Facts about Wayland vs X
{ "score": 0, "text": "Wayland is a critical technology for Linux desktop community.X11 has been a reliable workhorse, but its time is up - simply too much cruft accumulated over the years that's not even used anymore. Yet all of it needs to be continually supported, adding to complexity. No one uses X11 primitives for drawing apart from bitmap functionality - even repainting dirty regions (expose events) often involves sending over a new bitmap and using X11 to draw it. This is very inefficient.To implement a reasonably fast GUI, X11 has essentially resorted to hacks (extensions). DRI2 (+GLX) is probably the most important of those. AFAIK, it's what almost everything uses for drawing, and does not work over network at all. Yes, modern X11 is local only. If you're on a network, it's back sending those uncompressed bitmaps. Even with all these hacks, X11+DRI2 can't even maintain tearing free display. Well, at least DRI3 should fix tearing...So if none of modern software needs nothing but a bitmap surface to draw on, why implement and maintain anything else?Which leaves us with Wayland criticizers' favorite topic - network transparency (which X11 practically doesn't have either, but unfortunately that does little to stop some loud uninformed people):Remote display software should use low latency video encoding for essentially same user experience as working locally. Preferably hardware accelerated. But even with software, you can encode a frame under 10ms, using for example a subset of h.264. Even if you added network latency, time for one frame network throughput and client display hardware retrace period, you'd still typically end up with a figure well under 50ms. That'd feel essentially local. It'd beat easily X11 over network, VNC, RDP, etc. in latency and thus practical usability. Heck, that'd even beat Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 game display latency when connected to a typical modern TV (70-170ms)! Many TVs do image processing that adds over 50ms of latency before image is actually displayed. (Note that this processing latency has nothing to do with "pixel response time").Why no one I know of has written remote display software that functions this way is beyond me. Anyone except OnLive and Gaikai, that is...So, let the old X11 horse have its well-earned rest. It's time to move on." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "What a load of bollocks. Let's tear this apart:> Versioning is handled per client, not per bind. So if your app supports one version of a given extension but your toolkit supports another, you can't predict which version of that extension you will get.Easy solution: open multiple connections. Resources can be shared between connections. (You missed the actual problem with X11 here, which is its current limit of 256 clients. But that's easily fixed with an "X12".)> III) Many years ago, someone had an idea “Mechanism, not policy.” What did that mean? It means that X has its own X-Specific drawing API,That's not at all what that means. "Mechanism, not policy" means the X11 core protocol leaves things like window managers and clipboard selection unspecified. (The ICCCM spec takes care of this.) This is sound design.> it is its own toolkit like GTK+ or Qt.Wow, not at all. What do toolkits have to do with drawing primitives?> It defined the low-level things, such as lines, wide-lines, arcs, circles, rudimentary fonts and other 'building block' pieces that are completely useless on their own.Don't like it? Ignore it and use GLX. X11 is extensible for a reason.> Media Coherence. Whats Media Coherence? In its simplest terms... Your browser window? That's a window. Your flash player window on youtube? The flash player itself, displaying the video, is a sub-window. What keeps them in sync? Absolutely nothing. The events are handled separately and right now you just pray that they don't get processed too far apart.WTF? This is exactly what the Sync extension is for.> “Please generate me a config file........Please actually USE this config file.” Why?? Eventually fixed by making the X-server only use a config file for overrides and making it know and have SANE defaults / auto-detection.This is an argument against XFree86, not X11. Nothing about X11 dictates XFree86's strange configuration mechanism.> Who's ever had problems with multiple monitors under Linux? OR ever had to re-setup all of your monitors after a reboot? All X's fault unless you store it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-monitors.conf, then it DOES remember it...but you probably had to write that by hand.Again, WTF does this have to do with X? If your distro is broken and doesn't ship with a decent configuration tool, that will be a problem with Wayland too.> The window tree is a complete mess. Under X every input and text box was its own window which was parented by the window above it.Why? Nothing about X11 dictates you must design programs or toolkits like this. Methinks you're confusing "X" with "Athena toolkit".> Its a nitpick, but its also a valid concern... Under X11, the global pixel counter is 15bits. Which means, between all of your displays you can only have 32,768 pixels.Shit, no way to fix that without designing a new windowing system from scratch.> Everything is a window to X, there's no different window types, its just “A window.”THIS is what "mechanism, not policy" means. X11 doesn't care about window types by design. The ICCCM and EWMH specs are where these things are – by design! – defined! There are different window types, and your window manager is aware of them, without adding needless complexity to the core protocol.FINALLY: don't get me wrong, there are things wrong with X. However most of the things mentioned in this article are not in that set." }
Facts about Wayland vs X
{ "score": 1, "text": "What a load of bollocks. Let's tear this apart:> Versioning is handled per client, not per bind. So if your app supports one version of a given extension but your toolkit supports another, you can't predict which version of that extension you will get.Easy solution: open multiple connections. Resources can be shared between connections. (You missed the actual problem with X11 here, which is its current limit of 256 clients. But that's easily fixed with an "X12".)> III) Many years ago, someone had an idea “Mechanism, not policy.” What did that mean? It means that X has its own X-Specific drawing API,That's not at all what that means. "Mechanism, not policy" means the X11 core protocol leaves things like window managers and clipboard selection unspecified. (The ICCCM spec takes care of this.) This is sound design.> it is its own toolkit like GTK+ or Qt.Wow, not at all. What do toolkits have to do with drawing primitives?> It defined the low-level things, such as lines, wide-lines, arcs, circles, rudimentary fonts and other 'building block' pieces that are completely useless on their own.Don't like it? Ignore it and use GLX. X11 is extensible for a reason.> Media Coherence. Whats Media Coherence? In its simplest terms... Your browser window? That's a window. Your flash player window on youtube? The flash player itself, displaying the video, is a sub-window. What keeps them in sync? Absolutely nothing. The events are handled separately and right now you just pray that they don't get processed too far apart.WTF? This is exactly what the Sync extension is for.> “Please generate me a config file........Please actually USE this config file.” Why?? Eventually fixed by making the X-server only use a config file for overrides and making it know and have SANE defaults / auto-detection.This is an argument against XFree86, not X11. Nothing about X11 dictates XFree86's strange configuration mechanism.> Who's ever had problems with multiple monitors under Linux? OR ever had to re-setup all of your monitors after a reboot? All X's fault unless you store it in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-monitors.conf, then it DOES remember it...but you probably had to write that by hand.Again, WTF does this have to do with X? If your distro is broken and doesn't ship with a decent configuration tool, that will be a problem with Wayland too.> The window tree is a complete mess. Under X every input and text box was its own window which was parented by the window above it.Why? Nothing about X11 dictates you must design programs or toolkits like this. Methinks you're confusing "X" with "Athena toolkit".> Its a nitpick, but its also a valid concern... Under X11, the global pixel counter is 15bits. Which means, between all of your displays you can only have 32,768 pixels.Shit, no way to fix that without designing a new windowing system from scratch.> Everything is a window to X, there's no different window types, its just “A window.”THIS is what "mechanism, not policy" means. X11 doesn't care about window types by design. The ICCCM and EWMH specs are where these things are – by design! – defined! There are different window types, and your window manager is aware of them, without adding needless complexity to the core protocol.FINALLY: don't get me wrong, there are things wrong with X. However most of the things mentioned in this article are not in that set." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "The part that really sums things up for me was:"XI) “But Eric, if X11 is so terrible why not just make X12 rather than a whole new protocol?” They did, technically anyway: big problem with keeping it under the “X” umbrella: Anyone who cares about X would have a say in a future version of it. By calling it “Wayland” they avoid that issue. No one cares. Its an unrelated project, they (the developers) can do what THEY want with their future display server, the people who care about X can go to make X12."Which makes much sense. Given X11 has been around for many many years, albiet various revisions. Heck was only earlier today looking at a old book of mine on X11 from 1989 (X11R4) and recall what a curve it was back then.So I can understand the legacy hangover aspect and with that moving to a new design/brandname enabled many short cuts in the paperwork and other programming politics aspects.With that the 25 years is mooted much in this document about how old X is and with that the book I have is a first edition and also around the time which graphics cards started to become available, albiet expensive (recalling a 10k black and white X station by NCR).Not touched coding on wayland (or indeed X for umpteen years) but would be interesting in how they compare and indeed how they also compare to coding in a standard desktop GUI." }
Facts about Wayland vs X
{ "score": 2, "text": "The part that really sums things up for me was:"XI) “But Eric, if X11 is so terrible why not just make X12 rather than a whole new protocol?” They did, technically anyway: big problem with keeping it under the “X” umbrella: Anyone who cares about X would have a say in a future version of it. By calling it “Wayland” they avoid that issue. No one cares. Its an unrelated project, they (the developers) can do what THEY want with their future display server, the people who care about X can go to make X12."Which makes much sense. Given X11 has been around for many many years, albiet various revisions. Heck was only earlier today looking at a old book of mine on X11 from 1989 (X11R4) and recall what a curve it was back then.So I can understand the legacy hangover aspect and with that moving to a new design/brandname enabled many short cuts in the paperwork and other programming politics aspects.With that the 25 years is mooted much in this document about how old X is and with that the book I have is a first edition and also around the time which graphics cards started to become available, albiet expensive (recalling a 10k black and white X station by NCR).Not touched coding on wayland (or indeed X for umpteen years) but would be interesting in how they compare and indeed how they also compare to coding in a standard desktop GUI." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Daniel Stone actually did a talk involving much of the same subject matter called "The Real Story behind Wayland and X". I'd recommend that over this article (which was partially written by the same guy). He's actually a really charismatic speaker." }
Facts about Wayland vs X
{ "score": 3, "text": "Daniel Stone actually did a talk involving much of the same subject matter called "The Real Story behind Wayland and X". I'd recommend that over this article (which was partially written by the same guy). He's actually a really charismatic speaker." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "I was sold on Wayland in terms of technology a while ago. Where Wayland is losing people is when is it going to be ready to use? Sure, you can install Wayland now, but there are no applications that target it. Yes, XWayland is meant to solve this problem. But, XWayland is not ready yet (or is it?) and Wayland is still "just around the corner." That may be for legitimate reasons, but it's what the article really should address." }
Inception Explained – HTML + CSS Experiment
{ "score": 0, "text": "I love Inception (a genuine masterpiece), but wish people paid less attention to the details of the plot and more attention to the literary subtext! Because the plot is very straightforward, while understanding why the film is structured the way it is (and why Nolan does smaller things like naming the children as they are), is a genuine revelation." }
Inception Explained – HTML + CSS Experiment
{ "score": 2, "text": "Posted a while back:" }
Inception Explained – HTML + CSS Experiment
{ "score": 2, "text": "Posted a while back:" }
{ "score": 3, "text": "This didn't work with my scroll wheel very well. Once I just grabbed the scroll bar, I had some better luck. It looks neat though, I just suggest making it so the scroll wheel is more graceful." }
Inception Explained – HTML + CSS Experiment
{ "score": 3, "text": "This didn't work with my scroll wheel very well. Once I just grabbed the scroll bar, I had some better luck. It looks neat though, I just suggest making it so the scroll wheel is more graceful." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Inception Explained uses Scrollorama, my jQuery plugin for doing scrolling animation. I have an updated version of this plugin, Scrollorama2: SuperScrollorama:" }
My self published book made $11,000 before I finished writing it
{ "score": 0, "text": "Great analysis. One thing he missed: Kickstarter.Two weeks ago I launched "Learn Ruby on Rails" with a Kickstarter campaign:\n can read more about the book here: you want to help with a new book for Rails beginners).In less than two weeks I've raised over $4000. Significantly, nearly a third of revenue is from people who found out about the book on Kickstarter. So, Leanpub is great, but first, do a Kickstarter campaign. You get advance sales, a significant market channel, sales of a book at multiple price points (customers choose different pledge levels), and the additional boost of time-limited, event-driven marketing. Publishing is not dead; it's booming thanks to new market channels like Leanpub and Kickstarter. And yes, you have to build a following first." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "Whoa, nice work! I did something similar with my book[1] and made about $3000 prior to final release (whole story here[2])I'll be interested to hear how your Facebook ads pan out since I'm looking for more ways to drive traffic.[1]:[2]:" }
