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2 classes
Sentence 1: Which are most undiscovered places in indial to visit? Sentence 2: What are the undiscovered tourist places in} India?
Sentence 1: Why do tech startups fail? Sentence 2: Why do s0 many startups fail?
Sentence 1: Dose Google send key word to the cops if you look up certain things? Sentence 2: Does Google send key words to cops if you look up certain things?
Sentence 1: Dees ‘empty’ space have mass which is displaced by the particles of matter which exist in it and move through it? Sentence 2: Is ‘empty’ space filled with massive particles which are displaced by the particles of matter which exist in it and move through it?
Sentence 1: Shall I believe in black magics? ‘Sentence 2: How we can believe black magic?
Sentence 1: What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake, and how do these effects compare to the Kuril Islands earthquake in 1963? |Sentence 2: What were the major effects of the cambodia earthquake, and how do these effects |compare to the Sanriku earthquake in 1896?
Sentence 1 What comes to your mind:when you “hear of the word Corruption’? Sentence 2: What cories to your mind’ when you hear the word ‘philosophy’?
‘Sentence t How cam | muke my career lyrics wetting in Batlywoad? ‘Sentence 2:| am passionate about writing lyrics in Hindi How can! make a areas this eld and where de Ibegie?
| Sentence 1: How does MIT OCW differ from real MIT |courses? | Sentence 2: is MIT OCW good for self-teaching?
Sentence, ‘.Inintervieivéd iat -Oradé thfaugh,a: consultancy HR resilts were due in 1Sdays.But its been 20days:90 organization are responding my calkCan it be fake? Sentence 2; (an j.wiear'a shirt without. tucking it “? blazer?
Sentence 1. Sentence 2:
Sentence 1: What is it like to work for Thoughtworks in China? Sentence 2: What is it like to work at ThoughtWorks, istanbul? %
Sertence } 1 bservioned for o software engreering role. D4 was Gitered 0 Systems engneering role In whet ways woul My Fok DE Steet? Snoue 2 wes te re ot proven i ton Gtterert trom 0 software engrcer?
Sentence 2 Which offers banks?
Sentence 1: Will” US ‘banks: ‘accept ’-and exchange discontiiued 500 and 1000 Indian rupee notes? Sentence 8: Cain, a foreigner ‘exchange.-500 arid 1000 rupee notes iri India? What's the liinit My how?
Seatence 1: Is one year sufficient for CAT preparation? Seatence 2: How many years of coaching is sufficient for CAT preparation?
Sentence a: What time of which day will the 2016 presidentiat election results be known? Sentence 2: Wat time will the 2016 Presidential Election winnen.be: announced?
[Seatence 1: f there are no rules in your life for, one day land you could be outrageous, what would you do? [Seatence 2:1f there were no rules in your life for one day land you could be outrageous, what would you do?
‘Sentence 1: Will'bakichiston’ ever get its"Indepenidence trom Pakistan? ‘Senitente 2: Will Baluchistan eventually separate from Pakistayi?
seme twa te eerce en ewe wa 0 86 , pop ia? snc 2 wots tie caeece eae i wae od 6026 toop ia
‘s What happens if | play Ouija board at rd alone’ 2+ Is ft worth anything to try a Ouja board?
Sentonie J: How a | elif of einotion ‘Santina 2: Can | yetrié of gmotins?
Sentence I; Why’ we don't use bi Decay’ for generating electricity? a nor to generate elcetr
Sentence %: How can | learn to play chess? Sentence 2 What is the best way to learn chess?
‘Sentence |: Who paid the Permanent Court of Arbitration to wiolate the UNCLOS of no role in territory sovereignty disputes? ‘Sentence 2: Why & the Permanent Court of Arbitration iiterate on UNCLOS?
| Sent@ace What can Idoto be good friend? Sentence 2:How does one be a good friend? —————————_
entence ae te entcRog control
Sentence t What percent of Beats Electronics dows Or Ore own? ‘Sentence 2: What is the history of Beats Electronics and ts Fetationship with Or. Ore?
Sentence When will iOS 10 be released? Sentence 2: When will iOS 10 be officially released?
Sentence r:When I swing my hand very fast (while playing table tennis or while racticing boxing), I have a very sharp pain in the back of my head. The pain is like a erve from the brain is being pulled. What ‘an I do? 2:Why do I have lower left back in while cycling?
sentence 1: What are perihilar lung markings? How are they jormed? sentence 2: What are the key parts ofthe lung? \
Sentence 1: How many quids for a hooker in Greenland? Sentence 2: How can income distribution be improved by education policy?
Sertence & wot Goons ter? Sentence 2 whit is Cuore and how does hk works?
woicing software work? its of the online invoice sentence 1: How does the online int sentence 2: What are the benefit software?
Sentence I: How does human body produce insulin? Sentence 2: How does the human body produce blood?
Sentence 1: Many people have told me that my 4 year old son would be a good model. | think so too, How do you get a child into modeling? Sentence 2: My father is a peon and yesterday Someone insulted me and told miftMMat you are the son of @ peon. Why people do so?
Sentenice 1: What are the advantages of waking UP early | ii the morning? Sentence 2: Wat are the mettiods you use 10 W eeatty in the morning? ake up
$s Starting Sophomore year of. Higt 1 with a 3.0: GPA, If get all A'S this year what would my. GPA be? gs What does MIT think of @ duat enrolled ‘spadent with 40. College GpA.anda 3.6 Highschool GPA?
Sentence 1: How likely are the victims of child abuse to become pedophiles? Sentence 2: Are victims of pedophiles likely to become pedophiles themselves?
Sentence |: How is Samsung Galaxy S7 compared to iPhone 6s Plus? Sentence 2: Should | swap my iPhone 6s for a Samsung Galaxy s7? *
Sentence ‘¢ Is 1'a prime? Sentence.2: Is (244023) 1 pritite?
Sentence t Which is worse, murder or rape? ‘Sentence 2: Which Is worse, rape or murder?
Sentence 1: Where can I get best quality wall and floor tiles at very affordable rates in Sydney area? Sentence 2: Where can I get huge selection of Mor tiles in Syggey?
Sentence t What does beng a human mean? Sentence 2 What is the meaning of being human?
Sentence t How can | write @ good and impressive ess? Sentence 2 How do | write @ good essay?
Sentence-1: How. can { eartr money onliné without investing? Are there some-authentic jobs online? Sentence 2:.Can | .makemaney online without lpvesting?
Sentence 1: android applications with python * Programming language Is possible? ‘ “Sentence 2: Is i possible to: develop Android pertcations Same cneypnont
Sentence t How do I read someone's WhatsApp messages without any access to} their mobile phone? Sentence 2 Hou can I read someone eise's ‘WhatsApp messages without using his/her phone?
listen to nrouy our ent wm ora Sentence 1° w No’ ore, 50005 a ntekme isten 0 reper Ww ° Sentence 2: what songs con nyu, listen to becoming repeatedly w without hard tired of them? % 7
Sentence 1: When she becomes so horny from foreplay and oral sex, should | continue till she orgasms, or should | start intercourse? Sentence 2: | am interested in a girl and she knows. We chat but when | ask her to go out she avoids responding. What should | take from this?
[Sentence 1: ‘2 world war going to happen? Sentence 2: Is World War 3 coming?
Sentence t How laud can a human voice go? Who is louder, men oF wornen? ‘Sentence 2: Can men hold their breath longer than wemnen?
F Vow.” can... you. skip ‘ouT ube. ads.on the. new Apple’ T 2:18 there away to block/} kip: non-shipable ads on Youtube?
Sentence 1 How do you track someone. through their license plate number? Sentence 2: How do you lock up license plate numbers?
Sentence 1: Which are __ oldest civilizations and why? Sentence 2: Which is the oldest civilisation?
Sentence 1: How can reset phone back to it's two original state with out loosing all information? Sentence 2: How do you view deleted Wechat accounts?
‘Sentence 1: Who is the Best business astrologer? ‘Sentence 2: Who is world famous biggest business astrologer?
Sentence’: Whar are : the properties . of - aluniviinm 7075 alloy? Sentence 2 Whis-is aluminium 7075 alloy?
Sentence 1: How can | improve my running for .6km in 5 minutes and 30 seconds? Sentence 2: How. can | make an up and running, siniple server side.in 5 minutes?
Sentence 1: How many college graduates have student loans that exceed 10% of their income? Sentence 2: How many of you feel that engineering college faculties dominate their students very much and they dont know to handle students?
Sentence 1: How do | invest in o indexed. fund in Indic? Sentence 2: Should | invest in.index funds in India?
Sentence 1: How does petrol bunk owners pay tax? & Sentence 2: When buying a used car from the owner, do you have to pay tax?
‘Sentence 1: How do I contact Instagram? ‘Sentence 2: How do | see who viewed my videos on Instagram?
Sentence 4: Have you ever seen a ghost while going in acar?
Sentence I: What does 9A] mean? Sentence 2: What does ‘witwew' mean?
Sentence 1: How can | plan a trip to Chambal River Sanctuary? Sentence 2: How should | plan a trip of few days to Goa?
phone is best under 10K? entence 1: What mobile the best phone to buy below sentence 2: Smartphones: What s 10k rupees?
