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3 classes
Sentence: 1:-His ““plan~ :was’ “coming together. Sentence’ 2:, The ‘plan. that he made - was progressing.
» Sentence 1; They've been out for hours. - Sentence 2; It has been hours since they were let out.
Sentence t Back to story. Sentence 2 The story was derailed of side wackeg,
Senfenee 1: Rowever, FDA rejected suggestions that low-risk devices be exempted because the cost of implementation will exceed the public health benelits gained. ‘Senfenee 2 Ghere is no cost to implement that plan.
Sentence ©:1: .if “you missed the review, of Sectét. Service kisszand tell menioirs:.-dad. “other. useful Sources, :click.-héte: “For: mor : President. Wilson's: chaste | Pursuit et Mrs:-Galt; click here: ‘Sentence. 2: Wilson had imany j sexual Borsults during his presidency,
Sentence are on my side-that demography, not crony And while | think logic and evidence capitalism, is the villain, and. inflation is the answer-it is certainly possible that I am wrong Sentence 2: Given that logic and evidence are in iny favor, there is not chance that Iam wrong
Sentence 1: | asked Czech president Vaclav Havel about this when he came to Washington a few years ago, and he agreed wholeheartedly with my analysis. Sentence 2: Czech president Vaclav Havel agreed with my analysis over dinner. ——————
Garterce The fart thet bo fel the raed to omy the surged he stl door fuby beeve b. Seterce 2 Bocuse he held back | shows thet he docer bebove tat ch
Sentence ‘Ie An AP creporter spreads” the latest unsubstantiaféd:- Monica had, breakdown lastnight and won't be-testifying. ‘Senterice 24t's: true that Monica hada breakdown. last. night” and , has. decided against appearing in court:
‘Sentence 1: Situated in the financial and business district, close to many of the area's foremost attractions. Sentence 2: The area's foremost attractions are close, but it is situated in the financial and business district to attract wealthy customers.
Sentence 4: and so the whole page you you never can actually see it you just draw it and they have to zoom out an&gzoom in and you know it's like every time that you have to do something ig it'g really a pain Sentence 2: It's really a pain, because you have to do something everyiitime to use it, like zooming and zooming out.
Sentence 1: OMB reviewed the Amendments to Regulation xX and accompanying Statements of Policy under Executive Order 12866 as a significant regulatory action. Sentence __2: OMB reviewed the Amendments and the statements of policy as a regulatory action.
Sentence 1: i'll be interested to see how they do of course actually i was in Dallas in of course i worked for TI too for a while Sentence 2:1 worked as an engineer.
Sentence k A baseball catcher has a The backstop. Sentence 2 A baseball catcher has nothing.
Sentence 1: yes i mean that's extremely expensive i mean the first thing you had to do when you came before the judge was waive your right to a jury trial Sentence 2: It is a good idea to waive your trial by jury.
Sentence. Two other docs. are worth’ your attention ‘this The earning Channel's: gritty Inside the White“House’ Press. Corps (Monday, 9. p.my and REK ws: Sentence 2 The docs are: quité impértant.
Sentence 1 He thought their findings help’ support work with non-injured patients in the emergency department setting as well. Sentence 2: He thought their findings greatly hindered ‘support work.
~ Sentence t: The intent of these changes was to put key: operational-décisions: in). ‘the hands ‘of ‘ thie ‘Managers ;.wha. Were closest. to the, . point of “elistomet service! *~' ae “Sentence 2: The: re were: no managers close’ to ciistomer sérvice.
tence t it's fairly unusual, in.my experience, for. a politician to accept a reporter's opinion at One of his major. proposals. is Seriously! 2 The-reporters and ‘media wish re active, constructive public discussions| take ‘place with politicians to’ drive
’ Sentence: At last Edo; Sentence 2: siill do Hot.
Sentence 1: it begins with video clips of Clinton contradicting himself on how long it will take to. balance the budget: ‘Sentence.’ 2: A’ video clip shows’ Clinton contradicting himself on how long it will take.to balance.the budget, which means. he: may contradict himself on other issues.
Sentence i Who delivers: wihar : type. of intervention, Sentence’ 2: Different people give ‘different Interventions: .
