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Sentence 1: What is- the largest storage capicity of the ‘human brain information that. can renember it, and is it possible to- increase the. capacity? Sentence 2: It as been shown io different novies’- and also it’s'a, fact -. that scientists “are. Finding ways that can ‘increase the working capacity of the brain. "Are there really ‘any itethods that can do that?
Sentence 1: Which processor is‘best for an Android ‘phone: dual core-or quad core? Why? Sentence: 2: Do mobile: phones. ‘benefit ”from dual cores?
Sentence 4: Can Iget down at New Delhi Station, if Ihave booked ticket for Nizamuddin? Sentence 2: "what should I do or say if a job interviewer made ajoke after answering a technical questio that “answers must've leaked to people outside the room?"
Seniteriée. 4: Was theAmerican: 6 German military stronger in. ww2? Sentence 2::Whdthappened:ta the German arrny.after WW22- NM
" Sentence't:How do | self prepare for:the JEE ddvanced? ‘Sentence 2: How should | prepare for Jee (Advainced)?
Sentence 1: Why is Howard. Stern leaving ‘America's Got Talent? Sentence 2: Why did Howard Stern’ not judging America's Got Talent?
Sentence I: How do I create a blog on Quora? Sentence 2: How {do I start a blog on Quora? .
Sentenice 1: Whaf are some good 20 minute.shouis om Netflin? Sentence 2: What are’ Some good TW.shows For 20:somethings in the US.?
SentenceHw would you use Smacktive.co Sentence Bow do | use anonymous.com?
Sentence 1! How accurate ts the cl WM profilizer? Sentence 2:15 it worth doing an MBA from baby lims or should | take cat again and try for older, better jiMs? My profile details ors in the comment. Zi
108 1: How does Alcoholics Anonymous work? 2:Does Alcoholics Anonyrious work?
Sentence 1: What is. the difference between the operating bandwidth and the available bandwidth? ‘Sentence 2: How does the data rate differ from bandwidth?
, Sentence 1: What isit like to Marry a gir! who is less educated than the boy? Sentence 2: \y hat is it like fo marry a guy Who is less educated than the girl? TSS Paar ee eS
Sentence I: How do | do vibrato on violin? Sentence 2: What are some tips for learning arm vibrato on violin?
[Sentence 1: What are the problems facing the Philippines? Sentence 2: Is Duterte a good president? * +
Sentence 1 What are some alternatives to lucidchart for creating flow diqgrams with more than 60 objects? Sentence 2: Whenever I code. I just wing it. (it works more often than not ) How can I be more strategic. since flow charts dont express object-oriented logic?
Sentence 1: What is the change in Indian economy after demonetisation? Sentence 2: How do you think demonetisation will affect Indian economy? ro
Sebtencs t --What are:the best’ books for ICSE. cléss 9? Sues : ‘Sentence _2::- Whatare thé: bests.ICSE: teitbooks for class9?.
- Semsmee I Why's Vasco da Gama important Seatenes.2: in ‘dase ta tama cone teins?
Sentence 1: If an Instagram story doesn't load, can the ser still tell if| viewed it? jentence 2: If someone blocked me on instagram, can | see their stories?
Sentence 1: How dangerous are rats? jentence 2: How big can a rat get?
Sentence 1: Will there be a second season of The Trip? Sentence 2: Should NBC renew The Michael J. Fox Show for a second season?
Sentence, 1:: How; , should. || start,” ‘the preparation of IAS’ exam from my. graduation tevel? Sentence .. 2: ‘How should” I-.-start:;_my. preparation. “for IAS as an, engineering student?
‘Sentence. 1: In--a¢counting why do” we' debit ‘expenses and credit revenues? ‘Sentence 2: Whot is Revenue Accounting Office?
ROMERAR, din Sars SUH PES” Sentenee,, 2) If Brg is elected, can t rest He emment_ or glol Comegpinity bully hinrout office” 9 ee
Sentence 1: What does a mechanical graduate engineer trainee do? Sentence 2: What are the responsibilities at BHEL (Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd) as Graduate Engineer Trainee Mechanical?
‘Sentence:t "Are “if | were.“ and, “if! was.” ‘both grammatically comect?" ‘Sentence 2: Which one is grammatically correct?
Sentence £ What is, the molar mass of oxalate? Sentence 2: (Uhat 'is‘tlie molar mass of potassium?
Sentence 1:Is there a way on Quora to ask wiy a specific question was markedas needsimprovement? ‘Sentence 2: All my questions on Quora need improvement. What is the best way to aska question on Quora?
Sentence-l'My ‘th attempt on flvisa was refused, under section 22lq)-in what cases-they are,mast -bothered=in issuing my visa? Sentence 2: What ace the problems associated with the 2210} visa?
Sentence 1: How can one apply for an internship in DRDO? Sentence 2: What is the easiest way to do an internship at DRDO?
Sentence £ How do you tell @ Wwomars watch fron a nants watch? Sentence 2: Which one is the best about Inn's watch? i need to tell my papa?
Sentence 1:1 create e-learning content and have created videos (on YouTube). Now I wish to sell them using DVDs/ Pendrives. What's the best way todo this? Sentence = Not able to send GIF in new update of WhatsApp. any ‘solution?
Sentence 1: For those using the ShipStation platform, which carrier/ place /shopping cart integrations do you leverage? Sentence 2: Do citizens of countries that drive on the left side of the road use shopping carts on the left side of aisles in supermarkets?
‘Sentence i How can one get rid of gynecomastia (male breasts)? Sentence’ 2 Is. there ang. way to. get rid of gynecomastia?
Sentanes What is an example of a sentence with the} sword “moreover Sentence 2: "What are some examples of santencas usirig the werd “mereover"7
Sentence 1: What is @ healthy diet chort for 25- year-old man's ‘Sentence 2: Which is the best diet for a 4-yeor-old boy who wants to be healthy?
‘Sentences alien ite possible? Sentence 2: Hoi posible is it Uiat aben Me exists?
Sentence 1: Which are the best books to learn Mechatronics and Robotics from a very basic fundamental & conceptual level? Sentence 2: Can electric field: exist even if potentials zero?
‘Sentence 1: Are we ina golden age of TV? ‘Sentence 2: When was thegolden age of TV?
jentence 1: sit ok to live without money? jentence 2: Can | live without money?
Sentence: tls" it: “actually. passiile 48. Zayavel ‘throughi ne”. ravel ,already-possile. én Sentences 21 Gime
‘Sentence 1: Are there any celebs on Quora? ‘Sentence 2: Which celebrities are there on Quora?
Sentence, .1:.. Wha is: the. temperament. "of . a Flame Point Siamése cat? Sentence ..2: Haw, long is ..a .Siamese cat's. pregnancy? ag? : *
Sentence:1: Haw: good-a detective’ would Sherlock Holmes be in today's wortd? PO ee
~ Sentence Do you trust ancestry’DNA tést companies with braving your DNA stoted ‘indefinitely’? Sentence 2: Where do you find ONAin your calls?
Sentence. 1: Why, the. Modi) government ban the 500 and 1000 notes? Sentence. 2:.Why,.did India )banned,.500,. 1000 rupee notes?
Senteriée As" Former. Iranian. President ~ Mahmoud, Abriddinejad-said~"the ‘Holocaust was id’ Hoax! Is tie en Se ae Be mee ~Sehtence'2: A-Bakistar scientist: Said: tat! Dr: Ai:B? _Abdiil Kahani Was’ a°-selentise,*-but! he - couldn't dé- ariything ifiteresting fer India {she tight or weibng?
0, mentally. grasp. ne. concept “ive one. day ma"
Sentence 1: What are some visually interesting tasks? Sentence 2: How can you support in the growth of organisation?
Sentence 4: i intenatictal sorgs.are not working Gi various ‘music applitations2 entenca, 2: Whiy:ist there. any international sing-cortest fe urovision?.
Sentence 1: What are some useful hobbies to avoid wasting time watching useless TV programs? Sentence 2: Does watching TV really turn out to be useless? *
Sentence 1: Why are people especially into-sex scandals or it videos of ‘their: private ife released ‘forced to resign from public office? . Sentence. 2: Would trench warfare be effective in:modern times?
How’ do | back up, my-entire Quora-account? Senfence 1: up myQuota dccount? Sentence 2: How can | bac
‘Sentence What is the proper Diet to gain woeight? Sentence & What daily dict should | fallow to gain wncight?
» Sentence 1: I'ma 19° y/o male virgin who's never had a girlfriend, kissed, or dated. What . Should | do? Sentence 2: The. better: way to go and sattle “in.Canada? ;
|Sentence’ 1: How: many “chess srandmasiers lare there on:Quora? \Sentence 2: How many. chess grandmasters lare theré in the-world?
Sentence 1: How many seats are left vacant in aiims 2015? Sentence 2: How many seats were left vacant in ALIMS 2015?
sentence “Haw can: 43-year-old. sort please his mother?” pint Bel STS ‘by can: a 13 year! old: start 2 seiteimilljoniaire | company with” his/her: muther andréceive an investment? ai
Sentence & Who is your favorite columnist? Gentence 2: Who are your favorite columnists in the Philippines?
Sentence 1; How. can I start freelancing as a web developer? Sentence °2: How canl start getting work in upwork for web development?
‘Sentence 1: What is the value of sin 45/2? Sentence 2 What is value of cos 45/2?
