--[[--------------------------------------------------------- Fonts: Font -----------------------------------------------------------]] fontsTable = { { file = 'Segoe UI Semibold', name = 'segoe_semibold', weight = 400, from = 0, to = 5 }, { file = 'Segoe UI', name = 'segoe_bold', weight = 700, from = 4, to = 10 } } --[[--------------------------------------------------------- Fonts: Create -----------------------------------------------------------]] for k,v in pairs(fontsTable) do for i = v.from, do --> Size local fontSize = 14+i*2 --> Font surface.CreateFont("_"..fontSize, { font = v.file, size = fontSize, weight = v.weight, blursize = 0, scanlines = 0, antialias = true, underline = false, italic = false, strikeout = false, symbol = false, rotary = false, shadow = false, additive = false, outline = false }) end end
kkorrwrot = Creature:new { customName = "Kkorrwrot", socialGroup = "kkorrwrot", faction = "", level = 187, chanceHit = 0.9, damageMin = 860, damageMax = 1650, baseXp = 12500, baseHAM = 125000, baseHAMmax = 185000, armor = 2, resists = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,-1}, meatType = "", meatAmount = 0, hideType = "", hideAmount = 0, boneType = "", boneAmount = 0, milkType = "", milk = 0, tamingChance = 0.25, ferocity = 0, pvpBitmask = ATTACKABLE, creatureBitmask = HERD, optionsBitmask = AIENABLED, diet = HERBIVORE, templates = {"object/mobile/kkorrwrot.iff"}, lootGroups = {}, weapons = {}, attacks = { } } CreatureTemplates:addCreatureTemplate(kkorrwrot, "kkorrwrot")
harmonia = rawget(_G, "harmonia") or {} harmonia.passive = harmonia.passive or {} local DATA_DOMAIN = "harmonia_passive" local passive_system = harmonia_passive.PassiveSystem:new(DATA_DOMAIN) minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(passive_system:method("init")) minetest.register_on_shutdown(passive_system:method("terminate")) nokore.player_service:register_update( "harmonia_passive:update_players", passive_system:method("update_players") ) nokore.player_data_service:register_domain(DATA_DOMAIN, { save_method = "marshall" }) harmonia.passive.system = passive_system
local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare; local um_get_roles = require "core.usermanager".get_roles; local function load_main_host(module) -- Check whether a user should be isolated from remote JIDs -- If not, set a session flag that allows them to bypass mod_isolate_host local function check_user_isolated(event) local session = event.session; if not session.no_host_isolation then local bare_jid = jid_bare(session.full_jid); local roles = um_get_roles(bare_jid,; if roles == false then return; end if not roles or not roles["prosody:restricted"] then -- Bypass isolation for all unrestricted users session.no_host_isolation = true; end end end -- Add low-priority hook to run after the check_user_isolated default -- behaviour in mod_isolate_host module:hook("resource-bind", check_user_isolated, -0.5); end local function load_groups_host(module) local primary_host ="^%a+%.", ""); local function is_restricted(user_jid) local roles = um_get_roles(user_jid, primary_host); return not roles or roles["prosody:restricted"]; end module:hook("muc-config-submitted/muc#roomconfig_publicroom", function (event) if not is_restricted( then return; end -- Don't allow modification of this value by restricted users return true; end, 5); module:hook("muc-config-form", function (event) if not is_restricted( then return; end -- Don't restrict admins -- Hide the option from the config form for restricted users local form = event.form; for i = #form, 1, -1 do if form[i].name == "muc#roomconfig_publicroom" then table.remove(form, i); end end end); end if module:get_host_type() == "component" and module:get_option_string("component_module") == "muc" then load_groups_host(module); else load_main_host(module); end
-- data.lua require("item") require("housing") require("food") require("consumer-product")
-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- This file is automaticly generated. Don't edit manualy! -- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@return boolean @canUpgradeExpansion function CanUpgradeExpansion() end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@return boolean @regionSellsExpansions function DoesCurrentLocaleSellExpansionLevels() end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@return number @expansionLevel function GetAccountExpansionLevel() end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@return number @expansionLevel function GetClientDisplayExpansionLevel() end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@return string @regionName function GetCurrentRegionName() end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@param expansionLevel number ---@return ExpansionDisplayInfo @info function GetExpansionDisplayInfo(expansionLevel) end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@param playerLevel number ---@return number @expansionLevel function GetExpansionForLevel(playerLevel) end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@return number @expansionLevel function GetExpansionLevel() end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@return boolean, number @isExpansionTrialAccount, expansionTrialRemainingSeconds function GetExpansionTrialInfo() end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@param expansionLevel number ---@return number @maxLevel function GetMaxLevelForExpansionLevel(expansionLevel) end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@return number @maxLevel function GetMaxLevelForLatestExpansion() end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@return number @maxLevel function GetMaxLevelForPlayerExpansion() end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@return number @expansionLevel function GetMaximumExpansionLevel() end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@return number @expansionLevel function GetMinimumExpansionLevel() end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@return number @numExpansions function GetNumExpansions() end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@return number @serverExpansionLevel function GetServerExpansionLevel() end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@return boolean @isExpansionTrialAccount function IsExpansionTrial() end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@return boolean @isTrialAccount function IsTrialAccount() end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@return boolean @isVeteranTrialAccount function IsVeteranTrialAccount() end ---[Wowpedia documentation]( ---@param response SubscriptionInterstitialResponseType function SendSubscriptionInterstitialResponse(response) end ---@alias SubscriptionInterstitialResponseType number|"Enum.SubscriptionInterstitialResponseType.Clicked"|"Enum.SubscriptionInterstitialResponseType.Closed"|"Enum.SubscriptionInterstitialResponseType.WebRedirect" ---@alias SubscriptionInterstitialType number|"Enum.SubscriptionInterstitialType.Standard"|"Enum.SubscriptionInterstitialType.LeftNpeArea"|"Enum.SubscriptionInterstitialType.MaxLevel" ---@class ExpansionDisplayInfo ---@field public logo number ---@field public banner string ---@field public features table ExpansionDisplayInfo = {} ---@class ExpansionDisplayInfoFeature ---@field public icon number ---@field public text string ExpansionDisplayInfoFeature = {}
------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This script is created by zdroid9770; please do not edit this -- -- script and claim it as your own, as of All rights are claimed -- -- by me. -- -- Copyright (c) zdroid9770 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ ----Quotes ----Spells-ID Enrage-15061 Flurry-17687 Sunder Armor-15572 ]]-- function GAF_OnCombat(pUnit, Event) pUnit:RegisterEvent("GAF_Enrage", 25000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("GAF_Flurry", 5000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("GAF_SunderArmor", 20000, 0) end function GAF_Enrage(pUnit, Event) if (pUnit:GetHealthPct() >= 30) then pUnit:SpawnCreature(8894, pUnit:GetX(), pUnit:GetY(),pUnit:GetZ(), pUnit:GetO(), 14, 300000) pUnit:SpawnCreature(8894, pUnit:GetX(), pUnit:GetY(),pUnit:GetZ(), pUnit:GetO(), 14, 300000) pUnit:FullCastSpell(15061) end end function GAF_Flurry(pUnit, Event) pUnit:FullCastSpell(17687) end function GAF_SunderArmor(pUnit, Event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(15572) end function GAF_OnLeaveCombat(pUnit, Event) pUnit:RemoveEvents() end function GAF_OnDeath(pUnit, Event) pUnit:RemoveEvents() end RegisterUnitEvent(9033, 1, "GAF_OnCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(9033, 2, "GAF_OnLeaveCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(9033, 4, "GAF_OnDeath")
local Virovirokun, super = Class("virovirokun", true) function Virovirokun:init() super:init(self) if Game:getPartyMember("susie"):getFlag("auto_attack") then self:registerAct("Warning") end self.susie_warned = false self.asleep = false self.become_red = false self:registerAct("Tell Story", "", {"ralsei"}) self:registerAct("Red", "", {"susie"}) end function Virovirokun:getSpareText(battler, success) local result = super:getSpareText(self, battler, success) if not success then if type(result) ~= "table" then result = {result} end result[1] = "* " .. battler.chara:getName() .. " spared " .. .. "!\n* But its name wasn't [color:green]GREEN[color:reset]..." end return result end function Virovirokun:mercyFlash(color) super:mercyFlash(self, color or {0, 1, 0}) end function Virovirokun:getNameColors() local result = {} if self.become_red then table.insert(result, {1, 0, 0}) end if self:canSpare() then table.insert(result, {0, 1, 0}) end if self.tired then table.insert(result, {0, 0.7, 1}) end return result end function Virovirokun:onAct(battler, name) self.acted_once = true if name == "Warning" then self.susie_warned = true self.comment = "(Warned)" return "* You told Virovirokun to watch out for Susie's attacks.[wait:5]\n* It went on guard." elseif name == "Tell Story" then for _,v in ipairs(Game.battle.enemies) do v.asleep = true v:setTired(true) v.comment = "(Sleepy)" v:setScale(4, 2) v.text_override = "Zzz..." end self:addMercy(100) local susie = Game.battle:getPartyBattler("susie") if susie then susie:setSleeping(true) end return "* Ralsei tells Virovirokun a story.[wait:5]\n* The enemies fell asleep![wait:5]\n* Susie fell asleep too!" elseif name == "Red" then self.become_red = true self:setColor(1, 0, 0) return "* You and Susie turned Virovirokun red." else return super:onAct(self, battler, name) end end function Virovirokun:getAttackDamage(damage, battler) if self.susie_warned and == "susie" then return 0 else return super:getAttackDamage(self, damage, battler) end end function Virovirokun:getNextWaves() if self.asleep then return nil end return super:getNextWaves(self) end return Virovirokun
--[[ SF LPeg library by Mijyuoon. ]] --- LPeg library, allows for advanced pattern matching. -- @shared local lpeg_lib, _ = SF.Libraries.Register("lpeg") local patt_mt = debug.getmetatable(lpeg.P(true)) local lp_methods, lp_meta = SF.Typedef("Pattern") local wrap, unwrap = SF.CreateWrapper(lp_meta, true, false, patt_mt) local op_types = { ["number"] = true, ["string"] = true, ["boolean"] = true, ["Pattern"] = true } local function getpatt(patt) local vtype = SF.GetType(patt) if not op_types[vtype] then return nil end return unwrap(patt) or patt end local p_types = { ["number"] = true, ["string"] = true, ["boolean"] = true, ["table"] = true, ["function"] = true, ["Pattern"] = true } function lpeg_lib.P(patt) local vtype = SF.GetType(patt) if not p_types[vtype] then SF.throw("Bad argument to pattern constructor",2) end if vtype == "table" then patt = adv.TblMapN(patt, unwrap) else patt = unwrap(patt) or patt end return wrap(lpeg.P(patt)) end function lpeg_lib.B(patt) SF.CheckType(patt, lp_meta) local patt = unwrap(patt) return wrap(lpeg.B(patt)) end function lpeg_lib.R(...) local range = {...} for _, rng in ipairs(range) do SF.CheckType(rng, "string") if #rng ~= 2 then SF.throw("Range string length must be 2", 2) end end return wrap(lpeg.R(...)) end function lpeg_lib.S(str) SF.CheckType(str, "string") return wrap(lpeg.S(str)) end function lpeg_lib.V(str) SF.CheckType(str, "string") return wrap(lpeg.V(str)) end function lpeg_lib.L(patt) SF.CheckType(patt, lp_meta) local patt = unwrap(patt) return wrap(lpeg.L(patt)) end function lpeg_lib.locale() local loc = lpeg.locale() for key, patt in pairs(loc) do loc[key] = wrap(patt) end return loc end function lpeg_lib.setmaxstack(num) SF.CheckType(num, "number") lpeg.setmaxstack(math.Clamp(num, 1, 10000)) end function lpeg_lib.match(patt, str, pos, ...) SF.CheckType(patt, lp_meta) SF.CheckType(str, "string") if pos ~= nil then SF.CheckType(pos, "number") end local patt = unwrap(patt) return lpeg.match(patt, str, pos, ...) end function lp_methods:match(str, pos, ...) SF.CheckType(str, "string") if pos ~= nil then SF.CheckType(pos, "number") end local patt = unwrap(self) or patt return lpeg.match(patt, str, pos, ...) end function lp_meta.__unm(patt) local patt = unwrap(patt) return wrap(-patt) end function lp_meta.__add(pt1, pt2) local pt1 = getpatt(pt1) local pt2 = getpatt(pt2) if pt1 == nil or pt2 == nil then SF.throw("Bad argument to LPeg operator", 2) end return wrap(pt1 + pt2) end function lp_meta.__sub(pt1, pt2) local pt1 = getpatt(pt1) local pt2 = getpatt(pt2) if pt1 == nil or pt2 == nil then SF.throw("Bad argument to LPeg operator", 2) end return wrap(pt1 - pt2) end function lp_meta.__mul(pt1, pt2) local pt1 = getpatt(pt1) local pt2 = getpatt(pt2) if pt1 == nil or pt2 == nil then SF.throw("Bad argument to LPeg operator", 2) end return wrap(pt1 * pt2) end function lp_meta.__pow(patt, num) SF.CheckType(num, "number") local patt = unwrap(patt) return wrap(patt ^ num) end local c_types = { ["number"] = true, ["string"] = true, ["table"] = true, ["function"] = true, } function lp_meta.__div(patt, val) if not c_types[SF.GetType(val)] then SF.throw("Bad argument to LPeg operator",2) end local patt = unwrap(patt) return wrap(patt / val) end function lp_meta.__tostring() return "[LPeg Pattern]" end function lpeg_lib.C(patt) SF.CheckType(patt, lp_meta) local patt = unwrap(patt) return wrap(lpeg.C(patt)) end function lpeg_lib.Carg(num) SF.CheckType(num, "number") return wrap(lpeg.Carg(num)) end function lpeg_lib.Cb(name) SF.CheckType(name, "string") return wrap(lpeg.Cb(name)) end function lpeg_lib.Cc(...) return wrap(lpeg.Cc(...)) end function lpeg_lib.Cf(patt, func) SF.CheckType(patt, lp_meta) SF.CheckType(func, "function") local patt = unwrap(patt) return wrap(lpeg.Cf(patt, func)) end function lpeg_lib.Cg(patt, name) SF.CheckType(patt, lp_meta) if name ~= nil then SF.CheckType(name, "string") end local patt = unwrap(patt) return wrap(lpeg.Cg(patt, name)) end function lpeg_lib.Cp() return wrap(lpeg.Cp()) end function lpeg_lib.Cs(patt) SF.CheckType(patt, lp_meta) local patt = unwrap(patt) return wrap(lpeg.Cs(patt)) end function lpeg_lib.Ct(patt) SF.CheckType(patt, lp_meta) local patt = unwrap(patt) return wrap(lpeg.Ct(patt)) end function lpeg_lib.Cmt(patt, func) SF.CheckType(patt, lp_meta) SF.CheckType(func, "function") local patt = unwrap(patt) return wrap(lpeg.Cmt(patt, func)) end local lpeg_re = {} = lpeg_re local re_lib = function lpeg_re.compile(patt, defs) SF.CheckType(patt, "string") if defs ~= nil then SF.CheckType(defs, "table") end return wrap(re_lib.compile(patt, defs)) end local pt_types = { ["string"] = true, ["Pattern"] = true, } function lpeg_re.find(str, patt, pos) SF.CheckType(str, "string") if not pt_types[SF.GetType(patt)] then SF.throw("Bad LPeg pattern type", 2) end if pos ~= nil then SF.CheckType(pos, "number") end local patt = unwrap(patt) or patt return re_lib.find(str, patt, pos) end function lpeg_re.match(str, patt) SF.CheckType(str, "string") if not pt_types[SF.GetType(patt)] then SF.throw("Bad LPeg pattern type", 2) end local patt = unwrap(patt) or patt return re_lib.match(str, patt) end local gs_types = { ["string"] = true, ["table"] = true, ["function"] = true, } function lpeg_re.gsub(str, patt, repl) SF.CheckType(str, "string") if not pt_types[SF.GetType(patt)] then SF.throw("Bad LPeg pattern type", 2) end if not gs_types[SF.GetType(repl)] then SF.throw("Bad replacement value type", 2) end local patt = unwrap(patt) or patt return re_lib.gsub(str, patt, repl) end
local self = {} local ctor = GLib.MakeConstructor (self, GLib.Vector) function GLib.ColumnVector (h, ...) return ctor (1, h, ...) end function self:SetElementCount (elementCount) self.Height = elementCount end
local addon = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):GetAddon("WSAttendance") addon.util = {} local GetNumGroupMembers, GetNumGuildMembers, GetGuildRosterInfo = GetNumGroupMembers, GetNumGuildMembers, GetGuildRosterInfo local IsInRaid = IsInRaid function addon.util.IterateGuildMembers() local i = 0 local max = GetNumGuildMembers() return function() i = i + 1 if i > max then return end return GetGuildRosterInfo(i) end end do local raid = { "raid1", "raid2", "raid3", "raid4", "raid5", "raid6", "raid7", "raid8", "raid9", "raid10", "raid11", "raid12", "raid13", "raid14", "raid15", "raid16", "raid17", "raid18", "raid19", "raid20", "raid21", "raid22", "raid23", "raid24", "raid25", "raid26", "raid27", "raid28", "raid29", "raid30", "raid31", "raid32", "raid33", "raid34", "raid35", "raid36", "raid37", "raid38", "raid39", "raid40" } local party = { "player", "party1", "party2", "party3", "party4" } function addon.util.IterateGroupMembers() local groupMembers = GetNumGroupMembers() if groupMembers == 0 then groupMembers = 1 -- Party, first element is player end local group = IsInRaid() and raid or party local i = 0 return function() i = i + 1 if i <= groupMembers then return group[i] end end end end -- Returns a table containing all keys that are in one table but not the other function addon.util.TableDiff(t1, t2) local diff = {} local count = 0 -- Add all keys if a table is nil if t1 ~= nil then for k, v in pairs(t1) do if t2 == nil or v ~= t2[k] then count = count + 1 diff[count] = k end end end if t2 ~= nil then for k, v in pairs(t2) do if t1 == nil or t1[k] == nil then -- If it's not nil, it was caught in the pass through t1 count = count + 1 diff[count] = k end end end return diff end
return { { effect_list = { { type = "BattleBuffAddAttrRatio", trigger = { "onAttach" }, arg_list = { attr = "loadSpeed", number = 800 } }, { type = "BattleBuffFixVelocity", trigger = { "onAttach", "onRemove" }, arg_list = { add = 3, mul = 0 } } } }, { effect_list = { { type = "BattleBuffAddAttrRatio", trigger = { "onAttach" }, arg_list = { attr = "loadSpeed", number = 910 } }, { type = "BattleBuffFixVelocity", trigger = { "onAttach", "onRemove" }, arg_list = { add = 3, mul = 0 } } } }, { effect_list = { { type = "BattleBuffAddAttrRatio", trigger = { "onAttach" }, arg_list = { attr = "loadSpeed", number = 1020 } }, { type = "BattleBuffFixVelocity", trigger = { "onAttach", "onRemove" }, arg_list = { add = 3, mul = 0 } } } }, { effect_list = { { type = "BattleBuffAddAttrRatio", trigger = { "onAttach" }, arg_list = { attr = "loadSpeed", number = 1130 } }, { type = "BattleBuffFixVelocity", trigger = { "onAttach", "onRemove" }, arg_list = { add = 3, mul = 0 } } } }, { effect_list = { { type = "BattleBuffAddAttrRatio", trigger = { "onAttach" }, arg_list = { attr = "loadSpeed", number = 1240 } }, { type = "BattleBuffFixVelocity", trigger = { "onAttach", "onRemove" }, arg_list = { add = 3, mul = 0 } } } }, { effect_list = { { type = "BattleBuffAddAttrRatio", trigger = { "onAttach" }, arg_list = { attr = "loadSpeed", number = 1350 } }, { type = "BattleBuffFixVelocity", trigger = { "onAttach", "onRemove" }, arg_list = { add = 3, mul = 0 } } } }, { effect_list = { { type = "BattleBuffAddAttrRatio", trigger = { "onAttach" }, arg_list = { attr = "loadSpeed", number = 1460 } }, { type = "BattleBuffFixVelocity", trigger = { "onAttach", "onRemove" }, arg_list = { add = 3, mul = 0 } } } }, { effect_list = { { type = "BattleBuffAddAttrRatio", trigger = { "onAttach" }, arg_list = { attr = "loadSpeed", number = 1570 } }, { type = "BattleBuffFixVelocity", trigger = { "onAttach", "onRemove" }, arg_list = { add = 3, mul = 0 } } } }, { effect_list = { { type = "BattleBuffAddAttrRatio", trigger = { "onAttach" }, arg_list = { attr = "loadSpeed", number = 1680 } }, { type = "BattleBuffFixVelocity", trigger = { "onAttach", "onRemove" }, arg_list = { add = 3, mul = 0 } } } }, { effect_list = { { type = "BattleBuffAddAttrRatio", trigger = { "onAttach" }, arg_list = { attr = "loadSpeed", number = 1800 } }, { type = "BattleBuffFixVelocity", trigger = { "onAttach", "onRemove" }, arg_list = { add = 3, mul = 0 } } } }, init_effect = "", name = "狼群战术-U37", time = 0, picture = "", desc = "属性提升", stack = 5, id = 13942, icon = 13940, last_effect = "", effect_list = {} }
local Players = game:GetService("Players") local Modules = Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.AvatarEditorInGame.Modules local Action = require(Modules.Common.Action) return Action(script.Name, function(itemDetailsExpanded) return { itemDetailsExpanded = itemDetailsExpanded, } end)
help( [[ This module loads Git 1.9.0 into the environment. Git is a source control module tool. ]]) whatis("Loads the Git SCM tools") local version = "1.9.0" local base = "/cvmfs/"..version prepend_path("PATH", pathJoin(base, "bin")) prepend_path("CPATH", pathJoin(base, "include")) prepend_path("LIBRARY_PATH", pathJoin(base, "lib")) family('git')
dependency "vrp" dependency "cops" server_script { "@vrp/lib/utils.lua", "server.lua" } client_script { "@vrp/lib/utils.lua", "init.lua", --"gui/gui.lua" } --ui_page("public/index.html") files { -- "public/index.html", -- "public/main.js", -- "public/style.css", -- "public/monitor.png", -- "public/logo.png", -- "public/cursor.png", "configs/business.lua", "client.lua", "client-jobs.lua", "gang/c-gang.lua", "stores/c-stores.lua", "gang/s-gang.lua", "stores/s-stores.lua", "businesses/c-business.lua" }
io.stdout:setvbuf'no' io.stderr:setvbuf'no' local glue = require'glue' local thread = require'thread' local sock = require'sock' local ffi = require'ffi' local coro = require'coro' local function test_addr() local function dump(...) for ai in assert(sock.addr(...)):addrs() do print(ai:tostring(), ai:type(), ai:family(), ai:protocol(), ai:name()) end end dump('1234:2345:3456:4567:5678:6789:7890:8901', 0, 'tcp', 'inet6') dump('', 1234, 'tcp', 'inet', nil, {cannonname = true}) dump() end local function test_sockopt() local s = assert(sock.tcp()) for _,k in ipairs{ 'acceptconn ', 'broadcast ', --'bsp_state ', 'conditional_accept', 'connect_time ', 'dontlinger ', 'dontroute ', 'error ', 'exclusiveaddruse ', 'keepalive ', --'linger ', 'max_msg_size ', 'maxdg ', 'maxpathdg ', 'oobinline ', 'pause_accept ', 'port_scalability ', --'protocol_info ', 'randomize_port ', 'rcvbuf ', 'rcvlowat ', 'rcvtimeo ', 'reuseaddr ', 'sndbuf ', 'sndlowat ', 'sndtimeo ', 'type ', 'tcp_bsdurgent ', 'tcp_expedited_1122', 'tcp_maxrt ', 'tcp_nodelay ', 'tcp_timestamps ', } do local sk, k = k, glue.trim(k) local v = s:getopt(k) print(sk, v) end print'' for _,k in ipairs{ 'broadcast ', 'conditional_accept ', 'dontlinger ', 'dontroute ', 'exclusiveaddruse ', 'keepalive ', 'linger ', 'max_msg_size ', 'oobinline ', 'pause_accept ', 'port_scalability ', 'randomize_port ', 'rcvbuf ', 'rcvlowat ', 'rcvtimeo ', 'reuseaddr ', 'sndbuf ', 'sndlowat ', 'sndtimeo ', 'update_accept_context ', 'update_connect_context ', 'tcp_bsdurgent ', 'tcp_expedited_1122 ', 'tcp_maxrt ', 'tcp_nodelay ', 'tcp_timestamps ', } do local sk, k = k, glue.trim(k) local canget, v = pcall(s.getopt, s, k) if canget then print(k, pcall(s.setopt, s, k, v)) end end end local function start_server() local server_thread = local sock = require'sock' local coro = require'coro' local s = assert(sock.tcp()) assert(s:listen('*', 8090)) sock.newthread(function() while true do print'...' local cs, ra, la = assert(s:accept()) print('accepted', cs, ra:tostring(), ra:port(), la and la:tostring(), la and la:port()) print('accepted_thread', coro.running()) sock.newthread(function() print'closing cs' --cs:recv(buf, len) assert(cs:close()) print('closed', coro.running()) end) print('backto accepted_thread', coro.running()) end s:close() end) print(sock.start()) end) -- local s = assert(sock.tcp()) -- --assert(s:bind('', 8090)) -- print(s:connect('', '8080')) -- --assert(s:send'hello') -- s:close() server_thread:join() end local function start_client() local s = assert(sock.tcp()) sock.newthread(function() print'...' print(assert(s:connect(ffi.abi'win' and '' or '', 8090))) print(assert(s:send'hello')) print(assert(s:close())) sock.stop() end) print(sock.start()) end local function test_http() sock.newthread(function() local s = assert(sock.tcp()) print('connect', s:connect(ffi.abi'win' and '' or '', 80)) print('send', s:send'GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n') local buf ='char[4096]' local n, err, ec = s:recv(buf, 4096) if n then print('recv', n, ffi.string(buf, n)) else print(n, err, ec) end s:close() end) print('start', sock.start(1)) end local function test_timers() local i = 1 local job = sock.runevery(.1, function() print(i); i = i + 1 end) sock.runafter(1, function() print'canceling' job:cancel() print'done' end) end) os.exit() end test_timers() --test_addr() --test_sockopt() --test_http() if ffi.os == 'Windows' then start_server() else start_client() end
local pl = require'pl.import_into'() return { cmd = function(cmd) end, list_extend = function(dst, src) pl.tablex.insertvalues(dst, src) return dst end, tbl_contains = function(t, value) local l = pl.List(t) return l:contains(value) end, tbl_keys = function(t) return pl.tablex.keys(t) end, tbl_extend = function(behavior, a, b) if behavior == "force" then return pl.tablex.union(a, b) end return nil end, tbl_filter = function(func, t) return pl.tablex.filter(t, func) end, inspect = function(object) return pl.pretty.write(object) end, startswith = function(s, prefix) return pl.stringx.startswith(s, prefix) end, fn = { split = pl.stringx.split, join = function(list, sep) if sep == nil or sep == "" then sep = " " end return pl.stringx.join(sep, list) end, has = function(h) local d = { win32 = (pl.path.is_windows) and 1 or 0, win64 = (pl.path.is_windows) and 1 or 0, } return d[h] end, mkdir = function(name) pl.dir.makepath(name) end, expand = function(expr) return pl.path.expanduser(expr) end, }, g = {}, b = {}, w = {}, t = {}, v = {}, env = {}, o = {}, bo = {}, wo = {}, }
-- Generated By protoc-gen-lua Do not Edit local protobuf = require "protobuf" module('Gift_pb', package.seeall) local GIFT = protobuf.Descriptor(); local GIFT_REWARDTYPEINDEX_FIELD = protobuf.FieldDescriptor(); local GIFT_ITEMID_FIELD = protobuf.FieldDescriptor(); local GIFT_TYPEID_FIELD = protobuf.FieldDescriptor(); local GIFT_LEVEL_FIELD = protobuf.FieldDescriptor(); local GIFT_COUNT_FIELD = protobuf.FieldDescriptor(); local GIFT_INDATE_FIELD = protobuf.FieldDescriptor(); local GIFT_COLORINDEX_FIELD = protobuf.FieldDescriptor(); local GIFT_ATTACK_FIELD = protobuf.FieldDescriptor(); local GIFT_DEFEND_FIELD = protobuf.FieldDescriptor(); local GIFT_AGILITY_FIELD = protobuf.FieldDescriptor(); local GIFT_LUCKY_FIELD = protobuf.FieldDescriptor(); local GIFT_MAXLV_FIELD = protobuf.FieldDescriptor(); local GIFT_SLOT_FIELD = protobuf.FieldDescriptor(); = "rewardTypeIndex" GIFT_REWARDTYPEINDEX_FIELD.full_name = ".com.xinqihd.sns.gameserver.proto.Gift.rewardTypeIndex" GIFT_REWARDTYPEINDEX_FIELD.number = 1 GIFT_REWARDTYPEINDEX_FIELD.index = 0 GIFT_REWARDTYPEINDEX_FIELD.label = 2 GIFT_REWARDTYPEINDEX_FIELD.has_default_value = false GIFT_REWARDTYPEINDEX_FIELD.default_value = 0 GIFT_REWARDTYPEINDEX_FIELD.type = 5 GIFT_REWARDTYPEINDEX_FIELD.cpp_type = 1 = "itemId" GIFT_ITEMID_FIELD.full_name = ".com.xinqihd.sns.gameserver.proto.Gift.itemId" GIFT_ITEMID_FIELD.number = 2 GIFT_ITEMID_FIELD.index = 1 GIFT_ITEMID_FIELD.label = 1 GIFT_ITEMID_FIELD.has_default_value = false GIFT_ITEMID_FIELD.default_value = "" GIFT_ITEMID_FIELD.type = 9 GIFT_ITEMID_FIELD.cpp_type = 9 = "typeId" GIFT_TYPEID_FIELD.full_name = ".com.xinqihd.sns.gameserver.proto.Gift.typeId" GIFT_TYPEID_FIELD.number = 3 GIFT_TYPEID_FIELD.index = 2 GIFT_TYPEID_FIELD.label = 1 GIFT_TYPEID_FIELD.has_default_value = false GIFT_TYPEID_FIELD.default_value = "" GIFT_TYPEID_FIELD.type = 9 GIFT_TYPEID_FIELD.cpp_type = 9 = "level" GIFT_LEVEL_FIELD.full_name = ".com.xinqihd.sns.gameserver.proto.Gift.level" GIFT_LEVEL_FIELD.number = 4 GIFT_LEVEL_FIELD.index = 3 GIFT_LEVEL_FIELD.label = 1 GIFT_LEVEL_FIELD.has_default_value = false GIFT_LEVEL_FIELD.default_value = 0 GIFT_LEVEL_FIELD.type = 5 GIFT_LEVEL_FIELD.cpp_type = 1 = "count" GIFT_COUNT_FIELD.full_name = ".com.xinqihd.sns.gameserver.proto.Gift.count" GIFT_COUNT_FIELD.number = 5 GIFT_COUNT_FIELD.index = 4 GIFT_COUNT_FIELD.label = 1 GIFT_COUNT_FIELD.has_default_value = false GIFT_COUNT_FIELD.default_value = 0 GIFT_COUNT_FIELD.type = 5 GIFT_COUNT_FIELD.cpp_type = 1 = "indate" GIFT_INDATE_FIELD.full_name = ".com.xinqihd.sns.gameserver.proto.Gift.indate" GIFT_INDATE_FIELD.number = 6 GIFT_INDATE_FIELD.index = 5 GIFT_INDATE_FIELD.label = 1 GIFT_INDATE_FIELD.has_default_value = false GIFT_INDATE_FIELD.default_value = 0 GIFT_INDATE_FIELD.type = 5 GIFT_INDATE_FIELD.cpp_type = 1 = "colorIndex" GIFT_COLORINDEX_FIELD.full_name = ".com.xinqihd.sns.gameserver.proto.Gift.colorIndex" GIFT_COLORINDEX_FIELD.number = 7 GIFT_COLORINDEX_FIELD.index = 6 GIFT_COLORINDEX_FIELD.label = 1 GIFT_COLORINDEX_FIELD.has_default_value = false GIFT_COLORINDEX_FIELD.default_value = 0 GIFT_COLORINDEX_FIELD.type = 5 GIFT_COLORINDEX_FIELD.cpp_type = 1 = "attack" GIFT_ATTACK_FIELD.full_name = ".com.xinqihd.sns.gameserver.proto.Gift.attack" GIFT_ATTACK_FIELD.number = 8 GIFT_ATTACK_FIELD.index = 7 GIFT_ATTACK_FIELD.label = 1 GIFT_ATTACK_FIELD.has_default_value = false GIFT_ATTACK_FIELD.default_value = 0 GIFT_ATTACK_FIELD.type = 5 GIFT_ATTACK_FIELD.cpp_type = 1 = "defend" GIFT_DEFEND_FIELD.full_name = ".com.xinqihd.sns.gameserver.proto.Gift.defend" GIFT_DEFEND_FIELD.number = 9 GIFT_DEFEND_FIELD.index = 8 GIFT_DEFEND_FIELD.label = 1 GIFT_DEFEND_FIELD.has_default_value = false GIFT_DEFEND_FIELD.default_value = 0 GIFT_DEFEND_FIELD.type = 5 GIFT_DEFEND_FIELD.cpp_type = 1 = "agility" GIFT_AGILITY_FIELD.full_name = ".com.xinqihd.sns.gameserver.proto.Gift.agility" GIFT_AGILITY_FIELD.number = 10 GIFT_AGILITY_FIELD.index = 9 GIFT_AGILITY_FIELD.label = 1 GIFT_AGILITY_FIELD.has_default_value = false GIFT_AGILITY_FIELD.default_value = 0 GIFT_AGILITY_FIELD.type = 5 GIFT_AGILITY_FIELD.cpp_type = 1 = "lucky" GIFT_LUCKY_FIELD.full_name = ".com.xinqihd.sns.gameserver.proto.Gift.lucky" GIFT_LUCKY_FIELD.number = 11 GIFT_LUCKY_FIELD.index = 10 GIFT_LUCKY_FIELD.label = 1 GIFT_LUCKY_FIELD.has_default_value = false GIFT_LUCKY_FIELD.default_value = 0 GIFT_LUCKY_FIELD.type = 5 GIFT_LUCKY_FIELD.cpp_type = 1 = "maxlv" GIFT_MAXLV_FIELD.full_name = ".com.xinqihd.sns.gameserver.proto.Gift.maxlv" GIFT_MAXLV_FIELD.number = 12 GIFT_MAXLV_FIELD.index = 11 GIFT_MAXLV_FIELD.label = 1 GIFT_MAXLV_FIELD.has_default_value = false GIFT_MAXLV_FIELD.default_value = 0 GIFT_MAXLV_FIELD.type = 5 GIFT_MAXLV_FIELD.cpp_type = 1 = "slot" GIFT_SLOT_FIELD.full_name = ".com.xinqihd.sns.gameserver.proto.Gift.slot" GIFT_SLOT_FIELD.number = 13 GIFT_SLOT_FIELD.index = 12 GIFT_SLOT_FIELD.label = 1 GIFT_SLOT_FIELD.has_default_value = false GIFT_SLOT_FIELD.default_value = 0 GIFT_SLOT_FIELD.type = 5 GIFT_SLOT_FIELD.cpp_type = 1 = "Gift" GIFT.full_name = ".com.xinqihd.sns.gameserver.proto.Gift" GIFT.nested_types = {} GIFT.enum_types = {} GIFT.fields = {GIFT_REWARDTYPEINDEX_FIELD, GIFT_ITEMID_FIELD, GIFT_TYPEID_FIELD, GIFT_LEVEL_FIELD, GIFT_COUNT_FIELD, GIFT_INDATE_FIELD, GIFT_COLORINDEX_FIELD, GIFT_ATTACK_FIELD, GIFT_DEFEND_FIELD, GIFT_AGILITY_FIELD, GIFT_LUCKY_FIELD, GIFT_MAXLV_FIELD, GIFT_SLOT_FIELD} GIFT.is_extendable = false GIFT.extensions = {} Gift = protobuf.Message(GIFT) _G.GIFT_PB_GIFT = GIFT
dofile("myassert.lua") -- type convertion tests assert(tolua.type(A.last) == 'Tst_A') -- first time the object is mapped assert(tolua.type(B.last) == 'Tst_B') -- type convertion to specialized type assert(tolua.type(A.last) == 'Tst_B') -- no convertion: obj already mapped as B local a = A:new() assert(tolua.type(A.last) == 'Tst_A') -- no type convertion: same type local b = B:new() assert(tolua.type(A.last) == 'Tst_B') -- no convertion: obj already mapped as B local c = luaC:new(0) assert(tolua.type(A.last) == 'Tst_C') -- no convertion: obj already mapped as C assert(tolua.type(luaC.last) == 'Tst_C') local aa = A.AA:new() local bb = A.BB:new() local xx = create_aa() -- casting test local base = bb:Base(); local derived = tolua.cast(base,"Tst_A::Tst_BB"); assert(derived:classname()=="Tst_BB") -- method calling tests assert(a:a() == 'A') assert(b:a() == 'A') assert(b:b() == 'B') assert(c:a() == 'A') assert(c:b() == 'B') assert(c:c() == 'C') assert(aa:aa() == 'AA') assert(bb:aa() == bb:Base():aa()) assert(xx:aa() == 'AA') assert(is_aa(bb) == true) -- test ownershipping handling -- should delete objects: 6 7 8 9 10 (it may vary!) remark = [[ local set = {} for i=1,10 do local c = luaC:new(i) tolua.takeownership(c) set[i] = c end for i=1,5 do tolua.releaseownership(set[i]) end --]] print("Class test OK")
return { "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_038", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_039", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_040", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_041", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_042", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_043", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_044", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_045", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_046", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_047", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_048", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_049", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_050", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_051", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_052", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_053", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_054", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_055", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_056", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_057", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_058", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_059", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_060", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_061", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_062", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_063", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_064", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_065", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_066", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_067", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_068", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_069", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_070", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_071", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_072", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_073", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_074", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_075", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_076", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_077", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_078", "icons/life_flowerpot/life_flowerpot_079", "icons/life_flowerpot_001", "icons/life_flowerpot_002", "icons/life_flowerpot_003", "icons/life_flowerpot_004", "icons/life_flowerpot_005", "icons/life_flowerpot_006", "icons/life_flowerpot_007", "icons/life_flowerpot_008", "icons/life_flowerpot_009", "icons/life_flowerpot_010", "icons/life_flowerpot_011", "icons/life_flowerpot_012", "icons/life_flowerpot_013", "icons/life_flowerpot_014", "icons/life_flowerpot_015", "icons/life_flowerpot_016", "icons/life_flowerpot_017", "icons/life_flowerpot_018", "icons/life_flowerpot_019", "icons/life_flowerpot_020", "icons/life_flowerpot_021", "icons/life_flowerpot_022", "icons/life_flowerpot_023", "icons/life_flowerpot_024", "icons/life_flowerpot_025", "icons/life_flowerpot_026", "icons/life_flowerpot_027", "icons/life_flowerpot_028", "icons/life_flowerpot_029", "icons/life_flowerpot_030", "icons/life_flowerpot_031", "icons/life_flowerpot_032", "icons/life_flowerpot_033", "icons/life_flowerpot_034", "icons/life_flowerpot_035", "icons/life_flowerpot_036", "icons/life_flowerpot_037", }
fx_version 'cerulean' game 'gta5' shared_scripts { "config.lua" } client_scripts { "vehcontrol-c.lua", "menu-c.lua" } server_scripts { "vehcontrol-s.lua" } ui_page 'html/index.html' files { 'html/index.html', 'html/css/main.css', 'html/css/RadialMenu.css', 'html/js/main.js', 'html/js/RadialMenu.js' } dependency 'baseevents' author 'Jake Hopkins' description 'Vehicle Control' version '1.3'
wrk.method = "POST" wrk.body = [[{ "query": "{ human(id: \"1000\") { name } }", "variables": null, "operationName": null }]] wrk.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/graphql"
--[[ {Madwork} -[RateLimiter]--------------------------------------- Prevents RemoteEvent spamming; Player references are automatically removed as they leave Members: RateLimiter.Default [RateLimiter] Functions: RateLimiter.NewRateLimiter(rate) --> [RateLimiter] rate [number] -- Events per second allowed; Excessive events are dropped Methods [RateLimiter]: RateLimiter:CheckRate(source) --> is_to_be_processed [bool] -- Whether event should be processed source [any] RateLimiter:CleanSource(source) -- Forgets about the source - must be called for any object that has been passed to RateLimiter:CheckRate() after that object is no longer going to be used; Does not have to be called for Player instances! RateLimiter:Cleanup() -- Forgets all sources RateLimiter:Destroy() -- Make the RateLimiter module forget about this RateLimiter object --]] local Players = game:GetService("Players") local SETTINGS = { DefaultRateLimiterRate = 120; } ----- Service Table ----- local RateLimiter = {} RateLimiter.Default = nil local PlayerReference = {} -- {player = true} local RateLimiters = {} -- {rate_limiter = true, ...} ----- Public functions ----- -- RateLimiter object: local RateLimiterObject = {} RateLimiterObject.ClassName = "RateLimiterObject" RateLimiterObject.__index = RateLimiterObject function RateLimiterObject:CheckRate(source) --> is_to_be_processed [bool] -- Whether event should be processed local sources = self._sources local os_clock = os.clock() local rate_time = sources[source] if rate_time ~= nil then rate_time = math.max(os_clock, rate_time + self._rate_period) if rate_time - os_clock < 1 then sources[source] = rate_time return true else return false end else -- Preventing from remembering players that already left: if typeof(source) == "Instance" and source:IsA("Player") and PlayerReference[source] == nil then return false end sources[source] = os_clock + self._rate_period return true end end function RateLimiterObject:CleanSource(source) -- Forgets about the source - must be called for any object that self._sources[source] = nil end function RateLimiterObject:Cleanup() -- Forgets all sources self._sources = {} end function RateLimiterObject:Destroy() -- Make the RateLimiter module forget about this RateLimiter object RateLimiters[self] = nil end -- Module functions: function RateLimiter.NewRateLimiter(rate) --> [RateLimiter] if rate <= 0 then error("[RateLimiter]: Invalid rate") end local self = { _sources = {}; _rate_period = 1 / rate; } setmetatable(self, RateLimiterObject) RateLimiters[self] = true return self end ----- Initialize ----- for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do PlayerReference[player] = true end RateLimiter.Default = RateLimiter.NewRateLimiter(SETTINGS.DefaultRateLimiterRate) ----- Connections ----- Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) PlayerReference[player] = true end) Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(function(player) PlayerReference[player] = nil -- Automatic player reference cleanup: for rate_limiter in next, RateLimiters do rate_limiter._sources[player] = nil end end) return RateLimiter
local ObjectManager = require("managers.object.object_manager") corvetteRepairDroidConvoHandler = conv_handler:new {} function corvetteRepairDroidConvoHandler:getInitialScreen(pPlayer, pNpc, pConvTemplate) local convoTemplate = LuaConversationTemplate(pConvTemplate) local pCorvette = SceneObject(SceneObject(pPlayer):getParent()):getParent() local droidFixed = readData(BuildingObject(pCorvette):getObjectID() .. ":repairDroidComplete") if (droidFixed == 1) then return convoTemplate:getScreen("pdroid_excellent") else return convoTemplate:getScreen("pdroid_instructions") end end
--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <[email protected]> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at $Id$ ]]-- local nw = require "" local fw = require "luci.model.firewall" local ds = require "luci.dispatcher" local has_v2 = nixio.fs.access("/lib/firewall/") require("") m = Map("firewall", translate("Firewall"), translate("The firewall creates zones over your network interfaces to control network traffic flow.")) fw.init(m.uci) nw.init(m.uci) s = m:section(TypedSection, "defaults") s.anonymous = true s.addremove = false s:tab("general", translate("General Settings")) s:tab("custom", translate("Custom Rules")) s:taboption("general", Flag, "syn_flood", translate("Enable SYN-flood protection")) local di = s:taboption("general", Flag, "drop_invalid", translate("Drop invalid packets")) di.rmempty = false function di.cfgvalue(...) return AbstractValue.cfgvalue(...) or "1" end p = {} p[1] = s:taboption("general", ListValue, "input", translate("Input")) p[2] = s:taboption("general", ListValue, "output", translate("Output")) p[3] = s:taboption("general", ListValue, "forward", translate("Forward")) for i, v in ipairs(p) do v:value("REJECT", translate("reject")) v:value("DROP", translate("drop")) v:value("ACCEPT", translate("accept")) end custom = s:taboption("custom", Value, "_custom", translate("Custom Rules (/etc/firewall.user)")) custom.template = "cbi/tvalue" custom.rows = 20 function custom.cfgvalue(self, section) return nixio.fs.readfile("/etc/firewall.user") end function custom.write(self, section, value) value = value:gsub("\r\n?", "\n") nixio.fs.writefile("/etc/firewall.user", value) end s = m:section(TypedSection, "zone", translate("Zones")) s.template = "cbi/tblsection" s.anonymous = true s.addremove = true s.extedit = ds.build_url("admin", "network", "firewall", "zones", "%s") function s.create(self) local z = fw:new_zone() if z then luci.http.redirect( ds.build_url("admin", "network", "firewall", "zones", z.sid) ) end end function s.remove(self, section) return fw:del_zone(section) end info = s:option(DummyValue, "_info", translate("Zone ⇒ Forwardings")) info.template = "cbi/firewall_zoneforwards" function info.cfgvalue(self, section) return, "name") end p = {} p[1] = s:option(ListValue, "input", translate("Input")) p[2] = s:option(ListValue, "output", translate("Output")) p[3] = s:option(ListValue, "forward", translate("Forward")) for i, v in ipairs(p) do v:value("REJECT", translate("reject")) v:value("DROP", translate("drop")) v:value("ACCEPT", translate("accept")) end s:option(Flag, "masq", translate("Masquerading")) s:option(Flag, "mtu_fix", translate("MSS clamping")) local created = nil -- -- Redirects -- s = m:section(TypedSection, "redirect", translate("Redirections")) s.template = "cbi/tblsection" s.addremove = true s.anonymous = true s.sortable = true s.extedit = ds.build_url("admin", "network", "firewall", "redirect", "%s") function s.create(self, section) created = TypedSection.create(self, section) end function s.parse(self, ...) TypedSection.parse(self, ...) if created then m.uci:save("firewall") luci.http.redirect(ds.build_url( "admin", "network", "firewall", "redirect", created )) end end name = s:option(DummyValue, "_name", translate("Name")) function name.cfgvalue(self, s) return, "_name") or "-" end proto = s:option(DummyValue, "proto", translate("Protocol")) function proto.cfgvalue(self, s) local p =, "proto") if not p or p == "tcpudp" then return "TCP+UDP" else return p:upper() end end src = s:option(DummyValue, "src", translate("Source")) function src.cfgvalue(self, s) local rv = "%s:%s:%s" % {, "src") or "*",, "src_ip") or "",, "src_port") or "*" } local mac =, "src_mac") if mac then rv = rv .. ", MAC " .. mac end return rv end via = s:option(DummyValue, "via", translate("Via")) function via.cfgvalue(self, s) return "%s:%s:%s" % { translate("Device"),, "src_dip") or "",, "src_dport") or "*" } end dest = s:option(DummyValue, "dest", translate("Destination")) function dest.cfgvalue(self, s) return "%s:%s:%s" % {, "dest") or "*",, "dest_ip") or "",, "dest_port") or "*" } end target = s:option(DummyValue, "target", translate("Action")) function target.cfgvalue(self, s) return, "target") or "DNAT" end -- -- Rules -- s = m:section(TypedSection, "rule", translate("Rules")) s.addremove = true s.anonymous = true s.sortable = true s.template = "cbi/tblsection" s.extedit = ds.build_url("admin", "network", "firewall", "rule", "%s") = "ACCEPT" function s.create(self, section) local created = TypedSection.create(self, section) m.uci:save("firewall") luci.http.redirect(ds.build_url( "admin", "network", "firewall", "rule", created )) return end name = s:option(DummyValue, "_name", translate("Name")) function name.cfgvalue(self, s) return, "_name") or "-" end if has_v2 then family = s:option(DummyValue, "family", translate("Family")) function family.cfgvalue(self, s) local f =, "family") if f and f:match("4") then return translate("IPv4 only") elseif f and f:match("6") then return translate("IPv6 only") else return translate("IPv4 and IPv6") end end end proto = s:option(DummyValue, "proto", translate("Protocol")) function proto.cfgvalue(self, s) local p =, "proto") local t =, "icmp_type") if p == "icmp" and t then return "ICMP (%s)" % t elseif p == "tcpudp" or not p then return "TCP+UDP" else return p:upper() end end src = s:option(DummyValue, "src", translate("Source")) function src.cfgvalue(self, s) local rv = "%s:%s:%s" % {, "src") or "*",, "src_ip") or "",, "src_port") or "*" } local mac =, "src_mac") if mac then rv = rv .. ", MAC " .. mac end return rv end dest = s:option(DummyValue, "dest", translate("Destination")) function dest.cfgvalue(self, s) return "%s:%s:%s" % {, "dest") or translate("Device"),, "dest_ip") or "",, "dest_port") or "*" } end s:option(DummyValue, "target", translate("Action")) return m
print("character loaded") function Character.OnInsert() print("Character", tostring(this), "has been created") this:GetPlayer():GetSelf():enableDennis() if this:GetPlayer():GetSelf().prev_tuning ~= nil then print("applying previous tuning!!") this.Tuning = this:GetPlayer():GetSelf().prev_tuning:Copy() end end --[[ function Character.Destroy() print("Character", tostring(this), "has been destroyed") this:GetPlayer():GetSelf():disableDennis() end ]] function Character.OnDeath(Killer, Weapon) print("Character", tostring(this), "was kileld by " .. Killer .. " with " .. Weapon) this:GetPlayer():GetSelf():disableDennis() this:GetPlayer():GetSelf().prev_tuning = this.Tuning:Copy() print(tostring(this:GetPlayer():GetSelf().prev_tuning)) end function Character.OnWeaponFire(Weapon) this:GetPlayer():GetSelf():triggerDennis(Weapon) end
local luasnip if not pcall( function() luasnip = require("luasnip") end ) then return end luasnip.config.set_config( { history = true, updateevents = "TextChanged,TextChangedI" } ) require("luasnip/loaders/from_vscode").load()
local lm = require 'luamake' lm.EXE = "lua" lm.EXE_RESOURCE = "../../make/lua-language-server.rc" lm:import "3rd/bee.lua/make.lua" lm:lua_dll 'lpeglabel' { rootdir = '3rd', sources = 'lpeglabel/*.c', visibility = 'default', defines = { 'MAXRECLEVEL=1000', }, } lm:build 'install' { '$luamake', 'lua', 'make/install.lua', lm.builddir, deps = { 'lua', 'lpeglabel', 'bee', } } local fs = require 'bee.filesystem' local pf = require 'bee.platform' local exe = pf.OS == 'Windows' and ".exe" or "" lm:build 'unittest' { fs.path 'bin' / pf.OS / ('lua-language-server' .. exe), 'test.lua', '-E', pool = "console", deps = { 'install', } } lm:default 'unittest'
-- {{ Log something with the check name as a prefix function check_log(str) print(check_name .. ': ' .. str) end -- }} -- {{ Fetch the amount of seconds since a device was updated function last_update(device_name) local t1 = os.time() local s = otherdevices_lastupdate[device_name] local year = string.sub(s, 1, 4) local month = string.sub(s, 6, 7) local day = string.sub(s, 9, 10) local hour = string.sub(s, 12, 13) local minutes = string.sub(s, 15, 16) local seconds = string.sub(s, 18, 19) local t2 = os.time{year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, min=minutes, sec=seconds} local difference = (os.difftime (t1, t2)) return difference end -- }} check_name = 'AggregatePresenceDetection' device_name = 'Presence (Any)' check_interval = 30 commandArray = {} check_log('Attempting to execute') local difference = last_update(device_name) if (difference > check_interval) then check_log('Last ran ' .. difference .. ' seconds ago, running again..') -- {{ Check-specific logic here -- Loop through presence devices list and detect presences local presence = nil -- local presence_last_update_threshold = tonumber(uservariables['PRESENCE_AGGREGATION_DEVICE_LAST_UPDATE_THRESHOLD']) for i in string.gmatch(uservariables['PRESENCE_AGGREGATION_DEVICES'], "[^;]+") do -- Only continue if the value of this device hasn't changed within THRESHOLD seconds -- if last_update(i) > presence_last_update_threshold then local presence_check = otherdevices[i] == 'On' check_log('Device "' .. i .. '" active: ' .. tostring(presence_check)) -- If our presence value is still unset, set it to false -- This lets us know when a device has been checked after a threshold match if presence == nil then presence = false end if presence_check then presence = true end -- else -- check_log('Device "' .. i .. '" was updated less than "' .. tostring(presence_last_update_threshold) .. '" seconds ago, skipping value') -- end end if presence == nil then check_log('No devices were checked') else check_log('Presence detected: ' .. tostring(presence)) local device_state = presence and 'On' or 'Off' if otherdevices[device_name] ~= device_state then commandArray[device_name] = device_state check_log('Setting value of device "' .. device_name .. '" to "' .. device_state .. '"') else check_log('Value of device "' .. device_name .. '" is already set to "' .. device_state .. '"') end end -- }} else print('Last ran ' .. difference .. ' seconds ago, not running..') end return commandArray
