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3 classes
sentence 1 Originaly planned under Louis XV, and begun in rated until 1842. 24, it wasn't consect seanTe Tee Coser CaO seas econtary er 7 began.
Sentence 1: And the treasury was empty after earthquake, famine, and plague had crippled the economy. ‘Sentence 2 The economy was crippled by earthquake, famine, and plague.
Sentence I: Significantly, the bill places limits on how funds can be used. Sentence 2: The funds can be used only on legal assistance for welfare recipients.
‘Sentence tut ifthe ediristration ign ing, its les" aré ‘Sentence. THe'aetministratii i buyig but its lied have mainte ext
Sentence 1:1t wil be a lightning rod for controversy, he predicted. Sentence ZHe predicted that the controversy would die down within a few weeks.
Sentence 1: Compliance assessments, os, defined by IRS and Customs, do not represent financial, receivables. Sentence 2: Financial receivables are definitely represented by compliance assessments as understood by the IRS and Customs definition.
Sentence 1: You can see one at La aora, 6 km (31?a2 miles) from the Murcia city centre. Sentence 2: One is visible at the Murcia city centre, about 50 km from La aora.
‘Sentence 1 Often left out of the tour group itinerary. this part of the west bark -carr be,much quieter than the‘ better-tnowh attractions. but: they affer -soitie interesting “insights int. Sentence 2 This part of the west bank is not usually tire
Sentence 1: The issue of export controls on encryption technologies, or even the tax issue, is not broad-based enough, said Michael Cornfield, a] professor at George Washington University's| Graduate School of Political Management. Sentence 2: Cornfield is a professor at George Woshington University. **
Sentence 1: i don’t know but uh yeah i guess week's supposed to be real nice outside #hope it is anyway because uh softball season starts and we're ready to to go outside and do some outdoor activities Sentence 2: I hope we can go outside this weekend. *e
Sentence’ 4 The SBA has confirined that some. agencies « follow . this practice without objection’ from _the| SBA. Sentence 2: The SBA: has. shown agencies-are unwilling to follow this. s”*
sentence I: Serial monogamy: Sentence 2: Never cheating.
Sentence 1: Having outived hs children and grand?children, he was succeeded by his five year-old great grandson, Louis XV. Sentence 2: He outlived his chidren and grandchildren,
Sentence’ t ‘stepping away froin ‘the'sh 1D, the Boulevard Mall" was: the first 3f ts ‘pe in Las Vegas 3 : ‘Sentence The” Bou Hi safalt” ae. Unseeri ‘before in‘LasVegas! °-:, 5
Sentence: The'e.aie also afew cafe a8 well’as jublic serves “including a post office; a telephime kiosk, anda potce station." Bortence 2: Yo will finda few cifes, a. post’ office, and a police station.
Sentence 1: In the short term however; the effect. hasbeen .ta increase price volatility, ‘especially when.. analysts. issue ° stfong-. buy - or. -sell recomméndations, Sentence '2: The effect increases pricé:changes.
Sentence. 1::And a” number’ of large’ firms :have. downsized: successfully, most obviously General Electric, which cut. an astounding’ 170,000 jabs worldwide in 12 years while simultaneously-tripling. its sales. |Senténee 2: Lots of firms Have ‘cut staff.
Sentence 1: Albert suspected no.irony. Sentence 2: Albert’ had: seen’ this situation before.
Sentence 1: 1am taking no chances.” Sentence 2:1 don't want to lose the most important thing in my life.
‘Sentence You mean Jane Finn? ‘Sentence 2 Jane Finn, you mean?
