class label
3 classes
Sentence 1: This time the British forces, less than 3,000 strong but in possession of superior weapons and tactics, outfought the Chinese. Sentence 2: The British fought the Chingse with superior weapons and tactics.
Renienge 2: EPA hag ceitified that the linal rule will not chave, A ‘significant. impact “on” a substantial nusabet of émiall ,entitiés because, aging: the ‘size. Standard ‘of fewer than 750. éniplévees, only foixt Tirms. would. be considered, small entities. . Rentenge &: Theie “ate more ihan two thousand large entities.’ «
Sentence 1: Sentence § For the moment, | set aside utterty Sentence 21 didn't want to cloud m; Judgement. ¥
“We helped spur” the administration to:miake human’. = Sentence 2::We didn't spi ariything.
Sentence 1: The man who gave the Iron Curtain its name is the true democratic hero of our age. Sentence 2: The true democratic hero) of our age is the man who gave the Iron Curtain its name, said my sister.
Sentence 1: but it was clever "his idea! Sentence 2: His idea was very stupid.
outs! me mei us eat
Sentence 1: Some religious settlers deny the authority of the Israeli government and believe it is their biblical duty to populate the West Bank (Judea and Samaria). ‘Sentence 2: A number of those moving to the regiin believe they have a religious duty to do so.
Sentence 1: Adnn looked at fim as he took another bite of his spit Sentence 2: Adri took arsbher bite,
Sentence t: Once dockets fol. the water in the boy is fled wth lominesceed micro-organisms that glow whee optated Sentence 2: The boy no longer has any wate:
Sentence I: Nevertheless, in view of the world-wide notoriety which attended it, | have been asked, both by my friend Poirot and the family themselves, to write an account of the whole story. Sentence 2:| asked Poirot and the family to write something.
Sentence 2 There are no aviaries in existence.
Sentence 1: but yeah there you know it it was a big breakthrough but in time you know the all the side effects started showing Sentence 2: It was the only breakthrough of the time and very profitable.
‘ntence Although there are problems with nd barriers to intervening in these settings, a umber of studies and afew. controlled trials indicate that interventions focused on patients’ Irinking can reduce the amount of drinking as ll as’ injury episodes, including repeat re- ‘mission for. injury and other negative ‘onsequerices of drinking. sntence 2: There.has been no research into the impact of interventions on patients’ lrinking.
Sentence 1: They broke my aim slowly in the spokes of a cart wheel Sentence 2: They treated me kindly
Sentence 1: uh February and January were about the only two really cold months that we had it was up in the very warm temperatures even in December this year Sentence 2: The winter cold only showed up after December .
Sentence 1: and uh so then when something comes up they'll usually stay ona while so we we still get a chance to see you know one of them that we want tosee Sentence 2: We might still be able to see what we'd like tosee.
Sentence’:1: Subpart 1. of, Part -C retains’ the :requireménts;” until 2008,°.0f. the existing Acid. Rain Program. ‘for’ /nitrogen: oxides reduction. Sentence. 2: The” Acid . Rain Program °-tries:--to increase nitrogen oxides. é
‘Sentence t On this basis attorney Charts (ick) Rule who has been Fetnined to represent Microsoft. accuses DOJ of suing @ company wath a smaller share of sales in order to protect the ability of fs deminant competiter to secure an exchustve * Sentence 2 They were not playing fate
Sentence 1 win the situation we've got with prion avercrawaing and everytinng a rman gets a fifteen year sentence theyre averaging serving one month for every Year assessed Sentence 2: Prisons are overcrowded
Seatence wal you well youd think oo bet wh Gomtense @ It soos like H, bet maybe net. “
Sentence 1: OMB has not yet approved the modification and ‘the preanbles to the proposed and final rules state that the InodiFication will not be effective until it is approved by oe. Sentence 2: The modification must be approved by OMB before it is effective.
Sentence t Actually, it's a | don't know any of the LTCM players personally, but some of the hedge. fund: types | do know. are, as my correspondent puts it, about Sales as great white sharks. . Sentence’: Hadga (unit Wipes’ ara pot moral
Sentence 13 you know these were the vich people these were the you know these were i mean just the things that happened we had a bulimic in front of us and she jusi looked crazy but yet she had money Sentence 2: A lot of them were wealthy and it was crazy; ior instance there was a really wealthy woman who was bulimic.