My self published book made $11,000 before I finished writing it
{ "score": 1, "text": "Whoa, nice work! I did something similar with my book[1] and made about $3000 prior to final release (whole story here[2])I'll be interested to hear how your Facebook ads pan out since I'm looking for more ways to drive traffic.[1]:[2]:" }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Interested to hear about his experience with traditional publishing.$12,000 was the advance paid on the book that I co-authored and published through Wrox back in 2008 (and again in 2010). I think it took around 12 months to earn out the advance and start receiving additional royalties." }
My self published book made $11,000 before I finished writing it
{ "score": 2, "text": "Interested to hear about his experience with traditional publishing.$12,000 was the advance paid on the book that I co-authored and published through Wrox back in 2008 (and again in 2010). I think it took around 12 months to earn out the advance and start receiving additional royalties." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Wow, that's fantastic. I recently published my own book last month and had a similar experience. Not quite the same profits (heh), but overall it was a great little adventure. I don't really do any marketing or promoting, I'm currently just getting by with a simple link on my website. I tried to bill it as a bathroom reader for the scientifically curious. thing I found is that if you're going to write a book yourself, get someone (preferably multiple people) to check it for errors. Better yet, pay a professional. You may think you can find all the mistakes or grammar errors, but I guarantee that you won't. I learned the hard way.I don't know if others had a similar experience, but writing an ebook version for the Kindle (through Amazon's KDP) was more difficult than writing an actual paperback. Createspace's paperback publishing seems to be more forgiving.The nice thing about Amazon's publishing services is that they allow you to update and/or change your books if necessary." }
My self published book made $11,000 before I finished writing it
{ "score": 3, "text": "Wow, that's fantastic. I recently published my own book last month and had a similar experience. Not quite the same profits (heh), but overall it was a great little adventure. I don't really do any marketing or promoting, I'm currently just getting by with a simple link on my website. I tried to bill it as a bathroom reader for the scientifically curious. thing I found is that if you're going to write a book yourself, get someone (preferably multiple people) to check it for errors. Better yet, pay a professional. You may think you can find all the mistakes or grammar errors, but I guarantee that you won't. I learned the hard way.I don't know if others had a similar experience, but writing an ebook version for the Kindle (through Amazon's KDP) was more difficult than writing an actual paperback. Createspace's paperback publishing seems to be more forgiving.The nice thing about Amazon's publishing services is that they allow you to update and/or change your books if necessary." }
{ "score": 4, "text": ""...That means about 8,000 RSS blog readers and 10,000+ twitter followers that knew about my book while I was writing it..."I always find these articles interesting. Usually the real story is more like "I know how to market stuff and made a lot of money" but the article titles are something along the lines of "How I made 40K by picking my nose online in one weekend!"So the reader gets this great story of some guy picking his nose. All kinds of details about how he did it, why he did it, what tools he used, what kind of nose he has, and so on. All kinds of little details here and there to get lost in. Maybe some graphs of his nose, or a bunch of charts showing traffic to his site hour by hour and a discussion of how using a bold font increased conversion by .2%. In short, nerd candy.Once again, the important story here is marketing, in-depth interaction with a target audience, but this is always downplayed or ignored by the author, a specialist in getting your attention and engaging you. LeanPub is not the story, although it has a role. E-books are not the story, although they also have a role. Having a huge blogging audience and Twitter following, and leading them into a meaningful conversation about value? That's the story."...I do very little marketing, and it is mostly on my blog and twitter, in the form of sidebar links from my various websites..."Right now somewhere around 100K HN readers are reading this story, thinking about team leadership, making money online, agile, and so forth. Some significant percentage are going to sign up for the RSS feed, perhaps buy the book. They are going to begin a process of discussion around what's important to them and what they're willing to pay for.Dude. If that isn't marketing, I don't know what is. Great job.(ADD: This looks like a great book, btw. I don't mean to impugn the author or make it out like he's purposely trying to trick anybody. HN is traditionally a startup forum. Just trying to take a fresh look at material like this from the viewpoint of somebody who might want to do it themselves one day. What I learned from this piece is that my current Agile Team Tune-Up email list of around 200 ( needs to expand by about 40-fold before it would be worthwhile to start a conversation about books. Perhaps more than that depending on my engagement skills. This is really good stuff to know.)" }
Data Hacking and Coffee
{ "score": 0, "text": "I think I'll pass : Just yesterday, I took a public commitment to stop drinking coffee (and submitted in everywhere - FB, HN, etc.) really are overdoing coffee as hackers. You can put anything you want in your body, I'm fine with the concept- but hackers shouldn't recommend hackers to drink coffee.There's a difference between freedom and a culturally shaped ritual (hackers get by with caffeine) especially if it's with an addictive substance.EDIT: I'm ok with the downvote (and the hating too, I guess I'll see that soon), and I'll be the 1st to recognize I'm not really adding anything interesting to this conversation. Just burning some karma to let you know that there is no cultural imperative to drink coffee as a hacker, and that you shouldn't even care about that.Enforcing the cliché that hackers should drink or care about coffee is just as pointless as saying hackers should all be males.It's culturally made. You can get social capital by enforcing social norms, but you can also see how pointless they are.Do what you want with your body, put any substance you want into it. Just don't use that to sell a concept (here \"hackers\") that people will somehow feel obligated to follow (\"brogrammers\")." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "As much as I love coffee, stupid development projects (if I were to raise my hand when asked \"Have you written some stupid project in the last 3 days?\" I'd stop writing, both hands up) and neat data hacks, I can't see the need for something as complex. A spreadsheet table (or even better, a plain text file and a little R, which already has plenty of word similarity libraries) would have been far, far more straightforward. But I tip my (metaphorical, I make shoes, not hats) hat for its geekiness ;)" }
Data Hacking and Coffee
{ "score": 1, "text": "As much as I love coffee, stupid development projects (if I were to raise my hand when asked \"Have you written some stupid project in the last 3 days?\" I'd stop writing, both hands up) and neat data hacks, I can't see the need for something as complex. A spreadsheet table (or even better, a plain text file and a little R, which already has plenty of word similarity libraries) would have been far, far more straightforward. But I tip my (metaphorical, I make shoes, not hats) hat for its geekiness ;)" }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Nice to see the AeroPress as one of the three prep methods. That wee gadget is awesome." }
Data Hacking and Coffee
{ "score": 2, "text": "Nice to see the AeroPress as one of the three prep methods. That wee gadget is awesome." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "This bar graph is difficult to interpret- there is way too much information on the graph leaving the viewer lost as to how flavor co-varies with value. It looks like a big jumble. Also, how do you \"average impressions\" when those impressions are binary?" }
Data Hacking and Coffee
{ "score": 3, "text": "This bar graph is difficult to interpret- there is way too much information on the graph leaving the viewer lost as to how flavor co-varies with value. It looks like a big jumble. Also, how do you \"average impressions\" when those impressions are binary?" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Speaking of \"buttery chocolate herbal\", does such a heavenly-sounding roast even exist???" }
PushBullet: From 0 to 15,000 users in 2 weeks
{ "score": 0, "text": "Congratulations. It is always inspiring to see successful product launches.To keep the press buzz going, consider directly pitching journalists that cover Android stories. Send them a three to five line email about your app and the growth you have seen over past two weeks. To find the emails of these journalists, Google: [insert name of newspaper] + [Android], and you will find journalists who write about Android stories. Most of the time, they will have the writer's email there. And if not, you can try [email protected] is an example email pitching PushBullet:\"Hi [insert journalist's name],I see that you cover Android stories for [insert newspaper].I am the founder of PushBullet, which is an app that makes it easy to push files, lists, addresses from your desktop browser to your Android devices. We launched two weeks ago, and have grown quickly to 15k users. We have been featured on LifeHacker,, and Android Life. In the coming weeks, we are going to do [insert new features].Please let me know if you want to set up a time to talk about PushBullet or if I can answer any question you may have over email.All the best,\nRyan\n[insert your phone number, journalists like calling people]\"" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "> 15,000 people / 25,000 thingsSo. How many active users?And how many have left after pushing just one thing (whatever it means)?--(edit) Re-read my comment and it comes across as dismissive. I didn't mean that. What you got in terms of raw numbers is impressive, but since 90% of your traffic came from Reddit, I'd show very cautious optimism. Reddit crowd is easily excitable and it tends to be supportive for the sake of being supportive. They are the do-gooders and this translates into overly positive skewed feedback. Try and not get carried away here. Having a lot of foot traffic is great. As you correctly pointed out, it created a positive feedback loop and helps self-propel the promotion. But it's really of little value if no ones sticks around. I don't know your active/return user counts, but judging by 25k/15k ratio it's probably not mind-blowing, in which case you should use your current momentum to try and fine-tune the details. In fact, you must. Engage the visitors better and make them stick. The launch splash is a one-time event and the level of attention you got so far will be very hard to replicate." }
PushBullet: From 0 to 15,000 users in 2 weeks
{ "score": 1, "text": "> 15,000 people / 25,000 thingsSo. How many active users?And how many have left after pushing just one thing (whatever it means)?--(edit) Re-read my comment and it comes across as dismissive. I didn't mean that. What you got in terms of raw numbers is impressive, but since 90% of your traffic came from Reddit, I'd show very cautious optimism. Reddit crowd is easily excitable and it tends to be supportive for the sake of being supportive. They are the do-gooders and this translates into overly positive skewed feedback. Try and not get carried away here. Having a lot of foot traffic is great. As you correctly pointed out, it created a positive feedback loop and helps self-propel the promotion. But it's really of little value if no ones sticks around. I don't know your active/return user counts, but judging by 25k/15k ratio it's probably not mind-blowing, in which case you should use your current momentum to try and fine-tune the details. In fact, you must. Engage the visitors better and make them stick. The launch splash is a one-time event and the level of attention you got so far will be very hard to replicate." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Been using it since day 1 after seeing your post on /r/Android. Really fantastic app that just works perfectly. The fact you got a Chrome extension out so quickly made me love you." }
PushBullet: From 0 to 15,000 users in 2 weeks
{ "score": 2, "text": "Been using it since day 1 after seeing your post on /r/Android. Really fantastic app that just works perfectly. The fact you got a Chrome extension out so quickly made me love you." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Start charging, ASAP.Even something as simple as $2/mo for 500 pushes. It creates perceived value and with that you can then use to create more buzz by then giving something of value away.Talk to #android blogs and give them coupon codes for accounts that they can then give away and they will be more than willing to help you promote.Whereas before if you pitch them to write about something free it just gets lost in the fray of blog posts pointing out other free things that come and go.Good luck." }
PushBullet: From 0 to 15,000 users in 2 weeks
{ "score": 3, "text": "Start charging, ASAP.Even something as simple as $2/mo for 500 pushes. It creates perceived value and with that you can then use to create more buzz by then giving something of value away.Talk to #android blogs and give them coupon codes for accounts that they can then give away and they will be more than willing to help you promote.Whereas before if you pitch them to write about something free it just gets lost in the fray of blog posts pointing out other free things that come and go.Good luck." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Awesome. I'm integrating GCM for many apps where I work & I'm looking for more use cases.. One which works well is a live wallpaper which accepts an image as a push & displays it as part of a slideshow.. Just for kicks for myself but might get around to packaging it & making a simple web app to run it." }
YouTube to Acquire Videogame-Streaming Service Twitch for $1 Billion?
