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2 classes
Sentence-1:.What.are the’ best. online Jewelry shopping sites in india? &.. Sentence 2: What are the best ofline sheppirig sités‘in iridia? :,
Senterice 1: ‘hat should do in next two montis break! ‘Sentence 2: ‘What should I do in thie ext wo month tireak?.
Sentence 1: Who can learn cloud computing? Sentence 2: Where can I learn everything about cloud computing?
Sentence t What con | do to lose 20 pounds? Sentence 2: How should | lose weight?
Sentence tt ‘hoe: & te definition ofthe ward..""borange Sentence 2 How! do: iidu- find’ 2 word for wich gee aly know. the :définitign?. ;
Sentence 1: What are th @ well constructed: sente! Is it con sentence, :""1. will ‘update you orice | get more’ updates.""7"
Seritence 1: How much did the’ Allies repair and -re-use German’ military ’ equipment during Ww2? Sentence 2: Why. did the Germans during WW2:use that grayish solid color as their camouflage?
Sentence 1: Haw do | update my Samsung Focus operating system? Sentence 2: We say | did work hard for this exam, we use base form of the verb work.ut when we say | had worked hard for this exam, we use past form of work?
Sentence 1: Is Jiwa, Sentence 2: How good is
Senténce z Hae je wey | hacking? . “ Senter: Wha ae, wp best fel tis
Sentence 1: How do you become a tech entrepreneur? Sentence 2: Am I a bad person for finding amusement in grim situations or the misfortune of others?
Sentence % Who. is the number 1 hero in ‘Tollywood? Sentence 2: Why horror movies are less: in Tollywood?
Sentence 1: What are the most scary horror stories? Sentence 2: What is your most frightening horror story?
‘Sentence 1: What is a good age to settle down and get married for men? Sentence 2 At what -age is a.man suppose to “get marie?
‘Sentence 1: What is the corporate culture like at Banner? How is the culture different than other companies? Sentence 2: What is the corporate culture like at Endurance? How is the culture different than “other companies?
Sentence't Whot does Warren Buffatithine of Renaissance s Medalion furid retunns?. Sentence 2: Whol. does. Wiener Biffatisthinke obout Renaissance?
Sentence 1: "What is the meaning of the French phrase "*Je t'adore""? How is it used in conversation?* Sentence 2: "What does "c'est tres jolie” mean, in French? How would this phrase be used?"
Sentence 4, What could be the best theme for annual day function? Sentence 2 Which are bes! themes for group day in college?
Sentence | What «do you. love most about your country? Sentence 2 * What do you tove most about your our country? .
Sentence 1: People who are pro gun (liberal or conservative); can you explain why you are? Sentence 2: What is a scope resolution operator in PHP? How is it used?
Sentence. "Do -you know organisations or ‘companies like AIESEC? I'ma. student looking for Gnopportunity to. “teach “Jialian in Sharjah this summer” Sentence 2: What did Martin Cuther discover about Justification of faith?’
Sentence t Who wrote the Qur'an? a piri te era ted eho wrote? :
‘Sentence 1: What is angular ‘momentuin -and linear monientum? What are their differences? Sentence 2: What is liitea: momentum?
Saatence 4, What ‘is ite bl done int Your lie? ‘hat. AS the’ biagest snisate’ af tite? crt mistakg :you have Seritence. 2 Wi
1: If I have an idea} ror a picture book» but can't: draw, what are my options? 2: If I have an idea for a book, what are the steps should in addition to writing it?
SentenG 4: Whijs it considered not, to wea, jeans tiie “skiing? Sentence 2: Liould you wear biue jéais toa Broaduiay pial?
Sentence 1: What is it like to work at Samsung HQ in Korea as a non-Korean expat? Sentence 2: Is it difficult for an Indian to work at Samsung (HQ) korea as a software developer?
Seidenes E How con | keep « secret? Sentenee % Con you keop © secrs!?
‘Sentétice’ 1 fey * Séntéenés 2 rin chink “ister if
Sentence 1; Is being ‘contented ' 3 sign o | giving up? Sentence 2: Which is one habit or routine you strictly Follow?
Sentence 1: Do dogs know that one day they will die? ¥ Sentence 2: What is the meaning of life, if one day we all die? Isn't itigenseless?
Sentence 1: What were the causes for the Great Economic Depression? Sentence 2: What caused the Great Depression?
Sentence 1: Why is the Ukrainian army having so much trouble in fighting the rebellion? ‘Sentence 2: Why is there so much trouble in Arab countries?
Sentence 1: Why do some people care 40 fnuch about the| Other's feelings? ‘Sentence 2: Why dont I care about people's Feelings?
Sentence & In cellular respiration, what is the role of mitochondria? 2: What is the* role of ‘ia?
| Sentence a: Is it wrong to end a friendship with a friend you like that rejects your feelings towards them? Corsa ee Sentence 2: Friendship: How to get rid of romantic feelings for a friend?
Sentence 4: “What are “dispatch notes” in business?” Sentence 2: Who should I contact to activate my Reliance Jio SIM?
Simerence © IS CS tougher than CFA or is it the ther way round? noe ane, 2:!8 CA tougher than CFA or is it the ther way round?
Sentence 1: What are the best free places to visit in Istanbul? Sentence 2: What are good places to visit in Istanbul?
Sentence 1: Which place can be ideally called the Switzerland of India? Sentence 2: Which is the ideal place to study LLB in India?
Sentence 1: What are the disadvantages of GST bill? Sentence 2: What is GST bill? What are it's advantages and disadvantages?
Sentence |: "Why does the US. resume the talk with Russia over Syria after the US. has announced "stop talking with Russia" and then suffered Failure in UNP™ Sentence 2: Why hasnt the US. government made an official statement and threatened retaliating = against Russia regarding the DNC hacks?
Sentence 1:What hotel in. Nainital Hitl-station would be safe for uinmnarried couples, without the harassment} of police, hotel staff, and moral police? Sentence 2: What hotel in Gangtok Hill-station would be safe for unmarried couples, without: the harassment] of police, otel staff, and moral police?
Sentence t: What are some books | definitely have to read? ‘Sentence 2: What are some books to reag?
Sentence I: Are there ary arimes similar to Full ‘Metal Alchemist brotherhood? Sentence 2: What are the problems and difficulties faced when finding right vendor for marriages or weddings?
: Why did Ryan Lochte lie about } getting robbed at Rio 2016 when he could have . just kept quiet? Sentence 2. in the Sth book, why does Harry say that he could talk to Sirius about his father or live with the memory? Why couldn't he wait until the term ended and then ask him at Grimmauld Place? Why did he have to live with it?
Sentence‘d: How tai! find Partners who:can-heip me financially? Sentence 2: I'm -a savant."How can‘| find: a rich irlfeiend who “will ‘help ‘mie, Build: the. future: of
Seniterice't Senterice:.2:
Sentence 1: Why can't we modify all three rows or columns of a determinant at once? Sentence 2: Can you tell me latest web 2.0 blogs SEO?
Sefiténce’1: How. can’ spy, onthe phones Connected to my WiFi acée'ss. point? Sentence 2: How ‘do you best monetize ‘jarge-crowds of people (using wifi dccess points) .inside their’ web~ browser .and: what,.do you feed them. on their ‘mobile. phone? : 7
‘Sentente 1: Do’ pede etal rigtification an ingtagraln if Maker Sireenshot oF ond of they. ghotes? Sentence 2° Whj:doe’ instggram otify me.that | }e besh Fapeed" aie all my aecdents. jet there 3, ig, phafovh the-rificatior which! antiaeees?
Sentence 1: What are some of the ‘best, jokes -éver told? Sentence 2: What are the funniest jokes / stories you ever heard?
Sentence 1: What is the crypto rrency? Sentence 2: Why is it necessary to mention a person's colour, ce. relegion (unless they are white), in crime cases? Ta
Sentence I: What makes a ‘terms of use a valid agreement? Sentence 2: How much.validity.is thereto these Terms of Use agreements?
Santerice 1: What jobs cari do with a math major?. Sentence 2: What.are'somé good math jobs?,
w fa gi is taken? Sentence 2: Wha the stay oowa gi?
1: How is Twickkenhamto live?, 2: | have no friends, |cam failing every point in my life, | am depressed, yw do | pick myself up? 1
Sentence 1: What do recruiters look for in a resume? Are cover. letters just a rundown of the resume? Sentence 2: What-do recruiters. look for in a cover letter? Are they. just a rundown of the resume?
Sentence Sentence bargalore Which are tte best web designing companies in India? Which ore the best web designing companis In Indio,
Sentence |: How-do I lose weight faster? Sentenée”:2: How’ -ci’ youl lose’ weight. quidly?
1: From which online site can | buy Korean liscare at cheaper rate as | am residing in india? }2: What's your darkest sexual desire?
Sentence 1: What are some Beautiful lines to comment on beautiful pictures? Sentence 2: Why do | think I'm beautiful in the mirror but not beautiful in pictures?
Sentence 1: What are some iconic images of swami Vivekananda? Sentence 2: Which meditation technique did Swami Vivekananda use?
Sentence 1: How good is SIMC Pune in placements? What are the good colleges in India for communication management? Sentence 2: How do | get into a good college for Hospital Management in India after BDS?
