class label
3 classes
Sentence 1: Nurses identified lack of resources, inadequate training, stress, poor morale, and no perceived value to the intervention. Sentence 2: Nurses lack the resources to adequately perform their jobs.
,. Sentence .1:.1. suppose You don't: know. Mr, |. Whittington's: ‘address?. 2 Sentence 2: is there Any shafce you can bring us fo where Whittington‘ives? ie
4: and then uh you know with a long brush and then just hose it all’ down and i had the whole yard was full of soap suds Sentence 2:1 use a long brush and hose it all down and I have a whole yard full of soap.
enbne Hosen ti sy someting oot eb intnesE tose nettospek,
Sentence 1: It ended in a profitable marriage alliance with the Greeks, but} later Chandragupta turned to more] sober he converted to Jainism, and] finally starved to death at the temple Sravanabelagola. Sentence 2: Chandragupta remained a devout Catholic, living a long life until} finally succumbing to cancer.
Sénteree't Young ng pire, it for stil ‘cpr to:tnorat dority:? ‘Sedtence 2 Moral clarity te somal ato 4 oehieved,- . Ean
Sentence 4: In an area between the railway yards and the river, Goya's greatést frescoes, remarkably preserved, cover the: cupola of an 48th-century chapel. Sentence 2: The chapel was destroyed in 1943 during a World War 2 bombing raid.
Sentence 1: The lakes were created yy the Maharana Udai Singh for hi: ew capital by damming up the Bera: iriver after Akbar had ransacked hi: ountain redoubt at Chittorgarh. Sentence 2: The Maharana Udai Singh| jammed up the Berach river to creat the lakes for his “new capital.
Sentence |: In a number of states, additional resources are nou! available for civil legal * Sentence 2: There are at least twenty-five states where .people can access additional legal resources.
Sentence 1: Here too, the Caribs resisted savagely, with the result that for some 20 years they were left the eastern section of the| island, Sentence 2: The Caribs resisted strongly, begging for the people to leave.
Sentence 1: uh i try to take out just so much cash for ome and my. uh” give So much cash to my wife Sentence 2 Shes a gold-digger and Fm just fine with that,
Sentence {:VALUE-ADDED“ACTMITY ~' An. activity. that is judged: to ‘contribute -t0- customer” valie dr, satisfy“ ar orgaiwational need ‘Sentence 2: A value-added activity is ong that is judged to cofitrbute to. producer's value.
Sentence t Saving beyond the golden rule rate is counterpraiurtive and would reduce consumption not oudy init betty bevt to the Lang term Seplonce 2: Savi more than the golden rule rate just Fedeces comumption and hurts the ec aon
Sentence 1: to uh kill another mother Sentence 2: To let a mother live in peace.
Sentence: 1;,. the’ Globe ‘and. IMail lamented the: siate“of Rain's road system Seaitence: 2 The Gisbe and Mait Spoke recerttly ‘aout tie -curreint state: of. Gatyades ead system,
Senvénce 'f Bit othere |was d inghahens "@lse.:10.-go, $0 the ... pioneers ~ were, forced to plich in and try 16 “survive.” -
Seniterice t Fora change ofipace and dod, seek out Nishiki ‘Market : Sentence 2: Seek ot Nishiki Market for a’ change of scenery.
Sentence 1: They ate in silence, enjoying the cool shade of the bluff. Sentence 2: They stood under the tall. oak tree, quietly enjoying the sunlight.
Sentence :.1:.of yeah. jyair're -botind *-to.- all:; Kinds.” of phones, “and” clocks: and:aind: ish “heres ‘imare: “jewélry. and. oh. there's even pictures. and. tittle poréelain. ‘things to: put on 3 a coffee “fable oh hee ‘gn some: brass, animals “ brass. candlesticks they" re: prétty ‘so -i'rr sire ‘yolld find something Sentence 2: a thin joi ‘oul like. the evel the: ‘pest.
sentence 1 Program Letter 2000-7 was sent to the reid at the end of 2000 calling on each state {2 swvaluate and report on their state planning Progress sentence 2: Every state has to report on thelr state planning progress.
Sentence I: ch oh that’s nice Sentence 2: That is nice.
