class label
3 classes
" Sentents t But there aré: plenty. of thitigs for dollar'=| wielding: visitor's to-buy-now that ‘private enterprise is permitted ona limited scale. : Sentence 2: Private. enterprise is permuted but only’ ‘oni a timited scale because the, government ‘has-not lifted all Festrictions. .
Sentence 1: He pulls off this trick by presenting bombing as he default course witha momentum ofits own ISentence 2: He does this to let people think he is going to bomb anyway.
His persian treops chipped the god out of ' ter and ray oft the cling and then cated \ away the fabulous Peacock Throne: Sentence 2: Persian toops ransacked ‘the com, salvaging gold and the Peacock Tone
Sentence 1:um i was stationed at Ellsworth there at Rapid .City am its right there at the Black Hills and i just absolutely love the Black Hills ifs the greatest place in the world) to go camping you throw a pack on your back. and get = in pad mountains and understand how the Yidiens “Get real religious up there because it just.it's just awesome up there so) quiet and peacetul the wind blowing through: the. trees and all that 1 had a favorite little camping spot i used to go to it was uh ri; next to a stream and all the streams of of course are mountain fed melted snow. so it’s nice and ice cold a good place to keep your
4e the hardés of people who attended | “Pash's 1935 dedication set the city’s now: ~ formidable public relations machin into sc : sentence 2: The Hoover Dan's dedication in 1925, , amon attendeby public oficial its
Séntence:: 4 Results-orientéd... performance agreements are one mechanism: itt a. performance ‘management system that creates a line of sight showing. : : . ye Seintence 2: The agreements, are binding contracts that one'must abide-by: -
Sentence Ito - the New Cerritories the famous Mackehose Crail stretches 97 law (60 smiles) from Sai Kung Peninsula to Cuen Mus.
Sentence I: Vice. President Gore is on. the’hiat Seat in thé campaign'*finance investigation’. The Washington Post reported that some of the money. Gore raised in ptione calls’ from_ the “White House, went to” the Glinton-GoFe campaign (hard moriey) instead Of the Democtatic Neitional Committes:.(soft nioney) Seriténce’ 2: Vice Presidént * Gore- is ‘accused’ of making illegal dénatiots, .
Sentence 1: The analyses comply with the informational requirements of the sections including the classes of small entities subject to the requirement and alternatives considered to reduce to the burden on the small entities. Sentence 2: The requirements add more and more to the burden of the small entities.
Sentence 1: yeah or required required required for every college student oh Sentence 2: Nothing is required of college students
Sentence That was just on general principles. Sentence 2 The idea behind the invention was just created on general principles.
Sentence 1: There is some truth in it, without a| doubt. Sentence 2: The truth is that only some of the| myths about vampires is true.
Sentence 1. Sentence 2
Sentence t itis) ! haninting: its. recurring” refrain, and: keeps, pulsing through: my, mind, now, every day. Sentence 2: it doesn't haunf-rie “at all cand Ive. forgotten about ite. :
Sentence 1: See for yourself.” Sentence 2: Look for yourself.
Senténce EI don't idodtt Ike to look too, ceep inti movies if Its good its good if Its not Its.not Sentene®.2'1.derit try to analyze mavies; fi imiply-Say: if its good or not.
Sentence ce 1: is it wel! see uh qualitios one thing bu | the 2g the uh not necessary Iualtis friendiindes | the service but the service rf real imp important Sentence 2: The service has to be good,
Sentence I: yeah uh-huh but i think before i like you i dontt think you i don't think it's right to just put someone in it i think they would have to agree to go init Sentence 2: Does the agreement equal you liking the person?
Sentence 1: Islam has refrained from such an expedient. Sentence 2: No such means to an end has been seen in Islam.
Sentence :You want meto help you out ch? Sentence 2:Do you need help?
Sentence 1: ‘Nice work; White said begrudgingly, lowering his revolver. Sentence 2: Lowering his revoler, White pegrudginly said 'Nice work’.
Sentence ¥ This (rust chug and under the recect Sartanes-Ouiey AccaUrL Ng reform egatation sane fetated changes all be cequred ‘Sertqnce 2 Under tre recent lagictins, there are requirements for ‘sorme changes Le be made,
Sentence 4: Stores offer everything from the practical to glass-mountedecorpions and | butterflies. Sentence 2: Stores offer glass- mounted butterflies.
tence 1: neglectful of his children by choice there just was no time and energy left for them by the time he put in his workday} which started like at five thirty and ended at| ix thirty uh ntence 2: He had a lot of energy and time} for his children.