{ "score": 0, "text": "It's worth noting that Twitch partially became popular because it wasn't YouTube, and gamers could stream without content restrictions (e.g. copyright and region)Miraculously, this could end up making YouTube comments even worse." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "That’s sad. Less competition, worse both for those watching and making content.Makers of (gaming-related) content for YouTube – worried about the future of YouTube – have often already been relying on Twitch to provide them some stability, to stand on more than one leg. This competition also insured that YouTube couldn’t do literally anything. Makers of content had a place to go if things didn’t work out.This is a potentially great move for Google and more specifically YouTube, but I don’t see any upside for anyone else (ignoring those profiting from the sale for the moment)." }
YouTube to Acquire Videogame-Streaming Service Twitch for $1 Billion?
{ "score": 1, "text": "That’s sad. Less competition, worse both for those watching and making content.Makers of (gaming-related) content for YouTube – worried about the future of YouTube – have often already been relying on Twitch to provide them some stability, to stand on more than one leg. This competition also insured that YouTube couldn’t do literally anything. Makers of content had a place to go if things didn’t work out.This is a potentially great move for Google and more specifically YouTube, but I don’t see any upside for anyone else (ignoring those profiting from the sale for the moment)." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Congrats to Justin and everyone involved in Twitch!As a side note: most of my friends are LoL fans, and I seriously believe professional gaming will be one of the major professional sports in the next few years, perhaps on the level of Hockey. They're super normal, social, extroverted people - yet they'll interrupt a trip to make us watch a LoL match on Twitch. They all came of it independently too.I really believe Twitch could have been a big, independent company. They did what they thought was right and I NEVER want to be that guy that craps on acquisitions, but I wish this one hadn't happened. I was rooting for Twitch big time. Still, very happy for them, hope YouTube does this right! I assume if everyone doesn't Riot (pun intended) the technical chops at YouTube will actually make Twitch a much more pleasant place." }
YouTube to Acquire Videogame-Streaming Service Twitch for $1 Billion?
{ "score": 2, "text": "Congrats to Justin and everyone involved in Twitch!As a side note: most of my friends are LoL fans, and I seriously believe professional gaming will be one of the major professional sports in the next few years, perhaps on the level of Hockey. They're super normal, social, extroverted people - yet they'll interrupt a trip to make us watch a LoL match on Twitch. They all came of it independently too.I really believe Twitch could have been a big, independent company. They did what they thought was right and I NEVER want to be that guy that craps on acquisitions, but I wish this one hadn't happened. I was rooting for Twitch big time. Still, very happy for them, hope YouTube does this right! I assume if everyone doesn't Riot (pun intended) the technical chops at YouTube will actually make Twitch a much more pleasant place." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Compared to recent other aquisitions, 1 billion somehow seems like a bargain. Twitch has clear potential to play an important role in the future in TV and entertainment. Compare that to i.e. Snapchat..." }
YouTube to Acquire Videogame-Streaming Service Twitch for $1 Billion?
{ "score": 3, "text": "Compared to recent other aquisitions, 1 billion somehow seems like a bargain. Twitch has clear potential to play an important role in the future in TV and entertainment. Compare that to i.e. Snapchat..." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "This is now probably Y Combinator's largest acquisition!" }
YouTube wins case against Viacom
{ "score": 0, "text": "A few comments on this summary judgment ruling:1. The decision came at the trial-court level and is not binding on other courts (though it might be persuasive). It is a summary judgment, meaning that the judge decided it before a trial could be held based on affidavits submitted by the parties. This also means that it will be easier to reverse on appeal than would a decision after trial.2. The decision puts the burden on a copyright holder to identify item-by-item each claimed instance of copyright infringement and to report it under the DMCA. It leaves the hosting party in a position of being able to ignore what may or may not be infringing on its site so long as it responds promptly and faithfully to take-down notices for specific items.3. The court sharply distinguished precedents concerning sites that had facilitated P2P copying, concluding that those cases had nothing to do with the DMCA safe harbor. Viacom had obviously played up those cases, essentially arguing that the defendants here profited from the regular and widespread posting of infringing materials on the YouTube site and therefore should be guilty of some form of contributory infringement liability. The court stiff-armed all such arguments by saying, in effect, \"no, that's all different - Google's sole obligation here was to comply with DMCA and, if it did, it can't be held liable as a contributory infringer.\"4. The court also dismissed the idea that Google could be held liable for not doing wholesale take-downs upon receiving a general notice that broad categories of materials on its site were potentially infringing (in essence, holding that a hosting site cannot possibly be in a position to determine what truly is or is not infringing just because it falls in some category or other of materials that might be infringing). Thus, the court refused to interpret DMCA in a way that puts the hosting party in a position where it must actively monitor its site for offending materials apart from its obligation to respond to specific take-down requests.5. What is really involved here is a policy dispute over the safe-harbor protections of DMCA: Google says it is enough that it complies with take-down requests; Viacom says Google should still be liable if widespread posting of infringing material is regularly going on and if Google is profiting from that activity.6. Though the judge did not make formal mention of it in his decision, it cannot have helped Viacom that it appears to have had dirty hands in this mess, in part by having its own agents upload a good number of the allegedly offending materials to the site. This sort of conduct really stinks of a setup and prompt judges to shape their formal legal reasoning in a way that reflects their disapproval of such misconduct.7. On a final note, summary judgments are notoriously difficult to uphold on appeal and so this will be appealed and the outcome of that appeal will be anybody's guess. Therefore, an important victory for Google but by no means any sort of final one." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "What court this judgement was granted in? It is supreme court? if not, can't it be appealed all the way." }
YouTube wins case against Viacom
{ "score": 1, "text": "What court this judgement was granted in? It is supreme court? if not, can't it be appealed all the way." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Viacom has posted a brief response on their website:" }
YouTube wins case against Viacom
{ "score": 2, "text": "Viacom has posted a brief response on their website:" }
{ "score": 3, "text": "This lawsuit actually goes much further than just Google: if the judge had decided that the way YouTube was going about DMCA takedowns was incorrect, any website/service provider would have to moderate user submitted content before allowing it on the site since there was precedent in the interpretation of that law." }
YouTube wins case against Viacom
{ "score": 3, "text": "This lawsuit actually goes much further than just Google: if the judge had decided that the way YouTube was going about DMCA takedowns was incorrect, any website/service provider would have to moderate user submitted content before allowing it on the site since there was precedent in the interpretation of that law." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "This is big, even if only one battle in a larger war." }
It’s Not the File Size That’s Killing iPad Magazines
{ "score": 0, "text": "I think his point is the least of the problems with magazines. In fact, I strongly disagree that fast moving blog-style content is a good thing for magazines. I want to wait for the right mix of browsability and depth, and I want a \"periodic\" relationship with my periodicals.I subscribe to a variety of magazines in print and iPad editions. Wired, Mens Health, Economist, Car and Driver, National Geographic, and Popular Photography, to name a few.I haven't opened a print edition in over a year. That said, I also am not opening these on the iPad, except when stuck on a plane waiting for the flight attendant to finish his seatbelt dance.Why not?1. Every time there's an iOS update, the apps forget who I am, and I have to re-register. This usually results in me just ignoring magazines for a quarter or two.2. They notify of new content, but do not pre-download it. They're huge, 500MB for a magazine, but I have a 64GB iPad -- a lot more memory than patience. When I launch the magazine and see I'll have to wait 5 minutes to download the latest issue, I close it again, and that magazine is lost to me.3. Some make me scroll around too much. Economist does not. Economist is actually even easier to navigate on the iPad than in print. Of the magazines I do get, GQ is the worst at trying to leverage \"new media\". I have to paw at the screen 20 times to skim one factoid page, and it's ridiculous. Popular Photography is similar, and I have finished issues only to realize I'd missed entire sections.4. The pricing model is stupid, and too many magazines don't give a digital subscription along with the print. I can see why most want their print circulation numbers higher -- they're a whole different set of ads and ad pricing. But to have \"digital only\" subscriptions cost 4x the wholesale print price is ridiculous. Every magazine I mentioned, I buy in print, copy the subscriber ID off the label, and get the digital. I chuck the printed copy or leave it in the company lobby. It's a waste, but when it costs $5/year for print+digital instead of $50 for just digital, I suspect I'm doing exactly what they want. If, however, the publishers that don't have this kind of offer were to let me subscribe digitally for a reasonable price (no more than $1/month since I still have to see the ads and they don't have to handle printing and mailing it), I'd subscribe to a lot more titles.So, these are the problems, and they're fixable. What he is proposing, however, I disagree with, strongly. Fast moving content is not what magazines are for.DPReview is a fantastic photo blog, but it's a fundamentally different experience than browsing an issue of Popular Photography. The issue has a theme, a connective binding that ties all its articles together. There's a comfortable familiarity with the voice of the editor. You enjoy a sense of expectation when waiting for the next issue. You go back and revisit a prior month's issue when you're considering a certain kind of gear. These are all very different from the ephemera of the journo-blogs. Each has its place. Blogs replaced the daily newspaper, essentially giving me my Tech section, my Startup News section, instead of whatever my local paper had. But magazines and newspapers coexisted for over a century and it's because they're fundamentally different experiences.With magazines on the iPad, it's fantastic to travel with 50 magazines at hand, not taking any space. The color images in National Geographic are spectacular, and I don't miss the paper edition. (Mine are all still in their plastic.) The article typography and minimalist layout on Economist is a joy to read.When done wrong, I can't be bothered to wait for a download, to paw around to find the end of a story, or to pay 5x as much as I would for print.When done right, I'm convinced these digital editions are the future of periodicals, and blogs are the future of newspapers." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "I think he nailed it when he indicated that the Blog has done a great job of replacing magazines.I used to be a huge newspaper/magazine junkie - I haven't purchased a physical instance in 4+ years. What has replaced it: o xkcd\n o\n o\n o HN\n o daring fireball\n o theverge\n o Yahoo Finance (Stock Portfolio)\n o macrumors/appleinsider/loopinsight\n o asymco\n\nAnd, somewhat less often: o Techcrunch\n o parislemon\n o dpreview\n o pandodaily\n\nAnd, for some reason, I keep tripping over interesting articles here: o\n\nI won't even get into how TV has been replaced with iTunes, and Radio has been replaced by podcasts (See for a good collection of many of the ones I listen to)I've _tried_ to purchase these magazines on my Gen1/2/3 iPad - Wired, NatGeo, Economist, various Zino instances (horrible experience), Popular Mechanics - but Colbow has it nailed - you always feel like you are reading a broken PDF, and you are never certain that you've read all the content)Other than blogs in web format, NYT has recently (finally) started doing a good job of presenting their content in a readable format on the iPad. I still balance it out with the web version, but I find, for long reading, more often sinking back for an hour or so with the Application.Who knows, maybe we've seen the future of magazines, and it's the blog." }
It’s Not the File Size That’s Killing iPad Magazines