Sentence t snd there probably some other things that i don't about becouse wore a reel Jorge company ond i just.don't have, contoct wlth them but imour ub city well itive in 2 suburd of Dallas. Gettench 8:70 acho sones comeane and ounieiols constant contact with them. <<;
Senbence'T: yo noui-with the great’ needs. that ive eed today in Science and bidagy and uh jou know the the. problems we have with. A ad ner anda tha me tere a ae yu Sow'yau brow Sentence 2: There are’ o'roblems for doctors tosélve but plenty for Taiyers fod.
Sentence Take them: to thee eave’; Jou, Sia Thorn. 4 Senteriée 2: fon ‘instructed Thor to:take: them ta.the'caves: 4
Sanne Ee, te ‘Sane 2: | ad sen lk
Sentence, 1:1h in.a month. sité got-6 milliowfhits, Sentence) 2: ‘The, site fins: 8 rnillion hits a month.
Sentence 1: Swimming pools, spa tennis, Sentencsren's programs attract couples and families. Sentence 2: Swimming pools do not allow children.
Sintence: i:- A: complex “instance -means| that, “input. and output ~. cannot. readily or very a¢curately. related. Sentence’ 2: The. output cannot ' be easily..related” in’! a". complex| instance.
fenlense @onisios, wos riever oven the. Our of
Sentence § Che squure now hosts Notion Doy state Sentence Che notion porade day is hosted om the a ped
Sénterice 1: Comments on classified or restricted reports shoul ‘be transmitted in the manner agreed to by GAO and. the agency. Sentence 2: GAO does not have.any contiol over how reports are transmitted :
Sentence 1: yeah i should have been and i justi just forgot to uh so th were going you work at TI Sentence 2:1 just did not want to go and we will wot be going after al
Sentence 1: Certified Mail is costly to the Postal Service and the consumer. Sentence 2: Certified Mail is costly to the Postal Service and the consumer.
Sentence 1: it became fashionable in the 17th century and wealthy Parisians built luxurious private hames (h??tels) here Sentence 2: Wealthy Parisians built grand private homes in the 17th century
ko some Sentence t: so it is wonderful once you get of the programs that are out now you can do so much fh them ; sedfence 2 You can do alot with software that's currently available. ee *
Sentence 1: They? How many do you have? Sentence 2: How many do you have on your person?
Sentence |: if any, Winky (see ) has no explicit gender, how do you know that the handbag, tutu, Sad s0 on arerttvélled signals th Tinky 1s fern? Sentence 2: Tinky Winky enjoys wearing 0 tuu every day.
‘Sentence 1: yeah i certainly do uh i planted uh a rosebed last year ‘Sentence 2: The rosebed has been over watered before.
Sentence 1: | wasn't really in the mood for conversation. Sentence 2:1 didn't feel like talking,
entenoe 1 We didn't know what was going fo happen entence 2: We knew exactly what was ing to happen
2 cent temple in 1864 by King Sentence 2: 1! = is no temple ne
Sentence 4: “Fruth be told, Mr. White was somewhat exceeding his bounds b) taking Jou home. Sentence 2: Mr. White Was never allowed fo be With Jou and definitel) shouldn't have been faking Jou home.
Sentence's: Perforinance improvenients cited, included. increased “efficiency “anc improved:customer satisfaction: Sentence 2: All-the customers:said. they were norsarisfied.
Sentence t: well this is exactly what {told my mom you know when it was all over i said if we had a decent set of parents here those boys will be back here this afternoon with money to repay the eggs and with a big apology and nothing Sentence 2: The parents are not to blame in this situation.
Sentence 1: The revolver was wrenched from his hand, and the voice of Julius Hersheimmer said drawlingly: *1 guess you're caught redhanded with the goods upon you.” The blood rushed to the KC's face, but his self-control was marvellous, as he looked from one to the other of his two captors. + Sentence 2: They struggled to pull the gun away from him.
Sehtence £ tis a Déaitinilstructuré. retaining: dis borfieoed verandas.8th: Ceiytury-paintiigs ind lelisy matble,loors . : Sentence 2 the house is Heantiful and filfect with; ark
Sentence £ You can make several separate trips (to view all attractions that the town has offer, and you'll certainly get used ( the slow pace of these windb! boats. Sentence 2: You will never get used & how slowly the boats move.