-- Sound ids for all of the whispers, divided into seperate tables for each old god. -- local CthunSounds = { 546633, 546620, 546621, 546623, 546626, 546627, 546628, 546636 } local NzothSounds = { 2529827, 2529828, 2529829, 2529830, 2529831, 2529832, 2529833, 2529834, 2529835, 2529836, 2529837, 2529838, 2529839, 2529840 , 2529841, 2529842, 2529843, 2529844, 2529846, 2564962, 2564963, 2564964, 2564965, 2564966, 2564967, 2564968, 2564969, 2564970, 2618480, 2618483, 2618486, 2923228, 2923229, 2923230, 2923231, 2923232, 2923233, 2923236, 2923237, 2959164, 2959166, 2959167, 2959168, 2959169, 2959170, 2959189, 2959190, 2959191, 2959192, 2959193, 2959194, 2960030 } local IlgynothSounds = { 1360537, 1360538, 1360539, 1360540, 1360541, 1360542, 1360543, 1360544,1360545, 1360546, 1360547, 1360553, 1360554, 1360555, 1360556, 1360557, 1360558, 1360559, 1360560, 1360561, 1360562, 3178932, 3178933, 3178934, 3178935, 3178936,3178937 , 3180746, 3180788, 3180789, 3180790, 3180791, 3180792, 3180900, 3180901, 3180902, 3180903, 3180904, 3180905, 3180906, 3180907, 3180910, 3180911, 3180938, 3180939, 3180940, 3180944 } local YoggSaronSounds = { 564844, 564858, 564838, 564877, 564865, 564834, 564862, 564868, 564857, 564870, 564856, 564845, 564823 } local GhuunSounds = { 2000113, 2000114, 2000115, 2000119, 2000120, 2000121, 2000149 } -- Plays a random sound depending on what configuration settings are enabled. -- local function PlaySounds(click) -- availableSounds always starts of with a number of shared whispers. -- local availableSounds = {2494907, 2494908, 2494909, 2494910, 2494911, 2494912, 2494913, 2494914, 2494915, 2494916} if OldGodWhispersDatabase['cthunEnabled'] == true then for k, v in pairs(CthunSounds) do table.insert(availableSounds, v) end end if OldGodWhispersDatabase['nzothEnabled'] == true then for k, v in pairs(NzothSounds) do table.insert(availableSounds, v) end end if OldGodWhispersDatabase['ghuunEnabled'] == true then for k, v in pairs(GhuunSounds) do table.insert(availableSounds, v) end end if OldGodWhispersDatabase['yoggSaronEnabled'] == true then for k, v in pairs(YoggSaronSounds) do table.insert(availableSounds, v) end end if OldGodWhispersDatabase['ilgynothEnabled'] == true then for k, v in pairs(IlgynothSounds) do table.insert(availableSounds, v) end end -- Prevents random mode from lingering by checking if its true before playing a souns. -- if OldGodWhispersDatabase['random'] == true or click == true then PlaySoundFile(availableSounds[math.random(#availableSounds)], "Dialog") end -- This should only fire if it's a callback from an interval. -- -- The click arg gets passed as true on all button presses to prevent double firing. -- if OldGodWhispersDatabase['random'] == true and click == nil then PerformRandom() end end -- Fires a random function on an interval. -- local function PerformRandom() C_Timer.After(math.random(300, 1800), PlaySounds) end -- Registers the frame that renders the button in-game. -- local frame = CreateFrame("Button", "DragFrame", UIParent) frame:RegisterEvent("ADDON_LOADED") frame:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGOUT") frame:SetPoint("Center", 0, 0) frame:SetSize(45, 45) -- Makes the frame draggable. -- frame:SetMovable(true) frame:EnableMouse(true) frame:RegisterForDrag("LeftButton") frame:SetScript("OnDragStart", frame.StartMoving) frame:SetScript("OnDragStop", frame.StopMovingOrSizing) local icon = frame:CreateTexture("Texture", "Background") -- N'Zoth eyeball texture. -- icon:SetTexture("3004126") -- Makes the area behind the background invisible. -- icon:SetMask("Interface\\CharacterFrame\\TempPortraitAlphaMask") icon:SetAllPoints(frame) local ring = frame:CreateTexture("Texture", "Overlay") ring:SetAtlas("adventureguide-ring") ring:SetPoint("Center", frame) ring:SetSize(60, 60) local ringHighlight = frame:CreateTexture("Texture", "Overlay") ringHighlight:SetAtlas("adventureguide-rewardring") ringHighlight:SetPoint("Center", frame) ringHighlight:SetSize(60, 60) ringHighlight:SetBlendMode("Add") ringHighlight:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1, 0.25) frame:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) ringHighlight:Show() end) frame:SetScript("OnLeave", function(self) ringHighlight:Hide() end) frame:SetScript('OnClick', function(self) PlaySounds(true) end) frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, arg1) if event == "ADDON_LOADED" and arg1 == "OldGodWhispers" then -- Checks to see if the session already has data for the addon. -- if OldGodWhispersDatabase == nil then -- If no data is found some initial values get set. -- OldGodWhispersDatabase = { random = false, addonShow = true, cthunEnabled = true, nzothEnabled = true, ghuunEnabled = true, yoggSaronEnabled = true, ilgynothEnabled = true } end else -- If there is addon data some initial calls get made to ensure the saved preferences are correctly respected. -- if OldGodWhispersDatabase['addonShow'] == false then frame:Hide() end if OldGodWhispersDatabase['random'] == true then PerformRandom() end end end) -- Handles slash commands / toggling. -- local function AvailableCommands(msg) if msg == 'toggle' then if OldGodWhispersDatabase['addonShow'] == true then frame:Hide() else frame:Show() end OldGodWhispersDatabase['addonShow'] = not OldGodWhispersDatabase['addonShow'] elseif msg == 'random' then OldGodWhispersDatabase['random'] = not OldGodWhispersDatabase['random'] print("Random Whispers - ", OldGodWhispersDatabase['random'] and "Enabled" or "Disabled") if OldGodWhispersDatabase['random'] == true then PerformRandom() end elseif msg == 'cthun' then OldGodWhispersDatabase['cthunEnabled'] = not OldGodWhispersDatabase['cthunEnabled'] print("C'thun Whispers - ", OldGodWhispersDatabase['cthunEnabled'] and "Enabled" or "Disabled") elseif msg == 'nzoth' then OldGodWhispersDatabase['nzothEnabled'] = not OldGodWhispersDatabase['nzothEnabled'] print("N'Zoth Whispers - ", OldGodWhispersDatabase['nzothEnabled'] and "Enabled" or "Disabled") elseif msg == 'ghuun' then OldGodWhispersDatabase['ghuunEnabled'] = not OldGodWhispersDatabase['ghuunEnabled'] print("G'huun Whispers - ", OldGodWhispersDatabase['ghuunEnabled'] and "Enabled" or "Disabled") elseif msg == 'yoggsaron' then OldGodWhispersDatabase['yoggSaronEnabled'] = not OldGodWhispersDatabase['yoggSaronEnabled'] print("Yogg-Saron Whispers - ", OldGodWhispersDatabase['yoggSaronEnabled'] and "Enabled" or "Disabled") elseif msg == 'ilgynoth' then OldGodWhispersDatabase['ilgynothEnabled'] = not OldGodWhispersDatabase['ilgynothEnabled'] print("Il'gynoth Whispers - ", OldGodWhispersDatabase['ilgynothEnabled'] and "Enabled" or "Disabled") elseif msg == 'status' then print("Old God Whispers <James Ives ->") print("Status:") print("Random Whispers - ", OldGodWhispersDatabase['random'] and "Enabled" or "Disabled") print("C'thun Whispers - ", OldGodWhispersDatabase['cthunEnabled'] and "Enabled" or "Disabled") print("N'Zoth Whispers - ", OldGodWhispersDatabase['nzothEnabled'] and "Enabled" or "Disabled") print("G'huun Whispers - ", OldGodWhispersDatabase['ghuunEnabled'] and "Enabled" or "Disabled") print("Yogg-Saron Whispers - ", OldGodWhispersDatabase['yoggSaronEnabled'] and "Enabled" or "Disabled") print("Il'gynoth Whispers - ", OldGodWhispersDatabase['ilgynothEnabled'] and "Enabled" or "Disabled") else print("Old God Whispers <James Ives ->") print("Available Commands:") print("/ogw toggle <Toggles the addon>") print("/ogw random <Enables random whispers from the Old Gods without pressing the button>") print("/ogw status <Shows which whispers are currently enabled/disabled>") print("/ogw cthun <Toggles whispers from C'thun>") print("/ogw nzoth <Toggles whispers from N'Zoth>") print("/ogw ghuun <Toggles whispers from G'huun>") print("/ogw yoggsaron <Toggles whispers from Yogg-Saron>") print("/ogw ilgynoth <Toggles whispers from Il'gynoth>") end end -- Registers /ogw and /oldgodwhispers as available commands. -- SLASH_OLD_GOD_WHISPERS1, SLASH_OLD_GOD_WHISPERS2 = '/ogw', '/oldgodwhispers' SlashCmdList["OLD_GOD_WHISPERS"] = AvailableCommands
kboard.Specs = kboard.Specs or {} kboard.Specs.Personal = kboard.Specs.Personal or {} include("kleaderboards/kboard_config.lua") include("kleaderboards/shared/sh_kboard.lua") include("kleaderboards/client/cl_kboard_draw.lua") include("kleaderboards/client/cl_kboard_leaderboards.lua") include("kleaderboards/client/cl_kboard_personalstats.lua") include("kleaderboards/client/cl_kboard_serverpanel.lua") include("kleaderboards/client/cl_kboard_connectedplayers.lua") KLEADERBOARDS = 1 -- Enums for deciding which panel the user is on. KPERSONAL_STATS = 2 KCONNECTED_PLAYERS = 3 KSERVER_STATS = 4 local col_orange = Color(255,150,0) local col_black = Color(0,0,0) local col_white = Color(255,255,255) for i = 1,45 do -- Create fonts of different sizes for resolution scaling surface.CreateFont( "kboard_Default"..i, {font = "Tahoma", size = i,weight = 1000,antialias = true}) end local baseFrame = {} local clply = LocalPlayer() kboard.leaderboardTable = kboard.leaderboardTable or {} kboard.personalTable = kboard.personalTable or {} kboard.serverTable = kboard.serverTable or {} kboard.weaponsTable = kboard.weaponsTable or {} kboard.Specs.whiteSpace = 5 vgui.Register("mainFrame", baseFrame, "DFrame") net.Receive("kboard_openMenu", function(len) kboard.Specs.totalPages = net.ReadUInt(16) local leaderboardLen = net.ReadUInt(16) local serverLen = net.ReadUInt(16) local weaponsLen = net.ReadUInt(16) kboard.leaderboardTable = net.ReadData(leaderboardLen) if (not isstring(kboard.leaderboardTable)) then clply:kboard_CMSG(kboard.errors.InvalidQuery.." (Client leaderboardTable1)") return end --error handling kboard.leaderboardTable = util.Decompress(kboard.leaderboardTable) if (not isstring(kboard.leaderboardTable)) then clply:kboard_CMSG(kboard.errors.InvalidQuery.." (Client leaderboardTable2)") return end --error handling kboard.leaderboardTable = util.JSONToTable(kboard.leaderboardTable) if (not istable(kboard.leaderboardTable)) then clply:kboard_CMSG(kboard.errors.InvalidQuery.." (Client leaderboardTable3)") return end --error handling kboard.serverTable = net.ReadData(serverLen) if (not isstring(kboard.serverTable)) then clply:kboard_CMSG(kboard.errors.InvalidQuery.." (Client serverTable1)") return end --error handling kboard.serverTable = util.Decompress(kboard.serverTable) if (not isstring(kboard.serverTable)) then clply:kboard_CMSG(kboard.errors.InvalidQuery.." (Client serverTable2)") return end --error handling kboard.serverTable = util.JSONToTable(kboard.serverTable) if (not istable(kboard.serverTable)) then clply:kboard_CMSG(kboard.errors.InvalidQuery.." (Client serverTable3)") return end --error handling kboard.weaponsTable = net.ReadData(weaponsLen) if (not isstring(kboard.weaponsTable)) then clply:kboard_CMSG(kboard.errors.InvalidQuery.." (Client weaponsTable1)") return end --error handling kboard.weaponsTable = util.Decompress(kboard.weaponsTable) if (not isstring(kboard.weaponsTable)) then clply:kboard_CMSG(kboard.errors.InvalidQuery.." (Client weaponsTable2)") return end --error handling kboard.weaponsTable = util.JSONToTable(kboard.weaponsTable) if (not istable(kboard.weaponsTable)) then clply:kboard_CMSG(kboard.errors.InvalidQuery.." (Client weaponsTable3)") return end --error handling kboard.mainMenu() end) function baseFrame:Init() kboard.Specs.leaderboardPage = 1 local scrW = ScrW() local scrH = ScrH() local defaultWidth = 1920 -- the default width this panel is created for. to decide how much to scale kboard.Specs.count = 0 for i=1,10 do -- resolution scaling for fonts. if defaultWidth > scrW then kboard.Specs.count = kboard.Specs.count + 1 defaultWidth = defaultWidth - 100 end end kboard.Specs.hasFocus = KLEADERBOARDS -- Important variable to decide which panel has focus atm kboard.Specs.frameSizeX = scrW - ((scrW / 16) *8) kboard.Specs.frameSizeY = scrH - ((scrH / 9) *4) kboard.Specs.closeSizeX = 35 kboard.Specs.closeSizeY = 20 kboard.Specs.Personal.fontSize = 25 kboard.Specs.buttonsSizeX = kboard.Specs.frameSizeX * 0.3 kboard.Specs.buttonsSizeY = kboard.Specs.frameSizeY - (kboard.Specs.whiteSpace * 2) kboard.Specs.buttonsPosX = kboard.Specs.whiteSpace kboard.Specs.buttonsPosY = kboard.Specs.whiteSpace kboard.Specs.titlePanelSizeX = kboard.Specs.frameSizeX - kboard.Specs.buttonsSizeX - (kboard.Specs.whiteSpace * 4) kboard.Specs.titlePanelSizeY = (kboard.Specs.frameSizeY - (kboard.Specs.whiteSpace * 2)) * 0.10 + 1 kboard.Specs.titlePanelPosX = (kboard.Specs.whiteSpace * 3) + kboard.Specs.buttonsSizeX kboard.Specs.titlePanelPosY = kboard.Specs.whiteSpace kboard.Specs.lineOffset = 0 kboard.Specs.whiteLine1Y = kboard.Specs.titlePanelSizeY -1 kboard.Specs.whiteLine1X = (kboard.Specs.whiteSpace * (kboard.Specs.lineOffset/2)) kboard.Specs.whiteLine1SizeX = kboard.Specs.titlePanelSizeX - (kboard.Specs.whiteSpace * kboard.Specs.lineOffset) kboard.Specs.contentPanelSizeX = kboard.Specs.frameSizeX - kboard.Specs.buttonsSizeX - (kboard.Specs.whiteSpace * 4) kboard.Specs.contentPanelSizeY = kboard.Specs.frameSizeY - (kboard.Specs.whiteSpace * 2) - kboard.Specs.titlePanelSizeY kboard.Specs.contentPanelPosX = (kboard.Specs.whiteSpace * 3) + kboard.Specs.buttonsSizeX kboard.Specs.contentPanelPosY = kboard.Specs.whiteSpace + kboard.Specs.titlePanelSizeY kboard.Specs.whiteLine2Offset = 10 kboard.Specs.whiteLine2Y = kboard.Specs.frameSizeY * 0.05 kboard.Specs.whiteLine2X = (kboard.Specs.whiteSpace * (kboard.Specs.whiteLine2Offset/2)) kboard.Specs.whiteLine2SizeX = kboard.Specs.contentPanelSizeX - (kboard.Specs.whiteSpace * kboard.Specs.whiteLine2Offset) kboard.Specs.whiteLine3Offset = 10 kboard.Specs.whiteLine3Y = kboard.Specs.contentPanelSizeY - (kboard.Specs.frameSizeY * 0.10) kboard.Specs.whiteLine3X = (kboard.Specs.whiteSpace * (kboard.Specs.whiteLine3Offset/2)) kboard.Specs.whiteLine3SizeX = kboard.Specs.contentPanelSizeX - (kboard.Specs.whiteSpace * kboard.Specs.whiteLine3Offset) kboard.Specs.closePosX = kboard.Specs.contentPanelSizeX - kboard.Specs.closeSizeX kboard.Specs.closePosY = 0 kboard.Specs.selectionButtonsSizeX = kboard.Specs.contentPanelSizeX kboard.Specs.selectionButtonsSizeY = kboard.Specs.buttonsSizeY * 0.17 kboard.Specs.selectionFontSize = 30 kboard.Specs.selectionFont = "kboard_Default"..(kboard.Specs.selectionFontSize - kboard.Specs.count) kboard.Specs.titleText = "Leaderboards" kboard.Specs.titleFontSize = 40 kboard.Specs.titleFont = "kboard_Default"..(kboard.Specs.titleFontSize - kboard.Specs.count) kboard.Specs.titlePosX = kboard.Specs.whiteSpace kboard.Specs.titlePosY = kboard.Specs.whiteLine1Y - kboard.Specs.whiteSpace end function kboard.mainMenu() -- the code for the main menu (Does not include code for the content of all panels) kboard.frame = vgui.Create("mainFrame") kboard.frame:SetSize(kboard.Specs.frameSizeX,kboard.Specs.frameSizeY) kboard.frame:Center() kboard.frame:MakePopup(true) kboard.frame:SetTitle("") kboard.frame:ShowCloseButton(false) kboard.frame.Paint = function(s,w,h) kboard.paintFrame(w, h, kboard.colors.frame) end local buttonsPanel = vgui.Create("DPanel", kboard.frame) buttonsPanel:SetSize(kboard.Specs.buttonsSizeX, kboard.Specs.buttonsSizeY) buttonsPanel:SetPos(kboard.Specs.buttonsPosX,kboard.Specs.buttonsPosY) buttonsPanel.Paint = function(s,w,h) kboard.paintFrame(w, h, kboard.colors.buttonsPanel) end kboard.titlePanel = vgui.Create("DPanel", kboard.frame) kboard.titlePanel:SetSize(kboard.Specs.titlePanelSizeX, kboard.Specs.titlePanelSizeY) kboard.titlePanel:SetPos(kboard.Specs.titlePanelPosX,kboard.Specs.titlePanelPosY) kboard.titlePanel.Paint = function(s,w,h) kboard.paintFrame(w, h, kboard.colors.titlePanel, false) surface.SetDrawColor(kboard.colors.whiteLines) surface.DrawRect(kboard.Specs.whiteLine1X, kboard.Specs.whiteLine1Y, kboard.Specs.whiteLine1SizeX, 1) -- Draw White Line 1 end kboard.contentPanel = vgui.Create("DPanel", kboard.frame) kboard.contentPanel:SetSize(kboard.Specs.contentPanelSizeX, kboard.Specs.contentPanelSizeY) kboard.contentPanel:SetPos(kboard.Specs.contentPanelPosX, kboard.Specs.contentPanelPosY) kboard.contentPanel.Paint = function(s,w,h) kboard.paintFrame(w, h, kboard.colors.contentPanel, false) if (kboard.Specs.hasFocus == KLEADERBOARDS || kboard.Specs.hasFocus == KCONNECTED_PLAYERS) then surface.SetDrawColor(kboard.colors.whiteLines) surface.DrawRect(kboard.Specs.whiteLine2X, kboard.Specs.whiteLine2Y, kboard.Specs.whiteLine2SizeX, 1) surface.DrawRect(kboard.Specs.whiteLine3X, kboard.Specs.whiteLine3Y, kboard.Specs.whiteLine3SizeX, 1) end end kboard.titleLabel = vgui.Create("DLabel", kboard.titlePanel) kboard.setText(kboard.Specs.titleText, kboard.Specs.titleFont, kboard.titleLabel) kboard.clickOption(KLEADERBOARDS, "Leaderboards", kboard.titleLabel) kboard.drawLeaderboards(kboard.contentPanel, kboard.Specs.count) local buttonHovered = kboard.colors.closeText local closeButton = vgui.Create("DButton", kboard.titlePanel) closeButton:SetSize(kboard.Specs.closeSizeX,kboard.Specs.closeSizeY) closeButton:SetPos(kboard.Specs.closePosX,kboard.Specs.closePosY) closeButton:SetFont("kboard_Default16") closeButton:SetText("X") closeButton.DoClick = function(self) kboard.frame:Close() end closeButton.Paint = function(s,w,h) if closeButton:IsHovered() then buttonHovered = kboard.colors.closeHovered else buttonHovered = kboard.colors.closeText end closeButton:SetTextColor(buttonHovered) kboard.paintFrame(w, h, kboard.colors.closeButton, false) end local leaderboardsColor = kboard.colors.selectionButtons local leaderboardsTextColor = kboard.colors.selectionTextHovered local buttonLeaderboards = vgui.Create("DButton", buttonsPanel) buttonLeaderboards:SetSize(kboard.Specs.selectionButtonsSizeX,kboard.Specs.selectionButtonsSizeY) buttonLeaderboards:Dock(TOP) buttonLeaderboards:SetFont(kboard.Specs.selectionFont) buttonLeaderboards:SetText("Leaderboards") buttonLeaderboards.Paint = function(s,w,h) if (kboard.Specs.hasFocus == KLEADERBOARDS || s:IsHovered()) then leaderboardsColor = kboard.colors.selectionHovered else leaderboardsColor = kboard.colors.selectionButtons end if (kboard.Specs.hasFocus == KLEADERBOARDS) then leaderboardsTextColor = kboard.colors.selectionTextHovered else leaderboardsTextColor = kboard.colors.selectionText end buttonLeaderboards:SetTextColor(leaderboardsTextColor) kboard.paintFrame(w, h, leaderboardsColor, false) end buttonLeaderboards.DoClick = function(self) kboard.clickOption(KLEADERBOARDS, "Leaderboards", kboard.titleLabel) kboard.drawLeaderboards(kboard.contentPanel, kboard.Specs.count) end local connectedPlayersColor = kboard.colors.selectionButtons local connectedPlayersTextColor = kboard.colors.selectionTextHovered local connectedPlayers = vgui.Create("DButton", buttonsPanel) connectedPlayers:SetSize(kboard.Specs.selectionButtonsSizeX,kboard.Specs.selectionButtonsSizeY) connectedPlayers:Dock(TOP) connectedPlayers:SetFont(kboard.Specs.selectionFont) connectedPlayers:SetText("Connected Players") connectedPlayers.Paint = function(s,w,h) if (kboard.Specs.hasFocus == KCONNECTED_PLAYERS || s:IsHovered()) then connectedPlayersColor = kboard.colors.selectionHovered else connectedPlayersColor = kboard.colors.selectionButtons end if (kboard.Specs.hasFocus == KCONNECTED_PLAYERS) then connectedPlayersTextColor = kboard.colors.selectionTextHovered else connectedPlayersTextColor = kboard.colors.selectionText end connectedPlayers:SetTextColor(connectedPlayersTextColor) kboard.paintFrame(w, h, connectedPlayersColor, false) end connectedPlayers.DoClick = function(self) kboard.clickOption(KCONNECTED_PLAYERS, "Connected Players", kboard.titleLabel) kboard.callConnectedPlayers(kboard.contentPanel,kboard.Specs.count) end local personalColor = kboard.colors.selectionButtons local personalTextColor = kboard.colors.selectionText local buttonPersonal = vgui.Create("DButton", buttonsPanel) buttonPersonal:SetSize(kboard.Specs.selectionButtonsSizeX,kboard.Specs.selectionButtonsSizeY) buttonPersonal:Dock(TOP) buttonPersonal:SetFont(kboard.Specs.selectionFont) buttonPersonal:SetText("Player Stats") buttonPersonal.Paint = function(s,w,h) if (kboard.Specs.hasFocus == KPERSONAL_STATS || s:IsHovered()) then personalColor = kboard.colors.selectionHovered else personalColor = kboard.colors.selectionButtons end if (kboard.Specs.hasFocus == KPERSONAL_STATS) then personalTextColor = kboard.colors.selectionTextHovered else personalTextColor = kboard.colors.selectionText end buttonPersonal:SetTextColor(personalTextColor) kboard.paintFrame(w, h, personalColor, false) end buttonPersonal.DoClick = function(self) net.Start("kboard_RequestPlayerData") net.WriteString(LocalPlayer():SteamID()) net.SendToServer() end local serverStatsColor = kboard.colors.selectionButtons local serverTextColor = kboard.colors.selectionText local buttonServer = vgui.Create("DButton", buttonsPanel) buttonServer:SetSize(kboard.Specs.selectionButtonsSizeX,kboard.Specs.selectionButtonsSizeY) buttonServer:Dock(TOP) buttonServer:SetFont(kboard.Specs.selectionFont) buttonServer:SetText("Server Stats") buttonServer.Paint = function(s,w,h) if (kboard.Specs.hasFocus == KSERVER_STATS || s:IsHovered()) then serverStatsColor = kboard.colors.selectionHovered else serverStatsColor = kboard.colors.selectionButtons end if (kboard.Specs.hasFocus == KSERVER_STATS) then serverTextColor = kboard.colors.selectionTextHovered else serverTextColor = kboard.colors.selectionText end buttonServer:SetTextColor(serverTextColor) kboard.paintFrame(w, h, serverStatsColor, false) end buttonServer.DoClick = function(self) kboard.clickOption(KSERVER_STATS, "Server Stats", kboard.titleLabel) kboard.drawServerStats(kboard.contentPanel, kboard.Specs.count) end end net.Receive("kboard_SendPlayerData", function(len) kboard.personalTable = net.ReadData(len) kboard.personalTable = util.Decompress(kboard.personalTable) kboard.personalTable = util.JSONToTable(kboard.personalTable) if (not istable(kboard.personalTable)) then return end local reqPly = player.GetBySteamID(kboard.personalTable.SteamID) kboard.drawPlayerStats(kboard.contentPanel, reqPly, kboard.Specs.count) kboard.clickOption(KPERSONAL_STATS, "Player Stats", kboard.titleLabel) end) function kboard.clickOption(focus, titleText, label) -- function to change title when one of the option buttons is clicked. kboard.Specs.titleText = titleText kboard.setText(kboard.Specs.titleText, kboard.Specs.titleFont, label) end net.Receive("kboard_SendMessage", function() local msg = net.ReadString() chat.AddText(col_black, "[", col_orange,"KLeaderboards", col_black, "] ",col_white, msg) end)
display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar ) local StickLib = require("libs.lib_analog_stick") local physics = require ("physics") physics.start() local screenW = display.contentWidth local screenH = display.contentHeight local posX = display.contentWidth/2 local posY = display.contentHeight/2 -- local hero -- local localGroup = display.newGroup() -- remember this for farther down in the code -- motionx = 0; -- Variable used to move character along x axis -- motiony = 0; -- Variable used to move character along y axis -- speed = 2; -- Set Walking Speed -- CREATE ANALOG STICK MyStick = StickLib.NewStick( { x = screenW*.15, y = screenH*.85, thumbSize = 16, borderSize = 32, snapBackSpeed = .2, R = 25, G = 255, B = 255 } ) -- MAIN LOOP ---------------------------------------------------------------- local function main( event ) -- MOVE THE SHIP MyStick:move(hero, 2.5, false) -- se a opção for true o objeto se move com o joystick -- -- SHOW STICK INFO -- Text.text = "ANGLE = "..MyStick:getAngle().." DIST = "..math.ceil(MyStick:getDistance()).." PERCENT = "..math.ceil(MyStick:getPercent()*100).."%" -- print("MyStick:getAngle = "..MyStick:getAngle()) -- print("MyStick:getDistance = "..MyStick:getDistance()) -- print("MyStick:getPercent = "..MyStick:getPercent()*100) -- print("POSICAO X / Y " ..hero.x,hero.y) angle = MyStick:getAngle() moving = MyStick:getMoving() -- Determine which animation to play based on the direction of the analog stick if(angle <= 45 or angle > 315) then seq = "forward" elseif(angle <= 135 and angle > 45) then seq = "right" elseif(angle <= 225 and angle > 135) then seq = "back" elseif(angle <= 315 and angle > 225) then seq = "left" end -- Change the sequence only if another sequence isn't still playing if(not (seq == hero.sequence) and moving) then -- and not attacking hero:setSequence(seq) end -- If the analog stick is moving, animate the sprite if(moving) then hero:play() end end timer.performWithDelay(2000, function() --MyStick:delete() end, 1) Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", main ) --Declare and set up Sprite Image Sheet and sequence data spriteOptions = { height = 64, width = 64, numFrames = 273, sheetContentWidth = 832, sheetContentHeight = 1344 } mySheet = graphics.newImageSheet("player/rectSmall.png", spriteOptions) sequenceData = { {name = "forward", frames={105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112}, time = 500, loopCount = 1}, {name = "right", frames={144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152}, time = 500, loopCount = 1}, {name = "back", frames= {131,132,133,134,135,136,137,138,139}, time = 500, loopCount = 1}, {name = "left", frames={118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126}, time = 500, loopCount = 1}, {name = "attackForward", frames={157,158,159,160,161,162,157}, time = 400, loopCount = 1}, {name = "attackRight", frames={196,197,198,199,200,201,196}, time = 400, loopCount = 1}, {name = "attackBack", frames={183,184,185,186,187,188,183}, time = 400, loopCount = 1}, {name = "attackLeft", frames={170,171,172,173,174,175,170}, time = 400, loopCount = 1}, {name = "death", frames={261,262,263,264,265,266}, time = 500, loopCount = 1} } playerCollisionFilter = { categoryBits = 1, maskBits = 6 } -- Display the new sprite at the coordinates passed hero = display.newSprite(mySheet, sequenceData) --ImageRect("player/hero.png", 32, 32) -- hero.bodyType = "static" physics.addBody( hero, "static", {filter = playerCollisionFilter}) hero:setSequence( "forward" ) hero.type = "player" hero:scale(1.5, 1.5) hero.x = posX*2.55 --- 110 hero.y = posY*3.8 --+ 15 hero.collision = onCollision hero:addEventListener("collision", hero) -- localGroup:insert(hero)
require ("lib.lclass.init") class "FocusLostEvent" function FocusLostEvent:FocusLostEvent () end
local tLibError = Apollo.GetPackage("Gemini:LibError-1.0") local fnErrorHandler = tLibError and tLibError.tPackage and tLibError.tPackage.Error or Print -- first load the submodule local function loadModule(dir, file) local func = assert(loadfile(dir..file..".lua")) if func then -- Does not handle multiple return values, but these are not using that. local bSuccess, retVal = xpcall(func, fnErrorHandler) return retVal end end -- This gets the current directory of this file, so it also works when embedded local strsub, strgsub, debug = string.sub, string.gsub, debug local dir = string.sub(string.gsub(debug.getinfo(1).source, "^(.+[\\/])[^\\/]+$", "%1"), 2, -1) local BustedDone = loadModule(dir, "done") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Olivine-Labs Busted-Init ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --math.randomseed(os.time()) local function shuffle(t) local n = #t while n >= 2 do local k = math.random(n) t[n], t[k] = t[k], t[n] n = n - 1 end return t end return function(busted) local function execAll(descriptor, current, propagate) local parent = busted.context.parent(current) if propagate and parent then execAll(descriptor, parent, propagate) end local list = current[descriptor] if list then for _, v in pairs(list) do,, v) end end end local function dexecAll(descriptor, current, propagate) local parent = busted.context.parent(current) local list = current[descriptor] if list then for _, v in pairs(list) do,, v) end end if propagate and parent then execAll(descriptor, parent, propagate) end end local file = function(file) busted.publish({ 'file', 'start' }, if'file',, file, true) then busted.execute(file) end busted.publish({ 'file', 'end' }, end local describe = function(describe) local parent = busted.context.parent(describe) busted.publish({ 'describe', 'start' }, describe, parent) if not describe.env then describe.env = {} end local randomize = false describe.env.randomize = function() randomize = true end if'describe',, describe) then if randomize then shuffle(busted.context.children(describe)) end execAll('setup', describe) busted.execute(describe) dexecAll('teardown', describe) end busted.publish({ 'describe', 'end' }, describe, parent) end local it = function(it) local finally if not it.env then it.env = {} end it.env.finally = function(fn) finally = fn end local parent = busted.context.parent(it) execAll('before_each', parent, true) busted.publish({ 'test', 'start' }, it, parent) local res ='it',, it) if not it.env.done then busted.publish({ 'test', 'end' }, it, parent, res and 'success' or 'failure') if finally then'finally', finally, it) end dexecAll('after_each', parent, true) end end local pending = function(pending) local trace = busted.getTrace(pending, 3) busted.publish({ 'test', 'end' }, pending, busted.context.parent(pending), 'pending', trace) end local async = function() local parent = busted.context.get() if not parent.env then parent.env = {} end parent.env.done = busted.publish({ 'test', 'end' }, it, parent, 'success') if finally then'finally', finally, it) end dexecAll('after_each', parent, true) end) end busted.register('file', file) busted.register('describe', describe) busted.register('context', describe) busted.register('it', it) busted.register('pending', pending) busted.context.get().env.async = async busted.register('setup') busted.register('teardown') busted.register('before_each') busted.register('after_each') return busted end
#!/usr/bin/env lua ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Description: unit test file for iptable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package.cpath = "./build/?.so;" describe("iptable.mask(af, num)", function() expose("module: ", function() iptable = require("iptable"); assert.is_truthy(iptable); it("handles ipv4 max (inv)mask", function() assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 32)); assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 32, true)); end) it("handles ipv4 min (inv)mask", function() assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 0)); assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, -0)); end) it("handles ipv4 regular (inv)masks", function() assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 31)); assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 31, true)); assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 30)); assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 30, true)); assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 25)); assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 25, true)); assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 24)); assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 24,true)); assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 16)); assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 16, true)); assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 8)); assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 8, true)); assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 1)); assert.equal("", iptable.mask(iptable.AF_INET, 1, true)); end) end) end)
local WhiteNoise_local, Parent = torch.class('nn.WhiteNoise_local', 'nn.Module') function WhiteNoise_local:__init(mean, std) Parent.__init(self) -- std corresponds to 50% for MNIST training data std. self.mean = mean or 0 self.std = std or 0.1 self.noise = torch.Tensor() end function WhiteNoise_local:updateOutput(input) self.output:resizeAs(input):copy(input) if self.train ~= false then self.noise:resizeAs(input) self.noise:normal(self.mean, self.std) self.output:add(self.noise) else if self.mean ~= 0 then self.output:add(self.mean) end end return self.output end function WhiteNoise_local:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput) if self.train ~= false then -- Simply return the gradients. self.gradInput:resizeAs(gradOutput):copy(gradOutput) else -- error('backprop only defined while training') self.gradInput:resizeAs(gradOutput):copy(gradOutput) end return self.gradInput end function WhiteNoise_local:__tostring__() return string.format('%s mean: %f, std: %f', torch.type(self), self.mean, self.std) end
local M = { _NAME = "uri", VERSION = "1.0" } M.__index = M package.path = package.path..";./lib/uri/uri/?.lua" local Util = require ("_util") local _UNRESERVED = "A-Za-z0-9%-._~" local _GEN_DELIMS = ":/?#%[%]@" local _SUB_DELIMS = "!$&'()*+,;=" local _RESERVED = _GEN_DELIMS .. _SUB_DELIMS local _USERINFO = "^[" .. _UNRESERVED .. "%%" .. _SUB_DELIMS .. ":]*$" local _REG_NAME = "^[" .. _UNRESERVED .. "%%" .. _SUB_DELIMS .. "]*$" local _IP_FUTURE_LITERAL = "^v[0-9A-Fa-f]+%." .. "[" .. _UNRESERVED .. _SUB_DELIMS .. "]+$" local _QUERY_OR_FRAG = "^[" .. _UNRESERVED .. "%%" .. _SUB_DELIMS .. ":@/?]*$" local _PATH_CHARS = "^[" .. _UNRESERVED .. "%%" .. _SUB_DELIMS .. ":@/]*$" local function _normalize_percent_encoding (s) if s:find("%%$") or s:find("%%.$") then error("unfinished percent encoding at end of URI '" .. s .. "'") end return s:gsub("%%(..)", function (hex) if not hex:find("^[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]$") then error("invalid percent encoding '%" .. hex .. "' in URI '" .. s .. "'") end -- Never percent-encode unreserved characters, and always use uppercase -- hexadecimal for percent encoding. RFC 3986 section local char = string.char(tonumber("0x" .. hex)) return char:find("^[" .. _UNRESERVED .. "]") and char or "%" .. hex:upper() end) end local function _is_ip4_literal (s) if not s:find("^[0-9]+%.[0-9]+%.[0-9]+%.[0-9]+$") then return false end for dec_octet in s:gmatch("[0-9]+") do if dec_octet:len() > 3 or dec_octet:find("^0.") or tonumber(dec_octet) > 255 then return false end end return true end local function _is_ip6_literal (s) local had_elipsis = false -- true when '::' found local num_chunks = 0 while s ~= "" do num_chunks = num_chunks + 1 local p1, p2 = s:find("::?") local chunk if p1 then chunk = s:sub(1, p1 - 1) s = s:sub(p2 + 1) if p2 ~= p1 then -- found '::' if had_elipsis then return false end -- two of '::' had_elipsis = true if chunk == "" then num_chunks = num_chunks - 1 end else if chunk == "" then return false end -- ':' at start if s == "" then return false end -- ':' at end end else chunk = s s = "" end -- Chunk is neither 4-digit hex num, nor IPv4address in last chunk. if (not chunk:find("^[0-9a-f]+$") or chunk:len() > 4) and (s ~= "" or not _is_ip4_literal(chunk)) and chunk ~= "" then return false end -- IPv4address in last position counts for two chunks of hex digits. if chunk:len() > 4 then num_chunks = num_chunks + 1 end end if had_elipsis then if num_chunks > 7 then return false end else if num_chunks ~= 8 then return false end end return true end local function _is_valid_host (host) if host:find("^%[.*%]$") then local ip_literal = host:sub(2, -2) if ip_literal:find("^v") then if not ip_literal:find(_IP_FUTURE_LITERAL) then return "invalid IPvFuture literal '" .. ip_literal .. "'" end else if not _is_ip6_literal(ip_literal) then return "invalid IPv6 address '" .. ip_literal .. "'" end end elseif not _is_ip4_literal(host) and not host:find(_REG_NAME) then return "invalid host value '" .. host .. "'" end return nil end local function _normalize_and_check_path (s, normalize) if not s:find(_PATH_CHARS) then return false end if not normalize then return s end -- Remove unnecessary percent encoding for path values. -- TODO - I think this should be HTTP-specific (probably file also). --s = Util.uri_decode(s, _SUB_DELIMS .. ":@") return Util.remove_dot_segments(s) end function (class, uri, base) if not uri then error("usage: URI:new(uristring, [baseuri])") end if type(uri) ~= "string" then uri = tostring(uri) end if base then local uri, err =, uri) if not uri then return nil, err end if type(base) ~= "table" then base, err =, base) if not base then return nil, "error parsing base URI: " .. err end end if base:is_relative() then return nil, "base URI must be absolute" end local ok, err = pcall(uri.resolve, uri, base) if not ok then return nil, err end return uri end local s = _normalize_percent_encoding(uri) local _, p local scheme, authority, userinfo, host, port, path, query, fragment _, p, scheme = s:find("^([a-zA-Z][-+.a-zA-Z0-9]*):") if scheme then scheme = scheme:lower() s = s:sub(p + 1) end _, p, authority = s:find("^//([^/?#]*)") if authority then s = s:sub(p + 1) _, p, userinfo = authority:find("^([^@]*)@") if userinfo then if not userinfo:find(_USERINFO) then return nil, "invalid userinfo value '" .. userinfo .. "'" end authority = authority:sub(p + 1) end p, _, port = authority:find(":([0-9]*)$") if port then port = (port ~= "") and tonumber(port) or nil authority = authority:sub(1, p - 1) end host = authority:lower() local err = _is_valid_host(host) if err then return nil, err end end _, p, path = s:find("^([^?#]*)") if path ~= "" then local normpath = _normalize_and_check_path(path, scheme) if not normpath then return nil, "invalid path '" .. path .. "'" end path = normpath s = s:sub(p + 1) end _, p, query = s:find("^%?([^#]*)") if query then s = s:sub(p + 1) if not query:find(_QUERY_OR_FRAG) then return nil, "invalid query value '?" .. query .. "'" end end _, p, fragment = s:find("^#(.*)") if fragment then if not fragment:find(_QUERY_OR_FRAG) then return nil, "invalid fragment value '#" .. fragment .. "'" end end local o = { _scheme = scheme, _userinfo = userinfo, _host = host, _port = port, _path = path, _query = query, _fragment = fragment, } setmetatable(o, scheme and class or (require "uri._relative")) return o:init() end function M.uri (self, ...) local uri = self._uri if not uri then local scheme = self:scheme() if scheme then uri = scheme .. ":" else uri = "" end local host, port, userinfo = self:host(), self._port, self:userinfo() if host or port or userinfo then uri = uri .. "//" if userinfo then uri = uri .. userinfo .. "@" end if host then uri = uri .. host end if port then uri = uri .. ":" .. port end end local path = self:path() if uri == "" and path:find("^[^/]*:") then path = "./" .. path end uri = uri .. path if self:query() then uri = uri .. "?" .. self:query() end if self:fragment() then uri = uri .. "#" .. self:fragment() end self._uri = uri -- cache end if select("#", ...) > 0 then local new = ... if not new then error("URI can't be set to nil") end local newuri, err = M:new(new) if not newuri then error("new URI string is invalid (" .. err .. ")") end setmetatable(self, getmetatable(newuri)) for k in pairs(self) do self[k] = nil end for k, v in pairs(newuri) do self[k] = v end end return uri end function M.__tostring (self) return self:uri() end function M.eq (a, b) if type(a) == "string" then a = assert(M:new(a)) end if type(b) == "string" then b = assert(M:new(b)) end return a:uri() == b:uri() end function M.scheme (self, ...) local old = self._scheme if select("#", ...) > 0 then local new = ... if not new then error("can't remove scheme from absolute URI") end if type(new) ~= "string" then new = tostring(new) end if not new:find("^[a-zA-Z][-+.a-zA-Z0-9]*$") then error("invalid scheme '" .. new .. "'") end Util.do_class_changing_change(self, M, "scheme", new, function (uri, new) uri._scheme = new end) end return old end function M.userinfo (self, ...) local old = self._userinfo if select("#", ...) > 0 then local new = ... if new then if not new:find(_USERINFO) then error("invalid userinfo value '" .. new .. "'") end new = _normalize_percent_encoding(new) end self._userinfo = new if new and not self._host then self._host = "" end self._uri = nil end return old end function (self, ...) local old = self._host if select("#", ...) > 0 then local new = ... if new then new = tostring(new):lower() local err = _is_valid_host(new) if err then error(err) end else if self._userinfo or self._port then error("there must be a host if there is a userinfo or port," .. " although it can be the empty string") end end self._host = new self._uri = nil end return old end function M.port (self, ...) local old = self._port or self:default_port() if select("#", ...) > 0 then local new = ... if new then if type(new) == "string" then new = tonumber(new) end if new < 0 then error("port number must not be negative") end local newint = new - new % 1 if newint ~= new then error("port number not integer") end if new == self:default_port() then new = nil end end self._port = new if new and not self._host then self._host = "" end self._uri = nil end return old end function M.path (self, ...) local old = self._path if select("#", ...) > 0 then local new = ... or "" new = _normalize_percent_encoding(new) new = Util.uri_encode(new, "^A-Za-z0-9%-._~%%!$&'()*+,;=:@/") if self._host then if new ~= "" and not new:find("^/") then error("path must begin with '/' when there is an authority") end else if new:find("^//") then new = "/%2F" .. new:sub(3) end end self._path = new self._uri = nil end return old end function M.query (self, ...) local old = self._query if select("#", ...) > 0 then local new = ... if new then new = Util.uri_encode(new, "^" .. _UNRESERVED .. "%%" .. _SUB_DELIMS .. ":@/?") end self._query = new self._uri = nil end return old end function M.fragment (self, ...) local old = self._fragment if select("#", ...) > 0 then local new = ... if new then new = Util.uri_encode(new, "^" .. _UNRESERVED .. "%%" .. _SUB_DELIMS .. ":@/?") end self._fragment = new self._uri = nil end return old end function M.init (self) local scheme_class = Util.attempt_require("uri." .. self._scheme:gsub("[-+.]", "_")) if scheme_class then setmetatable(self, scheme_class) if self._port and self._port == self:default_port() then self._port = nil end -- Call the subclass 'init' method, if it has its own. if scheme_class ~= M and self.init ~= M.init then return self:init() end end return self end function M.default_port () return nil end function M.is_relative () return false end function M.resolve () end -- only does anything in uri._relative -- TODO - there should probably be an option or something allowing you to -- choose between making a link relative whenever possible (always using a -- relative path if the scheme and authority are the same as the base URI) or -- just using a relative reference to make the link as small as possible, which -- might meaning using a path of '/' instead if '../../../' or whatever. -- This method's algorithm is loosely based on the one described here: -- function M.relativize (self, base) if type(base) == "string" then base = assert(M:new(base)) end -- Leave it alone if we can't a relative URI, or if it would be a network -- path reference. if self._scheme ~= base._scheme or self._host ~= base._host or self._port ~= base._port or self._userinfo ~= base._userinfo then return end local basepath = base._path local oldpath = self._path -- This is to avoid trying to make a URN or something relative, which -- is likely to lead to grief. if not basepath:find("^/") or not oldpath:find("^/") then return end -- Turn it into a relative reference. self._uri = nil self._scheme = nil self._host = nil self._port = nil self._userinfo = nil setmetatable(self, require "uri._relative") -- Use empty path if the path in the base URI is already correct. if oldpath == basepath then if self._query or not base._query then self._path = "" else -- An empty URI reference leaves the query string in the base URI -- unchanged, so to get a result with no query part we have to -- have something in the relative path. local _, _, lastseg = oldpath:find("/([^/]+)$") if lastseg and lastseg:find(":") then lastseg = "./" .. lastseg end self._path = lastseg or "." end return end if oldpath == "/" or basepath == "/" then return end local basesegs = Util.split("/", basepath:sub(2)) local oldsegs = Util.split("/", oldpath:sub(2)) if oldsegs[1] ~= basesegs[1] then return end table.remove(basesegs) while #oldsegs > 1 and #basesegs > 0 and oldsegs[1] == basesegs[1] do table.remove(oldsegs, 1) table.remove(basesegs, 1) end local path_naked = true local newpath = "" while #basesegs > 0 do table.remove(basesegs, 1) newpath = newpath .. "../" path_naked = false end if path_naked and #oldsegs == 1 and oldsegs[1] == "" then newpath = "./" table.remove(oldsegs) end while #oldsegs > 0 do if path_naked then if oldsegs[1]:find(":") then newpath = newpath .. "./" elseif #oldsegs > 1 and oldsegs[1] == "" and oldsegs[2] == "" then newpath = newpath .. "/." end end newpath = newpath .. oldsegs[1] path_naked = false table.remove(oldsegs, 1) if #oldsegs > 0 then newpath = newpath .. "/" end end self._path = newpath end return M -- vi:ts=4 sw=4 expandtab
-- -- -- local GameCreate = {} local General = require ("src.logic.general") local Explore = require ("src.control.gamestate.explore") local Save = require ("") local MapGenerate = require ("") -- Creates a new save game -- Argument: save slot function GameCreate.createSave (save) General.Random:setSeed (os.time ()) for i=1, 5 do General.randomInt () end local seed = General.randomInt () return Explore (GameCreate.createNewSaveGame (seed)) end -- Loads a save game -- TODO function GameCreate.loadSave (save) end -- Builds the "save" table function GameCreate.createNewSaveGame (seed) --General.setSeed (seed) local save = Save (seed) MapGenerate._generate (save) return save end return GameCreate
-- {"regionName", xCenter, yCenter, shape and size, tier, {"spawnGroup1", ...}, maxSpawnLimit} -- Shape and size is a table with the following format depending on the shape of the area: -- - Circle: {CIRCLE, radius} -- - Rectangle: {RECTANGLE, x2, y2} -- - Ring: {RING, inner radius, outer radius} -- Tier is a bit mask with the following possible values where each hexadecimal position is one possible configuration. -- That means that it is not possible to have both a spawn area and a no spawn area in the same region, but -- a spawn area that is also a no build zone is possible. require("scripts.managers.spawn_manager.regions") taanab_regions = { {"pandath",2000,5400,{CIRCLE,300},NOSPAWNAREA + NOBUILDZONEAREA}, {"starhunterstation",3763,-5425,{CIRCLE,300},NOSPAWNAREA + NOBUILDZONEAREA}, {"world_spawner",0,0,{CIRCLE,-1},SPAWNAREA + WORLDSPAWNAREA,{"taanab_world"},2048}, {"taanabhexfarms",-3000,-105,{CIRCLE,300},NOSPAWNAREA + NOBUILDZONEAREA}, {"taanabgreatherd",5537,-4958,{CIRCLE,300},NOWORLDSPAWNAREA + NOBUILDZONEAREA + SPAWNAREA,{"taanab_nerfherd"},1024}, {"downedship",3293,-1324,{CIRCLE,150},NOBUILDZONEAREA}, {"taanabcanyonlands",-2590,3705,{CIRCLE,50},NOBUILDZONEAREA}, {"taanabmine",-2609,-1305,{CIRCLE,200},NOSPAWNAREA + NOBUILDZONEAREA}, {"taanabcave",-850,7200,{CIRCLE,150},NOSPAWNAREA + NOBUILDZONEAREA}, }
local ffi = require("ffi") local inspect = require("inspect") require("allegro52") local retval = false local allegro = ffi.load("allegro_monolith-debug-5.2.dll") local ALLEGRO_VERSION_INT = ffi.cast("int", 84018176) retval = allegro.al_install_system(ALLEGRO_VERSION_INT, nil) assert(retval == true) retval = allegro.al_install_keyboard() print(retval) local display = allegro.al_create_display(800, 600) assert(display ~= nil) while true do allegro.al_clear_to_color(allegro.al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255)) allegro.al_flip_display() end
-- by Qige -- 2016.04.05 -- 2017.01.03/2017.03.04 -- 2017.03.13: add local, change "require 'six.cmd'" to "local cmd = require 'six.cmd'" local cmd = {} function cmd.exec(_pstring) local _result if (_pstring and string.len(_pstring) > 0) then local _sys = io.popen(_pstring) _result = _sys:read("*all") io.close(_sys) end return _result end function cmd.sleep(sec) cmd.exec(string.format("sleep %d", sec)) end return cmd
urlp = require('rest_url_parser'); cjson = require(''); mongo = require('mongo'); roc_params = require('roc_db_param'); mcm = require('mongo_connection_manager'); local handlers = {}; --{ local function get_criteria_json_str(fields, query_params) local criteria = {}; for _, f in ipairs(fields) do -- { if (query_params[f] ~= nil) then -- { criteria[f] = query_params[f]; end -- } end -- } local i = 0; local crit_str = ''; for field, value in pairs(criteria) do -- { i = i + 1; if (i>1) then -- { crit_str = crit_str..', '; end -- } crit_str = crit_str..'{ '..'"data.'..field..'" : { "$regex" : "'..value..'", "$options" : "i" } }' end -- } if (i > 1) then -- { crit_str = '{ "$and" : [ '..crit_str..' ] }'; elseif (i == 0) then -- } { crit_str = '{}' end -- } return mongo.BSON(crit_str); end --} -- { local function get_criteria(fields, query_params) local criteria = {}; for _, f in ipairs(fields) do -- { if (query_params[f] ~= nil) then -- { criteria[f] = query_params[f]; end -- } end -- } local i = 0; local crit_array = {__array=true} for field, value in pairs(criteria) do -- { local _crit_str = mongo.BSON{}; local _field = 'data.'..field; local _value = mongo.Regex(value, "i"); _crit_str:append(_field , _value) i = i + 1; crit_array[i] = _crit_str; end -- } local crit; if (i>1) then -- { local ab = {}; ab["$and"] = crit_array; crit = mongo.BSON(ab); elseif (i==1) then -- } { crit = crit_array[1]; end --} return crit; end -- } -- { handlers.list= function (self, db_handle, url_parts, query_params) local fields = {"org_id", "org_name"}; local collection = db_handle:getCollection('companies'); local criteria = get_criteria(fields, query_params); if (criteria == nil) then -- { criteria = {}; end -- } local cursor = collection:find(criteria); local result = {}; local i = 0; local err = nil; for doc in cursor:iterator() do -- { i = i + 1; local record = {}; for name,value in pairs( do -- { if (type(value) == 'userdata') then -- { record[name] = tostring(value); else --} { record[name] = value; end -- } end -- } result[i] = record; end -- } local out = { companies = result }; return out, err; end -- } --{ handlers.validateForAdd = function(self, db_handle, company) if (company.org_id == nil or company.org_id == '') then -- { return -1, "org_id is a manadatory field"; end -- } if (company.org_name == nil or company.org_name == '') then -- { return -1, "org_name is a manadatory field"; end -- } local collection = db_handle:getCollection('companies'); local query = {}; query = { ["data.org_id"] = { ["$eq"] = company.org_id } }; doc, err = collection:findOne(query); if (err ~= nil) then -- { error(err); return -1, err; end -- } --print(doc); if (doc ~= nil) then -- { return -1, "Record with id "" already exists"; end -- } return 0, nil; end --} -- { handlers.add= function (self, db_handle, url_parts, query_params, company) local ret, errmsg = self:validateForAdd(db_handle, company); --print(ret, errmsg); if (ret ~= 0) then -- { return { errcode=-1, message = errmsg }, 400; end -- } company.ts_cnt = 1; local collection = db_handle:getCollection('companies'); local envelope = { data = company }; local flg, err = collection:insert(envelope) --print(flg, err); local error_code = nil; local table_out = {}; if (flg ~= nil and flg == true ) then -- { table_out = { message = "Record inserted"}; else -- } { error_code = 400; table_out = { errcode = -1, errmsg = err }; end --} return table_out, error_code; end -- } -- { handlers.fetch= function (self, db_handle, url_parts, query_params) local org_id = url_parts[2]; local err = 200; local result = {}; if (org_id == nil or org_id == '') then -- { err = 400; result.msg = "org_id is mandatory" result.errcode = -1; return result, err; end --} local collection = db_handle:getCollection('companies'); local query = {}; query = { ["data.org_id"] = { ["$eq"] = org_id } }; local projection = { projection = { data = 1, _id = 0 } }; doc = collection:findOne(mongo.BSON(query), mongo.BSON(projection)); if (doc == nil) then -- { return { errcode = 1403, errmsg = "Record not found" }, 400 else -- } { return doc:value().data, nil; end -- } end -- } --{ handlers.validateForModify = function(self, db_handle, company) if (company.org_id == nil or company.org_id == '') then -- { return -1, "org_id is a manadatory field"; end -- } if (company.org_name == nil or company.org_name == '') then -- { return -1, "org_name is a manadatory field"; end -- } if (company.ts_cnt == nil or company.ts_cnt == '') then -- { return -1, "original ts_cnt should be submitted as part of the document during modify"; end -- } local collection = db_handle:getCollection('companies'); local query = {}; query = { ["data.org_id"] = { ["$eq"] = company.org_id } }; doc, err = collection:findOne(query); if (err ~= nil) then -- { error(err); return -1, err; end -- } --print(doc); if (doc == nil) then -- { return -1, "Record with id "" does not exist"; end -- } return 0, nil; end --} -- { handlers.modify = function (self, db_handle, url_parts, query_params, company) local ret, errmsg = self:validateForModify(db_handle, company); if (ret ~= 0) then -- { return { message = errmsg }, 400; end -- } local collection = db_handle:getCollection('companies'); local old_ts_cnt = company.ts_cnt local query_part1 = { ["data.org_id"] = { ["$eq"] = company.org_id } }; local query_part2 = { ["data.ts_cnt"] = { ["$eq"] = math.tointeger(old_ts_cnt) } }; local query = { ["$and"] = { __array=true, query_part1, query_part2 }}; company.ts_cnt = company.ts_cnt + 1; old_doc, err = collection:findAndModify(mongo.BSON(query), {update = {data = company}}); local error_code = nil; local table_out = {}; if (old_doc ~= nil and err == nil) then -- { table_out = { message = "Record updated"}; else -- } { error_code = 400; if (err ~= nil) then -- { table_out = { message = err }; else -- } { table_out = { errcode = 1403, message = "Record not found, org_id: "", ts_cnt: "..math.tointeger(old_ts_cnt)} ; end -- } end --} return table_out, error_code; end -- } --{ handlers.validateForDelete = function(self, db_handle, company) if (company.org_id == nil or company.org_id == '') then -- { return nil, -1, "org_id is a manadatory field"; end -- } if (company.ts_cnt == nil or company.ts_cnt == '') then -- { return nil, -1, "original ts_cnt should be submitted as part of the document during modify"; end -- } local collection = db_handle:getCollection('companies'); local query = {}; query = { ["data.org_id"] = { ["$eq"] = company.org_id } }; doc, err = collection:findOne(query); if (err ~= nil) then -- { error(err); return nil, -1, err; end -- } print(doc); if (doc == nil) then -- { return nil, -1, "Record with id "" does not exist"; elseif (doc:value().data.deleted ~= nil and doc:value().data.deleted == 1) then -- } { return nil, -1, "Record with id "" is already marked deleted"; elseif (doc:value().data.ts_cnt ~= company.ts_cnt) then -- } { return nil, -1, "Sapshot of input record with id "" is not current"; end -- } return doc, 0, nil; end --} -- { handlers.delete = function (self, db_handle, url_parts, query_params, company) if (company == nil) then -- { return { errcode = -1, errmsg = "Company data not submitted for deletion" } end -- } local doc, ret, errmsg = self:validateForDelete(db_handle, company); if (ret ~= 0) then -- { print("HERERERER"); return { errcode = -1, message = errmsg }, 400; end -- } company = nil; company = doc:value().data; local collection = db_handle:getCollection('companies'); local old_ts_cnt = company.ts_cnt local query_part1 = { ["data.org_id"] = { ["$eq"] = company.org_id } }; local query_part2 = { ["data.ts_cnt"] = { ["$eq"] = math.tointeger(old_ts_cnt) } }; local query = { ["$and"] = { __array=true, query_part1, query_part2 }}; company.ts_cnt = company.ts_cnt + 1; if (company.deleted ~= nil) then -- { company.deleted = nil; end -- } company.deleted = 1; old_doc, err = collection:findAndModify(mongo.BSON(query), {update = {data = company}}); local error_code = nil; local table_out = {}; if (old_doc ~= nil and err == nil) then -- { table_out = { message = "Record logically deleted"}; else -- } { error_code = 400; if (err ~= nil) then -- { table_out = { message = err }; else -- } { table_out = { errcode = 1403, message = "Record not found, org_id: "", ts_cnt: "..math.tointeger(old_ts_cnt)} ; end -- } end --} return table_out, error_code; end -- } --{ handlers.validateForUndelete = function(self, db_handle, company) if (company.org_id == nil or company.org_id == '') then -- { return nil, -1, "org_id is a manadatory field"; end -- } if (company.ts_cnt == nil or company.ts_cnt == '') then -- { return nil, -1, "original ts_cnt should be submitted as part of the document during modify"; end -- } local collection = db_handle:getCollection('companies'); local query = {}; query = { ["data.org_id"] = { ["$eq"] = company.org_id } }; doc, err = collection:findOne(query); if (err ~= nil) then -- { error(err); return nil, -1, err; end -- } if (doc == nil) then -- { return nil, -1, "Record with id "" does not exist"; elseif (doc:value().data.deleted == nil or doc:value().data.deleted ~= 1) then -- } { return nil, -1, "Record with id "" is not marked as deleted"; elseif (doc:value().data.ts_cnt ~= company.ts_cnt) then -- } { return nil, -1, "Sapshot of input record with id "" is not current"; end -- } return doc, 0, nil; end --} -- { handlers.undelete= function (self, db_handle, url_parts, query_params, company) if (company == nil) then -- { return { errcode = -1, errmsg = "Company data not submitted for deletion" } end -- } local doc, ret, errmsg = self:validateForUndelete(db_handle, company); if (ret ~= 0) then -- { return { message = errmsg }, 400; end -- } company = nil; company = doc:value().data; local collection = db_handle:getCollection('companies'); local old_ts_cnt = company.ts_cnt local query_part1 = { ["data.org_id"] = { ["$eq"] = company.org_id } }; local query_part2 = { ["data.ts_cnt"] = { ["$eq"] = math.tointeger(old_ts_cnt) } }; local query = { ["$and"] = { __array=true, query_part1, query_part2 }}; company.ts_cnt = company.ts_cnt + 1; if (company.deleted ~= nil) then -- { company.deleted = nil; end -- } old_doc, err = collection:findAndModify(mongo.BSON(query), {update = {data = company}}); local error_code = nil; local table_out = {}; if (old_doc ~= nil and err == nil) then -- { table_out = { message = "Record undeleted"}; else -- } { error_code = 400; if (err ~= nil) then -- { table_out = { message = err }; else -- } { table_out = { errcode = 1403, message = "Record not found, org_id: "", ts_cnt: "..math.tointeger(old_ts_cnt)} ; end -- } end --} return table_out, error_code; end -- } --[[ --URL Standard followed in all BIOP API --/Resource_name/<id>/<<verb>> --Resource_name: Name of the set on which action is being performed --<id>: Optional, if the action is being performed on a single entry in the set -- id has to be supplied --<<verb>>: Optional, can be supplied only if <id> is present -- => 2nd parameter if present is always id -- => 3rd parameter if present is always a verb, acting on the entry in the set -- identified by <id> --]] -- { local function deduce_method(request, num, url_parts, qp) local method = request:get_method(); if (num == 1) then -- { if (method ~= 'GET') then -- { if (method == 'POST') then -- { return 'add', nil; elseif (method == 'PUT') then -- } { return 'modify', nil; elseif (method == 'DELETE') then -- } { return 'delete', nil; else -- } { return nil, 'HTTP method '..method..' not supported'; end -- } else --} { return 'list', nil; end -- } elseif (num == 2) then --} { if (method == 'GET') then --{ return 'fetch', nil; elseif (method == 'PUT') then --} { return 'modify', nil; elseif (method == 'POST') then --} { return 'add', nil; elseif (method == 'DELETE') then --} { return 'delete', nil; else --} { return nil, 'HTTP method '..method..' not supported'; end --} elseif (num == 3) then --} { if ((method ~= 'GET') and (method ~= 'PUT') and (method ~= 'POST') and (method ~= 'DELETE')) then -- { return nil, 'HTTP method '..method..' not supported'; end -- } return url_parts[3], nil; else --} { return nil, 'Invalid URL'..request:get_uri(); end --} end -- } --{ local handle_request = function (request, response) local flg, json_input = pcall(request.get_message_body_str, request); local n, url_parts = urlp.parse_url_path(request); local qp = urlp.get_qry_params(request); local json_parser =; if (json_input == nil) then json_input = '{}'; end local flg, table_input, err = pcall(json_parser.decode, json_input); local func, err = deduce_method(request, n, url_parts, qp); if (func == nil) then -- { --print("in func == nil"); response:set_status(400); response:set_chunked_trfencoding(true); response:set_content_type("application/json"); response:send(); response:write('{ "error": '..'"'..err..'"'..' }'); return ; end -- } local db_handle = mcm.connect(roc_params.db_url, roc_params.db_schema_name, roc_params.db_user_id, roc_params.db_user_password); h = handlers[func]; local table_output, err = h(handlers, db_handle, url_parts, qp, table_input); if (err ~= nil) then -- { if (err ~= 400 and err ~= 500) then -- { error('Invalid error code returned '..err); else -- } { response:set_status(err); end -- } else -- } { response:set_status(200); end -- } local flg, json_output, err = pcall(json_parser.encode, table_output); if (json_output == nil or json_output == '') then --{ json_output = '{}'; end -- } response:set_chunked_trfencoding(true); response:set_content_type("application/json"); response:send(); response:write(json_output); return ; end --} local request = platform.get_http_request(); local response = platform.get_http_response(); return pcall(handle_request, request, response);