{ "score": 1, "text": "I think he nailed it when he indicated that the Blog has done a great job of replacing magazines.I used to be a huge newspaper/magazine junkie - I haven't purchased a physical instance in 4+ years. What has replaced it: o xkcd\n o\n o\n o HN\n o daring fireball\n o theverge\n o Yahoo Finance (Stock Portfolio)\n o macrumors/appleinsider/loopinsight\n o asymco\n\nAnd, somewhat less often: o Techcrunch\n o parislemon\n o dpreview\n o pandodaily\n\nAnd, for some reason, I keep tripping over interesting articles here: o\n\nI won't even get into how TV has been replaced with iTunes, and Radio has been replaced by podcasts (See for a good collection of many of the ones I listen to)I've _tried_ to purchase these magazines on my Gen1/2/3 iPad - Wired, NatGeo, Economist, various Zino instances (horrible experience), Popular Mechanics - but Colbow has it nailed - you always feel like you are reading a broken PDF, and you are never certain that you've read all the content)Other than blogs in web format, NYT has recently (finally) started doing a good job of presenting their content in a readable format on the iPad. I still balance it out with the web version, but I find, for long reading, more often sinking back for an hour or so with the Application.Who knows, maybe we've seen the future of magazines, and it's the blog." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "I've pretty much ignored the entire concept of iPad magazines (via Newsstand) until I got my iPad III. Right now I'm trying out the free 7 day trial of The Guardian, and I'm impressed. It's £9.99/month, so I'm still debating if it's worth it, but after 4 days I'm leaning towards yes.Why? Well, in contradiction of the original article's charges, it does innovate and provide more than just a static page by page experience. You can navigate in a page-by-page sense, but it also groups subjects, provides links to other articles, and has a top level navigation. The front page [] does a great job of highlighting interesting subjects that day, and where an article has a video it can be played inline.In many ways it's basically a heavily device-oriented website, but it has the advantage that all the content is downloaded automatically each day (without me having to remember to download it whilst on wifi before I head onto the tube). Also, unlike many of the magazines on Newsstand, it actually embeds their gorgeous Guardian Egyptian Text typeface [], so even though most of the graphics aren't retina-resolution yet, the text is still beautiful to read.Contrast this experience with Edge magazine. I've been reading this in print since 1995, and it's always been a high-production quality publication. I'd expect the iPad experience to match, but it doesn't even come close. Apparently one of the oft-mentioned magazines which simply bundles up a bunch of JPEGs, I could probably get past that were it not for the horrible way it loads each page, first apparently using a low-resolution image resized to fit, then gradually drawing in the full-resolution image in tiles []. This happens with every single page transition, even with pages you've already visited, meaning that switching between two pages of a gatefold article is an incredibly irritating process. Also, as it's a resized image, the text isn't especially clear, particularly when you compare to the high standard The Guardian sets.The way I look at it, if old-world print publications want to survive the transition to digital, then they can't expect to get away with the latter, but instead should be striving towards the former. Make a good product and people will buy it. Try and push rubbish and when you finally discover you have to stop the physical presses, the virtual product won't stand up to scrutiny." }
It’s Not the File Size That’s Killing iPad Magazines
{ "score": 2, "text": "I've pretty much ignored the entire concept of iPad magazines (via Newsstand) until I got my iPad III. Right now I'm trying out the free 7 day trial of The Guardian, and I'm impressed. It's £9.99/month, so I'm still debating if it's worth it, but after 4 days I'm leaning towards yes.Why? Well, in contradiction of the original article's charges, it does innovate and provide more than just a static page by page experience. You can navigate in a page-by-page sense, but it also groups subjects, provides links to other articles, and has a top level navigation. The front page [] does a great job of highlighting interesting subjects that day, and where an article has a video it can be played inline.In many ways it's basically a heavily device-oriented website, but it has the advantage that all the content is downloaded automatically each day (without me having to remember to download it whilst on wifi before I head onto the tube). Also, unlike many of the magazines on Newsstand, it actually embeds their gorgeous Guardian Egyptian Text typeface [], so even though most of the graphics aren't retina-resolution yet, the text is still beautiful to read.Contrast this experience with Edge magazine. I've been reading this in print since 1995, and it's always been a high-production quality publication. I'd expect the iPad experience to match, but it doesn't even come close. Apparently one of the oft-mentioned magazines which simply bundles up a bunch of JPEGs, I could probably get past that were it not for the horrible way it loads each page, first apparently using a low-resolution image resized to fit, then gradually drawing in the full-resolution image in tiles []. This happens with every single page transition, even with pages you've already visited, meaning that switching between two pages of a gatefold article is an incredibly irritating process. Also, as it's a resized image, the text isn't especially clear, particularly when you compare to the high standard The Guardian sets.The way I look at it, if old-world print publications want to survive the transition to digital, then they can't expect to get away with the latter, but instead should be striving towards the former. Make a good product and people will buy it. Try and push rubbish and when you finally discover you have to stop the physical presses, the virtual product won't stand up to scrutiny." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "I don't think it's about content, it's about usability. I don't want the magazine publisher's 35 different counterintuitive UX innovations all over the artfully designed page with copy too small to read.I just want to read the content of the magazine without something getting in the way. If the magazine is visual that's fine too, but show pictures or artwork separate from whatever text I'm supposed to read.Newspapers for IOS suffer from this too. I download a huge app and it works like a website that someone went crazy with animations on.Blogs are taking market share from magazines b/c lots of what goes into magazines is filler, and blogs don't have the same pressure to publish filler. Consumers of content know the difference and rarely prefer magazine \"filler\" to decent quality blog posts.Want to ruin blogs? Give the authors deadlines and tell them what to write about. You'd end up with a magazine." }
It’s Not the File Size That’s Killing iPad Magazines
{ "score": 3, "text": "I don't think it's about content, it's about usability. I don't want the magazine publisher's 35 different counterintuitive UX innovations all over the artfully designed page with copy too small to read.I just want to read the content of the magazine without something getting in the way. If the magazine is visual that's fine too, but show pictures or artwork separate from whatever text I'm supposed to read.Newspapers for IOS suffer from this too. I download a huge app and it works like a website that someone went crazy with animations on.Blogs are taking market share from magazines b/c lots of what goes into magazines is filler, and blogs don't have the same pressure to publish filler. Consumers of content know the difference and rarely prefer magazine \"filler\" to decent quality blog posts.Want to ruin blogs? Give the authors deadlines and tell them what to write about. You'd end up with a magazine." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "A thought, iPad magazines would be an excellent place to implement many of Bret Victor's ideas for interactive numerical content, i.e. adjusting variables and seeing how they impact a final result and perhaps seeing that graphed. This seems like a more easily updated model than really unique interactive content in each issue because the artwork can be generic.The iPad would probably be more usable for this than the web, because it is easier, more natural, and is a more common interaction paradigm to interact with sliders and such on the iPad versus the web. Popovers would also work well here.It would probably work well for the Economist, which is known for having many great graphs and charts, but I think it would be fun for any news outlet because it isn't gimicky.Small edits for clarity, popovers." }
Smart Child Left Behind
{ "score": 0, "text": "Teaching the smartest 5% of kids in a classroom is like surfing Hacker News. It might be fun and rewarding, but it isn't \"real\" work. It isn't part of the job description, it isn't what teachers are paid for, and it doesn't affect their performance metrics. Smart kids just have to be satisfied with the lectures and assignments that are designed for the marginal kids.Even in an AP class, the top few kids in the class are guaranteed 5s. The teacher will focus effort on the kids who are hovering around the 2/3 boundary." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "This system won't work for high achievers. It just can't -- the goals are too far apart, the incentives too perverse. I eventually got tired of waiting for a miracle, now I educate my own children... but even that's not a real systematic solution. It just means we'll have the blind leading the blind. There are no easy answers here." }
Smart Child Left Behind
{ "score": 1, "text": "This system won't work for high achievers. It just can't -- the goals are too far apart, the incentives too perverse. I eventually got tired of waiting for a miracle, now I educate my own children... but even that's not a real systematic solution. It just means we'll have the blind leading the blind. There are no easy answers here." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Smart children aren't being left behind, per se. You might say, rather, that their opportunities are being diluted by big leaps in the education of the margins of society.I wonder if we really know yet if this is good or bad for innovation." }
Smart Child Left Behind
{ "score": 2, "text": "Smart children aren't being left behind, per se. You might say, rather, that their opportunities are being diluted by big leaps in the education of the margins of society.I wonder if we really know yet if this is good or bad for innovation." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Heard an interesting point once regarding teaching the gifted. Apparently we devote tons of time and effort teaching kids that are at the left side of the intelligence curve. But the equal number of gifted students on the right side are supposed to make do with whatever they get. It might be reasonable to think that this latter group has unique educational requirements just as does the former. The current system has gifted students just surviving, not thriving." }
Smart Child Left Behind
{ "score": 3, "text": "Heard an interesting point once regarding teaching the gifted. Apparently we devote tons of time and effort teaching kids that are at the left side of the intelligence curve. But the equal number of gifted students on the right side are supposed to make do with whatever they get. It might be reasonable to think that this latter group has unique educational requirements just as does the former. The current system has gifted students just surviving, not thriving." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Or high achieving students are getting shortchanged and the metric is being adjusted 'down'.(Which would constitute a worst of both worlds view I suppose)." }
Do you use RSS? Hi,<p>I&#x27;m trying to build a website which its contents is based on RSS, create profiles and categories that organize the information. Also allow users to create their own static profiles and add their websites too.<p>I don&#x27;t know if it&#x27;s better focus on a simple category or niche, for example: bitcoins, or it&#x27;s better try to add every kind of information.<p>What do you think about it?<p>Thanks in advance.
{ "score": 0, "text": "Yep, I&#x27;m all about RSS. I regularly use RSSOwl and&#x2F;or Digg Reader to consume feeds, and I use a lot of Google Alerts configured as RSS feeds. And one of my company&#x27;s projects, Neddick[1], is built largely around RSS.[1]: https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;fogbeam&#x2F;Neddick" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "Yes, sure do. Pretty much only through the Reeder IOS app, but there are still many blogs that I follow for stuff that might slip through the cracks in my twitter feed." }
Do you use RSS? Hi,<p>I&#x27;m trying to build a website which its contents is based on RSS, create profiles and categories that organize the information. Also allow users to create their own static profiles and add their websites too.<p>I don&#x27;t know if it&#x27;s better focus on a simple category or niche, for example: bitcoins, or it&#x27;s better try to add every kind of information.<p>What do you think about it?<p>Thanks in advance.
{ "score": 1, "text": "Yes, sure do. Pretty much only through the Reeder IOS app, but there are still many blogs that I follow for stuff that might slip through the cracks in my twitter feed." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "i still love RSS feeds. if you just want to display RSS feeds, I think it&#x27;s better to focus on a niche. If you want to let users manipulate feeds and do complex interactions then I think a wider range of categories is OK.. but try to narrow down a few different niches to target and try to attract to your site." }
Do you use RSS? Hi,<p>I&#x27;m trying to build a website which its contents is based on RSS, create profiles and categories that organize the information. Also allow users to create their own static profiles and add their websites too.<p>I don&#x27;t know if it&#x27;s better focus on a simple category or niche, for example: bitcoins, or it&#x27;s better try to add every kind of information.<p>What do you think about it?<p>Thanks in advance.
{ "score": 2, "text": "i still love RSS feeds. if you just want to display RSS feeds, I think it&#x27;s better to focus on a niche. If you want to let users manipulate feeds and do complex interactions then I think a wider range of categories is OK.. but try to narrow down a few different niches to target and try to attract to your site." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Yea.http:&#x2F;&#x2F;" }
Do you use RSS? Hi,<p>I&#x27;m trying to build a website which its contents is based on RSS, create profiles and categories that organize the information. Also allow users to create their own static profiles and add their websites too.<p>I don&#x27;t know if it&#x27;s better focus on a simple category or niche, for example: bitcoins, or it&#x27;s better try to add every kind of information.<p>What do you think about it?<p>Thanks in advance.
{ "score": 3, "text": "Yea.http:&#x2F;&#x2F;" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Yes, religiously; Feedbro (chrome extension) is my reader right now" }
Stock Selloff May Have Been Triggered by a Trader Error
{ "score": 0, "text": "maybe so, but the fear has been building for some time now. Look at how much the yield on 30 yr. treasuries has dropped in the last month or so:^TYX&#38;t=3m&#38;l=on&#38;z..." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "This is probably Fed spin to calm the mark by providing a non-economic reason for the sell off. No surprise CitiGroup is involved -- the Fed's Plunge Protection Team is going to need to hide their tracks better if they hope to continue to perpetuate their fraud." }
Stock Selloff May Have Been Triggered by a Trader Error
{ "score": 1, "text": "This is probably Fed spin to calm the mark by providing a non-economic reason for the sell off. No surprise CitiGroup is involved -- the Fed's Plunge Protection Team is going to need to hide their tracks better if they hope to continue to perpetuate their fraud." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Accenture?" }
Stock Selloff May Have Been Triggered by a Trader Error
{ "score": 2, "text": "Accenture?" }
{ "score": 3, "text": "This is complete horseshit. The \"trader\" was a \"computer\"." }
Stock Selloff May Have Been Triggered by a Trader Error
{ "score": 3, "text": "This is complete horseshit. The \"trader\" was a \"computer\"." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "s 10b aapl &#60;RETURN&#62; go for coffee ..." }
Show HN: Marketplace for programmers that have contributed to open source
{ "score": 0, "text": "This might be a good place to list some issues I have encountered while being a contractor online:* I&#x27;ve been burned a few times charging by project or by milestone instead of hourly. So I appreciate that you are starting with a daily rate.* I&#x27;ve also been caught between getting too many small contract offers and failing to land large contracts. It would be really helpful to magically figure this out for me (this is the killer feature that I dream of, matching contractors to the jobs that resonate with them). It may involve being able to join groups of other programmers or having your site play more of a recruiter&#x2F;HR liaison than usual, to shelter us to some degree from being public facing, but also get our feet in the door.* Escrow is great and I also really like that oDesk guarantees you will be paid for any hours worked under their timer. But if you could find a way to do this without the timer, perhaps with a peer review of some kind that says &quot;this person knows what he or she is doing&quot;, it would really relieve the tension of being watched over the shoulder. Also roughly half of the mental work I do now is subconscious, which limits me to perhaps 4 billable hours a day of visible work. Another way to say this is, I have trouble crossing more than 1 or 2 items off my to-do list each day because I have to do XYZ first, or fix something that used to work, or finish subcomponents first, and so much of my day would look like idle time to an outside observer, even though I am thinking hard." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "BIG kudos for open sourcing your code with a usable license. This sounds like an interesting project!One nitpick: I signed up for a programmer account and, when I was originally presented the &quot;add your details&quot; page, I&#x27;m 90% sure that a save button wasn&#x27;t visible at the bottom. I had to hit enter when focused on a text field. The Edit button is there, though." }
Show HN: Marketplace for programmers that have contributed to open source
{ "score": 1, "text": "BIG kudos for open sourcing your code with a usable license. This sounds like an interesting project!One nitpick: I signed up for a programmer account and, when I was originally presented the &quot;add your details&quot; page, I&#x27;m 90% sure that a save button wasn&#x27;t visible at the bottom. I had to hit enter when focused on a text field. The Edit button is there, though." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Looks cool! I tried searching for C and Go programmers and got no results. I saw one for JS, though. Just signed up and will check back.It would be cool if there was more info about the site&#x27;s role in the marketplace. Will CodeDoor be the go-between? Any guarantees? Any vetting?" }
Show HN: Marketplace for programmers that have contributed to open source
{ "score": 2, "text": "Looks cool! I tried searching for C and Go programmers and got no results. I saw one for JS, though. Just signed up and will check back.It would be cool if there was more info about the site&#x27;s role in the marketplace. Will CodeDoor be the go-between? Any guarantees? Any vetting?" }
{ "score": 3, "text": "It would be nice if you supported ohloh in addition to github, since it tracks a much broader set of open source projects." }
Show HN: Marketplace for programmers that have contributed to open source
{ "score": 3, "text": "It would be nice if you supported ohloh in addition to github, since it tracks a much broader set of open source projects." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Where is the page on payment terms? Is there one? Unless you have it buried in the Terms." }
MarkdownEditing – Markdown package for Sublime Text
{ "score": 0, "text": "I think a really cool new markdown editor that I discovered a little over a month ago is Stackedit: https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;Stored locally or on DB&#x2F;GDrive, latex support, and a very complete product. The interface is a little unintuitive at first, but I highly suggest anyone that writes blog posts in markdown to check it out." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "I love that light gray text on a light gray background. Can&#x27;t get enough of it. Super readable.Yes, I realize there&#x27;s other themes, but they&#x27;re terrible too. I find light text on a dark background fine for code, but terrible for writing prose.For a good Markdown editor, I recommend Mou. It&#x27;s been my choice for a while now. http:&#x2F;&#x2F;" }
MarkdownEditing – Markdown package for Sublime Text
{ "score": 1, "text": "I love that light gray text on a light gray background. Can&#x27;t get enough of it. Super readable.Yes, I realize there&#x27;s other themes, but they&#x27;re terrible too. I find light text on a dark background fine for code, but terrible for writing prose.For a good Markdown editor, I recommend Mou. It&#x27;s been my choice for a while now. http:&#x2F;&#x2F;" }
{ "score": 2, "text": "I thought the whole point of markdown was readable document source you didn&#x27;t need fancy editors." }
MarkdownEditing – Markdown package for Sublime Text
{ "score": 2, "text": "I thought the whole point of markdown was readable document source you didn&#x27;t need fancy editors." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "What do you think about adding Markdown formatting support via markdownfmt?I&#x27;ve already created an Atom package that runs that on save:https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;packages&#x2F;markdown-format" }
MarkdownEditing – Markdown package for Sublime Text
{ "score": 3, "text": "What do you think about adding Markdown formatting support via markdownfmt?I&#x27;ve already created an Atom package that runs that on save:https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;packages&#x2F;markdown-format" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "I have been using sublime-markdown-extended (https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;jonschlinkert&#x2F;sublime-markdown-extended), which has the nice feature of recognising and highlighting frontmatter blocks. Would love to see frontmatter support in the MarkdownEditing package as well!" }
Online mapping for beginners A free online course
{ "score": 0, "text": "There is some more info here:http:&#x2F;&#x2F;;academy" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "Actually what datasets will you guys be working with? Anything fun?" }
Online mapping for beginners A free online course
{ "score": 1, "text": "Actually what datasets will you guys be working with? Anything fun?" }
{ "score": 2, "text": "December is like Next month... but I have already signed up!" }
Online mapping for beginners A free online course
{ "score": 2, "text": "December is like Next month... but I have already signed up!" }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Nearly 500 signups already and it isn&#x27;t even noon! :)" }
Online mapping for beginners A free online course
{ "score": 3, "text": "Nearly 500 signups already and it isn&#x27;t even noon! :)" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "What you will be going through?" }
The Antidote to Burnout is Progress
{ "score": 0, "text": "I think most the people who write these posts are clueless as to what burnout is. You can give people money, pats on the back, pizza parties but if you run them hard enough they will burn out.I have been working without rest for a year on a project ( that has had huge amounts of progress. It pays well enough, I like the people I work with, we have achieved great things, and we have gotten recognition. So by all these measures I should have no burn out.I have been burned out several times. You can't do genius level work 40 hours a week for 52 weeks and not burn out. The Addiction to progress I have had me doing 80 and 100 hour weeks. I was burning my self out. Not because my needs weren't met, but because the brain just can't do that much work for that long.I would sleep through an entire weekend after 2 weeks of 100 hours. But the addiction to progress and the excitement of the work meant that I didn't want to \"go play\".What it really comes down to is people have limits. Those limits are additive. If you are at 40% of your financial stress limit, and 40% of your relationship stress limit, and 40% of your Micro-Manager driving you batty limit, then you are at 120% of your limits. And you can run for a while at over 100% but not indefinitely.Even when all my Career, financial, physical, sexual, and other limits are at 5% if my Hours of intense concentration limit has been hit I will burn out. And so will employees.The task of a good manager is to run an employee up to the point of the Mental limits and make sure all those other limits are at 5% so they can maximize the employee output. Every time you push the employee at 150% for 2 days, you need to let them recover at 75% for 4 days.Burn out isn't a bad thing as long as you can refuel and keep going. It is about managing the sprints, and preventing the burn out from causing failures." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "I'm a little tired of seeing all these posts about what burnout is, and how to prevent it, written by people who doesn't have any experience in clinical psychology.\"Burnout is caused by working and failing\". \"Prevent burnout by clicking this list of TODO items\". Please don't approach these complicated issues from a \"this is a trend\" angle.I'm pretty sure there are other, better, and way more complicated reasons why you can feel miserable at your job. Burnout can be linked to a medical illness, malnutrition, depression, etc, etc..." }
The Antidote to Burnout is Progress
{ "score": 1, "text": "I'm a little tired of seeing all these posts about what burnout is, and how to prevent it, written by people who doesn't have any experience in clinical psychology.\"Burnout is caused by working and failing\". \"Prevent burnout by clicking this list of TODO items\". Please don't approach these complicated issues from a \"this is a trend\" angle.I'm pretty sure there are other, better, and way more complicated reasons why you can feel miserable at your job. Burnout can be linked to a medical illness, malnutrition, depression, etc, etc..." }
{ "score": 2, "text": " Burnouts come in various forms and one of the symptoms is exhaustion. As another comment already stated a person has a limited amount of energy that can be spent. Working at more than 100% it's possible but consumes a lot of energy.One of the sources of this energy can be excitement (adrenaline) because you intrinsically like what you are doing or because you get a sense of ffulfillment in completing things. Which brings us back to the antidote suggested by the post. The suggested actions are typical measures for improving one's self-esteem. When one's self-esteem is low one tends to suffer from the same symptoms as exhaustion.The post suggests that burnout is caused by repeated failure of obtaining success after spending a serious amount of effort and commitment. This however is a classic example of something that induces low self-esteem.So be sure that you are not primarily fueled by this need for success when working over your max. Because if that is what is giving you energy you will lose it once you have some failures." }
The Antidote to Burnout is Progress
{ "score": 2, "text": " Burnouts come in various forms and one of the symptoms is exhaustion. As another comment already stated a person has a limited amount of energy that can be spent. Working at more than 100% it's possible but consumes a lot of energy.One of the sources of this energy can be excitement (adrenaline) because you intrinsically like what you are doing or because you get a sense of ffulfillment in completing things. Which brings us back to the antidote suggested by the post. The suggested actions are typical measures for improving one's self-esteem. When one's self-esteem is low one tends to suffer from the same symptoms as exhaustion.The post suggests that burnout is caused by repeated failure of obtaining success after spending a serious amount of effort and commitment. This however is a classic example of something that induces low self-esteem.So be sure that you are not primarily fueled by this need for success when working over your max. Because if that is what is giving you energy you will lose it once you have some failures." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "This guy is completely clueless about burnout. Lack of progress or lack of success lead to depression and not burnout. Burnout is caused by \"sprinting\" for too long resulting in prolonged exhaustion. \"Sprinting\" is ok for very short periods of time, but running a (never ending) marathon like it's a sprint results in a burnout. No success or progress can fix that. Plain and simple..." }
The Antidote to Burnout is Progress
{ "score": 3, "text": "This guy is completely clueless about burnout. Lack of progress or lack of success lead to depression and not burnout. Burnout is caused by \"sprinting\" for too long resulting in prolonged exhaustion. \"Sprinting\" is ok for very short periods of time, but running a (never ending) marathon like it's a sprint results in a burnout. No success or progress can fix that. Plain and simple..." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "This reminds me of Dan Miller's 7 Areas of Success: Career\n Financial\n Personal Development\n Physical\n Relationships\n Spiritual\n Social\n\nAs he often says on his podcast [1], you must be making continual deposits of success in every area, and career is only ONE area. For example, if you experience a temporary \"interruption of employment status\", the first thing you should do is start an exercise regimen (if you don't already have one).Each one feeds into each other, and I know after a particularly terrible day, I personally feel a hundred times better after a challenging CrossFit workout with friends.[1]" }
Colorjoe - A Scaleable Color Picker (No Images)
