStr..(isList and "]" or "}")..tostring(tab) elseif type(tab)=="string" then logStr="[Len:""]"..logStr if not justLen then if #tab<40 then logStr=logStr.."\""..(ascii and tab:ascii(true) or tostring(tab)).."\"".."[""]" else logStr=logStr..wrap..string.rep(tabb,layer-1).."\""..(ascii and tab:ascii(true) or tostring(tab)).."\""..wrap..string.rep(tabb,layer-1).."[""]" end end elseif type(tab)=="number" then logStr=logStr..string.dec2hexF(tab) else logStr=logStr..tostring(tab) end return logStr end --nil and table compatible concat function _M.concat(tab,splitter) local rs={} for i=1,#tab do local v=tab[i] v = v or "nil" v=(type(v)=="table") and tostring(tab) or v rs[#rs +1]=v end return table.concat(rs,splitter) end --add index to table, then you can use the index to get item function _M.addIndex(tab,key) local lookUps={} for k,v in pairs(tab) do lookUps[v[key]]=v end local index local mt repeat mt=getmetatable(tab) if mt then index=mt.__index tab=index end until not index setmetatable(tab,{__index=lookUps}) end --imitate extends keyword in java --copy parents method into subclass if not exists in subclass --set __base as the base class --limitation : any method add after extends method can't call sub class's override method function _M.extends(o,parent) assert(o,"object can not be null") assert(parent,"parent can not be null") for k,v in pairs(parent) do if not o[k] then o[k]=v end end -- if not o.orderred then -- setmetatable(o,{__index=parent}) -- else -- local index=getmetatable(o).__index -- setmetatable(index,{__index=parent}) -- end o.__base=parent return o end --order table: item key can not be Number _M.OrderedTable={ new=function(self,o) local o=o or {} local k_i={} local meta={ __index=self, __newindex=function(t,k,v) assert(type(k)~="number") rawset(k_i,k,#t+1) rawset(t,k,v) rawset(t,#t+1,{key=k,value=v}) end, __k_i=k_i } o.__orderred=true return setmetatable(o,meta) end, getIndex=function(self,k) assert(type(k)~="number") local k_i=getmetatable(self).__k_i return k_i[k] end, getKVTable=function(self) local rs for i,v in ipairs(self) do rs[v.key]=v.value end return rs end, remove=function(self,k) assert(type(k)~="number") local k_i=getmetatable(self).__k_i local removeIndex=k_i[k] table.remove(self,removeIndex) rawset(k_i,k,nil) rawset(self,k,nil) for i=removeIndex,#self do k_i[self[i].key]=i end return end } _M.unitTest={} function _M.unitTest.OrderedTable() local t=_M.OrderedTable:new() t.A=1 t.B=2 t.C=3 t.D=4 t.E=5 print(_M.printTableF(t)) assert(t[1].key=="A",t[1].key) assert(t[2].key=="B",t[2].key) assert(t[3].key=="C",t[3].key) assert(#t==5,#t) t:remove("B") print(_M.printTableF(t)) assert(t[1].key=="A",t[1].key) assert(t[2].key=="C",t[2].key) assert(t[3].key=="D",t[3].key) assert(#t==4) end function _M.unitTest.concat() local t={[1]=1,[2]="",[3]=nil,[4]="abc",[5]=4524354326} assert(_M.concat(t,";")=="1;;nil;abc;4524354326",_M.concat(t,";")) end function _M.test() for k,v in pairs(_M.unitTest) do print("------------running "..k) v() print("------------"..k.." finished") end end return _M
storm_basic_attack = class({}) storm_ex_basic_attack = class({}) LinkLuaModifier("modifier_storm_basic_attack_cooldown", "abilities/heroes/storm/storm_basic_attack/modifier_storm_basic_attack_cooldown", LUA_MODIFIER_MOTION_NONE) LinkLuaModifier("modifier_storm_ex_basic_attack", "abilities/heroes/storm/storm_basic_attack/modifier_storm_ex_basic_attack", LUA_MODIFIER_MOTION_NONE) function storm_basic_attack:GetCastPoint() if IsServer() then return self.BaseClass.GetCastPoint(self) + self:GetCaster():GetAttackAnimationPoint() end end function storm_basic_attack:GetCooldown(iLevel) if IsServer() then local attacks_per_second = self:GetCaster():GetAttacksPerSecond() local attack_speed = (1 / attacks_per_second) return self.BaseClass.GetCooldown(self, self:GetLevel()) + attack_speed end end function storm_basic_attack:GetCastAnimationCustom() return ACT_DOTA_ATTACK end function storm_basic_attack:GetPlaybackRateOverride() return 1.5 end function storm_basic_attack:GetCastPointSpeed() return 10 end function storm_basic_attack:GetAnimationTranslate() return "overload" end function storm_basic_attack:GetIntrinsicModifierName() return "modifier_storm_basic_attack_cooldown" end function storm_basic_attack:OnSpellStart() self:LaunchProjectile(self:GetCaster():GetOrigin(), CustomAbilitiesLegacy:GetCursorPosition(self)) end function storm_basic_attack:LaunchProjectile(origin, point) local caster = self:GetCaster() local projectile_speed = self:GetSpecialValueFor("projectile_speed") local projectile_direction = Direction2D(origin, point) local mana_gain_pct = self:GetSpecialValueFor("mana_gain_pct") local radius = self:GetSpecialValueFor("radius") local fading_slow_duration = self:GetSpecialValueFor("fading_slow_duration") local fading_slow_pct = self:GetSpecialValueFor("fading_slow_pct") local is_charged = caster:FindModifierByName("modifier_storm_basic_attack_cooldown"):IsCooldownReady() local projectile_particle = "particles/storm/storm_basic_attack.vpcf" if is_charged then projectile_particle = "particles/storm/storm_basic_attack_charged.vpcf" end local damage = caster:GetAverageTrueAttackDamage(caster) local damage_table_aoe = { damage = self:GetSpecialValueFor("aoe_damage"), damage_type = DAMAGE_TYPE_PURE, } CustomEntitiesLegacy:ProjectileAttack(caster, { bIsBasicAttack = true, tProjectile = { EffectName = projectile_particle, vSpawnOrigin = origin + Vector(projectile_direction.x * 45, projectile_direction.y * 45, 96), fDistance = self:GetSpecialValueFor("projectile_distance") ~= 0 and self:GetSpecialValueFor("projectile_distance") or self:GetCastRange(Vector(0,0,0), nil), fStartRadius = 70,--self:GetSpecialValueFor("hitbox"), Source = caster, vVelocity = projectile_direction * projectile_speed, UnitBehavior = PROJECTILES_DESTROY, TreeBehavior = PROJECTILES_NOTHING, WallBehavior = PROJECTILES_DESTROY, GroundBehavior = PROJECTILES_NOTHING, fGroundOffset = 0, UnitTest = function(_self, unit) return unit:GetUnitName() ~= "npc_dummy_unit" and not CustomEntitiesLegacy:Allies(_self.Source, unit) end, OnUnitHit = function(_self, unit) CustomEntitiesLegacy:AttackWithBaseDamage(caster, { hTarget = unit, hAbility = self, }) if _self.Source == caster then if CustomEntitiesLegacy:ProvidesMana(unit) then CustomEntitiesLegacy:GiveManaAndEnergyPercent(caster, mana_gain_pct, true) end if caster:HasModifier('modifier_storm_ultimate') then local extra_mana_pct = mana_gain_pct * (caster:FindModifierByName('modifier_storm_ultimate'):GetManaMultiplier() - 1) if CustomEntitiesLegacy:ProvidesMana(unit) then CustomEntitiesLegacy:GiveManaPercent(caster, mana_gain_pct, true, true) end end end if is_charged then local enemies = CustomEntitiesLegacy:FindUnitsInRadius( _self.Source, _self:GetPosition(), radius, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_TEAM_ENEMY, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_HERO + DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_BASIC, DOTA_UNIT_TARGET_FLAG_NONE, FIND_ANY_ORDER ) damage_table_aoe.attacker = _self.Source for _,enemy in pairs(enemies) do enemy:AddNewModifier(_self.Source, self, "modifier_generic_fading_slow", { duration = fading_slow_duration, max_slow_pct = fading_slow_pct }) damage_table_aoe.victim = enemy ApplyDamage(damage_table_aoe) end local groundPosition = GetGroundPosition(_self:GetPosition(), _self.Source) CreateRadiusMarker(_self.Source, groundPosition, radius, RADIUS_SCOPE_PUBLIC, 0.1) ScreenShake(groundPosition, 100, 300, 0.45, 1000, 0, true) EFX("particles/units/heroes/hero_void_spirit/voidspirit_overload_discharge.vpcf", PATTACH_WORLDORIGIN, _self.Source, { cp0 = _self:GetPosition(), release = true, }) end end, OnFinish = function(_self, pos) self:PlayEffectsOnFinish(pos) end, } }) self:PlayEffectsOnCast(is_charged) end function storm_basic_attack:PlayEffectsOnCast(isCharged) EmitSoundOn("Hero_StormSpirit.Attack", self:GetCaster()) if isCharged then EmitSoundOn("Hero_StormSpirit.StaticRemnantExplode", self:GetCaster()) end end function storm_basic_attack:PlayEffectsOnFinish(pos) local caster = self:GetCaster() EmitSoundOnLocationWithCaster(pos, "Hero_StormSpirit.ProjectileImpact", caster) local particle_cast = "particles/units/heroes/hero_stormspirit/stormspirit_base_attack_explosion.vpcf" local effect_cast = ParticleManager:CreateParticle(particle_cast, PATTACH_ABSORIGIN, caster) ParticleManager:SetParticleControl(effect_cast, 3, pos) ParticleManager:ReleaseParticleIndex(effect_cast) end function storm_ex_basic_attack:OnSpellStart() self:GetCaster():AddNewModifier(self:GetCaster(), self, 'modifier_storm_ex_basic_attack', {}) EmitSoundOn("Hero_StormSpirit.StaticRemnantPlant", self:GetCaster()) end if IsClient() then require("wrappers/abilities") end Abilities.Castpoint(storm_basic_attack) Abilities.Castpoint(storm_ex_basic_attack)
local isLocating = false local WAYPOINTLOC = { } local DistToPoint = 0 local TRACKELEMENT = nil function createWaypointLoc ( x, y, z ) TRACKELEMENT = nil local px, py, pz = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( px, py, x, y ) if ( dist <= 20 ) then exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "You're only "..tostring(math.floor(dist)).." meters from that location.", 255, 255, 255 ) return false; end if ( isLocating ) then waypointUnlocate ( ) end isLocating = true waypointBlip = exports.customblips:createCustomBlip ( x, y, 10, 10, "files/waypoint.png", 9999999999 ) WAYPOINTLOC = { x=x, y=y } addEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, onWaypointRender ) return true; end function waypointIsTracking ( ) return isLocating end local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local textY = sy/1.1 local waypointUpdateTick = getTickCount ( ); function waypointUnlocate ( ) if ( not isLocating ) then return end WAYPOINTLOC = { } DistToPoint = 0 isLocating = false removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, onWaypointRender ) exports.customblips:destroyCustomBlip ( waypointBlip ) TRACKELEMENT = nil end function setWaypointAttachedToElement ( element ) if ( not isElement ( element ) ) then return false end TRACKELEMENT = element return true end function onWaypointRender ( ) if ( not isLocating or not WAYPOINTLOC ) then removeEventHandler ( "onClientRender", root, onWaypointRender ) return end local px, py, _ = getElementPosition ( localPlayer ) local x, y = WAYPOINTLOC.x, WAYPOINTLOC.y if ( TRACKELEMENT ) then if ( not isElement ( TRACKELEMENT ) ) then waypointUnlocate ( ) exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "The player/thing you were tracking no longer exists.", 255, 0, 0 ) return else x, y, _ = getElementPosition ( TRACKELEMENT ) if ( getTickCount ( ) - waypointUpdateTick >= 2000 ) then waypointUpdateTick = getTickCount ( ); exports.customblips:setCustomBlipPosition ( waypointBlip, x, y ); end end end local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( x, y, px, py ) if ( dist <= 15 ) then waypointUnlocate ( ) exports.NGMessages:sendClientMessage ( "You have reached your destination!", 0, 255, 0 ) end if ( isPedInVehicle ( localPlayer ) ) then if ( textY > sy/1.2 ) then textY = textY - 2 if ( textY < sy/1.2 ) then textY = sy/1.2 end end else if ( textY < sy/1.1 ) then textY = textY + 2 if ( textY > sy/1.1 ) then textY = sy/1.1 end end end local dist = math.floor ( dist ) local t = "You're "..tostring(convertNumber(dist)).." meters from your destination" dxDrawText ( t, 0, 0, sx/1.03+1, textY+1, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ), 1, "default-bold", "right", "bottom" ) dxDrawText ( t, 0, 0, sx/1.03, textY, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "default-bold", "right", "bottom" ) end function convertNumber ( number ) local formatted = number while true do formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2') if ( k==0 ) then break end end return formatted end
-- s-300pmu2 92h6e tr (truck) GT = {}; = 0; set_recursive_metatable(GT, GT_t.generic_stationary); set_recursive_metatable(GT.chassis, GT_t.CH_t.STATIC); = 4; GT.visual.shape = "92n6_truck"; GT.visual.shape_dstr = "30h6_truck_d"; GT.visual.fire_pos[2] = 1; GT.snd.radarRotation = "RadarRotation"; GT.sensor = {}; GT.sensor.max_range_finding_target = 270000; GT.sensor.min_range_finding_target = 200; GT.sensor.max_alt_finding_target = 90000; GT.sensor.height = 9.63; --Burning after hit GT.visual.fire_size = 0.5; --relative burning size GT.visual.fire_pos[1] = 0; -- center of burn at long axis shift(meters) GT.visual.fire_pos[2] = 0; -- center of burn shift at vertical shift(meters) GT.visual.fire_pos[3] = 0; -- center of burn at transverse axis shift(meters) GT.visual.fire_time = 900; --burning time (seconds) GT.CustomAimPoint = {0,1.5,0} -- weapon systems GT.WS = {}; GT.WS.maxTargetDetectionRange = 270000; GT.WS.radar_type = 102; -- We would like to engage targets using the radar without locking them up -- But how can we do this? -- It turns out that the beamWidth parameter of the LN object, when set to zero, will result in a target not -- getting a lock or launch warning when engaged using command-guided (headValue = 8) missiles. -- But then, we have a different problem: the radar has no detectable emissions at all! -- To circumvent this issue, we can have the first WS on the unit be a dummy, which is not hooked up to the animations -- and has an engagement area volume of zero (distanceMin = distanceMax) -- The unit must also have the radar_rotation_type set to 0. -- 0 tracker, dummy local ws = GT_t.inc_ws(); GT.WS[ws] = {}; GT.WS[ws].pos = {0,5,0}; GT.WS[ws].angles = { {math.rad(180), math.rad(-180), math.rad(-10), math.rad(80)}, }; GT.WS[ws].drawArgument1 = 0; GT.WS[ws].omegaY = 0.174533; GT.WS[ws].omegaZ = 0.174533; GT.WS[ws].pidY = { p = 10, i = 0.1, d = 4}; GT.WS[ws].pidZ = { p = 10, i = 0.1, d = 4}; GT.WS[ws].LN = {}; GT.WS[ws].LN[1] = {}; GT.WS[ws].LN[1].depends_on_unit = {{{"S-300PMU1 54K6 cp"},},{{"S-300PS 54K6 cp"},},{{"S-300PMU2 54K6E2 cp"},},}; GT.WS[ws].LN[1].reactionTime = 0.1; GT.WS[ws].LN[1].max_number_of_missiles_channels = 2; GT.WS[ws].LN[1].type = 102; GT.WS[ws].LN[1].distanceMin = 2000; GT.WS[ws].LN[1].distanceMax = 270000; GT.WS[ws].LN[1].reflection_limit = 0.02; GT.WS[ws].LN[1].ECM_K = 0.4; GT.WS[ws].LN[1].min_trg_alt = 25; GT.WS[ws].LN[1].max_trg_alt = 90000; GT.WS[ws].LN[1].beamWidth = math.rad(90); -- "The S-300PMU-2 is referred in the West as SA-20B Gargoyle. The systems' fire control radar can detect 100 targets, track and engage 36 of them and guide 72 missiles. -- It is worth noting that earlier radars of the S-300 family could simultaneously engage only 6 targets and guide 12 missiles." for i = 1,35 do -- 35 tracker's ws = GT_t.inc_ws(); GT.WS[ws] = {} GT.WS[ws].base = 1 GT.WS[ws].pos = {0,0,0} GT.WS[ws].angles = { {math.rad(45), math.rad(-45), math.rad(-10), math.rad(80)}, }; GT.WS[ws].omegaY = 3 GT.WS[ws].omegaZ = 3 GT.WS[ws].LN = {} GT.WS[ws].LN[1] = {} set_recursive_metatable(GT.WS[ws].LN[1], GT.WS[1].LN[1]) end --for GT.Name = "S-300PMU2 92H6E tr"; GT.DisplayName = _("SAM SA-20B S-300PMU2 Grave Stone(truck) TR"); GT.DisplayNameShort = _("SA-20B TR"); GT.Rate = 20; GT.Sensors = { RADAR = "S-300PMU2 92H6E tr", }; GT.DetectionRange = GT.sensor.max_range_finding_target; GT.ThreatRange = 0; GT.mapclasskey = "P0091000083"; GT.attribute = {wsType_Ground,wsType_SAM,wsType_Radar,V_40B6M, "LR SAM", "SAM TR", "RADAR_BAND1_FOR_ARM", "CustomAimPoint", }; GT.category = "Air Defence"; GT.tags = { "Air Defence", "Tracking Radar" };
-- Ctrl-Q in conemu to reload Clink Lua scripts -- Clink match generators: -- Strings: -- Patterns: -- Escaping: -- local: -- git commands which will autocomplete branch names after them: local git_commands = {"checkout", "co", "merge", "branch -d", "branch -D"} function git_checkout_match_generator(text, first, last) local commandLine = rl_state.line_buffer --print("git_checkout_match_generator", text, first, last, "commandLine:", commandLine)--debug -- match "git rebase" parameters if commandLine:find("git rebase ", 1, true) == 1 then local matchedRebaseParam = false for _,rebaseParam in pairs({"--continue", "--skip", "--abort"}) do if rebaseParam:find(text, 1, true) then clink.add_match(rebaseParam) matchedRebaseParam = true end end if matchedRebaseParam then return true end end local matchedCommand = false for _,command in pairs(git_commands) do local commandFirst, commandLast = commandLine:find("git " .. command .. " ", 1, true) -- use plain-text find, so I don't have to escape "-" in the list of commands above if commandFirst == 1 then -- the command must start at the beginning of the line (and I couldn't just use ^ in the pattern, since I used plain-text find) matchedCommand = true break end end local matchedBranches = false if matchedCommand then for line in io.popen("git branch -a 2>nul"):lines() do local branch = line:match("[%* ] (.+)$") if not branch:find("HEAD", 1, true) then branch = string.gsub(branch, "remotes/origin/", "") if branch:find(text, 1, true) then matchedBranches = true clink.add_match(branch) end end end end return matchedBranches end clink.register_match_generator(git_checkout_match_generator, 10)
function widget:GetInfo() return { name = "Unit Stats", desc = "Shows detailed unit stats", author = "Niobium + Doo", date = "Jan 11, 2009", version = 1.7, license = "GNU GPL, v2 or later", layer = -9999999999, enabled = true, -- loaded by default? } end include("keysym.h.lua") ----v1.7 by Doo changes -- Reverted "Added beamtime to oRld value to properly count dps of BeamLaser weapons" because reload starts at the beginning of the beamtime -- Reduced the "minimal" reloadTime to properly calculate dps for low reloadtime weapons -- Hid range from gui for explosion (death/selfd) as it is irrelevant. ----v1.6 by Doo changes -- Fixed crashing when hovering some enemy units ----v1.5 by Doo changes -- Fixed some issues with the add of BeamTime values -- Added a 1/30 factor to stockpiling weapons (seems like the lua wDef.stockpileTime is in frames while the weaponDefs uses seconds) Probably the 1/30 value in older versions wasnt a "min reloadtime" but the 1/30 factor for stockpile weapons with a typo ----v1.4 by Doo changes -- Added beamtime to oRld value to properly count dps of BeamLaser weapons ---- v1.3 changes -- Fix for 87.0 -- Added display of experience effect (when experience >25%) ---- v1.2 changes -- Fixed drains for burst weapons (Removed 0.125 minimum) -- Show remaining costs for units under construction ---- v1.1 changes -- Added extra text to help explain numbers -- Added grouping of duplicate weapons -- Added sonar radius -- Fixed radar/jammer detection -- Fixed stockpiling unit drains -- Fixed turnrate/acceleration scale -- Fixed very low reload times ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Globals ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local fontSize = 13 local useSelection = true local customFontSize = 13 local textDistance = 0 local cX, cY local vsx, vsy = gl.GetViewSizes() local widgetScale = (0.60 + (vsx*vsy / 5000000)) local xOffset = (32 + (fontSize*0.9))*widgetScale local yOffset = -((32 - (fontSize*0.9))*widgetScale) local DAMAGE_PERIOD ,weaponInfo = VFS.Include('LuaRules/Configs/area_damage_defs.lua', nil, VFS.RAW_FIRST) local oldUnitpicsDir = LUAUI_DIRNAME.."Images/oldunitpics/" local OtaIconExist = {} local onlytarget = {} for i=1,#UnitDefs do if VFS.FileExists(oldUnitpicsDir..UnitDefs[i].name..'.png') then OtaIconExist[i] = oldUnitpicsDir..UnitDefs[i].name..'.png' --Spring.Echo("Icon Path ",oldUnitpicsDir..UnitDefs[i].name..'.png') end end local pos = nil local dummyUnitID = nil local dummyRange = {} local modConfig, colorConfig = include("Configs/defensive_range_defs.lua") local currentMod = string.upper(Game.modShortName or "") local pplants = { ["aafus"] = true, ["talon_afus"] = true, ["talon_ckfus"] = true, ["talon_advsolar"] = true, ["talon_sfus"] = true, ["talon_efus"] = true, ["talon_ufus"] = true, ["talon_mohogeo"] = true, ["talon_pyroclastic"] = true, ["afusionplant"] = true, ["amgeo"] = true, ["armadvsol"] = true, ["armfor"] = true, ["armfus"] = true, ["armgeo"] = true, ["armgmm"] = true, ["armsolar"] = true, ["armtide"] = true, ["armuwfus"] = true, ["armuwfus1"] = true, ["armwin"] = true, ["cafus"] = true, ["cfusionplant"] = true, ["cmgeo"] = true, ["coradvsol"] = true, ["corbhmth"] = true, ["corfus"] = true, ["corgeo"] = true, ["corsolar"] = true, ["talon_solar"] = true, ["cortide"] = true, ["talon_tide"] = true, ["talon_tide1"] = true, ["talon_uwfus"] = true, ["coruwfus"] = true, ["corwin"] = true, ["talon_win"] = true, ["talon_win1"] = true, ["crnns"] = true, ["tlladvsolar"] = true, ["tllatidal"] = true, ["tllcoldfus"] = true, ["tllgeo"] = true, ["talon_geo"] = true, ["tllmedfusion"] = true, ["tllmegacoldfus"] = true, ["tllmohogeo"] = true, ["tllsolar"] = true, ["tlltide"] = true, ["tlluwfusion"] = true, ["tllwin"] = true, ["tllwin1"] = true, ["corawin"] = true, ["armawin"] = true, ["coratidal"] = true, ["armatidal"] = true, ["armlightfus"] = true, ["armuwlightfus"] = true, ["corlightfus"] = true, ["coruwlightfus"] = true, ["armgen"] = true, ["corgen"] = true, ["tllgen"] = true, ["talon_gen"] = true, ["corgeo_mini"] = true, ["armgeo_mini"] = true, ["tllgeo_mini"] = true, ["talon_geo_mini"] = true, ["armsolar"] = true, ["corsolar"] = true, ["crnns"] = true, ["tllsolar"] = true, ["tlladvsolar"] = true, ["armefus"] = true, ["corefus"] = true, ["tllefus"] = true, ["tllgeo_armored"] = true, --T5 ["corufus"] = true, ["armufus"] = true, ["tllufus"] = true, ["talon_ufus"] = true, --Gok ["gok_solar"] = true, ["gok_advsolar"] = true, ["gok_fus"] = true, ["gok_gen"] = true, ["gok_geo_mini"] = true, ["gok_geo"] = true, --["gok_gen"] = true, } local tidalStrength = Game.tidal local windMin = Game.windMin local windMax = Game.windMax ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Speedups ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local bgcorner = "LuaUI/Images/bgcorner.png" local white = '\255\255\255\255' local grey = '\255\190\190\190' local green = '\255\1\255\1' local yellow = '\255\255\255\1' local orange = '\255\255\128\1' local blue = '\255\128\128\255' local metalColor = '\255\196\196\255' -- Light blue local energyColor = '\255\255\255\128' -- Light yellow local buildColor = '\255\128\255\128' -- Light green local simSpeed = Game.gameSpeed local max = math.max local floor = math.floor local ceil = math.ceil local format = string.format local char = string.char local glColor = gl.Color local glText = gl.Text local glTexture = gl.Texture local glRect = gl.Rect local glTexRect = gl.TexRect local spGetMyTeamID = Spring.GetMyTeamID local spGetTeamResources = Spring.GetTeamResources local spGetTeamInfo = Spring.GetTeamInfo local spGetPlayerInfo = Spring.GetPlayerInfo local spGetTeamColor = Spring.GetTeamColor local spGetModKeyState = Spring.GetModKeyState local spGetMouseState = Spring.GetMouseState local spTraceScreenRay = Spring.TraceScreenRay local spGetSelectedUnits = Spring.GetSelectedUnits local spGetSelectedUnitsCount = Spring.GetSelectedUnitsCount local spGetUnitDefID = Spring.GetUnitDefID local spGetUnitExp = Spring.GetUnitExperience local spGetUnitHealth = Spring.GetUnitHealth local spGetUnitTeam = Spring.GetUnitTeam local spGetUnitExperience = Spring.GetUnitExperience local spGetUnitSensorRadius = Spring.GetUnitSensorRadius local spGetUnitWeaponState = Spring.GetUnitWeaponState local uDefs = UnitDefs local wDefs = WeaponDefs local triggerKey = KEYSYMS.SPACE local myTeamID = Spring.GetMyTeamID local spGetTeamRulesParam = Spring.GetTeamRulesParam local spGetTooltip = Spring.GetCurrentTooltip local vsx, vsy = Spring.GetViewGeometry() local maxWidth = 0 local textBuffer = {} local textBufferCount = 0 local spec = Spring.GetSpectatingState() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function RectRound(px,py,sx,sy,cs) local px,py,sx,sy,cs = math.floor(px),math.floor(py),math.floor(sx),math.floor(sy),math.floor(cs) gl.Rect(px+cs, py, sx-cs, sy) gl.Rect(sx-cs, py+cs, sx, sy-cs) gl.Rect(px+cs, py+cs, px, sy-cs) gl.Texture(bgcorner) gl.TexRect(px, py+cs, px+cs, py) -- top left gl.TexRect(sx, py+cs, sx-cs, py) -- top right gl.TexRect(px, sy-cs, px+cs, sy) -- bottom left gl.TexRect(sx, sy-cs, sx-cs, sy) -- bottom right gl.Texture(false) end local function DrawText(t1, t2) textBufferCount = textBufferCount + 1 textBuffer[textBufferCount] = {t1,t2,cX,cY} cY = cY - fontSize maxWidth = max(maxWidth, (gl.GetTextWidth(t1)*fontSize), (gl.GetTextWidth(t2)*fontSize)+(fontSize*6.5+textDistance)) end local function