Sentence 1: Could be you were handy and they had some kind of a hint to start a ruckus just to show there ain't any proper law here. Sentence 2: There are strict laws here, and everyone abides by them.
Sentence 1: yeah they allow it under certain circumstances you have to to prove that youre teaching them something you have to follow Sentence 2: They allow it if can prove that you are teaching comething. a
Sentence th addon how suplises are uted his lorig~ “term ‘nglications for hiure economic growth _Settence 2 Surphuses are iraatng
Sentence I: Yeo, she said meditatively; then suddenly dropped her voice. Sentence 2: Her voice softened as she replied,
Sentence 1:i really feel like that. TI's decision to go with drug testing was good ou know because i i feel like that you now well all all it takes is one person coming to work under the influence of some narcotic um truly injure a lot more of our workers Sentence 2: TI decided to opt for drug testing and I think that was a good thing.
Sentence 1: Ah, Vm busy on a case. Sentence 2: I'm too: busy. to ‘grab dinner.
Sentence 1: But the golden glow of the temples‘ Doric columns and the idyllic setting amid acadia and almond trees on a precipice overlooking the Mediterranean are enough to encourage you to worship a whole pantheon of Greek gods. Sentence 2: The very sight of the temple and its architectural majesty will fill you with awe.
Sentence ’1:"What: is. it?” asked... San'doro poking it with his knife. j Sentence 28 San‘daro poked: it “with: his ‘Machete as he-asked what it was.
Sentence ’L When, you are: dying ‘or otherwise beyond power’ over us, you ‘shall have: the names, Dave:Ranson. Sentence & Youcan have the names’ right nou, Dave Ranson.
Sentence 1: Pil?grims. would climb thes 216 steps of the Via, Sancta on their knees| to get to the shrines halfway up. the hillside, which include the-Cha?pelle Mira?cu?leuse-de Notre- Dame with its statue of the Black Viregin. and the 12th-century basilica. Sentence 2: There, are 217. in the Via» Sancta, which must be climbed on foot.
Sentence 1: Because these rhythms differ from the. four-beats to a bar notation we -are accustomed to: in the .West, Greek music ‘sometimes can be difficult t6 follow. Sentence 2:-Greek “rhythms. do -not ‘use four beats to a bar notation.
Sentence 1: illusion!" she whispered hoarsely, and slumped to the ground in a faint. Sentence 2 She was drained.
Sentence 1: GAO examines the use of public funds; evaluates federal programs and policies; and provides _ analyses, recommendations, and other assistance to help Congress make informed oversight, policy, and funding decisions. Sentence 2: GAO's role in Congress oversight is critical to it's success.
Sentence I: "But | think a good soldier might just be granted a birthday present without any one gittin’ too| excited about how military thot is” Then he had jerked the cord off his own hat and given it to Drew. Sentence 2: He pulled the cord off his hat.
b; shisenceestcicamieeesicres
Sentence 1: Examples of the types of leave on such T and A records include, but are not limited to, annual, sick, and family friendly leave. Sentence 2: they offer no leave to employees.
Sentence k John points out that by 1828, only 36 years after Congress passed the Post Office Act of 1792, the American postab system had almost twice as many offices as the postal system in Great Britain and over five times as many offices a the postal system in France. Sentence 2: John says that the postal system had many fewer postal offices than Great Britain. e *
Sentence t However, most faciities are currently eq. Upped with ESPs. and some are equipped with FFs. Sentence 2: Most faciities have ESPs ond-some have FFs.
Sentence %: Keeping up with the latest in discos and clubs can be a full-time job far professional night- there's no point in turning up befare midnight. Sentence 2: At nighttime there is na attraction here, you can only sleep.
Sentence 2: There are no bikes cy the Guggenheim, ee ee Irrently in
‘Sentence 1: From Asan Tale make a sharp. left-into the back-street, past tea shops; and ::continue until’ the ‘next’ main ‘intersection. ©: i - : Sentence: 2: You'may. stop ina shop for a. cup of local tea‘if you wish:
Sentence Would they hail it? Sentence 2 They are wondering if they will hail i.
Sentence k uh i don't know i'm not a real uh great football follower i guess there are two basic teams that i seem to follow every year one is the Dallas Cowboys and the other is the Oklahoma Sooners Sentence 2: sometimes i follow the Miami Dolphins, too
rience y well ir guess: the S few things. - « around still butun ge canna sentence Be Fcknow, that there = hathing: lett oun ets sh Stine
sentence 1: He was once a hero to them, sid \ mr eeping his eyes on the big man- 2: Jon watched the man.