{ "score": 0, "text": "Very nicely done. I attempted something like this a while ago but it didn't come out quite as nice.I like that you decided to use some base64-packed images instead of using anything external; good idea.You may want to include something about what browsers are supported. As it is, the page is completely broken and not usable with IE9 (1).Nice work, though![1] -" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "How did color pickers like this become so popular in non-pro situations? They are completely impossible to use for mere mortals (for example, try and pick the same color twice)." }
Colorjoe - A Scaleable Color Picker (No Images)
{ "score": 1, "text": "How did color pickers like this become so popular in non-pro situations? They are completely impossible to use for mere mortals (for example, try and pick the same color twice)." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Ah, I see, by \"scaleable\" you mean that it can literally be scaled to different sizes on the page. (For HN, an uncommon use of that word.)" }
Colorjoe - A Scaleable Color Picker (No Images)
{ "score": 2, "text": "Ah, I see, by \"scaleable\" you mean that it can literally be scaled to different sizes on the page. (For HN, an uncommon use of that word.)" }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Wow, very clever usage of overlapping semi-transparent gradients to get the square of saturation and brightness variations. Good job!Too bad it isn't possible to draw color wheels in pure CSS, AFAIK..." }
Colorjoe - A Scaleable Color Picker (No Images)
{ "score": 3, "text": "Wow, very clever usage of overlapping semi-transparent gradients to get the square of saturation and brightness variations. Good job!Too bad it isn't possible to draw color wheels in pure CSS, AFAIK..." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Very clever. Unfortunately, the rounded corners aren't being drawn right here (Firefox 15a2 on Linux), there's blobs of colour being drawn." }
Salman Khan of Khan Academy AMA on reddit
{ "score": 0, "text": "Just wanted to mention that if any of this sounds interesting, Khan Academy is hiring both for full-time devs and interns. Here's the job post: Mountain View - Khan Academy (full-timers and interns welcome year-round)\n\n Our mission is to provide a world-class education to anyone, anywhere. We\n already have millions of students learning every month, and we're growing\n quickly.\n\n Our students answer over 1.2 million math exercise problems per day, all\n generated by our open source exercise generation framework\n\n(, and Sal's videos have been viewed over 99 million times. We're just getting\n started feeding this data we're collecting back into the product to help our\n users learn more. If you're interested in data, analytics, and education,\n this is a dream gig.\n\n Plus, it's one of the highest educational impact positions you can imagine.\n\n We're hiring all types of devs -- mobile, frontend, backend, whatever you\n want to call yourself. Big plans ahead.\n\n" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "My favorite answer:‎\"In the ideal world, the Khan Academy [or another online learning solution] will progress to the point that you can get a deep understanding of most topics independently and \"school\" will be a physical place and support network that helps you explore and apply what you know (build robots, start businesses, write a book)\"" }
Salman Khan of Khan Academy AMA on reddit
{ "score": 1, "text": "My favorite answer:‎\"In the ideal world, the Khan Academy [or another online learning solution] will progress to the point that you can get a deep understanding of most topics independently and \"school\" will be a physical place and support network that helps you explore and apply what you know (build robots, start businesses, write a book)\"" }
{ "score": 2, "text": "He's also answering many questions in a 30+ min video" }
Salman Khan of Khan Academy AMA on reddit
{ "score": 2, "text": "He's also answering many questions in a 30+ min video" }
{ "score": 3, "text": "I asked over at Reddit but he won't see my question. What's the software he uses to scribble out his calculations?" }
Salman Khan of Khan Academy AMA on reddit
{ "score": 3, "text": "I asked over at Reddit but he won't see my question. What's the software he uses to scribble out his calculations?" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Not sure what kind of AMA is this, I don't see any answer from salman_khan_" }
Ask HN: Prgmr is unreliable. Please advise on VPS hosting. I've been using to host a web application in beta mode. I didn't want to spend a lot of money before I get any serious users, so I went with what seemed the cheapest option but still gave value for money.<p>My experience has been OK, except for one thing - they are completely unresponsive. I know their motto is "We don't assume you are stupid." but charging people money for a service and not providing any support is just rubbish. I've emailed them with some questions in the past and they never get back. A while ago they started issuing ticket numbers and I thought they must be improving the service, but they still never get back.<p>Last couple of days, my server has gone down a few times. It went down again this morning. Now I can access the root domain, but not the subdomains. I have written to prgmr support and I got my ticket number. But I'm not expecting any real help.<p>I know this is a bit desperate but I'm hoping HN user lsc (who runs prgmr) will take note of this.<p>Meanwhile, can I ask you to advise me on choosing another VPS host? I know Linode and Slicehost are the most recommended ones here. Given the prices, I might go in for Linode but I'm wondering if any of you have advice on running a beta cheaply until launching a product.<p>Sorry for the rant. This is my first time running a VPS server. I'd appreciate any help.<p>EDIT: Thanks a lot for your responses everyone. In addition to Linode, a few other good alternatives have been suggested which I will look into.<p>I have managed to get my server up again now and also got a response from prgmr. It's a shame that I had to do this publicly, I don't mean to defame prgmr. But I think it's worth pointing out that this is possibly one bad feature of competing on price.
{ "score": 0, "text": "I have used RimuHosting,, Slicehost and EC2.Slicehost and RimuHosting by far have the best customer-service experience. I really liked the idea of slicehost, but unfortunately in practice trying to scale up a 4GB instance to an 8GB instance to handle load isn't fast-enough to actually be a great production strategy -- your VM contents are effectively copied to another machine and booted in it's place, so if you have a ton of small files, that copy operation will take a long time, especially if the server is getting hammered.Also, you cannot scale beyond the 15.5GB instance because it is 1 physical server. So if you have potential massive growth down the road, you'll have to look into load-balancing.As for cost, I disagree with the few that said Slicehost was expensive -- in our experience it was a lot cheaper than EC2 -- go ahead and price out comparable VM's on EC2 and don't forget the bandwidth, that is where they get you.Unfortunately we didn't stay with Slicehost because of 2 VM host failures in 2 months. About 3-4hours of complete outages both times and 1 time our VM failed for no reason... it was really frustrating to have all these mysterious issues and it seemed there was no \"fix\" for these things... they were just god's will or something, who knows.We moved to next and it was great, for 12hrs... in the following week we had 2 mysterious complete failures of our VPS (tried, 4, 8 and 12-node configurations IIRC) and each time the 1st tier support would respond with \"Our server admins are looking into it and will get back to your shortly\", and then another 3 hours of down time before a useless \"Ok, your VM has been restarted\" response... that's it... no identification as to why the failure occurred so often or what was going on.Again, another great idea \"in theory\" that just ended up sucking for us. However, if you need massive scalability, will let you scale your individual VMs up to like 64 \"nodes\" -- which comes out to some insanely large machine.To their credit, I got tweets and emails from the CEO and head of CS to help me after I blogged about the experience... but it is one of those \"thanks but no thanks\" situations...I didn't want to keep doing that dance with failing servers.I eventually ended up BACK on RimuHosting -- 2 years prior we had left to try and find a more easily scalable VPS platform after no downtime on Rimu. We got dazzled by these other AJAX-enabled management sites and so on... Rimu has a very simple/ugly web interface, but an incredibly responsive team of very very smart people all dedicated to server stuff... and in the end we just couldn't come close to replacing that with real world experience on high-load sites (Dugg, slashdotted, etc.)That being said, there are a lot of options Rimu doesn't advertise on their site well that make it one of the cheapest hosting solutions out there... like going over 2TB of bandwidth a month in their Dallas center only costs $0.10/GB -- Amazon is $0.15/GBThey can also scale you up to an 8-core, 72GB monster dedicated server on the high end for $1k/month -- price that same thing out on EC2 with the same allocated bandwidth and it's like $1700 even with the reserved instances.Then you throw the really responsive customer support that is willing to do almost anything reasonable for you for free (including configing/installing software, etc.) and even though they have no sexy AJAX on their site, my life is a lot easier hosting with them.We do all our serving through them, even stuff we have to scale over time with growing VPS accounts -- if you need custom setups that aren't on their site, just ask. They'll likely toss it together for you.--- Hope that helps, I know you have a lot of feedback to read." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "we got a ticket from you at Tue Jun 15 03:51:50 2010we sent a response at Tue Jun 15 06:25:58 2010that's what, a little more than two and a half hours in what is the middle of the night for me?This is a /whole lot/ better than I would expect my response time to be in the middle of the night. If you are disappointed with this response time, I have utterly failed to set expectations. email me and I'll refund your last month and you can go over to Slicehost or what have you.Slicehost and linode both pride themselves on support. Slicehost has phone support, and from what I hear, they might help you with your apache problem, too. I met some of the slicehost support people at a xen conference a few months back, and it sounds like they really go the extra mile... so for you, the extra they charge might be more than worth me and I'll get you a refund of your last month as per policy.(Note, you don't need to post a HN story to get a refund of your last month, I'll do that for anyone who asks.)" }
Ask HN: Prgmr is unreliable. Please advise on VPS hosting. I've been using to host a web application in beta mode. I didn't want to spend a lot of money before I get any serious users, so I went with what seemed the cheapest option but still gave value for money.<p>My experience has been OK, except for one thing - they are completely unresponsive. I know their motto is "We don't assume you are stupid." but charging people money for a service and not providing any support is just rubbish. I've emailed them with some questions in the past and they never get back. A while ago they started issuing ticket numbers and I thought they must be improving the service, but they still never get back.<p>Last couple of days, my server has gone down a few times. It went down again this morning. Now I can access the root domain, but not the subdomains. I have written to prgmr support and I got my ticket number. But I'm not expecting any real help.<p>I know this is a bit desperate but I'm hoping HN user lsc (who runs prgmr) will take note of this.<p>Meanwhile, can I ask you to advise me on choosing another VPS host? I know Linode and Slicehost are the most recommended ones here. Given the prices, I might go in for Linode but I'm wondering if any of you have advice on running a beta cheaply until launching a product.<p>Sorry for the rant. This is my first time running a VPS server. I'd appreciate any help.<p>EDIT: Thanks a lot for your responses everyone. In addition to Linode, a few other good alternatives have been suggested which I will look into.<p>I have managed to get my server up again now and also got a response from prgmr. It's a shame that I had to do this publicly, I don't mean to defame prgmr. But I think it's worth pointing out that this is possibly one bad feature of competing on price.
{ "score": 1, "text": "we got a ticket from you at Tue Jun 15 03:51:50 2010we sent a response at Tue Jun 15 06:25:58 2010that's what, a little more than two and a half hours in what is the middle of the night for me?This is a /whole lot/ better than I would expect my response time to be in the middle of the night. If you are disappointed with this response time, I have utterly failed to set expectations. email me and I'll refund your last month and you can go over to Slicehost or what have you.Slicehost and linode both pride themselves on support. Slicehost has phone support, and from what I hear, they might help you with your apache problem, too. I met some of the slicehost support people at a xen conference a few months back, and it sounds like they really go the extra mile... so for you, the extra they charge might be more than worth me and I'll get you a refund of your last month as per policy.(Note, you don't need to post a HN story to get a refund of your last month, I'll do that for anyone who asks.)" }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Linode is pretty solid. They have had about 2(?) outages in the past year or so that I can remember. I've been using Linode since 2008 and am happy." }
Ask HN: Prgmr is unreliable. Please advise on VPS hosting. I've been using to host a web application in beta mode. I didn't want to spend a lot of money before I get any serious users, so I went with what seemed the cheapest option but still gave value for money.<p>My experience has been OK, except for one thing - they are completely unresponsive. I know their motto is "We don't assume you are stupid." but charging people money for a service and not providing any support is just rubbish. I've emailed them with some questions in the past and they never get back. A while ago they started issuing ticket numbers and I thought they must be improving the service, but they still never get back.<p>Last couple of days, my server has gone down a few times. It went down again this morning. Now I can access the root domain, but not the subdomains. I have written to prgmr support and I got my ticket number. But I'm not expecting any real help.<p>I know this is a bit desperate but I'm hoping HN user lsc (who runs prgmr) will take note of this.<p>Meanwhile, can I ask you to advise me on choosing another VPS host? I know Linode and Slicehost are the most recommended ones here. Given the prices, I might go in for Linode but I'm wondering if any of you have advice on running a beta cheaply until launching a product.<p>Sorry for the rant. This is my first time running a VPS server. I'd appreciate any help.<p>EDIT: Thanks a lot for your responses everyone. In addition to Linode, a few other good alternatives have been suggested which I will look into.<p>I have managed to get my server up again now and also got a response from prgmr. It's a shame that I had to do this publicly, I don't mean to defame prgmr. But I think it's worth pointing out that this is possibly one bad feature of competing on price.