Sentence 1: It's neither’and both: Sentence 2: It might be both:
Senitence:k Kazan ‘might-have'stood by ‘bis eriginal policy, asserting that while he hated Communism;.he. .wauld, not Sssist in: a Viglstion of civil iberties. Sentence 2: Kazin was being eriticized For hisdackof intervention. ,
Sentence 1: Evans was_in Fallows's shoes when he was being pushed out as head of Random House six months ago, which raises the Why didn't he see Fallows’ move coming? Sentence 2: How come Evans managed to escape what Fallows was thinking to do?
Sentence 1: Many of these have been pasted’ dewn:through genérations of Crétaris, . Sentence 2: Sorne of the tales. longer tesembié the anginal.
Sentence I: Not all the way--he has not yet succeeded in building a durable majority on the court. Sentence 2: He hasn't succeeded in getting a majority, which would be 61 votes.
Sentence 1: to this day i don't care if i go or, not you know if it's going to get me it's get| me Sentence 2: It's going to get me an I don't care] if | go.
Sentence’ i Theré's.-an:adimission charge, you” must: be at least 21 to’ ‘énter; and you: must present your passport or other official identification éach'time’-you. go. Sentence 2: A:-: passport is preferred;::but’ ‘any. government issuedsidentification is acceptable...”
Sentence 1: uh | need to | haven't storted yet but its o rough [Sentence 2 That it @ thought but actualy I did not begin past pet
Sentence 1: okay i didn't know that because i got to be pushing ten some where i lost count around six or seven Sentence 2: I have to start all over again and try not to lose count this time.
Sentence 1: The legal service is one of the Fev programs in lowa that offers legal representation to those vho qualify without turning to the state For its services. Sentence 2: There are a lot of programs in lova that offer legal representation, aside From the state.
Sentence 1: In another. moment’ he had reason to bless his luck. Sentence. 2: He had reason to curse his luck again.
Sentence <9. fs Watetford, Cavan, Galway, Tippetary, and Tyrone Crystal is sold-everywheré, ‘arid, prices do-not vary: : Sentence . 2: The prices: cai “be. very different. depending onthe location: * ol
Seritence 4:8 the-local chamber af coitimerce hilarigusly puts It is: Hot. only effective'for.overall -beaiuty? but ‘also:for,iuhiplash inj eased by, twaffic accidents, and. {popular with: neulyveds. Senience 2:The. chamber ‘ofcommerté locally huis observed: that: at's” effective: Je whiplash
Sentence +: ‘It'll never work, it's too...!'Il just confess. Sentence 2: Lying will only get me into more trouble.
Sentence % 25 for city carriers; we calculate’ a: cost per residéntial delivery route of $266 per delivery day. ‘Senteine 2 Dir carriers have 0 $500 per day delivery route cost.
Sentence 1: Now we'll go back to the character we had _before--and just when 1 was getting used tagthe change." He jerked his eyes® off the raw patch of emptiness in the sky, where a few stars seemed to bg vanishing. Sentence 2: *The last three stars were vanishing. oe
Sentence L The house has changed little ve then; it has been faithfully preserved along with the garden the siblings faithfully tended. Sentence 2 The house is completely different since ther
‘Peateee we America's middle clas may be anxious, but objectively, it is doing fine Pehene eaenis with in Set Stee $0 badly.
‘Sentence 1: um casual ones but with class you know not too fancy but uh i i woi't go to a fast food place ‘Sentence 2: | refuse to eat fast food, its gross.
‘Sentence I It's simple? than, that Sentence 2: t is harder that that
‘Sentence 1: The Germans are soetticient. ‘Sentence 2 The Germans are slow and they complicate things,
Sentence i:-We. assime*> that. ‘net foreign investment rises’ by one-third of giny, increase in the national, saving rate: Sentence 2: The hational’ savings. ate effects-net!| foreign investments.
Sentence E It's pretty hand to say, “Never speak again. Sere Sst be a, bt comet ot
Sarhinete Sich Sheth whut my shat: whic MY Jal bage Man does 2 ZT handli tof =e Cary | are "y
‘Sentence 1: you.know it's just not gomg to happen that way but 1.do think if they would sfait with the. kids.now at you know in: you know twenty years from now wé could be switched over Sentence 2: The government would have to vote in order for it to be switched over.