Sentence ‘1: The General Cauncil Hall {Sala ‘del: Consigia Generale) is dominated by the works of his vigorous St. George: [1416], “intended” for .the Orsanmichele * ; his important David, naked and restless, in bronze-(1458); and ‘the’ stgne Marzocca ian, the’ town's symbol,. fram the Palazza Vecchi, Sentence 2: The General Council Hall attracts’ the: siast visitors in the-ragion due to its collection of great works
Cae ere c rca nee ener a vaya Wormer (SSC PERE BBG Sentence = The table shows thé design. ont manufacturing knowledge needed to make more informed decisions. ‘Sentence 2 Nothing. is..needed ‘to meke on informative decision ae
Sonfonce L Furthe a growing oxcern for the profession & is ably to attract and ‘ett the best perp overtime Sentence 2 Most ofthe best people lve shortly ater jtung
Sentence £ Whether this wil ever happen remains to be seen, bu perhaps the aid offered by Greece Turkey after 1999s devactaing earthqucke is thet the enmosiy beween these two fractional enemies is begrring fo dmnsh. Sentence 2: Greece offered aid lo Tukey n the cflerrmalh of the earthepeke.
entence. avin. addicion:, to design Uunctional. ream... of pngineers.: a cro Ktakcholdeds iin’ the process: included key ntatives Lupplicrs; manufacturing repres and maintenan pad.: “:3er pépresentat enitence’-2: A créssfinérisnal team of” btakeholders ‘doesnt.:inelude-any” service people.
Sentence 1: However, there are persistent and growing concerns regarding recovery of ecosystems and the risks that air pollution pose to human health. Sentence 2: There are encouraging signs about the ecosystem recovering.
Sentence 1: "Why wouldn't the Apaches just kill him and his men and grab what they have?” Drew poimed out what seemed To him the obvious flaw in the system. Semence 2: Drew had been looking for flaws the entire time.
Sentence 1: First, they used an evolutionary approach to product development by establishing timephased plans to develop a new product in increments based on technologies and resources achievable now and later. Sentence 2: To sve cst, the product reaches it final state qui. ye
Sentence 1
Sentence This has alread occurred in family medicine, which “6 currently the médical service with the highest screening rate. Sentence 2: This barely happened tn family medicine, which Screens 50% more ‘thbn other departments.
Sentence 4: you guys are getting into it more than we are Sentence 2: you guys don't seem intereste in this at all
Sentence kt D’Oticirio replied that har study was looking Jat. beth injured: and. non- injured patienf§: Sentence 2: Dovggrio’s Study. looked at only injured patients.”
efforts, ARL standards and sent the quality of its wor Sentence 2: ARL thought there customers were not too happy.
Sentence :ia-ceet very extanaive cane stties of soveca mater catchment ‘amas wane conducted. and the final port is baad on a synthesis of the finaings from the case stubien-sncther examele of mtapaten of fndiags ‘aerons Gere sites (US. ‘Sertance 2 Neobaty ha ever taken the tie t stuty wat catchemeet amet
‘Sentence 1: you now i'm sure that dinner parties ‘will come in handy ‘Sentence 2: Dinner parties will come in handy for impressing quests. e e e
Sentence utr moi lhe i-bice it decane ij mant to nt miskies mnehee better i Sentence 2:1 enjoy 2 since it pakes wie heel better Ke
Sentence 1: It's essential that here of all places you have a good guide to bring the site and epic story to life. Sentence 2: You need a good guide to bring this place to life.
Sentence 13n this time in which access to justice for. underprivileged . Texans has suffered: from Congressional.’ retreat, litigation assault and a decline in statewide funds, Justice Hankinson has been a source of innovative ideas. and _ inspirational leadership, TEAJF “Board. Chairman: Dick Tate said. Sentence 2:Access to justice for poor Texans has been hurt by Congressional retreat.
‘Sentence’. 2:",. “#0° Lend. to - the United «States-.. allows:..the United Statesto tun. trade deficits: Sentence 2: To. lend .to . the-U.S: allows the. U:S- , to -have -massive trade deficits.” 4
Sentence I: Hakone is a national park and resort area southeast of Mt.Fuji, extremely popular with weekend trippers from Tokyo. Sentence 2: Hakone is a_ park northwest of ME. Fuji and is a terrible Place to visit. *
Sentence 1: Without a national program, each of the OTC states would adopt a state-by-state program, mostly based on the California program, unless a state could show it could meet the Clean Air Act requirements by some other means. Sentence 2: They wanted it to be consistent.