Sentence 1: The. rainfall recorded :here is almost one .third more than in nearby valleys: since the actual number of rainy days’ is’ no higher for Seathwaite, it's believed that it must be the setting of the village that accounts for the higher volume. Sentence 2: A higher volume of ‘rain is recorded’ in the village ‘compared'to the other nearby valleys.
be on our site for two weeks, ‘All the questions are What is the capital ‘Sentence 2: All different questions will be repeated on the site For two weeks.
Sentence i: Says a former Glisiton aide, Theré has bieeh a reat “tendency to have ‘no’ gooié-looking: women ‘én ‘the Staff in- det to protect him. ) 8 Sentence’ 2: tn order’ 16 protect gobd’ Topking wornen, thé don't puit them on staf nich:
Sentence 1: But then they called in th’ army, an’ we had to ride for it. Sentence 2: But then they calléd: in the police and they talked with us.
Sentence 1: this is true and-and and:and -and the: way. the low reads uh if they sentence you to Sentence 2: This ig vel valid « especial with h whit the law. Patel os I
sentence Se \squash or --somelling like Ihal’- plant vane of Those and if dokes up your whole Space sentence, 2+ A squash lakes” 4p your whole space, bal i's well worth it.
Sentence: 1: Natalia civint. commen. though: her expression was even hore daut, thar usuat "Sentence 2:Nataliowas happy ard oxctet :
Sentence t If health benefits were taxed as, income, people would promptly demand that} the cash be paid drectly to them and that) they be allowed to choose ther own] insurance. Sentence 2: People do not always have the| freedom to choose their health insurance.
or howl or the Tours information (eter wil hove ifarmotioe oe Stado Pork othe tour ofthe NPA soundhsages. 2: You con goin infomation about the Stadio Post tour from your
Sentence 1: The Associated Press raised the specter of people with socially unacceptable behavior being forced to undergo brain surgery. Sentence 2: These surgeries carry great risk and could leave the patient with severe brain damage.
Sentence: 4; h-sune, 19522 ‘group. of hight ranking imiltary officers declared 4 miltary.coup. Sentencé'2: High ranking military officers were-not. ‘behind the couip of Juire 1952.
Sentence 1: yeah (uh it dido't hurt them any * were trying- to . ‘ Sentence 2: They be careful,
Sentence \f:.uh generally\the ‘most <of\my information il get in’ the morning. with-my. newspaper Sentence \2: | rarely\ get: infor jon’ fromothe: morning newspaper.
Sentence 1zhave no hope for-selutions but. um.i do’ keep myself, somewhat: abreast of: the. issue: i have: worked with .uh’-uh: a. little bit -with refugees ffom:Southeast Asia uh-who'vecome over tim. you Knew. to..escape .the genocide: programs... that...dre. over there and seen you know-heard.about some.of the problems that they've had. ‘and. i'm .also:-fairly Sensitive ‘to, the issues; about haw. open: should the borders.be because i in-general like a. smaller. - rather: .:than,...a-: larger. population tothe Jand area and um.
Sentence 1 Built with remarkable speed (Danish architect Johann-Otto von Sprekelsen won the contest in 1983 and it was ready for the bicentennial of the French Revolution in 1989), the Grande Arche stands on an axis with the Arc de Triomphe and the Cour Carree of the Louvre. Sentence 2: The Grande Arche was built fairly quickly, and is located near the Arc and the Lourve.
ienoy Both’ ESPN: aiid CNBC offer dui, infinite supply of statistics that give the viewer the iliusion-of eeper understanding. jimice 2: Analysis of cloth jent ‘also make people feet Satta .
Sentence 1: General control supports the functioning of application control, and both are needed to ensure complete and accurate information processing. Sentence 2: The general control is needed for the application of the software used for the information.
Sentence 1: right yeah in fact um since Baltimore | see Fm not a you don't know the Baltimore Bakimore's on the water and what Sentence 2: You are not aware that the Baltimore is ‘on the water.
Senkence i: yeah Matge.t don't, kriow... what happened to. your husband he just.never came back, Genkenece 2: Your: husband ould just be’ out going to: walk. Marge.
‘Seritence J: That finding becarié the wake-up ‘call.for.me.dnd hopefully it willbe the. wakeup-“call for otters ini a community tal.cares about access to justice for the poor. Senterice’2: # was facts that woke me Up te the hardships of Abeunderprileges.