-- test Lua cqr library ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ package.path = '' ok, complex = pcall(require,"complex") package.cpath = "./?.so" H=require"cqr" -- class of quaternions is named 'H' for Hamilton print(H._VERSION,'\n') -- generic constructor local construct = function(class,...) return end setmetatable(H,{__call = construct}) -- math functions globally visible setmetatable(_ENV,{__index=math}) -- extend H by adding an 'eval' function if the complex library is standard if complex and and complex.real and complex.imag then H.eval = function(q,f) local fz = complex[f] if type(fz) ~= "function" then error("Attempt to evaluate quaternion function '"..f.. "'\n but no function 'complex."..f.."' is available") end local fq = fz(,#q:vector())) return fq:real() + fq:imag()*q:axis() end end failed, passed = {},{new=0, _VERSION=H._VERSION and 0} tnum = 0 if H.__name == "quaternion" then passed.__name=tnum else failed.__name=tnum end if H.__index == H then passed.__index=tnum else failed.__index=tnum end local is = function(object,class) return getmetatable(object)==class end -- Display multiplication table local centerformat = function(s,n) s = tostring(s) local m = (n-#s)//2 local k = n-#s-m return (' '):rep(k) ..s.. (' '):rep(m) end local multab = {} for m=1,4 do local mult = {} for n=1,4 do local a, b = {0,0,0,0}, {0,0,0,0} a[m], b[n] = 1, 1 a,b = H(table.unpack(a)), H(table.unpack(b)) mult[n] = centerformat(a*b,6) end multab[m] = table.concat(mult) end multab = table.concat(multab,"\n") print" Multiplication table\n" print(multab); print() correct_multab = [[ 1.0 i j k i -1.0 k -j j -k -1.0 i k j -i -1.0 ]] if multab == correct_multab then passed.__mul, passed.unpack, passed.__tostring = 0,0 else print"Multiplication table prints wrong, should be:\n" print(correct_multab) end local TOL = 1e-12 local function eq(x,y,tol) return abs(x-y)<=(tol or TOL) end local function test(q,msg,...) local w,x,y,z = q:unpack() local W,X,Y,Z = ... if is(W,H) then W,X,Y,Z = q:unpack() end local result if not (eq(w,W) and eq(x,X) and eq(y,Y) and eq(z,Z)) then print(msg..(": wrong result; expected %s, got %s"):format(H(...),q)) result = failed else result = passed end tnum = tnum+1 for name in msg:gmatch"[_%a]+" do result[name] = tnum end end local function testreal(x,msg,y) local result if not eq(x,y) then print(msg..(": wrong result; expected %s, got %s"):format(y,x)) result = failed else result = passed end for name in msg:gmatch"[_%a]+" do result[name] = tnum end end p = H(3,5,7,11) if tostring(p)=="3.0+5.0i+7.0j+11.0k" then passed.__tostring=0 else failed.__tostring=0 end v = p:vector(); vv = H(0,5,7,11) if v==vv then t=passed else t=failed end tnum = tnum+1; t.__eq, t.vector = tnum,tnum testreal(#p,"__len",sqrt(204)) test(p*~p,"__mul,__bnot,normsq",H(204)); testreal(p..p,"__concat",204) -- test specific functions using random arguments p = H(random(),random(),random(),random()) q = H(random(),random(),random(),random()) print" Specific tests" a = (q+5):log() testreal(cos(p:arg())*#p,"arg,scalar,__add",p:scalar()) if a.eval then test(a:exp(),"exp,eval",a:eval"exp") test(a:log(),"log",a:eval"log") test(a:sqrt(),"sqrt",a:eval"sqrt") else test(a:exp():log(),"exp,log",a) test(a:log():exp(),"log,exp",a) test(a:sqrt()^2,"sqrt",a) end test(q-p,"__sub,__unm",-(p-q)) w = v >> pi/6 test(w,"__shr,matrix",H(w:matrix())) a,b = p:axis(), a:axis() testreal(#a,'axis',1) test(a,"angles",H(a:angles())) testreal(H.slerpdist(a,b),"slerpdist,arg,__div",(a/b):arg()) test(p:root(5,3)^5,"root,__pow",p) testreal(H.hlerpdist(a,-b),"hlerpdist",H.slerpdist(a,b)) test(H.hlerp(-p,q,8,5), "hlerp",H.slerp(p,q,8,5)) -- rotation, slerp tests are not random, though w = H(0,0,0,1) >> pi/6 test(w*H(0,1,0,0)*~w,"__idiv",H(0,cos(pi/6),sin(pi/6),0)) test(H.slerp(H(0,1,0,0),H(0,0,1,0),0.7,0.3), "slerp", H(0,cos(pi*0.3),sin(pi*0,3),0)) u,v = p:vector(), q:vector() test(u//(v|u), "__bor", (#u/#v)*v) print"" any = false for k,v in pairs(H) do if failed[k] then print(k.." FAILED in test #"..failed[k]) any=true end end if any then print"" else print"No test failed.\n" end any = false for k,v in pairs(H) do if passed[k] and not failed[k] then print(k.." passed in test #"..passed[k]) any=true end end if any then print"" end any = false for k,v in pairs(H) do if not (passed[k] or failed[k]) then print(k.." was not tested") any=true end end if any then print"" end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- codeblocks_workspace.lua -- Generate a Code::Blocks workspace. -- Copyright (c) 2009 Jason Perkins and the Premake project -- function premake.codeblocks.workspace(sln) _p('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>') _p('<CodeBlocks_workspace_file>') _p(1,'<Workspace title="%s">', for prj in premake.solution.eachproject(sln) do local fname = path.join(path.getrelative(sln.location, prj.location), local active = iif(prj.project == sln.projects[1], ' active="1"', '') _p(2,'<Project filename="%s.cbp"%s>', fname, active) for _,dep in ipairs(premake.getdependencies(prj)) do _p(3,'<Depends filename="%s.cbp" />', path.join(path.getrelative(sln.location, dep.location), end _p(2,'</Project>') end _p(1,'</Workspace>') _p('</CodeBlocks_workspace_file>') end
do local _ = { ['pipe-to-ground'] = { icon = '__base__/graphics/icons/pipe-to-ground.png', close_sound = 0, fast_replaceable_group = 'pipe', collision_box = {{-0.29, -0.29}, {0.29, 0.2}}, corpse = 'pipe-to-ground-remnants', fluid_box = { pipe_covers = { north = { layers = { { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png', priority = 'extra-high', height = 64, width = 64, hr_version = { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png', priority = 'extra-high', scale = 0.5, height = 128, width = 128 } }, { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png', draw_as_shadow = true, priority = 'extra-high', height = 64, width = 64, hr_version = { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png', draw_as_shadow = true, priority = 'extra-high', scale = 0.5, height = 128, width = 128 } } } }, east = { layers = { { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png', priority = 'extra-high', height = 64, width = 64, hr_version = { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png', priority = 'extra-high', scale = 0.5, height = 128, width = 128 } }, { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png', draw_as_shadow = true, priority = 'extra-high', height = 64, width = 64, hr_version = { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png', draw_as_shadow = true, priority = 'extra-high', scale = 0.5, height = 128, width = 128 } } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png', priority = 'extra-high', height = 64, width = 64, hr_version = { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png', priority = 'extra-high', scale = 0.5, height = 128, width = 128 } }, { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png', draw_as_shadow = true, priority = 'extra-high', height = 64, width = 64, hr_version = { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png', draw_as_shadow = true, priority = 'extra-high', scale = 0.5, height = 128, width = 128 } } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png', priority = 'extra-high', height = 64, width = 64, hr_version = { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png', priority = 'extra-high', scale = 0.5, height = 128, width = 128 } }, { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png', draw_as_shadow = true, priority = 'extra-high', height = 64, width = 64, hr_version = { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png', draw_as_shadow = true, priority = 'extra-high', scale = 0.5, height = 128, width = 128 } } } } }, base_area = 1, pipe_connections = {{position = {0, -1}}, {max_underground_distance = 10, position = {0, 1}}} }, dying_explosion = 'pipe-to-ground-explosion', icon_mipmaps = 4, resistances = {{percent = 80, type = 'fire'}, {percent = 40, type = 'impact'}}, vehicle_impact_sound = 0, type = 'pipe-to-ground', damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = 'fire', entity_name = 'spark-explosion', type = 'create-entity', offsets = {{0, 1}}, offset_deviation = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}} }, pictures = { right = { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/pipe-to-ground-right.png', priority = 'high', height = 64, width = 64, hr_version = { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/hr-pipe-to-ground-right.png', priority = 'extra-high', scale = 0.5, height = 128, width = 128 } }, down = { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/pipe-to-ground-down.png', priority = 'high', height = 64, width = 64, hr_version = { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/hr-pipe-to-ground-down.png', priority = 'extra-high', scale = 0.5, height = 128, width = 128 } }, up = { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/pipe-to-ground-up.png', priority = 'high', height = 64, width = 64, hr_version = { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/hr-pipe-to-ground-up.png', priority = 'extra-high', scale = 0.5, height = 128, width = 128 } }, left = { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/pipe-to-ground-left.png', priority = 'high', height = 64, width = 64, hr_version = { filename = '__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/hr-pipe-to-ground-left.png', priority = 'extra-high', scale = 0.5, height = 128, width = 128 } } }, flags = {'placeable-neutral', 'player-creation'}, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.3, fade_out_ticks = 60, fade_in_ticks = 4, match_volume_to_activity = true, sound = 0 }, max_health = 150, name = 'pipe-to-ground', selection_box = {{-0.5, -0.5}, {0.5, 0.5}}, open_sound = 0, icon_size = 64, minable = {mining_time = 0.1, result = 'pipe-to-ground'} } }; return _; end
Test = require('connecttest') require('cardinalities') local events = require('events') local mobile_session = require('mobile_session') --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------Required Shared Libraries--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local commonSteps = require('user_modules/shared_testcases/commonSteps') local commonFunctions = require('user_modules/shared_testcases/commonFunctions') local commonTestCases = require('user_modules/shared_testcases/commonTestCases') require('user_modules/AppTypes') local DEVICE_ID = config.deviceMAC local DEVICE_NAME = "" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------Common function----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function BC_OnDeviceChosen_Notification(self, Description, Method, DeviceInfo) self.hmiConnection:SendNotification("BasicCommunication.OnStartDeviceDiscovery") EXPECT_HMICALL("BasicCommunication.UpdateDeviceList") :Do(function(exp,data) self.hmiConnection:SendResponse(, data.method, "SUCCESS", {}) if (Description == "Invalid Json") then self.hmiConnection:Send('{"method";"BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen","params":{"deviceInfo":{"name":"","id":"12ca17b49af2289436f303e0166030a21e525d266e209267433801a8fd4071a0"}},"jsonrpc":"2.0"}') else self.hmiConnection:SendNotification( Method, { deviceInfo = DeviceInfo }) end end) commonTestCases:DelayedExp(5000) end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------I TEST BLOCK---------------------------------------- ---------------Check notification BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen from HMI----------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Description: TC's checks processing --HMI sends BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen notification with positive case and (full deviceInfo) --HMI sends BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen notification with Missing deviceInfo --HMI sends BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen notification with Missing deviceID --HMI sends BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen notification with Missing DeviceName --HMI sends BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen notification with Missing ID and Name --HMI sends BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen notification with Missing All Parameters --HMI sends BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen notification with Missing Method --HMI sends BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen notification with Empty deviceInfo --HMI sends BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen notification with Empty deviceID --HMI sends BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen notification with WrongType deviceInfo --HMI sends BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen notification with WrongType deviceID --HMI sends BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen notification with WrongType deviceName --HMI sends BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen notification with WrongType ID and Name --HMI sends BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen notification with Invalid Json --Requirement id in JAMA: --APPLINK-24441: (6.10) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local TestData = { {description = "Positive Case", method = "BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen", deviceInfo = {id = DEVICE_ID, name = DEVICE_NAME} }, {description = "Missing deviceInfo", method = "BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen", deviceInfo = nil }, {description = "Missing deviceID", method = "BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen", deviceInfo = {id = nil, name = DEVICE_NAME} }, {description = "Missing DeviceName", method = "BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen", deviceInfo = {id = DEVICE_ID, name = nil} }, {description = "Missing ID and Name", method = "BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen", deviceInfo = {id = nil, name = nil} }, {description = "Missing All Parameters", method = nil, deviceInfo = nil }, {description = "Missing Method", method = nil, deviceInfo = {id = DEVICE_ID, name = DEVICE_NAME} }, {description = "Empty deviceInfo", method = "BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen", deviceInfo = {} }, {description = "Empty deviceID", method = "BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen", deviceInfo = {name = DEVICE_NAME} }, {description = "Empty deviceName", method = "BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen", deviceInfo = {id = DEVICE_ID} }, {description = "WrongType deviceInfo", method = "BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen", deviceInfo = 1234 }, {description = "WrongType deviceID", method = "BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen", deviceInfo = {id = true, name = DEVICE_NAME} }, {description = "WrongType deviceName", method = "BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen", deviceInfo = {id = DEVICE_ID, name = {1234}} }, {description = "WrongType ID and Name", method = "BasicCommunication.OnDeviceChosen", deviceInfo = {id = 1234, name = true} }, {description = "Invalid Json", _, _, } } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- commonSteps:ActivationApp() --Main executing for i=1, #TestData do --Print new line to separate new test cases group commonFunctions:newTestCasesGroup("-----------------------I." ..tostring(i).." [" ..TestData[i].description .. "]------------------------------") Test["BC_" .. TestData[i].description] = function(self) BC_OnDeviceChosen_Notification(self, TestData[i].description, TestData[i].method, TestData[i].deviceInfo) end end
return {'kedive','kedde'}
Livre = "Livre" Ocupado = "Ocupado" Reservado = "Reser." Estado_nao_reconhecido = "O estado que voce escreveu nao e nenhum dos seguintes: LIVRE, OCUPADO, RESERVADO" Mesa_nao_existe = "A mesa que voce tentou acessar nao existe" Pedir_a_hora_da_reserva = "Diga o horario da reserva"
object_tangible_quest_luilris_mushrooms = object_tangible_quest_shared_luilris_mushrooms:new { } ObjectTemplates:addTemplate(object_tangible_quest_luilris_mushrooms, "object/tangible/quest/luilris_mushrooms.iff")
-- this is a simple demo module for reading -- /writing files with strings. local fs = {} function fs.readstr(filename) local f =, "rb") local content = f:read("*all") f:close() return content end -- r = read -- w = write or create -- a = append -- r+ = read/write -- w+ = overwrite with r/w permissions -- a+ = r/w append or create function fs.writestr(filename, string) local f =, "w+") io.output(f) io.write(string) io.close(f) end return fs
--[[ desc:扑克枚举 auth:Caorl Luo ]] local class = require("class") local gameEnum = require("game.enum") ---@class pokerEnum:gameEnum local enum = class(gameEnum) local this = enum ---构造 function enum:ctor() end return enum
-- vim: ts=4:sw=4:expandtab local cosock = require "cosock" local classify = require "classify" local Timer = require "timer" local Parent = classify.single({ _init = function(_, self, name, latitude, longitude, height) = name self.latitude = latitude self.longitude = longitude self.height = height self.timer = Timer(name, latitude, longitude, height) self.child = {} self.angle_methods = {} end, add = function(self, child) self.child[child] = true self.angle_methods[child.angle] = child.method self.timer:stop() self.timer = Timer(, self.latitude, self.longitude, self.height, self.angle_methods) end, remove = function(self, child) self.child[child] = nil self.angle_methods[child.angle] = nil self.timer:stop() self.timer = Timer(, self.latitude, self.longitude, self.height, self.angle_methods) end, }) local Child = classify.single({ _init = function(_, self, parent, angle) self.parent = parent self.angle = angle self.method = function(bool) print(angle, bool) end parent:add(self) parent.timer:refresh(self.method) end }) local parent = Parent("LA", 34.052235, -118.243683, 0) for angle, _ in pairs(Timer.angles) do Child(parent, angle) end for _, angle in ipairs{-90, -60, -45, -30, 30, 45, 60, 90} do Child(parent, angle) end
local t = Def.ActorFrame {}; local txc = THEME:GetMetric ('EditableColors','FontColor'); local gc = Var('GameCommand'); -- menu selections t[#t+1] = Def.ActorFrame { LoadFont("Common Normal") .. { Text=THEME:GetString('ScreenTitleMenu',gc:GetText()); InitCommand=cmd(diffuse,color(txc);y,60;horizalign,right); GainFocusCommand=cmd(decelerate,0.1;x,-10); LoseFocusCommand=cmd(decelerate,0.1;x,10); }; }; return t
namespace "standard" local DebugHand = require "app.debug.hand" local split = {} local split2 local ui3 function split.makeSplitScreen(spec, force2d) if force2d then if not split2 then split2 = require "ent.ui2.split" end return split2.SplitScreenEnt(spec) else if not ui3 then ui3 = require "ent.ui3" end local pages = spec.pages or {} local pagesn = #spec.pages local e = Ent{} local hand = ui3.Hand{doHover=true}:insert(e) for i,v in ipairs(spec.pages) do v.hand = hand v.surface3 = ui3.SurfaceEnt{} v:insert(e) local oneRotate = math.pi/3 -- Hand tune. TODO try with more screen sizes local rotateIndexOffset = math.floor(pagesn/2) - 2.5 local offset = Loc(vec3((i*2-2-pagesn/2)*1,0,0), quat.from_angle_axis(-(i + rotateIndexOffset)*oneRotate, 0,1,0)) v.surface3.transform = v.surface3.transform:compose(offset) v.surface3:insert(v) end return e end end return split
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Module Declaration local mod, CL = BigWigs:NewBoss("Exarch Maladaar", 558, 524) if not mod then return end mod:RegisterEnableMob(18373) -- mod.engageId = 1889 -- no boss frames -- mod.respawnTime = 0 -- resets, doesn't respawn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Localization local L = mod:GetLocale() if L then L.avatar = -5046 -- Avatar of the Martyred L.avatar_desc = -5045 -- EJ entry of the summoning spell, has better description than that of the actual spell L.avatar_icon = -5045 end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Initialization function mod:GetOptions() return { 32346, -- Stolen Soul "avatar", } end function mod:OnBossEnable() self:RegisterUnitEvent("UNIT_HEALTH_FREQUENT", nil, "target", "focus") self:Log("SPELL_AURA_APPLIED", "StolenSoul", 32346) self:Log("SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS", "AvatarOfTheMartyred", 32424) self:Death("Win", 18373) end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Event Handlers function mod:StolenSoul(args) self:TargetMessage(args.spellId, args.destName, "orange") end function mod:AvatarOfTheMartyred(args) self:Message("avatar", "red", "Info", CL.spawned:format(self:SpellName(L.avatar)), args.spellId) end function mod:UNIT_HEALTH_FREQUENT(event, unit) if self:MobId(UnitGUID(unit)) ~= 18373 then return end local hp = UnitHealth(unit) / UnitHealthMax(unit) * 100 if hp < 30 then self:UnregisterUnitEvent(event, "target", "focus") self:Message("avatar", "yellow", nil, CL.soon:format(CL.spawning:format(self:SpellName(L.avatar))), 32424) end end = "Desert Eagle" ITEM.desc = "A slow yet powerful firearm that fires .50 AE Rounds" ITEM.model = "models/weapons/w_stalker_deagle.mdl" ITEM.class = "stalker_deagle" ITEM.weaponCategory = "sidearm" ITEM.width = 2 ITEM.height = 1 ITEM.price = 300
-- ************************************************************************** -- * TitanXP.lua -- * -- * By: TitanMod, Dark Imakuni, Adsertor and the Titan Panel Development Team -- ************************************************************************** -- ******************************** Constants ******************************* local TITAN_XP_ID = "XP"; local _G = getfenv(0); local TITAN_XP_FREQUENCY = 1; local updateTable = {TITAN_XP_ID, TITAN_PANEL_UPDATE_ALL}; -- ******************************** Variables ******************************* local TitanPanelXPButton_ButtonAdded = nil; local found = nil; local lastMobXP, lastXP, XPGain = 0, 0, 0 local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("Titan", true) -- ******************************** Functions ******************************* --[[ Add commas or period in the value given as needed --]] local function comma_value(amount) local formatted = amount local k local sep = (TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "UseSeperatorComma") and "UseComma" or "UsePeriod") while true do if sep == "UseComma" then formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1,%2') end if sep == "UsePeriod" then formatted, k = string.gsub(formatted, "^(-?%d+)(%d%d%d)", '%1.%2') end if (k==0) then break end end return formatted end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelXP_OnLoad() -- DESC : Registers the plugin upon it loading -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelXPButton_OnLoad(self) self.registry = { id = TITAN_XP_ID, category = "Built-ins", version = TITAN_VERSION, menuText = L["TITAN_XP_MENU_TEXT"], buttonTextFunction = "TitanPanelXPButton_GetButtonText", tooltipTitle = L["TITAN_XP_TOOLTIP"], tooltipTextFunction = "TitanPanelXPButton_GetTooltipText", iconWidth = 16, controlVariables = { ShowIcon = true, ShowLabelText = true, ShowRegularText = false, ShowColoredText = false, DisplayOnRightSide = false }, savedVariables = { DisplayType = "ShowXPPerHourSession", ShowIcon = 1, ShowLabelText = 1, ShowSimpleRested = false, ShowSimpleToLevel = false, ShowSimpleNumOfKills = false, ShowSimpleNumOfGains = false, UseSeperatorComma = true, UseSeperatorPeriod = false, } }; self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD"); self:RegisterEvent("TIME_PLAYED_MSG"); self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_XP_UPDATE"); self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LEVEL_UP"); self:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_XP_GAIN"); end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelXPButton_OnShow() -- DESC : Display the icon in the bar -- NOTE : For a lack of better check at the moment TitanPanel_ButtonAdded -- is a global variable set to true only when a button has just been -- added to the panel -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelXPButton_OnShow() TitanPanelXPButton_SetIcon(); found = nil; if not TitanPanelXPButton_ButtonAdded then if not TitanAllGetVar("Silenced") then RequestTimePlayed(); end TitanPanelXPButton_ButtonAdded = true; end end function TitanPanelXPButton_OnHide() if (TitanPanelSettings) then for i = 1, table.getn(TitanPanelSettings.Buttons) do if(TitanPanelSettings.Buttons[i] == TITAN_XP_ID) then found = true; end end if not found then TitanPanelXPButton_ButtonAdded = nil end end end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelXPButton_OnEvent(arg1, arg2) -- DESC : Parse events registered to addon and act on them -- VARS : arg1 = <research> , arg2 = <research> -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelXPButton_OnEvent(self, event, a1, a2, ...) if (event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD") then if (not self.sessionTime) then self.sessionTime = time(); end if (not self.initXP) then self.initXP = UnitXP("player"); self.accumXP = 0; self.sessionXP = 0; self.startSessionTime = time(); lastXP = self.initXP; end elseif (event == "TIME_PLAYED_MSG") then -- Remember play time self.totalTime = a1; self.levelTime = a2; elseif (event == "PLAYER_XP_UPDATE") then if (not self.initXP) then self.initXP = UnitXP("player"); self.accumXP = 0; self.sessionXP = 0; self.startSessionTime = time(); end XPGain = UnitXP("player") - lastXP; lastXP = UnitXP("player"); if XPGain < 0 then XPGain = 0 end self.sessionXP = UnitXP("player") - self.initXP + self.accumXP; elseif (event == "PLAYER_LEVEL_UP") then self.levelTime = 0; self.accumXP = self.accumXP + UnitXPMax("player") - self.initXP; self.initXP = 0; elseif (event == "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_XP_GAIN") then local _,_,_,killXP = string.find(a1, "^"..L["TITAN_XP_GAIN_PATTERN"]) if killXP then lastMobXP = tonumber(killXP) end if lastMobXP < 0 then lastMobXP = 0 end end end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelXPButton_OnUpdate(elapsed) -- DESC : Update button data -- VARS : elapsed = <research> -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelXPButton_OnUpdate(self, elapsed) TITAN_XP_FREQUENCY = TITAN_XP_FREQUENCY - elapsed; if (TITAN_XP_FREQUENCY <=0) then TITAN_XP_FREQUENCY = 1; TitanPanelPluginHandle_OnUpdate(updateTable) end if (self.totalTime) then self.totalTime = self.totalTime + elapsed; self.levelTime = self.levelTime + elapsed; end end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelXPButton_GetButtonText(id) -- DESC : Calculate time based logic for button text -- VARS : id = button ID -- NOTE : Because the panel gets loaded before XP we need to check whether -- the variables have been initialized and take action if they haven't -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelXPButton_GetButtonText(id) if (TitanPanelXPButton.startSessionTime == nil) then return; end local button, id = TitanUtils_GetButton(id, true); local totalXP = UnitXPMax("player"); local currentXP = UnitXP("player"); local toLevelXP = totalXP - currentXP; local sessionXP = button.sessionXP; local xpPerHour, xpPerHourText, timeToLevel, timeToLevelText; local sessionTime = time() - TitanPanelXPButton.startSessionTime; local levelTime = TitanPanelXPButton.levelTime; local numofkills, numofgains; if lastMobXP ~= 0 then numofkills = math.ceil(toLevelXP / lastMobXP) else numofkills = _G["UNKNOWN"] end if XPGain ~= 0 then numofgains = math.ceil(toLevelXP / XPGain) else numofgains = _G["UNKNOWN"] end if (levelTime) then if (TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "DisplayType") == "ShowXPPerHourSession") then xpPerHour = sessionXP / sessionTime * 3600; -- timeToLevel = TitanUtils_Ternary((sessionXP == 0), -1, toLevelXP / sessionXP * sessionTime); timeToLevel = (sessionXP == 0) and -1 or toLevelXP / sessionXP * sessionTime; xpPerHourText = comma_value(math.floor(xpPerHour+0.5)); timeToLevelText = TitanUtils_GetEstTimeText(timeToLevel); return L["TITAN_XP_BUTTON_LABEL_XPHR_SESSION"], TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(xpPerHourText), L["TITAN_XP_BUTTON_LABEL_TOLEVEL_TIME_LEVEL"], TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(timeToLevelText); elseif (TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID,"DisplayType") == "ShowXPPerHourLevel") then xpPerHour = currentXP / levelTime * 3600; -- timeToLevel = TitanUtils_Ternary((currentXP == 0), -1, toLevelXP / currentXP * levelTime); timeToLevel = (currentXP == 0) and -1 or toLevelXP / currentXP * levelTime; xpPerHourText = comma_value(math.floor(xpPerHour+0.5)); timeToLevelText = TitanUtils_GetEstTimeText(timeToLevel); return L["TITAN_XP_BUTTON_LABEL_XPHR_LEVEL"], TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(xpPerHourText), L["TITAN_XP_BUTTON_LABEL_TOLEVEL_TIME_LEVEL"], TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(timeToLevelText); elseif (TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID,"DisplayType") == "ShowSessionTime") then return L["TITAN_XP_BUTTON_LABEL_SESSION_TIME"], TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(TitanUtils_GetAbbrTimeText(sessionTime)); elseif (TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID,"DisplayType") == "ShowXPSimple") then local toLevelXPText = ""; local rest = ""; local labelrested = ""; local labeltolevel = ""; local labelnumofkills = ""; local labelnumofgains = ""; local percent = floor(10000*(currentXP/totalXP)+0.5)/100; if TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID,"ShowSimpleToLevel") then toLevelXPText = TitanUtils_GetColoredText(format(L["TITAN_XP_FORMAT"], comma_value(math.floor(toLevelXP+0.5))), _G["GREEN_FONT_COLOR"]); labeltolevel = L["TITAN_XP_XPTOLEVELUP"]; end if TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID,"ShowSimpleRested") then rest = TitanUtils_GetColoredText(comma_value(GetXPExhaustion()==nil and "0" or GetXPExhaustion()),{r=0.44, g=0.69, b=0.94}); labelrested = L["TITAN_XP_TOTAL_RESTED"]; end if TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID,"ShowSimpleNumOfKills") then numofkills = TitanUtils_GetColoredText(comma_value(numofkills), {r=0.24, g=0.7, b=0.44}) labelnumofkills = L["TITAN_XP_KILLS_LABEL_SHORT"]; else numofkills = "" end if TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID,"ShowSimpleNumOfGains") then numofgains = TitanUtils_GetColoredText(comma_value(numofgains), {r=1, g=0.49, b=0.04}) labelnumofgains = L["TITAN_XP_XPGAINS_LABEL_SHORT"]; else numofgains = "" end if TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID,"ShowSimpleNumOfGains") then return L["TITAN_XP_LEVEL_COMPLETE"], TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(percent .. "%"), labelrested, rest , labeltolevel, toLevelXPText, labelnumofgains, numofgains else return L["TITAN_XP_LEVEL_COMPLETE"], TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(percent .. "%"), labelrested, rest , labeltolevel, toLevelXPText, labelnumofkills, numofkills end end else return "("..L["TITAN_XP_UPDATE_PENDING"]..")"; end end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelXPButton_GetTooltipText() -- DESC : Display tooltip text -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelXPButton_GetTooltipText() local totalTime = TitanPanelXPButton.totalTime; local sessionTime = time() - TitanPanelXPButton.startSessionTime; local levelTime = TitanPanelXPButton.levelTime; -- failsafe to ensure that an error wont be returned if not levelTime then return end local totalXP = UnitXPMax("player"); local currentXP = UnitXP("player"); local toLevelXP = totalXP - currentXP; local currentXPPercent = currentXP / totalXP * 100; local toLevelXPPercent = toLevelXP / totalXP * 100; local xpPerHourThisLevel = currentXP / levelTime * 3600; local xpPerHourThisSession = TitanPanelXPButton.sessionXP / sessionTime * 3600; local estTimeToLevelThisLevel = TitanUtils_Ternary((currentXP == 0), -1, toLevelXP / (max(currentXP,1)) * levelTime); local estTimeToLevelThisSession = 0; if TitanPanelXPButton.sessionXP > 0 then estTimeToLevelThisSession = TitanUtils_Ternary((TitanPanelXPButton.sessionXP == 0), -1, toLevelXP / TitanPanelXPButton.sessionXP * sessionTime); end local numofkills, numofgains; if lastMobXP ~= 0 then numofkills = math.ceil(toLevelXP / lastMobXP) else numofkills = _G["UNKNOWN"] end if XPGain ~= 0 then numofgains = math.ceil(toLevelXP / XPGain) else numofgains = _G["UNKNOWN"] end return "".. L["TITAN_XP_TOOLTIP_TOTAL_TIME"].."\t"..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(TitanUtils_GetAbbrTimeText(totalTime)).."\n".. L["TITAN_XP_TOOLTIP_LEVEL_TIME"].."\t"..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(TitanUtils_GetAbbrTimeText(levelTime)).."\n".. L["TITAN_XP_TOOLTIP_SESSION_TIME"].."\t"..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(TitanUtils_GetAbbrTimeText(sessionTime)).."\n".. "\n".. L["TITAN_XP_TOOLTIP_TOTAL_XP"].."\t"..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(comma_value(totalXP)).."\n".. L["TITAN_XP_TOTAL_RESTED"].."\t"..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(comma_value(GetXPExhaustion()==nil and "0" or GetXPExhaustion())).."\n".. L["TITAN_XP_TOOLTIP_LEVEL_XP"].."\t"..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(comma_value(currentXP).." "..format(L["TITAN_XP_PERCENT_FORMAT"], currentXPPercent)).."\n".. L["TITAN_XP_TOOLTIP_TOLEVEL_XP"].."\t"..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(comma_value(toLevelXP).." "..format(L["TITAN_XP_PERCENT_FORMAT"], toLevelXPPercent)).."\n".. L["TITAN_XP_TOOLTIP_SESSION_XP"].."\t"..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(comma_value(TitanPanelXPButton.sessionXP)).."\n".. format(L["TITAN_XP_KILLS_LABEL"], comma_value(lastMobXP)).."\t"..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(comma_value(numofkills)).."\n".. format(L["TITAN_XP_XPGAINS_LABEL"], comma_value(XPGain)).."\t"..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(comma_value(numofgains)).."\n".. "\n".. L["TITAN_XP_TOOLTIP_XPHR_LEVEL"].."\t"..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(format(L["TITAN_XP_FORMAT"], comma_value(math.floor(xpPerHourThisLevel+0.5)))).."\n".. L["TITAN_XP_TOOLTIP_XPHR_SESSION"].."\t"..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(format(L["TITAN_XP_FORMAT"], comma_value(math.floor(xpPerHourThisSession+0.5)))).."\n".. L["TITAN_XP_TOOLTIP_TOLEVEL_LEVEL"].."\t"..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(TitanUtils_GetAbbrTimeText(estTimeToLevelThisLevel)).."\n".. L["TITAN_XP_TOOLTIP_TOLEVEL_SESSION"].."\t"..TitanUtils_GetHighlightText(TitanUtils_GetAbbrTimeText(estTimeToLevelThisSession)); end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelXPButton_SetIcon() -- DESC : Define icon based on faction -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelXPButton_SetIcon() local icon = TitanPanelXPButtonIcon; local factionGroup, factionName = UnitFactionGroup("player"); if (factionGroup == "Alliance") then icon:SetTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-PVP-Alliance"); icon:SetTexCoord(0.046875, 0.609375, 0.03125, 0.59375); elseif (factionGroup == "Horde") then icon:SetTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-PVP-Horde"); icon:SetTexCoord(0.046875, 0.609375, 0.015625, 0.578125); else icon:SetTexture("Interface\\TargetingFrame\\UI-PVP-FFA"); icon:SetTexCoord(0.046875, 0.609375, 0.03125, 0.59375); end end local function Seperator(chosen) --[[ TitanDebug("Sep: " ..(chosen or "?").." " ) --]] if chosen == "UseSeperatorComma" then TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "UseSeperatorComma", true); TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "UseSeperatorPeriod", false); end if chosen == "UseSeperatorPeriod" then TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "UseSeperatorComma", false); TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "UseSeperatorPeriod", true); end TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(TITAN_XP_ID); end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelRightClickMenu_PrepareXPMenu() -- DESC : Display rightclick menu options -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelRightClickMenu_PrepareXPMenu() local info = {}; if L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL == 2 then TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddTitle(L["TITAN_XP_MENU_SIMPLE_BUTTON_TITLE"], 2); info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_XP_MENU_SIMPLE_BUTTON_RESTED"]; info.func = function() TitanPanelRightClickMenu_ToggleVar({TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleRested"}) end info.checked = TitanUtils_Ternary(TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleRested"), 1, nil); info.keepShownOnClick = 1; L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, 2); info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_XP_MENU_SIMPLE_BUTTON_TOLEVELUP"]; info.func = function() TitanPanelRightClickMenu_ToggleVar({TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleToLevel"}) end info.checked = TitanUtils_Ternary(TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleToLevel"), 1, nil); info.keepShownOnClick = 1; L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, 2); info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_XP_MENU_SIMPLE_BUTTON_KILLS"]; info.func = function() TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleNumOfKills", true) TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleNumOfGains", false) end info.checked = TitanUtils_Ternary(TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleNumOfKills"), 1, nil); L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, 2); info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_XP_MENU_SIMPLE_BUTTON_XPGAIN"]; info.func = function() TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleNumOfGains", true) TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleNumOfKills", false) end info.checked = TitanUtils_Ternary(TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleNumOfGains"), 1, nil); L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, 2); else TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddTitle(TitanPlugins[TITAN_XP_ID].menuText); info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_XP_MENU_SHOW_XPHR_THIS_SESSION"]; info.func = TitanPanelXPButton_ShowXPPerHourSession; info.checked = TitanUtils_Ternary("ShowXPPerHourSession" == TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "DisplayType"), 1, nil); L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info); info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_XP_MENU_SHOW_XPHR_THIS_LEVEL"]; info.func = TitanPanelXPButton_ShowXPPerHourLevel; info.checked = TitanUtils_Ternary("ShowXPPerHourLevel" == TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "DisplayType"), 1, nil); L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info); info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_XP_MENU_SHOW_SESSION_TIME"]; info.func = TitanPanelXPButton_ShowSessionTime; info.checked = TitanUtils_Ternary("ShowSessionTime" == TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "DisplayType"), 1, nil); L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info); info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_XP_MENU_SHOW_RESTED_TOLEVELUP"]; info.func = TitanPanelXPButton_ShowXPSimple; info.hasArrow = 1; info.checked = TitanUtils_Ternary("ShowXPSimple" == TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "DisplayType"), 1, nil); L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddSpacer(); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddCommand(L["TITAN_XP_MENU_RESET_SESSION"], TITAN_XP_ID, "TitanPanelXPButton_ResetSession"); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddCommand(L["TITAN_XP_MENU_REFRESH_PLAYED"], TITAN_XP_ID, "TitanPanelXPButton_RefreshPlayed"); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddSpacer(); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddToggleIcon(TITAN_XP_ID); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddToggleLabelText(TITAN_XP_ID); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddSpacer(); local info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_USE_COMMA"]; info.checked = TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "UseSeperatorComma"); info.func = function() Seperator("UseSeperatorComma") end L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, _G["L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"]); local info = {}; info.text = L["TITAN_USE_PERIOD"]; info.checked = TitanGetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "UseSeperatorPeriod"); info.func = function() Seperator("UseSeperatorPeriod") end L_UIDropDownMenu_AddButton(info, _G["L_UIDROPDOWNMENU_MENU_LEVEL"]); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddSpacer(); TitanPanelRightClickMenu_AddCommand(L["TITAN_PANEL_MENU_HIDE"], TITAN_XP_ID, TITAN_PANEL_MENU_FUNC_HIDE); end end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelXPButton_ShowSessionTime() -- DESC : Display session time in bar if set -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelXPButton_ShowSessionTime() TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "DisplayType", "ShowSessionTime"); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(TITAN_XP_ID); TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleRested", false); TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleToLevel", false); TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleNumOfKills", false); TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleNumOfGains", false); end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelXPButton_ShowXPPerHourSession() -- DESC : Display per hour in session data in bar if set -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelXPButton_ShowXPPerHourSession() TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "DisplayType", "ShowXPPerHourSession"); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(TITAN_XP_ID); TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleRested", false); TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleToLevel", false); TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleNumOfKills", false); TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleNumOfGains", false); end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelXPButton_ShowXPPerHourLevel() -- DESC : Display per hour to level data in bar if set -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelXPButton_ShowXPPerHourLevel() TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "DisplayType", "ShowXPPerHourLevel"); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(TITAN_XP_ID); TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleRested", false); TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleToLevel", false); TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleNumOfKills", false); TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "ShowSimpleNumOfGains", false); end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelXPButton_ShowXPSimple() -- DESC : Display simple XP data (% level, rest, xp to level) in bar if set -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelXPButton_ShowXPSimple() TitanSetVar(TITAN_XP_ID, "DisplayType", "ShowXPSimple"); TitanPanelButton_UpdateButton(TITAN_XP_ID); end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelXPButton_ResetSession() -- DESC : Reset session and accumulated variables -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelXPButton_ResetSession() TitanPanelXPButton.initXP = UnitXP("player"); TitanPanelXPButton.accumXP = 0; TitanPanelXPButton.sessionXP = 0; TitanPanelXPButton.startSessionTime = time(); lastXP = TitanPanelXPButton.initXP; end -- ************************************************************************** -- NAME : TitanPanelXPButton_RefreshPlayed() -- DESC : Get total time played -- ************************************************************************** function TitanPanelXPButton_RefreshPlayed() RequestTimePlayed(); end
function request() print('do it') local conn = tls.createConnection(net.TCP, 0) conn:on("connection", function(sck) print('connected') msg = 'GET /RemoteDevices/time HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n' sck:send(msg) end) conn:on("reconnection", function(sck, c) -- reconn is fired on disconn instead of the disconn event for some reason print('reconn', c) end) conn:on("disconnection", function(sck, c) print('disconn', c) startConnection() end) conn:on("receive", function(sck, c) print('recv ') sck:close() end ) conn:on("sent", function() print('sent') end) conn:connect(5001, '') print('heap ', node.heap()) end reqTmr = tmr.create() reqTmr:register(10000, tmr.ALARM_AUTO, request) reqTmr:start()
------------------------ -- General Settings -- ------------------------ UNDO_DIR = os.getenv "HOME" .. "/.vim/undo/" local M = {} M.load_options = function() local opt = vim.opt local default_options = { -- create table of options clipboard = "unnamedplus", -- allows neovim to access the system clipboard cmdheight = 2, -- more space in the neovim command line for displaying messages fileencoding = "utf-8", -- use utf-8 file encoding foldmethod = "manual", -- code folding, set to "expr" for treesitter based folding foldexpr = "", -- set to "nvim_treesitter#foldexpr()" for treesitter based folding hlsearch = true, -- highlight all matches on previous search pattern ignorecase = true, -- ignore case when searching, see also: smartcase smartcase = true, -- case sensitive search if at least one letter is uppercase mouse = "a", -- enable mouse for nvim showmode = false, -- don't show which mode we are in -- pumheight = 10, -- popup menu height splitbelow = true, -- force all horizontal splits to go below current window splitright = true, -- force all vertical splits to go to the right of current window termguicolors = true, -- set term gui colors title = true, -- set the title of window to the value of the titlestring expandtab = true, -- convert tabs to spaces shiftwidth = 2, -- the number of spaces inserted for each indentation tabstop = 2, -- insert 2 spaces for a tab cursorline = true, -- highlight the current line number = true, -- set numbered lines relativenumber = true, -- set relative numbered lines numberwidth = 4, -- set number column width signcolumn = "yes", -- always show the sign column, otherwise it would shift text each time spell = false, -- spelllang = "en", -- scrolloff = 8, -- Minimal number of lines to keep above and below the cursor sidescrolloff = 8, -- same as above, except for left and right, if nowrap is set -- timeoutlen = 100, -- time to wait for a mapped sequence to complete (in milliseconds) undodir = UNDO_DIR, -- set an undo directory undofile = true, -- enable persistent undo updatetime = 300, -- faster completion wrap = false, -- display lines as one long line autoread = true, -- Detect changes in files if they are edited outside of nvim wildmenu = true, -- Shows possible matches when using tab completion showtabline = 2, -- always show tabs guifont = "Hack\\ Nerd\\ Font:h11", hidden = true, -- any buffer can be hidden (keeping its changes) } -- assign all options in default_options for k, v in pairs(default_options) do vim.opt[k] = v end -- completion global settings vim.o.completeopt = "menuone,noselect" -- good defaults for sessions vim.o.sessionoptions="blank,buffers,curdir,folds,help,options,tabpages,winsize,resize,winpos,terminal" -- colorscheme vim.g.tokyonight_style = "storm" vim.g.tokyonight_terminal_colors = true vim.g.tokyonight_italic_keywords = true vim.g.tokyonight_transparent = false vim.g.tokyonight_sidebars = { "terminal", "packer", "dapui_scopes", "dapui_breakpoints", "dapui_stacks", "dapui_watches", "dap-repl" } vim.cmd[[colorscheme tokyonight]] end ---------------------------- -- General Autocommands -- ---------------------------- M.load_commands = function() -- autocommands --- This function is taken from local function nvim_create_augroups(definitions) for group_name, definition in pairs(definitions) do vim.api.nvim_command('augroup '..group_name) vim.api.nvim_command('autocmd!') for _, def in ipairs(definition) do local command = table.concat(vim.tbl_flatten{'autocmd', def}, ' ') vim.api.nvim_command(command) end vim.api.nvim_command('augroup END') end end local autocmds = { -- reload_vimrc = { -- -- Reload vim config automatically -- {"BufWritePost",[[$VIM_PATH/{init.vim,*.vim,*.yaml} nested source $MYVIMRC | redraw]]}; -- }; packer = { { "BufWritePost", "plugins.lua", "PackerCompile" }; }; terminal_job = { { "TermOpen", "*", [[tnoremap <buffer> <Esc> <c-\><c-n>]] }; { "TermOpen", "*", "startinsert" }; { "TermOpen", "*", "setlocal listchars= nonumber norelativenumber" }; }; } nvim_create_augroups(autocmds) end return M
TOOL.Name = "UnitTestsServer" TOOL.Category = "Test" TOOL.Directory = "../tests" TOOL.EnableConsole = true TOOL.Kind = "Application" TOOL.TargetDirectory = TOOL.Directory TOOL.Defines = { "NDK_SERVER" } TOOL.Includes = { "../include" } TOOL.Files = { "../tests/main.cpp", "../tests/Engine/**.hpp", "../tests/Engine/**.cpp", "../tests/SDK/**.hpp", "../tests/SDK/**.cpp" } -- Excludes client-only files TOOL.FilesExcluded = { "../tests/Engine/Audio/**", "../tests/Engine/Graphics/**", "../tests/Engine/Platform/**", "../tests/SDK/NDK/Application.cpp", "../tests/SDK/NDK/Systems/ListenerSystem.cpp", "../tests/SDK/NDK/Systems/RenderSystem.cpp" } TOOL.Libraries = { "NazaraNetwork", "NazaraSDKServer" }