Sentence 1: The high court's order Ptiday amends Supreme Court Rules 751 and 756, authorizing the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission to collect and automatically pass along fees to the Lawyers ‘Trust Fund and Lawyers’ Assistance Program Fund. Sentence 2: Supreme Court rules 751 and 756 were amended by the high court's order on Friday.
Sentence 1: Pennebaker made about pytan's ae pees European tour in 1965, which was edited by Dylan h himself, is a pointless coda. Sentence 2: The tour was very popular among children at the time.
Sentence they don either well well the first one i joined they went out of business and they transferred it to another one that was really far anay Sentence 2 It was farther south than the original business placement
Sentence |: But as with any good museum, you canleam alotand enjoy yourself too. Sentence 2: There is a lot of information about the culture inthe museum.
‘Sentence 1: Now’ he ‘put down’the phone’: and’ looked’ at her--and’ the pizza*-with undisguised, Aungér: Sentence 2: He looked: coer after ‘talking on the :plione.
Sentence 1: yeah but he's going to be he's going to be running the firm for the next dont know ten days or whatever to evaluate Sentence 2 That guy will be in charge for a week or 10.
Sentence 1:1 cannot say, but it is suggestive. A wild idea flashed across me. Sentence 2: I'm not sure, but it's intriguing.
Séntence:1:-arid uh you mean like uh’ how how, often.would you be called up. “Sentence 2: How often are'you kicked out?" we
Sentence 4: arid’ 80 hé'goes eat. do ckay-sahe goes yu Know at least i'sieep, you know maybe-ten hours so if we go: tobed at you know eight ar.something right Sentence: 2"If-we-go to bédiet eight: i'caii'sleep maybe ten - héurs, : :
Sentence 1: Remember good shoes, light but solid, and some warm clothing. Sentence 2: Warm clothing and proper footwear are needed when visiting.
Sentence |: Some men oughtta put a hobble on their tongues. Sentence 2: Some people need to think before they speak.
Sentence ‘1:-raoting for Duke University rooting for Duke University Sentencé 2: We hoped that Duke would lose.
Sentence tin . green - surroundings, the buildings of the saltworks.ard set in a'semiciccle around’ administrative offices, ¢ach with ‘easy access te the other and all in simple classical style. ‘Sentence 2: ‘The saltworks ‘are ‘a’ confusi maze of modernsstyte br
‘Sentence 1: | have bitten my tongue all week, but I finally said something to ‘the brat. ‘Sentence 2:1 held my tongue on the news show all week, but finally let him have it.
Sentence 1: The tradition is still particularly strong on Crete where traditional musicians and singers are held in high regard. Sentence 2: Traditional musicians and singers are held in high regard on Crete.
Sentence 1: They do not understand. Sentence 2: The concepts discussed in class were to advanced for them to understand.
Sentence t Very Ile flourishes here perhaps a soltary acacia tree whose deep rools seek water deep below the surface but the add| desert fax wil raise #s lng ears above the skyline, and you'l sill see {fanily groups of wild camels eking out an existence. Sentence 2: There is a tniving ecosystem in this place.
Sentence Said crowd was evidently impressed... ‘Their commander stepped forward. Sentence 2: The angry crowd threw cats at the commander.
Sentence 1: It confirms a surmise of mine. Sentence 2:1 saw a newspaper article that confirmed ‘my supposition.
Sentence 1: and the the little the little Toyota is a nineteen eighty three so i really don't have too much to lose if i mess it up too bad you know Sentence 2: | purposely got an old car so I wouldn't have to baby it.
Sentence 1: so you know those fifty thousarid dollars or the thirty thousand dollars would pretty much spend the majority of it and what they didnt save they wouldnt or what they could could save they wouldn't get taxed on Sentence 2: This is a tax loophole that Congress hasn't noticed yet.