Sentence 1: The first, which lies on the main road from Jerusalem, is Rachel's} Tomb, revered by all three religions of the Holy Land (Rachel was the wife of| Jacob and died here while} lsiving birth to Benjamin). Sentence 2: The story of (Rachel is told in all the holy'
Sentence f Pranks, which’ drove the old “servant fo.a nervous. breakdown “unl the man. decided fo + quit .. working . for.-.the
Thé probiem. isn't so much thai n are designed by natural: selection. t¢ ight as what they're designed to fight women rence 2 Men are designed to fight,
Sentence anniversary, the original five historic dov'era (as Sentence 2: anniversary, Ten years later, on its 1,000th it was rebuilt using much of brick and rescuing one of its bells that is still used com'era, it was, where it was ). Five years later, on its tenth it was demolished.
‘Sentence 1: well uh couse you work for TI also right yeoh becouse uh i think what whot Bovld uh take your nome out of the hopper os Sentence 2: The hopper wos filled with names.
fn May, tte! goveriér oF Martinique ife :to.calm the,.Fesidents Saint: out 30,000". geriténce 1 artived. with his: wit Pierre's fotal population was al ‘Sentence’ 2.The: governor of. Martinique was. iewly elected .hisoffiee: oe a
‘Sentence 1: EXCHANGE TRANSACTION - A transaction that arises when.each party to the transaction sacrifices value and receives value in return. ‘Sentence 2: Value is lost inan exchange transaction
Sentence 1: Appendix A to the Report and Order lists the parties filing comments and reply comments. Sentence 2: Comments and replies to comments can be found in Appendix A.
Sentence 1: "Mister Kells said as to tell you he's sleepin’ on a cot in th' tack room over there, should you be needin’ him." Callie pointed. Sentence 2: Mister Kells said he's sleeping in the tack room.
Sentence 1: No adult éver playéd with Ninja Turtles or Power Rangers. Sentence 2: No. adults have never played Power Rangers. because. there were no-adults who wanted to:
Sentence 1: And then she looks up at the clock, and "Hurry up,’ Sentence 2: She ignored the time and was late.
Sentence Tommy Thompson of wisconsin and Mayor Rudolph Giuliani of New York, the conservative vanguard on the issue, show no Indination to exploit régearch that says, In effect, Why care about day-care quality? Sentence 2: Thompson and Gullanl are looking to use the esearch for thelr next issue.
sentence i: Doctor Edweird didn't, mind the. assistant mcturer’s uripteasant behavicr'sO ‘much, buthe did'mind the unpleasant. ‘behavior-of the assistant professor “Ms. Czeslawa Ceracz. .” ee sentence: 2: Dr" Edward, Tound te” behavior: of the Gesistont lecturer to be more justifiable than that of rude ‘assistant professor. ,
Sentence 1: But if Don Cazar wishes to try the eastern methods of training, these horses are too old. Sentence 2: You can't teach an old horse new tricks. *
Sentence 1: During FY 1998, the most recent ar for which istics bis, the USDOL certified 34,898 job openings and approximately 4,000 employers. Sentence 2: After FY 1998, the most recent year for which statistics are available.
Sentence 1: Our work has shown, however, that the top leadership of each federal agency needs to meld These various reforms into a coherent, unified effort Sentence 2: Leadership with make a unified effort thanks to our work
Prove thane 202 ad the destruction ofthe wa room, nit Gating the night ‘some one entered rhe room. Sentence 2:The doors were wide open,
Sentence 1: Even farther south along the Dead Sea you come to Masada, now a national park. Sentence 2: Masada is a city park along the Dead Sea.
. weg eee ga stp id py Y Watch, j ina 2 Mio sap osm mana garme ou will un int ise tern,
Sentence 1s yeah:miy mniy husband likes wh country, inssic real well-and he he Likes same eit inew gioups dike, Shenaitdoah aed” ‘ah pea really likes Sheviandeah 22 Mana Sentence 2:'My, Isbin aos, th omg to. country ini
Sentence 1: | knaw.of the men and worien who defeinded this Place. ‘Sentence 2:1in familiar with those who defended the place.
Sentence ‘2; Nowadays Programmers: nor only work on Java ‘and. C++, but also look for other languagés and competences,
Johnny”, can Sentence «1, Coronel, have, ready: show ‘youthe stock we “hi : Bey . wntience’ °2::Coronel, T think u'll ‘be very pleased’ with the Istock.we have.
Sentence’. °Adja¢ent- to thestar - Ferry terminal; is: Ocean: . “Terminal; where intemational “cruise. ‘ships-dock, andthe gigantic, ‘Harbour City’a complex of -rivalls, hotels, and restaurants. : Sentence 2: the Star. Ferny terninial sees. hundreds. of: thousands: of People: pass through every. day.
© Some patients treated in emergency nts Need more intensive treatment such or outpatient therapy or participation in self Ip groups. 2 The ER can't give some patients everyt! yy Need.
Sentence 1: DOD's Adoption of Sentence 2: It was their rejection.
Seterce t eaxoton ond Fanng entonce fe tnaumage ond ‘shits of 9 nation's work forde-the nafons human copii Sertence 2 Edycaton dnd Wohing are no} beneiich Yo the pation.
Sentence 1: and see some people always talk about the kind ofjob you do Sentence 2:People just find this type of job realy interesting
sentence sr Wo oressure, as Kwan did sentence 2: Some people. thin year or two atthe top. an that she's-got 4-year] 4; The eynical. view js the at.thé top before she chokes under the} ik she will choke atter'al
Sentence t Auditors shoud apply the guidance contained in this section to other types of financial audits to the extent it Is applicable to the nature of the engagement. Sentence 2: The guidance contained in this section should be applied by auditors to other types of financial audits where applicable.
Sentence 1: Given the sheer and unrivaled richness of Italy, the ‘selection of ‘places within those five areas is not in any. way exhaustive (nor, by the - same token, exhausting). Sentence 2: The: selected: locations. from those five’ regions are far from the only appealing destinations in Italy,
Sentence t: Somewhere more appreciative.’ Sentence 2: Somewhere base koran you. *
See te ato ese er rer mea oe ts ee ‘ha item Sra ae eed ee at 1 “pkg a te hp et ee Som ng sits its cn seeding
Elnvolve the entire team in Creating the trategies for. Patiénts to accept optimum, Care. fence 2: When you involve the entire tearm, yourcan rovide the absolute best éare for ‘your patients, but only
Sentence 1: the ATM machines Sentence 2: N/a
Sentence 1: Personal Communication with C. Martin of ADA Environmental Solutions, August #4, 2001. Sentence 2: Private communication with C. Martin of ADA Environinental solutions
Sentenée. “4 ‘but “.U.S+-China’~ relations “ard better ‘cdnsigered-overa..span “ot-nany years. .- Seriti¢nce.2: ‘The- U.S any: progress. aiid, Chind:fiave, fit “Shown
Sentence 1: Earlier this year, | was at a Bob Dole rally in Omaha. Sentence 2: | went alone to a Bob Dole rally in spring.
ethers manufacture an antiseptic salve that coats the hive etc _. Sentence & There is division of labor and chores inthe hive.
Sentence 1: For mony of these patients, brief imerventions demonstrate significant effects on subsequent akohol intake and emergency department resource utilization when used as stand-alone treatment. Sentence 2: Interventions do not help’ony of these patients.
Sentence 1: The training emphasis for staff in the central security management groups, many of whom came to their groups with significant technical expertise, was on keeping staff skills and knowledge current, Sentence 2: The training did not include keeping staff skills and knowledge current.
Sentence! 4:4 risk-neutral person* would choose iB in: all.three cases. Sentenée: 2: A: néutral risk pérson would choose Bein-3 instances.
Sentence 1: Whole scenes then follow, complete in themselves but like disconnected parts of the film. Sentence 2: The scenes are incomplete.
Sentence 1: Moti vational interview counselors typically discussed the perceived consequences, Peadiness to change, Pros meadar sons oF change, — and plans to reduce drinking and avoid ‘alcohgl-related injuries in the future. Sentence 2: Counselors and the patients wrote down the pres and cons of change.
Sentence t: | was too far to the left. Sentence 2: | was too far to the right of where | should have been.
Sentence & yooh woll toll me about your van do you Sentence 2 Do you ike your van?
Sentence Both mags run wine stories. Sentence 2: California vineyards were covered by one of the magazines.
Sentence An’... additional teporting ~! Standard’. for ‘attestation engagements pevforméd in ‘accordance with GAGAS .« Sentence ¢ The ireporting standard." for.” attestation engagements not. ‘.performed ‘in accordance. with: GAGAS:
tenes 1: Tin, we never shoulet have got into: this wagmire; but now we have no cholee but f3 : ntence 2: Tiiri was an idiot and got them into’ this 58. ‘
‘Sentence 1: Missed: the link to. more’ blather on independence?. ‘Sentence 2: Didn't see the link to further discussion about independence?