Sentence 4: their when’ thelt people ‘are hungry ‘anid ‘all they're asking us for handouts 50 why shouldnt our awn peapie be able to ask for a handout °- Sentence 2: We feed ti help. them first.
Sentence t User involvement should be sustained from the needs determination phase through final ‘acceptance and implementation. Sentence 2: User involvement is a basic concern for any social media site.
Sentence t Survivors recall three and a half years of hunger and hardship under the occupation forces, who deported many Hong Kong Chinese to the mainland. Sentence 2: Many people living in Hong Kong were deported to the mainland.
Sentence 1: The picture appears on a cemputer screen and an operator reads ‘it and supplies the address to the computer. Sentence.2: The picture only appears on sereen.for a few seconds, so the Operator needs to be fast.
Sentence 1: Barnes and; Thornburg used to include time working for legal organizations, like the city's bar association, Maley said. Sentence 2: Maley was among those who disagreed with Thornburg's general practice.
‘Sentence 1: well that'sinot necessarily true though you know uh i'm an avid uh basketball fan of Bull Sentence 2: You.are aware that | arn a big fan of the Bulls:
Sentence 1: i'm just waiting for o sole Sentence 2: lll be poying full price
Sentence 1:50 ii wonder i don't have any argument or any problem with women changing a given role as long as there's something on the other side let's say of of any relationship to Sentence 2: | don't mind when the roles are reversed when dealing with women, but they have to focus on things being equal
Duis crept in,_prinkiig the, OH One” degp -redt The, One Wooked eda dusk
Seutende T: Trijing te preveud all eXehduges of wisuey fae political influence would Be-easbly Lie tovme of" Liberty as well’ di of more mundane coitsiderad and Futile . Sesbeieé 2: Fivancial dials made fee vilitieal infliciite are imponie ta.stop. yet, we spend’ millicias a trying te'de so. :
Sentence’l: hulr so. you just ‘basically wert hanie whenyou had a hance. : Sentence 2:] cart believe-you never ivent home.
Seritence 1: Here you'll find the ruined. Abbey‘of" St. Colm, founded -in ‘the 12th century: and. named. ‘fori -St. ‘Columba, :who ‘had brought Christianity” to’ Westerni.-Scotland 600 years earlier, Sentence 2: The Abbey-of St. Coli was built'to honok the memory of St. Columba.
Sentence & Untess.Wandindker wes willing to} pays double'for reaching the right ‘half of the! people. his total ad: spending. would go, down ‘and not up total ‘ad. spending if he. paid les more .of thé wrong’ people...
Sentence 1: Talk about toil and trouble ... Sentence 2: Avoid toil and trouble.
would tke to of dust he hes managed to pick Mister Kirby & Homi the layers fi
‘Sentence 1: And should you let this stud of yours run with a picked manada of mares, | could promise good fees.” Sentence 2 The stud had no pick of mares.
Sentence i: otner participants commented that fngnciatsiateinénts tide exist today, while. they maybe usefi to some'are notused wey niych byinvestors. : Sentence 2:Financial siaiemefuts are out dated.
1: In particular, Plotz’s notion that ures used to be (and need to be) practical considerations, such as openi routes, strikes me as daft. 2: Piotz thought having a good time not be used for practical reasons.
Sentence 1: His sense was that the field would benefit from starting in the practice setting to learn how iterventions work in real-world ical settings. Sentence 2: He believed the field would be hindered by learning in real-world settings.
tence 1: Established in 1994 as an independent gency within the U.S. government, SSA is responsible for administering the Old Age and urvivors Insurance (OAS!) and Disability Insurance DI) programs as well as the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. tence 2: SSA was established to help people wer the age of 65.
Sentence 1: Other gpencies made comments available electronically for certain rules or groups of rules. Sentence ® Other agencies allowed comments @> be made online.
‘Senterice 1: without you kitow really tearing ‘up theif place. but jist like-uin you know the people that bought ours ‘Sentence 2: You krow the péople thiat'sold ours.
Sentence 1: You can't commit ‘both crimes-- ‘or, at least, not at the same time. Sentence 2 You can't. kill yourself and kill someone else at the same time: