class label
3 classes
Sentenée i: in shit; the rate structuré could be established'n order tobe competitive or to ase the prices 6h. the actual costs oF the mil, ‘and.worksharing activity coutd occur as a natural result: Sentenice 2: Workshariig will occur naturally.
<Sentence-1:The site:of -the great cattiedral' of Notre 4 fetigious’ significanéé..for’ at Sentence 2: There significance in Paris for been’ a ssite “of, -retigious ar
Sentence 1: At one of VBA's regional offices, for example, computerized information is 7 continuously displayed on video screens) providing employees with current performance information. Sentence 2: The employees are able to see the performance in realtime: _
Sengenge I: yes and so oh,t started out with, college and then, went to high, school and then, t prefefred the high, school age level much, better than, t did the college because you have a closer relationship with, the uh, Students, Sengenge 2: Each, of the age levels have their perks.
Sentence % It was the cradle of the French monarchy; ifs surrounding greenery and dense forests also prayided good sites for later kings and nobles to build their chateaux, away from the troublesome mob of Paris, at Fon?taine?bleau, Chantilly, and Versailles. Sentence 2: The kings and nobles liked the fact that they had room to think in this area.
Satan ph yt eth we wad the veh me fe baton wth pate top Sates Whig « dont oni oN fiche fe
Sentence t (Just. ask New Kids.on the Biock. Sentence 2 Just refer to the pop band.
jentence I: Reconstructions of workshops, pubs; Ind “family rooms. shows haw people lived -in revious eras, augmented-by written. and. oral festimonies from. townsfolk, anda -20-minute troductory video. jantence 2: Nobody has been able to'find written r oral.testimony about: people's lives in previous ras.
Sentence 1 Gh. the. saine- type’ of del as. what occurred with, the Kurdish béople its es ‘same: type of. situation: hers Sertenie 2: The mes lay iil to what hoppored pthibe Keith people
Sentence 1: She added that an in-home, brief intervention linked with primary care found no association between stage of change and outcome. Sentence 2: She published her findings in a medical science journal.
Sentence 1: Ginkakuji, the famous Silver Pavilion, never received the silver-leaf covering originally intended. Sentence 2: Despite its name, the Silver Pavilion is not covered in the eponymous precious metal.
Sentence 4: Then there are the stories that make . you think some celebrities’ just shouldn't be allowed.to reproduce al all. Sentence 2: Some stories make you think that some celebrities. should reproduce a lot.
Sentence |: They spoke of our guys and those guys. Sentence 2: They said that our guys were more important.
Sentence’ 1; As- a’ iesult~ of ‘the’ minimal mechanical ‘interface’ between. the sorbent injection “system: andthe boiler,’ retrofit ‘of: air AGI systemivilltypically-require 4 fairly: short outage - ohe Week or:Jess. ‘Sentence: 2; "Reirofit: of: an“ ACI ‘system “required aii outage: of’ about’fifty* montis due to the large mechanical interface:
Sentence £ Chine: English, and Indian women prefer thésame Greek men; Hispanic and black Americans agree on which newly arrived Asian hvomen are the genuine babes, and so lon Sentence 2 Jusi as they agree on what individual features are attractive, pcople of different races also largely agree on what is not attractive:
[Sentence & Sandro spun low and threw one of the idaggers twirling end over end. [Sentence 2 Sandoro stabbed with a dagger
Sentence 1+ Qecause of its power to create and fund Programs, the involvement of Congress is indispensable ta defining each agency's mission and establishing its quals. Sentence @ Congress has often used this power ta avoid having to do extra work
Sentence 4 < uh’. ‘the “.Clippers that's another® team: -and.i. don't think’... they've. -y ever. done anything : Sentence 2:).T don't. think’ .the Clippers. have. ever’ done anything ;
Sentence 1: The creeper symbolizes the impassiveness he is said to have ‘observed in this upright position of pratimayoga, which he adopted for ‘one whole year in response to his brother's lust for worldly power Sentence 2: In reaction to his brother's desire for power, he adopted an active life of helping the poor and needy for one year
Sentence 1: initial plans submitted by many governmental entities. Sentence 2: A huge pile of documents with initial plans submitted by governmental entities.
Sentence 1: They've got to take care of the animals. Sentence 2: They have to take care of the animals.
sénténce 1 Perper flit of creed Knetness ae rect fot adeepeneungetstanding of ke human condition. seritence 2: they ny be ying to anatingthe humeincondton,
‘Sentvice 4+ Fellowing: Khephe'sdeathihe body, oftheSphinxwaslost under. the desert ‘sands that sweptthe areaandTutmosis, ¥ Sentence, 2: The curse of Ra brought. great wine de dhe ‘aces, tits uafed the. bowed icons of the nombeliever's, : .
Semtence-t: investmeitt in. new capital is an important way to. raise the productivity of the sowly growing workforce as the population ages. Sentence 2: The workforce & slowly shrinking.
Séntence. 1: The headline. aver the NYT-'s: online ‘version’ doesn’t Irention thé homosexual. angle, while’ the’ WP..'s -headline--FRANCE.. LEGALIZES GAY. UNIONS =-de est mention ithe: heterosexual angle. Sentence. 2; The we headline “‘meritions ‘the heterosexual angle:
‘Sentence t: Ca'daan saw an identical pistol hanging on his right hip. Sentence 2: There was an identical pistol on his hip.
If this “was viewed as an independent regulatory commission could -establish Sentence: 1 unfair ‘competition and ‘ménitor’..Gertaif.. inverse price Caps: _ Sentence. °2:: An regulatéry- commission. would’ beable independent to:create and’ check ‘inverse: price «aps if che competition’ was:deemed ‘anfai
Sentence 1: we try to teach our kids as much we can at home you know we have we try to spend like Monday nights we call it family home evening and Sentence 2: We did not have the time to teach them anything at home.
Sentence 1: uh-huh oh as long term we just he has yarrow his retirement plgg and then to CODA and stuff like that that . we've and e just have our life insurance for ou aes ‘a Sentefice, 2: We are putting billions into retirement savings every year.
Sentence 1: The’ total ‘case's reported to LSC for ‘2000 aré 1,012, 368; ‘Sentence 2:'Ther’e were more: tha oie million cases reported to'the LSC in 2000.
Sentence i: Located & km (4" miles) ;west of Paris. : : Sentence 2: It .is oughly 208: miles: east. of Paris. . ~).
‘Sentence 1: At the far south is the small Ebisu Bridge, a favorite meeting place for Osaka's trendiest young things ‘Sentence 2: Ebisu Bridge is a popular, place forthe latest trends.
Sentence 1: ‘Okay,’ Natalia appeared, hands on hips. Sentence 2: "Okay,’ John stood ther smiling.
Sentence 4: I'm in a bind. ‘Sentence 2: | don't know what to do next.
Sentence 1: There, I masked it Senténce’2: There! Lrevesled it.
Sentence 1: He whispered, "No, it's--" Sentence 2: The man vocalized in the negative,
Sentence I: There, over two days, fell. in.with another trapped journalist. Sentence 2; We, didn't have,the means-to. escape ‘over the 2 days.
Sentence 1: What have you been doing, doctor? cried Mrs. Cavendish. Sentence 2: Cavendish was worried about the doctor had been doing.
Sentence 1: There is more to Christianity than the Christian right-- both Roman Catholic and evangelical/ fundamentalist. Sentence 2: Christianity is entirely situated on the ‘rightward end of the political spectrum.
‘Sentance tof it your blessed with yt now god dent . Uh suction, you. oe exereeh ch en realy are ive hod 8 lt of-problems 1 i have somye ongoing problems mainky _bécouse back when | wat growing up Sees eect ated i ie: arerehy behy
‘Sentence“t: The ‘Algarve’ has warmier water: and more sheltered beaches than the west coast: Seittance 2: The southern facing’ bedches of the Algarve’ are. sheltered from. strong Atlantic. currents and-have whiter sand a5.welt.
Sentence :1: ‘She fold ‘nie’ of “her “dréams to run’ off. with mé and. becomé..a. princess af. the ‘south. Sentence. 2° She “wanted - to.” “becoriie, | a princess: of ‘the south.
‘Sentence He finally left the frock behind, however. ‘Sentence 2 He kept on wearing the frock for the whole day. *,
Sentence 1: The estrangement of too many parents from John McCain's Wife : Alicnation from parents a Sentence was common in John McCain's life.
Sentence 1: Brown's IRB required a mental status exam to ensure patients could understand the research dimensions of the project before they could be enrolled in the study. Sentence 2: The patients needed to be mentally examined.
Sentence 1: yes: yes sir legally légally cut money: oi. your| faxes arid on your uh insurance and then he tells you how to invest that ‘money in-order, to uh ‘uh -you now. be wealthier uh hé also has’a' new book uit that i. purchased| right before i maved and haven't had a chance’to wh’ crack| it open. yet um Financial. Self Defense i. believe is the ‘name.of it uh the man uh has a lot of good ideas some of| their already knew. about. some of them i.had already| Practiced but i suggest it to anyone who wants to be better off financially.t0'tead it because uh Sentence 2:'He writes books ‘that offer you. practical advice-on money manageiment.
Sentence £ Personal saving percent of Household wealth to disposable disposable personal income personal income ratio Sentence 2 — Public. saving percent. of Corporation wealth to necessary company income.
intence 1: Alongside modern moster blo Picasso, Diego Velozquez y Silvo S99 1660) is the most fomous Spanish jointer who ever lived. imtence 2 Poblo Picosso is considered lo be on oncient foilure os is Velazquez.
Sentence 1: Those surveyed worked in Weld County, the Arkansas Valley, the San Luis Valley and -the“Western Slope and took Jpart in 30-minute interviews at farm-labor housing in those regions. Sentence 2: The people surveyed refused to attend.
Sentence 1: um-hum i ‘mostly do uh back packing Uh as opposed to any of the other sorts Sentence 2: For the most part | backpack.
Sentence I: We frequently are asked whether a Program has been implemented ond, often, whether implementation is in compliance with congressional intent. Sentence 2: Program intent, and implementation, ore never questioned.
either jus home well watched ‘tht
Sentence 1: yeah yeah i was down in Texas for two years and i was paying unbelievable rates for both car insurance and for home insurance um they Sentence 2: Texas has very affordable insurance rates.
Sentence f Jn the frame game, nuance is afmost atways a toser. Sentence 2: Nuancé'is great
ating alteady valated sStervers.on “Bepartghest pratiee'are needed. -"-
Sehtence I: Sometimes: another. shack does the trick. Sentence °2:.The “ing “stated.” that another shock does the trick sometimies.
Sentence 1: This exciting museum embraces France's tremendous creativity from 1848 to 1914 in the domains. of Painting, sculpture, architecture — and industrial design, advertising, newspapers, book ‘publishing, photography, and the early years of cinema. Sentence 2; The museum celebrates painting, sculpture, architecture, and more.
Sentence 1: Much of downtown Fort de- France is fertile territory for shoppers. Sentence 2 Shoppers may visit lowntown FortdeFrance.
Seniténce.1:The ‘nationalist commandant, Goidriel UoseMdscarde Ituarte, ‘received a telephone éail from ‘the enemy, announcing that’ his ; Sen, “held “hostage, ‘would. “be: exediited "unless the} ~ “fortress suirrenidéredt : Sefitence 2. The Colonél'g son:wastd be. exectited Uuriless thé fortress surrendéred.
Sentence } Congressional requests fer GH work must be made in writing by a Member and addressed to =the Camptraller General Sentence 2 GAO work requested by Cangress must be done in writing
Sentence 1: This distribution represents| the aggregate distribution for the REIMS Il countries. Sentence 2: The distribution represents| how REIMS II countries are distributed for postal customers.
The regulation that codifies uniform acquisition Sentence 2: A regulation codifies uniform acquisition for private companies.
Sentence 1: A number of boat trips leave from the pleasure pier. Sentence 2: The boat trips are so popular that some boats even come twice a day.
Sentence 1: In fact, | was at peace with the world. Sentence 2: | was at peace.
Sentence ‘1: For such workers, leaving’ the United States is a: survival strategy, permitting them: to survive their periods of unemployment by’ taking advantage of thie lower cost of living in the countries of origin. Sentence 2: Most often, the workers will “travel to Mexico of Canada,
Sentence ® 4: For a moment Red might have been turned. to stone. Sentence. 2:.Red w4s..as.stilk as. a statue for a“ moment:
Sentence 1: oh middle child you ub you Scere theory about the uh you know how their different their their. position in the family relates to their uh character you know Some of their Sentence 2: Being thé middle child is no different than’ being. first or last and has no. effect on the person they are. s
‘Sentence 1: well yeah i know oh i haven't watched i in ages but uh youknow Sentence 2:1 watched it just yesterday.
Senterice 1: Watk to Kepuhi’ Beach: drive to 3-mile-long Papohiaku Beach. Seritenee 2: am can. walk to -Kepuhi. Beach.
Sentence 1: He and Gauve shared a look Jon could not decode, Sentence 2: Jon, knew. exactly, what they were thinking. }
Sentence 1: Kids with well-educated, emotionally stable mothers and secure economic circumstances tend to do fine, whether their mothers work or not. i ith secure Crh circumstances and emotionally stable mothers tend to do fine.
Sentence 1: Bork grinned. Sentence 2: Bork smiled slightly at the people in front of him.
Seriterice 1: and it's it's it's.@ bunch of hog wash‘. i've changed the-oil myself i've put a filter on. you know put the oil in and all it’s no problem at all Sentence 2; They had-a'mechanic change the‘sil. %
Sentence 1: At a minimum, involve representatives of the owner, the user, the A/E, construction Sentence 2:This isthe minimum and more: is sometimes required,
Sentence 1: Rosenberg also points to one reason to| think the HIV-negative gay male may actually live] longer on average than the straight Gays may havel higher incomes and more education on average than| straights-two factors powerfully correlated with| longer life spans. Sentence % Rosenberg says one reason HIV negative gay men live longer than straight is| because they are wealthier by over $50,000.
Sentence 1: Through the open window scraps of conversation floated out disjointedly on the night air. Sentence 2: Small parts of the conversation could be heard out the window. 3
Sentence 1: Some thiRk the resulting nooks create better insulation and wind resistance. Sentence 2: Nooks might create better insulation and wind resistance.
Sentence 1: Kasich isn't a corporate-welfare NIMgy. Sentence 2: Kasich is not in favor of corporate welfare. ie
Sentence 1: The average age of direct-mail respondents is 65 070. Sentence 2: most people who use direct mail is around 65 to 70 *
Sentence 1: The inscriptions seem to be more than casual etchings, but their significance isn't known. Sentence 2: The significance of the inscriptions is unknown, even though they seem important.
Sentence 4: The.School of fedicine” fonowed ony, a few. years ter: Sentence: 2° the nézica’ school “opened several decades ater.
Sentence. I: Then he. took ‘it: out,” shut 182 the ‘drawer, walked. slowly. over:-to. an. armchair, and sat down : still staring. at. the -photograph’ in hie hand. Sentence 2:'He shut. the drawer. and atared at the picture he: was:holding
Sentence 1: Today, with their hot summer days, warm waters, abundant beaches, and distinct lifesle, the Greek islands of the Aegean are among the major tourist playgrounds why world. Sentence 2: od Greek islands have very cold summer days and cold waters. 3.
Sentence ¥ They're just talking Sentence Z itll probably escalate to more once they're don discussing it
Senerize tab suhave the basic pany 2" ‘Senbtige 2:2e je ot yewiglere
Sentence 1: One answer is to try to change the incentives of politicians, by making it more difficult for special interests to buy influence. Sentence 2: Special interest groups should have free-reign, as it doesn't affect politics.
Sentence 1: Evidently he was to have been taken out of London in that, and his body found many miles from the house in Soho. Sentence 2: He was taken From London in a duffel bag.
Sentence 1: The previous recor® Spider, Michael Collins. took in about $5 million less. Sentence 2: The last record holder made $50 million more.
‘Sentence.1:1 was.quite honey him. Sentencge: Iwasilying to itn, “
Sentence 1: Feel free the chat away. you two. Lincoln said, behind us. Sentence 2: Although it was time for Lincoins speech he encouraged the two women to continue their conversation.
Sentence. 1:, Corporate, welfare nis a ad enough idea without adding the ilicon Valley gang to the rolls. Sentence: 2: Corporate, welfare. is a fantastic idea, made better, by adding the Silicon Valley. gang.
Sentence 1: the Belgians try to act like the French Sentence 2: Everybody is unique and, tries to act like themselves. ie
Sentence 1:1f this recominendation'is too’ narrowly. defined, we. will encqurage, pedpte te look..at.Small things ike training programs. Sentence 2: If recommendations are’detined we don't epeourage peopte to jook at training programs _——$<—$—$—$$$—$—$————
Sentence 1 Sentence 2!
Sentence 1: Caesorec lived and died, 10 the full. Sentence 2: Caesorea didnt die, it still lives!