DrawTextBuffer() local num = #textBuffer for i=1, num do glText(textBuffer[i][1], textBuffer[i][3], textBuffer[i][4], fontSize, "o") glText(textBuffer[i][2], textBuffer[i][3] + (fontSize*6.5)+textDistance, textBuffer[i][4], fontSize, "o") end end local function GetTeamColorCode(teamID) if not teamID then return "\255\255\255\255" end local R, G, B = spGetTeamColor(teamID) if not R then return "\255\255\255\255" end R = floor(R * 255) G = floor(G * 255) B = floor(B * 255) if (R < 11) then R = 11 end -- Note: char(10) terminates string if (G < 11) then G = 11 end if (B < 11) then B = 11 end return "\255" .. char(R) .. char(G) .. char(B) end local function GetTeamName(teamID) if not teamID then return 'Error:NoTeamID' end local _, teamLeader = spGetTeamInfo(teamID) if not teamLeader then return 'Error:NoLeader' end local leaderName = spGetPlayerInfo(teamLeader) return leaderName or 'Error:NoName' end local guishaderEnabled = false -- not a config var function RemoveGuishader() if guishaderEnabled and WG['guishader_api'] ~= nil then WG['guishader_api'].RemoveRect('unit_stats_title') WG['guishader_api'].RemoveRect('unit_stats_data') guishaderEnabled = false end end local darkOpacity = 0 function SetOpacity(dark,light) darkOpacity = dark end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Code ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function widget:Initialize() widgetHandler:RegisterGlobal('SetOpacity_Unit_Stats', SetOpacity) if not WG["background_opacity_custom"] then WG["background_opacity_custom"] = {0,0,0,0.5} end init() end function widget:Shutdown() widgetHandler:DeregisterGlobal('SetOpacity_Unit_Stats', SetOpacity) RemoveGuishader() end function widget:PlayerChanged() spec = Spring.GetSpectatingState() end function init() vsx, vsy = gl.GetViewSizes() widgetScale = (0.60 + (vsx*vsy / 5000000)) fontSize = customFontSize * widgetScale bgcornerSize = fontSize*0.45 bgpadding = fontSize*0.9 xOffset = (32 + bgpadding)*widgetScale yOffset = -((32 + bgpadding)*widgetScale) end function widget:ViewResize(x,y) init() end function widget:DrawScreen() local alt, ctrl, meta, shift = spGetModKeyState() if not meta then --WG.hoverID = nil dummyUnitID = nil RemoveGuishader() return end local mx, my = spGetMouseState() local uID local rType, unitID = spTraceScreenRay(mx, my) if rType == 'unit' then uID = unitID end --if spec and useSelection then -- local selUnits = spGetSelectedUnits() -- if #selUnits >= 1 then -- uID = selUnits[1] -- end --end local useHoverID = false local morphID = false dummyUnitID = nil local _, activeID = Spring.GetActiveCommand() local text = Spring.GetCurrentTooltip() local expMorphPat = "UnitDefID (%d+)\n" local morphDefID = tonumber(text:match(expMorphPat)) or nil if not activeID then activeID = 0 end if not uID then if morphDefID then uID = nil useHoverID = false morphID = true local selUnits = spGetSelectedUnits() if #selUnits >= 1 then dummyUnitID = selUnits[1] end elseif (not WG.hoverID) and not (activeID < 0) then RemoveGuishader() return elseif WG.hoverID and WG.hoverID < 0 and not (activeID < 0) then uID = nil useHoverID = true morphID = false elseif activeID < 0 then uID = nil useHoverID = false morphID = false end end local useExp = ctrl local uDefID = (uID and spGetUnitDefID(uID)) or (useHoverID and -WG.hoverID) or (UnitDefs[-activeID] and -activeID) or (morphID and morphDefID) if not uDefID then RemoveGuishader() return end if uID then textDistance = 0 local uDef = uDefs[uDefID] local uCurHp, uMaxHp, _, _, buildProg = spGetUnitHealth(uID) local uTeam = spGetUnitTeam(uID) local _, xp = Spring.GetUnitExperience(uID) maxWidth = 0 cX = mx + xOffset cY = my + yOffset cYstart = cY local titleFontSize = fontSize*1.12 local cornersize = ceil(bgpadding*0.21) cY = cY - 2 * titleFontSize textBuffer = {} textBufferCount = 0 if(WG.energyConversion) then local makerTemp = WG.energyConversion.convertCapacities[uDefID] local curAvgEffi = spGetTeamRulesParam(myTeamID(), 'mmAvgEffi') local avgCR = 0.015 if(makerTemp) then DrawText(orange .. "Metal maker properties", '') DrawText("M- .:", makerTemp.c) DrawText("M-Effi.:", format('%.2f m / 1000 e', makerTemp.e * 1000)) cY = cY - fontSize end if pplants[] then -- Powerplants DrawText(orange .. "Powerplant properties", '') DrawText("CR is metal maker conversion rate", '') local totalEOut = uDef.energyMake if (uDef.tidalGenerator > 0 and tidalStrength > 0) then local mult = 1 -- DEFAULT if uDef.customParams then mult = uDef.customParams.energymultiplier or mult end totalEOut = totalEOut +(tidalStrength * mult) end if (uDef.windGenerator > 0) then local mult = 1 -- DEFAULT if uDef.customParams then mult = uDef.customParams.energymultiplier or mult end local unitWindMin = math.min(windMin, uDef.windGenerator) local unitWindMax = math.min(windMax, uDef.windGenerator) totalEOut = totalEOut + (((unitWindMin + unitWindMax) / 2 ) * mult) end DrawText("Avg. E-Out.:", totalEOut) DrawText("M-Cost.:", uDef.metalCost) DrawText("Avg-Effi.:", format('%.2f%% e / (m + e * avg. CR) ', totalEOut * 100 / (uDef.metalCost + uDef.energyCost * avgCR))) if(curAvgEffi>0) then DrawText("Curr-Effi.:", format('%.2f%% e / (m + e * curr. CR) ', totalEOut * 100 / (uDef.metalCost + uDef.energyCost * curAvgEffi))) end cY = cY - fontSize end if not (#uDef.weapons>0) or uDef.isBuilding or pplants[] then if ((uDef.extractsMetal and uDef.extractsMetal > 0) or (uDef.metalMake and uDef.metalMake > 0) or (uDef.energyMake and uDef.energyMake>0) or (uDef.tidalGenerator and uDef.tidalGenerator > 0) or (uDef.windGenerator and uDef.windGenerator > 0)) then -- Powerplants --DrawText(metalColor .. "Total metal generation efficiency", '') DrawText(metalColor .. "Estimated time of recovering 100% of cost:", '') local totalMOut = uDef.metalMake or 0 local totalEOut = uDef.energyMake or 0 if (uDef.extractsMetal and uDef.extractsMetal > 0) then local metalExtractor = {inc = 0, out = 0, passed= false} local tooltip = spGetTooltip() string.gsub(tooltip, 'Metal: ....%d+%.%d', function(x) string.gsub(x, "%d+%.%d", function(y) = tonumber(y); end) end) string.gsub(tooltip, 'Energy: ....%d+%.%d+..../....-%d+%.%d+', function(x) string.gsub(x, "%d+%.%d", function(y) if (metalExtractor.passed) then metalExtractor.out = tonumber(y); else metalExtractor.passed = true end; end) end) totalMOut = totalMOut + totalEOut = totalEOut - metalExtractor.out end if (uDef.tidalGenerator > 0 and tidalStrength > 0) then local mult = 1 -- DEFAULT if uDef.customParams then mult = uDef.customParams.energymultiplier or mult end totalEOut = totalEOut + tidalStrength * mult end if (uDef.windGenerator > 0) then local mult = 1 -- DEFAULT if uDef.customParams then mult = uDef.customParams.energymultiplier or mult end local unitWindMin = math.min(windMin, uDef.windGenerator) local unitWindMax = math.min(windMax, uDef.windGenerator) totalEOut = totalEOut + ((unitWindMin + unitWindMax) / 2) * mult end if(totalEOut * avgCR + totalMOut > 0) then local avgSec = (uDef.metalCost + uDef.energyCost * avgCR)/(totalEOut * avgCR + totalMOut) local currSec = (uDef.metalCost + uDef.energyCost * curAvgEffi)/(totalEOut * curAvgEffi + totalMOut) DrawText('Average: ', format('%i sec (%i min %i sec)', avgSec, avgSec/60, avgSec%60)) if(curAvgEffi>0) then DrawText('Current: ', format('%i sec (%i min %i sec)', currSec, currSec/60, currSec%60)) end else DrawText('Average: ', "Unknown") end cY = cY - fontSize end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Units under construction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if buildProg and buildProg < 1 then local myTeamID = spGetMyTeamID() local mCur, mStor, mPull, mInc, mExp, mShare, mSent, mRec = spGetTeamResources(myTeamID, 'metal') local eCur, eStor, ePull, eInc, eExp, eShare, eSent, eRec = spGetTeamResources(myTeamID, 'energy') local mTotal = uDef.metalCost local eTotal = uDef.energyCost local buildRem = 1 - buildProg local mRem = mTotal * buildRem local eRem = eTotal * buildRem local mEta = (mRem - mCur) / (mInc + mRec) local eEta = (eRem - eCur) / (eInc + eRec) DrawText("Prog:", format("%d%%", 100 * buildProg)) DrawText("Metal:", format("%d / %d (" .. yellow .. "%d" .. white .. ", %ds)", mTotal * buildProg, mTotal, mRem, mEta)) DrawText("Energy:", format("%d / %d (" .. yellow .. "%d" .. white .. ", %ds)", eTotal * buildProg, eTotal, eRem, eEta)) --DrawText("MaxBP:", format(white .. '%d', buildRem * uDef.buildTime / math.max(mEta, eEta))) cY = cY - fontSize end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generic information, cost, move, class ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --DrawText('Height:', uDefs[spGetUnitDefID(uID)].height) DrawText("Cost:", format(metalColor .. '%d' .. white .. ' / ' .. energyColor .. '%d' .. white .. ' / ' .. buildColor .. '%d', uDef.metalCost, uDef.energyCost, uDef.buildTime) ) if not (uDef.isBuilding or uDef.isFactory) then if not Spring.GetUnitMoveTypeData(uID) then DrawText("Move:", format("%.1f / %.1f / %.0f (Speed / Accel / Turn)", uDef.speed, 900 * uDef.maxAcc, simSpeed * uDef.turnRate * (180 / 32767))) else local mData = Spring.GetUnitMoveTypeData(uID) local mSpeed = mData.maxSpeed or uDef.speed local mAccel = mData.accRate or uDef.maxAcc local mTurnRate = mData.baseTurnRate or uDef.turnRate DrawText("Move:", format("%.1f / %.1f / %.0f (Speed / Accel / Turn)", mSpeed, 900 * mAccel, simSpeed * mTurnRate * (180 / 32767))) end end cY = cY - fontSize DrawText('Build:', yellow .. uDef.buildSpeed) cY = cY - fontSize ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Sensors and Jamming ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local losRadius = spGetUnitSensorRadius(uID, 'los') or 0 local airLosRadius = spGetUnitSensorRadius(uID, 'airLos') or 0 local radarRadius = spGetUnitSensorRadius(uID, 'radar') or 0 local sonarRadius = spGetUnitSensorRadius(uID, 'sonar') or 0 local jammingRadius = spGetUnitSensorRadius(uID, 'radarJammer') or 0 local sonarJammingRadius = spGetUnitSensorRadius(uID, 'sonarJammer') or 0 local seismicRadius = spGetUnitSensorRadius(uID, 'seismic') or 0 DrawText('Los:', losRadius .. (airLosRadius > losRadius and format(' (AirLos: %d)', airLosRadius) or '')) if radarRadius > 0 then DrawText('Radar:', '\255\77\255\77' .. radarRadius) end if sonarRadius > 0 then DrawText('Sonar:', '\255\128\128\255' .. sonarRadius) end if jammingRadius > 0 then DrawText('Jam:' , '\255\255\77\77' .. jammingRadius) end if sonarJammingRadius > 0 then DrawText('Sonar Jam:', '\255\255\77\77' .. sonarJammingRadius) end if seismicRadius > 0 then DrawText('Seis:' , '\255\255\26\255' .. seismicRadius) end if uDef.stealth then DrawText("Other:", "Stealth") end cY = cY - fontSize local uExp = spGetUnitExperience(uID) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DrawText("Armor:", "class " .. Game.armorTypes[uDef.armorType or 0] or '???') local _, spMaxHP = Spring.GetUnitHealth(uID) local maxHP = spMaxHP or if ctrl then maxHP = uMaxHp or '???' end if uExp ~= 0 then if uMaxHp then DrawText("Exp:", format("+%d%% health", (uMaxHp/*100)) else DrawText("Exp: unknown",'\255\255\77\77') end end DrawText("Open:", format("maxHP: %d", maxHP) ) local _, armoredMultiple = Spring.GetUnitArmored(uID) if armoredMultiple and armoredMultiple ~= 1 then DrawText("Closed:", format(" +%d%%, maxHP: %d", (1/armoredMultiple-1) *100,maxHP/armoredMultiple)) elseif uDef.armoredMultiple ~= 1 then DrawText("Closed:", format(" +%d%%, maxHP: %d", (1/uDef.armoredMultiple-1) *100,maxHP/uDef.armoredMultiple)) end cY = cY - fontSize ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local wepCounts = {} -- wepCounts[wepDefID] = # local wepsCompact = {} -- uWepsCompact[1..n] = wepDefID local uWeps = uDef.weapons local weaponNums = {} for i = 1, #uWeps do local wDefID = uWeps[i].weaponDef local wCount = wepCounts[wDefID] if wCount then wepCounts[wDefID] = wCount + 1 else wepCounts[wDefID] = 1 wepsCompact[#wepsCompact + 1] = wDefID weaponNums[#wepsCompact] = i end end local selfDWeaponID = WeaponDefNames[uDef.selfDExplosion].id local deathWeaponID = WeaponDefNames[uDef.deathExplosion].id local selfDWeaponIndex local deathWeaponIndex if shift then wepCounts = {} wepsCompact = {} wepCounts[selfDWeaponID] = 1 wepCounts[deathWeaponID] = 1 deathWeaponIndex = #wepsCompact+1 wepsCompact[deathWeaponIndex] = deathWeaponID selfDWeaponIndex = #wepsCompact+1 wepsCompact[selfDWeaponIndex] = selfDWeaponID end for i = 1, #wepsCompact do local wDefId = wepsCompact[i] local uWep = wDefs[wDefId] if uWep.range > 0 and not"teleport",1,true) then local oBurst = uWep.salvoSize * uWep.projectiles local oRld = max(0.00000000001,uWep.stockpile == true and uWep.stockpileTime/30 or uWep.reload) if useExp and not ((uWep.stockpile and uWep.stockpileTime)) then oRld = spGetUnitWeaponState(uID,weaponNums[i] or -1,"reloadTime") or oRld end local wepCount = wepCounts[wDefId] local typeName = uWep.type local wpnName = uWep.description if i == deathWeaponIndex then wpnName = "Death explosion" oRld = 1 elseif i == selfDWeaponIndex then wpnName = "Self Destruct" oRld = uDef.selfDCountdown end if wepCount > 1 then DrawText("Weap:", format(yellow .. "%dx" .. white .. " %s", wepCount, wpnName)) else DrawText("Weap:", wpnName) end if uWep.coverageRange and uWep.stockpile then DrawText("Anti:", format("%d Interceptor Range", uWep.coverageRange)) end if uWep.coverageRange and uWep.interceptor == 16 then DrawText("MDS:", format("%d Interceptor Range", uWep.coverageRange)) end if uWep.coverageRange and uWep.interceptor == 4 then DrawText("MDS:", format("%d Interceptor Range", uWep.coverageRange)) end if uWep.targetable == 16 then DrawText("MDS:","Is Targetable", '') end local reload = spGetUnitWeaponState(uID,weaponNums[i] or -1,"reloadTime") or uWep.reload local accuracy = spGetUnitWeaponState(uID,weaponNums[i] or -1,"accuracy") or uWep.accuracy local moveError = spGetUnitWeaponState(uID,weaponNums[i] or -1,"targetMoveError") or uWep.targetMoveError local reloadBonus = reload ~= 0 and (uWep.reload/reload-1) or 0 local accuracyBonus = accuracy ~= 0 and (uWep.accuracy/accuracy-1) or 0 local moveErrorBonus = moveError ~= 0 and (uWep.targetMoveError/moveError-1) or 0 local range = spGetUnitWeaponState(uID,weaponNums[i] or -1,"range") or uWep.range local rangeBonus = range ~= 0 and (range/uWep.range-1) or 0 if uExp ~= 0 then DrawText("Exp:", format("+%d%% accuracy, +%d%% aim, +%d%% firerate, +%d%% range", accuracyBonus*100, moveErrorBonus*100, reloadBonus*100, rangeBonus*100 )) end local infoText = "" if wpnName == "Death explosion" or wpnName == "Self Destruct" then infoText = format("%d aoe, %d%% edge", uWep.damageAreaOfEffect, 100 * uWep.edgeEffectiveness) else infoText = format("%d range, %d aoe, %d%% edge", useExp and range or uWep.range, uWep.damageAreaOfEffect, 100 * uWep.edgeEffectiveness) end if uWep.damages.paralyzeDamageTime > 0 then infoText = format("%s, %ds paralyze", infoText, uWep.damages.paralyzeDamageTime) end if uWep.damages.impulseBoost > 0 then infoText = format("%s, %d impulse", infoText, uWep.damages.impulseBoost*100) end if uWep.damages.craterBoost > 0 then infoText = format("%s, %d crater", infoText, uWep.damages.craterBoost*100) end DrawText("Info:", infoText) local defaultDamage = uWep.damages[0] for cat=0, #uWep.damages do local oDmg = uWep.damages[cat] local catName = Game.armorTypes[cat] if catName and oDmg and (oDmg ~= defaultDamage or cat == 0) then local dmgString if oBurst > 1 then dmgString = format(yellow .. "%d (x%d)" .. white .. " / " .. yellow .. "%.2f\s" .. white .. " = " .. yellow .. "%.2f \d\p\s", oDmg, oBurst, oRld, oBurst * oDmg / oRld) else dmgString = format(yellow .. "%d" .. white .. " / " .. yellow .. "%.2f\s" .. white .. " = " .. yellow .. "%.2f \d\p\s", oDmg, oRld, oDmg / oRld) end if wepCount > 1 then dmgString = dmgString .. white .. " (Each)" end dmgString = dmgString .. white .. " (" .. catName .. ")" DrawText("Dmg:", dmgString) end end if uWep.metalCost > 0 or uWep.energyCost > 0 then -- Stockpiling weapons are weird -- They take the correct amount of resources overall -- They take the correct amount of time -- They drain ((simSpeed+2)/simSpeed) times more resources than they should (And the listed drain is real, having lower income than listed drain WILL stall you) local drainAdjust = uWep.stockpile and (simSpeed+2)/simSpeed or 1 DrawText('Cost:', format(metalColor .. '%d' .. white .. ', ' .. energyColor .. '%d' .. white .. ' = ' .. metalColor .. '-%d' .. white .. ', ' .. energyColor .. '-%d' .. white .. ' per second', uWep.metalCost, uWep.energyCost, drainAdjust * uWep.metalCost / oRld, drainAdjust * uWep.energyCost / oRld)) end if (weaponInfo[wDefId]) then local radius = weaponInfo[wDefId].radius local damage = weaponInfo[wDefId].damage local duration = weaponInfo[wDefId].duration DrawText("Area Dmg:", format(white .. "%d aoe, %d max damage per second , %d seconds", radius, damage * 30 / DAMAGE_PERIOD, duration / 30 )) end cY = cY - fontSize end end -- background glColor(WG["background_opacity_custom"]) -- correct position when it goes below screen if cY < 0 then cYstart = cYstart - cY local num = #textBuffer for i=1, num do textBuffer[i][4] = textBuffer[i][4] - (cY/2) textBuffer[i][4] = textBuffer[i][4] - (cY/2) end cY = 0 end -- correct position when it goes off screen if cX + maxWidth+bgpadding+bgpadding > vsx then local cXnew = vsx-maxWidth-bgpadding-bgpadding local num = #textBuffer for i=1, num do textBuffer[i][3] = textBuffer[i][3] - ((cX-cXnew)/2) textBuffer[i][3] = textBuffer[i][3] - ((cX-cXnew)/2) end cX = cXnew end -- title local text = "\255\190\255\190" .. uDef.humanName .. " " .. grey .. .. grey .. " #" .. uID .. " "..GetTeamColorCode(uTeam) .. GetTeamName(uTeam) local iconHalfSize = titleFontSize*0.75 cornersize = 0 glColor(WG["background_opacity_custom"]) RectRound(cX-bgpadding+cornersize, cYstart-bgpadding+cornersize, cX+(gl.GetTextWidth(text)*titleFontSize)+iconHalfSize+iconHalfSize+bgpadding+(bgpadding/1.5)-cornersize, cYstart+(titleFontSize/2)+bgpadding-cornersize, bgcornerSize) cornersize = ceil(bgpadding*0.21) glColor(1,1,1,0.025) RectRound(cX-bgpadding+cornersize, cYstart-bgpadding+cornersize, cX+(gl.GetTextWidth(text)*titleFontSize)+bgpadding-cornersize, cYstart+(titleFontSize/2)+bgpadding-cornersize, bgcornerSize) if (WG['guishader_api'] ~= nil) then guishaderEnabled = true WG['guishader_api'].InsertRect(cX-bgpadding, cYstart-bgpadding, cX+(gl.GetTextWidth(text)*titleFontSize)+bgpadding, cYstart+(titleFontSize/2)+bgpadding, 'unit_stats_title') end -- icon glColor(1,1,1,1) if WG['OtaIcons'] and OtaIconExist[uDefID] then gl.Texture(OtaIconExist[uDefID]) else glTexture('#' .. uDefID) end glTexRect(cX, cYstart+cornersize-iconHalfSize, cX+iconHalfSize+iconHalfSize, cYstart+cornersize+iconHalfSize) glTexture(false) -- title text glColor(1,1,1,1) glText(text, cX+iconHalfSize+iconHalfSize+(bgpadding/1.5), cYstart, titleFontSize, "o") -- stats cornersize = 0 glColor(WG["background_opacity_custom"]) RectRound(floor(cX-bgpadding)+cornersize, ceil(cY+(fontSize/3)+bgpadding)+cornersize, ceil(cX+maxWidth+bgpadding)-cornersize, floor(cYstart-bgpadding)-cornersize, bgcornerSize) cornersize = ceil(bgpadding*0.16) glColor(1,1,1,0.025) RectRound(floor(cX-bgpadding)+cornersize, ceil(cY+(fontSize/3)+bgpadding)+cornersize, ceil(cX+maxWidth+bgpadding)-cornersize, floor(cYstart-bgpadding)-cornersize, bgcornerSize) DrawTextBuffer() if (WG['guishader_api'] ~= nil) then guishaderEnabled = true WG['guishader_api'].InsertRect(cX-bgpadding, cY+(fontSize/3)+bgpadding, cX+maxWidth+bgpadding, cYstart-bgpadding, 'unit_stats_data') end else local uDef = uDefs[uDefID] local uMaxHp = local uTeam = Spring.GetMyTeamID() maxWidth = 0 cX = mx + xOffset cY = my + yOffset cYstart = cY local titleFontSize = fontSize*1.12 local cornersize = ceil(bgpadding*0.21) cY = cY - 2 * titleFontSize textBuffer = {} textBufferCount = 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generic information, cost, move, class ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --DrawText('Height:', uDefs[spGetUnitDefID(uID)].height) DrawText("Cost:", format(metalColor .. '%d' .. white .. ' / ' .. energyColor .. '%d' .. white .. ' / ' .. buildColor .. '%d', uDef.metalCost, uDef.energyCost, uDef.buildTime) ) if not (uDef.isBuilding or uDef.isFactory) then DrawText("Move:", format("%.1f / %.1f / %.0f (Speed / Accel / Turn)", uDef.speed, 900 * uDef.maxAcc, simSpeed * uDef.turnRate * (180 / 32767))) end -- Buildoptions cY = cY - fontSize textDistance = customFontSize * 5 if (uDef.buildOptions and #uDef.buildOptions > 0) then DrawText(orange .."Buildoption:",metalColor ..'Metal' .. white .. ' / ' .. energyColor .. 'Energy' .. white .. ' / ' .. buildColor .. 'Build') cY = cY - fontSize for i=1, #uDef.buildOptions do buildDefID = uDef.buildOptions[i] local bDef = uDefs[buildDefID] DrawText(bDef.humanName, format(metalColor .. '%d' .. white .. ' / ' .. energyColor .. '%d' .. white .. ' / ' .. buildColor .. '%d', bDef.metalCost, bDef.energyCost, bDef.buildTime)) end end cY = cY - fontSize if uDef.buildSpeed > 0 then DrawText('Build:', yellow .. uDef.buildSpeed) end cY = cY - fontSize ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Sensors and Jamming ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local losRadius = uDef.losRadius local airLosRadius = uDef.airLosRadius local radarRadius = uDef.radarRadius local sonarRadius = uDef.sonarRadius local jammingRadius = uDef.jammerRadius local sonarJammingRadius = uDef.sonarJamRadius local seismicRadius = uDef.seismicRadius DrawText('Los:', losRadius .. (airLosRadius > losRadius and format(' (AirLos: %d)', airLosRadius) or '')) if radarRadius > 0 then DrawText('Radar:', '\255\77\255\77' .. radarRadius) end if sonarRadius > 0 then DrawText('Sonar:', '\255\128\128\255' .. sonarRadius) end if jammingRadius > 0 then DrawText('Jam:' , '\255\255\77\77' .. jammingRadius) end if sonarJammingRadius > 0 then DrawText('Sonar Jam:', '\255\255\77\77' .. sonarJammingRadius) end if seismicRadius > 0 then DrawText('Seis:' , '\255\255\26\255' .. seismicRadius) end if uDef.stealth then DrawText("Other:", "Stealth") end cY = cY - fontSize ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Armor ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DrawText("Armor:", "class " .. Game.armorTypes[uDef.armorType or 0] or '???') local maxHP = DrawText("Open:", format("maxHP: %d", maxHP) ) DrawText("Closed:", format(" +%d%%, maxHP: %d", (1/uDef.armoredMultiple-1) *100,maxHP/uDef.armoredMultiple)) cY = cY - fontSize ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Weapons ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local wepCounts = {} -- wepCounts[wepDefID] = # local wepsCompact = {} -- uWepsCompact[1..n] = wepDefID uWeps = uDef.weapons local weaponNums = {} local surface = nil local air = nil for i = 1, #uWeps do surface = uWeps[i].onlyTargets["surface"] air = uWeps[i].onlyTargets["vtol"] local wDefID = uWeps[i].weaponDef local wCount = wepCounts[wDefID] if wCount then wepCounts[wDefID] = wCount + 1 else wepCounts[wDefID] = 1 wepsCompact[#wepsCompact + 1] = wDefID weaponNums[#wepsCompact] = i end end local selfDWeaponID = WeaponDefNames[uDef.selfDExplosion].id local deathWeaponID = WeaponDefNames[uDef.deathExplosion].id local selfDWeaponIndex local deathWeaponIndex if shift then wepCounts = {} wepsCompact = {} wepCounts[selfDWeaponID] = 1 wepCounts[deathWeaponID] = 1 deathWeaponIndex = #wepsCompact+1 wepsCompact[deathWeaponIndex] = deathWeaponID selfDWeaponIndex = #wepsCompact+1 wepsCompact[selfDWeaponIndex] = selfDWeaponID end for i = 1, #wepsCompact do local wDefId = wepsCompact[i] local uWep = wDefs[wDefId] if uWep.range > 0 and not"teleport",1,true) then local oBurst = uWep.salvoSize * uWep.projectiles local oRld = max(0.00000000001,uWep.stockpile == true and uWep.stockpileTime/30 or uWep.reload) local wepCount = wepCounts[wDefId] local typeName = uWep.type local wpnName = uWep.description if i == deathWeaponIndex then wpnName = "Death explosion" oRld = 1 elseif i == selfDWeaponIndex then wpnName = "Self Destruct" oRld = uDef.selfDCountdown end if wepCount > 1 then DrawText("Weap:", format(yellow .. "%dx" .. white .. " %s", wepCount, wpnName)) else DrawText("Weap:", wpnName) end DrawText("Info:", format("%d range, %d aoe, %d%% edge", uWep.range, uWep.damageAreaOfEffect, 100 * uWep.edgeEffectiveness)) if uWep.coverageRange and uWep.stockpile then DrawText("Anti:", format("%d Interceptor Range", uWep.coverageRange)) end if uWep.coverageRange and uWep.interceptor == 16 then DrawText("MDS:", format("%d Interceptor Range", uWep.coverageRange)) end if