Sentence 1: Is iPhorie 7 worth the price? Sentence 2: Is iPhone 7 worth buying?
1} Sentence 1: 1]ecision, on Jp Upee notes? Whatdo you think, of BiM's the barininig of 500’ and 106 Sentence 2: What do you think about: RBI's Inew move of banning 500 and 1900 notes?
Sentence I: Do. girls mahusbate? Sentence 2: Do gs masturbate?” :
Sentence I: Why does my vagina smell fishy after intercourse and a man has ejaculated inside mes Sentence 2: My vagina stings usually. | have tried to clean it each time | go to the toilet, but still it gives a fishy smell. What should | do?
Sentence 1: Wi the requests module ever replace urllib2 in the Python standard library? Sentence 2: How, do we use libraries and-modules in python?
Sentence I: What does a back and forth conversation between an investor and a guy with a working app look like? Sentence 2: My younger brother fights with me a lot. | don't want to engage with him because fighting with him Eoagumes my lots of time. What should io’
Sentence 2: Shouig India destroy the terrorist » CaMps in Pakistany
face 1: Docs Gmgle in Mumbai offer imernstip to bse iotecnology) students who are going to pursue TBA? ence % How bo Bec stubeats get internsips in Japan?
Sentence 1: How do 1 get rid of red bumps on my forearms? Sentence 2: How do 1 get rid of red bumps on my legs?
Semence tio. 't . necessary ta master engineering: drawing to: get...good ‘Jobs.’ in mechanical engineering? Sentence 21 How de .1 get: good marks Ini ‘engineering drawing?
Sentence 1: What is right to information? Sentence 2 What is the Right To Information ‘Act
Sentence: t::why aré, so: many. questions posted | to: Guore. ‘that. ake. so, easily answered by using Google? Sentence. 2: Why do so many: people pest questions on Quord that: could ’be easily, and . thoroughly |answeted by simply: typing. the question) into” any” “search engine?
Sentence 1: So you know how difficult it is to find and use your search engine more than once? Sentence 2: Out of all the places to get ‘your ears ‘pierced, which place do’ you think is the best one?
jence & Physics: How can | make an tromagnet of 1 Tesla power? ence «2 Does there exist’ an tromagnetic field whose physical effects veeived by us cor to curvature in| DSecortime alee ti sen?
‘Sentence 1: How can I make my laptop faster? ‘Sentence 2:How dol makemy pc faster?
Sentence 1: What are everyday problems? Sentence 2: What everyday problem. is unique to you?
Sentence 1: Do employees at Iron, Tank Resources’ have a good work-life halance? Does this differ acros“positions and departments? * Sentence, 2: bo employee at Range Resources havea good work-life balance? Does “this differ across positions and departments? 4
‘Sentence 1: What are king organisms made up of? Sentence 2 You have observed some malpractice in your schooliwrite a letter to your headmaster discussing at least 3 (of them suggest 2 ways to check them?
Sentéiice 4 Who. qré' the richest raippers.in 2024? ‘Sentence 2: Who’ the richest rapper?
Sentence 1: Should India attack Pakistan after Uri attack? Sentence 2: Why doesn't India backfire Pakistan after Uri attack?
Séntence’ <i: How. °. much... time’ ana money. “is. reduired. ,-to be; a’ _ pilot? Sentence 2: How “iniuch time” | “and money does it take-for commercial ‘pilot license in USA?
Sentence 1: Can a family of 4 live a decent life with Rs 60000 per month in Delhi, India? Sentence 2: Is 7000 Rupees per month enough to live simple life in India?
Sentence 1: “Why did Indian Express not publish ““demonetisation news” on front page?” Sentence 2: How can we vote in The Indian Express’ daily opinion poll?
Sentence 1: Can I start a sentence with ‘so’? Sentence 2 "Can we start a sentence with ”’As well,?"?”
Jertence.E Applying, for PHD. programs, witha ~ontacting professors?. : sentence 2:Rawi agent are dont meet Or farrly?
‘Sentence x
Sentence f: How do i lose weight? Sentence 2 How can I really start losing weight?
Sentence 1: Is this life worth living? Sentence 2: Is life worth it?
Sentence 1: Can swallowing of semen during oral sex lead to pregnancy? Sentence 2: Can the swallowing of sperm lead to pregnancy?
‘Senterice 1: Where can | get free video lectires of CA IPCC? ‘Sentence 2:]s there any good website through which’ | can watch videos of CAIPCC?
‘Baxivence ‘7: How: do “TL Bet meth out cof iy, sysceinicin 2 days" : Bentence- a5 iowa I: ae meth: itt ‘of my ‘system: faster?