Sentence 1: An’ when our boys licked up a nest of th’ varmints wh d taken us a mess 0 respectable Yank ‘re iregul jars, ‘cordin to their story. Sentence 2: They said that we ate meat in that story, but we are vegetarian.
Sentence 1: Simply put, governments are bad Sentence 2: Govern ts are not good.
Sentence 1: Thus, Spaniards would be happier if-they stil’ dressed- in’ black and let _narrow* minded ‘priests run their’ lives, and “residents of the, American ‘South. would be. happier. if” planters’ still, sipped mint juléps,. wore white -suits.and accepted traditional-deference from Shareeroppers -. . Sentence:.2: Spaniatds and residents of the Américan South would-be. happier” if things, were back’ to.the way: they: were. because 4ifé was easier back then.
[Sentence 1: all right'so.jou don’t have aa ior of paint either. 'Séntence.2: It afjpears yau don't have.a lot of paint.
Sentence 1: Is Bauerstein arrested, then? Sentence 2: Was Bauerstein arrested by the local police?
Senitenice’t: Shelby County Mays AC Wharton receritly aid Legal'Services.is irrigortant fo those.who, bec’iuse’ of poverty or, other struggles Ife, think justice is an empty word Sentence 2:A C Whei tari, the mayor-of Shelby Count thinks Légal Services are important for the par.
Sentence 1: At the other end of the Rue Saint-Vincent, you, will come around the back of the 9th-century Romano- Byzantine Sacr??-C?"ur basilica, towering over Paris with its gleaming white facade and distinctive domes and arches. Sentence 2: Romano-Byzantine. Sacré- Coeur has a very stern architectural style.
Sentence 1: For example, the revolutionary changes that are taking place as a result of the CFO and Results Acts provide an ideal occasion to revamp the opportunities available to federal financial professionals and to market the possibilities offered by a career in federal financial management. Sentence 2: Federal financial professionals face the same circumstances they have always faced
Sentence [If But doesn't the happy combination of low unemployment and low inflation show the payoff From hidden productivity growth? Sentence’.2: I am not asking about the combination of low unemployment and low inflation.
Sentence & Personal saving rate Household wealth-to-income ratio Sentence 2 Household wealth is associated with personal savings rates.
Sentence i Something inside’ me tghtened t “kept'the indignation dove, Sentence 2:1 expiodéd: : :
‘Sentence 1: The largest hire fleets are found in Athens, ‘Skiathos, or on Kos. Sentence 2 Athens, Skiathos and Kos offer the biggest hire fleets.
Senténce -1:: Ecoriorinic! aiueput ‘was 5 balgk’ 10 prewad: levels, :aid : British’ auto’ companies provided.’ the ‘stipporf-needéd to getJapan’s auto. itidustry back on “itsfect, * Sentence ‘2: The, econoimy was’ never-able to-reach-it3'- prewat levels, aa
Sentence § and uh and the uh PC Junior was a total failure Sentence 2 The PC Junior was a huge success all over the world!
Sentence x isn't that amazing 1t 1 looks so easy Just slapping paint on i had an addition put on Sentence 2: Youd think you can just slap paine on the wall
Sentence 1: None of these programs had completed more than 26 percent of their engineering drawings for their critical design reviews, and only the F-22 land. PAC-3 programs. attempted. to track the capability of their critical manufacturing processes prior to production. Sentence 2: The PAC-3 program did not measure its manufacturing processes prior to production.
1 ifipraperth or fark-to property hare’ g- nugttier’ of Jfiacent * Sentence 1: in ition, if you mons ‘Sentence 2 (f-you0is tip’ you-ean tibet Wnocent people.”
Sentence: ‘1:1 took -the® oilskin- packet: from round my ack and, shoved. it it-ight in‘ as far ast could. a Sentence 201 - took ., the: packet "from. my: neck arid “pushed ‘it sto. the:right.