uWep.targetable == 16 then DrawText("MDS:","Is Targetable", '') end local reload = uWep.reload local accuracy = uWep.accuracy local moveError = uWep.targetMoveError local range = uWep.range or nil dummyRange[i] = {range = range or false, defID = ,name =, index = i, surface = surface, air = air} local infoText = "" if wpnName == "Death explosion" or wpnName == "Self Destruct" then infoText = format("%d aoe, %d%% edge", uWep.damageAreaOfEffect, 100 * uWep.edgeEffectiveness) else infoText = format("%d range, %d aoe, %d%% edge", useExp and range or uWep.range, uWep.damageAreaOfEffect, 100 * uWep.edgeEffectiveness) end if uWep.damages.paralyzeDamageTime > 0 then infoText = format("%s, %ds paralyze", infoText, uWep.damages.paralyzeDamageTime) end if uWep.damages.impulseBoost > 0 then infoText = format("%s, %d impulse", infoText, uWep.damages.impulseBoost*100) end if uWep.damages.craterBoost > 0 then infoText = format("%s, %d crater", infoText, uWep.damages.craterBoost*100) end DrawText("Info:", infoText) local defaultDamage = uWep.damages[0] for cat=0, #uWep.damages do local oDmg = uWep.damages[cat] local catName = Game.armorTypes[cat] if catName and oDmg and (oDmg ~= defaultDamage or cat == 0) then local dmgString if oBurst > 1 then dmgString = format(yellow .. "%d (x%d)" .. white .. " / " .. yellow .. "%.2f\s" .. white .. " = " .. yellow .. "%.2f \d\p\s", oDmg, oBurst, oRld, oBurst * oDmg / oRld) else dmgString = format(yellow .. "%d" .. white .. " / " .. yellow .. "%.2f\s" .. white .. " = " .. yellow .. "%.2f \d\p\s", oDmg, oRld, oDmg / oRld) end if wepCount > 1 then dmgString = dmgString .. white .. " (Each)" end dmgString = dmgString .. white .. " (" .. catName .. ")" DrawText("Dmg:", dmgString) end end if uWep.metalCost > 0 or uWep.energyCost > 0 then -- Stockpiling weapons are weird -- They take the correct amount of resources overall -- They take the correct amount of time -- They drain ((simSpeed+2)/simSpeed) times more resources than they should (And the listed drain is real, having lower income than listed drain WILL stall you) local drainAdjust = uWep.stockpile and (simSpeed+2)/simSpeed or 1 DrawText('Cost:', format(metalColor .. '%d' .. white .. ', ' .. energyColor .. '%d' .. white .. ' = ' .. metalColor .. '-%d' .. white .. ', ' .. energyColor .. '-%d' .. white .. ' per second', uWep.metalCost, uWep.energyCost, drainAdjust * uWep.metalCost / oRld, drainAdjust * uWep.energyCost / oRld)) end if (weaponInfo[wDefId]) then local radius = weaponInfo[wDefId].radius local damage = weaponInfo[wDefId].damage local duration = weaponInfo[wDefId].duration DrawText("Area Dmg:", format(white .. "%d aoe, %d max damage per second , %d seconds", radius, damage * 30 / DAMAGE_PERIOD, duration / 30 )) end cY = cY - fontSize end end -- background glColor(WG["background_opacity_custom"]) -- correct position when it goes below screen if cY < 0 then cYstart = cYstart - cY local num = #textBuffer for i=1, num do textBuffer[i][4] = textBuffer[i][4] - (cY/2) textBuffer[i][4] = textBuffer[i][4] - (cY/2) end cY = 0 end -- correct position when it goes off screen if cX + maxWidth+bgpadding+bgpadding > vsx then local cXnew = vsx-maxWidth-bgpadding-bgpadding local num = #textBuffer for i=1, num do textBuffer[i][3] = textBuffer[i][3] - ((cX-cXnew)/2) textBuffer[i][3] = textBuffer[i][3] - ((cX-cXnew)/2) end cX = cXnew end -- title local text = "\255\190\255\190" .. uDef.humanName .. " " .. grey .. .. grey local iconHalfSize = titleFontSize*0.75 cornersize = 0 glColor(WG["background_opacity_custom"]) RectRound(cX-bgpadding+cornersize, cYstart-bgpadding+cornersize, cX+(gl.GetTextWidth(text)*titleFontSize)+iconHalfSize+iconHalfSize+bgpadding+(bgpadding/1.5)-cornersize, cYstart+(titleFontSize/2)+bgpadding-cornersize, bgcornerSize) cornersize = ceil(bgpadding*0.21) glColor(1,1,1,0.025) RectRound(cX-bgpadding+cornersize, cYstart-bgpadding+cornersize, cX+(gl.GetTextWidth(text)*titleFontSize)+bgpadding-cornersize, cYstart+(titleFontSize/2)+bgpadding-cornersize, bgcornerSize) if (WG['guishader_api'] ~= nil) then guishaderEnabled = true WG['guishader_api'].InsertRect(cX-bgpadding, cYstart-bgpadding, cX+(gl.GetTextWidth(text)*titleFontSize)+bgpadding, cYstart+(titleFontSize/2)+bgpadding, 'unit_stats_title') end -- icon --glColor(1,1,1,1) --glTexture('#' .. uDefID) --glTexRect(cX, cYstart+cornersize-iconHalfSize, cX+iconHalfSize+iconHalfSize, cYstart+cornersize+iconHalfSize) --glTexture(false) -- title text glColor(1,1,1,1) --glText(text, cX+iconHalfSize+iconHalfSize+(bgpadding/1.5), cYstart, titleFontSize, "o") glText(text, cX, cYstart, titleFontSize, "o") -- stats glColor(WG["background_opacity_custom"]) cornersize = 0 RectRound(floor(cX-bgpadding)+cornersize, ceil(cY+(fontSize/3)+bgpadding)+cornersize, ceil(cX+maxWidth+bgpadding)-cornersize, floor(cYstart-bgpadding)-cornersize, bgcornerSize) cornersize = ceil(bgpadding*0.16) glColor(1,1,1,0.025) RectRound(floor(cX-bgpadding)+cornersize, ceil(cY+(fontSize/3)+bgpadding)+cornersize, ceil(cX+maxWidth+bgpadding)-cornersize, floor(cYstart-bgpadding)-cornersize, bgcornerSize) DrawTextBuffer() if (WG['guishader_api'] ~= nil) then guishaderEnabled = true WG['guishader_api'].InsertRect(cX-bgpadding, cY+(fontSize/3)+bgpadding, cX+maxWidth+bgpadding, cYstart-bgpadding, 'unit_stats_data') end end end function widget:DrawWorld() if dummyUnitID then for i, keys in pairs(dummyRange) do local color = {1, 0, 0, darkOpacity} --Spring.Echo(currentMod,,keys.defID,keys.index,keys.surface,keys.air) if modConfig[currentMod]["unitList"][] then local weapontype = modConfig[currentMod]["unitList"][]["weapons"][keys.index] if ( weapontype == 1 or weapontype == 4 ) then -- show combo units with ground-dps-colors color = colorConfig["ally"]["ground"]["min"] elseif ( weapontype == 2 ) then color = colorConfig["ally"]["air"]["min"] elseif ( weapontype == 3 ) then -- antinuke color = colorConfig["ally"]["nuke"] end else if keys.surface then color = colorConfig["ally"]["ground"]["min"] elseif keys.air then color = colorConfig["ally"]["air"]["min"] end end gl.Color(color[1], color[2], color[3], darkOpacity) gl.LineWidth(1.2) x, y, z = Spring.GetUnitBasePosition(dummyUnitID) gl.DrawGroundCircle(x, y, z, keys.range, 64) gl.Color(1,1,1,1) end end end
local parser = require "parser" ngx.req.read_body() local body = ngx.req.get_body_data() local p, err =, ngx.var.http_content_type) if not p then ngx.say("failed to create parser: ", err) return end local filePath, originFileName, extName while true do local part_body, name = p:parse_part() if not part_body then break end if name == 'fileUpload.path' then filePath = part_body end if name == '' then originFileName = part_body end end os.execute('mkdir -p '..filePath..'.d/') os.execute('mv '..filePath..' '..filePath..'.d/'..originFileName) os.execute('mv '..filePath..'.d '..filePath) ngx.header['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' ngx.header['X-Frame-Options'] = 'GOFORIT' ngx.say(filePath:match('/opt/upload(.*)')..'/'..originFileName)
fx_version 'bodacious' games { 'rdr3', 'gta5' } author 'Kanersps' description 'A MySQL plugin for EssentialMode' --[[migration_files { 'migrations/0001_create_user.cs', 'migrations/0002_add_roles.cs' }]] server_scripts { '@mysql-async/lib/MySQL.lua', --'@fxmigrant/helper.lua', 'server.lua' } dependencies { 'essentialmode', 'mysql-async' --'fxmigrant' }
local hascrypto, crypto = pcall(require, 'crypto') if hascrypto then print "Using luacrypto" return crypto.hmac.digest end local sha1 = require 'extern.sha1' print "Using sha1.lua" return function(hash, c, secret) assert(hash == "sha1", "unsupported digest type") return sha1.hmac_binary(secret, c) end
--- Reading and writing strings using file-like objects. <br> -- -- f = -- l1 = f:read() -- read first line -- n,m = f:read ('*n','*n') -- read two numbers -- for line in f:lines() do print(line) end -- iterate over all lines -- f = stringio.create() -- f:write('hello') -- f:write('dolly') -- assert(f:value(),'hellodolly') -- -- See @{|the Guide}. -- @module pl.stringio local unpack = rawget(_G, "unpack") or rawget(table, "unpack") local tonumber = tonumber local concat, append = table.concat, table.insert local stringio = {} -- Writer class local SW = {} SW.__index = SW local function xwrite(self, ...) local args = { ... } --arguments may not be nil! for i = 1, #args do append(self.tbl, args[i]) end end function SW:write(arg1, arg2, ...) if arg2 then xwrite(self, arg1, arg2, ...) else append(self.tbl, arg1) end end function SW:writef(fmt, ...) self:write(fmt:format(...)) end function SW:value() return concat(self.tbl) end function SW:__tostring() return self:value() end function SW:close() -- for compatibility only end function SW:seek() end -- Reader class local SR = {} SR.__index = SR function SR:_read(fmt) local i, str = self.i, self.str local sz = #str if i > sz then return nil end local res if fmt == "*l" or fmt == "*L" then local idx = str:find("\n", i) or (sz + 1) res = str:sub(i, fmt == "*l" and idx - 1 or idx) self.i = idx + 1 elseif fmt == "*a" then res = str:sub(i) self.i = sz elseif fmt == "*n" then local _, i2, idx _, idx = str:find("%s*%d+", i) _, i2 = str:find("^%.%d+", idx + 1) if i2 then idx = i2 end _, i2 = str:find("^[eE][%+%-]*%d+", idx + 1) if i2 then idx = i2 end local val = str:sub(i, idx) res = tonumber(val) self.i = idx + 1 elseif type(fmt) == "number" then res = str:sub(i, i + fmt - 1) self.i = i + fmt else error("bad read format", 2) end return res end function SR:read(...) if select("#", ...) == 0 then return self:_read "*l" else local res, fmts = {}, { ... } for i = 1, #fmts do res[i] = self:_read(fmts[i]) end return unpack(res) end end function SR:seek(whence, offset) local base whence = whence or "cur" offset = offset or 0 if whence == "set" then base = 1 elseif whence == "cur" then base = self.i elseif whence == "end" then base = #self.str end self.i = base + offset return self.i end function SR:lines(...) local n, args = select("#", ...) if n > 0 then args = { ... } end return function() if n == 0 then return self:_read "*l" else return self:read(unpack(args)) end end end function SR:close() -- for compatibility only end --- create a file-like object which can be used to construct a string. -- The resulting object has an extra `value()` method for -- retrieving the string value. Implements `file:write`, `file:seek`, `file:lines`, -- plus an extra `writef` method which works like `utils.printf`. -- @usage f = create(); f:write('hello, dolly\n'); print(f:value()) function stringio.create() return setmetatable({ tbl = {} }, SW) end --- create a file-like object for reading from a given string. -- Implements `file:read`. -- @string s The input string. -- @usage fs = open '20 10'; x,y = f:read ('*n','*n'); assert(x == 20 and y == 10) function return setmetatable({ str = s, i = 1 }, SR) end function stringio.lines(s, ...) return end return stringio
local fs = require('fs') local app = require('app') local util = require('util') local lnode = require('lnode') local devices = require('devices') local context = {} local exports = {} -- 检查指定的链接文件 ---@param srcname string 链接文件名 ---@param destname string 目标目录名 function exports.checkPathLink(srcname, destname) fs.mkdirpSync(destname) local result = fs.readlinkSync(srcname) if (result == destname) then return end local cmdline = 'rm -rf ' .. srcname local ret, type, code = os.execute(cmdline) if (not ret) then -- console.log(cmdline, ret, type, code) end cmdline = 'ln -s ' .. destname .. ' ' .. srcname ret, type, code = os.execute(cmdline) if (not ret) then -- console.log(cmdline, ret, type, code) end print("create link: " .. cmdline, type, code) end -- 创建所需的 /var/xxx 目录 function exports.initVarSubpaths() exports.checkPathLink('/var/lock', '/tmp/lock/') -- 文件锁 exports.checkPathLink('/var/log', '/tmp/log/') -- 日志文件 exports.checkPathLink('/var/run', '/tmp/run/') -- 运行时临时文件 exports.checkPathLink('/var/sock', '/tmp/sock/') -- IPC 文件 end -- 初始化 Node.lua 所需要的 init 脚本和配置文件 function exports.installInitFiles() exports.saveInitFile('data/S87hidev', '/etc/init.d/S87hidev') exports.saveInitFile('data/S88lnode', '/etc/init.d/S88lnode') exports.saveInitFile('data/localtime', '/etc/localtime') end -- 初始化 pppd 所需的脚本和配置文件 function exports.installPppFiles() fs.mkdirpSync('/tmp/ppp') fs.mkdirpSync('/tmp/ppp/peers') fs.mkdirpSync('/tmp/ppp/data') exports.checkPathLink('/etc/ppp', '/tmp/ppp/') -- 安装 pppd 所需要的脚本和配置文件 exports.saveBundleFile('data/ppp/peers/quectel-chat-connect', '/tmp/ppp/peers/quectel-chat-connect') exports.saveBundleFile('data/ppp/peers/quectel-chat-disconnect', '/tmp/ppp/peers/quectel-chat-disconnect') exports.saveBundleFile('data/ppp/peers/quectel-ppp', '/tmp/ppp/peers/quectel-ppp') exports.saveBundleFile('data/ppp/peers/quectel-ppp-kill', '/tmp/ppp/peers/quectel-ppp-kill', 511) exports.saveBundleFile('data/ppp/peers/', '/tmp/ppp/peers/', 511) exports.saveBundleFile('data/ppp/data/chat-test', '/tmp/ppp/data/chat-test') exports.saveBundleFile('data/ppp/data/quectel-chat-status', '/tmp/ppp/data/quectel-chat-status') exports.saveBundleFile('data/ppp/ip-up', '/tmp/ppp/ip-up', 511) fs.chmodSync('/tmp/ppp/ip-up', 511) -- 777 end -- 从 Zip 包中读取指定名称的文件的内容 ---@param name string - Bundle file name path/to/file ---@return string - file data ---@return string - error function exports.readBundleFile(name) if (not name) then return nil, 'Bad bundle file name' end local dirname = util.dirname() if (dirname and dirname:startsWith('$app/')) then local reader = package.apps and package.apps.lci if (reader) then return reader:readFile(name) end end local rootPath = app.rootPath local filename = rootPath .. '/app/lci/' .. name -- check source local stat, err = fs.statSync(filename) if (err) then return nil, err end local fileSize = stat and stat.size local fileData fileData, err = fs.readFileSync(filename) if err or (not fileData) or (#fileData ~= fileSize) then return nil, err end return fileData end -- 读取并保存 zip 包中的文件到文件系统中 ---@param name string 中文件的名称 ---@param destname string 要保存的路径 ---@param mode string function exports.saveBundleFile(name, destname, mode) local fileData, err fileData, err = exports.readBundleFile(name) if (err) then return print(err) elseif (not fileData) then return print('File data is empty: ' .. name) end _, err = fs.writeFileSync(destname, fileData) if (err) then return print(err) end if (mode) then fs.chmodSync(destname, mode) end return true end function exports.saveInitFile(srcname, destname) -- check source local fileData, err = exports.readBundleFile(srcname) if err or (not fileData) then print("saveInitFile: Bad source file", err) return end -- console.log('Source file size: ' .. #fileData) local position = string.find(fileData, '\r\n') if (position ~= nil) then print("saveInitFile: Bad source file line end", position) return end -- check dest local destData = fs.readFileSync(destname) if (destData == fileData) then -- print("saveInitFile: Same dest file!", destname) return end -- write _, err = fs.writeFileSync(destname .. '~', fileData) if (err) then return print("saveInitFile: write error: " .. tostring(err)) end destData, err = fs.readFileSync(destname .. '~') if err or (destData ~= fileData) then if (err) then return print("saveInitFile: check error: " .. tostring(err)) end return end -- switch fs.chmodSync(destname .. '~', 511) -- 777 os.remove(destname) os.rename(destname .. '~', destname) fs.chmodSync(destname, 511) -- 777 print('saveInitFile: ' .. destname) end -- -------------------- -- exports function exports.start() devices.init() local borad = lnode.board print('borad', borad) exports.initVarSubpaths(borad) if (borad == 'dt02') or (borad == 'dt02b') then exports.installInitFiles(borad) exports.installPppFiles(borad) elseif (borad == 't31a') then os.execute('lpm start lci wotc lpm > /tmp/log/lpm.log') end end function exports.update(type) if (not type) then print('Usage: lci boot <board name>') return end print('type: ' .. tostring(type)) local ret = exports.saveBundleFile('data/' .. type .. '.conf', '/usr/local/lnode/conf/device.conf') if (ret) then exports.installInitFiles() end end return exports
/** * General configuration **/ hook.Add("InitPostEntity", "SH_SZ.InitPostEntity", function() CAMI.RegisterPrivilege({ Name = "Safezone - edit", MinAccess = "superadmin" }) end) -- Use Steam Workshop for the content instead of FastDL? SH_SZ.UseWorkshop = true -- Controls for the Editor camera. -- See a full list here: SH_SZ.CameraControls = { forward = KEY_W, left = KEY_A, back = KEY_S, right = KEY_D, } /** * HUD configuration **/ -- Where to display the Safe Zone Indicator on the screen. -- Possible options: topleft, top, topright, left, center, right, bottomleft, bottom, bottomright SH_SZ.HUDAlign = "top" -- Offset of the Indicator relative to its base position. -- Use this if you want to move the indicator by a few pixels. SH_SZ.HUDOffset = { x = 0, y = 0, scale = false, -- Set to false/true to enable offset scaling depending on screen resolution. } /** * Advanced configuration * Edit at your own risk! **/ SH_SZ.WindowSize = {w = 800, h = 300} SH_SZ.DefaultOptions = { name = "Safezone", namecolor = "52,152,219", hud = true, noatk = true, nonpc = true, noprop = true, ptime = 5, entermsg = "", leavemsg = "", } SH_SZ.MaximumSize = 2048 SH_SZ.DataDirName = "sh_safezones" SH_SZ.ZoneHitboxesDeveloper = false SH_SZ.TeleportIdealDistance = 512 /** * Theme configuration **/ -- Font to use for normal text throughout the interface. SH_SZ.Font = "Circular Std Medium" -- Font to use for bold text throughout the interface. SH_SZ.FontBold = "Circular Std Bold" -- Color sheet. Only modify if you know what you're doing SH_SZ.Style = { header = Color(52, 152, 219, 255), bg = Color(52, 73, 94, 255), inbg = Color(44, 62, 80, 255), close_hover = Color(231, 76, 60, 255), hover = Color(255, 255, 255, 10, 255), hover2 = Color(255, 255, 255, 5, 255), text = Color(255, 255, 255, 255), text_down = Color(0, 0, 0), textentry = Color(236, 240, 241), menu = Color(127, 140, 141), success = Color(46, 204, 113), failure = Color(231, 76, 60), } /** * Language configuration **/ -- Various strings used throughout the chatbox. Change them to your language here. -- %s and %d are special strings replaced with relevant info, keep them in the string! SH_SZ.Language = { safezone = "Безопасная зона", safezone_type = "Тип безопасной зоны", cube = "Куб", sphere = "Сфера", select_a_safezone = "Выбрать безопасную зону", options = "Настройка", name = "Имя", name_color = "Цвет", enable_hud_indicator = "Включить индикатор ХУД", delete_non_admin_props = "Удаление не-админских элементов", prevent_attacking_with_weapons = "Предотвращать атаки игроков", automatically_remove_npcs = "Удалить НПС", time_until_protection_enables = "Время до включения защиты", enter_message = "Сообщение при входе", leave_message = "Сообщение при выходе", will_be_protected_in_x = "Вы будете защищены в течении %s секунд", safe_from_damage = "Вы защищены от любого урона.", place_point_x = "Нумеровать точку. %d с помощью мыши", size = "Размер", finalize_placement = "Выберите место для размещения и нажмите \"Подтвердить\"", add = "Добавить", edit = "Изменить", fill_vertically = "Заполнить вертикально", reset = "Восстановить", confirm = "Подтвердить", teleport_there = "Телепортироваться сюда", save = "Сохранить", delete = "Удалить", cancel = "Отменить", move_camera = "Двигать камеру", rotate_camera = "Правый щелчок: вращение камерой", an_error_has_occured = "Произошла ошибка, перезапустите сервер или повторите попытку", not_allowed = "Вы не можете этого сделать!", safe_zone_created = "Безопасная зона была успешна создана!", safe_zone_edited = "Безопасная зона успешно изменена!", safe_zone_deleted = "Безопасная зона успешно удалена!", } = "Monolith Sunrise" ITEM.description = "A basic Sunrise suit colored in favor of Monolith." ITEM.category = "Outfit" ITEM.model = "models/tnb/stalker/items/sunrise.mdl" ITEM.width = 2 ITEM.height = 2 ITEM.outfitCategory = "model" ITEM.pacData = {} ITEM.newSkin = 3 ITEM.replacements = {"anorak", "sunrise"}
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Copyright (C) 1994 Narvik University College -- Contact: GMlib Online Portal at -- -- This file is part of the Geometric Modeling Library, GMlib. -- -- GMlib is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- GMlib is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License -- along with GMlib. If not, see <>. -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- An evaluation function evaluating a parametric sphere function eval ( u, v, d1, d2, lu, lv ) -- Set up return value - matrix[u][v] local p = {} for i = 0, d1 do p[""..i] = {} for j = 0, d2 do p[""..i][""..j] = {} p[""..i][""..j].x = 0 p[""..i][""..j].y = 0 p[""..i][""..j].z = 0 end end -- Compute help variables radius = 5.0 cos_u = math.cos( u ) cos_v = radius * math.cos( v ) sin_u = math.sin( u ) sin_v = radius * math.sin( v ) cu_cv = cos_u * cos_v cu_sv = cos_u * sin_v su_cv = sin_u * cos_v su_sv = sin_u * sin_v -- Compute function values and derivatives -- S p['0']['0'].x = cos_u * cos_v p['0']['0'].y = sin_u * cos_v p['0']['0'].z = sin_v -- S_u if d1 > 0 then p['1']['0'].x = -su_cv p['1']['0'].y = cu_cv p['1']['0'].z = 0.0 end -- S_v if d2 > 0 then p['0']['1'].x = -cu_sv p['0']['1'].y = -su_sv p['0']['1'].z = cos_v end -- S_uv if d1 > 0 and d2 > 0 then p['1']['1'].x = su_sv p['1']['1'].y = -cu_sv p['1']['1'].z = 0.0 end -- S_uu if d1 > 1 then p['2']['0'].x = -cu_cv p['2']['0'].y = -su_cv p['2']['0'].z = 0.0 end -- S_vv if d2 > 1 then p['0']['2'].x = -cu_cv p['0']['2'].y = -su_cv p['0']['2'].z = -sin_v end -- S_uuv if d1 > 1 and d2 > 0 then p['2']['1'].x = cu_sv p['2']['1'].y = su_sv p['2']['1'].z = 0.0 end -- S_uvv if d1 > 0 and d2 > 1 then p['1']['2'].x = su_cv p['1']['2'].y = -cu_cv p['1']['2'].z = 0.0 end -- S_uuvv if d1 > 1 and d2 > 1 then p['2']['2'].x = cu_cv p['2']['2'].y = su_cv p['2']['2'].z = 0.0 end -- S_uuu if d1 > 2 then p['3']['0'].x = su_cv p['3']['0'].y = -cu_cv p['3']['0'].z = 0.0 end -- S_vvv if d2 > 2 then p['0']['3'].x = cu_sv p['0']['3'].y = su_sv p['0']['3'].z = -cos_v end -- S_uuuv if d1 > 2 and d2 > 0 then p['3']['1'].x = -su_sv p['3']['1'].y = cu_sv p['3']['1'].z = 0.0 end -- S_uuuvv if d1 > 2 and d2 > 1 then p['3']['2'].x = -su_cv p['3']['2'].y = cu_cv p['3']['2'].z = 0.0 end -- S_uvvv if d1 and d2 > 2 then p['1']['3'].x = -su_sv p['1']['3'].y = cu_sv p['1']['3'].z = 0.0 end -- S_uuvvv if d1 > 1 and d2 > 2 then p['2']['3'].x = -cu_sv p['2']['3'].y = -su_sv p['2']['3'].z = 0.0 end -- S_uuuvvv if d1 > 2 and d2 > 2 then p['3']['3'].x = su_sv p['3']['3'].y = -cu_sv p['3']['3'].z = 0.0 end -- Return result return p end
return { description = "softban (ban and unban) a member from the server.", args = {{"user","Please specify a user."},{"string","Please state the softban reason."}}, permissions = {raw={"kickMembers"}}, category = "mod" }, function(message,args,flags) local user = args.myArgs[1] local guild = message.guild guild:banUser(user,7) local result = guild:unbanUser(user) if result then respond:success("Successfully softbanned **"..user.username.."**") modules.logger[1]:newModLog(guild,user,{ type = "Softban", reason = args.myArgs[2], mod = }) else respond:error("Failed to softban **"..user.username.."**") end end
data:extend({ { type = "int-setting", minimum_value = "1", maximum_value = "1000", default_value = "500", name = "steelaxe-subscience-new-pack-count", setting_type = "startup", localised_name = "New science pack count", localised_description = "Number of new science packs to generate. Integer between 1 and 1000.", order = "1" }, { type = "int-setting", minimum_value = "1", maximum_value = "1000", default_value = "25", name = "steelaxe-subscience-first-medium", setting_type = "startup", localised_name = "First medium science pack", localised_description = "Medium science packs have 2 low avg qty ingredients and 2 high avg qty ingredients. Ingredient challenge ranges from easy to medium.", order = "2" }, { type = "int-setting", minimum_value = "1", maximum_value = "1000", default_value = "50", name = "steelaxe-subscience-first-hard", setting_type = "startup", localised_name = "First hard science pack", localised_description = "Hard science packs have 2 low avg qty ingredients and 2 high avg qty ingredients. Ingredient challenge ranges from easy to hard.", order = "3" }, { type = "int-setting", minimum_value = "0", maximum_value = "4294967295", default_value = "0", name = "steelaxe-subscience-random-seed", setting_type = "startup", localised_name = "Recipe random seed", localised_description = "Seed for recipe randomization. Integer between 0 and 4294967295.", order = "4" }, { type = "int-setting", minimum_value = "1", maximum_value = "10", default_value = "5", name = "steelaxe-subscience-subspertech", setting_type = "startup", localised_name = "Subs per tech", localised_description = "For every X subs, Anti must unlock a new science pack via research. " .. "This setting only affects the flavor text of science techs which indicate the point at which each tech should be researched.", order = "5" } })
