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Sentence 2: Doo. the ¢ yhound bus check your bags or do they have any sgourity?
Senteniog 1:-Did.. Paul “MeCarthey dig’ ad” get replaced?” * Seritenes ‘2::Did the ‘reat’ Paul MoCarthey. of the Beatles die in acai erash in.19662 :
Sentence 1: Where can I get shopping centre cleaning services in Sydney? Sentence 2: Which cleaning company provides shopping centre cleaning service in Sydney?
Sentence 1: Whdt: are the most’ funny and interesting facts you know about Animals? Sentence 2: What are’ some interesting things about qnimals?
Sentence 1: Which university is the best for deep learning research in bioinformatics? Sentence 2: What's the best books for learning research?
‘Sentence Covses fr Testicle ond Abdominal Pin? ‘Sentence 2-Which pine disorders couse abdominol pain?
Sentence 1: What are the best Gate exam Books for mechanical engineering? Sentence 2: What is the best book for gate preparation?
‘Santance ts & hath to ear ogg wires every aay? ‘Sanveance 2 st heathy to ear a torrano every day?:
Sentence 1 What axe Soe of the bet ede 2 0 sa in school cssenbly! Sentence 2: What, of” seme good topics for asinably, speech which, HE elated to. politics?
Sentence 1: Where can | find a highlight summary of the information that WikiLeaks has released? Sentence 2: What are the most important articles or information WikiLeaks has released?
Sentence 1: Need suggestion regarding the job for a fresher, is there is any one working in jaipur as aios developer? Sentence 2: How do I get the medication I need for generalized anxiety disorder under certain circumstances?
‘Sentence 1 What is boot process? Sentence 2 What exactly Is the booting process?
tence 1: Can one know that is ying? tence 2 Tax and vat uestions?
Sentence ti What woudl be title fora thesis... that. Suits::.\.in_ «information technology?” B |Sentence:2: Can I use: action titles, in iny thesis? i
Senténcé:: What can | do té:fix my posture? ‘Sentence 2-How canl fix Phy-postu re?
‘Sentence 1: How is the standard of living of an IAS or IES officer as compared to CEOs and General manager of PSUs and Big private firms Eke Tata, Adani? ‘Sentence 2 What do we call such jackets?
Sentence 1: What is best marriage advice? Sentence 2: What are some of the the best/ most. creative « martiagé.. proposals you've heard of?
Sentence 1: What is it like to bel percent rich in america? Sentence 2: What's it like to bé rich as in 1% rich?
‘Sentence 1: How does the | NFL transfer. ‘system work? *Suppose-.. if Romo. gets. fit by. week’. 10, ° can Prescott be bought by some other team? Sentence’ 2; Should I have a- very competitive. “attitude towards -my eers: regarding “class 12th. CBSE boards; commerce?
Sentence 4 Cart [eat food which has aledady been eaten by:réd-ants? Sentencé 2::What do. gréen ‘ants.eat? How: do they get:théir foad®s.""”
Sentence t heft of servonpansane’ ‘Sentence 2 whet the minim % for giving US anders?
Sentence 1: Why ‘do’ metals’ coriduct’heat>-How dé they “conduct, heat? oo Sentence'2: Howare metdis dble’ to conductvheat?
Senlane Wet students afr 2h? the couses ater than matical and engining fx scince steam ial exams oer tan engiering or mica eas ate
Sentence 1: How can [ hack someone's Wi-fi password? Sentence 2: How to hack Wifi?
Sentence I: What are best website for learning yo Sentence 2: What are the best online websites to learn yoga? ——$
Sentence 1: What is need of symmetrical components in power system? Sentence 2: What is the significance of symmetric components in a power system?
Sentence 1: Why should the world applaud India for conti ng to say that India’s surgical strike is true, but ted it without evid Sentence 2 When the whole world is applauding the emergence of a new India ler Modi, why is the Indian media leaving no stone unturned to, push every: little (however small of big jt is) under the carpet?
Sentence u Which is the best real estate agency in pune? Sentence 2 Which is the best real estate agency in Hyderabad?
Senterice | don't lke surprise stateinents from people, what Can Ho ta not react poorly? Senibace 2: What'it motivation’ became: a’ trend, How ves” syould, productive. looks like infodraphicom: is making that: possible?:
Sentence 1: What are the best Web designing company's in USA? Sentence 2: What Best web design company in USA?
Sentence 1: What is the important quality of a developer, Tech lead and Manager? Sentence 2: “Why do so many ““tech people” like software developers) hate middle management?”
Sentence: 1: Why’ do. Sikhs” scowk “at smoking, ‘cigarettes - but * freely. ‘drink, aleohol?.’ S Senténcé 2; Do: Hindus drink-aleshol?
Sentence 1: What happens if you don't ejaculate? Sentence 2: What happens if you can't ejaculate?
Sentence -f-lf@ genie: offered you three” wishes, what aré safé wishes fomaker. Sentence, wha ‘are yout three wishes “for: the genie lamp?
| Sentence t What did Obama do wrong | during his term?
Sentence X Outing: Do womes look at men's crotch le men look at 2 Do women look at men's crtches?
sentence 1: What are some products made from crude oil? Sentence:2: What are some of the. products made from crude oil?
Sentence 1: Which is the best QuickBooks error support number? Sentence 2: What is the best Quickbooks technical support number?
Sentence 1: How do I become. a Permanent member . in Siwananda| Ashram? Sentence 2: What benifit will India get if it becomes a member of NSG?
Sentence I: How do you determine the weight of a hay Sentence 2: Whi ihe weight of a hay bale?
Sentence 1: is ‘there any. story about drug addiction and aléoholissm? & ‘Sentence -2: addiction? What is-your-story ‘about @rug
Sentence 1: What exactly is light made of? Sentence 2: Light is made of what? S
Sentence £ How didi you set (anid change) your Sea py over tiie? What were your key: consideratio Sentence. 2 What “are the pros and.coms of using shaoning vinegar?
Sentence 1: Is a 2 wheeler exempt from payin, tolls in India? F pape is a 2 wheeler exempt from
Sentence I: How effective was plate armor against simple weapons? Sentence 2: How effective was steel armor such as chain mail and plate when its use was more common?
Sentence. 1: What ~ is - the ° difference between. first’ * Copy . and. duplicate watches? y Sentence : 2: What. is.’ thie . difference between ordinary and lukury watches?
Sentence 1: Do you have any advice for an adult who starts learning piano for the first time? (Without any prior experience) Sentence 2:1s it possible to learn a fait the piano without any experience? ‘ly complex song on
Sentence’ 1: Which: institutes offer’ courses “in finaniciat: “engincering /qwantitative: firiance - in ~India? : - ‘Sentence:2: What are the institutes itr South India that offer‘an interior design couirse?:
sentence 1: Let's say that | want to on" ¢ ittle extra $100-200 per month from the ‘ ie ee What are the options that | have ' sentence 2:1 want to earn an extra 200-206 th via the internet. How cant eam this amount? (i have full time job)
entanos 1: When conding, ral, fe Hone Rong the oity or the jemntry inthe address book? gentenoe 2 What are the al Kong? ma of the Gity University of Hon
Sentence |: How many keywords are there in the TeX programming language in the latest version? Sentence 2: How many keywords are there in CRYPTOL Programming Language in the latest version?
ritence:#! Why and how do. we dream? ntence.2! What do we dream and why?
Sentence 1: Nature: Would an unprovoked wild elephant attack a human? Sentence 2: Why don't wild animals attack humans more often? We stink.
tence 1:1 really want to polish my English writing skills. What are some good books that could help me? * tence 2: 1 want to improve my English writing skills: Can someone suggest me some books? 4
sentence 1: Will there be’an iPod naito Sth gerteration?. eritenice 2: |s there any way-to add apps in iPod Nand?
Sentence 1: What ts the average weight for a 13 year old girl who ts 5°7"? Sentence 2:1 am an athletic 13 year old girl and. weight 82.2 pounds. Is (hat normal? Am 1 healthy?”
Sentence I: How much mobile data gets used if I play battlefield on PS4 for T hour? Sentence 2: How much mobile data gets used if Iplay games on my PS4 for I hour?
= Sentence 1 1 paiiticians? "9" 27 the best kept secrets o : Sentence 2 We is the best kept secret
Sentence: Why shouldn't | ask a girl tobe my girlfriend? Sentence 2: When should | ask a girl to be my girlfriend and how should do it?
Sentence 1: What is cpt code 77003? Sentence-'2Why did the AMA skip H from the appendix section in the CPT book? Is there a reasoning or history behind it?
Sentence 1: What is Tinderfling.com? Sentence 2: What is copilotsearch.com?
Sentence 1; Whot con | do to moke sur: 1 om becoming the best version ol mysel? Sentence &: | need to lose weight. it gives. me mento! issues but | stil con’ stop eoting | con't control my mind. What should | do?
Sentence. t: What instrament i is played: oF the. opening of Stil:D.R. E.2 ?. Sentence 2: What's thie instrument used throughdut:. Deadly .:Combination? * it's simitar.to the one-used in. Still.D.R:E
‘Sentence 1: How do | better myself? iiall aspects? <- Sentence 2:How canibetter myself?
entence I: = How can I make my child get interested in studying? entence 2 How can I help my child with his studies?
‘Sentence 1: How:is thé word. "pathos! uséd'in’a sentence?. Sentence 2: How is the ward ‘wistfill’ used in'a se'ttence? ',
‘Sentence & what isthe est way to remove wit heads from my face al prevent them from ‘peng again? ‘Sexton 2 whats the best way toot or eave ofan your nse fsa ring the day’?
Sentence 1: Which:are books ome must read in.life? Sentence 2: iat are Some‘must read'books before-one diés? .
Sentence: 1:-*Can. you: be: "tod ‘successful -té-have BPD?. ‘What. does thatynean?" “Sentence 2: Low grossmaterait
Se Sentence 1: What is the difference between sugar and jaggery? Sentence 2: What is the difference in raw sugar and refined sugar?
‘Sentence 4: ‘Does “Reasons for: Allowance” statiis'an USPTO ean ify patent application Is going te granfed saan?” ‘Sentence 2: Can patesit applicatiqns be partially allowed?
“Sentence: Key metrics fora product? ‘Sentence 2:1 ait'2012 passed out and'presenitly Working in-a PSU; should I go for ESE 2018?
Sentence 1: Wh: kind of Teco asp Sentence 2: How do I recover my iCloud password?
Sentence 't.Why. is it taboo. to. ask why Jews Were expelled. throughout-history from places they made a home at? Sentence 2: What were the circtimstances that made Jews to:accept Deborah as Judge?
* Sentence 1: What are/were your regret: i in life? Sentence 2: What is your biggest regret in life?
sentence t Do you love your job?” if so, what Is your Job and why do you love it Sentence 2 Do you love your job?
Sentence 3 How can I learn any new language quickly? Sentence 2 What are the best ways to Jearn a foreign language by nyselt?
Sentence 1: What are best books or techniques to learn hacking? learning hacking?
Sentence 1: Vi Ce iyderabad vs Bml College vary which be ar enginerring? Mont ‘Sentence 2: How can | teach my 10 yrs daughter that she can take interest in study? mee
Sentence 1: Saying there is infinite energy in zero point energy and “infinite virtual particles in vacuum energy, is this a real or just a mathematical thing? Sentence 2: If there's infinite energy in zero point energy and infinite virtual particles in vacuum energy, is this real or just a mathematical thing?
gence 4: How can! speiggically improve my English? cence 2: How could! 4 rove tiny English pronunciation? +
Sentence: How ‘can current “rbbatic “ystems “be augmented to Improve-Upen their-onginal design? ~ Spnitente2: How: car robotié s¥steins: be better to improvp.upén thelr original design’ Se
101: Which of is best for hacking? 162: Which ass good for hacking?. 7
Sentence 1: Is there a great handwriting to text Android app? ‘Something that can handle much more than notes and convert to a usable office document? Sentence 2: 1s there any scanning software that can extract information from scanned files?
Sentence 1 What are some unusual: aspects about politics and government in Australia? Sentence 2: What: are some unusual aspects about politics and government in India? a
Sentence 1: How do you market a domain name for sale? Sentence 2: What is the best way to put al domain name up for sale?
. Settefice’ 4: Doss. you cars iiage 99 Up: when. you Arie reverse? “ : Seniance. 2: What . would “happen “40: yoys (maria) agamission and to the direction of your car yor shifted Inte reieise gear while sthighiay speeds?
| Sentence £ Which single fact, dscovery, | documeni,. or testimony could ently kad to Testgnation of the Prestlent-Elect ‘rump? Sentence 2: the inauguration, could Potentially lead to Teskgnation of the President-Elect Trump?
Sentence + Will the value of Indian rupee increase after the ban of S00 and 1000 rupee notes? ‘Sentence 2 What are the economic implications of banning SOO and 1000 rupee notes?
Sentence't: What is thé average waiting time-for green cards by country? Setitence -2: What’ vis “the miniturt.waititig period if f just recently gst my U.S citizenship. ‘and Lwish to: apply. fora ‘green. card: for. my aged. parents? « . ses . 23 *
Sentence 4: How dow] ifind girls! in omegle? Sentence :2::Do. Indian iwomensuse. Omegle?
Sentence 1: how to find lost iPhone through IMEI number? Sentence 2: How can I get my lost iPhone IMEI number back?
Sentence 1: What would happen if | Donald Trump assassinated Hillary, linton before the election? Who will win'the election? ntence 2: Hillary Clinton? jonald Trump or
‘Sentence I: How strong isa black hole the size of an atom? Sentence 2: What would happen if black hole the size of an atom ‘appeared on the surface of the earth?,