Sentence 1:-see, mine. does too. in. Dallas alta sum “yeah but no there's there's TI's up in’ “Rhode . Island: ‘and> stuff and. that. guy. talked’ ab@ut fishing and.i asked him if “he took his wife and Sentence 2:1 talked. to a ay about fishing..and asked: him if he took his wife and if:she had a good time.
Sentence 1: Perhaps the absoluteness of the act of writing effect, is own eleay-and the dbsoluteness of his inability to answer his.critics afterward--curiously mellowed him. ae Sentence 2: He panicked at the prospect of explanation,
Sentence 1: The problem is the county doesn't have any enforcement agency, Goedicke said. Sentence 2: The biggest challenge is that there are too many enforcement agencies in the county, said Goedicke.
‘Sec ingot of Tom ‘inks Chrismas card ist: « Sees 2 Tiny ee a ha Christmas card,
Sentence 1: and uh few times we've had a tie breaker so i played three games and uh Sentence 2: I've had to play multiple games to break the tie before.
Sentence & Goooy Traps plenty of Opportunity to go awry. Sentence 2 Everything will certainty go smootivy.
Sentence +: could'fiave gone tnight have.started making a [ttle threads p.air pollution with-that, tence 9: 18 was” possible Le” stant work chair olfutioh in thal Way.
Sentence‘: Time 's. Lance Morrow. says Clinton’ -¢onstanily pushes’. the envelope to'see what he can get away: with, like a 2-year-old who; tests' the limits: of his independence-by toddling off. Sentence 2: According to ‘Time's Lance Morrow Clinton acts like'a'2year old testing the: limits: of what he: can- get away with.
Sentence 1: On a raised bench between two windows sat the old figure of Sather Karf, resting his chin on hands that held a staff and staring at Dave intently. Sentence 2: He rested his chin on his hands in the window sill.
Sentence ‘You can read people's minds? His voice Sounded different, there was no cheer or bravado: ‘Sentence 2: The Speaker-is male.
Sentence 1: A news Supplemental Federal Test Procedure has been added to address areas not represented in the current procedures including aggressive (high-speed and/or high acceleration) driving behavior, rapid speed fluctuations, driving behavior following startup and use of air conditioning. Sentence 2: A new test has been added to replicate hous people drive on the interstate.
Sentence’ ii j/dh pribably wee yu sick fi told ov uhat mia ny erotgoge i ith’ th the toy Sonkoncs 22 You'd “be. fblled to. hear: what a mortgage: ig.
Sentence 1: and i'm going to i'm going to be the primary caretaker and you know and then then take care of the children because we don't want to put them in day care and this and that i think most Americans would feel funny about that and maybe sort of feel like he isn't that success that he could have been Sentence 2: Since | want to take care of the children, | am going to become the primary caregiver, even though most Americans feel uncomfortable and say that you e isn't successful.
Sentence 1: At ten-thirty Tuppence surveyed with pride a ghtly battered || tin trunk containing her new | possessions. Sentence 2: Tuppence spent since ten oclock putting her belongings in the tin trunk.
Sentence 1: Be sure to see the masterpiece of Flemish art commissioned for the hospital chapel, Rogier van der Weyden's altarpiece of the Last Judg?ment. Sentence 2: Rogier van der Weyden created a piece of Flemish art in the hospital chapel.
‘Sentence 1: Princess Margaret began the tradition, to. be follo. wed by three of the queen's Anne, Andrew, and oF course Charles, who journeyed with, the newly designated. Diana,,.Princess. of, Wales,..around the Mediterranean in 1981. ‘Sentence 2: The queen's Anne, Andrew, and Charles did not follow Princess Margaret's Mediterranean. tour and instead went to Norway.
entence 1:-yeahr that really is andi dida't think that’ “' vas qoing to en|0Y that-uh just From ‘what peaple had t ‘old me about it and and i thought well it's not goingto be that good but ‘eally did enjoy that 2:Most of. the people | talked to Said it was. sentence ‘eally bad.