{ "score": 2, "text": "Linode is pretty solid. They have had about 2(?) outages in the past year or so that I can remember. I've been using Linode since 2008 and am happy." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "I'd recommend ChunkHost. You can sign up for their free beta. I'm a paying customer of their's and have had only minor problems. To clarify that, they had a scheduled maintenance a while back that involved a reboot of the instances and I had forgotten to set nginx to start at boot, but they'd communicated the maintenance window long in advance of the maintenance and so I knew to check to make sure it was up and it was a good thing to fix in general.Their prices are very reasonable, they have a nice, simple online management thing that lets you deal with DNS, re-imaging chunks, etc.I have used/do use: EC2, Slicehost/Rackspace Cloud, Linode, and prgmr.I found prgmr to be a pain. There are just some small things that make administration so much easier.Slicehost/Rackspace has gotten expensive compared to the competition, but they're pretty rock solid.EC2 has some wonderful features, but it doesn't go down to the cheap levels I want for my personal hosting.Linode is always a great performer and the only reason I'm not with them is that I'm getting a better price at ChunkHost. While I haven't had problems with ChunkHost, Linode is a larger player if you're looking for business hosting you can sell to your boss. As others will tell you, it's easy to recommend Linode." }
Ask HN: Prgmr is unreliable. Please advise on VPS hosting. I've been using to host a web application in beta mode. I didn't want to spend a lot of money before I get any serious users, so I went with what seemed the cheapest option but still gave value for money.<p>My experience has been OK, except for one thing - they are completely unresponsive. I know their motto is "We don't assume you are stupid." but charging people money for a service and not providing any support is just rubbish. I've emailed them with some questions in the past and they never get back. A while ago they started issuing ticket numbers and I thought they must be improving the service, but they still never get back.<p>Last couple of days, my server has gone down a few times. It went down again this morning. Now I can access the root domain, but not the subdomains. I have written to prgmr support and I got my ticket number. But I'm not expecting any real help.<p>I know this is a bit desperate but I'm hoping HN user lsc (who runs prgmr) will take note of this.<p>Meanwhile, can I ask you to advise me on choosing another VPS host? I know Linode and Slicehost are the most recommended ones here. Given the prices, I might go in for Linode but I'm wondering if any of you have advice on running a beta cheaply until launching a product.<p>Sorry for the rant. This is my first time running a VPS server. I'd appreciate any help.<p>EDIT: Thanks a lot for your responses everyone. In addition to Linode, a few other good alternatives have been suggested which I will look into.<p>I have managed to get my server up again now and also got a response from prgmr. It's a shame that I had to do this publicly, I don't mean to defame prgmr. But I think it's worth pointing out that this is possibly one bad feature of competing on price.
{ "score": 3, "text": "I'd recommend ChunkHost. You can sign up for their free beta. I'm a paying customer of their's and have had only minor problems. To clarify that, they had a scheduled maintenance a while back that involved a reboot of the instances and I had forgotten to set nginx to start at boot, but they'd communicated the maintenance window long in advance of the maintenance and so I knew to check to make sure it was up and it was a good thing to fix in general.Their prices are very reasonable, they have a nice, simple online management thing that lets you deal with DNS, re-imaging chunks, etc.I have used/do use: EC2, Slicehost/Rackspace Cloud, Linode, and prgmr.I found prgmr to be a pain. There are just some small things that make administration so much easier.Slicehost/Rackspace has gotten expensive compared to the competition, but they're pretty rock solid.EC2 has some wonderful features, but it doesn't go down to the cheap levels I want for my personal hosting.Linode is always a great performer and the only reason I'm not with them is that I'm getting a better price at ChunkHost. While I haven't had problems with ChunkHost, Linode is a larger player if you're looking for business hosting you can sell to your boss. As others will tell you, it's easy to recommend Linode." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "I'm a happy customer of Slicehost. Their customer service is top notch. The few times when I needed help, I went to their chatroom and people were there to help immediately. They really do man the chatrooms. Very responsive and helpful. It's not easy to maintain such high standards for years.Their articles is another plus point. It's constantly updated. It covers most of the things you need. No doubt they are not the cheapest. But their customer service more than makes up for it." }
Spin.js, a pure JS spinner
{ "score": 0, "text": "I hate to be that guy but this takes up 45% cpu under firefox for a simple spin animation." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "A spinner generated from is 673 bytes. The minified javascript from this is ~3K. I suppose the trade off is features and flexibility, but I don't find myself needing much out of my ajax spinners." }
Spin.js, a pure JS spinner
{ "score": 1, "text": "A spinner generated from is 673 bytes. The minified javascript from this is ~3K. I suppose the trade off is features and flexibility, but I don't find myself needing much out of my ajax spinners." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "I think the possibility of dynamically changing the speed of the spinner is interesting. If your spinner was representing a file upload, for example, you could conceivably adjust the speed based on the current upload rate." }
Spin.js, a pure JS spinner
{ "score": 2, "text": "I think the possibility of dynamically changing the speed of the spinner is interesting. If your spinner was representing a file upload, for example, you could conceivably adjust the speed based on the current upload rate." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Not realizing what was meant by \"spinner\", I spent a few seconds waiting for the cool javascript demo to load before I realized." }
Spin.js, a pure JS spinner
{ "score": 3, "text": "Not realizing what was meant by \"spinner\", I spent a few seconds waiting for the cool javascript demo to load before I realized." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Are there any GIF loader generators that have all this options (speed, sizes, color) available? Could be good to use this as a preview, and then generate the final GIF." }
Mars Rover Curiosity Survives 'Brain Surgery,' Set for 1st Drive
{ "score": 0, "text": "I initially thought that the upgrade was needed because they released a new version as the rover was en-route to mars. That would make sense, but the article says that the upgrade was made to switch the rover from landing mode to driving mode. Why wouldn't they just send a 256mb flash drive along with that 2M pixel camera to upgrade the rover when it got there?" }
{ "score": 1, "text": "most of the comments on that page are reprehensible" }
Mars Rover Curiosity Survives 'Brain Surgery,' Set for 1st Drive
{ "score": 1, "text": "most of the comments on that page are reprehensible" }
{ "score": 2, "text": "It's interesting to put this in technology we all know.So it takes them four days to release?Not bad, considering the ftp is over 40 million miles and at 160 bps. Too bad they couldn't set up a CI server." }
Mars Rover Curiosity Survives 'Brain Surgery,' Set for 1st Drive
{ "score": 2, "text": "It's interesting to put this in technology we all know.So it takes them four days to release?Not bad, considering the ftp is over 40 million miles and at 160 bps. Too bad they couldn't set up a CI server." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Am I the only one visualizing a Lisp REPL into the rover right now?" }
Mars Rover Curiosity Survives 'Brain Surgery,' Set for 1st Drive
{ "score": 3, "text": "Am I the only one visualizing a Lisp REPL into the rover right now?" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "The more I hear about and see pictures of this \"Curiosity Rover\" the more I start to think it is just \none big hoax, how can one really find out if this isn't really fake ?the images look really \"earthy\" to me and it looks very similar to what they did with the \"Moon Landing\" and \"Voyager Recording\"I'm not an expert but perhaps some expert can give us some insights on this ?" }
Mozilla Advances JPEG Encoding with Mozjpeg 2.0
{ "score": 0, "text": "(Note: I used to be employed by Mozilla, and in that capacity I was the owner of Mozilla&#x27;s image decoders. I&#x27;ve been disconnected from all decisions for almost a year, though.)The main take-home here is that while Google&#x27;s numbers all show WebP as being objectively better, the metrics they chose for comparison were relatively bad (i.e., some of them didn&#x27;t take into account colour or didn&#x27;t model colour correctly), and once you accounted for that the numbers were not nearly as good a story for WebP; in some cases, JPEG outperformed it.The facts that (1) WebP was not terribly compelling technically, (2) JPEG is already supported by everything on the web, not to mention devices and mobile phones etc, and (3) there&#x27;s still headroom to improve JPEG in a backwards-compatible way, meant that WebP was (and, it seems, remains) a non-starter." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "It should be noted, since it is nowhere to be seen in this post, it breaks API and ABI while still presenting itself as libjpeg version 6 to the system, which is very evil.Open Issues:https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;mozilla&#x2F;mozjpeg&#x2F;issues&#x2F;67\nhttps:&#x2F;&#x2F;;mozilla&#x2F;mozjpeg&#x2F;issues&#x2F;21" }
Mozilla Advances JPEG Encoding with Mozjpeg 2.0
{ "score": 1, "text": "It should be noted, since it is nowhere to be seen in this post, it breaks API and ABI while still presenting itself as libjpeg version 6 to the system, which is very evil.Open Issues:https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;mozilla&#x2F;mozjpeg&#x2F;issues&#x2F;67\nhttps:&#x2F;&#x2F;;mozilla&#x2F;mozjpeg&#x2F;issues&#x2F;21" }
{ "score": 2, "text": "It is sad that Mozilla wont implement WebP format in addition to GIF&#x2F;APNG due to political reasons (I see no valid technical reasons to not include this code, especially after the news about including code for DRM). They&#x27;ve even disabled comments in the WebP bug [1]. And this bug was already second, they&#x27;ve closed first one [2]. You still can write your comments in this bug (about APNG removal) - it is not closed yet [3][1] https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;show_bug.cgi?id=856375[2] https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;show_bug.cgi?id=600919[3] https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;show_bug.cgi?id=935466" }
Mozilla Advances JPEG Encoding with Mozjpeg 2.0
{ "score": 2, "text": "It is sad that Mozilla wont implement WebP format in addition to GIF&#x2F;APNG due to political reasons (I see no valid technical reasons to not include this code, especially after the news about including code for DRM). They&#x27;ve even disabled comments in the WebP bug [1]. And this bug was already second, they&#x27;ve closed first one [2]. You still can write your comments in this bug (about APNG removal) - it is not closed yet [3][1] https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;show_bug.cgi?id=856375[2] https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;show_bug.cgi?id=600919[3] https:&#x2F;&#x2F;;show_bug.cgi?id=935466" }
{ "score": 3, "text": "How does this MozJPEG 2.0 encoding compare to JPEGMini? I&#x27;ve been using JPEGMini for all client projects, it results in optimized JPEGs that work on all platforms with minute differences, rarely visible to the naked eye, only when I subtract pre&#x2F;post in Photoshop. Very rarely does it save less than 5% and for larger images (saved with PhotoShop, save for web) often 15-30% or even more.Is the test set of images available?" }
Mozilla Advances JPEG Encoding with Mozjpeg 2.0
{ "score": 3, "text": "How does this MozJPEG 2.0 encoding compare to JPEGMini? I&#x27;ve been using JPEGMini for all client projects, it results in optimized JPEGs that work on all platforms with minute differences, rarely visible to the naked eye, only when I subtract pre&#x2F;post in Photoshop. Very rarely does it save less than 5% and for larger images (saved with PhotoShop, save for web) often 15-30% or even more.Is the test set of images available?" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "This is all fine and dandy, but whatever happened to JPEG-2000 and wavelet-based compression? Still licensing&#x2F;patent issues blocking wide adoption?" }
Why Intel's New IPTV Service Will Do What Google, Apple, and Microsoft Can't
{ "score": 0, "text": "I don't understand how the writer supposes Intel can acquire unbundled content and sell it per-channel or even per-show.Yes, that's the consumer's dream, to be able to subscribe to and pay for only one's preferred channels (or even shows), but that well-known desire has been consistently opposed by the cable and satellite systems. And content producers have, I believe, always cooperated with the cable and satellite providers in this. It's one more item for negotiation: \"we'll charge less for our material if you'll bundle us with a popular group of channels\", etc. Hulu, iTunes, et al only get to rebroadcast single shows only as reruns, so providing a trickle of secondary income but never threatening the main cash cow.So it seems highly unlikely that even Intel could acquire the right to broadcast first-run material in competition with other systems. Also the cable and sat providers have plenty of pricing elasticity acquired from years of semi-monopoly, and could easily compete on price if they wanted to." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "There is no check sufficiently large to convince a $130B industry to smash their business model into bits. And the second they unbundle, half of their content pipeline evaporates overnight." }