local S = technic.worldgen.gettext minetest.register_node( ":technic:mineral_uranium", { description = S("Uranium Ore"), tiles = { "default_stone.png^technic_mineral_uranium.png" }, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=3, radioactive=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), drop = "technic:uranium_lump", }) minetest.register_node( ":technic:mineral_chromium", { description = S("Chromium Ore"), tiles = { "default_stone.png^technic_mineral_chromium.png" }, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), drop = "technic:chromium_lump", }) minetest.register_node( ":technic:mineral_zinc", { description = S("Zinc Ore"), tiles = { "default_stone.png^technic_mineral_zinc.png" }, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), drop = "technic:zinc_lump", }) minetest.register_node( ":technic:mineral_lead", { description = S("Lead Ore"), tiles = { "default_stone.png^technic_mineral_lead.png" }, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), drop = "technic:lead_lump", }) minetest.register_node( ":technic:mineral_sulfur", { description = S("Sulfur Ore"), tiles = { "default_stone.png^technic_mineral_sulfur.png" }, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), drop = "technic:sulfur_lump", }) minetest.register_node( ":technic:granite", { description = S("Granite"), tiles = { "technic_granite.png" }, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node( ":technic:marble", { description = S("Marble"), tiles = { "technic_marble.png" }, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=3, marble=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node( ":technic:marble_bricks", { description = S("Marble Bricks"), tiles = { "technic_marble_bricks.png" }, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node(":technic:uranium_block", { description = S("Uranium Block"), tiles = { "technic_uranium_block.png" }, is_ground_content = true, groups = {uranium_block=1, cracky=1, level=2, radioactive=2}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults() }) minetest.register_node(":technic:chromium_block", { description = S("Chromium Block"), tiles = { "technic_chromium_block.png" }, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=1, level=2}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults() }) minetest.register_node(":technic:zinc_block", { description = S("Zinc Block"), tiles = { "technic_zinc_block.png" }, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=1, level=2}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults() }) minetest.register_node(":technic:lead_block", { description = S("Lead Block"), tiles = { "technic_lead_block.png" }, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=1, level=2}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults() }) minetest.register_alias("technic:wrought_iron_block", "default:steelblock") minetest.override_item("default:steelblock", { description = S("Wrought Iron Block"), tiles = { "technic_wrought_iron_block.png" }, }) minetest.register_node(":technic:cast_iron_block", { description = S("Cast Iron Block"), tiles = { "technic_cast_iron_block.png" }, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=1, level=2}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults() }) minetest.register_node(":technic:carbon_steel_block", { description = S("Carbon Steel Block"), tiles = { "technic_carbon_steel_block.png" }, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=1, level=2}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults() }) minetest.register_node(":technic:stainless_steel_block", { description = S("Stainless Steel Block"), tiles = { "technic_stainless_steel_block.png" }, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=1, level=2}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults() }) minetest.register_node(":technic:brass_block", { description = S("Brass Block"), tiles = { "technic_brass_block.png" }, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=1, level=2}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults() }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'technic:marble_bricks 4', recipe = { {'technic:marble','technic:marble'}, {'technic:marble','technic:marble'} } }) minetest.register_alias("technic:diamond_block", "default:diamondblock") minetest.register_alias("technic:diamond", "default:diamond") minetest.register_alias("technic:mineral_diamond", "default:stone_with_diamond") local function for_each_registered_node(action) local really_register_node = minetest.register_node minetest.register_node = function(name, def) really_register_node(name, def) action(name:gsub("^:", ""), def) end for name, def in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do action(name, def) end end for_each_registered_node(function(node_name, node_def) if node_name ~= "default:steelblock" and node_name:find("steelblock", 1, true) and node_def.description:find("Steel", 1, true) then minetest.override_item(node_name, { description = node_def.description:gsub("Steel", S("Wrought Iron")), }) end local tiles = node_def.tiles or node_def.tile_images if tiles then local new_tiles = {} local do_override = false if type(tiles) == "string" then tiles = {tiles} end for i, t in ipairs(tiles) do if type(t) == "string" and t == "default_steel_block.png" then do_override = true t = "technic_wrought_iron_block.png" end table.insert(new_tiles, t) end if do_override then minetest.override_item(node_name, { tiles = new_tiles }) end end end)
----------------------------------------------------------- -- Indent line configuration file ----------------------------------------------------------- -- Plugin: indent-blankline -- require('indent_blankline').setup { char = "▏", show_first_indent_level = false, filetype_exclude = { 'help', 'git', 'markdown', 'text', 'terminal', 'lspinfo', 'packer' }, buftype_exclude = { 'terminal', 'nofile' }, }
local Hups = {} function local hup = { vel = t.vel or 300, game = or false, gameover = false, segs = {{ x = t.x or 0, y = t.y or 0, a = t.a or 0, r = t.r or 20, col = t.hcol or {1.0,1.0,1.0} }}, } setmetatable(hup, {__index = Hups}) hup:init(t) return hup end function Hups.copy(hup) setmetatable(hup, {__index = Hups}) return hup end function Hups:init(t) t = t or {} local h = self.segs[1] for i = 1, (t.len or 3) do local seg = { x = h.x, y = h.y, a = h.a, r = h.r, col = {0.4,0.8,0.2} } table.insert(self.segs, #self.segs, seg) end end function Hups:getHead() return self.segs[#self.segs] end function Hups:setHead(h) self.segs[#self.segs] = h end function Hups:append(food) local h = self:getHead() local seg = { x = h.x, y = h.y, a = h.a, r = food.r, col = food.col } table.insert(self.segs, #self.segs, seg) end function Hups:update(dt) local mx, my = love.mouse.getPosition() -- Keep track of consumed energy local energy = 0 -- Update head position local h = self:getHead() local md2 = (my - h.y)^2 + (mx - h.x)^2 local md = math.sqrt(md2) local d = dt*math.min(self.vel, 4*md) local a = math.atan2(my - h.y, mx - h.x) h.a = a h.x = h.x + d*math.cos(a) h.y = h.y + d*math.sin(a) self:setHead(h) energy = energy + d*h.r -- Update other segment positions for i = #self.segs-1, 1, -1 do local sc = self.segs[i] local sp = self.segs[i+1] local d2 = (sp.y - sc.y)^2 + (sp.x - sc.x)^2 local d = math.sqrt(d2) local maxd = 0.75*(sp.r + sc.r) if d > maxd then d = d - maxd local a = math.atan2(sp.y - sc.y, sp.x - sc.x) sc.a = a sc.x = sc.x + d*math.cos(a) sc.y = sc.y + d*math.sin(a) energy = energy + d*sc.r end end if then -- Use food local seg = self.segs[1] -- New energy in last seg local ne = seg.r^2 - energy*0.01 - dt*100 if ne < 0 then -- Remove segment if used up if #self.segs > 1 then table.remove(self.segs, 1) else self.gameover = true end else seg.r = math.sqrt(ne) end end end local function drawSeg(seg, head) -- Translate to segment frame, seg.y)*math.pi) -- Draw circle"fill", 0, 0, seg.r),0,0)"line", 0, 0, seg.r) -- Draw details if head then local er = 3"fill", -0.5*seg.r, 0.5*seg.r, er)"fill", 0.5*seg.r, 0.5*seg.r, er) else local ll = 4"fill", -seg.r-0.5*ll, 0, ll)"fill", seg.r+0.5*ll, 0, ll) end end function Hups:draw() for i = 1, #self.segs-1 do drawSeg(self.segs[i]) end local h = self:getHead() drawSeg(h, true) end return Hups
local _2afile_2a = "fnl/snap/view/view.fnl" local _0_ do local name_0_ = "snap.view.view" local module_0_ do local x_0_ = package.loaded[name_0_] if ("table" == type(x_0_)) then module_0_ = x_0_ else module_0_ = {} end end module_0_["aniseed/module"] = name_0_ module_0_["aniseed/locals"] = ((module_0_)["aniseed/locals"] or {}) do end (module_0_)["aniseed/local-fns"] = ((module_0_)["aniseed/local-fns"] or {}) do end (package.loaded)[name_0_] = module_0_ _0_ = module_0_ end local autoload local function _1_(...) return (require("aniseed.autoload")).autoload(...) end autoload = _1_ local function _2_(...) local ok_3f_0_, val_0_ = nil, nil local function _2_() return {require("snap.common.buffer"), require("snap.common.register"), require("snap.view.size"), require("snap.common.tbl"), require("snap.common.window")} end ok_3f_0_, val_0_ = pcall(_2_) if ok_3f_0_ then _0_["aniseed/local-fns"] = {require = {buffer = "snap.common.buffer", register = "snap.common.register", size = "snap.view.size", tbl = "snap.common.tbl", window = "snap.common.window"}} return val_0_ else return print(val_0_) end end local _local_0_ = _2_(...) local buffer = _local_0_[1] local register = _local_0_[2] local size = _local_0_[3] local tbl = _local_0_[4] local window = _local_0_[5] local _2amodule_2a = _0_ local _2amodule_name_2a = "snap.view.view" do local _ = ({nil, _0_, nil, {{}, nil, nil, nil}})[2] end local function layout(config) local _let_0_ = config.layout() local col = _let_0_["col"] local height = _let_0_["height"] local row = _let_0_["row"] local width = _let_0_["width"] local index = (config.index - 1) local border = (index * size.border) local padding = (index * size.padding) local total_borders = ((config["total-views"] - 1) * size.border) local total_paddings = ((config["total-views"] - 1) * size.padding) local sizes = tbl.allocate((height - total_borders - total_paddings), config["total-views"]) local height0 = sizes[config.index] local col_offset = math.floor((width * size["view-width"])) return {col = (col + col_offset + (size.border * 2) + size.padding), focusable = false, height = height0, row = (row + tbl.sum(tbl.take(sizes, index)) + border + padding), width = (width - col_offset - size.padding - size.padding - size.border)} end local create do local v_0_ do local v_0_0 local function create0(config) local bufnr = buffer.create() local layout_config = layout(config) local winnr = window.create(bufnr, layout_config) vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(winnr, "cursorline", false) vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(winnr, "cursorcolumn", false) vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(winnr, "wrap", false) vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(winnr, "winhl", "Normal:SnapNormal,FloatBorder:SnapBorder") local function delete() if vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(winnr) then window.close(winnr) end if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then return buffer.delete(bufnr, {force = true}) end end local function update(view) if vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(winnr) then local layout_config0 = layout(config) window.update(winnr, layout_config0) vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(winnr, "cursorline", true) do end (view)["height"] = layout_config0.height view["width"] = layout_config0.width return nil end end local view = {bufnr = bufnr, delete = delete, height = layout_config.height, update = update, width = layout_config.width, winnr = winnr} vim.api.nvim_command("augroup SnapViewResize") vim.api.nvim_command("autocmd!") local function _3_() return view:update() end vim.api.nvim_command(string.format("autocmd VimResized * %s", register["get-autocmd-call"]("VimResized", _3_))) vim.api.nvim_command("augroup END") return view end v_0_0 = create0 _0_["create"] = v_0_0 v_0_ = v_0_0 end local t_0_ = (_0_)["aniseed/locals"] t_0_["create"] = v_0_ create = v_0_ end return nil
-- -- Copyright (c) 2016-present, Facebook, Inc. -- All rights reserved. -- -- This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the -- LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant -- of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory. -- package.path = package.path .. ';../?.lua' local utils = require 'utils.utils' utils.require_torch() utils.require_cutorch() local playoutv2 = require('mctsv2.playout_multithread') local common = require("common.common") local goutils = require 'utils.goutils' local CNNPlayerV2 = require 'cnnPlayerV2.cnnPlayerV2Framework' local board = require 'board.board' local pl = require 'pl.import_into'() local opt = pl.lapp[[ --rollout (default 1000) The number of rollout we use. --dcnn_rollout (default -1) The number of dcnn rollout we use (If we set to -1, then it is the same as rollout), if cpu_only is set, then dcnn_rollout is not used. --dp_max_depth (default 10000) The max_depth of default policy. -v,--verbose (default 1) The verbose level (1 = critical, 2 = info, 3 = debug) --print_tree Whether print the search tree. --max_send_attempts (default 3) #attempts to send to the server. --pipe_path (default "/data/local/go/") Pipe path --tier_name (default "ai.go-evaluator") Tier name --server_type (default "local") We can choose "local" or "cluster". For open source version, for now "cluster" is not usable. --tree_to_json Whether we save the tree to json file for visualization. Note that pipe_path will be used. --num_tree_thread (default 16) The number of threads used to expand MCTS tree. --num_gpu (default 1) The number of gpus to use for local play. --sigma (default 0) Sigma used to perturb the win rate in MCTS search. --use_sigma_over_n use sigma / n (or sqrt(nparent/n)). This makes sigma small for nodes with confident win rate estimation. --num_virtual_games (default 0) Number of virtual games we use. --acc_prob_thres (default 0.8) Accumulated probability threshold. We remove the remove if by the time we see it, the accumulated prob is greater than this thres. --max_num_move (default 20) Maximum number of moves to consider in each tree node. --min_num_move (default 1) Minimum number of moves to consider in each tree node. --decision_mixture_ratio (default 5.0) Mixture MCTS count ratio with cnn_confidence. --time_limit (default 0) Limit time for each move in second. If set to 0, then there is no time limit. --win_rate_thres (default 0.0) If the win rate is lower than that, resign. --use_pondering Whether we use pondering --exec (default "") Whether we run an initial script --setup_board (default "") Setup board. The argument is "sgfname moveto" --dynkomi_factor (default 0.0) Use dynkomi_factor --num_playout_per_rollout (default 1) Number of playouts per rollouts. --single_move_return Use single move return (When we only have one choice, return the move immediately) --expand_search_endgame Whether we expand the search in end game. --default_policy (default "v2") The default policy used. Could be "simple", "v2". --default_policy_pattern_file (default "../models/playout-model.bin") The patter file --default_policy_temperature (default 0.125) The temperature we use for sampling. --online_model_alpha (default 0.0) Whether we use online model and its alpha --online_prior_mixture_ratio (default 0.0) Online prior mixture ratio. --use_rave Whether we use RAVE. --use_cnn_final_score Whether we use CNN final score. --min_ply_to_use_cnn_final_score (default 100) When to use cnn final score. --final_mixture_ratio (default 0.5) The mixture ratio we used. --percent_playout_in_expansion (default 0) The percent of threads that will run playout when we expand the node. Other threads will block wait. --use_old_uct Use old uct --use_async Open async model. --cpu_only Whether we only use fast rollout. --expand_n_thres (default 0) Statistics collected before expand. --sample_topn (default -1) If use v2, topn we should sample.. --rule (default cn) Use JP rule : jp, use CN rule: cn --heuristic_tm_total_time (default 0) Time for heuristic tm (0 mean you don't use it). --min_rollout_peekable (default 20000) The command peek will return if the minimal number of rollouts exceed this threshold --save_sgf_per_move If so, then we save sgf file for each move --use_formal_params If so, then use formal parameters ]] local function load_params_for_formal_game() opt.rollout = 10000000 -- (default 1000) The number of rollout we use. opt.dcnn_rollout = -1 -- The number of dcnn rollout we use (If we set to -1, then it is the same as rollout), if cpu_only is set, then dcnn_rollout is not used. opt.dp_max_depth = 10000 -- (default 10000) The max_depth of default policy. opt.verbose = 1 -- (default 1) The verbose level (1 = critical, 2 = info, 3 = debug) opt.print_tree = false -- Whether print the search tree. opt.max_send_attempts = 3 -- (default 3) #attempts to send to the server. --opt.pipe_path = "/home/huanghe/lxt/data" -- (default "/data/local/go/") Pipe path opt.tier_name = "ai.go-evaluator" -- (default "ai.go-evaluator") Tier name opt.server_type = "local" -- (default "local") We can choose "local" or "cluster" opt.tree_to_json = false -- Whether we save the tree to json file for visualization. Note that pipe_path will be used. opt.num_tree_thread = 64 -- (default 16) The number of threads used to expand MCTS tree. opt.num_virtual_games = 5 opt.acc_prob_thres = 1 -- (default 0.8) Accumulated probability threshold. We remove the remove if by the time we see it, the accumulated prob is greater than this thres. opt.max_num_move = 7 -- (default 20) Maximum number of moves to consider in each tree node. opt.min_num_move = 1 -- (default 1) Minimum number of moves to consider in each tree node. opt.decision_mixture_ratio = 5.0 -- (default 5.0) Mixture MCTS count ratio with cnn_confidence. opt.win_rate_thres = -1 -- (default 0.0) If the win rate is lower than that, resign. opt.use_pondering = true -- Whether we use pondering opt.dynkomi_factor = 0.035 -- (default 0.0) Use dynkomi_factor opt.single_move_return = false -- Use single move return (When we only have one choice, return the move immediately) opt.expand_search_endgame = false -- Whether we expand the search in end game. opt.default_policy= "v2" -- (default "v2") The default policy used. Could be "simple", "pachi", "v2". opt.default_policy_pattern_file = "../models/playout-model.bin" -- The default policy pattern file opt.default_policy_temperature = 0.5 opt.online_model_alpha = 0.0 -- (default 0.0) Whether we use online model and its alpha opt.online_prior_mixture_ratio = 0.0 -- (default 0.0) Online prior mixture ratio. opt.use_rave = false -- Whether we use RAVE. opt.use_cnn_final_score = false -- Whether we use CNN final score. opt.min_ply_to_use_cnn_final_score = 100 -- (default 100) When to use cnn final score. opt.final_mixture_ratio = 0.35 -- (default 0.5) The mixture ratio we used. opt.use_old_uct = false opt.percent_playout_in_expansion = 5 opt.use_async = false -- Open async model. opt.cpu_only = false -- Whether we only use fast rollout. opt.expand_n_thres = 0 -- (default 0) Statistics collected before expand. opt.sample_topn = -1 -- (default -1) If use v2, topn we should sample.. opt.rule = "cn" -- (default cn) Use JP rule : jp, use CN rule: cn opt.num_playout_per_rollout = 1 --opt.save_sgf_per_move = true end if opt.use_formal_params then load_params_for_formal_game() end -- io.stderr:write("Loading model = " .. opt.input) local function set_playout_params_from_opt() playoutv2.params.print_search_tree = opt.print_tree and common.TRUE or common.FALSE playoutv2.params.pipe_path = opt.pipe_path playoutv2.params.tier_name = opt.tier_name playoutv2.params.server_type = opt.server_type == "local" and playoutv2.server_local or playoutv2.server_cluster playoutv2.params.verbose = opt.verbose playoutv2.params.num_gpu = opt.num_gpu playoutv2.params.dynkomi_factor = opt.dynkomi_factor playoutv2.params.cpu_only = opt.cpu_only and common.TRUE or common.FALSE playoutv2.params.rule = opt.rule == "jp" and board.japanese_rule or board.chinese_rule -- Whether to use heuristic time manager. If so, then (total time is info->common_params->heuristic_tm_total_time) if opt.heuristic_tm_total_time > 0 then -- 1. Gradually add more time per move for the first 30 moves (ply < 60). (1 sec -> 15 sec, 15s * 30 / 2 = 225 s) -- 2. Keep 15 sec move, 31-100 move ( 70 * 15sec = 1050 s) -- 3. Decrease the time linearly, 101-130 (30 * 15/2 = 225s) -- 4. Once we enter the region that time_left < 120s, try 1sec per move. -- If the total time is x, then the max_time_spent y could be computed as: -- y * ply1 / 4 + (ply2 - ply1) / 2 * y + y * (ply3 - ply2) / 4 < alpha * x -- y * [ -ply1/4 + ply2/4 + ply3 / 4] < alpha * x -- y < 4 * alpha * x / (ply2 + ply3 - ply1) -- For x = 1800sec, we have y = 4 * alpha * 1800 / (200 + 260 - 60) = 12.5 sec. local alpha = 0.75; playoutv2.params.heuristic_tm_total_time = opt.heuristic_tm_total_time playoutv2.params.max_time_spent = 4 * alpha * opt.heuristic_tm_total_time / (playoutv2.thres_ply2 + playoutv2.thres_ply3 - playoutv2.thres_ply1); playoutv2.params.min_time_spent = playoutv2.min_time_spent; end playoutv2.tree_params.max_depth_default_policy = opt.dp_max_depth playoutv2.tree_params.max_send_attempts = opt.max_send_attempts playoutv2.tree_params.verbose = opt.verbose playoutv2.tree_params.time_limit = opt.time_limit playoutv2.tree_params.num_receiver = opt.num_gpu playoutv2.tree_params.sigma = opt.sigma playoutv2.tree_params.use_pondering = opt.use_pondering playoutv2.tree_params.use_cnn_final_score = opt.use_cnn_final_score and common.TRUE or common.FALSE playoutv2.tree_params.final_mixture_ratio = opt.final_mixture_ratio playoutv2.tree_params.min_ply_to_use_cnn_final_score = opt.min_ply_to_use_cnn_final_score playoutv2.tree_params.num_tree_thread = opt.num_tree_thread playoutv2.tree_params.rcv_acc_percent_thres = opt.acc_prob_thres * 100.0 playoutv2.tree_params.rcv_max_num_move = opt.max_num_move playoutv2.tree_params.rcv_min_num_move = opt.min_num_move playoutv2.tree_params.decision_mixture_ratio = opt.decision_mixture_ratio playoutv2.tree_params.single_move_return = opt.single_move_return and common.TRUE or common.FALSE playoutv2.tree_params.default_policy_choice = playoutv2.dp_table[opt.default_policy] playoutv2.tree_params.pattern_filename = opt.default_policy_pattern_file playoutv2.tree_params.use_online_model = math.abs(opt.online_model_alpha) < 1e-6 and common.FALSE or common.TRUE playoutv2.tree_params.online_model_alpha = opt.online_model_alpha playoutv2.tree_params.online_prior_mixture_ratio = opt.online_prior_mixture_ratio playoutv2.tree_params.use_rave = opt.use_rave and common.TRUE or common.FALSE playoutv2.tree_params.use_async = opt.use_async and common.TRUE or common.FALSE playoutv2.tree_params.expand_n_thres = opt.expand_n_thres playoutv2.tree_params.num_virtual_games = opt.num_virtual_games playoutv2.tree_params.percent_playout_in_expansion = opt.percent_playout_in_expansion playoutv2.tree_params.default_policy_sample_topn = opt.sample_topn playoutv2.tree_params.default_policy_temperature = opt.default_policy_temperature playoutv2.tree_params.use_old_uct = opt.use_old_uct and common.TRUE or common.FALSE playoutv2.tree_params.use_sigma_over_n = opt.use_sigma_over_n and common.TRUE or common.FALSE playoutv2.tree_params.num_playout_per_rollout = opt.num_playout_per_rollout end local tr local count = 0 local signature local function prepare_prefix() if opt.tree_to_json then local prefix = paths.concat(opt.pipe_path, signature, string.format("mcts_%04d", count)) count = count + 1 return prefix end end local callbacks = { } function callbacks.set_komi(komi, handi) if komi ~= nil then playoutv2.set_params(tr, { komi = komi }) end -- for large handi game, cnn need to give more candidate, so mcts could possibly be more aggressive local changed_params if handi and handi <= -5 then changed_params = { dynkomi_factor=1.0 } end if changed_params then if playoutv2.set_params(tr, changed_params) then playoutv2.print_params(tr) end end end function callbacks.adjust_params_in_game(b, isCanada) -- When we are at the end of game, pay attention to local tactics. if not opt.expand_search_endgame then return end local changed_params if isCanada then -- enter canada time setting, so lower the rollout number local min_rollout = 7500 changed_params = {num_rollout = min_rollout, num_rollout_per_move = min_rollout} else if b._ply >= 230 then -- Try avoid blunder if there is any. -- changed_params = { rcv_max_num_move = 7, rcv_min_num_move = 3 } elseif b._ply >= 150 then changed_params = { rcv_max_num_move = 5 } end end if changed_params then if playoutv2.set_params(tr, changed_params) then playoutv2.print_params(tr) end end end function callbacks.on_time_left(sec_left, num_moves) playoutv2.set_time_left(tr, sec_left, num_moves) end function callbacks.new_game() set_playout_params_from_opt() if tr then playoutv2.restart(tr) else local rs = { rollout = opt.rollout, dcnn_rollout_per_move = (opt.dcnn_rollout == -1 and opt.rollout or opt.dcnn_rollout), rollout_per_move = opt.rollout } tr = end count = 0 signature = utils.get_signature() io.stderr:write("New MCTS game, signature: " .. signature) os.execute("mkdir -p " .. paths.concat(opt.pipe_path, signature)) playoutv2.print_params(tr) end function callbacks.quit_func() if tr then end end function callbacks.move_predictor(b, player) local prefix = prepare_prefix() local m = playoutv2.play_rollout(tr, prefix, b) if prefix then io.stderr:write("Save tree to " .. prefix) end return m.x + 1, m.y + 1, m.win_rate end function callbacks.move_receiver(x, y, player) local prefix = prepare_prefix() playoutv2.prune_xy(tr, x, y, player, prefix) end function callbacks.peek_simulation(num_simulation) return playoutv2.set_params(tr, { min_rollout_peekable = num_simulation }) end function callbacks.move_peeker(b, player, topk) return playoutv2.peek_rollout(tr, topk, b) end function callbacks.undo_func(b, undone_move) if goutils.coord_is_pass(undone_move) then playoutv2.undo_pass(tr, b) else playoutv2.set_board(tr, b) end end function callbacks.set_board(b) playoutv2.set_board(tr, b) end function callbacks.thread_switch(arg) if arg == "on" then playoutv2.thread_on(tr) elseif arg == 'off' then playoutv2.thread_off(tr) else io.stderr:write("Command " .. arg .. " is not recognized!") end end function callbacks.set_move_history(history) for _, h in pairs(history) do playoutv2.add_move_history(tr, unpack(h)) end end function callbacks.set_verbose_level(verbose_level) if playoutv2.set_params(tr, { verbose = verbose_level }) then playoutv2.print_params(tr) end end local opt2 = { rule = opt.rule, win_rate_thres = opt.win_rate_thres, exec = opt.exec, setup_board = opt.setup_board, default_policy = opt.default_policy, default_policy_pattern_file = opt.default_policy_pattern_file, default_policy_temperature = opt.default_policy_temperature, default_policy_sample_topn = opt.sample_topn, save_sgf_per_move = opt.save_sgf_per_move } local cnnplayer = CNNPlayerV2("CNNPlayerV2MCTS", "go_player_v2_mcts", "1.0", callbacks, opt2) cnnplayer:mainloop()
resource_manifest_version '77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5' dependency "vrp" server_script { "@vrp/lib/utils.lua", "init-server.lua" } client_script { "@vrp/lib/utils.lua", "init-client.lua" } files { "client.lua" }
function factions.start_diplomacy(name, faction) for l, i in factions.factions.iterate() do local fac = factions.factions.get(l) if l ~= name and not (faction.neutral[l] or faction.allies[l] or faction.enemies[l]) then if factions_config.faction_diplomacy == true then factions.new_neutral(name, l) factions.new_neutral(l, name) else factions.new_enemy(name, l) factions.new_enemy(l, name) end end end end function factions.new_alliance(name, faction) local bfaction = factions.factions.get(name) bfaction.allies[faction] = true factions.on_new_alliance(name, faction) if bfaction.enemies[faction] then factions.end_enemy(name, faction) end if bfaction.neutral[faction] then factions.end_neutral(name, faction) end factions.factions.set(name, bfaction) end function factions.end_alliance(name, faction) local bfaction = factions.factions.get(name) bfaction.allies[faction] = nil factions.on_end_alliance(name, faction) factions.factions.set(name, bfaction) end function factions.new_neutral(name, faction) local bfaction = factions.factions.get(name) bfaction.neutral[faction] = true factions.on_new_neutral(name, faction) if bfaction.allies[faction] then factions.end_alliance(name, faction) end if bfaction.enemies[faction] then factions.end_enemy(name, faction) end factions.factions.set(name, bfaction) end function factions.end_neutral(name, faction) local bfaction = factions.factions.get(name) bfaction.neutral[faction] = nil factions.on_end_neutral(name, faction) factions.factions.set(name, bfaction) end function factions.new_enemy(name, faction) local bfaction = factions.factions.get(name) bfaction.enemies[faction] = true factions.on_new_enemy(name, faction) if bfaction.allies[faction] then factions.end_alliance(name, faction) end if bfaction.neutral[faction] then factions.end_neutral(name, faction) end factions.factions.set(name, bfaction) end function factions.end_enemy(name, faction) local bfaction = factions.factions.get(name) bfaction.enemies[faction] = nil factions.on_end_enemy(name, faction) factions.factions.set(name, bfaction) end
local luarpc = require("luarpc") local r = {} -- Globals local default_arq_interface = "interface.lua" local states = { FOLLOWER = "follower", CANDIDATE = "candidate", LEADER = "leader" } local msgs = { OK = "ok", NO = "no", VOTE = "vote", VOTEREQUEST = "voterequest", HEARTBEAT = "beat" } local default_IP = "" --- Auxiliary local function printt(t) for k, v in pairs(t) do print(k, v) end end local function getRandomTimeout(a,b) a = a or 2 b = b or 6 return math.random(a, b) end local function getWaitTime(n) -- retorna a divisao inteira de (n / 3), caso o resultado seja 0 retorna 1 local wait = n // 3 if wait < 0 then wait = 1 end return wait end r.buildRaftObj = function (IP, arq_interface) IP = IP or default_IP arq_interface = arq_interface or default_arq_interface local me = {} me.timeout = { [states.CANDIDATE] = nil, [states.FOLLOWER] = nil , [states.LEADER] = nil} me.state = states.FOLLOWER me.currTime = 0 -- contabiliza a passagem de tempo desde o ultimo heartbeat ou troca de estado me.leader = nil = nil -- id vai ser a porta me.peers = {} me.numberOfPeers = 0 me.majority = 0 me.shutdown = false; me.failureTime = 0 me.myTerm = 0 me.term = 0 me.votedFor = nil me.shouldVote = false me.votes = 0 -- changing glogal print so it prints the peer's id local realPrint = print local print = function(s) if me ~= nil and ~= nil and (s ~= nil and type(s) ~= "table")then local timestamp = luarpc.gettime() realPrint(timestamp .. " --- id[" .. .. "]: " .. s) else realPrint(s) end end local function printMe() local myString = "\n Timeout: " .. me.timeout[me.state] .. " State: " .. me.state .. " My term: " .. me.myTerm if me.numberOfPeers > 0 then myString = myString .. "\n Peers:" for k, _ in pairs(me.peers) do myString = myString .. "\n\t" .. k end end myString = myString .. "\n Leader: " if me.leader then myString = myString .. me.leader else myString = myString .. "nil" end print(myString) end local function heartbeat() for port, peer in pairs(me.peers) do if port ~= then print("heartbeating: " .. port) peer.appendEntry(me.term) -- FIXME: What to send here? end end end local function elected() -- me.timeout[states.CANDIDATE] = 0 -- FIXME: Do i need to reset the timer???? me.state = states.LEADER me.votes = 0 me.currTime = me.timeout[states.LEADER] + 1 -- making sure it will timeout and send the heatbeat in the control loop print("Got Elected") end local function processVote(msg) if msg.value == msgs.OK and me.state == states.CANDIDATE then me.votes = me.votes + 1 if me.votes >= me.majority then elected() end end end local function callElection() me.term = me.term + 1 me.state = states.CANDIDATE me.votes = 1 -- my vote me.votedFor = me.shouldVote = false local votes = {} for peer, _ in pairs(me.peers) do -- FIXME: extract method "broadcast(msg)" if(peer ~= then me.peers[peer].receiveMessage({term = me.term, from =, to = peer, type = msgs.VOTEREQUEST, value = ""}) end end end local function wait() local timeToWait = getWaitTime(me.timeout[me.state]) if me.failureTime > 0 then timeToWait = me.failureTime me.failureTime = 0 end print("Will wait " .. timeToWait) luarpc.wait(timeToWait) -- BUG AQUI, As vezes o wait não aguarda end local function castVote(peer, response) local to = tonumber(peer) me.peers[to].receiveMessage({term = me.term, from =, to = to, type = msgs.VOTE, value = response}) end local function checkVoteRequest(msg) if msg.term < me.term then return false end if me.votedFor ~= nil and me.votedFor ~= msg.from then return false end return true end local function initializeProxies() for port, _ in pairs(me.peers) do print('Hello') me.peers[port] = luarpc.createProxy(IP, port, arq_interface) end end -- CORE FUNCTION me.initializeNode = function() me.state = states.FOLLOWER me.leader = nil me.shutdown = false me.majority = (me.numberOfPeers // 2 + 1) me.timeout[states.FOLLOWER] = getRandomTimeout(9, 12) -- timeout to call election me.timeout[states.CANDIDATE] = getRandomTimeout(6, 9) -- timeout to abort current election and retry me.timeout[states.LEADER] = getRandomTimeout(3, 6) -- timeout for heartbeat initializeProxies() print("Initializing node") printMe() while me.shutdown == false do local timeBefore = luarpc.gettime() wait() me.currTime = me.currTime + (luarpc.gettime() - timeBefore) if me.failureTime > 0 then -- Failure execution if me.currTime >= me.failureTime then me.failureTime = 0 me.currTime = 0 end else -- Normal Execution if me.state == states.FOLLOWER and me.votedFor ~= nil and me.shouldVote then --should cast my vote castVote(me.votedFor, msgs.OK) me.shouldVote = false me.currTime = 0 -- reset time when voting end -- controle de timeouts if me.currTime > me.timeout[me.state] then me.currTime = 0 -- reset timeout if me.state == states.FOLLOWER then -- FIXME extract a method me.state = states.CANDIDATE print("TIMEOUT --- BEGIN ELECTION") callElection() elseif me.state == states.LEADER then print("LEADER WILL HEARTBEAT") heartbeat() else -- CANDIDATE election timeout print("ELECTION TIMEOUT --- NEW ELECTION") callElection() end end end end end -- CORE FUNCTION -- msg { term, from, to, type, value} me.receiveMessage = function(msg) local returnMsg = msgs.OK if msg == nil or me.failureTime > 0 or me.shutdown then if msg == nil then print("ERRO MENSAGEM RECEBIDA NIL") else print("Mensagem recebida>> " .. msg.type .. " from: " .. msg.from .. " msgTerm: " .. msg.term) print("Will not respond! On falure") end return end print("Mensagem recebida>> " .. msg.type .. " from: " .. msg.from .. " msgTerm: " .. msg.term) if msg.term > me.term then me.votedFor = nil -- making sure that i can cast a vote in each term end if msg.type == msgs.VOTEREQUEST then returnMsg = msgs.OK if checkVoteRequest(msg) then print("Will vote for ".. msg.from) me.votedFor = msg.from me.shouldVote = true else print("Will not vote for " .. msg.from .. " My term: " .. me.term .. " his term: " .. msg.term) end elseif msg.type == msgs.VOTE then print("Got a vote") processVote(msg) else print("No action for msg received " .. msg.type) end if msg.term > me.term then me.term = msg.term if me.state == states.LEADER then me.state = states.FOLLOWER -- How to know who is the new leader? Just wait for a hearbeat?? me.currTime = 0 end end return returnMsg end -- CORE FUNCTION me.stopNode = function(time) if time == 0 then print("Should shutdown") me.shutdown = true else me.failureTime = time end end -- CORE FUNCTION me.appendEntry = function(msg) print("Received heartBeat") me.currTime = 0 -- FIXME: How to check if the appendEntry is from the correct leader? return "OK" end -- CORE FUNCTION me.snapshot = function() printMe() return end return me end return r
local M = {} M.intersects = function(row, col, sRow, sCol, eRow, eCol) if sRow > row or eRow < row then return false end if sRow == row and sCol > col then return false end if eRow == row and eCol < col then return false end return true end return M
--[[ Copyright (C) 2018 HarpyWar ([email protected]) This file is a part of the plugin ]]-- require("ts3defs") -- Run with "/lua run mybadges.clear" local function clear(serverConnectionHandlerID) mybadges_events.onMenuItemEvent(serverConnectionHandlerID, nil, 2, nil) end -- Run with "/lua run" local function show(serverConnectionHandlerID) mybadges_events.onMenuItemEvent(serverConnectionHandlerID, nil, 1, nil) end local function set_badge(sid, badge_id, idx) if badge_id < 0 or badge_id > #badgelist then ts3.printMessageToCurrentTab("Invalid badge ID: " .. badge_id) do return end end if (badge_id == 0) then enableoverwolf[sid] = 1 else if (#enabledbadges[sid] < 3) then table.insert(enabledbadges[sid], badgelist[badge_id + mybadges_offset][1]) end end end -- Run with "/lua run mybadges.set 1 1 16 0" local function set(serverConnectionHandlerID, badge1, badge2, badge3, badge4) local sid = ts3.getServerVariableAsString(serverConnectionHandlerID, ts3defs.VirtualServerProperties.VIRTUALSERVER_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER) -- clear enabledbadges[sid] = {} enableoverwolf[sid] = 0 -- add if (badge1 ~= nil) then set_badge(sid, badge1, 1) end if (badge2 ~= nil) then set_badge(sid, badge2, 2) end if (badge3 ~= nil) then set_badge(sid, badge3, 3) end if (badge4 ~= nil) then set_badge(sid, badge4, 4) end show(serverConnectionHandlerID) end mybadges = { show = show, clear = clear, set = set }
------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This script is created by zdroid9770; please do not edit this -- -- script and claim it as your own, as of All rights are claimed -- -- by me. -- -- Copyright (c) zdroid9770 -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ ----Quotes ----Spells-ID Heal-15586 Mind Blast-15587 Renew-8362 Shadow Bolt-15537 Shadow Word: Pain-15654 ]]-- function PMBB_OnCombat(pUnit, event) pUnit:RegisterEvent("PMBB_Heal", 5000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("PMBB_MindBlast", 25000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("PMBB_SWPain", 30000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("PMBB_Renew", 35000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("PMBB_ShadowBolt", 40000, 0) end function PMBB_Heal(pUnit, Event) pUnit:FullCastSpell(15586) end function PMBB_MindBlast(pUnit, Event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(15587) end function PMBB_SWPain(pUnit, Event) pUnit:CastSpellOnTarget(15654) end function PMBB_ShadowBolt(Unit, Event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(15537) end function PMBB_Renew(Unit, Event) pUnit:FullCastSpell(8362) end function PMBB_OnLeaveCombat(pUnit, event) pUnit:RemoveEvents() end function PMBB_OnDeath(pUnit, event) pUnit:RemoveEvents() end RegisterUnitEvent(8929, 1, "PMBB_OnCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(8929, 2, "PMBB_OnLeaveCombat") RegisterUnitEvent(8929, 4, "PMBB_OnDeath")
local migrations = { ["yatm_machines:battery_bank_off"] = "yatm_energy_storage:battery_bank_off", ["yatm_machines:battery_bank_on"] = "yatm_energy_storage:battery_bank_on0", ["yatm_energy_storage:battery_bank_on"] = "yatm_energy_storage:battery_bank_on0", ["yatm_machines:battery_bank_error"] = "yatm_energy_storage:battery_bank_error0", ["yatm_energy_storage:battery_bank_error"] = "yatm_energy_storage:battery_bank_error0", ["yatm_machines:energy_cell_basic_creative"] = "yatm_energy_storage:energy_cell_basic_creative", ["yatm_machines:energy_cell_normal_creative"] = "yatm_energy_storage:energy_cell_normal_creative", ["yatm_machines:energy_cell_dense_creative"] = "yatm_energy_storage:energy_cell_dense_creative", } for i = 0,7 do migrations["yatm_machines:energy_cell_basic_" .. i] = "yatm_energy_storage:energy_cell_basic_" .. i migrations["yatm_machines:energy_cell_normal_" .. i] = "yatm_energy_storage:energy_cell_normal_" .. i migrations["yatm_machines:energy_cell_dense_" .. i] = "yatm_energy_storage:energy_cell_dense_" .. i end for from, to in pairs(migrations) do minetest.register_lbm({ name = "yatm_energy_storage:migrate_" .. string.gsub(from, ":", "_"), nodenames = { from, }, run_at_every_load = false, action = function (pos, node) = to minetest.swap_node(pos, node) end }) end
--- Map object. Inherited from @{l2df.class.entity.scene|l2df.class.entity.Scene} class. -- @classmod -- @author Abelidze -- @copyright Atom-TM 2020 local core = l2df or require(((...):match('(.-)class.+$') or '') .. 'core') assert(type(core) == 'table' and core.version >= 1.0, 'Entities works only with l2df v1.0 and higher') local Scene = core.import 'class.entity.scene' local Render = core.import 'class.component.render' local Frames = core.import 'class.component.frames' local States = core.import 'class.component.states' local World = core.import '' local Transform = core.import 'class.component.transform' local Renderer = core.import 'manager.render' local Map = Scene:extend({ name = 'map' }) --- Map initialization. Components: -- @{l2df.class.component.transform|Transform}, -- @{l2df.class.component.frames|Frames}, -- @{l2df.class.component.states|States}, -- @{l2df.class.component.render|Render}, -- @{|World} (instance). -- @param[opt] table kwargs Keyword arguments. -- @param[opt=false] boolean kwargs.hidden Initial map hidden state. function Map:init(kwargs) kwargs.width = kwargs.width or Renderer.minwidth kwargs.height = kwargs.height or Renderer.minheight self:super(kwargs) = kwargs.hidden or false self:addComponent(Transform, kwargs) self:addComponent(Frames, kwargs) self:addComponent(States, kwargs) self:addComponent(Render, kwargs) self:addComponent(World(), kwargs) end return Map
---------------------------------------------------------- dependencies -- ; local capi = {root=root} local naughty = require('naughty') local gears = require("gears") local awful = require("awful") local beautiful = require('beautiful') local modkey = "Mod4" local altkey = "Mod1" local machina = require("machina.methods") local backham = require("machina.backham") local focus_by_direction = machina.focus_by_direction local shift_by_direction = machina.shift_by_direction local expand_horizontal = machina.expand_horizontal local shuffle = machina.shuffle local my_shifter = machina.my_shifter local expand_vertical = machina.expand_vertical local move_to = machina.move_to local toggle_always_on = machina.toggle_always_on local teleport_client = machina.teleport_client local get_client_info = machina.get_client_info local focus_by_index = machina.focus_by_index local focus_by_number = machina.focus_by_number local set_region = machina.set_region local align_floats = machina.align_floats ---------------------------------------------------------- key bindings -- ; local bindings = { awful.key({altkey},"Tab", shuffle("backward")), awful.key({altkey, "Shift"}, "Tab", shuffle("forward")), -- awful.key({modkey}, "#10", focus_by_number(1)), -- awful.key({modkey}, "#11", focus_by_number(2)), -- awful.key({modkey}, "#12", focus_by_number(3)), -- awful.key({modkey}, "#13", focus_by_number(4)), -- awful.key({modkey}, "#14", focus_by_number(5)), awful.key({modkey}, "[", shuffle("backward")), awful.key({modkey}, "]", shuffle("forward")), --▨ move -- awful.key({modkey}, "Tab", focus_by_index("backward")), -- awful.key({modkey, "Shift"}, "Tab", focus_by_index("forward")), awful.key({modkey}, ";", align_floats("right")), awful.key({modkey, "Shift"}, ";", align_floats("left")), --▨ alignment awful.key({modkey}, "x", function () c = client.focus or nil if not c then return end if c.floating then c.minimized = true return end shuffle("backward")(c) end), awful.key({modkey, "Shift"}, "x", function () c = client.focus or nil if not c then return end if c.floating then c.minimized = true return end shuffle("forward")(c) end), --▨ shuffle awful.key({modkey, "Shift"}, "[", my_shifter("backward")), awful.key({modkey, "Shift"}, "]", my_shifter("forward")), --▨ move awful.key({modkey, "Control"}, "[", my_shifter("backward", "swap")), awful.key({modkey, "Control"}, "]", my_shifter("forward", "swap")), --▨ swap awful.key({modkey}, "'", function () naughty.notify({text=inspect(client.focus.transient_for)}) end), --▨ shuffle awful.key({modkey}, "j", focus_by_direction("left")), awful.key({modkey}, "k", focus_by_direction("down")), awful.key({modkey}, "l", focus_by_direction("right")), awful.key({modkey}, "i", focus_by_direction("up")), --▨ focus awful.key({modkey, "Shift"}, "j", shift_by_direction("left")), awful.key({modkey, "Shift"}, "l", shift_by_direction("right")), awful.key({modkey, "Shift"}, "k", shift_by_direction("down")), awful.key({modkey, "Shift"}, "i", shift_by_direction("up")), --▨ move awful.key({modkey, "Control"}, "j", shift_by_direction("left", "swap")), awful.key({modkey, "Control"}, "l", shift_by_direction("right", "swap")), awful.key({modkey, "Control"}, "k", shift_by_direction("down", "swap")), awful.key({modkey, "Control"}, "i", shift_by_direction("up","swap")), --▨ swap awful.key({modkey}, "Insert", move_to("top-left")), awful.key({modkey}, "Delete", move_to("bottom-left")), awful.key({modkey}, "u", expand_horizontal("center")), awful.key({modkey}, "Home", expand_horizontal("center")), awful.key({modkey}, "Page_Up", move_to("top-right")), awful.key({modkey}, "Page_Down", move_to("bottom-right")), --▨ move (positional) awful.key({modkey, "Shift"}, "Insert", expand_horizontal("left")), awful.key({modkey, "Shift"}, "End", toggle_always_on), awful.key({modkey, "Shift"}, "Home", move_to("center")), awful.key({modkey, "Shift"}, "Page_Up", expand_horizontal("right")), awful.key({modkey, "Shift"}, "Page_Down", expand_vertical), --▨ expand (neighbor) awful.key({modkey}, "End", function(c) client.focus.maximized_vertical = false client.focus.maximized_horizontal = false awful.client.floating.toggle() end), --|toggle floating status awful.key({modkey}, "Left", focus_by_direction("left")), awful.key({modkey}, "Down", focus_by_direction("down")), awful.key({modkey}, "Right", focus_by_direction("right")), awful.key({modkey}, "Up", focus_by_direction("up")), --▨ focus awful.key({modkey,}, "o", teleport_client), --|client teleport to other screen } --------------------------------------------------------------- signals -- ; tag.connect_signal("property::selected", function(t) if client.focus == nil then local s = awful.screen.focused() client.focus = awful.client.focus.history.get(s, 0) end end) --|ensure there is always a selected client during tag --|switching or logins client.connect_signal("manage", function(c) c.maximized = false c.maximized_horizontal = false c.maximized_vertical = false end) --|during reload maximized clients get messed up, as machi --|also tries to best fit the windows. this resets the --|maximized state during a reload problem is with our hack --|to use maximized, we should look into using machi --|resize_handler instead client.connect_signal("request::activate", function(c) c.hidden = false -- c.minimized = false c:raise() client.focus = c end) --|this is needed to ensure floating stuff becomes --|visible when invoked through run_or_raise. client.connect_signal("focus", function(c) if not (c.bypass or c.always_on) then if not c.floating then for _, tc in ipairs(screen[awful.screen.focused()].all_clients) do if tc.floating and not tc.always_on then tc.hidden = true end end return end if c.floating then for _, tc in ipairs(screen[awful.screen.focused()].all_clients) do if tc.floating and not tc.role then tc.hidden = false end end return end end end) --[[+] hide all floating windows when the user switches to a tiled client. This is handy when you have a floating browser open. Unless, client is set to always_on or bypass through rules. ]] --------------------------------------------------------------- exports -- ; module = { bindings = bindings } local function new(arg) capi.root.keys(awful.util.table.join(capi.root.keys(), table.unpack(bindings))) return module end return setmetatable(module, { __call = function(_,...) return new({...}) end })
module("EnemyEntity", package.seeall) setmetatable(EnemyEntity, {__index=PlayerEntity}) function new(cid, propID) local entity = { } setmetatable(entity, {__index=EnemyEntity}) entity:Init(cid, propID) return entity end function Init(self, cid, propID) PlayerEntity.Init(self, cid, propID) self.type = self.type + resmng.XActorType.Enemy end
-- 24RightAngles -- Modified by CloneTrooper1019 local module = {} local importer = script.Parent local core = importer.Parent local modules = core.Modules local GuiUtilities = require(modules.GuiUtilities) local ProgressFrame = require(modules.ProgressFrame) local CustomTextButton = require(modules.CustomTextButton) local LabeledTextInput = require(modules.LabeledTextInput) local ImageButtonWithText = require(modules.ImageButtonWithText) local TabbableVector3Input = require(modules.TabbableVector3Input) local CollapsibleTitledSection = require(modules.CollapsibleTitledSection) local VerticallyScalingListFrame = require(modules.VerticallyScalingListFrame) local HeightMapper = require(importer.HeightMapper) local ImageSelector = require(importer.ImageSelector) local CoreGui = game:GetService('CoreGui') local StudioService = game:GetService("StudioService") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local ChangeHistoryService = game:GetService('ChangeHistoryService') local ON_LIGHT = "rbxasset://textures/TerrainTools/import_toggleOn.png" local OFF_LIGHT = "rbxasset://textures/TerrainTools/import_toggleOff.png" local ON_DARK = "rbxasset://textures/TerrainTools/import_toggleOn_dark.png" local OFF_DARK = "rbxasset://textures/TerrainTools/import_toggleOff_dark.png" local toggleOnImage = ON_LIGHT local toggleOffImage = OFF_LIGHT local supportedFileType = {"png"} local useColorMap = false local terrain local mouse = nil local pluginGui = nil local screenGui = nil local progressFrameObj = nil local progressFrame = nil local progressUpdate = nil local heightMapper = nil local MIN_STUDS = 5 local MAX_STUDS = 16384 local MIN_STUDS_ERROR_STR = string.format("Input must be greater than %d studs.", MIN_STUDS - 1) local MAX_STUDS_ERROR_STR = string.format("Input can not exceed %d studs.", MAX_STUDS) local INVALID_INPUT_ERROR = "Input is not a valid number." local WARN_HEIGHTMAP_MISSING = "HeightMap required to begin importing Terrain" local WARN_INVALID_POS_INPUT = "Position has invalid input" local WARN_INVALID_SIZE_INPUT = "Size has invalid input." local WARN_SIZE_REQUIRED = "Size of region must be defined." -- these two targets are ImageSelectors that -- hold the target files local targetHeightMap = nil local targetColorMap = nil local regionPosition = nil local regionSize = nil -- for each of x, y, z local posHasError = {false, false, false} local sizeHasError = {false, false, false} local terrainImporterFrame = nil local generating = false local SECOND_COLUMN_OFFSET = 90 + GuiUtilities.StandardLineLabelLeftMargin local TEXTBOX_HEIGHT = 22 local LABEL_HEIGHT = 16 local SECTION_PADDING = 12 local PADDING = 4 local IMAGE_SELECT_FRAME_SIZE =, 0, 0, 60) local function MakeTerrainImporterFrame() local verticallyScalingListFrameObj ="GenerationFrame") local verticallyScalingListFrame = verticallyScalingListFrameObj:GetFrame() local mapSettingsFrame = MakeMapSettingsFrame() mapSettingsFrame.Parent = verticallyScalingListFrame mapSettingsFrame.LayoutOrder = 1 local materialSettingsFrame = MakeMaterialSettingsFrame() materialSettingsFrame.Parent = verticallyScalingListFrame materialSettingsFrame.LayoutOrder = 2 local importButtonFrame = MakeButtonsFrame() importButtonFrame.Parent = verticallyScalingListFrame importButtonFrame.LayoutOrder = 3 return verticallyScalingListFrame end function module:Setup(thePluginGui, contentFrame) terrain = workspace.Terrain pluginGui = thePluginGui screenGui ="ScreenGui") screenGui.Name = "_TerrainImportGui" progressFrameObj = progressFrame = progressFrameObj:GetFrame() progressFrameObj:GetPauseButton().Visible = false progressFrameObj:GetCancelButton().Visible = false progressFrame.Parent = screenGui progressUpdate ="BindableEvent") heightMapper = progressUpdate.Event:Connect(function (completionPercent) if completionPercent < 1 then progressFrame.Visible = true progressFrameObj:GetFill().Size =, 0, 1, 0) else progressFrame.Visible = false end end) terrainImporterFrame = MakeTerrainImporterFrame() terrainImporterFrame.Parent = contentFrame terrainImporterFrame.ImportButton.ImportTerrainButton.MouseButton1Down:connect(importTerrain) return terrainImporterFrame end function MakeMapSettingsFrame() local mapSettingsObj ='MapSettingsFrame', "Map Settings", -- need to localize true, -- show title true, -- minimizable false)-- init minimized local contentFrame = mapSettingsObj:GetContentsFrame() local hackPadding ="Frame") hackPadding.BorderSizePixel = 0 hackPadding.LayoutOrder = 1 hackPadding.Parent = contentFrame local heightMapFrame ="Frame") heightMapFrame.Size = IMAGE_SELECT_FRAME_SIZE heightMapFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 heightMapFrame.LayoutOrder = 2 heightMapFrame.Parent = contentFrame local heightMapLabel = GuiUtilities.MakeStandardPropertyLabel("Heightmap") heightMapLabel.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top heightMapLabel.Parent = heightMapFrame targetHeightMap = targetHeightMap:getFrame().Position =, SECOND_COLUMN_OFFSET, 0, 0) targetHeightMap:getFrame().Parent = heightMapFrame local initialFrameHeight = TEXTBOX_HEIGHT * 3 + PADDING * 2 regionPosition ="Position", {0, 0, 0}) regionPosition:GetFrame().LayoutOrder = 3 regionPosition:GetFrame().Parent = contentFrame regionPosition:SetWarningFunc(function (text, index) local num = tonumber(text) if num then posHasError[index] = false return true end posHasError[index] = true return false, INVALID_INPUT_ERROR end) regionSize ="Size", {1024, 512, 1024}) regionSize:GetFrame().LayoutOrder = 4 regionSize:GetFrame().Parent = contentFrame -- these error messages should be localized when we submit changes for the final regionSize:SetWarningFunc(function (text, index) local num = tonumber(text) sizeHasError[index] = true if not num then return false, INVALID_INPUT_ERROR end if num < MIN_STUDS then return false, MIN_STUDS_ERROR_STR end if num > MAX_STUDS then return false, MAX_STUDS_ERROR_STR end sizeHasError[index] = false return true end) --link the position and region so we can tab across them regionPosition:LinkToNextTabbableVector3Input(regionSize) regionSize:LinkToNextTabbableVector3Input(regionPosition) local hackPadding2 ="Frame") hackPadding2.BorderSizePixel = 0 hackPadding2.LayoutOrder = 5 hackPadding2.Parent = contentFrame local sectionUIListLayout ="UIListLayout") sectionUIListLayout.Padding =, SECTION_PADDING) sectionUIListLayout.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder sectionUIListLayout.FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Vertical sectionUIListLayout.Parent = contentFrame GuiUtilities.AdjustHeightDynamicallyToLayout(contentFrame, sectionUIListLayout) return mapSettingsObj:GetSectionFrame() end function MakeMaterialSettingsFrame() local materialFrameObj ='MaterialSettings', "Material Settings", -- need localize true, -- show title true, -- minimizable false-- init minimized ) local materialFrame = materialFrameObj:GetContentsFrame() local hackPadding ="Frame") hackPadding.BorderSizePixel = 0 hackPadding.LayoutOrder = 1 hackPadding.Parent = materialFrame local colorMatSliderFrame ="Frame") colorMatSliderFrame.Size =, 0, 0, TEXTBOX_HEIGHT) colorMatSliderFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 colorMatSliderFrame.LayoutOrder = 2 colorMatSliderFrame.Parent = materialFrame local colorMapLabel = GuiUtilities.MakeStandardPropertyLabel("Use Colormap") colorMapLabel.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top colorMapLabel.AnchorPoint =, 0) colorMapLabel.Parent = colorMatSliderFrame local initTheme = settings().Studio["UI Theme"] toggleOffImage = initTheme == Enum.UITheme.Dark and OFF_DARK or OFF_LIGHT toggleOnImage = initTheme == Enum.UITheme.Dark and ON_DARK or ON_LIGHT local toggleButton ="ImageButton") toggleButton.Size =, 27, 0, LABEL_HEIGHT) toggleButton.Position =, SECOND_COLUMN_OFFSET, 1, -LABEL_HEIGHT) toggleButton.Image = toggleOffImage toggleButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 toggleButton.Parent = colorMatSliderFrame -- button Toggle toggleButton.Activated:connect(function () useColorMap = not useColorMap if useColorMap then toggleButton.Image = toggleOnImage else toggleButton.Image = toggleOffImage end end) settings().Studio.ThemeChanged:connect(function () if settings().Studio["UI Theme"] == Enum.UITheme.Dark then toggleOffImage = OFF_DARK toggleOnImage = ON_DARK else -- we could check for light but since it's the fall back no need toggleOffImage = OFF_LIGHT toggleOnImage = ON_LIGHT end toggleButton.Image = useColorMap and toggleOnImage or toggleOffImage end) local colorMatFrame ="Frame") colorMatFrame.Size = IMAGE_SELECT_FRAME_SIZE colorMatFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 colorMatFrame.LayoutOrder = 3 colorMatFrame.Parent = materialFrame targetColorMap = targetColorMap:getFrame().Position =, SECOND_COLUMN_OFFSET, 0, 0) targetColorMap:getFrame().Parent = colorMatFrame targetColorMap:setImageSelectedCallback(function () useColorMap = true toggleButton.Image = toggleOnImage end) local hackPadding2 ="Frame") hackPadding2.BorderSizePixel = 0 hackPadding2.LayoutOrder = 4 hackPadding2.Parent = materialFrame local sectionUIListLayout ="UIListLayout") sectionUIListLayout.Padding =, 8) sectionUIListLayout.SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder sectionUIListLayout.FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Vertical sectionUIListLayout.Parent = materialFrame GuiUtilities.AdjustHeightDynamicallyToLayout(materialFrame, sectionUIListLayout) return materialFrameObj:GetSectionFrame() end function MakeButtonsFrame() local frame = GuiUtilities.MakeFixedHeightFrame("ImportButton", GuiUtilities.kBottomButtonsFrameHeight) frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 local importButtonObj ="ImportTerrainButton", "Import") local importButton = importButtonObj:getButton() importButton.Size =, 0, 0, GuiUtilities.kBottomButtonsHeight) importButton.Position =, 0, 1, -GuiUtilities.kBottomButtonsHeight) importButton.Parent = frame return frame end function importTerrain() if targetHeightMap and not targetHeightMap:imageSelected() then warn(WARN_HEIGHTMAP_MISSING) return end if posHasError[1] or posHasError[2] or posHasError[3] then warn(WARN_INVALID_POS_INPUT) return end if sizeHasError[1] or sizeHasError[2] or sizeHasError[3] then warn(WARN_INVALID_SIZE_INPUT) return end terrain = workspace.Terrain if not generating then generating = true local size = regionSize:GetVector3() local center = regionPosition:GetVector3() or, 0, 0) local region if size then -- expect Studs local offset = size / 2 local regionStart = (center - offset) local regionEnd = (center + offset) region =, regionEnd) region = region:ExpandToGrid(4) local heightMap = targetHeightMap:getPngFile() local colorMap = nil if useColorMap and targetColorMap and targetColorMap:imageSelected() then colorMap = targetColorMap:getPngFile() end heightMapper:Import(region, heightMap, colorMap) else warn(WARN_SIZE_REQUIRED) end generating = false end end function module:SetEnabled(enabled) terrainImporterFrame.Visible = enabled screenGui.Parent = enabled and CoreGui or nil end return module
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright (C) 1994-2008, PUC-Rio. All rights reserved. -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining -- a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the -- "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including -- without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -- distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to -- permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to -- the following conditions: -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be -- included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, -- EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -- MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. -- IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY -- CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, -- TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE -- SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Operating System Facilities -- This library is implemented through table os. os = {} -- os.clock Returns an approximation of the amount in seconds of CPU time used by the program. function os.clock() end -- Returns a string or a table containing date and time, formatted according to the given string format. -- If the time argument is present, this is the time to be formatted (see the os.time function for a description of this value). Otherwise, date formats the current time. -- If format starts with '!', then the date is formatted in Coordinated Universal Time. After this optional character, if format is the string "*t", then date returns a table with the following fields: year, month (1–12), day (1–31), hour (0–23), min (0–59), sec (0–61), wday (weekday, 1–7, Sunday is 1), yday (day of the year, 1–366), and isdst (daylight saving flag, a boolean). This last field may be absent if the information is not available. -- If format is not "*t", then date returns the date as a string, formatted according to the same rules as the ISO C function strftime. -- When called without arguments, date returns a reasonable date and time representation that depends on the host system and on the current locale. (More specifically, is equivalent to"%c").) -- In non-POSIX systems, this function may be not thread safe because of its reliance on C function gmtime and C function localtime. function, time) end -- os.difftime Returns the difference, in seconds, from time t1 to time t2 (where the times are values returned by os.time). In POSIX, Windows, and some other systems, this value is exactly t2-t1. function os.difftime(t2, t1) end -- This function is equivalent to the ISO C function system. It passes command to be executed by an operating system shell. Its first result is true if the command terminated successfully, or nil otherwise. After this first result the function returns a string plus a number, as follows: -- "exit": the command terminated normally; the following number is the exit status of the command. -- "signal": the command was terminated by a signal; the following number is the signal that terminated the command. -- When called without a command, os.execute returns a boolean that is true if a shell is available. function os.execute(command) end -- Calls the ISO C function exit to terminate the host program. If code is true, the returned status is EXIT_SUCCESS; if code is false, the returned status is EXIT_FAILURE; if code is a number, the returned status is this number. The default value for code is true. -- If the optional second argument close is true, closes the Lua state before exiting. function os.exit(code, close) end -- Returns the value of the process environment variable varname, or nil if the variable is not defined. function os.getenv(varname) end -- Deletes the file (or empty directory, on POSIX systems) with the given name. If this function fails, it returns nil, plus a string describing the error and the error code. Otherwise, it returns true. function os.remove(filename) end -- Renames the file or directory named oldname to newname. If this function fails, it returns nil, plus a string describing the error and the error code. Otherwise, it returns true. function os.rename(oldname, newname) end -- Sets the current locale of the program. locale is a system-dependent string specifying a locale; category is an optional string describing which category to change: "all", "collate", "ctype", "monetary", "numeric", or "time"; the default category is "all". The function returns the name of the new locale, or nil if the request cannot be honored. -- If locale is the empty string, the current locale is set to an implementation-defined native locale. If locale is the string "C", the current locale is set to the standard C locale. -- When called with nil as the first argument, this function only returns the name of the current locale for the given category. -- This function may be not thread safe because of its reliance on C function setlocale. function os.setlocale(locale, category) end -- Returns the current time when called without arguments, or a time representing the local date and time specified by the given table. This table must have fields year, month, and day, and may have fields hour (default is 12), min (default is 0), sec (default is 0), and isdst (default is nil). Other fields are ignored. For a description of these fields, see the function. -- The values in these fields do not need to be inside their valid ranges. For instance, if sec is -10, it means -10 seconds from the time specified by the other fields; if hour is 1000, it means +1000 hours from the time specified by the other fields. -- The returned value is a number, whose meaning depends on your system. In POSIX, Windows, and some other systems, this number counts the number of seconds since some given start time (the "epoch"). In other systems, the meaning is not specified, and the number returned by time can be used only as an argument to and os.difftime. function os.time(table) end -- Returns a string with a file name that can be used for a temporary file. The file must be explicitly opened before its use and explicitly removed when no longer needed. -- In POSIX systems, this function also creates a file with that name, to avoid security risks. (Someone else might create the file with wrong permissions in the time between getting the name and creating the file.) You still have to open the file to use it and to remove it (even if you do not use it). -- When possible, you may prefer to use io.tmpfile, which automatically removes the file when the program ends. function os.tmpname() end
return { include = function() includedirs { "../vendor/nghttp2/lib/includes/" } defines { '_SSIZE_T_DEFINED=1', '_U_=', 'NGHTTP2_STATICLIB' } if os.istarget('windows') then defines 'ssize_t=__int64' else -- check if this is a glibc distro local succ, status, code = os.execute('ldd --version | grep -c "Free Software Foundation"') if code ~= 0 then defines 'ssize_t=long' end end end, run = function() targetname "nghttp2" language "C" kind "StaticLib" flags "NoRuntimeChecks" files_project '../vendor/nghttp2/lib/' { '*.c' } end }
local t = {} local function ScopedConnect(parentInstance, instance, event, signalFunc, syncFunc, removeFunc) local eventConnection = nil --Connection on parentInstance is scoped by parentInstance (when destroyed, it goes away) local tryConnect = function() if game:IsAncestorOf(parentInstance) then --Entering the world, make sure we are connected/synced if not eventConnection then eventConnection = instance[event]:connect(signalFunc) if syncFunc then syncFunc() end end else --Probably leaving the world, so disconnect for now if eventConnection then eventConnection:disconnect() if removeFunc then removeFunc() end end end end --Hook it up to ancestryChanged signal local connection = parentInstance.AncestryChanged:connect(tryConnect) --Now connect us if we're already in the world tryConnect() return connection end local function getLayerCollectorAncestor(instance) local localInstance = instance while localInstance and not localInstance:IsA("LayerCollector") do localInstance = localInstance.Parent end return localInstance end local function CreateButtons(frame, buttons, yPos, ySize) local buttonNum = 1 local buttonObjs = {} for i, obj in ipairs(buttons) do local button ="TextButton") button.Name = "Button" .. buttonNum button.Font = Enum.Font.Arial button.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 button.AutoButtonColor = true button.Modal = true if obj["Style"] then button.Style = obj.Style else button.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxButton end if obj["ZIndex"] then button.ZIndex = obj.ZIndex end button.Text = obj.Text button.TextColor3 =,1,1) button.MouseButton1Click:connect(obj.Function) button.Parent = frame buttonObjs[buttonNum] = button buttonNum = buttonNum + 1 end local numButtons = buttonNum-1 if numButtons == 1 then frame.Button1.Position =, 0, yPos.Scale, yPos.Offset) frame.Button1.Size =,0,ySize.Scale, ySize.Offset) elseif numButtons == 2 then frame.Button1.Position =, 0, yPos.Scale, yPos.Offset) frame.Button1.Size =,0, ySize.Scale, ySize.Offset) frame.Button2.Position =, 0, yPos.Scale, yPos.Offset) frame.Button2.Size =,0, ySize.Scale, ySize.Offset) elseif numButtons >= 3 then local spacing = .1 / numButtons local buttonSize = .9 / numButtons buttonNum = 1 while buttonNum <= numButtons do buttonObjs[buttonNum].Position =*buttonNum + (buttonNum-1) * buttonSize, 0, yPos.Scale, yPos.Offset) buttonObjs[buttonNum].Size =, 0, ySize.Scale, ySize.Offset) buttonNum = buttonNum + 1 end end end local function setSliderPos(newAbsPosX,slider,sliderPosition,bar,steps) local newStep = steps - 1 --otherwise we really get one more step than we want local relativePosX = math.min(1, math.max(0, (newAbsPosX - bar.AbsolutePosition.X) / bar.AbsoluteSize.X )) local wholeNum, remainder = math.modf(relativePosX * newStep) if remainder > 0.5 then wholeNum = wholeNum + 1 end relativePosX = wholeNum/newStep local result = math.ceil(relativePosX * newStep) if sliderPosition.Value ~= (result + 1) then --only update if we moved a step sliderPosition.Value = result + 1 slider.Position =,-slider.AbsoluteSize.X/2,slider.Position.Y.Scale,slider.Position.Y.Offset) end end local function cancelSlide(areaSoak) areaSoak.Visible = false end t.CreateStyledMessageDialog = function(title, message, style, buttons) local frame ="Frame") frame.Size =, 0, 0, 165) frame.Position =, 0, 0.5, -72.5) frame.Name = "MessageDialog" frame.Active = true frame.Style = Enum.FrameStyle.RobloxRound local styleImage ="ImageLabel") styleImage.Name = "StyleImage" styleImage.BackgroundTransparency = 1 styleImage.Position =,5,0,15) if style == "error" or style == "Error" then styleImage.Size =, 71, 0, 71) styleImage.Image = "" elseif style == "notify" or style == "Notify" then styleImage.Size =, 71, 0, 71) styleImage.Image = "" elseif style == "confirm" or style == "Confirm" then styleImage.Size =, 74, 0, 76) styleImage.Image = "" else return t.CreateMessageDialog(title,message,buttons) end styleImage.Parent = frame local titleLabel ="TextLabel") titleLabel.Name = "Title" titleLabel.Text = title titleLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 titleLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 titleLabel.TextColor3 =,221/255,221/255) titleLabel.Position =, 80, 0, 0) titleLabel.Size =, -80, 0, 40) titleLabel.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold titleLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size36 titleLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Center titleLabel.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Center titleLabel.Parent = frame local messageLabel ="TextLabel") messageLabel.Name = "Message" messageLabel.Text = message messageLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 messageLabel.TextColor3 =,221/255,221/255) messageLabel.Position =, 80, 0, 45) messageLabel.Size =, -80, 0, 55) messageLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 messageLabel.Font = Enum.Font.Arial messageLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 messageLabel.TextWrap = true messageLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left messageLabel.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top messageLabel.Parent = frame CreateButtons(frame, buttons,, 105),, 40) ) return frame end t.CreateMessageDialog = function(title, message, buttons) local frame ="Frame") frame.Size =, 0, 0.5, 0) frame.Position =, 0, 0.25, 0) frame.Name = "MessageDialog" frame.Active = true frame.Style = Enum.FrameStyle.RobloxRound local titleLabel ="TextLabel") titleLabel.Name = "Title" titleLabel.Text = title titleLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 titleLabel.TextColor3 =,221/255,221/255) titleLabel.Position =, 0, 0, 0) titleLabel.Size =, 0, 0.15, 0) titleLabel.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold titleLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size36 titleLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Center titleLabel.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Center titleLabel.Parent = frame local messageLabel ="TextLabel") messageLabel.Name = "Message" messageLabel.Text = message messageLabel.TextColor3 =,221/255,221/255) messageLabel.Position =, 0, 0.175, 0) messageLabel.Size =, 0, .55, 0) messageLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 messageLabel.Font = Enum.Font.Arial messageLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 messageLabel.TextWrap = true messageLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left messageLabel.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top messageLabel.Parent = frame CreateButtons(frame, buttons,,0),, 0)) return frame end -- written by jmargh -- to be used for the new settings menu t.CreateScrollingDropDownMenu = function(onSelectedCallback, size, position, baseZ) local maxVisibleList = 6 local baseZIndex = 0 if type(baseZ) == 'number' then baseZIndex = baseZ end local dropDownMenu = {} local currentList = nil local updateFunc = nil local frame ='Frame') frame.Name = "DropDownMenuFrame" frame.Size = size frame.Position = position frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 dropDownMenu.Frame = frame local currentSelectionName ='TextButton') currentSelectionName.Name = "CurrentSelectionName" currentSelectionName.Size =, 0, 1, 0) currentSelectionName.BackgroundTransparency = 1 currentSelectionName.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold currentSelectionName.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 currentSelectionName.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left currentSelectionName.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Center currentSelectionName.TextColor3 =, 0.5, 0.5) currentSelectionName.TextWrap = true currentSelectionName.ZIndex = baseZIndex currentSelectionName.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton currentSelectionName.Text = "Choose One" currentSelectionName.Parent = frame dropDownMenu.CurrentSelectionButton = currentSelectionName local icon ='ImageLabel') icon.Name = "DropDownIcon" icon.Size =, 16, 0, 12) icon.Position =, -17, 0.5, -6) icon.Image = 'rbxasset://textures/ui/dropdown_arrow.png' icon.BackgroundTransparency = 1 icon.ZIndex = baseZIndex icon.Parent = currentSelectionName local listMenu = nil local scrollingBackground = nil local visibleCount = 0 local isOpen = false local function onEntrySelected() icon.Rotation = 0 scrollingBackground:TweenSize(, 0, 0, currentSelectionName.AbsoluteSize.y), Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, 0.15, true) -- listMenu.ScrollBarThickness = 0 listMenu:TweenSize(, -16, 0, 24), Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, 0.15, true, function() if not isOpen then listMenu.Visible = false scrollingBackground.Visible = false end end) isOpen = false end currentSelectionName.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if not currentSelectionName.Active or #currentList == 0 then return end if isOpen then onEntrySelected() return end -- isOpen = true icon.Rotation = 180 if listMenu then listMenu.Visible = true end if scrollingBackground then scrollingBackground.Visible = true end -- if scrollingBackground then scrollingBackground:TweenSize(, 0, 0, visibleCount * 24 + 8), Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, 0.15, true) end if listMenu then listMenu:TweenSize(, -16, 0, visibleCount * 24), Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, Enum.EasingStyle.Sine, 0.15, true, function() listMenu.ScrollBarThickness = 6 end) end end) --[[ Public API ]]-- dropDownMenu.IsOpen = function() return isOpen end dropDownMenu.Close = function() onEntrySelected() end dropDownMenu.Reset = function() isOpen = false icon.Rotation = 0 listMenu.ScrollBarThickness = 0 listMenu.Size =, -16, 0, 24) listMenu.Visible = false scrollingBackground.Visible = false end dropDownMenu.SetVisible = function(isVisible) if frame then frame.Visible = isVisible end end dropDownMenu.UpdateZIndex = function(newZIndexBase) currentSelectionName.ZIndex = newZIndexBase icon.ZIndex = newZIndexBase if scrollingBackground then scrollingBackground.ZIndex = newZIndexBase + 1 end if listMenu then listMenu.ZIndex = newZIndexBase + 2 for _,child in pairs(listMenu:GetChildren()) do child.ZIndex = newZIndexBase + 4 end end end dropDownMenu.SetActive = function(isActive) currentSelectionName.Active = isActive end dropDownMenu.SetSelectionText = function(text) currentSelectionName.Text = text end dropDownMenu.CreateList = function(list) currentSelectionName.Text = "Choose One" if listMenu then listMenu:Destroy() end if scrollingBackground then scrollingBackground:Destroy() end -- currentList = list local length = #list visibleCount = math.min(maxVisibleList, length) local listMenuOffset = visibleCount * 24 listMenu ='ScrollingFrame') listMenu.Name = "ListMenu" listMenu.Size =, -16, 0, 24) listMenu.Position =, 12, 0, 32) listMenu.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, length * 24) listMenu.BackgroundTransparency = 1 listMenu.BorderSizePixel = 0 listMenu.ZIndex = baseZIndex + 2 listMenu.Visible = false listMenu.Active = true listMenu.BottomImage = 'rbxasset://textures/ui/scroll-bottom.png' listMenu.MidImage = 'rbxasset://textures/ui/scroll-middle.png' listMenu.TopImage = 'rbxasset://textures/ui/scroll-top.png' listMenu.ScrollBarThickness = 0 listMenu.Parent = frame scrollingBackground ='TextButton') scrollingBackground.Name = "ScrollingBackground" scrollingBackground.Size =, 0, 0, currentSelectionName.AbsoluteSize.y) scrollingBackground.Position =, 0, 0, 28) scrollingBackground.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) scrollingBackground.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton scrollingBackground.ZIndex = baseZIndex + 1 scrollingBackground.Text = "" scrollingBackground.Visible = false scrollingBackground.AutoButtonColor = false scrollingBackground.Parent = frame for i = 1, length do local entry = list[i] local btn ='TextButton') btn.Name = entry btn.Size =, 0, 0, 24) btn.Position =, 0, 0, (i - 1) * 24) btn.BackgroundTransparency = 0 btn.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) btn.BorderSizePixel = 0 btn.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans btn.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 btn.TextColor3 =, 0.5, 0.5) btn.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left btn.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Center btn.Text = entry btn.ZIndex = baseZIndex + 4 btn.AutoButtonColor = false btn.Parent = listMenu btn.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() currentSelectionName.Text = btn.Text onEntrySelected() btn.Font = Enum.Font.SourceSans btn.TextColor3 =, 0.5, 0.5) btn.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) onSelectedCallback(btn.Text) end) btn.MouseEnter:connect(function() btn.TextColor3 =, 1, 1) btn.BackgroundColor3 =, 0.75, 0.75) end) btn.MouseLeave:connect(function() btn.TextColor3 =, 0.5, 0.5) btn.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) end) end end return dropDownMenu end t.CreateDropDownMenu = function(items, onSelect, forRoblox, whiteSkin, baseZ) local baseZIndex = 0 if (type(baseZ) == "number") then baseZIndex = baseZ end local width =, 100) local height =, 32) local xPos = 0.055 local frame ="Frame") local textColor =,1,1) if (whiteSkin) then textColor =, 0.5, 0.5) end frame.Name = "DropDownMenu" frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 frame.Size =, height) local dropDownMenu ="TextButton") dropDownMenu.Name = "DropDownMenuButton" dropDownMenu.TextWrap = true dropDownMenu.TextColor3 = textColor dropDownMenu.Text = "Choose One" dropDownMenu.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold dropDownMenu.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 dropDownMenu.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left dropDownMenu.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Center dropDownMenu.BackgroundTransparency = 1 dropDownMenu.AutoButtonColor = true if (whiteSkin) then dropDownMenu.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton else dropDownMenu.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxButton end dropDownMenu.Size =,0,1,0) dropDownMenu.Parent = frame dropDownMenu.ZIndex = 2 + baseZIndex local dropDownIcon ="ImageLabel") dropDownIcon.Name = "Icon" dropDownIcon.Active = false if (whiteSkin) then dropDownIcon.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/dropdown_arrow.png" dropDownIcon.Size =,16,0,12) dropDownIcon.Position =,-17,0.5, -6) else dropDownIcon.Image = "" dropDownIcon.Size =,11,0,6) dropDownIcon.Position =,-11,0.5, -2) end dropDownIcon.BackgroundTransparency = 1 dropDownIcon.Parent = dropDownMenu dropDownIcon.ZIndex = 2 + baseZIndex local itemCount = #items local dropDownItemCount = #items local useScrollButtons = false if dropDownItemCount > 6 then useScrollButtons = true dropDownItemCount = 6 end local droppedDownMenu ="TextButton") droppedDownMenu.Name = "List" droppedDownMenu.Text = "" droppedDownMenu.BackgroundTransparency = 1 --droppedDownMenu.AutoButtonColor = true if (whiteSkin) then droppedDownMenu.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxRoundDropdownButton else droppedDownMenu.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxButton end droppedDownMenu.Visible = false droppedDownMenu.Active = true --Blocks clicks droppedDownMenu.Position =,0,0,0) droppedDownMenu.Size =,0, (1 + dropDownItemCount)*.8, 0) droppedDownMenu.Parent = frame droppedDownMenu.ZIndex = 2 + baseZIndex local choiceButton ="TextButton") choiceButton.Name = "ChoiceButton" choiceButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 choiceButton.BorderSizePixel = 0 choiceButton.Text = "ReplaceMe" choiceButton.TextColor3 = textColor choiceButton.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left choiceButton.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Center choiceButton.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1) choiceButton.Font = Enum.Font.Arial choiceButton.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 if useScrollButtons then choiceButton.Size =,-13, .8/((dropDownItemCount + 1)*.8),0) else choiceButton.Size =, 0, .8/((dropDownItemCount + 1)*.8),0) end choiceButton.TextWrap = true choiceButton.ZIndex = 2 + baseZIndex local areaSoak ="TextButton") areaSoak.Name = "AreaSoak" areaSoak.Text = "" areaSoak.BackgroundTransparency = 1 areaSoak.Active = true areaSoak.Size =,0,1,0) areaSoak.Visible = false areaSoak.ZIndex = 3 + baseZIndex local dropDownSelected = false local scrollUpButton local scrollDownButton local scrollMouseCount = 0 local setZIndex = function(baseZIndex) droppedDownMenu.ZIndex = baseZIndex +1 if scrollUpButton then scrollUpButton.ZIndex = baseZIndex + 3 end if scrollDownButton then scrollDownButton.ZIndex = baseZIndex + 3 end local children = droppedDownMenu:GetChildren() if children then for i, child in ipairs(children) do if child.Name == "ChoiceButton" then child.ZIndex = baseZIndex + 2 elseif child.Name == "ClickCaptureButton" then child.ZIndex = baseZIndex end end end end local scrollBarPosition = 1 local updateScroll = function() if scrollUpButton then scrollUpButton.Active = scrollBarPosition > 1 end if scrollDownButton then scrollDownButton.Active = scrollBarPosition + dropDownItemCount <= itemCount end local children = droppedDownMenu:GetChildren() if not children then return end local childNum = 1 for i, obj in ipairs(children) do if obj.Name == "ChoiceButton" then if childNum < scrollBarPosition or childNum >= scrollBarPosition + dropDownItemCount then obj.Visible = false else obj.Position =,0,((childNum-scrollBarPosition+1)*.8)/((dropDownItemCount+1)*.8),0) obj.Visible = true end obj.TextColor3 = textColor obj.BackgroundTransparency = 1 childNum = childNum + 1 end end end local toggleVisibility = function() dropDownSelected = not dropDownSelected areaSoak.Visible = not areaSoak.Visible dropDownMenu.Visible = not dropDownSelected droppedDownMenu.Visible = dropDownSelected if dropDownSelected then setZIndex(4 + baseZIndex) else setZIndex(2 + baseZIndex) end if useScrollButtons then updateScroll() end end droppedDownMenu.MouseButton1Click:connect(toggleVisibility) local updateSelection = function(text) local foundItem = false local children = droppedDownMenu:GetChildren() local childNum = 1 if children then for i, obj in ipairs(children) do if obj.Name == "ChoiceButton" then if obj.Text == text then obj.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold foundItem = true scrollBarPosition = childNum if (whiteSkin) then obj.TextColor3 =,142/255,233/255) end else obj.Font = Enum.Font.Arial if (whiteSkin) then obj.TextColor3 = textColor end end childNum = childNum + 1 end end end if not text then dropDownMenu.Text = "Choose One" scrollBarPosition = 1 else if not foundItem then error("Invalid Selection Update -- " .. text) end if scrollBarPosition + dropDownItemCount > itemCount + 1 then scrollBarPosition = itemCount - dropDownItemCount + 1 end dropDownMenu.Text = text end end local function scrollDown() if scrollBarPosition + dropDownItemCount <= itemCount then scrollBarPosition = scrollBarPosition + 1 updateScroll() return true end return false end local function scrollUp() if scrollBarPosition > 1 then scrollBarPosition = scrollBarPosition - 1 updateScroll() return true end return false end if useScrollButtons then --Make some scroll buttons scrollUpButton ="ImageButton") scrollUpButton.Name = "ScrollUpButton" scrollUpButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 scrollUpButton.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/scrollbuttonUp.png" scrollUpButton.Size =,17,0,17) scrollUpButton.Position =,-11,(1*.8)/((dropDownItemCount+1)*.8),0) scrollUpButton.MouseButton1Click:connect( function() scrollMouseCount = scrollMouseCount + 1 end) scrollUpButton.MouseLeave:connect( function() scrollMouseCount = scrollMouseCount + 1 end) scrollUpButton.MouseButton1Down:connect( function() scrollMouseCount = scrollMouseCount + 1 scrollUp() local val = scrollMouseCount wait(0.5) while val == scrollMouseCount do if scrollUp() == false then break end wait(0.1) end end) scrollUpButton.Parent = droppedDownMenu scrollDownButton ="ImageButton") scrollDownButton.Name = "ScrollDownButton" scrollDownButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 scrollDownButton.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/scrollbuttonDown.png" scrollDownButton.Size =,17,0,17) scrollDownButton.Position =,-11,1,-11) scrollDownButton.Parent = droppedDownMenu scrollDownButton.MouseButton1Click:connect( function() scrollMouseCount = scrollMouseCount + 1 end) scrollDownButton.MouseLeave:connect( function() scrollMouseCount = scrollMouseCount + 1 end) scrollDownButton.MouseButton1Down:connect( function() scrollMouseCount = scrollMouseCount + 1 scrollDown() local val = scrollMouseCount wait(0.5) while val == scrollMouseCount do if scrollDown() == false then break end wait(0.1) end end) local scrollbar ="ImageLabel") scrollbar.Name = "ScrollBar" scrollbar.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/scrollbar.png" scrollbar.BackgroundTransparency = 1 scrollbar.Size =, 18, (dropDownItemCount*.8)/((dropDownItemCount+1)*.8), -(17) - 11 - 4) scrollbar.Position =,-11,(1*.8)/((dropDownItemCount+1)*.8),17+2) scrollbar.Parent = droppedDownMenu end for i,item in ipairs(items) do -- needed to maintain local scope for items in event listeners below local button = choiceButton:clone() if forRoblox then button.RobloxLocked = true end button.Text = item button.Parent = droppedDownMenu if (whiteSkin) then button.TextColor3 = textColor end button.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() --Remove Highlight if (not whiteSkin) then button.TextColor3 =,1,1) end button.BackgroundTransparency = 1 updateSelection(item) onSelect(item) toggleVisibility() end) button.MouseEnter:connect(function() --Add Highlight if (not whiteSkin) then button.TextColor3 =,0,0) end button.BackgroundTransparency = 0 end) button.MouseLeave:connect(function() --Remove Highlight if (not whiteSkin) then button.TextColor3 =,1,1) end button.BackgroundTransparency = 1 end) end --This does the initial layout of the buttons updateScroll() frame.AncestryChanged:connect(function(child,parent) if parent == nil then areaSoak.Parent = nil else areaSoak.Parent = getLayerCollectorAncestor(frame) end end) dropDownMenu.MouseButton1Click:connect(toggleVisibility) areaSoak.MouseButton1Click:connect(toggleVisibility) return frame, updateSelection end t.CreatePropertyDropDownMenu = function(instance, property, enum) local items = enum:GetEnumItems() local names = {} local nameToItem = {} for i,obj in ipairs(items) do names[i] = obj.Name nameToItem[obj.Name] = obj end local frame local updateSelection frame, updateSelection = t.CreateDropDownMenu(names, function(text) instance[property] = nameToItem[text] end) ScopedConnect(frame, instance, "Changed", function(prop) if prop == property then updateSelection(instance[property].Name) end end, function() updateSelection(instance[property].Name) end) return frame end t.GetFontHeight = function(font, fontSize) if font == nil or fontSize == nil then error("Font and FontSize must be non-nil") end local fontSizeInt = tonumber(fontSize.Name:match("%d+")) -- Clever hack to extract the size from the enum itself. if font == Enum.Font.Legacy then -- Legacy has a 50% bigger size. return math.ceil(fontSizeInt*1.5) else -- Size is literally just the fontSizeInt return fontSizeInt end end local function layoutGuiObjectsHelper(frame, guiObjects, settingsTable) local totalPixels = frame.AbsoluteSize.Y local pixelsRemaining = frame.AbsoluteSize.Y for i, child in ipairs(guiObjects) do if child:IsA("TextLabel") or child:IsA("TextButton") then local isLabel = child:IsA("TextLabel") if isLabel then pixelsRemaining = pixelsRemaining - settingsTable["TextLabelPositionPadY"] else pixelsRemaining = pixelsRemaining - settingsTable["TextButtonPositionPadY"] end child.Position =, child.Position.X.Offset, 0, totalPixels - pixelsRemaining) child.Size =, child.Size.X.Offset, 0, pixelsRemaining) if child.TextFits and child.TextBounds.Y < pixelsRemaining then child.Visible = true if isLabel then child.Size =, child.Size.X.Offset, 0, child.TextBounds.Y + settingsTable["TextLabelSizePadY"]) else child.Size =, child.Size.X.Offset, 0, child.TextBounds.Y + settingsTable["TextButtonSizePadY"]) end while not child.TextFits do child.Size =, child.Size.X.Offset, 0, child.AbsoluteSize.Y + 1) end pixelsRemaining = pixelsRemaining - child.AbsoluteSize.Y if isLabel then pixelsRemaining = pixelsRemaining - settingsTable["TextLabelPositionPadY"] else pixelsRemaining = pixelsRemaining - settingsTable["TextButtonPositionPadY"] end else child.Visible = false pixelsRemaining = -1 end else --GuiObject child.Position =, child.Position.X.Offset, 0, totalPixels - pixelsRemaining) pixelsRemaining = pixelsRemaining - child.AbsoluteSize.Y child.Visible = (pixelsRemaining >= 0) end end end t.LayoutGuiObjects = function(frame, guiObjects, settingsTable) if not frame:IsA("GuiObject") then error("Frame must be a GuiObject") end for i, child in ipairs(guiObjects) do if not child:IsA("GuiObject") then error("All elements that are layed out must be of type GuiObject") end end if not settingsTable then settingsTable = {} end if not settingsTable["TextLabelSizePadY"] then settingsTable["TextLabelSizePadY"] = 0 end if not settingsTable["TextLabelPositionPadY"] then settingsTable["TextLabelPositionPadY"] = 0 end if not settingsTable["TextButtonSizePadY"] then settingsTable["TextButtonSizePadY"] = 12 end if not settingsTable["TextButtonPositionPadY"] then settingsTable["TextButtonPositionPadY"] = 2 end --Wrapper frame takes care of styled objects local wrapperFrame ="Frame") wrapperFrame.Name = "WrapperFrame" wrapperFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 wrapperFrame.Size =,0,1,0) wrapperFrame.Parent = frame for i, child in ipairs(guiObjects) do child.Parent = wrapperFrame end local recalculate = function() wait() layoutGuiObjectsHelper(wrapperFrame, guiObjects, settingsTable) end frame.Changed:connect( function(prop) if prop == "AbsoluteSize" then --Wait a heartbeat for it to sync in recalculate(nil) end end) frame.AncestryChanged:connect(recalculate) layoutGuiObjectsHelper(wrapperFrame, guiObjects, settingsTable) end t.CreateSlider = function(steps,width,position) local sliderGui ="Frame") sliderGui.Size =,0,1,0) sliderGui.BackgroundTransparency = 1 sliderGui.Name = "SliderGui" local sliderSteps ="IntValue") sliderSteps.Name = "SliderSteps" sliderSteps.Value = steps sliderSteps.Parent = sliderGui local areaSoak ="TextButton") areaSoak.Name = "AreaSoak" areaSoak.Text = "" areaSoak.BackgroundTransparency = 1 areaSoak.Active = false areaSoak.Size =,0,1,0) areaSoak.Visible = false areaSoak.ZIndex = 4 sliderGui.AncestryChanged:connect(function(child,parent) if parent == nil then areaSoak.Parent = nil else areaSoak.Parent = getLayerCollectorAncestor(sliderGui) end end) local sliderPosition ="IntValue") sliderPosition.Name = "SliderPosition" sliderPosition.Value = 0 sliderPosition.Parent = sliderGui local id = math.random(1,100) local bar ="TextButton") bar.Text = "" bar.AutoButtonColor = false bar.Name = "Bar" bar.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) if type(width) == "number" then bar.Size =,width,0,5) else bar.Size =,200,0,5) end bar.BorderColor3 =,95/255,95/255) bar.ZIndex = 2 bar.Parent = sliderGui if position["X"] and position["X"]["Scale"] and position["X"]["Offset"] and position["Y"] and position["Y"]["Scale"] and position["Y"]["Offset"] then bar.Position = position end local slider ="ImageButton") slider.Name = "Slider" slider.BackgroundTransparency = 1 slider.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Slider.png" slider.Position =,0,0.5,-10) slider.Size =,20,0,20) slider.ZIndex = 3 slider.Parent = bar local areaSoakMouseMoveCon = nil areaSoak.MouseLeave:connect(function() if areaSoak.Visible then cancelSlide(areaSoak) end end) areaSoak.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() if areaSoak.Visible then cancelSlide(areaSoak) end end) slider.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() areaSoak.Visible = true if areaSoakMouseMoveCon then areaSoakMouseMoveCon:disconnect() end areaSoakMouseMoveCon = areaSoak.MouseMoved:connect(function(x,y) setSliderPos(x,slider,sliderPosition,bar,steps) end) end) slider.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() cancelSlide(areaSoak) end) sliderPosition.Changed:connect(function(prop) sliderPosition.Value = math.min(steps, math.max(1,sliderPosition.Value)) local relativePosX = (sliderPosition.Value - 1) / (steps - 1) slider.Position =,-slider.AbsoluteSize.X/2,slider.Position.Y.Scale,slider.Position.Y.Offset) end) bar.MouseButton1Down:connect(function(x,y) setSliderPos(x,slider,sliderPosition,bar,steps) end) return sliderGui, sliderPosition, sliderSteps end t.CreateSliderNew = function(steps,width,position) local sliderGui ="Frame") sliderGui.Size =,0,1,0) sliderGui.BackgroundTransparency = 1 sliderGui.Name = "SliderGui" local sliderSteps ="IntValue") sliderSteps.Name = "SliderSteps" sliderSteps.Value = steps sliderSteps.Parent = sliderGui local areaSoak ="TextButton") areaSoak.Name = "AreaSoak" areaSoak.Text = "" areaSoak.BackgroundTransparency = 1 areaSoak.Active = false areaSoak.Size =,0,1,0) areaSoak.Visible = false areaSoak.ZIndex = 6 sliderGui.AncestryChanged:connect(function(child,parent) if parent == nil then areaSoak.Parent = nil else areaSoak.Parent = getLayerCollectorAncestor(sliderGui) end end) local sliderPosition ="IntValue") sliderPosition.Name = "SliderPosition" sliderPosition.Value = 0 sliderPosition.Parent = sliderGui local id = math.random(1,100) local sliderBarImgHeight = 7 local sliderBarCapImgWidth = 4 local bar ="ImageButton") bar.BackgroundTransparency = 1 bar.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Slider-BKG-Center.png" bar.Name = "Bar" local displayWidth = 200 if type(width) == "number" then bar.Size =,width - (sliderBarCapImgWidth * 2),0,sliderBarImgHeight) displayWidth = width - (sliderBarCapImgWidth * 2) else bar.Size =,200,0,sliderBarImgHeight) end bar.ZIndex = 3 bar.Parent = sliderGui if position["X"] and position["X"]["Scale"] and position["X"]["Offset"] and position["Y"] and position["Y"]["Scale"] and position["Y"]["Offset"] then bar.Position = position end local barLeft = bar:clone() barLeft.Name = "BarLeft" barLeft.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Slider-BKG-Left-Cap.png" barLeft.Size =, sliderBarCapImgWidth, 0, sliderBarImgHeight) barLeft.Position =, position.X.Offset - sliderBarCapImgWidth, position.Y.Scale, position.Y.Offset) barLeft.Parent = sliderGui barLeft.ZIndex = 3 local barRight = barLeft:clone() barRight.Name = "BarRight" barRight.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Slider-BKG-Right-Cap.png" barRight.Position =, position.X.Offset + displayWidth, position.Y.Scale, position.Y.Offset) barRight.Parent = sliderGui local fillLeft = barLeft:clone() fillLeft.Name = "FillLeft" fillLeft.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Slider-Fill-Left-Cap.png" fillLeft.Parent = sliderGui fillLeft.ZIndex = 4 local fill = fillLeft:clone() fill.Name = "Fill" fill.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/Slider-Fill-Center.png" fill.Parent = bar fill.ZIndex = 4 fill.Position =, 0, 0, 0) fill.Size =, 0, 1, 0) -- bar.Visible = false local slider ="ImageButton") slider.Name = "Slider" slider.BackgroundTransparency = 1 slider.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/slider_new_tab.png" slider.Position =,0,0.5,-14) slider.Size =,28,0,28) slider.ZIndex = 5 slider.Parent = bar local areaSoakMouseMoveCon = nil areaSoak.MouseLeave:connect(function() if areaSoak.Visible then cancelSlide(areaSoak) end end) areaSoak.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() if areaSoak.Visible then cancelSlide(areaSoak) end end) slider.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() areaSoak.Visible = true if areaSoakMouseMoveCon then areaSoakMouseMoveCon:disconnect() end areaSoakMouseMoveCon = areaSoak.MouseMoved:connect(function(x,y) setSliderPos(x,slider,sliderPosition,bar,steps) end) end) slider.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() cancelSlide(areaSoak) end) sliderPosition.Changed:connect(function(prop) sliderPosition.Value = math.min(steps, math.max(1,sliderPosition.Value)) local relativePosX = (sliderPosition.Value - 1) / (steps - 1) slider.Position =,-slider.AbsoluteSize.X/2,slider.Position.Y.Scale,slider.Position.Y.Offset) fill.Size =, 0, 1, 0) end) bar.MouseButton1Down:connect(function(x,y) setSliderPos(x,slider,sliderPosition,bar,steps) end) fill.MouseButton1Down:connect(function(x,y) setSliderPos(x,slider,sliderPosition,bar,steps) end) fillLeft.MouseButton1Down:connect(function(x,y) setSliderPos(x,slider,sliderPosition,bar,steps) end) return sliderGui, sliderPosition, sliderSteps end t.CreateTrueScrollingFrame = function() local lowY = nil local highY = nil local dragCon = nil local upCon = nil local internalChange = false local descendantsChangeConMap = {} local scrollingFrame ="Frame") scrollingFrame.Name = "ScrollingFrame" scrollingFrame.Active = true scrollingFrame.Size =,0,1,0) scrollingFrame.ClipsDescendants = true local controlFrame ="Frame") controlFrame.Name = "ControlFrame" controlFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 controlFrame.Size =,18,1,0) controlFrame.Position =,-20,0,0) controlFrame.Parent = scrollingFrame local scrollBottom ="BoolValue") scrollBottom.Value = false scrollBottom.Name = "ScrollBottom" scrollBottom.Parent = controlFrame local scrollUp ="BoolValue") scrollUp.Value = false scrollUp.Name = "scrollUp" scrollUp.Parent = controlFrame local scrollUpButton ="TextButton") scrollUpButton.Name = "ScrollUpButton" scrollUpButton.Text = "" scrollUpButton.AutoButtonColor = false scrollUpButton.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) scrollUpButton.BorderColor3 =,1,1) scrollUpButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 scrollUpButton.Size =,18,0,18) scrollUpButton.ZIndex = 2 scrollUpButton.Parent = controlFrame for i = 1, 6 do local triFrame ="Frame") triFrame.BorderColor3 =,1,1) triFrame.Name = "tri" .. tostring(i) triFrame.ZIndex = 3 triFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 triFrame.Size =,12 - ((i -1) * 2),0,0) triFrame.Position =,3 + (i -1),0.5,2 - (i -1)) triFrame.Parent = scrollUpButton end scrollUpButton.MouseEnter:connect(function() scrollUpButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0.1 local upChildren = scrollUpButton:GetChildren() for i = 1, #upChildren do upChildren[i].BackgroundTransparency = 0.1 end end) scrollUpButton.MouseLeave:connect(function() scrollUpButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 local upChildren = scrollUpButton:GetChildren() for i = 1, #upChildren do upChildren[i].BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 end end) local scrollDownButton = scrollUpButton:clone() scrollDownButton.Name = "ScrollDownButton" scrollDownButton.Position =,0,1,-18) local downChildren = scrollDownButton:GetChildren() for i = 1, #downChildren do downChildren[i].Position =,3 + (i -1),0.5,-2 + (i - 1)) end scrollDownButton.MouseEnter:connect(function() scrollDownButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0.1 local downChildren = scrollDownButton:GetChildren() for i = 1, #downChildren do downChildren[i].BackgroundTransparency = 0.1 end end) scrollDownButton.MouseLeave:connect(function() scrollDownButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 local downChildren = scrollDownButton:GetChildren() for i = 1, #downChildren do downChildren[i].BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 end end) scrollDownButton.Parent = controlFrame local scrollTrack ="Frame") scrollTrack.Name = "ScrollTrack" scrollTrack.BackgroundTransparency = 1 scrollTrack.Size =,18,1,-38) scrollTrack.Position =,0,0,19) scrollTrack.Parent = controlFrame local scrollbar ="TextButton") scrollbar.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) scrollbar.BorderColor3 =,1,1) scrollbar.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 scrollbar.AutoButtonColor = false scrollbar.Text = "" scrollbar.Active = true scrollbar.Name = "ScrollBar" scrollbar.ZIndex = 2 scrollbar.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 scrollbar.Size =, 18, 0.1, 0) scrollbar.Position =,0,0,0) scrollbar.Parent = scrollTrack local scrollNub ="Frame") scrollNub.Name = "ScrollNub" scrollNub.BorderColor3 =,1,1) scrollNub.Size =,10,0,0) scrollNub.Position =,-5,0.5,0) scrollNub.ZIndex = 2 scrollNub.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 scrollNub.Parent = scrollbar local newNub = scrollNub:clone() newNub.Position =,-5,0.5,-2) newNub.Parent = scrollbar local lastNub = scrollNub:clone() lastNub.Position =,-5,0.5,2) lastNub.Parent = scrollbar scrollbar.MouseEnter:connect(function() scrollbar.BackgroundTransparency = 0.1 scrollNub.BackgroundTransparency = 0.1 newNub.BackgroundTransparency = 0.1 lastNub.BackgroundTransparency = 0.1 end) scrollbar.MouseLeave:connect(function() scrollbar.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 scrollNub.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 newNub.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 lastNub.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5 end) local mouseDrag ="ImageButton") mouseDrag.Active = false mouseDrag.Size =, 0, 1.5, 0) mouseDrag.AutoButtonColor = false mouseDrag.BackgroundTransparency = 1 mouseDrag.Name = "mouseDrag" mouseDrag.Position =, 0, -0.25, 0) mouseDrag.ZIndex = 10 local function positionScrollBar(x,y,offset) local oldPos = scrollbar.Position if y < scrollTrack.AbsolutePosition.y then scrollbar.Position =,scrollbar.Position.X.Offset,0,0) return (oldPos ~= scrollbar.Position) end local relativeSize = scrollbar.AbsoluteSize.Y/scrollTrack.AbsoluteSize.Y if y > (scrollTrack.AbsolutePosition.y + scrollTrack.AbsoluteSize.y) then scrollbar.Position =,scrollbar.Position.X.Offset,1 - relativeSize,0) return (oldPos ~= scrollbar.Position) end local newScaleYPos = (y - scrollTrack.AbsolutePosition.y - offset)/scrollTrack.AbsoluteSize.y if newScaleYPos + relativeSize > 1 then newScaleYPos = 1 - relativeSize scrollBottom.Value = true scrollUp.Value = false elseif newScaleYPos <= 0 then newScaleYPos = 0 scrollUp.Value = true scrollBottom.Value = false else scrollUp.Value = false scrollBottom.Value = false end scrollbar.Position =,scrollbar.Position.X.Offset,newScaleYPos,0) return (oldPos ~= scrollbar.Position) end local function drillDownSetHighLow(instance) if not instance or not instance:IsA("GuiObject") then return end if instance == controlFrame then return end if instance:IsDescendantOf(controlFrame) then return end if not instance.Visible then return end if lowY and lowY > instance.AbsolutePosition.Y then lowY = instance.AbsolutePosition.Y elseif not lowY then lowY = instance.AbsolutePosition.Y end if highY and highY < (instance.AbsolutePosition.Y + instance.AbsoluteSize.Y) then highY = instance.AbsolutePosition.Y + instance.AbsoluteSize.Y elseif not highY then highY = instance.AbsolutePosition.Y + instance.AbsoluteSize.Y end local children = instance:GetChildren() for i = 1, #children do drillDownSetHighLow(children[i]) end end local function resetHighLow() local firstChildren = scrollingFrame:GetChildren() for i = 1, #firstChildren do drillDownSetHighLow(firstChildren[i]) end end local function recalculate() internalChange = true local percentFrame = 0 if scrollbar.Position.Y.Scale > 0 then if scrollbar.Visible then percentFrame = scrollbar.Position.Y.Scale/((scrollTrack.AbsoluteSize.Y - scrollbar.AbsoluteSize.Y)/scrollTrack.AbsoluteSize.Y) else percentFrame = 0 end end if percentFrame > 0.99 then percentFrame = 1 end local hiddenYAmount = (scrollingFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y - (highY - lowY)) * percentFrame local guiChildren = scrollingFrame:GetChildren() for i = 1, #guiChildren do if guiChildren[i] ~= controlFrame then guiChildren[i].Position =[i].Position.X.Scale,guiChildren[i].Position.X.Offset, 0, math.ceil(guiChildren[i].AbsolutePosition.Y) - math.ceil(lowY) + hiddenYAmount) end end lowY = nil highY = nil resetHighLow() internalChange = false end local function setSliderSizeAndPosition() if not highY or not lowY then return end local totalYSpan = math.abs(highY - lowY) if totalYSpan == 0 then scrollbar.Visible = false scrollDownButton.Visible = false scrollUpButton.Visible = false if dragCon then dragCon:disconnect() dragCon = nil end if upCon then upCon:disconnect() upCon = nil end return end local percentShown = scrollingFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y/totalYSpan if percentShown >= 1 then scrollbar.Visible = false scrollDownButton.Visible = false scrollUpButton.Visible = false recalculate() else scrollbar.Visible = true scrollDownButton.Visible = true scrollUpButton.Visible = true scrollbar.Size =,scrollbar.Size.X.Offset,percentShown,0) end local percentPosition = (scrollingFrame.AbsolutePosition.Y - lowY)/totalYSpan scrollbar.Position =,scrollbar.Position.X.Offset,percentPosition,-scrollbar.AbsoluteSize.X/2) if scrollbar.AbsolutePosition.y < scrollTrack.AbsolutePosition.y then scrollbar.Position =,scrollbar.Position.X.Offset,0,0) end if (scrollbar.AbsolutePosition.y + scrollbar.AbsoluteSize.Y) > (scrollTrack.AbsolutePosition.y + scrollTrack.AbsoluteSize.y) then local relativeSize = scrollbar.AbsoluteSize.Y/scrollTrack.AbsoluteSize.Y scrollbar.Position =,scrollbar.Position.X.Offset,1 - relativeSize,0) end end local buttonScrollAmountPixels = 7 local reentrancyGuardScrollUp = false local function doScrollUp() if reentrancyGuardScrollUp then return end reentrancyGuardScrollUp = true if positionScrollBar(0,scrollbar.AbsolutePosition.Y - buttonScrollAmountPixels,0) then recalculate() end reentrancyGuardScrollUp = false end local reentrancyGuardScrollDown = false local function doScrollDown() if reentrancyGuardScrollDown then return end reentrancyGuardScrollDown = true if positionScrollBar(0,scrollbar.AbsolutePosition.Y + buttonScrollAmountPixels,0) then recalculate() end reentrancyGuardScrollDown = false end local function scrollUp(mouseYPos) if scrollUpButton.Active then scrollStamp = tick() local current = scrollStamp local upCon upCon = mouseDrag.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() scrollStamp = tick() mouseDrag.Parent = nil upCon:disconnect() end) mouseDrag.Parent = getLayerCollectorAncestor(scrollbar) doScrollUp() wait(0.2) local t = tick() local w = 0.1 while scrollStamp == current do doScrollUp() if mouseYPos and mouseYPos > scrollbar.AbsolutePosition.y then break end if not scrollUpButton.Active then break end if tick()-t > 5 then w = 0 elseif tick()-t > 2 then w = 0.06 end wait(w) end end end local function scrollDown(mouseYPos) if scrollDownButton.Active then scrollStamp = tick() local current = scrollStamp local downCon downCon = mouseDrag.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() scrollStamp = tick() mouseDrag.Parent = nil downCon:disconnect() end) mouseDrag.Parent = getLayerCollectorAncestor(scrollbar) doScrollDown() wait(0.2) local t = tick() local w = 0.1 while scrollStamp == current do doScrollDown() if mouseYPos and mouseYPos < (scrollbar.AbsolutePosition.y + scrollbar.AbsoluteSize.x) then break end if not scrollDownButton.Active then break end if tick()-t > 5 then w = 0 elseif tick()-t > 2 then w = 0.06 end wait(w) end end end scrollbar.MouseButton1Down:connect(function(x,y) if scrollbar.Active then scrollStamp = tick() local mouseOffset = y - scrollbar.AbsolutePosition.y if dragCon then dragCon:disconnect() dragCon = nil end if upCon then upCon:disconnect() upCon = nil end local prevY = y local reentrancyGuardMouseScroll = false dragCon = mouseDrag.MouseMoved:connect(function(x,y) if reentrancyGuardMouseScroll then return end reentrancyGuardMouseScroll = true if positionScrollBar(x,y,mouseOffset) then recalculate() end reentrancyGuardMouseScroll = false end) upCon = mouseDrag.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() scrollStamp = tick() mouseDrag.Parent = nil dragCon:disconnect(); dragCon = nil upCon:disconnect(); drag = nil end) mouseDrag.Parent = getLayerCollectorAncestor(scrollbar) end end) local scrollMouseCount = 0 scrollUpButton.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() scrollUp() end) scrollUpButton.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() scrollStamp = tick() end) scrollDownButton.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() scrollStamp = tick() end) scrollDownButton.MouseButton1Down:connect(function() scrollDown() end) scrollbar.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() scrollStamp = tick() end) local function heightCheck(instance) if highY and (instance.AbsolutePosition.Y + instance.AbsoluteSize.Y) > highY then highY = instance.AbsolutePosition.Y + instance.AbsoluteSize.Y elseif not highY then highY = instance.AbsolutePosition.Y + instance.AbsoluteSize.Y end setSliderSizeAndPosition() end local function highLowRecheck() local oldLowY = lowY local oldHighY = highY lowY = nil highY = nil resetHighLow() if (lowY ~= oldLowY) or (highY ~= oldHighY) then setSliderSizeAndPosition() end end local function descendantChanged(this, prop) if internalChange then return end if not this.Visible then return end if prop == "Size" or prop == "Position" then wait() highLowRecheck() end end scrollingFrame.DescendantAdded:connect(function(instance) if not instance:IsA("GuiObject") then return end if instance.Visible then wait() -- wait a heartbeat for sizes to reconfig highLowRecheck() end descendantsChangeConMap[instance] = instance.Changed:connect(function(prop) descendantChanged(instance, prop) end) end) scrollingFrame.DescendantRemoving:connect(function(instance) if not instance:IsA("GuiObject") then return end if descendantsChangeConMap[instance] then descendantsChangeConMap[instance]:disconnect() descendantsChangeConMap[instance] = nil end wait() -- wait a heartbeat for sizes to reconfig highLowRecheck() end) scrollingFrame.Changed:connect(function(prop) if prop == "AbsoluteSize" then if not highY or not lowY then return end highLowRecheck() setSliderSizeAndPosition() end end) return scrollingFrame, controlFrame end t.CreateScrollingFrame = function(orderList,scrollStyle) local frame ="Frame") frame.Name = "ScrollingFrame" frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 frame.Size =,0,1,0) local scrollUpButton ="ImageButton") scrollUpButton.Name = "ScrollUpButton" scrollUpButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 scrollUpButton.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/scrollbuttonUp.png" scrollUpButton.Size =,17,0,17) local scrollDownButton ="ImageButton") scrollDownButton.Name = "ScrollDownButton" scrollDownButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 scrollDownButton.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/scrollbuttonDown.png" scrollDownButton.Size =,17,0,17) local scrollbar ="ImageButton") scrollbar.Name = "ScrollBar" scrollbar.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/scrollbar.png" scrollbar.BackgroundTransparency = 1 scrollbar.Size =, 18, 0, 150) local scrollStamp = 0 local scrollDrag ="ImageButton") scrollDrag.Image = "" scrollDrag.Size =, 0, 0, 16) scrollDrag.BackgroundTransparency = 1 scrollDrag.Name = "ScrollDrag" scrollDrag.Active = true scrollDrag.Parent = scrollbar local mouseDrag ="ImageButton") mouseDrag.Active = false mouseDrag.Size =, 0, 1.5, 0) mouseDrag.AutoButtonColor = false mouseDrag.BackgroundTransparency = 1 mouseDrag.Name = "mouseDrag" mouseDrag.Position =, 0, -0.25, 0) mouseDrag.ZIndex = 10 local style = "simple" if scrollStyle and tostring(scrollStyle) then style = scrollStyle end local scrollPosition = 1 local rowSize = 0 local howManyDisplayed = 0 local layoutGridScrollBar = function() howManyDisplayed = 0 local guiObjects = {} if orderList then for i, child in ipairs(orderList) do if child.Parent == frame then table.insert(guiObjects, child) end end else local children = frame:GetChildren() if children then for i, child in ipairs(children) do if child:IsA("GuiObject") then table.insert(guiObjects, child) end end end end if #guiObjects == 0 then scrollUpButton.Active = false scrollDownButton.Active = false scrollDrag.Active = false scrollPosition = 1 return end if scrollPosition > #guiObjects then scrollPosition = #guiObjects end if scrollPosition < 1 then scrollPosition = 1 end local totalPixelsY = frame.AbsoluteSize.Y local pixelsRemainingY = frame.AbsoluteSize.Y local totalPixelsX = frame.AbsoluteSize.X local xCounter = 0 local rowSizeCounter = 0 local setRowSize = true local pixelsBelowScrollbar = 0 local pos = #guiObjects local currentRowY = 0 pos = scrollPosition --count up from current scroll position to fill out grid while pos <= #guiObjects and pixelsBelowScrollbar < totalPixelsY do xCounter = xCounter + guiObjects[pos].AbsoluteSize.X --previous pos was the end of a row if xCounter >= totalPixelsX then pixelsBelowScrollbar = pixelsBelowScrollbar + currentRowY currentRowY = 0 xCounter = guiObjects[pos].AbsoluteSize.X end if guiObjects[pos].AbsoluteSize.Y > currentRowY then currentRowY = guiObjects[pos].AbsoluteSize.Y end pos = pos + 1 end --Count wherever current row left off pixelsBelowScrollbar = pixelsBelowScrollbar + currentRowY currentRowY = 0 pos = scrollPosition - 1 xCounter = 0 --objects with varying X,Y dimensions can rarely cause minor errors --rechecking every new scrollPosition is necessary to avoid 100% of errors --count backwards from current scrollPosition to see if we can add more rows while pixelsBelowScrollbar + currentRowY < totalPixelsY and pos >= 1 do xCounter = xCounter + guiObjects[pos].AbsoluteSize.X rowSizeCounter = rowSizeCounter + 1 if xCounter >= totalPixelsX then rowSize = rowSizeCounter - 1 rowSizeCounter = 0 xCounter = guiObjects[pos].AbsoluteSize.X if pixelsBelowScrollbar + currentRowY <= totalPixelsY then --It fits, so back up our scroll position pixelsBelowScrollbar = pixelsBelowScrollbar + currentRowY if scrollPosition <= rowSize then scrollPosition = 1 break else scrollPosition = scrollPosition - rowSize end currentRowY = 0 else break end end if guiObjects[pos].AbsoluteSize.Y > currentRowY then currentRowY = guiObjects[pos].AbsoluteSize.Y end pos = pos - 1 end --Do check last time if pos = 0 if (pos == 0) and (pixelsBelowScrollbar + currentRowY <= totalPixelsY) then scrollPosition = 1 end xCounter = 0 --pos = scrollPosition rowSizeCounter = 0 setRowSize = true local lastChildSize = 0 local xOffset,yOffset = 0 if guiObjects[1] then yOffset = math.ceil(math.floor(math.fmod(totalPixelsY,guiObjects[1].AbsoluteSize.X))/2) xOffset = math.ceil(math.floor(math.fmod(totalPixelsX,guiObjects[1].AbsoluteSize.Y))/2) end for i, child in ipairs(guiObjects) do if i < scrollPosition then --print("Hiding " .. child.Name) child.Visible = false else if pixelsRemainingY < 0 then --print("Out of Space " .. child.Name) child.Visible = false else --print("Laying out " .. child.Name) --GuiObject if setRowSize then rowSizeCounter = rowSizeCounter + 1 end if xCounter + child.AbsoluteSize.X >= totalPixelsX then if setRowSize then rowSize = rowSizeCounter - 1 setRowSize = false end xCounter = 0 pixelsRemainingY = pixelsRemainingY - child.AbsoluteSize.Y end child.Position =,xCounter + xOffset, 0, totalPixelsY - pixelsRemainingY + yOffset) xCounter = xCounter + child.AbsoluteSize.X child.Visible = ((pixelsRemainingY - child.AbsoluteSize.Y) >= 0) if child.Visible then howManyDisplayed = howManyDisplayed + 1 end lastChildSize = child.AbsoluteSize end end end scrollUpButton.Active = (scrollPosition > 1) if lastChildSize == 0 then scrollDownButton.Active = false else scrollDownButton.Active = ((pixelsRemainingY - lastChildSize.Y) < 0) end scrollDrag.Active = #guiObjects > howManyDisplayed scrollDrag.Visible = scrollDrag.Active end local layoutSimpleScrollBar = function() local guiObjects = {} howManyDisplayed = 0 if orderList then for i, child in ipairs(orderList) do if child.Parent == frame then table.insert(guiObjects, child) end end else local children = frame:GetChildren() if children then for i, child in ipairs(children) do if child:IsA("GuiObject") then table.insert(guiObjects, child) end end end end if #guiObjects == 0 then scrollUpButton.Active = false scrollDownButton.Active = false scrollDrag.Active = false scrollPosition = 1 return end if scrollPosition > #guiObjects then scrollPosition = #guiObjects end local totalPixels = frame.AbsoluteSize.Y local pixelsRemaining = frame.AbsoluteSize.Y local pixelsBelowScrollbar = 0 local pos = #guiObjects while pixelsBelowScrollbar < totalPixels and pos >= 1 do if pos >= scrollPosition then pixelsBelowScrollbar = pixelsBelowScrollbar + guiObjects[pos].AbsoluteSize.Y else if pixelsBelowScrollbar + guiObjects[pos].AbsoluteSize.Y <= totalPixels then --It fits, so back up our scroll position pixelsBelowScrollbar = pixelsBelowScrollbar + guiObjects[pos].AbsoluteSize.Y if scrollPosition <= 1 then scrollPosition = 1 break else --local ("Backing up ScrollPosition from -- " ..scrollPosition) scrollPosition = scrollPosition - 1 end else break end end pos = pos - 1 end pos = scrollPosition for i, child in ipairs(guiObjects) do if i < scrollPosition then --print("Hiding " .. child.Name) child.Visible = false else if pixelsRemaining < 0 then --print("Out of Space " .. child.Name) child.Visible = false else --print("Laying out " .. child.Name) --GuiObject child.Position =, child.Position.X.Offset, 0, totalPixels - pixelsRemaining) pixelsRemaining = pixelsRemaining - child.AbsoluteSize.Y if (pixelsRemaining >= 0) then child.Visible = true howManyDisplayed = howManyDisplayed + 1 else child.Visible = false end end end end scrollUpButton.Active = (scrollPosition > 1) scrollDownButton.Active = (pixelsRemaining < 0) scrollDrag.Active = #guiObjects > howManyDisplayed scrollDrag.Visible = scrollDrag.Active end local moveDragger = function() local guiObjects = 0 local children = frame:GetChildren() if children then for i, child in ipairs(children) do if child:IsA("GuiObject") then guiObjects = guiObjects + 1 end end end if not scrollDrag.Parent then return end local dragSizeY = scrollDrag.Parent.AbsoluteSize.y * (1/(guiObjects - howManyDisplayed + 1)) if dragSizeY < 16 then dragSizeY = 16 end scrollDrag.Size =,scrollDrag.Size.X.Offset,scrollDrag.Size.Y.Scale,dragSizeY) local relativeYPos = (scrollPosition - 1)/(guiObjects - (howManyDisplayed)) if relativeYPos > 1 then relativeYPos = 1 elseif relativeYPos < 0 then relativeYPos = 0 end local absYPos = 0 if relativeYPos ~= 0 then absYPos = (relativeYPos * scrollbar.AbsoluteSize.y) - (relativeYPos * scrollDrag.AbsoluteSize.y) end scrollDrag.Position =,scrollDrag.Position.X.Offset,scrollDrag.Position.Y.Scale,absYPos) end local reentrancyGuard = false local recalculate = function() if reentrancyGuard then return end reentrancyGuard = true wait() local success, err = nil if style == "grid" then success, err = pcall(function() layoutGridScrollBar() end) elseif style == "simple" then success, err = pcall(function() layoutSimpleScrollBar() end) end if not success then print(err) end moveDragger() reentrancyGuard = false end local doScrollUp = function() scrollPosition = (scrollPosition) - rowSize if scrollPosition < 1 then scrollPosition = 1 end recalculate(nil) end local doScrollDown = function() scrollPosition = (scrollPosition) + rowSize recalculate(nil) end local scrollUp = function(mouseYPos) if scrollUpButton.Active then scrollStamp = tick() local current = scrollStamp local upCon upCon = mouseDrag.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() scrollStamp = tick() mouseDrag.Parent = nil upCon:disconnect() end) mouseDrag.Parent = getLayerCollectorAncestor(scrollbar) doScrollUp() wait(0.2) local t = tick() local w = 0.1 while scrollStamp == current do doScrollUp() if mouseYPos and mouseYPos > scrollDrag.AbsolutePosition.y then break end if not scrollUpButton.Active then break end if tick()-t > 5 then w = 0 elseif tick()-t > 2 then w = 0.06 end wait(w) end end end local scrollDown = function(mouseYPos) if scrollDownButton.Active then scrollStamp = tick() local current = scrollStamp local downCon downCon = mouseDrag.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() scrollStamp = tick() mouseDrag.Parent = nil downCon:disconnect() end) mouseDrag.Parent = getLayerCollectorAncestor(scrollbar) doScrollDown() wait(0.2) local t = tick() local w = 0.1 while scrollStamp == current do doScrollDown() if mouseYPos and mouseYPos < (scrollDrag.AbsolutePosition.y + scrollDrag.AbsoluteSize.x) then break end if not scrollDownButton.Active then break end if tick()-t > 5 then w = 0 elseif tick()-t > 2 then w = 0.06 end wait(w) end end end local y = 0 scrollDrag.MouseButton1Down:connect(function(x,y) if scrollDrag.Active then scrollStamp = tick() local mouseOffset = y - scrollDrag.AbsolutePosition.y local dragCon local upCon dragCon = mouseDrag.MouseMoved:connect(function(x,y) local barAbsPos = scrollbar.AbsolutePosition.y local barAbsSize = scrollbar.AbsoluteSize.y local dragAbsSize = scrollDrag.AbsoluteSize.y local barAbsOne = barAbsPos + barAbsSize - dragAbsSize y = y - mouseOffset y = y < barAbsPos and barAbsPos or y > barAbsOne and barAbsOne or y y = y - barAbsPos local guiObjects = 0 local children = frame:GetChildren() if children then for i, child in ipairs(children) do if child:IsA("GuiObject") then guiObjects = guiObjects + 1 end end end local doublePercent = y/(barAbsSize-dragAbsSize) local rowDiff = rowSize local totalScrollCount = guiObjects - (howManyDisplayed - 1) local newScrollPosition = math.floor((doublePercent * totalScrollCount) + 0.5) + rowDiff if newScrollPosition < scrollPosition then rowDiff = -rowDiff end if newScrollPosition < 1 then newScrollPosition = 1 end scrollPosition = newScrollPosition recalculate(nil) end) upCon = mouseDrag.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() scrollStamp = tick() mouseDrag.Parent = nil dragCon:disconnect(); dragCon = nil upCon:disconnect(); drag = nil end) mouseDrag.Parent = getLayerCollectorAncestor(scrollbar) end end) local scrollMouseCount = 0 scrollUpButton.MouseButton1Down:connect( function() scrollUp() end) scrollUpButton.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() scrollStamp = tick() end) scrollDownButton.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() scrollStamp = tick() end) scrollDownButton.MouseButton1Down:connect( function() scrollDown() end) scrollbar.MouseButton1Up:connect(function() scrollStamp = tick() end) scrollbar.MouseButton1Down:connect( function(x,y) if y > (scrollDrag.AbsoluteSize.y + scrollDrag.AbsolutePosition.y) then scrollDown(y) elseif y < (scrollDrag.AbsolutePosition.y) then scrollUp(y) end end) frame.ChildAdded:connect(function() recalculate(nil) end) frame.ChildRemoved:connect(function() recalculate(nil) end) frame.Changed:connect( function(prop) if prop == "AbsoluteSize" then --Wait a heartbeat for it to sync in recalculate(nil) end end) frame.AncestryChanged:connect(function() recalculate(nil) end) return frame, scrollUpButton, scrollDownButton, recalculate, scrollbar end local function binaryGrow(min, max, fits) if min > max then return min end local biggestLegal = min while min <= max do local mid = min + math.floor((max - min) / 2) if fits(mid) and (biggestLegal == nil or biggestLegal < mid) then biggestLegal = mid --Try growing min = mid + 1 else --Doesn't fit, shrink max = mid - 1 end end return biggestLegal end local function binaryShrink(min, max, fits) if min > max then return min end local smallestLegal = max while min <= max do local mid = min + math.floor((max - min) / 2) if fits(mid) and (smallestLegal == nil or smallestLegal > mid) then smallestLegal = mid --It fits, shrink max = mid - 1 else --Doesn't fit, grow min = mid + 1 end end return smallestLegal end local function getGuiOwner(instance) while instance ~= nil do if instance:IsA("ScreenGui") or instance:IsA("BillboardGui") then return instance end instance = instance.Parent end return nil end t.AutoTruncateTextObject = function(textLabel) local text = textLabel.Text local fullLabel = textLabel:Clone() fullLabel.Name = "Full" .. textLabel.Name fullLabel.BorderSizePixel = 0 fullLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 0 fullLabel.Text = text fullLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Center fullLabel.Position =,-3,0,0) fullLabel.Size =,100,1,0) fullLabel.Visible = false fullLabel.Parent = textLabel local shortText = nil local mouseEnterConnection = nil local mouseLeaveConnection= nil local checkForResize = function() if getGuiOwner(textLabel) == nil then return end textLabel.Text = text if textLabel.TextFits then --Tear down the rollover if it is active if mouseEnterConnection then mouseEnterConnection:disconnect() mouseEnterConnection = nil end if mouseLeaveConnection then mouseLeaveConnection:disconnect() mouseLeaveConnection = nil end else local len = string.len(text) textLabel.Text = text .. "~" --Shrink the text local textSize = binaryGrow(0, len, function(pos) if pos == 0 then textLabel.Text = "~" else textLabel.Text = string.sub(text, 1, pos) .. "~" end return textLabel.TextFits end) shortText = string.sub(text, 1, textSize) .. "~" textLabel.Text = shortText --Make sure the fullLabel fits if not fullLabel.TextFits then --Already too small, grow it really bit to start fullLabel.Size =, 10000, 1, 0) end --Okay, now try to binary shrink it back down local fullLabelSize = binaryShrink(textLabel.AbsoluteSize.X,fullLabel.AbsoluteSize.X, function(size) fullLabel.Size =, size, 1, 0) return fullLabel.TextFits end) fullLabel.Size =,fullLabelSize+6,1,0) --Now setup the rollover effects, if they are currently off if mouseEnterConnection == nil then mouseEnterConnection = textLabel.MouseEnter:connect( function() fullLabel.ZIndex = textLabel.ZIndex + 1 fullLabel.Visible = true --textLabel.Text = "" end) end if mouseLeaveConnection == nil then mouseLeaveConnection = textLabel.MouseLeave:connect( function() fullLabel.Visible = false --textLabel.Text = shortText end) end end end textLabel.AncestryChanged:connect(checkForResize) textLabel.Changed:connect( function(prop) if prop == "AbsoluteSize" then checkForResize() end end) checkForResize() local function changeText(newText) text = newText fullLabel.Text = text checkForResize() end return textLabel, changeText end local function TransitionTutorialPages(fromPage, toPage, transitionFrame, currentPageValue) if fromPage then fromPage.Visible = false if transitionFrame.Visible == false then transitionFrame.Size = fromPage.Size transitionFrame.Position = fromPage.Position end else if transitionFrame.Visible == false then transitionFrame.Size =,50,0.0,50) transitionFrame.Position =,-25,0.5,-25) end end transitionFrame.Visible = true currentPageValue.Value = nil local newSize, newPosition if toPage then --Make it visible so it resizes toPage.Visible = true newSize = toPage.Size newPosition = toPage.Position toPage.Visible = false else newSize =,50,0.0,50) newPosition =,-25,0.5,-25) end transitionFrame:TweenSizeAndPosition(newSize, newPosition, Enum.EasingDirection.InOut, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, 0.3, true, function(state) if state == Enum.TweenStatus.Completed then transitionFrame.Visible = false if toPage then toPage.Visible = true currentPageValue.Value = toPage end end end) end t.CreateTutorial = function(name, tutorialKey, createButtons) local frame ="Frame") frame.Name = "Tutorial-" .. name frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 frame.Size =, 0, 0.6, 0) frame.Position =, 0, 0.2, 0) local transitionFrame ="Frame") transitionFrame.Name = "TransitionFrame" transitionFrame.Style = Enum.FrameStyle.RobloxRound transitionFrame.Size =, 0, 0.6, 0) transitionFrame.Position =, 0, 0.2, 0) transitionFrame.Visible = false transitionFrame.Parent = frame local currentPageValue ="ObjectValue") currentPageValue.Name = "CurrentTutorialPage" currentPageValue.Value = nil currentPageValue.Parent = frame local boolValue ="BoolValue") boolValue.Name = "Buttons" boolValue.Value = createButtons boolValue.Parent = frame local pages ="Frame") pages.Name = "Pages" pages.BackgroundTransparency = 1 pages.Size =,0,1,0) pages.Parent = frame local function getVisiblePageAndHideOthers() local visiblePage = nil local children = pages:GetChildren() if children then for i,child in ipairs(children) do if child.Visible then if visiblePage then child.Visible = false else visiblePage = child end end end end return visiblePage end local showTutorial = function(alwaysShow) if alwaysShow or UserSettings().GameSettings:GetTutorialState(tutorialKey) == false then print("Showing tutorial-",tutorialKey) local currentTutorialPage = getVisiblePageAndHideOthers() local firstPage = pages:FindFirstChild("TutorialPage1") if firstPage then TransitionTutorialPages(currentTutorialPage, firstPage, transitionFrame, currentPageValue) else error("Could not find TutorialPage1") end end end local dismissTutorial = function() local currentTutorialPage = getVisiblePageAndHideOthers() if currentTutorialPage then TransitionTutorialPages(currentTutorialPage, nil, transitionFrame, currentPageValue) end UserSettings().GameSettings:SetTutorialState(tutorialKey, true) end local gotoPage = function(pageNum) local page = pages:FindFirstChild("TutorialPage" .. pageNum) local currentTutorialPage = getVisiblePageAndHideOthers() TransitionTutorialPages(currentTutorialPage, page, transitionFrame, currentPageValue) end return frame, showTutorial, dismissTutorial, gotoPage end local function CreateBasicTutorialPage(name, handleResize, skipTutorial, giveDoneButton) local frame ="Frame") frame.Name = "TutorialPage" frame.Style = Enum.FrameStyle.RobloxRound frame.Size =, 0, 0.6, 0) frame.Position =, 0, 0.2, 0) frame.Visible = false local frameHeader ="TextLabel") frameHeader.Name = "Header" frameHeader.Text = name frameHeader.BackgroundTransparency = 1 frameHeader.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24 frameHeader.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold frameHeader.TextColor3 =,1,1) frameHeader.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Center frameHeader.TextWrap = true frameHeader.Size =,-55, 0, 22) frameHeader.Position =,0,0,0) frameHeader.Parent = frame local skipButton ="ImageButton") skipButton.Name = "SkipButton" skipButton.AutoButtonColor = false skipButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 skipButton.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/closeButton.png" skipButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() skipTutorial() end) skipButton.MouseEnter:connect(function() skipButton.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/closeButton_dn.png" end) skipButton.MouseLeave:connect(function() skipButton.Image = "rbxasset://textures/ui/closeButton.png" end) skipButton.Size =, 25, 0, 25) skipButton.Position =, -25, 0, 0) skipButton.Parent = frame if giveDoneButton then local doneButton ="TextButton") doneButton.Name = "DoneButton" doneButton.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxButtonDefault doneButton.Text = "Done" doneButton.TextColor3 =,1,1) doneButton.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold doneButton.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 doneButton.Size =,100,0,50) doneButton.Position =,-50,1,-50) if skipTutorial then doneButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() skipTutorial() end) end doneButton.Parent = frame end local innerFrame ="Frame") innerFrame.Name = "ContentFrame" innerFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 innerFrame.Position =,0,0,25) innerFrame.Parent = frame local nextButton ="TextButton") nextButton.Name = "NextButton" nextButton.Text = "Next" nextButton.TextColor3 =,1,1) nextButton.Font = Enum.Font.Arial nextButton.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 nextButton.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxButtonDefault nextButton.Size =,80, 0, 32) nextButton.Position =, 5, 1, -32) nextButton.Active = false nextButton.Visible = false nextButton.Parent = frame local prevButton ="TextButton") prevButton.Name = "PrevButton" prevButton.Text = "Previous" prevButton.TextColor3 =,1,1) prevButton.Font = Enum.Font.Arial prevButton.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 prevButton.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxButton prevButton.Size =,80, 0, 32) prevButton.Position =, -85, 1, -32) prevButton.Active = false prevButton.Visible = false prevButton.Parent = frame if giveDoneButton then innerFrame.Size =,0,1,-75) else innerFrame.Size =,0,1,-22) end local parentConnection = nil local function basicHandleResize() if frame.Visible and frame.Parent then local maxSize = math.min(frame.Parent.AbsoluteSize.X, frame.Parent.AbsoluteSize.Y) handleResize(200,maxSize) end end frame.Changed:connect( function(prop) if prop == "Parent" then if parentConnection ~= nil then parentConnection:disconnect() parentConnection = nil end if frame.Parent and frame.Parent:IsA("GuiObject") then parentConnection = frame.Parent.Changed:connect( function(parentProp) if parentProp == "AbsoluteSize" then wait() basicHandleResize() end end) basicHandleResize() end end if prop == "Visible" then basicHandleResize() end end) return frame, innerFrame end t.CreateTextTutorialPage = function(name, text, skipTutorialFunc) local frame = nil local contentFrame = nil local textLabel ="TextLabel") textLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 textLabel.TextColor3 =,1,1) textLabel.Text = text textLabel.TextWrap = true textLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left textLabel.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Center textLabel.Font = Enum.Font.Arial textLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 textLabel.Size =,0,1,0) local function handleResize(minSize, maxSize) size = binaryShrink(minSize, maxSize, function(size) frame.Size =, size, 0, size) return textLabel.TextFits end) frame.Size =, size, 0, size) frame.Position =, -size/2, 0.5, -size/2) end frame, contentFrame = CreateBasicTutorialPage(name, handleResize, skipTutorialFunc) textLabel.Parent = contentFrame return frame end t.CreateImageTutorialPage = function(name, imageAsset, x, y, skipTutorialFunc, giveDoneButton) local frame = nil local contentFrame = nil local imageLabel ="ImageLabel") imageLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 imageLabel.Image = imageAsset imageLabel.Size =,x,0,y) imageLabel.Position =,-x/2,0.5,-y/2) local function handleResize(minSize, maxSize) size = binaryShrink(minSize, maxSize, function(size) return size >= x and size >= y end) if size >= x and size >= y then imageLabel.Size =,x, 0,y) imageLabel.Position =,-x/2, 0.5, -y/2) else if x > y then --X is limiter, so imageLabel.Size =,0,y/x,0) imageLabel.Position =,0, 0.5 - (y/x)/2, 0) else --Y is limiter imageLabel.Size =,0,1, 0) imageLabel.Position =, 0, 0, 0) end end size = size + 50 frame.Size =, size, 0, size) frame.Position =, -size/2, 0.5, -size/2) end frame, contentFrame = CreateBasicTutorialPage(name, handleResize, skipTutorialFunc, giveDoneButton) imageLabel.Parent = contentFrame return frame end t.AddTutorialPage = function(tutorial, tutorialPage) local transitionFrame = tutorial.TransitionFrame local currentPageValue = tutorial.CurrentTutorialPage if not tutorial.Buttons.Value then tutorialPage.NextButton.Parent = nil tutorialPage.PrevButton.Parent = nil end local children = tutorial.Pages:GetChildren() if children and #children > 0 then tutorialPage.Name = "TutorialPage" .. (#children+1) local previousPage = children[#children] if not previousPage:IsA("GuiObject") then error("All elements under Pages must be GuiObjects") end if tutorial.Buttons.Value then if previousPage.NextButton.Active then error("NextButton already Active on previousPage, please only add pages with RbxGui.AddTutorialPage function") end previousPage.NextButton.MouseButton1Click:connect( function() TransitionTutorialPages(previousPage, tutorialPage, transitionFrame, currentPageValue) end) previousPage.NextButton.Active = true previousPage.NextButton.Visible = true if tutorialPage.PrevButton.Active then error("PrevButton already Active on tutorialPage, please only add pages with RbxGui.AddTutorialPage function") end tutorialPage.PrevButton.MouseButton1Click:connect( function() TransitionTutorialPages(tutorialPage, previousPage, transitionFrame, currentPageValue) end) tutorialPage.PrevButton.Active = true tutorialPage.PrevButton.Visible = true end tutorialPage.Parent = tutorial.Pages else --First child tutorialPage.Name = "TutorialPage1" tutorialPage.Parent = tutorial.Pages end end t.CreateSetPanel = function(userIdsForSets, objectSelected, dialogClosed, size, position, showAdminCategories, useAssetVersionId) if not userIdsForSets then error("CreateSetPanel: userIdsForSets (first arg) is nil, should be a table of number ids") end if type(userIdsForSets) ~= "table" and type(userIdsForSets) ~= "userdata" then error("CreateSetPanel: userIdsForSets (first arg) is of type " ..type(userIdsForSets) .. ", should be of type table or userdata") end if not objectSelected then error("CreateSetPanel: objectSelected (second arg) is nil, should be a callback function!") end if type(objectSelected) ~= "function" then error("CreateSetPanel: objectSelected (second arg) is of type " .. type(objectSelected) .. ", should be of type function!") end if dialogClosed and type(dialogClosed) ~= "function" then error("CreateSetPanel: dialogClosed (third arg) is of type " .. type(dialogClosed) .. ", should be of type function!") end if showAdminCategories == nil then -- by default, don't show beta sets showAdminCategories = false end local arrayPosition = 1 local insertButtons = {} local insertButtonCons = {} local contents = nil local setGui = nil -- used for water selections local waterForceDirection = "NegX" local waterForce = "None" local waterGui, waterTypeChangedEvent = nil local Data = {} Data.CurrentCategory = nil Data.Category = {} local SetCache = {} local userCategoryButtons = nil local buttonWidth = 64 local buttonHeight = buttonWidth local SmallThumbnailUrl = nil local LargeThumbnailUrl = nil local BaseUrl = game:GetService("ContentProvider").BaseUrl:lower() local AssetGameUrl = string.gsub(BaseUrl, "www", "assetgame") if useAssetVersionId then LargeThumbnailUrl = AssetGameUrl .. "Game/Tools/ThumbnailAsset.ashx?fmt=png&wd=420&ht=420&assetversionid=" SmallThumbnailUrl = AssetGameUrl .. "Game/Tools/ThumbnailAsset.ashx?fmt=png&wd=75&ht=75&assetversionid=" else LargeThumbnailUrl = AssetGameUrl .. "Game/Tools/ThumbnailAsset.ashx?fmt=png&wd=420&ht=420&aid=" SmallThumbnailUrl = AssetGameUrl .. "Game/Tools/ThumbnailAsset.ashx?fmt=png&wd=75&ht=75&aid=" end local function drillDownSetZIndex(parent, index) local children = parent:GetChildren() for i = 1, #children do if children[i]:IsA("GuiObject") then children[i].ZIndex = index end drillDownSetZIndex(children[i], index) end end -- for terrain stamping local currTerrainDropDownFrame = nil local terrainShapes = {"Block","Vertical Ramp","Corner Wedge","Inverse Corner Wedge","Horizontal Ramp","Auto-Wedge"} local terrainShapeMap = {} for i = 1, #terrainShapes do terrainShapeMap[terrainShapes[i]] = i - 1 end terrainShapeMap[terrainShapes[#terrainShapes]] = 6 local function createWaterGui() local waterForceDirections = {"NegX","X","NegY","Y","NegZ","Z"} local waterForces = {"None", "Small", "Medium", "Strong", "Max"} local waterFrame ="Frame") waterFrame.Name = "WaterFrame" waterFrame.Style = Enum.FrameStyle.RobloxSquare waterFrame.Size =,150,0,110) waterFrame.Visible = false local waterForceLabel ="TextLabel") waterForceLabel.Name = "WaterForceLabel" waterForceLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 waterForceLabel.Size =,0,0,12) waterForceLabel.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold waterForceLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size12 waterForceLabel.TextColor3 =,1,1) waterForceLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left waterForceLabel.Text = "Water Force" waterForceLabel.Parent = waterFrame local waterForceDirLabel = waterForceLabel:Clone() waterForceDirLabel.Name = "WaterForceDirectionLabel" waterForceDirLabel.Text = "Water Force Direction" waterForceDirLabel.Position =,0,0,50) waterForceDirLabel.Parent = waterFrame local waterTypeChangedEvent ="BindableEvent",waterFrame) waterTypeChangedEvent.Name = "WaterTypeChangedEvent" local waterForceDirectionSelectedFunc = function(newForceDirection) waterForceDirection = newForceDirection waterTypeChangedEvent:Fire({waterForce, waterForceDirection}) end local waterForceSelectedFunc = function(newForce) waterForce = newForce waterTypeChangedEvent:Fire({waterForce, waterForceDirection}) end local waterForceDirectionDropDown, forceWaterDirectionSelection = t.CreateDropDownMenu(waterForceDirections, waterForceDirectionSelectedFunc) waterForceDirectionDropDown.Size =,0,0,25) waterForceDirectionDropDown.Position =,0,1,3) forceWaterDirectionSelection("NegX") waterForceDirectionDropDown.Parent = waterForceDirLabel local waterForceDropDown, forceWaterForceSelection = t.CreateDropDownMenu(waterForces, waterForceSelectedFunc) forceWaterForceSelection("None") waterForceDropDown.Size =,0,0,25) waterForceDropDown.Position =,0,1,3) waterForceDropDown.Parent = waterForceLabel return waterFrame, waterTypeChangedEvent end -- Helper Function that contructs gui elements local function createSetGui() local setGui ="ScreenGui") setGui.Name = "SetGui" local setPanel ="Frame") setPanel.Name = "SetPanel" setPanel.Active = true setPanel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 if position then setPanel.Position = position else setPanel.Position =, 29, 0.1, 24) end if size then setPanel.Size = size else setPanel.Size =, -58, 0.64, 0) end setPanel.Style = Enum.FrameStyle.RobloxRound setPanel.ZIndex = 6 setPanel.Parent = setGui -- Children of SetPanel local itemPreview ="Frame") itemPreview.Name = "ItemPreview" itemPreview.BackgroundTransparency = 1 itemPreview.Position =,5,0.085,0) itemPreview.Size =,0,0.9,0) itemPreview.ZIndex = 6 itemPreview.Parent = setPanel -- Children of ItemPreview local textPanel ="Frame") textPanel.Name = "TextPanel" textPanel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 textPanel.Position =,0,0.45,0) textPanel.Size =,0,0.55,0) textPanel.ZIndex = 6 textPanel.Parent = itemPreview -- Children of TextPanel local rolloverText ="TextLabel") rolloverText.Name = "RolloverText" rolloverText.BackgroundTransparency = 1 rolloverText.Size =,0,0,48) rolloverText.ZIndex = 6 rolloverText.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold rolloverText.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24 rolloverText.Text = "" rolloverText.TextColor3 =,1,1) rolloverText.TextWrap = true rolloverText.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left rolloverText.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top rolloverText.Parent = textPanel local largePreview ="ImageLabel") largePreview.Name = "LargePreview" largePreview.BackgroundTransparency = 1 largePreview.Image = "" largePreview.Size =,0,0,170) largePreview.ZIndex = 6 largePreview.Parent = itemPreview local sets ="Frame") sets.Name = "Sets" sets.BackgroundTransparency = 1 sets.Position =,0,0,5) sets.Size =,0,1,-5) sets.ZIndex = 6 sets.Parent = setPanel -- Children of Sets local line ="Frame") line.Name = "Line" line.BackgroundColor3 =,1,1) line.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7 line.BorderSizePixel = 0 line.Position =,-3,0.06,0) line.Size =,3,0.9,0) line.ZIndex = 6 line.Parent = sets local setsLists, controlFrame = t.CreateTrueScrollingFrame() setsLists.Size =,-6,0.94,0) setsLists.Position =,0,0.06,0) setsLists.BackgroundTransparency = 1 setsLists.Name = "SetsLists" setsLists.ZIndex = 6 setsLists.Parent = sets drillDownSetZIndex(controlFrame, 7) local setsHeader ="TextLabel") setsHeader.Name = "SetsHeader" setsHeader.BackgroundTransparency = 1 setsHeader.Size =,47,0,24) setsHeader.ZIndex = 6 setsHeader.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold setsHeader.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size24 setsHeader.Text = "Sets" setsHeader.TextColor3 =,1,1) setsHeader.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left setsHeader.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top setsHeader.Parent = sets local cancelButton ="TextButton") cancelButton.Name = "CancelButton" cancelButton.Position =,-32,0,-2) cancelButton.Size =,34,0,34) cancelButton.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxButtonDefault cancelButton.ZIndex = 6 cancelButton.Text = "" cancelButton.Modal = true cancelButton.Parent = setPanel -- Children of Cancel Button local cancelImage ="ImageLabel") cancelImage.Name = "CancelImage" cancelImage.BackgroundTransparency = 1 cancelImage.Image = "" cancelImage.Position =,-2,0,-2) cancelImage.Size =,16,0,16) cancelImage.ZIndex = 6 cancelImage.Parent = cancelButton return setGui end local function createSetButton(text) local setButton ="TextButton") if text then setButton.Text = text else setButton.Text = "" end setButton.AutoButtonColor = false setButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 setButton.BackgroundColor3 =,1,1) setButton.BorderSizePixel = 0 setButton.Size =,-5,0,18) setButton.ZIndex = 6 setButton.Visible = false setButton.Font = Enum.Font.Arial setButton.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 setButton.TextColor3 =,1,1) setButton.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left return setButton end local function buildSetButton(name, setId, setImageId, i, count) local button = createSetButton(name) button.Text = name button.Name = "SetButton" button.Visible = true local setValue ="IntValue") setValue.Name = "SetId" setValue.Value = setId setValue.Parent = button local setName ="StringValue") setName.Name = "SetName" setName.Value = name setName.Parent = button return button end local function processCategory(sets) local setButtons = {} local numSkipped = 0 for i = 1, #sets do if not showAdminCategories and sets[i].Name == "Beta" then numSkipped = numSkipped + 1 else setButtons[i - numSkipped] = buildSetButton(sets[i].Name, sets[i].CategoryId, sets[i].ImageAssetId, i - numSkipped, #sets) end end return setButtons end local function handleResize() wait() -- neccessary to insure heartbeat happened local itemPreview = setGui.SetPanel.ItemPreview itemPreview.LargePreview.Size =,0,0,itemPreview.AbsoluteSize.X) itemPreview.LargePreview.Position =,-itemPreview.LargePreview.AbsoluteSize.X/2,0,0) itemPreview.TextPanel.Position =,0,0,itemPreview.LargePreview.AbsoluteSize.Y) itemPreview.TextPanel.Size =,0,0,itemPreview.AbsoluteSize.Y - itemPreview.LargePreview.AbsoluteSize.Y) end local function makeInsertAssetButton() local insertAssetButtonExample ="Frame") insertAssetButtonExample.Name = "InsertAssetButtonExample" insertAssetButtonExample.Position =,128,0,64) insertAssetButtonExample.Size =,64,0,64) insertAssetButtonExample.BackgroundTransparency = 1 insertAssetButtonExample.ZIndex = 6 insertAssetButtonExample.Visible = false local assetId ="IntValue") assetId.Name = "AssetId" assetId.Value = 0 assetId.Parent = insertAssetButtonExample local assetName ="StringValue") assetName.Name = "AssetName" assetName.Value = "" assetName.Parent = insertAssetButtonExample local button ="TextButton") button.Name = "Button" button.Text = "" button.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxButton button.Position =,0,0.025,0) button.Size =,0,0.95,0) button.ZIndex = 6 button.Parent = insertAssetButtonExample local buttonImage ="ImageLabel") buttonImage.Name = "ButtonImage" buttonImage.Image = "" buttonImage.Position =,-7,0,-7) buttonImage.Size =,14,1,14) buttonImage.BackgroundTransparency = 1 buttonImage.ZIndex = 7 buttonImage.Parent = button local configIcon = buttonImage:clone() configIcon.Name = "ConfigIcon" configIcon.Visible = false configIcon.Position =,-23,1,-24) configIcon.Size =,16,0,16) configIcon.Image = "" configIcon.ZIndex = 6 configIcon.Parent = insertAssetButtonExample return insertAssetButtonExample end local function showLargePreview(insertButton) if insertButton:FindFirstChild("AssetId") then delay(0,function() game:GetService("ContentProvider"):Preload(LargeThumbnailUrl .. tostring(insertButton.AssetId.Value)) setGui.SetPanel.ItemPreview.LargePreview.Image = LargeThumbnailUrl .. tostring(insertButton.AssetId.Value) end) end if insertButton:FindFirstChild("AssetName") then setGui.SetPanel.ItemPreview.TextPanel.RolloverText.Text = insertButton.AssetName.Value end end local function selectTerrainShape(shape) if currTerrainDropDownFrame then objectSelected(tostring(currTerrainDropDownFrame.AssetName.Value), tonumber(currTerrainDropDownFrame.AssetId.Value), shape) end end local function createTerrainTypeButton(name, parent) local dropDownTextButton ="TextButton") dropDownTextButton.Name = name .. "Button" dropDownTextButton.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold dropDownTextButton.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 dropDownTextButton.BorderSizePixel = 0 dropDownTextButton.TextColor3 =,1,1) dropDownTextButton.Text = name dropDownTextButton.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left dropDownTextButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 dropDownTextButton.ZIndex = parent.ZIndex + 1 dropDownTextButton.Size =,parent.Size.X.Offset - 2,0,16) dropDownTextButton.Position =,1,0,0) dropDownTextButton.MouseEnter:connect(function() dropDownTextButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0 dropDownTextButton.TextColor3 =,0,0) end) dropDownTextButton.MouseLeave:connect(function() dropDownTextButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 dropDownTextButton.TextColor3 =,1,1) end) dropDownTextButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() dropDownTextButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 dropDownTextButton.TextColor3 =,1,1) if dropDownTextButton.Parent and dropDownTextButton.Parent:IsA("GuiObject") then dropDownTextButton.Parent.Visible = false end selectTerrainShape(terrainShapeMap[dropDownTextButton.Text]) end) return dropDownTextButton end local function createTerrainDropDownMenu(zIndex) local dropDown ="Frame") dropDown.Name = "TerrainDropDown" dropDown.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) dropDown.BorderColor3 =,0,0) dropDown.Size =,200,0,0) dropDown.Visible = false dropDown.ZIndex = zIndex dropDown.Parent = setGui for i = 1, #terrainShapes do local shapeButton = createTerrainTypeButton(terrainShapes[i],dropDown) shapeButton.Position =,1,0,(i - 1) * (shapeButton.Size.Y.Offset)) shapeButton.Parent = dropDown dropDown.Size =,200,0,dropDown.Size.Y.Offset + (shapeButton.Size.Y.Offset)) end dropDown.MouseLeave:connect(function() dropDown.Visible = false end) end local function createDropDownMenuButton(parent) local dropDownButton ="ImageButton") dropDownButton.Name = "DropDownButton" dropDownButton.Image = "" dropDownButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 dropDownButton.Size =,16,0,16) dropDownButton.Position =,-24,0,6) dropDownButton.ZIndex = parent.ZIndex + 2 dropDownButton.Parent = parent if not setGui:FindFirstChild("TerrainDropDown") then createTerrainDropDownMenu(8) end dropDownButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() setGui.TerrainDropDown.Visible = true setGui.TerrainDropDown.Position =,parent.AbsolutePosition.X,0,parent.AbsolutePosition.Y) currTerrainDropDownFrame = parent end) end local function buildInsertButton() local insertButton = makeInsertAssetButton() insertButton.Name = "InsertAssetButton" insertButton.Visible = true if Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory].SetName == "High Scalability" then createDropDownMenuButton(insertButton) end local lastEnter = nil local mouseEnterCon = insertButton.MouseEnter:connect(function() lastEnter = insertButton delay(0.1,function() if lastEnter == insertButton then showLargePreview(insertButton) end end) end) return insertButton, mouseEnterCon end local function realignButtonGrid(columns) local x = 0 local y = 0 for i = 1, #insertButtons do insertButtons[i].Position =, buttonWidth * x, 0, buttonHeight * y) x = x + 1 if x >= columns then x = 0 y = y + 1 end end end local function setInsertButtonImageBehavior(insertFrame, visible, name, assetId) if visible then insertFrame.AssetName.Value = name insertFrame.AssetId.Value = assetId local newImageUrl = SmallThumbnailUrl .. assetId if newImageUrl ~= insertFrame.Button.ButtonImage.Image then delay(0,function() game:GetService("ContentProvider"):Preload(SmallThumbnailUrl .. assetId) if insertFrame:findFirstChild("Button") then insertFrame.Button.ButtonImage.Image = SmallThumbnailUrl .. assetId end end) end table.insert(insertButtonCons, insertFrame.Button.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() -- special case for water, show water selection gui local isWaterSelected = (name == "Water") and (Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory].SetName == "High Scalability") waterGui.Visible = isWaterSelected if isWaterSelected then objectSelected(name, tonumber(assetId), nil) else objectSelected(name, tonumber(assetId)) end end) ) insertFrame.Visible = true else insertFrame.Visible = false end end local function loadSectionOfItems(setGui, rows, columns) local pageSize = rows * columns if arrayPosition > #contents then return end local origArrayPos = arrayPosition local yCopy = 0 for i = 1, pageSize + 1 do if arrayPosition >= #contents + 1 then break end local buttonCon insertButtons[arrayPosition], buttonCon = buildInsertButton() table.insert(insertButtonCons,buttonCon) insertButtons[arrayPosition].Parent = setGui.SetPanel.ItemsFrame arrayPosition = arrayPosition + 1 end realignButtonGrid(columns) local indexCopy = origArrayPos for index = origArrayPos, arrayPosition do if insertButtons[index] then if contents[index] then -- we don't want water to have a drop down button if contents[index].Name == "Water" then if Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory].SetName == "High Scalability" then insertButtons[index]:FindFirstChild("DropDownButton",true):Destroy() end end local assetId if useAssetVersionId then assetId = contents[index].AssetVersionId else assetId = contents[index].AssetId end setInsertButtonImageBehavior(insertButtons[index], true, contents[index].Name, assetId) else break end else break end indexCopy = index end end local function setSetIndex() Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory].Index = 0 rows = 7 columns = math.floor(setGui.SetPanel.ItemsFrame.AbsoluteSize.X/buttonWidth) contents = Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory].Contents if contents then -- remove our buttons and their connections for i = 1, #insertButtons do insertButtons[i]:remove() end for i = 1, #insertButtonCons do if insertButtonCons[i] then insertButtonCons[i]:disconnect() end end insertButtonCons = {} insertButtons = {} arrayPosition = 1 loadSectionOfItems(setGui, rows, columns) end end local function selectSet(button, setName, setId, setIndex) if button and Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory] ~= nil then if button ~= Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory].Button then Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory].Button = button if SetCache[setId] == nil then SetCache[setId] = game:GetService("InsertService"):GetCollection(setId) end Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory].Contents = SetCache[setId] Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory].SetName = setName Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory].SetId = setId end setSetIndex() end end local function selectCategoryPage(buttons, page) if buttons ~= Data.CurrentCategory then if Data.CurrentCategory then for key, button in pairs(Data.CurrentCategory) do button.Visible = false end end Data.CurrentCategory = buttons if Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory] == nil then Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory] = {} if #buttons > 0 then selectSet(buttons[1], buttons[1].SetName.Value, buttons[1].SetId.Value, 0) end else Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory].Button = nil selectSet(Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory].ButtonFrame, Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory].SetName, Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory].SetId, Data.Category[Data.CurrentCategory].Index) end end end local function selectCategory(category) selectCategoryPage(category, 0) end local function resetAllSetButtonSelection() local setButtons = setGui.SetPanel.Sets.SetsLists:GetChildren() for i = 1, #setButtons do if setButtons[i]:IsA("TextButton") then setButtons[i].Selected = false setButtons[i].BackgroundTransparency = 1 setButtons[i].TextColor3 =,1,1) setButtons[i].BackgroundColor3 =,1,1) end end end local function populateSetsFrame() local currRow = 0 for i = 1, #userCategoryButtons do local button = userCategoryButtons[i] button.Visible = true button.Position =,5,0,currRow * button.Size.Y.Offset) button.Parent = setGui.SetPanel.Sets.SetsLists if i == 1 then -- we will have this selected by default, so show it button.Selected = true button.BackgroundColor3 =,204/255,0) button.TextColor3 =,0,0) button.BackgroundTransparency = 0 end button.MouseEnter:connect(function() if not button.Selected then button.BackgroundTransparency = 0 button.TextColor3 =,0,0) end end) button.MouseLeave:connect(function() if not button.Selected then button.BackgroundTransparency = 1 button.TextColor3 =,1,1) end end) button.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() resetAllSetButtonSelection() button.Selected = not button.Selected button.BackgroundColor3 =,204/255,0) button.TextColor3 =,0,0) button.BackgroundTransparency = 0 selectSet(button, button.Text, userCategoryButtons[i].SetId.Value, 0) end) currRow = currRow + 1 end local buttons = setGui.SetPanel.Sets.SetsLists:GetChildren() -- set first category as loaded for default if buttons then for i = 1, #buttons do if buttons[i]:IsA("TextButton") then selectSet(buttons[i], buttons[i].Text, userCategoryButtons[i].SetId.Value, 0) selectCategory(userCategoryButtons) break end end end end setGui = createSetGui() waterGui, waterTypeChangedEvent = createWaterGui() waterGui.Position =,55,0,0) waterGui.Parent = setGui setGui.Changed:connect(function(prop) -- this resizes the preview image to always be the right size if prop == "AbsoluteSize" then handleResize() setSetIndex() end end) local scrollFrame, controlFrame = t.CreateTrueScrollingFrame() scrollFrame.Size =,0,0.85,0) scrollFrame.Position =,0,0.085,0) scrollFrame.Name = "ItemsFrame" scrollFrame.ZIndex = 6 scrollFrame.Parent = setGui.SetPanel scrollFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 drillDownSetZIndex(controlFrame,7) controlFrame.Parent = setGui.SetPanel controlFrame.Position =, 5, 0, 0) local debounce = false controlFrame.ScrollBottom.Changed:connect(function(prop) if controlFrame.ScrollBottom.Value == true then if debounce then return end debounce = true loadSectionOfItems(setGui, rows, columns) debounce = false end end) local userData = {} for id = 1, #userIdsForSets do local newUserData = game:GetService("InsertService"):GetUserSets(userIdsForSets[id]) if newUserData and #newUserData > 2 then -- start at #3 to skip over My Decals and My Models for each account for category = 3, #newUserData do if newUserData[category].Name == "High Scalability" then -- we want high scalability parts to show first table.insert(userData,1,newUserData[category]) else table.insert(userData, newUserData[category]) end end end end if userData then userCategoryButtons = processCategory(userData) end rows = math.floor(setGui.SetPanel.ItemsFrame.AbsoluteSize.Y/buttonHeight) columns = math.floor(setGui.SetPanel.ItemsFrame.AbsoluteSize.X/buttonWidth) populateSetsFrame() setGui.SetPanel.CancelButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() setGui.SetPanel.Visible = false if dialogClosed then dialogClosed() end end) local setVisibilityFunction = function(visible) if visible then setGui.SetPanel.Visible = true else setGui.SetPanel.Visible = false end end local getVisibilityFunction = function() if setGui then if setGui:FindFirstChild("SetPanel") then return setGui.SetPanel.Visible end end return false end return setGui, setVisibilityFunction, getVisibilityFunction, waterTypeChangedEvent end t.CreateTerrainMaterialSelector = function(size,position) local terrainMaterialSelectionChanged ="BindableEvent") terrainMaterialSelectionChanged.Name = "TerrainMaterialSelectionChanged" local selectedButton = nil local frame ="Frame") frame.Name = "TerrainMaterialSelector" if size then frame.Size = size else frame.Size =, 245, 0, 230) end if position then frame.Position = position end frame.BorderSizePixel = 0 frame.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) frame.Active = true terrainMaterialSelectionChanged.Parent = frame local waterEnabled = true -- todo: turn this on when water is ready local materialToImageMap = {} local materialNames = {"Grass", "Sand", "Brick", "Granite", "Asphalt", "Iron", "Aluminum", "Gold", "Plank", "Log", "Gravel", "Cinder Block", "Stone Wall", "Concrete", "Plastic (red)", "Plastic (blue)"} if waterEnabled then table.insert(materialNames,"Water") end local currentMaterial = 1 function getEnumFromName(choice) if choice == "Grass" then return 1 end if choice == "Sand" then return 2 end if choice == "Erase" then return 0 end if choice == "Brick" then return 3 end if choice == "Granite" then return 4 end if choice == "Asphalt" then return 5 end if choice == "Iron" then return 6 end if choice == "Aluminum" then return 7 end if choice == "Gold" then return 8 end if choice == "Plank" then return 9 end if choice == "Log" then return 10 end if choice == "Gravel" then return 11 end if choice == "Cinder Block" then return 12 end if choice == "Stone Wall" then return 13 end if choice == "Concrete" then return 14 end if choice == "Plastic (red)" then return 15 end if choice == "Plastic (blue)" then return 16 end if choice == "Water" then return 17 end end function getNameFromEnum(choice) if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.Grass or choice == 1 then return "Grass"end if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.Sand or choice == 2 then return "Sand" end if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.Empty or choice == 0 then return "Erase" end if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.Brick or choice == 3 then return "Brick" end if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.Granite or choice == 4 then return "Granite" end if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.Asphalt or choice == 5 then return "Asphalt" end if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.Iron or choice == 6 then return "Iron" end if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.Aluminum or choice == 7 then return "Aluminum" end if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.Gold or choice == 8 then return "Gold" end if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.WoodPlank or choice == 9 then return "Plank" end if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.WoodLog or choice == 10 then return "Log" end if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.Gravel or choice == 11 then return "Gravel" end if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.CinderBlock or choice == 12 then return "Cinder Block" end if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.MossyStone or choice == 13 then return "Stone Wall" end if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.Cement or choice == 14 then return "Concrete" end if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.RedPlastic or choice == 15 then return "Plastic (red)" end if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.BluePlastic or choice == 16 then return "Plastic (blue)" end if waterEnabled then if choice == Enum.CellMaterial.Water or choice == 17 then return "Water" end end end local function updateMaterialChoice(choice) currentMaterial = getEnumFromName(choice) terrainMaterialSelectionChanged:Fire(currentMaterial) end -- we so need a better way to do this for i,v in pairs(materialNames) do materialToImageMap[v] = {} if v == "Grass" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" elseif v == "Sand" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" elseif v == "Brick" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" elseif v == "Granite" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" elseif v == "Asphalt" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" elseif v == "Iron" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" elseif v == "Aluminum" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" elseif v == "Gold" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" elseif v == "Plastic (red)" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" elseif v == "Plastic (blue)" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" elseif v == "Plank" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" elseif v == "Log" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" elseif v == "Gravel" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" elseif v == "Cinder Block" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" elseif v == "Stone Wall" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" elseif v == "Concrete" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" elseif v == "Water" then materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" else materialToImageMap[v].Regular = "" -- fill in the rest here!! end end local scrollFrame, scrollUp, scrollDown, recalculateScroll = t.CreateScrollingFrame(nil,"grid") scrollFrame.Size =,0,1,0) scrollFrame.Position =,0,0,0) scrollFrame.Parent = frame scrollUp.Parent = frame scrollUp.Visible = true scrollUp.Position =,-19,0,0) scrollDown.Parent = frame scrollDown.Visible = true scrollDown.Position =,-19,1,-17) local function goToNewMaterial(buttonWrap, materialName) updateMaterialChoice(materialName) buttonWrap.BackgroundTransparency = 0 selectedButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 selectedButton = buttonWrap end local function createMaterialButton(name) local buttonWrap ="TextButton") buttonWrap.Text = "" buttonWrap.Size =,32,0,32) buttonWrap.BackgroundColor3 =,1,1) buttonWrap.BorderSizePixel = 0 buttonWrap.BackgroundTransparency = 1 buttonWrap.AutoButtonColor = false buttonWrap.Name = tostring(name) local imageButton ="ImageButton") imageButton.AutoButtonColor = false imageButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 imageButton.Size =,30,0,30) imageButton.Position =,1,0,1) imageButton.Name = tostring(name) imageButton.Parent = buttonWrap imageButton.Image = materialToImageMap[name].Regular local enumType ="NumberValue") enumType.Name = "EnumType" enumType.Parent = buttonWrap enumType.Value = 0 imageButton.MouseEnter:connect(function() buttonWrap.BackgroundTransparency = 0 end) imageButton.MouseLeave:connect(function() if selectedButton ~= buttonWrap then buttonWrap.BackgroundTransparency = 1 end end) imageButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() if selectedButton ~= buttonWrap then goToNewMaterial(buttonWrap, tostring(name)) end end) return buttonWrap end for i = 1, #materialNames do local imageButton = createMaterialButton(materialNames[i]) if materialNames[i] == "Grass" then -- always start with grass as the default selectedButton = imageButton imageButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0 end imageButton.Parent = scrollFrame end local forceTerrainMaterialSelection = function(newMaterialType) if not newMaterialType then return end if currentMaterial == newMaterialType then return end local matName = getNameFromEnum(newMaterialType) local buttons = scrollFrame:GetChildren() for i = 1, #buttons do if buttons[i].Name == "Plastic (blue)" and matName == "Plastic (blue)" then goToNewMaterial(buttons[i],matName) return end if buttons[i].Name == "Plastic (red)" and matName == "Plastic (red)" then goToNewMaterial(buttons[i],matName) return end if string.find(buttons[i].Name, matName) then goToNewMaterial(buttons[i],matName) return end end end frame.Changed:connect(function ( prop ) if prop == "AbsoluteSize" then recalculateScroll() end end) recalculateScroll() return frame, terrainMaterialSelectionChanged, forceTerrainMaterialSelection end t.CreateLoadingFrame = function(name,size,position) game:GetService("ContentProvider"):Preload("") local loadingFrame ="Frame") loadingFrame.Name = "LoadingFrame" loadingFrame.Style = Enum.FrameStyle.RobloxRound if size then loadingFrame.Size = size else loadingFrame.Size =,300,0,160) end if position then loadingFrame.Position = position else loadingFrame.Position =, -150, 0.5,-80) end local loadingBar ="Frame") loadingBar.Name = "LoadingBar" loadingBar.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) loadingBar.BorderColor3 =,79/255,79/255) loadingBar.Position =,0,0,41) loadingBar.Size =,0,0,30) loadingBar.Parent = loadingFrame local loadingGreenBar ="ImageLabel") loadingGreenBar.Name = "LoadingGreenBar" loadingGreenBar.Image = "" loadingGreenBar.Position =,0,0,0) loadingGreenBar.Size =,0,1,0) loadingGreenBar.Visible = false loadingGreenBar.Parent = loadingBar local loadingPercent ="TextLabel") loadingPercent.Name = "LoadingPercent" loadingPercent.BackgroundTransparency = 1 loadingPercent.Position =,0,1,0) loadingPercent.Size =,0,0,14) loadingPercent.Font = Enum.Font.Arial loadingPercent.Text = "0%" loadingPercent.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size14 loadingPercent.TextColor3 =,1,1) loadingPercent.Parent = loadingBar local cancelButton ="TextButton") cancelButton.Name = "CancelButton" cancelButton.Position =,-60,1,-40) cancelButton.Size =,120,0,40) cancelButton.Font = Enum.Font.Arial cancelButton.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 cancelButton.TextColor3 =,1,1) cancelButton.Text = "Cancel" cancelButton.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxButton cancelButton.Parent = loadingFrame local loadingName ="TextLabel") loadingName.Name = "loadingName" loadingName.BackgroundTransparency = 1 loadingName.Size =,0,0,18) loadingName.Position =,0,0,2) loadingName.Font = Enum.Font.Arial loadingName.Text = name loadingName.TextColor3 =,1,1) loadingName.TextStrokeTransparency = 1 loadingName.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 loadingName.Parent = loadingFrame local cancelButtonClicked ="BindableEvent") cancelButtonClicked.Name = "CancelButtonClicked" cancelButtonClicked.Parent = cancelButton cancelButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function() cancelButtonClicked:Fire() end) local updateLoadingGuiPercent = function(percent, tweenAction, tweenLength) if percent and type(percent) ~= "number" then error("updateLoadingGuiPercent expects number as argument, got",type(percent),"instead") end local newSize = nil if percent < 0 then newSize =,0,1,0) elseif percent > 1 then newSize =,0,1,0) else newSize =,0,1,0) end if tweenAction then if not tweenLength then error("updateLoadingGuiPercent is set to tween new percentage, but got no tween time length! Please pass this in as third argument") end if (newSize.X.Scale > 0) then loadingGreenBar.Visible = true loadingGreenBar:TweenSize( newSize, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, tweenLength, true) else loadingGreenBar:TweenSize( newSize, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Quad, tweenLength, true, function() if (newSize.X.Scale < 0) then loadingGreenBar.Visible = false end end) end else loadingGreenBar.Size = newSize loadingGreenBar.Visible = (newSize.X.Scale > 0) end end loadingGreenBar.Changed:connect(function(prop) if prop == "Size" then loadingPercent.Text = tostring( math.ceil(loadingGreenBar.Size.X.Scale * 100) ) .. "%" end end) return loadingFrame, updateLoadingGuiPercent, cancelButtonClicked end t.CreatePluginFrame = function (name,size,position,scrollable,parent) local function createMenuButton(size,position,text,fontsize,name,parent) local button ="TextButton",parent) button.AutoButtonColor = false button.Name = name button.BackgroundTransparency = 1 button.Position = position button.Size = size button.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold button.FontSize = fontsize button.Text = text button.TextColor3 =,1,1) button.BorderSizePixel = 0 button.BackgroundColor3 =,20/255,20/255) button.MouseEnter:connect(function ( ) if button.Selected then return end button.BackgroundTransparency = 0 end) button.MouseLeave:connect(function ( ) if button.Selected then return end button.BackgroundTransparency = 1 end) return button end local dragBar ="Frame",parent) dragBar.Name = tostring(name) .. "DragBar" dragBar.BackgroundColor3 =,39/255,39/255) dragBar.BorderColor3 =,0,0) if size then dragBar.Size =,size.X.Offset,0,20) +,20,0,0) else dragBar.Size =,183,0,20) end if position then dragBar.Position = position end dragBar.Active = true dragBar.Draggable = true --dragBar.Visible = false dragBar.MouseEnter:connect(function ( ) dragBar.BackgroundColor3 =,49/255,49/255) end) dragBar.MouseLeave:connect(function ( ) dragBar.BackgroundColor3 =,39/255,39/255) end) -- plugin name label local pluginNameLabel ="TextLabel",dragBar) pluginNameLabel.Name = "BarNameLabel" pluginNameLabel.Text = " " .. tostring(name) pluginNameLabel.TextColor3 =,1,1) pluginNameLabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 pluginNameLabel.Size =,0,1,0) pluginNameLabel.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold pluginNameLabel.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 pluginNameLabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left pluginNameLabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1 -- close button local closeButton = createMenuButton(,15,0,17),,-16,0.5,-8),"X",Enum.FontSize.Size14,"CloseButton",dragBar) local closeEvent ="BindableEvent") closeEvent.Name = "CloseEvent" closeEvent.Parent = closeButton closeButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function () closeEvent:Fire() closeButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 end) -- help button local helpButton = createMenuButton(,15,0,17),,-51,0.5,-8),"?",Enum.FontSize.Size14,"HelpButton",dragBar) local helpFrame ="Frame",dragBar) helpFrame.Name = "HelpFrame" helpFrame.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) helpFrame.Size =,300,0,552) helpFrame.Position =,5,0,0) helpFrame.Active = true helpFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0 helpFrame.Visible = false helpButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function( ) helpFrame.Visible = not helpFrame.Visible if helpFrame.Visible then helpButton.Selected = true helpButton.BackgroundTransparency = 0 local screenGui = getLayerCollectorAncestor(helpFrame) if screenGui then if helpFrame.AbsolutePosition.X + helpFrame.AbsoluteSize.X > screenGui.AbsoluteSize.X then --position on left hand side helpFrame.Position =,-5 - helpFrame.AbsoluteSize.X,0,0) else -- position on right hand side helpFrame.Position =,5,0,0) end else helpFrame.Position =,5,0,0) end else helpButton.Selected = false helpButton.BackgroundTransparency = 1 end end) local minimizeButton = createMenuButton(,16,0,17),,-34,0.5,-8),"-",Enum.FontSize.Size14,"MinimizeButton",dragBar) minimizeButton.TextYAlignment = Enum.TextYAlignment.Top local minimizeFrame ="Frame",dragBar) minimizeFrame.Name = "MinimizeFrame" minimizeFrame.BackgroundColor3 =,73/255,73/255) minimizeFrame.BorderColor3 =,0,0) minimizeFrame.Position =,0,1,0) if size then minimizeFrame.Size =,size.X.Offset,0,50) +,20,0,0) else minimizeFrame.Size =,183,0,50) end minimizeFrame.Visible = false local minimizeBigButton ="TextButton",minimizeFrame) minimizeBigButton.Position =,-50,0.5,-20) minimizeBigButton.Name = "MinimizeButton" minimizeBigButton.Size =,100,0,40) minimizeBigButton.Style = Enum.ButtonStyle.RobloxButton minimizeBigButton.Font = Enum.Font.ArialBold minimizeBigButton.FontSize = Enum.FontSize.Size18 minimizeBigButton.TextColor3 =,1,1) minimizeBigButton.Text = "Show" local separatingLine ="Frame",dragBar) separatingLine.Name = "SeparatingLine" separatingLine.BackgroundColor3 =,115/255,115/255) separatingLine.BorderSizePixel = 0 separatingLine.Position =,-18,0.5,-7) separatingLine.Size =,1,0,14) local otherSeparatingLine = separatingLine:clone() otherSeparatingLine.Position =,-35,0.5,-7) otherSeparatingLine.Parent = dragBar local widgetContainer ="Frame",dragBar) widgetContainer.Name = "WidgetContainer" widgetContainer.BackgroundTransparency = 1 widgetContainer.Position =,0,1,0) widgetContainer.BorderColor3 =,0,0) if not scrollable then widgetContainer.BackgroundTransparency = 0 widgetContainer.BackgroundColor3 =,72/255,72/255) end if size then if scrollable then widgetContainer.Size = size else widgetContainer.Size =,dragBar.AbsoluteSize.X,size.Y.Scale,size.Y.Offset) end else if scrollable then widgetContainer.Size =,163,0,400) else widgetContainer.Size =,dragBar.AbsoluteSize.X,0,400) end end if position then widgetContainer.Position = position +,0,0,20) end local frame,control,verticalDragger = nil if scrollable then --frame for widgets frame,control = t.CreateTrueScrollingFrame() frame.Size =, 0, 1, 0) frame.BackgroundColor3 =,72/255,72/255) frame.BorderColor3 =,0,0) frame.Active = true frame.Parent = widgetContainer control.Parent = dragBar control.BackgroundColor3 =,72/255,72/255) control.BorderSizePixel = 0 control.BackgroundTransparency = 0 control.Position =,-21,1,1) if size then control.Size =,21,size.Y.Scale,size.Y.Offset) else control.Size =,21,0,400) end control:FindFirstChild("ScrollDownButton").Position =,0,1,-20) local fakeLine ="Frame",control) fakeLine.Name = "FakeLine" fakeLine.BorderSizePixel = 0 fakeLine.BackgroundColor3 =,0,0) fakeLine.Size =,1,1,1) fakeLine.Position =,0,0,0) verticalDragger ="TextButton",widgetContainer) verticalDragger.ZIndex = 2 verticalDragger.AutoButtonColor = false verticalDragger.Name = "VerticalDragger" verticalDragger.BackgroundColor3 =,50/255,50/255) verticalDragger.BorderColor3 =,0,0) verticalDragger.Size =,20,0,20) verticalDragger.Position =,0,1,0) verticalDragger.Active = true verticalDragger.Text = "" local scrubFrame ="Frame",verticalDragger) scrubFrame.Name = "ScrubFrame" scrubFrame.BackgroundColor3 =,1,1) scrubFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0 scrubFrame.Position =,-5,0.5,0) scrubFrame.Size =,10,0,1) scrubFrame.ZIndex = 5 local scrubTwo = scrubFrame:clone() scrubTwo.Position =,-5,0.5,-2) scrubTwo.Parent = verticalDragger local scrubThree = scrubFrame:clone() scrubThree.Position =,-5,0.5,2) scrubThree.Parent = verticalDragger local areaSoak ="TextButton",getLayerCollectorAncestor(parent)) areaSoak.Name = "AreaSoak" areaSoak.Size =,0,1,0) areaSoak.BackgroundTransparency = 1 areaSoak.BorderSizePixel = 0 areaSoak.Text = "" areaSoak.ZIndex = 10 areaSoak.Visible = false areaSoak.Active = true local draggingVertical = false local startYPos = nil verticalDragger.MouseEnter:connect(function () verticalDragger.BackgroundColor3 =,60/255,60/255) end) verticalDragger.MouseLeave:connect(function () verticalDragger.BackgroundColor3 =,50/255,50/255) end) verticalDragger.MouseButton1Down:connect(function(x,y) draggingVertical = true areaSoak.Visible = true startYPos = y end) areaSoak.MouseButton1Up:connect(function ( ) draggingVertical = false areaSoak.Visible = false end) areaSoak.MouseMoved:connect(function(x,y) if not draggingVertical then return end local yDelta = y - startYPos if not control.ScrollDownButton.Visible and yDelta > 0 then return end if (widgetContainer.Size.Y.Offset + yDelta) < 150 then widgetContainer.Size =, widgetContainer.Size.X.Offset,widgetContainer.Size.Y.Scale,150) control.Size = (0,21,0,150) return end startYPos = y if widgetContainer.Size.Y.Offset + yDelta >= 0 then widgetContainer.Size =, widgetContainer.Size.X.Offset,widgetContainer.Size.Y.Scale,widgetContainer.Size.Y.Offset + yDelta) control.Size =,21,0,control.Size.Y.Offset + yDelta ) end end) end local function switchMinimize() minimizeFrame.Visible = not minimizeFrame.Visible if scrollable then frame.Visible = not frame.Visible verticalDragger.Visible = not verticalDragger.Visible control.Visible = not control.Visible else widgetContainer.Visible = not widgetContainer.Visible end if minimizeFrame.Visible then minimizeButton.Text = "+" else minimizeButton.Text = "-" end end minimizeBigButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function ( ) switchMinimize() end) minimizeButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function( ) switchMinimize() end) if scrollable then return dragBar, frame, helpFrame, closeEvent else return dragBar, widgetContainer, helpFrame, closeEvent end end t.Help = function(funcNameOrFunc) --input argument can be a string or a function. Should return a description (of arguments and expected side effects) if funcNameOrFunc == "CreatePropertyDropDownMenu" or funcNameOrFunc == t.CreatePropertyDropDownMenu then return "Function CreatePropertyDropDownMenu. " .. "Arguments: (instance, propertyName, enumType). " .. "Side effect: returns a container with a drop-down-box that is linked to the 'property' field of 'instance' which is of type 'enumType'" end if funcNameOrFunc == "CreateDropDownMenu" or funcNameOrFunc == t.CreateDropDownMenu then return "Function CreateDropDownMenu. " .. "Arguments: (items, onItemSelected). " .. "Side effect: Returns 2 results, a container to the gui object and a 'updateSelection' function for external updating. The container is a drop-down-box created around a list of items" end if funcNameOrFunc == "CreateMessageDialog" or funcNameOrFunc == t.CreateMessageDialog then return "Function CreateMessageDialog. " .. "Arguments: (title, message, buttons). " .. "Side effect: Returns a gui object of a message box with 'title' and 'message' as passed in. 'buttons' input is an array of Tables contains a 'Text' and 'Function' field for the text/callback of each button" end if funcNameOrFunc == "CreateStyledMessageDialog" or funcNameOrFunc == t.CreateStyledMessageDialog then return "Function CreateStyledMessageDialog. " .. "Arguments: (title, message, style, buttons). " .. "Side effect: Returns a gui object of a message box with 'title' and 'message' as passed in. 'buttons' input is an array of Tables contains a 'Text' and 'Function' field for the text/callback of each button, 'style' is a string, either Error, Notify or Confirm" end if funcNameOrFunc == "GetFontHeight" or funcNameOrFunc == t.GetFontHeight then return "Function GetFontHeight. " .. "Arguments: (font, fontSize). " .. "Side effect: returns the size in pixels of the given font + fontSize" end if funcNameOrFunc == "LayoutGuiObjects" or funcNameOrFunc == t.LayoutGuiObjects then end if funcNameOrFunc == "CreateScrollingFrame" or funcNameOrFunc == t.CreateScrollingFrame then return "Function CreateScrollingFrame. " .. "Arguments: (orderList, style) " .. "Side effect: returns 4 objects, (scrollFrame, scrollUpButton, scrollDownButton, recalculateFunction). 'scrollFrame' can be filled with GuiObjects. It will lay them out and allow scrollUpButton/scrollDownButton to interact with them. Orderlist is optional (and specifies the order to layout the children. Without orderlist, it uses the children order. style is also optional, and allows for a 'grid' styling if style is passed 'grid' as a string. recalculateFunction can be called when a relayout is needed (when orderList changes)" end if funcNameOrFunc == "CreateTrueScrollingFrame" or funcNameOrFunc == t.CreateTrueScrollingFrame then return "Function CreateTrueScrollingFrame. " .. "Arguments: (nil) " .. "Side effect: returns 2 objects, (scrollFrame, controlFrame). 'scrollFrame' can be filled with GuiObjects, and they will be clipped if not inside the frame's bounds. controlFrame has children scrollup and scrolldown, as well as a slider. controlFrame can be parented to any guiobject and it will readjust itself to fit." end if funcNameOrFunc == "AutoTruncateTextObject" or funcNameOrFunc == t.AutoTruncateTextObject then return "Function AutoTruncateTextObject. " .. "Arguments: (textLabel) " .. "Side effect: returns 2 objects, (textLabel, changeText). The 'textLabel' input is modified to automatically truncate text (with ellipsis), if it gets too small to fit. 'changeText' is a function that can be used to change the text, it takes 1 string as an argument" end if funcNameOrFunc == "CreateSlider" or funcNameOrFunc == t.CreateSlider then return "Function CreateSlider. " .. "Arguments: (steps, width, position) " .. "Side effect: returns 2 objects, (sliderGui, sliderPosition). The 'steps' argument specifies how many different positions the slider can hold along the bar. 'width' specifies in pixels how wide the bar should be (modifiable afterwards if desired). 'position' argument should be a UDim2 for slider positioning. 'sliderPosition' is an IntValue whose current .Value specifies the specific step the slider is currently on." end if funcNameOrFunc == "CreateSliderNew" or funcNameOrFunc == t.CreateSliderNew then return "Function CreateSliderNew. " .. "Arguments: (steps, width, position) " .. "Side effect: returns 2 objects, (sliderGui, sliderPosition). The 'steps' argument specifies how many different positions the slider can hold along the bar. 'width' specifies in pixels how wide the bar should be (modifiable afterwards if desired). 'position' argument should be a UDim2 for slider positioning. 'sliderPosition' is an IntValue whose current .Value specifies the specific step the slider is currently on." end if funcNameOrFunc == "CreateLoadingFrame" or funcNameOrFunc == t.CreateLoadingFrame then return "Function CreateLoadingFrame. " .. "Arguments: (name, size, position) " .. "Side effect: Creates a gui that can be manipulated to show progress for a particular action. Name appears above the loading bar, and size and position are udim2 values (both size and position are optional arguments). Returns 3 arguments, the first being the gui created. The second being updateLoadingGuiPercent, which is a bindable function. This function takes one argument (two optionally), which should be a number between 0 and 1, representing the percentage the loading gui should be at. The second argument to this function is a boolean value that if set to true will tween the current percentage value to the new percentage value, therefore our third argument is how long this tween should take. Our third returned argument is a BindableEvent, that when fired means that someone clicked the cancel button on the dialog." end if funcNameOrFunc == "CreateTerrainMaterialSelector" or funcNameOrFunc == t.CreateTerrainMaterialSelector then return "Function CreateTerrainMaterialSelector. " .. "Arguments: (size, position) " .. "Side effect: Size and position are UDim2 values that specifies the selector's size and position. Both size and position are optional arguments. This method returns 3 objects (terrainSelectorGui, terrainSelected, forceTerrainSelection). terrainSelectorGui is just the gui object that we generate with this function, parent it as you like. TerrainSelected is a BindableEvent that is fired whenever a new terrain type is selected in the gui. ForceTerrainSelection is a function that takes an argument of Enum.CellMaterial and will force the gui to show that material as currently selected." end end return t
--[[ Infinite Chest for Minetest Copyright (c) 2012 cornernote, Brett O'Donnell <[email protected]> Source Code: License: BSD-3-Clause API ]]-- infinite_chest = {} infinite_chest.log = function(message) minetest.log("action", message) end infinite_chest.formspec = function(pos,page) local formspec = "size[15,11]" .."button[12,10;1,0.5;go;Go]" if page=="main" then local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) local pages = infinite_chest.get_pages(meta) local x,y = 0,0 local p for i = #pages,1,-1 do p = pages[i] x = x+2 if x == 16 then y = y+1 x = 2 end formspec = formspec .."button["..(x-1.5)..","..(y+1)..";1.5,0.5;jump;"..p.."]" end if #pages == 0 then formspec = formspec .."label[4,3; --== Infinite Chest ==--]" .."label[4,4.5; Create as many inventory slots as you like!]" .."label[4,5.0; Simply enter a name for your inventory slot]" .."label[4,5.5; then click Go.]" end return formspec .."field[10.5,10.1;2,1;page;;]" .."label[0,0;Infinite Chest]" end return formspec .."field[10.5,10.1;2,1;page;;""]" .."label[0,0;Infinite Chest - page: " .. page .. "]" .."button[13,10;2,0.5;back;Back]" .."button[13,6.5;2,0.5;delete;Delete]" .."list[current_name;"";0,1;15,5;]" .."list[current_player;main;0,7;8,4;]" end infinite_chest.get_pages = function(meta) local invs = meta:get_string("infinite_chest_list") local pages = {} for p in string.gmatch(invs, "[^%s]+") do table.insert(pages,p) end return pages end infinite_chest.add_page = function(pos,page) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) local invs = meta:get_string("infinite_chest_list") local pages = {} for p in string.gmatch(invs, "[^%s]+") do if page ~= p then table.insert(pages,p) end end table.insert(pages,page) invs = "" for i,p in pairs(pages) do invs = invs .." ".. p end meta:set_string("infinite_chest_list",invs) meta:get_inventory():set_size(page, 15*5) end infinite_chest.remove_page = function(pos,page) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) local invs = meta:get_string("infinite_chest_list") local inv = meta:get_inventory() if not inv:is_empty(page) then return end local pages = {} for p in string.gmatch(invs, "[^%s]+") do if page ~= p then table.insert(pages,p) end end invs = "" for i,p in pairs(pages) do invs = invs .." ".. p end meta:set_string("infinite_chest_list",invs) return true end infinite_chest.on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) local page if fields.go ~= nil and ~= "" then page = string.lower(string.gsub(, "%W", "_")) end if fields.jump ~= nil then page = fields.jump end if page ~= nil then infinite_chest.add_page(pos,page) meta:set_string("formspec", infinite_chest.formspec(pos,page)) return end if fields.delete ~= nil then if not infinite_chest.remove_page(pos, then minetest.chat_send_player(sender:get_player_name(), "cannot delete \"""\" - page is not empty") return end end meta:set_string("formspec", infinite_chest.formspec(pos,"main")) end infinite_chest.on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("formspec", infinite_chest.formspec(pos,"main")) meta:set_string("infotext", "Infinite Chest") end infinite_chest.can_dig = function(pos,player) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos); local pages = infinite_chest.get_pages(meta) local inv = meta:get_inventory() for i,page in pairs(pages) do if not inv:is_empty(page) then minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), "cannot dig - page \"""\" is not empty") return false end end return true end infinite_chest.after_place_node = function(pos, placer) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("owner", placer:get_player_name() or "") meta:set_string("infotext", "Locked Infinite Chest (owned by "..meta:get_string("owner")..")") end infinite_chest.allow_metadata_inventory_move = function(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) if not infinite_chest.has_locked_chest_privilege(meta, player) then infinite_chest.log(player:get_player_name().." tried to access a locked chest belonging to "..meta:get_string("owner").." at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) return 0 end return count end infinite_chest.allow_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) if not infinite_chest.has_locked_chest_privilege(meta, player) then infinite_chest.log(player:get_player_name().." tried to access a locked chest belonging to "..meta:get_string("owner").." at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) return 0 end return stack:get_count() end infinite_chest.allow_metadata_inventory_take = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos) if not infinite_chest.has_locked_chest_privilege(meta, player) then infinite_chest.log(player:get_player_name().. " tried to access a locked chest belonging to ".. meta:get_string("owner").." at ".. minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) return 0 end return stack:get_count() end infinite_chest.has_locked_chest_privilege = function(meta, player) if meta:get_string("owner") ~= "" and player:get_player_name() ~= meta:get_string("owner") then return false end return true end infinite_chest.on_metadata_inventory_move = function(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) infinite_chest.log(player:get_player_name().." moves stuff in infinite chest at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) end infinite_chest.on_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) infinite_chest.log(player:get_player_name().." moves stuff to infinite chest at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) end infinite_chest.on_metadata_inventory_take = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) infinite_chest.log(player:get_player_name().." takes stuff from infinite chest at "..minetest.pos_to_string(pos)) end
addEvent('onRaceStateChanging', true) addEventHandler('onRaceStateChanging', getRootElement(), function(state) local mode = getResourceRootElement(getResourceFromName'race') and getElementData(getResourceRootElement(getResourceFromName'race'), 'info') and getElementData(getResourceRootElement(getResourceFromName'race'), 'info').mapInfo.modename if mode == "Destruction derby" then triggerClientEvent('informClientAntiMinimize', resourceRoot, state == "Running") end end )
local npairs = require("nvim-autopairs") local set_keymap = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap npairs.setup() _G.MUtils= {} vim.g.completion_confirm_key = "" MUtils.completion_confirm = function() if vim.fn.pumvisible() ~= 0 then if vim.fn.complete_info()["selected"] ~= -1 then return vim.fn["compe#confirm"](npairs.esc("<cr>")) else return npairs.esc("<cr>") end else return npairs.autopairs_cr() end end -- Key mappings local opts = { expr = true, noremap = true } set_keymap("i", "<cr>", "v:lua.MUtils.completion_confirm()", opts)
object_tangible_item_beast_converted_kliknik_decoration = object_tangible_item_beast_shared_converted_kliknik_decoration:new { } ObjectTemplates:addTemplate(object_tangible_item_beast_converted_kliknik_decoration, "object/tangible/item/beast/converted_kliknik_decoration.iff")
--local cjson = require('cjson') local f ="mblog.dat") box.cfg{} s ="bench", {engine="ws"}) s:create_index('a1') local line_nu = 0; data = {"a"}{1}, {233, 2342}) offset = 0 lines = {} for line in f:lines() do line_nu = line_nu + 1 -- json = cjson.decode(line) -- lines[line_nu] = json lines[line_nu] = line offset = offset + #line{line_nu, json} if line_nu % 10000 == 0 then print("read line: "..line_nu) end if line_nu == 100000 then break end end print("total line: "..line_nu) count = 0 local start_time = os.time() for k, v in pairs(lines) do count = count + 1 if count % 10000 == 0 then print("insert line: "..count) end{k, v} end print("insert line: "..line_nu) local end_time = os.time() print("bench over") print("used time: "..start_time-end_time.."s") os.exit(0)
local AddonName, AddonTable = ... AddonTable.mechagon = { -- King Gobbamak 169050, -- Logg 169035, -- Reclaimed Shock Coil 169052, -- Cranial Recalibrator 169054, -- Galvanized Leather Grips 169051, -- Anodized Plate Legguards 169053, -- Roughshod Chain Boots 169049, -- Supplicant's Soiled Slippers -- Gunker 169058, -- Salvaged Incendiary Tool 169062, -- Sharpened Trogg Femur 169061, -- Insulating Threaded Gloves 169059, -- Slick Tactical Grips 169060, -- Mekgineer's Utility Belt 169057, -- Well-Oiled Plate Girdle 169055, -- Greaves of Acid Resistance 169056, -- Ooey-Gooey Galoshes -- Trixie & Naeno 169066, -- Trixie's Backup Backbiter 169068, -- Salvaged Mekacycle Shielding 169064, -- Mountebank's Colorful Cloak 169069, -- Wraps of Electrostatic Potential 169063, -- High Speed Gauntlets 169067, -- Silken Safety Harness 169065, -- Reinforced Riding Chausses 169070, -- Unseen Predator's Breeches 169769, -- Remote Guidance Device -- HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit 168657, -- Friend-or-Foe Identifier 167677, -- Harmonic Dematerializer 168826, -- Mechagon Peacekeeper [Mount] 168909, -- Subroutine: Emergency Repairs 168963, -- Fusion Hacker 169077, -- Light Auto-Stabilizing Energy Rifle 169074, -- Epaulettes of Arcing Power 169075, -- Tank Buster Pauldrons 169073, -- Type II Bomber Jacket 169072, -- Volatile Arming Doublet 169071, -- Overcharged Pantaloons 169157, -- Logic Loop of Division 169076, -- Logic Loop of Maintenance 169158, -- Logic Loop of Recursion 169156, -- Logic Loop of Synergy -- Tussle Tonks 168962, -- Apex Perforator 168955, -- Electrifying Cognitive Amplifier 168967, -- Gold-Coated Superconductors 168957, -- Mekgineer's Championship Belt 168958, -- Ringmaster's Cummerbund 168966, -- Heavy Alloy Legplates 168964, -- Hyperthreaded Boots 168965, -- Modular Platinum Plating -- K.U.-J.O. 168970, -- Trashmaster's Mantle 168969, -- Operator's Mitts 168971, -- Swift Pneumatic Grips 168968, -- Flame-Seared Leggings 168972, -- Pyroclastic Greatboots -- Machinist's Garden 167556, -- Subroutine: Overclock 168973, -- Neural Synapse Enhancer 169608, -- Tearing Sawtooth Blade 168976, -- Automatic Waist Tightener 168974, -- Self-Repairing Cuisses 168975, -- Machinist's Treasured Treads 169159, -- Overclocking Bit Band 169161, -- Protecting Bit Band 168977, -- Rebooting Bit Band 169160, -- Shorting Bit Band 169344, -- Ingenious Mana Battery -- King Mechagon 169172, -- Blueprint: Perfectly Timed Differential 168671, -- Electromagnetic Resistors 168842, -- Engine of Mecha-Perfection 169378, -- Golden Snorf 169774, -- Progression Sprocket 168984, -- Extravagant Epaulettes 168987, -- Shoulderguards of Fraying Sanity 168981, -- Circuit-Linked Chainmail 168979, -- Mechanized Plate Chasse 168978, -- Anodized Deflectors 168989, -- Hyperthread Wristwraps 168980, -- Gauntlets of Absolute Authority 168985, -- Self-Sanitizing Handwraps 168986, -- Mad King's Sporran 168983, -- Maniacal Monarch's Girdle 168988, -- Royal Attendant's Trousers 168982, -- Regal Mekanospurs -- Multiple 170510, -- Forceful Logic Board 170509, -- Performant Logic Board 170508, -- Optimized Logic Board 170507, -- Omnipurpose Logic Board }
include("shared.lua") local frame = nil function CreateFrame() if !frame or !frame:IsValid() then local self = net.ReadEntity() local Map = game.GetMap() or "" if Map:find("gm_metrostroi") and Map:find("lite") then Map = "gm_metrostroi_lite" elseif Map:find("gm_metrostroi") then Map = "gm_metrostroi" elseif Map:find("gm_mus_orange_line") and Map:find("long") then Map = "gm_orange" elseif Map:find("gm_mus_orange_line") then Map = "gm_orange_lite" end frame = vgui.Create("DFrame") frame:SetDeleteOnClose(true) frame:SetTitle("Dispatch control") --frame:SetSize(275, 34+24*17) frame:SetDraggable(false) frame:SetSizable(false) frame:MakePopup() frame:SetSize(ScrW()-40,ScrH()-40) frame:Center() local StationChoose = vgui.Create( "DComboBox",frame ) StationChoose:SetPos( 5, 30 ) StationChoose:SetSize( 250, 20 ) StationChoose:SetValue( "Choose station" ) for k,v in pairs(Metrostroi.WorkingStations[Map][1]) do if Metrostroi.AnnouncerData[v] then StationChoose:AddChoice(Metrostroi.AnnouncerData[v][1]) end end local PlayerChoose = vgui.Create( "DComboBox",frame ) PlayerChoose:SetPos( ScrW()-300,30 ) PlayerChoose:SetSize( 250, 20 ) PlayerChoose:SetValue( "Choose player" ) for i = 1,20 do PlayerChoose:AddChoice(i) end local Main = vgui.Create( "DPanel",frame ) Main:SetPos(0,60) Main:SetSize(frame:GetWide(),frame:GetTall()-60) Main.Paint = function(self,w,h) surface.DrawRect(5, 0, w-10, h-5) end end end function ENT:Initialize() end net.Receive("TrackController",CreateFrame)
------------------------------------- -- 查看装备等级 Author: M ------------------------------------- local LibEvent = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibEvent.7000") local LibItemInfo = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibItemInfo.7000") local E = unpack(ElvUI) --裝備清單 local slots = { { index = 1, name = HEADSLOT, }, { index = 2, name = NECKSLOT, }, { index = 3, name = SHOULDERSLOT, }, { index = 5, name = CHESTSLOT, }, { index = 6, name = WAISTSLOT, }, { index = 7, name = LEGSSLOT, }, { index = 8, name = FEETSLOT, }, { index = 9, name = WRISTSLOT, }, { index = 10, name = HANDSSLOT, }, { index = 11, name = FINGER0SLOT, }, { index = 12, name = FINGER1SLOT, }, { index = 13, name = TRINKET0SLOT, }, { index = 14, name = TRINKET1SLOT, }, { index = 15, name = BACKSLOT, }, { index = 16, name = MAINHANDSLOT, }, { index = 17, name = SECONDARYHANDSLOT, }, } --創建面板 local function GetInspectItemListFrame(parent) if (not parent.inspectFrame) then local itemfont = "ChatFontNormal" local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent) local height = parent:GetHeight() if (height < 424) then height = 424 end frame.backdrop = { bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", edgeFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Border", tile = true, tileSize = 8, edgeSize = 16, insets = {left = 4, right = 4, top = 4, bottom = 4} } frame:SetSize(160, height) frame:SetFrameLevel(0) frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", parent, "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0) frame:SetBackdrop(frame.backdrop) frame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.8) frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6) frame.portrait = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame, "GarrisonFollowerPortraitTemplate") frame.portrait:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 18, -16) frame.portrait:SetScale(0.8) frame.portrait:RegisterForClicks('AnyDown') frame.portrait:SetScript("OnClick", function(self) = not if then'绿') E:Print("开启绿字显示,重载/rl 后生效!"); else'') E:Print("关闭绿字显示,重载/rl 后生效!"); end end) frame.title = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormalLargeOutline") frame.title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 66, -18) frame.level = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", itemfont) frame.level:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 66, -42) frame.level:SetFont(frame.level:GetFont(), 14, "THINOUTLINE") = frame:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", itemfont)"LEFT", frame.level, "RIGHT", 4, 0), 12, "NORMAL"), 0.9, 0.1) local itemframe local fontsize = GetLocale():sub(1,2) == "zh" and 12 or 9 local backdrop = { bgFile = "Interface\\Tooltips\\UI-Tooltip-Background", edgeFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8X8", tile = true, tileSize = 8, edgeSize = 1, insets = {left = 1, right = 1, top = 1, bottom = 1} } for i, v in ipairs(slots) do itemframe = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame) itemframe:SetSize(120, (height-82)/#slots) itemframe.index = v.index itemframe.backdrop = backdrop if (i == 1) then itemframe:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "TOPLEFT", 15, -70) else itemframe:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame["item"..(i-1)], "BOTTOMLEFT") end itemframe.label = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, itemframe) itemframe.label:SetSize(38, 16) itemframe.label:SetPoint("LEFT") itemframe.label:SetBackdrop(backdrop) itemframe.label:SetBackdropBorderColor(0, 0.9, 0.9, 0.2) itemframe.label:SetBackdropColor(0, 0.9, 0.9, 0.2) itemframe.label.text = itemframe.label:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK") itemframe.label.text:SetFont(UNIT_NAME_FONT, fontsize, "THINOUTLINE") itemframe.label.text:SetSize(34, 14) itemframe.label.text:SetPoint("CENTER", 1, 0) itemframe.label.text:SetText( itemframe.label.text:SetTextColor(0, 0.9, 0.9) itemframe.levelString = itemframe:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", itemfont) itemframe.levelString:SetPoint("LEFT", itemframe.label, "RIGHT", 4, 0) itemframe.levelString:SetJustifyH("RIGHT") itemframe.itemString = itemframe:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", itemfont) itemframe.itemString:SetHeight(16) itemframe.itemString:SetPoint("LEFT", itemframe.levelString, "RIGHT", 2, 0) itemframe:SetScript("OnEnter", function(self) local r, g, b, a = self.label:GetBackdropColor() self.label:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, a+0.5) if ( or (self.level and self.level > 0)) then GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_RIGHT") GameTooltip:SetInventoryItem(self:GetParent().unit, self.index) GameTooltip:Show() end end) itemframe:SetScript("OnLeave", function(self) local r, g, b, a = self.label:GetBackdropColor() self.label:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, abs(a-0.5)) GameTooltip:Hide() end) itemframe:SetScript("OnDoubleClick", function(self) if ( then ChatEdit_ActivateChat(ChatEdit_ChooseBoxForSend()) ChatEdit_InsertLink( end end) frame["item"..i] = itemframe LibEvent:trigger("INSPECT_ITEMFRAME_CREATED", itemframe) end frame.closeButton = CreateFrame("Button", nil, frame) frame.closeButton:SetSize(12, 12) frame.closeButton:SetScale(0.85) frame.closeButton:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", 5, 6) frame.closeButton:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\Cursor\\Item") frame.closeButton:GetNormalTexture():SetTexCoord(0, 12/32, 12/32, 0) frame.closeButton:SetScript("OnClick", function(self) self:GetParent():Hide() end) parent:HookScript("OnHide", function(self) frame:Hide() end) parent.inspectFrame = frame LibEvent:trigger("INSPECT_FRAME_CREATED", frame, parent) end return parent.inspectFrame end --等級字符 local ItemLevelPattern = gsub(ITEM_LEVEL, "%%d", "%%d") --顯示面板 function ShowInspectItemListFrame(unit, parent, ilevel, maxLevel) if (not parent:IsShown()) then return end local frame = GetInspectItemListFrame(parent) local class = select(2, UnitClass(unit)) local color = RAID_CLASS_COLORS[class] or NORMAL_FONT_COLOR frame.unit = unit frame.portrait:SetLevel(UnitLevel(unit)) frame.portrait.PortraitRingQuality:SetVertexColor(color.r, color.g, color.b) frame.portrait.LevelBorder:SetVertexColor(color.r, color.g, color.b) SetPortraitTexture(frame.portrait.Portrait, unit) frame.title:SetText(UnitName(unit)) frame.title:SetTextColor(color.r, color.g, color.b) if then'绿') else'') end frame.level:SetText(format(ItemLevelPattern, ilevel)) frame.level:SetTextColor(1, 0.82, 0) local _, name, level, link, quality local itemframe, mframe, oframe, itemwidth local width = 160 local formats = "%3s" if (maxLevel) then formats = "%" .. string.len(floor(maxLevel)) .. "s" end for i, v in ipairs(slots) do _, level, name, link, quality = LibItemInfo:GetUnitItemInfo(unit, v.index) itemframe = frame["item"..i] = name = link itemframe.level = level itemframe.quality = quality itemframe.itemString:SetWidth(0) if (level > 0) then itemframe.levelString:SetText(format(formats,level)) itemframe.itemString:SetText(link or name) else itemframe.levelString:SetText(format(formats,"")) itemframe.itemString:SetText("") end itemwidth = itemframe.itemString:GetWidth() if (itemwidth > 208) then itemwidth = 208 itemframe.itemString:SetWidth(itemwidth) end itemframe.width = itemwidth + max(64, floor(itemframe.label:GetWidth() + itemframe.levelString:GetWidth()) + 4) itemframe:SetWidth(itemframe.width) if (width < itemframe.width) then width = itemframe.width end if (v.index == 16) then mframe = itemframe mframe:SetAlpha(1) elseif (v.index == 17) then oframe = itemframe oframe:SetAlpha(1) end LibEvent:trigger("INSPECT_ITEMFRAME_UPDATED", itemframe) end if (mframe and oframe and (mframe.quality == 6 or oframe.quality == 6)) then level = max(mframe.level, oframe.level) if then mframe.levelString:SetText(format(formats,level)) end if then oframe.levelString:SetText(format(formats,level)) end end if (mframe and mframe.level <= 0) then mframe:SetAlpha(0.4) end if (oframe and oframe.level <= 0) then oframe:SetAlpha(0.4) end frame:SetWidth(width + 36) frame:Show() LibEvent:trigger("INSPECT_FRAME_SHOWN", frame, parent, ilevel) frame:SetBackdrop(frame.backdrop) frame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.9) -- frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(color.r, color.g, color.b) frame:SetTemplate('Default') return frame end --裝備變更時 LibEvent:attachEvent("UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED", function(self, unit) if (InspectFrame and InspectFrame.unit and InspectFrame.unit == unit) then ReInspect(unit) end end) --@see InspectCore.lua LibEvent:attachTrigger("UNIT_INSPECT_READY, UNIT_REINSPECT_READY", function(self, data) if (InspectFrame and InspectFrame.unit and UnitGUID(InspectFrame.unit) == data.guid) then local frame = ShowInspectItemListFrame(InspectFrame.unit, InspectFrame, data.ilevel, data.maxLevel) LibEvent:trigger("INSPECT_FRAME_COMPARE", frame) end end) --設置邊框 LibEvent:attachTrigger("INSPECT_FRAME_SHOWN", function(self, frame, parent, ilevel) frame.backdrop.edgeSize = 2 frame.backdrop.edgeFile = "Interface\\Buttons\\WHITE8X8" = 2 frame.backdrop.insets.left = 2 frame.backdrop.insets.right = 2 frame.backdrop.insets.bottom = 2 frame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", parent, "TOPRIGHT", 4, 0) end) --高亮橙裝和武器 LibEvent:attachTrigger("INSPECT_ITEMFRAME_UPDATED", function(self, itemframe) local r, g, b = 0, 0.9, 0.9 if (itemframe.quality and itemframe.quality > 4) then r, g, b = GetItemQualityColor(itemframe.quality) elseif ( and not then r, g, b = 0.9, 0.8, 0.4 elseif (not then r, g, b = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 end itemframe.label:SetBackdropBorderColor(r, g, b, 0.2) itemframe.label:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, 0.2) itemframe.label.text:SetTextColor(r, g, b) end) --自己裝備列表 LibEvent:attachTrigger("INSPECT_FRAME_COMPARE", function(self, frame) if (not frame) then return end local _, ilevel, _, _, _, maxLevel = LibItemInfo:GetUnitItemLevel("player") local playerFrame = ShowInspectItemListFrame("player", frame, ilevel, maxLevel) if (frame.statsFrame) then frame.statsFrame:SetParent(playerFrame) frame.statsFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", playerFrame, "TOPRIGHT", 0, -1) end end) ---------------- -- Player -- ---------------- PaperDollFrame:HookScript("OnShow", function(self) if (E and not E.db.euiscript.ShowCharacterItemSheet) then return end local _, ilevel, _, _, _, maxLevel = LibItemInfo:GetUnitItemLevel("player") ShowInspectItemListFrame("player", self, ilevel, maxLevel) end) LibEvent:attachEvent("PLAYER_EQUIPMENT_CHANGED", function(self) if (CharacterFrame:IsShown() and E and E.db.euiscript.ShowCharacterItemSheet) then local _, ilevel, _, _, _, maxLevel = LibItemInfo:GetUnitItemLevel("player") ShowInspectItemListFrame("player", PaperDollFrame, ilevel, maxLevel) end end)
local _, private = ... -- RealUI -- local RealUI = private.RealUI local MODNAME = "Chat" local Chat = RealUI:NewModule(MODNAME, "AceEvent-3.0") -- TODO: consolidate this module function Chat:PLAYER_LOGIN() -- Hide IM selector if BCM is enabled if _G.IsAddOnLoaded("BasicChatMods") then _G["InterfaceOptionsSocialPanelChatStyle"]:Hide() end end function Chat:OnInitialize() self.db = RealUI.db:RegisterNamespace(MODNAME) self.db:RegisterDefaults({ profile = { modules = { ["**"] = { enabled = true, }, tabs = { colors = { classcolorhighlight = true, ["normal"] = {1, 1, 1}, ["highlight"] = {1, 1, 1}, ["flash"] = {1, 1, 0}, }, }, opacity = {}, strings = {}, history = { [RealUI.charInfo.realm] = {history = {}}, }, }, }, }) self:SetEnabledState(RealUI:GetModuleEnabled(MODNAME)) end function Chat:OnEnable() self:debug("OnEnable") self:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_LOGIN") local start, stop = 3, 8 for i = 1, _G.NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS do local editbox = _G["ChatFrame"..i.."EditBox"] for k = start, stop do local tex =, editbox:GetRegions()) if tex:GetObjectType() == "Texture" then tex:SetTexture("") end end end end
----------------------------------------- -- Stratus Cell -- ID 5369 -- Unlocks leg and feet equipment ----------------------------------------- require("scripts/globals/status") ----------------------------------------- function onItemCheck(target) local encumbrance = target:getStatusEffect(tpz.effect.ENCUMBRANCE_I) if (encumbrance) then local power = encumbrance:getPower() if, 0x0180) > 0 then return 0 end end return -1 end function onItemUse(target) local encumbrance = target:getStatusEffect(tpz.effect.ENCUMBRANCE_I) local power = encumbrance:getPower() local newpower =, bit.bnot(0x0180)) target:delStatusEffectSilent(tpz.effect.ENCUMBRANCE_I) if (newpower > 0) then target:addStatusEffectEx(tpz.effect.ENCUMBRANCE_I, tpz.effect.ENCUMBRANCE_I, newpower, 0, 0) end target:messageText(target, zones[target:getZoneID()].text.CELL_OFFSET + 4) end
-- 这个脚本是在初始化snlua服务的时候,在接口init_cb (service-src/service_snlua)中调用的 -- 这个脚本的全局变量也都是在 init_cb (service-src/service_snlua) 中设置的 local args = {} for word in string.gmatch(..., "%S+") do table.insert(args, word) end -- 按config/examples 中配置, SERVICE_NAME值就是 bootstrap -- 在脚本中使用skynet.launch("snlua","launcher")调用的时候,这个地方SERVICE_NAME就是launcher SERVICE_NAME = args[1] local main, pattern -- LUA_SERVICE 在examples/config.path配置,默认值就是 -- ./service/?.lua;./test/?.lua;./examples/?.lua;./test/?/init.lua -- 也就是说从目录 service/ test/ examples/ /tes/name/init.lua 找相应的lua服务对应的lua文件 -- 直到找到为止 local err = {} for pat in string.gmatch(LUA_SERVICE, "([^;]+);*") do local filename = string.gsub(pat, "?", SERVICE_NAME) -- 按 config/examples 配置 对于bootstrap服务,这里的filename就是 比如serivce/bootstrap.lua local f, msg = loadfile(filename) if not f then table.insert(err, msg) else pattern = pat main = f break end end -- 按 config/examples 配置,到这里 pattern 就是 service/?.lua, -- main就是 比如serivce/bootstrap.lua loadfile返回的结果 if not main then error(table.concat(err, "\n")) end -- 下面都是准备环境,为执行比如serivce/bootstrap.lua做准备 LUA_SERVICE = nil -- 把 LUA_PATH 的值赋值给package.path,同时赋值 LUA_PATH 为nil -- 上面执行后,按examples/config.pat配置 -- package.path就是./lualib/?.lua;./lualib/?/init.lua -- path.cpath 就是 /luaclib/?.so package.path , LUA_PATH = LUA_PATH package.cpath , LUA_CPATH = LUA_CPATH local service_path = string.match(pattern, "(.*/)[^/?]+$") if service_path then service_path = string.gsub(service_path, "?", args[1]) package.path = service_path .. "?.lua;" .. package.path SERVICE_PATH = service_path else -- 默认执行到这个分支,执行完成后,SERVICE_PATH的值为 serivce/ local p = string.match(pattern, "(.*/).+$") SERVICE_PATH = p end -- 执行 examples/config 中的的 preload 配置 if LUA_PRELOAD then local f = assert(loadfile(LUA_PRELOAD)) f(table.unpack(args)) LUA_PRELOAD = nil end -- 比如执行service/bootstrap.lua main(select(2, table.unpack(args)))
--[[ -- Copyright(c) 2019, 武汉舜立软件 All Rights Reserved -- Created: 2019/04/16 -- -- @file check_arping.lua -- @brief 对网卡做 arping -- @version 0.1 -- @author 李绍良 -- @history 修改历史 -- \n 2019/04/16 0.1 创建文件 -- @warning 没有警告 --]] local string = require("string") local io = require("io") local unix = require("base.unix") local l_sys = require("l_sys") local sh = local arping = function (name, ip) -- arping 格式: arping -I eth0 -c 3 local cmd = string.format('arping -I %s -c 3 %s', name, ip) local ret, str = sh(cmd) print('arping cmd:'..cmd, ret, str) end local check_arping = function () local ifs = unix.get_ifconfig() for k, v in pairs(ifs) do local name = v['name'] local ipv4 = v['ipv4'] arping(name, ipv4) end end return check_arping
---@param skillLineID number ---[Documentation]( function AbandonSkill(skillLineID) end ---[Documentation]( function AcceptAreaSpiritHeal() end ---@param index number ---@param accept boolean ---[Documentation]( function AcceptBattlefieldPort(index, accept) end ---[Documentation]( function AcceptDuel() end ---[Documentation]( function AcceptGroup() end ---[Documentation]( function AcceptGuild() end ---[Documentation]( function AcceptProposal() end ---[Documentation]( function AcceptQuest() end ---[Documentation]( function AcceptResurrect() end ---[Documentation]( function AcceptSockets() end ---@param spellID number ---[Documentation]( function AcceptSpellConfirmationPrompt(spellID) end ---[Documentation]( function AcceptTrade() end ---[Documentation]( function AcceptXPLoss() end ---[Documentation]( function AcknowledgeAutoAcceptQuest() end ---[Documentation]( function AcknowledgeSurvey(caseIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function ActionBindsItem() end ---@param slotID number ---@return boolean hasRange ---[Documentation]( function ActionHasRange(slotID) end ---@param questID number ---@param type string ---[Documentation]( function AddAutoQuestPopUp(questID, type) end ---@param windowId number ---@param channelName string ---[Documentation]( function AddChatWindowChannel(windowId, channelName) end ---@param index number ---@param messageGroup string ---[Documentation]( function AddChatWindowMessages(index, messageGroup) end ---@param achievementID number ---[Documentation]( function AddTrackedAchievement(achievementID) end ---[Documentation]( function AddTradeMoney() end ---@param fullName string ---@param context string ---@return string name ---[Documentation]( function Ambiguate(fullName, context) end ---[Documentation]( function AntiAliasingSupported() end ---[Documentation]( function ApplyBarberShopStyle() end ---[Documentation]( function ArchaeologyGetIconInfo(index) end ---@return number numSites ---[Documentation]( function ArchaeologyMapUpdateAll() end ---[Documentation]( function ArcheologyGetVisibleBlobID(index) end ---@return boolean hidden ---[Documentation]( function AreAccountAchievementsHidden() end ---[Documentation]( function AreDangerousScriptsAllowed() end ---[Documentation]( function AreTalentsLocked() end ---[Documentation]( function AscendStop() end ---@param unit string ---[Documentation]( function AssistUnit(unit) end ---[Documentation]( function AttachGlyphToSpell(spellID) end ---[Documentation]( function AttackTarget() end ---[Documentation]( function AutoChooseCurrentGraphicsSetting() end ---[Documentation]( function AutoEquipCursorItem() end ---[Documentation]( function AutoLootMailItem(index) end ---@param tab number ---@param slot number ---[Documentation]( function AutoStoreGuildBankItem(tab, slot) end ---[Documentation]( function BNAcceptFriendInvite(ID) end ---[Documentation]( function BNCheckBattleTagInviteToGuildMember(fullname) end ---[Documentation]( function BNCheckBattleTagInviteToUnit(unit) end ---@return boolean connected ---[Documentation]( function BNConnected() end ---[Documentation]( function BNDeclineFriendInvite(ID) end ---[Documentation]( function BNFeaturesEnabled() end ---[Documentation]( function BNFeaturesEnabledAndConnected() end ---[Documentation]( function BNGetBlockedInfo(index) end ---[Documentation]( function BNGetDisplayName(bnetIdAccount) end ---@param mutual boolean ---@param nonMutual boolean ---@param index number ---@return number friendID ---@return string accountName ---@return boolean isMutual ---[Documentation]( function BNGetFOFInfo(mutual, nonMutual, index) end ---@param presenceID number ---@return number index ---[Documentation]( function BNGetFriendIndex(presenceID) end ---@param inviteIndex number ---@return number inviteID ---@return number accountName ---@return boolean isBattleTag ---@return unknown unknown ---@return number sentTime ---[Documentation]( function BNGetFriendInviteInfo(inviteIndex) end ---@return number presenceID ---@return string battleTag ---@return number toonID ---@return string currentBroadcast ---@return boolean bnetAFK ---@return boolean bnetDND ---@return boolean isRIDEnabled ---[Documentation]( function BNGetInfo() end ---[Documentation]( function BNGetNumBlocked() end ---[Documentation]( function BNGetNumFOF(ID, mutual, non) end ---[Documentation]( function BNGetNumFriendInvites() end ---@return number numBNetTotal ---@return number numBNetOnline ---@return number numBNetFavorite ---@return number numBNetFavoriteOnline ---[Documentation]( function BNGetNumFriends() end ---[Documentation]( function BNGetSelectedBlock() end ---[Documentation]( function BNGetSelectedFriend() end ---[Documentation]( function BNInviteFriend(bnetIDGameAccount) end ---[Documentation]( function BNIsBlocked(ID) end ---[Documentation]( function BNIsFriend(presenceID) end ---[Documentation]( function BNIsSelf(presenceID) end ---[Documentation]( function BNRemoveFriend(ID) end ---[Documentation]( function BNRequestFOFInfo(bnetIDAccount) end ---[Documentation]( function BNRequestInviteFriend(presenceID, tank, heal, dps) end ---[Documentation]( function BNSendFriendInvite(text, noteText) end ---[Documentation]( function BNSendFriendInviteByID(ID, noteText) end ---@param presenceID number ---@param addonPrefix string ---@param message string ---[Documentation]( function BNSendGameData(presenceID, addonPrefix, message) end ---[Documentation]( function BNSendSoR(target, comment) end ---[Documentation]( function BNSendVerifiedBattleTagInvite() end ---@param bnetAccountID number ---@param message string ---[Documentation]( function BNSendWhisper(bnetAccountID, message) end ---@param bool boolean ---[Documentation]( function BNSetAFK(bool) end ---[Documentation]( function BNSetBlocked(ID, bool) end ---@param text string ---[Documentation]( function BNSetCustomMessage(text) end ---@param bool boolean ---[Documentation]( function BNSetDND(bool) end ---@param id number ---@param isFavorite boolean ---[Documentation]( function BNSetFriendFavoriteFlag(id, isFavorite) end ---@param bnetIDAccount number ---@param noteText string ---[Documentation]( function BNSetFriendNote(bnetIDAccount, noteText) end ---[Documentation]( function BNSetSelectedBlock(index) end ---[Documentation]( function BNSetSelectedFriend(index) end ---[Documentation]( function BNSummonFriendByIndex(id) end ---[Documentation]( function BNTokenFindName(target) end ---[Documentation]( function BankButtonIDToInvSlotID(buttonID, isBag) end ---[Documentation]( function BarberShopReset() end ---[Documentation]( function BattlefieldMgrEntryInviteResponse(queueId, accept) end ---[Documentation]( function BattlefieldMgrExitRequest(queueId) end ---[Documentation]( function BattlefieldMgrQueueInviteResponse(queueId, accept) end ---[Documentation]( function BattlefieldMgrQueueRequest() end ---[Documentation]( function BattlefieldSetPendingReportTarget(index) end ---[Documentation]( function BeginTrade() end ---[Documentation]( function BindEnchant() end ---@param value number ---@return string valueString ---[Documentation]( function BreakUpLargeNumbers(value) end ---[Documentation]( function BuyGuildBankTab() end ---@param guildName string ---[Documentation]( function BuyGuildCharter(guildName) end ---@param index number ---@param quantity number ---[Documentation]( function BuyMerchantItem(index, quantity) end ---[Documentation]( function BuyReagentBank() end ---@param index number ---[Documentation]( function BuyTrainerService(index) end ---@param slot number ---[Documentation]( function BuybackItem(slot) end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureJournal.ActivateEntry(index) end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureJournal.CanBeShown() end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureJournal.GetNumAvailableSuggestions() end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureJournal.GetPrimaryOffset() end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureJournal.GetReward() end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureJournal.GetSuggestions(suggestions) end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureJournal.SetPrimaryOffset(offset) end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureJournal.UpdateSuggestions(levelUp) end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureMap.Close() end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureMap.GetMapID() end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureMap.GetMapInsetDetailTileInfo(insetIndex, tileIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureMap.GetMapInsetInfo(insetIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureMap.GetNumMapInsets() end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureMap.GetNumQuestOffers() end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureMap.GetNumZoneChoices() end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureMap.GetQuestInfo(questID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureMap.GetQuestOfferInfo(offerIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureMap.GetZoneChoiceInfo(choiceIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_AdventureMap.StartQuest(questID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_BlackMarket.Close() end ---[Documentation]( function C_BlackMarket.GetHotItem() end ---[Documentation]( function C_BlackMarket.GetItemInfoByID(marketID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_BlackMarket.GetItemInfoByIndex(index) end ---@return number numItems ---[Documentation]( function C_BlackMarket.GetNumItems() end ---@return boolean viewOnly ---[Documentation]( function C_BlackMarket.IsViewOnly() end ---@param marketID number ---@param bid number ---[Documentation]( function C_BlackMarket.ItemPlaceBid(marketID, bid) end ---[Documentation]( function C_BlackMarket.RequestItems() end ---[Documentation]( function C_CharacterServices.AssignUpgradeDistribution() end ---[Documentation]( function C_CharacterServices.GetActiveCharacterUpgradeBoostType() end ---[Documentation]( function C_CharacterServices.GetActiveClassTrialBoostType() end ---[Documentation]( function C_CharacterServices.GetAutomaticBoost() end ---[Documentation]( function C_CharacterServices.GetAutomaticBoostCharacter() end ---[Documentation]( function C_CharacterServices.GetCharacterServiceDisplayData() end ---[Documentation]( function C_CharacterServices.GetCharacterServiceDisplayOrder() end ---[Documentation]( function C_CharacterServices.HasRequiredBoostForClassTrial() end ---[Documentation]( function C_CharacterServices.HasRequiredBoostForUnrevoke() end ---[Documentation]( function C_CharacterServices.SetAutomaticBoost() end ---[Documentation]( function C_CharacterServices.SetAutomaticBoostCharacter() end ---[Documentation]( function C_CharacterServicesPublic.ShouldSeeControlPopup() end ---[Documentation]( function C_ClassTrial.GetClassTrialLogoutTimeSeconds() end ---[Documentation]( function C_ClassTrial.IsClassTrialCharacter() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Debug.DashboardIsEnabled() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Debug.GetAllPortLocsForMap(uiMapID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Debug.GetMapDebugObjects(uiMapID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Debug.TeleportToMapDebugObject(pinIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Debug.TeleportToMapLocation(uiMapID, mapX, mapY) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.AllowMissionStartAboveSoftCap(garrFollowerTypeID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.AreMissionFollowerRequirementsMet(missionRecID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.AssignFollowerToBuilding(plotInstanceID, followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.CanGenerateRecruits() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.CanOpenMissionChest(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.CanSetRecruitmentPreference() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.CanSpellTargetFollowerIDWithAddAbility(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.CanUpgradeGarrison() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.CancelConstruction(plotInstanceID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.CastItemSpellOnFollowerAbility(followerID, abilityID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.CastSpellOnFollower(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.CastSpellOnFollowerAbility(followerID, abilityID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.CastSpellOnMission(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.ClearCompleteTalent(garrisonType) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.CloseArchitect() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.CloseGarrisonTradeskillNPC() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.CloseMissionNPC() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.CloseRecruitmentNPC() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.CloseTalentNPC() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.CloseTradeskillCrafter() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GenerateRecruits(mechanicTypeID, traitID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetAllBonusAbilityEffects() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetAllEncounterThreats(garrFollowerTypeID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetAvailableMissions(missionList, garrFollowerTypeID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetAvailableRecruits() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetBasicMissionInfo(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetBuffedFollowersForMission(missionID, displayingAbilities) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetBuildingInfo(buildingID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetBuildingLockInfo() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetBuildingSizes() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetBuildingSpecInfo() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetBuildingTimeRemaining(plotInstanceID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetBuildingTooltip(buildingID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetBuildingUpgradeInfo(buildingID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetBuildings(garrisonType) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetBuildingsForPlot(plotInstanceID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetBuildingsForSize(garrisonType, uiCategoryID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetClassSpecCategoryInfo(garrFollowerType) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetCombatAllyMission(garrFollowerTypeID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetCompleteMissions(missionList, garrFollowerTypeID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetCompleteTalent(garrisonType) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetCurrencyTypes(garrType) end ---@param followerID number ---@return table abilities ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilities(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityAtIndex(followerID, index) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityAtIndexByID(garrFollowerID, index) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityCounterMechanicInfo(garrAbilityID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityCountersForMechanicTypes(garrFollowerTypeID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityDescription(garrAbilityID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityIcon(garrAbilityID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityInfo(garrAbilityID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityIsTrait(garrAbilityID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityLink(abilityID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerAbilityName(garrAbilityID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerActivationCost() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerBiasForMission(missionID, followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerClassSpec(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerClassSpecAtlas(garrSpecID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerClassSpecByID(garrFollowerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerClassSpecName(garrFollowerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerDisplayID(followerID) end ---@param followerID number ---@return table info ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerInfo(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerInfoForBuilding() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerIsTroop() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerItemLevelAverage(followerID) end ---@param followerID string ---@return number weaponItemID ---@return number weaponItemLevel ---@return number armorItemID ---@return number armorItemLevel ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerItems(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerLevel(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerLevelXP(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerLink(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerLinkByID(garrFollowerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerMissionTimeLeft(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerMissionTimeLeftSeconds(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerModelItems(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerName(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerNameByID(garrFollowerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerPortraitIconID(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerPortraitIconIDByID(garrFollowerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerQuality(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerQualityTable(garrFollowerTypeID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerRecentlyGainedAbilityIDs(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerRecentlyGainedTraitIDs(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerShipments(garrTypeID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerSoftCap(garrFollowerTypeID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerSourceTextByID(garrFollowerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerSpecializationAtIndex(followerID, index) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerStatus(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerTraitAtIndex(followerID, index) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerTraitAtIndexByID(garrFollowerID, index) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerTypeByID(garrFollowerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerTypeByMissionID(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerUnderBiasReason(missionID, followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerXP(followerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerXPTable(garrFollowerTypeID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowerZoneSupportAbilities() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowers() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowersSpellsForMission(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetFollowersTraitsForMission(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetGarrisonInfo(garrisonType) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetGarrisonUpgradeCost(followerType) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetInProgressMissions(missionList, garrFollowerTypeID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetLandingPageGarrisonType() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetLandingPageItems(garrTypeID, noSort) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetLandingPageShipmentCount() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetLandingPageShipmentInfo(buildingID) end ---@param containerID number ---@return string name ---@return number texture ---@return number shipmentCapacity ---@return number shipmentsReady ---@return number shipmentsTotal ---@return number creationTime ---@return number duration ---@return string timeleftString ---@return string itemName ---@return number itemTexture ---@return number unk1 ---@return number itemID ---@return number followerID ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetLandingPageShipmentInfoByContainerID(containerID) end ---@param garrisonType number ---@return table looseShipments ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetLooseShipments(garrisonType) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetMissionBonusAbilityEffects(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetMissionCost(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetMissionDisplayIDs(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetMissionLink(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetMissionMaxFollowers(garrMissionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetMissionName(garrMissionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetMissionRewardInfo(garrMissionID, missionDBID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetMissionSuccessChance(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetMissionTexture(offeredGarrMissionTextureID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetMissionTimes(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetMissionUncounteredMechanics(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetNumActiveFollowers() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetNumFollowerActivationsRemaining(garrTypeID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetNumFollowerDailyActivations() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetNumFollowers() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetNumFollowersForMechanic(followerType, mechanicID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetNumFollowersOnMission(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetNumPendingShipments() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetNumShipmentCurrencies() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetNumShipmentReagents() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetOwnedBuildingInfo(plotInstanceID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetOwnedBuildingInfoAbbrev(plotInstanceID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetPartyBuffs(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetPartyMentorLevels(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetPartyMissionInfo(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetPendingShipmentInfo(index) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetPlots(followerType) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetPlotsForBuilding(buildingID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetPossibleFollowersForBuilding(followerType, plotInstanceID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetRecruitAbilities(index) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetRecruiterAbilityCategories() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetRecruiterAbilityList(traits) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetRecruitmentPreferences() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetShipDeathAnimInfo() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetShipmentContainerInfo() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetShipmentItemInfo() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetShipmentReagentCurrencyInfo(currencyIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetShipmentReagentInfo(reagentIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetShipmentReagentItemLink(reagentIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetSpecChangeCost() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.GetTabForPlot(plotInstanceID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.HasGarrison(garrisonType) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.HasShipyard() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.IsAboveFollowerSoftCap(garrFollowerTypeID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.IsFollowerCollected(garrFollowerID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.IsInvasionAvailable() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.IsMechanicFullyCountered(missionID, followerID, mechanicID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.IsOnGarrisonMap() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.IsOnShipmentQuestForNPC() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.IsOnShipyardMap() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.IsPlayerInGarrison(garrType) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.IsUsingPartyGarrison() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.IsVisitGarrisonAvailable() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.MarkMissionComplete(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.MissionBonusRoll(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.PlaceBuilding(plotInstanceID, buildingID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.RecruitFollower(followerIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.RemoveFollower(dbID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.RemoveFollowerFromBuilding() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.RenameFollower(followerID, name) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.RequestClassSpecCategoryInfo(garrFollowerTypeID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.RequestGarrisonUpgradeable(followerType) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.RequestLandingPageShipmentInfo() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.RequestShipmentCreation() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.RequestShipmentInfo() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.ResearchTalent(garrTalentID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.SearchForFollower() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.SetBuildingActive(plotInstanceID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.SetBuildingSpecialization() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.SetFollowerFavorite() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.SetFollowerInactive(followerID, inactive) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.SetRecruitmentPreferences(mechanicTypeID, traitID) end ---@param enabled boolean ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.SetUsingPartyGarrison(enabled) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.ShouldShowMapTab(garrType) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.ShowFollowerNameInErrorMessage(missionRecID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.StartMission(missionID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.SwapBuildings(plotInstanceID1, plotInstanceID2) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.TargetSpellHasFollowerItemLevelUpgrade() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.TargetSpellHasFollowerReroll() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.TargetSpellHasFollowerTemporaryAbility() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.UpgradeBuilding(plotInstanceID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Garrison.UpgradeGarrison(followerType) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.CanHeirloomUpgradeFromPending(itemID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.CreateHeirloom(itemID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.GetClassAndSpecFilters() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.GetCollectedHeirloomFilter() end ---@param itemID number ---@return string name ---@return string itemEquipLoc ---@return boolean isPvP ---@return string itemTexture ---@return number upgradeLevel ---@return number source ---@return boolean searchFiltered ---@return number effectiveLevel ---@return number minLevel ---@return number maxLevel ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.GetHeirloomInfo(itemID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.GetHeirloomItemIDFromDisplayedIndex(heirloomIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.GetHeirloomItemIDs() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.GetHeirloomLink(itemID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.GetHeirloomMaxUpgradeLevel(itemID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.GetHeirloomSourceFilter(source) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.GetNumDisplayedHeirlooms() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.GetNumHeirlooms() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.GetNumKnownHeirlooms() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.GetUncollectedHeirloomFilter() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.IsHeirloomSourceValid(source) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.IsItemHeirloom(itemID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.IsPendingHeirloomUpgrade() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.PlayerHasHeirloom(itemID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.SetClassAndSpecFilters(classID, specID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.SetCollectedHeirloomFilter(boolean) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.SetHeirloomSourceFilter(source, filtered) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.SetSearch(searchValue) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.SetUncollectedHeirloomFilter(boolean) end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.ShouldShowHeirloomHelp() end ---[Documentation]( function C_Heirloom.UpgradeHeirloom(itemID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.AcceptInvite(resultID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.ApplyToGroup(resultID, comment, tank, healer, dps) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.CancelApplication(resultID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.ClearSearchResults() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.CreateListing(activityID, itemLevel, honorLevel, autoAccept, privateGroup, questID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.DeclineApplicant(applicantID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.DeclineInvite(searchResultID) end ---@param groupID number ---@return string name ---@return number groupOrder ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetActivityGroupInfo(groupID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetActivityIDForQuestID(questID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetActivityInfo(activityID) end ---@param activityID number ---@return boolean currentArea ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetActivityInfoExpensive(activityID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetApplicantMemberInfo(applicantID) end ---@param applicantID number ---@param memberIndex number ---@return table stats ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetApplicantMemberStats(applicantID, memberIndex) end ---@return table applicants ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetApplicants() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetApplicationInfo(searchResultID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetApplications() end ---@param categoryID number ---@param groupID number ---@param filter number ---@return table activities ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetAvailableActivities(categoryID, groupID, filter) end ---@param categoryID number ---@param filter number ---@return table groups ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetAvailableActivityGroups(categoryID, filter) end ---@param filter number ---@return table categories ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetAvailableCategories(filter) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetAvailableLanguageSearchFilter() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetAvailableRoles() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetCategoryInfo(categoryID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetDefaultLanguageSearchFilter() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetLanguageSearchFilter() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetNumApplicants() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetNumApplications() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetNumInvitedApplicantMembers() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetNumPendingApplicantMembers() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetRoleCheckInfo() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetSearchResultEncounterInfo(searchResultID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetSearchResultFriends(searchResultID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetSearchResultMemberCounts(searchResultID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetSearchResultMemberInfo(searchResultID, memberIndex) end ---@return number numResults ---@return table resultIDTable ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.GetSearchResults() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.HasActivityList() end ---@param applicantID number ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.InviteApplicant(applicantID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.IsCurrentlyApplying() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.RefreshApplicants() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.RemoveApplicant(applicantID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.RemoveListing() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.ReportApplicant(applicantID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.ReportSearchResult(resultID, complaintType) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.RequestAvailableActivities() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.SaveLanguageSearchFilter(enabled) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.SetApplicantMemberRole(applicantID, memberIndex, role) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LFGList.UpdateListing(lfgID, itemLevel, honorLevel, autoAccept, private, questID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LootHistory.CanMasterLoot(itemIndex, playerIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LootHistory.GetExpiration() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LootHistory.GetItem(itemIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LootHistory.GetNumItems() end ---[Documentation]( function C_LootHistory.GetPlayerInfo(itemIndex, playerIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LootHistory.GiveMasterLoot(itemIndex, playerIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_LootHistory.SetExpiration(numItemsToSave, secondsToSave) end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateEnemyClickThrough() end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateEnemyPreferredClickInsets() end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateEnemySize() end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateForUnit(unitToken, includeForbidden) end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateFriendlyClickThrough() end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateFriendlyPreferredClickInsets() end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateFriendlySize() end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateSelfClickThrough() end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateSelfPreferredClickInsets() end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.GetNamePlateSelfSize() end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.GetNamePlates(includeForbidden) end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.GetNumNamePlateMotionTypes() end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.GetTargetClampingInsets() end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.SetNamePlateEnemyClickThrough(clickthrough) end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.SetNamePlateEnemyPreferredClickInsets() end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.SetNamePlateEnemySize(width, height) end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.SetNamePlateFriendlyClickThrough() end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.SetNamePlateFriendlyPreferredClickInsets(left, right, top, bottom) end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.SetNamePlateFriendlySize(width, height) end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.SetNamePlateSelfClickThrough(clickthrough) end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.SetNamePlateSelfPreferredClickInsets(left, right, top, bottom) end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.SetNamePlateSelfSize(width, height) end ---[Documentation]( function C_NamePlate.SetTargetClampingInsets(clickthrough) end ---[Documentation]( function C_NewItems.ClearAll() end ---@param bag number ---@param slot number ---@return boolean isNewItem ---[Documentation]( function C_NewItems.IsNewItem(bag, slot) end ---@param bag number ---@param slot number ---[Documentation]( function C_NewItems.RemoveNewItem(bag, slot) end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.AcceptPVPDuel() end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.AcceptQueuedPVPMatch() end ---@return boolean canAccept ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.CanAcceptQueuedPVPMatch() end ---@return boolean usable ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.CanActivePetSwapOut() end ---@param petIndex number ---@return boolean usable ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.CanPetSwapIn(petIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.CancelPVPDuel() end ---@param petIndex number ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.ChangePet(petIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.DeclineQueuedPVPMatch() end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.ForfeitGame() end ---@param abilityID number ---@param turnIndex number ---@param effectIndex number ---@param effectName string ---@return number value ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetAbilityEffectInfo(abilityID, turnIndex, effectIndex, effectName) end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@param abilityIndex number ---@return number id ---@return string name ---@return string icon ---@return number maxCooldown ---@return string unparsedDescription ---@return number numTurns ---@return number petType ---@return boolean noStrongWeakHints ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetAbilityInfo(petOwner, petIndex, abilityIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetAbilityInfoByID(abilityID) end ---@param abilityID number ---@param procType number ---@return number turnIndex ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetAbilityProcTurnIndex(abilityID, procType) end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@param actionIndex number ---@return boolean isUsable ---@return number currentCooldown ---@return number currentLockdown ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetAbilityState(petOwner, petIndex, actionIndex) end ---@param abilityID number ---@param stateID number ---@return number abilityStateMod ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetAbilityStateModification(abilityID, stateID) end ---@param petOwner number ---@return number petIndex ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetActivePet(petOwner) end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetAllEffectNames() end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetAllStates() end ---@param petType number ---@param enemyPetType number ---@return number modifier ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetAttackModifier(petType, enemyPetType) end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@param auraIndex number ---@return number auraID ---@return number instanceID ---@return number turnsRemaining ---@return boolean isBuff ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetAuraInfo(petOwner, petIndex, auraIndex) end ---@return number battleState ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetBattleState() end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@return number rarity ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetBreedQuality(petOwner, petIndex) end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@return number displayID ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetDisplayID(petOwner, petIndex) end ---@return number forfeitPenalty ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetForfeitPenalty() end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@return number health ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetHealth(petOwner, petIndex) end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@return string icon ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetIcon(petOwner, petIndex) end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@return number level ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetLevel(petOwner, petIndex) end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@return number maxHealth ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetMaxHealth(petOwner, petIndex) end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@return string name ---@return string speciesName ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetName(petOwner, petIndex) end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@return number numAuras ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetNumAuras(petOwner, petIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetNumPets(petOwner) end ---@return string queueState ---@return number estimatedTime ---@return number queuedTime ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetPVPMatchmakingInfo() end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@return number speciesID ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetPetSpeciesID(petOwner, petIndex) end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@return number petType ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetPetType(petOwner, petIndex) end ---@return number trapAbilityID ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetPlayerTrapAbility() end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@return number power ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetPower(petOwner, petIndex) end ---@return number selectedActionType ---@return number selectedActionIndex ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetSelectedAction() end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@return number speed ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetSpeed(petOwner, petIndex) end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@param stateID number ---@return number stateValue ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetStateValue(petOwner, petIndex, stateID) end ---@return number timeRemaining ---@return number turnTime ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetTurnTimeInfo() end ---@param petOwner number ---@param petIndex number ---@return number xp ---@return number maxXp ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.GetXP(petOwner, petIndex) end ---@return boolean inBattle ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.IsInBattle() end ---@param petOwner number ---@return boolean isNPC ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.IsPlayerNPC(petOwner) end ---@return boolean usable ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.IsSkipAvailable() end ---@return boolean usable ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.IsTrapAvailable() end ---@return boolean isWaiting ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.IsWaitingOnOpponent() end ---@return boolean inWildBattle ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.IsWildBattle() end ---@param petIndex number ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.SetPendingReportBattlePetTarget(petIndex) end ---@param unit string ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.SetPendingReportTargetFromUnit(unit) end ---@return boolean shouldShow ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.ShouldShowPetSelect() end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.SkipTurn() end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.StartPVPDuel() end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.StartPVPMatchmaking() end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.StopPVPMatchmaking() end ---@param actionIndex number ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.UseAbility(actionIndex) end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetBattles.UseTrap() end ---@param petID string ---[Documentation]( function C_PetJournal.CagePetByID(petID) end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetJournal.ClearFanfare() end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetJournal.ClearRecentFanfares() end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetJournal.ClearSearchFilter() end ---@param petName string ---@return number speciesId ---@return string petGUID ---[Documentation]( function C_PetJournal.FindPetIDByName(petName) end ---@param petID string ---@return string link ---[Documentation]( function C_PetJournal.GetBattlePetLink(petID) end ---@param speciesId number ---@return number numCollected ---@return number limit ---[Documentation]( function C_PetJournal.GetNumCollectedInfo(speciesId) end ---[Documentation]( function C_PetJournal.GetNumMaxPets() end ---@return number numSources ---[Documentation]( function C_PetJournal.GetNumPetSources() end ---@return number numTypes ---[Documentation]( function C_PetJournal.GetNumPetTypes() end
local C = {} local credits = { { department = "CODING", people = {"NICUSOR NEDELCU", "JOHN DOE", "SUPERMAN"} }, { department = "OBJECT ART", people = {"NICUSOR NEDELCU", "JOHN DOE", "SUPERMAN"} }, { department = "SOUNDS", people = {"NICUSOR NEDELCU", "JOHN DOE", "SUPERMAN"} } } function C:init(gs) self.gameScreen = gs self:loadFonts() self.offset = gfx.videoHeight end function C:loadFonts() self.fntTitle = game:loadFont("fonts/credits_title") self.fntNormal = game:loadFont("fonts/default") end function C:onUpdate(dt) self.offset = self.offset - dt * 20 end function C:onRender() gfx.colorMode = ColorMode_Add gfx.color = 0 local y = self.offset for _, v in ipairs(credits) do local tsize = gfx:getTextSize(self.fntTitle, v.department) local pos = Vec2((gfx.videoWidth - tsize.x)/2, y) gfx:drawText(self.fntTitle, pos, v.department) y = y + tsize.y + 20 for _, name in ipairs(v.people) do tsize = gfx:getTextSize(self.fntNormal, name) pos = Vec2((gfx.videoWidth - tsize.x)/2, y) gfx:drawText(self.fntNormal, pos, name) y = y + tsize.y + 10 end end end function C:onActivate() end function C:onDeactivate() end function C:onSerialize(data) data.gameScreenId = data.offset = self.offset end function C:onDeserialize(data) self.gameScreen = gameScreenFromId(data.gameScreenId) self:loadFonts() self.offset = data.offset end return newInstance(C)
local M = {} function M.close(id) vim.validate({id = {id, "number"}}) if not vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(id) then return end vim.api.nvim_win_close(id, true) end function M.enter(id) vim.validate({id = {id, "number"}}) if not vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(id) then return end vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(id) end return M
local promised_ballot_key = KEYS[1] .. '/promise' local accepted_ballot_key = KEYS[1] .. '/ballot' local accepted_value_key = KEYS[1] .. '/value' local function parse_ballot (txt_ballot) local counter, id = txt_ballot:match("([^,]+),([^,]*)") local ballot = {} ballot[0] = tonumber(counter) ballot[1] = id return ballot end local function cmp_ballots (ballot_a, ballot_b) if ballot_a[0] < ballot_b[0] then return -1 end if ballot_b[0] < ballot_a[0] then return 1 end if ballot_a[1] < ballot_b[1] then return -1 end if ballot_b[1] < ballot_a[1] then return 1 end return 0 end if'EXISTS', promised_ballot_key) == 0 then'SET', promised_ballot_key, "0,")'SET', accepted_ballot_key, "0,")'SET', accepted_value_key, "") end local promised_ballot = parse_ballot('GET', promised_ballot_key)) local accepted_ballot = parse_ballot('GET', accepted_ballot_key)) local candidate = parse_ballot(KEYS[2]) local promise = parse_ballot(KEYS[4]) if cmp_ballots(candidate, promised_ballot) < 0 then return {'fail', tostring(promised_ballot[0]) .. "," .. promised_ballot[1] } end if cmp_ballots(candidate, accepted_ballot) <= 0 then return {'fail', tostring(accepted_ballot[0]) .. "," .. accepted_ballot[1] } end'SET', promised_ballot_key, KEYS[4])'SET', accepted_ballot_key, KEYS[2])'SET', accepted_value_key, KEYS[3]) return {'ok'}
function HandleSpawnCommand(Split, Player) local WorldIni = cIniFile() WorldIni:ReadFile(Player:GetWorld():GetIniFileName()) local SpawnX = WorldIni:GetValue("SpawnPosition", "X") local SpawnY = WorldIni:GetValue("SpawnPosition", "Y") local SpawnZ = WorldIni:GetValue("SpawnPosition", "Z") local flag = 0 if (#Split == 2 and Split[2] ~= Player:GetName()) then if Player:HasPermission("core.spawn.others") then local FoundPlayerCallback = function(OtherPlayer) if (OtherPlayer:GetName() == Split[2]) then World = OtherPlayer:GetWorld() local OnAllChunksAvaliable = function() OtherPlayer:TeleportToCoords(SpawnX, SpawnY, SpawnZ) SendMessageSuccess( Player, "Returned " .. OtherPlayer:GetName() .. " to world spawn" ) flag=1 end World:ChunkStay({{SpawnX/16, SpawnZ/16}}, OnChunkAvailable, OnAllChunksAvaliable) end end cRoot:Get():FindAndDoWithPlayer(Split[2], FoundPlayerCallback) if flag == 0 then SendMessageFailure( Player, "Player " .. Split[2] .. " not found!" ) end else SendMessageFailure( Player, "You need core.spawn.others permission to do that!" ) end else World = Player:GetWorld() local OnAllChunksAvaliable = function() Player:TeleportToCoords(SpawnX, SpawnY, SpawnZ) SendMessageSuccess( Player, "Returned to world spawn" ) end World:ChunkStay({{SpawnX/16, SpawnZ/16}}, OnChunkAvailable, OnAllChunksAvaliable) end return true end function HandleSetSpawnCommand(Split, Player) local WorldIni = cIniFile() WorldIni:ReadFile(Player:GetWorld():GetIniFileName()) local PlayerX = Player:GetPosX() local PlayerY = Player:GetPosY() local PlayerZ = Player:GetPosZ() WorldIni:DeleteValue("SpawnPosition", "X") WorldIni:DeleteValue("SpawnPosition", "Y") WorldIni:DeleteValue("SpawnPosition", "Z") WorldIni:SetValue("SpawnPosition", "X", PlayerX) WorldIni:SetValue("SpawnPosition", "Y", PlayerY) WorldIni:SetValue("SpawnPosition", "Z", PlayerZ) WorldIni:WriteFile(Player:GetWorld():GetIniFileName()) SendMessageSuccess( Player, string.format("Changed spawn position to [X:%i Y:%i Z:%i]", PlayerX, PlayerY, PlayerZ) ) return true end
function ConstructSVGName(scriptName, suffix) local filename = scriptName:match("Gen(.*)%.lua"); if(suffix) then return filename .. suffix .. ".svg"; end return filename .. ".svg"; end function StandardArrowheadPath() local arrowheadPath = SvgWriter.Path(); arrowheadPath:M{10, 4}:L{0, 0}:L{0, 8}:Z(); return arrowheadPath; end function WriteStandardArrowhead(writer, name, styles) writer:BeginMarker({10, 8}, {10, 4}, "auto", true, nil, name); writer:Path(StandardArrowheadPath(), styles); writer:EndMarker(); end function WriteTipArrowhead(writer, name, styles) writer:BeginMarker({10, 8}, {0, 4}, "auto", true, nil, name); writer:Path(StandardArrowheadPath(), styles); writer:EndMarker(); end
local INV255 = 1.0 / 255.0 COLOR_RED = color_rgba2hex(1, 0, 0, 1) COLOR_GRAY = color_rgba2hex(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1)
--- === cp.highland2 === --- --- Highland 2 support. local require = require local class = require "middleclass" local lazy = require "cp.lazy" local delegator = require "cp.delegator" local tools = require "" local app = require "" local Document = require "cp.highland2.Document" local tableFilter = tools.tableFilter local highland2 = class("cp.highland2") :include(lazy) :include(delegator) :delegateTo("app", "menu") function return app end --- cp.highland2.focusedDocument <cp.prop: cp.highland2.Document> --- Field --- The currently-focused [Document](, if applicable. function highland2.lazy.prop:focusedDocument() return local window = original() if window and window:isInstanceOf(Document) then return window end end) end --- cp.highland2.documents <cp.prop: table of cp.highland2.Document> --- Field --- The list of [Documents]( currently open. function highland2.lazy.prop:documents() return local windows = original() if windows then tableFilter(windows, function(t, i) return t[i]:isInstanceOf(Document) end) end return windows end) end return highland2()
require('luacov') local pcall = pcall local date = local remove = os.remove local open = local assert = require('assert') local function truncate(filename) local f = assert(open(filename, 'w')) f:close() end local function test_eval() local testfile = date('%FT%H%M%S%Z') .. '_test.lua' local inlinefile = date('%FT%H%M%S%Z') .. '.lua' local ftest = assert(open(testfile, 'w')) local finline = assert(open(inlinefile, 'w')) ftest:setvbuf('no') finline:setvbuf('no') local ok, err = pcall(function() local eval = require('testcase.eval') local registry = require('testcase.registry') -- test that eval a file with suffix '_test.lua' registry.clear() assert(eval('example/example_test.lua')) local list, nfunc = registry.getlist() assert.equal(#list, 1) assert.equal(nfunc, 2) assert.equal(list[1].name, 'example/example_test.lua') -- test that eval a file contains inline option registry.clear() assert(eval('example/example_inline.lua')) list, nfunc = registry.getlist() assert.equal(#list, 1) assert.equal(nfunc, 2) assert.equal(list[1].name, 'example/example_inline.lua') -- test that returns true if no inline option defined registry.clear() assert(eval(inlinefile)) assert.empty(registry.getlist()) -- test that no test functions are registered registry.clear() finline:seek('set', 0) assert(finline:write([[-- lua-testcase: false]])) assert(eval(inlinefile)) truncate(inlinefile) assert.empty(registry.getlist()) -- test that returns error with non exits test file local ok, err = eval('no_file_test.lua') assert(not ok, 'eval() returns true') assert.match(err, 'cannot .+ no_file_test.lua', false) -- test that returns error with non exits inline file ok, err = eval('no_file_inline.lua') assert(not ok, 'eval() returns true') assert.match(err, 'such file') -- test that returns error with eval an invalid test file assert(ftest:seek('set', 0)) assert(ftest:write([[x = nil + 1]])) ok, err = eval(testfile) assert(not ok, 'eval() returns true') assert.match(err, 'arithmetic on a nil value') -- test that returns invalid option value error finline:seek('set', 0) assert(finline:write([[-- lua-testcase: foo]])) ok, err = eval(inlinefile) truncate(inlinefile) assert(not ok, 'eval() returns true') assert.match(err, 'invalid inline option') -- test that returns invalid option value error for _, v in ipairs({ '-- lua-testcase: true', '\n\n-- lua-testcase: true\n\n', '\n-- lua-testcase: true\n\nlocal testcase = {}', '--lua-testcase: true\nlocal testcase', }) do finline:seek('set', 0) assert(finline:write(v)) ok, err = eval(inlinefile) truncate(inlinefile) assert(not ok, 'eval() returns true') assert.match(err, 'placeholder .+ not declared at the next line', false) end -- test that cannot inline option defined twice finline:seek('set', 0) assert(finline:write([[ --lua-testcase:true local testcase = {} -- lua-testcase: true ]])) ok, err = eval(inlinefile) truncate(inlinefile) assert(not ok, 'eval() returns true') assert.match(err, 'its already defined in lineno', false) end) for filename, f in pairs({ [testfile] = ftest, [inlinefile] = finline, }) do f:close() assert(remove(filename)) end assert(ok, err) end test_eval()