Sentence 1: Second, the Newsweek online story stated that the tapes offer no clear evidence to support or undermine Tripp's allegations. Sentence 2: The tapes offer strong evidence to support Tripp's allegations.
sentence 1: Hot content to rule out policies (nscert worthy) that impose 2 cost on most taxpayer’) Clinton oitnrair often go further, saying that, thelr ain fiscal goal is to improve the position of the middle class. Sentence 2: Clinton and Blair say that their financial goal is soving up in the middle class ee ____—"
Senfence yeah but i think we're bred fat way you know i think tink is partof the Sentence 2: We are raised fo think that women cannot hold these positions.
Sentence 1: The evidence satisfied me that neither the full moon nor the inauspicious date threatened my night.
‘Srdancd .¥ Unde. what Gicimstances should 0 ‘isis death be: destribed as “natural, and attributed "to old ‘age, ‘rather, than *described «8 pimature ids the, result of a ‘disease? = Sentence 2, When-do you think yout aie?
? Sentenice 1: "Phe ~ rate wat Promulgated. ‘through ‘notice’ and ° cominent rulemaking Procedures: of t Uso. Seatence 2 The tale was nck cabrcat through the Procedures of 5 U.S.C.
Sentence 1: Certified Mail is costly to the Postal Service and the consumer. Sentence Certified Mail is a very popular mailing method
|] Sentence L Th; [Balearics vas except during fe. Moorish violence Ypieal of that time, the’ Moors di evoted {I island ecqnomy and agriculture of the Balearics sempleted and sland
Sentence 11 (But of course--Soderbergh flouts time!) ‘Sentence 23 Soderbergh flouts time all the time!
pcppening and these influences could ner ) ‘That. a unit'of change in the npr “pith -quite different, -changes ways SU! associal associatee! nefeasing st, sometimes, decreasing ly “= Soinetimes having no discernible'effect: 5 5, Treie are definitely’ no" influgnces: that wil ‘Setitence cause a naniinear effect.
Sentence 1: In addition to being Marie-Antoinette's last home, the palace was a favorite of Napoleon III and his wife Eug??nie, whose extravagant memorabilia constitute the Musee du Second- Empire. Sentence 2: Napoleon III lived in the palace without his wife. *
Sentence 1: LSC and LSNJ have both moved to dismiss the case. Sentence 2: The case is going to be dismissed.
entence 1: we're uh know like’ we aw: Sally) and ‘uh’: well _ Billy rystals in it we Saw that one and which -was~ video ‘that’s. that’s probably the last.mevie i went to ee yeah that’s probably the last ne entence.2: The. last movie that: remember us watching starred Billy. Crystat and sally.
tence 1: Houiseliolds for whom individudi accounts Hiosely resemble 401{k)s and IRAS.and who are ‘currently saving. as’ much ws. they. choose for: retirement wotild robably-réduce their own saving in the presence of dividual accounts. tenée 2: If iridividuals had their: ownaccounté they iy invest less in aceounts like’ 4010k3s and IRA's.
Sentence «h, Oneat the: giedt pleasures: Of: a. trip. to. Agwan 28. taking. a fellieca’ out onte.the Mile: Sentence 2: Taking afelucca -aléing the River, Nile id a-maior highlight of avisit: fo Asian
Sentence The admission charge at hotel founges includes the first drink. Sentence Zhe hotel lounges are free to enter ———
Sentence I: The canals more than 1,300 miles . of -them . crisscross “the island have. level. footpaths running along, their entire: Tength. : Sentence 2: “The canals that “Tin crisscross the land are the real attraction.
Sentence 1:"':_ To TimeOut she sat, Twas SO exciton Sentence: She’ Satd: To: Time: Out .Was *So ‘exciting. =f * .
whole thing absurd.” 2 entire thing ts nonsense and full of lies up by bis stster.
Sentence 1: But Michael Sragow, writing in the New Times Los Angeles , calls Kissed ridiculously earnest. is. ina edibly eamest according to Michael te eel
Sentence 1: well is there enough money that's part of it i oh oh that was part of Skip Bayless argument i dont know if you read Skip Bayless buta aa local commentary and Sentence 2: Skip Bayless did not even comment on the money issue.
Sentence 1: well the prestige of being a teacher is also pretty nil well i think a lot of that has to do with the fact that they say well since this is a woman dominated field we can treat them like dirt you know Sentence 2: There isa lot of prestige that come with being teacher.
‘Santana I: projats or somthing onthe weekend you know we ike fa go out go at [Stance 2: We do nat ike to go cut on weekends.