Sentence 1: sh ‘ould I read Naruto Manga or watch ithe anime? Sentence 2: Wher can you read Naruto manga?
Sentence 11s mubomened 0 tue prope” Sentence Z How does low of extraction work? Bs Rireal?
2 Sentence 23 what! sy6""4 960a.-bosy for Learning. ‘Bindy Pateeah Laity Sir” Englishe . Sentence - When” ts Book 46, earn: Englisn’ ¢ Hinata:
Sentence 1: What is snocping? Sentence 2: Do you snoop, or have you snooped on your child?
tence 1: Is Tashkent a good place for a || bachelor party? tence 2: What should 1 do for my chelor party in Montreal?
Senterice’ } went. io gel above. 95%: in, 10th clogs i What ts. right Weg. logy? Sentence 2 want What'i. the! night’ above 95% ih 10th Glass. ato sider)
‘Sentence 1: My rating on codeforces is1350 and! am 3rdyrIT student how can | improve my coding skills as. well as my rating to reach 1700 on codeforces? ‘Sentence 2: Are all elementary music schools for children bad? 4 of
‘Sentence t: Can the UK visa be extended on medical grounds? ‘Sentence 2: Can a tier 4 visa be extended for genuine medical treatment?
ence 1. What's the story betind this picture ence 2 What are the most amazing photos you have ever kent
Sentence 1;:Whiy: don't ‘politicians: get a’ punishment for false, misleading. statements and_fake ‘promises’ given “during election campaigns in India? ‘Sentertce 2: Who has faked attending a call in .your mobile when you-don't.want to talk to someone you hate?» y
Sentenée,1: What are'sotie tips for ‘women. going through their “Menopause? -. ee Sentence BY Wig). da wom through?
Sentehce 1; When ‘and how coll fide eer beccine &."permanent - ember: of’ the: United - Netions Security Cotmneil’ Sentence” 2. How gid ‘China -bacome & pernicnent _fnember sf the United Nations Security Couneil?
ine. subconscious «ways we trich Bintenca: 1. What ore so favourites From’ @, muitiple choice sutsebes whilst, choosing: gelection ( sesthetits) ? Seukance .2: What dre some ways to. address “implict: and/ “ot subconscious bias? :
Sentence 1: Once. the umbilical ‘cord is cut and.the mother -and baby. are: separate, where: does the ‘cord go? Sentence 2: What happens ‘to the umbilical cord after birth?
Semence 1 Whict news porial & the best Semence 2 Which news portal & bes to keep upduted with Chhuatigat news?
Fentence 2:06 fans of icims wing Play négative football (ee Chelséa, Inter Milani) actually watch football or Just check the
1: Should a new viewer watch the movies first. or the Lord of the Rings jes first? 2 What should I watch first: the rd of the Rings movies or the Hobbit es? | just finished reading the Lord of Rings trilogy. 'm new to it. andits very
Sentence 1: Which accent does John Constantine speak in Constantine (TV series)? Sentence 2: What are the TV series with British Accent?
Sentence wi & posiblé. o"Aave 8 Veto gaene engine huteng on bkder Aardnate wideout coum the rencenng parts n Open mareinly? Serdenice & i passibée run pe without ROM BOS chp?
Sentence ts Which is the best movie download sit Sentence 2: What are some of the best websites to download movies?
RRORROGR, chink Rb Gee | get a summer Sentence, 2: My USA student visa got, TSjeclad bécat Xo Reta SOS Mee A
‘Sea La sl re“ hater Seite 2 Wi et Wi pase" ae vei
Sentence 1: Hillary Clinton: Why did you. set up'a private email server while working at the State Department? ‘Sentence 2: What is the real reason that Hillary set up her own private email server as Secretary of State?
Sentence 1: What's a good workout to gain strength and get a ripped body? Sentence & What are some workout exercises to gained a ripped body?
‘Sentence t How do | focus for the final CA exam? ‘Sentence 2 Whal is the best way to prepare for CA final groupt papers?
Sentence 1: How can | improve in my writing? Sentence 2: How do | improve my writing?
Sentence.-1: What “universities ‘in America:.have the best .programs. of bilingual, multicultural and, international. education? Sentence i) Higher, Education: Which, universities are. the” ‘best for... journalism: in: the USA?" What are their ‘programs? 7
Sentence +. Someone WhatsApp block mel can. umblock? Sentence :2:'Can: somebody block me on: WhatsApp- even « if .1 don't. have an account? : .
_ Settence & What ts the foxnuila fay final veloc ay Sentence 2 How can you determine fingl velot iy?
Sentence r How historically accurate is the TV show Vikings? tence 2 How historically accurate are shows like} fikings, and The Last Kingdom?