Sentence 1: How I enjeu reading Sentenes. 2: Hew do I Isarn to love reading? ,
Sentence 4: What is the fastest way to become a witch? Sentence 2: How can 4 become a witch?
Sentence Which career is best for me aecourding to my birth chart and d10 chart? Sentence 2: Which career is the best for me according to my birth chart and a10 chart? *
Sentence 1: What is the effective way to get taller at age of 207 Sentence 2: Are there any chances of growing height at the age of 207
sentence 2: What type of government, dees pettt have? How does it compare '2
Sentence 1 Why did globalisation happen when it di? Sentence 2: What policins are adopted by Apple for manic player and 0
Sentence I: ‘Can | slap “Forever” stamps on a letter to Canada? Sentence 2: Can | use multiple Forever USPS stamps ta make Up a certain postage amount, on a pastcard bound to 2n international country?
Seetnc 1 How mish have tac tar ‘Sentence 2 How ds sr Fenmoa i
Sentence’ 'i:-Does:puilled ‘out hair’ grow back? Sentence. 2 Why doI-have the ‘urge. to pull out amy. hair?”
sentence % Which i the best restaurant n Bangalore? ventence 2 What ae some of the best restauronts im jongdore?
Serttence : Bo What shappere if - you: attack “hat ern besa ENNE: for image. “captions? Hove: wil: the: resilts. be” Afferent? Senterce : Se How. “can Ladd? ae “caption tov a
Sentence 1: | have forgotten my Facebook password and email password also? Sentence 21 forgot my email id and password on Facebook. How can | log into Facebook?
Sentence 1: How can I stop overanalyzing about my parents all of the time? Sentence 2 How do I stop overanalyzing everything, including my feelings?
Sentence 1: Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Sumter County GA? Sentence 2: Which is a suitable inpatient drug and alcohol rehab center near Banks County GA?
Sentence 1: What is the irony of psychology? Sentence 2: What is irony?
Sentence % What is F1 visa processing time? Sentence 2! What is time for processing time f1 wise eppicaton?
‘Sentence I: What are psychopaths like? Sentence 2: What is it like to be a psychopath?
Sentence 1: Why do people shape their world views based on personal experience? Sentence 2: How t immigrate to Australia as a physiotherapist?
‘Sentence 1: Could. 1 geta’ summary ‘of Kill stiot by. Vince Flynn? Sentence 2:1 ordered a product on ‘3rd_octoher 2016 6n Flipkart and its net delivered by 15 october 2016 as informed. Will there be any compénsation for' it?
Sentence t+ What is the eaning of Hingi“Urdu worts ‘Mite’ and Dost? Senience 2: wiiatis the riding of HiFi word ‘ward, and ‘annat? hole fe
Sentence 1: Can you read my palm? Senteige 2: Can you read palms?
Sentence 1: Can 1 use a VPN to access iOS —_ apps in United Kingdom? Sentence 2: 1 am looking to do a 3 year Law degree (LLB) in United Kingdom. How can 1 become a Lawyer in the United States (specifically New York)?
Sentence 1: What are the ways to promote website? Sentence 2: What are the ways of website promotions?
Sentence 1: "Why was my question marked as "“needs improvement?” Sentence 2 "What can I do if I believe my question was wrongfully marked as ""needing improvement™ by Quora?”
Sentence’.1: What. does ‘4. fuel . température sensor do in the engine?: Sentence 2: What ‘does a: temperature sensor do? :
Sentence 1: Was jillian Hall's mole that was eaten by Boogeyman on SmackDown real? Sentence 2: What is your review of WWE SmackDown (TV series)?
‘Sentence 1: What is Secretary Clinton's I@ and how does it Compare with that of Trump? Sentence 2: Who won -the third Trurnp-Clinton debate?
‘Sentence 1: Where do | get erotic massage ‘service in Chennai? ‘Sentence 2: What will happen to Earth with all the problems we have?
Sentence 1: Why the hell does Quora mark all my questions as needed improvement? Sentence 2: Do people see questions that} are marked as needing improvement?
Sentence |: Are there any good online writing Clubs that a I5 year-old can join free to improve| writing skills? Sentence 2: Are there any good online writing Clubs that a 15 year -old can join free to improve| writing skills?
et evidence of cheating Sentence 2: How do Icatch a cheating spouse?
‘Seriterice 1 Hou) con someone fave’ a'serise of humor? Sentence, 2 Winy do'we hava. sensé of humor
Senitente}i)s's Sefitence2:is;
Sentenes 1: Whith ‘is the’ best. réthantié novel by.anIndian’ author? Setitence “2: Which ig: the ‘best ‘novel. by <a ‘Swedish’ author?’
Senterice 1: Is it safe to’ take both. Ibuprofen, and Tylenol? Sentence 2: What could gowrong if I take Ibuprofen with Tylenol?