Why Intel's New IPTV Service Will Do What Google, Apple, and Microsoft Can't
{ "score": 1, "text": "There is no check sufficiently large to convince a $130B industry to smash their business model into bits. And the second they unbundle, half of their content pipeline evaporates overnight." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "I'm pretty doubtful. Intel have been doing in-out dance for TV solutions for a few years. They don't have consumer product experience or media market experience. Would be stunned if this happened on a substantial scale." }
Why Intel's New IPTV Service Will Do What Google, Apple, and Microsoft Can't
{ "score": 2, "text": "I'm pretty doubtful. Intel have been doing in-out dance for TV solutions for a few years. They don't have consumer product experience or media market experience. Would be stunned if this happened on a substantial scale." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "This article doesn't say anything about where the content will come from. Possibly Intel hasn't got that resolved, unless they will front for the content providers as an independent initiative (you bring the hardware, we bring the content).Apple is just toying around the market. It's obvious for everyone that:\na. People would love having a huge Apple display in their livingroom, playing nicely with their mobile stuff and Apple-ized life\nb. When Apple goes into this market, it will go with an entire TV set and not just a set top box; this TV will not be bound to the low margins of mass market TVs, eitherAs for Google, they are the long term winner. You WILL need to feature Google services if you want your product to be more than just a dumb streamer. Now they are doing their little fiber experiment which, in my eyes, is just a precursor to a massive rollout of infrastructure fast enough to support high quality IPTV.I'm sure we will see Youtube stuff coming to our livingroom in few years.In my eyes, Intel got nothing to bring to the table here. The problem was never hardware, that exists for many years now. The problem is content first, software second, hardware in a very distant third." }
Why Intel's New IPTV Service Will Do What Google, Apple, and Microsoft Can't
{ "score": 3, "text": "This article doesn't say anything about where the content will come from. Possibly Intel hasn't got that resolved, unless they will front for the content providers as an independent initiative (you bring the hardware, we bring the content).Apple is just toying around the market. It's obvious for everyone that:\na. People would love having a huge Apple display in their livingroom, playing nicely with their mobile stuff and Apple-ized life\nb. When Apple goes into this market, it will go with an entire TV set and not just a set top box; this TV will not be bound to the low margins of mass market TVs, eitherAs for Google, they are the long term winner. You WILL need to feature Google services if you want your product to be more than just a dumb streamer. Now they are doing their little fiber experiment which, in my eyes, is just a precursor to a massive rollout of infrastructure fast enough to support high quality IPTV.I'm sure we will see Youtube stuff coming to our livingroom in few years.In my eyes, Intel got nothing to bring to the table here. The problem was never hardware, that exists for many years now. The problem is content first, software second, hardware in a very distant third." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Intel has been willing to work with Hollywood in the past. There was a lot of controversy over their inclusion of \"DRM\" hardware in their Sandy Bridge Chips.'d love for more competition in this space. If real IPTV could finally happen it would be great. I use a HTPC with Windows Media Center as my main TV, and I'm tired of dealing with the issues. Cablecard is a pain, Comcast is a pain, commercials are a pain. I just want to watch the few shows I care about.The only thing stopping me from cutting cable and just watching shows on iTunes is live sports." }
Snapshots of the HN "newest" page - one per month
{ "score": 0, "text": "This is fantastic. From my perusal, I don't think the headline selection looks that different from today. There aren't that many hard-core programming related articles in 2009 for instance. I personally feel that it is more the small neighborhood feel of the commenting that has declined than the headlines.(Also I had to laugh at this one from Feb 2009: \"Confirmed: Apple and Adobe Collaborating on iPhone Flash\")Edit: and let me restate what I said from the other thread, I think it would be an improvement to hide the total karma a user has in the system. The point is not to gain karma points but to stretch our minds and help each other. We would retain the feedback about individual comments but they would not add up to any measurable thing. It would have to be its own reward." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "nothing but a short title and data urls! - No rambling explanation about how you did it\n - No infographic\n - No pontification about why it's interesting \n - No links to your company or twitter account\n\nthank you" }
Snapshots of the HN "newest" page - one per month
{ "score": 1, "text": "nothing but a short title and data urls! - No rambling explanation about how you did it\n - No infographic\n - No pontification about why it's interesting \n - No links to your company or twitter account\n\nthank you" }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Given some of the questions being asked on this thread I thought I'd present for your perusal some historical snapshots of the \"newest\" page. These are roughly one per month starting from Feb 2009.Enjoy!" }
Snapshots of the HN "newest" page - one per month
{ "score": 2, "text": "Given some of the questions being asked on this thread I thought I'd present for your perusal some historical snapshots of the \"newest\" page. These are roughly one per month starting from Feb 2009.Enjoy!" }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Also of interest: Random highly-ranked hacker news threads: by Rich Skrenta" }
Snapshots of the HN "newest" page - one per month
{ "score": 3, "text": "Also of interest: Random highly-ranked hacker news threads: by Rich Skrenta" }
{ "score": 4, "text": "That's nice work to go back in time. If you need to go back for a more frequent interval in the \"newest\" page, try, that snapshots HN newest every 15 minutes." }
Will Netflix Destroy the Internet?
{ "score": 0, "text": "It's more likely to save the Internet by forcing infrastructure upgrades rather than letting things stagnate forever with the justification that only pirate need more bandwidth." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "Agreed. This is a sensationalist headline to a non-problem.What surprises me though is that Netflix is pushing so much data given how poor their streaming library is. I'm a Netflix subscriber and I watch a few a month (the kids watch it much more), but just imagine how much of the Internet traffic they're going to account for when they are finally able to stream their entire catalog (which is what they want to do)..." }
Will Netflix Destroy the Internet?
{ "score": 1, "text": "Agreed. This is a sensationalist headline to a non-problem.What surprises me though is that Netflix is pushing so much data given how poor their streaming library is. I'm a Netflix subscriber and I watch a few a month (the kids watch it much more), but just imagine how much of the Internet traffic they're going to account for when they are finally able to stream their entire catalog (which is what they want to do)..." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "I still can not fathom the thinking that leads to this:\"This was Netflix's first venture outside of the United States, and because the company wasn't offering its traditional DVD-by-mail plan to Canadians, its prospects seemed questionable. How many people would pay $7.99 per month (Canadian) for the chance to watch Superbad whenever they wanted?A lot, it turns out.\"PROSPECTS SEEMED QUESTIONABLE?! Really, because people wouldn't be able to wait at their mailboxes for a whole day waiting for a tiny sip of media and instead can instantly watch a huge library... how does this make sense? It would be like if Google had 2 options, snail-mail you the results printed on a piece of paper or normal website google, and everyone was fretting that they couldn't get the snail-mail option." }
Will Netflix Destroy the Internet?
{ "score": 2, "text": "I still can not fathom the thinking that leads to this:\"This was Netflix's first venture outside of the United States, and because the company wasn't offering its traditional DVD-by-mail plan to Canadians, its prospects seemed questionable. How many people would pay $7.99 per month (Canadian) for the chance to watch Superbad whenever they wanted?A lot, it turns out.\"PROSPECTS SEEMED QUESTIONABLE?! Really, because people wouldn't be able to wait at their mailboxes for a whole day waiting for a tiny sip of media and instead can instantly watch a huge library... how does this make sense? It would be like if Google had 2 options, snail-mail you the results printed on a piece of paper or normal website google, and everyone was fretting that they couldn't get the snail-mail option." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "NoI will add a little more detail. When Netflix starts sending enough data through standard connections that they start to cripple the internet, they will set up peering agreements and run direct line to the front door of every ISP. If you don't think that is possible look at Google who has peering agreements with everyone except tier 1. We will be fine, the sky isn't falling and no, this is not the end of the world. Not even close." }
Will Netflix Destroy the Internet?
{ "score": 3, "text": "NoI will add a little more detail. When Netflix starts sending enough data through standard connections that they start to cripple the internet, they will set up peering agreements and run direct line to the front door of every ISP. If you don't think that is possible look at Google who has peering agreements with everyone except tier 1. We will be fine, the sky isn't falling and no, this is not the end of the world. Not even close." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "Articles like these make me want to say, \"No, of course not, next question.\" Economics works well in cases like this: people will pay more for working service, which makes it viable for companies to charge more for the service if they need to do so to keep it working. Or Netflix itself will pay by collocating caches near users and not using backbone bandwidth as much. Either way, it's certainly nothing to stress out about." }
Why isn't the scale on Google Maps detachable?
{ "score": 0, "text": "There's a gadget to measure the distance between two points in the Google Maps Directory. Works as advertised, and is also more precise than the bar scale.;url=ht..." }
{ "score": 1, "text": "I actually really like this idea. When I was a Geology major, we measured distances on topographic maps using the map's bar scale. I think many people, especially older people, think to measure distances on maps this way. It just seems more natural." }
Why isn't the scale on Google Maps detachable?
{ "score": 1, "text": "I actually really like this idea. When I was a Geology major, we measured distances on topographic maps using the map's bar scale. I think many people, especially older people, think to measure distances on maps this way. It just seems more natural." }
{ "score": 2, "text": "Would it scale itself based on the latitude you dropped it at? Could you rotate it, and would it still be the correct scale? Does it display the length of the straight line segment that you placed, or the shortest path between the endpoints (Great Arc)?I suspect that features are only added for the 80% case (ie, 80% of users would use it). There is too long a list of more important things missing or wrong with Google Maps for a random blogger to presume that the people on the Maps team hasn't thought of this." }
Why isn't the scale on Google Maps detachable?
{ "score": 2, "text": "Would it scale itself based on the latitude you dropped it at? Could you rotate it, and would it still be the correct scale? Does it display the length of the straight line segment that you placed, or the shortest path between the endpoints (Great Arc)?I suspect that features are only added for the 80% case (ie, 80% of users would use it). There is too long a list of more important things missing or wrong with Google Maps for a random blogger to presume that the people on the Maps team hasn't thought of this." }
{ "score": 3, "text": "Because the correct feature would be a line tool that tells you the distance between two points. You can actually use gmaps-pedometer to do this (set it to straight line mode): , it'll also show you an elevation graph.For most road trips, the proper tool is to plan a route, which takes into account the curves of actual roads." }
Why isn't the scale on Google Maps detachable?
{ "score": 3, "text": "Because the correct feature would be a line tool that tells you the distance between two points. You can actually use gmaps-pedometer to do this (set it to straight line mode): , it'll also show you an elevation graph.For most road trips, the proper tool is to plan a route, which takes into account the curves of actual roads." }
{ "score": 4, "text": "There's no need for a detachable scale. If you need the distance between two points right click and select 'distance from here' and then 'distance to here' for the destination point.\nPlus it measure the actual distance on road (car or walking or public transport), while the scale can only be used for air distance - which is shorter than the real distance of travel." }