--# Monster converted using Devm monster converter #-- local mType = Game.createMonsterType("Draken Spellweaver") local monster = {} monster.description = "a draken spellweaver" monster.experience = 3100 monster.outfit = { lookType = 340, lookHead = 0, lookBody = 0, lookLegs = 0, lookFeet = 0, lookAddons = 0, lookMount = 0 } monster.raceId = 618 monster.Bestiary = { class = "Dragon", race = BESTY_RACE_DRAGON, toKill = 2500, FirstUnlock = 100, SecondUnlock = 1000, CharmsPoints = 50, Stars = 4, Occurrence = 0, Locations = "Zao Palace, Razzachai, and Zzaion." } = 5000 monster.maxHealth = 5000 monster.race = "blood" monster.corpse = 10399 monster.speed = 336 monster.manaCost = 0 monster.maxSummons = 0 monster.changeTarget = { interval = 4000, chance = 10 } monster.strategiesTarget = { nearest = 100, } monster.flags = { summonable = false, attackable = true, hostile = true, convinceable = false, pushable = false, rewardBoss = false, illusionable = false, canPushItems = true, canPushCreatures = true, staticAttackChance = 70, targetDistance = 1, runHealth = 0, healthHidden = false, isBlockable = false, canWalkOnEnergy = false, canWalkOnFire = true, canWalkOnPoison = true, pet = false } monster.light = { level = 0, color = 0 } monster.voices = { interval = 5000, chance = 10, {text = "Kazzzzzzuuum!", yell = false}, {text = "Fissziss!", yell = false}, {text = "Zzzzzooom!", yell = false} } monster.loot = { {id = 3006, chance = 370}, -- ring of the sky {id = 3030, chance = 6910, maxCount = 5}, -- small ruby {id = 3031, chance = 41000, maxCount = 100}, -- gold coin {id = 3031, chance = 58000, maxCount = 100}, -- gold coin {id = 3035, chance = 25510, maxCount = 5}, -- platinum coin {id = 3038, chance = 970}, -- green gem {id = 3071, chance = 1660}, -- wand of inferno {id = 3577, chance = 30400}, -- meat {id = 238, chance = 4970}, -- great mana potion {id = 8043, chance = 1450}, -- focus cape {id = 10386, chance = 1980}, -- Zaoan shoes {id = 10397, chance = 19790}, -- weaver's wandtip {id = 10398, chance = 10}, -- draken trophy {id = 10438, chance = 620}, -- spellweaver's robe {id = 10439, chance = 770}, -- Zaoan robe {id = 11454, chance = 1980}, -- luminous orb {id = 11658, chance = 3930}, -- draken sulphur {id = 12307, chance = 30}, -- harness {id = 12549, chance = 180} -- bamboo leaves } monster.attacks = { {name ="melee", interval = 2000, chance = 100, minDamage = 0, maxDamage = -252}, {name ="combat", interval = 2000, chance = 10, type = COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE, minDamage = -240, maxDamage = -480, length = 4, spread = 3, effect = CONST_ME_EXPLOSIONHIT, target = false}, {name ="combat", interval = 2000, chance = 10, type = COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE, minDamage = -100, maxDamage = -250, range = 7, shootEffect = CONST_ANI_FIRE, effect = CONST_ME_FIREAREA, target = true}, {name ="combat", interval = 2000, chance = 10, type = COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE, minDamage = -150, maxDamage = -300, range = 7, shootEffect = CONST_ANI_ENERGY, effect = CONST_ME_ENERGYHIT, target = true}, {name ="combat", interval = 2000, chance = 10, type = COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE, minDamage = -200, maxDamage = -380, radius = 4, effect = CONST_ME_POFF, target = true}, -- {name ="soulfire", interval = 2000, chance = 10, target = false}, -- poison {name ="condition", type = CONDITION_POISON, interval = 2000, chance = 10, minDamage = -280, maxDamage = -360, shootEffect = CONST_ANI_POISON, target = true} } monster.defenses = { defense = 25, armor = 25, {name ="invisible", interval = 2000, chance = 10, effect = CONST_ME_MAGIC_RED}, {name ="combat", interval = 2000, chance = 15, type = COMBAT_HEALING, minDamage = 270, maxDamage = 530, effect = CONST_ME_MAGIC_BLUE, target = false} } monster.elements = { {type = COMBAT_PHYSICALDAMAGE, percent = -10}, {type = COMBAT_ENERGYDAMAGE, percent = -10}, {type = COMBAT_EARTHDAMAGE, percent = 100}, {type = COMBAT_FIREDAMAGE, percent = 100}, {type = COMBAT_LIFEDRAIN, percent = 0}, {type = COMBAT_MANADRAIN, percent = 0}, {type = COMBAT_DROWNDAMAGE, percent = 0}, {type = COMBAT_ICEDAMAGE, percent = -10}, {type = COMBAT_HOLYDAMAGE , percent = -5}, {type = COMBAT_DEATHDAMAGE , percent = 75} } monster.immunities = { {type = "paralyze", condition = false}, {type = "outfit", condition = false}, {type = "invisible", condition = true}, {type = "bleed", condition = false} } mType:register(monster)
#!/usr/bin/env lua --[[ lptytest.lua - - test aspects of lpty - - Gunnar Zötl <[email protected]>, 2010-2015 - Released under MIT/X11 license. See file LICENSE for details. --]] lpty = require "lpty" p = ntests = 0 nfailed = 0 -- announce which test we are performing and what it tests function announce(str) str = str or "" ntests = ntests + 1 print("Test " .. tostring(ntests) .. ": " .. str) end -- print that the test did not work out and optionally why function fail(str) local msg = " TEST FAILED" nfailed = nfailed + 1 if str ~= nil then msg = msg .. ": " .. str end print(msg) end -- just prints wether the test went ok or not. An optional reason for failure may be passed, -- which will then be printed. function check(ok, msg) if ok==false then fail(msg) return false else print " TEST OK" return true end end -- wait for a fraction of a second function waitabit(n) n = n or 1 t0 = os.clock() t1 = t0 while t1 - t0 < 0.1 * n do t1 = os.clock() end end -- 1 announce("starting test client") ok, val = pcall(lpty.startproc, p, "lua", "testclient.lua") if ok then check(val) else fail(tostring(val)) end -- 2 announce("checking whether pty has process, should return true") ok, val = pcall(lpty.hasproc, p) if ok then check(val) else fail(tostring(val)) end -- 3 announce("checking whether we can read from the pty, should return false") ok, val = pcall(lpty.readok, p) if ok then check(val == false) else fail(tostring(val)) end -- 4 announce("reading from pty with a timeout of 0.1 second, should return nil") ok, val = pcall(, p, 0.1) if ok then check(val == nil) else fail(tostring(val)) end -- 5 announce("checking whether we can write to the pty, should return true") ok, val = pcall(lpty.sendok, p) if ok then check(val) else fail(tostring(val)) end -- 6 announce("writing data 'abcba\\n' to the pty, should return length of data -> 6") ok, val = pcall(lpty.send, p, "abcba\n") if ok then check(val == 6) else fail(tostring(val)) end -- allow the client to react waitabit() -- 7 announce("checking whether we can read from the pty, should return true") ok, val = pcall(lpty.readok, p) if ok then check(val) else fail(tostring(val)) end -- 8 announce("reading from pty, should return 'abcba\\n+abcba+\\n'") ok, val = pcall(, p, 1) if ok then val = string.gsub(val, "[\r\n]+", '.') -- normalize line endings check(val == "abcba.+abcba+.") else fail(tostring(val)) end -- 9 announce("terminating child process") ok = pcall(lpty.endproc, p) check(ok) -- allow client to terminate waitabit() -- 10 announce("Checking whether pty has child process, should return false") ok, val = pcall(lpty.hasproc, p) if ok then check(val == false) else fail(tostring(val)) end -- 11 announce("checking whether we can read from pty, should return false") ok, val = pcall(lpty.readok, p) if ok then check(val == false) else fail(tostring(val)) end -- 12 announce("reading from pty with a timeout of 0.1 second, should return nil") ok, val = pcall(, p, 0.1) if ok then check(val == nil) else fail(tostring(val)) end -- test timeout length. In order for this to work there may be no pending data in the pty to read. function testto(to, tm) local t0 = os.time() local i for i=1,10 do p:read(to) end local t = os.time() - t0 -- allow for some deviation return (tm - 1 < t and t < tm + 1) end -- 13 announce("testing timeout 0.1 second by running r:read(0.1) 10 times should take about 1 seconds") check(testto(0.1, 1)) -- creating pty with no local echo for following tests pn = { no_local_echo = true } -- 14 announce("checking for data from no_local_echo pty, should return false") ok, val = pcall(lpty.readok, pn) if ok then check(val == false) else fail(tostring(val)) end -- 15 announce("starting test client for no_local_echo pty") ok, val = pcall(lpty.startproc, pn, "lua", "testclient.lua") if ok then check(val) else fail(tostring(val)) end -- 16 announce("reading from no_local_echo pty, should now return '+abc+\\n'") ok, val = pcall(lpty.send, pn, "abc\n") ok, val = pcall(, pn, 0.5) if ok then val = string.gsub(val, "[\r\n]+", '.') -- normalize line endings check(val == "+abc+.") else fail(tostring(val)) end -- 17 announce("sending 'xxx\\n' to pty, reading back, should return '+xxx+\\n'") ok, val = pcall(lpty.send, pn, "xxx\n") if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) else ok, val = pcall(, pn, 0.5) if ok then val = string.gsub(val, "[\r\n]+", '.') -- normalize line endings check(val == "+xxx+.") else fail(tostring(val)) end end -- 18 announce("testing exit status for current child, should return (false, nil)") ok, val, code = pcall(lpty.exitstatus, pn) if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) else check((val == false) and (code == nil)) end -- 19 announce("quitting child then testing exit status, should return ('exit', 0)") ok, val = pcall(lpty.send, pn, "quit\n") if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) else while pn:hasproc() do end ok, val, code = pcall(lpty.exitstatus, pn) if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) else check((val == 'exit') and (code == 0)) end end -- 20 announce("starting child with invalid executable, then testing exit status, should return ('exit', 1)") ok, val = pcall(lpty.startproc, pn, "./firsebrumf") if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) else while pn:hasproc() do end ok, val, code = pcall(lpty.exitstatus, pn) if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) else check((val == 'exit') and (code == 1)) end end -- 21 announce("starting child process, then killing it, then testing exit status, should return ('sig', *) with *>0") ok, val = pcall(lpty.startproc, pn, "lua") term = 0 if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) else while not pn:hasproc() do end ok, val = pcall(lpty.endproc, pn) if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) else while pn:hasproc() do end ok, val, code = pcall(lpty.exitstatus, pn) if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) else term = code check((val == 'sig') and (code > 0)) end end end -- 22 announce("starting child process, then killing it with kill=true, then testing exit status, should return ('sig', *) with *>0 and also not equal to * from prev. test") ok, val = pcall(lpty.startproc, pn, "lua") if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) else while not pn:hasproc() do end ok, val = pcall(lpty.endproc, pn, true) if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) else while pn:hasproc() do end ok, val, code = pcall(lpty.exitstatus, pn) if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) else check((val == 'sig') and (code > 0) and (code ~= term)) end end end -- cleanup pn:flush() -- 23 announce("reading environment from pty, should return a table with stuff in it") ok, env = pcall(lpty.getenviron, pn) envsiz = 0 if not ok then fail(tostring(env)) else ok = true for k, v in pairs(env) do envsiz = envsiz + 1 ok = ok and (type(k) == 'string') and (type(v) == 'string') end check(ok) end -- 24 announce("calling /usr/bin/env with an empty environment, then reading output, should return nothing at all") ok, err = pcall(lpty.setenviron, pn, {}) if not ok then fail(tostring(err)) else ok, err = pcall(lpty.startproc, pn, '/usr/bin/env') if not ok then fail(tostring(err)) else while pn:hasproc() do end ok, val = pcall(, pn, 1) if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) else check(val == nil) end end end -- 25 announce("calling /usr/bin/env with {a=1} as its environment, then reading output, should return 'a=1\\n'") ok, err = pcall(lpty.setenviron, pn, {a=1}) if not ok then fail(tostring(err)) else ok, err = pcall(lpty.startproc, pn, '/usr/bin/env') if not ok then fail(tostring(err)) else while pn:hasproc() do end ok, val = pcall(, pn, 1) if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) else val = string.gsub(tostring(val), "[\r\n]+", '.') -- normalize line endings check(val == "a=1.") end end end -- 26 announce("resetting then reading environment from pty, should return a table with stuff in it, size as before we messed with it") ok = pcall(lpty.setenviron, pn, nil) ok, env = pcall(lpty.getenviron, pn) mysiz = 0 if not ok then fail(tostring(env)) else ok = true for k, v in pairs(env) do mysiz = mysiz + 1 ok = ok and (type(k) == 'string') and (type(v) == 'string') end check(ok and (mysiz == envsiz)) end -- 27 announce("calling /usr/bin/env on standard environment, should return as many lines as there are entries in the environment (as counted before)") ok = pcall(lpty.startproc, pn, '/usr/bin/env') if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) else while pn:hasproc() do end val = "" while pn:readok() do val = val .. pn:read() end cnt = 0 string.gsub(val, ".-\n", function () cnt = cnt + 1 end) check(cnt == envsiz) end -- cleanup pn:endproc() pn:flush() -- 28 announce("testing readline on a standard pty") ok, err = pcall(lpty.startproc, pn, "lua", "testclient.lua") if not ok then fail(tostring(err)) else waitabit() -- wait for client to start pn:send("abc\n") pn:send("def\n") waitabit() -- wait for all output to appear ok, val = pcall(lpty.readline, pn) if val == "abc" then ok, val = pcall(lpty.readline, pn) if val == "def" then ok, val = pcall(lpty.readline, pn) if val == "+abc+" then ok, val = pcall(lpty.readline, pn) check(val == "+def+") else fail() end else fail() end else fail() end end pn:endproc() -- 29 announce("testing readline on a raw mode pty"){raw_mode = true} ok, err = pcall(lpty.startproc, pn, "lua", "testclient.lua") if not ok then fail(tostring(err)) else waitabit() -- wait for client to start pn:send("abc\n") pn:send("def\n") waitabit() -- wait for all output to appear ok, val = pcall(lpty.readline, pn) if val == "+abc+" then ok, val = pcall(lpty.readline, pn) check(val == "+def+") else fail() end end pn:endproc() -- expect test function expecttest(pn) ok, err = pcall(lpty.startproc, pn, "lua") if not ok then fail(tostring(err)) return end ok, val = pcall(lpty.expect, pn, "> $", false, 1) if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) return end pn:send("loadfile('testclient.lua')()\n") pn:send("abc\n") ok, val = pcall(lpty.expect, pn, "%+([a-z]+)%+", false, 1) if not ok then fail(tostring(val)) else check(val == "abc") end pn:endproc() end -- 30 announce("testing expect on a standard pty") pn = waitabit() expecttest(pn) -- 31 announce("testing expect on a no local echo pty") pn ={no_local_echo = true} waitabit() expecttest(pn) -- 32 announce("testing expect on a raw mode pty") pn ={raw_mode = true} waitabit() expecttest(pn) -- 33 announce("creating a pty, then setflag()ing it to no_local_echo mode, then back to default") pn = ok = pn:startproc("lua", "testclient.lua") if ok then pn:send("x\n") waitabit() val = pn:read(1) val = string.gsub(val, "[\r\n]+", '.') -- normalize line endings local ok, val1 = pcall(lpty.setflag, pn, 'no_local_echo', true) if ok then pn:send("x\n") waitabit() val1 = pn:read(1) val1 = string.gsub(val1, "[\r\n]+", '.') -- normalize line endings local ok, val2 = pcall(lpty.setflag, pn, 'no_local_echo', false) if ok then pn:send("x\n") waitabit() val2 = pn:read(1) val2 = string.gsub(val2, "[\r\n]+", '.') -- normalize line endings check(val == 'x.+x+.' and val1 == '+x+.' and val2 == 'x.+x+.', val .. ' vs '..val1..' vs '..val2) else fail(tostring(val2)) end else fail(tostring(val1)) end else fail(tostring(val)) end pn:flush() -- 34 announce("creating a pty, then setflag()ing it to raw mode, then back to default") pn = ok = pn:startproc("lua", "testclient.lua") if ok then pn:send("x\n") waitabit() val = pn:read(1) val = string.gsub(val, "[\r\n]+", '.') -- normalize line endings local ok, val1 = pcall(lpty.setflag, pn, 'raw_mode', true) if ok then pn:send("x\n") waitabit() val1 = pn:read(1) val1 = string.gsub(val1, "[\r\n]+", '.') -- normalize line endings local ok, val2 = pcall(lpty.setflag, pn, 'raw_mode', false) if ok then pn:send("x\n") waitabit() val2 = pn:read(1) val2 = string.gsub(val2, "[\r\n]+", '.') -- normalize line endings check(val == 'x.+x+.' and val1 == '+x+.' and val2 == 'x.+x+.', val .. ' vs '..val1..' vs '..val2) else fail(tostring(val2)) end else fail(tostring(val1)) end else fail(tostring(val)) end pn:flush() -- 35 announce("creating pty with separated stderr stream") pn ={separate_stderr = true} check(pn) -- 36 announce("forcing an error on pty with separated error stream. output should appear on readerr() not read()") ok, err = pcall(lpty.startproc, pn, "/this must fail") if not ok then fail(tostring(err)) elseif pn:readok(1) == false then check(pn:readerr(1) ~= nil, "readerr() returned no data") else fail("data appeared on pty") end pn:flush() -- 37 announce("changing flag on pty to separate_stderr=false then forcing error. output should appear on pty.") pn:setflag("separate_stderr", false) ok, err = pcall(lpty.startproc, pn, "/this must fail") if not ok then fail(tostring(err)) elseif pn:readok(1) == true then check(pn:readerr(1) == nil, "data appeared on readerr()") else fail("no data appeared on pty") end pn:flush() -- 38 announce("changing flag on pty to separate_stderr=true then forcing error. output should appear on readerr() not read()") pn:setflag("separate_stderr", true) ok, err = pcall(lpty.startproc, pn, "/this must fail") if not ok then fail(tostring(err)) elseif pn:readok(1) == false then check(pn:readerr(1) ~= nil, "readerr() returned no data") else fail("data appeared on pty") end pn:flush() -- all done print("Tests " .. tostring(ntests) .. " failed " .. tostring(nfailed))
-- 分成两个部分,一个部分涂颜色,一个部分扣文字 require "utf" -- 文件里面有数字好像加载会出错。。不知道为什么 BigSampleRate = 18 SmallSampleRate = 18 FontName = "STHUPO.TTF" ImgName = "img.png" function love.load() file ="src.txt", "r") str = file:read("*a") local sampleFunc = function ( gap ) drawdata = {} img = local data = img:getData() local w,h = img:getWidth(),img:getHeight() -- local w,h = 200,200 local cnt = 0 for i=1,h-gap,gap do local d = {} for j=1,w-gap,gap do local r, g, b, a = data:getPixel( j,i ) if a >128 and r+g+b < 20 then table.insert(d,1) cnt = cnt + 1 else table.insert(d,0) end end table.insert(drawdata,d) end return drawdata,cnt end bigsample,bigcnt = sampleFunc(BigSampleRate) smallsample,smallcnt = sampleFunc(SmallSampleRate) flag = math.floor(smallcnt/string.utf8len(str)) font =, 20 ) canvas = canvas:renderTo(function(),50,56) -- draw back --,95,86),255,255,255) local cnt = 1 for i=1,#bigsample do d = bigsample[i] for j=1,#d do if d[j] == 1 then "fill", j*16+8, i*16+8, math.random(4,9) ) end end end -- draw text --,153,203) --,237,237),50,23) local cnt = 1 for i=1,#smallsample do d = smallsample[i] for j=1,#d do if d[j] == 1 then local sign = ' ' if cnt % flag == 0 then local t = math.floor(cnt/flag) sign = str:utf8sub(t,t) or 'n',j*16,i*16) --,j*16,i*16,20,"center",nil,1) else -- "fill", j*16+10, i*16+10, 4 ) end cnt = cnt + 1 end end end end) end function love.draw(),255,255,255) end
--[[ 游戏逻辑常用的全局函数 ]] function message(message, ...) local msg = GetTextByLanguageI(message, ...) delay_call(0, function() g_panel_mgr.show_multiple_in_top_scene('common.dlg_common_tips_panel', msg) end) end function message_new(message, ...) local msg = GetTextByLanguageI(message, ...) delay_call(0, function() g_panel_mgr.show_multiple_in_top_scene('common.dlg_common_tips_new_panel', msg) end) end -- 显示确认面板 function confirm(content, callback, title, textYes, escFunc, notEscClosePanel, isClickClose, closePanelFunc) return g_panel_mgr.show_multiple('common.dlg_confirm_panel', title, content , callback, textYes, escFunc, notEscClosePanel, isClickClose, closePanelFunc) end -- 显示确认取消面板 function confirm_yes_no(content, callback, title, textYes, textNo, noCallback, isClickClose) return g_panel_mgr.show_multiple('common.dlg_confirm_yes_no_panel', title, content, callback, textYes, noCallback, textNo, isClickClose) end -- 显示确认取消面板(内容为scroll view) function confirm_yes_no_scroll(content, callback, title, textYes, textNo, noCallback) return g_panel_mgr.show_multiple('common.dlg_confirm_yes_no_scroll_panel', title, content, callback, textYes, noCallback, textNo) end -- 显示确认关闭面板 function confirm_yes_close(content, callback, title, textYes, escFunc) return g_panel_mgr.show_multiple('common.dlg_confirm_yes_close_panel', title, content, callback, textYes, escFunc) end local _showLoadingPanels = {} function show_loading_panel(id, time, closeCallback) if _showLoadingPanels[id] then _showLoadingPanels[id]:close_panel() end _showLoadingPanels[id] = g_panel_mgr.show_multiple('common.dlg_loading_panel', time, function() _showLoadingPanels[id] = nil if closeCallback then closeCallback() end end) end function close_loading_panel(id) local panel = _showLoadingPanels[id] if panel then panel:close_panel() _showLoadingPanels[id] = nil end end function is_loading_panel_exists(id) return _showLoadingPanels[id] ~= nil end function GetServerTimeStamp() return g_net_mgr.get_server_time_stamp() end -- dir: function utils_test_upload_content2server(content, fileName, dir, callback) local url = g_constant_conf['constant'].GAME_UPLOAD_LOG_FILE_URL .. '?filename=' .. fileName if dir then url = url ..'&dir=' .. dir end http_post(url, content, false, true).on_success = function() if callback then callback() end end end -- 当上传日志因为网络问题上传失败的时候会延时一段时间尝试重新发送 local _scheduleUploadContent = {} local function _getWriteLogPath(type) if _scheduleUploadContent[type] then return g_fileUtils:getWritablePath() .. 'cache_upload_log_file_tmp_' .. type else return g_fileUtils:getWritablePath() .. 'cache_upload_log_file_' .. type end end local function _tryUploadLog2Server(type) print('_tryUploadLog2Server', type) if _scheduleUploadContent[type] then return end local filePath = _getWriteLogPath(type) if g_fileUtils:isFileExist(filePath) then local uploadContent = g_fileUtils:getStringFromFile(filePath) local url = g_constant_conf['constant'].GAME_UPLOAD_HTTP_ERR_URL .. '?dir=' .. type local handler = http_post(url, uploadContent, false, true) _scheduleUploadContent[type] = true handler.on_success = function() local oldTempFilePath = _getWriteLogPath(type) if g_fileUtils:isFileExist(oldTempFilePath) then local tmpContent = g_fileUtils:getStringFromFile(oldTempFilePath) g_fileUtils:removeFile(oldTempFilePath) g_fileUtils:writeStringToFile(tmpContent, filePath) elseif g_fileUtils:isFileExist(filePath) then g_fileUtils:removeFile(filePath) end g_conf_mgr.set_native_conf_k_v('test_not_upload_log_type_list', type, nil) _scheduleUploadContent[type] = nil end handler.on_fail = function() _scheduleUploadContent[type] = nil end end end local _scheduleUpload = nil function utils_test_schedule_upload_log2server(delay) print('utils_test_schedule_upload_log2server', delay) if _scheduleUpload then return end _scheduleUpload = delay_call(5, function() for tp, _ in pairs(table.copy(g_native_conf['test_not_upload_log_type_list'])) do _tryUploadLog2Server(tp) -- 一次一次地发 break end if table.is_empty(g_native_conf['test_not_upload_log_type_list']) then return delay else _scheduleUpload = nil end end) end -- function utils_test_upload_log2server(type, info) print('utils_test_upload_log2server') assert(is_valid_str(type)) if not is_table(info) then info = {content = info} end assert(is_table(info)) info['wifi_state'] = platform_get_network_type() info['uuid'] = g_user_info.get_user_info() and g_user_info.get_user_info().uid or 0 info['version'] = string.format('%d.