Sentence 1: Even as the population agef labor force itself wil continue growing- slowly, with annual growth in aggregate hours} worked averaging.about 0.1 percent after 20204- and the demand: for capital goods is likely t increase. ts Sentence 2: Although the population is getting older the labor force will still grow. *
Sentence I: Jon's skin grew cold. Sentence 2: The cold chilled Jon's skin,
Sentence 1: Instead of advocating legislation against abortion, PK instructs men to stop having sex outside marriage and to stop pressuring their wives and girlfriends to have abortions. Sentence 2: PK thinks that if men stop having sex outside of marriage there will be less abortions.
Sentence f Sut 6 sound authentic, Sentence 2: Iry and make i
Sentence 1: That's basically a mathematical proposition, which I have translated into English in this column. Sentence 2 I've written out the mathematical proposition in English that's easier ta,understand. .
Sentence 4: Fifst. 7! hat certain , agencies» implementing thre policy: arity Sentenoe 2: ireplernenit the’polieg would pave rio etf@ct onthe géuinigs thot certairs agencies. eurwbtly achieve: Jae §
Sentence 1: Economic valuation of benefits often involves estimation of the willingness- to-pay of individuals to avoid harmful health or environmental effects. Sentence 2: Though most people want to protect the environment, few people want fo pay to make it happen.
Sentence I: Kay Loughrey, a program information specialist with the aging administration, said grant applications were ranked a second time after the judges got a chance to review the letters. Sentence 2 Grant applications take too long to process due to the secondary review.
fe g already talk DATE RRs hapn ce? Vo tae at Sent ‘lt Gatigile schools.
Sentence 1: sxe rs ‘th Senterice
Sentence 4: E told it to-you. Sentence :2: 1 told you that: it's going to. happen. ~
Sentence 1:He was born in 540 bc. in Bihar and, like Buddha, was the son of a chief. Sentence 2: He was born shortly after Buddha,
Sentence 1: He calls his artists No Limit Soldiers. Sentence 2: No Li what he calls his artis Soldiers is S.
Sentence ©1:) The * Musee’'de la Prehistoire: (10. Placé.de- la: Chapélle) exhibits ““-artifacts.~ Fepreseitative: of." local J Hife # during’ -. “the Paleolithic: Neolithic, Bronze. Iron, and. Rornan: ages, Sentence “2: At “16. Place’ - de la-*Chapelle there are no. artilaéts Irom the Bronze Age.
Sentence 1: It's thé center of the . industry, . and practically a the great’ wines are represented here 2: You caw find pretty. ates wines: tepresented In the épater of the Wdystry,
| Sentence 1: Leave it to the mad dogs. Sentence 2: Leave it to the angry, canines, _
‘Sentence 4: Think We're as green as'to to you in here,” and have the police nosing, round? ‘Sentence -2: Somebody asked if firemen were: going to Took around. :
sentence 1: What frightened Jon tightened her. sentence 2 They vere bath soared of the raging fire
Sentence’ 1; Its, .age is “uncertgin, but ‘it seems to..have “been -built, im: its. present form._.around 13.49, :at‘the highest. Point of Ithe:city walls. Sentence .2: It ‘seeris that the aty.s walls indicate that it-was built in 1849.
Sentence 1: _That_ face in the mirror wasn't it! Sentence 2: There was a face in the mirror.
Sentence 1: But it was the grass-roots opposition to KYC, sparked in part by the Libertarian Party, whose protest Web site steered 171.268 e-mail complaints from netizens to the FDIC, that elevated the subject tothenational agenda. Sentence 2 The FDIC was completely unaware of any issue.
Sentence-t:t. has’ fine Cental portal with relets-of 01” Fesiambnt, scene’: Qn° its pitasters* ‘sculpted. with “great” * digrity,ond-power, by Sieng-born master ‘jdcopo, dello.” Quercig. °°." wn reliefs of New Testornent, ‘Sentence.2: tie central portal ho: gai te
Sentence t: Dorces, will you tell Menniig ts cone round end speak to we here. Bentence 2/Dorces, tell Manning not to cone here.
Sentence 1: butuh that that's not real life tome so Sentence 2: For me, that's not real.