Sentence 1: As figure 1.7 shows, there were about five workers supporting each retiree in 1960. Sentence 2: About 100 workers supported each baby in 1970.
‘Sentence, I: 1n-the:- group Ai/PSP, together with the home~ ‘oom teucher it was decided ‘that etich-lesson will -beyin th @ humming of the soundtrack themé from the newest. ‘version. af. the *Stldiars: of Calf ot Ouity in-the: Blitzkrieg Retuin tp Castle Wolfenstein’ guine. Sentence 2: They played.« Iut of ‘jumes sible at ne “etassroom.
Sentence. 1: Of. colitsé,. Shldes: cold honestly: argue what she really Making-the Fieh pay‘higher 1X rates:than the podkis jist not faig-damninit: Sentencé.2: The rich “Shouldn't have: to: pay much doing tax ooo *
Senténce 1: and just the things that they have to th you know Spring break's.a big deaf and and uh he ‘was telling me that he had‘to beon-the scene of an, accident whefe five teenagers all of the them diunk uh collided head on and every:singlé one of them died three in‘one car.and two in-qnother and Sentence 2: He was telling me he had to be at,the. accident.
Sentence 1s While mogic produced their food and made better. world for:.them; ‘they’ hated’ it because they couldn't d0 it for themselves. - : Sentence 2:.They hated riagic, because while it produced theie food, ond madé-a° better word -for them. they couldn't do it for themselves.
Sentence 1: You can swim beneath them in chilly waters, then picnic by the cool, teafy pools above. Sentence 2: You can scuba dive or picnic near the leafy pools. ‘Hiss popular place, you see tourist al the time.
‘Seatonee {: If you have a few days to explore the region, youl find a wealth of things to seenearby. ‘Seatonee 2: There is nothing in the vicinity that would attract tourists to the location,
“Sentence :1: Finally, the. Commission solicited commients’. ori” a: variety -of "alternatives fegarding interconnection, roaming: and resale obligations for commercial mobile radio service. providers in compliance.with section 603(c). Seritence 2: Everything said was valued and taker into consideratign.
Sentence 4 Rolling Stone 's cover story traces Stems history from mediocre rock DJ to king of shock jocks. Sentence 2: Rolling Stone covered Sternis rise from a mediocre rock DJ to king of shock jocks ofter his hard work :
‘Sentence 1: okay! guess you dont enjoy that very much ‘Sentence 2: Perhaps you dant lke Ks kot
Sentence 1: She's calling you Dainan. Sentence 2: She's calling me.
ts Christian Coalition head Pat Robertson. vembed Himself, in resimes. aid’. @ publuohed . siobiograjjvas Marine officer assigned combat. uty dcring the, Korean War “a: pat Robertson published is autobiography Pie 1990s
Sentence 1: But. the great point ‘is, is.theré a Rita’ ntenice 2: But the point-is, does anyone here: o by Rita?
Sentence 1: The Postal Service complied with this requirement early} in. 1973, and) a. Domestic Mail Classification Schedule recommended by the Commission. became effective} on July 6, 1976. Sentence — 2: A. Domestic Mail Classification Schedule was| mandated by Congress.
Sentence 1: Adrin turned and smiled at Jon Sentence 2: Jon sau Adrin smile
‘Sentence 1: These differences. and their impact on, the framework developed in this guide, will be discuissed in the allsing this Guide- section. ‘Sentence 2: The. Using this Guide’ Section’ explains the ‘differences.
mignee I: The worst one was, i don't think Fealy: warit.a dl sou lvoree, or you would have gallon pre by ott nee We 2: The divorce has been ilelayed by along ime.
‘Sentence 1: Castro. then fled to Mexicb: ‘Sentence'2: Castro. fled to Peru
Sentence 1: They must have no inkling that we are using them for our own ends. Sentence 2: We are using them to undermine them.
Sentence 4: The ‘moderate. ::Indians - were delighted, but revolutionaries saw it as. d foot in ‘the door, .while-many British officials ‘retired rather than serve under Indian.ministers. Sentence 2: The Indians’ were giad but many of the officials from Britain. retired ‘insteat serving under them.
Sentence 1::t's.pretiy complicate Dave gruinbled Si;splinds vorse"than that: Séoterice. 2, Dave’ mumbled. that it-yiuas -wavsessthan. béing, coplicated : :
Sentence 1: inspection you know they have the state income tax ‘Sentence 2: That state has an income tax.
Sentence f: I've brought you some tea. Mrs. Vandemeyer did not reply. Sentence 2: Someone brought Mrs. Vandemeyer tea, but she didn't say any thing.
Sentence's: Teve; enought Sentence 2:Not-ieve. ©
Sentence 1: When she chose, however, her| ce could be sphinxlike in its inscrutability. Sentence 2: She could only appear familiar} Ito everyone, even if she tried not to be.
Sentence ‘1; Erected in a, d. 21, it stands on “a traffic ‘islandacross. the old .N7,.: which heréitraces “the route of the 3 ancient’ Via Agrippa. Sentence 2eIt stands’ ona i date island across:the'old.M89, which’ traces.the route of the Agrapapa Lita.
Sentence” Thea. he jerked his’ eyes away from. the model: and looked out. Sentence 2: He immediately todked, away, irom the model.
Sentence I: In an air raid by 130 B29s, Tokyo was devastated and 100,000 of its inhabitants perished. Sentence 2: The air raid caused 100,000 inhabitants of Tokyo to perish slowly.
Sentence 1: In that respect, the role of the audit) committee, which in) some cases has ‘not been very active -or effective=-in its oversight©-\of management or auditors as related to financial. reporting: is <ewolving: into not. just: financial’ management oversight, but the overall aspects of the» company's financial --reporting, such-as releases) on ~ earnings expectations: and: quarterly) financial reports. Sentence 2: The audit: committee has not) always: handled» management. or auditors. in ancial’ reporting effectively, |obut>/ its’ role,\-is) now becoming involved releases >-on expectations’ and quarterly financial reports, both overall aspects
sentence: it "ds ‘richly. endowed - with See etie treasures ‘and: sone. Of “Japan's. ROSt Superb Zed gardens, ‘reflecting its history &s, se gnommed: center of calligraphy, “gardening, tea ceremony, and other, refaned arts; mee sentence, 2! ‘There, are” not sany\zen gardens 48. Japan, that vare-superior.— 0 2 ees
Sentence 1:The Wall Street Journal editorial page urges him to crown his comeback by announcing that he will pay off his $300,000 ethics penalty using campaign funds and other donations instead of his own money exactly the step that many analysts think will turn him back into a pariah. Sentence 2The Wall Street Journal urged him ameliorate his comeback by paying off his penalty using his own money.
Sentence: yeah ooh i wish i could do that Sentence 2: !.am envious.
Sentence 1: That's one reason why I'm a pro-life person. Sentence 2: / think all people should be pro-life.
{Sentence 1; Within a few days, i- ‘Sportsbook refunds my credit card deposit, as Promised, and a week later | get a check for my winnings. Intence 2:i-Sportsbook never sent mea check for my winnings, nor did they ever refund my credit card deposit as promised,
Sentence 1: But a darned faint one. Sentence 2: Some hope was there.
| Sentence 4 The impact of his treatment of the beast fell upon him and Cadaan let out a single sob, Sentence 2: Caden took a deep breath and the let out 3 single sob as the impact of the treatment took full effect.
Sentence = The Gineral has Stucsirnaardh forstcustion eagagemeate.
‘and keep his power but wet B 2 And Wetar his power, but. well.
Sentence ‘yeah [ve Ive looked at several uh courses as it were the only problem that we have Is things that are that are specifically on our job uh that the courses that apply to our job other than the real basics Ike just the math and the physics and the Ike uh all of them are taught at colleges that are very remote In other words there Ike there's one in Washington DC and there's one in Oregon Sentence 2: there are only two colleges in the US. that offer these courses
Sentence 1: The pyramid is surrounded by a compound designed to mimic the King's palace at his court in Memphis; with beams, columns, and bundles of reeds carved onto its facade. Sentence 2: The pyramid does not try to mimic g's palace at his court in Memphis; it's completely original.
Sentence I: Defense Improved Program Outcomes Are Possible. Sentence 2: It is possible that defense improved program outcomes.
Sentence: 1: One problem: among many;.is that most people's Living rooms aren't Carnegie Hall: ds a result, the music, just sounds muddy Sentence ‘2: Many people's Living rooms arént built for audio.
Sentence 1: The people who are really doing badly are those who do not have good jobs and never did. Sentence 2: All people have#5od jobs in the current year.
Sentence. I: I've ‘got to. scat. back’ to'the house." Sentence:2: I'have to-stay hére forever.