%d', utils_game_get_engine_sub_version(), utils_get_sdk_version()) info['channel'] = platform_get_app_channel_name() info['sdk_name'] = g_native_conf['sdk_name'] info['cur_patch_version'] = g_native_conf['cur_patch_version'] info['platform'] = g_application:getTargetPlatform() local uploadContent = luaext_json_encode(info) .. '\n' local url = g_constant_conf['constant'].GAME_UPLOAD_HTTP_ERR_URL .. '?dir=' .. type local handler = http_post(url, uploadContent, false, true) -- test -- handler.on_success = function() -- message("upload success") -- end handler.on_fail = function() -- 追加到文件尾端 local f =, 'a') if f then f:write(uploadContent) f:close() g_conf_mgr.set_native_conf_k_v('test_not_upload_log_type_list', type, true) end utils_test_schedule_upload_log2server(3600) end end function utils_remove_writable_path_folder_r(folderName) local folder = g_fileUtils:getWritablePath() .. folderName .. '/' if g_fileUtils:isDirectoryExist(folder) then g_fileUtils:removeDirectory(folder) end end --[[ websocket协程获取 @param net 需要绑定的网络对象 @param rsp 绑定的响应协议 @param reqFunc 请求的函数 ]] function coroutine_get_socket_rsp(net, rsp, reqFunc) local co = coroutine.running() local bResume = false net:RegisterNetEvent(rsp, function(data) if bResume == false then bResume = true coroutine.resume(co, data) end end, nil, true) delay_call(1, function() if net:IsConnected() and bResume == false then return 1 elseif bResume == false then bResume = true coroutine.resume(co) return end end) if net:IsConnected() then reqFunc() elseif bResume == false then bResume = true delay_call(0.5, function() coroutine.resume(co) end) end return coroutine.yield() end function coroutine_wait_seconds(delay) local co = coroutine.running() delay_call(delay, function() coroutine.resume(co) end) return coroutine.yield() end function coroutine_call_fun(fun,time) local co = coroutine.running() delay_call(time or 0, function() fun() coroutine.resume(co) end) return coroutine.yield() end local _listRandom = {''} for i = string.byte('0'), string.byte('9') do table.insert(_listRandom, string.char(i)) end for i = string.byte('a'), string.byte('z') do table.insert(_listRandom, string.char(i)) end for i = string.byte('A'), string.byte('Z') do table.insert(_listRandom, string.char(i)) end function utils_get_uuid(num) local ret = {} math.randomseed(utils_get_tick()) for i = 1, num do table.insert(ret, _listRandom[math.random(1, #_listRandom)]) end return table.concat(ret) end local _costTime = {} local _costTimes = {} function profile(fun, name) if _costTime[name] == nil then _costTime[name] = 0 _costTimes[name] = 0 end local cur = utils_get_tick() fun() local cost = utils_get_tick() - cur local total = _costTime[name] + cost local totalTimes = _costTimes[name] + 1 _costTime[name] = total _costTimes[name] = totalTimes printf('[%s] cost time:%f per cost time %f total cost time %f', name, cost,total/totalTimes, total) end --中文转换为当前选定语言 function T(desc) local ret pcall(function() local multiLangConf = g_conf.info_scripts_multi_lang ret = multiLangConf[desc]['lang'] end) if ret == nil or ret == '' then ret = desc end return ret end -- 用法: -- GetTextByLanguageI(2, '111', '222', '333') -- GetTextByLanguageI(asdf# {2} # {1} # {3} #sdfddd, '111', '222', '333') function GetTextByLanguageI(s, ...) if s == nil then s = 'nil' end -- 多国处理 if is_number(s) then local conf = g_conf.info_multi_language[s] if conf then s = conf.lang else s = tostring(s) end end local args = {...} if #args == 0 then return s else local ret, _ = string.gsub(s, '%{(%d+)(.-)%}', function(num, decorator) if decorator ~= '' then return string.format(decorator, args[tonumber(num)]) else return tostring(args[tonumber(num)]) end end) return ret end end function logic_utils_can_use_spine() local sub_engine_version = utils_game_get_engine_sub_version() if sp ~= nil and sub_engine_version ~= 0 and sub_engine_version ~= 100000 then return true else return false end end function utils_coroutinue_download_split_res(res_names, upate_callback) local downloader = import('logic.logic_data.split_res_downloader') local co = coroutine.running() delay_call(0, function() downloader.download_split_res(res_names, function(status, cur_size, total_size, res_name) if upate_callback then upate_callback(status, cur_size, total_size, res_name) end if status == downloader.DOWNLOAD_SPLIT_RES_CALLBACK_STATUS.RES_STATUS_ERROR then --下载出错 coroutine.resume(co, false) elseif status == downloader.DOWNLOAD_SPLIT_RES_CALLBACK_STATUS.RES_STATUS_GROUP_SUCCESSED then --下载成功了 if total_size == 0 then --版本为最新 coroutine.resume(co, true, false) else coroutine.resume(co, true, true) end elseif status == downloader.DOWNLOAD_SPLIT_RES_CALLBACK_STATUS.RES_STATUS_GROUP_CANCEL then --下载取消了 coroutine.resume(co, true, false) end end) end) return coroutine.yield() end function show_common_download_panel(gameType, callback) local debug_control = g_native_conf['debug_control'] if debug_control.bSkipUpdate or debug_control.bSkipCheckSplitPackage then if callback then callback(true) end return end local split_res_names = import('logic.logic_data.split_res_manager').get_game_split_res(gameType) show_common_download_panel_with_split_res_names(split_res_names, callback) end function show_common_download_panel_with_split_res_names(split_res_names, callback)"common.dlg_common_download_panel", split_res_names, function() if callback then callback(true) end end) end function utils_get_hall_lang_split_res_name(lang) if not lang then local curLang = g_native_conf['cur_multilang_index'] lang = curLang end if lang == 'cn' then return g_constant_conf['constant'].CHIINESE_SPLIT_RES_NAME end return 'hall_'..lang end --尝试初始化大厅的分包信息(主要是给以前的包一个初始的分包版本10000) function utils_init_hall_lang_split_res_info(lang) if not lang then local curLang = g_native_conf['cur_multilang_index'] lang = curLang end local split_res_name = utils_get_hall_lang_split_res_name(lang) if lang ~= 'cn' then local constant = g_constant_conf['constant'] local sdk_version = utils_get_sdk_version() local game_split_res_version_info = g_native_conf['game_split_res_version_info'] if sdk_version < constant.GAME_SUPPORT_HALL_SPLIT_RES_MIN_SDK_VERSION then --114 以前的版本是 各种语言的分包都放再一起。为了避免这些包去下载第一个分包,给个初始的版本号 if not game_split_res_version_info[split_res_name] then game_split_res_version_info[split_res_name] = constant.GAME_SPLIT_RES_MIN_VERSION end end end end
local this = {} this.uiType = "normal" this.assetModel = "Test" this.assetName = "TestUI" local panel = require("TestUIPanel") this.Awake = function(gameObject) panel.Awake(gameObject) UIEventListener.Get(panel.testBtn.gameObject).onClick = function(go, eventData) this.TestBtnOnClick(go, eventData) end UIEventListener.Get(panel.testImg.gameObject).onDrag = function(go, pos, eventData) this.TestImgOnDrag(go, pos, eventData) end UIEventListener.Get(panel.testRimg.gameObject).onEnter = function(go) this.TestRimgOnEnter(go) end end this.OnShowPage = function() end this.OnClose = function() end this.OnDispose = function() end this.TestBtnOnClick = function(go, eventData) end this.TestImgOnDrag = function(go, pos, eventData) end this.TestRimgOnEnter = function(go) end return this
local haml = require "haml" local n = 5000 local template = [=[ !!! html %html %head %title Test %body %h1 simple markup %div#content %ul - for _, letter in ipairs({"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"}) do %li= letter ]=] if arg[1] then local f = assert([1])) template = f:read('*a') f:close() end if arg[2] then n = tonumber(arg[2]) or n end local start = os.clock() for i = 1,n do local html = haml.render(template) end local done = os.clock() print "Compile and render:" print(("%s seconds"):format(done - start)) local phrases = haml.parse(template) local compiled = haml.compile(phrases) local start = os.clock() for i = 1,n do haml.render(compiled) end local done = os.clock() print "Render:" print(("%s seconds"):format(done - start))
jester.help_map.record = {} jester.help_map.record.description_short = [[Record sound from a channel.]] jester.help_map.record.description_long = [[This module provides actions which deal with recording sound from a channel.]] jester.help_map.record.actions = {} jester.help_map.record.actions.record = {} jester.help_map.record.actions.record.description_short = [[Records sound from a channel.]] jester.help_map.record.actions.record.description_long = [[This action records sound from a channel and stores it. The recording is in .wav format. The following variables/values related to the recording are put into Jester storage upon completion of the recording: last_recording_name: The name of the recording. last_recording_path: A full path to the recording. last_recording_timestamp: The timestamp of the recording (when it began). last_recording_duration: The duration of the recording in seconds. ]] jester.help_map.record.actions.record.params = { filename = [[(Optional) The name of the recorded file. Defaults to %Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S-${uuid}.wav]], location = [[(Optional) Where to store the file. Default is /tmp.]], append = [[(Optional) Append the recording to an existing file. Requires that the 'filename' parameter be set. If the named file does not exist, then it will be created. Default is false.]], pre_record_sound = [[(Optional) Set to a file or phrase to play prior to beginning the recording, or to 'tone' to play a typical 'wait for the beep' tone. Default is to do nothing.]], pre_record_delay = [[(Optional) Set to the number of milliseconds to delay just prior to beginning the recording. This happens after the pre_record_sound is played. This can be useful to tweak if trailing channel sounds are being recording at the beginning of the recording. Set to 0 for no delay. Default is 200 milliseconds.]], max_length = [[(Optional) Maximum allowed length of the recording in seconds. Default is 180.]], silence_threshold = [[(Optional) A number indicating the threshhold for what is considered silence. Higher numbers mean more noise will be tolerated. Default is 20. TODO: need to find doc on this.]], silence_secs = [[(Optional) The number of consecutive seconds of silence to wait before considering the recording finished. Default is 5.]], storage_area = [[(Optional) If set the 'last_recording' storage values are also stored in this storage area with the 'last_recording_' prefix stripped, eg. 'storage_area = "message"' would store 'name' in the 'message' storage area with the same value as 'last_recording_name'.]], keys = [[(Optional) See 'help sequences keys'.]], } jester.help_map.record.actions.record_merge = {} jester.help_map.record.actions.record_merge.description_short = [[Merges two recordings.]] jester.help_map.record.actions.record_merge.description_long = [[This action merges two recorded files into one. The merge file may be appended or prepended to the base file.]] jester.help_map.record.actions.record_merge.params = { base_file = [[Full path to the base file for the merge. The will be the file that remains after the merge.]], merge_file = [[Full path to the merge file for the merge. This file will not longer exist after the merge.]], merge_type = [[(Optional) The type of merge to perform, valid values are 'append' and 'prepend'. Default is 'append'.]], }
-- Gemeinschaft 5 module: ip calculation functions -- (c) AMOOMA GmbH 2012-2013 -- module(...,package.seeall) function ipv4_to_i(ip_address_str) local octet4, octet3, octet2, octet1 = ip_address_str:match('(%d%d?%d?)%.(%d%d?%d?)%.(%d%d?%d?)%.(%d%d?%d?)'); if octet4 and octet3 and octet2 and octet1 then return (2^24*octet4 + 2^16*octet3 + 2^8*octet2 + octet1); end end function ipv4_to_network_netmask(ip_address_str) local octet4, octet3, octet2, octet1, netmask = ip_address_str:match('(%d%d?%d?)%.(%d%d?%d?)%.(%d%d?%d?)%.(%d%d?%d?)/(%d%d?)'); if octet4 and octet3 and octet2 and octet1 and netmask then return (2^24*octet4 + 2^16*octet3 + 2^8*octet2 + octet1), tonumber(netmask); end end function ipv4_network(ip_address, netmask) return math.floor(ip_address / 2^(32-netmask)); end function ipv4_in_network(ip_address, network, netmask) return ipv4_network(ip_address, netmask) == ipv4_network(network, netmask); end
local t = require('luatest') local log = require('log') local fio = require('fio') local Cluster = require('test.luatest_helpers.cluster') local server = require('test.luatest_helpers.server') local COUNT = 100 local pg ='quorum_misc', {{engine = 'memtx'}, {engine = 'vinyl'}}) pg.before_each(function(cg) local engine = cg.params.engine cg.cluster = Cluster:new({}) local box_cfg = { replication_timeout = 0.1; replication_connect_timeout = 10; replication_sync_lag = 0.01; replication_connect_quorum = 3; replication = { server.build_instance_uri('quorum1'); server.build_instance_uri('quorum2'); server.build_instance_uri('quorum3'); }; } cg.quorum1 = cg.cluster:build_server({alias = 'quorum1', engine = engine, box_cfg = box_cfg}) cg.quorum2 = cg.cluster:build_server({alias = 'quorum2', engine = engine, box_cfg = box_cfg}) cg.quorum3 = cg.cluster:build_server({alias = 'quorum3', engine = engine, box_cfg = box_cfg}) local box_cfg = { replication_timeout = 0.05, replication_connect_timeout = 10, replication_connect_quorum = 1, replication = {server.build_instance_uri('replica_quorum'), server.build_instance_uri('replica_quorum1'), server.build_instance_uri('replica_quorum2')} } cg.replica_quorum = cg.cluster:build_server({alias = 'replica_quorum', engine = engine, box_cfg = box_cfg}) pcall(log.cfg, {level = 6}) end) pg.after_each(function(cg) cg.cluster.servers = nil cg.cluster:drop() end) pg.before_test('test_quorum_during_reconfiguration', function(cg) cg.cluster:add_server(cg.replica_quorum) end) pg.after_test('test_quorum_during_reconfiguration', function(cg) cg.cluster:drop({cg.replica_quorum}) end) pg.test_quorum_during_reconfiguration = function(cg) -- Test that quorum is not ignored neither during bootstrap, nor -- during reconfiguration. cg.replica_quorum:start() local function cmd(args) return (box.cfg{ replication = { os.getenv("TARANTOOL_LISTEN"), args.nonexistent_uri } }) end local nonexistent_uri = server.build_instance_uri('replica_quorum1') t.helpers.retrying({timeout = 10}, function() -- If replication_connect_quorum was ignored here, the instance -- would exit with an error. -- XXX: box.cfg() returns nothing in either way, I don't see a -- point to check it. box.cfg() may raise an error: will it be -- re-raised here? t.assert_equals(cg.replica_quorum:exec(cmd, {nonexistent_uri}), nil) end ) t.assert_equals(cg.replica_quorum:eval('return'), 1) end pg.before_test('test_id_for_rebootstrapped_replica_with_removed_xlog', function(cg) cg.cluster:add_server(cg.quorum1) cg.cluster:add_server(cg.quorum2) cg.cluster:add_server(cg.quorum3) cg.cluster:start() local bootstrap_function = function()'test', {engine = os.getenv('TARANTOOL_ENGINE')})'primary') end cg.cluster:exec_on_leader(bootstrap_function) cg.cluster:wait_fullmesh() t.helpers.retrying({timeout = 10}, function() cg.quorum2:eval( ('for i = 1, %d do{i} end'):format(COUNT)) end ) end) pg.test_id_for_rebootstrapped_replica_with_removed_xlog = function(cg) cg.quorum1:stop() fio.rmtree(cg.quorum1.workdir) fio.mktree(cg.quorum1.workdir) -- The rebootstrapped replica will be assigned id = 4, -- because ids 1..3 are busy. cg.quorum1:start() t.assert_equals(cg.quorum1.net_box.state, 'active', 'wrong state for server="%s"', cg.quorum1.alias) t.helpers.retrying({timeout = 10}, function() t.assert_equals( cg.quorum1:eval('return'), COUNT) t.assert_equals( cg.quorum2:eval( 'return[4].upstream.status'), 'follow') t.assert(cg.quorum3:eval('return ~= nil')) t.assert_equals( cg.quorum3:eval( 'return[4].upstream.status'), 'follow') end) t.assert_equals( cg.quorum2:eval('return[4].upstream.status'), 'follow') t.assert_equals( cg.quorum3:eval('return[4].upstream.status'), 'follow') end
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- tek.lib.region -- Written by Timm S. Mueller <tmueller at> -- See copyright notice in COPYRIGHT -- -- OVERVIEW:: -- This library implements the management of regions, which are -- collections of non-overlapping rectangles. -- -- FUNCTIONS:: -- - Region:andRect() - ''And''s a rectangle to a region -- - Region:andRegion() - ''And''s a region to a region -- - Region:checkIntersect() - Checks if a rectangle intersects a region -- - Region:forEach() - Calls a function for each rectangle in a region -- - Region:get() - Get region's min/max extents -- - Region.intersect() - Returns the intersection of two rectangles -- - Region:isEmpty() - Checks if a Region is empty -- - - Creates a new Region -- - Region:orRect() - ''Or''s a rectangle to a region -- - Region:orRegion() - ''Or''s a region to a region -- - Region:setRect() - Resets a region to the given rectangle -- - Region:shift() - Displaces a region -- - Region:subRect() - Subtracts a rectangle from a region -- - Region:subRegion() - Subtracts a region from a region -- - Region:xorRect() - ''Exclusive Or''s a rectangle to a region -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local insert = table.insert local ipairs = ipairs local max = math.max local min = math.min local setmetatable = setmetatable local unpack = unpack or table.unpack local Region = { } Region._VERSION = "Region 11.3" Region.__index = Region ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- x0, y0, x1, y1 = Region.intersect(d1, d2, d3, d4, s1, s2, s3, s4): -- Returns the coordinates of a rectangle where a rectangle specified by -- the coordinates s1, s2, s3, s4 overlaps with the rectangle specified -- by the coordinates d1, d2, d3, d4. The return value is '''nil''' if -- the rectangles do not overlap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Region.intersect(d1, d2, d3, d4, s1, s2, s3, s4) if s3 >= d1 and s1 <= d3 and s4 >= d2 and s2 <= d4 then return max(s1, d1), max(s2, d2), min(s3, d3), min(s4, d4) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- insertrect: insert rect to table, merging with an existing one if possible ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function insertrect(d, s1, s2, s3, s4) for i = 1, min(4, #d) do local a = d[i] local a1, a2, a3, a4 = a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4] if a2 == s2 and a4 == s4 then if a3 + 1 == s1 then a[3] = s3 return elseif a1 == s3 + 1 then a[1] = s1 return end elseif a1 == s1 and a3 == s3 then if a4 + 1 == s2 then a[4] = s4 return elseif a2 == s4 + 1 then a[2] = s2 return end end end insert(d, 1, { s1, s2, s3, s4 }) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cutrect: cut rect d into table of new rects, using rect s as a punch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function cutrect(d1, d2, d3, d4, s1, s2, s3, s4) if not Region.intersect(d1, d2, d3, d4, s1, s2, s3, s4) then return { { d1, d2, d3, d4 } } end local r = { } if d1 < s1 then insertrect(r, d1, d2, s1 - 1, d4) d1 = s1 end if d2 < s2 then insertrect(r, d1, d2, d3, s2 - 1) d2 = s2 end if d3 > s3 then insertrect(r, s3 + 1, d2, d3, d4) d3 = s3 end if d4 > s4 then insertrect(r, d1, s4 + 1, d3, d4) end return r end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- cutregion: cut region d, using s as a punch ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function cutregion(d, s1, s2, s3, s4) local r = { } for _, dr in ipairs(d) do local d1, d2, d3, d4 = dr[1], dr[2], dr[3], dr[4] for _, t in ipairs(cutrect(d1, d2, d3, d4, s1, s2, s3, s4)) do insertrect(r, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]) end end return r end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- region =, r2, r3, r4): Creates a new region from the given -- coordinates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function, r2, r3, r4) if r1 then return setmetatable({ region = { { r1, r2, r3, r4 } } }, Region) end return setmetatable({ region = { } }, Region) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- self = region:setRect(r1, r2, r3, r4): Resets an existing region -- to the specified rectangle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Region:setRect(r1, r2, r3, r4) self.region = { { r1, r2, r3, r4 } } return self end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- region:orRect(r1, r2, r3, r4): Logical ''or''s a rectangle to a region ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Region:orRect(s1, s2, s3, s4) self.region = cutregion(self.region, s1, s2, s3, s4) insertrect(self.region, s1, s2, s3, s4) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- region:orRegion(region): Logical ''or''s another region to a region ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Region:orRegion(s) for _, r in ipairs(s) do self:orRect(r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4]) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- region:andRect(r1, r2, r3, r4): Logical ''and''s a rectange to a region ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Region:andRect(s1, s2, s3, s4) local r = { } for _, d in ipairs(self.region) do local t1, t2, t3, t4 = Region.intersect(d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], s1, s2, s3, s4) if t1 then insertrect(r, t1, t2, t3, t4) end end self.region = r end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- region:xorRect(r1, r2, r3, r4): Logical ''xor''s a rectange to a region ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Region:xorRect(s1, s2, s3, s4) local r1 = { } local r2 = { { s1, s2, s3, s4 } } for _, d in ipairs(self.region) do local d1, d2, d3, d4 = d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4] for _, t in ipairs(cutrect(d1, d2, d3, d4, s1, s2, s3, s4)) do insertrect(r1, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]) end r2 = cutregion(r2, d1, d2, d3, d4) end self.region = r1 self:orRegion(r2) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- self = region:subRect(r1, r2, r3, r4): Subtracts a rectangle from a region ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Region:subRect(s1, s2, s3, s4) local r1 = { } for _, d in ipairs(self.region) do local d1, d2, d3, d4 = d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4] for _, t in ipairs(cutrect(d1, d2, d3, d4, s1, s2, s3, s4)) do insertrect(r1, t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]) end end self.region = r1 return self end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- region:getRect - gets an iterator on the rectangles in a region [internal] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Region:getRects() local index = 0 return function(object) index = index + 1 if object[index] then return unpack(object[index]) end end, self.region end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- success = region:checkIntersect(x0, y0, x1, y1): Returns a boolean -- indicating whether a rectangle specified by its coordinates overlaps -- with a region. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Region:checkIntersect(s1, s2, s3, s4) for _, d in ipairs(self.region) do if Region.intersect(d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], s1, s2, s3, s4) then return true end end return false end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- region:subRegion(region2): Subtracts {{region2}} from {{region}}. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Region:subRegion(region) if region then for r1, r2, r3, r4 in region:getRects() do self:subRect(r1, r2, r3, r4) end end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- region:andRegion(r): Logically ''and''s a region to a region ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Region:andRegion(s) local r = { } for _, s in ipairs(s.region) do for _, d in ipairs(self.region) do local t1, t2, t3, t4 = Region.intersect(d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], s[1], s[2], s[3], s[4]) if t1 then insertrect(r, t1, t2, t3, t4) end end end self.region = r end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- region:forEach(func, obj, ...): For each rectangle in a region, calls the -- specified function according the following scheme: -- func(obj, x0, y0, x1, y1, ...) -- Extra arguments are passed through to the function. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Region:forEach(func, obj, ...) for x0, y0, x1, y1 in self:getRects() do func(obj, x0, y0, x1, y1, ...) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- region:shift(dx, dy): Shifts a region by delta x and y. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Region:shift(dx, dy) for _, r in ipairs(self.region) do r[1] = r[1] + dx r[2] = r[2] + dy r[3] = r[3] + dx r[4] = r[4] + dy end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- region:isEmpty(): Returns '''true''' if a region is empty. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Region:isEmpty() return #self.region == 0 end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- minx, miny, maxx, maxy = region:get(): Get region's min/max extents ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function Region:get() if #self.region > 0 then local minx = 1000000 -- ui.HUGE local miny = 1000000 local maxx = 0 local maxy = 0 for _, r in ipairs(self.region) do minx = min(minx, r[1]) miny = min(miny, r[2]) maxx = max(maxx, r[3]) maxy = max(maxy, r[4]) end return minx, miny, maxx, maxy end end return Region