‘Sentence tif you plan to visit during May, the carnival atmosphere of the Cheung Chau Bun Festival, with its igh bamboo-and-paper towers covered in sticky buns, wall fascinate the young ones. Sentence 2: The carnival atmosphere of the Cheung (Chau Bun Festival is for old and young.
sexterce 1 in the high renting things | ESN WOT ‘ you look ot their history and wha thajve done to ( re own peapie wha tex ve cone i's IA serterce2Toung oak aes tsar 2 west of time ond energy ee
Sentence 1: In. 1980, there were. three primary legal services programs in our state. Sentence 2: In the year 1980, our state had 3 main legal service programs.
Sentence 1: and resale value is really important to me Sentence 2:1 don't care about resale value, I care about quality and brand.
Sentence 1: It was only in 1913, under the leadership of Eleftherios Venizelos, a native Cretan, that the longed-for enosis (union) was achieved. Sentence 2: Eleftherios Venizelos worked hard to create the union that was so desired.
(coed jevtoce mtoem) ond 12848 (oxeteenmental joxtce) ‘Seaton 2: The vale ts mdependent of ol Cxecetive Bters mestements.
Sentence 1: The sunny He was as noble in real life as on television. Sentence 2: He isn't actually noble, but just acts that way on television.
Sentence 4: The disappearance of Jane Finn was forgotten and the whole affair was lost in oblivion." Mr. Carter paused, and Tuppence broke in impatiently: "But why has it all cropped up again? Sentence 2: Everyone remenbers the disappearance of Jane Finn.
Sentence 1: What idiots we had been never to think of that fire as being incongruous! Sentence 2: We were stupid to think that fire and water are not harmonious.
Sentence t: The beaches of Samos provide some of the best conditions for windsurfing in the Aegean, particularly on the western coast. Sentence 2: It's impossible to windsurf in the Aegean.
Sentence t uh-huh well uh i recommend it because you = just. ~=s walk ~—right_ on lin and there's usually not anybody in line Sentence 2: = When — you walked in there was usually no line.
Sentence t: What's wrong with Sammy Kaye? ‘Sentence 2: What is the problem with Sammy Kaye?
aap se ts in ha er por ge Garb cloeae Leflore
Sentence /: Other, older monasteries from the /8th century, based /50 km (92, miles) west of Gangtok at Pemayangtse and Tashiding, are well worth visiting, but access to them may be restricted at times by the military authorities. Sentence 2: The newer monasteries are not worth visiting at all.
Sentence. :Among lesserfish’ eagle, -ctested setpent eagle, prey, peacock. ‘pheasant; and "gainet pitta... Sentence 2: They are lesser fish.
Sentence 1: No’ suspicion . had entered "the : prisoner's . head | that anyone could ‘possibly have mistaken “his. voice for that of Mr. Inglethorp. Sentence .2:. The. prisoner's: voice was so distinct that’ nobody would ever mistake’ it; for anyone else's. voice. e *
Sentence. 1: The marginal costs of emission. reductions ‘over the’ period 2005. through: 2015 are ‘shown in’ Figures 6. ‘through 9 for all four scenarios Sentence 2: There are margial costs” for each of the four Scensrips..
Sentence 1: Although there are many variations, current practice recognizes four basic categories of contract types that apply to several facility acquisition Sentence 2: There are four basic categories recognized by the current practice.
Sentence 1: In that case, the clipping of those funds’ wings is a fundamental change in the situation Sentence 2: Even though funds were clipped, the situation didn’t change.
Sentence 1: (As of this writing, the museum is closed for refurbishment, but it is expected to reopen in mid-2000. ) Sentence 2: The museum is permanently closed due to irreparable damage.
Sentence ‘1: reilly -huh i've never eaten dandelions now i've tried dandelion wine Sentetice 2: I would. never taste anything dandelion flavoured.
Sentence 1: Vendors sing of their wares’ quality in the local dialect that! is a language all its own, in a setting that often feels more like north Africa. Sentence 2: You can hear vendors singing about the quality of their wares| in a local dialect.
‘Sentence 1: Frank was referred to me by the guy who was referred to me by another guy. Sentence 2: | was the one who directly recruited Frank.
Sentence {What \did she say ‘in'that note?nhe demanded fiercely. Sentence 2:4 do:notrcare what she said sburnicthé note.