-- Create the MF object -- if global.mobileFactory ~= nil then global.upsysTickTable = {} global.entsTable = {} game.print("Mobile Factory to OOP Update") -- Copy all variables -- global.MF = MF:new(global.mobileFactory) local MF = global.MF MF.fS = global.factorySurface MF.ccS = global.controlSurface MF.fChest = global.factoryChest MF.internalEnergy = global.mfInternalEnergy MF.maxInternalEnergy = global.mfInternalEnergyMax MF.jumpTimer = global.mfJumpTimer MF.baseJumpTimer = global.mfBaseJumpTimer MF.laserRadiusMultiplier = global.mfEnergyRadiusMult MF.laserDrainMultiplier = global.mfEnergyDrainMult MF.laserNumberMultiplier = global.mfEnergyLaserMult MF.energyLaserActivated = global.mfEnergyLaserActivated MF.fluidLaserActivated = global.mfFluidDrainLaserActivated MF.itemLaserActivated = global.mfItemDistributionActivated MF.internalEnergyDistributionActivated = global.mfEnergyDistributionActivated -- Set old variables to nil -- global.mobileFactory = nil global.factorySurface = nil global.controlSurface = nil global.factoryChest = nil global.mfInternalEnergy = nil global.mfInternalEnergyMax = nil global.mfJumpTimer = nil global.mfBaseJumpTimer = nil global.mfEnergyRadiusMult = nil global.mfEnergyDrainMult = nil global.mfEnergyLaserMult = nil global.mfEnergyLaserActivated = nil global.mfFluidDrainLaserActivated = nil global.mfItemDistributionActivated = nil global.mfEnergyDistributionActivated = nil end
-- @docclass ProtocolLogin = extends(Protocol) -- private functions local function sendLoginPacket(protocol) local msg = OutputMessage.create() msg:addU8(ClientEnterAccount) msg:addU16(1) -- todo: ClientOs msg:addU16(g_game.getClientVersion()) msg:addU32(g_things.getDatSignature()) msg:addU32(g_sprites.getSprSignature()) msg:addU32(0) -- todo: pic signature local paddingBytes = 128 msg:addU8(0) -- first RSA byte must be 0 paddingBytes = paddingBytes - 1 -- xtea key protocol:generateXteaKey() local xteaKey = protocol:getXteaKey() msg:addU32(xteaKey[1]) msg:addU32(xteaKey[2]) msg:addU32(xteaKey[3]) msg:addU32(xteaKey[4]) paddingBytes = paddingBytes - 16 if g_game.getFeature(GameProtocolChecksum) then protocol:enableChecksum() end if g_game.getFeature(GameAccountNames) then msg:addString(protocol.accountName) msg:addString(protocol.accountPassword) paddingBytes = paddingBytes - (4 + string.len(protocol.accountName) + string.len(protocol.accountPassword)) else msg:addU32(tonumber(protocol.accountName)) msg:addString(protocol.accountPassword) paddingBytes = paddingBytes - (6 + string.len(protocol.accountPassword)) end msg:addPaddingBytes(paddingBytes, 0) msg:encryptRSA(128, OTSERV_RSA) -- todo: check whether to use cip or ot rsa protocol:send(msg) protocol:enableXteaEncryption() protocol:recv() end -- events function ProtocolLogin:onConnect() self:connectCallback(self) end function ProtocolLogin:onRecv(msg) while not msg:eof() do local opcode = msg:getU8() if opcode == LoginServerError then self:parseError(msg) elseif opcode == LoginServerMotd then self:parseMotd(msg) elseif opcode == LoginServerUpdateNeeded then signalcall(self.onError, self, "Client needs update.") elseif opcode == LoginServerCharacterList then self:parseCharacterList(msg) else self:parseOpcode(opcode, msg) end end self:disconnect() end -- public functions function ProtocolLogin.create() return ProtocolLogin.internalCreate() end function ProtocolLogin:login(host, port, accountName, accountPassword) if string.len(accountName) == 0 or string.len(accountPassword) == 0 then signalcall(self.onError, self, "You must enter an account name and password.") return end self.accountName = accountName self.accountPassword = accountPassword self.connectCallback = sendLoginPacket self:connect(host, port) end function ProtocolLogin:cancelLogin() self:disconnect() end function ProtocolLogin:parseError(msg) local errorMessage = msg:getString() signalcall(self.onError, self, errorMessage) end function ProtocolLogin:parseMotd(msg) local motd = msg:getString() signalcall(self.onMotd, self, motd) end function ProtocolLogin:parseCharacterList(msg) local characters = {} local charactersCount = msg:getU8() for i=1,charactersCount do local character = {} character[1] = msg:getString() character[2] = msg:getString() character[3] = iptostring(msg:getU32()) character[4] = msg:getU16() characters[i] = character end local premDays = msg:getU16() signalcall(self.onCharacterList, self, characters, premDays) end function ProtocolLogin:parseOpcode(opcode, msg) signalcall(self.onOpcode, self, opcode, msg) end
local pdk = require("apioak.pdk") local table_name = "oak_upstreams" local _M = {} _M.table_name = table_name function _M.all() local sql = pdk.string.format("SELECT * FROM %s", table_name) local res, err = pdk.database.execute(sql) if err then return nil, err end for i = 1, #res do res[i].nodes = pdk.json.decode(res[i].nodes) res[i].timeouts = pdk.json.decode(res[i].timeouts) end return res, nil end function _M.create(params) local sql = pdk.string.format([[ INSERT INTO %s ( env, host, type, project_id, timeouts, nodes ) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ]], table_name, ngx.quote_sql_str(params.env), ngx.quote_sql_str(, ngx.quote_sql_str(params.type), ngx.quote_sql_str(params.project_id), ngx.quote_sql_str(pdk.json.encode(params.timeouts)), ngx.quote_sql_str(pdk.json.encode(params.nodes))) local res, err = pdk.database.execute(sql) if err then return nil, err end return res, nil end function _M.update_by_pid(pid, upstream) local sql = pdk.string.format([[ UPDATE %s SET host = %s, type = %s, timeouts = %s, nodes = %s WHERE id = %s AND project_id = %s ]], table_name, ngx.quote_sql_str(, ngx.quote_sql_str(upstream.type), ngx.quote_sql_str(pdk.json.encode(upstream.timeouts)), ngx.quote_sql_str(pdk.json.encode(upstream.nodes)), ngx.quote_sql_str(, ngx.quote_sql_str(pid)) local res, err = pdk.database.execute(sql) if err then return nil, err end return res, nil end function _M.query(upstream_id) local sql = pdk.string.format("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE id = %s", table_name, ngx.quote_sql_str(upstream_id)) local res, err = pdk.database.execute(sql) if err then return nil, err end return res, nil end function _M.query_by_pid(project_id) local sql = pdk.string.format("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE project_id = %s", table_name, ngx.quote_sql_str(project_id)) local res, err = pdk.database.execute(sql) if err then return nil, err end for i = 1, #res do res[i].nodes = pdk.json.decode(res[i].nodes) res[i].timeouts = pdk.json.decode(res[i].timeouts) end return res, nil end function _M.delete_by_pid(project_id) local sql = pdk.string.format("DELETE FROM %s WHERE project_id = %s", table_name, ngx.quote_sql_str(project_id)) local res, err = pdk.database.execute(sql) if err then return nil, err end return res, nil end function _M.query_last_updated_hid() local sql = pdk.string.format( "SELECT MD5(updated_at) AS hash_id FROM %s ORDER BY updated_at DESC LIMIT 1", table_name) local res, err = pdk.database.execute(sql) if err then return nil, err end if #res == 0 then return res, nil end return res[1], nil end return _M
local backpack_qn_pin_map = require("qnFiles/qnPlist/hall/backpack_qn_pin"); local newObjectCase_pin_map = require("qnFiles/qnPlist/hall/newObjectCase_pin"); local newObjectCaseRecordNotice= { name="newObjectCaseRecordNotice",type=0,typeName="View",time=0,x=0,y=0,width=1280,height=720,visible=1,nodeAlign=kAlignTopLeft,fillParentWidth=1,fillParentHeight=1, { name="Image_mask",type=0,typeName="Image",time=108131269,x=165,y=286,width=1280,height=720,nodeAlign=kAlignTopLeft,visible=0,fillParentWidth=1,fillParentHeight=1,file="isolater/bg_shiled.png" }, { name="ImageBack",type=0,typeName="Image",time=108131298,x=0,y=0,width=723,height=720,nodeAlign=kAlignRight,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=1,file=backpack_qn_pin_map['backpack_bg.png'],gridLeft=55,gridRight=55,gridTop=55,gridBottom=55,callbackfunc="onBindBlankFunc",varname="ImageBack", { name="Image_tittle_bg",type=1,typeName="Image",time=0,x=0,y=0,width=700,height=82,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignTopRight,file=backpack_qn_pin_map['backpack_tittle_bg.png'], { name="Image_tittle",type=4,typeName="Text",time=0,x=0,y=0,width=128,height=36,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignCenter,fontSize=32,textAlign=kAlignLeft,colorRed=159,colorGreen=115,colorBlue=50,string=[[兑换成功]],colorA=1,varname="Image_tittle" }, { name="Image_tittle_shard",type=4,typeName="Text",time=0,x=0,y=0,width=128,height=36,visible=0,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignCenter,fontSize=32,textAlign=kAlignLeft,colorRed=159,colorGreen=115,colorBlue=50,string=[[合成成功]],colorA=1,varname="Image_tittle_shard" }, { name="Image_tittle__fail",type=4,typeName="Text",time=0,x=0,y=0,width=128,height=36,visible=0,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignCenter,fontSize=32,textAlign=kAlignLeft,colorRed=159,colorGreen=115,colorBlue=50,string=[[充值失败]],colorA=1,varname="Image_tittle__fail" } }, { name="Image_bg2",type=1,typeName="Image",time=0,x=10,y=15,width=659,height=615,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignBottom,file="hall/common/bg_blank.png",gridLeft=10,gridRight=10,gridTop=10,gridBottom=10,fillTopLeftX=40,fillBottomRightX=24,fillTopLeftY=90,fillBottomRightY=15, { name="describeFrame",type=0,typeName="Image",time=108131306,x=0,y=180,width=562,height=86,nodeAlign=kAlignBottom,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,file=backpack_qn_pin_map['backpack_des_bg.png'],gridLeft=8,gridRight=8,gridTop=8,gridBottom=8,varname="describeFrame", { name="TextView_des",type=0,typeName="TextView",time=108131307,x=0,y=1,width=540,height=70,nodeAlign=kAlignCenter,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,fontSize=26,textAlign=kAlignTopLeft,colorRed=143,colorGreen=92,colorBlue=31,colorA=1,varname="TextView_des",string=[[士大夫但是但是发射点犯得上反对撒法大沙发]] }, { name="View_forOrder",type=0,typeName="View",time=0,x=0,y=0,width=540,height=80,visible=0,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignCenter,varname="View_forOrder", { name="Text_company",type=4,typeName="Text",time=0,x=0,y=-15,width=120,height=27,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignLeft,fontSize=20,textAlign=kAlignLeft,colorRed=143,colorGreen=92,colorBlue=31,string=[[承运公司:]],colorA=1,varname="Text_company" }, { name="View_orderFrame",type=0,typeName="View",time=0,x=100,y=10,width=300,height=30,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignLeft,varname="View_orderFrame",callbackfunc="onBindToCopyOrder" }, { name="Text_company25",type=4,typeName="Text",time=0,x=0,y=15,width=120,height=27,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignLeft,fontSize=20,textAlign=kAlignLeft,colorRed=143,colorGreen=92,colorBlue=31,string=[[运单编号:]],colorA=1 } } }, { name="View_clientPhone",type=0,typeName="View",time=108131317,x=50,y=0,width=286,height=40,nodeAlign=kAlignBottomRight,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,varname="View_clientPhone",callbackfunc="onBindToCallPhone", { name="phoneLogo",type=0,typeName="Image",time=108131318,x=0,y=5,width=20,height=21,nodeAlign=kAlignBottomRight,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,file=newObjectCase_pin_map['newCase_greePhone.png'],varname="phoneLogo" }, { name="View_phoneNumber",type=0,typeName="View",time=0,x=0,y=5,width=10,height=10,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignBottomRight,varname="View_phoneNumber" } }, { name="View33",type=0,typeName="View",time=0,x=151,y=216,width=659,height=345,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignTopLeft,fillBottomRightY=270,fillTopLeftX=0,fillBottomRightX=0,fillTopLeftY=0, { name="Image_succes",type=1,typeName="Image",time=0,x=0,y=-43,width=529,height=278,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignCenter,file=backpack_qn_pin_map['backpack_succes.png'],varname="Image_succes", { name="View_icon_bg",type=0,typeName="View",time=0,x=0,y=75,width=100,height=100,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignBottom,varname="View_icon_bg" } }, { name="Text_congratulation",type=4,typeName="Text",time=0,x=0,y=130,width=170,height=39,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignCenter,fontSize=34,textAlign=kAlignCenter,colorRed=224,colorGreen=71,colorBlue=19,colorA=1,varname="Text_congratulation" }, { name="ImageFail",type=0,typeName="Image",time=108131050,x=0,y=-30,width=158,height=160,nodeAlign=kAlignCenter,visible=0,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,file=backpack_qn_pin_map['backpack_box.png'],varname="ImageFail", { name="Image_icon_fail",type=0,typeName="Image",time=108131051,x=0,y=0,width=130,height=130,nodeAlign=kAlignCenter,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,file="hall/common/bg_blank.png",varname="Image_icon_fail" }, { name="Text_fail_name",type=4,typeName="Text",time=0,x=0,y=215,width=204,height=39,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignTop,fontSize=34,textAlign=kAlignCenter,colorRed=224,colorGreen=71,colorBlue=19,colorA=1,varname="Text_fail_name" }, { name="Image32",type=1,typeName="Image",time=0,x=0,y=-40,width=198,height=58,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignBottom,file=backpack_qn_pin_map['backpack_recharge_fail.png'] } } }, { name="Button_share_friend",type=1,typeName="Button",time=0,x=50,y=70,width=265,height=80,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignBottomLeft,file=backpack_qn_pin_map['backpack_share_bg.png'],gridLeft=8,gridRight=8,gridTop=8,gridBottom=8,varname="Button_share_friend",callbackfunc="onBindToShareFried", { name="Image34",type=1,typeName="Image",time=0,x=24,y=0,width=62,height=48,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignLeft,file=backpack_qn_pin_map['backpack_share_friend.png'] }, { name="Text35",type=4,typeName="Text",time=0,x=100,y=0,width=130,height=29,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignLeft,fontSize=26,textAlign=kAlignLeft,colorRed=143,colorGreen=92,colorBlue=31,string=[[分享给好友]],colorA=1 } }, { name="Button_share_circle",type=1,typeName="Button",time=0,x=50,y=70,width=265,height=80,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignBottomRight,file=backpack_qn_pin_map['backpack_share_bg.png'],gridLeft=8,gridRight=8,gridTop=8,gridBottom=8,varname="Button_share_circle",callbackfunc="onBindToCircle", { name="Image34",type=1,typeName="Image",time=0,x=18,y=0,width=62,height=48,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignLeft,file=backpack_qn_pin_map['backpack_share_circle.png'] }, { name="Text35",type=4,typeName="Text",time=0,x=93,y=0,width=156,height=29,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignLeft,fontSize=26,textAlign=kAlignLeft,colorRed=143,colorGreen=92,colorBlue=31,string=[[分享到朋友圈]],colorA=1 } } }, { name="closeBtn",type=0,typeName="Button",time=108131047,x=43,y=10,width=80,height=57,nodeAlign=kAlignTopLeft,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,file="hall/backpack/backpack_btn_bg.png",gridLeft=20,gridRight=20,gridTop=20,gridBottom=20,varname="closeBtn",callbackfunc="oncloseBtnClick", { name="Image18",type=1,typeName="Image",time=0,x=0,y=0,width=39,height=39,visible=1,fillParentWidth=0,fillParentHeight=0,nodeAlign=kAlignCenter,file=backpack_qn_pin_map['backpack_back.png'] } } } } return newObjectCaseRecordNotice;
-- TokenRing.lua local Computicle = require("Computicle"); local TokenRing = { Messages = { DELIVER = 101, }, } setmetatable(TokenRing, { __call = function(self, ...) return self:create(...); end, }); local TokenRing_mt = { __index = TokenRing, } TokenRing.init = function(self, nodelist) local obj = { NodeList = nodelist; } setmetatable(obj, TokenRing_mt); return obj; end TokenRing.create = function(self, nEntries) print("TokenRing.create: ", nEntries); local nodelist = {} for i=1,nEntries do local node = Computicle:load("comp_tokenring_node"); node.NodeId = i; table.insert(nodelist, node); -- connect the nodes together if i > 1 then nodelist[i-1].next = node; end -- link the ending node back to the beginning node if i == nEntries then = nodelist[1]; end end return self:init(nodelist); end TokenRing.deliver = function(self, msg, nodeid) nodeid = nodeid or 1; self.NodeList[1]:receiveMessage(TokenRing.Messages.DELIVER, nodeid, msg) end TokenRing.awaitFinish = function(self) return self.NodeList[1]:waitForFinish(); end return TokenRing
--[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Name: 02_3dViewer Summary: Show the pointcloud that the camera acquired Description: Set up the camera to take live images continuously. React to the "OnNewImage" event and show the pointcloud in an 3D viewer How to run: First set this app as main (right-click -> "Set as main"). Start by running the app (F5) or debugging (F7+F10). Set a breakpoint on the first row inside the main function to debug step-by-step. See the results in the different image viewer on the DevicePage. More Information: See the tutorial Visionary-T AP FirstSteps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------]] -- Setup the camera local camera = Image.Provider.Camera.create() Image.Provider.Camera.stop(camera) local cameraModel = Image.Provider.Camera.getInitialCameraModel(camera) --setup the pointcloud converter local pointCloudConverter = Image.PointCloudConverter.create(cameraModel) --setup the view local view3D = View.create('3DViewer') local function main() Image.Provider.Camera.start(camera) end --The following registration is part of the global scope which runs once after startup --Registration of the 'main' function to the 'Engine.OnStarted' event Script.register('Engine.OnStarted', main) --@handleOnNewImage(image:Image,sensordata:SensorData) local function handleOnNewImage(image) -- Convert to point cloud, first argument is the distance image, second one is the intensity image local convert = Image.PointCloudConverter.convert(pointCloudConverter, image[1], image[2]) -- Add the point cloud to the viewer and then present View.addPointCloud(view3D, convert) View.present(view3D) end Image.Provider.Camera.register(camera, 'OnNewImage', handleOnNewImage)
local match = string.match local G = ... local id = G.ID("requireselectedmodule.requireselectedmodule") local menuid local function getEOLCharacter() -- it would be nice if I could reference the -- mode constants directly but AFAICT I can't local EOLMode = GetEditor():GetEOLMode() if EOLMode == 0 then return "\r\n" elseif EOLMode == 1 then return "\r" else return "\n" end end local function requireSelectedModule() local editor = GetEditor() local lineNumber = editor:GetCurrentLine() local currentLine = editor:GetLine(lineNumber) --scan upwards for any require statements while lineNumber > 0 and not (match(currentLine, "require%s+%(?\"")) do lineNumber = lineNumber - 1 currentLine = editor:GetLine(lineNumber) end local selection = editor:GetSelectedText() local requireText = "local " .. selection .. " = require(\"" .. selection .. "\")" .. getEOLCharacter() editor:GotoLine(lineNumber) editor:InsertText(-1, requireText) editor:LineEnd() end return { name = "requireselectedmodule", description = "require a module with a filename equal to selected fragment.", author = "Ryan Wiedemann", version = 0.1, dependencies = 1.10, -- just the first thing I tested it on onRegister = function(self) -- add menu item that will activate popup menu local menu = ide:GetMenuBar():GetMenu(ide:GetMenuBar():FindMenu(TR("&Edit"))) menuid = menu:Append(id, "Require selected module\tCtrl-M") ide:GetMainFrame():Connect(id, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, requireSelectedModule) end, onUnRegister = function(self) -- remove added menu item when plugin is unregistered local menu = ide:GetMenuBar():GetMenu(ide:GetMenuBar():FindMenu(TR("&Edit"))) ide:GetMainFrame():Disconnect(id, wx.wxID_ANY, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED) if menuid then menu:Destroy(menuid) end end, onMenuEditor = function(self, menu, editor, event) -- add a separator and a sample menu item to the popup menu menu:AppendSeparator() menu:Append(id, "Require selected module") -- attach a function to the added menu item editor:Connect(id, wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, requireSelectedModule) end }
package.path = "../../?.lua;" .. package.path local Modern = require 'modern' -- local M1 = Modern:extend() function M1:new() print('M1:new') self:foo() end function M1:foo() print('M1:foo') self:bar() end function M1:bar() print('M1:bar') end -- local M2 = Modern:extend() function M2:new() print('M2:new') end function M2:foo() print('M2:foo') end function M2:bar() print('M1:bar') end -- local MM = Modern:extend(M1, M2) function MM:new() print('MM:new') end function MM:foo() print('MM:foo') end -- local mm = MM()
--- AceConfigTab-3.0 provides support for tab-completion to AceConfig tables. -- Note: This library is not yet finalized. -- @class file -- @name AceConfigTab-3.0 -- @release $Id: AceConfigTab-3.0.lua 769 2009-04-04 11:05:08Z nevcairiel $ local MAJOR, MINOR = "AceConfigTab-3.0", 1 local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR) if not lib then return end local ac = LibStub("AceConsole-3.0") local function printf(...) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(string.format(...)) end -- getChildren(opt, ...) -- -- Retrieve the next valid group args in an AceConfig table. -- -- opt - AceConfig options table -- ... - args following the slash command -- -- opt will need to be determined by the slash-command -- The args will be obtained using AceConsole:GetArgs() or something similar on the remainder of the line. -- -- Returns arg1, arg2, ... local function getLevel(opt, ...) -- Walk down the options tree to the last arg in the commandline, or return if it does not follow the tree. local path = "" local lastChild for i = 1, select('#', ...) do local arg = select(i, ...) if not arg or type(arg) == 'number' then break end if opt.plugins then for k in pairs(opt.plugins) do if string.lower(k) == string.lower(arg) then opt = opt.plugins[k] path = path..arg.." " lastChild = arg break end end elseif opt.args then for k in pairs(opt.args) do if string.lower(k) == string.lower(arg) then opt = opt.args[k] path = path..arg.." " lastChild = arg break end end else break end end return opt, path end local function getChildren(opt, ...) local lastChild, path opt, path, lastChild = getLevel(opt, ...) local args = {} for _, field in ipairs({"args", "plugins"}) do if type(opt[field]) == 'table' then for k in pairs(opt[field]) do if opt[field].type ~= 'header' then table.insert(args, k) end end end end return args, path end --LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable("ag_UnitFrames", aUF.Options.table) local function createWordlist(t, cmdline, pos) local cmd = string.match(cmdline, "(/[^ \t\n]+)") local argslist = string.sub(cmdline, pos, this:GetCursorPosition()) local opt -- TODO: figure out options table using cmd opt = LibStub("AceConfigRegistry-3.0"):GetOptionsTable("ag_UnitFrames", "cmd", "AceTab-3.0") -- hardcoded temporarily for testing if not opt then return end local args, path = getChildren(opt, ac:GetArgs(argslist, #argslist/2)) -- largest # of args representable by a string of length #argslist, since they must be separated by spaces for _, v in ipairs(args) do table.insert(t, path..v) end end local function usage(t, matches, _, cmdline) local cmd = string.match(cmdline, "(/[^ \t\n]+)") local argslist = string.sub(cmdline, #cmd, this:GetCursorPosition()) local opt -- TODO: figure out options table using cmd opt = LibStub("AceConfigRegistry-3.0"):GetOptionsTable("ag_UnitFrames")("cmd", "AceTab-3.0") -- hardcoded temporarily for testing if not opt then return end local level = getLevel(opt, ac:GetArgs(argslist, #argslist/2)) -- largest # of args representable by a string of length #argslist, since they must be separated by spaces local option for _, m in pairs(matches) do local tail = string.match(m, "([^ \t\n]+)$") option = level.plugins and level.plugins[tail] or level.args and level.args[tail] printf("%s - %s", tail, option.desc) end end LibStub("AceTab-3.0"):RegisterTabCompletion("aguftest", "%/%w+ ", createWordlist, usage)
fugue.particles = {} function fugue.initParticles() for i = 1, 100, 1 do fugue.particles[i] = {} local p = fugue.particles[i] p.pos = vec3d(0,0,0) p.vel = vec3d(0,0,0) = false end end fugue.initParticles() function fugue.updateParticles() local activationCountdown = 10 for i = 1,100,1 do local p = fugue.particles[i] if == true then p.pos = p.pos + p.vel * 0.3 p.vel = p.vel + vec3d(0,-1,0) * 0.2 if p.pos.y < 0 then = false end else if activationCountdown > 0 and g_wrapItUp ~= 0 then -- prime the particle p.pos = cvec3d(fugue.demiurge[1]) p.pos = fugue.demiurge[math.random(2)] + vec3d(50,0,0) --p.pos.y = 60 p.vel = vec3d(math.random(20) - 10, math.random(6)-3, math.random(6)-3) = true activationCountdown = activationCountdown - 1 end end end end function fugue.renderParticles() colorGL(200,180, 90) for i = 1,100,1 do local p = fugue.particles[i] if == true then drawLine(p.pos.x, p.pos.y, p.pos.z, p.pos.x + p.vel.x, p.pos.y + p.vel.y, p.pos.z + p.vel.z) end end end function fugue.renderDemiurge() fugue.updateParticles() fugue.updateParticles() fugue.updateParticles() fugue.renderParticles() end function fugue.renderSheet(nTotal, nAhead) colorGL(50, 50, 150 + math.random(20)) beginQuadGL() for i = 1, nTotal, 1 do local nindex = fugue.currnote - i + nAhead if nindex <= #fugue.lines[1] and nindex > 0 then local note = fugue.lines[1][nindex] if note.isRest == nil then local pos = * 5 + (note.octave + 2) * 35 vectorGL(i * 10, pos, 200) vectorGL((i+1) * 10, pos, 200) vectorGL((i+1) * 10, pos - 5, 200) vectorGL(i * 10, pos - 5, 200) end end end endGL() colorGL(150 + math.random(20),50,50) beginQuadGL() for i = 1, nTotal, 1 do local nindex = fugue.currnote - i + nAhead if nindex <= #fugue.lines[2] and nindex > 0 then local note = fugue.lines[2][nindex] if note.isRest == nil then local pos = * 5 + (note.octave + 2) * 35 vectorGL(i * 10, pos, 200) vectorGL((i+1) * 10, pos, 200) vectorGL((i+1) * 10, pos - 5, 200) vectorGL(i * 10, pos - 5, 200) end end end endGL() end -- function fugue.render() -- renderGear(50,50,50, 20, fugue.gpos) -- renderGear(50,50,92, 20, -fugue.gpos+math.pi*0.05) -- renderGear(92,50,50, 20, -fugue.gpos+math.pi*0.05) -- fugue.gpos = fugue.gpos + math.pi*0.01 -- end fugue.demiurge = {} fugue.demiurge[1] = vec3d(0,0,0) fugue.demiurge[2] = vec3d(0,0,0) function fugue.renderGear(x, y, z, radius, trackNum, noteColor, nTotal, nAhead) local nnotes = nTotal local angstep = (math.pi * 2)/nnotes --local angbegin = fugue.currnote * angstep * 1.0 * 0 local angbegin = nAhead * angstep * -1.0 if trackNum % 2 == 1 then angbegin = angbegin * -1 angstep = angstep * -1 angbegin = angbegin + angstep * 0.5 + math.pi end local c = vec3d(x,y,z) colorGL(,, local ang = angbegin beginQuadGL() for i = 1, nnotes, 1 do if i == nAhead then colorGL(200, 200, 0) else colorGL(,, end local nindex = fugue.currnote - i + nAhead if nindex <= #fugue.lines[trackNum] and nindex > 0 then local note = fugue.lines[trackNum][nindex] local npos = * 2 + note.octave * 14 + 30 local p1 = rvec3d(radius-2, ang) + c local p2 = rvec3d(radius-2, ang+angstep) + c if i == nAhead then fugue.demiurge[trackNum] = vec3d(c.x - 50, p1.y + npos - 1.5, p1.z) vectorGL(c.x - 50, p1.y + npos - 2, p1.z) vectorGL(c.x + 50, p2.y + npos - 2, p2.z) vectorGL(c.x + 50, p2.y + npos, p2.z) vectorGL(c.x - 50, p1.y + npos, p1.z) else vectorGL(p1.x, p1.y + npos - 2, p1.z) vectorGL(p2.x, p2.y + npos - 2, p2.z) vectorGL(p2.x, p2.y + npos, p2.z) vectorGL(p1.x, p1.y + npos, p1.z) end end ang = ang + angstep end endGL() end
local BitBuffer = require("bitBuffer") local buffer = BitBuffer() local clock = os.clock local specialized, generic local generic_arg1, generic_arg2 local v = ... if v == "u8" then specialized = buffer.writeUInt8 generic = buffer.writeByte elseif v == "u16" then specialized = buffer.writeUInt16 generic = buffer.writeUnsigned generic_arg1 = 16 elseif v == "u32" then specialized = buffer.writeUInt32 generic = buffer.writeUnsigned generic_arg1 = 32 elseif v == "i8" then specialized = buffer.writeInt8 generic = buffer.writeSigned generic_arg1 = 8 elseif v == "i16" then specialized = buffer.writeInt16 generic = buffer.writeSigned generic_arg1 = 16 elseif v == "i32" then specialized = buffer.writeInt32 generic = buffer.writeSigned generic_arg1 = 32 elseif v == "f16" then specialized = buffer.writeFloat16 generic = buffer.writeFloat generic_arg1 = 5 generic_arg2 = 10 elseif v == "f32" then specialized = buffer.writeFloat32 generic = buffer.writeFloat generic_arg1 = 8 generic_arg2 = 23 elseif v == "f64" then specialized = buffer.writeFloat64 generic = buffer.writeFloat generic_arg1 = 11 generic_arg2 = 52 end if not specialized or not generic then print("Argument must start with u, i, or f and end with 8, 16, 32, or 64 -- f8, u64, and i64 do not exist") return end local i1, i2 = 0, 0 local t1 = clock() while clock()-t1 <= 1 do specialized(64) i1 = i1+1 end if generic_arg1 and generic_arg2 then local t2 = clock() while clock()-t2 <= 1 do generic(generic_arg1, generic_arg2, 64) i2 = i2+1 end elseif generic_arg1 then local t2 = clock() while clock()-t2 <= 1 do generic(generic_arg1, 64) i2 = i2+1 end else local t2 = clock() while clock()-t2 <= 1 do generic(64) i2 = i2+1 end end local ratio1 = math.floor((i1/i2)*100) local ratio2 = math.floor((i2/i1)*100) print(string.format("Iterations in 1s for %s:", v)) print(string.format(" Specialized: %i - %s", i1, string.format("%i%% of generic", ratio1))) print(string.format(" Generic: %i - %s", i2, string.format("%i%% of specialized", ratio2)))
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Handler.......... : onTestAchievements -- Author........... : -- Description...... : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function SteamworksAI.onTestAchievements ( ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- log.message ( "Steamworks: *** Starting achievement tests ***" ) local sAchievementID = "ACH_WIN_ONE_GAME" --local sAchievementID = "ACH_WIN_100_GAMES" --local sAchievementID = "ACH_TRAVEL_FAR_ACCUM" --local sAchievementID = "ACH_TRAVEL_FAR_SINGLE" ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Set an achievement ------------------------------------------------------------------- local bOk = Steamworks.SetAchievement ( sAchievementID ) if ( bOk ) then log.message ( "Steamworks: Achievement '"..sAchievementID.."' was set" ) else log.warning ( "Steamworks: Achievement '"..sAchievementID.."' wasn't set" ) end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get the number of achievements ------------------------------------------------------------------- local nNumAchievements = Steamworks.GetNumAchievements ( ) log.message ( "Steamworks: Number of achievements: "..nNumAchievements ) ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Iterate over all achievements and show their status ordered by completion ------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( nNumAchievements > 0 ) then local nIndex, sName, nPercent, bAchieved, nOldIndex, sAchieved for i = 0, nNumAchievements -1 do if ( i == 0 ) then -- get the first achievement nIndex, sName, nPercent, bAchieved = Steamworks.GetMostAchievedAchievementInfo ( ) else nOldIndex = nIndex nIndex, sName, nPercent, bAchieved = Steamworks.GetNextMostAchievedAchievementInfo ( nOldIndex ) end if ( bAchieved ) then sAchieved = "\t\tstatus: achieved" else sAchieved = "\t\tstatus: not yet achieved" end log.message ( "Steamworks: Achievement index: "..i.."\t\tname: "..sName.."\t\t\tperecent completed: "..nPercent..sAchieved ) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Let's see if a single achievement was achieved already ------------------------------------------------------------------- local bAchieved = Steamworks.GetAchievement ( sAchievementID ) if ( bAchieved ) then log.message ( "Steamworks: Achievement '"..sAchievementID.."' was achieved." ) else log.message ( "Steamworks: Achievement '"..sAchievementID.."' was not yet achieved." ) end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Get some info about an achievement ------------------------------------------------------------------- local sName = Steamworks.GetAchievementName ( sAchievementID ) local sDescription = Steamworks.GetAchievementDescription ( sAchievementID ) local sIcon = Steamworks.GetAchievementIcon ( sAchievementID ) local nPercent = Steamworks.GetAchievementAchievedPercent ( sAchievementID ) log.message ( "Steamworks: Getting info for achievement ID '"..sAchievementID .."\t\tname: "..sName .."\t\tdescription: "..sDescription .."\t\ticon: "..sIcon .."\t\tpercent achieved: "..nPercent ) ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Clear an achievement ------------------------------------------------------------------- local bOk = Steamworks.ClearAchievement ( sAchievementID ) if ( bOk ) then log.message ( "Steamworks: Achievement '"..sAchievementID.."' was cleared" ) else log.warning ( "Steamworks: Achievement '"..sAchievementID.."' wasn't cleared" ) end ------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Store our stats and achievements ------------------------------------------------------------------- bOk = Steamworks.StoreStats ( ) if ( bOk ) then log.message ( "Steamworks: Stats and achievements were stored" ) else log.warning ( "Steamworks: Stats and achievements weren't stored" ) end this.bAchievementTestRunning ( false ) log.message ( "Steamworks: *** Achievement tests finished***" ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
object_tangible_holiday_empire_day_command_console_comscan_subcomponent_crate = object_tangible_holiday_empire_day_shared_command_console_comscan_subcomponent_crate:new { } ObjectTemplates:addTemplate(object_tangible_holiday_empire_day_command_console_comscan_subcomponent_crate, "object/tangible/holiday/empire_day/command_console_comscan_subcomponent_crate.iff")
--[[ This file was extracted by 'EsoLuaGenerator' at '2021-09-04 16:42:25' using the latest game version. NOTE: This file should only be used as IDE support; it should NOT be distributed with addons! **************************************************************************** CONTENTS OF THIS FILE IS COPYRIGHT ZENIMAX MEDIA INC. **************************************************************************** ]] local ZO_CampaignOverviewManager = ZO_Object:Subclass() function ZO_CampaignOverviewManager:New(control) local manager = ZO_Object.New(self) manager.control = control CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_SCENE = ZO_Scene:New("campaignOverview", SCENE_MANAGER) CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_SCENE:RegisterCallback("StateChange", function(oldState, newState) if newState == SCENE_SHOWING then manager:ChangeCategory(manager.overviewType) end end) manager.campaignName = GetControl(control, "CampaignName") manager:InitializeCategories() return manager end function ZO_CampaignOverviewManager:UpdateCampaignName(campaignId) local campaignName = GetCampaignName(campaignId) self.campaignName:SetText(campaignName) end function ZO_CampaignOverviewManager:SetCampaignAndQueryType(campaignId, queryType) self:UpdateCampaignName(campaignId) end local CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_TYPE_SCORING = 1 local CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_TYPE_BONUSES = 2 local CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_TYPE_EMPEROR = 3 local CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_TYPE_INFO = { [CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_TYPE_SCORING] = { name = GetString(SI_CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_CATEGORY_SCORING), up = "EsoUI/Art/Campaign/", down = "EsoUI/Art/Campaign/", over = "EsoUI/Art/Campaign/", }, [CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_TYPE_BONUSES] = { name = GetString(SI_CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_CATEGORY_BONUSES), up = "EsoUI/Art/Campaign/", down = "EsoUI/Art/Campaign/", over = "EsoUI/Art/Campaign/", visible = function() return GetAssignedCampaignId() ~= 0 end, }, [CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_TYPE_EMPEROR] = { name = GetString(SI_CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_CATEGORY_EMPERORSHIP), up = "EsoUI/Art/Campaign/", down = "EsoUI/Art/Campaign/", over = "EsoUI/Art/Campaign/", }, } function ZO_CampaignOverviewManager:InitializeCategories() self.tree = ZO_Tree:New(GetControl(self.control, "Categories"), 60, -10, 280) local function CategorySetup(node, control, overviewType, down) local info = CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_TYPE_INFO[overviewType] control.text:SetModifyTextType(MODIFY_TEXT_TYPE_UPPERCASE) control.text:SetText( control.overviewType = overviewType control.icon:SetTexture(down and info.down or info.up) control.iconHighlight:SetTexture(info.over) ZO_IconHeader_Setup(control, down) end local function CategorySelected(control, overviewType, selected, reselectingDuringRebuild) if selected then self:ChangeCategory(overviewType) end CategorySetup(nil, control, overviewType, selected) end self.tree:AddTemplate("ZO_CampaignOverviewType", CategorySetup, CategorySelected, nil) self.tree:SetExclusive(true) self:RefreshCategories() self.control:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_ASSIGNED_CAMPAIGN_CHANGED, function() self:RefreshCategories() end) end function ZO_CampaignOverviewManager:RefreshCategories() self.tree:Reset() for categoryType, categoryInfo in ipairs(CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_TYPE_INFO) do if not categoryInfo.visible or categoryInfo.visible() then self.tree:AddNode("ZO_CampaignOverviewType", categoryType) end end self.tree:Commit() end function ZO_CampaignOverviewManager:ChangeCategory(overviewType) self.overviewType = overviewType if not CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_FRAGMENT or not CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_FRAGMENT or not CAMPAIGN_SCORING_FRAGMENT then return end if overviewType == CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_TYPE_SCORING then CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_SCENE:RemoveFragment(CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_FRAGMENT) CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_SCENE:RemoveFragment(CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_FRAGMENT) CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_SCENE:AddFragment(CAMPAIGN_SCORING_FRAGMENT) elseif overviewType == CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_TYPE_BONUSES then CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_SCENE:RemoveFragment(CAMPAIGN_SCORING_FRAGMENT) CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_SCENE:RemoveFragment(CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_FRAGMENT) CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_SCENE:AddFragment(CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_FRAGMENT) else CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_SCENE:RemoveFragment(CAMPAIGN_SCORING_FRAGMENT) CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_SCENE:RemoveFragment(CAMPAIGN_BONUSES_FRAGMENT) CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW_SCENE:AddFragment(CAMPAIGN_EMPEROR_FRAGMENT) end end function ZO_CampaignOverview_OnInitialized(self) CAMPAIGN_OVERVIEW = ZO_CampaignOverviewManager:New(self) end
local cdecl = cdecl or '' cdecl = cdecl..[[ // Helpers: UTF-8 <> wchar int igImTextStrToUtf8(char* buf, int buf_size, const ImWchar* in_text, const ImWchar* in_text_end); // return output UTF-8 bytes count int igImTextCharFromUtf8(unsigned int* out_char, const char* in_text, const char* in_text_end); // return input UTF-8 bytes count int igImTextStrFromUtf8(ImWchar* buf, int buf_size, const char* in_text, const char* in_text_end, const char** in_remaining); // return input UTF-8 bytes count int igImTextCountCharsFromUtf8(const char* in_text, const char* in_text_end); // return number of UTF-8 code-points (NOT bytes count) int igImTextCountUtf8BytesFromStr(const ImWchar* in_text, const ImWchar* in_text_end); // return number of bytes to express string as UTF-8 code-points ]] return cdecl
local wibox = require("wibox") local awful = require("awful") -- Modules local tasklist = require("widget.tasklist") local M = {} local bar = awful.wibar({ position = "top", screen = s, height = 20, bg = "#00000000" }) function -- Create the wibox -- Add widgets to the wibox bar:setup({ layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal, { layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, tasklist.widget(s), { layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, }) return bar end function M.visible() bar.visible = not bar.visible end return M
--************************ --name : SINGLE_DEL_NX_01.lua --ver : 0.1 --author : Ferron --date : 2004/09/08 --lang : de --desc : terminal mission --npc : --************************ --changelog: --2004/09/08(0.1): recheck(Ferron) --YYYY/MM/DD(0.0) --************************ function DIALOG() NODE(0) SAY("Next, wie kann ich Ihnen helfen, Sir?") SAY("Next, wohin wollen Sie heute, Sir?") SAY("Hallo. Kommen Sie wegen dem Botenjob?") SAY("Willkommen bei Neocron Exploration Technology Inc. Wie kann ich behilflich sein?") SAY("Hey. Sind Sie wegen dem Lieferauftrag hier?") SAY("Tag. Wir von Next koennten Ihre Hilfe gebrauchen, wenn Sie interessiert sind.") ANSWER("Ja, ich will diesen Lieferjob.",1) ANSWER("Yeah, Sie brauchen einen Boten? Geben Sie mir einfach das Paket und die notwendigen Informationen...",1) ANSWER("Ich komme wegen dem Lieferjob. Sagen Sie mir, was wann wohin muss und ich erledige das.",1) ANSWER("Sorry, ich hab schon einen Job.",4) ANSWER("Suchen Sie sich jemand anderen dafuer. Ich bin nicht hier, um Ihnen zu helfen.",4) ANSWER("Hey Bruder, seh ich wie ein Laufbursche aus? Ich liefere nicht aus.",4) NODE(1) GIVEQUESTITEM(91) SAY("Ok. Ich habe hier ein Paket fuer einen Kunden namens %NPC_NAME(1) in %NPC_WORLD(1). Erledigen Sie das so schnell wie moeglich, schliesslich sind wir vor allem ein Transportunternehmen. Viel Glueck.") SAY("Alles klar, Runner. %NPC_NAME(1) wartet auf diese Lieferung. Versuchen Sie ihn in %NPC_WORLD(1) zu finden. Bitte versuchen Sie das schnell zu erledigen, schliesslich sind wir trotz allem immer noch ein Transportunternehmen.") SAY("Hmmm, das ist das Falsche... Oh, ach ja, hoeren Sie zu. %NPC_NAME(1) von Bergen-Dahl Motor Company braucht dieses Paket. Liefern Sie es nach %NPC_WORLD(1) und das moeglichst schnell. Danach sehen wir uns hier wieder.") ACTIVATEDIALOGTRIGGER(0) SETNEXTDIALOGSTATE(2) ENDDIALOG() NODE(2) ISMISSIONTARGETACCOMPLISHED(1) if (result==0) then SAY("Wo immer Sie auch hin wollen - NEXT bringt Sie hin. Das gleiche gilt auch fuer den Paketdienst. Also liefern Sie das Paket, wie es abgemacht war.") SAY("%NPC_NAME(1) von Bergen-Dahl Motors rief an, schon wieder, und fragte nach seinem Paket. Beeilen Sie sich endlich mit der Lieferung.") SAY("Na, etwas chaotisch veranlagt? Nun, Next ist das jedenfalls nicht. Hier wird gemacht, was einem gesagt wird. Liefern Sie das verdammte Paket aus!") SAY("Hoeren Sie, ich habe keine Zeit zum Reden. %NPC_NAME(1) wartet immer noch auf sein Paket.") ENDDIALOG() else SAY("Gut gemacht. Die Jungs von Bergen-Dahl riefen an und meinten, dass Sie das Paket erhalten haben. Der Lohn in Hoehe von %REWARD_MONEY() Credits wurde Ihrem Konto gutgeschrieben.") SAY("Danke. %NPC_NAME(1) bestaetigte die Lieferung und %REWARD_MONEY() Credits wurden eben auf Ihr Konto ueberwiesen. Danke fuer die Hilfe.") SAY("Hallo. Die Lieferung wurde bestaetigt und %REWARD_MONEY() Credits auf Ihr Konto ueberwiesen. Auf Wedersehen und bis zum naechsten Mal.") SAY("Bergen-Dahl Motors rief an und bestaetigte die Lieferung. Ich habe %REWARD_MONEY() Credits auf Ihr Konto ueberwiesen. Wir danken Ihnen fuer die Unterstuetzung.") SAY("Das war nicht sonderlich schnell... Aber letztlich haben die Leute von Bergen-Dahl Motors Ihr Paket erhalten. %REWARD_MONEY() Credits wurden Ihnen soeben ueberwiesen. Das ist alles, Sie koennen gehen.") ACTIVATEDIALOGTRIGGER(2) ENDDIALOG() end NODE(3) TAKEQUESTITEM(91) if (result==0) then SAY("Hoer zu, Bruder. Wir von Bergen-Dahl lassen uns nicht verarschen. Sie haben ein Paket fuer mich, richtig? Also geben Sie es mir!") SAY("Ich erwarte diese Lieferung schon lange. Ich hoffe fuer Sie, dass Sie es nicht vor mir zurueckhalten, Freund...") SAY("Yeah, sicher, halt die Bergen-Dahl-Affen zum Narren. Warum auch nicht? Ich weiss, dass Sie mir was liefern sollten. Also wo ist es?") ENDDIALOG() else SAY("Ah, gut. Das Paket von Next, richtig? %NPC_NAME(0) wird Sie fuer die Lieferung bezahlen.") SAY("Sie haben das Paket von Next! Gut. %NPC_NAME(0) sollte Ihnen fuer den Job ein paar Credits geben.") SAY("Ist das das Zeug, dass %NPC_NAME(0) von Next uns schickt? Ok. Sie werden auch deine Bezahlung regeln. Danke, Kumpel.") SAY("Alles klar! Das Next Paket. Schon lustig, dass Bergen-Dahl Motors leider in dieser Angelegenheit auf Next angewiesen ist. %NPC_NAME(0) wird die Bezahlung regeln.") SAY("Das hat ziemlich lange gedauert. %NPC_NAME(0) wird Sie bezahlen, ich wuerde es nicht machen.") ACTIVATEDIALOGTRIGGER(1) SETNEXTDIALOGSTATE(5) ENDDIALOG() end NODE(4) SAY("Ok, bitte gehen Sie, wenn Sie hier keine Geschaefte bei Next zu erledigen haben.") SAY("Ich bin es, der mit Ihnen redet. Ich bin es auch, der Sie ignoriert...") SAY("Next dankt fuer Ihren Besuch und wuenscht einen schoenen Tag. Bye.") ENDDIALOG() NODE(5) SAY("Hey was machen Sie noch hier? Los gehen Sie zu %NPC_NAME(0) um Ihre Belohnung abzuholen.") ENDDIALOG() end
necklace_crushed_brooch = { minimumLevel = 0, maximumLevel = -1, customObjectName = "", directObjectTemplate = "object/tangible/wearables/necklace/necklace_crushed_brooch.iff", craftingValues = { }, customizationStringNames = {}, customizationValues = {}, skillMods = { {"force_assembly", 25}, {"force_experimentation", 25} } } addLootItemTemplate("necklace_crushed_brooch", necklace_crushed_brooch)
-- Copyright (C) 2019 Miku AuahDark -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy -- of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal -- in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights -- to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all -- copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR -- IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, -- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE -- AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER -- LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, -- OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE -- SOFTWARE. local path = (...):sub(1, #(...) - #(".math.Math")) local nvec = require(path..".3p.nvec") ---@class L2DF.Math local KMath = {} local min, max, atan2, sin, cos = math.min, math.max, (math.atan2 or math.atan), math.sin, math.cos local pi = math.pi ---@param v number ---@param a number ---@param b number ---@return number function KMath.range(v, a, b) return min(max(v, a), b) end ---@param t number function KMath.lerp(v1, v2, t) return v1 * (1 - t) + v2 * t end ---@param v number function KMath.getEasingSine(v) return v < 0 and 0 or (v > 1 and 1 or (0.5 - 0.5 * cos(v * pi))) end ---@param from NVec ---@param to NVec ---@return number function KMath.directionToRadian(from, to) return ((atan2(to.y, to.x) - atan2(from.y, from.x)) + pi) % (2 * pi) - pi end ---@param from NVec ---@param to NVec ---@return number function KMath.directionToDegrees(from, to) local deg = KMath.directionToRadian(from, to) * 180 / pi if (to.x - from.x) > 0 then return -deg else return deg end end ---@param r number ---@return NVec function KMath.radianToDirection(r) return nvec(sin(r), cos(r)) end return KMath
app = require("app_mhz19") config = require("config") setup = require("setup") telnet = require("telnet") setup.start()
local t = Def.ActorFrame { LoadActor("Backing"); }; if SCREENMAN:GetTopScreen() ~= "ScreenNetRoom" then t[#t+1] = Def.ActorFrame{ --P1 Light-- Def.Sprite{ Texture=THEME:GetPathG("MusicWheelItem Song","NormalPart/score"); InitCommand=function(s) if GAMESTATE:GetNumPlayersEnabled() == 2 then s:x(-158):zoomx(0.5):diffuse(color("#00f0ff")) elseif GAMESTATE:IsPlayerEnabled(PLAYER_1) then s:x(-155):diffuse(color("#00f0ff")) end; end; CurrentSongChangedMessageCommand=cmd(playcommand,"Set"); CurrentCourseChangedMessageCommand=cmd(playcommand,"Set"); CurrentStepsP1ChangedMessageCommand=cmd(playcommand,"Set"); CurrentTrailP1ChangedMessageCommand=cmd(playcommand,"Set"); SetCommand=function(self,params) local SongOrCourse, StepsOrTrail; if GAMESTATE:IsCourseMode() then SongOrCourse = GAMESTATE:GetCurrentCourse(); StepsOrTrail = GAMESTATE:GetCurrentTrail(PLAYER_1); else SongOrCourse = GAMESTATE:GetCurrentSong(); StepsOrTrail = GAMESTATE:GetCurrentSteps(PLAYER_1); end; if SongOrCourse and StepsOrTrail then local st = StepsOrTrail:GetStepsType(); local diff = StepsOrTrail:GetDifficulty(); local courseType = GAMESTATE:IsCourseMode() and SongOrCourse:GetCourseType() or nil; if PROFILEMAN:IsPersistentProfile(PLAYER_1) then -- player profile profile = PROFILEMAN:GetProfile(PLAYER_1); else -- machine profile profile = PROFILEMAN:GetMachineProfile(); end; scorelist = profile:GetHighScoreList(SongOrCourse,StepsOrTrail); assert(scorelist); local scores = scorelist:GetHighScores(); local grade; if scores[1] then grade = scores[1]:GetGrade(); assert(grade); if scores[1]:GetScore()>1 then if grade=="Grade_Tier07" then self:visible(true); self:diffuse(color("#ff0000")); self:draworder(1); else self:visible(true); self:diffuse(color("#00f0ff")); end; else self:visible(false); end; else self:visible(false); end; else self:visible(false); end; end; }; --P2 Light-- Def.Sprite{ Texture=THEME:GetPathG("MusicWheelItem Song","NormalPart/score"); InitCommand=function(s) if GAMESTATE:GetNumPlayersEnabled() == 2 then s:x(-153):zoomx(0.5):diffuse(color("#ff00cf")) elseif GAMESTATE:IsPlayerEnabled(PLAYER_2) then s:x(-155):diffuse(color("#ff00cf")) end; end; CurrentSongChangedMessageCommand=cmd(playcommand,"Set"); CurrentCourseChangedMessageCommand=cmd(playcommand,"Set"); CurrentStepsP1ChangedMessageCommand=cmd(playcommand,"Set"); CurrentTrailP1ChangedMessageCommand=cmd(playcommand,"Set"); SetCommand=function(self,params) local SongOrCourse, StepsOrTrail; if GAMESTATE:IsCourseMode() then SongOrCourse = GAMESTATE:GetCurrentCourse(); StepsOrTrail = GAMESTATE:GetCurrentTrail(PLAYER_2); else SongOrCourse = GAMESTATE:GetCurrentSong(); StepsOrTrail = GAMESTATE:GetCurrentSteps(PLAYER_2); end; if SongOrCourse and StepsOrTrail then local st = StepsOrTrail:GetStepsType(); local diff = StepsOrTrail:GetDifficulty(); local courseType = GAMESTATE:IsCourseMode() and SongOrCourse:GetCourseType() or nil; if PROFILEMAN:IsPersistentProfile(PLAYER_2) then -- player profile profile = PROFILEMAN:GetProfile(PLAYER_2); else -- machine profile profile = PROFILEMAN:GetMachineProfile(); end; scorelist = profile:GetHighScoreList(SongOrCourse,StepsOrTrail); assert(scorelist); local scores = scorelist:GetHighScores(); local grade; if scores[1] then grade = scores[1]:GetGrade(); assert(grade); if scores[1]:GetScore()>1 then if grade=="Grade_Tier07" then self:visible(true); self:diffuse(color("#ff0000")); self:draworder(1); else self:visible(true); self:diffuse(color("#ff00cf")); end; else self:visible(false); end; else self:visible(false); end; else self:visible(false); end; end; }; }; end; t[#t+1] = Def.RollingNumbers{ Font="ScreenSelectMusic score", CurrentSongChangedMessageCommand=cmd(playcommand,"Set"); CurrentCourseChangedMessageCommand=cmd(playcommand,"Set"); CurrentStepsP1ChangedMessageCommand=cmd(playcommand,"Set"); CurrentTrailP1ChangedMessageCommand=cmd(playcommand,"Set"); InitCommand=cmd(x,40); SetCommand= function(self) local song = local score = self:Load("RollingNumbersMusic"):targetnumber(1000) end; }; if GAMESTATE:GetCoinMode() == 'CoinMode_Home' and SCREENMAN:GetTopScreen() ~= "ScreenNetRoom" then t[#t+1] = Def.ActorFrame { LoadActor("frame")..{ BeginCommand=function(self,param) if not GAMESTATE:IsPlayerEnabled('PlayerNumber_P1') then self:croptop(0.5) elseif not GAMESTATE:IsPlayerEnabled('PlayerNumber_P2') then self:cropbottom(0.5) end end; }; }; end return t;
-------------------------------- -- @module AssetsManager -- @extend Node -- @parent_module cc ---@class cc.AssetsManager:cc.Node local AssetsManager = {} cc.AssetsManager = AssetsManager -------------------------------- --- ---@param storagePath string ---@return cc.AssetsManager function AssetsManager:setStoragePath(storagePath) end -------------------------------- --- ---@param packageUrl string ---@return cc.AssetsManager function AssetsManager:setPackageUrl(packageUrl) end -------------------------------- --- ---@return boolean function AssetsManager:checkUpdate() end -------------------------------- --- ---@return string function AssetsManager:getStoragePath() end -------------------------------- --- ---@return cc.AssetsManager function AssetsManager:update() end -------------------------------- --- @brief Sets connection time out in seconds ---@param timeout number ---@return cc.AssetsManager function AssetsManager:setConnectionTimeout(timeout) end -------------------------------- --- ---@param versionFileUrl string ---@return cc.AssetsManager function AssetsManager:setVersionFileUrl(versionFileUrl) end -------------------------------- --- ---@return string function AssetsManager:getPackageUrl() end -------------------------------- --- @brief Gets connection time out in seconds ---@return number function AssetsManager:getConnectionTimeout() end -------------------------------- --- ---@return string function AssetsManager:getVersion() end -------------------------------- --- ---@return string function AssetsManager:getVersionFileUrl() end -------------------------------- --- ---@return cc.AssetsManager function AssetsManager:deleteVersion() end -------------------------------- --- ---@param packageUrl string ---@param versionFileUrl string ---@param storagePath string ---@param errorCallback fun(arg0:number) ---@param progressCallback fun(arg0:number) ---@param successCallback fun() ---@return cc.AssetsManager function AssetsManager:create(packageUrl, versionFileUrl, storagePath, errorCallback, progressCallback, successCallback) end -------------------------------- --- ---@return cc.AssetsManager function AssetsManager:AssetsManager() end return nil
--[[ Copyright 2016 Marek Vavrusa <[email protected]> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]] local ffi = require('ffi') local bit = require('bit') local cdef = require('bpf.cdef') local BPF, HELPER = ffi.typeof('struct bpf'), ffi.typeof('struct bpf_func_id') local const_width = { [1] = BPF.B, [2] = BPF.H, [4] = BPF.W, [8] = BPF.DW, } local const_width_type = { [1] = ffi.typeof('uint8_t'), [2] = ffi.typeof('uint16_t'), [4] = ffi.typeof('uint32_t'), [8] = ffi.typeof('uint64_t'), } -- Built-ins that will be translated into BPF instructions -- i.e. bit.bor(0xf0, 0x0f) becomes {'alu64, or, k', reg(0xf0), reg(0x0f), 0, 0} local builtins = { [bit.lshift] = 'LSH', [bit.rshift] = 'RSH', [] = 'AND', [bit.bnot] = 'NEG', [bit.bor] = 'OR', [bit.bxor] = 'XOR', [bit.arshift] = 'ARSH', -- Extensions and intrinsics } local function width_type(w) -- Note: ffi.typeof doesn't accept '?' as template return const_width_type[w] or ffi.typeof(string.format('uint8_t [%d]', w)) end builtins.width_type = width_type -- Return struct member size/type (requires LuaJIT 2.1+) -- I am ashamed that there's no easier way around it. local function sizeofattr(ct, name) if not ffi.typeinfo then error('LuaJIT 2.1+ is required for ffi.typeinfo') end local cinfo = ffi.typeinfo(ct) while true do cinfo = ffi.typeinfo(cinfo.sib) if not cinfo then return end if == name then break end end local size = math.max(1, ffi.typeinfo(cinfo.sib or ct).size - cinfo.size) -- Guess type name return size, builtins.width_type(size) end builtins.sizeofattr = sizeofattr -- Byte-order conversions for little endian local function ntoh(x, w) if w then x = ffi.cast(const_width_type[w/8], x) end return bit.bswap(x) end local function hton(x, w) return ntoh(x, w) end builtins.ntoh = ntoh builtins.hton = hton builtins[ntoh] = function (e, dst, a, w) -- This is trickery, but TO_LE means cpu_to_le(), -- and we want exactly the opposite as network is always 'be' w = w or ffi.sizeof(e.V[a].type)*8 if w == 8 then return end -- NOOP assert(w <= 64, 'NYI: hton(a[, width]) - operand larger than register width') -- Allocate registers and execute e.vcopy(dst, a) e.emit(BPF.ALU + BPF.END + BPF.TO_BE, e.vreg(dst), 0, 0, w) end builtins[hton] = function (e, dst, a, w) w = w or ffi.sizeof(e.V[a].type)*8 if w == 8 then return end -- NOOP assert(w <= 64, 'NYI: hton(a[, width]) - operand larger than register width') -- Allocate registers and execute e.vcopy(dst, a) e.emit(BPF.ALU + BPF.END + BPF.TO_LE, e.vreg(dst), 0, 0, w) end -- Byte-order conversions for big endian are no-ops if ffi.abi('be') then ntoh = function (x, w) return w and ffi.cast(const_width_type[w/8], x) or x end hton = ntoh builtins[ntoh] = function(_, _, _) return end builtins[hton] = function(_, _, _) return end end -- Other built-ins local function xadd() error('NYI') end builtins.xadd = xadd builtins[xadd] = function (e, ret, a, b, off) local vinfo = e.V[a].const assert(vinfo and vinfo.__dissector, 'xadd(a, b[, offset]) called on non-pointer') local w = ffi.sizeof(vinfo.__dissector) -- Calculate structure attribute offsets if e.V[off] and type(e.V[off].const) == 'string' then local ct, field = vinfo.__dissector, e.V[off].const off = ffi.offsetof(ct, field) assert(off, 'xadd(a, b, offset) - offset is not valid in given structure') w = sizeofattr(ct, field) end assert(w == 4 or w == 8, 'NYI: xadd() - 1 and 2 byte atomic increments are not supported') -- Allocate registers and execute local src_reg = e.vreg(b) local dst_reg = e.vreg(a) -- Set variable for return value and call e.vset(ret) e.vreg(ret, 0, true, ffi.typeof('int32_t')) -- Optimize the NULL check away if provably not NULL if not e.V[a].source or e.V[a].source:find('_or_null', 1, true) then e.emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.JEQ + BPF.K, dst_reg, 0, 1, 0) -- if (dst != NULL) end e.emit(BPF.XADD + BPF.STX + const_width[w], dst_reg, src_reg, off or 0, 0) end local function probe_read() error('NYI') end builtins.probe_read = probe_read builtins[probe_read] = function (e, ret, dst, src, vtype, ofs) e.reg_alloc(e.tmpvar, 1) -- Load stack pointer to dst, since only load to stack memory is supported -- we have to use allocated stack memory or create a new allocation and convert -- to pointer type e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, 1, 10, 0, 0) if not e.V[dst].const or not e.V[dst].const.__base > 0 then builtins[](e, dst, vtype) -- Allocate stack memory end e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.ADD + BPF.K, 1, 0, 0, -e.V[dst].const.__base) -- Set stack memory maximum size bound e.reg_alloc(e.tmpvar, 2) if not vtype then vtype = cdef.typename(e.V[dst].type) -- Dereference pointer type to pointed type for size calculation if vtype:sub(-1) == '*' then vtype = vtype:sub(0, -2) end end local w = ffi.sizeof(vtype) e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.K, 2, 0, 0, w) -- Set source pointer if e.V[src].reg then e.reg_alloc(e.tmpvar, 3) -- Copy from original register e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, 3, e.V[src].reg, 0, 0) else e.vreg(src, 3) e.reg_spill(src) -- Spill to avoid overwriting end if ofs and ofs > 0 then e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.ADD + BPF.K, 3, 0, 0, ofs) end -- Call probe read helper ret = ret or e.tmpvar e.vset(ret) e.vreg(ret, 0, true, ffi.typeof('int32_t')) e.emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.CALL, 0, 0, 0, HELPER.probe_read) e.V[e.tmpvar].reg = nil -- Free temporary registers end builtins[ffi.cast] = function (e, dst, ct, x) assert(e.V[ct].const, 'ffi.cast(ctype, x) called with bad ctype') e.vcopy(dst, x) if e.V[x].const and type(e.V[x].const) == 'table' then e.V[dst].const.__dissector = ffi.typeof(e.V[ct].const) end e.V[dst].type = ffi.typeof(e.V[ct].const) -- Specific types also encode source of the data -- This is because BPF has different helpers for reading -- different data sources, so variables must track origins. -- struct pt_regs - source of the data is probe -- struct skb - source of the data is socket buffer -- struct X - source of the data is probe/tracepoint if ffi.typeof(e.V[ct].const) == ffi.typeof('struct pt_regs') then e.V[dst].source = 'ptr_to_probe' end end builtins[] = function (e, dst, ct, x) if type(ct) == 'number' then ct = ffi.typeof(e.V[ct].const) -- Get ctype from variable end assert(not x, 'NYI:, ...) - initializer is not supported') assert(not cdef.isptr(ct, true), 'NYI:, ...) - ctype MUST NOT be a pointer') e.vset(dst, nil, ct) e.V[dst].source = 'ptr_to_stack' e.V[dst].const = {__base = e.valloc(ffi.sizeof(ct), true), __dissector = ct} -- Set array dissector if created an array -- e.g. if ct is 'char [2]', then dissector is 'char' local elem_type = tostring(ct):match('ctype<(.+)%s%[(%d+)%]>') if elem_type then e.V[dst].const.__dissector = ffi.typeof(elem_type) end end builtins[ffi.copy] = function (e, ret, dst, src) assert(cdef.isptr(e.V[dst].type), 'ffi.copy(dst, src) - dst MUST be a pointer type') assert(cdef.isptr(e.V[src].type), 'ffi.copy(dst, src) - src MUST be a pointer type') -- Specific types also encode source of the data -- struct pt_regs - source of the data is probe -- struct skb - source of the data is socket buffer if e.V[src].source and e.V[src].source:find('ptr_to_probe', 1, true) then e.reg_alloc(e.tmpvar, 1) -- Load stack pointer to dst, since only load to stack memory is supported -- we have to either use spilled variable or allocated stack memory offset e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, 1, 10, 0, 0) if e.V[dst].spill then e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.ADD + BPF.K, 1, 0, 0, -e.V[dst].spill) elseif e.V[dst].const.__base then e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.ADD + BPF.K, 1, 0, 0, -e.V[dst].const.__base) else error('ffi.copy(dst, src) - can\'t get stack offset of dst') end -- Set stack memory maximum size bound local dst_tname = cdef.typename(e.V[dst].type) if dst_tname:sub(-1) == '*' then dst_tname = dst_tname:sub(0, -2) end e.reg_alloc(e.tmpvar, 2) e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.K, 2, 0, 0, ffi.sizeof(dst_tname)) -- Set source pointer if e.V[src].reg then e.reg_alloc(e.tmpvar, 3) -- Copy from original register e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, 3, e.V[src].reg, 0, 0) else e.vreg(src, 3) e.reg_spill(src) -- Spill to avoid overwriting end -- Call probe read helper e.vset(ret) e.vreg(ret, 0, true, ffi.typeof('int32_t')) e.emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.CALL, 0, 0, 0, HELPER.probe_read) e.V[e.tmpvar].reg = nil -- Free temporary registers elseif e.V[src].const and e.V[src].const.__map then error('NYI: ffi.copy(dst, src) - src is backed by BPF map') elseif e.V[src].const and e.V[src].const.__dissector then error('NYI: ffi.copy(dst, src) - src is backed by socket buffer') else -- TODO: identify cheap register move -- TODO: identify copy to/from stack error('NYI: ffi.copy(dst, src) - src is neither BPF map/socket buffer or probe') end end -- print(format, ...) builtin changes semantics from Lua print(...) -- the first parameter has to be format and only reduced set of conversion specificers -- is allowed: %d %u %x %ld %lu %lx %lld %llu %llx %p %s builtins[print] = function (e, ret, fmt, a1, a2, a3) -- Load format string and length e.reg_alloc(e.V[e.tmpvar], 1) e.reg_alloc(e.V[e.tmpvar+1], 1) if type(e.V[fmt].const) == 'string' then local src = e.V[fmt].const local len = #src + 1 local dst = e.valloc(len, src) -- TODO: this is materialize step e.V[fmt].const = {__base=dst} e.V[fmt].type = ffi.typeof('char ['..len..']') elseif e.V[fmt].const.__base then -- luacheck: ignore -- NOP else error('NYI: print(fmt, ...) - format variable is not literal/stack memory') end -- Prepare helper call e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, 1, 10, 0, 0) e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.ADD + BPF.K, 1, 0, 0, -e.V[fmt].const.__base) e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.K, 2, 0, 0, ffi.sizeof(e.V[fmt].type)) if a1 then local args = {a1, a2, a3} assert(#args <= 3, 'print(fmt, ...) - maximum of 3 arguments supported') for i, arg in ipairs(args) do e.vcopy(e.tmpvar, arg) -- Copy variable e.vreg(e.tmpvar, 3+i-1) -- Materialize it in arg register end end -- Call helper e.vset(ret) e.vreg(ret, 0, true, ffi.typeof('int32_t')) -- Return is integer e.emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.CALL, 0, 0, 0, HELPER.trace_printk) e.V[e.tmpvar].reg = nil -- Free temporary registers end -- Implements bpf_perf_event_output(ctx, map, flags, var, vlen) on perf event map local function perf_submit(e, dst, map_var, src) -- Set R2 = map fd (indirect load) local map = e.V[map_var].const e.vcopy(e.tmpvar, map_var) e.vreg(e.tmpvar, 2, true, ffi.typeof('uint64_t')) e.LD_IMM_X(2, BPF.PSEUDO_MAP_FD, map.fd, ffi.sizeof('uint64_t')) -- Set R1 = ctx e.reg_alloc(e.tmpvar, 1) -- Spill anything in R1 (unnamed tmp variable) e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, 1, 6, 0, 0) -- CTX is always in R6, copy -- Set R3 = flags e.vset(e.tmpvar, nil, 0) -- BPF_F_CURRENT_CPU e.vreg(e.tmpvar, 3, false, ffi.typeof('uint64_t')) -- Set R4 = pointer to src on stack assert(e.V[src].const.__base, 'NYI: submit(map, var) - variable is not on stack') e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, 4, 10, 0, 0) e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.ADD + BPF.K, 4, 0, 0, -e.V[src].const.__base) -- Set R5 = src length e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.K, 5, 0, 0, ffi.sizeof(e.V[src].type)) -- Set R0 = ret and call e.vset(dst) e.vreg(dst, 0, true, ffi.typeof('int32_t')) -- Return is integer e.emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.CALL, 0, 0, 0, HELPER.perf_event_output) e.V[e.tmpvar].reg = nil -- Free temporary registers end -- Implements bpf_skb_load_bytes(ctx, off, var, vlen) on skb->data local function load_bytes(e, dst, off, var) -- Set R2 = offset e.vset(e.tmpvar, nil, off) e.vreg(e.tmpvar, 2, false, ffi.typeof('uint64_t')) -- Set R1 = ctx e.reg_alloc(e.tmpvar, 1) -- Spill anything in R1 (unnamed tmp variable) e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, 1, 6, 0, 0) -- CTX is always in R6, copy -- Set R3 = pointer to var on stack assert(e.V[var].const.__base, 'NYI: load_bytes(off, var, len) - variable is not on stack') e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, 3, 10, 0, 0) e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.ADD + BPF.K, 3, 0, 0, -e.V[var].const.__base) -- Set R4 = var length e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.K, 4, 0, 0, ffi.sizeof(e.V[var].type)) -- Set R0 = ret and call e.vset(dst) e.vreg(dst, 0, true, ffi.typeof('int32_t')) -- Return is integer e.emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.CALL, 0, 0, 0, HELPER.skb_load_bytes) e.V[e.tmpvar].reg = nil -- Free temporary registers end -- Implements bpf_get_stack_id() local function stack_id(e, ret, map_var, key) -- Set R2 = map fd (indirect load) local map = e.V[map_var].const e.vcopy(e.tmpvar, map_var) e.vreg(e.tmpvar, 2, true, ffi.typeof('uint64_t')) e.LD_IMM_X(2, BPF.PSEUDO_MAP_FD, map.fd, ffi.sizeof('uint64_t')) -- Set R1 = ctx e.reg_alloc(e.tmpvar, 1) -- Spill anything in R1 (unnamed tmp variable) e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, 1, 6, 0, 0) -- CTX is always in R6, copy -- Load flags in R2 (immediate value or key) local imm = e.V[key].const assert(tonumber(imm), 'NYI: stack_id(map, var), var must be constant number') e.reg_alloc(e.tmpvar, 3) -- Spill anything in R2 (unnamed tmp variable) e.LD_IMM_X(3, 0, imm, 8) -- Return R0 as signed integer e.vset(ret) e.vreg(ret, 0, true, ffi.typeof('int32_t')) e.emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.CALL, 0, 0, 0, HELPER.get_stackid) e.V[e.tmpvar].reg = nil -- Free temporary registers end -- table.insert(table, value) keeps semantics with the exception of BPF maps -- map `perf_event` -> submit inserted value builtins[table.insert] = function (e, dst, map_var, value) assert(e.V[map_var].const.__map, 'NYI: table.insert() supported only on BPF maps') return perf_submit(e, dst, map_var, value) end -- bpf_get_current_comm(buffer) - write current process name to byte buffer local function comm() error('NYI') end builtins[comm] = function (e, ret, dst) -- Set R1 = buffer assert(e.V[dst].const.__base, 'NYI: comm(buffer) - buffer variable is not on stack') e.reg_alloc(e.tmpvar, 1) -- Spill e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.X, 1, 10, 0, 0) e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.ADD + BPF.K, 1, 0, 0, -e.V[dst].const.__base) -- Set R2 = length e.reg_alloc(e.tmpvar, 2) -- Spill e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.K, 2, 0, 0, ffi.sizeof(e.V[dst].type)) -- Return is integer e.vset(ret) e.vreg(ret, 0, true, ffi.typeof('int32_t')) e.emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.CALL, 0, 0, 0, HELPER.get_current_comm) e.V[e.tmpvar].reg = nil -- Free temporary registers end -- Math library built-ins math.log2 = function () error('NYI') end builtins[math.log2] = function (e, dst, x) -- Classic integer bits subdivison algorithm to find the position -- of the highest bit set, adapted for BPF bytecode-friendly operations. -- -- r = 0 local r = e.vreg(dst, nil, true) e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MOV + BPF.K, r, 0, 0, 0) -- v = x e.vcopy(e.tmpvar, x) local v = e.vreg(e.tmpvar, 2) if cdef.isptr(e.V[x].const) then -- No pointer arithmetics, dereference e.vderef(v, v, {const = {__dissector=ffi.typeof('uint64_t')}}) end -- Invert value to invert all tests, otherwise we would need and+jnz e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.NEG + BPF.K, v, 0, 0, 0) -- v = ~v -- Unrolled test cases, converted masking to arithmetic as we don't have "if !(a & b)" -- As we're testing inverted value, we have to use arithmetic shift to copy MSB for i=4,0,-1 do local k = bit.lshift(1, i) e.emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.JGT + BPF.K, v, 0, 2, bit.bnot(bit.lshift(1, k))) -- if !upper_half(x) e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.ARSH + BPF.K, v, 0, 0, k) -- v >>= k e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.OR + BPF.K, r, 0, 0, k) -- r |= k end -- No longer constant, cleanup tmpvars e.V[dst].const = nil e.V[e.tmpvar].reg = nil end builtins[math.log10] = function (e, dst, x) -- Compute log2(x) and transform builtins[math.log2](e, dst, x) -- Relationship: log10(v) = log2(v) / log2(10) local r = e.V[dst].reg e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.ADD + BPF.K, r, 0, 0, 1) -- Compensate round-down e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MUL + BPF.K, r, 0, 0, 1233) -- log2(10) ~ 1233>>12 e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.RSH + BPF.K, r, 0, 0, 12) end builtins[math.log] = function (e, dst, x) -- Compute log2(x) and transform builtins[math.log2](e, dst, x) -- Relationship: ln(v) = log2(v) / log2(e) local r = e.V[dst].reg e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.ADD + BPF.K, r, 0, 0, 1) -- Compensate round-down e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.MUL + BPF.K, r, 0, 0, 2839) -- log2(e) ~ 2839>>12 e.emit(BPF.ALU64 + BPF.RSH + BPF.K, r, 0, 0, 12) end -- Call-type helpers local function call_helper(e, dst, h, vtype) e.vset(dst) e.vreg(dst, 0, true, vtype or ffi.typeof('uint64_t')) e.emit(BPF.JMP + BPF.CALL, 0, 0, 0, h) e.V[dst].const = nil -- Target is not a function anymore end local function cpu() error('NYI') end local function rand() error('NYI') end local function time() error('NYI') end local function pid_tgid() error('NYI') end local function uid_gid() error('NYI') end -- Export helpers and builtin variants builtins.cpu = cpu builtins.time = time builtins.pid_tgid = pid_tgid builtins.uid_gid = uid_gid builtins.comm = comm builtins.perf_submit = perf_submit builtins.stack_id = stack_id builtins.load_bytes = load_bytes builtins[cpu] = function (e, dst) return call_helper(e, dst, HELPER.get_smp_processor_id) end builtins[rand] = function (e, dst) return call_helper(e, dst, HELPER.get_prandom_u32, ffi.typeof('uint32_t')) end builtins[time] = function (e, dst) return call_helper(e, dst, HELPER.ktime_get_ns) end builtins[pid_tgid] = function (e, dst) return call_helper(e, dst, HELPER.get_current_pid_tgid) end builtins[uid_gid] = function (e, dst) return call_helper(e, dst, HELPER.get_current_uid_gid) end builtins[perf_submit] = function (e, dst, map, value) return perf_submit(e, dst, map, value) end builtins[stack_id] = function (e, dst, map, key) return stack_id(e, dst, map, key) end builtins[load_bytes] = function (e, dst, off, var, len) return load_bytes(e, dst, off, var, len) end return builtins